The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, January 11, 1854, Image 2

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    ’ .... ) '
,--* ,’ v V;\* t ' *,*,<■- t',‘ , '*, ' ‘ / L,V * l" i - - * J * ,« ~** >
-no -.-£.':'.: -■• , -• .’■ \, ■ • ;
|%^;T'l*'‘'P^^s;*x-??^^r i :« i; v-i':n !^^
!t!gill#|#lE k:: 4ripM«'s* SSEE .ss3gSis£-'
-/r ';--' •••-.••••••••••>* •• ■• •'•••" •:-• ;^Bb^^ii^;W^enfe:^^unc^^n*'fbL : boat boilers tmd mnifl* &n4^
’i-'i ?l > 7.*-.l\^^iAjtT r l s''.aV-'VI ' - tnojiis prautw..^..."..***.**^*-*^-*"-^ olo *^'** oaLHOtfi. 'l^«ii^g3:ofv r BteS^o4t--^j^^j?|^^i^«)
Vx.-.'.'-'. Phillips A Glllmore, Editors & PwprietoK. tfecritystetionff I8ff: -;;.- : 'x- ~.-."•■• Tholaw has beson iapper^tiohVabpiifcontfiyear; \
- - '■ .-..- ~ ~'. ':• :'.' .••*fo*’. t - ; -: •• xx- 18 fo ■ anditis clalmea]thattheiumber of ; .
PITTSmiBGBB ; ' ' ' ;;,; ; * I -fi S’! g = 'll'? Mddenie has been greatly reduced anting *0 "*>
;:■: . WEDNEBOAy MORNISG::::::::JAKUARTII- ■.-. ;' / |; g|a|. ? f last year under the operation of the law. : 00^
■"'■ -'- ~~ " ''~~Zl ’ ' : ■ -I"''3- t : .fr! ’>■*.. 5- - > l -'TfcemMl^-toaMtTO^w«»4at»UcMa«»te
" ' ■ • oa-BEADtKGMATOHiWHJ. be EOT3SDON each .; ■_______ _j_ _i_ j_U_ : i B even greater onrailroads than onsteamboats. witbabt.
g i?o M.% I! IS 2 ’l Why worid not a similar law be equally proper f a^u
fS do :r": SilB ?Mo« US il :i^^L
u&%Zi!ZlE£>S£*L. sssuszzlzis*B s i i 3 s s
C{ «'J! ® nte otLadiDS : BlU H *< d s “Si oir Job Type lvt »* ■• - »«1 W*» ibst ises tofe. >^to
V(^^ T r *'<‘l bills, OtC.» to gIVO U 8 a call. All OQ yp . jj r . ToU’s majority over Pettigrew 131,034, his ntBjority ... ? ;, ' / , w ® r >
' '':i»froffl»e-io8b:-«tt(wlem manufiotore rand ©*? rai _J i -....- : - . ****■,
nof CA to jileasoall oot ouatomere. Onr work- , We beUevo eaoh a meaaore shooU be adopt
■ :'•: their baaitteßS, and rote Mlb behind tho Tree Boil nominee,ut tho Iwt Moynrt 0 d; and that much good would result from it. - ; k : '
S'Z*\] ”«rT fa- «t,ts thin Mr. tj bUe d states employs tis railroads la oar- ‘ ' r *—
ii ii; ;.;:l; ;tii}lJW>or 9»Waanaly all wno wiji ; «a, ; Quari^..M^v^.9 „,„ lM^ aMßyo , leythe'coverotiieiit assamethe
I'’ ■- ' .•' Toma aIS order. .■ _. - - yeir 153 \ote3 were polled more than bt tho present eleo* ..S & ... 1 ~.• ® -r. 1t .'
-i;, ° = L. v:;v.;.: last of rwlroad Inßpection; and many Utob,
-./:; • ; ‘ : --. iiiaatas pp.CoOTca^-Beiow-wflt;b» : fi>uiDd-tbe rewitof- ttmok" property* wonld probably^bo sared
carriers ftrrtbo Evening, Pott.: ;the election for members of the-Select and Common Conn- tbcjfebyi ;^-T'/•;,-.: ! ‘'-V:-'.
n 81 , .
■ Wb,stiCk6,: xvw w '/ iTi V 7 ' ; TUB MINING MAOAZXfSB«
<4' I " -..»■• / ■ ■;■:-■ - v :. ! : . v rn«st w “ ••:,."'- M4 We have received from the editor and publish-
amn<l f ‘ er, ffm. J. Tenny. 142 Pulton street, New York,;
'v:raorolAhntima in the' /Obitcd Stateß buUt . BeoJ ..'Bfiig l iriy-.. >m\ H.ltißiOiir—ii 1M the Above Magaiine for Januaiy, 1854—N0. 1,
; c i M more ebbstantially, no ono that hasbeea worked Vol;^ U. kTha contents are-Mpdes of Workieg,
•' so .constantly with so few serious accidents; C oalln England; Journal of Miniog Laws nnd
m Begnlations; Commeroial Aspeotof the Mining
' '.-.-i jaOTanapidlyiaoreaaing, or ona®oreßoljdbasiß -.: .-, Interest. - .v : -- ..-.• .■ - ,V:
gn. ‘ :j i.-.. : •••;• .::--.v.«i.iin tlie-rtetunrlsnda'ContrniAona;-;:.'- - .T.r..5wcitter..;„.1:......2Mi Johnsr. Irwin-........™ iss Joornal of Gold MiningPeerationsjr, f
:i : -I ..^^:.5«^.:.......,.|M. s ■ fcS s aß -;-V--k-C.i:r-.:--
‘ lion 'seven • hunlrOd thousand dollars, ■ The ; a-nmoa.tew.SL;'.:;;, T ~:; . . .;-Wojndge,frotn ; thol»nef lmko,
fi.C-i, 'i. 1 ' »W ' j' ~.., :_ IRKO n clear Tl.omaj M»tth0!1_„.:.....512 John Burton-...——-.. 593 giyen It that It 18 0 well Condooted and ÜBofol
part of the »sd workedin 1853 yielded a clear waitM, K irkp»tricfc...._ .433 JohnQolnn- 2JS g‘ VB “ * v ,‘ u r, Tr
: : i mwsm wszm ®^ssa®£
> s. :• •• %irinsj ; 1; '..-V'cv.': . •.- . oonntry, and. Is with useful and interest
: Toad, planes Win soon be avoided, and j4lnK , jjoAuley ;. 263 -;«fiap. We take the followiog from the Cincin-,
; ■■■■ ' ;:V ■•': the road completed overthe monntains, so as to
"■ : Ao independent of the Portage road. Tho trains Hagh A ,,. m „ ...".„.. cos") WBUomWlton.. Ml ' Foreign Appointment.. .
wiii then bo able torun through from Pittsburgh - . , Ctomoa dm-.m. We have received from our special corrcS
i - -toibiiadolphla In probably eomowhat less than iiotthan BroHonthoi— 254 Wm.».H»maton 362 .pendent at Washington, the Subjoined complete
■• ■•«' > v.iim.ii» l ua..ufw j ii.;„ Jostph Smidth 165 John Martin a»7 ÜBt of the Diplomatic and other ForeignAp
: ••'? fourteen honre. By the Ist of February this j ohn p , 0ne5 ....,„.„„„.,-sio Anarewtott...-,. ;mo ““i-in-ents made by the present Administration,
The company intend also ad- ■£“s'**”* to r: i? who are still in office.: It will bo found a cat- :
* ding an eipress train to run through in twelve ... . ■.; • gntn Wabd —Select Council alogue of considerable Interest: • •■- ■■
''•' hours, -stopping only'at the principal stations, c. 0. Loomi, 2J41 wmtamWard..... —.218 Esqx.ard.
• •••' This. in connection with the fust trains on tho Minister London: James Bochanan. . : ‘
: -: OliiihndPehnsylVama road, and^its connections; % If 1 to Seotetary Legation, London: Dan. E.Eioklibs.
will bring Oinoinnati within twenty-six hours of S- St 1 \% S Sil?
JamesL. Karr, inSependent, xecetred 33 votes! ScoilAsn. ■
—— V 'The Central road is dso driyinglorwerd tho ScvEsinAvars— SdeciCbuntiL • 1 c o ngul Xsclth• James McDowell.
