The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, December 22, 1853, Image 2

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* A BOW Amon-o thc Whigs. The Whig Con-
T®> * TCntilm of Allegheny city, met on Tuesday
'• '.'-:fl'; : rs vf>,,l'';V:-^;^,'^r : .'^?-^-’ i - evening, to nominate a candidate for Mayor.
-. . " QiiMl ?-': V*',*-.v y^-O^V'. The dolegatea were equally divided betwecnthree
' i,4-H" i N y-< <;< aspirants, bntneithcr of them had a sufficient
.i •: :*'■-% f A nwnher to secure anemination. Neither would
77 ‘. -'V 7‘ •'.■ :& v* r ; V^^"-‘ ' yield, so great was the anxiety of each to secure
■- I the pap Of office. They talked and balloted un
, V7\‘il‘v' VSC til a late hour,' and broke up inn state of high
:,*--X*"'' /.7V-'>. _-;,=' excitement; uttering cutsefl both loud and deep
1 -P r. ‘- i ' •■ '.’ -f?~" '■ '/' t -'~o}\^y3'TX L * i f *£{ ‘ ogainßt each other.
, ~jc *, • *’&■: r~ * ►-*
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Dnilg Blunting }MA.
•^....jQSDROK-y. - aiUKOM.
« Proprietor..
t Vc bare now employed in our
unusual number of excellent job printers, and
aw proW«dto execute all orders with neatness
unsurpassed, and with a speed that >hall not bo
teat. .
Dtmoo.tttlc Kx«o»tlvo <3ommltt»e r
. ■phrsuant tO' notice, the Committee met nnu of
motion of Geo. Wilson, seconded by Aco
FaLLERj it '
■’'“SScS£» S W ;
The meetings shall organize at .“. o clock, P.
jr and remain open until 5 o clock, V. I .
■ ’ ... JOHN C. DUNN, Cbm n.
Oso.-ffttaas, Secretary., -
' The Detroit Frn Press calls on the newspaper
pjss throughout the land to advocate Ue pur-
SL, by the government, of the Mount Vrnot,
estate. The Frel Press says there are no con
stitutions! objections to such.a purchase... Y.c
would thank our Detroit friend to say under
what clause ot the constitution he finds power
vested inCongress to make such a P™*”®- “
bought for a navy yard, a marine hospital, or
for any purpose connected with the defence of
the country, it may do. But for any other than
the usual purposes for which the Federal govern-,
-rnent buys land, we think the constitution gives
no power.
The Free Prtza says ~ .
s.rr«»< k* r
from tin- grasp of speculators. ,
■\Ve th'tik it lis.s already fallen into the *"
of speculators. It was reported not long 6incc,^
that the price would bo $200,001); a sum far be.
‘and its Lriosic value To secure th., pn a
New York company is found, who coutraet for
conditionally: that is, the company can have .t
' unless Congress, at this session,.purchase it at
" exorbitant price. Then the suggestion >
thrown out that the company
• and the patriotism and moral sense.
- ;i=Kssa:sss
purchase all the sacred spots in the country to
prerent their desecration by showmen and
BP WhltTall bedonoforMonUcello; tho Her
milage; Ashland; Marshfield? We would be.
Xmong tho last to oppose any const,tut,onal
pier measures of respect nnd rcrercnc
the name of Washington. But we think the™
W c constitutional objections to the props. -d pur
chase; and that it would estaldmh a precedent
of doubtfnl safety and propriety.
Bat another objection to this purchase
that will probably render nil scujuonto
iect useless. It cannot be purchased without
the consent of Virginia. And, a few days.since
every member of the Virginia .delegation h
Confess voted to lay the subject on the to .1
undone of the Virginia members declared
the State wonld never assent to it.
the plaindEaleu again*
Tiio amiable, witty, and good looking editor <
tho riaindcahr is “into ns B°me” m regard J ;
the Eric war. Wojadge from | ho ‘Tnt [f bur
editor’s remarks, that the principal pom t »I'o
offence is, that we prcsnmed to tut'nUon the c y.
of Erie in the same day with CleTeland Keep,
vour temper, Mr. Ptenital'r, wo hare not ha f ;
done with yon yet. As to the city
we have naught against it. We too been there
often, and like the place; and rejoice in its pros ,
- perity. We should doubtless like you, too, if
we had the honor of your acquaintance. But
your furious language towards the pcop
Erie, we do not-like. It was neither just nor
decent. Suppose we should call the people of
Ohio City “idiots, or lunatics,"and beg the whole
world nfter to leave a cent in Ohio City, what
'would the PlaindcaUr say of us? We ehonld
expect a rebuke, nod deserve it.
;■ We knew exactly what we were writing about
when we wrote tho article that givee offence.
‘And tho abusive language of th =
Dmocrat, a few days ago, shows that what .
Plaint says of Erie, some Cleveland editors,,
and Ohio railroad directors, would say of Penn
sylvania generally. Now wo would not be very :j
alarmed at such hostile demonstrations ;
but we see neither “Justice nor decency in at
tempting to foster hostile feelings between the,
people of two State! whose interests arose,
■blended; whose people are so mutually frxeodly,
and such near neighbors. Wo *re satisfied,
however, that the people of Ohio will be very
little inanenced by snob altempte to arouse en
mity and hostility, where no cause exists.
Mr. Gwiu same days since introduced m ft.
Senate a bill to protide for the establishment of
a lino of steamers from San Francisco to
Shanghai, China, tia the Sandwich Islands.
' A hill has passed the Senate providing that
the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury shall be
appointed by the President, by and with the ad-
Tice and consent or the Sonato. This is proba
bly aimed at the present Assistant Treasurer.
Three' different resolutions hate been intro- ;
duced in tho House in favor of the construction
of' a Pacific railroad by tho government across
tho territories, and each and all have been
« tailed” by sach decided majorities as show be
yond a doubt that the present Congress will
give no onoonragomont to the undertaking as a
government work.
A bill to establish an Agricultural Bureau was
introduced in the Houbo and referred to tho
Committee on Agriculture, of which Mr Daw
.on, of Pennsylvania, is ohairmau.
The Qaiette thinks thero is something wrong
about the Wheeling bridge case .in the Supreme
Court at Washington. The litdttgacer *tales
that the case was called, and no counsel .or the
complainants appearing, -the case was dismissed.
We presume the counsel in the case can give the
reason for this result, if this information is cor
rect If it is so. tbo costs must bo provided for
by tho next Legislature.
Wo would invito attention to tho communica
tion of Mr. Woo», published in our paper of to
day, ini relation tothoEenton process of manu
facturing iron direct from the ore. The nails
which ho sends ub wo can't “ publishhat we
| oau safely say that “ there is nothing tho mat
ter with them” that wo can see. They arc
l, vory good.” . .. ..
If the Benton process can accomplish all it
promises, it will certainly prove a great.public
benefit. It mnst reduce tho price of manufac
tured iron; enable persons with limited means
to on-rage in its manufacture; and, it is said, it
will produce better iron than by tho old process.
Wo, howover, are not judges of the matter, and
of course venture no opinion. The parties who
have engaged in it in this county ore certainly
not men easily deceived in such, matters.
■ Baltihobb Savings Bank—Welcarnthat the
late run upon'this institution, whioh' created so
much excitement in that city laßt week, has sub
eided, and the bank is now at rest, . after show
ingTb'iimiy that it is more than able to meet all
demands. -
Tiie Galt House, Louisville, whioh, at one
time, teas considered the best hotel in the "West,
was closed on the 19th. It is to berepairod and
improved, and will open in about six months,
' WftnngftniGDt.
j\.r the. Morning Tost.
■M’KEEsroitT Ikoh Works, 1
December 19,1853. J
Messrs. Editors Haring noticed in your pa
per of the 17th inst . a communication from a
Wheeling correspondent, whom yon endorse ns
a theoretical and practical- iron manufacturer;
and thinking it rather personal, I consider it my
privilege to notice it.
Your friend pronounces the Ronton process for
manufacturing wrought iron, direct from tho ore,
a patent humbug, got up to speculate on the un-
W Tlo assorts, « you do not sec any largo mils
turning out this cheap and good iron, but a fur
nace built in so t ne out of the way corner, to run
a little occasionally toosell rights by, and that
the iron was rotten," &c. In answer to which
I would beg leave to inform your friend, hat in
l lie city of Newark, N. X, within eight miles by
Railroad of tho city, of New York, is one of these
out of the way corners, at which place two of
these patent humbng furnaocs ore in operation,
and have been constantly for tho part year.
