& * . if t - . •^iMf!'VV^i>o, :rV . 'V X? ,*#?&'- *• ■** f tK. *• » tfr*" k.*, *s iV * *■-** , > > T ■» <>» •* >*J«W *V‘ ■" JF- O I-- * - u 4 -V. *-* , * J K i J*w # ** J -<* - X&'-■ -• ‘ ■ ■ -■• ■ '■ w»»V/* ; ,* . •> . ,-C' < - , s \v>, 1- «■3 *&«>“,&?% *,j*i-*’ ‘- v. ** 4 '. ‘■’ 5 *■/.*&,* <*•» *-' _ *l, _ **■**/ 1 ’- v >’ . ,;.. *; -iA w • ■ >; . . - >■ >,, ;% t • ■.- ■ tfs •- f.-' »(t’.s.,; - ''l •, * .}•- -v *&? * ~~J‘- -V^^«a»U!?^JS^^'i^X >K —dS?'s'^*x:v-i=s““>-^'-r-‘->' J . vw-»» :.%- _ T ... ™,„V- .—,, ; f's !:%-»* t r :**; * >*g v¥j-ifsg ix* &* hSCfi*?.'j£w*s -* u * 1 * -/j ■Ft" > rt «83SSS$Siv3kS# (HUM miMM f^UgMKiii HhMei sass ?i '■ E!,SSY '- V «' mmms- i|ngMi “tr:. IPP -, lUnl-burg, saw IMMMiMI sjfess .lapi-nrotl, ' fiJl ® Speak ; « ||fftel6 r: Sr* sfs ;~ jpmwpin = : ”S ! 5a 3 iS; r,: - 10 0001 £32 rl ** r ! ; »«- :• ««. £ S p 3 CLP' .9 a.'*” ’jasmav/0., - - s % . mas «uteefft«tme? terJilm with.a call.. H« b alao WOSaHsMfmelsprita, order erery, article of CloiWii? constituting a QeuUeman'a Waxtlroto,. in the latest and niostiishihoshlli styli'. .. ~ ■ TO : 2!AXLGIifi.--cELO subscriber odors .fur sate bls ootn pletetayrtom nfSarmontc praughttof.wk'mKj «.nd tbojtr&de Of tlliS. city* QiHalllxati,, 1 PhilSSSawaLcilfleitos At thofollowing prices yu. Wl&alnsfcruaUonvfiM* oo * .without instruicUo:os, »Tlw>jfo-ifr full and accurate UlftiCUHn.'* w . . -< ■ Teacher of Garment Cutting, - t _yp,'-45.rirUa;-etreet T oppo3Uetha Theatre. ■ i Clothing-'lloiue» : BDPM’D nD “VAT TS A 0 Oj—MiatcaJLKt Taipoes, lAbcrty- Etrutr atone SU Clair. & new Clothing Blare :afc:the above.plaro, rL jmdarwtow ftioeM&g&gplandid lot oC CLOTHS, CAo- SIMJSRES? ftit,k>f the latest Importatioixfvpur ehased'vUSrf^'Aspecial’vfew'touitytrudfe,-and which Ui«y •re grttflWd-fo make up to order ln thoiatcstaml ino6tfa.sh- TJrey to pay strict Attention to.ttuj brifictfuf xlieirfruriucsSy’und they haTofuU confidence that th bauble thnlr oustomers entlnfsatuiactioiu a choice lot o£ READY &1 Ai>K Otj(rPßl3Wr;‘oTtlio nswost -styles* which Ahey wUi.sell Jow for : f AaSlf this stock Is ontirely ;.ocwy It is worthy tb« httentfotrof buyer?.' aplfrn SAM.DJBSJL OttAY) zw l waMM*ibB&* ..., S&. CJJUA-STKttT, PitTSTOnOS. - >g 01iOTJlI‘lQ made cxciusiTßlJ' to order, tosnlr llaVeoMtgatty onhund n ohotoa.nsBQrtmnnt.of CEQTH3. CASSIMERBS. 'BSTIM3B, of Hte latest styles. for ihaoustorn tradQ. Gentlemen leaving th6Fr orders, will ImTnSSlt irfehtJa'odxxaultcd and complied with, ixa allitork is dqno ttttjerhl* oyn Eupcrrlpioo. norl** _ CJUeOTHIN.G STORE! M'CLOSKEY & CO., EOKHK&XiY cftho:calebrated Clothing Depot on Lilxuty strtetp which hatiwonan unbounded popularity under thwcunator thO- TZIRSE BIG DOORS, have, for the pkrt* pOfleu6f &cquildog4sore\opacQ for thmr immense business, rexoßVfld3» the: spacious b uiidiug on theenrner of -m vDIAMOND vAiiliKY AND: WOOD STREET, 3t-.c-.'W3iBto Ujer.hßT« now the moat SPLENDID STOCK UP CLOTES! SH»' ; •' •=■' •'•■•••■ MA3>Y,MADE CLOTHING, «7 ever been offered to the public. ■ Tbeip. principal Object fox this removal, is to give them ' : • TRADE! , prepared -to goU Goods .at the . Z thaflttalnnsh nod Western Trade, we will be able iu indneetheafa to our.old customers, and gcn> GREGn ft cn. BKOOND ARRIVAL OP PMJi AHD WISTEU DttV GOODS'.: The Cheapest Goods of the Season! Young, stevenson a love, sign 0 r the orL-i ,ti Bn*Hr\-c, Na 74 MARKET STREET, between Fou> th and thk Diamond, Pittsburgh, have Jo*t recclvnO, and ure al&rge and splendid assortment of OREBB GOODS, Ortho x&xrest and most desirable styles, adapted to ihe pvesentaeoson. ■phrid-Bropoda and Fancy Klkn at bargains. EaioHlaek and Ccfruelian Silks and Turk Satins. HeHno PUR&s all wool, and Silk and Wool do. '4?*y SUkand Cashmcro Plaids of every descriptt»m, “•ywrcUwji* Newatylo plain and Fancy De Raines. Frehalr MeMnos, Uoshmorea, Cohurgs, Alpacas, and Pam- colon and qaalitias. g« BigCB,wi|cJ Ugh colored De Lstees, all qualities. Wll ind winter Shawls, of ovory description. Lone ond Bquare Brochaond Plaid Shawls. Printed. Gosbmete and plain Thibet do. French Ginghams. AgeneraT Assortment fast color Prints, from «*£ cts. tip. FnUTjßQjUODScf.arery description. OollaVa, Gufik, Chcmlxettcsandßmb’d et bargaim. Ribbons and HiHinery Goods, very cheap or HOJUSSTIOGOODS, at low prlcaa linia Sbeeting, Pillow Linens, TnMe Clotha. and Sup D “P er . and Cravate, .err choap. GLOVES, HOSIERY,SUSI'ENDEBS, anti CRjtVATS. solicit un «atl, call from boOi wnniasal.and retnil buyora, flattering onr«elTM that wo nan accnmxaodata all who may fliror ua with th.-ir n»t run age, nn moat liberal terms. ■a? 2o . ■ YOCSO, STEVENSON * 1/OYF. ■ _ „ Janß«Mlnd, AT THE OBIOMAL BEE-HIVE, Ka. X 4 MARKET STREET, Anew supply or pall awl winter goods, whirit will; acid at exceedingly low price*. ,We wOfUdrespciUnDyeolldtan early cell from opr friends and tho public believing that we can now of er greater inducement# to^both wholesale and rotall buyers, thanatar heretofore.. •epT5 ' YOUNG, STEVENSON 4 LOVE. COkehvOQd Carrlace Factory l JOHNSTON, BKOThSs & CO., Cbftier of |&&ttsCa and Belmont itruts, Allegheny City, *jMpd9fik|' vM “ WOULD respeotfally Inform theft- friends the public generally, that they have oonnnetieod. the manufacture of Carriages, ■j (EHmi+ vir* Eoekaways, Buggies, Slefghs ana ChMwtto ali thelrvariouyfitylea of flniih and proportion- All ordeja win baexecuted with strict regard todorablllty Repalrt wffl also be attended to on tbo^^etmwnable terms.- Bring icon their work th* bat Emcra-Sbafle, Pole?, ami Wheel Btuff, tboy feel confo dent that i}ll who ferorthem 'their patronage, trill be pOTtteOy jsaasfied on trial or their work. “ ore reqaesfod to give ns a call, before puraba ; - pgtfcly CARRIAGES FOR SALE* liaa justreceived at his n* -k :WAREHOUSB, 52?-ftSS?S? Rao » between Pittsburgh MAJAjrrmiaißlfl,: a splendid of: every docrfption, and will continue to Be fp nd haad Oxrrfap«, SulMes, SS^ f wS&?hin l *i 0 w lll ® 8 i. ontheTOT 7 ,owwrt termi ' Pvactiro iu the business,and te lllO &,t ' t 9 ,UttCT> uS h^fS«Si?ST^" <1 " ?pwtfalls ' t,lTll “ llo ™ ll Plattedtton paid to ropalrtna of Cnrri. «gfjflylBaUwy«l JOSEPH WHITE. ; ; juividuir stable; wrW’-efrSmmftad street and Diamond aUrv ftdded.lafgcly to his to>occomniodate the public.' /^A-Aj^lmthpfiaestßocgica, and best Homy,both for wishing lo have liorscs StiLEPPiP* Wd superior accommodations for them M tala stable. The stßils are largo and new. and the nnv P'kJSJW* attention to thoir and romfort P ,,. ■ • p. DEVT,TN. OF Tine AHFGHENY A\n tog.^thoan.tthig «-g^r/a *£■&«. s,/. on - v * ■ ’timi/wfA ilia RhvbtuiM Hoad Company horebriri^c thaKBSTHOHDAY OT NOVEMBEiIN , ??T at T A.H, etlhtfofllw of tho or »,M T r 10 oW< S l ‘> ffilltrlilfll Jtroot, ?°- Offloar* of tala Company for tho racing ' boos ‘ u fc’ Acwby Ixiovia. Soc’j.... A W ’ at wtwedlnfjlv low tal«. cr -y”'...: -1" APAMB & CO, M Water ,t TODAMK:BO3p- . -*> . 1 .-Ooimata, Do* Book,, ; • 1 00411 Receipt Books, BDANKBOOKBMAMS W>ORDER«t ffiSS,' in “* .*£? ffl*«* otßlsoit Books always on McdlomVjSsJoiil •BntttwSs SSJijlioi on litural terms. ~ - ' cV/’j',. W. B. HATES, -. BIan&Book ilanuiiurturcr. - 1 ktreoal rpBE>BOSTON sausaokßotteb AND STOPPEns- Jt«iv Cosier ChwfiCtaSSrt too ShdlmTbr food uutfoim po»ei; Pruning Chleols, sws M O.I4JS* MSOttoent of Implement. .nluble fbr th o hm4 a^S3^rSt^ fl,e ? " 4 T • ; ~ TF. B. ECHMERTZ -J- JfoUtC ! S aiwssaßftaa^sjSSs ;Fer»on» going to Aurtralla or California, wij flnds!»^t, r ~ i«o do brttab, purchasing thrlr jthqr can-among frtnmgors,a« wo giro poraonja try any oftheintoowPirtSs; tom>re'lesvtag ttor to can. of a failure, v, refgnd the money. • "Vt w£ v 158 Wood street, Pittsburgh. 1 v r jIAMEB WA&DRQP. f TRANSBGRTATIONr ■; j SU MMEBA~B ®i-N«OEttE fTT 8. 1 Liberty stroot ny«ry nw-fling.« PVl3ck, itopping at nil jther regular . on: .iho. rood. ln Philadelphia tlio next morning at 7 o'clock,oonnembe with' Xholndnfl directto’^^New at Harrl«- hurgwdth the trains for, arriving in-'BalSmore att o'- clock, A.:3i. .