.-. t Vry! •* ' r- ,• 'W..,' '3, \*• '*> l v' r . v V,- *V ..." -,i> y v * * v v - • ;**? *vTy > -i '■:•!- ~.ky -•“ v ;: fc v? .'.*>• ’*•••’:•'■* v-•»!>',' s', i }■■ .:• '■ •' t v!yv-■>»' * i ji'x r, \v < f t ;• f>f t-ww x ?i »k* yv - itV' ;r, i. •\.•• v r. ;- 1 ; 'C'A' t *-v - .'• 'r-w y ; -*jy* ■; • ';;: V’ ".s-V y,y: •* ■ i . r yy -v: 4\. A. < ? >V£ ?*’ ,r y ~ rr«y »n V r,v- J * ' 1 v V , r -f ■-, - * p i v*VJ.V W - ' £ y",* ti* 'S. •; 5 ? i V-v.* Jil ' ,fc , i. * !' r ivf.M- *••: »■■ - .s «*•: ? •,■; *. t. ; * t*' r ifV {»! > *»*'. ( v v ,f» v*.! *J.fT .’j *-/’* f''** t i •♦*•■.■;** f"* Si * * .ff 4 * ;•? r fi- *1 - iV*^ l - ’ T ’ H SkfciiS sC’ '| e <^|\v^v f: j - 3|Sfl{!y' 1 2riir~ s Fi§ij! L A-5 ! ?; it r^-33S : ;li?v',3'{ J: .^;!.?^^l l .:^ , •" :* S' a *i 1 “ 4 i 1 a f. S? J^AfeWts* eu ri Hits « in D oS 'toS, 1 SSS JGj rs£ - : Sb ’}?~Z v"o:' ;;:l '''" ’ ' -: ••• • -''''•w V.'-r ''Z~. . • •*VVV'.'!vh. l . • ,v„ T, , h » *,<*‘, ,* . , r -r‘* * C * . l ‘ ! . f . , * : r , ' ~* j *• ri-. v. r.-r^r-v^-T'rV- VOLUME XII. THE DAILY MORNING POST. i tint'd and Px&ish'dcvcry hbrnsng, (Sunday coopted.} , ' BY PlllttlPS & GIXiLMORBi i hostu-wxst oowcza or wood ahd nrra srsms. .1 • ;*»* TSi2JI/S.—ftM T>oll4rs ayear, payable rtrifitiy lit • > «ilvan<*'•• SlrDoLari will Intari&bly be required if aot pfclft \ Wl «a- KbtfeSplo* we cists—for sale it t}ie counter Is it*; | Office, and by the News Boy*. ; *• -i i . THE' BATUBDAY HOBKINd- 7081 i •• h published from the same.office* on tr iage blanket*die | - ybebt, atTWO DOLLARS a year,_liiact7ftace. Bingle copies | paper willbo discontinued, (unleia at the disarm I ou of the Proprietors,) until ell. arrearages are paid. r yy»St>-attention will In paid to any order unless acoom c&oiul by the money, or satisfactory reference in Uus city. Connected vnth the ExldbUthmaxt of the I i» nt office, between tho hours of tt. A. M. and 4 P. M. Of en^h Baterrell'e BiiiMlPsa. on Grant street IM D. H. Baien, 1 k TTOBNBY AT LAW—No. IST roortli street, etcreai; L tear Bmithfield. . ■ . uitPEjl ■: ■ ■■■: J. S. Morriaon, j A TTOItNEY ANB 00DN8KLL0B AT LAW—Office, I A. mo.od to No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, PittJbnrj -■ ■ oprlfty 11. Biddle RoDerty, 1 TTOBNKY AT LAW—Office, No. IK Smlthfleld A between FifUi and Birth. OoUoctlons csratoUy atteuU al to-«pedal attention gran to Conveyancing. - [deeply - Tliomw* • , ' 1- TTOIINEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCER A Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohl ■ ' my* - ■ —: : s. P. BMif . . Stable. . • "■•••■ =• > iSI- N. BuckmMUrf • 4 IDERMAN~Office, Fourth third A. Suxlthfield,Southridu ConyeyaaclngoffUMbdadot with the greatest care and legal accuracy. Title* to Beal L tate examined. Ac. . -—n—— TA XL DItAVG, Diamond,. PiUsburab, P»e *1 J? ; . Country Produce, offers for aaln .a choice.*io« q Uroceriws eeketedfor family use. fplcw of *«!"3[ and the purest quality, ground at »is Steam Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken in ex, change for Merehandue. • T - ri .,«,*vL F. R. D. has procured a foil assortment of Landreths WarrantodGardon Seeds, and inritefl the attention of all tetested iururalafftdra. . 3 an »*l J. 8. LEECH, BIcA.LiPIN « CO., j WHOLESALE GROCERS, i AffJ> DU.MBS XX I Provisions, Metals and Pittsburg Manufactures, Nos. U 42 axd 244 Lißiuat. dxbseTi ■ i PITTSBURGH, j “b S'E®_ T keepingl? tonsils, &&,, Wholesale and Retail,No. 253Ltbejr If atreet, Pittsburgh. ' ■ ■ ■ nprio.y^ Kins & Moorhead, ■ 1 WHOLESALE OKubUKS AND PIIODUCB DKALEItS-r No. 27 Wood street. Pittsburgh. {mfß [ Smith Ti LAUIIX (lato of the firm of CooLCf & Lajhd,) hiring- Ji. opened 6TOUK M>. 0, (two doors abore the oldf flUioa.) lor tie ■ purpose of cdtrying on too CLOTHING BUSINESS, hopta by strict attention to business to merit e ; aharo Of tbo .patronage of Iho late firm. , . N; B.—Clothing mado to order in tho most fasalonablo, stylos, aadohihe fhortest notict>—-Inferior'to r none io tne til f~[_ ■ .janZfey- .1 B. T.-C. Morgan, - ; ■■ i BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER—has elwnjrs on hand; a mneral assortment of School, Miscellaneous and Blank! Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, At, Wholesale and Rn-, tall. No. 1M Wood 6trwt, below Pini, East side, l’lttaborgL. mL. Wanted, Raga and ■Tanners’ Scraps- , . apls.ly ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■'■ ■ ■ jriK.Woldtn, U THOLES ALB AND RETAIL DEALER Inßtmlrnnd VV School Boohs, Paper end Stationojy, No. ,63 Wood street. (ltotwoea Third and Fourth,) Pittahnrgb. Pa, . .fmrH) K. C, Stoofcton, I* ATE JOHNSON A STOCKTON, BOOKSELLER, BTA j TIONER, Printer' end Binder—corner of Market And Third streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. ... ... .irHjSMfr. ■' :: W* S. Utaven* • j. riifTK OLD PRINTING'ESTABLISHMENT, . - , :.v.:..nivi:v “’T, JSO.GROVTT) ' Importer of Brandies, Gin, Wiuo, : . . DEALER IX FIME OLD MOKONrner of-SmUhfteld and Front streets, Pittrtrargh»P&. fdcQ .. •••”: ••• ■. J.BryAr, TTnraLESALB AND RKTAtL XKJDOR HHWHAN: Y y H 5 Liberty street, and 31 Diamond alley. feblOry : PAGODA TEA store:* . JF.UD HAWORTH, Wficlaalt and Beiad Broeer, Dealer anil Importer of 014 Country Black Tran, French -Bran dies, Winer,lfco.,oornor of Dlniaon4:nJt«l,nndlho DlAhiond,, Pittahurgh, Pa. .y.',.;vr ■ fttM:y. , 1 Walter P. NunbaUi ' IMPORTER and Doaior In Front* and American Paper HinjfllKfßa • -••••- • ■ • .ISSfR R. K WEDDBLL, . T 0 AN:BROKEBiDeaIer in Notes, Bonds, Mortgages, Eesl I i Esiata Stooks.'Morehandisd; r J -* ■- Mnsadte Hall, Fifth street, next doox'Vthe ItlMh? 1 Daposlt Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa. »prB BUSINESS CARDS. r, NOi 60 Third st norlfl . B> A* FaJmestoofc A Co*» . 1 . 'HOLESALB DRUG tiMfr WXfl Wood utroots, and corner Wood and Sixth. ffubl . *' 1. ' *.* PUBLISHED DAILY BYPHILLIPB & CILLMORE, AT THE“POST BUILDINGS," CORNER 1 OF FIFTH AND, WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER..ANNUM, OR 86,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, BUSINESS CARDS. B* ! ; Eeal estate AND GENERAL AGENTS, N& 50 ' SmiftJUld Itrat. • 00,1 John Hi mellow THOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL '■'■'W INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Music, School BoOltt ana BtationeijyNo. 122 Wood Btroat. . U lllll : : ATTlnaie, ■jffiSjßMV : WHOLESALE anil lUjtail SADDLE, UAKJN'ESS, VALISE and CASPi-T BAQ nmauloo .JP 1 *- toier> Ko 106 attest,, titteburgb, l*a. ■ /.iygfcy l*. fi» Haywardf -T\SAIER In BOOTS, BUOE9, TRUNKS and LEGHORN JJ an a BRAID HATS, corner of Market and Liberty sta., No. 174 Pittsburgh, Pa. _ William Glenn, f] ooKBINDEtt-Oomer of Third and Wood streoto, aboye J* c 11. Kay, rrheto hols propdtedlo do oreiy description of Ruling nhd : Binding. : ■ . , . . Cdoe2 > Tt Br ft CO.t OE-BTNKEKS, ENGHAVEKS AUD EMBOSSERS, tmd J Ebvciots Mahupaotukebs, No. 48 South Third street, •HILABELBHTA. BeySQ '.card*-- ■■ ' _ - H XEE. (suodsaoit to Mubput • Lnc*) WOOL DEAL* • EE AZuD OOJIMIBSION IIEfiCUANT, fox the s&le >f American Wooien-Qoods, No; 139-Liter# Street.