The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 01, 1854, Image 2

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i" S ’ 1 I ' s • 4 ’ * ,'’*, **—'v I ’. ■" ’.wV } ''jV f,fc ;i - v ' I
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'\o«> * *\. v * v <•»?* 7 t ,» > o*<:. -sW*’ tosnv,. « v > .■* > ;
~ ' S'Vi- 1 ; ," s '^'i'7--‘-4V' i “7^-' i V|>.''.:.'!..’«£i<i?-a)<!'!;la. J ’if:.j'- i^r;.-i. jr.:»W. "’, : ;-. t'U-- -i-(. -
.V 1 •>.<•'';i;,. ,^-i r ,>,’: v 1 L . '* ■'“,’• a ■' *>, *■ •‘AJv. ’ * , *'< , . ■
■ , A'v>t? r ■■ ’*,..-v.«*,v, K’l- v *; '■''. t- s '■» •„* ••;• ,'. i * *• >?» i'-' y ■■ ’ - ■'( J. *■- V* ;'' !■■■• .•:■:■■» ! „ ■•:- ft i' * f •" :<•-'■ .■■'.'(■■ ■’':' - -'■' ■■ : r :;. - ".■: “* .' -.■ ■. i■■ r. -a.
' V -''i," "*' '■ \ ~y.’■ r ?: I \ " " ' ''ff r •.. * ’ - ' v , ■.. v
-■ ■ ■ •-«?IS
H ‘ , ; ( S‘V>'t"-l' : 't ;, .V-'’-4l i ess- The report lately eiwraW, that our Sew* aufl Fact, from all quarters
:• ’■ * -1 ,4 squadron .. the Japanese waters has been ro- , Atone of the missionary stations, the qu
,'V‘” 1 sailed, is contradicted. From letters received “on -‘What is original sin?" having been f
* V- -’'t t '?**?' v v>-? -= from Commodore Perrys wolearn thatthosquad- to an Indian chief, be promptly replied, “La
w -. -• ron would sail from China for Japan, to receive
r ‘ J. ! 4 ; ';*J »>0 answer to the President's letter, ahont the The recent marriage or a Mr. Day and aMi
v ; v < ut b! Fe b raary ; By this time, Reid, presents this singnlar anomaly, th
svX<" X -V* , ' J, V: ft IRII, 1- has arrived at IJapan. The reported death of atthongh he won the field, she gained the da;
h•> tos Eiou thcEmperor ofJapao,iathonghtbysometobe ' The population of Philadelphia numbers 408,
i-rose to get rid of the American armed mis- 762, with 61,278 dwellings. Recording to an ee
” sion, as they oun hold no intercourse with foreign- tlmato there are 72,397 families.
urcounting era for two years after the death of an Emperor. . ....... ..
- J 4 t * ] | .\>, •. .; ~: Z <n „„i ted in the United States during the year 1863,
and quite a.number are now in prison under
™“ er * sentence of death.
»■ » hat tbeEev.
r : V - m 713 *“*
».«— COn.I.B.POSVB.CE,
*‘“ 4 * U Tn Dour Law —Prohibitory Liquor Bill—Ohio B|
Dulurlancs-SaU *
'A- VV :i Sl V Z &•<? - *ns »/ VorA,, end Speech of Mr. Cook, oj ®
mMna, iUroon. fo,
: ' , HAMUBBTO, March 29, 1854. pli
lditoii op Post:—ln Senate this morning, .
the .bill whs ;again considered, relating, to the \ 0
hour* of labor for a day’s work, in eases ol Hoc
WSff&iiZ* ' unors between the ages of sixteen and twenty- _ two
{ ' L ’■ Several amendments were proposed and - “ J
’tea* exempting certain conntieß from tbo P^-
tions of. the law, wherever: demanded by of tl
dor from 1 any given district. .. Mr. -Dar- sylvt
•*"“»*«»«* requested to. have his. comp
V?o*<«Sffli<S» w.Hfc'nVjt^q/iil}.■st'»T4' roe from restraints, which, he smd, was or, w
bo seriously injurious .to tbo gsstrio and h
fl 'f tho operatives m hia manufacturing pauy
id. ■ :Mr. Helster,; obairmah of the builds
'mmiltoe,: proposed an nmendment for thi
hat parents or guardians may hnvo a hnn.
freedom to contract for minors, oWes t
-ee mentioned, for a period of mustb
hday, whioh was adopted -by a mustb
the bill, commonly called tbo —then
a«y was disposed of, and for the step vol
' Woo #b4 Immorality, in the stri
-ted the iigoor 6M, whioh tbcmscV
} i do with a secUon taken Mr. Pi
Tolaling to-the sale of Boohostt
‘ isca doomed necessary yards for
Tho UoDaa bil ‘*« st »«»d «&«
we consigned to ro It is believed that the Consulate to London ham, will
u the single iustanco will be offered to Robert Tyler, Esq. This building
ading, and will bo would bo a judioious and proper appointment two or thi
SPW>W*® ! i9>^ ! KsCTwi!iEl!2aiV !^{BW?? til f ift4P'<ilk o Legislature to- under nil oiroumstanoes, and would exhibit the cut citizen
\ttho two houses desire of tho Administration to reward merit, from Falls
>easure of pub- whilo it employs talent and ability where they cheater a 1
fflßS^^|S®St^feT% ! ift'sp|Wj<Sfji{S: l JSpv3f^ft!/^X f f ‘'l l - ’ » conference pan bo nsefat. will add at
«s“mo not to Th „ Hon. John Robbins, Jr., was waited np- machine, is
. on by a eommiltee from Philadelphia, urging ors inßooh
'rtainrcso- |g m to consent to rnn for Mayor of that city, oli thcse op
slatore or |j r . Bobbins is a very efficient Member of Con- The first
Ml> ot gross, and would, no doubt, make a good run. lisacd at Ro
Mary Quinn, a young Irish girl, committed
♦ iKn • anlcido at Philadelphia on Monday xnizht by f A. * nt
taking a largo doso of poison. She bad been .£ , h
<&’ V living with a married min named Potnam, and W J“*
„r B ‘ raek M» «« that evening for going to a ball
with another woman, when be knocked her down.
Putnam was arrested. ?,°J 3 e “
ff. W. Corcoran, Esq , tbo Banker, in Wash- r rea8 ’ a com
ington, has been summoned to testify iil the eoott bo hi
fey lardiner case. It is thought hecan tell haw the canals n
-° V-~t£k.£? mtd ™ d,Ti<,ed - find empioymci
llsss botUes were first made in Copland nnd tbo freight
't 1668. The art of making glaes bottles upon the jrnilr
fL'>. v’fjiiki 'rioting glasses, was known to the Romans doubled the pre
TO; A; D. They have heen found in the Many of the
WWWW ' PompC,i - '
w that George Whlte, dry goods dealer children, in , cht
7'« present ia Cinciniari. has com- c/irjfrr- -away fr
oit against tbo DoiVy Commercial for and confusiom o<
nnonacing his failaro when tio/saoh- Ct ‘ W c ,
oumd. Tbo damages arc laid at weekly supply el
Ws^WSrllllrhS^SJWHßS^wSaalSiafeSSfM?S v lV™; ■'. -. “: . or boats, the re
V. •:-•&.•*:•••: n cloaks, coats,pant
?W»cS^B^O'«sJ r «* , Si^q® - KX , ':jfv £ wi < >*w l s'’emeer recommends to tha Com- brushes tii
New Vork, the introdnetion of ®u“f ‘ Seta -i’os
«udibe,cmployment of steam- ?“i u P ginlhe
'hgincs-to suppress fires ohont aV j *,„ , ho -^, lc
* abuutthesuburbs
' tbc St Nicholas Hotel, N. tawreDccvilte, and
id foots upobsuts2,oos,l. „ The grounds wh
- Koth»Uf& 6tl cent
tii ’obsters, the first of the soon rise to value, i
oil Saturday. Jew rich, as poor met
C. #,ls new ever ««»♦**.«»«®««»
fire about to apply °« te f lars Zt 1
soon have oollegaas
~. Avv l!' Web. f . /'
i sK^wmoo
b*A% Ijili jPi.
5 '*'Cv*C'X rAA’
$iv ::: : ■' ■ . -v<■■-
4 *** , | pgy The report lately circulated 1 , that onr
■•DA Biornraa Dost
■ ■ _■ from Commodore Perry, wolearu that thorejuad'
■ ron would Bail from China for Japan, to receive,
the answer to the PresidenCa, ..letter, about .the
' 6 t of By this time, probably, it
has arrived at iUapon. The reported death of
'the Emperor of JapaDf .ia'thought by some to be
a'ruse to get rid .of the American armed mis
-8100,03 they can hold no Intercourse with foreign
era for two years after the death of on Emperor.
G. y. GltiatOEE, Editor and Proprietor,
'BATORDar«OBSraa:«sSM»?* n:! ?.:f^ l^
page of Tins TAPER.
■:■■■* - OUR WEEKLY. _
■ The 7 Ytekty Post Is for at our counting
room, opon-or in wrappers. It wilf be found
■well filled with interesting reading matter.
_ ' -f;' The Cleveland Plaindealtr state 3 that the Ktv.
*' -tl'r. Perry, or that city, on last Sunday evening.
■ .. preaahed a sermon from the following texts:-
XXIC chapter of Luke, commencing -with the
■. t:. •; thewiftm, what.thickest thou?. Is it-Uwful
" tncfvetributoumo Ctcsar or not? .■ • . •
~• ‘ - • IS. Bat Jesus pwcelted tuaa said, why
tc-'temrit me,ye hypocrites?.•..... .;?■
10-Show motto tribute money. Jini they brought un to
anlth, untff them, vhree is Ibis imago and feu-
21. Tlu’v ray unto him, Co-sar’s. Then,ho 6aKhuntn
. th.'ir.. llrndcr tn*n Chcsnr the thing* rohiehareOzesar'e. and
; ‘: ; s witn Galthe things ahuh an Qai’tr .
■'■■■■■ 22. When they henrd . tlieso words,: thoy marvelled nna
lift him, on:i went their way.
