I ' * r jrrv ■ = T:\ ._. .■ ■'- 't-T ' : .' *:‘’v' : .'-» V J''' i '\'- ' ! ■■• •’■ :‘ ' '■'-■*'*'i '’c’ ; “'r ,r ': * '• ’"r i “* 4 :> -.; -; : '.‘v/..-' J ; '.’ ; V‘-- : r‘, ~ “Y* i' 'S' * -S K \ ~ ' V , * U *" ' X ' ' f * »*'*!•. '* ,-•*&* "... /v* ; ".s*:. , k \•• • _ , " f 1 I,"' V; i r i l > , :> : ’i s ’ “ ’ ■?'■»- -’ Si -!*; V :vVi*- .*>.'► v ll -V'- n. v '>' * - a. <' \,• -_:- •tf' k vVC'?,v-* h s * , -~ 3 **T -J. >•’-■•?*' *■*-'■* W r-’r^r- 1 .-^' *; tt 5 ' \ ! 'il'’^'' : ‘^!r’‘ T ' ? l • . • f •■: ■ \3 \4 &i * v>y^r,T^'J { W V >'l i «\:-’>'jV^«>. r; - f l V> ,4 ‘ ? K\-Y'^V! . t':.* jv ';>f iWs.r:-,;V>■-,■ C-Vv v ; JYI-;’j-^tv: >T ti Yfi r"m ti?;Y4vAs,< ! J| m W®B^mWb@S!®&l®aZ IffiK?-*^^-" - ', -t=-i -•Y f. -'. ' ; > X* ?tf -} ~>“ '- M-‘ »'-■* ? >'4f••'“'?»> «''-/;:-«;r-.tvE j":.- ', -r>.':.i.<>r. ;.£^Jr l «*''s\v*«V ! !.''‘s 3>«-r-;< i ? :• >?it. {:'••■*'• *-*i' Ax--* ■‘\-‘--'r*'v* «•• ri fjC-I'».'•/•/<» Ti * \~V‘ *- f ".*v 4, "7 * ' •. .\ r fn .!fA ! f,; „ 1 ?;; 7,l'iV :7v;;, . ; ii r -.* '~>v~ *-, ?‘ <■?*<- ;..vr ‘■l/ T - fJ f - -'■•v *.. t *.%. tkt * ‘ /,,‘ V> - -f 1 777:*? 'AT-?; *p, v 7,“ ** ”'; ■ :v.'- - A^'S'M'S?'’V. - V‘&^/n7y^*'7i<'.«,:’. .--v- :,V-:C' ■' ■ '. :-^^ r . '■£:. ■'; ■'"«•••:.-■ .-.:.'-,‘;><.v ; - '•■'•* .'•■ ' 5 H* s--->. t v. ”• • • ‘ > ? A /x?' -^ ■■;,:■■■■ . : //r •• ; ,r. r*. - T> T> ' " ■» 4 -i-ifi >’ VOLUME XII ‘THE B. i«nled end i’uWi'Arf «*ry Jr«n»W, eactpted.) BT PBILMP9 GILLMOREi : nort^wtat-ooawtt or yoop imp nrtit etaxm. •a- Dollars » p&yaWefftricUy.la Dollars will InTarlably be paired U notpstt ; CMTS-rfi* **theooanter fath# •: and by the y&waßoys. , ••’•«.?. THE BATUBDAY HOBSIHG POST hpuMMird tmta. th«gu» "““VS *‘2®* EtaSSwplS *he«t,«t TWO DOIAAU3 > J<»r, In adTMM. bingio copra ,I to aisomOnned (unlMii»t ttadlrert °;W- f ST^ySar uttaaraom- .. • dblitexm*;-' r ":~' r l. ,r — rr. ■•■•■.\ -•■.• ••.- H ’t ‘ r v;.* !M.. ' \ »•• ~ i. ~ • • •*. /. f. *\ 4'*.'<•■ V ■■;•■.•• ■ ifcV*.:., f . • ' f • • \ ; -A> RATES OF ADVERTISING, AOBSKD UPON- BY I SB PITTSBURGH PRESS. TWimMKOOTAKDrrauss: *0 60 Odb bqcatb, oob insertion.....*.^—.w...— a « e«h additional Insertion-..- ’*’*'**l76 « «- two wecks^;..‘•***‘’*r~*“~‘** 6 qq *■■»*• throe t oo « “ one month..-,-. *qq « . ** two « « three months—j 0 w « four •*••””*■**• 12 00 #•• ** cue «««•••« • atandifle Card,*six lines or loss, per annuo-....-—v- aw w atrutAStmx: /• • _ One square, per annum» {cmlurire of .the papcr)~v~~^3MW PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GKO. F. GH.1j810RB!, ; - ATTOUNNY AND ’GOUNSNLLOIt AT LAW, * tf Rrnrt* tired and Chan alley, , pirrsßu4off» ?A -» • \ 83* Will attend to his office, between tbo hours of 0 A- M. and 4 P. H. * C; Orlando loomHi a - l TTOICJET AT LAW—Office, Fourth otr«ot,»S)OTO Wood. . Jyi-7 Thoinai M. UariUollr ■ TTOKNKY AT LAW —Office, Lowrie’s Bulldinm roorui t street. .. ' ——"r“ ji, u.Caruabaiif . TTORNRY ATtAW—Office ©a Fourth street, between L Cherry allay and Grantjtreet ■ —j, u, ftp dowry* i TTORNET AND «° _ BakggeUV DoUdlngg, on Grant street. JC *— * n, H. Uateni .. TTORNBY AT Fourth street, aWr* and „ nearBmUhfieM» "* ■ - — ————: "jTs, sionlion. • ■ ; » TTORNTEY AND OOUNSKTJWa AT Amored to No.« Grant street, near Fooitb, n. Biddle Roberta, , i TTOBNEY AT LAW—Office* No. 1.2 Smlthfleld street, A bettram Filth and Sixth. ColloetionxearefuUyatreml epeclal attention risen to Ooproyaoeteje. (deo3-ly a ttormb?atww'anSm£Siio|WJiui>’Csm. Port Office, BteuboOTin., OUia mj4 ATTOBKBY AT street, Plttsboi^ jSf&t&b door below Mr,Body Esttason’e Utery Btsble. '■■-■" .: • ' H, Baelinuuri . __ 1 tDEHUAN—OBm. Fourth street, \ Bmlth6eU,SoaUiddß. Conrejanangof JlUnjlsdoM Kgn»t4c»«“ 4 legal accuracy. .Otto to Beal «■ -. ~~»«aniMgm BUSINESS CARDS. FR. DBA VO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, P»-> . Country Produce, o Sen for aale ia choiot(rt«*n- Oroiria, eclated tor tunlly nso SpiMOf mSI aS. aod tbe Barest quality, ground at hU Steato. HU_ » Dried mSW Porelgn and Domestic. Produce taken lo cx, ‘Wd. foil Wartihtel Burden Sends, and In-ritea the attention terested ia rural altaira. • . ■ - J. s. IIEECHI Itollins * CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 4SS.BIAIIE3 is . • Provisions, Hotels and Pittsbnrg Hannfectnres, NOS. 2« ..jta. &. axsauAtr. mE4 DEALERS AND.YAMILY Detrain J. -Wooden ana Willow Warn, Japanud Tin.Ware.Boumj Wholesale and Betdil, ho. J 3 Liberty ■■ tC4np A MoßflieoAi ; ; TXTQOLESAI£ GIiOCEM AND PBQITOCB W"“ KouZr Wood street* Pittsburgh. ... • . |my^C3 ' -CtraOtßSAlE ™KOOBM S lsp_COMJffl[Sal o N_^B' - W rn \'^t?- Jr^cT ‘ r ' r,T ‘' Wr)b& ***** ***■ Bpr3 - —■•■ • ."■■ "paul &> Mordoclc* ■ . ■■■_. OOMMIB3ION AND FOaVABDJACI MSBCHWffI, AJ® AGEST9—No.7 V ObiO. ■-—: —— * ' i 0 unaua~ xiKtrtnoc^ — r. rurcuo* 1 ■ : •»irrHOI.EStK ,, PRODOCEAND COMMtB-1 "gassr 1 ~ isysr _ a "^ B, | , Jr No. 304 Liberty fU*‘, PrtMmrgh, l«. Rnarttti'Unw**! and lahl Oil*- ■- mSmSSZvSfc: T- tt^ c „‘^ r 30 ’ i, rS ’ fIrrHOIESA.M I GBOCEKS, lUPOB’«SKS , O? BRANDIES, and&»»-!<» 172 and 17«,commofjrata analLlberty streets, Pittsburgh. Iron, Kail«,Ootto *T£2&& SSSSsftoS*?ta«i. m«t UUn*- to «notafl» • cto* -' •■-*'• ~~ •*; ’’ '.' • ■■ . /:--r T“" B. T. C. Morgan, .... B' OOKBELLEB AND STATION KK—hoe eltroye on hand a irsner»l«Moltottlltot School, Mtaaltanena»Bn4BlMJk •; Booto. PrlhUag, Poet nod Cap Paper, Ac-, T 1 Jh" .Su’&J. lM mod Street, below lWg,Ea*t sldo, Pl “s but Eb - 1 J -fc7i_Wffnt^l ) P il E lt anil • __ _ - XIfTHOtiESAtH AND EETAIL DEADER *” \V gehoOl Booto, Paper and Stationery,.No. 03 TVotn • vtr?rt between TMrd and Toorth.) Pittabargh. Pa- fmTg), i• —-rr “a. c. StocUton, ■ ■ ; ■. T ATE JOHNSON '4 STOCKTON, BOOKBEIXER, STA ■Tj-ITONBR, Printer and Binder—corner of HM-tet and ; Third gtreetß, Pittsburgh, Pa» !TT —.. .. W* 8# HftTeai : I rrtflß OLD POINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (&*;*■ 1 ! Tma ABToStQa,)and BLANK BOOK, abd STAWONB iut WAEEHQUSE—tf prepared to execute every style, of. SLI tonm£«wlcanfi and Steamboat Job Priotlng and | nlodine and fnrnlflh every article in the Blank Book,, PnpCT*qdßtatfoner7ltne, .t tho ohortert notl« ond on tt. ■SSSSSSsSittwi WarehonM,oomer of Motkot . '»°4g^naStMßoofcßindery. Ko.WThlrd.t. norlfr Sehuctunnn A Haunloln, ••, : Austin ljOoml»» v- ■ ■■ EKAVB3TATB-AQKNT, Merchandise* BtDcfc* find BIU Broker,Office, No. Q2*outtfi Strect,(aboreWood.) The •hbwibKr haring opened an office at the above for tne :i irarbo«H>rtiegotUrtittg Loana, Bills, -Bonds, Mortgage®, and Si olhe?lnstranwnta for the security of Money, and for the onrehaeo and Wo of Stocks. Will also giro prompt and partikular attention to toying, Bolllni.ronttng ofandl™*- ■ riyTl AUSTIN LOOins. TormlftlFe, Uvtir PilU. io- , - ,? y ‘ : A. Fahnaitmsk * Co.