■•:•<;. : wort of laying down the second track ; and the Henry hjtlo— ~.—, 12S1 J. S. 5fca0wry.......... 108 C(, nsa i Glasgow: Philip T. Ileaßtt. ■
'• lixiVjs not far distant when a continhous double as „ s 1 B ab u n -J^to'c^O’NeU
': : i4ctrailfotia, btinttnthemost subBtantial man- HujtfMoStasiterß--..... 142 jz. T0mer....... S 3 '•
ner, and eqnipped for business to its full capaci- Eiairtn Wutn.—feleet Otmcil. rnnral Oalwnv * John Duffv
wmmmmwmmmmfamem. t :■ ■-.'k^-iSSwaj-.sw “ 0 “” , “' w - 'gar^
:- > Bat at tho same time andSte % , h Mxcn i« | John a Kenne5y......... 120 Consol HongEongsJames Ke«an.v
iS Consul Sidney. N.“ JamesH. Williams.
; ; :'B*o,»pi*ykprogi °ni will, in connection Nism Wam^SHect (bunco, CoiiSnl Melbourne: lames H. Tarleton.
.:- with the Central, bring Cincinnati and Philadel- SiUhevEdwanli.-.::... AalChirl<a<a»ney..;........: 01 Nobth America. .. .' .
wiSiirtiihto'Aboit ftrtnty-twoboon of woh A™ . -Constii naUfaitßohMtW, Proser.
?'■'-••' tho East and West. Travel and trade will take ALhEGHESY CITT. *» Turk’s Island, John L. Nelson,
; -V;': ~»ho.shorteßVTo«e.i;ana: t hisis it. , :V : < •• ~ Bart ‘^ J^^ oor ’
V - T It is not wonderful that, With sneh ptospsc.s, oooteeted bythoatfforcnUepimhtiforomM! nndthovote r _■ n ,_ .
;-;• to - Consul Dsmarara^Den, son.
• .•••".• awnttliOi-iißHwy-Jowi mow. 2.M-vouu. Ther^t tossenwy.. Minister St Petersburg: Seymour;
r: •■■'. ; ;ritobotidshbii;ia England at opTemium. : Fourth do ■—-.-2 M M Consul" “ " Dancah : H.'Mcßae.
UMli'-• - -i Total «... .SC3 T 63 284 272 | *» La Rochelle: Edward B. Bacbanau,
•=• - now in aaepindadingotilfit, has cost about eleven - mujority o»«r Bessj J«100; over Sawyer SO, asd *• Bordeaux: Loti K. Botten. '
rt V:■ million dollars/ Tbo net earnings on that part jOmrWoJiowHi-csi, . . « . Havrc^B.lL v
4> v fr? ij : , ri ,b~ :.. •, . ' ••••'• u t , n j_« Adam?, th« Mayor elect, wateupportotlM* CUltco* « Marwjllee: Samuel BlnsmorOs
?*?«:?»«*^y^-T^- elewea hondr*d : « Bnyonnct-Jobn-P. SnUivan. '
;; ' thOosaad dollars,:or more than eleven per cent. • ■ • —;— Spakibh DoMisiose,
> V- : - f :y ■/•• >• • COFGREBBIOSAI. Minister Madrid: Pierre Soule.
■'■ . M.BaißtATnirE. . . .. COSGUEBBIOSAI,. . Ccba.
:’•’ : Thomnß A. McQuirohas been elected Clerk of A billiiasbeea reported to Congress by, Mr. Consul Matanzss: Edward Worrell. .
- ‘/ft : Senote;" The vote stood—McGuire, Douglas for tho establishment of a terrl- St Jago do Cuba: Stephen Cochran.
: . 6em., 18; Sullivan, Whig, 16. _■ _. : . . torial government in Nebraska. Tho report of _„ . r’Dwvrr
' Henry Pettibone wos elected Assistant Clerk. ; the Committee on Tcrritoricß, of the Senate, is. ... pK Pools, ° rB y ?'. . :
. ;- ’W; B; Wair, NelSan Weiser and A. L. Henner- ; published in the Washington Onion, of Satnrday. 4 Do Lorando, | Inoi G. Willii.
: v ■'■• : -Clerkß.;, Wm.- The 1 bill contains, amoog other things, tho fol- '••••'•' : )
B.Cummings.SergeantatArmß; Wm. Alber- lowiDg propooitione: ■’ '■„■■.■ Tv A J J Ssthola
Consul ’
*• *4* *in at Bmtt. John: Humphreys vros elected i thelrnpnronri* Ctergo D’Affaires Hague: Augnsto Belmont.
{: «aiESSS ;
•' '■ iaidn objection to them being that they author-: boaa j 9 Vith the rightof appeal to thß Supreme ._ •. a-, b Bavetav
IpiiftMig: i
:/ :;• the vetoes almostunani-: Secretary o;^3^m : v
-' PW*y» , i In the Territory, tbo Baffle OB In/the States. rKfAwm Tt'Kft*\rPH Vienna-TrAßrrß : Jaekeon
i- • ' » will be seen therefore that municipal sob- uis Baid that Jlr. Benton will oppose tho hiß, Consul Vienna: George H Lippett ,
r: v ;;'Btti»» ? UM^# : !md- oa«pmp«MS, inn , orwv . rtßlll^^fo p biU t oll . w j ttlll tt h j ß p oW . lt «< Trieste: Wyodhamßobson. >
not receive legislative or ereentive eanetton. It igcb i ged opponents of ffiohUl, that it “ Vcoic U t s°"“ DC t M : !
: jl y K tV^J n is a violation of the Missouri compromise, as it Consul Stnttgardt-. Max Stc'tthiomer.
>h* T _ looks to the legaiiiation of slavery; north oflnti- Hbssb Cassei., Hesse DAnusiAKT aku Nassao,
: ?t will; la^e tb ; rt^rix an(l a half, condition upon Consul Mayenoo B. M’Melohons. I
'«fcp future snbscnptlona of that nature; nnd it; Badeh. : ,
- >wilfeake the bondsolready issuedunder former, whichtheState ofMissouri wasi . C ousul Mannheim: John Soherff. tt %
■-■ ,v__ the TJmon, is the following, as it is found in the Hasskatic oa Fbee Cities.
tfe! ta " 6eH T": aS Cap , oct of 1820: Consul Hamburg, L M Johnson.
|^^^ftg#SS^Si ; 4t|rg!! «• —«■« l ; * l » 1 °””” SSSR2?S!J!iTh?^“ s ’ r ‘ y '
• in his messoge, we think the Legislature will of SS degrees, SO mmvtu North Latitude, not in~ „ Zurich • Geortrt N Gonndio
SS Z-f'f fully sustain, and the people, without distinction cluitd mthm the limit, of the State contemplated by “' SauiXa.
■'' -- 3d.. A-grcat. tednotion of tho amount of spe- . .jn,U- perpetnsd prohibition Mr; Doagka pro- Postifical Sxateb.
*V§| oial legislation. poses to repeal, by the following provision-in tho Charge Borne: Lewis Cass, Jr.
iWMPMM ™ 7:T *~~: o^N .^s r b.
BwSKwiJ®®©swf<^4 fc 'a3^'?'>SHh , K>siw% 2&litoJL’ft£*S!li;3i!s ' •.•-• w-n oil irtnSa nf . • “And when admitted m a Stalt or Stotts, the Tubee-t-act Eqtft.
omnibus bilU are vehicles in whloh all kindsof Bald territory, or any portion of the same, Bball Minister Constantinople: Carroll Bpenoe.
; 4*l corrupt and improper measures aro earned bo received into the Onion, wuh or without tla- Consnl General Alexandria: Edwin De Leon.
through the legislature. Let every measure bo. very, ae their comtitution maypreecrtbe at.the time - ■ . _ _ .
I —i »J«. - ——w- o *- —t* °- fc *BLr** '•
'**■* Its own monte, or fall for want of merit. It ia eaid tbe bill also disaatififiCß the ultra Commissioner, Canton: Kobcrt MoLano.
We think very few people in this Common- Southerner*, who;are concooting another bill Consul*Fuh Chau: Caleb Jones.
wai,h - n p° n • fair l oonßlderotio ° of tbe Ba y e °!’ maWas tw ° Tcrritori ‘° ot onoo; :: £* a ZLT • ' Tbert c H7 muW
" -- - FbMd. degiro that tho praetice of municipal sub- ~ N lng Po: Charles W. Bradley.
' • ••• eoriptions-to railroads ehonld be carried further. Fobeiun Aqesov,—Wo would call tho atten- SASDwron IsiAsns.
Some of the cities and counties of our State have tion of the publio to tho card of A. J. Bohset, Commissioner, Honolulu: David L. Gregg
become dangerously involved by such subscrip- who, in connection with Mr. Levi K. Bowes, U. Co “ aal - Bo , no ]°* a o^oTf’“rL^" 5 ' 1 '
««*•• Tt °y “ a y » ot b 0 eoted t 0 8. Consul Bordeaux, proposes to a “ ' 686,
lOßfir But that must depend on whether the Commercial Agency in that city. Their ca|d Com Agent, Apia: Aaron Van Camp.
jPoadAj)ayj and become so profitable as to relieve describes thebußinese in which they will engage* Hatti. .. . ,
the oities and counties from the debts before tho and wo can commend thorn to the fall confidence Com. Agent, Joseph W. Lewis, \
bonds fall due. of all who dosire their servioes. Mr. Bohmet Minister. Mexico: James Oadßden.
nRVTtnn review we have known from enr, y childhood, and ho has Secretary Legation, Mexico: Cripps
•.ssszesssse;.**. “•r'-sr.vos^'sv
'"' terly isyeocived from the American publiahers, oorreo nsineßs man. „ Mluatillan: Jamos A. Pleasanis.
