The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 13, 1854, Image 2

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-■^% v ,Wv- I '^d * si‘-* J' £ :.\’; i - S° 1( l daat, sad during the week following, 5 r
k oan ®?f. Oa; Tuesday night lahtr^the-ssw’
* - £ l [®® B ,i ) fo'JghV down from Saoramonto S’"
= —■■■■' : This looks as though the influx of go’
i^{:s? / S-" ; J t s:^'^p'3-AriS!T^SLii> r, rti-Vi; <, il'i^‘' ; *>‘’i!i , ‘ '■■: commenced, is to beiope'*
'*:'•*&££ vVs.\f- Arook weighing 400 po
•'/'•:■ • • - ---- estimated'to bo worth■<
i thousand dollars, was
S,V;TO r ?l == • n °l near Nevada.
v.” 1 f 'S'••-‘d At Stot ’ 8 Di
- mines have *
J _ The of gold from England to the Con
- *r tiMnt . faring a recent week, reached flve-miH'
C - ' JMwß '
The Chamber of Commerce at No'
are taking measures to* prevent b'
r >V. V S ' nnam from with '
: ■■ ■. At tho.mtmioipalelee'
VI ’ 4th inst, the entire
nearly tne same whethor England and Franco, or
•''fp, 'll «i 4 1 Oosßia prevail in the struggle? England and
Hranoe claim the same protectorate over the o v
: . ■ tianpopulation-of-theTurkishompirat.
- . sia soughtto obtain ijandwith the e
• by.*lwte-i|ioopB»:*nd-«Btroo'
'* OF J man,lad fc y tho,r * iiv ' cB > tbe
- to alUheir demands. Th
'-- the Christian populati'
1? all respects, o'
xfla-Z'i v.---, -::.v bom Stated
aj^SSgg^fe^f. /Mh •* of the p
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Jnilq 3fianrag
G. F. GILLMOSE, Editor and Proprietor.
THUBSDAT MOaNING::::::::::::::::AI‘RlL IS.
> :or Pin cocsvr. -
One sure result of the.present conflict in Ha*
rape may bo predicted. It is the expulsion of
Mahomodanism from Europe. So far as that
religion is concerned the result will probably be
nearly tbo same vhotbor England and Franco, -or
:- v Bossia prevail in the straggle* - Ehgland and
France claim the earns protectorate over the cbrlS'
tianpopulation«fthe!?urkißh empire that Bah' obtain: and trith the empire oocn'
pied bythoir -troops, andßorroanded and com
■ mended bylhoirnhvica, the Saltan must yield
to all their demands. Their first demand is thaV
' the Christian popalation Bhallba placed in near
ly all respectß, on an eqaalfooting. with the
hitherto dominant race—the Tnrks. And it has
>' been stated that, immediately upon the landing
of the English and french troops, a firman from
- the Saltan. wilL nocord to tho christians neariy
.:nll .their demands; placing them, in fact, on
> equal terms as to cirll, military and pecuniary
rights, as the. Turks themselres. This accorded;
.their superior numbers trill render them the
, oonlroltingpeoplo. By the treaty lately con
cluded between thePorto and tho Western Pow
ers the Sultan also binds himßelf never-to nOgo-
, tlate with tho Russian government without the
■ consent end intervention of England and Prance.
. Thus tho internal condition of. the. Saltan’s do-
minions is to bo radically changed; nttho do-
mand of the WestcrnPowers; and its- external
relations, its foreign policy, is to bo entirely
shaped by biß protecting allies.
, These stipulations put on the indepen
. - donoo of the Ottoman Empire, andvto the sa
• premsoy of tho Turkish race. The fundamental
prinelplosof the Tnrkish religion oroeubverted
and destroyed by these,concessions; and the
: downfall of Islamlsm iaat hand. Shßuldßaß-
Bio prevail in the conflict, nnd effect the conqoast
. of Turkey, tho samo result is sure. . . -Sbe beliov
ers in the Koran would be driven cat of Turkey
in Enrope, and, in brief time, out of the present
Turkish, dominions in Asia. Tho sneoess Of
Itnesia wiU make the downfall of that religion
more speedy; bat the sneoess of tho allies 'will
.render it equally certain, though more gradual.
- The Christian world cannot much regret such
a consummation, however tmtob the sympathies
of the naticnß may now bo enlisted in-behalf of
- the Torks, as tho weaker party, unjustly assailed,
and straggling far national existence. Beyond
that fact, there is little inthoTarkish charaa
■■ ter, and nothing in their religion, to win the
, Bympatby, or esteem and respectof tho civilised
world. Their religion and their laws * oro op
posed to tho progressof civil liberty, public in
telUgonco. Bonnd national-morality; and all the
improvements that are promoting prosperity and
wealth and happiness of other nations. Thedo
olino of Uabommedan religion would be no bad
omen in tho 19th century; and an English and
French protectorate in the Turkish Empire,
however selfish the motives, could not fail to
ameliorate tho condition of its people, promote
.all their, material interests, and greatly improve
their social and moral character.
The only question seems to be by whoso hand
.shall Islamism perish in Europe? And the an
swer is by no means easy. It is not yet certain
that Austria will join the Western Powers. Her
ruler sympathises with, the Basslanoansa; and
the news indicates that strong apprehensions
are felt in London and Paris that Austria will
yet join Bussia in the attempted conquest of
Turkey. That would render the contest more
nearly equal, and the general result much moro
doubtful.. ...........
Bat of one result—the speedy decline of Islam-
Ism—there can be little doubt, whatever mny
bo the fortunes of tho war.
Sir Charles Napier,
The New York Tribune contains a biographical
sketch of Admiral Napier, who now commands
the British fleets in the Baltic sea. He is a
Scotchman by birth and Uncage; and Isnow siz
ty-oightyaars of Bge, halo, hearty and In'vigor
one health; and has served fifty-four years in
tho. navy, having entered that service as a vol
unteer when only fourtoon years of age. - He has
passed.through all grades of the service, en
gaged in many battles, and won his way, by-bis
gillantry and ability, to tho ohief command bf
the most completely equipped and poworful na
val armament that ever sailed from' the ports of
Napier distinguished himself a few years ago,
as the author of several pamphlets, representing
the inefficient and dilapidated condition' of the
British Navy, the gross abases that hod crept
into its administration, and the many defeats in
the naval architecture of his country. These
exposures offended the government at the time,
bat they led to reforms that havo now mado the
English Navy far more efficient and powerfat
than it ever was at any former time.
. He is now in tho Baltio, in command of a
magnificent fleet, and. will probably soon give
a-Btartling report of his operations in. that sea.
He will meet there a powerful antagonist.
Russia has in that sea 27 lino-of-batile ships and
over'Bo steamors, frigates, and ships of- smaller
class; and as soon as the sea is clear of ico,
they will probably he gathered into one sqdad
roh; that it will be no light task to destroy or
defeat, The nows of a great and moat destruc
tive naval. battlo-wiU most probably reach-ub be
fore the month of May is post And the En
glish commander, and the English Government
and people seem entirely confident that the
news will be satisfactory and glorious for Eng
We are glad to learn that the Merchant's Ex
ohange have resolved to publish a circular, ac
companied with a map representing the oom
meroial position,- and manufacturing and rail
road advantages of our city. A'better move
ment could not he made for the benefit of the
city. It is timo Pittsburgh was better known
abroad; "Other cities have adopted similar
means to mako known their-advantages, and
have been greatly benefitted by it. Few cities
will have more easy, direct and fall communica
tion with all other parts of tho country than
Pittsburgh,' when her whole Bystem of railroads
is completed, and added to her water aommnsi
• cations. ■
Tho members of the Merchants’ Exchange
would do well to examine the circular and map
lately issnod by tho Board of-Trade of Indlan
apoliSrhefar&xomploting the one they contem
plate issuing. It to got up with exoellent tsßto
and judgment, and would suggest many useful
New Russian Mistbteb. —lt to reported that
a member of the Russian Counoil of State, Count
de Meden, will be the now Russian Minister at
Washington, and that tho legation- will -be ac
companied by a largo corps of attaches, and will
bo of more, than usual importance.
News aud tracts xro arnU Quarters.
The total number of men now actually in arms
in Franoe is 400,000. •
Sailors are now leaving the Atlantic ports for
the lakes, between whioh and tho ooean they mi
grate with the change of seasons. In the sum
mer, they take to the Lakes, because, although
the pay ifiereis less, yet there is not bo much
persona) exposure or work required.
