. . .. n:::ry; f C'"vxxy.Xb : yv : ■ r »% . y, v ; *• *- y i' <, ax , » y ‘i / * -’ i * ■* -r v ' - Vi* • j.-r- a;* ; Vho.;- a V*>-?■•= t- -V-? V v • --‘t l- -i.- l;^ : ►'.rV -'• •••* ■■• •• .:- fc . v . .•„ ■. --, • «_' k .' l . •.?. -nv ■ ••■»•. .*. vsi- • •••; -iw - \:y\ H, 'J it '\, xy \t> C v; J . ..»T- «> t r‘, «■ % -■, * *, f ’i. < i^>,<>* t J .V'i- ,''S • *■' >f ■’ •»- .:•♦•'?•:*. *f‘-* *S **».:■*. >;-*. vv 4 fkV. sX X';' XXa h A * l '. , “ s *j •> ,l.': /« ! t r-.>-.,.« *i ! ,: ,< •* * i-'i r,* ■•! i , , i.v.r 3 :r.\ *sa; >- ’-«- ! . :; 'i‘ w » ; *" .■'*! y-- %y. k''A ".••>’ *>■ f t- ■ ¥:4*%jp^M¥.k^V .^'tri-civ' 1 **< S {3 W V t- W ppaa#a^«^ r,, y w, A?’ « u i k i '{KK"'- Vi L& S»\l hli iX V ’?• liiV^t/^lß mg|M Mnn timmm iSPt>w€i?S fesaf mm p® Jesii ■■.% AryjtX’ xyiyxyAHtyx ‘v* : '•£.MV rV —• --r^y W^^&SMiMyWOS§SmMyAy' : XMyXM9y>MyA^.:- ®;P ■» y f n v f> a \% f.. 1 ,_-- ! ,. . :j,- . \ 'V" <3e Ij fls " The ci WEDNESDAY MOKffIKG::;::.-.:jAjmAar il. FOURTH • AJSSU AiTckli EB R ATI OS - OP tut MnaBTOOH TOOQHAPHICAi TOIOS, HO. 7, AT WASHINGTON EAIL, On Tuesday E vening, January 17,1 854. 43?-THE ONE HTODRED AND FOHTV*EIGIITIE AN- NimSABY OF FRANKLIN'S BIRTH-PAY mil bk com nieanoratod.by GRAND BANQUET, at tie abOTeHall, ©a Tuesday cjreniog,: January 17. Tho services of eoToral distinguished speakers bare been engaged, and all other necessary arrangements to render the celebration effective and agreeable, hare been made. ' , Tlckets can be‘procured at tho Literary Depots of lL p. Oaltojr, Third street, and Bussell * Bro., Fifth street, or of dtlxor of the undersigned coinarrex OP AnßATtOtXirrT?.- j.F.Campbell,. J* C. Ilarpcr, 5“ S ’iwi? 100 * ‘ Thomas Telford, F. H. Ooolley, : O.M.lrwin. - fjalO Isqumr os Srtrara lUoat—Tho Coroner, Hr. towry ■ yesterday held an inquest oh tiro body of Stephen Hogoe' j r, at the house of Ms father, In tho Krel Ward of All echo ■ ny City. ■ . Cnpt. A. D. Reno testified that be tout parsing tbo corner of Cony and Ann streets, about nine o'clock on Monday night; be heardloud talking and wearing; boheardsome one aay, “ Store; keep array jaw Hagno chaaing Hosack about half a equarc down Robinson atreot, and then Up and then down Corry elreet towards tho riser; After a Httlo, Hosack came back, and naked for Mo cap, which was handed, to him. Hosack then wont into Williams' atom on the carter of Corry and Robinson streets. Do true took ©. “ r “ TOt ' but ™ stay with yon till lhn deadhe then went into the store, and came out in a moment, and said, "Tn cat, catch me, or W!-" fell as he waa speaking; ran eree to Mm. and by that time three or fbur crowded around; fbw a small knife lying hesido him; he ws carried to the bout* of Mr. Bess. Sir. Williams testified that Hosack camo In Ms store, and aaidho waatut; saw a scratcß on his face, took a candle, and went to the door, when I saw Hague fall. William Cooper testified that ho was passing Robinson and Corry streets about nine o'clock; Saw Hagno and Hoc aek; the latter charged Hagnowith Insulting company that he (Hosnck) was in; Hague answered that he told a d—d Ho, end was a s—n of • b—h; saw Hague atrikeHosack, in the middle ortho street, opposite Williams' etrre; raw Hosnck running down Corry street about hair acquire- Hagno striking Mm oil tho way; they then separated, and - took different stdea of the street; XwlredHoenck whether . he was ent—he, said yes, In the firne; be then went into Williams’ store; Hegue -walked along Corry street, with i , hie right hand in his left breast; he pulled c 2 Ms coat and . Test, and then went into the store; nosack told Mm to go away, and not raiso. a fuss there; Hogue then went out, and walked down to the comer, and told, mo not to let Mm fall, that he was dying, and to send for a doctor; I caught Mm, and laid Idm on his back. William Clean testified that Hagno was rolling atones down Corry Street, through tho Crowd where Hosack was etending. Words passed between them, and at last Hague - struck Hosack, who returned Ike blow, nosaek .lhcn ran down Corry street, end Heguo followed. The eTidencethat fbllowed was similar to that gWen shore. darner Gullenbutg, testified that while Hosack was being pursuod by Hague, be turned and raised hla hand and struck Hague downwards, and hit him on the breast. Haguecamo back holding his breast. Thomas M. Smith testified to tim facts stated ahoTe; Ho. sack was sober, bu t excited—Hague was drunk. Ambrose lynch testified that tha knife belonged to Hague. l)r. Kerin and Floyd testified that he found a wonnd in the‘ch«t, on the. left ride, between the Settrnd end third libs, made from, above, downwards, penetrating the left lung and cutting several large branchfis off the pulmonary ▼essels of theluog. The wound would produce death in a few tromeats. The jury returned a verdict that Hague came to hisdvath fttm a wound inflicted vitharbarp Instrument InlhohaneU df Hcsack. Ko weapons were fvund ou Hosack. He bore a good char* aetor for sobriety and industry. Coroner Lowry committed him to Jail for trial, on a charge of murd er.' StfiUTER Hon. William B. M’Cluiv, Prt ddent Jadgo, and Gabrbl Adams and Wm. Boggs, Esq’rr, Awaodaffs. In the care of the Commonwealth t*. Willltua McAdams, indicted for bigamy, the Court charged the Jury yesterday morning, and they retired,. The jury cams into Court at S o’chvkyo3tcrdey evening, with a vordict of guilty—but re. commended McAdams to the mercy of the Court. Commonwealth vnTOecrga Cndorah; indictment, assault and battery with intent to kill. The defendant, a colored ■ man, who. resides a Jhori distance from this city, in the > county .made an arsault on bis wife with a carving knife The Jury return cd a verdict of guilty of assault and battery! The Court sentenced Cadarah to eight month’s aonment in the county jail. Codarnh was also found guilty of another indictment of assault and battery, committed by him on his wife. The Court sentenced him to ona month’s imprisonment,to tsk« afreet upon the expiration of tbo above sentence,' James Murphy and Michael L. Kennedy were each s»n. tensed to pay the costa in surety of the peace prosecutions, *hleh had been brought against them. Patrick Howley and Oaibarloo Murphy werotbo prosecuting wltaossea, : Commonwealth I rs. John Bruce; Indietmcnt,' larceny. Brute wss charged with stealing a lot of apple butter from a market wagon, at Hnto’s tavern. Verdict of guilty, and the Court sentenced Bruce to cne mrotii’s imprlsctrcnt. : Commonwealth va.Mary Kairnp,uni some vs.Kcsl Boyle, eross suits for assault and battery. Ko verdict Hocsaor ItircQ.