The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, March 28, 1854, Image 1

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    *'’*'**> r / •'•’V 1 -*# *i " * * -J*!* ■%>
jslS-."v‘S:-;)'-'- '. '--V s ,-w ■•'. '* ••■s•:-"s-. .ivvvi.-.'.- t
*f „-7 ’ : ' \ '^ v - ‘.~:.,J*t /. * '. ' /■*' }'A» : •'
>„ 1 1 -" ’ » hV* £.*« V ***• ? x t v * <4 «_ 1 , l *» t » ‘ ■‘S* 4 -» a « ?„»“** f *► *> •**£.? ' «H 4
• v N »\' v ,;\,< ..„ ;,' “'■"> -{Tj* -. < j 1 , x*- , *;i,; t v t ' jv~» -• ( * ; ; , * -c 1
"Kyrf;.' v-ft,. v; Lf : v-v ’
s\'*£ r h i **v»^AfcAA-Kjs^-*-* Mr *^ t ;■ ,iT!^ *, - % * *£ . <* , *, * * *;I
‘ ,** 'v ** r 4 " ~ , ' ..
&f '■ 'v" * -’* \ *t rv *
>%r 1 / "-v-v,
*"?f ./ fc A, ■"r'"'v -> j t . < . " */-
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- . ” - '• -•'*’
A> rW^f 1 ? . -'. - i -." ,, ;->X , ''-i' '^t- 1 j/ -.»---' Ai/sSii ®-.l' ■ I , ..< ~ ■ *‘
VN*,-v‘ v :-''-VIS* 14 ,a-r ' V-, '■»,'"
A.^lv^V;^<*k , " ! * - J
*^=—= KE S
r*yOW _
V2?i* THEDA _-_
■ " ' •-’-««» awlJh JHAJ
-3*** s?
-™i »
•;> \‘. #
AoTv'? si SSfa«M.
- - -
:* *
SmPw pfe^sSi
,— . *«?>*• & -
. ngpi > P»-AQEyT« MetrTinn ) ti? cl ?rBt/vlrr nn ' , "Pni >^^ : ;';^_ j BtCMMiPOftt»V--/^-'. 1 ->§_ ,< L .' ■•U, ! ■.v ■■■.-> ■:. .i\v,;, ■;t -'rr~tg:ir' _ l ''_■}; _ T _ ''• -' -' r-tp<-r
-&Wilkr&Js£&&'*i j£js** '■ vf• Fritirrti flfcwwL (above Wood VThe Tut : .TftttinWl 'ffOCUUPQEf ■ - ■•. ___’ .
•■ ~ an officeftt th* Qboreplaoe,fQT4&* oponWli, ~• < ffisKCllAffT, v.
WSglteSl SfissasaßfflsS! LJZSESSBZL&.
: SHAMssBag
" s ’ ' Joairw*BfOM.w..«,^t.wufi^t l ■' .' • < CoriiGf Tfclrd and Bmlthfleltl afchjets, Hemp;sftd otfafi
•*^OtMiWTOTOWABBHMBB-^! ? rawJHMt«i4 ' h“wß^.iAmaa>riUnfm.ntttf»M<fr w> ■ < „»;'i»teia)n;. .Bt-frmH;■- KUl*AM>rtm,. -OindmuMl “ '
W'WooiiJ&xf*. «HWOQduadiUxth. FfeW, l> Wrf,«,ftrtf a t«m M ß* *<Jo.,/-;4or;B^M(>n«»».^'V “ I^SSi3gfeto Sir _.
•' .s, 9 n»k*V»®R?UM*j*ni&Tr &
**■ pe»c»i «ma *p>» ”£5sS?;». »?»■ x a* .4M t g!*JhsS:!!ilSfeS££*y” •'* -*&
iwnfSmltMSd l^? Front frttobwgWgfl?fdc& ISsJ 8?* I ? str^i t J > * 6 Mrfmu '* 1 - do; .. -^■ l .-
;& St** a msßtea« .
'-V ' „.- ~. ~ ;•
t _•> . ,/;* ■ • . _ ,- • «.>••;„- : vv: .. -13&XK, ~x.X::^-xZ':
■'. ' . ' : ' '"''*•' : \
A ’ *' , . (•* , .’. *- k '4*X'> '"v* . \
• 1 . . : v. w . .' -7." . '
smmmo^mmgmM - --- - ■
P%: •i' :>... ' { , '\ r / i. - < '-z . v / • r l ' tf/itf h’ 1 * s - r ‘ f
post* J
*r» aM Atoming* .
'lpKtuWvWt <I3RIOy r <tf?WXflfc AMft■ * ;■
«di2«, &»*»« VIM inT*ri»Dlr?» wqolred If ttotptW
* » toe&oa wo con-iot Kde ot 0» Wraot* to tho
Otfe^agDJtiiOlWraßqfO- , •>
If oubUfbod from the lama oHce, cmol&rgo DUnVet dw
■»hSt“«tTWOIWIiARSa jear, In «dr»aoe. Blngtawito
"SS-Mowi’^n»» ataooattaiwl (utOerart tto«*ra
cibrtte^wJetors,)nntE «ll *r»o»n» tfeMtyt
j»-No«SScmWJI Do piM toimyoriaunSStesm-
Kw the money, -ot satisfactory nsflswnooln tiibicity.
' TOKS!S»i tswutiuntaf atMmOpriat
o' -&*di&wiriiititoM onttetnorWi noftcejrOiwiiKW^WPO*-
rffi&tip upon jit tern ejTTs&rwa.JPS^ 3 -
ns wreswwytfxit,o*usa: .. M
**.>•“ •«aflb^i(fiUoru4inscs , tioxL,r««-.»*»-.»"*v—r 5?..
**• n on«i ir
'■*• *v» wrecks.— S oo
“ ‘three — *. y . ™~~J ®}[
*• ™ on* tapnth- & w
w 44 two
<* throe months,*—... -J? JS
* u tour toonUifl«».^r'«^—*2 Vr
<1 *l* months- m w
* «« one year. * . *►— *» w
■•,.■Atamllns dud, six lines or leas, perwumnL v ..—v«r’ * U .VO
,■ o. **•*?*““*... ...» • -
OneiaquWv per annum, (erduslTC of the
GKO. F. GILmOBIt,. _ _ _
• •:*. * ottci. corner t/ 'fburto ttrtet and Cierrjf aXUjf,
, - wttsmjKß, IJu, . ,
, ’ at
'" fcU office, between tfeo boon of 0 A.M. Kid iXVSI. ofradt
d». iyju_
• c. . _ .
4 TTORNE7 AT LAW —Q£Boe, Ftjnrth *oat« " 0031
A JJ*T_ ...'
““ i ’ ' BUB.Ci»rn»ft«3»» ~ ?. . ,
A TTORNBy AT LAW—Offi» on Stmltt ttroet, wtroffl
* - Jx-CLargraltoy owLQrmt gtroeL •; .
-i jr. ». ai'Clowry, i
B*VftWf'U>BondlnuSfOttgnrotJdrertvf -■■:■■■ ■•*"■-
l>. U‘. aa»n f ~ , . .
WORKS* AT LAW—Xo-IST Rmrthteeet,
t Otar anrithfield. , * m»rZ7T_
, A'llrtraCT lAW—Offloe, »■
, A^mnSdtoKo.AdqrdDlatwii^BiimeTogrtKy^^ 1 *
A to—jpaAaottrottonTrftm.wOoOTgaoctot. fitoftly
>. v nextaoo* to the PMtOBKe, SteobentjlltvtHila.
?Vi- m >*- .'■ - » - |-~T
l TtOKSKt ATtAW—So4«ri>iott(«tr«t,PSttiftoTs6,
L P*., Smith door below llTr. (talj Petoteoo*
So. . . J£2-
' S. llneluautcr.
- V »» £DEtt\tiX—OSice, FuufUl. street, thlrf tor »£»«
,4 Emithtleid,Bontb side
' Jilh the grsatotMre ond legal eccorecj. Titles to BeellJe
»tatff OTnmiDoJ<^c»
* i- ixausa- * ‘j r.ic!iXK)Kn. , j. i-nraatr
O WMtasaleDral.t*loßAJtomo awl oil,
.’nunUy. Wintoara fcy BwW«o*
Ho. 11C WaletfjaA w first
.?3»)ob*. ~ . . - 2?-
TTJt B. DRAVO, Dwffloßj, ’’
f , Ocona? Fxolaoo, aBW« for raj* » rbolai ««»: o
wfl—Bplett ot.aivtf wljly
-Drioi Rrail*. Parolga-MllKitawtio- rtiiu« lakeo In a,
, » foil .moitoent
WunateKbußaD 6«<U,.»4ioTttis«tl>e attention
KraMinnnl »Brim
'rirnoliEB4l?CreS«toA>i”rß o DUCE DEAIiEKS
W '«o.g ffoMgtint.Htfa»rtmsh.
TTruoLKa*ws mkr-.
»nd Plot uta. f° ttr3 . .
rthta. - -
Kutspvmoc-—. —l. f.**»o*.
~”°£’d comu»-
"gKSE* " «SSSf
eppWn, Hn«wl iwl fanJ Oil*-
D U*3SSj
ktu cOMtMtIT on luma.
