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Xy ':: . ■ ’ I TOS.QIIT^FOST BATP&DAY MOENINQ::::::::NOYEUBER 2d Tax L&mu anjupAgo-The Norembar term oftheCrimi ttal C&urfoflluTlereounty, commenced To Butler, on tbo KtMfest Among'the trials, WasUial of Mrs.Lamparter,- whp to* Indicted es.aa ercefsoTywitfahar husband lh the murder. of Fergucop, is April lost* -The fecta elicited hr. thfixfcstliisoby were substantially the same as thope devel* opoOvtaftoe the Coroner's Inquest, andwhfch wore published inJulLntihe Jimiv It : did sot .appearthat the defendant had been cognisant of the intention of her husband to zaakoa deadly assault, or that she participated therein. Tha r JtrryyTdtW-an- absence, of a few minntes, tetdreed a ▼etdJct nt- not ;gniUy, and the defendant: was: disehsrgod,* after a noUe.proseqoi bad been entered by the District Attorn ney> cn tac indictment against the same defendant, for as' saultund battery -with intent to kill. : • -j The while.they wcr&in sesaloni the causes of the escape of Lampartcr from prison. In they soy that they hatfd examined. Into thdiaso of Csirpar Lamparter’s escape from the jail of Bat* lef county,,and opinion Arthur IPQIU is Entirely free Acmblame in from said Joi!.' We haTO come to this conclusion after aitcntirelr exuntofogkboattwen(y witnesses.” . ■■■■•■•.■ / TTwi|».BtA»is.C»coH OoG&x.-!-»Befoi« Honorable Thomas ■ Irwin j Associate Judge.' v A.rerdlct of $l,lOO Ibr pUlnUff, was srcndcrod In tie case of Myers TSyttels* . „ , %sgWpy9.Widkw? action of«jJeetment . No dcleneo was made, ; and.:ilheJoty intafned. a.wertifct; for thoiplainUft Hampton appeared for the plaintiffs m; , .•;; •.. .Mte* iLte cas© bad been: concluded, were dis* .charged from farther ntftndahcdoh the Cotirholi.business witbi u Tha£onrt;meata this muming, when:the argument list wilfbe token Up. The Jmaber-of-iugnmenta' to be heard ia largo. „ , UoAtr—Tho snog- boat Terror, Belonging to the gov-' nrqment,. which spent some l time last summer in removing theapogs from ibe-Ohlo river, above the FallMs now engav ■ged in tbegnme. work below Louisville. Wo learn from the Courier-that the Terror h*viogrcmov«! from theLouiarfUe harbor ail . snags, flat bouts,: Ac., obstructing'iba channels has passed over the falls to-commeueo operation*below.- Tins boat Is in chargsuf Capt'3ack Dllllfigbam,one of the cfldest “muggers” in the service—having been employed 25 years In the business. r to«salattentlon will, he gtrendo *haSalt River Eiach; ral UonteioB lslaDd Chuti,4Koof the worst points on lnanv«r. ! .'« ’.'; i-. I'-;.'.:--!,-- ■, Theatre last: night, was crowded by the friends ef the legitimate. The turfioutvcStoseftHaekett in bwgraat characterofTalstoff. Hotspur' S *riesPpster,und. the character of Prince Hah by Mr Xhocnilre box was oocupledbyladl&a and their 7 Day, there wero two performances at tbo.Thmro—cao in tbo afternoon, and the other In the cveping*.. The afternoon performance was attendcd moatlv the young people, and there was tr goodly number of wnm-prcsesL In tbe craning, the Theatre was jammed in «veTT:parU-Unc3e- Tom was the play; early in the day, in the drera ditle nad been engaged: * Mauoom Mrscran?.—- A n information was ma-to before Alth Thompson, of the Seventh Ward,, on Thanksgiving “day by William McLaughlin. In which ho charged Susan Smith alias Allen,.with malicious mischief. Samn, Mr, 3lcLanghUn stated, rerided for some time in one of his ten* sneats,'butrefaScd topayany rent; the tek collector was ■scnt-tomake asclxaro of her furniture to pay tlio taxes,' thereupon Sosan got tmgryaudamuseihfraeifbj breaking the windows, with a piece of a bedstead which she rescued from the dntchee of the officer, 'Susan agreeing to rwtabum the landlord.-for thw. damages done hv her to his property, she was discharged: ■ - v. • • •‘T--• _■ Isrrartjfo Knx.—Hobeft Aidlheucymailo an Information . herorei Aid. paridnson. a few days since,which caused the arrest yesterday of Eobcrt Ihinlap and bts wife, and J«fph Dunlap... Tboy ware accused by Mcllhenny, or assault-and battery with intent to kill,, committed .on him in Tndi«*m Jownshlp, .where Dunlaps; reside, on Wednesday. last H appear* that tho Donlaps had In their possession a sheep which Mcllhonoytlalmed as bls propcrty. On Wednesday; he went to Dunlop’s farm to get the sheep, bot Dunlap, his wife..«. place on tb* corner or Wood and Hfth atrerta, 00. Thursday night, in which o young man was bad ly hart, by being hit a suvere blow.wiih knueblert. • A par ty oforoung menatendingon the corner of tho street*, was ■tracked by.a gang, of ruffLins, undor tbo leadership of • well-known rowdy who resides on tho hill. A number of person* weromore or less injured, and one man so much so nat hi* recovery is said to be a matte rof doubt. We trust tho assailant* will-bo brought to justice. ToasKsoiTmo Dat passed off quietly, with tho exception or one or two street fights wo heard of—nothing out of the vuuoi way. In feet, tbo day was far more buiot, and there S pc f J *** to b° less drinking than usual oa holidays in tbl* city. wTbo places of amusement open were well patronised: tbo Churches were opeu in the morning, and there was ro iigious service In them. Tho day wai generally observed bSSSk 004 bosloeor mon » *boclosed their places A mass meeting was beldln the ths propriety if tho 'SUbKEhmrat of t BUjIIoI Pn.fas«o r . ,«hlp In tho Oollcso, at Moadtille. Adareraao 'waroaollTerol t»th« meottnff b, PiMidont Barker ami pru of tho CoOego. Iho procoedlnga of the tl^.? ; J ’ • c ssffr3w o i,J a^:??ic^F^ l ' ip Bvip.mmle an information' :ycstaxday beforo Aid. Parkinson, in whk-hha charced Geo: Newman With surety of the pecco. Newman was held to /ball. ..*, > . . .1 'Tbs sa<<9 of Groceriej.at D. Grier’s. No.; 255 Liberty street. be continued this morning, commencing at 10 o’clock. Ay P. M. Davis, anctionecr; • . * ’ lroupe.of Chlneio: Jugglcra Will lio In thla tily next week. ■ ■,■■■. At ths WnJ-ar.—Tho magnlflccntltcamcr Cryrial Talaco was at the wharf yesterday. •- Dwccx Tom will he repeated this evening. Rhoads A Sons* - "VTPW PATI2 NTA iIA LG AM. TUN.