?Si VjfcXi *-WW i:K y.. v > ( ."«-.V-‘\j'.rS'':C4?- < V--?T*> \> • . v-t-I ■,:>!,•. --*• V'V.V". ... .. ' s '&&■?'■■■-»■ v*-v. '- ; * '-<» *V-?t- -i.-' : ■ '■. '• •'■ V? ->• '-* “• v- a “V ; \i- A r o ,; »* *„ v* „ 9 - t *v *>■£’♦***vV* - „ t ■•• a , ». ‘x v ;- : „* u*'--?' 1 -, -» i,' ,’“ ' - 'y. -'A fi k* na ;f, .1 . J *’»- -, * tjj '? "« , V ; - ~>' V'; t* »r, it’-?" I L\’if?/> v l v5;,.?,."' 'Mr-f 5 ' r W% ■*;' "f./ '•-. >“** sfe sf+H-VP'"/*Jlst%■ js"lx :t| 'V/j j-',v'Vt.-- T v .; ; *:• a' •. -:: •' tv V. »:’% * *’ *’ ~ \ v*. * » -v*: *r4v'»>*#*->..-*■ v I >».' ? ::.t n - ■?• *fr*: r/; s ‘-yft vv; 4 ; ' v ££>" v T v fr ;' nrCi’i*'* J -' - <'* .iv’VJ'IY •Vv? v r J *',•>«*:,•<■■.■V tl l ••■ =i- -t'! ar * 1 ' v" ‘ s "^al i ? * T. 1 /i.V’ , y' 1 ' I 't-^- t , ■*' 3U , S 5«^ 5 9'4*A&N vi tpß It b t 1 fct> *:'»*; K.’it s«b ins. y £ [ ?'" 2i iMMH at* ’ ?"■ :;•„! MjMit.’ S3v<»gftSfofel •ffiKgSSßggS^^=»ifr• SB S » s &ym*X r r H J ’•« rv.^.v.yA',, ~£• *si • / ii v - * r.'*t- - iV '*»?** i : «S*v x.i ‘x.'j yr., f p rv v^.--.'!-'^V t t* 1 ‘ful > •-% a ; v* *: r 00 tv VI ' >- :^^^^! >v’^.V«B ;: .Vi: ?;';■/;' •‘V-^^' ’r 7 't*iT.-S,>•'j’Vi.. ,;X ;. „ 4**5 '■-v*:Ar:N,V - 1 , W*- 8 - ~,, s ’";KVr* V'* ’v ' > ( «4 - -: ’’ w- ; ?n x.v ;;:X M v^rri.,,,. v. ■ Vv ; X'Uv t r - ~X .. >\;, , ’ * / «pp*@ fe* r s i ft **t Zrtf&jtrJ. Cj : * J. n ! m t> *- t \ -r ►- , * ' -fc.' * 'ii < -• •r, -i. r:: «.v.. : V *V V *N # * **•« 1 ! 4 V * * • » . \ - 1 W>>. _. 1 1 - >■ t ..!?!■:' X 1 ■■: ■ i w. ••*’4 _ t r ' * • '* , f* -ViCy-V Vr«* *' ■- ' • ; ;*r< \ v ;>.••••' • t r^\ v , \;J -Tis\\’f Jv >.•, ‘ v T J ‘ ' ►,' , , . . I 1 4 • •V; \ : \S "i> »/ •• •- i v- y : '•'"•miLY MORNING ROST. •• . TUE3DAI MORS IS A TF,EEra£k' I TBAOEDY IN'" MlssissirPi. -The .M&riib!s:Hfl ESXING3. decSlilm • KEfIIOVAL. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the nubile, that bo "has removed from bis old stand, on Uarkot Huroot, to the XFW IRON FROM S[TORE, NO. 49 STREET, immediately opposite the Theatre, whore ha is now receiving and opening a handsome nnM»rt moot of Plain and Fancy Colored. Cloth* Cassimenj* ami Vestings, of the nowest styles, which he will take pleasure in allowing to those who may furor him with a calK He is also prepaied to make- to order ercry article of Clothing constituting a Gentleman’® Wardrobe, in Iho la but unJ most fashionable stylo. , . TO-TMLOR&—* Hmsubscriber offem for sole his com- Jcte system of Garment Draughting so favorably known nd Generally used -by the tTado of this eity, Cincinnati, PhasdelpMaand elsewhere; at tho following prices, to: • With instructions, $10,00; without Instructions, $7,uQ. The Book and ltuler, containing fall and accurate dlrcctwnft No. 45 Tiflh Ptnwt, opposite the Thfutrv. SAMUEL GUAY, - • ar. cLiis stbxcc, prcramnian. CLOTHE IQ made cxduslTrljr to order, \T and warranted to suit. Has constantly on a choice assortment of CLOTBL% CASSIiIEiUS, VLSTING3, And OVERCOATING, of the latest styles, selected *xprv**l> for-thecusfoin trade* • fleattomen leaving their enlere. will have their wishes consulted and complied with, aa all worfc i« done under his own supervision. , - novlz CLOT HIN G STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. of Uncelebrated Clothing Depot oo Liberty C* street, which has won an-unbounded popularity under honane of the XIIUHB 810 DOCKS, harts Tor tlio pur* poao of acquiring more space for their Immense bnnuuss, removed to the spacious huildinj; on the corner of XWmO7 JJUSCND ALLEY AND WOOD STItELT, Where they haTc now the most SPLENDID STOCK. OF CLOTHS! HEADY MADE, CLOTIIING, That baa ever been offered to the j> uuhe. • - Their principal object far this.removal, fa to giro them more facilities far tha WHOLESALE TRADE! ■ They arc prewired to sell Goods at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES! ’ Ana they will warrant them to ho ns goo 4 a* any wanu facturea in.the Union. ■ - _ CUSTOM WORK* ih ns best ami,iisn oros the bbobkst sorter. Xhev bare on hand a full and beautiful assortment o! LOTUS and COATINGS, lor FROCKS. DRESS, WALKING AND BUSI NESS COATS. Onr interests nro Identical with tbosa of onr customer*, fttul wjb assure the pobllo that our fidelity.will not fail id flllihn all orders we may be fatored with. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE— Mo. 8§ Wood Street, (bast side,) cobweb or diamond allot. ■ w 'jj —We dcsireoor patrons tounderntet)rt that wc hare no loturer any connection with the -Clothing Busina on Liberty street. • Oar attention fa derotod exclusively to the HonseaboruderisnaUxL yrcLoSKvr * w SECOND ARRIVAL OP PALL AND WINTER DK.Y GOODS IS The Cheapest Goods of the Season! YOUNG STEVENSON & LOVE, Ricn of the oritfinM Bm-Uiye, No. "4 MARKET STREET,between Pourtli And tbo Diamond, Pittsburgh, hovo just receive:!, and ere now opening, a largo and splendid assortment of - DBESS GOODS, Of tbo-newest andmost desirable styles, adapted to the present season. „. %1 ■ , ’ PI aid Brocade and Toner Silks at barons. Plain Black and Corocli&a Silks and Turk Satins. Merino Plaids, all wool, and Silk and Wool do. # • Ar«o, Raw Silk and Cashmere Plaidsof eTery iiescriptlun, very cheap. * Xew ; style Plain and Taney De Lames. Trench Merinos, Cashmeres, Ooburgs, Alpacas, and Para* mattas, all colors and qualities. De Begcs, and-high colored l)o Laities,all qualities. Tall and Winter Shawls, of every description. ■* i Lontf and Sqaaro Broeho and Plaid Shawls. Printed Cashmere and plain Thibet do. Trench Chintzes, Ginghams. A general assortment fast color Prints, from w* eta- »P -WUITB GOODS of every description. Collars, Caffs, ChemizettesandLmVdTldkfs., at bargains. ' ; ' Bonnet Ribbons and Millinery Goods, very cheap. ‘ - ALSO, a full Stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, at low prices— v Sheeting. Pillow Linens,Tablo Cloths, and Nap kin* ‘Russia Diaper, and Cravats, very cheap. OLOVEs! nOStEftY. SUSPENDERS, and CRAVATS. Wo would respectfully solicit nn early call from both wholesale and retail buyers, flattering ourselves that «o am accommodate all who may favor us with their pafrou ago, on.most liberal terras. . Tftr „ • sep2o YOUNG, STEVEN>oy * LQTE • . Notice IS TO TIIE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS OF PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENY CITY, AND VECINTTV —D. GREGG & CO., Importers & Wholesale Dca-"™ in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and V h0. ,09, ono the Nonb-wcst corner of Wood st. and Dinwoud alleT. Pittsburgh. Haring completed the enlargement of their present occupied Ware Rooma, arc cow opening one Of theft ana host .took of DRVGOODSIaud VARIK TIE9 they haroeyer heretofore exhibited tolho 1 ittsburgh trade! and on examination, will bo found to bo unsurpassed by any other House or tho hind in the City, end as one or So partners Is generally in the Eastern Cities during the ' business seasons, borthasing cheap bargains, adopted lo the Pittsburgh and Western Trade, wo will bo ablo to oiler inducements to our old customers, and purchasers gener ally. Our stock of Dry floods consists in part or tbefollow tag leading articles, Tit: Superior Broad Cloths; Pilot and Petersham do; paney Casslrneres, Tweeds and Satinetts; •Jeans, Fancy Vestings and Corduroys; '-Flannel*. Tickings and Vest Paddings; Brown and Bleached Muslins, and Irish Linens: Foroica uni DomeattcGinghama; AiSacas, Merino?, Coburg Cloths, and Uresn Silks; Bay State and Eroacho Shawls; wilenComforte and Fancy SUk HandlrerchlofH. grphe following comprise n part of tho general stock of Combe, Thread* ami SeningSilkn; ninr/'H Ribbons. and Blnck ailfe Tells, taco Goods. Jaconetts. Mull and Cambric]: Muslims; Bancy Nottlngs, and Millinery goods generally^ Also—-A largo assortment of Table Cutlery, Pockotknires, Basra and Scissors of our own Importation, lcrfumety. Patent Medicines, together with a splendid aawrtnimt ot Gold and Gilt Jewelry, oi the latest patterns Gold and Ml yor Watches; Watch materials; Watch glasses, ana an ex tensive atoefc of 30 hour and 8 day Brass Clocks. ora variety of patterns. -All of which wlll be told on the mostaccom modaUngterms, tor Cash, or City reference. - . jj t Oountry Merchants and Pedlars are invited to cive us 0 coll before purchasing elsewhere sop2l:tf I). GREGG & CO. rTVSASI TEAS! TKASI—J. HAWORTH, tbo original «ud I' only importer in this dty, of the best Congo Teas from London, U now receiving a very large and choice selection of TEAS, -which he In determined to sell at such prices and fineness of quality, that all the reckless puffers in this or the next city cannot beat. Uo most respectfully invites the ladles and gentlemen of this and the mirroundtng districts, -without distinction of nation, to call and try his Tea?, whloh ho sells sahject to ho teturned, if they don’t give satisfaction. Tho following are the pnees: Prime Oolong, Souchong and. Congo, 37}-£<3)GO cents H>. • A tery superior English breakfast Congo. &0c 2>. . ' Ertre fine, aTcry delicious Congo, fi). . • HMToan(tHy«m,4o®6oc.