\ • •-f> •- • ■ ■ j .. Thft ExpTora'Traln !cavM *th» fftatlo& every oreniog at 9:35 o'clock, stopping at aU tho regulartrtatioD i «, and«>n -necting.with tralns.for.Bamcoorejat'S o'clock. P. SI., also «onnficdng-with.-fi100: N; B.—Messrt.M. ft J Breidcntlial,Omnibus Proprietors, hpTH been employed to convby posaengers and haggago to and front the Depot, at a charge not to exceed cents for each each trunli. lor tickets apply, to J. MhshlMfcN, Agont, i . .At the P. R. R. Dcjtot, on Liberty etrepL i Pittsburgh, Jply f 22, \&*3. . jy2o i CLEVELAND Aftp PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. SPECIAL NOTICE." ON.and after WEDNESDAY, August 19, IBM, Passenger I rains will run daUyj(Buoda>sexceptcdJ os Ibhows; hXPKRSa Li.AIN leaves• Cleveland for WelluvJUe and way Stations at 10.00 AIL ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Cleveland for Alliance and wuy bta tioos at j :30 P Al. Iteturnlngi EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Wellsvilla for Cleveland aud way Stations at : loa6 A M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Alliance for Cleveland and way Stations atROO A M. CONNECTIONS.—The 9.00 A M Train from Alliance coo- Dftcts with the Kxp rw Train of 0, Ip. Railroad, leaving Pittsburgh at G.UU A M, arriting at Cbvolaud at lldi7 A M. The .Express Train from M'elWill* connecw at Alii anco with the 8.80 Mail Train from Pitlsbuneh, and reach ing Cleveland ot £Bo'p'M; alpo/witli the Mali Trainnf ihe. O. ft P. Railrtrtid from the West, arriving In Pittsburgh at' 6.00 P .51. The, Express Train from Cleveland connects at Alliance With Mall Train for. Pittsburgh, Falem, Cad ton, Massillon, Whiter, nnd Stations on 0. ft P. Railroad. Only one Train daily from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, owing to tlie refusal of the Ohio land Poonsylrania Railroad Com pany to allow nn creniog counHClion to be made, whirh would accommodalo paswmgers reaching Cleveland iu the afternoon Trulns from the East and West. The lu.oo A M train from Cleveland and the 10.15 A 51 Train from Welljrrtlip connect at Bayard wlih railroad to Carrollton, and harks for Dover, New Philadelphia and Cos hocton. Tratei c-ieh way connect at Hudsion with the C. 7. and C. Railroad, for Cuyahoga Fallxanci Akron. t'assengors leaving Pittsburgh in the 8 30. A M Train, reach at 3.30 P M, and cotmoai whh the light ning Train of Lake Shore Railroad, leaving at 3.45 P M for Etl<, Dunkirk, Rutfolo and Niagara Falls. Pay all the Trains can go forward, east, west or south, by tlu> following evening llava from Cleveland. STEAMERS ON LAKE ERIK.—The new and magnificent floating palneee **Qaecn of tho Weat” and “ Crescent City,'* leave at T.uu l* 5i for Dulfolo. LAKE SHORE RAILROAD l«y« at 2.45 and 8.13 P M for Erie, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niagara Palls, 24k* Vork and Boston. CLEVELAND. COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAIL ROAEk—At 8.16 P M fur Colombo* and Cincinnati; same Train connect* at Gallon with Bellefdmaine and Indians R Jl for Dayton. In Indianapolis, Terre Usutaand Jefferson* villo, Indiana. TOLEDO, NORWALK AND CLEVELAND RAILROAD— At SJ O I* M for Toledo, Chicago, Milwaakia, lanHa, Galena and St. Lonls; also at 7jofr PM by steamer*on L\ko Eds to Toledo and Detroit, tbenre by Railroad to Chicago, LasaUe und Galena Through Tlcbots to Galena or Detroit, sd; Chicago $i t : LaSalle $l4: Gu!i*nn 61**4,76; St. Louis SIL Through Tickets to New Turk and Boston ria. BuffaLv, cau be obtained at this oilin'. I‘nsMmpnrs nre rv«jueshii to procure their tickets at the Cfempnor'c otiW. of JOUN A. CAUtiiIKY, Agi, attglS Simmntrahola lloiw. Water st., PtUsbargb. OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILBOAD. New Arrangement, 0 Oil3l EA’CIiTU- Au O CST 8, 185;! 1553. THAIS U*av«*n Pittsburgh at C o'clock, A M, j stops only at the principal £t*tluu«. and dines at Cn-t Ime at IJW P M. arriving ni Cincinnati In the cTtaing, via C&lombua and Xonia. Fare from. Pittsburgh to Clnrlnnnil. $7,7 j ; to Colambu.v $6,26- MATT, TRAIN IraTrrt Pllbdmrgh «t BJ3 A M; dinus at Al liance ; and renche* Crvstiim* at G.OO P M, connecting with tho Night Train to Columbus and CinrioDati. and with Uie llellelbutaiue am) ludi*n* Kuiiriwui for Dayton, loJiatupo lis Terrs Haoit!, and U>wtu in Indiana. Conni-clium* nr<* made at Alliance by P*tiilrt>ad with Ravenna, Hudson and Cleveland. Pare fmui Pittsburgh to Olevidand, $4.00. Connections are made nt M.iosfleid by Railroad with fiats dusky City, MnusbeM, Mount \eroon, Newark aud Xanes viile. Fare to Sandusky Csty, $4,60; to Newark. to Xaue*- ville. $5. Connections are made with. Detroit and Chicago, both l-y Cleveland and Soodorky City. Passengers who leave Pltu borgb in the Mail Train at BJD A M, go directly by il*a>- field and Sandusky City to Detroit, without detention. Fare to Detroit, Oho; to Chicago, $ll,OO. U£T(IRNISOi TliK EXPRESS TKALN lentrj Cres'llne fit 1.00 P M. Man/fleU at 1.40 p M, and Alluare at 6.00 P >l, and tearij ** JPiUsburgh ut R.lfj p M, .\.un-cUrK' with the Htpre-.s Traiii to Philadelphia and Ralliowre. wbirh l«. a ve* Pitts burgh at IU.SO P, >J. Time from Cincinnati u> Pitubargh, 14V£ hours. Fare. $7,75. -TFor* from Cincinnati to Philadelphia or Baltimore. $16.00. # MAIL TRAIN leaves Crrstllne a( 7. A M; Jloe* at Al- Haocv; wnmvts with klxpreas Train from Cleveland, and arrive-* ut Pittsburgh al ii, p JR saw BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh rt ID A Used 5.d0 P 11, and New Brighton at 7 A M and I P M. Excursion ticket.*, $1; ijnarterly tkke’n ot reduc-d rstefl. FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh :it S IX) A M. and ar rives at 4 P JL - t>3h- Paßienjrem are requested to procure Tickets at the Company'* Oflice. at the Federal Street Station, of GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. £3“ The Trains do not run on Sunday. Further information may be obtained of ft«gS JOHN KELLY, Passenger Agent, Penuaylwrmia Railroad Gonpahy, WE are forwarding Produce, to boitiinore and Phila delphia, promptly, cm receipt. Thaw, Fite Day*. RATI3 OS’ ?E£IUJZT. Bacon, Pork and Beef, (salted,) 46c. $ 100B*. On Lanl, Lard Oil, Tallow, Cotton, Window alas*, 60c 3) 100 lbs. r On Candles, Cheese, Earthenware, Leather, Leaf To barm. 60c. lOOfts. * On Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Bristles, Clover and Tlmothr Seed, 70c. ft. 1 On Deer Skins, Hemp, Hat, and Eggs. 70e. lOOfta On Feathers, Furs, Peltry, Brooms and Merchandize 900 IOOJha. * On barrel. Wo are alsn prepared ttrforward freight to Rodehaugh** Btotion, near Gfceasbnrg.and Jutonnediato Station*. Ojvoius & graham, Agents, corner of Penn aud Wayne «L*&* • Powder, assorted ; 60 half chekts' Tea, •**-: 300 Loses Rosin Soap ; 85 bbls. Linseed, Lanl ho * To brs. Tobacco.arsorted:' Tanners’ Oil • lOObbds. N. 0. Sugar,part 800 bbls. Vinegar prune; .. .» . flu do Rosin; 6 bxs. IliTana Sugar; < 20 do Pitch; 10 hhda. Porto Rico do; • 50001b*. aborted Copper * 160 bags Coffee; 20 bbls. and kegs Lard; 600 bbls. N. O. Molasses; 10 kegsueorted Shoi • 7o do 8. 11. do; ldo Book Shot -800 bxs. Tin Plate. rr»\l : 6 bbls. Alum; 4 tons B ire, do; 20 do Rye Flour; 2 do Spelter; 20eeltsTinner*’ Machine 6 casks sheet Zinc, iw- and Tools; , 100 bus. Dried Apples; 600 pigs Tin . 