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O', S C'-'^'I 1 ;’- '. , v» r '|i t•?'«?<■- >y -^‘4i^V' i, ' , - :: ■'■*•«■ ctyyi** * ?<'*■ rf WV 4 - .- - :;:ttV^fe;V?r?^C;V4>V; ; - 7 *.* •* - - ;fV. ■ ■ V■• **V>.-V" r -' .\"4 ’ -feV V/i^>VVt4*4^4:44" ; V4-- •. -S, <. ■; ■, •VC-/ , y*i yy._. • * 4’- ’'-> r ? ■'44 ■ : '#K- ■;;[;. V •’ '’Vv'"W v-. , ' - • V V - -' ‘ ‘h< . J \'.v 1 . ilC ‘■'•‘^V-4'i*' iL&X '■ f ~~ e s^/l 1 -J : * ''ri^ . ’’*■ - ■ )* *■ '; ’ v r 'i ’ , l *' . •* ■•••■ -rvVv^;f:f Jgggggf CLOTHING. REMOVAL. , 4 - fPHE subscriber would rcspocifullyinfcrm-blsmMuis aud.^ >• -Jfc '■ he;hn'ft Tembred'fiOTiWa . Market ttttetjuf the lf£\9-TilOA SJOSK AO. 45; FIFTH r fil&Bl2a\ immediately' oppoa.tßd.bo /Theatre, • Vwi*».hfi ifttuMf-ceccirlDg and opening* -:l£n4*?ni® ««>r* -moot and Fancy Colored Oolba, C&esbnerca anil Vestings, 0 1 ibe ©sweat stylosoyblch ho wM take pluiffuio la showing to thme who nUyfcror him witliacall. Heh • alwptfßjarett to make to order tnrety.. articlQ; of .Clothing a Gentleman's tvardrobp, .In,.tho latest quiL mostfashidnablo style. ■ . .. . ... 1 TO SU/Zoi2s^Thesubscriber offers for sale-his 00m-; plataiyttotn of-Oariuaut -Draaßhiing', so. fatorably known *ad generally-used by.-the trade of this-city, Cincinnati, Philadelphia and elsewhere; at the following prices, vis: With iustruetSons,-$10.00; without instructions, $7,00. TbU Itobk MuX-Itnler,containing full and accurate directions tofuosessfitldraughtingfcforwanlod to any .part of. the Unluxl States! on receipt of £7,CO, by JAMAS 0. WATT, ' Teachor of Garment Cutting, - >; *.* Ko: 45 Flftti street, opposite th« Theatre. SAMUEL GRAY* / . \6T. ciAia arwttT, riwsuußOu. •’ GENTLEMEN’S CLOTiU : ia made exclusively to order, and warranted to'suit. Has constantly on hand a choice assortment of CLOTHi, OASSIMEIU3S, VESTINGS, and QYKRCOATING, of the latest styles, aclcctod expressly fir trade.. Gentlemen Tearing their orders, will hare their wishes consulted and complied with, as all work Is dono under hlsown supervision. noTi2 CLOJ HIN G STORE! JOHN IPCLOSKEY & CO., TEtOaaiERLY of thQ celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty J? street,-whichbos won an unbounded popularity under the nano of tho THREE BIG BOORS, hare, for tho pur pose of acquiring more apace ibr their dnuaense business, removed to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they have now the moat SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHSI ATO READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever been offered to the public. , Their principal object far this rcaioral, is. to giro them sxoraihciliUeß for the . • : - WBIOI.ESAI.E TRADE! .. They are prepared to soil Goods at the liO WEST EASTERN PRICES! . And they will warrant them to be as good as any maim* featured lathe Union. CUSTOM WORK, . Vnr ■ to* bxst BTnx,A2n> u?o?r toe shortest kohcz. • , They have on band o'fall and beautiful assortment of CLOTHS and COATINGS, lor FROCK 3, DRESS, WALKING AND BUSI NESS COATS. Our Interests are identical with those of onr customers, And wo assure the public that our fidelity will .cot fall in filling all ordors we may be favored with. BjJ- DON’T FOUGHT THU PLACE— §§ Wtf»o TIES they have over heretofore exhibited to the Pittsburgh trade, and on examination, will bo foand to bo unsurpassed by any other House of tbo Mud in the Citv, and as ono of the partners is generally in the Eastern Cities during the business senAbhii, baTchasing cheap bargains, adapted to the Pittsburgh and Western Trade, wo will be able to offer - inducements to our old customers,nnd purchasers gener ally. Ourstocfc of Drv Goods consists in part of tbofollow . tog leading articles, vi*: Superior Broad Cloths; Pilot and IVtcrsh&m do; ■ Coaslmcre*, Tweeds and Satiuotts; Jean?, Fancy Vesting*and.Corduroys • ■ Flaanels, Tickings and Test Paddings Brown and BSoacbed Mosl tns, and Irish Linens; Foreign and DomcsticGlngham*; Alpar-m, Merinos, Coburg cloths, and Dtcbs Bilks; B*y State and Broacha Shawls; Woolen Comforts and Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. . r The following comprise & part of the general p.tock of Varieties: Buttons, Combe, Threads and Sewing Suk*; 7 ; - Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, and Einck Silk VoQs; Lose Goods, Jaconotte, Mull and Cambrick Mubins;. • Finay Netting*. and Millinery good? generally. - Also—Alarge assortment of Table Cutlery, Pocket knives, &320 TS and Scissor* of our own Importation. Perfumery, PateutMedlrin**, together witha splendid .assortment of Gold and Gilt Jewelrv; of the latest patterns;-Gold nod Su rer Watcben; Watch* materials; Watch glasses, and on *x tobflvo stock of SO hour nndfi day Brass Clocks, of a variety of patterns: All of whlch-will be sold on tho most accom modating toms, tor Gn«h, or City reference. N. H.—jQlty, Country Merchant* and Pedlars aro Invltssl to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. MpZbtf P OREOO A CO. fLOOND ARRIVAL Of PXVSi AND WINTER DRY GOODSH The Cheapest Goods of the Season! ¥OUNG, STEVENSON t LOVE, sign of ih» origlnAl tUC'Hrre, No. 74 MABKET STREET,botween Fourth and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, have just received, and are sow opening, a large and splendid assortment of D&ESS GOODS, Of the newest most deslrablo styles, adapted to the present season. Plaid Broeado and Toner Silks at bargain*. Plain Blank and Cornelian Bilks and Turk Satina. Merino Plaids, all wool, and,Bllk and Wool do. Also, Raw Bilk and Cashmere Pialtlsof ©very description, verycheap; - New style Plain and FanryDeLalnw. . French Merinos, Cashmeres, Coburg e, Alpaoos, and Patfr : matt as, Ml colors and qualities. • Do Beges,andT high colored Do Lalne*, all qualities. - Fall and Winter Skawie, of every description. - I/ong and Square Brocks and Plaid Shawls. Printed Cashmere and plain Thibet do. French Chintzes, Ginghams. A general aMattmantitetTolor Prints, feem cts-np- WHITE GuODS of every description. Collar*, Caffs, CbemlzetteaiandEmVdHdkfa., at bargain?. •Bonnn Ribbons ondMUUacry Goode, very cheap. * Also, a toll etock of DOMESTIC GOODS, at low prices:— Linen Sheeting, Pillow Cloths, and Nap kin*. Russia Diaper, and Cravats, very cheap. GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, and CRAVATS. We would respectfully solicit an ‘early call from both wholesale and retail buyer*, flattering ourselves that we •on aooommodate all who may Civor ua with their patron ago. on most liberal term*. J*ep2B YOUNG, STEVENSON & LOVE. AT THE ORIGINAL BEE-HIVE, aVo. STREET, 4 NEW SUtTLT OF FALL ANL WINTER GOODS, jfx will bo sold at exceedingly low prices. V!> voold respectfully solicit an early call from our friends end tbe-pnblic in-.general, belleylng that wo can now offer greater Inducements to both wholesale end retail buyers. than eror heretofiro. eepls YOUNG,' STEVENSON & LOVE. WM. A. M’CLTJKG, DEALER IN Hno Teas, Choice Family Groceries and'Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSUURGn, PA. X 6 now nmlTiog a largo ussortmont of FREBII GOODS. ja addition to bis already extensive stock, purrhased from first bands in the Eastern markets, which, will be sold at*tho lowest market prices. £s* Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. ■tg* Goods doilrarod In the city free of charge, sepgl . . - ifetr Coacia and Carriage Factory I V JOHUSTOH, BROTHEESfcCO,, Nfcrrvr 0/ BtUcea and JJdmont strut*, AUcghmy City, { ' ' WOULD respectfully inform their friends tbo public generally, that they, have . cwmmoncod tbo manufacture. of Carriages. AD»L»llarcmchc9,Bockatt‘aj8 t Duggie5 I Slfilghs and - cal bfen thair rations fi tries of finish and proportion, tbo motfeUl bo erecutod with strict regard to durability best Eastetoish. -Repairs trill olaobo attended to •on dant that albls terms. Using in all their work thb parfectly satla^Poles, aud Wheel stnfT, they feel confl- Purchosers aror them with their patronage. Trill be ahig elsewhere, .ial of their work. to give 08 call, before pureha* THE undersigned ik ■ oct&ly OAIIUTAOK WjUS VWt 8/vJLES. r . neartheTwoMileßun, Wpoeircd at his _ : . and ..Lswreneevllle, a spleig, of .VEHICLES, of every recclro regularly, now and flec&rtmenOiuzLMMSbMK <£c-r*hich he will sell otfud will continue (o cash.; Haring bad twelve years’ pri Osrruigt*,. SidJcies, . With his woU known-fadUties in theEy lowest terms for to putting down nil competition. '■.the h usings, otnl Those visblng to purchase ore hlmwdf aadteeforthemselvos. .. \ Hspoeial and prompt attention paid to rrtf to call -agg, «fr: ■- ,{mylftdawr»l ...