The bill to rogulato the salaries of Poßtmas
tors. will add three hundred thousand dollars
per annum to the expenses of the Post Office Do.
. The exports of gold from England to the Con
tinent, doting & recent week, reached firomiliion
.dollars, .
The Chamber of Comnwroe at Now Orleans
arc taking measures to prevent boarding-honso
runners from interfering with the crews of vcs
sole. i .■s i ■
At tho municipal election In St. Denis, on the
4th inst, thVcntlre Benton ticket for m&yorond
ither.Oity 'officers waaeleotod by a majority
banging from 828 to 1,658. J
. :Tho lime bnrners in the upper part of Dela
ware, and in Cheater county,Da., haveAdranced
the. price of dime, in consequence of tho rise in
: A report from Florida says that BlUyßow
lega.has declared war against the whites, Very
doubtfaL2J£ '
Thackorayis at Naples, where no seeds to
Eoglandhis monthly, instalment of
: Tho, lawyers of Covington, Ky., have agreed
upon a ecale of prices, os follows:--Counsel, $5;
divorce, $5O; ejectment, $lOO. \:
- : A youths named Hill has been convicted at
Wheeling, V 0.,, of. breaking open a mail bog,
and. sentenced-fo the -Penitentiary for Biz
Adaily line of steamers is about to bo run be
tween Rochester, Now York, and- Toronto;
which will be very convenient for trav
elers. 1
—The Panama railroad will , have cost, when
oompleted, about $4,600,000. David Headley
baa been re-elcoted President.
The Pennsylvania Senate, by two majority,
hns rejected a bill to prohibit banks from issuing
notrs nnder $lO.
Tho Savannah Georgian, of tho 4th, speaks of
eating tho most delioioua strawberries, presented
by a gentleman of that city; and, in tho same
paragraph, notices that tho New Yorkers were
enjoying a sleigh ride.
The Philadelphia Ledger bos an avorago daily
circulation 0f'54,903 copies, ■
The City of New York has applied to the Le
gislature for authority to raise SGOO,OOOfor the
ereation-of a.<new: City Hall,- and: $500,00(1 to:
improve the Croton Water Works. ; " ’
- A fellow oat of health, went to Saratoga to
piok up a little, and pickod up enough to send
him to the State prison for three years. This is
rceruiliog with a vengeance.
■" At the depot, a few days ago, says the Horton
Mereurg, wo noticed a fellow seated at the door:
of one of- the ladies’ apartments, with, a few
pounds,of hairsurwundinghia month. A little
boy passingtho. room with his parents, on seeing
the objeot, exclaimed, “ 0 mother, mother, just
seo that man, with a eat in hit mouth.’*
Convention met nt Charleston, 8. C., on tho 10th
Inst, a large number of influential men from
most of the Southern States being present. Some
of tho objects of the Convention: arc: —To pro
mote tho extension of commerce and intercourse
between the seaboard and the Interior of' tho
Sonth; to provido for diroot trade between
Southern seaports and Europe; to consider tho
project of a Southern railroad connection between
the Atlantic and-Paoifio coasts; to dovish in
ducements to capital to embark in Soathem
manufactures, improvements and lndastry, and
to appreciate slavo labor by extending it to ol 1
proper fields.
LiDnu Law:— A bill lias been introduced in
the House of Representatives of oar Stato,
which provides that no editor, proprietor or
pnbliahors of a newspaper shall be indictablo
for any thing written or published by any per
son, in his or their employment, unless the somo
was done with his or their consent.
It also provides that when an editor or pub
lisher issued for libel, he cay offer indolence,
evidence to shew that tho foots, whoa published
With good motives, wore necessary and proper
for public information.
g©* Tho Ohio Senato bavo under considcio
tion a bill designed to.provcnt accidents on rail
roads. It prohibits, under penalties, the em
ployment of intemperate persons as Condactore
and Engineers. It-prohibits the oonsolldaticn
of one road with another, except whero there is
a continuous lino, without break of guage. And
it requires that Conductors of trains shall give
notieo at ovory Btation how long tho train will
stop. The bill also provides civil remedies for
the loss of life by tho passengers.' • .
; S©* Onr readers will recollect that wo gave
the other day, somo account of a pamphlet that
had mode its appearance la Paris, ontitlod I<A
Now Map of Europe.” We publish tho contents
of tho pamphlet this morning, and it will be
fonnd interesting.
, The steamship George Law arrived at New
York on the 10th, brioging California news to
■l6th alt. She brought $808,569 in treasure on
freight, and 608 passengers.
. Tho politicians in California arc very busy
and very much excited about tho eleotion of U.
S. Senator. Ono party desires tho postpone
ment of tho election antil tho next session, and
Harman Doyle, a jndgo of ono of the courts, has
been charged with an attempt to bribo sevoral
members of tho: Legislature, with the sum of
$20,000 to postpone the eleotion, legal pro-
coedings bavo been instituted against him.
: A new democratic paper is about to be started
in Sacramento.: The ostensible parposo is to
: “ support the present administration of the fod
rat government.”
: On the 9th Inst, Col. Babbitt, bearer of reso
lutions adopted at Groat Salt Rake City, in rela
tion to the Paoifio Railroad, arrived in San Fran
cisco, eightoen days ont. He is on his way to
Washington City. On tho 9th of February; he
came aoross Col, Fremont and his party; who
were on their way to San Fronoisco’by tbo cen
tral route. Col. Fremont had. been caught in
tho snow, , and had lost several men from starva
tion and cold. Ho was reduced almost to desti
tution, but by -the assistance Tendered by Col.
Babbitt, he believed he wanld be able to com--
pleto his journey by the ronto- originally con
templated. The place at which he.was left by
Cob. Babbitt is twenty, miles from Little Salt
Lake, in Parawan Valley, and about two hun
dred and sixty miles south of the Great Salt
Lake. \ .
: Liout. Mowry, of the 3d U. 8. Artillery, to al
so the bearer to Washington of the first informa
tion of tho surveys of two routes for the Paoifio
Railroad from the Rooky Mountains to Pngot’s
Sonnd. Both routes will bo reported by Gov
Stevens, of Washington Territory, entiiely prno
tioable. *
■ On the 9th a duel was fought near Sacrameh
to, between P. W. Thomaß, District Attornoy of
’Placer county, .and Dr, Diokson.physician of the
State Marine Hospital, in this city. The
weapons daelling pistols, distance thirteen paces.
Dickson fell at the first fire, the shot passing
directly through the body, just below the arm
pits. He died at midnight. The occasion of
the duel was, that Thomas refused to aocopt a
ohallengo from Dickson’s principal, J, P. But
land, and.a clerk in the State Treasurer’s offioe,
whose claim to gentleman ship Thomas denied.'
There willprobably be twenty per cent, more
land in cultivation in tho Stato this year than
there was last. The orop of wheat will be maoh
larger, almost double—that of barley much less
and that of potatoes much less. A very large
nnmber of fruit trees and grape vines are being
set out The farmerenro now engaged in plant.’
lug their early potatoes. ■ f .
The most flattering acoounts pour In from all
quarters of the. mining region, The recent rains
have enabled the miners to go to work every
where, and accounts are uniformly encouraging.
Daring the week ending Maroh 3d, Wells; Fargo
& Co., transmitted from their office in Sonora; lit
Tuolumne county, to this city; 8,987 - ounces of
v-*-' r
gold daßt, and dnring the week following, 5;605
ounces. On Tuesday night last, tho same ex*
proas kronght down from Sooramonto $197,687.
This looks as though theinflnxof gold had again
oomntcnced, and it is to be hoped it lsthe har
binger of better times. .
, A rook weighing 400 pounds, and.vnrionaly.
estimated to bo worth from twelre to eighteen
thousand dollars, was recently token from a tun
nel near Nevada.
At Bear’s Diggings,’ in Sierra county, new
mines have,beeh discovered, which exceed ia!
richness any previous discoveries.