100 bales Batting, assorted' 1000 lbs. Antimony; 2000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, a>- 10 tons ass U Sheet Iron sorted .00.000 lbs. ass'd Bulk Meat i Wholesale and Retail. Rl BADDI.K, HARNESS AND VRDKK MANUFACTORY OBKKT If. lIARTLKV. bog. lento t» Inform his frieud* and the public generally, that he continue? to occupy that large and commodious «°" Rooai, formerly o«*upiM by Samuel Fahn«- .luck *<-0., ho. SB, corner of Diamond Alley and Wood rt., 5“ < 7 e n ; T teo P- a large and goneral assortment of Saddles. Bridles, .Liam Trunk., Curjwt hags, Saddle Biure. Valise* Bufljal well to call and examinei hu» stock boforo purchaainjf elsewhere, as lie is de termined to fell first rate .articles at very low prices. . «S'Don'l forget th« place, ho. St>, corner of Wood it. and Diamond Alley. f*p26 Notice to Ftnner« and Gardeuera. THU sutwonber Las received hia Miibuly of TURA'TP : ***»> Purplo Toj>, Yellow Aberdeen?, unite 4dube, Large Norfolk, and Lnioey’j* improved Rata Bags or Swedish Alw, 6 totr ton* pf JU»lnt»’ Fertiliror one of jaanurea .tor,corn, grain, graaa, vegetable* malt application, at Pbiladeluhji price*. s -• r T Guwieft ot»d Farming Implement*, !n great variety, of th* ntiheSood aaillmplement Warehouse No. 40 Fifth street’' - 1 - r - - * •• - _je2o O Ifflce ofCleve'd ta Pittsburgh RR. Co., | Clctsukp, September 14, 1853. | QTOCKHOLCEnS ore hereby notlllcd that the SECOND lid J^ n fK!r coot - on the. subscription to ItO A D or™ AND PIITSBDKGB BAIL- Imsim V. WPA ? for ‘ Le construction of the Bearer Ex la C Qn rM , t f, bo p3ld to “« Treasurer et his Office iwiClSfi ?&,?«," bc S nJtic M»W DAY OP NOVEMBER bach be dduTr instillments of ten per cent S«ue£S« on or before the oAt Hay or paid. " mont, ‘ thereafter, until Sro whole shall be th^Mdia'eomrietedSl? H rrool the . time of porim-nt until core wmrieted for the running of .regular trains of 1 ocMm OrjCT ° f tho Wrtctow: . EAM'I, IXIL.TAMTIR-R. SorMtarv »■ v". • •• 5 ’• • - l lN §roiM^Acg%mi»- ii. •X«'i£s. X prop dusage bj OaSICU JllaluftJ, S piiuronM Co, north rdan ofi&z ‘Mm J INSURANCE^—Building,, merchandise and other prop«i(1« «^Wd:«ufi&;fti&fia , dsiiil3Uiist or mage bjr fin), et the lowest ratuaf premium. Majum InsßßAKfiSrt-irhej also tnsWItTSSWJn cargoes and KUighia,)forrign,or.{oni»irlM>^oaii° r open or special policies, |swJ Ta«rst«gT»nQgA+lh*/ al«o;'tmn«e merchandise trsneporto .h* wagons, raUroa* oars, canaj hoalrmnd atesm boo U,.-Heai7 Slow tlueh *«* 04 2»^&! oho Joaipe W Cowan, Sccrct^^ 0 - “*”■ P?“ ° r the Company, WMa Water atroeWHltshurgh. Jeldaltt ...,.,..., V, A. MADEIRA, Agent. PROTKCTIOH IHSmtAKCE COMPANY, hartford, conn , Capital Stocl* Annual Premium* and Wultm Fund 51, 000,000. INOOIt PO'RA’f K D 1826 Policies of Inanranca laauod at Ml times on the moat fa .ora blo terms, cfjaJopt LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, .. o 4 iafc- - r PERILS OF NAVIGATION, BY GEO. E. ARNOLD, Aoebt FOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLEQWUfT COUNT! marl (kj THE united stater . LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, CHARTERED APRIL RWIRIBSO - PKEFETCAL CAPITAL $250-000. Office, S. E. Corner of Third and Chestnut Streets,- Philadelphia. Officers of the Stone Board at Philadelphia: »IMCTOM> '• Stephen R. OmrfbrJ, PatH B. Goddard, AmbposoW. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W. Tingley, Oc*o. McHenry, Jacob L. Florence, James Beretem, William M, Godwin, IYQU&m RTKee. President— Stephen R. Crawford. Vice Prtxidmt— Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Examiner, Pittsburgh— James 11. M. B, AUeghmy Vitp — R. B. Mowty, M. I). GKO. E. ABNOLB, Agent, N0..74 Poorth street, Pittsburgh* The Franklin Fire iai&ranee Company* 0/ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. :» T'vJRECTOES-*-Chnrlee W. n*n»y«r t Tbomaa/Hart, Tobias XJ Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob K. Smith, Geo. W. Rich ards, Moniocai D. Levis, Adolphi £. Boris, David & Browne, Morris Patterson. Oius. S. ttMnnn f PnsidenL Chas. U. Bsscua, Secretary. Ocm tin oe to make inxurasoe, perpetnal or limited, on every description of property. In town and country, at rates as low a.« are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a-lorge Contingent Fond, which, with their capital end premiums, safely lures ted, af ford ample* protection to the osmirnd. The Assets of the Company 4 on January Ist, 1861, ms pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, ware as follows, vU: Mortgage $918,128 68 Beal Batata .... ....... 84,377 78 Temporary Loans 88,866 17 Stock* 01,888 00 Cash, Ac . 64,546 81 Total—— ~$1«212,J08 44 Since tbnir incorporation-, a period of twenty-one yeore, they h&ve paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thoa aaod Dollaia, losses by ftxe, thereby afford u™ evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as. well a* the,ability and disposi tion to meet with promptneoaoil liabilities. J. QAUDUiEII COFFIN, Agent, \p34 Office, north-east cor. Wood, and Third its. THIRD ANSyAL STATEMENT OF TITTUP T A_TK M U TTA L V l il ji A X d m ah I SE May Ist, 18S&. Premium* received tu May lut, I&3_ lotemdoo Loaiifl, Ac Capital Stock $140,1*3 23 Reiumod premiums, Be Insurance, Ex {MUMt*, Ac., «... IXTEftTKCTra. DodUj, Mortgage?, Stuck*. *o4 oUn»r gooj *pou curlLio* Premium NoUw. C*&h uo h&0J.... Total ain't of Rrsourc***, Liable for Loa3***.~.. £*iS,ril3 TO -XriSCCTotlt. JOHN P. RLTnEHK)mU>aupLin county, P. C. SiaxnnCK, HarrUburg, eAIfU EL JON EB, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS. Hanker, Pittsburgh, A. A CARRIER, JOHN B. RUTIIKWORfcDauphia county, A. J. UILLEVT, HarrUburg, 8. T. JONES, IHrrL-turg, ROBERT KUXT4 Carbon onunty. JOHN I*. RUTiIKRKORD, President. A. J. GILLETT, Secretary. Will In. 1 * urc against peri La of dr* and inland navigation alm, on Mervhandixe In citv or country, at lowest rate* eon- Bbtout with safety. PuUcW'-i issued on dwelling hoo**** either perpetually or for a term of year*. Branch Office, corner Fourth and Stnlthfleld etrvet*. oytO:tI A. A CARUIKR. Actuary Western laturanco Company, Pittsburgh. R. UrLLKU, Jr., President. | V. \L OOJIDuN, Scerrtarv CAPITAL, 9300,000. WILL lnrar* artist all kinds of risk*. FIRE and >J A HIVU. All biwi vlil t>e liberally tJjuUJ and promptly paid. A Hume Institution, manigrd by Dxjuctgrr who are well known In the community, and who are determined, bt prom ptneae and liberality, to maintain the character whirl] they hare assumed. as ottering the best protection to those who dueirw to be insured. D\r*ct*n. —H. Miller, filskeUon, J. W. DutUr, N. Holme*, Jr., \V. U. Smith, C. Ueorj?e \V. Jaukwm, Wm. M. Lyon, Jama* LlppmroU, Georg* Uanie, Auley, Asunder Mmick, Tfeocna* Scott. tfflu Offlm, No. Oj Wabrr attwt, (Warabcmaeof Spans A Cn. upetatnO PltUbunrh. 00r24:1v ~f* four Kilfelttinrcd, IF NOT, read what cotneose has written. Among all the contrivances of nun to protect the f*mfly cirri® from want, none can be foond more simple in iti character, noht* ln lt» feature, or certain lo ItaroanhA, than LIFE INSTJK ANCK. Jt Ls the prop which the dying husband tear®# to ■unport the wife of hli bosom. it Is the ohsern hand of the PrprUcmt ftther reaching forth from the grave, endetiil nourishing his offspring, and keeping together the family group, ' C. A. COLTON, Secretary, Pittsburgh Lifs Insurance Com pan?, Fifth st-. M KJasnnie Hall. TUK ODDEST ESTABLISHED IX THIS CITY roa awrrrrao MONEY TO TUB OLD COUNTRY. JAMES BLAKELY-bescslwtra to say to there pereons hat ing friend* in the OM Country, and desirous of either undingthnn' money nr paying their passage, that' h!*-mr r&ogemcraUi for doing either i* noweotnpletej and on so flnq a basis that mistakes can not occur, nor Insacsafterue to any f artr. Baring the last ten yean (n which be Baa hem In his Wdness. he has remitted orer a Half Million of Dollars w lihnut the loss of a dollar, and the house for which be \* agent, In Liverpool, has «hlp|*ed not less than 45,000 persona during the lart year to this country, without a complaint of neglect of duty on their part. He ran Issue Passenger Tickets Tor London. Dublin, liitr poo), Glasgow, Cork, IWfjwt, Drogheda, Limerick, Port Kush, Howry, Galway, Lonflondf , rry ) aml Dundalk, to yew York, Philadelphia; Boston,Baltimore and Hew Orleans,and from thence to Pittrirarph; and will attend strictly to for warding passengers from thence to any part of the cnubtry He also has sight drafts for sale, payable at the following places, Tl*r Kdwards, S&ruHbrd ft Oo . . Tymdnn Win. Tapnseott ft On.'