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J V- >ri t *\ , '“-;V'V^V,^i ■sjy*r‘^Vsvts^v^*i ertJShj'J-**{'• »? «'*■- •!<»<, l Vu {'H IkB!gßs&®B!®&^msM£ tomwawwoi iwiiiffiwi mi ivfejcVS^Sf IWlsommm fiSSife^Ssf'•'• jeiJifi S V BpffMMBR ■ ®s&®Ss|^®&t4s^ mWBMO^ %#@pllii§s s&!®fegsig#s &Sia?4^W®N yp&g&£3B£3s MMMSmNb*^ ipfifr m§MW mmmrMi afefa?i^a^Sa^ ®f #?%**: U118L31& £> «*:&4£ S®M < S'S^-vfe 4 Msayfc; -w-%‘ C t>' .re &h C; i : P3£&£^S&%!4£sSM3s& iitesa^i^ v' V-tf*-.„ f*blo- - :~. - - ’~~ —5 • "* mn& o»rdener>« V 4 - 't: •;^-=f^:; *Wf ISSJE #?&& '•:-v; ala/ - 4 ” v: •? a- I ® *- * i::-air ■•■ ■ ■w' ■■■ ■ ■ ia':®=aai^a ; ■ 4 v v “'"'r'h7;:;V.*-v , :;j • : •'ai '* :^! PC* ’ a ’ - —a-®,'*- ■ ‘ 4a£44 *-rf i r^?a-®,a^a.i;;v‘ Is# nit * *?<£ y*:; 'K r ’ ; i ' V> / .. i :.l - . ■■- *?*»-. ...'" . .. ' ' . "•^ ■'•"* -I ’ :; %k • ] •. .i.i i „ J CLOTHING. .c-St .Ti''3vU3tHiWOVAi** mtlß'SUbefltlbflr vouUirujpcciftil ty infann his friends and ' ■ tho nubile, Dost be has removed fVcta Bis ©lctetand, tm MOST F&ONf STOBfikO. *5 OlfTtt «i»posita J^ealrr,, ■ (rliorciieiMipw-jrowivingAod openings Uondsomu assort. menwuf Plain and i*aninaHe''to onior: every. of Clothing constituting tVardroho, In the latest auu ?-' mosthuihlbtiahlb'style.-' •••-' 1 '-: ; -;"I--. subscriber dfers ; for sale, uis com* plete tfVfttuxh hf Oarraoht Draughting* so favorably, fcnown iltid -by the- trade of this city, Phil u-:j.hl*W elsewhere,:vat.-rhe following prices, vttt. ■\- >. without instructions, s7,w. •Ihe uook and Ruler; s>n:;v?dn?; fuliand accarafe • tosTjcokssflUUraughtinK, tor.wurded.t4J any porttftho United States on receipt o£ S7,UMy t^ufeE> nfiJafi . t . •No 46 fifth ftrnjt^WMlw ~■■ *-~ - ■ . 1 SAHUKL UU.A.V , ...:■■ -. at*-ctAßt start, rmsDuaniL ' - ' /-l-BHTUSWBN’SCLOTUrtCI mode exclusively to order, I T-uitl warranted to suit. - Hus constantly hand a choice assortment of Cl/yrlld, CAhSIMKIiIIc, 7 hSril-Ci- T aad OVBRCOA-HNOj or the latcstatylM, sDlKtod eipjoßsls - Xortfiocuatom trade.- Qontlcmon leaving thcironkndwu 1 hnvuthelr wishes oonsultoil and complied with, as »■> *° la dona-trader Ills own supervision. _. -ir—H CLOTHING STORE! eTOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO., or the ratohratS aothlns Depot on Liberty P’ Street, whlch-has won ea.unbaunded popularity under theBIO Dooll3,have,ror tho pun space for tlielr tamonre business, ;' WN»Wiocrs“oTns: BEADY MADE CLOTHING, That ban eTertocoa offered to the public. Tfcelr principal abject &r - this remoral, I* to giro them - - WHOUEB.ILG TRADE! ?Cliey ar« tireiiaTOO. tq fcllOogOb at tt« „„ , | I/O WEST-BASTERN PRICES! Aid-tie, will WMTant tiorn to 1m os good os on, mono- ] foetarwl to Hie Dmon. . • ’■ ~ ,« • CUST OM wOB K» i ISTEE SOT tmi, 4ND CTOS TnE SUOSIEST SOTIOI. ’ They have on -hand a lull and beautiful assortment of OIOTUS and COATINGS, (or - • , _ OOT FEOCKB,- DRESS, WALKING AND BOSI- .NESS COATS. tfxd've-iuwurfr the publlo that our. flJelity 'wiU not fail 10 N 6. 88 Weod Street, • -•fpART'aiDH,) OOBJiEB. 0¥ DIAMOMU ALI.BY* ft our patrons to umlerstAnd that tto nave no'JoutK* any connection with the Clothing IJ a* in ess on Ulwrly ptToct -Our attcntloni* devoted cxUusVFCly to the y . JOltN H , CLOSEEY A co. “ mf~GOODsr r No tiro I! m o tub'vrnotESAi.B and ketajl '-XWOTBDBQH, ALI.EQHBNY.CXTY. ANDVICINITA. : . * oa, Importers 4 AViploMlp Bra .«re in «IW, Ptrtflhnrgh. . Haring complete! the enlargement of, their present oceapled'Wareßooms,arp norr openlngono , of thelaTgcft and hesfr stock of DRY GOODS and \ARIK-, TlRSLthfy haTeaTerhcrctoioreexblMted to the Pittsburgh • 'trad ec sod on examination, «Ul bo found to bo unsurpassed ■' by' nny other House of the kind in the City, ana as one« of the partners is ceneiplJy in the Eastern Cities during the, bnsincss-'wajwtifl. burciiasin'i cheap bargains, adapted to - theTUtsimrgh and Western Trade, wo will bo able to ulrer - - inducements to onr old customers, and purchaser/} gener» • -aßy* Our stock of Dry Goods consists in part or the fohow -tog leading articles, iris:. , . " '■.- Superior Broad Cloths; ;.»« :HlotandTeterahi}nitloj; - , •''Fancy CafflimarmyTweeds and Satinetls; t -'Jean. 4 ’, Fancy Vestings and Corduroys; ; Hanfaels, Tickings and Vest Paddings; - - Brown jtnd Bleached Muslins, and Irish Linens; * -Foreign andDomestieGtnghams; • v Cob|tocaoths, and Dress Silks; • - Bay State and BroaehffTshairls; * Woolen Comforts and Paoey Silk Handkerchiefs. • ] ; Tfra -foUawhig comprise a- part of the general stock of ( CombsThreads and Sewing Bilks;- - r.noSiery.OloTes, Ribbons,and Black Silk Veils; ' Lace Woods, J&conettvMulland CambrlckMuslins; , rTr . - -Fancy NeUStigs, and Millinery goods pmemlly.. - "Also A large asicrtmcn tof Table Cutlery, Pocket knifes, ' v ftamr* «n-T Scissors of our own Importation* Perfumery, Pat»*tr M-41du*8, together with a splendid assortment of i nit.fewelrv.ofthe latest pattern* Gold and bil *. r i ttabstT material* Watch an et -om hour and 8 day liras* Clocks.of " •■•' ; dfpW te»ns 'All of which will be sold on tlxq mortaccom* .•'•'•ciodntingtetias, : iorOaph,nr City reference, . •/ -« . .•' i --jf u —Citv, Country Merehnnts and Pedlarsare mritcd before : ■ •• • • gKCJSU arrival or ■ i A.KD WINTKB, mUE GOODS 1I 'TAo Cheapest Goods of the Season! >'■*- TT.ir M STEVENSON A si*n of the original No 74MARKKT STREET,between Fourth V Diamond, Tittßhoren , lV e jost received, .and ore now opening, a larjre anti ->d assortment of *■■ OUE.SS mOODS, Or tbo newest and most desirable styles, adapted to the ™“Twrarat-renson. •, *- ;J •> maid Brocade and Fancy Silks at bargains. • Main Black and Cornelian fcilka end Totk Satins. • • MerißO PlaH3,all wool,and Bilk and Wool do. Also, Haw Silk and Cashmere Thuds of over? description, • ■*••• very cheap.... NVw stylo Plain and Fancy Do Lamca. ' ~ French Htrlßos, Casbmere'vOotrarg*, Alpacas, and Para . mattis, all colors and qualities. He High colored He Mines,til qualities. Fall sna Winter BhtTils, of evetj di«rlptton. Lpncr anil Square Uroebe and Plaid Shawls. Printed Cashmere and plain Thibet do. branch Chintxes, Ginghams. .. • • Agcntra) owottmcnt fast color Prints,from op. •■\VIHTB GOODS of erery description. 1 Collars, Co fTs, ChemUattes end Emb'd Tldkfa, at bargain s. Botm« Bibboiia and Millinery Goods, Tory eheap. Also, a full stock of DOMESTIO GOODS, at low pnees ~ ‘ 1 " Uoea Sheetlbg, Pillow Linens, Table Cloths, and J»ap* kins. ItnssU Dlapet, end Cravats, very cheap. GLOVES, HOSIfiRY, BUSFENDKKS, anJCIIA'V ATS. •We would respectfully solicit on early eall from both wholesale and retail buyers, flattering onrselre* luat wo can accommodate alt who may faroruswlth their patron- STFI tTNSON 4 Mil? ~ Jnßtlltcelveil, - I • AT THE ORIGINAL BEE-niVE, Ait It MAKKBT STREET, Anew suitly of fall anl winter goods, whirl! will be Bold at esceriinely low prices.- We would respectfully solicit un curly cull from our fncmls unit ■■■■■: the' public in general. hellering that we can now oiler irreator -inducements to both wholesale onil retail buyers “sS“ ****“* YOOM. STETENEON & LOVE WM. A. M’CLUKG, 1 DEALE& IS 'Pine.Teas; Choice Family Groceries and WSIow ir? > Ware. , ~ , CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., . pmsßßcaii. pa. i-.anowreeeWlnzalftrjjß assortment ol YRKSIf GOODS, - I in addition to bin already eaten*!*# idoet, tbe Eastern xmirkab*, which, will be sold s *,*. /i ’ cltyteurof charge, wiCl iSiwTßoken uidjonjiii*; Factory l ~ - JOHHSTOH, BEOIHSBS & CO., ■ n_— of Rtbvxa. and Bdmoni ctrtdt, JUrghmy Cay, ' respectfully inforn their friondr i i iTBIr iff I —■» '« 1 '" generally, that they hare y&SBSSp-eomincni»d the manufacture ofOeirlagcj, EarouchM,Ba:!