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I:;' , `, -, -,i,:0,-.0_14•11,44q- ' f i,:k.- pi rirthe , ' can •--" .: - Then - tie I iFidittPorl'4.7---Lonit; fri,__Fi:'"- de. Ciro/mailer:lA eri _ %-...v:, --..,-,-,.---5- --- -; - oiml ,",..., ' ' .g . ta t `ke , .-1 - ,;•.',,' '''., ~,,,.,,,A7a.ri l , ,". ~.- '.IS-7.7.,:. , oesiloal 771,--te,-rikdijoti9a*"' . ~- binit 'of ver ! .4... ” - tf3; relitl"ll3' - ' % t,or ' --e, "den .....ffekare,- -• .o"o:,,,...)tituTtlstOrp• -. '/ 8 (e .. * P - e l ;Q1 I tt ~L 3,, :AA ' 174;" ' - ,r,...71-k(, ,Y•''.441.4 Q„,..i.it,etiT.- ~.,--.-:- .c,fi#,Y,.,,-fk-' 'tilt .3hder°'' Ana- -iiiir:4l- --'-- , - n'eseid2;4o#4° oted with% Gl,e=ene'srb igh - - d -•_„, f - eon .... - IL% abolcs... i -ara,-.- _ - i-,,,,,?4,4•-• ...444,•.,...t1r,..t... r 1-1:01.14), griir , t , ..., '-; ,-,.- - ' 'lnteri.l9.- • ,--,`. 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' -,: thelese..:l!-; • • 'Charg•tolo, of the Pria.t 6 'tot 111Y1a -- be, Waft. 4 aril--- - ------ i- ' 3120010 N -e-NP- r4OW 217 ''' -'-- -pc,:rscrTh lere,Vgi - . ,• .' triTteb' i co. __. a ecnounous.„ , nrc% tient 31) • ~e , --. I'aY. , , •,,., - k ...•j, ~•':- . --1 - ' :, --...-- . -...,_ ..The.,,-..„- , , -• ..:„beve.., ._ s-,- .••••• .the so--; the eh-. ' It' ay. ~ . - Bu g _ , No. 1,043 ts iuusec wi n in m y- am.. `'-' r." ' 4 42%0' -' -"a err oirtee, - •-•o otge IIT:i n r --ao, , . Avaded . - 4 m.. f"-.. battle - - • , . ot . Nu' iteetomtme•A....mus ran. ' . - -sr- noramboane°l odoonaat • rs-,sc ~.1,2,-,zz....,,,,,,A...„1. - - fa' 40- v----- - ld 6 , " - ;ha% - all, _P. --- , --- - - , ''''-''- :.--fie;Pl'l!' -'-',..3--7-4:OVect,FIF,----_-' moy_kty,PP 3 - , the course of l' ~,-• :r ; ...- , -L s' --- , _ si, Lotati,_:l --.., ~..i . r ti ii o - .....,,____` - ion -- - beautealr;--atasetiln i tri-starrugh' 1 : 13613d- ti ,,, , sad libarror rouse Li•dalic" . _ TANN . .... -- -.....i Soot*, =4 norm% „.. me e t a or "4-4 . ~.,,,,,ti 8 ...„ 0 , w ie.r?!.... , .. -, ,- -- .:-.... ~ ~ _,,„, ,„....,_,.,!„, „ - • :-•:-..„ - t e -- a - insosti5t 1 2 1 .- • "tiMai-,•whetr7-7,r--.... P , -.": :will. ' h i totes& Of d-';•-i.smara0 -1311 7.- Tim& . I • 6....-lanatic'ii-- velcd'hus on ragSDAl'n tbedtl' t; aliabliiiieouimikr",-- --', i , 4 0 ,- k.oli. reed- O m m I -,, --_ ' - - 1 , ----. r''' - ~____----- ity,-''' taiiial as .7,......1--71."---;',„-,,, ~.-4-', -It ~,-,„„..-,r;I: 111 M,... ' ;IntY_ ... S., - fine,'", ;ambition orrr au* Joaaninencillothe 0111 eau ° tin° * -` - " - Cr tao 4-4•1 ' eetnazAtat • - `;'"-. ...`°447•-'''''"----rern.' " - •-' 2 ' , • - • -"' '''''enye-ftto-11.1. -_-. ---, -- •,, -- - --• - , :• 1 ° --, martin tf00....,a,ke,i 'on Slab r.e.coW"'-alosser'e°a--ej, rear* -`• to °ma' eyttbelaztelm" airectotall'rr- - .. -,- -...----Wolerel" • ) .-,,,...;"'"itatiltOmP ._ o==ma . -: " " 1- ''''"" ri-that on ,fortabil . bed; - `-210.....P0, ~ ..i nnn, n , ,b„-, , ..t.'• - - tam _ --. f' r grate:s° hakrbeen' - ond - ‘ oott . :'-•-` '"' yt,z - ''....F.,....v.,-- '', ''- totnneult.R" ' 81 . idtiget- '' - - anger': blignt 'war, .- , seithen pi t y - iecl ,ii.. ,o ,,,il4l4 ote i nabo ai r o „,- ' 4,„,---ontierno,..ar ...iit ftePzUG_l ar " Tur......-,,d, _-- ~,,,,,H0.i.ette„,...„22...y.9._ t1..._.-.- - th - from-toe- I m eto dnat ' - el mita - - "'!' -14 ' ..:.•'..... nm- - ''" '''.nrcr -2:9;44 •:-"' '-e_•no- dsold- .P . - I prim ~.; , Austrian, ~..1-1,-„,ea not a . lie . , :-. „„.., •• --;:_,,:.„.41,-.;,_.:_, , „,„), , -,,, iotigfi,--... .-. ,-.,,,. ...They, -, ard of ati ..,,,,Ifdtfioug. . _ made ,ht. .... 4 . 4 .e e. ... in - :111.Tol 185Ai.;:r.r - ' Iltalider7Tßl lt"--:"' - - .••1' 10 - 01 .1•- • .---,-: ---e,"•••---une„..1,0°8 ---- :-L__.,... '.- 'l4 giOnnw, ' , •,°° me Irons. - _taillike gi,2‘. u.,, 0t0 0 NTICht . • .:1-',.-.- 114at2-01.1111- iitt:'.ofi2342 140140ne1/141; 'in drillvidted.ltater' to,_applY:re ""wr." ',Ailitk . t b e Ist or _ ~ Y! .:- , ~ - , --% '-.M24-4 -21- *4.;-•,•' - -tt" iii ari °S-*ll3 ',„ o l e m- - iedierf; i°,.„„f-lbetion et.intentia" wm ,.• ' , that "0e ..i are l e d ta. .- --- ' • ~-,...- '- it tarp _--, -.. : woo ifm,i_.....7. , uto. ,0...--- ' ini‘" tar.. giaboald-Ale -him, qe0; , 114.: ' .r _.• --4 ~ ....,. __- -.., *,,,V2PR,T._ ....alla-c,--e00,421--11110,„ dalin. A.-4- -e`tb-er'''amasome_:,...l captiilliatin.t-tbt.tactron•-,,if-itimb• - ie,. to ea,sirre ..d'ag, ' I .1 "'"' - - "'",. ,;.7._;,:_adpaup--11.6,t, • ,- danolog an -tb teste.,en *out ~, : a •toi.oaned, - - prtaroalng,„, . - eat . -....: '''''--titid',-1.11-‘,e"rr:. *"...,4:aie:-..ter-h„errali.9. ,-„,, - iii - p-!., in 43 TatY! , ArnOnaj aa ,. ~ (tdoeit In.: ... b y Ale th of J uno . i , _ . _ ," 0 parem) ,l o: :7. e- ;;T: i7 l , o i3 v . i *, :mi tk"lllk.t .sk, h ,,.. e ... -..:- .-•;--;:--es- ititZtour.