—ThesabscriberstothoHonseofJtefogc, fcT Western ronnsylrasia, met at -Philo Hnn. on Monday, lnst, pursuant to notice giroD In the dally papers of tho ally. Tho mooting was erganirod hy appointing John Pullerton Chairman, and It. P.Smyth Secretary. Th reports of tho President and Architect were then Tend ard accepted. - On motion, the meeting proceeded' to an eleclicn of a President, yiso president. Secretary, Treasurer, and twelrn Managers, far the ensuing year. Messrs L B. Lirlngston and James Chambers were appointed Judges of Election, who, after the balloting, reported tho following persons elected n- • James Andereon. 1 Vico President—Joseph Pcnnock. Becretary— B. J. I loans. Treasurer—Joshua Hanna. . Managers—Tiiomaa Bossweli, William Eichhanm, Atioh Kramer, Oeorgo Barsie, George Weyman, L. it. Uringiton, 3. K. Moorhead, Robert MeKnight,' James Chambers, James Pchoonmaker, J. T. Bogaa, G. E. B.Ecttcrmim. '‘ ■ ; Brsurr or Josata P. Biuaroin>e-Wo gladly call Ure a*- tention of our readers to the adrertisement, In another col umn, retting forth tho bill at the Theatre thls erening. The bill Is excellent, and when we add that It isforlhe honeflt or Mr. Brolefojd, we feel satisfled that the turn ant this eronlng will bo general. Tho roorita of this exeellrnt actor are wellunderstood and appreciated by onr citlienF. BnriDg the period orMr. B’aconnectlon with thoPittehorgh Th.atre, ho has been Tory fortunate, not only la winning hoste of personal frioods,.hut also in tho number of adnit- Tere orhls professional ability, which he has gained. Every Theatre goer likes Brclsford as an actor, nnd wonld prefer seeing him in tho usual round of heavy characters porform ad by a star, than to saa tho wandering luminary himself in hi* ** favorite character.” • Tho hUI announced this evening Is Tory ggod. Otway’s -tragedy or Voniee Preserved,: with Brelsford as Jafflor, and ■Charles Pastor ns Pierre, and tho' new drama of The Ksg Picker of.Pnris, will bo presented, Let tha turn out be snohn one as the .actor deserves. . Bmajot CogaT. Before Hen. Moses Hampton, President .Judge. , In Iheccso of Dampster vs. Curtis, the jury returned a verdict of 6594 00 for plaintiff. Bill of exceptions filed. Martin Lewis ys. P.M. Bsvis, garnishoo; No. 220, April ferm, 1853. tJmhstactter for plaiptiff, and Hepburn for do fence. .. Tho Jury returned a verdict fur plaintiff, for SSJO 30, sub ject to opinion of tha Court on reserved points. Adam Bauotletn vs. George Bensel; No. 450, April term 1853. Umhstaotter for plaintiff, and Brown for defendant’ No TO.'dlCt. ..... . * Mrsx Lore Srexa—Go to-nlgbt, byall means, and hear “ Miss Lucy” lectnro upon the “ Social and Induitrial Dir aHhliet of Women,” nt BTasonio Hail, before tbo Mercantile Library Association. lickcls—only a quarter!—to ho had at tho door.. It is well worth tho wholecostof admission to aee a lady. In fall Cbrtirme de Bloomer, “ as wo:French say,’’ and yon will havo a most ablo Bnd.olOqaent ioeture thrown Into tho bargain. Shn stands acknawledgcd amongst the foremost lecturers of the day. Go and hear her, by all means, as. another opportunity may not bo again afforded . for so doing, In years. Boors open at 0V; lecture to com menro at 7 o’clock. pi.uto.vi) Maeect.—We understand that a plan is btinr prepored of the Butchers’elalls in the now market under the City Hall, which will bo submitted for Inspection in a few days, when it Is believed that tho rates of rent assessed will ba such as will bseatisfactcry to those desirous of tsk lag stalls in that market. [FSOU THE ETZNtXG POST OP TESTBIW.\T.\ Bttrn or J. B. YAsnos.—The State Council of tha rolored popniation, now In aesslon in Philadelphia, on Thursday iastj edoptet the report of .a Special Committee appointed * to prevldo in a snitahlo manner to exnrc.es the regard of thls.Counril (br tho memory oftho late John Boyer Voeh bn.” The following rcsolntion was adopted: tho of tidatruly great man, the Co^^I o asaemWo§ r^a^^ T roUowingrendolenre to tbofeSlyaimftSnSfaSdtoVuV 11c.ngeneral. Anahuaband.bewaadßTotod; asafiiior ho was loving; asacitiicn, an exemplary, uptight, end goodtman; a devoted chrisUan, a friend to the an t « becefoetortotbe poor and distressed. ■ ,aDJ ® Qnannnt Ensio.tA—Before Hon. Wllllnm A McClure, Pre s Mont Judge, and Oabrict Adams and Wm. Bogg« E- o ’n-- Associatcs.- • ‘ ....V . Tho cose of William McAdams, indicted for Ilgam?, *„« .reamed this morning. After tho testimony hnd'closed Mr. Mahon addressed the J ury for thadefenco. He was fcl! ' I°— od by Mr. Cochran olso for the defenee, and Coi. Black :Arth»OominonirMjth. . POST; ~ ejected officers of ihoVoang 31en«’ Mercantile LibiirjTon' Monday OTcningt ,y > ' I '■'• - J • t ; i ■? - '■.•■•,■. ... PrcEtdont^—Janxofi^BFAutay. {••■» h» Resident—HeMy-Woode.-' * Treasurers-William M. north.: • eecretarye-Witlfam H. Kincaid. Directors H. I Ringtail, John JT. Kirkpatrick, John Scott, Frauds Sellers, ¥, H. Gordon. 