«iTrily^Buggios,Helghluiil Chariots, In all thslrTuriona ttylsior itaMh and proportion, dll onlera willbe executed with nfcrlet regard to durability . and beauty of finish. Eepalrs Trill .also be attended to on the moat reasonable term*. Being In all tbelr work the beet Eastern Sheila, Polee, and Wheel stuff, they feel oonfi >.r.,r .'dent that all who ffcror them, rrith.thair.patronage, will be “ betorepnreha nfagelaewllCTe. octMy - ' . - c/UiHUdKa Foa salb. ■ .1 ' - rTMIBonJCTtIKnwI 3ml received at hla mmston ■ 1 CAIUUAQE WAEKHOOSK, eHuaiM/SjSoJ§Mix • • ■■ O'. Tun Milo non, between Pittsburgh «Sfci2sS>- Bail' LatrWDWTIUe, a epiendld aaortmcnt.Tty ..Sr I ■ at V£UICI»KSr of «»Ky description, and will continue to i • - nKrtvertsularlT, new anil second band Grmaga, SulXvt, i ■■. ; Bungia.Oc., which lio will ««U on the very loirost term* ib»:i - llavinEbadtwolvcyeaw'pracUrcinthebuclnoSs.snd with hie vre'l known facilities in tii» East, be flattcra himself InpatUnudannalloorapeUtlon. -; -Those wishing to purchase are reepeotrally Invited, to call. • * and see for themselves. - • - JDgffl and 1 ” EiVKHY HTABLBt Corner ofSmiVtfldd street, and Diamond aUt y. > * -jk.- THE undersigned having added largely to his ffX&T { s now prepared to acoommodato the public v • ..: rfn with tfio finest Bugglesnad best -Horscg, both for Saddle and Harness' Gentlemen wkddng to bare horses kept ataWery, will find superior accommodations tor. them - * at this stable; The stalls ars large and new, and the. pro* nrlotor pays every attention to their easS.andcomfort. V 6ctfi.y P. DEVLIN. BLANK BOOKS— : Legors,' . Journals, Day Books, Cosh Books, ; Receipt Books, Doekots, ' . Or nny descrip tion of BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDEII at short notice, • -f the moet «upcrior quality of pappp, bound In any styln required. Blank Books taqed to order. A large and excellent stock of Blank Books always on * hand and for sale at low rates, consisting of Cap, Demy ond Alodium work, in all styles of binding. The 'trade supplied on liberal terms. 1 • W. B HAVEN, Blank Book Manufacturer, ret)2 Corner of Market and Second streets. —— 1 " 1 11 ’ hotice* rrtflEoartccrsblp between tbo undersigned,at Pittsburgh ' I Wheeling, is this day dt no] l red by mutual consent. - - dorcph-tUefeanls has transfencd_bl« i “. t^ frGcargQW. S^oiaaioneauthoritedtosaUa^.n^ome • : lu*Krm. JOSKPn RICIUKDS. Pittsburgh, August 20, 1653. CARD—Tba BREWING, GR AIN ? IIA1T and HOPTRADK will bo carrlol on a« heretofore, m v^r Uevolreral ILevolv«r»l . JUST RECEIVED—By Express, tlirert from tiemnutoc topers, a awortment of Colt* Jlcw**Uug PU* ffti« 4.6 Mill G Inches barrel, all of which we will «» for raflb iu low M they can be bought in the city of N*W Vorbr ‘PcrAoiui going to Australia or California wifi fin 4 ibot they f!__ .• • ' Fare from Pittsburgh to Cleveland, $4.00. . Connections are made at Mansfield by K&ilroad with San* dusky City, Mansfield, Mount \ernon, Newark and Zones* vlllo. . . Fare to Sandusky City, $4,50; to Newark,s4,&o; to Zones* vine. $5. Connections ore made with Detroit and Chicago, both by Cleveland and Sandusky City. Passengers who leave Pitts* < burgh In tbo Moil Train at 8.30 A M, go directly by Mans i field and Sandusky City to Detroit, without detention. I Fare to Detroit, 040: to Chicago, $ll,OO. ■ . BETVBNINOi THE KXPRES3 TRAIN leaves Crestline at 1.00 P M, Mansfield at 1.40 P M. and Alliance at 5.00 P M, and readi es {Pittsburgh at RJS P M, connecting with the Express Train to I’hUodelphlo and Baltimore, which leaves Pitts* Lnrfihat 10.30 lb M. Time from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh, hours. Fare, $7,75; Fnre from-Cinnanati to Philadelphia or Baltimore, $15.00.' ■■■■■■' • MAIL TRAIN leaves Crestline at 7, AM; dines .at Al liance; connects with from Cleveland, and arrives at Pittsburgh at 5, PM. . NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 10 A M and 4.45 P M, and Nov Brighton at 7 A3l and IPM; 1 Excursion tickets, $1; quarterly tickets at reduced-roles. PUEIGIIT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at&SOAM, ondar* rive* at 4.00. P M. Passengers are requested to procare Tickets at the Company’s Offico.at the > ederal Street Station, of • UEORUK PARKIN, Ticket Agent. 4Sj-Tho Trains do not run on Sunday. jCS- Further information may be obtained of - rl'. '... .10I1N KfcUA\ Passenger Agent. SANDUSKY, MAN&mLD.AND NEWARK ON and after WEDNESDAY, November 16,1853, Three rassenrer Trams ran daily (Sundays exeepUxl) as fol lows GOING fcOuTIL : Morning -Hail Evening .Express. .Passenger. Express. Lfiava Sandusky af...;. 4.3 U A M 11.00 AM* 5.10 P M MonroonUe Junction.-.- 5.15 ** 11.60 “ • 6.60 4 * Shelby Junction... 6.40 1.16 PM 7.15 u -Mansfield Junction 7.20 *• 1.40 “ 8.10 41 Mount Vern0n............ 9.05 ‘ 4 4.10 •* 965 44 Reach Kotrert .10.03 «' 6.15 “ 11.00 41 GOING NORTH. Leave Newark at..—... A5l 0.00 A 51 6.2 a P SI Mt, Vernon.. ........ 6.25 “ 10.10 44 C. 30 “ Mansfield Junction 7.20 “ 12.10 P5l 8.10“ Shellty Junction i7.45‘* 1.05“ 8.55“ Monroeville Junction.. 9.1 a u - ■ ■ 3.10- “ 10.30 *• Reach Sandusky -10.00 “ 3-55 “ 11.05 '* Connecting at Sandusky with Mad River and Lake Ext** and “Northern liivisibn” Cleveland and Toledo Railroads. At SlonrooviUe, with- Trains on “ Southern Division* Cleveland and Toledo Ik Ik, for Cleveland, Toledo, Ac. - At Shelby Junction, with Cleveland, Columbus and Cm cinuati Railroad., ■ . At MansCeld Junction, with Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad for Pittsburgh. At Newark; with Central Ohio Railroad for Zanesville, Columbus, Ac., Ac. - This amusement of Trains completes the line of direct communication.'between the East and*' GwQt .Kvrth»lTetV' . frcnn i’hiladclpbiaend Baltimore, destined for i thclYvat, proceed, directly on tlieir arrival at Pittsburgh, i by Ohio and 'Pennsylvania Railroad to Mansfield. Thence to Slonroeville, where con jertiun is made Immediately for Toledo, Chicago, and intermediate places—affording a roulo. unrirailrd for safety, certainty ami des^tch, . Connection Is also inode with alt the Trains on the Ohio ' anti Pennsylvania Railroad at Mansfield, by which passes* gent from Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, Sandusky, Zanesville, Newark, and Columbus, proceed to Pittsburgh, Philadel phia end Baltimore, without delay. . By this route, passengers taking tbo early Train from Zanesville.Columbus,Newark, Aegean goto Toledo,Bau* dusky or Cleveland, remain in tdtbor place some four hours, and return home pame day. < > THROUGH TICKETS to bo hod at the different Stations, , Ibr the above named places- . . . : : • | • ■ J-». ItinmoN, Saprrint’fc. -gafaflusKyy November, 1853. fnQv2i;3ml ' : : Penhiylvanit .Railroad Company* . , ‘XTTE ore forwarding. Produce, Ac- to. Baltimore and Phlla- If delphia, promptly, on receipt.; Time,Eire Days.; lutia op ranont. Bacon, Pork and (salted,) 450.9100 R& On Lard, Lard Oil, Tauow, Cotton, Window Gloss, 50c. 9 ■lOOlbs. ■ ■ On O&ndles, Cheese, Earthenware, leather. Leaf Tobacco, coc-^ioon»«. On Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Bristles, Goto* and Timothy Seed,7oc, lt». - - On Deer Skins, Hemp, Flax, and Eggs, T 0& 9 IOQIbs. On Feathers, Fun, Peltry, Brooms and Merchhndlzo, 90o< On Flour, barrel* We are also prepared to forward freight to Itodebspgb's Station, near Gfeenstrarg, and intermediate Stations. ' 00YODE * GRAHAM, Agents, . earner of Penn and Wayne eta-Pittsburgh. 