At™ i
V\r ynr*&rvliflK and CasmaLvdoti b!«r<di«aV„B«lw
'ODiratryProtoMMi Httsbutgh MimiiSKtutM—
iSgWiWbCTßTOfr. Pitfahirgli.— m *” -i
*un .v.«pq«so£c# tfaosMTr
itetaiV. Clothing Hflrcfcsattj^
- 89 WOO& STREET. . _
%s£ta!Ss •* *m h. »mrf V <£»
•:. ■• ■ •• ••■. ■■ _- . ■-*
. ' Jasno* Ci W*tt| •
-» tf-KRCHAST TAIUIE—No. 45 Kfth utroet, opposite the
Plttshorgh, To- ■ -* ?tT
-n t.itbiT flats o t tKTtttm of Cooitr 4 HUU),) tartas
rs iwSSxSff fiTOEB-MO. 9# (two doors above the oM
s£&,< fu? th» pon>QM of carrying »» too OUftinsa
hopes by strict attention to bmstaws to merit a
most ftaUonaM.
to<-ih»Bh°ftcs too tic e—lnferior to :
V S Co., _
? . -ikitc 'Cabs late nf the firm of J uiana 4 w.)
• ' W- jJwrt Rrindta*. Old Momratfriicis and Rectified VFhi|-
tow, liberty Mtut,
" ‘ ’ ' ’
Bi Motk bll i
•nnrtKSKLtKB AND STATIONER—haa timyt an fetaa
- 3cto6l,MlB<3ll«aeous and Blink
ha.. mmatbPiper, 4c, WhoteraleMldße-
street <Me ’ K ,S|'m2 lu -
R»CT«uiTaMere* Scraps. aplfcly
■ ■ a. «U Weldla. " .
•WrfiKffißSilS iSR BETAJIi -OEAtto la #a«
W;, BchoS jiookfc Papor «n4i 63 _Wood ;
- (tract,(brtwxmThird »ad goorttii)Pitt»bnrgh.fa. TtnrtO;
Bfc?rJo*w”V v eroDKTQs“SSoKSBttm, uea
-11 TtOSBB, Water and Bituler—comer of
~ miml uttwiw. fa. tirSlra
, ~ W* 8. UaTen> - 1
' tJL< 'n-.iamiaeM.-CtolS*o4 BtOambpat JobMOttejmd >
--BoSW4ini& *bnil«li «T«t7, ertlele la. tha Bloofc Book, ;
'P»p<ir im<istelHm«ry Due, »t notire voiJont^o
*^?kßbok»ni«»tlimMy Wmbooee, corner ofMwtrtj
. Boolr Bindery, Kb.*o4Mnl«t,' MrlB
v : • ■ ; Tam«i SlelUnseri ’ . ' ■
-5* jrONOMAJIEI \V VI*ANIKO WlLL—Wonld respectfully
"iVli'tal&na Lists tend* nttithe publla, tb»this»eff.»st»fr
Uthmeril is coir la |un opcrelion, an-J tKst he Is ramuodto .
famish So»t Cubla. V*°d »U oricre.fct Plsaodlamber, ]
rtflinwirnfttlMmi tl ttthO lowestffttßS« - J* I
-- -yl&nol on ojm or both *ldM> cpnjtantiy
“fSSSWsjandl tooldlnm Of «ery. description,
■toiritirhlntß ralLssbe <*n powfuralahthaa wllh -pßaol
'sfaSriWltnblSfcrbrCT Vdeseriptlooof wwfc.' ■■ - . ■-J
v 7 • * , ..-.Jims emvaif
TTKRn ojf & cßiffwsuv . ■>'— .!■
TUTAKCPAOTmiEKf f of, all W?Os(>t.BBAM-WOBS,tO-
sovOottotf Batting Han hfijctt’ Mrs * f
-Foundry on lUbeec&t U«t»\VU<sgheny EW*'-Vr#v*
Lft vrih'V&A' Qrten left / nt&e a
►liwmptyattended toe - * .\ -rf
noHcs.-AU h*2r«si en^rwtof«>l»vtl*S»\PKW>?«r»J'
•.taaWMtfctf-iife;-*/-- - sSSSS&SSf'
..' RtffTtnctM T * .TvrH<»tiitmv'lffiilffff**-ffi;
gobuctxinan A Hartnleln#
* T ITIIDGRiFIIBRS—Third et roc t, opposite tho jtort-afflee,
w .• nttebafftl)* -Haps, lAndscapeS* Sui Heads ShOWBfIM,,
Architectural '*nd Machine Drawings, Business end <
■s ntfd»/etiu EngraTed or Drawnon' Btoner Printed
;'' , S>' ,: lß<W«fii: : OcMfßwii**»orßlacXiti«.theino»»ppi«T«drtyler;
fhuTnftKtrcaaontbjtf . s ,<?etlfcly.
<*-> / fPaHBH2D'I)AIfIY AT
Lmsemss at, co.,
Steamboat Agent*.
'■> , T,Ek4 Hinte/fttfi.
BiNKiSa'lioosa or
■ jg&ilPtoyMt*Bow*d ; <» USmartotnUn-■■’■■•- ?**-. fwlft.
D. BAENABD. ‘ * .
40. JFiflh Btrat, W(6m» Wood and Jtaiet
ianl9*ly] pmsatKOiL ■ .
j«mcsG»rdnert Duioher ( /w> :
T¥rnX’ be found to the- regular marketdaya
W iogaatSTALtrNo »8 DIAMOND MA&SKT. Pitt*
-bufgbi4pdat SHALCKOt 0
bU ukttal duality of Homs, Smoked. ToDßuejv-I<»td,
Saasage.-Atx, Ac. janSfgjft
mnii fi.VMiilfl. • .■ OOOHttAA: FLMUBOv
* KLBfiHKCfr BUOTHBttSj “ 4
(Successors to J. Kidd A Co)
** WHOtfiS-AIrE MVUafll’S^St
jfb 00 ITbod Street, /
- • Proprietors of Dr. M’Lano’s Celebrated Vermifuge, liver
PillSf Ac* '
• • fßTJcexasoa to l, tnxoox * oo«1 ~-i\
•V/ constantly eu haoS ft faH'tLßJwrfcXßvni fif Drugs, Meak
jdneS,MedJdtioChesU, Perfumery, and: all AtUdes pertain ; .
logtobtAbuslnera .
s* Prescriptions carefully compoon<?ea at
all facdm. ' ja-fly
Arnold & Williams.
H/rANUFAOIDREHS'of t/Mton .ftrnweei, Wmt}Uhm..
iVI Citing generally, for warming arhi yen
tUsttoft of buildings. . ,
A, A W. will contract forwarmini; and.’ronUlatlng by
steam. nr hot water, viper or ChUson’a furnace, churches*
: schools, horpltile, factories,; -green: houses,. court houses,
jails, hotels or dwellings.
febl7" - ■ ‘ ’ No. 2S MtBPTBW3SW;'PIfHOtmon.
cffisor to G.W. BMdle,) XO. 1« SaUTU*
, (In7l'CiPLnnTT nriiriT . _
; v. 49* iQnke hours fromBto 1 o’clock, and
from 2 to 5 o'clock fthlfrly
J. AMI. .«*«
Notice* _
TOS. FLEMING baTtagMSoclutect idth JOS. ABfit*,-lt«*
tfitmduws-wiU hereaftarbeeoudustedunder th* style f)f
J, ADEL AGO., st tbe bhl-Stand, corner of Bmithfiuld atul
Fourth strata. s* w
I CopAHnenhlp
8 18 VNDEttSIGNfcD havo this day entered Into on-part
nership,-under tha. oatuo ami style of J. ArUCTCHX*
* tot tho purpose of maactldg a ftxntnisloa and
(Grocery fauEtaea* JAS A. HDTCUIPOV.
| XvPitfabatgbi February 1,1*5* •> • ••■••• f»wu
frvHß «oh« b*v* UiUr day fitta od a p»:ner*blp far
X the purpose of canylng arul Jbward*,
inj, in cnnoectlon with the J\th* Atom and Oil+ fttul /Vi>-
duct bu*m<£sgaaeral)y>un<i*rih6 sty hi of -EsoUsUAlbcn .
ikspOS ;• varebaun Ko. IIC WatpriujdWO Jfront surcu,-
&rateriy.occut)ied by Barbrfdgb.AXashrats.- - >
* -vraTn. ksglish;
james mocunusohy*
Pittsburgh, February Ist, JBStfebJ
Copariacrchip. , ,
T> ElESatrf J K
J 3» LAUfßYfa*vtni tssndatallbefiifetvea together, tut*:
tlrrtht fira of JONES, LACTK* o&»:*Ul..ctXlT O****
»• ABwrtfw Iron :Woriwtf?-t*oeatfj crteted k by U. Laaln m
Broihw, Kut Blnawfoia.
2,1. jrox*s;».sc. r. iabth.
M TAKCFACtCttKBS- fit »of*tfor. Oor; gowti noa’flTire
jjJ. Irvo? of»ll
buttregii Morten gad w>nd jfrwljtUhttTgW fJaUJw;
. <iopartTwr*lUp Sotlc*.
vnii&v X)U»v .. —vbxu?*
T HATH tU K nJA Y xswc&tod «llb i#*«p«rtner.nrr
JL neatie'fTi Jxmkt rurL.ui. ?t*e tnulo*"* «rf nmmi&tfp*
rtJ»B «n£
linarf attha OWsuißdiira.St'fclfth »tr^I 7 »jjdl-«fndCrt*d
oo4ct xhe firm of/AVittuar 3>*iT A Cfc;
eUfccru me tnllplww 'preMQt Uicm ZbrimmeJUte
paymcnt.&tnl tbe*o wbow* )o4et.t#4 wllljil«aw* suUle Ui«ir
bill*. vfrbts little dehyajpr*sibl*,« ■.■• . , . ... -
WILttAU &ALVVXo Simfe vW -
- J<extdi*>r to UwlrtrtiCSiy Hotel.