| . Wmveskix Wins WAREHOUSE—Co .IWmd. Wood rtrfteto» and corner Wood and Sixth. I ft *o* _ :”"JSO» GROUTTi Importer Of Brandies* Gi», Wmo, &c.» * ■ DUUtll „ „ TTSE OLD MONONA AIIBI,A RTR WHISK T, * ' Peach end Apple Brandy, *c. • - : , Also, Rrormea asd DISIIU.EJ. -.- .. flmllhflda and front streets. PittrtmrEll.Pii. Tao 9 ■ —: —■ ; - '' jr» J3ryar» ■. . WHOLESALE ASP, HOT AIL LIQUOR MEHCII ANT 166 Liberty rtreol» 31 Plnjnoad alley, febio.y - PAGODA TEA. 5TOBB; ■; T Brm tiAWQUIHv WuAttaU'o3\d Reta&Groceff ,-IJ«u«r JSassss»assssas^ai Httßbureh, Ea. • . ~~ P< ■ JIPOETBB and Dealer In French and American l apor nangtmm- m ° r3 ' 8.. P. WKDDELIii ■ ■ T OAN DROKEE, Dealer In NotMl.BondJ.llortgilgM, Beal IJ Batste StoclM, Merebandlift kc,' , . . ■ . is- office, Masonic Hall, Plft* street, nest door ,to_th» Cldaose 1 Deposit BantjPittaborgh, Ps. sP™ G POST. 8. L. CUTQBEB£» s. CDTHBEET & SOHt • Real estate andgexeiul agents, n°. bo Smithjitld itrctL , . . ■ nor! L John n. Mellor, . ■■■-' ,j XKTHOLEBALE AND RETAIL DBA LEE IN MtJSIOAL YV INSTRUMENTS, Planoa, Mnilc,, School Boom jmd StatioacrywNo. 123 Wood rtrrot. , iiS&k WHOLESALE iLadßataU SADDLE, HARNESS, fIHHsiBVNK* VAUSI3 and QAEPBI #AG -manu&p- Sr • torn, NoTIW "Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ’PvEAUJH In BWI&SIWEsImUNRS SKT jj ana BRAID HATS, corner of Market «mu lAoenyß**., No. 174 Pittsburgh, Pa. : r —.... william Glenn, FOOKBUTD3QV— Comer of Third and Wood Htrootq, fcbore CII Kay, whew bo is propped to do orory desnipUsn Of Ruling and landing- l qgr * -rVE.SISKKu“‘w,aBi\mB WOBOSSERS, jmd ! ) J3STXLQFE Mawctactpmbm, Boutli Third street, WITLAPKLPniA. .»y&[ ' ■ curil. - “. - ■ " Hike, (stjomsoswMoßrnr *.!»,) WOOL HEAL • ER AND COMMISSION J MERCHANT, for the »lo of American Woolen Goods Wo»lS9 Liberty street. [my« . - • TliOmftl Jl* jattlC, ; . WATCH AND CLOCK MAKKU—Fifth rtreet, beUro«a Wood And Mullet street*; opposite bon City Hotel. All kinds of Jctrciry made and repaired., : . i.*Pv-*y 5* J.BOOTT, DKNTIbT, iourthstrect, fit o doors qjmn2p|wcatof M&rket. ' ” OrnciHoocs—From sloo A* M. to flvo dec2thy . i>r. UttTia Hunt, DENTIST—Omcs, Fourth etrcct, between HOTWyMarket and Wood'streets, nearly opposite the Pittsburgh Bank. * novlT.ly BAlllt Afr MOSER, . ■ RCEITEOTS:—Offices: ..Philo UalVAo. 76 Third street, Pittsburgh; and cost side of the Diamond, Allcgbcnyv JylSkCm. ■ •■■■•■• ■■ ... .. BLOUTU AI3KO-, iiast Birmingham, manufacturers of . Bar Iron, and small Iron of all; descriptions, and make, also, the tinestquahty of Hoops, Rounds end Squaita. Leave orders for Iron in tho boi, at the city F Jv*t r :. ' rmm AND BEDSTKAD MANUVACTUKKR-~No. 254 1/ yotieman's Bow, Liberty street, has on tend a lB r S* stock of Chair* and Bedsteads of errty description, nude the best materials, which he will sell low than Y 1 *'*I** ®J' tho quaiicy can be sold In the city. He would cell l»ar* ticular attention to his Urge stock of Mahogany and Walnut Chairß and Bodsteadfj which he will sell al E*** 11 / prices. Also, burning of erery description execatod in the ; EStest manner. Otdtn loft atthoWaio Boonu,crat lie Mill, corner of Adams and h£*rty streets, will be jirompuy ttended to. ■.-*&* mar-t * M r Jams* UelUager, . _ „ /OSOSQAHKLA msm) iIICL-lYouMreipoetfuHi inform lilt Criouds and the public, thlt.hu new «3tob ll-iimcnt Is non la foil operation, and *****)“ ** EIV I SrJf furnish boat Cabins, sad fill »11 orders lor Flannl Lumber, vilh promptness and at tbs lowest rates. « • . .Board and Plank, plannl OB on* or both tlQa, oonstan Jy and Mouldings. of erery description, mad* to n Mld(n axul Carpenters would find it to their a*r»nteK* togis* him a call, ash* can now farnirh them with planed s tulT milahle for erery description of *ork. • • __ n a. - Juua csafcAiU HEBSOH fit CRISWELL, BELL ASD BRASS FOOZiUEUS, MANUFACTCKHRS of all kind* of BRASS WORK, !/>■ COHGTIVE, STEAM PLTJ3IBt.Ii SI Ac. Al so, Cotton Betting Manufacturer*. Foundry on Itubccca street, Allegheny City. Otaoe *ud Store, No, 12 Market street, IMtfcburgh. OLD BRASS aodJpOPPER taken in vxchanffe tor work, or cub paid. OnleS left at tlie Foundrj or OEce, trill ke promptly attended to. ___ ; —- JOSICPH T. LOUUYt Kq. 43 Comer of f\f& and Hwd Strait, ■ | Offlcs up «Uln. Entrance from Fifth rtnert. ( RESPECTFULLY announce to the pulnld lhal ha um , wmXenced tho REAL KSTATB la «ant£ | tlon with: Intelligence and General Collecting. 11® , Also attend to renting. Pctsom lb want of In awj capacity, orthoseln want of places, will be supplied at short notice- laU business entrusted to his care prompJjr at*. T J Ks^.^ I \WmaCo»«l,EKl 'V l 0-&, Dr. Alex. Black, James Slacker*!, A. A. h.won, ! MaHlt A Old. ' _ ___ carco'a Dagnerreotype an* Art Gallery* vjflSfa UiriU&ig, JVd. 70 Fuvrih *tr«£,(nM* to L}ndt . Carpet Jfutporuim.) • . ■ , . I __ B- II- CARGO A CO. haring fitted up the mfaat •2S$» unple rooms in tbo city with 1 *\tc side Debts, offer ffest Class in style salt all, vwjlng In pries aojordla,, Jo J&SvSißrix* and quality of case, Ac. tSI-Sujierior Oil I by the bast artists, for sale, and op **- I hibltloifdaring the day end craning, Citizen* tt **J *tran I gersare invited to call and examine spedmexisandPotnt- I Intm. • • - - • -S.J! tTAURIAOE FACHUIIV. . W. R. TERRY, Vireln «»W.‘•‘•""S'’#?S?,rBSr? m stn»U»Manufacturer of BUGGIES. BAUOGCHr-a in d CARRIAGES, of tre-ty description. All wortJ}™» *»rMnt«l The advertiser would hero state that bo scrr«i i nine years to toe bnsiness»andbJ^ww i kt i tl i for many years In too principal shops of too Im+ctu cltlw. ! mariwlf ■. ,__v - i i TjEW SISfiD Si'OHßi JAMHS AVARDROP, OFFERS for sale CANARY BIRDS of the breed«betogvery hirdy,end fine singers. Bird Seeds ■ n)irfl » T Amp, Millet. Rone and mixed Seed. _ltauquetß fomi-Mod of th« finest i Oomoiltui, Roso Ruin, Heliotrope*, Ac. ETcrpKO»(ln | for Ctrl, tmu Trees, from the Mod and Ilorliculturalßtare, Ho-49 Fifth st,mar Howl.. ESGLISU AND'CIiASSICAIi SEMINARY. | " W T- McDonald, M. A., Itawctrai. | TUB npxt Boßßlon oMhe Institution wUI commence on . MONDAY, tho 6th of September next, at the room cor ner or Ferry and Liberty street*, lately oamplod by tho I U jj!-/irw«i—Hon. AW. Inomts,o. Knap,Jr, S- F-^ 0B I Bonhorrt, R; Miller, Jr. - ■wo&t l>tttoh Balboni-Rootaj tfto* TUB subscriber lioo rccelr&t ilSirnt from Horlemhla f ap ply of choice Hyacinth*, Tulips, Crwtu, Peoaeao, and other Flowor Roots for foil planline, and for ointer hloom- Ing. in pots and glasses; Lawn Gross Seeds for fMI sowing, which make a fine, close, smooth tnrf, equal to soda. Fan l nSif Instruments,’Garten and Farming Impjemonts or the | most approred construction, at Eastern prices, from the Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, Et^ RDROp HEW CASPBT 8T0BE! nn;4T Fifth streetf near Wood* j A N Unrivalled auertment of CARPETINGS Mid OIL ■A CLOMS, Of the latest and most boaatifnl patterns for j epring sales, now open for Inspection, consisting of— • RoyalVelTeta, .