The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, November 04, 1853, Image 2

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Phillips & Gillmore, Editors & Proprietors.
Wo have now employed in our Job Office an
unusual number of excellent job printers, and
are prepared to execute all orders with neatness
unsurpassed, and -witli a speed that shall not-bo
beat. , i
o XoanECTiON*—We <lid not intend to say we
had no objection tadhc sale of the public works,
in our article of yesterday. A few words got
into that article/somehow, that do not exactly
express our views. We have somo objections to
their sale, as we believe the revenue from them
will soon be for greater than the interest on any
sum they can be sold for.
xHB Battle ou tub “Shells:” Great is-
New Vobk.— -It is evidently the opinion of the
- people of New York, that without their great
city hnd State, this western hemisphere would
u fcenowhe**” We beg leave respectfully to
inform our New York neighbors, that in our
humble opinion, they entirely over estimate their
position and power. We incline to the belief,
that were the State of New York to step entire
ly out of-tho Union, at the command of Judge
Bronfipn and James Gordon Bennett, the Bepob
lie would still be ° somoputnkins.” We believe
too, that tho democratic party of the Union
would manage to survive the calamity. It is
•true, our whig friends would bo thus deprived of
the privilege of mourning over the martyrdom
of a Bronson; or crowing over the battle of the
' Shells.** And what would be even a greater
calamity,: we would have to get along by the
light of: the. sun,instead of basking and rejoicing
is the more effulgent light of the New York
Herald. Then too, what would becomo of us
without Wall street and the Drapers, to regulate
our finances?' Wo don’t know. It Is a doubtful
Case, and almost too painful to think of. Bat
Still we contend that the country could manage
Somehow to snrvivo the loss of the Empire State.
We ore not sure but the democratic party would
get along belter, if the New York “ Shells ” were
- out of the way.
■ We boen led to these remarks by tbo high
tone adopted by the New York press and politi-
Q'tfns of late. In financial and political affairs
' they assume to bavo control of the coantry. A
stook speculator fails in Wall street, and the
Jf&ald predicts a general bankruptcy over the
country. A New Yorker is appointed Collector
of Customs in that city, and forthwith he bids de
fiance to the government, and threatens an in
dignation meeting in the great metropolis, if the
government should dare to remove him. The
government removes him ; and the New York
Herald instantly demands the dismissal of the
Secretary of Stato, the Secretary of the Tre
asury, and the Secretary of War; and an entire
change in the policy of the administration. Tbo
modest request is deollncd, and an indignation
meeting is called “ without distinction of party.”
The whigs turn out.en masse,and assist in shout
ing. A throng of Gothamite politicians immedi
ately start for Washington to seo how the Preei
dont feels then. Finding that the President is
still in good health, and that {ho. wheels of tbo
government aro not likely to Btop, they become
furious, and threaten to makeßronsoD, with tbo
help of the whigs, a United States Senator in
" 1855.
“ What a dust I raise, said a fly upon a
wheel.” But the threat of making the removed
Bronson a Senator sometime is not all. The
Herald insinuates that Gen. Scott will have to be
President yet. A combination of. the whigs and
<« hard shells” of New York, led on by the Ilerold,
It supposes cau do it easily. The New York
Tribune failed to elevato the General; bat that,
of course, was because the Herald opposed it
But the two combined, it is believed, could make
a President without any doubt. And to let the
world know that such is their belief, the Herald
' only a few days ago, declared that it l&d done
more to elect the last two Presidents than ail the
other agencies of tho whole country pat together.
Such then is the New York opinion of New York.
Now it may possibly astonish some of our
Gothamite neighbors to know that tho democra
cy of onr regard tho battle of the
“shells'* in New York with just about the same
interest and curiosity that we should have vrit- ;
nsßßed the fight of the Kilkenny cats, bad we j
been there to see it If the result of tbo battle
-of 'the shells should bo tho same, we pledge our
services to assist in burying the tails.
ggjy* Our Whig friends in Allegheny city ap
pear to be in considerable tribulation as to who
will be their candidate for Mayor. Many are
in favor of tho re-nomination of Mr. Park, oth
ers desire the nomination of Mr. Stockton, while
another- clique go it blind for Mr. Campbell.
There is still another portion of the Whig party
thoti? opposed to the party trickery which they
anticipate will prevail. They go in for a
free fight on the nomination, and have no confi
dence in the cliqueites. Wo are of the opinion
that they will win, if they can stop this “dram
ming up of the independent voters” in the Wards,
to go for certain candidates. Those certain can
didates are the mere creatures of politicians and
office hunters. If they can “set the Wards”
they think they have tbe thing sure, and they
wiU boast that they have triumphed over the
people. We hope this game will not succeed.
If it should, it will be villainous.
We have something of the same game playing
in Pittsburgh, in the Whig party. Thore are a
great many old men and young men who want
the nomination, and the struggle among them,
is to find out which of them have tbe most Wards
net Tbe old “hardshell” Whigs think that
they have it, but young “soft shell” whiggery
feels rampant, and says that all is right ou their
side of tho boose. -How this is, wo cannot tell,
but we would advieo the “old hunkers ” in the
Whig party to look to their chances or the
young *nns will trip them up.
This Btruggle among the Whigs, however, is
mere amusemeut to us. They may dispate ns
l&acb ns they please abont their candidates;
v they may “ set tbe Wards” to their hearts’ con
tent, bat,'nt the proper time, the Democrats will
bring forward a candidate who will be elected
triumphantly by tbe people.
Fire in Wellsville.—We aro indebted to our
friend, A.. A. Carrier, for tbe following informa-
tion of n very destructive firo in Wellsville. tfhe
information says, that a destructive fire otfoar-
T rod on Tuesday morning, in Wellsville, entirely
consuming the dwelling house and largo brick
bailding ownedby M'Connell & Cartor, in which
the Mafconio Hall, tbe banking houso of
M’lhtosb/ M’Cullough & Co., tho Telegraph of-
and the grocery storeß of T. Riggs and R.
D, Gooper. Tbe building adjoining, occupied as
a drug store/by N. W. Walker, was also totally
' 'destroyed. Messrs. M’ConneU & Carter had an
insurance on their buildings of $3,500, by the
State Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Com
pany in this city.
Bucilahah's Journal or Mas.—We have re
ceived the last number issued of this valuable
Journal. It contains & large amount of useful
information relating to tho physical and intel
lectual structure and nature of man, diseases
and their causes, the proper developement of the
organs and faculties: and the improvement of
. r,’ .tho race.’
It Is edited and published by Dr. Geo. R. Bn
: at CiQQumatl. <
jpjy Oar friend of the Hollidoyßburg Sian*
dard, has got into tronblo about a parcel of old
type. It appears that he purchased them with*
out a proper knowledge of the value of old tnetal,
and he mulcted into considerably moro
expenses than he. thought the old typo were
worth. But the Court said ho would have to pay
it, and ho says he will. In the conclusion of his
article he says:— .
“ We are lying at the meroy of a creditor, and
we can only exclaim to our subscribers, in the
language of an illustrious author, ‘ Help us—
Cash us—or we sink.*
11 To raise this amount of money, In addition
to the amount required to keep up our office, and
a large and highly respectable family, nearly as
large as that of John Rodgers, involves no tri
lling amount of labor; wo therefore propose
going into the matter ot once. We have more
than five times the amount standing upon our
books, and it is only necessary for our subscri
bers to do the genteel thing to enable us to pass
the Rubicon with Hying colors, and boast that we
do not owe a dollar in the world. We aro deter
mined not to let the ' gay and incomparable’ be
sacrificed to liquidate thiß amount, for we coaid
have sold it a year ago for nearly five times the
amonntof the claim. We therefore givo notioe
to all who are in arrears to us for job work, ad
vertising, or subscription, to remit at once, oth
erwise the exigency of tbe case will force us to
let the Standard take care of itself until ire can
take a collecting tour and. raiso enough to make
tbeunforseen calamity lay lightly on onr minds.”
If our friend of tbe Standard has any patrons
in ibis neighborhood, who arc in arrears, we
bope they will attend to the above notice.
The amount of his family, however, astonishes
as somewhat: John Rodgers bad “ nine small
children and one at tbe breast.” It haß always
been a question-.of discussion with the debating
societies whether the one "at the breast” was
included among the nine, or an “ extra.” Vari
ous opinions have been given on the subject, but
none satisfactory. If our friend of the Standard
will tell us the extent of his experience in mul
tiplying and replenishing the eartb, perhaps we
oan .ascertain the number that comprised the
family of John Rodgers.
Speakeb of the llouB£.—Hon. James R.
Stbuthkes, of Carbon county, is named by seve
ral democratic papers, as Speaker of the next
House of Representatives. Mr. Struthers has
been a member of tbe House for two sessions,
and was last winter one of the ablest and most
respected members of that body. His expert
once, his ability, his popular manners, and firm
ness and decision of character, admirably quali
fy him for the Speakership. We do not know who
else will bo named for tho office, but we doubt
very much whether another member elect can be
found, who could discharge the duties of that
position so well as our friend Struthers.