-,-.- [py4 Thomu <9l« liUtle) • ATCH And CLOCK MAKEa-nFUUi street, between Wood end Market streets, opposite Iron CBty Hotel. >of Jewelry made and repaired. .. fapfcly XT-™ ■ J < SOOYT > I)BNTIIsY > Ato doors QjjyfJi.i'jiS m 'I of Market. '' Omct Hocus*-From, nine A. M. to flvo . . Or. PaTldL -Haat> jgSfejjfr- DENTIST —OmcE, Fourth street, between *ud Wood streets, newly opposite the Pittsburgh lianh. . / „POTl7:ly BARK A IaOSEU, A BOQlTECTS:—Offlcfifl: Philo Hell, No. 75 Third street, . GIIAIK AKD BEDSTKAD MANUKACTURER—No. 294 Fettcrnum's Rot, liberty street, has on head a large stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of etory description,Jnade-of the best materials, whleb ho will sell lower than articles ©1 the same quality can be sold In the city, Uewould call par* ticuldr attention to hislarge stock of Mahogaoyand. V alnut- Chairs and Bedstead*, which be will sell at greatly reduced prices. Also, Turning of ' erery description executed lu the pMfaetmiinftfly. - Orders left at the Ware Ilooins, orat ibe aim, earner of- Adams and liberty streets, will be promptly (tended to. - martl James MeUlnner, Tt/rQNOSGAHELA PLANING MlLL—Would respectfully JJrx inform his friend* anil the publl*, that hi* new estate lishment la how In full operation, and that be la prepared to furnish Boat Cabins, and tiU all order* for Planed Lumber, with promptness,ahd at the lowest rates. Board ■nri panV J jilarmJ on 0&6 OT both ddfiS, OOSatASU/ on Boon, and Mouldings, of or err description, mode to order. • Builders and Carpenters would find It tcrt&elr advantage tp give btffi a call, as he can sow famish them with planed -stuff suitable tor every description of worth TO. i. urui0a....:...— —jams cuawru- HEEBOH & CBISWEI&, BELL AND BRASS FODNDEKB, ■» IT AXCFACTURERB of ell kindl of BRASS WORK, LO iVr COIMTIVU, STKAAI RN'amU, PLUMBERS, 4c. At so, OOtUm Batting Manufacturers. Foundry on Ueoecca street, Allegheny City. Office ami Store. No. 12Mnrket Btreot, Pittsburgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Order* left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. ■ ■■■ febihly JOSEPH T. lOVf'B?, Ko. 43 Gamtr cf Fifth and Wood Stnclt, Office up stair*. Entrance fan Fifth street Pittsburgh, RESPECTfULEY announce to the public that ho bos oommencal tto REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in connec tiou srlUi IntolUgoUeo and General Collecting. He will elsosttend to routing, rorsons inwnotef jertonts, In any cspacity,or those in want of places, will l«e;sopplied*ntf hort notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. __ JSVurtA (nail to Lynfi Carpet Emporxum.) ' M. PMuift A ftK having Sited UP the inoflt ‘tqGb Ample rooms in the city with mammoth sky and 'w sjdg lights, ofTor first Class ln all, Tarylng.- in priceaeconling to otfecwEastge and quality of case, 4c.. : HQ* Superior Oil by lbs best artists, far sale, end ones* hlbition during the- day and erasing. Citisens and stran* ffors are Invited to call and examine speclmohs and ..Paint toss. . : • r CABUIAGE FACTORY* ITT B. TEB&Y, Vlfrin alloy, betwoenwood ana Liberty Wf m streets, Manufacturer of BUGQUAUAKOCCHIjiS sod CAJUIIAUKB, of eTery description. All work done warranted. The advertiser would here state that he served nine years apprenticeship to the business, and has worked for many years in the prihdpal Shops of the Kastorn cities. taar26;tf SEED STORK* JAMES WABDBOP,' • - - OFFERS for sale CANARY BIHDSof the moiUmproTM breed, being tery hardy, and fine singer*. Bird Bowl* —Canary. Hemp, Millet, Rone and mired Seed. Bouquet* t?lß.bon Bonnorst,B. Miller,Jr. , . 5 T" ; Datoa ualboua Uoots, rpHR subscriber has received direct from Curiam his sup* 7 Jj bf choice llyuduthsj Tulips, Crocus, Peoncas, and other Mower Root* for lull planting, and for winter bloom* ln ; 16 bags Shelled do 60 . “ W. itockCandy; 60 • ■** Filberts; 25 .•« •: ANo.l-.do-* 60 Walnuts; 10 . “ r Red do 60 “ Cream Nuts; 15 ■ Capers;. • 600 bushels Pea Nuts; 15 “ . Olives; 25bbls.TqxadPecans; -75 “ GuneDrops; 25 “ Illinois do 100 11 Lozenges; 2000 Cocoa Nuts; • 60 “ Jnjubo Paste;- 200 boxes German Plums; 60 doz. assorted Pickles; -25 kegs do do SO. .M u .. . .Preserves; lObbls. do do 100 “...PepperSauce; 10 cases Prunes, glass jars; 10 cases Sardineß; > ' 10 “ M . ■ fimoybxs.; 6. “ . “ .... bf. bra, 60 casks Currants;. ■... 2 }■£ do • 20 cases Citron; 200 bags Brazil Sugar;: 200 boxes Cluster Raisins; 40 bbls S. 0. Sugar; loohf. “ M. R. do 25. “ ' LoToriug’s Sugar; 200 qr. “ “ do 10 coses Liquorice; 200 boxes No. 1 Honing; 25 boxes RcfM do ; . JLOO , “ Scaled do . 20,000 Principe Cigars;, lease Mace; 10,000 Havana' do I bbLNutxuegs; . 16,000RcgaUa ... do --. ; t !.-<* Cloves; j 2,600 Half Spanish Cigars; . - 25 cross Blacking; * 60 gr. Mrs. Miller's F. Out •/ 25 baskets,Sala&.Cß; '■ 1 .60 Andereon’s do 4. 0. MIKAS TINDLS. J. C. ANDERSON CO., WHOLESALE FRUITERERS. AND CONFECTIONERS, So, G Wood *t., Pittsburgh, Pa, - *fXBZ- RECEIVED, the most extensive Fall Stock user (I broughtWestof thoilountainsjcomlstlngof— : 350 bags Brazil Sugar; 25 bxs Macrcaoni; . • 50 boxes Havana do 25 do Vermicelli; 20 bbls Layering's do, fine • 30 do To*an Pecans; pulsorizcd; 25 do Illinois do; - . 20bbls. Lovoriog’s- coarse 60doz ass’d Salad OH; -‘pulTerircd Sugar; 100 doz Pepper Sauce; 20 bbls- Lovering's- coarse 100 doz Ketchup*. . - Sugar; 60 dozos^orted,Pickles;: 6d bbls Stuart's do do 25 doz ass’d Fil'scrvui; 8000 Cocoa Nuts; 125 bxs Lozenges;"-:■£v 15 cases Jar Prunes; - 25 c’s Sardines, If, - 12 cases Fancy Boxes do .30 bxs refined LlqUotice; 250 bxs No. 1 Herring; 12cascs - do; 135 LxaScaled Herring; 100 kegs German Plums; 05 lbs Mace; • OQgross Mrs. Millersfine 160 lbs Nutmegs; Cut; 136 lbs Cloves; 60gr. Mrs Andereoo’ado; 40gross Clacking; 25 doz Olives; • 35 bxs Citron; 25 doz Capers; 1000 bus Pea Nuts; 30doz Onions; 60 bxs No 1 Rock Candy; 00 bags Filberts; • 20 do Bel' do do CO bagflWalnuts: 25 do Yellow.do do 75bagaCream Nuts; - 20 do White do do 6 bagsGrvn. Walnuts; k ' 65 bgs Ivica Almonds; JSQ bags Dairy Salt; 30 bales Bordeaux do; 20,000 Principe Uigars; 35 bgs Sicily do; 20,000 Wash. Regalia do; : CO do shelled do; 18,000 Havana do; 300 bxs Cluster Raisins; 30,000 Half Spanish do; 250bxsM R do; . . sep9 " “ Towa foundry. NO. 103 WOOD STREET. JOHN C. PARRY, (successor to J. 0. Parry A C 0.,) begs tolnfbnn the customers of the old finn, and- the public generally, that he has now on hands, and is extensive); en gaged in manufacturing, every description of CASTINGS— such as: Patent Chillod Rolls; large Kettles and Curhs; Patent Kettles, for Soap, Pot Aah, Soda Ash; Sugar