The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 17, 1854, Image 3

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MONDAY MQBKmG:;.-r:"K:;:"-!:i»:A?RP« 17 •
1 - ‘ mornlag, shortly after Tut lock, ths tiro boilers
' 1 '■;.’...' of tho ferry boat Gun. Scott exploded »Uho oppe> landtag,
Boxir th« month of Sow Mill Run. The report made by tho
- lnn*tlng«ru»ibo!lot9 was Tery loud. Aaneariawocoold
■ ■ Uwntlmfarry boat w*x starting on her return trip to thli
' dty,.tCba Umoof tboerfrtwion. OnsofthefboiloW «*»
■ t • “ 11 •; thioWß oretf hte't ferry toot, »ni fell" into -Uw riTer, near
t ' :the month of the mn-l dlHtance of four or fITO hundred
- faat I the other hdlor waa ttrotmabontnnolranilred and
< fifty ftat 9mm the hoot, and fell la Urn water, opposite the
■{ 'toll hOOWa'
.Attbe time of the explosion, the boat was, lying tn lho.
- rlref, parallel with the shore, and one of ihoboilerfis lying
" . *Che other boiler lain doep water, pud tsannot be seen. Tbo
t cHmnoy was thrown on Ihalandlng.. "The hnll.of the beat
•••'• it badly lojarad—the floo».arodestroyed, and tlje frame
werkiand whwl honse onone alde, are carried away.. The ]
v*>• • ■ enginelshlbodostrojpd..
There wero on theboat at tho time of the explosion, In i
addition to the hands employed; eight pßMongcre-Hthree.i
■ -'women,. wholuckUy eicaped wltbouilnjaxy,a little girl,
: rv, . and boy, both slightly lnJor©d,enfl three men,mora m-lcss;
-; t injured. A gentleman from Kobleatqwn, . named Michael
• - Nonolty; "hod with him on the boat a load ofhay,and tho
—jwotoctiro umload,xrodanbtsayed-the; Umot\
■sr:; ; 'the women, who were only separated from thehoUer by tho
■ hay. The hay was scattered prer the river, and tho wagon
r and horses blown Into the stream. ;Thbhorse-nearpst tho
boDerwaatorn to atoms;, the other escaped, unhurt. The
engineer, who was killed, at .the time of > tho explosion was
. standing,with hla hand resting on a portion of tho me*
••••• ohlneiy. ’ lie was found lying onthe shore, horribly: man
- v glod, and dlod before, he -canid be raised from the ground •
* As near as wo eonld learn;- tho-foßowfogpetrons wore In*
joredi _
V;. . Jacob Beiley, engineer of the ScotfcwsakllWL lle .was_
thrown by the force, of the explosion, on tbo shore. His
—:•*.:■ ahullls fractured,his hands and fa®- scalded*:and ; other
*. /.'lnjuries on>onhlsperson. .‘He was h married'man, about
■ . thirty yisraof age; his ylfe and child are in Blettbenvlllo; .
- Mlehaol loudly, a: fanner .ofJfoblcsLown, had one of
c > addition toothot injuries. He was blown
, * Into thoTiver,but succeeded in swimmlngtoaraft' Mr. N..
v; s ' . had a load of bay with him, Whichihe was hanging to the
; dty. .
r •••' • Oyrua Davis, the steersman of tbo ferry boat, was Tory
badly injured. : Oao of his thighs and an arm-are broken*
- :hls skull isfrectarodvnodhis faooand breast scridedwith’
'the hot steam. Ho w blown- 6a shoes, alongside of the
. '. engineer.- So was afterwards to-hls boarding
. house, Boar tbo toll house, Vrherolie now lies in a; prwari
cos condition. . •».- r •-
• John Kinney, a resident of tbs upper part of Temperance* ■
. tllloi was going to market vrtthbis wife. He was blown In*
to the rWer, bat w«s rescued from the water. ;; Tory
badly InjurcdXrom scalds nnlfroeturca. At Uo’elockhe
was anable to speaks His recOvery is doubtful, ■.;
- A l*d camedThiUlps, who was on the.boat, had his head
. out slightly. ~ >.-■> v•* •
James Bryan, a coal boat pilot, residing in Xemporanoo
wtlle* was allshtly lnjarodcfl the thigh. .
• Allttle girl named Floyd was also aHghtly injured.
• Tbswlfe oT Mr; Kinney states that she saw. a little felri,
who was a passenger on the boat, blown into'tfceriver and
drowned. Ibis report we regard as doubtful. The person
referred tomnsthavobeentheltttlßglrttinmedFloydjWho
was only slightly injured. •
• • j)r«. Smith,Dewey, and HamiUoo, attendedftho injured
and dressed tbdir wounds.
. ’'Coroner Lowry, immediately on the occurrence bdog
known, proeoodod to Tempenmcoftlle, and held an inquest
• -on the body of Hadley. The following Is. the evidence
PJbnss.sworn—’The boat wasfiroyearg old; wascallod ]
- the God. Scott; she was all right. The.cnjrlneer was com*.
• -petent as fin as I know; his wages per week,: $8,60. Ido 1
•- ’-not thick the waa “ pushed.” with steam. The d&eascd i
- been In our employ since last fall, with the exception of
-rtfix' weeks. ■ • ■ ■ ... • i
TFss. Hames, sworn—The Gen. Scott had made a trip and.
»came back, and laid hereabout fire mlnutea{.there were 8 i
. masAengrtswent aboard: baveaean these eight passengers i
*rinre. When the explosion took place, I'was standing in
■ front of the toll house; I ran down, oadfound the engineer 1
Qjtoffdead enthe share. The ferry boat Oen. Bcottwas 0
.yeareoldlast Jnlvvl have noticed the engineer pushing i
ahs boat and cautioned him yesterday not to do it; Whet 1
drew my attention to it washis having extra weight on the
Valve. The weight might have been five pound. ,
' Grot JWterson, swiira.-~I have noticed the ferry boats
• racing, both, the Scott and Pawnee; they were with the i
' Walker. I never was on; them, when racing: 1 remarked
to the men that somoof the boatewould blow-up,on ac
count of their radng so moeh, and have been afraid dlf*
fareut times in croroln g, at the way they carried steam; yea
tenlay rvcnlng, I went over on the Scott, I was alarmed at
the head of steam, bat I saw a mancomeand try tbs steam i
and found plenty of wuterla the mire; do not know whe
ther it was a competent engineer thoy had on the Boott. .
WJUasa statod that be was working with Mr. Bat* j
terson f andeawooeof Jones’ boats and the CapL Walker :
racing; they wero locked together: Hr. Patterson romarked
we will have en cxplo«km one of these dm; was coming
over to town with Mr; Fattercra; when the boatblowed up,
Iwas standing on the bank; thought il was blasting,looked
around,and sawthemenswimming: Xsaid,“my God the
fony boathaa Mowed op.” There wertihrea men to the
river swimming, with bloody foccs; helped to get them oat
—they were all injured. Three women were on the boat;
they got off safe. Saw thearralslng the apron before the
explosion took place: did not bear themblow steam off; the
xnkflkmed was blownfrom the boat to the chore; he made
two gaspaafter I saw-tom. .
. Tnomat Jones, sworm—The boat was either six or seven
•• ~ yens old last July; the boilers were put in by Stackhouse
• * Nelson; the deceased had boon In mjremploy sinto last
fkU; except in the winter when he was at Mr. Holmes aso
factory; be run the engine there day and night;, paid him
$7,50 for six davs, and adollar extra for each Sunday; also
■ • paid his boarding; before I employed him, be said he had .
been working on the Harding, a ferry, boat, tho boat and
fctfers ware second handed when I pnrehased them, but
were new; I have cautioned him against, raring; -found a
dafidaney in tbo boiler heads ef.tho Pawnee last foU; they
wars condemned, and I took them oat, and had them re*
cbmed by-new ones. -
Robert Oukry, sworn.—Shortly alter seven this morning, .
I crossed over from Allegheny; as w® passed along, saw a ;
wagon load of hay.Ro aboard thw boat t had got up the
•• toad towards the bridge, about twp hund'ed yards, trhen I
hUaid' two reports, louder than a cannon; looked around
and saw' fragments of lumber, Ac ,la. the air; when the
sstoka had cleared away, saw two women on the boat, and
tw* men In the water swimming ashore; ono of the men
got bn the reft before Ixeached him s saw two men lylogon
< the Shore, both-I thought weredeed, the man that had the
load of bay was helped upon the raft—hehad his lag broken
• Jbta. Orefi!; Engineer or the ferry boat. Pawnee, was on
the Pawnee at the city, at the time the explosion occurred.
- Hadley was never ©n the boat with me; he run the Gapt.
. vrewtiwg M'Eoe’s Rocks, and was engineer at Holmes’
axe factory; have seen evidence of there being an over*
- press of sfrwTP on the Gen. Scott; he was an occasional
: drinker, hut oevar-saw him bo much intoxicated he eould
- sol attend tohiahastness; tew the Walker and Soott run
nlng together; the boilers on (he ferry boats are not suffi
cient to generate enough Ream to carry tbo boat through.
• Sier trips wlthont pushing.
Thejory, after examining tho boat, the boiler, and ylowr
' fqg the body, adjourned tp-meet at the Mayor’s. aQee, at .4.
<Tdoc9c In the afternoon* • • -
- •Thejorymet atfour o f olock,far the parpOMof bearing
■ ikmher testimony.. i
None of the witnesses appearing, Mr. Reece, a member of
- the jury, stated that Iho Iron used in the manufoctsreof.
thehol’erewaa or the best kind ; have frequently examined
tbt machinery of the forry boats belooglng to the Messrs.
■ '-Jqtia. 3 , and alwayß was of opinion that great ware was axen*
vised Inrogard tft the other engineers aL
• ; - vrayl ordered the work tbo rapair of tha cn
- ' ginas. Hadlsy scemoltobeanew hand. ;
- xhe*lory. afier waiting at the Hayoris office until rix.
cfdo'lf for witnesses, adjonrped until Monday evening.-
• Tax OosspnuLfoas Coxvicied.—Mr. Ftokes .did not con*
- dodo his speech for the j rosecution on Friday evening, bat
- contlnnednfeikngttoand to an eloquent manner oq Satur*
daymorstog* ' . .. - ••••;'
Judge M’Oluro concluded hJs charge to thejary at twelve,
o'clock. In'tho: bis honor lidd down, with great,
dearness, the 'dusky Ad muddy law .of conspiracy. In
• the ’ lav points presented for his;consideration, the.
Judge generally-deeldai against the defondants. •
l At twelve tfeltak the jury-re tired. At five Inthe after
noon, they rolurned a venliet of guilty against the: four,
- -defirndants, .vis: Haxen, Lauson, Morris and Davis, on fill
the : coante of tbe tndlotmenfc except one, which charged
. ihato with conspiracy to defraud N., Holmes A Sbn.' The
indictment originally contained eleven coante—ono was
withdrawn, leaving ten, and the jury ham found.
fondants guilty on nine of the counts. No evidence we a
presented to regard to the conspiracy against the four above -
named. •■■?”."
' Mr/Barragh made a motion for a new trial.. Objection
was made to on the ground that the
defendants ware not In Court; TbeobjWttcm.waa sustained
r by the Oonrtj And procepss ordered to bo Issoed for tho nr‘
rcsUf ttm
Haseu, HavtrxnAlAusßn wero arrested and committed to.
toßnfr the issued.. Morris, at eight on Bat
. tuiday,eyen6gi:W»tto:atl*r2ff«'
Nxw RrptaLHTho fluest iand best assortment of Cloths,
Casslmoni and Vestings, of allquriity, Is Just opeped by
onr frlend Jomt CiLLARATi. Jack deserves patronage; his
xoom up stair* Is in fact beautifully supplied with fiuacy
goods that cannot Call to please the public. :Go4t Jdck, we
wish you all thvpwsperity you deserve.
Join SB'S 00XCE5?/ Hr. Mellor’i musio store,
on Wood street, 1 tbe nil? ef tickets for the first Concert cfM.
Jullien, will oommonre. : The prfoe oftlokets is onwdollai—
for engaged seats two dollars. • •
: The second or M. Jullien f a Coneerts wilLt4kepla« on
Thursday night, and the sale of ticket* wlllb& on Tuesday.
* Mos DivxjrpouT, an. acknowledged Pittsburgh fovotite ep*
pears this evening, In the beautiful play of CamiUe-HWV'
adaptation to the English stage of a standard French pUy*
IXr. Brolsfbrd sustains, In the play, an excellent character.
