-TV---. ■; 4 "Vf - ‘\ | jL'A,* f/'* ~ ,i , « v\t\ > 7, " r * ,‘i , !<- , >.- , ,4., V,J „*•,<■•"« t , l r ■>'“ - .‘ -7\ ' 1 ;-l r ,- . -7 - K' .-■■ '. - !f \ . ' 7 ■' i ' ■'" ;,■, i :■' ? ' ■’ • ’ . . ■ k 1 .7 * • ‘ ; ■■■ 5 ' • ■• V : i'" ; ‘'; v ‘-.-'■7„75 ■... ... "’■ *' <■ : 7- v ..-.:. ■;: •:. ..■• •' ■■?%;- : :: -.7 • ■"*"~ A *x*' ’• $ sv s ll ’■ *! £,’*■ J "V- < *' * *• JW^ 1 *: 4 i fc «iV fc i*< r ’ W'*® te*AV!> ** fmi » v- -•:. ' w a * 'j& r^vl 111 •.'i;Wi®Sft^'*-1' -ots for bring t - ce bring out Paateng) -*r* s&sr «* Dassridorf,,- . vßurgen,: ....;••.: Darmstadt, 9 ..port- Nevweid, Muinr, Frankfbrto „ao; The .v.Manhdm, 3-.■ ?. Heidribuig,..: :; Carlsrucho; USER’S-JWg' ■ ■'BuSp y -\ “ Hdlbrouu,' :;' Stuttgsrdt, *^s^^«raJtf{S^&f^® fr V^ltffV4!S , ls->{j!''!3!i;Send paid, ft® Ti>rt’ »Wftrp, ‘ count, at any town la Great Britain, Germany End »*•« ;•■ .Apply to-: .<■:■ "JAMBS BLAißCTjehtpAp 'J 38 JirtS sncßy Pinffl|Qiwii» Pa. - ; Corner of Seventh im4 Smlthfisldit > 0-Tth,^«^ofn»Uyp«todlnme.-lloptolm S » J 22 j-BWOfyicß; -.. Meeting uiPenstock or gbfpi - Beal 'Eatato and Contraetlag Agon! andßLACKTEAS,—conflating oT some of tbs finest ell9iliifS>if , i iSSI lO do do Moyune Young Hyson; i ■‘eUreraem atony.poinAoa.:the Allrgheny, Monor ■• •■ ■ ••:.-...;->Vcki do;. :, • . Ohio,orMisstatpririrers; contrsetto bnlld Urg* ■.. 100 do flupotor ":•■ -’■■ do;-:: ■■•■'■' ; Bto»a»ts,Ooslfl»t%Bo«tOunnsls,l!rUg»TloSi -, I*:!;:""*) ■"•«tfiito» : '.•■" ■:--"-do; ' . .rosd.Timters—jrrclahtlton,Oos3,*c.rtouarßl«i SiW'riSu»pwtS?%tf!r^TMi2if} , *”tj|f'irsiiSii>Srs;Stit( ! iy : M laorured boxes extra Curious Young Hyssn; - ) and ndletteoi to thofiaJo and Renter KeaiKstatSi r *;VS 1 tts long exporlenco In lumbering, (Mfehltng « -i-S ft Jo building, he thinks ho an glrs g«uersl EAtlaf&etfc yi^i»^^l!S®to^fe2%£jiSi7® s ß^ , r^ i s! • \-.-r-:-v? ff •• -•£•:•<••• >*nB».. MgymkSnpaWr.' ■■•• • •” S p«rsonAß» roinestod tomiko thdreontnctssoo; SO do SupSlor do; gaiytt<»e*nnttngbo»ta or tags MUs of lumbers 160 do riduOoloog BUofcTes; ber, aould content foraemln too 1»11 for the epr •'• •'.•■■••••.-49 ••'••do-- :i «tMift««i«t>a«»':':-.’--'- 1. smnmsruso. attendtoaepurebsa*. : -" ■O(5 .’'Oo ■■' ’SYttaCuilonado; ■'■■-' ■ ■ of any commodity that may b» desired. SO - do SupsriatlToiystßmgoßdftigiantObtoag; letters addressed toPsvm Mtntit,Sea! Estalom '• •'■ Ouikms do ■ ■■■■'■.::. do; ! ' . punctually attended hkvßlaolEcftts'nn Inrin str ' ■• T Prindne Satan, srhlch'wm herniaTerfr umisra. ■■' ••A'SV':7j'V .f t ;C " AIW-WW t™i« »»“■> A. JAYNSB, OoLJamesSMorgan,Lumbermen, PitWmtg! - norftdA*- ■■■:: ' ” SSTmbetr«t,Sltt»burKh.:. . Mr. John Morrison, Esq, “ ■. •< ; . : noTiaasaw :. - ■— Mr.Bnbt.B. Brown,Esq, « Allegheny ••:••• : Mr. Wm- Armstrons, “ fIHKT : Mr.QeorwSSweney,. .«*••' ' « decSUydaw : rpHB HESTBN XIUI.N COMPANY, or Western r ' A rania, haring become tte ptoprletoTßof as S and BICKEKSOS 1 PATENT/o?mSjtt«7 WroupW ' reefJVomaeOre.fbrtbatportlonortenitoryofPeo JSSSffiffe . ■ nta lyioguest of, and Including tho counties of t!V r. ! Huntingdon, Ceu re, aearfiold, Elk and McKean, i prepares to sen ceirificates of stock In said conpis aare or stock enUttingao bolder to share In the p ,; S4il§m r| t^Si^^r^iriltfmsr?y&2KL^^S2istejC&SjSr^'js}^ s, » tii« comp«o7, and tha right to usa on# Furnace uui vfif .yv - j/---.s^s-,r • Pftl«nt. The Company will also kU tho right to Improrement 1» tho ahoTo named territory, by «ln MM Of otherviae. Tfce fact that br Ui® Renton J~i *£»£.:; >' iV -- 1 ' £ Iron Or® can b* converted into Blooms at about the qnlred toeontertOr® tato Pig Slotaljisaaufilclenl :. . mentation of ita merits. ' Mr. JAMBS a CRANE has hoen appointed Agent ’ : , sate of rights to uso Pornocos under said Patent, b t,pjn application may be made, or to the undesigned Dirt the Company. J it. MOORHEAD, b -■ • ALLEN KRAMKIt tHttsb 'Si^WdWW* , ®W JAB w hailmanJ W. HBWES WOOD; WRsem JAB. n crane, nuaowfi. SECOND ARRIVAL OF PALL AMD WINTER DRV 000 l The Cheaput Gopdi ef fAe Seaton 1 TTCiam. STEVENSON A -LOVE, sign of ae i x Bee Hire, No. 74 MARKET STREET,behrecu and an Diamond, Pittsburgh, bare Justreceired, i nowopening, alatgeandspleudidassortmentnf •'' DEEBB GOODS, Of an newest and most desirable itylos, adapted Uh~-~ Y;'/i ?. d ' ,5 :.. ‘ v , ■ present season. R^lswdirkSK!AaiM&%w.ii ! Plaid Brocade and Pane, £Hke at bargain*. Plain Black and Cornelian Sllka and Turk Satina. Merino Plaids, all wool, and Silk and Wool do. Also, Raw Silk and Cashmero Plaldaofeiorydiam Ne T w7tyle‘p£ln and Fancy DeLatoes.: : »«yfr &raS.&,or Prints, from fi* W&lTEOa)DSofeeery description. ’ y * •• *••• Collars,Cuffs,ChemirettosandEmb f dHdklla,atbt tj; ® 1 't V ,'';4 BonnetßibbousnnaMßliueryCoods,Tcryaeap : ' Aiao, a full stock of DOMESTIC OOODS, at low? ' ■ Linen Sheeting, Pillow Linens. Table Clotba,ai - . ; kins. BnssMJiaper, and Crarats, eery cheap. • GLOVES. HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, udCRAV. ™^SffLi»S. d>!l*to» We would respectmily solicit on early call ftm wholeealsandrettdl buyers, flattering ourselrca 1 •W&wp^iw^^Lg-lfifeSiSa • - i ean occommodnto all who may feToruawith their i 4ge, on most liberal terms. ■ :.. n sepilfl , YOPNQ, STEVENSON A L V • : Closlnff out Solo of Cnrpctlns, Oil Cl • •■' Matting*, Rugi* &c* ______ subscriber® hatlne adopted ths plan of «el • Tb ■ JL thoir stoclc at tho eud of tho season, mro novi : ' n tbo greatest bargains, in tholr line, orcr oSbred to i ■._. .... z No, 137 liberty ati i pGU HAWORTH, come, of Dlai'oi'a and bii U u. alley, Wlabesjto. Inform hla-eußtomere and too l /A W'K'r # : *c#s j Yj I that he la now recoirlng a large and cholco iSlfeay»l>r« * ± X I Ucn of (JIIOCEBIES, such na chtSce Young Hyson, rJaLQitnpowdcr, extra fine Souchong, Nlngyong,'6i (, Co^&,“!?„B^ tcd Orange Pekoe TEAS: Mocha, Old .0 and AIoCOPFJEES; flue SUGARS and fiYBDTif; B olurjM;, Valcncie,Bun end. Sultana RAISINS; &eab ’, < f' - RANTS; preferred Citron, Lemon and Otange’Peele; yT&'t-'-J-* t'-.« rlpr Freneb BRANDIES;:PorL-Madeira; Tenerifla, < -fi; o t'Cr'fi : pagne,LlBbon, Sherry ami Malaga WINES; togetoei i n general assortment of pure SPIOES-aUbfwhlcb ■£'dotormlned to eell st auclt LOW PRICES that cane l 5 -beat by any other Storo In toe city. no -pEEK’S FLOUR UP PUMItKIN, FOR PUSS^TbII .-..-■ ! x'lOlataprppartrt from goal awoet Pumpkins, ant t;-.;-:-.v! make Pies «T anperior quallty.v : •«. Dirwaouts-Takeone onnce.or two table spoonfti ! toepowder.andnddtoltcnoquartoftiinkiletitatie ' ; hour ortwe in a warm placo, after which eddoggvi and aweotenlng to Bull toe-taste; bad it will -bo read • baking. Foraileby B. E. SELLERS ACC jalu SI Wood str. ; s ysi'\~, r spL;t Jr V" ' -"i to Notice. - TYISSOLUTION.—The firm of h. WIKOX A CO, 1 JU* gists and Apothecaries, was dissolved on the 2d it The subscriber, having disposed of h!sentire Inter* V &y *’n!l liSfiZASoSi*. 1 too Lto, Ann, to his late partaer, Ilf. JOSEPH FLEM •- • : cjUSDEII&-300 kegs Jonlota Nails; . - i Would cheerfally recommend him to hlB frisnda.and! «u»DRiKS-j«UK^Junm»uMi«, continuance nr the patrons <- heretof&ro so llbendl 10ft _ , uponthem. L. WILCOX, •• :-. :25.dp:-BtarCandte;,,, ~ .... : - ! riTEASI TEA 81 TEAS!— AWOBTH, toe original sal «rSwJ%S^® W ' ?,g ' ; <,l only.Bnporterin tola-1 totWtmlfamnMftWl t; ; :SlMli.lbsCodflahJ ;. .;,. .•; ; , .;,,v. ;• • ! London,lanpwreceiving avo-y large andchciiseeelootlon ■■■■■ '■'■■■.