A company of fire men, at work on the foot
of Snake Bar; in tho same county, week before
lest, averaged from ten to fifteen ounces per
■dsy. ; " ■
'ln some parts of’ Novada county the miners
hare. quit mining ? : by the-dollar or onnco, and
count their earnings by the pound. v ( j s
The Mountain Ditch Mining Company; in £1
Dorado county, took out $l,BOO in . one day, ,
among * which was a single lump weighing two
pounds and-three quarters. '
The: miners in the yicinity of Robinson's
ferry, Novada county, hare realized from ten*
to fifty dollars per day to tho hand this sea
son. One company havo refused $16,000 for ■
their claims- •*• * • r ■
During the past week a company at Binggold’s
ferry, on the* Stanislaus, took out $5,000. j-i ;;,*;
Quartz mining iB again beginning to be carried
on in both the northern nnd southern mines with
great suocess.
Companies are carried on in almost every lo
cality for ’ the construction .of canals, through
which water is carried into all parts of: the; dry
diggings. ‘ *;:»;*y '*;: AVO/:•--■i •
Trade of every kind is still very nraoh de
pressed in tho city. At a recent solo of: the
Statc'B interest in the government reserve, up
ward of $340,000 worth of property was sold,
but it did not bring, by SO per cent, as mach as
tho property sold at. the preceding sale. For
articles of merchandise there is as yet bnt littlo
demand from tho interior; and until it inereases
the same state Of affairs mastcontinue to exist.
The warohoases are still ovcrstoe&ed-with mer
': Tho'Chincso ore becoming troublesome in ,San
Walker's expedition to Sonora, bad dwindled
down to about ninety men. A fow only of tho
natives had joined him. Two men, named Kel.
son and Morrison, worn tried for attempting to
desert his ranks, and connoted and shot. They
wero from Illinois.
Wo have dates from Portland to the Istinßt.
. Mount St. Helena is in eruption.
It is reported that rioh gold diggings have
beon found in. the Calapovya mountains, near
tho Willamette. If tho reports of the extent and
richness of these mines be eorreot, they will have
a great influence in Oregon, being near tho set
tled portion of the territory.
Indian difficulties continue In the South.
A. Startling Pamphlet—Tito Map or En
ropg—Suppressed Political Pamphlet—
Dnlgni or.tbe Western Powers.
A political pamphlet, entitled “Tho Map of
Europe,” which bas just been suppressed at Par
is, continues to occupy the attention of political
eirolcs at tho French capital. The brochure was
published by-M. Flon, and copies of it troro ac
tually sent to some of the leading journals of
Europe, and even to some of the Paris journals.
The Sicolos, seeing its importance, intendod pub
lishing it in-ntenio. At a Into hour of themght,
ordors were, gent by tho Minister of Interior to
tho different newspaper offices, forbidding the
editors to publish, or oven to allude to,- the
pamphlet. All the coplefl of Mr. Plonwore seized,
who himself appeared faken quite by euprisa at
such a measure. Thcoorrespondcnt of the Eon
don Morning Chronicle succeeded lu procuring a
copy, which has been published as follows:
“ As neither tbo moderation nor the patience
of tho greet Cabinetß, nor tho efforts of diplo
macy ; nor tho sufferings ofindustry and of oom
moroo, hare sufficed to disarm an ambition which
threatens tho wbolo of Europe, it is necessary
that tho war, which has become inevitable,
should be, at least, energetic and deolsive.
11 A Power whose foreign trade is very restric
ted, which possessed an oxlcnt of const relative
ly very small, which bss no colonies to protect,
has boon for half a century accumulating formi
dable naval forces. Constantinople Erst,- and
.then the Mediterranean countries are tho ob
jects of all its attempts, anil tho present Sover
eign of Russia is preparing to act aa executor of
tho will of tho founder of bis race.
«< Doubtless, tho resources of Russia are great,
but it Is from her. annexed Provinces, rather
than from tho body of the monarchy, that she
draws her forces. The possession of Finland
gives bor tho domination of tbo Baltio; the
possession of tho Crimea, makes her mistress of
the Blsok Sea. By these means, Id tho North,
ns in tho South, Bbo has become a naval power
.of thofirst ronk. .. Binco tkepartition of Poland,
the largest and richest portion of which ehe
seized, sho .wejghs upon Germany, which-she
hates And despises. Tho Russian saying, when
they speak of n German, is known: “God bas
used him ill euough; he has mode him a German.”
Lately again, in the Hungarian war, the pride of
Rusßia deeply'wounded tho military spirit of
Austria, and tho armies, of tho-Czar committed
tbo error of rendering tho memory of their ser
vices humiliating.
“Thus, Russia advances westward driving
back European civilization at each step. Is It
by her borrowed eleganco and baßtard Christian
ity that she pretends to imposo upon civilized
nations? Uowhossho maiio them-forgot tho
impudence and violenco which stain most of her
11 tics to possession ? Spoliation and despotism
govorn her conquered provinces. Tho fair
daughters of Polaud orb periodically carried off
and sent in tears to n far exile, to renew the
conquerors. Those conquerors themselves who
arothey? Somo thousand corrupted patricians,
bending fifty-three millions of men under the
knout, A fanatical and eervtlo olergy lives -at
the expeneo of this ignorant population, whiob
Is regularly exploited in ovory degree of the so
oial hierarchy, by tbo administrators and judges.
Reforms are not possible; for in Russia despot
ism is strong in ovil, and poworless only to 1 do
good. Tho principle of authority, So Balutaiy
whoa restricted within proper limits, is oven vi
i tinted thcro by this adulterous mixture of the
saorod and profand, which troubled, oven to
madness, the spirit of the Croaara of Romo.
“ In thelife of notions, prescription for injos
tice ie never, acquired, If tho weaknesses of the
Freneh Cabinet, under Louis XV, permitted the
dismemberment of tho Tarhish Empire and tho
first partition of Poland, to the profit of the
Czar; if tho revolutionary agitations of 1792
prevented Franco from opposing tho second dis
memberment of tho Turkish Empire, and the last
partitions of Poland, it is for France of 1864,
tranquil under ft strong government, to repair,
os much as is in. her power, tho faults committed I
m the preceding century.
“France, in drawing the sword, demanda 1 no
thing for hersoif; sho wishes potbing, stands in
need of nothing. The greatness of a country
is not measured by tbo extent of its territories,'
bnt by tho influence of its policy end thoexpan
sivo force of its ideas. England, our cordial
and powerful ally, does not oxpeot anything ci
ther, os the reward of her concurrence. Like
ns, Bhe acts in the sense of her national tra
dition, but also in the sense of the liberty of the
world.- . ... . .
“This disinterested attitndo, supported by
reiterated and solemn declaration, loaves no
doubtupon thomind of any man. The Western
powers wonld only therefore bo the more author
ized to raise the question of remodeling the moh
of Europe. .■■■■ -
! “Has not tho moment come for openly dcoior
liDg what nil think and whispor below thelr
I breath? What illusion doea there still oxist on
i the nature of tho conditions upon which Europe
must dictate o'.desirable and solemn peaoe, which
will indemnify her for the sacrifices eho is pre
paringto make ?. • . v. ..
“ To-day all oyee are opened. It is by the
extent of .the danger that the moans of prevent
ing its return must be measured. Thus, in ta
king arms, do people and governments appear
animated by one sentimont—inspired by one
.common atrength, to pnt an end to that perpet
ual menace suspended over the progress’of all
the past—over all the interests of the future.
It is quite clearly understood that it will not
suffice to demolish tho ports and the ships of
Russia, but it is still more necessary to drive
her book, especially towards Asia, far beyond
her ootnoi boundaries.
“Jt is not in her centre that Busaia is Vul
nerable; it Is at her extremities. Bat if tho
blood is driven bsok towards her hoort. she will
ohoko. The head of the Colossus is at Helsinu
«»“ at Warsaw, its feet at Sebal
topol. It is, then, Finland, Poland and the
Crimea, that it is neoeasary to drag oat of the
olatohes of the doablo-beaded eagle.
. of Finland is an ever-bleeding wound
in the, flank of Sweden, for she beheld that fino
province tom away from her piecemeal, from
whence Bossla draws nearly the whole of her
maritime population, and,her-timber. It is in
Finland that the reprisals of aroused Europe
must, commence, and the restitution of that
country to its ancient owners would be an act of
policy, the .prudence ana justiee of which none
date gainsay. A. lino drawn from Viborg to the
Gnlf of Onega would become.on that side, in the
north,.the extreme limit of Bussia, The conn
n 1
'-r j. K'.
try .of Gustavos Adolphus, and of Charles Xtl.,
/would: resumo the rank so long and eo worthily
occupied in the couucila of Europe.
