!".»► " - !-•<;->■ *; + ; "?* .’*l 1 I' V■v # • 7,}L: - -» ,-‘ x»xt.. r,*j ; '*, ■ VS'.**- ■ ..* * •-v-2y~'’ 4? b v £ r i-:. ,■ i T' i s, \* NT 'JjaHTt'* 1 * ' r ij ' i • * - • *&,'> > : ' v I ♦, '*£*«» : £:P '■'•**'.. Is-V; iV-iv; r -A X : ■ - -*' ' 'l-C i,V~*\ ",‘. v 5 N |^»;V-V -%®sSfiSaW^ < $8^ sAwi > v *rN xfA , 'vcvi* *'• /■ v i >m* ‘^„ i . <►••*/••■’ *», ».V.w :; <-VV l •,) ;-r *y; y. ’?/; -^-W ■ :* v k v •:-/ u ••; ;>' v. “ * *::: r■• ,4 *‘J ivi-fsv-'-1 '/I':;; 5 SSSSS= -; t 4 i {HSiSwCi li k, f>T*kv«yc*vM ; i> f ■, s*, <.^?y % f^s; sS^S®3?w©%W#^s CMt 4-1- .®s#aa,fer#l^«jb afefaa^fesM ralni^ |SSS(IVS f& v * i “ , s;;TiS .. ..,ISISIiS®|I *cSi'*",4*r&'i k\o jty; 7 ,<: «& 4 «* s toi-:Tf r '> I lTj's22#S*>l2if 4 4V'- f^^?^f^l|lSlir?l3ss Stfe.-.>£j wplT • !; £^‘.:^'f-:-*,'>'>. ; .: rf.'.'fa'•;i.^JX.aKV>:^^>-rt£nfi?irH»-'f , ®iJ r » ; -i*^ r sC' , '*i’s'' »• >- -2“ *-;i-« /.' '•■*«.•.--»■ t--It ->n • p='-'? f ~i7.:i •.- »‘v;- 4:J f.r,.\ ■ . > ;<- *\' , "- ■- ;- r- ' r ■'■ -■>: K ' v■;■•:>>>.;' •- ■.-■■• * .*'.'v.. ,• "- > r ; 4 ~. -•• •■ v sr>r;^r- iV ‘ ..,-V ’ ; »}hfch t s?&y^M4 ! 4 J ‘ vS&SssPv |S|g| i a"- y.';r ? f v-VTs/ t * i J * t »• i. volume THE DAILY MOBNING ?GST. Printed and PubHA'i nay Mcrrnng, (Sunday -eajspfoJ.) B>f PHIIMPS A WM-MORBi -. OTSTIKWpSt COB3IK OF Woot> AUD. ViVTH 51MM5....... t&-TS&Jf S.-Mto jaa, OT«W«| tdvnnae- -SLJ.Dolukrs 'sriil wjujind it not paid. **• cam—for sale »t Urn ooanter In tha , Offloa, tpl by the hm Boys. THE 6A3OJBJWS MOEHIHG POST 1, [mbllihwl tSrom the hum offiw,'l sheet, at TWO DOLLABS h Jetr, 10 »dTtta*i Singlecoplra I '‘w?«M»Ser"tn be atownUmwi (KOeaijrt. *< o ”fthe'KptietoW,> until ill irresragM aft putt. No tUauUe& teßl bepaidtoeagyiderßalgitafflß- > mSS bTtheinapey.OTßatißlaetoryTetebncolallili dft, :. j«S- CcmiirE! iwatfie jataiißtfaaCTlttf tte ilirxing Post it enter Ot larg'd itßdf ef fieri it OeitmOe. ««,«#«> rwrtjwtf. ratm ofifctem*. e I . ifIPtCT UPON BP TNByPJXTBBUNQB PRESS .iggOnm^rntnuu t^» ! uUte r - '- 5i . „ MoreSa.il, - ATTORNEY AT L AW—Office, Leirrio’e Buildings, Wcrctrtp street. ■ lts7Jy_ •' It. B. CMBtllen, / ■"■■ h TTOENIIY AT 1A W-*Offiw on Fourth street, nemcn Ohttlfy elley endOrmt street. J o —7 OT- ~ J. I. M’Clowry, . _ • • • ,v Attorney and counsellor at law— omw in BskcweU’e Buildings. On Grant street. J°. - 1 -d; Hi H#«»| ■ . .. TTORNKY AT'LAW —No. 127 Fourth street, aboreeiil _ near Smitbfloid. . -■■ .... . ■;.; J. 8. Morrleun, ■ _ „ ’ A TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR. AT I,AW—Office, rc- A moral. toNo-M Grant atroot.'mar Fourth,Pitt3l Wooden and Willow Ware,Japannea Tim Ware; Hopse •iLeeplojr Wholesale and Kctailj 2i3 lilwr^' . King • ••• WHOLESALiS tUttJCJvKS Notiff-WoodrtTftft. PHfrUmdv., ...-.......... smiths Sinclair* • . • . TXrnOLEaAIdE \JltuOKttH- ANI>.UOMMI33ION MTD yy .t .-fa»>yr v 1 U» mae«lo«k i, tXrQOLKSALti OJiUti WA^billOUSK—Corner Fimiuw W' ftoroKr Un4o«?flry;dß*aig^n -QfgtiUog-imd llmding. •■• - t ■ — ; . -. .. . . {<«&► - . " 1 ■ John H« Alelior, riusTAn* dealjsb in musical W • Pianos, Musle,' .fichcol ilfcokl ttd BtaUooiwTtNo.l&Woodßlroat. ■•■>:■ . ...■• fj* o * <• * 1U C* StocKton, ' «.. - T • ATE- JOONBO* A vmK)SfiEIiLER»t fTA- I 3 tOONBIt Printer: .and/ lUndcr-rCorner Oft Market aud Thinli»tW)t*e Pittebulyh* f*. . <• . f j jySKtf ■ '■■■' Xkomni M* .l/fttley’ ■■ • ; .• : 'ITT'ATCU AND CLOCK MAKEItr-*Ulh street* VV Wood and Market BtrecES, opposite Iron City llot 4, All kinds of Jeff elry mode apdjgpMnida,. ■., faps.ly Paul & Mnrilook» r ; . :■ COMMISSION -AXD.uVOKWjUUDING. MEROIIANS, AND STEAMBOAT 7 Water street, CiodonaL, - Ohio - - - - ' JOHtf CtttOUTT, , t , SUCCESSOR to-Mmis. & STLacohuk, importer of BRANDIES. GIN, WINES, ie. AUo-Dealer in En. ■■ ■WlMgtkwX-Peach Brandy, comer of HmitMeU and ..‘•pirttßtmßisPittobtftgb, Pa. * | - jabT3.tr WHOtESALt; and li»tall SADDLE, HABNEisS, MBBlMvfßTttur. VAr.TflB md-CAKVKT ItAft nmßiila> ! ■ tufeiV Vo! MO Wood street, PlttAuiEh, ftu. . ' j. v. wnTiimo, - •rtrnOLSaaii AND RBTAU. FAMILY GROCER, AND .yorg&ftling-and.Qominlgdan Merchant, Dcalor in Country ttodofl© and: PiUebuigh- Manufiicfcxre*—‘Wood rtf '!four doord nboygPittsburgh*-. ,* ■■.-■••. . . . ' ~ r., pASOBA TKli aTOKK. -i TEfttl HAWOBTH,' WMstUt and Jiclatt Qroctt, Dealer •I' and Importer of tW Country Black Tea*, French Bran dlaSc WlQt*, corner of Diamond sliejfomlihq Dlomoudj t&mmt*-'" i f.*2B!y Card* /.:■ ■ : IDKAIr. •• • Ji* EB AND COMMISSION MIULGUANTVIOr tbe *ato, flood*, No. 133 Liborty gtroct. 'lmy4> ; J.lD.ii£££o2l..-'- ALLEN i i Klikp&utck A Hernmir : - :. CXTHOLESAIiB iUBOOIfIIS, WIODITCB ANP COllMlß >■ wy: gioN'MErvC HANTS,iudDeatere la jrattabarahMumi- 1 -&etuittiK). g£3 Liberty itruL PttUburffh, Pa mylPy (Wilts* JUUUMO. . -ricKOisa DaoTBSRai .lit ;.- L- '"(SaCCiC'SOry tO J. itlQii & Co,) ; : ;nrrrnoCESACB DttUGGISTSr :&"<>. ;«0 Hiw* ttnet, Pitts -YV bureb, Pat Proprietors or Dr. Mtort ColebrsUai . tYermlfuga, liTarJMOs, &&». my?-y • -CARRIAGE FACTORY^ “XXT ' alloy* betvretn Wood and Liberty ‘W' i ’StrootA. Slannwcturorof DUGQIK3; BAROCOIIKB nod 1 CARVXAG&Sf of.6Y«y description.*'All work jlone • ... . nioo^ear&apprcnUco»bjptotho..liuflluer>a«a&tniasiworkod •’ > < : feT fOApy-years lu tbopnaclpAl.rijopn of thoKailern dli?v . T BeiiucUraan&Haunleijnr:.. ; < T street; oppMUotba Post-office, . '-I' j Maps, Landscape Kill Btfisy. "'‘la&ils, Aruhltoctarnl and Macblno Drawings, Business ana >/■yujiansCard# T 'OW^EJU^avedorDrawnoa.6Ume,Pnnted • ..iaOaLor^'Upld } Bfoaze,orßlacb,tu (beidost approval • prices. • • ; '‘octlfrlv * Austin iiODa»l«» > v - T>2AI3iSTATB Al>K>rE.i MerdamUlie, Stock,- and Hill; XV Broker, OBloe, No. 02 lOTrUfStro«V{AboTaTO>pd«) Tbe tubseAbw hiding ofuined on ofQro at tbo above plaoc, forth* putpote ornogoLiaim# Imn*, Blllivßondt, Mortgages, and alTolhef InStrutttCTJtfl fbr thq security of Moneyi-nod fir tho _ purcb&ee ‘Uirfi Batd of‘l|tocM.-v r WBf : al80 give prompt and /7'pdrUeulAr attention to bUYiflgi'eoniniz, rcnUrnrrrf und leas* f \ fng iVvT fl*t*t*. , , AXJstik voo^ns. '■•i i'l'-i?' , -,.. W* • rnuii oi>p ?a'c^D»crrEs > EACLtsinu?NTv ■&*** jo™- I BOOK AWfItATIONE. TO IVA|IEIIOO3S-4» j>copaxe4to »X(amto ovefty ptylo of i Oopamoyciaif OamU and 'Stoanih-(emA- ‘- _■— zsj'i'. • .■ *;.l Blank Book and- gfalipaery- o| Marital tod Second rtmetai ■■::-■ '■.:■» •. ti j- ■ ■ i • ; fi: ' Print£nir;Ofnfctt &nft BooTcßlndery,’ No. BO Third st. i not Id: ‘ l i *”< "fcjßW SEED ‘STORED “ 7^' “t AM WAUDBOP, **■ {; ' jriFFEEB fctraUCARATnr-'BIBDStif UUrtdetlmwwed ' ! ' • flj fetfjed; fcttfs »"7 hardy, and flno alfigura. lard Eeedr' - rJoßinsfa. 