>Si : [ : . v .n : ,;■ : - 'V,: r : . --p ' '.' . v : ■ .ppp f-';' ’ "Vs -*’ ’* '•’'<&. ‘. J :'":'■'■■'■•■*■:‘'r.-, •*•-} > . _,, -rp'V 'V- ’ -'.: ’ *' ' ' ■■ * > OK'* . i* V M ■ . , :; . /V‘ .•: . v> *»< *& £* l'*!**'' ; WV. «'f*; -r I. ! **r -.<•« Afit:- h>&V tor v **’ r -"‘b 4 vv-’A 1 1 ■:! i-vJ-'’-Vr,/•.>«• m’ vjhA^j» ■;«*' .‘■.-sy'.fl b'-1 r i- £ ' t /*' ; v b ■*>“**l* * * * - A ’ '>■; *■'■*.T ■! .\\ s ;V i*; { h' ■-: v;! . f; f IMIM “-It V-W J^-V^.j fr rip;|f IMMI K^M' s®fiSoWM*«e«4^’ 4* A«.' ■ ,',i’-5 W; --:^Vb&i - Ttl iMm r > ASrg J W^hJir r & C=»^r be ”“ falPSt •;.<•>;->> - &&■::' P?>> wmciSBr “ c& “ 4 °°» '> :V:~-; . ; DAILY MORNING POST.., MONDAY- MOaNING::::-::::;:FBBR0ARY 13. Tub TJeijiiy; Lav?— Newspapers generclly, ; throughout- the oeuntry.'Ere -takings .ground ngainsVlEesoYawsr 'A urging their repeal, ia in progress ia Massachusetts ana New, • York. The New Orleans .Bee speaks practically, ia the course of a sensible arliole on this subject, anil Bays: • . ■ ■ ■■ “Money is merchandise, ana the possessor ought to have an indefeasible right to employ it. to the best advantage. When capital is abun-: dant, it is cheap; when scarce, dear; the supply, and demand regulale its value, and no legisla ‘ tiou can overoomo this great and permanent law ofpolitiealeconomy. Consequently we find, that although in most of tbS States, laws against usury have been adopted, they are as valueless as waste paper. The moment tbe money becomes strin gent, and business men require facilities, they seek the parse of the capitalists, and consent to pay higher rates of interest than allowed by: Jawi - The experience of every merchant *ili ■ amply confirm this declaration. Besides,tf the ■ statute against usury could he enforced, is any oho verdant cnongh to Imagine that the capi talist would lend his money at the conventional rate, when by investing it in other ohannels, in real estate, or stooks for instance, he oould se cure a larger profit than suoh a rate would afford? The only result then that would flow from the rigid practical operation of the Usury Daw, would he to deprive. business men of all chance of ob taining pecuniary facilities at the very time they stand most sorely in need of them, viz : when the.money market is tight, and interest high.”— Baltimore Tima. A Straight Enin Canal.— We eee it stated on the authority of competent Engineers that the Erie Canal is at leoßt 76 miles longer than is necessary, if a straight course were taken. From Troy to Soheoeotady, aotually about 10 miles distant from* the former plaoe, the Canal traverses a space of 33 miles. Suggestions are made that while the work of enlargement is go ing on, the work of the making straight should likewise progress. ■ ,■ ■•- CLOTHING. . 6E086E ABBIOB, MERCHANT TAILOR, Ho. 57 Fifth Street, In Slavonic Building, HAVING fitted up a room for the purpose of resuming his business, flatters himself to bo able to make to order Fashionable Clothing of all, and strangers desiring comfortable garments, ■will no well to riTO him n call, as he is determined to please the moj»t fas tidious. lie will also be happy to see many of his old cus tomers, as he has Jnst rewired, from tho dties, an elegant stock of OIiOTHS, OABSIMBRK3 and l JsSTINGS. decSl&m • “ xusuovXl. TUB subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he has removed from hla old stand, on Markets?roeVtothe JTJSIPXtfO* FRONT BTOR£, U O.; 45 FIFTH STIIEST, immediately opposite too Theatre, vhere he Is now receiving and opening a handsome assort* ment of Plain and Fancy Colored Cloths, Casaimoros and Testings, of the newest styles, which he will take pleasure Inahowing to those who may fiivorhim withacalh Dels also prepared to make to order every article of Clothing constituting a Gentleman's Wardrobe, In the latest and most fashionable stylo.- ■ ... TO T* tt.o fiiS.~Thosubscriber offers-for sale bis com loto system of Garment Draughting, so favorably Jaiown n, by JAMK3 C. WATT, Teacher of Garment Cutting, No. « Fifth street, opposite the Theatre. ■ —: SA.MUKL GRAY, no. sPo&azs omZaihas, * «. cla» swat*, ntrsninum. GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHE tO made exclusively to order, end warranted to sail. Hu constantly on hand a Choice assortment of CWTSA, OABBIMERES, TESTINGS, pad OVERCOATING, of tho latest sty Up, selected expressly for the custom trade. Gentlemen leaving their orders, will fe&To their wlshos consulted and compiled with, as all work Is done under hla own supervision, pgT1 * - CLOTH 1N G STO RE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. T7IORMERLY of the celebrated Clothing Depot op Lltwrty P street, which has won an unbounded popularity under he nano of the THREE BIG DOORB, hare, for the pur pose of acquiring more space for their immense business, removed to the spacious building on tbeconier DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they hare now the most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS I ... . AKO ■ READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever been offered to the public. Their principal object for this removal, is to give them more facilities for the .- . WHOUEKU.E TRADE! They areprepared tosell Goods at the LO WEST EASTERN PRICES! And they will warrant them to be as good a» any mann factnrodin the Union. CUSTOM IVOBtti JJI TO* BEST BTTU, AKl> BFOH THB BHOBTESS ItOUCS. Thar have on hand & foil and beautiful assortment o 1 LOTUS and COATINGS, lor FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BDSI- NESS COATS. Onr interests'aro identical with a» oI our cMtomers, and w« assure tho publbrlbat om - fidelity will not Oil in ' filling all order, wo mybe tooted[with. FORGET THE PLACE— No. §8 Wood Street, (BABT SIDE,) CORNER OF DIAMOND ALLEY- N.B.—We derireqar patrons tounderstand that we have , no longer any connection with the Clothing Business on Liberty street Our attention Is devoted exclusively totho ■ Hoo«.boT.d«ign.tod. • JOH NSTCWSKCT*ro_ DRY GOODS. SECOND ARMY AD OF _ AHD WINTER DRY GOODS 11 The Cheapest Goods of the Season! YOUNG. STEVENSON * LOVE, sign of tho original Bis-lirvE, No. 74 MARKET STREET,between Fourth aad the Diamond, Pitteburgh, bare juat reoeirod, and are now opening, a-largo and splendid assortment of - ■ DBESS GOODS, Of the newest and. moat desirable styles, adapted to tho present season. . • . . ■ .. . plaid Brocade and Fancy Suss at plain- Black and Cornelian Silks and Turk Batina. Merino Plaidß, all wool, and 811 k and Wool do. si m\j Raw Silk and Cashmere Plaids of every description, very cheap. New stylo Plain and Fancy Do Lalnes. _ French Merinos, Cashmeres, Ooburgs, Alpacas, %pd Para mattas, all colors and qualities. Do Bcges, and high colored De Lalnes, all qualities. Fall and Winter Shawls, of every description, r lamp and Square Broehe and Plaid Shawls. Printed Cashmere and plain Thibet do. French Chintxea, Ginghams. rl . . „„ A general assortment lust color Prints, from 6J4 cts. up. WHITE GOODS of every description. Collars, Cuffs,Cheml*etteaand Emb dHdltfs., at bargains. Bonnet Ribbons and MWlnerv Goods, very cheap. Aiao, a full stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, at low prieesr— Unsn Sheeting* Pillow Linens, Table Cloths, and hep kins. Russia Diaper, and Cravats, very cheap. GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, and CRAY ATS. We would respectfully solicit an early call from both wholesale and retail buyers, flatteriog ourselves that we can accommodate all who may favor us with their patron a^ moBtUberaltCr YolTSa, STEVENSONA LOVE. : —“ notice u 1 ~ ■ T O THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS OF PITTSBURGH, ALLEGHENY CITY. AND VICINITY. —D GREGG * CO, Importers * Wholesale Doa’era In Foreiga .nil Domestic Dry Goods »ad Varieties, No. 09, one doorftom tho North-west comBT or Wood stand Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. Haring completed the enlargement or thnir oresont occupied Ware Rooms, aro now