?V :v.>,v.V%*'k V \ ’V-'>'*\*.- \.»®V"i« ** "S: ;-•"* '; rW .'v"‘ I ; - /•* ■• ,' ''-® ■; v:-‘ ‘" ■',■ -». : •■* Vj* •,‘- , ',f j/VV,’ : ; i •'; .. ”■*•- I"'' ■*•",. :; ';• t - ,v» "•?*;?' -f,'- »'.• I * j£r v:\ ••;>.: O ;?■+ V, •?. - «i jc”’’.,.,*. _ ivaf .j >rv-. --i- 1 ;.r •-« !■ ■-. ■ ***%'<; ; - ,\ a , X ; >;>•„ i :::^;r.-:S-:-’ Y ::~>\::-:iV- \ .-.-v, : ■ ■ : ' • t » -« ►« * -tA- k i» •• -a •'• *.4 i-* r *.» ;.o,fc ft * -••-• >;..•• % f'-- # .. •* *v,s'.,-5* j.*• \-: vv* ■ >** 3 r ‘’i**V'V .•*"**v'T**^ v v _?•, f-' -■ ,i*--‘iw.N' -f. --; : ■♦‘tfe .'• • ’•; - t \> \ - * v - ••> ';^s| y*v *"• r.*v .fS ’-^3 'r-\ i s iyV 1 ‘>4 ,- h ri. '•<; •:■ *J i»K%SS?S-• VsV' ,v -'l r *' l li . „ fc vL i *vV! h,;-: •>», c»i *5 ■ «-sv^v.v.‘i;-,v^L''®v f “ i ’Vf l <>' W -A 1 !fj*t iSis‘!ls ii t',h?< r e.i with instruction* to bring la n sealed Tcidlct, when they o_yij,q X,ury" lerture upon On I abiUUa of-Woman” at Masonic t. . Library.AstodaUon. Tickets—only • at the door. It la well worth tho whoi. ®i.''® '>- r ; '^Vrv "1 1 see a lady iu full Cailume drUlamrr, “a. • "'; j and you will haro a most able and nloqnont. . - . Into tho bargain.;; She stands acknowledged a foromOßt lecturers of. tbo day. Go and hear he means, as another opportunity may not lio again a. for so doing; lnycara.. Doom open at lccturotou mence at 7 o’clock v#; : J A “? - ■•sS*.yt?^TOfc r - . 1854, when ho. , —— Kr&jpj. i' ?1 tr f ' & ? '£"■{ ZSffiAxiHu}* ‘ J NO*- I CIT CHARLES SIUTING Ah. I S LOON,—Tho lamented death 1 Volvos tbo management or this c t £ &t; V V,' undersigned, who begs to Inform tho fr. .r vS :.-.' *?* ■*'*'■ n - At ( ."’■■* .ivifit-wV.” ■■':■* sr**' of th i°»to proprietor tbot tv cry attonti. ■ . ‘-' ■■ boene^dtoronder^Monana^shdi. , slTifr'^'' i '^'''t'l?s’’-'- : -'v^'r • 1 .'!i..-. ■- william Carr dc< Co»«. ■ (Wm. Canalatn nf thefirmof J-I’ir.KHt A U 'WWT'IIOIiESALK GItOCKIIS and Healers in Foreign . . - ?«:<■# :&:&> mm*# Jldste^vseszs^ :- r r,ff''%:• t/A l _ __ sto. ■• will giro vKyZK’-JTWJ ■ '|>BANBr. ;. '• ®v - „ *■-=.-- -- . _ 5Tm t-WJg&W' ac&r- P»f^f:. W corner of Penn ~. •*,\.v ■■•?•-.■ ■■’ i-'-K'j •:> t'-" •.«:■ ■._*■-■■ ..-••■• '-■>-4. v --K > v if,- ;.:,*!>-S3 . ■■■-•• I- . . . t-.i.' 1 - w ;i. e'aVfc/'.- *. ! ,• u .>.. * ~J fw. '•:!". f. '■■»•■ ■ ... . ■•".■.•■••.• r .•■•■ i l .. ;•..••••■* « .■• • r • •:..-.-i . -•••'-••■- - -•■ ■-• ........ t~> ._*-*'-• ,s.-.rf’ r r^;;->'':V-'c'; : .-...-r ? . \,iJ ?.■*-(? r-ti •«*' * <• r*i' - *• ■-••'.1 / '•f /1,. <•=«'-sfl •.-..- ' • - ■' v-^j:..-.*'-'^':^ i! '^ r ?j*:' • - * '' • •••--••• _f, »-•'- V'c/.v . • V-1- .~ VT-. ~«*-• *'r •• •. w- e/>. •».;■ j.* 3 * ,JT . v; * .. ? •«'»? •«♦** *t*' I'i -,/*•>''. V : * *-. .. t L j .' •v... : • . ; rs-' .■ ■•. . * - - " * ''“■' .'V ®t: - vV-A • • J < ■ :--p;t-c- ; -'^r : *’ s h . , - •' ■ ‘ ' A', ‘‘ ■■ • V*'.i. jw* * ’ f . •,■ - ' 'tX'l .*wj ,- v - < t Ci . fc\‘ 4f**, r " THE‘I3ITY POST- THURSDAY MORNING: '■ FOURTH ASSVU CBLEBUATIOS J ■ or Tim ... ; PITTSBURGH TYPOGBAPHICAL UNION, HQ. 7, AT WASIHNGTO» v HALL,' ' OA Tne«aay Kvenlng, January IT, 1854. ■ HDNDRRD AND FORTY-EMHTH AN •■TNrVEB&ART OF FRANKLIN’S BIRTH-DAY..III bo com momoratod by » GRAND BANQUET,-at tho aboro Hall, on Toooday oionlng, Janoaiy IT. The fiOrTlcea of soToral (Ilßtlnguiabal ppeaAers bavo been. engaged, endnil other necessary arrangements to render - the celebration effeettro and ngreeable, bare beenmado. , Tickets can be procured at the Literary Depots of 11. P.. ■ Oalloar, Third street, and-Russoll A Bro., Fifth streot, or of either of tho nnderelgned . - : COtfJCTTEE OP AURARpEHE2VT3. E-A-MyerP, • : . J. F. Campbell, T-W.WrighU J. C. flarpor, K. W.Htanton, . niomaATel ford, . F H Cooilcy, . G.fiL Irwin. fjalO - YOU!w Meh’B llEfiCATmta Liuoaey.—Tbeammal reports ; ■'•of th© ■officers of Utls. Association do ant-present a Tory e^i.. ' coursing Hlato'of affairs. Tho Provident, in .Ms report, - mates * statement of tho condition efthe AssocSatlon..Tbo Library Catnloguo has not boon increased Tory much during > tho year, owing to the fact that tho Rooms have been to furnished The President deplores that tho efforts or tlio Lroturo Committee have not mot with greater enootirago meat in our community. To Bishops Simpson and OCoh ■nor and Rev-Dr-Howard And Prof.-Pomeroy, ho returns the thanks of the Association for Iccturmg.withoutchargo. The Chairman of tho Library CommUteoreports that da ring the past Tear tho Committee hare been unable to add to thu Library but 400 volumes, or which* iJSTolfc hare » becnadded by tbe binding of magazines and papers; 81 voU. were parchawdftnd'SSßvola. were presented; of ihcae •3ast Chns-A. M'KoiKbt, fisq., presented.loB Dr. ' Wm • Addison, tim hational and Documentary History of tho State of NewAork. in 18 largo volumcw. Qoo. Gcnrgo Darsio, 25 volumes of public Documents. Hon. tdw. l;ro rott, 3 volumes of Public Documents. A. Dickons, Esq;, 2 voluiuMof the Life aud AVotks.of John Adams. .htcvillo - «- Craig- -Kpq-,18 relumes of Niles' Kcgißtsr. Richard- Uayp, Esq volumes of Fenuaylvania Records. The remaining 0 volumes were presented, by different inaivldaabv : Vrom John K. Holmes, tho Committee acknowledge the receipt of an old painting.. ' Tho Treasurer, Mr.Hcrsb, in hut report, makes tho fol lowing statement of the. condition of tho Treasory: RECEIPTS.. ... ■ Amount from subscribers, * . »« Kent, Hough & Anthonjv ■ proceeds Bishop Simpson sliveture, “• •*. O'Connor's *v - ' “ • Ror. "W. D. Howard s “ fines and sale of old papers . . 1854: - ■ •*' Jan. D- To balance cash and lulls receivable Deficit* IST2,’ - ••• : ~ $ 83 C 7 Salarimof Librarian and Boy, - ■ . • - - M 3 60 Rent,: i- - - - - ■Has--..- J? •Appropriation to Library Committee • Ml Cl Painting- Repairs and Incidental Expenses,- I*3 4* Balance cash on hand • * » • - - $ 5 37 ■ Bills receivable - .* • > - . • • 8a Cg . •-. ' .01 02 • ■ $1,852 24 Tho Treasurer steles that tho small balance in the Trea «nrv must not l«o tnkcu as An indication tliat tho Awona ilon is in ft flourishing eondition-on tho rentrary.be states • with the KtrMe*t economy, and most beggarly ■ • tieotrrrtis. tlmt it survives at a 11.,• ' P of bum for yearly subscribers, for 1853, was : ‘397 Hehtv-fivo- of which remain uncollected, Owing to that number of members declining to pay.. Fifty eight new ft - Members.-.en...w«li which makes tho list for tho present • 'Sn heic*»27 lc*s than tho year jnst closed. TherearealSo eleven life ’ members. • Tho Itabilllic* of the Tnrtltute, at - Uis lime, fall hut little short Of $4OO, half of which w for enrooting the hall. . ... The officers in their reports earnestly jmplorethocmzpua. ’ 4jf our nty.th aid them- to rxtenuing tho usefulness of the Jnsiitution- To aU, we pay, lot not their prayer bo made in • • vain, -• ; 4 ’ Tki TToitre of Rrrras.