i j ,;; , w*,„ “ **>• ■'’. .A* r- . *h * r.X ~ V 1 * \«. "> - vV - ‘ ' - V , -' % >v?fc t*« * A*. ~‘ \** J \* * V *N -sA -1 ii;* - • ■' ,fA ' j '• - A- c ~. -■ -% •• •J.t.-V.? '-V;tf;>'r»‘; “; tv-',':’: '■ .;■> ' tf-Xr'i.v.i':V' 7“v vr '-'-’-w *" > 7 - :; 1 * ” ’"'' :r ; ' ' -yst 4! • ‘ - : -‘ ; * ■• ■' '.. *. -.-•. J*a!'*■*’»'%•*■'i\ >'*ii; «** C. ‘!^'‘v^ ; - - ’/A t ft ' T rl*" <* ♦». 11-V* - -Tjj SK'i !■ *t',^V'fc}.sj'J 4 J,V si' A •■;.•■• fc>,e ’■*»,'?».«'f;* ,’ k^r^^j^SiS isfral ht'i;* ! ,<£ eP»»- tiwraffwri dttawn pMM tMßmm ¥ SBuwaMt MBBrngayte^a lw|p^ Mn&M iMVvisp.v>».v.’a7;f fcfi.'frw? 1 ' - wpaMapw ams&yggs^ ipM nSg <&s£&msmm Ippap^i - ®»| li^ipfnj» bmmk &g£g£s§g&^gs^s4 ir' ,*&s'■ss* "I &555^i*€^^af^$->ifft^^ ! '^l^^& i|^!^,^S: „„„ .-- it •—•— notea wiua -u««»wvvi^.>^i;«rr^v«>>.^«^isa«!^!^»*n*ttM«tuiiMm*«KM««ii : l »w* iw »"■•-' ‘:« mmwmmm >fr'«p"v';.v- , ~» -A.' i‘ : vi l i>:'f , iv v i ■ ’ - Tljjb Little Low Boom Where I Courted 3Sy Wife. My brow is seamed o’er with the iron of years, ~And tbo snow*thtoodj» are gleaming the _ furrows amo g, My eycshaTO grown dim in the shadow o'tears, . ■\Vhero the flowers of ifljr-soa) have died a». they sprang , Bat Memory bears to mo on its broad wings •■ ■■Bright Images trd© of my earliest HP*, . And there ’rail the fairest of ell that she brines Is the HtUe low room whore I courted my wile. That low, humble room seemed a palecoofHcb t. As Lore hold his tomb and mom.n»Uho eceoo, With fs-i i-?r ■* 1 • 1 1 - - - =■ ..iat-1 SHALL BE-A FABHEB’S 'WIFE. :eivroB»dropperl” Betf-Jour pardOD, Mary, but I wnnot guilty orffe^-V c 'i>Now : tell mo, Warren, haven t yon been betring'WbbV:we girls have been tolking 4SiOT 1 ..■■ ■ . ua*iiZetif.l bearisomething, but lot me premise that I wasnotoayes-dropping—but, ns I stepped on„thp,. 1 pi!)«u here, unconsoiousthat 1 waßin theitieirntyinteneh a pariy, I stopped to exam iWtßiqh'easlifol plant,; and. Beard some ono say ] a former—and another, , A^lSalUjo-sdamer’swife.!'” ■ • i all yon heard!” Jitat.’ttas.’enppgh'todntereat'me you toon, ; UsryjJSincscßftni'tohe a-fanner; and of neoes sifyWißWant&Wife, ana ’one.cftheTigbt stamp, above, the hnsipess—-but, who wcre those who were deddiogupontheir future ?. ltnow.nnd Imay mukc you ■jnjglnroWatit,'.since yon .are,.disposed of, so mnch to tho dismay of all oor hearts." the maiden, But let'me'introduce them. ' - iSSnrtetttft'www.’waßia yonng man of good-char ahtftr, t Bdtttiatijoni’ 'fam'ny; ■ &3 e alot 4 “ WoB * tot#ly aSArsrss.-fiSs ®. «ith trvtlb andaffection* ShoTTOBDea foolouotry. no heartlossness, but true, lifnl ; ; of igno- SS^->»SSE “ would bo o farmer’s wife. Warren bftd bat' recently become acqnamte JaSw mher father had lately arrived mth hie family; but there appeared t »■rsigu, hftl on those fair cheeks, at the earnest have had an introduction-let ns r^i^ B^.u ISa^“wmM: 1 S a^“wmM: , e “let yonr sisters en- ; ‘ TJe drew Mary’s arm -within his, at tb^ -was about declining, swd he, . wmrnte i« alright with yon, yon need not fc sli«w V ' btaWd-agtun, ond said, •• 1 feel as- Will Warren ; but It must be only a. B vii?rwSrk T Snd'wEal yon have to say must b» i/noexeuseformetomsß*. t °S£w&, and were walking an dtl.ahr^;S6rS e fHend, tSer Yon «e ”<* Ufeo the l?rZ\T%o£» or girls, for very few can, or do at‘ least keep, a secret, but you con. - I wilt he yonr- friend. as Always have been, and your sister if yor, wWlihardon’t Wll me my Virtues, rather rr,y f “jwJMary, the. truth, te, you ere o -good gjftJnbaTjimr.going to ask your opinion -of El tan#*** C who have t'ae repu- KVSSi“ !! °™ subordinate, withont their leave first had and ° b A l ml ridiculous and despicable farco we Uave seldom eeen got up, than tb '° Hel ? ’ Whig, Bronson moss in New York « J all a whig Boheme to oppose tho democratic ad mibistration, assisted by a few Broneon,tt " de ‘ mocrats, who have been overlooked >n the d.p -: tribufidn of the offices ; and by Bennett °[ ‘ h ° Herald, who applied for the m.ss.ou to Franny and came about as near getting it as tho little boy did to getting the poppy. A Rich Tof.at Com,ko.