■■■■■. “If it were possible to restorethe'auciOnt Po
lish nationality, so groat an sot of reparation
would inakoaUgenerous hearts boat trlth. pulsar
tiops of joy. But in the aetool state of affaire,
flaon an attempt-.wouid assuredly give rise to
complications and difficulties more serious still
tbon thosO'before which Napoleon I. himself
hesitated.-. At least, Eoland turned against her
mortal enemy, would she not sorro to guarantee
the independenoe of Germany.
. “ The measure of precaution whioh gave to
Prussia the Dnohy of Posen, will only be good
when completed. Eton reduced to its present
limits, what Strength wonld not Poland' bring to
Europe, ifl united for the future to Prussia,toho
wore to drive back beyond the Niemen and tho
Bug her.) ancient oppressors,land boeomo again
onthat sido the ndvanoed guard of civilization.
“Besides that, a new maiming'of this noblo
body, already eo,cruelly mutilated, would wound
public feeling in Franco nnd in Europe, it ap
pears that tho idea of annexing to Prussia all
thaVremains of Poland, Is jnstified.not ouly by
geographical position, but also- by relationship
of race, langnage and religion, whiob approxi
mates the Poles to the inhabitants of Posen and
Bilcain. Condemned at present to the silenoo of
slaves: and to a political death,sPolandwould
then hare a place and a deliberative voice in the,
assemblies of a State which: has given; eo-many
proofs ofreligion?toleration nnd n wiso spirit of.
progress. f
“In thoSOnth, Austria would add Moldavia
and Bessarabia to her Empire, and extendi her
frontiers to the Dnolster; - Bhe would gnini for- -i
tile provinces,, and on the BlaokSeaani ports,:
whioh would wonderfully tend'to the dovelop
mont of her marine, whilst, by the possession of
Galotz, and of the mouths of tho Danube: sho
would profit by the transit ef the produce of
Central Europe. A separate convention would
rognlato, as jußt, the commercial interests of all
tho European States, nnd boputinharmony
with tho principle for tho faturo, acqntred'of tho
froo navigation of, the Black-Boa- .It .is ■ snpetv
jiuons to t demonstrate how,- in consequence of
this addition to - Austria, beyond - the Danube,
Constantinople would require a more sure bar
rier. than the Balkan range. 1 ■■■;
. “If it is objected that the Ottoman Empire
•Would thus lose its - right of sovereignty .over .
Moldavia, the megnificont'ittdemnity offered to
It rniist bo considered. In -Earope, tho Crimea,
the object of its constant regrets, .with tho origi
nal shores of the Euxine; in Asia, the trans-
Caucasian oountrlesi whero tho Buseions havo
established tbemsoivss, to: take Constantinople
in the rear,; The cfltect of this double, restitution'
would be to assure the independenoe of tho bravo
mountaineers of the Caucasus, who,*with their
own resources alone, have competed fortwenty
years agaihstthe Muscovite forces.
“ Thus would be closed to Russia that road
towards Persia and India Which she has traokod
ont for herself with so much perseverance and
real. On the Black Sea, her only remaining
possession would bo the coast comprised be
tween tho mouths of the Dniester and the Dnie
per, But sho would still retain Odessa, Nice
iaief, Kherson—that is to aay, sufScient marts
for hor export trade, and arsenals for her navy,
reduood to: proportions still.worthy of a groat
pcoplo, but no ionger threatening to the peaoe
of tfao world. * '
“ Would it ho presuming - too. much upon the
wisdom of Austria, to think that in exchange
for the eggrandizoment of her territory, and the 1
extension of hericommeree and of her marine,
she would relinquish Lombardy ? Milan united
to Piedmont would etrengtbon, without peril to
any one, a second rate State; the prosperity of
which li important to France. Is it, .nothing to'
avoid conflicts with Switzerland, to give satis
faction to tho national eentimont of Italy, and
thereby to deprive the revolutionary element of
one of its pretexts, nnd perhaps of the most ap
parent of its grievances! TbeVineUauState,"
moreover, which covers Frionli and ltiyrla. woold
remain to Austria, under the conditions of tho
treaty of Campo Fortnio. HcrEmpiro would
extend unbroken, from yeuioe to Ackerman,
from the mouthi of the Adige to those of the
Dniester. At .her two extreme points, ohewould
touch two Scae, ono of which, that most neces
sary to her, is now eiosed to her.
“Snoh is, in a few words, tha cnßomble of the
measures which would appear the best' calooln
ted to establish tho balance of power in Earope,.
compromised to-day by tho preponderance of
Russia. Those who may foci inclined to regard
this plan as chimerical, we ask of them whether,
Upon their conscience, thoy believe It posable to
presoryo Die efaftt ytto 1 after the .great-jrar naw
preparing. Not one of tho proposed modelings
here cooid become a canso of division between
the two Western pqwers, nor a danger for tho
one or the other. , Tho bataneo wonld bo main
tained between the two. German Btates, which,
aKrandizing tfietttwltffl in the sense of the Clave
element, and in u proportion nearly equal, wo.dd
bring no new trouble, no now pretension into tho
body of tho Germanic . Confederation. Sweden
wonld bo sttiongthoriod by the restitution of Finl
land; the Ottoman Empire by that of the Crimea
and of the line of the Caucuns. Const&iued to
rostoro tho usurpations of a century, tho nggrea
eor atone wonld suflfe? from an arrangement,
which in tho North, In tho West, and in tho
South wonld be carried ,out .at his expense.
“ A definitive war can then alone decide this :
Eaatefn qtiestlon, vblc& /Busslan’ ambition bas
made a contianal subject of anxiety to civilized :
nations.: The war wlllbe followed by the sover
eign deliberations of a European Congress. May
the means that we propose do considered as tho
best to attain the solution so ardently desired. ;
To wieh only that which is just, but to wish it
with resolve—that is the simplo secret of a prov
ident and firm policy. ■ ' - “
“ It Is neoessory that U should no longer be in
the power of one mas to trouble the safety of
all with impunity.” i :
■ aS'lmportout to Country Ucalcrs.—Dß
QKORQB If. KEYSKR, Whrf/aUc. crui IZtinil Urtttjtjitl, Ro,
onror (if Wood e t»et sod'VTtgin Ulqr, Juu. for eule a
complete assortment of pare and grnuloo pnUmt or pro
prietory medicine*, which will Jw sold »t proprietor* price?
among which ere lhol6llnwinß>i«- '
. . row..
Dr. Eoroa Alterative,
tloic, Knllroad, .
do. Golden,
do. Female*
Dr M’diGlock’s Liver Pills.
HobensackVMver Pills.
Sellers’ . - . do.-
McLanoV do.
Fitche’a Cough,
do. . Cathartic,
. do.. for Dlarboefty.
do. furhleediDffXuno.
Bobcris* Sarsaparilla,
-Townsend's d 0.,. .
BennottV Plant and Boot* ».
Loudcn’a Indian Vegetable,
: Wright's • do.,
HolloTray’a do-
DyotPa AaU-biUons, :
.Loo’s Now London,’
' do. Windham,.
Dr. Cook's Bilious,
Hibbard's do.,
Tlarris’ sick headache,
Eadway’aEcgulatots, .
Mo&t’aLUfc, .
Bragg’s Antßjflfous,
do. Potoi andAgno,
London's do^'
Jaynes’ Sanative,^
A Word'to Formers—How to have good Batter
Aand Horo of It, and Healthy Stootc.
Kf, S ew DlicoverleB—~.ViiauTAltLECATTl,E
POWffißlMheMpowdoMareputlipinonepqund pocks, An#
aia rcallya good article, not only fbr the dljcasoa Incident
to Howes, Oran, Swine and other animal!*,'but thoy are
likewise on excellent article to improve tha Condition of the
animal... '.j ■■ \
TbrMikUOj wj,thoytipt onlylinproro the conditioner
Mich Oows, tmt they increase thequnntlty e> well as ith
prove thequaltly of mils end hotter. The proprietors eiy
that it Increases thoquentlty ofbutterfremhalf a pound
6) a pound a wook to oich cow, t; hlio those porsons who
havo trfed It, soy o pound and a half to two ppnnda per
week, with the same kind of feoding . as . before.' Of one
thing wo ero certain. all who nse It once will nse It all the
timd and save monoy by tho operation, as'well as improve
tho appoaranc of their stock. Prlfo Sfi cents a paper, 6
papers for $l. . OKO. H. HEYSBB, N 0.140,.140,
: corner Wood st, ftndYlrgtn nlloy.
fob! ■ - WholesaleandiKetall Agent ■'
■ and Fewer of three years standing Cured.
