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'tK^Jh^b b 5i ■■ VV..S' .<-V :p ’•“"V.‘♦.VjagigawJ *•*••.««**ii;■;■ risirT MhW j " ' 'S-.’iC ?. : .V J?. -> ■ -V'- v ‘‘ h;. 1 ' • - K , ‘ 'I •. k v-•_•!•,••«?■ -S SSMBIiPS IS &sss£ S&S3, wmtmmm^m smm^l liiiMM iMim pMiiifi f#t®i®isi WMfW*stT~- sm IlfSslfci^ %iWisl& JMfMR ?wW»?l ■ IPM^ B^Meas. ws&K&Sraj| gpg§S^g£&2^'iVaSSSa] ImSMg^igsm WWPSSiP^^g&lsi BiiM ; #iiigfa g£^^H^?4Pt§f| -, i- ; ;v -;4-'4" 1 -• o? ,h t’c'v '.' l ‘.?c';r-?■'O j-I i '■•>';■' :t- .V' I 1" i .■ .M’44 ; ;r ■ *• 4-^ .♦ l> a*-*VA ■- £,V^J -w*>-_ ~.> ,“• ~ *’• K -*.'•!• Jv,‘V. v ’ /4ti • t''- "‘-*^\* 1 ' tf !.* frx H-/SS4 .. - ’'•■«»'- ’-•l^:"’i - l.\ < rj'§ - ; '-•& 4 £;iv*t' -i ■ ( w - f w '‘ ' :; '»U:^a-/ ; '..- "•■, " . '.- "'^-'-J^^s^f^’^'-v^iSV - . «^@BWP9iws@ws^%r*'’!;“ , 5 k ’ , 'CvSi j f?if’sf‘«ji'*#-‘' v \*\f v j’> 5 • ~ # j f y < : 'i 1 *■ ’ r »,. •’* §m mm ' •- ;* 1 • .A:.;' .■ ,» , i thobas NmUM... OMEGA r. OrLLSTOEE PhuUpa & Oilimore, Editors & Proprietors. FKIOAV MOKNINO:::::::::-: .«©“ TWENTY .JIEN AND BOYS WANTED TO SEEL THE DAILY EVENING POST. «s- HEADING MATTER WILL IIE FOUND 0\ KACII PAGE,OF THIS PAPER. JOB PRINTING. We htt-vo one of the best Job .Printing Offices In tho city, and we would respectfully nsk mer chants end nit others who want Cards, Circulars, Bills of Lading, Bill Heads, Blank Chcoks, Hand bills, etc., to give ub a call. All our Job Type ore of the most modern manufacture and can _not fail to please all our customers. Our work men are perfect masters of their business, and will labor assiduously to please all who will fa vor us with an order. News and Facta from all Quarter*. > * A monthly mail by British steamers has been established between Liberia, on the African coast, and England. The civilized population of Liberia numbers 10,000 persona,- and tho " oolon y is «pi*» ‘l <-*; ' ■ **■- >-, ’ ■*. •» * . V , * ** ■■Vi, - •**•» j 4 ft PITTSBURGH: :janCary 20. £Sy onr advertising columns will befonnd °T7 ° f t , he dc P»‘ure of steamer Return nnrl ' WiUl Bncll °® Bera CapL Stoops “? 0. Neare, clerk, all will be done right. Shippers and passengers would do well to give them a call. , 6 U - S ~ Maa leav es on the 20th hundred passengers passed over it on Saturday > • * f”t jr. ■ BRIDGE THE POINT. Many of our citizens arc advocating tho con struction of a Bridge across the Allegheny river at the Point, fqr.tbo croesing of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.; They propose that the ratiroad brought up through Manchester; and crossing on a bridge at that place, connect with the Central road at the Point. Ground sufficient,' itis said, could bo purchased there for the depots of the Central and Ohio and Pennsylvania roads.as well as the Allegheny Valley road; and the busi ness of tho tbreo roads thus he brought together ' To the people of Manchester this project would doubtless bo,- acceptable; but our neighbors of Allegheny city would doubtloss bo of a different opinion, Upon the..choice of:routes, tho company will have to decide. Bat that the interests of tho company will require that the gap between the Ohio and. Pennsylvania and Central.roads be bridged with the iron rail by some route none can doubt. Much time is lost, and much ex pense incurred in the transport of travelers, bag gage and.freight from the one road to tho other, and tho traveling and business pobtio will Beck other unobstructed routCß, if this unnecessary breatis not soon avoided. The competition with which Pennsylvania roads have to contend will require the speedy avoidance of every unneces sary obstruction or delay to secure for these roads a fair and full share of travel and trade. We don’t hcliove cities ought to be, or etui bo built up or benefited by breaks of guage, 'or gape beteen lines of road requiring transhipment, por terage and change of ears. The interests of the | roads and of the public require Unbroken routes lof travel. And tho two cities will bo much more benefited by popular and thronged thoroughfares through them from East to West than byportcr ago or ohange of guage. We suppose Brians will doubt.this; but we trust AUcghenians will not. | I A MOVEMENT. [ At the annual meeting of. tho Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad Com paoy a few days ago, tho following resolution was offered by It. McKnight. Esq , and adopted: refers ''to’he’rt-^i 0 Pr * side “ t and Board of Di. I ’ to .? e ti ' 3 , da J r elected, bo, and they are (make nrelim-° riZe correspond; and mate preliminary arrangements with the Pcnn- AI eXnv V^ IltiSbU '?