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PITTSBURGH : FRIDAY MORNING; Domocratio County Committee of Comspondonoe, 1 es- Pursuant to noticn, tho Commlttco mot ami organ za, ottho EL Chorion Hotel . Ch&liman having stated tilO object or the mvotinff, Jons C. Dcxx offered tio follow - Jng resolntlou—wWchtras aacptol: Resolced, That the Democratic citizens of the several w»rds BoromzhsandTowhsMiisof ADcghcnrCounty, meet ' 'at tvfr usual places for holding Primary Meetings, on SATUBDiY, thol«th task anil enrh elect tiro Delegatee to lioresent them in County Oonrcntlon, which will[assemble at the Coart House on tlie following WEDNESDAY, the 22d ■instant- Tho mcetincs mil ho organised at 3 o'clock, and ■ remain open until £> o clock, P. M. ■ ■. ■ • The Democratic ulUzens oflho First Ward, Allegheny ■ * Citv. -trill meet at tho Pablte School Honse In said Ward. TlioDemocratlo citizens of tho Second Ward, Pittsburgh, . . will meet at the Duquesno Engine noaso, on Smlthfleld st. - ■ - On motion, adjourned. , . . . .’.77■ DAVID CAMPBELL, Chairman. , D.SIO. W. BotS, V Secretaries- - . Jams Bucsjtoae, J. - Bocr^ ta ” c . a '. TBE JEWEU, BILLY Tho following despatch was received at this affiae yesterday, atl o’clock, P. M.-Tbiß appears to leave the prisoner Without remedy from the legislature, and we sea now no chance for hie escape fromtho penalty of the law: v Uuuusnimii, February M.—3l) X.F. Gluts.—' Tbo Jewell 'hiatter ended, "The'motion to reconsider not hariugbeen ’made within tho six days. K-H-Kaniu . '7 > THE RASCALS AT SEW YOBK, 1 Sir. Greeley headed an article in the Tribune, not long ago, 11 The Rascals at Washington lt was the language of a blackguard, but for once, wo will borrow tho- expression, with a littlo al teration, and apply it whero it is most manifest ly deserved; to wit, to some of tho editors in’ Now York city. Wo refer to their baBO attempt to injure Pennsylvania interests by slander and falsehood. A more corrupt and venal press no city ia tbo world possesses, than is found in the city of New York. Wo propose to state a few facts to show that a concerted system of lying is adopted, designed to prevent the negotiation of Pennsylvania railroad bonds in the East and in Europe, for the purpose of preventing tho completion of Pennsylvania railroads: and, in general, to do all possible harm to our Common wealth. The pretext alleged is tho Erie mob. A lying pretext it evidently is, as the slanders are continued, when the Erie difficulties aro set tled. We do not refer to the entire newspaper press of New York. There are Borne honorable excep tions. Bat a portion of them, at the head of whom-is Greeley of the Tribune, ate playing this .base game. ... Two or three days ago tho Tribuns represent ed the stock and bonds of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad as greatly depreciated in the New York market, and gave as a reason that eastern capitalists would have nothing to do with Pennsylvania securities. The roguo who wrote it did not know that not one foot of that road is in Pennsylvania; and tho quotation of its stock la false, besides. Not long since, another New York paper stated that.no bond and stock broker in that city Would suffer a Pennsylvania bond to remain in his office over night. Just aboat the same time some bonds of a railroad in thiß State were sold on good terms in-Now York. Another New York paper stated, about the same time, that Pennsylvania bonds and stocks Were entirely unsaleable in Europe, and advi ooi European capitalists to have, nothing to do with them. About the same time that that statement was made, and advice given, the London stock mar ket exhibited the following faots. Wn will take the ffgureg from the ciranlar of Anthony, Dorr & Co., of London, dated January 24, 1854. We aro indebted to oar friend Wu. A. Hill, Banker, of this city, for the tables accompany ing the circular, for which ho has our thanks. On the 24th Jannary, then, tho Pennsylvania Central R. R. C per cent, bonds sold in London for 92@93, urith ths dividend off. At tho same date the seven per cent, mortgage bonds of the New York and Erie Railroad sold in London for 88. These last mentioned bonds it.will.be observed bear 7 per cent, interest, and are convertible into stock at Jhe option of. hold ora. The Pennsylvania Central Railroad bonds bear bat 6 per cont. interest, and ora not con vertible. At the same date tho bonds of tho oily of Pittsburgh sold for 83, while the bonds of tho city of Now York found no buyers at all. Aboat one month ago an English circular re presented the bonds of the city of Boston, and tho bonds of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, at tho two most active and saleable stooks in tho. London market, at that time. ' The-Now York and Erie Railroad is now over nineteen dollars in debt; more than the Pennsylvania’Railroad cost; yet the latter is the most volnablo road of the two, asapubllo accommodation, aucLas. a source of revenue to the stockholders. Bach are a few of tho faots that give -tho lio direct to tho malignant slanders of New York editors. It is no wonder they dread Penn sylvania competition; but it is a wonder that Wcßtern people.can bo found to believe their falsehoods; .or that Pennsylvanians can be found to patroniso their lying sheets. PRICKS OF PROVISIONS. Each arrival of a steamer at New York, of late, has the effect of bringing down prices of ,flour and some other kinds of provisions. This foot would indicate that it is not the deficiency of crops that is relied on for a farther rise, bat the expected news that war is declared by Rus sia against England and Franco. Now, in the first place, we do not think that the Czar will be in haste in making such declaration. Be has not yet completed his preparations, and will temporize and ask for explanations, and gain as mack "time as possible. When ho is ready for the conflict, it will commence either by formal declaration, or by actual collision of the fleets or armtbs. All the indications are that war will be the resalt; bat we cannot see how that should occasion a great rise in the price of provisions immediately. There will be no moro people to feed ;ln faot, not sa many in the countries where the scarcity prevails. . In the meantime, spring is approaching, and in a short time the lakes and canals will be open ed for navigation, and there is no doubt that the qaantitics of flour, wheat, and other, provisions going to .the seaboard will then bo considerably increased. No great advonoe in prices can be expected in the face of that more- abundant supply. - We claim no gift of prophecy, bat wo venture tbe suggestion that, at present prices, non is a very good time to sell wheat and flour. RAILROAD DEPOT. The Gazette states that it is now certain that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will locate their depot on Liberty street, near the foot of Third street. A.largo tract of groufld will be required for the purpose. A late Actof Assem bly authorizes the company to take the ground, and have the damages or valae of the property taken, assessed by a jury. It is a pretty harsh way of purchasing-property. They have had two more fires in Louis ville. On Saturday morning, two dwellings were destroyed, and on Sanday morning a stable and offiee were consumed. Somo of the papers think that they were Bet on fire, and advise more vigi lance on the part of the police. t Heavy Fraud ontThb Government. —An im porting firm in. Philadelphia has been detected ia cheating tbe Government through false in voices. '. The fraud amounts to some, sixteen thousand dollars. . *' . There is no change of any consequence to note in tho money market of our city for the last week. Money is becoming somewhat more plen ty, as the returns are