The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 14, 1854, Image 2

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known ns the Lines of Trajan, between Basaavo ,
and Kutzchendji. This position has accordingly
been fortified by Omar Pacha. and it may besup
nor ted with effect from the Black Sea.
Oa the 18th January, the Russians had again
attacked Matsohin, and when accounts left, the
battle was raging fiercoly, the Turks defemunfi
themselves with their usual bravery. The nu»-
Blan division at Glurgevo was also preparing . ,
attack Bustchuck, if, indeed, it had not atrea J
dOQG 60* . . . •
At Paris, on 25th, a report of scnouß^inport,
If true, was prevalent to the effect that Silistrin
'Was in the hands of the Bussians. We do not
see that this can bo true. When Sihstrio was
Isßt tahen by tbo Russians, it, was after a siege ,
of nine months, and there is little probability it
would bo less gallantly defended now. .. ....
Iho most oomplete harmony prevails in the
f. Ottoman Cabinet. ;
The celebrated Greek General Haggi Christos,
died on the 13th ult.
' The Ilospodnra of Moldavia and ‘Wallachia
have refused the pension .whioh. the Czar had
offered them, and have protested .against the
Russian usurpation of thoir authority. .
• Gortsohakoff is believed to have established
headquarters at Pojant.
In addition to the reinforoements sent under
convoy of the allied fleets to Batoma, Mx bat
talians of infantry and two companies of artil
lery aro to be sent shortly to Kars.
On the 13th January, Omar was at Kalofat,
where a high observatory has been created, that
. overlooks every movement of the Russians.
Russia, it appears, will issue letters of marque,
.. in the expectation that it will inflict “ great
damage on English trade in America.”
The Fleets.—On the 6th of January, at 11
. r o’clock, morning;- the last of tho English and
French fleets were out of Bightfrom the farthest
: point of land; as was also tbo Turkish convoy,
consisting of five frigates and six transports.
Advices from Odcsßo, of the 10th, state that the
English ond French ships of war had appeared
. off. at that port, and allFrcnoh and English mer
. chantmen were preparing to leave. The Rus
sians had notified that Bhips of any nation, with
troops on board, shall be lawful prizes. There*
port that thb Austrian and Prussian ambasßa
, dors, at Constantinople, had protested against
v . ..the entry of. the fleets into the Blaok Sea, is in
correct, but these representations did Bend to
' Besohid Pasha a notification that the stop taken
by France and England went beyond the agree
ment entered into by the four powers, on tho
12th of December. - r-
Tho allies had been met, January 9th, by the
mail steamer from Trebizonde; they were steer
. ing, with a fair wind and fine weather, for Ba
" toum, where they would arrive the next day..
' Tbo greatest enthusiasm was manifested in Con
stantinople, when it was known that the fleets
hqd actually sailed. A rumor prevailed in Con
stantinople that the fleets, having escorted tho
Turkish fleet to Batoum, would return to the
Bosphorus in abont a week; but this last seemed
unlikely. . The orders given to the fleets aro to
salnte the Russian ships, so loog as matters re
main ns they are. Should the Russian naval
forces attaok any Tnrklsh ship within three and
a half mites of tho Turkish coast, or any ship
belonging to the protecting powers, then active
- > hostilities will be immediately commenced.
It waß at first stated that the Russian Admiral
had issued orders to oil bis cruisers to return to
Sebastopol, but late commands, said to have
come direct from the Czar, order all tho ships to
put to sea. It was considered that tho Czar’s
‘ potioy is to have tho allies commit tho first act
of war by firing tho first hostile shot, and it is
therefore expeoted that soma slight rencontre
may take place near Batoum, whero Russian
- . ships are known, to be, and to which place the
Russian Convoy is destined. Thus, in his nice
conscientiousness—the Czar would consider to
justify himself in formally declaring war against
England and France.
A most important financial operation was said
to be in contemplation, in the extent of a decla
tion of war, namely, to issne a loan in London
and Paris, under the joint guarantee' of England
and France, to extent of 400,000,006 francs, to
■ ■ be issued at 78, os the middle term between the
. present prico of tho French three per cents, and
the English consols, with four francs profit to tho
banker—the proceeds to be applied to tho ex
penses of the war, and the joint engagement of
England nnd Franco to be regarded as an uddi
. tionat pledge of the alliance whiah subsists be
tween them. Although this project is ingenious,
it is stated by the financial circles of the London
press to have no foundation in truth.
It is Btatcd that if tho Russian Ambassadors
aro ordered to retire from Paris and Loudon,
they will withdraw to the Hague nnd there await
farther instructions. ■ ■
Geumant.—Relations witii Fbaece.—The
Germanic Diet was occupied on tho 19th with
tho note which M. de Talloney had delivered to
it in the name of France. This note contains a
historical ccconnt of what France has done until
now in the Eastern question; and express to
wards the. Federal States amicable and pacific
dispositions on the part of the Cabinet of tho
TaUleries. .
China. —Tho dates from Canton arp:to Decem
ber lllh. Quiet prevailed at Amdy, and tho
. constituted authorities had boon reinstated.
The insurgent army reached Ginkin at the end
of October.
Shanghai remained in the hands of tho rebels.
Hihts to Railway Conductor. —Professor
ESUimon, ia his late valuable and interesting
book of travels in Europe, referring to tbo rules
of railway traveling in Germany, sayß:
“ We were surprised at the great length of the
railroad trains, and at the great deluge of pco
- pie that poured ont of the ears at different sta
tions. ' The conductors ore much more attentive
than with us in giving notice of the length of
time that they will stop. Instantly as the cars
' come to a state of rest, they make proclamation
•—■three minutes! ’ ‘fivo minutes! ’ ‘tea min
utes!’ or whatever time is allowed, and they aro
very pnnetual in starting.”
If this planweresdoptedontheraUwaysinthiß
country, it would bo a great improvement. A
traveler by railroad never knows bow long tho
train is to Btopat any station, unless by intuition
—and even if he is bo fortnnato ns to catch the
condaotor, or any other than a gruff and unsatis
factory answer. This thing shonld bo reformed
TnE Supply or Beeadstuffs.— lt is B&id that
large purchases of breadstuff's hare been and are
- now being made in the Now York market, on
speculation, in anticipation of a general war in
'Europe,, and it is these transactions that rah
prices up—bnt it is quite certain, Bays the Ex
prat, that as soon as the river and canal navi
gation is resumed, the stooks on hand in the sea
board cities will be so materially angnmented
that it is difficult to see how an abatement is not
to too an immediate result. The present famine
prices cannot long bo maintained. At,the East,
■we Bee, immense supplies are ponriog into Bos
ton from almost every ecoboo, at the rate of 8,000
to 10,000 barrels. The same may bo said of
Portland. The Btoro-honßes there areßaid to be
literally ohoked up with Canadian descriptions
of flour. r> The stock on hand at New York is also
▼ery large.
Impostakt fbom Spais.— There has been a
coup d'etat in Spain. On the lCjh of January a
coancil of ministers determined to punish sun
dry refractory politicians, and accordingly the
following generals were subjected to a decree of.
exile: Manual Concha to the Canaries; Jose
Concha (lato Captain General of Cuba) to Ma- ■
jora ; O’Connell (also an ex-Captaln General of ;
Cuba) to the Canaries; Infante to Irica; and
Armero do Leon: and the whole lot had to de
camp the next day. Besides these sixty of tbo
parliamentary opposition are to be exiled.
Some journalists also will be packed off. And
the following decrees are resolved upon: Sup
pression of tbeScnato: Suppression of the Itoy
olCouncil; Assembling of the Cortes. Chang
es in the Tariff, are spoken of. It remains to bo
seen whether these high-minded measures can be
■ The Sbip Ahtabctio.— The packet Antarctic,
from New Tort, arrived at Liverpool, Monday
evening, 28d nit, with a portion of the passen
gers and crews of the ill-fated steamer BanFran
cisoo. One hundred and forty-two persons were
washed over-board from the San Francisco pre
vious to the above ship falling in with her, nnd
fifty-nine died after being received on board the
Antarctic. Those saved by the Antarctic were
Oapt Watkins and servant, Purser Bohell, C. F.
Barton, 3d officer; John Mason, 4th officer; W.
Duokett, carpenter; Lieut. Winder and servant,
Lient. Chandler, W. •!. Bankin, 145 United
States troops, and 19 women and children.
- A beef weighing two thousand two hundred
. and eixtygiounds was slaughtered at Lafayette
the other day. It was raised in Tippecanoe
county,end was four years old.
A few days ago a gentleman, who had Bpoken
disparagingly of freo schools, and said that “ ed
ucation was useful for the rich and not for the
poor,” was burned in effigy both in Charleston
and Columbia, South Carolina.
Ip 1562 the prioe of a cord of. oak wood in’ Thahks,—■ Messrs. McCaßlin (Spoaker,) Larsie
Massachusetts was one shilling and sixpence, and MoClintook of the Senate, and Hamilton
. »*»*>•*.»«*•*«■-*
of walnut wood, which was thefavorite fuel, was will aeeept our thanks for numerous publio do
worth fireshUUngs. •. cnments. _
It is said that Felix Bochol, the brother of In fact we receive so many, and from eo many
wi,L different souroes, thot we are obliged to moke
ehottlv be tore to makearrangementsfor & pro* , , - * 0..
Sessional in the United States of his deter. onr acknowledgements “in a Imp.”
Inilg Corning |W.
TUOUAS pmmre ..W.W L.,.J3£080i T. GILLMO&S.