\“ n ' i Con nallsville, tho | Ai.n» h w w' ’JIX' and tho Steubonvillo and In [ f‘?."'* ( ? a,!road Companies, in reference tocoh sohdaUng our road with cither or all of theirs I “ otio °- all matters relative there -BulimJttod *o a general meeting of the I or rejection!* ° f th ° Bo C ° mpan!ca for oonfirmation fPhiladelphiv) now calls this road the Philadelphia and Stcnboaville Rail, road. It is true this road is but an extension of the ronneylvania Rsilroad Westward; and it will be also the Western outlet of the travel and trade of tho Connellsvillo and Allegheny Valley Rail nn™r' “ IMfl foet ’ t fl B e ther with the nnmtrous Western connections, that will make this Pittsburgh and Stcnboaville railroad one of I tho most profitable and valuable railroads in tho I !I™ 7 ; WcS ‘ cra Ne " Vo*. Maryland, aU Pennsylvania, as well as the central regions of tae Western States,, are all interested in i.J early c °„ pl ti It „„ , h , most feeder of the Pennsylvania road; and tho most important avenue of Philadelphia’s trade with the West. ... HE SHIP THHEE BEUS. This ship is quite a .. i ion 0 f the day” in New lork just new. The New York Herald saya.bat the ship ,s crowded with visitore all day loo? nnd that the wharf and decks of other vessels in tho vicinity aro covered with spectators to see the Captain, crew and ship that so gallantly rescued so many persons from tho wreck of the steamer San Francisco. Tho vessel is only 648 tops burthen, and bears evident marks of tho hard service through which she has passed dunng the late storm. It will bo remembered that tins vessel stayed five days by ,hb flan Prandsco before the storm so far abated as do Va i 0 S , Ct tlle P as3en B cr s off tho wreck. c Three Jells” was in a leaky and danger ous condition at tho samo timo. This gnllant and generous conduct or Englishmen is likely to bo well rewarded: A considerable sum of money has alrcndy been raised in New York. In both Houses of Congress measures arc proposed, and under discussion, to reward suitably tho Cap tains and crew of the Three Bells, the Antarc tic, and the Kilby, through whoso oicrtionß over five hundred lives were saved. The Campbell Mjnsthels— This popular com pony will present this evening an entire change of performance. They were welcomed last evening by a largo audience, who were delight ed with their performances. Where all perform so well, it may be invidious to point ont indi vidual actors, but wo cannot refraim from noti cing the attractive talents of Messrs. Murphy West and Peel. In all the cities where they have I performed, they have boon considered the stars of their profession. NEW PAPER, natty Commercial Aurora, is the title of a new and handsome daily paper, published at Zsncs ville, Ohio. It deserves success, and we hope Will win it m abundance. n TUE , MOIBS " A Purs, ClA* A*n THE Qunrv s Necklace -Our friend Callow, oppo se tho Post Office, has favored us with the hre volumes of these works. lie has a splendid as sortment of all the valuable publications of the day and we can assure all who are in favor of good reading, that his dopot is ono of the best I in the city. ~ Col F. Felix.—Governor.Bigler has appoint cd Francis Felix, of the Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh, Colon., ’ WUh thBronk of “*»*««»» Col Felix is one of the reliable and thorough going democrats of that Ward, and the oompli ment was well deserved. P Lecture.— Rev. D. Baco.v, will deliver a leo ture in the Sixth Ward Presbyterian Church, this The n i l efh 0D • e * Ubjeot ° f oa P ital Punishment. lecture is free, and all are invited to attend. ishmenL°* ° f BbolislliD 8 '"apittl pun Coal Boats Sunk.-Oho boat sunk at the Point bar. Another boat eame down shortly af ter the first one sank; ran on top of her and went down We are also informed thatone boat was lost at Brown’s Island, and that a pair got aground, but eventnally got off. ■ Foe Memphis am New Orleans. —The fine steamer Granite State is up for the ports as no ticed above. She will leave at the hour H er accommodations are of the first class, and her offioers are gentlemen in tho strictest sense of too word. .T™: Federal Arch.