*- , *- J.-Sj i'' ' . -, 1 1 A* »' f **;"' , . I. ' S," ttl * , '< '* f. t L>*- *» ,S ‘ >' •' j**' ij.*,'* . V, j . ' . * * . ' S*" *, 'iT 'i o »■* * - ~i* £ a*. VV, - l . ' * . i ' **- V-, V -JW • 1 >• ' • ~ , • '*• - .'■•ul st’r*' L W 1 - - . •*«**« - , . jj ■■:-■ I II ' ••-•• ' '' ' ' Cvl.X '••■■' ,v': A ?vBAJIiY:-MnT?TvrnvrA- .■«««•" fc ‘ \ . *<• , *’> V 'Jj w^.,.\ iiw^- v -, , >7 f Q i,Vv •' »»< • % ' r -• ■•-..-.■fa 1 1, 1 .:, v >;*■•.:t f ,'V v-ir^A 5 f' v ’- V7.vip. ‘v. , 's.'’;" j > .> * tA-A'.'* t*-:*^' ;; ’o,“t‘i.">'>'■''' - i' *’• .j' ,’i !vwi>^.V\ T f tryri y N aj‘ y l ’t ■ V.'£2>tv pYCZJ’-t 1 i .'V '•« ' „ J *4 w^ r - ir wff 4 4"-t* *1 ’% f*,*-* 4 i-'j-' J •. . ■ <■:. y^v. -i v j **v£vJ* »f ¥rW f»0..-®'•; •*’■ ; * ■"< !-:/’■ i ;| RMM »l']tblv^w-^j%Vg^v r wasw. -ladiqwing.fotbepo - j{)sSaifi^iV^^fi2Co^V4v^Va.' , 3Vif^A^? , c?‘?t-^ , *5 !,ri4,! also prepared to taako to ordor ovrij 1 consUtucing o Gcntlcmin’a m ... .agent. I - 'iifrUm&ik', HKist fuhirmalln stylo. .r , - ~ r .\'?.-l''. TO JU7LOyiS-Th OE abscritKr otT.r. [hr aalo h.a com- 1 .^a.rtOKW’"- - 3e J ,J ?T ste ?; < =r< ! »™ E nt.l>ranghtsns,so.faTorahl7.taoßn ■ • * nr^-:' .*: *. v . t :, ?• - *aK L v \ -■ . « r ' 'P?>~v' y > •.<' y vi; 7~V*' 'j-' ; /Tr>. //,. t." '* ’.* * v /?;.'',. " *.V i\- 's .. -V7 #- v ' •'■«;. . - - • / •••• W ' " • - -’- -.? : r V. ...>-v -y •-*• .r».wv ■.;;:..v .a.. tl V } „ . - , ' * •(>,>' i »,**» ‘v; iw ‘.’ i k ~ .•'. - , -* •* V 4 . .-cr V Vr . THURSDAY iPmUJARY 2. SAtAHiEs . AiD, Wages.—The high prices of lho necessaries.of life, high rents, “dear provisions, dear fact,: have hnd the effect for several years past, of cftusmg••■s^n6es’ , in almosVevery branch : of mecbauioal business;Olid employers have bf, en . cqmpolled to-yield *o them, They, have fouoY! it ■ impossible te get labor for less than just value, . nud bare not yielded to unreasonable, but to equitable demands. Prices barn not receded of late, but have> on the contrary, fearfully advan ced—flour, potatoes coffee, ton, -find every day essentials, are still on: the advance,, and wo are not therefore surprised that the employees of the government at Washington have found friends iu Congress favoring an addition of 80 per cent to "their existing salaries. We note, too, that the ~ Bay inspectors St the Custom House here,, at Boston and .other ports, have ■ forwarded a me morial for an increase of their pay. : Besides the luspeotora large number of Custom House clerks, whose duties are constant and ox. treipety, onerous, whose pay should ho increased; The business at this port has increased beyond: onythtng ever known, and yet the clerical, foroo is nearly tho same ns it was ten years since, so that.the clerks cannot engage m any business by which theycan add to their income; they have no spare they, are fairly exhausted by their. excossive labor, and a Custom Housa olerk ship is UO sineoure.— X. • K True Democrat, ' ’ The President has ordereda Court of Inquiry, to,investigate Concerning "the eonduet of the army officers^ and men onboard the San Frahois , A he , cou , rt meot >a New York on the first Monday in hobruaTy. It consists of Maj. uen. Bcptt, president, Gen. Stanton, of the quar termaster s.departmont, and Col: Sumner, of the dragoonß., •J!>J!PP.?ft**...‘from..the .report of.returps.re-. difffcrtat.. towns in .Maesoclioactta, tto. Secretary ,of the-Commonwealth,- that, the totnlivamber of persons relieved orsup* 88 Paupers, during the -year, ending on tuo ost of November last, was 2G.414, of which -11,864 were foreigners. ; f ; iGoThtesiEKT Contsaot. --Messrs. 0 ill in of a & Co;, of Cincinnati,.haveoontraotod with the Gov ernment to furnish l,ooff head of horses, deliver able at New Orleans, oa.the first of Msy> for the United States mounted frontier service in Texas., They have already seourod throe hundred head.' The sucoßsa. of- Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and “ Hot Coro”” bus, itis said, induced a distin guished literary gontloman to combine the senti ment of .the two, and: writo a now local drama .entitled • « Pepperpot, or Pobr Little, Quasheo.” .t‘, Jlr. Smith, you said you boarded at the Columbian Hotel,six months: did you foot yonr *'so t .-sir < but what amounted to the same thing—lhelandioKf .footed tno.l*: - ; Verdict for defendant. ■ Call next'case. CLOTHING. GEORGE ARMOR, ME ROHANT TAILOR, gi?.TJS ml V Btreet » ,n Maß°ulo,pnlldlng, I'P ft rwn for tbo purpose of rosuioiug ,lu3 bttßtuiias, tlattew.Woiiwlt 'to .1)9 able tomato to: Citizens ami *”*.*s?« tearing.! comfortable;,garments, -will. do well to PTO to.please the ino'lfis *Udioa.