■■■ frrdf‘ a »'l«»fened Wine Added lsmjV : plWjmy, trnrj Attention to tSS ca^ -==2- - P.DBVTJN, BOOKS— Lt'pprii „ Day Boat,, ; Caahßook» Booeipt Books, Son of BLA2JK BOOKS JUDE TO onnrtj „°, r ro or to P “wor. I '° UI ‘ a *“ no «KKl»«a P pllca on liberal ,(.otbT J«otAce> ' Arok Kfefa&rdß lias transferred hla^ntOTor^tTriff^^* &&»*•* “ u ” taa 10 sarrS^ HtWnngh,; Aygort SB, IMS, J — EPn MCUARDa. -n. 4 £P _ £ b 5 BnE ’"7 NB ' GBAET, MALT and HOPTOAnp bSlv,?im 0 h,r,toftro » tte «ab«!ribor, uTrtuf . oEOEOE^fortf^ ttsb-AS lowaa they can Tin TinnrTiT In flimiii nii |ii|J ”^ trj «> Jof the abore Pistole, before leaving the' cl tv •°i m d In cue of a flillnie, wo rotgnd tho money. ■■ “ ■ ■” .’ & TETLEY,' 188 Woodstiwt; PittaTranrh. :. ' and Gardener,. . TTIHE jjtfscribcr hsa.receWe.•>"•• ='••• ♦A*'*’ K wA.sr-^, i-rwrrs.n.;*^“ •• •* •:? rr**«; -*■ - v TRANSPORTATION,, C LE VJE L n BO H RAIUIOA D. ■' t. SSSfi' CUAfcOE'to'TiMK* X6yi>mber 14tb;1853, Passenger Jr. Trains wilt, run daily. (Sundaya bxcepfod) -oil- follows: : MAIL HtAlN.ka.vc3 CleVelkndat fi:os AfllforWcilsville; stopping at all iutermedloloStations ; arrive at Alliance at 11.35 A M, had WellßVffie’de 2.20‘P hi: • EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Cleveland at 3.00 P MforAlU ance,. stopping .at Hudson, Karlville and Ravenna only— arrive at AUianco at 6-00 P M. ‘ % ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leavasdoTolandlbr Aavenna and Intermediate Stations at 7.45, and arrivo at Ravenna at 9.25 P M. Two through Trains from Cleveland to Pitts* burgh doily. ■ •. . ... .. , RETURNING? EXPRESS TRAIN leaves: Alliance for Cleveland atl2Xo P M, stopping at Lima, Kaverina; EartvlDe and Hudson only—arrive at Cleveland at2.4QPM. The Mall Train of Ohio and Pcnna-Railroad, leaving pittslrargh'at 8.00 A M, cuunects with this Tram at Alliance at 11.45 AM MAIL TRAIN leaves Weilirma for Clevelaridofc 3.00 P M, stopping at all way Stations—arrive at Alliance at : s 00 and Cleveland at 7.30 P M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Ravenna - for Cleve land-and intermediate Stations at 7.16 A 51—orriVo at Cleveland at. 0.00 AM. Only ono through train from Pitts burgh to Cleveland daily. ; . •••* CONNECTIONS.—MaiI Train from Cleveland connoets at Alliance with the Mail Train of Ohio add - PennOl R. K. for C&htoh r ? MassUlon dhaTVooaterl also for Salem and Pitts* burgh* arriving at Pittsburgh at 4.46 P M.- Express. Train from Cleveland, and Mail Train from WellsvHlo.both connect at Alliance at 6.00 P M with the Express. Train of 0.& P. K.for Pittsburgh—arriving at Pittsburgh at «.lfi P M.' ' / a Rxpicsalrain from. Alliance cohneria jyjth the 8.00 A M Trn3u of 0. A P.R. from Pittsburgh- Passengers leaving Pittsburgh on the 8.00 A M Train ar* rive at Cleveland at 2.40 P M, and connect with the follow ing tnilasKasF, West andEouth. OlkvuaxdandToledo.--Trains leaving ot 3.00 PM for Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago and the North West, arriving at Toledo at .7.65 P M and Chicago next morning at 7 00- time through from Pittsburgh to Chicago being loss - than 24 hours. Clctousd, Columbus and Cincinnati.—^Trains leaving at 2.50 P M hnd S.SO P M for Columbus, Cincinnati, Gallon, Dayton, rndlandpolis and: all stations cnthoßeilefontaine and Indiana Railroad* Cleveland and Ems.—Trains leaving at 4-45 P M and 9.00.. P M-for Erie, Dunkirk,.Buffalo and New York. The Trains connect both ways with the C. Z. & C. It. R. ot Hudson for Cuyahoga Fails, Akron and Clinton at Bayard with the Railroad ; for Carrollton, Minerva aid Waynesburg. Tickets through to Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Lasalle and Freqport can bo obtained at this office. Passenger? aro requested to procuro .tbolr tickets at tho of JOHN A. CAUGKEY, Agent, novlB MQUongqbela House, Water sU, Pittsburgh. OHIO AND PENHBYLVANIA EAILBOAD. New Arrangement) COMMEKCIITG AUGUST 8, 1853. EXFRES3 TRAIN leavea-Pittsburgh.at-6 o’clock, AM; stops only at the principal Stations, and dines at Crest line at IXO P 51, arriving at Cincinnati In tho evening, via Columbus and Xenia. Pare from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, $7,76; to Columbus, $6,25.. MAIL TRAIN loaves Pittsburgh at 8.30 AM; dines at Al* llancc; and reaches Crestline at G.OG P M, connecting with the Mght Tram to Columbus and Cincinnati, and with the Bdlefontaine and Indiana Railroad for Dayton, Indianapo lis, Terre Haute, and towns In Indiana. Connections are mode at Alliance by Railroad with Ravenna, Hudson and Cleveland. ■ ; . . ; Fare from-. Pittsburgh to Cleveland, $4.00. Connections ara made at Mansfield by Railroad with San dusky City, Mansfield, Mount Vernon, Newark and Zanes ville. Faro.to Sandusky City, $4,50; to Newark,s4J>o; to Zanea- VUIASS. Connections are made with Detroit and Chicago, both by Cleveland and Sandusky City. Passengers who lcavo Pitts burgh in tho Mail Train at 8.30 A M, go directly by Mans field and samlusky City to Detroit, without detention. Pare to Detroit, o.oor. to Chicago, $ll,OO - » THE EXPRES3 TRAIN leaves Crestline at 1.00 P 51, Mansfield at i.,40 i’ M, and AlUanco ot 6.00 P 51, and reach es'Pittsburgh at 8.15 P M, connecting with the Express Train to Philadelphia and Baltimore, which leaves Pitts burgh at 10.30 I’. 51. Timo from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, hours. Farr, $7,76. Faro from Cincinnati to Philadelphia or Baltimore, $16.00. MAIL TRAIN leaves Crcstlino at 7, A 31; dines Ah llance; connects with Express Train from .Cleveland, and arrives atPittsburgh at 6, P il- NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 10 A 31 and 4.45 P M, and Now Brighton at 7 A M and IP M. Excursion tickets, $1; quarterly tickets at reduced rate*. VitEIGIIT.TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at OXO AII, end &> rives at 4.30, P M. t*3» Passengers are requested to procure Tickets nttha Company's Oulce, at the I’edcral Street Station, of GEORGE PARKIN, Tkkot Agent. XGB“Tbe Trains do not nmon.Sunday. 4r5? Further information may be obtained of auk* JOHN KELLY, Passenger Agent. SANDOSKY, MANSFIELD AND NEWARK RAILROAD. WINTER AIIRAN.CUS.M.K NT ON anti after WEDNESDAY, November 10,1863, Three Paswnger Trains run daily (Sunday* excepted) as fol lows: GOING SOUTH. Homing AlaU Eetnivg Express. Rtssenger. Exvrut. Irf-aTo Sandusky at 4.30 A M 11.00 A M 6.10 PM Monroeville Junction..-6.15 “ 11.60 “ 6.60“ Shelby Junciion 0.40 ** Rl5 P M 7.16 “ Mansfield Junction 7XO . “ 1.40 “ 8.10 “ Mount Vernon 9.05 •* 4.10 “ 966 “ Reach Newark 10.03 “ 6.16 “ 11.00 ** GOING NORTH. Leave Newark at 4XO A H 9.00 A M 6.25 P M Mt. Vern0n.*............. 6X5 w 10.10 “ G. 30 “ MonsOold 7.20 “ 12J.0 P5l 810“ Shelby Junction *7.46 u 1.05 “ BXS“ Monroeville Junction- 9.15 “ 3.10 **. 10X0 “ • Reach Sandusky ..10.00 “ 3:65 “ 11X5 « Connecting at Handosky with Mod Rlrer and Lake Erie, end £ * Northern Division” Cleveland and Toledo Railroads. At Monroeville, with Trains on “Southern Division" Cleveland and Toledo R. R, for Cleveland, Toledo, do. At Shelby Junction, with Cleveland, Columbus and Cin cinnati Railroad. At Mansfield Junction, with Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad for Pittsburgh. At -Newark with Central Ohio Railroad for ZaaeavUlo, Columbnr/Ae., Ac. This arrangement of Trains completes the line of direct communication between the East and 44 Grtai Jforih-Wttt? Passengers from Philadelphia and Baltimore, destined for the West, proceed, directly on their arrival at Pittsburgh, by Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad to Mansfield, Thence to Monroeville, where connection la made immediately for Toledo, Chicago, and intermediate places—affording a rente unrivalled for safety, and despatch. Connection ts also made with all the Trains on tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad at Mansfield, by which pattern gers from Chicago, Tolodo, Detroit, Sandusky, Zanesville, Newark,-and Columbus, proceed to-Pittsburgh, Philadel phia and Bal tixooro, without delay. Ry this route, passengers taking the early Train,from Zanesville, Columbus, Newark, Aegean go to Toledo,' San dusky or Cleveland, remain In either place somo four hour*, and return homo same day. THROUGH TICKETS to be had at the different Stations, for tho above named places. J. R. ROBINSON, Superlnt'L Sandusky, November, 1853; • - fnov2d:Sm] PmnsylyiuiU Railroad Company, WE are Jbnranljtig tiwlaoD, 40, to Baltimore and Phil*, dolphin, promptly, on Time, Hw Dnya. Baoo u, Park and Bed; (salted,) 45c. a IOOIbs. On Lard, Lord Oil, Tallow, Cotton, Window Glass. 