' FtuY CowrerkD:— George Johnston,-commuted for fur
ther bearing by Ald. Helsley, of tho Sixth Word, on a
of assault and battery with Intent to kin John Jones,
was yesterday committed by tbe Alderman for trial.
Sewlcltley Academy. -
. nr arBIOAI and Oominerelel School ft* Boy« on the
: ■ A c£!^naP«ntiaylriml»B«Uroi4,and Ohio, foyer, 12
KtfatSah, Her; JOB. B, TBAYBIJJ, A M,,
Bosslon.irW commence on MONDAY, Hsy
(—Boarding, Tuition, Washing, fte, per session cl
*sor dreulars andotlierpe*Heala»tno|^orMw*; Jctm
Inin * Sons, Ho. 6T Wsdor sL,or T.B.»esin
libertystreet,Pittsburgh, f. . ' sprt jtjw
Tea* tor tl»e People*. -
JauSpnMliwteii *E WB,«Bd wIU ■' :
ajrlO ' PaUaSw snit ft
By W Q*BelUy tine, ,for the Hotntag Eoat
jUJRIVAI OS THfi amebica. •
Livssr or is reported that Austria Is more la
'elided to the Western powers, • report#was.coupled
■with a rise in English cdused iC rally at the
’ Bourse; Threes eu»od at after regular hours threes
-werodoheatC2®B4 4 ,halrfflatfco@9o. • ..h.rfr.-..
Tbo : failure 'of Leroy, vRo-'Charrol -A- 'Qx*s : Banking
House'at Pari3,- fs- reported. Their'-liohiliths are oonsid*
'i-— »-
Friday.—A despatch has ust bden- received, an
nouncing tbht on the the Russians attacked -&ala&V
and took throe redoubts. c {
-The rupture and tho Sultan ft eem*,
piste* * i 4
The Austrian Bonk declined to pdvnno? the government
hard cash, on seoprities of state ■ >
:..GosgSASZISQnA, 53Rh/— Tho steamers Retribution andCa*
ton have returned from tho mouth of the Daoube, without,
succeeding in freeing its mouth Crom :the
plaredtherobytheßttsslans* - '*' -
. ..Lottos, Saturday debate in Pazllamont
on the Queen’s address waswery large. War was formally
proclaimed yesterday, at tho BqyalKxchango, by the .dyis.
J 1 4 *■ LATEST. J
LtvxxpOoi,' Satraday MorniDg:—Thoro Is nothTcg impor*.
tauf tepon received this morning, ,tbat.
Napier had. token a Kuwtsn Frigate, is contradicted.
Tha report that *Bu*sianSbip bad >eenfleUoJatWaJw
foro,-"and.^iof-fcrejr hold us-frisonersi of,War, is .also
doubted. * •:
, .’Hi* flra *±teau>t tauuyJinii-Hrali. Eng-,
ted Preoeo 1 TOBBgff to rapport Tprjt*yb,rorM of wm«.
is. o»ciri6i«a..«r
; donw nnd integrity to tio- Bn] tan’s dominions. gocoiiJ.
'Thiit the Ports shalVcotoonclnde s pStoo Without, the con*
Sint of the: allies. -Third. The ulllm shall evacuate the
Turkish territories after the war. 1 'Fourth: This treaty, to
rexhaih epeto foradberion by.the Other pbwors of Europe.
Fifth Turkey kuarentees to all subjects of the-Poxte, with*
oat disUottlbh of creed.-perfect equality in law. ,
Meanwhile, that tho campaign Inur began In earnest Is n
contenM; * * '
' The Russians have crossod -lho Ranubn in great foroo, to
Ktrike a dedshrdblOwhofore the arrival of the Anglo-French
• onthi 23d,GdU*chakorfpTOSBodlhe Ranubo above Tolska
andreptarod eleven guns, 1200 prisoners, and occupied Tul*/.
ska and several forts on too west hank;’ -Gen;
ed with: tho main body* floss Galotk-Without much loss.
Thote hrekiowifuUsa,ooo:Riaslsuaoa the right bank; 1
- ; On the j23d, Lud£re oonnnanCad preparations for the siege,
op (ialschfllD.Outhe-aamo day, the Russians attempted
tocross tho Raniibe at Oltenltsa, where a desperate battle
tssuad, In whioh^thaßusslaUs.were repaired and tho
ntge was dreadful; 5000 Russians wore killed, v The Turks
: wcreeobadly cut npthat they Were.obhgtrfte retire from
their antreachnientsi Tho lUzulana, howßTOr, effected thrit
naisage at three di&rent prints; On the very day that the
imatena crossed the Danube, Omar Pacha hidintended^to
•tho’tottiO'Was'drawn topiftnd: thocntdroforcaput under
raaiehlng-drdere.'.'-'■ -.rr--
’The steamer ArcUe arrived out at midnight on the 80th
■of March*-"'' : :i--?
Cotton dull; with a declining tendency; market unset
tled; all qualities have slightly declined, H to 3-16; little
: epoculative demand. -■ Deuniston quotas vrleans fklr,
Middling 61^: Mobile, fair Middling, Ao*lC,*r Uplands,
-fair6%. for’the week Wero bales, of which
lloOwere *sken by speeulatora, and 3000 t for export. Tho
stock, exclusive of shipboard, was GB2£OQ hales; t>>e stock
of Antericao, nxclorive of . shipboard, was -801,000 halen.
RroadstufEsw-Brewn A Shipley quote bro&rtstuffo oonaldere
bly higher, wltn sn active spocnlattve demand* .> Whoat—
prices conßldovablybighcr; an advance of- la@18d; market
Arm; white 10e 9d@Us W r rod .0s- M@lls; Richardson
qaolea at 325. The prices of Flour are considerably higher,
advanced 2sfid@3sGd« and markate firm; -Western Canal
• Bd ; straight Raltfmnre sad good Ohio and Canada
SBs€d(£39A* Coreriaecdsteady ebOuadvancsofis: white
Weatern-43e@44s i - Westero- yellov. Western
mixed 42aCd. ; PrCfUiones-B«eobarbqu3tBS Beef a triflo
higher and an ticllviedfiiiktu!: thflkales for the week wore
10Q0 bblrdt 120«rC2oyeland IOCs.: tjaccfl—Market dull, do
‘BhonMßrvdrm.-gfair tmafneiadone. Lard—mar*
kfft'firm*W!th&n:npwdrdtc&deuay l S3s®67s. ;
Tho weather'has for, agricultural pur
**«- . ■
Niw YoBX, April lfi**rLonsola ore quoted at 8%§86; a
slUht advanco from o previous f«U. ,
It was rumored that Lord Aberdeen wonld resign, but
the Globe contradicted ,lhe report.
The papora are fall of proclamations regulating the di
taila of lbs war. ■
Ten Busel&n ships from Bobasteptd are reported near
Ferekop, North Black Sea* The combined fieote are still at
In tha Hcnso of Commons,. the Attorney General stated
that Great Britain cannot and docs n t forego tho right to
-popprh pautraigfor arUcloscontraband of war* :•
A bill to daublo tholacome tax passed tho House of Com
mons- • ■ .r
FA&xcx—Tho Government makes a similar announce
ment to the British respecting, the-commerce of.neutral*,
and will not at present Issue lotters of marquo. .
The antecripuon to the French loan amounts to 487,000,-
000 of francs*
The Minister of Marloo has addressed a circular to the
Chamber of Commerce highly applaudlogtbe United States
for refusing letters ct marque* .
Sms—The Queen has amucsUed all the prisoners tmpll--
cated In the Lopes expedlllon.' ;..
It alt.—The Bucbeasof Farma .wIU act os regent during
tho minority of her sons. . .
‘ The astosfla of (he Bake has escaped........
The ministry has been dissolved.
• Baron Ward has boon ordered to quit the country foreTcr.
Switzerland Is qaiet.
Austria end Pruaria have not committed ibemsolrcsby
onyoverta&U. -j .-
;. There has boon no change in tbo panlan Ministry.
• LsvxarooL Mau;ma.—Colton Qoutianea dopres&d; do
maod very Umttod; prices irrognlsr tho sales are generally
Uloweria largo amount-is drily offered .at the market
rates,- Breadstuff^—Brown A Shipley say bte&dstoS* arc
much excited, having rallied, from.tbe .extreme depression
of the previous week. 3Sd. advance on Wheat. 6* Od ou
Flonr.ahdliou Corn. Wheat Flour closed with • good do*
Twt-irt. Com quiet. Weather oxtrsmely fine.. Baring* re
port money as rather easier. Consols clured at 8575, Ki*
dollars Scarce at &s 3 farlhlags* Bar Silver. Busi
ness in American securities was almost totally suspended.
The'Bussi&ni are abandoning their forte on tho .East
coast of the Black Sen.. . ; ■ ? ■ .■ «
eonebumky has been burnt and plundered by the Cir
. It u rumored that the Turks are to attack bo-
Nanleris lle«V at the lost account, was again under way, ■
It Is supposed to seize tbe.lslend.of Akland*.. Rloge Bay U
named as the reodexvout. ‘
The British Minister at Berlin had telegraphed to Napier
the declaration of war, with Instructions to bos
tliUles. - - t ■ ■ ■
Tbo Russians are making great .preparations ftrhortlUUe*
in the Baltic. All the light houses and buoys are removed
and formidable fleets of gun boats are collected In shallow
water, ai the principle points.. Preparations are made to
block up the intricate parte of the channel with rocks.
All the houses At Crosstodttoeapftbleof defonea ere being
pulled down, and new batteries are every where being erod
ed. Two hundred additional guubools have been ordered.
The Cur and his son are personally superintendents. -
Discontent prevails:!* Finland, and eomaarrests have
been made.»•
Accounts from Greece aro unfavorable. The Turkish
minister loft Athens. The Greek Insurrection is reviving,
but the Turks hold tho fortress, and have 8000 troops in
Epirus, Envoys aro daily expected In. Athens,, with - the
final commands of the English and French governments.
It is reported'that several cobles have joined thelnsnr*
■ -section.'
: The whole French army of 05,000 will bo to Turkey by
the flrstof May. .
: - Itls reported that tho British land force will bo Increased
30,000, -
; The first division of tbe expeditionary foroels being rapid
ly forwarded from Malta to Constantinople.
Nominal government stocks continue to soil for remittan
ces.' There Is no demand for either securities,wren at lover
'P l * 66O, "•
PAtTivnMy April.lfi>-Orleans. paper* of Banday: arts re
ceived. The news from EiPaso to tb* Both Bit* state* that
a fight had occflrred betfrwD parties from © Paso end Don*
na Anna. The El Paaio party vti composed of 17 Amari
eutßi an Englishman, and a nnmberof Mexicans veil arm*,
ed, 4tul hadaMr poauder;- The fight luted Id mlnuUe,
when Urn Donna Anna psrty.ficd, leaving throe dead. Tho
tktora captured a large nomberof cat tie..
- The American-aminl has been arraigned before the Al
calde of El Pawo, on a ebarga of baring said that, Santa
Anna 4 had xoldpart of Mexico, end would' pocket 'twenty,
million* thereby. iTba ootosnl refaiied toaay anything to.
the charge, but hold himself responsible only to our gor*
«yrnnent>: ItawaaguffeTcd to UaT* Court* •
* r 1 80UTREBN NEWS.
BiiTUioß*, Aprils Wednesday's procoscUnga of
tha Charleston Co&yent'oii,** detaltod by the paper*, show
nothing definite The whole day; was. consumed in adU
ousslon on the PadfieEailroadQaestlon. v
Aball-toricplace at sight, which was a grand affair, bril*
llantwith Soothsrn beauty • :-*•• 1
The feponers of. the New York Tribune, Herald and Ex*
proas, xrere elected by the ConveoUotr, r wblch-oan*ed soma
excitmint, and ttos and Standard.
* -Bu/nCpont; April 14:-*Tho war netjacroated * great deal
offeeltoginihi* The .flour market became,
much excited; sales at flpdrancc,
New Yoar, April muattledj ralcsl&O babe.
Coffee: sales 100 bags ftio at 11W.. 1 iFlour'market firm:
salos OOOOhbls at s7>W®B.6o;. 2,600 do£ontbern* edtlve; at.
sB<Sl@B,62.- Wheat unsettled;sales3looo bu*Cofn at 82
@B6; but little export demand. ■ -Fro via Iona; sales 400 bbla
l’ork at prices a trifle higher*; sl#jB7®l4*&o; sales 160 bbla
Beef at $l4, firm with an upward tendency, -lard: sales
2,600 bbla at higher, finger: sales2oo hhds
Orleans at 4. Mourner; sales 30Q. bhU tiOrlcans 0t22@24,
easlerd jlronfirm; sales 100 '-, | .
