;<-7' -v- •’ ••'*,■; ,«' '' s ’> X’ v ’*“ . , 1 ' - » * * , ,' , * * ,* ■. j , > 3 ;^:{;v * >-'.• ,v> % *' 4 \ ;•• ■ ,/ - ; : ; ( ;*>;:, -~} t ■7 \ ■ f # *-*• AVj A *•£§« **3J| d*3*v - *o <4 ■— ** ■*■ r*, \v£s£ v .> «•yl rs v-1 S ” .... vS+' ;, t vn> ■ l',v''* 4 jl I 3 2^ v3i' -.*> , "“ t 1 " '‘ , **-*s^l^V<’»sn. ,- ' ,, 1i.-'V«t"' , a|Ufa<: •.'» *'J: f :>;: -l ■ nT < - nal»»'r'«asii*J J rtatwJ f piAJunanda .ftccorduijr th« • 'ssEs-"-s- T r l ii»-». ' *—»»—«• l-w»a*sS!*!aM»a«iag| : _. : '"° aa: "“- JoiHJ wpmh wilh ti« band on TtuaU) m 3 WoJa»l»T .■ I £ , sss- r «—~%gssf»esafc.H.«^ M . ’. SSSISSEi Ib**—— ' 8 ».*« ■• xam*—*'- - In S°itrtounJontand#irf fret lie gr»nd p»ma that £,,niiaSJj ln*tr; nlclft»N.l-«--•'- - t r -f X : i‘N «S S&26LISS WißiM ■-—- wsi, ••=—-* •■—“•' ■“ ipe(^KASK MM :l;;. ■ ■ ,•; ■;>, • :/is/^^miM iipK- ■;; ■,. • ;y.- { ■:»-.^ fc’*.] yr--, :■>~^V;^:»- ' l&Mk P 4 ~ " tbus toun&jtoif ciSB. ' “ > <- TOfrtSftW»Al*U.l!UlBS4. . Aflojjj,,, the HSn. Wm. cnero, Win. Bmfea amiqaWoWtoa,, iS'i 1»_ s t u K - i-i f $ T r*l *'-;TEia morpina tbfi txinifit th* csoaewt* wHH, io u HrißotertGalwey on' the witness etaSt’,"., ‘, ' .«« 'S ' tahla.eiMßtoiaop^.Bite ? l' *** V*‘ jstiiQl under which eountol th* Indictment fhe testimony ?*lr,~T tofllftirti Aftor4ben^nT»t*i«!B^Mcss»®« I W l fil?A Flanegln. tho tJourtOTarruled (ho objection- -| I f- Air- Dmxngh .gain object* to the -«•««»» > grounds,principallyonaccount that t^orldm^locatio^ todtD proie a conspiracy to an unlawful object, * * ton-, aplrney to accomplish a lawful object by wnliwWl rfeans. 7 . '^r^arksbyMosito»lenogln,l>irragb,ltetorlsand tr.mronn. Uie orldence waa admitted. Mv examined an to What coopered in Itor-c-P S bate* lithla present* and thalof tfcn.tMlmiJt. BJ toted * that n*«.n proposed, If was r»M ®«* 40 Mm, ho . would compromise .tto.wolttp and stop tbo aelhms which j ■whuld be brought -against -the .-tank, thereby ,e«rfoff | tanka Uto sum, which would go to tho use of the county If tho suite wore pmeeonted. llawm would not settle th* , Britain tide city, for tor of Jualclel proeea llngetolng to, ' • stltutod against him by Allogbeuy county, HMtoClsMigtj , and Beott, connected -with the bank, went to'WeUnlUo '(Mettle the suite wlih Bison: IVhop there- he stated that hu could notsetUo them unless the other persons connected wi th the actions wore present- The tank officera bid auroral Inton-lewa with Uaxon in UPeHitlliei but not comtag fo ahy. dettolto arrangement,, ““ they returned without compromising the matter. - , _ £ . i , John Uogofflti.lbo Cashier of the Fenners’ Dopceit llouk.*! •:* ‘ ■ -on the next witness examined.. Jlegere an account of the ■ .:•., ■ -business transactions of Darla with the Ban*; andtlio pay_ itnentby Ibobßcenrorthe Bank,of amalluolee .to him: h ; produced a loiter writtan hy Haien to the Prcatont of the 7 .Bank, reij UnsUng him to noli at Ms office, the letter,halog ro belrea itt tlio day on whkh the loot chock, way.PgUi The. call* on Uasen, who axhlbltodto him fin«u.smdl iootow which the Bank bad paid ontta Dato, on tho checks -draVn hy Mm I'nSU were to bainatltutedhy Boren ogulnrt Iho bank. ho offered, if *3,1100 were paid, to compromise tho ■ Mttrhasaldbo b-.uldnMcompromtoltftf lets; ana th*V • Mofrlatraa to make the Informaliouj -and Datls wu* »*e - the wltooss; the offer to compromise wasrepwttcdlu the presence of flen tarlmor,Mr. Galway and thojwltnees: he iaH If the offer was atoptod, tt wpuldbo neensrary lo tors tho cuy, ami complete the nrrangomenta. In another State, :. fur fear that the County of-Alleglumy would hrtog suite 'ncalnSt him- (BaaohV Ibr oonsplrauy w»»nuued e'e the place; Uascu raid ho,would uae hla lufluenc* to hars - the sum necessary tocomprpmise tho caso ..tedncod to ??,* - BOOjdnrlng that oouvaOatlop he (eld that at Bio Brand Council,” ho hll boon authorised to sOttM the whole mat. tar, gar.Mr oMway*ndMr.feott|3 l S)9,whcnlheyet»it 7«d*w AVbllsrmn. On.lhn.,eroB3examination, Uw witnesa . care an acount of tho bmdnoss InnaacdOna of the Bank. Mr. Stewart, examined on Monday, was rwtl ed toprore the conuecllon of Lauson,Morns and Darla with thecon srdrace haiison, Iha Wltneas elated, In conrcreaUtm told htottotthat matter (referring to •'ot hy'Banwn) wai working Bnely, and ha had fnndjhcd mtwe futlda; he apoko of Morrta (one of the defendants) b^lng engaged tail, and ho rouM not to bought or scared. IStot Cooper, of EaUston, haard I f B0 “ harin-a “MB’ epoculathm on hand, whereby he expected of money; be rri«d *2,000 to that ■ :^°X^ee»mlnntlroofthUwllMB>,theO«trtadionTncd. acuma oppeara with his band on Toasday andWodnosday ■' next Of this celebrated Orchoslra, the Bow Y oik Musical ; Jfimn-.hlghaulhority.thuaspoaksJ. , . .. ; "The talent of G»whole la alio fo ly ssiual toltepoww. ■ln ability to understand and-feel the. grand themca that drare born attempted, and tn akltt and taste le giro them inattha right -execution: this-Orchestra has not an off uni. .^whol.tiand.laahrfghtgalaxyrthoSololstaaroatarsrf iho ftrat magnitude, while Jalllan hlmsalf, the great thn d-On*citolS Ute the central enn, by enro they are all morod. Mto Bnnaparte at tnehaul of a battalion or Slarabala, aoch aa Mey and boult,»l th a fgII 'cbnacrioUohof heroes like Welllngtonand BtoAer. from ; aB other cottnlcleai such U JulUcnln theudilatof hSitoml. perfectly confident of his own compctracydo command and Sreet, and or itolr ability to execute, and tllelr.readinusa * to obey end follorr,” .. . i- BilixojiD Jlotmot.—Wo noticed,» r«tr d»ja*go,U»tUi» ■' PostJOMtoT nt Itaalock; h