■■■ .dJteaitßeawjßndatK of TEAS,_whi<*heliidetorci.nod.toseU atsuohpriceaani : ' ■■ , ;, » -do.: ... tor. ?!& 1 flnonestofquality, that eu too reckless palter*ln ihlaon apr . : . ■ ,;; ..gINOA MOORHEAD.,, too next city cannot beat Heitio6titoSßSSltflSwtaato« VK.Vf3 w>^spi,l i r -t I XI ODBY; L , ,* : Prime Oriong, Stouchongand Congo, B7Jj|@so cento Bib. tr-**Sr rt *£j i 3£, < '''f' ,0 %;!’ K "" , S's’ c r; r ''4«i-*- ► V'j ■ She Secrriaiy.orClreumstantod Kridcncp,byfh»—(!>'’! , ther of Heads and Hearts, , Evtreflne Young Hyson andlmperial,JsßT«lo!'V " '-■ ' :,Also,afurthereupplyuf.Y*nke*NoHonalbrAnriL.Auto- i fi'i fjl -1 Mograpby ofan Actewa;Potlph«rPapers, Ac. CWlorsend .Don?t matake toe pIane—PAGODjABBATOORE, cernsr - *» v. GEO. a PEARSON’S,.,. of alley A llbstol reduction msda‘ Jtodsaleßj . ‘ JBHS-erv ,TtT«a f <{ ” " !, -frv? v - rr i T - j ‘s 1 ' % -"ii "if *- i 1 f- | r Mr - x-Z. *®**tf*'--. ,vv- :-.-. -. DAILY MOBNTIS T a POST, '"■■■ .......r,., HATtrSDAY juoaNUlG: is The debt-of - eta^S” r *'" SBasß’^s^fiaSSS SSSSSiS^Si^^S^ -tymlles of tho Capital. Iho fcegislstnrefcaraU Z enacted a !a» that no dehlßldtr of a court, at any trial, ehnlt ba held as a precedent on any other trial. The Saints haw adopted a new al phabet, Haring 38 letters in It,' Intended to " represent as many sounds. It will be used to r tbo schools; as soon ah they can get typo for it, » tbemgblt is not intendtd to abolish Immediately . the eld alphabet. A Rossiaw OuibbsaS.—The,papers .Bay that tlie Emperor Nioholashas-had:a , bleating out on hie face. To no, it has loDg .been obrions that he is rash all over, , »B GDUOS’S Improved-Non-EtplosiTe.CampliHielaMipa. WHAVINO PIJRCHABED THE rtehMorthO fcbovo LAMP In ihc counties ol ALLBGHENT,BEA VER, WAS ni2TOTON, PAY ETTE, «tu) ORE£NE,*eore pro pued' tof«tnlsb-lAmfs,oT tell Klfthtsfor ftressansblo jnlen -These Lerape wflAO etmstrocted u torendeteiplotloniinpwll’lj. ttatorlolsiisea'lielngebeepertlißii "| ■oSl«6f«SrWoa;ttajmotfcmeloto^OTl^._W#*iK> l bweLAOTERNSimd OANSonthenoMAPteslvoiMnclple. REOOHKHNDA'HONSi £: attentions? $ll such as hay® occasion tons© uuapsornny ( llama Ale,Betaele,N. Y„ 8. A. WRson, N.T. P.V.BOoUii r 7: dQ • - J»C. Wilsoni' •'.£• «° ■< : plamS; ' do T. O- WKeunen, Harlem, N. I. C. P. Parsons. do * .R.J~M*oo». 5?-.-. _ l .Alra Bmlttv ' - do v •*.-• ;W.D;T«w*rie»WUtfiios > e>I».I. •F: A. Marsh, v- do J.B. Bogardes, - do - ElUaFoOt*, do J,Bplnlngfl» k do A.D.Ttron, - do B.Boto, do ' N *C^p l HM^ , pnrE. Onf always Ibr aole at th The»ttroSeTpfBieam6oatmeD »nd ; JaUT teTtlod to .OW, todtem Md &n. We a lAmw mor bo in operation at Bt. KBYSBB S prog - Butri 1» Wood street, vhero they arc >opt fct salo.. . .. .--ftblfcdavtf , TIBA.fi 1 TEAS l TEAS I traOI.K3AI.B AHB RBT4IU M the Pekin Tea Store , : as lU*a «rai*T, ElttSßUHailt Ei.! . BY the half cheat, of neatly packed In metalllo packager _h?«absnrtTE , a,So..7t • MAUKET St:, bot»era Fourth and Btamtmd, PUtotmrsh.. Tbo' subscriber* hire lost received every lirgis and fple*- did clock orOoftds, adipt*l to tho present swsoa, eonrfstinß Sso^)lasl,&o. : - : • 4 » This work I* the greatest Romance ever written by • tbU-higbly popular authoress, and ij, expected to nave a larger circulation than all her other; Novels and Tale*, of which 85,000 coplea combined bnvo been sold, and should •reach as largo & number as lira. Stow**. “ Undo Tom’-* Cabin.** * Also, a .cheap edition, complete in 2 Tolnmes, paper. cot> ors, without engravings. Priooft, Tor Bale by _ . > JLMINER A CO*, xnarls ■ Ko. 32 BmUhffrld fft, 1 MBS. BIOWATTB GIIBAT WUIUC—Tbo AutoUugrapby of an Actress or Right Tear*a on the. BUge; new edf* tion,truoW’ ready for sale by • H. MINER A GO., i -■ - raar!B •• ■ - :• r Ko. 82 Smlthfleld street. ■; niO ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS AND pRAFTSMRN-r x SAMUEL B. Bt Wood street, h*s Jn?J received a largo and complete assortment of. engineer*? stationery** such aa-Hafty’e Improvedplan and profile paper; topographical paper, cross section paper, field level . ana memorandum boohs,.of various patterns;: drawing paper of any site, tracing paper, tracing cloth, mathematU oal instruments, and every artideenliabto for field or office} allof which I am determined to soil at reduced lower than ever ofibrad la this city. Coll and examine fbf ▼onrselfc SAMUEL B. XAUFFBR* l . cuirfl ' • : _ •• Baccesaor to Luke Loomis, ; T IME—4O bbls Louisville lioo, for sale by ' : .1 j m>r3Q - HENRY g. COLLINS. JRN MEAL—4O bbls for sale by . : ! mar3o BENBY H. OOLLTNB. * TTUMOTUY BEED~6 bblflfor sale by ■.■;■.■*. • \ x rntrSlJ HENRY H. OOLtINS. 1 •ARREL'S INDIAN LINIMENT—2 gross Just received l and for by - • [tnar3l] : FLEMING BROS, t U. MOLAiSES—7SO bbis B. H. Molasses from Bi. Louli • refinery, in store and foreale by .. • I nlrtl • J. A. faCTOniBON * 00. I t NEW TgBEB-STORY DWELLING HOUSE of 11 ./X.'rooms, viib agood storeroom, hall, gas fixtures,bath room. with hot and cold crater, ana a good cellar, No, IS3 street. Abo, Nos. 129 and'lSl, both good dwelling with *tow* mom«.. These bouses will he sold on oast terias. as the owner intends to leave the city. Also, 4 TalnableFarm In Bomerset county. For teams apply to \ & CUTHBEH* A-SOU, I 145 Third street ] XTBW AND CHEAP BOOKS—recaired: tbo Acre Xl Ury, or' Clfearnatamlal -Bridonee* by the author o Headland Hearts* .-• .• ••• . Jortnoo'VfUdroditboFoundUmr: byDlokena. v.ThoVlntorXadeej.by Jama* Voir. , > ftrials and Confusions of a Honse.Keeper,. , v Uft tod AtlTentoroa of a Country Merchant, d&ugnea tq lnstractandomasa: by J.B. Jones. . « Rocoiredaud fprsalo.at > : ■ ■ • f ’ marff- V, A.an,PESFENNBY h CO-fßToqrthat. j “OOUi BTOU2R--&bbls prime roll for «ale toy Xt> mar2s . -. / KING t MOORHB&D. 3 CI Aft BE AMB CROWN TYBAPPINGPSPKfU just rec*d - Z\}{ * and for aaleby ' 8 A.MUELB. IiATJIFEn, mar2s . . No. 87 *Wocd street.- O. SUGAR—6O hhds prime N, O. Sugar, in store am for sale by Imargtl J. A. HUTCHISON ft CO. ifICK£RBOC£ERU-G.HiPKAESON hae reeelwdhis monthly otiUedUon- of tfagißineg, tlx: 5 Knickerbocker iot April;-., r Graham.*#.. ■ do Putnam's •.. do • ... ' ■ : ■ Godey’e do Alaa, The Poreeteri $y Alax&oder Patau.. -Por any of tbo above, or other Hoouinesor publteaUons l call or send to • G» &. PEARSON) No..74Third stro t, ... Dlgpatch Bqfldlega. MAPLE BUBAB—6bblsrery cboloe Uapl« Sojpr,Just; rocalTedand'fcPWJebT-'. -■< ' f BAILEY * BENSHAW, J 253 Liberty itreei. : TYAINT MlLLS—lidawn assorted alias, for salo by i: margl FLEMING BROS, ROGERS* LIVERWORT fog gala by'' - " '.rmaiflll:.. • • .FLEMING BROS. fcJUGAR CURED HAMS-* OAO tea Evan* ft Svtfl’s; • : * 20 do Stag?*Shay's,- 0» ;'• ■. xnarlft g. BBLLEBB A CO. HJTTY.-26 barrels in bladders for sale by • mart ' . B; Ai FAHNESTPfIg * CO, [ODFISHI—IO drams large Codfish, for. sale by SEVERAL., CHEAP ‘ HOUSES FOR SALS, sltadfod JAi Allegheny city, and on easy terms of payment; ' -v-.‘ 1 ; 8. CjmiBBRX A SOft ! marls . ••■ ■• 140 Third street,. * A BUILDINGLOTJn Baqoene Borough for eale ;23 J\_ feet front on Washington street, by 100 deep, in a good tocatton. ’Price $200.: : S. CUTUBEKD A 80ft" V i Biaraa •.