• Leonard Scott & Co., 79 Fulton street, N. V. - „ " a " '. Cbhtbab Amebioa.
% Contents:—Life and Times of Madame de Stael; A DEsrnrcnvx HrnmoAßß occurred among Minister: Solon Borland.
wlSa«SKS«s»^Sf'sliS:»2S , SiSva^'4ystJ?S«3g.* , .'4»|*Sb»si*^»S , ~ - , T , ~••• ws™Vo. TSn lko Bahama Islands m the latter port of last Secretary Legation: Fredenok A. Boelen.
Protestantism ip M« N vda; Lsn, month ft# , OSB 3f BeTeral v P eBsel aDd Com . San Juan Del Norte, Joseph W.
Wwi guage 0f f M ° d ; rb r G ”,7 ’ drivmg many others ashore. Tho loss oi life Fabens. NewQbanada ,
.. -Making and Christianity: Domestic Service.; ° , , ~, , . , wew ukanada
?J Nelly Armstrong; Weld’s History of tho Royal “ nd “> P roTa ve«7 largo. At Ch „ ge , Bogota, James a Green
Boom; Tho Religious and PoUdeal Relations E « ma ’ “7 boDBaa w «° blown , tba Consul, Bao ?^ b Q ° ‘ .Vp^iher
of°Rußßxa; and some other topics. This is tho ain crop d . cstroyc<l ; ? nd many veMcla drmn ABP ‘ Vehe^la.
first number of tho 16th Volume; No. I. of .ho Mboro « eaus.og great distreea. ConBul> Lagn Isaao T . Qolding .
American '7°“’ a f . a f c ° d ‘f Bcetkq tho year 1868 there were on the dif- Charge, Qai.o, Phibs! White.
2®s^^• itlfl ono of themostably condaoted or all the . .v -/• •' ! *u •itV*a ai * . ••• 6 1 . Buazil.
••' * \ t . ferent railroads of the United States, about 160 ' , £? m .
Momber of p «*on 9 kinrf, AlB*llhoDipMii.
! >”rf coif. SIANYPENHY. V killed and 200 injured. There were about 180 “ Rio Janeiro, Robert G. Seott.
IM-& I» p -p Col. Qeo. W. Manypenny, Commissioner of u Tes loßt i aßt year in the United States by con- „ , - San tlaEo,Bamnel Medary.
h'nir-’ef, • ZS'xhzsC y ?- ~ r;4;’ 'i ‘ Indian Affairs&will please accept onr thanks for flogration. Seorßtary Legation, Santiago, Tbos. E. Massy.
J-:/'<TrrAi;J- ,<t ,‘ a W>£?fJt : V%| a valuable volume, bring his last nnnuol report Consnl, Valparaiso, Reuben Wood.
L -7:4“ ! on Indian Affaira. Dnco Sioee-The attention of the pnbliois , - ■ „
-\,' <-~HtCtf>> '»;? -'V- i- 1 This Teport Is highly spoken of by tho press directed to tho notice of Messrs. Fiehikg & Minister, y™^, jJ c^Mnriott
■*}■ CJits 'is • *_t,’ 3 latter of much interest. rianoed Druggists, and enjoy tho confidence of ~ Paita, Fayette M. Ringgold.
iPI-' tX'-' r ' '.i? The Colonel is a Pennsylvanian, a native of all tho physicians, and tho portion of tho publio B°i.rviA.. _
C Fayette county, wo believe, and has been long with whom they have done business. Their me- Charge, Chnqnlsaoa, John W. Pans.
In the employment of tho government, and his i dieinesare of the best quality, andwiUbepnt ‘ {terall tbe to ik about Chicago being
t *Z%:U</ T CP - 1- JZS*, to seems to be
«v Q<:
qxpeoted frcmlts author’s high reputation, flQl?odto Btart a new paper. Onr cotemporary that city, elated on New VeaPs day, that there
* -I V,',iv'’ "''■ ‘■*W 9 > ‘v'-v'-v 'S By Dibasiebs at ssAinall ports of tho world, 'of the'Gaittle will havo his hands full to at- had been bat three doathsin h a congrega ion j
’*' -' 1 * "'.i'll durinelastyear. abont'2soo lives were lost ’tend to two opponents, bnt ho is able to do it, during the past year. I
r.V- </'-■'■* ’ •’ ~‘" P '!•''■>' ! V •b'* -' T /j “ *
”■ . X * r -’. ;~3
: > .- : 'V> f\ -
•vi'C - "b-^V
J - . ".vi~ .-•> g-.-v i- —• ' ..
-rfes. rr * .* Mr . «v->^ ■ ;, -r-.w, _v .
jX--—''vs-V'V jrA'jltr A <- ’"■ i\ ~ ’> J ‘ Ay ; .- -vl l?f' 'T -
■ >_ S . \\ S. V-*
.• , f • . ..*■ »• >•-
, PlWSjjjnuOß, January 10.
■ A little over C fcetf water in • the channel, and
faUing'slowly; and olpfir of ice, except about
boita at shore.
Ico running out of the rirer.
' ?Ho boats on Ohio, Allegheny or Mon
ongabeln river front thlß. port.
The river at this point oontinucs, to recede,
with about four feet water in the canal. Tbo
gorgo ofico at Six Mile Island brokeup yester
day morning, and tho ico front it accumulated
ini the bend of the fiver opposite this city. " Our
despatches from Cincinnati and Madison, state
-that tho weathor at .those place? wps-quite warm
•yesterdays and thaico‘ disappeof in g rapidly-; wo i
may therefore expect that navigation will bo
fairly resumed,in the conrse of a few days. _
’ A private despatch yostefday, from Nashville,
states that there were five feet wateronHar
peth shoals; and a rise was expected.— Zouiaeille
Courier, January
Tho ice commenced -running very heavy on
Saturday morning, continuing up to tho hour of
going to presß last-night. i- ; .
A despatch was received from Lav>ronceburg
by Capt. Pratimau, ouSaturday night, annonnc*
iog tho river closed ot that point.
5 Tho Lady Pike, from Louisville-—tho Stn
franklin 1 , having abandoned this trip—rarriVed
yesterday' morning, shaving forced her way,
through the gorgeatLawrenceburg. She reports
too Emma Dean and J. O. Cline, laid up at; the
month of the Kentucky river, and Helen Mar at
Bedem's. ' ■ ■■; ■
: The Wisconsin started for Madison, on Satur
day, and on: arriving at McCnUonsisUipple found
tho iec too heavy,’ and returned to this city,
abandoning the trip. Cincinnati Columbianf
January 9.
The Charleston .left for Memphis; but laid up
for the same reason, on reaching;Aurora,.
The ice gorged up the mouth of the_ Big Mia
mi yesterday, entirely, suspending navigation for
the present. -The goTge:helow; caused the water 1
to risent thiapoint noarlya foot. ; ;
The lovco ■is thronged with boats, at. least
twenty five, several of which are partly loaded
for New Oricnrfa and st. Louis, but.da|ne:hot.ven
ture out, Largo quantities of pork is in store
awnitingen opportunity for shipment south. :
; In consequence of tbo gorge no mail boat left
for LouisriUe yesterday.
. Despatches from Nashvillo yesterday, report
the Cumberland falling fast, witbfonr feetwater
on the shoals.
■; Despatches from-St, Louis dissipate all pros
pects of any improvement in the navigation. Tbt
weather has turned cold, the river falling, and
the ice thick-and gorged at Merrimas.
The Tishomingo, from New Orleans, is expect
ed ut Louisville to-morrew.
The wind blew a perfect gale along the river,
Thursday night, and tbc mail booit Telegraph No,
15 had the utmost difficulty, at times, to make
headway against it, during her trip from Cincin
nati J*.** W !*!V
seconded by the peffleverauce' of her gallant
crew and'her powerful.engines, in
keeping her prow to the gale, and arrived at the
wharf in good time and perfect safety. p ,
The river woe lull of floating ice last night,
almost entirely closing navigation, even to the ]
ferry boats. Thirty steamers wero lying nlong
the levee, between Ludlow and Walnut streets,
but they made no signs of life. The halyards
rattled drearily'against the flag staffs; the fur
naces looked block ond fcoidf while a knot of
shivering stevedores—blacker and colder—look
ed hungrily over the deserted lauding,. kicked
their broad feet against o solitnry bale of cotton, |
and wondered “if the Orleans boats would bber
run again!”