Some of the iron made there I havo rolled into
thin aheotß, and produced an article that will
e l in any market, for at least fifty per cen
more money than any sheet iron ever produced
in the greni city or Wheeling. The next out of
tho way pUco, whero I saw an experimental fur
nace on the Renton plan, was m the city of Cin
cfnnati where iron was produced, the quality of
whkh wlv fully tested by some of the Urgr-J
logman,: far turers of that city, and pronounced
by them fully equal to the best quality of pud
died or boiled iron. T ~ .
The next out of the way corner that I thin*
necessary to notice, is my , own works at. this
place. Romo four months Bincc, when ulb
c'nnati, I purchased of the inventor he right to
build two furnaces, one of which
operation tho most of that timo,,but owing to
the low stage of .water hnvo been nnable to pro
ven outlie,cut supply of oar.
In the presence of some of our faryrit 1
bureh manufacturers, (whom 1 think as fol y
competent to ]n<iga of ‘ be ull ,ty J"? wheemp
hi 11 tv of the process, as your learned w heeling
friend 1 I have rnado from onr common Western
Pennsylvania ores, blooms— fully as fast and
equal in quality ns those made by the boilmS
or puddling process, from pig mctsl. It is truo
t can not claim that McKeesport is as public a
etnaic' as Newark, or Cincinnati-, tat .• mow on
an equality with Wheeling; and not so much ou
Tf tho way but that it wns found by a torgr
Wheel,n- iron nnnufactnrcr. who, under the
, pretence*'of wishing to seo ,bc .^ ent^ ur a n X'ice
workman! whom Vhtd procured from a distance,
at a considerable expense, to assist me m carry
y , ;r
•-. ■ .^i
•' reV;«\
' •*&?♦ ..■ . .. .« ■..
" \ doVotllaim to'be a large iron “ nnnfa^ tar ";
tut r n -«
mean." to successfully compete
,Mists, such,-ns I presume, your worthy Wheel
ins friend must be. +ho von- 1
Tour correspondent next asserts, tbat tbejen ,
s- sa
„ „ ", s and pnv them salaries in cash; but
?onr friend acknowledges. tliut the owners ot i the
Luton patent cuu pay thnr agents m tlar «™
S which I consider a strong argument in
f* ror' c” its intrinsic value. The position he
takes in regard to improvements or inventions
Nearly nU useTul inventors hnvo in lh ™ r
‘’TnSu-ion, Messrs. Editors, I vrould ovk of
in conciu- „ T()U rfCt , lV e any more
communications ,n repunl to
1 for manufacturing iron 5 atpliklp
HObnimroe of your correspondent, or-exclude
them from your columns..
inern *fuui j f j Yours, &o<
s? r a^’a , fflW l -f !:SS
| follows
Kine,! „ fs s’” T ' To "'‘ 1 - Tn s
‘ftrn 42.2G0 0.000
• ,6 28070 1.537
r,e.2io 3.000
ro,c£o q,2du
Jw-Hsoni HnU A Co
I'Jcbrml AUanfon...
TVeter, Muxfy & Co.
Huffman & C 0,...
Win. JnrvN ft C 0..... ,
limatoj,) — ■ '
- 8,300 mOB5 33,037
Thus it will be seen that 283,086 hogs hate
bJn slaughtered at this P° intu P
—•at. oq nq7 ]«ft over in psn, making ft to
arrivals on foot, particularly lr “‘“ * „ rk
immense All tho streets leading to the pom
“uses wore filled with hogs yesterday, from a-
Jians. cn tho road to Ccur.
Dec. 19th. -
Rt »te or the' Turkish' Army.—A molnnoboly
nC coii"nt of the etate -of the Turk,»b army .B
riven by a medical man in tbo Turkish camp.
He swea that 3,000 Turkinh soldiers have al
ready <Ued, and that over 8,000 were Biok and
mi . B . 3 }n g add“tion he t n o “choYora, intermittent fever,
and dvsentery, the Turkish camp is visited by
nawnfaaneß intho shape of typhus, ugly wounds,
new plague r wrUer of the letter BttW
half of which were badly dressed,
[ b ais%ooifilined and badly fed Asiatics and
march to the Danube, •almost with
faith reckoned on the clear, mildness of
temnerature, the promises of consignments of
and uniforms from \araa, nnd of
physicians with medicines, eorgical instruments
Snd bandagesfrom Constantinople. Omar Pnsha
ija everything that a general possibly oonld do,
but his exertions to secure a footing m Wallachm
and Moldavia were in vain. Ram, snow. wmd,
and storm, conspired against hun, *h« lotimy
roads were soon in such a bad state thst tho
transport of tho necessanes of life for largo
bodies of troops was found to he impossible, and
the Turkish army had no choice but to retrace
its steps. Tho dearth of provisions begins to be
very alarming, and tho clothing of tho men is
Sable in the extreme. Tho skins of the
newly-killed, half-starved sheep, are immediately
cutup to mnke coverings for the naked feet of
the soldiers.’
A River Flowing Under a Cur.—Tho New
rsi 1 \ Advcrtissr stoteß that B<sme persons
who ( werelngagedin grading the streets of that
"ty on Saturday lost, while working at the cor
ner of Nesbitt street, camo hole,
mbont 20 feet deep, two feet wide nt the month,
nnd seven at the bottom. , A stream
five feet deep.'ronnmg in a south-east direction,
yyas fonnd at the bottom . The discovery has ex
citedf considerable curiosity m fhat vioimty.
lU„t nt n lle-F«U Particulars.
This affair -which has resulted in the death of
twonersons and mnch excitement in Ac vicinity
Of the scene and elsewhere, Thurs
day last, between two ana three o bjockyu the
afternoon, at the great excavation and embank
meet at the south oiul of t>e r th*3 lUv
nois Central Railroad across the lllmoismer, at
Lasalle.' At this point there is an embankment
of over CO feot.jmd' an excavation, about one
mile from tho bridge, of 70 and 80 feet. Here
were collected four hundred laborers employed
by Messrs. Storey, Talmadge & ConkliD, con-,
tractors for the heavy work near the bridge.
Among these workmen there have been various
disturbances since the commencement-of- tho
work, and the ring leaders of tho late not were
tho same who murdered Thorn, last summer, and
WC rt° the difficulty on Thursday
•row principally out Of an agreement made a
short time since between alt the contractors to,
pay $1 instead of $1,25 per day.. The land aof
Storey & Co., were notified that they might e
celve $1 and continue upon tho work, or receive
I $1,26 for what time they had worked and leoyo
Hie grounds. AccoruinglyvJlr. Storey and his
I olerks commenced paying olf at the
I office upon the bluffs near tho works. The room.
| was arranged so.tbat none of tho t, , !11,d3 c °^ d
enter and the settlements were made at a win
-1 dew prepared for that purpose After proceed
ing a short time on error was discovered m the
account, when Mr. Story cpenedtbodooroud
informed the melt oftho error and told them that
" master would commence ««»
in an hour or two, or somctbiog. vo that Utect,
when one who kept-a boarding houso fordhe
hands crowded into the room, swearing that he
would have the pay if it was there, at the same
time etrikib* Mr. Storey in the faco and endea
: A him., Two or three others now
nn«hed in. when Storey drew a pistol and ; Cred
two or three times, severely wounding one, wli
tho room, Col Maynard
of Chicago, 1 y o and child:* While he
was 6 gone 6 were forced from the
room and the door rafastened, when ho crowd
commenced with axes, picks, and to itnwn the door One succeeded in enter-,
inc When Storey asked his olerks whether it was
best to shoot They said " no, we had better be
quiet ” Mrf Storey r.ot knowing that Maynard
had gone to take care of Mrs. Storey and ehfhl
went liy tho hack wny to the house. iindl ®P
his wif<fgone, ho started for the etablo to obtain
a horse on which to leave tho place. The men
seeing 6 him. rushed toward the stable shouting
‘h kiU ls i brt,’taUy k^ old murdered
and tiemlish yell, some shouting “now were
“coLMuvand, who lmd been threatened, offer
saving Mrs. Storey and child, hastened across
the river to Lasalle, spread-the alarm, and tele
graphed to Ottawa, where the yourt was in ses
sion. which many of the merchants and others
of Lasalle wero attending, if hereupon the
fourt immediately adjourned, and the bhcrilt,
accompanied by Capt. I'isher's military company,
and others, started for the scene of the uiatiu-b
-nnoe and arrived by tho cars m a short time.