-Wo have t following letter from Cleveland, and it will « plain to our lovers of good music that on the 11th they will have .an opportunity or listening to BOtne of the fihaat performers of the ego : CIEVKIAHn. ® OT - !• ’ooS. Editor* of Pitlthurgh Pori: Rms—Mad’llo do Berg, the greatest female ! 11 hojiutiful Prima Donna, Stg ra Sido young flrftnd o poni of Bt. retcre ma Coß ‘ ,bl, A1 f b^c Tenor of the Knglish Opera, Sig Basso; Mr. Henry Ap- famUiar to you as a Violinist of rare f»<» M «“* tiebicbt Wh ° wU P ”' 9i \'radHlb ? P^'Be< , E. « th ' R laniBte ' ie P octio f n . d of borself—beautiful, brilliant and not fail, to draw forth the en young, beautiful Our T nm Lo t traril olr company P*’ and intcrcst '“ 6 *_ n : array of ybuth T beauty, and Bento so great oat tbe e n ie 0 f I talent, ae will* don __ rt r o m> first appearance, your city mi tbc bccasiou of our brat Respectfully, . LtKcmia I/was 0 ",“‘ ESiZ&EftSM'SM*' " od tbon tiothera ring th. Whig ti< ; k^, nfX ‘l’;L S do ytAt ertl Wen, Rood bye, «!Bjlie*, weoonu f I kind of an animal Democracy ' i ' l^;!2°? l .'^ Tl dliltl£n for a while; the carter the "“ x * necoed: I tloyernor should be something oruuk coinnromiso Mr. Shuffl.ton pledges himself to MpPOTt measures and abolitionism: to oppose tb nhn n-e caB . Maine laws, &nd-sbut.up.ell grogshops, to awri *i, e toms, and pnt the tariff on thick; to I” I*'* 1 *'* “4 C ji, ilectlve franchlre, and not allow any foreignei than three montli before he declares hta intentlooe of “m -trig! nth this.country. With such' s carf, W 'hlnk ho miehtcbonco .to work or fnU through. Whal -s*v4* hfe new ally w« , T1 ? 0 S whigs Mr. Bhaffleton in ia, i; Ss«'fh Jany^«thuntin B yt,T 9B l.«Sd iffttact themselves to oar party. w ■ • ■: • fgf The N- York Herald has late advioes from I the plains, which annonnoe that Major Fits-1 Patrick has effeoted a treaty with the Camanches and Klowas, in which the red men agree, for the sum of ten thousand dollars ,. i t; v ' * * » ' / ' * i For Governor. Jenkins 43,9'ja—')48 Johnson’s msjority For Conffrtn. Memhohow Soictnn.-Tuesdaj“ rmi«:r=s srsu. &* * *; Is Tre of a peculiarly tnelnnoboly nature. e^srrss^ffliK Abont eighteen months sinoo, sho went to Nosh ,me Ud g has orer since bee* f - n ” £snSsst -jsM, , beml? was only aboat nineteen years of ago condor, the Qym speelmcnaof th a tra«o ft. om tboAma notUa£ll recently armed to zoq tiver, M y ftf u and were sent- Mr nnd' b'y'sea'for the Smithsonian Institute in say, died on the Ptt Xe g yeesel on which they were placed for de- S'ffi- .4 expenment that was the these rare b Mr Williamson on aooount Union . i beaatiful I'niHE specimen A >TMhilfng at Loath, England.; of the .,presents; ft*; The ' fish a sole: tti* furnished; general ,A^«. with. twenty ot,‘eUiier leg or; parthf ; foot -js the hoe; -wbb&sss** 1 >% - - t - , .i- y■■ From tho dfldnuUi Inquirer Another national Scandal. Tho history of the wa? steamer fWtfon, to miserable construet^W^^^^^f ur ?’ are well known, andblnshM over.'; Another is list, , the Government end sternly reproach Congress for not remodeling our whole naval service, kicking out the imbeciles, drones and charlatans, and re- tititerpnseiSehergy and gonios which every where distinguish Oor pri vate mercantile marine. A letter' from Wash ington gives us the points: The United Btates steamer Allegheny was late ly commended in the highest terms, by the press, for her extraordinary performances. Her last performance will, however* be sufficient to dis tinguish her, and afford additional testimony to the skill and aihqfhtion of' our naval management. The Allegheny h’ <0 port of her is that she H on hor way '*“ 6 01 tomao, somewhere npon which, ri'' find port among the things lostf at n00 "’ °“ the waters of the earth. 'dißcharge of the The Allegheny goto-fi'ponatnil trip, from, the Oth of and anchored J* contractor, antoMoek that night. The next the Norfollprs gotnnSer weigh, and * Haven ljs beyond the Capes. She returned ; fiMSg! and incapaMe of sustaining anymadjnory that and a hai y . , better try some now S&iSSi —« h6 Mr n Be b ore^ C Dobbln is regarded as a praoti of elevating his branch of tho cnblio servioe. oorreottng aboses and effect ng Reforms; and it is greatly to be hoped tW be win impress open Congress how essential it is to divorce the Government from the fligMoß nmnagement in the Naval Bepartmentof the miserable hacks who so long have diegraced it nnd libelled onr peoploby .theirantedelnvian notions and impotentiexpenments. < It isshamo fol in theextreme that they have So long bee wasWrittaKWbeb &cnmonc*cu an article on the same topio >n ; tho Sentinel. I» i» sensible an! pointed, and with* U -tinontcd Ideas of cumbrous end useless machinery, worthless and otTboblt© robbiah m and about lb© Qoronimont, which no Erccutirc es” sod zealous, can remore without the aid of Concessional action. And mno braneb ef the nubile serrico is progress, improvementatid re form more needed than In our nasal system, by means of which an onerous ta* is loried on tho people in order to purchase mortification and “"whole world i, astonished at th. rapld nrouress of our merchant marine, and the east which the of our citiieno hat# accomplished in msr titne architecture. Yet our national where It stood forty years ago; scorning t£«T Improtemsnt, and deriding ol ' the opplication or steam, which has wrought imeh wonders, has been practically * or “ E " ‘“ our nary, notwithstanding the raat sums the goTcrnmcnt has squandered In futUe tc otoU itself of tho genius of Fulton. The fail ure of the Allegheny {» but ono in an almost no bloVcn series of failures. It is not an exception but harmonises and accords in all itsi essential futures with nn entire brood-the offspnog of worthless system, and an Important organization. Vet the same genius sud talent, which pni ate enterprise calls into serrico with such wonderful results, are ready to scrrc thc goTcromcDt, and etand prepared ib meet If. summons. This seems strange, yet .it is. true cetcrthelcss, and. suggest, the inquiry = Why Is it that the goreru ment cannot arail fi«elf of »«- moots of the age. as well as pnralc lndmdnals to this qncstion, when fully made, will »et rorth tho mnny erilsof that worn-ou 7rstrm which is fast discrediting the nary in public eetimaUou, aod which. If not f®' form cl— radically and thoroughly reformed will lucritably alienate many of its warmest and ln Thofi n 4t great step is. and must hc.loroforTn the omonnrf of the nary, and pronde definite and distinct rules for ns gorernment. When that is dono, and not until that is done, we may easonahly eapect progress and Improvement in naral architecture. Experience is[. gained in routh and rigorous manhood. Ago clings to Its aod bind, itself to the dead corpse of the past-distrusting crorytbing new as im practicable. rash and reckless. The men who fin tho high places in our present naral system were ornaments to the serrico in their genera tion. but their generation has passed ****' “!