,*:V \ V '"r» .-•* »V 75 'I" •* ,: v, 77 *' 7« . r 7‘ <■ [Ti; ‘i :v /V -i t :t-H- '£--/’? ft-: s »: ? *l-*'■’■: if.’*;*' ■•• t »■•.•*{'■*' $;•.••'.,/‘-7.;v->-’ '•' ; -* -> -i 5 -- ? '♦>;• '•' •‘i -v..-•*- .7*>V-->*;f-'.V '..7 ;*'--* r/.v, •••: x "7 7 •/-•-*-'-> .'•":.-.f.'':i-y^''iiJ.:*.-'.- 1 ; > 'C-K,‘ a 'r 7*.7-'. Rv7 .?U ‘r. .7.- -t, -^~ JJ ;**“'■!??»*'.■' . - frvr^svTCT; 7' 1 j*. ■ ••-# * .. *-t_ «_ ;• ' .,' w 1 /• * , 7r' ■ - -I;‘' :-V *-- {'. . 1 “X- .'-c. V - .»■■■■- ‘-. '■ -iff *-.- - ■ .y i i -~ .. , -S . r -, T-- i -_ .-.■ J --v *7 V*Yi- v •■ *•*' '.) [. lN« -V-'v'^k-t'^ v i*^s'*"!-- - > -!•;;.■=V••'r ;?' v *~ 3 v.••'•;■:...’,** ...* 7*.;-.:; s.;‘-' •v'*'? 7'47 ,, >...7 *7-7 : -*■ ,--7'sn: Y.-v- f: ;^'7/-7x:^ 7; l 'Cx ‘777 ■ - ' : ■ • -7::: 7, ■;■ 7 ' ’ 7 v v£ 1 r V-?** 7 •'." ''-J .' ’• :■? 'lfi 7 -7\« 'T’Lrdaf- '* '} $ v . »a I'vJ 1 ' V *' j'! “ ‘ „'**'; ( v v‘* i ?'.7. *,’ V > Xj -*V V ' it ?7? i*.V *5® | v;« .c*.jrtttyif 'f A^ ff’ «i>;»i,.«vh;< 11 :V vw * 7«.: ?5K*, • v t ' fnij'"-, .*777 » \ *£V7-v7' I;r>i “ •-r I * Vi y J -/ J j-‘7'"4 -i i&fifS.VfStetfififeC*.! Sifes :■ “ «» ■_ raHMMg$ afißfea&afogfe*. ,„,. flpiilaMMsi aapspapagffl^ ■HPggjMmi aw|HapMaßgpii#i imnte^KiaHMnsli iiiiii MUsSms%4 ,^SJ|Bi MftCtigßga mmgMim M§g§g£gM& llflSWlSl i fef3Mßifi-sfKf|B|l &feg?>fefM#te36#S S^S;^»fe).£B.d jHpMfj lflEißK^lb«^!^^^ligfeS»Ar^^glfeg2Sw| wa!fi?»>lfl &cji *S, *»> *i -VR fp -' -' ; ?«'V-"'S^ *■;.»:■>>'» •*‘!r>‘»-L-- ii *■* .■-«,?■ ?*■:>•;-'' .''*n--V-*iv,•*■;*>*»•+; •f> ) / , e»*»*J- <6 l , f,v a S^.»v . :< » .\ 4 -J^J*fV^tOT* l >T: ! «i*''''* C '-- .'■ ' • .:>..• ’- w. '-■* ". : o < ,v- 4 mtmmo&mfflmm?Mmmmm- ■■ 4?*£*%.&Vi S&sS *r f ' '■) ~V? 2,; >*%V^yj?*rvry ■•, }i\ '\v~-.*v.’ • , r* V • ■ l 1 *- VvV'-'> V%*~V-Vl"> v ->' «„ T ' “ < '-' '-7' .;’ , ..1T rr? :i - : , a 'V>- >.!» tk ' % l~- ■> v, ~ DAILY TfIORITOG POST. MONDAY MOiINING:: c , s «-- A* IROIDEST . Uted to us yesterday on incident, tran.gi - red 'during the last engagement ofllrs. Farrea at the Bichmond Theatre. Dnrieg thepcnormance of Lnoretia Borgia, in the midst of that thrilling " „ - Ooeiie where the woman entreats the dale to loare the life of Gennrro, when she had raised the dagger, as a last resort to prevent the duke from carrying out hie design, and the attention of the house was enchained, that a pin might have been heard to drop, n veteran in the second , tier, overcome by the excitement of the scene, b suddenly cried out; “-Sltcfc him 0 dd—~* “ * ■ ''hiniT 11 ■ . * The ludicrous- effect of this tnterruption may be bettor imagined than described. ° ‘ Dispatch. . : #©■> The following trom 8 “ ? W ’ ‘ ' W Cww° of «.?proved mon moat comprehensive and Soton' 6 exposition of the philosophy of udverti •-li thfit Aver wftß or could be .‘wnti.cUj.Viz. i • - .fjhere is that scattereth and ycMnoreasoth, and there ie that witbboldeth more than is meet, .i -: ti Kutittendeth to poverty.” •• ,_<■* ' Jnd the words-of Eaul to.the Corinthians ap • tie express the. same idea: : ..■■■■■-, >• He which eoweth sparingly,. shall reap also sparingly; aodhe whichsoweth bountifully shall : < reap also bountifully.” Born Cheeks —That passago of tho New Te - wherein it is reoommended -that it iny • adversary’ smite thee upon, one cheek, two unto. * him the other also, was expounded by Joo I Smith : -tho Mormon founder, to mean jast this: A man may strike you at first under a mistake or.wiih: out intending, any, harm, and you ought noMo strike back immediately,- but the other cheek, and giro him an opportunity to explain, or if ho is in earnest, to repeat the . offenoe •HoweTer. yon need* not turn n .third time, but U n man’Btr'Ues you twice, then intp him* like a thousand of . GEOK4JE ABHOR, _ „ MERCHrANT tailor, Bt, 5f Firm Street, In Masonic Bnlldtng, *nr AVlMtfitted up a roo'tt for tea purpose of n".uuiiii,. H tobwlneS, DAtrts hlm»elf to bo alio to make In thing of all dCJcnptlons. CHuom nna etnmeora desiring oornf triable garments, will do well to > a call, M ho is dotriffluKl to pktaotliemoe.fu. Slious. He will also bo happy to soo many of his oU cu . _ __ roccivcti, fro til tho LisLurn c Lte a , o h fcL“TUA O tbimnilts oud TEeTlhflS tfec.il Jin —- utaaovAh. ■ rnnsrobsotlber would respectfully Inform hb friends and - 111 ro^KdiEOßS.—The subscriber offers far aale his «m *lMt*’*T«>m*orGAnh» ii Thd Boot snd Ruler, eootaJuitjßf uil end atxurotudirociloo to ana Tiartofthe United etatesen receipt of it,oo, ciarlS So-45 Fifth Street; opposite tlieTheatre,.. : SAM.UKI* UIHVV* NO. 4» E sj?cl* s hoTEL jmmfycs, : • at. CLAIR STRICT, pJTlbircr.Gn. , , - Rvrt.EME-i’S OLOmnW mulo exclusively to order, .SoTETIOoiSyO, ome B lxtcrt stylus «pne«=ls;- e^slssssissfsss^s T L-ladoue underlie ovm enperasioo. CLOTH ing store JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. SPLENDWoCKUF'cLOinS! READY MADE CLOTHING, •*- mmfc w|lOE.WM TRADE! 'ftfflßSrxfvrSßWPßl CES! : And the, will warrant tliem to bo as 6<»d as any taaan ( B tu»llatl.. ( tljba fost . woaaj 1 gggc£tdK’WALKING AND BBM NESB COATS. rr«*K» wo. @§ W«od street, 'Yg .ht «rr>K.l COSKEB OF DIAHOKD ALIXT. ..■ ■ k JI IVc drdre oar o&;ror.r to understand tbst CO liiti no STnSuon wltb the Clothing li«w ™ MbStySSt Onr attention b doroted eicluilroly to On. , STOWSKEY A CO. . mans.' • ■••■■•■ - r m i n i ~~ SECOND ARRIVAL OF , , FAIL AKD .WISTER DRY p GOOI)bJ. The CheapestiQoodt of the Season. -vrnnvfi STEVENSQX A LOVE, wgn of th© cripciJ No-T4 MARKET Fourth ; -aS the Diamond, Pittsburgh, haTo Just acJ j now opening, a l«g «g *«-g «“ i Of (ho newest end most desirable styles, edaptod to the j fr pSt Brocade end Fancy Bilks at ■ I ■■■":■ plain Blsek and Cornelian Bilks nnd Tnrk Botins. j • ATArInA Plaids, all wool*and Silk and Wool do. j - Ater> j Haw Silk, and C&fibmoro Plaidaof everydescription, ( ‘ and Fancy Do Lames. , i ' ' ’ Wreath Merinos Cashmere*, Cobargs, Alpacas, and 1 a.a , * • “ maUas, all colors and qualities. , i • "Da Beircs. snd high colored Do Loincs.all finalities. FoirSdAYinlor Shawls,of every deserlpuon. Tni,. B «a Sauarehroche and Plaid Shawls. Printed Cashmere and plain Thibet do. AgraerS'SSrtim! n l tnrrt color Prints, from 6% cts. up. . •■• ■ tVHITB HOODS of every description. ’ COllaM,Cn(T«,Chomizcttesandd.mt)dnd)£rs.,aUisrgalDs. '• PohhH Ribbons nod Millinery Goods, very cheap. • •••■ a ftiiletoek of DOMESTIC ffOODS, «t low prices;— ' Linen Sheeting, Pillow Linens,Table Cloths, and hap *» Q 4 Russia Diaper, and Cravats, very QUOTES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, and CRAVATS. - We would respectfully solicit an early call from both wholesale and retail buyers, flattering ourselves that wo can accommodate all who may favor us with their patron sge, cm most liberal BTKVBNSoy 8 TKVBN5oy k LOFT. ■ Notice 11 a • Mtf u - fftf fITiFS ALB AND JIKTAXIj DEALIJRB.OP T wmBUM If. ALLEOinay citv, and vicimtv. /ipwin 4 CO . Importers A Wholesale Dca trs in end ndmMtie Pry Goods and Varieties, No. -J3, one ,*.» worth-west corner of Wood st. and Diamond losing completed too enlargement of IhK nreeentoecupled Ware Jtooms, aro now .opening one SthaSSSt «d W "took or DRV GOORSland VABHj - TIE?' they have ever heretotore exhibited toi the Pittsburgh Snde and on examination, will be found to he unsurpassed by any other House of the kind in the City, and as one of XeoStoersis generally in the Eastern Cities during the burebssing cheap bargains, adapted to the Pittabnfgh ltnd Western Trade, wo will ho able to .offer inducements to onr old costomers, and purchasers gsme nlli. Our stock of Dry Goode consists in part of the follow tog tending artltlevtla! ; Superior Broad Clolhs; • Pflct and Petenkara do; pancy oassimor€B» Tweeds and Satinett^ Jualifw Fancy Vcfitings and Cordaroya; , Piannols, Tickings and Vest Paddings; Brown and Bleached Mnsllna, and Irish Linens; ■ : -Poreign and Domestic Ginghams, , Merinos. OobuiKCloths, and Dress Silks; . -nay Stato and Broache Shawls; . WMlsSComfortoand Fancy Silk Handkorchiofi. ThefoUowlng comprise a. part of thegenoral s.oek of Combs, ThTGads and .Ke^ssg^, ’ V Baton .naSdtscrß of oar own Importation. 