1 V.' • r v;<;Si» I ■ Aniljtore—Adams Getty, .Tames E. Cooko.'L- Egon;' Kirkpatrick, John "Kil patrick, In Shcrtrin, nnd John Jack armed in this city on Monday craning, from Erin; f ,ey came without an csrort other thou that of two Wend, who followed them toThis’ city, far the purpose of attending on .them, daring thdreod fnoment in jail. The gentlemen -proceeded to the Oonrt fhcHff’w nZ V tt ™ sdlc ’ «ndc the eustodv of mnrtyrdo^hrar^ 01 ' 1 ' 10 '’: 1 ” mca ' 8!!l bear ,h<,i ' tiot'sr. Before Hon. . Moses Hampton, Prcsi jaent Judge. -• .... - The case of Bampstofva. Cnrtfc-; is still on trial in this Court. • •• « . . ■ jTudge ‘Wnilama is Indisposed, tithl has'been ■unable, for two attend ' t&iho'dnUra'of bU office..: Jflje:'trial ist mod© out will bo taken up.tomorrow-morning, in cose tis boEox should te in bettor health. [ : A.xnan yarned David Scott was arrested yesterday inorntng, by officer M , Cov r andc6mmitted tp: jaU fcy Alderman Major, «n - a chargo of assault nnd battery, preforrod agaiufit hlm by' oae. Jack WUllnm>. Scatt and .Williams got.into a difflcuUy.cn- the the latter, was slightly cutby- the former wiih a knife. I . DrsonhsaLT House.—Two--women named. Margaret Mb. Cloiland and Jftne' DavtiVer? committed to jail this morn ing, by Aid. Major, on a of keeping adhorderly bouse on Prospect street,.in this dty\; The informstion: charging them with the' offence, was laid br Helen Camp bell... . - r “ . .. . *. . Asi;.*u.»L.—Wcrecclrwlapronf from the Journal office last evening. In regard to tho House orUefugc, at'tod Tate nn hourtopormlt of its publication this mbmih"-. Ji- Auction CArct« 'A ?ct, oJ" »r sud.. Commission Mar cn&nt,No. 1-0 Wood slreet, near.tho corner ofriflh regular sales of Dry Goods, Clothing,-Groceries Gl•lL^'Vnr* , s®* Furniture,each day Tit-10 and 2 ■ft***? * a * * early gaslight, each «reaing,mtrfie? bid B< ! 0ka ’ t'*?- 7 Cutlery, Boots! bnoos, 4c.,-with a general assortmeni of every dc«f«rlnt!n? p /. Pry Oqodk . Refer to tho principal ,.. I _ - r Auction—Dully Soles, St! 000d *' c:otUn!; - Dcatr . AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M , Groceries. Queens ware, Glassware, TableCutlcry, Looklnc nihm? , 4^j!.v[ berniies nil cloths, ccsdmcrre and dera, blankets.tweedy sack flannels, drilling’ ritk\SnneS' mammas, spool cotton, shirts nnd drawers, hailed *, '’ _is? JAM Kg MeKHN-N-A. Anars ASSIGNEES’ SALE of an oxtermro COUNTRY DRY s 'tmJPifc?? 01 } 1 ?, A ?, A V CTrof ‘-^' on MOVDAY, Jan- I °t.J octocs, wilt l>o sold, at McKenna's nonm^eit OaM!, « *- nlcr -“ f 'A-.ysness.Ahe stock of a retail | Among the Tot arc some very flhe uemd» Saxony rrcrincf, clpwta, moiw do ffinet I ’.f ,nKh " ra ’- ilnen ‘“"tel. caUcnJ ciintte*. cam ‘>p»h'l«.'W6»’ lu ' ,h - dm ' !aos - htulcS: 70 JnUst.*, lx>ye nnd rrmthß’ I brognUK, rhoc?i-bcOsfe*,bqfllLln*, pump* and slipper* I a '«se 10l if cil. fringe, with many other article*. --1 . JAMC3 McUK.YKA, Aucticnpcr. D r i\» J i°2^ i ;", a3; r 2nT n:naDDAVMORs. Im(*, 12th 3n*L, at 10 o clori.at the Cemiracrclal &vl« «>rncr orwoed HEd HrUiatrcfl?. vlll lissoU a tori, and general ajisartmimt of. rra£onabk* Dry fin, broad cloth?, i a!,lr ’. .Ifimnela, dcnata,‘n.S V Nicking* blnokctr, oonnt.rpanrs, ribbon* trimmings Ac. _ AT 2 O'CLOCK, 1-. M. Uonsehoid and kitchen furmtur*. looking clary*-. cintr and queensware, groceries, table cutlery, Brfttarila, ic - 1> *l. PAVIS. WINTEU. CLOTHING, MNH yuiILTS, at Afctiu. -On FRIDAY MORNING, d.-it), lo oS’ 4i me Commercial Sale* Kcoms, corner of Woul ntj'l Fil'l streets, will be sold an excellent variety cfbTar'coat“ ban~ iift*V^ S t dr?4 V od <***» pants under ahirts2odoaen fine shirts 32 do woolealackeis Ac '■■*** ■ ■ ■ , • . V- M* DAVIS, AuctV. i T/vr B M I^ I> / AO L , OT P ® R SALK. A iSFi' - Ad£? t front on w *LlfS. Binet, and extending r^.^f^n 09 w W* iJo olie7. On the back part Of the uit is a Cellar Wa.l, Luslt for two nnalt House*, This Lot Jsta a desirable, Iwatioofor a resldenco; .and will bo sold low, nndoa favorable term*. Title gwxl, and clnar from iDtrumbanco. Lnquireof (JKO. F. GILLMOUE - poy 3o • At Onbre of Morning PoVt. H Copnrtncrahlp, - r "T *‘- h m " ln 'he Hide. - Leather and Oil huetnee.i, the btoinesi will bo carried oa xpom Uur< aato, »t tue old js»nod, untlcc tho Ftvle of ■ January, ft!, 165*. • i WALTER & CO WV*n*M in HWc.-,-, Lather, and On, No. o rj Liberty ntrcet. « ja< , • * •.•>>• 555 ftOCI^? 0 " 0^ ««btoaoj 5 Vjai^por y negotiated on tbn. shortest notice, bj . .JAMES I£. MOKANOK, H?sU Estate ApenL • No, bbyz 4th fit., xicar Market. I •***-%•* ■ Book Foutitl. on Weflncs.laj* Tnornio*. on Fifth «trt-ot, nrfer 7 -Wow!, a flmall POOKKT iiOOK, coateJoloir a Vroid! of money anil paper? of;rio account to aojr t*rr*oh but **olo ran lw liart by applying at TIIIB OF* *JCE» proving property, cad paying for Ibi* notice. ajrCimill** Important. Notice to oil /whom it. moJ . ' s C0ncern........ ••• AGREEABLE toon Actof A«onibly of tlioState of Peon* srtTaaii, ana la conformity -with the authority grant: cu.oj Mid-Art, tbo Board ofTruatces of the First Methodist Protestant Church of the city of .Pittsburgh, p»4 him pno chased ft Bnrylog Ground in. the Allegheny Oemetm*. for the pnrpose of tranidVrrtng-Uw remains of the deed, note to tt« Braying Ground belonging to .raid Church, thereto,. (located Deiir tho canal, and fronUnion Liforlt atmtiln ; • ‘ - -■ ““v r '«< Jin »W bW.lot ptlriirges. or Mootherftteo.fntere.tod in.raid Buryjhg-Groimd; that th- M". 1 ™, o ,' T , ru !i? > .‘. re l ,r ''l ,tr "> to rutcod to the remo val ©ftbe dead to the Allegheny Cemetery.* It is desirable that Immediate attcntJon bo riven to thl* is cootomjjUted to bare - tho - entire removal made during tho pmontTPlutt-r.' * '' All the noceraaiy. infonnatiim ndit bo heifhr BTOlrinn to ,or «ddrerfn S Chra. Crain E piearothomost fa*., f” bo many of his old cm tomon, (U ho hasjuit received. from Urn Daatcrn cities an elw.ni stock of CLOTHS, OASSIMEHEB and YIMmoV ufiColnSnt" ‘ Dividend Notice. T*F J. tog a firidgo over the AHegheny.Rivcr, oppose Wtts arti this day tlec^red ®.^l*'Mend of Two. Hollars on each share of the Cubital .Slock of said Company on which .Dividends ore K^vh 0 ?? °* sl * months, which will be paid to Stockholders or thoir legal representatives, fbrthwltlL ' , • ! JOHN IIAT.PER, Treasurer. •__ ' Dissolution. - ' THE Tartnercbip heretofore existing, under the stjloof N£alet, 3foha* ■& Co. Lighten mutually difFolved WJI. Dawbos, of tho.