' Xllo Flainitaler says :
11 Dr- Perry thou went.on to observe that ho.
insisted on the rights .of the clergy os.strenuous*.,
ly us any one.. He did not sup pose.: that by ace
■ ■ copting the clerical, office, they waived. any.of the
■ privileges and duties which attach to thein as
members of society. He only-.urged: that.they
should not mis their politics with religion, to
the degradation of the latter. Such a course was
difitiactlyrebuked by our. Savior in the text,!
‘ ’ He had been tmptei by polUicifna oi his day to
' ' commit himself and his fpUowers upon u purely
; political question—whether it were, ‘lawful* to 1
gire tribute to Cmsor or-nott ’: 3Jo which wily )
question he unßwered, “ Sender uiife .Caesar the :
' thSngt which art Caeiar’t, and unto Ood the (hinge
which are GocTth .
The purport of this is plain. v. The holy .influ
ence of- religion should never bo lent to. political.
“strife. The duty of‘those 1 who have been set
v apart as servants of the Most-High, is to preach <
peace, love and good wiU to nil .men,-.and,not to
sow dissension in the community. The pulpit, j
as Ood himself hath said, is the • place whore
my honor dwellcth.’ . It should not , be converted
' into n forum. God’s honor is in thohands of his
servants, and-they should he. careful,-. hovf, by ,
’ rendering unto Caesar tbo things which tiro not
Caesar’s, they withhold; from God the things
. which are God’s! -v..iin--., .
• The-speakor quoted the instructions of-of;
' - rani to Timothy (Ist. Epistle to Timothy, IVtb
chapter, XV and XVI versee.)
15. Meditatoupon tboso things: giro.- thyself \viJaHi) to
them;'tbotthy profiting may appose to all.:: , .
'••• • i: 10. Take howl uatd thyself and unto thy doctrine ; on*
Mine a than ; tor in doing this thoushalt both tbysolf;
- -and them that hear theo. .. :
He also cited the following-: from.. Paul’s 2nd
Epistle to Timothy.
21. And the eerront of tho lord must not but h°
• omtfefo oB nee, and to tfeeb, patient. •
. > 25 Inmeelfoes* instructing thosothatopposeibomsolycf!;
ir Ood poradTentare arm give them repentance to Ihu ac
knowledging of truth-, : ...
2«i -And thattiify m®y TtcGTetthora«lTo& from the snaro
‘ of thodevi), who arotahon capUveby-blm athiswlU.
" He spoke in strong terms against,thelntrodno
‘ tiou of nnveUtisia prenching, simply .for the pur:
po»e of drawing u.crowd. ... .
The sermon was listened to with great ntten
• ticn by a large nud inteHigent audience,”
Quito a number of the eastern detgy have
spokenout in strong terms against the-latepoli?
tical movement of their brethren. ,
BieiThtnUlil* pints ee&U n htjndrc.l «*rt; im.*
woA ealcesjl n be*L Ons tmsbel end * Ix&ir of wb«t
•'f ft jKjand cf eottwrflotfr will buy ft
*'iGfti , t.weVro And ftwiirbftj onpyftni
|M Vmidcloib^ ; •v-o 1 ■•'•.■■■•■
‘mil tboafitto pri<fe* ra
iforf «tV 'C»’paW«t-»oa
barrels of Itour
bay two
, '■ B®* The bill nnthorizing the construction of
Bix wap steamers woe taken up ill the House of
- Representatives on Wednesday. ■ Sir. Lyon spoko
in favor of the bill, and declared his intention
"topropose au amendment,-.making,the number
twelve instead of six. • He said- that .-England
: now has 460 war vessels afloat, and France 822;
while the United States has hut 72, The present
state of the world, he argued, was suoh os to
require a much larger novy to, protect our rights
and commeroe, and,of -the conflicts
in which Europe and Asia wore involved. Hie
, amendment will meet with favor, and will pro-,
'bobly pass. No better use .oonld ho. made of
the surplus revenue. - : n-.-n ' ■ ■
. ggg» The Report of the Revenno Commission-,
‘ ers, of the valuation of oil toxahlo property in
the several counties of the'State. has been pub
lished. 1
This report makes. Allegheny the.-tbird county
of the State in- wealth, and the third in increase
of wealth within the last throe years.
» ' Philadelphia county is assessed at $150,949,-
• 865; increase of valuation since;lBsl« $14,860,-
288. ; LaccMtercounty:isnsflesBcd at532,592,-
696; increase $1,977,615. Allegheny connty ie
assessed at $26,285,810; increase since 1851,
$8,227,690. _ 4
The proprietors are yonng men, well known to
onr commnnity for their knowledge of bhsinesff
• their probity in alb transact! on s,- and. their ac
commodating dispositions..' .Wo.can safely com
mend them to the favor of thopnblic. Monday
will be their opening day, when o foil display of
their goods may bo eccn.- .
BiiACKVOaD'»;nAGA2ist:; •
The March camber is received from the pab«
llßhorsof the American edition, Leonard, Seott
$ Co., Now fork.
It is always gladl?: received, and-portions of
. Its contents read with znneh pleasure and profit,
for sale at the depots:
' The eltrarl from Iha IMtts Mercury, ds
tel Mareb,lB3l. appeared m Mies'Register, rol, SO,.page
Floor, a WMAy, J 5 wn’e a r rtm; poi
* *• — • boaT(?«i»Oeetit*n htjDdrc.i wt; ffnwp
editor refused to pnt up bis fifty dollars against
oar half dime; on a bet ef-his> own proposing*
The Cxar probably'cautioned him against tbrow
ringatfay hie money so tmprofUably.
* ■ We he*© visited the uetf Dry Goode house ef
Messrs. Hqoah & Am*, No. 91, Market Btrect,ip
one of those spacious iron frontbaildingB,near
the Diamond. The room is one of the most
Bplendidtn the city, and their hew and immense
. atook of goods cannot be excelled byoOy .other
boose. i «•
Haiupeb’b- : April No. of this
monthly j& received. Contents;—-“Napoleon
Bonaparte;'* “The Newcomeß; 1 * “Aoccßßion of
the Emperor Nioholos “Frozen and Thawed;* 1
“tVby'‘!ny"UQole was n Bachelor;** &o. ; It is
joet as good- a number as has boon issued, and
comes iQ good time.
i■ For sale by-Gildenfenney &Co. and Miner.■&.
I Co-j-ttt- their depots ; and - S. B. I*auffer,,No. $7
Wood street.
i- Ten Bout Law—Prohibitory Liquor Bill—Ohio
-, Resolutions, relating to JSrts .Disturbances—Sals
■ of Public Works,. and Speech of Mr.- Cook, of,
| Westmoreland, thereon.
i HAnnisnco, March 29, 1854.
lorron or Post:—la Senate this morning,
tbo bill was again considered, relating to the
■ honrs of labor- for a day’s work, in cases of
minors between ;the ages of sixteen and twenty
one. Several amendments .were proposed and
adopted,- exempting •certain countieß from tbo
operations of tbo law, wherever demanded by
a Senator from any given district. Mr. Dar
lington, from Lanoaßter, requested to have his
county free from restraints,-which, he said, was
likely"to bo seriously injurious to the gaßtrlo
functions of tho operatives m his manufacturing
neighborhood, Heister,- chairman of the
Judiciary Committee, proposed nn amendment
to'the effeot, that parents or guardians may havo
full and'cutiro freedom to contract for minors,
between tho ages mentioned, for a period of
eleven hours each day, whioh was adopted .by a
large vote. Thus, the bill, commonly called the
<*/ren Hour” law.’was disposed of, and - for the
present postponed.
The Committee on Vice and Immorality,, in
the same body,' reported the liquor bill, whioh
had originated in Senate with a section taken
from tho House-bill, relating to the sale of
liquors for certain purposes docmed --necessary
to the-public interests. The House bill; as it
came: to Senate, is therefore consigned to re
i pose. The bill sb amended, in the single instanco
mentioned, passed to third roading, and will bo
1 sent-to the other branch of the Legislature to
morrow. It is now manifest that the two houses
agree to disagree on this great measure of pub-
I lio interest. -What the result of a conforenc©
between the'houses'may be, I presume not to
In the Honsfl of Itepreseatatives, certain xcao
iution, r eceutiy aaopted by,the Legislature or
Ohio, were read; and*on.motion.of Mr. Ball, of
Erie, to refer tho same to a select committee, a
debate ensued of no ordinary excitement. The
gentleman irom Erie was of opinion that tho
Legislature of Ohio were entitled to respeotfui
attention rind a prompt response, an a question
of vital importance to the trado and travel of
the entire west.
Mr. Crane, of Wayne county, said, in sub
stance ho did not rise to oppose the reference,
hat propriety seemed to suggest that the gen
tleman, who represented a riotous and lav less
constituency was uot a person to whom should
bo confided cither tbo honor of the. Slate' or the
character of the Uousc. The spanker doubted
the integrity of motive, by ■ wbioh instructions
were volunteered to enlighten us on matters per
taining to our own affair; sad he was almost
persuaded by the tono of the resolutions, that
a connpirooy ctisted- to 'Control the action of
Pennsylvania far the benefit of foreign corpora*
J uons. Bemsths of personal harshness and acri
mony were freely-and libcrallylndulged on both
sides; and atyho close of some two hours, the ;
Ohtotesolutiouß were referred.:
Hextin order came np the report of tho Com
mittee oft Way Sand Means for-thcaala -of the
W'-’ In Committee 1 ef the Whole,
** ! Were r '4Dgrafted; and when
itt by title, Mr.
dupon the debate,
masterly speech,
„ -He took thefot
-1 them with greet,
jinfshOultLjsnt be'
in ofpublic works,
y dccomptiatr the 1
pnbilo' improve
irruption and 'fraud
't adopted in the
e ua-profit or
J ’•
irnmiDf tbOßameoommittee,
I soms Ttqoircd far the cnnu
lao, a copy of the bill for the
whs. » FARMER.
jarmiitg andT accomplished,'
lid of a rich papa who wos
lndies, Maria’alm
mony a heart, and she bad.
a. There wero great: men
ranidenUio perversity, Maria
voung sailor—a handsome,
raa very Bkillfal in hie boat
-10 pockets, or no nae for
loria name was Abel Jansen
icvotcd to Maria; heart and
pledges with her, and had
... „ eoseriouß a.pasß, that the
proud father determined to pat thoyoung ad
venturer quietly.and courteously oat of sight;
the doing so he took to be a hotter and more fath
eriycauso Ihantho iostitution of a great family
quarrel. That his Maria should become Mrs.'