—Mr. John longdon, now living nt Beaver Dam, Hanover
Conner, To, near Blehmond, had Ague and Haver Ibr throe
years, most of.the time he had chills'; twice a day, and rarely
less than oneejdxe was .parched with fevers aesoon as .thy
1 chill left him; -and after tTylng physicians, 'quinine,"most of'
tha Tonics advertised, and every, thing :rceommonded to :
him, was about to give up in
Mixture was spoken of. he got two bottles, bnt before ha had
unod more than a single ono,'ho was perfectly cured, and
'has not had a chill or fbvor since. ■ ' ■ - i
Mr. hongdenlsonly one out of thousands who hate been
bepeftted by thisgreet tonic, nltorntivo and; blood purifier,
fee advcrUSeiaant with hla certificate. . .. ; marll
h. 99" Pfttttaloonsr—The .TreH-laiown superiority of
13BIBBLKB fit fa the Garment, needs no comment cm hia
part IH Ims *»c» acknowledged by oil jrho havo favored him
•with their ordors, thattkoy havo notefrheen fitted glth ty»
eam« ease and style os .ly him..,: ZIo tags to inform his pi.
.trojULand the publhylhafc hla stock is too w roplote Kith the"
pofrfist stylos lot eoats, testa and pants, sultabte fat- tha
present season- t E. GMBBtB.
Tailor Maker,
240 Liberty: sfc> head of Wood; 1
WMedleUi«rCl»e»t»—iDt: KEYSISB, wbolesnj ;
jhrnjßtsVSfMO Wood- .rtrqot, baa; oh hand a ii
: ortinent of MEDICINE CHESTB,for families and atcam.
boat*, at Tarioaß prices., Tboso in want of articlea nf this
klndmjpld do well to-give him a call. ?:■ -■ : febl
■ .■ !.* *>r '
. ... •» * t> ■» « 1
»>-»* * -
Uoopor'a Female,
• mnsss.
Boorhnvo’s Holland,
Green T *Qxjßon&Ud,
Hampton** Tincture,
Uadcuffo’s Alkali hoT'
riutchloga’ Dyspepsia,
Stoughton's, . .
Wolfe's Schnapps, •
Dr. KeywrtrPectoraJ,
Or* JaynoB*Kxpwtonmt,
Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort,
Schenk’aPolmonlc, -
Dr. Dunoon's Expectorant, “
Nuttall'a Byrfacam,
Dr. BPCUntock’s Pectoral,
, n l £°; w:;. Cough MUturo,
Fltcha’a Pulmonary Balsam.
do. Expectorant,-'
do. Cherry Pulmonic,••
Dr« Reed’s Expectorant,
Ayres* Cherry Pectoral, :
Sellers* Oough,
«;^ KEYBKII?s »
No. 140 Wood street, comor
virgin alley,
- . mirl&diw
- >
43-flie Happy fte*uli» from the Use «f
forcing’ themselves boforo tho-pablfeT Oar tKfcbms wilt
speak out itead the following: - .
This trio eerttfr that I was troubJofcwltfriiVer complaint
for elx months, and being.advise&by & qbo Dr,
. M'Lane’a Celebrated Liver Pills,l'got two boxe&aod by tho
timol h&dfinlsbediakltijr them -tha-dlscisa hsdentirely
afflfoted with Um complaint, or coy other disease arising
from excess of bile, r ; N f v MBS. CARNES,
;.f v;: ;>,.No*sClintonstrWVNbwYork.
<. P. o.—The above ralaablcremodyjalsp Dr. STLano’s col*
ebrated Vermifuge, can now ho bad at all respectable Drag
,Stores in this city.
Purchasers will bo careful to ask for, and take none bat
Dr. M*Lano’a Livor Pills There aw other Pills, purporting
to bo Liver HUB, now boforo tho pubilo. Pox £alo at all tho
respectable Brag Stores in the United States and Canada.
Also, for sale hytho solo proprietors, -
Successors to J. Kidd 4 Co-,
00 Wood street
apr&mav >■
: . Tronic.Lost*
TAKEN away from the landingat rHtburgh.oppcrito
the steamer Edinburg, on Mondaylart* a BLACK
LHAIfIKS .IBtFNErinsfkedvUh Board on tho top * 1 Con*
atanUne VhUadolphla/? Any onohaYingU will re
tomittoJamcaCollin» Water street, Pitts
boggh- . aprl3al3l*
ri . ■ v , Mrs. n» E< Robison,., • .
ITTItL open on TnUßfiDAy-April No. 102
-f f Fourth Blivet, bctwcoa Wood bud'ismlthfleia streets;'
Pittsburgh, an entirely noir and beautiful assortmentof
BIILLINJiUY, consisting of Silk, Straw and Fancy Bonnota,
Flowers, CapMle&d Drossea. AO4Ac. : . , apriil-dgL f
. Hardware for Saddlers and tiarrlaire “
- - •’•' •• • .
TJ T.-.I»ISECIf, v Jr. f -No.ldf Wood; street, Pittsburgh.
Xt* Alk* Cloths* pices, DaxniaJi% ; jjews, Peer 1 Hair; Bom
Htutt of Jorsoy Timber, Bpringa, Axles, Varnish,*o,Ac.
aprla 1 .. . r
ln'flaa Old- Monongahela WhWky, Piaeli Brandy,' Ac.
Also, UoctUying: Distiller, corner otSmUhlleld and Front
atraeta, rittflbnrgh; . . *, aprl3
, Plttslmrgn MußlcntAcailemy. .
' luin Gubecrlbcrsr would renpecirhlly announce 16 tLo
X dtliens of.Plttaburgb' noil Allegheny, tlwt they will
Vocal ’anS .Instrumental Husie, on
TDESDAT, IbeiSth Ins!., In PHILOI2 ALL; Third street,.
Wood, In the building, formerly oecq- r
’pwd by the PprtOffice;. : : -
Ten o^l^VPidnoForto l Mclodooii,
Vl6l!n, (3tiUr } So. In Vocal Music, pupils wUlbelnriruou
cdfpjmraleJyand-ln olcsses. ~ r r -i ■■
I&stra£Uoda will, wish to study the
theory ot harmony from tho. first principles of the ficionco
to tbe h!gh&t order of uiulcrl composition, > . ' . >
■ Pot'Jtirther .particulars, »t ll.Kleber’a and il.
ShttcuerA Co shu&c Store?. • . . G. ANTON, ! "
, opclgahrd D. BURYOCK. ■>
'TiKbOUB-~SodOToaJiutrcceJrcd aodfor saleby •
BUY- APPLKS—30 eksjast roculrod and for sole by -
‘ »Prl3 - IIKSBV n COLLfaB.
UITKH-1 bbl roUfor sale by- ..
apria -masny bucolunb.
V\r ALI* PAP£US—For entries, parlors; chambers; do.-,
f, ■ - i
130KUKKS— acd ooinmoa, lor sale by ,
X> aprlg • WAtTßtt 1», MARfinTAr.T;
i’lTMßll BOARD I'KlNTS—•l'ittjr, medium and cheap qo*lh
„ aprlS; ' . . •
FUVbKIIAMB nx,'tu?r CAUKS—A braitirut initio jioi
icoeWed by " jos. FtEIHNa; •
apr!3 comet Diamond and Market;
CIITEATIS OF MAUNKStI-A mfii;' ftctiTO, End y&ry
j agreeable as it is compariUToTr \rorth!e/fl
wnanold. rurctasora can alwayaprocoro it fraab ft l
QQTPer Jjajitoad.ttnd sta;
—Anotherfresh arrival c? this ceie-
Vi brated Mineral Water, received by- -. . , .
„ - „ JOS W.EBINO,
cpcie .. . . ■ ,-. , cornerDiamondood Uorkct«L-
/\uv>; OIL—o baskets of vary Baa Olivo oil; received by
V*.v, JO3. FtbflhO,
»PH3 , comer Diamond and Mbrkotata.’' '
BAY- HO M—4 do* Tory superior end genuine It»v Hum.
received by- - ; JOS. JPUiMINO,
opr;3 . ■ . t corner Dlanttmd grid Biarfcet rib. ■
X ply-or tile Double Action Spear Pointed Bit row ami
l'onyitlen Pom, i!ao and extra tinepoluts, just received b?
