p^.-vTTr-T-.’f^t';-’- i^tv '- v , \ J * *,<-./ " -'{■■• vi> , v « "' - 1 % ><■ i.^.' v *» "t 1 V-..' >:•> ’ >, $ “» V J» , t '•- ' . , , "•*- Jh'’!* ,f (’■ " V-*V;'’ ' f, ’-» I-*?* r-v* “t j- f , v •^fr'VC v, *r'r. r -t\r r ' -Hlfc, ‘*■ -V ,-j .’v-v.'- 'i*?*”. •. ■ . ‘•■ „■»*». + . _ ' *r?w, * . ;• . t-f \ J'?*; ‘'S- *. A *.y 1 > r *\ »* '** * » i *»■ *. * * - » *e J ** ‘ * * ~ * ' ~ . ■* , ■', «*SV * ' 4 V; SJ » ♦LW*‘l* ’ r n, 4 : * * J 3'- ** '>?**• t --?v k * •’ * -'•■W -.Vj-;* . v . ■’ , i % ■ s , l'' ; ;'3 -*,-* - , >"j -f, ' * ; ' : :1 ,/ ; ' ‘ y'. ■ ' ’ ' ; r : >'C ;V:j| >Vw *; ;o -> .'t. t,- F*S'*\ l &*'* »t * 'V± *1 f:' X’ 1 - *'♦ “ .* Jf | >-isrtiifi&ijKhifeia^ t >- f ‘‘t jisiteiif HCH Ifs^s^lsaliil Mm Jaism^maasSSti. Imm^ WMi IIMNpSM *HW lw#W fj>l . ; KwSW IMhpk apaaaagßHfej^g wM Bt£3»fpp! KBB&m ■ngMg HBMH p?#iMi&sl P?#l|pl il?ljlplfl^ gsj&u isHi^i^gNl^l MpiiyM • '.« J 6 '■xfffrfe'i- ■* i J':.\*. . right for the abovo LAMP itr.ihe .have.LANTERNS anti CANSon thenmvexplosivo principle ; , ‘ : diKCOMJIENDATJONS; - v-,Thi3 pertlfica tbot we hare Reoaj examined and tried, Do Gutnon’s Improved Non-Exploding Campbone Lamp, pu* t*ai*l January-Cih; ISS2, and are fully Kitiafled thet it is a VQtyjraluabta Improvement, and wilLLo found fir pmrombJe to any other Lamp in use. Wo bolicroforsaMyit lspor' _ -focUy reliable, and therefore Plain black silk and Turk satin; Satin, plan! and brocade sMt«; FnoqjyplixM.undutnpedFllka and luTWrd*; . A largo stock of India and French summer silks* * Ch allays, berate d’laluo-3, French efclnUra am! lawn* ; . . Twlstod Mks and tj.«sucs, btrages andgratudlfns; fHngbams, a splendidassortmimt; -; .... .. De bajps and high colored delaines, vetjcheap; . A large stock of prints, muslins, 1 rickings-checj;*, Ken ■ tucky j(*aji^'>atiixets, : cashmeres, clotbAand Ycdtinraf, ■ •:■■■ ntgreat bargains; • Also bonnets; ribbon.*, and millinery goods j; -r •. : Caffs, eoll%rs» chisnuiettPB and embroidered lidk’fii; ■ Spring and sammcr shaw L-t, scarf* and mantles’ 1 Cratnts and fancy r.cck ties; A fall stock of whitegobds; '.Brawnandblraebed tablodoth*, tablodnmoskg; .Do do • .linen sheetings and pillow linens, • Napkins, towels, Jtuerfa diaper* and crash; Olorea, hosiery and suspender*. The public are respectfully incited to give ns an'carW : call, u;wo xro prepared to sell goods for cash both wtoh : sale ana retail, at a very small adrance above eastern cost. • tnavH - : • YOUNG, STEVENSON A LOVK. ; rpUEPLANTEIMNOr.TJIKII.SDRIRE.iiSc.rHiI.yC.ri 5 X7nrielK4)'llo'Blz;.in 2 volunusvCMlpagcs; wltJi six c&« on fine paper, elolh gilt l*rir*sl,6o. *** This work is the jrroatMrt Romance over written by this Jilghlr popular &nthorc«a, and in expected to bare a larger clruulnllon thin nil htr other Noruls and Talus of which 05.-WJO copins combined hare been "old. ouil ehodld reach *a largo a number as Mrs. fctow'a **Unc , e Tom’s Cabin.’* i Also, n cheap edition, complete In 2 volume’*, pipor cor* ers, without engrariuga. Price $l. torsalobr ILMINEK4CO.. raarl »> JNo. S 2 PmUhfield st TVfITtS. MOW ATTBUIIKAT WORK—The AutoblwnTil by -IWL of bn Actress; or Eight Year’s on the Stacw; npw«u» ; t»on,t* now ready for rale by If. MINER A CO , : • • • •• ■ • No. 32 Smith-field street. AMCIIUHJIS ANll 08/UfISMK-N-T- Jy SAMUEL B. IfACVFER, Ho. R 7 "Wood street* has just •; Jwjo-anil complete assortment of unj^lnoctV . stationery, sulJj ns Ilofty’s • improved plan ani profiln y paper; typographical paper, ewes tcctlon papor, tlehL lovol ; and memorandum boobs, pf various patterns; drawing : pajpyro* any site, tracing paper* tracing cloth, molhemall ; cal instnunents, and every article suitable for ibid oroffire; aupf which I.am determined to soil at minced prices lower thsncver offered in this city. Call and examine for yonwolf. BAMUEI» IJ. BAUPPER, : • .-• ■■ •■ ■ Successor to Lake Ijoomls. PUTNAM'S MAGAZINE FOR M A It 0 UNJUST " JtK< CEIVJJD. jcojumts. -New York Drtguerrootyped; Prlrato r.efsUlence*; ;■ The Great Cemetery; - ; : The Coc&ttg lltf. Gentry; • / ' M*n of Character: Tho Valley of the Amazon; UorodlDo:^Vhf>intsJnHct’flltnaawar; ; Vfait'to the Iron iTonntnlnsorMlFsourl: • . The Gambling Homes of Pari*: • - * How Hire, and with Whom; ‘ ' ;• letter to the Editor: EditorJatXoten,- r literature: • American, English. Freawh and Gorman; l Koceired and for sale by • : J W; A.GIIiDENPENJTEY i COi, 70 Fourth, fltrffi?- SuwwuK»— .. - .200:kcgs-JtifiHfs. ,• ; v W bales Noa. 1 and 2 ; - 20 halos Candle Wick; . ; 26,dozens Half Tow Itogsj.. - i 100 reruns Straw Wrapping Paper; • • ; : 60 boxes Rosin Soap; . , i ~ .75 boxrs'Mnuld and Dip Candle*; # boxes Star Candles—in storo and for enio by - • ;flarB.. ■ .rj .• , KINO & MOOKHBAD, Ta/INDOWOLASS—CCOTroxffi fi-10,M2,10-12, and 1014 f t Glass, fa store and lbr.salo by :marB ; ,■■, KISO A MOOJIITEAT). tfpta.fffiS&rlOO jbn&s prime Ritf Coffey; * 23 v do • .Java do :In by " ' .