V-.?*- * - * ' n\r i, «* r > ,» „ " 3 ’-' “: t * *V * « . £^.-’v-7v.: '••■.*■**» *vv~': .•*«..* : ; ••< ' . ? ?;• *■ ••'■•^.■^•’-vr.! t. - v< - * -> M 0 ■« i ; l--: i‘F .* -f .*■, <. *■> i Krj (,? P '> s j t*f wK,* y*■*■ v »; r v '*' -. ‘V' ffEr r, ■* * ‘ * ,<:,- «K ■> r’v «■!' ’u', *, ‘V,.. t* r p ..Tn, Obit *„s*** 4 U» *-• v *V\,«. * * f. *« C J^'Ok, "*vM >,'• vt^V^V f 1-rI s* K .-► 1 * • /j\«t ‘ *' k»V’ V' * - - f». ': .** *!k **r.-*4,. t*- Y -i' 2 ' *‘ r ?s'!y ;■»:•<•- j< **i v if* * i v i * **:* ***j#' r te2 k i * .vWk ,» L“» <*->’ *., 1/ f - v '■>;*y .'t-" '.-’.’■f.:. - *i i*uV»V-O''*.' -V rf 4 « j~i: C C r J ♦-£{<» t. /-t sft’. ■ ,T ? -;’r.*.v ■;•, 1 .r?:; ; vSr;.^-vj iktv ■*< ! '’-'i'"-i f r>: •.x v r 1 **< vKv f v-Vp \ c “ vi ni«ip telip pH|R^S^iS^«^@3K r-|vS c 5 T l&S] «fe gus# jeMU” IMM Ms* ■ > *^ iii «eBg^ga«sfliaßdfega '§MsgM§M ppitS^llSii ; 74>v-y^ t V ; y<- ■' ’ W', ' . - =‘' ,' - >:•'■* , iJ--;*.Ti ,,! L*^'*vv-*f'H?riV v ;,> '■- j «■’„* . * ■ ’ i! -« ... * i--'-. ■■ - \ ■ • ’■ »;■».' •.- -..- r.-i-V, . f , . ■ -m- ■ '■ Sen «* i', 5 •-!: ■ t ‘4<’ fK , :■■■.■• '•' > v :^- ' -• v-V-v.'-v- ; . .. ■ ■’•■ »■■•("«':«•■ ( ’ > , THE CITY POST; SATURDAY , Sleeting at Connell*. * special meeting la tolr iChambavln to Hall, lost arming. QnmcO-Qea. Moorhead la thochotr.' Haricot Committee preontea a report, to which toy •ratol-fh*t It ni Important something should ho too by Councils, to rwxdre the - receipt ant payment or the pram lams. Ibr the choice of stalls, and hatcher’s stall rents ot the Msrkst Hoast, neither of. which can now baeoK Superintendent of M&Tkets, unless »q ordf. June* «hamld pass Ccrundls legalising tho sale and lease of as lately mads by the Joint Building and- Market Ooimaltteo. The report was accepted. . report vru accompanied by an ordinance,entitled “an ordinance.gqpplementary to a& ordinance passed 25th of April, 1863," . The ordinance legalised the late sale of stalls to follows . P?* «nnal rents lately aswwed op. #taU * l .° 016 diamond market houses by ttoiolat building eommltt** appointed by coundla.-and by to J an«* Second Munlc, and In tbo noir market bouse. “S '““I 0 ? ,v lho who,e «»the table. Tht ootton »m erriod bj th o ftUowibg rote: {saSa^=waes&2s .j^sassat^isaaste After transacting some unimportant business, Council Mjoarned. &tect Omnca.-lSt. Shlplon In the chsir. Ihs business acted on by Common Council at their last tttiotlng was taken up, and mostly concurred in The ordinance providing for th. granting of lleonacs to drays, carrlayes, and other Tchidcs, passed ie council at th*Ust mcetiog, was taken up, disenssod, amended and pUB9d. I sllS ti s * " T ‘ UM -“ I5l » Association met « 00 ThaKd “y th « ai lust, pursuant to ano ties published In the city newspapers, signed by the press orotund Sorrctary. ■ oea w - n ' I mtanding at the election. ,1 ”'o’that 0 ’ that the oncoraahoro named aro all taeaburt of lha liowsl of Director* Thi* HcmM who fa not to be a member of their submitted an amendment to the Oon «f 2j»2mUtn«S s 3? T*!!f h ’ a “ w ' 1 * n S to lbo 9UI ArUe°e %g; S3SSS.~ 00 "" t,ll>,< ’’ t 5 u “ toa ipon On motion ot Mr.Payno.lt was i?*"* W -, U -S“»S, James M. Cooper, o? t£ raS^r g «iS"e? o,mmltt ®* tci attend to the printing: S^P a 016 proposed amendment to the Conat !“?“ VS. m •Sp* of paper, to t» dEtrfbSted tha suhsetibors preriona to the mooting on Mon- _ A commits frma Mr. M'Callnm 7i. referred to a com- of Messrs. 11. 8. King, a Harbaogh und* th?2lS!,n- a »ffer »M U S B “ d^n ™ a, r *° convene acrin >t its *s™*™ 1 meeting will beholden 10 " rai . T9 the report of the Tellers, consider tho S£sb?.S?=’ lit ' lU °“».* D ' 1 end perform, inch otherballons u msy be presented for consideration. JOHN HARPER, BucrottfJ. Hißua Comds B. wts brought beforo JudgeßTOlare ih hi morning, T. B, Hamilton appeared whlj counsel, and dUchargcde: Brown was committed on Wednesday by Mayor Adams, of Allegheny, on a charge of falsa , pretences.- The prosecutor is the casois J G Green. * misinformation mule before Mayor Adams, was presen. *«d to tho Court, mid it appeared from It that BroWn bad bo,n arrested on a suspicion of debt rather than bffeiee pretences. His Honor promptly ordered tho discharge or Brown. ■ ■ Jacs SoSFrito—This drama, founded on ihe novel by Ainsworth, »fll be presented this evening at tbe theatre, IPlle Buret snstninlng the character of Jack Ghoppsrd. TheplW has been gotten np with great cateproper re gard baa been paid to tho costumes of tbe period In which the noted Jack nourished; new scenery has been painted, ■ and all the necessary preparations made, in onlor that tbs play may be produced in first rate style. Hr. Erelsford ip.' psare os Jonathan Wild. . r - PmatcßMD roa Wohds groin is Drasra.—sir. Benja min Gingerly, a member of tho Common Council ftnm tho Kret Ward; was prosecuted by a 0. Jessup, of the Eighth Ward, tor defematory words spoken in debate, In city coun cils. . Sir. Gingerly, at the late election for tax collectors threw-out an intimation that Sir. Jessup, who was a candi date for reflection, had not sottled a former duplicate, ai d at the aoe time asked for information whether Itwaatruo- Bather a censiUre man, that Ur. Jessup. AssictT ASD BaituiT.