«lb. „ Extra fioo Young Hyson nni Imperial, < sc. a lb. Venrbost Young. Yyson and Imperial, 91 ?üb. Don’t mistake the place- -PAGODA TEA bTORE, corner of Diamond and Diamond alley A liberal reduction made toddlers. . ■ .. ■ .jan2l MELOD&UN INSTRUCTOR.—The complete Melodixm *lnjrtnictor, la ecven parts. Part I—Ucmonts of -Ma lic. -Part 2—Progressive Finger Kxcrcises. Tart S—Airs, Marches, Waltzes, Variations, 6e. Part 4—Fnvorlta Move ments from Operas, 4c. Part s—Voluntaries and Interludes. -Part o—Selections from Oratorios. .Part 7—Modulations. Designed as a thorough instruction for the MeJodeon, Sera phlue, Bolicon, Organ, or any similar Instrument, by John Zundel, Organist of Bt George’s Church, Neir York, author of “250 Voluntairesand Interludes,” u The Amateur Organ ist” 4c.; 4c.-Price $2,00. A large supply of the above'work just received, and Tor sale at the MuricSioro of' . JOHN H. MELLOR, ■ •jaSl . ‘ - No. 81'Wood street.- CARPETING.— A large stock of bow and beautiful .pat tenu now receiving at the . NEW CARPET STORE, 47 Fifth street, near Wood. Also,OH Cloths of.&Il widths and qualities; Rngn, Matts, Matting-, Window Shades* Stair-rods, >eulttan Blinds, Ac,, SEHOTTXBICISHPBHIE9. • - -psps : - ROBINSON * 00.- FEBRUARY 11, CLOTHING. DRY Gi :• j.- v - Tj v »' *, f• f *x .*£* ' ....ifljkf.: I • ,* • VJ*T>.- -V* TRANSPORTATION. OHIO AHD PESfij ' -UeW A#rJ*&^Bmeiii<' coiuiEi, r cxirff n &vauBT a, isss. TRAIN. ltuivua Pittsburgh at 6 o’clock, AM; Fj £Lopa 'onlv at thu prmsdpß'lslatiQOß,aßd'dice3'atCregb>' libuatl.3o PM. arriving at CiadnuuU ia.the evening', via 'Cotilmbus-antlXeuifl.; .'% • ''■<.-if V : . : V V;' \V, ‘ Tare from Piltsbilrgh to r CSnciimati,s’r i 75 ; Io OolumbUß, 43 25 ■' r *■ MAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 8.30 AM; dines at Al liance V and reaches. Crcsilino at 8.00 PM,ccnnectiDg with, 'the Night Train: to Columbus yrith ; :tbe Uellufontaine audlndiana Railroad for Layton, Indianapo lis, Terre Haute, and,towns in Indiana: Connections are made at Alliance, by Railroad vvith Ravenha,-Hud£oa and Cleveland.; X v.-./;."-' , v • Pare frotn.Pittsburgh tb Clevelandj'liOO. Connection? nro made w. Mansfield. by Railroad with San dusky City, Mansfield, Mount Vernon, Nowark and Zanes ville. Parc to Sandusky City, $4,50; to Newark, $4,50; to Zanes ville, $O, - Connections are made with Detroit and Chicago, both-by Clayoland and ; Skndufiky City. who leave Pitts-: burgh in r tlio .Mail Train nt 8.50 A M,go directly.by .Mans field and Sandusky City toDe troit, ; without detention. ‘ Fare to Detroit, 6.00; tb Chicago, $ll,OO. . RETURNING t THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Crestline at IXO P M, Mansfield at 1.40 P M, and Alliance at 6.0 Q P SI, and reach es IPittsburgh at 8.36 P M,' connecting with the Express Train to PhUadolphia and Baltimore, which leaves Pitts burgh at 10.30 P. M. Time froni Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, hours. Pore, $7,75. Farefrom Cincinnati to Phlladclphia or Baltimore, $16.00. '• -••— MAIL TRAIN leaves Crestlioo at 7, A M; dines at Al liance; connects with Express Train from Cleveland, and arrives at Pittsburgh at 6, P M. ’ " NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 10 A M.and 443 P M,;and Now Brighton at 7 A H:tud I P M. Excursion tlckcts, $l; quarterly.tickots at reduced tates.. • ■ • - PREIOUT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 6.30 A M, and ar rives at 4,30,P M. . . Passengers are requested to procoro Tickets at the Company's OtKce, at the Federal Street Station, of GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket AgonL 45?*.The Trains do not run on Suoday. 43* l-*urther information may-boobtained of , tmgb JOHN KELLY, Passenger Agont. SANDUSKY, MANSFIELD AND NEWARK RAILUOAD. :WINTJBR- AH R ANG BSIENT, ON and after WEDNESDAY, November 10,1653, Tbroo . Passenger Trains run daily (Sundays excepted)ns fol- GOING SOUTH. Mormng Mail '■ Emning Ezpras. P-sitcngrr. Erprtts. Leave Sauduskynt,.... 4.30 AM 11.00 AM 5.10 PM Monroeville Jnhtlion.. 5.15 “ 11.50 “ 5.50 “ fchelby Junction 640 “ 1.15 PM 7.15“ Mansfield Junction..... 7J20 “ .3.40 “ -8.10“ Mount \ern0n............ 0.05 ** 4.10 “ 9.55 “ Reach Newark ... .10 03 “ 5.35 “ 11.00 11 GOING NORTH. Newark at. 4/.0 A M. 9,00 A M 5.26 P M Mt. V» rnon 525 “ 10.10 . 6.30 “ Mansfield Junction,.... 7320 %t 12.10 PM 8-1 Q “ Shelby Junction..,. 7.45 “ 1.05 “ 8.35 u Monroeville Junction.. 9.15 -3.10 “ . 10.30 M Reach u 3-55 “ 13.05 “ Connecting at Sandusky with Mad River and Lake Erie, and “ Northern Division” Cleveland and Toledo Railroads. At MonroßviUc, with Trains nu “Southern Division'’. Cleveland and Toledo R> R., for Cleveland, Toledo, Ac. At Shelby Junction, with Cleveland, Columbus and Cin cinnati Railroad. At Muu*ii
gars from Chirac), Toledo, Detroit, Sandusky, Zanesville, Newark, and Columbus, proceed to Pittsburgh, Philadel phia and Baltimore, without delay. By tin* route, paf,>eng»*rs taking the early Train from Zanesville Columbu-s Newark, Ac., can go to Toledo, Fan dusky or Cleveland, remain in either plaraj some four hours, and return home same day. THROUGH TICKETS to be hod at the different Stations, for the abort-, named places. J. 11. ROBINSON, SuperfntV PatidUf-kr, November. 15;.-;!. fßovCt'hm! P&SSKKGEB AGEHCY FOB GERMANY. _4j“S» JAMES BIAKBtT, Agent. Tut Utmro <•( XV. 4 J. T. TAPSCOTT 4 Co. iMlng, (n addition, to theirpxienfJvo arrangements for bringing cot PaverngeM ■ fraui GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, just concluded arrangements also to bring out Passengers from be following Cities and. Towns In GERMANY, via Antwerp to New Ycrk. aud thesre to Ibtt.tburgb, the undersigned will issuo PnR-'Mqu Tutbeisto Now York and Pit!»burgbfrom Antwerri, Coblena, lippecbrim, Mach.cn, fit Goar, Gatuhclm, Colu, Frier, Worms, Du«j4-lJorf, Bnrgen, Darinstadt, Nftwwt.id, Mvioa, Prankfurlon Main. Msnhcjm, llehlriburg, Carlsruche. I»a« desired: Drafts, payable at sight, may be haj at the lowest rates, from the under signed. on ijondon, Paris and Frankfort, euluHo for rcmitLance* to the oti Orantry, and paid, frroof diL iwunt, atfiuy town In Great Britain. Germany and France. Apply to JAMES BLAKELY, blilp Agent, fuM fV‘mer of geTenth and gmlthfWd «trcetß, Prunsylvanlt Railroad Company* WE are forwarding Produce, Ac, to rtalUmore and Fhlla* dnlphia, promptly, cn nx»lpt. Time, Firu Days. bates or raxwnv. Bacon, Pork and Et;c£ (salted.) 46c. ? 1002 s. On Lard, Lard Oil, Tallow, Cc.Loo, Window Glass. 50c. lOOlbe. On Candles, Earthenware, Leather, Leaf Tobacco, 60e.?.100fc*. On Beeswax. Dried Fruit, Brittle?, CSorer and Timothy heed, TOc. fc>. On I»ror fckm*. Hemp, Flax, and Kg&vTOc. lOOlha. On (gather?, Furs, Pcltrv, Brooms and Mezchacdixe. SOe. ■ On 1 lour, bam?L W* am also prcjKiml 4»» forward freight to Rrxlebaugh** Station, ncrar Grcensbtinr.nnd lu remediate Station*. OOVODB * GRAHAM, Agent*, corner of lV:m rml Woyno sUI, Httabu^b. IL U. HOUSTON, Agent, jy29 276 Marlin? l'hlladfllpliia. PENNb\ l.\ AM A It AlDROAl).—Wrrrm Taxll'V iscrwcm Pin:?m,Tum. PmiADtu’nx.v axd Bsvnsoae. Ftrst ('(.Let. —Egg*. [•’eatlH-rs, Merchandise, Furs,lK) cents li«i fli*. &twvi Claw.—Apple* and Penclies (dried,) Derswax, HuJTsJo, Rear, and peer Rkins, Clover and Timothy Seed, Olavwnrr, Gim-cnc.. Rag?. Sheep I'vlU 76c 1(50 Ihs; Third Class.— Apples (green.) Bran and Ship Stull,Bacon and Pork, (loo?*,) Rimer, Hide*. Hops' Hair, Hemp ami linx. Leather (Eastward.) 05c 10u'ffw. Jburth (Nor*.—Alcohol. Bacon (ia casks nr boxes.) Barley and Malt. Beef and l*ork (p Wiled or suited,) packed Candler, Cheese. Grain ilu bags.) L»rd and Lord Oil, Lead (in pigs or sheets.) Oil Cake, Tallow. M imky, Leaf Tobacco, 60 cents V 100 ibv. Spsci-il Hofti.