5 j,'»m'l»iiitf!il*h»!<#>lSp<*K>d of th» bunt FLOiTORS.-fia:' JtndarlfaUfftnrow, 4te-rfi'n>rgi*«na(la poto) ‘ i^^^fwd'asa.Uortlroltjiwdgwra;' - -sssmbk. -' 'paODCCB asnUJENEOAT. 1 Jr No. 309 Überty street. rßtabnrgb, Po. Sperm, Unseat an! laid Oils. Jy23 jj w t' ■ ''' ' ' , | ‘* ' ' ' ll 3 "| *' ,t it- —!■ ppßt.'tagcp GCLLMOBE/ aT THE “POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER AN3PM,. WBEH' PAID BTBICTtrIN ADVANCE. 1 ;. v a;jL'7. ’| business cards. H’CtOSKET. - v: >-'TOiotenle fsnd- Botail (Uottoir Heroliaata,; , vhn« ..-wm.airsrfaos.j'ittaljurgh. i ’ ■* Duller ft Rtcteetaon, TifBOIiEHaEHOROCEKS, IMPOUTJSRBOF BBANDIEB, YY 'Wnra atid Segira-iNos; 112 end J.74i amat of Irwta AmJliboityiarMUl. Mttahtirgllv 'lroDtNaUs, OoUan yorti2, hand. < aOOKBEMiER aliray* OJx land »Bmerals2sortm „ ;ruiv /■JHAIB AHI> BKDSTfiADMAitUh'hMCkBBr-No. SW_ U i'ettermnn’a How, Liberty street, has.on ,han4:e Urge. stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of erery description, made of the best materials, which he -will soil lower than MUdcs of the came quality ran be sold In ttaclW; Jtewould igllW; ■tt&ilar attention to his largo stock of Mahogany ami Walnut 'CSiwamiliMslieaas,'.whleb he Will sell at rcdacal - & - corner Of- Adams and Übertystiwts.wUl be promptly, . 1,... .. .. maril □dad to. vk jl Buwrt _ ~ Jixa cmiua l - ' HK2EOH & CEISWEti, { BEjEiL AND BBA.BS FODNDEKS, ”SjTAmiFACTnEKIIB of.«U luna«of BHASB WORK, tO- I. JVLcOSIOTIVE, StßAil JiIiOINR. I'I.BSIRKRa, Ac. Al p 3, cotton Batting Monutoturura . _ , r JFoaodry oa Rebecca street, Allegheny €»ty. , > . ; • |Offlceamiato«,.No.l2slartotßtrect > PUtabargtu iOLD BW WOOL»PJSR token in exchange &r work, | ot caShpaW. Orderaloft at the Foundry or Olfico, will be | promptly attendedtoe* •? .fobfcly . { JOSEPH T. LOWRYf v jfo. 43 -Cbrtu* of S\fA etui Wood Streets* .... jOfficoupstalTs. UnttajiOßfrojlx J'ifih street* Pittabnrgh, KBSPfiCJJVDlitiY’anaounco to the .publto that hfl hoe commenced-tb? REAL ESTATE AQEMCY, in coaaeo- Uoa with CkoCTol Oollettiiig. Ue.aiil also attend ti> renting.' Persons in want of servant*, in auy; fiapahltriorthasaln waatof places, will he supplied ot abort tfftioL' AUi business antrastod to his swe promptly av tended to. .■••.<•■ . • I Reference*-* T., J.Ukbam, Esq,Richard Ooiran, W. 0. iMUe, !)?. Alex: Ulack, James ilackoral, A. A. Mason, fr.ffit Jk DM .; ■ ■ ■ ■-•■• -5- . jtXU» i Cttßo's Dagaerreotype -and Art Qallerf, 1 ApSlo Maildirto, ;JS r Q.lt}frmtthttrtri, {next to L jntrs ; ; • .. Carpri-Ewconum.) ? R. M. CARUO A OO.having fltied np lbs most ■ ‘2a2» - amplo rooms in the city with mammoth «ky and 1 v2l aid® light*, offer .First Class ,)LXIiIiNESShS, ip j to salt ait, racing in price according to and quality of ease, &c, iWSttdatings, by the best artists, for sale, and ones* {hihitiou unring t|»o day and or wring. CiUsens and atrao* .rjorsnro invited to call and examine specimens and Faint' in**. *P??_ ! HEW CABLET , , So. Viftb Sueetrueftf Wood. • A H -Urzricalled auartmenC of OAIU’KTINQS and Oil' CLQTilB r of tho latest anil most bcanllfnl patterns lor spring sales, now open for IwpecUob; ecmrisUngcf*" . HojßlYelTeu;Uru«*ls; . • t ..Tapestry Brussels; ' Tapestry Ingrain*; ■ Extra Super Three Ply i '■> ■ Supcrand Fine Ingrain; .... • ••• Topestry.Tehfthms;v- : Twilled and lUaln Tenltian*; Together with etery. description of .low priori Carpeting** ChenUleand Tufted.Kagsand Mails, Canton aodOolr Mat* tins; Jnto, Chain, Cocoa, AdUaid, .Alican f and Sheeps Wo Matt*; Floor and 8 lair Oil Cloths, all width* and qoaUllt*. Stair and Floor IDruggrts, Or«Gu Piano and TaUo CoTens Tenitlan Uilnd*,.Window Shades* Stair i'ujds, Ac. &c. t ai UiC vcrjflowtttcaih linos. : ■ m*r2l CUandeltera anti (Iqß Vlltarci* The subscribers are now opesiuic at Ibeir new .W amoom : bO. 109 FIBST bTRE»rr, between Wood and Srolih field, the largest tttsGTttnont of CiilVif UEbTKiie, illtACh- ETB,I’EbDAMS, and all artidiawnnoctelwitCaslittinß, orer offered In this market. llaring; smnjßWnU made by which they will bo constantly inrteelpt of new patterns anil carle ilca,iher confidently JnrltOitbe attention ur pur chasers to their eelcetlou. lie ate determined to sell as low as »ny house In the West, and brim; practical 0« Fit'. tors, eanoCrr peciiliitr adcautege* to thole, desiring articles in Uutlioea ' ■ •• ■ • . .■ . We«mtlßuoa*lioretolLirotoCl up tmfldjngsof vi cry u> ectiplionforpw. , Btsjb CuKltDia of all kind# made lo otdfr protupUpw vvlonu, Millku * CO, jnn-22-r • ?*<». ItW iinttulreet. ; . g, JU>Klnlfly t ■! > HOTJBK, BlOKv. Aiii) uW».UJIsMAL I’AniTBR. A>D Dwtler In Cftlnts—No.44 »t. C'm\r street* rUlbbargb. llu coofctuitlv.ou i)«ui.sU fcinJd of i'iiut*, fijtbfer dry ut mliaJ,noil. Copat Y*mbb, O*J» ilctfsl-Vjt, Spirits lurpcuilucN \\ iiuiov Olosm of All kiwv% l’uWj'f -PAiot Hruihw. &r.i aU ot ttc.t'rii'qualUj-, And Ibr ialn al rtmwu^ scpll 1> LAllTi>, tUt« Of Jim Jinn of Ux>UV 4 LAiK&J.havtuic Jtv* 6pe«M KTOKIS NO. O, rs obove tb* f>M stand,) for U>« purport? of canying cn the ULOTIuNO BUBINKgfI, bopo*t>y»trlut fclteutiou to bunmr** to merit 0 ehareof tlrf ihe Utufrut. • „ . , .. N. to lu Use cioft, fajatauWo *tvla.on*l on the isborirst luitlca—lufcrkir to uom> io U» dty. J»pgfcr ■TOFOXOXOAnELA PLAN IMi illlUttwW cwpoefcfttfly jyi inform biy the public, that UU no* estab lishment** now to feJl-nperaUnft/.Mnl that Ue is prepared to fUrahh IkutCuUnivftha IM oil nrd*» fot Planed Lumber, With and at tfao lowest x*t«a. . ... ■ snv\ !»"«* PUnfc, planatl Bn ops or both stifi3. COltftafltijr •*on hssd- ' Dpcib, uni HouMtogs/ of every dcacriptioa, mao* Uf -erder. BttUdsrs ana Carpenters trouM find It totludr aAruiteg, togireljkn aeaU, a* beam now furnish tHemirlUl plasnl »tmtmltnlileftircvpry Uaney Loan Olftcr,. • JOHS A. O’BIIIEM 4 CO M • rf... .• Tfnrdtlrtcifbelovf Snti&JUhL TVtTONEY to loan -in large* or fid alt quantities, on Gold - YL nod Silver Plato, Diamonds, WatcLrs, Jewelry, Guns, >irtol*, Mu*!esilTastn3tnent3 and valuable articles cf every description. '■ ■ ? Forfeited Fields ?Md Immediately after being emtef date, y altos rcdeemM-- Bargains of Gold and Silver ha.ndo • ~ AtthUbU « AVUiLUMs, HEATISQ VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. :•: -i.fl' .;-*A*BTacrußl»a.