—Patrick Flan, a hand employed on tho steamer Crescent CSty, made an information before Itayor Vela, in which ho charged C. n. Cochran, Captain of the steamer, tho engineer, and a men named John WP boly, with assault and battery. Capt. Cochran was hold to' balL The other persona have not been arrested. Finn was severely Injured; having been attack over the eye,he lays, with a blUot of wood, iofilcting a severe wonud. Faster Gnx asm Woman Dree.—Wo would cnll tho oV tontion of our readers to tho advertisement In another oolumnof E. Whltohouse, Fanoy Dyer and Scourer. Kid - Cloves and Bibbons Cleaned, £Uk Velvets »yed, end story dsserlption of Gbawls or fancy colored goods cleaned in a superior stylo. Their eolor restored to its former brilliancy, and warranted to keep their color, and not to soil the linen. Give him a call. Israrstnra Pontr.—ln the Edmondson case yosterdey afternoon, an attempt waamade toproro tbe bad eharao. ter olja witness, on the ground that he bed pleyed the bones" In .band of minstrels, of which he was a member. Bath «r flattering that, to the various “ professors" throughout thaoountry, Judge Williams; however, decided that a man might play the bones, and still pnt in eialms to credi bility When In lha witness stand. A Srania Dir .—Yesterday was a beautiful spring day »h# streets of the city presented a gayappcarancoi throng* *i as they.wore with ladies, a majority of whom had dis carded (he sombre habiliments of winter, and appeared In ganoenta moro salted to the season* Plaids predominate among tho ladles; and tights and stripe*—the broader the hotter—among tho gents. Lifton Lot, of fine gold and filter lerer and repine vateheSp gold finger and. ear rings, rest chains/heary gold *adlca* china haak breastpins, fowling pieces and. India rubber goods of a Philadelphia pawnbroker, will be sold at.HcKuuas* Auction Honso this evoning'at early gaslight. ' - ' Ihstßcr Conn.—ln the District Court yioterday, bhfore Judge Williams, tho EdmUndson cue wa* conllnuod. Bafore Judge Hampton, a verdict ni rendered io the cas# of Largo vs. Mellon, et ai, for defendant. Tbs superior household, kitchen and offlee furniture of Dr. Myers will be sold at his residence, No. 149 Third streot above Gmithflold, this morning, at 10 o'clock, by P. M Davis, auctioneer. ■ . ■ - - * ’ Am. Hayos hu a coat In his possession, supposed to have been stolon from a Liberty street clothing store. The Alderman desires the owner of tho coat to call upon him and reclaim his property. Is Tows. A. W. Boos, Esq., of tho Greenstmrg Argut, •wnired In Ore city last CToning. Ho looks sound, and was in good spirits, - MOENINQr::::::::;::::.-::MAECB 4. _ Attention Sptrttimen. inere will be a grand. Circular .Fox Hunt, In thoml iolnlo S :to»nahI f , J 3 Mo6a unwell, oa Thnrg . d»y, the 18th instant, to cloroln Urn Bottom near to Bobert SPOord*. meadow, on the head water, or Piaugh ertj’arun, thohopndarieaareas iilTowS: Hrst, beginning :»t Clinton, i N« 'ROfr-klfaw jrafa’s^ifceftetfto’BofcitiogUjft Oapt Johit Party; thence to BergueonVCapt’a. Robert Oooperand James Party; ihence to the lower houB?on Patterson's iarm, Gapt’a, Simon Bailer and James thencetoKarrfon'smhooi house,Copt’s, JamesMilleTLi fcaao MCoy, Jr,- thence to James AlcMmhdert Omt 1 Wa f ■ .Christy; thonce to Kirk’s: CSibi” Jariv™ .»*’ 3its “ a toenoo to Nosin', lane, Capt’a-fiobert M'Brido der Morrow: thence to HanllnV <%.«*- « : v AJfXAn. thence to tie jthenco to HbeoVa, C»Dt. XPrj»«n V Johnstoib dart’s, Capt’a. John “o'" toßbousotowb;Cafet'e Jatoia Vender™? S v!i“ 1 ’ ro thence to Vandirrort’a Wm ’ Ban ben Phillips; thence to » ? ltoMtand ,o “ ph Klm,Ul l; thence to Benton?, Morsan Nm) « Tvthriimrw . Jp*hu a , Xlidelcr and John Me- SSe Blchanl Cooper and MdWm a ““ 40 Ir “ Wt '*’ Caft% ,ohD Ohsletiin4 M ASS t r' Ulonc ? to ltowrsrXCapt’a William Wn tea Ul J »““ Brown’., Cap™ dint l , tit: Doty; thence to Joseph Stewart’s 1 leadin'.■ ley and tori Stevenson; thence to the road A Joseph Stewart and Mff Captains toKoss Bjor tooreat nino No toS?^’^Sttea y to£n*at“ tau*”/" ttr2sss£s? ttrl’S'r " h *“ nStted withtoihe S <* ahorseback, are not per, ■. Marshals will meet at the clnwlnr* (mmn i. B . • • oTening previous, at 2 o’ctodTp j* ground, and mokootoerarrantSnts- W ? 019 . MoonTowhsmr, March ImT™ °* COlUn ™E- redaction la tbo thro he l. ttreen this city and Cloreland has lean made, anil paaea *er»«re now transported between the ta-o polale, rla the OlUo rim to Wellsrllle, and th. PltMmrghand Cloteland railroad, from Wellsrille.to Cleveland, Sbt the earn orthree | dollar.. Thta la an onutnUy low rate of fare; Patsengira *, ‘ h ” dt7 0n “““ orD.ur nal, at 10 a ar , end reach WollariUo In timo to toko tho oxpreaa train toC'cTcland, arriving in the latter place at nL lno P “ fon * eM t “ Uo j ttio rirer. ronto will roach tto “- Who Uko «*-<»* and Pe£ns,l h“« ’ *“*** * J ° tooUoa -UUonce, of flyo Waaa ana Qnßox.