mr. P,' - A-'" ; •V* ' :.\- , • . t T \ :v= -. , \*’'> ’ ■'- ’■'* ~ ,< . -l r -t. ■*V . , ■ r’.'" ■" V" ' ' v *•■•“■. ‘ ’ '” ' '. t " ;, [•; .-v •«.-■ =:v.- : -.-,*. .'» tt-L 1 'J'i‘\'i* -'.lipy Hi*’’>-?**•?**< ''ty "~ ~~~' ' -r. •> V...-:.-' :■•-; - ■ /■' :V: ■■?•..: :,--■•-■ t , 'V I ;• • ;f> ~K v *«’“'VS Yt '•& .' '/-.-.-''..-v 1 ’'i'A. 1 ;;' '■< • A/»Y*Y;y‘.^v; ;>*•»' ♦» i\ . .'''-Jj* .•; 's&■■■.■%■; *■%>- * * , '**!;>l?*< ■•*" .A: j ;^':v>xkk;J :iWSVv ’A-‘- rfl i-S ,v*>;.%VA - '^kw : -:c ...Al: 4' »*-' ■*•*■ ■*> r *Si ■ L £?i tS’j *,*s{»'•'v;V/ *’'*■•>■ s-i r, %?*-f;-’ s mMPMi WSX^Mm f&&' 2fitt '&s%&s£&/*s: wkfemteg'gi: p*fr imM^ .S' r **'• ‘ ’ -vut''! %tSJIT-3 Ht\ s _, . V.*V‘<]«Wi? •: . .- - . -■■ :-'-'V'^'?*■•.'.■■• ■-Pjsfcl'*'- • " ‘ ■ \aa ;.., :- : k : - ■' * J-Aht&fSJ* f>..h »-A«- .V «tA> -'■ <, '. < 1 *>*■<*»;■,. y -' ty s f , \ix- jg- v> - *;';C c ' ■" V- -1 ■ ‘V, '•;»% t • i- - 1 ' -> i"i. - - 1 -- .L .V.'; -.•.-t'’ '‘- v - u’ ' CLOTHING; ... ...iiiii i iiREJIdVAI. ■: . : mHE subscriber would ret r«:uuUjlnforroh^tot.ufc“u>l meat of Main and Toney Colored■ Clothe, L ™ U x «» a erireS, .u the total und subscriber offers for «to M« »» h\s city, Cmcinnali, ■ Philadel cUfcwherc; 00 :: $lO,OO $7,00. • Tho Book and Bulcr, containing full and accnr&tedlrccbon. Btstos, on of S 7M^ bc / o f^^WAS Courts ' ■ Ho. *5 Fifth street, opporig; UwgtogSh- .'.'■.•.BABUJas'iroUA*, _ pBOTLEJffia’Sj BLOXIII i la “^S; d 0 y „ t btS'": VX » d oLOTEi, O WSmEIIES, -VESTINGS, Sv?S^^na r pn,i •la done ugdihr.Mfl owo. eupen jrton.. ... ——* othTn g stqre 1 JOHN M’CLOSJJYA£L\, the.ome of ibo iflßbt. IJ bonnes. SBS®SffIS ! S&«& SPiENmD b SIQCK°OF 'cLOTHts' ~f CLOTHING READY MADE v, " , *’ ta WHOUßB4l,ll XK4DE' To WbSFjb 4's G tj' '* ■ V V iticfs> Ami they tf 111 sammtUwm to be as good as aaj factored in TOM WORK, • : IS lire bust sTfis, aso ««)n ina snoaTcaT kotjce. . Jta have oh band a fall ami beautiful a,rorlmeut cf CLOT 113 Mil COATIM.S, lor ■ . vr , t»itqt FROCKS- DRESS. WALKING AND BUSI NESS COATS Onriatereatsaroideotl -d nltb Him, of ourcastmnm aodSo assure tba public that our • tidulby nlll not fail In Ko. §§ Wood street, /’EAST SIPE-Y COBNEIt Of IiIAMO*I> ALLEY. our to uaJA'r«Un«l that w.i imte no auy Xnecuin v.U. th Clothloff Uu iocs or liberty street. (Jur nttonUou is do\otul to H °,Sa <>Tod "‘ s “ a ‘“ I johvMCttbia\ tco DRY GO' Tfl TUP WIDIKbM I AND UTTAIL D> VLI KS 01 | pmlnSn AU bqiilny cm AN?\ici\rr\ , GR.EOO & CO- Importers & Wholesale Deiv-w in ForeUm and Domestic Dry Goods and \arlotiw, h 0.09, on* JSS hsm ni?North-vc«f and Diamond - (Oley-TlDs&urKdi. llnTing completed the enlargement of 1 thar present occupied Ware Iwotas, a,ro now opening on- I efthe largest and best etockof DllY GOODS and \ Al.ll. 1 TIK3 ■tb2jji 1 ro«V« heretofore exhibited to tha 1 *ttsbuTt,h ♦fade and onaxaialualion* will be lound tobtyunsurpa. sod I K.jTrDm««r tl>*e kind mtl e City mda* on of S» pirthoHl Is inmotally m the Eastern UU.-s JuniiL the VaslnoM scarons. burchaslnit cheap barjalns, lulapbd » I tbe Pittsburgh and Western Trade, w« will be aUe lo oil. r 1 inducements to. our old customer*, and purohaJ. ru neuer #lly ‘"Our Rtoclt aPDry Gtftds consists m part orlhelullow tns leading article*, * is; j • Superior Broad Cloths, . j Pilot and Petersham do; . . v _ XJ’aoc? Castf meres, Tweeds and Batffiettß Fancy Touting* a«id; I Flannels, Ticking*andTestPaddings;. Drown and Bleached Muslins, and Irish Linana, . . Foreign and Domestic Ginghams, - _• Rn ... Alpacas- Merinos, Coburg Cloths, and Dress Silks, Day Slate and Bruucho bhawhi __ .. .... | Woolen Comforts and Fancy SUU Handkerrhi-fs. 1 > Thc followins comprise a part of the general stock of Combs,Threads and. String Eto. _ .>■ ' Hosiery- Olotcs, Ribbons, and Black Silk T oils, __ laoo Goods, Jnccnetb, Mall and Cambnck Muslins, | FonfiY Netting*- and Millinery goods _ , Urco assortment cf Table Cutlery.l’oclut knives,, ;jU*oraaodBctooraor onrown .Importation. Perfemcry, Intent Medicine, together with a splendid assortment of ■Oold Mid Gilt Jewelry, of the latest p»Uornn; Go.d ana EH : rer Watches: Watch materials; Watch plnffc.’, a J' da n.e r ISrfv. stock ofSO honraadSilay Brass Clocks, or a Tanoty of paltoros. An of which will bo told on tho most accom modating term*. torCa.'h, or City rofcrcnco. _ -1,1 • N Country Murcbanlfl and Pedlars «re inriteu to glv ns aon 1 bef ro purchasing ol t w secokd akuiyalos >ALI, and winter dry goods si The Cheapest Goods of the Seaton YOUNG STEVENSON BO"'!*♦ sign of tk» gtl&vsl Bcb-Uive. No. 74 MARKET STREET, between Fourth and Urn Diamond.. Pittsburgh, have just received, and are n o» opening,. .tag «g ooB°' ° Of tho newest anil most desirable etylc.vadapted to the. rI pJald SSSo awl Fancy Silks at bargain?. ' Plain Black and Cornelian Silfcf and Turk Satina. Merino Plaid*, all wool.and Silk and Wool do. A Also Raw Silk and Cashmere Plaids cf every description, < very cheap.- - • • - ■ T . New style Plain and Fancy De Lnlne*. , _ _ French Merinos. Cashmeres, Coburgs, Alpacas, and Para mattas. all colors and qualities.- 3>e BceeS, and high colored Be Baines,all qn&Utitis. FaUand Winter Shawls, or every | Lons and Snuorc 33rocbe and Plaid Shawls, Printed Cashmere and plain Thibet do. Vecneral' «Sra rtmrSF fast color Print-!, from 0?/., cts. up. Rnnnct Elbboru and Miliinory Goods, *cry cheap. Xl?o a fall flock of DOMESTIC GOODS. .I.low prices Linen Shoaling, Pillow. Linens, Tnbl. Cloths, andHap kins- Russia Diaper, and Crarata, very cheap- QLOVES. HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, and CjIAA ATS. Wo would rcspectrully solicit an early call from both ■ wholesale and retail buyer*, flattering tas accommodate all who may faTor u« with their patron rSI ON t LOVT nst UcceiveU,- AT THE ORIGINAL BEE-HIVL, Vo 74 MARKET STREET, . VFW SUPPLY OP FALL AM* MlJiTfcft. COOM, A which will bo eolil «t exceedingly low>-. », would respo-Hfally solicit on early colt from our fn-ml- and tlio nnWiEin-ecnofol. believing that wo can now offer greater-Inducements to both wholesale and r.tall ‘ b “^ CtllorCto, “‘ 0 - YOUNO. STKVESBON A LOVE. SELL IN G OFF. GREAT CHANCES I FOE bakgabks? ° attt B I r cWrELEtANT%ARPFTINGS Lately purchased in the East, from the Manufacturer* and l£jjtera. which, for variety, stylo nnil quality, are unsur p“sci-‘?lnrTT f iPiBTr’i andbui^fis Of rolendtt'dcslffn* selected exi*ritff.]y for our City IL-tan Tnatei and at lower prices than would now cov.r the cost of 'TiPEMAL. EXTItA and RCPF.It. TIIHEE-PhY CAlt- PPTft from tlu* ma?t.*CKli!brnied xnanufactorLs iu the uStwl SUitesi colors warranted. of all hindsVenlUan, Halt and fcteirCarpcts, ''t®* S!J Hnt"h Carnctsi together with a large assortment of OH J). .v“ hoes Jlattlnz- Table and l’lano Covers, 4c. Hffiatrij he sold the present sea son. to male room for oth.r goods IffiAT)L y £ C O deco WM A- M’CLUKG, dealer in v, . ... KnoToaa.Choloo Family JBrocorlos and Willow Ware. CORNER or WOOD AND SIXTH STS., Vi PITTSBUIUHI. PA. . -* R now rewiring ft Iftrgo assortment of FKhSH GOOIIS. 1 Id addition lo his alruodj extend.. stock, pur liusod tfom first lmrnla lo ttrn Lastorn Aftrketa, which, will 1* '“ld f»in« tuiis "y *»' * ** ifrtrifSTOH- BROTHERS &. CO., tfneb, AUghm ™y,_ to™** WOULD respectfullyinformtheirfriends : v«mi tho public generally, that they Lave • Oraa_BfegyU. tha mnuufnctur© ofCaTTlageS, Kockaways, Buggies, Slcighsaßd aSriStTirfSTthKlr various styles of tmish orders will be executed with strict &ud beauty of finish, Itepaln. will also be fltteadedto .on iKa most reasonable terms. Using in all their work, tho best Eastern Shafts, Poles, and TV heel stuff, they frol confi dent that all who furor them with their patronage, will he «#rfeetlv satisfied on trial of tholr work. . „ . ** parchosero-aro requested to giro ns a call, before rurcha* sing elsewhere. ocio.iy CU4IIAOUS FOB. SSbB. .i The undersizedlias justrecelved athia ■ jsjjara* S 9 CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, situated o JgBJ§&jEi<' near the Two Ml'o Ran, between Mttabur6hESBtJSisPP»- and Lawtsnoocilhy n-aplcndid assortment- y\r ' 'Sr . at VEHICLES, of eeery description, and will contraqo to mwlTo regularly, new and second hand Camaff'l, fiu&ics, Hilaries which ho will sell on the very lowest terms fOT caSi Haring had twelve years’ practlco in the bUßlnew,and wlthbisweUknown facilities in the East, he Batters himself to purchase nro rcspeotfully Incited to call attention paid to mpgrlntr of Carri fmylßritwy»i . JOSEPH WHITE. Comer of Sn(Oijidd strut and .Jhawmd aUcy, a 'THE undersigned haring added largely to. his ffT&r stock. Is now prepared to accommodate the pnblic the finest Buggies, and best. Horses,both for Raddle and-Harness; Gentlemen wishing.’