-:WtfhttVe sold pnr Furnaces, Patterns, it* to Messrs ARNOLD & WILLI AXlS,vrbotn tre cordially recommend lo Ui a roa ° S ' ATKIVSON * OKEf.V •• ’ Boots and-bhocii, A 'T-mNTON-SIfBAD-Qtf Sk J%. Glair etrudt;.betwtii-u I'vuu and Liberty streets, has ju(t rccsSfKT'ft supurior flljiorltaput uf JlOOris ttod 8H0153, and MATKUIAL/wMph he is prepared to depose of to hi* friends and the public generally, at cheap rates. Any ml cle In hlrline piaffe ujf at the Shortest notice. • p. WANTED on all hinds of work* jtep2 TA R, DU A Vo* Diamond; DHubargL, l*** dealer ii •■Jvy Country tyrodu«», offers for sale a choice Stock a Grocerii*. selected fur family tup. feplcps of every variety ‘and ibrfpurestquality, grouud at bU bntam? Mini. ;Albo, Dried Fruit*/Foreign and Domestic* . Produce taken In «J change for .Merchandise. - ; .procured a fall assortment of L&ndreth’* Warranted Garden Seeds, and iuvitas tbo attention of all in* terosted In rural affairs* .. ■•• jonU laesra »*» vi. a oau liIPPIZSOOTT A. BAttH, - M\*-. .. Sugar Kettles, for tbo in&nnbstnra of Cana-fiuga?—all csvl to apalent croctUi buQwn ttfJ.Q. Parry's, and am superior for dura* blllty to any other, and sold lover than those made on the old plan. . -• i i- HOLLOW WAEE--A; general . assortment, all> ftota now and improved patterns,‘Wagon Boxes, Dog Irons, £al Irons, Ac* Ac. . ■ . ;. s ;7' "} -- Bolling MQI Castings, find Maclrinery.of everydescription,- always on hand or mode toordor..,- '.. - - - !■. ...k Cook Stoves, Kitcbun Ranges,,and Coal Stoves; of every description; lowaCook6tove9,nvofii2es, received the 1 first prise for JIBOO and 1961, at . the Agricultural-Pal* of Al-1 leghcny ConntyjDunaod reoofomendolby Jlfteoh hundred 1 persons; Entcrpnio Cook SUrrcivfour fibys; Premium Cook I •'jjtflTpe? Egg bißodbtor Coal Stovea;->Varlor Stoves, Ac. 1 >-. --Parlor,-Gratis and Fenders, groat variety, beautifully building material of every Railing,for Camelries and ;!arg# etoSk’ofall the kJndeln ws»:and wilt be told,at rodueedpriccs, Hairs Pat*" > ent American,- Egan’s, Crane’s. Sink aid’s; JWabd&Vi&fiiidEfc Billl’ffi Improved Bull/Ae. i: f S-fDaubM Michigan ;BoaVlei plough, which premium At the State'lPairs Tnrkv PanUsylseidai afid Ohio, and w herover it has been exhibited. ■ > .ircfl irfJ Halls, Stove Pipe and Tin Ware—olpof which I Wflßarathrtow'est jrtlcesj.aod public to fCve me a balk at Che Old tfttfld. No.lß&WocU *t" 1 <1,01*9 nvitawiiv j ■CVETI /J&ea&Ufi&lZ,3o. 107, UnrJnt strolls how re?; Vf« cclrlng hia Fall stock of Coots, Shoes and 3 Goiters comprising otcty Btyle find qtmllty. 6622 ENE V prrTSBUEGH. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1853. ; BUSINESS CARDS. B PIANO POBTES. ■■ V ■■_ ; - CHABLOTTK BLUM E, No. 118 Wool street, aaiond door-shore tilth, 1 Pittsburgh. Pad offers for ,ale ft large uuil well assorted e took, of Plano Fortes, (which aro Juet ar most'Uberal terms. ■ of pnfehasera la especially; invited/ to ■ the celebrated UAAlBOlia PIANOS Shese-inatnuhenta being mode expressly for this elimato, haring tho error strings,’ hare a volume «f.toa4 un- Ondallodbrany otbera■ ! Alio, Pianos framtheWftnufottcry. of Bale A Co„ New York; Bacon A- Baron, New York; Re- IcßentaehASUUr'Jhllatleldiiai and of «r nwtomKOTAO rtrac, which are woUhnown, and hare been used In thlS anil otUer.cilles lbr 10 years. . ■ . , . , , IN BTBUMENTS of all kinds, (iuiatrr—Aflac eclectiouof Enracb, Spanish and German, ’die bOetltalian,'Prench and English make. tteconfiame—Prom the heat Paris manufactory. : ALSO—Flutes, Clarionets, Drums,Fifcs, Banjos, Tswbo- French, fingl Ish end Q erman.worraniod to.be or the very bestijonllty. . . • Pianos end all Musical Instruments repaired with dura ®ewAlriv«l<>f CMcfcerlng’n Pian.ot. ... | i ■mu, I - JEiie yubscribftrwill t&cuWo an< 13747—0ne ■ do do do do $4OO 1* 13754—0ne Bosewood, round front, G octave..- 2790 '< 13705—0ne do do da sp> M 13C86—One do aquare do • « IS4lB—Ono TVal out do do SJM v JBQls—One do ! ' round front, do : r = SZ?o 5 Ailtho sboTU Pianaft TrJtb the.new patent Iron ftameand now wale; with-Slr. Chicbering*s namo e&M dntheplatn; to pr«m*nt Imitations and Imposition. Pur chasers are inti ted to examine tho a bore, on their armal Qt the Marie Store and Pianoareruoms of • JOHN IL MKLI.OR, Aicent for Chleketing’fi Wonoflr . N«81 Woodat* Pm*b u nth. _ MUSIC I fIKW * _ HEtiBBKR has Jan roeeiTwi a An® collection or Jn* • Han't and Foster's music. - Tboeclobrsted Royal Irish Quadrilles ; The Drum Polka, Jnlien; • : Mocfcßlaoc Polka* Jullen; r SiralßcbDUiflch.bj F.Bxown; . : SUror Cloud Quickstep; fib KleliolatßebotUtth: • QdgbrMe Polka; fey StroJttwch; i Popiy Polka;■... * • Anowisonff.bylLKleber; ■ Tbosleepinthegr&Totogeiber; j Adieu dear natim land, tricvbyW.V. Wallace; * ULly-Ball ondoldl>o?lray»by FpsUr; : Meet me by moonlight* duett; y. Softly ye night winds, ballad, by V. Wallace; . ; Atalaird* Folks, by Dadsrortb; and other fine pieces [ ■ sep!4_ ' ' : ■ •••' •'• J. S. LEKCU, 3XcAI,PIN & CO, t WHOLESALE GROCERS, WU> suing M :• • Provisions* Hotal* nnd Pittsburg Mannlacturea, Kos. 242 UMatr stbeet, aucflV - FtTTSBVROIi. l?«red by tbrlr p&pen as s medlnxo of adrrrtiiir.g tooog thrirGcnn&n fellov-cUlxtill both let the city and country.' ■ ■' • Their Dally paper fa published os the rrxxr ctbtxm, ana has Pood'S the rlreutation of any Gsuuir pant published In Pittsburgh, Whllo the hr Wockly paper, which It published already fur twenty years, circulated largely In the adjoining counties and Wwtero J'ennsylmnla* oa well an throughout tbo State of Obto. - lierchanta of Pittsburgh and others will fin 4 It to .their bSmratSCb’tn-'tnnko owof.cur tolusansoa. ajocvilumci reaching the Ornn&n paper in tbo city. UrncE—Coroi*r of Liberty and St, Clair streets, shore Braun * Reiter's Drug fctore. JL ft W. NEED* augs» Pahll«hcTsand Proprietor*. . ACAKIT-lMr- <*. ASToN nml IL SUHKufcrifcii would resjwctftjTiynnuonncutotriecltucnsof Fiunhursrh and Alleghenythat tber will giro. InrtrueUon* on the .Blanc* GoUar. >loiin AOd frlttto.v Inquire at M. Sclitocder k Co.*# av.w music stork, r* Fourth ; mx : - ROBINSON 1 * CO. NEWT 31US1C fiTVßli—The aabzerttern hare No. S 3 Fourth utrefit, a choice cohmlon of mujl’ and musical Instruments, Itidiin and German string*, rune*, by M. EranJ, of Pari*, awl Mt, ArpoVU Flute* by 1L Euler, Frankfort, A. M; Clarionets, do. .. All kinds or bran Inrtru manta hum the best Fn-nob manufactories, all of which wo cSqf to p : )hl!r* on more liberal term?, focting; confidant that wa can render entirn satisfaction. 