A* *\ -v v - * •*■ % *** v > —y /* i v ~v*& - <_, 4 * * «-*rw .C>■ -c ■ f\'„srv •■ ste*Kv&>^3* * .. v: r *a iV ‘ l . v Ki I \V: . J :’" 4 -j; : > .V '*’. CY V ■■ -I ’* '>‘ ‘ ; \ >'- •■' ‘'.jlj. / ~; ’ ~ . Y"/.;. ; - S-'- ...:.•• -r~ ■■'■• :■ ■ " v - .:y. .w . — -- ■ >v‘^! r '‘ x%~yc*r*rs'i'2 '-'\. i ■aV-J-v 1 -vs .>*vw\. s v 1 . ■'• yv-* V & —': ■ m *£>>!3£r» ( sV /r'v y l-vcoY ■*,;>’} • i , V Vsjye- : ’'*' -\ *‘ i v T t<’! -v f S -; y.r r, t‘, 4>» ;••:« *;. ■. I , ,V l, iUnf, *-»;;' * i? **l ': ; v‘- ;*>!« ;*.•-% •• ■** i “ r ; ,^>#%. i ®? , i *yy yyyMfy iUKtM tl-X' Xrciifeftf 1 r< X) Vi, ■fiitll! fern ik§y&yl£sMo *' .. , |m| ■mmrnmmsmmmmmmm . : -y? : ■ ;mfBBDA.Y M0RNrNO:::::::NOTEMBEB-9. ;; ;.;:COCB.T SEWS*_■ ■ Juesday, November 8. : District Courtbefore,Hon. H. Wiltiams. Th® case of Norris et. al. vs. Knox et. 01. xr&s continnedin the Dißtrict Conn yesterday. A-number of witnesses ..were examined. The ou® excites a great deal of interest. It is efa on trial. • Codbt of-Qbaeteb Sebbioss. —Before n° n - Williamß. McClure, President Judge; William Boggs and Gabriel Adams, Esquires Associate Judges. Tuesday, November 8. Tho attention of this Court woe occupied yes terday, in the disposal of tippling house eases About twenty-five persons were arraigned and plead guilty to the charge. Ineaohoaße.the Court imposed a fine of twenty dollars and the costs. The business of the term having been condo ded, with the exception of a few caseß held ovor until the next term, the jury was discharged, and the Court adjourned. Although but few cases of magnitude hate come before the Court, daring the term whio has just closed, yet a vast amount of business has been transacted. Ald. Paekikson was tbe only police-magis trate in the city who seemed to be doing any business yesterday. Bernard McGinity made an information before him, in whioh he charged one Jacob Bern with assault and battery, com mitted on him in one of tho rolUng mills in the Fifth Ward. 1 A warrant for tbe arrest.of Beis 17ES issued. The Alderman also iesned Trarrants, during the day, for the arrest of Hiram and Adam Bea, Who are charged with threatening the life of George Kennedy* The parries reside in Bobin son township. Frederick Knowles made a complaint against Vfm. Williams, before the same magistrate, for assault and battery. Williams attacked Knowles in a doggery in the Fifth Ward. A warrant for hie apprehension was issued. 1 Mehbsbb or Council*. —The following appor tionment of the members of the Common Conn mi, was made by the Special Committee at their aneettag on Monday night: First Ward, 4; Second Ward, 3 ; Third Word 5; Fourth Ward, 2 ; Fifth Ward, 6 ; Bixth Ward, 4; Seventh Ward, 2; Eighth Ward, 3; Ninth Ward, 2. By this apportionment tbe Fourth Ward loses one member, the Third one, and the Fifth and Eighth each gain one. Tho ratio was 316 8-10. The Invisible Pbinoe—the joint production oT two of our townsmen, will he produced at the Theatre to-night-in a stylo of splendor for which Manager Foster is so noted. No expense has been spared in the scenery, decorations, &c., necessary to the proper production of the play. The well known talent of Mr. Shiras, and Ihe admitted powers of Mr. Foster as a composer, form a snre guarantee that the play will be worth seeing. The cast of the piece embraces all the actors and actresses connected with the Theatre. . » New Music. —Jnnie May, a ballad composed und rcspcotfully dedicated to Mrs. Flobence Kbaheb by IT. Klebeil This is ono of the eweetost pieces of music we have heard sung for a long time, and cannot fall to bo popular. It is for sale at the music store of H. Kleber. The Opera SchoUieeh. —This is another cow piece, composed by our friend Klebeb. We | have not heard it, but we are told by those who have that it is a piece of much merit. It is for Bale as above. We leabh that our fellow townsman, Jphn K. Holmes, Esq., a member of the Directory of the ••Young Men’s Library Association,” has just finished a large and splendid view of Niagara Falls, ns seen from the river, for which Mr.-J. J Gillespie, of Wood street, has kindly volun teered to furniah a handsome frame; both of which ore to be presented to tho Institute named. Such generosity, is worthy of high commendation- Plane Road Otiices.— At a meeting held on Monday, the following persons were electod to eerve os officers of the Lawrencevillo and Sharps bnrg Plank Road, for the cnening year: Preeident —James Blakely. Managere-Tbm. Wallace, Lewis C. J. Noble, William Werneberg, W. 0. Leslie, J. W. Duncan. Treaturer— George E. Arnold. ' “Stili. they Come.” —Joseph Spenoer, the proprietor of *be Boll’s Head Tavern on Second street, was fined fifty aollars yesterday by Aid. Steel, for selling liquor on tbe Sabbatb. James Shannon, the proprietor of the Good Intent House on Liberty street, was also fined a like sum by the same magistrate, on Mondoy evening, for selling liquor on the Sabbatb. Laeceht. —An information was made before Mayor Part, of Allegheny City, yesterday, n which James Orr charged William Broom w.tb the larceny of a wagon bed from hi. premises It appears that in his absence Brown obtained the wagon bed from his wife, and bad it con™y «d Immediately to the country. He was held to Eailmad BattOE Buhkeb.