The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 19, 1854, Image 2

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Phillips & Gillmore, Editors & Proprietors.
ear- reading matter wild be found on each
routes for carriers.
There are several good routes to bo given out
to the carriers of our Evening Post, where money
can be made by industrious carriers, who are take hold of it and-make a business
°f it.. Tiic Fifth ward is not yet supplied with
a regular carrier, and can be made vory profit
able. ■ Some others about equally good can be
Our circulation is already large: and we are.
determined to hare the wholo of tho two cities
supplied, and half tho neighboring Boroughs and
Townships. We send a large number to Bearer
county, and other distant placeß. Wo can truly
Bay that our Bucoess, thus far, is fully equal to
our expectations; but we shall not be satisfied
till our sale is five thousand daily. It can bo
done.; and we believe will be done, as soon as
good carriers in sufficient numbers are found.
Slews and. Facts ftom alt Quarters.
Bot. Dr. Al’Lean, President of the Lafayette
College, at Easton, Pa., has received n dona
tion of $lOO,OOO to ftidow that institution.
The Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Bank cf
Oswego, it 1b said, has suspended payment.
The Buffalo, Brantford and Goodrich Railroad
was opened to Brantford, C. W., Jnn. IS, amid
firing of oannon, &c.
-Henry R. Sergeant, of New Boston* N. H., 23
years of age, fired a revolver fonr limes at a
Miss 8. Janes, killing her instantly, and then
shot himself, dying in ‘six hours. A love
The report that tho daughter of Chief Justice
Taney, and a daughter of Edward Everett, were
on beard tho steamer San Francisco, is denied.
Bayard Taylor, lately returned from China, is
lecturing in New Jersey.
In Philadelphia there are -15 different omnibus
lines, besides 373 coaches.
There arrived at Philadelphia, during., tho
year 1853, 17,796 emigrants ; at New York over
Tho amount paid or due to vessels, for freights,
in San Francisco, during the single month of
November last, was $685,557.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. is erecting a now
line of telegraph along their road for the exclu
sive right of the Company.
Hon. A. Q. Brown has been elected U. S. Sen*
atar from Mississippi.
The now Captain General of Caba promises
great reforms in tho administration of tho
affairs. Among the first is to stop tho slave
According to the letter from Key West, twen
ty-oight vessels were wreoked on the Florida reef
daring the last year, and twenty-nine arrived in
distress. The estimated value of theße vessels
and their cargoes was $2,082,500, of which only
about $330,100 was tho loss of underwriters.
The amount paid for salvage was $174,350, and
for repairing, &0., $155,760.
Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad.
Tho Gazette is quito in earnest this morning
about having tho above railroad extended into
tho oily of Pittsburgh.-
That extension, and the connection of that road
With the Central road, will have to bo provided
for soon, or travel and trade will seok other
roates between the East and West. The Penn
sylvania roads have now three great rivals to
contend with for the commcrco of the. West:—
the Western rood through Canada to Detroit:
the Lake Shore road; and the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad. And nothing bnt the most con
venient and expeditious conveyance of freight
and passengers by our roads will win a full share
of that commerce. A break between Allegheny
City and Pittsburgh, that delays travelers some
two hoars, .and subjects all freight and travel to
considerable nbneecssary expense, is bad policy,
and will doubtless be injurious to tho interests of
the roads, and to oar city.
There reason why tho connexion of these
two roads should be longer delayed, and trade
and travel relieved from the tax occasioned by
the gap of half a mile between Allegheny and
t Pittsburgh.
At the meeting of the stockholders of tho 0.
& P. R. R. next week, wo hope this question
will bo decided, and tho connexion -formed as
soon as possible.
The people of the West have cause to complain
'of Pennsylvania policy in this respect. Anil this
cause of complaint should bo speedily removed.
Our city has never perhaps afforded so many
opportunities of winter evening’s amusements
ns at the present time. ~ Concerts and lectures
have been frequent, and the attendance has
proved that our citizens love such treats. Wo
were well pleased on Monday evening with the
concert of the Philharmonio Society of onr city.
Sorely with snch musical talents in onr midst,
we need not seek for that whieb, (though scien
tific and harmonious, but warbled in an unknown
tongue) is from abroad. We liked all the music
of .that evening—those heavy well tim'd choruses
aroused all our musical taste and feelings, and we
could scarcely sit still as listeners; tho variety
of soloq, duetts and quartettes was well chosen. We
liked that solo tenor. Ite seemed to speak his
words to be understood, which wo consider im
portant in singing. The overture by a gentle
man and lady was well performed -, and the duett
by Shaw, “Arroyed in clouds,” was just what
the audience liked. The voices were sweot, like
the music: each solo was well sang; and wo
could have listened with pleasure much longer
to more of the same strains. We hope to have
an opportunity to hear again from the P. Sooiety.
Wo are glad to be able to say that the Hall
was well filled, and a disposition was thus mani
fested to enoonrage tho cultivation of home tal
ent and taste in music.
This lady created quite a “ sensation” in our
city the post week; having appeared before the
public in her Bloomer costume for four succes
sive ovenings, os a lecturer upon Woman’s
Bights. She speaks.with case and without the
slightest appearance of timidity. She would
haYo women assume more of the lucrative em
ployments of men, by which she can be inde
pendent if left to ber own support, and that of a
family. It capacitated, sbe thinks they ought to
enter each of the professions and claim their
fees—and many such like things which our la
dies would be likely ta shrink from nndertaking.
Almost every body was amused at her sayings,
bat we bavo not heard that ehe mode any con
Fer our own part we would ever wish to
emulate woman in her own beet proper sphere;
and that in our humble opinion, is in making
home comfortable and pleasant.
Onr neighbors of Erie are fast forfeiting all
sympathy from any portion of Pennsylvania, by
their outrageous conduct. Tho arrest of the
United States Marshal while in the discharge of
his duty, and the open defiance of the mandates
of the Conrts, can find no justification. We
have never justified their violenceneither will
wa keep silence under the gross calumnies
against aH Pennsylvania, by the papers of other
gtates, on account of the conduct of tho Erians.
*SV' W 4 ; .
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"V, x -
®@*Tho following extract from tho St. Louis
Intelligencer, wo consider worthy of publication,
as another evidence of the desperate efforts on
tho part of New York to secure the trado of the
West by circulating lies overithe whole western
country, in to.bsV-'great; and jlreaded
rival, the old 'Keystone State; For a time the
fraud may be partially successful. But . truth
and sober sense will soon prevail over-falsehood,.
Public Opinion on the’Erie Affair..—We
find tho following excellent article in the St.
Louis Intelligencer of tho 7lh inßt:
••We rcoeived lost night tho following dispatch
from on extensively known and. reliable gentle
man of Now York city, with instructions to pub
lish the same
•‘ The leading merchants of New York city
are making arrangements to deliver goods in
Wheeling at dess freight than . Philadelphia,
during tho interruption, at Erie.’’
- We are really gratified at this intelligence.
We hope the course of notion marked out by the
New York merchants-may bo imitated by-mer
chants, business- men and travelers tbronghont
the country, North, South, East and West.
Let no citizen of any other State—particularly of
nny Western State—put. his foot on Pennsylva
nia soil, or spend one penny with a Pennsylva
nia farmer, manufacturer, merchant, steamboat,
railroad, canal or stage company, tavern keeper,
barber, or hack driver, or seller of candies, cold
pies and pea-nutß—so long ns the atrooitles at
Erie, in that State, are uphold or tolerated;
Strike at the pockets of tho illiberal and nnrrow
souled upholders of the Erie infamy; Tor then
you will pierce their hearts! The sympathy of
Philadelphia with the Brie rioters is patent and
avowed. Tho sympathy of tho Gevcraer of that
gracious Commonwealth is eent by eleetrio wires
to cheer tho Erie ruffians. The-tone of the
press of that State is corrupted by the some hor
rible influences;And jail that sympathy rests
on a•• dollar” basis. The interruption in the
line of tho Lake Shore rend at Erie, compels tho
travel and trade of tho West, in avoiding the
Erie war, thetuuntits and delays, and expenses,
tn passing the break in the line that is enforced
at Erie, compels that travel to take tho railroad
from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, nud -go by the
Central Pennsylvania Railroad to Philadelphia,
iostead of proceeding by Dunkirk and Buffalo to
New York.
Such is the only apparent motive of the con
duct of the Eric sympathisers of Philadelphia.
It is to drive reluctant travel through the State
of Pennsylvania, and make it pay tribute to
Pennsylvania cities, hotels, railroads and mer
chants! It is a mean, mercenary and selfish
motive; and the 'sympathy’ generated for their
riotous brethren at Erie is altogether u ‘dollar’
sympathy. Therefore; wo say, back at
tho same point—the pocket.—the home of the
dollar, and bring tho sympathisers totbeirsonSßs.
Tho medicine, energetically administered, will
cure. Hands off, feet off, money, off? Don't
touch Pennsylvania soil. By the way, there is
one other way to reach thoBC Philadelphia sym
pathisers with the Algerines of Erio. Lot all
Western members. of Congress feel instructed
by the united, tho unanimons, the imperative
voice of-ail their constituents, without regard to
sect or party, to act, vote aud speak in a body,
now and for alt time to come, for the creation of
a United States Mint at New York City—or for
the removal of tho United States Mint from Phi
ladelphia to New York. Give those Pennsylva
nia ‘sympathisers’ no quarter. If they will rob
the West at Erie, let them not fatten on our com
mon property anywhero else in their domain.’’