-... -, • . ~140Jhirdstreet.v { 'TUBX KKOtiIVRD—At No 74 THIRD _ Btrftot— fj 4 The Planter’s Bride: by Mias Carolina Hentx; Thb lamp lighter; ’ KateClarenden; Df. HolUck’s Complete "Works; Lady Lee; from Blackwood; Also, A fetr more copies of Speeches on the Nebraska Qoasttoß, For solo by t>. B. PBAItSON, metis Dispatch Bonding* n GOBY’S LADY’S BOOK FOR APRIL-Oontalning a It splendid Spring Pashlon Plate, and other engravings. Tforttleby W. A.QILDENFENNEY ft CO, marSO 16 Fourth itreetr MISCELLANEOUS. d&M As to. . ; THBOLDESTBSTABLIBHJSD OFPICfI IN THIS CITY 1 FOB BSBtTTISCi I SIONBY TO THE OLB OODSTRYj ! M TAME&BIiAKRLY hern Ibbto to saytdtbowptreons h*fi tl lng friends in theOli Coontty. and desbwm of. either tending them money or paying their passage, theV his ar rangements to. dolngeltherls now complete, andon eo Sna » basis that mlsiaktsnaii not occur, mor losses sccme to afar party,. During the lest ten years in wbfch he haebeen ln ; ithlr hs bes remltM ptoi a Half Uillfcut of Stiikn! -without the loss of a dollar, and the fconsefor which be ii agent, lmUrerpool, tmasHpped not lew tbajv«,«>Opereona during thelMtSoar to thlacodnby,wlthoul»«mipUln^ot neglect of duty on their part. ■■ , HO can ImmePosseßger Tlclcetsfbr London, Dublin; Idver poou Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Drogheda, Limerick, Pert 9at»ay, Londonderry, and Dundalk, to Sew. York, PhfloaelpMe,Boston, Baltimoreans Sew Orleans, »hd He also. Surdght drafts toaalo,pajmSe»t the Sallowing plaoevfii; - , i ON ENGLAND. , towards, SandtodAOo.. ....tondon.^ ‘ (AVaSsSieiln tliepitoSpal’ci tlos 'end’ to»rts"throo2?ut England and Wales.) ! ONIBELANB. Prtyrfßdftl ftfcnlt .i Jfal&2&...A...'.*>'ae..».~e4~M»«.ee.»J[)nl>Une V-?. ':: r ‘B&I3CBX3./ -• v-i"-. Anush, *■• BdffcsV ' ‘ Downpatrick, Ennlakflleßj Mallow* ‘ 1 : Strabane*: , Athlone, Carlow, , .- f xyroghaAi,‘ Formoy, Monaghan, finnlßoonhy, BaiUna, CATan, Dundalk, . . Galway, ■ i , Newiy, -- • ■ :Tr*l«v ■ £&iytaena,: Clozuzu}lli !-- Dungannon, Londonderry, Omagh, - 'Yoogh&ll, : i Banbrfdgtf, •' Kilkenny, , Dungannon, Kiinub, t Watertbrdp Colexnlne, . Parsonitown, Cork, i Ennis,- B&ndoxu . . SligOj .ir Wcxfhrt,- •: i Cootehfll,.. ..Limerick, .. Baflywhannon, - ' ON fiOOTLAND - National Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, and lea tranche# in fiftytowna in Scotland. - .- ?-•-••• •• • ONPBANCE. Messrs. Edwanlßlonnt A Co., Bankers-... (Amllahlo inanycity In "Trance,) > ON GBBMANT. I, v : :4Plilt. 15. Messrs. Yogel, Sock A Co., Bankers, FrAnk&zUm4lie»MBl&* (Available in enydty in Germany.) - JAHE3 BLAKELY, IM>car.of geranth and Bmithflald ete. 1 ■ ftba sabbkhgee agehcy fob oKhhaht. : J A SUES BI,AKEI-Yj Agent. The Hoorn of W. 4 X‘T. TAPSCOTT 4 00, having, to -a&dftton to thoir exteusirearrangements for 'bringing opt FtranffuaTrots GREAT BRITAIN andIRKLANJVJust concluded arrangements also to bring out Passengers from v htf following Cities and Towns in QRRSIANY, ria Antwerp, to New Yort, andtbeneo.to Pittsburgh, the undersigned. wllHssnoPassage.TiQlcetsto New York end Eltlsbargbflram .Antwerp, ' Coblenz, . Oppenholm, . ! Mucheiy ; Bt. Goar, Ganshelirt, • Colo, Frier, Worms, ! Bossaldozf, - vßorgea, ...r -■ ZtannsUdt, Newweid, Melatk ’ - Frttolrfbrt on Sirin. . ..Msn~hdm, r.Heldolbatg, Carisruc&a. ■ «■ • Basel, Hoilbroun, Stuttgardt, 1 : Ulnx, . r - Atcbaffenbarg,•* .Warsbarg,£&,£&; Passengers wiU bo brought over in first-rat® vessels, and eUhorboardodcr not, asmay be desired. Draft*. .payable 'at right, may be had at the lowest ratal, from the under*, signed, on London, Liverpool, Paris,' and Fnnk&tt, suitable for remittances to the Did Country, and .paid, free of die conn 1, at any town In Great Britain, Germany and Francs. • *;•Applyto’ - JAMKS BLAK£LY,ehIp AgTOt, ! • Ja2? • Corner of Seventh and BmUMald streets. NEW OFKICfi* . Beal Batata and Contracting Agent. THE subscriber bus boeq induced to open m olflee for the purpose of baying and selling, on Commission, and baring the Agency- of large Steam Baw*SHlla and Boat- Yards on the Allegheny rim* together with many clhfcr fludUUesfromotherWtttarand steam asw-raiUe. He flatters himself > that be can; farrish any bill* of lumber and timber of any bind* great or small, Jong or ijbortt.aad rellror them at any point cathe Allegheny, Monongabelt, Ohio, or: Misrisriptit riven; contract to build large Borgom Store Boats, Coal Flats, Boat Gonna!*, Bridge Timber, Ball rood Timters'' 'Freight ItOB, Coal, Ac.; to any given point, : ;&nd wiUntteal to.tbefialo and Bast or Beal Estate.' rom hi* long experience la lumbering, CreighHng and‘boat building, lie think* he can give general eatls&etios.-’ AB persona are requested to make their contracts soon; espe cially those von ting boats or large trills of lumber and Um ber, should contract for them In the fail for the spring and summer oml He will also attend to the purchase and cals of any commodity that may be desired. Letter* addressed to Dstid Ho», Real Estate and Con (noting Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. 120, post paid, will he punctually attended to..HlsoiEce Ison Irwin streahho. % Allegheny House. / -■ • - DAVID MBNN.». ■ • lumwiw. ■. OoL Jamis R. Morgan, Lumbermen, Pittshargli. Hr. John Mortis&n, Esq* “. . ■ . Mr.Robuß, Broinj,EM, “ Allegheny GUtct, : Hr. Wto.-Armstrongr “ Qanca u - Mr. George B. Sweney.. ** “ « o.*i.H«hn»C6, « « « desSUlydew - rpEB KKNTON iron COMPANY, of Western Petrasyl* : -A .TUriiv having becomelba proprietors of the RfiNTOS and BICKBRSO2? PATENT formakiiig Wrought Iron d#» rtetfron the On t to? that portion of territory of Ptronsylva* nlalyingwot of, and Including the counties of Folios, HanUngdcnvCenure* Clearfield, Elk and Me£ean,are nov prepared to sell certificates of stock in said company, each* •bore of stock entitling tho bolder to share in tho profits at the company, and the right to use one Furnace under said Patent. The Company will also sell tho right to use the Improvement In tno above named territory* by single for* boco or otherwise., The tact that by Cio Renton process Iron Ore can be converted into Blooms at about the cost ws qnlred to convert Ore tat© Pig Meta!, is a*eufilclent roeoto. m«riiatfoD_of its merits. Mr* JAHES-JRC&AXEhasbeetiappolntedAgenttbrtb* sale of right# lon&a Pomaces under said Patent, to whom application may ho made, or to the undersigned Director* cff 1 the Company. J; R MOORHEAD. T V AUEN KRASIKH, ! J-Httahnrgb. : ; JAB. W: lIAIUIAN, I W. DEWES WOOD, M‘Keeeport JAR, n. CRAKE. Pltlftburgnl < fsbllrdawtf fIECOND- AHKIYAL OF PAIiL ASD WiSJTEU DHT GOODSII The Cheapest Goodt of the Statonl ■ YOU NO. STEVENSON * LOVE, rignof the origliul Bee-Hit., N 0.74 MARKET STREET,be to eon Fourth and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, h»Te justnseelTed, are coir opening, a large and splendid assortment of DREBB GOODS, Of the newest and most desirable fet/lc* adapted to the present season. Plaid Brocade and Fancy Silks at bargdna. Plain Black and Cornelian Sllka and Turk Batloa* Uerlno Plaids, oil wool, and Bilk and Wool do. Also, Raw Silk and Cashmero Plaids of cronr description. . werycheap. .. .■:■•. ■ ■" New.style Plain and Foncy.De Lalnes. French AlexinoSj C&ahmom, Gabargs, Alpacas, nod Para* Do Bcgea, and high colored Dni«aines,aU qualities. Fall and Winter Shawls, of every description, Dong and Square Bronhc and Plaid Shawl* Printed Caahacre and plain Thibet do. French Chintzes, Ginghams. ; A general assortment list color Prints, from 6V£cta.OD, wSllTEOWOSofoTerydcsTi.tlon. * - Collar., Cuff»,Cheml«ltoi anti EmbM ndkfi, at bareolnt Bonnet Kibbous and fdllllueryGood*. very cheap. Also, a fall stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, Lfnon Sheeting, Pillow Unens, Table Cloths, and Sap* kins. Russia and Cravats, very cheap. ... .. . . .uper,% w „ vflcup. > GLOVES, UOSIEftV, SUB PENDKRSjandCBAVATS. We would respectful!