•.mors WT 0» SDGAK—iO hiiclJ' prime- Nov - Orleans, arr ,\v and for.fale by anarS - TMTOIiABSES—IOO bolrprime N. Orleim*, (oak cooperage)} **Y*lj. • ••: GO do “ln ptoretind jot palely ~~ ImarSJ . : KING & MOOntIKAD: f 11LAS—ImperioI youofC Ilyson, and, Black JL Teas, from gpod to fine quality, in store nod for snle by *aarB> KING A MOORHEAD.' pOUAOOO—Grant * Win#, .Webvtery Old and other w>i>ti L la* br>nd* f for sale by ■ - • • mar? LVKOjPOiU) MLNi£KAL WAT^EK —Ju barrels and JitUf L7soarrcla,Cjrßal«b7 ■ ■• ■ < ■■• ■■ marS- KJNO & WOORTtBAD. SCQAIi CURM) HAMA— " Mites Er/ins & Swift’s? '• ■ , •• • -•', • • i 2040. btagj& Shay’s.- On eonrfpnmcnt. • ' ■ - -J” 116 P. SKIXEBS & CO. rjAOON-~3OOQ plocoa llnfnp f : . 4-? -. ' 6000 dQ Shoulders; *. v, - • -'• ' 1000 do Bides; ' • ' aulrlo ‘' - -■ F. BKLLERB & CO. f|3AUHft-I>blAoQ consignment.*' -4- P"* 10 V. SELLERS k CO. ~WJ r OlL—JObblfifor-sale by ■■■j-, •• .. • IT w morlO . - y. fiELT.ERg A CO. DKJ'JNJSD “— ~■ CV. rendered, • •• ■ .. r.:;^ • r »• -Crashed; ■■■■:•■ - Cl&nfled* and -•.-•- . . -' i r- 1 ' - • ‘ Loaf Sugars. •: In storo and for ssJb bv marS ■ r - KiKn &■ Moorhead I IT-UITK bbla prime, inspeuted; for nalo br TV marly SMITH A SINCLAIR. ■ | » ADWAV’S JIEADF IIELLEF—I gross received bv ■■ ll ’ JOS. FUMING, .. .tuftrlTf. ■> y■;■ > .Successor tpL. Q». ; - B COPLAND'S GfcltaiAN Birmis—fl>doz received bj marl! - - JOS. PLUMING. If SXfIONU ST It AW IS B&-UY PLANTS, uUUU for balo by , ; JAMES WAUDJiOP. mart? r ifirth street HOOSJi TO LbT—A thrto-Btonr bricklUeeliingUotiße. Na 20q. Second street, furnished . with pas .fixtures, cha»delicrBf-bath.'.rooffi, vratar closetv complete. Tije lot runs, through to Front street, on vrhlch.ls erected a-brjek house. Apply to „ BAILEY & BBNSHAW, •maflO -t No. 353 Liberty street 3AISU-i4HaimU WblteFisbV 1 ? “ ' do' Trout;’ */ • • .47* do /Pickerel; r Cl do- Lake Salmon, Nor. I and 2; OS do JLake ncrriußß. Fqrsaleby. , mars Henry h. CorijNS, LOVKE bEI2I>—A Qndarticle foe paiiTSyT/Oft gta ~“ Marl7 M - : - HENRt COLUKS JP Smlthfield; st • JEnqultuof . \J mariT f *U&~3O bi •QflM'y'-a-bMT J imrp - j TttWlS „ KTNO-* MOORTIEAI). •ICING :& MOORHEAD. KINO & MOOTHIEAD.' ilorpnto >. ■;'*: * HENRY H, COLLINS. JhiddcrH.forTale'by- - —■ P. A- CO. 4 ignment, ... >r , * P. SELLERS * 00. ETJECPKAH AGENCY. ~ i _ 'fs’mm ! • lUE OLDHSi . NfrafitfstiMW ‘thwnß-.rtt .'rinft rn»T tv-i f Dollnn> trlihoattholoss of a'doHWjani'tEa hcmSa ior whlcK hs” ugent, inXirerpool; no? Shipped iftjtleltfthari jvooa during thfi taat without aoomolSnt nf neglect of duty on their p4Hs'-~ "c* ' plaint or “, e ? ma ? n ' nabUn . «»>■ -BolfwirßfoshediV Umorfot, Pert S.’ and Bandalk, to Netr “““ * Plttjbarghi Mdwttt attend sttfcuyw for neS? S t S S K^ feo £ 1 “ »ny partot theootintry. 1 slghtjteafts.fpr sale, payable ot. th» Sallowing - ’ ' ' OS ENGLAND. EdwMa*, Sandford t Oo..:. London. ~ .Llvwtxwl. , _ {Available in the. principal cltlo? and towns throughout i Ragland and Wales.) „ , . , ON lEELANB. r Provincial Bank • • Ireland...'.' : ■... Bclfiurt, Downpatrick. Enniskillen, * Mallow,- .-Btrabane, AUilono, . Oarltrwy Drogheda; Farmoy, Monaghan. Ennlscorthr. jßslUna, ■ . Cavan, • :» Dundalk, ; ■ Galway, iNowry, * Tralee, . Balymena, 'CFonmell, iDangiranon, r.Lofidbndcrry,VOnj4gh,‘: ‘Ypugh&lL ißrmbritlge, ' Kilkenny, c Dungantufe,' KUrttsb,'- l Waterford, ; cPitßOMtowni' Cork, Blljro, . Weifotd. Cootahll!, limerick,* * BailyßbaniiQn. " , „ „ . ON SCOTLAND. ■i.. ™ . sI R “, nk ° f Sc o4 }™ l ). Eilaturghj.na Ita tranche® AA flfty towns In Seotlarul. v’- ; J ' . L ON PRANCE, i Messrs. Edward Blotmt AOo^BankenL.*..-.;.,........ Paris. (Available ln&nyoity in Franco.) ■ v ON GERSUNT. Messrs, vegol. Koclt Sc Co., Bonkers, Pnmklbrton-the-Main. {Available Inany cityin Germany.) ; 1 w V JAMES BLAKELY, 108, Cor, of Seventh amTSmlthfiflld eta. -ftb2i ! AGENCY <&£*: JIiBES BtiKELT, Agent. m: Tas-Ifaum of TV. A J.'T. TAPSCWXT * Cn. havlbo. in aadriOQ to their oxlepslro arrangements for farlnriog-out Passengers from: GREAT-BRITAIN and-IRELAND, joat tcnnciudnd arrangementa also to bring out-Passcngcra from , ho following Cities and Towns la GERMANY, *l* Antwerp to New York, and thenfo to Pittsburgh, the nodenricnpU will Issue Passage Tuteewto Now Yotkand PWsbiirgh from Antwerp, Coblenz, * Oppcnbeim, Alachon, • Bt. Goar, • • Ganahelo,- : Colu, ■* ■ Prior, • Worm*,'' : DosKwldorf, • Horgon, Darmstadt, I Neervreld, - Mainz., . | ilanheiuij. • ■•.. ; , Haklolbnrg,Carisruche. I .Rased, . . Ilcilbroun, •. . - Btuttjrardt, J Dim,- ■ , Aacbaffcnbarg, . Wurzburg, Ac-, £o, | Passengers will bo brought orer In ilrst»mu> Tefsolit, and jciUier boarded or not.-aaraxybe desired. Drafts payable bt sight,.may be bod at the lowest rata, from the umicN /ignedjOji London, Lirorpooß Pari*, and Frankfort, euitaMo Sor-Tomittancos urthQ Old . Gauntry, and paid, freoof dLv joount, at any town In Great Britain, Germany and franco, f .;• Apply to JAMES BLAKELY,PhIp Agent, I Ja27 • . Corner of Seventh and PmltbficM streets. 