The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, February 11, 1854, Image 3

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. r, „y. .< THE JEWELL CASK.
Tbereplt* to itay tbs sxscoUon of JevsUi arrired bcro
jsstoSsjr laoßiiafcby mSD, sofl »I»o*4oplIe»t8 copj In tbs
* titans of » spScdaHnsuSngsr. Ibs nsplto is «S fellows:
In tbs name uul faiths anthtSrtiy of th» Commonwealth
of Fsnnjyituisu I/WaAim Btoiss; OOTsrnorpf.ssM
xstnvssltbfto WtUJiK Hinm, High Sbsriif of tbs County
O, MI fay mo, under
tbagMaTsosl of tbs BtatO, faearlng ifade Norembor, the
SBCb, -Ai D.I&SV authorising and requiring you, the said
Wmiaat BatS? Ob Friday the 10th of Petroary noit on
aoteEtbsidatsorioU warrant, to auw tbs sentenco of tho
Court of Oyer end General, J»il IteliTery* in
and for the saW county In this Commonwealth, to fas oio
cuM Opml a eertain DaTM Jamil, who w »f
Court, or muntrr In the lint dogree, and soutonoed by oho
■’^Wte«a;” < tfaaSenate of RmnrylTanla,
prortjlagtarn no» trial lor tbosald Oaritl Jewel!, which ia.
now pending In the Honxe of lUpreaonlaUroa, I hero deem
«Mt leeperthl to the topnwntailra or tho people, and
eonrtetontirUh tho dictator of humanity, to respite tho eald
Darld Jewell for the present" •
Therefore, T, Wiuul Btomn, Oorcmor of tho sold Com
xnonwvaltb, fay naturo of tho power and authority rested
In me hy tho constitution, do hereby slay the oxeentton of
tilt sentence of the uid Court, and ihe said Daria Jewtll is
berth? respited for the present. .
Gina Haler my hand sad Ihe great seel of the State, at
narrifttraht* this ninth day of .February, In the yoar of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, and of
Urn Commonwealth, the seventy-eighth.
By the Governor, . „ ...
*■ 0. A. Black, Secretary of tho Commonwealth.
Thursday night, there t«i a Jorge crowd amemblod in the.
the grounds about the Jail. To prerent any disturbance,
the yard was cleared by the police--* watch vaa kept up
doling the night by the police.
.The following is taken from a private despatch to * gon*
Human in this city, from * reliable source in Harrisburg:
u The bill proriding for * new trial, for David Jewell,bad
the and was pending In the House of Ropro
ssntatJvcs yesterday, when the Governor deeming it but
respectful to the Legislature and consistent with the dictates
of humanity*' respited tho prisoner for the present To
amid misapprehension; however, this net of courtesy to tho.
.not be regarded as an indieattm that the
Oasercor iuu xtrtdcrgmeaay change upon the tuiffxt? •••■
'ThataOtSdn for a reconsideration of the rollon tho bill
granting Jewell janew trial, was postponed-yesterday, in
theHousa, Until' Monday nest -Wo are so Informed by e
totographb despatch from Harrisburg.
T£e crowd'continued "about the jail yesterday. In the
morning’freo admission was given tho multitude to the
ytody Where the gallows was erected. Hundreds of men,
women and children araJled themselves of tho opportunity
ofoeetog the scaffold; After the jail had been closed to
visitor*; we observed a large number of persons in theOourt
House yard,, attracted ihUher by a foolish curiority—for
they could see nothing but the outride walls of the prison;
la the number, W* regret -to ricy, we observed sdreral wo
man: mothora with chlldreulnthelr arms, as welLas young
Lscrnua, Cowcmra asn liuuimcaia—Forrest, tho tra
geilan, is performing in Washington Qity, at the National,
bo meets with groat success. Miss KHxa Logon is &fc the
Wflt>»tngtim pftpflTa speak in high terms of
this charming actress.
The Hutchinson. Family (John, Judson and Asa) giro
three concerts in Philadelphia next week, commencing on
Monday night. They aro about starting cno southern
Morphy’s Minstrels, Charioa Barko, - the comedian, and
tfTte Yig* Mathias, a Russian, danseu&o, (said to oqual
Bonny Bllsler) are In Philadelphia, performing. Also an
ItaUwOonocrt Company, headed, by Signor Cassar BadlalU-
RifMrtga and hlstolcnted daughter are In Louisville.
Jd&en gave three grand concerts in that city, on Wodno*
day, Thursday and Friday erenlogs. •
In Cincinnati, at the National, Florence and his wife took
* complimentary-benefit last night, after an engagement
cT three weeks. >Kuskal’s: Opera Troupe are in Cincinnati.
: IDsa lAor* Koeno Is manageress of the Charles Street
Theatre In Baltimore. Chanlrau, the original Moae, lapcST
forming at the Id the samnclty. . .
Cyan, an Irish ocmodlas, is at tho Albany
Museum. Eddy,* New York tragedian. Is at tho Metropo
litan la Rochester.
-Whitney has beau lecturing, on BlocuUon, In Cleveland»
John G. Saxe haa been discoursing to tho ZanosvQllans*
and-JUdga Edmonds, the Spiritualist, to the pooplo of Co
Ipiqhns and Cincinnati. -
.Sb*groat event iU'the Theatrical world of Now York,
has bean theproducUon, of Shakspeare’s MldsummorNight's
Dream, at the Broadway and Bowery Thoatres. Signor
Blits lain Now York.
In. New Orleans, the Bavels aro at the 8t Charles Theatre;
Benorita Soto and G. W« Smith, at the Varieties. - Gotta*
chalkgave bts last Concert Sn America, on tho 2d Inst., In
that rify. Madame So&tag gave her first Concert on tho Oth,
andjullen is announced for the l&th. Dan Blco and -Van
Amburgarc also In New Orleans.
iftm Davenport is la Boston, at tho Howard Athe&ecum. -
In ourcity,lQ tho way of Concerts and thoatrieals, we
have "hadnothing worth mentioning during the winter.
The Übzaz7 Association, however, has kept up a good run
of lectures, and prumisa us yet Bishop Potter, Antoinette
Brown; a&d other celebrities of the lecture room.
Our cltisens have not boon treated very well by Manager
Foster,during tho winter—with Anderson, Julia Dean, For*
SBsbeiv the Ravels, and hosts of other luminaries Sn
the !*—world floating around us, ho boa run almost
‘the fl&tira aaasos through, with spoctacles, equestrian
such like exhibitions Wo he&r,bowover, that
Miss ifavmport wIQ bo here in March, and Oouldock in a
vwk oar tub-- Bring them along, Mr. Foster. Son tag and
JaßsTt wt?re announced as coming, but they both slipped
past Pittsburgh. . ..
Imzrr «o Kfiu—Straub, a brewer Raiding In the Fourth
Ward of Allegheny, wa% arrested on Thursday, and. held
to boO by Aid; -Hays, • for ea assault and battery on
Thdmteu 1 A, Shinn. 'Straub's wife and son wero also hold
to’baß, the former for on assault, and tho latter for an as
sault and battery with intent to kIU. Mr. Shinn is rvpre.
sauted &s having boon badly hurt.
- Taacsxj—To-csfihi,'Ma»ppawill be performed,nnd with
it* MW drama entitled MaufredoaL Mazeppa Is got up In
spleDdld ftyleiond thawondarfal tealningof the bom Is
woriby cf aUpndso. The asoont of the;mountain by tho
untamed steed,“ Is painfully exciting.
~Dhute3- published by Gales A .Seaton,
Si iaon tho .catalogue of Valuable Books to bq sold
«1 Davis 1 Auction room* to-night.. Book boyars should not
neglect to attend.lbo sale, forwhlch boo advertisement In
■- i y..«nr UT Of flu* while Shlrtiorlil be sold et ITKenna’e
Aostion Hoiuathle srenlng at early gaallgbi-, eleoaau
eortment of Book*, Watcbnj, Jonclry, end one Fowling
Elnce< . ■ ■■■ . '
,Tb» ial* et dotting, clothe, Testings Ic, »t the (tore of
Sir. John Poriyth, No. 31 Market itioet, trill bo continued
thir morning, at 10 o’clock, by P. M. Daria, Auctioneer.
■'PlCTlllct'OocßT.—>The enme caeca eontlnne on trial in this
Kf-lledlclnu irfaleh never Ml (• glre
SATISFACTION, and an aid ly many Fhynaant inOmr
Pradial—Tn. 3. 8. ROSE la an Honorary member of the
Philadelphia Medical Society, and graduated, in 1820, from
tho Unircrrity of Penney Ivan la, under tbe guidance of the
£uly eminent Pxo&eaora Phydak, Chapmen, Gibson, Ooxo,
Jemoeobd Herer-niunea eelabretod fSr modleeJ edenco,—
and bating bed dnflj lnteraonrao and oonaalution with
OEjjo pbjeicietm, napectlng diseesea of nil.
Undat nnd the proper romMiaatherafitr-, end being lollcitod
Uttmeanda of hia petlonu to pot tlp bla Properetiona, ho
oflbr* to tbepabllc. M tbo rcialtl of hi, experience for the
peat 50 jtera, the following Talnahle Family Modlclnoa,
enchoneton spedflodlasuo:
|tT.r The Oreetext Dtscorery tn Medical Sclenee, for ell
Herr one Condition* of tho Sjxteml—Heart Dlaeeee end
Harrotm Oomplttata. The (etonlshlng and hnppy etTect of
Dr. ROee'e Kerroot Cordial, fbr Dleeesee of the Heart, Pat
jdtaUoff, Hombneo, Henrilgta, NerrouaTremor of the Hue
des, Hearflrarn, Flatiildnee, Pain In tbe Auto, WakofuloeM,
RestieMimsa, or fbr the SDnd .or Body, TTOrn care,
tahor, nr etndy, haa Induced man, phyalclani tn nae It In
ifau practlco. For a troafc coneUtntlon, St la a grand ro-
Itorsrt it comptotety remoTea from the ayitem aU nerroua
lrrttationr, and laalntoetmiraenlona In Ita rapid and happy
eSbeh The veak and the nerrona ora frequently raetorod
(o perfect health he&ra using ono bottle. . Price £0 cent,.
BoHi'*hoteaal» »J 4 J«lall r ot Dr, KKTSBR'B Drugstore,
160, corner of Wood at. end Yirgta alley. fehl.
Xg. fgqxe.DlaeOTeriee.-—VEGETARhE CATTLE
are really a good artlde, not only fbr the dlseues Incident
tajhmat,o<m, anla>i and other animals, but they are
ItkOirbo an'exoellontartlcle to improro the condition of tho
nnlmal. ; ■-
Sbr l&ch Cbioii they notoxxly Improve th£ condition of
mcbCov^-bai.they.taaease.thaqiianUty.nswoll jw in»:
prove tbequality of mllfc and butter. ~ Tbo 'propriatow say
fftmt -tecTßaiea tbetraantltr of butter from half a poond
to hpottsfl A WCQk to each cow.whilo those persona wh°
iL Mfi pound and a half to two pounds per
yy»fc,-plth the samo kind of feeding as before. Of one
wa a» eCTtalfc • an who n» it once wiU use it all tbo
♦i«w kiwi mm ittnhe»:bv the operation, as well u lmprovo
lha appearanooffhelf stock. Price 26 cents a paper, >
pBpanlbr|t. GEO. H. JtfiVBEB, No. 140,
* * - • ■ earner Wood st and Virgin, alloy..