The Duke, the .Falcon, the Argyll, and other
boats, ore nearly or quite: freighted, and wait
for the dubious January thaw. The Louisville
i mail boats will run ns long as powerful engines
will Sliova sharp bows throngh the ponderous
I cakes ut ice.— Cin. Commercial of Jan. 0.
The weather continues mild with indioatioue
of rain. During the twenty four hours ending
at dusk lost evenins. the river had receded three
inches, and was still falling. The ice has near
ly oil disappeared.
AU the regular packets were receiving freight
for the resumption of business, with light offer
ings for St. Louis, Nashville.and New Orleans.
The boats loading to-day are —Ben Franklin,
Lonisvilla jfpbns,Maysvi'.lo Cline, Madison;
and ITujAinyton Chjj Pittsburgh. :
.The EurcpOi: Tropic, Tecum eh, Falcon, JMstc
Tori uoiDe!ta,nte loadiog for New Orleanß, and
Royal Arch for St. Louis. 1
The Arrn/le will loadfor New. .Orleans as soon
as she can reshlp her freight for Pittsburgh.
Tho .Vafft? Wayne left for New Orleans last
night with a largo passenger trip. Helen Mar
also left for Marietta..
fho Duke and Urn. Noble .armed from New
Orleans with fuUcargoes—the former boat bring*
lag the United States mail from Neve Orleans to
We learn that the Reindeer, Capt. Montgomery,
from New Orleans, was hard aground and out of
tbo channel, at Island 18 in the Mississippi, and
bod broken her larboard engine. The informa
tion was giren to tho officers of the I’ikont Cairo,
by tho pilots of the St. Louis packet Illinois.
Capt. John Dales has purchased one half of
the steamer Herald for $9OOO. The whole boat
has changed bands at 1p18,000.' . Tho.XfrraW.will
ran in tbo Illinois river during the next season.
—Cincinnati Enquirer, January !,
Wo find the following in the Baltimore Sonin
relation to the steamer Ban Francisco. It is
moro favorable to thosafcty of tho vessel than
at first reported:
The following 'interesting dispatch was: re*
ccivcd yeaterday by the Secretary of the Nary,
from Messrs. Aepinwall & Co., owners of the
steamer Sin Francisco:
New Tons, January Bth.—Mato of tho brig
NOpdlcon spoke the steamer San Francisco, De
cember 25th. lie gives a consistent and intel
ligent report, and states thnt Copt. Wattina had
plenty of provisions. lio had, however, light
ened the ship. There were no men at the
The brig Napoleon was at the nearest point
within thirty yards of her, and saw twenty male
passengers on deck. The cabin, hurricane deck
forward and wheels were standing. The doma-,
ges to the steamer were merely in her upper
works, amid-ships. The wheel-houses were
gone, but the' wheels were entire, and both
guards in good order. The mate is sure that
the rudder was all right. The foremast was
gone above deok,but.the. mizzenmast, (an im
portant faet towards her safety) was standing.
Both smoke-stacks were entirely gone. The
hull looked to ho in good: order. The sea was
heavy with a strong night breeze from the north
west As. far as could bo ascertained the same
pumps Were working®'
The steamer was again seen on the 20th De
cember safe, with the drag out forward, and her
head to tho wind. The damages to her occur
red in the gale of Deo. 2i, which was intensely
severe, -
The Ban Fraholseo is insured In Wall street
for $BOO,OOO. It is BtatedthoQovernmentpaid
$BO,OOO for the conveyance of the troops to
their 'ports, of destination: Among those on
board, it is said, are a married daughter of Mr.
Ererett, and a married daughter of Judge Tanej’,
tho wife of Colonel Taylor.
We learn from the Washington Globe tbatthe
Secretary, of the Navy has directed two energe
tic officers of tho Navy, Lieutenants Gansevoort
and Boggs, to proceed in the Alabama, (the ves
sel chartered by the War Department for the
purpose of rendering assistanoo totho San Fran
oisoo,) to afford such aid and advice os their ex-,
pericnce and judgment may suggest. The Ala
bama, with coal sufficient to last fifteen to eigh
teen days, and fresh provisions for passengers,
sailed from Now York early yesterday morning.
The Globe'says:
The Secretary has also directed the Bloop of
war Decatur, now fitting for sea at Boston, to.
proceed in the search, if, in the opinion of the
commandant of the yard, she can bo of service.
Since the above was in type, wo learn that the'
Secretary of the Navy has directed the steamer
North Btar, at New York, to bo chartered, offi
cered and manned, and sent to the relief of the
San Fransisco.
Jahosiattski & Bno., 202T.ibsbty s'irset.—
Wo would call the attention of all who desire to
purchase good clothing well msdej to call at the
number above indicated, and they will be suited
to their satisfaction. ■ :
A Mabbiaqe has just come off in Syracuse,
which was the result of an advertisement insert*
in the New York papers. The advertisement
was replied to by a Syracuse lady, pictures and
letters were exchanged, finally a meeting took
iplace— result, matrimony, and o' vindication of
the-adtertising system. *
. "I Vi
This is a new rolling mill just etarted-by B.
P. Joneo, Banmel t J SI, the Messrs, iautb.
Messrs Jones amJFHer ore well and favorably
known in thiß eommunlty aB men of- en
ergy and bOßinesa capacity. Messrs. Lauth ore
practical iron workers, find oannotfail of sub
cess in their business. On examination it will
be forind that their iron cannot be aurpassed-for
qnality and finish; Warehouse, Water street,
between Wood and Market, Pittsburgh. See
their card. ■■ • • .
Viola. —Wehavo received from the, publisher,
X. B. Peterson, No. 102 Chesnnt street, Phila
delphia,-a new navel entitled Viola, or Adven
tures !u the Far South-West; by Emerson Ben
nett, author of the “ Forged. Will,” and .several
other popular novels. This last is considered
the best production of the well known and much
admired author. The Pennsylvania Inquirer
says it abounds with scenes, incidents, and
| sketoh'es of the most thrilling character. It will
I no doubt have a wide circulation. •
; Solomos Masob, Esq., late Prothonotary of
Fulton county, died in M’ConncUsbnrg, on Tues
day last; He 1b . spoken of as having been n
.most excellent man and good officer.
IYom J'inuary,Utf‘tete>toJ<inuzry OJA, 1554.'
Anui/rs. .. Crowns*. .
Convulsions ...... 0 2.
Catarrh , 0 .t
Dropsy- 3 ........ 0 .
Dropsy of 8rain....'........, 0 ...... .1
Inflammation of Luaga.~ 1 .0 .
Inflammation of Bovels..- V ..« 0
0 1 ?.
Nervous Fever.;. -1 .................. 0 ■ ;
Old Ago... 1 0
Scarlet Fever .0 1
Under 1 year~........;..».;.3 From 40 to 60 .......,~1
From Ito 2. ..1 M 50 to
* « 2 to. A-....; .-.-1 * • ,00 to 70 w ...;;...«;:..2
« Cto 10.... .....*....1 u 70 to 80.....;...-..-.~0
« 10 to «*0 “ 80 to.
►l l 15 to 20. ;.;.v..»..;l ;M $0 to 100...... ~....0
i. “ 20 to 50.;;.... Age unknoUiL. ..,~.„.».0
; « 30t040..._.......~..~'i ' i •■•'••••
Mates 5; Female* S; White 13; Colored 0.;..;~T0tal 13;
\ By order of the Board of Health. . • • ■
i . : • Pbyridanof Board of Health.
- ffiT* —This formidable disease, which
sftflmSto bafifothe skntef pbyridans, yields like magji to
OARTra’BEvanishMcttttm. -■ -
Mr. F. Boyden* formerly of the Aster-House, Nc«r York*
and late proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, Ya*,
Is one of. the hundreds vrhohavo boen cared of severe Kea
raleia by Carter’aSpaniah Mixture. ... . • • - -
- Since, hla cure; he has yccommcndedK to numbers ot
others who ire» auHferlng nearly every form of disease,
triih the most wonderful success. . • .
: Ho says it is the most extraordinary medicine he haa evor
peca used, and the best blood purifier known.. ~
* # * gee ftdTertlsementin auotiier column. [noTl7;d±vrlm
, On Tucsd ’y, the 10th Inst, ELIZA JANE MURDOCH) In
the 19thyeorofberfigo.. . > . - • i;
XhefanfTftLwm tjiko place, from.the rorfdenoecf.her
Father, John Murdoch, Jr., Squirrel BU», to4ay, at 12
o'clock, M, The friends of the family are respectfully invi
ted to attend without further notice.-
: The funeral of STEPHEN HAGUE, Jr., vrill Uke place.