-Ou }*ona*yat ttrnoon, the railroad bridge near Enon Valley ms deßtroyed by fire. Owing to o,ro a“' stance, thomail end express trains did not ar rive at the Allegheny depot until 11 o fllook - “ Monday night. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Bobbed. —A stranger who armed »*••«* on Monday evening, by tie cara from lhe Eaßt. *as robbed on that night, at bU boardmg bouse in the Fifth Ward, of $l3O. It is supposed that the money was taken by a room-mate, and a war rant for hie arrest is in the hands of an offioer New Cncnon. —The new church on Diamond street, opposite the Court House, is erected by the Associate IWonncd P«slvt«n« The church was originally built in 1857, but Z destroyed by fire lt is nearly cpm pletod. Ao..„iT ABB BATTEM.-Ald. Patterson, of Birmingham, yesterday committed to tbo County SioholflS Bcig ' er ’ uT Ehised by his wife, Barbara, with assault au^ _ .„„, H „KD._Tbe Jurors In attendance in the \ , Quarter Seseionß were discharged yes tt.it presence, •»* otaded. a ~a „ - The Cokcebt of M’Ue. tho: Baroness de Berg •„fll not take place until Monday next. Brfore eeen circumstances hare caused this postpone ment. Commitmehts.— There were eight commi to the County prison yesterday, for drnnkenn , disorderly oondoot and vagrancy. Amotiest list.—The argument list in Court of Common Pleas, -will bo taken up to day- _ \ w _ direct the attention of onr readers to the Ball ot Broadcloths, at M’Kenna's Auetioh House. flosTs —Abraham Brown was committed to iaU for costa yesterday, By the Conrt. '■'^P s i BAle> ’;. ww-'a y wtrttie of an otder of the ojpbMrt r Ci»urt of Allegheny }R rv l nntv >B HALL, >tmrOi ttrtd near Moot, opportto La- A S mTm t» obtained to PSto.&raH ncoru, Pabl'c Meeting!!. Ac. Also, Cargo 1 * Cotillon and Sax Horn Band can be found in readiness utnll times, by awlyingto WM. FRAME CARGO, at the Crystal Palace Itoguerrean Rooms of R. M. Cargo A CMTourth street. TVHJBLK SOLEDGAITKKS —A new lotcf LaOirfOalteni, I ) both doable and single sole, JortwelTea Rt •^ T 3 W. £ BCHMERTg, 10T Market at \, OUT US BOOTS AND MUNJiuKS— Kip. and Jinaia- X . died, at wiou J pr 1 og,at Hi;EBT7 , . |()7 f| KNTB. OALF BOOTS—-Always cm h.nd, or m«le to or der at short notice, at w. E.SCII MKRI£, nOT j 107 Market street. BHTB. GAITERS.—"Various styles of Congress, Opera, Cloth and Potent heather Gaiters, for Gents., ot nnri W. E. SOIIMERTg, 107 Msritet st t«> M KTAIj —100 tons llock UUH Juniata) forge Metal; 150 “ Marietta Anthracite do do fnOTSI KING A MOOKHKAD. For sale by FRJS3H OV3IJSKS Krjv\ f 0 J v# KUCEITED DAILY > at No. 184 BMITirFIELD St. tl 00 car can; DO oenta half can, and war * mp2Bl J. F. D. KEATING. BANK OF PITTSBURGH, I Not. 1 1553. / THE Pretljcucaud Directors of this BankWlhlsdW dorlaml o divkhmd of four per oral, on IJ« capital rtockJfMtho last six mouths, pajnbto to stoolthohUrs or their legal reprosoutaUres ou or after the 10th lust. nor2nJt(i —— copartnership. , , . . THE UNDERSIGNED harlug purchased the lotcir.tof r ,eree RtnutSSOS. lu the Whole:Me Grocery, Oommls -3T^SstaroNol*4.ol*4. Water street, aeslgn eontlu -55£5«.-s»|.sj=s tho late propletor. SAM’L DItWORTIt, WM. DIbWORTH, Ja- isessasssss tllng the business nor&lm ISWIM FINK KNAMKLDKO MOOTS,of variouscolon-: iVi SflldW Boot,, Shoes ami Gaiter* of ever, rarioty. Pl«a» call and examine. g HAYWARD, finmer Marhct and l.lhertv »l». y->«i >l—One Kaisert Uupper Uottcm. Mwi* CJ2£ fo ' * ttOT* Nos. 2*l nnfl 2U Liberty >&*'*- . " "mkrchantiTan£>mX nu factokkus 1 u* > k., j pnTSBU&oit, Nofember 1, ) TT’&szttgr* l7 c “ s month*, p»yili!o after the tenth &*hter. uot2 15 BA-HKING'S LACE 0E BODY MJIACIL I Tire Br*re of Pr. Banoing j la now isol up In ft much Un 'S?' | ''a/ _■ i . nroTrd f'*rtn. anil 1* worn by /fQ hundn-ds of pprsoos for tb* n * // //careand prevention of foca/, \\ ygr f»ulo»o«ory, Z>•*yr r /«k // Tan. Sm*af, Female. Cl* ’n rtnf trod Child-bed II EAK- U M yESSK.'i, such as Proi»p*u/ HUtori, Chronic Dlarrhtra, bbla. On-tn Apples arriving per rallroaJ etui tor *al« by nor" imillh itaffcj arrtTiDK f*r ndlrrmti. end fi P K »ieb, KHIKPATKICK * HEIU’.ONS IOBNUaUKES.— i;6! _ooV2’ ' pPSOM 8i LI 8 -T«b^ A » U£w£n»«* —. * CO. oet'29 A Nn. 118 Wood *tr* oct2S . TuIKON *oo.*mto'*«• f"<*»r» »>"»•« A .u wool orU am. bask A bought, »U «d * GO., Bankers Bunh BuM.ng, *"•» ADelighttui DwellingHoaie, non RENT on cuff StiMt, In tin. Siiih W.rO , AA gs^gssssS 3.s*Ss^agSS: premia*- |wep«»| “ j AhTin^excha^i^ l Q*A U PET l N G* For ft *bort time oaiy. c<> ft'oct. 1 oci2&lm D. , n sr-*v, w-su». Forwloby 65 Market street, near Four!' [ OCttt , —— ' ' ba* I,h frmilleß In any quantity. 9J3 liberty atreet. oct23 'auSTIS LOurllSi „ „ STOCK ANP BILB B A (Mice, So. 02 W^' »s& - rr :—- H 'Uttjn crocks, »r fasmj & reNSOAW. oet23 ’ • T-ZTUXimsm™? toi >|«nP |.y^pr*^o'TOlK.Post BoUtU°g».Mb !»”