—The annual reports of the officers . • of thW institution am very totcrestiog. From the report of - tho Treasurer we learn that the balanco of cash wow on hand • 5- Tho Toceipta fortho past year have been : from State, County and private.contributions $35,301 SO- Tho payments for tho name Ume ©n lot, contract and other oxpenrea amount to SS3.OCO 13. An instalment on IboUt ‘ is now due, which, leather with the estimate on building payable in a few dayn, wilt require tho sum of $lO,BOO, JeaT- Ing a balance of s*>o dollars to lie eollccUd from private subscription* yet uopahl, which as tho county and State contribution haro been paid, constitute the only available reroute© of tho Institution. The counties that bare bitbnr • to contributed to tho instuntton ore, Allegheny county $lO,- * 000, FtLTCtie $2500, and Reaver s2ooo, iu oil all of Which has boon paid. The President in hla report, eaya that many of the othor ' counties in tho Western district of the State, hare been per. iwnally vUitol by commutes of tho Board ot other friends - of the institution, and In all easoa tho citizenahavo esprea*- ’ cd themselves favorably towards county robscriptlons, and fis tho reason which induced tho Grand Jurlcaaud Comm la uoners to suspend any definite action on the subject, bava been rcufrallv of a local or temporary nature, strong hope* ore entertaioed by thn Board, that Uieir furore effort* te obtain the auction of Ihc respective onthcriUca to literal county .subscriptions will bo auccrSfifal. • It la alio proposed thePresidont soys, to apply to Uxo T**- clßlaturefnr lulditionai ansiEtance. and as aid has been lib erallr extended to similar csUWLshment* in Ihecaatern •.' section* of tho State, there is littlc.dooU of theauroeas^f • the application; .... . . ... .. • *J W- Kerr, the architect of the Building, states it.l* oL - now nn«ler roof, with the eiceptlon of ono side of central building- which is not >ot slalod, but Tillbpfiiii?|uxJ a* ' soon a* Hie wcnlhcr will permit. The bock Inuhlmra, io dudloc the wmk shop, fcbool room, kUchrn and dining : rooms have been ntuler roof for the ia»t .two months, tin . • Hoew.ro laid in those lrarts, and alUs rrtidy to lirooww willi the plastering, a* roon as the weather >» auitaV'c- The boundary wait of the grounds w r>ni|dfiAe’l on one side, and o, poriion of one end of Ibe lot end tho materials are being • prepared on the groundi'., for going on wlUi Um ladanre cf • • tho wall early next season, the finishing of tho tnlidings being still carried on during the winter. V- Oiuo am> luiumii*.—The Philadelphia North American, of Tuesday, publishes ft lengthy *rtldo In regard to tho flour and wheat trade of that city. In the eanrra of-Iha article, the'North American mates the fol lowing reference u tlio effect of tho completion of the Ohio and:Pennaylrania Ilsilroatl upon the trade of that city; •• jjj(» mado by Philadelphia in this important trade, lathe first frait of lh« completion of the Ohloan-1 IVnon road through Lho threat wheat region of Ohio. As such ilia Of values bnttho Increase which is visible In the above statistics. U to be prized net for tho actual excess orrr fornieryeaM, so much as it u an indication of what may be expected heie-after- Owr lm*lnry. The prose-. . Orncß of tor Daily Mobfino Post, . 1 rotor U James Coop The unnltr.ucoam.ttaU.Fmn lfwxJ p_ Thß «Sol 4 ta.t tL township.; * " 1.,,;.: i...> ; day’* prireft. wlth an nctiro demand; sales worn readily James Dyer, of Fifth street, mado an tofortnation.ftlsf) made from, wagons at sG@o,Otf for sui>nrfinc,und for bor.ro Atd HcMeetor, In which ho ckargrf Alette Hun v - pR SIiED _ W Rttct!R from w "S on keeping a dlflordorly houso, on oath of Margaret Bjadloy jjoaP.—Sales of 30 boxes city at 4y:,cash. and Ellen Campbell —— ’ BARLEY.—Wo notice a sale of 1000 busholsat C 0». lliin ttmi x* i»ntract was made some two.weeks ago, an•> readily. Minstrels will ho along in a very short Um. -oaths HAY.—Sales of 20 loads nt sloftU. . * MOLASSES.—SmaII .sales to tho country woromado at 20 cents. . BUCKETS.—SaIes of 100 dozen at $2. PE ACHES.—SaIes from store of 100 bushels quarters ot $1,50. .. .:,JANOA&Y 12 FROM THE EVENING I*OHT OF * ASTJ3RDAI,] Umt£d StAteB Cracoit Court.— BCfom Hon. Thomas Ir ,wi&. J Tho Frio nnd North E,ct Kailroad Co d ; The City of line, otal. J Mr Hepburn presented the petition or Ira fhcrwin, of Harbor Cresk township* Erio county. . Tho petition set forth that the petitioner is Imprisoned in the jail of Allegheny county for an alleged contempt of Court, in disobeying n certain preliminary injunction of tho FttH Court, enjoining him from doing any injury to tho track of the Brio and North-East Railroad Company; that notice of tho rolo for Ills commitment teas served on him on tho of. January, to appear nnd answer on tho Sth; that the distance between Kris and Pittsburgh being so great, it was impossible for, him to procure his testimony and coroe prepared for a hear ;iog on such short notice, particularly as the depositions against him were all taken r~ ports without any notlco ■ and ho had no knowledge of tho- particular acts alleged ns breaches of tlio injunction, and at tho time the notice was served on him to appear, nearly all tho attorneys in Krio county being absent, ho had not the means of obtaining good legal advice, as to tlia procoeding against him, orwhat was necessary to he dene in respect lo It. Hence his caso was forcod to a hearing wiihont a fair opportunity for him to procure testimony m his dofence, and otherwise prepare hltnself or his counsel for tlio.controversy. .Tho pclUion also set forth that the peUtioncrdld cot, at eny timc.know ingly'disobey the injunction; that ho had not threntaned to disobey tho same, and hath not any design whatever to disobey tho samo In future, but will hereafter keep nnd ob- Ferro the Raid iiyuncUon. - $1,620 ec - . . . 200 00 . - 43 75 18 07 - -■ .SI 87 - 31 20 $1,852 24 $5l 02 The petition concluded bv praymg thn Court to lent im tlmotiy in hohair ortho petitioner, and make such ordrr in the case, as equity and jnstico may dictate. . Mr Hopbaramado 6omc remarks in regard to tlio pell- air Stanton, counsel for tha.railrOad company, m-de on aVo argument agninst the petition. Ifo conteudcd tlmt the eoso had been lword; and Judgment given, and thatii would ho improper for tho Court lo hear, ihe testimony eltered by the petitioner! that the petition contradicted the adjudged facts of tho caso. Tlio testimony would bnvo been proper at the bearing of tho ease, on Wednesday last, bJt it was not admlssltio. When tho road destroyed by the rimers bad been restored, anil the Manlial had madnsueh return, it would improper fortbe petitioner to como into tho Court, submit, and mako application for release. Don A- W.lsiombi followed Mr.Ptanton. Col. Black,Mr- Dabbitt and Judge Hepburn hare yet to address tlio Court. Comtr or Quauteu fcrsstoss.