Ke tiles, fur the manufacture of Cane Sugar— -ail c ait on a pitmt jncets, known as J. C. Parry's, and ore superior fur dura* jility to any other, and sold lower than those made on the old plan. GlB OB WAtZB. HOLLOW WARE—A general assortment, all from new and Improved patterns, W agon Boxes, Dog Irons, Sad Irons, ' A&t&c. ■ ? Bolling Mill Castings, and Machinery of every description, always on hand os made to order. Cook Staves, Kitchen Ranges, and Coal Btovu), of overy description; Jowa Cook Stores, fire sizes, which received the first prize for 1850 aud 1851, at the Agricultural Fair of Al legheny-County, Poland recommended by fifteen hundred • persons;-Enterpnzß Cook stores, four sizes; Premium Cook Stores; Egg and Radiator Coal stoves; Purler Stove/, Ac. Parlor Grates and Feudern, great variety, beautifully enamelled. Common Grates, and building material of overy dassriptlon. A great variety of Ornamental Rolling, for Cemeteries and Fencing. JPbughi end PUmah Qwftnps—A large stock of all the kinds in use, and will be sold at reduced pnecs. flnll's Pat ent Lover, .True American, Egan's, Crane's, Kinkald's,. .Woods', Peacock's, Bull’s, Improvtd Bull, Ac. • Bvubk FUntgh*r~tho Michigan Double Plough, which has taken tho premium at the State Pairs of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio,and wheroverit has bwu exhibited. Iron and Nails, Stove Plpaand Tin Ware—oil of which 1, will sell at the lowest prices; and respectfully invite (he •nttbUe to give me a call, at the old stand. No. 103 Wood rrww n oaunv: PIANO FORTES. CHARLOTTE BLUM B, No. 118 Wood street, second door above FRlh, Pittsburgh, offers for sale a large nnd well ownrtod If u j ft stock of Piano Fortes, (which are ju»t ar riving,) on the most liberal terms. The attention of purchasers Is especially invited to the celebrated HAMIIUKG PIANOS. These instruments being madeoxpre.irfy.for this climate, and having the over strings, haTC:» volume of torn? un equalled by anyothors. Also, Hanoi* from the manufactory -of Gala A Co.,New York; Bacon A Raven, New York; U«- iehenboch A Sons, PMladblphia; and of arr own makupac ttox, which are well known, and hATO born uhh! In this and other cities for 1C year*. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. (rufian—A fine selection of French, Spanish and German, of superior quality. • nouns— I The best lUUnn, French and English make. Aceonfeonj—From the best Paris manufactory. A LSft—Flutes, Clarionets, Drums, Mfr*, Banjos, Tambo* rln<«, Triangles, Ac. Ftriw*— Italian. French. English and German, warranted to l* of tho very best quality. Pianos and all Musical Instrumenta repaired with (nira biUtv.'tiiuitTtrt?# an«l »te*pateh - jifri. i ■»’ JUST RECEIVED, and bow open for cx amioatlan and sale, the following new lh* H^Ol^*ll ftno Tories, viz:-- u • u \| w One Rosewood, richly carved , Grand r«mo Forte, T octaves fine, $M>O 00. - Ono snporbly carvetl Rosewood square Piano, in the style of Louis XIV, 7 octaves, $5OO OQ. One Rosewood carved, 7 octaves $450 00 One do do do 420 00 One do plain 6vv do 350 On One do do 6*4 do 350 00 One do - do 6 • do 200 00 Ono do do 6 do 200 00 All the übove uro from tho reiebrated manufactory of Cuicxxaiso.A Sons, Boston, Mass. ■ Also, rocelved from the same factory, a beautiful lot of PIANO STOOLS, Carved and plain ro&ewood, with hair cloth, figured plush, and broealelio scats. On band, a largo stock of Ptsaos from other Boston and New York makers, and for sale at factory prices. JOUN U. MELTjOH, 8l Wood street. , Agent for ChlckerlDg’s Pianos, fur Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, < • HELKBF.R lIA9 JUST RECEIVED—. . . SoovxKia na Pams Bcnorrisu, compost'd and dedi cated to 51r Jullut Lee, by 11. Kleber. This piece is embel lished with an elegantly colored vignette of tho city of Paris, showing theToiuxuras, the imperial residence bf th 4 French Emperor; tho Church of Notre Dave, oto.—lining a relit bio and correct map of the French Capital, ns tuKou by Mr. Lee, on his recent visit there, and Is of itself Worth the prico charged for the Music. .. . . ; The Troubadour Polka—composed and dedicated to Romaine Lemoyne, of Washington, Pu* by 1L Kleber. . Fond Hearta at Home; beautiful new Ballad, as sung by Buckley's Sorenadnra. „ ■ Mustl Forsake Thee; Gorman melody, with English and German words. Little Songs for Littto Children—new. neavily Wears tho Day—new. Thinking of Thoo—now Ballad. What shall I call Thee—vocal duett. Polkas—Zlg-zng, City of. Glasgow, Louis Napoleon,. lint* tio, Childrpna’ Delight, Uupresumlng, etc., etc.; and a gene* r&l selection of tho most fashionable music of the day. > 49* So. 101 THIRD street, oct24 Steamboats, Ahoy I . ■iiijjn To* subscribers tender their nckuow-/9|' | , «i” i for the favors bestowed upon m&ilaisSaiiatbQm by their 'Steamboat friends, and FfPlj would respectfully remind them and others interest • -i 1 ; ed in building boats, that they ore at all times prepared to; famish, oh the most reasonable terms, every description of- Cahin Furniture and Chairs of tho bent material and work*, manship- T* B# YOUNG A CO.«- i ■ • ■ Comer Third and Smithfiold streets, .. ! opposite •* Brown’s Motel.’* NEW MUSIO 6TOKE.—’ X'iie subscribers have opened at- No. 83 Fourth street, a choice collection of music aud musical Instruments, Italianau dc-c. CONSISTING lu part of the celebrated" Stowel. or Ever green Sugar Corn, Old Colony. Sugar Corn, Wrinkled Sugar Peas of various improved varieties, Blno Imperial, Rloe Prussian and Marrow lata do, Beans, Onions, Radish, Parsnlpi-Cuoumbor and Mellons of tho finest and most ap proved sorts, Field Carrots, Turnips and Sugar Beets for the ■ dairyman and farmers. -A rich oollootion of flower seeds; Lawn Grass Seed, and a full and complete assortment, of Garden and Farming Implements of tho latest improvements, .Monthly Vabenas, Roses, HeUterops; and fine"bldoming • plants for tbeyard, Gordon or Lawns, by tho dozen or 100 1 Merchants, Dealers or others filled promptly on liberal terms, from the Seed and Horticultural ware ; house, 49 Fifth sireot, by lopr27] JAME 3 WARDBOP. SUNDRIES-- Cigars, pipes, pipe heads, Spiers, chocolate, broom?, buckets, tubs, bed cords, twine, ropes, cotton batting, carpet chain, raga, hemp and cotton, brushes, ex tract of coffee, "blacking; saleratus, white and red lead, maa dor, copperas, alum, Indigo, logwood, camwood, powder, shot, lead, wnaltfboarda, staroh, corks, demijohns, jugs, tar, chcoao, dairy salt, sardines, alcohol, turpenUne, snuff, cat and dry tolMcooi 40., Scg In store and for sale by _ - • ury mooeou, > , MILLER & ItIOKJSTBON, 221 and 223 Liberty et. r OT CORN I HOT CORN JI r HOT CORN I J l—Hot Corn: Life Bcenes la New Totk Illustrated—including the 'Btorv of Xdttlo Koty. Madallaa thorag-plcker’* daughter, ‘Wild Maggie, 4c. With original designs, engraved by Nr On. By