- j .r. .Vi,, n ; i . -Tapestry Brussels; Tapestrylngrains, i ExtrafiuperThreoPlyi gaper and Fine Ingrain; TwSledendPlain Venitlans;- . 1 tina-J ateTC bain, CoSa, Adllaid,, Alican, and ShwpAln I Ktatti , lT»r Oil CTotlu, all widtta and Stair and Floor Draggcts* Green, Boise* Plpnp and Tm* o COTcra; VcnlUen Riinds, Window Shades, Stair Rods, Ac., 1 t • to - 15 “ .Capers; ■ 15 “ Olives; 76 “ GttfleDropß; 100 « Lozenges; JOSHU A- UH< WHOLESALE FBOITEB WOOD'S*., Pj HAVE on hand and: are rc which they offer at too.! 76 bags Lvica Almonds; • 25 J Sldly - da 25 bales Bordeaux do - 15 bAgsfibeUed- do .. ; - ;. 60‘ ‘‘. Filberts; .. " CO “ Walnuts; • 60 “ • Cream Nuts; . . - COO bushela Pea Nuts; . - 25 bbls.Toxao Pecans; 25 41 Illinois do 2000 Cocoa Nuts;- ; - 200 boxes German Plums; - ‘So kegs do do . ~10 bbla._ .-.do do :. 10 cases Prunes, glassjars; 10 “ .fiilicybXA; _ fiOcaxksCurrants; 20 cases Citron; 1, 200 boxes Cluster Balalns; I00hf.« M.R. do; 200 qr.“ • *V • do . 200 boxes No. 1 Herring;. 100 44 fßealed .do leaseMaco; - 1 bbl. Nutmegs; 1.. 44 CIotos; • 25 gross Blacking; 25 baskets Salad Oil; - 60 : JnjubaPaste;. 60 doz. assorted Plcklos; SO M **' Preserves; 100 « Pepper Banco; " 10 taiesSardines; / ~",-6 « bt bxs. 3 “ “ Y a do .200 bags Brazil Sugar; fl: :.dOhbls.S:C. Sugar; . 25 “ Lovering’s Sugar* 10 cases Liquorice; 26 boxes Kcf’ddo • 20,000 Principe Cigars jlO,OOOHavana. ..do.; it5.OOQ Regalia •do 1 2.600 Half Spanish Cigars; I 60 gr. Mre: Millet's P.Cut r 60 grosa uo j. 0. AKDM1503......V........- J. c. andeu WHOLESALE FRDITKRKRJ , Nos 0-Wood at., : -nisT' becbived; thomoi brought West of tho ilou 050 bags Brazil Sugar; ■ | . olhh M.w»»-*-.aUwas iiauu* HSO!T & CO., ts aud cosmmoKEßs, PUtitmrgb» Ps* ut aWtnslv® fall Stock-ever, intalns. com fating of-r* \~... 26 dxb JlnercaonU ; ] • t 23 do Vermicelli; • - -- 80 do Texan Pecans; ;25 ,do Illinois do; .1 '. 60 &>£ us’d Satod Oil; ! 100do* Pepper banco; .! 100 dos Ketchup; j .. 60tloz assorted Pickles;, i 25 dozus’d Preserves* 125 bxs Lozenges: • • 25 Vs Sardines, ViP/s* y A* SO bXS reSncd liquorice; 12eafies- do; 100 kegs Gorman Plum*; 60 gross Mrs. Miller’s tine Cut; • 60 gr. Mrs Anderson sdo; 25dozOilvw; 26 do* Capers; : SQdozOmocs; - ; ; ’ OObftgft-Pilberts; =. 60 bag 3 Walnuts; 75 bogs Cream Suls*- 6 UgsGroa-IYalnuta; 150 bags Dairy bait; 20,000 Prlntipe Cigars; £O,OOO Wub. Jlegaila do; 18,000 Havana do; 20,000 Half Spanish do; RepO 60 boxes Havana do 20 bbls Lovcnng’s do, fine! palTeritod; j 20 bbls. Lovoring*s -coarse' pulverized Sugar; ! 20 bbls. Lov«ring > 8 coarse! Sugar; . .60 bbls Stuarts do do < gOOOCoccuKuts;' 16 eases Jar Prunes; 12 coses Fancy Boxes do 260 bxs No. 1 tlemng; 155 bxsScfl-cd HerrUig* 05 lbs Mace; ••160 ft«'Nutmegs; ’ 150 sbs Cloves; 40 gross Blacking; 65 oxB CTtrou; 1000 bus Pea Nuts; 60 bxs No' 1 Rock-Candy; 20 UO.BOI do do • 26 do Yellow do: do 20 do YVtolo do do 1- 05 hgs lnea Almonds; 60 bales.# jrdeanx do; 55bg«5ldiy : do;- 60 do dOi 600 bxs Cluster Balrins; 250 bxs MB do}-; IOW A FO UIS OR Y 1 NO. 103 WOOD STREET. 1 • < JOHN C- PARRY, (sueewssor to J. C. Parry A Co ,) begs t tolnfimatoecuetomenioftheold firm,and the public , •generally, that b« his cow on band*,and tSArxUmrivrfy tm- ; cacetUn manufoeturlDg, every description of CABTlNUrf— suto as: Patent Chillod Rolls; large Kettle* and Curbs; Patent Kettles, far Soap, Pot Asb, fceda Ai*h; bugar Kettle*, forth* manutacture of Cane Sugar—cß.cwf on a piUi t process, known &s J.C. Parn’s, and are superior fur dura bility to any other, and sold lower than those toads 00 tee WARE—A general assortment, all from new - and improved patterns, Wagon Boxes, Dog Irons, Sad Irocs, *l&sung MW Casting*, and Machinery of every description, always on hand or mod* to order. . _.. . • ■ ■ . Cook Stove*. Kitchen Ranges, apdOoal Stoves, of every description; IowaO»k Stoves, fiverizc*. which wolvcd tho | first prise tor 1660 and 1851, at the Agricultural 1 wr of Al legheny County, F*., and rocomtacnJcHi by MWo hundred tmrsons; EntorprizeCookbtovos. tour else*, Cook gtotea; Egg and Radiator Coal Stoves; Parlor ovovr*, Ac. Partor Uratoa and Penders, great vaixcty, beautifully enamelled. Common Grates, and building material of every daaeziohan. .. _ • A grrat *vlety of Ornamental WWlnfi,tor Cemeteries and. . pahUe tektr. m*. «U. at Ih. nld W«4rt. PIANO FORTES. in ■ CUARLOTTE UUIBE. No. 118 VTotA iStw n'trS.'iJLWJj street, second door above Fifth, IMUs.urgb, Pa. offers ft r sale u large »nJ w«)lukrtnl (I V f I stock of Piano Fortes, (wbkh are just or rivins.y on the mn»tliberal terms. . , _ t . The attention of purebawrs l* cy;r«Ully InviicJ to tbe celebrated HAMBURG PIANOS. These Jostrurnents liclng oadcoxprwriy to. thl* t.lraate, and having the over, strings, havn a roionw of tone uo equalled by anv others. Also, llanosfrom of Gal*A Co-N«w York; Bs«m & Itovcn, Ne* lerk; Be- Icheubaeh ASons. Philadelphia: and of »t oww nasrevifr. TtlxXjWblfhore well known, and hate been used m t.uiaud i other niiftf for IB yter*.. i MUarCAT/ INSTRUMENTS of ttli klnlA I Guitars— Afinrsctectlou of French, Spanish and German, t l)wtltalian, French and EnfrlLh mnkft. Jtxml/oM— From tbo best Paris manufictory. ALSO—Flutos. Clarionet*, Drums, l ifrz, Raigus, Tambo- and German, warranted I toh*orthflTCTybMtl|riehljMrTKl,Granil r.ono Forte, 7 octets fine, ,£OO 00. ... ... One mnerWy earvul IteKwotxi annaro Hano, In the Btylo orLouie XIV, 7 ociiyeee, firflO DO. fn m Dnußooowooii arvaUl t-eSeva. »;-• too do d 0 J do - 2»00 One do do 0 do. -*, 2 ! 0 „ All the above are from the relvbretcd manufactory of Cnicxxwxo A So?rs, Boston, Mess. »i# ,i * Also, received from the same fioc.tory, ft beautiful lot cr PIANO STOOLS, carved and plain rosewood,with baireloto, figured plush, and brocateUc rest*. . • . On lumd, a large slock of Pixaaa from other Boston ond I Now kork makers* and f*’r aol*at factory prices, . \ * JOHN H. MELIXJR. 61 street. Agent for Chlckering’s Pianos, tor Pittsburgh and c.