1 ?ri^nct7j Patent ModloSnet, together witli.a splendid Mjortment ol Oold and Gilt Jewelry; ol the latest patterns; Gold and Sil * tct Watches; Watch materials; Watch gln9sns, ana an cx tanf Ivo stockof 30 boar nod 6 day Braes Clocks, of a variety of patterns. AU of which will be sold on tho most accom- 1 modatJDff terms, tor Cash, nr City reference,. ---.-• ■ • • UTB.--Clty, and Pedlars are invited to ffiVa iis aeall before purchasing elsewhere. . ■Tngltf D GREGG A CO Tkaxi TJSA^I— > J. IIA\VORTIi» the origlnal ond only importer in this city, of the best Congo Teas from loudoh, is now receiving a very large and cbmco selection of TEAS; which be U determined to sell at such prices and fineness of quality, that all the reckless puffers In this or the next city cannot beat He most respectfully invites the lailca and gentlemen of this and the surrounding districts, without distinction of nation, to call and try his Teas, which be eeUi euhjwt to bo returned, if they don't give satisfaction. The following are tho prices ...■•■ Prime -Oolong* Souchong and Congo, centa l B>.. A'TOry superior English-breakihst . • Igrtm Ghby a very delicious Congo, 76c. Ip. • FloeYoungHyson,-40@50c.#Ib, •• «.> •• • •; Ext*» fine Young Hyson .and Imperial, id. Verv best Young Yygon and Imperial, si d™* Don’tmlstako the place-'PAGODA TEA STOBE, corner of Diamond en&Eimnond alloy A liberal reduction made to dealer* A fYAWIffTIHG-— A largo stock of now and beautiful pat. V/terns now recoinng at the NEW CARPET STORE, . 47 Fifth Street, near Wood. Also, OU Cloths of all widths and qualities; Rue*, Matte, Hatting, Window Shades, fitalT-rods, Yenltiau Blinds, Ac., Til* 10WXST CASH PEICZS. ' ' ■ M , seps ■ . - • . ROBINSON A CO. - BUTTER— -12 bbls packed Butter for. sale by doc!2 MILLER & RICKETSON. SOAP AND CANDLES— -800 boxes. No. 1 Family Soap; CO do -Star and Mould Candles: foraale by ■ dec22 MILLER t RICKETSON. GL ASF—BOO boxes osrt) sices Window Glass for sale by dec22,. MILLER * RICRETSOKn rf^llN—W. A. Fifh’fl .Holland Gin,- Wolfe’s Beheld am in coses, for sale by - SbbZL . ■ : • MILLER A BICKEtSON. : FEBRUARY 20. CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. TRANSPORTATION. OHIO AHD PENNSYLVANIA BAILBOAD, „.... a rangeme n t » . 0 O%ckiA kl; EimkSi-wiu HS'atKo I'SI, arriving nt Cincmnitl In Ow OTonlng, Tin to Cincinnati, $7,75; to Colomlnis,'' T.KATN leaves Pittsburgh atS.SO AM; dines at At* Hanee: arid roaches CrcsUme:at6,ooPM, oonnecttrifj with the Nightlrolri toCblumhua-and Cincinnati, and with tho Bcliefbntaltie arid Indiana'RhUxcod for Dayton,-Iridlhn&iiq-; Terra Uaulo, and townsin Indiana-- Connections are -tnmle at- Alliab'ce by Railroad with Ravenna, Hudson and Cleveland. ’ Pare from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, $4.00. Connections ernmacie at Mansfiold by Railroad with Ban* -dug'k.yCitv l 'sXanßfieid, Mount:Ternon J Newark, and Zaries- ViUOk"-'- ' .. v *. ■ Fare to Sandusky City. $4,50; to Newark,s4,so; to Zanes ville, $5. •• • - , . . - Connoctionp aremadowith Detrolt'and Chicago, both by Cleveland and Sandusky City* • Passenger* who leave Pitts burgh lu the 3rail .Trala at- B.sff A M,‘go directly by Hans- Held and Sandusky City, to Detroit, without detention. • Fade to Detroit, 6.00;: to Cbicriipvftl,oo/- - • - RETURNING i THK EXPRESS TUAIN leaves Crestline at 1.00 P M, Mansfield at 1.40 P M,and Alliance at*6.oo PM, and rcafch auga - .- . JOHN KELLY* Passenger Agent SANDUSKY;'. r MANSFIELD AND NEWARK . . ; EAIIiUOAD. ' WINTBII .ARRANGEMENT. ON tind iitwr‘WEDNESDAY, November 10,1533, Three Passenger Trains ran dally {Sundays excepted) as fol* OWS!- ' (JOINO.SOUTH..-■»• -•— •••• 'Homing J£n7 <. Evening Express JftiSseager, Express Leave SmduPky at. 4,3 d Ail 1100 AM 6loi , ' > l MonroorUfo Junction.. 5,15. f‘ : i Jl-50 ‘‘ ‘ Shelby Junction . .040 4 * 115 P M 4, l*J Vq,t?Bfigld' Junction...w T. 20 •* I*4o f 9 « Mountlerocm ....... 0.05. ** 4.10 Math Newark 10 oj “ 5.15 “ 1100“ tiOFW NORTH. Leave Newark at- ..420 A M 000 A M MS PM MS Vtruon- . 44 1010 u 0»0 Uawdield Junction - 7 ‘-0 44 12-10 P M «-10 •* SholbyJuncilon.. 7.45 “ 1*0«>. ilonrwTiUo Junction.. 01d m 310 " 10~0 K»chSanJe«V —lO 00 « # 3*55 « aT l } W * l Connecting at hood 0;y with Mad River and Lake £uo, anl “ Northern Divis oa CltrctanJ and Toledo Railroads \t Mouroeville, wPb Trains on “Southern Division CU ««1 vs l mi 1 Toledo Ik Ik, for Cle?eland, Toledo, Ac At SH«lbv Junction, with Cleveland, Commons ana Cin cinnati Railroad. \t MamdMil Junction*'with' Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad for Pittsburgh. . . : ■ At Newark, with Central Ohio Railroad for Zanesville, Columbus, Ac.. 4c. '...*■ .•••■■ . . This nrrangetrumt of Trelnß ; cctnp!etes the line Of direct ccnmuoicalion between the iVortt-TlestV . Passengers from VhUadelphlaand Baltimore, destined for the West, proceed, directly on tlirir arrival at Pittsburgh, | by Ohb and Pennsylvania Itahrond to Mansfield. Thence ; to Mburoeville, where eonjeetton la mndo immediately fir Tulodo, Chicago,'and intermediate places—affording a route unrlrailed for safety, certainty and despatch. / Connection iffnlfib made Vlth nil the Trains on the Ohio tind Pennsylvania Railroad at Slaoxfleld, by which passen gers from Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Sandusky, Zanesville, Newark, and Columbus, ptoreod to Pittsburgh, Philadel phia and Baltimore, without delay. By this rent'', pa-sengere taking the early Tram from Zanesville, Columbus, Newark, Ac., can go to Toledo, ban dusky or Cleveland, remain in either place eotae four hour** and-return hom* same stay. THROUGH TiCKBTS to bo bad at the different Stations, for the abor« aumed places. - - - J. It. ROBINSON*, Suporlnt’t. Sandurkv, fnofw43col : ! ' PASSEKGEB AGEUCY FOB GKRKAKY. JAKES BLAHELTiAgent. Uoure'-cf YV, & J. X. XAPSCOTT t On. faavlafc In addition to th.ur eKltmidre arrunirccusola for bricking out lrura Gltf.Vl BRITAIN and IRELAND, ja.»t i c-H3rlailc I.'itt-barjU, Iba ■prill is.fu/ v l k TieUfttftto New York and Pli»#barshCrcsn Aotwrnj..- • Ceblrnr, Opi*nheira, Ma*hen, fct- Goar. Gncfhcim, Colu, Fsirr, • YVonu*, ■■> Du»s«']d .far n-raUtaacw to the Old Country, and paid, free of t. Tltuo.-PifoDaj*. •t«8 or rrjsoirr. -.*■ Bacon, Pork and Bout, (called.) Butiur, Hide*, ftor*’ JlaJr, Hemp and Flax, Leather (Eastward.! 6-je jl 100 &*. Fburih C7«i.er?cn*-admit tho nocc**ity of the above mentionM nnicies, wo'have nn hesitation In recom mending our articla to equal to anything in the city. Orders promptly attended w, and put up In the best xdyle, and on pbort noliro. SmlthfleM tired, no tween lonrtb and Fiftlt, Pitts »rtr«h. fwpfrdr.wV J. SHKUFFBL k 00. Hats and bapv» pTn JOHDI’II Ct).\ A corner Wood Diamond alley, would respectfully their friend* and tho public that they are rvcclviug a largo and splendid stoek of HATS AND CAPS, of .the. latest etyle?, which they ftTC prepared to well oti a* reaKonablo term* a* any other house in tho ..city. Give us goal!, and examine our stock. Mpli) Cottßfime the Kmoker riHIE pubserilwr having the exclusive right to manuftev 1 tare and sell SWEENWY!B HOT AIR AND SMOKE CohaUMISG PCIINACi*i 1* prepared to reocive order*,and contract for heating buildings with the most economical Fumnro now io u*e. Tho attention of those interested Is solicited. Anv Information cjm bo had of A- UR.ADLKY, Nos 2 and 4 Mootl utrcet, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, dec24:ti]_ Iron City Store WarehOusn. No. 184 Wood st. Depot ofiioitgvrorth dfc Zimmerraon’i'Cn * i&trba Wioes nn«l Brandy* THE undersignedlia* icceiTed and offerafor Hale, at On annah prices, a largo quantltyof Logworth k Zimmer* man’s choice and. world-renowned-Sparkling,"Dry and La n>n lolt- lei nor community; be* xjL cause our institutions of learning, or public libraries and reading rooms, hard no Ciismjcal and l’WLosowucAr- Avr.uuTt/a to enable tbo toucher or public lecturer on sd entitle subjects to Illustrate bis lecture upon* - The Young Men b Library Association, ot their late annual meeting, resolved to take the necessary stops for obtaining such an apparatus, so .a* to nil the void so long felt. The following persons have been appointed as.a committee to carry Ont the object.propos.ed, and it is earnestly hoped that the eltl* zens, when called,upon, will respond to the call by subrerL Ling liberally. PH. WM. M. WRIGHT, DU. JAMES R. SPEER. EDWARD RAQM. h\ Jt. RRUNOT, . , e 1L P. BAKJJWKLL. J* lB • • - • ■- - - Committee. • Baldnes* Cured." " ' EMERSON’S AMERICAN HAIR RESTORATIVE, for restoring thollmr on - Head Hopklesrlt Bald, nnd to prevent tho Hair from foiling, is winning golden opinions of persona who. *to tieing It. This is anew article, recently Introduced, is a HurGCurefor Baldness* ami will stand the test of & discerning publicans thousands who hare -used will testify. Seo.circular to be bad of the Agents dvinff fall particulars.:;'Price $l,OO in large bottles. b ’* 2 1 C*.'