opening one of the largest and best stock of DRY GOODS andTARIE TIES. 4h« baTSSTer h errtofore exhibited to the Pittsburgh bade and on examination, will be found to bo unsurpassed branvother House of tho kind in tho City, and as ono of tho partners is generally in the Eastern Cities during thß business seasons, bnrehsaing cheap bargains, adapted to tho Pittsburgh-and Wostern Trade, wo will bo ablo id offer inducements to oorold customers, and purchasers gener ally.'Our stock of Dry Goods consists in part of the follow Ing leading articles, tie: Superior Broad. Cloths; Pilot bod Petersham do; Fanny Gassimeres, T woods and Satinotts; JeauP, Fancy Vestings and Corduroys; Flannels, Tickings and Vest Paddings; Brown and Bleached Muslins, and Irish Linens; SOYdgn and DomestloGinghams; Alpacas; Merinos, Coburg Cloths, and Dress Silks, Bay State and Broache Shawls; Widen Comforts and Fancy Siik Handksrriblofe. yrhe following comprise » part of tho gsnoral stock of Combs, Threads and ffcwlngßilks; Hosiery, G lores, Ribbons, raid ;Jeils, Lace Goods, Jaconetts, Mull and Cwnorick Muslins, Fancy Nettings, and MUllnery gdftda Alsu—A largo assortment of Table Ontlery, Pocket knives, lUsors and Brissore of our own Importation. Perfumery, Patent Modldncs, together with a splendid assortment of Gold and Gilt Jewelry, of thelatest patterns; Gold ana Oli ver Watches; Watch materials; Watch glasses, and an ex tensive stock of 80 hour and 8 day Brass Clocks.of a variety of patterns-' All of which will be sold on the most Become modating tonus, tor Cash, or City reference. N Country Merchants and Pedlars are invited in ffirft ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. ,%l°f D.QRIMGAOO. mEABI TEAS I TEAS Ir-J. HAWORTH, tho original and I only Importer In this dty, of the host Congo Teas from iihdon, Is now receiving a very large pmd choice selection of TEAS, which be Is determined to sell at sneh price* and fineness of quality, that all tho reckless puffers in this or the next city cannot beak He most respectfully Invites the • ladles and gentlemen of- this and the without distinction of nation, to. colt and try bis Teas, which he sells subject to be returned, If they don t give satisfaction. The following ore the priecsr_ ■ • ~ Prime Oolong, Souchong and Congo, cents lb. a very superior English breakfast Congo, 50c lb. Extra a very delicious Congo, 75c. ft. . Vine Young Hyson, 40@50c. lb. _ Extra fine Hyson and 76c. S?tM?hV|KAW’EA ItORE, corner or miondsidDlsmODd alley A liberal reducUon made to dealers. ■ ]ar ~ - M- EU )DEON INBTEUCTOB. —The complete Melodepn -Instructor,lnseven parts. Pert I—Elemontoof Mu •io Part 2—Progressive Finger Exercises. _ Part 3— Aim, Marches, Waltros, Variations, 4c. Part 4—Favorite Movo SStetom Operas, 4c. Parts—Voluntaries and Interlndes. Part 6—Selections from Oratorios. Part * ■—Modulationr. Designed 68 6 thorough instruction for the Melodeop> Sera* EolioonTOrgan, or any similar instrument, by John Sundelforganist of Bt. George’s Church, Ne» Fork, author of “ 2SQ Vofuntsires and Interludes, “The Amateur Organ- W i &e 4 roroly“of to'above workinst for edaattb. Music Store of J °KZ!dXit. , Pf£S\ ... •«&:>:< t' ’ *• V TRa&S£QBMCION. C BU BG U | Dll ANOB OP TIME. ~..;. QN tmilaftcr MONDAY, Norembe? 14th, 1863, Passengor,, Trains nlll run dully (Sundays MMptedlMftUo’w: 6IAH, TRAIN leavesClorelondolSDSAMrorWenavillr, st6ptilng ataU lnferni«ilat«BtaUonß; arriro at Alllanco at, 1135 A M, “nd Wlcllarmo at 220 P M; .... 1 EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Cleveland at S.OO PMior AUi anco, stopping at Hudson, Karlrnio and Kapenna only-: arrive at AlUftUoe at 6.00 P M. . ■ ACCOMODATION TRAIN leaves Cleveland for Ravenna: and intermediate Stations At 7.45,and arrive at Ravenna at 9-25 pm. Two through Trains from Cleveland to Pitts burgh daily. RETURNING: EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Alliance for Cleveland nt 1230 P M, stopping at Lima, lUvonna, Earivilte and Hudson only—-arrive &t Cleveland at 2.40 PM. The Mail Train of Oblo and Penna. Railroad, leaving Pittsburgh at 8.00 A M, connects with this Train at Alliance at 11.45 A M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Wellsville for Cleveland at 3.00 P M, stopping nt all way Stations—arrive at Alliance at & 00 and Cleveland el 7*30 P M. ACCOMMODAVION TRAIN leaves Ravenna for Clove, land and intermediate BLa lions at-7.15 A Sl—arrive at Cleveland at 0.00 AM. Only one through train from Pitts burgh to Cleveland dally. CONNECTIONS.—MaiI Train from Cleveland connects at Alliance with the Moil Train of Ohio and Penna. B. R. lor Canton, Massillon and Wooster; also for Salem and Pitts burgh, arriving at Pittsburgh at 4.45 PM. t _ Express Train from Cleveland, and Mall Train from WellmrlUO'both connect at Alliance at 5.00 P M with the Express Train of 0.& P. IL for Pittsburgh—arriving at Pittsburgh at 8.15 P M. Express Train from Alliance connects with the 8.00 AM Train of 0. & P. R. from Pittsburgh. Passengers leaving Pittsburgh on tho 8.00 A M Train ar rive at Cleveland at 2.40 P M, and connect with tho follow ing trainsEost, West and South. ' ; - Clevelasd AND Toledo.-- Trains leaving at 3.00 P M for Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago and tho North West, arriving at Toledo at 7.65 P M and Chicago next morning at 7 00— time through from Pittsburgh to Chicago being less than 24 hours. * Cleveukd, Columbus awi> Ciscinhati.— Trains leaving at 250 P M. and 8.30 P M for Columbus, Cincinnati, Gallon, Dayton, Indianapolis and all stations on the Bcllefontolno and Indiana Railroad. - Cuvclaud and K&u.—Trains leaving at 4.45 P M and 9.00 P M for Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo and New York. The . Trains connect both ways with the 0. Z. 4 0. E. K. at Hudson fqr.Cuyahoga Falls, Akron and Clinton at Bayard with the Railroad for Carrollton, Minerva and Waynesburg. Tickets through to Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Losalle and Freeport can be obtained at thls office. Passengers are requested to . procure their tickets at the Company’sOfficy, of - JOHN A.CAUGHEY, Agent, novlB Monongahela House, Water Rt, Pittsburgh. OHIO AND PEHH SYLVANIA EAILBO AD. Hew Arrangement. GOMMEircmQ. A UO US?. 8, 1868 1853. !«*• EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at Co'clock, A SI; stops only at tho principal Stations, and dines at Crest lino at R3OP M, arriving at Cincinnati in tho evening, via Columbus and Xenia. ' Fare from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, $7,75; to Columbus, £5 25 « HAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at BJO A M; dines at Al liance; and reaches Crestline at 0.00 P M, connecting with the Night Train to Columbus and Cincinnati, and with the Bcllefontaino and Indiana Railroad for Dayton, Indianapo lis, Terre Haute, and towns in Indiana. Connections are made at Alliance by Railroad with Ravenna, Hudson and Cleveland. Fare from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, $l.OO. Connections are made at Mansfield by Railroad with San dusky City, Mansfield, Mount Vernon, Newark and Zanes ville. Faro to Sandasky City, $4,50; to Newark, $4,50; to Zanca villo, $5. Connections arc made with Detroit and Chicago, noth by Cleveland and Sandusky City. Passengers who leave Pitts burgh in the Mail Train at &S 0 A M, go directly by Mans field and Sandusky-City to Detroit, without detention. Fora to Detroit, 6.00: to Chicago, 911,00. ' • _ RETPRNINGt THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Crestline nt 1.00 PM, Mansfield at 1.40 P M, and Alliancq et &.op PM, and reach es IPltteburgh at 8.15 P M, connecting'With the Express Train to Philadelphia and Baltimore, which leaves Pitts burgh at 10.30 P. M. .?