/ solicit on earl/ call from Loth wholesale and retail Layers, flattering oarstlrca that we can accommodate all who may toror ns with their patron* age, on most liberal terms. ■ ■ *ep£fl VOUNO, STEVENSON k LOVa Closing out Sale of Carpeting, oil Cloths, Hatting*, Rune, £e. ’ riw subscribers haring adopted tbs plan of selling oil „ X thotr stoclt at tho end of too eeatoo, are now ottering tbo greatest bargain*, in their Uno, orer ottered to the citf sous of Pittsburgh or ridnlty. In quality orquantity thou assortnont !e not suriaßod. lB e "* t - T “ tel!r » 4tl6 > 1%25,23,81 and The entiroStock trill postttrely boeoldtho present Ksion -RBQ AEDbEBS OP COST. Solo to eonflnnetiU HanhSt. C. 9. HBADLY k CO, ' 82 Third street J&10 • ■■ N. B<—CraaH Kotea taken At par. . JPlMomuoa orpHtnerihtp. mnE partnership beretoforo oxiitlng between Ramuol X Pinkerton, Alexander Vounftand Philip De Hechbmmtv under-tho firm orPUMUSRTON,-YOUNG* 00- vu this day dissolved by .mutual consent. The name of. tlib firm will be used by either of the late partners inaotdlnjr the btgnewi. - ' PINKEKTON, YOUNG* CO. Pittsburgh,Pc«mbcrl,lBs3. : ■ - Or Tho bminras Trill bo contlnnad at tbo old stand, by BaortPinkcKon and Alox.Vo>nw, ondrar.thootyleof . deobdtf : : PIMKEBTOH dr YOTOQ. ' jaeaara- J. snxolTer * oo.< UANUPAOrUREBS OF FIBB PEOoV bAPBS, Vault Doom anil Iron WlndowSStattew.-' ' A:*W Ha all persona admit tho..necessity of tbo abort A mentioned articles, wehavo no hesitation Id recoin* mending cnr article to bo equal to anything In thedtr, ■ Ordera promptly attended to, and putnp In the bat stylo, and on chart ncUeo. ; - ■< .1 \ : . *3. Smithfleld atreet, betvoen Fourth and Fifth.Fltto bnrgh. ~ ■ fscpaaUm) 1 J. amtOFFM."* 00. 1 - ... . Contnme tho Smote. rITuS subscriber haring.the oxdtudre right to m&nttflus JLJ turo and sell BWRRNEFS HOT AIR AND, SMOKE CGNSU&UNa FURNACE. U prepared to recetre orders, and contract for heating bandingswith-. the most economical Furnace now in use. The attention of those Interested U solicited; • Any infonnatfon can bo had of A. BRADLEY. Noa. 2 and 4 "Wood street, or of J. : BAHNDOLLAB, * dee24:tf ]»- Iron City Store Varehonse; Ko. 184 Woodst' Depot ofXongwortti ~Take one ounce, or two table apoonfttlls of the powder, und add to it ono quart of milk; let it stand an hour or tire in a warm place, after which add eggs, spins and sweetening to suit the taste, fend it will bo ready ibr baking. For sale by fi. E. BELtEES t CO. jalo 51 Wood street. Notice* firm of h. WOCOX * CO* Drag., JLS gists and Apothecaries* was dissolved oa the 2d last, j The subscriber, having disposed of his entire Interest in tba Into firm, to his late partner* 31#. JOSEPH PXiEMINQ, would cheerfully- recommend him to his friends* and ask a continuance -of the patroni*' heretofore so liberally bo* -etpged upon them. fj vi\ I*. "WILCOX, Jb* a®!s£ .1 ' • »v> t'>* -« . , h. , * • , *■ ,v, »’* -V v*< *i fc 'S - »■ •'■■ ■*• r .;■>.># 'C. -v ’ .'■;■:»•:• ■ ■ ' '• ( INSURANCE COMPANIES. j'"~' :-£;;■ WSTVa,' SAFETY IMTOMfOE COHFAHY. Exchange, on Tblrt _ -’MiBINB INBTJBi»QES... . „ . t. Oavaaas, - y ‘ \ -■■ ■'CAMO,'* >-To all parts of thaWorld. ' '■ fcANO INSURANCES •*: On foods bjtiTftrt; cantria, Ufcoiuniland carriages, to *ll parts of the Union. - • FIRE INSURANCES y On Dtirebandize generally. • ■ On dVoUioff htmtttrAo.: t > ex: a . ; •ABSETS:OF. TUE GOiIPANT, Norenber 7, lB6B* .• : UandsODd Uortgaftt.o...u>iU^4*.4.^^;»M*.^. M s24|Boo OQ. . StetopfjEnuuylysntej Philadelphia titfr Spring *v Garden, South trark, rad other loans, ~~w..~.--181,653 42 Btocks in tanks, rsilio&ds And Insurances com .. prates ,i.,', t , 1 ,,,-,i.ii,.iu.'.L>.o L V'iH t ft'l2 20 ; .Billi re9eiT»hb. u ;.»K^auW.^^*..*;M«;^...ii«: M lfiS y 62s M . Cash onhand.. 80 Rslsnealq tho Rands Of • Agents-TOd pramlirmr pa Marino Poli&cs.rtoenuy i58ued..v....«»^.M;...121 I 7OT 6T : OO „ $627,470 6$ smscnsfi■■ • ' . Dr, 3.U. Hoston, • i : vHugUQralff, ’Bpe&eo.Sl’Btalii, OoulaKtily, ■ Bunuel £. Stokos, Henry Sloan, . i 1 i • Wm/Eyre/Jr., • • • • i:. JoshonL-Prioo,: ' Je»e»lexineat v Johp B.&napla, • .. Obarles SckoCbr, •< - J. T. Logsn, Pittstrargh, .D-T.O.Morgoo^do. , . S 3. C.HAND;Vte* President. Vfm. Martin, . J«epUH.g4J, .; Edmnid A Bonder, John Oilfevls, .Robert Horton,' r. John R. Panroso. • - tieotgoO lelper, RdvardDarlingtoix, •: It-Jobea Brooke^ : J. & Johnson, : . XbeopUos Paulding, < Jameygrind,* W'G' luAvrigt . Josira W, Onwr, Seff, marlG .*•> C No. 5 Delaware BKutuaL:safbty Jnsurance Ca. '-VJJlc&tusrthrrxm of (he JBKhanae*Third&tl*hSL i JMitUS INBURAJTGB.—Buildings, menhandlce end ether rJP ’ pi»ptety;ln town end eeantiy. i&sared egelnst lose or (U&isgehydro, *t the lowest »to orprehriam. ” •\ - ItfAunts Issinuxcs.—They elso Insnre vessels, cgsgoes end farcin or coastwise,'under open or special policies, IsiAsn also Ihbom nureheodise trmjortwnqr -rngtma, triltoad taw, cam boatcand ataan. lxata, on ri»er»girfUtE»,on the mortllbml taros. ■ -JOtnebr*— JaMph H.Beal, Edmund A. Bonder, John C. Daria, Bobert-Barton, John B. Bsomso, Bamuel Edwards, Oooreo- Q. lotgeri Edward JJarlingtoJvlaaacß. Darti Wn- Uamfolwell,John Kowlta, Dr. B. M-Burton, Jaa. 0. Hand, Thfophllas fuuldiumu. Jasetßroolu, Henry Sloan, Hugh . Craig, Oomn Satllirspeoair MUralm CharUa Kelly, jTS. JohnaroiTFllllam wliuiun Eyre, Jr. •■.Dtnctan at. JWiJutbS—D. T.ilorgan, Hugh Qralg,John T. Logan. WtiuiH Uunß, BmiiatL - *- ■ -Tnoa.aHa»D,ffce.ft*i4iOTl Josara W.OoWis, Santm?. OBm of tho Company, No. 42Water atnettPlttebnsgb. lolftdtf P. A. HADKIBA. Agent. JPBOTECTXON IHSUXANCE COMPANY, OP HARTFORD, COHN., Capital Sloci, Annual Premium* and Walem Fund 81,000,000. INCORPORATED 1926. FoUdanf Insurance baaed at all timai ou the most fetors* ■ bis tena&ssalust ■ LOSS OB DAUAOE BYFIBE, im re»:. ■ PKBttS OF NAVIGATION, BY QEO. E. ARNOLD, Agbst : FOB PmSBVBQB JiSD ALLEQBBKT COUSTT. mirlfcy THE imiTBD STATES LIFE lUSUBANCE, ANNUM* AND TRUST COMPANY,' - POILADELPIIU. ! CHARTERED APRIL 26TH, 1850. - CHARTER PERPETCAL. CAPITAL 8250,000. Office, S. E. Corner of Third and Chatnut Street*, Philadelphia. Officer* qf the Same Board at . • ss&scitsa. Stephen B.Cr»vtod, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W. Tfogley, Goo. ' Jacob L. Florence, . James Dorsroiun William M, Godwin, WUliaro M’Roek J*rer( tife&tnp%^ainsiZLWlU4on f M.D. Allegheny CUy—R. B. Mowry, M. D. GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, partly No. 7* Fourth street, Ettbourgh. The Preahlln Fire Insurance Company,- . Of PMaiOpMa, totmiylvardCL • # T\lRECToR&—Charles w. Rancher. Thomas Hart, Tobias ±J Wegner, Samuel Grant. Jaeob Re-Smith, Geo. W. Rich ards, Mordocai IX Levis, Adolph! K. Borie, D»tU 8. Brawns. Morris Patterson. Chaa N. RAffCin, President. Cu*a.Q.BAMxxa,&creiasy. Cb&Unoo to make insunnoo, perpetual or limited, on eTery description of property, In tovn said country, at rates as low as are consistent with secnrfty. The Company hare rcserrod a Urge Oontinrent Fond, which, with thur capital and premiums, safely tonated. af ford ample protection to the assured. Xbs Assets of the Company* on January Ist, 1851, as pnV ifahad agreeably to an Act of Assembly, warn as fellows, via: Mortgage.»lB423 C 3 Beal Estate TB Temporary L0an5...~.~.....*...