The editorof the Intelligencer, notwithstanding
his wrath,jy candid enough to make known the
cause of his sudden nod furious zeal. Ho states
that it was a despatch received from a New York
merchant, informing him that arrangements were
made to carry goods to and from New York to
tho West without tho aid of Pennsylvania roadß.
Now, docs not every Western man see and know
that this whole thing is a desperate effort of
New York merchants and railroad men to induce
all travel to toko New York roads, and all trade
to come to New York. The Erio difficulty is
seized upon as a pretext; yet it is well known
that a Pennsylvania judge has imprisoned many
Erie rioters; has granted injunctions to prevent i
the destruction of the Lako Shoro road; and that i
every thing has been done to compel submission |
to law, ns promptly as usnol in such eases. ’ The !
wholo difficulty would soon be settled but for tho |
angry feelings aroused in our Stuto by just such j
articles ns the St. Louis Intelligencer has publish
ed, at the command of n New York merchant.
We have no fears <for our old Commonwealth.
The people of . the West will not be slow to dis
cover the base New dork conspiracy that aims a
blow at our interests by fraud and falsehood,
despairing of success by fair and honorable
competition. Such scoundrolism will soon be
understood and Bcorncd.
We do not sympathize with the Erjons ;
we believe them wrong. Rot our courts thus
far bare done their duty, and will do it to the
If our Legislature should adopt any measures
unfavorable to the Lake Shore liuo of roads, it
will bo occasioned ia a great measure by the un
measured and infamous abase of our Common
wealth, by a few editors, East and West, who
write very much as though they were paid for it
by New Yorkers. ' ~ ■
Wo have no fears for tho result of this
conspiracy. All sensible men know that, local
disturbances, violations of law, or riots, are not
charged upou the whole State, within one corner
of which they may occur. And all men con
perceive that, when it is sought to stigmatise our
whole great Commonwealth for n riot inpno re
mote corner of it, there must bo some sinister
and bose design in view. The design is appa
rent, and base as it is manifest
Observe, the St. Louis editor says bo received
tho above quoted dispatch from a New York
merchant, “ with truimeitoju to publish the
Is that the language of an independent editor;
or of a hireling ?
We have thought best to publish the wbolo of
tho St. Louis articlo that our readers may see
what is going on around them. It beats even
the Cleveland editors.
Ovstf.r Saloon and Ooiteh Hodsb. — We
would call tho attention of all the lovers of good
things to tho advertisement of onr neighbor Bar
nard, who is prepared to furnish everything
that is agreeable to. tho inner man- Give him
a call.
D®»Tho paseagofrom Liverpool to Now York
has come to be regarded, says the London Times,
by the nations of overtaxed, overgoverned, over
dragooned, and over paid Enropo, as something
similar to that deep and troubled river, which,
as honeßt John Banyan saw in his dream, sepa
rated tho land of Beulah and the Delectablo
Mountains from tho walks of ordinary men.
A Fatal Dr; el. —A duel was fought ou Satur
day, tho 7th inst., in Piokonß county, Alabama,
between Dr. F. W. Irby and Dr. Fant, both of
Noxubee county, in that State, which resulted in
tho death of the former. He was shot in the
body at the firat fire, and died instantly." His
antagonist was injured. The two gentlemen had
been rival candidates for the Legislature.
A Bhbbwd Translator. -Monsieur Malo, being
employed on an American work, came to the
words moose deer; he flow to his dictionary, but
oould notfiud moose, but discovering mouse, he
sagqiy concluded moose to bo a misprint, and ho
accordingly translated the sentence thus: “Great
mice, six feet bigb, with antlers.”
New York City.—Mayor Westervelt, of Now
York, says tho permanent debt of tho city is
$13,960,850. Sinking fond for payment of the
debt, $4,637,148; Actual, amount of debt,
nmi rm?®' amount of funded debt, 950,-
000. The annual expenses of the city nro stated
to be greater than those of the four largeßt Btatcs
in tho Union, New York included.
. valuation of real and personal estato
in Berks county subject to taxation for State
pnrposeß, m 1854, was $22,630,613. Amount
of tax assessed in 1863, $69,179 68. Number
?8^f ablt ° nt8 ’ 17 ’ 125 -' *
. A Cannon, loaded at the breech, has been in
vented by a Dr. Churoh, of England. By this
process of loading, heavy ship gnDB can be fired
five times. in a minute by two men, and a field
piece six times in a minute.
Eg&p A now anthracite famae©; ia ©bout to be
erected, by a eompany.of oapUaUata of this oity,
upon a very, advantageous site, on* the Reading
Railroad, in Muhlenberg' township. -
Foreign News—Latest frotn Mexico.
Tho steamship Texas has arrived at New Or
leans, January 12th, from Vera Cruz, bringing
dates from the city of Mexico to the 6th inßt.
V Mr. Gadsden, our minister to Mexico, came
passenger in the Texas, having concluded an im
portant treaty withAho Mexican government.. v
The treaty agrees to .give ; 89,000,000 acres of
Mesilla valley for -$20;000,000, . of Which $5,
000,000 are to boircserved for paying claims, in
cluding the Gar&y gtant,'lndian,spoliations and
private olaims. ’
General Lombardioi is dead, and General Al
monte bas succeeded him in command of tho
i It is understood that Mr. Sloo pays the Tehu
■antepec Company $2;000,000 for the relinquish*
ment of pllitheir. rights. . .
Tho Trait d’Union notices the Gadsden treaty
favorably, and says it ,is rcoeived with joy by the
Gen; Alcosta, the Minister of War, hadro
signed on account of ill health.
The details confirming the destruction of the
Walker expedition to Sonora, are received, but
nothing lator exoopt tho reported capture of the
Caroline. ■
Among the passengers are Coi. Ramsey,
Messrs. Hagous, (two,) and Benor Atoohe..
Latest from Europe.
New York, January 16.—Tho steamer Europa
arrived, here at 9. o’clook this morning, bringing
21 passengers. She passed the Niagara January
Sd, about 40mileB off Capo Clear. :.
; . The Eastern question is still involved in doubt,
but the fact is established that tho question of
poaoe or war lies with Russia, and not with Tur
key. The most friendly understanding exists
between the Porto and tho representatives of the
Four Powers.
Advices from St. Petersburg state that consid
erable business bas bean done in imports for the
next year. The preparations making by the
government indicate that more serious conse
quences are anticipated than war with Turkey
Tbe evacuation of Russian Armenia, by the
Turks, is ofßciaily announced, and the sieges of
Akiska, and Alexandropol bad been jraiscd. A
force of. 25,000 Turkish irregulars, under Abdi
Pasha, had been defeated by the Russians, ‘for
'which Abdi Paßka had been dismissed from tho
chief command, and Ahmed Pasha appointed in
his place.
Efforts wore making to induce tho Porto to
enroll a : European Polish legion, In order to
entice away tho Polish troops in tho Russian
army. ’
The ratification of the treaty between Russia
and Persia was effected at St.’ Petersburg, De
cember 18th. The Persians were daily expected
to attack.Bagdad. Turkey had formally accepted
tbo Persian declaration of war. The Shah of
Persia had dismissed all the Frenob, English,
German and Italian officers in his Bertie©.
A despatch dated Constantinople, December
19th, states that ITaM Pasha, tho Sultan’s
brother indaw, bad been named Minister of the
The allied fleets were still in tho Bosphorus.
A company of Wallacbian xnihtia, after beating
their Russian commanders, had gone over to the
Turks nt Kslofat
Tho Trieste Gazptte states that tho British
diplomatic agent at Schcran had resumed his re*
lotions with Persia, and was mediating between
Persia and Turkey.
On tho 15th, the Four Powers presented a not©
to tho Porte, demanding an armistice. Halil
Pasha’s entrance into the ministry is regarded as :
favorable to peace.
England.— I Tho Daily News says that Sir Fitz
toy Kelly is now named as tho member of par
liament entrusted with tho arrangement of the
details of the contemplated tory reform bill.
The British Parliament will meet on tho 31st i
of January. i
The Btrike among the workmen at Preston is i
still unsettled. ' i
France.— -Napoleon has issued a decree re-i
moving the restrictions upon the import of cot- i
ton into France from England. ' i
A rumor, w\a prevalent at Paris on the 29th, l
that Mr. Sanlo had fought another duel, at Mad- i
nd, with tho Duke of Alba, and had been killed; I
but the story needs confirmation. i
Sweden and Denmark.— Sweden and Den- i
mark had formed an armed league against Rub- i
sin. I
M. Visconto had died suddenly at Paris,
It was reported that Dr. Bowring will succeed
Sir Geo. Bonliolm as Superintondeut of British
Trade in China.
Liverpool, Saturday, B. M. —The market for
breadstuffs is greatly excited, and prices nro still
advancing. Sales arc making to-day at extreme
rates. Flonr commands 40a per bbl.; white
I wheat 11s Cd; red Us.; corn 40s.
| Progress of the War—The Arabs afthc Drier t As
sisting the. Sultan—liejiorted Turkish Victories
—Smith O'Brien Not Escaped, A c , ,\r
Saw York, January It,, I*. M,—Tho following
further accounts were brought by the Europn
Turn.f.\ A.'.' i) llrssi.t. — Tho Pans hfoniteur of
December 30 announces that, according to the
latest advices from Constantinople, tho Divan
was in perfect harmony with tho representatives
of France, England, Austria and Prussia, as to
tho conditions, on which tho Porto could with
honor concur in tho re-establishment of peace.
Tho latcat accounts from tho Danubian princi
palities state that the mortality among tho Rus
sian troops has considerably decreased.