11. SCimOKDRR t £3 f'OTth-tf. n Schn>«l4>r and fl. Anton wUlfJiMnriruriltmaciatfte T*lano, vinlfrt and guitar. ftrp2s - ‘ v DAttITSTEIdiISHV ■■•■*" * . A RCmTCCTrf:—OnW«i nU!£>l!Al]; >,p,-75 Third street J\ m pittibnrjht and *wl riitecr the I>h.u\ftUcT, Alleghany Jjlifta 51 joHEPiimoauiooE. OOMMIBSIIIN AND- FOSWARDINO. MKRCIIANT, : No, na-ow L*isr*-.tftnwv - NtrllOUil) 21©.# GOXfIIGNMfchTJ astlGommlwum* wai ir*d with prompt and peraiinal atlenlion. and literal qtfcwcrj will bo gran when required, ’ *•' Epamlnond&s, 1400. tons, loth Aumst, I jwMtJK u Ocean Eagle, 1430 ton*, 10th Sopfr; AJyjMMy Oneco, 1500 tons.lCidOclobfv; j Jafgggjgßiww - » Scorgo, 14W» tons, Ctb XHircnjber; I ■ v *i BaUloore,J3o0 tops, 15th Januar y; | ‘f EopbrasU'lsaQmnMstMarch; K I * <# Oregon, 1000tons,21stMarch; 4 . i: • « Nimrod, 1000tops,iWtbApril; ■ j . « gea Banger, 1200 tons,'lsth May. : I The Ships of ih!s Lina ate fitted with Emerson's Patent j Ventilators, and carry Francis' Motallln Ufe-boatj. •riia Baltimore Clipper 'Barit INCA, a tie *»»**«, To3iB b^xubn> HarlOK toads two auwwfulToyages ftom : China, each in thew, .tort period of Mi d,)™. bM thorough!* mWWM*,- ad tor wputatlon for fmt ulllag. and prlil to for : : *t , MELBOUHNB, AUSTRALIA* i About the2sthof August.. Tbs Ships.of the Pioneer Llpo*| hato made remarkably qulcU and hoalthy Toyages; losing | only one passenger l among 050 that soiled iu tho first .five j • ships* whereas It appear* from tbo report of the Emtarntlon j 'Cdmtaissloncrffthat the mortality an heard- English shin* to, Australia has equalled 4JW per cent. This very gratifying result shdws that no care and erponso hate been spared in selecting,■ TcntlUUng,)and• .pro?lsionlng;tbp.ships of the, Pioneer Uno, ■-* * ..i. i- The INO A will only carry a limited number of passengers, at as modureto rates , as aw. consistent with justice to pas* aenger* and owner** '• . „ Jg frc, * ht °* JMMBO ’S c o “bt nmiuf' , a A. COLTON, Agont, m 3 M Wflh .UM« ! on!°!Ii'"-P' lt,1 t' 1 ', • UEOttUK J..HENKEL'S CITT CABIWBT WABEHOUSEi Vo; 173 CBPBTNIfT STREET, :(OrroaiM lOTiPtioirac* u*ll,V ■ *,* . I ■ ■■■■■;■. PlllladelphlO. .. FUBSmiEE, W EVERY STYLE! Comprising LouisXlV, Louis XV, Elizabethan and Antiauo, with Sculpture Carving and modern style , / In Rosewood, Walnut, ilabogany,Satlnwood and Maple; all of superior constructloizr and finished, la tue j - : ' bcststyie,«lualto,ifnotexCTUinginqual- | • ‘ • 1 • - ltyi the Goods :hf;«ny-:Establish* .■-•mentlntheUnltodState** : j V73IPLOVING none but experienced (appren* Pj tied* being positively csolude3,)andnalog the best mo*. I toriedfl, the work connot foil to givo eatisfaction. to pup. chaser*. 1 - Amongst Ihu many -advantages ottered to pur* ebasere, Is tbo facility of'Furnishing alfonse, cither in ele gant or plain stylo, completely from onU tatabUsUmout; by which means all tbo artlclcs in cnch-room .correspond Id I etyle and quality, and thelmmbnse stock.always -on band,. • ibahk so various In design,, enables purebasor* to ploosc i tbelr taste In a seleotign, without iho jelay necosaanly v jeansed la ordering Fomlturo, ' - t L , . - ijo idea-of the finlahod-Fornlluro on band, I need; onlylnfbrmyon that my KoOms arc 175 feet Tong, by 27 feet wide, four floors in number; with Shops.contiguous, sufib dent to employ 200. bands,* which Is u guarantee that tbo. worki*alldonoundormy.ownimmediate Inspection..... fly The Parking lr&ll donoln the Store, and Farnlturo •Warranted; to ;»try rafely any dlstenco.-'V W£erB to! Phfia jl&phla aril respectfully invited, as purchasers or othnrwlse, ttrcttll and examlod the Goods. •./> - . ■ : • - ■ ■, au25:1y..; : “: r XKF? IDB .WOOD 1 fiTREETiW i fn "C- ROVLETespcfttfully Informs the public thnt ho has —•L;iropDnod.;et.W®Depot, tho number desfgnnted-BboYe,. tlse most splendid variety of FRtllT .that has qvq* bec&af-. fored in oar market. Ho would respectfully invite bis C.-1* low cltizenß to coll at .the above number, aud examine bis splendid coUactloo of Frnitr. •. anpl3:tf ENGLISH AND OLAHHIUAL HEUtNARFr . W. T. MoRONALI), M. A., PnmctPAL. | THE next session oftbo'lnstltuUonEwlU -commencp on 'jIIOND&Yy-tbe 6thof September next, at the reomeor* ner pf Ferry and Llborty streets, lately occupied-by the Messrs. Veoder. . ;-u .iE4fercrtcde^*Hoa.. A. V?*- Loomls, C* Hhnp, F. Van Bophoratyg. MRlgr, Jr. ’SXfATOHKB AND JEWELUY.—Great l ff Fine Gold and BULver-Watcbos; JUeb Pure | Silver Spoons, best quality; Pocket Knives; Gold qnd Silver I BptetAcleB; Port Uonnals; Gold Ac., Ac., eeßirig at re* j ?t»ttnhA;* 1 ■ 4 . S» ;. rnvaic-i ST. LOUIS • , -I'S , -, ... " »i. *>l ■’ -y' *s" - V;-5 4 T -V ,•V • * i I'Z.-'yr *; .. ■■••.>,■• v •■•;■ ■ . ?_•,!■>. NEW YORK. To iOrogglßta SsMoiahanta thionghout tho Union. , 1 D. JB. U’CVLLOVOII, " HAULT'ACIV nfiß- AS I> BS'ALEa is • i • PAINTS, OHS, tic-. Wo. 1« SHMUea torn, SBW TOOK, - UTBPEDTEDWY IpTUe. tto attmUon of Bnigglsu »nd JV. M«ich»nt3 tbrongtonttho Union to hi. largo and ex. of PAIKTB, OILS; *« of thd UKSTsod -POBESr tthlcii h» offort for aalo on trot, moderafo tehnt{ botMoeaidr and ctaw-Uoo tutors. r ßelpw. ortiennmeiatodaomoof UjolonaingoiUolM: . , , . WHITE LEAD,JnoO,in kogaof 2SM-60Otta.” > . BLACK PAIKi YELLOW OCHB&TEN.BBT),In-oiL ~ : PATENT,DETER, SPANISH BBOWN, TBIRA DE ; 8I : >l cinioiiE, IMPKEIAL, AND ABSESICAL ° MinBliAN O BL'DE,'CHROIIB SELLOW and YERLIQMS, dryondlnolL : v * - .>: • . ... TARNISHES of all kinds. _ _ ' BAW tod BOILED: LINSEED: OIL, PCTTT, ; EEC, CHBOUE RED and TEL LOW,dry andinotL- ■ ■. - ■ - INDIA RED, RED LEAD and LITirAROE; dry.. -STONE, PRKNCH, end AMERICAN OCIIBE,.dry. - OHROsiS GREEN,-dry and In 01 FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOWGLASB. IDrnggiata todothan inatot of. an, of tbo atoje monllon :id articSo", Kill find It to tbilr fnlomsta to rail. Onr Mll tlesfbrmtonitotaringand puifeharlng, and Odr experience id tbd bnetoeengira to adnatoß® to .«Uloe orormoai, of thoee in the seme line,: ; ... > ~p.E.MCuLU)IIOII, ' - • ■ MI Maiden Lano, No ! imaiXhiSm;; Bradbury's Haro and MeJodeon Waietooma, • “f.'Tf 433 VBOADWAr. XBWTOSK. I : FROM enlarging my Waroroome, I am enabled to keep a mnrb greater assortment uf Instruments than hereto* for®. All Pianos fumUhoJ are of an elastic touch, anti of an even quality, and deeft ful h rich and ’purely px4l tone, onaiiu&i n«ta»irtreblo, toMmuchasUte vole* wfil »j«uuq late to tbo tomiof thainstrament-: All mylnstrumentsmra : fully warranted, a guarantee acedmpanig* every mil of sale, and are sold or lour a* can bo purchased fii3fluhera* . Becond hand Pianos at all prioej. . ... . J /nwntoft.