-Zii. idioilt zuPx- ,,, g--4-- ,„„ na . - the 141 / 9 1 a. . rif 1,,...‘ - bad heeu'' .‘piwhy" Oa': thtl;-,29.„-- - ettofthe i , 4-57 F. ---4,..,,,Th r...3, 010ba ..., F . a the sWhit 1 . ', :. - 7 ' -. ^----- `,46-1,7r,11- ''''''• --tubs P.! -''''''-in --1';',..,•;.? .0"'..... the.Pa" : ' tiafi on Luce -- - , t l i t & ber ttiiiiint we, :!--- , - _,..it100 . i, .. M .. , . ,-, L ;, , At i ; --- ant .------', it:4lli wa- - - --- --e-,;,--under.--1.- sad-to atttrLat h -eartng- ' t h e thee Ma o -- t i t -er - 'ti'filioriofi ittofff4 • • -pay f0r.,°441"- '•, -- ' -nye ,-- t 4 -- beeeto . ~ ,s., 0 , . , .., -..,--ot. i- t that, .;= -- h o ee - ... /3. a - - i • o taut. to- , tribe° .„- ...,....-- rreittal,trolt,,, - _ d . „ . - .... arm -- -. tiye_ottlain ;cot" 4,14 -0" - ,.. titer prefes , ;,„Dgfieettlottlr . ..-,_ -, 0 ~- - .. ,„„ o „, o re n _ .-- ed -t o - con , ~"',' '',.2-:..-,_, .nerfte..--'-'l'..--.--;.-.--,--th- - era r _r::"...7.7-,.,,rim,aii.s• .2&b,..5en.., .„ , „0,--Irw,„ r ,„ . , -.--.;,- a , , _...__„. ~t„,O tematerl . 7.- 7. ...„.,_ oudeare, , ; . - .;;;.„:. too k 1.-. _ -'1•".- ..:Tu...7.37,;;-7' --..,,,i- f i litle- Or' .„, e .:.., ~.. ralidec"'"'"•:... ~ -'' : ' - led imittoz •t - - ,iiis an - Amerb' . -i-m-ablp triage .rs . ,,- s ' - ' • aftsea...,,: ' Tr° , • - ;we, otouttea.,Niu --", , - -,111-zifi.,,ss-,"'T=4.,,,. :-.-..._,,:iii,liaget,;•—• unii,n,,-,.....,,-;:„_,,itii:oo, ,o,!LlTlliii.tinseasta __Atte-4%h, 0„ 4, ,,,....,H,bit5ti o„.w *err ____=or. ri g id IA . , , o . spat did in . ,-- ,-r-g•.,.,....,2r,,,;•-ik„lr.•';L",,.._.;.,'''-'l'.'l4lP/. •- .. -. :- 2- S..- - - ga s' . te.in. - -ft.' o . ____." ' ' =,...oeeirertisit`44- n-44-elliii'eett ' m a t ' 'the -13reru ille 'Vnerarde.-411°. ;4"'it7llll;°°°' .plat g/4tlta.i ' - ; t heiirora as.- “ rotitioi°2;-' 4,1„.1.,,,.-w,,,,..,;,c.,.: 7, 4 ,, x1 - -n,',„ - -fge . :,:,;.-[. -_-....--.--.: - -re- - ..43-i p4.11,6pyr.„--- kmio.rilla‘• "`" " - gi b I. •-•11 boredovna - ..*-;„ boithi,-*O.O 0, Aeat. thti eobjeet, -- :„ a ..- T itratr.vtee,',. ~.. -• • , i, - , 't 4 .-- A,'. 7 . -4 4- , -,- 4. , / . 4,,...1 - -,N7 . ati„.,.7.4-...4 , - - ~---,- . ales, -..---, -- - '.eash-*' bodY.P° . -r- 'sail ea - traeari'l°, -, - d " - off. . 1 % -th Ott -,- -- 't, tbe *Oho.° ~' i t & -5 __ HO sa. ‘ , _.-kv4 l . - '‘,,5.11-*417-0415:•'.--',-Nr4 7-, ,' - - tArnms-•tiTtPi --.4., 'and eke- ---- - . - 4=„4-,".' i A amebae ~ . yl'at' bailie to take „ 0 ', r-'_',loto tha „ - -- , i ' titgur - . --• uo Nri,.....,11;14 ,k,..44,.._...0„,,,,„,,_,,,... -.:,...-.14,,,5,„ ~,,-...,,...,. • ..„4. , _, -to„ ~,,L„,,,,,„,.. -- cab0. ! ..,n,.. - - -:,.. if,..,1-081. -,,01,..,,Lt.....,-• •an-, „ ~.. m-ou- was-- . vote going ,ve7.•.40,,- ylau,?4 „r±' ..-eztiotao.y ..,.....4, demotte, ke.:',5,1,....441,1i.cic - Pg,'' , .-.M7f,--v .,, e' . -- i - --•- - ',,lti-,.iiritliii.ll,7!'-i-g.iiir dir6l, l ,llK.- ill..iiivo'ziitiY" !'zthatille gtham" - tiou- to Tele: e a t , a likewise -.. tiler h0Y1141.-4, pmiet., -4:-.1..dt":".1..pp,"..-V,-.0.,1,4 4-,- . - --- 4--- .. - -- fie.... --,- -. `....4‘...-.- ,17 .'''' ' 1 tial3B, thinki,.l/ - P ri P ar4 . '' • Ca/?tre° f$ ' I la ' 1 ' ohited.ma , , Toes° seam • -i ll - ''----‘ "it•V.. - r,0r0.A.2 et-',..4-"•-•.1. ---- ...- •.' -;-- tinfleitt° •-- in. - ;it. mr0P.....--- i" eourset • • ,_intsde---ttret.77 AbetAllotr.ll4! - atit'ausap• la a' verY P, ' ?deed? - --", - - aid it 7 L diti,'"v...l3?-2„ ult-irzt•-.1m.re„..,,„, ~,,,4 ....., -• ' _ „4,..e•tsta, ,„...,-,v - le - bra, ° ' - As- maul - - 'lTiOrnitig, - - d' Of.' 00-6 -the ---- had advll • , ' irand we co . ~,,,,,,„, .......4,4%-i15 . em k 4,„%., 4 -.1„,,.. ~:-,...,..- - . ~....44,air,,,,.,...,,0, ...„. - ~#3.4g,„'lnatte--,, ..-- . alio- ...,..,,orieg t,ho "...-..-„,..tatitt...eresi _a- Mr; Browu,„ i,_. Imlay!, , _ ,srtitt there ? , . _ ~.„,,,,,ed their „:„4„,1,,.* (p t. 4,0,` '4,-I.44.lrok,P,i,eiti.if: t _-• - • -- „.1•--! a i i isi .. - g ,.. - to_lz VI: 1,....,f.:4.--,tisibt.,:_tho:ioli„tgxiir iiiiba..., i 74,01,4, -„,thet,ltiietailedarff34l:!Conefantluneftioda. ""'ireael" Oni.l4o:•kcrnaarseel that ha 1 .. . 11 , 4 _ 1 „ en 7. ,- ' ~, ' itr.f , ..,;.l,,*ti t lfr, " 1,t07-4.‘-j, :-1-z,,„,,,,,,...,..,,t,4„ . -, f . -_ , ,'-: .- - s : .iiittiiii;e :96 - 9 -7, 1 - iiikiliiii# l oYL, a ,., 1 11 ,' ~iliiA:o !Lettkril._„l, 4 , 3 kilystr,i3_4,!/,;.t..„tnOieit-.6t the' te:tiOn paiiie't?°, ! a 4 - tha people:. '''_ , ,;-,;it,„ 01111-40, i'lli,iti,44,s&i:-.,;'? 0_,5'..z,r,,V4,,„i1i.,..1-4.i.', :,,,-„‘..,'„,„' - ...: _ ,.. . i ..- ,- -,;;;:iftw.till.e-h.-- 4: iiia'rt,,lnois,tlT-!"!---.• ;aged' ;Ch''•a_`°- - -Coma ' " - ao,outitlet_i to PP od, -00„ -d04,..-to Buys- ._-_..y.iiderete- ~ . ib , p.o , T,t',.`?