% .Uo tvill also bo happy to sae raanv of hi*oldc-u<'< . tomeh*, as M has just -received, from tbo Eastern riUevun elegarturtock of CEOTO3, CASSniEIIKS and VESTINGS. docol:3ru . IUa.UOVAiI. '~'V. THE sntscriber would respectfully Inform befriends and tbe.yublic,"Ujot helms removed ftoin his old fdaha ( on Slurketitreot.to tho •IWWUROjr FROXT STORE, NO 45 METH STREET, immediately opposite the Theatre, where ho is now,roce!ving nod opening a handsome assort ment of Plain and Fanty Colored. Cloths,’ Cnsslmeres and Vestiaga.pf tbdheifest styles, which he will take pleasnre Ittshqwlng.tnthoson-homay hirer him with a coll. lie i* -. *dso prepared to taako-to order' every article of Cloihlnsr ■ constituting a Gentleman’s Wardrt.be, in tho. latest and most Cutbionahlo style. •" -T& TAILORS.— The subscriber offersihrealo. hlacom* • - lets systenref Garment. Ihranghting, so .favorably fcnown nd generally used-by the trade of this city. CmdmxntL Philadelphia and.elsewhere; at tha following prices, Ti*j - - ’ .instroctioM,;slo,oo; without' instructions,'s7,oo.' The ppokCTd Ruler,contaluinsfuli:and acchrate directions tosuecessfularanghttns,lbrn-ardedtO(vnypartof theUnitod' States, oo receipt of $7,00, by .: JA3LKS C. WATT,- ■' i >. : . r / . - Teacher of Garment Cutting, r • ■ ' P»ar2o; ■> , • Ko. 45 Fifth street, opposite the Theatre. SAMXIKIi 6HAY, . ~ MERCHANT TAILOR, JYO. 47 ST. CLAIIt IIOT£L> iHJILDrSOS, ■ • > £r*.gma BT£stT t :pntsmmoa. ; GKNTLEMEVB CLOXUi; 'G made exclusively to order,- and-rprranted- to suit; - Hu constantly on hand a oboleo aswrtmntitof CLOT 33, CASSIMEUKS, TESTINGS, and OYEftCCXAXINQ, of.tliQ latest styles, selected exprrssly for the bfcstom.'trade. Gentlemen leaving their orders, -will hare their wishes consulted and complied with, as all work - jg done, no tier .lug own supervision. ...... norl2 C.LOTHI M G STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & GO.. the celebrated Clothing Hepot on IJbtTty - _X_ strwMj •cblch linbonnilod popularity under he name of the' TIIR£B BIG DOOKS, haVe, Tor the pnr* pose trf; acquiring morogpace' for their immenstebusme??,' . removed to the spacious bolldmp: on thecorner'Of • DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD BTKEET, Whcro they hare now tho most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! ■ •■" ■■■ ■ ; : Ain> • '• ■. r ■ BEADY MADE CLOTHING, Xhathas ererbanolTeredtothopabllc." - Their principal objeetfor this removal, is to giro them more facilities forthe WHOJLESA&ETRABJE! Thoy areprrpKred to iellGooda it ttie £OWEST 'EASTERN PRICES! • Ami they iriU warrant thum to bo a* good as any ia:mn factured in the Union. t- * . CtSTOBI WORK, W THS BSST STtL%ASiI ui*oS,TliE RUOttTSSI IfOßCfc- They have on bawl a full and beautiful assortment of . LOTUS and. COATINGS, lot - FROCKS,; DRESS, WALKING AND BUSI NESS COATS. Oar interests nreliieuUcal irith those of cur customer*, and Trerjwsare the'jmblio that our, fidelity will not foil in filling alliOrdcrs are may bo farored vlth. 4a*X>Qm FORGET “THE PLACE— - No. SB Wood street, (fiABT «fcgJ, ; COBKER OP .DUMONB ALLEt. . N. IL—Wc desirecur patrons to understand that we have no longer any ccrntjcction with tho Clothing Business oh.’ Liberty street- Our attention Is tjeroted exclusively to the House aboro designated. ■ mar 23- DRY GOODS. ■■■■■! SECOND AIiniVAL OP PALIAND WINTER CRT OOOD31! Frkt Cheapest ::Qoods vf the Seaton! ■ TOUNG: STEVENSON ft LOVE; sign of the original Bra-ltlTc, No. 74 MARKET STREET,hblwccn Fourth nad.tbe.Diamond, Pittsburgh, have Just-received, and arc 1 now opening, a large and splendid-assortment of . „ ... DRESS -GOODS, Of the‘pei<¥»t and,moat degirahlo .'styles, adapted do the presenteeaMn. ' : ' * Plaid-JlrpeadoundFancySilhsatbargulna. Plalh-BlaplsaAd Cornelian Silks and TurfcSatlns. McrintrPlnTds, all wool, and Silk and Wool do - Aim,- Itawglkaiid CtshmcrePlaidscfcrcrydescriptlon, New style Dedjalnea; ■ ■ Preach Merinos, Cashmeres,'Cobargs,' Alpacas, and Para.' ' mattaa, all colors and qualities: „ De Begea, and highcolored Do Laineg,all qualities. Fall and Winter Shawla, of erety description, tong and Sguaro Brocho and Plaid Shawls. . Printed Cashniero and plain Thibet do. French Chintzes, Ginghams. ' A general assortment fast color Prints: from evicts nn WHITEGUODSof every description 4 1 OoUar>,ange,Cuemlrettnaand Emb’dndkfs, at bargains . Bonnet KibbonsandMlHroeryGoods, very cheap : Also, a foil etock of DOMESTIC GOODS, at low prices • Idneaßhoetlng,.Pillow Linens; Table Cloths, and Nap kins.