reooived for the very large quantities of provisions, and all kinds of pro duce sent eastward by tho railroad, v ' Notwithstanding the increased capacity of the railroad for business, by the Avoidance of the planes, it is still taxed to its fall capacity. In about two weeks, should the weather permit, the eanel will be opened for business, and from present appearances, jp&th the railroad and ca nal will have abundant employment dnring the Bpring months, in carrying forward tho vast quantities of freights that are to be sent to the seaboartT FEBRUARY 17. It is evident, from tho remarks of tho Now .York newspapers, that a combined and concerted effort, and an effort doubtless well paid for, ia made at present in that city, to destroy the credit -and-prevent’the sale of Pennsylvania railroad bonds in the Eastern-and European markets. Lies, of course; are freely reported to, and the motive not denied. It is designed, if possible, to prevent tho completion of Pennsylvania raU roads; and thus prevent onr State becoming a dangerous rivol of New York in the trade be tween the East and West. Hero is an evidence of it, taken from the New York Tribune a day or two since. When next Greeley nscs the word tl scoundrel ism," he would do well to apply it to tho writer of this extract: 11 Cleveland and Toledo [ehares} sold at 05, a further ad vanes; Cleveland anil Pittsburgh at 84, one of the results of beluga Pennsylvania concern. Capitalists are cautious ia regard to everything located in that moheympathizing State.” 1 ' The Tribune of course veils its base design un der a specious plea. It contends that the coun try ia too much indebted already. Whntover of truth there may bo in that, tho editor of the Tribune never thonght of it till the Now York roads from tho Lakes to tide water were com pleted. The New York and Erie Railroad Company is in dobt only about 519,000,000, and its bonds sell for below par, while tho Pennsylvania road bonds are worth a premium. Wo take tho following] from tho Now York Tost There i,C71,748 6* Payments lust week .. 202781 82 Itcceipts 613,781 85 Tboexportß of speclfrlast.wßck were os follows: F,’U o—Bark A; 11. Sturgo?, Porto Itico, species $3,000 *• “—Ship Arab, Guayma, ** “ *• 9,800 <» “—Steamship Asia, Liverpool, American gold. 1,300 . . Total for the week.;...;.,.; $14,100 Previously reported In February 1,010 **. .*• in January... 845,033 Total since January 1. Same time ls£o. Same Tho following table gives tbe quantity of gold deposited at all the Minis of tho United States since the discovery of California. GOLD DEPOSITS XT CJOTZD STATES KTSTB, Tbtal Ghsd, 1847............... . $l2 508,575 1849.., ISSV. Total- $2*0,205,141 Tbo followin'; shows the amount of stiver deposited sttbe Pulled States Mints: MITER J}£i*o3lTB AT CXITE9 STATES HOTS. Total Sitrrr. IS4" $71,160,911 184 S ~ 2.040,050 1819 2,114,950 1850.; : 1,806,100 1851 774.597 1852 , .... 1.070,991 ...... 12,903,359 As the financial affairs of this country aro in timately oounccted with those of England and some other countries of Enrope at the present time, tha following will doubtless be read with interest by bnsiness men: .AXTIIOSY, DOUE A Co’B. circular. Loxdox, January 24, 1554. Mercantile operations have been again lurthcr checked by tbe increased opprehensinns of war, and tho demand for money for mercantile accommodation baa diminished In consequence; but whore discounts aro.obtained, previous rates are fully adhered to. Tbe telegraph newß from all parts of the continent toslay Indicates lnsreaecd gloom, as if the prospects of war were considered more imminent. Tile nest neweof importance will probably he an announce, ment of aoolllsinn between the Anglo-French and Russian fleet* in tho Elack Sea; The Ranh of England returns for thn week ending Jan. 21, show a further Increase of £233.000 In the hnllion.and generally the position of the Rank has greatly improved for the post two months. The exports of bullion from London during the past year, amounted to about ono* fourth In silver. The Bank of Franco has ndsed tho ratoof discount to tiro per cent, and the demands upon It Indicate considerable pressure for money in Paris. Tho Rational Rank of Belgium is about to ndvnnee its rats from two to throe per cent. The exchaugcs with France ere more un favorable ter this country, and there is n renewed demand for gold for shipment. At Vienna tho rate of exchnngo up on London has advanenl to 121(515. Tho political difllculties have for tha week past produced a favorable demand for American securities in England, and there has boon an absorption of a eon-i! arable amount held by bankers and discount booses. Tho returns of tbe traffic of the English rail wnystlius far this year, ns compared with January. 1853, show a diminution, which is principally con fined to those railways which supply tho manufacturing dis tricts. Tho French railways dir the same period show an Increase. Notwithstanding the largo nrrivals, tho com market Is very firm. witUariseof2satyestcrday'smarket. •■TheLon .don arrivals for tho week endlog January 21, from New York, ere 25,000. barrels of flour, and 14,000 quarters of wheat. The arrivals at Liverpool, from thn United States, reached CG.CtO quarters of wheat, and 140,802 barrels of flour—the largest arrivals ever known. The question of food Is scarcely less important than that of peace, for until we have some assurance that the wants of England nnd France have been provided for, and lower prices established, wo cannot hopo for prosperous times. - . Scotch pig iron, since our lost, has declined to 735, risen to 70s,and Is nownt7ss —buyers. Ralls are dull at £B. In the produce markets there has . been less busluess .doing, at rather lower prices, with tho exception of Russian articles, which have advanced. Tho eolton market ia heavy, with a limitod demand. Business has been very much circumscribed in England for the past six months. The home.trmld-nnd finances of. tbeeountry-nre now in a very healthy position. Tile large amount of money paid out In dividends has not, however, produced that ease In the money market which was antici pated. - Tho Increase of upwards of £2.000.000 in the pri* rato deposits at the Rank of England tho past week, showß tho indisposition of capitalists to enter into fresh engage ments; and ft remains to be seen what effect the political and financial troubles of the continent will produce. When are dissipated, we may hopo for another period of great ease and extension. - Tho weather is now dolightful. It is warm enough to leave over-coats nt home; and tho warmth of the sun is melting away tho'fittlo Ico that remains on tho streets. We aro writing for our renders abroad, who may not yet have seen so fine a spring day as yesterday. The prospect is that the winter with ns is over. We hopo so. Tho delightful months of Bpring aro ever wcloomo, and never more so than this year, after a .pretty cold winter; and a winter of storms, and nnnsual disasters at sen and on land. It seems as thongh the opening of spring might.pot an end, to some extent, to tho disastrous tidings that havo reached us al most daily, for the last two months, of losses and destruction by firo and flood. We hail the approach of spring with joy, nnd 'hope it may not only bring milder breezeß, but milder and IeBB startling reports of events oa carring around us, in our own aoantry at leaßt; though it may bring news of sanguinary battles in the far land where the bravo Turks are strug gling for national existence. Maryland U. S. Senator. —Bon. J. A. Pearce has been eleoted to tho Senate of the United States by the following vote: For James Alfred Pearce.... For Albert Constable. Scattering Majority for Pearce.