„•■ Wholesale and Retail Agont»
“ febl
- isniU the earful ditotffca of J& jwwni .tf&fe*
sy£r- JCflPr C. toTLi, of &ebia tovmihip,in{hU county,
tit. i&titM Is end of oarmost respectable citizens, and:vol
cnterilj ealied as Dr. Keyset, and offered bis certificate to
The PECTORAL BYEUP is for sale
fel44D Wood rtwot, mod tor druggists generally. ‘.
Great Gore by Dr« SeyMT’e Pectoral
ln Peebles township, ABegheny county,
I had *fl»gh!og «ad »pUtiag, which commenced aboutthe
Alhcf February ItttiaßdcoaHwiedl&r eight wbdlo months.
I employed the best pbyaklansmtho country ,*a4 ray
cough continued unabated, uniH wly In October. At that.
rtm* I vu »dvl«I to try your PECTORAL OOCQ H BYRU P,,
I did; end after I tutd taken one.bottle, Ivu en
'tfcrsly frwfttiaconghlaF and spitting. I bad despaired of,
‘ever getting well, and! thlnkltibould be known that this,
talakhlar&nedy willdolbr othcra'what it has done In myr
e^se,” ■* JOHN 0. LITTLE, Peebles tp.
. WitnessB.-hf.’Karr," - • * >-■
pjttshgtghy December 81:. &bl
By the O’EelHy laaea for tho Morning Post
Vra YrtHtr, ,V*Yrrn ripy Tft ~Tha George Law arrived from
Asplnwoll "with S9O-passenger* 'and- $809,800 In golduA
freight. Sbacemucctod at the lethmos with the John L.
Stephens, which sailed from San Francisco-on the evening
of the 30 th, with tbo malls and one million treasure. 1
? Tho British steamer Lima arrived at Panama on-tbe 17th,
with Valparaiso dates to the 3l£t Doccmber and Calloa dates
fotho 12ib January. Tbo market at Valparaiso was dolt,
ami money tight Flour bag of 2 quintals:
Freights of Guano to England £4. • .
. There is no nows from Bolivia.
: From Pern wo learn that Domingo Elias, with 800 men,
hod been defeated by tho government troops, and is now a
At Lima business is dull. Exchange: United States, five
percent. ■
: The English ship Camboda, 140 tons, from Calao for Eng
land, with a cargo of Guano, sunk on tho night of tho 7th of
January, six .hundred .miles from Calao. Her crew was
• Two severe shocks of an carihqanko were felt at Lima on
the 12th January.
The U. a frigate fit. Lawrence was at Calao fib* brought
dates from Uolbournc, Australia, to Nov. 12th. Provisions
i >lenty, excepting Flour, which was soiling at sCoperbag.
Gold at the mines is quoted dt £3 lGs 3d, and at Melbourne
£3los fid, with an upward tendency.
The steamer Great Britain was to call for Liverpool on tho
3d of December.
Wasothgton Crrr, February 10 SoiaU.—' The privato
hills from the Itouse extending tbo tlmo for filing certain
land claims in California, and confirming private land
claims iu Wisconsin, passed.
Also, the bills for tho relief of Lieut. Wlckliffd.
Tbo Nebraska bill was token up, when Mr. Smith resumed
his speech.
Hots e,—An attempt was mado to get up tho dcficicnoy
bill again by a motion to reconsider, which the chair de
cided to be out of order. Mr. Jones appealed, but tho ap
peal was laid on tho tablo by a rote of 134 to 35.
The Ilouse acted on one prli&to bill, after which it ad
journed until Monday.
Several unsuccessful attempts were made to introduce a
now doficloncy bill.
NeW Toss, February 10.—Fifty-nino of tho passengers of
the San Francisco died on beard tbe Aotartlo before reach
ing Liverpool.
Kichsrußon’fl circular, of Taesday, quoios white wheat at
13. i Od; rod and mixed at 12s 9d; white corn at 60s 6d@sls;
yellow 50@51r. Flour:.Western canal 419 Gd; Philadelphia,
ltaUimore-and Ohio brands 44s Od(Ti)4ss.
Another f&mino is threatened in Ireland- Provisions are
enormously high, and are still going upwards. In somo
parts of Limerick tbe people are-suffering deplorably for
want of food.
The Liverpool circulars are contradictory as to prices of
breadstuff}, although thoy mostly qnoto Floor as having
advanced Is, yet the figures do not show it
Crarlsstoit, B.U, February &-—Tfce Girard East Alaba
mYan loarns that the steamer-American was burned in the
Alabama river on ibo 20th January.- Fifty Uvos were lost.
It Is understood that a gentloman moving west, namod
Moore, was on board, with a cumber of negroes.
■. Charleston, February. 10. —Barreda & Brothers, agents
of the Peruvian government, have awarded the contracts for
guano bags, amounting to $350,000, to a Baltimore firm.
They will bo mado by Grover &, Baker’s sowing machines.
WctssnOSOGOR, S. C., February 10.—James Phillips ab
sconded from this place with $20,000 belonging to Fisher,
Agnew A Co, of Columbia. Five thousand dollars reward
have been offered for his apprehension. -
New York, February 10.—'Tho steamer Gcorgo Law ar
rived with tbo California mails.
New Toiul February 10.—Flour markot dull; sales 5250
barrels at $9,12(5)9,87; Fouthorn firm; sales 18,000 bide
at $9,25@9,60. Wheat...prices a trillo lower; Rales 1000
bus Southern white at $2,02. Corn...priccs a trifle higher;
sales 41.000 bun at $1 W liisky...sales 400 bbls
prison at 35. Provisions unchanged.
New Yore, February 10—Ewmnp.—Money market un
changed; stocks firmer. Bogar...New Orleans 5; Uavona
wbit*7.*Moiassea...sales 300 bbls New Orleans at 29. Cot
ton declined market dull for all qualities, which liavo
slightly declined. Ooffeo...sales 500 bags Rio; prices un
changed; moderate business done: sales 1200 bags at
Hire market firm with an upward tendency; sales 300 treat
Flour...priccs are a triflodower; little speculative
demand; sales 0500 bbls at $9,ti0®0,37;-sales 2500 bbls
Southern at $9,12(0)9,37. Wheat-.prices lower, but not
quotably lower; aaies 13,000 ba* Southern white at $2,15.
Corn, market opened buoyant, but closed heavy; prices a
trifle lower; sales 40,000 bus Southern at $1,08; Western
mixed $1,05.-
; ; pßtuiSELrniA, February 10.—Breadstuff* firmer under tbe
Pacific’s advices, tho prices remain without change; there
is HUls or no inquiry for export, shipping brands offered at
$9.76, without fin-ling buyer*; moderate sales for tbo supply
uf tho trade ar $8,75@9,50 for common and extra brands.
No change in live Flour —sales 300 bbls Pennsylvania-
Corn Meal at $4.25. Wheat in good demand ats2,o3lbr red,
and $2,15 for white. Markot bare of Bye, and wanted.
Corn In good demand—solus 4000 bus new yellow at 93n, in
stir*. Provisions very quirt. Clovcrseed In modcrato de
mand— sales 300 bbls at $0,76 *1 04 lbs. Coffee, Sugar and
Molasses In better demand, and prices looking upwards.
Whisky firm—sales In bbls at 35, and in bhds 34c.
CiRCtNNATT, February 10.—.Yoon—Tho river is stationary:
weather pleasant. Floor quiet; prices unsettled; holders
ask $7; no birvers at that price. Whisky, 22J4(n)22)-£.
Nothing done to Indicato tlie effect of tbo steamers cewV
-upon Ftovition*; dealers holding off for further advice*.
: CisciNSin, February 10 —fretting.—The ntor ha* fallen
throe Inches; weather fine. Flour closed dull at $0,90.
Whisky dull at 22Lj($221\j. Tbe foreign news has affected
Uid Provision market unfavorably: there ws* a fair de
mand to-day for bulk sides, with sales 800,000 lbs at G, and
for bbl Isird at but other articles were neglected,
and sates could not bare been made to anv extent oxrcptat
a decline; flales 500 bbls Mesa Pork at $l3, for March de-
livery. Cloverwtd dull and heavy at $->,70. Linseed Oil
heldct9s; buyers offer 90.
J ABIES BTfiENNA, Auctioneer and Commission Mer
chant, No. 120 Wood street, near the corner of Fifth,
regular sales of Dry Goods, Cloth lag, Groceries, Glassware,
new and second hand Furniture, each day at 10 and 2
o’clock; and at early go*light, each evening. Watches and
Jewelry,Guns, Pistols, Book*, Fancy article*,Cutlery, Boot*,
Shoes, Ac., with a general assortment of every description
of Dry Goods. Refer to the principal merchant*. febO
Auetloxi—l)ally Soles.
; A T tbo Commercial Bales Rooms, comer of Wood and
j\. Fifth streets, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. a genorai assortment
of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Hots, Caps, Ao; «
AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M-,
Groceries.Qneonsware, Glassware, Table Cutlery. Looking
Glasses, New and Socond Hand Household and Kitchen Fur
niture, Ae-
Cooks, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musiral Instrument*,
Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods. Gold and
Silver watches,'Ac. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. fjv3lrti
Large sale op fink shirts at auction—on
SATURDAY EVENING, February llUi, at early gnu
light, wQ! bo sold at U’Kenoa’s Auction House, in qu&utl*
ties to suit purchasers, about C 6 dozen fine white shirts,
11 uea bosoms, . The sale is fixed for the eveniog for tho ac
commodation of mechanics and workingmen, whose occu
pations do not allow time to attend tbo day vales.
febS JAMES M'KBNNA. Anrt’r.
Cigars, Stand-Casks, Show-Cases, Ac., at Auction. On
MONDAY, February 13th. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, will
be sold at M’Kenna's Auction House, the balance of stock
of a .liquor iloro, among wlueli ore tho following choice
brands in quarter and half casks and pipes:—Otard, Dupuy
A Co., brandy; Piaot. CasUlllsn A Cn., brandy; Pelevssln
brandy. Together with a variety of wines, s'and-enskß,
•how-cases, and vinegar. Alro, CO,OOO best quality Cuba
cigars. (fobS) JAMES M'KKNNA, Anct'r
ruary J3th, 1854, at 2 o'clock, will be sold, at McKenna's
Auction House, by ordorof Aselgnoes, tho stock of a retail
country store. Among tho lot aro some very fine goods,
such as Saxony Goburgs, merinos, alpacas, mous delaines,
beralgos, ginghams, linen lustres, cuheos, chintzes, pant,
staff, vestings, flannels, bleached and brown muslins, silk
hdkfs. and cravats, fine shawls and dress, ribbons,
laces, tweed cloths, casMoets, patent thread, spool-cotton,
gloves and hosiery, suspenders, linseys, lambs’-wool shirts
and drawers, white dress shirts, gingham and check shirts,
overcoats and pantaloons, superfine satin vests, Irish linen,
buckram and padding, «Uk plush, cbusatui, heavy blankets,
furniture calico, men, women, misses, boys' and youths'
boots, brOKana, shoes, bootees, buskins, pumps and slippers,
gum overshoes; also, a vory largo lot of silk and worsted
fringe, with many other articles.