<> Time from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, Fare, $7,75. Faro from Cincinnati to Philadelphia or Baltimore, $15.00. MAIL TRAIN leaves Crestline at 7, A M; dines at Al liance; connects with Express Train from Cleveland, and arrives at Pittsburgh at 5, P M. NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 10 A M and 4.45 P 51, and hew Brighton at 7 A M ond 1 P M. Excursion tickets, $1; quarterly tickets at reduced rates. FHEIOnT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 6.30 A M, and ar rives at 4.20, P M. %*t»P&s 1833 * THE PES(!IimV4SIA iuIIKOAD. fi>HK Fast Mall Train will leave tho Passenger Station nn X Liberty street every morning at 9 o’clock, stopping at all the regular stations on the rood, and arriving in Philadelphia the next morning at 7 o’clock, connecting with the trains direct to how iork, also connecting at Harris burg with the trains for, and arriving In Baltimore at 7 o’- clock, A. M. Tho Express Train leaves tho station every evening at 9:80 o’clock, stopping at all tho regular stations, and eon neodngwlth trains for Baltimore, and arriving In Philadel phia or Baltimore at 8 P. M. ' Fare to Philadelphia, $9,50; Faro to Baltimore, $9. Baggage checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Rail road and to Philadelphia and Baltimore. The Accommodation Train will leave every afternoon at 6.250’c10ck, Flopping at all regular stations, and running ; onlv os faros Latrobe. Returning trams arrive in Pittsburgh at 5.10, and 8 o’- clock, A. M., and 7.25 P. M. Passengers purchasing tickets In cars, will b« charged txh cxrra In addition to tho station rates, except from stations where tho Company hare nn agent. No notesof a less denomination than five dollars wilt bo received In payment for tickets, except those issued by the Banks of Peansj’ranla. Noriea.- In caso of loss, tho Company will hold them- Belvcs responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—-The Excelsior Omnibns Lino has been employed to convey passenger* and baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed cents for each paassngcr, and 1214 cents for each trunk. For tickets apply to J. ME3KIMEN, -Agent, At the P. R. R. Depot, on Liberty street. Pittsburgh, November 30,1853. SANDUSKY, MANSFIELD AND NEWARK RAILKOAD* •WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 0?f and after WEDNESDAY, November IC, 1853, Three Passenger Trains ruu dally (Sundays excepted) as fol lows: going south. Morning Mail Evening Express. Passenger. Express , Leste Sandusky at,... 4.30 A3l 11.00 AM 6.10 PM Monroeville Junction.. 5.15 “ 11.50 u 6.50 “ Shelby Juncti0n......... 6.40 “ 1.16 P M 7.16 w Mansfield Junction...- 7.20 “ 1.40 “ 8.10 “ Mount Vernon. 0.05 “ 4.10 “ 9.65 44 Reach Newark .10.03 “ 5.16 “ 11.00 “ GOING NORTH. Leave Newark aU 4.20 A M 9.00 AM 6.26 P M Jit. Vernon - 6.25 « 10.10 “ 0.30 “ Mansfield Junction..... 7.20 “ 12.10 P M 8.10 “ Shelby Junction T. 45 “ 1.05 « 8.35 « Monroeville Junction.. 0.15 “ 3.10 « 10.30“ Reach Sandusky .10.QP “ 3.56 « 11.06 “ Connecting at Sandusky with Mad Hirer and Lake Eric, and u Northern Division” Cleveland and Toledo Railroads. At Monroeville, with Trains on “Southern Division” Cleveland and Toledo JL R., for Cleveland, Toledo, Ac. AtShelby Junction, with Cleveland, Columbus and Cin cinnati Railroad. At Mansfield Junction, with Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad for Pittsburgh. At Newark, with Central Ohio Railroad for Zanesville, Columbus, Ac., Ac. This arrangement of Trains completes the lino of direct communication between the East and** Great Mortit-Wes l” . Passengers from Philadelphia and Hal timore, destined for tho West, proceed, directly on their arrival At Pittsburgh, by Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad to Mansfield. Thence to Monrooville, where connection is made- Immediately for Toledo, Chicago, and intermediate places—affording a route, unrivalled for safety, certainty and despatch. Connection is also made with all the Trains on the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad at Mansfield, by which passen* gers from Chicago, Tolodo, Detroit, Sandusky, Zanesvlllo, Newark, and Columbus, proceed to Pittsburgh, Pblladel* phia and Baltimore, without delay. By Uils route, passengers taking tho early Train from Zanesville, Columbus, Newark, Ac., can go to Toledo, Ban* dusky or Cleveland, remain in either placo some tear hours, and return home same day. THROUGH TICKETS to bo had at the different Stations, ter the abovo named places. J. IL ROBINSON, Supcrint't.’ Bandusky, November, 38£3; fnov24:3m] Pennsylvania Hallroad Company* mmmm WE are forwarding Produce, Ac., to Baltimore and Philo* delphla, promptly, on receipt. Time, Five Days. . eatzs or ratio HT. Bacon, Pork and (salted,) 45c. 100 lbs. On lord, Lord Oil, Tallow, Cotton, Window Glass, 50c. 61 lOOttra. On Candles, Cheese, Earthenware, Leather, Leaf Tobacco, 60a$100B>s. On Beeswax, Drtod Fruit, Bristles, Clover and Timothy Seed, 70a lb. On Deer Skins, neap, Flax, and Eggs, 70a 9 IOOIbs. On Feathers, Furs, Peltry, Brooms and Merchandize, 60a $ IOOIbn, On Flour, barrel. We are also prepared to forward freight to Rodebaugh’a Station, near Greenaburg.and Intermediate Stations. OOVODE k GRAHAM, Agents, comer of Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh, IL 11. HOUSTON, Agent, 270 Market street, Philadelphia. P~EN l Nfe 1| fIiVANtA KAIDROAD.— WIKTEft Tariff iiktwctw prrrsßuaon, Pan.ADEi.pniA Aim Baltimoee. Pint Class.— Feathers, Merchandise, Furs, 00 cents $lOO 8)8. . Second Class. —Apples and Penchea (dried,) Beeswax, Bristles, Buffalo, Bear, and Deer fifelna, Clover and Timothy Seed, Glassware, Ginseng, Bags, Sheep Polls 7Go $ 100 lbs. Third Ctoi.—Apples (green,) Bran and Ship BlufT, Bacon and Pork, (loose,) Butter, Hides, Hogs’ llalr, Hemp and Flar, Leather (Eastward,) Cso $ 100 lbs. fburth Class.—McohQl, Bacon (in casks or boxes,) Barley and Malt, Beef and Pork (piekled or salted,) packed Candles, Cheese. Grain (in bags,) Lard and Lard Oil, Lead (in pigs or sheets;) Oil Cake, Tallow, Whisky, Loaf Tobacco, GO cents $ 100 lbs. ' Special Rater.—Cotton £oe $ 100 lbs. Flour $1 $ bM. . dec!2 GEORGE C. FRANGISCUB. JEHU UAWORTII, corner of Diamond and Diamond alley, wishes to inform bis customers and the public generally, that he is now receiving a largo and choice seloc* tion of GROCERIES, such as choice Yonng Hyson, Impe rial, Gunpowder, extra fine Souchong, Ningyong, Oolong, Congo, and scented Orange Pekoe TEAS; Mocha, Old Java and Rio COFFEES; flno SUGARS and SYRUPS; Bunch, Cluster, Valencia, Bun and Sultana RAISINS; fresh CUR RANTS; preserved Citron, Lemon and Orange Peels; supe rior French BRANDIES; Port* Madeira, Tenerfffe, Cham pagne, Lisbon, Sherry and Malaga WINES; together with a general assortment of pore SPlOEa—all of which be Is determined to Bell at such LOW PRICES that cannot be beat by any other Store in the city. novl7 - Administration Notice. "YTTHEREAB, Letters of Administration dt bonis nbn, f V cum tutamcnto annexo,.io the estate of BERNARD SANE,.late of the City of Pittsburgh, dec’d, havo been granted ta the subscriber, all persons indebted to said Es. tato will maho immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them, duly authenti* cated, for settlement, to WILLIAM HANEY, Adm’r, Ttb'Word, Pittsburgh, »iHTCHEL & PALMEB, Attorneys at Lav. t ;*'vW INSUBANC^GOMPANIES. Delaware;SXntnal Safety IsunrattciA Go* ■ and other Jj - property, in town add coon try, insured against loss or ; damage by fire, atiho lowest rate of premiums Mamhz Iksurascs.—They also, insure Teasels, cargoes and freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, as the assured may desire. -.-■■> . Ihlabb SiiifrapoßTATicH.—They also insure merchandise, transported by wagons, railroad cars, canal boats and steam* boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. Directors —Joseph 1L Beal* Edmond A. Bouder* John G. Paris, Robert Barton, John It. Penrose, Bamuel Edwards, George O. Lclpor, Edward Darlington, Isaac It. Davis, Wil liam Folwell, John Nowlin, Dr. B. M. Huston, Jos. 0. Hand, Theophilua Paulding, 1L Jones Brooks,-Hepry Bloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, Bpencer MTlvain. Charles Kelly, J. G. Johnson, ’William Kay, Dr. B.Thomas, John Boilers, William Byre, jr. ■ ■ ffcrecfors at Pittsburgh—J). T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T.Logan. . Whluk Maxtut, President... Tnoa. C. Haiip, Pu* President. . -Joarra W.OowAN,Sfeerrfary.