Bar Meeting —At a meeting of the gentle
men of the Bar, of the several Courts of Alle
gheny county, held in the room of the District
Court, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of November
Thomas Williams, Esq., announced tho death
of Hexht M. Swift, Esq., a member of said
Whereupon, bis Honor Henry W. Williams was
ca’led to the Chair, and E. B. Todd, Esq., chosen
On motion of Mr. Williams, it was
Resolved, That the Chair select a Committee
to draft resolutions expressive of the sentiments
of the meeting respecting tho bereavement just
Whcroupon. the Choir appointed Thomas Wil
liams, Moses TTampton, and Andrew Burke, Esq.,
n Committee for that purpose, who, having with
drawn, reported tbe following resolutions, which
were unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That the members of this Bar have
heard, with deep regret, of tbe decease of Henry
M. Swift, Esq , one of their number, who has
but recently entered upon the path of the pro
Resolved That they sympathise deeply with
tho parents of the deceased, in the affection with
which they have been visited.
Resolved, That by way of testimonial of their
respect for the memory of tho decoased, they
will wear the usaal badge of mourning.
Resolved, That the officers of this meeting bo
requested to commanicnte the foregoing resola
tiuos to the parents of the deceased, and that a
copy thereof be furnished by tho Secretary, for
publication in tho newspapers of this city.
Kopzta Btill in Prison.— lt appears from a
letter in tho New York Evening Post, dated at
Constantinople. Oct. 2, that Mr Offiey, the
American Consul at Smyrna, protested against
Koszta’s release on tho conditions prescribed by
Baron de Bruck, and acceded to by Mr. Marsh ;
and refused to demand it of the French consul
upon such Koszta himself, U is said,
took the same viow of tho case, ond refused to
bo liberated on those conditions, and at the date
specified, ho still remained in prison. The fol
lowing is an extract from tbe Post’s letter:
“ Though this arrangement (between Baron
do Brbok and Mr.' Marsh) appears liberal on tbs
part of Austria, and honorable to the United
States, it Is said here that the Consul of the
Uuited States at Smyrna has refasod to demand
Koszta’s release from the French hospital in
which he is closely confined and strictly guarded,
on the ground that the Austrian Government
should not be allowed to state In it any reserva
tion of “rights,” and be required to admit tbe
illegality of his arrest. The Consol requires
that Koszta Bball be, now, abandoned by Aus
tria, and acknowledeod by ber as being an
American citizen. Until then, be refuses to
oloim him of tho French Consul, and refuses to
obey the instructions of the American Minister
on the subject of his arrangement of Koszta’s
immediate release, whilst his nationality is un
der discussion by the two Governments. It is
also said that he has put up Koszta to protest
against tbe American Minister, and to refuse to
leave bis prison and be restored to freedom in
tho United States.”
The Next State Convention. —lt will be
seen by the following resolution, adopted by the
State Central Committee, that tbe time of hold
ing tbe next Democratic State Convention of
Pennsylvania, has been fixod on the Bth of
March. The preamble below famishes a satis
factory reason for changing from the 4th to tho
Btb, in this instance.
Whereas, The State Convention of 1853, em
powered the State Central Committee to fix the
time of holding the next State Convention at
narriabargb, aud whereas the usual day, the 4th
of March will be Saturday:
Resolved , That tho next State Convention be
held at Harrisburg, on Wednesday tho Bth of
March next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., and that it will
assemble in the Hall of the Houso of Represen
tatives, if It shall bo the pleasure of the Houso
to grant the use of thoir Hall.
WM. L HIRST, Chairman.
Wm. Curtis, l x .
ll k xity D. Diefpenbacu, | Secretary.
Gov. Gorman went up to Shakopceon tbo Min
nesota river, on Monday, for the purpose of
making a small payment of removal money to
tbe Sioux, who aro now en route to their new
Wo learn by tho Courier, that from the com
mencement of tho yellow fever to the 10th inst.,
tbe Sexton roporta 375 interments in tho city
grave yard, of which there were probably about
336 from yellow fever.
Mr. Lackland, independent Whig, was last
week elected Judge of tbe Criminal Court of St.
Louis coanty, Mo., receiving 2,941 votes. 801.
Smith, the actor, received 944 votes.
The Rasaian proclamation to tbe army con
cludes with these words: “Russia is called
upon to annihilate Paganism, and those who
would oppose her in that sacred mission shall be
annihilated with the Pagans. Long life to tbe
Czar. Long life to the God of tbe Russians I”
A very successful California drover, who has
driven several thousand head of cattle over the
plains to the Paoifio markets, lately arrived at
Council Bluffs with a large drove which he is
going to graze through the winter, and have them
all ready for an early start in the Spring.
It is stated that private letters from Europe
speak most highly of the great progress mode
by Miss May, of Washington city, who bos been
for two years pursuing a severe coarso of study
with a view to become an operatic singer.. It is
supposeffslie will make her debut in one of the
European capitals at the next musical season.
A waggish member of the Rhode Island legis
lature plumes himself upon tho “wise legisla
tion ” which ho says has settled tho liquor ques
tion-in that State, a compromise to which both
sides have agreed, viz The temperance men
have got the Maine law,‘which is all they want,
nad everybody else has gotplonty Of nun, which
is all they want.” -
Items of News and Miscellany.
■".-A.-i.-i"..’ I. 1 -.
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is not yet becoming more plenty in onr
city. We ore informed that within a few days
money has been borrowed here at two per cent,
per month. > • \ x .-r
Bome of tho New Fork papers, not long ago,
undertook to get up a general .'panic, fOßscano
speculative purposes/we presume. -Bat tho peo
ple of the country would not believe this panfe
m&kers, and the attempt has failed. They now
argue that, although a general crash and insol
vency is not to bo expected, yet it will be a long
time, before money becomes abundant; and in
tho < meantime,- many individual -failures must
occur, and many railroad/enterprises be suspend
ed. We have but little confidence itrtbe predic
tions of New'York editors upon snob matters.
Many of their predictions appear evidently de
signed to accomplish their own fulfilment; and
wo suspect are. well paid for in some way. If
they will merely givo ns facts, wo prefer to form
our own opinions. And from faots, which we
have repeatedly stated heretofore, wo draw tbe
satisfactory conclusion, that tbero is no occasion
lor apprehensions of the future in regard to sound
railroad interests, or the baßinnss of the country
generally. More general and ahandant pros
perity was never before enjoyed in this or any
other oou&try. And wo havo no donbt It will
continue so for months, and even years. Two
per cent, per month for monoy is more thanit is
worth, and more than it oan possibly command
after the partial panic got up by tbe New York
ers Bh&U have subsided. It cannot last long.
The almost certain prospect of war in Europe
oan do no more M horm in tho financial affairs of
this country than it has already done. The un
certainty in regard to it was worse for thin coun
try than open hostilities will be. And that we
will be benefitted commercially by snoh a war
cannot be doabtei.
The New York money market is elowly im
proving; and already the current of money be
tween New York and Europe is turning in favor
of this country in payment of the large ship
ments of provisions already forwarded Large
sums are drawn from New York for western
purposes. That is where we want it; and if
eastern capitalists will not purohase western
railroad bonds, the people will soon be able to
balld them themselves, and thus prevent In part
the large drain of money eastward to pay in
terest The last steamer carried out about a
million in gold bars ; and it is supposed it will
be the lobl heavy shipment of specio for the sea
son, as the provision trade will turn the demand
in onr favor.
We take the following from the Philadelphia
Worth American and United Stales Gazette:
The following semi-annual dividends have been
declared by onr city aod county Banks:
Maoaf-icturers and Mechanic*, 4 per cent
Mechanics, 0 M
Farmers and Mechanics, 5 “
Girard, 3 *•
Penn township,
The receipts for duties at the Custom House
in this city for the month of October, and for
the year, thus far. compare with tbo correspond
ing period of lost year as follows:
IrtfiS. lsoa.
Duties in OMoiwr $210,149 M $3«2 Oil K 1
Do prrrtoas months „3,224,54 C 43 4,062,434 sii
Increase in lSi3.
The returns of the Bank of France for the
past month, confirm the anticipations entertained
of a heavy falling off in the stock of bullion, the
diminution being equal to £2.890,000. A more
rapid drain is thus shown to have taken place
than has been experienced within a similar pc
riod at any time this year, even by the Bsok of
England. Id the preceding month there was a
failing of of £1,080,000, and the total absorbed
sioce the beginning of the present balf year has
been £6,200,000. In the earlier months of this
year, however, there was an increase, so that tbe
amount taken since the first of January has
been about £4.200,000. The sum drained from
the Bank of England, daring the name period,
has been £4,778,673.