—Before Hon. William B.Mc- Clure, President Judge, nudOabriel Adams nnd tVm.Boggs Esqrs., Associates. In tho caso of tlio Commonwealth vs. Wm. IP Adams, a motion was made for a now trial by Messrs. Mahon nnd Cochran, IT Adams’ ccnntel. In tho case of Mary Earns, indicted fur assault er.i bat tery, on oath of Neal Hoyle, tho jnry returned a verdict cf not guilty, the prosecutor to pay iho costs. In the case of the Commonwealth vs, Neal Boyle. Indicted for assault and battery, on oath of Mary Karris, the July returned a verdict of guilty. Neal was sentenced to pay a Goo of fj and the costs of proscrutriv. Commonwealth vs. Peter Ilart; indictment, assault am] battery with intent to vnvi.h. The prtiseculrl* in tola esse was Mrs. M’Corty, and It wr.s upon her daughter, a mere chill, that tlio assault wasccmir.ibel. A Verdin orgul.ty was returned: the pnsoncr.was remanded. Motion made by defendant's counsel for'a new trial. Commenwraltli VS. Alfred Hall; indictment, larceny. ■ Hall was charged with stealing from CL Clair lintel a n,im 'her ot articles of clothing. Tho prosecutor In the rasa was Mr Bennett, of tlio hotel. Hall is a colored boy. A verdict of guilty was rendered, and Hall w*s cantoned ty th. Court, to nine months imprisonment In tho county Jail John Luts plead gnilty to an .indictment for keeping 11 tippling house, nnd was sentenced lo pay a t.ne of JOT an.l tlia vests. Commenrralthv«.J-MbPenfTd, Indie* aimM-cai eg a ,-amiiliug house. The defendant, a colored man, was elisrgod with keeping a hoasn where gaining was allowed on the hill. No verdict. liisniCT CoUl.T.—ltcf-iri’ Ilmu. Mo«s Uaroptca, J ririutnl Jad;te* ' Adam tftwriria w.floorffc B*»sci. !o t.d» • rrr diet wan returned f»r fliJntllf, f..-r Clmr’fß KcHoy foruMs »p. Win. Johns, ton, »r., un|..»«..nj. N'a AM'Afrit tuna* I*BS. «>»’«* #<»• t ■»»»<**«■* fcr j lainUfT, Mid (J. T. Uarolltnn r,s.r defendant. AMomppitaQ ft note *l h',.''* 1° “l-'.n tna.l. Tjy tVni- Jolmaton. jr, and Ihrm distra in C»llC.m!a, in ISW XI IO s’liL u a,:siir."'. v. in. J.slliiss.'n, S'.'- a,)l It.colli or maker* of ttm nolo. Almeton alone twin: >cT«d. Join tlomlculr* tint «ocu;'.sin of lit note, »>!• ding list tb noto mutt have been road" l.y another Jobntv.n. A vl! ntwtsr the I'lsUnfifT tertine* porttiwly tb»t Ist kna»» tl.t tistnaluroof dtfciulirat, ar.sMl.it thu notoarn. »»*» b» 'dkcnou 11 Aiiiouiar-Thc Mlovinft l> Iho rrwil of tin. tl'stllon- hold In tb* Fir."!, Second »nd Tlnnl W nnla, for members of Council trod Ward oll.rt. ii. Fir.st W»u». n-lrrlOsuiidl—Qtn. Wro. Rolnnron-* .. (inanar. Hurried—lt- Snowden,{ V. W, Smith,, D. 1. Johnrton-* V, C. Stockton.* Sclux.l JJirerfor.—T. Smith; and At o. IM worth, Jr, £eeon> Wtsp— fUcnaL. 231 fThra. Hoffiltt • (bmTnnn Ccwntfl. ... H 8 | Villiwn RNywaitJ..,,. sul j.o.ccffift; 2lll William F.imit- Jhlr.nnan, 211 \— — CHi^ William Martin*. .VU. Smith* - William Chambers*. ftcorgo It-TUdilloj. J. T: Sample* ■ Tninr* W Mrcl Ccuvcil -William J .mT * , Cwnmon illTlnr ‘ V.tn. O*(W,» ljum for do fsjncfrre --r. <• Th«s j|jry MtuißCd & Tcrdlct foPplalotllT, for SG7O CO, nulr jeet to opinion of tlio Court on rencrred pointii. Jldam Banorlcin T«. Qonruo Bcnccl ; >O. 460, April term, 1563 ‘ Umbstnottcr for plaintiff, nnd Brotrn. for defendant, NoTotdict. v-' : '■ ' .’T:*V--V-..-I'-:-'-. . f i . u » * •■ n+Mr’i'" •:• 1.. -v. ' •' ■,» Tlie Krle AJujcl Virtr.lbn . n*7 | j. U. Bytlnvm*. QtertftT of the }\«T. Jacob Geyer.. •Bwotiww—Mlss Ve*T, the young womnnwho wasro [•vlly hc&teb fl few ulghlflnso by rutrick llickoy, is rccotcr- Alisa leer Stowe—Go to-night, 1/y nil. means, and hear • Sllfs liiojr” locturo upon the “ Social at ul Induitrud Du. ■aUUtia B.lBs3. —.. PimnsylranlftOß.lSTO ~ i Pminsyiranlatto.lSGß. .....] AUrglionyeouuty <>* Allegheny couuty coupons. Pittsburgh riltyGs PiiteburgU city coupons, payable ■ New York. Allegheny City fla. * -Allegheny City coupons, payable in Philadelphia.... BANK STOCKS. Bank of Pittsburgh— Merchants* Jlanuhicturcra’ llanli Exchange Bank... Fanners’ Doporitllank Allegheny Bating* Hank bridge STOCKS. Monongohela Bridge— St Clair street Bridge— lliuad streot Bridge—. Northern Eibcrthr* Bridge- INSURANCE BTOCKB. Wesb-rnlnsuracro Company..—. Citizen*'lnsurawwi Company Associated Firemen * Company—, TELEGRAPH STOCKS. Atlantic and Ohio PittidmrghjCiuciunatULioulfiTnin Lake Erie »*i Pittsburgh Gnu \tork* .. \ Mononcohola glorkwatcr. RAILROAD STOCK. I Ponnrylvanla Railroad......— Oiilonnd lVttupyWaub»Kftni , owl.,. 1 Uerolaud a PUt*burnh Railroad,-i Marlm. Railway and Dry Doel—.. Turtle Crvek PUnk Rood PorTyenlU'l’lauk R*»ad Grwnsburß Turnpike Chartiern Coal (\nipanr COPPER STOCKS. Fitteburgh and Boston, North American.— North >Vest...... - North WeMeru.- - : Altenturc -• i Ohm Trap Koek- | jfluuejwU.— —— i Pittsburgh and Irio Itoyal —... Dongla* Houghton Ontnnogan Ridge.-- - lira Steel...—... —.....— Colling.-. •** Aztec —— Bluff- - - rimlnaular— Avery— Forest.— ———— PhcrsLx...—.— IrcaCUy..——— —.... COWUtCTJE»PWtXTQ*tJI*..SoaSrUfI>r«STUt- . flocm & Harpent, l£x«lMUig« Hanker#, O.rn'.rri't IP-wi asd A*j«A I*it!r J ,‘urgh. PENNSVLVAMA. t OrUu. PUUtatrsli Hacks J IlUWrtphUk *• pother w»Jtr.DtlmnKflM..- ; I rtnnuTiU " Jr . r. la kj - tiark* county “ K OrwuliK, v -‘ *2 ChMtr'rCo.iww’irxar)... -0 4V.umV& Hri3,!«-Co DuiTiUe ** •• vA'^fr. ;:;| . ; ., ; .- r ... l - ~> iMaearrcn. 44 j*. IMHANA. Uaifr’n ** —... !i‘l-iAi«lik,Mvls.«uwVui.. U i&mntow*'* - \a> r ILI.TKOIB. Tangier U»»fc*~ - ** |*b*non M U lUf A f,o McoicwarrTro.lSMik.*... *•* * ; h>"rn.CK» 11-otWrilM " - , f *>-; ?i H«4in« “ - !•<;„ „. snssowvj. SrhujlUUwxnitj •• .- U?ut»n»..«i;wiw& 5 »-. ?* W«yhn>itu>i> “ J-j JIJUItiMJi. WMtCrW'h “ J 4 A«» '< e I ill- 1 IVycmiDjl - V;i- W CtrlM* » >if.lu«nwi«» _ u ‘'tVv.V^i OtftJ *l« i*ti— ~ <4i Al ‘ \h; ?„*:»« v'i Hwiabuxg.. ... .A : *OL».»A. Hn*ir*»UU ............ *-.’AU*>»*c-r.t Until.*. X SWlMoro ;>•*) SHTh ff»/w Hit* - r " Pork !!«*• ?«> .. . uMA * Ur i r.VIM - -4 A*.f Vr il • IN UtutalSUt** Itan* .. *& } AU.\»»AM A. A***«J a t y- 1 ", r*f Oounlrr llmii:* —• £**■ Vjnv.ini-snv. v»- AllrW-n* »-«■*’- », c it-li i.« i - ’ XIKUWAKU. 5-t *■ 8o51%“« - VAiU-orcUN liAF.\ ( AVI' ■ >.ra'f’ !.*») T*l- M'lir-w r«r«« _ 'l'nnwK ’ ’»■ ]!*“ Csnntry Itsn'i- *! ~ VlKitlslA. (Uatv.*' { w B»nitorV(i.*t!'iuu'Jn*.„ li't'wK-rtAVAir*.. < « hna*ic’lX> , n>> t■» 'iTfl » ,r * " " i VtMrrllk.t fi: * , ’i> v ' , I tr\«n It; »H«n > • f. lx i t r J j Wl(rllsE lai V< 1 yx* » J' WW!n« lirtnrh™ *? NIIW KStjl-AM)- }DouMt>.’t»*,h{'anUh -in All nMvrrl liwjXj **-■• ■~ = ~ “1854:' PITTSBUBOHi CISCINITATI, LOUISVILLE, PitUburtrh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Lino, rr.a tur «a*l «-*> * I dlr'K****?