-RnS£la Diaper, and Cravats, vcry'cbeau ' : EQLOVES. nOSIEItY, SUSPENDERS, and CRAVATS. Wo wopld Tespectrully solicit an early call rrom both' ..wholesaleand retail buyers, flattering onrsclrcs that wo . can accommodate all who they favor ns with their patron age, On most liberal terms. - ... . .5 sepgfl - YOUNG. STEYEViOV A J/)YJJ .. - ■ ■ , Woiicen ' —“— TO THB WnGtiESALE AND RETATL DEALERS OP PITTSBURG CITY, AND VICINITY —D. QREflfl & CO—Jinprtrt/>rfl A Wholesale Dealers in Foreign pnd Goods and Varieties, No-D9, one door tom the North-west comer of Wood at- and Diamond Pittsburgh. Having. completed the..enlargement of their present occupied Wore Rooms, aro now opening one of the 1 argort and best Btocfc of DRY GOODS and VAniE they haveever heretofore exhibited to the Pittsburgh trade, and on examination, will bo found.to be unsurn-uwed V any-other Uouso of the kind In the City, and as one of i Uie partners la generally in the Eastern Cities daring the PJ t6 ‘s^fV' ea *? ns > bjirchasing cheap bargains, adapted to . anie.;,:,?;r*nbstrcet,-,ncarWood.- Also, Oil Cloths or all irldiliaand qnalltios- Rmrs. Molts Hatting.Wlndow Shades, Stair-rods, VeSttanmikiTte At, as xas towssr cash prices. . \ . . ‘ - Ronrysov * ort. A„„? lano for S«MnW-a»s BoUarsT^i" a S?PP ■ , ,¥f n> MAHOUANYiMrANO, of ebiortW - wiU bo sold for-$75, by ; CHARLOTTE PLUME. 1 - ,ola lIS lVood street ’Jfa« ‘ 11.00 AM SJOPM „ iioonvmlle Junction.. 6.16 « uxo «« k'«wli , feh.clby Juneu0n..;,..... Tal “' r > Co “OD. Winaow Glass, 80c. E “ thenmr0 > leaf Tobacco, Mea ana Timothy Oo Door Skion, Comp. Flos, and Etrpi 700* q iaadi. On Flour, 87J*c. !fl barrel. Rf^Ho^ r^ 1 ™n Pr “ p:u^<1 to freight to Rodebaugh’s Station, near Greensburg.ana intermediate Stations. . * OOVOMS ft GRAHAM, Agents, corner of Penn and Wayne Fts.,Pittflbarrh. HOUSTON, Agent glO Mnrfcetetrcet, Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA ltAfimOAt^-wSTnaiTarifp .rrwpr. .. P ;™ Pbhabeitou asd Bitinioßi n£T '™ !? lura.oorants sSsBarS'BsSSP .Hoi, leather Bsc ©1O0&A ’ ■ Fourth CTo«.—Alcohol; Bacon fin casks n.w M \ d.o._ ani 31a] t, Beef and Perk (pickled or salted,>packcdsand?e? Ciiceso, Grain (in baps,) Lord and Lard M LoadrtnnnjL a. fipKialhlalti.— o>tton6oc£lOOßs, Floor {1 a bbl GEORGE C. FKANmsOU3. J 1 ™ l ith’ oß , Tl (’ “ ru " cf I>mmond and Diamond rancralfi Y, Lh 4 c : V* lnf °rra,bm customers and the public ton oraKOCERjro n °”-,f £! “ lT i n ? a I»TB<> ondoholee eelcc rial, Qun ,o„,]„“?; Yo 5?» Hyson, Impe. ssissjia^SsS??^? n KCncrul assortment of mie with .deteaulned to sell at each u f tKK? b ,°, ls 1 beat by any othor Store in thociV WCBS that “ mno * lle eranlal to lio subscriber, all iwrsona^imiehf^S’ lla ™ boon> tote will mak^-lrntosald £». ■ clanns nfruinstflie same, will Br™nr?b«S?,, th , 0M *«>tJds' oa PJttabnrgh toChlcago bdng less than 24 | TOP mSsmTm i?r'r“r itt^ Trl ! in8 l eari ng nt K»v»aU- 'T for Oolnmbua, CincinnaU, Galfoui I and?ni,™iSS.'' n 4 ““'‘a l * o ” B »“‘hoßalloiontoinj fSPrlfW—:Trains ioaving at 4.45 P M and I Triln.'“ folf D , unkirlt ’ “uffala-and Sow York. "Too Trains connect l»tli rraya with tho tt Z. S C 'R. R. nt l K”! 18 ™ ff.Cuyalioxa Falla, Atron and OUnton at Bayajd «t ‘ho ' w?S- 0 \JOHN! A. CAGGttEY, Agent, • Houpc, Water Pittsburgh. l I OHIO AHfl Js’EmaYLVAHIA RATT.ftQflp^ - Blew:. Arrangement, ' qOMMEX 8, 1853 learcs i’lttstiaTgh-At o o’clock, A M: • lh ® prwwlpatfitationßjand dined atCnwt xJ£l rlnE at CmClamU ,a ths "• £“ m Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, $1,75 jto Coltnnbmy TRAIN loaves riUaburgh at B.SO A. M; dines at Al cos C ino nto.OO P ill, connecting with « P°l“nit»ns and Cincinnati,-anil wlUt the .neUefenWneahainaiana.Jtailroad fivßaytin -InaiaDaM: ConuccUona an ly 1!aUr “ 1:l with liavonna, Hudson and Fare from Pittsburgh toClereland;s4 00. - qonnKjUoware madoat Mansfleidby Railroad with San t-Ify, .lanaGuld, Mount Vernon, Newark and Zancs- BandU!!l:y WO; to Newark,s4,so; to Zanco •OonnecUoDS am made with Detroit and Cblcacd, both bv ClcTLlatid and Sandusky City- Passengers who leave Pitts bumh m tho Moi? Train at 5.30 A M, go directly S M&nt .field andSanduskv Cjty to Detrolt^TritHoutdetcuUwj. iore to Detroit, 6.00; to GMcaco, 411,00 ■ < ~ ■- ■■■r,- RfiTURNIKGr* learcs CrcsUlno at 1.00 P M. at i* 404 '^ oßd AUlanreats.ooPM.and reach* . J! itb#l»urph at£Js P M, connociiuz with the Esrir*** bup-hatfosoibsL 3 which loaves lW . ißno froiafflidcuiati to Pittsburgh, 14V hour*. Fare, «16ob r &0 “ C " lChmoU “ phil “»elpha(ir Baltimore; h MAIf, TRAIN leaves Cresthnn at 7, AHi dines at Ai l££i3ps£&£Jg?X Taia tmm «"•<“* •»>. rives lca '' F! Phhiburgh atC.3O AM, and ar- Passengers are requested to'procure Tickets at the Company’s Chaco, nt the Federal Striit Station of • •;•• .-GEOIMHS PARKIN, Jfcirt Agent, frirr Tho Trains Ut ' bUrSh purchasing ticltota In cars, will bo charred t» atatioa »tc*»«ccptfrom«atlwu where the. Company have no agent. •- * iSnJSr ,how V the amount nft eieocdin-SW. ' ‘ 7*?™ r ’ “ I f 110 E * Ml " lorCtamUmß Unohaa bean employed m n^V?