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'^ .--I•>-:><•■'yvY«V*'V V» **••« "-'i '’A ' *■. ■*'*•■';-«»• <_■• v v• !*•?•• A-fc* •{ -■ w 4 * c v-i*i' ,'vA ;•'■'“■•'’•• >"",",A'-Af--;;‘2 < r vU‘ * f/*A ”• V* \<-- - a *•- ? ** 1 : >?Ti'»tv , >s* : '*-> '"•vf’". t 1 ' tylM* . . ify&f&kiti* :-AV>v t .ii4* m t 4 * A-i kj ' » 1 J «■'*'•• ■J-w/**'i* t ‘ , >**'T'ai'^' T^¥ ‘-J J '>'V'#: t- •* k —-rr-«m'A:lj..±r^' -'^ DE ‘S® S ' '>4?‘. _»*on n ttrUbly'tat« l 'al»alf Utpdd; ■;bxo t * i"?;. o^awsHw,*^,, \ A'ii: J<«;l THE BATxranA'sr hoehihq^oo' , £lXi\V'?£’ *' - f > A .“I* 1 ihirt, «1»- #n»«sassp \ ! iniMisMsm '• mtaw flwpiiiT»aiiiPij v 4 & iX & Vl 5^ftr *^r €«?^^?iitelsll ImjateaemAmm 4®fS^te riSwsSj|d^»^'t^B>i^gB§6fea^l»s.-i&S}g^tfeU< , t| i - - ' " 1 mW " MlMtg felatlFf :^4f' IMMM&M %WWMoii< §B^i*p£|gig& sSSSpMVtefV^ «'fJ.Kcr; i-T - PMMsliiWimmi '■'4#irjs & ' • -W- v -•: X *yi'\r»r<- ’, / ~/ ; "~ - 'V . % - _ ,"‘ ' V) ■%£ry-f. x;X : - •; . i .* ii'cSx'", r> VOL THE DAILY MOBNIJJG POST. : Prin-id add nwy Jfcriwv& (aiorfaif Bag* BY O. OUiLBOBEr ~ aantiMnst oomib ox wx» ahb to?h sraara *-ye«i I«r»a9 eWrtiyln edeim*. fill Holism whlTnttirtoMyljo rtVUrod If not paid TOeorOTO—fcr «ato ettto counter la tie Office,end oyttoNeffpßoys.,:- • *>.;*» -"o v...r ' IHB BATOaD4THtOBHnrQ,POBIij. :>j le published from.the tame o®», on»J»rga_bl«nl[pt,«to | ihhet, iVTWOrDOIiARS a £b?gl« eojpita "dSThopeperwm be diaamUnned (unlßdnt-tbjjdlKr* on of the ProprietonOtmtU *ll «NBMgas m bedd. 'OS-Noattentioh will bo puid to ony order usSanoroom naniad by tbe money, or tttle&etojy TeSsienceln thlsclty.- I ~C3- Connerfoi woi Hit SdaKWmat of ak.Mmdag.Polt <’ iTIS 06 Standing Card, sfcUoea or kev per iuim.»«M.« m . IQ Oty . oaunxixusixt ruisoux ,»■ v* »t . ■'■-»•>• One sqnsro; per annran, (aMlarive of the paper)—~~ 25 00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A'TIOBHET AND COXJSBBI.tp,n ATJLAW, Ojl\tt± wmtr:®oe to ixßsfcmrsUVBoUfllngB I ,ottflgairt street, • : . • ~ J» ' DrlL Hucai ■?■ -•.». ■ A. TTORNEY AT LAW—No. 121 Fourth street, above sod ■A nearStaßfaflelsL r ~ <■• •• • - margfty J, 8. NorrUon, 1 TTQRNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office* re- tO No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, • Pa.- . • ■ • • sprlfty ~ n . li. Biddle Botoerts, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, No.4a3Smlthfidd etreeV Albert**® Fifth and Slxib* r Collections eardtallT attend* adto—spocU! attention giraa to QcmTcyandng. ~ [dfle&ly : - Thtnaas Bleani f i = A TTORNEY AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR XN CHANCERY. f\ to the PostOfflw, St*abeßiffle,Otto. •••myA ' v: •■■;. y. : -- ' i" 8. Fi Rwili A TTORNEY AT LAW—Na.lo9Faartbftrßrt, Pittsburgh, .A. fourth. door below Ur. RbdyFetterson't livery BUMe. ieSB ’ N. Bnekmuter, A LSSRH AN—Offloo.' Fourth r street, .third 1 door nbrve 4 Bmllhßeld* South rule^. Oonvejßndnft of *ll kinds, done with the greatest care and legal accuracy. - Tlttee to ReaJEs* Utaeumhitd, Ae. •■..■ • ■• - ■•:-> .■ ■ •••■• ■ •»■• aewlO BUSINESS CARDS. Waft.'sHOtnir. • j*. stenaunsoe. j.Lßinrm . ENGLISH A RXOHARDSOS. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Ann . Wholesale Dealers la Fish, Bacon sad OH, sad Produce, generally..' .Warehouse Canuerly occupied by Barbridge A. Inghrsa, No. UO Water sod 160 Rut street, Pittsburgh, Penas. fe3 FA. DRAYO, Diamond,. Pittsbanjh, -.Fa* dealer-it ] « Country Produce, offers fop. sale a eboloe stock o I Gfooatiea, selected for Dually nne. Bptces of every variety and the purest quality, ground st his Steam Hills. j Dried Fruits, Foreign, and Domestic. Produce taken In exj ; ehafcge'fcjr Hfer&sfidlse.*. , i . F.JL l*. has .procured a\ ftrtl asaortfiient of LandreihV Warranted Garten sodiavitasthß cttauloVHaf aitm* i :• •--ferestetilttraral . .-. • sanll j nußcxs o. ......asssuv. BAILEY * RESBHAW, ITtEA DEALERS AND FAMILY GROCERS; Dealers In X Wooden sod Willow Ware, Japajmod , nn Wsre, Uouse- and Ratal!, No. 253 Liberty etreetjPlttihnrgn.- • : -- • aprlfcy . Kins Bloorbead* 'TTTIIOI.EaALB QUWIKnS AND PEODOOB BKAIEB3 W So, 27 Wood street, Pittetrergh. faaya ' UmiU* dfc Stnelatr, "THTIOLESALE QROCKR3 A*n> . WmtSmif . XITHOLRSALB AND RETAIL FAMILY GROCER, 1 AND f f Forwarding «ml Commission Merchant, Dealer in Ooantry Produce mi Pittsburgh Kanuftriurcaf-Wocd it, ftnr doom above Ftßh, WtfabuqgL f : : ~. tnerft • joss «'aQSßr M .»* M ... M ,..»».««iw M ... M^OQsarmuB-iCao3lzr. ■Whole*al9 .ndßatail ClothluirHsrcliant,. - no. 88 wood stbbbt: * r|loßeolecribenTespectfunjiQ&na their old custameta X L and the public lo general, that they hare this i*y us ■oeiated themselves in the above business, under the lira of JOHN IPCLO9KEY A 00. they'wspeetftilly aolicita share of public patronage. - Tto previous business of each will be settled by them* •elvearea&ecCtvftly* • , f«h9 ~ JameßC.Watt, TI/TBRCHANT TAILOR—No, 46 Fifth street, pppoatte the AM. Theatre; Pittsburgh, Pa. oprt • LAIRD. Gate of tbo firm of Cooirr & L&1&D.) haying JLV. opened STORE NO. 9, (two doors abore the old stead,). for the purpose of carrying on the CLOTHING BUSINESS, hopes by strict attention to businoss to merit a share of the patronage of ihe late firm. N. made to order, in the nosh fashionable styles, and on the shortestttattofr-faferior to none in the city. , , Jan2&y : >FUllau Carr A COu> ■ (ffs. Oaob Ute af the firm of J. Pauss A Co.) - '\ht &OLR3ALEUROCEUS and Dealers in Foreign Wines f f • and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Bee tilled Whle* toy. No. 329 Commercial Raw, Liberty street, Pittsburgh;- Pa. . :• • ■; . ■ ■ jafiqr . r, v.'Sl*. : ®«‘o* Morgan, ... .. > TjOOKfiHELEB AND OTATIONB&-tos.aliray» on hand D a gengralnsaortaentof Bcbodl»Miwe»«neons and Blank Books, Printing, Post And Cap Paper, A&, Wholesale and Re* tall,'No. liH Wood street; beJow.FilttvKastsMe, Pittsburgh. WfeWautaL Rags and Temuri Scrape. • : apl&ly -.