—>ThJ? important In- XI veation removes the two great obstacles to tho uni versal heo.of .tho Stool, pen, vistheir rigidlty, and their rapid destruction^by:.Um corrosive action of the ioki In xainutely examining the quill pen Ju the act of.wrlUog* Jt will be soeu that the actionxt compound consifiting.flrst, of a gentle yleldiog .backward action Immediately abOTc the sib of tho. tpcu * hwl, ..second, ; the- *• ’'or -! spreading opep of the points (o permit thoCowof tho Ink - This compound .zaovemeQtrrrWbich. ateol v pens hitherto sever hate had—gives to the quilUts ilexiblUty. and that spripgyplay whlch is so-agreeablo to tho hand* on£ which seems to suit the aetlon of the muscles of the fingersyielding, ns It.docf, to tho slightest pressnro, with*' out cratppipg vhthand. The cfiortsofall steel pen xnakera i have teen olrectcd to tho attalomcnt of this essential qual* 1 * ity of flexib!ff ty, and they have hod recourse to an innu- 1 merable variety-of cracks and piercings to attain 1L The 1 inventors of tho Patent Amalgam Pen found; Qroa A heziea I : / of experiments, that tho wholcproctlce ef tho trade hadin ' i thla mpcct beon emmoous—thnt no combination 6f I —* < crafilt? , *;and “piercings’* could produce the doFired action,- - if the ordinary form'of the sled pen were adhered tr This - point .avoided the plan hitherto adopted -tor attaining' flexibility,and gavo a peculiarlorm to.thu ; metalj by . hich. tbeymanaged to.combiQotho I . - action of the ordiahrystocl pen with tho ogrocablo flosibil -1 ity of tho qutlL“. The second dlfliculty to be overcomo was 1 \of less magnitude, but still of great importance to the con* j ramers of steal peas. Every ono is aware of the corrasito I action of the ink on the ordinary stool pen*- iSfen with the greatest core, it speedily destroysthe delicately smooth but toco of tho’pen., Bo ,sonous a drawback:!*ithii ftom the utility of tho steel pen, that thousands arc Induced to pur* ' chose goU-pens,atanonormou9.ooBV&lmosl;uxclu£lVQly becauEO uf tho' onri*oorrosirs quality uf tbit metal. Tha Inventors havo remoyedthis evil brthehreompoUnd motal, j which possesses all thonveessaryqnaUtiei of steel, wlthtbu iu3ditlonaTmeritofre«lstinglhDcbemlcalacUonbfthoiiik. TfuuFcnf vdlilastinorethan hsentytima V&atrtiidh thi \ FOTaaleby. :;r j v /W.-S. HAVEN,gtoUoher, I povlP . warket;gtreet,cortaerefgocfmd.- ] Tr\W£LLIAG .ttuDUKS ,*VR. KflN^rrA large Honsa on> l l fieco'tul street ..Also, a-largo -House on; - , T & £DTHBRRT A BON T Z nov2l . .i; r 1; rA.- ilW'ThiPietreet ' f 'UdXUßoilr^-10-'bblAr jmkvite ajpw.uml lor sate .by. 'X*./ •*- .*>.<(.•,'.•*..• .. -V'.'iu.’ • Successors, I&.,^.,jayjd_ A r ~, * COWood atroot. ]|pSr"H«AHlij»Burjg«on Dentist*—[Successor of trryG. W. Biddlp.^-NO.-144 gtalthfifeldpt. ■ ' . [my3qr- • Cotillion andßrasE S Mhora Sf’fvT: "“Mm cau.be bad ~by applying to Wm. Franz CryfllaJ Palace Baguerrean KoornsJ'- of tay2s:tf - R M. CARGO & CO.’S, Fourth street. o.:F.—Plaeaofm<*Ung,:WBshingtonHall, -Wood between Fifth efcrcgt pod Virgin alley, t PnfT9Bunosr Lodge, No. S3fe— Meets every Tuesdayevenlng. itoacmaa No. 67—Meet* first -and third Friday ofeach month- [mar2s-ly ITCMornsI Do*n«n ©ornaiil Agreat fcany per 1 IhSr boos aro droadfollr tormented “with corns. A certain •remedy will bo* found inDr.'Coircifs Coart Fusub, for gjilo by Dr. GEO. S; EEY6ER,I4O Wood street.' • ' : Fries, retail at 12}£and 25 cts. per box. «epB, I figEuLfborpl deductions to thoso who bay to roll again. Insurance Cottipaßy. of Pittsburgh.— n. DIKING, ProsiuentjSAM TSL L. MARSHALL, Secretary. , • • • ; OJfiat: 04. Water Strut, between Market and tVbcd*tTtct4 r v Insures HULL and CAnQOJilskß, on the Ohio and Missis* Mppi Blrers and tributaries. , . ‘lnsures against Loss or Bamago by Fire. ; ALSO—-Against the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Nayiga. wemahdTransportation. 1 •>•••.. " :..; . ~' w Pjaseroasr i 11. D. King, . Wm* Larimer, je.> •. William Bagaley,- , . BamnelAl. Bier, .. ....• Samuelßea,. ~ William Bingham, 1 ... Soberll)uni ap, j r., John 8. Dilworth, - ■ ; S. Harbaugk,: ; Francis Sellers, Edward Heaaleton,J, Schoonmaker. • Walter BryauW WilHam B, Hays. .• IsaacM.Pcnnock,> . xfoc22 RIWB IBStIRAROE i:OIIP4NYi at 810°,°oo. CUAB. : President— Hon. AUGUSTUS 0. HEIST ER. • : ; iSteretory—THOMAS H. WILLSON, Esq. * „ niEEcwns. •;. Hon. A. 0. Holster r - Samuel W. Hays. • , .:. William Robinson, Jr„ . - Thomas Gillespie, - 1 - -■ ■-r William F, Fahnestock,-John B*Oox, m •' ‘ • - . Harvev Bollman, ... -v-Jacob Peters, ; f. : - - r William Colder, Jr., •• , Jacob B.llaldennan, Aaron Bornhausrh. BUSSELL t OAKES, Agents, ■ • ' • - OffiCe. ln Lafayette Buildings, ie° (entrance on Wood street) rS»Scromia, It is dub to. KIBR’a ZVrouim to tnwv, say that U has been known to completely eradicate -every yartaga of this dreadful disease in less time than any other remedy, and at less costor lncontenienco to tho pa rant '.' ! ; ; The thousandsof certificates in the hands of thepronrie* ,tOr, many of which ore from well known citizens of tho city of Pittsburgh and Its immediate vicinity, go to show dearly andboyor- \M donbt,lhat Kiztfß'Pztuaixxm is a medicine ofnoootr. on value, not only na a local remody in ihmhc •afr, Rheumatism, Deafness, loss of Sight, but as a'valuable internal remedy, inviting , the-investigating physicians, ea well as the sufToring patient, to become acquainted with Its merits. Those having a dread of mixtures are assured that this ,m6didne!s purely natural, and la bottled a»U flows .thebosomoftheeartb. ' v ...V: . • ThefoUauHnacerlificate is copied from a paper published at flynxcute, X. K., and hears date August 2,1862, any kind of business, j and much of thottmo unable to walk and confined to my I bed, and have been treated nearly all the time by the best I fhyriclans our country aJTorda; I occasionally got some re lief, bat no cure, and continued togrow worse until Dr. Foot reeommendort me td try tho Petroleum, or Rock Oil, os eve rythlngelsa hadfaSled. I (lid so Without falth at first, but [the effect wasastonlshlti'gj'lt threw the poison to the surfece" I at onco, and I at onco bogim to grow better, and by n«*t, g i seven bottles Ihave got a cure worth thousands of dollar*. ' " M. BARKER. • mR y certify that I havobccn acquainted with Star's Petroleum, or Rock Oil, for more than a year, and have re peatedly witnessed its beneCcial |ii tho enre of indo wnt ulcers and other dfeeases for which U is recommended ; vpd can with confidence recommend It to be a medicine wor thy of attention, and can safely say that success has attend ed ite are where other medicine bad failed. D. Y. FOOT, M. X>. Vorwlw bv <» tho Druggists in Pittsburgh. Fau27rfl*w. Curtain Materials, and trt£y Cartain Trunmlngs of ovrry devrlption. Furniture Plnshes, Brocateltas, Ac-, Loco aud Muslin Curtain*. N, Y. Painted Window Shade*. OdtOomices, Cartain Pins. Bands. Ac., at who’esale and retail. W- U. C.4RRYB, No. 169 ChesnuUtroot corner Fifth, PhUadelnhia. Oartaina Made and Tremmodln the Very newest French fmortfcly yv?K Post Offleq Buildlnjm, Thlnl street, Id all kind* of weaGi«r, from BA.M.to 6 P. giving an ! accurate artistic and animate likeness, unlike and vastly su perior ta tho eoinmoncheapdaguerrcotypes.at tbftfollovipp ; cheap prices: $1,60, $2, $3, and to the sue and quality of ease or frame. ; Honrs for children, from 11 A. 3L to 2 P. M. N.B.—Likenesses ofeick or deceased persons taken In but part of tho city.. (nov2s:ly ! JTS»ABSOCIATED Firemen’s Insurance U>y Companpofthf CUy of PUtsbur«U J. K.MOORUKAD, I'roslicnt-ROBKRT nNNKV. Rwwurfr. Will Insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS of all lunds. Office: In Monongahela House, Nor. 124 and 12R Water street. 818 term:' J. K. Moorhead, W. J. Anderson* B. C. Sniryr.r, . I?