~. b oof? S '” a ?lo7*F“* 8 10 “ nd from the Depot, . /ortlcacts apply to ; ' 3. MESKIJIEN, Aront, tv*.* t • ~ At the P. It. H. liepct. on Liberty street. .Pittsburgh, KovemtKrr^iB&3.-. 4 * • -V SANDDSKV, i MAT'S FIELD amp NTHVAmT ■ bailboad. - O WINTBK ■ AREANOEMEST. V aftc *L NoTtmber 10,1K&3, Tfarc« lu „ jj Tnunsrun dolly ffcundaya exccptcdj as fol .UOING 6'otmi Sondirtlc,-,; imUAM HANTS', JUm'r ItOWHEL 1 & W PALMEB J bar ! :tL , .v ~ Attorneys at taw. insurance i? 1 William Hay/SrS-Thomas, *££? * Joseph W Cowah, Ate*^ 1 °’ H “' Flt * i * u4iolt SSJJ2F Company,- So. 42 Water etreeiTittsbdrgli. i-; I,llxdu P. A. MADEIRA, .Agent. PROTECTION ' ..V -INSfIBANCE COICPAHY, HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Str eft, Annual Premium and WeetemFund 81,000,000. „ INOOKPOKAI’Efi 182 C : PoUclos of Insurants taued at aU times on the most favora _ _ __ bio terms, aerninst* * LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE _ on vns ’ PERILS OP NAVIGATION, " BT . ■' . - ■ GEO. E. ARNOLD. Agent ■ AiVi) AJjLEQHptfX COUJ^T?. _ „ THE EXITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY; * CHARTERED APRIL 26TH. 1850. ■ !L- CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Office, S. E. Comer of Third and Cheetnut Streets,Philadelphia, ■ Officer* of (he JSime Board at PhQaddchia • • waEcioas. ifcw o^ 0 ” 1 ’ *anl R fledaud, I^^i^S?A^r T mP“P BOD, Lawrcnco Johnson,. liSSk? Pi Geo.M*Hram ■ ; Si g*JS»I James Demo* William ; William aTEea. Fr««den<—Sj°pLcnH»CniTfford. - ; > i« W. Thompson. JjkrftcaJ jammer, i’jttitujyWMncs IL Willson. M. D. AUegtimy Ctfy—K. B. Howry'-H. D/' 'y. m : OBO: B. ARNOLD, Affont, -marniy - No. 71 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. - anlj, MOTflcoai X). lewis, Adolphl E. Berio, David A Browno ; iW“- »■ t» maka insurance, perpetual or limited, on every “ 4 COUIrtI7 * UTatcIM >»» fbtd.ampleprotection to thenffiurad. ’ 3“vested,of ,,,??! Company* on January Ist, ISfil, «a pufc. Us f 1 to on Act or Assembly, wero as follows, rix: P U>¥? ss • T®graryt0ania..„..........„:.:.;:;;:::L;:;;;:; s&h?: SV i.— 61,889 00 . : •■•■••• MJUOBI ; S3s^*afea->ssaߣ &?&* isrssi& w ;!i I rA£ uiv J.QAItDINEIt COiFIJf, Agent. Offlce. cot. Vtooi tma Thin! *ts- „„ — AItSUAIi STATEMENT OF Till-STATE MUTUAL FI HE AN DA IA BINE IJrsUEAHOE COMPAHY, , , OF FESBBTI,VASIA. Aiaoia, May lit, 18S2, FmnSnau mxircd to Mur lot, 18i3_.!. Z" lotoiTJtoo Loaia.Ao C»plWBtocfc.. Coturoed premiums, Loasevße-huurftsce, Ex- <44<,,153 26 pc Mm> 4c,. .... 87i6clM m XSITUTaESTSL Bonds, Mortgages, Blocks, ami other good secu Pramlom K0t05.,..*...,!" Cash on hantft Total ma*t of Resources, Liable for Lasses..... 7O p°c S s?bo^cl!'KS, rhin ama ' T ' JOSKB, i*hlUdelpblA< A. WILKINS. Lasker, I'lUaburgb, A. A. GAKUIKR, ** ■ J P II . N *!'.yj'f npnFOllD;Dauphin county. A-J. ail.LirrT,HMTtslmrj, ®-T-JONKS. Horriiburg, ' 110BER1 IvIXITZ, Carbon county, J .°n-'' !’• lIOTIIKKPOHD, President, cc-mt A. J. GUXBTT, Secretary. ■■ aIM onMS?i, ,^}!“ t , peri ,i!: nI * c!1 * nJ lnl * n '» n«lK«lon, */*•■ on Merchandize in city, or country, at lowest ratra con’ c tbcVhciii/1 E “f? t!r - ■ /Wklm tolled on dwelling bourns ciwer perpi toalJj erfor ft Lma or yews 6 B^sA fflcC » coroer FoutUx aad SmithfloM atwt*. ... A. A. CAWIIER, Actuary,• PBSB^M«S““=siBsa»Sv ProoiJcnt—Jint< f*. Uoc l^. Yfco I’rraUßni—filKcn. M’Ctraun. Tressuror—Josirn S. Lzxca Becrotaty—C. A. Caros. omen, no. 65 fifth stheet. ■ (Alatonic Hall EaildingA U ""“* wcrtalnlngto MthCM * o,her UmjiTOP cent, paid annually in odram*. “* *°? AuStnSS? C ° thC IlTes Df going to Callfomiobr , „ . WStCTCKS. - wSSj&S?* S»J.not irciarkun, John A.Wliron, JosephP.Qazjcia, M.». . John hi Alplzii Alexander UothoWi. __Hon.tloS.tw. Hiram gtPiror 'ra.ritt '^SEBtiaageaS pmnptl*J£i A 1 lomm vm to M knam h.’ “““S" 1 fcJ Dnucrons wlo art. wd I ?h?&tota&SS nWl,e I^fcmtothoM IT.HK'ftVil'S'JS;’?, ?[■ lUckrfrtn.J.W.Butlrt, Wm W M O.lhnwcn,aforgß W.Jwkianf “ r ” t ’ WarobonMofSpadgi «vsa n’jEfftftfSoSS"** l "’ Ctaru "s,s , K®^:a^ssjs itMo0 * 0001 TMRFCTOH™ 3 ' A ' ALtXA «M‘ I . SwOThry. ' £S 8 " i&xvssi. Erf- sas&sffir 8&S»k -SEttKi, “3™** “ on T~ 2%&B&Vr* Upcizjiy — __No._ 74. fourth strait, mttsbareh. WESTERN FARMERS’ INSURANCE CO., JAMES KELIV.Pnat. 'LEVr MAETIN, Soc’r • . *• MCKASKEV, Aiwnt. ’ X ' - E b|s ?lb SV B W>Si MerchwnUdf, oEcl Property genoraily, oa tie moat favorable tong*. [dec!-Cm TPVfvn Mn r*?? ur x,lf « T 6Om J oon6 ba * written. Ainonff all tho X WmtnT&ncoa of man to protect the family circle from J?uJ , f no ? e Wn ** fcund raore rtmple in Its character noble J&lop^t? l^.ywjfrin to Iteresuit*, thw » UFElftSUll* ~ ins >»*“•»««. to forth ?'