<■ d, R. Weldln* "fTTHOLESALE AND BETAIL-DBALER in -Blank and FT School Books,..Paper and Stationery, Nd. 63 Wobd" Third and Fourth,) Pittsburgh, Pa; ' - [mrCO ■ srsritssTuosr T ATS JOHNSON:; A STOCKTON, - BOOKSELLER, BTA ■JLi TZONER, Printer and-Binder—oornsr of Market and Third streets,Pittsburgh,Ta. . . flySLtf ■ W* 8* Haynii , fpHE OID PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT* JLstoh A Btocifoy,)aud BLANK BOOK >ua> BY .WAREHOUSE—IS; prepared to execute evert style of Legal, CommsrclalrOa&ed and! Btesmbost Book Binding, and famish eTery article.ln the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line, at ;ttre shQrtOst nottm'wndou £&i most reasonable terms. Blantßook and* Eta&meryWarehouse, comer of Market and Sttcmdafreets,- '■ » Printing Office and Book Bindery, No, SO Third sty itorlfl - HchnolMnana&Hannleln.. T IS* WBAPHRR&fTbWI street, opposite the Post-office* JL# Landscapes* Bill. Heads. Show BU1& Labels, Architectural VUttoftOHdh eten Engraved or Jfcawn cm Bton* Printed hi Oolors».(?old f tbs most appiored style, and atiha moat reasonableprioca.-' - ocOfrly ■ ■ " 1 AuitlnLoomUi - ~ i T> RAL ESTATE AGENT. Merchandise, Stock, and Bill < XV Broker, Offiooj No. 92 Fourth Street, (aboye Wood.) The tubscriber hating opened an office at the above plaee. for the i purpose of negotiating Imne,^Bflls,-Bondi, Mortgages, and \ all other Instruments fbr the jeeurlt? of Mousy, and fbr^thel purehaao and sale of Stocks. ■ Will also give -prompt and I paTtiftniarattcntion to buying, selling,rentingpf aad i lng Retd gitate. DyTl AUSTIN LOOMIS. | sous wiMOx, ; nsxcro. FXiBIHIHO BROTHERS, . : , , (BaocesaorB to J. JSidd A Co.) ■ FT r f bargh. Proprietors of -Dr. Celebrated Yenalfoge. Liver PiUs> Ao. toft* B. ArFannMtock fc rrt.. kahnOLKSATJS• DRUG WARBHQngK»Qpr"«» Firsto&d f y Wood afreets, and comer Wood an«f RJrth. ffebl ’ “ OHO. GROUTT,' ' Importer of Brandiei, Gin, Wine, to.:" DE&xaa jw - _ f HEJkDD MONOHOAHBtA BrE WHISKY, ‘ P««S anH Apple Br.ndY. dto.V ■ “Alsq,"B»mvrrß Dismtiau Oornsr uf SaTihfleld and Front streets, Pittsburgh, to. fdeO - •- t; -vv;J TETHOLESALE -LIQUOR MERCHANT ▼ T 165 Liberty street, and 81 Diamond alley. feblCHy '-f| . PAGODA TEA STORB, ~~J TEECU HAWORTH, WhoUtaU uni Rdail Qrotxr, i Deoler , | U andlmporUr of OldUountry Black Teas, French Bran- j di«f* wtuea, corner of Diamond alley and the Diamond, J . ‘ ; ftbUST 1 _____ Walter p, siwriU.ll. i JWndhtad amwliMaftgat 1 *| —p mi —ri rl* ~ i '— -~„ _-*. _ ' " ‘ ■'*'■'■ “" ’—'—- - '- L —^—•' ■'• -'-—t- • .'-‘•' ■•• T"; r*V •.v- M -'-‘ \ - *.'■•••!/:> - r \ ' v',,’.; ;V,J.',- 'r '.. ;...'■' * : ' c \'' ;,;i f-’o* /. r ;.- - Yi> r'-*.£_;. ..;/•; v ;j :, : ‘ ,' 1 '" --> -v-./----* ;• ;j .7'j* ~ ~ PUBLISHED DAILY BY O.g. OILLVIOBB, AT THE ‘■t>o3l BUILDINGS,” COBNKB UK«FM, AND~WOOD ■AY $6,00 . BUSINESS CARDS. !**>. "'T* iBK&a * QQ&*b*&tJiKhar,oe,ainl: tfctu, OM and after ■ BXCHANOi AND.BAiIK.INU HOUSE OF rWIXU&K A. sou CO., avfii moa mm, rav' ■ OJntetta&nrwi dv J. > CORNUCOPIA wOYSTEE AND COFFER HODBE.-SB. -tr- i - a-t jfi&rfet. r-JanlMyr > r rIttWCTtWSf , [ ■ ~.. Jnmca UaMjmi Baninr. -: ■ ■ \TrILL bo found on the regular market days and HTsin ,lKj0 8"I(>0,aR JMAMOND MARKET.Pitts. fT>urgb,tnil at SMLLBo.® AMSGHBNY MARKET, with |hla usual.qualfty of flam*, .Smoked, Beeli-Sontmos, Lard. Saoxajte, Ac.Ae. JarS-Sm Mas nxxps?oitment of Drags, Medl- Class, StedlclnSCEcits, Perfumery, and all ullclos pertain » ..* ' ■ . - i-VaW. AMOTDABIHUAIIIII, Wnuahtlron ■ Js|j‘.WjWtfnl fitting generally, fcr warming and yen uutidn-or unidiogs. •• ’• i A. 4 ‘tV.wmoontrncfcfbr.’traxnalrignnd ventilating br I iteam nr hot water, pipes or.Qtaison'i Jtatttce; churches anlunia, Hospitals,- facto rips, green 'boasts, court hoosn. Jails, buteis-or dwellings.., 1 . i ' : Jio. S 5 Manxct araJtgr. piraiiTOog. r: jjlJß»ulC”s... its AEUsscUItUEUN DKNTIaT. (snot IwfWwiyW M»o* to O. W BlddleO NO. 1« SMjlB- QnHlnnw stbbot. vl • CT*Ogcs.Brot»,fituinB tol Retook,an* i ,com ato 6 .o'clock -, i ... -.■... i.’. 0. .;-;, foblttly '■ ,»• AStL-. I ■ * ’■ ■ NotiCCi ■ JOkfLEMINS hating JOS.ABBIvibe. . badness *ill hsrtaft«r tw oondocted ttWci \K+ rtjlo of I »s** i »•* old of Bntfthfidld and Foorth Btroatae - j*f.* T’HB co-part aa^ r **** 'pw® l *®»' style 01.J.A. llOTUal porpltao rS Uahactlu& a-Commission sad UriKeiy business,,, , -.. JAa.A.HCTOIIISO.>f, ■ ran a ,„ . A^M,IVAIiINGPOKD. • Pittsburgh, Febrtitj?f,i 185* cTTt ,'•( r>M t ■_ •• ■ * Xlo-Porineratiln. > ■ ■ ■ [ /THE sutacrsata.l)e!ts tWj,Wrt«m>s AWtnrtnldp for i:A laePtirpOdoofcartyln- oauraisifinan atul tWwxrd : to connocdon »Uh - Axo>n ami 'OH, and iVo awxbqtlaasa genertll/j Uw styi» Qr tJfOLUU 4 JUcn . 4UW029: vanfiooso No. IIG Wator and 1&0 frost street: &rm«rij pcoapXed bf Bdrbrldga - ' - v’lfii. jA UNaLisn, 8 .r l * SAMfiS HITHAUDSOV, ■ - . "JAB. J, BENSKtT. Tatfsbnrgb, . - - * . v OoputxunAipi «WSS,BKB» 41U>XAUTU,b. St-KtER .ml J.F. b*rjiy »i3qametf theifagelyrt together, on oar thtf Art* of JOSES, fcACTtt Am, wHTcany bo Uw lron WintufmccnUj erected by &I*nth A Brother, In East BirmlOfchAia. *' "■ 'as?moSs"luoS w'obkb"”' JONES,XAUm&CO., IWrV n ?* A pT®BKB3 ofjmj»r!orßar* Email »ad IVIro WZ Iron, of *U description* iVahdtoun*. No: 0»W»t« at, between Market and Wood IX HtUlmrch. ■I: f leimm. Cop«rtnor»Mp Notice. ; JJUJiIC ri ;niw nm.nr ■T HAVK.I'UIS DAY .a&aocUted with meupartner, tar JL nepn&'V, Joist PqxlaX. ThetsaslntJ-s of numnletiu* riog wad taiportirff of HOSIER?, ?AUX3,Ad , *LII l*>oon* ihraed tithe. 24 Fifth street, tad conducted ;traut A Co. AH person*hatloi eUims ejtlnst mo »lfl plctiw present them lor Immediate PSymoot.*M those »hoerp Ind*ht»4 njlf r?PW fettle ttHf «11S, iflrhMlltU*Acb&*tf possible, , 0 ; VILUAII &Al*T r KaS4 Fifth *&, vNe« dserto tce.lroa City Hotel l *Si4j; " -V • ■ •:.•••;.• - 'V i ■. V* V ■:. Dtiftoltmonr | 'pH# Pft7taetB&!> b«r«tdCM Uw'AHVef JL Nxout, Hauzr * o>. fco hm matatlljr dUaoiwd. 155' *?? w:t L < « fimj bitlß jf pcwJuMtl tbelato* [t«*t of vaft.S. 3*gl*7, the wirt *b* ttmtt&titf} u I oml* vofar «tyi« of UAVFSOS, I Atv utbcniMil to nwSooT Negkjr.Mofatti A Co, lo i Bottling op tba cU btui&egs,, / r vmr.tr i • ■■< :. < io* ’yttiKnv • * 1 PUtdmrsb, J*o.2, 'M. R.'iMHJkS.’ ' L W H*»lng tlipcaml of mjt MUrat In *b» lata firm of SjJwn* Os. to tty fartntr partner, Mr. Daman, wturwith Mr.'Molua wIU ooDtiatM the basln&ss as ferrtt> fow, I bsirlhe Juwrcrtorwaxamaad M ttquert tfeMß* *ml p&tnm&g? E £ t ,„ I ? I ? TB Ainj GESERAL AttKNTS. m ao John H. a«Uor, —-- XTiitaiiiir '“ ffiHWISt aad Be tail SADDLE, HAftSSSS, K, VAUSS IaMJAKPETBAQ ftjSuS? J.o-105 WTOtot.M«riat. O mo! Holms— fttan.nlna A. M. to fl'yo ~ ' Htnn HrCoUlnh —■" —“■ AND.OOMUIS«IO!C Mmiittiiw «W J , .Wholesale Healer Jo Chaese, Batter, Seeds, pith, and' Prodaocgroerally, Kot 35 WOOpTli.; PlttstorSh , bark ‘4- Bhfllair street Plttsbufeh. | Aiu wnstaotl^on hand »lf.kinds of Paints,either dry E rl and Ooptd Varnish, linseed Oil, BolleJfM. SjHjjJJSPJ. a> n ie rti-' *H of an ate^tottyv Pqtal l *e-» all of the test quality, and lor sale ot reasona- Ma prices. M nll »*■ Joir.ljlbertyrtratjliia on band a largo rtpek of Chairs and Bedsteads -of. erory dwbrlpUoji. made of ..tho beatmalCTlals.wbichha MlsalllowertiiansrUdlel ol 3“ wmaooalityoin be oold In the city. He would caU-par -SrtSr which bo will cell atgreatly rodaced S&rtJS^ T si2R^ , is? , ?‘ I‘!R!r,Pt,one**sotodin;tbomn£*?!?s 1 ‘ !R!r,Pt,one**sotodin;tbo mn£*?!?5r I >j a&S?” at tbs Warn Rooms, or at th A. Utemlofto! Adamiiand liberty promptly "ATONOMAHHiA PIANINO SUlK^ooMliißpootftdl/1 iyJL infonn hly Mmto nod tho jrafcUo, Out his n«r£us> not Pint, planed on Oneorboti ; «iao», oonabnitly Doan, «nd Mouldings, of urojr diMaJpUon, mid* (» iJ?f“^ ,mi ,? url> ? ItCT9wc ? )l l? nIJ !t *® ttofr'idwnfago ■WK* ' ““ TOU ' „ AWP BRASS ROUNPEIts, IV r of lUlMntfa of JBABB WQBK, LO ,a etoliange for work, _ .JOSHPH 3>. LOWbY. jV** ona W&xl Wte, - p KapWrawSSSJSV^ tioti srtta .Intelugaaee and General Oo1Im*Hi»» i»J*£Sw llwA'eaatoirattog. leraualnSut of^f nbr^ jag cMsstcat gtiMiim» T ; : Ti JUiDQyAllltH'. A-) PmwroiT,; ■ ■■< < “M lately 7 tha, I towiaKMßJ'CfifßVaß l Oaiorw,B, MUUar, Jr. , -t i T < juut2S ; 1 -, l~,r i » 4l<( » tSl'Ji&i Jr .■r*. t y i*• .---.iv t BUSINESS CARDS- - ffOStUTA an WHOr- 25, /.do ’ ■ 2000Cocoaauts;. .SOO.bojies QGnnan f inma i •• .25 kegs do do' 10 Dbb. do dO‘ i,r " . 10.eaa«aPninoa»glasaian; • 10 M . ■?; >fencyb*aj WcajluCOirantfl; 20 cases Citron; : JZftQ-borag Chriifaw »«•. 100 fall” M.B. do 200 v.<* « do 2WJ boxes NO. I Berrtng; 100 l&rg*, *ioch of all tbs )U&dsui,a?o.anil will be sold &t rod uccd pries**, HnlPa pat gaVtom, Tra». American, s&&&'*, Crane's, KloksU’F, i WoodjP, PeacjcU'a, Cult’*, improved Bull. *e. i Dov Km. PicmgJu^-Xba . Michigan Doubt* Plough, *hleb ihaatatonth* premium At ibo blaU fttai of hew York, Penney Waal*, rat (Uiksapil wberoverlthee beet* exhibited* ? IrOn end Nalls, Stove Pipe end Tin Waro~*ll of which X towart prlaw; *nd nepectMly Write-the pUbltoto ghr* o»» call. At th* oil tUnd; No. »3 Wood rt. ; -■■ ■ ’- : •. xonwn pauhv ‘ALLEGHENY FORGE. SOIOMOS SHETTEH & CO, Sfl*te Bhssl A Semple’a RolUng Jlllt.J oath* tank of the Allegheny.below the 8l Clair Street Bridge, Amaocfr Cirr, Pa. : , T'IIE proptlulon rerpectftlU; tn&na tho public that: ; A harfnc male cxtetulre siilltiona to theft eataliH.,!?! mast, the; aroprepwedto mawnacture, bn tha eiMlrea. E“S U> .^ nn S, ten^ otk , t ?. B,u l!‘»- Car Axles, Quarry iWork, Itino C utt jr»' and Mneona- Tools, Shamne. ilUl ; Gearing, Machine Work In general,nog hearrTorglng, of ?4?8B SHOES oaoortclSnrf hj syma'a Roieitt AroneHAo, ttmMw, The Homs Shoo ll* ;cWn»»m ba Id operetta! shoot : Urn mtatle otT.brnerr. 1 ?.^““ I L or of 4won mod country murehaaUs'ia £tiiuraL t*> aul «x»mbMi cqraxUn*lT* Mjorime&c of 3IADE CMffIU.NO, ..It b aJmcwltaMWAitde to venaawrAte lhoqu*Qtltjr of UnmooM pii« of garment* tbal ,410-to *em &*ibbUrg* c«»bU*htaaatj K.i#tuClek*ntto unitU has aavwtaxteflu&itai bj Um hoUM itcctc f gwlfcif ToaN WIJOSKgY»^ T Orocorj ft tore tor ßale, "" uB undersigned* being about to «ug»g* la toother btstM 6M9i offer* tot »le, op msDfl«M» t«riaju Uw STOCK ao4 003 D WILL of his old ctiabJMud > gton, corner of Smith&vJd and jroaith ctr»«tJL ' YhA »toe£ icnaptUm ta saoruavotof Uut rvrjhcti fkaityflnnrisj. tidaotedrpaelMly tof.mll; ore, aid aJwtAl b; thepropS tm ialheoMtnn mMketa,oa th» most masootwi tettna. ; The (tend la one of the belt ta the die.' Rite titbit at.Me ffl itbaatijm. fmatin onIPUE ARTHtmk Snnnitlarbc’i IMano* M r. A niKSn util templet* etoei of EtASOSL (him Um mlrtraltd tmurTj of Nunn* A K 4r^. e - r,o,r £ul*h eshlMtwl by lb» •uiwrrUer, Haunt fr. V ‘w > *!i*T inilno< i ar unapproachable, u 3 li#iit* i,, El CUCO stern tat! irtubTeil Ihcnc intalltl::,: tbo r-iuti.r-rn rcoautrir*. The lot eefll coct-rite *ij *!*!,* *uj brkoir*t-*n to obulß « Br»f duo Tiaho, fun* i** I ”?***. *nd * l factory prior?, or* rapeafulj* laritcvi la stuSC tbo arriral of tbUapiendid alack * 7 mn&i in ■ f mc* Astn * fcr Suaa f * Clarke's Mono*farknubursb, JSHS ___ No 101 Tblnl »!rrcb . Piaso Poutks~, . ■: r i nnr—iiri'iii. ■ CTAttwrr* bmjmb. No. m wood «*•** “ *<> «* iJrthZliH* lS?. 0 !?t hi* ell auto,; *«na.SATlijs ttx« om b«r* *Yofumo of ton*nnli tbcmanafkrtarr 1 .of Oale ACo.«lf«w iorfc, -Uarotl £ IUTtDiKor Vork* IJa* 1 and of »t o»tf i Xf sS!?“i# *£?"’"* w * tw '° 10 ‘“•“a ; MUSICAL INStKUMBSTS of Ml kind*. I KUoa 0f tod German, i V}&nt—Th* be»t XtoJiAO, Frtpcb4ad EnglLA m*w t .-/i j ' the best Pari* mannfrffrrr,. . , | 1 o oflot hnf Claß UEESKSSES, hi ; to salt all, varying in prica nceotdltut to 'fflKiß*. 1 ?. snaljly of cm*, Ac. ’BS.Etapcrio^OU InrtSri UtmU 7 m| d CUtten* «£j»tra£ I 6 ™*™ invited toralland otamlne specimens and Paint •. • •- -~• ! awg dcc2Q:v f c ! HEW SKBO STOREii 0_ mlI JAMES WABDROP. ™£! "*• CASABY BTIUW of too rat loprored bnied.betngTerr hardy, and floe singers. BirdS«oS CS'.'i’*? ■■“fpSi Millet,Bom apa ailed Seed. Bouanet* Wll be fomlebad oompoud'. of the finest. FLOWERS, via :* JSragwMUlflnpdti)' a ° e ' l4nJ Uorttouitaiia S»», pio.nimst...a*M;Wood. _ doc!D ; STOCKING FACTORY, , WWHBT., gBTTVEEN WOOD AND MARKET STREETS. T'HHtjest Hoso, Men's Seeks; Under* JL BMrta >n , »''P a .Croctt., Peoncss, and ’fe“ r "ft f " P'»nU»i. indforwlnter hfoonp' JB’chiSSvA 2 gln T ?! L " rn P"" Seeds for foil SowlnEr ?wr tf a a flm> ’ close,smootbturf, cnosl to soils. Pro! l,azne . mB » harden and Farming Implomcnta^ftbo WM P i l A2rti.l2?' ,, ??S 1 ‘ m d 4t H“torh Priocs, Bbm the Agricultural Warehouse, 40 Fifth street. " ' -° (>TB JAME 3 WAUDROP. ee,tTT.