. febT JAMES WeKENNA, Anct’r.
\j ING, February 18th, at 10 o'clock^at tbo Btoroof Mr.
John Forsyth, No. 34 Market street, near Second, will to
sold (as ho is declining busioess) his entire stork of Fash
ionable Clothing,Cloths, Trimmings, Ac. Comprising super
• cloth frock, ana dress coats; fine overcoats, hangups and
over sacks; cassimero, twoed, and jean socks and frocks;
black and-fancy cassimere, satinet, and Jean pants; sapor
; black and fluey velvet, sadn,eHk, cashmere, Valencia,
marseillss and linen vests; silk, merino, and cotton under
shirts and drawers; wdol and canton flannel do. do;; floe
white and fancy shirts; shirt collon; super silk and satta
stocks, Ups and cravats; silk handkerchiefs; kid, cashmere.
Bilk, and thread gloves; wool .comforts; Hosiery; suspen
ders f umbrellas; super bloek und fancy clothing; beaver
cloths; black and fancy French eossimeros; extra satin,
•Bk,cashmere and marsefllea vestings; silk velvets; trim
mings, Ac. [fob7l P.M. DAVlB.Auct'r.
Houses and lots in the sixth ward at
ary 11th; at 3 ©’clock;. on the premises, will be sold that
valuable improved property in the 6th ward, at the corner
of Fulton and Rose streets; two Lots of Ground, having &
front of 40 feet on Falton street, extending back along Rase
street 132 feet to Crawford street, on whioh is erected one
two-story brick Store and Dwelling llouse,No. 140, and one
two story brick Dwelling lloubo, No. 151; ■ •
• Terms—Ono-thlrd cash, remainder la one and two years,
with interest; ' [fobC] P. M. DAYIB, Anct’r.
Chests—Dr. KKYBKR, wholesolo
Druggist,’of 140 Wood street, has on band a splendid as
sortment of MEDICINE CHESTS, for families and steam
boats, at Tsrioas prices. Those in want of articles of this
kind would do well to glvebtin.a call* - febl
FINE CLOCKS.—"Wo wish to inform tho citizens thatwo
h*Te received <nio of the finest assortments of Mantta
Clocks and Marina lime pieces, evor offered in this market,
direct from the manufacturers, which wo sell willas low as
any house? In the United- Slates, (at. retail,) and much
lower than any establishment in this city. Also, a fine lot
of Watches and Jowelry; which Wo will sell os usual, at
wholasaloprioes by tho single ertio'e, at :
• • HOOD’S Jowelry Store,
60 Market fftroet, Pittsburgh.
thirty-third CONGRESS.
Auction Cara,
JAMES HcKKNHA, Auctioneer.
F. EL, DA VIA, Auctioneer.
To Let t
4 BASEMENT ROOM, corner Fourth street and Cborry
A. alley, Pittsburgh. Tho Room is 21 feet.irido by 32
doop; one half above ground; dry and -well finished. It
has a coal rault in front. Will bo routed from Ist April
next* Enquire at office of “ Morning Poet." J&7
100 do dried do
20 kegs Ban do
lebfi , : - i . • • 39 Wood street
DAT£3-~10 mats, no*;
6 cases Prunes, glass jars;
S do do ; nmc/Jars,
■ In itoro and fbr sale by
/ ” “ ” '.JOSHUA RHODES A 00., .
•• jbbO" 'j ... . ; 39 Wood, street.
•Y7-ALENTINEB.—A full trad com|let»aMortmrat, at
V Dtfceß from ono cent to ton dollars cftcbijnit received
andrarcalebr: BAjrUBCi B. LADFFEK,
(Successor to Lake Loomit, ag t>)
No. 8T Wood etrwt.
Pmsmnujif, FebruaryJLQ.
4/irf 4 iiKliea waferih tho channel atdork, and rising
slowly. - . .■•■;■„ .r.... •
■ Tho warm son and thawing weather of. yesfeedayy would
me] t large quantities of snow and ice along th&rivor and its
tributaries, and bavo a tendency to keep the rivers from
getting any lower.«
There are six boats loading for St. lonise all flrst-clas? St
Lonla packet*.. ■ • •• .
Destruction ctf Boals al SL ioair.—The first boat with
which the ice came In. contact was the Asia, owned by
Messrs. Smith ft Robbins. She lay outside tho St. Ange,
and was instantly store and sunk Immediately. Her value
was about $lO,OOO, on which there was about $3OOO insur
ance; a policy for the samo amount expired last Saturday,
ami tho office refused to renew it
. The iST Anpe, lyingclose to the shore, was forced up it
several feet, occasioning a general smash Of her hull atid
upper works. She wan also stove and filled with- water im
mediately. to Messrs. Lewis ft Bro,of St.
Louis, General Price, of Jefferson City, and Captain Han
num, her commander; she was valued at $7600, and was
sold tho day previous to Mr. Roberts, of Linn Creek, to be
delivered after being docked and put In complete repair, for
the sum of $9000; she had on insurance of $2500; net xna
chinny will bo saved, as will the furniture and upper
At tho stern of the Angc lay the splendid now Missouri
river steamer, F. AT. Aubrey; slio was also forced up tho
bank, and bns her forward part considerably shattered; she
subsequently sunk, and will probably prove a total loss.
Bhe has boon running but uno season, and'was built lost
spring on the Ohio, under tho .superintendence of her com
mander, Captain. Keedor, and was a splendid specimen of
steamboat architecture; sho is owned by Messrs. Reeder ft
Conley, and cost about $33,000; she is Insured forfclG.OOO in
Pittsburgh offices.
Tho .Eitaro, a fine Missouri river packet, lay next to tho
Aubrey, and is a totallosa; sho was voliiod at $20,000, and
was Insured for $13,000.
Next to tho Elvira was the JSrcri, a small boat engaged In
tho Illinois river trade; sho Is a total loss; valued at $lO
000; nolnsuraneo: , »
The heaviest loss sustained, was by tho sinking of. tho
fine steamer Garden City ; sho was a now boat, built at
Pittsburgh during tho past scasou, and valued at $10,000;.
sho is owned by Captain Price, her commander, Mr. Mills,
tho clerk, and her builder at Pittsburgh; she is Insured for
$17,000—52000 In fit, Louis, and $15,000 in Pittsburgh. :
The steamer Alex. Scott , now at Cairo, or near that point,
and bound for St, Louis, has on board a cargo, the freight
charges of which will amount : to between $lO,OOO and
$12,000; two-thirdaof .it )s at the rate of 740 100 R>a.—
L'inanna/i Cbmmcrcial,lhbruary 9.
TActiver was brought .to. a stand yesterday evening by
the rain of the previous night, and lha next movement in
all probability will be uplah.
Most* Smith, chief-engineer on tho Zach Ta%for at tho.
time of her explosion, is suspended—or rather his license Is
suspended—for .thirty days from this date, by action of the
Board of Steamboat Inspectors at this port, who, after fa fly
Investigating the matter, came to the conclusion that he had
neglcotod his duty. It turns out that tho Zach fiiylor was
one of a series of boats built at Wheeling In the years 1547
and 1848, fourof which haveoollapsod flues, viz: Highland
iM ary, Friendthip, Lewis Wdsel and Zach Taylor. The
Friendship has had two collapses. This chapterof accidents
was caused, to a great extent, by the inferior quality of iron
of whlob the boilers were made.— l hid.
4 szst 4 ixcuxs watts t.v vox cuahxzl, Aim rismo.
Steamer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.
M Luterne, Bennett, Brownsville. -
“ ThomasShriver,Bailey, WcstNewton.
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth.
“ Exchange, McCollum, Wheeling;
“ Michigan, No. 2, Wolf, Wetlsville.
Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Luzerne,Bennett,Brownsville.
11 ThomasShriver,Bailey, West Newton,
“ Gen. Bayard. Peebles, Elizabeth.
“ Exchange, McCollum, Wheeling.
« Michigan, No. 2, Wolf, Wollsvllle.
“ Cuba, Abrams, Louisville.
“ Monongabola. Bowen, Morgantown.
Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Pocket Idna,
And Saint r.oals. <
(bsr# This Lem is composed of seven nos* w
claw powerful Steamers, nne- yfegv*?
CssSkafiasbqn&llcd for spoed, splendor, safely
and comfort, and !a the ofar vnßouon daut use of Steak
Packets on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. 8. Mail
Lino of Steamers from Cincinnati to Louisville and Saint
Louis, by which paosengdrs and freight are ticketed and re-'
tripled through daily. Two now Steamers have been added
to the lino, which now consists of the following boats:
Days of Departure
Thais. - Captains. from PiUsbzrrgh.
BUCKEYE STATE- M. W. BzLTznoovTai....Sunday.
MESSENGER. No. 2 J. B Davis. Monday.
ALLEGHENY- -..Gso. M’Linv .Tuesday.
CRYSTAL PALACE W*. J. Komm- Wednesday.
PHILADELPHIA R. J. Gracs...... —Thursday.
PITTSBURGH*. 11. Catcrum...,. ....Friday.
VKNNSYLVANIA... J fro. KuxtmTe&~ .Saturday.
Leave dally at 10 o'clock,. A. XL, prorbwly.
No freight received after nlao o'clock oa tho rooming of
departure* -
For particular®, apply on board, or to’ .
JOHN FLACK, / A^nts *
Mouongaiiela Hoaso Building®.
Pittsburgh. 1853.
For lllinof* lUver»Sl* Lottls, Peoria, and
nmgj TflEateaxner TRONIC, Capt- 8. Faxscu, trill
< r 4c3pNh*?lpnTc fur the above and Intermediate ports, on
mii«lT]lKl DAY, tbelGtb last.
For freight and passage apply on boanh or to
For St. Lout*.
I fFffT-ifr Tns uteamor’CALEBONU.R.
will I<*nve for ttw al«>ve and intermediate
porta THIB DAY, February 10lb,ftt 4 o’eJoctr, P, M.
For freight or passage apply on board or to
frblO FLACK & WILKINS, Agent*.
For St. Lonti.
m, • Xo* steamer KDINBURG IT, Capt. 0. W.
I will leave fur ibe above, and Inturtuo
porta, on THIS DAY, Kith lusi., at 10
o'clock, A. M..
For freight and passage apply on hoard, or to
£3* Win. undertake the introduction of INVENTIONS
[ Q the Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN, and all tbo conn*
trirr on the Conllnent, especially tboso of FRANCE, HOL
Having been successfully engaged for a period of twenty
months in the business, he has acquired valuable Informa
tion in regard to the existing laws of those countries, by
which meanß only a VALID PATENT can be secured.
Those possessing YALtJBLE INVENTIONS, can forward
Drawings, Models, and, -when possible, Samples and com
munications to me at Pittsburgh, Pm, until the first day of
April next; after which time, to care of my Agents, W«-
fmtups, Esq., No. lips# street, Pittsburgh; Messrs.
Oxo&qs McQxs&x A Co-* 87 Walnut street, Philadelphia; or
Jaucs Mcllrsut, Esq., No. 6 Temple Place, Liverpool
RSf*B*!*CEB: _ _
NcrUle C. Craijy, Es*., William Phillip?, Esq., Horn H»
fTepburn, John I). Haels, Eeq n Col. WUsoa M'C&ndles*,
Col. SamL W. Blacic, ftttsburgh.
