[4- ■ > ■ ‘* t^\v T t ,'* < ' ? f 1 -Y 'j 4 !'. , ii; ; j; V^^:- ■-' - .A-* '*"' \ ’" * '"> ■ \ \. .' . p. ; ’A‘*’ tl ,-, * ~ a. • a >, , ti ..... -".'v.,,caaaa -\' > - j-v ■ ;-r.‘ v ~* * ■- v , .'•'- -' ■''."V"? -\y !, ?V''.V’V>» .. ■ ->. t * I :*.--U'i* *-»»jj}i*. , «*-- *-*;*•.<- V'iV';v< ?»'•*';*vPOT'tjf : A/-,'Y -i ."■*; * « ,3 > ‘c«JVt•• :V *; y•? >) '•"s'; A”. tY 5 *v “- * <** vttr«L& 3 k v ii* v* <\ * •«* 'c»>■. V S. •-'A\V : "- i -' ‘>?Wv j! ;..' - ;s,"rf v,-*- v =v,YA.y •:.’ -i.,s*v!'»v v JiAf| ■;* i *?;"s £ t v* *;/<** *V£ x■* ao ,5 i-/vss -V s -2 jV”;';'j' -'-f : :< vV •*. t,it »S.(y;? s >•, ,-| *»T'M •’ t *> 2 s;* " .''''in'* ♦? • ■fjlt **,{'J,s Y’Jv, * - , rJ’V-t* x‘-" jj ■*»: NYlii"3*Y«.V« j^v p; rC* f stt • **? % i -J> **ir& J*-* 0 * *- /r •'♦-Jw »*3 ■raMM iMm l fi^»Crf i 3KpJeyiSfel Wlmim C\l mOSfJ^aSfe^AWt'KaS^J imiMmaia t&f&j pfsif. l*r-lii-y-X^y: ■ ... 4-. ■■ •-> ‘.Administration S«M^»-- iC'z* *'.V- I’s,»SJ«**j.•' 1 ’ s, »SJ«**j .•' &*?s& < v-V ( r.t, ?< >•''i« i« .‘TTfTHEEEAS, Letters of AdminlsttliUoto;.* fenfejion,. ■'•-■' tutamcnto anncso, to tbe pstgta of JEBfrNART? ' •>:•: Y EANSi Uto of tiio Olty *of'PittAozsb*&*t*-beeft. p •-»•?'' ’ s , S granted to the eubpcriber, all penonsladelitWtO'eMlßfrf tote «ffl malravlxmasdlata pagnbent, and those ha^ot /: • a cbSsaagatostthe wye,w»l jwatthm%*ily wthttfr 17t7 - Q - hni «ni»P?!Wk$ r YY'-A'>. i; " T ‘"- i -‘,Y -• %^;>'lVv»V fc v>lK/ ‘% ’ tit; yr^'-^swft^Shss^fe;-, • s %:*;.f: j r?te^^s?.'^:ci: - srr*-,- /Y- ,«, . ' - -4!5N, «V ',i'„ ,« 1 <- ’ *“' • - -,*;% i >'-! ."' ■' -"AYs . <4- “ , /r f '“ r i< r -,'’. A v*''"*4 -• *'-*•£* . » ’ ' 4 " .■» Jr, ‘■- • •\i , zi t i -, 1 *•' ' T >Vi»tt= r " -' " ,;'sNy* .' ,~v^~:- : : \\ t , t ■'. 7, U' ,t , Y- .-4 Vsi,>>tfj'‘ r _ v • - .'FT ' V ■\P'* v v, i -■ * * &.' S"t£ •■; v .i, C‘*~' •■■■:\ •'*. ms in® BATDRUAV MoBTAtITt. OS BoAttO EuiaB.ABT; T^o sdeoiM committee of the tl 8. Senate, to which ;• th“ su»ject or inqolrlng into the »'fS the extent or the Mcknoßanna mor toHty liohrJ'.Atf emigrant ships, ' bar/ Fsaned a general circular to. ° b i t! " athe fanMohhf /gentlemen oT experiepce.ap4 °f P ro feSliitfTif knowledge, both wßbreferenoe.to any ffiKAWSC , .V employment of a qualified and ejtperl- Thoemployment or a reasonable number or - J3Z&E2* to the -k.nndtoenroree the observance of cleanliness, both or the per sons of the passengers and of the Teasel- _ • o The fteo&rfttion o{ tho eoxesattd thp pte vsnti.m of unnecessary intercourse between the TllhS"! of disinfecting every »eL) on board of Whioh disease has made its ;•• P 6 A report to be made by.every vessel bring: t Pg emigrant passengers, of the length of voy i*ge, number of passengers, number of deaths, &l|.to-be published, and to be returned to the ■voyage, : aninque4tto be held under tho eaperri *lou Of Federal officers, and the rerdiot to be muhllshed.'aod rettarnod aa above.;. V 7. A limitation to the number of passengers > all owed'in any vessel, in proportion to the ton ..nage of.the vessel* . ' gf A distinction with, respect td nnmhcr of passengers between vessels passing within the rnpies, and thoss not so passing Balt. Sun ~ Wobk ron 1854.—The New York Suit, speak- the nncßtinna awaiting solution the pres ent year. oats out the following work for Con : man. The job ie rather an extensive one, and Involves tnany intricate qneetione: Firtt: The railroad to tho Paotno. r, . •Second.'Thn'annexation of the Sandwich Is- A new settlement with Mexico, in olndlng thc Mesilla Valley and Tehuantepec dis pute*. and Santa Anna’s Impenal pretensiooe ■FiflhVThe practical assertion and vindication , of the Monroe doctrine, against British coloni sation schemes in Central America. ...... Sixth. Opening the Valley of tho Amaxon to ' American trade and enterprise. - of the Fishery, Qnes- there are purely local < l neB ‘j°“ s „°[ ' great interest, snob as: Tanff Amendment .Na val Reform; Public Land Distribution; Cheap Postage; Increased Ocean Btcam Mail Cpmmp ilcaSon ; Formation of New Territories; Mint : In flcsrYprfcp &e- ■■ . - - 1 ' :• . NEW IRON FRONT STOW SO. OPP«^ ■ “ I^B^le V rlll< ?| ho *Sh^^iF !C no r ia in the anS ollen for «3« bis oom l/d«vif*nrot Garment Draughting,® favorably boown thiteSo orthli dty. ClndnnaU, ■PhnffiSlSSSiSlasw: at lhotoUoWinsprtpra,vt»; Btat®* - of Oarmont Outtlna i ■ Ha tayifth atm«t,oopiMtt< tho Theatre. / "norst V|/M»A’ O3, jiv. atiinr, nwsataon. , ' , tpvrr.ttMßX'S CLOTHING mado exclurirely to order, CfflS^mt^aaagjjai S3g^aSSg*“ CLP THt NG ST ORE! Tf)HN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. Jr aoCTtetotrt ao*iD S I).pot«llll«By I^Sfesj^sisssfhK and wood sibeet, IThere they haYenow.tiiempst__- SPtENDID BXOCK JF CWTHB! HEADY MADE CLOTHING, .... . That In* ever boea offered to the P^ -Thrirp^P^o^ to ■ T^a ? Tal,to them TBA»EJ will OTiollbm to bo 4»S<>od zs anj aumu f,«lndlito»T()Jl; WORK, -imKuatOTß, ina.soorasT wpct. « t«u «4 »«“ afol “ 50rtm« <«n\' tjitqt °»b. mg, “® BDSl ffte 8S Wood Street, SJSg35£ *SSSSStaSu to.£?£S«wff*> gaMßrtoroatagfrtea. mnn M’CTLOSgKY 400 morris WHOLESALE AUtt:KI.TA'IL DEALraa OF X)d «UWn3lHatDcrad in« completed the gSSS^S!.‘»nsssv. SSScfes«sf"&2 iO^OaFiß^ofOrv.Goods consists Inpertoftho follow Eff iesdlMefticlcs, tU: : I gopetbt : Bzoad^€loUii;; ~; . . .. ~ 1 PUotsndPetersbamdo; ■•■ • D*. 8UiB; lirt of the general »tocS ol Cembrielc Muslins; Jo?W. bfthe latest pettemsjGold and 81l- AUorwhich will be cold on .the i most accom*. | are Lnrlted 1 tojy,y> ><^lMtopat< ** lltegi,T; : inp lyraTga PRYjOPops i \ ■ ThA' pf'tht Staton! * I -**Y«nJn STErE&SOtf * LOVE,' alKn of the original tffl* bf the 8t ?^ 83 » fcUhfl^t'bargtfn&fc.,, yifin much and Cornellrtd Hilkg and Satin^ I end Pare mattae,*Ucolcrsund quallties tw> item? end high colored Do Lalnos, ell qualities, Miendwinttr Bhewls,of crerydescription Sn/Sd&WU* Btocho end Plsld Shawls, Thibet do. Prints, from up RlStons end Millinery floods Tory cheep eSJalßlletockor JWHESTIC-OOObs, at loir prices.— SbBoSSrPUWw Linens, Table Cloths, nnd Sep- Aefei* »»i and Cremts.-Tery cheap. W. would respectfully solicit en eerly cell from both buyers, flaHerfDff. patron- I^S) • .. FTMwrth’aJhacrrdfPolltfeg. Ter eat* garferp prtcgg, w J.B.DA.VJBON, • ssHafiatfctmt,ot*rXpart2i. .MQHNIK6 POST. JANUARY ,7. OLUTHINO. DEY GOODS * j i ■ ... .. ...*J **l : ••.•••.. - ■. .. - • - ”... f*'i ’■ TRANSPORTATION. OIiEVEIiAK MBBUBGH C : f tvTil C . 11 Ixuii cl Hi I y (Supdays excepted) a* follows: MAIL XRAIfI If'MpS'Clcfel&odst 9.D0 A M for WellSTlllCi rtoprini ota»intenSdmiaßWtom; mlviSAt AlUaacaat Sau, Bholby Junction 7.45 “ . I*os ‘ BJI6 Monroeville Junction*. 0.16 “ 3.10 “ 10*30 . .. ; Beach Sandusky -10.00 “ 355 “ 11.05 “ r 'Connecting ax Sandusky with Mad River and lake Erie, i and “Northern Division*Cleveland and Toledo RaiiTnads* At Monroeville, with Trains on “ Southern; Division" Cleveland and Toledo R. JUj for Cleveland, Toledo, Ac. At Shelby Junction* with Cleveland, Columbus and Cin cinnati Railroad. . . / <■;; , At Mansfield' Junction, withf-Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad for Pittsburgh.