The annexed statements exhibits the receipts
and disbursements at tbe oißco of tho Assistant
Treasurer, New York, daring the month of Oc~
October 1, IV3, balance 04
Account of custom* $2,740,711 l l *
Patent fora 3,438 U 3
Post Office Department 405,108 77
MisvUam*ous - 70,155 07—1*5
Treasury draft*...- $j,0G2.&36 10
Post Office Department- 239,101 11—6*3)2,1f27 27
Balance, October 31, 1853...
Bj balance of fundi to pay Interest - 389.670 78
To payment* _ 11,052 50
By balance du® special deposits $204,634 3S
By receipts during tbe month _ "8
To pay manta......
Total coin on band.
Koceipt* for customs in October, 1V.2 ...42.402,229 S 3
« •• « IS3S 2,740,711 18
The balance on band tbo 31st of October was
$1,730,141 05 less tb&u on the 30th of Sep
The figures In tbo annexed comparative state
ment of tbo condition of tbo New York city banks
are given by the Courier and Enquirer :
OcL 22 Oct 29.
Loads $85,307.98! $83,400,321 Dw. sl,«n.Wl
gpode 10.303.254 10,800.072 Inc. 503,340
CiirulaOon 9,388,543 9.300.350 Dec. $8,103
Deposits 55,748,759 53.335,402 I»ec. 2,418.287
The following is from tbo Philadelphia Bui
Ictin :
Operatioss ob the Mist. —We are indebted
to Dr. Sturgeon, the obliging Treasurer of tbe
U. 9. Mint in this city, for tbo following state
ment of tbe deposits and coinage during the
month of Ootobor:
Coinage of the Mint for the month of October.
Double Ragle*..
Tlatf fogies
Quarter Kagle*.
Gold Dollars....
Total Gold.
Half Dollars
Quarter Dollars.
Half Dimes
From California
*' Other Sources.
Silver Bullion deposited 020,000
The total gold deposits for tbo ten months of
the yearß 1851,1862 and 1853 were as follows :
1861. 1852. 1853.
January -$5,071,080 $4,181,688 $1,082,902
February 3,004,970 3,010,222 3,548,623
March 2.880,271 3,892,160 7,633,752
April 2,878,363 3,091,037 4,708,000
May- -3,209,191 4.336,678 4,125,000
Jane 8,637,600 6,089.474 4,645,179
Julv 3,127,6)7 4,193.880 3,605,331
Auiuet 4,135.312 2,071.663 4.512,(00
September. 4,046,709 4,263,3,027,806
October - 4,743,684 4,140,009 6,317,102
" a $36,705,526 $40,439,354 $46,140,n4
The"deposits of silver bullion at the Mint, dur
ing the first ten months of the present year, have
been as follows:
January $14,000 June
February 1.H.600 July .
March 22,000 Augurt
pr i\ 2,660 Boptombor.
May 1.447 October .....
Add deposits of gold balUon
Total deposits of gold and silver.
The coinage at tho U. S. Mint in this city,
daring the first ten months of the present year,
has beon as follows:
Gold. Silver. Copper. Total.
J tin nor? ... *4,809,388 $93,760 $3,800 70 $3,006,998 79
SS2j 2331480 07300 2,000 31 3,030,680 31
MaSh £693436 103.800 4,131 20 5,881,739 28
63)05,808 419,007 2,611 64 6,720398 64
sSfflSoS 608,609 0,120 19 3,441,135 10
1774 650,000 3,607 32 6,427,913 32
~ 4459,469 710,000 3,832 28 6,171,30128
8420,929 850,000 0,591 CO 3,976,520 CO
SenteSti'i” (iSI&S 1,205,000 3400 00 5,129,098 00
OctobSC... 6,317,162 8,600 00 0,605 002 87
Total $43,466,400 $0,007,000 $44,315 29 $19,608,15816
The exports of. specie to Europe .last month
amounted to $6,534,678— 51ight1y more than the
.... . ;
.’.9: V-vi;"'.'-;
..k'r-V. **•• '* '
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$3,431,096 96 s4,3tt.4£V <Z
3,4*4.GM 95
-SI2LHSH r OO4 w»
|7 4A,UU If.
477,080 77
$271,763 30
57,000,450 &>
$333,431 35
3,516,230 89
$5,318,102 87
- 407 8.000
...» OH,OOO
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golddeposits of the same period. Bat the re
ceipts of California gold this far are still about
$2f,000,000 greater than the whole shipments
of coin to foreign'coußtriepiiirjt
From tbe'CijUrlncstf CoflpabUn.
TjrEspAYfjp. for money keeps
: up‘fully supply, and although there is
leshpapeiUosHie streets,rind tbabanks are ex
tending amount ofaccommodations, bor
rowers fija,t^'meiriset.Jer > fH«n Eastern
Exchange ‘Wemaintr''at s©f premium, buying,
and 1 premium, selling rate. Time Bills
cent. month off—New Orleans thirty day
Bills 1 oent off.
The rise in tho river and favorable advices
fyotn New:York, paused .an. active demand, for
Flour to-day, and the sales reached ten thousand
bafrcls; at d' farther advance, closing -firarmt
£5.300,5,35. ■Io Hogs ,wa- heard pf no sales,
nnifthd mhrkel ‘presented a dAadfflllyiheavy apS
pearance. There’appeared to he no buyers,
either for immediate or future delivery. Holders
continne to ask'ss.
The Tribune of Saturday, October 29, says :
Notwithstanding tbe stringency in the money
market, and the attempt of certain writers for
the Press to create a panio in railroad securities,
wo .discovered upon inquiry that there is still a
market to some extent for good railroad bonds.
The disinterested efforts of the boars have not
succeeded in convincing capitalists that such se
curities have all at once become entirely value
less. We know of-negotiations, within three
weeks, of at least two millions of bonds, includ
ing ,$500,000 of one road, and $360,000 of ano
ther. The Bales wero, in nearly every case, of
well 'established roads, oompteted, and nearly
completed. Now projects meet with no better
favor than before, and it is labor lost to attempt
snob negotiations, unless parties are prepared to
pay sneb shaves as no respectable road ought to
The gold advices from Australia are favorable.
The Government and other accounts show an
increase of 20,000 ounces in two weeks over any
two weoke sinee April. The aggregate amount
shipped from Victoria in 1853, was 67 tone, 7
owt., 3 qrs., 1 libs., worth $5,165,870.
The Ohio, from Aspinwall, had $1,125,000 in
gold, making, with the amount by the Northern
Light, upward of three and a quarter millions.
This fully supplies tho demand for export,
Of ail the interests which tho country is di
vided into, none presents sostrong and prosper
ous n position as the farmers. Mortgages are
rare now among them. They have participated
largely in the desire to extend the railroad lines;
and nearly all the sido lines, in the various sec
tions of tho oountry, are bnilt from their means
That agriculture should prosper so well, ensures
tho well being of all other classes.—JV.
The Liverpool Daily Times, antler date 17th
October, flays:
The agitation of the “corn question ” has
been revived with renewed, vigour this week.
War, tho state of the weather, and the prospects
of oar Dext harvest, have all been brought in to
swell the tide of alarm, and increase the com
mercial and general embarrassments of the conn
try, and also to indace a spirit of speculation
which cannot be justified by facts. We have de
voted the utmost attention to the past and pro
bable range of prices, up to the next harvest,
and with ample eources of information at hand,
wc cannot discover any immediate necessity for
yielding to the great advance demanded in prices,
more particularly when it is known to evirynan
of business, that nearly every store in Liverpool
; s filled to overflowing with grain at this moment
and that the unusual demand for export has sub
sided altogether.
The arrivals of grain from America are al
ready becoming larger than was anticipated.
The Mark I,an* Express speaks unfavorably of
the prospects of the spring crop from the autumn
sown wheat. It says:
“But the fact that Great Britain and France
will have to import to m*ko good the deficiency
of nearly, if not quite, one-third in tho produce
of the respcctive£wb<iat crops of these great
bread consuming countries, is of too much im
port&nce to be disguised: and we consider the
eoonomy of consumption, which a comparatively
high range of prices is sure to occasion, the
best safeguard against scarcity hereafter. *'
Nkws from Washington— We select the fol
lowing from the Washington Star of last evening:
Tht Rescue of Commodore Coe. —We have rea
son to believe that Com. Downiag, of the U. 8.
ship Jamestown, will bo court martialcd on his
return to the United States, for rescuing Com.
Coe. tho alleged traitor, from Buenos Ayres.
The Ccmj'Ufjionrr of Indian Affairs. —Col. G.
W. Manypcnity, of Ohio, has returned to bis
post in this city, from-bis recent tour in the lo
dian country.
Another Chapter in the History of the Koszta
A fair —lt ia now understood in Washington
that, immediately on the reception of Command
er iopraham’H an account of his
proceedings in the cose of Kosita, the Secretary
of the Navy wroto him, on behalf of the Presi
ded, a full and hearty approval of his conduct
ri Clerk Appointed in the Navy Department. —
Mr. Edward C. Eddie, of Michigan, has been
ap ointed to a 2<J class ($1,200) clerkship in the
Naval Barcau of Provisions aud Clothing! vice J.