• K»»Mmt'f«tli»rnwUßii sop"! niMnTSh la,ur ““ (^Sip«S^HtKt, 1 • - > 'Masa&id Han. HOTELS, &c. FI.OEESOE HOTBI. j-— “ No. 400 BROADWAY, NEWYOBK (COKBDCTIJOS tn> lOEOPUU PUS V BEUBEH liOVEJOT, ' ... - ■_ PROPRIETOR. BfOlVn’i *HnV*i C. 0059XU>T» ° JrMr lSmSfi?^ ■**»’<*• tore pledge themselves that nothing ehanhr, S“,f, roipri<> ' their put to render the Pmureun n pSShe™ S?tS?£. on f°rt» °f » tot class hotel can be founi “ re 010 °° m - C- PATHICK i gON. . „ ■ St. unarles, Hotel!" Cb>vw7* Ty&od anj JViin? ttrtcLt, ■P‘ittsbifr*>% n * warffflSSSfaS- 35^ Who DwMrt&ffia o^& t ?°”]g*“' rpnE u that ho juley, »teA‘l\ o®“' 0 ®“' w»/Sot ° l jo2B'tf^ CeT delircrcW. Sbellon; Gol6on Unk; 'rip-Top; little Crammer: SIPt'LS 1 tlj o Chureh; Pastor's Sketches, second scries; The gbephettl ; Memoirs of B, WUllamsi tfio Poto!i gnhmiUsaonoryy ly Hamilton; The WeiripflnKi PoTi Um’ AHthmetles; Greenlial’s o;s;ArithmbHo; McGuffort> series; Macaulay’s Miscellanies; Prosb. HynmBook«l„ degant blndlogs; Rutherford’s ■ ChUdren; imf tto Meat slues of, the S. 6. Union... Per sale "by ‘ ■ ■ "■ 1 ■ : VJOU.V s; DAVISOS, 05 Marketstreet near Fourth. ■ /"'JUOXQJS thisday sup. ,or. strong .fine flayomi Oolong and Congo Teas, at ;?o*nd 76 MUM per pound, new Importation; which- bo will anything In this mnrketat the tome prke. Wholcsalo ana retail by _ , . ■ v • W» Chadwlokf , . • .TVEAIEB IH BAGS AND PAPER, Nq.145 W6od Street .The iljtbait^oe&owhpddto^P- BANKERS and broke EXCHANGE AHD..EAHEIHG-HOUSE - - - ' - - - or* -- . A. o WttKJSS &. CO., UHITEB SSfATEB BANK BUILDING, -a0«.45f»71-$gg t s'Oiirtli Street, Coin, Unit Notes Oon^H^i V , orr 5 nta bon B ht end «old. Rn£*?£ al6 «ontea mm loans negotiated. ■ ?*“*“ bongnt and sold on commission, - left fcr a £S£l on dopoUt, and interest allowod^en n « ni n „ '. JOHN WOODS,' ' BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKEB, Sfitoiange eommeroial and Bank Notes.- camfniS- , BoW T on commission;: Collections J**"* P»H on -Deposit.'••... Uafk? K ? th fl^e V J noarly opposite the M. 51. ■- •~ ' •■' .;■■ •• • decla .o. ciaariAN, ■ - joim u. xu&nan • _ ■ XIEBKAN g CO ASB EXCHANGE BBOJKEBB. feM&ly] A"-M lFbod SirctU and Hiammci AOty EXCHANGE ANir banking house op A. WIXKXNB & CO., Opg-slto tt . tokof Kt «; I ' oCEra *** o. E. ABHOLD St CO., -rwAt >iin> exchange bhokeks, J J T,^ 1 *“* Natea > -and '^ -*a. .U)lle c tioDa carefully attended to, i .S?^H^ t ®5 4 »W on coiunxis6ioii.:; .' v /'.... JKS.WO.-7 4 toJßanfc: of Httayg.XeelS „ HILL & CO7, ~ ■ bankers and exchange brokers, Siotn> of wcoD iK» njrnßTMsrra. 'S? Enstsrn cities constantly for Bicliiingc and Kotos discounted.— S± ffSf-SS-2? d 5 teughf and soli-Collections “X, X principal cities of tbo United Statin. Do rosltsrocelTedor.PtrondCurrmt Famls; ~ i- fmaraVlr Amhrasa, Mini, ' nomacc m»» KRAMER & BAHH, “ EXGH4JJQIS BROKERS, t3T AIO) SELL Gold,.SHrer, and Bank Notes; negotiate I«ana on .Real Estate or Stock. Securities; purchase and..!EimQ Bills, on £ast and West; buy and sell Stocks ;on OommisEloru '*: S: --^.irT 7 ■■■_ Oollwtlonff ffiado o'n ; a11 pdfotolii " ' " Hot3a:BS & sons. 1 „ JASpßS^and exchange brokers, BiTi junrosTO TOEts.'mjaiifd 4jn>; eiciunqi omct 10 m. ■» r ™ ra . no**' mmw ou> {rtxro. . ' ]\T:. A ?»• Bankers, and Jfochange. llrokers, Dra^B > Accoptaoiws Oold, gj rn <“ United ?r^£.if5 < 2S.v Inpar JUndH or ourrent, paper, No. 67 Market street,>tyeOTt J Thirdandl Foartb sW.TjiSfrly JM. 8- 11003)- IHKi. nur.K* & SAEGEHX, , BANKEBB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ~’- £“*“■- «*- too® » hxio s*a.j amswuton: ra. T)« l< L C °. ln > Bank Notes. Tima Bills, Foreign and -*-^ r 5 omeslio CcrtlttcSea of Dejawlt, ic. S on all the pried pal citiej or the Union and Eu rope, for rale in enme to enlt purchaser*. P ar fnndß retired on deposit. Collections made on ail parti) ef the Union, otihe lowest fepH.lT Removal* PATBICXS a pbieto; „ _ BANKER 3 AJJD iJXCHA.NGK MtOKERS. n?e fair. Office tathtCorner Wbodrft P- 1 ' pmswraanj Pi.-. & Wd-Exclum#* Broker*, tr^v^f 78 Acceptances, Gold, BUiS Oto^toUyfiS" B6 . 8 «“-?*“ Jtotan «M"*Sr BfS’™ CCt fesi“ alppl river*; contract to build largo Srni Stow Boata, Coal Flats, float Gunnels, Bridge TinihorTluih Timbera—Freight Iron, Coot, 4c., to m given point. J' 1 ' lulct ’ 11 the fialo end Keotot Itcal Estate. Ken his long exjtcrieiKO in lumbering, freighting, and boat bulMnig, ho Giinka ho can giro general Batlsiaotion. All to make their contractaaoon; espe emllj those wanting boots or largo blllaof lumber and tine ter, should contract for them in the fall Ijr the spring and summer use. 110 trlil also attend to the pun-taffiS, of any commodity that may be desired. e *“•. Lettersl addressed to Bavin Him Keal Estateand con. I UacUog Agent; Pittsburgh, Boa No. l'i, po.rttSd“eUl £. gnnetmdly attended to. Ula office is on Irwla .N* S, Allegheny Honse. DAVIDMUSS . . . szrtszxcxa. Me, nobt.B. Brown, £sq, « Allegheny fEiver. Mr. Wm, Armstrong, « Clarion ' “ Swdney, .