* m ,cy of them do not understand and appreciate, ,md cannot apply, the improrcmeDta and cries of a younger race, who hare tho benefit of ail their knowledge. fmioßiTiVs OP Utwatibe -Mfia Bremer whose book ebook America bus Joat appeared from the prc.aof tbo Harpers, baa nol permitted « D y want of Information to prevent her gossip ping aboot anything that came into Wo have only examined tho chapter that embra ces ber visit to Washington, hot that contains some facts not generally knownin this country. to ”Tbo Senator from New York, Mr. a little man. not at all handsome, and nasal twang which not unfrequently belongs «o th* ■one of Boston. Srteard it from that nfv, fee. Mr Seward has informed the public In his big books, that he was born inOrangocoun.ym Colonel Benton ie described ns b.longing “to the Donnlntion of the - borders in America, to that class which spring up in ‘ho ou ‘ s^ rtB ° f the wilderness, nod he has evidently aocustomod birose f to club-law has accustomed himself to go with pistol and . . u_ifa, fn kind of crookod knife, universal T tlloJtX slave States, and called after UsiuTcnlor.) and which is earricd ns our een tlemen carry a penknife and penoll, m the breast ‘’“This is pretty well, considering that, instead of being abordorer. Colonel e . ot ° n and brought np in one of the oldost of the Ena ern States, anl is noted at Washington for never 'Tnole a r Miss Bremer's history, „bioh occurs', n thlachspter, Isst.li more unique it runs nfl follows : , . -Duringilie present session, on ono occasion a strsDgo and rather eomio scene oceurrod be tween the Senator from Missouri, Mr. Benton, and tbo Senator from Mississippi, Mr. Foclc, in which the former,' a strong-built man, with an expression ond beak-like oountenaneo resembling a bird of prey) presented himself before the ?. t ,„ with a look and gesture that made tho lottor, n little man of nervous excitability! draw forth a pistol. irAicA he plat'd against Mr. Btn. ton's breast. With this the Senator from Alaba ma (her friend Mr. Dloklnson cgam) Ba,d qni e ooo’llv -Oivemo that instrument, and forthwith PootO. YjhCQ, behold, tl»0 pistol Wfifi unloaded! Tbo hawk end the dovo (Footo 18 the Sole) were now both of tbom in tbeir places id rsllatc and the quarrel between them socm i l ed fo ho at an end; but I should not depend l UP U aU° Ibis' book is equal to the obapter from which we have made these quotations, it »■ hke 1 * I to prove one of the most remarkable efforts of imagination its gifted authoress has yet produ ccd -A'. Y. Post. nuEADSTurvs Imtobted into Qbeat Bbitain. -Tho English Board of Trade has rurDlshed the nf ermin and tlonr imported Into Great Britain daring'tho'ycar 1862, by which it is ns . j that the largest Imports of flout r'm lbo OnuVd sS, tbo nmonnt ffguring as o A oCO cwt , ond of wheat 488,669 quarters, !nd of other gkins 108,317 quarters Russia has furnished the largest quantity o wheat *“* hi-. i n 733 672 quarters, ond of all grams l fl 3ol 669 quarters. The totals of grain imports c’ 1R62 figure as follows : Flour. 3,866,719 f t Wheat* 8 060,208 quarters; other gram, 3 681 461 quarters—total grain,. 