*.._... M «.4w 8&9CO17 ’ 6LBBI CO Qmhr Aa. , - rirr , r -- Tl , r ,; L 81 SoUI.._ —___tl,m,7oB 4< ESnoa their laoarparatkm. a pndrt of twenty-one yeast, they have paid upward of One Million Foot Hundred Tboa •and Dollar*, losses by fixe, thereby affording erJdenee of the advantages of insurance, as veil as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J.OARDIttKB COraN, Agent, Ofß<*» north-east cor. Wood and Third ns. TUIBD AHItVAK STATBWBSMT OPTHE BTATEMCTUAL FIBK AND MABINE IHSUBANCECOMPAHY, Or FfiBHBY&VASUu AsmU, M»t Ist, lSil„ ...... $209,018 81 Premlamj recelred to lat, 1803_™„_„ 65 Interest os Lous, &:....., : 1,016 19 Capital Stock. 100,000 00 ${80,158 2S Eetnrnod pretaloms, Losses, Eo-Umuuic®, Ex* 1 p0n555.40,.—..... ................ 87,801 88 _ mTEsnccng. Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, and other good seen- . 5101,431 93 Premium Notes*..... 179,010 61 Caahon ,-• 17,320 21 Xotßl cat of Besouroa, Liable for Losses— 70 v JOHN P. RTJTOBRFOBD, Dauphin county*. . P.a : BAVUBI/JONEB, Philadelphia; A. WIULIKS. Banker, Pittsburgh* ' A. A. CARRIED, «» JOHN B. RCTURRPORP; Dauphin county, A, * Gttl»BlT,llArrWmrft V B. JONES. Hanistang, ..... BOBJ2BC ELOTZj Carbon county. ■ JOHN P.RVTaEBEOEO, President. ■ ■ ■ A. Ji'QIUJfFp. •. • • . ■ "\y. ( nllUsi&n ipuut porill Of Itt md lolud SATl2ltio9> toM’erchMritoe la. city or country, at lowest rate* am* , d stent with nfiity, JftpHdcs Issued on dwelling booses ettbar petMttullj orlbr . term ot Tut*. Branch OSoo, oomer Fourth smlSrolthfleld streets. . myt&tf A. A. OABBIEB, Actuary. Wo»tom Inroranto Comraoy,Pittrtniw& B. MltliKß, Jr- Praidmt. I P. &t OORDOH, Eaniam CAPITAIi* 9300,000, > emm * .T*7lUjln«ut*againstnil kind, of risks, PIBB and WA ' »T .8188. All low. will ha ÜbtoallTadiusted sod promptly paid. jg ' i A’HomnlnjtltotSoo, managed by Dturetoss who ero trail known In tha community, and who are determined, 1)T promptncaa and liberality, to maintain tha character which tkcj hate assumed, aa offoring the best protection to thorn who desire to be Insured. jr.,O.W. Eloketson.J.W. Butler, NcHolmw, IL Smith, C. Ihmsan, George W.JaeksoD, win. at Lyon, James Lippencott, George Darrifl.JemcsMo- Auejt AlexanderNtakkyThoouSeoct. ' A'SggS&ZS! ffITSA IHSIIB4SOE COMPANY, „ HABTFOBD, CONN. Chartered 1810—CapUnlBtoetc 0300,000. THOB. H. BBACB, Presldoat. _ IHOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. T\XREOtQRB—. Thomas HLBrnce,' J-f.S»“aeJTnam, : Ebenetor flow«? ! yortWoodtoago, B.A.Bnlkeloy, Joseph Church, Boland Mather, Proderidt Tjler, EdwlnO: Riploy, Bohort Baell, BamttelS.War£ ' . • . Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, AnatJn Donhorn, i«2Sni" F - I , Jonlna 8. Morgan. Polldes -on; Pirn and Inland Bh*stran«? on faror*. blaterm&by GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Art, decl£ly No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. WE3TEBN FARMERS’ TNBOUANCE~CO..' ' ■ JTEW LISQOIV. OHIO. , . . ; BBAtfCH, OFFICE, tf0.120 FIFTH BT« J’HTSBBBQH. sloo,ooo. JAMES Hsus: Fnuc. LEVI MABTIJT, Seo*y. ■ ; - ■ ■ ■ . B. McKAfiKEY, Aoent. - _ HS“W1I1 Insare BuilUngi, .Btoro3,MerclmodlM, and ■Property goncraily.qq turnout ftnaable terms. [deelito > Wboksah and Retell# ‘ ' , JAOTLB/ HitoESa AND TItTOE 3USOTAOrOSy. i Xb i hJj MmJI and Umpnillo generally, that baBMMk. '■ oontlnnes toocScupj- that large and wimiwMimi* jSSHBak Btowßoom.ftrtaorlyooeoplodby SManolifahiio- IT «took *Oa, No. 88.oonwr of Dtamoad. Alley and Woodtt. tocto he keeps end growl Maortoent of auldles! the teat xniteiia], and In a style of workmanship-Kraal to a ’S^^^f^S^> ma * t , ss « , « rcon ‘' ,:Iie »P 8^ Uoimtiy Mrachanta and Pannnra wouia do well to call Mid examine his stock be/ore pnrcba&inff elstwberO'Bsiißiide* teratoato«elltotnte MUiUaT^TiowpS. place* Na 88, corner ofVoodet. and Duuntma Alloy* /epSfl ff aw qgMh and Cmrlm Factory I JOHHSTOH, BBOTHEUS ft CO., ttnur of Bdtma limit, AUegheny Oily, ' Ififlg _ WOULD tespoctftilly Inform Ihcfr ftfendto Swfl3SsssaassSss>-~ wmiM requested to give-ns a coJJ, Jbeta puwfa** Tiff elsewhere. oct&Jy , Blank books- Issir~ , , JoonuJ., Purßoota, • I Cadißooka, - BeeejptßooloiH OEDI3I wsaffite*™ 1111 A lun and oxoUlent stock of Blink Books alwrn on. i ?sSb»tnA*i^ipUa stxet> j - JjSSge.TCoInJ Bani Hot» and lAixd Wamiits bought and sold. ; * i W>ltoettoiajn*d6thtoagh6uttt»ftoiflbi£ • S*21!!?? P*P« discountal and louu negotiated. ■ ■ - Btocksboogllt'amttbldim~eqmml*ftlai>- iJrS I !?*™*"®* 1 on deposit, aAd-tatwert irhin loft tot »specified tlma. - ■ ■ 30c3, „. ~~~~.~joWs woods; 1 T BAHEeE AND.fcXCHAJtGJfr BBOgBB, _ , siAixa nr - -.Sgnfttig*.- Commercial-anA Bant Botea. • filwa ImqgW «ui lon 06' oommlialoH. "OaUoaßoW attandedto. Interest paid on Doporifc. ] * iffowtti fltawt* nearly oppoalfco the M. •.: I. * deciq EXCHANGE HOBBB 01 'Ai WUiKIHS & COi, ■ v_ No. 76 Foubth Sum, ••• Opposite tho Bank of Pittsburgh, ■ • >■* ■ mows Q.% ATOTOLD ft tio. r bankers and -exchange brokers, • i ta Exchange, ;Ooln,- am: Nona; SiRM obi XJ Tima Drafts, tc. Collections carefully attended to, nna.prpcecdatumittadtoilttypartofthelJnlDn. - -'i 1 i v Utoela.lxragbtAad'aoia on commission.' ■.v ! toßaafcgfPltts h ,g.fs3l& ~~ HOL ft CO., “ • BABKKBSANDBXCHANQB BBOKEBS, i coiiTia or wood aj Loans cnßeaL Estate •ot'EIoA BectWtlesrJpbtchiri PromleesrrNotassnd'.Tlme BUD, on But and West; hi»r andsoUßtockaonCbmmtaslon. > ■ -- r . Collections made on an points in tbe Union. .• • -fiayh ■ H, HOLHBB ft SOHB, - BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BBOKEBS, > BiT» nnnro fHini; Bumna aot xxcuasoa uma vo m. ST uun nun. Teratoma stum oinavinD..- XT’ HOLMES * 80N8, Bankers and Exchange Brokets, •: and Dealer. in Notes,- Drafts Acceptances, Gold, SB TO and Bank N&tearExehange obihe Eastern and Wcetetn atlse constantly for sale. - 1 • . OonscUons nisde la. authorities thronghoat the United States. Deposits received In par funds or current paper, No. 87 Market Warty between TtJrd and Fourth Ida.Qa3odyj raa.a.aoo*,...—~—.—.~.—„..thcb. saxoxar, - HOOH ft fl ABSENT, . i BAHKHBS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, j _«• *. mmm wKa* earn sia, rmaxesna,.was ! TVBALEBS In com, Bank Notes, Time Bills, Porelgnaad XJ Demesilo Exchange, Coruscates of Defalt, As, i vnxnhangena all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, fix ole braoms to suit purohaaeni. - 1 ’ Currentaud par fund* tooelred on deposit ■ ■; i OoUeeUnnamadeca all parts of the Union, at tbs lowest tales- [eeplltly. Kemoral. t FATBICKS ft FBJEHD, . BANKERS AND EXCHANGE B&OKXB& ,Bat Be aooed Chair QfiutoVu Cbmtr q/fyUltmti TKxxtafr. ■ HHMHIMH, PL 1 eT)AZBXQKB‘•*7&XEND, Banker* tad Exchange Broker*. X and Dealers In Koto, Drafts, Acceptances, ooldt Slim acdßaokKoto. JSxch&sfes on tha Jtotera and Western Gilesoonatanttyfijrtala. •’.