-?** jviwcrful »tn»mcrf, un*- Lfw/Hfi.-T «o*lUtl fvr » J r. f&U • Uw. n. " cvr-M* rf U.c f. fZYlls Cltpf-aiTix, /u*p» i\U*iwr}fh* UUCKBYK* FTATK. M, W. W:L«BOOT*fc...biimler. MKSSBHUKII* No- 1* D*vi«. Monday. ATtiWIIIKNY -Oc:». M'f.fttJ Tiu^lfty. OKYSTAL rAIJiCi: .Wst.J. lCom*. \U*Jt.r«U). PHILADELPHIA .11 J. Urauc. lbufßlAjrt I’JTTSIWKCUU c.H.Ca NroiL.~ ....VrUftJ. PENNSYLVANIA Jm». KuSEretTnL.«..-..Nitutuaj4 Iv«ave daily at 10 uVlock, A* M* j»r«K.i*rlj\, Jfo freight xccciywl After nlao 0 dock ptf tfc* monuDt, 01 Ippatture. , . , . 1 or renimim *r s ' W w, w JOHN FLACK, ’ McmoiifjabeU Houw Btmding*. IdftflOj __ 1 1 s -1 rj'taliurfrh. lfc>3. A. A- MASON & CO. COMtmtX TUJ.II FIRST ORBAT SKMI-AKHUAB SAJ.R, THURSDAY, JANUARY Cm, ISC.I, j At. No. S 6 I'trrti bTtir.tr, Farini; Housea* i-c.f To Lei* JNI* Oil TWO Jr'AUMfl, with couiowliou* JUlck Vy?\l laics ftnil'FtftbWd, near to thu city, nml suitable for ■li'iia Milk Farm*, or to fattun eattlo for tW» w&rltel. Al» 5 ccSiien* ttt lirlck Country M.nakn aud MiAU, t«ira cuonuh fur a tvapuctabto Gunily. Alk>,ooo i>nmUrr rlac<*; anil an tixccllimt l»o fetnry lirlck feWLlllng, nUh ImlßbiHl bMemontaud lb* UMifc of tbn Alii . 'Tm JA s“« Vo«r"Vt OVFICti OHIO AND 1»A.,-B. ■ R ; 'OO.. I l‘ltWbur«!i, UOR. 2t. *63. } Annu ol Mooting of Iho Stockholder* |\ vitctlon of Directors of Itm Ohlontul I onnh- Itoilrooi! ivvrLnnttv fnr tho rnflulfttT yt‘Hr« will bo hflJ ftt tho OIIU© Of of a«mmry,lBs4, botvo*n tho-hournof 10 A. M. and Jl. M ’'l'ly'ordcroVtbo ßATi, tbo 7th ofiobruary, 18t>4, for tlu>purp. COLDER, Wllltam Com,® Co., g(TH. Caiu; lain nf the firm of J. Parker i. Co.) OLE3ALP' OKOOEUS ond Beaters in Porclgn Winns W - Old Mononp.!.elo ..nil lluetifiod Wide- Jy.Ko 323 Oommercfol Bow, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, SUNDUIJsri Plank Lead,. • "Vandyke Drown, Chrome Red, Do Green, Paris Own, In stnro and for.salo by . .jaQ2- ..• G" LYUKKINK—Io COa Jtir *ale at ■ , . . declT. ; KKI BKR’5> OK Wood atreei l /•- >“'-"V- r V-’4 ■ PEICE3 OF ITOST BT ,ge Broker«t l Asked, ifkr Tar )>$ 120,00 $ 100,00 > .101,00 100,00 ) . 000 100,00 . d:,qo 100,00 100,00 100,00 ) 100,00 IQU,OO ) 100,00 100,00 tßionmnoi ixclianf islreeit, l I Bid. | .*$ lll>,oo> . 100,00 . 105,00, . 06,00 30,00] 08,00 40,75 40.00' . 6"»,0o! ior».ou; i 2,00 45,00 48,TC| fiojw; 103,601 10,00 . 1:0,IK.'; 176^0! .CXOOj 20,001 17,00 j UAHS HOTS LIST. SAI'ST J4OVXB Notice* ,British Lustre, Drop Black, Yellow Ockro, • Chrome Yellow, ' EnKllsli Green, &e.» JOEL MOULHII, Ko-241 Liberty-street » l, « * ' By the O’Seilly lines for the Horning Pott thirty-third congress. WaBiii7mitosCitt, January 11.; Swat*.—Mr. Caw delivered, a reply to Mr. Clayton*# (?psflch last ftpring. In theconrsooniis remarks bo said, 1' will embody the principal European non-intervention in American affaire in solemn Congressional, act, and I.will adhere to it and support it, comewhat may. Idesire the exclusion, of European power and inlluenco from all por tions of the western continent not actually held as colonies. As to the existing colonies they will follow peaceably, and In good time.’ The friends of this measure have not-boen- Reeking its accomplishment in vain—it will come. •It Is" destined to come ae srirely as any event In tho future? Tbo country braved now prepared for it': It desiresand demands It. The only hesitation Is in tbo Halls of hcgislfttion, The elevation of tbo.western.hemisphere, from tho.thraldom of tbo eastern, is yot to constitute our proudest claims to.'.the respect of mankind. .If tbo desire. to exclude England from. interference in Central America has been an utter failure, it U not the fault of those voting for It; for the ratification of the treaty was "mi'lo upon the faith of ita expressed engagement*. He controverted the arguments of Mr. Clayton, with regard to .the effect of the treaty being understood by tbo Senate at tho time ofits ratification. At tbo conclusion of Mr. Ca?B’ Fpeech, Mr. Clayton got tha floor. •• After a. short executive session, tho Senate ndjournou. liie.nomination of Collector lledCald, of New York, was sent in. CraccmATi, January 11. Tho tickets are dll sold for Mndamo Sontag’s concert tliia evening, notwithstanding the unfavorable wcathfir. iJhe will give hor last concert on Friday evening. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. New Yoax, January H. Cotton...uales 27D0 hales, steady. Flour ...sales 9500 bbl* State at 47,75®7,51; Ohio advance or Oc; 2500 bblff Southern at better. Wheat-sales 4-50 bus, buoyant." Corn ...sales 50,000 bus mixed at S 3; yellow SC, better. Pork-sales SOObbls prlmo at $12,87 ; moss at $14,26, easier. Beef— sales 450 bbla prime at $13,50. hard ...sale*3oo bbls at 10. ITatn9...imles3Ooat9; shonldewat GX. Whioky...sales 800 bblBobioat27% steady. Coffee:., .ales 500 bags Java at 13J.4; Bio 12. tor leans at 24. Sugar... Orleans at 5%; Muscovado 4U, easier. T inseed oil at G7K* firmer. Spirits Turpentine at 02>1, firm; IroD...Pal<* s3^39,firmer. - Colton marketTery quiet and unchanged. Flour.-somo inquiry for shipment at $7,12; holders generally firm |t *7 !iV soles 000 bbls common ond extra yesterday nt $i,25; moderate inquiry ibr supply or retailers ot $7,20 and $7,75, for common and extra brands. Rye Flour held at $4,Si, Com Meal at $3,50; no sales of either reported- Wheat in demand at last quotations; farther sales 5000 buslt at $1,03 / a il to Ptt fair and primo rod, mostly at latter rates; whito at £1 75. Rye, small sales at 95; Com, steady sales,.looo Irtish new yeilow at 71 In storo. YVbiirky scarce, and firm at 29 for this and 13 for hhda. CtscraNATi, January 11. The river has tlsen lO inches. Fall of lloatlne ico; raln- W all morning No sale* of floor. Vfhlnky 10U. .Hon Oiilct; weather unfavorable; price* ranee Trom lonr...sale* 400 bhl* prime at 8: keff* 8%. Sale* 02j grwo Imm* at 40: bulkmoatnt 4@5 for sholdcrsand hams. Mess pork $11,60. • V [CVETHKO.I Tho river has ripen ton inches; {t has rained.all day ; tho weather Is now cloudy and damp. Bales 2000 bbls Flour at fW£&.V3O. Whisky lIOjZB quiet,owing to the unfavorable weather: sales 700 at s4*2awi4*2o. Salas « 60, (KJ 60,00 60, 0 e so, t.n SO.UI IOG.tXJ 23. «• OTJ) "SCOTCH HILT* MAUKBT HOUSE f.« the rrntre of attraction, and JAMES OAUPNEU U at stall No. 11* on •. the • wtolftr market Jay* owl cTenlnp, Trlth Lia.lw'st lum*, smoked Vent wiusago, bctf tangoes, pickled ninl frrih fcrk.Ac., Ac. . ■ •' . JanlO joujt'VuanSn.