... pHitM>rLPxns,'AprU-16.—Ploutw-A --mosietpto export do*
mand: prices advanced Go<; sales 2600 bbla mixed and fair
brands at sB,£s,ioeludlng some extra at $8,7&@0,Q0. .-No.
transactions in Byefilour. Coin Meal, scarce, file higher,
salesBoobblsP&nn’aatsB,62#/ WfaeatooMUiedandpri
ecs advancing; $2,00 offered and refused foy .White, esds2;lo
asked. No Bye hsro?3oQbashdf brought Vtfc/an stivance
ctf sc; Corn scarce and in demand;, yeHowheliJat 85c,sn
advauceoriOc; buyers only offerB2c. Cotton'dall;; prices,
•fkvorbuyers: InProvtsions a good feelingprcfofla< lard
/..Afurtber Improvement* realised; sales etlo#@lG#c,
'Whisky.lmproved; small sales at 26c. Flour—BaieslQOQ
J&bJrt**igbt brands at $8,60, a stlilf orther advanoo*
Ciscisxsti, April 16. ifoou; J Elour advanced'to $6.00®
7,00; the receipts continue light. Whisky advanced *to
10wr; : ’ A*<*fi°Ta demand to Lard, with subs 800 bbla No.
1 atfie. Sales 800 bbU Fork at $l2 for prime, and $13,60
fbr mesa Nothing dono in Bulk Meat or BAcoa. Bales 170
bhdsBugiratB%@4fcc,ittf«Hor to primo. Molasses 18®
2le Coffee depressed; tfound lot* fair IUo offered at 11c.
The river rorodn inches last night. Weather wot and dls
agroesMe. * 1
Cwcntsin, ri«n fU taehw.
rWeatburwet Wool ndTMHXdto P.00.-WHaiy,;
Safe. 1300 bbU prime Lud *t 9c.- Bale; 600 bb» Mess Pork
atslS,Oo,"flrm; fßacon sod Bußf
advanced; aalea-liO bbla atfloc,cash,TßOrilr M d M 45® fl.'
,No change 1n Grocerieasincenoog. tv.. . i ■ •-•
StT»n*a D«yel«pemsitt»*—Sdßntififimea
IrO* are drily briogiogto light now inventions, and tho
march'of progress is onward; persons Balder, beodnung so,,
'trill bo pleased to team that sSenro and longtesearoii com-
MnaJ, have brought beforo ino public *the greatest qrondsr
of Um ago. In tho articli of EMEBSQN'fi AMJSBIGAN HAlIt
RESTORATIVE, a suro cuTO to BMdntsa'and provent
Hrirfiom-fiktling. 800 circular to be had of.tha Agents,
idving IWI particulars. -Price fI.OO in large botttosj Sold
& O.E. .FISSLE&- A;CO.. Proprietor*,.
. r* •• 67 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio.
; fforsaiain HUaborgb in tho (bllowlng houses.*— .
Fleming -I*. Wilcox A Co, . ,
luaflenerfe • V ■ a.n.Koyser.; ;
'■• Joel Mohlia?• Ben}. Page,- Jrv ;
•.= v j;iLCassel.-"- \
: JBefiTimy'ctiit.—L. Beckham, fteaaly A Mean*, J. P.
« Binnfrytoa.-~A.‘Pqttgrsc>p,‘JohD.O. Smith. Tkprfl. .
Uonld's ThirdPablie Bale orßalld-
lns l«ota~ • .• jM •
. Will takoplace upon the premises, on BAXUBuAY, the
llthinsW *t jCKtfcloek; Foraona /d«dringfLota a| half-.
' price* most apply soon, as the 150 set apart for tbos» who
would'first call, are neariy all gone; After the thud sale
no l mors will be offered at half-price, but knocked dswa to
.the highest bidder. . .... ...
Terms-One-third in hand, balance In cxla and two y ears.-
.flood; WiWttty-daeda tehOrid Plnnsy, whose title is
per&ct, bsyond dispute. 1 ’ ■* ' apt&
■VTOBSma BQTTfcES—A l»rgs &aa SB* Msortnunfei*.
- - maiaipt.
/V-'! * _
IT " - n-/Hi—: —? “'— ■*- " “ J ~
The *6 foet O inches of voter in the channel, and
rising tistj oa Batardoy OTcnitig, at dnsk. •:
TAeCbrupfanfer, Claru2‘\s!icr and AUf-gJiwyßrfle i\o. 3,
started up the Allegheny rlveryon Saturday, with fine loads
of frelght.' ; ■ - 1
The steamer came aptothfllandlßgOQ Saturday
from, the* dry dock, looking oxceedloglyttoll. She will bo
readyibr boßiaess la tbe conreo of the -week.
- ':Tht regular, packet for Cincinnati to-day is - tbo faro rite
stivmt Key time Stale* ■
T/ie-splonaid-new, 61earner i'uitoi, Capt Wm Gormly,
offers a fine opportunity to travelers goin§ taßtw Louis. IXor
. accommodations -are unsurpassed; and for speed and safety
cannot be excelled. Her officers are experienced iod obli*
ging t &zul: will maXo all at home that travel stills them;
She loaroa on Tuesday. . ~ t
ife oxcollmt stsamar Ht&tford, Capt. Wm. Hailelt, fa
the packet today forLouisviUe.
i -,-A' yxriro/tom.was presented at St. to
: the steamer J. •Jforriteffe, tat being tho longest time oat (21
•days) from Now Orleans.that port. It Istherlongcst time
ont since l tho pioneer steamboat ploughed the Mississippi.
Tbo MbrriseUe had to dotontion from fog or law water.
Singular Steamboat Buit-~lmportant Jfeeiifon.-rßy a ro.
cent uecidOn Of Judge Pirtto In the "Chancery. Court, it
appears that it IS a hazardous business to credit parties who
obirtorn steamboat Tor a trip or two, pr. for a season. Ho
"has decided that, when a boat Ischartered.iherQilj not a
llcn.oa the whole boat in favor of any on* whd.hos furbish*
ed materials for repairing or supplies for equipping her,
but that the Interests of the charterer only is subject to (bo
lien, and that the owner.of.the boat, is in no. way responsi
ble Ter such debts, ■ . ?
• *Tha sqU In question was brought by H. It. Parmolhaker,
andipibcfs, against- the steamer Mary iStepfims, while in
charge of Capt. Ayres. ■ r .
. Tho Wabash is still in good narig&bto order, hut is falling
quite rapidly.
The rires opposiio Bwlauls is swelling slowly. 'last to*.
ports fromabovo are encouraging. Tho Missouri hod risen
throeto four-foot In the upper- section, and: tho Mississippi
Is also rising at the rapids.—iouiwflZe. Ooimeti .
The Keokuk Whig of tho 6th says *—Tho Zue Ua t up from
St.<Xoni£, went over tb* rapids yesterday.; The Bhouan*
doah came down from above. - ; • <
The river is rising Blowly at this point, there having been.
a couple of rainy days here, and probably more above,"--■
The river is hilling at Council Blotter The Platte la very
low, and no rise In U: weather very cold- -Throo ftridn-half
- foet water to Brunswick, and four audo-half from thoneo to
tbamonth. ■ • 1 .< : »
. The GrtckSta oe, it Is said, has made * trip from 8L Paul
to Galena, the first trip of the season, f ~
• Attempt to Bum the Qlcn&y BwrL-tr—h. free, colored pot*,
son, named PoterTboroushgood,.ws« arrested, on Tuesday
on the levee, at the reqavst of W, Smith* who char*
ges him with haring committed anon, by totting thbstoam*
boatGtendy Burk* on fire.. Tho. fire . was discovered apd
extinguishedboforeauy material damage-bad bwtnrdoue.
Tborougfagood awaits an examination befor&Becorder Win*
ter.— New Orleans Delta*.; • .
C rirr 0 iscnss wwas in ton cnaira»*mß uaull
. AWtfVKD.
Btcamor Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Luzerne, Bennett, Brownsrillsd, ; *■..
“ Thomas &hriver,llendriclcsou',:Wcst^owton.
Oen. B&yard, Peebles,Elisabeth.
w Venture, Gordon, Beaver, v
M Keystone State, Uax]ett,CinciDuati. :
“ Fore«tCity, Moore, Wheeling.'..
“ Goldon State, Calhoun. BK'Lculs. • ; ■
“ Twin City, Bean, Nashville, *4
° Diurnal, Shoppard* Wheeling.;
“ Michigan, No. 2, Wolf, WelUvillc.
Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Lusemo, Bennett. Brownsville.
“ Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson* West Newton.
<* Gen. Bayard,Peebles, Elisabeth.
u Venture, Gordon, Beaver.
“ Michigan. No. 2, Wolf, WeHsriUo.
u Buckeye State, Beitshoovec, Cincinnati.
• ‘‘ St. Clair, Cochran, Now Orleans.
“ . Dan Convene, Ayer*, Zanesville
Forrest City, Moore, Wheeling.*
“ Pennsylvania, Klinefelter, Cincinnati.
A2TD. 1
Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam P&okotLino,
von *sr cravmsas or
* :• V nrrwsts
And Saint Danis* ' »
■ ■ ■ Taw Us* Is eooposcdof serin-, -lt
LrfeSfci&first class powerful fcteamore, oo* M?f£*fc*ff
for speed, splendor, fPriiSrl
ontl comftrt, and i* tho osit tuaocan near use or Stsah
Pacut* on tbs Ohio rlfer. It connects with IhfcU.S. Mail
Line of Simmers from Cincinnati to LoulsrlUo and Saint.
Louis, by which pascofrert and freight ora ticUUd ana re-,,
cdplexi lArouyh daily. Two new Steamers have bean added
to the Line, which now consists of the following boats:. , .
EmU. Oiptainx. ■. /row FUtiburffh.
BPCKEYB STATE «M. W, UKuaaooTEa.—Sonday.
MESSENGER, No. B JUTta-*..,.,.. t ..«,.M0»1ay.
ALLEGHENY -..Q£X U’LUK ~..,.TWday.
CRYSTAL PALACE......W*. J. Kovsw^..w,»».Wedoesday,;
pniLABKLPUU JL J.OAAoe rf „..«....M.»Thiirsaay.
PITTSUCKGHU .•*./< t~~EX.CiXKUai~~~ ....Friday.
PiiNN3YLV ANI A— Saturday.
Leaf e dally, at 10 oVJocb* A. M., prcnlao]/. , •
No freight reccltei aftef olno o'clock on the xnorrileg of
departure. . • , ... ■■*«..*■::.
for particulars, apply onboard, or to
JOHN FLACK, • J Agent*
Monongalia!* Hooso Buildings. •
JdecW) V
PHtrtiurgb. 1853.
fmr OlodnnMl ondXoulsrHle.
TUB aUamor HASTfOKO, Captain tUIACTT,
! lesee for (he shore and In temndlata port?,
EaSSaStln MONPAY, 17th tat., et ICo'cloek, SI. .
Vor freight and passage apply cu board, or to.
aprlSjf l ° ... JOHN pr.AOK, Agent,,,
rmm, . THE Btcftmer BCLTAN, C«pt. J. Gonn)y,ir:ll
aboTe and Intermediate'portion
iSSriSBWTri'ESUAV. lgth lort., at A P. M.
Fortnight and poinge applron board, or (n ■
opria * Fl-AOK A HYINOSTON, Aa’ia.
Kor Bt. JLoul*.
THE iteimer EQUINOX. Captain Oeoara
{ will l<;avß far the a Poll] and Intonao*
pcits, on TUESDAY, 18th instant, ar 4
o'clock, P. M.
For freight ttul pAawgo epplj to
' api7 JOltK FlilOKt Agent.
“ 1854.”
i Cl«y»lnna.gortSlinltr.J9>jh
and Fort DurwtU. jmsmii.
IRE FINE loir pressure stesmer TELEGRAPH. Captain
R. BUkOW, will mate two trips a week between Cleveland;.
Fort Stanley, and Port BnrweU. as follows ; ...
. Leaves Cleveland .for Tort "Stanley, every MONDAY etJil
Leaves Port Itorwell for Fort Stanley all o'clock. -■...■
-Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland etery WEDNESDAY
and 8 ATDBD AT■ S VE.NINQ, at "1% o'clock.