‘ -Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh. jel6gltf - P. A. MADEIRA, Agent: PROTECTION INSURANCE COMP AMY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stack, Annual Ptemwmi and Wcctcm Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1825. Policies of Insurance issued at all times on the moat favora ble terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, OB TUB PERILS OP NAVIGATION, ■ BY . GEO. E. ARNOLD, Aobbt FOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY COUNTY. - marlfcy ■■■ - . . „■ THE UNITED STATES LIFE IHBUBAHCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, PIIUiADEIPHKA. , CHARTERED APRIL 26TH, 1850. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL -"$250,000. Office, S. E. Comer of Third and Chestnut . Streets* Philadelphia . Officers of the Home Board at Philadelphia:. nnuwroEs. Stephen R. Crawford, •. Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W.Tingloy, Goo. M’Honry, Jacob L. Florence, James Dovereux, William M. Godwin, William STKoe. President— Stephen U. Crawford. Vice President— -Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Examiner r PitfriwyA—James H. Willson, M. D. Allegheny CUy —R. U. Mowry, 51. D. ' GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, marl7-‘y No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. The Franklin Ffre Insurance Company* " Of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BHIECTORS—CharIos W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wegner, Samuel Grant, Jacob It, Bmith, Geo. W. Rich ards,-Mordocai D. Lewis, Ailolphi E. Borie,DavidB. Browne* Morris Pattemra. Ouas. N. Bincszn, PrtsidenL CnAfl. O. Bangkok, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description ol property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with socurity. . The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company 1 on January Ist, 1861, as pub lished agreeably to an Act or Assembly, were m follows, vis: Mortgage ...... $918,123 68 • Beal Estate . - 84,877 78 Temporary Loans 88,966 17 5t0ck5...,..............; 61,889 00 Cash, Ac.......... .. 64,848 81 Total.™ $L212,7(»544 Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars, losses by fixe, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of iusuranre, as well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, ap24 Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third sta. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE STATE MUTUAL FI RB AND M ARINE INSUBANCE COMPAHY* OF PENNSYLVANIA. Assets, May Ist, 1852 $209,016 61 Premiums received to May Ist, 1863. 135,260 66 Interest en Loans, Ac 1,010 19 Capital Stock 100,000 00 $440*183 26 Returned premiums, Losses, Ho-Insurance, Ex penses, 87,804 60 $358,3X8 70 Ronds, Mortgages, Stocks, and other good seen* curities.. $161,481 08 Premium Kotos - 179,016 61 Cash on hand. 17,820 21 Total am’t of Resources, Liable for Losses 7O MRKCTOSS. JOHN P. RCTII6RFOIU>,Dauphin eouuty, P. a SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS, Ranker, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER,- « JOHN B. RUTHERFORD;Dauphin county, A. J. GILLKTT, Harrisburg, 8. T. JONES, Harrisburg, ROBERT KLOTZ, Carbon eouuty. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. A J. GILLKTT, Secretary. Will Insure against perils of sea and inland navigation, alsa, on Merchandise in city or country,at lowest rates con sistent with safety. Policies Issued ou dwelling houses either perpetually orfor a term of years. Branch Office, corner Fourth and Stnlthfleld streets. my23:tf A* A. CARRIER, Actuary.^ Tlittiburgh Life Insurance Company, p/ A PJTTSBUJtQU, Jti. Capital, sloo*ooo* President— James 8. Iloax Vice President— Surest H’Cicexah. Treasurer— Joseph S. Lkecu. Secretary—C. A. Cotton. OFFICE* NOu 66 FIFTH STREET, (hlasonxt ilall Building.) This Company makes every Insurance appertaining to or connected with Life Risks. Mutual Ratos are the same as thoso adopted by other safely conducted Companies. Joint Stock rates at a reduction of one-third from the Mutual rates—equal to a dividend of thirty-three and one* third per cent., paid annually in advance. Risks taken on the lives or persons going to California or Australia. —— DIEZCIO&9* James S. lloon, Bamuel M'Clurkan, William Phillips, John A. Wilson, John Scott, Jdaoph P. Gauam, M. D. John M’Alpln, Alexander Reynolds, Xloratlo N. Lee, Hiram Btowe. mar 23 Wc&tom Insurance Company, Pittsburgh. R. MILLER, Jr, PrtsidenL | F. M. GORDON, Secretary CAPITAL, 0300,000* \I/"ILL Insure against all kinds .of risks, FIRE and MA 77 RINK. All losses will beilbcraUy adjusted and promptly paid. * A Home Institution, managed by Dzaxcross who are well known In the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. Directors.— lt. Miller, Jr.,o. W, Rlckotson, J.W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., W. 11. Smith, C. Ihmsen, George W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon,James Lippcncott, George Darsic, James Mo- Auley, Alexander Mmirk, Thomas Bcott. Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warehouse of Spang A Co., up stairs.) Pittebunrh. 00v24:1y j&TNA INSURANCE COfIIFABT, lIARTFO&D, CONN. Chartered 1810**»Caplt&l Stock $300,000* THOS. K. BRACE,- President. TIIOS. A ALEXANDER, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Thomas K. Bruce, Bamuel Tudor, Kbeneser Flower, Ward Woodbridge, E. A.Bulkeley, Joseph Church, Roland Mather, Frederick Tyler, Edwin G. Ripley, Robert Buell, SomueiS. Ward, Miles A. Tuttle, Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, Gustaras F. Davis, Junius 8. Morgan. 83* Policies on Fireand Inland Risks Issued on favora ble terms, by GEORGE K. ARNOLD, Ag% dcclfely No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. WESTERN FARMERS’ INSURANCE CO., NEW LISBON* OHIO* BRANCH .OFFICE, No. 129 FIFTH ST., PITTSBURGH. Capitol, 6100,000. JAMES KELLY, Prest. LEVI MARTIN, Soc’y. R. MeKABKEY, Agent. JsSP»Wlll insure Buildings, Stores, Merchandise, and Property generally, on tho most favorable terms. [docl:6m la your Life Insured* IF NOT, read what someone has written. Among all the contrivances of man to protect tho family circle from want, none can bo foundmoro simple in Its character, noble in Its feature, or curtain. In its results, than LIFE INSUR ANCE. It is the prop which tho dying husband leaves to support the wife of his bosom. It is the unseen hand of the Provldont father reaching forth from tho gravo, and still nourishing his offspring* and keeping together tho family group. C. A. COLTON, Secretary, Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company, Fifth at., eep2l Masonic Hall. HOTELS, &c. FLORENCE HOTEL, ;No, 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (CONDUCTED OH TEX TOROPSAN PLiH.) REUBEN LOVEJOY, oc3:ly ‘ PROPRIETOR. A mil DHOWS,.. ...w. 0. 003NKLL1 " v. Brown’s Hotel* Cbmer of SmWiildd and Third Streets. Pittsburgh. Pmria, BROWN A CONNELLY, Pbopeietobs. Xg»Qood stabling attached to tho House- FRANKLIN HOUSE* Cleveland* Ohio* C PATRICK & SON, Paopttirroas.— I This Housoh&s ua * dergone thorough and extensive repairs, alterations, and largo additions of now furniture, etc., and tho proprie tors pledgo themselves that -nothing shall be wanting on their part to render the Fkahkun a place where all the com forts of a first class hotel can bo found. Jy4;tf a PATRICK A SON. “ St. Cbarles* Hotel* Darner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh,'ftrm'a. WILLIAM S. CAMPBELL,. PnopBOROB.' Tins fine establishment having come into the of a new Proprietor, offers great inducements to tho travel ling community, and also to regular boarders. ■ Every deli cacy and luxury will bo provided in its season, and no pains will >bo spared to make this Hotel a oomfortoble hok> to all who may call there. fmy!B;tf} W. -8. CAMPBF T - T -, Prop’r. St* Clair. Lager Beer Brewery* THE undersigned respectfully informs tho publio that ho is now fully prepared to servo private families and tho public generally, with his celebrated LAGER BEER, in bottles. All orders left at his Office, NO- 39 DIAMOND ALLEY, (near Wood street,) will be punctually attended to; and the Beer delivered to any part of the city or vicinity. je2B.