5 \ » NEW UFfICK* 800 l Estate and Contracting Agent. ' .V2?.’,^ a ‘?. J sr. l * lsr-,T e*n , *Crarals.tcry cheap, * « I? 1 * 0 ' L s: WOSIEr.Y. SDSPENDEUS, wJCUAVATS. ijto would n^pijctrully.solicit .an., early «U: from both Whole-nls and nrtolt buyers,, ffalforlog ourtpjees that wp » iliMolvwt by mutunt mami.; The nemo of* the Arm ?Li U3B| fllhcr of the lute partnere In untiling tin b Z'?rL .risrnfe, voraasco i ; Dwmbcr l, iwa. • bo eonUnnod »l the old Wand, br ?am mnkcrtoa on I Yauni:, under thithin fif J : d«*claUf PIN'KRRTQy k' FOtWO, ' . . Aesirii J« SbrolTcl tftTcoe. MAM7PACTGKERS OF FIRE PltOOl? fIAPEfI Vault Doors and Iron Windw ’ A«D aa all persons admit the nocenlty of :the abort* mcntivtiiri uilefea, wo hare no hesitation In rscom wEj‘2ls aar “’'lf* 16 ** be «luiU toanything in theSS. i Orders TwmiiOy tjaa pot ap in thft belt* style, ant! on Jiliort notice, • A . *u» oe?i ;*S.FmHhBetd street, bchrcoo Fourth and Fifth, put-, burgh. fuenWOnil, . J. BHItOFFEha 00; T™. Cqnaame (be Smoke. : hnvlns Urn excladm rluM to for healing .building* with Uio mo#t oeonotnieal ftiimw D ' quantity ojUrfigworth * Zlmow raaha cliojeo and worMitnowtted Bparkiiriff, Dry find La- Sweet Catawba TVlnos., Such w moy desire to procure pp excellent nrtfdo of Natlto “Wine, (tfio pare jujeo of the SaMnnli?ir? D, » tbo plftco, for th* gnttfU cation of f heir deslrea, Tho Catawba Brandy,dUtillirf from Qrapo. ts declared by many excellent JodSS equal! n flaror to die beat Imported Cognac* *' "" ** .. D. riCKRISEJJ, :. litv 137 Libertyetrfeet* Jj-jllU JiAVvuKTil, toinl 1 r of Diamond uii/~l>luiond 7w 3 i S, i on&rTO il» customers and tfao pnbllo > ‘i , lonof(;if^piirVS EOW^^'LD?al^on,rirholCT,i,lM- »!Sf . UlllS ' *!«*•■■» Young Bnoi, Impo ftn,! Souchong, Niotjong, Oolong -553*&i! raSS OraeßjPokoe TKAB; Jltibtifoid Ja" « ond Jtio COifi.ha; fine StJOABS and SYIUJPB! Banch Snltnnn BAISIN8; freoh Clj£ i ■ * P, refiHrVfl< * Citron, .Lemon and Oranco Pmla r «rnrw\. BnAKßlßß.ftyfc Mad tiro, ToScrln^cX pagne, tiabon, Sherry MuJ.Molajjtf WIfIES; tojrotlier with osKirtmnat or pare of which ho Is £? nwl ■*■£**'** ™oh,LOW PEICEB that cannot ho hwtby nny-othoy PtQnrinthodty, ’ , noylT P^l?,,"" 0 j ‘•UMfJiiN, toil Plm-TUla nrtl ' prepared from coal svcot Pumpkins, and vfll moko Pjps;Ofnupcriorqnnlltr. ■■■■:■ ■ S A “ ?, . oanco. or two tnblo spoonftinji of hour O«.ao«rt of milk; letitutand »d '**, n * l>laco, urt£r whio& add oinrs, snfc«ti lakini Vn^i 40 -^' 1 tMto < 11,111 bn^?«rfyTor VJtlag. Por solely ■ E. E. SELLERS i; CO. — SI Wood street. *r\ISSOLUTIOxV^-XtQ Jirnt of L ffTTfflY * m T>nitM' Th^atefber^hß^ 1 ®?; *** cntta^ahSt^ «.c late firm to hh JO3KPH FLEMING waa W cicorfully rocommeml him to bUfri^odsf.o.rlito sagaar ns -^tsSS?- flnonojupf quality, that all the reckleas puffer/ia^bjto? the nex.tdtytannot boat vHo moet in“iSithJ lailleannilgentlomoooMhle Sarriraudinif dtetS mthout distinction ofjtotfpnjytiitcall.'afal try bis Tea? *kidl 1)0 sells .to. bo returned; if u, o y a £{J t 5*J.. BatirfUction. TJje following arolbe price*:. ; . ■ ssas!ssssisassessf n vgj awsissas®"'**- Tot h™f°v° un|f , , , ls,con nnd I“P«rfal. 76c. ffimShJf YyMn Imperial, Sl,® 6>. ~, pf M?mSiilnSi™L p ,I ? ! ';F Aa< ?, ,>A ™ SIOBE, cornet] to Sra IMamoqa alloy A liberal redaction made ' :j ':m jan2l | m>; rTr l Tin. iv„ -n„ _ prepared to accommodate the public HmJ£~^tS 5 ’ <1 52 1x34 Horees-ljoth fori -Utthlß&kS’ TOolMß^ri^ < ?'T o*,llon»fct-“** 0 * ,llon » fct -“** prietepays every the p«, —-1 c f. DEVLIN. l>bis Winter Oil! 10 _ - f- BEI.U3M 4 co. ■P.MjDATIg, Anet, - sorotrof-Wood nnd 6th «&■- marll ,j IMJER BOOT ' { matlS: r )agafny««U hy_ iRA,-BAH?TEgTOOS A CO 7 ' B “*“> J.A.HOTOHIfON4ICO. ' ? ;tNs^^rcA'''Goi^ANras. iroroai. bAjbiy iHSUEkircB comeaby. ( \?WCt in Qf .tbo ixchangc, on Third \J atnp^rJxrzdDEtrmA. - -Marine insurances, D.i Vessels, • 1 - ; Cinoo, S-Tp ^-- r w >, • = • . ■. - . . ■■■.-■.■t.-vm.-BthKSttUKAgnL- . s«a T* Ftatrlhetrret, l>ltuhaiiJh._ Tba Franmtn Fire Intaranee Contpaov, D,r,r^ 0/ 3 !nta,a. P y> ntECTORi-Cbirfc* \>. Jiiorter, Tfcpmsj Halt, Tolls* V i amer, taanal Great, Jaroh It. tuauh, Cm. W. Ukb artte, ilorjaeai ». Uwti, AiMr-M U Ihvrie, Uarkt g. tirowoe. - Ceil ft. finest*, JYutJ^L Ctris. G. Uascxcb, Herritry. . Cuntinu.tfltaiktlojuraace,pnj*uial t rr!teU«J,rm«T.r? dwerlpUoD at property, in town and errantry, at rale* u low -as are consistent with ereurUy, flw Ootana; hate twerxsl a laic. Omtlßeeat Faat, whkli, with Uittt rii-itai aal jjrtsalwse, rate!, (otutui, at- IbTo ample protection to the aasnml. < 1I.P? A * Kt ", I l f V 1 * O-yw Y w J .nuat, I«t, ISil, M paU llihwl osrraahl/ to an Art ol Awotlf, were u (MhtwtVU: Tetqporaij asSijfl IT • i Oa Kifa,S of tw'caly-rao inn, “•». cf odo Minina font llutrfr.d 1W «MJ IMlluc, Imm) »>jr Ci», tbor-',? airnrjins orWtno* ofiho .•UiinUsi’S of lomruow, Mirull am) diraai .UoD U>u«-l«Uti prutSiAoro all IbtililliM. ' .i ■f.tUn.DIfiKUOOWX, Asrat. , . ; OSJMuoortlniaift car. Wooil »nil Tblnf ft*. TumDAskitAiMmnssT"" o»t;ik *tate itUTirAi. mu; as» mauine INSUEANCECOMPAHY, OP rESSSYLVASXA. AnU, May Ifi»lfe5 4 i.... Pr«mlnta«renelr<4 to Sl«j Zm«T*too toaas, CapJtAlFtocS. Return*l frwaiuian, Lmw, Ki> * renws.de, .►«...... —. BT,*M W _ , ■ tsrtmjcrm BoadJSMortgfcg?*, Stock*,' kad other good ««*u* • .. ...... f!CMSI OS CTfmtnm Notes ..... ITB.OIc M Cuhoti fcaod..!