*... .23 Whole vote oast, 95. Whereupon tho Speaker deolared tho Hon. J. A. Pearce a Senator of tho United States for six years from tho 4th of March, 1855. Dennis Clarke was at the same time eleoted State Treasurer. E@* Major Marohand, editor of the West moreland Republican, paid oar oity a flying visit yesterday* Be looks as handsome and demo cratic as ever, and appears to be in good spirits as to the position of things in the Star of the West £25?“ The Somerset Visiter bos been discon tinued and tho late editor is now on bis way to tho far West WEEKLY MONEY ARTICLE. 591,030,783 THE WEATHER—SPRING. Sewtaad Foots from alt Quarters. • A cask of California wine has been presented to the President of tho United States, by Sena torGwin, in the name of Mr-Purdy, Lieutenant Governor of California, and Collector Hammond— of San Francisco.’:-It ia tho grape and manufac ture of the State. The Supreme Court of Michigan da equally divided on the constitutionality of the prohibi tory law enooted in that; Stato; four of the Judges sustaining the law, and the other four pronouncing it nail and void. Tho effect of this decision was to send the ease back, which had been brought up on an appeal, to, the Circuit Court in wbioh it originated. . y..- ; Tho Louisville Courier learna that MriCVßrien, the proprietor of a wood yard on the Mississippi river, ia Gort Adams Reaoh, employs one handred and thirty hands constantly in chop ping, hauling and aording wood fir the supply of boats. His income daring the past year, or rather wood receipts, were sixty-five thousand dollars. . - There are in Canada thirty-five thousand fugi tiveslaves, who are represented as in-a-very flourishing condition just now, owing to tho high prices paid for labor on the lines of railway building in the Provinces. In the town of Cha tham alone there are seven hundred and thirty fugitives, who aro rapidly acquiring property in land. In the new abolition town of Buxton, there aro one hundred and thirty families of colored people—escaped slaves—who own a tract of nine thousand. acres of land. Tho whole amount of land in Canada West owned, by the fugitives is stated to bo twenty-five thonßond acres. It is stated that Franco annnally produces nine hundred millions gallons of wine. The peo ple are believed to bo more tomporate than those of any other nation in Enropo. The aggregate lobs by the steamboat firo and that in Chartres street, New Orleans, wsb $BOO,- 000. Insured $350,000. : Brigham Young advises tho Indians of Utah’ to let Am house alone; “ Let an hostile band of Indians come Tound my house, and; I am good for quite a number of them. If ono handred should came, I calculate that only fifty shall ho able to go to tho next house; and if they use up tbe other fifty, tho third house will bo safe.” Tho population of Buffalo, N. Y., Is now 75,- 009. The city limits embrace 23,710 norcs. Tho total value of real and personal estate is estima ted at $24,455,752. Gov. Clifford was a poor hoy. The’daughter of a mlhanatre rejected his suit when a young man, and lived to see him Governor of Massa chusetts, at tbo ago of 42. . .v- i To Ad yourself of rats—lot a room in the base ment to the man who exercises tho “clarionet without a.master.” I A young man who has recently taken a wife, says he did not find it half as hard to get mar ried as be did to get furniture. . John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Demo crat, has just sold a lot in that city, 96 by 150 feet, for $30,000 ; making according to tho •Democratic Frees, nbont $lOO,OOO worth of pro perty he has sold within a year; nnd he has more than as much still on hand. ' ' ; The English Emigration Commissioners have; made preparations to send 8000 women from the Shetland Islands to Van Dieman’s Land, ; It is stated that Mr. Gee. Law is rapidly dis posing of tho two hundred thousand guns he some years since purchased of the government, and is getting for them qoadrupel the sum he paid for them. The Remand from abroad for American manufactured muskets and other fire arms 1b represented to be far greater than the supply. A king is in the market, ladies. We ioarnthat the yonng King of Portugal is to bo sent to tra vel for some months, ia order to give him an op portunity of consulting his own taste in the choice of a future wife, by taking a survey of all .the marriageable princcßsea to be disposed of. Anthing is possible to a man who keeps on; tryiog. It was by this means McCreary one night strangled an anaconda with a boot jack. Think of Mao, and keep on trying; yon aro sure 41,300.793 913.744 3,019,605 30,033,314 60,540,512 55,717,483 50,224,333 to go ahead. An Australian, from the number of murders committed in that auriferous region, thinks Mel bourne is the plaoe Shakspesrc speaks of when he says, “ that Aoumr from which no traveler re turns.” Ralph Waldo Emerson says: “At the West, pork is the great Idea—there tho pig plays his nnctnons part Think what earldoms came from tbe first grapestone, carried perhaps by n bird and sowed on tho bonks of tho Rhino f What ooal has been to England, wheat has been to the Nile, or peaches to Now Jersey, pork has boon to tho West. The largest owner of pigs is the hero of tho prairie.” Printers’ devils are generally ladies’ men,nof- ; withstanding they havo pretty hard names. ; Some time ago, one of these hard named fellows and his lady love were walking along, and chatting very briskly open tho numerous topics of the. day, when she suddenly caught his hand, and looking smilingly into his face, naked :—“ Do you know why I cannot get religion?” “No, my dear, Ido not,” he replied, “It Is beennse I am in love with tho devil.” A novel case under the Maine liquor law oc curred in one of the Massachusetts cities lately. A*jag of rum was taken by the authorities from a man and laid up to await decision. The man claimed that under the law they had aright: to seize the liquor hut not the jag—that was his property, and the law said nothing of it. “ The legal question ” was settled by taming out the liquor and returning the jug- , Pennsylvania Items. [From the HoUldaysbuig Standard.] Tho Shippensburg News names Judge Watts, of Carlisle, as the Whig candidate for Governor, A. P. Whittaker, former editor, of the Vhnau go Spectator, has been appointed an Inspector ia the Philadelphia Custom House. Good ! J. P. Cooper, Esq., has resigned his office in the Custom Bouse, nnd again taken charge of the Cbsmberabnrg Spirit. According to alato classification of thooccn pations of tho mombersof the Legislature, there is bat one gentleman in tho House. That iB onongfa. , A young man named Glcssner was ran over by a train of cars, near Latrobe, a few days since, and instantly killed. Some one speaking of the venerable appear ance of a stamp orator, says he stood up like “ one of ’em,” with his bald, head and hands'in his breeches pockets. Tho stables attached to the Bisokliok Farnaco, in Cambria oonnty, were burned down last week, together with all their contents, including 22 males nnd two horses... George Lippnrd, the eccentric nnthor, died in Philadelphia last week. He was a queer com pound of talent, vague theory and misguided judgment B®* “Do you boliove in this table-talking, Matilda, that there’s snob a fuss about ?” “Oh, dear, no I why the other evening a table was asked how old I was, and it rapped out forty I Ridioaions; when Pm not threo-and-twenty till next March 1” g@“ A preaoher in a funeral sermon on a lady, after summing np her good qualities, added, “thatßhe always reached her husband his bat when he called for it, withont .mat tering." - . Modern law may bo divided into three parts—supposition, proof and .denial. Suppo sition is nothing; proof is next to impossible; and to deny every thing is the main point. • ggf What enorgy ia to a man, pride ia to a woman. A proud girl will never become a sloven ly wife. Men disposed to become votaries of Hymen, should boor this in mind—a wife., withont money is. better than monoy without a wife. It®* Martin Koszta left New York on Monday, for Chicago, to accept an offer of Mr. Kedzie, a lawyer of that city, to study law under him. Mr. Kedzie has also offered to support him while engaged in his studies, and , likewise : sent him: $5O to pay his fare to New York. - £gg?»ln a very thin -house an actress spoke very low in her communication «with her lover. , The aotor, whose, benefit it to be, exclaimed with a face of wnfal humor ; “My dear, you may speak out, there is nobody to hear us.” : The Bowie (Texas) Tnditer places its, marriage announcements under thehoad of “ The' Lariat.’’