-tom I Pcno*yl y,lp^a ‘ J- LATEST MDSIC. HKLKBKU nAS JUSTRECEIVED- , . . . BoirvEsm na Pxnra Scnornsn, eoraposed and uodl eatod to Mr. Jolias Lee. by 11. Klober. This piece Is embel liriu-d with an oleganUy colored vignette of tho city or Paris, showing theTcxaswta, iho imperial residence of the French Emperor; the Chutcbof Norar Dan*. a reliable and correct map of tho Irrnch Capital, a* tohjn by Mr- Lee, on Ills recent visit there, ood is of Itself worth and dedicated toMlw i Romaine Lemoyno, of Washington, Ta,, by H. Kleber. i Fond Heart* at Uome; beautiful nuw Bailed, a* sun B bj I B MtußI 8 German melody, wiih Euglbb and German words.. Little Songs for Little Children—new. nenvily Wear* tho Day—new. Thinking of Thee— new Ballad.; . I What call Tbco—vocal duett. PotKAS-Zlc tag, City of Glasgow, laOuJs Napolcovx, Hat tie, Children/Delight, Unpresumiug, etc., and a gene ral selection of tbe most fashionable music of the day. 83* flo. 101 THIRD street Steamboat)* Ahoy 1 _ , The subscribers tender their ackuoiT-Rb I JjM&sAlodirnienU lor the farors bestowed upon VJ*. Jtn in, their Steamboat friends,, and Re'S „ould respectfully remind them end others Into reft- ■ 1 ed In bulldloir hosts, that they aro at all times prepared to furnish, on tho most reasonable terms, erety description of Cabin Furnlturo and Chairs of 1 * Jq 1 k taanshlp. comer Third and Bmilhllold sheets. opposite “Brown's Hol«l."_ N' —WMUBlafi-TUKB.—Th» subscribers bavoopcncd at Np. 83 Fourth street & choice collection or muslo and musical Instalments, Italian and German r.tangs.Manos, by M Eranl, of Paris, and Mr. Arnold; Flutes; by M. Lulnr, Frankfort, A. Mr Clarionets, do. AlUlnds oriraM rnstru monts from tko best French manufactories, oil of which t*o offer to the public on more liberal terms, fooling confident that we can render entire satisfaction. . • . 11. SCUROKDER ft CO., No. 83 Fourth st. • II Schroedor and G. Anton trill giro inßtrnctlons on the piano, Tlolln and guitar, - . Valuable Rare Garden Seeds, Ac. CONSISTING In part of tho celebrated Btowel or Ever green Bugor Corn, Old Colony Sugar Corn, Wrinkled Smear rcas of various Improved varieties, Bluo Imperial, Blue Prussian and Marrowfats do, Beans, Ouions, ltadisn, Parsnip, Cucumber and Mellons of tbe ■ finest and most ap» nrovod sorts, Fi?ld Carrots, Turnips and Sugar Beets for the dairyman and formers- A rich collection of flower seeds. Lawn Grass Soed. and a full and complete assortment of Gardenand Forming implements of tho latestlmprovements, Monthly Vabenas, Hoses, Uelitcrops, and fine blooming plants for the yard, Garden or Lawns, by tho dozen or 100 MerchahVfl, Sealers or othera filled promptly 1 «n llh4*ral ‘terms, from thoSeod. and Horticultural ware i hooXwFinh Blk-et,by ■ lapf-ZQ JAMES WAKDKOf ■ STTNDRIKS —Cigars, pipes, pipe heads, Bplcea; chocolate,- broomß,buckets,:tubs, bed cords twine,rop«B.cotton batting; carpet chain, rage, hemp and coiten, brushes, ex- Swothf coffee blocking; salcrotus, whlteoud red lead, mud- KS Mam, iidigo, logwood, camwood powder, Sho’uoild: wash-boards,b torch, corks, demijohns, Jugs, tar, cheese, dairy Balt, sardines, alcohol, turpentine, Bnurf, cat ?nd dry tohLco,*c, *c : in jgjjgg dec22 ‘ 221 and 223 Liberty st. TTW COKWI nor COHNiTUUT CORNIU-UotCorn: H Life Scenes in Now YorkTilustrated-includlngthe juSy of Little Knty, Madeline the rng-piokor’B daughter, Wild Maggie* 4c. With original design?, engraved by N. Oir- By Soion Boblnwn. , “Bid that welcome Which comes to punish oft . ; n « * ijossrar'B book outworth’a a ooblu a blood. u Of every inordinate cup bowartv Ordrink.andwithitn.^oharo,^ , _ For ealo by .. jMWood street. i dce!3 • '• moIiACCO—M bolta andbnlf b0It “ r!u»- A D K^o r S,°^a^a^«|| isV" 1 XS * ocntr^^SiS°oV or :i-' -V V.i‘~.' v' To Druggists & Merchants throughout the Union. D. U. hI’CuLI.OCOII, ; aASStSOTtIfBK AN IT DEALER IS PAINTS, OILS, he., : Ho, 141 Molden JSKW YORK, RSCKCWULLV inrilcs the attention of Druggists and I XV M«tchantsthrough6n£ tho Union to hla largo and oa- . ■tonairo aaftartniont of i’AINTb, OILS, Ac., of tho LL3T ar.il I’PIUSST'-QUALIXLES,owhich ho oirera.forißalo.nu very, moderate tonne, both tocooh andrlcso-thnebuytrii.. lidow aro'enumeratod Bomo of tholeading articles: U " ' WUITE 'LEAB; iu «f!, in kegs of 25 to 600R19. BLACK PAINT, XBLUIWiUCOTK.YIsN.RED.inpII.; PATENT DRYER, SPANISH BRUWN, lETRA DE SI- imperial, and arsenical Q PKUEI’IAN O BLUE,cmtO.ME TELLOW and VERDIGRIS, dryduil in'oil. " V . . ; VAHNISIIES of nil kind*. . • - ; ... ItAW and BOILED LINSEED OIL, PUTTY, WHITING 01IALK, LAMP BLACK AM and ENGLISH VISN.RED, CHROME RED and YKL LOW* dry and id oil. • INDIA HKD, KV.D.LKAD ttu32elodoon Waiorooma, j ffO. 483 BROADWAY N£*V 10RK. I TXRQM enlarging mj lycrt.Twiss, X enaWwl to tuvp a Jr much greater asrortment of InstrnrafUts,tUanis-rcto-1 fjre- AH Kano* Tarnished are of anel[i*llcioucb,and«T|in even quality, abd Urep, fall, rlrb and purely rocot tone, qualities mo«tdcsirahlo,lua«uu2h as the Voice wilt WU*a f latnto.thetoneoftboinrtruoient. All.my-IWlsTinentaarej fully warranted, a guarantee Mil of w«V and ore sold aa low ascaa E«rconcj A JVVIO OnnJn. iltiodton, vrltlv ItcO j I4xni4 f/ A’ey#,th* only thlniiof tl>okind ia thernnatry, having tew tUyiz. coupler. sWell draw stops, Ac-, a *wcvt and j powerful lortrimicju. pronounced by <>rgani?b>. to bc«ol»e- ( rior tat churches or Organ \ racUce to the CDtsllmn sixvd Or* j cans, price g£i?o. Also, the w>mtr:na.Mrlo*li-<’a.<>f all alid prices. Rctngtlla extrlusite Agent for them lufitru taentejOnlprsaresollcatcd. The nsual dlwiAunt maJototlia «mIM jwr «TOt. W M«gy».n rurcLwing for lh«D own vl. l»uAJM>w»«, m»rlsG, li3 Ntrwlork. PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE J. HENKEL’S ‘ CITY CAiIUET WARBHOiJSB, • No. i»3 cuesrxtrr utkkst, (o?yoa:TZ Haill . philadclphU* FTOHITUEE, IN SVERY STYLE! Comping LnuisXlV. l*cute XV, KMr:nt«uha!:niid Antique, | with Sculpture Carting and modern rtyici .1 In ttftwwowl, IVamut, Slahx^ony,Sau.uaowl and Maple, all of superior foiu«tn’.cttotj, and bnirhtsl la the J be.n*tvW.pquattn > lfnotexccthnginqu;il* Uy, the Ouods of suy l-.ssnkhh* > j . mvnt in thj'Unhcil states. | I7MPLOVINO none but exp-crnnctil workmen, (appren \ tire* being porltlvciy rxduded.lnnd using the 1*« nta-j tertal*» tho work cannot Call to giro satisfaclwa to pun I chaJUiM- AmangLmtsut; .by | whi~h ail ih»- articles lu n«’in ln j strte Kt;-l‘iu«Uity* and Uie.imrcv tx** •usd* a'.uajs on Imnd, King so Tfifisu* iu.vJtMhrtr. ruiihU-Miiirchastrs to pie*« lUeH , "twdn in n wttertton. VbNout the delay utcts^arily cau*rtl iu Votsi;Hl?'ir, - . . . To git? no i-iea of Fural'iire on huad,! nt |>ref»;ng Ltu>rS, W rjtiu}; l)u.ik*, H « I' l^s I'nitf, Ppwa Ojamv*, Cuiuery, Una Oil Fainting?, f)r*ftlen CHna, Ac.—Tbv underMgned Iw; i‘'Ms‘*o'ap) t u* in*lta the \ f-t eiilt.i.s stu! wbc»b**r *j» jiuir}iaM*r>»or connoisseur*. to their magnificent stock, U:UftUiir it u> fix ctwl ir» vxtcit, .vamiy and richness, any v>iWr lu Uil» country. Tb«y feel *tire, li e «tlTonSftg«Of tHi*Tt' i tsxMy a- tli** , nlT< i I i.*s iii iuropt|, au-t lbt*lrc*E> silver W are, Ac-,, here, ciiatl.* them to Offer Inducements in price* and quail' | tic.