. The Telegraph connrets at ClevelaiHl.wiili the Cleveland,
Colnmbna and Ooelonati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh,
tha Lake Shore, and the Toledo. Korwolk.and Cleveland
Bailroada Alao connect. at Port Btanloy with the London
‘Tine of Stager, which conneeta -with- the. Great. Western
Railroad* - •
■ For freight and paasagoapply on board, or to SCO V ILL 4
LAUDKUDALB, Cleveland; 8. V.HOLCOMB, Fort Stanley,
or A. inmiDfi, Portßurwell. ... ..' ta*r27:tnov
Fourth and Diamond alley. Money loaned on Gold and
Silver Plate, Diamond*. Gold and Silver WalehoL Jewelry,
Musical Xnstramcmta # 'onra and Pistols, Feather Beds, Fur
niture, and ell kioda of article*—tor any length of time
agreed, on*: Charges for storage toMUombiyilower than
heretofore. Privato entrance through Che'hairdoor. All
husiOCSSttansacUonaelrictly oonfidenlial. - ■' i
. Forfeited plodgcssold imaodbtelyefterbelngunt of
date, unless redeemed; •" Bargalnsof Gold and Silver watch
es. Jewelry* Aft, Rlweylon hand.; *•-; ,'aF*lo:6m
DnlTi MercantUe College|Pittibtirgh f .Pa.
1 ESTABLISHED IN }B4ft-Ineorporatod. by;tha Lagls!*..
turft of Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter.
.•/ ■ i ■ boi&d or muoroftsr ; v.< . •
Hon. Jiura UooniXAtf, 1 Hon. Waif aa H. Lottuw,
•* Wn. Wiiiwb, : I .* 4 Csa&ucs Natior,.'
. “.. aiosis HAkPTJX, . ] Gen. J.-E. MooiuißAi).
p. DUFF, Princhal; Author of Daff's Book Keeping, Ao<><
ProfetsoroiDook Keeping and Commercial Sciences;
"j: RH.DALHOFF, Proffessirof Penoansbipr «•
- n. B. .BATCH, req* membtfr of tha Pittsburgh Bar, Pro
faSßarofComnerclaiLair,- ,
•• ,‘p. HAYDEN, A.U., Professor ©f Mathematical and Clas
sical Department, Professor of Mathematics, fto. •
: This is considered the mosteztensive and perfectly organ*
lied Commercial College In the United States.^’Four activo
Assistants; one employed In tbo Book Keepingdepartment.
Daff’a systems of Mercantile and Steamboat Cook Keep*
Ing AW taught by tho- outhorytho only teacher of Boos
Keeping Jo tho Western States, formerly known- as ancx»
tennvo merchant aud ship owner. Ills■ eiperietep.thus
enables him to give an insight 'into-real-business, which
other teachers have no means of importing.
* His training k fcr business comprehends- upwards of 400
real business transactions; 800 commercial computations.
V A thorough coutseofbnainesßpainiAßßiiiv, '
'Daily Lecture* ouCcmmoTtiai Law and. Commercial
Sciences, the theoiy of profits, the art of maklngmoney, *o,
• BoffVßook Keeping, Harper’s oditiftn, price. poafc
«ge 21 cents, “ the most perfect and comprehensive in tho
English language.” \...
- Duff's Steamboat Book Kecplng,priee stvpo*tago 9 cents,
« a pevfpct aystemlbr such Books and Accounts. ■.
Duff’# Commercial Calculations, price cents, . .
for* circular by malt, v foprftdiw;.
push Along, Keep Moving i ;
ITtHOSB about to remove their rosldcncsa on er about tho
'• I Ist of April, should not forget to call upon M. GRAFF
4 CO , 134-WOOD Street, and supply- themselves with a
COOKING STOVE or GBATI3, as they may require. Messrs,
dr&ff 4 Co. cannot bo 'surpassed by any OsUblishment in
this city, fbr the beaaty, utility, and cheapness of thole
goods;'••fllTO-UiNn'at«lL-.'--> •■•-•va;.. , *■ - . mar3l
1 ’ gptolal Notice* ' v .
BUSBSLL 4 BRo 4 at No;l& FIFTH Street, second door
feom tho corner of Markot, offor (o tho public a well
selected stock of new . ;
ThocamatmootMy MAOA2lNßg _
And most respectable . •
f JSao, oicellent varieiy of Plain and Sonar Tntter,
WrillnaaniJ Kola Taper. an 4 Stationery at oray klmL
' ga-GlvethemaiSl' mySO
a T srO.U.LOM’B OABPBT STORE, Apdlo .BuUillngfc
vA. FOURTH Btreot, (fcnnorty known uiyirf’s,) can al
wav a bo fcnsa any quantity bt qtuilty of goods usnally
found In tho byslnoss, .slow u any house In tho city.
Parsons wishing to punihasa win find It to tbdr advsubigo
tooxsmlns onr goods. (mar3l:lsn] W. D. TfOALLUM.. ■■
TINOIN BEE’S BTATIOKERY —J ust opening, a naw stock
Engineer’s Stationery, Including:
. . Beam Compasses;
T Squares;
Drawing Pens;
Bow Bens;
Bow Pencils;.
... ..Spacing Dlvidars;,‘.
• 1 . ■ ■ - : ‘. . . Protractors;
Drawing Pins,' Proportional Compaßsea, Taralld Rulera,
Draughting PApen of all dOmrlplione, DriFtol Boards, In
dia Rubber, mouth glue, pe&olla. Indiaink, «■» «• *9*
sale by W, B.JXAVRK,
* hhriß’etm, cornet Market and BeeOndgta.. -/
mWO • AFPRKNTXfIES to learn the Trnnk Bnduese. Ap
'X &9 at No-. 14k WOOD fitreet . «pi« 2 ,
* •> . *
' 4 w
V'- • ' V-.
* ,» & K> , 1
va’ fc *
'or st* Looiii
:••• '.V ’> *•■■ ■/'• ~ ,
®; ; :;■« ,, - -..-,,, - ....
j \nt Vice President~Vfu. II- Smith.
.Second -«• • . : Wm. R. .Baows*.
.• &cr«^ry—Wa<.rS..-lliVBi».-.-.-
Joait.D.EcuLLT. •
• BuptrinUndantS. T. Nobtiuv, Ja. •
QmmUUe on- Arbitration for: .Apr#—WM* ILBhows# V.
.Prf- W.B. E3aUBB,\V, K,NiaicK,H. L. Rxsawai.*, and J.
S. Ditwoaiii. -
Orjiot of *ra Dailt Momum Boar, l
• - ' • •■■■■'- : Monday# Apriil7v-1854.i - f - •
v • FLGURv—The marketon Saturday wasqnlto ogcltod, with
soled ot an advance oT6O cental bbl on iTiday’s-tfriee*, and •
•holders generally seem unwilling to sell beyond a regular
rotall way. Wo notice a sale# on ’Change# of CO bbls'super*. •
Cheat $7,50, and ss'was asked for lOoObbl?, not closed;
sales from etoro of 20bbls extra at $7,76; ;25-da-: $8 j-20 this -
supsrfin«,-on wharf, at 57,25; 05 bbla dOEsme; CO bb 19 from
store 4ti7jßo Vlatcr.ln the day $7,75 wasasked from-stores
fbr finberfine. ■ ■ ! '
.SUGAR:—SaIes of 10 hhds at sc; 8 do Sdoprimb
MOLASSES.—-Sale* of 30 bbls at 30d, cash.
lO5 this In lots #t 25c; 25 do at 24c. : ,
BUTTER.—SoIes 10 bbls Roll .at 12^0; sdo at 15c.
" "ASSES.—SaIesB capkfl impoUedet3Uc. : ~;
BACON.—Sales AOOOH>3lfcma lOOO Xba Shonldcra
.at 6-%c; B&o;.3$0& »3dont
fiOCw lbs Country !b9 Sides at Cw;
2000 lbs Hams on private terms; 4000 fi>s do at &-34<SS3ic«
u>‘'BEKS , .^-SaleBof.CtiercasatlOD:- i : : i '
•; ;OlL—•Sales of 6 tblS No; 1 Lard at 73c; 76c.:
- FISU-—Sa of 10 bblS medinm No* 3 Mackerel at $10;
l lOdo Herring at $0,25; A bbls No. 3 Large Mackerel $11,25.
■ ( GRAIN.—Hales oM7&bus Oats at depot at 42; 400 bus
Com at £5; 125 do at river.4l• - • • ••■•'.
.RAGB>-Salesof4ooolbBat Z%
25. bfcte Dried at $1,25.. .
PEACHES.—Bdes ofßObna at $1,70.
. METAL.—SaIes of 40 tons Mercer county at s(2# b mo?,- *
• of 60 boxes at 9}£»
t E&HK J
' Hoon & Sargent# Exchange Bankerfi ■
Corner of Wood aiw Sixth tlrait, Pittsburgh. .. .
• : ' PENNSYLVANIA. ‘ 1 - OHIO. ' “
Pittsburgh Banks——M.par.|Stoteßfc.audbriMichea 1
Philadelphia-**. . - -J4 Othersolventßanks—« 1
Brownsville ** . par.jßankofEanilaaky,.. t. •*- -.
’Backscounty*** Granville 60 *
Uhe3terCo.<n«wissao)..r Jil Norwalk..—.;.; :00 .:
Columbia Bridge C 0...... • jiiUrbana.—.——-6C.
Danville ‘ <r —JdjW0031£r.........^.. f ...M.«. 26
Itelawareco. « ......... J 2 - : INDIANA.
'Doylestown JiiState Btook Banka.——.; 1
Easton “ : !4tBtataßk.andbrauoheß„. 1
Germantown **, •' ILLINOIS.. •*
Lancaster 8anka........m .Aa State Stock Banks—l
Lebanon - V 2 State Bankßranch... 60
Montgomeryco.Banka— Bsukof 1Uin0i5....«..*.... 75 -
Northumberland “ .... .Idi KENTUCKY*
PottavilW - 54 I
Reading ...** •«# .. ..■.■: MISSOURI.-
Sclinylkillootinly M j^StateUk-andbranches. 1
Washington . . par • •< .MTUffIQAN. r
WestDruneh ' - ’ u All solvent I •
Wyoming.—. H - WISOONSIN;
fVfiuiß 1 Marine a Fire Insoxance
si • Co. at Milwaukku...... 3 •
Getttsbargb^—l All solrimtßankfl.—.. 3
SjrisburgV— ■' % NORTH CAROLINA.
Honesdal#.—l AU solrentßanks.l
Middletown.—.-1.. % SOUTH CAROLINA.. .
Waymabnrg^^—l Allaolrentßaiiks.—l
?SbiSS:— - % GEORGIA,,
BdirfNotM KAUMlvmtamJfi...™.. 1M
Unitnd BtateJ liantt....— 15 AtABASIA.
AUeßhcny 01 ty Scrip pur. AllEfllTent ltankiu....... 6
HttstnngkCliy, - 14 pat V ' ” XOVISTAKA.
AUeghenyCo. . p«m. 1%
H»»t6rk'Cliy \i NewT0tk....—...... . pat.
Goon try ]1»nk»............. ■ « phllaadphlo-.—.... . par.
•"••'••-••‘InraraBRaint.- Mtqsc** ,^,pS
JUlßcawnt 84nk»_....;i. % Cinrinratf... J. dje^fc
DELAWAItE. toulßTflle tlijc’t.
Allsoli6ntßlUfi3 %& Sttoflil- ..X. JWt.
BmallNotcs.... Ji • VAl.l'B OF COINS.
MABTLAND. ■ Afficrimn Gold fncw)._... par.
Balttaoro nolik«-„.v..... M AmtrlsELHGoM(o!d),’m.
Country Bantr... - % SoTimiigna— -tj S 3
a.-.-i VIRGINIA. .-. Onlncaa 600
BankofV&fcbnmchtiw. •1. Prßdcrlckdora. 780
fiSOT>B*.*bmncU».. 1 TonTNalara - 780
VelleyUk.*branches.—. 1 Teu Guilders—^....—.. 330
Eachangeßk.abrancfcea 1 L0ui5d’0r.——.....—...... 425
Wheeling Banks—.—m.. Ml Napoleons....—.;..—-.3 83
SWicelinff brinehca..;.— 1* Doabloons, Patriot-—... 15 70
• • NisW ENGLAND.. Doubloons, Bpanlfh ..-.16 25
All eoJrtatßanks.. % Ducats..— . 2 l&
Patricks A Friend, Eichwicc Brokers,
Comer of Fifth ft?« 4 weodelreelti wtiibitfgh*
I LOANS.: .£idi \ FoL
CaltcdsUteafis. 1803; - $ 119,0O:$ : 12O,OO $ loajjo
Uaitaaßut«3^iB63;;;-. v *».....vv- loo,oo[ ioi f oo ioo,cg
PcacsrJTaiiiaC.Oß7o-*. M .~.—.... 105,00 . OOOi 100,00.