-Ycterdiv tho testimony la tho cat. cLI“f with thomardorofStra.Bo. | Crist, In September lot, In Westmoreland county, »aa I iS??' ff ** rt “ la,w « jnry trill bare the matter ua* deliberation todaj* .Wo understand tl*e crideceo ralher against tbo prisoners. AUCTION SALES regnlar aalea or Pry GoodsClotWmc Groceriwi'n) 1 ’ 1 F * ril1 ’ jSfSsasasissjss^asSi , Auction.—DMly 8al«T — A Cnmmcrcljtl Halos iloomft, oyrner of Wood and «i -r AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. SL Glasswaw’ TkS?OuUerT Joiner 9 0 ® o ' l Household end Steheo JAKES KoKEKHA, Atiottonoer. 66?2 *NKVT NE^P?KTi At Accno't.—OnMO\T>vy cllr Lualng thi kaS^Tb 1 ™ 81 '’ 5 *° * 1 Itarabonomsof th. 10 aoxea. fit© fimey shirts: - da Chech. do 21 do Jiichorr do inar4 SHjVt/?, 0 y*-^ aAit At AuctjOx'— Vq iUK^UAY *g2Stt*&RUiaß‘ SiLE f “ r kj ana UlTcr W*tdw«, Jusrolrr, Gun*. * c «t liirllen «f iSs “naViiv^;su‘“X h z»n‘ B s'SrvV E«^ r II“SS ; SSf SSSj ranl.W, roundabout* h*’ te ? wb ' t ” «« *4 • &ax 2 - -. S’books 1 « V*. a ? u n^wsu^mSTOa ' t ” Ed ,“ rJ ISwE ° mn?2 * tno ' Jn «7> Ac- JAMES McKKNN A, AncUon*er. K2SrtSf , .iS B .S& SHS-SESM rr?£ n JIT lti ’ B V* and mrtb,fin© phutrla and dr«w S&S&SSSSs - m * rl " ■■■■■•■ .-'JAB. McKEXSA. An-’t. P* H. DAVIS, Auctioneer, d° l , lrypn tho 04 M»I ’ UloftmUons s&LrsiSr &S£B?F& nuost of PlorU,; Inal* a„a tho wiil™ «sssse^*ripssria! V. ST IMVI3, Aocftortwr.' - | Liberty sthuki' • ■ ai* aY'Ttt t,rc SATURDAY, March'lBth, at 3 o’clock C n K^' u wil l.bo Bold without iMotre, if order of RiferthcSil? rtf* Trustee, Ac., eight Tsltuble .Lots of Uround E fS’’ south rid. of uW strost.tr Its jaTfton’. rSiith 0 two of which extend on Sixth street, see* hsvlne o fri m nr 18 feet nnd »n rrerage depth of 120 feet to On sifit T • °S' hAlso two lots of KTOQsd on Virgin A*l«r. bavln/?/ww ft front of 54 foot lnche*, ooilexteodfair 'backVsSw «i alley 10 feet vld? The on ÜberS «4 ftb®“ “ 0I "* n * t 018 Auction rooms.- Terns at trio.' . .P. M._I)AVIS, Avct; P'nfv BAWWJD TUBS- A Much ^^fl boofeitjreby, George Qoi«. fgL2g *\ J*. DAVIS, Anct, tbo ,D ' J K<» : of Urn Court or Cfcneral Alic^eriy* r Bea^ona or tho Peace, la ana for tliocoanty of PiShiiSh' U ?? ,1 f Sam’J.Fulion, of the HntWurt, city of •TISS^S’JS;. 01 *- “““‘rafcriaaitl. humbly showetfi,— ibrtiio^Sm^ n S : r h “ t OProTldod himnolf with umteriila ior me accommodation of tmvo ommdothers, at the dwi'l- K™ “ Ward .ronamid, andTvTthn t yoS? lion >« snmt him a li«nw tokcopnpXfo houS, wm pr^ lnm ' Dt ‘ “ a r °" rAMcSL'’pBITON“ y cortifl‘ t th«?t^ Cr {^ r8 ’ theWarti BtxJTO Peuuoncria of good rcputoforhcra ah? SSJSSK"" I ?’’ “fi? U wcll with houauroom ana conveniences for the accommodation and Jotleine of atrangera and travelers, and that Bald tavern Isnerwsarv‘ Tlaplol Root, Thomas 0. Richardson, Jno. W. Barker W aompMn, J.Til. LanghUn. 3. Wllledo, Joe; Brjar"vnfiara Btmum J ° S ' llll Ro£8 ’ A ' ®‘* ua « ck 'r, I‘cter. Etanb, fj.W. *-■■ ■ ■ ■■: . ■ >.mb3:3t,*' - Moqorablo tho Judges of tbo Court ofUencrol the county Of SsSSSfiSsasusaasS: ore wiSbesf^?J T ? Uf ' 1 wiprayjthat-your flon liooso of .to grant bim a license to beep n publlo “<» £ta P daty the Ward : John-B. Whits; B. Blasdcll a n 3.ii t to. gitaaelXindray, John Dirino, A. J C MtosL?kKdS 855.5828* ***’ J ° hn °° DloD ' »s»«s. QlliUt. - Books and mao acinus— . Bail/Engagements; (a neir snpply.) BOmtamaf Home Sounds; .ox, the 'ffoild from AtTWIOdOV J . Tbeologlfl*lEssaysr ... • The Ediabarg Bcrlewy for Ja&tzuy; .• manWOj '■U»T*dlUifOeatuiy;' for Bebraary; t*J£S£S? Df I A - rt ' ®* Eebrnary; Jastrecelrod an! fbrsaKattha iIW Book uni Period!- rSSr 1 ™ If A. QILDENtfENNEY A 00, Uhl9 + 70 Fourth street. rfUM UNKIMM misty —; —; . - - W. a. HAVEN, ~->vG®MiHatlßland Secontlßtrwtfl. terrific liOit.En EXPtnqmv tt» rSto?T° fU ;'Sf S’ safe Kan'itT&sjiSS®? is&as&mm «££s*»» ,-. fnnTura Pisnoruts.l ««“&«-* 4po”rf oTTm Tc^Bi SSSF^^-srass^S JAMBS M'KESSA. Ani-’t, TU): 04BDU.ES »«gED.-BUICIDK OP TUB isslilss 2E,™ rU ' M > V** V S JUrrt.lfa JLTor £S d£h«rt bnMi ®l n i m ‘■Ullcr ext'pjnv JA3. M'KKXNA. s5SS5Si £ “' NsW Yous, March C.«~CoITo*; sale* 400 tiers TK n .iim/, b«p(^o3. Sugar, Orleans ;ga)en 240hhd# at &’4 MnlniLv Oflvanß.'.REiMTvO bbla-.flft 28 , ; Hemlock 26®2f1, andOa&t&nntf 2S. :i ' v - commkkcial POST. sAar keview op. pittsbubgh mabket.~ ■■PW oa ..of Tut DAILY MoßKiaa Post, 1 ' ~ . ; - •• ■•., Saturday, March 4,1864, • r • @TM fnm for *nporflae; 4tt bb!> st £6,87 of at 41i 103 biuhisl M«. • AailES.— Bale»or.Oc«BUiatBl<. of 20 bid. at $3. ■■'anto. ana ba« .aleit sggswa &!» st «««w. «> niSu^nchfa^w/l* 11 .? ■ Uy awl pH sssrasgssßass?^ • 'app?pS -^'1 ; 8 •* 216 l>a»Uel» mlxi il at OS from M 73 ' j6 '“ °“ tio trtiarf at $1,60; 43 Mils -fsniw 0f2200 Ibj HoßMaml at BV. . l 0f 1300 »* «01l at 13; 12 bbV& at W. Ohio nt 12M- ' “ anl ' , “ l of 5 bU * “l 10>4 i 1 bblfrom; s6PifbaS D d^^ f 0 *«■*». ■» • SEED.