—This popular boat will leave .to-day for Louisville. She is worthy of «>e patronago of all who desire a pleasant trip to the Fails City. Travelers, give her a call, and you cannot bo disappointed. .1.; v‘. a.'; -i - ' **•."• *. t **•.■ .. W-siatliY MONEY AETXCLE, ~" thfnTr 8 00 ° nr ' Vharf was neTer ®«W active tnan-at present : - ! MBe qoantit ? of coni has left for the marlets below; bat we regret to leant that eavy losses have been snfferred already by oats sinking, ' The ooal-men were in too muolt fiaete thia time, and started before tbe river was in a safe condition. Wehave heard-the leases estimated ot a very high figure; but no oertain estimate can yet bo made. Money is In good demand, and bears a tolo rably high price yet, though there is sufficient for alllegitimato business purfoses. In New York the demand for money is not so great as heretofore, and rotes for Bhort, good pa per range from ?to 10 per cent. The demand ‘here is now mostly for disoount of railway pa per, which ranges from 12 ta 18 per cent. The New lork Port says: nhil Th t b “ k J fItMM for last week prove favor .a“°; They show a steady action on the part of the banks, with rather an unusual roduodon in the circulation of city ourrenoy. There is shown of S'MWHmn in cos and a decrease ot Ip-,420,000 in the deposits, $120,000 in the ® 400,000 5n the circulation. o 'c°London advioos respecting money matters show greater and increasing ease, yet Brothers* r B deluding Bering Brothers A Co., Bell & Co , and Anthony Dow &. Co., report a dull state of the market for American securities What orders come hero nee ™«. D i tIOD dT t11,,0u fi h Parisian bouses, and " !/ l y °“, Swisß ond German account—buy era of oar cotton ■ ■ vv , '"’Wle jibe great demand for importation Of breadstuffs exists in Europe, little will be done m American securities, Unices the anticipated European war breaks out in the spring, whon orders will bo multiplied indefinitely The henry losses sustained by some ofonrin snT°Vh°eTi“' eS r Br ° W ° rki “e unpleasant re- T “e -Etna Insurance Company of Utica has suspended payments ; and the General Mu tual Insurance Company, of this city, has re solved to wind up its affairs ■ ° _s'S® l?' 80 . odT “?oo which has taken placo * ■ i,r !? dnye ' on ftU articles of ,s _ mttk ' B gtho fortunes of numer ous individuals. Corn has advanced thirty cents per bushel, and flour and wheat very consider' ably. There are largo etores of theßo articles nfnm d ri a ? T . er .‘ he . in ‘crtor, thoownerßof whiiih «hw dO / 18h th ? force of an extraordinary shippmg demand which must continue till the v -t i ar °Pf““ harvest is gotherod. In New hnf ,l° c!la 0n :£ aai ' aro not 80 largo ns usual, but they are still great in the-interio* assr-** payments, 102,983 88 We take tho following from tbo Boston Pott ot lith inst.: The general facts ore, however, that onr own country .8 n. nnd that tho interior. if uo ™ SrinJint T b ' Browi °S Heher with evory shipment of produce. Another harvest and more Australian gold will relievo Europe, and America will ogam be tho great field fm» potable employment of aurp^Lrope^efp! At present there la no fear of an inordinatn °[, g 0 d ’ anil ,hcrt iB every chance of considerable returns of coin from the interior to the seaboard, m addition to the usual Californio Fork since Jnn VT M V f dr7 Roods at Now ; 1 oric Blnco Jon. 1, havo been os follows: rmporta for tho wcek...52,841,4G3 $2,390027 IrC ’* 2,1*15,293 1^783,267 Total smeo Jan. 1 $5,000,750 $4,174 I'M Showing a decrease of $450,530 for the week and a decrease of $882,502 for tho two weeks compared with the corresponding period of lost 0 ™. e I'cw 5 ork exports lnet week were.?! 509 . anni! n( i O ?‘ n^ 4e,00(>bsrre,B « r fl °or, and 28o‘. 