Phillips & Gillmoro,'Editors & Proprietors*
Democratic County (fommittoo 6f Correspondence.
Pursuant to notico, the Commltteo met and organ
ised at tho 8L Charles Hotel. Tho Choilman having stated
the object of tho meeting, Jorro C.Dtmn offered tho follow*
ing resolution—which was adeptod: .
. Kesolvul, That tho Democratic citizens of the several
Wards,Boroughs and Townships of AlloghenyCounty, meet
at their usual places ;for holding Primary Meetings, on
SATURDAY, tho l»th insL. and each elect two Delegates to
represent them in County Convention, which will assemble
at the Court Housoon tho fallowing WEDNESDAY, the 22d
Instant Tho meetings will be organised at 3 o'clock, and
remain open until & o'clock, P. M.
The Democratic citizens of the First Ward, Allegheny
Citv, will meet at tho Public School Ifouse In said Ward.
The Democratic citizens of the Second Ward, Pittsburgh,
will moot at tho Duqucsno Engine Houst on flmithueld fit.
On motion* adjourned. „ .
?£?£;££* } s «"
Allegheny City and the Railroad*
The proceedings of the Councils of Allegheny,
published in our paper yesterday, show that the
struggle has commenced on the proposal to bring
the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad across the
Allegheny river, and oonneot it with the Central
road. Our neighbors of Allegheny would doubt
less prefer that tho terminuß of the first named
road remain where, it is. The Company pro
pose to bring it across tho river to Pitts
burgh, and are, wo believe, prepared to do
so as Boon os the right of way can be obtained
to enable them to cross tho river at the point
deßircd. The point of crossing proposed is ei
ther immediately above or below • the aqueduct.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company propose to
.appropriate $lOO,OOO towards the expense of
crossing nnd making tho connection, on condition
that the place of crossing shall not be lower
down the river than immediately on the.lower
side of the aqueduct. This, wo are informed, is
made an absolute condition of tho appropriation
or subscription; and if tho crossing is made
lower down, it will bo entirely at the expense of
the Ohio and, Pennsylvania road.
Such appears to be tho present state of tho
case. The reason for thecondidcm, on which tho
subscription of tho Central road is made to do
pend, wo cannot seo.
In order to reach the point of crossing desired,
tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Company have ap
plied to the Legislate! a for authority to cross the-
West and East Commons of Allegheny, appro*
printing so much thereof as maybe necessary
for their road, and other appurtenances for tho
business of their road. It is proposed to con
struct a road from their outer depot, crossing
the West Common • back of tho Penitentiary,
Federal street some distance above the market
house, and the whole length of the East Common,
nnd thence np a street to a point opposite the
aqueduct; thoneo by an embankment and a
bridge into Pittsburgh, to connect with the Cen
tral road near ils passenger depot.
To all this, the Allegheny Councils most slrenn
ously object, as.will be seen by tbeir published
They object to tho use of tho Commons for
such a purpose, as contrary .to the intent and
purpose of the grant by which they became the
property of tho public, and because it will de
s!roy their beauty and utility as public squares;
nnd take away from the citizens tho right of pas
turago on them, which they enjoy. Tho Coun
cils also object to tho passage of tho railroad np
any of the streets to reach the point desired, for
the usual reasons urged against railroads in
cities; to wit, danger to life, nnd iojary to
We believe tbo Councils are right in objecting
to thc/iee of the Commons for such a purpose.
Extensive as those Commons are, tho passage of
another railroad across their entire length, with
ground for buildings, eido tracks, and all other
purposes connected with the working of the road,
would almost entirely destroy them as publia
Allegheny and Pittsburgh will at uo distant
day be consolidated, and the one groat elty thus
formed, and containing probably 200,000 in
habitants, ero long, will hare no publio squares
or > parks, or open grounds, if the Allegheny
Commons are to be grasped for privato pur
The acknowledged utility or pufalio squares,
in promoting the health and bounty of cities, and
the comfort and enjoyment of their crowded
populations, induces many other cities to pur
chaselarge tracts of ground, at great expense,
and form parks.
Those Commons in Allegheny already belong
to tho public, without purchase, and aro the
tho pride of onr sister city. - As tho population
continues to increase, their beauty and their
value are more highly appreciated. They will
soon form the one green spot of easy access to
all our citizens, in the midst of stono pavements,
brick waits, crowded thoroughfares, forges, fur
naces and mills, and soot and smoke. Instead
of emulating other cities in purchasing pnblio
grounds, at great exponse, it is proposed to
oonvort to private purposes pablio grounds al
ready possessed, and tho only gronnda that we
can ever hopo to see devoted to the comfort and
enjoyment of the citizens of both cities. We be
lieve there is positive utility in beautifal parks,
fresh air, and places of recreation and exercise,
as well as in railroads. - Wo aan havoboth with
out injustice to tho public, or to individuals;
There are other routes by which tbo two rail
roads can bo connected, as they should be.
Many other routes aro proposed; and tho prin
cipal advantage that this route across tho Com
mons possesses is that the Company can run roads
across them cheaper than through private pro
Oa Tuesday evening, 14th inst., the merchants
and business men of Pittsburgh and Allegheny,
hold a meeting in Neville Hall, earner of Fourth
and I/iberty streets, to make: preliminary ar
rangements for the establishment of a Merchant'!
Exchange. From tho number and character of
the signers to the. call, wo hope and believe that
this movement will have a sucocsßfnl resalt.
Such an institution would bo of great benefit
to the two citieß. The commercial and manu
facturing interests of Pittsburgh, under the in
fluence of each an association, would bo bettor
made known abroad, better understood at home,
and conducted on more liberal and uniform prin
ciples. The rapid increase in the business of
the two cities renders saoh a movement impor
tant and necessary; and wo are glad to see that
the means arc likely to bo found, and that the
right spirit prevails on the subject
A handsome building will soon bo needed for
the purposes of the association; and, if con
dnoted on properprinoiples, may prove profitable
to the Stockholders.
ES?* Great credit is duo to tho President, Bi
rectors and Managers of the Pennsylvania Bail
road Company for their late decision in regard to
their. Sabbath arrangements. ■ Wo ■ seo by their
late Bchodnle, that they rnn but one train out of
Pittsburgh on Sunday, and that ono tho Express
train at 9.30 o’clock at night, which will give to
their numerous employees an opportunity of
resting on the Sabbath.
Numerous petitions have been presented to i
the Legislature of Ohio, asking: for a general
law to compel railroad companies to fence in
their roads, so os to provent lire stock from get
ting npon the tracks. Suoh alaw would bejaat ■
and proper. It would prevent the frequent do
struction of property of farmers, and would, at
the same time, increase the safety of railroad;
travel. - A train seldom runs over a cow or other
animal without some of the cars being thrown
off the track, and injury dono to passengers. In
England, wo are informed, all the principal rail
roads nro fenced in by the companies; and in
croßßing pnblio highways the railroads are closed
by gates till within a few minutes of the arrival
of trains, when tho gateß are thrown open, and
no travel is allowed across tho traoks until the
trains pass, when the gates are again closed. So
exnot nro tho trains thore iu their movements,
that tho stopping of travel on the highways for
each train seldom lasts over two or throo min
utes. By this moansdestruction of cattle, horses
and other property is to a great extent avoided,
and many serious accidents to triune and passen
gers prevented.
We think itright, too, that railroad companies
should fenoe in their roads. It often happens
that a railroad.runs through a farm for half a
mile; and it will cost tha farmer more to bnild.
enbstantial fences on both sides of tho road than
all tho damages he gets from tho company.
:::::FEBRUABY 14,
A lino of steamships between Havre (Franco)
and New York is oontomplatod by the French
Government. It is proposed to have seven
steamers of tho largest class ia tho lino. Ef
forts aro mado to purchase apart of the Bteam
ors of some English companies. Tho old world
has need of as many oonnoxions as possible with
the now. Tho frequont failure of the crops in
tho different countries of Europe will mako. oil
those nations dependent, to a groat extent, on
this country for food as well OSL cotton.
Great distress prevails in Ireland, on acoonnt
of tho scarcity of provisions. Biots aro appre
hended of a serious nature. Provisions aro very
high, and still rising. In tho Limeriak district
the poor are in a deplorable condition.
Austria is said to have notified tbo Czar of her
fixed determination to maintain an armed neu
trality, provided that the Czar adheres to his de
termination that he aims at no territorial Ag
grandizement. If this pledgo is broken, Austria
would assume a hostile attitude to Bussia.
Wo would call attention to tho notioo of a
meeting to bo hold at the Seoond Presbyterian
Church, on Fifth street, on Tuesday evening,
14th inst., at 7 .o’clock, P. bL Several distin
guished gentlemen aro expected to address tho
meeting. A letter from tho lion. Henry A. Wiso,
who is a graduate of Washington College, will ho
read. .
The Trnßtees and friends of tho above named
institution aro making an effort to secure nn en
dowment that will placo this coltego in a situa
tion greatly to extend its usefulness, and to tako
a high rank among tho colleges of our land. No
contribution will bo taken up at tho meeting, tho
object being only to awaken tho attention of nit
friends Of education to tho importance of eleva
ting tho standard of a Western Pennsylvania
College by a liberal endowment.