Tasman, ho knew very well wob a thing not for a
moment to be thought of, Whoever won his
daughter must have wealth and a patent of; no
bility.- 'She was no fit mate for a poor sailor.
Tasman, howover, could not be; easily dismissed
from dangling after her.
The Batavia traders had at that time a vagao
notion that there was a vast continent—au un
known Anstral land somewhere near the South
Pole ; and Vaa Dieman determined to send Tas
man out to see about it. If be never came back
it would not matter; but at any rate, ho would
be certaiuly a long time gone.: Van Dioman,
therefore, fitted out an expedition, and gave to
•young Tasman tho command of it. .
Off'tho young fellow. set In the year 1642;
and like an .enamored ewniu ns he wag, the first
new ground he disooverd—a considerable stretoh
of land, now forming a very well known English
colony—he named it after his dear lore, Van
Diemen’s Land, and put .Miss Van Dieman's
Christian name beside her patronymio, by glr- :
■mg‘ the name of Mnrio to a small adjoining
island close to the southern extremity of the
new land. That land—Van Dieman's Land—we
have of late began 'very generally to call after
its discoverer, Tasman. ,
.. . . Continuing his journey southward, the yonng
sailor anchored his ships on the 18th of Decem
ber, In a sheltered bay, which he called Moodo*
mare's (Murderer's) Bay, because the natives
.there attaoked his ships and killed three of bis
men. . Traveling on,. he reached, after some
days, the islands which, he cnlled after the throe
kings, because he saw them on the feast of the
Eppiphany; and; then coming upon New Zeal
and. from ;tho North, he called it In a patriotic
way, after , the States of Holland and Statca
Lund? but the extreme northern point of it, a
fine bold headland jutting ont into the sea,
strong as bia love, he entitled again Capo Maria.
For be had gone oat redoived not indeed to
“carve her name on trunks of trees," but to do
his mistress the Bort of honor in a way that
wonid be nobler, maniior, and more endaring.
After a long and prosperous voyago, graeed i
by one or two more discoveries, Tasman came
•back to Batavia. He had more than earned his
wife { far he- had. won for himself sadden and
high renown,| court fayor, yank and fortune.
Governor. Van Diemen got-a famous son-in-law;
and there WaSno croßßtothe Test of the career
of the most oomfortab’.e married couple, .Abel
and Maria. Tasman did not make another
journey to New Zealand; it remained unvisited
until 1769, when it was re-diseovered by Captain
Cook, who .very quickly reoognized itaso por
tion of the land 1 that hod been last seen by the
love-lotn sailor.
-.The ISeippihg.— -There*? erefour hundred and
thirty-fivo vessels at tho port of Kew' York on
Tuesday, aa followa: 2T-steatnera, 73 ehipB,46
barks, 75 brigs and 214 soheonere. : ■■■: v
At -one of the missionary stations, the quos
tion “What is original sin?' 1 : having been put
to an Indian chief, bo promptly replied, “ Lazi-
The recent marriage of a Mr. Day and a Miss
field, presents this singular anomaly, that
although he won the field, she gained the day;
' The population of Philadelphia numbers 408,-
762, with 61,278 dwellings. ' According to anes*
tlmato there are 72,397 families.
Moro than sixty criminals have been exeoa
ted in the United Statesduring the year 1868,
end quite a number ore ■ now in prison under
sentence of death.
In Now York city there are nine thousand and
ninety-six gas lamps, and two hundred and forty
mites of gas pipes laid.
Among the passengers arrived at New Orleans
from California, by steamer United States, is
Thomas. F. Meagher. ' ■ .
The New Albany Ledger, of March 21st, says;
“We observed several peach trees in full bloom
this morning."
At the dinner given in St. Louis to themem
ber»of the Illinois Legislature, there were fresh
strawberries and young taur ro iste l.
The Hon. DabnoyiCarr, iormerly; American
Minister to Constantinople, died at Charlottes- 1
vllle, Vo., on Friday last.
A patent has just been issued for an India
rubjier spring clothes-pin, which will supersede
the old-fashioned pin, and is a greot improvc
’ ment upon the spiral pib, patented six months
ago, os it is more simple and much oheapor.
Tho New Orleans Commercial Bulletin anggeßla
that it would bo a. capital idea to establish a
savings book in that city, where, with the cop.
sent of their ownorß, Slaves may deposit their
earning?. Matty, it thinks, would bo euabled to
] mrchase their freedom, aoi colonize to Liberia. -
'Che Bulletin mentions an instance wherea slave
had deposited $660 with an irresponsible person,
and was unable to recover it
Anew German Theatro is abont to be built at
Now York.
Tho Canadian Parliament has been prorogued
to the 27th of April. :
Generals Qaltmaa and Pillow oro in New Or
leans. :■
' They have fine sleighing nowin many sections
of Vermont and Maine.
Horn- Maloolm-Cameron, the Postmaatcr Gen
era! of Canada, is in Washington.
Neap Sow has again been nominated for
Mayor of Portland, by the friends of tho Maine
It ia believed that the Consulate to London
will-he offered to Robert • Tyler, Esq. This
would bo n jadioious and proper appointment
under all circumstances, and would exhibit the
desire of the Administration to reward merit,
whilo it employs talent and ability whero they
pan bo nsefat.
The Hon. John Bobbins, Jr., was waited up.
on by a committee from Philadelphia, urging
him to consent ,to ran for Mayor of that city.
Mr. Bobbina is a very efficient Member of Con
gress, and would, no doubt, make a good ran.
Mary Qnlnn, a young Irish girl, oommitted
snicido at Philadelphia on Monday night by
taking a large doso of poißon. She had been
living with a married man named Putnam, and
struck him on that ovening for going to a ball
with another woman, when be knocked her down.
Putnam wns arrested;
W. W. Corcoran, Esq., tbo Banker, in Wash
ington,'has been summoned .to testify ill the
Gardiner case. It ia thought hecan tell how the
award was divided.
Gloss bottles were flrßt made in England
about 1688, The art of making glass bottles
and drinking glasses, was known to the Homans
In the 79; A. 0. They have heen found in the
rotas of Pompeii. ? :
Wo learn that George White,' dry goods dealer
of this city, at present In Cincinnati, has com
menced a suit against the Daily Commercial for
r a libel, in announcing his failure when no such
event had occurred. The damages are laid ab<i
$10,000.— -Alb. Tram,
t " The Chief Engineer recommends to tha Com- j
man Council of New York, the introduction of I
f steamfireengines, and ibo.employment of steam
ersArfthpowerffll ottgiocsto suppress firesahont
the wb&rres-
Tb* whole cost of the St Nicholas Ilotel, N,
iheinding the ground foots upabeuts2 > O 05 i i.
z- .
, - A*atgo 2200 lobsters, thn first of the
! at Boston on Saturday.
- The papnlatlpn of London, C. W r ,ls new over
10,000, and the inhabitants are about to apply
for tuity charter. , -
The printing office of the Snsquehanno Regis
ter, at Montrose, Pa. was destroyed by fire oh
thelStblpst- ",
An extensive and valuable copper mine has
bewdiaeovered la the-vicinlty of West Falrlco,
TeromtSt.'' -
'' Aocoonte from all parts of Ohio represent tho
prospectrof the wheat crop as being .altogether
unfavorable at present.
In 1858, over 60,000,000 pounds of wool were
sent from Australia to England.
4 Aba
ted by the
JEjimßODaekb w ITAtY/—We rend iho follow
ing in tbe Glorealedi Boma;—The earthquake
tfhSoh wos feltjrepotitedly on tho nlghtof the
•11 tli in the Tulley ef Umbriahaß caw
erable demur ’ In the
M ; the Urge convent of Bt. Frau- ,
ois lias suffered! considerably. Fortunately, tho
church, a wonderful monument of Christian art,
has not suffered. Tho church anil convent,
which arc situated at a milo's distance from San
ta Maria degli Angeli, on tho road leading from
Fojigno to Perugia, arc all but completely de
stroyed,'nothing been left standing but a few
walls of ths convent. The Church has crumbled
to pieces. Tho magnificent church of Santa
Maria degli Angeli has suffered* but may bo re
paired. At Baslia great damage has been done.
Tho Convent of St. Cathariue has been reduced
into such a Btate that tbe'bishops have bud tho
monks conveyed to a oloister of Assisi. Thoin
habitants are in a condition not to bedesenbed s
the government has taken setivo measures for
their relief.” The Intcndant-General of Cala
bria bos addressed a report to tho Neapolitan
government, announcing that a violent earth
quake occurred at Copenza and tho adjacent vil
lages on tho 12th nit., by whioh, many bouses
were destroyed, and several persons buried un
der the ruins. Tho communes of Bende, Bqn
nioi. Pietrafittn, Paterso, Carolei, Csrisann, St
Ippolito, and Tazona havo suffered eonaidern
bly. inter accounts add that tho shocks still
continue, with more or less violenae, in tho same,
and in the conterminous provinoos.
Destiny or China.— Dr. .Bowring, tho emi
nent Eastern traveler, in n lecture lately deliver
ed in London, on the eve of his departure for
the East, took oooaslon to soy; that, In his opin
ion, the Empire of China was destined to fulfill.:
a great mission, by the emigration that was now
going on from thcnee throughout all the Eastern
nations. Snoh was the over-population of China,
that thero wob not a foot of it soaroely but was
chltlvated. Such wos the over-population, in
faot, that notwithstanding tho moßt violent inter
dicts against emigration, its surplus streams
wore overflowing the countries of tho East. In
the Island of Java be found 25,000, in the
Islands of the Indian Arohipelago.thero wereuot
leas' than 70,000; whilst in San Francißoo there
bad been settled"2s,ooo more; and great num
bers were emigrating to Austratiaond tho Islands
of Polynesia, or wherever there was a field of
labor open to: theta. It appeared to bo a law of
Provideneo that tho superior races of mankind
should supplant the inferior, and we saw in the
progress of timo the inhabitants of tho West"
India Islands Bwept away, that the Anglo-Saxon
population was invading and removing (bo would
not soy destroying) tbo red Indian. tribeß of
America. So the ChtnoßOynce was Betting aside
the Malay in the Bame way that they (tho Malays)
had set asldd tho Dyaks.— Salt. Sum
Heavy Kodbehy.—The store of Messrs. Mo-
Nulty S Owen, at Louisville, was robbed, a few
days ago, of between seven and eight thousand
dollars. The thieves effected an entrance through
the cellar, and, after taking the monoy from the
desk, set fire to the building. Mr. McNulty,
who slept'in tho second story, awoke barely in
time to escape. He was terribly burned in the
face and hands. Thentore, with its entire con
tents, was destroyed. The goods were valued
at from six to seven thousand dollars. Insu
rance; s4,ooo.—Detroit Fret Press.