. Llwrmot (ATallanToln the principal cities ami towns thrtrnghonl England and Wale*.) Prorinelal Bank Ireland. Armagh, Balfart, Downpatrick, Kaniikllltn, Mallow, Btraban®, Athlono, Carlow, Drogheda, Monaghan, Mnnluoorthr, BaUinn, Cavan, Dumlalk, Oalwuy, N«*wry, Tralee, Ualymena, Cloomrll, Dunganoon, Londonderry, Omagh, Youghall Ranbridge, Kilkenny, Dungannon, Kilrmh, * Waterford, Coleraine, Panwmstowo, Cork, Rnul*. Bon don, Hlljro, Wei ford, Cuotehlll, Limerick, Baltyahannon, ... ’ ON SCOTLAND- National Bank of Scotland, .Edinburgh, and its branrh* in (Ift; towns in Scotland. ON FRANCK. Mit/ur*. KJwsnl Blount A Co-, Bankers Meiwni. Knelt A Co., Hanker*. Krankibrt-on-th&*Maln. (Arallnbloin any city io Germany) JAMKS DLAfLKI.Y, 19G, cor. of Rpranihjarul SmlthfUl.) at* Min peters township, Washington coun\ T\, I’K.N N A.—The undersigned wishes to dispose of his valuable Farm, situated In 6oe of (ho moat thri ving, fertile and desirable sect lons of Washington county— In a neighborhood proverbial for its good morals and intel ligence, and sufficiently convenient to good markets. This Land Uea within two miles of the proposed- route for the Cbartior* Vallej Railroad, an Improvement which will cer talulj be madadnrlng the oomlng year. It oontolns about 145 AORBB, more or less: or which there are about 110 ACRES CLEARED, and In a high state of cultivation, and finely Improved. Thencoleared land abounds in good Tim t»er, and the whole is abundantly supplied wtth water It adjoins lands of William Park, Daniel Beil, and others. The Improvements are TWO GOOD DWELLING HOUSES, one Brick and the other Frame; a Frame BARN, and two Frame STABLES, with other necessary out-bulldings There Is an abundance of fine FRUIT on this property Tbl* valoablo Paint wiJT be sold on accommodating terms For any further information in reference to It, application can bo made to the subscriber, In Canousburg. Mplfrftm JOITN CALOHAV JAMES WAmmoP. T Warren's Congress Ink* ICS INK ts prepared by a purely chemical proceTS, and In warrant erf to contain nothing iryitriou* to metalia pm* It Is paJa when first nsod, bat by exposure to the sir be* comes gradually of & most intense and permanent black. For sale in bottles of various sire* by wholesale or retail, tt *oP®’ „ W. 8. HAVER'S Stationary Warehouse, Market-strcet. corner of 2d TnE ENGINEER AND MACHINISTS ASSISTANT. A series of plans, Motion*, and dotations, of stationa ry, ma rice, and locomotive engine*, water wheels, spinning machines, tools, etc., taken from machine* of approved construction. WUJi practical essays on the construction and application of the steam engine, and on various depart* mentfl of machinery. In two large folio vola. For sate bv sepO _ RT. C. MORGAN, 104 Wood *trn*L lAArt DKUMS nus . iUuL/ £OO boxes Figs.. DOO Fancy boxes Figs 60 boxes Rock Candy. Just reedred aod for sale. J. O.- ANDERSOK & co., N'o, ft Wood Mnwt Tobacco— ✓.... i . 2& boxes Boswll *BpHnson’® 6’e; 40 do W-BTOanrim: 9 1 " 40 do <3ru»t *wmto*'s'ii ‘. . ' 70 do , yrabit&'Btufpn 1 / ■ ,J • * 100 d 6 rufous other KftsdArd'tatxufr£ fcrrata fir -1 -SMITH A fllNCt ATB, Beoond end 161 Front ft. INSURANCE COMPANY, OP PKNS.S YLV A MIA EtTROPEAITAGEJTCY. ON ENGLAND. OK IRELAND. bjukchis. (Avull&bl* In any city In Fr&sne.) ON UKOMANY. Valuable Farm for Sale, v- .* • ,'* * • ,*• t*, / . *** * ~ * , o,V < %*■-* , fS**** * i i ' _ 1 *, -v •■" : :. " ■ ■•■ - ■ -■’•■ ••>• • ■.■*•/■ » jUNKER^yftjPBgQKERb i. . TXESHAH*& CO, r w ' L AND,EXCHANGE UEOKER& ipgftlyj - yi.i.JVo, £lraU and.XHavyrna dUey •■ JPWHHOBTOTOIHEa & CQ.; AND BXCUANQE fiEQKEBS, lrt Homirtlc'acd rorelm ISrr.fanW TUw «o<3 liflisj Goto* .Locorretit urt I*ar Ftmaff/Btcofcf, £&.' t. Wirnar WbodThird gtg; Httobargh.- {mtfl7:tf JOHN WOODS, . ~ BANKEB AND EXCUAiIGJi. BIIOKKa, . . r.,;- -1 «£AL£R in Gold, Silver and Bank. .Natoa. - £nireab i#d J \J pta fumifl received on deposit . carefully at*- Fourth Street; one door feast .of AlarifiLFdt®*' PFKh, Pa. - {Wtly Dymatic and ftjrtxgn iMhunge. &ctnk-NotayGold _ Bought, Stfd ana Exchanged, at Oie ■ ZXO'BANGfc AND- BANKING HOCT3B OF M wood stslAh; vtrtsmaog. - j P 3, Interest .eilovrod on Umo deposits. [ang23 1853. EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OP A. WILKINS & CO., No. 7& Foubto Szur, Op posit* the D&nfc of Pittsburgh, janfi *co., _ . BANKERS AfiD EXCHANGE BIIOKKBS, | DEALERS in Exchange. Coiife. Notes, Sight and JkJ Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, cod proceeds to any part of the Union • Stocks bought find sold on comiolsaioa. No. 74 Fourth st, next door to JBa&kof PittaVg. [e«18 HILL A C 0„ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, coewrb. o*'W© ait® ToYff ! Hvrs&- • OIGHT EXCQANQVon the Eastern CtUaa constantly fbr- O ul«. Tima bills orfcxchxnge and Notesdiscounted.— Gold, KllTer nod Knnk Notes, bought ahd sold. 'Collections, toade is all the principal ddee of the United State*. De podta feocirM of Par and Current Funds. 1 fnar27ly' aLlks kiluob, xdwxod eabm. Ttoaxarcs' kZLAKXk, KRAMER A RAHH, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUT AND sell Gold, surer, and Bank Notes; negotiate L. N HOLM Kb 4 SONS, Bankers al&d 'Exchange Brokers, • and Dealer* In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, BU rer oud ilonk Notes. Rxchatjgs on the Eastern and Western Cities ebniiautly for sale. 1 Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits recetred In par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth its. [JaJXhly /is. a. noon, thus. aaBQEST, HOOH A SARGEHT, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, n. z. od&xeb or wood a sixth bt&_, pnraucaoa, Pa. DEALERS in Coin, Bank Notes. Tlmo Bills, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Doped t, 4c. Exchange on oil the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, for sale to sums to suit purchasers. Current and par funds received on deposit. Collections madoxin all parts of the Union, at the lowest (seplUly Removal* PATRICKS A FRIEND, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, J2ow Remote! Ox.tr OJJke to the Omter of f\fih ami »R wd its. OTTSBOWn, Fa. 1 PATRICKS 4 FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptance*, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western Otic* constantly for sale. ColleetioQji made Lo all the cities throughout the United States. DcpreJtii rmiirnl in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. [fcti3 THOMPSON BELL A CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, (utc or a. vnxiSß a co_) WILL continue the Exchange and Banking business at tha old stand, corner Third and Wood ft*. Uj2 $200,016 61 W 1,910 19 100,000 00 UXCI BWW*, Brown's Hotel, Qfriier of SmiVfrld uiid Third S’rerti, Pitlsbvrvh, ftnn'a lIHOWN 1 OOSXELLV, Paorsirra&ft. slabHog attached to the House. PEASKIiFhOOSE," Cleveland, Ohio.” Cl PATRICK £ SON, i'BOPKitToss —This House has an t• dergutje thorough and extenxjTe repairs, alteration*, and large addition of o«v furniture, etc., aotl lbs tor* pledge that nothiog ihall ho wanting on their part to rv.iuier the PaaSKUJf n piar* where sli the com forts of a firat class hotel cf> be foauX j?4:tr 0. PATRICK A MW. $35g,318 TO $101,481 98 1T9.010 51 17,KS) 21 M. Charles, Hotel, Oorr.rr of H«nJ ii.it/ Third gtrcti i, Pittsburgh, Perm’a. VVILUAM 8. CAMPBELL, PfcunurroJL TIIIS fine establishment baring romp iutn th«> bands of s new Proprietor, offers pmt inducements to the tr»Tri liugwiimaaity, and also to regular boarders. Erery dell* oacy and luxury will b»» prnrlded Id lt» season, and no pain* sill be spar'd to make tat* Unto) a comfortable hove to all *ho may tnJl there. fmyl&tfi W. 8. HAMI’SKLU Prop’r. ‘fit* Clair Lager Beer Brewery* fpilE under* respectfully Informs the public that be I* now full? prepared to srrte prlrato families and tbe puWir with bla ewiebratod LAO EH BEER, In bottles. All ur-iers left at b»« Olfloe, NU. 33 DIAMOND ALLEY, (near V> nod will W punctual!