: this 2 o’clock, P. M. f from thoresidence of bts Father*
nn Bank Lane, Allegheny city, immediately below the First
Ward’&bool House- . ..
- Tho friends of tho family are most respectfully Invited to
attend. *
fr<s» Pennsylvania HoipltaL»
Dm {..Scunscx, Second, between Wood and Market
streets, and 3. lUed, Norlh-ewt.corner; of Diamond. Alle
gheny city, are the attending Physicians to.tho abore InstK
tutlon, for the first quarter of 1854.- ; . / -
; Applications for admlKsion may be made to theinataJl
hours at their offices, ent the Hospital at 2 o'clock, P. M. '
Hecsnt casta of occidental Injury are received atoll hours,
without form. - . . .. , jalfcg*
TTriLt be given ou MONDAT EVENING, the 16th Jart*
If at LAFAYErrtSnALLjthoproceedsto be given to
the 4 * Yauny laditf RdiefSoctly” tot distribution among
the poor. . •
; The Choir will comprise SIXTY vocal 'amateur perform*'
cr'.alth a toll Orchestra.
Tickets 50 cents: For sale at the Mode Stores, and at the
Honorary members vrlU receive their tickets from - the
A, A. Carrier, eorner of Smithfield and Fourth
streets. .• ;j
Concert will commence at 7}£ o’clock. Prograinmctcin
be obtained at the Musle Stores.' jalhit
[Jonroal, Gatette, Union, Dispatch and Chronicle, copy,
and charge Post,) . i ..... ■".« - .
For Xaexv Orleans.
» fF5> b. The substantial now steamer “ARGYLE,"
IV. Master,vUl -leave for the
aniT intermadlate ports, op the opening
of navigation. For forightonly, apply to .
jail JAMES A. HtITCniSOy A CO.
TUB UNDERSIGNED, in connection withMr.LEVI K.
BOWEN, C. S, Consul toßordeaox, France,; purposes
establishing a Mercantile Agency at the above plece, fbrthf
pnrcbare, on commission, of Brandie*» Wln«s Fruits, Ac:
and will also attend, witit promptness, to any otber baai
ness with which they may be favored. A. J.BONNET.
•Eyayricei in Pttttburjgli: : ■
Thomas Scbtf, Esq., President Mer. and Hah. Bank;
John U: Foully, £sq„Cashier Pittsburgh Trust Cxnpany:
S. M’Clorkan, Esq., CashierCHiicas* Deposito Bank;
MesCTs. Hoon 4 gargent, Bankers;
.Messrs. Harris & Co? Bankers; and to merchants renty
Mr, R. will leave Pittsburgh about the ISth Inst: untt»
which time he will be fotfud at the store of Itobt H. King,
Liberty street. ' jalhlw
.Notice. • '
JOS. FLEMING having associated with JOS. XBBt, the
business wilt bereafler .be conducted under th« stylo of
\T. ABELA CO-, ftt tUe old stand, corner of SmilhGold and
-Fonrth streets.:, / .-I■ ■ - ja*l:T --
• LACTBI, bavins associated themselves together, an*
der the firmof JONES, LAUTQ. A CO., will carry On th*
“American Ironworks” recently erected by. B. Laath A
Brother, in Hast Birmingham. >■■
n, r. Josss M^.l>M s,'iistmt..4..M.s. w. aim, ..j. r. nirni.
MAN DFACTUHERS of rupVriorßar, Snuflt and Wire
.Iron, of all descriptions; warehonsa,Ro. 99 Water st,
botweeh: Market and Wood sfau, Pittsbnrgb/ :
GALL and examine before purchasing -elsewhere ths>x.
Threoßtg Doors, Ho. 303 Liberty street,
now occupied by JAROSL AWBKIA BIU). Garments made
to order, in the latest styles, insuring seat-fits, on the
shortest notice.: - - - -JalO?ys
Y st, near Fifth; amslttlng of a large BRICK HOUSE,
of three storiesr containing a hall,' two 'parlor*, dining
room, kitchen, and six chambers and finished, attic, with o
good cellar. .The Lot Is 20 fret front by frO deep, to ah alley:
The yard Is paved; good hydrant, Ac. Pricos36oo. Terms
jail • -149 Third ttreat.
GOFFEE— Soy bags prime Bio for role by
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—IOO sacks prime, for sale by
INE FLOUR—7B bble, for sale by
kegs No. 1, for sale by
ROLL BUTTER—3 bbls. choice, In cloths, for salo by
BKIKD ArPLEb—IOU sucks new, for pale, bv-
BEANS— 40 sacks, for sale by
-150 boxes 8x10;
60 do 10x12;
40; do 10x14; Swearer’s brand; for saleby
Jail 122 Second, and 161 First street*,
GOO LIVER OIL—IOO mils, -white, warranted pure, fo
sale by . • {dec3o], B. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00.
EKD ERECiPI i'AIE— IOO lbs for sain by
dec3 B. A; JAnNKTOCK A CO,
POTASH— 19 casks, first sorts, for sale by
AL SODA—4o'casks, English, foT'calo by
- dec!9 y B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO.
Gentian root—uoo ib? tor sale by ™ '
T?UPHORBIUN—36 powdered, for sale by '
Jjj deolQ 3. A. FAHNESTOCK A QQ.
GII£BTNUT8 —Twenty-fife bnshols, of the best quality,
received and for Bale by
8M and 214 Liberty st, ■
PEAS— fl faWa dried Tennessee Pe&g for sale by -
dec!7 KEYSBR’StI4O Wood fit
V January Oth, 1854. j
THE Trustee* of the Pittsburgh Cos Compan/have this
day declared a Dividend of Five per Cent, outer. the
profita.oh the capital stock of said company, payable forth*
with to the their legal representatives, at
the office of theoompany, - JAMES IL. CHEIBTY,
? JalCh2w L . , Treasurer ofPittsburgh Oas Company. .
A -dels prepared from good sweet Pumpkins, and wDI
make Pies of superior quality.
ihrecffoni.—Tike one ounce, or two table spoonfulls of
the powder, and add to itone quart of milk; let it stand an
'hour or two in a warm place, after which' add eggs, splees
and sweetening to suit and it will be readyibr
hsklng. For sale by RK. SELLERS & CO. - '
: jalO . ' • fil Wood street.
front on Carson street, hy 100 feet in depth.; It is one
of the most valuable lots on that street. TiUe perfect;
:tennsaccommodaUng. Enquire of ,
- a a. m. sumr, (AtPy,)
i jaO:tfS3 • .. . 147 Fourth fit, PiltaW
■ ' omcxOßioakpPxxcm.TmfcßauaoisGOql
, Pittsburgh, December SI, 1553. /
THE Dinetors of the. Ohio and. Pennsylvania Railroad.
Company have declared a dividend of four per cent, out
; rib* net earnings of the road fbrthesjx modtha oadlng
‘ this day; paf able oh uid after the 23d Jandarr next
- ’ Transfer Bosks will be elorad until 27th January; pros.
v z&y.-'y
*• * 7
GrgsMil Walaee, J¥bw Wattle*
Manufactured by
VBL P. calls the attention of the his Celebrated;
with a variety of tvcnty*fl?e dlQsrent klcdj of STEED
PENS, of his own make suitable lor all handwritings.
-r/:'"- •y ■. ''\y:-~&ity~yy.-:r;~ --y-y
Galled tho Treble Spring. These pens hare bees adopted by
the Senate la Washington, In preference to all other*. -
The shore pens, together with.his superior unriroled ac
commodation holders, can be seen at Ur. J. B. Steel 1 * and
Mr.B. U.NannanV,Camp street; Thomas L. While’sCana*
street; and E. A F.K&ekieTe, Exchange Place. . - jaO
Death from a Rupture.
There are thousands of persons whoare afflicted
with a Bupturc of the Bowels, who pay bat little attention
to the disease until the bowels become strangulated, when
In all probability U may be too late.'. How Important it Is,
then.for all those suffering with any'form of “Rupture of.
the Bowels,” to coll et ones upon Dr. HETSEB, at his
Wholesale and BalaQ Drug - Store, corner of Wood street
and Virgin alley, and procure a TRUSS, to retain the pro*
trading portion*©* tha bowels. Dr. KEYSES haa on offleo
back of his Drug Store, where Trusses are appliedi and
warranted to giro satisfaction. He oUo haa every variety
of Trusses that yon scan name, and at any price, to suit the
means of erery one in need ©f. the article. I. also keep,
oyexy kind of Supporter** Bodg Bract*, , Suspensory
ago, BTdtUo Stockings, fbr enlarged veins, and oU Unds of
mechanical appliances used In the cure of disease*. , ,
I would respectfully invite the attention of the public to.
ah excellent TRUSS FOR CHILDREN, which invariably ef
fects cures In a very.short time. .!
corner of Wood street hod Virgin alley, sign of the Golden.