Solon Robinson* « Bid that welcome - ' Which comes to punish os.” “A bcgff&ris booh ontworth'B n.noblo s blood. • “ 0£ every inordinate cup 'bowsKi; . Or drink, and with it ml«cry share- For sain by - BT. C, MOBQAN, dmlS 104 Wmi street - . i.' 4 •••.. .' H.. <*• V ... PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, EEBEUARY 14, 1854, BUSINESS CARDS. JOSHUA Rill LOOKS & CO M & COH7ECTIOHEBS, CUICKEKING'S PIANOS LATEST MUSIC. t n 10UACCU —200 boxes and half boxes 6’*f Sfy and 1 lX Ih Lump; Diadem Twist, Diamond- Twist,-Bix_ Twist, 'Plug, Russell-A Robinson's, Grant’s, Anderson's, Tnomaß, Jones 1 extra* Moylart AGentry*B Tobacco, ln «torn and tor ralehy rdoc22l MILLER i RICKRTBON. iTTOT COBNI UOT CORN 11 —Another supply Just ro:. IH eel red and for Bale by. < D. T. 0. MORGAN*... o . V : -... .. :lti4 Wood Street, ‘/~'UT¥ WARRANTS —$500 WANTED by v oct2Q AUSTIN LOOMIS, No. 92 Fourth st , » -L *" ‘ *■ , . ■■ •. ' 'I FOR SALE. AND TO LET. . Property for Bale. THE subscriber offers for sale, on/very reasonable terms, lh-.followipg property, yla* . A Three Story Brick Swelling House, No. 110 Penn street,, between Hay street and Evan^-alloy; and Lot 25 feet front, extending bock 112 feet to pn alloy. The House Is one of the best, buildings,' and. in ohd of the most 'pleasant -neighbor* , hoods In the city.’. : ■ ,■ *' Five Lots—embracing corners of Front and Perry streets; one hundred and five feet fronton Perry and sixty feet on Front street, with a good throe story Brick Building on the oornerj a two story Frame on Front st, and two. Brick Build? •tags, used as shops, on Ferry st,.. - • . ; . « ' ' : . A.Lot, ai feet. front, by .80 feet deep, on Front, between MarketaixdF®ny skeefa- A Lot, with rory convenient Frame Dwelling; Lot 20 foet by ... AHouse ftnd Ibt,oa;>Vyiie.etreot,.uear.the iiew CkUrt House. The house is well arranged and in good order, and. is now.occupled as a hotel. ' A Thrive Stcryßrick, onSpiithilald street,near Seventh— belng in sn excellent businefis location. The Lot is 20 by SO , feet deep, fronting bn fimlthfleld sti ; A Cottage Frame nnd.Lot,2B by 120 feet, fronting on Anne and Robinson streets, Allegheny City... .This is a very desira ble and pleasant location for a residence, . Nine Lots in the town of. M’Keesport, each Odfeet by l&Q. Several of these ore on the Main street. ' ElovenAcreainLimetown,-on theHonongahela River, oh. which there are 4houses; there are some 6 or 7 acres ef ex-* -celleht stone coal, and abundance’of limestone, convenient to thelaudingf and two ooal pita owh. " Ninety Lota in the town of Columbia, 60 feet by 150 each, nearly all lcvel, and well located. The tenant of each Lot has the privilege of nslng whatev or stone ’ coal he ioay re quire for his own use, from, a pit near the Locks. Columbia Is 4 hleossht'situation oh the bahkhf ihe Mosougahela riv er, a short distance below .Look No. £ in the midst of an ex tensive stone coal region, and would bo a desirable point for ■ manufacturing establishments. Two Hundred acres of superior;Stono Coal,with House, Railroad, Ac. This property hasafrontof 1-ltf rods on the Monongabela river Jan excel! ent landing; rood grade and foundation for. railroad—with enough loved ground at -one point for houses and’gardens, or locations for manufactories. ■ The vein Is deep enough to allow horses to bo used in baul king out the coal—the quality-of whlchj for iron work, steam; gtta,:crfor ahyoxdihjiry byairy lathe -country. •- . ? .*7 In my absence, my agent, James Blakely, Esa., will give all necessary information, and be authorized to give warran tee deeds for any property sold. >. ■ -JAMEd MAT, XajQfi- "No; Ho Penn FORTY-ONE BUILDINU LOTS - ash'-' '• •••"• Two Largo Brick Dwelling Houses for Sale. ri HIB subscriber how offers the following desirable proper-’ 1 ty for sale, situate in the Seventh Ward, and but ten minutes walk from tho Court House. ONE LARUB BRICK HOUSE, with nine apartments, situated on the corner of Colwoll and Miller Btreets.- Also, ONE LARGE TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, with eight apartments, situated on Reed street. Light Building Lots on-Colwell street; ten'Building Lots on Reed street; twenty-three Building Lotson Miller sUcot. This property Is very conveniently, situated, and will be very desirable for private residence*. : - i ... . ' Tho above propertynot sold previous to the middle of May, 1864* will be put up at Public Auction. Turns?—Qne-flflh cash; tho .balance in ten years, with: annual payments. . For farther particulars,enquire of the. subscriber. JACOB TOWER, scpl343m] Cnrocr Colwell aud.Miller sta., 7th-Ward. For Sole# " A LOT OF GROUND in Hogg's Plan- of Lotsin the Third A. Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, near High, street, and being.2o feet front- on Pennsylvania Avenue, anil running back 117 foot. The property will be Bold,clear of aU incam bronco, except an annual ground - rent of one hundred and sixty-fire dollars, to which it is now subject. On the proper ty are seven good TENEMENTS—five brick and two frame —all two stories high, and renting fbi; about five hundred dollars annually. Price,sl2oo; sSoocash, and $OOO in« months—bygood endorsed paper. WM-C. FRIEND, jol&tf Attorney at Law, No. 120 Fourth street.-■■ COAL LAND FOR SALE—2S Acres ot Land, with a vein of Cool 4J.6 feet thick* with a lower.Tein of 2 feet; ouly 1H inches between tho two. Tho Land is a good (toll, and lb Acres in cultivation. A good Dwelling House, Fruit Trees, good watur and timber. The Lund Is suitable for Garden ing purposes; situate about 4 miles from the city; a short distance from tho Brownsville Flank Road. 8. CUTUBERT A SON, decl General Commission Ag*U, 140 Tbltd st. I /WILL SELT, toy tiut&plrod lease (fourteen years) of a Lot, situate on O'Hara street and Spring alley, in the Firth Ward—4o ft fronting on O’Hara Rlreet, and Tunning, back 100 ft. on Spring alley, on which 1* erected a four atcricd brink House, 40 ft. with a frame, two stories, CO ft- on Spring alley, well calculated to rarry on any branch of xnauafrcturingbusiness. Being engaged in man* ufertarint; in the country,'! offer the uhbyeftr aide. In* nuireat ho. 425 liberty street. orlSitf rpQE sab.-rriher oilers for wvle Tea Acres of Loud, near X the rwddon're of-Her. Dr.-Cempbvllfhf’Alsuebester, all of which is in Ifeo highest stale of cultivation. Near 600 bearing apple, peach,'plant and pear trees, all of which are grafted fruit, are ou tue lot; also, about three acres of yards ef th** 'quality of gropes;, tbo other improve mauls an> two Dwelling liou«vs and ottt-liousca; one of the dwellings Is new, not having been yet occupied.' 1 The pros pect from this place fr among the most extensive and beau tiful in tho country. It is abundantly supplied with flue Davor-failing springs. Apply to Mr. on the premises* or to JAMKS ULAXELY, Estate Office, cor. Eeveuih and Southfield ats. • • £s?