Junotqr HB.3W-I
mUE faerirtefrr* extstt&ffitater Uw cl
X■-•Httuafi lloittS * Co.vJ«4 iwa iaaw«2ly dkwitfcd,
i.foe. D&Tssu3, of tbe.'Uto' firm, UnTtagpurcbsa*! llutintrf*
i rwt of JfUr tfas bwUDes* wilt tw eoatfaw*} **
[iinut, uisikr UtA iiyls of DAWi$O?f*UOJKA.ii *bo
I ore ftutborixett V» uso tte ueuae of Ncgley, &$b&Q E Co. to
PttttUajrop ltool&bufti&esß. - -...v, &. J&IBQLRY*.-
Httfitmrzfa, Jttt. *SI. P. MOIUS. .
ilr. SfoU>ni vlU.ootitl«a»ta» bosloaa&» Ucrvto*
| Ihiru liis hoaor OtiJ rwiamtieH^e'
rftl p»tnsa**e of my fetefcUa&d MiloeM *s*atilßU»rTt».
I • j%4|: Kft*pe*MfuitT« r v ;. JAs* &NftflbKV.,
X. If. lUOXIK . . ............ ..OIOA4 115
TT AVISO imtthWri tbo*»llm«oekofJ.C v AnienMi _*
Cu-, iro «IH continue the wholesale FitCIT eoi OjS
PBUTIO-VARYbuilnexi. it ttebii ItMxl; No. Miyat,
tinder the ttyle of S. VT, RASKIN A CO.
XTOnCB— n«vlnj diepceed of ray entire loUhwt iottm
ill trbolrailo Frelt«odO>nfl<ttoß»»y:tm*io«» to myl*S»
uirtoer, lUom Tiwlic, ood ». W. Ilaaxtn, wtceraio io i
'£oolo, («tio its uufcorixol to are IhfrfiMno of tit* Into firat
In eattling tbo btuhrere of rati erm.) I UXtepleerurelnrer.
eOitimOn<Ung thorn to toy former frtciadi end customers *ra
i boon ton eonttouelidn of >tbc Xlbmli»trottafiob<f»toat«l
i on me. i. C. AKDBWWS.
I Pttiahonth. Jenaary. V. jell?)
» —i* cciuamt. j
Real ebxatb and qesxual norms, Xv. so
.SniOfim tfraL - Slii: l
r—— John H.Wellor. - ,
W INSIBUUESia, tUooK, llootui «ad
I S»Uonw3r,yQ.m Wppdrtrtrt. >
« a ' A* Tlntllc,
«ol CABPBX BAO ennuiU!.
W - 'torer, No. 100 Wonlitrairt, PltUbitrgb,Pi.
- i< E. lliyttud, _ J
p.JLy; nttd SBAtD UATS. cArasr or MuldiVi&a UtwrtT >(•;, 1
N0.17<-«tttbntgb, P*. _ j«XAy
T 1 00 KBINDER—Comer of Tbttd end tVcoietreeti, there
••h CJI. Ksy.trtore bo l» prepared todootery aeecripUan
ofitnltaginlcitgUn*. *,
___ ___ >
» Met,) VTOOb DEAI#-
ofAnnutren tVoolcnflaod*. No. ISolib*Hy street. ftnr4
WMCtt AND CWCK MAKJtIt-Jlflh teft, between
W VTood saS MnrSet .Wreete, cpponle Iron City Ilote),
■ AMKlnd* of Jewetiy.tnldo and repaired. . . -. . . feoouT v
. was
' * uHT A.. M* to flv&
P.*M, V
Uri Darlii Utmtf
£ DENTIST—Office, fourth street, between.
fl 3 rTWTP Maricet ouiAVood etrocts,- aonrly-cppoiUo tit*
Pittsburgh Bank. ftotiriy .
' ' ' "Bauu «> jausiuu,
■ 4 J , iiUoll4ll, No. 75 Thtulfitreet,
A rPUtcbitrgh; and eaifcslde ol the Diamond, Allegheny*.
4 ftSMo - , . ■ '
: -y~. VDirfUJi imO./iaUt'Uimiiifcluun, WAJiui*emrcra yf
*\k- Itar Iron,-and. exa&U:2n>n of: - all. descriptions, and
me ke.-nUrcthe Cnestdoallty ofGoops, Rounds and Squares.
<t9*&eftve orders foclronlu the bos, at the cuypoat
Qffjoc. f -
— r~ :BVM’Kinuy. > _
I iDraSriaPoint*—No. ** BE.fflnG JrtrwlvPltWrargli.
H Ja’ccMtontb' oa tons all Xlads or Points, eHSpr -M< w
m Japaa antl Copal Varnlfsh, LlnKxxl Oil, BoEcA OU.
: Si Erita Tott*ntiae,-WtolDif,Glass of all *lsos, pstttj, Paloi
Bi snsh», 4m allot the bast quality, *ad, tbssalo ikmtom*
iij ftttermsn'.e RowrJJl*rty.«t«Bt,h»»,op b»ud'*>»fE»
> tads WOtair* ind Bediieede of ererjr <le«cripUoß, nade ol
tKbertjnittrfaH.wMcll he *lll tell louer then srttclM <A
wiSBO AiulUty oan-to sutil ifl ttis city. Ho would ®~.
.ticutottimttan toWa IfW etocfc Dfltawgany and Waliwj
Cfhftlw and wWrf» he will'MlUt greatly reauwa.
urfoe*.’- of every dascrietton executed m tne.
iiiwlftit HiiiUnur-'* OnlCTfl lrft.attbO \V tfQ W®,
BiU,<jorn*r t>f A cnaiiberty BtrMto,wiUbe
v - 6a Wood St-, t
. .rl whkhlhey.tifer*Vthe
7oi)&g«ivica Almonds;.,-*.:
25 «\Bidly -do
r 'SAbaIM ttarue&uxdo -*
16 bags Shelled. do
50 «• TUbcrts;
-56 u Walnuts.
60 -Cream Nuts; -s
■ 225 b bis, Texan P«ann;
25 ** Illinois do
< 200 boxes Otnratm Hums: -
2$ Scot do da
IQ ItbTs. do do
. .10 casesVruu^gUssjoxs;
10 ** “ fancy bxfc
_ 20 cases Citron,
SoO/boxea Cluster Balslu
lOOfcfc**, SL«, do
200 nr.* 4 **- do
.200 boxes r'No. V Herring;
''loo «* Scaled _dn
- ttwaCMoco;
1 bM. Nutmegs;
i 41 CIOTCSy
S 5 baakots Salad Ollfe
‘ 80. _ .d "WOOD bv»._ . _ . .
TOH3J ft tABHY, (rocoeMor toJ.Q JP«ry * to,) Wg*
u tohdbna thecttjtoaiCTs tff (to old firm, *64 ttiß rublio
i fonenlW, that he haanov on handr, grtenslTely I**"-.
.gagedin naoqfactnring, everr description. of' CA$n&U J—
iaah ass latent ChOled BolforiMg* Kettle* «M Carts
JtaUntKcttUd, for JUh , -Sagat-KcUIH
i tor thft manuftAtareor CrmO* Bus&r*-aU c<tri «i *.patent
', prvcetti known-es J. C.Farfy'o, andfer* superior tohrdur** l
r;wMty to any.other, and eoldlower 'ttuoi those,vaßsapn #>£
I old plan. - „ ' * v -f^r
ROLIOW WAttE—A general aMMtatat, ell from nuiV
-and improved
.fjfeUfog MO! Casting*, and Machinery of avery description,
*lvrqyß*nbandcr mods toordcr. ; • ' '' « • *
Cook Stoves, Kitchen Ranges* and Coal. Stoves, of emy
.description; AwaOook-'StoVtof five also* *hkh received tho.
flittprise tor 1860 and 1851, at the Agricultural ¥Wr .of At*
tegtiaay Gounty, Pa., and VMomm ended by !»ujwiW
persona: BnUirprix*CcuX3rpTcvfoar *tica; fteniiomXcfeX'
BtOTWtßg»and JisdUtos Coalgtorea; lioriox
v Parlor Crates and Vemlera» i gxeat varley , »_ J heauura|{f]
enamelled. Coramnn.Qfatca,widhulMingxnat*Ttw of wpy ;
. A grant variety of Craa®tmUrltalliogjtorOeja stories a id;
mi T!m>k Outinffl-i lug» ittk/fell tt*'
kinds la wo, and wlltbvenWatiedueedpricn** i.P?U *,*W.
•at. Lem, True American, . Kssa’s* : . Ctapo’a,
Vtaods\ Peacock's, BoU’a, Improved holt, Ac. * .l.
£cubh Plcmg\ts-}th* Mhhtgaa JJonble plonsh, «*■
has taken the premium at lh* State
Pennsylvania„ and Ohio, and w berevvr it. baa fceea nUhlthlH
Iron and Nalls, Stotr Pipe and Tin
irßl toll at Uw.-lotrwt t»i 1
pnhlie to give me a eslkat the old atand. No,
W.v 0 ‘‘VilL*
337LJfi<JilEN Y" FOH'G
«ou}MO*:sniswKa * co.t ,
(L»tttCUsol* 6OT]WVHollins MIIL) on thrbusk of
AUKtIiMiT, Wow the Du Clidr 6t«rt Brklgo,
Amauor Citr, .Pfeii..
rpm Msopritlors refftetfaJil' inform the jftttfc Otl
•'l' ftktlsii . tends wrtnniiT* AcWitloak to tla«t::iSiAt4lal
ment, Ihcj •«> prtpntJ to <n»»uti««w. es .UwWg *£
sonsbie Irrac,ironrtrtotk
'Warfc.Bvu* Cutter*’ suri Jl*wn»‘ T«K Sbarftto,B|i
fleutog, Machine Btn* Jo gci»n]r«w» bMW IWtaftS#
army B»olp<!oo, Alio, UUttiß SUt>K.» JS»JBV*H«a« fcf
iSUOa’a r<amt thru Six itiAntf. l'ne TO
■ ehlno*:il he'in oisttetton-sboo* tb* nnuote'of skW (1M?»