*• %ST»fe®w^ OfflW. . ■ : ' DAILY SEVIEWOE ?ttTBgpgtf HASSET. of D*af Wo*siiwJPw»» l *« •At Wftflwet for Jtoi ttdit ,^artJ«»iT ho 7*f^ er nS2Snt*?or ont-door lo*the\ gentost of out no. were barely mUntaSnWjestor-; . *“ D^tano&tf>rtb« sales, 'Wa *»«•«*!» of 116! SH; "JnolSO In two'lou at*B;2V-doat *B,lo{-MB do • A w“in it *8,18: 90d0*8,13; 25;a0 erlra'at*B,2s;2o An at’*lY36l2for superfine and extra; 100 do at*B,l3; 4Q do 2foSoO@B,a>loodo At *8,12@8,25 lot .superflno and. L X o k v—The demand ocntlnofis brisk, tor bo to raw, and Testified at steadyipriraa; sales 300 bbis raw at 24, cash; rectified sells at 2S@2SL-- J ,■ CHEESE—SaIea 100 boxes at SldSlO. SUGAR—SaIes tfltbetrade Of2ohhdj atWd@B. BUTOsa-SalaAbbS roU and H . RYE TLOUR—SalcsE)hbla a£ Mat lumds. APPRE&S-Rocdpta are largo, and tho demand AtUX, »• I n of taranl.“»*$!?&**????•#: I Offl-Sales 200 boa at 40; 200 do at 41. ItYE—Sales 80 bat atlO. _ 1 HOD A ASH— Bale» 5 eaftlU at 3)£, tima.;. GERMAN CLAY —Further sales of 8 tons at £23, time, .l. brisk, end ues re^rKaOOtbs*l*2^s¥ 100 ftom.tea; 200 sacked I ofiL is hbla COmOXOD dill oil at $l5. skis pSstsssssiSisagßiaW 10@Uc; the latter kind nr* not wanted at that LOUISVILLE, Korember 6. SSSsSSk™ about at a „ mtOT demand for there at* X ofMmTw bTeS. and 380 »U. In lota at SSfeta ideates are light, bat prices firm, Frida, of 32 hhd. at priaoa ranging from extremes CINCINNATI, Notwnfcer T. 2k S^2T!SSM^«SSS^SJ Improramont WMHOt . . wlthJreWt kObi during U> 0 l«t no sales to-dav. Owen swat I* htld«*>4@*>#> ,0T shoulders, end 6K@k lot rides. Hems operations continued Kwijy. and tb. favorable. Thera era a good many Ken ',?ky'ho, P W. beard of no rales. Holder, era S^isssssi? e^gSSSSS^s S m MllmTraoal at 22c. The racket «• &«V ««1 ■- sssrairat.- lUTrr*-—Sales of but mt active. £s£SS»«b«/-*». The do mitnil is actiT*. .... , fta/ra STaSnIU pig ~ $5O-«mo.lhA JAMK3 RICHARDSON. BALTIMORE, November*. ss&ss ‘ l ' *s°. ira« *.«rLunffl7, bat bayrrs refused to gi« U. ♦am* holders were BSKmg a m.l it, - flour fi, end Corn-meal *3,. WWJ7 r;\T^b«he l Jt -Ulbj ***** Xfcet wheat hasold white, bashel* offered and twwtty ®°* cents® busbffc ,e» white 6s@« cents; #* «S -hi old offered— Trrlf« *rs * sbrndj bjjter. ftj* Pennaylvanl. Rye•< Vlr ,n 1 Flaxseed tUjp ?■ b . U^ l *' l w , nM , nlea of Bio ,t nS^* 1 8 “> “ oUls “ “SSSIS&to . V op & p!, U ’" . l,Ti-W *»• Ch«“ 31 i>o ■"Tf’.jS.-ut k.t qnieri no rale, of Am**. HEBRON'S KIRKPATRICK A lIEKHnNS. for nlo by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. EMUW) FABER. V . V>' - *r '■ V*.l: t "r . ' 1 COMMEECIAIi BDHMABY. ‘"VSSisMra of ur-rahod 22@2* ®rt»i wrah«J ShOS ,M.: end fine flam rant.: ral In WnMV—We qnole in hhda, et ,f, ' ~IjU »t 30®31 rents 'i< gallon, rash end time. POST OF PITTSBTTEOH, 3 vert 1 urea *avxa i» to, cm»»«- Auama>. Summer “ Lowroa, Dennett, Browofellla. « tSL™ Shrittt, W»t Np*toa .. Qen- Bayard, Peoblr*. EH*ab*th. a RejnoJd*, « Yorktowo, Kbtwrt, Cincinnati, t. lHumal, Wheeling DEI’AETED. ** J.lTerenn, l»wUnroo, HfownfTllU .. Lomtthi, B«SD«tt. Uremia. UU. « Tlimnfc* t-hrirer, Uellej, Virtl N.»tnn. - Own. tlaj.nl. P»bl«», KUab.Ui. i la trot*, Balltteorw. *1- Umla. r. u » g . r ror falsht or puafi., .pplj on^art^ort^^,^ oyll • HUftnboitif Ahoy I Tui .übacrfbor. tnalrr lbalr l.'kno*-ffl t JSl.Slolgßi.nu lor tli. frror. k£a bj tbrlr SUMabo.l “f nfl i, -.D-TtjnUj redin'! than .nod otliora Inlorwt* J '■uablp. Third «iil emlthteU rtroeU. . oppoiltt w Brofu'i II otrl. WBl l- '” ;ix) do ejlo, 10x12 «nd I2xl«, UcKmnxo * 00. • Wliml I In xtore .ml tor KKO t HOQBH EAB. r,m--l» half tbnU lmjwiGl. Oooiwwdtr, toon* IktiiT™ **“’ “ifSo A MOORHEAD. (T STTTakSk*—Prime N«v OfiwOx* ananopaMlow** U< S'USOBIEfr- , . 3K) ke«» Natl#, a**ortod #»***. \oo reams Wrapping l*»per ; ao do*»o half tow Bars; 2i»y Brte-1 Apples; 3) do new White Soup ’ mJ tOT **’* br K iKO * MOOKUIEAD. WKBTERM~i.NBUIIANCK 00-, \ October 2fl, 18W. ) . v Pf’ECTION for Uiirtnen Uii< Oojap*oy. A vs TfjrOLASSKS—3OO lx* l * lor M wa CKhAND f%Tin«mocK , 00, V J VM*Bo!Ti'oorfro. 25 Fifth .tr»»t, wM oj*n°o ikt oTwdi'bs' ouotM*“i* •**’' MAS. - * ' cor. Wood «pd Ftr«t »trwt >IMKNTO —3 bo*e» lor «*p27 7 \OUKti. — •*> bbU American; O - “»** Vreochj * CO. TliT aDKIKA WINK.—Paw Madeira Wine, in bottles, e AffWETfoSmbWoST uHno*>* «* sii mne., fcr VjTKDICINAL BRANUV—O«nuIDo urindy “ a *!?“ M rnlwt comunily SEiTSlfAtod«S2t ’ i I nrtglf KEYBER 8 Prog BtCTe. 140 wood urn**- ■tTriSl Bit's AItDMATIO BOUBIDAM SCUM Km.— W> down Wolfe 1 ! Aromatic Scheldam Behn»pps for «*l® w^SS‘ l * ° r Store. 140 Wood rtr«t._ -^rkXSTOF TAKTKR—2 bhl* forttle J KEYSEB'B Drag Store. 