Letters from Aleppo, to tbe lilth ult., state
that tho Arabs of tho desert hove raised 5,000
men to aid tho Sultan.
Tho Russian army in tho Caucasus has been
reinforced by fifteen regiments of Cossacks.
Sweden and Denmark are both arming, in ex
pectation of active hostilities on tho Baltic in
tho spring.)
. Tho Porte has consented to accept tho last
noto of the Vienna conference. If Russia re
fuses this tho four powers will commence active
Tho Russians aro preparing for operations of
a deoidcdly aggressive character.
Letters from Constantinople, dated Deo 15th,
state that tho Porto had just contracted for a
loan of thirty million piastres in three impor
tant banking houses in that city.
A rumor is prevalent that the Shah of Persia
has formally instructed his Consuls to discon
tinue diplomatic relations with the Queen of
Great Britain.
The news from Asia mentions that tho Rus
sians were driven back at Alexandropol.
Teiim Pasha gained a brilliant victoryin the
neighborhood of Lnffar.
Letters from Trebisonoo announce that tho
Turks had been victorious nt Terek.
CoNBTAKTWcru:, Dec. 19.—Negotiations on
tho ponco project have been comtnonoed- The
Porto manifests a pacific disposition.
The Russians made an attempt to set fire to
the allied fleet nt the entrance of the Bosphorus.
A fire-ship was sent towards them, hut was dis
covered from tho fort, and stopped by nrtillery
Engla-m). —Letters have been received in Dub-
lin from Smith O’Brien, dated New Norfolk,
Sept. 18th—three days later than tho date of
his reported escape from lLat place- ■
Warlike preparations oontinue to bo made by
Franco and England.
The manufacturers of Lancashire have form
ed a new combination for tho purpose of putting
down tho Preston strike.
Items of Nows and Miscellany,
Kon. George Stroop, for many years editor of
the Perry County Democrat, died on Thursday
evening, the sth inst., at his residence in Bloom
field, Perry county, after a short illness.
John Avery Parker, who lately died in New
Bedford, leaving a fortune of over a million of
dollars, was, when a young mou, warned out of
the town of Westport -for fear he would bocome
chargeable to the town.
Dollars of tho United Btates, and of tho South
American republics, are now circulated in Can
ton on an equal footing with the Spanish milled
dullars, allowance being made for any ascertain
ed difference of standard.
William Hondry was tried in Providence Inst
week for kissing three ladies in tho street against
their consent. He was fined five dollars and
costs on each complaint, amounting to $7.99 for
each kiss.
A little oolored girl was frozen to death on
Friday night, near Salem, N. J. Next morning
she was fonnd with icicles down her cheeks.
Poor child! her tears of sorrow and suffering
froze with her life-blood.
“We will predict that every delinquent sub
scriber who reads this, our New Year’s Address,
shall recollect every time he receives and reads
our paper that ho is delinquent. We will visit
you fifty-two times during, the incoming year,
and every time you shall recollect that you owe
us.” —Ohio State Times,
- “That’s the stuff for trousers,” and jußt the
kind of tailoring that will give “fits” to delin
• A Goop Joke.—The city authorities of Maryß
ville, California,- recently, poseed an ordinance
for the removal- of outside stairs in that city.
While theconncil was in session aTew days sub
sequontly,the stairs leading to the council chum
ber ncre removed, and the dignified members of i
the body, according -to the jjleraldi were com
pelled to 11 shin” down the posts of the build
ing, s.
,VV' 1
r* • *. - . *
liiPß'—tot me now be permitted to delineate
the portrait of a man destined to long life. lie
has a proper and well-proportioned stature,
without, however, being too tail.* He is rather
of the middle size, and somewhat thickset. His
complexion is not too florid; at any rate, too
mnoh ruddiness in youth, is seldom a sign of
longevity, His hair approaches rather to the
fair than the blaok ; his skin is strong, but not
rough. His head is not too big; he has large
veins, and his shoulders are rather round than
flat. His neck is not too long; his abdomen does
not project; and his hands are large, but not too
deeply cleft. His foot is rather thiok than long,
and his legß are firm and ronnd. He has also
a broad, arched chest, a strong voice, and the
faculty of retaining his breath for a long time
without difficulty, In general, there is a com
plete all his parts.- - His : senses are
good, but not too delicate ; his pulse is slow and
regular. His stomach is excellent, his appetite
good, and hie digestion easy. The joys of the
table are to him of importance; they turn his
mind to serenity, and his soul partakes in the
pleasure whioh they communicate. He does not
eat merely for the sake of eating; but each meal
is au hour of festivity; a kind of delight attended
with this advantage, in regard to others, that it
does not make him poorer, bat richer. He eats
slowly, and has not too much thirst. Too great
thirst is always a sign of rapid self-fipnsumption.
In general ha is serene, loquacious, active, sua
oeptible of joy, love, and hope; -but insensible to
the impression of batted, anger, and avarioe.
Hib passionß never hecomo too violent or de
structive. If he ever gives way to angerr, he ex
periences a youthful glow of warmth, an artifi
cial fever, without an overflowing of the bile.
He is fond, also, of employment, particularly
calm meditation and agreeable speculation; is
an optmist, a friend to nature and domestic fe
licity; has no thirst after honor or riches, and
banishes nil thought of to morrow. —Art of Pro
longing Life.
From the Rio Grande.— Hates have bee
received at Galveston, from tho Rio Grande, to
the 24th ult. The yellow fever bad not abated
qt Brownsville or Motamoras. About fifteen
deaths are reported daily in those cities. There
was a rumor current in Brownsville, that orders
have been received from the government,- sus
pending the building of the proposed fortifica
tion on the Rio Grande until the result of the
negotiations now going on between the Ameri
can and Mexican governments, for the purchase
of the six States of the Sierra Madre, should be
definitely settled.
A Newspaper in Nebraska.— The publication
of'a newspaper called the Nebraska Democrat,
has been commenced at Old Fort Kearney, in the
unrecognized territory. It strongly.! urges the
passage of the territorial bill by Congress, and
says that, Bhonld this he done now, a flourishing
city would immediately spring up at the place
where the Democrat as published. Tn the United
States Supreme Court, a tew days ago, an attor
ney at law was admitted to practice, whose resi
dence was officially announced in the proceedings
at Nebraska.
Melancholy Coincidence.— -The ill-fated
steamer San Franoisco cleared from New York
Dooember 17th, and we find, on examining the
Shipping List, that on the same day the follow
ing ships cleared, all of which have met a simi
lar fate: .Commerce, Singapore and Borneo, be
sides ship Saxony disabled and put into Halifax.
—Boston Transcript.
High Priced Cows.—At a sale of imported
stock in Cincinnati, on the 31st nit., Cassius M.
Clay purchased twocowa for $2,300, S. Mere
dith, of Cambridge, lowa, bough t two others for;
$l,BOO. They were all high, bred herd book
Barhams. Tho remainder were withdrawn for
want of sufficient bids.
There wo thousands, of jtfrsons who aro otflicted
with a Rapture of the Boweta, who pay but litUo attention
tn tho disease until the bowels become strangulated. when
tn all probability it may bo too late. How important It is,
then, for all those puttering with any form of “Rupture of
ihe Bowels," to call nt once upon Dr. KtiYSKR, at his
Wholesale and Retail Drag Store, corner of Wood street
end Virgin alley, and procure a TRUSS, to retain the pro*
trading portion of the bowels. Dr, EKYSKIt has an office
back of his Drug Store, where Trusses are applied, and
warranted to give satisfaction. lip also ha* every variety
of Trusses that you can name, and at any price, to suit tho
means of every one in need of the article. I also keep
every kind of Suppc&ters, JSody Jlrnca. Simvmcny Kantl
ages, Elastic SloclHngs, far enlarged Veins, and all kLexis of
mechanical appliances used ia the cure of diMase.. •
I woalil respectfully invite tho attention of ibe public to
an TRUSS FOR CHILDREN, which invariably ef
fects euros In a very short time. ‘
comer of Wood street and Virgin alley, sign of the Golden
Mortar. dec26 -
iitr’ Another of the Good Ladies ofourjcity
testifies to the efficacy of Dr. M’Lnne’flcelebratoJ vermifuge.
New Tong, February 7,1852.
I do hereby certify loiho public, that a child of mine,
four years old, being troubled villi worms, T was induced
hi purchase a bottle of Dr. M’Lane’s celebrated Vermifuge,
which I administered; and the mult was, it brought away
an immense number of worms in bunches and strings; many,
had the appearance of being cut to pieces. My child is now
enjoying most excellent health. I take pleasure in recom
mending it to both young and old, as ono of tho bestmedi
cines I ever used.
F. S.—The alove valuable remedy, nlso Dr. M’Lane’it cel
ebrated Liter Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug
Stores in this city. ' •
Purchasers will l>e careful to ask for Dr. M’Lano’s Celc
brated Vermifuge, and take none clso. All others, in com
parison, are worthless.
Also for sale by the sole proprietors.
Successors to J. Kidd A Co.,
jal4:daw CO Wood street.
Crystal S*alace, JVew Work.
Manufactured by • .
,M. P. calls the attention of the pnblle to bis celebrated
QUILL, patent, double-spring, Commercial and Bank PKNB,
with a variety of twenty-five different kinds of STEEL
PENS, of his own make suitable for all handwritings.
Called the Treble Spring. These pens have been adopted by
tho Senate in Washington, in preference to all others.