° vs?p el, * ra all Junes’ extrv MoylnrtA Qentry’H Tobaoco.ln.stnre and for, sale by rdecgl MILLER A RIOgETSON, , ';TI/P>t.4B3EB-2» bMvNewtMeanaiWbMJHyrop ainj \OL JJBgttHfnup.toStiiby J * ■" ~ , . • ' sam-tw^msAb, 3 > ' 1 • r '.' if V >V.. V'-vv/ .; ; V' : ;U't ■T? Droggiots *HowhaiitB.|UTonghqimie Union. 1 ». B. Bt’CBM/OCGIi, - MAWUSAOTITBSB AB* ÜBAIBE IS P-A2NT3, OILS, £c., ■ • j v TJo*l4l»MaldeilrliaJifl, Vttw.iTfOßK;i- - BaSBffISSffI4MSS?SSS»S sssaTßsaraawafe^Sff* Below VUIJMI£AD, in olf.ln keg* of it, to 600 lb* ' ' carat:. vesl bed, in oil JRY«E, TJSTKA liKSI. oZg&T* 6 ’ Apical vSavaaLAN blueoh&oub xbllow ana yerpigbis, i dry and In OIL ,* ’ VAHSlSttESOfaßtlnda * \ i,3*K *?? roiTV, WmriHG j CHALK,LAMPBLACK. -'.■■■■■.■.*■.■ ' .. , ] ■AM. .and ENGLISH VEN.KBILCaBOMH BED raid SEL-1 LOW, dry and In oil. " l j - . ■■■■•. INlilA BED, BEP LEAP and Uin AUCE, dry. : -: BTONEFIUMOH, and AMEMOAH OCHRE, dry. '■: AJIttOME, PAWS and BRUNSWICK and th JIiKNCH and AMERICAN WIEMTWjGLASS. L-DrufstataandotlNra Inwaotnf:anyof Uwabor* incnllcm ed article*, »U 1 fir.dit to tlmlrlntcrertsto eali, cnour faciii* tie* for taanofiiidnrlnE and timdrwjag, and oar experience InAhnbdalmayglTS a* xdTactagßStn AoUing oxer rural of ftoasln tbogana Un»; t .. . p pD.B.II’OULLOEGIL - . myZL-pm . ... 141 Stnlden Lxne. New YorKi’ 10DB8 « CO., EBS & OOHIBCIIOHEEB, PppisnußOH* Ri-, receiving the following Goods, i lowest market rates r 20 . t* ■.. Yermkella; i.. . £0 . M Borina; . KT « W. Bock Candy, 25 ' « * ANo.l do - 10 « B*l - do * 15 Caper* f ■ "15 ’ ** • ouwsrv*'': t - 76 Gu&oDrops?? 100 M Losenge*;:.:.: - 50 u Jujubo Pasted" ; 50 do*, assorted Pickle*; SO '•pratervcs; • 100 “ Pepper Souco; ;10ease*Sardiani.... - I&■ M Mv "? ‘ VhfcbX*. t '* « # do 200 bag* Brasil Sagae; '•-.4oU>lßB.aSugur; , •: 25 H Lcrrer^iffl ijagar; . 10 casesLlqnoricu; v • 25 boxes RoTd do 20,000 jPrinoipo Cigar*; ' IOjQOOHatAna -do • - 16,000 Regalia do 3,6WH*Sf Spanish Cigar*; 50gr. Mr*. Miller's P.Out •: 50 grps* Anderson** Qo 1 : PiPJEB. W4ffi4iloti«K » (mi W. F 1614 & Co., pOMSmaIOH MKROIIANTg, Wo. SI dlff'etreet, Hew V Xorfc. M» SOLE A9ENIS In ilia Dotal State! for ,- Uuiprutt’JßnpsrlorßlescidnlfiMwder. • 1 XlctorieSlDlsOelobfitea'ff/SiiPepetS- BossollaiiiU-Baperior GcaesseeltlilliiSQpcricrJ'rijrticg - . « -,., . ■ i • •••-flMtqualityPttrttoftkrthrt -: ••. • j . 'Om Agcsteforthetthidrttl PepefMttm&ero. t«B la tSU eountnf, mod offer {areola by far tbe moetei. tosslTt and dettrebl. (took of ItaWamlPoWllimtrfeetu tnt. nut«rlala.th»t aw .be'finmd’ ta;thl» or anfotlwT country. ■.- .-T ,- • > ■■■- . oeenjiyjh* bw and owwodlMi* WaMhoSswi'Ko.i atasst, SivddfcCfcrbttojdair id net, andlheXoftaoTe? the tors* Ironßlpra," and 0 CUII xireet. Their burineralsitrlctly TCl2o&b, mi 4 Wrttl/ic TaWre 1 ere eold by theCera only * “ is Their atreordlnaiy. twlKUia, enable thest to offer; all uoods, both lorelgn. end Domeeue, .at.tha .lewwt wraSMe FXJCCT. ’ " • ■'.• ••'•.'■ '■ :'■•■ T ■■•'■' •• •»■ •'■ - - Pepernwdafoetdcr.anyTfliahrwelght liWeltufren. oeemede on.ooniegnißrjota! of;f Weh-ifejwr. Mekers* Stock and oth-'r tacrclmndite. . ■ highest market pri» ii*ld:ta'ffAan Ibrell klnaiol **** ' merSMSia Brftdtwry , _ no* *as n&oADwir, jvbtt touk. * enabled to. km* JL . .nuoifnpa.ter RE*nrtaco? otlnstrumeatß than hereto’. &ra : : Ail mi»» farnlihed erp ote»d»tleit>u<& ( and of ha •TM^miaUiy« oat ii»p r fail; rid*- end purely weal tonh, qahl|ue« mcpt desirable, inumttgh a* theTotor'wUlhßsiara late to thetaneef th*lnstrum*afc : Atfwy Insttumantaare fully »arr«atj ; 1 . • «*-AJw. M?n Melodeoi with (wo! ainkt nr £ey* f the only thfnfrof tSsWal-fflthe amntiy, (uytnhiwo tkpj,amprcr,«weU sweotatii: powerful Initruornt, pronounced by OrganUts to ha sap* Hop ft» churches or Organ f ndfc# to the tnedium sited Or* ; Chßt.pnee $2OO. Also> too OomacaSelodeon, of ell styles endprto*j. Beln»thA cxetutire Agent - Ibr'the*» lnsfiro tnesterordersotaeolldtod. , Ttwyuaildlsreaol ffiede to ths i lO cent to ctognaen purchaelD;? icr their «■»««•. BUABBintYV WOaiiD'B rams, TRUJMPU OVfcHTUE COMI'KITIOX OB TOB'WORLDI <1 TUB SiU Atnl only BIU2E MEDALS lax Hn wa«BtUir.Oio3tKt»!ftJtli7njia Loal* j-Hc* they are te\i.nd all com peUlioa. .Tb*b«f:oft|if4tbi» :oB?y U nttd.4o4 oo wtoi ;«r»fMjfd|toiwfb WrfseUon!a«cf/ttrfltler ' It U tck&wW«?dr. for eleg*n», Hghtnc«, comfort ana m)-value, tiro Jfsr&vts end feddte* of Lacey & piili iim carp«M aU Ottawa Tbry-uirtta a dowetaminatlcD of Ipofß CtOCfc* . Atteatlontaollaf t4ih*lbltaef&£«r*X#ofprk?»‘.. jltltt, «rfte*ab!e Klugb ttWoma, .....412,00 to 125 00 « " M - -23,5010 S^flO “ 4a*la Doubt* Harora, .... *O.OO to MMJO ,_P !c 2. !j4 r« a traneh v( l&.ir etaWULsseol at se» Or - OwoifYlianww MaitfS aappUnd with Jlaroaw Mir;A namUr or UAJtLNKM JUKEDS aro offered con. rlasi cmplojment, ibn year round; ■■ The hichesi wages „ , I LiCSI * PIULLIP3, 7 1 °» Ccut - 11 Fifth Bml.riir Jiloor alert, miadi'lphU. Fa ftts’ _ uXSuUfi j. neNKEDS"*- CUT C AJO I IS Br W VKB It OV SB, A*. IT3 CHKXryUT BTBSh'T, (arrears Ixomssisrr* Uau,) Fhllariclpbia. „ rasirm m eve&y sms! Comprising LoufcXlV, fouls XV, ElUafoihan and Antiatnv . ■■ . wlthSrotptuireCimingttnd-modfffaetylo; ' iAjlC3cvDod,H*inotv&UbasaDj,‘3*tiawecdan.dM*td»; . all of •upcrltT fotxAtraciton, *»d noUhcdtln the :•■ bt*i*!yto,eq*utl to. It not excelling Inao&l* Jty* the Hoad* i>f any Eitoblfehv- E%r«r tU UwUtlilWSt*!** sIPLOYINQ none bat experienced workmen, (OPP ren ds** Ma?pcrillr«ly<«dudwi«)aud ttriug tho heat ma terial*, tho •«©« cthtjot £aU • 6a ijltc intbirafUon to -chason. Amongit the many advantage* offered to put* chaser* isitro .facility of Furnishing * Hour*. either Inel*. gaut or plain atyle;.complotcl£ from one crtabHj'bmmt; by :which means all tho article* la each room comspood ia. andquallly, oitl the fmrnetiw stock always c* band, 'being co rarloua la deilgD, enables purchasers to pi cam their taste io a selertioo, without the delay oesessarily caused In ordarlaj; furniture, V To give an Utro of tha Cofshtsl ForuliuroonliaxuLlnepd .only is&mt yoa (hat my Hoorn# are 175 feet long, by 2? tot vU* four floors in number; with Shops rontignous, sufiL dent to. employ 2QQ handy, which Is a guarantee that tho work la alldone nnder my own Immediate lnrpecUon fi9*The Packing Is &H done In tho Store, and Tarnltufo warranted to wry safely aay distance. Vlidtcw to PhiU : delphU are rropWfUHy invited, u purchaser* orottierwii& to call and ekinilno the Good* ‘auZSdy WATCnE9,JKWISI.RV t j*Q SILVER WARE,'Bronzes, Clocks, Papier Maehe yfffar Gpodi, Rosawpoil Hrowfog Cases; Writtog Jtosks. JRj+jk Elegant y«i<> °poi* Glasses, CutUery,!Vlno'o3 Im Vm Paintings. Dntaden Cnlna, Ao.