6,641.729 qrs. ’ The groin of other desonptions than wheat . i in the abovo quantity of 8,681,461 comprised m to Barie y f 62 5,540 quarters, o 0.967; peas and quarters; oats, “e o £/l ,471,277; book, beaus, 477.806 , inum - ladian co m was S’ed oSefly frmnWallachin and.-Moldavia, Russia and tho United Btates. j Notes Fobbed be FnoTOOUAruv.--A. discav __ h aa recently been made at the Bank of Eng-, i;k w ui cause, it is understood, a great ‘l'Vtv fi'Vi*V .. . ’*;■>•' -S m * \, 1 ’ . - v -"■' v.- •*■'":• ;• : ». • * -■•■• - ■ ..; •-'•'•! f- ? 'K ,r r" ■. i * «• r s' Sy jgy. obord Cobdon, -.hemaeleS; st* >* a&dr^'y '■ iill’a IWttve *5 IS®® our a ,v 0 ballot in ob— -1 peedy trinmptt ,»«■- „ ft ttue^Wrofatbera • Wal troßtyonWiliP wh4lll^us lhat w 0 " re are, 08-»P eo P'®’u 0 -f(jh the enemies of Unate adherence os - 1 may take B ° me Jgbj_ no . countryJrherojt i* • ourht to adopt Jn novh ore else ia there ‘ thVhaUotWJ?ti lathe eondiiioda of the vo te^SSasssr^ gaasii^,^ Moiomi “placfin my hands, and I rem”* dears*, v Very einoer&r yours,_ I E. L. Pierce,Esq. tflCHAttn Cobdes. Mexico *BO TUB QaS. new bo Tory popular tiieije, “XfeSSi s=s£»!BSSSflSfiKB ft. TOlWitM ‘be aQtymd -expew rf.pro tecttna the .Mexican, frontier-, from W* 9 ™?.” ' from Within the United States, of eaeago Ind.an tribes. - *> v of Pe»M «HnT A* ,,e l Another firtr- uni rr»P*r»l ,cr ll *' rnl ’ . t jHU gwu*r»l utility mnd “ 4| - T™ .” Idl Ihrlr hkhl ..ngUltw «j*et»ttetf, ft «* «« »„ 17”- hu. -a .... .1- «-» “ rufebru<-J .J y “' PHI. now be for. tta> Olhrr rill., P" r P»r» n< <* . w< .rf.lmW Vnr t,ubh.-. I>r " 1 - ,, " r i,, H ,, ll >bfo UnigStorwlb ;».f«r.r.n ..... >- l- 1 •« *« tl„ I'nlti.i N»lr>. .uJ by la .!. KH.t * Co, M v.'ooi sirrrt ,al. *«a Tt«l«lt~* £ ofthii. .Uhtoi to l« to>«l oui (u On =uA- C«lr*M K»M JOW W Country Startaib «*« « « 10 »*««««*-" '"^:". k orX ~ o rJ ,r in »r«* ** * nJ “ lh ” ,l ‘° rl CLOtinsa woo. Kn. *2W liberty -cMt. DIED: ~ r'ci'mw. “, nowise; m,n«h»l» A eo T Cemetery. Tt* k TO In WASnINOTON HAtL, WMDbi* QqjiJ teach the r ,'“ n i.m OuaJilUo, ltur'SiO M»iur- TlUe. »i^ r SST I te » Walti: Hr*— U IVTi. S!'=»=»>'' Watt.. "*"• C w r lta. wJS: I'M*** »*> triay | Cnrota wait*, fanuloc, aoU” * n »l,h to jot Q 0 o'clock in the morning till 1- lolerrla* at tt» Hall“’j? nil! aleo be tlt»" to! from 1 to t» In tb a ftamonn: also, far [ormed for IaJIM amt „rf,lonrr«. If roqnlml. ron» »»*“ »* ° > ?f- h altbcrof the Ciaaeea,«nti» ''■[s°; » h ° “g ;iar.£uon a. early a. •» U>»' qu«*tod to Urn*# *W* n,.** reroeellire ih*y may "‘Wrr** . *Vr farther information M&UXVK SVta notice triU b. gi«n of Mr. McMaooa tel . Ssrawas-SSSSr '&&ass^s&Z£& * v - * 'a ramlM. R nATVrAIIBi nool Ofltnot Msrtpt Sind Llhoftr sts. . /Soi'HKR wrtoarto tt£*fur bot 4 So.', gM and 8M IJbwty ■ ttw«>. l»8 PATENT AIK WARMIN' I) VESHLATING FUBNACK. cniMOs 1. «>«,'!teT°/Cul/w,comb£lop in Iterff allthe **E «“*' Apparatus,!!,- rabjo4iu^We»rH«™. l “^j^‘ out the dl*BgmaW« eurlng pcn»n*l common It&MtSftg „. D „ , l m « or Mar« or h^7«”nb| cf , or bu!ldiD „ armnermenta. 'joi e „j}jl ftnm »ir»rm summer rt «p«rfeo mg. „ n hellth . ““.‘t'Ei elf nrt eontatalnnted by Seiag -lertrej Tmm tnitalnlng tdr, gourraSi or Its power to abstain life betas dunp, B; 1 !;™!;!;/ | 0 contact with anoTcr-hcatod surface, ta^lred contracting the Ihese ro ‘“ 1 ? that thohcat l« dliTaan) at a low furnace in X SfSuraal with any other Furnace now cr terai-eraturo t Jn , iro( j uc ins this result, nnotherob- ] hnown to ” e .J“ ,5, nM ta obtained on the toot* of ooono joct of g™t imgrtance ta plating surface is so SwlUiat the heat la almost entirely “beta acted ftrnntb* S™ Ittforethcynro drlrcnolf Into the chlmney. thereby fi**°*. uturltiff tbe.coußuniptioopf. fuel.: ;Tb® fuel eb*m- lined with soapslono and flre-bric'-i. that tfee foel Snuotcome in contact with tbo!rfVpreT|ntlngihe oref cannot com and.destruction or’ injury to the heating ..