- - Ladies looking out for this interesting: noose will please take notice; -. - JS * , J ..v.^ .. . - , ‘ H <- i.r ■ ~, . „ ; •Thrilling and Melancholy Casualty. . A correspondent of the Lexington (Va.).Ga zette gives the particulars: of a fearful oocur reuco on lames river; ftt-Balcony Falls, on Sat urday, the 21at of: January: •- The oanal-boat Cliuton,'Capt. Woo’d, with about, fifty persons on board, principally negro hands,: on their way to: the Central railroad, at tempted to proceed up the-river to Buchanan. JustsafterjpaasinjtPthesiNorth-River bridge, the tow-line broke', and the boat drifted down the stream. The river being verymuoh swollen, the bottom could not be reaohed with poles, and con sequently the boat was completely at the mercy of the current. . About a hundred yards above the mountain dam, five persona jumped off, and attempted to swim ashore, hut three of the num ber were drowned—a Mr. Paine, of Fredericks burg, and two negroes. : , . *.= . .By the skillful management of the captain, who field the tiller, the boat leaped the dam in safety, and rapidly approached the the Little and and Great Balcony Falls, and the Tobacco Qills, places which, tbo writer says, formerly made the boldest heaTt quake under, favorable circumstaUoes., As it passed withina foot of the White-Book, the captain and four or five persons jumped out, and were left on the rook in tho middlo of the river, the waterragiug around them. The boat harried by, and escaping many dangers, hung lightly on a rock near the Tobacco Bills. . Persons on shore now undertook to rcsouo tho ■five or Bis men cling to the White Book. A batteau was dragged some distance, and launch ed in the river, the water still rising, and the wind blowing a perfect hurricane through the gap of the mountain. Frabk Padget, on ex perienced boatman,, and Messrs; Matthews and MoCollogan and two negroes embarked in the batteau, and at great personal risk succeeded in bringing the party safely to shore. By this time the water had risen - enough to float the oanalboat again, which was carried , headlong, through the Tobacco Hills and caught on a email island- below. On her passage, one of the negroeß on board bad leaped upon a fiat rook, whore ha stood without his coat; wet with spray and shivering with cold, imploring help. The batteau, under command of. Padget, could not reaob him, and proccodod on toward tho others, ell of whom were rescued. The question then arose whether the man on tho rook could be saved. The brave-hearted Padget thought he could, and the same-men and two more embarked with him to make the at tempt... Just as they reached tho rock, and the man bad jumped on board, tho batteau- struck and was crashed liko an egg-shell. Five of the party leaped upon thrrock; one clang to an oar and drifted to land, but Padget and tbe man they had gone to reßcuo were drowned. • Some time elapsed before another battean conld be obtained. , At last it arrived and was launohed, hut a negro suffered it to be carried off, and it was dashed to pieces on tbo rooke. It was now dark, and no other boat was at baud. Thus tho five men on the rook were ne cessarily left there all night, exposed to the drenching spray, and freezing weather. Baring the night another battean was brought up and placed -under tko command of an- old ferryman: named Sim Evans, : Next morning, contrary to: the expectation of atl, the men were found to be alive, though several of them were badly frost bitten; and all’bf: them-werebroughtTto land, amid the shouts of the epectatore. . If this is a truthful narrative, whlch wo have no reason to doubt, Ibe Incidents are as thrilling os any as we have ever seen recorded. —Staunton SptclaloK ; - ", . Toe Cibcassias Hebo, Scuamu,. —Tbo Paris 'Conililulittitti, speaking of the above, at present, much talked of personage, says: ’“The recent appearance of Schamyl in; the: rioh plains of Georgia, coinciding with tho last news from the Danube, has all of a 'sudden g ! ven : to the war of the Caucasus, and to its chief, a European im portance which they did not possess before. The sudden attack .on Tifiis. by .20,000 mountaineers, is not only the most-recent incident of a Strug, gto which has lasted for half a century, but the first episode of a grand drama, In which the wholo_ world takes an interest. And so publio attention has turned spontaneously towards these Caucasian summits, Which Mithridates alone was able to conquer, and which now hold in check all the. forces of Russia. Schamyl is benooforward tho most energetic auxiliary of the Porte, .in its heroic, effort' for independence. Schamyl has been often compared to Abd-el- Eader, and there is, in fact, some analogy be tween tho two Isadora. Both arrived at the chief command by the prettige of oar religions inspiration, moro'-even..than by their courage and personal ability. Both-have had for their object the enfranchisement of their race, and the fusion of the tribes which compose it nnder the authority of their sole chief. Bat Abd-el- Kader was only hadji, and, he was obliged to borrow from civilization a part of his resources, .to maintain himself so long. ' Sobamyl aimed* higher: he set himself up os the second prophet of Islamism; he declared himself sent by God to complete the work of Mahomet,and particu larly to fnso into one the two great divisions of Omar and All; he persuaded-his followers that Allah .dictated to him his will in periodical visions: and in that way he succeeded in creat ing around him an indomitable and devoted body of troops, whose blind pbedienee. does not give away before any danger, and whose religions enthusiasm is capable of the greatest efforts. Schamyl is at present fifty-six years of age. He is a man of middle sire, but of a determined ap pearance, : His private life resembles that of Abd-el-Kader, being sober and austere, and di vided between prayer and action. Hie career as a warrior began in .1831. His predecessors in the war were—first, Scheick Mausonr; then Rhasi Mollah, and then Hamsel Bey. The death of this last gave him, at the age of thirty-seven, the supreme authority over the Mussulman tribes of the Caucasus, and then began that straggle of twenty years, which Las already cost Russia more than the. subjugation ,of Poland.” , gig?* A waiter was examinedtho other day be fore one of our courts. We annex his testimony: ; “ Tour name is Flnnkej, I believe ? ” . " Yes, sir, Robert Flunkey. " - : •* Well, Mr. Finokey, yon say the defendant is no gentleman'. What makes you think so?” : “ Cause, eir, he always says ‘ Thank you, ’ when I hand him a mutton-chop, or even a bit of bread. Now, a real gentleman never docs .this, but hol lers put,-’ Here, Bill, get me a muttoh-ohopj or I will throw the pepper-box at year bead. ’ Yon can*t deceive me with a gentleman,-your worship.. Cause why ? I have associated with too many of ’em on the race-course." | v> vf 'f Death from a Rupture. ; •flsyThere :are thousand# ct persons -trhonro afflicted with a Rupture of the Bowol/r, who pay bat little attention to the dlseaso until the bowels bccomo . strangulated, when in ai! probabiiity It may be too late. How Important It is, then, for all those auflbrihg with any form of “Rupture of the Bowels,” to call at once upon Dr, K£Y£ER> at his Wholesale and Itotall Drug Store, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, and procure a TRUSS, to retain tho pro truding portion of tho bowcb. :I)r.;REySER. has an office bach of his Drug Store,-whoro Trusses aro applied,-And warranted to give satisfaction. 