140 Wood «' roet -_ fl*3 200 KBYSBIt’B Pnig Store, 140 Wood etrcoi. U'.aKB BuDA—lOOO !Da. for e&le *t 1 oeiW KRYSKK’S Prog Store, 140jffood itreel. «*+ ho * 122 Second, tad 161 Front street. JU,t ”*BMITH bigs prime Mo Cg° .. • ' ' • ooiJnsggjiiuiiil’OifDl Patrlebt -- Comer tf jyaojul Wcoii LOANS. United Btatei6a.lS6& —■ 1 United Pennsylvania 6a.157&-—— Penn*ylvaniasa.lBfis. Allegheny county 6*—— Allegheny oonnty coppom- Pittsourgh city 6s————-•• Pittsburgh city coupons, payabls ; Now xork - Allegheny City 6*-- Allegheny City coupons, payable . BAill STOCKS. i Bank of Pittebuigh- Merchants a Manu&ctn^cr# , Beni Exchange Bank-—- farmerr Deposit Bank*—— AU Monongahela Bridge * St. Clair street Bridge-.- Hand street Bridge— Northern Liberties Bridge-..- INSURANCE STOCKS. Western Insurance Company— Citizens’lnsurance Company— Associated firemen’s Company—. TELEGRAPH STOCKS. ItltnUctul Ohio.—— attßborgh,Clncittnatl*Lcmisrill£ Lake Brie!.—.-.—— Pittsburgh Gas Works. Monongahela Slaekwater- JKATT.RO AD STOCK. Pennsylvani* Railroad-—.—-- Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad- Cleveland a Pittsburgh Railroad- Marine Railway and Dry Dock—. Turtle Creek PUnkßoad - perrysvlUe Plank Road— Greensburg Turnpike- Chartiers Coal Company- COPPER STOCKS. Pittsburgh and Boston • North American...———— —— North West—— North Western— - Adventure — Ohio Trap Rock. Minnesota.— Pittsburgh and Isle Royal— Douglas Hough ton Ontonogan—— Ridge fire Steel OoUing—. Aztec Bluff— Peninsular... Avery forest..—.... phxenlx..— Iron (Sty.—-———-—- OOIUOQP DiILT »C* Boon A Sorgont, B Omcref Wood and Si PENNSYLVANIA. | Pittsburgh Bonks- p«. phlUdolphis “ 54 BrownsTllls “ P V;- Bucks county ", — 'A\ Chester Oo.(n«w Issue)— Colombia Bridge Oo • >4j Dan rill® M -—ft Delaware co. “ ft Doylesiown “ -—**•• ft Easton u *-—•*** ft Oermaotown 44 —*™ ftl (aocsster Banka——— W Lebanon M . fti Montgomery eo. Bank*— l A\ Nortbnmbertand “ ft* Pottsrill# “ ft] Beading “ - $ Schuylkill county " } 4] Washington “ A' West Brunch “ A'. Wyoming A\ Oar tlale ft! Chamberebarg - 94 Erie. ~ ft Oettyaburgh— - ft Rarriaburg - ft] Rooofldale. • ft Middletown —ft Waynesbarg —— ft York Banka— ft Belief Notes- 94 CnitHl States Bank—— M Allegheny City Bcrtp P«- Pittsburgh City M P«- " o^vok£- prett New York City A Country Banka 94 kkwjebset. All ioI rant Banks % DELAWARE. All soJrent Banks. hi Hmallßotes * 9i UAKYLASD. Baltimore Banka—. Hi Oonntry %\ YIHGTXU- I BankofVa.abranchre— 9£ ; Partner*' Bk. a branches- 7* VaU*7 Bk.a tranche*— K Ex chans® Bh- • branch** % Wheeling Banka Wheeling br*ncbea~.—. MEW ENQIaAJSD. All advent Banka J. 8. LSECBt MeAtPIH A CO., WHOLESALE OBOCERS, 450 outxu ta Provisions, Metals and Pittsburg Manufactures SI TOCKB ron BALK— SO «b»rM lions- X»t. CO; tUa, 0Wo SOS. I*oTbWO fScStwSiii rtlSnoM. M 3 Liberty itwL U LoUH-S uJ.'b: v rioor. r. t: , * “ p.mAi. 1 - 4 otmdss. rfxfBAOOD—&O tout tamriwd brand*. &’* and t*'»; Arfll * E *gingP*TaTcg I *^tERKON?. * n^uos-s. Oil'; L, “ “ f^±nmam._ 01L5— 20 bbU- No. 1 Twoer*. Oil; 10 u No. 1 Bank do; ry. u \flatar Dlcatbtd WhiU Oil; I.*£ «?sSr* 6ucc*«or» to J. K*dd • oa, 00 Wood rtroeb T **n.EMTNQ CRO3- b uW OW IS STORK, u No. 10: •oonsieEt artolk*, emu. at**”*- t»T» wf AM™* hkh^«^ D - ffTWKNTfTTVH prtnu Buln’i Ptrftmwty, Mtorusl, *tor* >nd for «*l» fay Extra BUCKWHEAT FLOUB—Jo« mind fcoh, tor (.mUj ok, tn wA) of 25, 60, or 100 11a, drllarol to sUher city free of charge for dellrwr . • 7 DAIUSY * TIKNBU AW Family Grocer* ind Tn Dnlcrt, liU-lty rtr^ot. JUST HKOKiVKD— -10 bf. cheat* Do* fliTOftu o>brag Tern; 10 do. Old Country T®*~ Tbw« T**» retail at 60c. f fo, and ruarantoed equal to “7 Tar to tb. «*<* At ti» , RKNS „ A W^ JJ Mil lor MU. oy aaoudsa WISDO'WOLASS-iOO boici u»rt*l dlj “d .uto^wlndo. „„ 221 and 221 Liberty «l. iMrrn * sikcla r EumUl * Boblo®!.’. S, »nd C. tobjfc. . 120 do W. U.or»nf.6'»»odir. do. 100 do Molbert 4 Gontry’i s‘f* 8 » ond 10 * do, 60 Hop 81i Tfrlft PttUburgh do, 25 do Pin* do “o. d iioro ond £or ttlo by jm-LKB * BICKETSON. 221 ind 223 Übortj ft. OILA— Winter sperm oil; Blearhed winter elephant on ; Bleached winter whale oil; Tanner’s, strait* and ban* oil; No. 1 lard end flaxwed oil. i"*™ “ d tor hj UILIL “ iJaauSkjt >r KINO * MOORttRAD. bU.AR-75 ba*. ggl-ftS-s^, ~ji „d 223Uberty«t 1 IIUTTEII AM) LA LID I \ 15 bbla prime packed butter; , . 5 keg. No. 1 lan! . «—J&SnOS. „ 221 and 223 Liberty at ball cheats Young Hjeon, Gunpowder and Dlack Taae; _ For bOI “ “MILLER d RICKETS.«. Fbrwlebj 221 and 223 liberty et. S“ UOAB AND MOLASSES— -70 hhda plantation gugar; 400 bbia do molasaoa; 160 half bM» do do \ , . . 15 bbU «. J«-r »«»j^i*SS£& ONI 221 and 223 Liberty »l. /WFKJS— _ , SJQ beg* prime Rk) coffee; 30 do Legueyre do; 26 Old i° 221 wad 823 Übeny at. TLHMINQ ./W . *\V * - .1 *.iM i •*.>•■ ftiCEB 0? 8' > wUfce&t -1120,00 101,00 i , 000 A 67,00 100,00 i 100,00 l 100,00 i Bid, » •EB® ' ”56,00 • 58,00 44,00 43,00 24.00 68,60 45,00 49,75 49,00 53,00 105,00 12,00 49,00 48.76 60,00 10,00 ' 28,00 8,00 176,00 63,00 20,00 17,00 7,50 ; 200,00 8,00 10,00 4 r 6o{ 6,00 7,00 1,12< 1,T6 8,001 6,25 0,00! 2,00 2,00) 2,60 2,0° o,oo| 7,00 0,001 WO 1 , 8,001 hahs hi . »o> if ORscnro post *t £iohft&ge Bsnken, Srfli ttratt, PiOMbtcrjlh. I OHIO. .IStmtoßk-andbrenchM- ! tfOther folrent Bank* 3 . B»nk of Bornl oaky darooTfllo f® t NorwJk *® LtJrban*.