* An extensive variety of Grape Mncx lor Ap ply as aliove. —— dtxJO riMIK 4uhscri!n*r olh-rs at private rale a SMALL FARM, Xm containing SIX.T Y-AORES, atuntwl la- Franklin -town ship* Ailtfib«*uy couuty; with about HUv acres cleaiedand in a good state.of cuulration; a. gt»od ,)uuug Orchard,of Ibelnvtfclud of fruit, agnod-i.og'UOU*i*and Kitchen, and a Log llarn; aiiouttcu biiles lcuta Pittsburgh, and about four miles from IVrrysviilo. . _ : ‘ . Vor Jhrther particulars, enquire of ft ILLIAM 011A1IAM in Sewirklry vUle, or to tho riubscriber, on the premises. ,u~ir» m-nn nkkly. HUU>, DRIVER* LOCOMOTIVE AHEAD!! Kenl Estate Farm for Sale r|*llß subscriber Ls authorised to sell 2S4'ACRES OF JL LAND, dtuati'd in Versailles Township, Allegheny County. Pennsylvania, lying back of McKeesport, known os the Wbite-bakFlate, and In tight of the proposed Station on theConaellsvtUo Railroad. Improvements os follows: A Square Log House, SO by 23 feet, two ptorioa high; and Sqtiare Log Barn, 60 by 60 feet—both now and in good order; two fine young Orchards, best grafted fruit, just commencing to bear. There Is' 00 to 100 Acres cleared ami in a high statoof cultivation, aud the balanco is well set with white-oak timber of tbo first order. This Land Is well calculated for a Stock Parra, being very level,'and the soil of uu excellent quality for gross growing, und being well watered, having some twelve or fourteen" never-failing springs of excellent water thereon. This Land has facilities rarely met with,-being within half a milw of the Yough. ■ river, and oho mile of Moncnguhria, and almost on the line' of the OonnelUville Railroad; and is supposed to contain nu inexhaustible bod of IRON ORE. This Land would not , be in the market, only that Uio owner is about to remove to the Far West. Terms easy, and price moderate. For’ far ther particulars, enquire of ft. J. REYNOLDS, at Lorens’ Glues Work?, or of JAMES 0. RICHEY* dco30:y ; ; Real Estate Agent, at this office. ONE DOLLAR AND A QUARTER A WEEK will pro cure a largo LOT OF GROUND. Eleven Duildlug Lots within twenty minutes’ wulk'of the dtv, in a pleasant and Lenlthjrlocatwn, will bo sold at $2OO ciu*h— $lu in hand; balance »c $5 per month. Each Lot is 60 feet front by 164 doBTkzXT, TURD DOOUBBLOW VmQISAIiBJ. 2JO WN d TETLKT, IMPORTERS and manufacturers of KRY, SURGICAL AND DENTAL -Mgrva?- INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES; Ac. We i||f:/ > : - keep & general.assortmeut Of. the above V' T articles constantly on hand; together with a general variety of Fancy Hardware.. Also, Guns, Pis tols and Revolvers, Flasks, Iloms, Shot Belts, Caps, Powder, Lead and Bullets; Bowto, Birk;. Hunting and Pocket Knives; Tailors and HairUrt'S-sers’ Shears; Pocket Scissors, Ac.— Also, Trasses and Supporters, ioobing and" repairing neatly executed. . jiu^esi—Wo are making Rifles of every description, to. order, of'.the best material, and workmanship, warranted.— Orders received for them at Wholesale or • Retail, will bo fill ed with despatch. Hunting partios, supplied, at Wholesale prices. ' : • tnylS CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY BOOKS, at DATISON’S , BOOK STORK, 05 MARKET Btrect,.near Poafth.—The subscriber, having now opened his flolidny-Books, would Invito attention to Ills largo assortment of JUVENILE and other BOOK 3 suitable to the season. Th e assortment in cludes Children's Books for .all ages and purses ; JSngUsh classics, in splendid cabinet binding; the mosfcelegant, «H : tiona of jacket, family and pulpit Bibles; superbly iUus* tratedEiiglUdv works; and Prayer Books aud Bibles in vel vet, with gold and silver ornaments. That ho may have tho pleasure of giving grfiater satisfaction to friends and customers, he solicits early calls. JonN s. DAViso.v, 65,Mnrket. near Fourth Btreet. '■ I HAVE placfcd my Books and Accounts in tho-handa of ■ jiMM-fl. Richey, Esq., for settlement,-and X earnestly hope lh&all wbdate indebted for subscriptions to the Dally ond Weekly Post, or for Advertising and Job Printing, •will pay as author, ized to settle tbo accounts of tbo firm of UanPER & LattoN", and IlAßPfin £ Pmuirs. L. HARPER. • JOHN LAYTON. ; ; N;B.—Mr. Richey will bo found at tbo offico.of the Post, I where the Books still remains - ; =•••;' •??"" • • ; y JAMES ROBB, No. 100 Market street,.. Pittsburgh, Trill offer his present large stock oj BOOTS, SHOES, and i RUBBERS, at very lowpnccs, until the 10tb of February, 1864, whon.ho hopfcs to removo to bis New Srouc, No. 89 stmt,which be iutends filling with an entirely ;now stocks Tba public are respectfully invited to call and -procure his present prim t stock, at unutually meat bargains 1 —REGARDLESS OF COST. I Remembor the place—No. 109 Market street, between ! Fifth street and Liberty. . . ■ • [jafctf . 'WUltnm Carr & Co»y. (Wu; Carr lata at the firm of J. Parker «fc Co.) S*vrrilOLE3ALE GROCEB3 and Dealors in Foreign Wines \YV --OPd-Rrandlcg,Old Monongahela and Rectified Whig, ‘key, No-' B*9'Commercial'Row,-Liborty street, 'Pittsburgh, IPa. -■•■ly t; y. ■ ■ . ■■■• "'jafcy A LT. KIND 3 OP GOLD. gUjYKIV ANtr XJAN'K NOEE3 iiAi.,i)OUgUt,«>ja iiniexi;luul(?eaby, r ;~„. ocfcsh A. WILKINS i C 6-, Hankers, ’ [United .States Bank Bailding.Nol 71 FtUirfli at., Pittsburgh. | A -CtiERUX-^EOTQBAJb—A supply of thieicelo 3/jL’hrated Coogh Mtdiclno last received by fob 7 JOS. FLEMING. For Sole. EDWARD FA.BKIL Ten Acres for dale* FAUM FOK SALE J 3- 159 Wceki.-B For Rent, Take Notice* Selling Off to Remove. : ..r V ■" IV- ' •. NEW YORK. To Bruggiata & Merchants throughoutthe Union. D. B. II’CVLIOVCH, KAHUPAOinnEB AND' SEALES IS PAINTS, OILS, sc„ ■ So, Ul Malden lant, SEW VOEK, BEBPECTFULLF invites tho attention of Druggists and. Mfirclmnts throUghouttho-Uniontohis large and 'ex-' I tensive assortment of PAINTS, OILS. Ac., of the PEST and PUREST QUALITIES, which ho offoTS for Bale on vbry.l moderate terms, both to cash and closo-timebuyerß. Bolow i •are enumerated eoine of tho leading articles: . WHITE LEAD, in'oil, tnkcgaof2s to 500 lb's.. - I ' BLACK PAINT, YELLOW OCHRE, YEN. RED, in oil. , I PATENT DRYER, SPANISH BROWN, TETRA DK Sir' ENNA, in oil. - UMBER,'CIIROMK, IMPERIAL, AND ARSENICAL i GREENS, in oil. ■ PRUSSIAN BLUE,CHROME YELLOW and VERDIGRIS* dry. and In oil; •• VARNISHES of all kinds. RAW and BOILED LINSEED OIL, PUTTY, WHITING CIULE, LAMP BLACK. O :AM; and ENGLISH YEN. BED, CHROME RED and YEL LOW, dry and in oil. INDIA RED, RED LEAD and LITHARGE, dry. . STONE, FRENCH, and AMERICAN.OCHRE* dry. CHROME, PARIS and BRUNSWICK GREEN, dry and in oiL FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS. : ‘ . Dragglsta andothers in want of any of the above mention- ; . ed articles, will findlt to.theitf inlcr.e£tato.call,.as pur facili ties formanufaciuring'and purchasing, and our experience in