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' 'V^^'' >’'V ; >- l\ '■■ ’ • ■•'.' * +■*%'.>■ * £ ■•'•.; - ■* .^VX* '■/ft"*'** 1 ' ** X * *•»* A x *i»vs. _, •'ti 4* «*[ * **r{|V V # l* , 1 •>' -S' *** - \ /-> k ‘ - fc>-,V* .*' fvirJjv - f f ,>-• X(.■.*■}Vi%;h *»tt.vqc" i\ <■.-« •; i W.' jSi»:™.t > »,.;V** «J. ,• Vi 1 '1 «,;• .-*j'; •* ?ri-: * - ;f -v*^ I ** * t i tv J* ti*, 4 * 7 .'v *7\ t* i'tL *' r, I . «<-ft ■■ -ft *"•(♦»«• •■ *!"'*»»/, •*> ; -f ■' •i»lf 1 <7l a' ■ j »«: - . %.' f".'' J. w u f^r ; *»' v l*'.?* *■ l 5 s- r 4:^w*,TiC‘^ HMWi pliMl »SSt, Cfet***? tai^'J'i' > i' i ’' aI i^Sf^^^^, sl^■s #M^iy i&*Ss^ gSs3tt&g&3sl W»&*s«*4w lt l £ss&*%*ss :i«=m»^.. s-rTheJ&ttadelpMa papers for th® last few day? 4W* beta almost entirely oecnpiethriftiWaat- HT«« *bk intense trtao of totally Ms «i4*Ult,Vco?’ l,ltB turaeoafly excTted'and- elevate? fortbe ** last all weeks. Itla true tbatPonnsyliimla In tuu&wutrkuMbMm ptoaperons than IMs v/( sa°epilog, dn* flfe pfWpbct berort tot is etaottr&gi ,^^|Pf^-&*?«V^eV‘"l& ' log-’ 1 St tbo, to let; bur New fe^nmnla^Ata^that',heir/ooHeti' at tatapttoa*»ageWnm-'Ki*irt6ff«*»te hasot- Sff ttnyWed*. r :: if r.' f ;?* '\;X\ PbiladeJpbi a A T prfs njji QaitlU " ' '' . baethefollowing sntegariltotke*nalnjeEKtadae !?*!%s * * Central rota daring-ttsrfirst eleven days of thle taMthi ' - ■/.. • i-.’-*£. <»Siju?^ASs!^*, I *,«’ V Ss-I - ?*& Jpnowlvmla Cintral’ttojfroail histreen aolniri -'■: • •Jtf*adMlbasltn*fi«!tito^io'irpirfiagptf4do ; «onini«ii6ed r . 4^V7o £«tl: "4.p;/'f r ' ‘ r ' y '~ ?>afhs*oiitjeli«W9intelUgtaee-ieee«Bfct-betliat pr * tiewsalt'er tliß' election in New.'HasnpeMre i-M ae'Wliige tad' Abbittibtteta Mm; - Xbe Benate stands, T -8 anddl ’^Ktad'fteeßoller*-’ "Demwrfattmnijorl^ ass?' Hi ' <>"V’ r ‘ ' ' r ~ V * %l\ : *V }<, -stoMi r. EE5tE L OOimT,_ 'jjjiiii.OT's .black; .:.Oi jTi/1 We hare one of the best Jet Printing Offita in the city, end we would respectfully ask iner. chants and all others who want Cards, Circulars, ‘' ■ •.; Bills.of lading, Bill Heads;. Blank Checks; Band-. ' hills, etc., to give us a call. AU our Job Type ore of the most modern manufacture mod. can not foil to please all our customers. Our work men are perfect masters of their.business, and will labor assiduously to please all Who wilt fa-, "tor us with an order. , v. ODB EVESISG i Wo desire »lill to extend the routes on which our evening paper Usold; and menor^ya^h* l , mate money by bocotmag regular carriers. The edition we Btnke off daily is large, and there are seldom any left at the time or closing our office. But wo want more carriers routes not yet regularly eapfdled.' . • 1. Vht Election Ounpilgn»«9iit Gaietie* r tbft sSfeor Sf thff OaxofK'opeM Mt wliVmaP" velloua seal in of the election,of* James, e. Pollock for Q overnor. :■ - If outneighbor enpposes .. such to event,possible, he musthavo tho bump cfcrednlity immensely developed.. What is t 4 become of tho thirty and nearly, .forty .thousand democratlo majorities of last year ti.; 1.1 ... The fact is, the Gazette man Is troubled with a eligbt excess of what the Journal calls Sanity ; and imagioea that his own seal and .bluster .will ■ make up for any deficiency in number£iof;»o}ors. :• go .if. -was last! fall In', regard- to ? our Senator, This charge of vanity does not originate with nat lie editor of the JouMiafinade the charge only , -afewdays; pnd seemed to substantiate itpret" ■ whig ootemporsry. * .: the ■ Gazette’ seems;, to imagine thatn vasVamonnt of political capilal ( ia to bo, made oat of the Nebraska question. , Wp bayo yet taeeo the evidenco of it. The coalition be lt? ecu the Whigs tod Free 'Boilers la not y.ef peiS; Jected; and those who remomberthe. severe quarrel between the Gazette and the editress of the Vuilcr, only a few months ago, wilt,doubt .whether sachn coalition can ever bo effectcdin “this county. As to the charge that the -Port’* opinions .are; bought, we would inquire .whether, that suspicion is suggested, to, our, .neighbor’s;, mind by any rccollecucn of- a- *?. fifteen Whig af fair 1” Wehave been indulging thß belief that; hardly any paper was .more 1 candid andTodepen dentin tho expression pf iteopinions-than.the, Post. -And we consider 'Scity.reform’l nmattor, ofmuch more value to uS; than a question which, tho Uon: Edward Everett declares to be “of very, ilttlo practical importance.” „ - .... Oar readiness, to da battle in tho .cause of do-. tnocraoy will cot bo doubted ;but we do not choose tp commence with;blaster. Tho Gazette , opens the contest very much in. the stylo in .wbioh the Chinese entered a naval battle with the,-war vessels of England-some years ngo. The- Chi-, nese beat'their gongs and their drdms, and blew : their trumpets, and cot up a great-noise, .whioh they supposed would frighten tho English out of their waters.’' Bntthe Johnny Bulls Waited■ till, their gaudy yonks cams’within easy range, tod : then delivered a -few broadeultt,. that .sent gongs,: drums,'trumpets and-yunJtrsiL to destruction,tor gether. And so it will probably bo in-the pre sent political campaign-' The Whigs will blow jtheir-trompetB, tod beat their drams, tod make a great noise. Botin the closing-hour, of the their forces Will bo scattered,; and their .Ahtirtf line routed "before the.stern charge of the • ’democracy, .like tho Chinese yanks beioro .the British cannon. • «HB CUBA atTKBTION. We taSfo tho following .-.from the .WecHogton Stafot the 18 th • i •‘OnrdittehtWUnarsctsTrWtasaoniiUialtharo Unnlh !nir;in tho Black Warrior caae likely to brli>£*l»ot-loans' dliiie JxhUIIUm *ill» Bpibn-ootlilng la ths irorld. i It. can | ■ nanny T»brought to»«ghUngt»lot tmSar fimt monUR,; fr iflrflSTCrtno«lit«M»-It'niTe •Voihffiima<>tibyirastmpUffity,Jts»ttaJa operation, Sopand-, -■lnic Upon natural law,ataextremftSOncitfcvcnvM and tra pet .fttt neentaoy. It may be pbirodloahraliil-trrcrv roora of any maon&ctory; woflfflhopj ortmltaitw; where.steam Is-; oisj, anib* nader m«»ye*of every. tniUvidunl-whMi) pt-r -tonal fcafotyls-conoernea in the can and attention pf - the, ,-nctnerr tohts rvflidnaaa. On board stoamboata It m&rlm plaoel ln-Uasnstoeere rotmi,' In flio eapuin's-oißee, Hie atß»‘-»t' ; t3seeletk,tbe pltotr’r hoasovTtho.ladlee'eaMn, lint pri)iooaadsp*«age#,'afta«iia he aoPleeiea to tonal an l op- Rcrratton from officers and passengers, who Could ns enn !y know the state ortho boiler on the engineer hlmwir Thus rlaflver'orficgToet.