B. Bowman, resigned.
The Movements of American Diplomatists Abroad.
—Wo bear that the State Department Is in pos
session of information telling of the kind recep
tion of Messrs. Belmonte and Daniel, by the
Governments to which they have been respec
tively accredited : and also, that Mr. Soule was
expected to reach Madrid on the 10th or 12th.
Cox on Botts.— The Ohio Statesman Is saying
all the witty things now-a-days. Hear Cox on
Botts. and his own fetlocks :
••What's in a name?" John M. Botts is
one of a committee on horses, at the Spring
field exhibition. If we were a horse we should
kick against Botts ir be camo about our fet
f;lndigestion and Liver Complaint
Un-*' CURED BY KlKlt** PBTRULBUM.—Read tho fob
lowing letter from ll** 0. Dienssox, a Mtatonary Id
Ma. J. M. Kim —Hear .S/r Myself ami wifo listing liran
greatly be.neflttjil by Ui«* um of your Petroleum. I »Uh to
hum you *«n«l mi* a box of two or three dozen ImtUe*. 1
mu ibe Congregational MioUter In this place, and several
of my people arts affected with indigestion and an inaction
of tht* liver, tbr fuiUß of myself an*] wife, before taking
your Pcraotnar,' on Unfit Oil. \Y«s took nevorat bottles—
two or thrvo each—about a year and a half ago, and w«
have never enjoyed ho good health tbr yearn a* we have
since that tint*. I had not taken a single bottle*, before
that fullness of tho stomach whlrb so distresses the dys
peptic was relieved, and 1 have Colt nothing of it since that
time. My wife we* also relieved from a chronic disease of
the liver, which had been of several years standing, by tho
imp of vour Petroleum.
Kotd by S. M. KIKE, Canal Basin, GEO. 11. KKYSER. 140
Wtvxt street, am] Druggists and Medicine Dealer* every
where. oct2s
«*A» a Spring and Summer Medicine,
CARTER":? SPANISH MIXTURE stands pre-eminent abovo
all others. Its singularly efficacious action on th« blood;
lustrengthening and vivifying qualities; Its tonic action
on the Liver; its tendency to drlre all humors to tho sur
face, thereby cleansing the system according to Nature’s
own prescription; Uaharmlos*, and at the same time extra
ordinary g***! effect*. and the number of cures testified to
by many uf the most respectable citizens of KleJunond. Va.,
snd elsewhere, innst ho conclusive evidence that there Is
uo humbug about it.
Tb« trial of a nlngle bottle will satisfy the most sceptical
of It* benefit*.
**• Svu advertisement in another eclunin. (orUtdawlm
Yesterday morning. -"Vi tn*t* after a lingering Illness,
I lor funeral will take place to pat, (Friday.) nt 2 n’clrek,
P. M. The friend* of the family nn» relocated to attend
the funeral, from the corner of Wood and Water streets.
j> KET street—
The Analysis of tho Bible.
PUllman’s Visit to Europe.
Comparative Philology, Be Vera.
Peruvian AnUquilSefi; lllu*tralod. Hawk*.
Notes front Life. Henry Taylor.
Wide World ; illustrated ed.
Parley’* Present. Klegunt juvenile; UlubM.
Christmas Blossoma do
Cottage Bible.
Birket Foster** splendid Illustrated edition of Longfel
low** Worker English.
Other similar presentation Books.
Uncle Bam. New. Mrs. Stowe.
Influence. By author of Trap to Catch Bunbeam.
Sparing to Bpend.
Tho Littlo Drummer.
Tangle Wood Tales.
Louis XVII.; Life, Sufferings and Death.
Venice, the City of tho Sea.
Second War with England. Headley.
History of tho Insurrection in China.
Homes of the New World. Miss Bremer.
Home and Neighbor*. New ed. do
The Bow In tho Cloud, or Covenant Mercy for the
Martyr Missionary.
The Behavior Book. Miss Leslie.
Story of Ml. Blanc.
Student's Manual.
Rky lohn Todd's Books for Children.
Lift c.l Daniel Webster. For gale by
uov4 Late Davison A Agnew.
on the We**t Newton and Cumberland Plank Iload,
about GO miles from Pittsburgh and 8 from Somerset, con
sisting of 297 Acres, 350 of which axe in cultivation—the
balance fine timber. The Form is well watered. The
buildings are a Tavern, a Smith and Wagon Maker’s Shops.
Stables, and other out-boascs. A Saw and Grist Mill on
the adjoining property. Price $4500. Terms easy,
nor 4 S. OPTHBBBT A SON, 140 Third sL
a 4 ISSES’ FINK ENAMELLED BOOTS, of various colors:
JYI also. Ladles’ fine Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, of every
variety. Please call and examine.
nov4 Corner Market and Liberty sts.
CHOPPER BOTTOM —One Raised Copper Bottom, 5 feet 2
j inches In diameter, and weighing about. 300 lbs, for
sale by LEECH, ..MeALPIN A (XL,
, qov4 Nos. 242 and £44 Liberty street.
ftr-h AHNESIOCK 4 cai
• ;>
’ .* r. .
4®-Another Case of Fever and Ague
Cared.—A few days ago wc recorded an astonishing care
of Purer and Aguo by tho uso of Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills !
We have now another xii: that of
Sharpe, of MadleoflbUrgjb, wlio states that he
under a verj sorere atljick of Ague and Fever, ttafwas Spoff
restored by-th^ p£9 o f'theso fel£Q.<~£p7fc£*- ■
es an opinion, fipundcd'Sn oh&SrratKm, that
are the thissec-,
tlon of £\ , \;.j : | ..
cacefi'of hepatic derangement, or diseases of the Liver, the -
proprietors of-Dr. M’Lane’s Pills were not prepared for tho
frequent, but gratifying evidences oflta general utility and
curative capacity. In this respect, this Invaluable medi*
cino has exceeded their most sanguine expectations,, and
Induced (hem to hope that it willhc falrodtfced inth'eVefy
“family irrth&UnitedStates.' v —- - ——- >
Purchasers will, he- careful ?lo ask for Dr. M’Lun’a
i celAiriited'iavnrPltLsJanil tike none else. There are
othecJPill*, idjerj?iils,JiaF. .before the
public. Dr. irLantfa .Liver Pills, also his celebrated Ver
■ mifuge, can now be had at all respectable Driig Stores in
; the United Btates, and by FLEMING J2ROS.,
Successor# to £ Kidd A Co.,
CO Woodatrrat.,
«}»Fall and Winter Clotlilng f Whole*
•ale and Retail.— A large and splendid 'stock of Fall
and Winter Clothing Is now read; tor theiospecUoa of thote
wishing to be fitted ont in the mode. Cali and see tor your-
Country Merchants would find It to their interest to call
ami examine the stoefci,
K. B.—Customer work made to order In superior style,
and at the shortest notice. - •/
No. 240 Liberty street.
M 3? Afiii&nees’, andetrififiied, As
signees of EDWARD TTEAZELTON, hereby notify all per
nous indebted, to. sold Ueazclton tocall and make payment,
and all persons having eloims against- him, will preasapre-.
.sent them lor wjttlemeau .
The Store will be kept open- to £&U out the Stock, of
Goods on hand a boat sixty days from this dkte. where W.
IL KINCAID; one of the Aesbme*<hrol be fotrotL ?• ■’
GEORGE A. BERRY, >AsaigiH«a.V'
18.J8W. - [oct&4*>] *- -
Pittsburgh. Ocrt;
Dr. Lftrzette’s Juno Cordial, trr PJIO-
CREATIVE ELIXIR, prescribed "as an effectual
restoraiire in eases of Weaknws, Im potency,or Barrenness
and all irregularities of nature. As an Invigorating Bern
edy It Is unequalled. Abo a'eortaln Remedy, for Incipient
Consumption. Indigestion. Loss of Muscular Energy, amL
Female Wea w n«s. Sold traly at No. 14. Q THIRD street
Pittsburgh. " octffbd2w
KET street, Pittsburgh—-Manufacturers of WROUGHT
SON’S FURNACES, Registers, Ventilators, Tin Pipes, and
eTpre article required In their line.