*o appended l\&czriiflcaU\ >o oonjtructad u W .lIorJ certify, that I hiTB lieiwWtf rfXim for making a Ugbt aamLaudrClay ..7 Bcrofalafor the last wren years that most of the ahdeootyJoa tlm elhirebeeri unable toattend toanykindorbadness, 25to?S«b» oeettpanfa, «ud *> Injutiouatoth. b~Uhand time WjHr to be earned fafakendln*ti r ftomth.ouUSle bed, and of the building In allows, thus losnringnsapply of party .JJJ^^fSo'cnro,' and continued to grcnrirbr»e »ho!eaomeairforbreatbfag,andtheothefknportantrane- to try the Petrel coin, or Iloek Oil, as ere « ( m,“iulrcd by the lrnmnntoM* oijgen b. not nf- ; Idldso srithoot faith atfimt,Jrat teclod nor the organic matter fa the afatartoniaedbyoom- yj^ i 2S,“J‘;vstoiiishfas' U three the poison to the surface contact srtth an oyer-healcd snrfeM,'« trltt ctoer m grow tetter, «ndby using faroSes, and headache* ana other disagreeable imofai ItaTb wtaro™ thousands ofdoHara. aTeMerVnted' by this meane-andln ooneeqnenceor the soreo bottles I hare got a NAjm M BißXgt, trannali not making too” largo demands npon the lunge • n ,,rmVrWtifTthat 'lhaTcbecnaeqniliited-rtthKler't and eraporatfag surface of the skin, to supply tbs moisture jn?* ou, tor more than a year, and harere eWclllbaßloat fa byer* J«d fctadrfaM._fa tta bnfteCdalegecta IntboeaieoflmlO • ViTonf of ttilSa nttentlon 1* cailad-tn the csrtiflcatSß 6f Prt>-i Pftßt&tiyry* ltt>reoul«itfl **> •' v f ... , ■ ■ i' •Vv : • ivJ.- n | Hfil Hi ml the foV ~ —•*®«»JJ®s; l^S£«oa^ » Mtokm»y::ts lY & V£S>jr~ m eaJZsir: Mjeelf and▼ifeharing-been .*._ *heHBS Of TOO?PotTOIeUUIt I Wiah to SS&swkskj Stflgsf&tSrtSS SBj-jtwiffjsjsjas two or thre© e acn 'health for year# a# we haye h%W a*s / g ie toUhebe&re Voce th«t tl»» * atemftch which so distresses the <£► u» or TOOT Petrelrtto- . OEO. n. KETBER. I*o where. Iks?and ventilaK-nQ.WAREIwua6» f WBOTJSin . KKT Mreet, end CHIt IRON TUBINQ. BBAE3 ANPI VIT fl,, pipes, and SON'S njaNACEa,negbtera, Ventilator*, ™ erery article required In their “»• rf Heating, Ven- Pertirnlar attention paid Pipes Hot tilaUns and Drytnit'Apioiatna, by Steam Water, and Oblieon a gurnaee. . —;_j—. 577 ?JffisffiS^£SSS“*isSsSS^S ! it Na FlttHborgba,.-• ; t T - •' — : W" DA UQDSB, Market SemtaiT; ielff -—■■ * Mxacxums Escajcmssr, No. 57 •»» Friday of cnch. imnitß. __—-. shTj3^.!££' b«t BUdt «d g-T Teucan always ba had*;-,- •;_: ..' -■— : r*lnUxLWiwJo» Slu^SS lt \ Curto^Shfert towr, n««tV«ud. i ,t J le - : : ' CHAS. E7LOOMIS, s o S t« T f^/'SoU-t'ra »«-t®Ss3£lot*- Pearl^temn^Miil; CANAL BASIN, AXLEGirENy CITY, (nil ts* wiima? *taxjoxj *““*? CASU °“ ddiT ' I7 'BETAN. KESKEPT *CO. tlio t fc» and quality of esw orfcMM; W I p*rt of ib* cil*- <- a- m'OLOKtif Dealer .ia.:/Sn « -Knx3y Grocmrt, VToodm and ssssssssssj^ th. cUieg frw of charge, •'■S iisiiiiiii kISJ! 02m: In JlottSnJihcU IlDase, Non. 1M 1-5 a^-xors: J. It. Moarhrad, Y' i' B. C-S»wjn, wbtSSS Win. M- Kde«r, I VJ W Dallas. Chute® Hent* I W 3y» SegEMESBK* pEETCTOtS: non. A.O.Hd>t«rr- SSJf 1 miSSS William noUnaoo.JtW William r. Fainwtook, John B.UOI, J *“”* '“^KUSSEU/ UKL T. HARSIIEIX, SecretMT- . - slppl Hirers and tributaries. . tkm md TmMpertitioa. | - PIMLIQ3S n.D. Kins, WUIUm EigiltJ, Svaneljte*, Robert DuhYrPj jr., B lUrbwizb. Frauds Beil era* |d»»rdn4iieto», JigctooMgkM. Writer lIWiL.«J!