*© haro .hones fjrfifiryTwUl find superior accommodations for them «taU.«i largo and now, and th»: prt>r JriSsm paya every attention to tlidr case andeq^rt. . TO)K^ . . Legers,. - Jonrnota, Day Boots, • Cash Boots, . Receipt Books, . , • Dockets, Or any dcacrip tlon of BLANK BOOKS HADE TO ORDER at short notloe, if Uio most superior quality of paper, bourn! In any stylo ramired Blank Books i*Amrt> to order. • .. Alareo dnd excellent stock of Blank Bocks always on hand and for sale at low ratoa, consisting of Cap, Demy and Medium work, In nil styles of binding. . . , The supplledon liberal a HAvE .^ 'Blank Book Manufacturer, -Corner of Market and Second gtxeeta. iievolverat BovoVvjr*l . “ *55 “ to Ahetraliaor California,Trill Bn4 that they S?SS purchaslnc their equippago at. home, than SS,»n«mong&£«",.««giro pemmea ehance to iVcSiof* 18$ WooAfbwt, Rttahnrgb. u? : cu:v 1.1. .VaN_D' s B > u 110 JIIOpCJIOAP" Oil A Nil K ol TIM>:. /•\Nooit alter MONDAY, November 1 ltta, I. nt H.IA P M. couucciiDg witli the Express Train to Philadelphia and Baltimore, which leaves Pitts* burgh at 1Q.«0 P. M. „ „ , . _ Time from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, hours. Tare, jy.vs. Fare from Cincinnati to Philadelphia or Baltimore, *\IA!L TRAIN leaves Creathne at 7, A M; dines at Al liance* connects with Express Train from Cleveland, and •wives at Pittsburgh at.s, P ST. . , NPW ÜBKUITON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves PitUbur-rh at 10 A M and 4.45 P M, and Now Brighton at 7 A UaniTl P M- Excursion tickets, slj quarterly tickets at reduced rates. • . ' . FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at OSO A 51, anaar* -nves at 4.e0,1'd1. , . ... •fty> Vassentrers are requested to procure Tickets at the Company's OUlce. at the Federal Street Station, of 1 * ' GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent J&* Tho Trains do not run. on -Sunday. JSSr Further information may bo obtained of nu *S JOHN KELPY, Passenger Agent. WINTEB ASHAHQEMEHTB. TH E rpUP Fast Mail Train will leave the Passenger Statioaon I Liberty strri-.t every morning at 9 o’clock* stopping at all the regular stations on the road, and arriving in Philad'dphiatbo next morning at « o’clock,connecting vlth th« trains direct to Jicw York, also connecting at Harris burg with the trains for. and arriving in BaltlmoroatT o'- clock. A. M. The Express Train leaves the station every evening at 9-30 o’clock, stopping at all tho regular stations, and con necting with trains for Baltimore, and arriving In Phfladd pbU or .Baltimore at 8 P. M. ' Fare to Philadelphia, $9.&0: Faro to Baltimore, $9. Bag "’age checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Rau •pond r.«d to Philadelphia and Baltimore. The AccnmmalotUm Train will leave ovory afternoon at . stopping at all regular stations, and running I only as far as Latrobe. lUtnmiag trains arrive ia Pittsburgh at 610, and 8 o • j dock. A.M.,and I-. M. . , . i Passengers purchasing tickets in cars, will be charged tes cksts in addition to the station Tates, except from stations where the Company.have no agent. "No notes of a less denomination than five dollars will be ■'received in payment for tickets, except those issued by the Banks of Penney vania. N’otics In case of loss, the Company will hold them selves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding »100. i u.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to conTcy and baggage to and from the Depot, * fhargft not to exceed cents for each passenger,and cents for each trunk. tor tickets applj to J. MESKIMEN, Agent, At tlio IN Jl. H. Depot, on Liberty street. Fittaborgh. November 30. I&>3. SANDUSKY, MANBFIELD AND NEWARK RAILROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT ON a ml after WJ&DNISSDAY. November IC* 1653, Three l’t*s««»nc4’r Trains rnn daily (Sundays excepted) aft fo’ GOING SOUTH. - Mommy Mail Evening tirpress. Putsengrr. f Express. Lcav» Sntula«ky at 4.30 A M 11.00 A M 5.101* M Monroeville Junction-0.10 11.50 “ 5.50" Shelby Janetiou- 0.40 “ US PM 7-15 “ Mansfield Junction 7-20,“ 1.40 " b.lO " Mount 1em0n...... •• 4.10 “ 9.05" Reach Newark .10.03 “ 6.15 “ 11.00“ OOWG NOUTII. Leave Newark at. 4.20 A M ObO A M 6.25 P SI 3lt» Vernon 5.25 " 10A0 “ 030" : Mansfield Junction <.20 '* 12.10 PM 010 “ fcliL'lby Juncti0n......... <.45 ** 1.05 " 8.35" I Monroeville Junction-* "• 3.10 " 10.30" I Reach' Sandusky....-—lO.OO “ 3.55 " 11.05" | Connecting at Baodosky With Mad River and Lake Erie, | and “ Northern Division” Cleveland and Tpledo Railroad*. I At Monroeville, with Tmlu* on “Southern Division Cleveland *»nd Toledo it- It- for Cleveland, Toledo, Ac. At shelly Junction. with Cleveland, Columbus and Cln -rinnatl Railroad. - At Manstield Junction, with Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad for Pittsburgh. * At Newark, with Central Ohio Railroad for Zanesville, Columbus. Ac., &c. - ■ This arrangement of Trains completes thn line of direct | communication between the East and “Great Xbrth-WaV • passengers from Philadelphia and Baltimore, destined for the West, proceed, directly on their arrival at Pittsburgh, by Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad to Mansfield. Thence to Monroeville- where connection is made immediately for Toledo- Chicago.and intermediate places—affording a route unrivalled for Bafoty, certainty and despatch. Connection is also made with all the Trains on tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad at Mansfield, by which passen gers from Chicago. Tolodo. Detroit, Sandusky, Zanesville, \«wnrk- and Columbus, proceed to Pittsburgh, Pbiladel* phia and Baltimore, without delay. , « , , ■ By this route, passenger* taking the early Train from Zanesville- Columbus. Newark, Ac., can go to Toledo, San dusky or Cleveland, remain in cither place some four hours, and return homo samo day. t *. „ THROUGH TICKETS to bo had at the different Stations, for tho above named places.. _ J. R. ROBINSON, Snpennt’t. Sandusky. November. 1853. .] Pennsylvania. Railroad Company* ■wirrjj aro forwarding Produce, &&, to Baltimore and Phlla- YV dolphin, promptly, on receipt. Time, Five Days. BATES OP PREIOHT. / Bacon- Pork and Beef, (sailed,) 45e. lOOlba. On Bard- Lard Oil- Tnliovr. Cotton, Window Glass, 60c. 100 lbs ‘ On Candles, Cheese, Earthenware, Leather, Loaf Tobacoo, °°Oi?Bei™uc,l>riol Fruit, Briatlw, Cluror and Timothy Seed 70c; fi>- On Deer Skins, Ilemp, Flax. and Eggs, 70c. lOOfos. On Feathers, Furs, Peltry, Brooms and Merchandize, 00c. aiOOibs. - - On Flour, 87Mc.?lbarrel. . ♦ Wo are also prepared to forward freight to Rodebaugh’a. Station, near Greenflburg, and intermediate Stations. * . ■ COVODE A GRAHAM, Agents, corner of Penn and Wayne ste* Pittsburgh. 11. 11. HOUSTON, Agent, j-29 276 Market street, Philadelphia. ENNSYLVANiA KAIDILOAD.—Winter Taiupp juctwesn IhrrsncßOir, PmiAbELpniA and Baltimore, First Class-’- Eggs, Featbew, Merchandlse, Furs, 00 cents ra 100 lbs. Second Class.— Apples and Peaches (dried,) Beeswax, Bristles, Buffalo, Bear, ftnd Deer Skins, Clover and Timothy geed. Glassware, Ginseng, Rags. Sheep Pelts 75cJS 100 lbs. Third craw Apples (green.) Bran and Ship Stuff, Bacon and Pork, Butter, Hides, Hogs’ Hair, Hemp and Flax, Leather (Eastward,) 65c lOu lbs. .... - • - Fburth Clan Aloohol, Bacon (in casks or boxes,) Bnrlej and Malt, Beef and Pork (pickled or Baited, )packed Candles,; Cheese. Grain (In bags.) Lard and LaVd Oil, Lead (In pigs or sheets ) Oil Cake, Tallow, M hi6ky, Leaf Tobacco, 50 cents lOO fi)s- Specianiaie*.