, Charles Baihwu, Esq., Loubr?Ulo, Ky.
Messrs, Georgo McHenry A Co., Hon. Charles Gibbons,
Philadelphia. ' .
James SlcHenry, Ksq., Llrorpool, England. .. ,
: fCity papers, Cincinnati Gazette, LouisrUla Journal, Bt.
Loai* Onion, Philo. North American and Gaxotte, McMn
kln’a Courier, N. Y. Tribune, Scientific American, and Bea
ton Herald, copy one month, and Bend bills to.'William
Phillip*, i>q.3 , J ft2C
Steel Pen** „ '
JOSEPn GITILOTTB PENS, No*. 503,705, 1790,170, 351,
715, 728,739,768,700,702,748,762,729, Barrel Pen, and
Damascus Barral Fen. _ w
MYEB PITINEA8 > Original,* “Double Action.”
“Treble Spring," “Fountain,” “Jenny Urid," “Double
Elastic.” ' ..
PRATO'S “Commercial,” “Extra Fine, Republican, Al*
tatl, “ 605,“ “ Slip Pens,” “ Eagle.” •
H.COHENACo.'* “Swan Quill,” “Baetspring," “Flat*
spring,” " Eagle,” “ India Rubber,"** Commercial, * “Gntta
JOSEPH J. LEVTb celebrated Commercial PENS.
W f. HAVEN'S Commercial VRNB, white and bropred.
“ THE ELEOTRO PEN,” “ Amalgam.” “Double Elastic,
BLECKWITH'S “ RUBY &EN "—‘‘The Accountants’.”
And many other celebrated-Pens j for sale by
• - 8: HAVEN. Statfoner and Printer,
Market streeVcoTner of Booond.
GOLD AND ttILYJSa PKNB»Iof. superior.quallttoj fPT
ttle by •*V • . . W. 8. HAVEN, .
Stationer and Printer*
. ja2l;tn*» Market etreet, coraerof Second.
WttlTlNtf INKS.—Hibbertfis Orth’*, ArnoMVUarri-
Bon’fl,Maynord A HeyeV, Walkden’e, Hogan i/Thomp
eon’a, and W&mn’« THfick, Bed and Bluo Writing Inks, lo
quart, pint, half p!ntv4 os. and - 02.■ bottles. For Bala at
W. 8. nAVEN’B Stationery Warehouse,
Mnrfcet pt, corner of Second.
/ 1 ABKKT BOMtDS—2OOO fta, for sale by
(j W. 8. ITAVEN,
Corner Market and. Second gtreeta.
PBOKIIiB PAPRUH—Just receiywl a lrt'fih supply at re
duced rotes, and for salo by
t W. B. lIViaSN,
Corner Mnrket and Second VSreels.
FIELD nooks Foil ENGINEERS—A supply al*6y eon
liand, or-mado to oislet of any shape or style required,
at \V. B- n AVEN'fI Engineer’s Stationery "Warehouse,
feb7*toifi‘ - Corner Market and Second streets.
by W. S. HAVEN, Stationer,*
feb7unte Corner Market and Second streets.
meat always on hand, at W. 8. HAVEN’S'
, ; - ; • • Stationery Warehouse,
feb7*m*e • • Comer Market and Second streets.
yiEQIN UMBEIi-For »>» Iff g nAVEN _
Comer Market and Second street*.'
faMahie " Poronr Matkct nn<l Sowed Btrw’lj.
rJj>JU*E LINJSS—J?or »»1» by
Corner Market and Beonnd atreeta.
oyster. sai.oon and JJ®stax7Rantj
rpnE Subscriber Ims now ills OY3TEB SAMON AND
I BATING lIOOSB perfected in-ft manner that cannot
T CUot , ceat°Ments. Fotvlo, FUD, d6C.,
ms Bit! of Faro cannot be Bair««ri» tmS be 'would respect
fully invito the attention of the
JaYOnnactf ; i - 108 Wood .treat.
gnnt Cured Hams.
I f* tierces Erata ft Swifts’ Sugar Cured Hams;
ID »do stagg * stays’ do
and for sale by . ftS&s,
' No. 309 Liberty atreet
' V* rf/w? *J' Vr '' ■ ■■’
- •, » r r-i xf .
' Omo* or jra* DArtt Moasnro Post, >
- Saturday, February 11,1854.- f
PLOUIL—Wo could bear of no material change la price*;
holders were firm yesterday, and sales of 144 bbls, in lots;
were reported at $7,37@7,50; the offering was small.
; PKAOIIEB.—BoIes or 12ftbas at $1,6:2.
■’ llAY.—Sries of 14 loads at $10@13,00.
BUTTER.—SaIes of 11 bbls roll at 14o; 7do prime at 15o;
Odo at 16l^c.
SUGAR.—SaIes of 15 hhds at .
OATd.—Snlca of 120 bus at 40c.
WOJSKY;—SaIes of 98 bbls at 26@27e.i.- .
. BEANS.—SaIes of 64 bus mixed at 94c.
0 LASS.—We havo sales of 250 boxes at $2,40.
BULK MEAT.—There has been quite a large business
doing la Bulk Pork within the lost twenty-four boars, and
tbo demand active. We note sales of 20,000 lbs rough
country cut atXc, hog round; 170,000 do well trimmed, on
terms withheld; 10,000 do country at 4%, 69£<§)63£c.
DRIED BEEF—Sales of 0 tierces at
.. CORN. —There is considerable -inquiry, and but little is
• coming forward; It would oommaad GOc.
ABllK3.—SaleßoflOQ casks on pnvato terms; 5 do at
for imported.
; If ACON.—Sales of 1000 B>s Hams at 9J*Cc; 1000 do Shoal*
dors fit (%c. • -
LARD.—The domnnd is active, and sales were reported of
30.000 lbs iu bbls, and 00 kegs, at oc, cash; 48 tierces on
private terms.
MOLASSES.—SaIes of 200 bbls at26c, 4 months.
oon&sonn daily fob •
(loon &> Sargent* E
Comer of Wood and 8k
Pittsburgh Banks par.
Philadelphia “ Va.
Brownsville . u par.
Uuckß county 44 V 4
01iesterCo.(newissne).M Vi
Oolumbia Bridge Co Vi
Danville 44 ... Vi
Dcl&w&ro co. “ .. Ya
Doylestown 11 \Z
Easton 41 Vi
Germantown* 4 ......... Vi
Lancaster Vi
Lebanon 44 ........... Vi
Montgomery <vx Banks— Vi
■ Northumberland 44 ... Vi
Pottsville 44 ... I!
Reading 14 ... ~ Vi
Schuylkill county 44 .... ii
Washington 44 ‘ XZ
Westßnmcb 4f ... vi
Wyoming.*.....* ........ Vi
Car1i51e.,..........—..... %
Chambersburg.. - M
York 805k5......
Relief Notes,.... %
United States 8ank....... 15
AUeghesyCityScrip_... par.
Pittsburgh City 44 ....... par.
Allegheny Co. 44 —prem.
New Ybrk City.—.... Vi
Country Banks 32
All solvent 8ank5......... %
All solvent Banks.
Small Notes ;
Baltimore Banks~... X A
Country Banks.* %
Bankof Va.*bnmchos... fi
Farmers’Bk. *branches~ %
Valleyßk.ftbr&nche*..~. %
Exchange Bk.a branches %
Wheeling 8ank5.—....... v?
Wheeling branches....— %
'All solvent Bonks.—
Patricks 6 Friend, Exchange Brokers,
Comer of Fifth and Wood itrctlt, TiUthurgh.
LOANS. ** * Bid. j Axked. Tar VdL
United 3 tatesOs. 1868 119,00$ 120,00 $ 100,00
Cn1t0d5tatc55iU853...—........... 100,00 101,00 100,00
Pennsylraniiiofl.lBT9..los,oo, 000 100,00
Penn*y1ran1a5f1.18C8...........~...i. 05,00 07,00. 100,00
Allegheny county 6a.................. 100,00 . 100,00
Allegheny county coupons... 96,00 100,00 > 109,00
Pittsburgh city 6» .... 98,00 100,00 100,00
Pittsburgh city coupons, payable
Now York...; 102,00 102,00
Allegheny City 6s. 08,00 99,00
Allegheny City coupons, payable
'in Philadelphia- 92,00 94,00
Bank of Pittsburgh-...—...... 65,50 65,76
MerchantsaXliinufacturera’Bafck 67,00 57,60,
Exchange Bank 65,25 65,50 j
Allegheny Barings Bunk ...... 00,00 00,00!
Mbnongahela Bridge—23,76 24,00:
Bt. Clairstreot Bridge. — l So,oo
Hand street Bridge— 00,00 00,00
Northern Überties Bridge— SO,OO 38,00
Western Insurant*® Company 35,50 16,00 j
Citizens’lnsurance Company...... 16,00 17,00
Associated Firemen’s Company.... 6,00 7,00,
Atlantic and Ohio.— - .. _ 44,00!
Pittsburgh,Cincinnati fcLouisrlllo 41,76 * 43,00
Lake Erie.... - 24,00
Pittsburgh Gue. Works... 68,00 68^60
MonongaheiaSlackwater...— —45,00
Pennsylvania 49,00 49,76
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad— 48.76 49,00
Cleveland * Pittsburgh Railroad— 60,00 63,00
Marint Railway aud Dre Dock— 102,60' 106,00
Turtle Creek (’tank Road 10,00 12,00
PerrysTiUe Plank. Road— . 20,00-
Greensburg Turnpike....— B,oo< 10,00
ChartlersCojil C0mpeny.............. 18,60
Pittsburgh and Bc*ton_
North American... .-
North West ..
North Western
Ohio Trap Rock .. -
Minnesota ..... ........
Pittsburgh ami Isle Royal—
Douglas H0ught0n....................
Ridge.. ~.
Fire Steel—
C011ing........ -
Peninsular ...........
Phoenix— .....
Iron City—.—..