?- 4 CO.* Proprietors, .. in Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. : Forsale in Pittsburgh fa tho following houses • Fleaung-Bros., L. Wilcox & Co- E.B.Bellers, . G.H.Kcyser, 'JoelMohler, • - Bonj. Page, Jr., '• J. ULCasßol.’ •• ; • ■Allegheny cdy. —L. A. Beckham, Pressly is Means, J. p Fleming. Birmingham. —A. Patterson, John *O. Smith, 0, T „ Forms, Honaes» Ac., To Let* Kb oa Two iARMS, with commodious Brick Dwell* near to the clty,and suitable for '»ifK to fatten cattle for this market Also,: a convenient .Brick Country Mansion bhd'-Stable, e ?w» ft .^Pectable fomily.. Also, one smaller fiSSiiifM«SS ‘ , ‘ sna.-a.s Third tL, PhU. lNSURANCE*—Buildings, merchandUe and ofcher JC in-townamd •country, insured agalnstlosi or aamagahy.fin l ftttholowestrateofpretaiui£b :■ ■ --rAUsnrs iNstraAßCfc—*They also insure vessels, cargoes afi4 heights* foreign or coastwise, nniler open or sjJodal policies, as tha essnreamay desire. ZaiAsn also insure merchandise; -transported by wagons, railroad cara, canal boats and steam-. hoats l on.Tivora and lakes,on tbemost liberal toms.. :... . IL. Beal,: Edmond "Av Bonder,' John C. - Davis, 1 Robert Burton,. John JL Penrose, Samuel Edwards, -George 0. Lelper, Edward.DarhngtotrpJsaaQ RrDavis, Wil liamFolwell, John Newiin, Dr; R. M. Huston, Jos. 0. Hand,. Theophilua -Pauldifig, ILJouteJ Brooks,*Jlenry Sloan, Hugh ; Craig,-George Serriliy Spencer 'JI r Hvain,-Charka Kelly,.J'.,.(J. ' Johnson, W illiam Hajy Dri S.Tbomas, John Sailers, William. at £ Morgan, Hugh Craig, 1 John' T. Logon.- - WttUAMJlAftsnr, jPrtMtnk .. ' Taos. G, Hand,. FJe« PrtstdenL , Joamz W.Gqwak, Sardary. • y* *’. OUlce of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh. jelflaitf- • P. A MADEIRA, Agent. . PROJECTION IHSTJBANCE COMPANY, Of, HARTFORD, CONN., 'Capital Stock, Annual Premium land TFcjlcm Fund 51, 000,000. INCORPORATED 1*25- -Policies of Insurance issued at oil times on the mostfavora* r' ;; .v : - '-triot^nns^’dgalhst• . LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIBE, ' " ' on the ; ■PERILS OF-NAVIGATION, - -■ ■-'■‘.-BY:-; -■ w T-.... _ GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent FOR. PITTSBURGH -AND ALLEGHENY COUNTY. ■• ■ marlCty. ... ■■■ .■ -. • . THR UNITED STATES 1 LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITYand TRUST COMPANY, PHIIiAE>ES.I*HIA. CHARTERED APRIL26IH, 1850. ■ ■ OHABTEB PERPETUAL. . ■: CAPITAL 8250,000. OfJicCj S. & Corner of Third and Chestnut . Struts, Philadelphia. . . .Gffllca* of the Home Board at-PhQaddphidl - : x>ißsCToi3. " .Stephens. Crawford, Pool B. Goddard, Ambrose W.Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, -Benjamin W. Tingley, Ooo.M’Jltory, Jacob L.Flftrcneo, J&mca Doreronx, William M Godwin. W Ilham. MKe*. Prtsulcni— Stephen R Crawford. Ftce President— Ambrofo TV. Thompson. Medical Examiner, .fhitffcuryft—*Jtunes H. Willson, M.D Mle/jhaiy (Stlj—V, B. Mo wry, 31 D. ' GEO. E ARNOLD, ARont, xaarl7 y No, 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. TUe Franklin Fire Insurance Company, Of I’hiunitlp'hia, Jfoiruyinxma. TVRECrOßS—Charles 'V Bancker, Thomas Fort, Tobin 1 W Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob It, Smith, Qeo. W Rich* snli, Moidocal D. Loris, Adolphl F Boric, Barld 8. Brorno, Moms Patterson CMS. X. Eivckcn, Ifmdait. CttAiO. Bjutociß, Scretolfc : ~ CcraUuuo to make insurance, perpetual qr limited,on every description of property* in town mid country* &t rates S 4 low as am consifitcnl with security. - . < The Company bare reserved a large Con undent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, softly lares tod, af ford ample protection, to the assured. ....... . - ■ , Tho itents ef the Company 4 on January Ist, 1851, as pub lished agreeably to an Act or Assembly, worn ns fellows, vii; Mortgage • ........IOJSJJJ JS Heal .84*527 78 Temporary ■ 83,06617 . gttie&s-J... CI,BBS 00 Cssfy An 04,346 81 - Total-...—. —..41t212,T03 44 Since their incorporation! a period of twenty-one years, they hate paid upward of Ono’SHUion Four lluodrvd Tboa* sand Dollar*, losses by Arc, thereby affording evidence or the advantages of insurance, os veil as the -ability and dUposd* tion to meet with promptness ailliAhiUUe*. J. OAHDIKEE OOmN, Agent, 013.ce. oorth-east cor. Wood and Third eta. Tlimi> AISNCAI. STATEMENT OFTUB STATE UVTUAL VI RB AND MARINE I2TBUEANCE COHPASY, OF PESSBTtVASIA. , Aj»U, May Irf, 1*52. - *3»,016 SI Premiums rrwdvrd to May I*l, l&vioO ufi Interest «n Loans, Ac 1,010 19 Capital Stock. . 100,000 00 $440,1*3 si- EeiimieUpmnlimi*,loasoa, Ilfrlajrerwy»,.lix* _ . • peu«ei,4w, S7,*S* M ■ ■' I9\*£STJUSn.< Bonds, Mortgage*, Stocks, and other good seen*. • euriUe* Premium N0te5.—....., wl Cash on hand— ♦..— *l. Total am’t of.Jlcworcca, liable for Lowes— ♦»> . wEicrons, - JOHN P. IICTIItaiFOEDi Dauphin county, P. C. firaDOWlCU.lUTTUtrofp, BAMUFL JONHS, I’UhulfJrhla, A- WILKINS. Canker, FUUburgb, A. A.CAIUUEIi,. ' « JOHN I). RUTHERFORD:Dauphin county, A. J. CtLMnT, Harrisburg, 5. T. JONES. UarrisbarF, BOULUT KLOJZ. Carbon connly, JOBN i\ BUTHmrjSJVrrtttfant. , A, J. GiLLCTT, t^crs-tary, WUUnsurcagainst perilsof era* cud Inland also, on Mercbandliii in city or country, at lowest rales ecu* ilstent with safely. . Policies Lmnsi on duelling house* either perpetually or for a terra of rears. Branch Ogle*. corner Foarth boo f*mlthfteM siTectu. royC3.lf_ _ A.^ACABJUT.y^ArUiary- T)t(tfttmrffh Life ln«arnnc« Gonpanfr,»/ Jt PTTTSJJUtiGJI, lb. dIOViOOO* President-Janes S. Uoox Tic® PwAldtnt—jSAßfn. MCurasaa. Treasurer— Joseph e. Lurch. Secretory—C. A. Coitus. office*no. w fifth street, (Matontc Hall Buddmg,) ' This Company mates every Insurance appertaining to or connected with Life Risks. Mutual Rates are the .enma at thcra adopted by other safely conducted Ccrapanh*. Joint fit/wk rates at a reduction cfonedMrd from the Mutual rales—equal toadJ»fc!*ud or thirty-three and oms third per cent, paid aonniliy in advance.