Particular attention paid to the erection of Heating, Ven
tilating and Drying Apparatus,; by Steam pipe*. Hot
Water, and CbUson's PurnAce.’ .
r l HE subsorihexa offer for the consideration of the public
I tho al*c*ve nsmp-i FURNACE, designed tir Warming
and Ventilating Buildings, combining In itself all the desi
rable qualities mjuireJ In a perfect Heating Apparatus, in
suring i-ersoiiil rsnafurt, witiiout any of the disagreeable
sen «ai Urns or sc-tirecs of an noyanne so common in burning
arrangement*. While the occupants of a room or building
experience all the rouifort arising from a warm summer At*
uxMcydtrre, they also inhale pure Ufe-giving and health
snstaining air. not contaminated by bring dinirej from
damp, unhealthy sources, or its power to unslarn lifts being
impaired by coming in contact with an over-beatnd surf art*
Three results are produced, in part, by «m*trneiij>g the
! urn arc in sue!) a manner that tho heat ts diffused at a low
er temperature than is ur-nal with any other Furnace now
known u» the public. In pnduriirg this result, another eb
)<v-t or great Importance is obtained o»i llie -core of econo
my tbi* L«vt-absorbing 03 well aa rodi-itiug eurCice is so
great that tho boat ia almost entirely from tire
ga*ws Iftf/uro they are driven off iuto tho chimney, thereby
greatly reluring tho consumption of fuel. The fuel cham
ber Is k) lined with soapstone and fire-brick that the fuel
cannot corhc to eooiart with the tn?o, preventing the over
heating of the air, and destruction or injury to the
Tlie joints of the Furnace are so constructed as to afford
room for making a tight eand and day Joint, preventing
the escape of noxiuns and sooty gases into the room, so an
noying to tba occupants, and so injurious to the health and
Tbi* air to he wormed is taken directly from the outside
of the build log in all race*. thus insuring a supply of pore,
vhoVwtox* air for breathing, and the other important func
tions by the human system—the oxygen la not af
fectrtl, Dorthr organic matter in th* air orbonlxwl hgrectn
iug In contact »Uli an frver-bcat&i surface, os with other
furnaces, and headaches and other disagreeable sensation*
are prevented by Oils means—and in consequence of th*
warm air not making too large demands upon the Jungs
•od evaporating vurfareof the ekin, to supply the moiature
which It has lost In passing over a red hot surface. In
proof of this, attention l« called to the certificates of Bro
frxsor gjlliinao, of Yale College, New Flaven, and to those
of other nrlentlfie person* who have examined this Bsbjnct.
If oablie and universal approval 1* any test of merit, the
proprietor* of this raloahle .Furnace can appeal to the
written testimony of IhcuKauds, to the press, and to public
exhibitions in all part*of the world, it having rereived the
Prtxn Medal at the U’wld’i Fair, and the h'ghest Premiums
at Fairs lo New England, New York, and a Silver Medal at
tb<* State Agricultural Fair In PenasylTonia.
Manufactured and sold by
nov.tdim] Agents for Weatem PonusTlvanla an*l Va.
No. 32 BMTTIIFIELD street—
lx>ule X Vl!> his IJfe. his Suffering, his Death: the Cap
tivity of the Royal Family in the Temple. By A. D, Beau
cbeitne. Translated ami edited by W. Ilaziet.
Mr. Rutherford’s Children: by the author of the <# Wide
Wile World ;' 1 12 ma: Oluxtrated. -
HUtory of the Insurrection to China j by M. M. Callery
and Yvan.
The Czar and the Sultan; their Private Lives and Public
Aetbm*. By Adrian Gilson.
Spiritualism j by John W. Edmonds and Geanre T. Dex
ter. M. D.
Life ia the Ml*«ioa« the Camp, and the Zenana, or Sir
Years Id India. By Mrs. Colin Maekcnxie.
No*. J 1 and 12 the Illustrated Record of the Crystal
Ifeartii no»l Pares, or Ilome Life Unveiled. By Paul
Ilarper’s Magaxino for November,
do do
Knickerbocker ck>
lor sal« V Jl- Sire ER i CO.
nov3 No. 32 Smlthfield street.
NEW IkriKS.—Tb« Oxar" and the bufian: by Adrian
Gilson. .
Loub XYLL; bir Life, hi* Sufferings, his Death; by A. De
Mr. Rutherford’s Children; by the author of the Wide,
Wide World.
History of tho Insurrection In China; by Mr.Calleryand
The Homes of tho Now World—lmpressions of America:
by Frcderika Bremer,
Life io tho Mission, tho Camp, and the Zenana; or Six
Years in India. By Mrs. Colin Mnrkentle.
The Conflict of Ages,,or the Great Debate on tho Moral
Eolations of God and Mao; by Edward Bccchcr, D. D.
Men and Things in Europe; by KJrwan.
Nos. 11 and 12 of the N. York Crystal Palace Exhibition.
Holon Mulgravc, or Jesuit Executorship—being Passages
from the Life of a Vocoder from Bamantan.
The Monk 1 * Revenge, or the Secret Enemy; a Tale of the
Last Crusades: By Samuel Spring, Esq., author of Grider
A 1 Barmadi.
For sale at W. A. GILDENFENNEY A CO’S,
noTo 70 Fourth street.
November Ist. 1853. j
THUS BANK has declared a Dividend of Foca rot Cwrr.
on the Capital Stock, out of the profits of the last six
months, payable on and after the 11th Inst.
nnv3:d*» 2w JAMES B, MURRAY, Cashier..
A Trentlso on Operative Ophthalnlc Surgery ; by 11.
Haynes Walton, Fellow ef the Royal College of Surgeons In
Kuglund, Surgeon to the Central London Ophthaloic Hos
pital, nud Assistant Surgeon to St. Mary'* Hospital. First
American, from the first London edition. Illustrated by
on# hundred and sixty-nino engraving* 00 wood. Edited
by S. UtLdl, M. D., author of a Manual of tho Diseases of
tho Eye; Surgeon to Wills' Hospital for the Eye and-Limb;
Follow of the Collogo of Physicians of Philadelphia, etc.,
etc. For sale by B. T. C, MORGAN,
nova 104 Wood street.
I “pOU SALE—A HOUSE AND LOT, on Samson street, be
. tween Federal and Beaver streets, in the Second Ward,
Allegheny city. 1/ot 31 by 52 feet, with a good Brick Build
ing, IGLS by 52 feet, containing six rooms and collar.
ALSi>— A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 80 by 20 feet, with a
twelve feet alloy alongside. This Lot will bo sold low, and
on good terms, Apply to THOMAS MOFFITT,
novS Brat Ratatn Agont, Fifth st.. Post Build’*.
FOR SALE—4B ACRES OF LAND, in Sewickley Bottom,
% of a mile from the Ohio aud Pennsylvania Railroad,
on the Big Sewickloy Creek—23 acres good Bottom Land;
the balance well Umbered. This property wUI bo sold
choap, aud on good tonn*. Apply to
Post Buildings, Fifth street
IpOR SALK—A HOUSE AND LOT, 00 Co it ail sL, Second
; Ward, Allegheny; Lot 30 by 100 foot; on which is
erected a Two Story Frame Building, containing five rooms,
with a double porch, and good cellar. Hydrant water at
the door; all kinds of fruit in the yard. This property will
bo sold low, and on good terms. Apply to
nov3 Real Estate Agent, Post Buildings, Fifth st
DOUBLE SOLED GAITERS—a new lot of Ladies’Gaiters,
both double and single sole, just received at
nov3 W. IS. SOHMERTZ’, 107 Blarket *L
X died, at various prices, at
nov3 W. E. SCHMERTZ*, 107 Market pL
GENTS. CALF BOOTS—AI ways on hand, or made to or
der at short notice, at W. E. SCHMERTZ’,
nov3 107 Market street
GENTS. GAITERS.—Various styles of Congress, Open,
Cloth and Patent Leather Gaiters, for Gents., at
nov3 W. K. SOHMERTZ’, 107 Market rt.
PIG METAL—IOO tons Rock Hill (Juniata) Forge Metal:
150 “ Marietta Anthracite do do
For sale by (nov3] KING A MOORHEAD.
BLOOMS —10U tons “Gap 1 ’ and 41 Marion 1 * Blooms tor
sale by [novU] KING A MOORHEAD.
RIVER FARM FOR SALE, consisting of’Bo acres of prime
battom land, 31<J miles above McKeesport, on the
Yooghiogheny river, tu acres in cultivation, a brick house of
6 rooms, a new cottage house, ham, stable, and other out
houses," Two largo orchards of prime fruit. Price $65 per
acre. Also, umx the above. 67 acres of choice upland, 351 n
. cultivation, balance good timber, at $3O per acre. - ~
oclB ’ S.CUTHBERT A SON, 140 Thlrf stmt •
J-' •»,*; =♦
; , ->p ;
, .r i ‘-F /■
’ 'j \ , *
r - J * > . > : /? ■.. , .*■. ; r ' '
* . - -i. »
AHL, Sttrgton pentut^fßoranorof
(ky Q.W. Biddle.} No. 144Smlthficld fay&y
thy Angerona Lodge, No. 288, 0.
W ednesd&y evening In WftshtogtonllaH,Woodkt.‘' f jyLx
Notlce»~The JOURNEYMEN ,T>iiifsrsA
iky CUSTY.of Htubwshaad Si
Bretond third WEDNESDAY of sverjr month, at the FLO RT.