- - — — 25 INDIANA. State Block Basks-'- Btato Bk.and branches... | ILLINOIS. State Stock Bonks % ] State Bosk Brand)— 60 ißank of llllnais. 76 I Kentucky.* AU solvent Banks fi MIBSOURL ] State branches— % MICHIGAN. All solvent Banks 1 I WIBOONBIN. I Marine a Fire Insurance I Ox it Milwaukee—.*— 3 TENNESSEE. All solvent Bank* 8 NORTH CABOLIN A. All solvent Banks ... 1 BOOTH CAROLINA AU solvent BankJt~.,~~. 1 GEORGIA. All solvent Ranks ALABAMA. All solventJUaks- LOUISIANA. All wlrtat Bank*—.. TOES. EXCHANI New Tofk P« T - Philadelphia-——•' P w * Baltimore.. —— P**- Oinrinuell —— % {["J l/wriarllle %diac*L St-Looi* 1 ****** VALUE OF COINS. American Gold (new) jar. American Ookl (old) , SoT«relgna~ 4J «3 QulnaA. • J g ’ PmlerieWr 1 ®° cCdori ; - [Tea Tb*ler» ' ljen GalUm 3 W >Uuls*'or * JSS&s*—:»» Duabloofu, Bp*ni«b 16 25 si,Doc*t« * 10 FLEMING BROTHERS. SUNDRIBS— Iron, Nalls, Oottoa Yana; Wrapping, writing and letter paper; Bed eoTda, twine, pipes, brooms; Brushes, buckets tubs; Indigo, white lead, lead, powder; Shot, solera to*, spices, candles; MUXBR** RICKET3ON, 221 and 223 liberty et 1 MM Hjlfyjjgjln * 00, Artier Cornet Wood tnd Yirrt its. ly^g,- 2000 * CO. S'sa. CO. W*3QO boxes Bxlo and 10x12, McKonnxn A Co-'b nm j' 276 doT 8x10,8x12,10x12,10x14, J. Maikle • brand. Id store and for sal* by oels BACCO—2O boxes Kuiscll * Bobioaon'r; 40 do Ortofs 30 do Grout * WlHiana; 60 do Wobster Old; do Conwy** _ , . do Bacber* For solo by , ESUTH * SIKCtAIR. telegraphic. By thß-O’BafflrliaM Hginiag jULTOtoBJE, NoTonaber. 8. of the Society silenced him- i&sr ToL fflOW 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 10J.0Q 100,00 New Yois, November 8. Yankee BulUvan ha* boon wrested Massachusetts, and lodged in jail- t*n& sLqOQ fighting in that State is year* Imprisonment and ss,ow fine. CntcnrsiTi, November 8- a dmmateh from ear New York correspondent this morn ing, don not confirm the report of the fellow excvDt the Patehla Bank of Buffalo. The report receijed here to-day of other failures, originated in Buffalo andCleTe* land. teleqeaph habkets. New Toes, NoTember B.__ Cotton... Bales 1250 bales; unchanged. Coffec...Sales SoO * rteadr Bugas—Sales 700 boxes Muscovado bnahela Wheat, Gcne.ee, ettLSO: iym. 8. " f’sSSttO •*' U; outer. Iron unhanged. T(JIl) KoTamter g. 5,50 for com fed, llvo weight; stall fed ss@sgo. ’ ptm nTgumA. Norember 8. Cotton in good demand and prices fully njatatalned; oles 200 bales Upland and New Orleans at 10@l-c ft tor ordl* nary and middling fair quality. n “ OT ": < K!£vCj°? aoma lnqniry for export l further aalea of 1600 bbla at $1,12 9 bbl, the uniform asking rate; a ateady demand for toe suDolr of the trade at former quotations. Bye Flour-,noth ngdolog im meal fc*ld firmly; sab* 1000 bus Pennjl- Tania, ySrterday at 83.6714. A good demand ** wta»t, aaleaOMO bna at for Southern and Pent^lrxnl. red. and {I,CO®I,6IU Or white. Rye In ateady demand at .8 tor yeUow, and 76 * r kv steady sales 300 bbla at 29 cent*; small lots at 30. nw »~ v CntcnotaTi, November 8. The rirer has fell 5 Inches. Now Roar-Sales lOOObbl* at fcs 50; firm. Whisky...Sales at 23. Hogs dull if?. &k'-Sale* 200 bbU at *13.50 artern «- changedeclined to l premium, and some sales made In the street at par. Currency very scarce. 50,00 50,00 50,00 60,00 50,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 100,00 26,00 25,00 AT AG AZIN ES FOB NOVEMBER Yankee Notwns jyi price 12U cents. Godey’s Lady's Book. Price 25 cents. Graham’s Magazine. Price 25 cents. s?2fiJX£ York Life; by Captain Merry, U S. N-, author of the “ Flying Dutch man”—Ulnalruted— a tale of peril and idrratoi lhM am not fail to excite and internal the No. 32 Bmltofleld atreet. OSHEN ANU PINK AFPLB CUKE6B jnat reradred, the 1° to. market, by E) , m 4 A MASON A CO- .ill iAI(BirrEMnwJJ«"»" : H eJandfbrwUoby H. *- FAHNESTOCK* Comer Flrvt and Wood rttu rSUXO AND PENNSYLVANIA 40 » N So w M ir i So. 02 Fourth rt. /VITY Vr AK&A NTri—WrAJiTw by „ 1L . C JUS AUSTIN LOOMIS, Ko. 82 Fourth >t f) WANTED TBU3T SD At 4 STIN oci26 ANT T No. 93 Fourth rt. BOORS— At DAVISON’S BOOK STOWS, 0 HAB \ KET street— Tha Analysis of tfee Bible, nnimaa’i Visit 10 Europe. CompartUr* Philology, PvrQTim Antiquities; Illustrated. Hawk*. Kot»i from Ufe. Henry Taylor. WU» World; Illustrated ad. , parley's Pn*«nt- Began! Jotmill*; Hlusd- Christmas Bloesoms. do mltSpSter-, splendid lilnstmted edition of loosM low's Work*. English. Other similar presentation Books. Unclaftas. Mra. Stowe. Influence. By author of Trap to Catch Sunbeam. jel limbs, and all sufferings generally suppoMd to be under certain circumstances, but which U Is only necowetT to understand In older to ameliorate. This P* cl J ) k' , - , t will he khL soabnaid, any where in the United States, at the fellowlngratcst Single copy, one dollar; threoenpios for two doDara: ten copies for toe dollars. *?{! adTM* Un *nd a «PJ of lb* MarrUl Woman s Assistant. A Qirurt 2k 1 RKMltawfCw _ For THE FALL.