-tf , P. G. SOUKNOK. ■ OFFICE MONONGAHELA NAVIGATION CO-) December 10,1863. J PROPOSALS will be received at this office until three o’olock P. M. of WEDNESDAY, tho 26th January next* for the construction of Lock and Dam No. 6; also, for the construction of Locks and Dams Nos. 6 and 7, being ■requisite to extend the navigation to.the Virginia Btato line.- Planaand specifications will be exhibited at the office one week previous tot bo lotting, and all necessary informa tion given by B. Lathrop, Esq., or tho undersigned. Proposals will be. received for payments to be made in cash; also, for payments in stock and bonds of the com* pany ' • J. K. MOORHEAD, deold ■ . : Preadenl of Mon Jlav. Co. BLitfbs, .... ... r OP EVERY GUALITYy for sale at manufacturers 1 prices, at the NEW CARPET STORE* &7.PIFTH STREET* near Wood.' [novB.tf] ' ROBINSON A 00. ' i-k * t v BANKERS AND BROKERS*. EXOHAHOS iKD BMKiHG- -HOUSE "DP . ? WIIiKISB A CO.» UNITED STATES HANK BUILDING, Hoi Fourth Street, KWafIUEOB, PA. ... .'V7OBEIGN end Domestic- Exchange; Coin) Bank NoUs £ and Land Warrants bought and sold. Collections maderthxoughoat the Union. ‘ . Business paper discounted and loans negotiated.'' : Stocks bought and sold on commisaion. ' ■ UoneyrecmTed on.deposit, and interest allowed when left for a specified time. - . . .: dco3-. JOHNWOODS, . BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, uua n Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. STOCK bought nnd' sold on • commission. Collections carefully attended to. InterosLcald on Deposit Fourth tStreet, the M. M. Bank." • .. ~ /.--V-v: declO . a. o. .joua it. tixamif XIERNAN ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, , fsbC&ly] Xfg. C 5 Wood Stria, and Diamond Mien 1853. EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOCBE O? a. whiKihs & co., . No. 76 Foma Smw, Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh* jans.' - 0. E. ABHOXB & C0 o BANKERS ANDKXGHANGEBBOKEBB, . DEAT.KRfI tfi V.T^ l mgft | l« r Sight and Time Drafts, Ac. 'OoDectionfl'carefuily attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the’Union. Stocks bought and sold on commission. tgk»No. 74 Fourth door to Bank of PlttaVg. §pelo HQili‘ft CO«t . BANKERS ANDEXCHANQE BROKERS, SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern ©ties constantly for sale. Tlmeßills ot Exchange and NotesdtecountetL— Gold, Silver and Notes, bought and sold. Collections madeln ell the principal cities of the tialted.States. De posits recelveflof Par and Current Fund?. [mar27ly... au.m wumul xdwaod oahjj, . iujbehc* ctaubu SKAMEB& RATO, - BANKEBB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUT AND SELLGold.Sflvcr, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loons on Seal Estate or Stock Securities; purchase Promissory Notes and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and sell Stocks on Commission. Collections made oh all points in the Union. fmyl'. H.HOLMES & 80K8, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, bsvs aoaovED tHxm baxxctq aim xxcbasoi omos fo so. 67 MJkSJLtI BTBXCT, fOTO DOQHS BXLDW OLD ST AMD. N HOLMES A SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, • and Dealeraln Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and Bonk Notes. Exchange bn the Eastern and Western ©ties constantly fbr Sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in parfanda or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth ste. - { jaSOriy Iks. a. u00tr,....«...;~~.». ...» .tuqs, sa&ojbbt, HOOK ft BABGEHT, BAKKEIIS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, r. o. coasxa or woon * exxxn st&, fittsbuhoh, pa. DEALERS la- Coin, Bank Notes. Time Bills, Foreign and Domestio Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, for sole in sums to suit purchasers. Current and par funds received on deposit.. Collections made on all parts of the Union, ai the lowest rates. ; - [sepUriy Removal. PATBICKS & FBIEHD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 'Boot Removed (heir QJfict tothe darner ofFtfUicutaWbodfU. - pmsßUßoa, pa. PATRICKS A.FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, JGold, Silver and Bank Notea. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western ©ties constantly for sale. Collections made in ail the cities throughout tim UnUcd States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the ooroerof Fifth and Wood Streets. ' (febS A6STIS LOOBIS. BTOCK AND BILL BROKEB, Office* 80. 02 Fourth iL, above Wood, PITTSBURGH. Notes, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on col laterals, negotiated. Stocks and Land Warrants, boughl and sold. ©ctB SEW OFFICE. Real Estate and Contracting Agent THE subscriber has been induced to open an office for the purpose of buying and selling, on Commission, and having the Agency of large Steam Saw-SIUIs and Boat- Yards on the Allegheny river, together with'many other facUittesfromothcrwaterandsteamsaw-mUIs. He flatters himself that he can furnish any bills of lumber and limber of any kind, great or email, long or short, and relivcr them at any point on the Allegheny, Monongaheia, Ohio, or Mississippi men: contract to build large Barges. Btore Boats, Coal Flats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Rail road Timbers—Freight Iron, Coat, to any given point, and will attend to the Sale and Rent of Real Estate- From his long experience In lumbering, freighting, and boat building, be thinks be can give general satisfaction. All persons are requested to make their contracts soon; espe elally those wanting boats or large bills of lumber and tim ber, should contract for them in tbo fall for tho spring and summer use. He will also attend to the purebasa and sale of any commodity that may be desired. . letters addressed to David Moxir, Real,Estate and Con tracting Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. 120, postpaid, will be punctually attended to. His office Is on Irwin street No. 2, Allegheny House.. ___ DAVID MUNN. * kxmxRCES. Col. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh, Mr. John Morrison, Esq-, ** “ Ur. Robt. 8. Brown, Esq., “ Allegheny (River, Mr. Wo. Armstrong, M ©anon ** Sir. Georg© B. Sweaty, M u C. A J< Hahn ft Co., “ “ «. dw2l:lydaw • . Closing out Sale of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ttogif «£e. THE subscribers having adopted the plan of selling off th?lr stock at the end of the season, arc now offering the greatest bargains, in their Une, ever offered to the citi* tens of Pittsburgh err vicinity. In quality or quantity their assortment 1» not surpassed. Hemp Carpets, in great variety, at IS, 18?