The abovo pens, together with his superior unrivaled ac
commodation holders, can be seen at Mr. J. B. Stool's and M. Norman’s, Camfretreot; ThomasL. White's Canal
street; and K. A F, Ezekiel’s, Exchange Place. jafi
33- Every well dressed man knows how difficult it is tb
find a Tailor who thoroughly understands the peculiarities,
of each figure, and can suit its requirements with a well
out, gentlemanly fitting garment. Hence it Is that so few
feel “ at homo” during tho first day’s wear of any new arti
cle of dress, and however costly, never become adapted to.
•their forms. To remedy so manifest a deformity, J 2. GRIB
BLE has practically studied both form and fashion, always
adapting the garmont, weather, coat, vest, or pantaloons, to
tho exigencies of its wearer—thoroughly attaining that ele
gance of fit which ithe spirit of tho age dictates.
dec2S No. 240 Liberty street, head of Wood.
L *3- I-Ivcr D4>eases.—Carter’s Spanish Mixture, as
a remedy for liver disease, and tho number of formidable
evils connected with a disorganized state of that organ, is
Hundreds of certificates, from t he highest sources, of per
sons now livlngin the city of Richmond, Vo., might begiren
of cures effected by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. We have
only room to refur to tbo extraordinary cure of Samuel M.
Drinker, Esa., of the firm of Drinker A Morris, Booksellers,
Richmond, who was curod by two bottles of Carter's
Spanish Mixture, after three years suffering from diseased
Uver. He says its action on the. blood is wonderful, bettor
than all tho medic ; no ho had ever taken, and cheerfailv
recommends it to aIL
*#*Bee advertisement [ jal3:d&wlm
"VTEW BOOKS-Just received at DAVISON’S Book Store,
it C 5 Market street, near Fourth.
West’s Analysis of tho Bible; in various bindings; 3rd
nengstenborg on the Apocalypse; 2 tolp.
Brown’s Works, on Galatians, Sufferings and Glories
of the Messiah, Peter, Ac.
Infidelity; prizo essay; by Pearson.
Menslow on Declension and Revival.
Monalow on Midnight Harmonies.
Memoirs of M. L. Duncan.
Well Spring; bv Biekerstetb.
Young Woman’s Friend; by Jnmes.
Christian Father’s Present to his Children; by James.
Burns on tho Parables and Miruclos.
• Wanllowoo Miracles.
Living or Dead; byKylo.
Lamp and Lantern, and Happy Homo; by Hamilton.
Dr. Hamillon’s now work, Tho Patagonian Missionary.
Family Prayers; by author of Morning and Night
Watches, (new.) ,
Kitto’s Series of Daily Readings.
Christ is AIL
Christian Titlos; byTyng.
Royal Preacher; by Hamilton.
Morning of Joy and Night of Weeping; by Donor, t
Key to W. Catechism.
James* Anxious Enquirer.
Life in Earnest and Mt of Olives; by Hamilton.
Thankfulness; by Hamilton jalS
TTfOOL PLAIDS.—A. A. MASON A CO., No. 25 Fifth st..
ff have marked down their whole stock of Plaid Goods
from 25 to SO per cent • - " ja!7
SH. MOLABSES-J.200 bbls Steam. Refined Bugar*Hou3£,
, landing from steamer New-York and for sale by
dec2 . nts St. Loola Sugar Refinery. .
I) $2,000 Monongahela. Navigation coupon o’s, ’63;
$5,000 City of Pittsburgh N. Y. coupon C’g, *B3?
. $5,000 County of Allegheny N. Y. coupon o’s,-’Bs* «
' For sale by WILLIAM A. HILDA 00;
janlC:3w * Bankers, 04 Wood street.
. ; • Jersey Wagonr : , 7 • ~
A GOOD SPRING-WAGON; with shafts and pole, suitable
or two horscsj wfll bo sold cheap by :
.. . - . 1 JAMEB-McMASYEBS. - .
Jal3 • Eagle Hrery Stable, B«Teathct.-
Vi' a
t l
?r£? £ r ? t
Death from a Raptnre<
MRS. ANN JEMISON, 23 Ninth street.
“Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,
But not expressed in fancy; rich, noi gaudy—
For the apparel oft proclaims the man.”
1 v . \\*
JYdm January Qthf 1854, to January 17^1854.
• - v . "1
Asthma 1 ......
Durh.... 1
Consumption.. 5.
Disease of Stomach. * 1
Dr0wned................. 0
Dropsy'of Chest... 1
Old Age.........?
Typhoid Ferer,
tJndor 1 ‘ year 2 J From 40 to 60.
From Ito 2. ~o “ 60 to 60.
“ 2to 6 .... ....2 ■« CO to 70.
« ’ 6to 10.; 3 « 70 to 80.
“ 10 to 15.....;....; 0 « 80 to- 00.
“ 15 to “ 00 to^lOO.
“ 20 to 30..- ..4 Ago .unkncnrc...
;«• 30 to 40 .
Males 13; Females 7; White 184 Colored 2..—.T0tal 20.
ByorOerof the Boirt of nealth;
d; babuabS).
No. 40, Fifth Street, between Wood and Market.
ji\nl9:ly] .nTTarcaon.: -
' .. r - • For Kent. • .• -•
TWO STORE ROOMS; with fire proof taults and colt are
corner of Market and Water streets. • Jnqnjre of ' '
janl9;l.w S'- ■■ V; McCORMICK*
• -r— LOST, ■
ON WEDNESDAY EVENING,thoISth;* Scotch Terror
1)0G,-with a Orasjj collar and Lock wound lilsuecY.'
Any pcreon Audinc: said Dog, arid bringing him to the Ga
ult* ofllcft, will be liberally rewarded
rpWO YOUNG MEN. or a gentleman nud bis wife, can be
I accommodated with' boarding, cither by. the day or
week;nt Mrs. E. MCDONALD'S, corner K of Boblnson and
Sandusky streets. Allegheny city. 1 ~ -
Sf«w Oyster. Saloon.
./7N CTIAS. KIMBLE l2B Wood street,
respectfully inform their friends and
the public, that they have fitted up a Saloon
in a superior manner, foe deposing of .OYSv
TEBS nt tho above named rates. Wo havealso a Saloon at
the corner of Wood and Liberty streets, where we WHOLE*
perior quality. All Oyeterswarrantcd. • Just call and judge
for yourselves. . .......
All orders left at tho above Saloons, will be promptly at*
tended to, and furnishedto any part of the city. .. •
Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus.
AVERY great want has been felt in oarcommunity, be
cause our institutions of learning, or public libraries
anil reading rooms, have no Chemical nnd I’niLosopmcAL
Appaeatcb to enable the teacher or. public lecturer on sci
entific subjects to Illustrate his leciuro upon. The Young
Men’s Library Association, at tbelr Jalo annual meeting,
resolved to take the necessary steps fur obtaining such an
apparatus, so ns to fill tbu void so tong felt, The following
persons hare been appointed ns a committee to carry oui
the object proposed, and U Is earnestly hoped that tbVclti
tens, when called upon; will respond to the call by subscri
bing liberally.
♦ Notice'*
fTMTE PARTNERSHIP which Misted the under
_L- rignedond Ifcmr Stdjplu, nnder the firm of HENRY
•STIMPLK & CO., is dissolved, nod. the undersigned alone
are transact and settle up the business of the
hue firm. jjftl&tfl - PATRICKS A FIHKNp.
Bank Stock*
FIFTY SHARES of Exchange Rank Stock, or M. and M.
; Hank Stick wanted, at a fair price. Enquire atofhee
of MORNING POST. s»lBr2fc
New and mural books fur youths.—
Peep of Ray. Jane upon line.
; Advice to Young Christians. :•
Clara Stanley, or a Hummer among the JIills; 60 cents.
Frank Xlarrison, or Three Months under the Snow; SO
cents. •'•••. -
One Hundred Short Tales for Children;-illustrated; 50
cents. •
. Lights and-Shadows ofScoUish Life; illustrated; 75cts.
Claremont Talcs, or Illustrations of the Beatitudes; 60
Call to the Lambs; n series of 1 beautiful moral stories;
50 rent;*. . . . -
Tho above am handsomely illustrated, and haven reli
gious (not sectarian) alia- For sate Itv
j*lB ft;* Marketst. ~
1. EAD—t>uo p»gf» xoft Unieim Lend, recejvca by aeyMono,
J and for caloca favorable terms, by
SH' *T—‘_*ij kegs assorted, from No. Ito No. 7, iu store ana
for rale by [jalSj - I.KECIL STALPIN & CO. .
ON.TIIE EASTERN ROAD.—A valuableLotof Ground
for sale, situated on the Eastern read, near the Arse
nal,4o fefctfrcmtbjr 140 deep, with a two stpryiPwelling
House. Price $OOO, Terms easy. ‘
. , 3. CUriIBERT s & SON,
jsIS. ___ 1W Third street.
SHUT —Is numbers, landing from steamboat
Keystone, for sale bv .
Ci OLDEN SYRUP —In bblfl, half bbls, and kegs, just re-;
I : C«iTod per frteamer flrenite Slate, and for pale by
SUOAUUOUSH MOLASSJSs--r'JW bbts receiving pursteu
iner (Iruuito Stato and Keystone, forfale by
BEIf INED SUGARS—2.OOO bbls crushed, pow<t«rcdj'chir* :
ified, and small loaf, instore ami for sale by
; J u lB Agents St. Loci* Steam Sugar-Refinery.