-.lato firm, baring pm-chased the inte rest of Jas.H. r»egU-y, the business will bo eoutinm-d a* usual, under the stylo of DAWSON, MOHAN & CO , who are authorized to uso the name of Noglry, Mohan* Co. In rattliog up tho old business. J. 8. NEQrfty YjAWqftV * Pittsburgh, Jan. 2, ’SI. P. MOUAtf' ‘ SB- Haring disposed of my interest in the Into firm of iSS.'S’.!™ ?,*. Co ’ former partner. Sir. Dawson, wfio with Mr. Mohan will continue the business aa hereto fore, 1 have tbo honor to recommend and request the libe i,F. n" 20 ot .J a X and. business acquaintances,’ Ja«) Respectfully. JAS. a. iv'KGUiY. H- bargains. ' . , hetermlned to cloro my business within the ’S' “y remaining stock at aienily reduced prices.. The sleek comprises many desire h”“',ro. “ Par’d Country. Flam bow, Mlung at oOcenta ayard. J. 0; MCNT7 Jadltf . ~ Tilarkctytren't near Liberty. - Dr. J. Eostottor’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, ENTIRELY ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, and warrnnted to inrir orate and strengthen tho whole eyatem of every one who.Ußefi them,.arohow kept tor wlehy ■ Dr.flKO. H. KE?SKR, corner Wood at. nnS Ylrein allev ■ R J lPKyiTvSS' n’ Dr S g f i w' C J r ;^ ood aß(lF ourt h fira.; :&£r5£!&SS3? : Druggist, Wood at. bet Third and Fourth . JOEL MO RLE R. Druggist, Xibcnr street: - - and all our first clruu Hotels and Itestonrsutfi; aa well os reto'Sf p n aM^ r ' , t 1 ’ h ™. ti>t: pro r rietora eff™ 0 ’ * h “ ““I*™ l iri . lh 11,0 ,n ’ 'torreolmmmdS^ 11 * I ' o^,® possesamerltanEcient m£? b "l 1 , 1 not - tnnltiply words in their V j£?d nmVpS 1,0 to other Ditto reprcsentSi «™,‘“ a withdT. T «te £nltat' Sl ° mCCfL RU "* hl °™ ™ GHHIBTMAB AND THE XiOfilDAYß,—The subscriber baring boen at greit rains and oipensj^ln prepS tor the Holidays,fools qnUo Krafidenh witb his tarreand reriod etock of Books, Ao. of being ablo to gire coolsa«2 Action to all who may wish to find Books and the coming season. Special attention’has been riven re BooksfbrChfldren. JOHN S. DAVISON, aeel9 , • . . r. • i .gg Marhat, near Fonrth st. A SALE. fiHaato nineteen miles rom the XL Oy»and two miles from tho canal; 25 Acres cloarcd. vlth & LogHouw, Btohle, Ac. Price $2O an oerp.- ■ "> •• t * Am ~, S. CUTHBEar* fON, awSi Estate Ag;ts, 140 Third fU 1 ocCSn v>, i. AUCTION SALES. fAHEB HoKEOTfA, Aucuonoor. P. .H. DAVIS,- Auctioneer. " HO oIF£ rEI1 ’ SMITH A CO , ’ ■ - street. Plttshnreh. REVIEW OF PITTSBOB6H MARKET; o, n?*. ot ral: nAIIT Mntumra Post, i ■i‘.; ! Wednesdsy, January H, 1854 - } : , Woare.agaln compelled to notico a general InactiiltTimi dullnes In tboleadlng departments of thc prSuce drr ; -I bntflttTJte *» oes. We haToaalesof aboutSSO hbls nt «nr?irt ioi5 UUJ "- n .iffiS'’bbl?ln^o S tm S Sy ° man fln?]mlds™4i rpri “ 3 SHD ’ w6not «» b^heteteu^t 8004 iaVlb7 ' WUh asa,eof 18 25?0tt?^^ MOf 2 *’“"«>» 7 kegado.et!2; ufz-s AHEGHEHY OATIUE HABKET. wa's 1 442 h?rri”SL° cor Clt , llo oTmd"nLttl’jmdy^ncrfay 11004,—-There a i 2 .balance Jolt over. and l^ h^wereS^ C |^ md ' i23 ' Qld “ PEICES OF . , Foa.ini: Patricks & Friend, E: /CWikt.®/ MfUiand Hfotf „ . ~ MASS. tJnlWStatesOs.lsOSJ.-.,.. ■■ Coital Ststeß 5M 853 Penn*j-lTxnhHs,lBT9 I'ennsjrlTimUiCa.lBoB-’....- -i .. Allegheny county Ce...,* Allegheny couhtyconpons.^;....,!, Pittsburgh city 6a. .- coupons, piyablej Allegheny City W:!:/.’’"] ~ ParmeM-DcposUßanls f..'.'"..'.. Allegheny 8ank...:.:.. „ BKIDOB STOCKS. ; Monongaliola IWrtffc..—.. St, Clairslreet linage., HhdU street Bridge.. Northern Liberties Bridge;....*..’;!’ I INSURANCE STOCKS. Western Insurance Compaor... Citizens’lnsurance Company Associated Fircmcn’sComnany... ' TELEGRAPH STOCKS. Atlantic and Ohio Pittsburgh,Cinclnnati*lx>a!firuVp Lake Erie. Pittsburgh tins Work* !..! I Monongnhela. Slackwater....... I RAILROAD STOCK Pennsylvania Railroad I Ohio and PonnsylYaniaßaJlror.a ..f Cleveland t Pittsburgh Railroad..' Jlarmt Railway and Dry Dock«.. Turtle Creek Plank Itoad i Perrysville Plank Rond- Orecnsburg Turnpike Charlton Coal Company... COPPER STOCkS. Pittsburgh and Boston ...... North American .. North West North Western ” Adventure „ [[ Ohio Trap Rock.. I Minnesota..:.... t Pittsburgh and Isle Royal” Douglas Dough t0n........ Oatonogiua...r. .. hidge Fire Steel " Calling .. Altec .... Bluff. I"]” -...,!!!!! Avery *" Ptoralr. ; Iron City....*.......,.. BAHK BOTE IIST. pbsswJS-anu" 11 !!rrtu ' %£s”**■ ' .. JfiOUiersoJmuißaokii W Sa, “:::::::: P SSS^ O S? ,M - I Colombia .J> Sg2£ • g : DutUlo “ .. Bela van? co. 4 * \%\ "ivmVvi' 25 { Germantown 11 """i: -Bdtaorhc- %f Unoaiter Buofct U‘SUt« ?«»krSJS?' • a, ES? :: ~ S“'*tBss£~ « B «r oty “r. * tttr::::::;:.:: LSS! 5 . 1 , j Mia&Joto'.rn..... i? EOnTIT pArnVVvi 1 I KS!::::::::r:z: I rii te^. Urgb > uy par. LOCIS7AKA Allegheny Co. » ......prca. AUulnmt Banka w w^x-ScS^kv,vort CUASQKB - , * SS::ri£ AJI wlTßnt Baufcs Louia.... i' 4 s!£r I fiaaHNnt-, =& VALUB OPCCIISB. M SZ?£Sk~--- Hl^SSlSgfc^ Farmers Ufc,* branchtj.. klTcn Thalers *Si Eirhangelik.abranehfa fejLonlaa’or Jiff t¥l« inß.Banl.a_ glsapdeona..":. ~a sn Whactaß branchM . gjDonWoona, P,tAt.,..;:is Jo « •*£«g “1854." PXTTSBITBOE, CnfCnWATX, iouisviue AST) ' SAINT LOUIS* Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Lino PABB&NGI9RS AND FREIGHT PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, An4 Saint lionla. I fTZff* b» '* BM Liss is composed of surcn «w» i dam powerful nii» , n * • VTciiq uall ed for Fpecd, splendor, *&fer7.(&iilg£igi& i and comfort, and I* tbn oirtT-Tnootun daim ussorfiTtiu rii? fc S?S n tiW ob J° 11 connect? will the U* a. Malt f!SS« i ’ ,rom Uncl!l nnU to LouI»tII1* and Siint frt! K ht »r»tfetrfrf and t,- t?™ lwa " cn S'camcm have boon added to tbo Lino,-which now conaists of tlio following boats: BtJOKPYF STATE_ „W™ Slnle^oT ALLEGHENY....■..‘..iiGio! 51'Luk SL“i& :ivC^y dopMtlire? 