„,A•-• -eriz24,",,,,,fl%,:ye,:rotrtf,,ayt--.D.1.M31P:i .'','-'7 -- y - '-',- - :- r'''t__,,,,lt. l- ''' '-, l e l s "'-' - ' '',lti lialv ' been- - --'- 'ertothig A" ' --such-w • i- ga °L° e d - th e' . ' Matt le e ° °l - thnt *ere s - i t . -Jl.;' ,s -,..------'''' .' • - -• -' ' littesii " fil -DA '-ag -' - IVelii - a tlllbt cask a -z. ' "-This . -el. :blow r--- ef t on° %--*-‘4V41P,...---..."41-V41...i*.,*-1, 1 -' '-'' 11 ,- ‘ - -trt,--!7aegf--towl!”-7---''' iiisp,ss:it.e.o7 a t 'isa -,.Otir,eannlirY'eht hot/ . tO eqt, - -.°tx,,seat. fiom 3-, ' ;Ili, iotj,...:', Th a l' -- . t a ' the- m ag ma ' - t, f e b s ; 0:24r- plIeli"."?;... --.1„:„-le"v.-,:-45t-.4.-ZaV :: : , ,inaii- v o t _ - toga-tr4*.q1.1,---' -I.low---.7-o*.f: • • i ft°4l -• ,ineill.k.in voilittOtta-01"4/3 t eotudav• le : 6 ,,, ..: 'give publiell7 . -,;eiy.Oeiiirec, , ~,,, ted a --- - ~, - - e ity to . . tt ee for 0 , - • tb et any ,aoit , ~,,.-..-e44,41.--t-,'T.,„ .. , = -40. . , p - c , 4l ? f, .-:-1, .- : . - -,-tiact 'Au. __i ;Ides,:ibe : Gta t° 4. lf -_,;;. „ f' - '' ; - -wt3Y. I,.°°Ptbeftinle*k_SViazdailY exP.°° tioaatliatAr"- oell,. - , -- mi n s 0t • dt n o , - ( - ..,-, i--,,L , '---'' -0(av0vw.....w.,t,"---PF%1.t.:,,,ac,-,,. --,-;:' ._644.3--;-1•I'a-9=1-i44itiratogti.f .r..7 -nit point ti:Fii4.l 'l'4r-ellen' 14• . 4174 .1:0trra 4 nu VCel.;;lttleire-.l3—ar"°' -fr° C ° Oa s'3,3lt n't°lo'9ll-I.•te--- llectl' 'ent r oOtiroP 2 `. ;Th ! °',h I elg.i.- ..51..?..4-‘4-4.-tk.:l-1,g4-1-(5:,-' -- 4 - , - .- -.- - " drolcbg -.7 irk -80E1101°,7 ":, ' '-'`'"",...7. ,-- kt „,, Vbe . - t t , , ,% 'other to -loirahoto, lane, • eitain Oa,. , ~,- ~,,tko,..ptud , , _ im,,,notiy- T* .r.,.4',1:.,!,',,F *.iti3J,,c.,.-4,_.'*4- .-:, - - -- 33,6,., .‘i..?..„Ti,4114.0°. -..-Tetitai4p: _it- -,,,ret1,,, litl.°..°P,th•e2frof.-.t..!.1111 captalc_tiowwitfillik. I ". -7 - -ihi-, irbiter•_:: - - sn i t larta- Elena t,i .a.‘ i e . 1 :,,, -,e,, s.--jk- ifo , nt .- ; ,,,, ..,r,t_,4 3 7,-4 ; ..= i - .1; ~.- -.- --.--,13*.,,:s - ... - i t , be .a ae.°#e-r-- eidei...'cletn....-,-,.. 1" " tara1..14. 18--; ' 11 - Bute 004‘.13'" fit - olk, boil . ' • -crt° moo.benterS Per :the, pilater,- tri , , .. ~. .1 :.,t-'t.-.4-,,--4?1;,., ''.,•-•-"%rr.P.X"V.9'.•.i-r,...1TU,,, -_ , ,z'- . -....f0rd,--_*?!U ,I,:;''.4,loaatwe 01`4,11- "ii;....ir ' „ .0 ., ..f . 1 -c, °T4Anakt, andeft,Or e.,Aed -Coteltli,;.Tl-,, • - dam, efinte.9 . „,. m ti o a 4o ' a '_. , b6forettape „,,811.-.0 ~:',.-;*;i7N.,.-5h.,,k,- "---t.,-..i..,, --.....' - - ".-- ' • vi: 'i4}4.lo•=g , '+. • iifficient: 813, - - ---. Rs -"Jet !in.--____,-Y- ,the.Ceptoae. -7- 1 410;11'130 "§"* .„„toded i - -oecotnina- ribg bri! 'Am° . but it 1 , i4:10 ; .14 3 -1-- 4 'Att" . •: - .'l,4gt•sirs,-:: - , ,- •: - ,-„,,,„.P,.,_ iiitifitud.,, -„,iiitiadliphia.- ' --,. th2n224- ' - tri': l )f Ar-r" • -tie costs ds.--7 .-. el°. t be - Will b, - - nothing, . . ..,,r - r '',.'1'..11,,,,,' ai7L'L'-,4•:1k4w.'-‘,1,,,5.:1-tigs"., r iS , ../ . T., - ..f .<, !.- :-...'-', - -,-i-3.-:_rni*ltice.-. atrail-,-te--I,:tilhel,- „ nt of the y4,,suguat, :. lc Ithe'A _ tia. orntree - 00" - riation ;r ibir eau 0at.... col!,tainn-Ine 4. ntit _m ai s; coste,the, olicoluuttriin, we veine; po i:- 0.,‹ -- ' ""4---k-';.,":-,31,rf,1----;,-,,,7 -4,-,, ,_ -, .- • ,, ,,gat..., -"- --' emarne ~, ...:-',..:, ---1 - ,b,bt,. - -4 • "Aster-e - f ...; m the 4.° 1 , u,,.,.„...ta lave at ,a, Th 6 "nor:every 2„.., w o .1;7 1,.;-,;i:-"e, ' 4 -7. :, • '', , :ite."..,1-`gic•,l,t•-•.,,t7,"i' 1:4,,y. ...- "-- -'o° '''.-! -- aitiglo-111 ---„,,,..:,-An'theatme:77::., -- -i4;;' ',,6- teedon„ ~.._-?...iti - him' h,.___a e"7 ..;,,,' b ard - of o u r t'' r ~„ urinter. - - ° - • StetPldnel ‘" t i ',mew-- .... - - wage.. -- ° - abdan. does au- . Ith Browt), ~ eon withen 4.-r-,441,--,*311-44".._4444.--,..,,,,z .,..,..4-4 „.. 4 . , ,-.:-... ~..., ,r . s . .... _---,-,-..„...eet.otten _ ,i.1,.1,riter0.,,,,,,,_,.. ,-,n,--,-.0-eno.. _ .ro - '' -f = to "'- 4 k,zl-P-',"i,TV*4-'....!..,-it,' 401 % -., :',•‘1:4r,P -- z'-'-'-' f'-- -a r,-,„_,.. L ,..." -- -,, aat i,r a l , -- .-- -.-- dit eta- 9 • '' - lraha r q =, . -, r - COnetk..re, - 'rd.' to the Asu ..+- ~a . em ,A , 7 ,__ nt , au exp , _ii;- - -'''' -,`,;,-_%l•'%,'is.4„ ''''' , -•"'.4-14.-.tA;•:44-,t.-4).,, -,-; .1,,... - s,', - -- mut.0 1 ,4 1 .,,, s : ---,itheratate., -1.1,'--;,sberii-0011nVi ;captaio' -au route% seatw°- -._•,.-by tepr,V°l°_, iag, ! a a °33 . - -• , . ' fift - le'; vai lac ". - - -- .; -, .. 3 ar ' -...v.-4-1:-,•;?",•-v'o.:.:;-.11-1;.;••,..-2,-,:-.-.1.1-.:".A0'-' •.' ',. : --- - -aim ,al2-.. •I':-.•‘ cet,--t0,1....,-.. - -.: i . ar , i'fing., ir t.... and thILY..---_% m iff , t h i -C,refits, ,--,,„ halnenun- - - 'tie - tine 0 - • - - ...um Ar , w. - ., - - , 41„i,.., ~,,,,,...„„ ~,,- -J.:ezf,...n.,,i,,,,1,.4-1,4-',., ..: ',. ,- - . -•„_- ile 031 R, _ ,t.,,,i-m.--3,kova _ 1-- .11, 1.:. ta-a---not' ...