60c. Q 100&8. On Candles, Choeso, Earthenware. Leather. Leaf Tobacco. 60c. lQOtbs. 1 On Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Bristles, Clo Tor and Timothy Seed, lb. . On Door Skinß, Hemp, Flax, and Eggs, 700. lOOlba. * On Feathers, Purs, Peltry. Brooms and Merchandise. 90a SUOOlbfl. On Flour, $ barrel. We are also prepared to forward freight to Kodebaugb's Station,-near Greensbure, and Intermediate Stations, 00V0D23 dr GRAHAM, Agents, corner of Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. n. H. HOUSTON, Agent 3y29 276 Market street, Philadelphia. ' MAUOLM Lt*on JOHH JOSIPH S. LCKCU. J« S> Leech* JUcAlpla A Co.. ’TATIIOLE3ALR QUOCERfI, and Dealers in Produce, Met- TT *ls, and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos, 242 and 244 Liberty street, near, tho bead of Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa,, of fer for Paloonliboral terms,.the following; ; 100 llcrccs.firosh Rloo; Tsq,ooo lbs. Bacon,assorted; : 100 «bblfl. Tor; i • 6 tons Bar Iron, do; • 1500 kegs Nalls, assorted;! 3 do Boat Nail Rods; COO boxes Window Glass,! 2000 kegs Rock and Rifle .assorted; , } . - Powder, assorted; CO half chests Tea, as-! 800 boxes Rosin Soap; sorted; 85 bb!s. Linseed, Lord on A 75 bxs. Tobacco Tannera’ Oil; lOOhhdn.KrO. Sugar, part l 800 bbla.Yinogar; prime;- j SO do Rosin; ' 6 bxs.llavana Sngar; • 20 do Pitch; 10 bhds. Porto Rico do; * 6000 lbs. assorted Copper; ISO bags Coffee; j 20 bbl*. and kegs Lard;' 600 UWs. N. O. Molasses; , 10 kegs assorted Shot; 76 do S..IL do; Ido HuokEbot; 800 bxa. Tin Plato, ass’d ;1 6 bblfl* Alum; 4 tons Wire, do; : 20 do RyoFlour; 2do Spelter; • 20 wits Tinners’ Machines 6 casks sheet Zinc, as-' and Tools; ' sorted; 100 boa. Dried Apples; • 600 pigs Tin; 100 bales Ratting, assorted; lOOOfbs.AntSmony; « 2000 Bs. Cotton Yarn, as* \ lOtonsnss’dSheot.lron;'• sortod. •NK) lbs. rbbM Bnik Meat;* [apr2o TK PROCLAMATION. AJ> touo of-ft precept under tho bands of Win. JD. }£? President of tho Court of Common Pleas, In A Hh Judicial District of Pennsylranla, and Jos -50,1 Terminor end QoncraJ Jail ii«l!rl- Acl ?v l£^or Bfl * d district, and William Bopgs and in ana lor tno hgs., Associate Judges of thasamo County, AoremhfMn of Allegheny, dated the 16th day of uiw ntul, flfty-tlirerof our Lord one thousand eight bun- Lourtof Oyer and Tijd to mo directed,- for boldine a toe Court Ilonse ia:the*ucr and General Jail Delivery. at day or peeember, at 10 o\pf Pittsburgh, on tho 4ih Sion- Public notice U hereby gK, A. *•. • " k o ™”®” and Constables of JoS-Uw of tho Peace, rnf£ ™ “, Dd4ie , r »>f“ '!egbcny, that roll., TOords, JnquWUona, or«mtn£ cr their things which to(S2il!2ifhw «®op>- in tpoir behalf, appears to be rfnrigLJb^^^^'ofilcers, JI 0 ”, 5 . 11 *? ““O priwners that nowarn'or’w rtin of Bald County of AlWhimv v„Vt! ° r S°y be In ta. y ecnUag„in.^hcmi,Xj ‘ h “ »« «“»* “>C D lnt r hf|'^r a o?an?lZ tSbUr ?f’ ifi *** *V* drod and flfty-three and TiK? 18 tbous«xd eight hra uo*23 3 “r * a ?‘* of v* o Commonwealth tho 771 h. ■■ W&L MAGIXJi. Bherig a, to Inform’all i^nL>' O tL^ amo ondpramolid aloy, 4!»wSta *u£TnwZ2°Sg° d Vlam * i: uniat 6Vf Cta; ioV ” uill S good cooking Jnl f ™nt, « E,,now crop Bidt 20c sa n» . pon* Brandy for '■ ~ ' • “ • norJ2 ■ A YteSS”’» S T OT ' ! A. Whatman** DrsWg rai2£?!?n 2!®-®** 00 *® 1 stdcfc ti “ssßas* Mathematical Instnunonu* P FWdßioS? laiinbb «: : ■ • • Ptofiltf eSSS L INSTOANO^GOJy’A^IES. Pe la-ware Mutual Satisfy IniUfance Co. ..OJJice, north room ofOu ... FIBS INSURANCE—BiffIdto#/.itorthauafc6 tod other: property, In town and. country, Insured against loss or damage by.tiro, at the lowest tote of premium. : Mariks lK3caANcs.~Xho/ csrgoesaiid freights, foreign dr coastwise, under open or special policies, os tho assnred may desire. ... - • • ISftAiro TEAKsroETATioN.—They also insure merchandise transported by wagons, railroad cars, canal boats and steam boats, on nvers and lakes, off the most liberal terms. Daris, Robert Burton/ John R. Penrose, Samuel Edwards, ueorge G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Isaac R! Earls, Wil liam Folwell, John Newlln, Dr. It. M. Hoston, Jas. 0. Hand, Thepphilus Paulding, 11. Jones Brooks, Ilenry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serriil, Spencer MTlvain, Charles Kelly, J. Q. Johnson, William Hay, Dr. S. Thomas, John Sallore, WUliom Eyre, Jr. • Directors at Pittsburgh—D. T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T. lagan*. WauiM Manna, President TflOS. C. ILun>, Fkm President. JosßPn W. Cowiw, Secretary. ■ Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh. i Jeltaltf P. A. MADEIRA. Agent. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, ! .. op .r'... HARTFORD, CONN;, Capital Stock, Annual Premium and Western Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED. 182 S. Policies of Insurance issued at all times on tho mostfsvora* ble terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, > OB TAB PERILS OF NAVIGATION, * BY ‘ GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agent FOB PITTSBURGH ANDALLEQHKXiY COUNTY. marlfcy ... the: vnxtkd status LIFE INSURANCE, ; annuity AND XKUBT company, PHILADELPHIA. CHASTEEED APRIL 26TH, 1850. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,0,00. Office, 8. E, Corner of Third and Chestnut ! Streets , Philadelphia. OJjlccrs of the Home Board at Philadelphia: nmgotoßB. Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W.Tlngiey, Geo. M'Uenry, Jacob L. Florence, James Devereux, William M. Godwin, William M’Koe. President —Stephen 11. Crawford. Vice President— Ambroso W. Thompson htedical Examiner, Pittsburgh— ll. Willson, M. D. Allegheny City —R. B. Mowry, 31. D. GEO. E. ARNOLD, Agont, mar!7:y No. 74 Fourth street; Pittsburgh. The Franklin Fire Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DIRECTORS-— Charles W. Bancker, Thomas Ilart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R, Smith; Goo. W. Rich ards, .Mordecoi D. Lewis, Adolph! K. tlbrie, David S. Browne, Morris Patterson. uhas. N. Banckzh, President, ; Cuas. G. Bancs ru, Secretary. ; Continue to mako Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, In town, and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, af ford ample protection to tho assured. : Tho Assets of tho Company 4 on January Ist, 1851, os pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, wore os follow?, vli: Mortgage .. $918,128 68 Real Estate 81,577 78 Temporary Loons to,OGG 17 Stocks .. « 61,889 00 Cash, Ac 01,346 81 Total $1,212,708 44 Since their Incorporation, a period of twenty-one yearn, they have paid upward of One Million lour Hundred Thou sand Dollars, loascs by fire, thereby affording evidence of tho advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability atul disposi tion to moot with promptness all J.GARDINER COFFIN, Agont, ap24 Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third at*. THIRD ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE BTATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSUBANCE COMPANY, 0? PENNSYLVANIA. Assets, May Ist, 1652. Premiums received to May Ist, 1853 Interest on Loans, Ac Capital Stock. ...... $446,183 26 Returned premiums, Losses, Re-insurance, Ex penses, - 87,864 56 Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, and other good sera curl ties- Premium Kotos .. Gish on band .......... Total am** of Ro*ources, Liable for Lowe*..— $358,318 70 CTRECTOUS. JOHN P. RUTIIURFOIU*. Dauphin county, P. C. SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS, Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER. JOHN B. RUTHERFORD; Dauphin county, A. J. GILLETT, Harrisburg, B, T. JONES, nairlsbuig, ROBERT KLOTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, PreMdenli A J. OTLLETT, Secretary. Will insure against poriU of sea and inland navigation, also, on Merchandize in city or country, at lowest rates con sistent with safety. Policies issued on dwelling house* either perpetually or for a term of years. Branch Office, corner Fourth and Smithflcld street*. myffibtf A. A. CARRIER. Actuary. ftttabursh Life lnturance'Uompany, 0/ PITTSBURGH, Pa. Capital, 8100,000. President—Jaaizs S. Uoon. Vice President—Samocl M’Clurkax. Treasurer—Joseph 8. Lntcn. Secretary—C. A. Coitox. OFFICE, NO. 65 FIFTH STREET, (hlasonic Hall Puildinp.