000 bnshcls of corn and wheat. The assistant treasury held $2,783,210 ot the close oMh ' Got ' o ,? cpßllnaes to bo extremely backward. The following is from tho Evening Post. It tils" a soccinot statement of tho leading mar keta. The receipt® of cotton since let SeDtcm thl rn°rr 0n J 7 9C ,? ,00() bft,CB > °R ain Bt 1,480,0 P OO nt the corresponding period of last year, a large 1 falling off. Which has been met by a correspond ™iv4e4 nnV n ,b - C c »-" b £h amount to only d. 0.000, against 750,000 last year ot this • The cotton picked this year is roported to bo generally of improved quality, tho yield of crop will exceed 3,000.000 bales. The horns demand has not fallen off, showing nndiminished & p 4f c 88 wMch ODr moaufa °- Tho dry goods market is dull, and goods etn-1 e - 10883 tho demand, with com" ™t“ , ‘. nCBB *a prices, which keeps off buyers. This is particularly the ease with do mestic heavy goods and English and German fnnrtn ( Go !“ woo ' enß have not been so easy in price to buy for a long period. French goods 7 nriuTh 7 Bdks , no™-b an t mat day by the £A steamer, SOOhoreo power-cscapcd when the nciim, began, ana reached Constantinople. action JThe opposing force of tho Bussians under Ad miral.Nanchiraow consisted, they say, of three three-deokers, three two deckers, two . frigates and four steamers. The English Btoamor Eetril button and french steamer JUogador brought to Constantinople 219 wounded, and 400 men and officers, who had escaped to the shore. The captain of the Howard had also been bronght to Constantinople, and immediately lodged a com plaint fith Lord Stratford that the Bussian Ad miral gave him no warning to withdraw previous to the action. I '• V'- V -T*-r * • = ••■ V *.• .-_•,-•* l ;w .--■ •■•..;•' •':• v‘ ■*-''■*- nv; vr*y •- ••• '. •--' •/ . EXHIBITION op AMERICAN STEEL PENS Manufactured by * mteb phineas, new yobk. ° f ,he PUbUc “> “levied QIHLL, patent, Commercial and Hank PENS, 7 ° f tW “ ty - fITO Parent kinds of STEEL PENS, of his own make, suitable for all handwritings. '■ '—AlKO— ' - ' A NEW PATENT PEN, Odlffli tboTreMe Spring. Phase pens hare been adopted by tto Senate in Washington, i„ preference to all others. The nboee pens, together with his superior unrivaled ao contmodauen holders, can bo seen at Mr. J. B. S J«Tand Sir. Be M. Norman’s, Camp street; Thomas L. While’s Gann, - street; and E.&F. Ezekiel's, Exchange .jag 1 ‘Costly thy habit aa thy parse can hay. Bat aot expressed in fency; rich, For the apparel oft proclaims the man?* ' • , ?^ E ' Cry » elI I ' te ’» e 4 toows how difflcait it is to find a Tailor who thoroughly understands the peculiarities of each %nrc, aad can suit its requirements with a well I Sarmeut. Hence it is that so few i feel at home" during the first day’s wear of any new artl ole of dress, and however costly, never become adapted to , their forms. To remedy bo manifest a deformity; E. GRIB : Btß has practically studied both form and fashion, always adapting the gannent, weather, coat, Vest, or pantaioonato the exigencies of its wearer-thoroaghly attaining that ele gance of fit which the spirit of the age dictates. I GBIBBras CLOTHING house, No. S4O Liberty street, head of Wood. | .63- Wver DUeaaea—Cartofa Spanish Mfctnre, as a rranoSy for liver disease, and the number of formidable onlß concocted mth a disorganised stale ,of that organ la unrivalled. ' ■^S^SSSWESSfiiSBK'K DrinkJr, Em., ofttio Arm of DrintoSsiorrls, Rfchmoni Vo, who was tared by two bottlra of CartlS sssnsastssr ho *»*Seo advertisement -i. -i? * * * * , ‘ * .*> Vv‘{ >*•>» V >V rf fr. « f. fc ' We take tho following from tho Philadelphia Bulletin. We are glad to notice that Congress ta already discussing the -subject of a reward to the parties named below; Captain op “Tob Tuuee Bells.” Al. when ajgratefol Xon -s°started the proposal.to present Copt. 2V? Amenoan whaling master; with some ° f Eratihlde > for haying res- Cr e*Bhton. the mas *®r°‘ English ship “Three Bells.” was en gaged in his heroio enterprise of saving the pas sengers and men from the “San Francisco.” '” e Bsllantljr.for this purpose by the disa bled steamer for five days and nights of storm. The coincidence is remarkable, and not only re markaWo, but suggestive.: “Go ye and do like wise. America must not allow England to snr- P“ ss “«rui generosity, and therefore there should be no deJay m preparing a testimonial for Capt Cre'ghton. But, as the persons saved from the Ban Francisco comprised a large number of United States .officers and soldiers—as indeed the msjonty. of those rescued were in the-ser “e nation—this testimonial should come' m tho_ shape of a medal from Congress, or