Bahmis Vs. cause of flat sales
of American England has arisen in con
sequence of Its being paoked in barrels, to wbloh
British therohants have a strong aversion,- and
until it has been shot into Books, they .will not
bay, because fiour is apt-to settle down in bar
rels, and If untonehed for any length of time,
hasto be dug nut in lumps and pulverized again.
Indisputably they are for giving us the sack.—
Men York Mercantile Guide.
i *
--j.:', '.VT /
v. ... ,-ri v
kk *
as not to bo any
'i*-'T- - \V,’ , ", *
J , * t x ,* 1t \ r
% h•* •. % ’’ . / -■* *
.v.Vj--' Vs- \•.' 4 *£-.*S'r- *;.* ■ iajv-.’
i'; .. v, ;;• Tor iheWonring j?OPi; ■;
To TUlnlcer* aud Aml«f Wnkeri-No. 8.
The fiiclt and hints which appealed in the
Poet on Tuesday last,- in relation to thinking
and anti thinking, hare stimulated certain onti
thinkers to think, that the thinkors have no bet
ter right to- think, that they, the anti thinkers,
do not think —than-they, the anti-thinkers have,
to think, that they, the thinkers, do think. And
the writer ■ tSinii, that they the thinkers, and
' anti-thinkers, hare neither of them, a better
right to think that he did not till 100 building
[ lots in Rochester lost week, than he. has to think
that they, the thinkers and anti-thinkers are all
mistaken, and that bis thinking fle did tell more
than a hundred lots, was only thinking what the
truth anthoraed him to think.
■■ .-Bat, as both tho thinkers and anti-thinkers, -
think it right, think it -proper, and think it ex
pedient, that tho writer on thinking.and anti
thinking should giro reasons for. the faith-that is
in him; and as-he happens to think, .just as
thoy profess to think, on this,topic, ho will an
swer their jupjfion ; and he thinks thoy will soon
think just - as' ho thinkß-—that both he and they.
ought to think. Theyaak :
“ Will there be any work to do,in Soeheeter,
tho present season, for those who hare bought
lots, and those who are determined to Itiy ‘lots,
while they oan bo hod at half price ? ,f
- The writer hat taid it, and dares it
again— there mill te a great amount of legitimate
labor required in and about the Borough of
Rochester, tho present season, dB(>4, and by
those'who are willing and able to pay liberally
for it; let none doubt it, but those who rather
play than work. . ■-
Tho Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad. Co. will
probably employ through the season from twenty
to thirty men, in pulling down d gravel .bill in
Rochester; and stretching it over their rood be
tween Roohoster and the city of Allegheny.
The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Com
pany have also bought a gravel bill at Rochester,
which they will pull down and place for the bed
of their road, between the Beaver and the Penn
sylvania and Ohio Depot—which, together with
completing the Railroad bridge across the Beav
er, will require the . labor of hundreds.-, of men
and horses; and to cloar ..their track, tho Com
pany must pnlt down and remove about dozen
buildings; and to do this, and supply new places
for thoir inhabitants, and new houscß for fifty or
a hundred nowly arrived: families .from other
oities and towns, will acquiremnoh labor. StODO
mast be quarried, hauled, and laid up—btiok
must be moulded, burned, - hauled, and laid up
the necessary lime,- sand, timber,-&o, will not
step voluntarily into their respective places with
out the labor of men and horses, any more than
tho streets and landings will grade and pave
Mr. Porter, tho groat fire brick maker, between
Roohoster and Wheeling, is expected to establish
yards for tho making of Are brick at, Rochester,
nnd other families from Wheeling and : Birming
ham, will soon commenoo the manufacture of
building brick at Rochester, in addition to tho
two or throe yards already in-progress by pres
ent citizens of Rochester.. Mr. Cfaarlas Lukins,
from Fallslon, has already established at Uo
cheßtor a largo lumber yard, and in a fow weeks,
will add an extensive steam saw-mill,, planing
machine, lath factory, &o„ to supply the build
ers in Rochester, and the surrounding country
all these operations requirelabor.
The first cool yard-'haa been rcoenlly estab
lished at Rochester, and a sccond yard is about
to be started, to supply oannel coal from Dar
lington, to tho inhabitants, to steamboats, and
for shipment down the Ohio—nor flan this be done
without labor-
A corps of one hundred car builders, from New
Ragland, will establish themselves at Roohestor,
so soon as suitable buildiogs can bp erected for
them, for which arrangements are now in pro
gress. A company of founders and machinists
will soon bo hero from Boßton. .
The canals are now open, and hundreds will
End employment with canal boats, Bteamboats,
and tho freight connected with both ; for freight
’upon the railroads and eapala Hill be neatly
doubled the present season.
Many of the industrious classes from Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, will place their vuvcb and
children, in cheap houses of their own, atßo
chester—away from tho -vices,. expenses,Brooke
and confusion of these dense cities-; and if ne
oeeoaty, can bring from their employers, their
weekly supply of stock, reluming by Railroad
or boats, the ready inado articles,, whether
cloaks, coats, pants, jackets, and Shirts, or. boots,/
shoes, brashes; tin-caps, rat-traps, bridles and
suspenders;—jtut as many of them do, while
living in the garrets and cellars of lanes and
alleys in (he cities, -or in shanties and cabins,
ttbuutthesubnrbaror Birmingham, Manchester,
Lawrenccvilte, and Bast Liberty.
The grwmda which they can now Beenro id
Rothetur.oX 6D cento to $5-thafootdVont, -Will;
soon riso tn value, making m a °y of their own-'
era nek, as poor men haTs grown rich and now
i grow rich, ia other cities aodtoims,Wbioh;Were- ,
onto no larger than Uochteter. Lasriijr, fb shall
soon have colleges-cird Churches;,;#wioolb, and;
academies, the ctnwfilng glory,of all cities and
towns, where .are (onnd, as theyhoetewill ho
found atrßocbfffjtdf.-only one hour'from Pitts
burgh. 7 , Igr 4. -fir „ f V <J* }
SJr-Jraportant Wo Cvmntrjr Dialers.—pn
QBOROB IT, inotoolemd-ltetaa
I*o, conjuror Wood stmt «s 3 Virgin alley, h&s far sale a
compftts sssortnentof pure and (fenulne patent er im»
(-rjrtnr, which will b,j soM at.proprietor* rxlecw
among wMahar*the feHowluy,»lr;:.
- . mis. . - 1 Hooper”* Hcmale,. ■
Dr. Hoso”s AltrrnUTc, ■ j AnOertJC-n>,
do. llnllroatl, • XITTZRS.
On. Holden,
tin. - remain.
Dr H'CUntnc*’- ■
.jACiAbfe’d.--.' do, : .*
titrho’s Cough,
1 do. . Cathartic, .
do, Or Ularbo?a,
. : do,'fir.l»leedicsfXnagi,
Roberts’SamparlUa, v-
Townsend's :do:* /■■.£-■
Bennett's Plant im<l Hoot;
I/OodorrtlQ?UAn Vegetable,
irfft’a Not? London,
do. Windham.
T)r, Cook’s Bilious,
Hibbard's do*, . \
Harris’ftek headache,
Rodwny’s Regulators, :
Bragg's AntbbUiou*,
do. Purer and Ague, v
'Xouden’s '-do;,
Jaynes’ Bao»tlvc, !
Itamdrcth’s, • 1
A Word to Farmers—How to have good Butter
and Horo of It, and Health; Stock.- .
JXjT" sew. Dlß<soverleßi"*aVKQETAßLE CATTLE
POWDEK-Tboso powders ore put up inonopound packs, and
aru really & good article, not only for the. diseased incident
to nottes, Cows, Swine and other animals, bat they are
likewise on excellent nr Lido to Improvo tbo condition of tho
animal. - • '••••.
fbr Hilch-Onot, they not <&ily improve tbo condition of
Mich Cows, but thoy Increase tbo quantity as well as !m«
prove tbo quality of milk and batter. Tho proprietors fifty
that it Increases tbe quantity of hotter from -half a pound;
to a pound a week to each cow,wbilo tho?opersons who.
hare tried it, soya pound and a half to two pounds per.
week, with tho rcuno kind of feeding aa before. Of ono,
Uilng wo oro certain. all who uso It onco will uso It all tbo?
time and save money by the. oporatlon, ns well os Improve•
tho appeorane of their Prlco 25 cents a paper, 6
paporsfor $l. CEO. U. KEYSEIt, No. 140, '
JUS" Ague and Power of lbnrojearflstandlng Cured
—Mr. John Longdon, now living at heaver Dam, Hanover
county, Vo., near Richmond, bod Ague and Fetor fbr three
years, most of the time he bad chills twlcooday, and rarely
less than once; ho was "parched with fetors aft soon as the
chill left him; and after trying physicians, quinine, most of
tbo Tonics advertised, and every thing recommended to
him, was aboQt to give up In despair, '®hen Carter’s Spanish
Mixture was spoken of: he got two bottles, butheforo ho had
used moro than a single one, ho was perfectly cured, and
ban not had achill orfeter slnco..
Mr Longdenls only one o □ t of thousands who have been
bcnefltted by tbls great tonic,.alterative and blood purifier.
See advertisement with his ccrtlflcato. . • ■ marll 1
To Painters—Zln© Paint.— lhato just re
ceived a lot of Snow Wblto Zlnoftoint, which Iwlll sell
cry low. • Also, Zinc Dntnt by the gallon, which sella low,
and covers bettor than Lipfleed OIL • .