Before their arrival, the c.tixens of Lasalle
armed themselves, took possession of all the
river crossings, and thirty-five or forty went over
I, ,ho works, when the rioters separated, and
h i among the ohanties. The works were nop
surrounded, and the hands driven up to he
office where each one was made to pass the
coord while the foreman identified those engn
ce l in the riot, whom tho Sheriff arrested and
had examined upon the spot hy Justice Mar
grave- The number thus taken was twenly
■Xt Three others were afterwards arrested,
1 and all cnnvcvcd to the Ottawa jail. Before tho
! partv from across the river had reached the
I shanties, several of the princtpal rioters cscap.d,
1 but were pursued by the ciliacns of Lnsall-.t in
I all directions, hut up to Saturday noon no fur
-1 thcr arrests bad been maao.
1 Vr Mhert Smrev, the murdered man, was r.
' native of Massachusetts, an ohl railroad con
1 tractor and n tempomiy resident of Chicago.
1 His remains were buried at LaSalle id Saturday
j 'The name of the man who first struck Story
i was John Ryan. Tho names of those arrested
cannot bo ascertained. ... ..
I Tftcr the arrests were made, quiet was entire
| ly restored, and it is probable that no further
disturbance will occur. It was Mated however,
that the hands were determined to work no more
this month, ns they had money eoought to sup
nnrt idleness for that time.
P During the affray several incidents occurred
I which are not uninteresting. Betarc all of tho
I rioters could he taken and examined by the ma
i gffilrate. several shots had to he fired by the sur
rounding partv, more to frighten than to kit,
i yet it is probably certain that had not the mil,-
tary been pre'ert 'bo whole twenty-cmhtf, ret
! .mated, would have met a very MimmaryXata
One mac endeavored to run away, when bo was
! fired upon seven nr eight times wounding him in
the arm He had a double barrel gun, wh.oh he
discharged onco without effect at his pursuers
Ho proved to be ono of thoso who first strnck
M V?hen r tho works were surrounded and a search
took place, at one of the shanties a fellow was
found ascending a ladder; when he was ordered
down bn refused, whereupon somo one tried
what virtue there was 10 , ( h . oyD , ! ? C *
very anon began to cry, “ don t shoot, don t
shoot,” and speedily came down, evidently cx
necting“n disagrceablo shot.’
P In another shanty a stout customer was found
in a very small hole, made under tho floor, and
entered by a trap-door. The p ace was hardly
large enough to hold a man, and was nsed for a
sort of cellar. When asked what.he was doing
there, he, with remarkable simplicity and oppa
ient 6 nuoccmce. exclaimed, “ and sure an’ here .
inhere 1 tIaVZ • ** v
It was elated that them wero foremen enough
in the room when Mr. Storey was attacked to
hnvo kept the intruders off.
It is believed that nt this time there are near
ly 2000 railroad hands within one mile of La
eallo —Chicago Democratic Preen, DecWth.
/ Homo of Rows and Miocollany.
e p Townsend, the Sarsaparilla men, iB
huildioc a residence in New York city which is
to cost *ll2O 000, am) will bo one of the finest in
the city. 110 has made an immense fortune
from the sale of his sarsaparilla.
The body Of a woman who died in Nelson
county, Va., about four years since, was disin
terred a few days ngo, and. found to have bo
come perfectly petrified, fis weight was 550
pounds, although the deceased weighed but 110
at the time of her death.
Kissing a pretty girl “ down south ” a young
gentleman asked her ."what made her so
“Oh,” she replied, innocence, my
father is a sugar planter ?"
Several bank bills disappeared very myston
ouslv a few nights since from the coat pocket of
a Mr. Lnmprey, of North Hampton, N. H„ ho
having left his coat hanging on his bed post upon
retiring to bed. A morning or two afterwards
Mrs Lamprey found amouso’s nest in her oven,
in which were four young mice nicely wrapped
up in tho missing bills.
A few years ago a cargo of ice was imported
into England from Norway. Not having such
rn article in the Custom Ilouso schedules, op
tion was made to-the Treasury and to the
Hoard of Trade, and after sotno delay, it was de
that tho ico should be entered ns "dry
goods;” but tho wholo cargo hud melted before
the do’nbt was cleared up.
Mr James Bartlett, Jr., of Talbot county,
Md slaughtered on tho 12th mot,, five hogs,
average age 10 months, and weighing 1,99 t
stated that a woman named Betsey
smffoid was convicted of larceny at New castle
DeMast wuok, and sentenced to receive 12
A survey has been made by the proper per
*on„ for a bridge across the Mississippi at St.
i .koov Two 6 surveys hnvo been taken,-one
where the river is 1,500 feet wide, and tho other
Vfhere it is 900 feet. „ ■ ■
The European Time, says The
nf the misunderstanding between the oper
nnceoft thß employers, m Borne portions of
“ might .1.
OrEUATioss.-Tho Young Catho-
B £a JqneietV of this «»y. nro ext 6nain 6
lie Frle f UB (?fulneB0 in providing for the
their sphere o -w hoBB parents are unable
wants of p The society numbers 400
to provide fpr t “ thns far in the season
active , young _ early goo boys with complete
have expect, to clothe 700
suits of T c h l ?re are Baltimore about twenty
more. There nr with the various,
similar usaooiatmu i , actively; enga
religious4enomina i faQBO active emer
ged in clothing tho poor, ent j t i ß them to
—Salt. Sun. ■ ■ .
. V. f
•’v - -.* ri'ir'--'
■■» 5 .'■ ■'-. v
- r v
[Done for the N. Y. Spirit of tholinies, by Don-Jons.]
,; A FIS M* a Carpet. Bog.
\ Since people have got ta carrying dogs, bun
dies, obeste of tools, loaded market-baskets, and
aubulike truok, inside omnibussee, we presume
no: regular patron of the Kip & Brown, the Mur.
•pby, or another line, would be much surprised
to hear of a pig being transported in carpet,
bag, and that carpet bag bundled into a Broad
way omnibus besides. A pretty strong proof
that such a thing could be done, waei/witnessed
in a Broadway omnibus a few days Since. . ,
[The day was rainy, and everybody out of doors
in bad humor, of course—particularly such as
after waiting under a dilapidated awning, or in
a dripping doorway, for half an hour, rush ou|
into the mad and run the risk of-their-litres, to
-get a ’bus, and bo told by twelve inside that its
•‘all fail." As a.general thing, persons thus
hluir d off cyplier their way back to the pavement
the best way they can, and wait for another
chance. But thcro are some who will not stand
it- and force their way into the vehicle, no matr
ter how many objeot. .
One of these won’t be refused persons paid
liberally for his boorishucss, as the story Will
show. An omnibus fiUed with its complement
of twelve, was bailed by a big man in a wet
shaggy coat, and carrying a largo carpet-bag.
The driver stopped, of course. . Who ever.heard
of a driver fancying Bis stage full.- J
“AU 'fall 1” “ do. on, driver ?” “ There sno
room here, sir!” . ' ~ _
- And a dozen other exclamations came from
the insiders; but tbe'driver sot still on Mb box,
and tbo dripping stranger pulled away at the
door, which a man was holding together by the
strap The outsider was too strong for the in
aides, ’ however, and. pulling the door open,
i'ammed in, and passed roughly alopg over boots
and gaiters, to the front of the Btage; .Here ho
deposited his carpet-bag upon the feet of triad?
Doesenger, and crowded about one-third of his
huge person upon the bit of spare space on the
opposite seat, and “faced the audience. .
it A pretty idee, to keep aman standing out in
the rain and mud, wasn’t it!” exclaimed the
anery intruder. . , , ,
The ladles looked at eaoh other and emiled,
whilo the men laughed outright. '
“ Maybe I’ve been among civilized people
somt time in my lire,” said' the
“riled” stranger, “even ef they didn t have
painted stages and paioted.people in em. _
This drew a deprecating glance from the la
dice, while the gentlemen looked bb if they
wouldn’t mind pitching the fellow out.
u IFee-f-e-e V s came from ibe carpet-bag.