*tro nUonJcwfci SJwr* *lll oust *Hh prompt siWSBMo.
Mill tick* mail anJ drwsot Ihtfcn «ot bf null dr lrif
graphnutttll'd to os tha shortent atUco.. -,, , ~
-A Sow ¥upi>l}'"»f CUiotoflteg 5T33»«*r <
vmnoa. w ■’ 1j ;
_ Jnrtrtecinslstsl BS»iteiorfcf.«*i*K
fsSSfeS >™i «!<•, «»o r «t»*» j-uoos, tie
ferity emcil «aJ poirtusi in Ibs-'fcirt'rt
11 V I H canto «&3 rnbsot Hjit of fit TWootko
llano Tortrt are Clu, tem* & Mart' BW,ciJlJ*ttU*rtiß<iO}> )
aiHsronscqnaHwl to Wslr«q.*twqu»iiTy wrt tolouo.
■of sal: equal!ty. of touch, elUrlfir tSeSto :
Teachers, anus tours and others la tewttrrfl Ift Kwio fcxity?
arc rcrcrcrfullr tort; aurjemlnitlutsisstot" ’ n
‘ fiiKua-itwrAVi: WAJKM*. 1 , r- i-
With ttoutla wottl mrrar*, tamd -esrwiMnH«*BSaß teft
i its (Ink, anti finbhwl bark and rroct. _-v
BuaUi round rente?*, yiclD, ttnbirxl front and hack. ,
psTaa « ucrAvs riAKtHk ■* ■- ' \
ittflorocof anatValsoteiMrs, * ills C!;kh«!:s£*Jsal(rtr*rrou
JUI the «W« fistii Jfnrte* afe> fcrSa sSi.ftrUrTf ofCM-'J.
otto* ft Seal, Barton. Tlrfysm »11 fWrtrfcl ulrh'CbfcSra
liia'a patent ltrn I root?. *’..’l OirtiateX,
I-ntvhMmw* rc. 1 «ltm->f le»}»g *%J»s*S*£?* iai * r
ttsoatoto.otUiowantnXrtaswf JonSr|I.WKWfB. f
j iS?i»« , i
mA ir.B?U o»i<irtos»>frtecliot mao?.
f«a Hu orlelmt)4 f*tatr of »bsbi ft
(>!«*«;. t» no»l»log:Jißbf)oa..tte*oilkS|i Bo
ihortly *»hlMt«n4
ft Clrtrto’K Pltnooi *» no* wnsUitnl »»»)iw>S‘t*U*sttti»
rintl is this ouotrf. TW> tmsktotech fcr
ilaartlSiC I» turns»« nai(tpiOKl»K**»st4,l«eewi! ft* frt<n«r
toco citto Its i&au by nil tin** JcdtsMassr tier ftsotteW
amnsrtf*. Tb»fct*ijtcaOstrrf»»nMJl~»»oi p?(owl«lt
fisato SSOO Do* no«rn *Bt ortbrtt» mrtj. *
' I f urehiMis wiiliiorf u>
»»rr*nt»l, sort si fctWJsrtoes, ant»wy«rtJiiU; tn»«M to
Sota Agvot £arJ»Koaji4Cta*!u?#-flifctwl^t
~ L t>IABU> ’ ~
cuAßume Bunin, si in voa
■ Hiteburitbi.
That lattraiomU-bißi* ®sil*«Hsf«*ly kt tti!» tufts*.
MsibstiKrtUso «Wf ittloES. tteTs * imlurou or t/.M ats
*ati»llftlM*nyotbonu A&tEUu*fcwa tbtcmnu&ttoty
of Gill ft &>.,>'•» fort i Bkw»* l<arft: )ft
lebrabath ft Sons, rUliublpfctUJsna *rrt «»■<
TSU, »hlrtss«s*»Wk»»*B|fthab»T»bttoiinKl In tUlsaf
otherriUMtotlCfwv. ... . I
sniaiCAL iKmuMtStSofsiiiin-is. ;■
OiSar*—aCbmM«ci*s<i» ef Snath,Sfsnhh sol Qszc&b,
ErsgllsSslnsU*, >
Jcconltnu—fton tha Bt*l Vain BisntirK tors. {
USO— israftljlflfi.*, BsnJo»>Tw>t»-
S !MMtasluOTtl«Mitt r»T)*lr*l*(lh JjrA
bllUr. nsslnwwiuvt rtlrt«lrti
R. IL mtst
ta »«t Bit wylng to prfas Mtwftng to
»a 4 tf cllt. fto.itatßiiJuftf'r QU j
40fiWP»li>UBg«, by Iht best sruiu.f-re o»l«, wsl oa os-
Irlhitionduriaa dty'lDiJ evenlb£.r itfttp*
n*s an ImUm to e*U had rpedimms sort Mut
logo 1 t?!®;
tTla’iyjfouttis*ue«i» bVaUuoc«
lUDSS A'CDi, _ ~
pirrsmtetur. Pa., ' t .
lowest {. -
i 20 boxes jJlfcccaronlr: :
2tt Yermlcella,
- 60 44 Anna ft*. .
; c $0 <« W.jUoofc Candor
25 v “ AHo.I do
10 * Bed -do
10 « Capers; >
15 « OUtert *
?5 a Omul Drops;
j 100 » ‘* T '• Lcaoogoss f• .»
50 41 Jujobe Paste}
«a6o4w. assorted
50 “ «» present
100-“ Pepper flaocs;
* 10 cases Sardindßr * '
5 u n - bft tytti
* 2 “
• 200baM Bra*UBuga3r j: t ,
IffbW&a-Sagari { 1
~~ 25 ** Lover lug's £dgir;
- 10-e&scs Liqaotjce, [
2a bOies"Kof’d do f \
rdo „ ,
15,000 Bagalla < dp *
2 600 HaltepMiisb fW*; _
/ - k fflgr-Alr*- Millar s KTCuI *
» ' “ ■ JAMB* WABDROP. ‘ '
/AWERS fcr^OA»./UW.Bgmi*fl»»wita^»Tjd
CUMlb»,BDWBiMt'nsialrbp«!*«■"' KTortnwj4{timt»!
f,'rCbrt*tmajiTw«sfroni tbe snl llctUfultarßlfHort,
K<|. 40 glflS - • ’ .
2BUX*K*KfBCK tCECOSyttr, -
Sn WMimm Cblldteny nMf,W«n’* PorSMJwfcS*
( M3 f
I ***#!*&: /
aEffi anbacribora nre now oponwgjiUUmrnwWiiwrtom*
JNG*IO9 VXBSi SXIU3ET, twfiwn Wood andSmitij*
Kt&tUttpst 'ItRAOBU
•«mPJBSfP&TS» wid oil Articles connected vUGasMltln*, j
'erorofferodla this taarVot Haring arrwiKemofitaTJasdo
bv -will bo ronutantly Id receipt of iioif pattenm.
'indT*tWioii»tiipy oonfidontly (nTlto the attention of frot*
/‘hMcMtfrltielr'faiJoctiop. ; ,W« ato determined Jxt JWll-an-
I Uot&rlsrth* YfasVwd. being
1 terKfitiiofbrpocnllar odidotago* those nft|cjea
-■ t£ft»»o4 «oioai«li#a» ?y#tehp<i«CTf.S<Vi
11 CriffArttSUo. MjfiilT street, .Vo. 184 Christopher street,
‘lflSiMWtitfl* eter thjflirge Iron Stores, J emit) CHfftirwt.!
rtttellf 'hbaieuh., uul WnUngl'spexs i
!ties enable. them ■ to, off,r aU i
o<&d»;. , bifl6 »ireiMt**a)l BoßS<»tsc, *t tb« Urirest pwslblej
% * *
•• wi'y Et*a<^-V«itfht.Ut*rtffc4Tftn»
paid-inCASH -Chf ftlt’kiniUof
*■ * /y. roftriD 13ro \
KBxSSmSM’ 2laaS> r isp* > SCrtodßaa v£ccToom t
#<5A»3 Moapiwk A’&w xo&e. *
SfSHaftcingiaErAVaforoon?*, t flro.eafttiloJ.ta *ecp.fc
cflnstrirmcnUrtliau fceNta
noO■ pnt^S
•<j?rolßsfo-4Do*t n* tbo t* **£■«> «JH ®*riwp
laUJpttiVtttlrt'ftirtsttosirottfltl. AftnpHulttttflMrtMw
tiilfTltfftatiedi a auftitroine tr/ wt of-ftalfc.
*«J*r« »jl4» JO» mm® «}w»i«TJ.' e>;cosd|
***s&• The Orxwr Meiodetm, •itb two
. uifaMl S’ J&s*. U» iWlj thlßit oribsamt Is ifcetwustiy,
tanifi* bis etepMWusto-, swell draw fiojn, -i<h> o ««vi end
;po*mwlla?tTOia«»tii«ottQtntr*U t>y tJi’gftnbt* 10 lep^i*-
• tUo tucdS(tta *te*i\\n:?.
i.eewkvtitetato, Ai*o»tli*Onei»ooM«i6i«!a,or fttiaijle*
m&dotkwt' WttfftbA fli&lu*W« Agent lostru
JStft>n#o*J tUwmt m&jJe to tlir
«*le. »Bd 10 per ttut. to ttaisjsoeii pjretMto* fir their
$ »> * it. 0. bcapucki, ,-
- v r ** BroadenVo***
. X-onitnu, JSSI. WBd »*w VotV. 1853.