Tho Trustees have had, thns far, excellent en
eouragement ia this good work, ,
All onr citizens are invited to attend tho mcel
Good Seuabs. —If any ono wants good sugars,
tobacco, pipes, snnff, 4t0., we think ho cannot do
better than to call on onr friends Tntenr & Co.,
No. 7C Smithfield street. It is near Diamond
Alloy. If you have any difficulty in finding tho
place, jost look for tho “laughing Italian, with
standing collar," that may bo seen in tho win
dow. Wo havo seen no inanimate thing come
nearer “laughing out loud” than that, and bavo
found no segars that go better.
The House of Congress, yesterday, rejected
tho Deficiency Bill, in which $500,000 was op
propriated towards purchasing tho buildings for
an assay office in New York city. Congress
docs not seem disposed to cnoonrago tho ex
travagant expenditures of money to pnnish
any city which Now York may look upon os a
Tho New York Courier says that daring tho
last three months nearly ono thousand ves
sels havo suffered damage at sea, and daring
the same period tho losses sustained by tha Wall
street insuranoo offices exceed four million five
hundred thousand dollars.
Near New London, Ct., is 0 long old rope
walk, stretching across tho harbor. In tho war
of 1812 a British admiral oruisod off Now Lon
don. He conld havo cosily ontcred and burned
tho town ; and somo time after was asked why
ho did not do it. Ho replied that ho should
havo dono it, had it Dot been for tho formidable
long fort whoso guns entirely commanded tho
harbor, i What alarmed him was tho window
holes of tbo old rope walk.
The merchant shipping of Prussia is now com
posed of 979 vessels for foreign trade, measur
ing together 131,40 G tons, and carrying.B,22l
men; and 379 coasting vessels, of €.005 tons,
and 824 men, forming a total of 1,852 vcssols,
137,051 tons, and 9,045 men. Tho vessels in tho
foreign trade belong chiefly to Momel, Stottin,
Dantzio and Stralsnnd.
Tho Bath (Mo.) Mirror gives a list or thirty
Ships whioh are building, or to bo bailt, and put
atloof tho present soason. Thoso thirty ships
will average 1300 tons, each, making 39,000
tons built in one year at a singlo port, or twice
tho amount built in 1852. The Bath District
put afloat last year 48,119 tons of shipping.
Tho British Admiralty bavo annonneed that if
intelligence of Sir John Franklin or his ships,
Erebus and Terror, and of tho officers andorows
being alive, Ib not received by the 30th of March
noxt, they will bo considered as having died in
hor Majesty’s servioe.
Mat. F. and Babert Ward, oharged with kill'
ing Mr. Butler, the echool teacher, of Louisville,
for flogging severely their brother, wero removed
last week from Louisvillo to the Hardin coanty
jail, where they are to be tried.
Sinoe tho discovery of gotd in California, six
hundred vessels havo gone round Cape Horn and
never returned. A few of them have boon lost,
but tho groater number havo boon employed in
tho Pooifio trade.
A good locomotivo engine oosts from $9OOO
to $10,600, and it would take nine men n whole
year to build ono well, with all the machine
power of tho best maohino shops to aid them in
tho work.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad despatched East
ward from Pittsburgh, on Monday, one thousand
and fifty tons of produce. The oompany received
from tho Eastward tbo same day, whioh it
shipped down the river, 650 tons of dry-goods
and over 300 tons of railroad and pig iron. Tho
railroad is doing a vast and profitable business
in freight and passengers.
Tho capital engaged in tho Australian track
has been estimated, by competent persons, nt
George M. Dallas, late Vice-President of the
United Slates, has been nominated by the oiti
zens of tho Fifth ward a oandidate for Mayor of
the consolidated city of Philadelphia.
Charles Earner, late of tho Union, was con
firmed on the Bth inst. as charge to Venezuela.
Tho Churoh of England, by its separate cen
tralized exertions, raises above- £400,000 per
annum for religious, objects, out of which
£250,000 is applied toforeiga missionary opera
tions. ■
Tho female- authors of - England are all ap
dsrently very busy, just now, for we see an
nounced new boohs in preparation from the pens
of Mies Mitford* Mrs. Gere, Mrs. Trollope and
News and Coots from all finorters,
■ j ■... • • ■ ■ . • ■ > *' .
The New York police are etill engaged in look*
log op the lottery policy venders. - They are de
termined to break them op.
Owen's Hotel, in Jjoalsville, was destroyed by
fire on the-evening of .Friday, February 10.
Loss aboutjj>s0 f OOO.
■ There have been exported from Baltimore,
daring the past week, 81,000 barrels of flour and
65,000 bußhels wheat. }
Fessenden-was elected, on Fri
day, February 10th, by the legislature of
Maine, to the United States Senate for the long
The Gadsden troaty was taken up on Friday,
February 10th, and referred to the Committee
on Foreign Relations, with instructions to have
it printed for the nso of the senators only.
A drunken man was lately trying to get a
watchman to arreßt his own shadow. His com
plaint was that an ill looking scoundrel was fol
lowing him.
The woman who undertook to scour the woods
has abandoned tbe job on account of the high
price of soap suds.
The man who held oat an inducement haß had
a sore arm ever slnoe.
The man who could not trust his feelings is
sopposed to do business strictly on the cash
A GENERAL MEETING of the friends of Wwh-
ington College, will be held in the Second Presbyte
rian Church, Pittsburgh, on Tuesday evening, the 14th Inst,
at 7 o’clock, to devise saltablo plans for promoting the best
Interests of that Institution, and securing the success of the
Endowment Several addresses may bo expected;
All persons interested in the cause of Education are in
vited to attend. ■
A Convention of tho Alumni and friends of Washington
College, wlil bo hold at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon of tho
same day to make the necessary arrangements for tho even
ing morning. . -
• A. D. CAMVmt, ; War, I). Howard,
Samuel Fulton, • L. I». Cosiud,
Jas. Lauqouh, - J. SCSOOnMARKIt,
Haqvst Ciimis, Jas. B. Srmv
B. M'Lain. ' febl&2t
txon.Oiuo, May 15,1849. —A/r. It. E. Sdlcrt l think
it right, for the benefit of others, to state soma facts in re
lation to your excellent Family Medicines. . .
I havo used yonr Vormlfago largely in my own family,
one vl&l frequently answering for expelling large quanti
ties (say 10Q to 200) worms from two children. I hare also
used your Liver Pills and Cough Byrup in my family, and
they have, In every Instance, produced tho effect desired.
As 1 am engaged in merchandising, I am able to state
Ihntl have yet to hear of the first failure where your medi
cines have been used in my section of the country. In con
clusion, I may state that they arc the medicines of the day,
and arc destined to Imran very extensive popularity.
Tours, respectfuliy. w. H. Pisncll.
Prepared by R. B.BKLLEIta,
58 Wood street .
Sold by Druggists generally. fabll
ING of the different Lodge* of tho Third District,
and .Stockholders of the Hut Aesocunos of Pittsburgh,
will bo hold on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 15th last., at 8
o'clock, P. M. In tho Odeon Building, Fourth stroct. An
address will be delivered upon tbe occasion.
WM. M’CAQCK, Pres’t.
To tU© Brethen of tike Third District a
Tho -undersigned cordially commcuds to the favor and
support of tbebrotbern of LhU district, and the Fraternity
generally tho project for erecting a Hali ls this city, bc to be demanded by the want* of tho order, and
that It will greatly augment the comfort and convenience
of the Fraternity and prove a lasting credit to tho city.
Pirrsanum, Feb. B,lBs4.—f*>l4£t . . ■
r |'IIAT new ( .larßa aod-otcamodlous bnlldiog known aa
1 Alixumrs BUILDING, No, 44 Grant etrett Tbo
Store I loom is 03 feet deop, with double counters, an office,
fitted up with fireproof Tatflt in the rear, and fitted up in
tho finest style far tho DRV GOODS BUSINESS, Is at pre
sent occupied by John L. Arudm, formerly A&tucos £ lino.
Aji a business stand it cannot be excelled, being near tbo
Scotch Hill Market House, and betwcon tbs Pennsylvania
Railroad Depot, and the contemplated fitcubanvllle.and
ConneUsTillo Railroad Dopotx, Tbo Second Stay is used
Third Story la troll adapted for a SALOON, ODD FELLOWS*
HaLL, or any purpose requiring room. The whole is boat
ed with hot air, on the roost approved plan. This property
will l*o sold on easy terms, or will bo rented altogether, or
separately to suitable tenants. Enquire of
or ROBERT ARTHURS, Attorney at Law,
2d story of s*ld hulWlnu.
F\(\n fliin FEET, l!OAUl> MEASUUP, Till IDO E
«JUU,WVAU TlMBElt.~Sca]cil Prcpo«alBwm bo re
ceived fri thecfiic«or th» Engincorof lbs Pittsburgh and
Steubenville KAJlroad Company, in PULsbargh, until sunset
oa Wednesday, tbo tint day of March nait, <br the delivery
of 600,000 foot, (b. m.) of saved whits ploa Bridge Timber,
la bills to suit tbo several bridges on tbs line of tbo said
road, (which will be built xm the Hove truss plan la spans
of 60 to 130 foot). The Umber mast bv sound heart white
Pine, of full also, and free from la&gc knots, wind abaft*, or
other imperfections, and delivered on, or tcforo (he first
day of July next, la such quantities and at such times and
-places as may bo directed by tbo engineer, -
Bids will stato & price pet 1000 feet, (b, m.,) and what per
eentogsof the whole amount will bo received in the stock
of thocompany. Any other informationrequired in regard
to the delivery of said timber, can bo obtained from D.