«D, Slmpwtn. Wm. HI. Edgar, Wilkin* W. W. Dallas, Chirlca Kent, C. 11. Paulson, William Conigewood; A.P. Anahuts, dosenli Kkye. WilHnri Wilkinson. PHILADELPHIA CTTBTAIN WAEBHOUBB, [ 171 Chtslnut rf M oppntilt the Slate Haute. ! 1 • If, W. SaPFOTID, !■ KKEPScotwtaatly on hand Ummostextonfllvoand ■ TariedafisoriraoniorCartaJnsamlCurtaiaMateriftlalo bafeundlit the city, eomprtrintrln part of the fritowine ™ GOODS AND COVERINGS—aII Preach Loco Curtain* Window Shades, alt prices, . BnCt Holland*, all width./ rTCoehßroeMallcs,allwldihs, Gilt Cornice, ctctt style nod French Plusheft, • • price, “ , Bitln toinrs, ... QUt Certain Pins, ■ * Isimpas, ....... ~ , •• . Bands,. • - Bating, .... CordsandTassels,s. Damask Linens, Gimps, oil prices, r** ■ . Caabmeretto, . Loop* * . Plain Turkey Red, Fringes, Picture Tassels and Cords, . Rlnincfiiik* . . Bhado Towels and Brasse* ’ Kook*Ring* Brackets, Ac, - A full assortment of the -above goods constantly- for sole, wholesale or retail, . fmarMy—uf.m,tu Pearl Steam Mill: CANAL BASIN, ALLEGHENY OITT, (HEia «DB EAILBOAD ; • -pAJIIUES grade of BrloaTlnc tfidrOrdPCTflt the Mill or in our boxes at • ?? H"°® * > street,or Broun A Reitcr.cor oor Liberty and St. Qair streets Pittsburgh. g* p - Schjrartz, ” XT. Sample, Druggists, AHrglicny. • Flour vijl bo delivered to fammeslQclthcrofLhotvrodUe*. Tans: CASH oo delivery. Jj29 • ...... ' BRYAN, KENNEDY A CO. boxes |or *&Io by ■ ,w Pg KINO t MOOWIEAD. S ; tiU&U£&~-lb gross, .gJofs, -metallic caps,'assorted. in store and for sale by (novll) FLE.MfNO BROS. sniLSOR’S PATEKT Altt WAKEIISB ; AHD V2HTILATIIHJ FUEITACE. : fl'Hß.Subscribers offer for 1 the consideration' of the public i-uL the above named FOItNACE, designed for Warmiog i and "Sent Hating Buildings, combining In itself all thodefi* ruble qualities required in a perCwtlleatlngApparotus, In* i -suriog • personal comfort, without any of tho disagreeable i aensatioxui orsources of nnnoyancosa common in heating t arrangements. >While tho occupants of a room or btiildlog | experience nil the comfort arising from a warm summer at* I moaphere, they also inbale pure Waiving and health* mxstaining air, not comamiDatrd by &ing derlvodfrom i damp, unhealthy sources, or Its power to saMaln life beinsr by.comlngln contact with an over-honted surface. • These results are produced, Jo part,-hr constructing the fomacw In such a manner that the heat fardiffusod nt a low er tempo ratare than is usual with:ony other Furnace now known to the public. In produrtng this result, another ob ject of great iranortaneo is obtained .on- tho score of econo m7?.the .boat-absoTblng na well ns radiating surfimeiseo great that the heat is almost entirely abstioclod from tho gasrebeforo tfcoy arc driven ofT into iho chimney, thereby greatly reducing the consumption of fuel. Thu fuol cham ber is »o lined with soapstone and fire-brick that tho fuel cammt cpmo In contact with tho iron, preventing tbo orer heating of the .air, and destruction- or -Injury to the< Furnace. • - 'The joints of the Furnace are socopstrueted ns to aflbrd I J? 610 fcr ma “*°B » light sand and ; clay. joint, prerimtiDff [ thaeacapo of noxious and sooty gwes Into the Worn; so an t noytng to the occupants, and so Injurious to the health and furniture. ** Wannpfl U takeu.dlrecily.from tho oatrido or the bulldiog in oil coses, thus Insuring a supply of Dure wholesome air for breathing, andtUo othor Important tone.' tlops required by thohuman system—tho oxygen Is not af. ■ Jefitoa, nor the organic matter in tha t olr carboplzaj.by com* Jpit io contact*with , .au'‘.orcr-bt!atfid BurfttCo, as with other furnaces, tuod headaches atad otbpr dlfiagrocahle pcnFotloni ore- presented by. this means—and la consequence of the worm air not mahlng too largd demands upon tbo lunra ■SSllS^K^^5 of the skin, ( to supply tho mofisturo lo t rt * n Passing over a red hot surface. In Q!te to called 10 tho certificates of Pro* IS Yo, ° OriletP. Sow .Omen, «na to thooo “‘I 05 ■ly'Wf■'ThoJilTo exnmthod this '.J *” a “?’T<«rf; N ' ,wYork ‘' l ‘h'!l>i Silver Modal at > ' noyftdiiml - Agents ftr TTcamn Va. ■r■ •- ' -JL Dell ?? tfn i Dwolllll e Honso, •: . • TJne*r every convenience to honsc-Vccning-onthn* ll '"”" !«“>“*■« ? 5? 1 -rooms, Sc, end the gas brought to the street this fill. Mntcnd *> remove from the City on the Ist ot November, •trben possajionsriil bo given. Bent S22J ' Apply; to Messrs JBm: Harper or Mdrrlson -Wdorwood ntthodlonlfof Pittsbnreb,orto the anderfimcd7 laojs A2U> YOUTUH’-CADP,' KIPANIi THICK BOOTS? . Jtr-afoD assortment at reasonable prices. tej •- D. STHAtWABIV— | _ o ™rablo effect upon tho market and prices advanced, -with anincreSeing toostoKV OTOKwn^rl?^?, 0 / ® b , hlB at «.' S :M do. i5,G2. ° r 100 ***** « “ 4resoli at Et iIM .; 25 bags at 12}£; 18 do. at 13,4 months. nurkot la very dull and prlcos declln iSsntl?,a?a@3l, U ® l! CBbbb,io lota - *» the cheSrfao 'fatisj* a - 69 &r WorlDr > nnd S l * 7o for HOpk—Btlea of 15 bend at s3pso@4. or 150 bbto at $1,85@3. - of. 6000 Bolivar at $25. WniSKTO-Sales ofQ5 bbls at 23. HAY.—Sales Of 20 loads at slo@is. toc <>untry at 5?£... ? METALa-Sales reported of 300 ions Washington at 545, 0 monthß,.dellTerod here to go to Pomeroy, buyer to pay all charges of conreyanoe to'Pomeroy. ■ BUOOMS—SaIes of 320 doxen at JI,K). POST OF KIiaBUBOH. ' tg-im WATtz u rat cmmm.' . akSuyeE Steamer; Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville, hnsome, Bennett, Brownsvillo. “••• Thomas Shrlver, Bailey, West Newton “ : • “ Crystal Palace, Kountz; Louisville.- *'*fc BackOyofilate,Weaver, Bt.'Bohls' - ; “ • Bloroal, Sheppard, Wheeling. « Exchange, McCollum, Wheeling: “ Adella, Oaltohcr, Marietta. * : , “ Admiral,Stockdale, St. Louis. .. . «... Twin City; M’Kelry; Cincinnati. ‘ Financier, Vsudergrift, Cincinnatl . DEPARTED. . Jsfferson, Parkinson, Brownsville: - « Luzerne, Bennett, Brownsville. , • Thomas ShHvor, Bailey, West Newton. - ' Gon. Bayard. Peebles, Elizabeth. “ Yorktown, Woodward, St. Louis ° - Diurnal, Sheppard, Wheeling. • t*- ‘ <3aladonla, Calhoun; ClodrmalL . ; Golden State, Calhoun, St- Louls- “ -Allegheny, SPLoan, Louisville. " Ban Converse, Pierce, Zanesville. '■ Exchange, McCallum, Wheeling. StCfimlUoati, Atopy! ■ i (Ctr* Ti!E subscribers tender their cebnotr-rne LBUSftgdpiedjtinenta ftr the Atom bestowed uponttL by their Steamboat fclonds. atodlfilS} .aopld respectfully remind them and others interest-'Y* cd In building; bouts, that they am at all times prepared to furnish, on tbp most reasonable tones, erory description of Cabin Fnrnlturo snd Citalrs of the bps* material and worfe n>“DiWP' T. B. YOUNO 4 oo„ Corner Third and Bmlthdold streets. opposite *» Browns Hotel ” T- „„ fkal ISftate for Sale. N v D WARBIIOVBK, situate on Wood street, ■ HUsbandi, between Fifth street end Virgin niter, oe eopltdlately by M’Cully 4 Co. u » Glass WoSuVe/’ _AUSU--A ul op the Manoogaheln rlircr, fa tho Eighth S'»— aboye tho Bolling Mill of Miller, f r‘ ?! » tau * 110 fect mi “to riser .