-’, anJ i-ricv?, eowftJvrlng ou<ties, f.ucfitu eauuotbeof fi>rai by any other house in the trade. Delicate rood* «> carefully packed as u> go rarely any uu*« tanoe # am!bj nlmostaay conTey&nee.. Wholesale and toiall. CANFIELD. BIIOTIIIIR ft CO. 223 Ualtlittojre street, corner of Charles, dwlGft? . iUUimor*. iSILUKUfcIsTtnOEj-f - ROLSMAiJtyAOTCkritOf'rDEIiIEIIOVtO SPIRAL BPIIINO HI AT Tll K 8 S 5 W Cor- Baltimore and Frtdenth Bal tunort, and sfo. $2 Walnut &t. t Philadelphia* PIYK HILYEU MEDALS AWARDED; \ IZ:~ AMERICA!* N«w*\orfei By U , RA»RU!flssmuTt,l*bi!nafM'luß# ) MARttARn IRBTITCIA DaUimore. rpliE peculiar improvement In 4ho construction of th.s 1 llaurep* l*, that all the ciumtry and Arary t ooodtn frttm<-vx>rk Ik entirely dispensed wilb, and it* plae© sup plied by a lighter and much more durable frame. The ■priors aro all connected by harness leather hinges, secure ly ri vetted, rendering It impossible lor n single, spring to fall down or get out of place, uml unking a Red so elo»tto i that nny part mny'bo raised or bent up, and la thuaadmlra* bly fitted to tbo wants of the pick or ostlmwUc, who may re quire a sitting posture. It has all the luxurious softness of ?be best feather bed, with the lightness and facility of hand ling oFthdeommou hair mattress. ■ • ' These Improvwl Spring Beds nr* invariably made or the best materials, and.will last many years without repairs. Persons haring Iluir Mattresses can hare them altered In These *dh'd" are well adopted for Hotels, berths of Ships, i Steamboats and Uospltala. .. . ■_ .. ALSO an extensive assortment of highly crnameuti-d, (in cnamelAaud plain tinlAhed OAST IRON FLKMTLRh, com slating In part of Dodstcads. Hat and Coat Hacks, Cone and Umbrella Stands, Centre, Pier and 8!do Tables with marble tops, Garden Chairs, Setteef, cie., etc. Animals, such «i» Uons, LambH, Dogs, etc., In Iron, os well as tbo models In Wood,furnished at short notice. dcclCly ■ ■■ •• • "■ ' ST. LOUIS. JOSEPH MOGHIDGE, COMMISSION AND VOBWAIIDING MERCHANT, ■No. 38 CoUMIBCUn, UELOW Finn Stuii*, St. liOUls, Mo., CONSIGNMENTS anil Commissions will B-.eotvrUh Prompt I nndpeiannal attention, and liberal (olionc j will be i glvcnwhon roquired;on Consignments or Bills of Lading, for tho purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly ailed at the lowest nrnrkot prices. The Itecclving'and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro dneo will meet with especial care and dispatch tho lowest rates of Freight will always be, procured, end the espouse of Storage and Drayageus much-aa posaiblo aroidetl. ■ ■'■■■■■ Btama: Page A Bacon, St. Louis; Ellla A Morton, Cincinnati; Charless, Blow A Co., do; Strader A Gorman, do; Chouteau A Valle, do; Hosoa A Vrarer, dp, t Doan, King A Co., do; Springer A Whiteman, do, J;W.Butler ABro.,Pittsbh; E.O.tiOoodman A C 0.,.. j ,do; D Leech A Co-, do;. E. A 0. Varuall ACo.,Fhilada; Wm Holmes A Co., do; Morgan, J.M.Suck AMorsan, Blow A March, Now York. B. B.Comef-ys, do; Frost A Forrest, do, Shields A sillier, Charles A.Meigs, do; Joslah Loo ACo., Baltimore. AG-FarwellACo.,Boston; AbruhamJ.Cole, .“0, Howard, Soil A Co., do; 5" yMld t'a w'f ulavl , 1 “’ . • :11-D-Jiowcomb&Bro. r do; T.o.Twioholl & Co >Commission Merchants, New Orleans ■ tfitJt hare an open. Policy of Insurance, which will cover, all flliipmente to my address,when; advised by. .letter per; mail, orw ben endorsed, on .bills nf lading or at the toe shipment. . , ' BISTBRPRISB WORKS, wn, X3O WOOD STREET, T . fiD DOOR BKIOW TlBOJil ALUV. ■ BOWN dTBTLET. ■ : i—n»w- IMPORTERS Rnd manufacturers o! AND MMAI INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES, Ac., We fgsf ‘ 'keep a general assortment or the above *£/ " ' articles constantly bn hand; together with a mineral varietyof Fancy Hardware. Also, Quna, Pis tols dnfuevotvvrs, Ftakldlonui, Shot Ilclta, Capvrowdcr, Load Bid Bullets; Bowie, Dirk; Him ting and Socket Knives; Tailors and' Hair Dressers’ Shears;'Pocket Scissors, Ace— Also, Trusses and Supporters. ’ t : .. JobhlnK and repairing neatly executed. .... ■ . - RIFLES!—We are making Riflesof every description,to order, or thß best meterioi, and workmanship warranted.— Orders recolved for them at Wholesale or Itetall. 'iriU Infill ed with despateh. Hunting parties snpplled . at->yholMale prices. ■ m ? ls . Selling Off to Remove. ■ JAMES ROBB, No. 109 .Market street, Pittsburgh, will offer his present largo stock ot BOOTS, SHOES, and RUBBERS, at eery loiaiprica; until, the 10th of. February,;. 1854, when ho hopes to remove to his. New Store, T:m of 2 feet; only 28 inches between tbo two. The Land Is a good soli, and 10- Acres in cultivation. A good Dwelling House; good water and timber. The Land is suitable for Garden ing purposes jsßonto about 4 mile* from the city; & short distance from the Brownsville Plank Road. < I WILL SELL my uncxplred lease (fourteen years) of 6. Lot. situate on O'Hara stmt and Spring al*y, in the VltUi Ward—4o ft fronting on O'Hara street, and running back .100 ft.on Spring alley, on.wbfeh Is erected afour Storied Bnck Honee, 40 ft square, with a frame, two stones, 00 ft. on Spring alley, well calculated to carry On any branch of manufacturing business. Being engaged In man ufacturing in ibu country, I offer itoj above for. sale. In quire af No. 42.* Liberty street. 06l8:tf EDWARD FABER. rpHE subscriber offers at priraio safe a SMALL FARM, j. ccntaining SIXTY ACRES. situated in Franklin town* aillpj Allegheny county ; with about filty acres cleared and in a good stale of cultivation; a good young Orchard,of the boat kind of fruit; a gooff Log House and Kitchen, and a Log Barn; about ten miles from Pittsburgh,'and about fburmlles from l*cTTsftfllt«. • For further particulars, enquire of WILLIAM GRAHAM in Sewlekleyvlile, or to the {subscriber, onthe premises-- dec!*’, HUGH -NKKLY. HOLD, DBIVEB! LOCOMOTIVE AHEAD!! Real Estate Faria for Sale. rivflß Pubscnbf-T is authorised to sell is 4 ACRES OF A LAND, sitoatrd m Actyolllea Township, County, Pennsylvania, lying back of Mclveespcrt, known, a* thn WbUxjak- Flats, and la eight of.the proposed Station od the CobueUsvUlt* Railroad. Improvement*'.** follow*: A Square Log House,* 50 by 20 fetit. two stories high; and Square Log liars, 60 by m> feet—both new-and la good order; two fine young Orchard.