- ■... At Newark, with Central Ohio Railroad for Zanesville, Coluthbus, Ac., Ac. This arrangement of Trains completes the lino of direct communication between tho East and “ Grtct Hbrth^Wtst.” Passengers from Philadelphia and Baltimore, destined for tho West, proceed, directly on iheir.arrival. at Pittsburgh, by Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad to Mansfield. Tbencc i to Monroeville, where connection facade.lmmodi&leljrfor ] Toledo, Chicago, and Intermediate placed -affording a route. 1 unrivalled.for safety, certainty nnudcßpatch. • •'•<>> 1 Connection is also made with all the Trains on-the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad at Mansfield,:by which yasseft* geps from Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, B&ndasfcy, Zanesville, Newark, and Columbus, proceed to Pittsburgh, Philadel phia and Baltimore, without delay. - . •• • By this route, passengers taking: the. early Train from •Zanesville, Columbus, Newark,* Ac., can go to Toledo, San* . dusky or Cleveland, remain in either place'somefourhourf, and return home same day. TUROUGH TICKETS to be had at tho different Stations, for the above named plaoes. J. R. ROBINSON, Baperlnt’U •j Sandusky, November, 1853. fnov24.3ta) Pennsylvania AaUrosd Qompasy* *XT7~B are forwßidingTroduce, Aa, toßoltlmoreandPhlln* YY delphia, promptly* .on rec«ipU ;13iae r 'HveDsyBi &ATZ3- 0? PBHG Ht. B&oon, Pork and (salted,) 45c, 9 IOOBtt. On Lord, Lard Oil, Tallow, Cotton, Window Gl&ss, 60e.tR lOOlbe. ’ ■ On Candles, Cheese, Earthenware, Leather, Leaf Tobacco, ' On Dried Fruit, Bristles, Clover and Timothy Seed, 70c. !b. . On Beer Skins, Hemp, Flax, and Eggs, 70c. 9 IOOIbo. On Feathers, Furs, Peltry, Brooms and Merchandise, 00c, 9 lOOlbs. On Flour, barrel;. . > O ■•••■■■ We are also prepared to forward freight to Rodebaugh’a Station* near Greenaburg and intermediate Stations COVODE A GRAHAM, Agents, oornsr of l*enn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh* IL U HOUSTON, Agent, Jy29 g) tr Market street, Philadelphia UENNSk L\ AMA RAILKOAi) —W-L-vTOI Taiufp bstwkss X. ' PrrrßßSftaa, Philahelpwa ASfn- Baltimore. Fatt Class —tggs, Feathers, Merchandise, Furs, 90 costs »100ft)F, • • ' " " Second eras*—Apples and Peaches (dried,) Beeswax, Bristles, Baffalo, Bear and Deer SHns, Clover and Timothy Seed, Glassware, Ginseng, Bags Sheep Felts7sc 100 lbs. -Third-Class.— Apples (green,) BranandShip Bluff,Bacon and Port, (loose,) Suiter, Hides, Hogs* Hair, Hemp and Flor, Lrathor-(EafltWard,) 65c$lChJ fri . . Fourth Class —Alcohol, Bacon (in casks or boxes,) Barloy and Malt, Beef and Pork (pickled or salted*) packed Candles, 1 Cheese. Grain (In hags.) Lard and Lard Oil, Lead (inpigB Or I sheets.) Oil Cako, Tallow. Whisky, Leaf Tobacco,; W cents ftlOO B>s. ■ . I • fycdal Rate*.—Cotton 60c QlO9 IDs. Floor tljjl bhl- >* 1 dec!2 GEORGE C. FRANCISCOS. * JEHU HAWORTH, corner -Of 1 TMwhtond and Diamond valley, wishes to inform his customers and the public i .'generally, that he is now receiving Alargaand choice Mice t U»n of GROCERIES, euoh as choice Yottbg Hfpott, Impe*, rial. Gunpowder, extra fine Souchong, Ningyonfc Oolong, I Conges and scented Orange Pekoe TEAS : Mocha, Old Java-’ LAnii-.Rio COFFEES; fine SUGARS and syfiUPß;.B\meV i Cluster, Valencia, Sun and Snltana -RAIsiNS ; fresh OUBr. 1 RANTS; preserved Citron, Lemon and Qr&ngdJ?eels; > supe -1 rfor-French BRANDIES; 'Port*'Madeira, 'Tenerl&V Cham*. 1 pagne, Liabon,Sherry and Malaga WINES; togetherewith f a general'assortment of pure SPICES—eII of wEidr h&Jk' ! determined to soil at such LOW JJRIGES that cannot >bA' heat b? any other Store In the dtv. -- •• norI? v: /A { « t A DtWVSK ainiinirikfctS* ilnitoß&oe Co. m» qfihx Exdwmgf, TM**, PhiL Tnnni INBUBANCE,—BsUiiag*;- mcttlmiaUe end pthor JC proberty, in town and QQuntrjytafiurod against loss ot damage by fire, at the lowest rfttn.hfprisaiinm. ■ ,* Majuks iKsmtANCß.—They also Insure vessels, cargoes ana freights, foreign or com poUdcs, astueassurcd.-siaydeiiifc*.• * s'-.-• ■. i . ISUHb Tu»*PodTATOWs!-Th»y «h» h«ure merchandise, transported by wagons, railroad cars, canal boats and steam* beat* on rivaw and la&ci, on tho most-liberal terms. Director!—Josoph U. Beal, Edmond A-.Bcud4r, JohnC. Darla, Robert Burton* John it. r Panrose,Bamu el-Edwards, Goorco G. Lelpcr, Edward'Darlington, Isaac R. Daris, WU liam Pol well, John Nowlin, Dr.Rv M; Huston, Jaa. 0. HaniL Theophllus Paulding, H. Jones Brook* Heaw Scan, Hugh Sr* * wffl 010 TIIDfI. C. HA2TO, ViaPwt&aii. lostinV!.Otn>us,Sxretary. - j . , ■ ■.. Office of the Company, No. 42Water : jelOaltf ■ : P. A. MADEIRA. Asont PBOXECTIOS IHSUEAMCE COMP AH Y, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, AnnvalPtemiums and WutcrD Fund 51,000,000. INCOBPOBATED 1826. Bolides of Insuranoo Isanoiotalltlmeson tbo mosl&sorft. bio terms, eminst LOBB OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, oarm 1.-- ■ - ■ ... • PHB-lI.S OF JfAVIOATIOH, nr--' . GEO. E. AENOLD, Aqeht for PJTTSBUBOB AJVZ) ALLEGHENY 00 UNTT. mtrlC:y ■ '•••••••. - i •■•••■ ■ • : - the united states . LIFE IHSURAHCE, ANNBITT and TRUST COMPANY, phh. Lewis, Adolahl B. Boric, BartdA, BKitme, Starts Pattcreon. CiuS- N. Bincna, President ' cats.o.nixouo, Earttarp. . ..... Continue to make Inßtutmeo, perpetual or Umitea, on every description of property, to town and country, at tales as low :aa are consistent with security. , i The Company hare wsemd * large Contingent Fund, "which, with their capital and pranlums, ealcly. Invested, of*, frrni ample protection to tho assured. . . , ■ ‘ The Assets of the Company 4 on January 1851, as. pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, wore OBrolloirs, nx; SSg l :"~r~ So c£h?a:::":::: - - T0ta1...... 44 Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-cue years, they have paid Upward of One Million Fonr Hundred ybon yntiri Dollars, looses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, ae well as the ability and duposk tloH to meet with promptness all ltebtirae*_ - ■< .... r** * GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, 0p34 Office, northeast cor. Wood ana Third sts.. V . ; 4 ; .-t.-. 1 ■ ■ ■ t t li.. -v v CAPITAL $250,000. Office, 8 . E. Corner of Thxrd anti Chestnut . Streets, Philadelphia. Officers of the Some Board at Ph&addphiat . noooToßa. Btopben B. OraTlbxd, ■ Paul B. Goddard, • Ambrose !W. Thompson, I«wronai Johnson, . Benjamin W.Tisgien Oeo, SPHenry,.... Jacob L. Florence. JsmeaDejeren*, . . WUUam SL Ooilwln, William STKoe. Prerufenl—Siepben R.Craerfonl, Via Prutdat- Ambrose.W. Thompson. . ; Medical Examiner, Pilttburgh—3»mea u. Willson, HLI). B.B.Moirry, sLp._ r . * . . OEO. E. ABKOLD, Amnt, nmrlTqr No. 74 Fourth street, Pltubargh. * THIRD ASNVAL‘BTATEDISST OP inn STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE lUBURANCE COMPARTs OF PESSSYLVAKfA. - Assets, May Ist, 1209D16 61 Premiums received to May Ist, 66 Interostan Loans, J® Capital Block.. - - 100,000 00 Betorood premlnxua, losses, peases, Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, end other good seen- . ' B3 Prnnlma Notes....