11. It. HOUSTON.. Agentr , 216 Market street, Philadelphia... Jy2o HALCOLM &E£CB~ JOHN K’U.PI»— ...JOSEfrll 0. VECU; I Ji 8* l*cecli* MoAlpln -& Co., ■ :>•••? GROCERS/ and Dealer? la Produce, Met yV- -alii, and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Nos. 242 and 244 Liberty Ftreot, nvAr the bead of Wood, 'Pittsburgh, Pa., of fcrforealeonhbefal.terms, thafollowiog: . 100 tierces fresh lUoe; >50,000 ibs.Nßacom assorted;' | . lQQbbls.Tar; > . & tons Bar Iron, do; •:] 1500keg*hails,assorted?! .8 do BestNall Bods; i 000 boxes Window Glass,. 2000 kegs Rock and lUflo i • assorted; I . ‘ Powder,assorted; • ,-i 60 half chests Tea, as-', 800 boxes Rosin 8oap;. i sorted; ■ v" ! 85bbls.Linseed,Lardami i 7&bxs. Tobacco,assorted*,!: • Tanners’ Oil;. 100 hhds.S.O. Sugar, part; 300 bbls. Vinegar; .primev »• 80 do. Rosin; ■ 5 bxs< Havana Sugar; > 20 do -Pitch; 10 hhds. Porto Rico do; > 6000 fi>s. assorted Copper; lSObogsOolTeei .! 20bbls. and kegs Lard; OOObblkN. O. Slolasses; ! lOtogsassorted-Shot:,-. 76 do S.H.. do; 1 .1 do Buck Shot; ; = 800 bxs. Tin Tiate, ass’d;! . 5 bbls. Alum; -• i.' 4 tons Wire, do; ; 20 do Itye Flour; ."'2 do'Spelter; J 20 sette-Tinnerf Machines ." • S casks ehcet Zinc, os-; - and Tonis; 'sortud;-* 1 - ' . *!■; 100bus.DrlodAftplosj . - 600p!gsTin; • }■ 100 bales Batting, assorted; ■ -1000 ms. Antimony; - ■' ' ] 2000 fba. Cotton Yore, as -10 tons ass’dShcot Iron ;> < ' sorted. - \ • - i 100.000 jbftasYd.Bulk Meat;* ■.•••• • • . . • fApr2o> BY vlrtuo-of a precept under the hands of McClure, President of the Court of Oommon Picas,'la • and for the sth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, end Jus tice of the Court of Oyer end Terminer and General Jail Delivery in and for said District, and William Boggs and Gabriel Adams, Rpqs., AssoclatoJudgesof the same County, in and for the County of Allegheny, dated tho 19th day of November. in Lbe year of our tord ono thousand eight hun dred and fifty-three, and to me directed, for holding n Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at the Court House in thajcliy of Pittsburgh, ou the 4th Mon day of Docembor, ntlO o’clock, A. M., Public notice i* hereby given to all Justice* of tho Peace, Coroners and Constables of tho Connty of Allegheny, that they be then and there, in their proper persona, with their rolls,records, inquisitions,-examinations and other remem brances, to do those things which to their respective officers, In their behalf appear* to bo done—and alßOtbosothatwlU prosecute the prisoners that now are, or may be In tho Jail i or saw County of Allegheny, xo bo iben and there, to piw* I oeute against them as shall be just.: I Given under my hand, in Pittsburgh,' tills 19th day of '.November, In theycorofour Lord one thousand dght hun dred nnd fifty-three, and of the Commonwealth the 77th. nov23 ' ' • : ■ • WM. MAGILL. Fberfff. r.mANK« J IVIN3 7b l at hand, JEHU, -L.HAwOHTH, corner of Diamond and Diamond alley, ,™heB to Inform all those porsona.fondof good Plum Pud ding or Mince Pies that bo isseUing good cooking Ral 10c *° W X A cents ?Üb; now crop Bancli ftaißinji.lBKc or si,7b $ half bos; Currants 1214 to 20c lh, good Cluster llalMna box; pare good Spices fa.ft e^.mixed.do. Sc 02. Good Wine and Brandy for cooking purposes, 25c quart; ’ nov22 ENGINEERS’ STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. W. 8. HAVKIi, Cqekee or Mabxjr ahd Srcoicn Sfßms. A hWAYS ON HAND, a large and veil selected stock ef /V Whatman’s Drawing Papery all sites ; r Taper in.rcllfl,various vldths; • Draughting Pencils; . , , . Mathematical Instruments; Tape Lines; India Bubbert>/ - . Yield Books; - " T Profilo Papers; Cross Section Papers; . Protractor Papers; And all articles of Stationery used by Civil Kogiseera. 44" Level,. Transit, Topography and Record Books made to order—ruled to any pattern required. . sspl -. ; jOtifuAJLiil ,^*l .■j&sp-Jite ajsvinrwi 2'; Ketr Arrangement, IIAIiatOAD. WINTER. ARRANGEMENT FROCLAOIATIOBr. .N'SjiCl IJOt»:i.T7 P INSURANCE ~ COMPANIES. n.uwAM Mutual Safety- Inwranae-Cp* ■ Office room tyitoßfchanfa rfertfst, Phjk ETRMIkaUItANC£--BuUdinsß, merchandise and other. iTroncrty, in town and country,insured «fiainstloflfl or damage by ere, at the lowest raw of premium.- > % Lva ijbanol—TheyalSotnsUre. cargo®) and 1 freights, foreign orcoastwhw, under open or' special policies, as the assured may desire; .. Inland TsAXBPOEiATios.—Thoy also insure merchandise transported by wagons,'railroad caxß*canal boats and steam boats, on riversanu lakes, on the moet.liberal terms.. •/ . . . • Directors—Joseph H. Seal, Edmund A. Souder, John C.. Davis, Robert Burton* John B. Penrose; Samuel Edwards, George G- Leipcr, Edward Darlington, Isaac R. Davis, WU- Uahi Pol well, John Nowlin,Dr. It-11. Huston, Jos.C. IXond, Theophllua Paulding, IL Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Semll, Spencer IL’llvain, Charles fielly, J. G. Johnson, William Hay, Dr;S.Thomas, John Sailers, William Eyre,jr. . • ■ Directors at Pittsburgh— D. T. Morgan, Hugh Craig, John X. Logan. WnnsM . . Tnos; C. Haxd, Free PnsidatL JosxrzrW.OoWiX, Secrtlary. Office of the Company, No. 42 Water street, Tlttchurgh. .. jelOaltf “ * P. A. MADKHtA, Agent- pnomTiOK < INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ' HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premiums and Western. Fund ' $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1826. ; -Policies of Insurance issued at all times on tho most favora ble terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE ISY FIRE, V QB VUB - ' • ' PERILS OF NAVIGATION, BY GEO. E: Agent FOR PITTSBURGH A*VD ALLEGHENY COI7IVIT. . marli3:y. ... ■: • •. . THE VIBITED STATES - LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, . FHIUDELPOIA. CHARTERED. APRIL 261 H, 1850. CUARTEIt PEIIFETUAL. CAPITAL 8250,000. Office, S. E. Comer of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. OJfosrs of ’the ITomc Board at Philadelphia: mascTo&s. : Stephen R. Crawford,' Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Beniamin W.Tlngiey, Geo-M’Henry, Jacob L. Plorcnco, James Derereux, William M- Godwin, William M’Kee. Prerufent—Stephen It. Crawford. Fica rrtsidait— AmbroseW.Thompson. •_ '.. Medical Examiner, Pittsburgh—Barnes 11. Willson, M. D. Atteihaiy City— Kß.Mom,. SI. ■ r . QKO. K. ARNOLD, . mtrllry No. 71 Fourth tttwtj Mttubargh. . Tbe Frapklln Fire Insurance Corn ' Of PMUuUIphuX) J^imspfounux.. DIREOIOES— Charles W. Banckcr, Thomas Ilart, TotnM Wagner. Samuel Grant, Jacob 1L Smith, Geo. W. liich wGa,Mordccal D.Lewis, Adolphl K. Boric,David S. Browne, Morris Patterson. • Cuas. N. UnciEß, President, Oau,Q.-Vuicu*r&mta2fi. , „ i 4 . Continue to make Insurant*, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, la town and country, at rater as low as are consistent with ee&Urtty. • • • • • , The Company havo* reserved a largo Contingent' runa, which* with th3r capital and premiums, safely Invested, af-; ford ample protection to the assured. •’ The Assets of the Company* on January Ist, 1851, napoo llshod agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as.fallows, vis: MorSge;..il.~ 8caTk5taU....«.... k «.~-.... 84,377 <&, I cS>,Ao-...«: Total .................. *1 Elpco thdr incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Pour Hundred Thou sand Dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as Well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. ; : . J.OAUDINKR COFFIN, Agent, • ap24 - Office, north-east cor. Wood and Third sts. ' THIUO ANNUAL STATBMIiNT OFTITB STATE MUTUAL «RB AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, or PBXS3VI.VAJHA. Assets, May. Ist, 1852..... Vromiums received to May Ist, 1855........ Interest ob Loans, 4c r- Capital Stock Relumed premiums, Losses, Itolnsuraneo, Ex penses, ». * Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, aod other good seen- mritlpo«_ ..... $1(51,481 .w Premtom Notes J} Cash on hand—.......... Total am 1 ! of Resources, L:aLle for Losses..... $558,318 70 MteCTQES. ' JOHN P. RUTHERFORD,Dauphin county, I»; 0. SEDQWXCK* Hamburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS. Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER, M JOHN It RUTHERFORD; Dauphin county, A. J. GILLETT, Harrisburg, S. T. JONES, Harrisburg, ROBERT KLOTZ, Carbon eounty. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. A. J. OILLETT, BeerotAry. Will Insure against peril* of sea and inland navigation, alaa, on Merchandise fncltv or country, at loifftat rates coo algtent with, safely. Policies Issued on, dwelling bouse? either perpetually or for a term of years. Branch Office, comer Fourth and SmltUfield streets, mytatf * A. A. CARRIER. Actuary, P ilttstmreh litre Imarance Company, of \ PITTSBURGH, Pa. Capital, $lOO,OOO. I President— James 3. lioos. i Vice President—Bahuel U’Clcssas. Treasurer—*JosEvn 8. liZEczr. Secretary—C. JL Coins. office, NO. 6S FIFTH STREET, [Masonic Hall Building.) This Company makes every Insurance appertaining to or connected with Life Bisks. Mutual Bales are the same as those adoptodby other sa&ly conducted Companies. •-* Joint Stock rates at a reduction of on**thlrd from the Mutual rate*—equal to a dividend of thirty-three aud one third per paid annually in advance. Bisks taken on the Uvea of persona going to California or Australia. ■ DiatCTORS. Samuel M'Clurkon, John A. Wilson, Joseph F.Oassam»U.l>. 'Alexander Reynold*, : Hiram SUwe. •. :-niat23 Janies S- Uooo, William Phillips, John Bcctt,. • JohnM*Alpin, -- Horatio K. Lee, Western Inanrance Company, Pittsburgh. R. JULLUB. Jr., Prexidcnt. | F. M. GORDON, Secretary , ; CAPITAL* 0300,000. ?lTrXLLlnsure against all kinds of risks,FlßE and MA Yf AU losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid.- •• . -.■ A Homo Institution, managed by Dimctoss who are well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain.tho character which they hate assumed, as ottering the best protection to those whoderiro to beinsured.-, i Miller, Jr,o. W. Rlcketaon, J*W\ Dntlcr, i N. Holmes, Jr., W. 11, Smith, 0. W.Jackson, i WmiM. Lyon, James LippeneottiGecrge Barrie, James Mc« [ Auley* Alexander Mmick, Thomas Scott. • I fca-Ofllce, No. 02 Water Btreet, (Warehouse of Spang A Co., op stairs.) Pittsburgh. . taov24tly fsyonr idfe.lnaared, : IF NOT, read what Borne one has .written.. Among all the contrivances of man to protect the family circle from want none tan be found more simple Inits character, noble In its feature, or certain in its results, than, LIFE INSUIt* ANCE. It Ifi the prop which the dying husbaud leaves to. eapportthe wife of bis bosom, It Is the unseen hand of the Provident father reaching forth fTOm the grave, and still nourishing his offspring, ami keeping together the family group. . C. A. COLTON, Secrotary, .. ... Pittsburgh Life Insurance Company, Fifth si, - sop2l ■ • Masonicllall. Wholesale. and Retail* i ■ .. SADDLE, HARNESS AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. TrtOBERX H. HARTLEY, bogs leavo to Inform j ps- J a |\» bis friends anil the public generally, that he BpßmmK- . amUbues to occupy that large-and commodious tagßßitilJ Storo Room, formerly occupied by Samuel o clock'd* Co., No. 66, corner of.-Dlamond Alloy. and Wood st, where be keeps a large and gcnernl-ecsQrtment of Saddles, Bridles* Harness, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Soddlo Bags, Valises, Buffalo Robes* Whips, and 01l otber articles In his line. He also keeps constantly on hand, and Is prepared to fur* nlsh to order, all 1 kinds of Riveted Hose, manuftetured of the best mate rial,, anil in a style of workmanship equal to the Eastern manofectuied article, and atC6 per cent, cheaper. • - -CountzT Merchants and Farmers would do well to call and examine Ills stock before purchasing elsowhore, as he Is de* termlnod to sell drst rate articles at very low prices, i JO*Don't forget the place, No. 80, corner of Wood stand rDiamond Alfey. ' ' A Complete Anslysls of the Holy Bible,n DONTAINING the whole of the OLD and NEW TESTA MENTS, collected and arranged systematically in Thir iy -Bookif {based on the work of the learned Talbot,) togeth -1 er with an Introduction, setting forth the character of the work and the Immense facility this method affords for un derstanding the Word of God. Also, three different Tablet ,PcwisyT*a nla and Bnsqnch VT Companies, fori special Oyster READ'S PLKADEft'B ASSIBTANT, nowedition, wilh Motes and Additions, together with ft short system of Conveyancing, by A. Jordan, President J udge of the Eighth Judicial District, received and for Fale by. J. It; WELDIN, Bookseller and Stationer, 63 Wood street,bet ween 8d A 4tb»ts. i'-2: . V , »V <• r^'-k : ’» 4 „ r* -* * >' ■ ■■'- ■■ V.'. v ■-' i - • V ru r BANKERS AND BROKERS, m muun,...... ..;...„.„...„.__.JOHH»i^TimiAS ’ _ • TIEBHAH * CO., m ■:< hankers and exchange brokers. feMftly] Jib. 85 Waod Stmi, cmd lXammd Alky l __ JOHN WOODS, ,■ ■j Danker andkxchangb broker, . .. - T\EAtKR in Gold, Sllto ond Kank .Notes- CirtMSt ML ■A/, par fan da received on deposit. -Oollectiona carefully at tended to/- Fourth Street, one, door. East o t Market* Pitta frdrgh, fa. ; : : , -•V .• • fp&ly Daauitio and foreign JSx&xmoty Bank fJoUt r Gold and i&Zycr; . " . BotghL Sold and Exchanged, aiQiOi-. i.. • • • , EXCHANGE AND BANKINO liOUSE.OB ? TPTLT.TAK A. HILL & CO., . ' ■ 01VOOD STOSS*; PITTBI»tnUIHi >. Interest allowed on time deposits. • fatigSS . . _ISS3. " ■ EXCHANGE AND; BANKING ROD BE' OP" A. WILKINS & CO., . . . No. 75 Fouinn ST2UO3» Opposite the Bftnk of Pittsburgh, JtHJ& G. E. aMou) sTco;, ' BANKBiIS AND EXCHANGE BHOKERB, B BALERS la'Eichange, Coin;.Bank Notes, Sight and Tima Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended, to, 'and proceeds remitted to any part of the‘Union. , : BtocksbonghtAnd'Bbld'oncoCftnlssiohJ' ' - _ tffl.No. 74 Fourth st. next door to Bank ofPittsb'g. [»i» HILL & CO., • V -BANKERS ANO EXCHANGE BROKERS, . : CORNER 0? "WOOD:UTt> FIFTH BTRXSJS.. SIGHT EXCHANGE on tho Boston* Cities constantly for sale. TtaeßUls oi Exchange and Notts dlaffunteb-- Gold.gUver and Banfc NotoS, bought juadsold. , OoliocUons made in all tho principal cittea of-the. . United; .gtatcfn.-. Bor. •posits received of Par and OurTeptEundA. ■ [mar27ly ‘UtCt.XBAXntr XI)VAfiD KAgNi • yu)&ptc» SRAHIE. , .kSAHEB & EAHM. BANKERS AND EXCHANOE BIIOKEEB, : , ; T>TJY AND SKLL Gold, Silver, and Bank Notoa; negotiate J) ih.». oa Beal Estate or Stock Securities; purchase Promissory Notes and Time BlllSj oa East and West; ,bny andfiollStocks . N HOLMES &' SONJv Bankers • and' Exchange Brokers, . and Dealers in NotearDrafta, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver api Bank-Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. * ‘\ ' r . j-.yi'- ij . Collections mad® in all- the cities throughout the United 'States. Deposits received in par funds or curreu t 2l o* 6T Market street, between Third and Fourth star- jja3o:iy UQU3,......... SAMIST r . HOOH&BABGEHT, . BANKERS AND.KXCIIANCIR BROKERS, t COSSIB OP STOOD * OXTH S7S-, PITTBUOKm, P*. TYEALEBB to Coin; Bank- Notes, Time Bills, Foreign cod J, Domestio Exchange, Certiflcntea of Deposit, *O. _ Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union end En* ropo, lbr ealo in sums to edit purchasers. Current end per funds received on dqjorit. OolleeUona made on ell parts of the Union, at the lowest rates. ■■ " fsepil:ly : Removal. ,o. .