|g lltgl>t a «aa -,npT.»im.PHU CPBIAIH WASmOPBE, 171 appotUi UK SaU Kotos. H. W. aAFFOKDv ■ KEEPS»n»UnUTonhMdUMmort^^gg KF~«“«£?^22JSSSSSSfSaJaSSS OTwilN n o^MA^?olNmJ^OOVKBIHQS^M C^u^iii»ua^aiitpoTß ic« > =T«T 7 mfe-ISS, ‘ " %SE* Oords and Tmssels,’ , <« y>«m*ak Linen*. Giiap*»*H prie**» “ Ca*hm«T«tte, I^xjps, EfctoTaMdflWCori., « Llnlnp Sifts, .hoiM.lt nr reUU. , .[mail.l? tftm.n. &. Hook. • t Vteo pwaSJcal—auictt BECUJIXAS. Treasurer— "Joseph 8. Libia* STBEKT, (Slatonic Hall Butldwg.) . This Comp*nT tn*kW •▼«X Insuriac# -apfcertalnl g of ronMclod with Ofc Uisfcs. ->r»nihflt Mutual Rates arc the esmo as those idoptfri oy «f cri»-thW from tb» tn.dl.iJ.ml of thiltj-thre* and on* Australia. . '“' to™ s. noon. • xsxr 1 ’ 8 ’ m.d. tPST'splYndia ofBKW (hSr PlAKOS.w«Tbe.iintMetiber-.ie- Vi [' -■ ipvctfally informs the -pnblta thnt ho b f 1 now BelotUntr. ln'pcraonvret |Ty||f of .Now V»rk*od Bo»ton,nmrat «tensii«' t » l „ ' KLEUANT STOCK OF NKW IIiAKO.TOUTrio-. ntmostcnre »nd attention willb* given tho wry U-t totrnmonbwhkh Uir country. IMrehnwrj ore polUoly roiuratoi to ornrn. rf .S^l»W3SJ^£3S££ wm^mi without .ddltlonol chura for freight.*'- thb lot will 8 C *“ Tiara otmot. N. B-—Ol*i Piano* takro in ; exchange «:W n»|^?* folustion.• •- •■ •• • •■•—_:—•-.'' "' j\ rf—isYrofnla.- It h duo tn KIEIVB W^^SSSSSSS^S^ other reinedy, *nd »t less eoetor inconreeieneo to the J»- , ?®u"«thonj«odst>fMrtille»t™ In the hsndjof theproprio tor, many of which are from well known '‘“mm of to city I of Pittsburgh and iU l«m«ll»fcoTfclnlty> gQ .toahow cl<^gy of no con. onralne. not only to* gSsSgSSS-^SSfffif^P^SSS wollMtheruffering potbut,-to become annotated with 1U “ttMluTlM a dread of mixtures are oEnred thit thi» madlclhoit purely natural,’onl bbottled u**g»»*^st th®bosoxa of the earth.. . , 7 - j/.5% v ' *<* - /... •V'- - -‘ v *-• i .v ,»'*. if " ' - -• ‘ ' VI .r -s'. J... r- ** " TOSTEB’B THEATBE. joaran o. rostra “»• racss or imbssios: Boies end Psnpetw 50jj I Write Boxes,large Boioter .«* for the certificate. —- da-Boor. opesetK before 7 o’clock; perfcrmw* nnmence at o’clock. _,. O-Lsst night ot tbs engagement cf M»- Tais Krixmo, Sorembers,^ «“sjcd bj- Mi* msnr np*«ds “tOB JEWESS. OR THE ’ j 1/ • T ° ““**• wtth Sb^op o ®^ w ■ncDrr Certnaii;--....-'- ;. Uiay ypTeldesin preparation-.* w ~ *_ ' ' FaU. StyleoVHfct** vT.lt OF HATS, ftsd trotiid Ttspcctf «SoHEAT?.Tot agCjßgat' _r Hat* and Cap». • • TOTOPH 00X * 00, cornel Wood street “P lg _ i FRESH oysters, F R OiM 3 ORE, JUST BECETTHP AT; A. PTESLiyS DEPOT, on corner or Wood and Fifth Street., - , gigacpr* raggp. »V [sepiu TirKW iluOKA—« UAViSO-N'S BOOS SMSE, &SMA&-;, EKT street— ' ■ L ' The Analjala.ef-Slie Bihle. : smiman’aVMt 10 Europe.,, OonrOaraß!* PMWogft;JhuTofc.S <., Hanks. NotestomUfe. "ntnryTejlor. . . - •tnwwwMV Jntuwte* Pariey’s'Pteaent Elegantjnremle;.riles d. Christmas "Blossoms- do . - BuS&oSeris splendid niiislrated: edition of Longfel lowWMlon' English _ - - - - » Other rimUttpresentattoncWK*- _ * lhflSinS/-W s£tho* of Trap% ,CkUh Snnfesm: ..Soaring to Spend;,- The little . _ _ . -w. ' Tangle'WoOltKles.' -■ : , LooS smx.iUfc. Suffering! and Heat h tits' Gtynf'tte-Sear RraJirt War-wiQi England. . Headley. . Merer ior.the Afflicted. =-••■" ; ;• M*rtyr Th* BebaTior Book. Miss Leslie. Story of Ht»'Bl>p*Vv.Vfcl - _ ...... . Btndent*B Manual. ~ •• Bpt John Todd** Books for Children. •tali ifertbo Btxma SuCffingiMs li«itr of* the lloyal family la J^BLBeaa*— cito; BiJL-nr&iroT “tlw<£s Sni&iftcirMratelir^M'dS^.: G^° T -?