Mortar. dec2 ?.
For Sale*
; •■■' ■■'■*& fcr . & , . - k
• . • ' ' 's ■■»**■. .. .7 ‘
-.-■ , !>. • ’••
- • . v i ( V • '
r v. rif
X' r- ■<
~. e O- ._
>-T *•- _
. \ V t .
~ v-t-i i
£££3£ S £ £ £
■■■ Derangement of tlic liiyerj is one of the
most common, aswell as the. most formidable of diseases
known to Amirfam physicians. It had fbr yeata attracted,
the closest attention of the medical faculty In aU parte of
tho United States, and yet op to the time of the discovery
or Ur. JTLane’s great Specific, It was. almost beyond the
reach of medfcal skUL" Tfaoksands had'perished-wlttibut
relief, and although thousands may yet te
destined to feel the direful effects of this most complicated
dtesase, it'is now, thanks to the research of Ur. WLane, |
most completely brought within the scope of medical con* i
troh The proprietors of the Liver Pflls foel confident that
i they offer h remedy vrhieh. has been fully tested by tlm e,
[ and which has never OKed of successwhen fairly tried. .
Purchasers will be.fearefiilto pek fbr Dr.
brated liver PHI*, and take hone.else. There are other
Pills, purporting to be liver Pflifl, now; before tho public, .
D<v Hlis, also.his celebrated Veraifhgr,.caj>
sow be had at ail respectablaPrug Stores ln ; the United
Stales. Also&r sale by the sol* proprietors,
, fUiMisG CUO3<,
Successors to j. Kidd & Go*
60 Wood street.
“Costly thy habit aa thy purse can boy, • : j
• But not expressed in fancy; rich r not gaudy—
For the apparel Oft proclaims the man."
JKF 1 * Every veil dressed man knows bow difficult It to to
find a Tailor who thorcugblyunderstafids the peculiarities
of coch'figure,ahd can suit Its requirements with a well
cut, gentlemanly fitttng garment, lienee it to that sd few
Teel“ at home 0, during the first day’s wear of .any new aril
ale of dress, and however costly, ncTer become adapted to
their forms. To remedy so manifest a deformity, E. Gftlß
BLK has practically studied both form and fashion, always!
adapting the garment, weather, coat, rest, or pantaloons, to.
the exigencies of its wearer—thoroughly attaining that do*
gsneo of fit which tho spirit of the age dictates. -
■i dec2B Ho. 210'LlBerty streeVheadof Wood.. ,
Firemen’s Insnranc,
|Us>“ Company of tlic Clty of Plttetiurfili
J. K. MOOUHBAB^PresUait—EOBERT JflNßßr, Soot
tary. ■■■■•.■ • ■
Will Insuro against FIRE- arid MARINE RISKS of all
kinds. Office: No. Water street.
j, K. Moorhead, • W.J. Anderson,
B. R. B. Simpson,
Wm.M.Kdgar, -. , .H.B.Wilkinfl, .;■■
C. Paulson,- ... William CoEingwood,
8.8. Roberts, John M. Irwin,
•Joseph Kaye,. . Wm. Wilkinson,
David Campbell.
Pittsburgh, December 351 h, 1853.
THE President and Directors of this Company hare thfc
day • declared a Dividend of -Five Dollars per Share
upon the. Capital Stock—thus; tbreo dollars, jjayable to the
Stockholders or their'legal representatives forthwith, and
two dollars credited to the stock. .
decg&llt SAMUEL I* MARBIIELL, Secretary.
Important to Cupper* and Leechers.
Dr. KEFSEU, 140 Wood street,!*** received an as*
sortxoentof 1
Thomas Mechanical Leeches;"
. (hipping Glasses; .
. « Breast Glasses;
: “ -EyoCupa;
. “ Dental Letches; .
• “ ■ Eesrifieator. v-'j.-i
Those ore really important inventions, and very canny
nleut to those who fiulotr Leeching. - Call and soe them.
Wood at aad Tlrgln alley. jag “
r=& CASH svmb FIRE AMD SlA*
Ponuajrlwantn. CAPITAL, 0100,000* CUSS’
JfVeivfenf—Hon. AUGUSTUS O. HEISTER. . “.
Secretory—THOMAS R. WILLSON, Esq.
. , . SXZLKCTOSS: ' ■ . *
Hon. A. 0. Hctotcr, Samuel W. Hays,
WDllam Robinson, Thmnas Gillespie,
• William F. Fahnestock, ; John B. Cox, , . .
Harvey Bollmon, Jacob Peters,
John Walker, Jr., William Colder, Jr*
Jacob $. Hnlderman, . Aaron Bomb&ugfa.
. .RUSSELL A OAKES, Agents,'.
Office, in Lafayette Buildings, ;
Je3 • . (eutraßCßonWoodrtroflt.)
—lt Is duetd -&LBR*B JHroteuxn ta
U*4r cay that It baa bo«n known to completelyeradicat*:
every restage of this dreadful disease la tens time than as;
Uther remedy i- and at less cost or inconvenience to the: pa
ttont<■ .. . ■, ■
The thousands of certificates In the hands of the propri
tor, many of which ere from well known citizens of the cit>
of Pittsburgh and its immediate vicinity, go to show .clearly
andbeyor idl doubt,'that Kiss’s Pstnoixia* to a medicine
of no cos.' onralue, not onlyaaalocal remedy tn.fbraly*
fi», HhewnaHrm, ikafnesi, mm of SighLy -but as a val uable. |
, Internal remedy, inviting the investigating physicians, as
• woll as thesufferlng patient, to become acquainted with its
■ merits;' .r T
Ihose having o dread of mixtures are assured that this
madidneis purely natural, and to bottled as it
thebosom ortho earth.
■ ThefoUcnoinacertifiasteis copied from a paver published at
Syracuse JT.I% ana bean date August 2,1852, to which is
aisoappcade&QucatificateqftheccubratcdD. T. Ibcf,M. 2>^
Syracuse: • . .■•••-'••
Xus may itt truth certify, that-1 hare been so badly af
flicted with ScxQfclafbr the last seven yearsthat meat of the
time lhftTebeen hnable to attend to any kind of -business,
: and much of tho time unable to walk and eonflnfcdto my
bed,andhateb«en treated nearly, all the time by thebttt
Phydcians our ecuntryaffords: I occarfonaHy got some re
lief, but no cure, and continued to grow worse until Br.Fptrt
recommended me to tTy thePetroleTim, or IlockOll, as eVe
rythingetoe had failed. Idid ra without faith
thecfffect was astonishing; it threw the poison tothe surface
at once, and I at once began 'to grow better, and by .using
fl<nren botUeHlharegota cure worth thousands of dollars.-
This may certify that I have been with
Petroleum, or Rock Oil, for more than a year, and. hare re
peatedly witnessed its beneficial effects is the euro of indo
lent ulcers and other diseases for which, it torccommended,
end can with confidence recommend It to he a medicine Vox*
thy <ff attention, and can safely say that sueosss has attend
ed its use where other medleine bad failed.
■ - D. Y. FOOT, M.-D.
For sale by all the Druggists In Pittsburgh. Tau27alAw.
■ ■■.. 1.71 QhestnvtsLjfmpositethe State Souse. ...
thy <Tariedass6rtnxentofDurtaiPsandCarfadnMaterialgfb
bo found in the city, comprising In part of the following
styles of—
French LaceGortalns, Window Shades, all prices,'
Muslin . “ ■ • Buff Hollands, all widths,
French Broeatelles, all widths, Gilt Cornices, ovary style and
French Plushes, . price,
M . Satin Laines, . Gilt Curtain Fins, ;
<i Lampas, Bonds,
“ Satins, Cords and Tassels,.
“ Damask Linens, Gimps, all prices, .
“ Coshmorotte, Loops,- .
Plain Turkey Bed, Fringes,
India Satin Damask, . Picture Tassels and Cords,
“ Lining Silks, Shade Tassels and Brasses, .