“ Hello! what’s thatasked a little man
with big hair and a thin voice.
“ A pig in a carpet bag!” shouted another.
«< We-c o- e-ooh*ooh-oob-we-c-e-e! ” trora. the
C °‘‘Throw it ont!" cried the man with the thin
- ; V i •
: t.:: *\ *;i -.v ■< ■»,
v * » •. *•* •• •
u • i< v.(. .1
i' •i- 'x n>:,' •'
V 0“ There otnt any pig thcro [" roared the
shaggy coat. “Them's my close, and noth n
“Weo-o-o-et" , . , „ ,
“ The deuce there ain't,” from the little man.
“Pitch him out, with livepork.”
“Let 'em try it!”,roared the shaggy man.
“Who’s agoin to do it?”
11 Wce-e-e-c !-ooh-ooh-wee-e-e 1”
“ Gentlemen, we can’t stand this any longer
go oat with yoar hog, you brute!"- cried the
little man, assuming immense indignation.
“Stop the stage and let mo out!” cried one of
tho ladieß. , „
“ I tell yon I nint got no pig m thnt bag,
growled tho shaggy man—“ I’ll bet ten dollars
on it. The critter is somewhere else—in come
of tho seats maybe.”
“ Wec^e-o-e!" , .
Here the alarm of tho ladies began to bo in
tense. Several insisted on getting oat, and one |
improvised a very good feint at a faint.
“ Sit still,”- said tho little man—"l II go out
and see the driver.' Ttiis nuisance Is not to be
borne any loDger.”
Tho etago was stopped, and the little man
got cut, and di i see the driver —enough, st ony
rate, to hand up hie sixpence—and then walked
straight into Stoyvcsaut Institute, bestowing, as
he eutered the door, rather a quixxical look at
the people in the stage.
“ Who is that fellow!" growled tho shaggy
•oat. “ I’ve o mind to get out and thrash hitm
The idee of my having a pig in that carpet-beg!”
“That man !” answered tho pereon addressed
—“ that is Signor iSlitx, tho ventriloquist and
“ The Devil ?* .
«• 2? of not quite; but rather a 4 dus* relation
■Yon can go on, drirer.”
Sewako OCT AS Acsocati'Catou.— The prop
erty of Judge Forsyth, of Kingston, N. Y., whose
financial operations, and sabecqneut sudden de
parture for Europe, a few months ago, created
no little sensation in Wall street, is to be sold at
public auction this week. Among the articles
in the inventory, indicative of the luxurious stylo
in which tho ** ahsquatnlator ” lived, arc some
ornamental medallion carpets, made to order,
costing $7OO each; mirrors, costing $OOO each;
«ilk velvet sofas ; a piano forte, worth $400;
costlv silver waro; a snperb library, paintiags,
and other works of art; three gray horses that
coßt $1,200; any quantity of rare wines; superb
vases, from the royal manufactory of Prussia;
solid silver tankards; trays ond punchbowls,
lined with gold.
Death OF a Vetera* Pennsylvanian.— Mr.
John Book, sr., died on the 17th inst., at Shrews
bury, l’a., where he had resided aver fifty years.
Ho voted at every Presidential election since the
adoption of the Constitution or tho United States,
and was tho oldest citizen in that section of York
oonnty. !To had, at tbo time of his death, thirteen
childron, sixty-four grand children, one hundred
and sixty great-grand-children, and five great
great grand-children, twohnndred and forty-two
descendantsin nil, two hundred and six of whom
survivod him, viz: six children, fifty grand-chil
dren, one hundred and forty-five great-grand-chil
dren, and three great-great-grand-childrcn. At
tbo time of his dcoease there were five generations
living in Bhrewsbnry.
Tnt. Ai.t-Eor.n Odtbaoe of the Codas Au-
TnoiuTiEs. Some of the passengers in tho
steamship Crescent City, nt New Orleans, from
Havana, have prepared a “ manifesto ” against
the Cuban Government for overhauling her there,
and keeping her over night. It is said to bo a
fierce paper, and breathes war. A correspon
dent or tho Now York Express, who was a pas
senger on the Cresoent City, rather unceremoni
ously pricks this bubble. It is well known that
bv a regulation of tho port of Havana, no vessel
can pnss the Moro after sunset. It seems that
tho Crescent City got under weigh and attempted
to pass the Moro after theflaghad been lowered,
and was of course compelled to heave to, and go
back to tho anchorage.
ggy The Duke of Alba, who got into trouble
with young Mr. Sonle, for some disparaging re
marks upon the dress of Mrs. Soule, at a ball in
Mildred, has apologized for the offence. At
first the Duke refused to consent to give redraßS
in either way, upon tho plausible pretext that
his adversary wns in reality urging on a politi
cal quarrel. But tho story is now that public
opinion having deoiared itself unanimously
against him, aB is not astonishing in a oountry
renowed for tho chivalrous respeot whiohut has
always paid to beauty, the Duke settTed_the
matter by giving the apology demanded. — Phil.
Outrage on as American Consul.— A letter,
dated Paitn, November I, says that a party of
twenty-five men, whose leader had made himself |
offensive to the Peruvian government by publish
ing certain footsie Limanewspapers, sought the.
protection of the United States Consul, 8. J.
Oakford, Esq., at Tombez, which was granted.
Tho National Guard surrounded the house and
fired into it, killing one man, wounding twO ( oth
ers, and endangering the lives .of the consul and
his family. The refugees were forcibly earned
nwoj, and the consul threatened with arrest.
The McDonough Cases before the Supreme
Court —The Supreme Court hue deoiaed m fa
vor of the United Statej, in five of the cases ar
caeil at the present term, inwhichthequestion
las of Bundry titles to the different tracts of land
claimed by the representatives of the late John
McDonough, of New Orleans, under P” te^ ed
titles from the French authorities of either Lou
isiana or Florida. These, says the Washington
Star, are all the MoDonongh cases so far deoided.
« • iifltl
E®> Bates* Theatre at St. Louis was damaged
to the extent or several thousand dollars on
Soturdnyvnorning, by thefamnginoftheroof
and the consequent overthrow of a part of the
walls. Fortunately, and strangely too no-one
was hurt. The accident was the result of -a
defect in the plans of the architect, who did not
nroperly sustain the roof. Mr. Batear estimates
S7,COO or-SB,OOP-On. Com.
fnr this purpose: ~,,,, - - -
n „„„ , vnßTOßE.—Hector Jennings, of San
flnrftv Ohio has been notified by his attorney in
*”i ,X -r .' v*
,r- • - ' '■ '''
. Grand Jfttvcnllc Cone®
(kpBttEYOCB; ba* the honor cf tnforming, tbo citlicuß ]
o?mtbufgb and vicinUy.tbat give * ® i
rv» vAfp T \n IjRTDA-Y EVENINQvDccemhCT 23<h in 1110
Grant ft-Thowr.
fonucrs will consist 0f,250 Cblldjen; Tapils of &o gcbool.
Mr WAMBUNK preside at IheTi&oo.; . v . .
Ticket admitting aXody and Gentleman, 2o ccnta »X> J*
: had nt KLKBEB»S, MKLLOR’S, and at tbo door on the
1 ereninc of .the Concert.
| Tor particulars, see programme.