the business, give us advantages in soiling over most of those in the same line. D. B..M’CULLOUGH, J 'my2lr9tn'‘ 141 Maiden'Lone, Now York. CAF E II WA K E HOH 8 E i Cyrufl W» Yield, &Co. r COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No:\ll Cliff street, New York, are SOLE AGENTS lathe United States for Mnspratt’s. Superior Bleaching Powder. : "Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing Papers. ' . -Russell Mills Superior - - “ ;.. u . * . Genessee MiflsSuperior Printing 4 * ' ' Rawlisa A Sons’English Tissue . « . First quality French Ulbramarine. . They are&iso Agents for the Principal Paper Manufactu rers in this country, aud. offer for sale byfir themost ex-, tensive and desirable stock of Paper and Paper HanuCacta- materials that , can be foand In this or any other country. ' .; • They occupy the ; large and commodious Warehouses, No. 11 Cliffetrect* N 0.68 Cliff Etreet, No. 184 Christopher street, Ond the Lofits over the large Iron Stores, 7 and 9 CHIT street. . Their business is strictly Wholesale, and Writing Papers are sold by the Case only. . • -Tliolr extraordinary facilities enable them to offer all Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, at the lowest possible prices. Paper made to order, any Rlze or weight. Liberal advan ces maffe.on- consignments of Paper, Paper Makers’ Stock and other merchandize. ■ . , - , - The highest market price paid in CASH for all kinds of 4grC - ■ r - • i mariSfclSm' Bradbury's Piano and Melodeou. Warerooms, NO. 45)3 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. enlarging my Wardrooms, I am enabled to keep a X; much gre&r Msortmeat of Instruments than hereto* > fore. All Pianos furnished are of an elastic touch, and of an I even quality;, and deep, full, rich and purely, rucal tone,: qualltics mostdeslrabis, inasmuch as the voice wiUassiuu j late to the tone of tbe instrument. AU my Instruments are : fully warranted, a guarantee aecompaniesevery bill of sale, and are Bold as low as can be purchased elsewhere. Second, hand Pianos at all prices.. as?* -A Jtetb /neentum.—The Organ Melodcon, with fwer ; Ban Jct of Keys, the only thing of the kind in the country, having ftco stops, coupler, swell draw stops, Ac., a sweet and ■ powerful Instrument, pronounced by Organists to besujpe- .j riot for churches or Organ practice to the medium sized, I gans, priee $200." Also, the CommonMelodeon, of aU'styles j and prices. Being the exclusive. Agent for these Instru i ments, orders are solicited. The usual discount made lathe ! trade,ond lOper cent, to clergymen purchasing for-iheir own use. E. G. BRADBURY, marls*ly 423 Broadway, New York. PHILADELPHIA. GEOUGE J. HENKEL’S CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE, N«. 173 CHESTNUT STREET, * (Oppositx InDxrExnEsca Hau,) • ' - • •• Philadelphia. . FURNITURE, IN EVERY STYLE! Comprising Louis XIY, Louis XY, Elizabethan and Antique, ; with Sculpture Carving and modem style; . In Rosewood, Mahogany,Satlnwood and Maple; . all of superior, construction, and finished in the best style r equal to, If notexcclhnginqaal- Uy, the Goods of . any Establish- , ; . • - mentltttheUhitedStateS. EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (appren tices being positively excluded,)and.using.the best ma- the work cannot fail lo give satisfaction to pur chasers. Amongst.the.many advantage offered to . pur chasers, is the facility of Furnishing a House, either iu ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment; by which means all the articles in each room correspond in style and quality, and the immense always on'hand, being so various In. design, enables purchasers to please their taste in a Selection, without the delay necessarily, caused m ordering Furniture. To giveanidca of the finished. FumUuroon hand, T need only inform you that my Rooms are. 176 feet long, by-27 feet' wide; four floors In number ; with Shops contiguous, suffi cient to employ . which Is a guarantee that the work is all done under iriy own immediate inspection. 6 The Packing isnU done in the Store. and Furniture warranted to carry safely any distance.., Visiters to Pbila'" dttlphia are respectfully invited, as purchasers or otherwise, to call and examine the Goods. au2o:ly BALTIMORE. WATCHES, JEWELRT, j* »i SllAhil WARE B nz Clock lapicrMoche ygwv Goods Hovjwool Dressing case Writing Desks.- fr*/j£» £1 gaut lans, Opo a Gloats, Cuttl rr, ime Oil PidntlpgH. Dresden cnina, 4c.—The undersigned heg particularly to invito the visits of citizens andatrangers," whether as purchasers or connoisseurs, to their mognllieent stock belieringit to ez eedio extent, variety and richness, any other in this country They feel sure the advantage of personally selecting goods at the different factorieain Europe,' and their own manufactories f Jewelry Silver Ware* Ac., hfire- enable them to offer inducements in prices and quail* ties, and prices; considering qualities, such as catrnot be of*, toed by any oth r house In the trade Delicate goods so carefully packed as to go safely any dis tance and by almostony conveyance Wholesale and retail. OAVFIEED BROTHER * CO. : “ 2291301macr0 street, corner of Charles, Baltimore.; ’ GEORGE BTOROES, 80T.S HAJtOVACTDREB 0? THE IMPROVXD SPIEAIi SPRING BIATTRESSj &. W* Cor. Baltimore and Frederick streets, Bal- | (more, and ifo. $2 Walnut st., Philadelphia* 1 FIVE SILVER MEDALS AWARDED, VIZ:— : T) AMERidstlMBtiiUTE, New'-York; j - By >Faxsxu:tiKsmurz,Philadelphia; l Mastlakd Institutc, Baltimore. j HE peculiar Improvement in the construction of this. .Mattress is, that all the clumsey.. and htavy . wooden frame-work Is entirely dispensed with, and its plaro sup plied bya-lighter and much mope durable frame. -The springs ore aU connected by harness leather hinges, secure- 1 ly rivott&l,'rendering .it: impossible for a single -spring to -I fall down or get out of place,-and making a Bed so elastic j : thatany part may be raised Orbent up, ; and la thnsadmlra- 1 bly -fitted to the wants of the sick or asthmotie, who may re quire & sitting posture. It has all the luxurious softness of 1 the best feather bed, with tho lightness and facility of hand* ling.of the common hair mattress. . These improved Spring Beds are invariably "made of the best.materials, and will last many years without repairs* ; Persons having Hair Mattresses can have them altered in to Spring Beds/ These Beds are well adapted for Hotels, berths of Steamboats and Hospitals. -ALSO, an extensive assortment of highly ornamented, (in enamel.) and plain finished OAST IRON FURNITBRK, con stating In part of Bedsteads, Hat and Coat Racks, Cana and Umbrella Stands,.Centre, Pier and Side Tables with marble tops Garden Chairs, Settees, etc., etc; Animals, such as Lions, Lambs, Dogs, etc., in Iron, as well as the modelsin Wood, furnished at short notice. deolGly ST. LOUIS. JOSEPH