-.TT; - PATRICKS a rarBHD, BANKERSAND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Hot* Semmd thdr Office, to the Omar qfFifthmtd Wooi itt. pmsnUEOa, ps. ' ' PATRICKS A FRIEND, Banlscrs end Exchange Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold. Hirer and Bank Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western Qties constantly for sale. . Collections mode in aU the dues throughout tho United State#. Depod tsreedred. in par funds orrrummt paper, at the corner of FKlh and rWccd Streets. ‘ {feb3 AIISTW LOOMIS, , w ' STOCK AKD B ILL B K OKEfi, Xo. 02 Tmirih tUabovt jJbaf,- ' PITTSBURGH.-. ._ 453“ Notes, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on col laterals, negotiated. Stocks and Land Warrants bought and sold, : ' ; • • octS FLORENCE HOTEL, No. 400 BROADWAY, .NEW-YORK. (CONDUCTED omehk nraorMS TUS.): REUBEN IOVEIOY, PROPRIETOR, *200,010 51 135.250 66 1,610 19 100,000 00 $110,183 £0 87,864 66 Ltua bb0wh,..................... ..... ~*.w.c. omramr. Branru’s Hotels Cbrvtcrcf SmWifieMahd Third Strali, JPUUhurgTi, PbmVi, BROWN A CONNELLY, Pbopbotobs. gg-Pood stabling attached to the House. ; . .. . $338,318 70 FRANKLIN BOUSE, Clerelandt Ohio, CPATRICK &SON, Paopamoas.—This Ilousa has un* 0 dergone thorough and ex tens! re repairs, alterations, and large additions of new furniture, etru, and the proprle tors' plwge themselres that nothing shall be wanting on thdr part to render the Fiuhsux a place where all the cop forts of a first classhotcl can be found; , •= ’ ‘ : q PATRICK A SON. : . st» Charles, Hotel, ; . ; y ' ; (hmer of Wood and Third drezU, Bff* burgh, Fenrfcu - ramiiroa. , : n««»*ft#kWiidiiniintlxavln£rt!rcnie iu'to the hands of a i the trajd- Ly>p rnTwmnnfeAmrhiso jrrjygnlat tfeanlera, Ercryaolk taCTtodJittiirjCwin be prorklcdlirJtif oo pains ThUnotd V-otoforteUe nans to all whh'dffwtfefc fmylSdq.y. Proper. T. y*. .- ■ rrill£ ua&Hsagpoa rwpectfcfll* fefinri* tfcp Public that bo I (b no\r folly prepaid to servo priTatirfftinilU'-iend the public poncmlly, isithhis celebrated LAGKIt BEEIt, iu bottled.- Alt crier* left ot bit Otltce, IfQ. 29 DIAMOND ALLEY Jm#r Wood f trey-will bepotfctnally attended to; and UioUenr delivered to any partoflbo dty or Tkhutj. jtafctf- T* i * - <••' ;.y. r o. echbnck. C. B. HEAM33& GO'S N EWOAftPETHOUSE, 1 so. asTninn. street, 'WHOXEaAIB'ASD'SEEAUDEAX.EBS. msEßSPAeiovs skiks~Ri>o3ik - 1 : t;7L i a brge; ; hdt!dscim6'ai2\l:cbcap>ssoTtinent of iWr WMJlot!a;iroin I to S4faet tfldernlsp, Stair,Ta bleCation and Bri tannia Slatting, Matt* of all kinds,pwaftSTWlndow Shades, buff Holland*;-green and buff 0» Cloths, and Putnam's Patent Self-Adjusting Curtain Fixtures. , . .SALES. ROOM N 0.2, Is fail stocked with an unrivalled assortment of Royal Vel vet, Brussels Tapestry, Bnis«els,ltnj*crial Throe Ply, Patent Tapestry, Ingrain, and superfine carpetings*, Hall anti Stair do. of nil widths and prices; embossed Cloth, Table and Plano covers; Mosaic. Velvet, Axmlnster, and Tufted Rugs; Stairltods»l>niKireting.etc. SALES ROOM. NO. 3, ; Contains a large and well selected, stock of In grain Carpets, from 25 to 7b cents per yard;. Hemp Carpeting fromjlB& to GOccnts; List nml Hag Carpota. cotton and wool Yeoman and a Rplcndldbasortmentof English sheepskins of all col ors and rises. V ■ - C. B. II; A Co. would respectfully; call the attention of persons wishing to furnish steamboats, hotel* ordwelllng jipuses to tbe above, as they are determined to sell at the same low prices they have heretofore: boon selling at, and less than any other esiabltehmetit in thls city. .:: • > . gepO Q. u nKAI?LY4rCa, No. 82 Third street. . gacred nolle Booksi T?oft Church Choirs, Congregations, ie.,£a, wholesale JC and retail. Each, ptr dos, Klhgriey'e Harp of Davld,» wUecUon of Church : Music, 75c.. $7,00 Modeni'BmlibUt, byLowell Mason. . •- 75c. 7,00 The Modern Harp, or Boston Sacred Melodist, by . . • IwWblteand Jno.K.Gould, 75c. ’ 7,00 NattonalPsalmlrt, by Mason and Webb, 75c. 7,00 Harp of the West, 75c. 7,00 National Lyre, -63 c. . 0,00 Bay State Collection, CSc, • 6,U0 The Church Choir, * 03c. 6,00 American Psalmody, with figured pass for Organ or Piano,' • C3o.- 6,00. ALSO, The Melodist, a collection of popular and social Songs, Glees, Ac. ' . The Social Glee BOokl Juvenile Oratorios, fbrjuvenJTe classes, schools, Ac. Musical Class Book, ftr adult ringing classes. Young lady’s Harp, designed for femalo Academies and the social drefc. . '• • «* .Togetherwiththe-NeWCannlnaSacrn: CantidaLanJlns, Jostrecrivedby CHARLOTTE BLUMB, oclB - ? i • llSWood Street. ' fflRB. SHAWM—A Library of Church Mhslc, ctc,, con* X talning over 1000 compositions,by Wm. B. Bradbury and Geo. P. Root, assisted byThbmaa uastlngs and T. B. Meson. Price 75c <—per dozen $8,50. SACRED MELGDEON—-On a new system of notation; by A.S. Hayden. Price7Go—-perdozens7,so. HARP OP THE SOUTH, (in Patent Notes;) a hew-colleo tion of Sacred Music, selected from the most popular com* posers, by Prof J. B. Woodbury. -Prico7sc.—perdoi, $7,50. CHRISTIAN -MINSTREL-By Alklu;: one of the -most popular books published.- Price 76c.—perdsz. $8.50. •• NEW CAKMINA SACRA—By LoweU.Masoo, and tbo most successful-musio book ever published; 0ver350,000 copies, have been k)l f * i> f. - - v - ,■. »'*■ i .<. ’ -'•^ V V'V.’'V -Vvili. ■ l":Xf .^;;.i:.’J^- HOTELS, &c. fiew Sacred Mntlo Books* . •>.;.»• i-. •' o'ixi.'\ I: i-|v %' **• FURNITURE. Isa WM. K. STKVENBOS to-InkmActure uL CABINK3SWABB of every description, at bis old stand, : KpS corner of Liberty and Seventh streets, UNDKBTAK • 1 te att.lte myll ~ / A. UILUIUEIj « CU„ HAYB OS n«SDr»tr thEir , JtAkxrf'sTS.) * ; . . . THIS ASSOCIATION ' ' ' already' twice to three times aaVLL 1 ffljjHfffWwHß-manyAhands as. the 'largest And Mpt hitherto most renowned miriness ■ i * 'flhopa of this city, have openedtheir oae able t& furnish tho pabllc, by wholesale orretail,with Pur | nitnre of *>. .v. . Mahogany. Wardrobes fPressing Bureaus;; Fell Columned- Bureaus ; Mahogonyßeda fceads ; Mahogany Chairs; Hocking Stools;’ [.Book. Cas6s ‘Card Tables';/Pier:Tables;:fino | CanlTables; Centre Tables; Hatßacks;French Bedsteads;. | Ottomans; Poplar-Wardrobes; -DitdngidnHhreakfkst Tables;, I Workstands; Cheny and Common Workatandsi.highpoat,: ] common; low, and trundle Bedsteads ChenyJHireaus; Cribs l Cradle3,:Ar above the JfortfavKsl comer of the Diamond.) TOUN STEVEN SON,(of thelatefirm of Jobnß, WFaddun AOv> respectfully annoiltiees to tie public that ho has opened, at the above stood, a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED .WARE, LAMPS, GI RANDOLES, Bbdxt and Table Cutlery t Britannia Tea and Cbmmunim Sett, and the asd&l variety of goods hi his lino of business. ■•••■ •' Special eaw and attention given to the REPAIR of PINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. . . . . i He trusts, that ids long experience iannslriess, be will be able to give satisfaction tothose who may favor taluk; with their pattonage. 'Pittsborgb, May 1516,1853. ; Henry Richardson* Jeweller* HAVING refitted bis store in abandsoma manner, and bat recently retarned from the eastern cities.with ft fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY,- and '-FANCY GOODS* vonld call the attention of his frieudsand custom* era to tha fact that .among Rls Watches will be firandthe moat desirable styles, patterns and makers* BfJewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pina, PoVandVest'Chalns, fingerWoK3,Earßings, . ; FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Mftche, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, Colt's Pistols, Porte afonnaies in great variety; China Fruit and Cake Dishes ; with' an endless; variety of nsofaland oTs namratal articlev which have only to be seen tobe appre*- dated. [aoyll . XO, 81 MARKET STREET. - ITIAUXd WORTH KNOW IN QTo al i that 1 are about ; . -&uddinQtiBv}&tCake* r . • .. Cbrti Bread, rfe.;-• > £T£B lirrE&TEP. r Opinions of ihe j pres9;— • - i .Those whofaavo tried it,haVe found that thondvertl*o> i meat dpesnot Vauntits. praises- too highly.