a m h ,. aQkB backea V oome substantial gra llo. Th ?countryowoa it to her dignity? no less than to the heroism of Captain Creighton, ' wi gratefully, and ungrudgingly. «,r r f_ hST ® “? Wlsb . s P eak disparagingly of the two vessels, wbioh after having spoken the disabled steamer, abandoned her to her fate terhaps jt was impossible for them to haveron- We cannot deny that it Would i„i .L e< ; n di ® CD,t - Yet it is impossible to con ccal that neither of these vessels conveyed a proper idea of the danger of tho “Ban Fran cisco to tho mmd of the Amerioan public. The community was led to believe that the engines were m working order, and that the steamer actually hottor off .than tho vessels which spoke her. It is not clear that any serious bnTb t .rwu?o do lie by the Bteamer until the bark ‘Kilby ’ undertook tho task. Even if the lit * he a ‘ tela Pt. ‘ b ®y abandoned 1 mi. J* „ n „ ,^ ea, y' fonr tours. Bat the “The Three Bells, though in a leaky condition, man no!, ted on, biddingthedespairing p&- ae “f„ ra b «of good cheer,” ay i struggled on, and^iiVoi? 8 and n ’ Eh . ts ’ in hitterest weather, ana with the sea running mountains most of the Contrasting this devoted conduct with ° f - O.t’fo preceding captains, Wo emphati -Bay tkat lf Captain Creighton fails to re \ ooblottiward, America will have prao l ,J! y , d a hoomy against heroism at sea. bav ® said of “The Three Bells.” ap [ plies, with almost equal force to “ the Itilbv” . Tb ®. oDe ’ “ft*r being eorara wrcok < endeavored fortwo days in effectnaUrto regain it ; and without tho boats nL^M°L Cr ' ? T6n ‘‘ Tho Tbre ® -Bells" would probably have been’unable to rescue the San 8 paaseng ® r3 ' Nevertheless* Captain Creighton* more than all the rest, deserves a from our citizens and our gov ernment also. o *r » « a H«mi. Mr. Ira B. Cary, of tho firm of Dows and Ca on’thn3tb rk ’ ded at Wbitoaboro’, Oneida 00., of Chicago, for the past month, JSwof &T WCTe dre “ W(ler tcn ffe rsoDiao is about to rcsnme pbliUe* offl Ba!,r ' To bo neutral in n .^°A t S PoTlere of tba Maine are to have 2oITiMt omo “ trat,o “ ■“* on tho „,® na on Christmas night, bad just in hented a fortune of $20,000 by-the death of a relative in “ faderiand.”— Cm. Alla, ~ ?“® d ° llar bank bills altered to $2O bills on fi !^ a n ah t n i? :ln - k i oran RB comity, N. T., and State -Bank, Prondenoo, E. 1., havobcen eiten eirely circnlated In New York. a6t a Pficdatonc, which was re volring with great rapidity at the Underhill edge a^tSTn? Ctory If ? nBhua - N - 11., burst, and apiece 400 pounds m weight, was projected s “ to break i hole Too f- In »8 descent the fragment J struck a door, shattering it to pieces. - “ aleieh^L'S o^.' 1 ?’ 3117, ahoM ° attached to a ?! e ' g J f as at artlcd by a slide of snow, and ran Of l 3 rate J t 0 0,0 terror of the lookers-on I-®* Bender. A woman stepped forward, nei! SP i° B th ® br ? dl ° with a firm hand, stop ?h« „ h t ne ' aDd - pat Bn end t 0 «H danger. ed ’ aStoDiahBd «f^! imoro , c ,T u ” eB obont 5,000,000 bushels th^Llnn°r D L fI J- r X n 4 lbaDy for tf >B benefit of «n Catholic Orphan Asylani. the profits on tho articles gold nmonnted to $4,800/ *■ M i $ _ Oeath from a Rtipture. -mT tT? "" thonMn' ou ■>“»<>. and at any price, to suit the moans of every one In need of tho article. I also keen every kind of Supporters, Body J3, aca , Suspensory Bail aga. Elastic Stc&mgs, for enlarged veins, and all kinds of mechanical appliances used in the curoof disease I would respectfully invite the attenUoh of the public to an excellent TRUSS FOR CIHLBREN, which invariably ct weta cures in a verj short time. - «3~ DR. KF.YSEB’B DRUG STOKE AND TRUSS DEPOT Wood street end Virgin alley, sign of the Golden , 3ec2o •SaaSpsasSS SHS to purchase a bottle of Dr. Sl'Lane>a ctfebrnM SfsSSSi^HSi .MRS. ANN JEMISON,2B Niutlietreet. TnluaWc rcmc( ly, also Dr. aPLane’eceh sSn ranM ' 7b ° httd at * l *°*^***K JSSTV* ** “«®o l^fl^! al, ’ S “ lrerlnsB aDa oicri <"> g^ifgassi&^ss. MenslowonMWr,i s i J tII a rmon! C j L Motaolrs of 51. L. Do nran . »cUSprhi»; by Ulokmlnth. ■living or Dead; by Kyle S 5« Christian Titles; by Tra~ ; r jrSi Prei ', d J' !r ; V Hamilton. : X?t * Honor. . Jamw'Analona Kncjulrer. —*■ "'- CHAS kW.t.,. „,> . | * Apparatus. ™ u ! ic toillustmtfhis Th^?