—Cotton 00c %\ 100 Tbs. Flour {1 bM. dtx-.l'i GKORQ& C. FIMKCISCUB. Jlesirii J* Khroffel & Co** MANUFACTURERS OP KIRK PROOF SAFES Vault Doors and Iron Window Shatters. AND as all iMirsons admit the-necessity of the-above mentioned articles, we have no hesitation in r*com mending our article to bu <*qual to anything In the dty. Orders promptly attended to, and put up In the best style, and on short notice. ■Ks.Srmthflf.dd street, between Fourth and Fifth, Plus burgh, {gcpfrdOoil J. STtROFFEL A CO. Hats uurt caps; nr* JOfsEPU - COX A CO,, corner Wood street /©a nd Diamond slhjy, would,respectfully their friends ond the public that they are receiving n large and splendid stork of HATS AND CAPS, of tbo latest styles, which they arc prepared to foil on ns reasonable terms as any other house In the rlty. Qlre it* a call, nnd examine our stock. soplQ CpnMume the Smoke fTTITR subscriber having the exclusive right to manufao* X turn nnd sell SWEENEY’S JIOT' AIR AND -SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE. If prepared to receive orderii, and non tract for heating buildings with'::tb» most economical Pomace now in use. Tbe attention of those interested is solicited. Any information cun be had of A. BRADLEY, Nos 2 and 4\\ pod street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, d<*e24:tl) Iron City Stove Wnrehouflo, No. 134 Wood at. l>epot of Longworih & Ztmmmnaa'i Ca tawlia Wines and Brandy* rpilE undersigned baft Teceivtjd and offers for sale, at Cin- X. cinnafi prices* a lnrg« quantity of Logworth A Zimmer man’s choice and world-renowned Sparkling, Dry and La- Sw.rei c«ti»wb& Wines, fcuch as mnydesiro to procure an excellent article of Nativo ‘Wine, (tho pur* juice of the grape.) will find my establishment tho place for tho gratifi cation of lluur desires. The Catawba Brandy, distilled from tho gcuoino Grape, li declared by many excellent judges, equulln flavor to the best imported Cognac. , ■ .D. FICKEfSEN, _ No. 137 Liberty *treot Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus* A VERY great want hiut been 101 l in our community, be cause our institutions of learning, .or public libraries nod reading rooms, bare no Chemical and PimonopinoXt, Apparatus to enable the teacher or public lecturer on sci entific fiubjeets to illustrate his lecture upon. The Young Men’s Library Association, at their late annual mooting, resolved to tuke the necessary Steps for Obtaining such an apparatus, so as to fill tbe.voiil bo long folt. -The following pen-onH have boon appointed ns a committee to carry out the object proposed, and it is earnestly hoped that thrclti renß,wben called upon, will respond to the call by unbscri bing liberally. Dll, WM. M. WRIGHT, DR. JAMES R. SPEER, EDWARD RAHM, F. R. BUUNOT, - B. P. BAKEWELL, • - Committee. Baldness Cared* ~ I7IMERSON f 8 AMERICAN HAIR RESTORATIVE, for J restoring the Heir on ITead Ho?ilessi.T Bald, and to prevent the Hair from falling, is winning golden opinion* of persons who aro using it, This is a now article, recently introduced, is a sure enro for Baldness, ond will stand the tej>t of a discerning public, aa thousands who have used will testify. Eeodrcnlocfto-bo lutd of the Agents, giving foil particulars. Price $l,OO in jargo bottles. C. E. FISHER k CO.. Proprietors, . . .67 Superior street,Cleveland, Ohio.' ■ For sale in Pittsburgh in tho following hqnses:— Fleming Bros., - . L. Wilcpx A 00., H. E. Boilers, 0. 11. Keyser, Joel Mohler, Benj. Page, Jr., J.lLCosscl. . AUtgheny cily.—lj. A. Beckham, Prcssly. A Means, J. P, Fleming. - 4 IStrmingham. —A. Patterson, John G.Smith.‘ fja2y 0. T „ .J‘. a * , . ma » House** ftcu To Let. NE.OK FARSIS, with commodious Brick Dwell mgs, and Btablfts, near to the city, and eultable ibr uardcus, Milk 1 arms.-or to fatten cattlo for this market. Bnck c °uotry Mansion and/Stable, largo cnough for a rtsspectable finally. -Also, one smaller placfli i and an excellent . Two Btory liridr Dwelling, with Ontshal basement and attic—on the bank of the Allegheny, “ b | TO eei. a ' lUeaU ' - . JAMES S- CEAPT, jM2S:tf No. 144 Eonrth fiL n^ 01l , T “> oomer of Diamond and DlaShd ty alley, wishes to Inform his customers and the nnblfo generally, that he Is now receiving a large Md c fcScoSl«s : Uen of GROCERIES, Mich as choice Yoong rtai. Gunpowder, extra floe Souchong, Nlneyong OoSi? Congo,andacented OrangePekoo TEASt MSthafoid Java and Rio COFFEKS; line SUGARS and SVROTS: B nn rf, Cluster, Valencia, Sun and Sultana RAISINS; fresh f-uK RANTS, jreserrod Citron, Lemon and OrangbPeels-sdiiel rior French,DRANDIES; Port, Madeira, Toneriffe, ChS pagne,.Lisbon, Sherry and Malaga WINES; together with a general assortment of poro SPICES—aII of which bo is determined to sell at such LOW PRICES that'cannot Bo beat by any other Store In the city. 1 J novlf • “I - * - * if*'-j. v. ~ /Vv*-'*? * v j '■ .-*(^ t/fC. i*--■*• *K »*;<<*.**.?'.-;■i ' v - "■ :gc^anies. Delaware Uutiui .Safttf Imur-anc© Co*' • 03ce% northro&r* cf die Exchamgt, Third rt^ TVRTntAyiR marehAadke and other ■ JC Property, in town pad .country, insured: against loss or dasnaga by fu*, at the lowest rate of premium.! yMxirta 'lsbcbAbcb.-—They also insure vessels, cargoes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, •asthe ftSßowamAy desire. , l? . .Injure T&Affiipomno^They-also insura. merchandise tmtoptfrtM by wagons, railroad cars, canal boats and steam boats, on rivers ana lakes. on .ihomost liberal terms, t . * Directors—Joseph IT. Seal,;Edmund A. Souder, John’G. -Davis/ Robert Burton, John R.-Penrose, Samuel. Edwards, George G. De!per, Edward Darlington, Isaae R. Davis, Wil liam Folwoll, John Newlin, Dr. E. M. Huston, Jos. 0. Hand, Thcophilus Paulding, IL Jones Brooks, Hemy.Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Sen-ill, Spencer M.’llvain, Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, William Hay, Dr. 8. Thomas, John Sailers, William Eyro,jr. . ■ ■ Directors at Pittsburgh —D. T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T. Logan. William Hastik, PraxaaxL Thob. C. Hasp, F?cs President - Josxpb W.Cowih, Secretary,.. . i, Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh. jelBdtf : : •• P. A. MADEIRA, Agent BAILBO&D. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 7 HARTFORD, CONN., , Capital Stock, Annual Premium and Western Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1825. Policies of Insurance Issued at all times on the moßUavora* '■ bio terms, against • LOSS OB DAMAGE BY HRE, on .tbs PERILS OF NAVIGATION, • BY /. ■ ■ ■ ■ GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agest ; FOR PITTSBURGH AND JLLLEQUKNT COUNTY. ‘ mar!6:y . • ■ -v. • . LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST’ COMPANY, PmUDELPHIA* CHARTERED APRIL 28TH, 1850. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000.* Ofictt 8. E. Comer of Third and Chestnut Streets, OJJicen of the Earns Board at Philadelphia: ■■ , wbbotobs. •. Stephen R. Crairfbrd, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W* Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, ; Benjamin W. Tlngicy, Geo. M’Uenry, Jacob L. Florence, James Devereux, William M. Godwin, William M’Kee. President—Stephen ILCrawford. ; Tice President— Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Examiner, Pittsburgh— James 11. Willson, M. D. Allegheny CUg— R. B. Mowry, M, D.. GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, mar!7:y • No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. • The Franhlln Fire Ineorance Company, Of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania* DIRECTORS— Charles W. Bonekor, Thomas HaiL-Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R, Bmltb, Grt.W. Rich ards, aioniecai J>. Lewis, Adolphi E. Bode, David S. Browne, Morris Patterson. - Cius. N. Basrcxxs, President Cms. Q. Bascrtn, Secretary. Oontinuo to make insurance, perpetual or limited/cn every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low aa are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent-Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safely lurested/of* for&leproteetlon to the assured. The Assets of the Company 4 on January Ist, 1851, as pub lished agreeably to an Act ox Assembly, were as follows, vis i Baal W 77 78 Temporary 10an583,966 17 5t0ck*........ 61,888 00 Cash, Ac..;.—81 Since their Incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One SlUUoh Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, os well as the ability and dispoal tlon to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, ap24 . . Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third its. THIRD ANSUAL BTATEHEST OF THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE OT PESSBYLVAHIA. Assets, May Ist, 1852-.™, $209,016 51 Premium* received to May l*t, 1851...135/2.'jO 66 Interest on Loan*, 4c.—.......,,....,. ......... 1,01018. 100,y0i) 00 $446,183 23 Bctarpp-J premiums, La sser, Re-iasuranre, Ex penses, «... 67,864 56 Bonds, Mortgages, Stock*. *ud other good wcu curium ..... $161,461 83 Premium ... 178,010 61 Cash on band.... .... ...i, 17,83) 21 ntumu. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin coantY, P. C. SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A- WILKINS. Itanker,Pittsburgh, A. A, CARRIER, JOHN JL RUTHERFORD; Dauphin county, A. 4. GILLETT, Ilamibunr, R. T. JONES, liarrliborg. ROBERT KIOTZ, Carbon rounty. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Pmilrtt. A. J. GILLETT, Secretary, Will Imnxro ngninat perils of eea and Inland navigation, clsa, on Merehaodiie in citycountry, at lowext rate* con* eistent with aa&ty. PuUeiev iwitc-l tra dwelling hoaac* either perpetually orfar a term of yeaw. « Itrawb Office, comer Fourth and SciUhfieWl rlrccta. myghtf X. A.CARRIER. Actuary. T>Ulabnrch Life Imnranca Company, of J. PITTSBURGH, JM. Cavjtai, 0t00,0007 Proaidenti—JAitta S. Hoon. Vico PraUent—4UuW'*U*Curwus. Treaeuror—Joscrn fi. Lxmi, Secretary—C. A. CctfON. omcß, no. 65 ram street, (ilasonic Mali Building) Tbi* Ootonany make** every Insurance appertaining to or eonaaeted with lift Bisk*. Mutual Rate* aro the came a* those adopted by other safely conducted Companies. Joint Stock rates at a reduction nf ou»-thinl from the Mutual rates—equal to a &i»Urod ofthlrty-threeand ona third per cent., paid annually in advance. Risks taken on tbeUres of persons cols;; to California or Australia. PoxsTons. JasxesB.Hfion, Sazno*! STClurkta, WllUazn PhUilps, Jcha A. Wilson, John Scott, Joseph P. Gnazam. M. D. John M’Alpln, Alexander l^ynolds, Horatio N. Lee, Hiram Stowe. mar 23 Western Insurance .Company, Htuburffh. R. MILLER, President I F. M. GORDON. «&rmfary CAPITAL, 0300,000* ILL Insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and 31A Tv RUiB. Ail losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Dxucrose who are weQ known In the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. Director#.—H* Miller, Jr.,C.W. Rlcketsdn, J. W. Butler, N.Holmes, Jr., W. 11. Smith, C. lhmtcn, OvorgoW. Jackson, Wm. SI. LyonfJamesUppenootLGporge Danle. James Mc« Aulcy, Alexander Nlalck, Thomas SeotL CS- Office, No. 62 Water street, (Warehouse of Bpang A Co., op stxlrv,) Pittsburgh.; • oov‘J4:lv ASTNA INSURANCE COMPACT, HARTFORD, CONN. CliortereA ISlo—Capital StocUo3Oo,ooo, THOA K. mUCB, President. . - • THOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. IRKCTORS— Tboxna* K. Brace, Samuel Tudor, Ebenerer flower, Ward Woodbrfdge, E, A. Bulkcley, Joseph Church, Roland Slather, Frederick Tytor, Edwin 0, Ripley, Robert Buell, Samuel 8. Ward, MUes A. Tuttle, Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, Gastavus F. Davis, Junius 8. Morgan. DS-’Policies on Firoand Inland Risks issued on favora ble terms, by GEORGE K. ARNOLD, Ag't, declSly No. 74 FoUrtli street, PUtsburgh. WESTERN EARMERSMNBURANCE CO., ! HEW LISBON, OHIO* BRANCH OFFICE, No. 120 FIFTH ST M PITTBBURGHJ Capital, $lOO,OOO. JAMES KELLY, Prest. LEVI MARTIN, Soc’y. • IL McKASKEY, Agent. Will inaoro Buildings, BtoroA, Merchimdlse, and Property generally, on the roost faTorabta terms. rdecl:om I Is your Life Insured, F NOT, read what someone has written. Among all tho contrivances of man to protect the family circle from want, none cau be found more simple in its character, noble iajts feature, or .certain in Its results, than LIFE INSUR ANCE. It la the prop which tbo dying htwband leaves to support tho wife of ms bosom. It Is the unsusn band of tho ProslSont fothsr reschlni forth from tho grave, ond otlU nonrishini hb offsorlmr. ond keeping together tho fmnllv gronp. .O.A.C&UON, SemUry, Plttohargh Ufo Injurnnco Companr. Pirth «U M P SI • ■ Masonlo lloil.. FIiOUEHCE HOTEL. k No. 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, (CONDUCTS OH TUB BUHOPH4S FtAH.) REUBEN IOVEJOY, - PROPRIETOR AXLKH OIWWM, stabling attached to tho Hmnm. 'FRANKIiIN'HOI7SB| Cltvslanda OhloT* 0 So ?’ Thlj Ilousohaann- V/. dorgono thonmgU and extensile repairs, alterations, Md large eddlHona of now fiirnltnre, eto, end the propriS tors pledge thenuelTes that nothing shell bo wtmtloebn their part to render tho Ybamkuh a place-where all the forte of a first class hotel can be — tto com _ ; c, Patrick* bon.. St. Charles, Hotel. - : nr™ B ll^bUstoenthaTlnTS’m^totottehknd.of a 0 „? er ’ ( B reat iodneeni'ente to the travel. e^ fl ° to_ regular boarders. Every dell ■ willjbe provided.in Its season, and no pains will be spared to make this Hotel, a comlbrtalJleimra £«u who may call there! [myl&tfl W- 8. CAMPBELL. Prop’r. T-_' St. Clair I*agcr ileer Brewerv. •“ dC F r ,fi gllCd informs that ho t 0 “f I 3° PrtvatefamlllES and tho wlll •» punctually attended to: fiwfr BcaT dclirerod 40 "V P iirt ofthe city or vicinity. ..». G. BCUENOK. . QUEICE MONOhOAIIiILA NAVIGATION CO., 1 PROPOSALS will be reccivod > 'a"“us cfflcjwii three jL o’clock p.’ M. of Wednesday; the ’?th T.mn^ next, fir the construction of LockandDam No'6’ Also the constrnetlon of Locksand Dara No? "and Tbllnl requisite to extend tho navigation to the Ylrcinla RliIS line. Plans end epedflcabons will bo exhibited a{ too K lotting, end all hceeskuy Infomte tlon given by S. Inthrop, Esq.; or the undersigned! ™ : Proposals will be received for paymOnte to bo rhado-ih cash; also, for payments In.stock' and bonds or the corn' pepy,. J. K. MOORHEAD, ' fleet* Fresldem cf Mon Oo VBHITIAH BLUii)H> “ QUALITY* for said at mAattihetarers* dHcm w ttika SEW OABPEESJOBE, 47 PISTH STREET a 8“ Wood. ■; :..., [nOTfctf] EOBINBON 4 go. iasr.afvj- • vv;-. '*s' : A. f; THE UNITED STATES INSURANCE COMPANY, Total am’t of Resources, Liable fat Lasses— $356,318 TO HOTELS, &c. -'S': r :‘ •V>:% - t j.v -• +> !;Vi: 4 '* , BANKERS ~ANDrBROKERb ?r EXCHAHGE AHD BAHKIHG HOTTBX ' - - a. ‘: v , ‘ ■ A. & CO., . UNITED BT.AIES.BANK. BUILBISG, . r Bio. «S-71-ita fourth. Street, • PItTSHUBQII, PA. ... Tj'OBKIQK and Domestic. Exchango,'Coin, Bank Notes j?/and‘LandWarranta boaghtand aold.. .. , . - Afellectiotm made throughout tbo Union. . .. * < Baalu&s paper discounted andloansncgotiated. ; • . Stocks bought andkold on ocmihiasloiu *:, • • • ■ , V Money 7 receiTcd otiVdepOiit, and intfirostallowed ■when loft for a specified Umft. - ■ •* " _ doc 3 JOHNWOOD6, BANKER AND EXOHANGE BBOKER, * DRA&EIL lit Exchango,- Cominorcial and Bank Hoteai STOCK bought ■ and - sold' on'. commission; ' 1 Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. ■ ' • 49“ No. Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M.. Bank. : \ • 9 .. - declQ ; a. jona u.nxßSAir TLEBHAIT & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. . Icb2&3y] ■ ...' 2fo. 95 lEfod Struts and IHamona JUty EXCHANGE AND'BANKING HOUSE 07 A. WELKINS A CO., • No. 76 Fourth 6zBX0 t ; Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh,' . ’ • *• janS - PtJTBWIEOn. G. E. ABNOLD & CO., • BANKERS AND, EXCHANGE BROKERSi T\EALKR3 In'Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and XJ Time .Drafts, Ac.. .Collections carefully attended to, and pro^eeds.rexhitted.to any part of tho Uhlan.. . Stocks'bought and sold on commission, • 1 IX3u No. 74 Fourth st, next door.to Bank of Pittsb’g. [aelS HlLIi. & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ■■■■■•“ . coßStn op woon Aim swiirstruts. • - SIGHT EXCHANGE nn the Eastern Cities constantly for; sale. Time Bills of Exchange and Notes discounted.— Gold, Sllrer and Bank Notes, bought’and sold. Collections made In all the principal cities of the United States; d)o* porita receired of Par and Current Funds. " [mar27ly - ALliy xeamxjU .. edward bahm. .. nomurex -Raima: ' KBAMKB & BAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,: BUY AND SELL Geld, Silver, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on Real, Estate or Stock Securities; purchase Promissory Notes and Time Bills, on-East and West; buy and, sell 8 tockson. Commission.. Collections made on all points In the Union. . fmyl HOLMES & BOHB, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, oati sjuioTsn pom BANkitra axD XxcaiKax orncx to ito. • .BT habaxt exam, roufi doors Bxinw .oto bjuo>, ; N HOLMES A.EONS; Bankers and Exchange Brokers, • and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, pu rer and Bank Notes.. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. ' ' CoUcctioaa made in all the cities throughout the United States. .Deposits received in par fond* or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth gta. - Qaflftly ias. a. h0cu5....... - sargot, HOOH & SABGEfIT* BANKERS AND EXCHANCE BROKERS, ' v. x. coßncß or vroon a szxta-atA, rmammoSj-pa. DEALERS in Coin, Bank Notes, Time BQis, Foreign and Dojp«tlc'Exchangc, Ccrtlficatos of-Dopodt, Ac. - Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, for sale In sums to suit purchasers. '.- Current and par fands received on deposit. Collections made on all ports of the Unlon/at the lowest rates. « . i "fseplDly BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Hast Etmottd Qtrix OjJteetoUit Corner qfJRJVi and Wood rtr. WnSfIVRQO, PA.. /; PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bonk . Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly fbr aala. Collations mads in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par Jfonda or current paper, at the corner m Fifth and Wood Streets. J : ffeba AVSTIS LOOffIIS. STOCK AND BILL BBO'EEKy Ohct, fburth abort TTomI, - PITTSBURGH. 49- Notes, Drafts, Bccdj, Hortgages, and Loans on rol* laterals, negotiated. Stocks and Land Warrants bought and told. *. - i bcW NEW OFFICE. Beat Estats and Contracting Agont. THE subscriber baa been induced (b open ah ofnee (br the purpose of buying and wiling, on Commisilon,"aod baring tho Agency o ( large £t*am tfaw-Jlfils and BoaL Yards on the Allegheny river, together with many other facilities from other vrateraud steam SaiMnnis. He natters himself that he can furclzh any bills of lumber and timber of any kind, great or small,'long or short, and t elirer them at any point on the Allegheny, Mcoongahela, Ohio, or riven; contract to build largo Borges, Store Boats, Coal rials. Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Kail-: road Timbers—Fmgbt Iron, Coal, Ae., to any gi»vn point, and will attend to the Halo and Rcntcf Real Estate. From hi# long experiwo in lunjlsoring,-.freighting' and bc'at buildlDg, ho thinks he can give gcnml raiDltatinn.' Ail parsons aw roouested to cube their ctmtrarts coon chilly thwo vrautlog boats or large bflisof and Um ber, should contract for thorn iu the fall fr>r the'spring and summer -use. lie will ah» attend to the purchase and sale of any commodity that may b* desired. - Letter* addressed to Dsm> Mox, Real Estate and Con traetingAgcut, Pittsburgh, Box No, 120, postpAtl, will be punctually attended to. Ilia office is on Irwin street. No. 2, Allegheuy House. •' DAVID MUNN. *343,3X9 :o Col. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John SlorriAOD, ** *t - Mr. Robj. fc Brown, Ewj, ** Allegheny ptiTer. Mr. Win. Armstrong, # M Clarion Mr. George B. Sweater, u •* u C. k J. UahuACo, «* .*« « d««2l:lydaw Closing out Sale of Carpeting, Oil Clothe* MotUngi, Rugs, Ac, fpIlE subscribers having adopted the plan of tclUog off X their stork at ii>» end of the ecaton, are cow.ctTdring the tiargnin*, in their Hue, erer.cHemdto the du ten* of Pittsburgh or vicinity. In quality or quantity their assortment is not surpoßstd. Hemp Carpets, la great variety, at IS, 23, Ui and 37«-Rt*. The «ntir* stock will positively be sold the present season —REGARDLESS OF COST. &tie to continue till JJarrhlf-L C. B, IIEADLY * O-K jxlft B 2 Third atwet N. B —Small Notes taken at pnr. Dissolutions in* firm of l. wilcox a co„ »mg* gtiU and Apothecaries. was diwolrwi y>t«d upon th«m. L, WILOQX, Ja. EftTolTeril UevoYveht JVST RECEIVED—By Express.dlrrctfromthomanufoc turDns a *pled4l4 oiwortment of OoU*» Repeating Pis toi*»4, fr and 0 inches barrel, all of which we will ull for cash u low as they can bo bought in the city of New York. Person* going to Australia or California, will Cud that they can do bettor by purchasing their equippage at borne, than &oycanamo&gfttrangei9,*«weg!ve persooxa chance to try any of the above Pistol*, before: tearing the city; and Incaseof* taiture, v«refgcd the money. DOWN A TETLEY, frtfctQ . ISO Wood street. PUttburuh. P'ATKNT VkUIT fruifftoM tall tree* without the aid of a ladder, Pruning Thstru* meet* of the mc*t approved constructionV Digging Porks, suitable for strawberry bods, A«4 Totstoe Uoofcjt; Seed Drill*; Cutting Boxe*.for Hay or Corn Sulk*, of various pattern*, and ft great variety of labor saving Implement* ter the garden or farm. Downing’s, Barry'*, and other standard works on Fruit*, Flowers, Rural Architecture, and LandscapeOardomng, for sate etthe&ed and implement Warehouse, No, 4!) Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jyga -JAMES WARDROP. Wall's Academy of Drawiugand Baintiaff 1 \JLT C. WALL would notify his mends and tho public, f*. « that ho ho* removed, hisstndio from Firststresh to the eomcr of Market and Fourth streets, .{«xond story,) over the store ofWra. SI. Hirsh; eutr&nce on Fourth street. At the request of hi* friends, he ha* also opened a DRAW' JNG SCHOOL. Chu*c* for young XAllies and Gentlemen will be formed in both Drawingond Painting, He bos fitted up a Boom, with everyfacUity for study, and bo trusts that hueutcrprlre will meet with a supporting patronage. «rr23}tf ••' ’•• ■ - • •■• OYSTEIITEAHSPOaTATIOS. TITB havo arranged with the Pcuorylranla and Basque* - T.T bonne Railroad .Companies, for a special Oyster Transportation line, at exceedingly lowratos. : _ oct? ADAMS A CO., 04 Water st. : Dissolution of. PnxtncraUlp. fpHE partnership heretofore existing between Samuel JL • Pinkerton, Alexander Youngand PhillpDe Uochbrume, under tho Ann or PINKERTON, YOUNG A CO-, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The noma of the firm will bo Used by either of tho late partnersiu sotUimr the business.. . PINKERTON, YOUNG A CO. Pittsburgh, December 1,1853. ... bo continued at tho old stand,by Sam’l Pinkerton anl Alex. Young, under the stylo of dect:dtf PINKERTON A .YOUNG. Farmers* Stalk and straw Cutter* THE subscriber oQkr* for sale Sinclair?* Screw Propeller Fodder Cutter. It is very, simple, haring only two knives, oaaily adjustod:.-tho most durable and speedy Cut* to? in use. They ora )n use .on tho farm of Mr. William Hodgson, Bteubonyillo road, and at tho CloTcr Dairy of 11. Perry, Horn tho Beod and Horticultural Store, 4i> Fifth at. dcclT JAMES WARDHOP. A COMPLETE assortment or Song*, with English and .xjL Italian words;Fantasia* and Potpourris, arranged.fbr the Piano, from all the favorite and popular Opera* of Mo* aart, Donizetti, Bellini, Meyerbeer, Rosltl J \'erdl,'Anber, Weber. BoliHeu, Halfo, Louring, Floton, etc., together wlth-tho latest compositions of Jaell. Gottschalk, JuUien, Strakosch, etc., etc., otc. Just rocoirod and for sale by H. BCUROKDER A CO,, - -novSO Caigcf* Hall ,83 Fourth Btreet.* Blank Legers, ! : Journals, Day Books, Cash Books, ’ Receipt Books, Dockets, ' - Or any descrip* Uon of BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER at short notice, of thu most superior quality of paper, bound in any style required. Blank Books paged to order. . A large and excellent stock of Blank Books always on band and for sale at low rates, consisting of Cap, Demy and Medium work, In all stylos of binding. The trade supplied on liberal term*. • W. 8. HAVENj Blank Book Manufacturer, - eep2 Corner of Markot and -Second street*. TKTjeDDINO ENVELOPES AND CAKE BOXES-plain v f and very handsome—for sale by ... de3 JOHN 8. DAVTBQN, «5 Market street "VTEW BGOKBI—H. p. CALLOW, Dispatch Buildings, ho* X\ received the following: jMagaztae of Art, for December; " No, fi Practical Draughtsman; Popular Educator,'for Deocmber j The Lady at Home, by Arthur; The Iron RuleYby, Arthur:. . The Twin Bremers;}' ~ 1;’ And all the differenYMagazincs for the present month* - d«S'/ , . H. p. OALLOW, Third street,. NEW BOOKS JUBT RECEIVED AT DAVISON'S BOOK STORE, 05 MARKET sh—Schafi's History; Autumn Hours, Mrs. Kirkland; Bloodstone, ~ by McLeqd;; Up the River, 'Shelton 5 Golden Link; ©i>*Top; ; little Drummer ; Mason"on the Church; :PaSlor , a Sketches,' sepond'eeriga; TheiLord our Shepherd ; Memoirs of R. WilUams, tbe Pata* goaian Missionary, by Hamilton; Tho Well Spring; Per kins' Arithmetics; Greenleaf 1 * O.S.Arlthhictiej McGuffey’s series; Macaulay’s Miscellanies; Presb. Hyma Books ia elegant bindingir; Rutherford's Children; and the latest ssuesof the S.S. Colon. For ealo by -■ ...