MITCHELL, Jr., Esq., Chief Enpineerof tho Koad-
UOCT -WOODS, President
Pitt*barjrb and Sioubonvillo 11, It Co.
fIX) ttxc Honorable the Judges ofthe Uuurt of Ucocral
X Quarter Session* of the Feoce, 1b usd for tbo coupty of
TUq petition of Sam 1 ] Rorlacd,of tile First Ward, city of
Pittsburgh' in the county aforesaid, humbly showeib,-
That your petitioner liath provided himself tilth materials
fcr the accommodation of traveler* and others at hit dwell
ing house lu tba Ward aforesaid, and prays that your
Honors will Iw pleased to grant him a license to beep apnl>-
he house of entertainment, and your petitioner, as in duty
bound, will prey. SAMUEL UOIILAND.
Wc,tho subscribers citizens of the Ward «{bni«ud. do
certify, that tho above petitioner is of pood repute for hon
esty and tempera aw, and is well provided* wilt* housv room
and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging or
strangers and traveler*, and that said tavern in necc*?ary.
Chariest T. Harrison. Allen Cordell, James Grocoy, Andw.
Martin, James Buntou, James Bees, Cadwatladur Brans,
Alsx. BetnUler, A* Bade&baeh, Veil* Grunt, Wm. Hall, J.
Brallbach, • ■ fobU*
"A NcxrSupply of Cbielcerlng & Sons’
JurtTweirwl an»l now ready for cum}-
fcSftgMpjKg&ffilPstfon and sole, two? oetaro lianas,ku
eanred and finished In the most
*" v I w" chaste and richest style of art, Those two
Plano Fortos Are Chidtcrlng & Sons’ first elms instruments,
and arc unequalled In thrir exquisite quality and volume
of tone, delicjuy and equality of touch, exterior flr*l«h and
Teachura, amateur* and other* Interested In Piano Fortes,
arc respectfully inritnl to examine the above.
With doublnrou ml. comers, carved mouldings, sliding ma
lic dost, and finished back and frunt. •
Double round corners, plain, finished front and back.
Rosewood and Walnut cases, with dickering'* patent Iron
FrsmaandaUdlogdcsk. .
All the abovo Plano Fortes are from the factory ofCbtcfc
erlng A Sons, Boston. They are mil provided with dicker
ing’* patent Iron Frame, and are fully warranted.
Purchaser* am respectfully invited to call and examine
thoaboTO, atUiowaroroom*of JOHN H, MELLOR,
No. 81 Wood street. ••
Agent fordickering k Sons,
for Pittsburgh and Western Pransvlvanl*.
SSINB OF ART, tar February.
. The Popular Educator, part 10;
*Tb« Old Broirenrand New Mission House;
Sketchcsof the Irish Bar: by L. Shell:
“Bralthwoltcs’ Retrospect, part 28, for January;
. Banking's Abstract, part 18, for January;. /
Autobiography of an Actress; or Eight Years on the
Stage: by Miss Mowatt;
Haps and Mishaps of a Tour In Europo: by Graco Green*
Ancle Ylocent; a domestic tho author ofthe
“ Twin Sisters.”
All the new works received as soon as out, acid sold at the
Tory lowest prices. .
Subscriptions received to any Periodical published.
S 3 SmlthOcld street.
ri'O LET—A two-story Urick DWELLING UOBBK, on
X Centro Ayenuo. Apply to H. MINER A CG.,
_ feb!4 S 2 Smlthflcld street.
PROSPEOT OF A GENERA*, WAR, ana increased dt
mand for all kinds of Agricultural Produce. Every
acre of sparoland should bio put nndercultivation. A great
variety of FARMS for salo; also large BUILDING LOTS, at
low prices and on easy terms or payment A'few more
cheap lots, payable In sums of $5 per month, can be bad if
applied for soon, at the Real Estate Office, 140 Third street,
whore copies «f tho “ Real Estate Journal” may be ob*
talood gratis.; , 8. CUTHBERTA SON,
f»bl4 ; Real Estate Agents, 140 Third street -
SMOKIN(3.-r>W« can smoko bulk meat for any ono wl«h
ing, during this and the neat three months, ot $1,50
lOOO lbs. Smoko-house, corner Plko street and CaoaL
Fifth Ward. ffebH]- Fit ANOIB SELLERS A CO.
BACON*~SOOO pieces Hams; 2100 plocas Shoulders.
Hanging and smoked Hams toady for delivery.
LAUD and GREASE—IBO tbs No.lLard: 277Ibawhite
Grease, for sale by
LAUD OIL-SOhbla No. 1 Lard Oil; 25 bbls No. 2 Lard
MKBB AND RUMP PORK—2OO bblfl Mesa Pork; 175
bbls Rump Pork, for sale by
25 FIFTH Street, invites attention to their stock of
Ladies’ Cloaks and Capes, now offered at greatly reduced
prices. . fdbl4
SHAWLS— Yet on band a complete stock ofoverjr descrip
tion, of 2000 shawls, which wo are selling at ono-thlrd
loss than usual prices. A. A. MASON A 00.,
fobl4 ' No. 25 Fifth street.
DRESS PDAIDS.-A. A. MASON a C0..2& Fifth street,
aro now closing out their flaostock of Plaids, at greatly
reduced prices. > .... . . feb!4
PLAID SILKS.-Wo havo a good stock of Plaid Bilks, all
soiling at a large reduction from usual prices.
A.A.MABON & 00.,
No. 25 Fifth street.
ifcAiUtHLL’d INDIAN JLJNiMKNT—Just received a largo
p~l lot for sale by JOEL MOHBKR,
feb!4 ; . 231 Llborty street.
GLASS— Aii sizes Window Glass, fbr sale at rctaU, by
POTTY — 600 lb by
jfebl4' : : i') , - .. •
POTASH— First quality at retail, by
fob!4 • ‘ JOELMOHLER.
4j salo by
febl4 JOKl* MOHLER,
CloreSt-s Blacking
Cinnamon, White Glue,
Nutmegs, ... . Salts Tartar, •
Ginger, - Bibarb Soda,
popper, OxalioAcid,
Alsplco, . Isinglass,
Oayonno Popper, Brimstone,
Mustard, . -Chalk,
Whiting, " - v Ycaefßcd,..
8p« Brown; Ac, .
* In store end for sale by [fsM4j JOEL MOETLER.
vn. WHim AND BLACK LEAD—In. note and fi
rgaloby '• ’ JOEL MOHLER,' .
* - ' ‘ • - No. 241 liberty street.
largestand best. assortment t»f
V Valentino ever broozht to ibis city, for sals, either
»iote«top»wtoH«W a i^tWFEn,
Eoccssaoi to £nta lambi Ast»' i
- ' - .l-'.U-. /v
•. i r-'.'vvj.l .['O.-t- ‘.
; v
;-'N v
IBotlce to Lmnberuieni
• JAKUAItY 1, Will, : ■ ,
As required"by the Twenty-Third See; of the Act to provide for the Incorporatiaaof
■ Fire Insurance Companies,
The nameof the corporation is-** iETilA.lHKaAiic.CoaipasT,” located at Haitfoid, Connecticut. .:
The Cabllal Stock Is thm-Twndrcd thauiand dalart. ..
itie following are the assets: \ v- -
th on hind, duo froris lndirHuols and estimated balances in the hands of Agentyta tbo course of .tranik . •
>*** - .... .. 80
-Beal Estate tmiqcamfierSl.
. 40 Bonds (7 per cent, interest) socured by mortgage of tbo Hartford, Providencci
’ • yjphMM ttnHynnrf
10 (7 per cent.) mortgage bonds of tho Hartford and Nuw -Uay<roltoUrosdOo......
COO Shares Pbinnix Bank'Stock,
200 “ Fanners’ and.Mechanics’ Bank.Btoek, Hartford.***.
SOS' tr : Exchango” ’• -«« “
60 **. City. • «
.27 *.*• ' Bank of Hartford County <f
150 “ Connecticut Itiver Banking Co.
200 “ . Hartford Bank "
Cfl « . Eagle Bank --. r
-400 .:f?\ - Mechanics’Bank • ;
100 “ . Bank of North America
100 “ New York life and Trust Co.
100 ''“..l. Bank of ..
480 ' “ : Broadway Bank
-160 <( • The Peoples Bank
150 u ■’ Bank of the Republic
100 u Hauover ; Bank
DO li Bank of the Commonwealth « ;**
. 00 •■■■“. > ConnecticutKmrCo «
600 Hartford and New Haven Railroad Co. Stock
107 ; “ Boston end Worcester v- « .«
2 - u ;• New Albany “•
250 u Connecticut River ■“
315 u ■ Hartford, Providence and Fisbktil'
Bills receivable, secured by mortgage.
• for Premiums.
No other secnrltlca.
No Bank debts or other loans due from tho Company.
LoB*e3 odjuKted and doe—none. . ,
Losses unadjusted and not du0.....
Losses in snspeneo for. farther pr00f.....,........:-.
No other cLuimsogaiost tho Company, except small offleo expenses.
■V -(Signed)
THOMAS K-. BTIAGR President,, ... •
STATE OP CONNECTICUT, HißTFOUoOotHiri*t? ‘ - t - ••••.* - n^TPoßDjJandaTirlO/lg^i..
Personally appeared, Thomas K. Brace, (President,) and Thomas A. Alexander, (Secretary,) of the iEtna Insurance
Company, end made oath that the foregoing statement, by them subsarlhSd, is trne. nrcoTding to their best knowledge
and belief. •(Signed). HENBY FOWLEB. Jasttceof tho Peace
ftibl4:lw GKO, B> ABNOhD,Aff£2/r.