FuraitureGimps, - Hooks,Bings, Brackets,'Ac;
A full assortment of tho above goods constantly for sale,
wholesale or retail. [marl;ly—-af.m.n. .>
Indigestion and Liver Complaint
BY KIBK’S the fol
lowing letter ftom Eer. 0. -Dicsmsov, a Missionary In
M. Kizu—Bcnr Sir: Myself and wifo having boon
greatly-benefitted by the useof your Petroleum, X wish to
hare you send mo abox of two or three' dozen bottles. I
am the Congregational, Minister In this place, end aeveral
of my peoplearo affected with indigestion and an inaction
of the liver, the same of myself and before taking,
your PzraoLKCii. on Bocx On- ,Wo took several bottles—
two or three each—about * year .end a half ago, mud w»
hare nCTer enjoyed so good health; for years oa we have
since that time.- I'h&d not.taken A single bottle, before
that fullness of the.stom&chwhlchlso distresses iho dya> -
peptio was relieved, and I hare felt nothing of it since that
lime. My wife was also relieved from a chronic disease of
the liver, which bad been of several yean standing, by the
moofyour Petroleum. ..
Sold by 8. M. KIER, Causlßarin, GEO. It. KEYBER, 140:
Wood and Druggists and Medleine Dealers every
where. ■■ ■ : : '• . ;■ ■■■ -QctfiS •:
CITIZENS* Insurance Company of
iky p: KINq; President; SAM
UBL L..MABSHEUI, Secretary. ,
0 filet: 94 Water Street, between Market and Wood street i.
Insures HULLand CARGO the Ohio and Mlsslfr
ripplRiTCTB and tributaries.
against Loss or Danwßeb? Fire. •• -- •.
ALSO—AgainkthePorilflof theSea,cxia InlandNarlga.
H.ftKlng> Wm. Larimer Jr.,
William Barley, Samuel V, Baer,
Samuel Bes, William Bingham,
BobertDunlap,jr., - John B.Diluorth,
Isaac M. Pennock* Francis Sellers, ■
B.Harhangb. J.Schooninaher,
Walterßryant, ’WlMxsinß.Hiya.
Bata and'Gaps*...o'--'
it**, JOSEPH COX- A CO-corner Wood street
: I (ami Diamond. alley,WLuldresricctfuUy
tfSgjLfbrm tholr frienda and the public thattbey nijwwii®
are .large and splendid stock of HATBAND
CAPS, of the latest; styles, whieb they; arc prewired to sen
on os reasonable terms as any other-bouse In tbc dly,
Give us » call, and examine nur rfoclt., : flcplO..
; - :. Fail Style of Hots
r*s SAMXJKL -WEST, No. 231
lOTlta the attention of hi* friends ana customers to it He
to* also on tond a Isrg* wwrtopnt cf UASB
aol CAJJS, “which to wifi sell CHEAP, for cub. w £«ulfctf
•v j r ■(.*
a> THEATRE*—Joswh C. Utur* vrut Sam
a<r—Fifth street, above Wood«>../*PJfc*lof admission:
ssd Parquet's Ktej Private Doses* la**,, s3* do. do :
I «malL*si Second Tier, 2fie; Boxes
'FersonssecuriDgsoatswni be ehnrged I^eto.extrato Gw
cortlOCale. Doomoponatlark, w»fcro«iic»t<>«rm.
131 cnee at 7 o'clock Immonco Wit of attracUpn fcr tha
“McGregor's Gathering” .^ aTOri,e B** £*?.**
Mins Waldcxratc. Bong. “Don' angry, mother," *lr
Tooonclude with tho dwma of Tlfe RAO&CK* : ;
PARIS : Father Jean, Mr BfrisfcnliMaria Didlev, -
Mrs Brelsford. In rehearsal, the original French Drama
of tho Corslran Brothers. Also, the great play entitled Hick .
of the Woods* * ,
€ A+- respectfully announces to tha Bchohua. - ?
• attending hto Dancing Academy, and so to the La* '<
dies and Gentlemen -who received sinvitatlons to his first
■ Partv*. that his Second Quadrille Party will bo pitcu at LA* ,i
HU>, ISM Ho 1 would alio give notice hto Bohotars» and "- * -X
'those wishingto join, that bis classes will hereaftermeatat - c*.
Lftfayetto ofjWttsMDgtpn Hally oaformerly; v
His second session will commence .on TCEsDAT.Iha lDth ' . . u
in»t. Those wishing to join ran eall <ra or before that oven- :i
jug at the Hall. < , ». *
•; flsy-Tlckets bad at any tlma before tho Party.nt . ■>
the Counting Room of. the * r DM!y Post,” or of O. A. M<v . . :j
BtanUß,at LafeyoUo Hall. • -. -i ; (jal v: I . ,
CARGO’S HALL, fburth tirat f\car fftxxfr oppnife La. '
feyetto .HaR, can - be; obtained fer Parties, Festivals,:
Concerts, PubPo Meotifigs, Ac, OotlUan and' r
Sox Hum Band can. be found In at all times, by
' applying to WM^: FRANK CARGO,’'at tho Crystal Palace,; ;
Daguerrean Rooms of R. BL Cargo A (Sk, Fourth st. - [ Jylff -
. LECTURE, ‘ ?
■RATISS’LUCY STONE will deliver & Lecture LefeM this
lnstitute, at MASONIC HALL. Fifth lireet, above''WEDNBSDAY EVENING; 11th lost '1
Subject of Lecture announced in papers of Wednesday. ■ •
: Miss Stone Is tha, acknowledged Webster of her rcX, end
. ranker by common consent, smoug the Tory first orators of
thoago..' ’i - <'•. ..J
The flirople azmpuncement, the -Lecture Committee feel ;
veil assured; will Oil the Hall ;to |teutmost capacity ; and
those hiving todies in charge, or who wish to secure com
fortable scats, are odvlsed to go early.
Tickets-of admission 25 be had at the various
Book and Murie Stores, tho Library'Room of the Lecture..
Committee, and at the door* -
■ • HENRY WOODS, • /
W. IL KINCAID, k r , .
3*lo v . » , ' - y Committee.
1X r-,■ /-rTo,li«tj-.•
1 BASEMENT ROOM, corner Fourffa street upd Cherry .
A. * aney'.‘ Thtsburgh: Tho Room is 21 feet wide by. 32 .
deep: one half above ground; dryland well finished;; It•'
hiura Ccal vault in frOnV Will be tented Crom Ist April
next. Enquire-at office of VMoniing Post” .. • ja7 .
" , . Wanted to Rent,
4 COSDIODIOU3 -DWELLING, with ten to sixty acres of
A Irfmd.'on a «ood -road not more than fire miles from
thedty. Apply to -■ GEORGE W. amTH,
. - >• Pitt street.
JI.-W. UOnUsi.u-wH> 41ALLB .
- -'• .Notlce> . r
TTAVlNGrrarchasEd Ihw eniiro stock of J: 0. Andetsnn a
fj[ will continue the WbolesaleFßUlT and CONt .
FKCnONARY hurinesa,at the old Bland* No. 6 Wood street, ,
under the style of > M. W. RANKIN A . CO. .
4 VTOTICS—Having dbpteed of my entire Interest in. the ;
l M wholesale Fruit and.Cfcnfectionary business to my Ute ' /
portnein Minas ITudle, andrMT W. Rankin, salesman in said * .
boaM. rafho sie atiihorized td uVVtbe hsimeef the late firm
In settling the bniiiiers of snfd firrnv)Xtake plessure in rfi*. ,
eammendiogthem to my fennerfriend*imd costomera,and
hope for a contionation 'of .the,liberal p&tronagobestowed
bu nje. ; ‘ - * J. a ANDERSON.
■•Plttobnrgh. January9.TBs4?—jjalO]-.. > ■ :• ..
■- Scotch 1
TIIU BUTCHERS have abandoned thc Viamond bJarkzt >
Hbi««rand havennanlmonsly agrocd, with but one ex*-
Option; to supply their cuMtomors with choice MEATS, on .
the r ocular market days ami ovcnlng*, at the SCOTCH' ZQLL;
Tb* Farmers, audthose baring produce, Ao., Ac., trill find
it to their advantage to attend.
Wo hope, that the citizens will favor ua vrilh fhelrtradi-
V/ Attraction, end JAMES GAKDNEK U atstalt N 0,13,
on Ibe TegnUrmarkH dnyMindevening, vlth hlabest .
bams, smoked beef *a.usage> beef tongues, pleklcd and fresh:
poTk. fttu &C. . ■■■ > •■:■■■ ■•,.:■■■ / . ■ ; JaulO
jomr PLSVISQ. ' ‘ • cocnitw msosa*-
• (BaccePßt>rfl to J. KltMft Co;)
. jVb. GO TTohI Simi, TSdtburgh, fte.
. Proprietors of Dr. 'M'L&oe’s Celebrated Toratfuge, I.lrer
pnin.4c. • l .1; . • Jaio
TTSUit SALK OR’»K!ir— Factor* DnlUHng.tilth
.jC . fourJLot&.nf Ground, ritual MQKen.on Washing
ton #tre«y opposite flint Rlasa wcrka of Mr. 0« Johoaooyia
Birmtagham. Enqutroof . , '
' l>. M.'DAVIS, AttcilbncCT.