J)A HOUSE, Market street,'* By order; v ?■-• •*.-
jelzy -■ JOHN YOTOgj Jfi^Secg^Urri/
cargo’s Cotillion andßcAts Ssu&otTi
thy Band* can be had by 'applying' to Wo. Prank
Cargo, at tho “ Crystal Palace Daguemsn Booms," of
my2srtf R. M. CARGO A CO.’S, Fborth Street
O. O. F«—Place of meeting, Washington Hail,
Wood street, between Fifth street and-Virgin alley.
PiTTSWiROffIdDG*, No. every Tuesday evening.
'• MstctStna* ExcUcniZKT,' NO. 87—Meets Hist and third
Friday pfeaeh month.- •....• , . imargsay^
AC K TKA.—For the best OoLOJfQ Tia in Pitts-
Iky bnrgh, at £0 cents 9 Jh, go to the Pekin Tea Store,
No. 38 Fifth street, where the very bcst-Elack and Green
Teascan always be had. . " . _,_... [Jyfl
Uornall Coraaitt A great many per
sons are'dreadfhlly tormentedwitheoois. A certain
remedy will be found in Dr. COHXX*BCcEi< Piastxe, for
saleby Dr. QKO. B.X3SYSKB, 140 Woodatreet;'
Pries, retail at 12}d and 25-eti. per box. .sepS .
<&Xibertl deductions to those who buy to sell again.
CnrUih Materials, and
lh£r Curtain Trimmings oT every description, Furniture
Plashes, ltroc&telles, Ae,- Lace and' Muslin Chltainfc N. Y.'
Painted Window Bhades,OiltOornkes,CnrtalQ Fins, Band#,
at wholesale and retail. ; —W; Hr CABIUf 8,5/
" No. 109 Chesnnt street, eomer Fifth* *,
Curtains Made and Trimmed in the Tcty newest
style, - ..... ,■ {mttSfcly.•
Notes, BondifHortgages t Ae., SegotlatedL
pabticulak avTcraos oira ; - • - • •
75 Fourth street,between Market and. Wood
opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh.' j&nlgjy
Pearl Slemh iMill; -*
FAMILIESwfIt be supplied withouTTariousgrades
By leavingthelr orders at the Mill or. in our boxes at- ' *
Logan, Wilson ± Wood street, or Braun A Reiter, tor
nor Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh.. -
ZL P,Sebvarts, or J.T. Sample!, Druggists,-Allegheny.
Teaxa: CASH on
jy2B - BRYAN, KENNEDY-A !00« t
Iky -Port Office Buildings, Third street. Ukenegtestaken
In all. kinds of weather,from 8 A.£ P.M,giving an
accurate artistic and animate and vastly su
perior to the conymon cheap daguerraotypes,at the fallowing
cheap priees: sl*so, $2, $3,4,4,15 and upward,according to
; the a&e and quality of case or frame.
Hours tor children, from ll A. It to 2 P. M. '. : V
N. B.—Likenesses of sick or deceased persons taken In any
part of the city. [nov2sdy
fT'S 3 * W» A« AlKlLliitG,. Dealer in Vint .TeaK
lh£y Choice FaxnUyGrocaiu, Wooden and Iftßow Wart:
—lias on hand one of the most extensive Stocks of goods in
his line to be the West, which he offers at the4ow«
est market ratos,wbolessie or retail, and warrants them to
be of the best quality. . .
ABrObodsdeliverediuthedpeafteoof charge. ‘.aus..\
Tf' Blremen»« Ingnf«wp«i
Ihy Company of the City ofFlttsbnrelu
J. K. MOORHEAD, President—ROßEßTFlNNKY.Secretary.
Will tns are against FIRE and MARINE RISES of all
kinds. Office: In Monoagahcla House. Noa. 124 and 12$
Water street. . . .
J. K. Moorhead, Ef» J. Anderson,
B. C. Sawyer, R. B. Simpson,
Wm. SI. Edgar, H.B. Wilkins,
W. W. Dallas, Chariea Kent, ■
0. 11. Paulson, WflUamCoßingwood, '
A. P. Anshuts, Joseph Kaye, ;
William WQklnscm. jknfi
Pennsylvania. CAPITAL, 3100.000. CHAR
Secretary —THOMAS H. WILLSON, Esq.
lion. A. 0. Helster, Samuel W. Ilaya, .
William Robinson, Jr., Thomas Gillespie,
William P. Fahnestock, John B. Cox,
Harvey Bollman, Jacob Peters,
John Walker, Jr., William Colder, Jr.,
Jacob RHaldennan, Aaron Bornbauglu
Office, in Lafayette Buildings,
(entrance on Wood street.)
lnsurance Company of
IMr Pittsburgh.—lL D. KING, President! SAM
UEL L. MARSHALL, Secretary. ’
Office: ft! Witer SlrttL betakenMarketand Wood itreeix.
Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis
sippi Rivera and tributaries.
Insures against Loss or Damage by Hre.
ALSO—Againsttb* Perils of the Sea, and Inlandnaviga
tion and Transportation.
H. D. Ring, Wn. LarimerJr.,
William Itagaley, Samuel JL Kier,
Samuel Rea, \ViHfym Bingham,
Robert Dunlap,jn, John S. Klworth,
S. Darbangb. Francis Sellers,
Edward Heasletos, J. Sehoonmaker* ?
Walter Bryant, William B. Hays.
lsaac M. Pennoch. dsc£2
171 Chatniii sL, apposite the Stale House.
KEKPSconstantiyon hand the mostextensive&nd
ISry variedassortmeatofCortainsandCurtsia Material* to
t> * found In tho city, comprising la part of tho following
styles of—
French Lace Curtains, Window Shades* bQ prices.
Uoslia M Buff Hollands, all widths,
French BrocateTles,ttll widths, Gilt every style and
French Plushes, price.
'* Satin La lues, Gilt Curtain Pins,
“ Liuarbu, “ Bands,
* Satins, Cords and Tassels,
u Damask-Linens, Gimps, all prices,
“ Ca*hm*rette, Loops,
Plain Turkey Red, Fringes,
IndiaSatiaDanuuk, Picture Tassels and Cords,
u Lining Silks, Shade Tassels and Brasses,
Furniture G 1 taps. Hooks, Rings, Brackets, Ae.
A fall assortment of tho shore goods constantly fin
wholesale or retaiL [marldy—at xn. p.
fTS 3 * Pittsburgh Life Innuranee Corn*
p&ny, of PITTSBURGH, PA. Caphau $lOO,OOO
President--Jams S. Qoox
Vice Prtddeni—S-urcxt SPCujixas.
Treasurer—lostm Sr tmm. ...
Secretary—C. A. Couou,
(Bosonic Hall Building .)
This Company makes erary Insurance appertaining to
or connected with Life Risks.
Matual Rates are the same as those adopted br other,
safely conducted Companies.
Joint Stuck rates at a reduction of one-third from the
Mutual rates—equal to a dividend of thirty-throe and one
third per cent, paid annually In advance.
Risks taken on the lives of persons going to California or
•Australia. —-
xazxcroks. ’ *
James £.Hocn, ftamuel
William Phillips, John A. Wilson,
John Scott, Joseph P.Gaiaam, M.P.
John M* A 3 pin, Alreeriiiee Reynolds,
Horatio N. Lee. TTtesm Stowe. “ maxC3
IPS* Splendid -Fresh. Stoch of NE W
PIAHO9.~The subscriber re- ; IT .
qwctfslly ialarms the public that he *-
now selecting, in person, at the factories §Nre|npw§ff'
of New Yerkwud Boston, a most extensive **: * * f*
utmost care and attention wilLba given to the selection of
the tVry bat Instruments which are manufactured in this
country. Purchasers are politely requested to await the
arriToJ of these elegant instrument* before buying else
where, os they will hare the advantage of choosing from
among the final tatted Pianoe which: the New York and
Boston market affords. The subscriber is determined to se>.
lect the best and finest instruments, from among the hun
dreds of the Eastern stock, and will positively sell them at
net factory priees, without additional charges for freight, Ac.
The first Pianos of this lot will arrive In about a fortnight.
Coll and examine. HENRY KLEBER,
IGI Third street, sign of the Golden llarp. •
N. B.—Old Pianos taken in exchange at the highest
valuation. aug2p
— It Is due to KffißS ftfroiem* to
wy that it has been known to completely eradicate
every vestage of this dreadful disease In Ipsa HTne'theTr any'
other remedy, and at less cost or inconvenience td tho pa
tient - ■
the thousands of certificates in the hands of the propria
tor, many of which are from well known citizens ofthe city
af Pittsburgh and Its Immediate vldnfty, go to show dearly
and beyor ill doubt, that Em’s pjenuaxun is a medidue
of no com on value, not only aa a local remedy inJFfcroly
m. Rheumatism, Deaf not, latx of fight, but as a valuable
internal remedy, inviting the; investigating- physicians, as
well as the suffering patient, to become acquainted with its
Those haring a dread of mixtures are assured that this
tnedldneis purely natural, and Is bottled as It flows from
the bosom of the earth.