-•v. . - • T\EALERIH RAGS-AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood Street \J Pittsburgh. -Tho.liighast price tocaskpahiibrrag&T: * » +-' i »«•«. > •. . * ■•: Removal. - FATBICKB ft Notice* New filutlo* f '-7^' * \ ** { * . s.-, * .■, FIEKNXYP.RE. :;J .. «5» ", WM. F~ STKViLSSOX ccuUiiucs to manufacture CABINET-WASH Of every doscrlptiod, ot hi« old eland, rSSlanntoof liberty end BeWntli streets.* UNBKRTAK « 1 * INO attended feyln-all itstjmnchca.. mell ' • - AtniLuKteit aco., . .■ 1 : SAVB ON: lIAM). *t ,thdr .' eitansiTß OAjHNHT end ■ CHAIR MANUPACTOBY. No- street! e Urge assortment of fancy. and plain furniture, 'which they -L Tennß-rcaah onlyv \ ; .-\. ; .doc3ffilyi: Gceat Inducements to Cash Porchaiers.: *llTE.will eeUonr large stock of COMMON; ANDFANCY* ' ‘Tf 1 CXIATRB AND BEDSTEADS^'at prices 'that cannot Call to please m«h purchasers. l All ‘our 4 work-Ta Warranted. Our terms are CASH. •••■■• JAMES LOWRY;. JR* : mor2s .•i* i**i. ! -> cor; Seventh jah33iibettystg. Journeymen Cabinet Makers Association! , .WAREHOUSE. OS- TMJRJ> STREET, ? .(wxwkcsr woodand kabcxx era.) \‘V TBIS ASSOCIAIXON, embracing already. twice ’to thrce.-timefl'aa many hands as the largest axuljwfe-] . ""™™ m yjj hitherto;most.'renowned- business * 1 *• chops ofthfcr city, hare opened, their Warehouse, and: ore able toYurniah thaApobllc, by wholesale ox retail, .frith Fur* nitiire oirthe following description—yinj , t ■ ■ Mahogany-Wardrowsi Dxesßihg Bureaus; FuUColtmined, Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Chairs; Rocking: Chairs;' Mahogany Waahstaiujß; Sofas; Diyans; Piano Stpoli; Book Cases; Secretaries; Card Tables; Piet Tables; 'fine Card Tables;,Centre Tables; Hat Racks: French Bedsteads; Ottomans Poplar Wardrobes; Lining and Bfeak&st Tablet* Wofkstands; Cherry and Common W or kBt&Euiß;high post, common, low, and trundle Bedsteads; Cherry Bureaus; Cribs Cradles,Ac,7 .... :,.' r v , v .. > - •; The advantages of co-operation, on an extensTvo scale, per*, mit them to sell at the lowest-prices/and they erode ter* .mined to sell, lower than any. competitprB, an equally good, if not better article, and warranted—aa the j>nblic will: un derstand by giving them a call. . .. % ? . 7 ,tftkj Sleanboai icorjcof alLdescriptions,and other.articles of any description, made to order In every style, at the abort- 1 estnotice/ ; . . ' ; ...: . mnwa-, JAMES WrWOODWEUi OA BINET FUR NI TUB E. MAN UP ACT UR ERL WArc-rooma GTttndeO Third&trcfct. ’ jjwuuiimmsgiga- ; J* W- W. respectfully Ihrohnspi ---- hishrlends mdcnßtomßTß that heUj. hflanow.coinpleteaiiis soring stock cSpi'. Qf Furniture, which is • I the largest and best ever offered, tor sale .in this Qty, which will be sold at prices as low aa any in the United States; Bast or'West ; . ;. - \-l As he is determined touphold 1118 quality 'With well sea soned materials, best workmanship; and newest designs; and from tiie extent of his orders and 'facility in manufacturing, he la enabled to produce warranted furniture;' at the lowest prices. ~i.*. 1 . He has adopted the principle of Identifying Ufa customers' interest with bis own,.in quaHty~«ndprice,'hnd keep* ah ways on hand the greatest vsriety of every description of furniture, &om the riieapest’and platnest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a hemae, eyany of one, xfiay. be furnished from or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles bonsist. fa part.'' C 9 Mahogany Rocking ** 20 Walnnt - « , 60 Mahogany Divans; ! '• 20 Walnut . u , i ; ;50MarbleTopCentreToble*: • • - • :^ 60 u ** Dressing Bureaus; * 80 ** tl • ;• -40 Enclosed ••:. ■ . . 100 Common i . M • ; . 2) Flain,grassing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 28 Walnut ‘ - ' -60 Cottage.. 800 Cherry andToplar Bedsteads; • ; ;20 Mahoganv Wardrobe*) •: 10 Walnut « . ' 10 Cherry ** 60 Fide Bureaus; . 70 Dizdug and Breakfast Tables - 12 Secretary and Bookcases; • - 1 . . BO dot. Cane Beat Chairs; , BlCanoScatltockihgCbalra; 12ZAdles' Writing Desk?; Hat aniiTowei Stands; What-Kots; . Etlgulres; . ... Paper MacheTabi«s 1 Conversation Chairs; Pembroke *♦ . • Bairabethan to Hall and Tier “ Beceutlon 11 .., Ladies'Work, Peart Inlaid ** Extension Dining Tables; Arm M Ottomans: Oothlc and Hall Chairs; . A large assortment of COMMON FUBNITBBB and WINDSOR CHAUtiL CArott* Maxcrs supplied with all Ar ticles In their tine. ‘ STEAMBOATS anil HOTELS, furnished at tha shortest notice orderspmnptlyattended to., *prs • “ WATCHES JEWELRY; & C ; SEW JEWEIBY SXOEE, .- So. Sf Blarket Street, (Second door afore Iht NorVk-tctsi corner of toe. Uiamorui.) JOHN STEVENSON, (of the lot*firm of John B, ITFedUn A Ce»n> nsrpcctfully annonnees to the opened, ot tijo above stand, a fine assortment of WATCHES. JKWEI.UY. SI LVKU AND PLATED WABEi tAMPS, (j£- KANDOLKS, ibdW and T&J* Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Q/stmunior} ScU, and tho ustwd variety of goods la his line of burineyA'-'- •. BpecUl care and attention given to tbe BEPAIB of FIXE WATCHES, JEWELRY; Ac. ; Ho trusts, that from his long experience in baefneSA, he will bo able to give Satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage..: - Pittsburgh, May 15th, 1853. ;; . ' my2s Henry Rlehardsohi Jeweller, HAYING re-fitted hla store In' a handsome manner, and but rocentiyreturned. INua the.eastern cities wiih : a. fine axsortment of AVAXCUES,^JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call tito attention, 'of his friends and custom ers to the fact that, among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterns and makers. W Jewelry, the latoatstvlcs of linxsebes,Brea.-’t Pins,Foband VestCbalus, linger Kingy, Ear Bings, Miniature Lockets, eto,-etc. - FANCY as Papicr Machc, Work Tables end Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vows, Perfume Bottles, Table iUta, Colt> Pistols Porte Monnalcs In great variety; Chiaa Vrult and Cake DUbes; with an emllcu variety of nsefol atul els. naniental artlclee, wbfch have only to bo seen tobe*t't n>- cUUI. -Naff! MARKET STREET. Bay Wood Nnrsery and Gardentr JAMES KENNEDY, (fotß Manager of the wCU-tndwn Jfy rceuso Numerics, New bog* leave to Inform the public, that he ha*, now established atrEXTENSIVE NUR SERY,on the Farm of Mr. James fl. Ncgioy, npar East Lib erty, where he AbftU be prepared, after the sth Instant, to re cffiveond flllonler* for every variety of Fruit and Oraamcn taiTrees,iltrdyandGrwnUoow ShruZ»anti-Plant*. ‘ln . addition to a choice and superior stockon fc&ndibahasmndo •mngements with oao of the largest Nurseries in tho East, tokcep up hi* - Having a thorough and long expe rience In.tho business, ho can assure bis customers perfect satDlacUoa. ' Mr. would also mprctfUUj offer his services in dcsigulog, lay logout, and tnauagiug Rural Cemeteries, Pub- Ho Parks, or thegroond* of Country Residences; anX will also famLh plan* for the formation of Ii«ri Uteful 4w Floridian and Journal, Feb. 10,1653. Housekeepers, who havo tested tho quality of this gt, jgonounoo unanimously in It* fovor^l^ckporfDuiiy iUurpasM* everything iu thewayot ririrw, wb ever saw used la tho baking of «t£e*.—f Rahway Advocate and Re -is ler. April 15,1653. . . .. ThiaitAu article uf jiuch utility la Tarious kinds of cc-ok- CTT, tcflt when it* tiirtuw beooma properly- known, no housekeeper, that studies ebiufortland ©conomv. will \»n- do without IL—[Ni Y. Piok n M*yfii;iSs3i! ; ’' - No oue need hesitate to utoDurkoe'eaU-importantarlTrle to bousekeegerfir- {Republican Banner and NashTUteWliig, Would you h*Te light broad, sweetbread, bread that.von can rat with a good relish, do not forget to procure DurkWs Baking Powder, and you wil l uot full to havogood bread, cakes, Ac,—{Troy Daily Times, May 24,1862. . v Wo have tried this article, and can recommend it with pcrfoctconfidencor-ftiurbeQ Gaxotto, July, 1852. DurkfteVßaking lewder wo have tried at our haute, and our “better half” waa astonished at tho result—fN. Y Dally Times, Oct 23,1852. 7; All good housewives will rejoice In and glorify the niuhe or Durkee, after they liaTe given his Baking. Powder a fair triaL—[New York. Sun, Sept 30,1802. Durkee 5 * Baking Powder, undoubtedly the bestarllclo for this purpqso that haa yot been dUcovercd.