--' •■' rocmus slksukg. fl/KMIJSO BtIOTHKUS, (Rnccowora to J, XikM A Co.) Vi lIOIiEBAI#B DRUGGISTS, Xo. CO 11W Proprietor* of Dr/SriAhc** Celetniitcd Vermifuge, liver till-*, Jr. ' J»IQ ~ JUHKPII FLKNIKU, t a 1/, tntcojc & co.) MAHUF-T STKECT AND DIAMOND, keep*' j rorwUnOyon hatwln ftUl assortment of Ml .blot t» hi* fr>td*, anti wit a ooiiviavaaca of tba. patron*** h4frt*frr« so liberally bo* jrfovrvdnyen them. i* j»0 j I*. AVI.IX?OX, JR. M INt.UA t W f hare" on hanl, and ots oiu* rtAiilljr frt-sli strpjJir* or the fv41o»lB-r \r*trnr,in pint e.tw.l <]»«l K-UJrf: Era pi r*£ prior* WMb» £uldAnrHprfh*,Co«i;rt*a M'aUr, awl Mater. 1 ■■••• • JOSEPH SX'KMIXf?* Corner Mark-?! ♦!, ai*4 UUmv-ivl, aoJ <-r*ro.'T po>mh ami SmUhfcwW rtv L" JJISM \VUtV^Y^"p Goa TH-ii AVhUky Jasi rrcrit<'i B&-1 f**!•* t-r JNO. HEOUTT, Jecrf? Or. SmWt&U and Vrrmt »u, pitfjbuf^h. CtrtKA>l T'XtiXAK— fiwj'l^V,'»tor* and for wh* by / Arti H&MlSajt&W; l*KM*‘S,~Ts«rh. \aistn», t?riu>sr* *»'* j NotlTS'".!* f*T trr«**rtL< r g C»k» * nod J'h-s, for **»«* vt-tle «»lr or rat*)} *t p-krlT! KEY.ftfcU*;*, HP IV nod rtrert. STATE 5113 Pi T Of AND tiAIANCES OP DEfO?ITS In tb* fU*x or l*riT*«:soit.i'f the amount of ten toilers a.M nreello; that susn, nM-df*.within *tw thrvw- 8.-it thf il-sf* r-f thi* *tJih tnHnt. bar-* tmi rjtb»jT l»“rn iootriAM or •(jt*t 0»« wwif »h^ 0>« *»«vl* vrjwi'iJt •t/i' tuaje wr ba!»nw># «bC rrard, auJ the tJiorvtj|>-e Ki f 4. JOibft'iscli'. JOt<*s4fif- AnJretr w. put-terßAn.... U*» 00 Oliver M NOt. !«*.„ Co 00 A*rsori*-s.-.. Irf I*—' f«. ( Hrnry . ’*'•• fcu4«fe ffuuJ * JsW MtftKm *‘ ■' 2H... ICiW 00 Jchh toLe -.— . **' 4«i* Dinrlu n.<-? 5 '.-'-. - ** »Vi> -- S* Vmrirl JUr*v.,~ ’ 4 't*r, HfcUvtU *■* J-SU.t •... —> M FTATKMHM* or wvtMsSH* ‘T ft* fim or vhich **itur> Atvtf K-4 t!;TW\ tc.;v«4 U-o>‘ Arr-Jnc: .?*. *££/ ! >** »« f‘.» j *+-« J rtT'if' (t; s l tb- *<» Iw i-itoxx* «&! OUI-'enj/OiJv lb- 1 i:m.u»M #nl wn*U»rvl f« lUd'k (‘■'f lJm»' vtKtst V-» V<'«i*M* v r. Vt.-rs* n*.<>.tVt« i»*v rf IWr, A. !»• J-vV* !«Ns-JX;a,4«j Vit**s* AM. (<}»« JiSp r-fV? *• n. 4 % Wr-fi. 5 T * /!TM? t.J» I’i'**. } ‘VVf'SIKttKA*, *-» *Vcn Vy i^f*nt*-S c» yV’r.ri.l*'. t£*j > r-f XiHJi->iSi« tKJj'ifof ih* -r f J c >it H HKf.'- f Uf tt)WnWr. EtfWAUP HTOKKU-V »it t r 1 SWBS* Xrrrr*"* ‘ . -fc*i Adiutniiiifnlor f a Notice. KTTKtts if! Aa'.oit»{«tr?tW»j t-**n to Jj tl»e Uio fcUte of WIU.HM IItLKV, «»f OM* *nmnh‘, »t| lu tn H3i-t lUtoiv arv t-» make featne* tl’tsb? pMOstmt: au-Jol? haitag tlaiCH *-„*Ain»t toM Fatabs on* r*sjuft«i«i to thr*tt*4uW auihnailcateJ, 'u>t I.AVINA ,T. JtiLKW A4m\t. dtcswil** 4AMK3 . itv IfiSNSVLVXMA, ALI.KOUiV / NY COUNTY. as; • > In the. Diitrki Cozr!* JVo 101, Acv, 7rrCT/liyJD. *.-*-.* ludwtt Christy, 1 {>='•} The «m Kifl WH»«f6v>ort«ltai B«*4 Cii’/.j . And now. to wit r pw'rtnlsT iiHih* IHu3, tiro nOroont or Christy, »i-. w Sequestrator of ibr> Washington and Fit* burgh Torupike, this d*y prwntod In Open Cuort* and filed hr Ann* CbrUty, KxwntrU ct Robert Chrlfty, thaCcuti notion to l*>£lvrmhut tho *an>e wiJi iw omjfirmcd on til* first Monday of February. A. It. 1554, uolpm e.acri-itona bn tiled thnre’to. before that lime. to lw given hy adrefUaMneot in th* Saturday Morn hia Dn*t one© o week for ttr«* sirk‘, From tin* lietonl. JiUW'D CAIU’UKUt, «Ji"., d*n3fcst«* . ProtlmnoUry. - Orphan*’ Conn Mala* • - Ut viwtrs of an order of tho Orphans* Court of Allrgbrny «>anty, the undersigned. Adtaintotratnr of tho HjUW of Frederick 1 Itamiscf, Into of Allegheny county,deewiAod. will cSpoflfl to Public Snip, oVlhn OWUT JHIIIBK, In the diy of I’iltaburjth, cn MON DAY, theltith tlnv of January, A. i>. ISSI, at 10 o'clock, A. M* tlio undivided third part of tha follow- Inc dwerlhod U/Tor PJKCB Ob'GROUND, with tbeltoHJ* inca hnd Improvement# thereon. tit t ’S certain lot or. pice* of ground rliaatw in tho Reserve tract, Rom. towmblp, op posite Uio Northern UH'rties of fitlsburgh, K*lug. Lot *‘ No. llMJ” In llm plan of tot* Hid nut by fl. K, Warner, Jacob Vnlnlrr, and F. Loren*, containing in front Uu Y~ VON'PTKATIIAIiION and Barry’s Tricoj.Uoroas, a noi j j .ot, jot Corner Market st. and Diamond, « a 9 andnonier Fourth and SmtUifleM BBIDGE OVEE THE ALLEGHENY BIVER, AT Oil NEAK SUABPSBURG. NOTICE Is hereby given, that betters Patent luivo been lastlod by the Govcmot of theComtnonwenlthofPonn eylvimlil, for tho incorporation of “The President, Mann tiers ami Company, for erecting nUrldgo across the Alle*. cheny river, at or near Shnrpsbnrg, In Allegheny county, aud tbat on THUBSBA Y, tbo 10lb nay ofFobrnary. 1854, commencing at 10 o’clock, A. M., at Iho St Charles Hotel, In tbo city of Pittsburgh, raid company uUI bo organised, and an election hold for nine Managers and one Trossnror thereof, fot the term of ono year. Thomas Wallace, - James O. Klcliey, John W. Duncan, Charles Barnett, TVm.Kcrr, Itoliert Finney, James Blakely, A. C. Murdoch, Joseph Tomlinson, llnhert Chessman, John D. Koliinson, , Patrick flormly, J. O’Hara Denny, 1 John Nasser, 11. D. King, B-b-Kualt, B, J. Smith, James Bobinson, AVra. Larimer, Jr., -John b, beech, K. A. Mowry, Atvin Wilkins, J. Grant Money, ■ G.AVllklns, >V. O. Penny, f jnT:s!l B. Jackson. : , Tfce Original Stocking Factory. C. DAIiV,' Proprlctor. ■ I HAVE owned my now house, on tho corner of MarKct alley and Fifth Btrect. All articles in my line wljl bo fU j^Tbe ß pnbUc wlft plCTMremomber that thoOßtfllNAli STOCKING FACTORY is atrthe cornet of -Market alloy and. Fifth Btrect, where I will be happy to attend to all who win gfre men fall. • : • C- T>AhT B' kans— 4o eacfc&..fof fiato by - : r_:— : -‘ - ■Jrili ~ - sMirm SINCLAIR Henry M’Callongh. •••••' v-. “■ . HOLIDAY BOOKS.—a flno aflK>rti*jntor Boohs-saita .'bio for tbo Holidays still on hand nt . . DAVISON’S BOOK STORK, 66 Matfc«t'Btrect- •_ MOLASSES— 200 bblsHonteiion Molasses; : 120 bfbbls 110 do; In store oml for sale by MILLER & KIOKETSON, jaij ■ * 221 and 223' Liberty at. 1) ANIL OV I'ITTSBUKGH STOCK— l&staares li AUSTIN LOOMIS, ,„• • : No. 92 Fourth pt. -\XTOOh iam SHAWLS.—A. A. MASON S"s£j'o.dj3 W FIFTH atreot, bare on band orer MOO -Wool Snjju quality.' •"• ; /"kUIO AND PENNSYLVANIA IlATLll'5al> HTOjCKL 20 U Aaroa^Wbj 40 80,AND 100 ACKK LMU ISoMIf l ' D oce?i) 7 - . No. 0-2 Fourth St- OSHAKES0 SHAKES PITTS. TKUST AND SAVINGS W-liTOCI WANTED by. ACSTIN WOSH3, 'IITV WARRANTS—Ji>OO WANTED by _ . l. HAYWARD, doc 3 -'. Corner Market and Liberty ate. 1 EXCHANGE ON NEW ORLEANS AND CINCINNATI.— A j Sight Checks on the above P 0 co : F 0.71 Yonrth Ftreet. A GROCERY STORE, bavin? a pood run of . custom, for sale by S. CUTHRERT & SON, (Jcc23 I - - HO Third street.; CASTOK Oik—bbfc jttst' rccU per steamer fit. Clair!; for cal* bv -FLEMING BUOS-. Successors to J. Kidd & C0.,- ' CO Wood ctrefit PARIS lCK—lo tierces now cropfor sale by ■■■„■ J\, d«22 . MILLER & IUCKKT3ON. !M> tost* Paltn, ’ 10 do C**tU<*. ••• ft do - Almtrnd, 2 do OllT#*, 2 do Camlla* tO do ' Toilet and Fnhry; for sale by BotSI J. P. WILLIAMS, 123 Wood str.