-taulinj; todtraster.ooold bo dluif niahnl. Ih-praporUon’ea the OppOrtnumeefer .detecting il are «n-,. craaHd. Forty of fiio largest New Ragland Manu facturings Campanics.-wbich have made their : dividends forthepast year, it is fonud when sumtnedup.sbow nnaycrago of, only, aboutTiV • per cent. on nggregato cnpitala oC nearly.thirty miltionß of dollars. Some of the concerns have made handsome profits, Rut -they ore iho. es ceptlonß; whfle afctv havo declared no dividends at oil ’ EltitblUon and Sato of.Faiicy Woifc > ~j By reference tondvertlsementit-viU bo aocn-j thaVMtS. 1 -Koto 3»g«-will a give u; public icxhibi-. tion of leather work.flmbroidery, &s., at tafay ethi'nall.ob ihoiuftoniootis uo3 : evenings'uf Thursday_@ad. Fxlrjnclpal J pmo In the Peri am Gift Bxhibi tiaavln Now.-York, has been drawn by Miles W.‘l he*je,' a- clerk iria/drug etoro nt Penn Yun. Thei I painting was pat down m the schedule at $40,-’ 900; Lowis will jJ.rohably,-fflr;thetfcttttre, ;f*;throw physic to-tho;l : * ■, T.. i | iMr.,Galhr^thl ■ - , v "-’v ' DETTBIt OB' BOIUOK OBSBtBIi ON Till! FALUS OF .TUE3BATBR. Ntw Bnmnros, Beaveh Co , Pa , 1 July 27, 1858. / v: The river Beavor, through its branches, the Mahoning, Shenaugo, fJtoAtlraiia ernblo portion?Sr rtothjsstlm'OjiWiiudntirtli-'; Ohio .o volaml|ofsiiateifotMlAt oqdal mi^of tho MemmacSisr.MohnWK RiftWg' in gentlyroU§}g wiaffodan'cif it W'eitrs'a deeper and deeper it approaches the deep valley of the OjuCs? that its sarfaeo just above its mouth is somo'fhreo hundred feet below the i 1 generally lovcL uplaxtd'on either BidOf whence the. pgescoatjs in go v Qd;’PMt.'pretipltan3,tolhdnat , ref£i irregular ■ intervale, whiob,. sometimes oiiodo aldeTthen on -fhdbtber, seldom on.both, marks its. sonthword course, \ s WhefethO| aides cf|thCj valloy are not very steep, theycomthlinly risoby spots; or covered with lqguyiant crpp§.,; The ‘bill-sides.’«£ro:‘ a thrifty mamlpst of, djffwpnt speoios, chest* , aui, luckory, butteruut .aoii othcr,v?oad3,,. : Tho j soil, both of .the valley and-dhe-nplands ihvfetj 'ihgitj' is a jioh.'Varm.Jqam, JptKtpg hfiaVy.orope ! of potatoeSi'&ovVithoagb thc-inter "Vales- nre-mosv 'farward- uad -'fertile;-pA.mote j .beautiful fand.ipnting,qe6U,qp3(alKaro)y!presen*: ted. f ji* ' ■ " Within three or four-tattes-of tho Ohio, the Beaver falls seventy-four feetjruncl throo.: strong-. State dams of-twonty, -and ‘four? teen feet fall .respectively,- besides;,two “inter*, eating dams of Jesterheight.Herebegins the JEne- Extension Caual-aud slaekwater,-on- which fho State spent soma three or fonrmlUions and then gave it away uncompleted to apmata com* pany t -on.:condiUoauf completingit; wbteh- was somehow effected;:' !Tbs State dsmsarc hdjuucts to the cuuaT, but afford-ad:abundance afwater power, which,-beyood the detnnndsof the canal; is private property by origfnai bhrgaln with the Blsto. jTbeuppertlam sets, the walerhack about seven imilea, .forming- an' immense reservoir, Prom this dam downward,, the course of, the,riv er isspatsely, Bluddcdwitb-fiourandpapermllla, pail and. tab factories, &o. &0.-, though-, nota, ‘.tenth- part of tho water power;already provided ,is employed, Ibolowest State dam (lifeet) id not usedat all; beipg near-lhe Ohlo;ond-subject tobach.wnterthc.refrdminhigh stages. ...Between thte and the upper dam nre thc vUlages-ofiSba-* too, HmdsbftrghjPallston.-New Brighton, Bright* ' onrßcidgowater,"and perhaps ;qno or t wool hers; while, along; the Ohio.- aro-Beavertawn,. (the old* fashtoned' oounty seat,- a -mile or. -ed;below the month,)/Rocbestcr,.(at.the;mouth,) and ,Ffcc-i dom, (n boat building borough ohovet) , with ■Phihpstmrgb just acirtßs tho Obitf; -"Tho present: liopulsitiou'.of this cluster, of ivlllages iaabout lo,000; whilo tho water power hero running to waste might easily, give employment to many times that number. - 1 The steep aceltvltics which. rißOiSome tlirno hundred feet from Iboßoavcrvalloy. to.the up lands on either Side,-n*o frequently BUd deeply : creased byrnviuea or gorges down which flow . streams, mow, merely .visible, bat which at soma seasons are pretty torrents, washing off the earth imti-laying haro tho'strata in position, ..These strata, include four of .the best Coal (bituminous) ■ from. Eighteen inches.to three or four feet thick; and nearly or quite-horUontal two or three, of Iron Ore, with Clay, State, lime and Sandstone —tho. latter .excellently: adapted, to .building; • splitting freclynud being Oe»y soft in Iter origi nal bed, but hardening when exposed to tho air, l’art of the lime is thatased in the manufacture of Tiydraulio Cement.whtlo much of tho clay is - oMhe kind required for firefirielr; - Which tuny hero betnado for i?sorso per fhoasand. - I ei* . plated uu&pit,.whence an excellent coal Is taken to the depth of- 28 inches, with fire-clay below it to the depth of seven feet, the roof overhead .being, elate, aa smooth ondoven as the ceil mg of any chamber or drawing -room. • Tha various atraTa composing • tbeso bluffs on both side? of tho- Beaver,-appear to overlay each otherborl sontaily;-or with no dip that is perceptible-- to' the. eauaual observer ; and in some places,- coal; iron ore, tiro-clay and sandstone or lime might be taken—say six or eight feet- in all—without striking one blow ;tbat was.net directly produe-; uvc., And these materials may each ho thrown into-a-chute-at the pit's mouth and earned ,thence.by their own gravitation down to canal-: boats or Uat-baatß awaiting them in the canal or: rivcr.bclow, nccordingas tbey should he desti* ued to a Northern or Southern market. • So far as Bean ascertain on Inquiry,nearly ail. these articles ;cnn,now be made at a handsome profit. - I am assured that flre-brickcan bo made hero and transported to New Totkatan expense which insures the amplest, returns to whoever Tlias capital- and capacity to. engage In tbe.busi-’ :; ness advantageously, For tho coal, there Is am- I pie demand cither on-the Ohio or the Bakes; the ;! latter ucw preferable, as the consumption on; , fund near .Bake-line, is.doubling annually; and ,i would increase still faster if it were adequately ;. met. Coal ecu be taken lienee to Brio at uhand ; j some profit ; m fact, boat-leads, of -quality far : inferior to the Beaver, are now passing out of I the Ohio through-the Extension Canal to Brie, i ByJraulic, cement. has been brought hero from - Ohio and used