*,s£> 2! Total ain't of Resourcr*. Liable for leases..... ssis,3l« to • Msscratts. ■ JOBS P. Ktmit3lftllU>, Dauphin eouiltT, P. 0. «;!HiWICK. UtrrtJbnnr; BAMIKL JONES,Philadelphia, Jt ItlUllKSr HAalef, Pltutanh. A. A.C.UIIUEIt, •• * JOHN n. nCTUEItFOIU); Dauphin county. A. J.OILI.ETT. Harrisburg, B. •ROHKKT KIAITZ, Carbon county. JOHN. P. BimiKHJKJIUV PreaUant. .A. J. GrLIKTT, Secretary. ■ oI • na tnland navigation, UM, ml Mminnillio fit dly or country,atloaest nu> oon « »tcnt.wilh tabuy. Pollrle# burned on dwelling house* either perpetually or for a term or yeant. ,■■■. - ; Bran ™ Office, corner Fourth anil SmlUiUeM atroets. : myZfctf,, ■. ■■■.■■■ : A. A. CAUItIKU, Actuary. I „ Western /“»nranco Company, Pittaburch. I B. BIILLKII, Jr., JVcrJtcof, I ft BOItDo.N, Sccrttan I . , ■ .. , CAPITAL, 0300,000. W*nrlfS^.T ,“* ■•" k '? J " of rlfks.FHtK ami MA proniitJypSi AU 1088,3 wU Cc.Vlfcemljj adjoatod and fcuiil 0 ?. 0 £ .?*BtuUon, managed by Dmtcross who are troll f° o,p , ln Oi» K.mmnolty, and wbo are deforintaod, by promptnesa and liberality, to maintain lha character wtich I JSfJ apntned, u offering the Lest protection to those i vbouoxitvto bo ituuntle t JWrectM-r.-lUtimcr, Jr.,O.W. Blcltot»on,J.W.BaUor, srifl??’ ,f ' H. Bmlth, 0. Ihmeen, George W. Jackson! BtnHltt %£* 4 ■ ■ ‘ ■ •®TSA' INiVBANCB COIIPAKTi - ■ nAHTJfOB D, OONff. ■ ‘ ’ Olittirterea_lBlo—Capital stock $300,000 IHOS. K. BRACK, President. * * MBEfTnnful 3 ' A ' Socretar j. ■^IULOTORS—, Thomas K. llraw*. fiamnol Tudor, _ Kbrnesor Flower, r, ' lv ' t f lbl J. ttapocifulljiDgo.el? «Sd« the puMa generally, that they baTO ymubtoccd Uio; mamUbature of 4K“o7Kh! t B£S‘ ! S3HS“”‘ t t ‘3 U ”,tod to «*" u " • ■». »rt» pdmha — octfldy • . tzs?,, -I |>l Journals, ■ ■ • Day Boolai. Jlcwipfßookß, ; Hon MBtANK BOOKS MADETO ORDER StSKSItSS?*' saragass£'S~«ss jasKSMistsagssiSßa ifcdlam worMtruttßtylcrsrßrfiaiog. . T , • Th.tradesupplied onUbcraltfm. , ' 1 ' ( ■■ >.»■& HAVEN, . • . Blank Book M&DU&ctunf. Oornor o( Market and Beooncl etreok. nomionso, So. 153 V»*V' ri/ ' I■'if'-'’ >„ ' ** W * * ' I •», ,* „ '4‘ vv' $027,476 53 dibtctobb: • Djyß.'M; Huston, •• Hugh Craig. Spencor Mulraln, Charles Kelly, ■- Samuel E. Stokes, . Henry Sloan, . James Traquolr, 1 • Wm. Eyro, Jr. t Jo*hnaL, Price, •JumosTflorient. John B. Semplo, •. •' Charles Schaffer, V::*'..' J. T. jUwAD, Pittsburgh, •B T. O.morgtm,. do. . MABTINi President. )S. G. HAND, Tico Presid e&L IVA.MADEBIA, Agent, 95 Water street. Pittsburgh. ....... siw.oie 5’ ta *,<*lol9 ~ I00 f «0«> $269,31 B :y . .rv.v.j.-• mm? • ; tA .*c r\v\''. BANKERS AND *BRQKEfe&; bxchjlhbe-ahdl BiEsars-G-a^c-si WILKINS & CO., : BUIt-DINO, “O' *@-7A"6» Fanitli^UMt, Dome ticEicfiango,-Coin, Bank Notoa _EwiclL»mi Wiramtft bought hn4 soli uoilecuoMjnado throughoutthe Union. < Sanatta pa pet discounted and loans negotiated. Btoeto bought »na soklon c6mndafia. dtopotiL :tod interest allowod wfceti left for a specifled time, o - y. , , . decs . WOODS, .. BANKER And exchange bboker, __ ■ .. ;■■ PKAT.tn tor and ’ Bank 1 Kotos. ' M*vCK:oougnt isnd-.ooTiJ on -Kiinmlaaioii; * Collection. attended lnterest paid on Deposit ~ n vT % street, nearly opposite the M. IjL ' ■ ISB3« • EXCHANGE AND RANKING HOUSE OB A. WILKINS ft CO., .... • . No. 75 Foubsh Stber, Opposite the Boni of Pi ttaburgh, -i* o6 .-■■ Pmsoceon. ,• 0. E. ARNOLD & Co.,‘ - _ ■■ BANKBKB ANDmOBANaU BBOKERB, Eiobango, Coin, Baa* Notes, Sight Mid XJ. Time Drafts, Ac. Collection* -carefully attandnl to, *™ proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. • BtoChsboughtimAsoMOncoaimlssloh;' 1 ■■ ■ - Gold, Sliver and Bank Notes, bought and sold: - Oolloetimja tottde Iti ell toe principal cities of it®. United, Btates. . De posita received of Par and Current Funds'. . , [cmr27ly . iuss. K&unat, - idwabd baiw, noaute&UAiaa. KHAMEB & EAHM, B- - BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Uf AND SELL Gold, Silver, end Bank Notes; negotiate loans , on Real Estate or Stock.Becaritieaj purchase PromissaiyNotes and Time'Bills, on East and West; Lny and seUStocksun Commission.' ? Oollectloiismade cn &U points In theUnlon. . (myl • - N, HOLMES ft 80H8, ; ; BANKERS AND EXCHANGEtiBBOKEna, navi nsKovo thsxb n&sxzaa Atm xxciatras omen to no, 67 ica&ut BTE*rr, ro'Da doobsbelow old stand. IkT HOLMES A BON&, Bankers and Exchange Brokers. A 3 * end Dealers in Notes, Drnfte, ‘Acceptances, Gold, 611* ▼«'and Bank Notes. Exchange ion too Eastern and Western Cities constantly for . : Collections made-in - all the diies thirohghonf the United States.. Deposit* reedvedfa par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street* between Third and Fourth sts. {ja3QGy, JAB. S. SOOS l .i, M , n o u ~| U , . BANKERS AND/EXCHANOE BROKERS, .-vrarmtaafL ra. PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bonkers and Brokers, ■X. and Zknlets in Notes, Drafts,.Acccptances. Gold, Silver and Bank jTotea. Exchaiigea oh. the Kutern andWesteru attesoonstaßtlyar.sAla,:^- ; ;_ Ccdlc«toi made In all flxa dues thronghout tho United ; Deposits rooelred ixt par funds or current caper, at thocorner of Fifth and Wood Streets. VlfcbO • . ■ • - ..AUBTIfI IjOOffILIS, STOCK AN I> BILL BROKER, osct, JVo. D 2 fburth ri., Bfiotx IKwd, PITTSBURGH. • Drafts, Bonds, MeWgagw, and Loans on , tad also to regular teanlenkKrrrrilrU «« aadlnaurr mil henrortaStiu trill ho sptrat to asake.usla Hotel etcoEall'rtabl* noire to all: g, CiSll'UKLl, Prrp*r. „...