--,... . 0 . 0.1 . 0 ,..... '-d.." tt-• ----_, ...-1.41-NOO•ittiOtili '''',. . A ll all ' ~,,,..toorterdtl°n• • ~tbe fnuAlo.- -.9 - „iir„..,,,,,,__,-,=?..‘z:,- ittr,,,,....,,,-..:,,,,,,...!,,,,,,,,,rt..4-_„3„ ,_ - ......**,,..- ---10f.z....r,:-•_---:- - ,imuu6.4.7.,,, -,..-,n, Ails. ; t w it , ma, - „,,,,,Atter t..- , , „, t; - ut the amp ~. -.; • - hop t i vl ~.. . n , Boy thus, ef,d_ 1 ..00 , •P''';',.l ",---.„=„.,,,?.-e",••• /.., 'l,-- -'-'7.7.4,'","*1',1- ”- - - Loki"""."' ---- - "ILI ;":". ...•- ...-caidultuuv. ..r. i e•aventes• -•- -d. thrOuouro -- te,00,-. InlY - hesitate-40 d meat idonn .... "1-'''';' ' 'C lt - l i ''''''-'o'" "--' -: - 'ln= lef°7'3lt`,3-'-'-'thiet'- --- 'igittra la 11 / •- - t VPrOu • - to make' P 3 - - _not. h „treat° • , b ey , cr; '''l":4;'7;i;4?ls';'•.;;\::7.-'‘';;‘"'"; ''''''''''*;'''."- ' ;344';'"" --." ' I's' ' ' ''.4 7 ''` - 1 " °F.4°- - - ith do tte_•-• ;a • -tie' -exatereer3,,uld telearters, .r e • a d e d ,. ant!. .Tire de ; s have oe rr.sting. T ' ' ' ,--.<' ''''' '' lS.i'lk , '' 's ''-';i3WCY4-X7..0-f.'"itill4A-- "--- ''. '' ' -.tsi-i-4-flif,ikt,44-3. '.--L'iIi,CILIL tta•vF, as.. 3-•----'-Vtid-oseMl," '",,,,,,°---dO *fira‘er-ftt' e-bili"gurq.wer°- ,and,-evet7 f both P a r tl . e -.._ of political ! P dtq spend ,o ''.! '--‘,'''',4---,- --,,,,,,` ,'''.--10:-14-4;-',''g*4T --'' '7. -'- -: -- .-..:coim4Y.-c6,..,...,iiithe.'ill'ad /nee* .;,... era :-"7-'-i toettoNn-; ,-.- boirdinglike24,. gmobes. D , - the' Mailer 1, f r nothi n g' aa there ....o - ` -- -.-,--- ',..-„. -,-,,,,,,,,-:,,,-4,4, 4 .6,..1-4,, - -.. ..,..- , ghell,- - --, • ' ipi.a. Y ----- '- rilBB/.•---, Lions , .., , ..iiilXlo,' eat " =me - Ay M , wol'..- _ 0 , ,-,..,v, pv4,o .A.o' „e:,,..; , '',,-',.?•-•,./ ,`-'...,,',,, " ,•;4-4,t..k4pi+.;,'"g.••'.F,...- r .._, _l:' ' -_-- ,'.- •'"" "' ' #3,,tl„it• ' :o,oi, county col°, _.- - _-,-_,-. ....; AokoetiFin j a s an- eeigagem rea,dy' to °at °Lt. - cotPe l i cd t° " fit effe'-,- '"' r- Would ~. ‘'''.--i';':'-:' *7:7 - . - ." ' - i --%311,i,i:t;74:=0:16V ::, -- - . : •: : . - - -. = - - - - 1° P-• "":sd-einanal': top3:-", .z.-',',---=l'''''..fi--, - F. '' ' s * 4 , * 'rear/34- their Ariatx . m9' . tti-k ' - a" . - time....ank. InneY t ny remunerait"L t r s a d . pc 6:3?,.)-vet,--...4,..',4iit44-1-„,; .:,-,..-- -.-: :_- 567.11142A;1-4a4,--..50t5,......L -,,,,,,iu5t no.Nr,i,inikw",,L, brought,,,"°eue4tOled_z_il'o.•&•",) wi.'th, iiiaii°';'o.-171trfi: °1...514' tortetY uith°n a ;tore of all 'Part's' ' 1 t ~.e- ' J 0,;„ -. 4 .1 ` .-- e , ,,f,1- ; i - - .4ji•ga.,-'44,„ =-,i-silte-tgt-,-, 4,f` eite5.;;•,7,".. - - `.• -..:, " -:::wantit:sur- h1,143-n3ttit°:-.7.‘ -ijawa" hillte.---?ri• lege;--ii,t,,t4:::,oirits'ertlw-;"0";;;;;?thoughtr - tha- • Ifg e taw u° eu i or the ed - e ' b u titti pod to e di - A`, :c.'5`4.V.•,_,..i.,?,'e1k.,'5".L.1.-:7i4!krltslfFeLN"'"A 1. -- • , ' , ' ;ifrilil, i-16'.,,ther,ipilii 41. ere",";,- ,00pitaliatki,911t5 - 1 ' Th,e.'";,7,„kieitii -.4 rr'.•,,T.,Die COWS 8 P 1 7 ,4 4, , ,„,;-. 4 4 , it pot be Ir , ~.,„,., to . bold II m fluters, 'cannot jive .. _d, '.4•-• '-i'4l"`--.17-"S';+-:=4.ki-4,A4-0,711.1 '•;' . •• ' 2 • ;el,. SI.!-,157' i -''' ifi; ilitt-biailit:'* 7 - ,: - ,:•-•:: - - -- ... ;-:,.-.:-..-, - i: . , F: the-FI N Ic • T__I,-230,0 1 1 1 _ 8,,, - anti •,thei,..„-Rrtlitne theutßoozhuu;e'"ratand that P _ .„,ort-i 'obi-aides. - %,, .t.i.";',-'e iti, - -="1!, .-11,gVt'EZ'r_.-zolft.s-7 - ,--.1•;;"-;,-' -- .. • • --- ugtur,-4181°11, - ' ...,.. 1 2-- - . - 1. , --... '‹ `-'="'-',.-r;tlet to.,lar; Steil go_i , ;,hto t igri,cot,lt ' t ..._ Ire Irit ' a ' ''ein°7oonla the latte r alai that taaY I .! dt nw -. arid liatdd , 1 7 " ' - '' . I i'...f-r'. ...'14;14130;'1Ak0411:1 : ' ' -- 144 .".*tii`lit.-- filid'i at:tar:dui • ..g.o'.-S. :47ild'''64.!Oritab '-'l*64-4,48.-i.e. if -sometk rFro.oi, uion the M i t 4 ' ' testing cleating ' f ' olitioal Jr' :'..4''''`;',..' ,e, , :. 17. r 4/141P,„_,,ri,",...11%-gi..S. I• ." v- - ' I°.°!",. 'fir/teli i'015.411 1 t tir - nritera '-4,`-----,.1. I * ere ' -11.0 tballtiPz- t on.;ttetiori,:-',1.114-' Hen- - t ad be an !9tr 4 ameniti"- 9 11 t the -5. ---,1 ~ ...,,, __ - ,„,, - " ~ - ..,.....-rt..__,,tr.,„,-„t„,-Ts-4,,...4-,, . . - - •. • - uan„ . . , , „- o f .e• „ .... ...a ••••,,, z ,_-... eam_o; --- - ' vent _.• , - •.- - :.. ett ) we -; 1 - 4 wo ... • poe the , _ _ oa d a ; , ei . -‘ ' ._l'.' 1 ei,' .s ii - 3,.--1- ';'---;itt':..e.- iit ' \ '. , f a- ViAt . ,:: 4 .- L- - • ~. - ; st ir a r_e •- :'• : Th.:- t'' ueet _what It- 7" 4 - a *-• '` - iffil ;battle done r° n ~ „,a4,,,,,, a comp,. ... , . mod , t o pave r 1,-.7.-. ;Vsli• 4. ''' , .., ' - '',.`".4"0.',0:!,e'---7.1f----Nti,:4.:,4,:' 4 ' ..., - '- _ ( -.....7F:i. ...e. don't !co°, . _,;_d - 1,i4: - :... cui.y,.t,____.,_ g tve,houts,-11011P,Yuli _mmie...te . n vad fon-,eout. ne , 00n the tett, ?oll_,aLtbrne-112`t%to tbs-rint-. -.