-of. fi\< ’ [uU IGuqr do .. . do ... do itfbf. ki'jfiiStm do : JOlif kt%t* MftlflffaQrftji'C.H; ' ; 10 tores Messina Lodun*.‘ RoflaWed tbla day and frr sole Jjy d(vCS . • 3QBIIP A PflOD & 59 Wood rt. lU\f\ miPMS FIGS: ~ OUU ♦WboreaM.K. Raidas; 15d halftones SI. ILBaJatns; '• 2Doqr. ; * ‘ ; SMO tore* F«ney Toys;' 100 *• Motto Lozenges.' " ItcfteMngand by J. C. ANDKBSON A Oft,. No. f. Word pL 'irriim; flannels.—a. a. mason *c0..N0.2i virtu f ' strt'f L «Ul tl»H day 10 bales of While FlaatK-ls, of vbf* toil inskf.' l , of Weleh, and Amcriratiin.vim * 40 l«Jf ch»ljrY. H. Twi i •• ** ItUi'-k do no « Y. 11. do 10 botft* W, 11. tinvt'd .V* T d^tPto: •* Omni & tfcTJ’oHCfl .Vs; to *' H M f) lump; 20 fcaxr-4 Ciotijosrjri*; W) CbU*lct>theSa3j>; . s»Jown to * l Tufc*. Ooh«ri fttui fee sal* ty lar.KfATracK. t uekron^ \r>. «ili I.i\n?flty iin*e*t^ SVNMIU&--1 trr*leiu«*; - IbMlumi; , % * nitinJuUrr; 1 **■ ory Apr’**; 1 box JfctfittrsX ‘ t 1 BA** Hops; • llibJOyatuci*; 100.4** i!ro«,na?. Itwrired thl* day *tv.l tot by. Attjjfl . KJHKPATUTCR & ItBEBOyg. ~ ....”■» | >. **rfcl 1». Y». Zlcur, £3 iip «ja £"» Jo A C M i*OA text* CMUijvUw T’aim ifoop, ou tooul ftrtr23 __ KIUKPATKICK A UKURON’fI. M' ' cm fcsoJ. B.nJ fl-fnUi* by • nnr«i KIRKPATRICK A ILERKQSS. L UT»~So kft!* Sp. 1 l*r4 tta wl«* by. J*ri?t 7 KIRKPATRICK A IIKTUiONH- BVV. for r»fo by . 4«*17 KIRKPATRICK 4 JlKlUvONi^ Z‘ INC XVASU ti'Vu'tj •• Uyluic^ - ’ Ziuo \Vft<> Ifard* on hand and for *sU by *, * landing from jßramor Nyw York and for *u)o br •-?••••■“ JAMES A. nUTCUISON- * iX»i fiUSt- Louis SuffftMU'flnrry, S^’'l r wrioixf tor wit* by tVor:» _ _1 H-A, VAUNESTOCKA 00. C" prim**, lor snfe'h* 1 „SMITH & gf KCI.AJK-_ LAUIES’ Sa'ida!.*, buskin*, tvud Boot* T,*jr l^rrt«*. fc IIAV ,v AI . n . ■ . Corner of amt Liberty-sts. !HtUSTKS“of «» Tory prt>*;pfo»ws cnU aw [ eiuiniftp. ' I*4-£. it A\\l ARP, j'n7 . Corner of Morhot anil liberty gt- a . O Tl ( A^ r bb:a ifotUu-Ji Sugat-Uouw JS . tart. Terri red from steamer Prftlrb* City* and for fab* by iJrclS JAMKB A. irtTCHISON & CO. - i VopV'JSU—7 drutus prime Codfob mvivid and for wle L b * - BMMfIT A HENBUMV^- bbTa r^ ft iT- BAILKY 4 ItKNSHAAV^ rn’LHJWOO bbla choir* Apple* for iwtr loir by devil BAU.KYAIIKSBIUW. SS* Tdbgrtyst. SKtiARil —Just rrtfd.u supply of choice London wr« li Yana Srcati*, In 100 boxes. dw2 • . ....: B.UUSY A JUSK9IUW. %>(Ta’Tn>;-‘ll6Ul>AVsi--A ; gwisral ftwortmont uf new H PrulL Including llalsins, CurmnU> Figs Prunes nud Lemon»tnl«»i Hard, Soft and rapor-shoU Almonds, WbJ* n W n^’ WtoleB,,o ° r UA& * nENBHAW, ' hhd*, prim»'now crop, landing from ® stetunur Oakland, and for ealo by _, . tlccia . - JASIKS A- IIOTCmSON A CO. TVTiiiv'cfioV Ltivcr RnlKlns ' M. R. TlaWns IFnllanalLdfelm?, ■ • Pram Figs, - Zonto Corrantsi RccrWod and for sale by • tel pAiLKY & inrosnAW. SriOKDBALMON; MewMftckrrel; No. 1 Mackerel, In keU; : Salmon* in libls. BATIiKY k BJ2NSUAW. For salo by H""~ OMlNV—ltecelv*! by railroad, 4bblB-*lmt llominy for fMe by jnf> JUST ILECRIVED— . . .. ' 5 Lhda J. 8, lovoring> Hilla. Byrup; . U.bblsSt. LoalaUoMou Syrup; , . ; & lif hhls -Jo .do. . lOtongalLkegdo do,, . For sale nt tho lowest inntkct price by. docO ; . BAILP.Y k UENSHAW, 253 lilyrty pU 'TTHEaiT’CBANUKUHIKS—Just rocoived and foresle 01 r the Family Grocery andUoustdceeperrsVStore of nor!6 BAILRY ft KKN9UAW. FhKSU CORN MEAL; 4UU 0)0 Ihs Extra HuUcd Buckwheat Meal* IteeM and for sale'by ' BAILEY A RENSUAW, . . oot2S '* - T 253 Liberty street. JUST RECEIVED—2O bidsJ. S. Loverlugs AGo,’ Crushed and Pulverized. Sugars for ealuby. ; BAILEY & RENSUAW, decSS Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 253 Liberty fit. EEWNKD BUGARS-r*" • ‘GO bbU I Crushed; 60 “ C do. 40 “ • C Powdered; * . -•40 « 000 Loaf;. Landing from steamer New York nad for sale by < dec3 - JAMES A. HUTCHISON k CO. ZINC.FAINTSr . 20 tons Snow White, Block, Brown, In store tvnd for ealo by ' ; < ; JAMES A. HUTCHISON & CO., «3 - 45 Water nnd 02 Front sis. /tOl l GALENA LEAD landitigfrom Bteamer A 1 toonaj for sale by ••••-- ; Uec2B • • - JAMES A. lU3TCHISON& CO. "A LL KINDS OP GOLD, SILVER AND DANK NOTES bought, sold and eifchangetf by ■ • ' 1 ■ oc2o] • - A. WILKINS & CO., Bankers* - United States Bank Bnilding, No. 71 Fourth st.» Dhtsbnrgh. onn BOXES EIRE CRACKERS, NO. 1. 4>UU CO do Jockaon do 20,000 Torpedoes. - ••• i .1 cose Nutmegs. • • ;30 kegs Cooking Raisins. . ■ Kecolredand for x&Tohy • - ; deed J. 0. ANDRB3ON A CO, No; 0 Wood e 1 W ~i\. ■* t f*i? * * 4 - * \ \ ■ * 4 • J * r, t * 1 1 ' LEW. BOOKS, MUSIC,. &c. NJSW BOOKS—At DAVISON’S BOOK STORE, 65 SlAlE KET.street—•v'--r-- The Analysis of tho Bible. SilUman’s'Visit.to Europe. Comparative Philology, DeVere. Peruvian Antiquities; Illustrated. Ilawkff. . Notea from life. Henry Taylor. Wide World;; UJuetratoded.. . Parley’s Present. Elegant juvenile; lHua’d. Christmas Blossoms. do Cottage Bible. ;..y’ “ . BJrket Fpster’ssplendid ill list rated euiUorr Of-Loogfal- Jow’s Works.' English. Otber'fiimilar preaentatidn Bookff^-. ' \- UncleBam. . New. Mrs.Stowc.', - Influenced By author of Trap to Catch Sunbeam. Sparing to Spend. The little Drummer. . ; Tangle'Wood Tales. Lpuia XVU.; Life, Sufferings and Death. Venice, tho Citjr of Uni Rea. ' . 8econ«l War wjth England. Ilraulley. History of the Insurrection in Chino. Homes of tho New World. Miss Bremer. \•. .. !. 'JTonm and Neighbor.*. Newed. do The .Bow in tho Cloud, or Covenant Merry fhr the AfßlctetK ". • ' Martyr Missionary. , ' The Behavior Book. Miss . • i Story of Mt; Blanc. ‘ Student’s Manual. «. ‘ i -Key. John Todd's Books for Children. Ufaofliimwl Wetater. Formlejw BiTJSON ] Bate Davison & Agnow. [ TJOOKS FOR TUB 11' American Female Poets; illustrated. British do do do Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. - Dictionary of Bacred The Women of the Scriptures. Sceues in the life of the Saviour. . . Scenes In the Lives of the Patriarchs and Prophets, Heroic Women of History. - 4 . Uncle Tom’s Cabin;, beautifully illustrated. Mrs. Hemim’a Poetical Works. i: -Pope's. do' - . do- Tapper’s’,-' -do rdo •Tapper's Proverbial Philosophy. Poems of Oiwiaji.- Lalla Jtookh. • The Gift. The Ladies’Gift. Marrlnße Offering.; Young Ladies’Home... Poems by Amelia. - «■ . or the Saiited Dend. • Flora’s Lexicon. Floral Forget-me-not. • Forest Flowers of the West; Beenes at Home. Greenwood Leaves, - Fcm Leaves. A crest variety of Albums and Juvenile Works.. For sale by ' - : B. T. C. MORGAN, . dec23 No. 104 Wood street, near Fifth. < [>OOK3 LAST KKOKIV.ED, AT DAYISON’3 BooK Store, t> Gs3larket street, nearßourth. :• Harper’s awl Putnam’s Magazines; Lyell*sGeoloj?y; Pierson on Infidelity—notr saprly; IXamilton’js Philosophy jrllitcbcoct-’s Philosophy; -» Liber on Civil Liberty and Government; * Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities; ' t Ixmgstroih on the Hite and Honey Bee; _ . Webster’s Dictionaries, Bash's Notes; > . . i Kltto’s Bible Illustrations; Explanatory Bible;. , Priino on Dcatlrof Little Children; Pern Leaves; ' Isaac T.’ nopper? Mlvionary of Kllmany; ; Lamp and Lantern, Hamilton; - - • „ . f , ’ Jacquellno Paschal, or Convent Life at Port Royal. (de3 k >'K\V VOLUME COMMENCED—I’UTNAftI’S MAOA- A ZINE FOR JANUARY.