—Bales of 02 bills &t £2 fifl **i hn«?int ‘ ’■' : bSC or flrorfa **« r™th.SL%S^- Sapcrfino Hne.i...:..... >:■"-A Condemned Middling!. MM..;,.!....;..,.., - ltye ~ ' ' ' 3y> tbo nonorallo tho Judges of the Court of General A j^ ti u o "‘e r Sessions of the Voaco, IQ ana for the countyof ;.:Tljo petition of Henry Millet & Adam Harnar vir *%>* IVlh ‘Word, city.cf Pittsburgh, - humbly tiheweih’:?That your petitioners hath provided themselves with matpiSSi dor. tho accommodation. or ■ travelers and others, at ihHi tavern. in tho-Ward aforesaid, and praja thatvour Honor? will boplcoaed to gramthemallconeotokeen nimbi 4w house of entertainment, and your petitioner?, as indnt* bound, will pray. " HENRY MILLEH, 7 dtizonsof tho Word ntbreaaW/do certify, that the above potltionora is of good repute for Lon* esty and temperance, and la well provWod with house room nnd conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and travelers, aud that said -tavern is necessary' v Richard Bean, Joaehim Weiss «r, .Francis Mans. Gabriel Welasor, Wflliam, yours, Edmund MUler, A. <3. Duncan -DonatJ Solomon, Samuel Andrews, Michael Winterhalter •Jacob Ahf, Wm. Johnston. • .• jnarl£3t * T ANDS IN lOWA *Oll BAI»B - ’ "“"r' . “ XJ 880 aero la^luscaUae count; 200 (lo Cedar do; ' 240 do Scott do; ..." ®} a aboTo Lands are wall located, attar a personal exam, toatlon. Ihose 14 Mnscstlno coonty are,on anaTßrago,. dt t?. f Huscatino, and within twondlea <» .*£• fflf.tlssippl and Missouri BaSlroad, which road lsnow. lowa City." be sold in portions Of 40,80 anddCo acres. Apply to ' JAMES BLAKEL7,' . Baal lists to Agent.' By_ tae O’SoiUy x,i nea ftr ui ß Horning Foil TniHTY-THIHD COMOaESB^ ■lcHet ®*R Start lh» liii 1 ' wob debated until 0 o’clodt, pTm afcendmenta wore offered and dtaSSa. v', S emradioTOtlo tho Uth R*Uon, gfe^a^saawssS o€iSS^S-SH”P“«- Sec- Kansasln one territory end uhdernvf” 1^118 k’rtruaka.and; gned ibe «b fl , n ceof“7/ne M «mf&^ T ,t!S n,! ?'c n “"'- Mr. Moron said ; or ,‘ m > taritorics...;, i Badger that it n> tb“dnty“of?S d t3 ' Mr> votedown tWs and'all’ot?cc awraJJ friend of the MH to Senator from Ohio. other amendments offered by the they wmMn’hts oplnian < r?eld i 'Via e 0<>!lllln ' Dts bec “ us * prletyor* “7 other bill, wore to ;be rejected”becau!^A b Aff2!3. & D “ to^,S?m ohl ° thoSaoate had rerolved on tho ol^ ' en ono “ tion he hod offered aineedimnA*. l>rin fl> £? ■*£ non lntervon it to Its full oti™. t,nol *P*>*tlt, bat to carry M7 aniondmont 0 jfjr. ofnoodntcrventfon. Tho«ni*;?*.r P?* thsprlnrlple. lie had md of » ® ltf ‘S. wa S todl ?» t **» WlL‘ with aoveh bull's hitlM l£S2” !^ a . h °S°«Wejacorerea The Senator of Ohio VnW«fs? studded with brass. Homo such' shield frnm S^»>fU^>o^ 0 t ° COTep 6d wUh countrF %hia vJ f .? n t ? 8, coDdemnaUon cf the theirl“t tK’f&m ih ‘“S'® l ’ 4 r, jsetof Rlnvery. ffh(Kdf?tSi®“ y “““ n ™ upon thesnb tire to the wSth, ho P WM Mill VnHn^A^l 10 01 iDju> - and u of°pe“ce’ * “ mU iy to the XMt A n e a h^b^ e t ? l "L“i oE S l u bo rouid quiet- Senators who"with Mm *« Mpenloni cast upon, tho mt-3 ,'7r{ r T™ ' b -'^‘^‘HyiSn'S^r IHflfs^ss ssss^^a^ss IfSliSis . I S&SE B of 1^J ““ ■ u.. I SSSEWSs; !H f °7i «* 1 'Wisconsin, Fewenden, 'pooto^Md't^ K B.-of SmIU., Sumner, Wade and Walker’ “tS t^i£S‘ m, a Bnui > wen- absent, or rot VoUnir ollowlog Senators Uriahs &<, Cl.ytcn, 2 cl1 > Mallory, Pearce. Houston, Jersey, Wcll^W>| K hfa n^S^” t Sl K ( 000 ' . fte.MiBUK-Janti Parte, Captain Mllier.-will leave to- f 1 ™ m 1! Ehoc » rri “ '»- , «f«ad;and the clerk, Mr. lligls, wllf giro genoral M&facilon. The Granite State io tho regular packet for St lonia Captain II Williams 1. oae of tho best pilots piping between hero ana 86; Xante. • • - The toral city, Captain Shouse, arrived last evening at eoolock. Sheloaves at 10o’clock tealay for StCnbonviile - '^»T«KsSasSSsa =lSa . _ Wo team that tho old Heitenger tia. 2, has been mid td Captain Could; to run as a' packet from fic jSJi... r * 8110 ownei bp: tho Cincinnati and Pitts’ burch Company* and wo understand was sold for *1 '’ (Kin —Cinannatf Ommereial, Hcrth 2. ~ta «rjt_,uoo. £|S|^S&lSs?S5« I"? wV? 3 shjemmod In between o section oi the dyko and the Island, that oho cannot bo removed hv soarrin.™ anything of that sort " The Aui'rota is still ? I of Duncan’o Island ™ f ° r ““W*.oloo-a Lou*, df A rf KMUl s r of Isfa been rainy, and wa hope to hear SSSfesTsSK::"" l^ POST OF gITTSBTOnw. 10 mr 3 IKCHSS wsrsare vireciuuwsi, maT^T -&HRIVED. 1 Bfc ajaer Jefferson, Parklnsdn; Brownsville • ‘ “ bhtoene, Bennett. Brewnsrlllo - nSi m iv S s?^f r \ l ?^ , “ lT,rl “ on >dVestNowton Gen,Bayard,PecMes.ElUabeth'. “ ■ • ■" Sheppard, Wheeling. Clara Dean, bean, honisvlllo. - n SywTorltGßhadre.ionliTni*.