TMP»< l u«v#&Tiptouv»'kTmfl'!©r tru «riiu,t>i
M'* ■■■ ■ '*HBiß««rf<s(iSjl’W2<.fim4UAt?Rr '0«r»;
tg&AitoxamltStbiMUOMtn lotsJiß.lfeJ,-
»#iWo-IM* Y<rki'lW3,*«M>w*7<J«i to :
CETA-HlU.Ul'iJ. to. tlttit moult'*■!>&<
Uiiißioi, »>Hr34l4 «il iJnbHCTßt.Vtaltt.'oV
pyj, kwp lisi ««i n* t f»is OaJ». lUnat' iwt
krtSw k Any tu«si !f» ltu> Vnlfoi *Uti-t Ttry » tar
■mhtcxiamtoiJautttt e«ur*stail»t t?*a;ihTxrUartr
tml HJwWjt Rrtre. Ot«Up »3 *il wa
ntUfcnu Urn bat *f U u«j)»c!rf ti.palu*
V* tpa*A to re«ctf tt&f«-U*nla retry »rt lc.» j:
nu JisUow
Mi-1 rf Wf<J * Wlil
«uij>l«irtrM <:!"■» fiosltjiUonrt
' jlfojf 1 * *
■ Atlfirnca J*n»t'*irt« »'«■ fuM»* irf sets ff ftSrej t.
» t-Uitt DM>Wi*B*KWM,.-. > »!>,«>«> tuoo
nrrbtre* bnsnfe. of SW ■MaMi-Mfeoi *tr>« Of,
.... „
- OsatHnr Hn-Vitygfriia.'irja
<•£ H.SB iUrfaa AotH-Ru-MM lU»-
ei~ A «s*Vt<l IUIAKi-3 SAKrKii#’* eSW»,t CMS.
•OiAlryni-fr.t. tbo Jf&r *'m!. , tflyo Vagt*
atm. epuyta - - - J.ACRV * ruauw. - ,
11), foaih,l3 Ml ma-J, hot SttOT «wrt,
t’«. .'-, \ . , *
ttfciHHiK 4. UES&M/&
City CABtSBTI WAJtiS«t*M7*lß»
•ft. *73 CUKSkvLZ-XTZKITi
OJyrw.Kjp»««*»;j !*»«»;> -
3. ryi*(i«)pW».
* nmrrmras. u» evsss snrtEi
Csanbl-Jj If
In E*«»wO." •’<<«!, ,*U>issb,P/J!*«lW'<iO
nit tt mn-tr f’ljirtf r h *«.) tstoiui nt u»
/,u--tt fcft.U BCiHOfiliPirhl iittat*
*„/, u.t I: .*;« i i tnr fttail^s.
1 ~'VFi»VI',O (bnt-wn
-x'i OJMUtasfßlUtytJexcisd#. ipi ulUeiiteU-rlta*
UrTiU, s> VII* «n£ot r*R t» »8» Hrtsutha to yut.
AottpttiStftoar «UMg*r» ofejrt t"«'.
fJinw, U IWKIIJ ft rcrnfetitaK* Hoorn «lttaa toolf
«St 6 Mf jbMaSvl* In o»A *»ira«w»r<allii
i «}looolnunltt?.ws»H(»UWD*n»ttn<*»'*»>» c- iwwl.
betnj v, term* w tonify
ttulf 111 a KiorttoOf oittoal ttevlii*? n*»s*Mttj
JmtiHffltS watiMsd,
natrlnEttni'yottUotti?} tv>oia»*»»l<ihi*l:J»iof«bj3>+»i'!
*l&i, t>nj-.*wa*lo B«»l*r£ Itltli BWf* rsnUsemw.iaS-
't*'”? I *’
t 6 rtOl1)-e Oot«*ji, H ttuSuO#
Haror.- cus.>vbss .rrt-ss-nsf- ;^-..--™-1
• WATCItniWWGUtTi „ x
HLVEftWattR, Union*, "fwia
fla** • o^»ivJtp«i!»w*L l>m, t n * CMt*,yrtUBß »rtU* ;
UuW*r;,?lm U;1
bcioiHkulurij toiathfcto? rttinms aM »bsp«t»,
olTrihw <u mtAMeHocwrontaetirMn took ma[rcdtl«r.t
rtati, WUmliurH o*l HAws,’
wastry.- Thisr feslmtn,ftti adjaotajtKit
uni tl»ln>*n s 'iß»»uwS»HW of .& wlty, S!'»e*Wj*fc *c
%««,«ijWoUirmto.*(r«:ttauFMßTOWta pffcrt sad ftasto
ttay»wJyjl«««ffll^toS , ptotlra,KarJißSttmflolto « f -
I Dtlfc«6*«oa»i6tttt*fHpyiacXi»l anogoisfclf MOMlfc
rtw»«y*Bd Uy «liuosi6®y pDpwj'aws»*
, -Ji',' - 'Q^MaaKSTATuoKs,- - ■,, - .
SRIiUMr BJPttIWa- «A*-1‘«JEB8-
S, to; Cari jßaltimerttmi JPrcdtrtci itreeu, Sul
timote.aitdA r f>, 83 Walnvttt. PMitdilphaK^
■ ; - laiSaak.
fllllE DOCUIUr lnuwi»ian«Bt to *U« cotwburtiou- of t!U»
' I Hu£w»l»,to»Ji «n Hi? tktwuy ««{ tot* wo odm
itSiMrl'ltidltiij di jwnttd *lUb and (U pl»u> *u>
plli46y*-ligW<»#n4 much wore doraMo tram*. Iha
jprtogs »ro«i connoctally bora«i t«a.«hlngn,tocdtv-
Jr rtTeiledjrendoriqa <t lppoiiriblo for nslnrio wrlngio
&I d6»n or out of plow, oud making ailed toelajUc
■th»t»«* W‘ &*J borv* o4 '*'*I'* 1 '* nft-iuid toUmßadoflm
■Wy the oanUofAj »1A « ««to“>tls whomay TO
nulwTUwng pontttW.; iTiaaallflje iaaattau yoftws!*trf
{} )o DeOVfuMtiur bod.wfUi too hand*.
adapledlfol of SWji,
k!KMion;aa e ote4; (£.
pj&ln finldwA soft* i
M the modrfflfa ** ?*wrfc nsUcc. ,
4 -dgrttiis,,- .v<,}V,r?;%
r OUICf - r
' *»• ' •
. . t
1 •* *
K *
| ~’k>r ¥ale and to let
muj and;
extending feac&USxeet tp aaftUeyv.iJThe s&>daeljt oaffwfcbqd
■iKtilrirttlumKftoi IncneoftoJ faost l?i*aAtoviMtg£b<rp?l
fa-ihftwy« , < rf +*. <*
'. y. &lv« of ts&Jfcrtfyfifcffo ;
HJppt, bet»H»
". A lot, (riUireryconTeiilent JlKnie Dwelling jXotSOi,
bjBo/£roDttoeOJioon£CTM»wlKlmeUv, _ . J.
A Uflaßo anP Lot, on Write street, ncertho_pewOcurf
' tsnoK occupied as a hotel* - 1 ~ «> ~' i
being In im exojllinrt buidnesslecmtlcu, le £ti pj SO
fwt on ’SsUtiifiddPt. ' • * ’
' A Cattiis fttUls «mn4tit,2» 120 feet,ftontlnc, oa Anas
•ofF EohlttKmfUfceta, jSCtfbaj (&ti, .j mtittToryilMli*'
<ll 6O fiofbT 15ft
oSeTerjtloftiu*l»tfttcottlo-MjUastreet.' ■» '* r» »
-V. JOnrea-AcrMloitaetoirnyentlie MoaotujaKMt JUfJt oft
tahl&jl'ttiereax*.* bouses; inet* &r*soaje,flo , rif aereseiex*
cellent stoneecklj amtbbtiniUntJeur IlmestOßß/cOaToxuaftt
. ffiiho hitrttwir» 'Mtit-ttfßflMit.t>tttfiOpta.*.;»iv> :>m* r-j* -; ; l- :.•_*
-'ninety 1/jtstatiie town of ooltunb!»,6ofcet ty 160 etch,
riferiyoll loral, and W«U loaned. The tenant of etch lot
hkfth* pritß&a orntta* »h»tliTer»l»i»: Bt* w.
-.4<UrefcrfttecrwruuM,lrflm,*'pltajesrotlia Locbfc Ooinrebit
1a e p Lostnt situation oatbe tadtofitha ManongaheltTiT
,6r. distance f(o.3,inthen>Jdat«>t«l»e»-
•taadre utoneeMlrfgtopjadwouldm adeejrahle/^lntfi*
°MM£a el fopeffer Hon*
Railroad. 4c., Thl* properly-iren e Hint ef Wrote on lh»
Hoiwnftßiela rrvdr, «n exiaijni landing} g«H gradethd
spoiat lot luraaraand ettdta»torlea>>wpttoHMiiißBytotie«.|
The Tvials deep enoagh; to allow .horses ro be uwxl in htul
'lturbui tbved*!~tbe quality of vtldijfor iron work*
•gas, or &r any ordinary use#,!* aotsurpassadbyablffevti l ®, j
country* 4 ~ i *
; la my absence; toy agent, Jwue» B3iielr x )2lw, wfir gfre ■
all tunetmrt bo suthorM to-rfreWmrai*
twdosdsibr.eßy property »ld* * JAHKtt BUH?,
m*s« „ t - j v * i Wo. ffl Wunetra**
jt r 101 OP OEOCJUJJtt eflnta la ihalhird
-;&Li Ward of the Cityof Pittdtrargh; near HJgh.rtreet, and
btlojSS restfmnl on Pmtaylranla i-renoa, and rmmlßg
,tacitU7 fi’dt.- Xiisproperty «rlUta«£>ld<clearofalliucum*
taanca,*ioet>t as annual ground r envoy end hundred ana
«*W«T»'d<Siai*ittf«lileb It lattOwauWaefc'OttUMproper
tyjuuamm ned 53WBMS5Ta-fIT» taie*anit*oiy*ma
—alltao atom* fclghi and renting for ahouV ftrehtlßdretf
dcllaii annually. , ,
Pries, JllffiOj tm cash, anil 1600 is 6 mtraEta-hygiod
endorsed paper. , WSI. C« PBJfISODv
iaifctf • ■ Attomey ai taw, So.raa?<mrti>»trwt..r-
■ r . -
/WAfcJWNB ruß Mnli-wlthkeeiii;
V f,f Ctisl *l£ Kwt Wick, with a tower .relp cf 2 tixtifialf
: l»tnctos fceimem rhotwo. Tbomutl* Ogood Ml.ewd 18!