- ■••—— —■ Mr'sso "l Cash oa hand 17,0^ Total om't of Resonracs, Liable for Losses— $3M,318 TO. micros*. JOHN P. EOTirEBFORD, DtrapMn county, p. C. SEDOWICK; Harrishom, BAMHF.L JONKB, PhlUdelphta, A. WILKINS. Banker, Plttsboroh, ' ' A. A. CARRIER, “ JOHN B. RUTHERFORD; tinphln county, A. J. GtLIJSTr, Harrisburg, S. T. JONES, Harrisburg, ROBERTKLOTZ,Carboncounty. _ . JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. A. J. GIL LETT, Secretary. Will Insure agslnst perils of aea and inland narlgstion, al», on Merchandise in city or oonnlry, at lowest rates con sistent with safaty. Policies Issued, on dwelling houses rither-perpetuallyorlbratermoryears. . , . ;■ Branch Office, corner Fourth and Smlthnelilstreota. . nyM-tf A. A CARRIER. Actuary. TtHUbnrgh Life Ininrmce Comjparry, of Ij PITISUUUOU, i’a. Csprrit, $ 100,000. , President—-Jutts S. Hoox i Vico President—Suren, M'Cunus. Treasurer— Joseph S. Leech. ■ Secretary—C. A. Coltow. _ _ OFFICE, NO. 66 PIFTIT STREET, (Jfawnie BaU Buildmg.) This Company makes erery Insurance appertaining to or connected with Life Risks, ■ ■ - „ Mutual Rates are the same as those adopted by other safely conducted Companies. , .. , Joint Stock rates at a reduction of one-thlrd from tM Mutual rates—equal to a dividend of thtrty-thiee and one. third per cent; paid annually In adYanco., Risks taken on ths Uses of persona going to California or Australia. ; mucroas. : 'Jsiiiea SHoon, Samuel M’Clurkan, IWUliam Phillips, John A. Wilson, JohnEeott, Joseph P. Oaaiam, M.r. ! JobnM’Alpln, Aleaandor Reynolds, . Hofktltt N. Leo, Hiram Stowe.- marta ■Western ■ Inauranco Company, Pittsburgh.. R. MILLER, Jr., PruidznU | P. M. GORDON , -Secretary 7 CAPITAL, 8300,000. _ TITILL Insure agslnet all kinds, of risks, FIRE and MA ■YY RINE. All losses will be liberally adjusted and ®. r Ad?ome ! lnstltutton, managed by DurrcroM who are well known In-the community,and who aro detcrmlned, tat. promptness and liberaUty, to maintain llio character which hoyl have aesnxned, as oderlng the bet protection to these who.desireto be Insured.. .. . Dfrectori.—B.Miller, Jr.,o. W. Hleketson, JrW;Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., W. H. Smith; C. Ihmson, George W. Jaekson, WtnlM. Lyon, James Llppeneott, George Barsle, JamcsMc- Auley, AlexanderNlmlck,Th6masflcort.. _ , ■ «&. Office, No. 82 Water street, (Warehouse of Hoang A C&,ppstalra.l Pittsburgh.- ■- ■ • • , . npr24:ly i [JETNA IN9VBAROE: CORPAST, . i HARTFORD, CONN. • • • • Chartered 18 lOs-Cnpltol StoeU $300,000. • 1 THO 3. K. BRACK, President.; • ■ > TIIOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. ; TV RECTORS- Thornes K. Draco, -JrJ Samuel Tudor, . , .Ebenesor Flowor, WardWoodbridge, B.ABnlkoley, Joseph Church, . Roland Mathor, - Frederick. Tyler, - Edwin G.-Ripley, ■ Robert 8ue11,., Samuel 8. Ward, Miles A. Tattle, Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dnnbam, GustevusF.'Davis, - Juntas 8. Morgan. IST Policies on Fire and Inland Risks Issued,on Jarora bio terms, by ' GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Ag’t. deelSly : No; 7* Fourth streot, PRlsbnrgh. WESTERN • FARMERS* INSURANCE CO., : 1-- SEW LISBON, OUIO. BRANCH OFFICE, No. 120- .FIFTH. ST, PITTSBURGH. Capital, 6100,000. JAMES KELt,t,.Prest..iVl,EVl MARTIN, Secy. R. MoKASKfeV, Agent, . &■Will Insure Buildings, Stores, Merchandise-and •Property gc'Derallyyop. tbft-post favorable tonaa [docl.6m Is tottt lift ininredf IF NOTt readwhat someone b. 114 written. Among *ll the contrivances ofmanto protect tho family, circle from want, none can be found more simple In its character,uoblo In Us feattiKvor certain In Sts results, than LIFE IN3DU ANOii It Is the prop which tho dying husband leaves to soppottthowlfaof Juabosomi - -7, . ltisthe nnsoenhamlof tho Provident father Teaching forth from tho grove, and still nourishing his offspring, and keeping together the gMTclmy> Pittsburgh LiCe Insurance Oompanv t Fifth nt„ eep2l Uasonlo Ifall. NEWOFPICB. BealEatateandContractiixgAgettt. THE; subscriber has been tnducod to open an office Ibr the pnrposo of buyiog.and.selling, on Commission, and having tho Agenqy of. iarge:Bteam Baw-MilU and Boat yards on the AlleghenyyiTer, togeibec-with many otixer facilities from other watet and-atcazd eaw-mijls. He flattens hLmself that be can fornlab any bills of lumber- and tlmber 'of any hind,.great or email, long or short,:and I'eUver them at ony pointtm the •Monoogah°la, Ohio, or Mississippi rivers, contract to buiid largo Barges, btora Uiats, Coal Flats, Boat Ou&nels, Bridge Timber) Rail rood Timbers— Freight Iron, Coal, Ac, to any given point, and will attend to the Bale and Rentofßcal Estate. From bis long experience in lomboring, freighting and boat building bo thinks he can. give general satisfaction All persons are reque ted to make tbeir contracts soon, espe cially those wanting boats or largo blllsoflnmbcr and Urn ber, should contract Ibr them In the fall Ibr tho spring and summed nee He will also attend to the purchase and sole of any <£mmoditythnJ may be desired Letters addressed to Bavin Munir, Real Estate and Con trading l Agent, Pittsburgh, Box post paid, will bo punctually attended to. Ills office is on Irvin.street, No. 2, Allegheny House. • ■ . BAVXD MUNN, • ?- iuaiomrcES. 001. J&mes B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. ■ Mr. John Morrison, Esq 4 . Mr. RobLR BrovDrEKl, : : . Allegheny [River. Mr.Wm.Armstrong,— 11 . Clarion “ Mr.oeorgeß. Swssey, .. ..... • C AJ. Hahn* Co, « « “ derffLXydarr t: ' 1 AffrtciiUaxal Notloe* PMBERB of the i Allfighesy: County Agricultural Bo claiy areraquestedvta rondw ttielr membership pro* vlous to the annual elecUon for ofDccts, vrbich takes place on the &st Wednesday, of January, IS&4. CertiGcatcs of Membership can-bo hadat the Seed Btoraof James Watdrop, Fifth street t James X egley, Jdoha&» \yood stredt; nomf'v r m. MozUn, Man-- xhestd *, snttfroa A.By MTAudran, «t: the PlQoo of M'ftao* : wen A Douglas, comer A B it’ftOTWAw, Bco’y. , . [dec2L-a>Wtd] “Oxartleira ttoltrotLd CorapoMy, ' * ■A' heldJla-iKCTWtonDftWiai U» protlaiotuj of Jim Chatter, _ "" tf^Toodcu stipUanas&t jppttTßCttPg- Sii -V-, • . . . ■ V ■ P„;,X'/MPpiPP v:: 1 : PQ : BANKERS AND BROKERS. y •" ■■; *7- t EXCSA'B'GE AHIT BAHXIHB HOTJSB oi _■ -'tiG.;« • A. -WILEINS &. CO., . UNITED STATES BANK BUILDING, ' Wo. Foturtb street, • PITTSBOBGII. PA., • -.• .. / ... '. . and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, •JJ and Land Warrants bought and sold. UMoxii . . ' . ; Busitfp* paper discounted and loans negotiated. s .6tockSiljjnghtaiid«>!doaconnniFBioa.- ; \ . Money •reeetrednon deposit, 1 arid interest allowed when leftfor a Bpecifiodtim'e. :•' • 1 ■ doc 3 JOHN WOODS,, BANKER AriH EXCHANGE BROKER, ■; p2AXXn-i». - i*/- • '• ' ■ ■ Eiohango, Commercial and Bank -Home. STOCK bought and sold' on commission.