° E< * Mon’s Library Assorlatlon, si tbelr lbto JiHS, 1 1115 resolved to take the. necessary steps ior obsainin E ' i -"Btley, apparatus, so as to fill the void so lom. Wt '?i° K f „ B ,^ b , an «W^«»sasa&g?S bl^HbeSly 8 .. eJ T n> i'. K. IIRUNOT, «• P. BAKBtVKLIs Committee. SSSliifas;.faf of MORNING POST, fair price. Enquire iit office JnlB:2fc . N Ji ''f_ AN u mukal IWOKB TOtt , of Bay. Lina upon Lino. •" Advice to Young Christiana. : . . S ra , Bummer amontr th^nnin*•« Jgnk Harrison, or ThroaMontho^nae^ttVstow^Bd Children; i, lasWltca ; 60 J”~sssaasa!«s Oo’SStS 010 Lamb 3: “ 8eil “ of beanurni moril s ,„ rte gions (not aDil bnro 0 ' re ! jalB : LEECH, JHALWff 4 CO. 'to >•>«». 7, InworeSSa -U ?1 8J tEBCH. »rAt,I>IN- A CO O for sale, Tal!,! ' b ,!” •&* ° r Ground nal,4ofeotsont b?l40 , t |^! Jias «9 Arse. Hoiue. Price S9MI *togr .Dwelling :j§^^^^w.'mD erei; isndln&.tom *tea£sSs J S JAMES A. ITOTCIUSOS & CO. HVHUF—In bbls, half bbl*, and keeA just J ceiTcd per steamer Granite State, and forsSubr J 8 JAMES A. HUTCHISON 1- 00 —— JAMEg A. HITTCniSdy pa T~KAD—aoo Mgs eolt ualena, lor foie by AiJitl 8 JAMKS A. HCTCHIArc * co. t 'He COMINQ Sl'ltpGaLK.—lVo h„v l.jsapply of this worW-reml Trart. °f w “S l* ‘“““I* Tor whSl?Md° r a I ' y 8 JOHN B. PATTsnv- of all JtliMlfl,.«nl’ t Very ! npicM* nionc*.—ii v J “ 7 eoraor of Market waUbc^tyrts" [jaiarfkwlm' X' **'V* v **' - * ■* , - * ' ■'?». ■ ii \ . • :,■- .■, r V-'v.v -a; ; Til* jnoraijjjr, .JanuaryisVh o'clock, WM. I,BUSIES, ,i 57 th “ca? Sn, .Thei funeral yllltoSe plnco oa Snlut^nrS?'minis' o’clock, A.M.,aai ptocwa to .tho AlIc S hcny Comct^ --AthlsTOSldaic®, la Loto St. Oliir'wn.i,r. C. , neMay, the IStfa insU JOHN PATTKHSO'T kS seventy-first year of fate age.- au *V:&»i.» fa the 3Ja doeoaredwas ftnoerlyWiftfara oftho .tifotnmiw tentiary,anaCountyCommissionerforseveral yeawL’ HEW ABVEBTISEHEHTS. *"“«« ana Gardenerir ~~ ,T AJ,D «ORTIC«I.TOKAI, WARE- Si#w v *7 Pittsburgh. Pa- Is rcnleb* and vAlnnhi eCti jl the Hot Beds, emoracmgaome new ctard^iSinWnS? 0 ? 5 JJoning Instruments for thd Or. nowest nS?JSS5 ntS: 10 - ai>aiei: and Gardener* of tho W^Sg^ “ a Volnatoiosi^ andWnterGrUt.hdS.w , ti^^iiaa^syKsas can T» had jfSSr in t-< at?l,j9- John B. Boll*Pittsburgh p - -lUftrenw: briber, living on the property” ia ° wn t£lo sub -. Jjan2o:wtft* - - oifBT^a^ooTTANBrEEstaSSSSx, 108 WOOD STREET " T EATTO^HOTSE'iSSo’SI ia S tfmW n B *-2 3< J Jf Anb ri?K Oitr,f re m tho - v * D I7P . ' A ?4LI‘IIQURSOF Choicest Fotvi* „f~ r'« _ • His Bill of Fare cannot to snrpowdd * fce X» * c ‘ folly infilotbe sttimtlon of So|Stilc"to it!' pu ?f^^ ct T | ' jaSOnnietr • STILt, - -~— 108 Wrwvl rf T o.| j fPUE underdirned has received and offers Y D ™r„ n: \L einnati jrricti, o largo Quantity of man a chokoaml world-renowned Bnark?hw r iw Z ll i n l dies- Sweet Cahiwha Wines.. Such «Si SS,?*? nnd Xa an eacellent article of Native Wins l lrr K&liThv khikpatbi WHITB .BKaNS-6» biwli-Is. fOT JVle b , j«2O KIRHPATItIfMC / HER SONS. &0 Backs for Rnlo by KXKKPATmCTK * IJKRROXS. d# 311-3 uy - J -~ KtßKf ATIUCK A lIBRnOXa. 'ippSg'SSSrSaSP- :± :- - 1 _ ;S5:Wo«1iItms;:;: Mli i rarl ‘ : ’«- ''HI- teullfu) jS - WAT,TKR P. MATiSJTALT*. OENTRK or Jc»ta* ; f or mT^v — J -- WALTKK r. M.ARSHAr.T. - S^jS AllV ~ ln oai " Mj rur^iohr i-i-——-.—: avai,ti:p. v. AURsnALL. * '*" K. K. yUAN'gt.ANO. drenV» IW»ts and at ni?aKts and chiT in of n cheap Boot Jr'shoa SS??? 1 l^rson? and cxamlno hi* *tL>tr 0 T Sb<:fesllo pH ca*l imaodlaiofv " ‘ : ... ' ‘ jalfcg W. R. SpiIM'ERTZ, NV. 107 'Tarlcet: Ft - ‘ iLr 01 ’ 11 to"?*** Jolr:■»loHunt^' ‘ " ’’ ' -'• ’ ' Ml'ftfly.Rt..: ' ~: Ii?:LM- JOEL Mfmr.CT - KBSWHATIVI!-^rt < ?5Hi5-I A MM ■ ' “-• ■ EOTOIUL — : In store and for *a! u bv, ? ,«-• -—— -»oi:t. Mom-Eit; COUOllii AND.txiuW— Dnnrjm’s Expiitorant- Wlatur'g Balsam WIIJ Clierrv: Jajne’a Kxpwrtorant; ; Sellers’Cotigh Syrop:- JOEL MOHLKRV !: , 241LlWtyVt j. S. IHYISOX, G 5 Market f?t. & OTTHBERT & SON, . .. 140 Thlrd stm-t • r Company &55&?SS^b^iS****** i ’tt.Baris, ° M ’ P?ulparlQw, . '-: 5 h S?-®-Mitcbdi, • ' »;s^?V li K on < -\ V‘?! a Si CraTcn - ' I A. Hart, • . ft": Sherman, . ; Wm. P. Hacker, SK Bnjdor. JOE* WftJST SZ" *?™»- Jail yWCra i ly >« o ?,S,™'.