? f : f. $ $ $ $
Death Aom a Rapture.
43* There are Iboaaande* of persona- who are .afflicted
with a Rapture of lhu Rdwdfl.wfap jmy but littlo attention
to the disease until the bowels become when
in all probability U may be too late. How important it is,,
then, for all those Buffering with any form.of‘‘Enpture of
the Bowels,” to call at once uporißr. KEYSKR,at his
Wholesale and Rotail Drug Store, comer 0/ Wood strcet
and Virgin alley, end preenra'a TRUSS?, to tho pro
truding portion of the bowels. Dr.RKYSEII has an office
hack of his Crag Store, where Trusses are applied, and
warranted to giro satisfaction. He also has sveryvoriety
of Trasses that yon can name, and at any salt the
means of-every one in need-of - the article; : I also keep,
every kind ct Supporters, Body Btaca,'Suspensory Eand
aga, Elastic Stockings, for enlarged Veins, and all kinds or
mechanical appliances used in the euro of disease. •
I would respectfully invito the attention of the pubUa to
an excellent TRUSS FOR CHILDREN, which invariably ef
forts cores in a very abort time.
corner of Wood street and Virgin alloy, sign of the Golden
Blortar. d*c26 ■
republic Meeting ;of the Ladhat~>Ai a
mooting of tholadlescf Pittsburgh, held .a short time ago,
the folio wiog among other proceedings wera had:
Upon motion, U was . 'Li.
Jicsdvcd, .that ate, the-ladies.of Pittsburg!’, in general
convention assembled, do recommend the hue soaps, per
fumery and toilet articles kept for sale at KEYSER’d .Drug
Starr, N 0.140 Wood street. ‘. •'-V, ■
Ecsoltxd, That we have used Rasin'* poncine and other
snaps, and do find them superior to any in use, both for
cheapness and superior excellency. : . ; -
Zh'iOfccd.Tbat wo have also used his.npper ten and oilier
extracts, and colognes, and would advise aIL those in trant
of those articles to call at KEYSEU'A, and they will not be
disappointed..; . . ■ •
Ittsoivtd, That we likewise approve bf uls extrai po
mades, bear's grease, and other articles for the hair; not cttly
on account of their elegant perfume, but also on aeeonntof
the pure materials of which they are computed; and the'
fairness of price. - ••• • ;
Jlcsotvcd, That we will patronise JLEYSER'd-Drwy Store*
and purchaso of him what articles wo need-,-in tbs way ol
toilet articles, aawooresnro be sells good articles and at
reasotaVe prices. ~ . febdxUkw
4®- interesting to those: suffering Trom
Headache. A certain remedy found in DIL M‘LANE’3
LIVER PILLS. The following te a sample of certificates
received daily from oar own citirens,
' New Tore, August 1,1852.
This Is to certify that I have boon subject at times to
wrom headache ; sometimes the pain would be so severe I
could rest neither day nor night. Hearing of Dr.H'LancV
celebrated Urcr Pills, I sent and got a box; of which I took
two pUU on going to bed, for two nights. They relieved
mo entirely, fiomo time has now and. I have had
no more trouble from elck-beadßvhtv ; : .
M. JOIINSTON, lIS Lewis street
P. S.—The above valuable remedy, also Dr. il’Lanrfsetl
obmtod Liver Pills, cannowbe hod at all respectable Drag
Stores in this eity.
Purchascrawill bo.carcfol to ask for, and take none bat
Dr. jXrLace’fl Llvcr.Pflls. There ora other Pills, pnrpott
log to PHIs, now beforejtho public, v ' ;
Also (br sale by the solo proprietors.
Successors to J. Kidd A Co.,
f&m*w CH Witod street.
CrysttillFalace, Work.
Manufactured by. . "
AL P. caßs the attention : of the pdbUc to bis celebrated
QUILL, patent.doubtesprfng, Commercial and Rank PENS,
with a. variety cftwenty-five different kinds of STEEL
PENS, of his own make suitable for all handwriting*.
—Also— •'
Called the Treble Spring. These pens have been adopted by
UlO Senate In Washington, in preference to ill others.- /
: The aboro pens, together with bis superior unrivaled ac
commodation holders, can ta seen at Mr. J. B. Steel’s and
Mr. R. M. Norman'#, Camp street; Thomas 1* » hlio’s Canal
street; and E A F. Ezekiel's, Exchange l'h»c«. . ja9
“Costly thy habit as tby purse can buy, * :
Rut not expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy—
For the apparel oft proclaims tho man."
Every well dressed man knows how difficultltix to
find n Tailor who thoroughly understands tho peculiarities
of each figure, and can suit its requlremehU'With- a'well
cot, gentlemanly fitting garment. 'Qenco it Is that so few.
feel “ at homo" during the firstday’a weacofany new aii>,
ele of dress, and however costly, never becbmoiulapted'to
their forms. To remedy so manifest a dofonnUy, K. QUIB
BLK has practically both form and fashion, always
adapting tho garment, weather, coat, rest, or pantaloons,to
the exigencies of its w carer—thorough] y nt tain in g that ele
gance of fit which the spirit of tie ago dictates.
No. 240 Liberty street, bead of Wood.
. Liver Dlsease a •»* Carter’s SpMihh Mixture,ns
a remedy for livor disease, and the nqmbor of formidable
evils connected with a disorganized state of that organ, is
unrivalled.. '
Hundreds of certificates, from tho highest sources, of per*
sons now lit login the cUyoflUcbmond, Vo.,might bo given
of cures effected by Carter’s' Spanish Mixture. We have
only room to refer to tho extraordinarycuro of Samuel Si;
Drinker, Esq., of tho firm of Drinker A Morris, Booksellers,
Richmond, VA, who was cured by two botUes of Carter’s
Spanish Mixture, after three yeanTsuflcrlng from diseased
liver. Ho sayslta action on the blood is wonderful,hotter
than all the medians ho'hsd ever taken,'apd, cheerfully'
recommends it to all.
***Seeadvvrtisoment. £jol3:ditwlm •
on Penn street, neor-tho Canal Basin, 24 feet bv 100..
• Threo Brick Houses in East Birmingham Lot 30 by 110.
Two Houses aud Lots on Pino street,.
?sfectofGroundon Liberty, street, by 100 feet deep*' <*
One IB>ufloand;Lot ou Fifth street, opposite the Court
House. .
One Lot of Ground in Sharpsburgh, togothor with tho
fromo of a House, Ae.; ready to put . up.
; Two Lots be Quarry street, near. Walnut-
Two do , do . 'do do Adams.
Threo Uouses and TiOta in East Liverpool, Ohio. *
Eight Lots, 21 by 110, adjoining the Borough of Lawrence*
All of the above property will be sold low, and on reason*
able terms. Apply to ' JAMES BLAKELY, >
.... febD corner Seventh and BmUbfleld streets.:-
“Depot and Railroad Track For Kent, :
JtjL Street, whh RailroadlTrack, Switch, and. appurtc*
nances,for a term of years. Inquire at the Express Ofiire,
No 64 FOURTH-Street.' febll;tf
Dried fruits—
New Bunch Raisins, lb;
Cluster: do 10 . do
„ Keg and .Valencias, .8 do .
Best French Currants, 18££a«l lb ;
French and German Plums, 8c ; '
New York Plums, quart;
Pared Peaches, 15c do
Dried Peaches and Apples, 4 and Co per quart;
1 Btrained llonoy; 20c per quart;
Split Peas and Whlto Beans, 5 and Ipe per quart;' '
Also, 3 bbla prime Sweet Cider; for sale by ■;
febll corner of Diamond aud Diamond alley.
Flannels—. :
. 2 cascs Brown and Plaid Flannels;
'.'l do -W . do ; . do do
Received from, manufacturers, and for salo low, by
febll U. LEE, 339 Liberty street.
OOL- ~
4000 lbs fine Fleece Wool;
4000 0)3 City Pulled do
5000 H)s Pulled Wool, our own pulling, no limo
usadj assorted and clean, for sale by U. LEE,
febll - . - . 139 Liberty strict. •
YARN— 500 tbs white single Weaving Yarn, received on
consignment arid for sale by ' H. LEE,
febll : •.y ‘ .130 Liberty street. .
YOUTHS’ BOOTS,-from nines to thlrteens, a» good, from
$1 to $1,25 per pair. •. U* B- HAYWARD, :
feb7 . . .. v .. Corner Market and Liberty street*.
■\TE\Y BOOKS, just received by 8. B. LAUFFER, No. 87,
■Av Woodstreet— :•• 4
Annie .Vincent* a domestic, story. . .- ■: •
An Attic Philosopher in Paris from tho Frenchof Emilo
.LoarestrL.-.'; • w " ■
Tho Old Brewery and tho Now Mission House. ; \
ITapfl und hy GracoQrocnffrad. •
Liony Lockwood, by Catherine Crow..
Tho Young Duke, by B. DTsraell. . • ■. . .
The Flush Times of Alabama and Mwlsripph [feMO
A, Third strecV near 2 Ferry, well arranged, with a hail,
two parlorsi dining room, kitchen, wash house, 4 chambers,
•flnjfihed attic; paved yard, hydrant, and good cedlar. , The;
10113 20 fMt tontl * 85 4ecr ' B Mi * son/
.. feblO - ■ . RealE3tatoAggpts«HQ;ThlrdtStrcet.r •;
; rfT'OJi KKN'f< —A Tavern ” stand in-Kast Binn Ingham.