— Cotton lbs. FlourSlßbbl • dcc!2 GEORGE C. FRANCIBCUB. PBOCLARIATION. TVY virtue or a precept under tho hands of Wo, B. i ft McClnre, President of the Court of .Common Pleas, in Sd for the sth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Jns- 1 ticeof the Oourt of Oyer nnd Terminer ond General Jail i Delivery In and for said District, and William Boggs and i Gabriel Adams, Esffs., Associate Judges of the same County, i iii and for the County of Allegheny, dated the 16tb day of i November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- 1 dred and fifty-three, and to me directed, for holding & i Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at i the Court House in tho city of Pittsburgh, on the 4lh Sion-! day of December, at 10 o’clock, A. M- ■ .. , i public notice is hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Coroners and Constables ol tho County or Allegheny, that thov be then and there, in their proper persons, with their rolls j records, inquisitions, examinations and other remem brances, to do those things which to their respective officers, in ibelr behalf, appearato bodono—and also those that will prosecute the prisoners that now or maybe lathe Jail, of said County of Allegheny, to be then and there> to pros ecute against them as shall be jnst, - ' • - Given-under my hand, in Pittsburgh, this 10th day of November, in the year of era r Lord one thousand*! ett hun»: dred and and of the Commonwealth the 77th;; _nor23 - i v WM. MAORTi, Sheriff, j • f J. • >■ . i INSURANCE (COMPANIES. "SsiSSMiSiiS&qZ, F SrtyTin »«.l cbirntry. tamro* asaitot loss or st-thu lowest *at»rof^rominp|.tH < i*- -' , . ■thoyafm insiire vowoto, totalits- (brciguM’ cowAwi*, tmto open nr. Bjpecna policies, ni may. desire...... • ' -V'. - Inland TRAto}PORTAvias.--Tlipy : also.lnjure- merchandize transportertby Wngohs, railroad car*, canal bo^ta.anu pteani' bonte. onriver* and lakes,on,Uo Unu3> -...- H. BeaV-l’.d'nund; O. Davis, Robert Barton, John IU :l’cnros«, Samuel - »w«ws, n. Lcipi'.r, Edwaril Darlington, -laanp. R. lAivis,V» il iltim. Folweli; John Newlin,.Dr.,B. : Huston, Jof}; U Theophllus Pinßding,'H. Jones. Brooks; Henry:Sloan, Hugh .Craig,George Serriti, Spencer JSPlTvidn, Clmrles Kelly, J-iL Johnson,'WUllam'Uay,Dr.B.ThoiuavJpha>illorfi,:Minu\m '**S?t£irra at mtsOuryhr-D, T..Slorgan, Hugh Ci%, John T Wan. - William Marti*. President. ■■ Tiios-C.llAJ, ; nc«fVfirid'nL. - .-Josern W.Oowait, Secretary. v Office of tlio Company, No. street, 1-ittsbnrgh, p ‘ jelff'dtf • • ■ P.a:MADKIIIA, Agent. PKOTKCTIO^ IHSUSAHOE COMP AMY, ■■■ OE : ■ . : HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Slock, Annual JPrcmums and Watcm Fund $1,000,000. INC Oil POII AT E 018-5. , ■ Policies of Insurance insur'd ut all times on the mostfovora* • bio terms, against - LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIRE,,, on Tin: v . PERILS OP NAVIGATION, 11Y GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent FOR riTTSISURGU AND ALLFOULNY COVNTT. 1 marlCiy . _____ ■ ■■ .:. THE UNITED STATED LIFE INBTTEAHCE, ANNUITY.A-ND TRUST COMPANY, PEIIf.&SSEfijI’EIIA. CHARTERED APRIL 26T11, 1850, CUAKSBK PEIIPmAL. •... CAPITAL @250,000. Office, S. E. Corner of Third and Cheetnul Streets, Philadelphia. ■ Officers of the Borne Board at Philadelphia! DIRECTORS. ‘ Stephen Tl. Criiwftirtl, r.iul U. GoAlorO, AmhrowTV. TUompwm, Xnwnmra Jnlnifon, Bcnjamiu W. TlDßlcy, Oeo. M’Jtonry, JorobE. riorouw Jnmcsllororeoß, William W. Godwin, William M hoc., . ... President— StoplMU It.Crawfonl. Vice President— AmbroreV. Thompson. , T _ ‘Medical Examiner; pmOurgli—Jaa^i lliU.uuoß, M. D. Mr 3 l,eny Cily-R. B AK ,. nt> marl7:y No. 74 Fourth street, PHtaburgh., The Franklin Fir© Inauranc© Company^ Of Phdad'lphia, Pennsylvania.- . DIRECTORS —diariesW. Banckor, Thomas Knrt. Tobla.* Waguur, Samuel Grant, Jacob K. Smith, peo. W. Rich ards, Nonleeai D. Lewis Atlotyhl K. Bon«, l>avias. Browne, Morrisi’ftttemm. Cn\3. N. lUscmt, frestdeuL CuAS- G. Bancxer, Secretary. _ Continue to make insurance, perpetual orllmlted.on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as aro coniilstent with security. . , . The Company haro reserved a large Contingent-txuw, which, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of tho Company* on January let, 1861, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, vrero vi t : , Mortgage, ?S Tcmporaiytoans oS, Total. £.212,705 44 • Since their incorporation, a period of twtmty* 8& * 55 INVESTMENTS. Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, and other good wen* curitii*- Premium Notes. Cash on baud.... Total ain’t of Resources, Liable for Losses...- $^,31871) • mr.ECTOES. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD. Dauphin county, P. 0. SEDGWICK, IlarrL-dmrg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia. A. WILKINS. Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER, “ JOHN B. RUTHERFORD; Dauphin county, A. J. QILLETT, Harrisburg, S. T. JONES, Harrisburg, ROBERT KLOTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. A. J. OILLKTT, Secretary. Will insure against perils of sea ami tulnnd navigation, alse, on Merchandize in citv or country, at lowest rates con sistent with safety. Policies issued on dwelling houses cither perpetually or for a term of years. Branch Office, corner Fourth and Sinlthflrtd utToets. mySktf A. A. CARRIER. Art nary. nittiburgU Llfe lnsurance tomoany, of £ PITTSBURGH*}*- Capital, 8100,000. ‘ President— Jajies 8. llooj. Vice President—Samuel M’CtfJKk'AN. I Treasurer —Joseph S. Leech. | gecretarv—o. A: Colton. OFFICE, NO. 55 FIFTH STREET, [Masonic Ilall Building. ) 1 This Company makes every lusuranco appertaining to | or connected with Life Risks. 1 Mutualßato.sare the same as those adopted l»y other I safely conducted Companies. 1 Joint Stock rates at a reduction of one-third from the I Mutual rates— to a dividend of thirty-three and one* I third per cent, paid annually In advance. 1 Risks taken on tho Hveacf persons going to California or I Australia. —**• mnsCTORS. James 8. noon, William Phillips, Johu Scott, John M'Alpln, Horatio N. Lee, Western Insurance Company, Pittsburgh. R. MILLER, Jr- President. \ F. M, GORDON, Secretary CAPITAL* 0300,000. \TTlLh insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE and MA VV BINE. All losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. „ __ . A Home Institution, managed by DniECionß who are well known In the community,and who nro determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain tho character which they have assumed, as offering tho best protection to tlioco who desire to bo insured. ■ - -i. Director*.—lt. Millar, Jr.,C. W. Ricketson.J.W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., W. IL Smith, C.lhmsen, George W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, James Llppcncctt, George Barf ie, James Me* AuTwy, AlHTqndprNltniek,Th6ipgpScott, tffi. Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warehouse of Spang A i up staln.l Pittsburgh. nov24:ly I JETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD. CONN. Chartered 1819—Capital Stock $300,G00, TnoB. K. BRACE, President, THOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. BIRECTORS— Thomas K. Brace, Samuel Tudor. Eheriezer Flower, Ward Woodbridgc, E. A. Bulkcley, Joseph Cburch, Roland Mather. Frederick Tyler, Edwin G. Ripley, Robert Buell, Samuel S. Ward, Miles A. Tuttle, Henry 7. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, Gustavos F. Davis, Junius 8. Morgan. CST* Policies on Fire and Inland Risks issued on favora ble terms, by GEORGE R. ARNOLD, A^t, docl&ly No. 74 Fourth street. Pittsburgh. WESTERN FARMERS’ INSURANCE CO., NEW LISBON, OHIO. BRANCU OFFICE, No. 129 FIFTH ST., PITTSBURGH. Capitol, $lOO,OOO. JAMES KELLY,.Brest. LEVI MARTIN, Bcc’y. R. McKASKEY, Agent. Will iusure Buildings, Stores, Merchandise, and Property generally, on tho most favorable terms. fdecl:6m ~is your Ltfo Insured, IF NOT, read what someone has written. Among all the contrivances of man to protect tho family circle from want, non© can bo found more simple iu its character, noble In ’to f*>atu«>, or enrtain in its results, than LIFE INSUR ANCE. It H the prop which tho dying husband leaves to snpport the wife of his bosom. It U tho unseen hand of the Provident father Teaching forth from the grave, and still nourishing bis offspring, cud keening together tho family group. C- A- COLTON, Secretary, Pittsburgh Life Insuranco Company, Fifth t*t. fle p2l Masonic Hall. MALCOLM LEECH JOUN HfILPIK....'