*, 23,23, SI and 3T% cents. - . The entire stock will positively bo sold tho present season —REGARDLESS OF COST. Sole to continue till March Ist. C. B. HEADLY A CO., j&IO 82 Third street. N. B Small Notes taken at par. Notice* Dissolution,— The arm of l. wiloox & co., Drug gists end Apcthaearic*, was diswrfTtd on the Sdtast. Tbo subscriber, having disposed or bis entire Interest la the Ute firm, to hi* late partner, Mr. JOSKPH FLEMING, would eheerfally recommend him to bis friends, end uk a oontlnnance of tbo patronage heretofore so liberally bo itowed upon them. fjaOj L. WILCOX, Ja. Eevolversl ilevolvsrsl JUST BJECKIYKI>—tty Express, direct from the xnanuf&O' tnrers, ft splendid assortment of Celt’s Repeating Pis tola,4,6 en4£lnches barrel, all of which we will tell for cash as low as they can he bought in the rity of New York. Persons going to Australia or California, will find that they can do better by purchasing their equippage at home, than they can among strangers, as we give persons a chance to try any of the above Pistols, before- leaving the city; in ease of * failure, we rehmd the money. BOWN & TETLEY, ISS Woodatreet. Pittsburgh. PATENT FRUIT GATUKtiKK—for picking fruit from tail trees without the old of a ladder; Pruning Instru ments of themostapproved construction; Digging Porks, suitable for strawberry bods, 1c; Poteioe Hooks; Seed Drills; Cutting Boies, for Hay or Com Btalks, of various patterns, and a great variety of labor saving implements for tho garden or farm. Downing’s; Barry’s, and other standard works on Bruits, Blowers, Itur&l Architecture, and Landscape Gardening, Thr eats at the Seed and Implement Warehouse, No. 49 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Psu )f22 s JAMES WABDROP. Wall’s Academy of Drawing and Painting 1 Air 0. WALL would notify his friends and tho public, .’Y V • that he has removed blsstndio from First to the corner of Market and Fourth streets, (second story,) over the store of Win. M. Her eh; entrance on Fourthstreet. At the request of hie friohds, he has also opened a DU AW ING SCHOOL. Classes foryoung Ladles and Gentlemen will be formed In both Drawingand Painting. He has fitted up a Boom with every ftclltty for study, and he trusts that his enterprise will meet with a supporting patronage, eprgfetf . . OYSTER TRANSPORTATION. WE have arranged with tho Pennsylvania and Susque hanna Railroad Companies, for a special Oyster Transportation ldne. at exceedingly low rates. octT APAMB k 00., 64 Water at . ... . Dissolution of Partnership. riMIE partnership heretofore existing between Samuel X Pinxertoh,AlexanderYoangandPbil)pDeltachbrnmo, under the firm of PINKERTON. YOUNG * CO., woe this day dissolved by mutual consent. The name of tho firm will bo used by cither of the late partners in settling the business. PINKERTON, YOUNG-A 00. Pittsburgh, December 1,1853. JeST The business will bo oontlnued at the old stand, by Bam’l Pinkerton ani Alex. Young, under the style of decl:dtf . PINKERTON A YOUNG. Farmer*’ Stalls and Straw Cutter* THE subscriber offers Ibr sale Sinclair’s Screw Propeller Fodder Cutter. It is very Blmple, having only two knives, easily adjusted: the most durable and speedy Cot ter In use. They are in use on the farm of Mr. William Hodgson, Steubenville read, and at the Clover Dairy of H. Perry, from tho Beod and Horticultural Store. 49 Fifth st. decl7 JAMES WARPROP. Hew BXnsle> A COMPLETE assortment of Songs, wUhEngllah and jfx Italian words; fantasies and Potpourris, arranged for the Piano, ftom all the favorite and popular Operas of Mo zart,Bellini, Meyerbeer, Bosinl, 'Verdi, Anber, Wooer, BolUiea, Balfe, Loming, Floton, etc., eta; together with the latost compositions of «Jaeß» Qottseholk,' Jnlllen, Strakoseb, ota, etc., eta Jast received and for sale by 1L BOHROEDEtt * 00., Cargo’s Hall,Sfr Fourth street. BLANK BOOKS— Begets, Journals, Day Books, Cash Books, Beceh)tßooks, Dockets, Or ohy descrip tion of BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER at short notice, of the most superior qualityof paper, bound In any style required. Blank Books ?aqed to order. A large and excellent stock of Blank Books always on hand and for sale at low rates, consisting of Cap, Demy and Medium work, in all styles of binding. The trade supplied cm liberal terms. W. S. HAVEN, Blank Book Manufacturer, • sep2 Corner of Market and Seoond streets. TTfEDDINO ENVELOPES AND CAKE BOXES—plain YY and very handsome—for sale by «de3 JOHN 8. DAVISON, 65 Market streot. *VTEW BOOKBI—H. P. Oallow, Dispatch Buildings, has 1Y received the following: Magazine of Art, for December j v N 9 .6 Practical Draughtsman; Popular Educator,fbr December; The Lady at Home, by Arthur; The Iron Rule, by Arthur;. The Twin Brothers; And all the different Magazines fbr the present mouth, deed ' H. P. CALLOW, Third street. iWTEW BOOKS JUST KEOEIVED AT DAVISON’S BOOK J3| 5T0R8, : 65 MARKET st—SchafTe History; Autumn Hbar?, Mrs* Kirkhuad; Bloodstone, byMcLetxi; Upthe Golden Link; little Dnnnmor; Masouridn the Church; Pastor’s Sketches, second 'series; The Lord oar Shepherd ; Memoirs of R. Williams, the Pata* gonla& Missionary, by Hamilton; The Well Bpring;Per* kins’ Arithmetics; GreenleaTeO.S.Arithmetic; McGufley’s series; Maeanlay’s Miscellanies; Presb. Hymn Books in elegant bindings; Rutherford’s Children.;-and-the latest siues of the S.J3. Union. For sale by. , JOHN S. DAVISON, 65 Market-Street near Fourth. G HOICK TKA&—We bare this day received a tosh gup* ply of strong fine flavored Oolong and Congo Teas, at flu and 7fl cents her pound, new importation; -which ire will guarantee equal to any thing in this market at the same price. Wholesale and retail by BAILEY &.BENSQA.W, jag 253 Liberty street I. W» Ghadwieki TYEALER E? BAGB AND. PAPKE, No., 149 Wood Street, ±_s Pittabtogh. i®ta hlgfewt fries u cash paid fbr rags. myUfy* < r'y 1 fiMiture: a WM. E. STEVEN SON 5 continues to mano&cture ul CABINET-WARE of .every description, at hisold stand, rcp) corner of liberty and Seventh streets. UNDERTAK *I IISG attended myU ; T" ■ . HAVE OK HAND at their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANCIACrrORY,Ho.« gmlttlfleia street, a large assortment of fancy anil plain furniture, which they, will sell l6 per cent below feuatomiry rates.' ' ■ Teraa—cashonly, Greatlndncemenu to Cub purobutri; |TE Will sellcmr large stock if COMMON AND lAKOV YV OUAIKS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fiul to please cash purchasers." All. our work is warranted. Our terms ore CASH. . JAMES'I/OWIVY, -V’taiugg - r ; ; •'• : enr.~Br this purposo that bos yet beendlJoovered.—N. Y. Dutch man, Feb. 12,1853, -■ ' The highest commendations, tom huvdredsof the largest and most respectable wholesale houses in this, and nearly ev4ry large city on this continent, could be given, if space allowed it ■ E. R. DUIUJEE, ■ Sou PaopniEToa ato MAKuvAcnrus, 130 TRzfer street, How TorZC, BAXTER A McKEE, Agents, Pittsburgh. foct2l] malooui lxxch...., john Joseph s. usicd. J. B* Leeolii KfoAlpln &'Co. f E HOLES ALE GROCERS, ami Dealers in Produec,Met« als, and Pittsburgh Manufaatures, Nos. 242 and 244 iy street, near the head of Wood, Pittsburgh* P«u of fer for sale on liberal terms, the following: • ' 100 tierces fresh Rice; 150,000 fts. Bacon, assorted: lOObbla. Tar; } 5 tons Bar Iron, do; 1600 kegs Nails, assorted;! ‘ 3do Best Nail Bods: 600 boxes Window Glass,! 2000 koga Bock and Bifle assorted; } . Powder, assorted; 60 half chests Tea, as-; 800 boxes Rosin Soap: , ported; 1 86bbla.Llnsee 800 bbls. Vinegar: prime; • ; 30 do Boslu; • 6 bxs.Havanafingar; ». 20 do Pitch: v 10hhds.Porto Rlcodo;.! 6000lbs.awortedOopper: .. , ! 20bbls,ahd kegs Lard;, . 600 bbls. N. O. Molasses; 10 kegs assorted Shot; »Isv ° , d 0» ! Ido Buck Shot; 800 bxs. Tin Plate, asstt;! 6bbls.Alum; .JloMWlnv- do; [ 20 do ByaPLour; 2do Spelter; . j QflKftjfeTlmiATft* ftTaftMnßft -6 casks eheot Zinc, as- 1 and Tools; - ; 100 bus. Dried Apples; • 600 pigs Tin; . ' I 100 boles Batting r assorted; 1000IbB.Antimony; . { 2000 2)8. Cotton Yarn, as -10 tons asa’d Sheet Iron ;1 sorted. 100,000 Era. asa*d Bulk. Meat;! Wil. A. M OIXUO, _ DEALBEtIT - Fino Teas, Clxoico Family and Willow Ware, CORKER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA, ~: 18now receiving alarge assortment of PREBH GOODS, in addition to tils already extensive stock, purchased from first hands In ihaEasternmarket3,which,willbesold at the lowest market prices.' • .4®* Hotels, Steamboats. and families, baying by tbs quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. Goods delivered in the city free of charge. sep2l - ENGINEERS' STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. W. 8. HAVEN, ' Ooams -or MarnoT awo Seodjcd Ssaxm. A LWAXS ON HAND, a large and well selected stock of Whatman’s Drawinggapere. all alees: Drawing Paper, In rolls, various widths; . Draughting Pencils; Mathematlcai Instruments; Tape tines; India Rubber; Yield Books; Profile Papere; - Cross Section Papers; Protractor Papers; And; all articles of Stationery used by CivilDfigutattS? transit, TopograpUy and Record Books mad? to order—ruled to any pattern required. . sepl \/ ' r ' -*S . *■- ’' J % « - V “ inwwnvr * on. DURKEE’S - • V . ’-V *W. - .. ■ ’*i- 1'. 