- JUsksUkenoalheUTctcf peraonegolngtoCallftraUcr .Australia. ■ • ■«—* : ■ ■ ■ enaertaa. • luau 8. Tloon, . Samuel M'Clarkao, William Phillips, John A. Wilson, John Scott, Joseph P.Oumsii M.D. John M’Alplo, Alexander Reynolds, Horatio N. Lew. Hiram Stone. • marS3 Woitorn Inaaraaco Company, Pittsburgh. H. MILLER, Jr., President, I F. M, GORDON, Sectttarjr CAPITAL, 0300,000, \KTIKL In saro against all kind* of risks, FIRE and 3J A YV ELSE. Ail losses will be- liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Homo Institution, managed by Dratcroaa who are veil known in the community, and who ere determined, by iromptnens and liberality, to maintain the tharortcr «hl«*n ,b«y have assumed, asoQezing the best pTOtccilon tothoM wlio defilro to bo inaured. IKrtctort—-It.MUlcr, Jr.,C.W, UlckatKm,J.W.Untler, N.Xlolmea, Jr., W. 11. Smith, C. Ibmaen, OcorgeW. Jackson, Wm. H. Lyon, James UppencotLOeorpe Darsie, James Me* Anlay, Alexander Mmibh, Thomas Sooft. t&m Offlre, 2io. 03 Water street, (Warchonseof Spang A. 00., np stain,! Pittshnnth. : n0»34:1y J& TWA INSLTIAKCK COMPANY, UAKTFOBI>, CONN. Chartered i«io—capital stock $300,000. THO 3. K. BH ACE* President. THO 3. A. A!J'IXActPKB, Secretary. l DIBECTOKH— Thomas K. llrare, Samuel Tudor, Kbcoeser Flower, Ward Woodbrldge, K. A. Bulfeoley, Joseph Ohurrh, Itnland Msthcr, Frodorick Tyler, Bdirio (}. lUpley, Hubert lluell, Bamuolßv-Ward, Miles A.Tattle, Henry Z. Pratt, • John L. Boswell, Aostln Dunham, Qustarus V, Davis, Junius S. Sloiran. J3&* Policies on Fire and Inland JUriss Isnunl on farora bio terms, by OEOIUJB K. AIINOLD* Atft, • flocl2:ly No. 74 Fourth street,'Pltuhargh. >VEaT£RN FAUMEHS’ INSURANCE CO., NEW LISBON, OHIO. BRANCH OFFICE,' No. 120 FIFTH ST., PHTSBIJIUJH. Capital, 0100,000. JAMES KELLY. Prost. LEVI MARTIN, flec»y. R. McKAfIKEY, Agent. lnsure Bnlldlngs, Stores, Merchandise, and ■ Property generally, on tbo most favorablo terms, [docl.'flm ie your Life Imared, IF NOT, read what aomeono has wrlttom Among all tlio contrivances of man la protect tho family circle from want, nono can bo found more simplotnitscharacter.noblo in its feature, or curtain in its results, than LIFE iNSDIt* ANCB, It Is the.prop which tho dying husband leaves to support tho wife of hi* bosom. it is the unsoon hand of tho ProTidont father reaching forth from the grave, and stlU nourishing hiaaffispring, and keeping together the family group. : C. A. COLTON, Secretary, Pittsburgh Llfolnfiuranco Company, Fifth st., sep2l Masonlo Hall. D. MCKEISEN, No. 187 Liberty street- jura nnown, w. o. oosmaiT. Brown’* Hotel, Omar of SmUMUId and Third Strait, Pittsburgh, Jftnn’a : BIIOWN 4 OONNELLY, PnoHuitoisf^ g&»Qood Btatllog attached to tbo llousc- FBANKLIN HOUSB> Cleveland* Ohio* CEATIUOK 4 SON, PeopiuirrOKa.—lbis Uouso bus on . dorgone thorough end oxtenslro repairs, oltoetlons, end large additions or new furniture, etc., end tho propria tors plodgo themselves that nothing shall bo wonting on their pert to rondor the Fjusruit a piece whom all tho com ftirtsof ft first clasanotel can bo found. Jy^ f • ■ •Os PATRICK & SON: T 7 £t« Charles,' Hotel* P»?7„ J. K. MOORHEAD, 1 decld • , . Prcsidcm of Mon .K»r. Co. vemwab BLiaaar OF EVERT QUALITY, fbr sale fctrmannfactnrorst ortt-ea. at the HEW CARPET STORE: 47 FUTH STUEET near Wood. [norStf] ROBINSON A CO. ’ ( **-;»;* w.; •. ■lf-'.'"' t> HOTELS, &c. FIiOUKNCE HOTEL., ;no. 400 bboadway, nbw yoke. (oomooTsn on in* nnorux piak.> BETJBEH tOVEJOY,' HiOPRIETOR, - i ***zs&*m&& " t. h * ' , *S*'*-**" Vv.'y-'.vu'-- •>.' BANKERS AND BROKER&. -EXCHANCTE AHD -B AHK IE .S OIRBE I fv.- : > : *.' A.i'waEkiss 7 *.' coC,] ' ; UNITKD STATES BASK 801 tD I X<3 j --i ] •So. 63-71-©, ;FoarUi Street, PIttHDCROH* -PA. : ■.v L 1 J; ' ."EIORKIGN. and Domestio Exchange, (toinf Bank Notes. Jt ' nhd Lwdd Warrant# bought and sold. . : • —OoUectionßlhadd througbouttbe.Union* | - ' Business japcr-dtectmnted andioaab negotiated. >..stock# bought and «6ld birctfmifiiOTlon.,. .■\ ■ vMoxteyreceived depoilti and interest, allftirea .wnßb left jbtajpeclflgd tlfnti. f - %! ~ : - v^ '• ... ... i decs JOHNWBODS, j » BANKER AND;EXCHANQ'E BBOK^B, Commorclaland Bank Notes. i. STOC.K ibought: aad-sbld 'on comintesioiuj -Collectiona carefully attended to; ■ Interest paid .On Deposit. • _ Jfourth stteet,' nearly opposite tho 51. il. Bade. - i doCl 0 ■ t • Ac. «... ........ .joutt sr. firaKaa TJQERNAN & Co.^ ; BANKERB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, > - r feb2o:iyj . Wgod Strtd>:*nd Diamond Alley « 1853. : _ EXCHANGE and banking house:of a wilkins & • . Stocks bought and sold oncommission. •S& fc.-y Collections made on all points in the Union. ~ [my 1 • - N; HOLMES & SONS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, .«i o&vs azaiovEp rasm bjjtkisq- atto xxoiusot ovfici to bo. 67 HABXXT STBEZT,-TOCB DOORS DQOW OLD BTASU. : N" HOLMES A SONS, Banker* and Exchango Brokers, • and Dealers in Notes,-Draft*,- Acceptances, Gold, til-; ver and Bank Notefu Exchange on thr Eastern and Western Citiea constantly for tale. - ‘ „ .• wfl , Collections made in ail tho cities throughout thß. United Depo&ita received in par Binds or current paper, No, 67 Marketjrtreet, bebiveon Third and Fourth st*». [ja3o:ly . . JOB. A UOOJf, .»tUUU BAMSaT, HOOH & EiEGERT, AND EXCHANGE BBOKEttS, jr. t: oovxiß, of •wood * filXTn siti-, yitTauviuju, Pa. . T\EALERS in Ccin, Bank Notes, Time BUia, EoTeign and » / Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Ac. Uxchango on all the prindpal cities of tbe Union and En* rope, for rale in sums to suit purchapcra. .. ; Current and par funds received on doposih.. OoUectkinainade os' all porta of the Union, at the lowest rates. " . : •' - (ceplßly ; ; B.«movol» ■■■■.•• PATRICKS & FRIEND, - BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,' Hate IZesicretd their Office In pit Corner gf Fifthcaut Tfboitfi. . = prrrsmmaHi'/^'. PATRICKS ft FRlEND,Bankers and Exchange Brokers, *mTDealers in Notes, DrafU, Gold, Silver, and Bank Notas, . _Exchangea bn the Eastern and vTestem CUtaa constantly !br sale. 1 Oollections mode in all the dtlca:fbroughout the Unltod States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Street*, , / - [feh3 " " Ai/STIB LOOfIUS* STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Qfflctt A*o. 02 Fourth chore Dhoti, . PITTSBURGH. • • - ' 'Jt&r Notes, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on col laterals, negotiated. Stocks and Israd Warrants bought and sold. ; y ' : * ; bets V . SEW OFFICE* Beal Estate and Contracting Agent. THE subscriber has Been induced to open an offleefor ihepurpCHwof buying and MHng, on Commission,and I baring Agvncy of ifaw-Mills and Boat* Yards on tho Allegheny river, together with many other fieUiticafrom other water and steam aaw-miUu. He flatters hicu«Lf bo con furnish Any bill# oif lumber and timber of any kind;.great or tmall, long or short, and ' ejlver them at any point on the AJlegbeny, Monongahebi, Obid, orMhiUdpflriversi contract to bund largalUrgr#, Stfffo Beats, Cool FKt#; Boat Gunnel#, Bridge Timber, IUU* road Timbora—Frclslit Iran, Coal, Ac., to any gjtim point, and will attend to ibe Sole and llantcf Real Estate; From bis long expcrbroce ia lumbering, frdriitlog and boat building,he think* be can. git# general patifwcthra.. All pertons nru to make their contracta.*«»ti; eialiy those wauling boats criarge biUaof lumber tmd llm* bey, should contract for (hem in ihu fall far tho spring and sutamw usv. lie will also attend to the purchasaoud sale cf any comm6»lity that inay b» dteirwi*: :• Letters addressed to D*vu> Mess, lle&i Estate and Con tracting Agent, FUtsbdrgb. Box No. 120, post paid, will be punctually attended to. Ilia ofllce ta on Irwin street, No. i, Allege Uoura- —. DAVID MUSN. *WIB TO . VJSOLtSfCtS. ■ ■ Col, 3jraex D. Mot£*o, Itunbenafro, HlUbßTgtu . •'Mr. John »orrt#*t), .*•• ** Mr. llcbLg. Brown, Allegbcojr flUter. Mr. IVco. Arot#iroogj •* . Clartca- - •" Mr. ii. £»etn*r, •* *♦. C. * JvlfehaftCo', “ “ HeorylUetiftrtUoa^tfevreUer, HAVING retftta l hi* *toM in ft handsome manner, *nd, bat recently returned from the «utan dtiw aiihe. Coe ft#flortnumt of WATTIES, JEWELIiF, and FAhCF. • u er*io that Watched'will be fbundthje . . . ; • •• taosl desn&le style*, patterns acd maker*. Of Jewelry, the cioftt nffo«t‘Bn, arc now qlTktSdz 1 attry^Vcs«*, IVrfutns BoU3c£ Table Mat*, lb* bargains, k» ihelt line, «*«• o&rwl toftfi* cttl* Oelf» Pfcrtol*■ Fwt« tfonnalea to g**mfcm. wnsof.Wtltban* vt. rfeiattr. --- • ••. tmd.CskeDW**; of «eM or-. In ««*Uty or quantity -their a**ortmetrt tt’iwVftarrwriJ. waaftotal ifemp.Carfet*, tngwal .Tarteljynt Slftnd dated. [oorl) EvO.SiMAIiKUTSXEEET. 3?V4c«rt*. ... z :zz~- Tan *ntir* slock will pcrfliraly bftepldlhftWfwtwsaQh —REOAftPhKSd OF COST. tel* to continue ttH March Ist i C. B. UKADLV A CO., iaJO S 2 Thlri ittcet. [ : y. Dissolution.