IK AD—JIoO Pigs sot
J ja!B •
rpHK COMING STRUGGLK.—M'o have received a new
1 supply of this world-read Tract, Price 12j/£ cents: by
mail 14 corns, in stamps. 'For snlo.whoWalo and rctaiL
J Old s!t*morius; net? Sobit, by S. C. Foster.
Little Etta; « «
Happy Days and Happy Nights.
- Thu Dying Words of Little Katy. A new gong-in the
Ktory of »«Hot Corn.'*
Kittv Clyde.
The Long, Long Weary Day.
■'.Yesterday.' . . ’
St. Mary in HVnren: by Burn?.
. Mary's Little Nit****
llosebueh ScbottUtth.'* -
Opera Schottiseh.
Knty-Dld Polka,
i'rima Donna Waltz.
Dreams of the Heart.
Holiday SchottLvh.'
Bridal Polka.
Together with a -variety of the newest and'most fashiona
ble music, for sale bv IL KLEBKH,
W. Np.lOiThird ktrwt.
ICIiS—A. few mow {mtu-rna of eluant PlaM ami Bro
- cadn Silks rvmtln at A. A. MASON & CO.’S; No. £0 Fifth
street, whk'li will bo dlspcstii of at a large dbicoaht t’roin
former prWs. jalT
ITIhANNF.LS, Cheeks, Muslin.*, . Unons, Tickings,. and
. every variety of domestics,. fcava been marked down,
and will bo closed out duriogLtlie pale.
A. A. MASON * CO.*
* : No 25 Fifih street.
Copartnership Notice*
I HA'-THIS DAYassociated. with inn us partner, my
X nephew, Jamet Puklajt.. The -business -of manufactu
ring and importing of HOSIERY, YARNS, 4c-,'.will be con
tinned at the Old Stand; No. £-1 Fifth street, and conducted
under ibe firm of William Dali Si Co. AU.pereons having
oJaimrbgainHt mo will please present thorn for immediate
payment, and those who are indebted will please pottle their
bills, wi*h ro little delay as possible.
-WILLIAM DALY, No. 24 HHh st,
Next door to the Iron City Hotel
January 12. 3Ss4—f jai4 : '
Dividend Notice*
Office Oido Asi> PisrrsnvAKiA Raiuioad Co., >
*—,•« Pittsburgh, December ill, 1553; /
nillß Directors of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad
' X Company havo declared, a dividend of four per cent, out
of iho net earnings, of tho rood for tho six months ending
-» payable on and after the'23d January next.'
Transfer Rooks closed until 27th January.'prox.
W. LARIMER, Jr.. Treasurer. -
CARUt " ~ -.-
milß UNDERSIGNED, in connection with Mr. LEYI
X LODEN, U, S. Consul to Bordeaux, Ftupce, 1 purposes
establishing'a Mercantile Agency at the nbove_plnce, fur the
purchase, on commission; of Brandies, Wine.vPruits, Ac.;
and will also attend, with promptness, to atiy other bual
ness with which they may be;favored. A. J. RONNET.
. • - References in . Piitsburgli:
Thomas Scott, Esq., President Mcr. and Man. Bank;
John D. Scully, Esq., Cashier Pittsburgh Trust a mpany
8. M’Clurkan,Esq., Cashier Citizens’ Deposite Bank;
Messrs. Iloon & Bnrgent, Bankers; '.
Messrs. Harris A Co., Bankers; and. to merchants gene
rally. . ,
Mr. IT. will leave Pittsburgh about tho 18th Inst; until
which time ho will be found at tlie slow of Robt. H. King,
Liberty street. jolltlw
Notice to Teaehera« .
Xjl burgh Public Schools. Salary $6OO por annum, pnya
bio monthly. An examination will take placo at tho
School House, on tho Gth of February, at 0 o’clock, P. M
J.lag'fimlte . I. B. McVAY, fterctary,
jobs ruariNo. . oooinuiTpijunjm
(Successors to J. Kidd* Co.) ,
„ ...... ' . Ai>. ®> ITotid. Strati Pilikmrah, Pa. -
Proprietors of Dr. Jl’Lane’s Celobrotod VormlfusZ liver
ril,a - Sv - . ialo :
Lmported suaps— ~ . .
Cleaver’s Magnum Bonum Konev 8oap;
Do Honey Soap, assorted sues;
Do do Sbatiug Soap; '
Do Musk Brown Windsor Soap:
Do Extra scented''do do •
Bows’ do do do do
jal * Bnccearor to L. WMcnv A 06.
■ B' A. FoUneatocU’s Vermifuae, "
TTUKiIH iscviJenco llmt must aatisfy every mind that
HwTk «,is \ennifuge isthe only article.lhat
can be administered with tho certainty ofexpeLHngworms:
TV v lt . iT • Haupas,N. 5..Jan.23,1852. -
. I hereby certify, that a child of mine, ogod threeyears,
had been very ill for a month with,® painin thecbest,gen
eral weakness, and loss of. appoLlte. ; I was advised .to try
v»7i* ~?knestock s ermifugej-and accordingly. bought.a;
bottle uom M. Naylor, Druggist, Granville street. Hav
mg admlnlsicred a portion of it, ho .passed, within twenty-.
four hours. Two Hundred and Forty-two Worms, from sir
!u! A . !. D^e! in .length. The child, immediately after
this, bad its appetite restored, and 6«>n. enjoyed perfect
health, Anothor child, seven years old, who had been
more or Jcss sick from hisbirtb, took ihe remainder of,tho
him to pnis.One Hundred and Sixty
two Worms. From that thuo to the present, hla health has
been perfectly good, and-, ho lias thrived-a* well rs any
- Sold, wholesale and rEtcif, by.oJl the priocipaldruggists
anil country merchants;throughout tho United States.
Wanted to Rent.
A COMMODIOUS DWELLING, with ten to, sixty acres of
Land,Sop a good road not moris than five miles from
the dty. Apply to' . GEORGE W.'SMITU,
ja4:2w . ' . - ■••,-. = •' -y ■; .-'Bitstreet
- • T , BARGAINS, ~,
|_| AYING determined -to close my business vfithiir the
XX next sixty days, I will sell off my remaining stock at
' greatly reduced prices. The-stock comprises many desfra
.ble Goods; amongst them are 30- ps. Bat’d Country Flan
nels, selling atH>,rents a yard..;. : - "J.: G. MUNTZ,'
_ j«4:tf -y; . .Market ftreet,neajLiberty. -
|A CABESMUBTAKD,ENUUBH—Just recriyed-andToc
LU salehy > : ,;‘y:?:;;JOEL-MpH3C|E K :v^
" V -‘ V "■
. . -i **:%*:■. -
; ... *■: •> 1
- x.'
1 ......
Pbjrician of Board oflXeaUh.
' • Committee.
’Onieua, fur sale by
, • i, .v? ' '■ ,'
: . ■-. . - t :*
j- ,■ ' >”
1 - ’ 1
State Mutual Fire & Marine Insurance Company,
..op PKrasYbYnm.-' s ' •- -
-*"J Branch Oj]lc* cor. JFburih and SmthfUld di^^BSliturnfC
Capital, 350,000 iJollara. x.
’ -vUIBECTlOBB: •/ -'V'
• •• John P. Kutherforflii)ftnphiniCoi,P.C. Sedgwick, Harris
T.y r ®.* Jones,' Philadelphia;, A. Wilkins, Banker,
littabunrh; A. A. CarrfQf,Pittstrargh{Jofm B. Rutherford,
Dauphin a. J. Gillett, Uarrlshurg; 8. T. Jones; Harris
-burg; UoWrt Slots, Csarb6neo, v -
A. A. OAURIER, Act’y. A. J. GILLETT, Socrotary.
b£*i!L e «»jopany win Insure against perils or sea and •>
andmew-?.^ Q °? t »n*pprkatlon;.alßoi"oabßfldlnjw i
tentwitWfcS 0 i^s, J , ty r « country, at lowest rates consis- j
Policies issued bn dwelling houses either
perpetually or fot a term ofyearg; jal3-
ojr f
„ . iiaxcroaa: .
Wm. Jr. Swum, J. P. Bteirpr
v H-AvShockelfora, - - -
E.SLBayis, J. E. Klnnlm-n ■
: Tho S ;S. MilclicU, ,
■ ' w^c ' ' L -
Wm.ll. Sowers, '-R D.'Sherman.
• A.Hart,..-. : •/. . , , . v
; Wni. T. Hachcr, . Alex. Heron, Jt;
Fnnrtan Sheppard/ l : • • -•-
-. JOEL J(WI2S» President. • A; 8. GXILETT, Scerctarv'
: Will insareCotton.ptWooleD ! .Factaries > Buildinga, Bto , res.
Merchandise and property.generallj, on the most foiorable
tenosl' fjalu], .. A.A.CAIUUEII,Agent.
Insurance Company of the Valley of Virginia;
. Capital $300,000*
_ piwOTpia? . _ : .......
. Jop. 8. Csrpon,-r-.- ~ 'JolinKerr.
Lloyd Logan, .• James TL Burgess,
: - James P,JRHoy,N.W. Richardson,
H. IT. McQuyre.
. JOS. 8i CARSON, Pr»Jdoot; - aS. FUNK, Secretary
.o. P. ActUflfy. ■
The attention *>f the community is especially
. this company, as an institution based upon an omple capK
: tal, and conducted on Ihe'atrJctest prlndplesofequityand
economy... Policies issued on Boats;-Cargoes,' and property
generally* by •. ; Ai:A. CARRIER; Agent.. '
, J*l3 Office onr. Ponrth and Bmithfifil<lstS. ' v
.Firemen’s insurance
US£/ Companyofthe City of Plttsburcb.