—N. Y. Dutch man,Feb. 12,1853., • ; : The highest commendations, thelargwt and most respectable wholesale houses in thTs, : asd nearly every large city on this continent; could be given, if snace allowed it. • E. R, DURKEE, Sots PaopMEtda AKD : MAstJFAoriniEB, ‘ 1 ; '• 130 Hfecr Afrecf. Sow Yorlir BAXTER A McKEE, Agents, ldttoburgh. [oct2l) / kucouc Ls*aL.;..«M.Jous a. ii*cn ‘ J* S» Leeehf.frleAipln 6 Cb.i f s* GROCERS, and Dvaleraln Produco.Met- T T *ds, and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No*. 242 and 244 Liberty street, near tho head of Wood, Pittsburgh. Po .or. for for solo terms, tbofollowing:' •' - ‘ 100 tleroea-frekh lUce;' ';sV,OOOffia. Bacon, assorted .lOabblß.Tar; -.i6 tonaßarlrom-do; * 1500 kegs Nails, assorted; l 3do Best Nall Rod*• 600 boxes Window-Glass,! 2000 koga Bock and Rifle assorted; i Powder, assorted;•- 60 half chests Tea, as-! 800 boxoa Rosin S<»n * . rte Sv ; , J 851;b)».Unsi ! «l 1 tarduli< 70bxs.Tobacco,assorted;; Tanners’ Oil; 100 hhds.N.O. Sugar, part; SOObbla. Vinegar: jirlme; . ; SO do Korin; 6 bM.Havana Sugar; . 20 do Pitch: . 10 hhds. Porto Bico do; !■ 5000 ibs. auortedCopper; 160 bagaOolTee; I SObblsondkegsLartl;- fiOObbla. N. O.Molacsoa; ; 10 kegs assorted Shot; 55 do 8. H. do; i Ido Buck Shot: 1 . 800bis.Tin Plate,ass’d;| s bbla.Alum; .. 4 tons Wire, do; ; 20 do Ityo Flour; . . 2. do_ Spelter; . ' j , 20soltsTinners’JJachlnca .. fr'caaka sheet Zinc, as-; - and Tools; ; .aa ! fti - .! bug,Dried Apples; j 100 bale* Batting,«rorted; 1000lb*.Antimony; ! 2000 lb*. Cotton Yarn. a^ 10 tonaass’d Sheet Iron:! * - sorted;'- ’ ' 100.000 fog, ate’d Bulk Meet;! .fapr2o ' WM. A. M’CI.l. r K(j, .. DEALER IN 7 " J Fiuo Toas, Choice Family Grocories and Willow . Ware. ■: CORNER OF WOOD. AND STXTB JSTS i a i. , - PITTSBURGH, .PA. Snow receiving a large assortment of FRESH GOODS. ,t lA lid l Uou to hi*.already extensive stock, purchased rrom first hand* in the Eastern markets, which, will be Bold at thelowedt market prices.' ; Hotel*, ?Steamfcoato,:juDd Tamilics- t . bnvlDff quautity, suppliedatwholeyalc rates. ' -?. (lelivered-ln the ciiy free of oharge. sep2l EKGINEE&S’: STATIuNJBRY WAREHOUSE ,W* S. HAVBN, • - CoEHxa or Secosd Stbxks. „ * A LWAYS ON; HAND, a’ largo'aDd well selected Btock e/ xjl Whatman’s Drawing Papers; all sizes;.- -. DrawlngPaper in rolls, various widths: a r Draughting Peficilsf Tape Lines; India Rubber: . . Field Books; ; . • Profile Papers; Craa Section. Paper*; i ac , Uc 'f a Stationory,!naed LgTel ', Xvanait;Topograph? to ordsr—Tfll?d any pattern requiral. a^is - ' t. , ; •» «• f 1 /-. l ■■ ■. /•, -v: .: i." , .• x■ * -' ». • ■ \ * _;.} •. jMJSELL&NEQUS. EUBDEEiH AGEffCV. ” THE- OLDEST ESTABLISHED OFFICE IN THIS CITY Wft-Bfiuwiso ’ -r.V jaOKBY-: TO THE OLD COtJHX&Xi ■?’*“ ■TAiIEa BLAKELY begs leave to »k} tOiho«f persona hoV v i&g friends Is tbo old Country, and desirous ofeitbern aenalbgfthim. money'oV'tejlsgthelr'fiasssge.'tiiftt-tiiß .«j>. fordoing either to now etaaplete and Otf«oi?na a_bj>lß that mfatakm.om B6t6«nr,iibrl6sSs»OT3io lb any IKS*. P uri "g the last ten yeara in which hd has boenin thuSmslnras j h# fau nanltted *SVot * Half ffllilonoj' Dollars aolto.atK} tbo housS for Will-lifu dghttoUta for .rale, pajotio : 0 c tie followSg _. ■ „ ON ENGLAND. ' - Wm. Tappecott 4 Co. ".“V uXSSSi ndPttl dUe ‘ *“*»»»& ON IRELAND. Provincial Bank - 1re1and......... ........Dublin. '• •••BEAWCmSg.' " • *’• • Atoagb, JeUM« Downpatrick, Enniskillen, Mallow, ’ Strabane,' • • Athlone, Carlow *’• -Drogheda, ForiQoy, • Monaghan, v Ennlacerthv. ■ BaUlnoj Cavan* ' Dundalk, Qalwav. * Newry, Tralee, ' 'Bolyiaena,' L Clonmell, ! Dungannon, -Londonderry, Omagh, " ' Yoaghall, ; Ban bridge, Kilkenny,.:''Dungannon, Kilrneh, ■ . Waterford,CoUiraimy Porsonstown, Cork,- ;Ennls, . Bomlon, Sligo.: -' Wexford,'i Cootehiß,,. .-Limerick, - 'Baliyshannon,'..V......... ON-SCOTLAND. - - ~ National Bank of Scotland,.Edinburgh, and' Its branches In fifty towns in Scotland. -- ON FRANCE. i Messrs. Edward Blount A Co., B ankers-............ i • v (Available in any city In France.) ’ ON GERMANY. * i Messrs. Yegol, Rock A Co,, Bankers, Frankforbon-the-Maln. i . (Available in any city In Germany.’>•*': ; , I „ : JAMES BLAKELY* ' ' [ «ny7 106. cor, of B*vemh and SmSthfieldat*. . 'TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! ; :.- Vf .'WHOLES ABB AND RETAIL, :recelvo regularly, u®w,and second hand OarriagUl sell on the very lowest terms tor 1 SS*K« UaT^^^ pactfc&fathe business,mid : with his well knqwn facilities in the East, he flatters him=alf • /: &P«iftlMKi ; ptonipi attention peldtA .MpaWseof Curri *&***£■ imylSaie*,*} . . JOSEPH. WHITE U “ Smic.y«nnlfoge: ' “ Banotfra Pllla, < Carmfnatlro Balsam; " Agoepllle: AllCTatlra;- .. “ American Hair Dya . Ane above Valuable fhraily medicines constantly on hfijid, andsoU wholesale or retail, at the Pekin Tea Stored Filth A.JAVKKB, janlMur Exdpslye Agent jbr Pittahargh.- ftT' WTiOT Pi22{.—Cflds importanMn-; x “ rentum removes the two great obstacles 1 Bledi rapid Jtsmictlon ty. Uie -uetSon of liic mk,;.: In. inintit Serious a drawbackiatM« £com;tbe pco, that thousands are induced to chase gold pens, at an enormous cost, almost exclusively because of the anti-corrosho quality of that metals-The l n >!f n J?" hQTe W» 6T M by their compound metal, f ihu.n'cessary qaoliUescf steel, with the K2f - D ft ,he £ bomlca * action of the ink. l ?fL? ior A totntyUm# longer (Aoji the VwiTOidtnng them the cheapest ever introduced.' \ ,-c - —,y. s.«Syfi»,fluS“Sr- ; - P 0T ™ •■• Market Btreot>coroer ef Second. . • ftKNN'KPY A CO, Bridge over the AUegbeny liiver, ot or .. • neorSborpaburg. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance of the Act or Assembly or the COmmaneeaUh orPcnhsylvs. nl&,enUUed "An Act.tp'uuthorfce'the Governor to ineonior rato a Company toetect n Bridge over tho Allegheny ltfv eri I.ith of March, 18&3, and Supplement ihoretp, and Actf f-x -tonding thotlme therein Unated. Bdoks'elU be'pMnod by the under named Commissioners, to recUvo enhAtriptb.m. fortho Stockofaaia Ojinpanypat «•« ST. CHAms MO ■ ThL, In the Ctlypf Pittsburgh, on the SEVENTEENTH ■ day of DECEMBEB, : ISS3, between the M , and d Unlock, V. M ; and 6Uonia' tho ehoie number of shares not be subscribed on that day, then and In that es se. jt‘tb° houiw of Br-dtEWPOKT, In tho Boroughof Sharps! »AY v/ihb same TuONTIi* twtweea the same hours. .; f ••• - Thomasilgtfstt,' James Sharp, : Gabriel Attamn ' .heels ■ Thomas Wallare, V c i" r ,c U , u . BC “ 9miUl > Malcolm leech, JoblrtV. Duncan, ■ llorrlsOn Tarry,} David Dreuau, llobcrt Chessman, IranelsKnrus, Klchard IKtalt, Bavidßoyd, Boberf Wilson, James Marshall, Jamoa H. srClellahd, UenryJttGu&ry, Thomas Peartson* Bamcalßakely, Grant Monry, paries Spang, James O’U. Betihy, '"UiMhC. Benny, A. Morton, 3 '.nTT Lemuel Shurtlifr, , , ~ James Lewis. {n6717 ’ WKoleialfl and lintaik. ; ;J JS2HL MANUFACTORY, UdßXhEyVbega leave to Inform It bU firletida'and the pubUcgeheirallir. that he ; continues to occupy that large and Store Room, formerly occupied by Samuel •flT ** > etook.ACfc, Np;B(X;eornw of Diamond Mies /andWoodiL- BrMU* l^neralaawttmentof Saddle?, ■He also keeps oiihMi(!>ahd isprer&redto for tdsh "to ht4«!r» au kinds of RitetodHose, mandihqtarvd of the best material* and In a' style of.workmanahlp equal to the Eastern manufactured artfolojiurdit6oper cenkcheowr Country Merchants and Farmcrswould do>cU to call and' examino hls Btock bcfor© purchasing elsewhere; übe U de termined to sell first rate ariideMt.Tery lotr pricea. . ■ 4&~ Don’tj forget the s**, Wo, SQi porner of Wood st and ‘ piamoml Allay. .. , r ,,. , . ; : fapCq flew Coach and CarrlagH K'j.r i t nrr "t~~ JOHNSTON, bbothers &To° •J jZFfh’® i nti y Infom their friJlila Cgß3tl2g£ K!° generally, that they hire S™ m 4 ? Mi _ lh ? :• manufacture’ of Curriatrw. 3liM££3Sß& the Eepaire will alOTteattcirfedWon the most reasonable taring. Usln c ln ' all their Work- the tot Shir'S PoI “. Mil Wheel etna; thoy ftel ennfl wiUl their patronage, «U be perfectly EaUsScd on trial of tholr work. • ■''.'■■’.'•iLT : 8TA81.85, :,rf* ' ■ • dnet and Itiamcmd alley*, mziffi* ■ THE"nhilersigned, having added largely f to'his Vlth B wck, la prepared to accommodsto tba public feV a T'vrlth the finest Buggies; and heat for Baddiejmd Harness. Qcntfemen wlshlhg to! have hones kept at^very,.win. find superior accommodations for them at this stable. The stalls aro largo andxmw,aud thepro prietor pays every attention to their case andcomforti ‘ 1 oct&y • \ ,p. DBVUN. ; ■ CANAL BASIN; ALLEGHENY CITY, ' .