^vo t .blS Copltal 5300,000. f HOltE OFFICE, IVINQUESm, TA v „\L'. •'• ‘ •" "Vuactona: Jca. 3. Corson, < John Kerr, Lloyd fcopan, ' James U.JJawesa. JamesP.ltUoy, _ ■ J ?M* CARSON, FUNK, fiecnrtaiy. f^tt^szxpmiUie* -■■ 0!ai: ” nor, Fourth imj gmlthfirid st*. ■T. A, guy; «E? ™KS Ot. U UOTx'oSfgf*? ?“ a L '«cheVa. wrtmeutof ' ■•-■■. r*r.r°~ ® lre 6s*nas received aa os< Tboaas’Mrebaolcal Uwlic* . Capping Qlap^os; ■ i{ - - J|rcaat Glasses: ■ •'■■ ijflOoja;. ' “ • DentalXecchcs; '.'bh,., . flcarilicatpr. CTn erAVW,t U^l^l°. g n. : g^” a •» ««». JVejfctoij—Hoo ArotJSTCS 0. nEIRTI'.n wittscw, fr™ .nw . . WEzctoaa; ■sip- ip* in lafeyctte Balldiogs, - (entrant! tmTFood street) • SsilPiSSHi tfant. 7 atlesacoator inconrealcneo to tKff flilliisipi tineUxare been unable to attm«^A l^f^/-^f t i aoBto^l^e wdmnch Of; th“ bed, and. bare been treated i t*S\i TOnf L Phyidciaus-otn- country affords* foSiS 0 10 bydhdbest lief,but no SaUnoed to g imßre ~ rtwnmrentledmetn trvtteS.tsSE?l v ®?^ n ? rythingelsu JiadrajletLT rfM M eye thy of attention, and cah^Ms?S?thiX^™ m^? Jr i ~ brail th« Pnigfa, ln °g:lf, E, T 1,1 SleUVouZ. **’ pSSSsfeK^ l ”* bo focmd In tho cltv.' comnrtl^^ a - d S^^ Matcrialf,h > styles ofl.: .gS I S LaceCu r Wnß > . ;■ - ■ l“ nra * , « T J CorJs and Tasptfa ■' ’" l ‘ V s~r £gs*»*s? Plain Turkey Ilcil, ■ VrtSfi. ■..■..■■ ‘ *5i Bra * Scß » ; AfuH assortment of tho oW^^LS 11l8 * ,^^ aelretB » **• wholesale or retail. boTogooSscoartttntty fc rfia i*. • . f. frwa W p»u/ioi'i!«^b^?h 0 f £ s**£ £*”? havo yon send mo n box ittm S »,;!l e -™'.. 1 ' B ' l9tl to am the Congtemdonaf MtaSr In of my.|icopTo.flra affoct^i»Uii-Iniiiijv^tf^' a^ ,ma sevor.-il Of tho the rmo jour- J?£Tito££trM,oß Rfieff nP taking, go or throe SL-abSfn'vJ^nhSri^ l^ I have never enjoyed so mod heSthog - 1 -''“S o ' 111111 »«■ "mi-e that time. rhAd JSS? »’«!<•. before peptic iraf relieredjAnd I b^rtr,.ltr,^ l3tl T ea »>• <1 ye-' time ; My wife » u O t OT relieved rm^,! 11 ?? B,nM Uuii tUeliver, irhich bad been of mS Of aso of your Petroleum. “““grm joot? standing, by the wSt" H-KEY3ER, WO •-Here., :;, ’ "fosgists and Itedidno Dealers erely. ■' - - 1 —-'. : V . .._ OCt25 d u hSS® oi UWt, K “ , 0» **»“«M tokouin ahV ' d —: -•- fcorMilv ' "—-- rmajQQjlv ■. | gg-labera) deducting to tlioco Who bnV t(j ,e!1 b^.!^ 8 ; PrrrßmjsaaLooaz, No.m(>_simts im. t^TnL^ S i? all JtoniSTiU! E.icampsiot. EriJay of each month. ’ S, ilmla end third ■ • . . - . » ; A A back 109 feet to Wide allavirh? «k°\ «*tending bed is a Cellar Wail, built for two <;™,» h ?r b,lct i’ ort “ r is in a desirable locitto for a lot low,and on favorable tcrins. 1P&"? •» sold ■"SST?! -- - - **. oae « of Morning PoU :., A^nton G S'?t3jSS l 7 to * »*rt. Of the most valuable Lot?on that* Bfa “n* terms accommodating. Enquire of “ ■ ® Ue Portect 0. Dj M. SMITH, (Attv t 1« Fourth st! Pl^i, nern Kg qn i re^t i. MARKET lIQCSE. y a ovcnlnpi, altho ECOXOU HILL *'- ,4c -’ wiiifl °^ Tided: pSronSX «sclU«iih wIIJ fiiTor us with their rindl ;_JaiilO;‘tf. ..!?• ( ) L n VfS5t ll ' U UU -L MAIIKM HOUMKu OTOhd^SS"’ Mff \ j A3IBS OiEDNEE i _ market; days and .evenin'? withM« v , - : 1 Inmn ; j IJuTcmna's rd,, . mimfi'S WO WoiditnJt. ■ • • - ,■ i - „ i*■ ■. * * K ’ *?**• " v . ' r \ ’ ' X' u *-»»*, -v 'J ■* " ' -* r A *>.**• fi s <*£«*» * - -7 . '■' ■*'■ , *V^ , g-~ i V'' r -‘■.' f ■' ’ " ~liV < i SPECIAL NOTICES. fi kto n>tau j«» Coa^, r T ‘v_ _ ' >; .' DBuscrroMjf ••. •"'■ • *... •• ••■ ■ ; John p. Katherfonl, Dauphin 6o4 P. a fled**!/** i burg: Samuel Jonw, P2l2sdc!phla• A W»?W%.“P*^ SSf^.Sfei;j±g«ggg BobertKlot* Carboir oaf A. a. CARRDSU, Art™ ?' J r “ llta >V lnSd°MviyX“£ a K^ n all y „^ r a^ oitt«. t tt. paicToiw: W, J. Anderson, •. B.B.StopsoiJ: ■ ; .. ... Hi 8., .,.. ° U i nswood > b * t U CnopteH. . . j al2 butcbbrs association. / » - ‘ >3 : \ / - *. fcX Hy* Ta S ATIHL-Josmi 0. Poms, KniistrMt,atoToiroaJ....i,lTifcaottSiite lioiraand ParquetleMe; Privateßoies, lattes, analf, &; Second Tier, Me; Bores for colwcil »sraoiL9a«carlas seats will be cbotgod I2lf ela. o itn ceMiflcate. Boon open at a}£o’clock; perfonnjiDre tpree^ SnSl*^'' 7 i o,d ***» waring, January 20U^{®. will l« producal tho trreatoriaical drama of UNCLETOafg ?.^ N ,’ ? ) U ??'i MONO T,IK Mm.Vj Unde Tora.S o JK, Ceonw nutria, the razitive/lft. ®- K . M ' c „ r ; Qlll ?PU°n OUto, the Yaokee. Mr. Dnflajo}nj thTfi^^. h ' r ' *s° Kentuckian, Mr. Bynar; Topsy, thc cW '’astw7!,Mrrj; AqntDpbeßa,a Ver the mV?Sm. 0 t distr *. ct, ! d > Mr *- W*- & preparation. I *MfIECAJttFBJEtatS .