*, br*t grafted fruit, wauaendeg to bear, There .Ts OO to 100 Acre* cleared and i in r- high state yf cultivation; and the balance is woil wit : with white-oak timber of th« first order. -This Land lb well |.calculated fora. Stock Farm, being very level, and thn noil of an. excellent quality for graf* growing, attd„ being well I watered,' having wmo twelve or fourteen never-iaijiug [ vptings of tixcelleatwatcr thereon. Tins Land has facilities I rarely met with, being within half.a roito of tbo Youtfh. I river, and on» mile of Mounngßbdß.and almost on the .line | of tbo OonoelJsvJlleßailroad; and is eupjiojed to contain an inexhaustible ted of IKON ORE. .This £dn Co M JOHN S. DAVISON, 65 Market, near Fourth’.Str«*st. Take Aotlce* I HAVE placed my Books and Account* in the hand* of Jims C- Rrcnsr,K.VATER —A fresh Bupply.rcctlved-by .faW....... ... ~ JO3. FLEMING. TWTJSW MUilC^—Tho Social Orchestra—For fluto or Violin JV- comprising a collection of popular-melodies,> ar ranged- .as solos, duetts, trios, and quartettes, by 3. j ' C.‘Foster; prlcasl. • k : - - . * • Four Bonus by-W.'Vincent. the seasons^\?Uli'beautiful, lithograph, titles—Spring, - pnmmflp. Autumn and Winter; each 60 cents. . Chant applique au Piano—Thatberg; 7o cents • Funeral March—Composed as & sincere tribute of Teapot ... . to the memory of thcrlate.Jonaa.Chickering,by^w. i -B. Babcock, 'with iUusxrabod title, and a cometuher : dobs of tho late Mr. Chickcringl pnco-75 cents. Armed in Clouds of Golden Light-duett; 19 cent** . Milage Festival SohottUch, by.VY.T.-WallnCk,.oO cents. Opera of Norma, complete,.with Italian end English words* $2. Jullie&’fl Primv Donna Values; S 3 cents. : . . (Just received by Express.) . Anew lot of “ Chiokcring’e fiirnos’orono w ontho w a>, SOUTH PITTSBimOU.-PROPERTY FOB SALE.—StCOO 'fori now Frarao DWBLUKO.- HOUSJsjsnth toe rooms, and a large lot of 60 feet fronton theJJrownsrMo rowl, near the toll-gate; a largo stable, outov(jn, Ao. Tho houH. is wellpapered, and will /bo sold on oasytermfr. Apple and Plums trees; "Also, aneatCottageiHouasfor $BOO, Tory pleasantly situated, with a Qpe garden, fruit trfcos,.spring,, spdnghouse,Ac Termseasy g cxmnjEUT L 140 Third street. AHAREMKNT ROOM* ia a good location. Therooln.w AhwL? abo« groind.dry, well AnlArf- " lighted-' His 18 fret hy 29 In site. Entire at the office of the Morning Post- • - - • —— s- i - ■ •i,r /■%,'. »- ■* ' T ‘W' • PARTIAL OR TOTAL, ZSNTZBSXi? nEXffiOWXSD. ALSOL’IIKRT begs to call thoatlention of those f / suffering from a total or partial loss of the hearing,: to the followlng.fa3ts.-- : He\troats : disease# of the- middle or Internal Ear with . ■ lit . - • • MEDICATED DOUCHES. Such as is practised in the Infirmaries. of Berlin, Brussels, Hamburg, and fct. Petersburg,and lately by the most distinguished ■ London Aurlsts, with the most, won derful success; indeed, it la the only method that has been uniformly successful." The best-proof of the efficacy of the treatment .vrlll be aTeferemee-to nearly NINE HUNDRED NAMES, Rerfdents.of .the.Dnited States, Canada,New Brunswick, and Noth Scotia, wfto.Jturebcen restored to Acute. Bearing, and not a singte, BoUtary case,fo our. knowledge, did we fall fto.effect cither xi partial or total restoration. of the- Hearihg, when our'advice and instructions were faith* fully and'punctually adhered-to. Many who could not hear the report of a pistol at arm’s length, can now hear a watch beat at the distoticoot fourfeet In cases - of -mucons accumulation in .the Eustachian Tubo and Tympanumi Inflammation of the Mdch* Mem brane, Nervous Affections, Disease* of the MembranaTyin pam, commonly called tho ‘rDrum/* or when the disease -entr be traced to tho effects of Fever,-Colds,-the m o of Qui nine, Mercnnal Medicines. Gathering In the Ears in child hood, Ac., Dr. Alsopbert’p treatment stands preeminent. Where tho v Avditcry Canal Is dry and scaly, with little or no secretion, when the deafness is accompanied with noises in the Ear, like falling water, chirping of tnßectß,ringlng of bells, rustling of leaves, continual pulsations, discharge of matter, or when, id-stooping,'a sensation Is felt as If a rush of blood to the head took place, when' the. hearing is less acute lu dull, cloudy weather, or when n cold has been Liken, this molhod of traating tho disease la tn/a/LMe. IN DEAF AND DUMB CASES my experience warrants me in saying, that if the hearing • was at any time good, very much can be accomplished. In the Deaf and Dumb School at Lnipslc, out of a e ass of 14, J succeeded .w restoring:J\7ivr to. acute heating.- Dr. A. begs respectfully to state, that in those cases be under lakes be 'guarantees wsuceesaful Jesuit; eorntfletOTestoration; or such a marked improvement as will be perfectly satisfactory,if his remedif s are faithfully applied and directions adhered to. .-.::AppUcantH.wiU,please'v state their age, •. duration of dl l sease,.if matter homes from the external passage, if there aro nolwß In the Ears, stale'of general health, and what they suppose to have-been the cause of the deafness. When tho hearing w restored it la expected that those In easy circumstances tiiil pay liberally; * - Medicines, Apparatus, Ac, wlll.be sent to any part at my. owu>xpen»e. Address DIL ALSOI’HEET, BftOADWAY, Ofllce near Canal street, New York. fe3-3md * ' Five Fee. , ■ - :. Invalids of Pittsburgh, and Vicinity, YOTJH attvotJnri li) urgently invited to a careful and can. did pcnwnl of someth bag .tlist has just been intro tluced into Uie.tbne-lKmoTcd Kejrtone SutB. / : *> PUIiVKR3IACHER»S UYDRO-tLEOTKIC - YOLTAIC CHAINS’ ANEW and NOVEL mode of applying a powerful remedial •aia2ut,l>o Koriatructed as to be worn under the farmer, ta, nest to lUosUn, producing awmatant, UNINTELRUMLI) current of ELECTUO-MAONETISM, eiTeoling Immediate Belief From the most a rut* pain,and also a permanent core of all NERVOUS DISEASES. It seldom has failed to furnish almost certain relief, and a FINAL, PERMANENT CURE, by being used according' to directions, to the following diseases r- - Rheumatism, • UtennoPams, . Oorn, Sciatica, Palpitation of tho Heart, . Pamtjßis, ■■■■■:■. Periodical Headache, Painful and Swelled Joints, St. Yitas’D&ncc, . . •Neuriilgia'ef • General Debility, ' . Diseases of the Spine, . Pains of the Chest, ; Deafness and Blindness, Hysterics, Dyspepsia, - ALL DISEASES\ That are caused by a deficient amount, of HEItVODB FLUID, are greatly relieved, 1/ not permanently cure-1 by rimply wearingtho chain* forafew hours each day. Be It Understood That it 1* not claimed that it cures all diseases, but only tho*p fur which It is recommended; and moreover, we boMly claim and DEF Y, that no medicinal agent of ANY. KIND ba< performed SO MANY CORES during the last year, of iho.r?on iu the State by applying (post paid) toDr. GEO.II. KKYSER, who is agentfor Pittsburgh,' Tfu: Tim chains can bo pent by mail, with full descriptions ■ fornw, . Price of Chains,; $3 and so. . ...... x •Physicians are politely invited to call and examine their . andpronouncbnpontheirxnerita. . One Word More to Invalids* No person need fear that they will not accomplish just wbatit Uclaimed they can do, and all persons who have become disgusted with a constant pouring down of patent nostrums (bottled awili) are kindly, and politely invited to give them a trial. ij.