Pittsburgh, December 19,1853. f
Li’ wSter’Btwit, ■' •- ' ’ Wm:Larimerv7r.,
John S. Eilwortb, ivTm.m R nnvF
J. Schooninsker,. •.:
Mm Shlpton. .SASIOEtJ,.HAB|HEI.L
|: dec2l:m • • •-'♦■- -
... Tit~., Tlnsnltal Fair.— The ladles’ mir,
OtotheSicßtof AoMorcy Hospital, ■olUrammol.cs
'ivrl>\Y ot LAfc'AYKTTU HALL. corner of Wood en^
Fo«*k-lA,ontTao«on Four*
’ for one rrct-lc only- . I
o>=3» ' Presh Tenlson Just receired at MUKRATI
& OUVER’B,cornot Wood nnd l'iflli streetji, under
Patrick* & jMend. •'
fliononffafaela Savtgaticm Compft-
MfiETINO of tha Stockholders of tho M W?S *St
• Narliration Company trill be held* in pursuance of tho pro*
WWonsof tho Cbaner of lucorporaUcrn, at o®“°*
Qnint street, in the city of.Pittflburgh, ou MONDAY, the
: jMond d»y orJonoary, 18H, (Wing tboflirf In tho
month,) ot two oclock, P. 51 ,forthe ELECTION OP OfcPi
f GB ™,fZL tU ° < *?° S ?Car WBL BAKKWEJ.T*. Eccretoy.
r,~'^snycrumin.,— u « due co KlKli’B Itdrcieusv to
day that it baa been known to completely 0™“““
vestigo of thia dreadful disease In less time toanony
other remedy, end at lesscostor Inconvonloimetpthe po-
thousands of certlikates in the handn of theproprie'
tor, many of which oro from well known citiicna ofthe city
or Piltabur-tb and its Immediate vicinity, go to shtsv clearly
andbeyor - ell doubt, that Sita'a PrrEOmmls nmcdlcoe
of no com. onvalne, notonlyasa load remedy in JWP-
Hs.lVicumalim, Daifnat,loti of Sight, . but as a valuable
Internal remedy, inviting the investigating phyridans, no
well as the suffering patient, to become aojnalnted with its
having a dread of mliturea are assured that thls
oiedicineis purely natural, and is bottled asit flowefrom
thabosom of the earth. . ', r - ,
StoanUufed ait oertificattofthculibraUdD. Y. Foot, 11, U,
trnth certify; that I have been so badlyaf
flictod with Scrofulafortholast seven yearsthat most of the
»t m a t Vnye been unable to attend to any kind of business*
Sdmuchcf tho time unable to ■walk and confined to my
bod and hare been treated nearly all the time by the beat
Physicians our conntry aflbrds: I occasionally * got some re
lief but nocure, and continued to grow -worse untllDr. Foot
recommended me to try the Petroleum, or Rock OU,as ere
rything else had failed. I did so without faith at
the effect waa astonishing ; It threw the poison totimsurfiice
at onco, and I at once began to grow better, end by using
.even bottles I have got a
This may certify that I hove been acquulnted wilh Klee's
Petroleum, or Bock 08, for more than avear, and baveve
neatedly witnessed its beneficial etTerts in the cure of indo
lent nlairs and other diseases for which it Is recommended,
vnd can with confidence recommend it to be a medldnewor
thvof attention.andcan safely say that success baa attend
ed Ita nse where other medleicehad
Pot sale by all tbo Druggtsta.ln Pittsburgh. faoZfatew,
171 Chestnulst.,*ppotiUthe Staie Eovts.
H. W. BAFPORD, . '
KfiEPScoxuitahtly on band tb« mortextenEiTeßnu
[LfS* failed assortment ofCartflsnßatnlCartain Materials to
Frracißrocatellcs.cillwWths, Gilt Cornices, every utjlt sal
French Plushes, niFwKl*.i»
“ Satin haloes, GlUCurtalnPins,
i ti Lamrafl* • ** '• _ Banda,
•• SatinsT Cords end Tassels,
a pnmnftk LtnanSf Gimpa, all prices,
I ** Oaahmctette, Ix>Ops»
fu^S 8 ’ ES’Sn
-Asasfflsff ? 1118
«n4 Kvtr Complaint
tering letter fiom R*t. 0. Piomsos, a HUslonarj la
Klra-P/drJSr; blyrelfnnd *lfe haring Wa
gristly benefitted by tho ataof yoor Petroleum..! wish to
haTe you wild sue a box of two or three doz*n bottles. 1
am the {fcogregttUonal Minister In this pitted, and serial
of my |wop!n are alerted with SndisesUoa.and an lanrtlnn
of the liver, the Fame' of myself and wife, before tak.n;,
; l>S«,ou Rock Oil. Wc tocfcjeveralboUflffr-
I two or three each—about a year and. * half ago, and we
have never enjoyed so good health for
since that time- I had not taken a single bottle, be-oro
that fullness of tho stomach which eo distresses She dys
peptic was relieved, and I have, felt nothing of It
Sme sly Wife was also relieved from a cbronlc’dtecaso of
UuTilvcr/which had been of several years standing, by the
Canal Basin, GKO. H KEYSKR, 140
Wood street, and Druggists and Medldae
trhore- . : ..
pcnufylvanln. CAPITAL, 0100,000. CBAS
Pnxid'nt—Xl on. O..ITBISTKB.
Sccrttaru —THOMAS 11. WILLSON, Esq.
Hon. A. O. Hrisinr, Somnel Mm,
William Robinson, Jr., Thomas Gillespie,
THUIAm F. Fahnestock, John lw
Hhrrer Bollman, p8 !?i!L- t*.
John Welker, Jr-, William Colder, Jr.,
Jarobfi Unl-lennon, Aaron Bornbaugh.
J 0 ° RUSSELL & OAKES, Agents,
Office. laLafeyette BaiMingS
le? (entrance on Wood street.)
rr-nmiASSOCIATKn Firemen’s in.urnnee
Company oT the City of Plttabnrph.
I K MOOUIISAII President—HoßEllT FlNNEY.Secretary
kinds. Office: In Monongahela Eonso> Koa* 124 and 126
Water street*
J.K.Moorhead, W.d.Andorsdn,
B. C. Sawyer, •
Wm.M.Bdsar, -11. B. Wilkins,
W. W. Dallas, Charles Kent,
C. Paulson, William Oolltagwood,
A.P.Ansbnts, Joseph Kaye,
William Wilkinson. .
Port Gfflro taildlnffl, -Thirt street,
in fcH kiwis of veather.from 8 A. H. to 6 P. M., gWing on
accnratoartistic and animatelikeness, nnliko and rttllym
ncrlorto the common cheap dagnerreo types, at
Scop pricw: sl > 6o, $2, s3,t4 i Ssnnan I nrarf,«MOrilng to
the die and quality of case « tame.
Hourafor children, from 11 A. ; M.t02P.31.
N n —likenesses of sick or deceased person s taken In any
; part of the city. . . fnorgStly
KKT ptrcct, Pittsburgh—Manufacturer* of WROUGHT
SON’S FUIINA6K3, Register* JVeniilatorß, Tin Pfpea, ond
article required In their line. ‘ . , _ . :
Particular attention paid to the erection oflleaunff, ven
tilating ornl Drying: Apparatus, by Steam Pipes, not
Water, and Chllsnn’e Fqrawco. po-rfr-m
Dr. Lunette’! Jnno Cordial, or pr.O
ILXf CREATIVE ELIXIR, prescribed ns on effectual
rertontlre in cues of Weakness, Irapotency, or Bartennew,
end nil Irregnlaritlks of nature. As an Invigoratingßem-
Sy it is unequalled. ' Also a certain Remedy for Incipien t
Cmsumntlon, Indigestion, Loss of and.
Femalo Weakness. Sold only at So. 140 IIURD. Btaet
Pittsburgh. i - : - wl '“
irtaOVßlAlaiSi Curtain Slaterlalo, and
Curtain Trimmings of eTerydcscripUon, Furniture
Plashes. Brocoteiles, Ac., Lace and Muslin Curtains,S. Y.
Pointed Window Shades, 0 lit Cornices, Curtain Pins, Itonds,
Ae_ fttwhoiosale dull retail, \Vr 11. CABBYo»
* C " > No. 169 Chesnut street, corner Fifth, Philadelphia.'
Corbins Mado and Trimmedin tho tery nowesmeneb
style, tmarSOdy
Corn«ll. Cornell! A great manyper
are dreadfully tormented with corns. A certain
found (nDrCom'BCoarPUißß, for
Bale by Dr. GEO. B. KEYSER, MO Wood «treet.
Pries, retail at IS 'A and 25 cts.perbox.; f*P 8
caiXlbcral deductionp to those r»ho bny to Bell airaln.
O. O. of meeting, Washington Hall,
ILsf -Wood litraet. between Filth etreet and Virgin alley.
Lodge, No. asOr-Moeia every TuesdoieTHdng.
Mercantile &IOIMPKEST, No. 87—Meets first and third
Friday of each month. tmarasfiy
of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, “rets on the
Stand third WEDNESDAY of every month, at the X LORI
DA HODSE, Market
rP—d cnrt^ T i~CotTlU<mancl nrani SorDorn
can be had by applying to ffn. lrank
L *ODOE»-I 6. The
Skip* Angcronb Lodge. P, f S 6 * rtvW 7
Wednesday evening in Washington Hall, ood st. [jy 1?