—The umleralznod t»gparticularly to Inviiethe vl£lU ofcltlrens and straneerti ’whßWor aapurcha&eraorconnaltSQura, to their magnificent gtock, bellorlfiß It toopewd In oxtent, variety and richness, any other in- ihl* country,: ;.Tba« tol sure, theadtahtaco of personally selecting goods at the diflctentflwtorieain.&Qrope, aha tnojrown manufcctorios of Jewelry, Silrer Ware, (cl here* enable them to offer Inducements In prices afid quaJl. tlos, and prices, considering quaUtto, such as cannot bo of fcred by any other house tn the tradtv . .Delicate goods so carefully packed: as to go safMy any dls* tanoe,andbyalraoiftanyconreyaaw,' * r - y • ’ . Wbolosaie and retail. .< •■•■'• fiP IRAI , S P Jt JK Q JSLAT TIiES S S, W* Cot. .BaUwort and,Frederick afrrefa, BaU ; . timore, and No. Walnut *t, % Philadelphia. . \’BTVfi SILVER MEBALS AWARDED, VIZ:—. ' • *) AsuaucAß Isstitots, New. York; ■»■■■■•: By VFBmLmlmwtuts,Philadelphia; -; ■) .ILuituwplinmincj:,Baltimore. • ffTKE peoulfar Improvement la the construction of this I Mattress is, that 'all the &urttcfy and heavy wt/odtn lVame*worfc Is entirely: dispensed wlih,and Its place sup plied by * lighter tad raach'. more durable frame. The springs are *ll connected by harness leather hinges, secure ly rlretted, Tendering it impossible for asfngla spring to fall downer get oufrof place, and making a Bed soelostin thatanypartmay be rabpd.or bentois tad is thus admira bly fitted to the .wants of tho sick or asthmatic, who may re* auira a sitting posture. It has&ntho luxurious softness of the best feather bed/with thelightness and facility of hand' lingoftheoommonhfdrmattress- .; 1 •! Theeo Improved Spring Bods invariably made of thr best materials, and will lost many y ears without repairs. : .Persona haiug'Uolr Mattresses can havethemmteredin< to* Spring Bed* - These Bods are well adapted for. Hotels* borths gfghips.. Steamboats tad Hospitals. • ALSO, an extensive oxsortmbntofhfghlyornametttedjYfa enamel.) and plain finished- CAST IRON FUttNITURfi, can. sis ting in part of Bedsteads, Hat and. Coat Rocks, Cone and Umbrella Stands, Centro, Pier and Side Tables with marble tops, Garden Chairs, Settees, del ete;' : Animals, such u/Lions, Lambs, Bogs, cto; in TroiLAs" wellftsthe modclslnWood,furnished atsbortmotice. •• declflly - , , JOSEPH HOGRIDGB, ■■< COMMISSION AND JOEWAKDING 'MERCHANT, . . :'No. BSOo*amcuii-iitLoW:'Praii StiiiEß. l ■-•'■■ ■ St. Lonli, So., /CONSIGNMENTS and ComndsalOpß wiUmoetwlth prompt Vy andpersonalattontlon, and llbsol odtianmi will be glrenwhon requites, on Consignments or Bllteof lading. in’hand* ‘ •-■■••••••*•.■; ,*>• Ordersfor tho purchase of Load, Grain, Hemp andother Prodnce;ulll .bo promptly Ailed at tho lowest market prlcos. Ths Eecelrlngand Forwarding ofMerehandlienndPrD dnoe wfll moot with oopodsl care and tUspafch; the lowest rates of-ftelght will always be procured, and the oxpeuco of BtoragoandDrayageaS muehiuposalblß aTolded. ' umrams: PegeADoom, •;BtlouUs: Ellis* Morton,: Cincinnati; Cbarlcss,Blow A Go., do;.. Strader A.Gorman, . do; Ohoutoan A "Valle; do;, Eosea A Bratcr, - do; Doan; King A Go., . do; Bpriofffcr Amiteman, ' do; J.W.BnUorA K.O.Gooodman do; D.Leech 4rOo do; B.AO. Yamall AOo.,PhHoda; Wm.Eolmea do; .Morgan, J.M.BuokAAlorsan; Blow A March, flaw York.. B-B-Oomcgro, v do; ftoct A Forrest; do; Bhletds ' do; OhacleaArMolgs, : ■ do; Joaioh Lee A 00., 'Baltimore. A.G.YarwcllACo.,Boston;. Ahrahani' J.'Oole. : • do; Howard, Bon & Co., do;. W.B. Reynolds, . LouisrlUe; B.D. Newcomb ABro., do; T. O.Twlchell A Go., Commission 'Merchants, New Orleans. 0.1 have an opoaiolle* of Insurance,rrhicli'will coyer i *ll .eMpnwpte to as address, *hon adrteod by. letter per |'maU,orwOMtendorsei on billsof lading before, orat the Urns of shipment. ■ JO3EPII MCWEIDGE; ’ l angfl ■.i BLLonlsiMtajuri. - «* M ~ * * It * * ' "* *» .i: 5 ,.V:.^V' : .• j.; - nevTtobk. tSaßMsiflntr, R«» Yoffc. PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE. 229 Baltlmoro street, corner pf Charlo* declfrly “Baltimore. GEOUQB' SOU SIASTTrACrur.VR 07.T8n DIPKOTSD LOUIS. 'Vv^lV‘ : ;•:: .• '-' : ••*;“ ;*;#• «v-. * >' ’• .’• V - ~- FOR SALE AND. TO LET. w!„' r r offera-for sale, on very reasonable terms, 1 i. »**fcllowltoj>rt>perty,vJj: , ’ i fl - y I teS sto 2' Mck Dwelling-House, No. 110 Penn street, ?“} foot fronv Sit •f !, ' t ' to p V’l 9 *'- ®ho House Is one of the- SAT 0,10 of “•. mo V ea£aßt “I**®- era of front and Pony streets: 71 g^^syaSs^saisS^fi Mstejpsj onT&iyAt. /-mS?- 1 I 80 ** dMp -“ »-«•,««» ,TH&!Wvonveniont Promo Dwelling; tot 2n ftefc by Affronting on Congress and Eta sts. ..A. lieuse ana- let,'on Wjtlo street, near the m-w : Court Hoto. Tho house Is well arranged end In (rood order, nod! U now oecupjcdas a hoteL' “ ,* . °» SteHbileld street, near Eeventb- M&is.sasff I**» 1 **» *-» *»* *> ftxesuloncc. ■» • ! Mue Lou In the toTfc of M'Kecsport, eooh 4o ftet by ifio.i fiorcraUf the** arson thoideiaetooV / L,iS * ****«s? Xhnotown, on the Monongahelt lUver, on: wWcMLero are-4 houecs; there are «oHi»6or racresbrox- abtmdaucfr of limestone, eanvonleat to the lornllng; amTWodoalpiteopfin Ninety I«u in the town of Columbia, 60 feet by 150 each, nearly all level, and well located, 'flbe tenant of Lof Bw the privilege ©f whatevergthtW isoal he’may ro*' Qmrefer his pwn nee, from, a pit near the Bocka. OolumW* la a pleaaanteiWatlbn ontho banirof the Monontahelarir* ept* short distance below Look ho, a. in tb&mldst of an«x> tensive stone coal region, and .would be a desirable point for toanufarturingestablishments,- .