11 reC “ na enltaWo for Millc F" m ”> ° r ■*» fatten cattle for this market. A r ?’ 4 convenient- Brick Country Mansion and Stable l)1LS-«no gh for 4 "spwj'ibitt family. Aim, one eraallS placft, iui3aa exccllfcat Btf>rv Brick T)w*lHnrr „ii*, —— Wo. 344 Foorth ft omcK ouro AND PA. li. K. CO.,)' N .‘Pittsburgh. I>ec - Art "*f A GENERAL MEETING of th o /» gheny Valley Itailroad Company wlllb? hol'tfeMh!! Tho AnnanlEe ports of tho President and Knrinreni win be submitted to this meeting. By order of the Board* d°e29.a3ir . . .... J CIBSOy. SoeV - ? ; Selling Off to Hemove. JAMES MODE, No t ID9 Masket :Bmrt T pittaturph wilt offer his present large stock'ot EOOTa. ITS llt>VߣRB,af eeryllowjjrfies, until the loUi Af FMTmfS" IBM, when ho hopes to remora t» his N™ Breen Market street, which hs intends filling with «n enti»iir : now stock.: The public are respectfully Invited to call «nH procure hfs present prime siodr, of unusually great fe»Z —REOABMESS bp COST. >■■ -■■■» Jafey; LTGpIIINE—»JO 5)8 for tale at VX doclt- KETBEE’S, HO Wood street. K ( . ,rv r - V' [ TELEGRAPH! f! By thoO’BeillyXinea for tha Horning Poit Prfrete «■ W» JsS»iS§S§^§ ®^=sssB?ssssgSS impm**** ift^ssssss&r l The Hon. Mr. Muhlenberg reaMence, Washington City.LtSight ot “mf pollra firce M^SSteaSLTfOT JSSaas^ssflriSa&Si I üblio Schools tonjay." Over 4000 persons attended “ tt burn«Hhl of ,fo ' ! ? Cn UI VH 0r " on vctu c' was IhMKO Thoother buildings were insured for (TOCK3. ffSaSßr 15,0 yote BtOM »*SSta^, MOajrwoposf by xckonire Brokers, Ulralt, PUMurgh. r -Bid. lAtkaCllhr Tat ;t 119,00# 120,00 $ 100,00 ■ 100,00 101,00" loofoo 105,00; . 000, 100X0 05,00) 07,00 100,00 1 100,00 100,00 100,00| 109,00 100,001 ■ 100,00 ' Flour ...Mies 7000 bbl, HZ T^jafoHftfVS'L „ . fKTE?WO.I . Cotton doll; rales llQOfealea. Coffee'.ralM 125 A ,I.ra at IS; Rio 12, firm. M % 0i WorM 'Mo 4J4, steady. Molwes j.lm WSbblsOrleans at 28; MuscoVado 2.1. oMo .bblsStato at *7,6*07.73; Ohio *7,66@7,76; i55a 3Ood bbl. :Bouthera at *7,«2@7,75, flrmef. iSt ! a ««™ »t tSi Southerns 2, better; Mles'dOOGObusOcrS yellow, at 84: mixed 83, anadvanceof 2c , proTi«^fma "re n£f sL*,£® r’S’ '"i"-' «>™ 2™ bbT. Onll Sales 150 "bbla Hajns at *>honM»Ta orJl Ji? 11 1000 boxes long middles on terms not made public. ’ * IM flrmlv^twor**w” 1 ’ Sm’rSmor. M p)onrheld at {7,25; buyers offer r,12; no sale* for export nr & e ®^ otir '** ne rales. Corn Men}...no galea £J$Mv Wb J at <^®slo^ c i Bcnree, and is in demjmd; rales 2000 bo* prime. red at *1,63; white tI.TS all fn market bare of Rye. Corn held firmly at last onotafinnsl ontmuch demanded. Whisky flrmn&9in bbls,£S gft 102,00! 08,00! 92,00: - | 85,60! 65,76! 60,00 67,00! “67,60 ' 60,00 .68,25 -65,50 j ' 60,00 Co,oo{ 00,00! ’ 2,14 23,76.!. 24,00. 25,00 36,00 26,00 00,00 00,001 V 47,00 .30,00; 38,00 ! 60,00 .16,60 10,00 16,00!- 17,00 f .6,00 7,00 42,00 44,00 41,76 i 43,00 I 24,00 68,00! 68,60 45,00 • 102,00? 100,00 80,00 100,00 W,OO 100,00 60,00 '60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 Csru, Wsaxrr.-Thc oaJ^T^'atTZr vvoek were 2000 head; selling et 7®9!4 OUrV. esJras sS for lire weight. Cows’; 100 iS marlTt lrrl.S 0 Sheep *2,4004,60; lambs *t,K§l! gtaefi^m The weather Is mild and winds. Fhia'r WWsky Hogs dull «t4l|: 3^l p , ri ' x ''' f cl 'burcn-for eltherhogsornrodncte. . S . a "»i; “* *X.mA- Coffee doll, the rim to bfteSken! * »**•«* beta* ere suppo^d .40,00 40,75 48,75; 40,00 00,00 53,00 f 102,50 1054)0 10,00 12, oo! 20,00 i 8,00! -10,00 I 18,60 ' ■'i ' 175,00! C0.O0! } 2^00! . 17,001 C,25; 7,501 t 17,601 | 200,00 8,oo! io,oo! 4,50 : 6,00 j —j 7,00* 1,12 1,75’ 3,00! S,t!s‘ 0,00-; 2,00; 2>oa; 2,50 : * 2.00‘ O.OOj 7,C0 9,00? 2,50’ “ • 5,00' 60,00 •60,00 60,00 100,00 ■25,00 25,00 _ ~ , - nom, Receipts for Hogs, to date, three hundred end slxtrdwo thousand, ..against three hnndred and fifty-flee thousand Mn* the whole number lastyear. 4000 eold tndsy a Tth Provisions dull and heavy. J jfffiasaagsggßsees? tbo «he and qaoHty of case or frame. “ ° ”™r» fnr children, from U A. M, to 2 p. M. p ”t ” ° lW * or P«no M trttnlte«y WMmwmsezm er?rr mUclk rwpilrea In Ibelr line. > Wpes * 1111(1 to * bo ««etton Of Heallnff.Ven. r,p| 2^ rloaprs, Broca tel] es, Ac., J>ce an*/ Martin Curtain* v v JfS-Sa? Shl ; rle "; ‘J/ltOornlcra, Cartr.lo pins. Ao.) at wholesale and retail. \r If cahhyh ' v. , No. IWOiesnntttmt, corner Fifth, Philadelphia. I iMe oacl Trimcod ia the tctj oew«llrrteb | U^an-ri' 'S-'™,*' 1 ?” *>«!»«!* MKs~TAi£6si'go fiman JtkHJ W FnvtS'n »v 'V'” 1 All 'Kl>enjr, mret. on tho da or E To4T I ‘ u "* uioVU ) w - Io ? 2 JOHN rOUNO. JR, - ——~— .j-*tarr. T TTit’Pf.i * IfOlIc«. ; I ?, ock -V T,!l of S^^^rs?isgh t »3 h ° f *» »wVi^ i : l ai^^, foumi * i ui °™ *“ "§». ’'VM'KH* HWiKlVßDjjAftra n-I^f-,2 1 n , t 7 U STnKfT, o DO .,.WatOTa I- jinn" Immediately opposite Mason ~ ra -‘ siUrtfafl ftnm loTpra r f r’.vs] Ovatapp, raanlA Tjioit NBW }K\ny Ktftfilsi-«3rSrt3Ssjias •ifcjwi ttoroS^tt , uJ3biS2! tTU ' s ' u! ' rßnr of w ,moDi New Bunch Halvin', Ou*trr '. *» | Keg ar.J Valencia Unwin*, Prenrtl. ( « c£SSSS. B «' i,J Ci, "’ n P ”- ! '' “'A*—* Ct»klr S Wioe an 1 n™ !r. .>-,•“ ~ ,'l U“ r t' Vat r! o,e all, or mv V. Ilprnn TVs at -a is - wnn?f BnlSll R * m ’" K " i ' l! ' h I,r " vc ' rt T« « W rta. * ; ; dec 30 A ££»»'* V/ >‘ tn> AOit-’luatnt in 4nha.truiiicr.anty, A na toe MnuynJoir. nn-I Z) uU3«*« fp.m «»{ * gOf>3 lluus**, Barn, £r.; 100 acrop cleared; f..r s ilo l?p 8. CUTUBKnr i SON, HO Third street. TniS CO3JIN' O STHUOGLK; or. The Next Fifties Yxlia. according to prophecy; for rale, tjcgle tr in lots. R? mill, pro- patf, U cents }n Klamr*. » cW dcc ' J- $. DAVISON, C 5 3larfeet bL i , t;STf t —A . Dew ,nt cf ’“fhmj situ and styles, filled to order; Jorsnleby .TOSKPII FLEMISG* - Corner Market at. and Diamond. sn.i mmer Vonrtb and Hralthßeld sU. JOSEPH FI.EMTN'G,. Corner Market rt. c .id Diamond, and comar Fourth and Smllhtlcld it*. Lands ln iovva for sale—' 880 ncrw* In Mnaeatlno county; WX) do Cedar do: ? 