—' Th* firm of u tnu»x *.o&,'dw* gist* and Apotireearle*, vr«* {tltttrivnf ua tbeiil ioru The »at«srriWr, having; ‘L£3JLNG, voatd chrerfu Hjr reoorn mend hfnvtn fcis friend*. end asX n continuant* «T the patronage hcrelo&ro So iiberaJ3.j;bs - upon them, .jj'. {j#»} . _ I*. tV U£OX*_Jjk ;■• " fl*VolV«T*l'" IleroivTrii JO?»T JU3CEIYKO—Py Expr*-**. ftrartti eJ CoU’a itepeathiic Pi** toi)?, 4, 5 and 0 Inchca lurvt, all of which w« wIU «eU fox each a» low as they can bo bought in the eke of XotrYork. persons going to or will find that they can do IwtUr by jiureb&Mcg tbrjr at botnc, than they can »mongstnusgtr« f MWegiTe perwmsa. cbuitn to try any of thaaborc Pikol*, before taring lb* city; and In cawef * tailor*, we refgnd .the money. SOWN & TETLET, IT>B Wood street, glttalmrstn tjaTE-NT i'iUiiT OATiiKHisn—rw pirktog fraiT&om XT tail tree* without Ui» aid of a laddrr, Pruning Instru ment* of the most approved eoastrurthm? Digging fork*, suitable Ibr strawberry bed*, Acj pntatoo Hooks;Seed BrilU; Cutting lioxeStfbr Uay or Corn Stalk*, efrariOus tatters*, and *. frcAhxaristf of labor sating implements or the garden or farm. Downing's, Darryl and .other umiUrd wurkson.FFttJts, Flowers, Rural Arc!iltectttre,nud LandscapeG&rdentiijt.rtrßaife at lmplsmdal Waretow, Ko. Iff ilflb *twt,ritUburcb, Pa. Jy22 / JAMESWARPnOP, Woll'i Academy'of Drawing and Painting! 'XXT 0, 'WAUi VQuUI noUfyhts friends and the public* Yf V‘. thaVho.bss reniOTtnl hi* studio from "First struct, to the owner ofSlarkct and Fourth Bt3Tota,(»«atJtX story, < over the store of Wxa. M. Hersht entrance on Fourth street. : At the request of his friends, he has also opened n DRAW* INC SCIiOOL. Gas*ea far young ladies end Gentletnen trill bo formed in both Drawing and Painting. HobwCUcd up a Uoom wiUieTeryXaciUtjr fist study* and ho trust* that bis enterprise will meet with a supporting pbtrohage. . ■ enri&tf OYSTER. TRANSPORTATION, TTCTE hare arranged with the Pennsylvania and- Basque* YY hafina Railroad Companies, for » special Oyster Transportation Line, at exceedingly low rates, ■•.•oet7: .•■. ‘ ADAMS.* CO., to Water et» , Dliaolutton of I'annenlUpt THE partnership berotofpro existing between Samuel llnkertbn, Alexander Voung and FMlin Do 'under the firm of mKERTON*, FOUNG A Ca* wuthlß dev dissolved by mutual Consent. Tbe name of the firm wili be used by elUicrbf tho late partner* io settling the bnsin'esit; : • PINKERTON, YOUNO 4 CO. : Pittsburgh, December 1,1853, • 49*Tho business will bo continued atthoold stand, by lam’l Pinkerton nnlAlax..Young,undsr ths style of dcehdtf • PJNKEKTQN * YOUNO, ; Farmeri* BiaUt and Straw Cutter. £11 B rabscriberoffers for Sato Sinclair's Screw Propeller Foddet Cutter; It la very simple, bating only two res, easily adjusted; the most durable and speedy Cut-, tot In use.- Thoy are la use on the farm of Mr. William- Hodgson, Bteubtinvtlie'ro&d, and at the Glover Dairy of U. Perry* frumtho Seed and Horticultural Store, 49 Fifth st. decl7;. :.v JAMES WAftDRQP. A COMPLETE assortment of .Bongs, with English and J\; Italian words; fantasies and Potpourris, arranged far the Piano, from all tho favorite and popular Operas of BIo» cart, Donizetti, DolHni, Meyerbeer,' RoMnl, Verdi* Anber, Webor, Boliliou; Boire, homing, Floton, etc., etc 4 together with tic latest compositions’ of JiwU. GoUsch&lk,JuUleh, Strakosch; ettvcbx, etc. . Just received and for sale by •’ -IT. fiCIIROEDEft A CO. r Cairo’s nall,BaFoarthßtreet. : Blank books- v i>ay Books. , ..:* Cash-Books, - "• Be&lptBooks, i.. .:••>• Dockets, . ' - -Mrany descrip* tioacf BLANK JIOOKB3IADB TO OKDEft at abort notice,- of the most aupdrlorqunilty of papor, bound In any stylo required. Blank Books paged to order. A largo and excellent stock of Blank Books always on bond otul fur sale at low rates, consisting of Cap, Demy and : Medium work, in all etylea of binding. Tho trade supplied on liberal terms. • ,17. 8. HAVEN, Blank Book Manufacturer,: sep2 - Corner of Market and Second streets.: ■TCTEDDING ENVELOPES AND CAKE BOXES—plain : VV and very hondsamo—for sale by . . de3• ; • ■ JOHN 8. DAVISON, 65 Market street NEW BOOKfil—Hi P.. tiAiLQW, Dispatch Buildings, has received the following: i Mogarlrre ofArt, forDe^mber; : : No. 6 • Popular Educator, for December; The Lady at Homo, by Arthur; iEhelron liule, by Arthnr;; • The Twin Brothers; And all the different Magazines for tho present month. . : decß , jItL P. CALLOW, Third street, NEW BOOKS JUSI lUSCKIYKD AT DAVISON’S BOOK, STOKE, 65; MAHKET st:—Sehaff ’sHißtory; Autumn.' llonrsy Mrs* Kirkland i Bloodstone, by McLeod;..Up tho lilrer, Shelton j.OoldenLink; Tip-Top; little Drammgr ; Mason on the Church j Pastor’s ckotches, second fecflea j. Tbe Lord onr Shepherd; Memoirs of R. WliUsjns, the Fata* ganlan- Mi£sionaTj,;hy Hamilton 5 The Well Spring; Per kini’ Arithmetics; GreonleaFa.G.BiArithmotlo; McGulToy's series; M&caulay’sMiscclfanies; Fresh. .Hymn Books la elegant'hindleg; Kutherftiid’fiCUlldrcn; and tbo'latest ssues bf the S/8. Union. For sale by : . JOHN & DAVISON, V \ 65 Mgriget street near Fourth./' * '/■^HOIQJSLIEAS.—We bare thiaday received a freah-EujW v; plyot strong fine flavored Oolongnnd Congo Teas,- at 50 and 75 oenu per pound, new importation; which we will guarantee equarto any thing in. this market nt tho game price. Wholesale and retail by v ' BAILEY. A RENSHAW, jas i • ■ • ' .253.3AbOrty street;’. I. w* CHadwicks^ ■pvEALEE HT RAQ3 AND ’ PAPER, Ho*. 149 Wood Street, ji) Pittsburgh. Tho highest price in cash paid tor raga. > raylfcy .... .... ... .... .V\V: ; Vv’-•:-:•■• ■ UiALKH 15 Koitce. New Untie. \/ ' • '1 *&-v a4 C:-v- FUllNlTjJjlK... . JITIMCBNEGH eonlliniftff ui manuloctuft ■ M f \ CABUffiX-WAftti desaiptlon, fttldAold stand, 1 T WB comer of liberty end ftmsnth street*. UNDEKCAK \#y IjNO ftttondedlo, ta *B its brtoelies.. ; A. & «(S| TTATB ONHAND author extmsiio OABINET-»ita • JtjL CHAIRMAN P? ACtfOBSY Ko.W SiJtMaia Itn»v». largo wsortaent of-limoy *7®/ ■ •wfll Mlll5 per cant below customary *' *■ ’•*; • Tenaa—ftarti ■" ’ . • qgco:iy /» •"W fB wIH soli orgr large' stock otGOJOIOST • *4?fvX Vf CHAIRS ANP ft> cwanot fett toplcase cash pufccliasert. ’ All 'onr work IB Jowanteu* Our terms are GASH. n. ■■.•>.; -■/ JAM£S 3jCOVBY, J&*> • marSd * •• •. cor. BereotlilapflXibCTty.ets» r JonrneymeitGabintftSialcefa^AiiociKMonf' ' •; ■irJiU£BQ.HB&,o > %:.tXßZ£&"B'Tß2&r* i .• J ■• '- • •••' (tOTWSgS WOOD-AJTO *AMEC, BTS.) •. . - » r -' 'SinaASSOCIATION ‘amfaraclnggy. already /twice -to >three ■ tiinps.Ji»VWLa bonds 'as 'the .largest anil Q^aeiunn t*“w3qhitherto most renowned"business 1 X*-. shops ofthis- city,-have opened.theirfW&rehotisej .and. aro. •lable to- fhrnish the r public,.by wholesale or petaifj\with Fur-, 'nitureofthefollowlrig-descriptibn— i vlir'‘ ‘ v>‘- Mahogahy.Wardxore; DresringßUreAus* Full Columne d Bedsteads;,MaboganyCbalfß; Becking, ;-Chairs : Mahogany Washstands; Bofas; Divans; PiaaoStoels;, i Book! Cases;- Sedetarie3; • - . . • mar 29 • JAMES W. WOOD WEMo OA BTKJS T‘ PUKNITUILEMANU&Ji CTTTBSB, WaJre-rooms Ot and 99 Third *tr©eW•>*■:-. J.W; informs fjy ■ hisfriendsandcustomers Ihat heUV.- • :*w#p-™™-.Furniture, which is dceidedly ■ *\ * v thMa?ge&i tfnd.bcpfc ever olforcd .tor pale izf: this City, which wlll.-besoia-atprices as lowae any dniha - United States, EastorWest.'- " ? • . As he is determined to uphold the quality;.with well sea i scnaTmsteriali, besf.workmaaahip, endLnnwest designs; and from the extent of bis orders and fadlityin manufacturing, he is enabled to produco warranted .fhtmtore,:at the lowest prices. v -Ja-''- . He has adopted tho prinapta of identifying his customer^ [ interest with bis own, in and heeps al ways on band the greansst of ► furniture, front the 'cheapest and plaincst, to the most ele^. : a house; or. any,psrtof ;one,\‘inayr be furnished from blSrStock, or xaann&c or-. der. Thi» toll owing 'articles .consist,- in. park of lds stock, ■which Car -richness of stylo and finish cannot - be: surpassed ta any of thrEastern cities: - -l(Onifl2Cn?