extensively ia building, when ns ! good nn article could bo manufactured on the l.spot for onc.third the price paid. lioildiDg -1 stone and ffaggiog bavo been taken heucoin large -{ quantities to Pittsburgh; but -the hills 'have -i-never been fairly opened, for Want of capital and : ■ not of encouragement . But all this region was ;i deeply in debt to the UV B- Bank when it failed, - and; the crash mihed nearly every man of enter ; prise locatcd herfl lpropcrlyrfalljDg to nothing, ! and buildings rotuug down unused,peenuse so - i shilnglcd by liens, judgments and executions that j no-satisfactory title could bo mado to o pur chaser;;sovnobody would buy. These luoutn- I branecs have since been mainly liquidated; but j tho Tegioa Ts only now beginning to recover from j the paralysis then experienced. | -The-Pennsylvania: and. Ohio Railroad, reach .! ing from Pittsburgh to tho Cinolnuati, Columbds j and Cicvcland Raad at CrestUno, passes directly I through, this valley, orosslng the Beaver just ! between Brighton. and-Now.Brighton, and ma king stops at iNcw Brighton and Rochester.- This road Intersects the Cleveland and tTellsville road at-Alliance, 45 miles west:. Another road’ from : Wcllavillo . (20 .miles below) .is now being con i etructed up.the Ohio Volley to this point, cross ing tbo Beaver at its mouth,and ruoniog thtnee up to- Pittsburgh. ; .Another—the. direct road trom. Cleveland to. Pittsburgh.-through Warreti and. tho Mahoning .iValley—-is also-under ODH-‘ | Btruotion, .and .wiil horo terminate, running i thence on tho.existing track to Pittsburgh.. Tho | .Venango Road, forming wi part of the great St.; 1 Bonis and New Votk Unc. viaOlean and Colum bus, ~ is expected to have its western tennius. hero; -ns is the-Pittsburgh ond'Erioßoad,: But theso latter, are yet in prospect, while tho Penn sylvania anJ Ohia is m full.operatlon. niid the WollsviUe (or Ohlo-Valloy) and Cleveland Biredt ltoad are now. rapidly progressing, and must bo, i completed -within-aiyear. from this dato.--. Then: i it is proposed ‘to.consoUdato the. Beaver:Vdlloy; villages'-above named- into-one-city,-and build 1 lioro a seoond.;l’itlsburgh.>; Jsco no.gbstacle to: this—this valloy baving all that Pittsburgh pos«-: Bosses, and tho wafer power thatahelaoks—pro vided: tho mca nnd the means be forthcoming. ■ H. Q. Fifteen Yoeno Men.—At a respectable board ing house; in Newtorkja'nutahcr.ofycaTS ago, wero.fiftocnyoung wen. Six of them uniformly appeared at the breakfast table,-on Sabbath morning, shaved,, dressed , and .-prepared; as to their apparel, for attendance -onpublio worship. .Theynlßo.nctaally : .attondedboth r forenoon ■apd ofiernoon;.' All ; became , highly .respected ,and .useful citeens. Theother nine were ordi narily absent from tho : breakfast table on Sab bftjli'.mormng;; At noon-ithey: appeared vat the dinner,; table, -shaved and .-dressed, in a' decent -matmor.:;sln'the:aftcrnoon 'they went Cat, but not ordinarily to .church ; nor wore, they Usually seen indho .place of: -One of .themils -non living, and.laa reputable-employment; (he other, cightbecatao : openly. . violouB.; All .Jailed lu business aud are now dead. Several of them asmo to an untimely pud awfully tragic end. Many n'wan .may'say, aa dlda.worthy and ;opnlcnt Citiaen. t’ Tbo-beeping of thb Sabbath Mvedmo.” It will.'if duly- observed, save ‘all. In the langungo of .its author, i“ They shall Tide upon tho high plnots of tho earth." ■ - 1 • Advance in Ceookeev Wahe.—The-necouMs per last steamer from tho potteries in. England notc tt StiU farther rUo in orookery ware,-which catoblishes ah advaUco-of :fUll thlrty.pw.'cent. -Within three, months- -This inofeaso.is caused in agrcatmcasurobythehlgb priceof .labor,and ehonldjsEoropean w&rproveofapyduration, there is very little hope of any decrease 'Iq the coat of this very important article. For the year ending Juno 30,1862, tho amount of china, andstone wares, imported in-, to - this country, amounted, to near three and a half millions of dollars.- As the present prices range,the'mannfaotnreof: these nrtioleainthis conntry would prove for-wo ipos sees the matcrialTh ahnndance.—-Saturday Even ing Gazelle 1 , ' laysthst the eyty.Js cigh- InNetrYorlt as one hun ;-.threethou- iniles to be haß_noaijQe ifidnctinthe VddecuJStev A. J. Hibbard" recently obtained a ver dict of $l,OOO against the .New York.and Erie Railrchd: Company, f for ;being'tjeotcd;ftom-the oars on refusing a second, time to abnw his ticket to the conductor. The plaintiff contended that oondUotarr-hato no right to.repeatedly demand ofcpssscngers to shew thsbrtickcts. The ver dict has; of couraef,been, appealeddhoin; and iliS basc i c9fri®^'f°; l,^6^er conrt ’ ■ g , > -> , k * vv * - yf~‘' v *- r *■-»* » - . 5.3 > “ * jVV-v.v'v,'/-;'., 5 • jAI % .». *»> “ ~! t ! A Husband ro Tbouble -t-A few days ainco, a i latter of Ibis city was seated ip his office,vtb.u-". ]ly employed; 10 tv plea,.when the door opened* an&^Sud^Tefti^t-eon'of • Brio on* s tered, doffed hiadtat.ktlcl aajd'Uia.t be desired to ‘pi v ‘M'ho_ lawyer bade blip Birdowti.iandiiaqujroil Ills business. ■■■. r:M Sliure.jShß I Waiit a diroroo from. , my.wifb#id'tk,”;eS ’■' .1 1 7-.- ltt^er.aslted.y^f\wtXXßir^oul)lo,. but Pat Beemed very loth, to tell. v / “ Does she not treat you well,'does she not take oare of your house, has she deserted you, or does she like_any one better than yourself?” ~ty.erp Inquiries madeliyttho.TaWjycr, 1 4hir'some time'ih vtiin,’ to pump out the ‘ the iu?estigption,.tbor disciple ot pork 1 dp fpriiVetihis tlfadho could ado- case. .■ “ Well if I mußlTmußt,'’’ replied the hußband; "shure. there's a little darlinl I lave bather, than ■Bmp'* • • ■' -• • | The lawy.crcqai d hardly refrajnfrom laughter suilibiehtly.to iufQrcitheliiherr.ian that the lav? could not touch such a oase as his; and Pat left withTß:coantSmiDoe ‘f moro of sorrow than of trager/' —lhtlan Traveler. ■ * . ‘ , (SBOOEtNffGASuAi.TV'v-t-A most -frightfat acoi-* dent took-plnoe on the Norristown: Uailro'nd'laßt week. A womau.ahoutGSyeara of ogc,: -was rnniorerbytho cars near Pott’s Landing, ttplaca ■ nbout'a milo.below Norristowu. : ShO-WflSDlalho track and facing tho. train. .