••■ • j OoHecHonS made tn all .the dttca throughout the Tlnit«4i States, Deporita received in par funds or onrrsnt paper, dt the corner of Kith and Wood Streets. (fob 3: AUSTIN LOOniS. STOCK AND BILL BBOKEB, , QJlcs, Jfa. 03 fbirrtA st, oioM BhodL 1 , PITTSBURGH. AST'Noon, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages; sad Loans on 'eo]. laterals, negotiated. Stocks and land Warrants bought and sold. gets lU.B imuw J r —ft. CTrlMWktJ'y, Broxrn’s Hotel, j a ’ mer ntUbargH, ftrft BBOWN A CONNELLY, Ptoruxtcss. • ftft*Gooditahllngattached tolh»Hottaa.v‘ ■ { PBASKLH HOmB, ClmlaaO, Ohio* 1 C PATRICK A SON, PaornawaA —This House has us • dergoua thorough and sxtenstro repairs, altondions, andfsrgs additions of new furniture, eto7and the proprie tors pledge thnuselrcs that nothing shut be sranung on tbeD part to render the Fatuxus e piece where all the 2>- Oats of a ftrst class hotel can be fbund. • lyfctf a PATRICK A SON. t3&B|SlB TO _ Bay Wwd llunery aad GaVdUu. : TAMEB KENNEDY,Jpato Manager of the well-known Sy tv. xaeuaa New York,) begs IcaVe.to Inform the nubile, that he ha. now eWahllahed an EXTENSIVE NUI& BERT, on tbe Farm of Mr. Jamas 8. Neglcjyncar East Lib erty, wherehe ahrtl be prepared, after the Cth instant, tare cetveandfiU ordsrafbr everTvariety of Erult and Ornament tal Sreei, Hardy and Green HouM Shruhß and PlsnU. In additlontoaeholeeand.nperiorrtockonbaml.behaamtulf arrangement, with one of tha largest Nurseries in theEuts tokOepuphlsaupply. Haring a thorough and longexpet riensalnthafauineWfhe.ean amnrehla cnatomoraperfect satfalkrtlnn. Mr.KennsdjaronldaboieapertftdlyoffcrWiserrioes tri designing,daylDgont, and managing Rural eemetorie& PuU Ucßarka, or tha ground, of Oountiy Besldences; and will also fUrnlab plans for th* formation of Lumt, Approaohaal PtctnrtKraa Scenery, At, in the hlghSM styles'or the art! ITactlaUy uguatnied with' every branch of LamDcapi Gardrtitng,andlariiigapeutyear.lufh.SylvDitXark. o England, and, on the heautlftil hank, of the HUdrnn, he hope* ha ha. the capacity to mset the wlshesnf those who favor him. nan be addreaed through the (Sty Port Offlce/or taft- at the Warehouw of items. Negley. Mohan, 22 Woodrtroet. , ■arifty KENNEDY A 00. Warren’s nengtau InkP 1 7JIHIB INK b prepared by a purely ohemlealprooew, and X Duwmmfof(a contain lolhingtajurtontt to mainffcoau. It ta pale when font used, butby expos ore to tbe air be. oomea gradually of a mort intenseand-permanent Hack. Bor sale In bottles of vartlaa rite, by wholesale cr retail, at eepB - _ W. 8. HAVEN’S Stationary War use, Market street, coiherotisa. Farmers* Htalta and Straw Cutter, THE subscriber otters for yslc Btuolslris Screw Propeller JL Fodder Outtenjt Is very stoplo. having only two Gives, oadlyadJusted; the most durable *nd speedy Cue tar In use. thayero In use on the formof Hr. WUIIam Hodgson, 8 tanbmville road, and. at tha Clover Dalrv of 1L Perry, from tho Beecfand Hortfco(tnrel Btore, 49 PM £ dee!7 FAMES WAnnnnn -■ VESITIAM - EVERY QUALITY, for sale at munnfisctUren* prices. ■Uat theiNßW CARPET-BTQRE,4T FHTH=STRS®K near Wood. ‘ faovSrifl ROBINBOS * 00. f . 1* W. Chadwick, •I TVBALEB mBAOB Ntl« WocdgtrMt. 'I JJTKtttimißti. fflu fflflhart pickfa j mylfcy | , _ , HOTELS, &c. PLOBENCB HOTEL, > NO. 400 BBOADWAY, NEW VOHH. • {coxnscßnoaranxuaonajmAat) ' BBVBBH LOVEJQY, ’ ocAly ' EEOPBIET3B. j gL Charles, Hotel, t CkratT of IHnd and TOtnf erals, PatibmlL As»’a i WILLIAM 8. CAMPBELL, Pnomna. , rTSHXS fins establishment haring came into the hands of a I new Proprietor, oitas great tndneement* to the tTKet ling community,end also, torronlar boarders. Ercry deU eaer and Inxnxy will bo ptarldod in tts season, and no pales will be spared to make this Hotel e oomJbrtahlenoxstoall who may call there. foylAtq.W. 8.-CAMPBELL, Proper, i SI. Clotr Eager Derr Uretrcry. mHB undersigned nspectfnlly Informs the pnbllo that he JL b now folly prepared to serre prtrate families and the snhtio generally, with his celebrated LAGER BEER; in botUcs. All actors left at his Office, NO. 39 DIAMOND ALLEY,(near W ood srill be punctually attended to; and tha Beer dsUrsnd to any part of the city or vicinity, r JrtSdf r. 0. SCHENOK. Uhoada A. Sona. XTEW PATENT AMALGAM PENe-Thls Important tn l.* rontlon remoras the two greet obstadee to the uni nral-tt&DCftfcfl Steel Den,TU; Uidf rigidity,amtibeir npU dektnetion by the corrodTo action ef Uie lok* -In minutely enamlnteg tbe quill pen in tha act of .writing, U will he eeaa that to a ctum it eoapoinvi, coDslftlug, Srat» of a gentle yielding hock ward action Immediately aborc thh nib of the pen* and, second, the **adasonr ojr spreading open of the points to permit the flowof the Ink. This compound moremont—whicb eteol pent hitherto never have had—glree to tbo wllh~ out cramping thehasd. Tbe dhirtaofall steel pen makers have bees directed to iho attainment of qoal* Uy of they have had recourse to an lnnti* mcrahlt variety of eraeka and pierdogv to attain ifc: The inTe&tors pf tho Patent Amalgam Pen found, from a eariq of experiments, thattbe whole practice of Ah© trade had in this mpeet been, erroneou*—that no Of ‘*crtcka ,, *nd t * piercing*” could prodocothe desired action, if to onKaary /am qr to tied put vsen adhtrtdto% This gdnt befog gv&cd. avoided the plaahttbetto adopted r attaining QeribUity,*nd gave a peculiar tom to the metal,bv hich thoymanaged to combinetho 1 ' action of the ordinary stool pen with the agreeable dexlbifc 1W of the qulib The second dUQeulty to be overcome vis of less magnitude, but sttll of great importance to the co&< eumen of steel pens. Every one hi aware of the corrosive eeUon.of the ink on the ordinary iteel pen. Even with the greatest care, it speedily destroys the delicately smooth fair .face of the pern fio serious a.drawback U thU from the .utility of the steel pen, that thousands on Induced to pur chase gold peas, at *n enormous cost, almost uxclustafr beeaute of ,tha antl-corrosiva quality of that metah • The fovsntors have removed this evil by their compound metal, whkh possesses all the necessary, qualities of steel, withtbe additional merit of resisting the chemical action of the ink. r hut PmtaQi tost mors than twenty tout tonga- ton to /See! *k», thuirmdaina them t&eeheapeti atr introduced* ... Foraalaby .: W. 8. ttA‘¥BH,BUtion«vr f .novlg v ; tlarkat Btroot» coraer ef Socond.. v OBLEJBRATSD CHEMICAL tEAST OB BAKISG FOWDEB3, ■ YA. Wiaxpai, KmUMnt, taert Uefiil and JBgiMwi. '■ Cal Jrticltfor Beatty Bread,BstaiiLJHtdi ■ * ’■ BrßA i linn&i!sßD. : /OPINIONS OF THE PBEB8: ’ , Vy Thoee who hate tried It,hXTofEmml thettheadreriDoi ment doe* not toilt It* preleoe too norldlui and Jounul, Teb. 10,1855, Houaektepen. who haya tasted the quaUty of thla poir; unantmouity luito &TO>-[Lockport Dell, .J^S&X^SSSSSSSIS )ffi rpil'l tj 1 tWi • ■ " ' * ml* 1* an article of tueh utUlty In rerioni kind, of book. JOi - that when Ita virtue., become properly known, no ho«uekoeper,.that atudles oom&rt and economy/ wfll wll. Ungly do withoot It—[N. Y. Plct,-M.y 81,1853; . No one need heeltato to tin Dufkeo’ean4hpbrtanlorttia» tohoMek»ep«i*HP^» b Uean Banner and NeahvlUoWblg, hare lightbread, Weot bread, bread that you ranwwltha good relish, do norfietget to btoeure Dilrkee'* Brttng.Powder, and you win not ftltlo hare good hrbadi e *kw> facHTwy Dally HmM, May Stt,lßsl , Wa hivo tried thla article, and can recommeod It with perfect OonlldeUeUi—[QUtbMGaißtto, July, 1852. f i- WWder we have Mod at our houro, and Our '.‘better-halfi> vie aatentshed at the reeiilt.—rN. V, Dally TtaleLOtL 23,1862. 1 .All good houmwiveswlll retoleetn and glori&thename of Durkee, after they hare given hla Baking Powder A fair trtM.—(Now York Bun,SertSO, 1862. ■ Durkee'a Baking Powder, undoubtedly tha host arttole&r this pnrooM that hae yet been dl*»vered<—N. Y. Dntetr man, Feb. 12,1863. The blghert commendation., from hupdndaafthelargeid and mow respactable wholesale house. In this, »nd nearly every large city on -this continent, could be glrenl if enace allowed ft. . E. B. DURKEE, Sou Pjlopkotos arro MirrorAortTaxa, . „ - 188 Hhlw;rtrcrf,How York, j ... BAXTER A HoKEEf [octal] I, ' FURNITURE. a WM:- It'STiiYiiilSOKmntlnuMrui miiiii&cturt ;Bt TOABlBBl3TgßßoteTnTdtacrtpttoa. cthU<3dig^L ' “oSbESSfc *5uMN«r ill i± CffIAIBMiHOTAOrOBV.Hm-M SnUUScia Urjo lajortmoDt of fancy and plirt furniture, which wiU tell Iftpcr oent. below,-coatomaxy rat*«. ; !: .lena»-rCM^' i interest with his ovu, In' quality *T*fl prieeL and keens al« TO »otthsaa; furniture, frora tho cZxeapest thatahouse, or anypartof xsaj U} furnished fh^hto : expresslyto ax* dar. which fee rtehaagof style tad- fbrfan* cannot bo surpassed uxwcrmxuta&Soaz LoalgXlY tet»»tetoBalto; CO Chairs;: ■ >. ■-f . 