GE<£ H. KEYSBR, 140 Wood si,
mnr2s cor.of YlrgluAiloy.BlgqoftheGoldon Mortar.
Pantaloons*— The waU-knowneuperiorlty of
DRIBBLE'S fit in tho Garment, needs no comment on his
part; it has been acknowledged by ell who havo Cooped him
with their orders, that they have nerer been titled with the
same cobo and style as by him. begs to inform his pa
• irons and tho public, that his stock is now replete with the
newest ityles for coats, Tests and pants, suitable , for the
nrescnfc season. - ORIBBLE,
prescn Mor and Pantaloon Maker,
240 Liberty head of Wood.
Cj-Hedlclne Chests— .Dr.-KETSEEj wholesale
Drus9lßt,of 140 Wood street, has on hand u splendid e»-
.ortoent of MEDICINE CHESTS, .for families and steam
boats, at various prices. Those In want; of articles of. this
klnJ would do well to give him a call- fchl
Knlcfccrbocher do do da . .
Qrohexn’s do do ;. do.
-Peterson's ,-*do : .; do . do ; . .. ’ .
flodey's Lady's Roolr do do .
The Forester: by A’ciandcrpuraas;
The Pooilcal Works of ffm. N. C. Hosmer, 2 vola.
Just received and &
mfliai i ' - i .? j i 76 Fourth etreets
IHfunpUm** Tincture*
IRaaelKTe’d Alkaline,
| Hatching*’ Dyspepsia,
SaTßeaaV#. :
fVolfo’a Scfroappa, *• -
er&rra asd on ton RisfcniEs.
Dr. Keyset* Pectoral,
Dr; JFayhw* •
Tsylort Xfolpam of
Schenk's Pulmonic, •
Dr. Duncan’s Bxpeciotant,
Nuttaire.byrUoum, •
Dr. 3i’Clintock?s Pectoral,
do. Gough Mixture,
Riche's Pulmonary Balsam,:
do. . Expectorant, ■
do. Cherry Pulmonic,
Or. Rose's Expectorant, '
Ayres' Cherry Pectoral,
Morgan's do..
43* Remember tho place, .
tfo. 140 Wood street, corner
MrglQ alloy.
- ■ - marlfcdaw.
corner Wood Pt. and Vlrgin alloy.
• Wholesale and Itclnil Agent.
To tlie Debilitated*—Dß. MORBFB INVTGOR*.
ATIXQ EMXlll OR COfiDIAL-iXboro.vos a time w:ben
people wore miido to b«lh.vo tb it certain modiemetf W: a
direct influence upon fallacy lias bepp; ex
ploded- It is now wett known that it is ouly through iw <
elements, the chyle obd-Che secretions, that,the character
of tho vital fltdd «ah^be ; changed; Worse’s Invigorating
Elixir purifies the «ingaiftroue>ciirrept, by purifying tbp
secretions,and regulating; the ftotionuf ,the stomach, the.
Uver, and the bowels. U is an alterative and au.tpvigpr
aot,and the great secret of its almost miraculous cjwte
consiete'in lta givlng-tone to the stomach, bringing the
every disordered oigan , the standard of
healthful action, Imparting to the enfeebled nervous sys-'
.fcmj.a 7 rendering •.tt^capibldo?
■ withstanding the external influences iwliidh. had^bewtofo^e
enorvoted or proalrated‘ll. Henco it is a sovereign, unfail
ing remedy toe dyspepsia in all its-formS and ccßßeijucnccs;
for torpor or undue activity of tho organs; and for all tbo
fluctuations, suspensions, and excitements which ..consti
tute ibesymptQiaa.of nervous. const!? -
tullon seems broken down, the appetite Inert, tbo digestion
feobliytbenorvcs unsfrufig, tbo:mind-clouded,and the
whole system crushed by physical pain and mental der.
pondcucy, It will revfve and restore ' both the .animal
strength and ths montsd energies with a degree of rapidity
that iu superstitious times would have,beenattributed to
enchantment. •■ - ■ '• -.' < •
’''tbeCordial'ifl put up, highly la'pint bcib
tie?. ■ Price three dollars per battle, two for five dollars, six
for twelve dollars. • C.HrKING, Proprietor,
102 Broadway; New York.
...'ljragglsts throughout tile' United States/Canada,
andtUe Westindlea
KiEMItfG A 87103. i No. 60 Woc4 etrtfct, PUtebuTgh.
DU, GEO- IT, KEYbEB, No. 140 Wood fitreotj do-
J,P yUEMlNG,.AHegbcnyCity. oprlemAW
0r«- U’Lane’i Verm(fog« Alwayi
resorted tovhene?ery other remedy . : , ;
New-Yokk, September 10,1852. •.
ThUl ls to certify that my child* three years old, was tron
bled 'with Worms, some six nxontbs. hcd'. -trted. teTeral -
fcindsbrmfiditfbe. but none of tbem'doho'any good; audit.'
wassot until X tried Dr. M T X*ane> celebrated Vermifuge
ib&t she fband any relief. I garo her tho contents of ono
bottle, which-brought large qurolityof.
worms, hut they were so coioplotelycat to plcw-n Ifrwas Ira--
possible to count them:- sly daughter is now doiog well:
odeed sbels completely restored to health. liberafore
take pleasure io recommending it to parents. I would say,
by all means keep a supply of this Ynluable-medicine con-.
sUsatly in your houses- l hate known.many children to.
die suddenly from the effects of worms, jit also not unfro-,.
quontlT happens that chUdren.aro ; trented fur croup, when ,
thochoklng and cougbingla mum dal together by the irrita
tion of worms. * Therefore, we say again, keep it always;
lo the boose; itcosts but little,ood ma? bo the means of,
s&riog Ufe; and al any rale it will sayo pnyndon’s.bUL ~
: ■■ - .Mbs.LA!i£,No.23&vEighLh:Btreet
PB —TheaboYOYaluablO remedy, ulbo Drr M’Lane’s cel
ebrated Liter pllts, can now bo had at aTI roppecUbla Drug
Stores in this city,... r - : :
Porrhacefs will bo careful to ask. for, and take none but
Dr. M'Lane’a Vermifuge. All dthors, in comparison, ;sro
worthless. • / . .
JUw>,-to aata by the solo propriotorti, = . . r;
Successors to J. Kidd 4 Co* .
GO Wood street.
desires to make a special announcement to the cl i
zons oflHUsbnrgh; tbatbe has effected an engagement with ,
tho great American actress Miss- KIMBEHLY,-whose Uu- (
UneaUcma of character la the highest walks of-Trngedy,:
Comedy, Drama or Force* hare been received with crwvdtd
abd most £kt*hlonahlo autlfeoccs la 01l tbe principal cities of
tho Union, and met with the unanimous approbation of H>e,
press. Her sudden and rapid career in the profession la.
without a precedent, and stomp* her a Iruly of 1 ruo genius
andmost wonderful accomplishments.' Uurfngher engage,
moot, she will appear In a variety of characters, some quite
nww and novel, embracing a roll la which K Is confidently
beiloved Bhehfcsnosaperlor/ Her list of plays embrace the.
following great variety, shooing a Yursatality of genius not
assumed by any other acresa now on thodramatlc stage. -
Ftvjs ACT i*uoE3.—dlamlet, the part of Uamlet performed,
by MlsK.; Itomeaaud Jaltot; As Yoa Lifco It; Lady of
Lyons; the Hunchback; tho Stronger; Lovers fcatrlfico;
The Wlfj; London Assurance; Love; Ingomor; Evudne;
Know Yohr Own Mind; The Gamstet; School for benndel;
MncheUi; Isabella, nr. tho Fatal Marnagnr Adrienne, the
Actress; Tho Soldier's Daughter; llio Vlllow CopseliTh*
Actre«s of Eadua; The Malfl of Honor; Foullotyor the. Rob
bet and Assassin ; Tho ,Duhw‘* Wager, (original, ML*g IvV
property); Myra Alwyu,. (written expressly.for
George harnwell; the partot Uarmrcll performed, by Mi*»
Kimberly, ■ •
Tuau; Acr Bmfcer’s Wife, (original,, the.
property of Miss K.); Tins Uoncy. MoonLadles’ Rattle;.
Git aod Giralda; The Wonder; AsmcriCup; Hub Itoy; Jtfck
Sheppard; and the following new pieces just received—The
Kumiss Empress; Tho Lancets; anti the Discarded ton. • :•■
Two asd-Osb Act Pucis.—Loto and -Hatoort LIUlc
Jockey; Where ThrieV a Wid There’s a.Way; WomaoV
:ii,e Devil; booked in with a Lady; A Woman on a Frolic,
in which Miss K.. sustains four characters.
Such a selection from the foregoing Ust or pieces, will (>p
given during this lady’s engagement,, fir, It-1* hoped, win
meet with the approbation of the citizens ©fPitfcburgh. ■
msko her flr*t qppenranrd; a .wmlM .■:
LlittiAut zucwit.Mj.—me icgumcHuttneny
Meeting of the Young Men’s Library. AwoaatiomriH
tie held in their Library Itoom on MONDAY EVKNINU
April U 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance of ibo mem
ber* is respectfully requested. \V, 11. KINCAID,
■ . ap*t ■■■'.■■: . •/. .. Secretary. .i
**■ A*aU
burgh Ufa Inturaneo company/*wl;l bo held at then
UlUue, on MOhDAYfAprll 10; Ri34 f *l7. o'clock/F. M., to
act upon the tfuppltmeut to to a Charter.-
marvQ C. A, COLTON, Secretary
iivSr CHANGE.—-The Cret .tvsutArimoutbly* mewling Ot
tho Hoard and-Merchants A £** jMJbiv,
wmi» held at their Hail, on MONDAYS KN l$»G helt,at
faprWtf JOHN P V T ».
fttefttf EGGS, vtorrm tod part &r«etu&g, W 4 o* ob>
ifartnwl AtHorgrare'a DrvigSigWj
yttsabi, WftfcwtTJ " . * ,» 1 Jgfl* ’
XI * BomtfMagtoitoTfiWaz
lnuy-Difl&ng: Jqlllea.
tong, tongW eat? Day. » _,. -
-Jfattr Seasons: Wallace, '>
, Uule T*'i»y« Scttg: Uuhsl&£Pß&-
.••■'.-*■>- KaUy DU-tthaKatjDlil'iUJ tautU).- _
_ FUira UaycO Foster, ~
■•vv InvhulHD L’olkatrWaHaoc* A
La rjufed’Or % alre., - ■"
> The ataYiJusi received, together with ft targe selection of.