—{Tallahasgoe i Jloridian .and Journal, Feb. 19,1863. . i • Housekeepers. who have tested the quality of this pow*l der, pronounce unanimously lh ita favor.—[l/rckport Pally i .Counpr. v" ;‘ J . ■.-v ■ nV-w' Jt surpasses every thin gin tho way of riting, we ever saw .1 used in tho baking of cate^—{ltohvray Advocate and llegts* i leri April 15,1853.' " . -y •• :• . This is an article of such utility In various kinds of cook* i «ry, that whon Its virtues becomo 'properly known, no housekeeper*- that 'etodiei-camfOrt and economy, will wil- Bngljr ih-XN. Y. PlckUhlsy 21,1853. Noons needhesf tnleto oseDurkce’e all-important article to housekeepers.—[Republican Banner and M.IT, 1853. - -'-v - Would youbave light bread, street hreadj broad that ymi can eat with H good rolisb; do not forget to procure Durkeu’s Baking Powder, andyou wm not DUI to havp good bread, ; cakes, Ac.—[Troy Dally Tiniw; May 24,1852. We have tried this aritclo; and can recommend it with i porfbet confidence.—Quebec Gaxette,'July, 1852.. Durkee’s Baking'Powder wo havetried atour honse, and our half” was astonished at-the.result—[N. Y. DftUy Times, Got 23,1852.;; ; \ ■.:• ; . _ [ •AD gockl housewives will rejoice Jn and glorify tho namo of Durkeey alter they hare given his Baking Powder a fair l trial.—f New York Bun, SfpVSO, 1852. . • i- - Dorkee’ißaking Powder, undoubtedly tho'bestarticlefbr i this purpose that has yet.been-dlscovered.—N. Y. Dutch mah, Kcb. 12,1853; i Thehighest commendations, from hundreds of tho largest i and most'respectable wholesale, houses in Ibis, and .nearly overy large dty ou thls continent, could be given, If space ! allowed it. E. R. DURKEK,. SOtBiSKffJUSTOi AIID AIAHUVACnttrB, York* BAXTER A SMITH & SINCLAIR, WHOLESALE ©ROGERS, : m SECOND AND IOA FIRST ‘STREETS. ~ n* stoebiaso fqs asps, . 309 bags Rio Coffee; iOObblsNlO. Molaxses; ' n&hbdsN.O. Sugar; ... 00 bbls Sugar-House do. • ■ 30 boxes Grant's Tobacco; .; 20Q bales Batting; ' 00 boxes Webster old do* ■ 300 kegs Nails, assorted;- ■ •••- > ■2O trxs Russell A Roblnaon’p; 200t»xcs Glass; ? 100 caddy boxes of various 30 kegs Ya. Twist Tabacx»; r • broods} ' - -'••••• 200 boxes Rosin Soap; 00 bblsLoof Sugar; • .. 00 boxes Palm do. 20 twigs Pepper* - CQ-boxes Ground Pepper; ,15 bags Pimento ; [sop27}.: ■ Urouod Cassia, &a.Ac.Ac. ONJBY—3OO lbs prlmo nev white -Honor,'in smali boxes, farfamily use, just received and lor sale by QPggO J.D: WILLIAMS 122Wood &'■ T>KBIDKNOE FUR: SALfr-SUuated InAlieghenyCity. Xi, The Lot Is OO feet front on North Canal street* by 285; deep to Ziberty stroet'iTke lronsa is large and ]y arranged, ■frith gas fixtures, bath room, 4a. A good Cor? riage House end Stable on Idbertyctrecfc; trees/shrubbery; Ac. Thia beaatiful reridencawill bo sold'on easy terms. •oct2o f 'n a. CUTIIBERT A;SON,;4O,ThirdBV T>RmIiU7LDSTRK-~locasks ibrsalYby ; -'.--Bnrlp JOirldend. ■ ?-i-'v-rr T>HRsON3 lusur«d;la4hft'slataftl Department of the. j|::Flttoburgfr lift:liuraraßcjfCompsay, are requested to 7 all and recaivo tbrirScriplorlhe 3s. per dividend de» •elareff ?nthdijt«f FvbruarylasKi , i>' .« ■ :..i. ij y n'-;•; • i /•; Or £ COLTOfc Sasretary .wi*tti>oy»av4ng jracfri&tt. ....>.• ••:_• ‘ITiltE BOSTON SAUSAGB CirrrEßrAND and Cora and a Targe assortment of Implements suitable iot the Carden and Farm, from the Seed and Agricultural Ware house, 40 Ilfib street. tcld JAMES WARDROP. Svi". ; ■ : : :^ : V-• ■%* *- r u . * • • <»'*•> ■■' .: i-- ! '*■’• * c - • • '**- *. 1 " ' -. »*<■; .; - » ‘ * * ME iv'lWotf l . - MISEIiPANEOUS. • v . Y ,-J EffBQgEJgAOEHCY.- - THE OEMST ESTABLISHED. OBEICE, IS. THIS ? CtTST . -j. 4 " • , . -tj- •■ •:-i ! abiffcV-Ta^Hß^Oljlß.C.OlJflTaYi BLAKI2LYbega tears to Bay to those pfirSDns'h&T i| tteOW- CotmtryraaddettrofcL. of either 'pendlnothshi mbusycr. paying tiiolr passage, that m 3 .ftr* ran (remen tfl for doing either la bow compl6ta,»na on so.ltnn without tficr lots oLa dollar, and the house for wWcliheta neglect of n, r y jondon pnm^xiVer pooh Bhah, NowmOelTOjv-Tiotulotideny, arulDnndalk.topoW 'York,Ph!Welphla 1 Boston,BalHmoro andNaw Or!«mJ,£ns from thence to PUMmrgta ; . and will attend atrjetiy to-for wirding passengers from thence to any part of the country, lie also has eight droits for sale# payable at the following, place?, vis: - . • ..•■ ON ENGLAND. ~ ■"'■*'• Edwards, Sandfort & D 0..... .. ..London. ;. Wm. Ttfppscott A Oo.a.^i M w MMtK ».:..;. M^»M ..,.\Me.LUorPool.' ■ (Available in the principal cities and towns throughout -England and-Walea./ •: / ■■.■■..•■_ r; . -,i. • ONIUELANB. r; ; HIUUtCHB3»~v ~~- Armagh, *- - -Belfast, ... . .Downpatrick, Enniskillen, Maltow, Strabaiie, r Atblonc,.! :. Carlow, " Droghoda, Fermoy, ... Monaghan^—Ennlsconhy,- Ballina, ; Cavan, : r Dundalk, Galway,. • Ncwry, Tralee, ... Clonmell, Dungannon,;. Londonderry^Omagh, . 'Yonghan, Bonbridge, Kilkenny,: Dungannon,' KDrush, Waterford, Coleraine,-v Earsonstown, Cork, Ennis, v . - Bandon# * i fiUgo, “ Wexford, Cootohill, ’ Limerickt - 8a1iyahann0n,'............ • -CNfiCmAND . .. Fro?lnclalßank National Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, and Its branches In fifty townsin Scotland.: - ON FRANCE, Messrs, Edward mount A Banters^. mm. ......Paris. (Available In nay city In&ance.) • • - ON GERMANY. Messrs, Vogel. Kock A Frankforton-the-Maln. : rayf .> i j M9d.'eonbfBeyfaib'fcpdftn[Hhtteldata. ■4gt PABSAGB -ry^g afflE. _ ■ Tnia Jtplendid new Skip, tralftf&r. « Tsjatotl'a line,** i* the darkest Packet. Ship afloat, and ft* strength of build, accommodations for passengers, and sailing qualities;' baano equal In the Liverpool trade. .i The EMERALD ISLE will sail from Liverpool bu or about the *oks or-DrcsKßsa, and • persona sending forthulr Mends sbould not lota the opportunity of Sbeuring jmrta’ge ft* them Ship, „ • Incrdertopment delay, passenger* will be notified by letter from Messrs. W. Tepscott & Co„ Llverpool/what day to tether* to embark.. /.'I ' ' The Emerald Isle Is commanded by Capt Geo. B. Cornish, (recently of the favorite packet ship, w Wm« Tapscott,”) who a well known for his kindness to passengers,’and his skill* ‘dittoes as a commander. - - , N. Bv—TheE. 1..wi1l bo succeeded bythe tnagnifleentnew ship u Shamrock,** commanded by the well known Captain, Samuel B* Deane,. •... i. To secure passage, apply to* -■ JAMES BLAKELT, ■-• • oct2l Corner of Seventh and Smfthfleld «t*.v . TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! WHOLESALE A37D RETAIL, the_ WeMu Tea State, r 7 38 Piwn BTRB*T,EmsßracrH,V**. I T>T tho half chest, of neatly packed In metallic packages] I'S.tasultthe trade.. : ■ ' • j The Subscriber Unow recsWing-hUFall stock of GREEN* and BLACK of some of the finest ebons! to be found lu the Eastern market. Merchants viritiog the city are invited to call and examine our stock. . . j Below teallst of the various grades, all of Which have been carefully selected, andean with confidence bo recoup mendodr __ ; •-30 half chests fine Young Hyson;, I 10 ; do .: do- : MoyunoYoungßysos; * •; > 10 do extra fine Moyone do; f . 100 • do • Superior do; . 