- - Oollecaocs . carefully, attended to. Intercut paid on Deposit.;:; ' : 6814 Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. Bank. , decld 6. 0. m. ntftWAß TIEBHAN & .CO«,vi • BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BEOKEBB, fefagftly) ■ No. 95 Wood Strut, and Diamond AUry Vcmcthaand Jtoragn JZccluatat* JJankNotes, Gold and SUvo EouqU, Said and-JixduingtJ, aUM' EXCHANGE'AND BANKING HOUSE 0?‘ WILLIAM A; HILL a CO., . ' . ; • 64 woon steect; wtmbusoh. Interest riUowedon timo deposits. . [angSS , - =lB5B. EXCHANGEAND BANKING HOUSE OP : A. WILKINS A CO., -• J - 'No. 75 Fouata St&bt,.- Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. ;; : PmsinmoH. , G.B.ABNOLD & CO., n J BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, . , TVSAtERS In Exchange, .Coin, Bank Notcsrßight.and X/ T&ne Drafts Ac. i .Collections carefully attended to, find proceeds yomittod to any part of the Ufalcm. . ; ‘Btocks bought and sold on commission. ' .. __ .' 74 Fourth ete> next door to Dank 01 PittsVg. [seis WTTX & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, - 1 ■ cowtra or woon asn jitts fifn*rrs..: SIGHT EXCHANGE on the. Eastern CMfcs constantly for sale. Time Bills of Exchange aril Notes dlscoontesLr- Gold, Silver and Barit Notes, bonglit : and scibU. CoUectionr madein&il the principal cities eftho United ~poBitsTt pfX l arandCugtgritlkiiulß. : urim uumsr, - xDWABn aajur, -- .r noawcßTtiti»s. ; : -au*H aawurf, & KAHM, ,V BANKERS AND-EXCHANGE BROKERS,.;. BUT AND BELL Gold, Silver, and Bank Notes; negotiate en Retd - Estate- or Stock Securities;, purchase Promiasary; Notes and :TUne; Bills, on - East and Wcstj- hny. and flail Stocks on. Commission. ■ • ... . • Collections made on all points In the Union. [my 1 H, HOLMES & SOKB, BANKERS AND KXCEANGE BROKERS, 04TS BZKOTZD tltSlß' B4jriasd AXO KXCaiKOB 0771C2 TO KO.. 07 HABICT STRSTT,' 7 dCB DOORS CZLOW OLD BTASO. N nOLMiS A r SON&> Bankers and Exchange Brokers, i and Dealers' in Notes, Drafts, Acceptaiiicef, Gold, Sil ver situate Notes. Exchange on thß Eastorn andiyestem Qttes constantly tor aale. • : ‘ •• > OollecUona mada tn 01l tbecltles thrpnghoUUhe United States. DepositsreCriTed in par furidaor cnrronfcpaner.No. 67 Market street, between Third arid Foartb ghv fja3o:ly g: i aiiori J.‘...».MjM«iw..w«Z,w..w.wm««mtßQtfc ftiEOtJTT, . HOON & * SABGENT, ; BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, v. a. coaHxa or Wood a stxrn ei&» riHauUkao, th. • . T\EALERB ih Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, Foreign and 1 / Domestic Exchange. Certificates of Deposit, Ag, ; ■ Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, for Bale in sums to suit purchaser*. _ ; Current and par funds remred ou deposit. OoUectfamamadorin all trarts of the Union," at the lowest 'rate®.v s • n; ; . Oeplhly Removal. PATRICKB ft FRIEH&. _ BANKERS,AND EXCHANGE BEOKEBS. ; JS&W Eenwwdttor QsutoVttGorncrqf fifUimd Woodsu. ; .unsHJMß, pa... i -: . ■ ThATBICKS * FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, X and Dealers la-Notca, Draft*, and Bank Not**. Exchans** oo thO 'Eastcm ami western Qties constantly for sale... '• - . OollecUons made in all the 4tlo*‘throughout; tho United States. Deposits received in .par, funds or current paper, at th« corner of Fifth arid Wood Street*. AUSTIN LOORISi STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Office, Xo> 02 - Tbtiiih ’*{ r « c6drs Wood, .... , ... PITTSBURGH. • xar Notes, Draft*, and loans on «l laterals,- negotiated, -.Stock* and Land Warrants' botlffbi and sold. - fLOBENCB UOTEL, No. 400 BIIOADWAV, SBW YORK. BTaxKT,:n[ißi» nooa below Vincis aust. ■ ge wn *cjtetljsr. . IMPORTERS and manufacturers Of SURGICAL AND DENTAL fggfl2o: ‘ RIFLES, 4c. We .Bgm ''/ keep agenoxal assortmentof the above - /articles constantly on band; together, with h general variety of Fjuicy Hardware. Also, Guns, Pis tols and Revolvers, Flasks, Homs, Bhot Rolls, Caps, Powder, Load aid Ballets ; Bowie, Dlrlqllunting and Pocket Knives; : and Hair Bressers’ Shears; Pocket Scissors,, Ac,-;. Jobbing and repriilng neatly Executed. , lf 4 RlFLliSt—We aro maklng Rifles ofavery description, to OTder, of the best metcrial, and workmanship warranted.— Order* received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be fill-* od with despatch. Hunting parties supplied At Wholesale price*. ■ .tayl6--' Revolvers 1 Revolvers! nrCffT BEQEIVED—By ErpresF. direct from the manufae* ♦l 'tdrert J a splendid assortment of Colt's lie plating Pis* tol&4L 6 and G inches barrel* afl of vhich we wiU;*ell. for. cash allow as they can be bought in the city of New York. Persons going to Australia or Collfbrniai wiU find that they candobetterby pttrchasingtheirbqnlppageat homo,than they can hmong strangers, as vre give persons a chance to try ahy of the above before leaving-thecit£; and inc.«of‘ t»non,, W ereri n 4thomo oD oy. 13f>Woo4 street. Wttabrireh. 7|UUS RENTON IRON OOMPANI', or Western tfemuyi- I v&nla, having become tbe projfrletors or the RENTON | und: DICKERSON PATENT for malin? Wraugftt Iron tfi ■rec£fri>mihe Ore t for that portion of territory, of Penhuyiva- i ula lying TT«it of,' andlncluilihgr tlie counties of Pulton, dJunUpmtoDi Cento, ClearflekhKlk and McKcan, are now 'prepared to-mU'certificates of stock In aald.eompaoy, each abate or stock entitling the holder to sharein the profits of the company, and the ilght to use one Eurnaco.nndersaJd Patent The Company.wiU: also sell the right.touse tho ImproTement In-the'abd?e named territory; by dnglo. fur na«j or otherwise. Tho fact that by the Renton process Iron Ore can biconrerted into Blooms at about tho cost ro goired'tn.cohTert Oreinto Pig Metal, la a sufficient recom mendation ofltsmerits. ' V « * Mr. JAMESH. CRANE has been appointed Agent for the sale of rights to use Furnaces under said Patent, to whom aonUeatlon may be made, or to tbennciewlgned Directors of IbS Comply. J. k StOORHEAD, i 1 AtLEN KttAMERi J-PiUrturgh. JAS. W. HAILMAN’,) 1; 7 7 W. DEWES WOtll), ATKiKWport,' JAS. g. CRANE, Pittsburgh.; decl2 , d*wtf ATENT FRUIT GATHERER—For picking fruitirom tall trees without the aid of a ladder; Pruning Instm* merit*©* the most approved' construction;. Digging Porky suitable for strawberry '.bods, ; fie* Potatoe Hook* Seed Drills? Gutting Boxes, for Hay or. Com Stalksypf various patterns, and a great variety of labor saving implotneoU for the garden or farraV Barry’s,'and other standard works oil Floweri-Rural Architecture, and -Landscape Gardening, forsake at the Seed and Implement, Warehouse: No. 49 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa;‘ ’ "jg | 1 ; JAMES WARDROP. Wallft Academy, of Drawing find PaintiagT Xlir O. WAUfWoaldnotiiy his friends nndtire public, • yy. jthstrhehasramoved liisstudlo from First-Street to'the comer of Market and Eoritth otreets,. (second story, (■■ over the iitort ©r Wm. M. Hersh ; ;entxance -on Fourth street; also opened© DRAW ING SCHOOL. Classes ibr young Ladies and Gentlemen wfll be fanned in bothDrawlngand Painting; . He has fitted up *Bookn with ©Very fedllty for study, and.he tmstAthat will meet with a supporting patronage. ; ; •• v«prtgrtjf . .... - . -«• • ..A OFFICE MOtfQNUAHELA NAVIGATION C0.,1*. ; .. . -December .10, 1853.;•: - / “PfcROPQSALS.wiII be' received, at this office until three X o’olock-Pi -fiL-of- WEDNESDAY, the -25tlr January jexh lhr tho construction of Lock and Dam No. 5; also,for ttie^confltraction of Lockß and Dams Noa;.fl and 7, being rtdttisita rto extend the riavigation to th© Virginia State -lltte. * Plrins and specifications wilHsr exhibited at the office rtiic!i he _ has beettln ■without .tiiß Joss of. ,tha house for : whic2i 3ie is m irtppped' not less ihan4s,ooo persona daring tW last year to this country, wfchodt a ocmpleint of their part. , He can ton© Passenger Xk&et&for London,Dphlin, liver* pbol> ■tiUsgbsf/Cork,. BtUfcsV Drbgheds, .limerick, .Port ;Baßn y ftoffi tiiencatoM&sbargh; .end will attend right drafts"for-k&le. payu&e at’thfi fi>Uowing P l**s,*i*: O Jf ROLAND. Edwards. Sandford A 00... .