240 do Sfiott do; located, n flora personal exam lDatl*m. Ihopo in Muscatine coantT afc.on anovemtfe JAMES BLAKELT, Beal Estate Ajrent . HOUSES, in various locations, in town and eoun- n? °n a , f< £ l ? inoa « lDe tcnn *> can bo had by up. plying at the Real Kitateoffleo of * RT J 5l A ™\ 1 r I 'T- Bro ' ra '» C6KJy dlfiooTered remedy SlIJtm V. 11 “d Mttoln Eemodyfe* lt never falls. w?tS!?£3? Slw 4 , t,> o™*°!?“*°" Ro»m» No. 41 DIAMOND, "gSSfe&y l Doctor Is nW«ys u t hums. ■■ UULUSI’S BPJiuiWC-la dt'Ztn for Mill at " <"»>7 KCYSKU-S, 140 Wood utmt. EXTiucra w Hkmo.v, Pouch, bra ng . >ni i ftutme?, for prosorviog cafceii ond pip*, for palp vhole* p “ 18 or rot«llnt [dwl7] KKYSEK'B. Ifo Wood utreot (WJSS 0 ? 1 * iJASKI;I, S—Kmpty Ohompagno &55rta, - KEYeEE'B Drus Store, > HO Wooi aDti No - 1 *»ok«l Ilerrl dj?, deco “iwl.c J . EHU HAWORTIr. ■ ’ uecu Corner of Diamond »nd PUmonil .tier. 900 ? IRB raSACKEBS, No. 1. 60-do Jackson • do ’ .20,000 Torpedoes. 1 coso Nutmegs. SO kegs Cooking Raisins. Received and for fi\lo by d«8 _ j. o. AVDRRSON 4 CO., No. 0 Wood rt. ' VIUEKi ~ IOO ™ s storo ana for File by aeco --’ ■ • ■ * ■ . jmo. anocTT. w >n "tore and for tain by V aoi! “ _ JNO.GROCTT buahelfl In mom nad for nolo by " 0618 king a Mnoßirein Wm. Daly’s Stocking Manufactory NO. 24 FllfTH STREET, . T-rTOw Jin w* : *“® .»*«*■ ox»T norsi.) H ®9«>w*4 tho largest stock of HOSIEBY. mad* AJjr %m^L\ £!! * i, \ anc * c^efl i wr tt«n As mistakes occurred, uul consequent disappointment, remember OLD STAJSDj^ nftotoro'ofti/w ir?* B ‘S ekl J? B Factory,^wo tbs man- SSS IxBl aoal, ?y baa been carried on successfully jafttf th Ut W remotlJ a) ftr tho past fifteen years. ■ r 3 Sundries— ... -Black Lead, . Vandyke Biwo, Chroma Red, ..Do Orwa. Paris Green, Id store and for B&Io b? . 3&S? - 1 U MUBT/KD J«aUSU-J u k Kadvrt 'iidlbr V-Jwfer. - JOEt MOHEER. nSn*’ >P Ptoro and for Rile by •, JOEL JIOELER. •» 1 •>*,*•* ? y ; MILLER * BICSETSON 3 *■ ' Miami 223 Liberty’^. 'AWU OF PITTSBUKGH fJTOCK-10 sbon* for sale by . AUSTIN LOOMIS, * Fourth Ft. ■ W °SkJ£™ 6UAWLS.—A. A. MASON * CO, Noi 25 of crei£ quSity ’ h “'° ° n h “ a ma 6000 Wo ° l Shawls O™ RAILROAD STOCK—2O _ehares wanted by - AUSTIN LOOMIS, uct2fl • N 0.02 FourthW. 40 ®°> AJ ' D ISO ACP.E LAND WAKKANTS WANThD ' AUSTIN LOOMIS, - 8 ■' . ... No. 92 Fourth st. McaiAtiDTAvitiaaoj. stocj m^M Ai,lEDiy AUSTIN LOOMIS, OC “ 6 No. 92 Fourth, st. WANTKD by <*«» AUSTIN LOOMIF. No. 92 Fourth ft. ALTB—2S b(lla ln storo and for sale liy . -yLEMIXO CROS. T^w^ 033 - 50 in storo fbr mlo by, . JJ dec23 *- FLEMING 8803, “•> in stow ui lor falo'by + - ' " ' FLEMING BROS. ( aKED—ISCU Its in store and for ral„ by '' deo23 H.KMJNO UROS. Ajl aKa . :-•■• 'ftsilim mms « jLDE VITKIOL -000 ms in Btoro unci for sale by j 1 M -A' .;nagw anna. "V^p2S?S S "~ :100 I m* ““J.CtaßWc, in store ana T fop fale.by Mec2] ... FLEMISH HHO3. If&Xn’WPS' S Via i. BnOES ’ aiippe™,. SandiiTb omk^^ 8 Sandals, Buskin*, Boots, and Jenny Lind Boots at the very lowest prices. /Tioasb. call and examine ' = • HAYWARD, Cornerof Marfot and liberty rts ' ' i iHJUBKKB, OVJiKtJUOKBoad SANUAtS^ii I^ oae .*•» waat.Trtll. do well to cell, nod sere S 3- ■:• „ ’ K. HAYWARB deca) .' ■■■; Comer Market and Liberty ete. BOYS AND YOUTH’S J3OOTS, oferery varijty Xbose ia iraat are luTit**T to call—prjcea reasonable^ • - ' , L- E.'irAWARD, vomer Market and Überty streets, CBBiSJtS, IrVEKSHOEtj, BUSKINS,-JENNY I.! \ IJS BOOTS «M SANDALS, of every vSorrprfS L. E. II AY WAR I). .- Comer Market end Liberty rug. E\9 A 5N KW ORLEANS AND CINCINNATI.- Sight Checks on thosboTo points for KaJo by - d „, A. WILKINS A CO., doc 2 " v ~ *o.-71 rmiithsfcrwfc.- STORE, Saving atrooa run of cnvlem, tor iX S. CDIHRERT 4 80N, dcc23 lMLThfcdairvet. °. lb ~ 60 bbls p»r Bt«umer st, Clair; for«a!*by yi-KMIKO BROS. Surc««Bn» to J. KiM t Co., to Wood rttreofc , QJiKEN—IOOO Uw beat brands, for Bale by -Jl! B. A. FAHNESTOCK £ CO. T AED—lobalf bbj»: . ' JLi 6 kegs, for t ale by - Ja * ;_S>fITH & SINCLAIR. JUSOEIVED—S bblft Sweet Cider, V - Vr,, JEUC HAWORTH, ' Oonaftf or. Diamond and Diamond nH P ?, m B. DAVISON,_C3 Markot afreet. ' IO f— U«««a now crop Bir-e for t ale b* ' f _dre22 MILLER t IiICJ 30AP-?-3l> boxes Paloi, • . • •• ." . . - 3 10 do Ca«tUe. - 5 do Almond, -- .2 Uo OUro. 2 do Camlin, • 60 do Toilet and Fancy; for pale fcr ootm j. wiuiAira.iM -vv^i fl If IiIALF tfOXfc* JiAlSUNtij ‘•UUIGOqr do do 20 kegs Ban- do _ - . 2>hf. kegs Sun do 10 hX beg* Malaga Grapes * ~ 10 boxes Slessinn Leison.a, v. this day arid for eale by , . JOcIIL’A- JIHOPyS & Ct>.- !ffl TOw, Vt if )A Ultima FIGS; - JU\J 300 boxes St It. KnUnj; ISO half boxes M. K. Kaisinj; 200 qr. : ; ■ tiOO boxc3 Fancj'Toys; ... ... _ 100 u , Jlotto XiOieDges. Rewiring ami for Kale by ' ««S J. C. ANDWISON £ CO. So. 6 Wood ,t. W*2Ef* Fl *m N?i M ABo* *0 CNoL'SB-nrth' will ojwn Un« day laimlMof VVldln PJatmcl- S ’° f l:ns,ish «»a-Am«tam Sul ■ ri**-yn Sundries — "■—— —— l —: .40 half chei-U Y. 11. Tea • ' 25- « ‘‘ Black do ‘ a> “ Y.n.do 10 boxes -w. IT- Grant’s s’« Tobacco: ' "■ • -50 .‘ Grants Bennett's 0V 10 *• Howard A FultonVS’a t ' r. ewes Baum’s U & lump * 20 boxes ClottiM Pma; p f>o “ CbljiksotheSoap: i»0 dozen Buckets; 10 “ Tub*. Go band and for salel»y KXrtKPATIUOK £ lIKKnOXS, d ' fl ' J^vSttLltartyrtwit. SUXDIII&t 1 era to lifts*; 1 bbl UrO z ■ 1 « .Roll Butter; } “ Apples *: l box Ifeesv&x; l*ark.Hop®; 1 bbJGheatcota; .100 iloa Brooms.. - KftcclToa this day and for sale by KIKKPATKttiK Ttmi BW. KLOUR— • SiO Mcksß.W. Float,6o Jbseach; . fir nlc HiK PATRICK * HERROs“* F I oX,“S. i r , *.“ E5?=TS5d nOT22 KIRKPATRICK 4 HERRON'S. P A J£tei!b£ bOIM KIRKPATRICK * HEBRON?. Vl mJ***'*'' ~ 16 bbl? £? hand,-owl for -alp by “ IS. not 22 KIRKPATRICK i HKimOSTS. I • i f' lo <5 u T Al Pr ly kegj 2io, 1 Lanlfornaln'bj ~ ... KIRKPATRICK .