PennrrlTani«sa.l&i#-.«,w....,...>c ■ 05,00 97,00,; 100,00
Allcfftenycoirnty ' i - 1QQ»00| 100,00
AUpahcnyebantybohPPM.*~..V*, .00,00,,-100,00; 109,00
pjttiibursh city 63.. 03,00!. 100,00: 100,00
Pittsburgh, city'cooi>on3, psyabla - -•{i
' .102,00*. 102,00!
Allegheny City 65......-, ......... 05,00, . 00,00;
Alleghany City coupons, payable . I . • •■•!■■
to ’-02,00 04,00
65,50; 65,75]
; Merchant** Manuf^cturera’Bank 67,00] 67,50; -
Kxehange,Banfc.:,.,,.....M.. 65,25. ■••: 65,60
00,00:. 00,00
Monongahel* Brhl£e7... m 23,76] 24,00;:
St. Clair rtJW>tlTri4so«.,.~.-.«..... ——i 35,00;
i Hand stroet Brltlffe ** 00,00, 00,00]
L Northern LI be? tier Eridfcts......... 80,00,' 68,00;
1 _ INSmtANCK STOCKS. -- - —**-■* j
Westers Inroratce Company...... ;-. 15,50;"... 15,001
<,l&W* .'17,00'
Associated - 7,00;
Atlantic and.. 42,00; 44>COi
PUtaborghjCanciunallaLoulsrCio . 41,75; 13,00 j
AakeKrfe, —-.•*« t -SUO
PlttfiburgbCaa WcrkSu-.,;......... 1 ,63, 00:: - S3^so|
Mbaongabela Slackwattr.; ! .■:■ 45,00;
Pcnnaylraaia 49,00; . .40,75
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.;- 43,7 5)- 40,-00)
<UflTelaodaPlttabu«bJiatlroad 60,00). r 63,00!
Marine KailiroyaniDryDocfc..- 102,50!. 106,00
,TwtleCreek Plank R0ad..;..;....u 10/20! -12,00
PcrTyrrUlo Plank R0aa~.,..,....,.« .20*00 •v:
or<snsbarcTurapiktt»..i.~....»~~ . 8,00 10,00
ChiationiOc«xlOompanT-«.i~...,- . . .■18,60;
FiUobargha&dBc£ton.~..w.....,.M .■■•——• 176,00 j
North 63,00
North Weat,.*.^,.............• h-..‘20,00
North We5tern..,........^,.............. .■■■——* 17,00
Adrcntnro.—....— 7,60
OWaTrap B-0ck.......j >17,50
Minnesota.....; - • •••... I 200,00
Pittsburgh and Isle U0yaL.......... t s,oo] - : 10^00
;■\'?4^Dj:•:. 5,00
*• -H 7,00
3,00 3,26
o,oo] , 2,00
-« 2,00 j • ,2,50
: - ,:.:2,00
~j. • -o,oo]
Pbconis.*. *
Itob City.
•rfniriarf tfte 'CgmeUrjf'Gv£&,L<lvfrcnctvttk. ;■
Freeport Stone WolTannd Fences, Mantle Pieces, Cen
tre and Pier Tops, always on band tmdmade to.order.
N.R.— Having introduced a newstyleofFerice for Cem
etotf Lots, of DURABLE STONE, cut through ip panel or
rtilrog form. and at very little .cost fencing. I
‘refer to specimens of that and other. work I have already
done in the Allegheny Cemetery. J have on hand a choice
selection of drawings for every description Qf -workin tny
lino. -
. ' ncrmscEs:
' Co!-HENRY McCTUtLOVQfI, Pittsburgh.
‘ WM. BAGALKY, Esq., do
Hon. THOS. JBWIN, Allegheny, >
Mrs. TIERNAN, Br., do
JOHN MCDONALD. CBOSSAN, Esqr., Monongnhola
TTfi’nso. 1 •. , ' aprlfrdaw •;
', The Oreatnt Inventton of the Agei
rife :;.OTO.AYOIH those unpleasant fooling* that usually
/ M accompany the wearing of/ s now Hat, ;the CONFOR*
lately imported from Paris,forms the Hat to
theexeot shape ohd size of the head. . A neat lit, ami n good
Hat may be had at 77 Wood street. /
o prB V.. y; -:- : • WM; POUQLAB. ■
Mew ‘Trimming Storey !
■ yKSS Cbmer of> Mmkd ttrtctvnd Du Diamond.-
E RANK- VAN GORDER rospecfally announces to tbo
, public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, thghlio will open his
new Trimming Btoreon Monday, ApnlliXfi;' Having fittoil
up tho neatest store room In tba city, and filled It with, a
choke selection of the latest' stylo*©* Trimmings and Fan
cy Goods, he flatters himself that bewlUclTer superior in
duce oenta aodend eavor to give fhlt aatisfoction to atlwho
may ftoor him with their patronage. ;
.Now, don’t B3 Market street, corner
of thqDiamond. ' |>prl3)' - ; PRANK -VAN QORDHIL-
BROOH&-UO dozen jrnt received and foraale by ;
‘ aprl3 > , HENRY H OOLLINB.
T\RY APPLES—CO ska just roeeived and for sale by
-JH aprlß * . „ HENRY H COLLINS;
>UTT£R—I bbl roU for sale by -
\KT-JJjL entries, parlors, chambers, Ac*
W SKteat varioty,for saleby*-' •
7 •;.... , ■ WALTER P. MARSHALL.
gold and common, by .
aprlS -- P. MARSHALL. 7
tRMWt a printA—Fine, modiam MidchcttPQU&U
-; HprlS
:■ Phonography. ■ •
Jr WILLIAMS will give lassoraln PHONOGRAM]?, nt
1. fc«nl2 M. to 1 P. AL, and from 4 tostfdork,P- AL.
fee SCHOOL BOOM, cotner of PERRY mid LIBERTY
' £ fcnowleiso of this delightful and useful crt cuu bo Re
quired in from twelvo to twenty lessons, of ttuhour (ach.
dhtme. 25 cent* per lessen.. ■ ■ nprlyrnw
. 1 ■■■' I fßeaoVtd*
n k . - BR.D.HUNT,Bvbosos Dxjrnsr.iiasretooved
office &om No* 75 Fonrth street, toNo. 19
'AtCaSff FOtJRTH Street, one door .belosr Ferry* frhere
he will be happy toattcad to ell-ptofesstoial
aprfr ~
~T>L AID GINGHAMS— A* A. MASON' A 00., "hare j art t»* ’
X 'C*iT*3-and ‘ opanMi& largs assortment of very fln®
.. ; moidtt
***=■ V ;•/.. •.
■;-*-vv. v
& : .#v.-..
! 4 --t • * <*.■•*’ -* »r V.'
IV “
.v- j..--:A'aoUon Cara.
fAMES SFKENNA,. Auctioneer, and Commission Met*
chant, No. 120 Wood street, near the ooraer of Fifth:
regular sales of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Glassware/
new ami-second hand .Furniture, each, day at 10 end 2
o’clock; and at early gaslight, each otenlug, Watches and
Jewelry,Guns,Pistols,Books, Fancy articles, Cutlery,4loole,
Shoes, Ac., with a* general assortment of every description
of Dry Goods. - Kcfer to the prinoipal merchants.: : ieb9 .
■ Anotion-Daily Sales*
A T tho Commercial Salas Bootafl, ;cornerof Wood and
X L Fifth streets, afrlO o’clock, A. M., a general Msortment
of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes,Hats,Gapa.Aa, .
. - AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. BL>
Groceries,Queenaware, .Glassware, Table Cutlery, looking
Gla&seSf New and. Second, liond Household and Kitchen Fur*,
niturot Ac..
.Books, Stationery, Fancy Musical-Instruments,
Hardware and Cutlery,. Clothing, variety Goods, Gold ana :
Silver watches, Ac. . . P. BL DAVIS, Auctioneer. • fjofllrtf
'•¥Kr3NE3 AND LIQUOH3 AT Monday,
■‘Vf April 17th. at 2 o'clock, will bo sold at M’Kenna’e
auction house, llpackagcs BrandyondWino.
nprl4 JAMES .M’KBNNA, ■Attc’t.
T\RV .GOODS AT AUCTION—On Monday mornlog,- April.
.1/ 17th, pt lO o’clock, at the Commercial-Sales Booms, cor*
uer of WoodandFifth streets, will be sold on account whom,
it may concern, a largo and general, oxsortmont of season*'
able Foreign and which have been
seleated for tho city retail trade; s '.
Also—A quantity of fashion able -clothing, hats, cops,
boots, shops,:Ac.' • '•<!v
At 2 o’clock—Groceries, tinware, Auecnswarc, new and
secondhandJbouaebold furniture, Ae. - 'v >
apr!4: . , P: U.’DAVIS, Auct'r. <•.
ownATO AtroVbS'siuißt' : ' -
V Picprfcttr* of VfnoLfujsiad Lir'er HU*.
WJicHtiaXe DfufigUts 'end Dealer*, in Dbtent Medicines,
Cursor fourth and Woodstroets, Pittsburgh.
IV Jayne's Alterative:.
.V. .. ’Camliiativoßalsam’
« Hair Dye: :
.. •
u Sanatlvo Pills; •
, ; llair.Tonic;
. Wister’s Balsam of Wild Cherry ; .
Bryant’s Pulmonary Balsam;
Hob Band’s German Bitters; -
■iMoßand * ‘ tty J - fc
: .Morcbls©6’ Uterine Cathollcon: •. .
'EteraaTScotch ’Cough Candyj
Prices> , .....;-r;
. Thorn’s ..V.dOJ'i '.■■-■■■■r-:
'Howe’s do; . .
- Of good’s India Ght>jlagogue;{ 5 -.-:
Hone’s Invigorating Cordials;
-Tyler’sQum Arabic Drops;
.'Batchelor's do
XlcHumi’® Elixirof Opium; -
Bryant’s Purifying Extract;
Dailey’s PalnJistiact;
Brown’s Essoneb of Jamaica Ginger;
"McAllister's do- ' ' 'do: '
Kidder’s IndelHbls Ink; .
PaysQh’s-, -"do; 'do;
Arnhold'fi . . : do;
' Dr, Curtis’ Hygeana;
Lyons’ JCathalron; i ; *
David’s Lilly Whits; .
Sarin's. ;j : do; • i
/ Tobias’Linlmcns; /■ •>
Hunt’s.;',-do; . (i \
. - AUeh'sKervo and Bono Llpimgatj f.
' Msxican'Mustang' " do;’ '
. FarreF» Arabian. . do; .. « '
Gardner’s:'."• ' ‘do;:: '
Barrel's Indian ... .. do;
Carter’s Spanish Mixture;
foarpa’sAcoustic OU;' .'..
: •.Merchant’*. flargliag.Oil;
Kukhton, Clarke A.Co.’s Cod Liver.oll V
- •
; Bings’ Itch j do;
Ferret's; ; . y do; -
'Gray’s . do: .
■ Trash’sHognctbrOintment; '
Judkln’s do;
. Swaim’s Panacea;. /■
Houck's do;
fiargant’s InGmt Panacea;
Deny Datia* fain Killer;
- AyarsCherry Pectoral;
Obughten’k Pepsin;
McLatte’i Celebrated Xiver'Pilis; /
: Brandroth’s ' do
..Wright’s Indian Yegetabro Pills;
.Lee’s Antt-bUloua .. .... do; • r
. Earaaftrillaßlood . do;
Evon’A;'..:.'-'-- v '--do;
- SWayneVExtract Sarsaparilla Blood Pills;
Jayne’s Anodyne Cough • _ do;
. Townsend’k Utallh r do;
’ Jew'DavitTfi piasters:
.. Shoemaker’s. . do; ■
Dr, Newman’s do; • v
BadffayteltemlyHelicf; .
. Moririk’Remedy;. .
. ,ProL Wood's llalr Beetoratlve;
.•.•.Emerson’s', .••=•• do; • :i .