■ A l ifO~ A . l^' ln Allegheny City, on Bank lane, oecnplcd dt Herton ft CrisvcU as A Cottoo Batting Factory. A *° JOSEPn KNOX. nnySlmmgS Attorney at Law. 71 Grant street Bridge over Allegheny River, at or near Shtrpihnrgi GIVEN* That la purroanco of tho tho Commonwealth or Pcnnsylta £2s S n AL l "* A °' ,o “Iborlse tho Gorernor to incorpo, rata a Company to erect a Bridge orer the Allegheny Birer 13tho? Allegheny County,” opprored ~°L ??‘"J’* ood Supplement thoreto, and Acts as »Umo therein limited, Bocks Will be opened by *? n0T1,, « *nh«rlpUow kit tH saU ComMny, at tho ST. CHARI.* 8 HO H? [ hB BEVF.MEENTII M 7 r„TT^T B^ I H, I^i 3 ’ between tho horns or lOo’rlnrli, A. , ' »ml < 0 clock, P. M; and ehonld tbo whole uumher of share* not he ouiiscritw] oq tbatdar. then and In (fiat i*nM iniSh bo t? 1 ?» Or t>ollT * * n tha trough of Sharps I ®WJ®iTY*FOITUTII DAY SIIIE MONTH* between tho aame hour*. .Hrtijp MtH« # ; •• TbcmaaXtett, j Oehrlel A.j?mv- ; LewUC. J. Nob)<* t • ; Tbotoaa Kiilla«»'• /. je^rw ll s?" Malcolm Iwl“’ Johrr W. Duncan, &&■■■ Harrison Parry. r"‘H > S m,0 > " ■ . Robert Chresmao, ■ nJS£ l Ji K . n “' Blehanl Ewalt, M yd V _ " ' Robert Wilson, iSSS “ Jame* !L McClelland, I HfSXTm.S®?!* Tbornan PcarfOD, fioniw* BJatcly, Grant Mowry, I tviVf** James o*ll. Denny, | V »»•“ C . ***»?> A* Morton. * I r a , n # »f toek » Umuel ShnrUiff, - A. Collier, Jurat* fowl*. fattl? I SELLING) OFF I „i®f R f E .TSAT_ GREAT BARGAINS I [ r I , Ul> undcnigud h»Tlnit rodoced *hn price* or Ihrlr new, i JL Iww lud voll relofted yfoclc of CAltl*KTTvnn nn l.ffloips. DRCQOETB, BOOT. MATA, MAWWO in ' now 0l Tt o to W?™* ' rUhl! >S «<» PDrtJiaso, ’ llio cnUro Block, containing orcr 25-000 yard* or ail Wrnta of Carpeting*, lias been mluced from 10 to £5 per Persons about furohhing Unto!*, Steamboat*, or Dwell- to call before purchasing elsewhere na the loom for otter good*. C. U. liEAIILY 4 CO. 00,15 No. S 2 Thinl *t rpUKPJSNTIIiE—ai libli In «cre »nil f.ir »nli‘lij 1 ? 0T . 21 . . . FI.BSHKG BROi LINfiKKU OJL—li tblg iu «toru iuuTfarmle'bY _ VLEMINU KNiriAN liED~-23 bbls, bullish, in store ana for site . fno>2ll FLEMiNO DUOS. bT 3 1 »^W-l. • I- 80halfcbeyt^fJndYiwnyHironj "I? do . jdo UojuDo roaoffHrfoat 10 : do. . extra flue Moyano do:* • 100 do {Superior do; 15 do extra Coo dn; 60 Lacqarod boxes extra Curious Young Uysou; 26 half chestsfiooGunpowder; 10 do; extra flow do; 6 do do * Moyuno Imperial; 20 do Superior do; - 160 : do •, FlooOotoog Blcck Tea; - 40 do extftflßeOoloaff; • -S0 do extra Curious do; >, JstttMr 1 Oolongi • 6 do OuSrious do ' do: ALSO—Java and JUo Coffee, LoTcriog’s Crushed and Pul* voroedSogars. . • ALSO —S3,OOO Prindpo Scgars r which will be roM tct? «**i • •? ■ ‘ A. JAYNES, IVOftto&w., 33 Fiah stfbct, Pittsburgh. W BJV IUXJIIB.—TUo, Curium urn Bullon; by Adrian uIIROIL LonU XVII.J fai«Sufferings, his Death; by A. Do Bcstjcfiosno. * -Mr. BaUierfbrdV Children; by tbo author or the Wide. i> la* World. - . - . . . .' of the Insurrection la China; by Hr. Gallery and - The Homoaof tho Now World—lmpreialans of America; by Froderlka Bremer. • ’ ”Llfo In the Mission, tho Camp, and the Zenana; or Six Years In India*. By Mrs. Colin Mackenzie, The Conflict of - Ages, or tho Great Dobeto on tho Moral Relations of God and Man; by Edward Becchur,D, D. Men and Things In Europe; by Klrwan. £°f* H and 12 of tho N. York Crystal Palaeo Exhibition. i ■ « c ‘«n Mnlgrate, or Jesuit Executorship—being Passages from tho Life of & Secedor from Romanism. • »' or the Secret Enemy; a Talc of tbo •lytffnundcß. By Samuel author of GrllTcr AJilarmsaU ■ for saleai W A. OILDENFENNEy A CO’tt, ,npy **. • . - . .70 Fourth streot. TtfXW MUSlC—Rosebush Schottlseh—to thoMlssos Jen- X\ ole. Anna, 4c. , llotty Boberta ; byN: Slodlo. ■ . J^oohShtQulctstoj)—dedicated to Mlsa IlattieX; White, by Os cledlOt fot Bchottischf.Bodlsoo; oleganlly Illustrated. MaypoloßchotUsch; • "-v • Kiss • dd«: • -Harris, Sea Shell Walts; BlumtaL Kata's Cry: Como buy my Hot Corn. ' .OldDogTray; Poster. • ™ ; . T . Rival Bchattlsch; Brown. Katy‘Bid-Polka ;• Jullen.-- - ’ •Trima Donna Waldos ; Julian. • .- Woodland Whbpere; Jaell. > - i<'< ' ; ' ‘ '' JuluisourßAriingePride; Sanford. Mjly »“1» Boos, Schotttscb, Walti, Variations, and Pop gooo the new dance. l , Tho above Just received by Adams A Co.'s Express; to gether with a largo solectionof popular and standaVd Music, v ,. : JOHN IL MEBLOB; . Music received weekly; f* C fcoyB'f t> : "SITY» PROPERTY FOR BAUi-Siiuatad on THlKBst, V/ on bccommodatlngjterms—THßEE BRICK HOUSED .No.-129—A Two Story Houbo of three rooms,-with a Store Eooin, and excellent bake oven, No. 131—A Two Story' House of four rooms, a Hall and Stare Boom, finished At lie and good Cellar; also, a back Building, suitable for aDweft lug . House, No,' 123—A.Tbroe Story Houso, flnlahed ln lapdenij stylo; elpvenißooas, wßh.n Stare Room, a Hall, .gas fixtures; bath room L 4c.vXhe .Lot la SO feet front CUTHBEBT A SON. * otlc 140 Third street, « SCOTIA’S BARBS.—**;Tho throne and sceptre of sfugUtid • :>ilL crumblo Into dusV like thoao of Scotland! and ‘Windsor Casttoaod/Wcstmlnater Abbey will Ho in ruins bB desolate os those of Scone and Jona, before the lords ofiScottlsh,song, wfllceaso foreign is thO hcartaof men.”—EDWAabßvxaxTT.-/ > . i :• ■A Splendid volume. For sale by • - JOHN S. DAVISON,* 4 • novlO; ' 1.08 Market street; near 4th st. »■ *■ t Watches and Jewelry, : . TTOOD ,1s : now offering fine - Watches and > Jewelry at lnducements than eTtay being determined to soil low*b than any other establishmentin tbo West. He -.J»Titn ! attemtotr'to his stock, feeling ■ tetbjed that we can satisfy the-public of tho ebote fact!' • All Goods sold at thlsnßtablUhment.tfill representedattluctlmeof*ale.>-. JostrecdTCd,«.large and fin*. lot of ABBATa *FOON3 - and F9BKS,snpedor£>apy.oibQr ware la~ase; ■*' wJ • . . r WatehTOkda»'*awenaBatany«stah!lsbment : .Is the pifltod fttatnyand warranted; street, jnttflborgh. P - novlr •' r‘ ; if' ,} ']jj i, V- • 'I ' By, tlio O’Beilly Linoa for thß'JHorning Post< LATEST FROM EUROPE. THE WAS IS ACTHAUY. BEGUN!. OHE WEEK LAXEB FBOM EUBOPE. ihß BlTlrai4t 1 ll4p - M - and k The overlap mall brings tbe Important report that the jaar has formed an alUamw-nlih Dost Mahomet to proclaim British gerernmom Ji^m 1 SX r JtS o 2‘ S n ? b ? ltin ,V l 0 o,: P rej * 1 5'.contradict the • •‘“fenenta that Persia ia hostile to Turkov. •.Vf r «S??8! hl !. oU< i? points of the controversy, he’ Ti° rl 5 e r enrolled In the ranks or her army tee Beroluttanlstai of all conntrie»,haa oommenced hostilities Provoked to combat, has noothor means left than to hare recourse toanna, -to compel the “ n 4 *<>,obtain reparatfoa for most moderate de-' mand in behalf of the orthodox faith In tho east; Ac. It la dated Barskot, 3d November. ’ ■ •“f*'™ «t2smw2S,w tf S^? 