- • • f v. -2 " ..--...4...7„,--4,...-..a. #3.c....L. , ;. * ?..,'5-4.-, "' '-- . . ' U. 14 5/2110-'3"t :' ''. .1-' Tads uo ----..- ..- ,i,,',,,Wellongn , A ito. stiipu ~.___,_ _us - „o aa - u 1; - way. - - -toga ute beta ,‘,At b e et 8001° . `' , . .Es. 2 Aragal- OF ---..........., Allleri. 0,, -.4,....4.t., i...„, iz0,,1.J`,...rF..--.4. , z_r,1t5.r . , 4 0-, - ... . . ......-_- : -,, ..”,„ •-, ~..- - -_,,,,urr41- • 4,k'' ..,6 - t - e tt et , le Amt...o ,--,..',,,„ - _ !kn.*. ,- .0, - 0 Ansortan - - -,_i _that- DI V -- (the •"- s'a dines --0 " - r , to B ee it triet '" - - , maNI cr,,,,uw. ....hi, '''' '' . .;_e: - "'"'-4 '"- ~- -. ,,,,' ": '!,4 . .,u.:-cte-'l=3,f‘'-'2.4''''.-4*-t5 . -- ';'..`.:''' 'l-3P14-'7' a-heoail°° •" l " - ! -- -' - -'. -- ": 7 '-': - z.4•••!,_ t hat-, ,%.,‘,. -- , 1 ' . 04,089U''''' ',Ate& 11 4- tz ,,,, 0 ° wet 4 a , ln "' we wotdd•G!'°. "-' ' ' ~ .foo-mmu eurßAVAW LIFI-Pilari laktd end mu n d u e._ na , ,,, t_t;o; ,•••: , •,tt -- . ;-:',.4-1-tric..irv,"-Fo'f-V"-'ll---4.--,*;°-4.;441-'-.• . - - •.:..- _-- _gamut, i_t I- ' --•.-. ' ---, . -. _adieu, twine trot 'sm.:7 ianvered: ap.,sintistw,,take, o'u-0 -the ertt•• '..-- ''' - ' - - -At the aa-u- a held I p CANs • vitb,dit ' Jolnkr-LI -: - ....- --7 , 7 ',' ib4i - r- .N`', ' '. 1 . , ,-- - - 1 .:.4-" , jbl.,trii-:;vi.V. - ;.!:.,,,-,:.;T:,,r'''•F`i - . ": e ;.-tit.' at it --' ''''''''' -- - ' 'f.. vro. bpi ~,,.--',4,:e theuld ha. r 5..,, -• bo Consent " . Awed 10":: --- ' ' - ' • ..,-;„,,„tulA.-7 ,vree mason I . cox Uawlors 17g70,5,7,____,..,17=4,1 ,0,47i7it5fr.,..- 42 • 12S sE.,' >' ,,, '"•"0"4."'" v..- ~",‘1"4..'-oLVVN'itr.,:iir'lP4l%.l-077:11=1" tI ' ' ' '',' -' -' wk..° -. " Irte 0 146 . 14 - , -.b 1 '..- '' - ;,. Z, • '' " V 'ilifilittl'o 13 - was telirs- - 'to .the' ' 1 !-' ' 'ese nv -- d lads° tiL ' ' 120 ledger, .-•'-5,%'-'-e,a•-•'' -''l'l'.;4l-14'''-tT-3;)-42-4?"1:;'1.1,4•••''''41t'-'411,' -- ' v ''' . `A-6- itire i 'i' a r.: 'i' inty.."");:e.tit.r.'-'-''s'' 71,,'.7•'.'-'1" ,FA;€l4, .., n 9 --iil.- -6,27 t..!.?1„,,.1/5.i.6,:.Tih0' haft Ob4m" ve }:als •o f th e gran_ •,-„, hkyirginia f s therm _ 1 -441. .v0rif-Dar" ' -,,tho_teelattsgu----, , -,,,ge.0Y. ,:. .;,,.. 1 ,,.1 , ~..,,,.,..vA,,,-.‘, t)-41,7f4,-.24„,,j,,,t2-21., - . ..-, - . :,,,.,- . ~.. tiridier..7 - . ..,...s, - ~, _ ~ , ..--..- ~ 4 ad I/4M-- - ' enbt --:..--- • tied, o f coarse ____ ,zoation _di, tura Ite7,,_. modets.ll.. „cr.a !'" a t.tcoot - ' A u avowed . 00 d ou tted! ..,,,,..eurdlYtu" ss. A n ~„,.„.na Ire ~t_ sod rai of Ws , s 5...... ....,... a wralle k., ~..- .;,,, ~. tp_ ~..,,-1„-, vet,,,,:t0r,,,A-0::‘,,z7-F -r- -, 1 , '‘. - - . c ity ff, Ott , , ..- -;., :f.: -- ,- .-,,,1'...:Tt,';13;_aveg.. .0.0-Gorernin,z,:,this was set ~,„&aefore,..--RIP 6,„Bioltmou . Th e 100 g...,„. , 57 ,.py . , „..... u : 't . t. , ,------ t o sof thA --"krburtletiaitr arelllor.; _ . rz , bands, _ -martmaTalw ''' '''',,, ' .--t'-'-'r--•*il...i?irlketr'.ll-4,'',"--.1-,-,"1, i "- - - . f--aitif --f ---1.1200170,038"'fr -RtAkeillk-lue I - I v e- 14-ut* ° - r - - 1: - # 101 -7°.'" •-- 'goat' tu t 2 "'BIS members. t-'10.4-z°"• th e 70:: NT/ 111 "r . um_ cal4S, Or the mnat hom faaa " gmtraodentarr#4' TALOult•-• .. - IN - 1 ,k4h.r.. ".--'4.,-.,!".:444,4-4r-e.....--Itiß.,,„'s---1,C,i4-.. r. •.-- • ' - . - •---:,!,...-r,,,,,- ar s• s- • , , Brulori,D ri , zthiettab..- ;anat./. thedpeel,,ree- Id baye bee? h ...,--,. * 1..aine00.,_:,, ,i9r;DCO. f widowed vie ag' rownp,ligill ' ---- moto_gialblii Immo ind pie xi soo 9 • ''‘ ''' - •'<,,,'-'--"-=`,"'''-,•-a--454-4.----0.1‘,-;-.1.,4-7v-.1`.. ' i --- • T on .g......,,, , toa"the - - -..- -on, , i ed, brea :-..• •--- Ines:won , - lite....mee , .otas• ,qoue yea. . d by °emir -mamba 0, . ia zof of 1110y..,.1"- wqr/cia.;74al4:-gidtala eta47412100. 0 4er 'tl4.”' 124,00 a. i.. fL,,,. ::$411144fi . :-.4,,y4; ..,-..;?qp.. k ,„k...., , ,', i , . - '• ~ , „vrOolp ...___., t o ry4 Marl .ted,:ate ea. h nritiialituaky- Itit our- guns - uarter , . , oduntte . (4 894, --- t - a u - for .e.!..' , tenl7,--,;74:1A mwott i 60 ,Wasplanio . doetear.statar- :‘, , ,_ _, - on awl/it-n=l' - ,I:;krt.op.„.„Ti4.:"f:"Wi,i,:`,,f '‘:lft,t..3t,hAr.;,4,--1.--. ,':- . ••• ..-,- I. ';',that Mr- 4flowitit", -that 'ikeT,,,„lll o:fuvideh- • cattieides....• -Althau , etmatlthe:elairl-44,!0 been' '7681- there rebore 89, Aniell° Ile education c. , f 4 mr,; - Inet ea m t qd- -_,,,,.,,,,...._. hirielmor4 suzttert- Af a ,, to _ • a „,..2. tozoicann. • _-,-. Zl-I'rs'Lli-ft?-'54-'-`-•.',131;"iii`5it,•'?1,.."5.441Wr-te„.l •-•--- • - • ~w.odnuati: - delnau-'t'id tit-.: - honii.--1:„.„.....,- 'lde is - tie - o the Artetiri,t9ntioletutsvroul. tm t om e at brr.' 0 relieved? - -- -t,. olsi-for.t , . ~,_ .