- It is eaid eho waS partially doaf and near-sighted; and -Whether •the fforearning of'tho' Whistle did - not:rcaob.her, until Bhe was too much frightened- to get away,’ erwhother-thtongh her defccttoe-vi&ion-sh'd was: unable to distinctly see the traih'hefore'itlcatne upwcro'coflectei: together! .and placed in a barrel.; AU along tho-road,‘for. some-distance, portions; -of. her body-was found. Her. name was Mary; Barker, and she was'goTug ta Conshohocken, to! .get into the cars there,-to go to Plulttdelphia: -s, ■ To Deivtv AwarlUTS.—A frieridliaa just in-: formed ua of.-ii plan lie ajjlopteitd'Retrid of rots.: His premises at small fish-hook, attached to a fiaoiwiro/'iiid eas t ■ pended: on it * piece.or .cheesbglettuig if-hangl about afoot from the groand* * tioo oft ho rats; ■feiiped at It autTvns hooked, hud set hpEuclin horrible squeal, noise, and rattle, that -nil the rest-fersook hlmmnd fled.*: Not a rut- remained; on the .premises, A few days, afterwards: bis neighbor declared that ’ ho-was: visited with n: plague woreo than those ■of Egypt—thatbtho; eat bitrt np,'house and' all. o‘ur 1 friend'■ enjoyed the joke hut kept shady.: .This ivrns not philanthropic of him t -so;-' Tor the benefit of Ids neighbor, who wediope,"takes sour paper, and th’orestuf in ariki,nd r -we;“.disetoso the disclosure,’' without enjoining secrecy oroharg dnE thojdaUaE-rfinraiiVeui Yorker. Csay* Artificial stone io tiow manufactured in: Loudon by the uSffibf thc fcliowitig.ingredients compounded together! ISO Jbj; pith, 4 J gallons dead oil mrtßate,l9 lbs; rtsih, Itilbs sulphur,; •J i lbs< Cady powdered lime, ISO :!bs, gypsum,; ■25 feet of-sand; breeze brinks, stone, or Other; hard,- materials broken to pieces,. and;' passed; through a h»if-inoh sieve. This, hardens, when: compounded oflcr iho'mode of the inventor, fn; about a weefc. . . . : 11 t’-celly u,y liable rvt thv puree canbay, ■ ■ - .Ilttt not nxpryswHttfaticy; rich, noi gandy-- fc r the ap-e'ifel oil tiu* man" ■-■- ■ C'g" Brery v» U man knows hot? difiktlHH Is to. fiadaTailur r.uo thoroughly ChapeculUtlUea of each ft'uro,end can *uSt Hr mjfllrwnjcuts with a well, cut, tfsnt!«m&nly fitting £«rfoent;* lienee It b that no few-, fee] ** at tome” during lh* fir?* toy’s £ car of any cow ailK eleef olid h.cc-» v>-r costly, t.eccr hto; ibtdclbnnv To remedy «*u mnah>*(» d‘.-rarinlty,.S,.<3lllli'; UWJhriS prattlcjllv form aad olßtrys adaptin'; the frarir.enl, weather, rout. Trst. cr in-V«;11 j*1 tjing that file cause of fit wbicli th'fl Jidrit of the dhdAtoa.' . ' ciiormNO HQxn»« v - :iio !dKr;x>^h^i*or ; ;tVi«i;; ; J2£r*-lmiiortcmt to *;ouiUrj* Deal e r «»••£&. t UEOUOB XL .KBV3EIV n’/itltnUaiulSdail ItrugciiU Xt>.\ "WoM *Lr*et frnd Vlrcltt allejvbsw for nit s corslet* a^oiiEtftitdf j>u nV;fitid gc-jiuiuV- iidteut fir. pro-, prletory pcorrktoraprkw#;' ‘Grijotig wMch stelJof ftUoirl ajryfii: : ' . -.. mu';, .. VrMtaky^.-. .;.. I>f. Jlo&uV AlwraUfjv • ; AuiW.’.GnV, do. . Ifaitrca!!,' ? . j-.jrrtts. , ilu. •.-.liyldvij. HoURUiI, • lift. KemaU’, , lU.sstiiJ.U'E'* S'lnavarit* t)r Liter IVil*, Tm:(.u> Osypcantml* . Hobenaacl/s Lifer IMl*, . illrtiiijluciutv*,.. FtilU'ro* drv : . ■ Alkaline, - >lefcaiM'y ..Jo, . • . .FlfcEro’*Oou;;h. ...■■. il-Vf: . ilu, . far. .r-. jvVi>Jf^V£cimßp>V; tKf. f;ir - •JtotaHA'-Sarsapanila, • iDr. IS-cUirsl, To*ruai>r! r -l> do*■-> 1 ■: *Dr.Jft-fru\j' Ksfi'ctcrant, lTaylot'adtolßamtif liverwort, l/>uden!*:fo>ii^^V^t!*W^/jScbtoViPttlihonifl, . do,; jDr.Duia»n v » ExpecioTant, • IftrtUnray'i: ; IVuttalPsi tlyrlocum, D/ott’* jßr. jrCHntoc&'s Pectoral, . Lw'rtNew London,.•;.’ •. | : do. ■ s . Cough‘Mixt.ur©, , Uo-’WudbftH*, .- irltrWa I’ulroonary llal»Ma*. Dr. CookVlhUonv • - ]. do. hxin*ctorwH, JH.bbsnl'a -Uou* • J do. . ClwrixVuimonJ‘v: llarth* *lck hcAdjii'inv .. iDr..iuiBft‘A Ksj>t*ctoraut*.- ItailwaySf. Ilcgal;iitw r _ ; jA jrc^’.C’af'fry t’cctural, SlOtrJlt’i* ;•' , AnU-blliouv } ilcrgau’a 4o ,-r do.- ond A{Viki‘, j U-.iii-mbHrUioploc?, . LqudeaV.: .do* / . i .-. .. Dtt.KJBVdEIL’tV. *layt»tf^ tfatiailscf■...■• j . 140 \VoM *ta*t, corner MraiidKto,/ v- Virgm alley., Qomuio, j mxtlted*w. t£* luvlgoratlng KlUlr or Oor* . t^rriM«fif ; nnTyyfj!y , ( , otop'?Alnta(yr* those 1 which affect tfco bC llii: lute)li'ct, .tO' tnonftroua finrics, aiternoUraitf:gloom>A»d. excitement,- gy, worse than nil, profound, fmTßrjitr.f • IH-. >ca^brihii;ni'n‘pi;i;(£yiU'iiiand6riWdig^HT;oors^ a i createthcserad condition* of thy wind; Vot,happUy*]D Dr, BJowoVlnvigomttnj? lillxlr we hovo a preparation that: ''n*hiavM'rallying' the' dormant’ powers of the stomach, bracing dh« nerves to a healthful: tcnrioo, and at ortw the mental symptom*. - ■ ThoCtmllnl'-ii? :put up; highly concentrated, tct pint bot-i ties. l’ries three dollar* perVdllc, two tor dollars*, fix tor twelTe dollar*. . .... fl.U.ftlKG, Proprietor, . > _ 7 102 Broadway, hew York. Sold by Uro United States* Canada, niidiho We?tindict., ‘."’l'V- ■ "-V. 7 v - . vagus t?*; . • ' • ELEMTNG A-DUQ3.; No :C0 IVoOst atfeet^Ulibnrßh,'.: du;guo. n. m&istrict; do" J,P YJUTUINfI; ■ luarC&cmaw JS3~ Now imscoverica.---VEGETABLE CATTLE: POWDEIt-Thcyopowdcwnropotupiponepoum! packs* and; -are really a good article, ■tiottonly'for the -dittoes incident; .to'HofrcfvCowe, 8w»oo‘ and- ether ftDhtml*; .but-ilwy. aw? likewise an execllini article* to improve this condition of tho; animal. • '-- » •• fbriiilchCbivs, thoyholonly MlohCoWtt, but they , inmiaan tho titianiity as well wi tm protb-thbiiiiaHtf'of;mUk tmdbutter. proprietors roy that It'lncreases the quantity of butter from half a pound to a pound; . iti; cacV; fcbw, Aybn6 thd.iQ perkms who * siyA fc> .two?paaud®ipcri • week* with tho snniO' kind-..(Jf? feeding hs ;bofbra» -Of one thing we am certain. nll.vbo uso lt-onco will nsa it nll tho time and save money by as well m Improto the arpearfinebf their .BtoelL'-Pricfl cents „» paper. 6; paporeijf $l. ", OECfc 1L K’UYBEIt, NoM4O, • •.**. corner WOi’jdst, nud Virgin alley. 'V.fobl :i ,'.:.~- 7 'a ~ ~ -1 iVhbicaitior.and)teiaf\Ageh^'- *: alidFevnrof threeycuwßtandlcg Otlrcd. •-•Mr. John Longdqii, notr Hying at Dearer county, Yn. # near lUchmond*ljad Aguc.hud fcVvcrfrr three years, tnostof thjs chills twicouday, ondrarily loss'than once,Mie wna iparched.with.ferera as soon,oa the jchill loft him; nnd after trying phypicians^quinine, moatof tho-Tonies ■ advertised,- and: every thing"recotumended to about to glye up inlda^alrTwhanCarter^ gpanlsli Mlxtnrt wm. spoken ofi ho,go| twQ.ivott|es>but baforahohad. used inoro than a single ono T vho Wa?-perfectly xaxed, and haanot-had a chill or fever fince r ;i ».... v . • la only onb bu ihbuaatpls..vfllb;hayo ; bc9n bontifittad'by this groat tonic,ialteraUvo and-bloodiporifler. 