» Jh ;alsob Store pnCa«bastieetj,Bfrr
Tninghnm—A 3 sto?yJJirelllßis Douce on W^ilajJUrcet-rAIBO
'a Store Boom ottWylla street; >' ’ ' • ''’ . ....-v
feblO S, CBTBBEBT& BON,Tblrfl street-
' fjJ*' ’-* ’ -
. ; -■Vr’
■: , 1;/*
li>; ". : -i '
\ •*'w ,4-.
• r'«* 1 • ... ~ .
' ;•>: ' - •* i- . v r «..'■■* X
v;~ •: v*-
a it
ar -•--• u '...y...;.,.,..
" Providence, It. I
u New York....
« ,«
«i it
11 . j «
41 •: •• «
o. llackbceSj Fres't.; ...f P. JOS23, Cashier,
NO. 147 WOOD STBEET. .. .
; •
"OAK AND CURRENT FUNDS.receirodon Deposit- £x«
X change oa-alLtbe principal- cities of the Union fur
m*he<l.. Collections made on ill-accessible points at fair
rites. Bills of Exchange Promissory Notes, Certificates of
Depositsnegbtiat&i." •' '
• Offering days, Monday arid Thursday. X i
. Dlranot - fab4
«ew iisBON, onio. .
Capital .................................0150,000.
R. M’CASfaSf, Agent. . t
St; Charles Eutidinp, IQS Third street, Pittsburgh. .
Ja3U3 Emr, Pres’t* . • . - Jaucs Uuedccx, V. Pres’L
Lkti Ma&zxx,- Secretaryond-Treasuror.
- V -- - ;;REFERENCES.
A. & A.M’Bain,T. UmbstaettOr, Dr. Irish, Joseph Hall.
Springer Stanton, WilhlaMm A JloflStott,
James Mason, EsO^Hahna;
Gamtaon A Cleveland ; Graham AM'Cfcy. Dr. G. Fries,
Cincinnati. . . • ■ ■ f a ho '
Btato Mutual Firo & Haring Xnsurauco Company.
Branch Office cor. JSburth and Smith field - JHltsbvnh.
John P. Rutherford* Dauphin CO4P. C. Sedgwick, Harris-'
burg; Samuel Jones, ■ Philadelphia; A- Danker,
Pittsburgh; A. A. Carrier, Pittsburgh; John B-Kutherfoni,.
Dauphin CO4 A. J.
bargr Eobert Klotz, Carbon eo.
. A. i.CAiUIIEB, Act’y, - 'A J. GILL£TI f Badniaiy. l
The above company wiil lnsare against perils ofseanrid
inland naTigaUonnntf transportation; also, on baUdlng?
and merchandise la city or country, at lowest rates consis
tent with safety-.' Policies Issuedon.dwelling bouses either
orfora tarni ofyeari, " > , j«l3-
Girard Eire: and Marine Insnrance Comnanv 1
j Office of. Pttltbwgh. Jgency cor. fbixrth GtidJSmU&fald its
C&ptu4 300,000 Oollarfl» '
DHtccroßa: ["
Wm. M. Swulo, . J».iv6teiDezy •” "
ll.A.Sbackelford, - : PauiThurlonr,
E. H. Davis, .. J.B.Wanlgoa
Thos. 3. Mitchell, . Samuel Jones,
B.UOomegys, . Thomas Craven,
Vt in. ir. Sowers, F«U.Sbennan,
Ua £ t \ T , Philip F. Snyder, '
■■■.. Wm. P, Hacker, ; .. Alex. Heron, Jr, ■’.
Furman Sheppard. < , >
JOEL JONES, President. .A. & GlLl#BlT,Secretary.
Will Insure Cotton or. Woolen Factories, Buildings, Stores.
Merchandise and property generally, ou t lie mret-favorable
terms. - [jal3] A. A. CARRIEKrAgent;
InsttrancoTcompanv of tho Valley
Capital $300,000* ° ...
,-V PmcCTOESI. ;' o\r-'.f t -
Jos. S. Carsoo,: John Kerr, •
Lloyd.l/>gaQ, ;••• .JamesH„Burgess, •
James IMtiley, Jf. W. Ulchardson, ;
■.• • .. H.IL McGuyro. .. ■
JOS. S. CARSON, President C. S.TUNK, Secrotarv.::
. • O. F. BR&U1B, Actuary; v :
The attention of .the community, isespecially Invited' to
Ibis company, es. an institution based upon ah araplecapi*
tal, and conducted on the strictest principles of equity and
economy.': l*ondesUaudd-oh.Boats # ;Cargoes, and property
generally, by - , . - /•; A:‘A,CAtUUKR, Agent. •
jul.U - . y Office cot. Fourth and Smithfleld sU
Firemen’i imuronce
W Company of the City ot Pittsburgh
tary. ' ■ ' ■■ ■.. :
Will Insure against FIRB and MARINE RISKS of all
kinds. Office: No. 09 Wateritreet.
■' ■ Dtsscttnue
J.K* Moorhead, W. J. Anderson, ■ .
B. C. Sawyer, B. B. Blmpeon,
Wm.M. Edgar, H.B.Wilktne,
0. H. Pauleon, , William Ctollinirrood.
It. B. Boberla, John M. IrWlnf
Joseph Kayo, Wm. Wilkinson,
. . Paviil Campbell. ■ ; - jk!2
* Bud Beechers.
Dr. KEYSLR, 140;Wood street, hoe received on os*
eoruuentcf •
Thomas’ Mechanical Leeches;
“ Copping Glosses;
• Breast Classes;
“ . Eye Caps;
U '. ..DentalLeeches;. , -
. ... .*.* • - Scarificator.-
: These ore really, important inrontione, and very ctrnr'o
went: to thoaortho follow hsochlng. Call and eee ; them
. , firP'Corner.Wocd at. and \irgin alley; ;
g»g™u.™m, M oo ,o o °. duß.
... w . •. anuciossj ... ...
Hon. A. 0; Helatcr,-. • • Samuel. W. Hays,
William Robinson, Jr.» Thomas GMesote. '
William P. jfehnestfek, •John B. Cor, yv
Harvey Bollman, ;■. • . JacobPetori
John Walker, Jr., William Colder; Jr„ ■
Jacob S.JUaldenaan,. Aaron JJornbaar’h.' 1 -
Office, In Lafayette Buildings,
J cS . - , (entrance on Wood siroet)
lusunnce Company of
UhLIfcMARSIUiIjL, Secretary. vr--'- ; v r -
■OJJlce: 9i Water Woodtttteit: ■■
Insure?HULL and CARGO Bisks. on the Ohio and
Mpi>l Rivcre anil tributaries. ■ ’ : • • •
Insures against Loss or Damage byFire. ;> - -s.. ...
ALSO—Against the Perils of. the Sea. and Island Navis**
Uonand Transportation. *
■ k ■ DIftECTOKBI •:
. Wm.XarimerJr«. -
- William Bagaloyy Samuel M, Kler,
S&muelKea, William Bingham:
. Robert Dunlap, jr. f JohnS-UUworth,.
Isaac M. Pennock,. Francis Sellers.
Svllarbangh, J.Schoohmaker;
Walter Bryant, Wmiaaß.Haya.
. . ,'u v ,. ;v>
lovting letter ftoffl fiftr. O. Licmsos, a Missionary to
Oregon:- < • ■ • •
. ?. l^“Ti?tt2r <STrr Myselt andwlfbhovlDg been
grootly benefltted by the use of your Petroleum, ! wish to
bavo-y°a readme a box of two or three - ad* eto bottks. 1
am the Congregational Ministerin' this place, and several
of my people aro affected with iodigestiou.ani animation
of the liver, thn eame Of myselfond’wife, beforatekina
your PfrcoLTCH. oa Bock On.* We tools sitweral bottles—
Vkq or thrce each—about;a year hhd'a half mo* and we
boro never enjoyed. so' good health for years os we have
since-that Ume;' : I had not taken a single bottle-before
that ftulne&of the stomach which sodistresses ihe dys
peptic was relieved; and I hare felt nothing of it since that
tilue. Hy wife war also relieved from a chronic disease of
the liver, which: had been of several years standing, by the
use of your Petroleum/ " •
Sold by 3- M.KIJBB, Canal Basin, GEOi 17.' KEYBER, 140
Wood street, nhd‘Druggists and McdlclneDealora every
-Whore;: 7 —’-y : •. : ,_ . 'oet2s- ■
post Office Buildings, Third Btreet. Xikenesaestakea
in all kinds of weatheT, from $ A. M. to £ P. IL, giving an
ac'cu rate artistic and animate Ukenes«, nnlike and vastly su
perior to the common cheap daguerreotypes, at the following
cheap prices; $1.50,. $2, $3, $4, $5 and upward, according- to
the rise and quality of caseorframo. “ -
Hoursforchildxcn,fromirA.M.to2P.M. ' :
: Likenesses of sick or deceased persons taken Inan*
partofthedtr-•• - - - - f ruov2S:iv
Curtiln ffiatexiala, and
Ut^: Carton Trimmings of every description,lptiniture
Plushes, Brocatelles, ftO'j.Lace ond Muslim Curtain*. N. Yi
Painted Window Shades GiltCorntoea, Curtain Hn&BandS.