CVrrnnr. ,cf WoM. arid- Fifth; stir el*. .
litlSH WHISKS*—4 panclmcna fine IrUh Whisky Jujt;
,recei»eU.*oiJform)efcy, * ;,.rJNO<GftOU3T f */
■ .d»rf) -• Cor. SmUftffeM and Ifoopt’stg., ntfeborgb.
Consome the Smoke* . .
/nnß Bubfcriberfisvlnit ih# exclnrtveriaht to njstmtac*
CONSUMING- FtJRN A CEv I* prepuml to rccdre orders, find
«miraet for-beating builcjinjcs tclHx the moat economical
•Furnace now fn-uro.' Tbb'atfentlOTi of those IntAreated is
poUdtad-'- 'A-n-r lnrortritttloQ CBn of A. 4UIAT>LE‘KY‘;
N*os:2ariil.4 Wopd-^tipelipnof'i'yv'J. UAUNHOMiARv/ ..
riecSbtf] IrooCityStoT*. Warehouse. Nn.JM..Wood*t. ••■
. Tsucoeslso K.T-0.i.-mtcox'f 00-T *.
constantly mvtmftd'a'fall ofDrngs,Medl*
rfnes, Medicine Chests, Perfoausxyj and, all exllcloe pertain
tag to Msbustae**.. . „■■•.
■ J33F* Physicians’" Prescriptions carefully' compounded at r
all hours. jw9:y-T
■T\lS3oUmoN.—Tho lino of-Ii TVILCOS A CO4 Bros-
X * gifts iraa disfolred on tb«2d inat. .
: Tho eahttirfher, having disposed of his cnflre Interest la
the latafirm, to-Ws late partner, Mr. 30SEPH TLESIINU*-
wpulii;cb«rfulljr tct33intuuna hlnxtohle frieDdpyandtisX n
continuance of, lbe,patronae*> berotoforo yo llherally
stnwrd uwn th*n».' • jaOl - L. WIXCQX, «Jb. "
MINERAL , WATEU9;~I .bare on baud,:• bud am eonr
stoutly receiving fresh'. 1 supplies' of. the following
waters, In pint and quart -bottles j Empire Bpring, Whiw
Sulphur Spring, Oocgrejjs/tyatejVTUJd Saratoga,'Water. _■:•
. Corner Market st ood Diamond, . ‘
Js9 - • ■ ■■■■■•. and <wnef Pourtbanci Bmithfiold fits.
HAH DYES.—Datcbolor'fl Liquid Hair Dye, for instantly
changing the colar'ofrtbe bale ton tlecpblack-rthe -
ibest notr In ow. Also, Hassell’s and. Harrison’s Haig Djo,„
and Allander's Incobaphe, forsnle by : '
-• *, Comer Market «. and Diamond,
I*s ' ■ and corner Fourth and Smithfleld sts. ..•
On eor&ei* of Wood and PUth Btreetii
■ ■..•■ ■•■■ • nrtPtft vmtezit ganarn-i, v faeplo
Giosing ootSole of Carpetlng, Oil Glottis,
Slattingi) Elngii &e» J
TIIE subscribers haring: adopted the plan of. selling off
their stock at tho end of the season, are now offering
the greatest bargains, Is their lino, ever offend tothodu*
xens of. Pittsburgh crridnUy. -- ~
: In qualityor quantity ibelrassortsiVntisnotitnrpbssQd.
Hemp Carpets, in great variety, at lb, 1% 25,28,31 and
37l4ceatA. ••:•• >■.>.•
;, -The entirestock-will positively bosold tho present season'
—REGARDLESS OF COST. Sale to continue till March Ist*
idO. •' 'B2 Third street.
N. B.—Small Note* token at par. -- . . ..
~ iHeoai , s« J. Biiroir©i
Vaalt J)ooig aad Iron Window Bhnttei3,
A. ND as'dll persons'odmitltfio'heaasity'of the-above
£X -mentioned articles, we have no hesitation In rfcoxa*
mending be equal to anything In the city*
Orders prompUy attended to, and put up in tba best
style, and on short notice,
gguSmlthflrid street, between Fourth and Fifth, Ditto*
bttTgb. ■ frepfrdtiml • , r J. SURQFFEIi/A 00.
'VTOTICE Is hereby given that the MosoftOAiXELi' Navku«
1H nos CowpsicT did,' on the 31st day of December, 1853,
declare a dividend of four dollars .per'share on the capital
stock of said of the earnings of aid compacy,--
for the year 1853* one half of which vrss ordered to be paid
to the stockholders on the lsth day of-r July laat; tho bak
aneoof said dividend, beihgTwodollars per eham.
payable to- the stockholders, or their legal representatfresy
at tho otßco of tho Treasurer of said company, Novelty
■Workß, Grant fltreet,:Pllt&burgh, on and after tho letlr day
of January,lBs4. ■ J. K. MOORHRAD, -
-: jafcSws. ■ ■ • • President.-•
restorihg.ihe Hair an Head HomnssiT Baid, and to
proven t the llalr from falling, is winning golden opinions
ofpersonawtocmhsinglt. Thtoteatww article, recently
intradneed, is a sure cure for. and will stand tho
test of a discerning public, as thousands who have used wllf
testify. Pee circular to be had of the Agents. Riving full
particulars. • Price $l,OO in large bottles..
' 0. E.FISHER A Ca. Proprlotor«, . ~ -
; 5T Superior street Cleveland, Ohio,.
- For salem Pittsburgh in the following houses-
Fleming L. Wilcox A Co.. - /
R-ELBeHora, G. 1L Koyrer,
- Joel Mohler, Bonj. Pag&Jr^
J. B. Ctmil.
: Allegheny A. Beckham, Prcssly k J/P,
Flemlog. '
• Birmingham.— A. Patterson, John G. Smith. <* [JaZ*y
HAVING detcrinlhed to close out our entire stock of
Silk, Satin, Velvet and Gro Do Affrio BONNETS be*
fore the Ist of Januixy; alsrre<xtlyrtduced prices-* at prices
that we defy competition in the city—call and. see our*
ItONNETS, and satisfy yourselves.
• - Oar gentlemanly bid friend next door - V
• Is being alarmed at h!a expenses:
•Notwlttotaudlagha is three score and more— -
But he cannot compete with the Bpxscm. . '
Now Ladlw/yoxunnat bcarln mind, _
- In order to save expenses:
G et a Bosyiv of the right kind,
At the Fancy Store of Srvcts. -■
, jgf* Renumber tho place, No- 38 MARKET si, between.
Second and Third streets, at the dgn of the Cheap Bonnet'
Btote. ' • fdor&l M. J. &0. FPKNOK • •
' S Urpban.’ Conrt Sale.
FUMTJAST to an °"1“ f. ' “3.W Court of tk.
County of Alimony, beta atHttiburgby on Saturta* '
tho thirty-first day of Drcembnv A-». 1863,win bo moscA'
to Publltt Sah!, on BATO^>Air,. the tuonty.fiyn^fiyar
January next, at to tto fcrmoon, »t the Cora*
1 TfromE. In tbecity of' Plttaunrgh, all those fotjpipfiy+fiirv'
! LOTS or situate in pitt tmrimhip, ■
three,(No. M ‘ th fc t y*J b %<^* 4 ?i) :.flHy*a»re*;:(NoTfti\
nnd.fifty-fonr. (STo WMflrW; W. PottetthftnV plahof IoSJ
in ifio extenßWnja TitoiiafßlJ, 34otJiit
and describedas foJlowvfo witi Coa
mcacingoaTaniiamu lane, at tho comet of lot* uombert ‘
fifty-tbur tthtf fifty-fiTe,*sal running ihenee along IWldwln
frtreet forty *eJght feet to ilie comer cTXGiavxuaben tidrir*
four and tUrty.fiTOj tbenee.u parallelli»* with WjH»
street onubundm! and. eighty-two feet flrar inch** to th*
place of whlch plan of JVTV.W. l»
recorded hi the Beccrdcr’a office of Alleghenyeounty afore- ;
raid, loßook Sd, FiWhjGPi p. befogs V.
hole which- the raid XT. W, JetUrrman, by deed doted
August 15,1828, recorded In the Recorder's office of AHe
ghcnf county aforesaid, hi Role 3d, K>ol. 60, p. 25, con*
•ejedto SylTanua’Thampsou,deceased, tn feo.
- johnwilsqs, -
Adn*r of SyWanu* Thomsen.
' juMiitytran
-vrsw umsimb—tt»oo»M,4S«>«i4si.n. ::
_pij - - ' 10 nutt> SocOlaa-. fbrulftby
•- • j. ftWauui^isawooartiMv
* ..
v Baidness Cured.
?■* fc
• - *