-tete^tetoSofia;. • • -bOßdtoi hair doth;< -v Wdez. Slabogany Chairs; • • 20 doi. Walnut M 60 Mahogany Booking “ 20 Walnut “ 11 ■ -60MahoganyDivans; . ? ■ 20 Walnut / u .. 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: . 60 “ « Dressing Bateaus?' : • • 80 ‘ -. u WaahsUnda; ::• ; - , -'4o'Enrios»J'‘ S ;V‘j.'.-';.-V' M - : '.:' ... ./.u-r-:v: : < • 100 Odimaon. u . . ■-. ” . , t • 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus;... ' ■■ '4B Mahogany Bedsteads; v : v;s SOWahrot , u :'■■■■ eoCdttage •** ■ ■: "* ■ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads;. . ) : ■ 20 Mahogtm* Wardrobes? - lOWalnat \ : ** •' - lOCheriry w , 60 Plato Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tablea u - ; • ■ 12Secrctary and Bookcases; .( ■■! '• 20do*.CanA Beat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Kecking Choirs;: • > 12 ladies* Writing Desks?. - HatandTowelStands; . What-Nots; » - Eiigulmi;' • - : • .PaperMaeheTables: Ocntmation Chairs; ■ . Pembroke • ■ ■■ u ■ Elizabethan u .' • ; Hall and Tier' 44 1 ; Reception. .- Ladles? Work a 1 PeortlnlfllA ** ; Extension Dining Tables; •'•■Aria tf - . ottomans; • - Gothic and Stall Chairs; ..•■■• - •• .. ■••; ''-■■■■•■■ • -. A targe assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS, Cauxzr Magsaa supplied with all ar ticles in their line.- . *!. - : STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished st the shortest ■'nßtioe.'--- - . •-■ : All orders promptly attended to. . apTC. : Watches, jewelry, &c. SEW JE WKIi;ET BXO EE, t Wo* 87 -JSas'k'e't Street, < (St&nd &xr chare DvefforUi-xcai corner of the IHatrund.} TOUN BTiiVENgOSi(of the lata firm of John B. M’ftuWrt tl * Oo^>rcypfctfallj- annotincefl to IhopubU i, ibat helms opened, at the above stand,® fine assortment of WATCH 12$, JEWISLBY, BILVEK AND PtATEI> .WAKK, LAMPS, 01*- HAN DOLES, Pocket and. Tahlt:Cfu!2ay,lMhxnnia Tea end Qmiavnion Sett, And the usual sariciy of goods In his lino Ofbttsittfeg*. V • V'.’" SpActaleattf and sitinlion given to the BKPAHt of PINE WATCUES,iEWKLBy, *c. He trust#, that bis long, experience in business; he rtUlw ablfttogiraeatisliicUoa to those who may favor him with their patronage. ; ;. Pitts tmrgb,Mayl£l!vlss3» Bay AVood Sttriery and Gardehi*! f AMES KENNEDYrIteU Managerof the well-known Sy* racnce Nuserlca, New York,) begs learn to infum the luhilc. that be has ncnr cstahitAhed on EXTENSIVE SUU SEUY,ou the i’ara of Mr. James 8. Ne£!ey. near East Lib* «riy, wbwrsb* ahall bo prepared, after the sth instant, to re*-' ctdvoandfill orders for. every variety of Fruitand Ornamen ted Trees, llOrOy and Green House Shrubs and Plants. In addition to a cbtucaahd soperior stoehon hand,he has in»d* arrangements with one of the largest Xurseriiw in the East, to keep np btoKupply.. Haring i thorough and long expe rience in tim ha can assure hi* customer* perfect satisfaction..,. J •: --.-V. Mr, KennedywcuLi also r&Ticcifttuyofferfcit serried In designing, faytogout, and managing Rural Cemeteries, Pnb tia Parka, or the grounds of Country Eesideriwis; and 'wiH *lsofuroi*h plana for the formation of Lawns, Approaches, PicttmwjWo Scenery,Ac* : to the highest -Style,-^. v: { Thcuh who bare tried it, have faund-that tboftdvertiio* ment does notyaunt its praises too highly.—{Tali&haHta Floridian kbit JournabFcb.l9,lSs3. - liousekeepera. who hare tested tho quality of this pow der, pronounce unanimously in its favor.—{LockportDaily Courier. - , . ■ - It surpasses everything la tbo.way of Wring, we ever saw usod la tho hating of cuvcj.--4lUihnayAdTocateund lU'gtv ter, April 15,1853. :\ -.V : .. .- This is nii article of such utility inrarious kinds'cfcook* ery,‘ that when its virtue* .become properly known, no housekeeper,.that.Studies comfort and economy,:will wQ tingly do without it—{N.Y.Fick,, May til, 1853. -• ho ono tousaDnrkotfsnlHmporfcantartirU to hoosekeeperaH[RDput)licati Ba&nor and RaahTiilo>7l)ig, Feb.lT, 1853. • /'v.* Would you hare light bread, sweet bread, bread that yob con rat with a good rvUab,donoiforget to procure Durhue's Baking'Powder, and; you wUI hot fall to have good bread, cakes, Daily limes,May 24,185th' - We hare iriad this article, and cauiworamcnd it with pcrfechoonfidonco-rQUebeo Gazette, July, 1852..-. Durkco's Baking rowder tre hare tried at our house, and cur !*beUex\hidr , < was-astonished at' the result—TK, V. Dally Times, Oct 23,1852. _ ... , AU good housewives will-wholes iir-and glorify the name of Durkoe, altar they have given bis Baking powder a fair trial.—{New York Sun, Sept. $0, 1852. DhrkOeV Baking Powder, undoubtedly the best article far this purport that has yet been disco vexed.—N; Y. Dutch man, Fob.'ld, 1853.' , • ; ' The lilghtat burdredsof thelatgest arid -most ref poctable wholesale houses in this, and nearly? every large city on this continent, could bo given, if space! allowed it, JB. It. DDRKKE, Sole Paopiuwoa aim MaaniPAcnmiß,’ • rI3D Water street, Ncw Yorki BAXTER A McICEE, Agonts, Pittsburßh. [oct2l] SULOOLM LSICn-........-JOUn ...... jOStPU B. LttCU.' J,S.oLeecii,fHcA4piu dt>Oo«, "YTT-HOLES ALK GROOERS, andDeolera InProduco.Mct f F als, and Pittsburgh Manufiuttiros,“Ko9.242 and 244 Liberty street,near.tha!h«ul df Woodi* Pittsburghi Pa,, or fee far saloon liberal terms, the fallowing;. ‘ . 100 tierce* freshltice;;>so,ooillbB.BAo6n,ftsatjrUdi 100bbla.Tar;' i;- 5 tonsUarlrotL do;' -1500kegaNail*,os3orted; ‘r . do'Best Nail Beda; - 600.bpxca Whjdow-Glass,} 2000* Wga Itock> and Riflo assorted; . Powder,assorted: ■ 60 half' chests Tea,' ofrj : 800 boxes Rosin Soap; ' . .. . sorted; . . }■ 11 85bbls;Llnseod,Lardan4 7&bxB,Tobacco,asBorted;; . Tanners 1 Oil; -100 bids.N.o-Sugar,part; 800bbls,-Yinegar; - -primo;.. - ; 30 do ’Rbaln; • ‘• .6 bxa.Havana Sugar;. » 20> do • Pitch; - . lO.hhds. Porto Rlcodo; ! 600Q.Ibs.assorted Copper .150bogaCoffee; S • 20bblSfU&d-kegs Lard; •- " 600 bbls. N. O. Molasses; ! lO kegii assorted Bho;:/ 75 do 8. IX. do; . ! 1 do Buck Shot; 800 bxs.Tin.Plato, ass f d;! • 6 bbls.-Alum; • •••••' 4 tons Wire, do; ; 20 do Rye Flour 4 ■ •« > . . .2 do Spelter; ; 20 aettaTlnners* Machines . 5 caatu sheet Zinc, as-;- . and Tools; , , sorted; . ; 100 bus. Dried Apblcs;.* . .600plgeTin; : ; .100. bales Batting, assorted; - lOOOfafl.Antimony; - .' i 2000'fas. Cotton Yomi ; pa -10 tons usa’d Sheet Iron;! .sorted. lOO.OOOlba.asa’d Bulk Meat;l • ?. • ■ fapr23 WM. A. M’CLUIiG, 7 DEALER VH 7 - Fine Teas, Choice Family Groceries and Willow i CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., HTTSBURQIE SPA. 1 8-now receiving a large asirortiaent of FRESH GOODS, 1 in addition to his already oxteusive stock, puritiiasca from first handa in ihe La^tern markets, which* will be^sqld' at the lowest market prices. Vf ' ; / | Stcajnboatfl,.and families, buying by 'the quantity,'suppliedatwholeealc. rates. . ~ . v d®*.GoodsdeUverod.inthscityfree of charge, pepgl - i IENGIitEERS* STATIONERY - WAKE HOUSE, f - * W. 8* J HAVB», ' | - - Cojmss xjyrBlAUKSi Sso&SD StEJass. I LA LW4YS:ON HAND, al&rge and well selceted-etook - xV v Whatman'fl"DrawiDg Papers, all sizes; ’). •*: Drawing Paperln rolls, Taxiotia wltUha; . r DraughtingPeiitJlß; •' • - - • MathematlcaLlnstrumenw; «-«.-• 'muUSS, SU<>lfU)tiß littiUili.&UiU'OUl-KB ASl> .tw ..,:.,r r--J- %sSetWr,. . l-TIFSTOCKIIiQXIEPOTLiitBr.KETBEKft-'yftn^. ■...• f -,.•»• corner of Wood Btrojfc of: me* -- cbanleal appliance# and .fitoal nr ttd» establish. Ani «U «ttd■■■-■ v •■■ .■ yw-, ' ' " i \ fc ' t' , Xc ’’ : - '» **-$• * ■ *. - ' ••••• •"■•■- ■ -■ -r" - f ! '"•■•• *1 '■ J- f’-'i IEtmoPEAHAOEHCT. ' . - '."£m£ • 'iSfc 1 i IHB OIjI>EST'ESTAEUHHED.OSJICBII< ■ HOB OfXt :, r - . 'ii ■■■;• ..iAiiiißtaiWufl : ••:•:• j ; Carlow, - Drogheda. Fennoy, Monaghan* Eanlsconhy,. Ballina. • Cavan, - ‘ Dundalk, , , ~,G&lir»y. : ~ Newry7 Traloo, Balyoena, Clonmell.. Dangannonj-’liondondeny, Omagh, Ydnghail, Banbridgo. -Kilkenny*.