- • V Michigan, No. 2, Wolf, Wellsvllle. „ _ „ DEPARTED. Jefferson, Parkinson. Brownsville. " Interne, llonnett, Brownsville. • Jhomas Bhriver, Ilenilrickson, WosllTewtoh ‘ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. “ Wnranli'Shepparti Wloellng. ~ " : • Wttabnrgh, Campbell, Cincinnati. ■ . Sultan, Gormloy. St. louia. > %' Ambassador, M’Gowan, St. touis • Chovolt, M’lntosh, Zanesville, ;>■■■■" - Michigan, fto.2, Wolf,- Wellsvllle. STEAMBOATS. “1854.” PITTSBURGH, CINOIHHATI, IOUISVUiE, «... . . Pittsbnrgh obJ Cincinnati Steam Paoiot -liao, ©MYITANCfiOP PAS3BNGGUS AND- PHBIGHT PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI* liOUISVTLUB ■ ••• Ana Balnt JLonla. • ’ f -flSrr? .to»„ ‘T 11 ? rsa composedof cercn “f* * * * w powerful btuamcT*. ozm-1 ~-n_-rfi iifluaallocl for npocd, spleodor,i»feiY.eK*3iisSi£ anj comfort,and L>tbo twur tubouqa daiit LTraop r rirert connects with the UB. Malf w from Clttcrnßati to ■Woftflllo and Saldt which Tfa*scnptifsaiiUTpdi;hfc arofirfoM mlj . J I™StmmerahiSb^nadded 1 ™StmmerahiSb^nadded to uw Line, nhich nov consists of lhe foUdwin'it boats: - '.buckevk'state. v w F lf‘ na ' mssaszssrts^^. lit NNSVI.Y ANIA I*o. KuarreiTm. Saturday ' ! Hyat aoyodt. P. M., pr*l«l y . ™ 7 ' departure?* rtOTI,Ki teT Qlo ° o'clock on tho morning of for particulars; apply on Soard. or to Juns B. ; MVINOSTON. ) , V. JOHN FLACK, . Agents,! Moaongobda Douse Buildings. Mcclßt Piltrtmrcb. ISM. For »». iuoul*> : ■ r JE55* W rnv ‘ # h“ nfr7iK ' v tome, oimu j> an, &pfcs: :”mon DAv^; h “Xj?,” c J ■«•«<■»*««. _■‘‘T “b* ?•“*“«'> awl? on board, or lo -s?'.*. •■'HIN-fKACK. Ao.nt. KorNMlivlliV —““ — j IB|> m •.T«B..Ftcjinwp CitAUA DU AX, C*pL Dei* ■WisS '"ikVL ,a; " nsui ' t -> '■ ■ „„P° r koulsvme. . I JAMM ‘' ARK & Ci.pt Mmip., ■kSmSM* ll •»> IntortjwMUtc wits, tv, , , on SATIiRUAV, March 4ih, at 4 O’clock, V. M. f or.frt'igLl aaJ parage apply oa board, or to SSL: PUCK * W*I,KIVS. tmli for at. tiomi. , ~r— i'JESIa. Jtcon tuz- JIUMIAT, Clh ln»t. at 4 P. SJ. ror irwgiit tnu pa*?ago oir LftarJ, 6t ti - raBrl FMo^t 3 " ni 1)0 wwiwUtttia cßleo ofdha luUacrlber, onCamo street, fa lb* borough of Ilirmlnr nan>: until Ratiuday, the 11th day of Marrt heitTfo ilf o Aroctiou Id n!d boroujht of s brick hiorktt l!oiiifi.iftn h« on f «Vtrf^ ra h! * h , 'P^lioo^ayl™' atalned at the wune place, aty time aflortbo 20th fast. Wrnllpghatn, Fobrnarr 18. ■;, Binbuma lut kor sAij * A atimit, and eatondlng r/A v&CKIOQ fcct.tO HUfi.flllOf', Od tllQ bark hnrf nf ika tot fa a Cellar Wall, bnflt ftr too raall j» io a desirable location fbr arealdenco; low, and on fuTOrablu term* Title good, and clear fJSm ineumhnmoo. Enquire of aEO- F/oiLLMUIIR, _ At OfHc» of Morning p»«t rrfiTc .. ? r , u « “ loro tOT >»«• rrilß entire .took, Uimrcj, do., of a retell Drag Sibro do. JL lag an excellent badness, Jn a populous nnrtnriiw city, together wltb the hausaof the haring wi Mr J te run ftom tat April neat Searl, fire thoueandokS q^^rinrcuX^?rrc?r o,L " fol?; -: For further tafbrm&Uon enquire of - J , JAMES IITDDEtL; T corner of Waahtngtoamd WvHoktu 10 WHUJINO LOTS, In the Tlllaßoor Temnoraneovllln. J. : each lot 25 feet by 110, to alO feet alter Tota ecu very deelrabla fjr bulldlngor manura'cturlha' nun. poww, and alll bo soldat moderate prlcos.' and on JLL, able terms. -Title indisputable. EnijnWr reura ' : - vJVM.J.'HOWARD, Jr., r.r . . . bo. liO Fourth street Or JAMES C. wonisv. Real Hetato Agent, at this Om«. «/'>™? 1I1 No t th“ ? hM si" mb™ hi!JfoThlmMd Lie frirad« tm wry tnieMj °ii hU ncconht “ir reechos him, he is informed Shut bv irriHntP^Vk.?' 11 «lgnod, ho will hrarofeomothlng to hta advautoiw Un fe fMson who can glvo ony iotormotion of him wllhjlfiisn^S dwotju «&»,-...■• •••.£bW»at*p"- jotbpS rfrnp ■■ t Baltimore son copy to amount of ,1 n ; Notice to. Stockholders. OITICt pP in* r GS ASD OoEXKLLSriU.g R, ROO > 4 OMtABl* to or fl 'xjl 9rtoo, And OonnollsTilltt K n n- , fnfi^ 6 ,V" 811^‘ t “ ootaMof,, > o^apanV, J Neime P nS 1 fsesggi P.*O.B.R 00. TTmitn n ' ■ -.CAIU), 34 BoS * ni!,ne “ *» *&•meplaS/to’ ga^SSSr-aSS johs FOnavxn. S th to tbo Merchant Tailor c?fl£m££ a^0 tn^"“W«|2pe 'to mraitliltaSlrtm v/-. v; ME:=3=2 , , .COTtHkCTED DiQY yoB Zloon & Sargent, e wnuttif Wood amfffi PENNSYLVANIA!. .■■■■■) .Pittsßwrgl* Banka;.;...;;. par. Philadelphia " u% * v) Brownsville <« ......... par.! Backs County <» - , l/I .CbcsterCo,(nQwl&auc) M v ’ i?i .Columbia Bridge C 0...«. •' *? Danville «• ... £? Delaware co. *< f; Doyleatown ** £ Easton • r I Germantown** * Lancaster 8anka.,.....,!* Lebanon • 11 . .... • Montgomery ca Banka... Northumberland'“ ... Pottsville • « Ml Beading ; • « tM Schuylkill county “ Washington • « , Westllranch « Wyoming... Carlisle.® ...„ v Chamberahurg......,-,;/* Erie.....;..;...;,,,..; v/T Gettygburgh ironesdaTe;-.;... „ ■ , ”***•'■ Miiidletown...i '• 5 York 8anka..«.... M ~.,..L. • £• Kollc/Notes v United States 8ank.,....! 1$ 74 Alleghflny City Bcrip^^. : par. Pittsburgh City «par Allegheny Co. -« ......pram NEW YORK. * New York City...... ..:,.; ; u Country Banks..... ig NEW JERSEY. * All solvent 8ank5....:.... 9/ DELAWARE. 4 All solvent 8anka.,......, y A Small N0tea.!...;...,■ ] 8 MARYLAND. • ■ Baltimore u Country Banks.,.,. .. a? VIRGINIA. 7 Bank of Va. a branches..; Fannew* Bk.* branehea.. Valley Bk.* branehea,,... Exchange Bk-abrancbea' ■ * Wheeling Banks-.’