'r* bcaftritV V DIAhOGVIiS. : Kr. ■ Krrsr.o,. of 140 • lirbod' pUce’^ wMiil tbo folloWlngdialogua. he wUlnoVvouJh tor the occurrenco of the pro?tont one, but insists on It ihWfe the oame thing hapi^na'.dfttl ; ' ! ' " •'' 7 '‘' v r;-"-. ■ . ■ . I)IALOOUK.-4-Sdt;xc* IJAkum Suop. r • Enter man in tong: coaL . Afiin I want yon to shave very tender^;; -,- ri : -r ■■•„•;’ .-.-v UZ-' .-'AI Jtorbtr—Vil do'lhat*'Mr*iAl»4.-wou’Jt.ihur t-you* neither; and lf' jnti want your binder tore cuml,’oei Miaaof Basik^ Cfai^ao? ;jt >y ;.. : j/im—'Wherecan I getit? k "-' -* • Dr. -KctgEn’fl, Mo; 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin.alhy. ; *itoi-=*Dr.‘ .KiTSEn's, ohl XhsPs tho very plocp I was Agoing: ?T:Beo he' - gimaacir BrryHas tor wde^ and r'want.a bottlo:tbr my^fttol•Bhe-hu* ihc dyspepsia rrcrybad,.-’ » > •• '< '' ' " ‘jjoy— i/»keo hero, : MAßsa:;WlieTt you p git a box of-dat-tta Dxndoy®ell3,dere; ou*3t , ll mako dom. led whiskers of yoora oi black us charcoal ‘• w black Vmi yourfoce;—but no mattof; « ; t go there, I will got a box of Bair Dye. Ul me see; what’a the name of It ?>*--<•■•• ,••••-.•. : ■ • lTais Dvb. You can got anything jou want at KeyeirV, except Ory gooOW lie I>aa a epten. aUassortoeht ol.au kinds of perfumery, soaps and fancy article?; besittos Drugs and.MeaidneH. ' It r s worth .a Visit to hJ* (tare, to see. Us fancy showcases, and those Crystal cPalcCeScUes: y: -iy Jfitn—Well,Ttn gulng there Twant cereal articles la hl3 line, end may IPS well buy fmm hint as any body clpe.pS? *3- Fact* ItcjbonlA know tlienu * x*fw ■ Niw YottE».Octobe/10/J&& 1^ Mrs.- Utxdji writes us |,6'd£|ifc&-i&*ss been trouble-! with wrote for soma three jcam;ami;lbaV rimunod.one vinV ofr-fir. U.’fcANff3.CelebraUS YEKalfr Y UQK, WOhae.Jllur 1 ; usual good .heal th unm&iateiy rottirnen/ • h t Mra.Qtflgby ,**(?>. of iftictf had forSl>btieg£h&ntßwiwSv cured: »■ lifcttl&xt^ tcrod It. Tbe;6hlM passid S largefquatiUty of worms, and ; Id n{few4aya wvaaheartyaseverifcbad been. ~Parent*, i witheuchtestbrionybefore.ihemjrfiGnld not hesitate wuetr t them Is any reason to suspect worms,and toae no time in i procuring and administering Dr. M/Lsne’s Vormlfago,- It: never falls, and Is perfeotiy safe, ....... . ~, r,.S.~Tfce above jaluahle remedy, obratetftiver PQ]j£ can nowbe had at oil resjwctable Drug :Stßtt^£ffiflCityT-- v'-1-'--- •.. * Porcbosers bo to ask for, and take none but DrvhPLanb’a Yan&ifogel There ere others, purporting to h92A!lAne!a>Yia3iiKbgo»tmw.be&r&ithn.pubUc^'.^r-.-r :^v:i.'. Also fcr sale by the sola proprietors. r ~ j :,:± r i sLE3nsci v , .Successors to J. Kidd & Co*.. i .•„; CO Wood street * 'taafZl'EU^ : of 110 lVood rtTwtj iiaa ott liflttd a pplendld as* gortinsnt of HEDIOXtfE. CHESTS, tor. families and* fitcftm boats* at various prices*' Those :in *nranfc cf-arUclcs- of this kindwoalddo.wetf tofelYehlmacaUi , ;■■ i> . ZmM ' c.\ ..,• • --. ■innninmiTfigroyßßM - > . 7 - - ■ .> 1, MED: X - " Qn>Banda7,'jL9tlx lust., JOHN GOTOHALIT* la ’ Uio SGtij yoarofhUagSi •* :< ** ' Tbo friends of the finally an Invitod taatloiKiiiiafaneral h fromhis Ute residence, in WOodvUle* Allegheny, on THURS DAY vAFXIiBJIOtMf, avltfciock.'..... “ OaSomlay.lOLtt fnst, CAEOLINE Sr./tflfo E.CampboUtin-tba'SOih jeardfh^regßjuf'nenr&lgCur[ -• Her xanoralwiil lake piaeofrats the reside ace or bur-bus* band, BLChttioSUotelfOn WEDNESDAY H2A Inst:, twdpro C9«i,toUie'’AlißgllBSy ¥riSn{ia oFfbo deceased aninylledToatififui trUhoatfttrthernioUcO. • •«•. ' laliedlord, ot» tiel3th ; ilareh,ofScarretre'rcr f \TjD ; UlfiA i 3., dAbghtu* tifJo3gpliß.'and Mary; McClure, agodfiro yeard ; ... *) .V . 3* HEW AXfVBKmSSSSStB: • ExfcibltlbnafadSal© of Fancy Wer)c. ■: IV TJUS. KATE .H MHS would respectfully. announce to the* ■WL. dtfcenabf Ktuborgh' and vicinity*‘^^ia^Qaprd-i ants* will BfteaFnblio-Bxbibi.; tloo of her splendid'collection -of articles-of-DEATHKit; WORK, LOWERS, Ac., on* (he afternoons flavoreoitigit'oP HRJESDAY and FRIDAY, .HALL. > * u . . Tho Leathcr .Wctfcaioaoisweli:wcrthy .theattcntlon':of the its utility .atm TaentwfWltbralSedwortti squat tothS taorteishome upocP mena tjf CsErvlng- 'ladiaf eng&gel in this Work may employ a feW hours pfcaßttoCyxndprofiUbJy, andthaasuppiy the parlor end toUet with Jjnbat beautiful i %«’ »* - Among the specimens on exhibition, Mrs. Sags would par* -OjQltfrly • ■w. £eafAer-lf^.«-£iarg9ahdsnjsll fuliy finished; Work Dozes; Foot Stool*, with embroidered tops;’ Piet ares, frames leaatlfaliy orpamented. r ;y.uu:-i. Eailroidery —DresslngGowusibr gonthaneu; Test Pafc t£M»*beatrtlpurdiSßOi;> : * Refreshments may be obtained at the Hal), dating the Exhibition. \ - ’' - , ' . J - TOCN'G'S ttlabratod Stricghnd Brass Band will bo in af . tend anew. .•*•’“■• :..v, fidmlling«lady-and gentleman,-25 cont?. ■ narltoors open at frost tiA F.'tf , oti-earh ; - 'mtiTZlXt' ; OrphoM'.Conrt Sale* TinLt be aolil, at PUBWO ACCTiOWi by order of. tb». W .arphanrfCQnrt,onaAHJaPAY,MAßCa23tl»,lBM. at S o’clock, ?;tf*on the premises,all thstrertaio LOT^OK: G ROTJKD, Inithc city of.jplttsburtf» »• bounded and d escrilffd .sa£)Uoirs, diatancs of S 3 fiet cwtwaidl/ from theeorn«r .ofThini tt... ;at Ibe corner of lot of ifiama U'Bown; thence at pteswith SmithficTd atrc*t Ctt'freL, tfTwanfa'Graat slrtet;, ihenos parallel wUhßmllhfleldfitreot.lO ftet towardsTohrtb: street; thence p&railfi wilh Fourth .street CO. feet to Emith-; Cold street; tbeute alqng: Pralthfield street .39 feet, to ihr; rlnca of beaiaoiag*~beiog 19 foot front ou the...cnslwardlj ■'. ride of BmubQtfld street* and ratmiogbnek towanU Grant' • sweet.* On which is erected a 1 rgo. three story DIUCK' IIODSB,In good order. , ‘ xs* Title good.- Terms mode known at salo. . \ * . (l MXITAffHBDtB, *• marjt ■•' Administrator of .H,Wnkicsnp«..tTec > d«. ‘ • T Sew Shoe store.' ■ . ~ XAHBSROin),J*n. fi® MAUB.BT fitreat,b«tsreenthnMar< ■k«t Qeom and'fifth atrooWwcttldcaU lh« atiantiwf of ; Ids old friends andjriwtotnersr.and allothna yho nny .faw: hUn with their hrvrtH-b o; Cmod at.: hi* NBWjBOQB SfORB ak above,with im rotirply/Dew stock of Gaitors, SUppeta, Tnytin;sjW, Braid 'Bate, frev emrfsliojr; InrparthrGrPts! Faficv Owmßonla, OoiignautGattefs, Oxford ilasr D t Onayfe, HO; XAdtes, Mhts««l : a2id Children's Fancy B(M>tr,..o&Ute , s. Tfes, Bltpa J beautify!; Boy* and Tooth"* Diws ; Uftots, fboriv9l«siU)d Fumpe. ' ’ TUi stock isohabf the largest ever opened In Uus city; and embraces rvtrr thing worn by tbo ladles of rhfladtd phla and New’Tovk, pnd.be tnj«!9 fotraot full to plovo all Orcntcorohasbeohgivanto aeioct:the cholc4;«t ofwhlchhewmTants. r ‘ " Ha also eontlntiea’.to manufacture, os harctofbrft, an descriptions of Roptsand ShcWßnd frmnThinobg eaperl vncAof over twenty years la buslhe?