60 ’ at Bucharest, tolographod on the Otn November, as follows i “On the 2d' ana 3d'the Turks CTossMtheDan’Qbe/ftomOortnksi, withlS.OOOstronz. The AfterHbrlflkih nonado endjabayonet combat, the Turks maintained their positions* combat lasted throo, honnC Theßusslans "prfratfis Ttero kllJ od, with 0 g tt . &htS^not^S“ d4r9 Wm mttEM " Th 9 Bl >cliare«t. Bcfbre the a body of Cosaacka came to the ™?w£ k .?'V i “ad o algos taffultingto.the Egyptians, who ruflhcsd to their boats and; rowßd-aeross in tbo feco of the Cossacks. Tfcoflre punished dbem well and chased them in h>nd. Theyrotnrnodtotho camp In triumph oeenserorol other movements of tho Turks' d.st^ t ,t T Hir^m TUm ' ,rc4 B,eam " ™» state that Seilh Pacha crossed wllen 0 BaWeehaned; In which n2°° , o ff ß 9* s * < i4._ Both orm,os fell back as night' came nn I ?o t n hB 4IiS , °A b:^H. 0 ff 0 BuJßians were detested. Boy, ®» flfllccr of Sellni rachaSistaut-Wlth a email forco,wero suddenlrattaeked Soflsiaa (&Talry., Bey fell bach fighting to* trardsthcmaln bodyoftheTurkUh army. The tattle 5P^W >CCam ! J 16,000. Rxmltu, were After a desperate contest* the Russians were defeated, fled w ? o “4beaten hick toßocha* nndW ® on * Benenborg of }*V- beaten the Busslans In Asia. The Turk- Uh left wing in Europe has beaten the Rtisdon riabt com. WQOB,osattsutTMt | iqtt | > and are now pressing upon pS. u^^S&^T"^^” dtS6 * 0 “>« 00 *»"* 10 r»@l08 to tho Russian ranks; it has reduced tbe fighting men 10 85,000. It w«l be six weeks arrWe. -rfe? decided, that foreign refagecs shall not be' employed in Europe, but may .Ber7»ih-As&. Constantinople was quiet, ' o^ n C .lff 5 ?,?, o'* 0 '* “Spiassd waa order©! tobe ready for Hth. Its destination is unknown. -• to 010 0! Mayor’a™nqueto Dla speech was me«ly complimentary to the Earl of Ahefdwh fm2^^ n 2. t 0 h * known peace policy, but said It wasnot engago In war to prevent great evila. Other who were la attendance made no political -oUn In«/n«r? Wnet Con ? cilwas 1“U on tho receipt of the »»»fhrorahle to wheat aoirW JR . tho t,la J of tbs complin tors In tbs Opera plot, the oridence »a clour or n plot to mauulnito Nnpolcon ■ The metnl fcundrlea of Franco ora rtrooglj urging the OO ™ sih tbo'serahn-ftoa. Sill. Servian govmnaat has ordered the population to arm themselves, and Inform the Poitothat neither Tut. key nor Austria will he permitted to occupy Serrto. Turkey •h&EKSS? ih* Kasdan. fSamip^ngtS "“•‘•‘ronghthe portof Cattaro. ““■**•*■ i ! 5 e Itovkam* hare bom* ncrmed> ' ArM PMcbft *»d hoen- named-as Sli ulster of is Sh pramptlT’ mSW ” S EOTt ’ «®7 ,il l^r^'i 1 i o V laher Jo*« osenlnp—The;followlug enndi. lion talmtjte.l upon by Omar IVrelm, 1,1 „ nets to Gorl £,Yra,°iL;i.‘, A ‘ ■ b , oU " ln th « PrlndpalUiraarato PrfS!Sl?m ,e y complete eaacttallon of tbs Wndpalitlea n* spmlliy a* po-*lbJe. and a guotomec on ibe I, '° ,ia,aU of ,h 0 «Pto«w». It to freely reported tha 12.VW French troops would be sml to Turkey; batthat tho orders would not lii giren un ot toStoopL “ dL * I, “ tehM fronl Uro - European Oarketsi lUnsi?3.~CoUoo~Thi> sales of thf»w».fc » a «v B.’pmfnn'' f^ orl 7 ,ul “Hdlltßr «: loir qualiuS f r**' r ," ™> »l«ul»ibn Wflu Inlci *aport SMllnp“ d ** 5° f “ ' ’ rtlto. erpecioll/for junS^^SSfidfe—^ sc,: 01lias5j - ■<*">> : Consols Ms£, lUvm l Ol'to.tM »wtCT, Xorem W 11 ifc-Tlie f ales of the »«t wire .• Brcadaluffa..:Flour and Wheat unchanged. lJt»h AU ?r It “ rrl ’? , '," H "‘I '-Vlock.ootha morning of ■nSJOPI. J t r . 'T'T * *”*>>*** fardrable cduct ou the i Dj»C>4. tmd'i.lnir uh,,: fur upUuij* ; tnLiUlin? 5V A«upplemeistaMe*7.atchdatedUTfif^wi.^nveihho?a)ih Moo^1 k £a! ta!C3 tbottlw ““•krtvJpfttl'-ftcwly, with safes I t,,,* Ta- ® mwu * i*hlptt i jquQtA TviiHiv’trbcatat 1Q» Mt mi 0*10.13104 3,1. WiMii'Vfitrreau?i^w?S«£; ; annl 3ft* &J: PWihdalr-kH nn l Baltimore 5* f (3.37ji; whit<*4fl. ; - V. • v uo °f jata ofttift wevk were mXMtmxkv Unit '■■ Lard . pcwrly j»u|)pU«J, - liav* declined 3a. a abada lower, but uu*tcady. large hu«lai;ir dote? at an advance of price*;. tba galea nf the week were 4000 doTns ” ''" o * lM *'>' imi£!tort M “ dTim tro!alndU •“! A»otablo for export tradeoa unfavorable. Loxnos, November 11.—BresdrtuITr...Tha market onened at ,h * ? < 2! 5 "' tm ‘ GGr@72s white 80s. ; canal ";©3B.< Gd; Ohio 38jiSM(fi Cbra.-market Arm. 3ba«.prlccs advanced under tba In* fiuecro of thenewsfrom China* hr tho overland mall* com monCongon 13a. Rlcc...laacUye J dcmaml;td»anMd'Sm @od. Co Cco...prices a shade higher. n “ u ; 0 3d !n United Slates end n United Slates eixesoriSM,] 10U® 111!? «rS 8 ? W 18 ,®> '.ISM,IO9J& fives9B®?? f yifjdnla bonds markst unchanged. Gmsols, money and account ' or*ifsS 0 ° rtlT ° 1 h f tlj 6 cl 1 ppers Scam an^br'Me'aridX'nlon, of Baltimore, wo hare dates from"Rfo to the 17tb October Octob* 8 10 Montoreldo to tho'4tb a’ Kobort 0. Pchcncko lato Minister to Brazil,caW paasen gcr in tba Union. Ho proceed sto Washington aa«s, to report roiatire to n treaty eonclnded, Roeuribe the tarffts tD tJ ° f bernso navl P ßtioa of La Plata ond-ita tril u : Mr &henck took leave of tho Emperor, and. Mr. Troua aa.e, the new Miuister, was presented on the BUi October Senor Leal, the Braifllan Charge to Pahscnhv. arriv«d at £j°° n l 3 off by the President of Paraguay, on account of alleged !nsulUogre» znarka about him. The course of tho BrazSlangovemmSE in regard to the mattori* unknown. " we Irnm that a-Cdn stUnUpnal Congress of the other thirteen provinces, ezcln* LlJui 81111 stands ont clone, Isstlll in “C C ',PI mt^Uoa of D «l»fc» . It la probable that the. Congress or tUrtoen provinces have qnanimousjv approved of the treaties with the United tstnicsi made by Urqpiza. Theteftt of the Confederation boa been established for lhe present nt Parana; • . ; " ■ * Montevoido remains quiet.- The deposed PrwMont still remalnedln the harbor, oh board a French mah-of war; • At Rio, tho fever'had entirely disappeared, and tho health Pf th.° placo ia good.- Coffee instill high. : •*•«: 1. ''v' r ‘ ; PinuijßLPniA, Novembot2/>/ .Thanksgiving Day was gonorally observed iti WashlnV ton, Baltimore and Philadelphia; business being suspend ed; churches open, Ao. Tho papora: mostly Issued extras with tbo European news. ‘ Tho Prealdent haaso nearly rocoversd ost tohe out twiay. niamoasago is nearly completed, and will be »ufe In advance to tho-distant newspapers; oil rumors to' the contrary oro unfounded. - -: . • . , ' CnzcnrjrATt, November 25, The Printers struck this morning. The proprietors of the morning papers are willing to pay the full price, but they-refuse to have anything to do with thocombfnatlon. m . i.\* «_ ... . NETr YonKjNovmber2s. Tho packet ship Constellation arrived at quarantine from Liverpool. Ono hundred deaths occurred on her nassairoi. and twenty are still sick. ' *r~.P r - • Boston, November 125. ' OtUIl. Weed, iwdcaler, failed ftr $30,000 to S7&000 Ho -Is araent in Australia* . • • ; > * - \ N*W YoStt, Novetnbor 25. .The Washington arrived at. Now York, hut tho Canada anticipates her news. _ TKLEGEAPHHABKETS, - •- • •;. f l . " . .