—. ■x - Washington's Early Dnys; by Mrs. Kirkland. PublicßoildingsprNewYork;,illustrated.. ‘ Th» Natfoonl Inventory. . An Adventure on the Plains. -, .... Modern Prophets—Confessions of a \oung. Artist. Aurum Poiabno—Sketches in nParis Cafe. ITayti and the Haytiaus. Three DayMnArgolfs. , . •* The Catastrophe at Versailles.' Stage-Coach Stories—The Conqueror’s Grave. . ~ LUcmry Piracy. Pnh» and Punsters: ; Editorial Note?, literature, Music, Fine A»nd eiponeo fn.preparing for the HnlWa**, ftcl* Market, near Fonrth sC, ■\TJSW BOOKS.—Justreceived, The Young VoyogeorK,or JAj Boy Hunters in America; by Captain 51. BeW; with twelve illustration*. , !V>einfl and'.lterodirs; by. Phoohe Corey. Passion FI owns. • , . .. „• Th« T»rwt Prince, proTiD'r (he Identity of F/mts lie Sis tpeatUof Franc© and the Iter. Eleaxer Wiliams; by John Hannon. ' ~ . _ January and June-hring oat-door thinkings and fire side memories; by B- V. Taylor : Illustrated. lleaUhTrip to the Tropics; by N. I*. Wills. . - ' : Clorerdook, or Recollections of our Neighborhood In tho second series; by Alice Carey. A Pay in the Crystal Palace, and how to make the most of it; by VT.C. Richards, A. 11. Men aud Things in Europe; by Klrwuo. A fi*»w supply of Hot Cura just ready and for*sale at W. A. GIUJEXFENNEY £ CO.’B, 70 Fourth street- JUST RECEiVED AT DAVISuN’S BOOK STORE,'t"* MARKET sfc—SchaiTs History ;Antouin Honrs, Sir*. Kirkland; Bloodstone, by McLeod; Up the Hirer. ShellonGolden Link; Tip-Top; IJtlle Drummer; Mura on \bv Church; Pnstor’a Sketches, second series; Tfaf* ford our Shepherd: Memoir® of I*. Williams, iho Pata eaniatt Mtadonary, bv-Hamilton; Tbo Well Spring; Per* kins’ Arithmetic; areeufcaT* C.JL Arithmetic; McOoffeyV Macaul»y ! s Mbrellaoles; rresb. Hymn Books In tfogwnt binding; KutUerford’s Childrenand the latest riucsof tlwS.B. Union. For Nile by JOHN S. DAVISON, dccCS * 65 Market street near Fourth. • XT KW-BOOKS JUST ItKORtVKD AT DAVISONS BUCK STORE, 65 MARKET street, near fourth: —not Oimr Ellen Mulgrare; Pletre Toorsant; Flower of the Family: Little Ferns Ibr Ut tie FMends; The Early Called; little Sn»y\« Six Birthdays; Cloth Bocks for Children: Kenny's Mills, or Ifoo Earnest Worker; At Home and Abroad, or How to BehaVe; splendid English iUnstraiwl and etc~ cte. Just receded aml for tale by 11. ECUUOKDEft A CO., Cargo’s Hall, 83 Fourth street. Blank, booku-t Leg*™, : - Journals;' Day Docks, • . Cash Books, Receipt Books, • Dockets, Or any ileserlp: lion of BLANK BOORS MADE TO ORDER at short notice, r>r the most superior quality of paper, bound in any style required. Blank Books pagxp to order. i laiff? and excellent stock of Blank Books always on hand and for sale'at low rates, consisting of Cop, Demy and Sodium work, in all styles of Binding. . ' The trade supplied on iiboral terms. .. . W» 5. RAVEN, Blank Book ■Manufacturer, i fpp2 . - Corner of Market and Second streets. ■VfkW BOOKS! —11. P. CAUOW, Dispateh Buildings, has J.X received the following: . Magnainc of Art, for December ; No-dDracticnlPraughteman; & Popular Educator, for December ,Tho Lady at ilomo, hy.Arthur; •ThoTron Rule,‘by Arthur; The. Twin Brothers; .> -v . . . And all tho different Mngarftiw* Ibr the. present month, deed . ; . U. P. CALLOW, Third street; TTAIK PyE—Oo you want U? Yes! Why, then, buy || dusTADOEo's. It makes a. beautiful brown q| black, tUnichalleraEOS the lustre ofthe raven's wing. For saleat declT ...... : KKVSKR’3yI4O Wood street. NEW YEAR’S PARTIES —Good ami cheap Frulu* A rau bo had at 3KUU HAWORTU’S, corner of Diamond, alley and the Diamond, such as— ./ U:' * ’ . Now Bunch Raisins, ft Cluster “ 10; Kog and Valencia Raisins, . - 8 French Currants, • • • IOJ-^2O; “ • Orange and Cilron Peels, Sc, ounce. Cranberries, : quart. . . Cooking Wino and Brandy, 25 “ But above oil* prime Y.* Hyson Te-a at £Qe.slb; I Al?o,-flno rough flavored English Breakfast Tea al &0 cts. I por pound.’ ‘ . No. 25 TXT S invitoTttontion to their very large and w VplolS~t n of iviuto Flannels, of Foselgnsn^ mastic manufacture. _— __ .. ——. SbblsNo.lSalraon, Soo lbs smokeu Salmon, 20 bfela gib’d Itening, ~ 20 do No. 3 Mackerel, • ■ 150 boxes Burlington sealed and No. 1 moked nerdng, | For sale low for cash by ;.J |SUU lIA\V’ORTH, _ : ’■^ r .y r 4 ’- [OIiIDAVS— Consisting, in pnrf, 11* noy24- .••• - 1 ; _ • 11 .. uo'Woctl Btrc-ct. above. - v*v\ " i ?**'*::. ' ■»• U'; ‘ •" 7 •• ■• • • Vi’ t ‘ ■ -Invalids oI TirtsburgA :X' aij>(ro»«‘: 6f v M ”i?E^ton fl smie. >, - ■.; au«J into ~. ■ ■ ' • nTTBO-ELECTWO VOLTAIC -CHAINS^ /C .NiSTfunii .Nf ’ - ' agect,.po'Cp'«.i l '.n'oxt to thetfdi current uf-ETW -From tlid inasJ Ttwildomliu a FINVUi. PER! to directions, to’ Rheumatism, v Oom, Sciatic : 'PaTnlysSt , IWnfulAntlSvrelted Joints, Rfc. Vitus’Dance, >; . Neuralgin of thaFnee,: -Gcnewl'Pehility,-. ; •, Diseases'nf the Spine; ’v . 1 Pa'riVdf • ' Deafness and llyi?tortcBV:Dyßfop?ta, • { i.v ALL DISEASES . ' a - Thai nm -caused by a.• deficient: Amount v > /I ' !- FLUID, are greatly rclioTO-1, 1/ not perm tmently.cn red. by ... ... _t , v . simply w«mDg tlioehalns for n few 1 hours eaih day Be It-Understood • v*.*/. That it is-not cJoiine/L that it cnrcf.aU only, • - - those Tor -srhich it.is recommended; -jmd moreoyer, boHly claim and DEFY. that no medicinal agent of Alix KINB has peribnaed SO MANY CURBS daring tl» .last -;:. ycar.of ihrwe many WELI, AUTHENTICATED CERTIPICATES of . Scientific Physiciwja and intcJllgont patients «8 may /be-v-Vl;:;:?} found in ft pamphlet of thirty-six pages, to bo had (gratis) .i* oTJhQ.ngentloTMs town... • - •. v. • -.v-if . The electric Cbeiha ‘were finit introduced iaFranctfifi 1850, V : ; 2 and after beinpr'eabjccfed tfttfuy tnost -i: >;• v v ;Thatoagh and Kigld Trial* By tha first medical men ia Faria, they.were found to pos- boss stratijje and marvellous poj£«r lti rcilovioj; pain, where* 'cveT applied, and I»y their rafwfmde wflre - : M the hospitals o£ thateltyynnd also Bccuredbyletterapatent - ; - by the French Government.