^) This Company makes every Insurance appertaining to or connected with Life Risks. Mutual Rates are the Kama as those adopted by other sofrly conducted Companies. Joint Stock rates at a reduction of cue-third from the Mutual ratos—oqual to a dividend of thirty-three and one thlrd per centi, paid annually In advance. Bisks taken on the lives of persons going to California or Australia. BIHXCT0O&. James 8. Hoon, Samuel M’Clurkan, William Phillips, John A. Wilson, John Scott, Joseph P. Gazxam, M. D. John M’Alpin, Aloxandor Reynolds, Horatio N. Lee, Illram Stews. mar 23 Western Insurance Company, Pittsburgh. R. MILLER, Jr., President, j F. M. GORDON, Eecrcfarv CAPITAL, 0300,000. 'IT7TLL insure ngainrt all kinds of risks, FIRE and MA f V RINK. All losses will bo Überallv adjusted and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by Diosctoks who are well known in tho community, and who are determined, bv promptness and liberality, to maintain tho character which they nave assumed, as offering the bast protection to those who desire to be Insured. Xhreefori.—R. Miller, Jr.,O.W. Rlcketson, J.W. Butler J N. Holmes, Jr., TV*. U, Smith, C.lhmscn, George W. Jackson j Wm. M. Lyon, James Llppcncott, George Darsie, James Mr- Auley, Alexander Nimicfe, Thomas Scott. tSJU Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warehouse of Spang A Co., up stairs.) Pittsburgh. - nor24Jy Is your Life Inenred, IF NOT,.road what sotnoone hn written. Among all tho contrivance* of man to protect tlio family circlo from want, none can bo found more simple In its character, noble in Its feature, or certain in its results, than LTFIMN3UR ANQE. It la the prop which tho dying husband leaves to support tho wife of his besom. .It Is the.unseen hand of tho Provident father reaching forth from tho grave, and still nourishing his offspring, ami keeping together tho family group. C. A. COLTON, Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company, Fifth sti. ®°p2l Masonic Hall. Wholesale and Retail* SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. ROBERT H. HARTLEY, begs leave to Inform /Nv-A his frionds and the public generally, that he ooutinues to occupy that large and commodious Store Room j formerly occupied by Sam uel Pahno* sr. . fltook A Co^No, 80. oorner of Diamond Alloy andWoodst, where he keeps a largo and general assortment of Saildlc|>, Bridles, Ilornosi, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Saddle Bags, Yallses, Buffalo Rohoa, Whips, and all other articles in his lino. 1 He also hoops constantly on hand, and is prepared to fur nish to ardor, all kinds of Riveted Hoso, manufacture! of iho.bost material, and in a style of. workmanship oqual to the Eastern manufactured article, and at 00 por rent, cheapen Country Merchants and Farmurs-would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as ho is de termined to sell first rate articles et-very low prices; JO®- Don’t forgot the plaeo, No, 80, corner of Wood at. and Diamond Alley, fap26 A Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible, j CONTAINING tho whole of the OLD and NEW TESTA MENTB, collected and arranged systematically In Thir ty Books , (basod on the work of the learned togeth er with an Inirednction, setting forth the character of the work and tho immense facility this method affords for un derstanding tho Word of God. Also, three different ZbMes Of Cfrnientt prefixed, and a General Index subjoined, so ok borated, and arranged in alphabetical order, as to direct at once tU any subject required.. By Rov. Nathaniel West, D D., I vol. royal Bvo—about 1100 pages. Prlcoss. For solo by J. 8. DAYIgON, : 00t22 65 Market street, near Fourth. ~ Dutch Bulbous II outs, Ac, THE subscriber has received direct from Harlem, bis supply of choioe Hyacinths, Tulips, Peoueas. and other Flower Roots for fall planting, and for Winter blooming in pots and glasses. Grass Seed for lawns, which makes a fine close ranooth Tarf, equal to Bods. Pruning Instru ments, Garden and Farming Implements, of the most ap proved construction, at Eastern prices, from UlO Seed and Horticultural Warehouse, Fifth street, of Rgp2l JAMES WARDROPi Copartnership, IHTE "UNDERSIGNED having purchased tho luterct of Jauiw Richardson, in tho Wholesale Grocery, Comini-<- sion and Naval Store, No. 144, Wator street, design oontiu uing the business, under tho firm and stylo of ERWIN A DILWOIITHB, ana wo solicit a continuance of tho custom of tho late proploter. JAMES ERWIN, SAM’L DILWORTn. WM. DILWORTU, Jr. 1b resigning my business to Ebttci A Dilwobtiih, I cheer* fully reoomaend-them to all thoso with whom I hare bceu dolufc business. James Enrln ot myeelf nili attend to set tling the Imrinwnf poyfclm JAMR3 RICJIARDPOV^ I nnHIUD BTKKIST PfiOEKllTir FOR BALK—A now Thkm X, Story Brick,DWELLING lIOUSE, with Store Roto, “‘S'VS. Op ihW rtreot, between Wood and Bmlthfield: bMiliM 1,10 Slnre-rtom, Hall, and coed Collar. The Houeo iaweli finished, and in good order- TrJ? tawnr-We' ® Itoon l' for hot nnil eold Tho Wt pi 20 Teet front bj *5 deep. .Will he sold upon chey *«?“*•. 8. CUTItBERT 4 BON, . • 11078 . - MO Third etroet. S 0 VALUAULJS P AltH I'UR SALK, fliunu*. V ontho MfwtNawtoiiTßDU Cumberland Plans Rood. ?i!f” b , ur 5 h , “H. 8-from Somerset, qon lc®^f ■™ (ch cnltiratlon-Sho halanco flns timber... The Perm in well watcrod 4be Shs.l£ CT^f* T?n V v Smlth “f d o Wa^n Maker’*. Shops, Stables, nn4 cthercraWlrrases. A Sawima.Grist Mill cm the adjoining property.; Fricat4soo. Terms oner. ' * POT *_ •, a. oPTimBBT a soar, ito imni st. v_"OV«TBB TBANBPORfjL'MOI*. ' — XHT*. with tho PonnuylTanla and Snsouo _*_» nanna Baflr»ad:CMnp«nH!r,:lbr a spatial OvSter PrajurportatiosXtaa, ataxeeadlnpir-low rataa i APAMB &-CO.,fttmtCTk tapaasuanvi j>» ■“■'g^sasssjgsssrj :\~V72:,iZJ;s%7^Xr*r'J BANKEIts: AIs T © BROKERS.' -- ■> >TiEByAN & CQ4 : ‘- ti *1 ... B ANK£BB"'AjrD"EXCH , ANGE BItQKKES, feb2&ly] jftfo 9b'Wood and-Diamond Alley " ■ ; JOHITWOODS, : : ? BANKER-AND;£XClIAi;tii3-BBOKEB,: . ; ‘ DEALER in Gold, surer and. Bank Notes.- ,CurrenVand .par funds received on deposit Collections carefully at* tended to. : fourth Street ° &d door East, of Market, Pitts*! burgh, fa. .., ., Domestic and Foreign jLzciangc,Eank Watti, Gold and Stiver; Sold 'cmdExchangcdy-aitht . V EXCHANGE A*ND BANKING HOUSE OF WILLIAM A. HILL £ CO., ; ' '* W WOOD 6TEtBr, HITSBUMH. - tS&»lntercst allowed on Uino deposits. : '[aog2B EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OF A. WILKINS & CO, No. jo Foimxa Street, Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh, ... jans _ Pittsburgh. a e. abnold & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Y"iEALEUS in Exchange, Coin, Bank' Notes, Sight and JL/ Timo Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended -to,, and proceeds remitted to any pariof the tinlom Stocks bought and sold on commission;. . ttlk.No. 74 Fourth st, next door to Bank of PlttaVg. {sal3 CORNER Of.WOOD. AND riPTH STniETS. SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern-(Sties constancy: for: sale. TimO Bllla-of Exchange, and Notes discounted.— Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, bonght and wild. ..Ooilections mode in all the principal cities, of the .United: States.. ;De posits received-of Par nnd Current Funds...... . .[nuir27ly • : AU.ES KRAMER, . EDWARD RAHX, ‘ ." JlOmatCK KRAMER. TTn.ATVrPTR Ar. TtftThST, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUV AND SELL Gold, Silver, and Bank Notes; negotiate' Loans on Real Estate or Stock. Securities; purchase Prom iw ary Notes and Time BHIa, ori'Eart and West; buy and soil Stocks on Commission. Collections mado on all points in tlin Union. , [myl 1*0.76 fourth at., rirrsnuE an, nmratic bank op pimatnuin. t'U'BSCUIIIEIt, under now and more favorable auspl- X ces. will continue the Banking business- and Stock Bro kerage in tho house fonnorly occupied by Messrs Palmer, Utinna k Co., and more recently by tho Pittsburgh Lift In* suranev Company, where ho will be pleased to see his old friends and customers.- (jy3) A WILKINS. eavx removed iQim- banking and ExctuNds omci TO 216. 67 MARKET BTSOT, FOUR BOORS BELOW OLD STASD. .’ N HOLMES & SONS, Bankera arid Exchange Brokers,' • and Dealers InNotes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold,'Sil ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern aud Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made In .all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. C 7 Market street, between Third and fourth sta. [j&3o:ly JAJJ. S. UUON, .... < .. ...TitOS. SAROMT, HOON A BAEQEHX, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,.