&KECOMAST©* : *n H AIJ>FOIi FOUR KIGIITS O'JIiVJ OMCHKai, 043JPBKLL' KVJ , WIMQ U SS«-^!^iu^j. c ? on WEDNESDAY ta 3SS^^^" a “ ,to “- Ex - J h ,®? D “l* m >l»tthoßoor. ' o’clock. ' **“ BtC odo^ k - Con f? l ‘ to commonco at 7J<; H. E. DICKIKBOS,Manager. • CBOaa ’ c. A. McMATOS' DANCING ACADEMY. Ml -AT lafa ybtte hall. lnms:. A ;i ICU^ SC3 '“pcctltally announces to the 1 'lKrt£SJ.s; • 1 ”* “■""'eta.. log,l'cl)roaryl3th|is^*SY' l !^,'P T “" onsr< 'n < !“y cion-.’. smswSSS S^gssr tho muato wlth tbo KaXn rmWih££ hMCMltr °f^/° r t IABGO’S.HALL*' jfbuti/i street nm* hw ■—— applying to WSt, FRANK ni... 0 ?^ P^g^nß^iyofß.M.&rSA’Co *n%Z STEAMBOATS.- “1854." PITXSBUHGH, CmcXSaATI, LOITISVTT.T.T?, .. _• A»D • ~n* ' t,.*,, SAIBTT LOUIS. rittaDurg h andCiacinnati Steam Rwkot line , passeutgers asd freight PiTTSßDEan.ciNcSTATLwursvatE, -1 -IPS'! TJUS Lixe ia composed of ecron ~ ??Wf Bteam,OT“ ne . tie Line, l hid > *%*»«*** [ _ Rbatx. . rWrt.w ■ DpW'f.DqMttiun ■, I BUCKEYE STATE., si w P hI~L,„ - r ™ > WxKreh- MKBSKNOER,'No^£Jrn.™ ,h! «>™*.._Sniiday. ALLEGHENY.. “ .ZZin wrln~ CBY3TAL PALACE w„ f i^7"E-----Tnesdßy. PinLADELPHIA "f>3 Wednesday, PITTSBUBGIi_ ~U CiMml?; --Tboisclay; - ; PHENSYLTANIA_„ • Mwi,oa atlcrllino »’'«** on'm morning of Por particnlan*, apply on Loan!, or fo c -■■' : ~'r ■"'- f - =- .* ■-:.•• -•■•JOHN B. LIVINGSTON ! - JOmr PLACE. Uk M Agents, ■* iMonongahcla House DuUdJogfl. McclQ]. Pitfalmnrti.lBs3. ' ~, g °f C r »netnni>tl apd „ tQB» few** *.* . *!'' AOK 4 BAHNE3, Agent*. _ _ *•««• St. touts. . “l 11 * 6-ft J»COO Haz totoriwabta' - ■*£%&* “* ‘ ■■; - JOHN FLACK. A W nt. • a: .Nety Orleans. • I ton/**** sabstanJial new ft-eamer (> 'ATUlVTr>*t J A’'ra A. iiDTcnisoy 4 co. “»>a Wow Orient,*. t aleamer OHANITK STATR '"I ca THIBBAV, ot So’cwf for ***, of•pSag 9 V, k l °l/S' te port,! - «■*<« * BAn.NKB.^n>. or Clnctn u «tt hui si. Louis fro'Bht or pojsage ° ml kfcrmajlata jwto. For •—° J -B, llTBjQsjQif & HAItTON. ' Kuty Ckdc. . , Bt. MaryiQii caven . by Burn* : Mary’s little Nieces ' Kosebtwh Fchoitkob • Operts-Sc&ottisch ‘ '' : Katy-Bid Polkn, Donna. Waltz . ■» "fearaof th«lfrart -, ... »•■** rndmn bAtm* : jal.- f .. H. KLKDKIL No. 101 Third strrrt. ' will fe tf°‘ V ,* “-S; No. M Fifth former phces. ...vT 1 . - f 116 A Inrge discount from ‘—~ ' ial7 ■. Tic Wns>, "aSI and will bo ‘losrf Wmaikaj aowD, _ A- A. MASOS A CO., No ißJmhutnit. jnttu*^i, . I HAVE xiria VtAT'uSfO^A^tu’^'^* 308 - nephew, Jasict ISS me ®* partner* my nogimd hnporfclngof HOSIERS Vinwa nianufactu* tinned atthaOld BtOT^\rrll? , ,^ A^ 8 ’ i er&&mja. paya 1—^ —=—•■ - *» ”» AY. gccTßtnry^ JOHJT FLEIUXO. ■ ■ ■ biejunb bbother«“ w HO (Su^rste j ju dd ico,j **» WHOLESALE DRUG aiSTa ' p iK oto ra or Dr. W r jftio I iffojlXKD r-V ““SI 8 ?* u BEI,tI ? lionom Honey Soap ■ n? Ul ’ ni ’J r |?«P, assonw! sizes: P ■'■■. 5° % -do • ShatlnpfSoap; , 5? * la 2 Bro ” n WiDdro Eoap - nM d “ do Tor So V d ° d 0 *>do ioH 7 . „„ dOSXPn FLEMING -- Sneceseor to L, IVllcox It Go. JLI B/ A. l?fchhe/rtorb»*Vm^?i- 6 satirfyevery mlml thnt «w bo administered with ofeSjfiS ^lo that - j rbwbby certify, that i''cM(Sf|£‘ S *» J^ n * IBS!®' bad been Tory mfora WirwTMni. . oral WMknes& and insa of apbSltl.* io the, 'be^t t go^;- ' to try. J»tUo from BL Nstlop bought a Ingadmlniaiored aportiottaf^^v , ® ra^xl^^‘s street °Har te\oW^oflSMd7fe“^ ,rlthia twenty. fC,^^ vs Inchesln fromfito: Jb!* bad, ita appeUte immediately after biJalth-,-AnothßT^^n/ 651016^*Qnd 60071 enjoyed Derfw’i' ?!***.M.vbob^gg', w«S@s^s»»aas tesaswris^lssiteMarsfji Sold, -wholesalo anil'mini!; hU^^'SSl.? 1 , 81101 ’- ■ • “ morc h “l6 ‘touTCVtio D™S BtaSf - ! - fewCTlyorFi l tfabß^I 1 i §j t Y n c j”^ n „ c, 8. , «3;'; . $ j,OOO Goiuty of AJJeebmiv 65 * ,S3 !' ' For sale by, . / SVBS. ;«nlG:3it HILL A CO, — _fonken., .tSf A cojimomous'd ,. w Jt i..Xaud/cp a rood >o*ii Tir\f *L. Jt « *eo to sixty acres of (badly. Apply EOt ??™“™S r 0 utlj?g£ j»4d* * 3 UxloaOK W. SIIOTI, —■ ■ ‘ ~'• _ Pittsijvnfc. H next sixty*?!? iTwffl ~ rfo 7- ih o — r -Market.street, nearUlxstiy. < MBWaam?** ,atggsa». A”fesSf»sSs;e«..„. u , ,i iy'"'-' ' f-'i ;/:■ . -"-**] A * c i i \ *„ 3 AMUSEMENTS. : V* .. *