/ attended to; and the delivered to anv part r»f the city or TtcinitY. >2* tf ¥ Q. BCUKSCK. C. 13. HEADLY k CO'S NEW CARPET HOUSE, NO. *3 TlilJlD BTREKT, ' WHOLESALE AND EETAH DEALERS. THREE SPACIOUS SALES ROOMS. CIOXTAINBO Urcr, handsome ami ebu&p assortment of j Floor Oil Cloths, from Ito 2-4 fcvt wkU; also. Stair, Ta ble and Kuamclol Cloths, Coma. Cnntuo and Bri tannia Malting, Matts of all kiudvpaintot Window fihadw, buff Hollands; green and bull Oil Cloths, and Putnam's Patent Self-Adjusting Curtain Fixtures. SALES ROOM NO. 2, If ftill stocked with «n utsrl*an*d assortment of Royal Vel vet, Brussel# Tapestry, Brussels, Imperial Three Ply, Patent Tapcrtiy, Injrsin, and 6aper6oe carpeting*: ll&ll and Blair do. of a!) widths tod priref; emlrjwed Cloth, Table and Kano ooTers; Mossls, Velret, Axmlnstor, Chenille and Tufted Bugs; gulrHaJ^tyruggatiDe.etr. SALES ROOM NO. 13, Contains • Urge and well selected stock of Ingrain Carpets fromdttto eenU per yard; Qemp Carpeting from 18-C to Wcoals; List and Rag Carpets cotton and wool Ycnluao sod a splendid «**ortmrnt of English sheepskins of all col ors and sixes. • C. ii. 11. 4 Co. would respectfully call th<) attention of persons wishing to furnish stoamUtaU, botch or dwelling houses to thoaboTc, as the? are determined to sell at the same low prices they have heretofore been selling at, and less than any other establishment tu this city. lu the Orpheus* Court of Allegheny Co • IN the matter of tbe petition of llenry ll*]- feriuj, Administrator of the estate rf Mlrhael i Matt, dermaed, for *i!b of the reel estatecf * *ahl decedent, for the garment of his debts. And now id srit: Otober 16tb, 1833. ih* CHitbio Issued In Ibo abort) rase ba* Inc; been produced in open Cunrt, apon dun proof that the plarp of residence of Margaret PhJlamrna Mott, widow of the said Michael Mott, cIkAI. after diligent search and In quiry, cannot be a*n-rta!n*l. and that she bos not been hriDg In tbc cgunty uf Allegheny nine* Lhq death of said Michael on motion of Mltcbel k Palmer, the Court do now n'wnrd another Citation, commanding Iho »*«W Margaret PhflaeoiMotmuid all othnra Interests In tho wiute of raid decedent, to be and appear before the Orphan** Court of Allegheny county, on the 29tli day of October, 1853, then and there to ahotr can**, If any they hare, why the prayer of Mid petitioner ahonld not be grant ed, and that notice thereof be gleon by publication In the Dally Morning Pon, the Dally Chronicle and PltUburgb Legal Journal newspaper*,, published In tho elty of Plttu burgh. liy the Court. ociltlOt Aacred filtitle Books, FDR Church Choirs, Congregations, Ac„ Ao, wholesale tQd retail. Each. p*r dtr Ktogidey’s Harp or DatM, t collection of Church Music* 7ic. «7 oo Modern P*almb»t, by te»well Mason, Tsc 00 The Modern Harp, or Boston Sacml Melodist, by ’ .L. White and Jxio.E. Gould, 75c 700 National Psalmist, by Mason and Webb. 75c -’oo Harp of the ft ust, 7;,- -qq National Lyre, tSe. 0.00 Bay State Collection. t-ic. t\ no The Church Choir, a*' £«> Aaorican Psalmody, with figured Bau for Organ or Piano, ea, 0,00 ALSO. Tbo Melodist, a collection of popular and social Songs, Glees. Ac. The hoclnl Glee Book- Juvenile Oratorios, for juvenile chuuca. schools, Ac Musical Class Book, for adult singing clossca, louuK lAdy’s llarp, designed for fonialoAeademUwand the social circle. Together with the New CarmlnaSacra: CanilciaLaniin\ Ac n Ac. Just received by OU.VRLuTTK ULUMK, US Wood street. Mew Sacred Music Books. 'T'rih SHAWM—A library of Church Music, rte., con- X tainlugover 1000 compositions, by Wm B Drudhurr and Gca. Y. lloot. assisted by Thomas Hastings and T b Mason. Price 75c.—per dozen $9,5a SACKED MLLODROX—On a new system of notation* by A, fi. Hayden. Price 75c.- per doxen $7 50 ’ J HARP OF Tnn SOUTH, (iu Puteot Notes;) a new collec tion of Sacred Murlc, selected from the most popular com- J'rl«Jic,-pcr doz. $7,50. CHRISTIAN MINSTREL—fIy Alkin; on« of the most popular books published. Price 75n.—per d.*». SB.M NHW CAIIMthA SACRA—Bv Lowell Mason, and thn most successful aiuale hook ever published ? over 250 000 copies liHTe been sold. Price 75c.—per do* $3,50 CANTICA LAUDIS,or American Book of Church Music the latest collection; by Lowell Mason and Goo. J Webb' Price 75c.—j«er doz. $8.50. A largo supply or the above popular Music Books receiv 'd. and for sale singly or by the quantity by °° u: JOHN H, MELLLOR. St Wood M H sew Jluelel Blew- HTusio'l KLhBEH h« Just rcwiTcd, per Adam*' Express. . THEY SLEEP IN TUB COLDCRAVE-now eong compoeed and dedicated to J. Flaming, by U. Kieber Old Dog Tray, by &. O. Fortor. The Garland, ft set of beautiful Waltzes for Guitar, bv Prof. Rupp, of this city. ’ J by A Glov« DSS 1 P lßwln ß Duett for two voices, Wert Thou to gpoek Farewell The Primn Donna Waltz, a* performed with anboundod applause by Julien e band. JolJeoa Muimral Tgur Id America, a aeacripUre piece, etnbodylngaJUbßAmoric*D WAtloniO Airn, by J alien Katy Darliog a Kartnrell, forOtiUar- Kfttjr Clyde. do Old Log line, do., «to„ eLr Al»o, ‘Dodworlh’s Brers Bend School," rontslninc erorr uecosury Information to orcenlee Brass Bends, to under', etnpd ihß netura of brass, their s leotlqn and end embracing a number of fine pieces orraneed for full Brara Bond, by AUed Dodirorth, Icedra- of the celebrated Dodworth Brass Bend, New York; for sela by ■ HJUBBSH. No. lof Third strat C ' ■ IOAL LAND i*OK BALB-—IC3 Acre* of Coal Land 100 of _ - which havo two good veins of Coal In them; the lower | veinlj opened, and Injtood,drier, with a good railwav. and I capable of loading 20,0 M bushels per day—h« one ofthe bast landings. The land fa fill under tftUUvaiion: on which aro new Improvement* that cost over $12,000;—li three mUes above Monongahela • City, and the moat desirable property on the 3lonongaheU r| ver. r A ™ <*»* *** mllM from this city. 1 mile from the river, on ,che root* of tho ‘Birmingham Mononn- Ballroad. li.U.a deelrabla piece of property THOMAS WOODsTr • “B s * - • • 45 M*A*t street- WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., PITUSUAAH. 0. E. ABSOLD HOTELS, &c -w. c. commit. HALEB ROOM NO. ] O. B. nBADLY A CO., No. R 2 Third utrut. JARED M imcSII. Clerk •fc'v- _ i -V w”‘ >4 i,' . , _ * 'Pi WiX* «RrßXSVg3»>a.,<»attß»|fft'.to iTWTmftrtqr*' VXL cttistil *tajuL'> ICT corner of ÜbertTftndSeTfflthßtnets. (JHDEETAK* . f 1 tayll tad Jut SB..M’ BialtMeld street, * ujd Wdi U»y '"™V ta i Ca»h imrejiUoM fasttssts; cwgs .... • •ToaruejTncn C»lUii«tJtt%k«r«-A»ioeUuoSr . » mfJO a JITRESr , 5;-s? i/:kAmt gttiv r ■J-y ‘ : to, ttrear ttawTSpill • 41^^1^^^^-aaaT-■: hands as r iba? largest aa&jifiig.' ■ hitherto jnoat TgnownprL hodTx^x.y^. : shopa of this dty, hare openedlheirVWsrthonsfc and ar© •aHo to furnish the cc nelalL s yjtfr Fur*,' nUureof th?CaUoinay-dwßnptlothfrTii;-..-• -< vo >'+ ■■ •■ Mahngany. Wardrobes;- Breaging Bureaus; full Colncmed .Bureaus; Mahogany Bedsteads; peeing Mahogany VFaahrtands; -fitiiaa; PiarTp£toais; ■ Book Cues; Secretaries;: Card Tables; Pier- libles;Vflha- C»ri Xfcbiw: C«ita»l»blai; H«S»ct>;.i>TO£jißedzi>dai Pining : workstands; Cherry mil Common Wotkstssdi; high.post, common, low, and trundle Bedsteads ChsijyßareaasjCribe; Cradles, Ac. i -. ■ . _,,., - ~ TbO sdfnfflgfl of on pyf ,mjt them to sell >t ihe4Uy attended to. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c HEW JEWELEY BTOEE, Wo. 8T market Street, (Second door above the ffarth-mat comer nf the Dtam&ulh JOHN STEVENSON, (of the late firm of John B. MTwiun t C 0.,) respectfully announces to the pnblltlhst ho has opened, at the abare stand, a fine assortment of WATCIIKS. JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, L All PS. QJ. RANDOLES, /he kei and Table Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Ckminunion Sett, arul the usual rarietr of roods in his Hna of business. Special care aoU attention glren to tho REPAIR of FIVE WATCHES,JEWELRY, Ac. Ha tnxjita, that from Lb long experience In boslness, he will bo able to girt satisfaction to those trho may faror him with their patronage. Pittoborgh, May 15th, 1553. mr^-S Henry Itlehardeoii,'Jeweller, ~ ' HAYING rn-fitted his store in a handsome m«-nn« r but recently returned fro® th» eastern cities wi»b a ftne assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of his £ri«*nds »nd cush«m er» to lb* fact that among hia Watebc* will be found tb* moat desirable atylra, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pins, Fab and Vest Chains, Flnffer Ear fUoga, Miniature L»*cfc#U, etc, etc. FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Slarhe, Work Tables end Vm6 *» P* rfa “* Bottles, Table Mata. Uolt a Pistols, Porte Moanaiei In {treat rarietr; China Fruit and Cake Disbvi; wtlh an endleas Tariety of oeeful and or namental articlm, which bare only to he to be «si r [potl j NO. BiaiAßK»rr - WOHTIJ Ii.XuWIMI.~IU all that are ataSi to X purchase anything la the way of fine Watches rit*b Hold Jewelry, or sterling SUrex Ware. UOOD has now on hand a »«rr goal assortment of all hinds of .rood* in M* line of business, that bo is sailing at their race talcs ted at ienst from to GO cent, below tbepricas asked by Ur>*s M Old Fogies” that has* been twenty years or so Su the trar tft with their old stork of goods that cost, when purchased double their present t&Iuo, and yet they expect to taako a* profit on them. I assert faew worth knowing, that 1 am Miling good*, u«w and frewh. jnsi purchased, as aboi>, f,om* •di to 60 r* cent, cheaper than any other dealer far this ej rr at 61 Market street. H OUSE TO LE' ,a*, LKT, AND FUKKITUIUS >X)K SALK—A cr-,* 00 ? ttmw rtorr bou**> on Second street, betw.-en * «*I aiwfcet. Tte furniture will br sold at a tarsia. Eaqolra of fjya) 11. 0. HOOD, tltfartet at. Bay Wood Sanery imd <2ardent. TAMES KENNEDY, £!ata Manager of tbs well-known Sy ?°!h} »S» U * r * to Inform the publle, that he has nd* established an BJCtENSIVB NtJt- BRRY, go the Farm of ilr. James 8. Neglsy, near East Lib erty, whors he shall bo prepared, after tbs 6th tos&nt,tore eeire and Oil order? ferrary rarlery of Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Hardy and Green House Shrub* and Plants. In addition to a choice and superior stock an hand, he baarmuie amngejnMit* with dne-or the largest NnriertSs tothe Ea> L to keep up fcttsopply. Haring a thorough and buigexp* rienee In the busiuess, he can assure his customers Derf«i astisfortkia. Mr. Kennedy »ould also respectfully offer his aerricea in designing, laytogoot, mad managing Bora] Cemeteries; Pob llc Parks, or the grounds of Country Residences? andVil) also furnish plana for the tarnation of Lawns, Approaches. Picture*] ue Scenery, Ac., to the highest styles of the art! Practically acquainted with awry branch of Landseer* Gardening, and haring spent years in the Sylvian Park* of England, and cm ths baaali/oJ tanks of ths Hudson, he hopes be has the capacity to meet the wtahe3 of those who favor him. ean be addressed through the Cltr Post Office, or loft at tho Warehouse of Messrs. Narlev l ilohoa. 22 WooG street. n»*r7rr NEW ABBIVAL OP PIANOS. T „ , CIURLOTTK BLCHE, Dealer in Plane* & Blnilealln>trnment>, No.llB Wood Brun, PimcfKqg, Pa. Justreturnedfrom theEiat-and tty FALL STOCK OK PIANOS, l ft B II (f* wouM roapectTully call the attention of my , , “ "fnen&i and the public generally: to li:a Jfm’J"’ i?” ®* de ’ &0 “ ,h « fvclorha of Samuil Gilbert aud D. B-NcahaU, Boston; N.J. Haines ACoTNew Tort; and IMchenbaclt t Son, Philada.; together with the Hamburg Pianos, and those of my own manufacture Among the assurtment will be found— One RAM wood 7'Octave Piano," »iUM*«I 'itajai arable round corner*, and carved Louis XIY atvie. 116 '■ ,?« a ri l ' int “b «lU> double round corners, BBished back and front. One Rosewotd, J Octare Plano, Serpentina cajo and lent. Oo do do do double ro. cor. and aerp. levs. X>o do ; do do with new acale, pat’t iwtlon. do i do do carred mouldings, w 46 ; do do to, cor., fink’d hvfr and fi't. P° doubl* round. corners. Do do tfji do do Boudoir. Bo do W? do do Aukh«l back kni front. Do do UK do do round corner*. Do do do do sguam. Do do 0*, 4 do do roaud front Du do C Jo do carved mouldings. Do do 0 do do square. Do do do do square. Do do D do do pearl keys. One Mahogany 0 do do One Rosewood G do do square. Do do 6 do do round front All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, at the old established Plano Depot of _*«pW CHARLOTTE BLUME, 118 Wood st. TOT? partner*hJp between the undersigned, at Pittsburgh and Wheeling, l* this day dissolved bjmatoal consent. Joseph Richard* has transferml hie interest to George W. Smith, who la alone authorized to settle the Inuiaesa of the late tirm. GEOEGB W. PMTTTI. JOS£PH* RICHARDS. . Pittaburgh, Aujuat 2G,«lBi>l CARD—The BREWING, GRAIN, MALTtnd HOPTRADE will be carried on ae heretofore, by the robacriber, at Pitts burgh and Wheeling. GEORGE W. SHIM [Gaaett«u> Office of the Citizen*’ Deposit Bank oF* Plttibnrgh* RESOLVED, That we, the Stockholders of the dtiieni' Deposit Bank ol Pittsburgh, Lageneral meeting sMem bled. hare accepted. and hereby do accept the charter and. act of Incorporation, spprorad the 2Qth day of ADril A* D 1853, (Resolution pasaod May 30th, 1852.) ’ Xetotptdj That the Board meet dally, at the Office of the Bank* to open the Books-and reoelTe eubscriptlona to the ! capital stock of the BanVbetween the hours of S o’clock 1 ' A. SL, and S o clock, P- M n and that further public notice thereof be giren by. advertisement in three daily Daners.— (Resolution passed June 15th, 1863.) 1 y Published by order of the Board. J ol « BAMPEL irCLTOK AS. gacrotary. - ' ENTIERPJUSE wo. ico. 130 wood strut, tumo Doci bhow Tmacf mxi ■ • SO wy 4 TETLEY. \ . IMf'OKXJJRS and Tn«nTTfnj hrrm a ftf c Ul'OaiY .SUfiQ ICAL AND DRNTAL mr psrnwiferra, bibles; 4Tls \|3p keep a general ftssortmeritoftbeabore articlescoruUnUy 0 a hand; together with a general variety of Fancy Hardware. Also, Guns, Pis tolj Mi Rmrolrai, msfcsDOTM, shot Bells, Ceps, Powder, Lead and Ballot*; Bowie, Dirk; Hunting and Pocket Knives: Tailor* and Hair Dresser** Shear*; Pocket Scissors, *» Also. Trusses and Supporters. • Jobbing 'Sad repairing neatly executed. MFLEaI—TFa are making Hifles of every description, to . order, $S the best material, and workmanship warranted-!** Orders received for them at Wholesale or Be tall, will be AH ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prices,. . , - . myis VKiVl’frlAflf BLISDB. 7 —“ Oy KVliitT QtrAJjITTTyArr t»l# strnanufjcturera' prices Mi" M£W CARPET OTQRE, *7 Firm bteeet! ■Mr Weed. faorX-tf] - RQBIHSON k 00. [TONEY—3OO tt* prime Dev white Bone;. la eomTl [X boier, -for f&nulj are, just rtaeired and for sale tr w* Bo ' V J.i>. wmaAMMawoodM.- j*lDKfr—Sboojbs Cfe&r Bwco Oder fc* rale br 3 0647 - - KIHQ A MOQSHEAD. > , ‘ U f v _ , .• . X* * ■K -V U J ■ ~ .V’.;' 7 ', »• r . :» ■ - S-l&L r : v li/ HERKAB, by an Aet of [Assembly j- la pmcadciefliof •I!i jAWMOTrewCiim fcmrtoetiUi'.dir of JSAU.pt Bpiritnsu*. T'nnny mAMiK liqawis on.Btmdij.lj within ths ITmli. tit Alfegbrar Coonl/, under the paiaUy of JUt/ BbUirt ibf ewhoao we, to be Imposed*!/ evamrr ccnrCflim. »ml tn ,de£»nlVto jttabursk,-lhapiiimfplefc la&*&owo vScIl sweeps swajulMcrabt m to'Uw conmtoticaality of thUlaw; ■» Aed;/.Whereas,-much; ofiha erica .which ,fi*T«et*tned thflanuahtof thls«&j,laxefexabk to.thVcbm* moanad j»toriowpr*cti»;*bkiui; Utba purposeofthl* toirtosrfWt;. ,: ...:« Aftdj. .TlPffgTP) t fff ibis law most powerfuDy.contribute to the prewrndionQf ordssvahd'. the. elevation of ,tb». public moraUrancf by per* mltting. ooood render or ties# ofyendarAto p lyTtfreir trade on SUNDAY* caa^orJtinjnstico.tonaooei.;. ,V;; . ~, tloa ufmy cffldaJ oath, it. U rpy .apocial duty to look to the ’ eaforcaniaat at ibis law* Irhfve Issued. this, jajThociamar' UentothateadL .c-- v* t And, I-hereby eatt upon;.