Americanatul Foreign-Muato,for RRleattottMosucfetowioly:
JOttH 11, MELIAJif,
■ : V'SY'VFonfl -
i itiouuLAi'rir CuiAiAy. *o • :•-,•• - ..: ■_^~-simamB
\j DnnhlaVanij^hoMjjljfrWiHfqf^^
’ L * . -"J
£ow ZsaJ&ml Chocolate, spleca;-::- :••••.•
Baker's fla IChpcolate;
.. Bakwr’i Pr«poiedCwou; ;/.
Baker’s liroma j. ■
.OocoafebeJlfi;. .--
| I AKP&U-'£Utt ••JUfKlU—Justrwvmd ul • iirortni :ii,
ri So."* Third 3irect, Dlspatcb Buildings. v
Harper for April: / •• ..•
Netrlorlc Herald;-- ■
. •... Weir Yorfcirlbuae; -.
The Citium, Jaba Mitchorapapevlic. -
AU tbo Magazines hava been received for April. - Call or
rendlo UKO.K. M3AKBQV3,
aprl. • . : > No. 74« Third street. >■
Kegtf Juulaia
) 100 taxes Mould and Dipped Candles;: ....
100 do Koalaand Variegated Soap;. :
25 do Star Candles; .
20 dozen Half To* Bags;
. .2001 lbs Codfish - 1 - - 1 -•.•-
20 dozen BeaverDucbotfl ;
10 do. do • Yuba. For sale by
opr : / ; ; . KING ft MOOIUIKAD.
WINDOW ULAB3—SW boxea bxlO;
; 203 do oxl2 and 10x12; -
• 100 do 10x14. M'Kenuaa-A
Blair's brands, fur sulo by . •• -••
. , UiiAit—*ouiibda prune ftuuCrOrleana, tor eaioby. • ••
tlOmiti— 100 eacia for wileby
MULASaKiJ— 60 bbla New Orleans, (oak cooperage) f l
25 do Sugar lions* bjrilp. . For sale by:
EEKINKD crualiod, clari£t!d and
loaf, for sale by ;
I\hA&**7s half chest*.Gunpowder, JLjnpesi*ly.\o.uug Hy
son und UluoVTeaa, from good to extra fine, far sale by
. of IhU Music jufit received. persona buying it gulGO
- pages of choice mania for S 3, xml havo.a chancu of drawing
a I'iano wqrtb 8500.. Call and ©xamineit, , -
aprl r. ■ BAMUEUJ3. LMJfFRR.
HAiU’Llt-, Uodey, Putnam,andGraham's Magazines lor
AprO, for sale by r ; U, T« 0. MOKUAN,
aprl : ■= 104 Wodd street.
SALE—In one of the bvaLlccatlooH, a Grocery mid
* Produce Store, having a fine tun of custom. It Is a
ilno ohanco to got into a good business. Enquire of"
■•■= mar3lg ' THOMAS WOOD3;IS PoufrthEtV
l/’MCli&HUUUK&lll—l}. K, F,UAIiaUN . baa ruceiTWl hi*
JV'cionthly collection of -
. Knickerbocker for April; ,~
. . Graham’* . do .
Put&am’s do •
■ Qodey’tf • ■ ' do
' Alsoi The Forester: by Alexander Daman.
-For nny of the abovo, or other Magazines. or publications*
call or Bond to * ti. IV. PIiAKSON,
No. 74 Third attest;,
Dispatch Building?. _
A JPUIL MAG AZlNGraham and Knickerbocker foe
■JV April, just recelvetlund for aala by
' b 7 Wood street-:.,
Sl’Kiftu and summer mantillas.—a.- A.-MAsyh
A CO. win dipping bn Monday, 20tb of March, their,
largo and new. variety of Spring end Summer Mantillas,
comprising tho following new and recherche fltjleß; , _
liA BULTANA—A ; light and gracefal garment, In appll
quo work. ■ .•„ . :■ ,
LA RBINE elegant style of the Talma
shape* ■ ■•• •
• NAPOLEON ITT—A graccfal and general fatOtltaMrlm
med withl&co and fringes. • ; •;
: IMPRESS KUGENLB—In oU .colors, with a novel.trua*
'ming of the eamo material. Co©t from $9 to $l6. : ;
: LA ZELIA—Very light aod graceful, Intended Sit warm
weather.. Cost slotrvs29 • ■; .• ■ .
V LA MAINTKNON— Large,may be had In all colors, with
'heavy trimmings* ■
; The ahcTo, with numberless other patterns, form a very
•'largo and varied assortment. _*A. .A.. MAbUN A CO., •
‘ marls - - . .» y 0.120 Fifth street. ;
antUl*—luhbiH, hair ; bbls and begs, in storo
IjT nndforsale by fmar2M:. d. A* UU;romBQX A OQ.
.5 a A.ftKAMa MANILLAPAPER. various pizes.jUßt rac'd
4U andfor sale by SAMUEL B. LAOTFJSR,
: mar2s • ‘-Nb;B7 Wood wtreffc.
W :COO.boxesBhylO;
\ • 200 do 10 by 12; ;
• 100 do ; 10 by 14, hL Keenan & Go-'s brand.
} porsaleby- ■ \tmtZ2] : " KING A ‘MOORHEAD/ ..
EDIOINISCUKSIS, of various. Biawt and-, prices, tho
finest article over offered Ja Pittsburgh, always on.
hand and fi>r aaloby - /• JOS, FLEMINa^
- mar2s • ■ * - ■ • corner! Diamond and nlerhetsts.- .:
IT OST OK STOLEN.—A new Tarpaulin-(Dray cotorr nt
‘I A tbo Obio tod Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, on Friday
UiQ lOlh lnfft. taarked 44 fcmitb & Sinclair.” . .TbefinderwiU
• be.fai»i*drf‘Wleaftag.atNo.>2a.Sfentrt:Klset.-.
~sV. ,
jDbeap Carpel Warehouse,
jn>* 83 Third street,
nAVE -NO'V IN STOBE ow* of the largest And choicest, stock*f.f CABPETfy OIL CLOTUB,HATF f MAtf'
W TINGS, HUGS, Ac., eve* exhibited wrtt. of New"Xork,embracjDg all the new ttyla’/f Grrprfr, and will ■
continue to receive them aa.they arffrwdowd.fro®^ 1 ® /•'■• ,; •. :
•*• - 49»>Hoteta and Steamboats supplied on the most reasonable terms.*"s3
, Our assortment constats in part of the following;— > •. • . _ . •■.■ •.. ■■ - -a-
Jloyal Velvet Carpets; ' THeflfp Carpets, very cheap; Cocoa, Jnte, Adelaide, velvet, Allcant,
Roialßrasiels do UsUngand Bag Carpets r- .; and ©tbw Mate; :.. «, .il* wi.
Tapestry- do do - Druggeting,24,44,HG4,to 124: Embossed end Printed Cloth, Table,
Aubosaon do Canton Matting,34,4-4,6-4,nod 04, ond MauoCoversj^ _ ■•■■■.
Extra and Imperial Three-ply: White, Checked and Fancy:. : . Damask. Piano and Table voter*; .
r * PdteutTipestjry IsfcraSni >••>■■' l* C ;: i ’ Cocoa Mattings, 24,84,44, 64, 04; Worsted. Damwk do •• *|p ...
Buporflno and fine Ingrain ; SpanMi Matting, fcso yard; •• Transparent Green Oii Goth; _ .
WorstedandWoolCarpets;. -.: Elegant Mottle Kogv*6Cr.tS*-palr; * ‘Gold Bordered Shades, »n«w ktUde;..
Wool and Cotton do - - Axmnistcr, Chenille & Tailed Hugs; Transparent . Shades of every deatrfpv
Hall ond Stair Venltian; j Colored and Fancy Wool Mate; , - ;tion, •< • • •, •• • .•• •
Together -with the beat selection of FLOOROIL CLOTH to be found in thb dtyiOf.ibefCdldWmg wldlhS--34,44,54,
04,74.8 4,12.18 and 34 feet, from the most celebrated maoufactarenir
* BUFF HOLLANDS, for Windows, SO, 32,34,30,38,40,4 i, 44, and 50 inches wide.
Oral and hollow Brass Stair Hods, Carpet Bindings,Tacks, Holler Ends and Back. PuUles..-' - • f ' x * >
ALStM-An entirely new ortlclefor Batblng pnrposeVknown ostho Royal Turkish Bath Towel, which takes tbo placo
Ofn flesh brush and sponge—eveny bodyshould use them. v .->■
Fcrsonsin want of any ankle luour-llnc, are respectfully Invited to calland examine. .
xnar3l:lmd*W t ;i t ?:• i { 0. B HEADLT ACO., 82 Third street.
Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Hats, Leather, &c.,
s. , Jllb- 5« Whoa Street, Pittsburgh, Po.,
Again takes pleasnredn callingthe attention of his customers and Country Merchants generally, to his very ccmplot
and largo stock of * *
Purchaseddlrectfrom.tho;NowEngland JJHnufacturerß, principally for cash, cohslslingcf
• >.v = •• 'Adapted Western Sales;
TTIS STOCK OF FAKCT SHOES, BRAID, SILK, GAUZE, and LAWN BONNETS livery larcbnßd variedr such
H cannot fail to giro full satisfaction. Also, BONNET TRIMMINGS, *
. . His assortment of UATA lbr Spring and Summer Sales, livery large, and comprises all the styles to bb found oa sale*
East or West; ' * S ' >
Ilia old customers* ami Country Merchants generally, oro Invited to call and,examine this superior stock which oan*
not .be surpassed > any in tbe countryf-writh tbo full assuraucer that the whole wur be sold ’at unusuxlly small
advaccos on Eastern cost, comparing favorably with New Y©rk and Philadelphia. ** Coma and ree." mar29*daw2ia
- . H.. CHILDS' Sc CO.,
Wholesale Boot and Shoe Warehouse*
1-1 A T.S,^iI 3T „SJS :I y» E .™ Ol !^^ t€n j?-X o „sS r * n *L§ lo< '' t > conßiatlnfj cxopwarda of thirty-live hundred cues of
JOLsHDOTSu flllOSSi HAT3>:OAPB, AND-BONNETS, alt of latest stylea and fashions, among'Shlehares ■-
Ladles <& Hisses, ; Hen; and Boys’ af- FaltaLearilnta. Ladles’ Bonn of a.