5000 arret highly improved and valuable FARMS,-and tin
sealed tracts of land, for talc, tdualed in the comities of
Allegheny, Butler and Indiana, State of Ptnn’a.
a‘H£ eubscribor being duly authorised, will be in read!*
ness to make sale cf tbu fallowing described property,
at the St. Cbarlral Hotel, In Pittsburgh, on
Tuesday, the 14thday of February, 1854, I
from 'J\4 o’clock, A. il M until 4 o’clock, 1\ IL, and continuo |,
tbcrodaily unlli SATURDAY AFTERNOON, the ISthinst,
And then at tho dwelling of Johh Shaw, on Pibe creek, J
from the 21st to tho 24th init n ioc tiaive, and "Her that 1 j
period, nt his office, in New Brighton, Boater county, Pa. 1
All those various FARMS, lying in a body together, on I
the waters of Pine creek, in Shafar end Indiana townships, I
Allegheny county, oontainlug, In the aggregate, sixteen I
hundred acres of valuable land. I
The lands are adjacent to lands of C. F. Spang and others, J
on the south, and on the north by lands of Miller, Shaws j
and others, distanced on the Butler and Pittsburgh Plank j
road from fivo to eight miles from Pittsburgh. I
This body of land is well located for farming and garden- I
ing purposes, and has some fine locations for country real-I
deoecs on the Plank road. Tho improvements are extensive I
on some of the farms, an! are occupied by the following I
named tenantry: Vim, Brown, Samuel Borland, Samuel [
Heed, Karl Crist, John Glass, George Keck and JohnMUler. j
All persons desirous of examining the respective tracts of I
land would do well tocoQ upon the tenantry, who can show j
the extent of the improvements. I
ALSO, all that body of Laud, containing onothousand 1
tfbres, situated In Franklin township, Allegheny county, I
divided into sevoral-valnablo Forms of from one hundred J
acres and Upwards, located at or near lands of Neelys, Bob- I
insons and others, at the southern portion, and on the 1
northern portion thereof adjoining lands of Martin Burns I
and others on tho Pittsburg and ZelJeoople Plank Bond, j
The several Farms are occupied by Lovl Bichy, Mrs. D. Bo* j
gers, [widow.] Cochran Evans, J. Uhtenburgh and Francis I
Stockier; who. If inquired o£ on the respective premises, j
could show the Lands to persona desirous of seeing them. {
These several tracts of land are distanced from Pittsburgh
from ten to fourteen miles* Foiuo good Coal to be found on I
some of those Lands.. . _ ... I
ALSO, all those two corlain'tracts of Land, containing j
4&0 acres, In Ohio township, Allegheny county; .one of them I
on the. Ohio .and Pennsylvania Railroad, distanced between J
eight and nine miles from adjoining lands of I
Hood’s heirs and othersAm the western portion, on which is j
a good improvement, well located for farming purposes.' Tho |
other tract is located on tho waters of the Big Sewickley I
Creek, adjoining lands of Brewers and others, well located j
for farming, distanced from Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail
road two and a half miles.
-•ALSO, all that body of land, containing 1000 acres, in
West Connequessing and Muddy Creek townships, Butler
county, divided into good sized Forma of one hundred acres
audupwajrds, on which there aro valuable improvements,
and occupied by the following named tenanby; Philip
Heckart, J. B. Campbell, J.Nolseu, and Edward Frasier, |
• who will Impart Information as to the improvements,
called upon. A porUoncf this body of Land is distanced I
from Harmony two miloa, on the road leading to Porters-1
: vllle some six miles, and others from eight to fourteen miles.
All located on good reads and very easy of access.
ALSO, two other tracts of Land, containing 760 acres—
one improved and the other anlmprovwl—situated in the
townships of Armstrong and Wheat field, Indiana county. ‘
At the same time and •
; ALSO, other valuable improved Farms and Tracts of
5000: ACHES,
•* * ;.*• i‘ *■
-■ * " V v> »
.»■ *’ :■ '»■ ’r, ..
X ,’,r , A
Qxchange Bankera^
ixth itrutit PiUiburgh.
State Bk.and branches...
Other solvent 8anka......
Bank of Sandusky...
Granville 6Q
Norwalk... 60
Urbana 6C .
W005ter....... 25
State Stock 8anka.........
Btatoßk.and branches... 9a
State Stock Banka—......
Btate Bank Branch—.. 50
lllinois— 76
All solvent Banks....
All solvent B&nkA. 1
Marine a Fire Insurance
Co. at MBwaukle—..... 2
All solvent Banks— S
All solvent Banks—. 1
All fiolvont 8ank5......1
All solvent Banka.. l}4
AD solvent 8ank5......... 5
All solvent Banks... VA
New Y0rk.—..... ' par.
Philadelphia——.. par.
Baltimore ' par.
Cincinnati % disrit.
St.lnuis —...a diso’t
American Gold (new)*—. par.
American Gold (01d)....... prim.
Sovereigns ...... 44 83
Guineas....... —..— 6 00
Fredcrickdors..— 7 80
TenTbalers. —... 780
Ten Guilders 8 9o
Louisd'or..—... 425
Nap01e0n5.......—.......... 8 83.
Doubloons, Patriot— 7o
Doubloons, Bpani/h.......1Q 25
Ducats...— —... -2 lo
FUuatod In tho counties of Beaver, Clarion, Forrest, Jcffor-
son and Mifflin. ~
Those various Tracts of Land aro divided into small and
largo Farms, and aro located in flourishing neighborhoods
and aro worthy the attention of settlors at home or abroad.
All persons, by calling upon tho subscriber, can obtain
handbills giving their respective locations or they may
find them described in the numerous bond-bills circulated
In ibo commuuity. Title to the lands are Indisputable.
: Possession can bo given on tho first of April noxt, to per
sons who may purchase. _
• Beal Estate Agent.
Nsw Biuohtoh, Feb. 0.1854.—feb7:2wd . .
Important to Tailors.
JDBT RECEIVED, a largo assortment of Tailors’ and
Trimmers’ Shears, of the best makes in tho country,
which we offer at the manufacturer^prices, at-
BOWN A TETLEY’S, Enterprise Works,
’ ISO Wood street,
f o b 7 • Wholesale Agents for manufacturers.
: . - ; James Gardner* Bntolteri
"lITILL be found on the regular market days and oven-
bttwb. and avBTALL No. O ALLEGHENY MARKET, with
hls usual quality of Hams, Smoked Beef, Tongues, Lard,
Sausage, Ac., Ac. , . , jan27.3m J;
Spring Style of Hats— Just received
7 If No, 231 Liberty street, opposite head of Wood.
JUBT RECEIVED, by Express, this day—
-2 dox. Coil’s Repeating Pistols, 4,0 and Ux inch.
0 dox. Allen’s Revolving Pistols, assorted tlzos.
1 “ Warner’s “ “ a boatiful pocket sire.
For rale at ‘ DOWN A TETLEY’S,
feb7 13C Wood street
BANK STOCK FURBAI*K—Meo shares Bank of Pittfr
burg; 41 shares Merchants’ and Manufacturers Bank,
Pittsburgh. For sale fey
SUNDRIES— Dried Beef;
.Soger Cored Hiujjb;
Bacon Shoulders; v *
Crease endlArd, recM and forsaleby
~ ‘ •■'..- :"r ■'■■'■*■ ■ -'v-.-
1 V
,v-.- **. v- <
liondOD) l8&l y and Kew York, 1853 V
; THE first*nd only PRIZE MEDALS for Har*
i nes* attheGrcatExhlbitlonain Londou.lBsl.
and iuNewYork, 1853, wu awarded to
• Messra.LACETYA jfUlLLlPS,attbeir extensive cstab-
UshmenttNos .an«l;Xo,:Boutb Fifth street, PhUadel
>hia,keep the largeHtstockofready-made Harness and.
laddlesof any house in the United-States,- Theyhave
reduced the badness of manufacturing to suehperfect eye
tem, that, for .quality andprice, theyare beyond all com*,
petition. The best of Leather only Is used, and uopains.
are snared to reach perfection in every article. -
■ It is ecknwledged* .that for elegance, tightness, • comfort
and real value, the Harness and Saddles of Lacoy A Phil
lips surpass nti otbers. .They invite a close examination of
their stock. . _ '
Attention is called to thefollowlng scale of prices:
Hood, plain, serviceable Single Harne55,......512,00 to $25,00
“ fancy « ... ■« '« • ...... 28,50 to 35,00
“ plain Double Harne55........... 40,00t0. 80,00
■ They havo a branch of their establishment at New O
rleans, No. 81 Charles street.. :>•; - •
Country Harness Makers can bo supplied with Harness
cheaper tlian they can
fIGF* A.number of HARNESS' MAHERS are offered con
stant employment, the year round. The highest wages
given. Apply, to •, .' LACEY PHILLIPS,
No, 12,14 and 16, South Fifth street, near Minor street,
Philadelphia, Pa. - -
(Late Bissel A Semples Rolling Mill,) on the bank of the
Allegheny,: bolowlhe St. Clair Btreet Bridge,
, - AT.T.rnnsmr Citt. Pa.
rpHE proprietors respectfully inform the public .'that,
X having made extensive additions to their.'establish
moot, they are prepared to manufacture, on the most rea
sonable terms, Iron Work: for Bridges,' Car Axles, Quarry
Work, Stone Cutlers 1 and Masons’ Tools, Shafting, MiU
Geariog, Machine Work in general, and heavy Forging, of
erery description. Also, HORSE SHOES manufactured by
‘ShdtePt Patent. Horse Shoe Machine. . The Horae Bhoe Ma
chine will bo in operation about the middle of February,:
when aH oriera for Shoes will meet witUprompt attention,
MillPicfes made and dressed. sent by mail or tele
graph attended toon the shortest notice; _ ja!4.*y
NEW MUSia—latiy Dear, Rove with .Me; beautiful
melody, by. Jotiien. . ..
Far out on tho Moonlight;
The Days that are no more;
Nay, deemmenotHappy; '•
The Flower I Found ; .
: St. Clair to Little Eva in Heaven;
L Friendship and Love;'
I Oannbt Mlod My Wheel, Mother;
Medina Polka Redowa;.'
La Fontaine’s Amelia Mazurka; -
St. Lawrence Tubular Bridge Mazurka, with beautlfal
Repose Bchottisb, with lithograph; *.V .
Eclipse and Crazy Maiden Schottisb
PorthenU Walts, sentimental;
Remembrance and Flower Field, sentimental;_
Surprise Quadrilles, very pretty;T-./
: The Other Side of Jordan, variations; - ' :
: A large seleotien of the latest , publications fop Guitars,
Violins, Flutes, and Pianos.. Foreign Music, a large supply
justroceived. . latest publications received weekly, by
frbT - .. Cargo'sHsll, 83 Fourth street. -
X -andforsaleby - H: MINER A CO.,
No. 32 Smßbffeld street, • •
: • CO7TTX3TB. 1 • '' 1 '
I. Washington’s Early Days. Illustrations—Residences
of the Washington Family; Primary lessons; Wash
ington’s Surveyin g Expedition; the Surveyor’s Camp.
2; Modern Greek Customs.
3, Place* of Public Amusement. Illustrations—Lafarge
(front of Metropolitan Hall;) Broad way Thea
tre; Bowery Theatre; .Interior of Castle Garden;
4. Memoirs of • Dr. Yeron. •
8. Boarding Schools—French and others.
6. Notes from my Knapsack—No. 1.
ti Austrian Salt Stines.
8. Annexation.
9. At Rest.
10. The Mayflower. •
11. The Latest Historic Doubt; the Problem of the Lost
: Prince. •
12. A Potpourri of Poetry and Parody.
IS. Singe Coach Btoriefl, (continued)
14. Editorial Notes. :
TtaKß—s3 per year. Single copies, 25 cents.
feb3 . No. 32 BmUbfleld street.
Books Just Hecclved. '
"IT’NICKERBOCKEB, tor February. ,
IV Sketch of the Irish Bar, in two volumes, by Richard
L.Sblel. -
Braithwaith’a Retrospect of Practical Medicine ahdBargery.
Tho Old Brewery, and the Now Mission House, by the ladies
• of the Mission.
The Young Duke, or the Younger Days of George TV, by B.
D l lsraeli, M. P.
Second part Df the Rye House Plot, by G. W. 51. Reynolds.
Dashes of American Humor, by Howard Paul. - v
A bewsupplyofthe Whig Almanac. - •
For sale at the cheap Book and Periodical Offlce.of
feb7 76 Fourth street.