1 Ho also has'every variety of Trusses that you cau namo, and at any price, to suit the • means, of every one in need of tho article, r also keep every kind of Supporters, Body Braces, Suspensory Band o-ges, Elastic Stockings, for enlarged veins, and all kinds of mochanical appliances used in tho cure of disease. : Ewouldrcspectfullyinvlto the attention of-thopublic to an excellent TRUSS POR CHILDREN, which invariably ef fects cures in a very Short time.- -■ SO* DR k KEYSBR’S DRUG STORE AND TRUSS DEPOT, oornor of Wood street and Virgin alley, sign of tho Golden Mortar,' . -.:r " :dec26- : (Crystal JPalace, JVew 'Work*: EXUIBIirONOl? AMERICAN ST-EELPEia, - • Manufactured by - HYER PHINEAS, NEW YORK, r. M. P. calls the attention of thejrabita to his.cdebratod QUILL, patent, double-spring, Commercial and Bank PENS, with a variety of twonty-flvo different kinds of STEEL PENS, of his own make; suitable for-all-handwritings. . —AISO—;• • • - v--.- A NEW PATENT PEN, Called.the Treble Spring. These pons have been adopted by” the Sonate in Washington, in preference to pH others. - . Tho above pons, together with his superior unrivaled ae>' commodation holders/can-be seen at Sir. J. B, Steel’s and Mr. B. M.,Norman’s, Camp street-; Thomas L. White's Canal street; andE. & F.Ezaktol’a, Exchange Place. j a 9 “Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy^ . But not expressed in fancy; rich,not gaudy— Por.the appaxeLof), proclaims the man.” - 4j®*Evcry well dressedman knows how difficult it is.to find a Tailor who thoroughly understands the peculiarities Of each figure, and can suit Its requirements with a well cut, gentlemanly fitting garment. Hence it is that so few feel “ at home?' during tho first day’s wear of any new arti cle.of dress,.qpd howevor costly/never become adapted to their forms./ To remedy so manifest a deformity, E. GRIB RUE has practically studied both form and fashion, always adapting Hie the exigencies of Ita wearer—ihoroughly&ttalning that cle-- gance of fit which the spirit of the age dictates.' : ‘ GKIBBLE’S CLOTHING HOUSE, dccSS- No. 240 Liberty street, head of Wood, Cheats—-Dr. RETIRE,, wholesale Druggist of 140 Wood street, has o» hand a splendid as sortment of MEDICINE CHESTS, lor families end steam boats) at various prices. Those in want of articles or this .kind would do weßtoghrehinfacatt, — • - fob! 4®* A Valuable Family Medicine*,—£o celebrated ri* DR. iFLANE’S VERMIFUGE become, that it is rogarded as the only specific; cure for worms v Families Bhould neTerts a supply ofiL. A^Oils'se^aonpar£ tlcularly, when worms are so fcroublesomo.and frequently filial among sbauldVbo TraieVfuJ; and on the. tot attmee. apply this’ powerful and efficacious remedy. We are confi dont ;;ihattit ; only a $&! j to; conTioce.atf thagdt richly merits the pralsed:that lusTtt.,be6n- laTisbed upbnlfc. It Is safo’and ln&lUble;' 1 Volumes tit ceriiQcatea can ho pro. showing Its groat medical virtues.jl - Purchoiers will] be careful to ask for .Dr. M l Lane’s cele brated Vermifuge, and take none else.; All other Vermifu ges, in 'TOnipa'rifldh,"areyoriLhlessi Dr. Sl’Lame’fl Vermifuge, also his celebratedliver can -now-i» f had ftt -ftll’te spectable Drug. Stores in-the-United StaleajmdJCanada. ; - Also for sale by the sole proprietors. ' FLEMING BROS., Successors to J. KJdd 4 Co., 60 TVpod gtreeU.-3 febl7:ißca»e»*»«oart«r , s Spanish Mixture,as a remedy for liver disease,' ’number - of formidable evils connected.with a disorganized state of that organ,ils nn rivalled. ■. -.“..V ".'V’: Hundreds of frohi' the highest sources/of per sons now; living in the city of Richmond, he given of cereseffected hy Carter’s'Bpanish.-Mixthre.- We have only, room to refer to the extraordinary cure of Samuel M-. Drinker, Esq., oftbe'fivm of Drinker A Morris, Richmond, who waa cured by;two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, alter, three years suffering from.dlseased. liver. He piys Its action oh the blood is wonderful, better, than all the medieme he had over taken, and-cheerfully recommends it to. aIL. ***See advertisement r ' ' • [Jnlfcdawlm ■ : DIED: - On the 16th inst., SOPHIA, daughter of Adtun wnri Eliza beth Tomer, aged 6 years. - , The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her fanbr&l; from the residence of her mother, oh Penn sylvania Avenue, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON* at two o'clock. v- febl7 HEW ADVEBTIBEHEKIB. Chartterß Volley Railroad ; Com act of this Common wealth, entitled an** Act jugulating. Railroad Companies,” passed the 10th day of February, A.D, 1649, the Stockholders ofUhe Cbartiere Valley* Railroad Company, are- hereby notified to attend a meeting of the stockholder* of: said, company, to be heldattbe Hono’nga hula House, In the citydr Pittsburgh, crh : THURSDAY, the 2d. day of March, 1854. at'2 o'clock, l*. M.,for fchrpnrposa of’ acting upon any proffered subscription* by counties, cities, . and trough oorporatipns, and aucij other business as* may then he laid before them. . . MOORHEAD, = .febl?:eam iPrejiilent. • .Tournal, Chronicle and Union, copy.l /ggk" FASHION FUli HATH, / y ■ SI’COBD'COi, --«s| YTTILL introduco cn SATURDAY, February ISUx, the TY SPRING STYLE of GentlemenV IjtAXS,. to which they respectfully call the attention of the public. . . feb!7. : Corner FIFTH and WOOD Streets, i Spring btylc or Hnta. y 41 WILL introauee on SATURDAY* the 18th inst., tile SPRING STYLE for Gentlemen’rHats. Also, the new style for Youth’s Hats,'- , CHAS. H. PAULSON, .• - i 73 Wood street,- .... febVfcCtr ... ; next door coriaec-of Fourth. ARNOLD P. 33., to elect ono president, six Managers, one Secretary,. and one Trea surer, for'the ensuing year.. Bybrdorof lhe Jkiard f«shl7:2te* . DAVID CALHOUN.' Treasurer. . or four: giod TURNEKS’ can flnu steady employment and good wages,: by applying at Ryan’s Uuildioge, No. 31 Fifth street. fobl7:6t . . H. H. RYAN A PC* iJOIt SALE, AND TEHMS EASb'.— niirty-AOivlsS Of , L.VNDjOnamUc wcAtofTomperanasvllle,6tj tbo plank .roiuL adjotoing George IrtdHe; Is one of .the most handsome locations on that sldc of tho rivt-r,for -a'conntry residence. - ' a perpetual LEASE for a piece of Land, SCO feet fropt on the canal and TO feet to the river,' oil which is u good twoatory toutehnd A good tankard.' It is also .a good location Ibr a butcher; it is near Lorenz & Start'd rolling mill. • Also, 40d acres of Land on the Pennsylvania Railroad, to exchaoge for good city property. ' Alio, SO Farms in tho vicinity of the city.; 20 Iloures and. Lots; 200 City Lots os described on my printedregister.; : Aim, a variety of other pieces, alt offered onadvantogeoUK terms. Bayers will plea«e call far descriptions at toy office. fcM7f ;THQMAB WOODS. 75 Vmirih street . '/\f\ ACRES OF LAND,-near flebtLiocrty, oa Uiejtuurm htruet Plankßoad, tobelaidnut ir»Jot*foy CoQj)tr» Scats; it is tbemdst handsome location hear UiOirity- I’cr* sonswho wamahandFomehomewinpleasocalloa. . fcbl7g THOMAB WDX7S Fourth street NOTICE.— A 10t Of SuKa*'TreeLAlllti,c'mngntrd to Mr. Hardy by the Yougbrsgheby be sold to pay freight and charges, In thirty daya.from. this date; urntes called &r by tbe owner. - ROD’T J;iUKEAN, - k fbbl7.*st : ■ V Fifth Ward. * SOUTH PITTSBURGH PROPERTY FOR- SALK.