. JOSEPH 8. LEEOH. J. S. Leechf McAlpln & Co., WHOLESALE GROCEEB, and Dealers In/Eroduco, Met als, and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos. 242 and 244 Liberty street, near the head of Wood, Pittsburgh, Po., of fer for sale on liberal terms, the following 100 tierces fresh Rice; • *50,000 iba. Bacon, assorted ; lOObbls.Tor; - 5 tons Bar Iron, do; . 1600 kegs Noils, assorted; < 8 do-Best Nail Rods; 600 boxes Window Glass,' 2000 kegs . Koch and RIB® assorted; ■ powder j assorted; 60 half chests Tea, as-; 300 boxes Rosin Soap; sorted; ’ 85 bbls.Linseed, lord aa4 76bxs.Tobftcco,asaorted: 1 Tanners* Oil; 100 hhda.N. O- Sugar, part: 300 bbls. Vinegar; prime; SO do ltosin, 6 bxs. Havana Sugar; > 20 do Pitch, 10 bhds-Porto Rico do; 6000 lbs. assorted Copper; 160 bags Coffee; . ; 20 bbls. and kegs Lard; 600 bbls. N.O. Molasses; ; 10 kegs assorted Shot;- 76 do B. H. do; Ido Buck Ehot; 800 bxs-Tin Plate, ass’di 6 bbls. Alum; 4 tons Wire, do? ; 20 do RyoElonr; 2 do Spelter; 20 scltsTinners’Machines . 6 casks sheet Zinc, as\ and Tools; ftorted; 100 bus. Dried Apples; i 600pigsTln; ' 300 bales Batting, assorted; j 1000 Da-Antimony; ' j 2000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, as- I 10 tons ass’d Sheet Ironsorted* I 100,000 lbs. asett Bulk Meat;* ~ Wholesale and Retail. SADDLE, HARNESS .AND-TRUNK- MANUFACTORY EOBERT 11. HARTLEY, begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, tbnt be .ISSsH&k continues to occupy that large anil commodious ItJPss§jj£. ' Store Room, form curly occupied by Samuel Fahne- tT stock & Co., No. 86, corner of Diamond Alley and Wood st? where he keeps ft large, and general assortment, of Saddles, Bridles. Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, SadcUe.Bags,. Valises, EufialolLobes, Whips, and all other articles in his lino. He also keeps constantly on hand, and isprepared to for- order, all kinds of Ravoted Hoso, manufactured of tho best material, and in ft style of workmanship equal to tho Eastern manufactured article, andatCOpcr ccatclieaper. ' Country Merchants and Farmers would do well to-caltaml flinniiiie bifl stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is de termined to sell first rate articles at very low prices. ... . . •- 4S» Don’t fbrget the place. No. 86, corner of Wood rt. and Diamond Alley:. / - fap2B - ‘OYSTER TRANSPORTATION* a | i’jg have arranged with the Pennsylvania and Susque* W hanna Railroiad' Companies,: for- ft special Transportation Line* at exceedingly low rates. • ... ocH' ' .• -.APAMB-*-CO.-WJTufarrti- TIBAD’S PLKADBB’B ASSISTANT, now edition, witlr tt Notes and Additions, together -with A Oonveyendng, by A. Jordan; President-Judge of the Kigbth Jndldel District, recei»ed.imd iar sale by • - . J. B. WEI.DIN. Bookseller and Stationer,, jyja 03 Wood ctroat, between Sdftdth t&. ‘ ’ V L.' l ! *£ * - V ' BANKERS AND BROKER* EXCHAS GE ASH PATtyXHi .HOUSE n? A. WItKINS & CO i 'UNITED STATES « A NK. HU IL3> l N 0 , -■ - No. .BfrVt<"G& Fonrth. Street, ; • - 4 ' . . BITTHRCRWn, ‘ ... i v.:- - -••••■•- and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Bank-Note! and LnndliYnrmnls bought anil pold*-. «• > ’Col.lectiohsibado throiighouttho 7 ; :f ; •, 'ilot'inose‘jiaper lEFCOunteflnnd loan*negotiated-. -'Rfnfcks bought rind wild on conimifif-ion, -: - : i l .- .Money received on .deposit, mill •when left for n ypoc)til'd time. 7 -ii" ' L' jfOHWvWOODS, ' “ " BANKER AND EXCHANGE. BBOKEK, • Exchange, Commowial and Bank-Kotos. / STOCK txiught and poM oi'i cpmmip?ion. CollecilODF carefullyfttteti'Jed to. Interest paid,on Deposit . W; *3-No. 68U Fourth street, nearly opposite tho M, M, (lank. * H ’ 1n «. u. tujbsan,. TIEENAK & CO., BANKKKS AND KXCHANOK l!R0K15Il& • „ fuh2Myl . A'n. (15 Wood Strain and Piameml-AVfv Ikrtnsjtic and Foreign £xdtangr,SankJfotct, Gold. andSilvCT- Bwght, &>ld aridlteltangtditUthe : ■ T3X.CHANOK ATID JSANTCttf O HO USB OF • WIIIUM A. HILL 6 CO, . M.'rfOOD BTUBBT/pmSDiniQn..v ' : tO-Interest n3l. TriU continue the Banking business and Stock Bro kerage in tVo honwi formerly ownpied by Mewra Palmer, Jlfmna A and more recently. by the FittshnrgßLlfoTn* suranro Ccmpany,>herehe pleased-IhßoahUold friends an 4 easterners. fjy3] A, WTLKINo. “ ~K. HOLMES & SONS, BiNKKRS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, bate REMivm THKm daskeiq ahd ex change omn w m . 67 iIAUBET STRICT, TOUB MOBS BELOW OLD STAND. XT IIHAtES & SONS, Banters and Exchange Ttafcew. 11 . nnl Dealers In Notes, Draft*. Acceptances, GoId.SIT- Tor and tank Notes. Exchange on tho Eastern ana Western Cities constantly for sale; ■■. . , v _ , Ootlectons made in. all the-dtie* throughout the United States. Deposits receded In par fond* or current paper. No. 67 Markit street, between Third and Fourth Sts. [jaBo:ly .THO 9. BABOKKT, JAS' B- HOOK & fifiB&BHT. - BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, n. E PCTRSER 07 WOOD 4 *lXTft.BT&* piTTßEtmOtt, . T\EAIERS [n Grin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, Foreign ana J r .IVneslic Exehanjce, Certificates of DeporiU Ae. . - Exchnure on nil the principal cities of ibo Union and Ed rope, foi sale in snma to salt purchasers, ‘ -Onrrwt nnd par funds received on deposit. ’Grilecdons mado on all parts .of the Union, Btmorali : PATKICKS & FBD2ND, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, . Hitt Btnwced their Office to the Onrner of Fifth and Wood tic. MTTSMSOn. PA PATUCKS 4 FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Silver anil Bank Notes- Exchanges on the Eastern ana Western Cities constantly for sale. . . . Collections made in all the cities throughout tbo United Btatee. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the comer of Fifth and Wood Streets. -1 1 * 1 * 3 $200,016 51 105,250 50 1,916 19 100,000 oo $410,183 20 «=» \otes, Drafts. Bomb, Mortgages, and Loans on col iatorab. negotiated. Stocks and Land Warrants bought aodmtd —SSS- $358,318 70 $101,481 03 170,010 61 17,520 21 &U-SX BIWmK, _ Brown’* Hotel, . _ , Oumerof Bmiihfuld and Third Sirteit, PHUbvrgh t Jtnnfo BROWN A CONNELLY, Pbotoietoiis, iEfr'Oood rtabltog uttaehwl to tho House. ~FRANKX*IN HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio. € PATRICK & SOX, raovairrow.—This llouw has uc #. dergpno thorough and extensive repaire, alterations, and large addition? of now furniture, ete,, and tho proprie tors pifdpa themselves that nothing shall be wanting on their jart to render the Fnasxus a place where all the com «*£s* f,r,it oIMS botcl *“ be fo ° q TATBICK * SOM. "St. Charles, Hotel, Cbmir of DSoti and Third Itr/ris, FdUbttrgh, Foma. WILLIAM S. CAMPBELL, Pnorarroa. Tins lino eslabilshment having come into tie hjmuof n now Proprietor, offers great inducements to Uusiravel lingmmmunlty, and also to regular boarders. Every deli cacy and luxury will bo provided in its season, and no pains will to spared to make this Hotid a oomfartablaloan to all who may rail there. fmrllkUVVV. 8. CAMPBELL, Prop r. —: Si. clairXager Beer-Brewery. THE undersigned respectfully informs the public that he Is now fully prepared to Serve pnvatefamilkaanUhe public generally, with his celebrat'd LAGER, In bottles. All orders left at his Offlce, NO. 39 DIAMONp ALLEY, (near Wood street.) will bo punctually attended to, and Uio Beer delivered to any part of the Tm: RKNTON IKON COMPANY. of Western Penney)- VAnit\» having become the proprietors of the RENTON and DICKERSON PATENT for malting Wrought Jron dir red from the Ore, for that portion of territory of Pennsylva nia lyinc west of, and including tho counties of Fulton, nuoUo'tloß, Cep-re. Clearfield, Elk and McKean, aw now prepared to sell rortlflovtes of stock in said company, each fhare of.«tock entitling tbo holder to share in Uio profits of the droipftny, and tho right to qm one Furnace nnder said Patent. The Company will also sell the right to use tbu Improvement In tho above named territory, by single fur oak, or otherwise. The fact that hr the Renton process Iron Ore can be converted Into Blooms at about the cost re-! ; quired to convert Ore into Pig Metal, Is a sufficient recom mendation of its merits- Mr. .1 AMES 11. CRANE has been appointed Agent for the saie of rights to uro Furnaces under said Patent to whom annlication may be made, or to the undersigned Directors of tho Cnmpaoy. J. K. MOORHEAD, "| uxouampauj ALLEN KRAMER, VPittsburgh •lAS. VT. HATLMAN.I W. DKWEB WOOD, .TAB. H. CRANE. Pittsburgh- fainuel M’Clurkau, John A.‘Wllflon, Joseph P. Qoxzam* M. D. Alexander Reynolds, Hiram Stowe. mar 23 ■» \\ * t i ' ,f s ' i •; ~- A ji' ‘V #> ■ •>- -y I»EALTH IX " " AUSTIN 1.008118. _■ STOCK AND BILL BKOKEB, OJUce. JYo. 02 Fourth it, abort Hood, PITTSBURGH. HOTELS, &c. FkORBKCEUOTEt, No. 40U BROADWAY, NEW YORK. [cOSDl'Ctsn OS TUB EtrBOPEAS PLAT.) * EEBBEK LOTEJOY, PROPRIETOR '1853. ra. Libel‘for Divorce. ; Jacob Boobyer. . And now, to wit, Oct - **tt »• motion -of T. .Cochran, Steel, Inquire,- appointed Commissioner in tills case, at his office, on Fourth st Pittsburgh, on tho third Monday of Df at 2 o’clock, P. M. By the Court. Administration Biotic©* WUEHEAS, Letters of Administration tfc Ixmu.rton, cum Usiamtnln anntxo, to tbo estate of BKKNAKD KANE, late of the City of Pittsburgh, dec’d, hare been granted to the subscriber, all' persons Indebted to said Es tate will make immediate payment, and those-, having claims against the (amo, vrlil present them, duly authenti cated, for settlement, to _ r W UjUAM HANKI i Ad to r, 7th AVord, Pittsburgh. MITCIIEL A PALMEtt, Attornoys at law. KNTKttPRISB WOHKSi bo. 136 wooDßimrr, tiniti>nodB •pcaw intrnif au«t.- •; BQWN d TRILBY. ■ • ~ n ISIPQEIEBB >M tninnfcctoefs of AND DENTAL /£S7vS INSTItUMENTB, RIELEB, Ac.YFe Isio toep a general assortment of the above ; - aitacletfconfitantly on hand; together: amtlugaAocU JMtk; Taflora* and Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket Scissors,. &«.— Also, : ?rußsefl‘imd.Supporter& •■•.• . : Option,to ■ Hunting ptolles supplied at ITtaleale prices.' • . ' X. B. CAI.VBH.T & CO., , T'IXE-BTNKEP.B, ENORAVKttSAND KHBO3BKRS, and 1 / ’'UsryACTTm.'K-V South Third Etnict, ifiin.APKEPina. , ■■■ •?-•■ ■"■ "P 80 -VENrfUW BLIKIJS; J; s-\ v Trt'EßY. QUALITY. ft* Bale atamnufactnigraipncea, gIMg-3000 ' .-:7miCNiTtEiij|. iSEKVEKSOtf dotftltautaa* to! manufacture 111 C AISIN Iff*'W ARE of eycry description, at lus old stand, KSleorncrof Liberty andiScveuthetrectsi UNDKKTAK- I ® »ISO attended to,dn alLita branches. • inyll ♦ 'A^niLLIKKN&COJr> TTAVH ON HAND at their extensive CABINET and AX-CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No; WEmTthfield street. » largo assortment of fanry and plain furniture, which iWiUßt'll 15 percent, below customary rales.' .'. iJ. ; Terms—cash only. . ~..,. - , , %J doc27Uy ‘ Great Inducements to Casli PurtUasers. Ki: will sell our largo pUx’U. of COiIHON AND FANUY CUAIRS AND UUDSTISADa, at prioea .Uial> cannot pluijse,cash purchasers. • All our. work'la warranted. Our terms ore CAbfl. - JAMES LOWRY,JR., f ' mar2s • . cor.Setenth andilaborty bUI: Jonrncymen Cabinet Makers Aiioctatlon. irA it £ Havas third street, • " ■: - -'.‘UnETW«KN 'POOO ATTD'MARKKT 6T3-) , * :TIIIS ASSOCIATION, ‘ .twice' to ~three : tlmw' asyAL,. ~ip any - handsasthelargestaud hitherto most renowned .business* “ shppa of this dtyv have bpenedthelr Warehouse, and’are 1 able to furnish tbo public, by wholesalo'or retail > Trith rur' aiture of the following Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus; FuH Columned Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Chairs; Rockmg -Washstands; Sofas; Kvanßj Kiuio Btool^ r Book Cases; Secretaries;- Car\TTables;-Pier .Tables; flu®' iard'Tablcs; Centre Tables; llat Racks; Trench Bedsteads; Ottomans; Poplar Wardrobes; Dining and Breakfast Tables; fforkstonds; Cherry and Common Workstands; bighposV ■owmirn, lovr,and.ttuhdlQßwistea4B;Chtury Bureaus;-Cribsjj The advantages of co-operation, origan extensive scale, per nit them to fien>t'the lowest. prices, and they are deter oined to Pell, : lower than any competitor, an equally good, f not better article, and! warranted—HM -the public wiU uu [oretondby giving, them a call. . .-.■•••■■ •• i X&±Stcairiboai teerk of all descriptions, and other articles bf any description, made to order in every stylo, at the short*, mar29 .JOUM M.-tUMf** Pxrrfliiuaaff. ■ -r" : JAHES W. WOODWELL, 'ABiSET pbunitve/s manveactbbeb. ■\Varc-roomßo7 au tidal In their line. •• • • ' • * : STEAMBOATS and HOTEI£, furnished at the shortest notice. t All orders promptly attended to. apro WATCHES, JEWELRY;x&c. hew jewels? btobe, . ; No. 87 Market Street, (Second dear above. the Horthoma earner of the Diaaamr) T OIIN STEVENSON, (of the late firm of John 1). M'yail'.kn . I £ Ca.,) respectfully announces to the [nihilllintheime owned, at the above etand, si fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND ELATED WARE, LAMPS, 01- RAN DOLES, JEdti and Table Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Cbminunum Sett, and the usual Variety of goods io his line ° JJptdnicare and attention given to the REPAIR of FISE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. , , . He trusts, that Rom his long experience In bnflneas, he will bo able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Pittsburgh. May 15th. 1853. ,vr, c. cosaniT. Htnry EloltafdiottiileffeUerf v, TTAYIhG re-fitted hi? . tore in ft handsome manner, aod Hjbut recently returned from the eastern cities with w flnw assortment of WATCHBB, JKWKLR.Y, and fANCf- GOODS, would call the attention of his friends and custom era to the fact that among his 'Watches will bo found the nuHtdesimble styles, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pins, Fob and Test Chains, yw«r Rings, Ear Rings, Miniature Lockets, etd, etc. • . J'XNCV GOODS—Such as Papier Mache, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Tabla Bj£ls, Col fa Pistols, Porte Monnales In great variety;China Fruit and Coke Dishes; with on endless variety of u&ful and or namental articles, which hare only to be seen to be appro* c£tk {notlj NO. 81 MARKET feTREBT. Bay Wood Nursery and Gardena. JAMES KENNEDY, [lato Manager of the well-known Sj s racuso Nuseries, New York,) begs leave to. Inform the nubile, that he bos now established an EXTENSIVE NUR SEUY, on the Farm of Mt. James fl. Negley, near Eastilb* erty, where he shall be prepared, after the 6th instant, to re*, ccive and fill orders for every variety of Fruit and Onuunon* tat Trees, Hardy and Green Moose Shrubs and Plants* in addition-to a choice aod superior stock on hand, he has made arrangements with one of the largest Numerics In the East, to keep up hla supply. Having a thorough and longexpe riened In the business, ho can assure his customers perfect satisfaction. ' „ _' , ’, -1 Mr Konnedy would also respectfully offer his services in j designing, layingout, and managing Rural Cemeteries, Pub lic Parks, or the grounds of Country Residences; and will also furnish plans for tho formation. Of Lawns, Approaches, I Hctnresu ue Scenery, Ac., in the highest styles of the art. | Practically acquainted with every branch of Landscape Gardening, and haring spent yearsin the Sylvian Parks .of England, and on the beautiful banka of the Hudson, he hopes he has the capacity to meet the wishes oflhose who favor him* • fl®-Communications can be addressed through the City Post Office, or left at the Warehouse of Messrs. Negley A Mohan, 22 Wood street. n>*r7re ‘ DVBKBG’B CELEBRA TED CUEMfCAE YEAST Opinions of the press:— Those who have tried It, hare found that tho advertise ment does,not vaunt its praises too highly.—{Tallahascee Floridian and-Journal,Peb. lU> 1853. Housekeepers. who hare tested the qualityof this potr dor, pronounce unanimously in it* faror,-—{.Lockport I)aily. Courier. ’■•i • ■'••■'’•V ■ l -- 1 It surpasses evcrythlng ln the way of rmnj, we aver saw used In tho baking of coI-«.—{llahwayAdvocato and Regis ter. April 15,1853. This Is an article of such ulitlty .in various kinds or cook-; ery, that when it* virtues become property known, uo housekeeper, that studies comfort ana economy, will wil lingly do without It.—[N. Y. Plok.iMay 21,1853. • 1 - No one need hesitate to too Durkeo’s oil-important article tohouBckeepers.--{RepabHcan Banner and Nashville Whig, Feb. 17,1853. •••’. . . Would you have light bread, sweet bread, bread that you ean eal with a goodTel&h. do not forget to procure Dorkco’s. . Baking Powder, and you will notlait to: have good bread, cakes, Ac.—[Troy Dally Times, May 24,1852. # T . We have tried this ailide, and can recommend it with perfect confidence.-r{Quebec Gazette, July, 1852. * . . • Durkce’s Baking Powdorwo have tried at oor house, and our “better half" was astonished at the;result.—[N. Y-> Daily Times, Oct. 23,1852. . All good housewives will xtyaico in onu glorify the name of Dnrkee,.after they have given bis Baking Powder a fair triaL—fNow York Bun, Sept. 30,1852. . . . . . Durkee’s Baking Powder,undoubtedly the beat article for this purpose that hns yet been Y. Dutch man, Fob. 12,1853. m j Tho highest commendations, fromhupdredsof thelargest and most respwtabto wholesale booses In this, and nearly, every large city on this continent, could ba given, if space allowed it. . _ ;... - • ' E.R.DURKEE, SOli PSOPBIETOB AND MAXCFACtTBXB, :/ 139 irakr-rtratjKerW York. BAXTER ft McKEE. Agents, Pittsburgh. ' foct2l) OF ALLEGHEN' .SMITH * SINCLAIR, WHOLESALE GROCERS, OP ALLEGHENY .15 SToBE AND FOB SALE, . 300 hags Rio Coffee; ' 4300 hblsN.O.Molassea; 175 hbda N. O- Sugar; . . 50bhls8ugar-lloasB do. ' 30 boxes Grant's Tobacco; 200 bales Batting;: 60 boxes Webster old do. 300 kega Noils, assorted; 20 bxs Russell ft Robinson’s; 200 bpxes Qlass j -, 100 caddy boxes of various 30 kegßVa. Twist Tobacco; brands; 200 boxes Rosin Soop; ; '5O bbls Loaf Sugar; 60 boxes Palm do. , - 20 bags Pepper; 20boxes Ground Pepper; 15bags Pimento; [sepST]. Ground Cassia, Ac. &c.&c. obcr 12th, 1853, on Ksqolre, Thomas r, to take testimony rect, In the City of comber, A. D. 1853, 00v22 Jayne’s Expectorant* GONSUMPTION.-rThiaterhuaCrequently inappropriately. applied toother affections of tbolnhga and Bronchial So far ns; tho treatment is conceraed, this Is of vrery little con«cquencc, as the remediesaro the same. .Tho'EXPEC TORANT should be given os often as may he necessary to rolieve’tho cough, and produce a free anil easy expectora tion, and; also to remove the . tightness, or .pain, or opprefr slon about the throat oe chest. The. bowels should be regu lated by the use Of the SANATIVE PlLLSwbeDever.nccss sary. '.lfithere. be mnchdobUity,xrith‘night-sweats, trom one to two tea-apoonfuls of .TONIC YERMIFtJQK.BhouIdbo given about half an hour before each meab 1 It should bo' mixed in two or: three' spoonsful of cold water, and : sweet ened to please the taste. • But if there be no night-sweats, or: if they disappear, then give tho ALTERAXIVR'ihree : times xa day,, according to the directions, instead of tho VERMIFUGE. ' ' ' . - All Dr. Jayne’s preparations for sale, wholesale of retail, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 38 Fifth street. - :: dcc!7 , TEIIU HAWORTH, corner of Diamond and Dianiond tl alley, wishes to Inform his customers ondtiiapnbltc ; generally, that he is nowreceiving a largo abd choice selec tion of GBOCEBl£S,sach ha chiuce-Young'Hyson, Impe rial. Gunpowder, extra fine' Souchong, Ningyong, Oolong, CohcoJind scented OrangePokoe TEAB ; ilwjha;old Jata and Bio COFFEES; fine SUGARS and SYRUPS; Bunch, ’ dustOT, Valencia, Sun and Eultanar RAISINS; firesh CUK-' RANTS; preserved Citron, Lemon and Orange Peelsi rlor French BRANDIES; Port, Madeira, Teneriffe, Cham pagne, Lisbon, Sberry and Malaga WINES; together with a general assortment Of pore of hola detertolned to sell at;FncfcrLQW PRICES that cannot te beat by any other Btore In' the city. ', . ■ ~;: : notl7 ~. CjCOTIA’S BARDS.— 0 The throne aud jeeptre of England ’©‘■will crumble Into-ddsf, like thQsp cf -Scotlandland: .WindsorCaaUa aiid Westminster Abbey will He In rain* as po« and desolate ah those of Scone and .Iona; before the lords of Scottish songyriU ceoso; to reign In the 'hearts of men”—Rdwa&dKvxbxtt.' *-- - ' . . A splendid volomo. Tor saleby ' ; ; JOHN 8. DAVISON, - • nayXA : * v fiTMaiketsticotjneardthit. t 7* • ' - T ■\ks Z-- ’• • : Wi- • •.. T ', H ... '.•./All':*.'. - - -V OB BAKIHG BOWDEBB, Thc Chtapai, JTenlihicd,matt-Useful and Economi cal Artide fur Raising Bread, Biscuit, Eneii, OriiUMj and Johnny Gilits; ftistrift . Puddings, Steffi Oalrs, Corn Vrtad , OFFICE IB THIS CITY' 1 .. v --'V-:• ‘-' J ‘ roa ■ ' <.J I MORBV TO THB OliD COCUTttY, TAM KSBLAKKLY t»s? l( ’ aVi! to e»y to those perrons hav «J mg fciopdsin tho.P!4Conntar,.(m4. S B<))fast, Droghed»,^lJoerMt,;;Part York, and KewOrloana,nna from- tbencoto- £itt£bdrghf will attend ■stnctly to for* warding passengers fromtheneo to any,part ofthocountrjj Be also has sight drafts for sa|o,pa;ab]o at the following • placeßjtTii'T l •*• r : ‘p-- - /r . \ '.‘■■.-.OX ENGLAND* - Edward si fcandford 4 Co .sj/nadon. •i ■ Wm. Tappscott 4 Co • (AvailaDleinthe-princlpal ciaes and towns tHrongnonl; < England andCWßle*.} c ' ' • > - OS IRELANB." 1 ProTinclalßanfe-'lrcland.... ‘• •‘fiaaaciog^, ■Armogbi-' : 1 Belfast,-'. Downpatrick, Enniskillen, ~ Mallow* ' BtraSafie, : - Athlone/- • • Carlow,''’ ••. v, Droghudi* •: Fermor* ”*"• Motiagnaa, \ EAniaeortbji “ BolUna,- *-Cdran,; '■ 'BtmdaJki■ Golwdy,'' Kowry, T*Uoe,- ' f -«j Balytoena,; ; Clotimen, • Dungannon, Londonderry, Ctoagb, *, . Yonjjhan, , Banfeidga, Jlllkamy, 1 Dnngaftpon,. KUrusb, • Waterford, Colcrfllno.- Pitsoastown,. Cora, : Ennis, >.s r.Bando®, BUgo, Wexfbrd, Oootohill, * ' limerick; Ballyabannon, _ ■ ON'SCOTLAND. .. . . •‘i National Bank of Scotland; Edinburgh; and ita ; bratfehetf. in fifty towns tn Scotland. . ■, OK FRANCE. Messrs. Edward Blonnt * a?an», /Afailablo in anyelty in Franca.) , , • ON GERMANY: ‘ Messrs. Ybgol, Kock 4 Co.; Bankers, FrariMbri-ofl-tke-Mam. (Available In any city in Germany.) ■ • t; JAMES BLAKELY,*,. • ■ 18D; w>r>flf Beventb attflßTbHhfloldvtfc .. : LITOBPOpL. ov- • • 'tiJßEnAtito-isi4E>; ;t • *mHIS splendid new Ship, built for il . » 1 l itUfr* largest'Eukot, Strip afloat and for atnagth of builds accommodations for passengers, and fialung quaUUcs, j Has no equal Iriibe Liverpool trodc. v , . - •i. 1 ; TbeßSlEß&t&lßtli will BaUfrom Liverpool cnor about j and.,persons .sending/or thcl* friends aboiild noUose tbo opportunity of sccqrtngrpassage | • . ■* 'Wv "I f Io order to prevent delay* passoogers. will, M npttflod by • letter from Xfefißr*sT. Tapscfltt & Co. r ttyorpOTl,*&at day - The* Line raid 1 sle I s commanded byCapt <3oo-B. Cbrqlpli, (re«*ntiy of the favorite packet ship, u *s» ig wcU bnown for bis kindness to passengers, and ijiaskm-: fulness as a edmmandcr,.. ...... ■;•• ■: ■•v> ■ ;»:;■•■ ■• ••;' v - N. B.—The It I.vslllbo sncceeded bytbo magniucentpew ship' 4 * Shamrock, 77 commanded by tha:Vell.knawn.Captain, ; To secure passage, apply toJAMJ2B- Bt/AKfcLY, oct2l ■" '■ ■■••■ - Cornerof Seventh aod Smlthflela eta. .;• TEAS! TEAS'.TEAS! WHOLESALE and retail, Jit the U?ekid Tea More, : ■ 38' Fmrß sracrr; PmaiiDson, Pi. . T> Y 'ttoLalf Chest; of neatly packed la metallic packages i. now recrlrlng his Fall stock of GIUSEIf amt CLACK TEAS,— consisting of some of the finest chops to be found In the Eastern market. Merchants tlftting the •city art Inslted to colt and examine ouretock. Mow 1s a list of the xarious: grades» all of uhich haTo bcdn carefully selected; and can with confidence to, rccom. mended: •. ... • SOhalf cliests fine Young By sop; :10 -' do - do lloyxme Young Iljson; 10 do ' extra fine Mojuno do; . ... 100 do Superior. ... ... do;., ~..■ , 15 - do' oxirafino -- • .'do;- :• Lflcqured boxes extra Curioufl Young Hyson;. 25.half^heswfine Oonpowder; o : 10' do rextrafine - do;;. . q do . 'Uo'.Moynnelmpßrial; 20 . .‘do i •-Sujierior' ‘ " 'do;'.. 150 do Hoe Oolong Black. Tea; 40 .: dO' 1 - ; extra-fine Oolong';. ... 30 do extra Curious do; 1 ' SO":- do-' Superlatively strong and fragrant Oolong; ;*is efiestihertra fine BnglUb Breakfast Teal; : - 5 do Curious" do ._.. < . ..d0;...-V *■ end lUd Oollee>Xoverlng , 3 Crushed and Bui* verlscdSugars. i .t \ * : A 150—53,000 TrTnelpo Segnrs» which vrill be soU very ... ... A.. JAYNHv • / novHalAff ; ■ ■ SBFifth street, Pittsburgh.. 2> yp js aos :Jf or.- ■Ai : JATHBS, •' KO. 38 lITOI STREET, PmSBOBOH, Agent for the Sole of I/. Johnton £ Co.’t Type,so.A ' OP. PHILADELPHIA, ' ' j HAS ON HAND and tor sale, thofbllowingßrafallhed | col um n Gulleys; Common Galleys assorted,.Elite; Galleys, 1 Composing.; Sticks; Common and; fob Cue*;, Shooting Sticks; ley -Brnahesi Boxwood iQnolnst Pttrnl tureend Riglet, of ail descriptions v.Brnswßule, ofu)i descriptions; Job Ink, In llbcans; 100 kegs Trout’s New# Ink; 100 Founts Taney Card Lottery anu eufc.tq any. ■ fot Preafos and Type will .receive prranpt at-., tention, and famished at the Foundry prices. Old Type re cBlvodin,excibanßeibrneiP»ai9cents?l3>. : gittaburgh. May;U»lBS3/-^d*w■ - v ’ Bhoasa Sons. - - :|. iVTEW PATENT AMALGAM PEN.-VThU lmportant.ini 1\ venllon removes the two great obstacles to. the p>l S ; u» of the Stoel Pen, vis: their rigidJtyi and.lfceSM ~ rapid destruction by the corrosive. «tion of :ln j, minutely examining the quill pen In tbo act.of writing,,it I;- will bo seen that the action it cmnpo«nd, a centle’yielding hackward action immedUtely above tne | nib of the-pen, and,.,second,•• the^sdAsots’f-.MUon,**! - spreading open of the poinU to peimit the novrof tnoinki .1 •This- compound -whichsteei pens hitherto. | never have had—gives to the quill inflexibility, and.that| peculiar springy play which is s# agreeable to the bm J, arid which seems to suit tbe.QCtfcm of the tnusclesof-fue l fingm: yielding, aslt does, to the slightest pressure, wiui* {. out cramping the band. : The efforts of all etealpentnakers j. havebeen directed to the attainment oTthtejawsntlal anal .1 ity of flexibility, and they have had .recourse So an .llfflUvJ merable virietyUf cracks aniTpierdugs tb> attain it. The 1 inventors of the Patent Amalgam Pen -of weperteenta, that the whole practice efthetradeluul W| this respect been erroneous—that no combination OU ‘‘cracks” and 4 * piercings” could producethedesifedactwn, J if the ordinary form of the tied penwere adhered to. ThlM point being gained, they avoided the plan hitherto adopted: f for attaining and gaveu peculiar foim to, the ! metaLby bich they managed to combine the I action of Hie ordinary steel pen: wit n tho agreeahle ucxlou-. I ity of the quill* The second difficulty to l»oyen»me wa?. of less magnitude, batstni of grcaHmpprtanre to the con-1 sumere of steel pens. • - One te aware nrjthewrmqvt*. ocUoa of ihe Ink on the, ordinary steel pen. Even withth* greatest care, it speedny destfroysMte foes of the pen. So serious a drawback Is this ftom>tt*e utility of the steol pen, that thbuiauds.are inducod to pur-| chase gold pens, at an enormous cost, almost; axdusiyolj. because of the anll-cortoslve quality of, that Hiolal.-Tbp; Inventors have rembvod tblseTUbytheJrcompoundiJeteh which possesses all the necessary quail deS ofstealrflthtbe additional merit of resisting the chemical.nction of (be ink., These Pent wUXlailmore than j Steel Put, rendering thanthc Portalehy W. S.HAVEN.gtatloner,, - -.-rarvlo ■ • ■'■■ Market street, corner fifSccood KRwrenr * ro. Bridge over the Allegheny ft* hear Sharpihnrgi - IcfOTtCE 19 lIEItF.BV'GIYBS, Tbht ta puwuancdof the 1\ Act of Assembly ofthe Commonwealth ofPenusyKa tiia, entitled *'Ah Aevtoauthorfze the Governorto Incortw rnto a Company to erect a Bridea'over Ibr at or near Sliarpaburg. ln Allegheny County,’’apprOTeJ 13th of March, 1863, anti Supplement [hereto, ana Acta ex-. tending the time therein limited, Books vill be opened by tho under named Commissioners, to roeewa suhecrlption* for the Stock, of said Company; «t thohT: TEH, In tho City of Pittsburgh, on tha SEVENTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1363, botwcnnihe hourabflO o’clock, A. '31.. and 4 o’clock, P. M; and should tho vholo number or "shares hot be subscribed oh that day; then nod to that ease; at the house of Mr. NEWPORT, In the Borough of Sharpy burgh,OT*h« TSPENTY-FOUJCtn DAT OP THE SAME . Philip Miller, Thomas Ltaett, JameaShnrp, ' Gabriel Aasms. ..... ’, ThnthasWallace, ; PaterJJHogcn?mltb,. . Malcolm leecbf ■ ' ■ John W. Dunam, Harrison Parry,! . David Frinck Earns, Richard Bwalt, : lv -_.. David Boyd, • ItobcrtWilson, JameS Marshall, James 11. M’Clelland, - Henry ITGcary,* Thomas Pearson, , • Sadies Blakely, OrantMowry, Charles Spang, . ; James Crll. Denny, • ; William C. Denny, A.Morton, , • J. C. Oomstock, LemdeVShurtuf!,--• _ Y. A.CoUlcr^' • :• -- : James Lewis:::fnovlt Pearl Steam Mill; CANAL BASIN, ALLEGHENY CITY, ■ ; * ’ (ireiß ra* aiiinoan mnoH.) FAMILIES will be OTpplied-withcurvartous grades of t :,PRESU QROCNDFLOCK, By leaving tbelrordersattbeMlirofitt our boxbs at - : Logan, Wflson AOx. Wood street,orßraun A Reiter,cor ner yberty imd fit. Clair streets; Pittsburgh., . : < H.P. Schwarts,or JiT.fismnleiDruggtsts,Allegheny. ,' Flourwllfb© delivered to Camilles laeither of tho two cities... Teams r- CASIT on delivery. ; ’\ v |y29 BRYAN, KENNEDY & CO.- ENGINEERS’ STATIONEBY AVAHEUOUBE. W. 8. HAVES, - CoaKxn or Manstr ABn Seeosn Stoxets. A LVTATS ON HAND, & large-and well selected stock **- A Whatman’aDrawing Papers, all sizes; " - Drawing Paper lutoUs, various widths; ■ . Draughting Feutils; - • Mathematical Instruments; Tape lines; India Rubber; -.5 Held Boohs; • „ «. -•• ' Profile Papers; i■’ • ~ ■ Cress Section Papers, Protractor Papers; And all articles .'of: Stationery used Civil Engineer* ' .fig-Lovel, Transit, Tonffipraphy and Iteeord'Booka made to order—rulod to any pattern, required. . - sept ’ jfcv thankfol to the'publfo for past ventures to so licit a continuance of the same for bla present enterpnsor; the establishmentof ohd within the dty.fcr the aocomfciodatltnr;of his castomers, ana all who wi«h tohavereallygoodHonr.pxire ground Spices, Ae-Ac. - . xhe sttenttoa of Families, Merchants and, others, Is invi fceda snd all I ash isrthat they wili givetaea trial. - f. a, DitAYO,No. 1 Diamond. N . R— Ail arficlea taken hack if not found good, and the noneyjretume&° ~ iJS • .*■ r. . • .- .■ marlft >. XkATKNT PKUITOtOoo for;Sake rpHU pßiNTm.JfflXAraasHMßN^^ x 'X' thb CarrolltoztPlcaynuels fDr-salc; ”It: Is -prtntat in CarreUtmwtheodunty.seatcfCarrol! county,'.at thatenal .! muorths Cunoll Branch «llhoC.’A iToßhffJhJ; triousjpractleal prtutmvthisoflers an opening or a coiraiTtp BMaUvßlfliood. easy, apply to . norSdAw P. 8. OABUS, j ■ . y 'i *' -V" ’ ’ . ■ ■; . .. ■ TV' -" s v ’-‘-r* V.* ■ e sV‘- •/agy," i ‘. •, . y /- '*‘i jCarte&s Spanish V®S®s*^Wi*c. •TUB GREAT PDRIMEK Ol' TIIB BtOOIT. kot a tumcix or mracrstw it- , ’ , \-.\k N IHVAWJABLKrRBMB!>Y- FOaSOROFDXA, JSfDgftf EvUi'Uboutofttlaw, ObBUi»At& Cotanooaff Eroptlrms, on ’ tto • Faiie* IHolcbeatßflUffi flor® Bw& Bifi£:Vontf of-Tcttof, S<f fin4.^aiEtBant'!cajKlJoint*; Stubtwi’ni Ulceri!, Bypnl* Sphwl tuUnfr . cs^«iMajtJrcmiii^i^ttdlcio l is !QS< >9f / sl ercUl 7> XCafru v: 1 r -- “• , - y r XM»,nlrawo Maficto,?wblcls3Ma tewantHjeleteited for ui R - number. of, cxtTaoriiimcfy cnr«3 effected thriu glr its tt t :lb*u*gCT]s of their friencbv to differ it .to tbeiruWie, tfMdCi thet do with • tjiatumost confidence, tnita JyyiUto properilQS,;.\l}je following cert! fitates^ jetted front *'Jnrgfl. the j: Endian* .fr^^.feoritlemCTKWeU Many thotdtyofKi£l«ion(3,To- •■'-■■•.■';• P. yIIOtDBN. JSiqyof .the ExcbangoUotefc lUcbpottif, known,' rays lid bas soeitthe auultire ealirtl Parlors SpaoMhi.Mistprgadiafaiifttmd in \ tiiat be Ihaa botigUt'upvaraff Of flny bottles, which he, has given i away to the afflicted.‘Mr.Ewfesajahn basnorer fenownlt .> i to1&n, wbeu taken according fbdirections. ■..■■;•■-■ I Dr. MISQE, a practising. physician,and formerly of ibo CityHotelVln the city of Bichmciridj.snys liobaa * 1n orioninber of Instances the effects of Carters Spanish,. Mixtutt, - 'WW6h were most truly surprising.' lie soya in ft i . case of Consumption, dependent on tho Liver, the good «f- . fbetrvrerfrwooderfoHndeed. "• ’■ ’BAMUIBJj Ma DRTNKISBv of the firm of Driofeer i Jlop- : tbi, Blcbrnradi was cured of UVer ,Complaint of eight years ; fctanflliigijby-the use of two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture*’ , j ' i the Rich* inond Republican bad: ft ,servant employed in their .pres? room, violent,‘Ecnffblov-Combined . tiring wtde&tfaujrely disabled Kimfromwork; ; : Two bottle* 6f « perfect caTebth’m, And the Kdltorft,ip it public nmlew* shy they "cheerfully • commenditto jklV-who areaffilcted with any .disease of - the , [i Y OTtW A^MItEaOTBE>OF EOUOFULA>-T k»4 ft Very L Valuable boy cursdof Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. , I*l consider It truly: ft vainnbld medicine.; - •'T" * ■ *»>• i-■■■*. r-v r ' JAUB&'Bff TArtbß* ■ • 7 CqgductoTpnlhe.B.F.aodP..E. R;Co.< Rlchtnono. To. BAIT iIUE£ff6fcTWESCT VIiinsSTANT)!NO CDUEB^ "JOHN- I XUOMPSOKjreridiatc iu ihcfcity cf Iclcbtnond,, J ,by three ,CarteT’B-BpatiishEHxtur«vof gait RbCutn, wfalrh ha haJ ncarly twenty yearMitid which •: all the t>hy*tclanfl of the city could. not corn. - Mr. Tbnrap* Sdaisawcll anownmorchant in thocity afJUchinond, Y*., - and his cure ia most remarkable.'. : f of lUcbmond* bade servant cured ©i SyptiTllaifu for?i r by Carter’s Spanish MUttiro. ifo says be cheerfully recommends: it, and consldersft an invaluable nwlMne. r . • • ;: . - EICffABDE. WEST, of chiDOtitl, Taa cured of Scrofu la and ; whatphyslelaiis call conCrmctl Com;umpUon,by .•••■■ ■tliree^otilpsor.CarterflSpanish. Mixture. .... BP?*TON, cominlfsionerof tho.roTp.uooj fratß < bfftniSEO^Qthagoodiffe-jtsofCnrtcr'flSpiiiJßh-ilistareiu.^ a Syphilitic C4ses,and says it ia a pcrfeit cum ■tot thatborriblo'dlsease.. * WM;G: UAH WOOD, of Blcbmand, cured of Old Soros end v "■.. Dice#, Tblcb disabled hlratrom walking- Took afew bct- • - tlrs Of Carter's'Spani*frMixture^and. was eoablcd to. Talk v williouii : crutd& Vta a abort time oCTmanemly cured/.'. Mncipal DepotftiM»HABl>,CEOSR * CO* No. 83 Malden . Lane,New York. «• '• *• ' . T. YV.DYOXT i SONS,No, 132 North 2d at, Philadelphia. T BENNETT&BfcEBS, N0;125.H&1n street; Richmond, Ya; - And for sale by.B. A. PAHNRSTOCK A COs,lj. • ■Jr^AOOii Al^heny; and mi ' iimSß’S COJIPOUSD SVRtP Ot' liEt \ , low DOCK HOOT. mmfl fa ft purely Vegetable Compoimtf. scientifically pro* ~ ; J_> pUred (nm ue best roots and ;befbs ©ftbo Materia • Me4lca, and bos gained unjonrltaUcd reputation for the i bbootSming’ and btsehothrothg the..liveb,. andDwssnvi Oboahs,and els, and thus euringrall Bilious ‘Diseases, LiverCoraplainlp. ...; Piles, Headache* Fever ( > and ■Nansctti.XceajorAppetite, ;. and support every part* v > /’. ’ -PTmiFYiNQ THE BtOOD, ancEUitu poring all BcTofiH . lai'fibJtEhenro. &yelpolas, Scald CankHT, Pimples on . the |ice,'BlOtclzefl, Ulcers, Ttunors, Mercurial Disease, Can- ■ i'cer4&&, Ae.' • ■ _■ ■ ■■■■•■•■ j : I . BEOUIATIHO TUB BBCBETOBY OBOABS, | andhy enabling, them. to perform their proporfunctions, and. earing many pninfaL and-dangcroua dis ease stren gtfc eul eg and quieting the Nervous System, thus • allaying. Nertdus and curing all diseases of the NerTesfwHjsterfcuNeuralgia, Cramps* Ac. ItlsnnrivaUed, ••!•■. COMPLAINTS, as Weakness, • General lrregularity, Obstructions, Swelling of the ilfedt;. limbs*? Joints, caused by weakness; also* - * lUmganl TbroutComplaintß»a3 Colds, -Coughs, Asthma, . Consumptioiij&cyalso, Dropsy. r- Having made tea of the Compound Syrup of Yellow Does E6ol prepared by C. Horae 4 Co, eltheroursolves,orlnour, &mtiles,'afld findfcg ii to bo a very salutary and .olEectual ,;; ;: prephratibh; wff do mwt <|hoerftiHy recommend It to thepob-. r -. , Ue'asa Yery valuable medicine* ••- ‘ ,B.lßCFarnejl&q.yCashierNtttlopalllank,Providcnce,B.l.s, v . -A W.Swncfir,lisa.,Cashier LimeKock Dank, do. Rev, - :TcntUwt PMtHnßi:iteia J. B: Itichmond. C. 8. Junes,eil>toi ; ,- : : :prov^nfe6en/Aavty i, \?imam Field, M.W. G. M, Cyrus o: . '‘Flab&r, M,E.IL P_ James Hutchinson, 0. &, Dea. V. J. ifcte&Doct: BenjnColßy, and one hundred others.of the orProvidonco.: . . - > ; This Certifies tbat l-bave ibr -tk number of years becuao . /:. ■ uuinted the composition and moda of manufacture ot OOHPOUNPI fiVBCP OP YBIXOW DOCK ROOT ' Ihavealso b«m acquainted VfTih Ita BioJui.opcrondi in lia- . ease/andcin say ttnkln altreisiiectait is .admirably ealeu-. .*» , latedito remedy that clasß of Disease for which it vras ue i slgued. It Is espedaHy TaluablelhlriDlCESTlON and all. ; I'ltfl aitcDdant symptomij It excite to healthy action .the r L uVEK, removes Torpor, andi nactivity ORGAN,and - r . r healthy action In all the system. As a ,DEiTJ*, , EATOIU or purifier of the Bloody gngrior.^ ” f Ppiridfnce, &X,Jan.4,lßs3*V . ••: 't&i Predated by 0. MORSE* CO-'No. 44GBroadway, New liurluand sold- by Druggist* and others, throughout „ t> , thla and other eduntried'•"■■>'■•■. JOEL MOULEBrrAgenr, •aprZTdy .< '< Httebunth, Pa. , ; DB. DE LANEY’S i • ■' • , ' CELEBRATED CURATIVE instrument/ Tte vtov Infallible Curt Jot Vial Dreadful Di&eau kvmon u«, OPERMATORRiIEA OB INVOLUNTARY NOCTURNAL 0 K>n fiKTONa, w>~harrfligdpg and destructive, and prodoc? . , live of so much xaUcfifcf to,tho system, Ineaporita* thigThftirmn for business, society aad matrimony.;, • : . r > . f • r-- -••This InSCruiaent ifl fliinple, fcomprebenalve and never’, , rutty beuaedwithcrcit the -allghtcst Ineon- Tialeiice or the knowledge;-of thtf mUst Intimate friend...... .... i Ills -to twdndßgn»T>ala-or Injury. •, 1 whatever, nonproven ting - anyone -from attending ,to ; „ ftQdwhileinjitenotgrfapferttiarioocantako place. ineigvfv^ffVievTffi tn»,i»a tlwtt time, totucfi an 1 txr; &ntf/»ptfVy ftgTEgnt>y r tLO'- - loss ofFwhiclij caused fey early abuse, la the disease In ques* tfan.ahdtheesnseof thethousandamnomltantwmplainta ; 4-*]a: i Nervousness, -prostration^-Dyspepsia* Fain In the ,; Head and -Diinxiess of . Vislon» Wealaiesß of tbff Back ana Lower 3ixtremUles,,Aff9cUocsof the Ejcfl,lm?at ’ Office* bourB,doily,-fKim S> A. M. from 7 to_ 8 P.M.ltlp-Babbaith excepted. . - undersigned certify, with great pleasure, that the above Mentioned Instrument is not only constructed on sci entific prlndpleA but thatfrom Us use the happiest results confidence,.be.anUeipatcdj therobelng, for the cure of those diseases, no other certain remedy extant. HENRY 8. KELLER* ALD., CH. GOETZE,M. D-96 Chambers bu,. ECKHARI)T,iI-, i>, 24 Howard at, NEW YORK. itaudred Worms Kxp«Ued. *f>EAD Iho following statement from respectable drag- . ft, gists. of ; tho’ surprising" effects of B, A. FAUNES- , OCK’S UNEQUALLED VERMIFUGE 4 • •. \ ; • . Godsjisbcrg, January 15 r 1853*' . ZUun. S. J, f\ifrneitock-..■ lernooni of tho someday she. passed at one time SEVEN THS, knd 'at anothei-KINEXEIiN TVOUMB. -About two , - o’clftte the! olio whig night, she passed the incredible num- EIVB IHLNBRKD AND TWENTY*ONK, making In ; ■ all five hundredaud fifty-eoren, in less than tweiro hours*. .. time- He sold they Were perfectly astonished-at each a • maps of worms from, a child of her age, and that ho counted . them accurately. -v VeTyreppectfully, -' • JESTNER A RANDALL, Dragglslß.7 . Sold ■Wholesale and’retail by all tbiTprlntfpal druggists. ■.l and country merchants tbronghouttho United States;*. Prepared and sold by B. A. FAIINESTOCK.& CO., comer • of: Wood and First streets, Pittsburgh. *ho?Sl J r ’\AritUli Ollr—lO bblAr purc In Eiore and for pal oby if , . •«. 'FLEMINGBRO3., - ‘ 'i:T -'. : ' SncccssbTi 'to J. .Kidd k al»sy;.. : - VLEMISq MIPS. \ir AItOUATiO bO'uilJ>Asl SCE.'IAPPS.—6O ■Yy doreo Wolfb'i AroEUlly Setaltlam Ek'bnaj'l'S for i:alo wholesale or retail, at --• 1 4 oct29 1 • : KEYSEIt’S Drug Store, 140 Wood street# • ceroens s. I\, for ealo by - I \ D. A FAHNESTOCK 4 CO., • nor 2 > : ■ cor. Wood nod frrrst street.- Y bWa Americas; • ■I M : 2caiiTts French; , •.•-,•■ BSpSi -RA. FAHNESTOCK 4CO TAKtAU*-2S bbla forwarded for sole by (j p. a, FAHMeaiorK a co> >•: .v j Wwwtl?* CongrsH Inkv JTUJIB INK la prepared by a purely chemical process* and .. "JL 1b tPdmtn&d to cmxtaintWiivg.ttvuriov* Uis wi4 when first .need, bat by nxposure. ta th» air bo* tcmiragrbdaifly of Aiaost intenw and permanent black* < For Eftio in fcottMS of Tarionii sis* by wholesalo or retail, at I <>-fopB ' j .■ W.B*!b‘Tl!R , S I BattoaßyWff use, Moricot stiwSt, corner of 24* ■*’< ■» ' t - ■' \ > •"V I >,X •"* • . • • . in etoroaqd for sab) - FLEMINQ 81108. ;"tyeitereU’e" juat received aod FLEMING BROS, Successors to -J; Kidd A.C°-* >; ' . ‘6Q Wood street.. erosa,® superior quality, in fitori faoTll) * LEMING -PROS. Ml- ■