« = Dangannon, } KB rush, ■ Waterford, r , Galeralne* ■ Faraonsfcrtm, Cork*. : Tinnls, ;-*Bligo, *■■. Wja&Td, Cootehfll, «»prtrAr T .. . -BftUyflhannon. . / •ON SCOXBAND , . I -KaUonaVßsntorScetUna, "Edinburgh, and Itsbronchei jin filly townffitfScotland. ... ■ " - vr..-;r: • ' • •*■T the half dbest, of neatly packed la metafile packagor >to suit the trade.. I .' * j • i Thc-sabaftriber is now retMlvlng his Foil stopk cf GBFI2 : andBLACK.TEAB<--<»n£lst r iig of boom pfthifineitcl it* to be found inthe Eastern market MorcfuntaYUltlng-U.* ;dty «w Invited to eall olid: examine ohr stock,; Soiow Isa list ortbeyarlou.3 ’grades, oil of which hard been carefully selected-, and can with confidence be recom mended:: ’•..■• - ' ' . . SOliolfclicatofliioToangnyson'; ‘ i. ..,-iJO-r . do v rdo •• MpyuneYoaiiffHyßOii;- ; ' l . .■!■ 10,. do ertrn-flneMojune aoj . ; . 'lOO - 'do . .BapsTlor : ' do; » , ■■ •10-• , ‘ :do;- ■ ■ 60Lftcciar€d.boxesextraCarlousTomiglIyfton;’ ' 25 bidf chesu&ieGiihpbwdsr;' • -t 10 do extra tine ..do; : >;:■.•• / 5 do' ’ . do-Moyune Imperial; < - 20 • do Soperlor,/..; ; do;. •'l5O do ■ Fine Oolongßlack Tea; > : - 40' :; ' do ' ' oxtraflne, Oolong-; .i l 30 ’• doexira Curious.do; . * : 20 do SupeyTattyely.Btrongaa&^rsgngitOolc&gr ■ “--.v- jg dhfigta extra fia&'lfbglfih Hieakfegt Tea; ' \> . 5 .. do: : OorSons/’ do . * ? 4 «do}' ’ < • 'ALSO—Java and Rio Coffee, Havering's Crualiedland Pul* rerised Sngara., ALSO—S3,OQQ Frindpe Sugars, which trill be sold very low.". " ■ o •:/. !..•! TrrJS.AQE&CX. JAVSKS/:.y: f V ‘7 : Agent for. the CoSttfype, &c.‘, O t PHILADELPHIA, HAS ON nANDandfarßale>thefoUowsngJ—Brisslined' column Galleys; Common; Galleys sAsortcd/fUfce Galleyf«, :Coraposing.' Btickss :;V ' " Pittsburgh, May*4,dB63>-aaw . vy’:.';; ;fTiH6 undesigned has lust received at his r mAsm*.W ' X CARRIAGE WABKHQPBB, ;fiear the Two Mile Kunj between ’and Lawrouecrille, * h i/i.a**zr*rn»niWt+ - of XEaiCLESrof tsrery description, hand Si&Ut, i : v ;,£myl3.-dawy*) * JOSEPH TTHITE. Dr, D, Jayne’s Family Medlelnea Bayne’s Hairlbliie; ' 0 *' ■ Toaie?cnttift»go; •« Banaflte Pills; :: "Carmlnatireßalsam; <# AguePfll<; Alteratire; ; Aaorfeaa HalrTyr > Tbs aboreralpablefamny madlcinegconstantly on hand, , and sold wholesale or retail, at the Pekin Tea Store, 88 P* fib - Street - By A, JAYNES, - janlftdaw ExdttsirsAj^St&irPiUabu^’lu '' - " •.■ ■ • iUtoaos.rio• -r v»v J~, .*\rEW. PATENT 1 AMALGAM PEN.—This Important in ,.JL\ vchUon removes the twogrcat'obstacles to the Tint •versa! Oseofthoßteel Pcn, Vix: thcirxigldlty, &nd-th>.‘ir rapid destruction bythecorrosiTß action of tbo lnk. 'ld . minalcly a&minisgAhequlli pea intho net of .wrlUhg.it : vt iU bo scea that the of agentle yiaiiUxr^^lLel;*v^ ; above Xhh alb of the pea * and, second, the ‘* scissors’ 1 actloDycr r spreading open of thepolntato permit theflovoftho i».k; pens hUhelto neTerhsrro bad—gives totheqaiaitsfiexlbilUjvandtlJit .pccoli&r springy.ptiy which is so agreeable.to the:haul* andwhkh seems to suit the action of the muscles of the •fingers; y LeMing,af thefiEgbiestprcfisUrS, »S h .outcrampiog thehehd.. The efforts of all steelpcn iuai»ra have been directed to the attainment of tbisestoatial qunJ-> itycf UexlWlHy, ajid they have had recourse to sainr u meratte variety of cracksand piercings to attain It, T he inventors of the Palent'Amalgam Pm to üßdjfrocm series of experiments, that the whole practice ef Ifcatraaohad in this ;rcrpectibeea - xt y tr*tk& and“ piercings” could prodneethb desired acts' u» ifthc ordinary foT&ofiktttcrtpc*vxrcadliertdta. This point being gained* they avoided the plan hi tbertoed opted tot attaining flexlhinty f ahd a srßve:a peculiar tormdo lha. in'eUl,by hich they manages to combine 9” . action of the ordinary steel pcirwilh tSoigrewble flexihU- : ityof tho qufll..; Thobecond dlfflcalty to be overcome a'ss of leu SUM. of great Importance ta the c«a* sdmcrs of steel pens- Every caoianwaxo ol tho’oortosire action of the inbtra thocrdinarystecl pen*. Even wtththe greatest care,lt ppcedHydesfeojathe delicatelysmoothaur '■ .face of the pen.- So serious a drawback is this fram iUe uUUtydfthe*teQlpen,tiatthonsaiidBar at or near Stuairp* b ' t **£f« 'VTOTICEIB lUIRE or GIVEN, That la bawbancoot tho Actor wealth of fennsylva* ala, entitled VAn Act to AatlioilxO ihoGorercor to toccrj.o* . nto o Company to erect KBridgeovor tbAAllegbenyiM'vur, at or: near jihin>sburg,: in AUeoxeßy a Approtea r 13tb of March* 18&3,and Supplement ih&retojandActs tx tcndlng the time therein linuted« Bdoha Mll.bb opcaied by the, audernamed.Commlssionets, to rwxlve anbecriptltiii.v .forth* Stock of said Company, at the ST.CHABLtB 110- •TEL, hi the Qty 0/ on the BEVEJITSESTU day o/DEOKMBKR, lSA3,botWc«n. the hoars eflOtfcJocfc, A* o’clock/ P.Miandehoutd’ihevlmlannmherof : shares not be subieribed on that day, then aodlnthat ea»e, at the lions* of Mr. NEWTOUT, In the Borougb of Bhoip*- r* ■_■ : FmrtciaKnnas, Bicfcart BwalV DavidSoyd, ■KoberfWilsan,' James Marshal!, James H.'£rClollamJ, Henry M'Geary, . Thomas Pearson, Sameaßlakoly, s ..■■? Grant Mo wryj Charles Smxn&. James o*H.ftenny^ 'WiUlsttL-C. Benny, A. Morton*:: J.C.-Oomstoek,. . LcmoelShnrt P.A.CoUler,' • ••■ .• ..■ Jamis/Ee^ls, Wholesale and a;. BAUDUS, HAHNKSB AUD TJTDNE JUNUPAOTOEY. T> OBERIH. HARIBEY, begs leavetoinfentf j&HSuji • continues to occupy that large and rommodiQtielspslisiir fitofgßotJn.formerly oampfedhy fiamw) ■ __ stock & Co., No. 86; corner orDlaiuond Alley axuTWood Bt, where he keeps alorgearid general assortment Of Saddles, Bridles, Baraq&Trrafaffiaryt Bags, fiartflla Bag*. Valig**> Buffalo Eobdtj’Whlps, ana all other article in his liam— HoalsokfiOpaconstantly eh hand, andls prepared to far* nlsh to order,: &U.'kinds of Riveted- Hose, iasnTrtSrttured of the best material, and In a style _of wtnkmanahip equal to the Eastern manufactured article and at 66per pfcnVcheaper. Country Merchants and Farmere*phWaowell io cell and i examine his stock before purchasing else where. as (ie-is dv tennlnod to sell first rate articles at vcrylow-pnces. ■ JEF Don’t forget the placa, No. 8& comer of Wood et and Diamond Alley. . • - - 1 /-: r ' fap2S v CP’mh yd Carriage factory! /OEHSIOH, BBOTHEE3 & CO., Cbmer of Bebccca and Betnumt ttrni± Wfy. r tMr friends c Qc£r^E^yAna. t U>»;>ubUo generally, that they hate the anmuttetuio ioggarriagesy ; Chariots, in elf their Yitfidas styles, ofnhish'&nd proportion. . Allordew r bopiecu,tcd7wlUi' strlctjcffard to dprnMllty 'ana boahtyofvfirdiJt.f Repalra 'trill' also'lio attended to cn the most reasonable -terms. - TTatny Jjj nil their -work- the and theyY&tcSfi*- dent that all who favor them withthelr patronage,’triH l>e perfectlysatlsfle^on. tafel nftffofcmvrfr.-. .*• .. J Bumhasers'aro'rMuestod to giTB ns a caß. be£»o pureha* sing elsetrhore. - .* ■ oetOSy - - fciVJSRV&TABijH, '"'.,. ; • Orrntr of SmUhJUiii gtrtd and Diamond aZiqfc’’ basing >addod largely'4o his rZSdkrV stock, is now prepared to accommodate the public ZSyJULwILh the both Tor Baddle and Harness. Gentlemen wishing to hove torses kopt aOircry,wfli find superior aocomthodattraaffer thmU at thisstabta.Tbestalisarelarge, onauew.andth® ©re* prietorpays every attention to thalr ease ahdcomlhrt.: - ‘ <***■7 ’ ~. . -P. DgVLIH. Pearl Steam Mill;- , • CANAL BASIN, ALLEGHENY CIXY,' - ' (31AI1 TBS UnSOXD ETATIO.*r,) Ji 1 AMlLTE2willb6rappHcni with - r ■ ?MSU OBOTJND FLOUR, &7'foa7uiBtbelrorf6t9at4li6 : MinOTlnaarbpxflSftt., - street, prßr»tm*Re«roEl>Y;> 00. ; %TKYILLE B. jCttAIU'frHKW: BOOK*— MoWiyeady,! Uio I ' ll' MBMOIBS'O? IIAJOB EOB£BT,6TOBO, ol.tla-rvir ginlaßegtmect; Jrf N.B- Crjdg. „ ; ,PobU«Mt»oa«» *>to l y * •.■■»■salQßw Si DAYISQKf ■ * > ; : 66Warfait«r8et.:lleW;ri)nrta.. } » '«J f- v** 5 vt- ~ * - .<■ :» ,*■. •■ . v •> - - ' ' <• ,» V-' 'isv -v:-' H ' 1 «»■ *' * * ’ • , , CAftRIAfISSFOE SALE, *> - t J v« -f-r ; ■/**''' • SpranishJfMxtttre, !