Bull’s Sarsaparilla;
Townsend’s do;
Sand’s; do;- :.
Guyeott’s Extract Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla;
WwJ’s Schiedam Schnapps;
. : Soap* Cleaver's Honey; .
. H :: Highly Scented Brown Windsor
<* - ■ Musk; - v .
-Ludlum’s Specific; . :
,McLano’s Sudortfic.Congh Syrup;. s.-C
.Tyler’s Gum Arabic do;
.Sellers* do; .
.Swayne’s Syrup of Wild Cherry; >...
: Smith’s TonloSyrup;
Barry’s Trlcophorous ;
. Norwood's Tlncturo of Yarntrum. Virile;
Celebrated. Vermifuge,. ■
-Dr, Locock'aPulmonlo Wafers; •
, -. •■ • i
Agents.fur all of Dr, HcCHnlock's fomdy Medldoes;
Dr; Needham’s Broost Pumps; •
Water’s Atmospheric Breast Pumps;
O.utn Elasria ~'. . : . ' do do,-
fas KOEmrra pose nj
7,00; .0,00!
2,60 - .3,00!
B • *
• >/,
- JAMES MoEENKA/Auctioneer. ' '
F. M, DAVIS, Anctioaoor. -
G. Bingham Co.’s Traneporiattou iiine,
NEW YORK.—The Otfnera and Agents of eaki Line
nsro beau-for-ibo past fourteen year® connected the
, tt old established Bingham’* Lino." They- -vrlll give their
usual prompt attention to tbe:fbrwardlng orPr6dace,Her*
chaQdfcKySiV In the shortest time and ©n-as faTOrahle
terms as any other Line.
■: E&T Only one transhipment between Pittsburgh, Phila
delphia and Baltimore. <-va?v;-r.\\
CUnal Baals, Liberty at, Pittsburgh.
216 Market areot, Philadelphia.
l2l North at.,'Baltimore. -
SC West st, New York.
- .. . Going West* .
ANOTHER. AGENTwiII leave for thoWestand South
west, on the FIRST OF,MAY next, for the purpose of
locating Loud WnrTant*,.exaajlnin? disputed and doubtful
Land Titles, paying Taxes, attending to the claims of minor
heirs having rights Id rr to property located la the Wes tor.
South-western States, 4e. • ...
Ho will also give his attention to tho collection of claim?,
being on his route. Any parsons wishing to secure hlfl aer
.vteehean be accommodated by calling on' ■
jgsa-g ! ' . ; ‘ THOMAS WOODS’, ‘
aprlOilm • -No. 76 Fourth et,
tT!IOLS3ALC _I>EAIEa-Ki' I '-‘'
Foraigu Winfia. Brandies, Cigars, Old Mononga
hela Bya "Whiflliy, &c., ::i
m a wood street,: prrrsßmajßt ,i>a. .
•iaI’INES, Bxosdleo, {Gins,CoTdfalsr Jamaica Spirits, St.
.■ Tv- Croix undNew Englandßuid,
ScotchAloj London Drown-Stout, Irish,-Scotch,*Bourbon,>
Old Monbxiguhelaßyo and Rectified Whisky, Apple, ?eabh, ;
■ Wild Cherry and Blackberryßrandies? Imported Havana*
Begalia^and' 1 Principe Cigars*, HalPSpanhia and* Common
Cigars, all at .such low prices a* to challenge :Comp6 itfon.
-- Fancy-Bar '- Kegs. and - Labelled BoUles of ' eTery and.
. Demijohns of all sixes. • 1 respectfully invito ah- bxnmLna-,
lion,of-my stock,- at No. 8 WOOD- Street, Pittsburgh,
Perma*.-y ■■ * -■■ apr3:ly
Land for Sale.
JLOUU the Clarion rlTor. TMsland Is heavil? timbered,
has an excellent BoO*imd issaid toebntoln W«bundauce«f
iron ore. aud a thick roinctf bltumfnouareoal. The yenam
go railroad,which Fill undoubtedly be biillt.FUl.Ttm Tcry'
cear to: It, 1f nor'directlyacross it; .... The MUlstotni creek
runs through it. ' v ~j
ALSO|:s<to iwjrra InLElk cmrtiy'v'ff ell .timbered and Fatertd,
andlying scar the touts ofUu> Snobury and'Erie railroad;
No better investment oonld be mode, than in theso* lands.'
The completion of the Buhbnry and Erie, the, Allegheny
Valle?! and the '.Venango railroads-through that region
wiH rendof the coal,lumber, iron ore ohdTroll, of. great
ralttei : Enquire of - C. B. M'. SMITH,
. Attorney at Law, ,
No. 147 Fourtb Rthwt. ■
Spring Stylcßi
i\ TOIUD Street—Wo. are vnow.receiriag and opening
one of tho largest; nndcholccst. stocks cl .
Cloths, Mats,'Matting;Vßugs, Ac,, ever exhibited west. of.
Torb.-- Tho-stoek-baa becTr froloctcd with/ great care,
Personain want of any articles in : our line, arerespectfully.
Inrltoa to coll and examine. "Our assortment consist* in
• partoftheJbllowlngvvUv v ‘
ltoyal Ydvdt and. Bm&sela Carpotinga; j...■
Topestry Brussels; •' ' ,
AuDttßsoß<3turpetB.j-; - y ~. *
Extra Imperial bad Super Throc.ply; . j
Patent Tapestry lograinj »
Superfine ami Flha Ingrain; • -
Worsted and Wool Carpets;
Wool and -* do
Vcnitian 24 and 4-4; - i
Hemp.Carpety very cheap; • • •• v
.. Ustandßag,"-do • ■ ■
: Whits and ChccKCanton Mattings, 44,54, and 64:
:Oocoa 24, 44,5>4, and 54;
v Spanish Matting,-very cheap; 7 •
■■ElegantMosaloKuga, $6O perpalr; ;
: Administer,Chenille, and Tuftod Bugs, all priced; ;
yascy Engllfih Sheepskin Mats, $l6 par pair;
Colored-, do -> do' v do . from $2,60 to $5 each;
Togethervrith a large selection of Cocoa, Juto, Adelaide,
-Velvet, other Mats; "
. Embossed and primed cloth tabloand piano coycrs,'of
eaUrelyneurdeslgnt, very rich.
.• .Pamashtahleand piano covers; also yrorstod damark by
the y ord, tbflnatt; doylera, Ao. i .
■. A great variety of patterns in floor 611-clotb, from 2 to 24
fiiet wide. ‘ >.
Buff Hollands: for windows, 30, 32,34/36,38,40, 42,44,
-... .. .. : v
Gold bordered shades, new, very rich, - - ;
► • Window shades of every description.
■ ■<Oral and hollow stair-rods, earpet binding, tacks, Ao. •• ■
• Also,' Royal Turkish Bath Towels,. together with every
•thing usually kept in Carnot Houses. M §malP profits and
quick sales." a B. HEADLY :* CO* ■■
■ marSmua 82 Third street- .
OANVABBEP DRAWING PAPER—Drawing .pa^er : 'ln :
rolls, mounted on canvass; a convenient and serviceable
article for Draughtsmen. These rolls'are fifly-lour: inches'
In lengtbiandtbopaporlseoldbytlie yard,.io any quantity
■ desired. The paper is ot superior quality and neatly mount
ed. Bngipeers, are invited to call and ex
amine this paper.' - '' .W. S. HAVEN, v
. Dealer imEngineerfr Stationery, Market-street/ corner of
Second. : .. ■ "• •; 1 ' • j.
f jAHE rFORTUKE. HUNTER—-A &o?el of l<ew York bvd6*
X ty» ky “ Anna Cora Mowatt,” author of u Autohiom Actress.": 1 . -
-Y&ukee Notions for April - v
Petersen's Magfliino for. AprflHa*fc'received and for
sale by “ . GEO. R. PEARSON, l -
. (Successor to U.:£«:CaUowD •
Plspatch BoUdinev?* Third nt :
BHYBTCIANB I?OOKKT.CASES—A beautlfal articlejuai
Xtcetodby JOS. FLEMING,'
. ayttZ - , ;„ corner Lkbwjndand Marfcßt.' ;;
~ ■> i .L -* - -«
' * " v’ V
'■■■■■ .r> J l ’ .V.
.'• -J? ■ . -
•. i' i
wjfc . _oeo. nccouAM.
. 0 ' hiberty strict, opjmitf lUpot, .. > .
Ap»7' ' . • . ' Fimuuaaa, Pa. .
ti1i ni0AKr.........................U. AIAMIiAHLj Jtt.
HAGAN & AHL, ... -
Wf HOLESALE and Retail Dealers ifl 8&u, Ibnctfond.
\\ SlapU DBr GOODSi Noa.: M Market and 8 Ucfou
street,Pittsburgh. r . ■■■. ■•: •■■■■■ y-- oprt . •
H William ThornyDmggiiti 1 t
AS REMOVED- to the corner of HAND* hnil P2JNN
Streets, where to-will, og usual,'attend projfipUy ti*
his numerous friends. All cniclesln his line aro warranted
pure, andputnp'wHh tbautiposttaro; marl4;fea
JOHH HAFS,' jb., -
'(Successor toJa*M’Gqffoy-V. >•
wbolMAlfr aiui Retall DraffSUt. c - :
A OHJB, DYE BTo]fFS,io, Ml
XX. Wood street throe doors below Virgin alley/ ! • -
aprtapAeiy. - • PITTriBURQH.-'
r ■' Iron Froat~No; 81 STarkfit '
OUR liodfo being now open for tbs trai£aafetl6n*df a gtotir*
al Dl7 Go6Jabusinwg F ire would respectfully solicit the,'
of the public, focliug confident that, fro'm our ex
tensive and welfisslefctea fitpek.
STAPLE GOODS; we catt offer each Induccmcms as will in.
euro enllrosatisfaction*. .nv .
• apr4:tf ~ 01 Market andffUnfongtccat. .
j. u*kssTea£, jbj; .......rarely
T>£RRV> lIOTiiL, corncr qf Hancock street tndDuquesho
• Pittsburgh,•
'■ mar4:y ■ .-MOM ASTERS- A M
X; - No 7 ISABELLA’ Stynejir ibe-EmmotJlotel,
• -marl AtAfiinnnr. »; ' ;-v " '■
■ Spring style or HfeU.'-JOS&FH OOX *
'Js9l CO. 1 corner bt- Diaxabml' Alley,Wfll
*** Intiodnco thcßprlug Style of HATSthfi day, jfcldS
. t-Motlce to Tailors.
('tOAT HANDS, Vest Hands* and ;Panta. Maker! wonted
j at JOHNCALLAHAN’S,comer/6f Wood and Water
streota.. Caah paldfbr wotk eyerySalprdayjOTenlfeg. fob?
;■ '*•' " To litti ! :■
A GOOD DRY> CELLAR, under the .JJeptupo 'Engine
xX House, on Seventh street, suitable fot rioting molasses'
or produco. Inquire of • JOHN H. STEW ART, 11 ' *
. .more -- . ■ . ... .. 207 Liberty a trecfcJ r~
: rtIHE dwelling house now byline on Federal,
X street, Allegheny, No, 4 Collonade thread
of the bridge. -Enquire at the house.'" .■> r
fettfotf r : „w« g.;LOWRIR - -
.Stable wmitnd»ji;--'n-i-c-i-o
TTOTHIN a lew squares of the passengerstaUonQfPißßQ*
:. YV- - sylvania Baxlrmul, suffldontlf largo toiboidteren or
elghthOTSea. - ADAMS. A. CO*. <-
mart. ' 61 Fourth street...
ST..i>oTria. Ho, r, • . •
■ . Unaaell d& Dro«y v - ■. s
the X. 0.0. P, TOKEN, No. 15 mil stroetjPittaburgb, Pa..
...marl&ly. ' .•• ... • ..• .. - -<• •-j ;
.si Depot and Eotlmd Track For, Kent. >
wJib ltallrood'-Track,
nonces,-for a torm of years; Znqulre at the Exprecs Office;
-So 61 FOURTH Street - ' '* ibbllrtf
' ' NEW SHLL. ' |
' &uToy. omo„
“pISHER, ANDERSON-A 00.* bare Just started ibdr pa-'
X? ' per mill at the aboTe place, wheru they will be happy
to receive orders for • printing add wrapping paper of all
(dees. > feb27:t{
• .^temoTolui... »
IT from No,73.TbirdJtrcet; to fifth street, opposite the
Theatre, wheroTo wlir be happy to see Ids former patrons,
and.all others desirous of .purchasing any .of the-che&p.Li
terature 0! the day. • •.■.■•...'..r:;.'..apr7:1y: ,; •
New Clothing Storsr
fpHE subscriber has just opened this new establishment,
X where lie has always on hand a large and choice atsort
mont of ail articles of CLOTHING, which hewatrants equrrV
to any In the city, and will soil at the most reasonable pri
ces. - The public are requested- to giro bfap a calf. J -
. 'Take Soticei . ; .