»prt3 P. P. LACgfBIt, 87 Woodel.
/AIL Afyl> iiuyy WINDOW. rrcelted, a
v/dargo supply, aipao; them enure now end tplendld
etiiea euperior to any thing of the Undorcrbronshtto this
■ »P» l3 S 7 Wood at.
CiIQAL LAED AhP fAneil FtIK BALK—go acres, with
/.vein ofenal, 4J£ feet- thick. The land ie good i»IL tt
acrM.inculllTMwti, a good.dwelUog houso. flno Umber.
Sfa.w^S^‘;" b S o i 3m i , .” fma Ul " city, near llrbirnarill.!
Plans Hoad, Print—s4,ooo. .
Cr fend, situate near, the abovp, on very
US arnwin Armstrong .county, fa,, nilh coedimprove
ment*. fors2,ooo. S.tHirUllKltrA SOJf,^:
■ »P rt3 140 Third at, *
Its ecantfiiej *n<] :
lta aciomaj ftoiHutdC Is; ■■: '■ i:•
DtrnDßsUlraff Ua Influence a* & elriHxnl in»«tollon of thr
*"•?*« tho *“'■• *
Parin. N»riaVenndli!ustruUffos .
_ Vaxtllp, TheoretiraJ and ScJanlffici by T. L. Nicbols.iL
?•> Wdlirp. §«Orope Uichnlx, rwulrod end fur tola by *
Fourth street; ;
irtiSi 1 ? at^? a CMTI Sf « eowenhmt aoi) unjcetMa
ttttWo : !fh(»Po!U nr# llfty iOtir iMfit *
- m paper la *>M by the y&rdtin an jr quantity
ii of naporlor quality and neatly mbuot*
AecUlteet^4e. t arolasted to alt end?*-
amlnolM*paper* - \T. S. HAVKJT
fti »aU!rlu. iSnginm’fUtalioowy, MftrtctaUtot, ctfwrfaf
« flpr!2:ritn •
E 0? “" w,lock
Bcam.Compvws;' .. ; ° .
r T £*{autu; ’" ■■■■■■■-■■ ' . .
Hrawlng Ppiw: ■ .
lio* Rena;* • -t t - ,*
It-HT Pencils;' - ~ ' .
Spacing I'lrllmi;
Biavinal I'lm, Proportiimal Compaimi,
PaugSiiug Paper* of *ll dcuerfpuXos, Bristol Bo*rd*Tn
dlaKuMwr, mouth glno.roocHa, India Ink, * c ; Ho^For
“'•5?, ■ v. s. nivsir,
oprtaumn. , i . ysjTWt Market untl Second f»K <
BftWlCtlcy Aflniliimy, . .
A CLASSICAL and Commercial School tbrßoyaonthe
OlitoanaVoimsylMnlitollroadj Otid Ohio fllrto, 12
VriadpaT JOS. 8. TUAVBLU, A. H,
l nm “” Boi ® l<m w,n romoonw on mondat, in?
ss,iS rt '* II,WU *' TOuhlog,*,, jotbssW
* fionp, No. 67 Water at,dr T. n.'NctlnJkCo ??« inr
Liberty etroeiy PKtahgrah. ■- ■ r- hfrriai&ff
. . - .*-Rexy TtJmiulnir stora*
, u -fa-f 3 Vf Uit gHavumd
rcspeefully announces to the
,-E thatk ° will open h!*
llo» Trimming Blow on, Monday, April 17tb. IfaHn!rflttt»l
iiplho Bplitc..t store room In IbacUT. find Piled it with a
*£*° a ®f Trimming* rad Fin-’
cy Qoodc. ho flatter* hlmwdt Ihstha will i offer wapaftir ta.
T- -■_ Cricket Notice. 7 7,
HElotots of CriekeUng,(that manly, uoblajßttff healthy
«icr<»lnrited to mTOtntthebonsoolTN.'cW
Hltaburgh, onThnrrdcyoTrnlng,’April 13th,t$ itZo’ciack
for Ihe purpoMof regularly organliloga ClnbTMwto
commonea prueUring forthwith; dOSUUA EOBINSOjr '
_aprx&2t* ■■„ ,; ; , - Becroto^&n.-
rpo LET.—A convenient two story dwriUnff,on East Com.
near Ohio street, Allegheny. Also, ahold Factory
building cmAvo y street. Ennuiro of JamesPAxk,
Elltebnrgh. 7 aprlJStflw. i
RSflffA^XK^^ ll^ 01 «»
■ aprlS S. a hAUPEKB, 87 Wood street. ••
SyaAKCmuSDDIUKD DKKK.-5 tierce, sitra Sum
DMA junt received; families or dcalens viM»l,h » prime
nrtMe,«m be Supplied by DAILBV' & UENBHAW,
H ILL'S :EXTilA'.'NOi*l SOAP.—2O bQSOff JuEt'neplml
.fronj CincianaU i forsaJc by - ' ■ • t^} - ■
I>lo IKON.—WHOM Maflotso Koaudiy. -
■*l, 160 ■“ SlcnsrCo, <b>..For^l,)by.
BMihW'amVO TENS>-A tocottltotof A.' G.Bigloy**
ws, l4^f?
•uu liy thorn i for mlo by ■ ■ SAJIt
? oyr h'0.87 WoodolW. •
r 'UJKAi’ WALL) PAl'KH—Jfrom 0 to 15 cirrus per T
V/ KJo by. [oprl2f . WALTER I , .AlA&\.'; i Ji for
WINDOW COBTAlNij—Oreco, blue ,
.W r Bala by i; jopriaf WALTER P.’-r «njw?}v for
celvod by , : , • "i»
. apria;.....-.. torn or Dlomoo-0
tho roeidoncoof Hon.Jujro WllklmT>m n !v?,.^L fcl^ l ?,F tar
MtoO S’wS
troaa of eholca <Mttft¥t£n;gpfcitEslS&
agoodgardcni:wlthona^nSf I 'SSi»!n^* , '? <l ■
liS W lln,™ Honaoa,or Ni «l>t.«a4 its Morning; by Thor-
Ai<4 the Mali ofOrlenns: by D. W-‘J
BuKdiiMltts: bj Count Bo Onrbwifl.'
S? 6 SSfMoyaof Boston: byMraiGißNOHa. '
Th? Hfe ot Mary, Queen of Scots;. by P.O. Headley
Pristnatlarby Bichordllaywordo. '
partoOk: fc y
•S- 001 ’ »ote tending tojprovo tho idenlly or
J^»S*- r ™ < *> ao ' 1 “• *"•»« wnSffby
, ¥l>« lift and adventures of a country merchant. desb>nn>i
to nmueoandinstruct: by J.B.Jonei FonXbT^
' ! W. A. fIIIDENFKNNKy S rv> '
•2“ 76 Fourth SS’cL-
Vrisw music- ' • * ,
XI Dear Mary Smile: by G; Anton*
A leaf beautiful ballad;
Ootofl STFBflt mufti;'
;- The happy home cf earth;
; Deal gently withtlwinotherlea; , :; -
; •
‘DaoleTem’BLanieat;' •
• . i Alma MAter, (Ido);
V.~ * 1 Wolte: by Charles It' Alboit; -
' Gold Jingling Delta; 1
•Young Americaltolka;*
Jtove Bdmltlsch;
: i Tho Bascuo Quick stop; (with lithograph): • v
\ ; Bohemian Horeh; • r :...
Washington March, (withbrilliant variation*);
> ’ : Brtniaaft Voriatfonff on MaruxekTs celebrated Bonrlo
•: j. • Hnale,Tn Lucia do Chamounls-; * j.•••■■?.<■ .
• _? Ylooyp doTage,,variations. j'-v.. vr .i
. ;j*h°_ftl»Y«iffrtrocclTod # .tOKotl»or*wiU>ft-lefergvBalectfaii of i
.nowsongaaiTazTgedfor -■■■:- ■'■y-■; ■■■■-■. r.-.+i
_ n- BOHEQBDBR & Co, 83 fourth fit '
-''W:- r rjL“-.- *•- • ‘ s.-.
• i 'T ..