->{^E4n^7iui&in l itoju>'eTAtion;) ■ 'BLG T S5l™ 5Bratl “ rf elr "JS?” »t the Mill or in oar boxes at ■ ■ ■"^°»^^ B °hjk Braun & Belter,cor* w andlSt; CJair strcoU, Hitdrargß. . ii. ‘ .y. Qr^,, Qr nggiats, Allegheny. EfourwillbedeUvenediWlamllfosiocitheTofthotwo cities. ggMfti CABII on delivery.'; ■ i7p ~ ;;;,BRY£ET,. KgNWgHT»,CQ;; TVT-EYille b* ukahj’s new book.—now readv. use OE MAJOR ROBERT. STOW, cftbo Yir ginia|teg{ihent;l?y N. B. Craig., Publmied'andforaalo bv ~ JOHN-g. J>AYISON.~ ■ KWISIM AU klnffl 6tmß ehaoical.eppliftucca-are hept 'ma fitteaiat this establish! mrakv;&«V«cttan«*nantea.tn:»U;tts t». : * **?*!>,' : .V; '•■ -'•- ;•->:** : *. •* *V *- :u ~ ;! ' v ■•'■■' M'*-- - ft.."*?'*-'*.-* " V~** «- M -K? ? $\ •■* « *;:**.- t " "*' , f OETJGS ANt> MEDICINES. barter’s Spanish - mu omsAi puHiPmt m ■ Pimples or* Pustules on the PociylJlntcfccr, liolljeCfarriMrt ißore Ejesjßing Wora.orlbltex, £culd Doid,E?svSrnpt!f I and Pun ofthe Bones and Joints, Stubborn mcMsfgiiXt I'llllo BlSOrdcre,;Eumt>ago,Spinal I etnas- arising iroman injndielous -uso at llereurv deuoe in JJft,:or Imparity of: the Stood. - ; pta ..aibtojTtdnoWbMtsUdne, which iasihecomseatobraiMiffc. the number of oktraprtlhary enrea aSfected tbrouiih its *g atom toltfm&ibe proprietor* *t Wuxgcht request af-their friend* to-offer it srlih :th'e r vfrtoeaandwon ’ r “?,* had Ague and Fever of the mStrlS ! i, haa took largo qdnl r titles of .Quintoo, Jlercary, andi believe alp tbelcWEsad- Jelnuuient *«llefc-, At last 1 [ tried Carter's Spanish Mixture; two bottles or,which. effoiJ | ttudly cured me, and lan havpjto atj I hnrohadnblthcr i chills or feror sincm I consider it tho hett Tonic in tho world, and .the onlynnsllctoo that oyer, reached my case, ivij., . '• •- ' •■' "■' "Joxto liojicnEr; * •Bearer IhmijDciirlllclimoDii.Ya;' C< nowin thodQroflticbinoad, and for manyyearaln tto Poat Office, has such' eontidencain tha astoniahingefflcacyorCar tar's Spanlih JJutnro, taa bought upwards oflifly bo uffis, which ho has idvcn "HASS.aWf lea.- .llr.Jhucfesaysi.o has noror Sown™ to fell, when taken accbniing to ■ - ■ ■ Clrt “ nd fanmSlystf tha in * . , dt 7 ° r Richmond, says he haswltnesaed ol Carter's Spanish iUxtura madaTpeS o?i andthe Editors, in IfjmbUoiibUce, say commend It to aU whoaro afflicted with anydlscasa « mU CtnufoP SCROSTOA*-! had a wr valuable boycured ofßcrofnla by Carter's Spanish Mffltnri I conauletittrulyavtfla&ble xnedicina. : •'■'•■ ■■• • * Conductors!) ibeß.E.andP.lh v„ BALT ItHKUH orTWEMYIEAKBSTAfroUMSnnPD' by tLres bomia or Ctuto!>s SpshLli Jllifure, of S^ lt .Rbeu!B, trUch ho h:u! nearly twcntyyf.nje BE[l —CI, I, all thupbysicluha of tlioxity could ThomS son to n well anosm merchant in thocitV uf HiehmaiJ v. and hla cure ia moat.remarkable. 7 Richmond. Va. WM. A. MATTHEWS, or Richmond, had a serrsnt ea.is of Byphllis, Intheworst arm, byjCarter’s HgasishhHsture RICHARD E. WEST, or Richmond, was cOraO „/ , Pittsburgh; a: P.-BCH by Druggists and Dealers in Modicino everywhere - ® “ ......1.,-..-; ."• j«uww. _ a«MWE>S COJieOßisi» 81HBi. OV ykl. , , low ’DOCK: HOOT. rpniß Is s parely Vegetable Compound, scientifically oro- pared drum the best roots and herbs of the Matorto BiEQIiLATLNO AMD BTEEKqTHKNINQ THE : LITER, causlngthefbodto nourish and ' '’ o” 3 } PURIPI-USQ TadMouK f. n o., h . n u a v Cartas J lU ? u “ 0 ? 8 . Cutaneous Eruptions, Scrofo la,Baltßhenm, Erysipelas, BcaldHead,'Canker, Pimnlesnn ’ WCm ’ TuttorS ’MeWial DiS^cr. REOULATIBO THE SECRETORY OROAHS, ;nndhy enabling t!(ein_,to perform their pruper functions. ■ prerenting arid cukng many painful’ and uangmusdi?- easosj. strengtheningaud quieting thoHerrons System Ibua ■Claying herroua Irritation, and curing ail discuses of the ' h erres, aa Hysteria, N eurnlgim Cramps, Ac, 7 It is unrivalled inthpouro of aU EEMAldl^COMPiSllTSc.arSrJne^ OtatoicSs,“s£utog*S Joints, Ae-i caused by weakne-s^ilso. finding it to ba »-Teryßa]aUryuiid effectual T 'A-E- Richmond, C. S. Jones, editor M. V. Q. M Cyrnl , r -> James Hutchinson, G. s_ Bea. V.J. 'S!£t?iS?hjfflf ®S9* “A one: hundred others of tha ■““Jfuspeotablefamiitts of proridenco. - , ■ „,r“, pHJlira that lharo ; for a number of years hoen ae tetl wlll,the composition and mode of manufoctnre of MORSIspCOMPOUND SYKBROB YELLOW DOOR ROOT i*W> ! y p b “ n uisioaiiitol with ila modur operand! indie. ease, and can say that in all respects it Is admteably ealcu jatedito.remedy that class-of Disease Apr which Itwasde- : ft?ktiU,s«e’V CEp,:dally ” J , u! ‘ U 0 r l fvuif n 4 Jy S t ’ l<>ms ’i lt ex< Ato to healthy action tho Jn™ E fer : ?° T fi'l To T° r > nnd l nactirity- of lhisOßaAN,arul* b'ldtiiy action in all iho system. As a' DKPU IIAIQIi, or pnrifler Of the Blood, it has no superior. - - , , , DAVID HOLMES. M. D. fVocfJ«iee,J?.x, Jaa. 4,1853. “> “* taumtM hy C. HORBE A CO, Ho. : «8 Broadway, hew iork, and sold by Druggists and others throughout this and other countries. ..... JOEL MOHLER, Agont," -*prg.-ly_ . Pittsburgh. Pa? BE. BE LANEY’S CELEBRATED . CURATIVE INSTRUMENT, eocie *J und.matrimony. - Yw^ l^t^ etl *v iS:Simple » -conipHtfttaahw uia tietcr withoat tb ® slightest. incan* venlepce or thir knowledge ofthamost iatiSate I friailtL •* It la to boused externally, producing no pain or iniorr °r on ® from P attena£g^ *P®- '&*■ a^W^swiwioajaatake place; tftc crjrani, in a «Aori toit ro ««A ou «- MTEmosr, the - ‘ ~ 7 “- Nervoasness, Prostration, Dyspepsia, Fain in tho ll *«• The undersigned certify, with great pleasure, that tie | net ™®cnt is cot only constructed fin scl entMo principles. But that from its' Use the happiest results - 11 '? nfi,l ®“»>Be anticipated, there being;for the cure of those diseases, no otter certain ratedy extant, HESHY S. KEIXKB, M. D, . . CU. aoETZE, 1175190 Chambers gt. my3ly NEW YORK. , G„ ; Jayne's Jhixpcctorant. •-■ drr rm IJmi rP” > P l intely upplied to other atTectlons of the lunra and OBronofflZ ,a> far as the treatment: ta .concerned, this”is of Tory little re , mEa!ea «p ttasome. The tSiPEC TORANT should be givonas often as may Lo necessary to lated By the nsoof the BANATIVE PILLS wbeherar neSL ern&ofw^* 6 ” i^?t ttc lt:dobßtty, with night sweats, trout 8 * 6 of lON lb ■raKMU'UOERhouIdS mined ta t£™L f “» h6nr Bofore each meal. It should t» maw in two or. three spoonsful of cold water, and mreet- taste.. But if there bo uo“ ilmE tioy cJlsappeir, then giro tbd . ALTKRATIYKthreo vSRM?FOQE. ,UXOnllilS t 0 -' 110 directk ' D ’> ‘“'tend of tto mnra tvrr^ WWtt,g lnit« • .«*« *® tU °t TMf tus siie, by-wholesale orTctnl], et GOPAL. VJIBNISH~ 600 * (caJlona brand. in »tA*~ - • • i * A!l , M s n —' gallons, Smith’s N ew York ; traml, instore tar| fbrsale by r * — BB '&> successors to J.Kidd A CO4 aeeJ W Wood gt f\\m)iL&LLY \c& vdecS l<'iUU-Sf l3BAs^g5; T)£AKI< SIAIWJ-40 boiM, ••Otilo,” In store ana for ,IT. sale.by ~ .[d«2] FLEMRiQ liiwra SALTPETIU2- 160bags,crude,forpaTfl by ' dw _ B- A; FAHKESTOCK k CO, Biteby J\ ~ 8.-A. PAHNRSTOCK & CO. •■ QAOtK; I cases, peark-d,for pale by ‘■J itca - P. A. t'AHNESTOCK Si CO. hand, and am con ataaUf. receiving. fi£«h supplies of ilia followim? » in a Pi°t ncd quart bottle*; Kmpire Spriocr \S2S Sulphur Spring* Coogrear Water, hud • V ; • t JOS£Pff riIMINO, ,>oraet’Marketpt : AnaJ)iamoud. •■ •• and corner gourthand Sraitbfleld sts. ' sizes anti JJA styles, filled to order; for sale fry • • •* * ■ JOSKPn FLEMING' 1 • . ■ ■•■■;; CornerMat&et flt.JindDl&mosd nna corner Fourth end bmlthGelj \ TYU.Ny K.vrkAUWN ana Barry a Iricoihero'uilTjSw JLi lot, ju£t toceiTed and for gale by . - • ■ n ■ * * ‘ „ aosEpn- Fleming, ■ Corner MarketeMniDb^ond, jaS> , , . and corner Fourth tiod.gmithtield U 4'tt SYES,—Liqula UairDje, for las tan Ur #:*•«ttocdlorof;«i8 hair to Vatep bficlt—iS beat.oqpcin use.'*Also r Hus3cU’a sod Ilarrlacn'fl mb. anti Alxtrador’fl InrobaphOj for sale by • " JOSKrii FLKMIKG, .•, Corner Market at. abilDtamopi oni corner S owtb and SmiUjJMM »t\ ■Wv^-vSi-S-^v# ’• ’• - •■■..• V ,■ *, * •** •:v- ‘"X-• .. c -v :♦ . * '" 1 i . mmrnrnmi Blore ffad ror jskie by ‘ gIiEMINGEHOS. in fltoretraa for salo gJLEMiyq : BRQ37r iUcawaSlcityforsalo by” - ~ ’ A. yAHKKSTOfiK k rtt \ X- A r v ' '"V- 1 -: .