—SIOOO for anew Frame DUELLING HOUSE wttbflvarooin?, and a large Jot of 00 foot front on tbe-Brbwnsville road,'near thetoll-gate; a large stable, out oven, Ac,-The house :L well papered, and will bo sold on easy terms. Peach, Apple ' andPluras tree*, Also, a naatCottagelioUfft-for sBoo,very pleasantly situated, with a fine garden, fruit trees, spriog; spring-house, Ac* Taras easy. V : i ' 1 s* cunnH2nT* so^ fe«7 - 140 Third street ' : Kiii.ST—A. brick DWELLING HOUSE on Wylie ?U. X? well arranged, with gas fixtures, bath-room, Act'£2oO per year. Algo, ft large room, the second-storyof KO Thircf street, orer our offlee; rent. 5100 per year, . ‘ ' feblT ; B COTHBERTASON/llO.Third gf. T .OGWOOB CAMPEACHY —100 bbL*ln store and fur sale Xj by , - FLEMING BROS. Successors to A. Kidd &.Co», .* i : ,febi7 .. . : C0 Woodfltr*etL‘-j GOXKtf SPARKLING GML ATINI3—I : gr«*a in store and for sale by [fabl?] > -FLEMING BROS. ' Borax RKFiNEi ftbl7 . boxes in store and,, for filo-bj FLEWINGDROS: ASPUALTUM-900 lb?, goud, m store umi'tot sale by frblT - - Ct ALTPLTRK—2OO lbs in sfcoro and for sale by. -•*;.■■ f«M7 FLKHTNG BROS. JAPAN VARNISH—4 GO gallons in store arut for sale by ~ftbi7 •-••'• Fleming bror TrARIEGATIiR COTTON TWINE—I bate in store and V/. for sale by ' ffebl?] FLEMING BROS. - ; Li OlllNY.—2o bbls White Pearl Hominy* landing and Xx for sale by . KIRKPATRICK A HERRONS, : ; fobl? ....:- Si3Liberty street - fehU • KIHKPATRrCK A miRRON?: .. 60 ;do, ..dpi..Apples; Just received and for eale by > febl7 1 ' , A HERRONS. BRGOild— 100 dozen Com Broom a, in store and'for sale' by ffeKlTj •, KIRK PATRICK & HERRONS. Morasses— sobbia N.o.iroias3eflj • - . 30 do 8. H. -1 do . , . ; . In stonuaml for sale by - - . fobl7 / KIRKPATRICK it UERRONdi I) OLL BUTTER—6 bblzfresh. Koll Butter, received and t for sale by. ffeb!7) KIRKPATRICK A. HERRONS. PEARLS— 16 casks Peariash, received and for «vlo by - - feblT - KIRKPATRICK & HKKRONSjg : f\ INGKR—IO bbla pure ground, for t ale by - Vjr Tobir : 1 '• . ;: D. A. FAH.NKBTQOK, A GO. GROTON . OIL-25 lbs for sale by - r.L ftblT B.A. FAHNESTOCK k CO; BEEPBLADDEUSWANTED-^Dy foblT j B. A, FAHNESTOCK k C&, GINOiNNATI SUGAR CUBED lIAMS AND DRIED' BEEF—Received this day. per steamar: Altoona; fi tet Cincinnati Sugar Cured Beef.. AUoon band Evans A' Swift's Hams; 6 tes George F. DarlsifcCo.'g Hams,'forsalo low, by ; . . BAILEY :& RENSHAW, ; . x fisolT . ... •. /. -253 Liberty.street. _1 CBAUKEBS—Just received 2 bills fcofh from XV Naw'Torbjbndforsaloby febu BAILEY SRBNSHAtY... milE OUPPY HOMES OF EARTH—Ballad—dVorda by X- J.Mao Kenzie; music by Thomas Boker: GlVoMeTbreo Grains of Corn, Mother; song;' " Oh tbeDay whca.Lcveis Dreaming; W;G. Ewing. -'' The Wild Ashe Deer; .Mrs* A V. ftmdletoo: r. -• .:. I Cannot. Mind MyWhool; Mother; Idnlcy. • Matchless Kate. - • Bachelor's Lament; C. Clayton. Lilly Dear, lloyo with Me ; song and chorus, adapted to a’ beautiful melody, by Jnllicn, ; ." Eighteen H&ndrodand Fifty-four Galop; by the author of Balmoral Polkn, Ac. Coehcadu;Monastero; nocturne pour Piano;-par LeftK >■. bure Wely. , •.- *,r Hopopo Scbottiscb, wltKcolored.luiiogKiphs...^ >' - v'*l; ; EcUpsoBchbtHsch.. . ' Tillage Feativat Sdiottlsch; Wm. Vincent Wallace. Reverie Talso., - . Rosalinda ScbotHsch. '•; .V"•:' ; V'•. ■ Triton .Quickstep.' Mockiog.Bird Waltz. * ’ Frlma Donna Waltz; solo and duelt, by Jullien. . And alargeboUectlon of foreign mnsfo for the Floto.Yio- Hn and Gnitarr by Nicholson, Dressier iasb re celved by cspressj'and for sale by , • • CHARLOTTE BLUME, ' : ' feblfl i 118 Wood urcet .'^^pJf^FOCIAL^ORCHEbTRA*— For Flute °f‘be moat popular melodies, arranged as Boles,- -W^ s » and Quartettes, by StephenC. FoHtcr, author : of t* Did Folks, at 5, •* Nelly Bly.” “My Old Kentucky Home,” Aoj &c... - * • : ATES. ftyrangod as Solos for either Violin or Flute. Part U.—Airs arranged as Duetts. Jart Jp-—Airs arranged as Trios. Itot rv^—Aits arrangeilaß Quartettes. . In the trios andqnartettes the bassia primarily intended for thaTiollnand ViolinceUO) although In their-absence’ the ports written for thorn, may be played with good effect on _tho Piano. A ftcsh supply of the *boTO works received; andforeale,wholcBaloundretalLby CHARLOTTE 2BLUME,' 'feb!6 . i •118 Wood street, . < HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FQR PER: ' RUARY^—Received and for sale by • . H. MINER A.CO., No. 32 fimlthfield street. •- ' • COStESTS. ■ . • • From Belgrade to Bucharest—lllustrations—The Steppes of-Wailachla; Belgnulo; Servian Dwelling;-Great Khan,Sophia: RuiasatGiomjetorTrsrelingin Wailachla; WallachJan Ox-wagona; Street ln Jlucha rest; Widlachiaand Gipsey MaleCostumesl.nVall&chia and Gipsy Female Costumes V'Port of-BrMlow. , . - Life Id Paris—Sketches Above and Below Groand.—THus-' . :tuitions—Above and Below Ground; The ’Potman; Letter Box; Post Car; Interior of Post Car ; Nll Ad mirari; Los Claqueurs; a Bas; tho Door of the Theatre; New Theatre; Sisters of Charity; Pickpocket;.Police, and Mendicant ■■ .feblS: ; Tj'LANNELS— X. < 2 eases Brown and Plaid Flannels; •1.:d0.'44 .do • do - do* • ' Received fbom aanufacturerii,-and for sale low; bj. : .:. -febll " , . >. 11. LEE, 132 liberty street • - Piano for Seventy-fivaiioUarfi; . .• A SECOND HAND MAHOGANY PIANO, of six octaves. A will bo sold fcr $75,1)j: CUAEIJOrTBSLimE, ;.' j»i3 _ , _ .. ; ' s • r.'X i • -i- ■ , • ,1 f-■ -- - - * 'V l ?* ;t\ , k ",.i. ■j.., r.; • SPECIAL NOTICES. j o; ULACKOUKff.Pwtfti.v.; ...a. p. jotf£S, s Cashlor. o CITIZENS* DEPOSIT BANK*' : ' NO. 147 WOOD BTHBEXL Is >. * \ capital;'9»oo,(Joo. AND OUBftENT TDNDS md rod oq Deposit. Ex* 1 . cbango on all the principal cities ofth&Unionfur* ntfihcd. Collectlocs'Tziftdo on all rates. Bills of.JExchange, Promissory Notes, Certificates of Deposits - - Offering days, Alohday'and Thursday. ' rX v Discount days, Tuesday and-Tilday.' • fob! ■WESIEEH FABHEBB’ XHSraAHCE COBJ?AHY. NEW LISBON, OHIO. Capita1.....;........;....-....... @150,000. ,■ .'I . R.M’CASKEr,Agcnt.- Si. Charlu BuildingllOß. Third alrut, PiUeburgh. _ - omcEßs."' : - . Jims Keixt, Pna’t Juus Bubbeck, V, Pres’L Leri MAxict, Secretary and Treasurer. A tr a *_ m «?• Dt. Irish, Joseph Hill; nii w Stanton, Wilkinson * Hoffstott, n l A'rv, 1 ;n ’ k, u ’ Jsmca Mason, Esq., Hanna, Qarrctsoo A Co., Cleveland; Graham A M’Coy, Dr! Q. Frie? Cincinnati. • _ . .*■ • • State Motnallftro ft Marina.lnanrancß Company. - JOE PENNSYLVANIA. • .'•■-■■■ ■: ■ ,:ißranch Office cor.lburlh cmdSmSOtfidi t!s~ PiUibiirnh . Capitol, 350,000 ftolla?*. * • y ••. tpIBXCrtOSS: .y ' JohnT.Rutheribrd.Banphin eu ?. C. Sedgwick, Harris-' burg: Samuel Jones, Philadelphia; A. WlUdnsTljankcr PUUburrfh; A. A. Carrier, Pittsburgh; John B.Rutherford! Dauphin co.j A. J- Gillette J&rriaburg; 8. T. Joses. Harriet burg; Robert Klotz, Carbon eo.' • JOHN; P.-RUTHBBFORD^PrcfiidenL A. A. CARRIER, Actf*. ' ; - A; J; GILLETP, Secretary.; The chore company, will injure against -perils of fwa and inland narigtulQn'.ftnd also, on buildings and merchandise tncltv orefeuntryvat -lowest ratarconsO*- tent with Policies issued omlwclling houses either perpetually or fora term of years.- • - - j&ia r. Girard Bird and Harino Insurance Company OP PHILADELPHIA, ; - OJjlcd of PitUburgh Jgencycor. Iburlh" and Smitijidd sti:- Capitol, 300,000 Dollars. Wm. M. Swain, J.P. Steiner, H.A.Shacbelford, PauLThnrlow, ■ ’ i -.«- ■ E.M.D»vis, J. R, naiigon, ■ 'Njoa.S; Mitchell, - - Samud'Joncs, JB. B. Comcgjs,. ... Thonjaa Craven, - ; 'Wb. XL Sowers, .: . ? - i A;Hart, . .HUUpP.Sojdcr, / ' Wm.P. Alexi : Heron, - * JOEL JONES, Prosldeut. A. 8. GILLEIT, Secretary. Will insure Cotton or Woolen Stores, Merchandise and property generally, on the most fcworabie ' , fjal3] A. Agent. ; Inaaranco Company of tha Vallag nf Vi»o4ni«: Capital $-400,000. S - HOME OFFICE, IViNOIIiSSTISB, YA. .. .... niazotona:., - Jos. S. Carson,' ' j • • ’John Kerr. - LJoyd l/Dgaii,. ... Jamea IL, Burgess*. ' ' \ - Janies P.Biley, h...W.Bichardfign« ■ ’ • ILH-McGuyie. 