—Th® Organ *M#i HAUXESS, SADUUIs. of«ny hour# to tbit UniUxl r^luc **?*}s% SCltay »Tf»-cow manufacturing .their f(anw«.« awl- 63u4*e# ’wtthaucbp*' l ’ fp't avtfcui that ttwr an* *n*h'c\! in rell* to* fcrfcr trrtJflc .-if I’vrrrJhirr in ihrtrllwvai jvl.a** j naj than ttnyothvr hnu*oin th*»«n*nlrr - • ( Thi»y ti*« i Uaffalp Ointment! W hij«a- .* .... : •• t Ihay fiitft* awsttbdr *BUiWhbui*fiT Ivl*wwAfntffb'*> Invilo.attKj ttonto thntfiNotrinjrhri : .; i... - IloraeDlnnicta.tom *....... •• •. • « ’■*, to |2,5p Tblrfc IWwmVmt*.-- ■ * * a* st4,’>i U> Qood pl&in ll.urm-**, u>Sis,ov i\n < Martyr-. ■-■ * i.*o,totas6Q,(» Jf-anj/ <>» k - * trnt«no*»,*P ."LACEY i PfHtM>V RT*«!koow tmtgwrt hutttfpat* irflu'M" fort,** w*tt o* C«r nv»l T*ln«» an«l -i 15»H iM Tfi RMiih FIFfU Ati*vli Market *nd BAILY & BROTHER, : NO. 5i2 CIIPSNUT STEKPi(, AltOVti NINTH, I* 111 LAWEU'IHA, Outs aou i';.rn a Urge ftgioriiiieijt of Ihelfescit Styles *il CA&PETINGS: \ OonelaUug, In part, of the following elutlcsgooiJs, : ftlt— Eloh EnclUh Velret, u e» •• Tapeotry, it ii , Tngruln, Dtatßtyle# ‘f »• . Of their own itopo .ftUen, just ; - Also, a full odoctownt of laser u>4 Maßtun qußltf 3 , AMERICAN CARPETINGS* - Many of which talog of tfcoir own ma&afestate> can be ire comraendele* ■■■■•■ . .... j * • Good Carpitmgt far a Low Prick : I ■ DAILY * BEOTnUB, -! IjiportoM ted Wsnufsctttrersof Carpetings, I Ko. 243 Cbcsnnt itrwt, PhllaiMpM*. BALTIMORE. UTV< 0, CTtW...mJAMIS B; QsijiT, GRANT & BROTHER, ? COMMISSION AND-FORWAKDINO MERCHANTS; -■'< No. 01; Bzohange Place, JUfiTWOItB. » t ORDERS FOR OOFFRe. lllCE* sa, nnd Causignpumti of Western FroducotisnJocuaUy ftJiicUed. j : RtftTt fo—Moat*. King, lHmnock A Co., ranl to Messrs. J&pea A> nattfoton * Co* • . ■ 3y4:6ifc* -6A* M’INTOSH’S T HOWARD nOBSJB, JOHN »riSTO3U-P»oraicronJ HOWARD STREET, BALTIMORE. , ~‘ f iw.l)gconiberlg.lB63~dcolo;ty >. •' {. j Baltimore Boole. Btof6» 1- BOOKS AKI»*BTA.TIOSBBYi ! COSHINQS & IiAILEY, ; ■ B OOK BEI. LE E 8 A KD BT ATIOKEHB, No. 202 Market Street, opposite Hanover,Strict, rteclCity ■ ■ BALTIMORE. WATCttBS, j ' i' jgsa SILVER WAUK, Bron*«w, Clocks, Panfef Mache -MBk. .Goods, llosowood Dressing Coses, 'Writing. Beaks, Elegant Fans, Opera Glasses, Cattlerjv Fldo Ou BBAnS JFainUngB;3Jro*lon Onlno* Ac.—Tho undordgned beg partieularlf to mrlio the.Tbits of oltlsonsnod 'whether as pare hams or connoisseurs, to-their magnihoojiti stock, believing it to exenedin extant, variety any other In this country. They fool sure, thoaivanUignof personally selecting goods it the dUfercntfactoricsln Europe, and their own, .manufoetorioa of JeWOlry, BilverVfare, hero, leaablo them to offer Inducements in prices and fiuoH tins, and prices* considering qaalltlos, such as eannot bo of* feredby any Other hqusoln lbotrfiMlc. iii , »- v. -4. .. .. : --./ i PoUcato goods j*o;carefuUy: packed as to go safely any die* ■ tanen.'andby almost any arovoyaneq. * ' ■■■; ‘ Wholesale and rotalL * ) ] ■ • OANFIEU), BROTIIHR A <3O. \ : $39 Baltimore street; corner of Chari®*, ;- a Baltimore,'-- - GKO&GJS BTCROBBi “ eOXA UANU?ACTUBE& d??U6 WFBOTED-. SPIBA L SPRING fit A TXR si 8 8 S, IF.--Cor. IBalUvioSe. and;F{edmck'strectB t Bail-' .: iimorc, anrfJVbii92 -Walnut *t. f Bhxladelpl id. ‘ - FIVRBn.VER,MRt)ALB AWARDED, Yl2i v ‘ £.: V’} Amateur tasman,New*Yotk}*' -■ * \: 'jßr phQdaolphia j' : * JHARtiARD BalUmoro. '. . . HB peculiar Improvement tn the construction ofthU Vattreas is, that, alt tht cZuTnsty and heat]/ foaxfoi nw-twrjb is entirely dispensed with,and its plaeaenp pUa&by.a tighter, .and much more darablo frame. The springs are all corinoetcd by b arncsa Icathor hlngcvpoQiixfe*- }y it impossible for aslnglo BpriOgtO-- -till down or get out of places and. .mnkipg nXtefed elastic that any part may ho raised ©* boat up,* and is thusldmira* bly fitted to-tho wants ofthoaick or asthmatic, wfiotoay ro auiro a sltti&s postnro. It hasadltho luxurious softness Of tie best featherbed, with, the lightness and facility of has* i Uhg'ofthecomimmhairmattwssi. : . r * ( These improrodSJjrfng Beds aro invariably made of thi i •beatmaterials; and.-wilMast many yearn without repairs, • ; Per Sons baring Hair. Mattressc&con havo them altered Iff to Storing Bods. - » Those Bods-aro well adapted ft?: Hotels, berths df Ships*. ■Steamboatsand Hospitals. i ■ALSO,on ottensive assortment of highly ornamented. (In enamel.) and plain finished OASTTBQtf i'OBNITURK, eonr: slating iQpanorßedatetidSillatdtldOoAt Bachs, •Umbrella Stands, Centra, Pior And Sldo TableawUb! HftwhT*: tops, Garden Chairs, Animals, such as Lions, Lambs, Dogs, eta, in - wen a* tho models in Wood, famished at short noth •"docIM; - - sobseriber offer* for *ale alargolotoffiooEtrawburty approve ad and productive ndrtji. ■'bUrltet garden era, or oifcon, do rirousof planting largely* trill be Kach «ort ia distinct, without mixtara, and warranted fruo to name, i’lonta put dot this eoasonsriU bear ttfiiircftplti f ppiog, Order? filled In rotation, ffttnilW g£es trod feapte ment warehouse* 0 Fifth street. i „ > ' angttft - - - - ~ —JAME&JPrAftDBOR. IQFAMHH JIROWN- —1& 6BIS torMldtjy' l if S wplT ‘ B. A.FABEHE3rOCK « CO. •it mm MISCELLANEOUS. JOSHUA RHODES & CD., WJIGLESAIE TETJITEBB&-. COSKECXIOHEBS, -<•> ; , . S 9 Woon St., Pittsdukoii, Pa„. . SAVE on' fcatupand worewiring theftlloirittg Goodsj \ - 75 bags Iriea Almonds; i2O boxes M&ccaronl; • ■■“ Sicily do i 20 VermicqUa; f -.•■ • 25bale8Bordcauxdo 1 . 50.. .Farina IS bags Bhelletl 1 do r ~so ,;W..RpcfcCatfdy! 50 “ FUberta; ‘ 2o u A No 1 do 50 “ Walnuts, 10 « Red do . rto :-Crem Nute;;v .10.: v< - .Capers; .600bushelsPeaiNnts; i >l5 • Olives; • 25 bbls. Texan Pecans; t- -75 Gone Drops; ' 25 « Illlixols do | 100 ‘< iSoaenge*} .2000 Cocoa-Nuts; go - Jnjubc paste; 2DO boxes German Phi ms; •! . 60 dot; assorted Pickles " 25 kegs • do doSO - ■■••• ■**■.: * * Preserres; • 10bbls. do do • 100“ Pepper Sauce; . 10 cases Prnnes,glASBjart;' 10 cases Bprdlnea; . *2O “ . “■ •GascTbxa.;' 6 • bf. brs^- . I - do ;2Q cases Citron; * - ..j. 200 bags Draail Sugar; . 200 boxes Cluster BalHns;- ! '-40 bblftS. C. Sugarv 100 hf » M, H d* 25 « Loveriug'a Sugkr; >’2ooqr.