°* ? “tlfc £‘th° C«nK «»5 tteZcSjni.or* Hr Y ‘SS. Sn » ll! £d «f ■iriL-'tooß, or Home life Unwltea. Br^ : PnlMin’* ' . r ' *; 0 ’ Knfcksrtwoter -: *> Forsalfiby uctS' '''[Hl iatt ami the anm?r-:tQF hfa life, his Sofferinss, his Death ; hj,A.t>»- d ßattar£brt’» Ch&ttn,author <11>« T™* tl»lnsnii«liojiin^ChinSDhy • T lSHomes of the Kew.Vroria-ImpteslOM^Ame^; i ‘^SSSS&ithe Camr.arfthe7.emma; ox St* Y«*ra In Todlt" Mwkenti*. The Conflict od Ape*, or H» Great TW«t» on fceHottl Relation* of God anti Xian*, Bwdier, D. D, _. . 'KS^3& , BSCT«SSS3rW®«H^- nt!en MulgreT?, orJeeurt HxooutonMp—beiog Passages from the life of a Secedsr from Romanism. ; iK r I Last CniaJas-- Bj-Ssmoel Sptms,'Esfr.j anthoref Oxlffer “ *SZ&« "vi'l aip»lHraCT*CMVi s ,• bot 3 ■ - - —' ATroUiseco Operatic OphtlialnM.Surgery;. by |L sssss^eg.- r<, h s? u?jf d ■sssKtTasssssr&SS. IM.^WfSeL -001 l SALE—A HOOSIS£XttIXn^ o sj r weenFtderal snd Bea-rer streets, in theS«»naW*rt. AUaAray by 32 teu with agooS EiWc BuBi; •> Vi*2o *£*■ * * . Yfe«t alls? Along&lia. ‘ jt£t-lr3t/be •° l ®- t^e _ - 7 -tn - - THOMAS JIOIPITT. - .j 01 R(tlfeato Aimt. fifth Bailor " “*“ is^fegsgasas^ Wm. Larimer, Jr** jUmggl M. Kier, WllHaaßftTgftep* FOR SALE-A HORSE ACTWIVortCon-ill Ward. ita&euri Hof"3o tj-ioafet; om^bkh, 1 * . „*SaTwoStory Trine with a double perch, and.'good cfi J l H‘"S?? rant the door: all kind* of troll id tt« . .TUs property »U 1 bo sold low, odea good terms.. Agggtoj / RglErißio AgenyPort BniMings. T - b OUBU3 SOfcKDBMTKBS^A="> t PW^' Q^ 1 ??’ v-t KST3. CALK ot- H . MINER * .■iNg.-SS -Bmithfirid - strcgfr v OCTHS BpijTS *s» MCNSIOBS-Clir.Eip Wd-Enaa nCT3l nnV t'fm.p_m J £.conriiUngcf'Saatmatiaimg , bottom taa. SMJWUe* '.»S»to , Irocmsf* Sw cottogo !p > r ba J?>^ b 'l; all fjS^s < 2i‘ houses, TwbUrgeortbartsof prlmo frnit r «* c ** s x??!' ; acre. Ata,-n«T th* abortv-fiT-ftcres of cboice upl&nd, m -nhjratioo.bsltiittfjood'tteibcr,&ts3s ■, • ~* ..*■• ; S.-CimmERT t SOfto 140 Third ■ ' SIKKCHAKtSAND MAKUFAOTUKBBS*BAIUi,. : V I f piTTSSgtcg t 3SpJ'- IMriS Bsnfc-twJsy dedared* jhifo&et fi«-rer«ot. ©a the copittl (took; ontof.Ths sroSts for.the lest oil BANK.O S PITTSBURGH* V ; • —: Nor.-l 1?53r— 5 ' milK PnslJcTitMid Eifedor» ot thU Bunt taettui diy I declares » dirUeml o£ But. per cent. oJttts eMtal ■tocsTforUielast Fii ootiths pa* able to etncitoWerr or their legal icep«senUtl'rM»a;or alter Utt lOtt itaV -ho?£<&l :- — ~~ ~ TIB UNDERSIGNED Imin* parched Xh* s&£**Of jijtis HiciusMCT, In lit® Ooianus*. fiOH Kid N.T.I StCTB. No. 141, to l.t. propletor. ■ jggmHßH... ? ?, - Inrwicniag mj boslae&ia-I&TroiltfijKmjH*, Icheer fully tecommenil Uiesatotll''those iritfrjrßcm Oblng bbs&w®.-: 3«ae» Endra nyself *s^M*»®4s***: ",1 Tj MCIIARDSON. WELLING HOUSES I'OH-ijALE-—A £ r S?<™ cll „V’? I T KaiimicK- dwelling ■ si frot trsnt, ON Euurtb, strec t, sbQTO Koo?, br 8 8 feet deep? ;price th^«(^’ : BKidSTOcii^^^&%- Su Clair street,*few doors from Peon.. Price ~; .- rrr ,< Toms Gary oo both of the _ _ ” . Jjt _ i EI CTTBBSRT4 SOS, ~ llOTbirfsttsef.-s ifIDUK).— 10 V-r. • - ' , ' b: A.TAHXESTOOK tCO^.—> ’ ' ' —cor,TTocd&af First rfewt IJUWK.—lUObblaSnMttflßei' • •* » r •. 25 “ Bisha’a Extra Tamil J-, fc _f< - *V v 'loorackißackwlical; j . ..; >■•: rotclted ini fox ialofty '• T V ■ qqt2 '•■ w KiIuiIPATRICK eaateiL receded «yl for Ktlfl-by 'l^—• ' ; - .KffiKPATBICK k gESBOaa. * PPEBB.—I6O bbis. Green Afpfcs. THIV.IKT. ttCkTTtfrrr^ rao^ ' Tip in & much id; ,‘-pereocs * tM fiTmUouof Tocatf y» tod, ? Itaiafe C7kzTd*tf : H , , sneh M'TrobpJ'tti-- , ChrcoloKsrrfwr*, iTg of th*-Bi>ir<*»»; • Qx^nisjfiO&H «BdT«nJ»niV BOPEOSIEBB v ■!», 3SnSS23.«f^TO „ r' * " ®ilSS®l - ■' —" V ' -\ f •* ’ r ’ “ ~