A nTi t snrpeon Dentlat»—[amyessorof
Biddle.] at. ■ f m Tggf_,
on corner or Wood and Flftn Streets,
• pspss paikicks * yuDSNP. .. (seplO .
: — 'cm/.t.NS' INSUttANOJi COJIPAh*,!
Pittsborph, December lßlh, 1855. j
THE President and Directors of this Company hare this
dnyfelS a Diyidend of Fire BoUanrper g>«e
n m J , O capital Stock—thus, three dollars, payable to the
Stockholderaor their legal rcpresentatlYcs forthwith, and
tl7 °^°f'lOt °^ lte ßA°MPB f Secretary.
Fifth street Property For Sule._
AT ALU ABLE LOT OP GROUND, 18 feet ftontby 120
deep, situated on'Flftb street, nearly opposite tbo now
Office and Custom House. The situation of this lot
lt one of the moat desirable business locations In tho
one-third cash, and balance in two years; orone
thinTSb and an humoredfarm of
teaser-: Arplyto w,SteSLt
1 LOT 21 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending
A back 100 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the
£fi, . cdiar Wall, built for mo small Houses, nils lot
la In a desirable location for a residence; and will bo sold
w„d on favorable term.. TlUe B«al, and
Mranco. Entire of *.'gggg%&:
1 .Fall Style ofHat«7 .'- T
ns* 'SAMUEL WEST, A'0,231
/Ji (head of Wood,) has Just received the FAIL ||||gt
cK& STYLE OF HATS, and would respectfully '*&**&'
invite the attention of his £rle . nill “ d vr
Hnta and Capa. ~
•w JOSEPH COX * CO., comer Wood
/Band Diamond alley, vroold rMpectfally
Js&ma their frlends.and the r nhHothat_ffiey
nwTrecaivinif a' lore© and,splendid stock of TIATS AND
etylftSyirhich they arc Prowrrf to seU
onAs reasooabletenns m houso In tho diyr
Give aa acalUondexamfoeonretock. sepia
- vnrn a niapiAT o> -
' Of avary tleircripiion,
patatbS* bua, rmsstmaa. [dcc2».-5t
z.** •
W'y'ji ’ ' « O ' 'vv
* • 'r “■
the National Intelligencer, Washington-City,
JletflWi, 1852; , ,
i)a. 3. B. Boss’s .Vertical Adviser to Tirgmi in Sisktust and
'-in Health, with an Almanac for publication fs,
ftotn tbo pon of on eminent physician of Philadelphia, n
t -utar graduate of to Medlcat Colley and an honorary
member of the Philadelphia Modlcal Society. :It contains
much good advice to Invalids, as -well as persona In health.
It also describes in a coinprohonilTO mannor, the diseases
of 'ourTarlablo ollmato, and tbo mode of treatment, I*o.
family should bo without a copy of Ibis book. It can bo
had, without any charge, at the various drug stores In this
city, where Dr. Bose’s valuable Family Modlclnra are for
J. S. Boss’s NcarooOsn Israotuxis? Camus, the
greatest discovery In medical K lenvo. Jhla
raising op a weak constitution, debilitated
by care, labor, study or disease, acts like n dtann.
strength and appetite, and possesses Br«t
properties. For h^'disease,
: lence, heart-turn, restlessness,- numbness, neuralgia, rals*
log thq spirits, and giving power to the whole system^» »
almostmirfteulottfl Inits cffecta* nfty cente ft bottlo.
• jff t - Rote’s Celebrated ifawiily £Tedicin(t, a7id hiS 2fed£c4i
Jdvisef to jfVionj in Sicknut and in Just In
receipt of a fresb assortment of tho abaYß McdWnes, and a
lot of bis Valuable books for distribution, of whicbthe pub*
lie are invited & call andcccopt a copy.
dwl 3jtUTf :Iv '<** ?• KEYSEB, 140 Wood street.:.
A Great Blessing to the Afflicted.'
ttm'number and'fbnhldable character of diseases of the
Liver have lrng challenged tho attention of medical men.
Some of these diseases, ch-ssed Under tho gonenfl tana of
Consumption, have Boon supposed incnrahlo. mittho.u^
ollowedto die, without medical
Happlly,thl.oan notonger,
bo the case. • A remedy has boon found which still rare all
complaints, of whnteveroharecter, arWoB
mentof the liver. Tho Pills discovered by Dr.
Virginia, art directly on tho liver! and. by eorreeUn* Ita
Osmond purifying Itfrom disease,
pals* the complaints Which have their origin In the disease*,
of tbiaorgen.* .Remedies hitherto preposedfor'liver■offij
plaints, have ftllod to operate upon tho soatof tto dlaaso,
but Dr.M'Lauo’s Pills mako themselves fell upon tteactlon
of the liver, ind by cleansing the fountain, dry up the !m
-.pUro streams of disease which thence derive their ex;
Purchasers will he. carefol to ask &r Dr. hTLsnas
celebrated llvta' Piua, and take , none else. Than ?f»
other Pills, purporting to be liver
pabllc. Dr. Wfsutf* liver Pflls, else hts celebrated y«h
milage, can nowWbai. at UU respectable; Dreg: Stores Id
the United States, and by the sole proprietors,
PCEMKO 8803, . •
flacecssora to Jo KMd ft C
60 Wood»trect.
»• ». v » .
_>V •
j&s Goode ! -«■ FRESH AIIIHVAL cf,CYcsy j
description of Cloth, OaMlmeros, Overcoatings, and Test-. I
tagh' suitable' for the season. .Also,; Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, Qloros, IHWkr Ac. Also, a
fall assortment of Readpmado Clothing, Trunks, Carpet
Bairs, and Umbrellas, wholesale and retail. . Those wlshinif
to purchase good articles, and at a fair price, would doweU
No. 210 LIBHITY street, head of Wood, and
(pjftway. disappointed. - no¥ r*
mo-Nenrala«n.—Tbls formidable disease, which
me&stobaffletlwtlriUof physicians,yieldsll>» map? to |
Boj3»o,fottDeriy of the
and lata proprietor of the Eschange Hotcl,Mchmood,Yap
13 one of thehondrods who hare been cured cfsovoroNen.
”?u^W s ~'cnd«l it to number, of
otoTwhn Sne suffering nearly every form of disease,
he has erer
On tile evening of the 20lh insf,MrH. ARAHKIEA, wife
of Lewie Statcnfield, in the 35Ua yenr °f lier B * e - .
The faneral will take placefrom tho reellciiMonier hne
hand, near Wilkinrbnrg, THIS noMIOT. at ll o f
friend. of the family
ther notice. Carriagenwill bo in waiting nt the Bt. Clair
llotel, at 0 o’clock, A. M.
— .fpKe Hemer.fatle Clllxcns ’of Alice
*iU hold their PRIMARY MEETING* ™
SATORUAY. the 2«th inst. at the usual placcaof mooting,
between the honra of onennd STe oolockin the afternoon,
tnel S tlMftaU.tono , nl r ,te , .M^: p E^6cRATB.
”—: orpharu’ court Sale. "; v
• Bt tiutc* ofahoTder of the Orphan?' j
Court of Allegheny county, the undttplgnM:.