«B taTarn-laepers, keepers of eoffne houses,-restaurant*,and eatiag-bouacfl, or by whatso everuiber places may bq. known, where liquor* an or ham beat sold or dispensed, ta submit thamseivei to. thd-lsw* asgood citizen*) and refirain.&'OEi the ealo of liquor* bn Sunday ; law-which-mayhe detected,-*!!! be p anuhed. with- thautr roost rigor* amt :of.ita-.proyiiiona.eiit -Asm• la aid.uf mj:settled, determination- ta,compel an unirertti obediepta of this law, label! require every, oeni b«rot the DayPotic*, every memberofthe Night Police,, aod oTay SpaciaiOSoer, wno.mw be anUepfc .m,®y eota*. ni>>lnl| to oeportio Paon pain-Of jmv Mdsioajm? infrirfloo.of.tfrl* Xx-w, aider his utserroiion, or-otherwise eome to hi* khowledire. ‘ .And as tubmisrfon to wholesome lawsl* Iwnor&ie toaitf J WsSSyinTok* tbs assistance of good dUseua la my -tSart* to 'enbree tbi* lax.. And tlat they day.more eJectuaily render such I Ipeay tbem-lodisais* thatmo?taistakea I beaadiigialbrmcrSf often TCBtralpatba iinrH*hSiuff I frozaelSrming: their cn*m patrietban by^oluDtaiT«mtriinv' ; tlon-of Infonnatkia and tidto offleora of the aibq in tbeaimplieity of ourrepubUcaaiostUaitons aro peeenarQy. veakis cpnoera, endekpendentfor effldaucy~ countesanceand.e»op«retioXL - ; - :. j: ..; 5 .-; 5; ....V" 1 Belying upoasuebaid, and-pledging' inys«l£-and.'cficer» to an sustained eflorttaenforcelbW law, and pociib erery. infraction ,af Ua prcrrisionii, X once more call upon all vendpra of spiriuioua, Tinon*. ; taA mail liquor*, to rtfraln from tba aale.tkereof.cn Bradsya wilbia thoCUy-.of Pittsburgh., . .. Witness my hand this ixti day o’clock P. M. trip will be suspended tor the.present, the lost Omnibus from Pittsburgh leaving at 9 o’clock, and the fast from La»v rrncevUle at 6 o'clock. . rr N. B.—Two comfortable waiting rooms an being fitted np for the accommodation ofpuaengen on thedifierent roads, immediately joining the present office, -where paikagesmay be left at an/ time with perfect aecarity, passengera shielded from the Inclemency of tho weather. -octS TEAS ! TEABI TEAS! A. JAYNES* PEKIN TEA STORE! 38 Fifth Str«et» , HAS just received the largest and best selected stoek of GREEN AMP SLACK XEASarer brought to piitj. burgh/embracing some of the finest chop* to oe foondin the eastern markets. -Merchants visiting thedty . to pnr* chase Goods, or cn their way fast, areinrial to call and examine my rtOCk hwfc** pnr l »>rtt«ing»lwrbirt'> ) »« T r«n win sell as cheap as the eama quality can. be purchased in Sew York or Philadelphia. Belov fan list of the .nrfemr grades, »n of which hare been carefully selected, and can with confidence be recommended: 40 h&if cheat*fine Young Hyson; 10 do do Moyone Young Hyson; 10 do extra fine Sioyune do; 100 do Superior do; IS do Extra fins do; 100 Loequred box«w extra Curious Young Hyson; E 5 half chests fine Gunpowder; 10 do Extra fine do;* 6 do do Moyana Imperial; 20 de Superior do; 176 do Fins Oolong Black Tea; 40 do Extra fine Oolong; SO do Extra Cations do;) 20 do SuperlatiTelrfitrongandCfagTant Oolong 2S cheats extra fine English Breakfast Tea; S do Carious do _ do; ALSO—Java and Rio Coffee, Lo Taring 1 * 'Crushed and PoJ ▼erixed Sugar*. Pittsburgh. May 1,1853. ■TYPE AGENCY. A. JATSEB, NO. 38 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, Agent for the Sale of L. Johnson £ Co.’t Type,-i;c. t 07 PHILADELPHIA, HAS ON HAND andfor salo,the following:—Brasslined column Qalloys; Common Galleys assorted, Slice* Galleys, Com pastas Sticks; Common and Job Shooting Sticks; Ley Brushes; Boxwood Qaoics; Furnl tore and Riglet, of all descriptions; Brass Rule, of oil descriptions; Job Ink, in lfi> cans; IQO kegs Front's New* Ink; 100 Founts Fancy Cud Letter; and Leads, cut to any ragth. BJiET &TRKKT Orders for Presses and Type will receive prompt at tention, and furnished at the Foundryprfccs. Old Type rj> cciTfd in exchange far new, at 0 cents Q 2i. Pittsburgh, May 14,1853.—daw | * LEAK UUUdE COMPLETE FOR 50 CENTS -11. P. i) Cailmr, Third street, Ha* received Bleak Qux-t*; hy Dickens; also Moore's ** Life of Sheridan.” Tbo Mysterious Parchment, or the Satanic license—dedi cated to Maine Liquor progress, Venice, tbe city of the Sea; Practical Draftsman; No 14 of Collier's ShnArpeare; M Edith's Legacy," ly the antlior of‘‘AdalahJe Lindsay,"dc. Rayar i Taylor’s Poems; No. ITS Living Age; White SUt« In England ; I’eterson’s Magaxihes, for 6 cents; Bat cries <*f Bachelor; Diekeu’s Works. Remember the place, opposite the Post Office, Third street. »T3> IT. P. CALLOW- XpW BOOKSifttW BOOKS!—.Nos. 7 and 8 lilostraied X* Rewardof the New York Crystal Palace Exhibiiicu. Father Brlgbthopes, or an old Clergyman's Vacation; by r*nl Creytom. i • The Boyhood of Great Men. i Cranford; by the antbor of Bath Mt on Franklin street; Two Lots in Allegheny City, well improved ; Fifty Lots In Bast Liverpool, Ohio; The above property will be «U on favorable terms, and on three-fourths of the purchase money a long credit-will be given. - Apply to JAMES BLAKELY, -jy~- ... __ | ••• Real. Estate Agent, R tope flUllg In PuU OperKtlnn Ag»i n 1 ' YAS-SBmipaS. ilflh ttreet— THE PKOMUETOH. to U “,R? bUe Tenturea licit a continuance of the cams for hie present entartrise— the cstahHflhmept of B Fleur and Spice MilU -withia thr Crr . the scOTnmodation of his eunomtro, Bad all trf» wWh to here really good Flour, pure ground Splco, 4c, ic. Die BtlcnUonof Familial,ifoxhaata Bad othera,iiiW ted, and all I Baltic that they trill glee me Birial w n *ti P. B. DBA VO, Ko.-l DiknsontL w. lx —All trades taken back if not found gottL andtlir ponsy wtnroed. intrtS? Fllest nuirr oatiujiiee—lor uotihg-SuiFKni » t ? e3 ’ r)thoat the aid of a ladder; Pruning Instru mrp'sof the mostapprdrod construction; Digging Port*. £'-n b ‘?Ji2 strawberry hods, An; Potatoe dlnoLt good Drills; Cutting Boxes, for Buy or Com Stalks, of xarioui patterns, and a great Tariety oflabor aaring lmtllomsntf for the garden or farm. Downing’s, Barry's, anti: other standard worts on Fruits, Slower!, Kuril Arehttectimina landscape Gardening, rorsate at the Seed and Implement No. W Fifth street, Pittsburgh, I'a, •■■■■-= - J - v “ : JAMES WABDItOP. - Wall's Academy of Drawing ana PninHuiTT W waaW “ttfr M»*icods smitho h&lie, TT . thattahMtumoral hi*studio Gum FmtstrJt. to the corner or Market and fourth streets, (secohd §SZ i oTertt.storoofWni.M. Herd.; ehtruncootffiuShiSS rfQ h BrmStr to re dl,lH *?‘ is, *” ll “ »l»o opened * DltAW winh^S2M*in%f!f?J? r , T< ” ln * hodles and-iOeaUreii eiT* bolh Painting. HehaafiLtS 5 if TISA,—»Th« *ab»crlber« jmt it lot fine Oplocg Tea, wWri.tinThxYi* om. They will %Sr 5 3 ? CTi< fvto*treMti*and delleacycfSSri -/'-/ ?; „ . HESSIUT7, • r -, _, -j_- Peeler* and JaaflyOpocare/ *P» - - J - B. A. |UHNiaTOOEi.OO2.j • w •s ■■■ . . -• \ .' i --*,, <;,y ~.f ■•'; j fey' ." Y ' - ( - t ;. • - ... ... i ■ ‘-h. ' ?s -T. -'i >. 'i •- . - ’V. ; r»vv M3SEM&NIOUS. EXCBLSIOK OSINIBUH LISB. ’• .• * & "'i*- *j -. • % • r.'i V - »<• ''t-~'«»V' #|;f \v?.' : •. *>. '*’ ‘; V : < ' .-' v 'f' ; -’v' ’M*. i^sass?* 5 ■ r- A- v* ••■?■.■•. l PDEUOB7^HPV^E ' SKMOTAf:• Collar'-it ' < ■ J^iH'Jtj? tafisaTberrstef thi42»thQ£<7Ha&m2fl^2s^«^ ; . . X -toast*andihe wbUegeaeraßy*dl»ti».hiM jfrom the. eornef'of Wjrjig gml Fallsn to Ho. 1M ; , wimm j»*r ▼UTppntlmip tfrainqpgfiKfore cfjblecelabratad £ztr&st ef Coflw, the Ucrvasiag'dfttulzd jfinrßctr has Admpd22PS:h£a:r v .' to extend hli'mahgfoctgrfag departs: sht». v 2he JSxtr«s i?J3 - s , be put op u tin (oS pacfcagefc Ct t&&4 1 *'■ tedfaijfas.niß'etti&toi- art I&gTjffYrrgggiatBfr Confectioner, grocery, tsA . oth*ft,is h scriber's Hedkated and Fancy Lozenges, of ,wnkiia itoAj ~ p all thpes .