• n. r. corxxr-op wood a sixrn ptrrsuußim,. pa. DEALERS iuCoin, Bank Notes, Than Bills, Foreign and- Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on all the principal cities .of the Union and Eu rope, for solo in sums to suit porchaßersL. . Current and par funds received on deposit. . Collections made os all ports of tho Union, at the.lowest rotes, [sepllrly > Removal. PATBICKS & TBTEND, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, J lave Bttnovcd their OJJice to the Ctmur of Fifihand TFcoixfr, nrrsßcaon, pa. PATRICKS k FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold. Silver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western Cities c-m>«tftiiUy forsale. Collections mode In all the cities throughout the United State*.’ Deposit* received iripar funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. . Tfeh3 .03?* Notes, Drafts, R-nds, Mortgages, aDd Loans on col laterals, negotiated. Stocks and Land Warrants bought nnd fold. ocLB FLORENCE HOTEL, No. 400 BROADWAY, NEW’ YORK. (CuNDCLTED OX TilX EUROPE*!* PLAN.) REUBEN LOVEJOY, ocfrly • PROPRIETOR. $209,016 61 135,250 16 1,010 19 ...‘ 100,000 00 ALLS* BtOWN,. Brown’s Hotel* Corner of Dmittfild and Third Streris, Pittsburgh. itnn*a. UROfrN 4 COSNEI.LY, PEOHOtTOBS. stabling attached to the Iloase. •353,318 70 FitANKLIN HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio. C PATRICK & SOX, Proprietors. —This House baa un • dergone thorough and extensive repairs, alterations, And largo additions of new furniture, etc., and the proprie tors p’edgo themselves that nothing shall be wanting on their part to render tho Fbanrux a place where all the com forts of a first class hotel can be found. C. PATRICK k SON. siei,4Bl 03 170,016 61 17,820 21 Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, Pain'd. William s. Campbell, Pp.otoctob. ' mins fine establishment having come into tho bands of a I new Proprietor, offers great inducements to the travel litigcoiuta unity, and .also to regular boarders.. Everydeli-, eacy and luxury will bn provided in its season, and-no pains will be spared to make thlsllotel ’n comfortable hour to all wbo may call there. fmylSdf] W. & CAMPBELL, Prop'r. St. Clair Lager Beer Brewery; rpilE undersigned respectfully *nf«rms the public that be A I* now fully prepared to servo private families and the public generally, with his cnlebratixl LAOitit BEER, in txittle*. All orders left at bis Office, NO. 39 DIAMOND ALLEY, (ucar Wood street,) trill bo punctually attended to; and the Beer delivered to any part of the city or vicinity. jnitsitr y. Or scuknck. C. B. HE ABLY & CO’S NEW CARPET HOUSE, NO. 83 THITIDSTREET, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALERS. THREE SPACIOUS SALES ROOMS. SALES ROOM NO. X. C CONTAINS a large, handsome ami cheap assortment of j Floor OU Cloth-t, from lto 24 feet wide; ah®, Stair, Ta ble and Enameled Carriage Cloth?, Caeca, Canton and Bri tanoln Matticg, Matte of all kind*,painted Window Shades buff Holland?; green aud huff Oil Cloth?, and Putnam'?: Patent Belf-Adinsliug Curtain Fixtures. SALES BOOM NO. 2, I? full stocked with an unrivalled npwrtmont of Royal Vel vet, Brumils Tapestry, Brussels, Imperial Three Ply, Fatent: Tapestry. Ingrain, and superfine carpetings: Hall and Stair do. of all widths and prices; emboased Cloth, Tabic and Fitjno covers; Mosaic, Velvet, Axminster, Chenille and Tufted Hugs; Stair Uods,DruggetinK,t*tc. SALES ROOM NO. 3, Containsiy largo and well aelected stock of Inyraln Carpets, from £5 to 75 cont 3 per yard; Hemp Carpeting from 18jf to 50cents; List and Rag Carpets cotton and wool Yenmau and a splendid assortment of English sheepskins of ail col ora and sizes. C- B. 11. A Co. would respectfully call the attention of persons wishing to furnish steamboats, hotels or duelling houses to the. bljoto, as they are determined to, soil at thri samo low prices they have heretofore teen selling ot, and less than any other establishment in this citv. sopfl a B. HKADLY A CO., No. 82Thlnl street. FOR Church Choirs, Congregations, Ac, wholesale and retail. Each, per dor. Kimraley’s Harp of David, a eolloctlon of Church Music, 75c. $7,00 Modern Psalmist, by Lowell Mason, 75c. 7,00 The Modern Harp, or Boston Sacred Melodist, by , L. White and Jno. E. Gould, 75c. 7,00 National Psalmist, by Mason and Webb;; ;75c.. 7,00 Harp of the West, 7fie. 7,00 National Lyro, . t!2c. 6,00 Bay Etato Collection, Cite. 0,00 The Chnrch Choir, G3c. 6,00 American Psalmody, with figured Bass for Organ or Piano, G3o. 6,00 ALSO, The Melodist, a collection of popular and social Songs, Glees, Ac. The Social Glee Book. Juvenile Oratorios, for juvenilo classes, schools, 4e. Musical Class Booh, fur tnlult singing classes. Young Harp, desigued for fcmalo Academies and the social circle. Together with the New Carmlna Sam; CanticlftLanilns, Ac., Ac. Jostreewlved by CHARLOTTfPBLUMii, oc.lB v - 118 Wood Btreet THE SHAWM—A Library of Church Music, etc., con* tninlng over 1000 compositions, by Wm. B. Bradbury -and Geo. F. Root, assisted by ThoraasHaistings and T. B. Mason. Price 75c —per doion $8,50. SACRED MELODKOX—On a now system of notation; by A. S, Hayden. 1 PricdVSc.—per U>i£B—Booo-&M Cleai-Bscoi B octT - ' gv-Ei , * * ,j * * ** HILT. & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, A. WILKINS & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, N. HOLMES & SONS, ' BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, AL3TIN LOOMIS. STOCK AN I> BILL BUOKER, Officf, Xo, 02 Tburth above Hood, PITTSBURGH. HOTELS, &c. Bt. diaries* Hotel* Sacred filmic Hooks* few sacred Music New Music | tor gvlnbr. KING A:MdORHpD. C ,‘:IS 1 'W minolartu™ 1 WARE of everydescriptiohj at his old stand, fflnS®.! 1 Utertf and Sercnt* elreota.:' DHXKBTAK-; 1»INg attendod to, In all la branches. myll i 'XL CUAIJVMANUFACrOB¥, Kb. fct Smithfleld street, a toe assortment, of. fcacy and plain fomiture, which they wut-MJll6 per-cgnt.-boIDTC rates " :r ■TcimaT-cMhonly. , ' iKZtilr ;q*eat'lnducements to Cash Pnrcliaaers. \irE will sell crur large Ftock of COMMON AND FANCY , f V CUAIK3 AND BEDSTEADS, at prtaa Slt raoKJt .fmltopleiisecaabptirohasam.. All our work l&varrantad Oht terms are GASH. ! : JAMES: liOWHY, 0L,.. *. ImnrZS cor.Serenth and liberty ets. Journeymen Cabinet M&b«r» AiaoctnUon. - i -iPATSS&USE 955 THIRD STREET. ' ! ‘ ~( PJTWECT W Oqp . BTB.) MY, r: " -twice to’three, times:«oL. • hands as the : largeot ttHil : s imjst renowned Dukntta * i * - shops of this .city, have. opened their VarehotL&a, arid* ore' able to fiitttlsh th dpublic, - by whole Sal e6r : retail, with Fur* nature of thefonowingdescriptibn—ria:-' ■ I Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus; FuUCdlumned Bureaus;' Mahogany Bedsteads; Mahogany Chairs; ; Rocking Chairs; 3lahogany Washstanclsjßofss; Divans; Piano Stools;' Book Cases; Secretaries'; Card Tables; Pier Tables; fine Card Tables; Centre Tables; Hat Racks: French Bedsteads; Ottomans jf-Ftoplar Wardrobes:'Dining nndlireakfist Tables; , common, low, and'trttodle Bedsteads;Cfcorry Buraias; Cribs; ;Cradles, . r ' r - , l r. ■- i ; : ■.,■/.< [Timed Vantages of co-opetatiGßytra an extensive Beale, per il* them to sell at the lowest prices, and they ore deter* mined to &eU, lorrerthan any an equally good, it hot better article," and warranted—ca thepubliowfllun* qerstand by rtvtog them* call; u- •; i SB- Steamboat Hoork of nil' descriptions, endether articles' of&ny description, made to order in efery style, at the short* estnotices •' ' : 'i mar 29 - - JAMEBW.WOODWEI.L, CABINET. FUNNITU&B A ANUTA CTUBBR. j Wore*room« 97and 00 Third itreet*.. ,•J; W. ,W. respectfully Informs/5% \ friends and customers that haU\_ Ms now completed his-spririg stock »3pf P*T . 