••• ;; • river; good «rsjd6.a&d foundation .for railroad—-with enough .level:gronaalat one gantfe? hCra»a mart of locations fdr.nufetf&cibrfeS. The vein Is deep enough to allow horses to ba&a&i& haul- Ing out tho coat—the quality of which; for S?SSy ™ 'Q*^ h sr*# ea * 4 no * afiy fcS the' • In my absented* agonfy&ua** -lUaifily, Ei& *IIJ dye' all neorasary Information, aadT» authOriretL fia java trarran* 1 tee deeds fcr any property add. a? Ay; " * PT*" Vo 110 l rtr+* UVSBtt iO. LLf.—A larga .Bwulling .Hour b,- wltii gas * BB d wetor fixtures, oomlbriable and conveu/ent, situ ated on. Wylie street. . ,r. , . ? •• Bmttbfcld rtaoS2S Aerea ofLand. with a vein Jb vS Coal4}^feetthlch;with alower volnor 2 feet- IX 18inches between the two, .Tho.Lnndjs a good soil, audio Acresftrcultivaxibn. Agood Dtfolllag'BdnserFrultTrtees good wafer and .Thc LMwliaxuitablofe* Qatdeni iDg pDrpowsj tjluafe ahQuU milMfrpc; the city; a short distance from the UrowustiUe Flonk ltoad - i - : * . . „ . „ CUTHBERT A SON.' dwi :■••: • ; y Ccuowl Commission Ag^KOThlrdaL ■ " - ■ ;,i ' -•■■■ * I lease, (fourteen years) of a stroot and Spring oiler,in nj, ffj? VrewT* 0 00 nwwwß, and mnnlng i?^L, l^i£'« a . £pri rFi! U " r ’ 9D "^ ldj l 9 «»«tea a fbnr •totted IM* WouseHO n,winaro,iriUi a steries, CO ft. on .gyring alley, well talonlatsi. any 'Pejogengagedln man* oJactniJiß In* tho ctmnay, loSer tho abore for sate; In 9nlma( 2(0.42.i Liberty street. . 0,39 tf EIIWARP FABER. HOLD, DBIVEE! lOCOMOTIVE AHEAD!! S-ittei' P **™» ■ ir H * rabsexitwr anlboriied . to. sell !S1 ACRES OP . LAsn, slSnitea In. Versalllej Toimshtp, Allcebony ?. n Kl^1 Illlt -!?'K n . i * ,lly L 8? ftdwn S 3 Vi, 9 'X* tte-oajc Flats, and la stehtof tbo proposed. Station * e fmprofeoSnla oi, follows: if?, ,lott S =? *t» <■«'• <™o atnrice hlrh; ond CO by Jo ;frot—both, .new amp in l good order, two floo yoanp Orchords, best gradod fruit, Jnst rommeodnit to tear. . There la 00 tolOO Acre's crearnl uid f?,,? »« ‘b»hatanoo tewwll'jat of Umfirst order., This Land Is welt S!«k Fsrtn, bdo* r.ry letel. end tho soil T ll *? 4 oasoity lot omM pewlog, and belnu well , watered, burins some twefro or fourteen ■ rererfoiLiris sprira ofyzedlontwater.tfacroon. ThlsLoiid hat faellitlM koir a toiie ora* vbn«S o O"nKSlu',a,lriHi almos*. cn the lino of the Oomiellselke Rsdinadj autfols soppissod to contain aainerhanitlilobed of JRO.V OHB. Tbfs'uSdSoSd nS (V. r..re n 7 t 'i‘ onSj tbat.tb, owner la about lon-terre to iiCS’ o ■ Story Rrfck DweJUhgrwith f.nishcd basement and attio-on the bank of the AlSvhony. aboro the Oiucduet JAMES 8 CRAFT. - J , dyiKdf., t . . ...... yo. 144 Fourth st.. For ABMALL FARM, Biiuate In Lowor 8t Clair Township, , “SitSSS 011 * fron tbnßorough of Birmingham, con* raining SIXTT, ACRES, more or drew Itlsallcteaicd and Ul s*ej ??! 3 V*M9n. Tor further particulars, apply to *, W. SYMMB3. IHrminghain. OFFICES, on tha kecond Boor of tLuTost Dnild -i.\oS»i entrapco from IFom stroct—nullable for-Atton lQsuraqco OfQcv?. Ac. Xoauire at tha o'fflr# t\f ihiv subscribers, flrftßoor ’[jaMl FATMCKS A y»nffn tto SOOTIL pmsßUnun fiioi'Eßlr for BALH-jiooa for know Frame DWBLUKQ: UOUSE with fire rooms. ?b« ,Mt on tho Brownsvme toad, near ;tha toll-gato, nlarco efebletcutbven, Ac.\tThff hour* Is Wfc l JP» B^ Mid on easy terms* Peach. Annie end Hums trees. - Alio, a neat Cottage Hohsalb?MoCfc't2rr Elrf“S y » too-garden/ fruit tro^Sprln^ ppring-housq;Ac.. Tfinns ©ssy, ...? f r .... ~ S. CIWIIREST A EONs “ , ’ l, UO Third strret I , . T*keKotloe. HAVE placed my Books and Accounts In the hahds Of rflw u' B > c “ T and? earnestly numba,all who nteMjh'bfod for subscriptions to theDally' and Wickly Post, or for Advertising and Job PrintinjrfwUl' pay l up ns speedily as possible. Mr. lUchoy is also author Iced to eottle the accounts of-tho linn of Ilaarra A luTros and IlAr.rrßi.Pauuri.,. ■ L. HARPER, *e-®tr.'Wi*ejMrßl be found nt fho offlee ofW&st' -.where tho Rooks *.tiU mmaip- ••■ [j’a3' ' • ' ' Drawing and Faint!dr, •. ® ® fyROF. IT..W. BUSOfI, havingJocftted himSolf In thtt j[ -c»y, will giro instructions on the PianoandOulUr: in' Ft«MCh Uerman, Spanish and Itolihalangaagos: Draw ing and Painting, un water oil)., , jtny commaniaatiaaleft ® j DS c or ot the drug store 1 of H. PAGE, wiU receive prompt nttentlon. •.'•’• ■3 • nxfxassccs;; ••• I Hon, E, Everett, Boston,,-. : Dr. Israel, Plttsbnrabi !. 'Hon. Jnlius Rockwell, Mass., JeftirateUart, io.! ’"■ & %hQ!r FeTIU! ‘ New York > Roy Cyroa Btok, at, f il>B Jas. H, Hopklnß. Esa?. do. BBTEBPEISB WORKS. : !W- *3O yopßaracn, t jai Booa nxunvvaam nor. ■■ SO Wj sr d TETLEY, ■ rmnnfhcfcnrera ot !jfflBwT HsaBS^SsSP Jiy,Bl * GlC4l ‘ AS D*>i®®tii fIfSJ XNSXIU,'MENT3 r Kl{’HBB I*a''TVe 1 *a''TVe *5B? keep a geneceiassortmont ofthe abcTO _h„- «hrtanftf,o* band; together trim apmerai variety of Fancy Hardware.- tolsandßovolveni, Husks, Honu, Shot'Bolts,‘Cstaj Powder; Tatlora ,ond Heir Bressora’ Bhearr; Vockot Scissors. 4c.— AlflOi Trusfiesa and Supporter*;'-. * . v.;v •:. r - 0.1. .. Wo W .mating Junes or every description, to order, of tho.hcst meterml, and workmanship warranted— Oztlersreceived forlhem atlVholesaleor 'BetaO will ha tith ed, with despatch.- Hunting partlea, supplied at WhofcSale- P 1 *” 8 - ■ mylS Selling oir to nemove. TAMEBSOBB,No, 109 Msngsrstoeet, Pittsburgh,wUl S,B < fvo? 8 . prjincet t until thalotaof Febraar? 1854, when hohopcato. removeto ids -Star Stoiie* Nq_ £& Market eltcot, which ho Intend* filling'’with. w eriUioJ? new stock. Thc-pubßo are'respectfully Incited to call and LTCSW 111 -Wrgiwta** . • . Valuable Hare Garden gndg. &o. /IJONHIBIIhG in part of the celebratS Btewel m Ever- V er«n Sugar Own, Old Colony Sogar cSrn, -ffrinkted SugarPOMorTirlou} improved varieties, Blno-ImwadS. Blue PrnsshmandMnmw£i« do;- Beans, Onions. BjSi«h Parsnip,.Cucnmbtr.and Mellons or the finest andmostaii' proved sorts,Field Carrots, Turnips and Sutrar Beola rditfi,' dairyman and termers.';' A rich roUecUoh oMto* toa,* hawn Crass tod, and a fall and: complete assortment^} at“w f rat 2.” y “ i ‘ 6lmkn " a ® doin or 100 Orders from Merchants, tole-s or others filled promptly on Choral terms, from tho Seed and Ttortlcnltdral saxJ llonse. 49 Fifth street, by jspr27] JAMF3 WAItOROP.' • T BISED BTORK la now rop’cU} with early stalk.and straw cattora- au* crarytWnKflf to Kl‘ O f^2'3 , T r ’ ganl , o’cr 0 ’ cr ««»»teu?. , ttwroltertat de^°- B * nd m ««haistff filled promptly, eu KraH-WABD kOU 3jtUi>-«mrt?o 1 - rt ! iwur? on Peon street it.i r :. Uno wt of ground. near the corner of Walnut and Quarry greets.