1 ' *' •. ■ ■ O'. V--A; ".VC-.* ># >; :? ; n .. ■•' >;.VL'l^r' MIgELLANEOUS. EUSOPEAH AOEHCY. . 4g& «£& /£& TIUi OLDKST ESTABLISHED OFFIOB IN IIUS Cm . res umnao Mft&EY TO IBE OLD COVHTBT< TAMES BLAKELY begs leaya tony to-thcsepeTsonfrhav* . V tog. Mends In the Old Country, and>desirousof elihef sopajpg them aiiacy u* r&njjemTOU for doing either la now ca2npleto,and ox» so firm : J «•»*»t occur,nor loesesaccrtietohny ?MAyJ >urlxi ? t ? alsst ten year* to which fce-baabeen In remitted otct a Half Million of Dollars irlthout the low of ed6Ua£and the honSforwSSheia • % ?5? bBae P yBMtfegr-13cketa for liOntW TVhMIn, iiS*; SS.V^JSS? , nS Jr^, Dro Bheda, Limerick, Port , D?.l?ffi»?Ku^ir , i^? R A l?n! y* aild Dundalk, ioNev Yor&f pnuadeipn^itojtta,Baltimore ami.Nov from thence to Pittsburgh; end will attenartricSyto fhi, warding passengers from thence to any part of the country; He also has sight drafts for,sale, payable at the following ■plaectuyls: .. -- • , 3 ON*-ENGLAND. Edwards,Bandford A ; •Wm-.Tappscott A ->..... M ..1iT«rp001. (Available in the. principal cities and towns throughout England and Wales.} - WBW ; V. ONTKELANB. .. . • Provincial Bank • - 1re1and...;.*..'.. <....*.. M ..»..., MM DabUnJ .ssutCnzs.- Armagh, • Belfast, ' Downpatrick, Enniskillen, ' ■Hallow, fitrabane, -Athlone, . Carlow,, Drogheda, Fermoy, Monaghan, Enniscorlhy, •■■* Bolllna, Cavan, Dundalk, ■ . Galway. -Newry, Traloe,>., •••' i Balyxaena, CDonmell, Danganoon, Londonderry, Omagh,’ YcmghaU, Basbridge, . Kilkenny, Dtingannon, Kilrush, Waterford, • ; Coleraine, - Parsonstown, Cork, . Ennis, Bandon, 1 BUgd,. : Wexfbrd, . Gwtehfll, Limerick,- BaUvshonnon, v;—..;.... ON SCOTLAND. National Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh* and its branches in fifty towns in Seotlaijji. . ; ON FRANCE. 1 Mesara. Edward Blonnt A Co, 8anker5.,.............. (Available in any city inFrance.! • ON.OEBMANY,-, y Messrs. Yegel, KoCk A Co., Bankers, Frsnkfbrt-on-the-Main. (Arallable in any dtvin Germany.) . . JAMES BLAKELY, _ n»y7 . , 199, cor, of Seventh and Smtthfiatd at*. TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! * WnOtKSALB AND SHAH, tfiLi the JPekin Tea Store, 38 Firta 6TnuT, : PRT&BtmGS,Pa. BY the half chest, of neatly packed in metallic package* tesult the trade. - : The subscriber is now receiving his Fall stock of GBFTJ and BLACK TEAS,—-conais ting of some of the finest cl< jt to be found in the Eastern market. Merchants visiting the city are invited to call and examine our stock. Below is a list of the vhrious grades, all of ■which hare been carefully selected, and can with confidence be recon* mended:..-. 30 half chests fine Young Hyson; 10 do do .'.Moyune Young Hyson; 10 do . extra fine Moyune • do; 100 do' Superior .• do; 15' do; extra fine do; '.'BO LacquredboxesextraCarions YoungHyson; 25 half chests fine Gunpowder; 10 do extra fine 6 ~do . do . Moyune Imperial; ■ SO do : Superior do; 150 do Jftne Oolong Black Tea;- 40 do . extrafine Oolong; 30 do .extra Curious do; 20 do -Superlattvely strong and fragrant Oolong; • 25 ehestsoxtra fine English Breakfast Tea; - 5 do Curious do. > do; JSIALSO—Java and Bio Coffee,.Lovering's Crashed arid Pul-' verised Sugars. ALSO—63,OOO Principe Scgars, which will be Bold very to"- ~ , A. JAYNES, noTI4aJA» v- . :S3 Firth street, Pittsburgh. TYPE AGENCY. A. JAYSKS, NO. 38 FIFTH BIRENT, PITTSBDKGn; ' Agent for the Sale of L.Johntm §Vo.'t Type, sc., OF PHILADELPHIA. HAS ON- HAND andfor sale,the following:—Braxsllnixl column Garters; 'Cofiuaoa .Gallon, assorted, Slfca Galleys, Ccmposirig Sticks; Common and JotiCascs; Shooting . Sticks ;.Isey Broshes; Boxwood Quoins; Furni ture sad Blglnt, of all descriptions; Bran Kale, of all descriptions; Job Ink, In ltt cann; 100 keg. PronVa Nona Ink; 100 FountaPancy Card Letter; and cut.to any ength. ; fisP*Ordersfor Presses and TypewQl receive prompt at tention, and furnished at the Foundry prices. Old Type re ceived tai exchange for new, at? cents 9 2). Pittsburgh, May 14, t :: ' : CABBUGHS FOU HALS. " . fTHE undersigned has juat received at hla _ J. CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, eitunUd~jffi£M£jdL near the Two Milo Bun, totwcen'PittaturghViliQsSz.. and Lawrenceville, a splendid Of of every description, and will continue to receive regularly, new and second hand Carriages* Eidkics* which he. will sell on the very lowest terns for aT fe? ad twelveyears'practicelnthe business,and with hisweiHcnown facilities in the East, he flatters himself in putttngdown all competition. Those wishing to purchase'are respectfully invited to cell .and aoe for themselves. : ; - Esp«ial and prompt attention paid to repairing of Carri ftggflr Aq fmylB:dawy«l JO3EPH WUTTII Family Medicines T A J I ? 8 , E 5 Pi:i ™ ltAl ' T: Jayne-a Bair Tonic; . V ‘ Jonio Venaifuga; <■ Sanative Pflla; t Carmtaatlreßalaam; •“ AgnaPlrta; ••Alterative;* ■ “ AcaerlcaziHairD.v. j The above valuable family medicines constantly On hand, Md «>ld wholesale or retail, nt the Pekin TeaStorw. S 8 Fifth A. JAYNES, Janlfcdaw Exclusive Agent for Pittsburgh... ~~ Bhoaos a soni. : •VTEW PATENT AMALGAMPEN.—-This important ia* ii mention removes the two great obstacles to the uni versal useof the Steel Pen, viz: their rigidity,and ttn.de rapid detraction by the corrosive action or the Ink.- In ®\°htely examining the quill pen in the att ofwritjng, it will be seen that Lhe utock > Lemuel ShurtlllL F. A. Collier, . James Lewis. fnor 17 Wholesale and BelaiL -I^SSSSn5 AM<,SSB AND TEUNK MANTJFACTOB7. T>OBERTJL HARTLEY, hegaleaee to Inform 1 . JLv bis friends end the public generally, that he pfewffiA-- contlnuca to occupy that Urge and store Room* formerly occupied by Samuel Block Now corner of Diamond Alley and Woodet, whore he keeps a largo and general assortment of Saddle*. •Bridles, Harness, Trunks, Carpet BagSy Saddle Bags,Yaliee*j Buffalo Robes, Wbips,and all other articles in his Una. ‘ He. also keeps constantly, on hand, and is prepared tbfhr nfah to order, all .kinds, of Riveted Hop**, mmnfiirtTitart -nt the best material, and in a style; of workmanahip eqnal to Hie Eastern man ufactured article, and at 66 per cent cheaper. - . Country Merchants and Farmers would ao> well to coll and ; «ximi&e uia Btockbefbre purchasing elsewbeißwca bolide lemined to sell first rate articles at very low prices. • . r - : - Don’t forget the place, No. SO, corner or Wood fit and Diamond Alley*: \ ••••■••■' i»-.- fap26 r Hew Coach and’ Caniaae Faotoirt JOHHBTOEf, BROTHERS & CO.. ' Ocrrur Sdkaa and Bdtnmt strt&L XtUh}ian/ XX&,' ~ MMojitt WOULD respectfully inform their frionds tbs publio generally, that they, have ESS-CSS®*' commenced the manufacture of Carriage*, ■ | iWin Barouches, Rockaway3,Buggit»,Sleigha'and Chariots, in aU their various styles of finish andxroportioh. AU orders will be executed with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish. Repairs will. also be attended to. cni the.most reasonable terms. Using ih' all their'work the 1 beat Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel atuff, they feel bonfi dent that all whofevor them with their patronage, will he perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. ' , ;; Purchasers arerequested to give usacaß, before phreba ringoUowbere. '■ .