20 doa. Walnut- , v • WMahbgtaijrEocklng«-7 20 Walnut ~ h .«•> - « 60hlabosaixyI)iTBziiV ©Walnut?.. w ? , 60. Harbte flop Centre Tables . §0 ,£,., .fTv.'l^BSlngßnreaaar 80 “ I* WjsbrtMris; 40&SfiIOttd .• - 'M;. ... IDO Common ~. . • • .**..•.• - .. . ©Plato ©wsatagJtaeaM} ; *»Mahoganyvjßedstßadflj .: ■ ©WainuF%. «.- . ■•■ 60 Cottage r/; ■■ ■«- - SOOCherry a|idPoplarße«3fltfladfl; -- < ©Hahoganv Wardrobes:-;-- 10 Walnut ' *« , “ ' “ISlHidn^^Broda&stlWjlea '’ r ' ~ w B«36terr,«d i£oto»»; ' © dpvCene Beat Chairs j . 24 One Beat Bocting-Chafra: • 12ladles’Wzittng.-Deskv;? .. , Eatand JRrtrelStoadsj•,What£tot«:, ; Stigtoires; v «.* *. "• ~ Paper3lkchels&hlfi£: n ' 5 Oonrersaiion Chairs; ■.■>«*■Pembroke M ‘ Eisaberthan— ® ■ ' " J 'HaHandTto w >J . BocsptSca .»» t* r ~i . Sennas'Work- #"• - j Pearl Inkid : « - Sxfension Pining Table* . • <* •■■■ **>/ • ‘-v >t f COMSON: POittiXftrßß i end WINESOK CHAIRS..- fl and HOXBL6, famished sftbfts&rtes •'.'~AB orders promptly attended .to*,.: CLOTHING; 6GOBGE armor; MERCHANT TAILOR, j IniJttiuon'ollalidlnis, LTaVINu fitted up a room to the ptircoSe et tlmißir to ta .cMe .tennke H? tfwjftahlpiiatie CJotb logoi all descriptions: • ’Qtiscofisijd sttapgeradwtrfpg. comfijuahlegaraent*, ;itflVdDvett:(o plw» the mast fcp* tmwSliaihahfti^S tosw hls-oldcuaf 'TlHEffuharribenrouldrespoctfallyliilbnnhb&ierHiPADd •A IhopabUoi that ha h&i remoTed&om hfaoldstairf.oA to the NEW IRONEEONT STOBEjNG, *S YXXsll STHEKT t -opposite ,ifo_ Theatre nuereheo now.; reoeiring and. opening ahandsome assort rasatof Rlainaad Fancy CoierediQote?;Ca«it&ef*s and hawmtje«j>leisar* In stowing to thase-whomay fiiTothha wUhne&U. He Is fcleopwrpajed tospake • to: cider orety article ©f Clothing eoartimUigc OcnU«iiAU*a latest'and TOostfclMossJJostjle. * ' ■ ; , fO rAJXOfi^«—Tborttfewrlbcr ©Cera for ooxa* leta systcsa orOanncot PmqghU)ag« to feTomhfr known jadgesfirSDynißd "by the tttdA'of this dty.TCuidnnatL F&USddphi* add elsewhere; at the following prices* yizz . .jjinth ;.Ih3£nietidiiß, L $10,00; wi Ihoptlnatroe tlon*, $7,00; She Booh anil fiill And accurate directions to Bncowafaldracghtliif*, Ibrw ardfiitto in* partcf this United fitatcs, on receipt, of s7,oo*hy •*% i? AMHSR „ c ... f^aiidierofilamMftOiitiaoi;, - raWSA ■ No l&TiHh ; no.HroneL‘ l £im,DiirttB, , ■; ro.-cttJßiSTtooi MrfeßTOan. -/“IBSTLEHEN*3 CLOTHING xaxtfeexcluritejy loonier, AT end BUtt l 'Hftk tbiistaiitlr on ; food a •holes AftsortmentofCLOTEJ, GASSIHERE3, Tiegrrcna w 4 tfieHJtestftjfles, selected express]; fat ibsttutoq trader fifiritTamcn. lartiog their grsgrt, will fcsToibeir wishes eonsolfced and eoidplied with, as all warJs Is dona voider bis own supervision. V-. ..< v- w pprlg *? CLOTH!NG JOHN & GO. J - W AQBMKRtT Oftheceisbratcd Clothing Oepclen Lfßurtr JC ftreei, whichha»wonan nnberanded pouOUrifcrundßr par* jos# of • emorod ioth#imsc±mirbnU(Bii2 0& tlreeortter of- : , DIAHONDAILfeY4M> WOOD STREET, < Where they h&v* now the most . BEIiEHDID STOCK OP CUOTHSH ■;. *. X . C-5..;*:■ i. S"*". ’ BEADY MADE. CLOTHING, That has erer been offered to thepuhlfc, •'• this remora!, 1* tOgire : tlu}ci . , WHOIJESAI-E ‘ mOSS ThoyarepreparaltoMllGoodsfttthft i • Z OwJE-aF JSABTS&J&P&ICE&I | .i /..And they, will weraat thorn to he Mgoodaa eurmann &ctnre& in the Union.' ‘7 » CUSTOM WORK* -vOi sbi war a?ttß»AKDtr9ozi fas aooamr ?ronot . -jßuatasn- oa s hand * toil •ad beantiftil aflaortmfint xd XOIHfI and OOAmG&for •-' • ..rT: vr PEOCKS, DREBB, WALKINGS AHD : BUSH > NEBS COATS. . - - . ... Oat Intqrqsfo yw Identical .ViCh tljw »ol oarroatoauw; puMlo thatw, ftfellfc.wULaot ML la filling all orden vn maybe, favored with. (EiBT BiCH.J OOlWrtll, 0* DXABOHD AUBt. _ patn>Mtound»rstamimi#twehaTo Bo longer anyrqonncctloa yjth tke Clothing ; Builncsa- on ftowt*.- Our attention Is dorotad excluairal* to the QouttibQTodedgiatot. nwaa. «. JQHN&niLOSSEYACa.: ■WATCHES; JE-W3&BY; &c. ; : I ■ bew JEMiii am aB, “ sS4'SS^Ssf^ n ? e . J s irtA^£ ” t <^ouvtaamd.y OHgß®BTOfSpir,(of the lota tan of John B. STFaddan *PH) «sp«tfollj,»imoiiMtstotho pabllylmkho has f O|iCMa t attl»lilmrreBt»iia.»teBti«Bartittint6f-WAWITT«ai 4OT> PtATED WAUB, LAMPS: &?- niito‘,«ia«rtj Brttamzta Ttaatid •OmvumimSdtj nndtho tuual vutetf of goods lii hlailno OT DQjnneSS. :.si :.-;s --%••;• » : e«Bped*Jeaw»na «itatrtl those vb<> may fivorfiini WtAt&elf patronages 3- Httabtagfat Hay 16th,' ISS3» Blchardaon. Jew WM. A. M’CLUKG, Kao Zeas r Chaleo Family: Groceries ohd' Willow: y^ : -.i / : »r-< CORNER OF WOOE ASD SIXTB BTB., : 1„ . HTT3BOBOH, FA.- ; ' B iunr rewiring a largo -aiaortaMSt oMBESH GOODS, },n addition to his already extensive'stoeki pnwiisea nan. first bands In the Eastern markets, whleh, will herald at the lowest market prices. '- ~£shHoieli,, Steamboats,• and female*. tmjimr by ‘'the quautltyisuppliedatwholesals-ratea* --. v Goods dellyered In tbodty free of charge; ""■ tfepfi ; rtocktf _/l_Wlita}ll»’»Dra*lii(t P*pera,, \ i 'odil'ltk*ft:p«m]iUatof (libty'jßl*yagas I Xo baj£*d(geat&V Of thOßgeutinlhlatoVP. - , . - ■ : - ' I , ‘Trliit-ftiiTi i > Bytbo flnt.ni!idlc»l nMii/}ifafi2j tbey waraftima to pcs-. BsaaatrtngaaodinirTallonaiojnTlnraUeTlDgpalOi'tiEere :iyU»|Wi^,QdT^*iun©nt<-^4,ri.; r .j‘' : A'--, ; l \'l!&ey^aW'noir' T lntrddaned- in almost crery :Hospitalrin HOST ?CfcfiZAß- OimATIVB;4OBBT IH *HB WOBU). Zbay veto fiiatioboilaead Into t!io ; United Stalga abdttti .cnoyeaialneojendwontdhrcDgliUie totaetlfaioaln Kop rope, and were at ones introduced Into eyejy HdeWtallh Ne» Ycrk.TThere theroro now In dally UEolEffoctltizeYcn HORH WOSDKBJDL CUBE3~toan halTeyef befb« ; t>rai : ■imhHM,'' * «*fcV They art highly recommended byPro&.-Vahjiitlhe'lloti, Van Snren, Poet and :otlian > vBo fcaTopubllsbedthelr .Tlews of toslr pcnrerandyaluo In Eorcral of th e mddlcal .Jontnalato ttotclß, and to alio taiUto'-dsUVifraetka-df teymniMuling took uaa to pattenta- Afallacajoatoftlielj opinion may alao ho found in every pamphlet, find «nt to : too eddressofanyperaoii tattoo Btsedby'«t>lylnz fi»at atom' ■ :.. .v , Eita!ofChahia,*3an4s6..- . . „ - • 1 , Myndana atopolitely inailad to call snd'examlne tliola I conatmctlon. and treoawmee own ttadr merits. I - One, woid Moto tolnnUdi.. . No person n«d.lear thatthey»BUlnot»e««nplfchJqsJ is claimed they can d%and;&U. persons iflxQfciTfe i, becomedlmisUd.with »ccustant,poiulDg.<3own of patent i nostrums (bottled twill) are kindly and politely fayited to [ givetnematrinL . . ;• ■■■ I-. •K/B.—Ozio Chain vtQ last foryekrs and lose nanocflU elec«op. ,i vji'.-'i -iv- ■•■; rJOSpAtt- 'Wood jrtreet -ani n OttEAFl¥®S,|S,’-; PART \ AL OR; TOTAL, • ' BamKHTig' i ttWWnyi^V TV- ijgOPHBBT iwgi hi taß'the. «Um{l6a;'£it'th6s4 pirtlinosstifthb bsirin^to UiotoUoving facta. : lie tr«Ata disbUjse/! of tho niMvJlii br Infernal Ettultii - ■ ■•■---?•’ .x,;-.'- MEDICATED 1»00IIES. : 1 B r fy. w T»r<; .» ■Apfclkank wUI plcasa stat* their sesM,.ifma.tter Uffaca Crczatfae external -passage,:- if there ere nobee in thß .EajTS:Staie pf gnnerel ; Jhralib, aM \TIMJt ther anppqsu tohate been, the cause tA tho Wh uti tfaefaeaririglsiestored 11.4 expected-Umt those -in ewy drcttßutances will pay liberally; , .. • . ; 4e , wtUbeßOxttaimy pirtit myt own expense. ■ .