-Apply to- - JAMES BI4. ", . •- ■. MEDICAL. ' _ 9R7moß^B Invigorating Cordial 2 : &> Phenomenon in Medicine, ■ (TTEakth restoubd andlife lengthened. bt ; •Jjt dilmorse’s urnaoniriNO Etixm *(SxOK ! -OMIk-rAt first ~thß propcrlfeMlttrihnted ip* *rot, Morse's ; Invigorating Elixir op Cordial wore deemed fabulous. The • 'public, oflen-decvlvad, bouhlaot "bellow thesfinplo anil sub* - by loahllity to f loop, diseases Incident to temaljm, depay of.the propqeating fanctions, hysteria, mono raMds, regue temrn, palpfialkm of tho hrart, tapSteney. Ocnstipation, ate. from ■nhatcrereanaealrlsiasuislirthere fowSbte^ D " . t ?,ho. flia* 4 on human testUaony, absolutely A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALES. The anpur*lle)ca effects or this great resterativs, In all I whiehtbaa^form^n^^der^UM,,. 0010 «*—-**•*•£ MARUIED PBItSONSL* Or this Cordial after they have used & bot* «8 two, a thorough regenerator of the iji’teat-" lUhU bo found the happy parents of healthy off sprlOff,who would noifcare be*ra bj but for this extracrdl nary preparation. And it is equally potest ihr the maardla easejfor which it isTMonuaandad. Thousands of young S^SV^ter & and notia-a situ!* in* l status built foiled Cobenefit them; »•’• ? ”***.; PEHSOSS OS PALS OOMPhEXfOK. 1 2-Ss?viP*2 TO “? wsl °rod by the use pf a bottle or two to bloom and rl&or, efcantfns theihinftum apale. yel' ; lew, sickly color, to. & beautiful florid complexion. • • _ to tub misguided. 1 .&* } sa»lajkd melancholyeffects prodd wly-lttMto.pf youth,, fa: wcafcnew of th/bSrk ~and pains la-tho head, dhauees ofalhlit loss of mu* : f?l?fa S?y? r i of .tho hearty JEfcfmi?S? g*** B * B ® 6 ***'®f'disestjTeraaetioafl, gvuorol dftbllJty,jrymptopscfcou3uniptUujS4eta, .. 5? rful .on tbo mind are much .to be csalhstou of ideas, depresa&ir ?fJS r tendings, to society, aelf-dLstruKt, Sf ctt ’ MO ' 0 “>« *> «uTpSS£ : . BEFORE CONTESIPLATEfQ MARRIAGE sneolJ rsflwtf- tho n sound intad and todr are the most connubial fiappinwa: Indeed. J™n i ‘TthTough Ufa lira com a weEy rllgrly^a—ibo prospect darkens tba rfcas the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with tie _ refiaalotL. that the- happiness of anotherba-' comes blighted with vour own. ■■; ■ ’ . , CAUTION. Ooplba has been cmmtorftltel by some unprincipled persona. In future, ell tbegcnnlno Cordial win hare tbo monrie. tort fiiMimlle misted orer tbseorkor each bottle, andtbe followlogvords blown in tbo-glass: - 1 ■ • P r> Morse’s lOTlgorstlng Cordial. ■ _ ■■■■-“■ C. It. KING, i*roprietor. N. V. , tlSSSS?isi* l 'i' l u VP ’ wnoentmtod, in pint bob Ues—prieo tEito dollars per bolOe, two Tor fire doflark six for twelve dollars. c. H. RING, PropneterT^ and I lbe\^| , g'a l £. lta,DSllmt ti ° StatS,’ rtaSda AGENTS l " ' ■EUbAiush-TLEMLSO. BROS, No 60 Wood street Do CEO. n-KBYSBH; Noa« « iUleßhimjr Cify-JNb. P. PtESiISO; Kncinnstl—a IE MBAKIKQS, ' Bitter*. 7 MI inXV end warranted to lavitr.- -V omi .J otl £t «ngUien ih» itEolo syptini of erew om who uses them, are HQw UcpttDrsalibT : ;' ** yttwSSft^g^^ • jP*, .obfis. Hotel*: and -jrellaa' dealers genofally, where the nxcorietora mf«L wgwtfiofa refer tho pubho for them.' - i. > The expense is but a trifle, when. compared with the in. calculable good they effocL. • .. ysollog soUsfiedthat . our.BUters. possess merit sufilfllant tfl fteommend thorn, wo wiU net praise*- bit ask all,to giro them.-a trial ** cut b« MMfni in ■gfor HDSTEWEK’tSTOMACH wIEJSaS othor Ntten represented tote the Our Blttcrsam without ariv*l,eltbffle .ns Id their modlclna] qualities, or as a bar wage. - Thcycro put ujiin squaro bottles, containing a full quart, with dP reeHons on, and Dr. J. Bosttiur’s Sumal* JSHforv blown on' .tho glass., houeothormnnino;.., ... - ■ ..-. -■ ; ' ■ ■'. : HOSTETTER, ShQTH * CO, i_-Jncßl 267 Pun street, PttfaibutuE - Hp C?ls hrated Ktrusatheulug u Plasters. ipreaiLby xuachwerr. ” rpilfcdE.- Vii&dXEEts sro confidentlyrccammonJed as a .X .oppaly and effectual. Koody in alt case* ofEheuma- Sprains, lunibMo, Coughs,-ColdSi Asthma, DUBeUlw (»'. the Bach, GhesWßldes, 4e,-«ud . .stimptlon: anti am particularly useful to those who labor ", “ U ' bUo S w“h pilbs teeash olten thu forerunner of consumption; and In acll m-ato Ilk. ours, where-conghs and colds-artr almost ati tiiP ?iJ 1 J“?, K) ? ac^u ,“ I ''»of the sudden ohangea to -which wo am S in 1 EUC . h . a i‘? ! tta3 olt«h«lwlUflnithoiniasalu f“i sontiln? hats my signature embossed In the 'leather. -„«i j a m'htaitpv -“*«&»■ ?!*W & Bd'NOSwU^Scf .Penn end locust streets. A literal discount made to deal !2L_ E' «Ai^^4 aton,,, " l 'g Besniti EODUOED by bsiDg B. r. Fahnestock's VennifW- Which can always he depended! on, as It never fidla na the system of worms. ... • - .. :■ ■-.Mowrnm,Canada,March 18; 1860. -- Harrs. B. A. fhhnalock<£ Cb.—(lentlcmom Sly:little girl, eight years of age, was for a considerable tlmo suffer lngfrtm yram*. I purchased one tetUa of yonr VemnU dup, which Fgave ucoordh}g Indirections, art to my great bstanlshment she passed one hundred ■■ and tWentyino S Winßlrom eight- tq.sUteen Inches In length,be. sides Pin worms.; Having experienced the good effects of this i;i? ai iS Uito,^- lt ? g ® ln . l 0 a? hoy,‘five yearn old, j!to|tJie ( same.teppy.effocVß«siDg forty-eight worths; 3 "rarioussiccj.l foci it asluty to recommend ihla.Vcrmifugo, ■f““ a &*“* cases of tap children known fothepnbSc! .. ; *[P IIW Moos*,. Alexander, sfc-- art sold by B. A,-FAHNESTOCK * Co., corner Of Wood apd.glrat,streets, Plttshnrgh, - ■ - -- • feh2i' TO tll « PabllO. EOTETIPIITSB -FOtl.N URT, AtUiO ITBNF Ctf!-, PA. KIEQSLAND, thankful: for: past’ fevorspbegsr to In* JO •fore the public that he Btiu carrleson the FOUNDEY BUSINESS*in all.lts branchoS, m heretofore* at the pld stand; torner of SANDUSKY Strcot and CENTRE AHey, (near the Eaglo Cottoa In addition to hfa-forme* Wdrkfho has become the proprietor of thotaelariro right for.;thaCU. S. of Uohn Johnson’s SelMSeattog Cbarccol Smoothing lroa*pitontod January, 18&4yadeeUed ImproYe meat upon all btner Charcoal Irtma Aisoj he is the owner ofthe undivided half of J.Js paten tßox Smooth* Ing Iron* a very exaollont article, warranted to giro eaUtf> fitotion upon fiir-triai. i pQrsonnderironsofparchasloglnteToaUlntheseTalaahid inventions, will please address*- '‘ C. KINGSBAND. t febl4 Allegheny City. TYPE AO EE CY. A. JAYKESi :: NO.