Broczo Kossuths, En'ldNulli6era, - ;■ f Leghorn nod Strati Unto, Fancy French LacO,
I Purple Parodies; f Drab Congreßs Boots,-! For and Wool Hats, : Sooke Skin Plait,
Cinderello Slippers, : Kid Glove Botton do, > Cloth and Glazed Caps, - Eb’d Fancy Belgrades,
Sontags & Eurekos, Oxford ondUnlon lies, Plosh and Velvet Capa, Gossamer Loco, ; •
Boßkina and Goiters, Calf ODd Kip Boots, Children’s Shoes, : Leghorn end Straw,
Alboni & Paris Tics, Coarse & Ftuo BrogaOß,'. Infant’s Colored Boots, ' Florence, with Capes.
Together with a great variety of Fabcy Goods, well adapted to the approaching mason. Our (dock having been rrar-
Chased dlreetfromthn Manufacturer*; principally.far caab, «lth great caro In the Mlecllon of quality and tha adapted
to the Western tralo,Tve are enabled too!r«rsupcrforlnduceoionts tldi Bpring; and are determined not to be wider toll
by any regular house; eltb6r In NoirXaris, Philadelphia or Baltimore.: ■■■ . -
Merchants visiting cur city will please call and examine lor themselves. 1 '
.corner nf Rlfc
r v *■
\ v \*'fc ••
. * r*#.*'
.i. * S’
“'j 't*.., -
ii *« •. ■ ■ ■
*S..: j,'- 4,'.'.:. :t
'~J: ~r Zi/%. ‘
Manufacturers of White Lead, Bed Lead and Litharge, Importers and Dealers i
OAVISO0 AVISO EESIDENTTMITSEItSin the Eaatero Cltloj to take advantage of all ravoniMo ebangns In tt»Mkrltetv
wo are enabled to selljibreasb, or ; to prompt bine dealeis, on os roMobablo term*, u Eastern Jobbing Houses.
rnitedsSw** WWt ° ffaamnty *** P ure ani wcfrftl, and pqoU la quality to any made in Ih*
■ft?” B. A. FAUNESTOCK’3 Tennifoge faml&cd with directions 1 la the iSnsUeb, Preucb. German end Snanixh,
tow*#*- . marSmdS
■ Pasta Alongi ifieep moving t
rpiIOSE sboat to remove their lesidcneea oner about tbc
L lsl of April, Bboulittot forget'to call upon M. GRAFJ: .......
4 CO, 221 WOOD Street, and supply themreHes .with * €. ¥osrz&;Ze£t& atid J/otu**
COOKING STOVE or (3KATE, a? theymayrequire. Messfr. lk£y£rer—l'iftb strrtatjfcboTo Wood ....*,i>rioea of admissions
Graff & Co. cannot ■bo surpaMcdbyanyestablishmtml In Boxes and Parquetio 00c; PrlTate iJoxex, large, $8; do. dp.
this cltyvfor. the beauty, tuility, tod- cheapness of tfeeff* 'Small, $5; “Second Tier, 20o; Boxes fot colored perse nSjfiOe,
ijoocljio Gltbtheinacall. , :■ ■•:■'. Par*o us securing seats will bo charged 1214 ets. extra for tho
CarmTlhc'l-CftrpeUne I J ' certificate. Door* open at &}£ o’cloekYperfbftaance toecs*
. T WOALUJ&'j}Ci“ VET tSHJKiS, Apollo -
yV tfQURTH Strict,(formerly known ns Gyndty)canal- emraisnt actma arid
wavs bo found; any quantity or quality of. ;gpods . usually
found in the buries , as law as any tons© in the city. fbeaicelpbrateUr^ l^'^ 1 ®” *PP«ar iatwo splendid pisew.
Persons wbhlng to purchase will fimMt totheir advantage: :}■^**£2s*^
frokrtUroi W.DM’CAIXUM “ U W. PAtflUONAdamTnimnn,.
r - Sir. Richuifc»iUoiint Jolimaltrv, Mr.Ftateri Mr.Tlffany^
Oertrudo, : ML<s Riehlngs.;' To coueiudoTdUi; A BOliAKi^*:
JOB AN OUYElt^..> Mr, EW>ipgsy >
SfarinTDariington, ,ffli»..rliiehlnga«~;.tTu comtaenro -wuhi ■-•
Vriqnft Uarymt-fc. Mira Hfehl* gjy * “* v -
I s WISH TO KM PL two ofihtsa RAol Plombeta? none
•but good workuivnjicfd apply. An interest in tbe abofe
will bn glto.n if r.quin&l, or l. will sellout tbe
whole ■ tuoojtn petrol workman* This tfl-arare :
ettiißttVßS lhe , bu<>ini£*'bj well .ralAbJlsbpd-and.lias a good,
-run of on ApprenUea wanted.\\Bnquim«r
• oEoaijE BAiurr,
r' . 129 FonrfhftTP.fft'-^
*» w
t* TfrILUSKNO to unv part of the United State* on_tbr
X. fastalpV vt «>1»B DObL4R, J a -new irrocctt.ta übtain
jvll ibe Fi-lt, i>U r uutoif a Crwk r pOxW 6* iWer*
for-an oitent’oftOOfquatejattiU,
anttaoexpouro.-iJ.ytLi# pfripas*, they tafce?t«*t bj
a* thf» may ‘ansuett ta neyertbeiew-teutuoto
t*vty VFi \B.-'ALJBUKGKU A-Cd>
Itoas2G f joa return
tnafl, fraoof porlagr. >. v i - > , msT3Q*3t
5 jsotfce*-
y&SBIX Jk BRy* Kt- No* tt ttfltTStoet, swaond io or
*f vtfarkety-oSfeX' to.ijsft
Sriecusl »tficj£;«f q«w and popular 1
, % . bodes/ .
iTbe ciffTMtltoonUxly _
, ' MAGAZINES, - *
At»4 mist Teprcctable - i
4 * *1 , NEWSPAPERS, * \
ot the day- , - - 1 J _
variety of- Plala ftTia raney
.Writing end Note Paper.ami BtaUcratstyofATerjAiDd.- :•& v. (
j »\ni Art uit—ujsw. is. Ms&tv*
1 "13r'B0H haajost received thefollonltfg pobMcallonfl;,.'
,«■ Gqtf*y , alAdy’ r £Bdofctor .April; * -
■ Fetersantajdaksabitf. do;
Household Wonbi ,• i db;*
• (Uflasoo'sKcUjrlttl , -5
•• (Miri&wooU’g Msgaaine t>rMarch f•
The Secretary, or CirrumsUmlial £vldcnc©vby the au
■ Uiur.of HeodaaQd Hearfe.. <- *
'Abo, ft farther supply of Yuukee Notions ibrApriLAatO
• biography of an Actress; Potlphar Papers, Ac; Callor send
:•■■ ■laarSft •: • , ■• • 74 Third at.. Dispatch Bandings. ~
/“'lUDrit'o JjAuY'S IMJU& Full Afc\tU.U—Just reCtftVed
AjT and for sain at MINER A. GO'S Cheap Book and Maga*
Bine Depot, No.SZSmlUtfleU street: .. . j
Ulatory of the French Protestant Refugees, from the Revo
euUun ot the JSdtet'ofNenlea to the present day, by Charles
SVtfca. Professor of Ulster? in the Bonaparte Dycsuta,Paris;
irtmriated from the French by. Henry William Herbert* Esq.
Prices2,oo. "7
Margaret> of Prejudicial Homo asditaYictims; aa Auw>
Limrnpby. Price &o.cent** •. ■.*■.••
. Tho lover upon Trial; a novel try Elizabeth Stoart. Price
Massjmlello, the Flshenhan of Naples, 'by. Alexander.
Dumas. rricoSo cento.
Call-orsend to ~•/ H. MINER A-CO., , >
-• •* nrarlto : - ■-: . - • ■: S 2 Srolthfleldstreet. ;
Nkw books!—new. booksu— .
The History or 1116 Preach ProUstwu Refugees: %
vols, doth and paper.- • , • :
Margaret, or tba Prcju&ko atHomeanil its Victims:. 1-
yol., Clothand paper,
Tho Lover apon Trial: a hovel by Elisabeth &L Stnart:;
1 vol. 12m0., doth end paper. 4 --' \
Also GodoyTor April; end BlacUwood'ibr March, -- - ,
Tho above, together with a large, collection of rare oifr
cellaneooa Booea ittfilrecriviedl/per express, by .
8T Wood street. >
DUMA**’ LATiiST—Masanello/the Fisherman of ISaplea
.by Alexander Domsa; joet received by ■•■■■■ •.—■•••■
vHILf Leslie’s Lodtea Gazoito fori
Aj April. Juatveoelred and for sale by , _v.
• • * • BAHt£L B, LMJPFEB,
No, 87 Wood «W .
•/"I.ODlira LAi)Y£l BOOK FOH Al’iUii—Containing*
vT splendid Spring Fashion Plate, and nth f r engraving*.
For sale by ! • W. A. GItMSNFKNNBr 4 CO,
jhar3o TftFonrlh street
PLAID GLNUHAMd-— A A. AIAEUJ* A CO-j have just re
ceived and a largo. assortment ofFery .fine
PtylcaofPlaldQlnghamx.-. . .• . ■:■ marSO-/
ALL VfVOb PKLAINI3&—Just received ©var 100 pieces
nllirosi Delaines, ofoU colots and quality, some black
-wool Peialnesaß lowasST^ceota,• • . ■■■• mar3o
M* uutlMAO UOOUS—We have just received a largo and
superior assortment of lUacfc, Paramattas, Lama
Cloths. Bombasines, Alpacas, Ao..‘ ••••■•
• y>LAU);MUtiLIN DK DKGK—A new-article.aoHaole for
;i- traveling dresses, justreeelved several varieties of the
Kama. ■■- fmartO] • ••• A.A.BIASON'-A C(h.