7^-of Furniture, which is ' decidedly »;*|* best cver offered forsalb in this City; which wjli be eolti> at prices as low as anyiatha .United States, Raster Vest../ . ; , , . - . | As he is determined te.upbold ttia.quaiifcy withwell sea sonpd materials, .best goykihapshlp, yifrtgpgt dfrpjgrm; ftr»d from the extent of his orders and facility in manufacturing, he is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices.., .... ; [ Ha hns adopted the principle of identifying hla customers* mterest with his own, in quality and price, and keeps al waysonhand/th®. greatest TEriety of. every of teiuture,,from the.,cheapest, and plainest, to ele gant and costly, that a house, or any pirt of.one, may be frmdsbed from-his stock, 6r.manu£aciured;OXpresaly to or der. ’The following articles consist, in port,'of his stock, which for richness of stylo and Anton, cannot be surpassed to any of the Eastern cities: louis X2Y tete-a-tete Sofas; . SO.Sofas, to plush and hair cloth; 60 doz.. Mahogany Chairs; 20;doz.'Walnut ; 44 &Q Mahogany Rocking “ 20WaInut ** « 60 Mahogany. Divans; 20 Walnut ** 60 Marble Top Centro Tables: 60 » *f Dressing Bureaus; SO « « Waabatands; , 40 Enclosed « 100 Common 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; 49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 2Q Walnut « 60 Cottage 14 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 20 Mahogonv Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry u 60 Plato Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables; 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dox. Cana Seat Chirrs; 24 Cnne Seat'Rocktog Chairs; "Writing teaks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; EUguires; Paper Mache Table®: Oonvmntlcn Chairs; Pembroke <» Elizabethan « Hall and Tier w deception « Ladled Work « Pearl Inlaid 44 Extension Dining Tables; Arm - • • u Ottomans; Gothic and Hall Chairs; A largo assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIRS. Gi&xctt Miroa snpnlicd with all a*, tlclea in tbeir itoe. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, tornlahod at the notieo. i AU erdera promptly attended to. aprt WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. 0. OOSSKXLT. HEW JEWELRY BTOEE, No. 87 market Street, {Second door above the North-irtii comer of tin Diamond.) JOHN STEVENSON, (of the late firm of Johii B. M’Faddvn A respectfully announces to the pabli u that be has opened, at the abqTo stand, a fineaßsortmuntof WATCHES. JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, LAMPS, GI RANDOLES, Ridrf and Table Cutlery, Bi-iiannia ‘ Tea and Gmmunion Sds, end the uaual variety of goods In his Uuo of business. Special eare and attention given to the REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. r He tnuto, that from his long experience In business, he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor h W® havo tried this article, ami can recommend it with perfect confidence.—{Quebeo Gazette, July, 1852. Dorkoo’s Baking Powder wo have tried at our house, and our “better half”, was astonished atjhe feaulfc—fN. Y Doily Times, Oct 23,1852. . • 1 All good housewives wiU rejoice in and glorify the name of Durkee, after they have given bis Baking Powder a fair trial.—(New York Son,' Sept 3u, 1852... . Durkec’g Baking Powder, undoubtedly the best article fbr this purpose that baa yet been dUcovered.—N. Y. Dutch man, Feb. 12,1553. / "“' = The highest comtnendations; team hundreds of the largest and most respectable wholesale houses In this, and nearly every large city on this continent, could be given, if suae® allowed it ■ . . E. n. DURKEE, Sole Proprietor and Manufactures, 130 Water iireti, New YorZt* BAXTER & McKEB, Agenta, Pittsburgh.. . '[ioctSl] SMITH & SINCLAIR, WHOLESALE GROCERS, j lsaa* second and ini piksi biubets. nr stony i!n> for . SO9 bags Rio Coffee; 300 bhlsN.O. Molasses; 176 hhila N. O. Sugar; 60 bblsßngar-Honso do. 30 boxes Grant's Tobacco; 300 balasßattlog; 60 boxes Wobator old do. , 300 kegs Nells, assorted; 20 bxs Bussell & Robinson’s; 200 boxes Glass; 100 euldy boxes of rarious 30 kegs Ys. Twist Tobacco: ■ 200 boxes Rosin Soap; . 60 bbls Loaf Sugar; 60 boxes Palm do, 20. bags Pepper; '. 20 boxes Ground Pepper; 15 bags Pimento; fßep27] Ground Cassia, 4c.40. Sc. H Qygr—aOO tba prime Trhlta ilonay, in «m w n . boxes, for family use, just receired and for sale bv 1 aog2o - J. D. WILLIAMS, 122 Wood A. EESID£NCJ3 FOK SALK—SUuatod in Allegheny • City. Tbo I*t is 60 feet front on North Canal street, by 285 deep to Liberty street Tho hone© ij large and convenient ly arranged, Tritb gas fixtures, bath room, &c. A good Car on Llbcrt 7 irtrwts trees, ebrubbery, 4c, .Tblfl beautiful retddeneo will be sold on cost terma. octSO 8. COTnBEBT & SOS, UP Iblrd at BItITISH LUSXlibl—-10 casks for sole by .■ ■ " OCHB b B. A. EAIINESTOCS * CO. S«rip BlTldendi ~ BnSONS insured ,in the 'Mutual Departmam of the Hraboigb Ufa Insurance Company, nio requested to *»»lW-Urelr Scrip lor t , h " 20 pee com. dlTideud da dared, on the lstof February last.- •> : 0018 ■ O A-COUPS, Secretary V' ' LaborSaTlnc Machine. .rf»HE:.BOSTQN.. B AX73AQ B -CDTUSB.AND. STWFERS; 1 Hay, Churns, Improved Corn tuttitot.fothana and horse power; Pronto*. CbfcolASaw* iaraa auDrtznsnf Of Implements suitable ibr: tha i. JAMES WAUrrenn DURKEE’B i.' % «>**"'* "■* ..b . , -4—- .-w..... v •_•. —-—a, y ! EUROPEAN AGENCY. 1 “ ' THE OIJ>EST ESTABLISHES; OF£IQE IN THIS CITY j MOHEY TO THE OLD COIJ3TRY< •TAMES BLAKELY b^galoavetosayto-thosepentbnehaT 9/ lag friends in ; the OidCcnntry, and desirousofelther Bending them naoney.or rpaying their passage,'thatiis air rfcngeraentsfar dolngcither.isnowcomplete, aiujcnSfinn ol basis that mis takes, can not occur, nor accrue,to any , party..J)iiring:tbeiaatteiiyoai3in'oh{ch,he.'lmflheenin this has remitted over A Half MUUon'pt ltoUar# without tl» los9 of a dollar, and the house jbr which :£e is sgent»io Xirerpool,has shipped npUesa than persons' doricg-the lastyeaE complaint of , i He can issue Passenger Ticket* for Londan,DubUn, Liver-, pool. Glasgow, Cork, t Belfast,Drogheda? .* tymerick; t . Port Hash, Newry, Galway, Londonderry, and Dunda3k,joNeW York,PhUodelphio, Boston,Baltimore aodNewOr leans, and from thence to Pittsfcnrgh; and will/attehd atriettyto for warding passengers fromthoncotQ any partof. thq country. He also has-sightdraftftfbr sale,payable at the following plaoes, vis: • ! : v. : - ON ENGLAND, Sandford A C 0................ .............London. > Wn. Tappwott A Co • (Available in the principal d£te« and towns throughout England and Wales} _ ‘ . ON IRELAND. ' . . . . Provincial Bant •. 1re1aud.«.^......„....... M „. M .„..Da , b1in. • nkAscnxs. • . Armagh,, Belfast, - r Downpatrick. Enniskillen,. Mallow, Strabane, Athlone, Carlow, < Drogheda, Fennoy, : . Monaghan. - Ennlsoorthr, '* Ballina, Cavan, -Dundalk,. Galway r Newry,; Tralee,'; Balymeaa, ’ ,CloninciiL. . Dungannon;: Londonderry, Omagh, - YonghdlU •' Bonbridge, Kilkenny, Dungannon, Kilruah, Coleraine, : P&rsonstown, Cork*- . . ; " Ennis, Bandon, .Sligo, 1 Wexford; OootehiU, Idmerick,. -BMlyshozmon, .; . ON SCOTLAND ;- , * ; National Bank of Scotland/Edlnbuigh, and,its branches In fifty towns In Scotland; ON FRANCE. Messrs. Edward Blonnt A Co„ 8anker5............. .Paris. (Available in any city in France.) * ON GERMANY. Mesars/YogeT, IfockA Fnmfcfort PASSAGE PEOa LIVERPOOL, -Ss£ irSSB THIS splendld.new Ship,'built for “Tapscott’fl Lfne, v ls the' largest Packet, Ship' afloatj and • for. strength 'of for passengers, andeaUlng qualities,' has ho eqnalln the Liverpool traded : t,ri ; The EMERALD lEEE will feall from' LiverpooTon or about the TiwKt o? pCTßoha BemliDk'';&r ! thelr 5 'friends should not loae tho opportunity of securing passage' ior them by this npble Ship. ' ' . ; ; -yv ; In order to prevent delay, paaspngers arm t>6 notified by letter from Mesrfrs. W.Tapscott & Co., Liverpool, whutday to bo thefe to embark, • . , . i . - t.- The Emerald Isle is commanded by Capt Geo! B.Cbrnlsb; of the favorite packet ship, “IYd. Tapseott,”) who is well known for his kindness to passengers, and Lis skill' •fulness'as d commander. '/• v V" > N. 8.-r-TheE. Lwlll bo succeeded by the magnificen t hew ship “ Shamrock,V commanded by'the well known Captain, Samuelß. Doane. • ''--y'” To secure passage, apply to - JAMES BLAKELY, . bdfil ... Corner Of BWenth~ and Smlthfleldstg. l ' TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! WHOLESAtS AOT BETAIt, Jit the Melmi Tea, Store, 38 Pn»ia 81SOT, PnTSOTJRQB; Pi. BY the half chest, of.neatiy packed in metallic packages to suit the trade.. The subscriber Is now'recrivlng hb Fall stock.of GREEN and BLACK TEAS,—consisting of some of the finest chops to be found In the Eastern market.- Merchants visiting the dtyare Invited to call and examine our stock. Below la albt of tho'various grades;.ail of wh r oh have beenesxefuliy selected, and con with confidence le recom mended : 80 half cheats fine Young Hyson;' 10 do do ; MoyuneYoung Hyson; 10 do . extra flfioMoyane do; ' 100 do Saporior ' do; 15 do extra fine ' ' do; 60 Lacqured boxes extra'Curious Young Hyson; 25 half ohe.na fine Gunpowder; ; 10 do extra flue do; ' | 5 do do Moyune Imperial; 20 do Superior -do;. 