1 •;• JOS. 8. CABSON, President. . <3.8. FtTSK* Socretaryv ■: . :0. F. WU>UiE, Actuhry. • . -The attentioaoXtheicommuaityiaefipfKdaUy invited ta this«mipanjy«9anitatitnUon:ba3edupoti an ample capi tal, and conducted oh the strictest principles of equity and economy. Policies issued on Boats, Cargoes*: and pro petty: generally, by. : , . A. A. OAKKIKIt, Agent; j*l3 ; , Office cor.-Fourth and Smithfield sts. trS>AbSWWATIfiB Cltemen's insurance Company of* tlicCUy of PittabtU-Rh. J. JCMOORIUSAD, President—ROßEßTFlNlflSy, Secre-- tary. • 4'- Will Insure against, FIBS' and MAHTfrff BISKS of all Usds. Ofilco; lio.OO.Watorstreet. i . , . ■ 'SiSJEOTOBitt > • } . : J.K. Moorhead,- . W.J. Anderson#.' ■ B.C. Sawyer, B. B. Simpson, .. - ,Wm.M.Kdgar r - WilMas; 0. U. Paulson, f - ■ . William CoUingwood; ft* B. Roberts, • John M. Irwin, ■ Joseph Kaye, . Wo«- Wilkinson, c /■- - /PaTjdCorapbelt: . . ■.... j*ia lntporianttoouppersandLeeQ&erit Dr. KiiXßKßjltO Wood street, has received, an as* sorccaanthf . . Thomas?. Mechanical Leeches;' - M .. Cupplhg Glasses;' - v 41 Breast Uiosses; - t ~?■ ; KycCops; - ’>•' ■ ■ ' 44 Dental JUtecbeS; • *"" - These, ore really .importantinventions* and very conve nient to those who .follow Leeching; Call and see them . wt. and ViTgiD alley.: /‘ ja6V rs» .CASH raiITVAL PIRB ASD JttA- BINE INBPEANCE COMPANY* of Pennsylvantft. CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. CHAR TER PERPETUAL. AUGCSTUB O. HEJBTEK.' decretory—THOaiAS 11. Esq, Eon, A. Ov Bcister, ’ ..Samoel Willays; , W illtuaßobinson, Jr., . Thomnfl Gillespie,. William • John IL Cor, Harvey Boilman, . .iJacah Peters; / . .John Walker, Jr., William Colder, Jr.; ' ■ Jacob B. llalderman, ,? • . Aaron Bombaugb. ; BUSS ELI# A OAKES, Agents, ■:i ■■ :?i. Office, in Lafayette Buildings, • i JOQ - . . , - ; (entrance on Wood street,) jr' GlTlZKNSMtiiimiicc Company of utSr Pittsburgh.—U. ,D. KING. President:.HAM UiSL L. MARS&KLL, Secretary. . Cfiice.* W Water SlTtcl, bttvxcn Marledsnd 'Wood rtredj. ’ Insures DULL mid OARG 0 Risks,on. the Ohio and Miss!* tippi Rivers and tributaries. •• ~. Insuros against Loss or Damage by Fire. : ALSO—Against tb a Perils of the Sea, and Inland Navia* iionaadTransporfortiosu-• -• ■ r JXBZOTO&SJ . . - Wm-TAriifigWjp- . William Bagaley, Samuel M. Kier, Bamuelßoa, . William Jttngfc&iri . RQbmDuniap.jr.,: - John Si DHirorttu Isaac Br.Penuock, .- FrancisßelleraiT^ 8. llarbaugh, J.Schoonmaker. Walter Bryant, - v: -. 'WQliamß. Ham : . .• John Shlpeon: - PHILADELPHIA COBTAIH WABEHOUSJE, - : • HI ChuimitA,nppGtiuthe SaUßmue. . i JLi'li' • ' H. TV. SAFPORD, IT^Sj 3 *' KEEPSconstantlyoahaud the inostextendveaiKi Afer TarieUas»r£m€ntofCurta!naandOurtainMat«iißlßtc StSH?! 1 . 11 comprising in port of tho folloulop CUBTAIN-GOODS AND POBNXTOIUS COVERINGS— all frsncbLsce Curtains, Wlndosr Shades, all prices, . . * Buff Hollands,nil widths/ Freac.i Brocatflllcs, all widths, Uilt Cornices, cf’ery atjle FroccliPLtißhea, - . s : ' * J • 2‘ • Satin ' Gilt Curtain Pins, f “ Lampas, «• r Bands, „ Satins, Coriteand Tassels, “ Damask Linens, - ■ Gimps, all prices, ' - “ Caahmerettc, Loop*, . Plain Turkeyßod, Fringes, India Satin Damask, Picture Tassels and Oorts, _ **• • •. ShadeTitfPcls and Drosses, ■ fnroirtroaimps, Hooks, Rfngs, Brackets, Ac. A luil assortment of the above goods constantly for sale, whole.^alaorrttoil. , . [pmrldy^af!ta;g!° ludlß«t« °a an d Xlver: Complaint CURED BY KlEIt’S the fol lowing letter- Com Ror. 0. Dicnufeow, a : Missionary 3n Oregons.~ j • ••, J.M. K iXßr-Dcar : &ri .Myself wd wife having boon jrantlj: bcneßttcd by the use of your Petroleum,! wish te have you send mo a box of- two or three dozen bottle*. ■ 1 om the Congregat local Minister in this place, and' sereral : of my wople arenffiseted with indigestion and an'lnaction Ote-iUM of myself and wife, before' taking your PEnuiLsoM, on Kocx 00. We took sereral . bottlesr- E, ™ « th,re “ each—aboat a vear ond ahelfago, andwe .VWT.ri “JPWI for .yeanuSwe hake iod not taken-a single bottle, before . that fuDnaes or. the atomaeh which so distresses! the. dre poptte was reUeeed, and liaro felt nothing of it einca that ’ l m r 'Jifo was idso relloved from a chronic. disease of tbe.UTßr* whichhaa twanof several years Btaodimr, bv tin* use of your Petroleum. ' e ” 1 _Sold by S.M.KXEII, Canal Bcsin, GEO. H.KEYSER,Ifo Wood street, and. Druggists and Mediduo’Dcalcrs erery :wbere. , ■ , , pct2ii , jrSoKEtSOS’SJBAfIBEBKEOrifPBS.-; ■ f, 0J 5 offlc “-Boddlngs,Thirdstreet, Likenessestaien in all Mnaaof weathg',freza* A.M. to S P. M.,gWn?ac accurate artistic and anlmateUSeness.unlikeaodroaUysu. pcrlor lottie common cheap daguerreotypes,at thefollowinc cheap prices: $1,50, $2, $3,54,55 and upward* according to the .also and quality of case or frame...,- -- - .- Hours for children, from 11 A. M. to d P.M, --- : N ; B-—ldkenesscs of sickor deceased persons taken In ant partorthocity. * [noeSMy }T^? Curtain materials, ana. M, V®™* Trrmmings of erery description, Furniture Plushes, BrpcateUcs, Ac., hace and Muslin* Curtains, N.-Y Painted Window Shales, Gilt Cornices, Cnrtaln PinMhuids, do., at wholesale and retail. W. 11. CAHRVB N°.ie9.Chesnntetreet,corner nfth,Hinaaelphia. CurtalnsMadeandTritomodinthoTery newestfiench ,t]rle - rnarghlyl Cornatt Cornatll A great many per Ibry. - sons are dreadfully tormented with coins, ’ A certain he found in Dr.-Coms’s Cons Eiasris, for salebyhr.GEO.S.KEygEß, 140 Woodstrect. ' sepB ■i ttS-l4beral Qfeflnctlopß to thtaevrho buy to gall again/ .-—Place of meeting, VVashiniiiOn Hall Wood between Fifth street and Virgin alley/ . PiTTBnrapg..lasKr,.No. 87-Meota first and thlrt Friday of each month- :,-; , - [mar2s:ly IrS 6 J OUiWEVMKN TAihOKS 80- Urecr CtETYjoTPittahurgh and-Allegheny, meetaon the ..first and third. WEDNESDAYof ereiT month, at the’ FhOltl- DA IIODSE, Market street. By order. - i al Y JGIW YOUNG, Jit, Secretary. IOUGB, I. O. O. K*—The Angrrona taJfe, fio. 259,1, o. of 0. P„ mb men Wodnp-sd&yflTeplogln WaßhlDgtmiHnl), Woodst. fiylry^ yr^l i^J^»?wr Sc o a i tr«y o,, : W»BidJ)e4%yo« 144 fiiftlthfteld stTP’ ' (my&y — It lidne to KXER'S Jktntetm to ,w : ' say thatit has been known to completely eradicate every of, tbledr former* th&ii a yearr and hare r£ pcatedly witnessed ita beneflefat ln the cuinor indo ilent uleeraaud'OtherdiseaseßTor which itforecommendcd,' fmdean with confidence recommend it to bejuneditfnetror thy of safely say that sueoess has attend; ed its use where other medicine had tatted, - - v “ „ " D. Y. FOOT, M. D. For enla by all the Dragglst* in Pittsburgh:'; fau27;dAw." Instructions inlfoslodlodern banffuapei v" ■ . Drawlnir and Fainting. ® fjBOF. T7.;W. ; BOSCH haTingr located himself in this ' 1 taty, will gietf instructions ontbo. Plano and Gulini-ln 4bo French Cferman/fipanf&abd Italian laftauaklin i iww: ; fag end Painting, J (in-w'atero?l):., Any commuhiSlonWt" ot Mr. KLEBEK'S Music Etprd. 'or stthc ttaifSoV?. PAGE, will promptattentjoa, _ * . or ®*- ‘•,• 'M?z&KKcsa: -iHoi.-aiiia».«SlS'y r . ***■. :.. •; ■- -i.-- - .Vv-'.* - v ->:••'“••' v-v -• K. ■» t v v - : ‘ t H ' v, 1 J __•.. . •. \ v*? - v ' - • 7*’ ’ Cf’- "\V\ : ££' : »V V » */IC. ' , ' • v~. farman Sheppard. ScariScator. ■*Vv-?r’iS:c.l' ■ ■Jr 1 , t <•• :r t i'r AMUSEMENTS. *'WTak, J>.uu aiul Sfana U*tsk fer—Fifth street,*boTo Wood.,....m*soffldmlsrioß: Boxes end Porquet'e 50c Private IJoxi-g, large, sBi do. do. small, |6; Second Tier, 25c; Boxes for colored person*.We. *■ PersoMaecuringßcatewill beebarged 12>£ ete. extra lortbo certificate. Door* open at 0% o’clock; performance to com mance at o , clocfe......Qreat Bill 1~.. f ,Tbo netr'play of the “ Monk, Maak, antT Murderer," *u received on Saturday night with loud chooring—-the public demand a repetition, ......Second sight of the beautiful French drama of tho : “Bag Picker* of Pori*.”