—London; TappscotV* 00. . .a. . • ••• m ......—.Liverpool, - (ATeiiaDleln the principal dues-and towns throughout ' B * l “ 4 and Wale..} Piorlndal Bank .'-Ireland....™.———"-———...Doblln. i saiSCtHS. 1 T Armagh, Bolfcat, .:DowMatriek, ..EnnhikUlm,; Mkfio*. Stratum.’ .U-AtM“».'-?'eiig?g»rA : : • Drogheda, • Bermoy, - Mcriagltui, 'EoiSw»«hr,' -Balllna, • Cdran, Bandßlk, ;Sft!Sh • 5 -Kann. ■ Trait*, . • ®“4meH, ' ' PffpgMinnn, Londonderry, Omagh*,'-. YongaAii, ; Saabrldge, - KSlktanyi zhingannon, Kurnsn, Wateiterd, Colmlna. ,Paraon*to«a; Cart, ; lonia, ■ Bandon, -,r,, §ll*o. ~: OontSlll, '■" 1 Itoerfck, JtoUyahaaiioa,. - t - ,- .. ■•• i OK SCOTLAND. . j! JAHEB W.WOODWBIL, _ ; i National Bank MBooaand*Edtabnigb, and Sta branchei CABINET A’lTlSlV/TirJSB JfA JTXTi'ACimjfß. 1 lofiftytownainScotland. ..., -__ - ■■-; W*tt , *»riioin»®7 .:} ' ON FRANCE. ■ -Si W. W. rMpectfullT. litfcrmaca i | Jhmra, Edward Bloont A Co., Bankers ............. .laWggßSgigBßi> hdafttendi and'eaatomexa. that haWh.l 1 (Available Iri any city in Franco.) • Tm» nmr comelotod hla aorincatoch {%!» I ' ONOEHJIaNY. of Fdrnltnry,' whlchta derided], *1 J jfe&n. VogeL Koch * lf-' - * ’ * *— wnxca ‘ ...... —■. WM. B.' BXKVKNBO?f oontinnßB to manufacture -Vs* . at&xni, corner 61 Liberty p^A.Seventh streets. • UHDSKTAK* , * *|*ffif* try {rkgß ita'tDTHllchgS*' •.-.: - - , a.mu.iB^'*t:priceB-thr t; saniirt; foil to please cashpurchasers. All oqr work- IgJgtfrnxilQa* Our terms ere CASH. * - \ \ - mai2s. : ;. Joarnennen Cabinet Maker* Aifloeftatloik*- JVARBSQU.3E 9*. TMI&DsSTSS&Tr ■ : VcnTTiry WOOD ASD JIAEJUtT ai3.y.'. .: .I I • ~ TinsASSOClATlONj public 1 willui}- | deratand by giving them a call,. - f of all descriptions,and othergiticUa i of any description, mado to order, in every styles at the r est notice.' : >, , • w u nzOa j. the over offered far ealo la this Cliy, wtow will be- saUlat prices as low as any in the United Stated East or West. ' ... l As be 1b determined to uphold Old quality with well sea? Boned materials, best ■workmanship, and newest designs; Mid :£rom tiie extent of bis orders and fadlUy in manufacturing, . he is enabled to prodtieo warranted furniture* nttbalowesV He ima adopted the principle of-Identliyhig his customers* totexust-Withtos own, to’qnality and ptlee,,and I )teepß-.aKl wayaonhand the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the.cheapest and plainest, to the gantandeostly/that* house, or. any_ part of.one, niay be, ftirnlabsdfrbm fcisstockj or mannlaedund expr«Blj tociv| der. The following articles consist* in parL of hit stock.} which for richness oTtote and finish, caanot be. surpassed' toany of tWEastern cities: I ijouisXlYtetoh'totaSofos;. < . ' 60£ofa& to pluzih and haircloth; SOdoz. Mahogany Chairs; 20 doz. Walnut , “ „ 60 Mahogany Rocking »* 20WaInut 44 “ • 60 Mahogany Divans; ' 20 Walnut « 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: -50 i, Dressing Bumns; . SO 11 * Washstandss \ 40-Endbsed : M ■ V -100 Common w 20 Plain dressing Bureaus; A& Mahogany Bedsteads; 20 Walnut . . : « - SOOottage , “ -800 Cherry, and Poplar Bedsteads; . . 20 Mahoganw Wardrobes; . 10 Walnut f* ' 10Cherry : \ “ 60 Plato Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables «•,. 12 Secretory and Bookcases; 20 doi. Gains Beat Chian: S toe Beat Roddcg Chain; 12 ladles* Writing Beaks;* HatandTowelStands; What-Nots; . Etlgulres; Paper Blache Tables 3 tovraaSonChain; Pembroke u • Elixahethan '•'**. * Hall and Tier H. • • Beceptton ■ **' Ladies*Work. M : Pearl Inlaid * Extension Dining Tabloa; • .-'-'Arm"'" ' u •. Ottomans; . v Gothic and Hall Chairs; . / A largo assortment-of COMMON. FURNTTU&B and WINDSOR CHAIRB. CawsWßUma supplied with all ar ticles to their -line. . and HOTELS, fumlahed at the shortest hotiee. • * All orders promptly attended to. WATCHES, JEWELRY,to. HEW JEWELEY STO EE, Ho. 87 Market (Second door above Vie the Diamond.) •TOXIN STEVE?fSOh\{cf the late flntfef John C. MTkdUoo *J & Cn„) respectfully announces tokhe pabllMbstbe"hrur opened, at the qljovb stand, a fineassortmentnf WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER. AND PLATED WARE, J&ABIPS, QL RAN DOLES, ihelrt da d ToUe Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Communion SeU, and the usual T&riuty of goods in LU line of business-. . .. . . . 1 Special care and attention given to the REPAIR of PISR WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. Ha trusts, that fram hls long experience in bumnesa, be will he able to give satisfaction to those who may fevorhim with their patronage. • Btfebnrghj May I6th, 1853. • ; my2s • - Henry Rlehardson# JeweUftrf HAVING refitted his in anandsonia. manner, and but recently returned -from tie eastern dties with a fine asaortmeht of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and PANCY' GQODS, would call the attention of hisfrienda and custom ers to the foet that among HaWaiehes wiU.be -found the mostdcsirablesty^^piitteiwMi^m^Jtcr^.OiJawe^^t^ u Papier Mashef^cadTTables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Hat& Colt’s Pistols, Porte Monnaies in great variety ; China Prnit and Cake Dishes; with an endless variety of oaeful and or namental articles, which have only to he seen to be appro* dated. jngrl].NO.Sl M ARgETfeTRBgT. Bay Wood Nursery and Gardens* JASIKS KENNED YJLate tbewcU-taown 8# racuse 'Nu series,' New York,) begaleaveto informthe public, tbs tbs has now established an EXTENSIVE NUR SERY, on the farm ©tMr. James 8. Nesey,»surJSa4i Lib erty,wherehe thaUbe prepared r aft«rtheStb. instant, to re*- celve andfill orders to every variety of Frultand Ornamen tal Trees. Hardy fttul Green House Shrubs and Plants. In ■ addition to a choice andBaperiorstockouband,heboamaile arrangements with one of the largest Nurseries In the East, /to keepup hia supply. Haring a thorough and long expe rience in the badness, he canassure his customers perfect ' satlsfectlon* •' '■ ■ r ' ! . - Mr. Kennedy would also rcHpcctfully offerhit services in "dedgniDgjiayfcgout, and managing BuralOemetertea, Pub. " lie Parks, or tho grounds of Country Residences; andwßL also furnish plans to the formation nf Lawns, Approaches ■ JHrinresqaelscenery, 40./in the/BJghest. Btyles of the art. Practically - acquainted; with' every - branch of Landscape Gardening, and having spent years In the Sylvian Parks of England, and onthe.beautiful backs of the Hudknvhe • ° hopes he has the capacity to meet the wishes of those who 1 fhvorhim." Communications can be addresse d through the City * post Office, or left at the Warehouse of Messrs. Negley 4 Mohan,22 Wood street. ' . - '.