DwelUo* HoaMyFrultTrees,
i,BOod.w»t« »»f) ttiaber. Th*-I*oAta*oJt*blwfi!fc Oatdrn*- 1
t Jog pum****retail® idbotit4iiiCMfroatlJlfrcttj;, ju abort
eOS . ‘
Geoertl CommlisiDa *4O XfaWȣ;
• f - Vor Bllt> . ’
f ~T TVIM/BEHmj ÜBraptrM lease- (fi>Brt«n jttis)of a
! X Lei, situate cm O'Her* street tail Spring ale?, UiiLe
MJtfcW«nl*-4#tb OeaUfeKaalHlata running
i Nek 100 ft. <m Spring *MeT, anwMchi»«eete4..a JOur
"Moritd (irirkUau*. 40 ft. square, *!th» frame, in stories,
lai n. *ell c»l«I*i»a , to csrrj.on aj
[ brrneb of maaatietuflßi; business. > Beingrnssgetf iomeiK
[ site* wing to tie epostrj,XMM tbs abate fur sale. iln
uulre at No. 42-‘> Ijbertr street- • . - - ‘ faWTAftP fABEB, j
L Bt|l Estfcts VaJrm tor i
rl'llS eutecTibar l# auUiorilisi if? eWi2s4 ACTiKft OV
JL UM), tltoaM In TMiallle* To»tahJp,‘Alle*liMiy ,
Ijls®=l»rk«f M*K««ijiW*
M the WWte-o»» In •IsTjtoftlajrKipnaw Button
nfl lheCcaaeUrrDU Bellrreul. lmpfatm»ot» a* foUow,
A Siam log Ugh**. CO h? Stfc«.t»oetarle*bi*h; ana-
Eijuere tea; l'a ln, CO ter gO Cftt—hotn new eoh in nod
'tailor; t*f> tin* jmujr Urc.tiarJ*, t*(t grafiedfrul Vjn*t
nistsitadnoui t*w. thrmto OQfolWAttm drawlnil
to a'thrti etaieef enUlTellsa. tad tbebeuwait well e«
-»l;h otuiHoiiknt<T of tteflntcnhuv-lhis laadlrwell
tSleitafiU'ta « teak- firm, twin* r»iy}ml t »ii<l <3»teMf‘
cfisaessJleßt <p«S4y£lr KM» ((rowinjfcwoa h*las»»N,
vttmO, hwtag. joaio l mire or foaruao Aw*m«M#S|
rmlftott wltS.titii* «U6ln bhlfa-brfleo* Ihe leogh,
1 rtttn ana <*« toll* at Mnfttntjjfia*U.iii>a*te*« w'tb* Ho* J
(if thajQHEMllrriOe ReUrfad; *4 ft*o*pM,*n*MUfo
nit tnrjiau«uh!« twj er JKiW OIUK. ttffiiMul would tp*
tit In tl.ifnairirt.oalr that th*«we*ett ob»tto twrcrr
Uwler tteet r»rto» totf, «od prf<* moderate. W
tUt f*rskitim,*&pit*Zt W< Jt BKYSOLB&et J
Oiw WoriJjOrof JiMBS a JUCT
’ .!»■*»:« Riel feta* tml, at t*
, Tpar fmrsr.T* li«t. • “ t ■■
i f witti ssu. t» aest. Jay sm>t*itr fa SwhSjw*,
x vsa«t>Uojl (If » »hort w<f OR«ma»s|iBJKW«iFM»
rre&aS fruM lluw, on« camtaimrriittitmXctt*'
Urnww, imi3» Bbb «*oraoMt <C Frolt. XHa BWprtWlt
my i;r*r .UwOisJaJUrfir.Tta bm’4-
tect&n-rtuiW Isy BtW ita ttonita* BUlkm.'ll
nHI «ril »H arivotiVnieftat Furaltuw, aaiJMroald'jMrfer
, /\NE DOfAi&ASO A«UAKXEa *,Jt*EX »Sl rm-
I ni|W)».fwnnr»te<BnfwUltrf ttadSr,hf*:pw*»*t»»«
| tanttli; te»®% will. fc« *o)3 »tF2oo«aek--v(>lttfcicn4:
[ bja«ir*>»t *1 t«j-(so«tfi. K»*h lot UiOlßit tent hylit
! <i*>, flwtaif;tot»o*lrr«u. Smnl fiofllteilar»alrt*4?
*wlini lhrt»i<>l»tioftM*f»«<iraM*<’J>pertßlilty o?i»n!«-
»)ag *»*trjatjnlfci e3»r *l«t«injarßSOSkai
»!U nvlutlj UifctJt"!. »t U»*bnt» MRS*. o
i*» » _ -S. CttnnßßT * ■
■'TlfVnmi *«.» *» *<«* "' (,
Y\3fU Oa !fftolfiKSSr*!B> wl!mijiisD»» Brfek tW»n-J
U in**, wrt «w>l«4 OW to-ib» <Styi»Dd wrifaMn ftt
Ctnltaa, Milk Fttttt*. nr tofiUna ratlin for tht* (BMkti.
A!«o, »:«sot«ite»fl!rfcfc: Conntrj’kfontioq Md
tus»roMiab &«» AUo, bob natfMr
bcithttl tAiwsttnt uit*fUß—onttw tank nfthoAltadwj,
Bhrtw (hßßqatdatt. ' , JAMtiS 8. CKAM,
A SMALL r.\KJi„ liluti to lower JikClairTMrslWli,
etaut «at;»Hi>frc«rllwßoKrogLafßinalnSheinjiAii*-
telefax MXXUAURKS, mortutr lew. lUeeUrlrarrt «w
onaer tfoUlreitoiu Tw furUi« jorlkttUri, lo '
MSMf W. ayMMKa. gqntiaglaua.
For nook -
TSOCB QmCE&oB Uw mat foot of ti>» Bat Bolld
j. lotx oulrar.ce from Broca ftrpol—railßblo Ibr Allor*
wjs, loiurMM QJSew, **. E«piSr*»tit» offlcooftt*
«uWribto,_ir»i flw fl«Ml VABMCta » >IM).
CtSrru YOTHSoiam pbopjsbty TO&,B»L&-$ioqo
foraeMr BunaBWELLINO UOUSK nth arursoins,
.: un-iaUtiW lotcfQO i&ntfwnl on Uw Brow urriU* road, uw
Iba ul&rv* Wall's, uuloteu, Ac- TTlo Isouw Is-
mgjtmßKiviMKlii Amfo
out! I'hinuttmi. Alto, ■ nq»t Cottaja Haura&rtSOO.'r'isy
plwuouuljr rlitwtnl. WU6 » tSuajjanl<D,ftuUtitsa, rprfus,
tprißaltouiMr, Tunas easy,,
feMT s JWTWtdaWwJ.
- w , SToUc«« v : }
SUAVE riacwJ iaj?ioofc£ *B4 Acoouatß in Ctotaadi of
&M&C; JUcnzt> S*a-,ibf' «o(iteme&V «ulT*irtrt*tJy‘a
# tbadiU nb#wi tfidoTrtftl for*tibicrtpttaxii»lftik«D*nr
emlWoeWy t‘c*t J .ot!wAdWTUiloj4mlJobad«tiafft'*ul|
Sy up a» «pe&U!y u |«w£Urt»;: Mr. lUebey Ja ifro author
4 to wtUetfco account* of Ui« firraof llAiipev* Lattc?,>
aittUUmft* Lt HMtPEB.
, . . aoajf 14XT0N.
N. XL-»Mr..Bl?ney irUl be foaoJ at tbo office of
yhcro *hftUgofr» aiulTgauUa.. : v ;f. . : ••;.• i [Jai •*
lino y» \r. W, ffcnWlf-ia th!a
I. rf ty/*iil initTUWJOtta-on.tho PtanoaniVOuitw; ft
<lba A’mfch.Uetmam JtoatiabN&itaHiidHttiraagc*; -Snv»>
tor a.ud-Palnttoji,’Clci *ater AoS tfjauaunifcaUaa left,
mVMr,KEniBKU"SJ Mu&lc
PAGE Jr* wUlrtCdwr prompt attention;: *" * -
aanuxoc|% *
llcn. 23. KtercUf Boston, J>r. laraehU’ltttborgtwS'
'iturvDr. Verrls, lUfLCytua Black* do* •—■'
. Jaa, Hrllopfcln^Ksq.
tk.vyfuji Black*
- JayHrltPpWnyKiq.yov.
bo. 130 wood anurnyt! in>x>oOßmov^Tnfinf'AtuT.