.. .;, i* Whecbng branches.. J. . NEW ENGLAND. All solvent Banka-.,.,.... %| «&»• gISSSSSfc = \°o^f Ponn»ylTOntossaBoS asW fl7(ml IMT Allegheny eoanty 6b ZZ * lSl’ool ' M Ktgte,“.^S' CoU i >,>n “--- oa-oo 100$ K ; »w| i«wtf AlteghanyCi^te™3"!!"!'' jW*; • : :- BANKBTOCKB*r , *‘ M "*‘ Bank of Pitt5burgh.................... Merchants* Manulkctttrerfi’Bhnk Exchange Bunk.. " "' ftlononguhela 8ridge.,,..,.,. St Clair street Biidgei....^. Hand street Bridge^.., Northern liberties 8ridge....... : INSURANCE STOCKS. WMtenilnFQracee Company..^, -Gituehs* Insurance Cotnpony....^ Ateociatal Firemen's Company.... TEtEQfcAPH STOCKS. AtltthtJcand Ohio-,,.........,.,..., 401. .toutsrDle : 41^751 jam! Monongahela 81ackwater„., M ...... J. - KAIBBOAD STOCK; Pennsylvania Bailh»d.^..... w^.V , Ohio and Pcimgylynn^^oilro^d^ Cleveland, a Pittsburgh BaUroad... | Haruu Railway andßry 80ck~... Turtle Creek Plank TWd,,;.. ! PerryavUlePlank RoadW..'^ i4M ' i Qreonsbarg Turnpike—,....,,*...." Charters Coal Company.-.,,,. t - v COPPERBTOCKa. ..." Pittsburghandßcsicn North American.,*...,.......*.......^ I North -North TFestenu.,*.^..—....^’***”* Adveatnre..„«.^.,„..;..„,^ OMoTrap 80ck.,...,.,.,.*.*.J,*^***” Minnesota,;*.,...... Pittsburgh and Isle Eoyau!*!!!"!' Douglas Hough... /********* lUdge^....„ 4^...,.^„„i^.M "’***'*''” Fire Steel. r ~ * •*••••*•»• C011ing....... . *•**”•***• Peninsular........ Avery............ F0re5t.*...........,,, Phcenlx Iron Ci ty. JJIHF RENTON IRON COM PANT. of , sssstsgHit l:S«i rft |«S , fs2Si'a :§s®w. K^^ v> } Klte ' ) "Bh. fpblhfoytf %gg£^sSi>s£S3g WWBimms SrSr-^S iUTCHKLt#, Chief Eugtaecr of the Road ''''■■"■ :^‘wf*'L^J? Oß 7■ WOol>s *•^« l Mflat•■■ nttabttrga and StgahenTflla tl n fv. M ,U>« Orptun’B Court, M&’Sf •r.p o n fex3r£Slf? pspis?s^i# ■&B?&I2^Jm&SS&' f «o h «^&iSS^ r : , , MINAS TINDLIS,; ■AdmtnlDitralor of h Wil blnsoo. dw’d. Getter r;u?K foundry aI/LegSkny citv pa : , KINQSLAND, thankful for JWwi bwr ta to.' Its eS *to 2?¥t° t ¥ sth ",,* till “f 1115 Ji‘ 0f I>u r, lu “ ing totereets In thMoTnl untie 1 ?.!£** aIU *‘ lease rtiraa C. KIsaSLASJJ, I '"’ l6 Allegheny City. ' r , /^P r * u fi Style o t Xiata*— -JUjuse*!!- CuX * '!&$L W‘>«morof 'Vood met and Diamond Alloy, will Intiodnce tbo Spring StiloofUATa tbla day. ffnMB wantßl && w £s A ‘I BXPEttTENCED AND I’HACnOAIi CDTTEn— fPn ® wh ? ttn< * cr « t W»da the biwintaa In nil its dmlirt at ‘ v i o W jOUN:Jac CLOSKKV * a>r foS , . » No. 88 Wood street and Diamond alley. - TIIRT KKr^J P n ort ?“ t *° T “»or,. .ftsss f 0 f £**£ Woib , ' tCKMo*-! i 130 J7ood street, ' Avbolmle for manufacturers: Depot and itatlroad I'ratk for \ DjHfl & 00.'8 TOEIQHT DKWT oK XuSkW JX Street, wiibKatlrocd Track, Switch, and'tSS ic^ira «*°**?™s NEW PAPER IaXuHT __ CANTON, OHIO. & , C0 -' t“™Jast started that pa. j. ..per mJH At tfce ifoov* will ha iV'irmt toreccivo orders K pr printing,and paperVffi * -•■■■ •• ■•" ' H-ivrwrx 1 , BAHOAUrsr m J? y t * ,rioesa Within tba Sftlioff my remMolns?stock-at ... . . • Market street, pear , ■ fibSLlf ____ W. IL tOWIUE. fcagea of. pleasant aelghborhood^^SSr?7 l v M advan^ WJ*ILBHINT kSt No. 187 FoortS wtrwt • JTpvgHpiESF' M©M €r j££. BK YE IS JCneK^S’S^u^r B ,’" 4 “fWW-* sssssS^srters^S® ssgss® — : : ~ • , fcBSO wa&ass^f^S^ Btock.and m i° W 1 .present articles. • ttoSir ***« wison* to. call and examipaoai —- — —--- _ _ _ .teb&Sttt -j; i feMO 8. CUTHBERT & SON, TMrd street i> v *J- * V. <, * ■» BASK H< lJ®* kohhihq post si SSWW Bankers, wtt ttreeU, Pittsburgh. ’ jstata Bk.andbrancboa.., M & .ißank of SanduBky,...._ Jj+ i Norwalk. „.S SJJ i Woofiter..^.w^,i..„. Wt , ©*■. . INUTANA. . State Stock Banka.,., ar. , State Bh. and branches.,,. £? IIiTNOIS. - , State Stockßanks.., 3* , Btato Bank 8ranch...;;...-60 , Bankef D11n0t0.,„..u. w 75, KENTUCKY. All solvent Banks m - . MISSOURI. . Stateßk-and branches... %t MICHIGAN.- 74 All solvent Banks 1 # WISCONSIN. Manne a Fire Insurance- • ; 3 Tennessee. •^ AH solvent 8ank5.,......, s .' NOKTH CAROLINA. , All solvent 1 . - SOUTH CAROLINA. V - All solvent 8ank5.....,.., i • . GEORGIA. All solrent Banks.. . 114 ALABAMA. ,-s?=. All solvent 8ank5........ "fi LODKIABA. All solvent Banka..;..*. .. EXCHANGES. NW Y0rk.,.:.-.u., ' far. Baltimore;.:. •••..££ Cincinnati...... Aidfert. ISt Lonis.. disc-t. , VALUE OF COINS. American Gold (n0w)..... par; American Gold WdLaAjj. gg Guinea*., 5 00 rrcderlckdore 7 80 TenThfllers.7... 7 go I Ten Hander 5......... ,3 go Lcrni5d’0rM;.,.;,......4 25 Nap01e0n5.;....,...*.‘3 33 Doubloons, 7O Doubloons, Spanish^....J6 25 ■i PEIOES OF STOCKS. ..... 102.001 ; 68,00 92,00 55,50 6T,00 55,25 00,00 ........ 33,76 44,00 43,00 24,00 68,60 46,00 49,00 48,76 60,00 102,60 10,00! 28,60' 8,00 10,001 18,50*' • 20,00 175,00} 63,00 ...... 20,00 . ...... : -17i00 7,50 ■ 17,60 200.00 10,00 6,001 .w[ - 2,SOj 2,00 ;;i~ 0,00 ~™ 9,00 a,oaf: 1,12 a,oo 0,00 2,00 j 7,00! a.so| "'l*.!. NENE v-- v * . 