„ **: tagsrUrefliniMrr. -■, T“ B nnirnfeiKd rwpeetftUlp Infonat Uw.pubfio that he A«u ntod J,*(JSR BF.KH, lo , <»f»»»-tatt:ai. hU OCtre, N 0 .13 DIAMOND A1.1J.7, (near W irad ttrtcl.) trill he paoetualiy attended to; ami ibetieerdsUrered to any part of tho rttjr cr.klnitv. - jtCltf p. O. BCIIKSCK. i ■ • UJioacis Sons* NEW PATENT AiIAU.tVMPEX.—ThU taKrtantln » union rrajotM the t»o trnt nbslaolM to the uhl IVn* *Si : ttudr and tbt-ir [ rapid destruction bj tha corrotire actlooof ifce ink. j n I the tjuill Iart* to an Itinu nwnUsa tartejr or rtvke and pferclnpe to attain It. The Inrmtortor the Patent Atnakast Ivn found, from a porter ,«** Soon, aafananaa'—that no combination of f' ,rdn rj”« >:! Mt i n*luwtbod«lrKiactten, £! 0 a l “ rt l' Jed u *‘’ P u » hitherto adopted £li!t J l . £ lM *»*• * PwaUar-tana tnthe Si*®***' 1 to ooiabloe the •‘tdnora'* fc-SSi!?" 1 S"' of w-S*J!«KS?SSiS rastenof lUei pro*.- £itry «&$uftTiriOm *rtlo a m tfe« i *?“* p*a, that tbcm«ftod4fc>tt laJttfftVto pur* bottom or tha auU-oorrorire quality of Uni met*}, Tt» Sect ibtt, tftnr lArra IhfchtaiKil axrintrotlucrd. a£iS'* 1 * >, W.B. IliVEN,Stationer, noTlj Marhrt»treet,coTnerafBwt)nd. ( DDBKG&>B CELEBS A TED CM EJUfCA L \ TEA 8 T OB BiUOSG roWDEW, I GntUjr, and /ninny Chirr. l\utn, I Puddingi, BmttCaka, I _ „ (bni Jtrmd, **** . Housekeepers. who haTe tested the quality of this now. I U> >« thvor-iLbekport )fi)y i^Sisa&^MaiE of various Moils orcook -1 Its Ttrtuw heroine properly known, no hooßekjwpcx.that studios cojnibrt and eoonomy, will wU« I Hoßlf do without KdCnMoymt lßSk* ( No ono need besitsto to o*o Duikwj’ialMmpOrtau t'articls Boa “ r * nJ Nashville Whig, sweetbread,bread Out jod J ran pat with a good Polish, do not &httt to DnetiM iWtlog Fowdjr,nnd Wwluitffll I . I ® T ® thli. article, and-cin roco Edmond it with Dnrjteo i Baking J*irder.wd hard Wed at ourhonse. an dls«Verod.-ff, yT lutct aUowodß-? m thlSconUncnt.oonia be given, If Spam „ : R H. DTOKEE, Sou Phonunoß Atm MisuncrOTtn, PASTES. A MoKELV^n^grg^^f I Hnraery end Qsrcteni. TAMES llhNNEl>Y,[!.to Manager of the well-known Sy> r?.™ c - u now established I °*? RY, ,° n Fannof Mr. James a Negloy, noarEastfJb. J etfy. TbewboMutU be piepund,after t£SL Instant, toto^ I 'll 1 onlora for B T oiy Twioty of Fruit and Ornitmm. I tal Trees, noidy and Oteen House Bbrnta and Elanta: In I addition toooholoo ond superior stock on hand, ho hasmode I arrangements with one of the largest Nurseries in the East. 1 to keep up hie supply. . Having a thorough and longSnS I c ri business, ho can. assure his cuatooers'perlbct *«*?*#'«<*»wi Services In te»ssaswa# ktonMniiM brancOr : tanOsSS,' [ Gardening, and having spent years in the Byivian Parka rrf hnglarid, and^oh:the' beaufifhl ‘banks of too. Hudson, he hopes to, hi* the capacity tomeet the wishes of thoseiho 1 favor, mm. .*• s^^sraaawjsfaaj * >MT!y .. ‘ KWTOEMrfrott; i ■>■. - ,*'oi»g«M ink. ;; Itlspala when first used, bat bj ciporare use. M«)ot «W.‘ S^pfii' •” d B ‘ ,,a w eatti?, T. Fodder Cuttcr. lt la rcry simple, burins knlres,oasUri4Jnstn)| the mostannblouiiimxmtTCau lef to use. .Thejr ere lo use bn Ih*;«hn4rofafcWiliiiin< llodgson, Btcubonrilla road, noa at theCloror Dniriorn ferry, from tho Soedund HortiCTUural ShJre, 4B?lfu,;«t docl7 1 t' -JAHE3 WARDRQP. , ' vksitiaw uliSSb. OF is Vsd XI OHAIK MANUFACTOKS, No. 64 street* ,wgti Assortment,'Of £tv?ey.cpd. plate furniture, wfalfch they. ?Ul , iclllsper cetit. l»l0Tr { cußloinaCTjrataB. - . . , i Tertis—^afifaoniy. -v ■ •* :*lec2:ily Great liuliieeuenti id Oaib' 'Pd^hascrQ.; «eiQ ,onr large.atoek'bf OOMMON'AKI/FAN OY L U£a)BTEAI)S,,-at:p?ici».:tb4t cannot! iau to please cash purchasers..;. Ail ohr work* la warranted.- OarfenaaaroCAijlL , ; i . . corvggyenthan&liberty»te.i ] <,^£?SW n cßb t He Ulaßer »A*ioclet Ibn. JFA.IS JiS.O ÜBJB -a 'X TBIRD BTRBE7 ,■ ■ 1 (EETWEES WOOD ASD MARKET BTS.) ' ■ : ' ,u l lirmASspCUmtJf,nmbm*t*«4 i aalCL .BjßßßßßßßlMgiapjVtuiniiß M 'wnt ran; JsS! J»«lis*iSBSS ,u WW' J W I,t ren °™«l- bustois* * l»; y#;3iaTe opened tiifir 'Warehouse* and bzo SfSrnSiT 03 ’ Cl «'l ®M>les;-Cietx SaMess^Sae Ifiteachßad»ta>da;l SX?i£ ™ peri mlnM^tog€ll,^mrßri£an.Miy* c oin pouters, an'oquaUy'eood.r t® m of all tlescrfpUcna, aria other'articles £»*«*** tt»4e tq qrdor Bho® ~ . , JAJIIES W.,WoOOWBM,: ’i i■ ■ OABINBT I'VICNITVRE JIANUBA GTVRBft > SV @r*n«K>m* OT and 09 Third «r« «e, '' ■ W 1; UiOilMgertamUjcoterer oflcrecltbTßatolnUllAClty.-'wlJch W.** Ptk “ “ tow “ lntho WdStatos, A* be U determined to uphold tin quality with -well eea. from tho orient of: his otdeirand ftallity in lhanafarturlmr. he4cmilil»l, to produce itajaturt; V h ?? ! ’ rat <““ l » the mortals itfS.K •5552 I w2™ Gb *Hi® so «' 111 dcwr, ' l P ll: Citlfcnseu'il. I^'®.B, ¥™ Cllt V*Ul (to well lo; ffj a P e ’*(toterminol■;to pU-a-u the most of hii Wd JSr tellers, u he hu just recoins),from Ut* l.'artrrn dti.s. un. «i(«»ot mods of cumis; cassimkhi:* ttß( i rasnsok ,___ , ItIiMOVAL. “ y«ttns». of theDowojtotylre, which ho will tutte; pleieute * coil Jlrls *”■ “otor e»ory erticlo of Ctothina S" 4 "*' ia »»*****«< iE°^*' J ‘^ t, 52r- Tll '»<»l , swihfr offers for rale.his eom fho trade of this cits, Ctactccas], y^y^ d^^to ma 4.