• ••••• .._.„ , ate.. In tg_iii... ............,....,,repumutmirm or. rraltte_Tris - , ARI , oft „ . , 10_ , 0b_ .. 11 , . NEENLPA ,„„ lo o r ... - -, ~ *-4,-"-'4'N'*''.l.43:., ,z-`,17- Pift•l''..4.: - , , - ,.i - ci1..4.... • • - • - . - -- . question, it - 11 iep, „- . - _,• by, Ceurna t , ...- 'u m ff ti!,l, , _, .4 iiiryituvr_ -, Tho - Agtri .. , _familia 28 ; Amalie • _ -, • , ,_. -.-- - • -- meet,. nt, 0 = swa zaTa..--i - _.:- - 1. - - " -- -.. 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'.; ,re,,,_ionitlettuatir, i ffilbik 440„-04 , ' --' ,f-y4-'i,'-'.„7,......414'"•-` - ~ . ..' , .1...'• ~': -7'..•'''''.." - ~.~ i= ^^s „ * , z--* 1k,..' .1i HEMOSI =TM - TUE nth= collo 7DOg The next session of Congress will be an portant ono lemony respecte. In the first place, by the time Congress meets there will be a surplus of nearly:thirty stallions of dollars in the Treasury; unless dimbarnkted by paycacots made in the.ffterrnfiin;',K'o iednee the Nitiotta-debt.... Thimonditlon of he Treas. tu7 _ „ . 17 1 11 _,„ s tOee 'lnte,4locAless"l 4 many piopositions r`li'lia io ~.ti:eitlopikationi of the money, Qua itie t aienatifi • A larscipar ty .10 - ,.tio * Toribt'arge sraduation of dunes on imports; CO se Warily to raise rereads I client for the atinal:Vrants of the government.— Anotheritarty Will propose an extension of the list ofartialkrablifflagibediiP tliar d it W itlee' l iron. Another party will contend for the pres ent revenue tariff and _an application of the Othera'aill brio its.ditplisiaillirnatleimitaidistte constriction of , the Pacific .Ptheri. to the speedy - and entire dliaitage:otthe Natiantl, Others fo' a' gaitiral ayatsm'of :io rust; irnprovernents. projects Which' ProiPtaib,;"busitir64;rarktoi disc ten° , te • difficult 10. fftici r ja bleat majority, Vz: Zier; and each will haVa-:and reelects advoaateS. We Arra in favor of each a tariff as will pie- 1 duce only sueh a revenue_as Is 4tifficieut fOrrtirs: wants:of tle 3 g ol ;sls2 l 4"e 6ooo mioe l k l 4 /1941- 1 tared. tut Wiest cotuddired thevnuital of, the,•govelpiagtf,We, would" constriettliet term to, mean; sufficient to Mipport the [meta tient, and provide for the "common defoneo of our.pouessions. in thls sense, a mammonist*: 14.dutyon JtoPoete "IttliSeteet te Pilelf',4silettlt:di to.lend,to that preject'irnfil tkeptßll.*ld to 1121 PITetita early completion, ifeelao*".ottrlvi°w, b e " .t Pr'4 111011 ' 6 !* wirnie:dititegoiteremeat" -- no othei 4 41 iii Wbloh Islrgs*smegit attleprovide for the fenitantwoi.itesti!iidruis on the Pacific' coast:--i IRalillkictr i trnl ll " in:tellers to Pret‘t9l,sii ittfigilloplWelliNg,httudelkips to pro ; Walt, o. from a rovOjas neliSies P nerd o,i.4l l . l.. !;litaciiifoili ,7l 4 - Ito et:454,141 shall nistthe.governssetitiMll4ll, ant dt w rho; 1 meani,toNaliti it from tie earns - I J We do not undertake, to Say in what way our i government`car best,tsObifte this object. Tit)); principle is the came, PITPOSS the some, whatever the Wade adopt . C . ;l.- R ir ie the govern gove 'meet providing foi L tbe - rnairnendefencs.. - flab thir road ':WMI stlit4lopreitidtikl..tha defence of Coliforol*exit o . titre W 1 4 1 4 11 ' 0 / Pro vide for the ilitelMetethe inhabilantf of New Mexico and Texarragairtst. themnaletwitattatilts of the indium( betWett mit frogierlitatei pod the Rooky Mountains. The pe'oP)ll h!.2,1110.39.ee gi0ns "have invoked in vain . the: admit arm and aid of thetovernment Indian attacks. A railswati..iinning ttirotigb that entire region; vient.d lust -an end (oroves. to tenth wurfatornslattek. dangere. Whatever 'Asi lit'asnie then by the next Can grews in regard to the national' revenues, let.this roadlitisaitde ns wrrnilonal work, - with national aid';'; iitheatr molt aid it cannot be made fop** years, knew of no object more national; none. More popnlarOuld none matt imperatively deniandedlly the signs of the times, and the wants of tho These, howeieroiilC,tiot.be only WO= that may ez*igel the***offisiteat Con greis. A -Spanish protootoritte, in Mexico, in defiance of the Monroe = ,tioatrine.' The - British irotentorato in Central America, in +iefianoeig treaties ; riciprecity of iticide with the British Etorth*meriean pro'finnee ; and the slime trade is Cuba. Such are some of the topics that will form thernaelveit *upon,the consideration of the nexeCongrestie and the deliberations and acts of diatlxidy.will be watched with intense interest, both at homs andabrood. 8111011: COIDIESPOIIDINHOR OF THItMORNHIO POST. Bra:roan, August 8, 1863. Musses. Pumurs & Gamma :—I promised when I left that I would write to you and give .yon an acoonnt of our travel , to the Bedford t:sprdaprientitggseiantanwecthll:ohojpiolarsecsaeppwcemean7l,everiliewdottaiimiey;iiiioti:nmStet • on our way by'is dry jokts.' IlionAtiAtused this evening I asked him how betiligt.44 l lacer and what he tnedsec4 theri. 