* r • - do -• f I&caseyXiqubrice* ->: ■ - SOObcxea No. 1 Herring;-25 boxes UefM do v . .100 “ Scaled do 420,000 Prindpa Cigars ; r j I caeoMaee; ilo,OooHorana; Uo i: , ['■ f 1 bbl.Nutoegs;-• il&,6001teg&lla do . 1 lr,«; dotes; • • r .f. 1 2,6oo£WrBpanlab,Cigars; r : 25 gross Slacking; . - .1 50 gr.Ttlrs. Miller’s'P. Cat i 26 baskets g&laduil; ' "i • fiO' gross Anderson’s >ilo • • 1 " * Ji C. ASDERSOR 6 •WSOLKSAIiB'EJUIITR&ERS AM) t Ho, G Wood st,, Pittsburgh, ptu ''■>;>■■ ffU&T EECEIVEft, th* mo»t e±lenri*o Fall 0 troughtWest of.tbe Honntaintv «on» isttng * •;: CSO bage Brazil Sugar; : «■»., ~26bxsMacrcaoD!; >6O boxes Hprana do | 25 do Vermicelli; i i SOfabbXoTermg’s do, flnet •SO’doTdx&nTPdeafis; - o>, : ; -•■ polvirl»od?"% • ~I •: ' 20bbta liOTßTing’fl coarse :.. &Odo2ftSß’£ Salad-Oil;-; .< pulwrized Sugar; }•.• lOOdozPepper:Sauea; .„i : SObfiln. Lorering’s coarse! lOOdOiKetibUp;. Sugar; 5 60 dor assorted I‘lcUcs; !■ GObbto Stuart’s do do .. [ „£5 domssM Fyeaotres; 8000 Cocoa Nuts; , . 1 ;125 bxslozongcsi* • ■ i 15 casoaJdr Prunes; - t :toe’s i 12 caSw Fancy Raxes do : ■ -.aobXßreflned 2&o.bxs No, 1 * .15 cases ■■■ do; 135 bxs Sealed Herring ; v lOOXegs German Plume? • 051ba3Uaeo;‘ CO^ma UrS,fillller*aDnor Uattotfntmegft ! ISOJiwClow.;,.* r 40. gross Black! ngi . I 3sbi#Cittern; - <•' lOOObosTeaHuUi : < ; "'bxiXolHodcCa&Jj; ~'6otnu iW do Bel . . do. do •24 do Yellotr do - do fiO do White do . do .. (5 bgs Itlca Aixaomlf; ■ jtfbilpaßwdfltuix do; 34 tig* Sicily - do; :60 do Shelled - • flo{- uOd bn Cluster. Raisins; gSObatfM U do; W " UW IJOUKS—pastor's {gtL'tche.*; both series; < •Veako, tbe. 1 .. Tlauptor#Brides#; Grace Greenwood*# Worts - ; ' > -*••> Ainpl Tojc*?; TVhippitfflOraUonanWwhlagtan;. ,■ ...; Parley*# uesr Tales; ArUmr*# •, _ Choate’s Discourseon Webster; ■■■ Taojle Wood Teles; aud-other nawaadAlesaut Ulus tntod Jaycmllea, •. . > DAVISON’B-BooltNtcire,, !■ cel9 - 66Har&et stmt, pear Fourth.' R/aEDEOLKAIUiBHEK— ThuHoa«oftbe_N®w>yotlil' . t* ncidlcr—The Second War with Great BnUln. • ' ' Jottltgß. • - . :..:••••:'••■ .*:■■. t - 1 Mrs* llate—»New irooschotd Receipt Boot, T.B.Aithur-rSpsuinytoSpend." • i-.-...- ■ ilnrg—'\ EiogYAdTOcate.-, - Great Truth* by Great Authors-eA DicdonaiYof AUs in Reflection*Quotations of MailtnVMetephors, Counsels,' Can tie* a*, Aphorism* ProTfirbs,-Ar, frem vriten? of «R ag*w» astl both hemlsphcltsv vil. 3JUSRU A CO^ •peW : ' .* . 32SmlthfioMstreet. * •r ■ rI«AT£»T BIVBIC* : TT KLEBER HAS JtJST EECEIYKD— ■JOL* Sotrtirtn nr Pahs Scnom9U; T cimipaud cased to Mr* Julias Lee, by 11. Klchnv This piece i*.«»mbi Also, OH Cloiha of allvridihs and qualities; Rutra» 2datts, Matting, Window Shades,- Stlir-rodPj dUipds* Ac., seps ROtmfSOK A Ci). rVTEW.&OQ&Sr-At DAVISON’S UOUK/bTQKK, 00 UAH- tt£T street— • ~..i •■.■■■».« -' Th&Axmlyels of thaSiblOr- ’ ■ .-r v.’ fiHHman'rYlFltidfhlropfl, -', - r . Comparative Philology, -Do Vans. ■ Peruvian Antiquities; Illustrated. Hawks* Note* frtrm Lift?.- Heury Taylor. •• Wide World i’ilftutr&teded. •..•<■ . , • Parley?* Present Julctfantju?en!to;.nius'd. • Christmas Blossomr.' - : ■ do • - - r 1 -'- r Cottage Bible . :2ttrket Foster's splenQlcHllujlrated'edltlraQf-Longfel' lowVWorks... EngUah. • - Other similar presentation Cooks. 'UaeleSam. Now* -Mrs.Btosra;v y..a ■ Ihfiucucß..-By author of Twjvto Catch Sunbeam. 1 Sparing to Spend, ~ Tim Little r v,i? Tangle Wood Tales. . ll4 ilfe, Buffeting* and Death.... ,\e&toe,tbeCity.of th« Bea, ? . , Second Wot with EngTopiL' Headley..- ■ '■ History uf the rnsomctlohiu China.- :s > Hnmea of the New World.- Slits Bremer. . > > Homo and Neighbors.: hew ed, do The BOw. la thaCloud,‘or Coven ant'Morey, for the Afflicted 1 < Martyr Missionary. .>,.•■<■, ... .<■ The Bohaviorßook. MissDeslie. Story of Mt.Blaho; • - • Student's Manual .' . &».:: ; ; ■' Ber. John Todd’s Book* for Children.. f < Idfe of:Daniel Webster,- For salehy ... J S DAVISON, * Late -DaTi*op;-.A A’snew. 2 . A TAdAZINKS" FOU -NOYKMIiKU—Mpliona— JjU, pn» I£U cents. - GwJey’a Lady’s Book.. Prl«> 2S cents. ■ n -•• » .■• ( . Grati&m’nilagaaine. Price2icents.' • •••>• f . -'Petmon’sMajfailne; ■:•■!■ i ,4 PAHAMA!ma«4X6Q>pteceSi ofjetery. fehml( V anxLduality,J&atrepaired& oiL-Ai.MA.SGSVis CO. . jgpQ ”* . Wo. 25 PKth street. KKUPKHXX IMH Penn Y . street, Wth of 82 It. front by IQO&u •deop to'Spring four Price and fa*™* made femwant tho flealKatate Offlco of. > . -odS, &CUTtIBEKX A BON;l4oTtilrdetfeeti J . -ijiiCoixiV' 'iouß own. houses J> FOB, SAXfc, situate street: -OaOlxerranped with h storo+oom.tmdflTo othccwomii, with finished & pood yartijbydrant. ,*> - -SMITH ft BTNCti&iU. • ';3%i:""s:(i[aawri 1 f\ GROSS Perry.mrlirVPfad iiillSlY laitaM mil ta-tale IU. by ■« * i •J.'; I ".T. -rtEaitoOfJ'E®*- tlm, llw>flla,Bsg»n4Ssn«T yrtfhar.pi. JySf^ * . V >■» * ». "',r; ’\ - ; , '■ - r ' , r < . w»ut;. ; : ir,wj . 00 gr. Jlw* ilo? 2Sdoroll?es; ' '■' [ ; 2&dosodpen; : ' . r-;30-do» Ontopi;-.. :60j>*ge! Fnbexta; - Kals; '*■; ! -r■:v*6 bags Oreo. Welnuts; , .l 6 0: (20,00tf Principe Cigar* r f ‘20,000 Wash'. Eegnlia do jt: 18,000 Satana - r d 0;...; ]30,000 Uai/ Spanish .do;:. I • “" 1 '3 S. - HtStt3)«alßfe l i> t jtaUd^cctjjKltlrecte. ' f • -t C * T ' »• * r:^::r-rt ' ''; v" FOR SALE AND TO J>ET. •• ■?; Soloi. ... ;fFHIE subscriber offois/or sale/oti. very reasonable term a; JL t!m following property, Tiat - * • A Three* Story Brick Dwelling House, Nq. 110 Perm street, •botwoenHay street and'EVatts* aU&yy and > Lot 25 feet: ficcn t,': . ox tending, back LUfrct fa an alley. Tbo. IXouao Is one of the -best bulldijpgs, and In one of the- most, pleasant neighbor*- ■ hood&iln-ths cityl-, j ' -. Fits Lets-—embracing corners of Front ana Perry streets* true hundred andflte Teel l front on Flfinmnd eixtyfeetcu , Frtnt-etrectjpWith'a good.three story Bricjt Building on the corner, a tiro story Frame chFrdntfit, and two Brickßuild* ■. '■■■■'- Sl.fret front byjforftet deep, on Front, between ; MdrketuniPFetfyßtreets< f m#. -- i. U'sr- ; j-.Vry--.-.- ALoVvith very convenient Frame Dwelling; Lot 20 feet by? W, fronting on Cofigtess and Efca'sisi / v ■■■'•* ; '"- • A Uonne and Lot, onrtWyJiip^stTea^near-the new,Court House. The bouse Is well, arranged and in good order, and is cow occupi*) as £ hotel. ** * * , r. A Three Story-Brick, on Smlthfield street, near Seventh— btdng in an excellent bttslut&s location.' The Lot is 20:by-S0 reebdeftKf^nUmfon-^mithil^d tit* •:. ~:.; •..,, ? . A Cottage Frame and Lot, 28by120 feet, frontin g on Anbe and Robforffb-streels, AUpgHeby.Gty. This Is a very desira' >iTh ffrwT ■gvl«3gMit-WM»At.ifm T*widnni*e; • (Kino Lots in the tovrf of BPKeesportj'eath' Cb feet by IDfr Sevmulnfthew4re«mtfmftlato stm&t* > \ {Eleven Acres in Umotpwu, on the Slonongahel* lllver, on: whidrthere too thercc are some p ot 7 fccres of collanfistpso-coal, and abundance, of limestone, convenient to tho lauding; fcudtwo cool pita-open.