Ac., at wholesale mid retell. ; ' W. EL CAEBYB ' -
169^esnutsteeet,corner^ *inh,Phi}adelplda;
Curtains Made and Trimmed in the Tory newest-ftench
style.'■'\ -•- - : r [marflkly
coirnail: Corns; H Agreat many per
IrtSr sons are dreadfully tormented-with corns* A certain
remedy; will be found In Dr. Cohens Coax PiAwnem for
sale by DriGEO.&,BEyaKß*^MdWoodsteeeL lor
PricB,reteU.atl2J4and2sct3.perbox. ' * - WopS
-tg^ldberaldeductions to those whobnytowll »gn*nr ’
•fir's 3 *!* O. O, F»--Pl&ce ofjmroUng t 'Waahlßgton-lT»n'
street, between Fifth street and T!mHt» jm Py • *
PmsBUMH libM»i No.33B—Meotft otory Taßftd&yeven l&tr
MBUCiHtnJt EjrciJipattst, Nd, 87—Mwta first and tht&
•Friday of each month, y.
(T'S* STotlce.— lbo JOUKNKVMES XAILOHB firi,
Ut£/ CIETY, of Pittsburgh ana Allegheny, mieU nn rh«
first ana third WEDNESDAY of erery rmnS at tha ELOnr'
DA noDSE,Market snoot. • Byordor. ifu)lu
Jelg . , f ; JOUK VOOSQ, JH,
LOD6£. o» O-
Angerona Lodra,No,2H9,£o,of
Wednesday evening in whlngtcn Hall, WooSst; 3y1.-y '
: lhy G. W.liidaio,] Mo. 144 BmltMoTd Bt. {myS.7
Instructional!* Sto'ilcy &l6deiriil<Misnaceft'
;•> t.«n _andPAlutlng, ®,C
; pROP. JV. W».BtJSOS» Jaaflng iocated-bimselMn this
Iho ■^^ , '?*'^ ve^lls^n ? c^oTls on tb®;Ptouoen<l Guitar; In
|ng and Painting r (inwatercnjk . .Any cornmnnkaUcn left
at Mr. Btore,. or atthe drug store of 8.
wIU receive prompt attention, ; r- • . -.i *
•: :nop.,E.Ever«lttUc«wn. ;Dr. Israel, PUtebwfcb, »/'■'
'lE3n.Junu'a‘RockTrcll.Ma?s., Jeff;i)-StBwnrty. '
• FerrlSj Net? York, Her. Cyrus Black, do»: * •
: _ lob2Uf. ' -•• • Jas. H. 0
ITDOYS-AND YOUTHS'Orarra ana Hoa Doom ta cost 7
Jtl’ ■ L. H. HATO-ABD, ■
ifiMO’ cotnor of Marketw>4 Übiirt j y*bes& : ;
“' ' " r ' ■■ ■ - * I*l £ ' .r*'-‘J ; r,\ ; „. { J K i «■"' ”•'•
i - v;r. ‘ ‘....’j
•1 y-if y- \-' ;
• ■ V « l» «*• ■ . ,«> v \
.-.. \r- -V *.* 4. f*.
, j* -*• - «t --* _? -■-
; .* *Ji U‘ v' Vf •*•„. '
« i'iv ■•:**'
. >!■ V i
. . . r .j
-'n u
„ * *+ ■
' -r
- -' - *• " ~ 4 *
"18;083 76
$lOOO oo
r -1000 00
40,000 00
10,000 00
i- 25*000 00-
17,864 00
5,900 00
2,997 00
. oioo 00.
25:600 00
1,980 00
16,000 00
11,750 00
i :<34>:00
10,800 00
; -9,600:00
; : -'-;200.00 I
.20,475 00
5,732 12
::.'55 00
- 24 50
104 00:
160 OO
-117 60
, Ot
112 00
V 95 GOl
' :,' '25 00
:> 120 00
104 60
lOO 00
.........4150,443 90
........... 22,000 00
’H ; »; ',. - r ; ;• .
•••,:> V*
THEATRE.— Josrpn 0. Fo*tm, Tsztu nnd Jfanct
gtr—Fifth strict, abovo Woo*h....;rrices6f admUricmi
Box us and Parquet’© 60c; Private Boxes, larjfe, JS; do. do.
. small, $5; Second Tier, 260 ; Boxes for colored pvnoußi Uk,
Persons securing seats will beefcorged 12% eta. extra for the
certificate. Doors open at CJ£ o'clock; performance to com*
mouse at G)£o’croek...La6t weeh of tho Eqnertrlandramas!
Stop is tho cry of Gentieman Harry.. parllcuiar*re>
qcst, will bo repeated the geaat dramatic play of tho lIOR A*
TIA and CURIATIA,in which tho double company will ap
pear ..This even leg, February 14th, 1854, will be acted
ROME AND ALBAl......lloraUuB, Mr. Brelrford ; Sighting
Brothers, Publius, Junius, Manlius, Deelu*,Crla*, Mardus,
b/ Mossrs. 0. Fosier,yau Horn, Jerdon, McMillan, Koht,
Stevena—*--Tha performance will conclude with the -Tereor
of the H0ad.......1n preparation tho Play Of The Lest Days of
PompeiL ■ • ~ '• V' ; ;
NIAGARA, and CRYSTAL PALAOB. combined with
tho gnwad CONCaHIT by the Tre
mendoosrush! ' BrllOMnt success Storms, of applause!
Pittsburgh taken- by surprise.* Thoringlngof tbe : MfoscS
. Avondale is perfectly enchanting. Admission 26 cents; no
half-price, except for Very small children accompanied ly
Uaoirparents. Exhibition'eteryaßernbOri, ht 3 o'clock,and
night at prevloas. Liberal arrange
ments for schools;.alßOtforSabbaihechbolfl. . foblßj
tIAiIGO’S ll&hUj Jfcwrth ttretl mar Wood. opposite La
> foyette Hall/ can "be 'obtained ‘for /parties, Festivals.
Concerts, PubPeMeetmgs, At. ’ Also, Cargo's Cotillon ana
Sax Horn Bandeanbefoand-in -readiness at all times, by
applying to; WM, FRANK: at tho Crystal Palace
Daguerreao Rooms of R.M* Cargo ACo., Fourth fit.. . [Jylfi
- the tnvlns wUI leavecsfbllowaThe MAIL TRAIN
wilHeaveovcry morning (except Sunday) at 7 o’clock, stop
ping at all the regular stations, arriving in Philadelphia at
12 o’clock,. P M., connecting with a train direct to New
Vorhtalßo- connoctlng at Harrisburg with the train for,
and arriving Inltft!Umore,'htl2,-F*M. ‘
■ -TUR EXPRESSTRAIN-lcaycstbeetatlon ovexy evening
at fi:3o o’clock, stopping-only at Irwin, Greensburg rnill
sldo, Johnstown, "Concm*ugh, T'niey , s, Gailitura, Altoona.
Ac, connecUng at Harrisburg with the train for Balti
more, and arriving in*l>hiladolphtoor 'Baiitoore,at 12,30,
i noou.- - '? ■.
THE ACOOMUODATION; TRAIN will leave every aflor*
-'noon- (except Sunday) at 6 o’clock, stopping at all regular
stations, andrunnlngonly as foroalAtrobe.'
RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsbhrgb. Accommo-*
da«oh, 5:25, A.-Mi - Express, li PrM.’ Blail 12, P.M.'
:•' Fare to New Torit,sß^O; -Fare to Philadelphia, $8; Fare
; . ; .
; 1-Baggage checked to all stations on tho Pennsylvania RaU
■ Toadj and to-PbUadblphla T and: .-- i
Passengers purchasing tickets In cars, will bo charged txw
cxjwa- in addilioh to the station ratesi except from stations
Whew the Company have no Agent. ; - .
■ No notes of a lcEsdenomination than five dollars will be
tn paymGnt for tickets/except those Issued by tho
Bankaof Pennsylvania. . . v ■
ipy»NrtTTflK_-~.Trr «mc of loss, the Company will hold :
'thcmselveß.Tcsppnsiblo. for .personal boggago only, and for
an amount not exceeding $lOO.
N. Bi—The 'Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed
to convey passengera'ahd boggago to and from the Depot, at
a charge mot to. for; each passengor, and
1214 cents for each friink".
For tickctvnpply to J. MESEHMISN?*Agent,
- At the P. Passenger Station, on Liberty at.
■ Httflhnrghi February. 13,1854—ffehl3:Iy-3d p§l •;
S&jF Paporfl that have tills advertisement will pleard cor
rect." r r . . j .• ■ . ■ ' ■ ' ■ • .
~ : ■ i jvl\ niEMLi cunE ton •' •/ \ml •
r/[ V: WAPHESS. |■: pSIL" ~
■;P .chargcscf Matter from the Ears—slso,all those-dis*
agree Able noises like the bnxring of insects, falling of water,
whlixing cffitedtif, which are symptoms of approaching
Deafness, and: also generally with-tho disease., Many per
-«jna who have been deaf for ten, fifteen, and twenty years;
and were obliged to use,ear-tracrpetfl, lisve, after hring one
or two botilpSj th’rowh' aside "their trumpets, bolng znado
.perfectly welL - Pbyficianfl; and . Burgeons highly rocom
■ tnend its use. •'
: [From tho THbuino.J d 1
Pauxkts Dox’y Neglect Youa CmLoasN.—Thousands of
chUdrett. &nnaally become, deaf, in consequence of dis
charges .of matter fromthdrcarsTinducedby ScflrlctFevexy
Colds, Ac. Now, if mothcrs wbuld do iheir duty and pro
cuw Bcarpa’a Oil for Deafoee?, and use It osdirected, their
, children would beedred V hntif the discharge con
tinues very the hearing gradually gets worse,
■ and finally partial or total de&fhess ensued
CaUand oillimpart to ycuinforma-
. . .