1 railroads. • - SPRING' iBKANQEMENTS. THE, PEMNSYIvaMIA 1884. RAILROAD COMPLETED’ PLANES AVOIDED! ■ - OTOKOOOH IK FIFTEKK HOURS. N .A N “ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 36th, "Ul “ loll “ m : - Ti4 MAIL TRAIN Pins s “ oda J) »t ' o’clock, Atop 12o'docfe. P 5r 3 “ " "Xtobß, arriving in Philadelphia it *“*l » train Utoet to No» at™W 0>S B 3 ,e f OJ 016 atotlon eve.y owning Xatroßo, HUBiio; Iy rJll.3 C ’'^? , Vlls^Mn3bo^Ell, Ac;, connecting at nSbS« "»ft h ° a ? lt f en >, Alt S i ?V raow.and terivtog in ' nt»a^eiOTp?fund^ T o? 6 jck^k N etonJ,ine V ° t ‘ !T n r7 Ration, 8:25,-A. M. jl siJiHi p A ,‘f m “o to taftoSr*s" k ’ $W,{io: Fant ° * bßusa &l>i'&; Faro ;^ e i etlg s2.? urcte H **«&* In cm, will U chanted *Sr 2h,?iL^i^JsJ U - on to tbostationrates,exceptfromstaUons' ; Wo notes of a lcss denomfgaUon than' five dollars will t M SS^f^n^tanfl 1 “ CilCW ’ “ B ®‘ ‘be annmonntnot exceeding $3OO, -’ .Uw.!a* -tern emplOTca' a cSrS y no¥S“i*Jf£r? n I i l 5P sago t 0 «P 4 fromtbo Depot, at 12K wntffcr'S'^nk 2^00 *® for eaeb . «■“"*? Wticketa.applrro ’ J. MKSKIMEN, Agent, rect?^ 1 po ” lhat Lnvo.tlila advertisement will please cor- OHIO Ag& PEmBYLVAKIA BArr.-Rn/' T( Arrangement* '• 'v-'- 0 OMltErfClirO EE£fiV' A JiT 23,18^4. _ i 85 - ism; - Sn?Js“ bM Cre :‘ l l De “{ 11,30 P. SI, cono«;ilng“|,£ ,S which rcacliEß Cincinnati In tlio mrtninr BMft,ntS I “ fl II ?i?' u50 w , Uh tho °W“ and IndJnon/Md ££s*”’SS" raUroadß fct Da3 ' ton - ta^apolta J- C ? cn m t i°s s a™ ““On »i‘l> Ularoland; MontCOTilln Ban. I R?^S^i? 0 £“' 1,e,r0 t “ad Chicago Kith Bdcyros, Ctocr Bamtasby, tforcßt, and the loams on the Usd Hirer IlreuL £%32ZS3K3r°’ ttnsl S ,* lIc! “« ‘» WriHo ot*ndus& “ariSKaSr 5SSrg&£?S aST/TOffifS £S£t Cteci “ l,i > “* BBIGHIOJr ACCOMMODATION TBAIN Jcawa' «*«?*•>* *« P* argil at 7 AM, and 9 P 4 - 30 A 51. And 4.50, p M TnjßBllo not ™° on Sunday. •■■ omJjTofla^nLi r faT pi° r Infotmotioa. apply at UioUcSrt cfffcosoftfioOhloana PennsylvaniaKnllWad Company, of Hoa^t R crT 8r0 ® C °- B ’ 1 ' let th ° GEOKOE PABKIN, Ticket Agent, ... .. Fefleralstreetfitatlbß'’ I JOIW KELLY, 60,00 £O,OO 60,00 W 26,00 25,00 47,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 50,00 60,00' TBAHSPOBTATIOS TO THE EASTEBIT CITIES' ;’@£Sl .1854. 'EEigsgga D. LEECH -&• CO.’S JLmlr VIA CANAL AND RAILROAD, • ... . ■ • BETTTEES * ■ Pittsburgh, Hewyorh,TPhUade,phla and 0.» . •'WtIBIOrCf f toS;VrJSJ?JP g ? Ca ?^*' Wo aro prepared to carry a of produce and merchandlztj-to su« dUesvbarlng fn addition to: our ia will h*> mm v* »v«V_ comprayingnotice,;from tfie frailness of V ° £***** lf3MpOTlatoll >) Xh« withdraws! of the cars ©riba Pennsylvania Raiip^.i , „ ci, ARK 4 THAW, . , Basin, Pittsburgh, , r ., LEWIS A BOTLEB. • V" •IG-Morkef eh, audios South TmatsL, I&ilal v-■'■Vi, ■• JOHNJ’.-CIiABKE, No. I Sooth lUUiara Jfew York. . • WILLIAM PAIL* ■ S.Nortli street, UalUmorc. BIHOHin'S MSB. T™ nn^.SlL, n ,bat w Importers end Jobbers in British. • ftt'ttrti and Qorman Day GOODS. ■ HsTioi; reeelv.- euonr bn^extensive.stock of purchasedfrom Importer?!, motto nmrt through onr own4mporuaion,%e*4Jsafi. hS&SgJffi I meftllaai * I >bad city aealOM jrenersj- i O l U ‘ 1 fadliUcsln patSultoft »to ? “n t£ r t Sde. lnJUMmCnt3 *° ‘■Vers ns sro rarely mft at * S°?** ftock *UI bo found cashmeres, do. toe^,.pw^n^,U>.> ! ntt of tbo meet dedrabln designs. mohair lustres, alpnrar,plain black and fancy ibruttd eftS I ™“4 punts, latest series brcictottnvW? fumray, and almost every article, nmally kept ta_ t?o vi * *Si*Wi>ck or. go?d and diver: natrbes,-,mtch: Jnatcrials.'glaraeSfßold ena-feflt’fotvefrv of JJSf pattcme. and o /pcat variety of JuKonr amlStdey U thsl '> we * l Prices for csi , N. B,—An early can fcom-fcayewie rcßpecJfdlly solicited. I l>. GREGG & CO . j iy° ?»Utort.C«nttMton. . Otoqb . cp .hie Pimauaait.-Aan CoxNEUSYitut R. R. ox | C.EAMtj »itl borenirtf ntto^^^rf-thlf. DUI > ln th « c % of Pittsburgh, ui> UlA*]ock, l?, -St, or-Wednesday tb« J 22d day erMaroh MX», fStOratoillda and Masonry of. that port of Uie-PittS butßlt and ConneltsiDlo Kallnad,'extending from West Nowton r ltaWestnionlajid eounty.toConnoliisvlllo. ln v, v . c ‘dc oounly.dn iMsbtate, a tlh'trmco of 25 mile". ■’ , au?» I V , »$ ofa xiiy light characteij'ltwMbe' dirlded Into eoctlonsnr about ono mill! each. Proposals will be rrccitod ferouo or more suctions. JOBais Proposals wiirialsQho rccelted;* iintil the same too." for ' tho making of tho Ihinnelnt the Sind-Patch-Sammlt. on the Atoheny monntslu, sboutamllesfrom CamborlinT This Tonnollstobo FotlyOnoHnndfOd f-etio hS?°ci'So C L I T, ‘« l T k aticntlonof^' ltis in an oxcallentr region tofio work Slara. profiles and Specifications will be ready fcr tho ox animation of fblddow Ota ond after the Sixth diy or Mareh mtwJSr nsSi^fJ? I J^? 