Administrator of the. Estate of. Frederldi ]
Bimeer, late of Anegheny county. ae^ftrtOe
win expose to Public Pale, at the. COURT
HOUSE, To the city of Pittsburgh, cn' MOV
DAI, the 10th. day. of January,. A. D ISM
.V in o'cloch. A. SL, the ■undivided third part of the follow*
Sg LG®:or PIECE the Bolld-
Inffß ahdlmprovements thereon, vix: Attain lot or ptee
of ground situate in the Reserve tract, Ross toirmhip, op
posite the Northern lt»--ertiefl of Pittsburgh, being X«t- No*
19f," in tho plan cf lota loMout by G. E. Warner, Jamt
Painter, and V. Lorcna, containing in front on Maini rfroct
ninety fret, and extending hack to Lorpcnti'ra alley thirty
Term, made known on day of
Administrator of the Estate of Frederick Romser, detfd. •
dec22:dlt»wt3anl6 _ v’ /V
"" .... Murphy & buwMbW : ■
HAVE received an extensive assortment of Horn too aac
yrtjncb Npodlo-wcrked
CIIEMIZETTEB: French Cambric do ; >mentnaereu
Cambric ndkfe; Fancy Scarfs Brera BQkj. and
rroll adapted for IToMay QUbt for the Badiftff. - fdec2£2t*
UNDKIE3-—Cigars, pipes, pipe beads, spices, chocolate,
bxoorns, buckets, tabs, bed eor<Lvtwino, ropes, cotton
hatting. carpet cbainVragsv hemp cotton,
Iract bredrae. blacking, salenitUB,whUeondrea lead, mad
<jcr, copperas, alum, todigo, logwood, camwood. powder.
shot l«ad, wafih-boards, starch, corics, demijohns, jug* tor.
cbeoso, dairy salt, sardines, alcohol, turpentine, cnt
221 and 223 Liberty at, 1 ' '
ALT—IOO bblsSo.l Baltnstfa and for Kde . ~
SUGAU--*Ohhda Plantation Sugar;» ; y-: -
20 barrels Lovcrins’a cnubcO, pulverized, l anu
• powdered, do.;
30 bogs Brasil do.;. • ■ • •: • i.
lOTxaea Whit* Havana do. For sue ov
MOLA&iES— SOU Mils Munlation MolMses;
- - I*o hf Tibia do do
[dcrr22] ' MTLt.BR 4 RIGKETSON.
For sale by
J3A—25O ftalf cheats Yoons Hyson, Imperial,; Gufcpow
derv SooehOnjr, and 150 da
do: for pale by __ (doc22| ■MlttLElt’ SHIPKETSON.'.'
TOUACCO— 250 boxes and half boxes B’s/S’s* V6,lbftnd-1
lb lump: Diadem Twist Diamond Twist, s Six' Twist
I>luk, Russell & Robinson’s, Grant’s, Anderson's, Thomas*
Jones*extra, Meylarfc.*Gentf^^baewvitfJ&22Jgfc for
salo by * • , fdec22i ■■‘ .. MTLLRR A UIOKKIBOy.
CQpytCK>-220 bagaprime RtoCoffae:
30 pockets Old Got. Jaya do;
16 LairuayTs do. for sale by '
1 > AI3INS —to boxes Si. It. Retains; , ....
it SObf “ “ . , ,
• ' <JO nr “ u - for ante I>T
TbOTTBR—IS bblß packed Bottor for Bale by . '
: Qdecia : o miller a ricketson.
SOAP. AN 0 CANDLES—. - - *
SOO boxes 2fo. 1 Family Soap; . /v'
60 do Star and Mould Caudles; for sale by
/~1 LAS? —300 boxes-aw'd *UeeWindowGlMsforealo’
\JT fler2» MXLLBR & RtOKBT3Q?f«
"01311—50 bills No: 3 Mackerel, large:
JH £s>if u •» “ . ••
30 bbla Pickled Hcrrtwfcrsala by _
Rick —1U tierces new crop Klee far sale by -
TP BAS —0 bbls dried Tennessee .
GIH— W. A. Tlsh’B Holland Oln, Woire'e Bcheidam
Mnopp»,l“c M e,,fOreolelg Lt:K & RICKETBfW ,
W bbla Economy Crab Cider;
SO " 'ff.R. Cider VlneCTr;
6ca»lu trench White Wlno
r-lOBDXAL. Now England Brnn, Jionaic* .Splrin, Kuom
-2a and 223 Liberty »t
’llriNKS— Oporto, fort,
W rlnroL HhriTV. WbUe Uhenlslr,' Mo prat, listen. Bur
zone Wins,, insloroo*3fc ■gtofr^
winter Sperm, Fall .do. Winter Whale# Bleached
HlßDhnnt, TanneraVSfcmlto, Bank and Bhora, Linseed,
dec22 ,221 and 223 Liberty st.
-c-rriNES SapeHor Sherry, i Port, Lisbon,
THIANDY—■'Vintages of 1800, 1833, 1840,1844,1848 and
(dec£2Y • : MILtiER,& RtCKETSQN.. .
r aa fc»|GB LEAD roceived per steamer Salntjbloii\ aid
No. 134Fnmt atrget*
Nottoe to Stockholders*
I CO-—Tho Annual Meeting of tho StocXhoUlf'.rs of the
Fittaburgb ani Steubenville Company ,wMbe
belli on MONDAY, tho Btbof Jana art, 18i4,Et 8 dclockla
the forenoon, at tho Englneor-s Office or sail Oonpanj,
corner of Grant street and Duunonitaley, In the cityof
Plttebnrgb for tho election of=» President and twelve
Directors of raid Company, for tha ensuing year, according
I™ ol [dec2ltdtd} ; CHARLES; HAYLOB.Bec’y,-
r—r; :j| gw OFFICE. I I
Estate and Contracting Agent ■ .
THE subscriber has been induced to open an ofTico for
,)to nurnc-e of buying and selling, on Commission, and
having the *Ageney of large Steam Saw-Mills and Boat-
Yards on the Allegheny river,’together with many other
fadliUes from other water and steam saw-mills. He flatters I
himself' that ho can furnish any - bills of lumber and i
timber of any ilnd.t great'or small, long or short, and
deliver them at any point on the Allegheny. Monoogabela,
Ohio or Mississippi rivers; contract to build largo Barges,
Store Boats; Coal Flats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Umber, Rail--
road Timbers— Freight Iron, Coal, Ac- to any given point,
andwillottendtothe Saleand Rentofßeal Estate. .From
bis long experience in lomboring, -freighting and boat
building, he thinks he can give general satisfaction. All
person* nre requested to make their contracts soon; espe;
eiallv those wanting hosts or largo Mils of lumber and tim
ber shouldoontraetfbrthcminthetkllibrthespringand
summer nse. He will also attend to the purchase and sale
trading Agent, Pittsburgh, Box,Ko; 120,
punctually attended to: lbs office is on :
2, Allegheny House. -..v." DAVID Aiunr,.
Col. James D. Morgan,'li'am'bertaao, MUehargh. ,
Hr. John Morrison, Esq, "
Hr.Kobt.B. Brown,Bl, “ E L Ta ‘
, Mr, Wn). Arinstrong, . . " -- <as ™ n - ■
■ Mr. Georg® B- SeroneJ, ■*
"C. 4 J. Hahn ft Co,
: a - + ,i.,j: i »■ . ■
■ .'■ • • ■■ -<
■■■,■ .••.• r y ; ■
■ - - ■": i'-vS- r • V
. k ■ }
» '•, ' u- ■ -K . V •
K - d r> *'
V x k
v 1' •
- -''."'..-A*-'
■ .’•*«•• •'r»r ■- ; . ■ 1
#* *
THEATRE.—Josiru 0. Fos«n, testa arA
street, aboroVocKl
Bwea and Parquets 60c? Private
«m«ll $5 * Second Tier, 2tx ; Boxes for colored pertons, Mr*
StmHMuSffKatavlll ha charged *&*»•*£*!*!s”
certificate. Poors open at o'clock ,porfhnnan® bo
mJrJSwVit 7 o’clock...-.Laft night hut two of the engagement
5*S? end Mrs W J Florenco .....Jht» OT S n 8 %5Ry I jd£
22 1853 will bo presented the Drama of BHANDjT MA
JffltH phondr Maguire, Mr Florence; Mary Conner, Mrs
conclude with the j jibSSe;
Pat. Mr W J Florenco; Judy o*l rot,; airs wj.
Dan (VCarolen, Mr Bra W0n1..... .To-morrow
well Benefit and lost appearance but one of .Mr and M»» W
J,Florence.. Several novelties in preparation.
A * CO.’S. No, 33 BMTTHFtELD rtwfllsrv :
‘PnetrTof the Year—Paaaazca from the Pacta, desgripUTe
of tho jiiawn. with twentydwo colored Illustrations, from
c mtaentßrtlBt&. Apostles nnd Prophets?: containing
BoX.lwWod in to Journal of o
Qn«B«of England—a i?nrlesofts»enty-sCTen elegant
6l Erento P g»”t^Ko E M»oor. or to ChrUtma. Gnest;
T’gfeiffiSSS «*»of *-* »
Bratflnp-lteottand Pox- ■
“niaatratod -with trreivo steel engrnrings.- • •
ThosSlreldr Goto?; an illnrtratod gift book for all
Boonfy,'or literary Gift for 1851; nine ong’s.