Th* following certificate it oopiedfroa a paper puUishedat
Syracuse* AT. K, and bean date JLuautt 2, 11152, to which it
oho appended the eertificateqfdttcelebratedj). Y.FtOt/if.D
o/ Syracuse:
this maria truth certify, that I hare been so badlyaf*
dieted with Scrofula for the lastsereayearsthai most of the
time I hare been nnable to attend to any- kind of business*-
and much of the time unable to walk and confined tomy'
bed, and hare been treated nearly all the timo by the best
Physidansourcountiy affords; J occasionally got some re
lief, but no cure, and continued to grow worse until Dr. Toot
recommended me to try the Petroleum, or Rock Oil,sasire
rythiug else bad failed. I did so without faith at first, but
tho effect waa astonishing; It threw the poison to the surface
at once, and 1 at once began to grow better, »*><] by n«W
seren bottles I hare got a cure worth thousands of dollars.
This may that I have been acquainted with Klerts
Petroleum, or Bock Oil, for more than a year, and bare re
peatedly witnessed Its beneficial effects la the cure of jna*-
lent ulcer* and other diseases fbV which ilia recommended,
and can with confidents recommend it to be a medlcinewor?
thy of attention, and can safely say that succa&B has attend
ed its use where other medielne had failed.
j), y. yoOT, y, p, .
Tor sale by all the Druggists in Pittsburgh. [aa27alAw.
Messrs* J* Sliroffel & Co«,
Vault Doors and Iroa Window Shutters. ~
AND as all persona admit the necessity of the abore
mentioned articles, we hare ho hesitation in recom
mending our article to be equal to anything in the city;
Orders promptly attended to, and put up in the best
style, and on short notice.
t3u Smithfleld si root, between Fourth and PJfthi PiUs
rargb- (sep9ai6in7 J. SHROFFED A CO.
On corner of Wood and Fifth Streets,
ptozb patricea t man. fseplo
~ —l
Ng»/ „ „ At No. 184 SMITHPIELD St.
~r $l -°°, Fe L“ nl6o “*»
ranted, {»ep2B] J. p. D. KEATING.
OJJict, j.Yo. 92 Fourth tL. abort Wood.
Notre, Drafts, Ronds, Mortgage*, and on cd
latorals, negotiated. Stocks and Insd Warrants bonkbt
and sold. dots'
(coaDCCTxp'ogTgi ruaorr*y yu*-)
BUILDING LuTSe'-TBuLots of ground, eitnat* tn New
Troy, fronting on Chesnut itreat, each 23 by 100 £a*t,
for sale low. Apply to- - MOPPITT *
t oclB Real Estate Agents, -
... • v ■ \i • » • •
**i*Vv.‘V:i- '
. '• v- -•• f. .# “‘'<t -*j »,• "
-'• r- *«S *; : ’*" -
• ' v«»•' ~ " ■’■ ■ •' "
' 'l'‘ ■ ■
“ I-'-’
% •c .' £
i< 'I V-"-. >
„, f * * f t t / *
4?- "
; Vv-\,' -
•JOSEPH 0.10S!£a rM^...MM ~. M ».XES3C£ AS? HiSifin
rsicts 07 nanssrar!
Boxes and Parnaet» MMM SOe. 1 Second Tier—2s
Private Boxes, Isrge~....~sB | Boxes tor coiOßto. PJ3k "
l)o< do. small... $5 {
43J* Fentons eeeoring seats will he charged J2}£cU. extra
tor the Certificate. '
Doors opes at J-£ be lore 7 o'clock; performaac*
commence at o'clock.
FAREWELL BENEFIT, and lajt sight Iratcns of the
coxagwacntcf Hn. FARBKN.
- Taj* .Byssxso, Jtomnber-i,! 9^, wHlTid’-prcscafaii
the excellent Play of -
' Trabolia .'—.„^..„„....,:.;..«,^ 1 Far Kn. --
Dance —:Mh*f B. WaldcgraTe. ■ '■'j
After which, thengw piece entitled ?. { V ivt
s . THE RIQUTa oft/oman.'_ -:.
. -...-..^.....Jlr.Jlitfstofd,
| 1 tTOowJUamtfihf. Jarrgg. > l X
r * **?« — : — r .i.~.™...^li«iK.-ff , ftldeOTTe.
( To oonehsde with the cte&tMbrsl’Eraiai of the
UrST'S^SE^* 7 " 1 *PPe«*n»- w/FARREN, -when
j T ;- PaUstyleofHttn • '
1 P?i SAMTJEI* WEST, No. 231 Lulkitt Brans?,' *■
' (header Wood,) basjustreeeired thePALM >■
OP HATS, and would Tesf>ectfQllj
{iatitethjsattejitioaormsfrienda.aad.custcmerßio 1L Ha
thas also old
■and CAP 3» which, ha-will sell CHEAP,.for cash. "fsul&tf
\ ■ 'rßW* lUltfcCap*. 1 * 1 _
i p£b JOSEPH COX A C0 7 corner Wood Btrret -*#*™^
; / Hand IHamtmd 'airayj-.irodltV.refpectfally Jn-f » 1
ie^^fbrm'their firierids uniLthA public thit they fcj*
;*re receltfajg''ft iiplendld stbek of IIATg jiKD
?C APS, of the latest which they are prepared
;«a. **' reasonable tenns’ae any other hoose fn the dir,
fllret»acidl,andraan»nebur stock/ : /septic.
T„ Tn „ t Pmsuraon, Noremberl, 1853 > .
the fitodc, but of the pro Sis for the last ala
•montharpajahleafterihetenth"lnst-• :
j °°* 2 W-H-PESST, Cashier.
:THE Directed of this BaX“bnMhlsW
iJL dcdared-a fflridend of fonr per
.stock, for tba. last six months, payable to stockholders or *
: Uielr; legal representatives on u
• T»ftr2>l‘d .. T -....
• Copartnership, > -
'T'ITB UNDERSIGNED haring purchased Hie -liiforest' of
J . 1. JA*t»BiCHA*naos, in the Wholesale Comini*,
rion and Kara! Store, No. 144, Water st reet,
rulmr Ibe trader' the finn afidityTo of KEWIN
DILWOUTIIS4 ana we eolirft a continuance of the custom ot
.the late - JA3JES ERWIN. : v-v
• - -"-sAini -.2
■; s n ■ :*r\ 7 t ■ 1 Jr.
In resigning my business to E&wcrAEnwossrs,
folly recoxnsieQtMhenito alltbose.witb whom I liaTebem
.doftju business.:: Japxes-Erwiocr myself wDi attend to sat'
Uing the business.. -, f - .
r ""T&lm * ; ■,. t __JAME3 RICHARDSON.
- ; Couxt Sale.
BY virtue oftn’order of thrOrphans* Court of Allegheny'
County, dated the 29th day of Oct-,IES3,
to pnbHe -Auction- at .the .Court House, £n ti»
City. of Vitteburjtb, jh»„MOND A Y.tbe 2Sth day : of:Nov.
1853, at 10 o clocks a. as the real estate of Michael Matt,
Jate of Shaler township, deceased, alMEafcertein lotcr
piece of ground,; Situate' In Btewarlstewn/sald eonutrof
• Allegheny, bounded und described ; asfollows: Beirinning
at a post on the.BuUer Turnpike Road, tbence Northwardly
along saW roftd*cveßte-fivcrcr&)feerteMmotherpostlthenee
Eastwanlly by lotheld by Jamcsßnrke. one hnndred-{100)
rfoet, to a twelve foot alley,tteuee Southwardly -along aaU
• alley seventy-five (TJ) fegttel aPORtr-thfnee Weytwardly by
lot formedy held by Henry Uclforing one hundred HOO) fret
to the place or beginning,. -. BaM lot is subject to anaanuaL
ground rent of $23 25. , •
ALSO.—AII that .certAhr other lot bV piece or ground, adk
joining the atwe/ccnrtaiclng in frbht on tha Butler TurtK
pike Road; thirty (30) feet,.end extending, back'preserving
; tbo same width one hundred (100) • feet to a twelve foot *K
te.v, »nb|eet tn an annual gynuhd rentef SID 50. Cn eaA
•»f which said lots or pieces of grotrod. erected A two rtb
ry Brick Dwelling House, with out-honses. appurtenances.’
Ac. Terms’ made, known At sale. -For -furtherinformation'
apply to HENRY HELFJEUING, Administrater of Michael
Matt, or MITCHKL-4 PALMER, Attorney*.at Lair,
oovdd- .... ~ v
UOUfttoAEUtt *ALHi—A good, vd) arran*
gai brick .Dwelling, ;iiousE; with lot st foet
g>ot, on Fourth street, .above Ross,. by $6 feet deep..: -Prjca
ALSO:—A three ftory .BMCIt sttatrn}' on Str
.CUir street, a few doer* ffomTccn. 'pricos2,Boo.-
Terms easy on both #l fbe aboTc. " • •
IWTWiertwet' .
LMUUU.— . ...