XIMK —40 bbis LouiariUe Linw, Ibr sate br.
JLi mar3o • : : HENRY H. 00LIJN&
/^UUNJiIEALr-iObblsforbulbby; , -
EtfUa —a bbb torsalo by
laar3o , ;:
ff 'XMOTUY 6 bbla for Bale by
(ILOVJ4K tiEKl)—Forealo by
7 marUO r , • ■ . HENRY 11. CQLLINB.
I. AhD—l3 kegn.No. 1 Laid; •••••.': .
j - ' 4bbls do do. For sale by
ag&odetoiQ room,hall,ga3 flJttarQP,bath
hot and cold vrujer, and agood'cellar, No. 333
Third street Aiso,Nos.l23 and 331, both good dwelling
houses, wlthsloro rooms. .These bouseswill ho soldoneaiy
terms, as the owner Jntonds to lefcve tho clty. Also, a
• valuable Farm in Somerset county; For ternSrapply to
. B. CUTHBKRX.& bON v ••
• mnf3t • 140 Third street; >
HOUSfi TO LhT—Comal ua 10 rooms, gas and water fir-,
lures, on !WyH&.street. 8. CUTHBERTA SON,
- mar3l.. .. : . 14Q Third street.
SAL liUOii±sULtl~6(X) asforftalobr - ■ -
tnarSl , IS. ACO
BLUE —2O cases for saleby
;JT mar3l , i ;.- 4 * w n. CO-
('ILOVJtIS— 12 bbla for sola by • •A*— .
J mural - ~ li. A. FAHNESTOCK * CO.-
./ VIU »ASt>AKUAtH-3llU tt» lor Bit.VS . - A
Vj mar3l.- B?A. yAHNESTOCK a Oft.
Tl/fAPLE BUUAB—S bulsTClytttoiCß W»pl»Sng«r,iust
,IYL teciToa «md Bit sale *j Aa „ * heksh,^
14 raarSV 253 Libortr street
K" 12 “T 4
IS” Wl|w, lS}a» by
l IOOKiLAfiD'iSUEIiIIAW miujiis—sgross J a Btmo Slid
jO. for Bala by Dpoar3l] ~ : StEJUHO BfcOS,..
!■ ,- j* «»?. «_) ■< •• .
V-VV" ~ . ■
■7,v.- r ■-:v
' ••We’re "With Yon.Omja Again sl . • J
AX MASONIC! -HALL. r-’-C- • -Vi
«“-«•» , {
4 v V wttirtt homeward brth* NnMhwmrt w»ipawishw« - '
abtaonf Ih* Mfoa '-T
by-Western ifo* York, home. -*7 r 4, V
«£•? will .not In aUk 4
WmilMii ibnenlebu In Pttuburffh, ,- ■*£' i
■.-... April3Mth«ndsa>. ; On iKraA?_* '.V
Codcertof thclf beat
of tbdr oldfavorite* aiul ,
arc thtr now lops**; Bong,**;.* NraSmtr/'&mvl •
other popalartongspflhe day v; .:W’:v e "■£** *7
'■ /ticket* 34 eentvto be obtalo«Lat tt»|j?tad^|tawte^sf»s-3$ "
. Mu*ic ytcrewlloore o , dock«' o^wrttn«BmSw6^?^ i 'i
antrtyiact. - ■ .•.•• v
C6 I WoodTs grand-- Jkhihltfon nt wjflfafi* SSfpg?yWi-./
- , OPEN DAY AND KVBHJJfe.' '*, - ,J
i >. <»n»i*tii>cof UiefcDowlng.inofftriitatonUnary metotuf, ■ ', v •*
« Mlfc3 T ,* : j
; olayonlySO f&c&s and* t
wdtghatoathaa Bponnda. * ,
•'" Alfiortft* great BWIS3 WARELBE,
..Forming. Otua ef the xnoet wcmdttful eihibitlona lathe*- -’
world. vAdmterion 2& cgpt3,Childrea T .]2}-£c.* mar 2» a 7
CoLWooi’s Grand Eihibitira atl*feyetta~Hall,,
J~10)lMl5ISCfN0 MONDAY, Muib 21th, li!>K<mita7V
day and evening vf iht ttfftfp, consisting of CHAINS anil
RNG. the Worldßenowned v. ■
Aleo, the 3WIBS:BEARDED LADY*from Lake Geneva,. -
Switzerland,forming the meat ganteel;ss well asthe most-:
novel attraction oyer offered In Pittsburgh, -
Hours of exhibition Trom SJ&'A.-W. to 13 it. and.
from to ftp. u. y and from 7 to<9Win theevening.; ••> '•'•
■ •4Sf-AdmCselon 23 cents; Children 12& *. (snar24*
I lAitUu'jj UALin (lormorly Wijkm’jruidLJAptfrtArtrerf,, •
VI near &niM/ted, eon bo obtained (or Parties, Festtvalsw
Concerts, Public Meetings* ip. Also, Cargo’a Ootfilon m>at
oox Horn Bandeau be round in readiness at all times, lw '
•applying to WMw FRANK- CARGO, at the Crystal Maw* .
Daguerrean Booms of R.M; Cargo A Co- Fourths treeL or at -
the Hall, i
■ Pftifle.A lQeyrsn..
opposite the Morning Post, formerly boen*
wftwni pled by L. Ueineman A Co. ••• We have now hand's *
splendid assortment of 8 day and 21bour Clocks, which wo
°ff«rto thapublloat great bargains, such as: Iron caaae, '
pcarunlaid and allptherpattenieof Mantel Clocks* “ !
floe goldand silver patent
lever, cylinder, and author .escapaent Watches, and att ere
;YV*t*toeS; of Jewelry and Silverware, which w* intend to •
sell cheap (Sr cosh.
—N.B. Watch repairing-done la the best manner and at ;
•low prices, and warranted. • . • mkr?s i
Uyitm and Fresh Flsh, •■ . .
-■•/gsss: CHAU. KIMBLE A CO. has eomrflenee<lfceep» '
vSLVi fjhJing all kinds of fresh Fish, which bewill keep
- neonstant supply on hand,both wholesale and ~
•:>ei®pr retail; all kinds of eastern Fish and loktf Fish.
At depotjCorner of.Handand Liberty streets, by
margTitr CHAB. KIMBLE k CQ,,
Benlts Lager Beer HaU ( : .
■Ao.IOC Umiihfiild itnttt cpposiie the Cuxtom iTovn:
THK subscriber has* just opened one of the largest and
best finished Lsgcrßeer JUaUs in the city. His Beer is
acknowledged to bo a euperiftr article, and every other ac
commodation about his house cannot be excelled. • :v v
• mar2£3m A.BENITZ.
william Thorn,Druggist* • - :
HAS BBMOTEB to the comer of HAND and PENN
Street?,'where he will,as usual, attend promptly to
bis numerous (Heads. 4U articles in his line arawarranted
pare,>apti pot up with tho utmost care. parl4:6ta :
The Greatest Invention of the Ag«* i
IIIAVJS Just revived'- from Paris a CONFORMS
jU§g TOR,'which gives the exact size and peculiar shape of - ■ ■ >
iho head, and win make a new Hat fall as comfortables'
asonoldone. Thosoinwantofagood HAT will call at 77 - *
Wood street. • > Wii; DOUGLAS.
• f-- ; Propeflaliy
TITTLL BE RECEIVED at the office of tho Western Beni*
yV • tertiary of Pennsylvania, until Friday;the Slat Inst,
tor furnishing COAL, of the best quality ,aiui good frcsh
BEEP-, free of bone; (the thank bone to be put, & when ro>
quested; in alt cases the bonerHUbededoctedAforoneyeKC
from the Ist of April, 1854, in mch-quantities ns may be
rrqufegted. 1 . . (marll] A. Warden:- •
So. 18 Marltet street. •••'
\/Z£S. - RESPECTFULLy informs LU friends and the
1 f o.flpublie In general, that he has just started’his : - a !'
> jfew York sod Philadelphia modern stria of- -
•,COOKlNGpTSTEßSandeverythingeiseia the- *
eating line. - Oyrters -1h U» Shell or Stowed, for- 12l£ cents ‘ \
u dozen. 110 will also farnfsh 'thebest of eVcrylblng that,
.ihe miirket wIU aflbrd. House always open nhlil &o’dock r : - !
in the momlog. marl3-tf '
SUGAR CURED HAMS—IO tierces prime lkmßy Hama, • ;
per Buckeye State. These llama wo.^will gu&rtanty”
equal to anything offered in this market for safe by ?
imfr29-,.,. • v ;■ . BAILKY * RENiimAW- - t
ii' v 1
• , Bnnell A Bro,i
Booksellers, BTATioNERB, dealers: in. stan;
tho 1.0/O.P, TOKEN, No; 16 Fifth street; Pittsburgh, Pa.
• - marlG:ly v ■.■ •- • ■ ■. ■■ ?.■
ro ASTERN BUOUais—-luutZeu received and (hr <>sle by
JCi mar 29 ■ : BAILEY A RENSIfAW.‘
1 OAF; sUUAR—Iw obis landing, per«team«r lieu Bait,
JLi end for rale by ftriargTj ' JAfl! HUTCHISON A CO,
tyKUK&TtfIANiUUit If*. AUROPb; Vieas aiooi; or
X Eurcpescen wlth KnaptMukAnd Staff: by J. liatard'>
Taylor? with d prefece by N. P.Willis.
' ELDORADO-: or Advectureslnthe path of an Empire; -
comprining a voyage to California, via p\nama; 1 lMu San
Francisco and Monterey ; Pirturesbf the Gold Region; and
Experiences of Mexican Travel: by J.Bayard Taylor. For
rain by : Xk T. 0- MOH(IAN V lO4 Wood street. •
iji/rATota^—auu bufthela toreale by >. ; > ' 1 ;
JT mnr2o HENRY tt. COLLIV& /
. | |ttY-PCA
XJ maiCO
busbeto fpr sale , tar .
'W , '
Vi -
'a -