-'V. tj<- ■ . : ‘ N’sw Yoflz, KoTcnbcr ‘2j. . Stock, dull, with a dodlolng tendency., Honor motk t nnchMgod In irrcTj-mpcct. Cotton Ann. - HanrJ.Solos 2330bblsi pr]cogednmced undertheatonmeifo noon-Enle.* r K;ooobblsStot«ot£a,e7@T,o6;Oiloftse@r,Oß; Sootherm morlsotBnn, 1 Bales 200 bWe at $7,12®?,25. Qtain._lVhoat Jboa adranced under the Influence of tho atoaiher’s noire i , Con«o«:st,Ts@li6o! Bales irhltb gbuthoihrat ShStj Ohto' : Cora...Prtccs odranced under the BfSmer’s poire; mixed 70®8O; t*hltbBO@BlJsrjtcllblTßl®S3. 'Whls. ‘ttouSatertlSMO «aUoa»ot paces aßhade lowerisalcs obo' 'bblfOhlo and rir&on at Protlslbnß'.«Torko. ahado lower; salessoo hbla mesa at,st£7s®H:'Prim.ill Beef unchanged ; snlos6oo bbl» prime at£s®s 02. Xard-iittleesatiirer; sales 250 bHi at s%•'" ■; ... ■< Philadelphia,Noremher 2s. Flour—Ultle inqnlry for shipment, end tho only soles re ported is a lotof 300 bbls i common brand at 48,02;' mast holders arc now Arm nt 48,767/Bjar.*aefbtad:il*a&Tot sumptionnMbrmeruuotallons. Broßomrand COrnMeid „nqtblngdolng. - Wheat—less ocUve; ‘prices .unchanged 1 Bales 7000 hns at '41,48@1,50. for good arui prime Southern nod Ponpa. red, and4l,<» fbr.whUn; nofhrtEerealiar Ere. CorhiidnlU oOW yellow !77; now. totld!ng uptrord p lUolo^f®TlJ.J oh tide. ■Whlskr...ilemand limlD cd; Inbblfl 27©2i0 u,L;.o£j : : ZuW'i I : fts-icr;Osate(aSsfrcnonbet;2s; v/ ■ 'Tho* river has fallen n Inches.- Hour sold toihe extent uf 4000 bbls at . d Salea SO hogsat: 44,26, which Is the current rate lots on the spot; not : maoyofferiDg,but^i^^^yUeqpal^tothQdec]and; ~ V t „ c _ ARRIVAL OP THE CANADA. FBOM BRAZIL AUCTION SALES. . TAaiK3 .iTEENNA, Auctioneer and. Commission-, Mer- J/. chanfc,T*o.Wood fitreet,near the.corner/ Goods, ClothingjOrowries, (flaaswart/ SSiLv fl ®cop4 hand rPundtuw,:eacb: day-at. Iff ii&dJ2< gaslight, esych“pieaing,V?atches god rT tvfl f general assortment of .every ; description of Dry Goods. Befer to tho principalinerchaDta. • '.. fob9 v a m*u -» Anction—DaUy Baiey. ■ \ vjr? commercial Sales Rooms, comer of Wood and h~,a. «... :' ' .V'.'-.'i: 8 : a ?SS d f \ : JAMES McKENIfA, Auctioneer. H^.IMSJEWND .BANDMOLD AND SILVER A ’ At!tJ n° s —T6l* «r«rinK, Saturday, No au^SSS- «“>y ®« light, »U 1 tie sold iNBWuUmr. w'KsJ aßonas ’ ‘lM.ofiiiiegoM.Atid «U»ffir3eTer«ia dthir £om«ofTThkl» are second hand. - .;• noff2o . ,-: .. JAMES iP T OF FXNCI' AND STAPLE DBT OOERIES, STOrES. cb., at Auction.— jglftggwr w£,'MmM*«* a fancy 'shirts; anil a lot of SS.’ ISSS nn i.4>»a. jy 20’clock.to the afternoon -sf“F°' , yoonghyfon an&Mack tea, mol isscs, wholecOa half Boies ? y im cbowiD E tobacco, part of a-cask - nosia JAMES SMUaWAt'AncCr. Si I ,?®’,”*’ 8 s ® mu . fowling plece,anexcellentorilele incomplete order nova . . • JAMES McKENNA, Anc. OJ' MJBItOiOBBUSa AT KoS!^ A^ E ?i AI;E r'r :1 ' rUI °P en jfiw-•» fn» day«,*ot jgffWfflYAMrttoß House, stocfc of Jraoch Embroideries and-Necdlo-work Qoods cf every desctiDtion. «ale-. s- JAMES Me HENNA, . ' • - • Auctibtote; A?y™3, JEWELRY, BILVEB WARS and-FANCY ®SP® a .J^>A^CTloN^—There Is jet left iniold a Sr»“v?' rictj l °£ ODd Silver Watches, Jewelry/5c,,4c., Tlin I n^? a D tni A i^. a!c ' a HonKyand must bo sold: this week. »D 1 bo opcn during cab, day, when ladles end gftntlomeaare foritod to call. Sales ecmmeiico each even, leg at o'clock. A 150,4 Showcases, : ’ • C GRAY * CO. <► norHS ~- v . . . JAS. SIcKEN'NA. Abet. - P. 'H. DAVXfIj AootioneoT. ASTOCK, at:Accra.*/ ~<>nTbuj®iay. creaing, December Ist.atT^o'clo^k, f^^ C »m I ?s^ S^'?? lllfl ’ conl£rofAVDOd^sd - Fir^ s**®®*®* without, seserro,. for accQuat,-Tfliam it *W \ 2JS sharefl Adventorß Coppcr Micics Com-: ?^i?;£^T W^-h^bccoforfeit€d nl»^SSj ta ?f”l? o^,p?yil “ Wof *asc*a i neßts,«ad-wli!cli U Mo S p. M. HAVia. Anet’r. VALUABLE LONDON BOOKS, ATAtCTOS.-’-On Ttare a»y wentof, December-l«t at'l|£d’dlbck, it the Coral .Rooms, comer of Woodand Fifth streets, MU tt ’“E® co 'te‘io» of choice English «rob«<4ng many rahmble standard end ddegantlsr illustrated wmtfasamong which are Le Kerne's Eirlyllass O*oi««oir, 2 Tola.-folto, splendidly Illustrated. Microcosm of London. Stols 4to, beautlfullv ordered plates; Curler’s Animal Kingdom* 4000 oolored El'J'fi * W Antiquities ofthe Isle of Wight, ! sol 4to; Animated Nature, 2 vein;folio,4ooo SSV .of Old Juries; ITOI, fbllo.flniplstes i Old nSt'SnJ rorUll . r 2£ OTt, ? Its , !1 ? <1 Olomlnations.folio; Boott of Omsmentaf pcstgopl rol, 4tn: Pictorial Gallery or A' t . 2,T015, folio. 4000 cuts; Works of Wm.llogarth, Stvcls, ut !? Woo*e, 2tols, folio, engs; Rome RsßurroundlngSeeaery plates; Beantlesof the Opera 55), E?!!, I ,' r lr 85, nt POrtr^ts: Pcrcej's EeUincs of .indent Poetry, Bishop Burnet's History ef thcltefom alien, 2 rols; rhfJn ” ? fE T« ! » n d, Illustrated; Selections from Ui» Illustrated tondon News, 7 rolv folio; TboFables cf 1 *'? 1 > folio; Works of Dean Swift, 2 vole ■ *J*3 OTe i ,a rttoaioa ; Tho Practical Mechanic and Engineer’s Mamtlne,« sols, 4to; Werks of Edmund Bcen -s?*' iiojpbt's Cabinet Edition of Shafcspeare, 12to!k Unpublished Documents of Melattcthnn and Luther; Bone’s < 2si- p lf*? ? « Fo !^? n Fuw . 6 Ports; The RtcwiUlam Mr? ? om .^L^ t ! cIe ?l, Bro . nze, ‘'*o” P 1 f o 11 o; AnttoulUes of 0 ’ Ao-i Ac. Catalogues are now ready. DOT 29. _ P. iti DATIB. Anet’r: I MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ATArcno*- Saturday otentafr, Notember £oth. at o’clock. Co t !?Pf rcl f} foies Booms, corner of Woodend Fifth street, will be sold by catalogue, a large collection ofTtUua jfe*?.T,ffi.s?l/^PTM ?{v .gjponteld’-a CreekTeata£m£ kvolvHllott»BomanLiberty, 2role; lands.of ttoHow tau,.Benjamin s Architect, 01 cogs; Frolsart’a Chronicles “><*, SPSto-H* engat'Craham’s ColonlS History, 2 vela; Songs for the People ; Nicholson’s Meehan* niS? 110 ' 11 Puritan and His Daughte?; FA? 1 N ,‘E!i o '?£s 3tairßuildersQnHe; aimer’sßetarSta fOmS'Jo'JdL? 1 ?? P f ttoHnrona; WUlls* ProsoTVorks! to Narrative; Brajeripte ZoologkaXllecrea- Uona; Fathers of tboDeOTt,2 sola; Ancala of the Queens of ’Spain, 2 tols ; Memoir* ofAxme Bolejn; the Qola Redons; Young's Hctetoca oT OoTernmcot; Pictorial niitory of Francs and Norammiy, *'• *“•' particulars In catalogues, which aroirow rcsdyli °° tB > .. F.M. DAVIS, Auctioneer:. C„„ Valuable Fanu Foc Sale. ONTAININa about ISO tsaa, in a gcml ttata of calii»a- Ja andcrcoasimUon. Far farther partidnra' apply ottho subscriber, on the premises* ' . * n6T2Wtw«r • - ■_ JACOBHKRSHffgC l' IDONNKTS, BONNETS.—A. A. MASON & CO., No. 25 i> Fifth stxwt, will -oxhlbitj iijls morning:, 250 Velvet, A L< n A S I *^'~rJS r^)!. TeJ A CO.'S, No;. ~r* B treet, IsH) ps. Alpacas, of ercry color and . -V ..• XIOV21';•: ps. extra fine, splendid finished Black Velvet, for Ladles , doaks»’ }astrcc , d novfil / : -A. A. M4SON * CQu Ko. g?gw>™ “ X: CLOAKS.—We Invite attention to onr •jLiaareo awl «plen®l assortment'.of Cloth Cloaks end I . fnomi; A. A. MASON A OOP j T H -,^S°2L?' aIMaiNC,s —A- A. MASON. 