..; AxTpusniNa Fact l—Philadelphia, January 4.—1 hereby
ccrtlfy,4hat-whehlwas ahpnttwulveyears old r lgradualJy
<bccame deaf in both ears, «> that hid few inoritha I "found
itßimostimpo*siblstoiiear»imlesainthe veiy
of voice.; 2 remained. In timt situation until'inst summer,
a period let eighteen jyeart/. whtjh"l ;h«mirof SCABPA’B
COiIPOUND ACOUSTIC t)ILv 'I Immediately obtained 'a
bottle, which.l have used, and am happy to Ray It haa acted
like magleyond quite cored ihe. Anyone wishing fdrther
information of my cole; which I think a remarkable one,
will find mo by calling at my residence,Concord tercet; first
door above Second street / Rxbecca Baxter.
••.■'■'•.■Pekin' Tea Store, !
SO Fifth street, Plttaborgb.
IiUTNA.U’d MONTHLY PUll tfiißKUAßY—Kectlved
X- ftndforaalob? - H. MINER. A CO., ,
No; 82:Smithfield street. 1
1. Washington's Early Pays;, Illustrations—Residences
of the Washington Family; Primary Lessons; Wash
■ --■■ iogtonV Surveying Ex peditioii;the£urYeyor , g Camp.
,2. ModernGreekCustoms.:
3. Places icff'PabUe Amusement. Illustrations—Lafarge
HotvL (front of Metropolitan Hall :) Pronilvoy Thea*
tro; BoweryTheatre;. Intorior.of Castle Garden;
‘Hippodrome* ■■
• ■-.4» Memoirs of Dr. Y«ron» •,--. -
3. BodidirrgScboolfl—i'rcnchanil others.
: fi. Notes from my Knapsack—No. 1.
7. Austrian Salt Mlneiit, •
8. Annexation ■
10, She Mayflower.
11, Tl!e'latest Historic Doubt; the Problem of the Lost
. Prince.. • .> • ; '■■
12. A Pot pourri of Poetry an! Parody; .
13,Stage.Coach Stories; (continued)
14. Editorial Notes.= .
Tnuitf—s3 per yean-Single copies, 25 coots. :
. - ; . EL MINER & CO,
feK5 . . ■ No, 32 Smlthfiold street.-
NisW MUSIO—LiUy Dear, Koto with Mo; beautiful
melody,byJolilra. ,
- . Far out on the Moonlight; - : ‘ ■■■•
The Days that are no more;
. Kay, deem pio not Happy;
:• The flower I Found; •
i Bt-Claif:to Little Eva In Heaven;
• ' ftlendehip end Lore; , .
. I Cannot Mind Hy'Wheel, Mother ; ' ' .
- Medina'Polka Bedown;. , • ■■■>
LaFontaine’s AmelUMazurka;"
StU*wrenco Tubular Bridge Mazurka, with beautiful
lithograph;' . r-v: ■ • • v
Eclipseand Crazy Malden Echotlish; •
Porthonia Wal ts, sentimental; ■• • :■ ■ •
’ Remembrance and flower ncntlmental; -
Surprise Quadrilles, verypretty; •-
. TheOtherSideof Jordan, variations;-
s*}* 3 ****' 00 ** 0 * ot thß'latost publications for Guitars,
} iolbis, Flutes, hid Piano*. Foreign Music, a large supply
juet received. Latest publications received weekly. bv
H. S(j|IR(BDiiB; & COf,
lebi; Cargoes Hall, 83 Fourth Btreet.
Boolca jaatßeceived.
17'NICKBBBOCKIittjibr February. . _
I\. Sketch of the Irish Bor, in two volomes, by Richard
. *" L.Sblel. -•
Dr&ithwaith’a Retrospect of Practical Medieino andSurecry
TboOlil Brewery, aniltho New MiafioaHonse, by the ladies
ofthe Misshm.,: .■ • ■ f
rhe Young Duke, or tho Younger Bays ofGeorpra IV. by B.
Disraeli, M.P. . ... ...... . .
Second part or the Bye House piot, by G. W. 31. Reynolds.
Dashes of Ameriesn.Humor, by Howard Paul.
A new supply of tho Whig Almanac. .
For sale at the cheap Book and Periodical Office ot ’
70 Fourth street.
Stephen C» Foster’s liatekf ‘UCorlc. *“
nmß SOCIAL OECIIESIiI A, a collection of lie most pots
' 1 alar Melodies arranged as Solb^‘Trloa'oatl
Quartette, by STEPHENC.FOSTER*authorof “01 it Folfcaat
Home,** w Old Kentucky Home," “IfleUy Sly " etc,
Fort in. Airs oiTanged asSdSoslbr either Flute or Violin.
. . Dart 2&. Aits arranged as Duetto. ....
1 art 3d. Airs arranged as Trios. -
Part4tbvAira&rran£cdpS Quartette; • ; v .
. Thia work contains most of Mr. Foster's popular melodic?
as well as the most popular airs of the day, by other cbmpo
«rs, comprising In oil upimda of ninety of.tho most deal
rablejrieces of innate.. The accompanying partsiu UxoTrios
-and Quartetta are Intended-for. Violin and TioUnceWo, but.
can, in the absence of tbo& instrument*,be perfonuedwlth
■rood effect on the Piano or MelodeoU;' Altotrellier.lhls i«
decidedly themost epmpletework cf the kind ovcrpublish
ed, possessed by every iamliy and by. all ln>
tereated in easy and pleasing tnstromehtal music. Jn*t
eeiredby «press;andfbrealeby . r ' > “ r
•ft I*3--••• 1 * 3 --••• 11-EI.eBER. 101 Third street.
NBW MUrflO.—Thg Social Orchestra— Jfor Rato or violin
—comprising Jr collection ,'ot -popular melodfes, ar-'
- *?“S°i^*^S los »'fiaotta, trios, and quartette?, by a.
. ru. roarer; price $l.
:: Four Songs hy.W. Wallace—Eoprcseminc the
eaawms, 1 wiUr beautiful lithograph titles—Sprica,
• • • Btuxuner, Afctomn and Winter; oach 50 cents. - v
" Art du Chant-appUqaeAn, Kano—Xhalberg: 75 center
* anor&l March-rOom posed aa a sincere tributo ofresneeft
to the memory of tfce. lato Janaa ChickeHnif.b*' W
B. Babcock, with Uloafrated ttUe, and a comet lilre*
nessnf thaJatoAlriChlckeringi price 75 cents
- ArrayeainClouda ofQoldeh tight—dnetti 19 cents
Ylllago Festival Bchottischy byfy:*;Wallace; 50 <*nts
. Opera of Norma, • comploto, with' Italian: and- Enclirh
'■■ •■■■■ word* $2. ;
• Julllea'a Brim? Donna WaHzes; SScerits. •
(Just received by Express.)
A new lot oT “ Chkhering’a Pianoa , ' : ftro now on tK» wa v
to arrive this wwk. JOnsEMltor
-JSE 81 TVood strait.
~, Co-Partnership. r—_ ~.
rpra-imbiialbeij bar* this day formed'a partnership for
A thsjmrposeof carrying on: Ornttrissimand iWward
taconocclion with tho Pish,: Paeon and 00, and Pro
auce business generally, tinder tho atylo of Esaimi & Bicn
ifiWpKrwateboußO No. 110 Water and 150 Front streets- ’
.lormeny occupied b/Burlyrklgo 4rlnghrain. ; . .v. '
' _ WM. U.KNGLIStL - A
. ' JA3* Ja BBNNKXT,
■ PUtaburgh, February Ist, 1854:feb3 ■ ..
3 UBT KKCjaiVill),by lixpTesB, T thlsdaj— ’ — ~—-
2 dot/Colt's Repeating Pktola, 4,5 and ilx inch
_ Odox. Allen’s ficrolying Pistols, assorted Kites. ‘ ' ’ 1
1 «• Warner's “ U abeutlful pocket elto.
tor sale at - BOWN & TJftTLKY’S '
■ fobt _ fttmst
m Orershoea and Buskin, nt 0&
f< ««“*■!>« P«lr- L. K. HAVWaUB,
fsblO-v ! j- comcrorMmkct mil UtotyVlnrU.
HONJSX tpAE—3uu dozon just orrircd, tud
Ibr Bale by , FLEIUi.O i BBO;* 1
So«ss»retoJ. KUiiicn,
No; CP-Wood streoL
)XJ sale : , ffcblOl - . VLKMINQ MtO?;,
1 nsetarted mes, iu
l ftoroandfcrpalaby . fftftlo] .FLBMINQ jmo^
fl'AMNlN~“6oounce®just receivedaod IbrsaJebY r
JL-feblO ,-• /*•■ v- FLEVTNQ BROS.
4 IANAKY &H&U—-1500 ftsjim received nud for Eaio bv
\J fablQ . , . . . FfcEMINQ Itlipj.
f "\YAUCKiiKT i*ATAflalUil—«)"lbs,for«Jo by “—:
% *' febio v • » • • : ■ FbWrtlKQ nnoa>
i 'HLOKOFOKM—2S-Jbajtt3t»coiToljuat-Torealo by
V/. feblO - . ■■ ELESUNG BROS.
i /^ionqSss'^
\ |
,; % v : V
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