—Junt received, a large stock of 80LS LEATHER* Philadelphia Kip* and Calf Skins, Country Calfskins, Shoo Threads and Bhoe Findings Ac -> .nich I-01 sell at the lowest muh wpsawy —■ — A «*-» bbU *“ FAnNHSTOCK A CO, Corner Wood tod First >t*» mw KNGINBS mil SALE—IO Ineh cjllnder, ud IjS* ' ,rok °' ™”ouffmj|T_A SOS, UP Thlri «t -7=IrKEN AM : LKS-:W» barKl*. In P»d WANT- G.KD, lor YT6S _ BALEI)irKXCUANGE,fct DittsDargh MnnmM r turn, Dry Goods or Groceries, four lota ofßround in EHsmbelMowu, on which Is erected s two story tom dwcl to, hwclll.Usg four roems finished .n good style. Thf whole property oboundswlth frnlt i’wWRIE™ o, shrubbery. WjJ L JgT &, *. t, w.u r'nn.wk.H-BcmmncAWPCiAaaicu»TtXT The Com!n ? Strug ot the Next Fifteen Yemrs, described in eecordwte with Prophecy. By meil, piepnld.l2 cent*. Fo-eale by 1-ropnecy jB. DAVISON, elite Hatison 4 Agnew,) - 66 Market etreet. ft If AO AZINK3 FOR NOVEMBER RECEIVED Oodej’B jY|_ Lady’s Book for November. Gr&h&xn's Mogazlno for November. Peterson’s do TbJJ ImicdgbUlucen, 1 micdgbUlucen, or Leaves from New York Lift l , by ° tSToKkm, or the Jg * w ~ A - QLLDENTE faTu4^t. ptuibnrsh Trust Company- An ELECTION for nine DlreoWr, of serve for the eniralM jeer, win t» held «t the B£NK -INO HOUSE, on HONDA'S, the Mth deyof November, bo on the»tna aay. Ca»Wer, norlitd kXOHAWOK BANK OF HITSBUttQU, J November IstlsM. J_ rriTTis hank has declared & Dividend of Fbta f*n Cun. T™th o Capital Stock, oat of if 1116 14,1 iU m ° P *“* MM B. Al, Cablw. 8 TO " 5 Si£gS!s; a 10 d ° 00 bags prime Kto; 20 “ L&gaajr*; 20 “ 01d.QoT.J5Ta. J D ymIAMS. nnEAS—BO half chest. prlßOurwoand do do 00 J. P. WILLIAMS. ]ok^*No.4.lWwti 1 case pUin<®“* dotl KING & MOORHEAD. T=SSB^pSB=ioO- * XJ by •-•■■•• mviortK nor! - -;■»*•■■ - '--.VfrVV **„■* - ■ v. Auction Cartf. • . ■ .. JAMES MCKENNA, Auctioneer and DnamifflioaJle*- chant, No; 120 Wood' etreet, near the- of IWth, regular sale* of Vrj Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Glassware, 'aev and second hand-'Faruitar*,eacinlajr atlOana J o'doefc; andatwlygullghheach BTenlng,Watches ana Jewelry>Guns, Pistols, Books, Fancy artieles,Cn fiery, Boots, AcL with a general. assortment of etery of Dry GoodA Retfer tothaprindpildercb&nts.: ftW- Auction— Dally Bale*.■ . T tie Oommeidel Slice Bocmi, oorncr of Wood ml ] A emhitroats-ot 10o'clock,A- IL,»generalmortmcnt a«r**«T m Goode, Ostites, Boot! f.mS Shoe!, M, uiture, Ac., ,alpbau., —.— ->7 .hnkstock * co. j D. WILLIAMS. , V'*’ ,T V‘ <■ ■ ‘'"■’'j V f 7 \« 'N^z/^VV^' ; .7 '•' c V > > 800 lea, tastes MegEHHA. Acctioneer. Extensive sale oe watches, JEwm.ET,Spom»: and Fancy Good*, at AUCTION, at J. McKenna’* Ann ti„„ Housc lM Wood street.—THlS EVENlNO,Wed ncsday, November 9th, at early gas light. Tl» sale WI *» conttooed every evening this week and rmxt,or “HL“ 1, sold. Amongst this stock may bo found gold amrsUTer watches of eaery description; also, gold guard, rest and fob chains, gold and silver pencils, gold pena in' gold and sllrer holders, gold lockets, a great variety of gold finger rings, a choice lot of filllgreeand other kinds of ear rings anifbreast-plns, gold and silver thimbles, go d seals Md Chaims, gold crosses, gold snaps and slides, gold hraralets, silver tame, tea and dessert spoons; also, plated spoons, pocket knives, rarors, acconleons, porte mommies, Arc, be rides many articles not here, mentioned. . .. The Goods will be open during each day, when ladles and gentlemen are Inyitedto call aDdcramlne, Sise at average auction pricey if they please.. Jh® m\U be sold in lots to suit-purchasers. IhiastCK.lt the attention of all who wish goods in this line, Mli tis by tar the richest and most eltanslra ever before offered In thia city at auction. . , __ ~ _ All Goods shall prove as represented, or the pnrchaae money refunded. Sale to commence radi evening at A'alruvfr QttAx S Vw» ° nov9 JAS. McKENXA, Anet C, SKAT SPECIAL SALK OP BBQAIWUJrttS AT AUC- | T TION. —Commencing THI3 DAY, Wednesday, NoTem ber Oth, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, +nA etch day during the week, or nutil all aro said, at McKenna s Auction House, an unusual and asscrtiaent of English. French and American Broadcloths, all which will be sold In quantities to salt purchasers. Sato at early gas light, prertous to sale of Watches and Jewelry; also each forenoon, from 9 tiU 1- o’clock. Private sales will be held of *ame goods, at prices which cannot fell to please all dassea of Thto atock Is superior to anything of the kind-offered in the dty for some time, and the owner to determined to close the en » gulch ss OWhUW PIECE AM) CauiOß CIUAK3 AT AUj> ; XION.—THIS EVENING, Wednesday, November 9th, at esrly gas light, immediately before the Mjeof Watches and Jewelry, at McKenna's Auction House, vrillbemldono splendid TNrist and Patent Breech Double Barreled Polling Soct. which can he warranted In every respect ; also, fifty bora best old Havana Cigara,looin each box—a geunlne taporred Tticl.,.mdofexceUeut^T^ KEHSAol.l on. lot of gronnd, himngnfrOTt of it fret on tin Etst side of Centre Avenne, *d£lwn* DertT of heirs of Judge Porter, end eltendlng back 4Sf« two lot. of ground mdjolning Ole .toem her ing eech. front of U feet on Clerk, street. Mid eitendtng tori 13 feet tow Md. Centre Aeenne, on which Me erected two conrenl mil Brick Dwelling Holies, fwh two storfe. “| h ' A ,t rale. fnoeZ] P- M- DATIA Anct r. IBKBTV bCKKhT fIUJfKKTY AT AUCTION.