• ; ,,; • : . : >■ v -They arc now introduced In olmost every Hospital in . Bogland, Germany, .Aostri* -t MORE WONDERFUL . CURES than, had ft»cr before hern. . ' ■.vl' awarded.them. a. ... • - ••. ; ■ ; *• . Thoyaro highly recommended by I?rofc. Votontine Mott, X‘- ~: Yahßarcu, Post and-other?, who have published" their * . :c . vlowa of their power and mine in. several of the .tn«UcaV v: . journals in that cifcyyftpd are also! in tho!. dally practice of -v recommending their, use to patients. A full acconnt of their ' * . .opinion mny also be found in every pamphlet, nml Sent to.-.-v.-.vb ' tbe addm«H of any .person -In tbo 13tato ny applying (post: -, paid) toDr.:GEO.H.'KI3YSEIt, who iangentfor Pittsburgh, V..--4. I’a*. Tho chains canbcsenf by mall, with fall descriptions i *.*■-••'.•• r '" ; ■ ■ ■■' ■ •..■■uv . . Pricer.f Chains. s3jind $5. • Physicians are politely invited to call and examine licit • ./ .] construction,; and pronounce upon their merit?!’ v r "}. '."X ' -/■'V One Word Slors to Invalids* ■. :;i No person heed fear that they will:not accomplish just- • • * .. r. what U Is.clojnied they cap , Messrs. Mortimer <£ Mowbray —Gentlemen :• Having been •> afflicted with Liter CLmpJaihi often 1/fcrs ■Tjgr, for the benefit of ihe oflllcte J, take great pleasure In an*. bouncing that niter, using’ a fenrbotties of jour-Haihptoh’ Tincture,;! found it cure.'-1 have used.dlflerenfc ineUlc-ines from time ,’td limp,but have noVeT been able to account for liny nppainnt'gpod;'«hd it Ifl - u blessingiofltrickenjhmhanity.to find (Hat thattnedfcinMS;' found whieA possesses ' «a«7ife ' Th 6 many cures it has wrought is -a sufficient': {Siariuitceof the which may be erperien*; .■> red from itB.as3o;- .;. :yix;phys»cnons; tried all their remedies, hut was cured only by; : ;• /.';: 7?\' .* HAMPTON’S' VEGETABLE TINCTURE.'/ . v sale, wholesale and retail,'at tho Drug Store or Pr. GEO.'H.KEYSEK,/M(5, corner of WOodstrwt.and Vir gin oUrr. Also, by J- P. V ATTetiheu v. fno'ij&liw r»|iiJuM2i-?-// , ' Da. 3. &Boss's J&fdical Adviser in Fersonxxn SuxjusiCtna : in UcnWiy icith an publication ia - / •from the pen of an of;Philadelphia, a ; regular graduate of the Medical C6l!egc, and an honorary - .member of tho rhil&Jelplifo/Sfedical Society. It contain* . much good advice to inTalidfl,.as/Trell.a.< persons in health. It also describes jd a comprehcnsWc maimer, the diseases , of our variable climate, and tho.mbde of treatm eu t.VNo /; family should .bo/witliout a 1 copy of this booß. It can bo j bad, without anycharge,' at thovnrioua drug' stores in this > ; city, vfhero. Dr: Hose's valuable' Family Medicines, are for. / ;; Dfu J. S. Ro3£*S NERVOUS AKn IJfTIfJOBATITra ConntAL, tho ■•< greatest .dlseoTcry in medhal science. This astonishing .. .1 preparation, for misingup a weak constitution, debilitated : by care, Übor, study or disease, actsWke a charon -It gives : strength-and appetfte, and possesses great invigorating properties, for heart disease, aTTnervous affections, flatu lence; heart-burn, mtlcsshcssj-nmiibness, nouTOlgia, rola* . ing thospirit?, and giving power to tho whole system, it is . almoafc-miracnlous in its effects. Fifty cents a bottle-:: ;• / Dr. ,/Jose’s Cdcbrat&d Family and his Medical Adrwer to /brsoas in Sickness emdinlTeaWu— Tam just in ■.:... !• mceipt of a fresh assortment of thbuliove Medicines, and a . lo t of his valuable boohs foe distribution, of which tho puV . liearo invited tft call and accept a copy. • > • : - deol3:d*w O. If. KETSBIt. 340 Wood street. :HE BANNING'S LACE OF EODV JBEACE. ; “ ' TntvDraco of Dr- Banning '•/j’. by .. . ! A/ /ihuudmlsbf personß.fnpthe_ - . ’KI >A‘ I //■ /ycuroundurovcntiunofTbca?, ... XAI; . ■.-Tii—TSr /tf Pulmonary, Dyrpeptic, Her- - • ' /ipV // '.rous. PZc- - 'WvS/' // ’riw ami child-bed 'WRAK- H.rr il/ ■; 1 1 (jf -XUSSKS, nuch 0* Frolapsue . •M• uteri, Chronic ; it"** . Droggirg of ibfi Bowels,: ■ . v Ustulftj : Enlarged Veins. : J-lssnyB,dcscriptivo of its use, may be had : at my Storej free-of -charge. ■ • .v- . ; ■■ . ,jO»-I.alan keep Fitch’s, Ohapia’p, Jocksdn a* Mrs. Better r , aud Vanhorn’s SUPPORTERS; also, TRUSSES of-every / kind; 'Lace StochhagiH Suspensory Bandage?, and everyva- :-. : rlcty-6f mochahical appliances used in. thu euro of disease... I would respectfully invito tho attention of physicians and , v others to tho above articles. • : / i / ; I Forsaloat- 'Df.G.n.IIEVSm’SDnUQSTOXI^“^ S: f' j' '•. • / ..... ‘ 1 • • 110 Wood Btrfeot. Ni B.—rersons in want of Trusses, can have them sent to any part of the country, by stating whether Jbt tho right ( or. left side, and ponding tho measnre round thp bodv* [noT .... 350 Reward WILL bo paid to any pDreon'whowulbay . a box of Dr'TRRRKI/S UEALINQ OINT-.. || . 11 WENT; and use -It according to dlrecaon?, if jiicy will call at my office anti say with . / •& >*\ ] ’ ' conscience,''that it will not catn*. '/FXSZLiL p?<-trfyCttrcChappcd:llands,Chihlains,Cha .'.'JJSa. - ling, Sorb Ups, Duma and Krwa«S Sores • ■ ' cu CMldtcn, and greatly olleTlato, If not I ’iys&U entirely cure. Saltrneom, PUuSylnHamma* tion of the Breast Bitoe of InsccLvPtopjM on the Saco, audaiu&eaeeeorthestin. For sale by TLEOTNO BROTHKES, and Df. Kltmit, . Wood: street, Firtsburßh; J.O. : S: nOl.SlKS,TeinperaJice,llle; D. H. CURAT, AilegbMy, AVH.BMBBM* 880.. W rittebursb; JWHj: v\z & wiQirrMAN, Pennsylvania Glass Works r Rail/* i DAVISON, E« M t SPANG A GO.* • Stewartstown•. • LEWIS DA&EhL A CO., ShaTpsburg; STBWART, Llf> YD . t, no Mechanic.f;’ Iron Works; J. W.. HANNEN, Mon- jvjiSdtanr _ ILKAUiNU'OLNT&ILNX u? U am Sail* I ) rheum (Tetter); Chilblains,Common Cracked Hands, Butob or Scalds', Cuts or Wounds Piles,ln- Summation,of th**. Breast, Bites of Insects, Bore Upfl, J- i® ; oles on the FnctC wid .Breaking Out and Sflres on Children,., and all Diseases of tho Skin, Qxucl.fr end surer tlnur any -other Medicine.- . • - ", J.' • •''• Bor sale by FLiKMTNCJ.BROTHERS, and -Wood street, Pittsburgh; J-QiSMiTIT Store; WftL SKI BEET & 8110.,477 l»enn Si WIQUTMANi Pennsylvania . Glass Worfesr Jure. ,o. i I£OLMES, Tempernnc«TiUe; I),'M. CURRY; Allegheny City, AUegheny City; l 'y. SL . SM H,'Wo.* 4 re Jg > ' vUIot.MJKE B.DAVISON, Ensl LllKrty; SPABB A *X>-. Blowartstorm; :hKWI3 BAL'ABIX A C 0 STEWARTStOIffI- A CO., Mechanics'; Iron\Vorts, J. tiANNEN,Manchester. . /\ jy2saJ,wy -:;. 1 •. =- TAT singio ta. of Dr. TKKttKh’tSMfITMKh f *l>l "S-gssg "■ssßßfa. i ■ yrllffltt .. •' ■ I • 'pa.: BROWN,• No. 41 Diamond.A!ll«y*. t>*r. .■/>■■ i TO te>? liia entire attention to an office rracUfi«. ;®^^ . \ Vtgf •.• TTin imacofia is mostly • ctmifaw&< to Prtvafr IM' - vfet Ycncrtal Jhszasrs t and «uch painfulAtTectifm?i; fim> ,-y » feKmabtonbyimpmacuco, j . g s «bilia t ;• Drethtal'Wfichargen, Impurity j, hbs of tho Venenrol OTj?aiJ. bkiix D»^^»'PC r^D^l w ea j c . neS? ImpotCTcy, Kheum&lJrai, Foß^j. yirtnl4 ...... )■ Monthly Suppression*, 'Steim' • .1 tattojl o/the Bladder- CoTeptaniotoed ■. ■ ■ . ■