*^**^. er Qt~( >t ' t hofollowfng-|iTiocs.Tlx: - S lO 'Hthod t •itotrwnSu.. “iStr !on lf l ® l ” s / u . n Mi W^Wodieortloiui tasnv jmrtof ttmCnitod Bt»i«, on receipt of IJ.WVhjr - •-•JAMB} C. tVATT,; ' ■ ■ -LJitf. . .;•; «; ,r CotUng, : : - Cl °"° wo- to Fifth street. ( ;:-r^..ji J . n„ to. - M „ SAMIJEfrCiaAiT — MERCHANT TAIUOR. - so. a* ar, cLAttt BOTSt JwiLDTyas. ■ ■■. -«?. cunt srnjrnv pxtfsbtarau. 'ENTLEiIE.VS CU)TUL*<{3 msde , csa* VKSTIXiI * OViJftQiIATIXO ( latest style*, sehricd wxprww-'v fcp Qraenilota trade* Gentlemen traylng their criers;Will fcaroibdr wishes consulted ami compile* with- wrttlfwotk t* do Off under, fate own sopeyeUicm. • :; •. •" • ' CLOT Hl NG S TORE! JOHN M'CLOSKEY & CO., « lrt »t«Ad*Uiiop Depot on Likert, X. siren, which hfi* woann unbounded popnlaritr umw toOKM of.he TUiUJKBWDOOIIB, hart), fur the pui {““< "if** .'J’wn.fcr their tmm-rucburhunw, wtaotfO to UlO building on the comer of . ■ ..MAMOVD JU.LEV ASJ> WOOD STItBCT tfl jE7 haroimw Ihoraoet : ■ SPLENDID STOCK OF CtOTIISI REAHY MADE CLOTHING, *®“*- . ’’ *W' "■ ’*•• \ , i ' •>. ; .• *%■ “V '* Vi; ■ * • . -- : ■ . ..7?.’*"' '■ 7- ; - . ■T'V'T/' 7; *; •' 7 V '^T- ~7r T :.~77~~. =i==Zl wyes 7 V”-* v. t -i ■ "V. . *■ *-.V- -'O -► {ft; :-;sX.g , \ ■ \ MEDICALS -InvalitU-of-Pittsburgh- and Vicinity, I 'TTogli^tti^tfottii/urgj!nth[jgvltetftowcartsa! ‘»D'lcaß i . ’crof peruial of" someth fog iKafc Hoi ju*t be*a intro daccd Into tbo.UsifrhoBond • 5l voz.VEßnic&£&»fi , ~ t 1 “ "*' HTOBOWdCCfcBIO - - 1* Train nßdtrtfiagnrniaDtt, . Immediate Relief ■ • ■ !' 1 a almost certain wl'&and *®s®®«Ba£r*~r tߣsgg&* -. -Henwlgla ot tic ' SjJ’iSTilS^ ' Stffit, “- : . SL^dort-daMrat‘«ti: xmvavß '■ lie tt Underatood is:;-,. Ibat-.it Ja not cUort that'ltnma aUjnseaaearhni V,„i» ■thW tar. eTrfefclh It;Is MOommended; t imSttorioTsr^e 1 baldlyelatorand JISFJWtbat inomedteinal jaejuii \ky '• ;KMB:to;i»eifojnea;WiW*ltriQratKS dnSneSri/t •• •'. ■ PULVKBMACHEa’fr EU3CTBIC • CHAIHB. , Andto prOrethlsaEserUon,** defyinyperstintonrolueei 60 many WEIi. JUJIHEimOATfII>- CKETInCAIESrof, [ Scientific Physicians and intelligent patients ve may be; -found li a psinphlef.of.thlrty-atx pagoi, to bo hadfen(Ui>j of the agent In tbia town. .. c.TbceloatioClltlhaTerftlirtflntrodaaod l*ErinoilirlBsoi ana after being Subjected to the most of - ■ - , ” .t 1 tad Blctd /Trial, •- By the first medical men in Faria, they were found to p 6- ] aofia strange and nmrrcltous pover-tirreljdtfbgpltfo, whete-; ever applied, and by their Influence wore Introduced into tte hospitals oflhat dty,and nlaoaarttrodhy letters patent 1 by the French Government. - « e «e now ifitrodaced in.ilmosheverylfcapltalln PBtCdt6d . ,D ’ VOST JPOPUtAa cXTBATIVa AfJEHT ET ' Thoy were first Introduced into thtf Uni ted'.States-abotit' one y#sr since, and went through the 'game tr aTasfo Kn- j rope, «nd'-?rete at tm« totrodueed Into urcfry Hospital toj flwr fa daily use, niffietinir area 1 yOHPEUPPL than tug;etcr before 'been I awnroea tbem.';-- > l ’* v -. , ■wSS? WW» Mcemmended hy Pnj& Vi3eritfhe Mott, I ■ I i rTi”’. others, who hare ’published their i 525* lO Biawal of thorn edicsl, iohtaaM'to.thatrily, and art also in the dally practice 'of. J»to patients. AfhltacMpntoftheir' OTinien may, also he fcnndiir«Tery pamphlet; and ’rtnt 10 i parrmr fa the State by appijlnrfpost i tuiid) tolir. OBO.il. KEYBHR, wboiaagentfor Pitta burgh; chains can-he sonlhy mall, with foil descripUpne Price of Chains, $3 tnd sft. . -vc . Physicians are politely invited tn'eatt and examine their cpnetnictlop, end orononnce upon tholr merita:* -' ; J r One word More to Invalids. 1 ? ■No rfraon need fear-: that they rwfll 5 notsccomplhb Just Js claimed they ean -do, and . all 'persons -who hate become disgustedi with a constant pouring downofpatent np9tTnnmneChaln will last for years ond lore none of Its hiM P °^ r ** ***> ttnd 640 **appuw to either aanit or v&SPIu ? 0 ' 14G corner oftyood’slreet end PARTIAL Oft TOTAL, ■ ssnsiar bsoiiovsd.' *° <»I1 tt« Mltmtlmof Horn FitiTericg from atntal or partial lossof tKehcaring. to i&£2S&3£- Ue • " . • MEDICATED DOUCHES. :5s? 1 " lathe Infirmaries: of BeHisifdwle : Brassels, namborg, and St. Petersburg, SDd lately by the I nwt distinguished .London. AnristViritb' Hid rhest Vo’nt It to ih» only method that has ten uniformly raaeraaful. The best proof of the eSlcaev cf-llm . treatment wlllboa re&rexica to nesrly"'* *•" , - . SINB UUND&EO NAMES. *«"•. llw Brnnsnleh, JJ”® s f°“»r'‘’toAare&een ratmd toAekUHca'fi‘ng t and not nsincle, solitary case, to oor knowledge, did lie dttl,r “ Ptetol ortotal_r*»toision ofthe Hearing, when our adrleo and instructions were faini {“Jjf,?o4. to. Many who could not 4 hcartho report of a pistol nt arm’s leurtb.cmi now iitar a watch- boat at tha distance offburfeet. “ -A® e"»«£jaucaus accumulation in tireSdstaehJan Tdho and Tympanum, Inflammation of lid Bum's Mem. btane, Nerrons Affections, Diseases of ths MembranaTjii : pani. comm only called- the ‘Dma* or iheh • thdau/a,o c r n etetsof Feyer, Colds, thou/e of Q,,[. ?",• D »“«l®S4® thd;£aisfn cU IJ ; treatment etands preeminent. : «“>Jr “**» Bitter Dn rccrdtion. Bhen the deafness is accompanied-with hobo*: in likc tilling water, chirping onnsccta.rim'fneaf ‘ rns.