4 (XX, So!’ A 2a Fifth street, erenow exhibiting one of the* leraest fhfm'S’ T S am i?, ga ° aeT^ te thlJ city.oTLl the cport fashionable styles, end of .pToiy color. • [dot2l ■i^c^fiSjggasssiSiiS ß, » H - mtfEK Bonmitlc Incidents in tha-XlTOa or tho OocotS of Hje-‘ Vw^SoUr' author of “ ShniOeM Hall,’' 4c. •..Mf en ,.? al ! r “ TC ’ or ,<3all E *“utorsh!p—bdnc caswOTs K%r««StfSmhf Prlw > S 0 cento ss&xr- ° r Muß4ret iSf .S-? n lSr : “ V nun y the Household; by T. S. fnjT ?°?«£k of »u Hie Woman. - Price 60 : cents. , - . . best novel of the day: is tow. publbbed complete. Price S7W cents. - * : IL MINER * CO.: - >-No. 32 Smithttald- street.’ ’ T Fruit Tree* and Sfcrnbbery. . UK flutrcribcf olL'.ra forraloo choice oprortmoot cf “rong. Tlgoroo* Peat Trees botb dwarfi anUptanJp ora e—some of & tearing die; Neir Jeraoy route Plums Rwts, for.tQo arm.nnd ganJen, of the most approve I con* gtructioo, from the. Seed Mid Horticultural Depot* 49Fiftb' street [hoylS] r -JASdIiS TV^uSdrqp, Bank o# prmßuacm. stock—lo rt»rea for bv ' ; - •>-•••- i AUSTIN LOOMIS, ■ Nfc 82Fonr^fit. for Cough!. Cold*. Ac.; TTSETins “JENJJY lIND BUTTER SCOTCH," manu . u fcctmwl «al soli hy '. KBiTINQ- S CO, ~Dorts:ly ; -.■ - N 0.184 SmUbßeU streetV IlKKan CKANBEIUUES-JastreccljHl un4 rot saloM the Family Grocery and Housekeepers* Store of* ao^ g - •'• -- - BAILEY A RBNSHAW. QPIt'J&LgAIAION ; O ' Mess Mackerel No, 1 Mackaxal, Itt kot*; 1 r ,■ Salmon. InliMs. [nOTls] BATUSY&RESBtIAW: Vor !role by -.Ty*W*S SERMON’S—.Volruae: three, pricoCO cents—is umm 4 °°> N “- 32 MerUttnd.or Sdf-SacJitfcorby tho author «t“ Images in.,thq Ufo of Sira. Margaret Maitland.” Prico GO cents, paper; “6 cents, doth. ' Practical Mechanics’ Journal; for October. -xTICO 25 CCUIS. ; Tho Practical Era ORhtnnan’s Book. PartV, rrieo3nifc« • Appleton* Mechanics* Mogailno, for Norcmber.'Prfce 25 cents. - - • . Lady’s National Magazine, for Dccem’r. Prico .IS cents. : NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. /:' World Children ; by author of Wide, Wldo bjMrs.L. C.Tttthm. . • Tbo Llttle.Dro mm cr, or Fill al Affection; byMra. Conafit. ALLTirSNEW BOOKS oferory klod received as soonaa published, and offered at the, tct? lowest prices, - IT. MINER * CO.. No.. 32 EmlthQfld street. ■••• VTOURNINQ UOODS. or nll ktaiU; Blick Bombminisa lUI Alptcas ; Canton Cloths; D) act Do Lotas ; BanM 9 • u ran ail! nos; Silk Tissuas; iluslics; Ac. ’ A. A. MASON ft CO., No! 25 Fifth street, a - T*TOOL LONU BIIAWLS—A, A. MASON* CO, No. 25 J l'i lIPTU street, Hats on-band orer 5000'Wool Sbawls ofercry quality. noaH ff\o LKT»~a : large-Three Biorr.DWELLIko wmisw i -situated oij‘S«ond rtreetynear'Wood; eo&tal&s'twelve rooms. , Possessionem thO'lat of Pecemher nettv* ' - - «,.g. CUTHBEBT & f SON, • 7:: l4Q!Th!rd;Btrgct < ; tltt JkIKTAJLsr’QOO ion County.- to arrives for : ■ £iiqtl2] • t KtN T sals by ' novll; ‘ *'O. ;SUQAKr-?0 sale by ■V.yBWlt . SMITH & SINOLAIB. 'ULABBE§—IuQ bbla for gala by ~ . . /.npyii; ' ■ •-sjttrrg, A^giyckabSs; ;/?|U£]sU£- r 25boxes,prime,ft*s&la.by f .1 ■ :J ‘ PQTII .' " V 'BMTTII A aiNCT-ATR, ./TIOWISU--10 caakajlbiaale by’:-- ” ' r .'• •.. • ' J- POTU ;r.> OKOAK&—4o,o(XMialfrBp«3llßb;- *: Vi-.i. 3v-:v-i.' ; © .< 10,000 Cxti»ft Priodpeg l?.xi2: 'ah ■ '[,' vr t s rtthvotbericbbiee' saloby.w: *>< i.rrjs- SMITH:& SIKCLADL ,u t noyll • -122 Second and 161 RrstetreflU; UGABr-Xb ■ y-'i* * w . v ! . ' ••"••• /. 1 bbblß;CU£lfi«J}«-- J - • • \ > I _lo:73o.Kcfl&&ilt.Xbi.*ale.by;. non | -o * Ji»ir.iyniLiA3js^iamcvhsi> ■'. .-• i, -so-« «&ewriSsf»c - T H v 1» V~ potl i - ■ ...- /. • J.P-.'Wlri.tMis/-' cJwttpriowflnenanilljhKii i .. V,”f .Bmslnrtie*t ItSot;": ■ -■■■] ->»•»/. «ttw Hoilp‘,lfc»n9jr Wetoi»-*na 'jßf' . 'I _ .3 * mooehead? ■ s .".■..•if. 4. ■ ... : 1 ■ ■ ■ "•• : " ■ .■’• ' ' •■■> C~& -r*- »>. * ' .-r B “ !TOta s!™;’3^-5 ,<1I ‘ wa i ~ OFHCE, NO. 69 FIFTH STREET. ■ iitaicnic Sail Building.) , ThlaCompanymahra over/ lnmratics ;», or connected with Ufa Bisks. appertaining to Mutual Bates are tbo Same.asthoseadoeted sa&Jv conducted Companies. : .!■ • •• r Joint Stock rates at: a, rodußtloa at onedhlrd from tlie Mntual to a dividend Of thirty-throe and one- paid annually in odvaiua. ■ ; a r taion cn the lives of persons going to Callfbmia nr Australia. ■ James S. Boon. William Phillips. : r John Scott, . . John M’Alpin, . , "Boratldy^Les; “ rn ” of Diamond and. Diamond ?w>! iDfcrm his customer* and the nubile §on^f^m^TM a . 0 7iT CTiT L n ? al S ßffa,l,:,c,,olc<,P|iell! ®- 111 ® 8 .’ ‘“S? 1 »e choice Young nyrao.lmtw rial. Gunpowder, extra fine.B lat, ‘ lr ( oCCT P^°iy°os‘ l j'^H qnKBFm ' ™ of ' v „ _ DARLINGTON, ■ miTi7.IT . Ao. 77 Fourth ct„ or 98 Wafer atrart. I' 0 . * Motion —■“* • A l7CT, *t* ha , t lbe fourth instalment Cf 20 per fntecrJpUons to the Bcrase or Befum ?or .' • • ftp. 32 - afreet: | W^bo^?mh P S fomtho JAMES VABDROP. fe.n^ oa Fooxth streot,ahOTo Eosa, bj &fatdSk pS£ on S , -: Terms easy oo both of tho above. 1 ® ls 24 feet front by-8G df>et>. 000 J '***** easy.- y S. CUTHBEBT P UTo. 140 Third street. • I v BtttWHiiVUS,*- A01 K“- near the tonr 40 Boad on which Is erected o Sickle Fee nwdrt TB tj?-|R%.? ne “bjryblgh 1 n ’ 30 > a Bonding eon- 1 ■ Bnd a. 2) welling brim font ”rted°S basement, Bud eight rdotos, ftal .. ' TOOM4B-M OFFITT, | ;■. iPost B gildings, Fifth street. • ' LANI '- la&rwicUßy Bottom, smmnski •chrap, and on gonUenm. ■ Apply to * 1 B Id THOMAS MOPl'ftT.Ead Eslato As*!, : housjs-aj® Lot, ra szSTSe. su?«^ ee^J^w^ aat Second wkrd' ? r “> wS,h £ss “W 8- *“* Ut^ on gMKI tenns,^ Apply to < THOMAS MOFFITrI 0 3 lt«»l JEgtata Agtnt, fifth: sfc. Post BnIMV. ( STOCK-M ky - • -ACSTIS LOOMIS, * No. 92 Fourth tt 40 hi AND ICU ACIUS _ WAKKANTS WANTED AUSTIN LOOMIS, “**“ No. 02 Fourth at. 4! (0 SIr £ OKN iUJAL j Hulled Bur-kwhftit'Meal; - - aad foreale bj . BAILEY 4 BKSBHAW. ” S - ' ' • 253 Liberty street. r3t^nuSS^£ 1 t t? ? 'v?^ s 'i ai s al,l? f W two.:tep*iita* each part Sshined, with a Cellar,.feU&en; and four rooms. Thß '.= 8. CTimitatT 4 BOX. Ko. no Th<^.?* 0,125 : HAILEY * RESSHAW. A liL JitNDa OK uuLD. SU,YiiK A.NI> UANK v,,-,., AjboOghtj sold imd by “ ANK i,OTtS ifSiu t*. A. WILKLNS & CO., B&nkers United States Bankßuilding; 50.71 Fourth tUPiiteturgh. I'i'VT WANIJSB bv Mtsp , ~. AUSTIN lA>OMK, N 0.92 Fourth »t- Ojl^“** OCUU No. 92 Fogirti xL L .1 NUIUO —lO corooua a. t?-for mlo by B. A. *AH.NESTOCK 4 CO, cor. Wood and Flint street I WHS? A *** > *'K2*--2pU bushcla in eiore anil for Wn V y . ■•■•■•• ; KING A MOORTTKAIf- •A ? 0 ' F,rtb will open. on ■ -■ ’•' • - ' ■ OC3 ■ ( i!00K-8i. IUKKKT STKEKI.-A \mA full tuvoico just received and for sole by ' ' v , J. 8. DA7ISON, Late Davison' & Agoey. WtWr-rIOO too* itocltlliU (Juniata) lfofg»Motaf; ■*" -v*. „o >. 150 Marietta Anthradto do to For Ml ° bv ~ ■ kino a MormnKtn •: \\T S lji hA , ti! t~ r i W hQXts Bxlo, 10x1 a, ana 10x14, cKenaao ivCo. a bramlfinrtoro and fbr salo by .-..v .