; SlSonorS™* obip,. Wft Book for on Bcorono,
: /Tbe Amaranth, or Token of Remembrance.
Keepsake of Friendship. '
The Garland, or Token of Friendship. .
The MeshoiLsunt Gift Book of Friendship.. , A -^
\ Getxui, from tboprofie and poot-
IctfwritaTAOf England and America.
The C«ket,'a Gift Book for allßeasona.
The ladles' GUU or gourenlr of Friendship.
Mepdship’a Offering. for IBM.
' trhoßnowJPlako, for 1854. , ,
Affectton’s Gift, for 1861.
■®“ book*:
* -Bin*
,. '•
The Bw*>oo4 of Great Slen.
Swßtoge.ti.Hmj;. ~ ■ ■ ■ ■ J ,
- :
Tirerido Fairies. , » •••. .
The Arabian Nights 'Enterla xunants.
~Boblnson Cfwsw, ■;....
gandfotdaid Morton. •
Boyeßbofeof Fan.
Teqtteatcd te eall“^^ T ™^ no t o^
«£SgP** tnercaripgetcß.^
te"£s:sK iKi •• ■
Wo1)bor; lHn ,.
truwd eolordlithogruphs., Cloth $3; mo-
Heart, op toro's EmUerns; containing
th^&S?rQ?ff"?iolWu yS ,*o.
Bha)t»pXre’» ITorto,iarorloua Bt J’“ I °l' >lcdl 2 ’ 4 4
blftces from onO.dolt fix to twenty*fiva . «
> •kUrc :& large end ttureftilly fcleeted afpoTtocnt of tne
1 lotpot Tjrlced Qift Boois and Annuals. Call early, If joa
- •'• • 70 Foorth Btrcet* _
.. JTJST RECKIVBD, and now open for ex
r-'-Zj t '*~] omlnatlm and role, t)/o foUowinjrew PI-.
. Rosewood, richly carved, OrAnd-Plano
i F °oi« equaro Piano, In,tlie stylo
oflsndaXlY, 7 octave* «»CD.
Oneßosewood carved, 7 0ctevea............ Sjj» }«_
So do > (,p 2 do
S’ ' f %■ e do ao w
t AH*the obtvro are from the reiebrated mannfiietOTy of
i (ImcscaniO' & Sossi Bo*tbri,'Mo.«s.
[ AIM. received tram the ram factory, a bcoo t' fol lot of
I PTAVO STOOLS, earned and plain roAewocd, with hair cloth,
rfiearedplwh.nnahxocatcnoeoftta. - ' iv 1 '
I *Oa band, a large stock or Pjasos -from other Boston and
■I Kcw York makers, oml forlfflleet farfprypric*B. '
1 ™ JOHN 11. MBUXHt, : Biyor4 rtreet.:,
I Agent tbt ritWbarghand wworo
I PennyylTanla. V* -• • ■■•'■■• - ■ *- * —-
. r• Acrlcnltural Motice. . .
TUTTA IBBRS of the Allegheny Connty So-
M, rfetr '-set* wfliiesW to renew their mombewhlp PTC-
Vlouii t?tte for offleor*.
on the first -Wclnc«l«y o'Jiminrv, IFS». CerUfleetee of
Membership can bo h*/l ot the Seed of *^ amß s^
Fifthstreet: .Tomes Ne«ioy,ht the Warehouse! of Negleyi
\fobati. Wees! street; from Win. Martin.
Chester; itM from A.U.
„„ 4 Douglas, corner
A. B. jiraemua. Bee 1 ?. . ' .. '[Jeoghfairtal-
•firm BM.B 6tl KENT—TIi? largo Jfwtnrr BalMing. win
C rTOTlotaof.Oronn<l,ritot«.»Mr JWCMj.qn Wrnjing
ion street. opposite flint class nor its of-Mr. {!. Johnson, In
Birmingham. Engniroof p _. M BAT , S . Anetlonrer. ■
-CornfT of .Wwyj nnfl Fifth atreofg.
- GgMTaTCOTaisfaaloTi ■Ag’ta, 140 Third st.,,
SUNDIUBS— 1 cratft Knpp;
■ • 1 bbl Lard: - •
1 « Koll Batter; .
1 <* DryAppfw*
'1 box Beeswax; ••••.
» ■: l sadcHopa; . • .
•Ibbl Chestnuts;
100 do* Brooms. •
- vmt ibis day andfor salo by
Turn— in Nb.3Lanl.ft>rgate by ~
rwkp~2S bbls Clover Seed .frr:W«~ by. • •• .T =
T mid—sokess,W"nr* sthclaib,
iaOl -■ .122 Second and 181 ~Flrat 'street.
CT^ -8001 ° B,frimillU ° to sOT^ ? * graomn.
20 bhls Crushed Sngar.; .
10 M PalTCtUnd 11 :
10' Powdered
20 ** A Clarified 41 For sale by • - . v
Aar". l,s "“ ANU ““■««
decl9 ! - . - Comer Marfeet&ofl Second streets.
P°™t~ 10 tet Ti%nnT.hocK a co.
& g(>
Washington. within twenty minntea wollt of thodtjr.
The tot is 100 feet front by 205 deepen n 10fc«£
The'honra Is naw, joet finished, haying eUroomaimdo
eeuer.: PricetlMO. Te*n» V»
»0 Third etreet.
TTJiITED STATES GAZETTEKB.—A'nenr and eompleto
TJ SUttstlcnl Goetteer cf the United Stales of Are crira,
rounded on and compiled from official rcdol s'
turns, andthe eerentli notional eensim Toe tt»
38000 Wortb. o* ClotMnff SelUne Off,
\j Jfarl-rf «/-* fcrfuwrt 2Vnrd and JtmrtA.—Z. L. J£lBH£&
By Retail, at Wholesale prices, fortho pnrposo of making
shonli «U* to
earliest moment. •■■■.•:'•* ' :
. 3. acoTT. DKNTI&T, yoonh street, fITQ doora
FT it ojna'.HoCTa-.ywn nlao A. M. to £vtr
*IHWyTN I? Ta» boahQlßj of the best quality,
J «o 41!» ftCoi]
212»nd vH tibonyet..
i.itk krjN.NELS.—A.A.MASON «CO.,HO.2*Hftfi
street? will open thin day 10 bales of. White Katmeta.
of thcbertmaics, of Welsh, English and Ateeilranmma
faetnre.:V "• ■. - aeea>
Bim BILK VJSLVETB.—A. A. MASON CO. will open
another-livioicfi 'or BlTc Eilfc Yelyet9, 3-t end 4—l
aide. .. v : ' lecla /
—A mkt>' itfiTBKH OViSKBUUIiB, BUpperfc
Triple Sandals, Buskins, Boots, and Jenny Lina
at the very lowest prices,: rieasAcaU
Corner of Market and Liberty sty
(j klnJo. Those In want will do wen
■nowbyoodoing. .;:
Farmer*’ Stolls os»d Strorr. Cutter,
rrtnE subscriber offers lor sale Sluelflf» opoller
1 Toddor Cutter. It Is yery staple. -only two
taires, easily adjusted;; tt» mostduroblsaua spe «ty Cut-
xtCNDKIKB— _ .
h 40half chest*T.H.Tea,
■ '2s■ « " : • Black do ■
3Q u . .Y. D» 4*)
10 hoxcfl w. n.Gfairt’B s’aTchaceo;
20 « Grant & Rannctt T s S’s; .
jO -Howard*FuUftn’s&’s: . .
3 eases Baaxn’s \A lb tamp;
20 boxes G'othes rmn;
.•50'-. • Cfaißicothe 8o&p;
30 doxen Buckets; •...
10 a Tuts. Onhand and forsaloby, -
No. 2i3 liberty rt-iet.
Just KEOjsrvia>— ~ ■•■■■
5 hlido 3. 8. iOTKrfoe’s Pblla. Bjtoji;
: abblsB£XoabGolden8 jrup;
! 6bf libls do do
10 ten galLteg do ‘ do
: For mlo nttho Itrorat meriietpriee by ■
( S) 3
jw VEC KrV BO—Boma more or rfjntoß*
' « * IV,
■ •: v ».' e -k ."•,■■
' -fcr 1 >'*
l 'ir
'■■-f ;■".>•
•f- .
5 bbli for sale by
'• ■■%«■■■
' ■' V-
\ ‘