* in this , city, l«, b* trusts, a sufflclentguaraotee that those who favor hiui vllti thrir.CTistoTO.wili.MfairlydeaU with “ r , .. • mariil,. milUßti LAEOB VtUCK. DWKLL.LNU-ltutunsa- I SAta-Oa JfcIDAY EVEStKG, Matcfc.BUwitt u Mid: Ist, th»t;iws« fpnemcntot o&UKcaritfr of WefcstefiiMl and tot of Uigl> stxee&Aßd «T fwt oa Wtftstor *twefc Also, tvodarg? three story brick dwelling bmiw, rftaat* at tb» «riwr 01.-Ilfilii m 4: Rqss atB.,ovpoM» the Court House, each containing-' eight Toomajlagother they con tato In fronts* feat 8 Inches on Ross gtmt*anrt 35 f«rt cn I'ifUv and' are fcollf&*nelano; 1 k a - Tho V. 8. GrincU Expedition In warch of Sitf-John ■ : franklin: byDr.~Kaue»M.D.TT; 6 N.;; ; * V TbnPlanlarVKortheraßrKe: by Ur&lldbta; « v -; Tho Nebraska Question- > The Wisor’a Hair; or tho MlHlonairo: A hy AlyCfa; • - J uatroe?ivod and for sale at' J - TT. JL A WS,^ . mnrtl • '• " 1 -•••. • : 70FourthAtwt* \:rpUß MISKU’S iIKIH; or tho Youn* WHlion*Jw v.ajt>. s IbmlUoQ Myer*. antiiOEof Bell - ,y Potiuharl , *peratbyGco.V?.CarUa, v -v , % -Auubiograpny of aaAciress: by Mm. Amin Corn Mowati Just received and far wUe by .• Q. R,: FB ABSON, • • •• * ■’BuceeasoritfUrP.Callow* NaT4Tblrd«troet,T)lppatcbßaildinpß.._ :-T?I3U—9M bbla pad half feUs> Lnfco Superior Trout;; £ X: 860' do do Whit»Fl«l»i , ! -. ~600-. do new 18&4 nerrlDg7» Sn dry salt;-; . .- -165 do anil halfbbla large No, Ofilackerqi; r* • • 125; Uo [• •• ,do • medium • ; dO'-x •,r.\ ?-. 100 do small - -.. .>•.■.:•-■• . .60 Oo.audlmlfbblirlorgoKo/l :vda:---: —•■• •; J'SO. *ltts > /do j -do :.v i- do^ , 10, bblsNo.l Balmon; Z -, 10 -Ttltts, *k • do. .For*aletojrr': i ' **•-••■ • ,s . aicnknusoN, v ' •yoa.'Ug’Watef APd 150 Trout stre^ TV JNBSKJ> OHh-1000 gallon* American Linseed Otl;lp 1 i store, anil for etlcto martt " ENGLISH & niCHAM>3ON. OLDEN,SYRUP*-ln bhlflj-lialfJbbliraTjdfeßira. In store VX and for gala by < fmargq-. J,4> BGTOUIBON ACfr> XT aaro,-ln-«tom.*n(2 j> , s for mlb by. fmar2l] J, A. HUTCHISON A CO. « S/' It- MOLA^KS— 76O bbls S. H. Molasses from E}t. Louis • refinery, ia-stote and for fiaTa by ' . . " aj»r2l - 3. A. HOTOniSOS * OOC caaka Bacon Hams in ftoreond for sad* by . , w ; mural • j. a, nuTcmsov * ca > 7“ * m*r2i . J. A. HPTQEUSQN COr i rno the llln and tot th&opunty of Allephcny: » “ * i ' -TUo pOUU6n of John’StOTeasrittk'rwidentof NorthPayottc township;- In tho eountyufbroskliL humbly- sfteweth; — That -you r petitioner hath provide*! himself With'tnaUrial* for the accommodation of travelers and others,' utlbo dwel ilogbooiie Into that «rnt trUlhOplodaed to grsxti him ailoensatakeepn public house of entertainment, and yonr. petitioner, eirla-duty - ‘ - 30HN^TJgYENS0N, We, the subscribers, citizens aforesaid, dti certify, tfrdt the alxwo petitioner Is of gtod ,Tints'for hon* esty and temperaticn, andfawell provided with bouse room accommodation^hdlodging 1 of strnugera and ’M’Fsrlßod; M Short*Milton E-Bald* win, 1 jJobhb Morris, BanieL M’Kee, Frnpcla JamlaoivAdam rotter»fe tieo.H H'KeOj John FLsglerj Robert Crawford, Louis ticantUp. ' _ wgBor*3i|=y.. OLD- PJBNS-s-Uaving received-the- Agency of A.G. Bag* VJ leym'i Celebrated GOLD PENB;fcothGold andsih v#rCa»cft,euch^ftsßanlr t tluited i 'fitates,PotenCOcaamcjv ■ ciol, Medium, Ladles*' and -Henry Clay Pens. Allftoas-are warranted, and-takShbs&k If. they donot give satisfaction. We wilt Sell yon agoodGold Peu and Silver Case ?orrsl;2s. Call and try them. “ „ &AHUEL-S.'bAVFFER, marSQ x KtvSLVVooj strooV j: r\ BRICK i HOUSK UN BEOONB UT. ?fpß» SALE.—A rV; • Ofelghtrooms,vrell ; arraugedAhd -suit' ablo for two families, situated -on Second' street, adjoining the Eigbth Watd School HouW.- ' ’ « - - . B.CUTHBEBT&fiOtf,' mJirSO '* : “ - Street 7 - - IVTOUNT WABHXNGTON.i-Beautifaj location torruxesi iW.-deate. For sale a'valuable ptoperty onB2ftetfKmt,. on the brow- of-the hill, by 204 feet deep on Spring street. : The lot is fenced inland commands afine view or the city, the rivers, add the aurroundlsg Country. Peach, plum, and cherry trees*’ also gfapavlnee-cn-theTofc- The fences cost £6O. The whole Will be sold for $l4OO. mar2o S. ODTUBEKT & SON. * No 141 Third aS^ T'AE r ti i new BOOK>!*Femalß actlptore tiharactenf; the U Lost Book, hy the awhorof Homing and Evening Ex* : crcia»r Looking to Jesoirhyantbocof Uornlngnnd Watches tCheever , a Bible in CommenßchboLs; and*ll-pf : CaEtec'riutlsaflai oshereuildre j, s. BAifisoir, r Tti^riy. •,,--> r -;65 Market street, hear Fourths;- BEE t «-> * . - »..•••• ? JSli i/.i: ' i -v T r ■-y * ; ~. .*»• \ '- ~ '.• ■ fc’-.L 4 • - •:v'‘-_iyrv- , !‘-..- .: - ■• ■* *'• • • « ' .V'j- •_ *V % v V" ■ \*;',• /' •. Vi - v ’ V'-r- V ** S'* L - . -v ■: * > V'>. ‘v jr. v.v-. •a*Ci. v.Jiy .-: Wholesale lloWiid Shoe Warehouse, y* NUll-BEli’S.’iss! MNDU3S WOOD STEEET, f 1 "v| H M iP?T:fSB«RGH. PA. 53 TAVr, JUST ItECKIVKD th?iy «£in»it«ißpriag J Btoc'lc. consisting of npvanls of tblrty-flyo liotfdred asa of : I I iiOOTS, SIIOUS,3LAT3, CAPSj & JHliaetr Uijn Wtl Boya> Folm Lcof Bato. •/ Ladles’Bonnots. Bronze KosautUs, Eu’ld JJuflifiers, Leghorn and Straw lints, Fancy French Lace, l’arplo Parodies, Draft Congress Boots, Far and Wool Hate, Snake Skin Plait, Cinderella Slippers, Kid 0 loro Button do, Cloth and Glazed Cape, Bb’d-Fancy Bel grades, SoutagßiSi EurekttSy! - PsfcrdondUnipa Ties, Plaah and Velret Cape, Gossamer Lace, Bosklns and'GaitersV Calf andKmilootsV :: Children's Shoes, • Leghoraondßlra^, '~Albmrr£p«fisWs,#CsafM&~Fi^ . Together wtihagrEat Tnrinty.or Fancy,Ooodß, well adapted to cna*ed i&rect from the Manufacturers* principally for irith gmt eare Ia'tl»&l«&ioBoJ , -; ; :y pereumert, "„ •?. / whaue ois;‘, •• '- ;* SPICES, f < .'T’iUi'NlvliL'ia :U:o rasti-m.Citi.i3fat4lnl advantage ofall fiiTofablfl chartgealo Iho'Mftrict, . JULatj aruenaUeJ to adl, farcasU, or:toxro nl P.. tLime :d , JalarB,OH aa Ttasonablfif erfflivea Eastern Jobbing Houses. < '-'aSat'SriLiid* of Whlto iArndwo guaranty'lo Vo *BfctlyjAr» tai'Jiat uWoM. <£d iqoal a# i );iaglL«Jf J sjf^Ithj,<)eiSft|ti'foaißpaDl»h 1 thj,<)eiSft|ti'foaiBpaDl»h languages. J :. - ,'a marfcliudJJniw, - KOmJES, ! iTEKK^&iBHEM‘ r iHBtntaIJCECoSPARY. ( ' -• -übt-ussos, "' , ; capitai:.