■■■• ; \ ~ : A I :Thia valuable Medieinew which has becomecelabratedfbr r the number of •. extraordinary cures effected.through.tin agency, has induced the proprietors, at tbrocgQ&tjsgjLßst or ■theii'frfeijfla, to offer it totlto public, which they do with theaunortconlUenceln itflyirtuiß and wonfleritawlsratfft : properties; .The folia wing certificates, selectodfrom a toga number, arc, however, stronger testlmonj.Uian *he qm ■word of the 'proprietors;. and.'arafttmi gentlemen,Weß Impro In their localities, and ofthehigboct respectability many of them redding in tint city at Richmond; Y«. * -v. - ' P. HQYDBN.Rsq, or tbc Hotd, itictiiwnd known every where, says ,be has swathe medidnrcalled Carter’s Spanish 'Mixture administered lnnyera -hundred « cases. In nearly all the diseases/or which It Is recommend* ed, with this most astoniahlo glygood results. He says ftls the meat extraordinary medicine he had erer'seen. AGUE A2•. .-••■- ■■■ i - GREAT CORE OP BCBOFULAj—Ihe Editors of the Rich mond BojoMlcm .had ; serrant etoployed ta Unit inn room cored of.tlolent Scrofula, oomblnod with tism, which entirely disabled him from Worka Two bottko of Carter’s Spanish .Mixture made a perfoetcure of-him. and the Editors, ink public notice, say they « cbeerfallyr*., commend it w all who are afflicted with any disease p* jho STILL AKOXHEBCUBB OP avsiy valuable hoy cured Of Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. I coarideril trulyavnluable medicine. " ’ •• ’• " Jams M.Tarma. , . Conduetoron the B. P. ondPiS. H. Co- Richmond. Ya. SALT RURtiM of T WENTY YJfiAKBfITANDING CVH£2>. JOHN THOMPSON,redding.tn thodtyof was wired by throe bottles of Spanish ilixturovof Salt Eheton, which he had nwirly twenty years,and wludr all the physicians of the dty could not cue. mr. Thomn son is a well known merchant in tfieclty af Ya. and his cure is most remarkable; ' —, . .. —WM.A- MATTHEWB,of Richmond, had a serrant cured of Syphilis, in the worn form, by Carter's Spanish Mixture. Ho eays he cheerfully recommends iL and conddarait an Invaluable medicine. ’ ' \ ***** - _ BICHARD B. WEST, of Richmond,'was cored of Bcrofn. .*•» “tS 141 PfeS.® 1811 * confirmed ConsxxmpUon, bv 1 three bottles Of Carter’s SpOniah Mixture. *'**'»*>«/ EDWARD DOBTON, msuua. care i hehasApen ths good effects of Carter’s Spankh JHxtnreLv 1 ? o£- Syphltitlo cases, and says itlsa peSotoas i Torthat horribledista&e. -' 1 VUIW WM. G.HARW OOD, of Blclimond, cured ofOld Sent «id t tHcenk which disabled him fam Took a tav herf. tlewb? CartertB,anhb Mttlore.iidS, to wS» i without a crutchin a sbort time permanentiv cured, i PrindpelDopotat M. WARD, CLOSE A 00-No. 83 Maiden |:Lane, New Youc. . • byand DealenlnMailclne erMywhOT. l auBSK’S COMfOCNU BYKUJE> OS’ *BL» lowdockboot. . ■ fpnis la .purely Vegetable Compound, AtHmUrp*. J- Pored from the best root* end herbaoftha Mitcrfa eiegclauot anbetbkngthbninq this lives, and Diqxstxvx Ononis, and cleansing the Slolnrcb and Bow ala, and tbna .coring all Bilious Dianna, Liter Complaint*. Dyspepsia, Indigestion,Cmtlrenna. Bflcg; Ileaa.et,. and Ague, Jaundlce. Nauaea, Loss or Api«tUo. *L,«na causing the food to nouriaband auppcrt arcry partT^**” PDBIFmO THE BLOOS, ? n JHomers,Cutaneona Eroptlona,Bcrofti. Bryslpelaa, Scald Head, CankorlPtmplca on the fins, Blotches, Clears, Tamora, ilercnrial ite3am,Can» COW|ttCi t CC< . ~ •■•*■ .EEOULATIBO Taß 6SCH£TOBT OBQAHS, and them to perform their ptoper functions, pro-renting ana coring many JialnltU anddabgcrotuSa. Obstructions, Swelling of ■ tte Feet Jambs* Joints, caused >y, weakness wimy Lungan dJThrodt Complaints; as Colds, Coug£"Aathm£ Congmnptfon, alflo, Propfly. . , .r...: * . Haring made uee of th o (fcmpo und Syrup of Yellow Dock : C. Morse 4 00., either onrselvea.br in onr fcoUie^iutdfim&ngittobea^my salutary aSSSS Bourne, Esq, Cashier National Bank, Prorldcjiefcß.L; Bpauxr, Esq., Cashier Urns Bock Bank; dttdoVßov! HTlliam Phillips, Key. J. B. lUcinampt: n a ftoridenM Qcn. Adrt, William Field, M. W. aTSI Cyrus Flakar, *l. E. U. P. James-Hutchlnson, G.: SV Bea. V. X Batw, Doct. B«nj, Colby, and one hundred others c£ the most respectable families of Providence.' - Thia Certifies that I hare fora nnmhoy rrf fp.’' P 5O ©imposition and mode ©f manu&bture of MOUSE'S COMPOUND SYEUP QY YELLQWDQCK.BOOT I hare also been Acquainted with Its moefta bperimtS hi di* “f-j and con say that in all respect* it Is admirably calctt- - Latedto remedy that class of disease far which itwnade- • BJgned. lt la especially valuable In INDIGESTION and all sympioms, it excite to healthy action the Liy Kit, remores torpor, andl nacUtity ©f this OhQAN,and stimulates healthy action ln.all the. system. :4s a J)3SPU- . BATOB, or purifier of the Blood, it h&B no superior. W .- ' ' DAVID HOLMES, U.2>. ■ : JPTOpidmce,&.Z f Jan. 4, 1858. : ' « by C. MOESIS 4.00, No. 446 Broadway, 1 New York, ami sold by Druggist* and others throughout; this and othercountrios. JOEL MOOUSB, Agent, ;.• , , . Pittsburgh; Pa. DR. DE LANEY’S CEIiEBBATJED CURATIVE INSTRUMENT, & adi Driaifu.lSUtitt imam at ' IHTOLDKIABV KOCXDBNAL ]p EMISSIONS, bo hsxTßsalnganddestructiTo.andprodnc- WaMW much-mischief to tnahflrrona qfototft: faeapMfoftl ting for bnBinsg3 >: society andmnTHmtyny, . - •.Thia Instrument is simple," comptehensiTe Mid never* faumg, andmaybeused without the subtlest lowa-' renlanm or the knowledge, olthe most intimate friend. It is to .be used externally, producing no pain or injury • nor preventing My one from attending to f“® nnd'while in use not a single mission can take place, umporatinff the vrgont, in a*hort Unit, totoch a»o*' tent that they utua ism rammvs ?owx& or Bimnox the loss of which, caused by oarly.abuse; is the disease in que*» uon, and the cause of-thflthflpgftndeopimpitaTTt^rmf^gjfftff r SerJottshes% Prostration. Dyspepsia, Pain in the Head and Dimness of Tbion* Weakness of the Bwk and I lower AfftWlrma ICryff, Tmprif to two teo-spocmfola of TOSIO VKBMIFOGK ehould be ' gmn eboot half an hoar bcToro each meal. ItahouhJ ho - mu«ln Woor Uuot spMhofttf of cold water, osl street. I )Qtlf tlwro bo no pfabtgwatß, or If they dlmppoar, thanglTetbc-iXTKBATIVB three lmtead of the All Br. Jamtf e-pwwoUona ftr esle, wholesale or retail, ‘ at the PKKIH TEA STORE, 38 Hflh street. . docll I‘OBgreu lah. ~ rpHIB ms is prepared by aptirolj Chemical prawn, end J. .Istvo; runted to {xrniainKOudnffitQvfifftuiameteMctfaxt* It is palo whan first OBed, bhfc by exposure te the am be comes gradually of smost intense and permanent blade.' for raJe in bottles of raxi >na else, by wholesale of retalhat “p»,„ ... w,a.tt*VEa«.’ Stationary War nse« Market street, corner of 2d. = VAENISH —6OO gallons, BmlOiV Haw York brandy in store snfl far sale by ", - BBJS 4 roccessorato J,Kldd ftCcw v dec * • ! ..fiO Wood«tw" ■ iiiO(nf iaBiS^f SALTPRTBR— IfiO bsgs, erode, fbr sale by dae23 B. ArPAHNBSTOCK & CO. X forsaU by JU. dec23 c ■ B* A. FAHNEBTOQg-&■ GQ d Arrow dec23 SAGO- I cmm, pearled, to sain by • ■ " : ' B- A, FAHNESTOCK k CO. MUS K&AL VVArKKa. — I haye on band, and am con* uI H y i. rßC^Ttos freah applies of the follewiitt waters, In pint and quart bottles: Empire- Bptin& TThlte Sulpbu? Springy Congress Water, and Saratoga Water, A : JOSEPH WJSMIKQ, CorawMarketat. arid Diamond/' and corner Fourth and Smlthfield tta, MCINE CHESTBJ.A '-i'-- or Tfixions BUes atul etjlea, filled to order; for tale by .i v ? JOSEPH FLEMING! .CornetMarketat.andDiamond. • and corner Fourth and Balthfiald *ta. a AIK Liquid Hut Dye, fur Imunil* dumslastho cokirof tho halT toa dmp Mack—tia 6e»t;noir hm AlstvKossellVmff H»rrk fi I swaaso. : v Comer tteiket stead Diamond, 403 . imitmnmgointh end Prr.lthn.M rtj _ ' l 'f-'A A : 5 < ’ '* : r V' In Btore anil foreaWby ~~ - - BBO3. tiiAßb boxrfl. “Ohio.? In atora ffrp gale by. - v - Cdee2] ' tXBMINQ BRO 3. ; ■lOO lbs, Bamndej genuine. for isle hr- B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO,- JfUN’a KAIHAWut* amumm'* ' lot, jont iaccl'iel iiiaTbi tole ty ’ ~ • JOSEPH JtEMISQ, Comer Market ct. &ntl Diamond, •' eM comer gonrth «Bd Hnltafltia^&o. hi-;■?, Vv - •\:c± • . V p i«. •\.s l .e ' -V. , “ \ ■ ■' In store and for sale VZEXIXQ BEOS.