MOGHIDGE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 38 Commercial, below Pine Stree*, St. Lott Is, Mo., GONSIGNMENTS and Commissions will meet with prompt andpersonal attention, and libcxal tufrtmow will be given when required, on-Consignments or Bills of Lading, *n hand. - Orders for the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other: Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro duce yrlll meet with especial euro and dispatch; the lowest: rates of Freight Vill always be procured, and the expenso of Storage and Drayoge as mueb aa posoiblo avoided. •• page ABaoon, St. Louis; Ellis A-Morton,- Cincinnati; Charless, Blow A Oo. A do; Strader A Gorman, - do; Chouteau A Valle, do; Hosoa A Frazer, do; Doan, King A Co., do; Springer A Whiteman,’ do; J.W.ButlerAßro.,Pittsbh; E.O. Gooodmun A Co., do; D. Leech A Co., do; K. AC. Yarnull ACo.,Philada; Wm,Holmes A Co., do; Morgan, J. M.Buck AMorgan; Blow A March, New York, I*. B. Comegys, do; - Froafc A Forrest, do; Shields A Miller, do; Charles A.Meigs, do; Joslah Lee A Co., Baltimore. A- G.FarwellA Co.,Boston; Abraham J; Colo, - do ;i Howard, Son A Co., do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville; , . H.D. Newcomb A Bro., do; T. 0. Xwicholl A Co., Commission Merchants, hew Orleans have an opon Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address, when advised by letter-per mail, or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. • JOSEPH MOGRIDGE, . &ugO * flc. Louis, Missouri. Seymour's Galvanic bupporter. 1 THIS APPARATUS possesses all-ibe mechanical advan tages of tho Abdominal Supporter now In use, and also some'valuable advantages' over them, besides the galvanic ;attachment. ; Tho following recommendation Is from the editor of the New Hampshire Journal of Medicine: “The general form -and: construction of. these instruments has- been-before stated in this Journal. Tho,Editor has beon using them in 'his practice for. the lost three months, andJdoOs not hesitate to recommend them-fco physicians.” . For sale by , B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., ; - • Ja2& Corner of First and Wood sts., Pittsburgh. PAPER! PAPERII PAPERIIU -60 reams Printing Paper, 21x37; ..6 . do • •do 1 •do ’22x32; .27 do Envelopo do 24x37; Also, mown, mod.; double crown, double medium, straw, tea,and other papers, inlarge quantities.. For salaby: .. ji2B . B. TiC. MORGAN. 108.Wood,fit.-■ -Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP which existed between signed and Uxxey - Sriumv underthofinn of HENRY BTIMPLE A GO- i 3 dissolved, jand .Uio undersigned olonu aro authorised to transact and • IfllefiniU' ’ - ;!l [jalS-tf] - ': > PATRICKS A FRIEND. - BtHD Fanby ond-Urwdtng Pages,-of yj rlons sizes and patterns. Price from,sl »the Bead and Horticultural Warehouse, ROb street. j 6 27 JAMES WARDROP. «j _ V k '-“ ~t • -r . -, T t v v... •■ f v*’.;.'’ '■ v“ . *■■ v»>jVv.'j . ’ ■'.- *.. -••;;?•,'.'v. **?*'■** < *. ■■■:■ ’ ' ■ ' ,-■ * , - >'l> • * . «\’* r ' t % -- •• ’•:> :,•.•>*<£“ f! t - ’ * r V *' .V • :T' 1 *'>VV . i ***/„, ■* '.J MISCELLANEOUS. SOAP-CO boxes Palm, 10 do Castile, 6 do Almond, 2 do Olive, • / 2 do Caodia,: 60 do Toilet and Fancy; for sale by nov24/* • Jr IX WILLIAMS, 122 Wood street. 11 iniiALF BOXESRAISINS; J.V/U 100 qr do dp 20 ken San do . , 20 hf. Kogs Sun do . \ 10 hf 'kegs Malaga Gropoff f 10boxes Messina Lemons. Received this day and for sale by ... 3oc23*i . JOSHUA* 11H0D>8 4 CO., 39 Wbod’st. PIUB; UUU.3OObox<3M.K. Raisins; .. 150 talf boxes M.R. Raisins; 200 qr,/ .. **. ? . ' boxes FanOy Toy s; .100 u Motto Lozenges. ... Receiving and for salo by • decß - -J. O. ANDERSON 4 CO., No. 0 Wood fit. OH! V BOXES CRACKERS, No. 1. 4>uU 60 do Jackson do : ; 20, (too Torpedoes. T V r -‘ . i -.,,.1 case Nutmegs... . ' ' 30 kegs Cooking Raisins. ( Received and for sale by -decO, J. 0. ANDERSON 4 00., No. 6 Wood at. IOWISH—Just received, V> . 10-casks prime Codfish; •.;• 5 bbls No. 1 Salmon, *, 3001bfl'6raokcd Salmon,-’ -• 20bblsgib*dHerring, :• .-. * . 20 do No. 3 Mackerel. , 160 boxes Burlington scaled and No. 1 smoked Honing, For sale low for cash by . . . JEHU HAWORTH, : decO •t~ « : Corner of Diamond and Diamond alley. CLUSTKK'KAISINS— 150 boxes,atsl,6o pur box; . 100 boxes . No. 1 Fire Crockers, SI»37M per box, or 4c. per pack, at ... JEHU HAWORTH’S, . dec23 ‘ ' .Corner of Diamond and. Diamond alley. -T uVKRING'S SUGAR—3O bbla Lovering’s Crushed atd Xj Pulverized Sugars for salo by ; . J. HAWOBTJI, ja2Q • ' Corner, of Diamond and Diamond alley.~V BOYS’ ANDYOUTII’3 THICK KIP AND CALF BOOTS, at very low prices.- . 1 L. K.HAYWARD. feb3 Corner ofMarfcet and Llberfy streets. IRUIT.—SO sacks Peaches, CO. do..- Apples, received this day. For sale by b 3 KIRKPATRICK & HERRONS. >EARLB.—IS casks &rsale fe3 KIRKPATRICK 4 HERRONS. INSEED 01L.—6 bbls. Linseed Oil, for sale by: i fe3 KIRKPATRICK 4 HERRONS. BROOMS.— 150 dozen, for sale by fo3 ■ ’ KIRKPATRICK 4 HERRONS. AUD.—SO keys Laid, for sale by l fea KIRKPATRICK & HERRONS. Sat.ad OIL— 60 baeketa in store and for sale by FLEMING 4 BROS. ' Successors to J Kidd&Co. fr 3 00 Wood street. SAND CRUCIBLES—IOOO nests instore and for sale by fop v : w :‘ / FLEMING-4 BROS. /''IALULNED MAGNESIA—2OOO lbs. in store and for sale AJ by ' ffe3] ■' . FLEMING 4.8R05. IOWDEKBD RHUBARB—3OO IbS.in store and for solo by, . __ffc3l , FLEMING 4 BROS. >AIN KILLER.—IO gross Perry Davis’, just rebclvud and for sale by ' (fo3) • ' FLEMING & BROS. S~.I*ANISIi. ACUKEATXO—IOO lbs. in Btoreand for Palo by fe3 • . FLEMING 4 BROS. SILVER SAND—IO bbls. instore and for sale by fo3 ; FLEMING A BROS. i CP. C. fcODA—2OO kegs for sale by > feb3 R. K. SELLERS 4 CO. ('UiALK —3600 fca for rale by j ftib3 R. E. SELLERS 4 CO. CILOYK3— 45tt £ba for sale by v > fob 3 ~' ~ R. E. SELLERS & CO. ILM BARK—4OOS>s prime for sale by - - I feb3 .. . 1U E. SELLERS 4 CO. CULEAM TARTAR—2OuO lbs for sale by / feb3. : • ? ' : R, E. SELLERS A CO. CHROME YELLOW—IOOO fos for sale by . . fob-3 . . R. E. BRLLERS 4 CO. X7TAL CORKS—I2OO gross variousqualities for sale by V febS . . ■ R, E. SELLERS & CO. JUST RECEIVED — - ; 6 hhds J. S. Lovering’s Phna.Sy3rup; 2 bbls 8U Louis Golden Syrup; 5 hf bbls do do i 10 tengaU.kegdo - ' do- : 1 " For sale at the lowest market price by r * • dcrf> - BAILEY 4 RENBHAW, 253 Liberty APPLES— 100 bbls choice Apples for sale low by dec2 BAILEY 4.RENSHAW, 263 Liberty |?01t 110USKU.EEPEKS—Just received afresh, supply of P TJpright'SteoJr Broilers go much in demand—for sate by lfob2] 'BAILEY 4 ItENSHAW. TJAMILY SUGAR-CURED HAMS.