44 ,-*1)'=i101? - iles . ..slits a great Ate, I, saw nil sorts at people there,riding olipolginilll sorts of carriages, litchi and vehicles 4 eviny sort, but they : alai got. ntr. Ceiba like the? in Philadelfy andifew 7-iiii.! • —,,, ~, :.., • „,, w ia, , b , ern ; -i ihtii i i ' Theeelisua nilMally C 6 oya oer , ' iiiiiiffre'iiiik'fie.nittirititror ihalitifeitiit itifc bus drivere ain't etiokin' theiCsidpil at yon:and askinVou to go along with them.'.!. But I am, A . little , ahead ; of my story - I must Brat give stilt anti the inoldentri by DF.thIt.VII,Y. ,We bad,ruittoiilighttrouble In geti 7 -44ttiltittf — t!'5 3 ,04 . 41. 'i d r e.TPd til 4 naeit:°l .otlllfsnarwennessee nott , the agent throw r. f i bitikeikthr:g tie don't talitithat.hers; lie,thenl, threw - down, a one dollar Otatollank, of Ohio ' :which he amid was a conaterfeltp4owaver,:ere: got our ticket, and when wept into 'the care,. the Major says to me : "'gather, a cattcy.fel-i, low, that agent—must have a hid opinion:ot, rae, if he thinks I'd pees bogitsmonef L art,l3lol4 I was sure he'd take that 'are Tennesse.e n note,l cos it had old Hickory Jaoluion's piattire on one} end of it; now if it had been wild cat moneY, oil Osillopolis,or some treed' that sort, I vtoulitat wonder at it; and then that State Bank ofOhio,l that he said was a counterfeit—l got from•Mr.l Hill, the broker, as good a judge of money. aril . any man i ever seed.” , 1 • I told him to never mind, it was right thatl they should be particular, as they were frequent.; 1 ly imposed on. The , carti hurried no along Ts, -4 pidly, and the greater part of tho night elepti very comfortably, but the Major's long, Imo: every now and then got is my ifte,T;, - .lA,:thPi morning We got re fate bretifist at I tlmSloniitdr i House, kept by Mr. Lytle, d first . rOtc. 00.1.44,1 and lam informed that be is to have-chi te* , .. . one of thte'new Hotels to be put up, in rea diness for 'lettere for the next :spring season.'", ::... 5 ;," 1 I laughed heartily at the *Major's account ike big breakfast--says be: "I conld'at gei them; darkie waiters to give me anything 'till Mif.:Tpi came up and spoke to me, then ho trenthmdl whispereksomething to a tall black fellow, Mid! thew:n*6: hob some dis sab ; bob Ilems , Ai : li hob e'olfee; hab tea ; any 'tlog else ash;"and,plli that consarned talk, that I had a hap! iltatiol swallow my breakfast." After breakfast we were taken to Reinder,- . burg, to the American House, kept by Mr. Wm. Reynolds, one of the cleverest and most necom-; modating landlords in the State. Ho had a fall house, and sots one of thebest tables to be found . any where. Mu house Is large and.trim, andin excellent order, equal to the St. Charles or Fer n' Hoist. in Pittsburgh- We remained in llol lidarburg until the next morning, when we tootthe coach for Bedford. It. filip Hollidaysburg that the map Shlrely Is confined for the murder of his wife. IlWant; derv:ller in the mast brutal manner, and to to be executed on Friday next. There was some talk about a pardon or respite, but, 45 my friend tire. Major remarked, I rather think tho Governor slat ageing to . pardon a man who has licenison- TitP4.'PACIPI/ 4 fuhlumlidsr =- WbY hislitiwerse than Jitimlts—for -Jewell waslntoxicited when he kiiiit Mitchell; but this. Man Shirley blow uutibe,tuluP of 1i f04010414 . b , another, in all the coolus 3 and:lo4ll=s of heath. I hare citherai horror -of ,capital punishment, bat if 04.00 deserves Winging, Shirley does. A sick man got In the coach at Hollidaysburg, on his tiny to the Springs, the tWor . offered him medi cal advice. He said ho had till:sepsis. " Why doWiyatt take some of Wolffee Aromatic Sebei dual Iftuapps" says tho Major. ,Wiiit'o•tha4, aye hi? „"Its Stuspps," said the - MajOV . -4,? ' Ciimenffrom Holland, the Ditch Ciskei it Out "of- Jnaij# Berries, and it's one oftlie best things I :knee offer the Dyspepsia, rle got Some in my' leariiist,ltag, won't you try a little of it' "thank ,itiii, said the man, I am taking Rock Rose Syrup. i 4 ißcolF Rose, said the Major, I never heard of 1,11044 . reee as the Rock Rose." It's not a rose; itnilaidia Man, lea Myers' Extract of Rock Roze tor. Pe . # wort, it Is an excellent medicine, it has limmiiitted' me greatly already, and the gentle 'Marrehe recommended „it to me said ho bad known antral bad caeca of Scrofula and Tetter Istored by It. 41'11 gees bottle of it. ..saya,thi. Major, next time I go to Philadelphlir r• 'i * • I Vell,..cro got cafe to the. Springs. • Clov,ll;itglor, 1 l And Judge Knox are there, also Judge Jonei of our city, Secretary Marcy and Postmaster Camp ;bell On expected. I will givo you a fall account