-itng t-f leases, enntihuai pulsations, disehcrae nr of blood to the.bead took piece, when the bearing is Iwa f e J*J 0! I* weather, or when a cold has ten taken, this method of treating the disease is irt/fcKiWe.... v--_ 11l DKAFAKD BOMB OASJS3 * - mo *® "J ll *- 1!*“' it the hearing reaulfc complete restoration;*)* M ih I ■ p ■“*? ; *tot» their age, duration of tit: scare, if matler.issued frem _lho- external passage, if there, aro nciics in ths hare, date of general health,and~wh;it I “’“f** 1 *'becauseeftho dearness. Wh-V tte bearing is restored it tscxpectcd that thore in rare cirenmstanccs trill pay ÜbeTaliy. J . SlrtHrincs, Apparatus, 4c.-, trill be sent to any part at mV own expense. . rr«,u,H; Cafsl J r^eS! HMrll!:0 “ W ‘ T - 'f&yr ite fWan-Chnreltafet Ttt. ' R/aCOuSTc OIL!) 2m ... wrcnne iqa *GSa~* If OB THU CURB OF DEAFNESS* PAINS/tad the D’s ■A chargrtscf .Matter flronr the Ikw—al», all ihoee di-** w4sef4lU-ih« tmm&m&xtxvafattwifori. twfi?* of,^ tyicnptoaur at ajjptoicbltg- thedheasei' Has* bet^ jona *fco hjto been draffcfjteni twentyyak I **&** o» eajSteampcte;hate*afte*tudea cue Or two-tattles, thrown &*Uft their' trumpets, belor ouulft welU , aud Burgeons' highly tecom* mendUsuso. -■••">:•. ■?'_■ ri.. , T-.. •- •■■•■ : -\J • , L [Prom the TrfbuTV6.J , - Pasle!t» Dos**-NeotiCT Vora Caxunist—TboasarKla t-f ; i elilldroa annually ;heccaß« deal;«la conseqooneo of <«**. SfW Mtnfittcrfrwa then can, ted wdbjrgearlot Ibver, Colds,Ac% Noff, if do lhetrddty and : dm* dh«ted*th**ir children would bocurwj j.hqtlf neglected, the di*han» cot* tlnnee renr irouhleaomo, the wo»e. partial o? total,dea&e&enfties.- - _ n , tr IMPORTANTNOTICE: GdlajuJsceMrs. Baxtfr t Xo&Uistfoni*' fc i i January*.—llierebt 1 {SS?* twelve I iftdflauj I tecanie deaf io/tath ear*,so th*tln4ifiw-.JnDntiull'ft)un4 i Impotolblo to ve^Wa»ttiiie - - itoicwSSidr , Fcrraleby , A.JAMES, . FefclaTea Btnr«, ■■■■••■■ ; ■©s Fifth etxeet.PlUaburgb^-i Inttodococl, lj a «a»aowfcf^d^.Td^m J - - • •C. RnSHKK ft CtR fMprts'to're, < P ( .,-.„I,I- niM.v 6 J ?»?«»*« stmt,Clwalaod, Ohio, i —*/Su? * a PittsburghlattefolUiwinatousaa,*— «**?«?.&?■•. - L Wilcox Ia; Q. 11. Kcycer, . Jool Mohler, Bgjl.Pag^A. Fl^J mir a. Bedlam, 'fttssljir ft Meah+J. I*, ■1 Birmtiyhitm.—A. Pxtterwn.' John O. Smith.- fjafcy ? - ; .vV.r/v?; 'B3O /j r.<>r‘'' JS° » n rp«*m»iK>*mbiiT f, °f 15 33SBBKJ/8 HB4UHO OlNi'i MMT, sjilnao. it accortlng to directions, if tbpj wIU call at B3yofflce»ml sac niin opMotoee, tt»t It' will noiroat. H»ndj,CMMiHns,CIJ » Up»»Bumj: »Qll:rra!»3,Boref W;OhUdi*n» ana mail* ; «Utrlso7lf m.l entirely oon Mpomibi, I*ll*B. Tnftni’m».»y W-?i r^L^ri^V»^oSi?r losccta. Pimples oa tire-faix* i ffadallDiwjtacaoftlw-fiklJU--. MnvßrtßjyKanw^v/ j r. ■. ■ , '■ ,vr> - ± Fo J «S« BfiOHIRBS, uTbr.vKBTSBB, IlSffisasgtt'SssssMiWK •feggwgm»ffMS f»wro ) niT%s * Di>„ Btowatt*to»xij S^S Ia S A ¥ !,l i. I, A ,^> < Sjambnig l KEEWAKT.IiOVD S CO., Mechanics’ Iron WdrfojJ, W. HAN NKN. SUn<- aiester- .' jjSfcdwy ; JJfjiSlngl* box or Dr. TlSttUKL’y OINTMBMI *|D • *»«P aoy Bl«i»oIth’«i Sfcrraert, Sailor's, or Modiitti to a pottos, letutein cbop or crook otct so 'bodt sound and io :Bxxi working onto rail winter. ! Prepored and ®!d bj MQNROBXERBEL. : j • ■■•■ ~■ • : tfsucotaclr,Ocma. ’BEOWN,'No»4I DUttond r A ■ e||9 yofeeblß entire BUectigato an oJßcaPrictiov iSm &§5 Uia business ismostly conflnttd fco’ Pripatf 'TSar :■■■ ,«»wwaii?*«aieJi«ndffnclrpainftilAtfoethms. broughton by impruchmee.'youthfaJfaulalacxa'saaqHXCa^., . urt thral cUttoea? of ths x^mscs,‘Sebibtitld Brtb« Hl6 k> tßhn m l < lU«£»cti» le^B toS.‘ Moathly,fl;pprM»iq TffieHHwP l^ia f ;ut ,j»-' *R ' wTlßrar (jkfece* Hams: 2700 nfArn*' svai j «nd enclwd Hm £Z feWl FRAHC!!? BEttEES* 00. K \ » ,' 1 l^\ * , ' V,' i. * l ’’«' *** r*■ i *■ < *•■ * - - Cartels Spanish Jtlixture. ' TUB GREAT PURIFIER OF TflEllLOWr * KOT A PABX3CU or t-'/t ■ A« raTAUJABtB BKSUSDP POBSOttUlW.klni* .OitKrlh Bheurßatlsmy Obstinate Cuttnfcoirf'Erfcttainr Wmples or.Phatuieiron tho Pace, BfolehsiL-)£jg‘S,£X’ ■ tort Byts, Blag Warn or Tetter. Bala n«iut,'W. i gjSSS!S ami Pain of theßonea-and Joints, ■lltoJH^ravLuiobag o , BjptaalOoiaplalntteanf gffiS* •' eases arising tan an injndfilcma oeo of'-MaKare. >d*ncolnXife. or impurity aftho 8100 d.,. i.; ■ Ihla valnablo Medlcitie,wbKh btusheeomailalsbratelfoi. the.number ofestrannllnarycurei tflfeeted tbronsb rt^«idito^^g^SulSidal£V^2SS > ttenusnat conMeag teiiyi^Mt’M^i»»iinrt>.fla^gj. jnngtavjWiJioirOTer; word of the proprietors; audilare; ftoia -ireiiUeinen IruuinL’inthelr localities, and oftbe hi;rhcfit:,*«7 W .,,'im- : the atrbfJßlehnioha, vt / 7 .. P. HOTOBN. J&sq.,.of Blebtciond iSSG he has seen tM mMlcioo called Oerter's Spanish' Mixture adnilniiterodin over ahtnwlcwi lt la recmnhfend, : ed, wlthUiomost astonishingly good results. lie save It fa .the^ettraorainirymodfc&shtSitw Been * “ , - A&KMD JEVEItUBBar h®4fci.ce»iw Fwrot Ihe mratTlo. 