= tbarfW -KKNNRPV 4 CO. DUREKE’S GELEBRATED CHEMIGAL YEAST . OB ?0WDBB8,. Tht Cteajxst?Bca2thietf, Mst Ut'ful and Economy cal ArtieU far Raising Brad, Bucwtr JYtttf, Griddle, end Johnny Gakr*, Rutry, PudainQty-S&crtVdkti). v ' - - Cbrn Bread, <&.*. i ..... ■■ EVJtUt INVENTED. OPINIONS OP TUB'PRESS;— Those who have tried R,havofcund that tna advertise* ment does jiplvnqnt Its praises too Plorkllon. and'Journal, Fep.LOi.lSW,: ... i Housekeepers who have.tested tho quality of this pnw- - > dur, pronounce unanimbusly la Its favor.—{lxjckport Pally Courier/:. - It surpasses everything in tboway or rmnp, we ever saw used ih the baklngur ca£«.—{Rahway Advocate and Regis* ter, April 15,1853, •: : _ This Is an article of such utility In various kinds of cook toy, r that whonTlte virtue become properly known, no housokeeper, tbat studies-corfttot and economy? will wil lingly do without it.—[N. Y, Pick*, May 21,1553. No one ueed’hesitate to usq Burkee** all-importantarticle to Bannerand NashviUoWhlg, Fpb.iT,lBs3. /Would you have light bread, sweet bread, bread that you can eat withn good* relish, do not forget to procure Barbee’s Baking Powder, mid; you will not All to have good bread, cakes/4b.- ii fTroy Pally Times, May SI, 1852. • We have trted'tbla article, and Can recommend it with perfeCtconMohte.—{Quebectiaaetie, JalyylBs2. ' Durbwj’e Baking Powder wobavetrtod' atour bouse, and our. ‘{better half'* was astonished at the result—[N. Y. PedlyTimes,Oct 23,1852, - _ , ; •? Ail good will rej oke ln and- glorify the txatne of Durbeo/after they have given hfrßaklqg, powder a lair , triaL—{New York Sun, SOfcti 30/1852. ‘ - . Durkoe's Baking Powder, undoubtedly the best article to •■■this.- purpose 7 that-'haST ypfc been discovered^—N. YPDutcte -man,pehiz,less: to; :■ The .highest couuneudatiotusfirDm hundreds of the larges! and-tedst respectafto wholesale houses In this, and nearly, every large city-on this conUnout, conld .be given, lfSpacc allowed it 5 ' s ,i ‘ to' • E. It. PtntKKE, * ' SOLE'PnOPm-TOU AKP MA.NUPACTCBKB,' . . . 130 IFbfcr rtrerf,Blew Torltr. : 33AXTEB A McHEB, Agents, Pittsburgh.,. foetal) IHt-QntM LESCU-..;....'.J0nif JOSEPH 8, USOU. J. 8. heeehi KoAlplh & Go«» . . ■YYrHOUi SALE GBOOKR&aiid'lMalers lu Produ»,Met - yV I als, and Liberty street, near.tha Wpocl, ; Pa./ofY to to ealeou liberal terms, the following: lOOitlercesfreshßico; '50,006 As. Bacon, assortsdi- JOO: bbls.‘Tar t- • * B -.' • l&OO kegsNaQs/assorted; * 3 do’BestNail Rods;: GOO boxes Window Glass,) 2000-kega Rock add Ride i; assorted;-. i’- \ : Powder,assorted, — "50 half cheats Tea, os-; COO boxesßosln Bifftp ; ’ sorted;; : 83hblkLinseed,IAidan^ 75bxB,Tqharwa^scortc(h; : • • Taanera r on;V ' - , . 100hhdsIN,O.8ugar,'pan» :Coobbls.'Viuegtt|; prime;.-v ; 50 do Rosin; 6 bxs. Havana Sugar; ; 20 do Pitch; > - lOhhds, PortoEicodo; ‘ 6000 Jbs/aiibrtedCopper;'. 160 Lags CofTee; ‘ 20 bblsahdkegs Lard; ■ v 600 lifts. N.O.'Molasses; ! 10 kegs assorted Shot; 76 ilo > .8. H-. do; •:.• • I do Buck Shot; ■ $OO bxs. Tin Plate, ass'd;! sbbls.Alum; -itousWlref-y do; ‘ '2O do .ByePlour; . . 2 do. ; Spelterf.r, .t ;; 20 setts Tinners' Jlachlnes •• 6 casks sheet Zinc. as-; andTools;' * sotted^'' " » 300bus.PriedApplea; •• • 500p!gaTin; x ■ !-100 bales Batting, assorted; ' 1000 As;Antimony;:x \ 2000 As. Cotton Yam, ae* 10 tons ass’d Bh&fltlron;i sorted.. . " 100,000 Aa.v«sa’d-Bulk-Meat;l- / " %■ fapr2o • : WM. A. M’GLUItO, DEALER IN - Sine Teas, Choice FaxaUy-Groceries and Willow -• v • Ware; ; CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH BT&, . PITTSBUBGII, PA. 1 8 cow-receiving a largo .assoruseut;ofi FRESH GOODS, In addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first handsin theEosfaeromarkets, which, will be «>ld : attheteiesttoarket'pHces; , ,-':-;>. • 1 ’ : ' «3r Hotels, Steamboats, and families, baying-.by the quantify/sappll&d at wholesale rates. , ;., ( , T' • theelty ;freer>fcharge.'< sep2l:. ENGINE£RS'SrATIONEHYWAR£HOUBE. - j . -T W. Sl B AVEN, .ji'-ii - r,i~ OoBOT Jrf SUbkxi AHn Sioosn Srsmfi. a LWAYB ON;IIANP,a large and well selected stock of Whatman’&Drawing all sizes; - PpwlngPeperlnrclls,:Vai4ouswlSibj; •• Draughting Pencils; * ’■.■■■ -.llatbematicallnstramenis;--' -- Tape Lines; Indiaßubber; •" ' Field Books; - • Profile Papers; • ,^s^BeoGo%T«pess; • -.V . .Pqrtjyrte* ~™Pf"!Pi' r And »U cttlcJea .of SteUtmury by Civil Eapcmffc Traaslt, Topography ani Ewrt Boda B 06» to crdar—rnlatWMiJ pattern«jo!ral. ißpl ■: C,' : - - - .. . , , - - -. *• •• ■ g-'-o •“ ~ . ■• •• _ . _ 't * - y:decg7:l?! ‘' 108, exit, of Seventh m 3 Brntthfleld «t*. TEAS! TEAS! TEAS I . WUOLESAIiB AND RETAIL, : : ' S.t the JPekin Tea More, 4 - 3 8 Pim ETC Of, PIttSBUXOB, 7YY thahalf cbeatf of neatly packed in metallic packages •XV tefulitha:tfcadt'. / . .xhe subscriber is nov roerirlug his Fail etock cJ QREEN «&d BLACK c£ some. o( thsfiuest chops to be foundinffie Eastern market; Merchants rlsUibg the >csty areinvitedlto call:and txamlnecur stock.- v ; l* v ‘ &lowJflftliBt J otthe ta^ai : ffßdes*r hare tKfefffflfefidlj aafectafl, and can with confidence bo rscom* tue»ded:T- <•:..■ 80 half cheat* fine Young Hyson; 10 do-^-do--“-Mojrune Young Hyeon; ~- •10 -do;.-«xt«fineMoynno do; ' > - - '. 100 . do. Superio- do; 15 do> .oxtrajihp., ■■ ■ do; -80 Loured boxes extra Curious Young Hyson; 25 halfcheststoeGunpowder; * 10 do extrn.flne-do» : . * • . * - 5 do doMloyune Imperial ~20. do • do; 160: do : Pioe Oolong.Black Tea; 40 do extrafino Oolongs j* . It 20 do extra Curious do; 20 do- SuperlaUrelyrtrongend fragrantOoltmg > 25 dsestt extra fine English Sre&kftst Tea; r .A , da -.Curious,: do-. .do; * ~ ALSO—Jars and Bio Coffee, Lorcring’s Crushed and BuK sreiiscd Sugars. - • ■ - Principe Segars, -whfeh'»m bo arid very loir.. -. ■ 'A« JAYNESr v 1 norlWAir _ . 88 Fifth street, Ifittiburgh. , TYPE AOEffiCT. . JLa JfJVSfJSKS* HO. 38 Virsu STREET, OTTSBURGH# Agent Jot the Sale oJL, Johnton&Ca.’e type, sc» ' . OFPBIIADELPHI A, nfTA&'ON HAND andfor'ealM-he foUowingr-rßrassllned «olotan OaHey»; Ootoinon- Galleys assorted, Slice Galleys, Composing -Oummoif And ;~7ob Casiar, Ihooung • Bticfcr; Ley Brushes;rßoxtrood - Quoins? Rrrat tore- «s 4 JligleVof-nll.descriptions; Brass *Bmei.bf-uil y description# i Job Infe, in lib cans; lOOkega Pront’a Ink?: xoofiountaßaiuyCardJifitter; and Leads; cut toany i ■ WgiK ‘ ! O-ortmfiitPresBM.aroi Tjpawitt Tffielw pnmipt bV tantlon, «u 4 fdrsishEdat.tho Foundry prtera. 