' , - BG Wjf d TjßTZ&r* l „ >
v jegtfSSfiSSSCi' >IMOKTfiHS *nd: tnafcukcturert b{
gg\i3 , - ; IHSTOUMEST^: 4*' Mf*
flsn... * keepngeneralasaortmentot tbeabore
™' ' ’ articlesconstantly on hand itogethat
-wlthi general variety of Eancyllardtrtrey'AlßO, Qtttu, P&;
Ujli anil lleTolTvr*, Fid***,'Horns, Sbet BeiU, Cape, pcncder,
fjendandßullote; Borrfs,Btrk; Hunting nndJPbatet Salvia;
Tell ore and Hair Urateere* Bbaare; Pock«t&Jls*ora > 'A&.—-
Also. Tmaaia andßapporttH.-
. Jobbing and repaSitajiEkaUy«nt*ai«l.i «■-,» > -\ •,'
1 lUJ'bl&l— lVearoniikl«glUflw-of«»sirJiileß<*!>tion,toi
onto,of' Uiobeetutoerial; and workmahalupjrnmotea.—•
ordereroaii«4(i)f,tirem aVWtoleeaUt or; BataUf *ol'
'of ullb despatch, r.lluuting parHeaattpJiaed'at'WholisnW
, aria*. .- •' . ■ ■- ' '-j c : s—iv-v- v 's r l , toyßlP-<
~ ' Selling Utomoye.. ■ ,
TAMESOTnn.No. ToaMUCSnHruntT,'Wtfebtl<s;ll,-*DI
i <l‘ iWirlila frea?nt larger atoolt; or KTnI
. BCSBERSialMfy.liwpnoeJvnntarttalOtfctif Fefcrtttry,
' ■ MM>'*l»B'WliopM to mOxQya'to'
: Margot street,-ohleh'ho Intends filling. iwltltgnUsntlKly
: nonstock. Jho public atereepectfolly Invltedtoeallacd'
—jßEwJfDXJßstf ofoqsT. ' »
." •-•‘aa-'Kotnember the pUtorrNa. fernwa.i
ity> afreet anil Idberij, <
ittpartof tK# «lß*r*te£ stcn*«f-?#''lH>el- |
-Ij.erMti Sagai Oorni Ql4T(>sltmy.>Saga»iCQrfeOTi)tJilad |
lluis Priissljn ampiarrowfots So, J&jUU,'
-Otoffllbef aMSIdIoOB 6flKrmiWin4'BSßSV*JK:
JBOtw aOrto.HoU Cairo t*, Imnlja.kn4Bttg»teßwt|fji too:
lavra QraM-Seefl m<t»TOl
ManThbr’ ■ and dW'bWbmißg
glia t* Jet tbe>jtmJ,Op»lifi;Ot by U»' doajttorll^
ca Üb«Tal -vror
o~he«wi. ift-flWOtrot^liy
■fsierelf 'SnESiSrffiSr*, a 1 ’
Jh&rjl term* ?.3 »* *?* <, -3« M 1
.?k*v:-v -- > •
'--' ■ :y."i*rZ:--..
*2*l r
'-•■ : C. ■'.“ *r.*± v ••;'-■.:••
•."•V..- : -:--:5iSSv"-'' .•■■-* a>- . .--r'
full.rlgorererydelleste ftmctfon corm&ct«iwiith Ibatiriyfc; j
. teriotifl compound agency-of mstter.%£l' nrind/nartssarytol]
cnlar frame, ordefieifeDtln *ylfal. tofer* Itlarosomiasnut
tftßB^rfficoyore(toßDfc»«rtg t Hut en*rgfc vbk|} 1
necessary. px\i9fment,Qf *4 tbaSataral appff
: UtfcSf
om-worn tranaf ImfiJafeaCtbatldOlo ofnfo-tot& depression,
thMndlTUttal. buffering{cons Rene*Bldebiluy,or frornllifr <
organ, wQial|;fti>dima(»lftW and ptnsj
Toihoto wiioliitOMoafepofiitJork to will prove
against that- tetrible
jxuaadjr* ThoroaJan»ny # ’pflt&ap^wlailiafe satriGecl with
tfcrfrttfnsUtattaul, UwtrtbsrHUP* tbemsel»esl>ejoiid th*
let mrt $?*»&»*? despair- TbjtEtfjOir 1
'dealiwlHidbww fl» ttftx&bynritfioatxefewneeto cause*,*
etaea, godHw ftmaof nervous disc*** itself;*** R> numejv
'■atui f*»t U a column toennaierate the mnJn
'dletl!br-*hiciWtlxlspreparitk»feti:«{«lfltj,<il!sir rliow
ever, may bo neuralgia- tJcdoietamx,
Tuiat, epinJU ttßbetta» mtucnltt debility,. Cwmofcs, flaia*
in ihe flesh* sutohnjrKß, ne&taV
' dBptos»loaJ^weStn«aP.df indisposition. to xhoto, ;
fainting after ojardatu jßrofcen.Bleep end terfrtftlng'dtß&m.v
Inability td remain inTone sUco‘Ofcporttlpn r wcakT*fl9 tfttw.
‘ lari tier, a chron|ct&DdeneytD utfjcatria&i cmwiatfop# and.
ill complaintsgrowing obtcT* tree fndulgeneeof tb<jptt&‘
- sSona, and al! barren ness that does sot proceed ftcuxorganio •
cause* bgyond lhe_reacfc of medidfle. r* “ '
' menoTrt thftorfflwi H> W acted ujfcanraftee ftmn ma>-
dbrtnaf&ttcr fctrietnrtldJteeiei^tekaverredtbit; .»■x- ••
swxur t v .
• wffl replace vreaknsjw with - «treggts,;ißCftpasity *»lih cfljej*.
obey, Irregularity with onUbmwtf-iiaiaW activity, and
tbl* flrt'OiujMrtsbPttt haxafd
effect on tho general orgMiiratkm-. -. JtGPTSeu in tnlqdiUat
all wherever .ttwy begin, finish -with the oiervoae,
Bjftexn t vOA UwtW Jbe'»«T£offjnotioii
~ tm A «T>«f riftn t« pliyiAMl in mind al«ylhai i
No-Jaagoige c*ti eonrey OD adequate idea cf tbe lnuna
!Uat*<n4 *Bn«{mlracaXm@cl»Osa wMobdtooaiioqa Id the
dbeaswl, aiMUUWd aodahattend oertona«J«tepi,»Jioiler'
bniken doaro 'ty axcoa, WRQ: ®j iialare. ot libpalraj by;
slcinefra-—the «E*truns ami -relaxet! otganlailoa lirotonaj
braced. rtrtriaßJanaUailtop.;The fkyelal,
gytOplama-fcfDOTDUa Obwasca tpSUU togeffiet uodel-Itji Inr;
'mlitf t> Mrmaßtnt—<br U»Co9lbd prvpertiaHii; (broedb'.
tfne i*earhUle constitoUon i teeff, andres lore luoltabonaal
*wwtl«rtr| , ' , r ji JjSliJ ,
Otmi'iuim,fcbJdinKSvWall ofMoodta ttehedinJeia'Btboly,'
■ Uon—&m of fnmnity, dyn«P^BßO«»J'P r W*™Ui»S* r '»*
tiWlllf; BEnotuMSa, InabWJrto tbr
femaleiL decay oftheiJropdoatli!£<uOfllJ6bfti hysteria* mooo;
aomia, yogaa wrrore, pa)pit»Uoa;of ,ib»
vßatmroaaceuufDgs ib4e>UjUier<;
Is any reltaco to be placed onTuinaa ah«lu:dy
• I !setmpann>led eaer.t«:ct;tbfr p»t n&tot*a*e, :ia aH 1
comjWouioeSJenVtofijmalas, ia«t»k)jBi('*nifa'kSo'afi T ;
cala of ZbopaiKUof oUmotsaU vtarcbMoia
• Tested—Uwwetad «f 10Tig<ir»ml!WP!»el«t—all pbriortblg
to be jpedfled latba eattaoatUwUe* add to:
vliichtbedetteatotbnauMaaf vomea icodeebntlfole^
' - • gVKHY warns or
oonypajl*lo QnSt^imy otSwiiaoßkil;, •»St?flKid>
'ealtaetoli*rtße> or comiaonth botb jeicseetogtra
rbeocetiaicOaiHeieMal' . - ' '
H4BBIEHPPB3OSS, * - f( '
OroOrtWyieillfinSUiia Oanllat after tb«y foeoasOjißb,
tteor a Bta(ob«b‘nK*woater «f edl
tttrtcHotta«i»toba‘&dEdll»bi)HiJ fiaretKiorSaflUiyoff''
aprio*, who ■*»»«. wa bars boeftei butitre, this OTUaowi
oawynpaatten. initiVi equal!Jf°ttieroaay«U
jwaiawr arbkfe Tbaiftaadoofyotols:
“T“ ; "■
thtOff «fc«jfcstt!fior
Siofa aAd.Vteori tli* «Ua Irom *paJay«l-‘
'vSSy OTlintitfftil'fittid complaciott.^'';
w^sn Ttiw MffMinpgD-? »r ?4 j j 7 j
odftnd • eifecU-ynadlyq
"WUf'JIOI :u*wwi V*- .jVUtUf : 14*« .uraiMWMVi .uw^
*o<ni«S9FjtJ«al» Ui***d73lßd(eMoftU*M«» ofmt»,
iJrtait/, KtmStaoa of omsimptlciH, etc. ~r‘ ’
< lb« ta>»
; d**fid,/HbeSiior uwaßOr, conTuslon- of idraa, depre»4op!
awraioD to sodetr, «alr-4Mtta4,
iertotnollttKjo,Ummtj.oto, am terns et ttaCTilsjSroda
. AQilKUiffidel *
Aadi ftßmk thtfif*wu>4 mw and too* »™ thimost *«• 1
■■eHnfim&tmia pjMßsrtntonnaWal :6appla**Etadeo).
withoutuS»,ti* joarnfe through ilfc tanw« retry
■dbauiua—tw prvipttt hoortjr darken tta Tle»; U»
’t&todfiman«iMiub»«t vUh despair; unit tUal.nlth Oie
nalaacMriatfasliw Umt-Jho happiness of (mother to
/ ‘ .j]
[ hi*
! * fII ISMnmS^^»wSS , CSBU»V (rill hamthetroptW
h traV i»e*tnnl» wuitia oterihe eotk of. eaelthoUle, a»4,fl»;
IbHoatag trortriflown to IM *!»*»: J , 'jr j ■
Or. XtonM’s toTigoMtiaj Cordial,
~ tv u. wso r y. l
1. :4m Ondial b pat tip, .highly ean«rntm*ed,:,lß -pint hof-:
i: Uet-aptW twb, »> ®>rfiT»’4oUar*,:»lx.