: coocernlng any buriness of mino In Pittsburgh, h&s
this day been dosed by mutual consent. - All.persons hat
ing claims against me, or the steam ferry, boat w lWo -Brt *.
tbers," will personally, on said boat, tbo
rSUfiair Hotel.- . ; . MARTIN BRODERICK,. ;
• January 6,1864. : •» • *-r..? 1. • mar? •
• Importxunt to Tailors*
TUST'REOETVIiD, a large assortment ofiTailortf and
tl ■Trimmers’ Shears, of tho best makes Io the country,
whlcdi we offer at the manufacturer's pricey at r i
TBfLEV’d, Euterprire Woris,
' ■•!.; 126 Wobd etioct, •
. ; feb? •■ •.. Wholeaale Agents formanufiiciurerg.
■ > Oyatera and Presh Fisi. 1 . -J •" f
y*—y CHAB.KDIRLE ACO.haa comnrenxd keep*
YjSjJing all kinds of fresh llab, wblcL LevwiU keep
supply oahaUX.bdih whbfesrie ami
■: retail; allkind'sof-dsatern PishahdlakeFish;
At depot, corner of Hand and Liberty streets, by . • ;
mar27:tf CHAB, KIMBLE A CO.
I YTiaEI 10 EMPLOY two or tbr«t'o good Plumberajnone
but good workmen seed apply. An interest In thQ above
business will be given if.required,'orlwill sellout tbe
whole'business to a competent workman. This.iea rare
chance, os tbe business is well . established and has a good
run of custom. iAlsoi an Apprenticewanted.Ecquhnof. ;
12& Fonrth street.-
Ab-'lfiO TFfod'ttrtd, Third door bdoxo Virgin AUey. >
BOWSf & TJCTLKY would call tbs attention of Sporting
men-to theirJargnnirartmftntflf-flanvltlfleaafad Bo«
TOlviDg Putolr, Ftha largest and best selected stock e%er
opened lo this marker toother with A general assortment'
of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of which
wo offer at tho lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or
to good approved rapog'' ~ . 4 -:: • •. mar!B
MOSffiA ■ WE2,, B K V E K
KESPECTFOLLY informs hia friends, and the public in
general, that he has fitted up the largo and commcdi*
ous SALOON,Ia the basement of the THEATRE, where ho
keeps constantly on hand tire choicest. LIQUORS, 'of the
BESTURANDS. IHa fiaidpti is kept open all hours during
the day. ' .y •:•:••• - --.-y-r.-v. • fob2o
~ . TIERWAN & COii
■'■'No. 95 iYoodStrczty,carver o/_l>lixniondMUy t
.: .--'piwsspßQg,pXi,v••:• - V- •;■•••_
EUYANDSELLBank Kotesa&d'ColnvHtaßouat time
exchange; and promissory- notes r make collections in
all the principal dues of the Onion. Eocelre deposits on
call and on interest, and. giro their prompt attention to all
other, matters appertaining to a Broker’s business. Eastern
"Exchange constantly on hand; v- ; ' insrGv
A LOT 24 teotfrbnt cm WTLIK street, and extending
baeklOS.fretto Wide alley. On the' back part of the
Lot Is a Cellar Wall, bnilt'for. two email'Houses. This Lot
is In n desirable location for a residence; andwill he sold
low,and on favorabletcnas, Titlogood, and. clear from
incombrance. Enquire of ;, : GEO. P. CULLMOUE,
fob23i— i. ’ At Office of Morning Poet,
1 BUILDING DQTS»lriQio villogeo? TemperanceTillc;
'1 toalOfeetaUey-The aboVo
Lota ara : TCTy (Jeslrablo for building or manufacturing pur*
pose3 > and srlU l ; t»Bol4 nt tnodcrateprice3, and on mason*
able terav Title indisputable, vltoqalre of >-■
• No, I<9 Fourth fitroct;■■■•Or
TUml Estate Atrent. at thiß Office.v
' J . MC L A LMi HLI ri ,
, FaaliAoaable Boot and Shoe Halter,
'' : . .. {Dirtcllgopposite(ht Mayor's QfliceZl
|_|E I 3 WELL PREPARED to furnish all Good* iuTiG
Jl line, and trill warrant tbetnuot tube inferior to any
i- wimiiny artlclee-in thecily.- Heis wollprepared-to- do oil
work; and ban. iu bis employ acorp.s of
workmen, who cannot bo exeellwl In eity. Thopublla
aroTespectJnUyTeqtauatodto cull athls establishment; and
esai^pß'blaOobda..;*- ‘■; y {apT£flnr; *
». '• Ho* 18 Haricot street* ' 1
• : C" C SEELY ■ ’ *
/r-s , RESPECTi’CIiLY iafonos h!s friends anUtho
*Biiyt' in general, that he hits Just started his
• York and PbUadelphla modern’atyisUsll
COOKING o¥STSRSand«myihingclse in the
eating line.'; Oysters' Ih-lho Bhell : or.Stewed, for cants'
a dozen. "He-will also fnrnbh thd best of everything th&i
■the raarketwiß afford.- - Housealways-open until 3o’clock
In the morning.. .» . * -' = ' - XnarlB-tf
5 • • Chtekermg’a Ptrmoß. •
M - Just received a large and'veiy elegant
stock •of NEW PIANO, FORTR3, from the
celebrated xnanafaatoiyof CHICKERING-A
SON 3, Boston; conrisuhgof &Utii& various.
T>n W mnTmfkEtnred by them, In-ltnfiflTTQOtLj&hd Wal
nut coses, andfor aHtflavariablyat;Boston.price3,'withaat
any addition fortransportnUon 'or'Xlik, and,every Pl4no'
warranted. Purchasers ran hate a cholceno* ; bntof about
Fifty Instruments,varying in price frozn (cssoo. ■.
' Also, oft hand and for sale - several good»' ?*jnd hand.
Pianos,nearly new. . - - JOUNH;MELLOE,
No: 81 Wood utosot.
Agent ronChickeriog A Sons,
apr7 • for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania.
. . AstorHotiae; *' "
NO. 264 LIBERTY ST., a few doors above the Atltenajumr
The undersigned, having purchased tho above named
popular Restaurant, and at considerable expease re-fitted It
wehleudid Btyie, would respectfully anllcls tho patronage
of the of. tho former proprietor and the public
generally. - Y *•: ' ' • ;/
; His Bar is stocked with the finest brands of Wines and
I&luoxs, and hla Larder shall contain'the best the market
os Oysters, Game,. Ac* :
served up every day atllo’dockyA. U. - .
. mar22lm * ADAM WERNER, Proprietor.--
- CLOCKS 1 CLOCKS!!? CLOCKS lit > i. ~
PYelfle dt-Ttloyrau, ,
WKfc. SILVERWARE, Ac-LNo. 42 FlFTH.Street,, soar
.WooLoppositothe Homing Post, formerly f occu»
CwMSSpled-by JL. Reineman & Co. We harehow hand a
splendid assortment of & day and 24 hour Clocks* which tnx
offer to the public at great .lron cases,
pearl inlaid and all other patterns of Han tel Clocks.:
AlsOj Arich assortment' of flne gold and fiilvot patent
lover, cyllnder. knd anchijyxscapment Watches, and an ere«
gantstofck of Jewelry and Silverware, which, we iafond to
toll cbekp for. cash. . , •i . .
N. B. Watch repairing done in the best manner and at
.low.prices,and.warrantort..... = ? •■.•■marLs
Clothingi ciothtnffr ;.-■ • -
THE undersigned respectfully informs hlaMends and tha
pnblfo that ho is now-receiving at, his store, No. 117 Lib*,
street, a choice assortment uf-OlothSj Casri meres and-
Vcstlogß, of TBa latest and most deitaiKa/tyles, .whleKTia;
Is pro pared'to moke to orderiu tho most fashionahlo man?
nor, at short notice, and oni the nmstreasonable terms.
We have also on hand a large and well mnnufacturedstock
of ready mode Clothing, to which-we tovite-the-attentibn
of buyers, either wholesale retaiL- !■;,•' ,
- ‘ Perrons who purchase goods forcash, wiHßnd xfc. to thdr
f dvahtaee to'cail 0t!77 L berfy street, before making,their
purchases.’ - : ~ :'J . '-C» CONNER* .
/^tUOSKBNHRYS.— -2iX)O LargQ Boaring Buribes-iust l
\T fine order, at tho Seed Store, Fifth street.
7Vr.»lBiram ' -JAMES WARDROP*
I-..• •-.» -'NotleWr'- - :--- ':"'-: . ■
XTAYtNG disposed of my entire stock of Books, Period 1-
XL cals, to- Hr. George R, Pearson, I cheerfully re
commend him to my customers. v
- All persons knowing themselves fndobtod. to. will
please call at the old stand, where I will bo found for & Short
time. . H.IY CALLOW.
• Having purchased from H. P. Callow hla entire stock of.
BookvEenodiealS, taYlwlll be ploased to see my friends
and the public generflly at tho old stand. No. 74 Third at.,
Dispatch Buildings.: .' . , j ? i..
• of the former patroaago la rcspoorfully
„■ • ■ ■, ■
AJhU aasorimentof the best and most rocantpubUcatfotu)
wiUHwaysbekeptonhand, -,. : . ..• • t
~ >All subscriptions ecutractcd for ty H.P, Callow, wfil bo
fnmlshedasusUal.bymo* '« PEABBON> •
taor 13 - - 74 Third street, Dispatch Buildings.
V. ~v?.
-1- *'•:*• V V, '
‘ »’£-V " "*''^i‘*V T lV l -' ’ ‘ :
. ••' -' •- y * ' »,
:"' T •> Y •:
"■■'■J *•• ** -I **■■+ ■■•
.■'* **<%, r,* " • ; ■-•
.’p »•'■■■ <
v- f. ** •„ . ; '
* *i • i *
• • ,-.J . ...
r l ' ■ %.
i ...V
*■.. r - t
* >
J t -4' '
To Let* ..
Plantbera W suited.
At Priyateboic.
>/.- V:
a .% fr
sonm! 0n ?
■ &rt&t'R4antftlo& otV'ar4, : -:•
* ' , VIA'TTSEiWViLLK. ,rf.
, f|l.ll£jsborto«i»qttlekC9t ao4 to T^l«Klo r C2ii*
Bockibifo' CfltoDft, fity JjOaU; tad Ihe •
r Clfc.telMi(l.' T!ils , iliatef i» 40 -m{Jfe#Bf , on*r -
SotUlndlaDcpoll? slc * £0T toChfeagw than;tb* <ircoJtouf
l&S? tt Uis Trains of the
gWo onu Petitoy Company, tbe train* of thin >■
sOoffl pasywnto the .-hin do connect with then *% Alliance.
4oogrc*taiacrlflco orihelr lfglU
matb-lnrfoftM;'• ';•"-' .w • . .•>.••;
’■ On SHd%RdWe3nc^/K^,'HjircK2 ? 1854 t Trait/#
run excepted) *3fcikrTfs: . ; . f .
~ LeaTes tip e.tJAQ "A M, and
6110 P& r aiaA re&di Cleveland at IQ AM, dr.d 7,3) PM« -
• LeSra CleTclafid nfct»,SO A 51,‘aiid H&) PH, and reach
A){Jan(s PM.
» t i^ssss^^s^is^ss
toColanrtraflr.ts!o4tnifttt, Baffft}o/or Albany, can taka the
'Htc®ncra < PO&B3TS_ GiTYi lO A 11, at
ittndatTaap.Mi for
ami the?9P ttTfolutfor UrteiDuaklrk
.‘ Bagfcugooheckei 1 thwogtf «ltf Ci#eTind n da‘Beard the
boats, and Eceompanled by a baggage
rugUoa.hHnflde at. AlHnnceby either tho BA.
of Q. *rt&&&puMDgfit* for Clerflr -
•■■. PaasoajjM».«Te -tidLolad.thprogh toCloVd»iifl, Toledo
Chffaga,'iasall?, noi gu- Louis.. ..Hiuti. through to Bt.