' ' '
V:-"Vi ;r.'f
Jtf 'i "
.?V i,.-*
* - h < J
.t. •> ■ V
H. CHILDS & CO., . *
Wholesale Boot and Shoe Warehouse,
Epf-ss ™£s£u. &s£££z**' asSSg?’
Cinderella Slippers, Kid Gloro Button do, . Cloth and Glared Cans' Eb'd fttnnS
Honings &• Rurekae, Oxford and TJnion Ties, Plush and Velret Cora’ Gossamer ?i^ BW^e8 ’'
Buskins pnd Gaiters, Calf and Kip Boots, Children's Shoes P ’
IT ’ CoarBß&Frn O Brogans, Infant's Colled Boots, RorenTs,
b * «Jusrtou»”““sw Ym^“ Bptihz ' tatoro not tobT«£to?j]
rbittogoor dt, sill ,Qd At to thgTire,.
IyALTBn p. iumhahi:
Anti nc.xr Uii G-vid'ry Galt, JUt'.cTtn&rUle.
JJX Vrooport Stone Wills andFencra, Mantle How, ft a
t» not Kernel®, aleaja on han4 *M mada to onion:
. . B.—ltavlnirintrodiieodanoir stylo or yonoofcaCem
--DURABLE STOSE,eat through Inpanelor
“S rorm ona nt-yery Jlttlo.S>rt OT crlren fearing! 1
wfcr to arittlmatii. of that and other, work I hare already
UmnHn ihe Alleghany Cemotay, I hare on'handa choice
ttdection of drawings (nroray .description" oMirotk lnniy
_ ‘ '■ : SLXTVItSttt: - : : x
£’!; l E N „ Iir »«rotu)uan rntaborgb.
WM. BAG ALE Y, Em, do
J, l0 °- wltKtsa ‘ Homo Wood.
. m>o.jnpa. <
„ Jura McDonald orqssan, aqr, Motot"!>1w1«
Hoorn. ~ aprlttdUr
T° , CottoUf Mtnjmm. and uctlcra iu
W or »' ! S a - othe ” to “ n ««nln«
080 of ibe bctt eoWuxt atpebcf Bookaaod Stationerrlq
irfufiKi 1 1 Moiitry.: Bring all MmSS^
■SirtSiVi»S'r rotaort cnUroTj at New
Yl EMljAripUla trade sales; bo *lll bo able to offer
»Kaiwal«e»rtin«nt 6f school, aUia!
Mtetti. majjcai,rtaw. and miscellaneous books, etaUaUerr t f
ever/ Trfifcty» cap letter anil notepapor of every dcSfrv
E°l?l& on.l a mertam mill*
among which are tbejtbUoiring cnlobrnted brands: !'-•
■ ■■■_. luiO&desA Sons, Xtondooi laid and wove: • •«■
DelaßuoAC©., do do do; • •
FerßuaDos do do do: '
J.Oibljoit4 Oo,EDfcHATS;ad , do: -
EonrMm# So f do do !
- ‘Victoria 1 Mill*, do do; '
v • Laffloji; do - do:
. Cwo&AOnrlbiit " do do:
Boutfcirorth Company, do do: - I v.
. UosedlHins, do 1 do;
And'Do litt-RochoTlc,- Faria. •
U yOtOQQ etTTolopea of crorv alia and wannf.wnp, ..
• A grootrt ttßortaent iQf.blank books on band OMulcd
ftodmanufacltmsJtotinygivfcn pattern.
r Alen } sboek of Oil Buff and Paper Window Bhadca
- Cotratrv merchants wilt do well to call ami
fore purchasing. • . SAM’X. B. LAUFFEB,
Successor to Lake Loomis, Agent,
marlQ • No. ST Wool atrwll'
TT WILLIAMS ■will gl»*'li»Mms In rIIQUoOttAPUT. at
t «o,r fr*>ni 12 M. to 1 lvand from 4 to 6 o'clock. P.M^
nnfmfhfrSfS’/J anif M ' r “ l art am bo do.
l owi, l . twolro to twcnfy leajmu, or on Iwur okeh.
Tam».3si»otiip<irl«a«n.: , ...- aprloaw
1 • •• :■•' itotxn Oflfrnu' r * ! “ r " .
STH 1 *?5 Dluttpnd alloy: Monoy louudon Gold and
SlWer Plato, K»mondß,Oold M 4 SilTer Wotchoa, J.w«lry,
Muaical Iratmmonta, Qaos and PiatolaiPeathorllcdii. Puil
nltnto, and all. kinds of; oHldoa—farVny longtli wJUini
00 • ; storage tgnsßlAnbly lower than
bwttelare. Private entrance through: tbo hall door. AIL
business traoawUoiia iirfetjy confidential. K
:. f®* Forfeited pledges sola immediate)* Alter being out of
. date, nudes redeemed. Bargains of Gold and Slfte* Watefc
cs» Jewelry, So., always on hand. . aprlfcCm •
CtoingWest* ■ '' ■ ■ ■”
AKOTUER AQBOT «rn loaTe for U» Wort eml ‘ •
*wti.on tho FIRST OFMATixott, to Sool*l
- LandWntraati/oxansining dis&utrd• 4j P OSe
paying Taxos, attending to the cK , flooblful
holM Having rights In mo property locals' aitDß °*minor
Southeastern States,Ao; T a In tiio Westor
w .f lo J>lU»lao.BJ' r ehl»attenUon«o«>r :
being on his routo. Any persona J collection of claims
vices oan be Bccoxunodatodby ca)*' J blng to see are his scr-
No* 7b Fourth sfc.
'■-'Oi.v! -> Rir*
"ink . BILD.HT
-Bhfat offleoY Bvra*wr,DißTl3T, Is as rcmorctl
75. Fourth street,. to No.JP
ho «i r Sttocl, one door bekjw Ferry, irhere
•* bo happy Jo attcnd to all professional
253 Liberty etroctf
Transportation r,lne,
'Am ~
lira Ownras and Agents at uld Una
P connected with the I
• 0 *« cstaDlifinaJ mpgham a nio7 will trWn thnlr
sssra? 1 i tt ? h uo \ to
o^ 1 Uof ,rlCBt Umo "* 00 “ f ” mb '*
Jol^a O SMItoS? ipaoa * bOlBMa Mtt.hnrgb.PUla-
Ij^UANK JtiiSLlti'ii O AZIfII'K. FOIL A~ppjt_»_/V »' nmu
o wndt? OOlVOd boau^ral Massine ofJaahlons.
W?7t ■■■ ■ Ho.74THIBD Street, Dlujatch DnUdiap;.
Amortw* Zine Company, nee Mo* onaibr rate by ;
“ pIT ■■■■ J- a. miicnisoN * 00.
M- SYIHJi? MOLASSES.—69 bbls B. U. S. Holusos re
• reired per atetuncr U. 3. HaD, ttndtof
*pt7 .J. A. UPTCHTKnif * oo.>
l^a 0 GoWon do ,rnp:
. WJwgp • ; do
to leara the Trunk Badness. ' Ad.
ply at Ho. 141 WOOD Street, april3
qxbawbehry plankP- ■
;0 . 2000Buist ? aPriio;
-. , ; lOOO.Monxoe Scarlet;: *
3000 Victoria *
» *» a.
‘MI , JAMBS TCAUDBOP, Fifth .t„„.^'UoM af for fcaibV
*pt C -8 _. ' JAlfeg g<Am
A L a'oMtte ‘ AWtUL—Fran* keeUtfe
w^?ib^C^ : y . H a g Art: “ oU
-SHS SmitbSeJaSrMt
■uTAirmo *. Statfr liibinursr*
r JVJ uuy&K-U 'Flu be Ibis duty of the State Librarian to
.report goon to the Joint Library CommiUepof tho Le*
i .gßatiin, the names of isdlrid aal* Who bare Books chanted
I «“i not rotamed.®ro»are fodfvtihuls ttopnlh. i
i Urns chanted/
thateJHpho may poncetifo or&£ j&Sg
to thefltate.Llbrw nay rotornjt befbrotho
UTtoi itlMOjrruUOTl
«,»»? thorn ImjnedlMelj, Uwrara-ronutsted to
thaLibrarian tha iltlo of.the Boofcthovnlnm* ><» ■ • ••■ v
-Bjata Library Harrisburg, April 4,1854. Apir f
Cheap Carpet Warehouse.