-■> JtfKG.-PropTfeter, 1 >
r , * z&i 192jauoo4,r*Jvtf.-'l'.'
' Soli fcjNprumits throogbilut Ctanila
. * „ AOBOTSj if • :
R&tmritf-TOUnHO. BBOi,Na¥oWOo4ttm(. „
' '*»> GKO. iL KETCHt. No. 140 “ , “ ,
iibßbwratT-Jsa i>. ptßiaso. ~
CttSooaUr-11. H. HBAKIKGS. . ■
Dr. f. Hsttettat’i Celcluatsd Stomach Sitters,
TWTIBKI.r aKWWaMSTIC, and Jrtrrehted to talg
F/mt»aad Strengthen, US’ whole syStuaof'iMry ttjs
Hilo uree them, tn no* kept tor etle try -, . <
IVr.OEO. It-KKYSBR, corner .WowS »v enJTlrgin aUey i :■
■ .’ELEStlKOiaßOSgllttiggtotaieMiWwS sinSrßcarth'sie-;’!
.&.B.BKl>LERB ) Pr>*rei«> Woodrt befcTUiaaiiiWoartfci:
JOEL MOHLL'B.Dnttgiet, ElbetW-nrret;
«sil *ll our Orat.cisa Hotels end lUeiatlrenta, an well as ■
deslere generally,'wLeretM'tnniniitttJn! BmStvfeipeetfoUy:
.refertbepahliegir totiv, j’ , r ./*, " -
, Tin expenwiehatnttßli when mjapsred, with. <Lct4‘.
calcaleble mod they ettecV , -i
>;Haiillßgiatt»ffwltß»t-:ottrEltta«*poa3e« BtWtenatieot
praise. hatafk *IVW rirotbettt. s tTlal;bn*.b« curefal to
iak termSttXIEWS BTO3 ACtC BlrrSJiS. a* there pee,
iSihinrJJHtiew r»p»«M>t»4 ; ta!iW thn'ii«iß«,WWoh««Sl>*Xse.-
U?cly ere worthW. .QneßtttetSer# wlthoofstirelyeSUisr
ee to their taedfclßel oiiaUttee, onta iTxn&&-' IJuar «re
not Qp to rquidehotUte.wauliilDj»f jiUMiaKt.'WltMLi
action) on, end .Dr. V. JJtuisßrrt SMUuXfi-mlen biomrop.'’
U»gba~. SonnCtier genuine. , .. - V- /y <
‘uO3EErTER ) -BjnTHA
Jfe3t ' 1 1 - £C7 Wnn gtrnct.l’iUshof
’ r ss r '<i-m
val«tixKt«<l. struikt.
, Jt «Becta*l. *m*Sj ltt klt'cueko^k.
t>SODTJC£D by nbMiUxVr-VeHßlißne,
, &-
of Wooded Rfst
?:pS!TRB»SUtS§: :
Vjii Jtariftilat
Htnn^ t «orwnr-f
; tojQlism,»
taction oponEteJrW.,.-
desirous of purrlia*-
Uirtßtibmj tritjHMMitfc*®
:mt> liJjt-aW
1 It p»y.W
\t tf:
muS* 1
..-: : . 1 .-‘_ v rt,''!.
1 J T
* ' » f ,-sSi*-
‘ -'**** *
* r /
r C- „ , ; fc
*<* “; f
,A t \<■
i 1
-££:Krj- r f-&k, ly
%-% k i
■'■< J> a? VI < ** f ' K £o> r L i 'V £>
J K<r *>
n t-■-■'V• - « « •.«■ v.- - .frijvif -i * * -'V - ■?•' 13. .^. -
tfOk ?*p‘:'
V :| >
v ;r,
•, *j
..'.Viv.-v. f:
, " -<A
, J\
Mr. V»i.. -i ffej.. _ • S
ono.timo represented Jiis native State T^tho- J -■■; li
.and who, - ' \
everybody wilt aamiViß nthsnof ability, who /'?
linght ucctuiro-eminence in any deliberatlre ass, / A .; a. I
eembly iip.tJitoworldiiconipitfatively'feU ftfijnst f i
.really ,reBg§e(ablo, position jta a. etatrtn»sißj by/ \ - -
intcrlaraing" hfs _> * first great;speech," wTtbr Eatin; " 1
onougU to fill Ugooit sized;oolnnlon-pi'a A'tffioTt." '
When rho had concluded, „tld Bailiff BotftaS, of ■ ■
Indians, imitating the eitttnple.of Georgp Jlrp- -t.
mcr of other days, with sn oESfiou 1 i
in ihe J?ottoWottomlo dialect. . _ ,'V ' ' :■
Ithe'bosr, tbo'/ureat, dndftho most cldqirtnfoif - - jj
ill EofiHfih-wKtcra, dmlibai wo»iohtenDwlth-’thu,. •/ (•
language ofhm Country, luno-instauco
out lye voluminous auduineguaUedJeMWjVigon i ' « -
there be'fdond an instance of bis quoticgXatln * \ i'V A,
or Frenobytiniesa Coinpelleito ' V 4- ,Z' ~t
tie*4'and,«veiLUien,Jiuc>»temlysougbk!to&Told *. 3 - I ' '■
„the folly, _Potto» -JohnpOU, nume tj Gs£f<B&h, \ i
Gibbon, ef.other dajßrrSary .rarely , \ fi- „% J " 3
ihctn, amf, " Macaulay,, afad nroet'of lift 'tifuer " -,f;<£ -
literary men Of the preside tlaj'i'jptfß twaf-flbe '
goby; ... . ;-v .‘i .-ipdadi ' /{’ . •/>'',
- .Ougoftliepnreef writeWbf who, / ' «1
oaah editor, uatiltiCtctirtlf'-'l'rom. the preea aP _ 'V- v?
maDj Odt uniy eschewed - I
Uutit'waa'hraboak'ltbat tbir - v .1 •
iWiuMheSaty! 1 aU6'(Bat ! lie-taptdyed ladd-thM 1/ , 1 ■
wasoapabteofißnlftferringjallrto-praßtlwlf* ll ' “'I
popes of.edipprigl; at/. - fc
though- 'au apcompliabe^- . E
* *
’heTMhio?o3i'by>tlio eimpßoHy®Ud’|>artty^*-lliS' ,- ; 8
, iEdgliab; i<dndonlTlines,iU?gtoottewtd«ft ; \ ' >_•
certainly-cwQductedisijU njt»^ilgy, l «3i{af
:i(HBplajed'by P'aßetjapthei world,
'disfigure (lily quotaiioUa’ frohi foreign! tongues,
’ ■.vEhc* example fciftaifc6&: ,
.Tfcold' fcimnctice.-tvߣ''3Swl<ta*.
-—i.w . ,y.-'—r -a . • is “
®li* AttiMloini llllal»WtS,addr«* l? **»« -,
Sultan. _ -. :-
: ; tJ OU'^rfesetitiii'g'S!ir‘creiletitlklß;' c to’th6ffi , dSsu,. . :;
; /hVnbaT' Carwll I %’afte d gtateslilirififtr,
' Said: r‘U *
1 ‘ ilfetu* ,
; jronffufuter - . !
haver in Bome^jdpeoftT ’
1« gach-oftheip of progreßß'exeicolßCß".
a’benignant the retniblicapß of the*^. *"
United §jtftj*ji jjepartHiff/wßi thy-isncient politi- “
calduotrVpeß.wbichuohtiutie t jnenany -i.’i
COuiitrieß'ttfjtafalyje r th“e. pnysicgl oud , ; /.J
-tnalentSrfeßofrmiin.-^ana'ycur-Majestyhatsp- f . ..
•iug tho#e/eforhtffWßic6 mUrtiprOtDige-ttf'Wmbi’ . J.’vg
man |!®j?srtf;,:Tfca,.4|o-hatipna i O r g|^fc J I'*“^
'aniitd’eh;intferSlutWofthejlttfednOtisdfio^Wrj»; ‘.f. .■
dr'yourA&Jeii^SS^Obrfetisfis J '- r,
'■uadefi tbds Cj^io^’tlMtrrp^etSoni'v^dfcbilmi'
Ueen4emedt^^,undDr;^o^^(B..-J^lfcte;^/ r ;,-.
itiomagnauiStot copduet;uryonf . ",
ieedoui osilW ajibeftyii^m'afe.rewßrWw^'V 5 '’ *
Ba-J ,-r -?» r^A--,-fc>Klg : »jUWSThii ■'■l.tUeJ. rtjy.-.1 wi* a-
UigaifesfitemqailUj'. stoiia -. f • ' 7 -y j
(,'Ktii9)kjjsonr<vli«sqS^ , - I
4ynrpaUlj-snd : tbpj '
Amartcjttnatio'ti. Wfciro }bst><m©yra^««%y
" *' •■ • r -
j; ,7, ■ V'S$5J
««,*&«, people, fi»i«^epia>vsnCb^l^lsßiMV^^ <^
it.Moweh»tt>ar f .' jStft.V*
ho'ijs t&& sworS U 7; ??
ycarjUjostybe sa&eSefuHKprtepJSragJltßfflß-*
tegtety.tif’foKetnpire- ; wlUeb>
fuge.ibt&euexiieti .~v. -v"' f
.trleg, T& WTOjMe -
V the;Btuted . > Sg7 ‘
Vv*£>t-£7 ST/irs
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