—We have this day re- J? steamer Statesman', s;tlerce3 Sugar-cured Hums, of the brand so much relished by tho visitors at Bed* ford Springs. For sale at the lowest rates, by .. BAILEY 4 KBNSHAW, . ja27 . ; - . ' 253 Liberty street. FAMILY BATTING—A choice artlclo for qtultxng,- roc’d and for sale by BAILEY 4 RBNSHAW, ja27 . . - . V; 253Idber^retreet. PEACHES—2 bbls extra quality received, and ■ • for aalobjr ; [feb2] • BAILEY A EBN3IIAW. T7t(JR THE HOLIDAYS—A general assortment of new r Fruit, including Rai/dns, Currants, Figs, Prunes and' Lemons; also, - Hard, Soft and raper-shell Almonds,' Wal nuts and Filberts, wholesale or retail. ; - . . . «lftcls BAILEY 4 RENSHAW. SEGARS— dust rac’d; a supply of choice Ha vana Segars, in 100 boxes. . • ; dcc2 BAILEY 4 RENSHAW. BAY RUM—filx Dozen very superior quality received by - . . . JOS. FLEMING, ' feb» Successor to L. VVUcox-4 Co. . TLI OLCR’S PANACEA;‘.awmm’s do. A supply or these J~l celebrated medicines received by. •• ; JOS. FLEMING, .feb2 . - • to L. Wilcox: 4C0.- C 'VOX’S SPARKLING GELATIN—A largo supply just cl*-. yccivcdby JOS. FLEMING, Xob2 Successor to L. Wilcox 4 Co.. JUDD'S LIQUID CUTICLK—Tho best preparation yet - discovered' for dresring'Barns, Scalds, Cuts, Bruises, and all kinds of wounds. A large supply received by* ■ JOS. FLEMING,. i fcbd Successor to L. Wilcox A Co. »»GROSS' MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT in store and for sale by FLEMING. BRO&, ja3o - : No.COWood«t. MARSH’S: TRUSS—Tia most pcrfoct'Trnss now iuuse. A supply received by . . JOS. FLEMING, > - ja2o . Successor to L. Wilcox 4 Co.. BECKER’S EYE BALSAM.—This colobrated article is a sure remedy for sore and inllamcd eyes< . We hate been &oUing it fur the last ten years, aud have scarcely, if ever, known it to.fail In one single instance. Those afflict ed should give it a trml. ' A largo supply received by..' JOS. FLEMING, ja2G . Successor to L: Wilcox 4 Co. HOSTETTEU 4 GREEN’S STOMACH BITTEItB, for sola by . r. ' JOSEPH FLEMING; ja!4 Successor to L. Wilcox A.Co. JUST RECEIVED—2O bbls J. S.Loverings 4 Co.’Crushed for sale by BAILF.Y 4 RENSHAW,- doc2B - Wholesale and Retail Grocery Liberty st. J UDJ&R. AND . VINEGAR— V/ . 10 bbls Economy Crab Cider; 30 44 W. R. Cider Vinegar; .. 5 casks French White Wine Vinegar; for salo by dec22 MILLER 4 RICKKTSON. f 11EA—250 half chests Young Hyson, Imperial, Gnnpow- X dor, Souchong, and Pouchong Tea; 150. catty boxes do do; for sale by [dec22j MLLLER 4 RICKETSON. BRANDY— Vintages of 1800, 1833, 1840,1844,1848 and .1851 Cognac Brandy, for sale in packages and demi johns. (dec22) MILLER & RICKETSON. WINES— Superior Madeira;•> bherry. Port, Lfobyn; Claret, Haute Sautemo Wine, for sale by packugeor demijohn, by £dcc22] ■ MILLER 4 RICKETSON, ejAldlftg— 6o.boxes:H. It. Ualalru: JLi, BO hf« . « BUTTER —12 bbls packed Butter for saleby dooia HILLER & RIOKETSON. AND CANDLES— 5 300 boxes.No.l Family Soap; • - SO do Star and Mould Candles; foe sale by dec22 ■ ■. : MILLER & RIOKETSON. GLA&*-r-300 boxes ass’d sizes Window tilas* for aalt» - doc2‘2 MILLER & RIOKETSON. I7U3U— 50bbteNo. 3 Mackerel, large; ' ■ J ... 25 hf‘* « . ‘v. •••.. . •. 30 bbls'Picked Herring; Car sale by MILLER &IUCKETSON. * — \V, A. iiaU’tf Uoliaud Uin, Wolfo’b Eciieitiwu \JC Schnapps, in cos**, for sale by " ■■' jal2 TlTubL LONG SHAWLS.—a. A, MASON a. CO., NO. 25 .fX FUTCBstroetj have on hand over 50UO Wool Shawls of every quality.- ■< „..novl4Y- ' A A. MASON & CO. will open, on Saturday, Januiry Xi.**l4tb;Xour more cages of Ihoso cheap Do Loinos, at 0 and 10 canta per yard. : ja3J‘ - A A.BIASON havo.sooo .yards mote remaining J\ii of those Scent Calicoes, worth 12cents, and also 8000 yards at cents, d&stcolorH,:> - HOSIERY ANp GLOVES.—A. A. AIASON £ CO/, No* & Fifth fltreet^vrtlhoffer their Mock of more than, £OO. dozen of Hosiery and Gloves, at largo reductions from usual * *• DAILY HOMING DOST. TUESDAY' MOKNING::::::::::::FEBB0ARY 14. fokeigssbws< We extract the following further details of the foreign news brought bythc Btcamer Pacific, f fromtho-New York and Philadelphia.papers; The shipAntarctie had-arrived-at Idrerpool, having on bbard the passengers rescued from the San Francisco. A splendid now iron - emigrant ship; called the Taylenr; from Liverpool; having Sailed - op the 19th January for Melbourne, struck a rock in Dublin Bay, "and bank immediately, by‘which 400 lives were lost. - ' 1 The following details of the wrcck'of the Tay ledr are furnished by fts Ftt/muttl>■ Journal of the 26th: “The Taylenr left the Mersey on Thursday * i, last,-having an board about COO souls;-including . crew and passengers, of nil ages. - - Owingto the (: densbYog, and; perhaps,-some error, in the reck- ?; ohing, the-ship was-found;, ap about 10 o’clock, b wlthinsight of land,- which wasfirst seen by the ;> man at the wheel, hud in half-art hour after the ,v. look-ont msn at the bow eried ‘Breakers on the > starboard bowl’ The ship’s course waS "altered, but iti less then-twenty minutes after EhO struck c ■with fearful’Violence on a reef of rooks on the. j; east side of Bombay Island. In short, out of 1* thp eiitire number on board this IH-fated vessel (C6O, including vho crcw,y only 282 individuals have been resened, many-of whom - are severeiy f. maimed: and injured. The shore of: the creek 1;. Where the J ehip‘ lies wrecked,- and the coast ad-. -5 joiningyweraslrewn with corpses, some of which, 5. we regret to add, are said to have been stripped t; naked by some miscreants.” : , - ;i is no lohgor denied, oven by tho ' most sceptical; that any moment maybftngto England a ; formal declaration of war ; -and in view ortho’ imminence-of tho danger, it; is a matter of honest gratulation: to see With what coolness, -moderation and absohee of mock ho- j’ roics the people accept the necessity and prepare , to meet it • - "For Como brief timo, jt is considered probablß that tho war'may be carried ort from the ordina ry finances of the country,-wlthout tha imposi tion of any new impost. Bui with so powerful f ah enemy as Russia, it is impossible to carry on E “ a little ’war,” and the nation: itf fully, aware | that a War tax and a new loan.must be submit- i ted to: And, judging from thojprcsent temper-Qf the'peopiei andltbo generally healthy tohp of all departments of tra' .-•'.‘it •1; v iTheSenateand Legislature’ areroonvoked for February 27th. • t . w , , A spm.ofi 200,000 francs -from the Bridget-of the Interior, is plaaed attho disposal of the Pre fects, to assist in providing immediate relief'to rthe. ; poor.' ; . " -■ • 'j-.it j Ao Imperial decreonuthorizea the! Baler’s. Bank of Paris, which rwaslopette'd’ofldhe 10th, ito. contract a loan :of 24,000,000frttncs. The India and China niail hßdiboeß-telEgfhph edi bringing dates from Calcutta' to the 20th De cember. ■ ' I . ■ . ilTradoin Indio was doll; ■ ' ' ' . ’ Italy.—FrcpaTationB foT- W£tr~Th though they haTO I been gallantly asfph^ea;.ag»i.nst I ,.two J attaoks. liidvaffeo'oriKe "EnsaiaUs might, however, to oheoked in the comparatively narrow passage “' for sale by ' MILLER A RICtCBTSON. ■ \; *■. • r <-» f ' ,: *Y' . . . ■V t •• •• NUMBER 168. -»• - * \ ■* . V V. >.