<■■■:.-.■ ■ • » . - **• AJJrefa Dtt. ALSOPiffiß*, BaoADw&Y, Office 422U.-;acar Cenei street, New Tork. . fc3smd . ■ •i'.Mpt&ofbTS~ fit. : . ■.Jt&z*.' . IXXbo paid tosnypeTson ttfiowilTbuy ipstsa .oixS ■ IfjS-tfgM *64 tow-fttccarding tttillri&cflonfli • " k till call at ini 'say wjtij : ; va iS?/ • * ®H^M^stat' v JfyWiE'jiQt-n» jßtoril ~ jgSjg/Sk tija,_Bufiii"and -Frbeaeii; *» Chfldreu; MBIT greaihr iEsrlate* i/'oot tins of Ui» Breastj-'BUes oflnfiectfl/Pimples oo'ibc I*ace. vulilipueaaeftof theSkioi;' . MONEOE TEKREt, * ‘ vvy-v-'- : . JNaagstnci.Conn. • Par saIe'hyPLEOTNOBEOTHBRS, anfw; KBSBBIU Wood street, Pittsburgh; J.fl, SMITH! Blrtalnfihafii: Mro, 8. HOLMES,Totapurasreille; D. M, CURUY. Allegheny; WH. BKIBKaT4niIO,«T-Pentt«treot,MttBfersli;-L ; iil! ESZ * WIGHTMAJf, PerrasyiranSa Qtajs.Worki-.SAM'i; OYl4E,AllegiicbyiWil.BaiTH, tawwaafrtnifilJKS Bi DAVIBQN, JSastldUrty; BPANQ 4 004 StewllrttSiim j LE^pA^liiOO,Bh»rtBbOTj,-BTKWAET,L«)YD ■ A 004. Mwhunlfrf, torn.. WoiUtti. WbEANHKS,-Man ctotor. .... ,■ ..ty.’smttt&tp'- '\T IL—AWlagia box of dir.' TEUBBLIa OINXUKHT wUI IV.kMp any Bladmillb’ti Partner's, Sallnr’s.or MoOlwni hands, lot them ehap or crack afar aobad,eotmd andln good working order all winter. ' ■Prepared and sold by • UOIfEOE TfiBEEL, ' . 'Jyfl&dawy. ' :■ 'Wangatucki'Oonn. , .Important Kouce to tU .vboin ltmov ' " • Concent..:'..-. . A OBEBABLE toanActof Aaamubljof tteStatebf Penn- lO cohtbmliy clßi lira aaihorityErant alb? said Act, tbo Board Of Tnufteeraf tl» HratSlethodfsfc ‘Pt i (itestiiitQitdch ho Batten blmself rapoot&nybftlteß'to call' ana sox for ttemsclTO.. _ ■,■■■'' . :. -- •; EsjwriaJanß prompi attention, paid tolrap&Wtteiif Carrie .ages, *a.- ,:■ ■ ■ fmylttalOTj*]. , , JtaßPHi WHITE. ■ Pearl Steam Millj, = ' CITY; ' i • (su&HtejuoWnau&as;} . ■p AMILTES Trill bo supplied (trades of X , JJtESU OEOBND PLOOB, • By learloK theirolden at the Mill or in our twin at ■ Logon, Wilson A Co., Wood etreet; or Braun A lie!tor, cor ner liberty and St Clair streets, Pittsburgh. -' -• -0 V H.P. SchirartiporJ.l. Bainpla,Drugirtstj. Allegheny. i :■ IWur»ffilMa«h«eateflunlUMlaH»rt«ni»tWoaiilMi o Traßa: CASH cndeUTery. . ->• 10 , -, jy» : BBTAS, KENNEDY-AiQO. - i T)E&I2f ttKA. BTQ&S,' - - " 1 JT- V 58 fired, ' -JafitnsJotrei ik likdlat of fresh TEAS, coraprialbjrfine •* - Yontg'UjßOti/ >*- * *i r '• - •*« -f' * -5 i ‘ - G&Dpowdtr, • ..„■. k . •■■■ ■. • Imperial. * - ‘ * - < ' English Brcal&st Id chests, half chests srbict* shall be sold osngnal at the lovestpoeslblo admlee on cost" •l -tt>l6 . „ v. K JAtKES. XAVBHY mBI.Hr '■ > j I Omur of JStaOtfidi-ttrat and .Vvnbcad alky. I IBBamlraglgßed lUTlog addeS HitgeUr to tda I BBR itMt; la now orapartlto ■«onmnw»l«to th« entile l x£3£ZU.«lthtbg flwtßosßlsst»aa «Kit-Bto«u-i)otJfcr EodcUo onit.ThuniMC Geutledjen.w£shiiigto;hivy6 horses oiMegupocUUmia fei, them ai tMflrtobls, The ttalla u* Ifligtf tajd newAad th» cro priotor pays erny to.thdr easd will comfort., ' «*** ■■ , .P.BETljy. T AliD OIL-25 bbla Winter OIL 1j . * - \ .r. BfitraasAco *** 163 ' . ; P.atDAmAtcetJ, * - r.. ’ corner ofWood wh Atfcj yta. TWT U» BDOAJU-fla Jkbdi : prime nev crop M. O. (QAMPHOR n— 6oQ ria to tiorg fc&d.fcrgale fcg J VjnarSl • _ - TOHMO BEOS. WT*IHDOW <3LABB • YVK)oboxißBbjlo; OJ.10; . —V. , v ~... ..... 800 flo lfrl&l2’. . ; —lOtt' do* lo6Tlliit-tteeiHncri'o(i. , *tnaa4:r/ “ v ; ; Tar saleby [curt2J. . Bflflg 4 MOOBgfeAl)^ X/rKDIOUa?.titMKBM!BiKIvWi Bri99,lbe iWL fioeSC tf Hole iejfe-.-Affaed ia Pittsboraa*: always ob bttd tad fcr.aalebjr, «.,;;r,v v.,’:; JOS, PIJEftUMG, . nargfr * > " t'lS- ■: . . - .. Cartels 'Spanish •msal'nT i , flHiMta xnt ihSjmSS^ r9m .r.. . .. .... n« 4 wjmciaof-Mrarat tn rr ' ' , Ajrr.isTidWAiixas,sEMEnY,jaKfi®OTDiU'm^. ■A- Bt1I» Bhroamtmn. Obrtpmto Ciitawm ItotSaL* ss^aa»&%gas^Sß sss^SSaaapßss^s cases arls&s' xrota edlnjndtctouj dm Jf mlSlS?'!**®* dense In Life, or Impurity of the Bleod, ,. ; I TblaValnibla llwUdne, which baj bwniha the of ?? • •> l “ s pioprirtsas/ »ttbo onrent SSJ2 Ss^fesiSS properties.. saminwT'Xut ■■"»." T topryOf tlwicgrroMloJ lnflui : ft bUlt y AflOß '; • lontdeteißricto. I had aoieral PhTalciima.tooi titlesof-Quiaino^Slftrctiry.chd-l'beH**n«ti*£*>ss?s ,tt ? "• ; ‘ wa»«bWABW I J s*g2* : trtol:Caitor's!Spanlali Mixlim/tw M toalljr cured me. sod I cmlmpny tosav i Ji^SiLjJrfrJiS o, chills or rarer since. - remitter It SwS jW orl4,ab4ttoon^.m&lo l no,S»fro« , r^S®^ •:i BanmtDoSßii»arßfchJßOß4, Va;a' J ■'• ta*™®!- iiMr.taoEla; .6o»aria-.;of (mytettteL^hlcli i lommitotihm : sASttMun ■ tenof.Drfckcr-AMta •ud the Kdftors, in a public noii^gt»'t!Ss , Mlv l *^f« lma * ,BTItLANOTiiEB CDJIE oPgClln»lrT.i- ri. j J -_L aasjssi^-i^Ssttsss EMsaa 5?tS3raK2!S.“ a ' stu * r«fici «£ sa^jtwmac: • MOHBE-a connpoiJttili aiit»jp<»£> ykj!. IOW’BOCK HOOT. \Bas%gaßStiKHsg ■ a -®“ Kpatstfan.tor tls KEQIXAIXMg i AM); 6TfiES6TnENXKB Mr* ITVm. SSfWisS rs««^ssS|ggss: • i• * ,wJtEOtrLATIHa i*H*. BKmglOW OfiHjrwn -•-’* • mmm^m Hoci ! SSfeSfl’fE*!: most respectable ot^or * 6r *fc # ( q^tM^S?h^mT I Sa?rrj. n,^ b< »“** i*™ “• I isssSgftS&Sg LIVEIi; removes Xotpcr, ah3i nacttrlty orflSnttnjnSv? 1 ! I rIUIOB, or purifier of tteßloodL } 'nmtimcei&.-ii **•'*«; f a "” A l t r •• «. - V ‘-'?• Jp.--v:-f/' -r-; 7^/ . * DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ». On'Tirß Ct)RB 01f_DEA¥NlS3fpaiH^7£r theDlf 1 iilVidmgfflW;*itt«*«)iJiStfe:EMiSrtt&oVnll ■tlio»-4i»- I. EBfecs jgiß itetmiring «t Ijo«*tt > &nij) pit-wla/ ! sop* fifteen,ajyj, twenfyjeMß* l ana,-were .dbugal to o 85 caMr© mbeta,' bare, tiler f. or two b©mBB*«i>owix datt'e'^elf'lrtfojftM.beJnK : m&9 5 ao* SnwoQMLMchly-weoashc .menaitsxue. r • • ” r - ‘ ; QieTribnrie.J'' v L ' j-' .PanxjrtsltosYNciutcT ’Toon children annually become'dEaf,in consequence uf dl> {. - children w6\il3L be cafad: twit If con»~ }.. : tinneaireiy uobblespme,- JfceJiearing gradnally gets iWitt, / ana finally partial or total deafneAftenracs, ■!■■■ , GuJ «n’PUtSbpiKb.; 1 - p_ K*voivgg»» jUToivctti . , * . 0 tore**, 6 ffpl&ndid esaorttneht of Colt?# BepttUnfc Hs-S tolM, 6snd.fi Indies bansLrtllof .which *r®, .will ,seu> tot} Persons going findtbftSS&l £*P ty FWchjutfng homiifcen I *s®?: WAmopgstrMgm.M we give persons n j&*qo« ;td trs an*e?4i» stove leaving the ■ «tv s sbdf In.cassof * UUnce^werafgoil thocunrey. ,^ ri^ * ~ v laa Tyooafltrectr jpittßbqjgt. \ •: fZQIS BUM PTlON.wThfelafm lyin ° rflflr** Vy applied to other the lunge So far as the this is of TerrUfctltf fipn»-eqneocfrwr&te iffirtteesre;the-same; $ mr*- ■•TflffißH;- uoo>end alKr : to*reittora the pfctarcr oppresr. > filon about the ihttist-.orchef& rSfrobowels shdal&hsrrgti; |: th« BASAT|yBmi« Atlwact«si^ | - iaryi -It tliete' te moch detrfli tr» with .'©hzht sweats, trc&i TOHJ&VBimiFtraE shetUdl* rfregabont half maiii i-oliett IntlfOQr-thjaamcamrinVfl^ fined If.therja.hojio: afehWriroatEt: Lpt U they disappear,'then gfre the th n£ to:the 'JtoWs4?«fthi : AH JayriVs 'prepiraU'ojis Jbr Bale, wholesale or refill t.aVthoPggiy TJSAStOBB, 33 Fifth. street, TV*. TiSBBKL'B HKAM»>^ >JLA - • 4 -^^y^^^n 18 ******* ointment irttf cure gatt .Cracked HaoAOO»pWpO;t>bße*,Hsina; aO(> pieces-Bbonldei X>_ HUll(sas eoil smoked Buns ready for dcllrtjy, -fttUCt - i JBANQIB &BULBB& SbOEb.' HJ -.v:;; •' t i ■Hh C,:':•;•£. sill ■ \.j, ; ;