-On TITCRSDAT AFTEBXOON, Hot. Wll, ?° r d ,2*X the premises, will be Bold that eery raluable lot of ground, tlmited on the North ride of liberty rtreet, hiring a ftont of 21 feet, end extending back 11»S« to on which is erected i tour story Brick. Warehouse, ho- 325, and a three story Brick Smoke House, at present oreupled by Messrs, a Wells l Co, being one or the best ami most desirable situations lor business now tor sale to this dty. Terms at sale, [norS] P. M. DATIS, Aaetr. Sew Dancing School* • • CmUSTOPUBB A- McMASUS, Into of j would respectfully inform the,l . n ,l widniiT th«t be has opened hia DANCIhCpSCHOOL, 1 In WASHINGTON HALL, 'WOOD STREET. He_»iU j £sch the Plain and Finer Quadrille, Maialka Qnad tUlt Polka Quadrille, Sehottlsh Quadrille, hnsrisn t , pniw welts, Scbottlsh Waltx, Plain Waltx, Redow* wiltL, Clsrrlns Welts, Written Walts, SpanaoleJYaltl,. Crarosa Walts, and OelUom Walts. PETDonu nho mar j wishlojo-ohU classwwhidi are now Iniersicw at the Hall from 9 o'docimtia morning tm h, and from 1 to & In the afternoon. afflalao be daJM tunned for ledlaa and children, In the eilernoon, also, per eons taught at their own prirete residences, If reqnlred. Persons who may wish to job either of tla Cl S?**’,s r ?J7l tmested to make applicationi ss early aa *° “t* 4 they tasy comjnenco with their wspectiy Oaro». inlbnaation N B.—Doe notiro will be giren of Jlr. JleSlanus’ first ASfiESIBhY. flobehce HOTEIm No. 400 BROAtWAI, NEW YORK. {COXDCCTO 0> TEE gCEOPEAS TU2V-1 beubeh LOVSJQY, PBOrRIETOB- jas&.» **■ vs a&ar r vp. k~i v kd. a complete ayscrtmopt of Ladteg, Qentv Misses and Premium, G>mbiaation OVta-SHOES, a most beautiful arttele-’ . T o*** tbem * b,^ to Utom-«t No. M. M^^ MERTZ . STOCKING FACTORY, fifth ST, BETWEEN WOOD AND STIIEET3. ABILI IT, ENEBGT, cf ECOSOMr rTWlEbertgood, in CWMm.’.Ho«, U^atc^VcAer- S FACTOKY, ell made ftmn 2*g£ NO ADVANTEINPRIC^^ UJg - 1W Uerm *°’“ TXX^amo3. DT i®sß VKLU.W-** fc. in V to J. TOM * Co- g) Wood et- tSTYB UUNDKKI) Bacoo Shoulders; IQOQ Bacon Buo>> purrv 'S'rSh id StSiVS&SS*' T*ltnaa- - x opcned4t No-25FSfttistreet. octs - ■ F' BESH DALTiaORE OYSTISI&-Th. prepared to .apply their costomeH with PlTdh ffSSk at the -SO for SKCL „ R . HUyEKKRIIS-A tew for^^ mhhda. Sugar tor ™ & '& m ~ ea;CLAm , : ' nrrbftns’ Court Sale* _ , -OT rtrtu. of - i p i^!ste:S e «W'K of eightr-two feet dx Inches} thence north- Lsd g dlerrt«ntT-twofeet rix Inches, to the wm^M^S^lot;-thence esrtmmllj dong SS UnffKe 12f;& eJuthicwdlj, bjeUoe pnnf g^^sassseas Of BUitbeth Lewte, deceased. Vortema of wle, enquire Of JQi LEWIS, and 5L W. LEWIS* oeeSdtd Ex«ntor> of ssld Ellxsbelh Le^^ *“““ I S££SSS£} k A.toKrTofcrlbe ( eM>*ißrgJ™ N( „ tl!ll)6tnelt . beMd oaTCESDAT, the lit R ypRRAY, C«M«. octStte ” k n a*™** octZldtd of this Baa* wDI m ncia on JOHN BNYDJSB, ruiaber next > CasTller. octSkdtd tui Btrabberr, «U »• 4 SOHT »t»Wipn=»- 140Thlrttt«et ~-t22 r-gBAOTIIiBI, ZAKU, on Uw OUwTiret. ne« tha bn CPTIIBERT & SOX, ltd Third «t. P- —iaid SILKS —Just-opened,A. A. MASON *so^2sfifth street,bbeautiful MsortmcntofKeii eui™_ brightest retort. ;' B— BOOIIIS BHA-WLB-A. A.MASOX * CO., S".2iH™ Street,wiH open thlamorning»l»rs»*g4SSSFSjjT qualities'or BKOCHK 3HJM, Ixmg >od Sqmrte .. - =r -|UAU) JMS LMSEJ-400 pcs, no«r Mjle riua Do Uiaes, X brizht colon, Jart co.’g.Ko.gsmatrt. •pOT AflgpS c “ fcl fct sms. 4 SISCtiIB, r ** ' } : ; . * Carter’s {Spanish fixture. THE GREAT POBIFIEB OF THE EUXTO. sssi2«®sasffi' of th&MendMoofferlttothel>tjb«c f 'tha fflnuKt confidence in la irtrtaeasßd yandegm -TSara;,. properties. The following certificates, selected no&a.IJgJ-. uumbor, uo, bowutcr, strtmger testimony-tnaa ttMBOT - •wonl of the proprietors; and are from gentlesiea W*il .• known In their localities and of the highest respcctahlUSy, many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Vs-. • - - * - P. HOYDEN, Esq., of the Exchange .Hotel, Biebfireod# : known everywhere* rays he baa seen the ra*lidneeallfld Carter’s Spanish Jlixtnre administered in over a hundred r&x*. in nearly all the diseases for which it is recomswad' ed* with, the mostbstonlshlngly good results. Elerayittt* *V§& S'S^teBEAT ♦hh* for three years I had Agne and Fever of the tsoji Tw“ • ■ I had several pbyndans, took tiU«of Quinine, Mercury,andrbelioveall -itJiimi -bat all without any permanent relief Atimtl IrM&’rtert "puuish Wx&k two Dcidta !“r,„me*andl amheppy.toaaylharafcadnSStlar , ihrUCTifcre™ Since, I consider it tire best Tonie ta'tio C. tl. LUCE, inch confldenc*to th» Citr Hotel, in thodty of Richmond, aay» Lo baa . taints of tested the, effete ofterttf.SggA - . Mixture,-which were most truly surprising. Hgcayg toa case of Consumption, dependent on the; LiTer, g?o2 facts were wonderful Indeed.' l «r__ SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm ofDrtofcgS rb.Richmond,was curedpf ljTertonplamtrfe^htyegw. Btandlnff, by the use of twobottlarof Carter*,9P™*s..