-*,,. x-.. : : KTNQ &'MOORHEAD. • ■4 —2o bbis American; ■. ■■ ■ V/ : ... ...2 casks.Frencb;..Forsaleby H. A. FAHNESTOCK 4 00. Bepfrj y-'- T S lo ' WothcroU’s” jast received ana Aj for Bale by ■, JXESIING BROS., *■■: ' i -.-Bucccsaors to J.Kidd&Oo.. l_6o Wooa street/ JAJPAN VAJtNISU—I lot just received and for sale by novll * > ytEMIKQ BRQg.• ypltls » 1 ywrt.cases. In , Store and foryalebj, (qqtU) -., FLE&UNQ ERQR. ,\J , and for rale by (nOTll) • PtEMINB BROS. HITING—2ff bills for sala by —: nortl ' FLEMING BEOS.' AKOMATiy SOUK ID AS! BOHN APl*a —6O <1c153: O- ‘: • KEYSEIfS Drag Store, 140 TTooJ utirct. rii.n- pnt«»i Bralboua Roots, &.C. rTHEsuliscriber has reeclrod direct from: Harlem, Me Tulillß > P*®eas, and other ?, t< *. t 3 for feu planting; ana for Winter blooming in »ts and glasses. Grasa Seed for lawns, • which makes a Bho .clow eqnalto SodaT Pruning rn*trm 55*55 * Pittabtirgh and OonnailitTiUe b! r. Crv. { • :S°*»e tM ng-to be Bememtered i . OLOV£3,HO3IEtiy,- BT(«KS. CRAVAT? «bs«sHS. OTomtNq mmsE,;No._2io: übhot. IsllSlPPPSSsss Mvwj.Hamilton's Pblbaopl.y ■ h£vl ok's-SlrodSdoneejilfe In. the Mission, or fili In'JC'iQ’nSletof Ages; TodaVlkraghter nt Bcteol -"liS Jil CTd ftro gm.bmtly X: OKQiBUOCHB 1 ■:*" ‘22L ‘‘ M*mr«. a. btu-oirei - a co,. *S£?i A 5 T Dlli: »S_os FI RE®:ROO F SAFES, ' • vj®4t Doors and Iron Window Stutters. Affl*?. oftha aboro hesitation in rscom -sa'tofflpgJoffit'fittifileiinJja Bqnal to snj'tblng iathocity. foajtfßlprpmgttrr&tteaaea ,10; tag put op in tho best ■^^SnUthlteldgtreet.'l^tuogn'Jfogrtbgadßft&.Pltta-i ' .:• X:\- S'.'r.c \ 1 ' s' ' • x ■ ■ A WBICTCB3. r . • .. Samuel ITClnrkan, : ; Jolrn A; Wilson, . . JosophP. QaEiam, M,D. . Alaxandflt Reynolds, - - Hiram Stowe, mar 23 S. CUTH.BBRT A SON, 140 Third strccL -..f. Cartels SpaniBh^mxiwi~ , TOE GREAT FnitIHKK,OF till'. BROOD " ; . Jt lunclc ot;nmmr tsr rr. . ' , ■ A 10SHBDY FOR SOROFBIA, RW, •T&V.S™' Obstinate Cutoneon* FripiiiJ.* F U ’S e,on tho Fare, Blotchy IMI,,cKo' ;* : y°nn orTot!i!r, Scald Head, Enlargement flMcr 3on t’“ aah,bb ”ra'« I ‘"’’W’ |/’ nnl Complalnta, and mi ini c f y ’ Impra ‘ thB I mimter b or^xSM ; ' Ihl ' l! btWimo Mleteited for i effected through it*.; ,of thelrfrlcnal^fcftS' l^?, 4 t ¥,'V s s ntr " ltlrat the uimost confidonMln l t t»^ t irt,, l^?if,'3 hc Jlii lß,;dt> wf,tl properties., Tho ,nnmber, ore,however; fr °l? ta V r ' ed,.TritK the mostnstonlshSw good rosults^J^ s «?wt?i' ,: llio most extraordinary ffirti S d y noh?MsoT„ , “? "f* »«■ : : AOOE AND FFV3-It-OREAT CURE Lt wS; „ ■ tbatfor;fim^oyca^slhadAKTl«and J FeTf>^or^lm b Icntdeecrlption,' X had rev era! PhyaicJanii. tAtor’iai- o** 0 ** Vf> ‘ i titles of Quinine, Mercury, and I T™,?^s‘ tried CarteßrSpanWCMlxtur?, tirotatti^/whlehS“ tuallycured mo; rid l Am hippy to gay r hare hadnolthS' chn sor feTcr finco. ;I consider It-tho host Tonic Ini he ■ world, and. tho only medicine .that, over. reached my case! : ■ Dearer Dam, nearElcliraond, Va. J °° 3 * l0!,< ”“ !, ‘ fn!?ntri l^ UO ?\PV now in tho city of Richmond, nod for £?nsl..io!!!?im thB ‘ . » offlco > bas nlch confidence In the - Carter's Spanish Mixture,'that he . aTOv b mfhe«m > i*S?' S »r®? y botthucwhiclrhohas girUn- ■ Mr - i'-tclc eay* ho hao never Shown It ■ £ o* cn “cenr.Hoa to directions. ■ w» practising-Phyelcian, and former!? of ihn Pn { n™iii th ,°, c “? of K’rte'ocd, eiys ho wii* ofinstances tho ; eflecta of Cartor'sHaaniah - Mixture, which wero tmlycurprising Uo cnlra <« a [ ttweof Conanmption, dependent on toe Mm.lha guode£ ’ ferfa Trero wonderful indeed, a-' ."•»«»> tua .goou or •t » of tho firm of Drinker & AT/ir* rla, Richmond, wag cared of hirer Complolntdf oleht JUxtnre’ b ' S, ' tlH> os9 of trro. bottles of-Cartertrßpanlsb : .ffi^^wssiaasKasas ISa|gS»tsfe«sSft commend It to aU who arc afflicted wftheny ifccaTo oftbo > fll UCprly;tweDty y<»(OT,*Dirwhjch &ll_tho physicians of the clty.could not mw M** nTin»«< la^PJttW 33^ 32 of Richmond,wastprod of Scroffl. he\Stho^,rSrf&%; h aLTsTteS; n r n " • ■ rri'-S' ornichinond. cured of Old Sort***«« A i: » Ulcers, which disabled «??■ -■ wrlthoTrt a cratch T in nshorttimapermanonflT cnred - k ' ‘coi&g&ueo ■ KB, BABBING'S I/ACE OF BODY BBACE. I ■ ■ : f " ' Brace of Dr. Banning • _ It now got up in a inticß im t pror ed form, and is worn' liy Vi 'vv ' 1 /-J hundreds of jcnono fi.rtho \\ vlF^'h — rff- yy core and prevention of Focal, Vy JL Jjl /J/ rtihnonamj, Syiprpiie, . Yk K 9 HJ Af «;-PlmplcB on the sw - anil all Diseases of lie Skin.' . , MOSItOE TEBKED, , *•- • lltok • I wThTrr'x?Fi nE T. lT * n , n0 -> 477 rcnn «rwt: LOKEkS 1 llA^ ’ , Penmjlranla. Glass Works;- Sira. S ▼me, iAUKi3-B.DAvISON« East. Liberty: SPANfi b m • Sb«r?,to,S: 552,4^ : ?&m*s ; j.v ~ Jy2fcditry' . . - gooa^cSsSteSnSffiS?* ?TCT£o -*' ad '' ■ 5S’3? d ' m ' 3 K,,li by MONROE TERREL. jytt.dAwy. Knutmtuck, Cotm, '■ ■ ' , ~^ rtvate JUlflcaaeil. • r ~" r V.-':r . f-ISP" .BUOWfy-Wo. 41 Diamonil AUcji De- A votes hla entire attention toira office Prartlro «sd? Hla ratines* is mostly feo nfihed ta PWwi/'W- -• ea f- Duea ? a ' £f& v liheutnatl&m, Female TtVaknew ' Soppregaiopp, Distfflpes ofiLo Joints, Fitiulo'in'' Ano, IJervoosAflectlans, Palnslnthtf. Buch and Loinp wi; : ' : cSSgS&SS 4^ ■ aDd treated thlsclty>ennMes Dr. Brown ‘to §J toS””” 8 ° f a e;p “ ay ™ n 10111 w ®> »«y ran”ua“ de <^^ a^. ultaa ° n Kncm8 ' 4L ' SSmuSsse TtSS^f £ riTat * Consultation Kooios No. 41DIAMOSin 'H. CHILDS &"c6' “ ' ~ WHOLESALESHOE warehouse - •tI. . 11 • «0.!8,13ii & J33.:W0(J1l BT~ IITKHL'BPir 'pi W 'f ie M < . BOOTS AND SHOES. '■ vSSfSS ,, fiS?i I3rT "^ t 3 r^r Alices, Bov'b ~ Wesf<^lMoS^ mP * nS;OnO^'^ 0 • • . Vlioeiigt'taSrove” Boarding anti Dar Sohoni FOR YWSTa-Ll|>iua. . -• HR. REV. WAI. II; CLARKS laviiiii] h* •• oume tto Bectorshin of n.Fcmalo Bomlmrty to *oatnMiSft • 1 : eci at tho Maadon Hodbo of the Into A. Pioh, Efq,“ S], o \ . making.the .necessityarraocemenfs'ffvi* +i,„ •- < ,^V'- V“ ■ on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 adm^ ) ,0 - n '' * • ' s ■/ : Ni ntS^ 0 '* gUI **^r C fwolteloatf k -~- > ~] mSKSSm ... teneh.lhe Wain and fancy. *HIo J? Q(lnlIe » Quod- ' . : SI-I wfia \BK?'SfeSSiS® Quadrille, Haitian .Mazur ®SS^S?iSsa?%sS SXSraSS^ : baTanft a ° :c *Mk.l&the morning til! 12, ; le ‘ afte^nooa * boclaspos' - r itt.th* ioftemoom per- -''t >' private wrdencea, if renulrcd. : £225 4ojo(n-elt|»or.of Iho Classes, nr© ro wuoswa to make application na cndYaa fcradbir l 4iy v onf this boautUhl. sobs' has been :oIJ In oco itocU ' f, Old £6ff:Tr&y,Foster. . ; - - : ■ Boyal Irish Quad riiley Julfenr, American; Quadrille, do, ■-■■■, Moantm»nc.Pol&a, do;; i,-- FrimttDojino Waltzes,' do- • .. '■ »• ***» WMJjOj Iw .toenv perforniVff wliir'rti;,* greatest success at bis Concerts In tho'EaiiL -' 1 '• UI lUr&l Sohattl&h, Brown; '• Crystal,Bytrly..::.* v- -r. .vr;- r ■ ■ ■ ‘fcS*£“* *»* ; 1 : ;■:: XJ eTOyilze,a*_ _ JV. E. SCUMKKT2> -' - aav ’ ' ' lWslsik«v xXv-X;: fr'.Vif. medical; n. cnn.p» t co. u-v:- ;>• 'j' r : \ \