• Jlh.’ 83 Third Street,
ana choicest stocks of CABPETB, OIL CLOTHS. MATO. HAY
eXYinff 7°*> «»to»dag oUthe ttcw . T : * '
to jecdro tniua as theyaie produced from the looms. y j|M«pnnii wju i, ,
_ . •- i liotcla and Steamboats BOppllod on tho mast rwaonablotOTnu.*®#
uur assortment constatelo part of the following :—. , *
: SiSng.nS'S/cSpoia; 1 ’ 1 ...... | C^d'o t SbMaL 1 f IB<VaITCt ’ Ali - ant.
d 0 *> Drnegetlntf, 24, 44. W, S 4, to 144; Embossed and Printed. Cloth. TW.
EitrafAt«. A o —. , -•■.■■• Canton Matting, 34,4 AM, and (M, and PlanoOosers; •'■■•“.
“PTOIDneo-ply} ■.■ ■.. White,"Chocked and Psney; • Damaak Plano and IMjlaObvei* .
0000a5tUnga,24,84,44,M,64j. ffomtod Itort ™
wSmedanS'w® o ,is*™ 1 . 11: Spanish Matting, 256 fl yarl; Jr»nsparontGn»i.ou<3olh; .
Elegant HoaMoW«i*M3 pair; aoldßordeted BhMcai anew artlei ;
o fi^^Sd^^^^^ D 0s i xS^ DO ’ nia3tt,OltoJ,aTurk -^- E ? tIIToOTI > wlifchb ' kMt5 ‘ <i p'“ o
Por*pns!nj(imtcfJmj>.arifclehnjut lino, are lospeclfaliy hnlted to call and examine;
a a jleABLy * B2 IhlrJ street.
Boots* Shoes, Bonnets,.Hats, leather. &c..
Jtoo- 30 -Wood Street) MHttg&urglu F’ti.l
Ag ' la hb^X^» nntly: «iW7«-pM.
? - : lhoNew'EoglaDa f CiS „'L nj i,u ni , or ' .
.X3L «annot fen to gko fall aatisfeeuon. AIWBONNET-TnIUUINQS. “f»**ol«Tay-iiifgoaiid varlaJ, miefi
UATS ’ BpriDS “ d Sun ’ morS,!OT > b T“7«“S». WJ ampriw «ll the «,ta tota ftopa on «,)*,
«J?- Country Merchants generally, ate inTlled to'.call and examine this *■' aurpoacd. .try auyln_iiie country^--with tbofull usunmeo that tbeirholovtn
comparing fimrablj xrith Jfog York acdPhiladelpU^^^tC^o^^t. lll “SSSdSwST* 1 '
• • 080. BCrailASl.* CO,
Gmol Bjuin, Übortyst, Httrturgh,
270 Market ereet, Fhilmlelphla.
• jLtSs&arsszr
gflWertrtU Saw Tori:.
• Eftceirsd anfrlbr ealo by
j. a. nuromsoy &co.
,* -; < -
""'"» ‘.' , .'-. '*'• .t 1 ‘ ', ■> -V ~
v r-.. ••-.
* +.*■€■'■ . ■' ;■• 'l "■': ”■'■ * •' - V
■ ' i. >
T-- < v >■
„s►/**«* .
irs® C, yearn*, Ztjtte end Uan j«
ger~glflh street, otriTeirood...... ttriceaof kS£, «?*, - ;
BcxM&ni i*srqßet;»soc; Pilnteßoub,luin.jw j,‘
SjondTievS&s; Boxw fopMlorSjSiS^
jjoow . open at, 7 tfclock; performance to Com* :
nißhtDf ‘6a angagonwoof
the toafap octroi Hiss H. ICIMBEBLr„.)!ffia«
Pofcnaoirtlio orfgtnol play 0 f
I.NGOMAR, TIIK BARHAIEIAN.'- Fartlirnla, Mf-a Klmhna :
"P“PBt»r4tnre by 116 a Jt
icg Z n ’*> eondada yr th tfie comedy or TUB WOH- :
KI E mbari^ D re ta ’ B “ l,rorJ = ®“foa Vlolanto, Mint
g.JIimEM . ■ t
$& M «■? ™> I
-.-• Farewell Concorta,' •;-' t*
mmTiMfflmiMo&as l
. I
Second and poEltlydylaatcm imJafiDAY, 201U' -' 5 L
■—■ u ’ D - s {?’?£?**•. ,
n *fe£ rttalLl1 * in h ;
Ooucorls rwiwclfoirv KiMin 1 ?
.Uto, that iy nopocrimity ran tlda Jwf.lS ■
OO ‘ m ” ■
Vl^W m c m T
”***»! MHoA to ottomi
uSs l^'^ B crr^o* w «a ! ssj
gramllr used Dcralataro M thosttuiX rc»m . “ -
’ ’
Ml B«i*.
eacit ?*?* »*■ thSkb doela'Ss^
from “'“‘V at 16e>
. Nothing will be Irft undone-t>y tli© Manowr# '
SKHK" to 010 p! ™ ?urc ’ “liojiamt ond'Sunlntof-
£^„^^ 0 ' Uce , Uo ' !,! ' 4c - AiS. o^^uS^S
o * l^**B^ * 0 to roadtaeu ai jril thritj^iW
applying to JCS3f. FRANK. oA.W iSt.M.
j:-' - ®>>l»kering'i Funoi. ■ :
r * no P nrt *^ c ® or TOy
PorchaaeM ean'kare* thofcjwy v oo l,P about
Xut&d'&nd tot Mdft aarnrat wrt ■? i
Pianos, nearly new. JOHN h*s «V£?2Ss ba ®?-
• v. r uimiLOlty ... .:• .
' AtfentforCP* -i Wood streets -.
Al *» BljeotjMftat’hy 20, well
nprB‘ ■ ■ -*qnlio at office of
• PlUll. -
r TlTllOSEatxratb' fiecpfilovlnff X. . ~
■i L IstofApsP* •'*???**» tbcirmfdoncca on trilxrat Wo.
* 00-124 vr ta ‘ J k not forgofc; to eaJI upon M. QRAFtf
COOKiSO ' Btreot, and euraly thoouolro »l(b e.
Oral! * “Oy®. o * OttAM. M tioymay Wqnire. Mkbm.'
»nrpaM*d by any e»lubU*hm<ml In
jyA&S atfut * <md chc « mo "*s !ir
'° ll,o Pablb * ™ ll
_ - BOOKS, • •.■■» .
Tho current monthly • •
of the day. «BWBPAI?EBS,
_Alk>, an excellent variety of-Plain and Fantf T*ffek
-S^- 3 ” A. BEKTTZ.
“ thooaMortho WMteoPoili
BKK»,froeo? bonlT’(thoXiK.notoK
rajuaated, [oarllp A. BBOKIIAm! WaKS,
°ES* era * na Ftuii' tnm: r- •
*t? < 2£*i? n:n " orHa “ l <“* uiwty .toSfw .'T i
°“ rtT:if CHAg. kh/ble * co-
T tw ® or V 1 ”® good Hutatwra: nWi
ijjtatgoodworkmennoaiappjy. *•
fc ® 1 ®* Tra lf *'V*bt>l£ol IVDI >o!l silt iio -
■•hole bn Hinds! to a competent irorkmea.. Tiiii 4™ 1
Dt ?’ bn f! ntra *“*®U eßUblwSd mabaii ££;■
run ®f susicm. Also, mi Apprentice wanted. KnnolreoT <
123 Poona street. t
J. MciiAUQHiilN,
1 , -
kl&dip of cwtom work. acd haa ln
wcrlinioo, whocumst U «iosll«l In ths *■
40 Ms »b2&““S ‘
• laptfSto: ;• ,•
W**'**- *.LJ&23Szg?- ?;
, WJH. BINGHAM &. cdf, •
'<***> Tama. BaXnad&J!+..V V
?£S2 , £S Il . ,u,,remoral *‘i» trnauny dftw •.
«” N^ 3 h ™s » PP y siSSr*■ ?
- !S? * WM. DO vans. '
"J MUJJON—'Ti« Ultal lot
M w ufßir
%T In °P® °f .to ten iocatione, a
I*"?"* BtefylariiHs ft flne ran or coetoouI?{??■ >
>m>3 !g Tnoius WOOD3.j? : •
4t>£!S££““* msf 51 ' -
—— -. i , ,->*
SAL not
*■ 'A*’:
"** P t. 1 j
•V.' ’jv
-iv• >••■ 't