Stephen O. Foster’s Latest Work*
THE SOCIAL ORCHESTRA, a collection of the most pop
ular Melodies arranged or Solos, Duett#, Trios and
Quartette, by STEPHEN C. FOSTER, author of “Old Folkset
Homo,” ** Old Kentucky Home.” “ Nelly Ely,” etc.
Part Ist Airs arranged as Solos for cither Flute or Violin.
Part 2d. Airs arranged os Duetts.
Part 3d. Atra arranged as Trios.
Part 4th. Airs arranged as Quartette.'
This work contains most of Mr. Foster's popular melodies,
os well aa tho most popular airs of the day, by other compo
sers, comprising In all upwards of ninety of the most ded
rable pieces of music. The accompanyingparta in the Trios
and Quartette are intended fbr Violin and Violincetio, but
can, In the absence of those instruments, be performed with
good effect on the Plano or Melodoon. Altogether, this te
deddedly the most complete work of the kind ever publish
ed, and should be possessed by every family and by all In
terested in easy and pleasing instrumental music. Just re
ceived by express, and for sate by
frb2 H. KLKBRR, 101 Third street.
NjBAV MUrilU.—Tbo Social Orchestra—For flaw or violia
—- comprising a collection of popular melodies, ar
ranged as solos, duetts, trios, ami quartettes, by 8.
C. Foster; price $l.
Four Songs by W. Vincent- Wallace—Representing tho
seasons, - with beautiful lithograph titles—Spring,:
Summer, Autumn and Winter; each 50 cents. -
L’Art du Chant applique au Piano—Thalbcrg; 75 cent#
Funeral Biarch—Composed aa a dneere tribute of
to tbo memory of the late Jonas Cbiekering, by W.
R. Babcock, frith illustrated title, and a corrtct like
ness of the late Mr. Cbiekering; price 75 cents.
Arrayed in Clouds of Golden Light—duett; 19 cents.
Villa go Festival Schottisch, by.w. V.Wallace; 69 cents.
Opera of Norma, complete, with Italian and English
words, $2.
JuHien’s Prime Donna Waltzes; 33 cents.
(Just received by Express.) . -
A new lot of Chickering’s Pianos” are now on the way,
to arrive this week. . JOHN. 11. MELLOR, .
fbbT 81 Wood street.- ,
6,25; 7,50
| 17.50
1 200,00
8,00 10,00
1,12: I,7ft
3,00; 3,26
.0,00- 2,00
2,00 j ' 2,60
I 2,00
2,60; 3.or|
THE subscribers bare this day formed a partnership for
the parpoao of carrying on OcmmUswa and Fbnoard
ing, In connection with the Huh, Bacon and Oily and Pro
duce business generally) under the stylo of Eirausa A Bica .
a* wo it; warehouse Ho. 110 Water and 160 Front streets; 1
formerly occupied by Burbridge & Ingbram.
February Ist) !Ss4:feb3
A Country Residence for Sale*
A LOT containing about 3 acres, with a double two-fltory
A, frame Dwelling. with stable, Ac* erected thereon, lo*.
e&tod ntCourtoey’* Station, on the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad, seven miles from Pittsburgh, the first station on
the Railroad: The boaso is comparatively new, and the lot
enclosed with a new paling fence.. It is only ten minotos
ride from the city-lire $G a quarter. The station Is on the
lot. We will soil It on easy terms. TnvtrooC "
Attorneys at Law, Fifth at, Pittsburgh,
book Bonding and Ice House.
Two Lota and a good Brick Dtrel ling House.
If the above property is not sold at primte Bale previous
to Tutbsjut, January 20,1854, it will be positively Bold on
that day to the highest bidder, as the subscriber la leaving
the city, and going West. -
£3-The above Sale is postponed until February oth, 1854,
Penna. Avenue, Ko. 27L
I WILL SELL OR RENT my property Id Manchester,
consisting of a short acre of Ground, upon which are
erected .two Frame Houses, onecontainlng eight and the
other.fbur rooms; Stabling, Carriage, Wood and Coal
Houses, and a fine assortment of Fruit. This property is
very pleasautlyeitaated near tho Obioßlver. The build*
tnjm am shaded by. trws, and near the Omnibus station.' I
I will sell all or a portion of my Furniture# and would prefer
[retalntng po&sesslon until Ist of May, Applvto :
f«bO H.LKB, 139 liberty street
OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOULi!—An unfailing remedy
for Fever and Ague, and other bilious diseases, Pre
f>arcd ftom several year's experience, and designed especial*
y tot those aOecoons of the Liver, and other internal
organs, which attend thedlseaseanf bilious climates. Resi
dents of snch.clhiiates wiliflud the Obolagogue an invaria*,
hie and absolute proven tattvo. Travelers by the use of this;
wmedycan penetrate tho forestsof the South end West; at ;
any seasonjin perfect safety. A 1 argo^pp|y.recelTi»d by
fobs Successor to L. Wilcox A Co.
A LOT 24 feet, front ou WYLIE street, andox tending
tacit 109 feet to Wide alley.. Oh the back part.of the
Lot U a Collar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot
la In a desirable.location for a residence; and will be sold
low, and oa&vorable terms.' Title good,'and dear from
incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMORE,
;-‘. v 'ffy-vy - At Oiaco'.pf'MoridugFoct.'.:
HAYING determined to close . my business, within the
next sixty days, l will sell off my remaining stock at
greatly reduced puces. The stock, comprises many desira
ble Goods; amongirt thorn are 30 pa. ‘Bar’d Country-Flan
nels, selling at 50cents a yard. ; 3. .G; MUNTZ,
, j a 4:tf U 1 ■ M&rkctstreet, near Liberty.
w. n. xnqlish. j. wcaAßusos. j. i. Bcracrc
Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and Oil, and Produce
generally. Warehouse formerly occupied by Burbridge *
Inghram, No. 110 Waterand 160 First street, Pittsburgh,
Penns. / ff&-.
Copartnership; <•
mHE UNDERSIGNED have this day entered Intoco-part*-
X nership, under the name and style ofJ.A. HTJTCm*
SON &CO., for the purpose of iranac ting a Commission and
Grocery business. - • JAS.A. HUTCHISON, •
Pittsburgh, February 1,1854 febO
Domestic and Enttot- Exchange* Bank JMesiOcUd and Bdccr
. . BougfySckiandExch6ngccLatthM '■■■ ■
exchange and banking house of
allowed ou time dep6fliU. - [janl2
Steamboat Agents*,
traai lUdt*, Im’i.
Ono wheunderstandfl the businessinaU its depart
ments, at JOHN McCUOSKEYA CO.,
fe3 No. 88 Wood street and Diamond alloy.'
4O, Pi/lA i»dtp<en Food and Afcr&eA
janlftlyj ~ pittsbuboh. •
■\JTQLASSKS—OId and new crop, in excellent order, re
jVl ceWed and Ibr salolow, by
•febfl . ••••:.;,.•••;•• LEECH, tTALPIN A Co.
& bought andfioldby : •••AUSTIN'- UOOMIfI,
..v . ; . ; Office No. 92 Fonnh streets
HE OLD BREWERY—And the New Mlarion House,at
the Pivb'Points. By L&dlos of the Mission. For sale
• iebt .'.r. . " lOtWeod street
BOPS' firtt'quaUty BOOT9,£rom ones to! fifes, at $1,50
per'naiff...'-, ; . t..E> HAYWARD,
> Corner Market nnd liberty itxeete.
‘ r •*, V ■ r*-"
; -V~y
For Bale or To Let.
-• "S.V* ,ii
. .V-Tlt - ; ■
:»»■&/» ; :i. ' . .•
I -■ ..
(. . ■*
V*’ ,< v ; t _■ „ ,v
Tb* House of Wi & J* T« TAPBOOTO A On. baring, In
sddUicn to their ektenrire amngauienti for bringing ont
Passengers from GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, just
concluded arrangements also to bring out Passengers from
be following (3 tf C 8 end Townsln GERMANY,»Ia Antwerp
to New Tore, and thence-toPittsburgb r the ooderrigbed
will issue Passage Tickets to Now York and Pittsburgh from
. Antwerp, Coblenz,. • -Oppshbelm,
Machen, • Bt.’Go&r« Ganshelm,
Coin, Brier, Worms,
Daseeldorf, Burgen, Darmstadt,
. NewweJd, Mainz, • Frankforton Main*
Manheim, Heidtlbnrg, Carisruche.
Basel, . . ndlhronn, :•••■■• Btnttgurdt,
tflm, Aachaffonbnrg, Wurzburg, At, Ac.
Passengers will be brought over in first-rate Teasels, and
either boarded or not, as may be desired. Drafts, payable
at sight, may be bad at the lowest rates, from the under-'
signed j on London, Liyerpcol, Paris, and Frankfort, suitable
tor remittances to the Old Country, and paid, free of dis
count, at any town In Great Britain, Gonnaoy and France.
• Apply to - ~ - - •' dAMES BLAKEJjY, Khlp Agent,
ja27 - Corner of Seventh aod Bmlthfiold streets.
Important Notice to all whom it may
• Concern* 'v
AGREEABLE to an Act of Assembly of the State of Penn
sylvania, anddn conformiiy with the authority grant
ed by said Act, the Board of Trustees of the First Me thodtst
: Protestant Church of the city of Pittsburgh, pa,; bare pur
chased a Burying Ground in the Allegheny Cemetery; for
the purpose of transferring the remains of the dead, now
resting in.the Burying .Ground belonging; to Said Church,'
-thereto, (located near tbe canal, and fronting on Liberty,
street, in the eitiy of Pittsburgh/.
Notice hr hereby given to all who'havedot privileges, or
are otherwise Interestect In said.-Burying Ground, that the-
Board of Trustees arenow prepared toattendtothe remo
ral of the dead to the Allegheny Cemetery. ;
. It is desirable that Immediate attention be giren to this
notice, as it is-contemplated to have the entire removal
made during the present wiuter., • *
All the necessary information will bb had by applying to,-
or addressing Chas. Craig, Esq- Dhtoioud alley,Pittsburgh,
Pa. By order of the Board of Trustees. ’ •
Depot of Dongrcortik A Zimmeniian’s Cao
... tnwba Wines and Brandy.
rpHE undersigned has received and offers for sale, at Cin *
X .cinnaU prices, * iargequanfcHy of Logworih ft Zimmer*
man’s choice and world-renowned Sparkling, I>ry and La
dles’ Sweet Catawba Wines. - Such as may desire to procore
an excellent article of Native Wine; (the pure juice of the
grape,) will find my establishment the place for the gratifi
cation of their desires. The Catawba Brandy, distilled from
the genuine Grape, is declared by many, excellent judges,
equal in flavor to the best imported Cognac.
■ Ja2o
Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus.
.4 V-EKY great want has been felt la oar commnnity, be-
J\. cause our institutions of or publio libraries
and reading rooms, have no CatanosL and Philosophical
Apparatus to enable.the teacher .or public lecturer on eel*!
entifle subjects to Illustrate his locture upon. The Young
Men’s library Association, at their. late annual meetiog,
resolved-to take the necessary steps for obtaining such an
apparatus, so as to fill the void so long felt. The following
persons have been appointed as a committee to carry our
, the object proposed, and it is earnestly hoped that the citi
zens, when called upon, will respond to the call by subscri
bing liberally. DR. WM. M. WRIGHT,
; ja!B Committee.