014Typ»«>- &t»M IH e«Mng« r \ Pittirtmrgh, Slay It, " “ i FAmllrSleiilelßet ] TAYNE*S EXPIiCTOBANTr .- Jayne's Hair Tonic; ... < | 6} «; Tonic Verijaiftjge; ; ■ - il SanaiivsPills; i «: QinnljMlttaßalsam; . coxtld prodacdthedesiredaction, | ' ifPit ardinaxy fqfvurfthe (terpen toertyadhend to.; This I pomthilng gained, they avoided the plan hitherto Adopted I fon attafnme gavtf a pcculiirtorm to tliu | metal,T>y • htoh; they managed 4n-eombirie the v srissbriO' I •action or the oidjn&ty Steel pen-wt&thb'agreeable fieklMl* j • Uriof the qnUL The second .difflcaltytpr be overcome urns I of less magnitude, but Btfli'of = grta,tirapoTtancato.the«>n. | ; BumoflCQlAtefel the bbrrdsivt*} Wan of iheink I gr&iest carojlt'flpeedlly destroys the delicately smooth sur, J fftolof the-,pen. 8o seriotiJ is- drawback Is ttriyfrom thc I ntijity of thesteel pen, lnduced to pur* : ehse.goid peD»,at an encxmoua coriralmostmtdnsively | nnalltyol.thatinßtal.Tbe 1 ihvjntow h&veremovedibUevilhr tbrir.componnd meUl t I vthmhppssesmt At tHe necessary with tl« ! ' sddjtionat merit of rraisting.thachsmiral^ v :W-tIOIMfU«. »nd lUtlkll* ' ! SADpLBr' BtoNKSa p?«Miagmaaagfflg^ak -contlimej &f:' -:: ' stock k Co, N0.88,’ «nt*r of Diamond Alley and Wood si.*. vbare]bftkeei*’ftla*ga and genertU-essortiaeut-cf Saddle?, Bridles; Harness, Trow* Carpet Bags, Saddle Bogs; Yalta*, Buffalo Eobcs, Whips, aim oH other artitdeotahir line. He tofu*: idah td order, aU of iiianulaftuwi of the «i style equal to the Kafi ternmanulhctttred artidcyaiid at 60 pet ceut, cheaper; Country Merchants and Itaaera ; Vduld‘do well to call and hisside* beta* jjiuitaßtag as be la de -tehnlxffld td ; iWl'B^»fe-*rticleairt*^-topne^r7r-;--;^-. . < No* dr- Wood sfc ood .raSoffAlley. - - -.•••■ ~ iw ctmchonil Carriage Factory l , j JOHHSTOH. BBOTHEEJ it CO.j - Corner City, • •■• .;|t- J i; WOTJtdKrespectfiillj In&n^ttelr fidetuifi that they Tlato «Ka Tnurmfpurtnra nfCaritap**^ wiU to f OrtMy ■■ Just received at bis «» JL CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, near lha Two MiJefiua, and' .-.gtf. ' i: ' ? !y l' 3spfelaland promptaftcntioii paid torepalrinfrof deni* •gPVjc.; ;JO3MPB TTOITR, r■ ‘ ■ JuiyKßy sWSS&Sks-iS'A aX -cf. SmWtfidd itnct and IWasncnd al&y. TllKnndiiTrigngA having edflwf JTSsjL (stock* Is now prepared to" tha public x33DLiwlULtho finest best Hdrsw*t»tfPf<»* Saddle/and wishing tohate-horacS' kept otJUvttyfi ad. superior Weoosanodations fife thou ;at thiastfrble. ,Thi)Btalls]arßlarge.snd iww,eiid th«pr6- . priator pdya every aUenUcmto their ease asdcomlbrtJ > . . petfty , - / P.-PBTMS. ( Pearl Sltearii'Wtill; OANAL BASm/^raEOHENir'CUY,' . (nu» Jfll SJJZBtJV} G7-ATTDN.) _ - ■ T? AiinjE3wi3l 'bo'»nppilKl«lU>o™ gr»de« of JJ raesa obqcsriwjjjs* :> l r: By lowing UnHrorteis»UE®!nftor tow boxes si U>gan,Wll»n*Oii,Wo«lr Ji!C,S»taplKDrnTOiiits t ADi!gtenTi •, .= illjmirmbsdeJfre»«atoliuaJUo»w«jib«rsflb»wonttes. XUUrs: CABH eoiseUTtTTy.‘ ■: .- . 1 .■ , . .. Jy29 . ■ j■. . . . KDYA-Cfti' TtTEyuiß fl. wvuu’e »£% BooKi-r^Hoir'reaay.’the KDBEEr.STOEO, of tbs Tit gtnla Kfijflaenf; by N.R.Craig/*, .» *v *!AI ;V: " ■'■•■'■■■■ ’ •f 'f Lufr Tfl&TrATfcriFC OA&aidaifiS FOR SAI4JB* • ' ■" • .•• .. - & *-'•* «.? s. . 1 ■ , ; J 4 %•.•*■■■•■.'*• ■' . * ■ -f r «~ * t *4 *~- , . * - • &tM}listl ■■;; TUB GREAT ® BtOOK * ®CR o*J^iJ«6£i“ AiSMtta&£&SG%3 •■ rsfflgssssSifgSSlffi wmma&xs&B&s* waaasssaMm»fiSMS^ themmcatconMenceinllsvirfuea anti■'* properties-' Itte.fotlQWingcerUscateST,?^sted^p*SsiSE pmTwiffi,' however,, ptrtbgepr testimttiy.tkftn tbe*nero w«!4‘-b£th* proprietors t ' end' %ra from- genUcmcnweß known In thefr localities awhof the-highest rjyiratability inony of them raiaingln the diy % of luc&ffl&fia, Ta. . . 3>. Icnbwn everywhere,says ,he has seen th6;medlclntf .caJleu Cartert Spanish 'Mixture adminifiterod In over,a. hundred case*, in nearly all the diseases fbr which'lt is recommend ed, with iho->naft astpn&hlnglyeobdresultju lie says it Is 'the inost' ejireordinary-mcdicine be. has ever-seen. ••: ~; •■; , • CURJ?.r-J hereby certify, "that for tleieAweX had Agtie and Fever of the most vio-. lentdescriptl»>Hß&dSQVi3al'rhysida«p,toofel&rge4aan- UUesor4nixdh«ii®sSnry,anAlbeUeveallthelto&lcsDd verilsed. but any permanent relief.. At. last l ■ iripd QftVt^'-'Fr fm- '■•” '■-SAMUELM. DRiNKEK, of the firm of Drinker AMbr* ,ris,Bichmbhd*wftsx{irtd Of Liver Complaintoi eight years standing,.by the, VW ofttro bottles of Cartels Spanish GREAT CUBE OP SCROPUL A—The Rditoniof the Rich, mond Republican had employed in their ptcas room scored Bctcfulai cbmbJned -with Biteutav •tiah, of ; mixture mode a perfecteure-crhlm, And tba fiUtonsin A puhUc hoiiee, My they,“ cheorftiUy,re commend Itio all who art afflicted wth any disease of ino W ®nLL ANOTHER CURE CFSCROFtTLA.-rlhad avrry valuable boy cured of Scroffalp by Carter’s Spanish fixture. Aearoi&s It tialy a Tuhiihlo raedScino.' J*maXl. Xunc*-: - ’..■ ■y CaoducteODthoß.J , .ondP.ll.K.Co.,WobmDmliTq, BALT BHKTJM of TWENTY YE ABS STANDING COKED. —Mr. JOHN THOMPBON, r-pidiostn tliccUy of Richmond, irarctma hy throe bbttlc» of ■•Cartet’a'Sptmish Miiture, of galtlthoum, which bo bail nearly tvfflnty ycars.irad. which ajjthe shyssannsof thS city could hot euro.' Mr. TLcicp 6on is a well known merchant in the city af Richmond, Yd., andhis curoia-mostrtmarkaDlc,- t -.■WMi:AVMATTiIEW&,of Richmond, had A servant cured ;• of Syphilis, in the woret fbrm* lq' Miadun*. , He-aayrbs ebeerfuJlyrcoommendadt, anfi cousitiersit an : iavalu&blfc'-'fiiflfliclnß.^‘ • BicUASD E.TVEST/nf RWimond/Vfls cured fit Scrofu- Ua, and what physicians call confirmed by three bottles of ittffter’sSpanish. SJiatnre. ‘ - ; ; EDWARDOTETONy’commissioner of the revenue, : eaya fhe has'teen tha-good cEectaof Carter's Spanish Mixture in . l» number of Jgjrphittßa cases, and says it is a perfect cure iforthathcrrih!e‘disea».r*. ■. t ft, ffAttffftnP; of .Richmond, cured of Old Sores and .Uleers, which disahled bita from walking. Took a few hot* -Ufa of Carter's Spanish Mixture, and was enabled, to lyrik without a crutch v In d abort time permancnUy curwl. tPriccipalDepothtMi WARD, CLOSE & 00.,NOe83Malden 80N8 r No 132 North 2d fit., Philadelphia. K BENNETT &.BEERS ( ' N 0.120 fil&in street,Ricbmo&d r Va. • -And ibr sola by B. A-HAH?ikSTOCK A CO.,L. WILOOX, ilr. A Pittsburgh 5 H-P. SCIIWARTZ, AUeghenyi.and by Druggista and'llealeraln Medicine eveiyWharc..; cctB:dawly. '• COfiIFPIJHD SYEVP OP YEl*- f l • —liOW IHKJ^CRODT, THIS la A purely Vegetable Compound, scientifically pre pored l&*gained an ‘imrivalled'reputatiQEi ibr.tho , , LnJ> STRENGTHENING TIIE.“JLIYER,' dtfdDtoisiiye: OuQass, undtdeansingthe Stomach and,Bow-r r 4lsi and thus curicg illClUcras Diseases, Lirer‘Oomptamtfi. ; Dyspepsia. PilMi Headache, Eerer and Ague, 'Jaundke, NAnaesv^U)^<^tAppeUte,' ; Causing thefoocf to nourish. and support every port* - PUBIFyiKG THEKLOOI>, k AndllitißiniriDgftU'HmtfdrSjCriiaaeods iSruptioua^Sgefar, ]a,gnH gryripdag.Scal&llrad. Conker. Pimples on 4 t the .Blotches, Ulcers, Tumors, Mercurial IHscdse, Can* .cere,Ac,,Ac. ... . ...