-; v 'i. v r-- -•• - : Nln*tyLcrta in thdtownof,Columbia* CO foet by 150 each, tncarly all .level, and woli located. The teliant of each Lot hflatho-privilcgoof using whatever stone coal he may fa-, quire for his oTyn-use,lrom apSt near tbeLoehs. Columbia •is A pTedkhht situation on the bash- of the Uonongalula riv*‘ • or; A sbffcfidlptfthco.below Look No.S* in the midst of an ex*. tensive sUmo coal region, and would be a desirable, point for .fTt*TiiTf{i/«tnriti^ flgtftblffthrgflats. 7 ' ■ . ; Two Hundrolftcns. of snporior Stone Cool,with House, EallruuL &c. This property-hra a final of 140 rods : ; .. a throe stoiy Brlclailbtiso* on Second street, now occupied by .Xfon: Obarlos Naylor.- This house is built in modern style, ahd of the’bestmatertals: 1 ... ... .w , Also, three two story Brick Houses on Fiko st., each con*: tainlngthreotpoms. ‘ , Also, two two storv. Frame Dwelling Houses, on pine st,' .esoZreoutaining tvpbe rooms.. . Also, three twtt'itbry Frame Dwelling -Houses on Locust ' gt; each csmMulug.throo rooms. Also, two two story Frame Dwelllug Houses'on Pike each containing three roams.: • 5 .- ; ’Alsoythrra.two story Brick Houses in East. Birmingham,; on »lot CO feet by la); wUhTchur to tmOd seven houses more. • * • The Fifth Ward. Property Is on six contiglous Lots of tiroubd, 60ftet fronton Pine and:. Locust sta.;(oontinuing. ' through.the. square and corner* on i’ike st). Thoy are so: arraogedthoteachpfopertycan Ahycutt -Wishing* howe.can be Accommodated by paying HtUe more; than a rent, after tbo first paymenVas I will give tiin y eara fbr the balance. Apply tr> - jjblOfV jAHI£S BLAKELY.. , Valuable Pnmerty For Sale, i 3^UO5L r TWOIU3Tfc'i No*Oft Wmt?s3, In plan' &), feet on.Water*street,apd ex-t ndlng 15T:ft^t"ttinnghtoFKWxfcttrsot, along’ Redoubt : alloy, lmn®nitel2below JofLn Jrwin A 3ous, and opposite? the Central Railroad Depot. - The whole .wiU bo offertxliUl Ihs'Ut'of not; gold,) it. will bri ;,suMividod-into lota td suit, paxchascnL For. terms, wblcl , wiil T l»hinds easy's^’to‘paymeht£Apply to -" -:>^ ‘ & 'LEBCH,.AIcALPCS’.& r , ott2 . . ;No3.iU2 and sU Flttjbargh, : [ "T?Ott SALEr ;: TtVO GOOD iUJILDIhti'LOTS. ' X?' feflt front by J2OQ deep.. 1 'TERIIB—%IO ihh'and ; balance at $5 raonllu :.: • ' • -i 2O mmateswalk ot the city. . ; At > P£r—lmmcdfately; to - - • * - :-d ,3. CUXRB.ERT A SOX; 140 Third, st ■■; HOUHEFOS SALE, wJtU-JLot 60 feet front 5 | 'Jr tUoflie near ttie’toU gat a)#. is anerrfrainocffivoroOßiii ;twil .pappred; a goo£S£ablo and outovfcn; choice Fruit Trees,'Gni^s,^©.- ; .* .. .'••*,* ; > )<&&'' • a. CPTUttKRT A SOS, 140 .Third st. j UyiUEK.ilORi: LEFT, ON BASIi:_TEILSIS--lEreo BuUd* ; .ln j Le>t3,.withln Weiity minuted .Tyaii; of the idtjj Cb fectfront bj TSi deep, aVs2os ‘ea?h. .Ten dollars in,hand:; b»lan« at fivo doJlai«P« 3 -QCtg);, ■ - ... B. CU XBBEBt A SQNVLIO Third at> j. ■ r: ;.• Mogntfleent country fie&t. fl HHK s dbscriber offers for sale that bean tifdl Tract ofLand CbsJlllUj Cjrinerly oecnpied by? Robert Finnoy, Esq,, "and adjcdnlagtha residence of A~. Kirk , *' it oQritainabg.enty tores, and part of rwhfcfr U undergo!-, j titration jfc&Tfcg on U a fine young Orchard, and is also orn> mentedwitfrfbresttrecs, shrubs, plants Ao. . - - TWaJocntfirtj the moat extensiyo viatrs in 'NVesiera Peansyrvania,tmirbeirig trithin tnefaty minutes «al*i frotn-tlxo tdtyi presents advantages and attractions an* surpassed by tiny dmflar tract of land in this market. ' 'lr not sold entire befinotholstofJnfieiitvUHMdtvlded JntnJCiOta and ojbxednt Auction. ■ A. WILUJNB, >•- •■••:-giy3 ...» „ •• .■■ . " "1 Fourthst.- : • •. : IFor’Sale* U ' A ' \ A LOT OF GROUND in Hogtfa Plan of Lots in the Third -J\. Ward of tho.tSty, ofPtttsbuichpiear High street, and being 29feet , frbn4 and running The property gill be sold, elaayef all innnfe> btaixce,pxceptan cmhuaTgrbUtid'rent.ofbherhundied nhd* J Btrty*flT©dollare, to vhkh It is now subject ;Qntheproper« ty ore seven good TENEMENTS—five briotand two frame —all tiro stories, high, and renting fcr about flvefrttndrod 1 jp t? h ftl ~ .1 ' „ 'tt'i-j.---' , Price, jdOOvash, and SGOO in 6 months—by good •*tftdra&lpap*rr C.3KXENIV; :> i Attorney-at LatryNo> 128-Fourth street. ? gOR -^r^' 1 •A ; - CGTJNTBTSEAI, tiWatedtrlihla three handred. yaitis X3L. ,-of thn : Ratiroad Station In East Liberty, containing about nlti&nndcme half acre*.” The of.agpod^two^toryErnineDwelling House,gfth-btidtoutf houses and stabling and an abundance of fiilo'firult andesj; '■ del lent vratat - . of . f ;; -.- , % : •? ~ . * ■ BAKEWELL A CAMPBELL*,! °. r ' aprs ' ”■* * • Attorneyrfat LaWi 7S Grant-street. ‘T7’^® J AR—50bblspureCider, M ; -:- ; Y sepSS , ■ '- J.-DJ\yTLLTAMB.- - ■VTAILS—ISO fcegs assorted V, i }S sapS3: . ,J- D. WiLLUyg. IJ«ASS— fO, boic« Bilo,tM>\ 10x12; 10x1*. ' *;'• • J } - f r 86p23 ■ - 1 *- ‘ :j. : D. Bt-:. ■~T~\lilEii I'tWbnfihplß on WuiMgnmßpt; for JJ. sep2B' „ -J. P. VILLIAMB,I22 Wood st^' OLDKN SViiUP—& bblfl Bxtrafine: ’ •■ ■ * T \JP" flep2S ‘ j. d. WILL*AM&. MOLAtsSES—. j-..- Cj 10bblsSi.James; , ;** . , r ;.Aobbl»New.Orleans;. b . ■ ,- ■ { ; "-' .* • /lO.ht.bbls 4o ■* For‘sale by; m r 66ptlgr 'V • 4 ’ J. WILLIAMS.’ S^OCTE^6Q~MgS3)TiaO-iUoV,'' J^^v ■-“-’'BO' do" - do ;Laguaym; • - - - , -20 do; OldGorcrumenbJava; r • < . .. 5. cases Qrduod, In pound pspeM."* 1 / sep2B 7 - : - J.'UiWILTJAMS,- ' .■ klbminorrqthbse. ; |_)I;AN& JJoUK6—Uap,4Jemy J> Of (jtoryf description, «a hand or tnanafactared order. JUwaysODklwjKla'choicostock,of - ;•• 'l/cgsrs;"-*?■*. ■ Journals? ; ■■-'• iitUi :>'Jfty.Vo pfcjj >i;lr v..-. C:y.^ s m )• ‘ • . •?.-, Invoice, . ' ! / Gasliind''* - JVu! ■v' . ; Order Bpofrfc . •>.? .•■••-I-V? • Timg Books, &£. ; •-.Blaokbqpkspaged ib’prdetV,-' r ' -‘ V* V* ", . IFT-fILHAVEN,j , - <.■ j;.E!snkEDQkm®iufscturer, , ' :ii eep29 •. ■ Slark&l street, corner oX Secqort* u MASpN '*VtX).y Kol 25 .Street, jrill ppeo, ©a Thursday* tbe.l3th lost, 200 fcifw* ysit .;’i«, ofey t ._"OJtt)C2^r^UA^V'LS.^loolJtt>ch^SiiawJB,l>eaotStqifpjvi «.'