—One Chain will last for yean* and lose none of its electric power by use, and can be applied to either adult or. ' faUd. ' • ' ' - • GLO.IL REYsEIt, No. NO comer of Wood street nod Virgin allev, Plctehurgh, wholesale and retail agent. Also, I>y J. IVFLKMING. Allegheny City.. .‘ fdecl&dawCm Dlv. TERRELS HEALING OINTMENT vriU curt Salt-' Trh«un>(Tetter),Chilblains, Common Sores, Chapped or.. Craaked Hand?, Burns or Scalds, Cutspr Wounds,PUe*,Tn fianurtation of the Ereast..Bites of Insecis,.S6re. tips, Face, and Breaking Oat andSorea On Children, 1 and oil .Disease* ;of the Skip, quicker and titrer than any other Medicine. - - - • -■ ' For srdft by FLEiriNQ BROTHERS, and Dr. KEYSER, Wood rtwot, Pittsburgh; 3. G. SMITH Birmingham Dr or Store; WM. SKIBERT 4 Penn street; LORENZ & WIGUTMAN, Pennsylvania Glass Works; Mrs. S. HOLMES, TempemncwUle; D. M. CURRY, Allegheny City; *BAHUELDYER. Allegheny City ;>WM. SMmVlAwrenc* viUe; LUKE B. DAVISON, East Liberty; SPANG A GO* Sluwartstowni LEWIS DALZKLL A COvSbarpsbntgh; STEWART LLQYD & CO n lron Works; J.W. HANSEN, Manchester.' *.jyssMxwy- - -' •• ••••■ -• ~ • '• B< A. Fahneatock’s Vermif&ge! : HttEUE is evidence that must satisfy every mind that. B. A.lYbnestock’s Vermifuge is the only article that, can be administered with tho certainty of expelling worms; ; - ITaUVax, N\ 8., dan. 23,1852. I hereby certify, that a child of mine, aged three,years, had been very ill for a month with a pain in the chest, gen eral-weakness endloss of nppetite, I was advised totry' B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, and accordingly bought n, bolUo from Mi Naylor,Druggist, Granvllle'-street;" Hav ing administered aportion .of .it, he passed; within tweoty four houm. Two Hundred and Forty-two Worms, from six to twelve Inches .in. length. .'The child; immediately after this, had its appetite restore*!, and' soon enjoyed perfect health. Another child, sovoh years old,'who had-been more or less sick from his-blrtb, took the remainder of the boitle, which caused him to pass One Hundred ana Sixty two Worms. From that time to the present, hla health has* been perfectly good, and. be has thrived" jm- weU as, any. cMMotiiM.. :. , . . KUZABET&BISHOP. , Sold,.wholesale and retail, by all the principal dtaggisU and country merchants throughout the united. States. JanlC,-;- =-- : . : - • ' 550 - kt«-*Fnr«l ;- WILL be paid to auypereonwhowillbuy -abox of Dr TERREI/S HEALING OINT - : MBNT, and use It according indirections, if they will coll at my officeand say with j a clear conscience," tbat> it wflV not com ’•ilSOA • •'•.JrfefrfycuriChapped HMidris'ChiblasoS,Cha-. fing. Sore XipSjßurns and Freeses, Sores Children, and: greatly alleviate, if hot entirely cure Saltrhenm, lnflamm ation of-tho Breast, Bites of Insects, Pimples on toe Facei and all Diseases'of the Skin. MONROE TLRREL, - -- - • Naugatuck, Conn. For sale' by-FLEMING BROTHERS,'and Dr. KEYSER, Wood street, Pittsburgh; J.G. SMITH, Birmingham; Mrs. ‘a. HOLMES, TemperancavUla; D.M; CUBBY,; Allegbmy , : WM.SEIBERT A 8R0.,477 Pennstrect, ENZ & WIGHTMAN, Pennsylvania Glass Works, SAM L DYER; Allegheny j' WM. SMITH, La-wreneeville; LUKE B. BAVIBON Rut Litany; SPANG. A CO., Stewurtfitowu. LEWIS DALZELL4 CO, Sharpshtog; STEW AM, LLOYD “ffitochffi’-ta* Wort*! i. W. HANNJN, ; Man. ■dieter., .. ■if B-A flnK’.o box of Dr. TERHKL'B OINTMENT wl« IN * • keen any Blacksmith’s, Farmer’s, Sailors, or Meehan* ic’s hanA^,lot them ch»p or crock overdo bad, sound and m ■"owwl trbrkiusz order all winter.- g tepSS<3i4*oia By MONROE TERREL, JyStatowy ■ - ■ Naagatnelc, Conn.. private Diaeasea*' .•: . /a DB. BRQWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, Do- /» votes his entire attention, to an office Practice. -His business is mostly -confined to Private JgpV- Tchertal Ihseas m, and such painful affections, XS»" brought on by impendence, .yodtbfnl indulgence andexcess* ' ;Syphills, SypMUtie Rrapiion?4Gonorrbcn.Glwjt,StrlctTiTrj UretorolDischarges, Impurity clothe Blood, with uUDis“.’a» ses of the Venereal Organ; -Bkin ivVirouticFr^p* ' tions. Tetter, Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal A neasJlmpotemjjv Piles, Rheumatism, Female _WealuK&, Monthly Suppressious,.Dlseases of toe.Joints,.Fistula *n Anb, Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and Loins, irrl tation of toe. Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated.— («U to tbl* dWm»MesDr.BroTfn a speedy cure to aa who maynomeun* Private Consul tatlon.Roonis, Diamond Alley. ; Charges moderate..; - novfcdSw«ly » w y > * - : .'.-.I- ir ' •*• / :!• ’ > * &*-■'--*■ *t-s* • &>c.y•; «*•:*:: t V BEAESESS.,. •'rryifi'tiTM ATISM.—-Dr. Brown’s newly .discovered remedy JY Rheumatlmls a speedy and certain Remedy fti that painful trouble.’: It never falls, -r Office and Private Consultation Roomß No. 41 DIAMOND, FittsburgbjPenn’a.'The Doctor is alwayßAt home, m&rchZkdAw; _ _ .. . , ' / ' ; TT^'LANNELS^- r . r 2 cogea Plaid TJannelg; • * 1 do 4-4 do do do / r.; Received from-manufacturcrs, and for sale law, by febll . s •' H. LEE. 139 Liberty street. A Tavern stimd in East' Birmingbam.. r Also a Store Room and Carson street, Bir mingham—A 3 story Dwelling House oh Wylie street—Also aStoxe Room on Wylie street;; ... - ■ feblO ' S. CUTHBERT & BON, Third street ; 'ITENTUCKY MUSTARD-rConstantly on hand, and foi JDI: saloby [fofc9] J. A. HUTCHINSON A CO. till i'j nil ;>p . it * * t.•■■■■'■ •. • J * • ’ . - . 'jy *.. .. • • ?- ; y ' 4*# ' » * 1 *%*;•** •-vf t\ . J . • , ‘ ■ ‘ 'V . i- ..- ; it affiiiP AILY MOKNING POST. MONDAY; MOKNING; TIIE EITCJIK » QIBI, ■ .■■■ BY- J/iirtCßi a. oAa£ God ble?3 the generous kitchen-, girls* r. V TVJtb: hearts frw'aiid Sustained by filial love and hoppt : Throuahont their fiUghtau'ilTr-'ong^ -• Wyitli dark. to.surest upon,the browj Its coloTS in tbo.liand’V- , ’" Still turning back 'wlth lohgiiig hearts’. -. r <' To friends and native land;. • - _•••. - <• ' , They gather up from, hour to hour,. .., From labor day by day, Their precious hoards of cents anddlmes:; For loved ones Tar away. Aye, faraway on Erm’s Isle, • • ... By .tyranny, depressed, v-.*.,.-,. They’ToJcftamotfcorsad at heart, : .- A aietcr sore-diatressed. • ' i.; Bending 'nealhunrequitcd toll, • ■■./.