- . \-MXT cm® oy ECKOrraA. r The EUton Of tte mnnd ItepobUean hod a serwnt ' : room cured of Tlolcut Scrofula, combined withßbeuma, . Usm, which entirely disabled himfrom work; JsZ?Jr£h!£ of Carters Spanish Mixture made a pertigt egreof and the Editors, In a public node* ray commend 11 to all who are afflicted:with any dlscaroof W . : STILL ANCffiIEE CURE OPWJOFUI^-l hadaroy . valuable-boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Epanioh SUxtora. I consider It truly a Talnabla T ' ■ _ , Conductor cn the B. F. and P.E. B. Co, Rfchmond,Ta. SALT rheum of twisty years sTArarascmurD. —Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing (nthe tnty ofßSchmgnd, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Squish Mixture. <* Salt Rheum, which he bad-ne&Tiy twenty yca»2sadwfcid& all the phyaldansof the dtyxonld. hot i-wSrYt' ' sou ls swell icnown merchant in the cityaf Ridimcna*Tfc, ecilbis care Is most remaibablew -'4 • lz-. y.«: tra. A. MATTHEWS, of Blchmond, hod a «rtr»3tgg” of SyphllL«,lntheworstCjrm,^yCarta'^a»hl*™*^ He rays he cheerfuLyrecomniends.il,and ccnsidmli «a '"’mCTAßd'k'wSt, of Ekhnond, was eared ■ le and what physicians call confirmed. Opnsnmpoen, by , three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mature. - > ■ : SDWABDBUBIOX. oommiseioDercf the rrreransHTOT* he has seen the flood effects of Carter’s Spanish Mlxtdrete aDomherdT Byphnitlc.eascs, and eaysitila aqjerfetenr* f ° WJ? of Bichmond, cured ofOM Sores atd Ulcers, which disabled him fn*n waiklDg. Tookafewho^, tire of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was ean&taibto »»Ut without a crutch; in a short time permanently owd.^., . Principal Depot at M-WAKD, CLOSE A C0.3t0. 832W5£1 L I MOTTASONS,Xc.l32lTorth2d raffoffebMa. nCTHETT A BEERS, No.l3sMaln street, RH i ; . And for yale by D. Aw FAHNESTOCKA CO* L.'; ! Jr. * C 0„ Pittsburgh; H. P. SCOTABTZ, * *ad byDruggistsandDealersto'Medktoe OTerywhet®. : octSaJtwly • • ■ • ■ , r ’ B5O Eewirt r o arexT, nod mg ii according todlrteocssi, -. U tiey «lltcall at mj oflee «nd«g : & clear conscience, that • it - pUidycitrt Chapped t fins. Sore Llpsyßuma'andvJ’neKfli'Screa . ~• Children, ami entirely care; Saltarhenm Piles, wSd mSS?; S. HOLMES. Tempenacrißle:D.-M ;i< WM.SEIBERT 4 BBQ.; 47" Penn street, PiHasbarga. ESZ 4 - DYER. Allegheny; WM. smrß,Lawwnanin«?ißKE B. DAVISON. Rest Liberty; SPANG 4 LEWIS k CO-, lrcn'WorfcJjJ-W. EAaJiflflj charter. jy2salnry E. TEttKEL-S HKALIKG UINTiIKNT ' ?i?sSS3§SS - Oil Diseases of tboSkin, qtac&aj netwqggiy s: wmitm EroirtfftiMWlY (jigcotaml WOMjjy K fcr Sbcnmxtism is ft speedy *nd ecrtaia Bmaay *jt U Epcaisiro.-4IDIAHOSB > PUtobnißh, Penn**. The Doctor i»sl**yß»i cm*.... , ' • ••• ' -i- OrpHana’ Court Sale. BY -rirtueof an ord«r of tie Orphsja Ooolt . mantT listed tile 281 day of October. ISO 3, ala ba oSrtto PUBLlCaAtftottti« TOCKr^nffCSB, totta atjof Pittsburgh,on TUESDAY, Xowo. her 1853*at 10 o’clock,A-- iL,aa:tbapropertjcf AnteoT: Itoagherty, late of thoCitj °yWss^' d £?«lH I Sh ccrtSnlot or piece Wart, CttjofPMubargb, Pfe? ’^foißTaSSxS?" " PP Attorney*allear. •, lAfflßlliliSiffii PHILADELPHIA.. ' OPES FOB THE ACCOMMODATIOH OJJ GUESTS . Thursday. September 29th, 1000. ' J J.TAEEB& SQ% - PHOPBIETO3S. S. CHILDS & CO., ■wholesale shoe wasehottss. . * Ha’s 133 * ISS-TTOos ar, B»ssoBa E».. XXTT, wtrald liU attention or Slettfcaato TfcdUnj Utß. W °«ST H rBHO E B. . EmbradafffiTeiyTKietyfor Meo, - Mtees> Bor* Tooth and Children; comprising efidaf tha largest stesa . . W^ri«^te«£tarator Metfaa^Eep ▼ar. Mexican aod Gttsena.HATS* -SHk.ssd Cottcs , . Cfoth and Glued CAPS, • Alan. gOOO sides Prime Hey ToA tinmed We han* purchased direct frciath&Hraufacta* *■•■. Old Dog Tray, ?«£*• > ■ „ f \ Royal Quadrille, Sullen. . •.. . American Quadrille^.' da. ■" ■ :■ • ’ HountßUuc Polka,-. . -do* -. prims Donna Waltaes, do. .•-•,• These pieces, t>y Jnlien, baTe been perfomed with the greatest anceesaathiaCotiefitS laths East.. -••_•• : 1 Crystal.Byerly.- Forest Glade Polka,G©tisehalk- ; f :.\ - , : Water&jrttePolka, • ' do. ■ _ WUHrt to the Itefc Sloe Sea, by anther of tipy Dale., Come Takff a Bail, a new Ethtopian Soae. ' ' American School fcr tiwMelodean, ttd Heed . Sa&Msg . - J -unt/H*; tfo. 40 fourth street^ ; may. Duteb Bulboni , . rngE gofagriber h»» : - Swe’r'Ktß^fcr^^Ltiii^aSform^^csJasla.. ■ lh ?^ e 6>t lures, srlfch tutor*..- ~. ■■■• •_ S? ri^L e »moSii Tort eqtal to Sods. : Frusta*- latttn* ■■::■-■■■ •S, i?As^«^anatojSgJapl«saeaS»-ot.«!3'.= lc * t ■■ : WirfKmas, Fiith WABI>3O^ Sf^lr&aHSS Wood.- , " 1 ***"~3n»* i ?■■• ? i -v.-i t •;’s .*••-' 'TV* ** •«. ... ■ -V.. ■■•••■.- •• •{*■■ ■. ■*.V 'i ■■• i- •■■ - > v.-' IM ■ K **“- V" vi \r . ‘' • N . *?•* V«. -t - * 'vN 4 -- , :■ > ■ - '■ _j- is .•• V • V • v *.' \SV- '