* large supply, enabling _Ma to' fi!T'CruewVt22j^ a promptnessand .ThsMaßflfcfod'^.~ , .Worm, -r .. ?, _ Cough,; Camphor,. 1 • ‘ gdisf'- f ! . IK4atn»;v^r.':-Cfeyenhtf, r -J; --- HorpMa, .-.„-^■:. Ipecacuanha,. Opium, .' * AUsfutaiM TCfty 1 ' / r . :. “ " 7 ’-''• - p Arid I&u&CzUTiDxL'V ■.; .;' . ,The-Tsncrl^c«}gesjufe- .- . i . ' '..v.. .r -.... AclfiutatedLfcnnnj PflTvfrfffrnEntp** JC> ... Sassafras, mniergroen, ' Teabeixj t ? 3...«..., ; . . A Vanilla, Jnnljir, 35 GardenLfiyen-ler,'-CloTa, .r. 'J i-\:z 'Eb&emATfi ,~.: i \'F . Chocolata,-./..,, r JPineappls, ..' , Gharry. , ■ ■•’.■■ ' - {&&■&&&<£ JSk..l£* * .armies; Ttithoat doubt, tho „•• :., K. B.—Also nana&ctnri.T of XczX-hh’A-Gciiiisii'T+sX 'brmisabr. ' ' •- '■•. ; .-_■ -.•• . .. - •. AGtheaba*earii;ics'&rD manufactured insep&nle-p£&esa» and.iritb.ereat careV . FT B.“aSATfSg. ;< ' mobse»s. cojip,oitrso stiiTO of tfit’.- 1 ' 1 " fp|nS-Is a TegtUble sde&tiflealh: enK. -. pared ironi'the-test Todtsima i lierWdf : am| ? dmg"ggigfld - . .'■JTTpto r: -- andHmcsnu QsUAX&rand clean singthe eiSf'anST •'and, A®se,-JgflndiMr T?auseg, i’ J *aniin»the r fo64Tb : xi .Ik as a very Tenable medkiha. . •;. *• > ;•««■,.♦• Bourne, £s4 n Csflh}es2iatiosa3&nk,FroTlileneB.lLl4 Ai W. Bp*nicer,"BKi^ i Cadda , iime fioclt Bet. l?Uliam^PJdllips,Ebt.-J>lL.Bkhmwut C;& J®eA«ditat,, ftoridcaai3en. Adit, iE^r'a*"'* Fisher/AL-'E. B. •; Jame£ ITptr-hhr Yf '7^.^ Bates, Boct. hundred othera.cf tba xnost respectable fiunllies of Proridence. ' ; - This csrtiSes .that;l bata ior'A,trumber of.jcajatenr *® -quinted with the composition and mode of, mariulactare ol MOBS£^B ; TELLOWI>OCS3OOT I' •I hare,also boen acquainted rtthjtacothtsqpergadSiniis* - ease, and can say that in*all respectslt la* adm&ahfr ;latedtaf teaady (dass of-Biaeaeo fot > > signed. Itisespedaß/TalnableinlKßlOßSTTOH asdalr " its attendant ermploma)«lt yATtty -iMto 4 ? Torpor, andi nactiTity ptthia OBQAH»an4 -. stimulates healthy action la all the' '*As" a ■ DIfPTK J BATOByOtpurifierof Gießlood,'HhasjibffCperk^-v'f . DATE) HOLHB& H. i>. • , PrmidtTUX^B.l* Jan.'4,lSs3. .&r.^xs^ovaisir }2'Jz f VS-tmani *r,a,ilUßgß* J2O, So. Sew York, uid aold by Drags isti and ctiera' thrcdrbGGt '-- tUMa&o&grctatriaE:.-i s tgrZ?Jy T .. ■ PHteboiyg P».' : db. de ; = - .CELEBRATED*; CURATIYE iKSTE^MEMiy-r ,fht J>=Ms»ing«naiJiatniEaie,»atiitoaoe-», tlreofso mocb mlschiefto the nervous'system; £neapcdta£ * tlngthgaanfitt ■ ' _ ?£*** ,lMtrmaEnt v ls rimple/icomprehensiTo- ~neecr~ ~ failing, nnd may, be used- without the idigfrfesSiJnccn^,l - or tiMt hnowledga- of the mestjnUmate ; friend-. Hi* to be'used externally, produdhgoo. palh'or'inluiy*'’ ?r^*L cr#: **»■• P»rentfeg ;.any.'>nr-fronr -kitenfSngriO: / his business; ana while in use.noi a single mission tan take' place; is vigondiiig ihd ergons, ind short tisujto rudfc* tea that (hey ztaxa ram paunrro ?owxa or aeexamos, the lossuf which, caused by eariy.abuse,.Sa the.dUease iauue^ two, and the cause of the thousand eonebmitia fc complaints -~rix s; Kerroasnes* Prostration,' Dyspepsia;-Pain -h?the: * Head ind Dimness of "Virion, Weakness of tike’ Back and J Lower Extremities, JLf&etionj of the Eyes, Impoicncs/Ifra-tj plwon the.Faea, Premature Decline. of Memory and PowerforMentil AppHcatlou! Dejection;^ sc. Ml these invariably difpvpcor, as toon as 25* tmsret is stepped from which the? emanated. *-■-1 zi\ Be lt alto-remembered, thatthosgeomplaintgarebutlittlo^ understood by.the'proiiision In. general/ and thataH medicine in the woriduever has, and nmrer wil], ttoplhcs® r ' losms, which, if allowed to con tinue pure n> ’ produce the most distressing eoh3equcuce&- i5 -i Eiapii»of the complete carefully seconds against ail observation Id a bdr/Ia only $lO. ~ IteantibkbS?* 7 to any addressi Inanypart-ottoeDhltuiatSfraii - Canada, 4c, according to order, accompanied by foil dire?’'’ tion*, and Impor.ant adriee to the'married 4ml r sinH«;fß# , j expense* even to ibe remotest part*-of- the country, *v>W rerytrifling. , . ,7 All applications and remittances must' be'directedTijcit. ximrSt &“ rt '?' di,, ' Dr - * 5 b™".a»ny, frog's, 4 h.W! i 8 Bai»bath. excepted. ~ ;i.v *** The andenrfghcd great pleaiur&ihatihe ’ abore mentioned Instrument Pi not only echstrnet&l ou«s ; * entific principles, bat that fram.lta-nsq.the'htonfejt.iesnJtar miy always, with confidence, be ahtidpaiai, there "beihzTfir cf those diseased . ...HENRY S. KELLER, M/n*. , CO. GOETZE, M. D:, 96 ; Chsinbrts : -C. IX T ~24:PowardNwWfr „ , “ I- T;GOLDKEHaER'S w * Galvano-Electrlc and. Antl«&litnmatie , * : •.-. .Chains*. . i ;.,rr. A *2? R a rery minute the (JalTanbPlee fr-’ ►f ic l f B «.''Antf-Rhiannatic ;l,p: GohQeresf. * frwm m Europe, In. ccnparison.wlth all other »nn- . articles of tlitf-Mhd huca factored- in ithM Uia diMovered that Goldberger's FJectriff Ctoln, bytirtue-of thfeir based prindples of construction, eorpasses all others whh4e hare become known.to the .undersigned, in their t*nefid*l eßeet cm system, ahd*differ their frror them with great Success,-1 cm coiifldratlyratjihmaid'ttCT^ Ne. Tor/ &£*"*?*? ***!>&*™ This fa te certify that- my wife -fias been * a year wito NeunJgia in tbe free and head, and Rheumatic--, rrilejl purchased-one. Qf.GoldhergE^aßhMi^*^ Ehe baa now. wnrn tho Chains, for one/ week-and alLth* pains have entirelyleftfceE''' • ; LD62f ''~ The puUlu requested" to: dadwtaSid HsgtS *'**'!* but a mechanical iny**- s?°* prindple ia baad on tbelawawf^^ ture,eonsequnulyJthinohambng.:-r ;. » All and Nerrcma Pain*suchasMtns'la£E« ** Hip/ Tarthf ache/ Utarf I«“ncp?ss, .PalpitaUoß of the Heart, eto« wlll bg !£■« &» hours,- inmosrekseairilih? l wi tl>o ttt tiil. hj uring ff. . pj-.. -■ •. . The oehßhMT'“oiU,TAKo3if^miC' : CailsS’ , cm be obtained at. : cs r ': L. iaihj; *- M> Dranzhtlng-SeadU',:-. ;;•.>«? i-jt? M&th«aaUcal.lnstrpjMirtat .. ... ‘» ‘ Taperl4a*t Hold • 7 -Profile Papers; : , < - Cr°gt BBCtfcp flap U artldts of. sUthmary osed to ordtr—roled lo tny ;; mvT «* =»«1 of the gifted anthor or «fl» rarln< *^ s,t<>f: * D S ,innit T of' inirtaie' Tth^**?? “mUosttan, anyof ihli-wriler’a iJtaereSorta! *?*?? *o Loadm.where ft’iiirtm i £ ?* *«Mt Jotaialacf thiteliy,’iha ax S whfchJajlbMn incregaed.tnany thonaanda brita S r/ t ., P °S^ l .f l S?: J Vh , MT ' r i “«dmlKd ; &edMp q fctOTeit‘ rtri dtatnatln deacriptlona l»«m.n«.^ ““»? certainly ptommhca Party Aihfon ifr ha 'Btiamhnff withont In the least Imitating, haa etrtmglj.remlcdednifS the wit, gallantry and adyenturona eplritto cotunlcncma ltt tererta wot ha; and-the work bdeatined-to h«oa£»drall .-.„ , U. KKEB i -'O. 32 SmlESSfild atreefit AlChfisioc&’S V Kknt y C&B c>rn?t jiifto p? #. LAST; MOMENT WITH SCOmL- v - - . WashwotosOocxtYr The child was eireaSJ gr. L. tto edcTtbatthere eoaltTbeno riak faftrsi&Tali£ thought tfaey h*Lbetiar .gefcgSßKk «* ‘**mer aftersdaiag flr*t botUrs Mcordlagitot the; printed,.' djreetloofi the child passed a few worms. They then gave it”shoot haif of another bottle, when it passed between TWOIjtHB THREE WORMS, -ami Imnrrihtrfyccmjaoused ijid'waacffij^letely.TeittTmt-'Uliaallli. . - . ... ,t ♦/ - . SAMUEL B-UtKfeCT. Preps Tea arLdecldirhclesafft cod retailby>-' j i 1 * • FAHSESTOCK.ir CQu »uglB - 'Tuaarogi^fe'a KXCELSIUB FAMILY STABrSS? TVARIUXTEg "CHEAPER,- ’ * asd svj’3aioß:zo i Mnr : QTߣ&? ZAnes, t . For Family Purpose*. F ’ Bepfq mttrelTftfelrbm an/meiit.'ffit, iuai will! the staastwaaiOTce, : inprepaiiaeth* trnest marlins and linens. The iagrgllenb(v»iAri.£s wig Starch is made, renders wholly unnecessary tba'uss of itarchpolish or spemureti, a*it produces a2acpotkhiStt out panuiiDg nji or Injnring the Sibric, which ia iooTitably the case torn ihoecHstant'usa'oi'oilrmaUsn- -TeteOiSri sold at KEyaes'Siaßa sTiisit'iiv O kai/3. ytEAtastt'a Assiatafll, XV Kota anflAditl Hon ivtagethtr.arlUi'U. short Qtep Caireyandnj.byA. JcrtojPrejilsntJudisofUeQjja im, .R.®«>^«fe<|ta^s^p Wssk * \