■■■• And hitter poverty,- / . .; lV: vV:r They see these dear-ana helpless ones, _■■■■. And long to set them free. . Month after montb v wxth cheerful hearts ; . And willing ready hand,-. - ‘ They work to bring ihem-tfer.the sea, ... To oar morefavoretTland/' And many a n aged mother there •. . f . Is waiting, hoping fltiir, ' - : ' / •For “Mary sweet,” or “Kitty dear,, I^Te’aroiPßiontofulfiJ.: Waiting to bida last adieu ;//, „ . To Erin's ebore, . And cross th«d**ep that ihey tuny clasp,. > .. Xho “ d&riint” child once j. : Was Kossuth's lore for Hungary -■/ A deeper love than this ? -Was thereto Meagher’s patriot sbul . / A truer loveliness? . . ; .... And yettbia love, su pure end deep, •Full many acold lip proudly jeers, - And jeweled finger spurns. : ; .0, ve who pass these kitchen girlf . • ith stately-step of pride, ■ /;•; Does such deep-love, such strength of soul,. j: In your own hearts abxde?l Ye. who-oft spcn ; As If ye were above, • ••'•' : "Bat givq to each, asneed requires, Your sympathy and . love. , . And heed yo all this mighty truth, . Which ages post have told. • •'", . • .That generous beartsnnd. wflling panda... • Mare precicusorw than gold. _, The AJimticas Lias-rib's— Plain Drew.—Some Btir has been oansedio diplom itie cifOlcß by the ■ absence of the American Ambassador from the opening of ParHament on Tuesday. .The Times blundered Iri'its account of tho ocreifiony liras: .. Only one exception to official' uniform -was observabtc, nnd the gentleman in question,.who appeared ineveningdress.nudss^medwnplcas. antly. conscious of his singularity, was at Once set down aB tho American Minister.” ' The mlstahe on r the part of the leading morn ing paper was; too good r a .tbipg to. be passed over, and the Globe accordingly lost no time, in ... supplyingthe.real facts. - ■ “Neitherthe Minister nor any member of:lbo Legation, ‘’ says the Evening Ministerial Organ, “ was present, information having been, sent by the master of ceremonies, that members of the diplomatic corps mast appear in oonrt dress, which' cannot be? worn by tho American ■ Lega tion, withontdisregarding instructions.”. , The Daily News is tfighlyindignaut at this al- . teghd insult put upon the American, people and Government, and our democratic cotemporary speaks out in this style: : . • “ There can be very little doubt that a delib erate insult has been offered to the great nation with which, of alt others, it becomes us to.en tertflin the best relations: We will leave 1 out of consideration the magnitude of out trad? with America, tho community of language, tho.cota* mon : stock—wo will only point ,to the possible poßition in which England may be placed in the .course of the war into' which itseemß we aredn tering. We hope, however, that a cause for p feeling will-not arise between tho two great An glo-Saxon nations on a subject which is fitted to be debated ouly.between a couple of .Chamber:.. Inins of defunct' principalities of the ancient Germanic Confederation.” ' 1 ' : ’ The most circumstantial. account of this.-.B>lly business appears iu the columns of the Morning _ Advertiser:. “Mr. Buchanan, wo understand,-wroto two . letters for tarda of admission to his suite' a.nd others. No answer, was vouchsafed to these, . saved a printed form, stating that court dreßS could not bo dispensed with, and. two tickets, one for a lady, who does not oven exist, v “In this manner, Governor Seymour, United States Ambassador to the court of Euasia, ,?ho ie-now on his way to St- Petersburg, ..was, pre vented from being although he applied to his minister to ge't him a ticket of admission. He will probably be very differently entertained by the Emperor of the French aud tho Czar of Russia, bothy of whom will. “ condescend " to dispense with'court livery, ; . “Gen. Webb, also, was disappointed in'the. same manner. This; gentleman is, .ex-mimateT from the United States to Austria, and was at one time of the engineering department,, of .tho American army. Tho embassy 5a said to fee* the affront deeply.” : We really hope, for the credit of our, country, that another mistake.of .this kind will, not again, occur. In the middle of the nineteenth century snob a dispute is worse than a mistake—it Is a blunder.—Aire-lpoof Timet. ■ . ■■■. ■ Horrid Murdcr»Another Deed of Blood, It is onr ptonfol duty to record- another of: those foorful crimes which char acters of blood. . The facts, as we have aseer- - taiued, are simply these: , A young lad was yesterday afternoon, about 6 o’clock; tumbling n hoop along what is known as _ “ Rat Bow,” between and Vine streets. A man was passing at the time, and rolling against him, he .kicked it upon one aide, ■ when the boy in his attempt to reooyer it, fell. Crying. he went into the houso of his father, John McCann, who enquired of tho man. why ho had knocked his boy down ?/ .The ,roan, repiied that the hoy fell down by accident. Uponwhlch McCann said that he was a liar, and attubk him a' heavy blow in tho eye. ‘ An unfortunate {>cr son ’named Maoanaliy—as we understoodr tho name—interfered to prevent farther ; Violepco, and 1 Tecoived-a blow'.from.. McCann.;.. The man. whom McCann first attacked, then endeavored . to make his escape, bdt wns canghvhold of by a man named Thomas Smitbrand in the meantime Mftoanally, agaia: interferins to . prevent mis , chief, was stabbed in the side by McCann. Ho . run about half a squafo and then fell, fainting from loss-of blood. Before medical assistance 1 could bd procured he expired.., ''...r'C ' Officers Bunker and Starr, afterwards arrested Smith and McCann, and convoyed them to Pearl street station housed They will hase'nn exami nation this morning.— Cin. ‘ Columbian. Isdiana tub Finn State—Wealth op this States.— The population of the‘United States ie set down at 20,74G,000i imd the. aggregate of personal and real property is estimated at $B,- 294,500,000.. New York is the riohestState, her property being sl,ll2,ooo.oooPennsylva nia $850;000,000 ; then 0bio$740,000,000;-then Virginia $508,000,000. The remainder, of tho States rank as follows: Indiana; $384,000,000; Tennessee, $380,000,000;. Kentucky, $342,000,- 000; Massachusetts, $340,000,000; Georgia, $320,000,000; North' CaTOlina, $306,000,000; .Illinois, $291,000,000; Alabama, $270,000,000; Missißsippi, $250,006,000; Sooth,Carolina, $242,000,000; Missouri, $240,000,060.; "Maine, ,$240,000,000; Maryland, $193,000,000;-Lou isiana, $188,000,000; Now Jersey, $160,000,- 000; Michigan,;'sl4B,oOO,OQO;k, fjonneeticut, sl32,ooo,oooVerm opt, $120,000,000 ;..,New Hampshire, $120,000,000; Arkansas, $60,000,- 000; Texas, $56,000,000; lowa,' $52,000;000; Rhode Island; $52,000,000; Wisconsin, $36,- 000,000; -Delaware, $32,000,000; florida, $30,- 000,000;.District; of; (Jolumbia, . $18,006,000; Oregon, $8,000,000. Amos Stojie, of Erie county, Fa., produced 140 bushels of white wheat upon-three and a half acres, last year, weighing C2J lbs per bushel. " ‘ • NUMBER 169. :P’EBRtjA^y.l27 J -.V - * .'c.VrA. it-:- :7 }