I>oqs, 4£boars. ' - i'-' ■■'•_! s ~j- .■■■•■
FxOTtfrAlilaDd&i..!il..r.Jl l W)fQr6to : €i'LeFTiW..^V..SXa i Bo
do .do. law
do , Chicag0.......r.,...10 ; 60j. do £mwrt»~;<w 13A0 *
■''Pttflßehgwshre’'prodhrM^^tjittlio office'
<?fthfidfiTßUdiond Monon •
gahels'House,seconddoorft^m.'th6comer,- „
, ’J. DtmA^D;gdtftCleJeliSi(L
-*'* -- &’-r.UJi^CAuaHEF^ont,
• taatgQ Monongahola Hon^Wfttfcc&MPlUptmrgh.
■ / J 'EAUrßp r i:» COMPIrE TEP!
I A&D- ASTB& TOMfB&DATj* Sgfi&UißY lflth,
I 'Uo the TRAJN
(except Buodaj) b’docfc, atop*
f ;pl«g« ail t3wwstfwr rtat}o»B i «rritloa.ln.l?hUa(ielphi* at
J 3o f cbck,.£ BL ) ,comi£ctioa l 'nritir a tiaJn. direct to New
•> r.-i?’ x f-/•: _•
i -USB thostatfbftcnvxf ovenlng
fat'%2o:tfdodc,6topplpsoa]>-«t- Isirtto«u7 Qf^ensbargb,
> Latrobe, Eiil£ae f JotmjrtDwrif tJlley’fl, GaiDucn^Altoona.
[ &c n coniffiCtiDg ftt thft tiftin for Bald'
|; morerJUulejriying,it* J? at 12,30,
! - •««*
noon. (except Bumloy)atS o’clock, stopping; »t ail regnlai
t-rtatloi^BwrMpatojtLoniyMfiirwTUfiobe.-... :
-BEl;uKNlN(llEAiHS.*rliT»ln'lilbiuißti.. T AecQmmt>'
dation, &2A A. H. Exprao, 1, P. SI. Molllif.M.
Fare to NetrVot):, ta'PMilide'lpfilit,l3; Paro
to BMUmopojlSir. V ‘ v
EaggagschstkGd tooU stations on Uif! Pojmfjlvania Ball
i HMJ, itid-tfl-PhnafritAtA uni) BA^tlwintiL... ■ ,t■ j-, • n
Bwsmgws MRs)jastag tidtetalo barged , ro? -
i station suktlazu
' A - NOn?3k—fecaU of fea, S6M
to ccayey passengers ttdJttggnge to and froniiiie IJcpot, »t
achargeaotfco exceea.T2^ccntsfor«ach;aaa9CDffer.and'
• 'jfottifOafawpflytoyti ip Agent
Attbe A- B.'B.'Picsongo Station* on liberty ot
PiCtetorgb, Febtttary 13.18ai-H‘febl3:3j-3tl pg]
-. pieaao oor
13<5%7 Awrang*iai©iit>'’*.‘:rV" ■'
gXjRX'ZB) 1854
at aiii
aneo f takes tc&atCrestllne. and msfoiS it<rofto con«
naciion t!«n^ , *?ftb'fel£rt : CJcclo
natl^abotifcl2tfeldc£atxi§ht;•:?J <--V\ *••>. •
EXPRESS.TRAINI&tbs- dtfttsbnrglv a* 37v*cIock» V. M.,
alter the arrival oT the
and reaches Crestline at~llj3dP, with the
-Night Express the morning. •
Oonnoctlonfl are Qie 'Otioi ahd lndlanataiKi
Belibntalne and Indiana ndlro&tS jbr JDfcj toi/Indianapolis
and towns in lhdlanai'- \<«t*. .• .
Connectionsardhiado wlthOlevolamlMotirODTUle. Ban
duaky, Toledo, Delroit'and' Chfckgo-vflth Bncyrus, Upper
Bandaßkyj ForesVaad UiMowhs on the Mad : Ktrer Road.
, Also, with MoootTemcn. Newark, Zk&estfHe and towns
to Toledos 9; to Cdlnmbtts $5;25; to3frnesvil!c $5,10; torr
Cleveland $4; ; Through^'tickets to ‘LonisyiUe Jut reduced >
- - • i ~ *
TXIE IGXPRESS TRAIN leaves CresUine at=t.l& P M,
andreftobgi Pittsburgh at 5.30 Hi, ’eonnecOriteTrith tho
fast Valladelphla.
£3Q r A- tl-Hntho ar*
rival- 6t the Night tErpreas traitf from,Cincinnati. and
.: : - '~;V'
Pittabarglrat lO A M, and SP M, lWsßfcn. at Q
.'A 27 - -' v'
Pioaoro TRAIN, ieavel B&hurgti dt f A:K, and 0 P
M.>&ad.anAvesai4^Aif»*nd£3tf > Pl!£:v,
■... O^The Tttljns donpfcnmonSunday. ; : *
; 4Q? Tkketaorfarifaer information*' apply t£; the ticket
ofilceaof th 6 Ohio and Pennsylvaniaßailroad Company, of
J. 0. COURT; at the corner, office nndcr. the TUonongahela
House, Pittsburgh* ox of , .*•" -*
. /. GEOBQE,PARKIN, tlckpfc^ffeni,
: I.' . Pcdera.ljgttggystatlon»
• JOHN. TyEt»LY» Pappenfeer Agent.
18d4. iinUfe~-vlsl
D. LEECH & CO/S ;:‘I#NE,
Pittsburgh, Jew Hotk, FUUdtlpUtuid
Baltimore: ....
iTvN.tke opening of QAbal, wo ora ,prepared tacmi a
V/ large quantity of-pfQduca and morchandixaio and from
. tLe~£a&tcra ci Hefty additlon-to-onr-ow nt: Block o t
boats and cars, recently added, by purchaso with another
party, the
y our capacity: andftdlltyfor- transportation. ; Tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Ooitfpd&y ba'vldg'iJOJr withdrawn
from the Portage Banm&diitwiU enable otq* cars to pass tt
in one third the time pttrriouflly taberit' ih&wH] give us In
creased despatch. Shipments fltbof of the nn«
dereigned, will bo forwarded without cbarfcofbr commission,
and bQ instructions promptly 'aitra&bdto.'f;
• ' Preights&Vayfi'sdscribdnttfiblowest?current rates.
: Address or apply to ‘'-v'' D;LEECH. v A 00. f
Penn street and CanaL Pittsburgh*
. ' HARRIS-ijiEECn,
Itecelyhii depot, 13 South shird street,
\ Delivering depot, D6<flt GtiTphlladelphin;
... -'Argsrrai^^gent,..
• • * No* *5 North «treet;-Baltimora.
• . ,\.r Agent,
No.B, Battery PTa«Sa 4 .
; feb23 .
P EIT X 6 YXV ±KI& & OHI O «Ir3H E,
~ S ' ■_. »
b«9atffTjon"fli»t Works
i wiUbeopbp on the Ist of March. Wojarb; prepared to
i BUrtoar'Unc9 ln p twt>iOir thre0 r '<lbyrt oftet? traif tire now
ready to recsiTe' freJgiit for Phllaacrp'hlfl, Se^- , Ecirt and
Raltlnlnrey ftt moderate rates. ( - , r s -r
HaTibgKoratlj;•• edded-oKteirslTeTy and boat
atock»br plutha&irltfcmoLhfc^p&Hy, stock -
of Blrigsun S-00, (who retire oa irflX bn geen by tho tu>
• companytog notice, from the of Latlan,)
, our tonnagsxSpMityTla gteitfylncreased.,. ,«•.,• •
! of cars hf fimjPennsyljanhc Hail road
: Comptoy ffpm :tbe Stoti EoadtVfiLbuabla us to a%ye about
■ *\v, .‘^•cEAßKAjeaw; -
. 219iIarKetshvMid JosBQuth.i’itint'Ht., Piiila.
' ■ ~ 'Noi ISouth.William fit,,NfirrYorb. .
• tomx&tt ?iDL' y
78 North elrcoi, p&lfljriore.
fcb23'. , -
. fpiUfl is togtoe police that yro hfcre ' retired' £com lho
X RaDßpoxtaUon JBDBSnofifl Oti.the Pennsylvania canal
Baltimore; and we .recommendoor -who
wish to ship goods bj the abOY.otpu.tej tbwilrdbtseD. Leech
&C 0.% ozul thoßen&B7lTania&hd Onlouii<t.
.. fnhsa . _ _waJßPr(aauLi}-.pQc .
: Fennaytyantn ltaHronA.
CJCMMKBTAKire belirean Httsto«S.P»llMlclJilila nn4
•0 MUmore: „.V'" ....
First Cedar' and Wb<wen J Wat©i l 'PcfttheT3,
PianovPonlfry; Wines, in
baskets .btfmns-tS cents .
- -fffrfftay -fqtifr~l*ri£rr*iilt. Beeswax. Cloter
and Timothy Seed, It*gB,vWbol and
Sheep. Pel ta».pd X&P : .600.® 100 Ibi - ■
j_ j^t^ff?^Tw-^Bacgnan(LJ , ork.noc Bali»nvlir£rklii3,
kegs oc>bbli v Hides, Leather, Boap, Window 4HaaiSnd Cot*
ton, nneompresaßd: fi« < ; " ■• ‘ : .
. JfrurtJi bt>tca,) Barley
and Halt, Boer and Pork, Candles, CheeftS'lArd and Lard
Oil, Hemp, Whisky, CottoD, (comprcifi©3,) Tol»c«»
40c.»100. B*. • - f —'*
Floor 80 cents ' -
aprl •••■ --.if..r-;-- t'f-
Vo Railroad Contractors*
SEAtKD -PHQPQ§AIBJ?M Jfiftpfflce of
the £orner:of -Dranfcstreefi and Diamond
alley, Pittsburgh, notU.6 o'clock, >P. jXhtua&fliy, 20th
day of April next,-for the .grading aniibrldtdng of the
CHARTIKBS RAILROAD, tromCokWiazXsa’s residence
to the Borough of syaahingtod* being a distance of About
twenty miles. Plans, profiles ..and specifications of the
TTOrk wHI be. exhjhitel at ; the: office to
~tbelatting; and. the information neceasaryibr.bidders can
•be had on. application to DAVID Chief
-Engineer.: day OTderpf the-Boardr-—-:
"marlT" -•vv iK.MOOßgEAD;Pregfeent.
CoalPropertyfprjiae at aGreatßergaln,
fpHBgUBiCHIBJEIB offers to.sell the one*haltaf4oo acres
rl-of coal; and -168- acrea-of-e u rfacav si taotetHtb Rroerpen*a
Landing on the. Ohio lundco*kCd.;Vs» This
property haafaeUlties rarely met with; the rein' being?
£eetthlck,ortHe.rerybest(iaaJityof bituminous coal, and
at a point on tbd river where tbs water is about 13 ftefc at
the lowed Btsgvahd Vvery large pool, sufficient to harbor
200 coal boats, Also a charier fercthe purpose of establishing
eoal wprkß;at.the samerpoint : The abovewill be sold hal£
.thrtt}-<luartevor Aha whole, in suit purchaser#, Terms
easy, and prim Tnortpratn. Tor farther pflrttenllijtfinqnlra
Of BOBERT KEEM AN, on the premises, ot'4o •? v« .
' • ' 1 '■ JAMBSC-EICKUT,
marlT office.
An Excellent Farm £ , orßept<
ff>HAT well known and desirable tom, late thahomeetaad
A of .General Mark* situate lnßqbinson township, on ths
Steubenville turnpike; about eoven xnHes ftcm-Pitts burgh,
containing aom, of 'ara: cleandl«nd lo n
high ptata of cultivation, Acaapriring' twoaxtollent spplo
creharda, Ae., Is Offered Ibrxgnt to one year fttinthomrt
Of April coxf. Fortenns applyto •" • -
ii^c;: NaariKapnmliwii.
T\OjUli HBADg^-lS&sdn lxtii* poll fMv**
XJ sorted rimt* fr*t‘'fcMn(’iB& aft t&ft TaflU ■
RttbterltepotfcltOßtekstttrßti" ;
. tkpxt). J> A Si SSQXItSt .
•"'* \.■:!'■■■ ■ -.; ’
Tj. "*
' -- '■* V
■■ 1854.
s •
ti, ■ ■■
- •