J. K. MOORHEAD. President—ROßEßT FINNEY, goer*
; Will Irurars against FUtE and MARINE RISKS of all
: kinds. Office: No. 09 Water street.
' piazoemiia:
J.K.Moorhead, W.J. Anderson, -
B.C.Bawyer, B. B. Simpson.. •
Wm; 31. Edgar, H.B. Wilkins,
0. H. Paulson, . William Oollingwood,
R. B. Roberts, John M. Irwin,
Jofeph Kayo, Wm. Wilkinson,
• ~ ... David Campbell.,
D^ s J m P < ! rtantto <;u PP®w andLeechers,
Br. llO. Wood street, hns received an'os*
t*ortmentcf • • ; -v : .
Thomas’.Mechanical LoScheS; •
• • Cupping Glasses ; . r
“ BrcustOlsssear-.'-.i -
■ Bye Cups; . '
r< ..Dental Leeches;... N r : .
“ Scarificator. ’ ....
Theco are really important in vcnUons, and very conve
nlcnt to . those who fbUowLeechkig., Call and-see them.
Wood st- and Virgin alley. . .. j a Q
?22*£ yl £ ant ** CAPITAL, sloo,ooo* CHAR
Acrriary—TnOMAS H. WILLSON, Esq; .
-. .niBEOTOttS;":'" ; : '•
Hon. A. 0-Heister, . Samuel W.-Hays.
I Wiliam Robinson; Jr.," ThomnsGlllesole.
William F. Fahnestock, John B, Cox*- '
Harvey Bollman, Jacob Peters, >'
, . WUliamCoider, Jr
: Jacob fi.Halderman, - ' Aaron Bornbtmgb. >
‘ BUSSELL & OAKE3, Agents,-.
. , '• ’ ..Office, in. Lafayette Buildings,
•• ly* (entrant on Wood stroeLV ■
— U is ■ due to KlER'ti tttroicum:. to
say tbatit ha* been known to completely eradicate
vesicle of this dreadful disease In less time tljan aay
ti IL * eiD -- a * less coster■. inconvenience to thopa-
The. thousands of certificates In tbebsndsof the proprio*
tor, many of which an* from well known citizens of the city
of and , Its immediate vlcinlty,goto show clearly
and. beyor; \U doubt, that Kies’s Petroleum is a medicine
of no com on value, not only as a local remedy in
tu, EheumatUm, of Sight, butas a valuable
internal remedy. Inviting the investigating physicians, u
wuil as the suffering patient, to beccmeacnuainted with its
merits. • • -•-
. Those having a dread of mixtures are assured that this
medicine is purely natural, and to bottled. as it Lows from
thebosom.ofthe earth. .. ..c
. Thefi)Uowing certificdU it copied from a paprr published at
Syracuse, JV. K, and hears date August .2, 1852, to vthich is
zlso appended the T. P»t, iLD~
f Syracuse: /- v: •--- • " - ••
-This may in truth certify, that I have been sbbaaiy if
iictel with- Bcrofulafor the lastsovenyearsthat mostof the
tame I have been unable to attend to anykind of business,
end znuch.of the time unable to walk and confined to my
bed, and bare been treated nearly all the time by the best
Phypicians our country affords; 1 occasionally • gotsome
uof, bn t no cure, and continued to grow wbrre until Lr.Poot
recommended meto try thePetrcleum, or-Kock OlLas ere
rytlung else had foiled. I did so without foitb at first, bat
the effect was astonishing; it threw the poison to tho surface
»t once, and I at once began to grow better; and by using
. leveh bottlesl have got a cure worth thousands of dollars-"
This may certify that I have been acquainted with Kier’s
Petrplenm. nr Rock Oil, for more than a year, odd have re*
oefttedly witnessed its benoSdal effects in the cure cf indo-
Jnat nlcere ond otherdlscafseefor which it is; recommended,
■ *nd can with confidence recommend it to be a medicine wbr*
ihy of attention; and can safelysay that success has attend*
•sdite-uzewhereothermedtrinehadfaned. •'
I>. Y. FOOT, M.-0,
For sal* by all the Druggists ip Pittsbnrgb? fenZyrfAwl
171 SltiU'Jloiut,
~IL. \Y, SAFFORD, • ..i...... .
jT" KEEPSecidrtaritlyon baud the?noKtextenpivpsn&
Are2r Tariedtv«Bori3nentofOurtalnßandCurtaih Material?to
befound Iri-tbo city; comprising in part of the following'
yty)ftnof~ ; >:
French LsceOurtalns, ' Window Shades, All prices,-
Muslin. •. . u Duff Jlollands, iiJl widths,
Prenchßrocatelles, all widths, Gilt Cornices, every style and’
French Plushes. price,'
“ Satin Laincs, G U t Curtain Dins,
Lampas, _ .•. Ifcuidp,
*• ; Batins, • Cords and Tassels,
• “ DomaakLinena, . Giin'ps, all prices, ;
■ u Casbrnerette, .. Loops,
.Plain Turkey Red, ,
India Satin Patmusk, . Picture TasselsandCords,- :
« LlniDßSilks, FhAda Tassels and Brasses,
FutuitureGimps, . ■ Hooks,'Rings,Brackets, Ac,„■
•A full assortment of fho aboTe goods constantly fur sale,
wbolesaleorretall. - - ■ [marl:ly—alm.n.
indigestion and Liver Complaint
. CUREDiiX KtER’S PETROLEU Jl.—Kesdtßo fol
lowing letter froa Rev, 0; DiCKnttoHi aussionary in
Oregon; ■'
. Mr. Jj 11. Eub—Dear Sir-:-. Myseltsnd nrlfeihaving been
?reatly -benehtted by the use of your Patroloum, I wish to
have you send mo a box of two or three dozen bottles. I
«a the Congregational Mlnlstor ia thia place, and seteral
•jf my people are JUTecte&witti'tndigestion and an inaction
or the Htxjt, the eame of .myself and :vrife, before,tahina
your pCTßotsuir, or Rocs Oil. . Wo took twirentt bottles--
two or three each—about a Tear and-a half aM. ami we
have:nover enjoyed good health for years.** we have
• that fullness of the stoiaftchwhlch so distresses the dys
poptic was reliered, and I hare felt nothing of tt siace that
time. My wife was-also relieved from a chronic' disease of.
the Uver, -which had been of several years standing, by the
aso of yonr Petrolomn. ' . v r
Sold by S. M. KIER, Canal,Rasta, GEO. H. KEYBER, 140
ftqod. street, and Druggists and Medicine Dealers every*
*'bere. ' ' V oct2s
Compuiy ov
OKf, BiM
OJlce: 94 Waifr Slrtfi, betvxm-MarJcd ar.d WoodstrezU.
t Injures UULIi Bisks, on the Ohio and Missis-'
dppi Hirers and tributaries. •
. lnsuTESagiiiiistLosBorDain*£eby.l?ire.
. the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Navi*#-
Transportation. • •
H.l).Kin£, Wm. Larimer, jp.,
William BagaJoy, Samuel 31. Kier,
Samuel Ren, : William Bingham* \V
Robert Dunlop, jr.,, ' John S. DilworthT
Isaac M. pennock, Francis Sellers,
S. Uarbaugh, J. Bchoonmnker. : •' - - -
Walter Bryant, WiUlamß.HaTa.
- John Shlpton. . dec2B
PostOfflea Buildings, Third LftenesMslakoi
in all kinds of weather, from BA7M. to 5 P. an
- Accurate artistic and animate likeness,'unlike land vastly-Ru
perior to the common cheapdoguerreotypes,M the following'
nheap prices: $1,50, $2, $3, $4, $5 ami upward, according to
the sUeandqußlityofcaseorframe. *
for children, from 11 A. H. to 12 '
.? nes?eB *lckor deceased persons taken In any
partof theaty.- - - • • ; ' .fmrrtfcty -
Curtain Mritorlnls, and
X'S’T Curtain Trimmings of oremr description, JPurnicurri]
“n/sTUalln Curtains, N. Y.
Painted Window Shades, Gilt Cornices, Curtain Pins, Bands.'
£c.,atwholo£aloandretAil. r ' W. H. CAiiKYS
. No. 160 Chesnutstrwt, corner Flftli, Philadelphia. i
Curtains Itado and Trimmed In the rery nowcstYrench 1
styl *- -j- ■-•- [mar2o:lr
Uornßll ©ormnr A irrcat many per*
Uv,' sons are dre&dfttlN tormented with corn*. A certain'
remedy will• be found In Dr. Conss’a Ooa?r PEiarxn, for
*aleby Woodsfcreet;
Pnca, retail at 12}4 and 25 cts. per box. .. pepg -
'feg-Xiberal deductions to those who buy to gel) agnin; “
flTSf®*'* O* O. F^—Place of meeting, Washington irn]l,
IxtSk "Wood street, between. Fifth streetand Virgin alley.
Pitthhuhgb Lodge, No. 33&—MtreCs every Tuesday evening
Mkrcabiile-Kxca»phent, No. 87—Meeta -first and third
Frktay of each month. ; •= y . ...J ; f [mar2s:ly ;
thg* CUSTY, of Pittsburgh and. Allegheny meets on ti*
Hrstnnd third Vr KDN'ESDAY of every month, at the FL/yut
DA HOOSE, Market eircot.. Byonior.
j -I:y '■ JOHN YOUNG, ,7R., Secretary.