& JTERfcOXS. Vf. FLOUR—&o sack* for sal* by dwl7 KIRKPATRICK * HERRONS. ZISCJiVASM tOAßßS^dVr^<;Uolmci"ascWSih boards on hand and for sale hr aecl7 KIRKPATRICK 4 HERRONS. lUn— 40 barn'la N. 0. Tor lor rale Cy :— dwl * : .i HERRONS, russ PORK«-rls barrel* for fale'by . KIRKPATRICK & HERRONS. ILOVb^SJSKI^2»bblBClO7er S«erwv!« b* - T d«c-l KIRK PATRICK* lIKKRONS. ' Vestera K - V;Hop, -*>* i*a KIRKPATRICK A HERRONS. H, MOLASSES-200 bbls Steam Refined Baear*llou£>o < landing from steamor Set? York aotl for Rale hr - f - JAMES, A. HUTCHISON ACO ' J »U Sfr. fconi* Sutrar Rpsti*t T . ■■’linjESi:— JOO trarw, prime, for iiiJby. . ist__ SMITH 4 BINCI.AIR. r’mmlL 1 kJn4 *> ®“ l * prtef; plpAw call uiJ L wamtoe. .. : „ t. E. HAYWARD, j- Cornay of Marker andXlhcrtT m. S *)' MOLASSEB-;2TOR—lOObWsfXtTßrereiTed byrlTeriuid&rea]« low By (J«3) BAIt.EY A KENSnAW. HOMONY—S bblsjust received. a prime article o by - fp o v23] 3AILCTWrwSi "n?^ A v K? -100 n b . b J; A P» los for rale low by aoc2 BAILEY ft ItBXSHAW.-SiS Liberty »t. S^teSTob”S'. r 0,: rl S ire **»&&*« ~. d -'. - - BAILfiY & JtENSHAW. V°!P A J?T A ffefteral^assortment of new Frolt, iaclodln? Rablnp, Currant®, Figs, i> runc , ami Hard, Soft and Bapet-shdlTlmond” ! nuts and Filberts, wholesale or retail J ■ n - - -.' BAILKY 4 RKNBHAW. New chop Layer U&islns, M; IL Ralfilos, . , . Sultaim Italslns, Dram Figa, *- Zaate Currams, dt Received and for salo by ,oe “ RAIIiKY & RiiXSHATT, SPIOKD SALMON; - Mackerel; No. l Mackerel, In kets; faa )' t > fnovl-l] HAILEY i KENSlUwf*' ™ lroßa > ■» l>bls Mine Hominj; ja& Jusx KKOBn-KD^rrr^ —"7. Jj ?• PWl».Syrai>; 2 bbls St, Lou!fl GoMeu Syrup* • Bhf. bblfl. do ;do F 10 tengalLkegrdo. do For ealeat tbolowwtmarkot price br doc 9 PAILBY A RBSBHAW.2S3 Übertr H ,! an i T'«m| t |t'nrS tKII ' S 7d ust ruc 7 20 bw,J - s - lovorlnga & Co.> Crushed ana PnlTiirliod Sogaw for rain by d«e2B Wholesale and lUiMamcd, Vt. EPIN3SD BUGARS '6O bbla J Crushed: 60 « O .do. - 40 « CPowdered; 40 « 000 Loaf; landing from etwmnr Ntnr: York Jiud for sale by dec3 - - JAMK3.A. HUTCHISON k CO. INC PAINTS— -20 tons Snow White, ' : Black, • Brown,:. Stone Brown, [a store and fop Bale by - . ” JAMES A. HUTCHISON t =CO n 45 Water and 92 Front *is. n*- O. frULIAIU—IOi iJijLls, prime now cron, landim: lriim ■3 . atctumr OaKltma, and for solo by -■■ QlDg lrom ' d«l3 ' JAMES A. HOTCHTSON* 4 CO. too de - Bull B«U ■ ->rSi i, ..... fEBHON& iCK & 00, ~ V- HATWABI). Comer of Market and Liberty «l« BAILEVA JtENSH.W, *253 LUr'rtv street. BAXLEY 4 ItESSIIAW :• *v.. . ;/ >: 'A* * •V'. ■. v -- * * .V . ‘ NEW,BOOKS. MUSIC. N E ICBT°tra£I? t DAVI£ON ' 6 BOOS STORK, C 5 mar ; ThflAooljsIlofthoBlblo; • SHliman’a Visit to Knrejw. Comparatiro Philology;'. vDaVeW Peruvian Antiquities; Illustrated. n«Wk. ; ; J.ot«« fremlifiv Henry Tavlor. "■■ ■■■■ *** . Wide World; illustrated «U. Parley's Present.-Elegantjuvenilo; Mus’d - ■ Christmas Blossoms, . do- " Cottage Bible. : . . . ' F ° st ° I ’* splendid illustrated edition or loncfd _ low’s Works. English.; - ■ , l;,tl outer similar presentation Books. ' ; Uncle Bam. So*. Sire. Stowe. ; sSogtoB^n“ ll,orof ,0 £u “ b «‘“- ' The Little Drummer • Tangle Wood Tales, - IxmUXVn.: Life, Sufferings and Death • ! ; Venice, the'City of ihe Sea.-- : &iYrL Wi r hEB 8 la “ 1 - Tloadloj." "■ , . glrtory of tho rnsurreotion in China. Homes or the Now World’. Silsj Bremer Homoandholghhors. Kotrod. • do* ’ ; ,i„.' : Martyr Missionary, r- ’ -c - : ' . - ; ; ' : T?*e Behavior Book. -Mlsa Leslie. . Story of Mfc. Blanc. ■- •. . .'. Student’s Manna! •' - . Iter. John Todd's Bohlrn for Children. LffeorDanienrebster-.'-POTsaleby rwv-i J. S. DAVISOX, . .J*te Dari?on-& Actipw. liaST* 1- « AmerieanPcmaio pootfl. ilinstrated. : - : Britflh. - do-: .do do D ctionarybf ;po*licM Quotation*. • ' Dictionary of Sacred do ' ■ The;Women of the Scriptures.' •••• Scenes In tho Life of the Savioor. :■ He«“.ma:nlf e P “ lr, “ Kl,B aud Pr°l,h("s -loiw« do .do •’ •• ' i Tuppert do V do Tajipor 3 ProrerhJ.il Philosophy. Poomsof :Ojrsku. : iil]B Kook£. : ■ WioQlft Tbb ladies’Gift. v££2%°££sit ; Jmti toa* gome. : geavon, or tha Sai-itcd Dead ' Flora a lexicon. Floral Formt-mo-noL *' ‘ Forest Flowers of ths West. “ ct - Greenwood Learea. aml r utnam'B Mainlines- IBsag«agjtt«aga»g: i Govern meat: . - y : Golden Dreams and Lea3fen Realitloß: feS'n? “, ll ‘ < ’ ~iTI! H«»y Boo; • Sls^?.? 9 BP ,^^, * S *»4- KtttoeDlWo Drastration#; Explanatory Bible* 1 ' IwacT. of Elimany* '■'■■■': i Lamp and Lantern, IlamiitonV ■ ■■' Jagiuglin.; Purehal, or Convent Ufe at Pert Royal u.i | ' - - COSTJSHW: •: ‘ Dn’s; by Mrs. KirlrTs™i • PhhhcJUiiliUhffsof Now York; illustrated : * -TheNational ™ustrated. ••■••.- >Ui AdTenttrreott the Plaina. • Motlern a Toun Frtnrth ftr^et Ilcply to l,ll]y Dole. Uhrle Tom's : : ..... “. n 'f •^ u: -V I-'l.Ja’:—dr,.‘L:. : ***»« • rni ’ U } lhr ? °f EfW Dances. ' Jnlllen aEnglish QSadrilies... .1 -fe Jamor KscfceJor’s do 1 . Frfma Donna Waltz, for Gubar Just recessed ami for sale by ilec24. ' fiUUlya.— Jem fwei»t!u: Inn y niu|fr v ( T,TL'»; : Am “ lci; : * O>PW»”M. f&TftS ';■ /;r : uefuti jfip to Uje Trcp'cs; J>r N. p AVHH<» *<** of'it; bf V C.' m SartsfA^| V ° nW to “»*•*•» nu>2t -Mon-onii Things in Euro'po;* ijv 'Sirwfln ' : A ne» «u»lyof if a,*U | ». A. GXLB£.\F£»iSF.l' i CO.’S, -- .76 Footth streets . | N^STOMv'k •Mason on th* Church* Pastor? ■SjS!*-^ We '^ ,mnwir ?' ThcLortourShephS’; Soslan Missionary, by Hamilton • T>in Pats*. Wm’ Arifhm s tl«f Qr.&lS’aai Bp^s^s V Per: wriest Mareulaye iiSniM- I PraL elegant.Undines; 'Rutherford's OMls™,- y j" ,? 00ka ln ssnestif the S.S. Union; "Simla blntest ' ~ ~ , J 0I« S. BAVISOS. 65 Xarkei street near Fourth. 'NOT®S K M i lSi^ga" l,i^ Bo!re -»» aK n^ggllfgi S'a^aaSSSs Sgfse IllnstratM; at.trliv. Arm™?- Chrirt T?,/® s^^' ” - J •; : •'•■■•-- •'- _ L __ dect9 - at CAVJSO^ £S"Sa:SS ; 'r'=®»- SSmS^&SSSSS JOHN S. DAVISON, no Market. uoarTourth Streoi , J!ew Jluslc. : It. SCHKOEDKIt * CO., CaißQ’a Ha 11,83 Fourth »r£.t_ BOOKS— _ Legefs, ' J ° U S 9 h, „ I*s Books, ■■!.-.