-.'.:..::.’,.::.....';..;:;.'.:..,._'..„;„ 5150,000. >- '• - : U.M'CaSKEAAicut: , y , '"Sl.'CharlMßu'ibJiiirit lt}s‘Thirdßtra:t r l?itUlnrol>. , _ ~ omci;us. - . i •: ; i Jiijis' Kfixt; FrfS’t"'.’ ‘ ' Jasies Br^KK, 'V’xl’pifa t;- ■ —Xwa ilAJiTiN,‘Si.«retary nu-J Treasurer. • , .^i^niSPEKIOKIUS .- A i &,A»-srßaini-lV Un»bslieU_*ft tnann f Ra^i,-l Innnm,-; U&rrctEOXL ClfiTeiand; Fries,• •Clnrint»U-‘ * , ' , - : > -* febG' . State-HutualFire & Harinrliisurauce company,; _ -. of ? \ - -.'Branch cor.JlmrtJi 'cuiit'SjaiOtfuld tlt^TiilibwgTi,^: , > , . Capital, oo - - N r -—' John V. Rutherford. Ifcidphlnooj'P* Or SsJq^Jclf,.Harris iburjc; fermuol V«nt»Bv I’MtHdoTphja l' J Ai.'\>llfeiu'ffr'Banker, Pittsburgh: A. A. Carrier, Pittsburgh; John IT:Rutherford, Dauphin cq.; A. JTGiIMt, llarrisburg.; .8. T. Jones, Harris? burg; Robert iiloti, Cnr\H>p?o» . . - JOHN i'-JIUTHEIiFOEI?, President; A:a. CAUUIEjtj Actfft A. J: OILMSTX, Secretary- - ' above Against jimls-of tf&kaiui •inUnd nuviumlou and traflajuirtation: and trierrhondtae-in cityorTonntrjvnfcjitnreFt. rates consis tent with rji&iyv PoirciesisßUMbadtixUlujhoageaeithef ■ pcTPetuoilv or for Atottivofyearff, •*' ~ 7 ~jj*ls liixartLlfire and Insutflncg Company - - J li ADELPJi I A.- 1 .* / ' : QjJ te* 1 Cjt tr f r.- fourth and Smith f v '- Wm.M.Ssrbfct T ." -; ; w ; ~ v r ;* If. A. £horJ{V-ifcrd,.. ’ ■...... j J_ E-M. •Baris,. _ . - , , J. Jt, Piamgen, * ' • - ‘ Tbo?cK.-Jlitnbe;fl,f.. ..■,< ■ ... Jouos, , - , It. B-Couiegys, v 'iMnjas (Jc*ven,« ‘ffm IT boiverV [ ~' ■ V. i>, Sherman,, , . - . A-^art,:.y'T. ‘‘i* r •_• . Phibp'P.'Snydor, Km- P. Hacker,' \ Alex'. Heron, Jr., ' ,'t ‘? Fnnaan Sheppard. JOBr.'JOSiES'.Prwhlyut. .f A.;B, GHJJSTTj-SfiCictiiry. ' - •'tViUiDwireCotton or TTtKilenFtirforie?, hutidiDgs, Stores. Merchandise and pftfnitty the lnostJavorabJt terms. - « fjaTa!* * / ' y\ 'A; A‘.“CARlgßiyAftfttitS ‘ .Insurance) Company ct: thK Valley cf t. t _ . : CnpitaLS4trt>;ooo,. ./ <, • HOME Ui'iiCE: \Vi\CUEarKTt,-TAi > ~ •< niotcioxts: S« Carsop^;. v .... JohuKcrr.. i--*. .- • .a lAoss Lagan,v; «.> i; zJ*sb& U.Bargesa;--;' Januut X’jflsJlft3 r f ivx--:yt :Bf. TC.UltAAtiXion. . JOl*i CURSOR?■PrM&fcnfc ' C.'S. FTWS, tekutorr. ' - ' ■* "O- F.HRE«i£E, Actuary. * 1 - _ "The Htientlon o^th^'^JajSuaTty.'lsSf^pcclaljy’ioVJtSljti' Ibw coin|*at*j r afl: an amplecapi tal, Aiutconductedim liir?^Lfu'teAprindpjf SofeqoHjrjswJ jMoiLdmy* property JBWejfaßjryvby. ».\ :, Agei*V £ \ j ;-v ; :JlOOiniiJAl>.;i , m-iU(inl-~trOUICi:X.FISXiiy > t&cy . t' •. . - < ■ , .Will insure against FIRE pea SOSES'.O£al3 kinds? ,:OEfcc^:No;U;fc£tfefre ! fctrij&t.i•:■/ J.K. f r A {„. Win* hlthdcz.Tj*. ..„■^ C. 11. Pdj].v,‘L'i -. .. .. v.' William tttlljpgHOOdr* -V : .'■,. K.ll..fivk-w,’ . ..:•( -"-jL'i .•.Jon. , pii.K^«i r . i Wm. > n. ~ _ k ••/■■■ ..i •- ; ?•;.-■ - • iHvhifoatnpl o»£, ; -(■ ,rr"rx* •\CJkauv3tt» r 4ivaw* ArvumA* ikS&Klltli S. l'SStrilA »CB • COMPAOTT^ Ht Pcnnsyivaiiic. Qiao.ooo. CHAR :Tg}I'&J£IiEETVAL. ••.. . • JYaiiCTj—Uou-AUGCSSUS 0. HEISTER. - H.tt'IIASON, lisj. ;>'• > ' ,? Bim.A.Q.Hct-'tc;,* - Hutnuel-TC. Hay^ 1 - William V. : ; Ju'bn B.Co.t,''- •:••’“ Sacra? UoUtcmn, . • > ~. Jobn.WaJlii'r, Jr., ■ • \ . William ColUcr, Jx., • XacoVS'.n"alilermj\n,.-,/;.7i s -; i; rt Aaron Bdrnbnuglu :■. KU&sSLL (s OAiy^3* AyojiU,'. ?r * OiUCP, UX YfPTmmy;QniWpmZ,gtc*fifc) 3 ft* ' v ~ : itapEKr'lnuttot: tippers andlteco&eihi; I>r, h_t£¥££l»> 140 Wood street,lius received ua,&it BOfUaeatof i" • . ' • . r V' >-.Thomss*3X£eh&&lostl' Lo?cli<»J ; '- • ~ "r\\ V •: < fllai(sCSf •*- * *. * 4 ’ . >£u.Ccud; •• ~ '■- • ■ ■ ■i.-.- :*-;•■ • _ff :v-c goarifloiior.* Thwa-arrt'really-lmportant iuveations, apd.Tery fOnro’ aiout to those who frUQ^iji^j2iat?J : . Call'nttd fe.'d'thtfm ■ V.Woodst mkl‘VFrgipoUtfj*.. . CL&XZX&iS&jI- I&fcurfMicv ’Company of ifcS* p* RISU, i*rp s ld«wt; Si& UEL_L MAKSILKmSem'ta-y. ' ' * „ • OJjlte: 04 TFafp?;ifirffcctantl Woodtireth, ? Jn«TrreB Hlilili aii'l UlaliP /pa tiro Dbici An il Sliiais , _» 7 * . jßsuwflajjninst boßPor l)«sinagBby jKreif AXSO—Against tbn Sea,anil Inland Nftvteft tlonandTransportation I .' ’ •**%'„ , , 'sy'firZ :■■ H.B.King, , , - ..)Vin.lArhnftrJr. > -‘~"' '-v: Wiiliam llagaley, r ~ Samuel lil'.Kxer,' - , -./ . £ainU£lß >* UlUrbaiigli, - - J.tteboomuaktrf ' - Bryant, Williimiß; Uoys, ? v~ --... •' •" is -uue to lJtpvieui)±4t . it-hßfrb&rttfctowffto v crimplef«iyjerftilicatT vostagoof Ihla dreadful dtfrjftfldin-lcpstloe than toy other remedy, and. aT-less cogtOT inconvenience to thapa UtiUti - (l >(J *•_ - , . xrfoeifrfcrfttw dntho. bAnda fl£ .thKptgjrfc top, many. of wuiah arc* from vrcU kncotlled : HSit Cowafrom .thaboroln of theearth. r shaper *?iiihs)irtJwotth.thoimnds ofdollare. ' \ JMRSi K>OCy;3I^HAItKKRT •vlfolftttsy certify thafc Petroleum, (or morothfm a jeni ; ifciSTrcceitnintmded, uud o.\a ?ccomiiiottd it ta.ho a medicine trer* thyptatcehtlonj sudcariflafoly soy that success has attend* ed-iU-uso where other toedldnebod'fii'llyd;" — , „ „.,r; *.. jfootj m. p. ' -for aftTohy nt Hhe PrngglKta Ip ?j tt ebunrh. ~ fflu27dAtt. - frs». indigestion iJl' thO foT dowingTlcttoc’fiom, JRqti. 0.. Oregon?... - -. ;. 'c - v ; ..• iw.; - < ;'Ma,J.JI. andsrifhhasing. boerii greatly by.theurearraarl&trnlohmJl.wish. to have jou'aemLmotthox of two.or-threw dozcn.-boUlefc- 1 Slinifter in;.this place, and Several of-rnypCople are affected with indigestion and ajf ih&ctibfl'. of : the rllrer,-the-fame ;ctf» royaoiratul beforo^taWhe ypny. PCTiwisuw/ra; «opß'OiiiViroTtook.cQ>eral- bptQai-i . ttfo or three .each,—About a' .yeor‘axnt .a:hpiri«o, have riever enjoyed- years, os * 0 Lava ttnjp..; :X had.'not .taken thatraHnesSof tho-fitoruach.whWfib'd&trcssesjhfr dye-' peptic relieved, and Ilmru felt nothing of ifcplnw thaf time.- ‘My wiTe ivas also relieved froiniC chronic disease "of the liver, which had been, of serorahyeare standing, bribe' use of yoturPotroieum/:' ' r? •< Bold by S. ar, KlKlt, Canal Bash), OKO, IT-KHTSKB, *4O •'tfnddWii^glsta^aiwi^iediciDe.jDeai.eraxtyiiry? whw. ■ - ■ .- - . s tx-JLlj , USeSr-'ftisfc OfflMßtilltnnpat Third fllwwiv r’ldfconesseata&ar tn all klnQs ofWefl tlier? twin U ao.- su/ I»riot.totlie o!iooppj^eßs;-$l i ‘upward thesueiad quality of case or : Hoare for cluldrfcn^fnJrnli-A;\6l.to 2 *V -rv^c-.-s;•.. N.B.