* 3.8 OTTH STREET PmSBUBGBy >. •: Agent for th* Sale of L. JoTmeonfr Co,’* fa* OF PQXhASSLPIHA, TTAB ON. HAND and for sale,thafollowingr—Brass lined AjL column Galleysr Common Galleys assorted, Slice- Galleys, Composing Sticks; Common and Job CasedV Shooting Sticks; Ley Bniabes; Boxwood Qnolnff', JFuroi* tore and or aU Brass Bole, of oil descriptions; Job-Ink, inlS> cans;:100 kegs Brout’e News Ink; 100 Founts gone? Cord Bettor; and Leads,eat to any engtb»( j . * . . \ Orders for Pressss and Type will receive prompt at> 'tentio&ttindfohxlshedirtthe'Foundryprices:- orived inexahangofer new,at-S ccnta3 3>. t:f,** <;, ;; ttttabargh. May 14,1853,~daw . _ m<* ; U3!rrA tirßtsteiyJJrtaSi POUSR. on Thlrt-*tn*t i: Awilytd tfaM) JAMB 3 BEAgBMT. AjflreSXANUiJ* dpnjM^2im>Ba'fiir calefy i ,01a JHttriS “«■ HEglra B&0& ..{-J ± •- ?••.*-• • „■ . ■■ . v , v v . . • . - :■ . - T , i , : • V ' ■ ■ ; .■ ** -'i; j r ■' s-**' . * -W- 1 -r.-. *. • • ■•■• -• #'T >i; V’ V : i- ’ A.-'- ' -. ’ ;/• .>»■ ■ <*. ! i- It’-,.-'.* * . i •- V f * .Vj 1 ' .•- V r • =<••.•<»&*<. r ■-> ;-..\:*rv. .;03«?iWi?- ;:pi;i^e:^M&X,&i:t PAJLY, MOIIKIM PQST, BATORDAV MbBNiMOi.4:::»SI'APRIL IS. Tk(> kngert lSigbrtaTllfef " A SJ®P6 AD VENT CHE.' K-,yJ r ;;-X-;C’; r -;- t .v; ,-y •.... «JLln« °?A 0t win* feSj $*W Jj thp snow B B M " n < 1 1 /<>r»e*s;whenrailwayg veto unknown,. «ni l had rot Iv^rr'«>MP«niaUvo Coaot esn of londpn. :;The Snails'bad been irregular fornjdonth past, Bnd.thb lci{erfe^i hi^ .with,great.difEaplty, Woredtf« Toid ,of all. intflUgenfie, the metropolis ' knew nothing of the doW of tbo prov'mnoa. an'd the prorinoes :ktfeW:fitrte wore of tbo 'affairs of thewetropoUs;:fcat;the'c6him6Bbfb'oth Word ppfjf tha.inolemeooy-of faestt rendiug pf : BtarvatjoQ aßi destitatiop, with wocaerful hopes bf-adrentarous 'traVelors, and ’of'still mono adventnrDUß .mail.ooaahmcnsnd Boards, Bosjness was almost ot,a siandstiH„oiLW«s only carried,on by. at? and starts. famlliea.wero made uneasy by the frequent long absence of thefr absent- members; and tho poor were suffering' great misery from cotd ond famine: * - 8 The Booth road bad been/blocked Op lor neat* '? a ® partial thaw almost, caused a S a *! ll ° rfjoiciDg. CotSihea began to ran, let *cl? to bo doipatched anddclivered.aiid weath er-bound traveler* to have Bdme bimo of resell tog then destination.. r Among the first Jodies who,"Undertook the ijonrneyfrom tho west of Scotland to London at -this time, wab a certain "Miss Stilling,' who had, ! |wr wfiekQ paatj dealred td Teftoti the t Herfoends assured,her that llwas a foolhardy | attempt and told her of travelers who,bad twice : “Day, three times—snowed upon their way to"* ' i town j but their advice and 'warnings were' of ha* avail;. Miss Stirling's huslllees waß UrgenV-'lt! jconeerned ottrers Jbsn.herself, andeho wonnot by, Epraonai,, discomfort, or ,by physical from doing what' she thooght Was right.''' : ' - . i ,;80-,'ebc;keptiiBt her purpose; aiid oatly rinOPeb*’’ in the mail for- Loudon, he ang the only passenger who ,waa booked for the Whole journey. _ ’ " • " • • ■ ■ . j.; The thaw had 5 continued’ for some days';- the ; roads, though - heavy, weroopen; and wlth the- here-and there, the, first half tlS&uV* 8 ****•»«*: _Tbe6econd day was more trying than the first. JcfcaiUy # 'iHiid^penotrhte4 : every ereviceoritheooachthe.partialthaw.had buV shghtly offeoted I tho.wi!d;mo,orlapd.thcy.had to” ciosßi _ thick ■ heavy clouds'"' 1 werV'gathcring' TOtm&'tbeWed'rayl&a son ; and when W'K&bh-' JP* xoad-eido. Juti the Snow began ;to- P - l both the go ard anjl conob maaerged; t!i r .® to remain them for the. t bight, Instead or, tempting' tho’ diecamfofifl and perbnpe tboperils'bf.theheatSfag*/' -Mlsßtir*'! |ing_.hesitated foe a moment,-but-the little fb?J9?ked, bj up mepngp pleasant: place In' bo:! enowed.up in, so she.resisted. their entreaties,. and, gathering her fora more closely around her, ' sh 6 nestled hereelf intou coriier of- the’ coach.' Thos, for a time,..Bho lostall cousciousccss of outward,things in,sleep.. - . ‘ Asu dden lurch awpke her, and she soon leam- , cd that they had fast in "a show-drift, ondthafno effort of -the -tired horses' could ex tricate the coach from itauupleesant >predica*-’i mtrnt. The guard, mounting one of .the leader*,-. set off.in search of, assistance, while tho coach; mau comforted hlißB Stirling,by leTlirig' her as nearly ha they ooald calculate' they were only a ■ taUe or two from “the-squire's,-”' and-thot if the - ftnard-: whom was entrusted the wo>E of removing '• fhe'BemlnOles fironi’Fl6ridiv : Hs given' upon" hope of acdoTDpHsMDg.that.work tljtf presents season. ;, ; >lhs writer fears,that upon a report rot v this, fsot to .the authorlties st Washington the •’ administration wifi resort to '-tocosareg of force: and ■. coercion for - the purpoae“of expelling ■;the -■: savages-from -the Florida peninanla» r : :Ila pro-u tests strongly ogaiost eooh a course. . L .JBxissarv*. Bobbeby as Sr.Louis.—On "tie', night of Wednesday last, tlio 'eafe of itio St. Xoula ' BoatmWa Baving'Asssoiation Was- robbed of slB,ooo, fa; notes.of - tha Bask of the. State of ; Missouri, and over $l,OOO iq gold., No clue 'to", the robbery had beoa ej>.ta;ned tit last accounts. ’ flho Board of Directors have resolved to make faemselVee personally Bahia for the loss, thU3 BavtDg depositors from- any. uneasiness.—JSrrjr» Pmr. ■■<;• ; i ft;; x:?jitptox'sfo £ ■/ '-'.'AC; : Bobbeby oi tits .cb Ismaha, - r-Tbo State Bank of Indiana, at Indianapoliß a faw da y a ago of $14,000, in notes "Ofajefto, Sooth Behd,'l?ottWnvtie. and {Uienigan Qily Blranohes: Thevobbory was tmttedby noletltiOthebanlt, wlnaescapedl with.- Vlt Tt9 billS t * akeaa <®< !irt of fives, tons £•>; ;.vy7^, » e r l :' i.r , ■ : itl^ •W**~i% ',li'il-;^i'';- t:TWT • ! . t , i i , ■> I -. ';*• ; v. v i, • % ’ 'V.