*• i 's *l vAtsJK' 3£A£ofi aMgV&JN frl£ -•-/• , ; .f $9-25 gif ftyrifoyL ;X-i BlweW-irUlppciucnn'\yedne^daw fiil,£;. §?Kt6y - * i-AvIEiSON «fc WOUI d; Unite I£3. r fcttetitiodto lb dr unHvalled a/ROUtnaal pf itjlolh CloaksjD.nd,Velvet-!Tftm^^lC N Sfcfijosi • Vox n ote by < tow: and ;Tulip ixfmis, irfth HflßWißg#-!i9d;Med*m Jr “jrSOUHrrSlU—lWlbsPowdoroiiroroaJibsr -T?< - •' • > - ■>& A, PAHHESTOOg, 4JCO, . r ' --v_v - r. 4“ v 4....>; - f - ■-•;••;. .;V ..- i V:.' 1. -v . . , . tgw and cottflp^bag»>/Itff;ttowr-' JO anO-for fftfo by MILLER A UICKRTSON, • ••<*«» • ••'..•/•'*•.••• 221 l irod W ? MlIXKtt & IaCKJfTSuN/ * , , - , . :-j £2B Liberty tfk j: l' ' 7 * •X .lft)toxeB Rn^e]rAl?ol)ln»n’a3Vand.C , *to!ilfi«o; 1 •-’ I£o do WiH.t3raatf«6’»T»d !>’/»-, -do; * •■• 100 do ,M^bort^Q«ntr/a.6’s,fi T au«liy«S ’ ; ; . 50Vgi8rt'Twi5t-Pit£»BurgV ' l dor? > 9So do do ; do. , W.«dfe.pUto. ijIniCTiiBICKETBOS, V?. . 2jg.aml 2ia libtrtjra. - ’ \Jf Winter Sperm oil; * ~ * ' f *•* s Bleached.wintereleptwmiofl; ••:•.. • /• •• ; , ' •" Blettoijtx! v> .*k? i f...- ■? i r * t Tsnn et*Prfitro|t« and tjankoH, , . . . : No. IlArdf end duKAMloil.'/' ‘* > Tn6toroati3C)raEl«lbr.Ci,rMJttKlV&ißJCEßtBoN,- ri • ;CotK> S’il ond 223t.lherty tjt. ■/ v BttAZtJ, gCOAIt—JG lm£H Broil suar. finfiwtaty ■ ■ ■ • -^mx-Ea^HicKßT^os,, -. ■ 221 *n« 223 liberty «i: BUTOkK -AN l> LAUD—' 1 16bbls'prinio packed.'bntleT'j-'iij i’Jf-i+tfitixs ' ; 3 krca'Na:! undior saleby.. ; :• r/- jrfiXEftiUIOKKTSOU,'‘ iaT BV « Ui-y n i:r ~p >: ;>V > ; -V\w’ V - AV-- ;’ : 101) half chostsTouug Hyaotr/Gufipovadr’-Ati&'SUfiCk.! ■ V“*j> 4 ; g».,*T v’.- :^^-. I %?r’Vvr’ , 250-catty Iwsea ; da tto r-'^ca.’"'^' far‘al* by UIZ&En&KICKE?3t>N, > •ocgg i > 221 apd 22a Liberty rt> Qi!OAJtAW.M > . do- ’ IDO half bid* da ,J do, * ' ' ,* r ' i b'blsfic:3'ainc3’/tigir-btroe9 dojlbraalobr .. , . , m , _ Aimsu ATUCinn^)!? 1 , octSO* ** \ ** Wsa&mLttwrtt U._’ .t'Z'i?- ■- : eltiff^‘^~- j \-'i'' : •/ rS^OJjdM.prlma Rip coffee: •. -.-> • . : ;> iJJi>l)dciete’OJd'GoTC?aiD«iit.Ja7udo|*forBa)^by MHiL-En £ lUCKFE3 ON, 5 * <*t29 " ‘ 221«id2»IVnnja^,, SUM?KUS&~ ♦ , * _ _*, ‘ . Iron,iiaila, CottonYnnw; . .»». • , ■<*f.*r-. : * i >- * -JVtnpplitg*^Uijj£ 6nCtletterpoj>et ; - . Bed cords, twine, pipps, Lrooma; - ' •-* •• •'. /. bncketa tttWV-:•, . : : ilsd f ££y’white powdev* , . ; - -. . _ bhpt, taferatup, epleeA, cafcdlei; =*• ?■■■•.•> '•■’•■;• ' • *'••» »{3gC»i’4a.jAc«j■' •-* v ’ ) r i»LUSB A MCKECSO3r r ocljgp J 1 < < TSDCK\v3ISj4T^T ■octSl . '■■ ’ ■■•• ,f ■■•■'■ SOAB-~90 boxes Pulrn 80Rp forfcalffhT!' r _ r - ■ ■.octSl , ~ :...; KIRKPATRICK 4HERSC>?Ja \ liUbTS* MATERIAL— TP ? r 7 XX SGflyardsCroVa^itftinßl^tav: r , .*• •. • r»-fiOgrof,B.Bristle.l3nisl3e3: .. .. ... ■ .00 da, da * ••' ‘■•i*. •* *• ? h ,r. •0 So J?aintvc , dlrf'oiMa:tal>eap< , t ••> -' • - * Palcttcs,:Palctia KWVeHjlJTcndcf&Ac;? % . ■. ; ji lu«toreimd:fotAo'c.by T ,> , 8803., ! r r - ?■<'--if *-V ~v 1' r v*Sj&&s»WtojiKJda • ;,oer2S- .^^[^^e^Oodsiwtn tssnnev fUTitsta on> faroraUe : ?■'s. tHECmrioAtgEi ft CO. s*’ =ME } * ij e x I ■ f j Lj: Tfr- •• *.i\’ ■'> t .1.,. ■. NUMBER 119. MISCELLANEOUS. octij % ' * joct2oi«.V*'. v V oclg» ©cl2s> - i - .. .- fX)L&—UHXKurXd fat*»}* by;-v. X ... . KIRKPATRICK ITEBEONB; -1 243 liberty stteftt 1 ’ bbbSfsvT C-tm *:•■ ■SOr-.M '•Bl»lic* J Ks.do: for-solaby. _■ 9ct2l .:■•■■• - "••• KWKPATHTOIC'it'HBBfiO: t£AHls ASH—-IDcask* --xi. H 'T*-T . oet2l > jqitKPATftICK AJIERBON3 rjxi«ASr*7p cbe*ls Tl . JjJ Hint Black rwulVed and 1 for tt tal 6 X octal' i gIKKPATBTQS^HEEBOy3> I"^nM^s~sQiJ«flilffQrsis?bsSSrs*eaSrffs777r* r^ ...... S.cttftfs.lSnrrow forßuloby • • >v ocia t* 'KHUtCATBIOE-fr HERRQN3,* OIL —10 bbla No.l rliirttCftdrp" •i.- t. -‘vw m 1»:: “ TwwfTsJ ; , ort2l , , . - gIttKPATittCK - ;"Vf PORK—3O fibl# aiesH’PJrfcftriwile by t j •. jJX. ’ oetgt * -■I KHIKPATMCK^HBBBOya..? I- 2QCOIUCK ?lcny r ia . Jhy f -r w ryX«E«ESQ t BKOB. t yw,iL Aad.ftnrealaby , ■Vo eu». - •• . „• , ,- . gLBMPTO Bllda. 1 LAfJJIiAIU£?r--20u\> tt»3 la store-anil forAale.by,■■■ ' > . 1 ‘ 1 - T&BMTSCKBBO3Lf ItwuißtofAabiJfOrfeaiobi _r yr BMiser bros. . -20 ; bbi3. so. £istkttUi on t; i: h? v. 'lO •■‘fl j.0.l Cifflt ~~Sot ,• : ■», .Winter J!leoched.Wluft(’Oil: J . ': ' Xu store oca tor.sile ty‘ ■ rLKiItSQ ; fiEO3., *'•" - 80«a3jto-J.TKHd!i*ft>,'::i 60 Wood street* T. AC &Y£*~4DiU2>3jq Sto ft? sod w,. v-r*- Aa-octa' < . „ .? ;.;,.,vgrearty&pßoa. P< cactjqji.in Bloraiudibvjsslu in??*"* , t * t j ,«• . , yLEMiyg-BitPa: jEWiinelisb instoreandlb? iai» I : ■ IyUBMEW B&03. i'rjftuncryV 'awortodirln .-.fitcceDaifufcsaJOi'By.'-vi-.-X- nr- ■'■''■’■ ■ . cc 3&., .ycgmya BtoiiEag; -.* Jioses, J)j;wcv JjMt.J-pceiriit a»aforfcal* by , r : °°t23 7- • -•';• -♦. r t Mdpigdv'ftttt|:tslrgioatttgcefc nogm:, ? -,; * ..««. s » ■ y > tags jrtmttpioVallttttarsite by. _ i ,«t23j . - ... .smith * since mh. faJldß JUJ.: Bugnr.fai» hy -*•* » q«s3 && ..: ■ •- ■ aarnr * araotAtH. ■sAf i!00 Boies, [monedjlxcs, forfialdby ■W ■ tMt&z - i ’surra& aiKCLaxa. / Wiitfiou—lo urwi»tfjor«uiwtjy • T ' : \y /r ~ r,• BMXT^ T & " «&y miefiy i- J ~ ,- ■• -•- m. . «. .» airoi^siyckilfl. “wr**kuolt- ». .. ,-i: .. S-y 3O - - ~ ~. j aiani & set clair. ' W ' voo I>-10 ,ttOO rt»r&t KJoty - - •M" “ ‘ DrA.-FAUKESXOCKiiCCOi •-A/ij ;; i. . Conw ffood tsa-jlrmiMh ' ■A «»8 . ' RCTOimT'lt 80!t;^|ttin?SiU ***** jcig '• tHigJoadStti ißaSftffgSSay. opened this ©omiDjsat . •■■" • ::■: ‘ ■ oca. • - 25saa»t. WT ■ - ■’ sa-aimat. ,! A - A-MASOS .B oO;j\tf.'2»:.i’im 1 .-ts- $&&& www v - ' :^.-rl^}^S»W' l> - 10tog(,^o.tB.W-fet. ■'-.., j.rV ,:uh -■■■ ' ---'■ •-■•■> • •■ J-P-.WimAMB. 'Wsmmk@Btaast r| uw, wiiit,., -■ , - *-■——; :• Cnfner Wood unil FiretW ’"jTNIHEKDi.SOO■ ■'.at. oetag ?,?> KatouMoVVjmmmtnyfiM JrtfaWi UKtt, 1 «.~ Liberty titm immshn .viZa ' octa - w - .’«AaQ.N A.t».'a l .Ko.gr, nm, >t . ■**-■ --•!: 2s'FlOh rt. co. WBB&”VW*SffiS6aSußi&, <'i v anv2D ■• . ; -•.•,•<•••, • ■ .."? $ c ALMIf 4 Co.* -~ J; »' gUaaJam,K»>tte»Atoit lit ~ - ? , , JTTi. , J-S- Cf». 1 °, htM ““'1 xii^se^aUOtor'bli.by I .' •' : _- I _<■ tiugcaiMiAiA^ bbJj»;o>imi P h Y . Sz-sz? i±tsm^sss» 11l inn V WJ-TwAJillAaxrWAS — /J »r*-ato-Thfotf titrAt. Mlll (WTFSTfo, r^-2 — -- — 1: *■ * m E - A- I'AUSiJiKJCJC & ca _ _ ii«u >1 SUU IDs m slujo nod lornJe't,* ■ ftwipnufttiwi by * —£22—. . . I . ■ n ■A.VAHMSTQfIK i tv» A.M 4. l‘ r Jt'l J'pr, " 11 -~ t feis&ftHMarKHFSt&fc •«rasgas«‘,y»jftw and' w ««“' cpypirr-yAvy4 ?Act PtrArPT2tWt# 3l-16 ' Lt l eri s