* u „ C.AJT.lfahnftCo., « „ „ ueoihlydair «ld DICKEItSOS Mtnf, Proprietors of the BIiNIUX v£*m * > JS?, EATKNT /or miXing Wrought Iron di- S ' Or*tfat that portion of territory of L’eunsy I va of, and laciuiiimr tho ccmntlesof Pnhnn HunlinsW, Cm-rc, Clwrfcld,Kk wd prepay U> sell eextifleiitcs of Flock iu said company, each *** b^: 8 * o **entitling Ibo boJder-to fehflro Jn the profits of SL2f JS d th * ,l8 & to Furnace cSSid S D^ Mjy w Wai * ho ■*&* to tuotbe- ItaproTcmctit in the nhpTttajanieU tcrritory,ty finsle fur-’ The fact Omt by lh« Kenton pto«S i Iron Qt» can b© conv*rtt>d into Bliaoms at about the coat n» l £sate^2a£ w - pis w-4£ appllaitlon may bo made, or to tlio undersigned Director* of I the Company* J. K. JloomilUD. ” l JA| E w K x’mLMAxl ritotars1 ’- I -■■dhtnaawtf JAB.^ T i i tA^^& ft - I __ Bevelvers! Revoiverii : I sT C tn«.V» r ‘» l3^ K r7 Bj Repress. direct from the m&nnfko-1 W turers, a splendid assortment of Coifs EcpeaUng Ida tda,«, 5 and 0 Inches barrel, ail of which vra wfllmn for e«h aalosr a. they can be bought In tbe cliy of Kew Tork! ! ftjsonagolngto Aus Indlaor California, wiU find that they 1 f? n do.hetteroy. purchasing their equtppagc at home than I they can among str^ 8 , t, to iJFJIjr ri^n*^ 8 Ftnois, beforeioarin tbs dty; and I in case of * tsllure, trerefgnd tbo xntmsy. . : -i DOWN A TE?IXEy» '] Wnrail street, Pittsburgh. I P^TnSL? R V.l T 4A;B*Kfiffi=FsrTteUne iVuSt l y^outt^a nid of b ladder; Pruning Instru* I uicotsof construction} Dlcsinc Fork* strawberry bcdii,. • Potato© Hook -7-"' 40 Enclosed **.■■■■. ■ 100 Oomxnon •.-; .« ' . 20PlainDressingBureaus; , ' ~ . 49'hlabogahy Bedsteads; . % ! 20Walnut 60 Cottage 1 ‘ u .. . . ■ . : - 800Charryand Poplarßedsteads; . - SOMohoganr Wardrobes; ' 10Walnut ’ .10Cherry- * - “ *-• ■ * . 60 Plain Bureaus; '•-■ ' r • ; ' JO Dining and Breakfast Tables M Secretory and Eookcases; • 20 doa.Cane Seat Chairs;' 24 Cone Seat Rocking Chairs : 12 Bodies* Writing Desks* • ! H“t nod Towel stands; -What-Nots; ; lSSe^ : pSfSuid “ XswS? “ : 5£‘ ,0 “? “ *£»*»» Btning Tables; -; GotMoand Hall Choirs; ottom!Ul ?S wrtrte’^?fy. r , l^ im L °f COMMON roBSITOBE and S 2 ta tted™’ - , JTEAMBOATd and Homs, famished at tb. shorts' , ■' fll ontaa promptly attended to. j i MEW JEWEEBY BTO EE, ,_L- . ' If®- Market Street, * ”/ «« flfcwuwcu •T*^ 8 wIiSSr 0 ?.’ (or thß ’"of l ™ of John B. Sr?Md,n SL,, Co -») r»P«tfollir announces to tlio public thathoW < i?^u- t rr fine afCtoT taicnt ofWATCHi-^. JEW LLUY, SIL\ EH ANI» PLATED WAUK r axtdc £fFrt mS v£f&l, ‘° 18 .! MI S‘ t ? r8Iocket -’ l -'***4 'to. ..’. Ilost< ft'.k. Mnehe* Work Tables and CakeiDfrheg* with on endless Variety of useful andrr a«Kntal artkta, which bare only to fi StSlo be^pprf a^9 d - C° oTl ] . NO, 81 MARKET STBIUiE. ": f TAMF^py ! ?Pi?v l S“. r *.f ry and Gardena. ' J of 010 WeU-knOTO Ky. an KXTKNSIVE NCj-“ cEii (f CH thfl Fftnn of Mr. Jitmnn R. KnirUv Iv,»* ijv 'cS ; ™' j >5 i f«Ji I^- T^ all J£* ,preiMiresi^*i:fl * r Instant, fj! ?r wy »7’ :rfB, y' Frult flnd Oraattrn- SimSiVfP*3?t MWl ®, retn Houft * Shrubsand Plants, ih ; addlttoa to o> ehoiceaud superior-stock on Hand.he baa ms,?* i arwngemeoUwjtfvoneof the largest Nurseries In the tout. I tokeepupdm aupply. Having a thorouUbSudlon* .^gto^»bMtoe^h»«a : KWueMa emtomerafdSct *lm respectfully offer hi* Services In *?** Managing Kuml Cemeteries, Pij}> ltePariSj or tha grounds or Country Residences* and--*!]? gso-furauah pinna for the formation of LawnsMobKaehJi 1 ln the highest stries of t£? «2* PratOrally. a-viuatotcd ’Vllh hhstS ?nrfS!f &a f d t 1l‘ 0 ? , P cnt yeareln e beautiful banlu of the Hudson, he * *?* ■•«» : through the City'’ &S 2& M.«rI :S ? g s* ■ T.xaaiTrr UI'KKEE'S ~ ~ CELEBS A TED CUEitICAL YEAST „ OB BASING TOWDEBS, Tht J3'?£!h «g* °" d ibmmi -1 BITAd, Biscuit, Friei, GriddU, and Johnny Gikrj, Faitrv, PuddinQtySuaxlGaJitti - • ■ .- .i ■< •• • ' ' rvmioss of '! FiOTluian and JoornaJ.-Feb. 19,1£53. S y*rx < “ fl k a -?v® wl ‘°, h*vre tested the adallty of thi3 ! bow. cSrta? la ita&vor.-ILickportMS^ „«. t TTi’T' l !J S rsr'' orJ^ in ,‘ ! lathowoyof rtdnj, w „ over ‘.W 80 Adtocato tad ffig ia . ° r^' :h “'l 11 ' 5, la ™rtou. Hnd« of ciok -22?.,*!?* whan its virtues becomcrproDerlr known «t Ungljr do without It—[N. Tf. Pick.; Moy "V IS j£’ hc '!^ to UuwDarl!K >'siiU-fmport(mtortic' J sST”' -^R ° r,uWI “ 1 ' Ban ““«ntl NathrlUo Whig, : TtaVr.^»^ mv 'r • art^c^c> > ana can recommend it with perfer.t(xi s nDilenc©«--{Qxit'bee Garotte, Julvy 1552. i% l ' pwdor^e b * ve We dit oar house, ami MI,Mi d0 ‘ li3tOd “ V. . Alt good houjoitivpg wllllTjolM in and ffloritrtha ».m« w|. u An: wi^ tt sLX?