■:>,! '1 THE GBKAT 1 fcUKlWEtt‘oy■ TlfiJ BLOOD.. • -'stoi-'A naocu ov-jiucunrw'x*; A N INVALUABLE lUOUSSX JOB SCROFULA, \n Evil; Bheunjatfstn, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions. ttoplcaorPustulea onthe Face, Blotches, Bolls, Chnmte Bor© >WINQCUIIKD. —4lr. JOmfTHOIIPSON, realuW In the dty ■oMikdnnond, Wflscured hy three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, or Balt Rheum, which hO had nearly twenty Which alitho could-not'enre,.' Mr. Thomo. sohlaaweU anowumerchantiuth&cUyaf Va. and hU;eurB remarkable. . ?. .• | .5 r MATTHEWS, of had a servant cured I of cSyphilifliJathaworst ibrm, byCarter'a Spanish Jllstuiv Be Baja ha cbretfally recommends it, and conkdera it an .Inralnable medicine. • » , .•: .• . • 1 lUchmona, ni nm4rf ferofa- J»t call. ctmOrmod Oofisuolptioß-lis thre«battips of SpauUh Mixture. - * , OT^ p ,? p fi T 0 mtenue, .ay, . b.to, «»a tJ, goal effoct, of Carter’s Bpanlah atatoro In to7a ,i 18 WM. 0. HABWOOP, of Biclunonil.cnTalof OM l J jW<*4lCTbl«UlllaJhim -.alltaff. Took s ftxr bot tl.e of Carters Hpankii MUtaxe, an} xna csablad to .alt ; , Kitbonta crutob; lu a short tlno panzumently cured.'- . OWndpal ltepot at U..'WUSD, CLOSE *CU, No. S 3 Ual}aa Lano,Ke. Verb. i. . ; - . . - T.' ; w*.BTO!n! ; «SONS;No.l33Norths}at-PhUaddohJo.’' ■ PENNETT 6 BEERS, No. 125 Slnln rtrwfc Klchioonth Va! Aoiliicrral. bjB.;A.PAHNEBTOCI£ 4C0..L. Wilcox, iUtogboqri art} • byLragsistJand lAialerslu Medldna overywhare. ■ •- l pctBn)aw : ly.---t• v . .aussE's conpODHD sibcp op vee - IOW JWCK 8001, !• 'PHIS u a purely. Vegetable Compound, sdotitlflcally pr*. !-X pared flout-tbe Seat ."nota and heria of the Materia Sledica, and ton-gsfiia.uaarirleulied reputation for UlB i ; -BIEGIJLATOiI} AND BI'BJESOTHESIKO TUB. UYEII, andDuuaira Oeoiub, end eleansing the Btomieli end Bow els, »nd thuacntlngeUlUlloua Vlnxßa, LirerObmplelnle. ...: Dyspepsia, lndlge&lonlCdatieeness,' Piles, Ucadacbe. Fever ' and Ague.Jauiidine, Nausea, tosi of Appetite, Aci end <»njln*tlie food to nontiai: end support eTert tout ' Is,Saltßheoxn,£ry£ipeliuLScft]dDead,Conker, Pimpleson . tb® W®®> Blotches, Clecrsj Tomorfc, Mercurial .Disease. Caa? cars, &Ce, da. . . • - - t * * : BKOI'XATUrQTaESBOBJSTOatOBQASS, and by enabling than to perform their proper! uncUbn*, t .preventing ana. curing many painful tmd ilanges&uß • Lio as a very,valuable medicine. E. Bourne, Era., Cashier National Beak, riOTtdenco.ll.l.; : Aw. tK I-< Ceslder Lima Hot It Baht, as. do., Rot. Pl!lUips,KeT.a.ll. JUrimoud, 0.-8.-dopes, editor Gen. 4? Tt -> field, M~W. O. MqCynm „■ Ksher,il,B,H. James HutchSnKm. Q. Bee. V:J: Bates, Doct, B^nj, Colby, aad £n& hundred others'eftba fnostrespecUbltj families, of. Proyidesce. , ' * 1 ; ' TMjtcertifies that I have for a numberof years been ao v : quieted; with the conjpoeitlon'asid mode of manufacture of : MORSK’SCOIiBOUItD ft¥KOi» OFVIILLOW 1 BOOK BOOT X- have ftbso.beea acquainted with ite «»odtt*-t(pmxjW»iD die* and qut Mjr that in aU rcf.pccts n ia aamirttbly'calcu- Uted tO: remedy that-class of Di&eftse Tor which it was do tot*.. It is. especially TalUabie in EiDIOEBTIOK ; &nd oil 3ta attendant eympiomsj dt excite, to healthy action'Aha LIYBR, removes Torpor* andi naetirity of this OEQAN»and stimulates hcalttky'setion in &U tbe system. As aTUiPU BATOR, or purifier of the Blood* It has no superior. .<■■• V£j- DAVID, HQLAiBS,M, D. , J*rotidtnce,R./. r 1859.' - r ’ * Prepared by tX:JUOK&K A -CO., 440Br«awoy, Kev York, and Edd by Druggists' and others- throughout this.and other countries. f JOBD MDULEK,'Agent apr37:ly ; l>Utoborgh;7a. DE. DE. LANEY’S CEEEBBATED CURATIVE INSTRUMENT, the only infallible Oire for Hat Dreadful Dittaa burnt at QeERMATOBHHEA OB XSVOLUSXAHr -NOCTUJiNAL Kj EMISSIONS, eo harrassingapa destructive, and prodoc* ■ tire of £Xt much mischief nyatwin) tin&tlw tziiui for oodcijr tuadmatflnioßy. ~v TMS Ifiitarmacnt ; ccnaptßheiißlYO antf'Cero** failing* be ;u«sL without ;t3» aHfettcfit lucop- i Tenlencw or the v knowledgBor the. most intimate friend. Itls tCEIw uttid: texCerwaiy,prodndo£nO'paln'or Injury . whateTer, xwrpwtnjating F any-ona; from- Attending, to Jjia bus!neu;anawbile in tueno£a-rifl?fc evUsricncan take • place, the orpam r ind therttimz. IpjucAutv t£- • ' -fcnfiftat ttqy JOtaAisroaaFßiaiTivx rorag or Rgtgmos t .the. loss of coated bycarly. abuseylatbe disease in quee» tlon, and thflfctnsa hf tha —**!*: • HerrcuiaieMi* Prostration, Dyspepsia, Pain- In the Head and Dimness of JCfeioa, Weakness of tijo Back and Lower JSxtrendtiav Affections of tfc? foes, Iznnotsnoev Pim ple* nathe FaeeVPremarnto Decline of Vlrilftyt Weakness of MenioiT fbr .MenulTAnptlciiaonvMectlcFn, to Bodety, Timidity, Self-Dirtruat, Unvotf VMhaWydisappcar.aJiiixnat’tht J \ toterceir stepped fromwhich they enianntid, , ; Beitalaor«BMsibered,tltfithose«jnjj)laliit=;'i.rt Vntllttlo nndtamt£KAwtho pitifesBlbn. in general, and that > t£H iba jnedfdanfiija» yoridnoVeriaiJr and nercr wl) l; ttoi» those losses, which, If allowed to continue unchpckedvarosiire to product ' ~ / _'Xbw price,of the complete Instrument, carefully secured agwnst aU.obserraUqnin mbox r H only $10;* U can fcoient : by wttras to any address, In part of the United States, Canada, according to order, accompaniedby full (liiec* • imper ant advice to tfie married andsiogls, Ujq • “ P °fa^S‘ mtothftTWaotesfc p ?* ta ? f:tbe tauntor*.being applications and rcmittaiicoa mustbodlreetedYr'crgt- Patd) w> tnO Doctorlllaisalf,ha haTlng lgnT|rfn»BifttWlA. ed but In London and Paris. Adires>,.(pojt-palcl) rhf.B, laney, n UjpMnnia&eet, ■HOV !<&*»' r ' : \ . ' .'M •. ----- •-* fc Oa»:hoon!,diJ!j I tromß A. JL an 3 P-M-and &om T to BP. ?I.,Uie Sabbath ciccptod- - ' r • - ' ondeisfeigi cwffly, «ith Sfi at pleasure, Uiatthe ljt not - enilflo that firomiia cje uie hippicstfreftlt* ' mty atom v&h coa&fcrice, be an ticipated, there thpiadlBetsi<, r fw>trfAireert—This terximfrcquently inappropriately • \J applied to othersaffections of thehmgs apo- BrcmciU. 80 far a# the treatment!* concerned* tijia l* of Terr illUo oo&'ftrtanee* earths .remedies ere-the same." Tb 6 KXPJSO« TOiiAjll ahopiji -bfCmvenaa nltmaemay be necessary to wIMTd tb*<»ngh,6nd;prodnce offcee and. easy expeetora* vv tioa, *&d*ußotc removo or- oppress fcinselfl should .boregri* toted PILLS TrheaeTM necea* sary. If thero bemueh doWlHy,with nlghtPTfeate,lrom ■ Cttftto two TOSIOTEBMIPirOB abonf* bo - •gweiinbotttfcarf arifcour lt ehonldj* Oilxed itttTraor threo : «poOM&lof poUt'TOteT,and sv4bt-< _ enea topleasetho taste. But If there be no blffht*STrcats, OT, lf tl»OT.dlsappcar,.UiTO gitß tbe/ALTBBATIVa tbree toes a.. • fluESlNKteprepared by a purely chemical process, and J. Is warranted to amiainhotuivp injurious to ttefaftoperiJ. wispalewhen fiwtu&ed, but by exposure to .the air bo* comes nodnall jof a ipost Ihtchse and permanent Mack." - For sale In bottles of tot! ms size, by nholeeale or retail.* t **P®, ■' ‘ .... W-S-nATETTB . BUtlnimTT W«* . Oe.Maftaitiitnyt, comer of &ES • t’lyfAfe .VAItNIaH—AUO gallons, Heir Yottc / prshdjin store anfl-forsalaby ■ k -: • -PXiBiIING-BB'jS^*uccc»orato J.KiiTdACoJ decs 1 . . , CO Wood s! Y'\lIICtldiLVKK-*2 r WA'J.\KlliS.-~l have cm band, end, atncoa*' stoutly, receiving fresh supplies of -ibe. iblloving ■: waters, iri pint 'and qu art 'bottles; Kmpira Sprfng,, Whiter > SulpbarKrringjCoogms Watavnmt Samtrg* Water. .. ; ' ' '' ' JOSEPH EWSMING, CornerSlajketBfc.andDioaiond, -v<'x . and corner Fonrtb.andßrotlhfieldste* .-ii MUMIUNK CHJSSTS—A new-lot of Tariou* sizes jaiifc.. styles* fiilrt wtmlßrrttWHltfßy-. > , * *>v; . , r-< ■•:•: •■ •■ - Corner Hprket &.tind .D&xrattd; ' - yDdoorcoTFotirth and, SmUhfieldste l T YON'S KASHAIiWN «n« Barrj’i Tricophctuus, iai. Xj lot,lart rredted end for ealoty JOSEPH FLEMING, , Coiner Muriiot aCand-Hlasiaml,. ntd comer Foarthaail SmithColdeie, - HAiRDYEa.— BWcbetafe Uaaid Hair Dye, for Instantly ' ; dmnglna tbecolor of the hair to ». ciMsj) bWk—tho ■ boat no* lit CM., Also, HosselFa audit trrison's. Uslr s>y«j - w