—l^HfisscaofaickOT4Bcv;utcapcrßOXi»talct , &4iraA« partqf the city, : * . ' -.fnopSS:!^ " ~ pert 1 - «aKw : sots are to.rKeßted.^]icDiiiii'. , remedy wlJf Piasis*. fm*' 8aloby»r 4 GE.0 4 S.ffiSri>Kß,W WoodatToef. * . Pries, retail wp § te&JibcnU dwjpctiocato tbosayhg bay to sell - - flKy-WoodBtifeet,l>ctwo«uTifQistreet ttbd Ylrgin'dUerv v , •, PiTEnjCHOST J/sdqb, No£JWS^-Moefc^eveTT/?oos<2rty6ycBii&&o Friday QTcach month.- 7 *■* - 1 .. j“OUIINEVSUiy !«*&!?> CIETV, of UttpbitrgU ; fltßtJJnd third WBDNKSfDArofti^rymobtliTattbel’WJlUr {DA UOttSE, Markat street; By onI«r. ;• .7: \ »jgbfr -sr .1 yatmUs * XUDOB,. I« Oj 0« F.w-Tho> ■ «>srCAngeroua Dodge^o. O. of fly F/,meets *>. * v *■ v «. * t \s** ■■ 1.- *.!'-'■■ „< _ tj-. - MOM : 1 \ ■'■ ■•i . .« „ . .. V ‘. ; ■ '...AK.'iv fi! REIM ''' j,-~A :'v ''l-- , f "I'-' ...... fc , t iT^y o - TII £iP IK -- J<:^ l;a £- -EV r*gre'aral i/aiia j lh£y. tfefcrJElftlilittrotiahoie JMaaofadmtolmi: JJu»t».tuKl. Pjuq.ni!t:eB()o; JWxMj i*m. tg ; do. do. im»4)l,ts:-B«;ciwJHer > 2So.;Et«£i£dr.<»toroipcmmB, Rot. Penonat«silngieats.«lU.be.cluitgri;l2JS cUtßxtrm torth# tsrUßrafcv. BiXTOLOpea.iilffi£o’clo, Xat»'Uud.-MuaJiu ; Curtains, N.*J> Painted CllltCpfctilcesjCuxlalnPihfi, Bands* • atVhbl^szClenhd'retall: ’/ V / *w; JL.CioS&Br c * No. Xti9uhesntis street,, corner PUUi,Pldl&dt3pula. . Curtains. Blade and- Trimmed In '.the Tory ueTr’eatferench rtync > . 4 • :KXXiaBUBeH TO CLEVELAND. i '• ~ . !'jRA*Xi|W>AO«;% t " , „ , .IN QOHSECWdsTWtf • „ r jg^^^_gINCUJiSIEBAyJ!IPniLtL..-J^fe^|j k -a ■‘i Greati.KedntfUoii-'Af.iE’iiroV*'-'! ■ - VIAWELLSVIELE;. <'■« I-. riVIE shortest, quL*Xcjtan4eb,iu>cst rouio loToIwId.CIjI- T .B«j louH •<&!» Uio Nt7rth*est, via .route and about S-hoarc>qufckerjto£hfc!>y-thaxr-tbe circuitous , r . - dfflup tbVT>n»oDt arrargeifiebt-of th« zfiiljis'of vm Cbfcand xennsjlrnuLiiftallraadCairipakfrtfed trains of ihla Company cannot born&toconoect i 'wilh them at Alliance, s, -i*o Cu'snd after Wcdneaiay, March 2.1854, Passenger Trains run daily, (Sunday«e^pted):q»fbllti'jTa,:, ; ;. JflJvtres iVpliaT)!]© g> Afa-Allimtg at 7 t 40-'A: Mi and Ud7,30 PM. ? ‘ 4 if,.and 2.50 p M,ax>d. teach AlUaoce'atd2M,and 6JO at2.3o*PM; Itesengyra for and ihoNorth- oif-ekstTromCraTeland m&touOrasi acrirmatlvlsnßakj,'ar Albany, can takoOua -;teamers WINCHESIKR or DIURUAX, at 10 A M,- at directly forward by^^P^'BxprfflaTrnlnfraotWeUsYlHtf.rcathlngiaeTo- Train tor Tnifdn and Chicago, and the M l* il Train tor Erie; Dunkirk; aridßaflUd' 1 ' ——• ifoftfogtrebecked thrOAgft to/fJlmlaud ou board the' alteggagomnster. "• -* - Ascs coh'nt*ib>ti la tnadsat Alliaaeoby Mj or 3-P.-StrTr i fdn£' cfO.bttd- P. IS.H, pfeysengdrff for Ciste* iaoutrbogojra the fiwtjtTalD'wMl bo detained fiyfehdnW. and; Panscnget«..afq dichtited .through WClereJand, Toledo, rihicago,lA6all£, tmiifit Itcuiii. /Tiia& through to St . Lo_na,4Bhoor«.'. - iVTOto^Lacew.PaTo toSt 1 do ' * .do 12.80 ~vdo - 5,00 do { :touneA. M • , doChicago.,'.,.l p, 6d ~-Uo , Freeport— ■ ? ftreTpquiMtod to nrocuro tekuta’aC the office of thy pJeTolaoii and y t j&{QnoQ* jjahtiJa HouNe,second 'doorfr*m the corner, - .• j-....-. J.DCSANDjBap’t Olareland; ■ r*: i iJ/A, CAUaBCT< Agent, . aTopongohrfa.llrmBe, Water^VUtaboygh. |J AZUiv&r .HA7*UUS>! J. KA ZOKM l WOUM,'.Mil* the' Xl/uttetrtfon ot person? wanting ttrjfDod Besot-, to Ufcfi Lu>*' eof 'Ttozoi'rf: 'EVaryrouo' warranted or tho ttontf re* 1 fuihlea;..pricesJ. VorsaloatßOWS Vt TKMiEya .' V toartS ~ ~ 130 Wood street MAUNfi'H; - -,- rn'Rrlg,- - - yLtSMISQ HBOS. VTJJW baa* 11 l*we#fli?tQieDs;Df Bool«iaBptj&d:rtDJ srtbVath.ttdaoolrtlbniriea, selected -wJth,cEfroXro£ciitJrlaus publishers; &U oh«s%*{&B.B.&iCteiy; the American S. S,Union; and' tb& jail thcProtestnntUpbtcopnl Scfi^Uniour: — *■ Kvmitpd .al*o,*.a tall supply of Ilyina,"Books, tUcketa KtW&id Bouha, übtl'aQ Other Similar Behoof requisites. ; / - s * - . ' I JS.BAVISOiO tpstlT • • near 'IMJC Coaunisslooersof FoyeUe cduntywUlrroelFo sealed 1 1 proposals at Uieit lOtlr asdami«dbam, % * , Unloptown, BUrcbACk-lS^ M^fecwag^jater^::j[w>ravi Excellent Fana ; ’Foifßenti. 1 liA£ 9«U JtimsßLaadiZ&dnblaJbriaUbb itobotiDSUad" JL of Genor&l SteulfrflyUle fttelmsboriili* o>ataiQlßz £ol>j«ms;o£»liich;'lso ink Ui«k-SUte.orcniltiraJiDD;coijjprifdDg“tw£rcicon«iitapto : orchards, £&, is offered fjr rent foToaaVettfWaojtbsflrtt 1 - vf'Aprll next. “'For tcrna'shirty-to yj'. y - ' ' , - , , „ %%r.C*'. 1 jwes a;iaczpnr, .. tnstgo ‘ * \ ‘ >r ;, “ 3 - f ’-'NasrtWp.feinlficfr' ? /1 *XH> Bearing; Bush® •Jpafciwj UETp'iTed, in fine order, utih&Seeti Store, Jflftb Street. r -i mariSnsfcia— - - - -JAMKS WARDROP. CRY S r T Ai. PALA C E , . . . .... z p ?.®W-“* , » *•“*-w Jia»aartiwM«l JU» * ; f^wilaSrft noJ-yhlladelottit' moat A .iiwfff 1 CXX)KING OYBTKRS ancle ferythiagel;*! la ths' ‘ eysionm i&i BK6n»r:Bte*ed; f&’mg%tsl»- •*JnsSUnt*WaTa>' furnialt tha.bert a f iViaittini ilKii 1 tiio market will aiEjtdi. * Hou9b'el*Ht6’6pcii until 3 o’clock ißthgragplag.- *«;. i::v A Ofnif.UA,™ p &Co.iaffl,io6 iMO!n>AY:tb62DUioftfdrtßinuiSe *£ tot 4»plsy,.Dt their spltrod)4 Colvaried stdortment of » -. DlgptttCk BuUdlpp],*. - |TJJ WVllrrrlWijbia supeflinar; ij r, ifJL■ ■. • 30 ta»*lo - ~ --- ‘iCTBKPA > EEIOg^ I II£BR(TO&.- IOPJfJOE-T-IOU loga liki OoTfee, fcreale bjr~T;"'i* 5 'laatlg. . . JiXHKVATfUOK. A IXgaRONS. r y¥-.BMaby fmarlCj KiaKFATaiCK-.fr * AK&-4bb1«N0.4-l«(ij;iakma«Mt . BbAID i. Mi;BON 4 00. have rMeitsd QtiJ openKi a largo- aaaonaicnt of good/fagtcolorjo f dLOlnkbsm*..' : . ‘ > ' >,i ulllM ( 1 »\ XAM«JSKS.’ bbu juet and Vr " JT Bala by - ' ~ ' " '"FLEMING £EOS. f-- • - - ' Sutenfiaonfto-XKlud ACo.I-*» 7 r < mar M- " Hc.arwoodririlet." V HXJiU' Bfci-D—bu ibis juatrectlffetl for anlu by giartB «y ...» ~gLKMIKQ;»nO3/ 4 •» hS 0 ? ATlff luf B s »ml fir jJwlafcy „ Tia»rlß|, * FLEMING HftQS, J AJU) \ u ttoro andfbr *slb’fcy> *-# mnVi- i * -• y . fLKMJNO bgoB «raiuiu»is.i'tii)U.N v*.o».taiil» Hti^-fr^for rate by . ' \ • gI.EMIKO. HROS., , UJL marlS-" - ' CBO3. i r ? n , B !^ ,r „i!f? oncWu, t fiotunapiloii. I J* :doTOt«i». ait*oUou tO' tl ifi *■* 4,v .Vesftnenvortbe,. aboradisaases-Tliof© pexaoa*- wilh chronic enlargements of the Tonsil ’ i MujyagiUfly-BronehlUft-pr-OonßTnnptlonj tnutty now afforded themnf comalting w miulo these diseases hlastodjibr; taany yoart,' -tutotftf at •* titu Monongahda House, ' • tittlWJt*' •’ =MI .V: \ - V**» . .--(V,; ' ' .*i'f :,“. V* » * \ '-■ ■s*’ - ' ■- •,.■/ ■