™ Bakins * mr luowed if c y 0“ ttl “ bo givon, iftpu'o _ E. R. DCBEKE, Boij Proprietor and •■• - ni m . , r __ v „ l3 . 9 . W«r «««^s«wH*ork. JtAATER & afcKHE, Agoats, Pittafrorgh. . {octal! •UUXJIH Jos* a'upn(_...v.„.jbs£Pß rc imur . J- 8. Leech, MoAlpln rfc Co„ *■ OHOCh'ItS, anditailera inprodrice, Met llL^“, 4 ™H^5 h Noi. 242 na42U Liberty street, near the heal of Wood, Httahursh. Pa. of. Ortonlapninwna tetma, the following: ■■■ iSel«“^ rral * lUc«Bar Iron, doi uWjngnJbUvaawrteft !•••" 3 do Best Nail Sodj • Xrtr alaS, ’i 2000 l"‘H, Uack and 60 hn/Jku Tea, ' 100 O. Sugar, port; 500 bbla. Vinegar sLa uL.ua Sugar; ! . 8 ' ■ " uoS^i£sS; I “?. 4# * 1 j • ‘ ■ hiaM . ,600blgsTln; • ; - ‘ i 100K n i S '^? 1 S* pple!,; 1000 6j. Antimony: ' igHMaf'“BatUng.-assorted; 10 tons aSd Sheet Iron :i M> °^:J oUoa iara > 100,000 Bia. aaa’d Bulk Meat ■!' -■ E ° rtol1 ' : fopr2o ' WM,A. A M’€LmtG, F.inoToas, Choice Family "Groceries and 'Willow' Ware.. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS. from firsthand* in *», v tensive stocfc, • purehaEPd at S”Sw^4rt° P riS! ramar ' !Bta . «Wch,' w p mbo toTt -BS- Ooods dolly,red In thodty.fteeofcWiu . : ( ,^OXJiIER3~-aXAyiONERYIVAKEHOUSE w* s. haven, - ■ 1 i,WAYS^ Am Se “ sd fe«™. • - ~ • ilatheßiaUciUnatnimflmsr * • Tape Ljne B ;. laaia Rubber: -Field Books; - . ~..Profile Papers*•—, •■•.■••■■■ CrossßeetioiiifopQra; - Ani alt artldes of .Stationery TO l SSl I S , “ i to order—rolot toany patternr«l aired I ~ - f ... ;. . : .- *" •■' ....'., «. *-■ [:'" < ‘ ■! *' **- * \ ' t i V • '■rf'S.-MZ K ’ a.jautikK^ftco.: H OHAufuivNUFACTOMS N^^Smithfldd'Slt^ !®SWi2^S2^*3^ iaS^ r only; - ’ •« . . * r-. . ~• ’SSR?Ji? d . I ? c#mea^: *® Caan- ytMfeltfcgert. WF' «?J vuf’tergQ stock or COMMON AND FANCY J,» A IUSDSTI2ADS, At; prices .that : cannot' Jiff 58 pnrchaistirs., All our work.,tß.wanaated* • JASIK3 XOWRT, JE^ 014126 • cor.Serentlio,pdljberty. uta. iMakOM; Association. ! ,-:■ .*wW,eai 9a third street, L -v.- ‘- . i^i'i'.ci• L 'gooxi .ajtd -Miain J gra.>-. :.-.-■ ~- ■ xHlSA£SOClA!nONjombnicin«/c\ : : already, twice to *lm» tiraes BSuV the. largest and Np 9 ISS&sIiSfSSSSSS aaSsSe^Sasgaj shej#* r -'-;. ■ ~ mar 29 ; i WATCHES, JEWELRY. & c . .o h/- * V*. - -V , off ..-i.JsiU r-.'. ■»:•J , V ' ’ w'-,..r ; J J' : V -■ v-t.’;- ■; •:\uVj-~,■ •: •••.'■s; ;;•::■ v ■ T > - : .-V *■—. - •■■■■ ■- v ■■■ MISELLANEOm. - ' ETJBOJEAR AGEWC7. “'' THIS OUi£SI I’BIABUBni!D. OFPICE IN Till? rrrv _ lr6a smiTYCsa «»***« v wax _ MONEY TO THE OLD COONTItY^ S^t? 5 cull hM oc4ur > norloaK!a tCcttn* Many, •s? 4®.* **n years in which he Jtrnsbeenin his remitted otbt a Halfiliiiibii ofltollsra during ? ot,eBa Own 45,000 portions: noompfaintcf York,Tlilii3iirtlitl??” 7 *“ a PmKWk,'lo Now from tienco’to-pftt!JSdiS^aJ,d^nf "“f l J '«w'Orloans^ondi warding passengers kbtepd. strictly to for-;. Bo also places,Tilt KUl iotsolo,payable at tbo following EdwßrdsySaiidfbrd 4 Cb?.^° I ' AI,D- WmiTappscott A london. (Arailablo In the prindp^TltUfl’«UA’Vl”* ,, ‘*’:^ iT * rpool ‘ Englandand Wales.) towns throughout ON-IREIiANB Prorincial Bank' 1 v>" ~ - uuftcnu. '♦•Dublin. Mr gaS*"* &non,' Mta* SSST* S&3r Banbndge, Kilkenny, • ; Dnngwtnon, ''-KUfiah • Waterford, • Colemioe, Parson rtown, Cork, '* 1 r Ennis,-: . Bandon, . *flUffd. V ;v WittftmT Oootehlll, Limerick, • -•• BaUyßhannoir, , ‘ ' , ON SCOTLAND.; ON FRANCE. - ' . W»W Edward Blount A C6^-liankers.„:i...:..^.v.i;..Psijj. . _ (Affiliable hi any clty ln France.) „ ' ON GERMAN?. Messrs. Vogol, Kockl Co, Bankers; Frankibrtrin-thetfdinV (Available innnycity in Germany ) ... : jaaibs blakem, 18a - tor, of BeTenxß andßrtlKhfi.ld «l«: TEAS! TEAS I DEAS ’ • 1, ■. AJiD UEIAIi, . extra fine, doj - > • oS 2° 'o' |Jo;Moytine.lmperlal:i , - ''•':' ,20 . do Superior .. . do;\ ' ‘ ' - *3O a 0 Kne Oolong Black Tea; 40 do'., extrafinciOolong; ; .. v; , ' l .'; : ;,r -' /SO, 'do extra Curious-do;- • t ♦ Curious do , . do; rorilSsS™ 8 ”' 1 R ’° C ? ffce ’ LoTerln B’ B la® lBo-53 ' 0 * 5 Priaclp fce cold very • - .■ 88 Flnfa-rfAiftTSh | TYPE AGENCY. . ' - A* JAYKEg, - : : -N0.38■ FUfi'H; STiiEET, fIIT3BUEGH •- Agent for the Sale of i. Johnson $ Go.*a Type, &c. 1 * *' -- 6alp > thp fell owing p—B rass 11 nw 1 XXcolnmu Galleys; Common Galleys assorted; -Slice Galley#, Composing Sticks*, .Common■ and Job vl - 1 ?» ,e Ban > between. Ktt, e?'vpiiTn??a o tseortment-^^^W^ pp£3=Sl^lS; t^gessss^^sm ‘ ta «=TPertft iU y tofad iti&a ■ JDr.l), »J ” ; - " ; . BEOCiiTIHaviHB SEOBETfiBj-OBQiISII m^ fO [ XS e ‘ rP IT !r msffissMggag&fts&sr ssf«:SsPSr ; u s: ¥ a Lung ana Thro»t CkJmplaW m - aJM; DtopS,. Couska * /jiUj “ I »: V k^ffiiggfeSSKssSs Ah'v^™S E3 3'-’ OgbW'HiUiyaitoSifihOTMinj. RT . paSSSs^lS’ll 10nmHBBGMk msmbss ip^p^s SKSSSSig^SSS ssssssig^P S3§?sg&®^ SPSWgflpafcß* - isms" «asss®slSSSi JanUhltg -■...