1> V on ell, ' n »J>pnauoiito. newonlhiuno! ’ M tho Assistant Engl-' tn^o&to“?iprn I1 y. bOMpo ' tca fWm °» ta * ~ ° f ti!rl!osrt ' ■ WM. LARUIEIt, Jr^ ;leb.J-td President. . . . WOHJOU’S t'MBS, , fiOndon, 18j5If njia Htw Yo»k, »BB3w TItIOMPU OVEII THE COMFEmTONOF THE -WOULD! *» c. lacey * Phillips. tAOEY at thoir extonslToestab. llshmont, Jlos. 12,14 and 18, Booth Fifth street, Phlladel phm, Seep, the' largest'stpch of readydnatfo' Bntteto and' »i f “W , hoDM < n «■” Unttof States. Thoyhare rodncod tba bnsinesaof mannfactnrlng to suchherfectsVa. PcUU OII - only i, uffid/oad nopMns are spareddo reach perfection in-erery article ' ■ * It la acitnwledgod, that forolOgancO, lightness, andnaLralnev tta. Harneis'ehdXidlJ.s If eS S ' AHentlpnls called to tho following ScMooriirfcOO • - eerrloeabl. Single Harnesp, $13,00 to $25,00' •SSf Daraeas Makers ion ho snppUed with Harness ca«per than they can manuiactare Uiaiu ‘ nnmbexof an offered coni- Uth Miacratreot, BOSIN SOAP—2OO boxes for sale by I feba > SMITH A BINCLAIB. ■ * v'-* ‘- 1 ' . - ■ 'V ‘ • ■ • ■ ■*V .4. Inyjgoratiog Cordial psssiill^ ihWicte^'am'Mif'lrt 3 ’"toKwraor the ' lity In !b, full vigor svery (leUrato?m c ti““ **>tamto ■ : tenoug compound a;rcnc» of trith that toys ftowprodoctlda ofiUmabifftJ. iTdfSLSS ld l necnturZ SA^eStSStaOtieSSiSS 3SMWM To tli'nkft incomparable renoTaST m&l&dk- *afcgnanl against that terrihl* wach tteasetaakroxu! 13* ;.. «ea ta which tSpreparSft , «“»► - eter, may be -A fair, jhow heml-aclieiinajiient ■ h«nrt,| sploll oa-ctioas ma3uU?SfeP„ oft b» ' 6 “?S.»;i>rl*lpgMnßaUbh la S^taWnnSSS?''fl,tu lIIE^sSSSs •, :■■-■, Miionsm tavjffilmrasum ' nad. temtatloa ispbjsiSnfom? ■& %•®«fT«ef BloUon IPr oyiry kind ot E «>»* °oly reliable '(rreparatlon -. Ellxlt ConUal Uu» W», ' • : «>J»B OP NERVOC3 M-EAPPP : sss^^^^^^ssi^isssi SSSSISIIP^'f^^S SsSB3Baa>stoof tho proda ■ : '„ BEPORE CO-NT£MPXATDCG SlAfcPTArtr [-mlml.bMomoa shadoeS elth demafrunl fniitTlSi? !?“ t xnd&Bcholy teflectimv th«f ■}wiiou with ill® •' «m. s W°ghts joSw ° I " K,I ” B ’ of “““>« »*> i- s .j. , .',..«•»*;•'• • r*'Girino^ 1 *- boon coonterrolfad ‘ ■ *£ Hffi followfagwonls btomi fa the gloss: “ tU^"nio " ■ - " r- *Ssw* *“2?e»»«**»e cnaw, . * 19BS££|$££5*. : ' SSSBSJMsSfesse. ■: ; uaJc for Mi, I ?**rarefal to/,• *> <0 lirfrl™lSV qn^M^w'S onl * ri W»3aR . - pqt J.pin VfalUmifcrtS. "d! f - ‘ recti>nson.amjCr 1 » rAr"**, **Z tto elan. %tooth£ *«o-».W«ni oa-. . lIO3TOTER,.B}riTn 4 Col . *.., z 5? Perm Httaburgh;' fllc Celebrated KtrengtHentntT ■ ' ““l»fi»ery.-, 3 . . Si" c f - w f^“ c?B ” r ■■'■ ■f n .' li “ ? ' llaTo m >" emborarf to™ : „Ma only la PiitabniEh iy s. k] NcmaßArtJSSl’rf - 4 Tin mill locust streets.-. A liberal discount MMC toilral. ' ' ' ■ J*W LjW??? o ®®. Tottolfb/pi rfSKT^?«“V"B :fW-*lzht IjShS tz. ■ aduty torecotmocTidthi* YtrtaOutn, -'' ?\T Y„S?fei b J tl 2 sw * <,f D ? tiiiwna- i&the pubfi?, V-?:'. ~T>> ' '„f‘S"^?. red s*i2 “ u l>ri).A. .FAHHESTOCK A CafeoraM- < i of ood -mi Hrat . 'tff 4 pKEIt’S t'LOUK-Oy xvmxixl- fua ■ toM OTtwa In « Tlllm plocc. lte ■ liSviw Mt l^*, t, v ,mit Statute,:dad It -BaMtig. ForMio,by , , , JL E. FELLERS 400. " J,l ° ->-; —-rcrwrtoaarwt.;:. r .>v U A -ftSMK£ .fliiW..alONrut»K ilaOaaiNlJ i’OB JSa- ’ J-i.HuAEY.-T*lipcei7Ctiafidl£)rEal«vbv > ■. • * ' u-. ‘ » K.4IJSBB iOtt, . . •:*•-v.•.•.*■•:. N0.J32 Smlthfiold street*'n-L ■ .—*. . . ' CO2IXS7TT9. . ■ . *■ j . ; From Beigrftdfrto-BnehaTest.—■ ?/, -WnllmcUnv Botgnfe; Bcrrlan DwelHmt; -Oioat'.‘ Vfr .:*??» Sopl> «! £ nln >J»‘ Ol'!nU9Tot TrswUnr il, . , WnJlachU; WalUcWan 01-wojons; Street In Bnci* ' CofUmnealTynUadiU 1 •’■ “ _ “idQJPiy FomnlcCmtnmea; Fort orßrniltur; t Lifi' lo.Parfs-BketdiMAboeo nnd IMowQrottmL—Him- ' " trnttona—AbotB aOJ Below OttraniT; The Boatman; - ' Letter iox;_Pofft OiB;; ImeiSor of Post Cap: HU M* k^.p ll/ ‘ UGUrf '' 4 Dan; thoDoorof the Theatre; i J.OW rhe|trt; Ettera of Charitj; Plokpockof;rolleo Mendicant ■ f e hlO. - 9 tar ilutoor Vioilasicab - '■£ popular as Solas,; ,-y.^tf , sS!nfr&§!’ l by Rtephno O. Foster,-author " HonSy* omei ” rfJ, «*ly Ely/’ •“ My Old Kentudp'>. .-vr. .■'} lnr lWi[flamiige4«sBolQsftt either Violin w'flttta. '«;Hvr .;, 4 > artlL-T--Alrft arranged as Duetts. ■ •■• •'.'■■■ •'■■', ,-, - *> l’artlrT.~Airs orrang«l aaTrioa. - " Durt IVv—Jirg&rratjged as Quartettes. la th<»tMo9ahd.Qairtett&theh&»iapr!marUrinteQ&sd. I fer the Tlolioatni' in thfilr-absoae*-/,-.’ .««! paxte.written for them, may to played withgood effect •• ’ * on tho Piano.. A fresh flupplyof the ntoro works rNceired andforsale, wholesaleandrecall.by . ... CUAEJtfTTB BLtJ&XB, :: MXS Wow» street? r w-.O NUltl toiS- ' iJ -500 boxes Winrifywrfllgfl*. . s 3OO kegs Jdntata Nkils, • • -f -. :.100 boxefl mould and dipped Candles, ,200 do < .Stop." • do 100 da- Jlosin Stop, ... . 25 do Variegated Soap, - • • 25dos llslf Tow Bags, ■•.«■ 200 reams medium and crown Wridn<« Pacer. i z 50 bales Batting, .V .. .•*?.>•. 25 do Candle Wick, : *‘- •j- 10 bagsPepper A f?r sale by f‘H® - Kira t HOAnmj*!) barrels: IOUJEN SXUU4‘--12barreia'; . "' • o "T*. ■ ■ ....•, .' •> Uhl do ■ [TUT: CORN.—a now eapply jtut received by . ■■■'.. iS« A T -, a Morgan, ia23 - lMWooletnit. OUtfAK iUULAtiSJSd—'ISO iibda Hiilnt' ' *• r*.vom lOObblaATolawca; [ftMOJ SiflTU A 9mnt.A7^ Tor isle by .... , s * P , • - .: i*'4i MEDICAL. P—Vr:r -•' '•••'; • ■ ■_ \. : •••;-•' , t * ... i. <’ ».