'BR ijM^wro^ffjyMdariat-ttietelaiaeliiian* .title* of QaixOoe. Merrarj, end I belieto ell the TmliS. :TBrttad,ibatallwiU>oii£4ny SSr tried f?s}}J mB . *»d I ant happy to say 1 hate hod neither .chills, or-ftter since, Iconsldsr.lt the brat Tonic la the world, and .the only medicine that era taymS , Beater Dam, near Bichmond/Vait ■, nS^JSSr no £j? “» d tp of Kfchtnond, and for SmSsE? *^, tho ■ t “SWSSr- 6 S «o<* confidence In »ho ks?>s efficacy or Cute* .Spanish' Mixture. thatße m s ?* bottles, which ho has gl,e n nTnJi Mr.hncisaya he has never kntnrn || ‘optima. . Clrt iSa^ 0 P SS l S n f.-l fcjBl '? n >'* ni: ' fonMr >P of the in a numiw Oflni&n~^ 1 « Ino s’‘ , ’f ,, S £?*<“’ "Uneracd : efl ’ ,c&of Carter’s'Spanish oara dr&Mum,S ?^V -Dly Ba n> ll » | oir-' Ho says In a fectaWfS!“SSSSS’ISS? n * on "" LjT ' r ' tlf “ Soodof; Sgngn*, by the „ « “£* 4>t Grtort Spanish Mixture made a porleetoure or him? and tho Kdltors, In.a public notice, say they commend it tooll who.arc afflicted SKISy all the phydidaha-oftho city could not OMS^»!?ThemS Blchmind .o^ ‘Ud^dK& £Z£^^2ftsS£SSrg*«»«*r Kafesw rariSr ” for that * saf» « la a perfect cnrft> Hss Carter’s Spanish Ml*tnro; iiid I WM eS(st?^» in a short Wllllt , by .^^^ly aiia ; * : MOIISK'S voaiPoUjtu-arttvp »g v~,- ■ low DOCK BOOT. “ ' r f 'g,™? +^ r '}L V^5 0 / abl °, oolapoall ' l > "elen tin cully pro -V“. f*® 4 loots and herbs of UtS; Uaterla gbS|^vS?“ 1 “ repntation fbrtgS jiußaiihAUMO ASD'aEBBNdmENiKQ the mteh' odnetheStom'achandSwf M&aK^tfed^^pV “ 4 POBIfIINO THi^BLodll, f n 2 Krtaritlonii; Scrofa'-’ Er Scald Head, Cujlct, HmSSS B£a^* T “ 8 TnE SISOBETOBY OBOABS' ..... Anti by enabling them to perform their nrmu»* #n*»*!**,. stl^?S. 6111 55J urf Obstructions, ,U» Jtoia, Ac., caused ky witness a™: Luugeud Throat,Complain Is, as Colts, CourfdL Stw? Coji>ijmpUon,4(x; else,Dropsy. ” i ni!f T JSS22S\?f?. ? {, U ’* °f I S pon ? d B J™P of Yellow Doik. * iannlies,anu nndipgit.to be. a Tcry. e&Jutarr and • pffwtrua. reccmmend tfc thepub- - lier.J«- B» Richmond. C. 8. Jones, editor Pratfdenee 0«i. AOrt, WRlteri Weld. M W - ■'**■ S»fi»ttutehta»n7b^. B»‘SLTj °?i e -inwulwd..others of the jnost rospeclsble Jamiliea.of ProTidence«\ . • Thi^certifies that Xhavo for a jjombcr of YenrahAm »«•- 1 jiih, thocomt>©aitioii.and inoda of xnannlfectaM'pi MOKSK 8 COMPOUND 8 TEOT OF YELLOW DOCK EOCtf g«^«ai»fiSJsSsfgig: I'WwoiSS?*- 6J S ptoms > 11 -.excite., to hcfllthy action tha JEV3SR, TemoT W Torpor, aadt ncctlirify of this OBSAli.*hd J thnolstM heathy sctioa in all the system,.Aoa DKJPU iATOB, or purifier of the Blood, it has no snporior. ' ■ - ■ - r ! Providence, R. 7, Jen. 4,1M3. kwv. *?, ?• “0?“* COc »o. 440 Broadway, f5,tT 3 ?i k .’. imd *° ld hy Druggists end others throughout '?t*?i\ olheT “' raW “- JOEL SIOHLEE, Agent, — p - r;n:ly , ;.MtSl>um£i£ 5,' opplfea to other affections of the lung-g ainfsronchlZ So Sir as the troitmeht ia coaoerned. twe i»nr>Te'ry l Uftlo : Comtek's arethe Fame. The EXI'EC- - tSJf T «w? <>i r > “?^’“ Dd P™ loo * afrconndeiuiyMixStofa; Jf r '™°»o tightOMa, or patn,orormre»- : S£i?£rt,i£f th 7S? °Sf» c ?LJ 110 t »»e!»rt>ooM bore Si. ■ UMbTthoj^oftteSASAXIVEPIhM-oheiieTCTi.eS. 0 Batlf thcro be nrv nJghtawcatß, ' lf Asy dlaappeir,; then giro the ALTJBIIATIVtI throw : t °?? 10 instead 4if:thd. JLj L rheqp(TettCT),ChgblaJaß,Comgmn Sores. Channel] or ' CtMhedßand»,BtirajOT 8«Ids, Guta bi Woon*. PUeiSiii; ■■; 3 ?rn2lff tM ot lMM ta,Bore hb«;PUi»- i! * MdSl JJ??v a sS ,ns ®°, t »t«*SoHsonotndreii,.' **!■***> V*** and «n? Um>££; ; Pormle hyJß®anH». BROTHERS, end Dr. KBYBEH: ■■ «• BtazffnAm Dm _ i*®wTOBMMI7T Penn street; hQBEsg;. tTfrrSra ? P ™i sy!, ’ tin i* iGUsR. WOTka'illre. ■■SMSSsasaiasss^^^a^y o^'-* MBChaaW Wert “s•»• w.. JyMsUwy _ ‘ -" _. Pemtly ITletllclnea ;••■■ *T^ I SS?ifv PlS %? ll^Tf ; Hast Tortfc;: ‘ ; ••- '• «'-'35S?b?«^ g f»- " B«n»aTePin»; - '- «»S!2SS. UwB * I “ ms " AsnePUlas ' .nj^ii^i^-^Agssssac ituJsold wholesale or retail,at the PeklaTeaStoir, 38Kfti ' Janlftdsw Egclmrtye Agent for .Plttiimq*- ,“,> TEAS! TEAS' TEAS! ; WHOLESALE AN»RETAIL, - , •Mt theJPekin Tea StoPe, Wwav »* v‘ , 3 8 Finn Srnm, Pittsburgh, pa. * Bt» B^aL& r “ M,yi “ irilaffio ' allio ' plck «' ! * 1 ‘ „ ?=r*?te r !SS r .i ,,10w "® h6 « i£* Fallatork of OBPrV iodELAOS TEAS,—coOilaUoifor feme of tho Loest eHII ■to bo (quc3 In the Eastern market.. MerrhnnU riskin'* n« cHyarainrltol to call >f>l examine our stork, B “V< grtWi 81l or wblcL have"' beenbnrclbUj selected, ana am wllh ronfldem-o bo team-' XSO&uSU t *. ■: .. •'••■:*■ :v • m •..SO half ebestofin© Young Hrsoa'■ Iff r ;do 4o 1 • sroyuxwYoimgnjsen; -oxtrafineMoyajia BadphLt it> AMO-«M»0 Principe Began, whlehwill _■• 38 ' ‘J'ii'il AVJiXc'jr* Agent Agent Jot the Sale of L. Johnson * Co.’s Type, *c„ . - Of PHttADEITHIA - , TT A rSI2S« H S r B»t«,tho rollmriog—BrajijillncA'. o>nmimv and- Job S™ 11 ®! Boxrooa * ,otor trwi TEAS > TotregHyaon, ■ i Qoopovder: ■ . .i • r :'.iv .'ittpntaL } » i , ' —■" ” ’ ; ™ ~ Ootam g sutf — . - - - A JAYNES, i ’ =MMIE . PBtTQS AND MEDICINES. ■ ■*■ .:. '•„ ••' ■'■• ' W.' ..'* v./ : ' , * it ’ihy 2 :