(te«AS6EBOM fiOi)GE, I; «r. O. F—The
K=/ Angerona Lodge. No. 259,1.0. of 0. P„ meets CTery
Wednesday evening In Washington Hail, Wood at: Mrltv
AHL, Surgeon BenUiL-fguceetwr of
lyy G.W. Biddle, j Mo-Udamithfieldst"^
A.LOT 2* foot front on WELLE street, end extending
A back 109 feet to Wide alley. On the'back peSTthf
Lot is a Collar Wall, built for two small UortsSflais l£t
fe in a desirable location for a residence; and irill bo sold
low, nod on farbrnblo terms. Tltlo good, and dear from
iucnmbtance. Kmiulro of - .: GEO, F. GILLMOBE
novUi • . At.;Ofilce of Morning Dost.'
' For Sate,7"'' - .
* IOTOP GROUND IN' BIItMIN'GHAir, havioz 24 fa*
•II front on Carson street, by 100 foot in deplh. It is oho
of the oort valuable Lota on that street - Title
tonus accommodating. - ISnqTiire of ‘ *v
.. C. B. M. SiEftH, (Att’y.V r
147 Fourth at,, PittaVh.
.. . _ ■ To Lett
■&. alley, Pittsburgh. Tho Boom: fa 21 reet ß id a W 32
deep; one half aboveground; dry and well finlehelF T?
huaaboal vault In fwfic WillHretital trfm£l L?n
peri. Enquire at offleo of iloraio g P(,7t.’' 1
. . : ScOtdl Hm BlOr&et trhnaW
mw. ireT c ni:Rs]« lOJf b o i,ao 0 * < j tif MeH . a
*“ !£ > andimre amminlcmjdy ncreeii,■witli bnt mmot
“Wjy tbrf' ciudoaors nYth c bolw MEATS, on
MAKKffT HOE °E d?, ’“ nd ' IT ™ ine ’' “ tth “ soarcH Ultl *
‘l 10 "? k«ing product?, Ac., Ac., trillfSna
-it to.their advantage to attend.' - ’ ' ■
that the citizma wilt (hror ustrllli their undi
vided patronage. -■ ?. ■■ • •
\U) SUUTUtI HILL- ftIAKKKT HOUSE is tho .centra of
.-.VT attraction, and JAMES OARDXEJI is it stall No. Hi
on tno regular market 'doys &ndßfenln£,w[tii hls best
uaiot, nnoked/becf sausage, beef, tongues, pickled aodfresk
pork,ic., ic. • .-:s- : -
. ** • , , Z3S?BBB!B aJrii&Stbw,;
' 'ii 1.-HOUroodstreit
• U'
■ • - v «_•.
\- -'J-'v'- «''i.« :
• x' *
-j-;-: ; :
THEATRE.—Joseph C. Foktzji, Z«i« and Sima,
CT v_Kr t b*treet»ttbbTd:Wt»o<3...;vPricesorndfflJMlot«
‘Boxes add Parquetie 60c; Private Box**, I:irgff,sB; dc«.< dc* ,
small, $5: Second Tier,' 2sc; Boxra fur colored persons* 60c .
Itoraonssecuring seats will be charged 32J< cts. extra for tho
certificate. Doora open at o'clock ; pmorinaora to com*
tnenceat 7 o T dock......ThiB evening, Januare 30th, .3854,
will bo produced the great original drama of UNCLE TOW'S
faithful slave, Mr, Rogers;: George Harris, th o fugitive, Mr.
C. Foster; Gumption Cule.tho Yankee, Mr. Duriego; Phi-
tbe Kdntucklan, 3fr. Iljnar; Topsr, ihe girl
that sever was born, Mrs, BrelePTd; -Aun t Ophelia, ft Ver*
monitor, Mra..J,C’. Foster; Eliza, the fugitive’s wlib, Mrs.
Ilynarf Caasy, the distracted, Mrs., Dyke. In preparation,
.thegrand romantic spectaole of Faoetup, or tho Demon of"'
tho Drachenfels. Likewise, *h® celebrated equestrian drama
of Itookwood, or Dick Turpin's Rido lo York, in which tho
celebrated Bonny Black Bcss wilLappear.
Murphy, west * peel’s original Campbell
sMINSTRELS, r -win gtrafouroFtlieirdiaste-aixd Fash-
Solteos,. wmmpndng on WEDNESDAY
E ’ lBB4. Among tho members of
“*? Wlm:itableTroupe, white found Luko Wcut/Matt Pctl,
and Joo Murphy, - , . . .
Tickets, 6& cents, Lady and Qomlcuan. •' Ek'-'
tra Tickets for.Ladieiu twenty-five cents. ; - had at tho Jlotoln and at tho Door.
, -Pfi opcn at o'clock*.Concert-to .commence at y l\A
0 -IF* . ' **°» CROSS, Agent. ''
H. L.-DlCKlNfiON^Mannger. jallimie.
JAMES 31'KENNA, Auctioneer aild Commission Mer*
chanty No. 120 Wood; street, near the conmr -of Fifrii,
regular rale*of Dry Goods, Clothing, Grucerxcs, Glassware,
'and second band Furniture, each day, ct lu anfl 2
o’clock;-andat early gaslight,rach cVehing, Watches and
Jew : elpr t GunB, Pistols;Books,Fancyarticles, Cutlery, Boots,
Ac., with a general assortment of every description
of Dry'Goddfl. Refer'to the principal merchants. - fub'J
• ' ' Auctton--Uaf3y Sales, ■
A ;T the . Commercial SaTes -Booms; corner of Wood- and
T J3L Fifth streets, at lOo’clock,'A. a gfajcrai assuftmont
of Seasonabls, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Bools
and Shoes; Hats, Caps, tev " 1 '
< : • AT P. SI.,
Groceries, Queenswaxe, Glassware, Tablu Cutlery, Looking
Glasses, New and Second Hand Household and Kitchen Fur
niture, Ac., : '
LEASE of nOUSE and LOT,Real Estate; Buildinglx>ts with
Brick:Duelling, Stable and- Out hr-itpcs;' lforseff.- Wagon? !
llarnosa,Ain T at AUCTION.->*OnTni T RBDAY > JBrinary2fith,
Ht 15o’clock.ju the forenoon, »old at Ihu etOTCof
Mr. WM. M’LAUGIILIN, corner of Webster, and' Roberts
/Lreet?, Heventh AVard, his enlire stock of Family Grccerite, ;
Confectionary, Queenswaru; Gias?ware, Hardware, &c~ as Jm •
is-declining that .boalness.. Among the articles are lmpe
rim,; Gunpowder and" Young Ifya-m Teas ; .Coffee; : Nirw" :
Orlean?, and Loaf Sugar'; Syrup, Viriegar; Indigo,'Cigars,
mon, Ma«!kerel and Herring Glass .Tara and Omrectionarr, .
-Batting. Queensware, Hardware, together with Stove Fix
tures;': -And, at 2o’elork In the hflerhonn of theVaufe day, -
two Draught irorseu nnd Wn^on; also, tta. l unexpired term of :
•the Stor»r-a good Brick Building—Frame Dwelling House,
stable and Rack Building, all erected oh a lot of ground:'
rroDUng feet on-Wotrster Street, hnd extending back
«tWttTOO-fe£l.' And, at tho same time, ihefailowibgltEAL;
LSTATEr-4 lots of grrniud—three-of which hava-o front ;
eachof ISlrf feet ea Webster'street, niid extendhig back.
12« foet-ttf Rcatliig alley.- Tha other is IS feet on shmo''
extending the sam e depth .to-samp alleivou which
rreotrf a, gooct.comfortablo. Brick Dwelling ’House, coin
mtnlng7 rooms; well finished; 2% stories' high, with Brick
stable and other out houses. Terms atsale. .' ‘
- iwulft-MMKB iirKENNA. Anclioneer. -;
. MiiAi>ri SAUISUf 1445-J2DUZBN FINE
Arcno*.—AtMrKenna’< MONDAY next,'January 23d,
nt 30 &’cl6clcj ■wilt W Fold- without rcserre/dfc. JldterinaV
- auclloa bitoae,! 44 5d2 domi white eliirtfi,oftUe fimist quali
ty, nnii.latwt styles,. direct from : the manufacturer?,' New
Aork. nnd will be fold in lota to suit the trade, who are par*
•iicolarly Jhrited iowttend; also7.ldnzen black hickory and
fancy shirts; they will be open fur examination on the ee
coadstory oftheauctloarooins,on Friday.
Hnis : - , • . JAMES McKE.KNA. Auc.
AafiUtiA.Kiu>' "stAL'n of an extensive -WUNTJtY DRY
oary: 23rd. 1654, a£ 2 o'clock, wilLbe fold, at .McKunno’s '
• Auction by- order of Assignees, UlO of a rotuil * -
country stare. Among tho lot arts some very, lino goods,
such ns fOpncas, intfos de Iftines,
staff,;Testings, .flannels, bleached and brown-muslins, silk -
hdhfa. and cravats, fino shawls and dress hdkfe., ribbons, *.-
wens,tweed cloths,- casslnefca, -patent-thread, spool cotton, ;
gloves and hosiery, suspenders,linseys, lamb’s wool shirts
: and drawers, white dress ahlrta, gingham and check shirts,
overcoat? and pantaloons; ‘superfine satin vests, Irish linen,
buckram and padding, silk plush; chusahs, heavy blankets,'"
famitare calico, men, women, ; :misses, boys and youth?*
-hoots, brogans, shoes, bootees, buskins, pumps and slippers, -
gam overshoes; also, a very largo lot.of-fiilk and worsted '
fringe,with manyother articles; • •' - . . •••'
jalf ; JAMES McEENNA. Auctioneer. ' ’
J.V CLOTHING, at ArcrioS/-*Oh THURSDAY, Janu
ary 19th, at 2 o'clock, will bo sold, at’JlcKcnna’s Auction.