..'.Tiri* eyeing, February 37tb, .will be acted the beautiful drama of .the 'HAG PW.KVKU » (?/* JM-K/S/......To'conclude with tbe-newplay of MAN- > FjREDONI; ot TBEiIONKy TBK MASK, AND MUX- » DEliffKl CountManfredohVH'&lillan; Jullopo»o.Porter; Dona Rosalioo, Mrs. Eyriar; Viola, Mrs. BrcWord In preparation the Flay of Tho Last Days nf l’ompeU>.. - He would also Btate tbutrthe LAST QUADRILLE 80] UEB will ba;giYen at LAPATETTB HALL,on MONDAY .12 VE ■MNQ^Fchtcwy27,' M: It tet7J..ho<- bo a “Fnnry Con tumc Party,**. u -was first Intended.- Persons having re* celred invitations to either' of the former parties, ar» ruspectfolly to InvhiU attend. • Ladies** gentlemen wishing to join hU Academy, cam Miamonpe,. by making application to Mr. Ladies*.-class meets on every .Tuesday and Thursday after noons, at Gectiemon’s class ' meets on Tuesday and ; Thursday evenings* At V£. o'clock, andMaster** class on. : Wednesday-aiid Saturday afternoons at 2U o'clock. ' 4^ Tl€S3CTB'&qbohatfat anytime before the party, ' at the Counting Booms, of tho Mowing fost, ond Duily . Gazette, or from jTr7M*Jlanui, at the Ho4l,cn the daya.or evenings of tuition.' ■ - ~N b. Porwhs desiring Tiano coplea.of either of; the QuodriUesVcah procOrolhembf Mr.jQ.A:McMANUB, atlliu Hall, ondaysor eVeulhgsof achool,hsho hascontraCtcd for .'the Thujilprwith the TJiiiitcrnlpublishettt.' febljj / IARGO’S HALL, Fburthstrect near (food, opposite La* VJ fayette-HaH, can he-obtained. for iFartles, Festivals, Concerts, Pnbl'e Meetings. A& Also/ Cargo’s ColUlonand. gas Horn Band can be found in readiness at all times, by applyingtbWM*-FRAN£.CARGO/ at the Crystal-Pol nee -’Daguerredn Rooms of B.M* Carg& ACo^l'curthst. list OP ffENTJII?£ PATENT M2DICIKES, 09 HAND AM) FOR SALS BT : - FLEMINGBROTHER6, ! ‘ Wholesale. Druggists arid Dealers iti j^dteni'JilediciTUf^ •- Comer Vourlb and WoodAfreet*. Plttsburjth# A MERICAS COMPOUND, Keoleris. A- ALTERATIVE, Jaynes. BALSAM: WisUrivof Wild Cherry;; ' Brant’s Pulmonary; •f . . Jaynes’Cannlnativo. : - -v.RITXEBS: Hbdfiahd’s'Gerthanj';‘ ; « Holland; *% .-'..it. Hostetterifl-Stomadu • CATHOLICON: Marchlserf Uterini. - . 'CANDT: Storms’Scotch Cough; ■ a - Prices* do; ... u . Tborn’fl. do; • r' ** . Howe’s : •- • do.. ■ CHOTXK3AGUE: Osgood’s India. - CORDIAL: 1 Morse’s-InvigoratiDg. . -I)KCP3:.Tyler’sGura Arabic- ■ •DYb: Harrison’s Hair; . -* • - Phalon T s do ; . .. u Batchelor’s- doi • . u : Jaynes’ •. do. * . ELIXIR: 'MeMunnTs, of Opium. ' EXPECTORANT; Jaynes- - • ; • •KXTJLACTv.Brant’s Purifylog;*. .-v - ?KXT RACTOR: Dalloj’a Pain. - . . ■ GINGER: Brown's Essence of Jamaica' * f McAllister's do do. - INK: Kidder’s ’lndelible: "• -■**. Payson* s- -■ do. - ' HYGKANA: Dr. CurmV KATIIAIUON: Lyons. LILY WHITE: Davids; v w • ••**.•• Jules Haulca. , . LINIMENT: -Tobin itf; “•. . v * ' ■ < ' « t( ■ Hunt’s: “ • Allen’s Nerve and Pone; * .** . Mexican Mustang;-. u - ILO.FsrreVs Arabian; ' 51 • GardDcris. ; LOTION: Barnes’ Pile. .. MBEN FUN. •• OIL:-Scarpa’s Apoubllc; ,■: it . Mediants’Gurgliog; * ,*f ; RupblouV, Clark & Go's. Cod Llvor. ’• OINTMENT: McAllislcrt; ‘ • {^ r r;.:- ; .u; : r Sin^ltch;. ■ ■ ■.«■■■■■•• Terrel's; " •" ' K Cray’s; '• r . . a -T?«Rk**MagDfUe;. . . . u Judking’s. •PANACEA: Swalms; - — «. -.-Houck’s;■■ j*. ■■■■■" ■ 'Earpsnta* Infant;:' • PAIN KILLER: Perry Dafis\ •PECTORAL;: Avers’ Cherry.. PEPSIN: Ifnughton’ff, ... .vi PETROLKU&r.v Kior-s. r * ' . PILLS: McLane** celebrated LiYor; • <*••. Brandretb’s; K Wj-r*uirslndjan Vegetable; v u ' '’ iieW Anti biljntist;'.-: • 1 ‘ ' ‘ u Sarsaparilla Blood; : . t ■ ■■\. . “ . Evens’;-' • •. r ' JaynetfSanallre; .. . u ■'Jayne.s r ExtractBflrsapai7llaßlood:- ' - Townsend’s Health, PLASTER; Joe David’s;. - ; u . • . Shoemalter’e. •• RELIEF: Radwav**Heady. ‘ REMEDY: Momi’.- BESTORATIVE:Pro£.TTooa , sna3r;' ■ ( -EmoPBon , ff -do. --vy-.' ! SARSAPARILLA; Bulls: **. •> . Townwnd’a; ; \ ... so:id?s;. . „ CajrottVExlEMl.YellowDorS. SCHNAPPS: Wolf’n Schiedam, . SOAP: Cleavers, • u -;■; higbily aceiHed Brown Windsor. • SPECIFIC: Ludlum’s. • BYRLP: McLanes’SndorifioConffb: i 4 4:: . Tyler’s Gum Arabic; • .: V Sellers’; ■ ■■■ . ” ~ Swayncs, of Wild Cherry; - : Smith’s Tonic. TIUOOPHOR0U8: Barry’s. ' TONIC; JayneaMlair.: TINCTU RB: Norwood’s, of Veratrum VitUe. VERiIIEOGE;, UoLancs’ colcbratmL *■; : WAFERSJr.Bi.Loeock’s Pulmonic. .\- '• WATER: Thompson’s Eye. ; AGENTS of all Dr. McCtintocVs.fmnny medicines. : BREAST PBMP: Dr. Needham’s: • < . “ u ' 'Water’a-Atmospherift; ... « it Gmn Elastic. ' ITAUFJfiit *UK JftiU&UAUX HASCOIUI-AX LASIM— JJL _ POSTSST?. FromTJetgwe.to'Bacharlstj HJustraiaL lilCtiaParis. .v... .. Napoleon Bonaparte. ThoGarotto: It Q.P. R. James; Tho Foundling Hospitals of Faria.. The Newcomb* iby Thackaray. *’■' My French Master.-TheXong Toy ego. - ■ Achapter on Snakes: Kate Gordon. Editoi^ffTahle, Literary • Torsalcrat iheßooistore of • W. A/tiIiDENFISNNET ACO.', 70 Fourth streot. \Hf.OOlr- ~ . fY ; 4000-Ibafln© Fleece Wool; 4000 lbs City palled do j •■■.•.■.■■WMfi»PaUe4..Wopl,°a r;oim-pulUD|?,.-wHnio nsed, assorted and clean, for roJo by . lI.XKB vl3o.Ltt*rty street.-- white stpgi* Yitftdvwd on X consignment and for salo "by D. LEE fßt,u ' -: ■ 139 Libarfy emit. ETVUIUs. JJgoTs. lrom nima lo Uiirtsuua, a u rood, from l slUisl,26porjMlt. , . li. E. HAYWAIII), friii . ... Corner llurtftan.l Liberty-tctrecin. ; '-IJJSKiN TJSA tfCpittt,■ ■ " ; * X •• •»: . vj. 38 lyikttnd.': Jost received a nice lot of fresh TEAS, eoz&fiMsing flru>- .andextra >• - .. ■ .■ : > .• Tcußg; Hyson,. ■- /* , * Gunpowder,- :•. • IffipotiaU ■- ■. ■/ Oolongand: : f . •. •. ' - English Breakfast, [n chests, half chests and catty boxes, which ahall t-o sold 08 jwual at tho lowest possible advoncs on cost. A. JAYNES. °,S? BTABQII--A supply of the genuine Oswego \A>n* Starch, received by [ftblS] ; JQ3, gfcSMINQ. UiUii'at UXIKACrfrrA supply! of' tobln’» gnlulns J Ellracls, rocalvyl by. [fcblS] JQ3. KLEmIKO. XSi'AK’S BAMAII.WItjf largo supply -TTr-of this celebrated medicine, received by. , : ry 3 s ' _JbIS . JO3.FLBIIING. 1?™ E B /P? oE^"A beautifulartlcToofllno Sponge, ra *sr' „ JOS.. PbEJIISG, " Successor to l. Wilcox 4 00. i'il-iNA—la 1...» . Bn>wmit to U Wjlcoi * Co.: \| PUMi*—TbotaubtpwJtctftrUclu' r* .??? ioußo. -Thoafrln tnmt-.of ft- Urettet w6nld these before pnrcbwlns any •dUisc kin ■ Snccpasor to LTVilcox & On, tiOAi*—Alarge supply rtiwived by : febls ' V JQSr.FEHMINQ. OUIXXIM3.—A largo supply of genuiDe i'arfna r Oologno.rec’dbr ffeblS] JO3. PLKHINQ. Mitv’S CUAUtjK DOOIS at HU Uadi, at price* two am „ , A. K. HAYWARD, ; i»ol5 .. .. - ■ corner Market aha liberty streets. ■ T Gum Sandals, Omahocs, emd BojVlnaatOi fM? t ® P “ Sair ' . t. E. IlAlfWAlllX » w - corner of Haiketmil I.lluti-, nroeU. • A '■Uuwca-on ssi}^i*ss^^^'«>&: , 3s _ „ 8* CUTUEEKT & SON. -: ■ • BcalEgUte Agepty, 140 Thfrd Rtt^h A Sow Bupply or ■ 'Pianos*'. "••JoStTtKieircd 'ttttfl TJOW ready-for " jpNB JS® ■^ ar ®nneqM]lea la th e ire I q U |.ite AaU l * I " 5 ‘, ru ™, clit '. e ’ naU * of toad?„JSs’S ll gj»« aa?£Sl?m* c „ IlOiewood and Walirut'caseg with riiirw*u*» •■■•'■ UxC ffpatem iron . : , AU.tho above Mono Fortes mm f™** tv v" friPK: * Sons;Boston.- They J® S??J? 1 V¥ tory of Chick in£a patent Inin wll , U ChteUr- Pureharara are rcsnectliiHv ii.r l V , !i y,'tura“'«>l tin.'stave, at the nsretco^o^jonNn o Mm o ” a “ ,aA ■■ . . -.■ No. BV\Vood str»-rt feW • . Robert e. Mni.n,tp s attorney at law ST.-1,0018. Mo. v ’ f|lo UJT—A SKMtoij iinrk u\y Ap^l<> a.iwSu n^“ ■’ SiSmlUUkuSk frbiorff • ; ' ’*■ 4