■- ■ Bewipjßooks, sssMS spStSSS^Wi: Kia trado BuppUwT IS.rrf to^? et ll2 ? abOUtOUO inUo from situated in Chartlers township, Allegheny SflSEl'WvSja B n^ ITgB Brick,-containing som o rooms, together with a good Storo Room, and throe good Cellars. There fa on the pmmlwra large Stable, Car rlage House, out-buildings, three good pnmpj, oneiarge *??»?»• ,° -Orchards,- and rarera! out Lots—alt of T^ r - ron wand possession will be clren Imraediatelv, 1 ror farther particulars, enquire of LYDIA ANN CHESS, i ob the premises, or tho rabsenber. •, ■> ' r JAMES 0. BICHEY. ; - ChartlersTp.-.i. 24,1853, • '> :• fpotaftdlwawtfl - s A Valuable Farmibr Sale. rpHE subscriber Is authorised to sell the following des> JL icribed Tract of Land, contolnlnglU acres, situated In North Fayette Township, Allegheny county, Pa. 4 14 miles -from the City of Pittsburgh, and near-the line of tho Bten. e 1 tbc whole place. and easy of. oaess-lmproTomenta as .follows- A: new Frame Bank Barn, 64 by jj v?i; quantity of Peach and Serrv Trem. JA5 a c FsS^;, Ml i- ;uo want itt Teal Why, then; buy tb^-b^r Bl^.^ 8 ' 1 “, ma *? a . * beautiful brown cr black! that clialidUgcs tho luitra of the raven's wing. : For sale at a « IT . ESTHER’S, 140 Wood atraot.” ''"Zip* *' k* -i **j. " • * ; • ' ■ '" ■■ F-** *.'j t ''’-? v- - + m . ”■ rt * . ■ * i *V »S o7' ; . '• ' ‘ ;* v . jt& .vt f* \ , * ■ • Vv:• ' ..' -*>• .f" • Co, / *’ I ■l< V ■V .. 'b •fe.- —»- -vthf-d-j!a ■ A . w ••• WAgnx&aftnr, ilay 17. ifiM'' if??sts. Mortimer d? M&wi/rav n pnft n-m^.. it ’^v*'' sssste^s^^SSSSs nonnrfbg tbit utter twin?* «£ Brreot pleasure In an. Tincture.l f Bt out Hampton never been able ” 'WSW sbnt hare v : sss : enH r^w? Jo S • / rr . , .OKEAaERStJttB.JjREjtgr' jjy™ rwns ever they were" > Her pyos arejas good. • : ’wi.v : xgaouma, an am, ■ - from ii^'from KbouQibtlfim ■■ Biimptm'i ’ bot "" cnred by i>.s?sks a ;,'?s l “ isss-. ir^stfa£ssa*«""iSs«i ftreet, scared “uS” bis !tate - rr ™ ir£?/E A in tbe afn^H^^oinaamn 1 ' ” member of Congress fcoErKentwt*k» i»w»** w ** , *^^ l? ®* 10 ® '• ;from ?yeStnSivf^J*r mara of *°»» - ’ Mr waffW'S 111 ™® WSEABk 4& , Cl as^^lSsaSSyS rtoWr Mixture, after other things SSS ■ S “ m - f,tm * R ®' : - '•’•**.''W, v ' 4# ’ A^S|f“-”"stn W of IT. SCIUROEDER i CO Usn.-Fotirth nf. F K C°K^?^PJ A : 3^^<^W«h| Dg toa Si „?th?MSl^?4 : °SNf tt member of the PiulaJolphfa an toaortty. a«ss«^S®£3B' S4' ■«W:S ,^I3, SS*nE SS&S* •strength .unci npt>ntife, an 4 properties.. For heart disease. ' ' & lence, heiirtbarn, restTeesSew iSiSfvIS? Antn- >* daasaiw- o. n. KE7.W. iw W"ogWt. DB. BANNINS’BXACE OP BODK.BjiA.CB. ••; _,: Tirt - .-'SsStins/ ~_• lsuimgcifc upiaa aradUm-’ foTCi}andls fcV Vi. ’ - //■ if bupdreds of per.or»r-fVT 4>a Xtesafcspr RKJaZ, . • Ttarff..’ Tme and ohm4xd:irßi.K- It f.j . SUflb-fti PfOlspSttS ‘ Otori. Cbrtmio DinrcW, : WittesT ftjiggirs of tbo Dowel*. ■|fi;ui-J? J P* B Sr Piles, Fistula.-Milk .'LMr.'jmil. kind, loco Stockings, Snspensary Bandages, nnderarr Vn. I TOec)m^ c ?i appliances nspd in thaxureofdss2[ otiSto r th^« ? artwl tlK> ftt^ a ° n °?» h s ridfl ““« For taloat " Dr. 0. lI.KEXSER’B DECO STORE, it W 1 of i ho co ? n(l s> bj etating whether for Biorlgbs or left side, and sanding the meamm rotmd the. Body, fpol • /{• wv "WILL be paid tet any person-tfSo will b wr s***& TERREL'S HEALING OINT- VsGifZti ;J}ENT,-aixdui»^fc.!Mse©^ lf they will call at my officaandsaytritb %.■££./ ■ a clear conscience, thstitwill note#** ; r pUidy cure Chapped XlutedsfChJblaias. Cha ;T 'jd&g£si£&*. ■ Cc 2* S?™ Borns and. Freezes. Softs oa Cmlciron, andpreatly allsriatttif not entirely can Saltrncnm. Plla^TTrfinm'm B ??£** breast, Bites of Inserts, Pimples on thoPao and all diseases or the Skin MONROE TER&rL • _ . NaoinauckfcConn ■■■ For sale by FXEJtfXG BIKVmKRP, B , t , ra V ia ' lror '" h; J:0 - SMMI, Birmingham; Mrs’ S. UOLMhSjTemperanceviUc; D. JIT. CDBRlT,.AUarhetir • WM. SEIUKKT i SUO., 477 tVnn slrwt, PltLbureh-1 Sift.' £NZ & VVIGIII'MAN, PenntylTdota QlassTVottl- BAM’I lm®, Allegheny: wk SMITH, DAVISON, Hast Liberty; BPAXO &. t»: glS!rt«S' LKWIS DA.KELL ± CO, Sharprtore; OTaWALTTIAWn k CO.,' Mechanics' IrtJd. ! ..Wqrks; HAiJNfil^BJoni Chester. ... •• • ly2s:d*er* UKALIN'U oiISXiU'INi: xcill nn^TuZ 7i ibßum Chilblains, Common Borci*. Cbs Dt>od or or Scalds. Cuts or WbSSs.tKITtS* flammatlon of the Breast. niUnf £ •i-p 3 i Hlea, In* rssE“‘Hfi^s^ ■^prrolo by FLEMIKa BMTITr.na ... VFood street, Pittsbargh;J,Q,smTH Store; RR(Y J'TVT. Tfrus • ■ >. fjpKf^fifSftKer Siowartstown; LKVFIS ‘Sr”* 4 ' 00 ’* . ... .;; v:r;. » aaißo,aby ' ""ssaassL ***rJ3 ffl* No. 4I DlambDd Al]»ry - f '.' ..JM .® s b ta mostly cbafirietf Tenwat IHtvueit md such. painful affecting «. JNIL MontUy Bnppinestau, Ctsmswi of tho Joints, FISXi? , » -A.t ' t 'J* > * ' VOtikltfcvLr ■ WwSitfr rand Vicinity] X m ! S" a “S ar U ‘ r,ui *“ « «n*n3a « B d " cealn <»U»‘ttaa.honStfKVtoLeSuti.“‘ 6 ?“ lotTO PWVEiMiaenEB’S ■HVuna.Eucrßio . VOLTAIC CHAINS f Next to the akin, nroduclns>°» SST r •'ViS.'* 010 carmen!*,' - ••'irroT.t of ELECTRO MA^^f^JKTERJiDI-TED trSas-* f WNAL m mtMAxl'S?TCnJir “h” «llef, md - Gout* feiaticL *: . ,JUstln» Totoa, . 1 Paralysis,. Iwpitutirfn of ,the Hearts - , Mnfiland Swelled Joint* St Y?Wi£' iWmI ‘ 0 ' Neuralgia cf the Face, % .; Diseases of the Spine; ’-■■'■■■ »liSS*s? w,,, J r » j Deafness anil Blindness, - . ALL mSBASES r^ Kli'vcr^BOtT™ 111 0f NEKTOtm •*-** wc J? g tgKA g* * ■ .tt&StiM&aft*-' Scientific Piwidana ISa TED CERTIFICATES of %“«<* ina pamphlet ,hWyfe»L l '“. t °v ti^ 8 “V & “f *0 Went inthia town/i to ho_had (gratia) ' ond’ Dx-tho the liofipltarsbf thotdtv arid jiTaiV«2;v C^?t n “ o^ Intd ' brthe Wench * Ureatoa, $3 and $3. ‘ ' . - d t hll 0 thro t S 1 , , ”7“ ,,ae * : "- •■" Jhatit la S • ’become dteffuskil witKvSSi**!?^?^ 11 *V- T*ho baro ’ • sss&ssg.'w IYgi'JiPSIA. i f 1 RHEUMATISM, '-V. . ■ SCROFULA, : FROM THE METROPOLIS twi? CO ®^ AE?T . &- SoltndT th ° 3Ua tid ‘° K: ' , '^ hia to butU “ . .; - x . * V . % ■■■ lr y' . A"