15 do/. r extrafino. do; , 50 lAtqurod boxes extra Curious YoungHysOo; 25'fcalf chests fine Gunpowder; • 10 do -' extra fine da; • - I 5 • do do Moynne Imperial; . 20 do Superior do; . . -- ; ' ' 150 do TiceOolottg BloekTea; r -.. ;40 do • extra fine Oolong; • 1 30 do extra Cut ions do;. • SO. do .Superlatively strong and fragrant Oolong; 2Schoatsextraune English BrenkfratTea; - j O do Curious * • :do -do; i ALSO—Java and Bio Coffee, Lovcring’sGrusbed anJFu!* verisedSugars. - r .< . • ] ALSO-bS.OOO Principe- Sogora, trhichwni low. ■ - • •• ■ * A. JATNES, , f novllriiw 38 Fifth street, Pittsburgh.! ; TYPE AGENCY, j :7A. : JAYNESri-li;^^^i, NO. 3Q JISTO STREET, PITTSBURGH, ... j Agent for CoJafyftf&c.i OF PnaAOSX£B}A| . - ' j HAS ON HAND and for sale, the ftQowing>?-Bia«lJunl column.' GaUejs;. Common'Qalieys asEortcd, Slice GaUeys, Composing Sticks; ;aod ; peculiar springy play which is:so'agreeabto' to i dbo hhndi and which seems to suit the action of the mnsdesof thrf ' fingers; yielding, as it does, to the slightest pressure. With out cramping theh&nd. The efforts ofall Bteetpenmokera have been directed to the attainment of this essential quel* ity of flexibility, and they have bad recourse to an Idtvu merablo variety of nocks and piercings to attain .it. ] The inventors of the Patent Amalgam Penfbund* from_a series of experiments, that the whole practice eftho trade had in this reject been erroneous—th&tho. oomblnatio&i * f and “piercings’* could produce the desired cotton, if Vie'ordinary foroiof the tiedp&LWCTtadhered to. I This wtatbetog gained, they avoided tho plan hitherto adopted fur attaining: flexibility, and gave a peculiar form to tbe. metal; by : hlch they managed:tocomblne tpe “edisoTs” action Of the Ordinary steel pen wilh the agrceable floxflU ,'ity of the quill. The sbcohddfflcdlty to be Overcome was or loss magnitude, fat. rtttl of greatf.tupoctaucutotbp con« sumersof steel, pens.*;dSycryohelsawareoftia cumrslv'e - action of, the inh on the ordinary steel peni: Eyed with tbe greatest care, it speedily destroys tho delicately sifcooihsur r aeoorthe:psn.- 8o emious a drawback b thls’frcan the utility of the steel pen, that thoojapds..arQ'lhduced yi pdr* chase gold pens»atau enormbus <»sfc, althost exclualvcly hecflUße-ofthottnli-corrosiTeQuaUtyof thattoeUL.: The, Inventors havexemoved tide crril by tholrcbmpoximltoetal,' which possesses all the necessary .quali^es.ofsteel, vqdithr additional meritnf reslstiogf hacheniicat petion of the ink. Thesel&furtßleuimorethdntwtofrtimtftvngerQian Vie ■Sid thusraidering Vim-iteeheapfa*xt4ntro<&txd, .- For sale by - W.B.'HAVEN,BtoUoiicr.V • novl9- • ' , Market strret. corner of. Sepond;.'- ■Bridge over the Allegheny River, jnt. or ; ;'- r -' : [ .Vi-r^-K ■VrOTIOK IS HEREBY of the J\ Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, eotlUed“An Act to authorize theGorernar to JncoTpo-? rate a Company to erect a Bridge over the Allegheny Wveiv at or near Sharpaburg, Id Allegheny County,"-approved 13th of March, l&s3,and Supplement thereto, and Act* ex-' tending the time therein llmUed, Books vfll be opefitftby the under named Commissioners, to receive enbwriptiotw' Ibr the Btock of sold Company, at;the BT»CHARIfoB IIO TEL, in the City of Pittsburgh, outbo -SEvishIuSENTH • flay of DECEMBER, 1853, between thehottraoflQ o’clock,'A. M., and 4 o’clock, P. M; and should thawhole number of. shares not be" subscribed on that day, then and In tnatcasa, at the house of Mr.NEWPORT;in theßorougbof Sharpe* burgh, oh tho’ TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF THE SAME ; MONTH, between the same hours. • " . j • i . FhlUpMtller, ' Thomas Uggott,' i James Sharp, Gabriel Adam* j i Lewis C. J. Noble, . Thomas-Wallao* i Peter KUngousmlth, Malcolm Leech, 1 . [ JohnW. Duncan, - Harrison Pany,* ,• | • David Drenan, - Robert Chessman, . > Frauds Earns, ; ' Richard Ewalt, I - Duvidßoyd, Robert Wilson* l i ■ v JamtisJSflrshall, . . JameaH.'ftpClelland, Henry M’Gcary, “ 'ThomasPesrsoh, \ - Samea Blahqlyv -GrtfntMoirry, ; . i • Chari® Spang, ■ . . James O’ll.Dcuny, . William C. Denny, A Morton,' i i J. a Comstock, , Lemuel Sburtllft I F.A. Collier. > James Lewis, vi Pearl. Steam -Mill; CANAL BASINr ALLEQHENy Clirr, (HSAR tni BAItWID CTATIOJT.) wQl bo suppEt&wiih our various grades of I? FRESUQEOtJNBjPLOTJB, -' f : By leaving their orders at the Hill or inCrar boxesnt, ?y Logan, Wilson 4 Co., Wood atreet,of Beaan AlUdter,cor-_ ner Liberty and St; GTairßtroet«, PlttBbttfBJi, J : i ’ j ' . ' H. P. Bchwarts; 0r3..T: Batter * « Floor wlllbedeuveroitofamUiesinel&erefthatwoelUcs. : Thuis: CASH-on deHvery.' nr*^ • Jy2o * 1 "• - * •." •*•-.; iBRYAfobuRNNEDY AOO» ,• • •• iH Sal*,i : «••• jua • IN PBTEUS WASHINGTON COUN j*jn*fTT, PfiNNA.~Theunders!ghedwUbeBtpdlap©€eof viilnabls-.Parnvvituated in onebfthp most thri* Ting, fertileanddesirablefeeettofcs ofWashington county— In a neighborhood proverbial for tie good morals and inteb Ugenee, and sufficiently cohvetilentto goodznarketa,. This Land Ilea within two miles hf the proposed .junto fur : the Charticr* TaUey-Railroad, an improvement which will cor' talnly bemadedarlngiheeomiDg year. 'lt contains about W ACRES, more-or* tost of which tbero-ara about 110 ACRES CLEARED,and and finely improved. -rTheuholeored i&ad’aboahdsln goodTim* ber, and the wholela: abundantly supplied wiU>3aa3sr£3£ adiolnaleods of Will tom Park, Darnel Bell * and others. The Improvement? : /->•-tpatlfl • !I>ATKNT FECIT GATIiEUER—For picking fruit from iS. - tall trees Without theaid of. n Phuiinz Instru ments of the mart approved. Construction; Digging 'Fotljb.' auitahle: for! etrowbCTry Drill?; Cutting Bokes,'&r Hay,orCqijnStolks,-of various great variety of lahcr-AaVipg-ImplfinM'UV, for thA garden or : w i)uiridng’^ l ßan7' s . nod other standard works oa Fruits,-Flower*,^tmilArchltee Landscape OSxdgnlßg, for sale; at the Sudani Implement Warthbuse,No.4& Fifth street. **-' -• v-j • ? Jyg2’.’;* v ; ... ... >.;3AMSj'WABPItOP..v rsjfrt avWALL would notify hisSiends and the’publ%' v¥ ’ Q&tha has,removed his ctudla frbm Flmrfreet to uie.oqrtjei l of filarket and Edurthirtcret*,! over ti»store6fT7m.Bl< Hcrs£>' entrance onrourth street. At tKe-reqdeSt of his fidßid?,' he has ulao openal a DRAW* TNG SOBOOL; ClasMS for ydungTAdlcs wwVCenUeaei triU be formed in both Drawing Palutlng.' He befitted up a Room with every feeQlty fosr«ady; ana he trims? that hu enterprise will meet with a supporting patronage. «or22:tf ■ -> •'••• 4 *- ... V : ■ ,•* s >, $.7 to:,-■. J I V,' ** 4 •p .a- -U. - * y > tpoOßM cel*bt«®id ? fiir' : '^rf itfetajritegttestf - r> Ktothe.TOl)llclTrtilci.lb^r4o 1 < > ths I cntnDBti;tftiMtot»j ll |^ T irtue9ima^niJerfttic froikifiargQ J ' k ? A? frotivieDtleinßir ireTl'' - knotm la wJipf-tlieliliWsttcsMctalbdlty^ cmrfy ofthem «sWlngJnth^ty-,qt^iclraioatfrVft ; '* ,; - :"P. ItOtDENi.Efti.i of the ErifiiuungtJ Hotc!*'E!cfcDoW*- l% linovw otwjrfrhßrok »ys M bs&.femißQ IQOTeT & hnndml' *ctißQ& tii iiwxrljrall'the for.'whlch U ad-- * :c)J. vltbiilieinosfrwtOTijphlnfllyjpvxJ pmuHp. Up pAjs it !#• tbe extraoTdimry meflidiioßoliaß crer Been. r: ' t AGUE ANJ) hereby certify, " that for JEhree years Ihadt’AgUßahdPeTerof the' niortvib-'ov lentdescrlptton.; I hadsereraPPbyiiriiiijs, lo6k)orge' chllteta'fcver »ioce.>-.lc > C:B. r LUQB»‘J&b* oMuchmrnja, and for ■ teacy ye*rttothe ; Post OSlce, confidenCoin the' astonlßhlngofihacy of that be *v. baa bought upwards bf trhich f he bas sftoQ - tway totha afflicted.