-. ~ v.. • .•* -:..V -•. ; v ttgaVIiATIKG TITB SECRETORY OBdAKB, ~ , andbyenabUng perform'thtdr pn»iier function* ,-v - 1 'preventing. orul ■curing; innny painful: and dangerous dte etrengtheialngaud quieting the Nervon teta,;thuS- v ■ allaying yjornius Irritation, and curingldldiseaseßOf Ihor . . Xvtrez, aallvsteria jNeuralgia,' Cra A'c.'; ULjinirivaUed' .. . ■lu the care of all fctJM A jbK: COMPLAINTS, os YFeafaoasV k 1 Generalitebitifyi'lirpgttlarity, Obstruction*. Swellingof • • > ‘i3dlntf,'*A»i.t.'EauaMl Vy.-weakness;, also,-;.:. . f.nng ntvl Tbyriftt .flffmplaintg, aa Cold* COiighs,‘.'.Afllhma,, . I Consumption,. also, Dropsy; r :,; U >•' *"" ; : ' v r. : Trifl(lp>use of tlio Compound SyrUT>of:YollowPocg- - : Hoot, prepared by 0. Morse A Co./either obrreWes, or in our fainUies, and finding it to t» tO Very salutary and effectual; preparatiooj *r# do most c'befirfa]}y recommend It to the pub-. • uoasaTeryvulusbtii medicine.- - : Rational DanA,ProTld«aco,Rl.;-^ A*W. Spancer* EKt/Coshter Mmo Rock Hanky do. do.,‘HoY#; isWaUamPbJnipßj ltev. J.B. .Richmond, 0. Sl Jone?,editor. Fieldj ; 1 Ebber, M. E, EL James llntdilnsoo,, G._B. v Dca. V, J» •. ■Bates, Poet. .Bonj-<3olbyf 'ffnd' one : hupdrea.olbcrt of tbo . nibstrespectkblefamllies.of-I’rorldonce.' \ ... .. ..- /'This certifies that I havojor tYnurofcer of years bco)Qae: . utdnted with the composition and mode of mnUuf&rtu wof , ;• SOUSE’S COMPOUND SYRUP QF.YELEGW pOCK-ROOT X bate»3sObcen!a6quaintedwJih;itft ■.., lis’ attendant symptoms/ it eafclU 'to healtbyaction ibe - ; . OLIVER, remoTes Torpor, andl nacUvityUf this QK&AN^uj4-v '.stimulates healthyaetlOirln alllhe system.-Aa r a. r .;DKPU*-. •* BATOBiOi'pdriCcrbf thePl6b 7»AVH>;UOiM£S3!, Hi. * ' :..praoidenoey B. Z f Jan. 4,ISM;::X r \ a MOItSK A Broadway.< Kew Yorkjand sold by Druggists and- otlijira ; tbrpujco.ut • . this and other countries.: ~ JOEL.MOUIXIi, Agent,., u•. .< aptgy:ly •.■■■■■-■■■■•■■■ • Wtoboreh)ftu■, '.". DR. DE RANEY’S ' ' ’CELEBRATED .> • ■ - : CURATIVE INSTRUMENT, ; ; The only Inf aXIQM Cure for that « " ■ SPERMATORRHEA >T3CTUBNAL—. / 'EMISSIONS,'bo bitrasalhg anddestructive, andproduc- >•«-.. Mvft'ofTOmnchrmifichJ^tothaTJCTVoiissystesavTiicßppnlta-j.^,., tiofftbe man farbu6iii«S3, society ahdm&trinrony. * * *.,* .■> This Inßtromeat is ■ simple, comprehensive: wad nepflVc* t.; fftitiryjy ymi maybe ‘nfeen. i m»hoaiiiesa; and while lnnw notaxirtgle anitHon ctmtake , iw. uplace, a to tueh bit cp* ... - . .tent that they sauisimja psautimeoWEßCV senafflOSr, th» • - : lo3sbf wlilcli, ctiu£cd by tion, and thecauee k —•via: -NerTottgrresg r ; Prtwtro,liop > ~ Dyspepsia, Pain.in . . :. i Head And' Dimness cf YEalen.'Weakness 6f the Hade and . ■*. lower Ex±remiti£fvA£fectiQnaor th&EyeSr Isipcteiite» P!x&« -- - ' . pies bn iho FaceuPremat ore, Decline otViriHty.Wcalencsa < i r, of Memory and'Pbw'er for Mental' Application. Dejection, * f-w;- Aversion tofiodety,Timidity, SelfDistrtlisti tbveof Solitude,. Ac. -AH that inectriabiy'dizappcar, at toon ci ' / , 7t Belt those complain taara. but little tmderstoodbylbepTofaiflitin ln genbrftii and that aH tbe . ■'inedidne in.thowotld > nf3s , erbae r ;Bna nbVer wUl> stop thow ■ - - leases, allowed to are sure to produce the mostdißtressinjf conscqnences/ : ; Tho prfcitfof thrcoinplete Instrument, carefully secured againfltaUdbastvatianinaboifhrohlySlO. It can ho scut - by:erprml£ahy{kidress,inany part oftbe United Stales, • Canada, &&, according to order, accompanied by full dlroo* > ' tlons, andimpbr to the. married and. single* the . oaponsesierantoUie xomotoßt party of the country, being very trifling. 5! 1 ' % ' All applications .and remittances must be, directed-(post-: •• paid) to the Doctor himself, ho having no Agencies establish*-' < *ed bnt In London and Paris. . Address, (post-paid) Dr. B. Do Laney, filLisponord street, r .v 'NewYorki-_ , :--’'"-'“. t: Office hours, daßjvftoiaa A.2L tSU3 P* iL r aud froto T to 8 P. excepted. .. ■' • V yhOUndcrstoied certify, with great pleasure, that the above mentioned iimtrume&t is not only constructed oh scl- ' efellfio principles, bat that from its uso the happiest results, •miy always, with confidence* b*anticip&ted,.fherebtf b£,lbt.. the cure of Ihose dfa"cas4s, rio'clA&certamrciafdj/ extant, ' : CH.QOETZB, MrD., 96 Chambers st., uC ECEHARDT, M. D.; 24 Howard st., % NEW YORK. - Five Hundred Worjnt Expelled* EEAU thefollowing: statement£root : respectabledrag- ‘ ‘ ■gists; of tho siirpriwng rffwts of-B. -A. FAHNEn - - *?OOK’SIJN£QUAIXEI>YERMIFCG.C : (rt»EKBBTOOiK.'S';i T JnbttftrylO,lBsC.- Jfom.-RyU JWinettocki eB; -~Gentlciaeh.: iJatifcew • Ciarlt/a Stab of undoubted veracity, Of tho town ofXlabon, ' beliaa n HtUe girl, * fonry«iirl» Qld.tojrhomhflgavetljreOlciSeaofß. AiFaim- iit. tbrea BUcccssivo liQiirß. Ia th6af i erupou ofthesoin© day fbapassed at one time, SEVJ3J\V t.- TEKN* ttid it bnothCT KiNETBRft 'WORMS, . About two . .©’clbcfcthefollottlng.nfghVshepfti'sedtbe Incredible* mim* betfof ftVA HUNPRRW making In alifiyehundrcdand flfty»M?eD,ui iess than twelvo hoojaV ; 'time.' Ha saidtheywcre' perfeclly astoiiband that he counted -"’ihem accurately,- Tory .respectftiliy, f: JBNNRR & JtANDAIX, Drußguitß. ■SoH wholesale and retail byiill' the principal druggist* ■ aadcountrymcwbantsUirougfcbuttbe VDlted States. • ; prepared and sold by#, ** FAHNESTOCK* CO:, Comer ot &ov2l - f..;~ Jayne’s Expectorant. appUedioxtther of thi lungs aud Bronchia. So far as ; tba teatmcnt i 8 t»hcerixed; thl3: iaof very HtUo eou iis the remedies ore thasome; ; The JiSF,EO - TollAJvT sLould be givenas Ofteu'airnay be necessary to relieve tbe.icongh, ,antf r produci tf frc∧ easy espeetora- • ■lion, and also tc remove the tigbtnof,or.pain, or,opprefl* eion about the IhroMnr chest. VTbe towels should barege* luted by the,use of tjbf nec«r. lf theTe 'b<3 much de'bllity > vrith night sweats, from • •Ofie-tttiWu tearfipconfuls of TOJiICYERMISXGK should be given about half oil hour beforuoach meal.: It shouMbo mixed in two or tlrree -spoonsfol of oold.waier, and cued to blewe the tastfc' But if thero.be no night-sweats, OV then give the ALTERATIVE three times a; day, according to tho directions, Instead, of. the VERMIFUGE, , ' ' All IW. JsyneV TWpWnllons for tale, wholesale or retail, int the F^gjJf;iTgA.igfOmi t comes gradually of a most Intense and'pernianent black! For sale In bottlcg-of xartons siie, by nholestUe br rctalKat i':. . W. 8. If AVES^ , ; eutlnnary War wo. Market street. frrnprpf^L £^uFAL ; VAKNIBII—-600V. Smith's York. J>r brand,'ln store and for wile by • ' ■ successors to Co:, ■ ) dec2 i ;J . 00 Wood. at. / r YCICfiBiLVKU~'2OU ttis in sloTcainllor kale by i•.>:■ y dttg • FLBMLNQ RBO3. * li'Vf H I las&Td SARDCRUCIULKS instore- and foe tain 1 -ido&l - Fleming bros. • fj£AK!i>B7AHUU~-U0 boxes,-^Uhlo,’ 1 In sturouud tor JT salQjbyy . Xdy • - ’ •t I-.' »- JB. A. FAUyfiSTOOK & Ct>, i In aior» w>a iw e*iu to raaiino srq& •V: -/**■>'