Me molten’* .Celebrated Strengthening
Plaster** machinery. . .
31HESE PIASTERS are: confidently recommended, os a
. speedy and effectual remedy in all cases of Kheuma
m, Bpraiiu, Lumbago, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Difficulty
of Breathing, Pains in tba Back, Chest, Sides, Acl, and Con
sumption: and: are particularly useful to those who labor
under attacks of cold, which result with pains in the
breast, often the fbrernpner of consumption; and in a cli
mate like ourt, where coughs and colds are almost an un
failing consequence of the sadden changes to which we ore
all subject, such as are thus attacked will find them inval li
able. All genuine: have my signature embossed in the
leather. J. A. M’MAKKN.
Sold only in Pittsburgh by. 8. K. NOItQIt ATE. corner of
Penn, and Locust streets. A liberal discount made to deal
ers ■ ; ' . jo2B
Baldness Cared*
restoring the Hair on Head Hopelessly Bald, and to
prevent the Hair'-from falling, is winning golden opinions
of persons who are using it.' Thiß Ur new
introduced, is a sure cure Tot Baldness; and will stand the
test of a discerning public, as thousands wbo havo UEodwill
testify. See circular to be had of the Agents, giving full
particulars Price $l,OO in large bottles.
-, 0. E. FISHER & CO* Proprietors,
• 67 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Por sale in Pittsburgh in the following houses:—
Fleming Broa., L. Wilcox A Co.,
R. E. Sellers, ' G. H. Keyser, -'
( Joel Mohlcr, Benj. Poge, Jr.,
J. ILCossel.
MUgheny dig. —l*. A. Beckham, Pressly & Means, J. P.
iftrrefngflgjn.—A. Patterson, John G. Smith. [ JaSy
. ..Copartnership.
« LAUTH, having associated themselves together, un
der the firm of JONES, LAUTH A CO., will carry 0n the
“American Iron Works,’* recently erected by. B. Lauth &
Brother, in East Birmingham.
b. p; jaxr5.........iL 1auth...:.....*. u. Kizs« m »<J< r. lauth.
MANUFACTURERS of superior Bar, Small and Wire
Iron, of all descriptions; warehouse. No. 99 Water st,
between Market and Wood ste., Pittebnigh. : [jatl:3m
K. W. 8ArUU5......7T.... - - MIKAS TDCBLE
HAVING purchased the entire stock of J. C. Anderson A
- Co., we will continue the wholesale FRUIT and CON
FECTION ARY business, at the old stand, No. 6 Wood street,
nnder the style of M. W. RANKIN A CO.
NOTICE-— Having disposed of my entire Interest in the
wholesale Fruit and Confectionary businesato my lute
partner, Minas Tindle, and M. W. Rankin, salesmaninsaid
house, (who are authorized to uko the name of the late firm
in settling the business of said firm.) I take pleasure in re
commending them to my former friends and customers, and.
hope torn continuation of the liberal patronage bestowed
on me. J. C. ANDERSON.
Pittsburgh, January 9,lBs4—fjalO]
I HAVE THIS DAY associated with me as partner, my
nephew, Jams Phylak. . The business of manufactu
ring an<l importing of HOSIERY, YARNS,' Ac, will bo con
tinued at the Old titand; No. 24 Fifth street, and conducted
under the firm of William Daly A Co. All persons having
claims against me will please, present them for immediate
payment, and those who are indebted wQI please settle their
bids, with as littia delay as possible.
; WILLIAM DALY, No. 24 Fifth sti,
Next door to the Iron City Hotel
January 12.18&4-—[ jilt]
rpHE Partnership heretofore existing undorthe style ot
' Nzcnrr, Mon*.n & Co. his been mutually dissolved.
Wa. DAwgos, of the late firm, having purchased the inte
rest of Jaa. S. Negley, the; business will be continued as
usual, under the style 'of DAWSON, MOHAN A CO., who
ore authorized to use the name of Negley, Mohan 4 Co. in
settling up tho old business. J. S. NEOLKY,
Pittsburgh, Jan. 2, *54.
4SF* Haying disposed of my interest in the late, firm of
Ncgley»Mahan 6 Co. to my former partner, Mr. Dawson,
who with Mr. Mohan will continue the business as hereto,
fore, I have the honor to recommend and request the libe
ral patronage of my friends and business acquaintances.
ja4j Respectfully, JAE. 8. NEfILEY.
constantly oh hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi
cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and oil articles pertain
tag to his business. v
jgsy* Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at
all hours. / - ja#y
Omcs Onto ard Pktkstltakia Rauboad Co., V .
Pittsburgh, December 31,1863. / ;
rpHE Directors of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad
I Company have declared a dividend of tour per cent, out
. the net earnings of the road for the six months ending
this day, payable oh and after the 23d January next.
Transfer Books will be closed until 27th January, prtx.
ja2 v W. L A RIMER, Jr„ Treasurer.
Meiin» J, Shroffel A Co«,
VaultDoorß and Iron Window Shutters,
i KDbi all persons. admit the necessity of the shove
i /V mentioned articles; we have no hesitation in recom
mending our article to be equal to anything in the city.
; Orders promptly; attended to, and.put up lu the best
style, end on short notice.
; ch_ Bmithfleld street, between Fourth and Fifth, Pitts*
bnrgb.- [sepftdSm] A CO.
ance of the Act of Assembly oT Pennsylvania, entitled
.*» An Act to Incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Com*
pany,** approved the 23d day of March,. A. D. 1863 ?—Notice
is hereby given, that it is the intention of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company, (should the same be approved by
their stockholder® at the annual meeting, to be held on the
first Monday of February next,) to guarantee the bonds of
the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad Company, to the
amount of flve hundred thousand dollars.
; phlbw Jan. 7th;lBs4;—jat2:lm. T.B.FRITH, Betfy.
Sots- and. Copa* ;
a JOSEPH OOX & CO>, corner Wood.street yfgssv .
and Diamond alley, would respectfully in-l .
form their, friends and the public that they
aro receiving a large and splendid stock of HATS AND.
CAPS, of the latest styles, which they arc prepared to sell
onasreasonableterms as-any other-house in-the city.
Give us a call, and examine our stock. sep!9
THE subscriber having tho exclusive right to manufac
CONSUMING' FURNACE, is prepared to receive orders, and
contract for heating buildings with the most economical
Furnace now in use. The attention of those interested Is
solicited. Any Information can: be had of A; BRADLEY,
Nos. 2 and 4 Wood street, or-of-' J. B ABNDOLLAR,
dec2htf] Iron City Stove Warehouse, No. 134 Wood st.
{ * • • ■ ..-Notice, ■ ; ~
ALL PERSONS knowing themselves indebted to the sut
- Bcrlber, will please make payment before the 15th of
February, as after that date. all unpaid accounts will W
left .with Aid. M'Moster for collection.
P.B.—As I am doatagup my business and expect to leave
the city before the first of March. I hope the above request
will bo complied with.. JOHN FORSYTH,
febd ; No. 34 Market street.
F«nss» Hoiiiei, 4e.| To Let*
ONE OR TWO; FARMS, with commodious Brick Dwell
ings, and Stables, near to the city, and suitable for
Gardens, Milk-Farms, or to fatten cattle for. this market.
Also, a convenient. Brick Country Mansion, and. Stable,
large enough for. a respectable finally. Also, one smaller
place ; and an excellent Two. Story -Brick Dwelling,. with
finished basement and attic—on the bank of tbeAuegbeny,
above the aqueduct. : JAMES S. CRAFT,
dec2B;tf No. 144 Fourth gt.
dels prepared ftom good sweet Pumpkins, and will
make Pies of superior quality * w
Directum*.—Take one ounce, or two JjJjf
: the powder; and add to it one quart of mlik, let It an.
hour or twain a warm place, after wldch
and sweetening to suit tho tasto, and it I will be ready for
: Tnnvvitirnra ' OOCSBAW yi*MU*U.
fSueeeraoreto J. KlddA Co.)
So. 00 Wood Srui, nttilmrgh, Pa. d
Proprietors of Dr. inane’s Celebrotocl TormJfogo, IJirei
i jl, ‘°
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JO3. FLEHIN<I havlng asabdated with JOS. ABEL, .the.
. busSnesa will hereafter be condueted iinder the style, of
j. ABEL A CO.. at theold Btand.cdrnot of Bmithfield and
Fourth streets, . JV... ■. ial*y__ ;
Plano for Seventy»flve Dollars*
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• "Committee.
No/137 Liberty street..
Copartnership Notice,
Dividend Notice,
Coomme the Smotse.
MsmnsxiW xusmovhd.
DR- ALSOI’HEttT begs to call the- attention of tbOto
suffering from atotal or partial low of the bearing, to
the following foci*. He treat# diseases of (be middle or Ear with v__ ’ v
Such as Is practised in the Infirmaries of Berlin, Lobule,
Brussels, Hamburg, and St Petersburg, and lately bribe
moat tiistingufehed London Aorfete; with the most won—'
derful success; indeed, it is the only method that hat beet}
uniformly vuccmfol. The best proof of the efficacy of the"
treatment will be a reference'to neatly
Residents of the United Steles, Canada, New Brunswick,
ana Nova. Scotia, who haw been restored to Acute. Hearing.
and not o. wnglo, rotitaty care, to our knowledge, did we ■
full to effect yither a partial- or total restoration' of the
Hearing, when our advice .and instructions were faith
fully and punctually adhered; to. Many who could not
hear the report of a pistol at aria's length, can now hear o
In casus of mucous accumulation in the Eoatochian ■
Tube end Tympanum, Inflammation of tho Mucus Mem-'
brahe, Nervous Affections, Diseases bf the MombranaTym
pan!, commonly called the’* 4 Drum,? or.wben the disease •
can be traced to the effecte of Fever, Colds, ti» Vie of Qul- -
:nino. Mercurial Medicines, Gathering in the. Ears in child
hood, Ac., Dr/Altopbert’s treatment stands preeminent.
Where the Auditory Cflnal isdry and scaly, with little tw ..
no secretion, when the deafness Is accompanied with noises - -
in the Ear, like foiling water, chirping of insects ringing of :,
belWrusiling of leaver contlnuat'pulsations, discharge of \
matteryor when, in stooping, a sensation is felt as If a rush v
of blood to the head, took place, when the [hearing blear •
acute in dull, cloudy weather, or.wben a cold has been
taken, this method of treating the disease fs tn/hZKMc. ‘ •
my experience warrants me in sayirig, that if the hearing
was at any very much can be accomplished. In
the Deaf and Dumb School at Leipolc, out of d c’ast of 14, 1
succeeded in restoring Ibitr to acute hearing. ‘Dr; A. tegs
respectfully to state, that in those, casra h& undertake# he ••
guarantees a successful resnU. complcte restoration, or such
a' marked improvement as will l>e perfectly uatißfactory,lf
his remedies are faithfully applied and directions culheredto.
Applicants will plcase. steto their age, duration of di
sease, if matter issues from the external passage. If (hero -
are noises in the Ears, state of general health, and what
they suppose to have been thecafite of tbo deafeora. When,
the hearing is intend It Is expected that-those in easy'
circumstances will pay liberally.