.-I .:• SL A.yAnNESTOCKi.CO!, J
cttr. Wood and Ptrst riiret*
bbis riupctQufl;
- Hisher'a-Exim FumOr;
JS/Mlye: . ...
.200 Back»;lßttciwlieitj> y. - . ,
roceired anil for sale by
15 recited aml for rale by • -•
APPL£^— 150 ApyleryarriTiag per xaUroatL
•ml for sale by - •--.-•'•T?
nori KIBKPATHICK ATTiranny? 1
SALiittATUs.— 10 bbis. Adams*. Trore.rrc’d and for pale
by fnov2| - KIRKPATRICK A IUBRR0y&; .
PKA UL AalL—ls sacks arriTmg per. r*nwwT 1 -«pd~s?
rale by [novg] KIRgPATRrCS A FTPrßimyg
• Tns Braee'of Dr. Banning
- - is now.pot- lTp tn «-Tnn<»Vi fry>.
p ... • aadia wom by
H S Bhrmdreda of persona forthe
ta ,riy /ycnreandprerentkm'-of rceaf,
’BL jT -Jr J? DytwplxCj Fer*'
% . ww, Spinal, Fn*aLu~ZTjz~^
\\ Stir . «'. - ?n« ■and CAi&Mwai
■IIIBSSsssHSESSki*-' . . JV£5S£Si f>«eh as Prolapses
• U-terl, .Chronic Diarrhoea!
•. Dragging of-the Bowels,
, - SSlHpr. ; '' *' Piles,Fistula,MUk Leg,and
Enlarged Veins.. .Essays,descriptiveof its usc,may be had ■
at xay Store; free of eharge. • - , " ; “:.>-r-.
XSjf* I'ai». keep-Fitch's, Chajan’**,. Jacksfta*s,i&i.isitts! “
sod Vanhorn’s SUPPORTERS; TRUS3SS of every
kind; Lacs Stockings, Saspensary Bandages, and erttyra
of mechanleai appliances nsed in the core of dlsearo.
r would respeetfnlly invite the attention of phyridans and
--then to the above articles.'
For sale at
_ _ ,V; / i: _ 14ft Wood street"
w. iL—Persons ja want .cf .Trasses, can bars theca- rent'
t*any pan of Ibe country, by staling whether for the right
•ir left ride..and sending thame&rure roand Uwbody«ftH>t->
Trust Comptnr. *
AN ELECTION fbt ninh Directors 61 Uric- Company, to
eerrefor tb6 Xuaunsycar, will h® held at.the BANK
ING XIOUSE, on AIONDAX* the SSth day ©fN'oTem.hier.JJO'
iween the hours of 11, A- AL, *0d26?c106k r E. 5L / _ __
■ A general meeting of the Stockholders will also he held
uatltf s*maday«;\ • JOHN D. SCULLY,-
f PflTlrtd --- - -r\Cartliec;--;
tv I*>o BmithGeH street, Is'*&shand.elesn*i»
the finest Glores, In a manner that thfj wfll appear *5 good-.
aenew.~ AH desiroas of her serrices'wai pleas*'apply as -
•nbQTc> ...... V ' oct29ow* .
ll "C Poorth street? . ;-v . •=;»;.
Life Scenes, Sketches Inflight and Shadow iiwa-\be :
' world around ns* byFrancteA,lhnrltagiC . . ...
•T&fk Adams; or Tho Mutineer, by CapLftederlckCSispi*
*er.R.N;,antfcor or Tho Spitfire, An
The Star- Chamber, an. TT<^nr*r*TT?p.m»»<>»<» J >,y : - •' 77 ~~
Ainsworth. * - - • :.-f . i ,j;
GusUtos Lludorm, or Lead ns: not Into Temptation, hi?
Emile P.Carleo. •; i f
No. 7of the Glasgow Pract tea! Mechanic’s Journal. * : -
Tsp Top, or a Noble. Aim, a book, foe Boys and Girls, by
Mrs. J-G. Totbride, author ofm be a Gentleman. Aft. 0e29
lL Harper** Magazino flrf November •, ' •.' >
Putnam’s ' do'V ~ do"," r •*”—•*
- : Knickerbocker'36' t ;;_ db ' ' 5
Codecs Lady 1 * Book . do ' ' •
Graham’s Magazine ' ' do J
Peterson’s do do . - f '
Porsaloat W. A. GILDENfENNKY A CO.’S,,. ~
npyl- ••• v; •• . • ••■' • •'-■ ■: 76 Fourfhratreet. r?
SUGAH~23 bhilS ptimtf JT.tV ' '
6 bbls. Clarified; “
lft do BefinM; forsaleLy ‘ :
J.-D. WILLIAMS, 122 Wood at.
COFFJiiJ— 00 bags prime mo; - • j .
. .20. “ Laguayn; *.v . :: 1
; 20 tr Oia. Qor. JaTt r
Port ~ - . 'X TK WTLIJAMR
half cheats, pfinilt Green bp<1 _: ,~T~~
.. ... ICOcaJdiss' ... 'do " ‘ <lo' - Vi: ild'
°°*l V ■ ' J. K tfnjJi.'MFr'^
I^OBACCO— 40 boxes 6 T s, B*a end JO’s-Wo*;
JO- **--■ l f s*Ed-pounds; ■
10 keg* Kc* 4 Twist;''
1 eas&Diamoiid'
rvKIKD APPLES — 1 1>0 bushels (on consignment) tbrnle*
L/ by ' : ;J. 8.-TOLLIAMS, —-
nni ,i22_Wpoa
A JL MASOa * Ct). will exhibit, pa MONDAY, Uetober
• 51st, a rery stock of SIIAWLS*
Cloaks, Talmas, Bonnets, Btws GeoOs, Ecibroidertei Ho»-
4ery stutOlotesi linen and House3aepinff.-Qoods;'Donses»
:tics, Ac. V._V •-/• ~ ~ T VV..octgl.-.
\J3L Acre*; JA in -cnlttratlon;. witha Frame UwelliM.
Uouaei, Bam, Stable, well of good water, largo Garden, and,
other improvements:'situatent twenty miles north of But*
ler,-adjoining .the Tillage of on ihe-TrahkHir
turnpike. 'WBI be : sold, : or exchang-edfor property ta or
neartha city. : „ . . i . S.-CI/THIIHBT. A SO5, ::'.
octal- - . - -- - Kpcl4o third at.
CASIiSL*S UAIK PJ3.NUI LS— socr<s. T aasPrted, for
ConxetWood anj, Fim sU. '
'ORPIIIA—ISO 01, Acetate end. Sulphate, fortale'by'
. octal R-A.FAUSE3TOCK A CO. ‘
ATU BRICK—2OOO English for rale by ' ’
oeta . : B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO.
HOOFLANC3 UKUMA.N BIETtRS—S gross j oat recalr
ed and for sileb; B. A. FAHNESTOCK A OX, .
. . ,r. - Corner First and Wood etc.
ARTEK’S SPANISH MIXTUiti-l gross jnsriieUasd;
for gale br foetal B. A. FAHNESTOCK A Op. j
ehaias wanted by = AUSTIN LOOMIS,
com : . ■■ .. Nol 93Pourth st. •
A(\ so, AND iaiAcia: land, warrants wanted
4:U, by ; . AUSTIN LOOIHS,
• -octUS • - •. - . No. 92 Fourth a*.» ;
octSO : AUSTIN moms, No. 92 Fourth cL
oct£6 , . ........ No. 92 Fourth at. -
UM BHOES—Wholesale and KetaiL All those in want
VT ofOum Shoes are Invited. tocalh Those that bar In
Sell again, may find It to their, advantage to call before urur
chasing. - - L. E. HAYWARD, '
oatSg Cornet Market and. Liberty streets. ,
EPSOH SALTS—7O barrels &r sal® by
• b. a, pahi«sstock/*oo^
Own» Wood tod PJfft tt**
UIJISTUJiJi—HO barrels for sale by • -
octSS ~ B> A. fr Ca
Uil DA3lAE—2solbstorsaiaby !
- oetSfr - —B, A»AHNESTOOK : Jr C&
SIQUT £XCU4h3H*M)iiftU principal dtlej <rf
Union, Enrtote'&j;: J Jc WTLKISS k CO->~'
.***& • '- . 71 Fourthgtrget,KtUbqrsh.,
LAM) WABBASTB.—WfcStedsithaUci
BaMlng, 7t Jfonrantrcet. Pittebrngh, ~
• A.WttKßiS*<?lX
TJLANO KE3T—Oaegood Alafccjranyl'itn*
- . - ; *;<jmRWITS B&UUK, .
oet23 ■ . . Woodgtrecfe '
- A A. MASON AOX via h»r» in • Uxr days * lirgv u 4
A.V-aplndU lot of *Hwoolß*s<S*i good colon, .odj^
** •* „ v - «■
> <t.V x
, m i
j. d. wiitiAMi:
•• J. 'A ■