House, the following articles of Dry .Goods~trad Clothing; -
Ac.: Sbawls, cambrichdk&.;.laces, silk'fringes' ncd gltnps.
patent thread, silkand woolen brocadc-v?>otdiD,
Uolaines, ginghams, calicos, yestings, : ; flahne]s, alpacas, me«
rrnoa, beraizes, oil cloths, cassfmeres and cassincls, pafnen*
. -lers, b anketa, twwds, sack flannels, drilling; silk bonnets,
mantilla?, spool cotton, shirts and drawers, hosiery. Ae
fr™ . ■ > JAMES McKENNA. Aucfr.
f! A 3£SBP u S miscellaneous
On SATURDAY EVENING, Jnnuaryfllst, nt
a? the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood
and Eirth atnfets, will be soldi a large ami valuable collect
don of new Books; among which are, Dickeos’ Complete
Works, 4 volsv Prof. Wlhon’s Essay?; Scott's Life of Nar>o-
Icon; Works of rr.JP.-Willis; BoUin’« Ancient instory! 2
. 7ola ?J’ eBtcn » Farmer and Gardener; History of the ilex
iran WarrGqldßmlth’B Works; Pictorial History of Indian
JVaraand CaptivUiw: Nicholson’s Mechanics’ Companion ;
Stair Boilderis Gaide; Lamartine’* French Revolution:
Mechanic’s Own Book; Poetical works of Scott, Pot*, On'
-usd, Campbell, Byron, and Moore; splendid Family Bibles;.
ana illustrated works; Ac. Catalogues are ready,
jqtn . . r , - P.;31; DAVIS, ~Auet r r.
Apib FANUk DRY GOODS.—WiII be sold at tho
kj-Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth
•sttwlSjon-Thursdaymoming, January.
nt 10 o’clock, an extensive oawrtmcnt of foreign and d<£
mertic dry goads; to close the stock of* country-merchant
retiring from.busiqess,^ ; A ,large portion of the sale com.
. pnses flue Cmcy articles suited to tho trade; such as ribbons,
white cambrics, mulls, swlfs, bobineto, bishop lawns,-laces!
edgings, dress neckerchief cambricfc hdkfa., Velvet trim*,
mings, ladles and-gentlemen’s kid gloves, elegant sbawf
'Ac, Ac.; Also, remnants !bf choice broadcloths", doeakin and
tmgllfhcassimerer. vestlnffj*, satinets, flannels, canton lin
ings. tweeds; jeans, alpacas; coburga, cashmeres, triainwv
ginghams, Ac. Also, a quantity of boots, shoes, bats, caps,
woolen.comforts, buck gloves and a general assortment of
tkshlonable clothing, shirts, Ac. / P. M. 11ATIS,
: -janlS 1 /•••• ‘'.Auctioneer.' -
f ■ ■ notice. ,
fTAVINQ purchased the entire stock ofj. O.Amlm'OD A ,
Co., wuwUl continue the irholcsnlo PJICIT uni COfr-
FECTION Altv burinera, nt the old stand, No. 0 Wood street
under thestylo of .<e M, W. KANKIN & CO.
• my entiro interest in the
: *\v and Confectionary business to my late
partMfMinas Tindle, and M. W. Jtaniin, salesman iu said
house, (who are authorized tome thename of the Jato firm
m settling the business of Raid firm.) I tako pleasure in rc
commondingthemto my former friends and customers,'and
bops fora continuation of. the liberal patroungo bestowed
Htubnrgh.Jancary 9,155*-£ jiqoj; - - -
X\f IUT« *LA«NEUJ.—A. A. MASON* CU.*No. 25 Filth
TT street; will open lhia day 10 bales ofWhite Flannels,
of thebest makes, of Welsh, English anJ American maun'
factare. , / . , ■_.. ' • '
Plano .for Seventy-live uollars. —"
A SECOND 1! AND "MA HOG ANY PIANO, o 4 six octavo*.
1* soil for $75, by CUARLOCTE BLUMR S
j" l3 : ' •: 118 "Wood street: :
w. ftouß • ——
• i 250 gacts B. W. Flour, 60.2>a each;
i, , 25 do 'on hand, and.
tbrsale by [nOTtffi ' KIRK PATRICK A lIKKKONffi*
I,HbLD BBASTKIt— M Canal ailijx, llrju ” brand
. on hand, and for sain by :
PALM SOAfcS-60 boxes Chillicotho Palm Soap, on basil
aniilor salt) by
- nov22
&O.J-Jbrtdfbrflafc by:_^
>- ; 4ec2I. ; mKKPATKIOK & : lIERKONB.
BW. PLOIJEr-:SoBasksfor saleby; .~ •
. dooir..■.■■■. KIRKPATRICK A lIBRIIOSS.
ZIKU WASH;,JJO4IWS-r3o<loien "Holmes" Kinc Wash
boards on hand and fop sale by
tteel? j KIRKPATRICK A nßniiflK3.
AyTJSiilJ^Oiilt—lß barrels for sale by 1 ■ [
iVI. ■;. KiKKPATwcg-& iiEimoxa.
tales first wry Wes tern M. Y. Uopj ju«t reti'J
I JL and; fcr ealo by, . * .-■ ■
lent . j ■ : ■ • KIRKPATM'CK k IFEMtONS.
GuPVAIt bbi* Clover Seed for fcaloby •
i.' ' flgnM : KIBKPATRICK A'.nEKRONg.'
nat« and can#.
a JOSEPH. OOX 4 Wood
and Diamond alley, would in
form their friendsand the public that they
are recolrfag a large and splendid stock of HATS AND
.CAPS, of thelateat styles,'which they* arc prepared to sell
on as reasonable terms os any other house iu the city.
Otri; os a palU and examirta our rtocka • \ ' *t»pl9 •
SO4J LN V—Received by r&Up*4» 4 t>bk £2iui:Jluminy:
vfof '• r -- * V; -'
L-j&y"-' ' ' "
-?= " v ->/ ‘l ’, t ~ t\ [~J
* < * xf r 1
■, T""» •• ' n-. 1
i,-**/' T <•' _ ' 3iv >*
~r a t lazayetwhall;
MeifANtlS respectfully announces 'to tho
dJA ladlei and gentlemen of thkclty, that havieg already
intrptbiccd,thc “ Polka Quadrilles,” ho has now In practice
5i*JP H* *B® W fls P 10 “ew and beautiful “ Scfaofctfseh ” and
la “’r^ ar “A-. together with many new and popu- .
’H“!£®f*3«vyr tofote introduced in this dty. ;
to join: his Academy, ran
GcnurtancetheeeconjjqQar 1^^ pres?ntwech. •• ••
oiy itiwdoy: and Thursday, ntterr
clo?3 ® eet3 oil Tuewlaj and
7 )^, Mustera’classon-'
.Saturday ,anornoonnt2t< o’clock. -
given on Monday^cvcn-;.,
l^bniftryl3th > 1854,(S t .\«leuUneVEve 7 )wlilchwill bo
a“ > alentino of- the ps T W riven her*<-
«* "Wch tlwßchottiwb Quadrille triU Sdanrad. ~ :
lie Would also;state that tho .MPanay Costume Party”
will be given oh Monday evening,- February STthl 185-1 J
ILvßw Forfona.dcitfring; Plouo rapies of either or the
Quadrilles, can procure them of Mr. 0. A.ttcMANUS, ntAho 1
Hall, On days or evenings of school, as bo has contracted tor ’
the music with tho Eastern "pubiisliars. .' • ; janlt k "
PROF. KINGSLEY, of Aiaeuiiwy Collsoe, will Lecture
ctn NEXT. TQUI&PAY EVENING, the. 10th insl,. nt
LAFAYETTE HALL, on Wood street. Sul'ject: ASTRO*
Prof. K. has.the r reputation of beitrg att eloquent Lrctu- •
rcr, especially oa subjects guch as ohown, which are witllin
.thorango of his dcp‘artmeut as a Profepsor.
Tlpkets of dtlmJssloh 25 cents—to be hr.d at the Muric and
Book Btoresj. Libfrary Room jLeetureltdoni, and attbedoor.-
Doors open at 0% o’clock. -Lecturo' to commence ai 7VI
r o’clock. ‘ , ÜBNRY WOODS, . “
- jal7 ~ • ■ ./ Lecture Committee.
Ct ARGO'S iiALL, l\iurth fired ,nmr Wood, opposite JLji*
/ fnyette Hnll, ran lxj‘obtained for Fartleg, Festivals,
Gmeertg,- Pnbl f c Meetiri'ga. Ac. Also; Cargo's Cntirfon uud
Sax Horn Band can be found in readlncsa at all times, by
applying to WM. .FRANK CARGO,, at the CiyKfal Palace
Daguerrein. Rooms of IV. M.Cargo" A Cbi. Fourth'pt. (jylft
unction cara*
.i'-'o;--.- : AT7 O’CLOCK, P.-it, :
Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musical
Hardwnruond. Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Gooda, Gold anil
Silver-watches,. Ac.IV 5L DAVIS. Auctioneer- - fjnST-tf
fUTA, Auctioneer.
P. M. DAVIS, Auofaoneor;
SS POKU—IS bblff on hand, Bntl fi»r«ile ‘by
.... *
. it
* < _> x