150 do Fine Oolong Block Tea; ' 40 do extra flue Oolong; 80 do extra Curious do; 20 do . Superlativelyttrongand fragrantOolcng? 25 chests extra fine English Breakfast Tea; 6 do Curious do. ' do; . ALSO—Java and Rio Coffee, Loverlng's Crushed sndPul verisodSugar*;' ’ ALSO-r-63,0iX) Principe Segars, which will ■be sold -very low. - A. JAYNES, nov!4:dAw , S 8 Fifth Etreet»Pittsburgh. TYPE AGEE CY. A. JAYNES, NO. 38 UfTII STREET, PITTSBURGH, Agent for the Sale of L. Jokfutm $ CofsType y sc. , OF PHILADELPHIA, ! I_Y AS ON. HAND andfor sale,the following:—-BniEßHhtKi XX column Galleys; Common, Galleys assorted, Slice Galleys, Composing Sticks; Common and Job Cases; Shooting Sticks; Ley Brushes; Boxwood Quoins; Furni ture and Rlglet, of aIL descriptions; Brass Rule, of all descriptions; Joblnkidallbcans; 100 kegs ProtuVNews Ink; 100 Founts Fancy Card Letter; and Leads, cut to any engthi ' r 83* Ordersfor Presses and Type will receive prompt at tention, and furnished at the Foundry prices. Old Type re ceived la exchange for new, at 9 cents % lb. •••.,- •/ Pittsburgh, May 14, v = - ■; • ■VfEW PATENT, AMALGAM PEN.—This Important in- XY ventlon. removes the two great obstacles to the uni versal use of the Steel Pen,vlx: their rigidity, and their rapid destruction by tho corrosive action of the ink. In minutely examining the quill pen in the act of writing, it will be seen that the action is compound, consisting, firirt, of a gentle yielding backward action immediately above the. nib of the pen, and, second, the ‘.♦scissors”action, or i spreading open of the points to permit the flowof the Ink. This compound movement—which steel pens hitherto never have had—gives to the quill its flexibility, and that peculiar springy play which is so agreeable.to.thd hand, and which seems to suit tho action of tho muscles of th« fingers; yielding, as it docs, to the slightest pressure, with out cramping thehand. .Tho effortsof all steel pen makers have-been directed to the attainment of this essential qual ity of flexibility, and they have had’recourse to an lnnu mernhle variety of cracks and piercings to.nttain it. The inventors of the Patent Amalgam Fed found, from a series of experiments, that tho Whole practice «f the trade! bod In this respect-been enuueous—that no-combtoaitlon r-t “cracks” and could produce the desired action. if tht ordinary form of thesictl pen xcert adhered fa This point being gained, they avoided the plan hitherto adopted for attaining flexibility, and gave & peculiar form to the metal, bv hSeh they managed to combine the “scissors” action of the ordinary steel pen with tho agreeable flexibil* : Ity of the quill. The second difficulty to bo overcome was; of less magnitude, but still of great importance to the con aumera of eUel pciiv "Every one Is award of the corrcaWe; action of theink on tho ordinary, fileel pen. Even with the greatest care, it speedily destroys the delicately smooth sur ; free of the pen.. Bo.serious a drawback Is this firm the utility of the steel pen,'that thousands are rnduced to pur chose gold pens, at an enormous cost, almost exclusively because of.tho &ntbcorrosive quality of that metaL Th’c inventors have removed this evil bv their compound metal, which possesses all the necessary qualities of steoij vrith the additional merit of resisting the ohemical action of Hie Ink. These Pens vriU last mare than twenty timulcnger than the Seel Pen, thus rendering them theehcapesl ctcr introduced* For sale by • W. 8. HAVEN, Stationer* dovl9 Market streat, cornet of Second. : Brldgo orer tbe. AUegbeny Rircrl at or near Sharpaburg. u NOTICE IS HEREBY given, Tbatin pnrsufinea of the ■Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennßylva sis, entitled “An Act to authorise tho Governor to incorpo rate a Company to erect a Bridge over the Allegheny lUver, at or near Sharpsburg, in Allegheny County, l ?.approved 13th Of March, 3853, and Supplement thereto, and Acta'ex tending the time therein limited, Books will be opened by the under named Commissioners, to receive subscription* for the Btoekof said Company, at the ST. cnARL*B HO TEL, in the City of Pittsburgh, on the SEVENTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1853, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., ah and lmpl.tqonl Wamhoope, Ha 49 JEsfljb street, PjTtaburgb, Pa. ' ; 'JfSB; S : ,•■■■■■ JA3IE3 ITAItDROP. Wall’s Academy:;6i Iftgpiiig and Painting' !• "SXT' WQQId notiffifilA&lHndSftirftllfl pnMic, T f • . that he has remorM; his studio from First street, U> thftorbafct Market wjd Founh£treets,(M«m(i story,) \ of Wm- 5L flerth; entfftnco on Fourth street,! *~©RAW npa Rpoffl i Tritti that faiggii^gr^isa -ffili meet patronage - * i2x::di •z-O'L, ■•. - ■■ -.t ji i».. ‘ :•.-. v ’ ■».<• ' -*** l '*4* '■ ' J ,*s V:-- f.V; \'v/ Rhoads A Sons* ! €arier’a Spanish . ■ • THE OEBAT' PtrMMZB ! OP THE JjtOdC,' - ■ ■ ■’ »« IMTMU OJ KIECCEt I.T IT. •A N INVAtUABEBEEHEBIfTOB BQBOEDIA, King'* jCL Evil, Rhonmattsnit Gbetinate Cntanoons Eruptions, Pimples or Postulefiloi* the Sore EyeSj Hlog Wbnh or Tetter, Siald Head, Enlargement And Pain of the Bones and Jointoi Stubborn Ulcers, Byphi !BticDl£ordeTßjLnwba6oißptnal.Complalnts,and[aUDls* ! oases arising!'from. &n lz)judiclous use of Mercurrvlmpru .dcuceinLlfiiOTlmpurityof the Blood. .'.'v : v Thia valuaple.Medlcino, which b?j| become Celebrjriedfrir pa n^mberrof.extraordinary,curefl vffectedrlhfough iU *f. n w 7ihM induced, the proprietors, afthourgent request of theirfriends, to offer ft .ip the public, whichthevdowith the utmostGonfidencein.fts.virtues and properties. The.lbllowl D g certiflcatesjselectedfrom alarge number, ar and formerly of tho / .City Hotel, in tho city of Richmond, sayshe has witnessed: In a number of instances the effects of Carter’s Spanish • Mixture, which were most truly surprhdng. He saysin a ewe of Consuinptioh, dependent oh the Liver, the good af fects were wbnderfal Indeed. ' ... ’• SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Brink,r AMor* Richmond..„ ouTod of Liver Complaint or night yennt • .jtending, .by the naj of two botUea of Carter', Spanish Mixture. - - ■ ’••. OREAT OTOE 0? SCROJULA.—Tho Editor, of the Rich rnond ItopobEcon had a airvant employed In thelr prtra iroom.cprod of violent.Bcroftils, combined vitth Rhenma-i tfcm, whlch eottWy disabled him from wort • Ten bottle, -of Carter’s Spameti Mhtturo' made a perfect one of Mm,: .and the Edltom. fn o public notice, Kiv they "cheerfully re. commend It to all who oro alßlcted vlih any dLease of the b oodJ” ~ ; ■ • .. • STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA>-I had n very .valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter I *Spanish Mixture, il conslderit truly U valuablemedidne. . ■ '■ 1 v James'M. Tavlos, - . Conductor on the B. F. arid P.R. R. Co., Richmond, Ya.: ~ SALT RHEUM ofTWENTY YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr JOHN THOMPSON, residing in the city of Richmond; : was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture,af Salt Bbeurd, which he hod nearly twenty years, and. which all tho physlciansof thedtycouMrnotcuro. Mr. Thomp-: ;son is awell known merchant-in the city af Richmond, Vo., •andhiseure.iamost remarkable, ; ‘ ... . WM. A. MATTHEWB, of Richmond, bed h servant cured of Syphilis,in the worst fbrin; by Cartcr’s Spanish Mixture. ;He aays ,he cheerfully recommends it, &nd considers it an Invaluable medicine. RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofti* .la, and what physicians call'confirmed Consumption, by three bottles of Cferter’eSpaulshMixture. . EDWARD BURTON, commlasioner of the revenue, rays he bos seen the good o fleets of Carter’s Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says'it Is a perfect cure for that horrible dlwase. . WM.G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, cored of Old Sores and .Ulcers, which disabled him from walking; Took a few bot* tlffl of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crutch ;'in a'short time permahentlycurod. : Principal Depot at M. WARD, CLOSE No. 83 Malden Lane, New York; T. W.DYOTT *'SONS, No:iB2 North 2d el., Philadelphia. BENNETT & BEERS, No. 125 Main street, ltlchmonu, Va. • ; And for salebyß. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO-.L. WILCOX,' Jr. & Pltuburgb %H. P.'SCawARTE, Allegheny; and by and Dealers In Medldno everywhere, MORSE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF- YEL ' v , LOW. DOCK root; THIS; is a pnrely Vegetable Compound, scientifically pre* . pared from tho best roots and .herbs of the; Materia filediavond has-gained an onrivalladroputatlon for tbA .tv> lowing effects, vi« HEGULAOING ANI) STRENGTHENING THE LITER, •undDwKsriva.OwußS, and.eleansing the Stomach ondßow* 'els, and thus curiog.oU Billona Disbasos, Liver 'Complaints. .Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Coativeneas, Piles, Headache, Fever and Ague# Jaundice, Naawa, Loss of Appetite, Ac- and : causing tho food.to nourish anil support every part; PUEIFYING THE BLOOD, . and thus curing nil Humors, Cutaneous Eruptions, Scrofa* - la, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scald Head, Canker, .'Pimples on . the free, Blotches, Tamors, Mercurial Disease, Can*' cere,Ac.,Ac; . . . . BEGULATINO TUB BECBBTORY OBGABS, and by. enabling them to perform their proper functions, preventing and curing many painful and dangerous dis eases; strengthening and quieting the Nervous System, thus allaying Nervous Irritation, and curing all diseases of the Nerves, asllysteria.Neuralgia, Cramps, Ao.' ItUunrivalled in the euro of all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, as Weakness, General Debility, Irregularity, Obstructions, Swelling of the Feet, Limbs, Joints, Ac., caused by weakness; also, Lung and Throat Complaints, as Coldr. -Coughs, Asthma, Consumption; Ao; also, Dropsy.' Haying .modO use of the Compound Syrup of Yellow Dock RooL prepared by C. Morse A eitheroureelves, or in our and finding H to bo a very salutary and effectual preparation; we do most cheerfuUy recommend it to the pub* lie as a very valuablo medicine.- ■ . ’ E. Bourne, National Bank, Providesce,B.l4 A W. Spencer, Cashier Lime Rock Bank, do. dou Rev. William Phillips, Bev, J. B. Richmond, C. S. Jones, editor Providence Gen. Advt, Wffllom Field, Al. W. G. JL, Cyrtis FLbor.M. E.H. P n James Hutchinson, G. 5.,-Dea..Y. J. Bates, Doct.;Bf nj. Colby, and one hundred ouiera of the most respectable fiamlHes .of Providence., , This certifies that I have. for a number of years Been ae quin ted with the composition and mode of manufacture of MORSE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF YELLOW DOCK ROOT I havo also bcen acquainted with its modus opfrandi In dis ease, and chn'sdy that la all respects it tfi admirably Calcu lated toremodythot class of Disease for whlcb lt was de signed. It is especially valuable in INDIGESTION end all its attendant 'symptoms, it excite to healthy artlon ihe LIVER, removes Torpor, ahdlnactivity of this ORGAN,and stimulates healthy action in all lhe system. ’As a DEPU* RATORjCr purifierof the Blood, it has ho superior. * DAVID HOLMES, H. D. Providence. J 2, Tu Jah. 4,1858. Prepared by a MORSE * No.' 446 Broadway. New lorfe, aod'uuiU by Druggists and others throughout this and other countries.; JOEL MOHLER, Agent, 1 apr27;ly - : : , Plttabnrgh, Pa. DR. DE LANEY’S CELEBRATED CURATIVE INSTRUMENT, The only Infallible Cure for that JCrtadfvlDiteaxt liunori ut SPERMATORRHEA. OR INVOLUNTARY NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS, Bo.bamsaicgaDd ddstxa.etiTe,and produc tive of so mucbmisehieftothe nervous system, incapacita ting the man far business,-society and matrimony.' This Instrument issimple, comprehensive bad never /totting, and may be used without-the slightest incon venience or the knowledge of the most ifittmate friend. •It Is.to he used externally,producing no pain or injury whatever, nor preventing any one. from attending to his business; and while in use not a tingle cmixtion can take place, invigmitingihtorganiiin athartUme, toxuchan ex tent that they azaantTExm mrarmpowEßor rctzhttos, the loss of which, caused by early abuse, Is the disease In ques tion, and the cause of the thousand concomitant complaints —“rut: l, Nervousness, Prostration; Dyspepsia; Win in the Head and’ Dimness of Vision, Weakness of the Back and Low«r:Extztmitie% Afiootfams of the Eyesr Impatsnce, Pim ples on the DecllnV of rVWllty, Weakness of Memory and Power- for; Mental Application, Driecilon, Aversion to Society, !Hm!dlty, Self-Ida trust, Lore of Solitude, Ac. -A# theteccmuainUinvariably disappear,axtoonasUie -toureeuefigaptd/non %ohieh they emahateii - Bqjt alsq remembered, that those complaints aro butllttla understood by the profession in general, and that all the ' modidne in the world neTer has, and never will, stop those losses, which, if allowed to continue ppgbecfted, are sure to produce the moat distressing consequences. - The price of the. complete instrument, carefully secured i against all observation in a box, U only JlO. It can be sent by expresa.to any address, in any psrt of the United States, Oftnada,.Aa, according to order, accompanied by full dircc* uons, and Impor ant advice to the married and-Jdnglo. tho expenses, even to the remotest pails of the country, being very trifling; —v -- —. • . • ; • Ail applications 'and remittances must be: directed (post paid) to the Doctorhimeelf,behaving noAgenciesestoWish ed but in London and Paris. . NewVorfc! (poSt ' Br - B * ;D<3 ClLispcnord street, * Office hoora, diny,ftom 9 i. 1L tfll BP. M~ aiid from Tto BP.BT.,'the B&>b*th excepted.' ■ ' *»• The.nnderslgaea certify, with great pleasure, Hat the abovom enticned tastrumenUs not-only constructed On set entlOe principles, but that from its me the happiest results mjy always, with confidence, be anticipated, there being, for the core of those diseases; no after certain remedy eafont. HENltr 8. KELLEIt, 51. D, OH; GOETZK, M. D., OG Chambers fit., a EOKHAKDT, M. fai24 Howard st! NEW YORK. HTmat«d Wom« fcxpeliml; — EAU thol following statement ftom respectable drug. *io ettrprising fffects of B, A. FAHNE3- TOUK’S UNEQUALLED VEIUIIFCGE:— : : oanmsoao, N. y, January IS, 1853. Mam. B. A. Fuhnisbxk (C Ot —Gentlemen: Matthew Clark, a man of undoubted Toradty, of thoiown bfXJobon, St. Lawrence eonnty.N. Y., says that he baa a little girl, foar Tears old, to whom ho gare threo doses of B. A. Fahn estock’s Vcrmlfoge,ln three encccsslro hours. In tho af ternoon of tho some day oho passed at one tlma BEVEN TEEK, and at another NINETEEN WOBMB, About two all fire hundred and fifty •seren, in loss than tuclio boW ume.vHe caid they were perfectly nstonMied at aach a moj»a of worm* from a child of her age, and that bo counted thorn accurately. Very respcctfnlly.- ' • ... ' ' JEHNBB A RANDALL,Druggist?. .Sold wholesale and retail by »U the principal druerfsta and country merchants throughout the United States • Prepared and sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., corner oi Vood aud First streets, Pittsburgh. no-? 21 CHAsiuit: OXle-lQb&fs, pore.in aiore and fop sale hr / FLEMING BKOB., Successors to J. Kidd .& Ca. 60 Wood street. ‘ fiTOKMBNTIjJIE— 20 bbl» In store and for Bale by j- po * 21 V FLEMINU BROS. LINSEED OIL—I 6 bblu la for caleby - ELEMINQ BEOS. “>BU*b,in store ftoi'fiar ealo [noT2l] PLEMJNQ BROS. SCOTCH. SNOFi’—IOOO Ifca in storo and for ftaiaty • (00*211 - yEEMINa BROS. MANUANKSE O^IDE—3 tons in. Blow and for «slo by ...... . , FLEMINO BROB. WHl'EB—lO gro. “ WethtrelVs" jnat received aml for sale by ELEMINfrUBOS^ Successors to J.KJ&TA Co., CO Wood strat. VAHNIaji—I lot just wccired'and for eiile by ■< POTII yLKMIKQ Bltoa. iEINOfcASai"MBTi!E— 2W jartir/ia.l; yaidcares, in store and tor «tl» by (norU) ' FT.bmtkh jjm)g_ lOUKT PLAai'fitt— 6o gross, a aaperlor quality, in atom » aadtoaalaby (corll) • FIJSMIXO BROS. HlTUiG—2»;bbl* to »ala by ~~ y potU :•v - v. .. 1 ■/;, 1 y Fleming beos. VI/ AiajMATIU fcull.N A-fl'S-—SO txm KEYSETS Prog Store. UP Wood street. J~ KDIGO.—IO ceroons S. It, for ja]o br 7 : : : B.A.»AH»ESTOCI£aCO, :■ p ■ -- coy. Wood and First stmt. /. American: , ( ’ ; S£ - 2 casks 'French; TbritUeby B» A. FAHHKBTOCK A CO. aep2i:~ bbla Xbrwanled for Bale by. . J Bbp» .. ' gAPNEBTOPK * CO. __ Wamp'iCoagrtiiXaa. "I'IiISINE isprepared by: a purely bhemloal process and X-lsuam^tomttnvotfowin^iwtorKtaltcpau. ltuj>aM;.wiHmiiht''D«ed, > tititt>r«xposnra : ta th« tirbe comw gradually pf a most IntsoM. xml pjcrmarittit Hack. For talaln botilsocf TarSOua elzo, by T7bclmaJocrrfatail,6S ‘ _ BWtassyWte,.. :®s9»St»totiS^w^^a. «■ c f * y -t,. Vy. \ ■ *, ' ’i V V v: ; ■ - i?-.(... ..:■ v.■.-.•■-