— Hr. Imekeayß be bos never known It jfaiU’wben.takenaeenrdlßjt todlrectiona. > J , DtvSITNQE, ftpTicUrfDi? FhyHldiQ,ahdfonijeriy ofthe r City Hotel, Jn the city bf Richmond, says he has witnessed * i In'a number of.lnstances tb? . effects of Cartons SpArfsb 1 Mixture, which were uvfo t truly surprising.-"'He says ina case 6f CoßffumptJon;dependeiit on, the Liver, the good Of* .- jfects were wonderful indeed; j SAMUEL M.tbKUJKBB. of the firm.of Drinker & Mori tehm«>rC^rfeT’espaoi»h r MLxturtv • ■* anumberof is a'perfbetcaro for tbatXiorjHbiiQ dlstase.' u ' t . WMjG*|lAßWOOX>,dfßlebinoTi(i:curodof Old Sores and disablHd.him from welMng. Took a few bot ttra Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to Walk i withouta'eruteh;in:a ehorrlimepteDonentte cured;-* PriDrfpnlDspot atM.’WARI'-CLOSE ACO.,mB3Maiden Lsue; New T6rk. -> Tiife.'UVOTr. A SONB, No.lfiS Nottfr2d ah, Philadelphia* hRENNHTT: A BEERS Nfr 125 Main street* Rlchmond«-Va. A&d for snlo by fi. A 'FAIINRBTOCE ArojrgiHts and Defers in MeiliHne eTOTywhero;’' ': . , • ■•,•• - .:• ;•• 1 . 1 - JHOBSB’S COfIIPOtJNP SYRUP OP YKI*- . e, .*>.*. -rLOW ROCK ROOT* millfl-lsapureJT table scientifically pro* . J xoot&azid. boroff of ibe'Hattria unrivalled ropntatidn’ forthe fo.lowtagt&ec&TlL: ‘ E EGUDAIING AND BXBENQTHENIKO TIQS.XTVEB, els, and thuicTndßgall BWouaßleeasea, Liter ■ Complaints. Dyspepsia, In digestion. ‘ Pflia£ : Headach&fFerrr nul Ague, JausdkaTHanseaijLftsff ofAppetite, Ae^iand caosiKgliiefoodtODOUrifihiandmippocteTerypart;'- ; poaieTOfa;tHp^Lqoi), and thus coring all nuttorß,.Cntancona Eruptions, Scrofa* la, Salt Bfaeum, Erysipelas, Scald Head, Canker, Plmplfes on the face, Blotchesi Dlcerß/TumorSj Mercuxiai Disease; Can* \ .BEQOTiATIHG THE BECIUSTOEY dEG’Alfflr ? and by tbcia to perßmn *heErproper, fahctlans, preventing and coring manypaiiifal-anddangerous dls- - < ali the < inthduttroof aa.Weakn ess, 1 General DebiUty, Irregularity*, Obstrtrctitfofl/.SnriUpg of > (the 'yeot, 'lAraM* Joints,- AcV causod by weakness 'algo, iuiqj and TbroatComplalnta^aa'Colds,-Conghst,Asthma, Cotwflmpti^’Ac4al»D,l>]rop^r^^; £ tic the Compound Syrup ot YeUpwDock Soot, prepared by {XMorse k Co^eitherourßcWes v orin onr families,and finding It tobo a very'Salutary prepftratfcnj' we do'ffioatcbeerfnllyrecominDml it to the pub* Be os aveiyvaluahleinedlcioo. p. ! & Bank,PrqridenecjlLl.; r’Ai X?. Spencer, ; Esq- Cashier Idmeßock Bank, do. do* Her. ‘WDUam Phillips, Bev. J. B. Biehmbn d, G, ■B. Jones,,editor . 1 Prtrjdencu Ueov AUrt, Wflltanr :SI. W. Cyrus rlisher, M.E^HJF^d'amesßutridnson;.• (L- &, Pea.’ V.'J« Bates, D&cfc B*’bjL C6ll>y, and <>ne iiundred •cthers’oftbe ; mostrespecfablcfomillesof Protidence,, - ' TWa ccrtlfleS that I hate lor anamber-ofyenrshean ao y ' quint citwilh thfruompoeiUon manufacture of Moitairs omrouND.srttUEiiK xELLowpocKSxxyc 1 bayo also l>een acquainted %i\hitß vxodui:optraudi\n ils* : r and.ciu aiy thatlhliUTVspecte it Is-admirably catour - lated to.-remedy that wbk:h It do* aignedf.-lt wofipfedally ralntiblr iuliNmOHSTlON'.and all Its attendant* symptoms,' itveirite to ; healthy action the XlYEKyromoves Totv •.: .■’ «a- Prepared byGHOESK*- CO* No, 446 Broadway. 'New -s ora, and soul by Druggists and others throughout this and other countries. JOEb&IOHLEBjAgent, apr27;ly . ' Pittsburgh. Pa. - CURATIVE INSTRUMENT, TteaXv. Infallible. Curt for tiuzt JWoasrtiiown at CtPRRMATOBfcHEA OR' INVOXTUNTARY NOCrTUENAL O JagflSlONSy*oham6singahadegtirretiTe, ; ttn*prodoc* Hire e£ so much mischief to thapervons system, IncapadU ttntfthemanforboflloesSjßbdety airimtrimroy. -; ?-•Thts^lnstrumehU ifi simple, - coinprohensiTßYand. never* failing, and.Vm&y'nbp withouj tHo fillghierf incen* -Tiralea»»-or friend. to injury ; ? wtateTW,.noi :firoln/ ! atteiadiog to >Wa tmsiitoSßi.aoa la u*ejrw* a dngte emto&«caß take Hob, tad tbflO^.oriethouamdcGncoiaitftntfoiQplfllnts.■■• :Hyi*i PioBtratlon > ,I)yßiB3pala,'-Pflta iQ tin. HeadanA/IrtiQtess, of- -^at^-VBwraiS^;^t2^^Bek:oa4 1 tovtteisttqpj^Jrttichxehthey \ - by tfaeprofegdotChfgeneral, ahdtfcat all the medicine in toe world her«bw>ahdbeVei\-wflJ, atop those losseajVMcb, if Eire sureto produwthemost.dlstaesjins; ' Thepticorf Uwfeomplotb seemed , agatosttdi obsarration la a box, i* onlyglfc -•’lteati be sent by express toany address, in anyjHUt ol.tbe Unlledfitates,; Gonaafti according to order, accompanied'by. foil dirce* UonB,&ndimporanV adriee to the married andr single, the to the remotest parta jef the country, being* Toyirifling. - All applications and remittances most be' directed (past* paid) to the poctor bimsalfj ho baring no Agendas establish ed botlh London and Paris. . _. - •. Address, (postpaid) Dr; B. Be Xaney, Xlspenard street, : New'York.'... *r. ' l ;' i ' ; -.--:--'; i ;- - \:-y .*. ■:'■■.■ i. dany,frotacO A*M.till 8P« U.,andfrom 7to ft Pill,, theS&bb&thexCopted. . / - v. ... %* The undersigned certify* wifchgrcat pleasure, that the above mentfened lnstruinent is not only constructed on sci entific principles,but that froth la usethebapplest results ronfidetiroi' beantldp&ted,th ere being, fbr the cure oftbose diseases, f» otter cierwn remedy extant HENRYB., CH. QOEIZE,- M. fid Chambers st, OvEOEHA&BT, toward sW t ;'NCT YORK, -.- *OEa.D the followJ.og utatement f:om respectable drug li sjats, of the surprirfhg v fleets of B. A. PAHKES* tocks veshifcsb>-*^ nary 13, 1860. - Uexsrt. B, A. lUKntxtfck <6 Co -^Oantiemen: Matthew* Clarfc, a man of, UhdoubttdTeraelty, ofths town of Lisbon, EL'l*wre&ce county; he has ,» little girl, four Veers oldtinwhom be gave three doses of B. A. Fahn fistockVTemlftaget'itt-three.succfasslye houw. In the af teraoon bf thettme-day flhe pajised at cinff time SEYEN TEEN, and at another NINETEEN ‘WOBMB.‘ About two o'clock ibefolloving night, she pawed theiocredible hum*; berof FIVE nUNLRE&AND TWENTY-ONE, making in aU &re hundred amJ.flfty-teTen, Inlwathan twelve hours* •time,/ Herald they.were perfectly asionirhed at such tv : mass of-worm* &om a child "of berage, and that he counted : them accurately. ‘ < \ Very tcrpeetftillyr ’ . • ' JENNEBA BANEALL, Druggists. SoUwfcolesaleand retail 17. all the principal druggists .and country merebahUlhrougnouf tbottfcitel States. Prepared an3 I wSIr■x ?: ■ v plbmino bro& 4 n BMJirJf~iOW 16*4n sitfni and for V3F sale.lqr r ; :[noml - k - gLEMIKQ BBQ 3. MAflGAfl£aiSOXU>ls— 3 tona ln eiow and for imte by ' pot2l : ? •• •••>•.;•• FLEMING BROS. TILY WHIXfr-30 gro. ** WelbereJl'S”Just receiTtrdand ’JLifiwcsalftby .‘ ; * .KLEUINO BHOS^ ■ Soccez&on iQ X Kidd & GO) 60 Wood *tre«t. TAPAN-VAItAH tf > ngill } SLNQLASd PLASTEIWW jardiy la .l yanl in .:6torfrand for enle by l (ootU) ...FLESflyg BROS.* fyQVHT an&'for’sate by .■•- . • < vTTCT'UiTINO—I» libis Sot. Baits by ■•■•■» W norll ' ’ . - FItEMINQ BROS. 'flfroLFE’S i AJtOMATIO. fcUtililDAM ; SOU* AFiU—OO ■VY floatin' Wolfed Aromatic fighptdfury grfm«*Tmw fr>y *9Bolesata or retell,.atr- V J ;y; y .\ l'-sx&Sß*.- Ub Wood gtrret» ■s ' " . • . : .. B..A.FAHSESTOCK4CO., y tterra y- - f -. v.-->v ‘c ; COT v Wbod'>adFt^street Ancrtan; . F&rsalflbr . -■•.fop?* ; , : B. A. JAHNfcSTOCK * Cq bblyfonrihtwl for Mie by xa Uftngwif Bifcv'- uus. la pjepsredrby ,* pwtlyicliemlctf process, and _L la warranted to tMtalicpen** It vben first iufid,batbj ejpoithe to the air bo* cornea gradually of a most intense anti permanent black. For m 19 bottfea pr yarion* star by wholesale or r jtalL at eepS ..' ' Stationary War 9 ttse>Markot street* corner of 2d. *’ * * .V f v ; :> ; V.',;-..- ' l|TltifptWW3 i. . '" V P < l*l* ** ni-nn.- DR. DE. LAKEY'S . CEtEBBATEB ■ed Womi ireUani English*-in, store and for sale - • ~:y£BS»HQ BB0& lotJufit received and for rale by • : - " FCgMIKO BROS. » superior quality, w store SLBMIXQ BROS. c-i/'S