: Medicines, Apparatus, Ac, will he sent to any part at my -
own expense. 1 •. '. • ■ •.• •
Address DB. ALSOPHERT, Beoadwat, Office 42% near
Canal New York. fe>3md
Fivc.pbUarSr-Cbnsuttation fie.'': ' .v * ;
Invalids of Pittsburgh and Vicinity,
YOUR attention Is urgently invited to a carelbl and can
did perusal of something that has just been intro
duct'd Into the time-honored Keystone Suitor. ” •
A NEW acd NOVEL mode of applying a powerful remedial
agcnt,sdconrtmcted-as to: be worn, under the garments,
next to the skin,producing a constant, UNINTERRUPTED
current of ELECTROMAGNETISM, effecting
? Immediate Relief . j-
From thq most acute psln, and Also a permanent cureofaU
It seldom has failed to furnish almost certain relief, sod
a FINAL, PERMANENT CURE,by being used'according
to directions, to tbo following diseases: ' -
..t Rheumatism, • ■ Uterine Pains, • •
? Gom. Sciatica,: - Palpitation of the Heart,
; Paralysis, • . Periodical Headache,
Painful andSwellwl Jotots, BL Vitos’ Dance,
Neuralgia of the Face, General Debility, . :
! Diseases of tbo Bpine, ; Pains of the Chest, 1 ’
: Deafhess and Blindness, / Hysterics, Dyspepsia, v \
That arb eaufed by' a deficient amount of NERVOUS
FLUID, are greatly relieved, Lf not permanently cured by
simply wearing tho chains for a few hours each day.
. Be It Understood
Tbnt it is not drimed that it mires all diseases, but only'
those fbr which it is recommended; and we'
boldly.clalm and DEFY, thnt no medictoal agent of ANY.
KIND has performed SO MANY CUBES during the last
year, of those diseases just named, ws r • •-'
And to prove this assertion, we defy any person to ptodnec
Scientific Physicians 'and; Intelligent patients as may be
found in a pamphlet of J hirty-six pages r to be hod (gratis)
Of the agent in this town. ;
TbeelectricCh*inswerafirstintroducedinPranceinlB60 t -
and after being subjected to the most •
Thorough and Rigid Trial,
By rite first medical Paris, they wore found to pos
sess strange and marvellous power Id relieving pain, where- *
ever applied, and by their influeuce were introduced into
the bospltnlsof that city, and also secured by letters patent
by the French Government. ' ‘
They are now introduced in almost every Hospital la
'England, Germany, Belgium, and patented-In
those countries, where they have become the
• They were first introduced the United State# about -
One yearripce, and wimt through.ihe same tr al as In Eu-'
rope, and were at onco introduced into every Hospital in :
New York, where they are now in drily use, effecting- even
MOUE AfONDERFUL CURES than had efer’before been
awarded them^. :
J They are highly recommended by ‘Profo. Valentina Mott*
Van Buren, Post and'others, who haro published their
views of their powerund value in. savora! of.tho medical
journals in thsi city, and are alto in tha'daily prnctica of
recommending their use Inpatient*. A fall account of their
opinion may also be found in every pamphlet, v ond sent to
the address of any person-in the State by.applying (post
paid) to Dr. GEO.H. KEYBKR, who is agent for Pittsburgh,
Pa. The chains can be sent by mail, with fall descriptions
for use.
Price of Chains, $3 and $5, :
Physicians are politely invited to call and examine their
construction, 1 and pronounce upon their merit*. .
. - One More to. Invalids* v .
; No person need fear that they will not accomplish just
what it is claimed they can do, and all persons who have
become disgusted wilh o constant pouring down of -patent
nostrums (bottled swill) arc kindly and politely invited to
give them & trial.
N. B.—One Chain will last for years and lose nano of its
electric power by use, and can bo applied to either adult it
GEO. IT. KEYSER, No. 140 corner of Wood street and
Virgin alley, - Pittsburgh, wholesnlo and retail agent. Also, -
by J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. ! fdaclfoUwfim
B« A. Fahnestoek’s Vermifiagei .
IB HERE Js evidence - that masttotizfyevery mind that
f~I B. A. Fahnestock’* Vmnlfuge Is.the only article that
cau be administered with tha.certaihty of expelling worms t
HsQTaXf'N. Jan.23,1862L>
I hereby certify, that a chlldof^mine; aged three years,
had been very ill for a raonth with a pritein the chest, gen
eral weakness, and loss, of appetite* I was advised to try
B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, and accordingly bought a
bottle from M. Naylor, Druggist, Granvillo street. Hav
ing admihisitsred a portion of it, he passed, within twenty
four hours. Two Hundred and -Forty-two Worms, from six
to twelve inches in length. The child, immediately aftar
this, had its appetite restored, and- soon enjoyed perfect
health. Another child, reran years: old,-.who-:had been
more or less rick-frum his birth, took the remainder of tho :
bottle, which caused him to pass One Hundred and filxty
two Worms. • From that time to the present, his health haa
been perfectly good, and he bas-thrived os well aa any
child could. ELIZABETH BISHOP.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by all tbo principal druggists
and country merchant* throughout the united States.
: jahlti ' : " ; ■ •" .• •'
Dr. J. Hostetter’s Celebrated Stomacfc Sitters,
IjtNTTRtfLY ANTI-BYSREPTIO,imd warranted to inrlfp
orateand strengthen the whole system of every one
who uses them, aro now kept tor sale by-.; /
Br.QEO. 11. KEYSEB, corner Wood ehand Virgin alloy;
; FLEMING Druggists, cur. Wood ond Foorth alt;
R.E. SHLLEKSiDruggiPt,Wood et. bet, Third and Fourth;
JOEL MOHLEK. Druggist, Liborty street; .
and all our first.class Hotels and Restaurants, ns well as
dealers generally, where the proprietors most respectfully
refer the public far them. .
The expense la buta trifle, when. compared with tha ln*
calculable good they effect.
: 1? ce ling satisfied thot our Bitters possess merit snScfeat
to recommend them, we. trill cot multiply words Jn*thelr
praise, but ask ali to gire them a trial; but be Careful to
ask for HOSTETTER’B STOMACH BITTERS, as Steffi;era
other Bitters represented to be the some, trhfch-ccmpara*
tively are worthless. Oar Bitters are without a rhr*t,mtbßr
as to their medicinal qualities, or as a beyerago. They are
put'up'in square bottled containing a full quart, frith <U»
rectkms on/and Dt.J* I&steUer’s Stomach BtiXcrz blown on
: the glass. None other genuine.
257 Penh street. Pittsburgh.' ’■
rhenixi (Tetter), Chilblain*, Common Sores, Chapped or
Cracked or Scalda,‘Cats or.'Wounds, PucSjla* •
Summation ofthe - Breast; Bitea of Insects, Sore Ups, raa: :
plop on the Face, and Breaking Obt ana Sores on Children*
and alt Diseases of the Bkln,<zw’cfcrr ojwT rureftbaxi any
other Medicine. ■ - •"•• ■■ ■ • ■ '
Wood street, Pittebdrgh; J.G. BMITH Birmingham Drug
Store; WM. SEIBERT * BHO.> 477 Penn street; LORENZ
& WIGHTMAN, Pennsylvania Glass Works* Mm. £
HOLMES, Temperaneerflle; D. M. CURRY, Allegheny ©ty;
SAMUEL DYER, Allegheny City ; WM; SMITH, lATOnet
villa* LUKE D.BAYIBON,'East Liberty; SPANG A CO,
SlewartstownLEWlS DALZELL A C 0.,. Sharpsburgh; -
BTEWABT LLOYD & 00, Bleehanlcs* Iron Works; J. w.
H ANNENV Manchester. • ~ -v ; . -
: Jy2s«Uwy ■" •. : ' '-~ v - ■ •
XT B- —A single box of Dr* TERREL’S OINTMENT will •
, keep any Blacksmith’s, Farmer’s, or Mechan
ic’s bands, let them chap or crack ever eo bad, sotmd In
good working order all winter. :
• Prepared and Bold by. MONROE TERHEL,
jy2s;d*wy ... ■ Nangatdck, Conn.
•' - :\ : . 990 rlknwcunl - :
wiLLbe paid to any person whowfflhnr
H WENT, and nso it according to directions,
ilwfcfSw :- If they will call at my office and say-With
. to - A chjar consdence, that it- will not com- .
f*Sr‘U- ptddy cure Chapped Hands, Chiblaln^Ch**;;
J&WiHZEZk ting, gore Lips, Barns ana Freeiefcßoiefl
• on Children, and greatly, alleviate, if not 1
entirely oare Saltrhenni, Piles,lflflamm»«
tion of tho Breast, BitM of lnsootviyropleVoD theTaoo,
andaU-BisoaseaofttioSkln.'' .-'MONROB.TICRfiBL, :>
: lot sale by BIESnSQ BROTHRRS. and Dr-.KKYaEtt,;
A™, MretaSl™ mS»; J. W. HASNENjHan.
Chester: ' ' " . r - *
PrlVate Dlieues.
a niuiffN. No. 41 Diamond Alley. Do-.-■ r -/z<
■rfzM. 70 tefi bis entire attention to an office Practice. .Easy
; VHr>'TP« business is mostly confined toPrivaU M
Diteaiu. and gnch p&lnfol affections, : : <Bsn* .•
bfotuzht on by Imprudence, yopthfulindulgunceand excess*,
• Sviddlis,Syphilitic Eruptions,Gonorrhea,GJeGt,Strictaro #
tJretnrai Discharges, Impurity of Jthe Blood, with all Dtoea*
eeaof the Venereal Organ. ■ Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Ktnp*
tiono. Tetter. Ringworm, MereurialDiseasevßejninal Weak*
neS/ Impbtehcy, ;Piles, Ittwxmattem, Jemaje Wetness,
Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of ttia Joints, -
Ano, Nervous Affections, Potas in the BsckuMlgW,ll»l
tation of the Bleddar and Bidnsys,succ«sfnlly treated.—
practleo (dr In this city) enables Pr. Brovra
: to offer assuranees of a speedy cnre to all who W MJM na«
I i< oa»nnd Private Consultation Booms, 41, Bto&pdallej..
| ; !gi~Cl£ree» moderate. ' ■
'll flroffn'a
Jtt forßhenmatlsm la a epeedyand certain naaedj pt
that painful trouble. It never falls, „ « nviumm
Officeand PrivateConraltaaon BootbNo- 41MAM0SD,
pittebarjih, Penn’a. Tic Doctor Ib alaeja at home,. ,
maxtli23aiJn?v ;• • ••'
JWAEDKOFB SEED STOKE H now replete ertthoarty
.Seed* hr the hot beds; Pruning Inatrammt.,forthe
orthart!c«B.«taUt>nd «rn* “turn, end aTerjttlhftof
an/merchants filled promptly, on
liberal ternm.' . : , . . . ... I.—
TiEESH PEACHES —1 fcfil sealed coon, finab presorted
It paichea, received and for rale lot by
-*• r “ ' BAILBT: A EENBHAW : ‘ :■ 553 11 herty e» ■
C' —ATAWBA' COONAO—tor sale * pure
Catawba Brandy, by tbe gaUon
to imported. • "
’• a,.*. ,
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