- fadnai> f Agent ltoffitt»tmrcli or .'Bt or-near-fihsrpsburi?,'in All*<*h«n»'-*V lSth'of March,lB63, aSk -tending the time thorota limited, hi' the under named Comtaisaionersa to ree&Te for_tho Stock of said Cotupaay, at the ST. -SSir& DAX : - sffis§£& -'" Lewis C. J. Noble,* TLo£m«V)S^ Jotw^"”' 11 ' 2KfiISS? D»vfA«nan“’ S««yJ Francis Kara likSrd vZT™’ SSL d £&? ’ 1 A. Morton" J F A CMllT*’ lemnolEhnrtliH * . : James Lewis. IWIT ■ WUOlciftlft anil U Buffnlo Bobea, Whip.vnnd allottierStlcles '' ---' •- 1 '••’• • ~' f»p2B ■ new coach wd Csniaiu n'»<.i nn r „ JOHHBIOH, BROTHERS i co. y Oirner of Stbaxaarul Cdmont struix, .d&vrt-iu ’ /viIIESDCS? inform their fri'rnhe of Carriage*, Chariots, in nil their TarSw«tviprSffls?^?i^' Slfiißllflaiid ; All onlcrswillbo executed with Proportion. and beauty of finish. Repairs ability the most reasonable terms Urine 00 bestEnstern f o ;*.^ ilont that all who faror them art nTwhii stul ?L? l W fee 1 confl pcrfectly eatMadcn?rialoMW™S ” m * sing r * l '“ est «l to give -os'a oil], teTore pnielia-1 ■ —— ;i: • oot&ljr | S'thteateS* -? ■'? - • :L'l --r r. OEVUN. ■ :7 PeaFPmmmMiU; CANAL BASIN, ALLEGHENY CITY . ' (ittiE mi! EAtiKUB miio.l.) . SpS fB£B&»** BRYAX. KBNNKDY A 00.-, | 8 ruiKij', the i'',„“ K ¥ 0n ‘ s OP MAJOK ROBBIiT 6TOEO,oftiio Vir ginia Bcgiment; byN.B.Crul* I‘ubllsliea and ? ft>rMle : l,Y : john a. vA\isoh', .aeeyo-- - Marketfir©et,’oefirPoiith ; T ‘ | > aiiDUU)im. jiiu.C£-BUt»POltTKjCjiNn-Kf.Att. I TIO : STOCKING DEPOT ia at Dh KEYSEK'g, NftXlff cornerof Woixl atrfeet chfmical flppiraufreskr&feept and ; fitted at tlii« fltenfc Satisfaction Kiwai.’ -~-- r - -jiot24 Z.A A. M&BON *jxz wUl'-doao. pat their atock of Cafthmar63,&s k'x'&litfjaoh of nearly 60 per coat. • ( * *v . *- 1 ?'•****&'>, *. s -t'?'* ' 4 . >*r f * "V < , sA .. . ,:■ ■..• •• .-'■ ■■•..■ • ■ v- •-*•■• . .':••■ " .<■ . .•.-. ■ : '• . •' -r. ■ ■ . . ■ i - . _V. . - '--a' ... V. •■ ;; •'■:■ **• ’ ' :• '. r * *•*." *t ’.} • >VJv . - •; V : „ i TW..' 4 v'* ’■ ' - j‘*Mt-ii,rjumurtr-iaktaS^SiS^Pw^- AMfssaassßß^a&gffl l * SS and Pain 6# the JBonca nod Joint*, filttbboya^u^rre saps^pfi^p. iininbey, hcflfeyer, sntthgor; testimony than ihwmflfl : word?ofdhe /proprietors J- and taro-front centlerritm known In theft localities,- and of the *»£*» everywhere, eoys_he dus B*mtfc e m&mmMss* tiUfiSof Quinine, '■ertised.jDut all nitho Jt At ff.fr' tried Carter’s Spanish ULrture, ; , „ 1 •tasUy cntiri me, and I afli BepOT'SreS?' r 1:11 ?.?“■ chills or ferer since. I eoniWer it SiVwf e£S? l i eil K c 2 world, and the only marine «LS^slgf^“ e «-| - BearerDa% nearfilcbmond, y a - - : • Joiia l-wancr. “tonlsnicgefficacy ofCartels Simniah MtjSrwttSt'tm in » hnmWof ini^S^^*i! m 0 110 has witnessed Mixture wWcb SF a VI3II case of, snrprUns. Up rays In * f^werpwotidlrfiinnnSSr“»*»««•» *h« good of. ris, > r,W "l l" :4 SSt&-*? r■* of Ticlent.BcrofQ]« in their press’ tism;w2iS^uCi«ry:aiSd and the Editors, in a public notice, cay thnv&jo^Jjr.fi' o ’ : commend it to all who are offijetedwith”., 0 ?,, fhoerthlly'r*.- ! : blood.” ~j>.-r- .v.-“.”vfir!W?“.“3t Mljl “ I ° ; ■ : C™dnctoro'»thoß,'¥;*ndp,Bi'£ov.^i!ssrnJ! l^wJ 'SftSbtoinfrtlS tStodstt^S»m§^r^^'# nil the physicians of tho clty.cbnld^tcn™ m, r ■ INSTRUMENT,. - ‘ ‘^ B k P« I ptalta,! ' '■ i&&ttUSKffla&F' : : ; essssiMMS <' St . •■ pleijonihe'Eacdfwijbatare^ ' ' '*■ ” f i““ 01 Hleiitia'A^u^feSiS^ 8 • ’ mmsmss&s*. ;■ niSereSS'bythaTOjfe,’^ t f ll “' ocoill,lllllltamr(, ' b 'i t litUa ".'■' mctadn ! ilnUiawo>M^;7^?),,. eS ”f r!lf > ««> that'all th» mMtmrnmtsm-.-. sgasF^ww'-^ss.sssgsgj•••• «, stffiS&Wm**-*- ®! ****«l*pen«4 ri£* *• “• p - »*«* *» T to ssnjf* l «*.■ ““•“WSaggS? ~ ■ '■ . NEW YQlO£. jSGßsdHggsst.; lion,and also tc I ®o9»ith»’tigbtn6£s,'or'r«l^'or l <^K? 1 * don abont tho.thn«t vopproB - .' - , ,th * ®* cUoa * instpad ortho- >*<> rpijjgij,'''“ J r®n’s <‘°ngi r eas lak. £•££•£ T,n Hwalzp, by wholeealn or retail '.. Stationary War ' nae.Mart P t ■.£»!' ”rwf?fil. 600 - galJonsj BtaitliV Nott York \J orobd, fa stow an/7 for ealy r- - * > * ri \ d W BB JS., flttceessors to J. Kidd & Co, '" ' '■*■■■•' s> ' ■’•■ - a ' J ' tts iQ £tor « ana lot unit) by ■., - - : ----- . 8803. oy • -:. M«:2i vtsmsr. unos. “ oh *°” «tore and for.: j. a&le by.;. / . MecSl JLBiiINQ DUOS. bags, crude, !br sale by • - “ • B. A: yAHNEbTOCK & CO. TIuGorEJ JU ideog3 ~ A BRQW 1 A. dec2g. SA6O- : tcafi&a,~t>eaTl&d < for aale by . - ••• • • <*«:# ' :rr>ißw Cotnar Muketut. and Diamond, . . ja# and contra Fourth acd Bmlthllel«, Ucimnda; genuine; Tor sale br ; : .-i B. A. * CO. \ 0 S'- .' \v:' : t: