—• , : I-.'--. ; \' - \.,y~v. v >'’ '•»< y :: 'j *?* w ',n* , \'' '<•'■' s-,' 5 ( - j > .'. '“L** *LVVv.''V 1 '?.' v h ; vy ’''\v' . ■ v ';t !®c WC V/Vyy ■- , - -.-- -. . ■ W : ; ;. v' ;.V?y;. •'V’''yV' '• '■''"-.'^V: ; ' - -• ’; '■■• yy : V:;y --l Vr - >;.';/'Y: :-Y /:' v:..- . 5 .:' ..';' . ..' •:-.' ■-. -VI •■ ~Vr: -r— - ■'Y": 1 - Y'Y-v-,.-' '-.'VY ;; yy -O'::-- -:Y" AyYyy-''.YYYy'V ; .;-Y;Y ■■ : --■> /. ‘ -' : : r': ■', y ■■ V,\ fs. -TV - . ti„'• :y*> ,-• rv<%..£V;Vlr«ui I^l r •>*■£* *,■*• i..- eS’» T *r-i .v-*-..:i •«>, Eii*B "t. v* *y r •■*** r *?Jr*-o*-£• r• j * * f .'*•*%■*!. " ' .=’■: :,i; s ;!&$ \r&! ;>;v'l %‘i iVd ’ :, vi\ i r-’; 7 «Kfe r-, & , ?y t "-‘'-!* vv .■- y/A'i'y*- if. •■ * ■e 1 *•• J, l-' -j*-." f '’* 7, ,’'!■' r “t‘■; r< ixk-:.-- ■■#■% fVto^VV 1 - ■Ast-r'-S-iyyV-* *'■ t s&*&:*%&sss -v ■‘ini /■<*; {v- >*o.v* sl s*’ vfr. i f= - * : 'Vv.! iiSSn* ,I'Vp JVS *VrT *1 'i t •. .".< *•• Imllllt jsst^Kvß IOBML ^s’ v '-- *■ ’. '.*■*'■“.■•’ rf ? is u i* -,'lr-V' . -/V-;.. *uy&&*y*&*;" . ym ■« .v;^>f - v ’ :; >. * <- *;££ \ ' - ■ • ijfel m CLOTHING. mHE subscriber lll friondsuDd JpHbopublic, that ho lies reimi'«iJr™W- <>^^ Smrhit street, to the SEW IBoymgT stoke,™ • -*5-EUITII-STUEET,. Immcibotc'y..opposiw “““ ' wheat heis now iSStoSSI ClS ltatoU" “‘1 •• ita«bowlng l ° ? ev«y article or Oolliloß In tboolatcst and mo^ fl S l ? 1 i 0 r n owoli3' l l C osuh3crilicr oSTere for side Ins com- TO X Driuhlitlng, so' favorably fcnown ■ SlritoenSy of . ads V- SuSSMsewhoreVut tire following prices, vU:: - r*S{jL -inKtriKlionß, .$10,00; without instructions, $7,00. toramcEsrul .Iraugbttng.fonvanlirftoMrpnrtortholJmU-d 'WST2B Ko. 45 Fifth street. opposite the TlieMra. _ ■’■ SiUHUKL. UlliVV, _ w Tio™ A ITJLDTXGS, G E ra™L;.ci;’"^ s «Nbh‘: fed’OVEMOWINQ.oX latoUles. Selected f ,.re^J lidnne under Ills own supervision. ... “ ■ cTOT H I IsTG_ s T o R E ! TOilN M’CLOSIvEY & CO., >•! vUv/Xlljl hj-V'TT iftnriciQtblnff Depot on liberty ' ' T?°?S a 2f t teb Sswnn A tfr nEK 810 DOOHS, have, for the pur . . otuo nswof the' Tor tbeir Immense business, .. PP g ou the corn or of r emorcdmftesi«ie^bu, AN g BKETi ■ Where thoy hate now the woßt_ . ... SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! . ready made clothing, «»» trade! PRICES! 4nd ihry Will warrant them to bo as good ns any rnanu- WO RK, ■ n 'm msi imt, ts» eras tbs sboktest sotice. ■ Tlrny hand a fall and beautiful assortment of CLOTHS and COATINGS, tor _ rvnqiT. FROCKS, DRESS. WALKING AND -BUS! NESS COATS. ' 4 Our Inlorcdsaro Identical with those of onr cnatomers, knd wo assnro tho public that onr fidelity will not fail in .'Wo. §§ W«od Street, fEABT SIDE;) COIISKII OP'MAMOHD AMJET. ■ w'n We Jcslroour patronstounderstandthatweba e no lonir any connection with the Clothing Business on Klirtfatront Our attention is dovotod oaclnsirely to tho Soayoijhore tlealfinatcd. , onil mxBASKCT* CO. dry goo £j-v iti.Tp AND 11KTAIL .DEAIEB9 jOF p ALLEGHENY CiTY AND Cf^ T } V n ORKlii} & CO., Importers & W bolero De&orf . Eonrfro*mdDomesdc Dry Good* and Varieties, j dooe Som ibo Nortb*wePt corner or Wood at. And Diamond tho-£nlargnncnt ©f , thoir occupied Ware Rnoms. are now j. Sthe iScit and Ixwt aUxXof DRYGOODS audYAKJE- 5 TIKS thfT have ever harctolorcexhibiteil toiba j SSa’-aod on €xnmlnfttl m; will be found to bo unsurpassed »■ • |JSj2h"r.Uott»eor-ttD Kn*i*t*o<*s™*™™**l j So partners is generally in tbo. EKflturo Cities ; ' baßinww tteosanL barchanin'* cheap barpalus, adapted to , tto!rltUburgb and MVsU-rn Trade, we will t* ableto affc. Inducements to our old customer?, and purcha^erfl atock of Dry Goods consists In part of the follow ; in* leading articles, tix: ; S a perl or Broad Cloths; • • ... i ■^s-,pilot and Petcrdmm do; . N—yaucT Caarltnercs, Tw«d« and Satlnotls; > Jeans Fancy Testings and Corduroys; j . Flannels, Tickings and Vest Paddlngt?' ' Brown and Blo&chod Muslins, anil Irh-b Linens, Foreign and DometthOtogbsm*: • - • . Alpacas, Morions, Coburg Cloths, anil Brosa Silks, H»v Binto nail Ernarlie ehnwls: ~ , ' Woolen Comforts and HMdkeicliiefs. The following oomprifo a port of the gooorol stock oi TCl Btttto’ns. Combs, Thread J and . Hoslerr. Qlorck, Bibbons, anil Black Silk * cits • LaoaGoods. Jaconetts. Mull and CambrickMufUns. Fancy NeltiDg?. and Millinery goods generally. Also—A assortment ofTabloCutlory.PockotknlTe:, Scis-mr? ofour can Importation. Perfumery, Fatcnt Medicines, together with a splendid “£'?T t “ 0 ?«n[ Qcld ana GIU Jewelry, of the latest, patterns; Gold and Ol Ter Witches; Watch materials M alch gliKcs. tenrire stock of SO hour and 8 day Brar’aClockß.of ayarh-ty ' ofhatterns. All or which will he rold on the mo*, aecom to‘siye>,a call.bcfoto porcha-sius a co - —— - • HffW • SEGOM* ARRIVAL OK _ rwlTlc ' t , 'fjll.X, AND WINTER DRI COODSt. The Cheapest Goods oj the Smm • . Yatjsq sTEYKUriW fc I<‘ Hunt*. , „ PronelrMerino?. Caslimeres, Coburg, Alpacas, nod parr *' mattas. all colon and qualities. D»» B*gea, and high colored DeLainr-saU qualities. . FulUud iTiuicr Sliavrls, of.every d«»rcnption. - Lon? and Square Brocbe and Plaid Sbawla. iMntad Cacbmera and plain Tulb'ftuo. I Prints, from «« «*■ «P -' WSSSSSSSS^S^t^^W^ iSn Sheeting, Pillow .Linen*, TaM* Cloths, and Nap kins Diaper, and CraratS c h??P , _, nrlrtVP* HOSIERY- SUSPENDERS. ttnt ' CRAVATS. We“ ould reTpSaliy rolldt an early call from both -,bol Jandreiail buyer;, flatteries; ran accommodate all who may furor us with tbiir patron ap>,.on most liberal gTRVFiN ,o S i T.OVr.. at THE oJrich"0 J rich" A F'b KE •HIV E, . SFW SiSS.«i b»y tb“"erl,erelof',r' ' youko, etetttnson a tow- sEL L l NJ3 OFF. GREAT CHANCES FOBS IB ASKS I TjitelT purchased Intho Kast, from the Manufacturers eel which, tor variety, ftylo and duality, are unsur AND BROSSKL? , Otmiendld. design?. selected ciV rt " F b fi - r .ojtr_CM>.'^ r ‘ f prices than would now rover the cost of EXTRA and FCPER. TUREB-W.Y CXlt- the most celebrated manufactories In the SdShS s ; color? warranted. Ingrain Carpets of all •£2uSSvi»n!ti-*n Hall ard Ftair Carpets; Wool and Hemp S£& SSStI? £stb«%fltH ft large mrtmenfc of Oil SSaSI-u2E live* Matting- Table and Mono Cover*, &c. C Ttecolbe S -Ul Tritely be sold the present era aon. to raako room for other gcous ueaPLY A CO dcfS WM. A. M UL.uTT(T, dealer, is . Fine Teas, Choice Saintly Grocones and willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., tuiin** V*. PITTSBURGH. PA. •» fttiAw woeWloiralarge oasortmeot of MlfchE GOODS, 1 in addition to his already extensive etoc*, from first hands in the Eastern markets, which, will bo sold femme., bujlog by th. ' - nrri'n«.imdttt^»Yß.BngslK’,Slclsh»ma SSSTtafertMrvoTlons styles of finish and Pn>P°r«™; with strict regard to durability a dent that all who favor them with tboir patronage, will be Tjerfectlv ratified on trial of their work. _ - are requested to give ub a puMha flair elsewhere. "■ ' CAHUIAttHIS POtt SAIiB* THE undersigned has justreceivcd athis r-ctsv TO CARRIAGE WARKIIOUSK, near tho Two Mil* Ran, between Pittsburgh *nd Lawrcnceville, a splendid .assortment, TiJr ofTEHICLiISi of er«ry description, And. will continue to vMfIITO regularly*new and. second band Camagti, Sulkies, Buaaiti dfc-, which he will sell on tbo very lowest terms for : eash Having had twelve year* pract ice in the business, and with hlawell known facilities m the Lost, he flatters himself toVarcSt'-i: arc rcßpMtfulljr invited to call -^EftS/alaidrtomSattention paid to ropalrlceof Cant .eSSUnvWwVI dOSKPa WHITE. ju.VKIiV STAktltto, Ocrmcr ° ni Diamond atlty lllBundorsignod haviDg added largely to bia * mStC stork- is now prepared to noromrnodato the public with tbo finest Buggies, and best llorBes,botk for 'aonUemok wishing to harehorses Sit affllierv will find superior aocoinmodntlans for them -W- ks — LfgerfW , .Am. innrnulß Day Books, - : SshW., Vcelptßooke, Doi-kola. or nry dcscrlp ,lm, or BLAVU BOOKS MARK TO ORDER at short notice, ofthomost superior quality or paper, boun.l In my stylo Book, ,W on handSd f«>r salu nt low rates, consisting of Cap, Demy a»J Modirnn work. In all stylos of binding. The trade sapplledon Ilbctal jjAVFK, Blank Book Manufacturer, * Corner of Market and Second strew ts. Revolver*l BcvoiverU; Jitct rrrPTTED— By E*pre?s.direct from the mftnufcu'* «ilcßdia efrottment of 0011,0 Bopcatlnjp Pis* t ?^iJn P lW?hP.bMTnI. nllof wWchTro will soil for *° l *> Viiirai thev can bebowtbt In the city of hew >orfe. w li &n lo “ Australia or California, wdl find that they pnrchoslnc their oquippage at home, than .can do better * — ft gtM nersonß a chance to fymgUmjUy. end 4S; i wnir»i>Utiro > 4 TmETj 18S Wood street, Pittsburgh. TRANSPORTATION. CLUVLLAJSd, A.N p OUTTSBTJRGH .... luaiioiU). CtfAiGE f )V TIJIfI. O'S trad nfterMOSI)A3V-jr3l EXPRESS TRAIN ic!ivi?3 Cleveland at 3.00 P M for anee, ,stoppins : at Hudson, Earlville and Ravenna only leavesOleyoland for Esvenlpa amt interned late Stations at 7.45,and arrivoat Rarennaat ats P M-.. Two through Trains: from Cleveland to.Pltts liurgii daily. ~K TUnSIKO : . , ' _T?vpT?jic3 jn a IN-leaves'Alliance for'Clevelond-at 12«30 atLh£, Ravenna, EatlvlUe and Hudson Lii-31 it Clc,U a SaAt2iur Me TbeMailTraioof Ohio und Fi-nna. Railroad, leaving Pittsburgh at 8.00 A 51, 1 connects with this Truin at Alliance ai-11.45 A M. _ IIEiIN leaves Welhmlte for Cleveland at 3.00 P M*stopping at all way at Alliance at 500 and Cleveland At 7.30 P M. . , ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves RaTenna for CleTc land and.intermediate.Stations at 7.15 A M—arrlve at Cleveland at 0.00 A M: Only ono through train from Pitts* hutch toClcveland dally.. . * , _•■ • . . . CONNECTIONS.—MaiI Train from Cleveland connects at Alliance with tbo Malt Train of. Ohio and Peona. IE R. for Canton, Massillon and Wooster; also for Salem and. Pitts burgh, arriving at Pittsburgh at 4.45 P M. : I&pW.w Train from Cleveland, and Mail Tram from , WcUsvilte,both’ connect at Alliance at 5.00 P 51 with -the Kspress Train of 0.-v P. It, for. Pittsburgh—arriving at Pittsborglvat 8.15 P M. • ... .. . Ml , ( - Express Tram from Alliance connects with the. 8.00 A M Train of O.&P. H. from Pittsburgh. ’ .• I‘aßsengers leaving Pittsburgh on the 8.00 A M Train ar rive at Cleveland at 2.40 P M, and connect with the follow*, iug trains East, Weat and South. • _ _ Clkvet-ind aM> Toledo,--Trains leaving at 3.00 PSI for Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago and the North West, arriving at Toledo at 7.55 P M and Chicago next morning at < 00— time through from Pittsburgh to Chicago being loss than 24 hours. ■ , , , . , Columbus AxnCnrcrN'KATL—Trains leaving at 2 50 P M and 8.30 P M for .Columbus, Cincinnati, Gallon, Dayton, Indianapolis and all stations on the BcUefonlaino and Indiana Railroad. t . .. . CLEVTtann am> Eatt.—Train* leaving at 4.45 P 31 and 9 00 P M for Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo and New York. The Trains couuect both ways with'the C. 7«. A C. R. IE nt Hudson for Cuyahoga Falls, Akron and Clinton at Bayard with tha Railroad forCarrollton, Minerva and Waynesburg. : Tickets through to Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Lasulle and : Freeport ctm be obtained at this ofllcc. . - . are requested U procure their tickets at the Coinpnny’aOf3co, nf JOHN A.CAUGJJEY* Agent, nr.vlS Monongahela lloow, Water st.. Pittsburgh. OHIO ASD PENHSYIiVAMA EAILHOAD, New Arrangement, COMMENCING AUGUST 8, 180'S EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at C o’clock, A 3!} ‘stops only nt the principal Station*, ami dines’ntCrest lim* at 1.80 P M.arriving at Cincinnati In the evening, via Columbus and Xenia. , , . Faro from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, si, t o; to Columbus, TRAIN lea ves Pittsburgh at 8.80 AM; dines at A - Banco; and reaches Crestliue at 0.00 P H, connecting with ; tho Nl’bt Train to Columbus and Cincinnati, and with the , UeUcfontftine nnd Railroad for Payton, Indlannpo ilisTerro Haute, nud towns in Indiana. Connections arc | in ado at Alliance" by Railroad with Ravenna, Hudson and ; Cleveland. ■ . PaTO from rilUburgU to Cleveland, $4.00. S Connections are raada M Mansfield by Railroad with [dusky CUy, Mansfield, Mount Vernon, Newark and lute* f to SiradtißkyCayV?3 ( Mi lo "Newark, $4,5°! to Zanw-’ are niftdo with Detroit and Chicago, both by !Cleveland and Sandusky City. Passengers who leave Pitta- Ibargh in the Mail Train at f 1.30 A M. go directly by Mans ifield and Sandusky City to Detroit, without detention, i Faro to Detroit, ,0.00; In Chicago, $ll,OO. ! • ketbrningj . ! \ THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Crestline nt 1.00 P M, i Mansfield at 1-40 P M, and Alliance at 0.00 P M, and reoeb- ut S.IG P M, connecting with the Express !Train to Philadelphia and Baltimore, which leave* litts- P. M* - " . „ ■ Time from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, MJ£ hours. Fare, ’57,75. Fare from Cincinnati to Philadelphia or Baltimore, TRAIN leaves Crestline at 7, A M; dines at AB liun.ee: connects with Express Train from Cleveland, and arrives at Pittsburgh at f). P M. SIF.W BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN letrn* Pittsburgh at 10 A M and 4.45 P M, aud New Brighton at , A M and 1 1' M. Excursion tickets, $1; quarterly tickets at reduced ratea. .... FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 0.00 A M, and ar rives at 4.50, P M. *•• Passenger* an' requested to procure Tickets attna ComuuDT’f* Ofilce, ut On*. Federal Street Station, of vv 3 , tiKORGE PAIUUN, Ticket Agent. The Trains do not run on Sunday. Further information may be obtained of « U r,s JOHN KF.ELV. Passenger Agent. WINTEU AEBANGEHEHTB TIIB KAIIj ROAD. ritmi }'ast Mnll Train Mill leave the? Passenger Station on I Liberty slnvt every morning at 1> o’clock, sloppiu? nt ill thn regular stations on the road, and nmnog ui Philadelphia the uezt morning ut T o' clock, connecting vitb tbc trains.dir**d to New York, also cnuocctms nt Hams i.urff with the trains for, and writing in Baltimore at 7 o’- clock, A. M. , . The Kxpre?* Train leave* the station every evening et y.;».) oVic- k. flopping at all the regular stations, and con uectiogwith trains fir Baltimore, and arriving in Phltedd i.liit or Baltimore ot S M. Fare to Philadelphia, $9,50; Fare to Baltimore, $9. Hog'gac« checked to all station* on the Pennsylvania IlaU rdidaml to Philadelphia and Baltimore. The Accommodation Train will leave every afternoon ot | :».25 o'clock, stopping at all regular stations, and running only as far as Lalrob*. , , . , .... Kotnrnitig trains arrive ift Pittsburgh at 5.10, anu So clock, A. M., and 7.25 P. M. Passengers purchasing tickets In caw, will becharged ttj* csjrrsin addition to thu station rates, except from stntlous where the Company hare no agent. \o notes of a lo« denomination than five dollars sr HI be received in payment for ticket?, except those Imoml by tin* hanks of Penney-vanio. JIZS~ Notice.—-In case of lost?, the Company will hold them mdves' responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. , , . N. U.— : The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to conyev nnd bnggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 12U cents for each passenger, and Y2\4 cent* for each trunk. . Far tickets apply to rcu. P'ixpcngrr. £rprezg. L<*av»* £ao P M Mt. Vernon 5.»5 u 10.10 G 4 | Manefiold Junction..*.. 7.20 “ 12.10 P M 810 “ | Sbelhv Junction 7.15 “ l- “ h *36 I MoDroevxlle-Junction.. 9.15 3.10 1«).«0 I Reach Sandw*ky -.10.00 ** 3 ** 11-o*. I Connecting at Sandusky with Mad River and Lake brie, and “Northern Division Cleveland an.l Toledo 3-illrnads. At Monroeville, with Trains o« “Southern Division Cleveland and Toledo U. IL, for Cleveland, Toledo, Ac. At Shelbv Junction, with Cleveland, Columbus and Cin cinnati Railroad. . At'Mansfield Junction, with Ohio fend Pennsylvania Railroad tor Pittsburgh. . „ ... I At Newark, with Central X)bto Railroad for Zanesville, | ThR arrangement of Trams completed the lino of direct comroufiiontlim between the East and "Great Amtft-tTut. Passengers from Philadelphia nml Baltimore, destined for the Went proceed, directly on their arrival at Pittsburgh, by Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad m Mansfield. Thence to Monroeville, where con-ecdou U raado linmnniatcly for Toledo, Chicago, and interitmiiato places—affording d route unrivalled for safety, certaluty and despatch. Connection is also made with all the Trains on the Ohio audJ'enoFjlTuma Railroad at Mancfleld, by which passen gers from Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Ssndusky, Zanwmlte, Newark- and Columbus, proceed to Pittsburgh, Philadel phia and ltaUimor*. without delay. . „ , , Uy this route, passengers taking the early Train from Zanesville- Columbus Newark, Ac., can go lu Toledo, bau dusky or Cleveland, remain in either pladu some four hours, and return home Fame day. _ ... THROUGH. TICKETS to bo had at tbe different Stations, for the above named places. ... •T. It. ROBINSON, Superint t. Sandusky. November. Ihfto. [notShorn - ) Pennsylvania liallrond Company. WR are forwarding l*roduco, Ac., to Baltimore anil Phila delphia, promptly, on receipt. Time, Five Days. RATH) 0? FItnQUT. ! Bacon. Pork and Beef, (salt«nl 3 ) 46c, lOOlbfl. On Lard, Lard Oil, Tallow, Cotton, Window Gloss, 60c. v? Cheese, Earthenware, Leather, L#af Tobacco, COe lOOlbs- On Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Bristles, Clover and Timothy Seed 70c o>- On Deer Skin*, Hemp, Flax, and Eggs, 70c. ® lOOlbs. On Feathers, Furs, Peltry, Brooms and Merchandize, Me. tgUOO&R. : v On Flour, 87 barrel. • - • v - We - ore also prepared to forward freight to Rodebaughs Station. near Ummsbure. ami intermediate Stations. • p * COVODE & GRAHAM, Agents, corner of Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. 11. IT. HOUSTON, Agent, t_og 2?t> Market-street, Philadelphia. TiEN N*Yl V AN IA It A fBROAD.-W ixTEti Tamri- hktwueh I - PifTßUUrail- PnitADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Fir r t Ch'S -Eggs- Feathers, Merchandise, Furs, 00 cents "CfeS;—Apples and peaches (dried,) Beesw«, HriKtlea Buffalo. Bear, and Door bktns, Clover and Timothy Seed- Glassware, 'Ginseng, Rap?, Sheep Pelts 7jcJ?. 100 lbs. Third C7ar*.—Apples (green.) Bran and Ship Stuff, Bacon imd Pork. (loose.) Butter, Hides, Hogs Hair, Hemp and Flax, Leather (Eastward.) 05c H 100 lbs. fourth Class. —Alcohol, Bneon (in casks or boxw.) Barley and Malt. Beef and Pork (pickled or salted,) packed Candle*, .■"S' a"*- 0 ** 8 SE ; proclamation. By virtue of a precept under the bands of Win. B. McClure l*re«ident of tbo Court of Common Pleas, in and for tbo 6th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Jus-, tieo of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in and for said'District, and William Boggs and Gabriel Ailnm*. Esqju, AssociatoJudgcsof tbe namo County, in and for tho County of Allegheny, dated tbo 10th day of November, in tho year of our Lord on© thousand eight hun dred and fifty-three, ami to me directed, for holding ft Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at. the Court House In the city of Pittsburgh, on tbo 4th Mon day of December, at 10 o clock. A. M - ., | • Public notice is hereby given to all Justices of tho Peace, i Coroners and Constables of tho County of Allegheny, that; they be then and there, in their nipper persons, with their rolls, records, inactions, examhmtions and other remem brance?, todotkosa things siWch to their respective ofilcers, in their behalf, appears to also those that will prosecute the prisoners that noffaro, or may bo in the jail hi said County of Allegheny, to be then and there, to pros-. ecuto against them ae ehnll bo just. ■ . . - ■ ■ ■ : Given under my hand, In. Pittsburgh, tWawth.day of November, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hun _dfed hoT23 WM. MAGTTiLy Sheriff, -j INSURANCE COMPANIES. - Delaware Blutnnl'safety Co * Office. north room of the Third Sti ‘D4SURANCE.— • merchanoize and other A property, in town and country, Injured, against loss or damage'by fire, at the lowest rate of premium.' ■ "Y ; •ilvniXß IvstroAXCE.—Tboy also insure vessels, cargoes ana freight*, foreign or coastwise,'under open' or special; polices, as the assured may desire?' ■ tktj-vp TRxKapQGTATiov^—They' alas insurg merchandize trhhsportcd by wagons, railroad cars, canal boats and'steam boats, on rivers and lakes, on tfce most liberal termsi; . Directors —Joseph 11. Seal, I duiund A. Bouder, John C» Diivis, Robert'Burton, John Jl. Penrose, Samuel Edwards, George .(LLcipcr, Edward 4)arlingtoiu*laaaO:JU‘Davis,'^WU imm Folweil. John Nowlin, Dr. lU Si. Huston, Jafl.Cf Hand, llacophilus Paulding, H.Joheii. Brooks, ifenry Sloauj llugh Craig, Georg" Serrill, Spencer M’rivoin. Chjirles Kolly, J. G. Johnson, William Hay,Dr.S.Thomaa, JohnSollers, William at i\'ttf6u7^ft—-D.T.if organ, Craig, John T. Logan. William Maetix, President . .. - ' Tnos, C. Hand, Ties President. • . PUOT.EGTI.OS--:-;.: i IHSURAUCE COMPAHY, OF ■ HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, AnnualPremiumt and IVectem Fund 81,000,000. INCORPORATED 1825.. Policies of Insurance iafiued at all times on the most favora ble against - •. i. LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, . . OR TUS - PERILS OP n/VVIGATIOK, -1!V GEO. E.-ARNOLD, Aqeht FOB PITTSBURGH AXU ALLKGUEXT COVNTT. ! ■ morlO:y . . -• '-v - GOING SOUTH, Joseph W. Cottas, Secretary. - Office of tho Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh.. jolCxitf -• P. A. MADEIRA, Agont THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, 'PSSSI.AWEI.PHSA. CHARTERED APRIL B6TH, 1850. - . CfUKTEU VKUPKTOAI.. . CAPITAL $250,000. Office, S. E. Corner of Third and Chestnut ' Streets, Philadelphia. .... Officers of. Vis Borne Board ai Philadelphia: PIRECToRB. Stephen K. Crawford, Patil B. Ootldarf, . Atnbnwo W. Thompson, Lotooto Johnson, Benjamin VT. Tinglcy, Oeo- iVUauji JtwobL. Florence, James DevCTeux, William M. Godwin, William M’ivee.. President— Stephen. It. CrawfoM.. Tice President— Ambrose W,Thompson - . - Medical Examiner, Pittsburgh— James 11. Willson, M. p. AlUdhenyCily- . [ marl7:y ' . No. 74 Fonrth rtreet, Mttsbnrgh. TLe Franlilln Fire Inaurarice Company, Of rhUadeJphia, Pcmoylttinla.' _ DIRECTORS— Charles W. Bancker, Thomas Hart. Tobias Wagner, Fomuel Grant. Jacob R. huuth? Geo. W.llich tirdfi, Monlccai D. Lewis, Adolphl K- llorie, David H. Browne, Morris Patterson. , Cuas. N. PresidcnL CiLiß, G. B.CJCKra, Secretary. P Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates aa low as are consistent with security. . The Company have reserved a OonUngent rtmo, which, with their capital and premiums, p&fe)y lnve£tod, ai ford ample protection to the ossurwl. •- , • - The Aascts of tho Company* on January In, 1851, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of AKscmbJy, wereajfoßowj, t«. Temporary Loans 00 ' - —jmawm. Total - tISU«9 « EJnco their incorporntlnn, a period of twenty-one y«urfl, they poitl upyranl of 000 MflHon f our Hundred Thou ,;„|J ltollare. by fire, thereby affording oTidcnre of the .dvontaifee of insurance, to* -well ns the nbilhr orrd dlsposi* tion to meet with promptness ell nubilities. J. GAMJI.h'KU CO If FIN, Agent, r.p2-l Offlt*. north.,asl onr. tfoed »ml Third «t«.. THIRD ANNWAI. STATEMENT OFTnE STATK MOT UAL I\ lIIK AN. 1J MAIt I K INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PENNSYLVANIA. Awets, MfV Ist, 1552.... Pretnltum* received to May let, lb-o« Interest nn Loan**, A«* - Capital Stock Returned premiums Ro insurance, Lr penses, * Bonds, MoTtgagtns S-Lx-ks, and other good seen- curitiw. Premium Not»s. Cwhou hand-... Total &m’t of Liable for Lorsi-a..— $365,318 .0 marc-rots. JOHN V. RCTHEIIFQRD, DanpWn couuty, P. O. SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia* A. WILKINS. Ranker. Pittsburgh, A. A. CARUIF.R, “ , , JOHN U. RLTIIERTORD, Dauphin comity, A. J. (ilLLETf,llnrrwbnnf, S. T. JONHS* Harrisbarg, ROBERT KI.OTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P RUTHERFORD, President. A. J. Gn.LKTT, ?w*rclitry. / Will insure against peril* of sea and Inland navigation, oho, on Merchandize in ritv or country, at lowest rate* promptness andlUxTality. to molntoin tho character uhlrb thuyliaro assumed, ns offerins; the best protcclion to those who deslreto ho Insured. Directors- —II- Miller, Jr.,C. IV. hicUetson, J.W. Butler, V-Holme, Jr., IV. H. Smith, C. Ilimsen, Hoorg* W. Jactara, Wm M tvon. James l.ippcncott.ticonm Darslo, James Sir- Anley, Alexander Nlniicif,Thoir.nifcC()tt. IHh.OiPre. No. IV2 lVater sirrct, llVarehousoof flpanft A I Co-up stalrw.l Pitleburnh. _ por-I.ly ' ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, IIAUTVOIin, CONN. „„„ Cliartoreil ISlO—Cnptt«l Stock 8300,000. MIOS. lv. BRACK. Frrsident- THOS. A. ALKXAHDKR, Sccriitary.. DTRCCTiIIIS Thomas K. Brace, Samuel Tndor. inicnoier Flower, H ard Iloodbridae. 1,. A.TluUtelcy, Joseph Church. lmland Mather. Frederick Tyler, Main O. liijdcy, Robert Buell. Samuel 8. II anl, Milan A. Tattle. Henry Z. Pratt, John h- Boswell. Austin Dnnham, liintarns F. Davis, Junius 8. Morenn. Bn- Pol tries on Fire and Inland Risks Issued on favors bio terms- bv OKOUOK I!. AIINOUI, Aa’t, tlc-I'ily ' No. 74 Fourth stTret, Pittsburgh. WESTERN FAHMEBS'. INSURANCE CO,, NEW LISBON, OHIO. BRANCH OFFJCH. No. 12» FIFTH ST., PITTSBURQU. Capital, $lOO,OOO. J AMPS KELLY, I’rost. LEVI MARTIN, Seo’y. - It. MrKASKKY, Agent. £V- IViil insure llulldlnss. Stores, Morcbandlse, and Property grin-rally, on tho most .fovorahlo terms, ldccl.ilip la your Irire lnaured, IF NOT read what some one baa written. Among all tho contrivancefl of man to protect tho family circle from want, none can be found more simple io its character, noble In It* feature, or certain In its roultß, than LltfJ INSUR ANCE' it in the prop which tbo dying husband leaves to support the wife of Ills bosom. • It Ls the unscon hmid of tho Provident father reaching forth from the grave, and still nourishing bis offspring, and. keeping together tho family group. y 6 C- A. COLTON. Secretary, Pittsburgh Liffi Insurance Company, Fifth st.. . - Masonic Hall. MALCOLM LRECn .JOICS M'ILMM... ....JOHEIII S. LXSCII., J. 8. Leech, HoAlpln & Co,, WHOLESALE aIIOCKItS. and Umlcrs in Proiluco,Met als, and PiLtsbnrgh Mannfattnres, hos. 542 and 214 Liberty street, near tho head of Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa., of. fer Tor tale on liberal terms, the following. 100 tierces fresh Rice; 150,000 lbs. Bacon, assorted i ; 100 bills. Tar: 6 tone Bar Iron, do : ... ■ 1600 hegaNailß, assorted; i ,3 do Best Nail BocUs, ! 600 boxes Window Qlnss;. 2000 kegs Rock and Rifle; assorted: • Powder, assorted; - 60 half ohests Tea, as-; 300 boxes llosin Soap. sorted; ’ 85 Mils.Linseed,Lardan'i 75 fcxs-Tobacco, assorted:; . -Tanners’. Oil* 100 hbds.N.O.Sugar,part; SOO bbla. \ inegur; prime; 5 SO do Rosin; 5 bxa. Havana Sugar; • 20 do Pitch , 10 iihdfl. Porto Kico do; ■ 6000 lbs. assorted Copper; 160 bags Coffee: bbls. and kegs Lard; fiOObbls-N- O. Molasses; ; 10 kegs assorted Slim; 75 do SD. do; Ido Buck Shot; 800 bxs. Tin Hate, ass’d; 5 bbls. Alum; 4 ions Wire, do; ~ 20 do Rye Flour; 2 do Spelter 20 BeitsTlnnew Machines fi casks sheet Zinc, a?-: . **& Tools; : - roted * ’ 100 bus. Dried Applea; 500 nica Tin • IUQ bales Batting, assorted; 1000 fts. Antimony; . 2000 lbs. Colton Yarn, a* 10 tons ass’ll Sheet Iron ,* aortod 100-000 Ihs. aw’d Bulk Meat;. : Wholesale and lletatl. saddle, harness and trunk manufactory. EOBERT 11. IIARTLBY, 1«T" to lnfono_/jjjA ■ hlB friends onaihopubliogonerally.tlwS, ho. continues to occupy that large and .commodious tanreßMm! formerly occnplSl by Samuel W ■ .• No™B. Corner of Diamond Alley trod Wood ft., wWhekceps a largo and general assortment of Saddles, Bridles. Harness, Trunks. Carpet Bags. Saddle Bugs,. Valises, eSSeX Whips, md-nlloUittarticlcs In his lino.. B hTSm taps constantly on hand, mid Is prepared to tar. nlshto order. Oil kinds of Riveted of S-ahist material and in a stylo of workmanship equal to tlm Eastern manufactured article, and at Odpercent cheaper. Merchants and Farmers would do well to call and exnmlnohla stock before purchasing elsewhere, as-he la de- SSSned to sell first rate articles at very lotr prices. - tsg- Don’tforget t heploce, No. SB, corner of Wood stand Diawnnd -• . l—. ■ "OVSTKiTTnAKSPOUTATION. i,||rE have arranged with thePennaylranla nnfll W hanna Railroad Companies,- for a special • Oyster Line, at at- BAD’S PLEADISK'S ASSISTANT, noWj-dltlon, .with Notei and ConToyandnc, by AvJ £ . BANKERS AND BRGKERi*- EXCHANGE AND ’BANNING HOUSE A. WHJKINB & OO.J ‘ “ UNITED STATEB BANK HUItDING,. Bo. .'WTl-StL' B’ouxtlx Street, •: j pirrsDCßaa, pa.'....;-.; “|7ORKiaN: and Domestic Exchango, Coin, Bank Notes JT and Land Warrants bought and boM. • „ r;-/-s .... Collections made throughout the Union. -,. , . . c.rj ff fl paper loans negotiated. Stockihought and sold on commission. -. .V Honey received on deposit, and interest .allowed when left for ÜBpbclfled time. . - decS-; : JOHN WOODS, - ' - BANKEB. AND EXCHANGE BBOKEB, DEALER, IS Exchange, Commercial and Bonk Notes. STOCK bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Inter-ost paid on Deposit. ■ SSVj Fourth street/ nearly opposite the aL;SI. Banfc. . . deolC. , a. c. iJoaJi ■.**“««■ XIEENAN & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ■v; , • fab26:lyl. iforOS Wood Auey Domestic and Foreign Exchange Bank Notts, Gold and SHvtT ‘ ' v Bought, Sold and Erchanged, atp* . • - '■ „ EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OP , WTTTTAM a; HILL & CO., 64'/WOO&jSTBiST, HTtSmJEOB. }, . aomKToa’j.—ThU Houao has uii . donniue thorough an«l extra."!™ repairs, dterotions, •sud largo Additions or n«ff ftmjiturr, eMni tbfl rroprtd ton oleilff© -UiemselTM that nothin* dial! b© wauling on their wtrt to render tho I’BA.vtu* a plow whew all the com tet r ' M h, ‘ M ““ '* * SON. St. Charles* Hotel, , Comer of Hood end Third *trtrt*> mtzburgK iVnr.a. Vv’lliLtAil S. CAMMJRLL, Pjwpbibtoiu Tina Bno establishment baring mmo Into Out hands a n«« Proprietor. otTers great taduMmenti to Uw travel linrrcommunity, amt also to regular boarders. Kropyd'H nary and luxury gill bo provided in Its season, and r.opsins aliTlst spared to make tills Hotel a *? oU who may call there, fmyl&tfl W. S. CAHPBEhh, Prop r -.. st.’cialr huger Beer Brewery. t THR undersigned respectfully informs the public.that he is now fully prepared to servo Pri™*® toUfcs and the public generally, with Ills relebratol hAQtft BEhR, in bottle*." All orders left at his Office, NO. 39 pIAXIOND AU.KY, (near Wood street.) trill bo punctually attended to; aml|m&cliverod tnaiy part of thc-lty or vlrtnlty. THK KKNTON’ IKON COMPANY, of Western Pennsyl vania, having become tho proprietor* of the KENTON ana DICKERSON PATENT for mil-ivg Wrought Iron dt rrct from the Ore , for that portion of territory of PouDK.vlvn nia Wine west of, and including tho counties of FoUon, Huntingdon, Onrc. Clearfield, Elk and McKean, ore now j prop"red to pell roH Iflcatw of stock in raid company, each thare of stock the holder to shate In tho profits of the eoraratiT, Bnd tbo one i ’ QTna *’ BTlder **! d , Titent The Company will also fell tho right to use tho improvement in tho above named territory, by single for naco or otherwise. The fact that by the Renton process Iron Ore can bo converted into Blooms at about the cost re tired to convert Ore into Pig Metal, is a sufficient recom mendation of its merits. - , . ~ Mr 1 VMF-fi II- CRANE has boen appointed Agentfor tho sale of right* to nw Furnace* under paid Patent, tn whom nnnlicatlon may bo made, or to the uaderdgned Directors of l*o Company- J. K- MOORHEAD, 1 ' F At.bEN KUAMKR. VPlttshargh. JAS. W. HAIIiMAN, \ VT. DEWKS WOOD. M’KeesporU JAP. 11. CRANE, Pittsburgh. l(w!2:»Uwlf OFFICE MONONOAHKLA NA VIGATION CO, \ December 10, 1863. > PROPOSALS will Iw received nt tbU ofltco until, three. o'oloek I’ M- of WEDNESDAY, the 25th January noxt, for the construction of Lock and Dam ho. 6: film, for; tha construction of Locks and Dams Nos. 0 nud 7, being; reuulrlt© to extend the navigation to tho Virginia State line Plans and specifications -will he exhibited at the office • „ nf week previous to tho letting, and all nroesnary informa-: tion given by 8. Lattirop, K«q, or tho undersigned. Proposals will bo received for payments to be made in , eauh • also fo? payments In stock and bonds of the piny J. K. MOORHEAD. d PC I4 President of Mnn Nav. On. BY virtue of a Writ of Partition, issued out of the CfcuTti of Oominon Pleas of Favetto county, and to me direct-: rd there will be sold at public outcry, upon tho premises, > Inbunncllsvillo township, in said County, on tho TWENTY SIXTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1853, tho following do scribed Real Estate, to wit:—-Four Tracts of Land, elutnto and lying in Oonncllsvllln township, Fayetto county, Pa., containing about SRAENTLEN lILNDRbD ACRES, lying i tn + ho Yonghiogbcny rimr, adjoining lands with Hlriun Snyder, Israel Painter, John T. Ilurft, and others on which aro crofted a Stone Dwelling House, Frame Barn, large Stable, and an old furnoco, formerly called Mt, Etna, to gether with poreral other log buildings: about two hundred acres of which ore cleared; all of which is known as tho Gibson property. Terms msdo known on day of sale. JAMES McBEIDE, Sheriff.' Sheriff’s Office, Doc. 1,1853. [decl&ts] 1“ N THK COUNT OF COMMON i’LK COUNTY. • Margaret Lane,byherl No, 218MarchT., noxt friend. William 1853. Graham, -Libel in Divorce, v«. n Vlncnlo Matrl- Henry Lane. J monl. And now, to wit, October 22*1, 1853, on **Xv* motion of John T. Cochran, Esquire, Thom as Steel, Esq, appointed Commissioner to take depositions in this enso, at his office on Tourth street, in the City of Pittsburgh- ou tha third Monday of Docomber, 1853, at two o’clock. »». M. By the Court. no^22 I\ TUB OOUKT Ob' COMMON VLkAi. COUNTY. . . . v . . MnrLa Poobyer, by borl. •;* next friund, William No. 29 Juno T. * fteopor, ?■ 1853. 5 vr. I Libel for Divorce. £ Jacob' Boobyer. J ■ Anil now, to wit, Octi motion of T. Cochran, Steel, Epnuiro, appointed Commlßßioner In thiß casft, at hifl office, on Fourth Rt Pittsburgh, on the third Monday of Df nt 2 o'clock. l>. M. By the Court. Administration Aotlce* WHEREAS, Letters of Administration dr. kma non, rum trstamento annexo, to the estate of BERNARD. HANK, loto of tho City of iMttsbnrßji, den d,hav ; 7th Hard, Pittsburgh. MITCHEL 4 PALMER, Attorneya at Law. 'I ' “■’« IMPORTERS aatl marrafecturerß of DENTAL ■['■ : INSTRUMENTS,: RIFLES, Ac. E||gr -- 'keep a general assortment of the above *§?. Articles constantly-on hand; together SiS DM™ &*i“Plrte HanHngandPoftotKrJT^ Mora and Uoir Drosfflrs 1 Bhoara, Poekot Sdssore, 40. Trusses and Supporter*. . . . SSlaasa: prices. MIKraSEES, and No. 48 South Third street, Viin-APKLPHIAi ’ wpSO tyIOEB—H O o«r ’* c.-~ »'• ■■ V- . * «■ ... . •* .. v r • -*>V •* v. { i. ■*: > . t Ptwsbpsoh. HOTELS, &c. Public Sale. entebpiuse works. ho 130 woj>ooaMU>wyraaiH-AttCT. sown a. tetlbt. •* -» V t a ~ ~W&f.B.{SfflS«gSs®i &mBnSV Vu^CABWCT-WAllEbfoYffijU&rtptiOT.othljolaßUm'l, Kpfcprner of'UbertylixiilScrratli'BOreote. UNDBBTAIv • *y»IKQ attended tP,inftllita bran&eg. .• ,o^l - A.MILLIKEN&CO., - ■ tTAVB ON lIAND at their extensive 'CABINET aa« CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. Of Bmithfield street, a largo assortment of Jkncy and plain furniture, whlch tbey wUI sell 15 pcramt-heiow customary rates. Terms—caflhj3tUy. " Oreftt'liidTitemtiits to Cash Pure baser s. *tTTg Trill sell onr largo stock of COMMON AND FANCY W - CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices-thatcannot ' Oiif terms are C ABEL • JAKES DO wftY, JR, t \ - ynnJjfc'- -i- .- cor.Beventfaanflldberty Journeymen Cabinet Maker* AiiMtftUon. WAREHOUSE 03 TBIBD\S?REET t ; / {betwxes wood asd harm* w®> ; ; ■■■:>>■■• TinSASSOClATlONiemDrarißgfift. twice to ..three , times Uftk- , bands ad the 'largest, and RP|: BBBBMP*WBHfhitherto-most renowned rboslfiegs fv 1 ; »bljfe furnish thepnhllc, by wholesale or lotaU, yith fur niture of thefidlowing description—ris; ■ Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Choirs; Rockrhft: Chairs; Mahogany iVfasbstandsi Sofas; Wrans; Kano -Stools; Book Cases;: Secretaries; Card Tables; Pier Tables; fee CardTaHes; Centra Tables; Hat Backs; yronchßodrtrag, i Ottomans: .Poplar Wardrobes j Dining and Breakfast Tables? I Workstands; CUerry and Common;Workstands j hign post, Icomhmn, low, and trundle Bedsteads, Cherry Bnreansj Cribs; Cradles, &a ( Tha advantages of co-operation, on an extensive scale, per mit-them to-sell at the lowest prices,-andtliey are deter- - mined to sell, lower thanany an if ,not better article, and derstand by givingthem a: call. •. - work of all- descriptions, and other articles of any description,, made to order in every stylo, at the abort* est notice. ! ...- .._;mar29.. jAMES W.WOODWELL, . M . CABINBT FUB&ITVRE MANUFACTURER Ware-rooms 07 and 99 TJxtxd itreet* I V M'ir.vmin - J. W. W. respectfnlly informs sr* y hiafriendaaiid custom erstbat k® has now completed his spring stock •T®J^y.. ™" -" - .ofFurniture, which Is decidedly*-ir* the largest and host over offered for. sale in.:this City, which will bc sojil at prices as low as any in the Cnlfcwtfitotes, East or West , _ „ As ho is 'determined to uphold thoquality with/well sea . gmieA materials, bestworkmsnship, ondcewestdesigTis, and | from the extent of his orders and facility in numu&ctnnng, i he is enabled to produce warranted farniture, at the lotr est He has adopted the principle of Identifying his customers' i interest with his own, in quality and price, arid keeps al ways onhand the greatest variety of every description or furniture, from the and plainest, to the most jmnt and costly, that's house* or any part of oue, may be furnished from his stock,- or manufactured expressly tour der. The following‘articles consist in . part, of his which for lichhe&d of sfyle'and flnisn, cannot he surpassed in any of .the Eastern cities i . •. • Lords XIV tetfrd-teto Sofas; ‘ 60 Sofas, In plush and haircloth; 60 dea. Mahogany Chairs; 20do*. Walnut " « 60 Mahogany Booking u 20 Walnut 14 “ 60 Mahogany Divaca; 20 Walnut « 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 60 “ ** Dressing Bureaus; 60 « « Washstands; 40 Enclosed .. ** 100 Common ' “ ' 20 PlalhDreiflDg Bureaus; 40 Mahogany Bedsteads: . , • 20Welaui u . 60 Cottage K : 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut «- 10 Cherry « 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Dining and Breakfast Tables; . 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 do*. Cane Seat Chairs; 24 Cone Beat Rocking Chain; 12 Indies'Writing Desks; —Hat and Towel What-Nots; • Etiguires; Paper Mache Tables: • Conversation Chairs; Pembroke . . M Elizabethan “ Hall and Tier a Deception M Indies'Work u Pearl Inlaid “ Extension. Dining Tables Arm w Gothic wad Hall Chairs: . . A largo assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR Caucttt Maxsss supplied with all ar ticles in their line. : . . . BTEAMBOATB and HOTELS, fnrnlahed at the shortest notice. ' . All orders promptly attended to. apn> WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c, UEW'JBWELEI STORE, So* 87 Market Street* . I (Second door above the JYortA-w«£ comer of the Diamond.) ! TOUN STEVENSON, (of the late firm of John 13. MTaddvn y#| & C 0.,) respectfully announces to the opened, at the above aland, a flue assortment OMVATCUKB, i JeWeMIY. SILVEK AND PLATED WAKE, LAMPS, Gl* • ItANDOLES, /bct'rf end TaUe CaUery, Dnranma Tea and ] Cbmtnumon&te, and the usual variety of goods In hU line ! care and attention given to the REPAIR of FINE (WATCHES, JEWELRY, 4c. . | Ho trusts, that from his long experience in business, he • will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favoThim > with ihelr patronage. i Pittsburgh, May 15th, 1853. ro y2o .w. a oovncxT. Henry Rlctiardaou, Jeweller, . HAVING re-ntted his storo iu a handsome manner, and but recently returned from the eastern eitiea with a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call tho attention, of Ws friends and custom era to the Jact that among his-Watches will be found the most desirable style*, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pina, Fob and,VcrtChMus, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, Miniature lockets, ete, etc. FANCY GOODS—Sucb as Papier Macho, Work Tables and Boxes. Desks, Fancy Vases,' Perfume Bottles, Table Mate, Oolt's Pistols, Porte Mommies In great variety; China Fruit and Cake Dishes; with an endless variety of useful and or*, hamental articles, which baVo only to be seen to be appro £ [DOT!] NO. 81 MAHKUX fcTRKKT. Bay Wood Knrgery and Gardena* JAMES KENNEDY, [lato Manager of tho well-known Sy racuse Nuseries, New. York,) begs loaTo to inform the nubile. that bo has now established nnEXTENSTYE NUlt* j SEBY, on the Farm of Mr. James S. Negley, near East U> 1 erty, where he shall ho prepared, after the sth instant, to re* | ceiye and fill orders for every Tariety of Fruit and Ornamcn- 1 tal Trees, Hardy and Green. House Shrubs and Plants. In | addition to a choice and superior stock on hand, ho has made arrangements with oue of the largest Nurseries to: the East, to keep up his supply. Haying a thorough and longexpe riehee in the business, he can assure his customers jienect I would also respectfully offer his services in 1 designing, laylngout, audmanaging Rural Cemeteries, Pub lic Parks, or the grounds of Country Residences; and will; also furnlßh plans for the formation of Lawns, Approaches, Wcturesqua Scenery, Ac., In tho highest styles ofthe art. Practically acquainted with-every: branch of Landscape Gardening, nod haring spent yearsto the Sylvian Parks of England, and on tho beautltol banks of the Hudson, be hopes he bus tho capacity to meet tho wishes of those who fa j33ir Communications can be addrease d throughth® Citv Post Office, or left at the Warehousa •of Messrs. Negley A *?2Sfef B, ° odillr " t - m CELEBRATED CDEMJCAL YEAST OB B&EIHG POWDERS, The ChaipesU Hcalthiest, most Useful and Economic cal Article for Pairing Bread, Biscuit, Pried, Griddle , and Johnny Chkes, Pastry, Puddings, Sweet. Cakes, • Corn Bread, cfc., » EVER INVENTED, Opinions of tuk prksS:— ThoMi who bare tried it, have found that the advertise ment does not vaunt Us praises too highly.—[Tallalmswee Floridian and Journal, Fen. 19,1853. ■ Housekeepers, who have tested the quality of-tour pow der, pronounce unanimously itt its favor.—{Lockport Daily Courier. •' - - ' -' v .' It surpasses everything in theway of rmnj, wo ever saw used in the baking of eri&efcHttduW AjVpeate and Regis* ler. April 15,1853. , ' , , - ' . . This is an article of such utility in various kinds of cook cry, that whon Us virtuva become property known, no housekeeper, that studios c6mforfc : and economy, will wil lingly do without it.—[N* Y. Pick., May 21,1853. - t No ono tfted hesitate to use Durhce’s alMmportant artielo 1 to housekeepers—{Republican Banner and Nashville Whig, | Feb; 17,1853. . Would you have light bread, sweet bread, bread that you ban eat with a good relish, do not forget to procure Durkee’s Baking Powder, and you will not fall to have good bread, cakes, Ac.—[Troy Dally Times, May 24,1852. .. ‘ We have tried this article, and can recommend it with perfect confidence.—(Quebec Gazette, July, 1852, . Durkee’a Baking Powder wo have tried at our house, and our *♦ better half’ was astonished at.the result.—[N. Y. Daily Times,Oct. 23,1852. - • AU good housewives will rejoice in and glorify the name of Durkec, after they bavo,given his Baking. Powder a fair trial.—(New York Sun, Sept. 30,1852. ;. • Dnrkee's Baking Powder, undoubtedly the best article for this purpose that haß yet been discovered.—N. Y., Dutch man, Fob. 12,1853, . ' • . The highest commendations, from huodredsor thelargest and most respectable wholesale houses In this, and nearly every largo city on this continent, could bo given,lf space allowed It. OF ALLEGHENY E. R. DGRKEfT, Soli Pkopwbtob A!n> MANUPicrunEn, 130 Walct tlral, New Torlt, BAXTER A McKKE, Agontyl'lttthurgl). [oct2t] SMITH & SINCLAIR, WHOLESALE GEOGEES. 133 SECOND AND 131 MUST STREETS. OF ALLEGHENY ID H}B .BAU, .'•••- 309 bogs Rio Coffee: : 30ObblsN.O. Molasses; 175 hhds N. O. Sugar: • : 50 bbls Sugar-House do. - 30 boxes Grant’s Tobacco; 200 bales Batting; 60 boxes‘Webster old do. 300 kegs Nails, assorted; 20 bxs Hassell & Robinson’s; 200 boxes Glass; 100" caddy’"boxes of rarlouß 30 kegs Va. Twist Tobacco; brands; 200 boxes Rosin Soap; 60 bbls Loaf Sugar; 60 boxes Palm . do. • 20 bags Pepper; , r2O boxes Ground PcppoT; . 15 bags Pimento; [sep27] , Ground Cassia, Ac. Ac. tobor 12th, 1853, on , Thomas r, to t&Ko testimony rcat. in tho City of ?fmbor, A. D. 1853, rot 22 Jayne’* JKxpectoratttr I GONSUM PXION. —Thin term is frequently Inappropriately applied toother affections of the lungs and .Bronchia, j So tor'a# the treatment concerned, this is of I consequence, as tho remedies are .the same. The RXPEC-j TORANT should he given as often ns. mny be necessary io relievo the cough, and produce n free and easy crpectora*, Uon, and also, to remove the tightness, or-pain, or oppres-: Sion about the throat or chest. Tim bowels,should bo regu , latod by the use of the SANATIVE PILLS whenever heces- I sary. If there he much debility, with night sweats, from one to two tea-spoonfuls of TONIC VERMIEUGE should be given about half an hour before each menL It should Va mixed-in two or three spoonsful of cold water; and sweet* cued to please tho‘ taste. But if there be no nlghtsweata; or if they disappear, then , give the ALTERATIVE throe times a day, according-to the-directions, instead of-the VERMIFUGE, . , ; . ' .‘s. All Dr.Jayno's preparations for sale, wholesale or jetailj at tho PEKIN TEA STORE, 38 Fifth streok ~ ■ ’ -dec_l7' . JEHU lIAWORTH,, corner of Diamond and alley, wishes -to-infenn his customers and.the jrabllc. generally, thathe is now.receiving alarge andjchblco selec tion of GROCERIES, soch.aa choice Young. HysOp, Impe rial. Ganpowdeir, extra.fine. Bonchfin& Kingyong, Oolong, Congo, and.scented Orange Pekoo TEAB; Mocha, Old Java end Kio COFFEES j.Hne SUGARS- and SYRUPS; Bunch, Cluster, Valencia, Bnn and Sultana RAISINS \ fresh CUR, RANTS; .preserved dtron r Lemon and Orange Peels;; rior Rerich BRANDIES; Port, Madeira, Tenerifie, 1 Cham pagne, Lisbon, Sherry and M&lnga ■ WINEB; together with a general assortment of pureBPICES-—all of whlch;he is determined to sell at such. LOW PRIORS that cannot/be beat by my other Store In the city.: V- . SCOTIA’S BABDS.—“ Hho throne anti sceptre ofßngland wIU crumhle into dust, liko .those of-' Scotland; and Windsor Castle and Weattalnster AtrtKtf'trill Ifelh rulMns poor and descdato as those of Scone and dona, Wore thfc lordsnf Scottiahsong will cause to reign in the: hearts of ‘own.*—Ewtab®:- 4 { A splendid Yolotae. 'Fat sale by . • > * JOHN 8. DAVISON, . oorie < —: r:: itreet;neat 4tttrt; | - ■ V'j'v •V.V V:> ‘ : .\.»3V - /’ -• • jv* • .r %■ ■ 1 ■--• Ottomans; DDHKEE’B - - ■< = - -V vt'. r ' ■r- s- iV :~ J '!;<- ,• . ' - >■'>'.! ■ ■;. ■ V_ . '• \ il*> *•* ’ * mm. 11 ]SftWOtBAS AOBHCt THEOLDEBT ESTABLISHED OFFICE IN THIS CITY you REMITTISQ • "TiOTiiS IftTHE- OU» COBSTEYi JAMES BLAKELY begs lcayo to Bay to those persons bay-; ina Yriends In the. Old Country, end desirous of either sendtol them money or paying thdrporaage.'thafrto.er- SggSgSESS2»®S^S! dStog tbeSyew to this country, tTithtmtacompUlntof 1 for London,BnWin, Uyer oML Gtarow. toV Bolfest, Drogheda, Almericlc, ■ gort Hewrv *Galway, Londonderry,pnd DondaLh* to beer York,’ PhttSjphia, Boston,Baltlmoro from thence to Pittsburgh;, andred .varding pasaengota ftom thenw to aoy gtftofeotmto. ; He Uso bMdßht drafts for sale, payable at the-fcUtnrtng places,.viz? Edwards* Soi>4lbrd-& Co«*..i.«*«****»»«*»»»M»M**»«* wndon* ’Wm.-XappßcottAOo£.... M ....««. w r;. ..*..l«lv«rpoci. (Availableia the principal cities and towns throughout Ensland-and WalwC) " OltlfcEtANß. Provincial Bank • BEAK CUES. '• Belfast, Downpatrick, Ennlsknifig, I Mallow, • .Strabane, :Athloue,' . Carlow, '. . j Drogheda. Portnoy, v Monaghan,. Ennlscorihy, J •pr.mn fl] .Omm,'' •-Dundalk, Galway, . j Newxr,- Troleo, . Mymroa»V aonmelL : \ Dungannon, Londonderry, Omagh, -xough&li, ,| Banbmge, Kilkenny,, Bangsnnon,.KUrusb, ; Waterford, , Coleraine, . Pareoostown, fork* ; ; Biuiis, ! Bandon, •, • Wexford, . | Cootehfll, Limerick,,, Ballyfihannon, »»•••*-. . ~ yoowmu, Ol} SCOTLAND National Dank of acofland r Kdlnburgh, and It* branches, to fifty towns to Sooting. MOTiB.Ktwntd Blount 4 Co., Bankers™....v" -.. (AntUbteia any city-ln taaaa.) .v. -.i ••• • v OS GKBMANT. ' „,, , i Messrs. "Vogel. Kock 4 Co., Bookers,BrsnWbrtOD.Uio.Maln. (IrailaMo In - myt - - ISA, eor. of Seventh «nd3mKhfleld«t»- PASSAGE EEOH XIVEBEOOE., l . EMEUAMIIsiIS f fflHft splendid Sew ?*■«»»»»», “»» %\ I the largest Packet Bhl Pi afloat,and for strength ofj build, uccommpdalloUs for passengers, and sailing qualities, ! hi She°Sffiß!u.Dlßl!B o wllfsall froin UTsrpool.onor -the TES«i ; tir Drciinim, and persona sending for their: Wendi shonld'not lose the opportunity of securing pa«ago letter from Messrs. W. .Tapg(»tt & Co* Liverpool, what doy t °Tho t f;meTOMMe l iBCqnniiandcdbyCapt Geo. R Cornish,. (teeenCy of the fkvoriie packet ship, “Wm,*>pscottl)ybo ; *weil knoifd firf his Mndness to.passengOTS, and his skUI-, •N. B.—Thfl E.l. w ill be sncceeded by the magnificent new ship “ Shamrock,” commondod by tho well known Captain, passage, apply to . JAMES BLAKELY. ,-• •• • -• : of Seventh and SniUnfiela sts. TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . J Jit the S B eMn 'E'etz Store, . 38 Firm siissrr, PnTsmmail, Pi. J Ivy the half chcati of neatly packed in metallic, packages 1 and BLACK TEAS,— consisting ofwpeMtbe itoest chop? I to he foond in the Eastern market. Merchants rid ting the j city are invited to call aad-onimtoe our stock. I Below isa list of the rariona grades, all of which hare I beenearefliily selected, and Can with confidence bo rccom- j chcßts fine Youn g Hyson s - .. . .... I : ao do do Moyuna Young Hyson; » j 10 do extra fine Moyuno do; • 1 100 do do; I • T l - da -i : oxtraflne . . do;. 60 tacqured boxes extra Curious Young Byson; - 25 half chests fine Gunpowder j ./■ 10 do extra fine do; 6 do ' 'do Mbyahelmpartal; ■'2o’• do r Superior . do; -t -160 do - Fine Oolong Black Tea; - 40 do ' extrafine Oolong; . so da extra Curious do; n 20 do Superlatively strong tend fragrant Oolong, ; 25 chests-extra-fine -English Breakfast Tea; . b, ' do -Curious t dor - ; - do; - • • Al£o—Java and Kio Coffee, Lovering’s Crushed and Pulp Principe ;Segars, whlch wM bo cold very A. JATNES, norlWiw . . . S 8 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. TYYJi AGENCY. A. JAYSBB, nTT NO. 38 HPTH STREET, PITTBBUEaH, : Agent for the Sale of L. Johnson $ Co.’e Type, #«., 07 PHILADELPHIA, HAS ON HANBsnatarimle,ihofoUowlpg;— column Galleys; Common Galloye assorted, Slice Galleya, Composing Sticks; Common «nd Job Caws; Shooting Brushes; Boxwood . : • 1L p, Schwarts, or J. T. Sample, Drogcttts, Allegheny. Plour wlUbedellTeredtotaoUleataelUieieftfiettrociUes. TsEita: CASH ondeliTery.-■■ i: ■ : ~ jygB BBYAM, HENMEPY A 00. ENGINEEEB’ STATIONERY^WAREHQUBE. W. «• HAVES i „ - ..doßm ft* Bts*».\ A XWATtS ON HAND, a largoirad well selected stock A Wbetman’B Drawing all rises; ; y ■: Drawing , : Draughting Pencils; ;,. MatbematiealTiistrtimeiit*;. .! . Tapo Lines; India Rubber; . ■'■"■■■•"• Field Bocto; '' r • • Profile Papers; • ■'••‘CrossSectionPapers; . , ProtraetorTapers; ! And air articles of StationsTT nsed by CaTil Euglnoen. £&»LeTel, Szanrii* Topography andKaoord Books made to order—raled to anypaterajrequicfld. " topi xfc thankful to the public fax past cugtom,yonturegtoso lidta contlnuanceofttw. same-W-HP B *":' the establishment oil a city, for the accommodaltioix ofWscastotaerSjaßa all who •wish to haxb really good Fl Potatoe Hooks; Seed Drills; Cutting Boxes, far .-flay tjr^Comßtalkftof'vsriou* -fartbe-garden or. farm*. Downing’s, Barry’s, and ; i jy2fr%o?v •••V?. « •: JAMES;WARDBOP. ; WaU l fl of I)rav?iiig : &trd ?aiiitingi ;• O, .WALE would notify his mends and tho-punUc. YJ , that At the reqaesto£biiflrienda/ha ! bnd 2&ls> opened a DRAW' INtt SCHOOL.::-Classed fanijrohng Ladies and Geatlemeo - will be formed in both Drawing and Hahas fitted up a Room with orrery facility lor study? and&d4rfl£U that hhienterprisewill cieat wlthaanpporUng patronage. ■ aptflfrft :■ ; Offlcp fof 1 - ferriOltenitha itf tarn nnsfiftllfi CarroUßnmdl &P-B-. li. priatc^.Uito^togantmtniingiar.aOQcl^rV' I, tblirUTOUhooi .Fortemis,-trtifclMrUH» ajy.Myly.lcr; J vm&SSxt '. g. S.CABU, (afnaUtnO) P.; 1 ' ‘.. K s* r .' 4 ' V 4j 7 ' ..V •c * k,‘j : 1 . ■*>( ■ v... ’■ .V.-; *.: t » ... >• ~ s' '/rf, v . --. t , ' ' ■" : Cartels Spanish Mixture. t .Y ~TIIE GREAT POIUH£IV,OP.WffI ; fIMOP~' ' itor a mticiE at Ktamria n. • .;• • A N INVALUABLE REMEDY YOU SCROFULA, King's BhraiaaUnSi Obstloato CatAoowa ErapUoaSi. Pimplesos: Pnstuleeon tbaPaeo, Blotches, Boils, Cbronio Bore Byes,Ring Worn or Totter* Scald Head, Enlargement and pain of tie Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, SyphJ* «tic Disorders, Lumbago, SplnM Complaints, and.alLDlS* - eases arising eninJaduLona nso of Hercaryi lxaprn<: denceluLifo.orlmparity of the Blood. • • : • ; Tbiavaluame Medicine, which boa become celebrated tor tbe number RINK£B< of the ton of Drinker AMor xis, Richmond, waacurodof River Ccrmplaintof eight yean > .standing, by tbo : use of twu. bottles of. Carter's Spanish, - Mixture.. • ;>■ •■ ' • ;■: GREATCURE 0? BCUOFULA>-The Editors of the Rich* -mond Republican bad a servant employod In their. press violent Scrofala, combined with Uhoumo tism, which entirely disabled biro from work* Two bottles of-Oatotfs Spanish Mixture made a. perfect cure of hm, andthe Editors,in ftpuhlicnoiice, say they“cboexfuny r*- lo.aU who.axuafflicted with any dlieasoof ihe I bl CUBE ! Bcrofiila by Carter’s.Spaaish Mixture. ! ac®ridwlt,truly Ta •••> Conductoron the B. E. end P.R. RrCo., R^bmonarVa* - - SALT RHEUM of TWENTY YEARS STANDINGS CURED. —Mr. JOHN-THOMPSON, redding hi tbo city of Richmond, waeonred by three bottles of Carter’s - Spanish Mixture* or Salt Rheum, Which hi bdi nearly twenty years, audwbich all the physicians ofthe city could not cure., Mr. Thomp- . sonisawbllknowninErchanbin.thecit7:af Richmond, Vo., andhls cum is ifiort remarkable; h . lyii.'Ai MATTHEWS,of iachmond, had n servant, cured of SyphlHi, in the worst form, by Carter's Spanish Mixture. Hef says im.-cHeerfirllyrctsommenda and considers It an invaluable medicine. ••• '/•••• ' , ,- : X RICHARD B. WEST, of Richmond,,was cured of Scrom •la and vwbat phyaiclana call confirmed Consumption, by ttueel»tti*atof;Cartera Spanish Mixture - ; ; . •. EDWARD BURTONy comntissionerof the rQvenne, says i be has seen the good effects of Oirtcris Spanish Mixture m a nnmber.of fiyphilltiecises, and says lt Is o perfect cure for that horrible disease*. • . Ja;'",, Y , WM. Q.HARWOOD, of Richmond, cured of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took nrew bot tlea of Carter’s Bpanbh Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crntch; in a short Urns craw. , Principal Depo tat M. WARD, CLOSE & No, 83 Maiden Ryo¥rA SONSjNo.iaS NorthYast., VhiiadolplilfW r BENNETT A BEER 8,-No. 125 Main rtroet, Bichmona, Td. And foxsale by R, i?FAHNKSTOCK A Jr. & Pittsburgh 1 1L P. SCHWARTZ, Allegheny; and by Druggists and JKialersinMedicino overywbere. :octfcd*wly ; -. -- •' . " „„. r^DutlltL MOUSK’S'COUPOBKD SVIIUP OF iKli “ IiOW DOCK ROOT. fiifUß ia a purtelyr Vegetable Compound, sdentiflcalljpre •l nared - man,'. the beat root a and- herbs, of the Materia iiedfca* and has gained on unrivalled reputation for the BURESGTItEMIKO ’: TIEK .UTEB» aadDsfiEsnva Oeoans* and cleansing the Stomach and els. and thus curing all Bilious Diseases, Liver Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles,- Headache, Pevet fttwi-Agne, Janudlcc. Nausea, Loss-of Appetite, £c n aud to nourish and support every part; : “; - PURIFYINQ THE BLOOD, and thus caring all Humors,Cutaneous Eruptions, Scrofu la, Salt Rheum; Erysipelas, Scald Head, Canker, Plmpleaon Clcett, Tumors, Mercurial Disease, Can cars,Ae-,Jkc. \y •/ -~ •'r-';,V,v -; REGULATING TUB BEOBETORY OBGARS, andbr.'edabliag' theni tb'i>erirona 'tboirproperfuncHons, urfeventingfind -curing many painful and dangerous da eases; strengthening and quioringthoNcarvousSystcm, urns allaying Nerrous Irritation, sad curing 'all diseases of the NerVfiSi ftsHysteria,Neuralgia, Cramps, Ac* ItiaunriTaued • all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, as Weakness General Debility-, Irregularity, Obstructions, Swelling of the Feet, Ac., caused by weakness;, a Iso,. Lung and Throat Complaints, as Colds,: Cough-V Asthma, Consumption,&ci» also.Dropsy*-'• • v 1 ” - . : u ' - rqairtw nf the compound Sy rnp of Yellow Dock. Boot, preparedly C. Morse & Co., eiLherourwilves, or incur femiMfis, and finding it to ho a rery . salutary and effectual preparation; we do must cheerfully recommend it to the pub fie eauvery valuable medicine. ••. v E. Bourne, Estin Cashier National Bank, Providencejß.l., A *W. Spencer,'Esq* Cashier Lime Bock Bank, d0.d0., Bov. William Phillips, Kcv. J. B. rJhiebmond,.o. 8* Jones, editor ProtHence Gexu Advt-, William,Field, M.W. G. 51, Cyrus Fisher, M.E. IT. P* James Hutchinson, G. &»' Dea* V.V. Bates, Doct. B^nJ. Colby, and oho hundred others of the mostwspectablafiunilleSjOf.Providflnce*. ~ > This certifies that I have for a number of years been aO atilnted with the compbaitiouand- mode of manufacture of MORSE’S COMPAND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT I hare also been acquainted.with its modus operand* itfdis ease, and caii say that in all respect* It is admirably .calcu lated to remedy that class of Disease for which it was de signed. It is espodally valuable in INDIGESTION and oil lia attendant symptoms,-It cxcite to hcaltby'action the LIVER, removes Torpor, audtnoctiVity of this ORuAN .and stimulates healthy action in all system. As n DKPU- or purifier of the j). -JProvidencei K. Jah. 4,1853. - f -v’ • Prepared by a MORSE 4 C 0.,: No. 418 Broadway, New York,-and sold by Drngghta ana others throughout this and other countries. - JQEL'SIOULBB, Agent,-- apr27;ly . Pittsburgh, Fa. T ‘ ~~*V. 11. •■x •: < ! s i K l -~_ <■ ; DR. DE LANEY’S CELEBRATED CURATIVE INSTRUMENT, O EMISSIONS, so,harassing and destructive, and produc tive ©f 00 much mischief to the nervous system, incnpadta ttag-thatoan for business, society and matrimony; This Instrument is' simple,'’comprehensive and never* fttUCni 7, and may beused -without the ' slightest Incrn ▼enlence or the knowledge of the most tottomte friend, it is to W used' altensdly, producing no pain or injury .. i whatever,nor preventing any one -from attending to Ihis business; andwhile in use not a single anisfion can take I place, invigorating the organs, if* a short timejCostuhTin-e> Usd Vialthey asfijusranaPßiiatiTS frown: or sktxshon, the loss of which, caused by early abuse, is the diseaselnqned tlom and the cause of the tbonsandconcomitant complaints Kerrousnesa,-Prostration, -Dyspopsia*:Pain in the fiead and-Wmuess Gf Vision, Weakness of tbs'Back and LowcrExtremlties, Affections of the Eyes, Impotence, Plm- „ 1 pies on the.- Paoe*Prcmatare. Decline of Yirilßy, Weakness i ofjlemoiyand'Fewer'.for .Mental lAppllcatlon, Dejection, Aversion to Bodety, limidlty K Bel£Distrust, Ixrw o of fiolitode, Ac. AH that complaints inwriaUif dUawear t ExpeUed« READ the following statement from respectnblo dmjr alßtB> of the sarprl&lbg effects ofß. A..FAHNE&' TOOK’S UNEQDAXLEDVEIIMIFCGE:— ' ■ - .Oodkthbuko, N.Y., January 13,1853.; ITatr*. B. A. Stihnttiock -.tf ft --Gentlemen s Matthew Clark, a man of undoubted ireraelty, of the Unroof Lisbon, St. lAwrenee county, N. Y.* says that be has h little girl, flmr year* old, to whom bo gave three doseaofß.A. Fahn estock's Yermlfttge, In: three- BucecssiTBhoars,Tntbe af i ternboh of thk same day she passedat one time BEYEN TEEN, and at another NINETEEN WORMS. About two [ o'clock the following nighfc,she passedthe Incredible num r bet .Of FIVE HUNDRED AND ;TWBNTY.QNB, making, id all fire hundred and fifty-seTen, in less than twelve hours* time.; Haasid they were perfectly astpnbbed' at such a l ma£sof wonna from a eMld ; noy2l C’i ahtiir ollr^—lo fcbls. pnro instore and; for rale by F?r“ '-'r > : : ; ELEMING BRO 3-, • ~ , Successors- to J.Kidtl & Co., - 60Wood street; aIUBPENTINB— 20 bbla in store and for s^toby- V ; not2l r v; . - . KLKMINtt BROS. LINSEED OIL—IS bbla in store and for sale by nora. ~ ELEMiKQ BROS, aAMRKTT»H SCOTCIMJtIUJrE--1000 &ain store and for rale by ■■ • . [do>2ll : FLEMK&DBOS. )K-—G tona in store and for sale by : . PLEHISQ BROS. "ANQANKBJB „'hot2l . :T il/E ’ WfllTß—lo orOi u 'W«tboreU , » ,r jastTceciTe iy :■•' (dotH) ■- 'FLEMING. BROS, 'BIXING--29-bbls foruale by V - *" - . ■. FLEMING,BROS. -\*rOLFITB AKOilAl'lO SCaurDAM. - SCUN Ami—BO •fV;,dozen Wolfa f 4 Aromatic Bcieidam Schnapps for sale wboß&alo