lof the Springs in my nest, and with the assist. t i ttnand the Major, some account of the medical hpritilittles of the water. For the present I would Cisejr-that it is a delightful tonic, as bracing and peitoratinp, as the Major's famous Schnapps, at he says he always takes with him when be Items of Nowii and - MO.IIM. The I. Silver Lead Company; with a capital of $1,000,000, has commenced mining operations% in the west part of Northampton, blues.,—making the third company which has commenced mining in the same vein of ore. - . Robert Etoitnyler'.4s . resigned the Presidency Rellreall,- Win. P. of the Company, blit-beeiit - sited hi his plop. to hi an Old lady doWn on Long telatid...sO very fat that the neighbors nee her. shadily, for griddle greasing. To keep her from 'slipping - out of bed her husband rolls her in the 'Long VAanliltir great P-3" , ' • • t• ionniyallegedto' baedifiniter s7,oooNtairilidn:.7 icenksmiey,be has no ids o hevt pe l enjytk , i It ia eald that tiniabolltionOf the.coalageacy by government, trklcee..froni , • Rowland St ••Atiplio:: wall commissitirtii j iirilaintliti $ 26 09 1 P:t4,0•3 • The Boingaght 4.4oiker!!tk:go_lte,&. business amongst the Chinese rive at Sin Francisco, ;end iirge,iptitiatiii4;of the artirlerhave been. seized by Alte-,Pffu"seri the customs afro havq been ne.;ilieliek-ifirtt. the smugglers for lope time past: ;.',' ••_ ("). Samea Ca ll ers .publlshea car d is.-the , , New York to the . effect that he is autbor.i lzod • Oitylho. will bet $10,000: tbstAlwrofaitda;vill' Jnaliktliktieit elle! 44.;.00nwany has been formed in London Awl • Stealing thi.Thiltnett utter, the,o4il proottsedwith eovottebiitiotakint la Prance. Thiel .ltigtrat reason tothink:tint the experbnail: of] tOtttlini tiehtti the country We ialdi ba attended:with the best results. • The. Loudon Tabki states that no leissi-•tban sBo,ooQhtiie lea' i collected in gi - gufia, and friate e loy_the purpose of the defence:condi of Drj.lQtiviei The tesed costs of Di.Aetillll,l amount to inert; thin $5;000; • Tho whole *Ai petteti s t the : proceedings 'against are $4.5,000. :In ingaitt to - the fisheries, the Ness •ee hears teem the Gulf that the flelioreeafrifeiti .description have boon more than eultr*Piollible I 'that witiebegel. ore very o.lll4lditrit:',OVOl44 , l and tb American maokestil ephooneeefifitintdr;l • iniipiettikis within the .presorthekieceit‘cliil number on the n'otnkfer; •the wsr siianiers: *•• ;Nita present appearances the number ofiegs thO leat-aonstnf',llll tinplate partieniarlY Senttieby an Uhio. i t lit:statedtbat a contract for a large number-ofbegi in Indiana Ito been eseae at $2 90, ' gicissi,UliscVolivored,,st Ale pens in the fall. A tradei,:lit T:bbi ijlir oh the ad last, offered to deliver 1406ihoir, - between the 20th of Novetabei.andibillitt eiDeaitiiher at 4} cents bet. Tbe Sbitinet The Danish Government bee been ofticlallyls! formed that there are thirteen hundred .Danis on tbo eve of emigrating to Utah. Prodigiotie efforts are making by rho Mormons throneut . the North of Europe to direct emigrants to their State. 'Their object is to' attain tho quired population for the admission of Utah into the Union. • • , The Texas gol&bumbug bee reopived its final quieter). Gen. Green Anititi,likorrokit It his special business to inquire itzteltukollent;' . .ftni• it is a humbug about anytbinbavingbeenseade by cliggieg. licindreds of in the gold region of the rifer,liffitodlisa:2o l have 'gone aliciy sadly disappointed. , ' Save.your rage, ladies, or yen of newspapers. The price of petitinepay.O' le owing in a great degree to the start srop> of raga; so says the mann/minters, donbtiose they know. The Boston Atlas gives the foiloeing defini tion of a Bleomer. such a sort of woman es looks and acts esti she !sit horaelf neglected by the men, and meant to go as near them as she could by crawling halo their pinta." Dr. Charles Deemer, who was indicted in New York for manslauglittii,•fik . bnving `busied the death of Johnntin . 11111Andloos. was on Saturday forowiguilti'ot the fourth degree. ' "f".•.' ' The opening of tbe.Pblledelibbifited:Ra t ibury Railroad will not Seta as has been announced, 0 . postpenenient become necessary. is contlequalnr.of lonno4eloT• `ln forwarding tho locomotiTee. - • A •KOnwelii trvolors.illniOtiVAlo l t o hotel in.Altainy; was ainiya4by the' showing , of, of cents te e mlieru .who kepi' calling :each Other . from •theleresp'awitlii? counties 'after toohibit 44 ru th ank the gentleman from ini.-;;Whatentien the !Centel:Una said to the huge derke7 waiter, thank the, gen tieman from - ifitisefir a slice of ham." This , !poled off the fitableil in double quick. time. , , - .• Zino OM of ,a . yin superior, quelity, and in great aburideneii hoe been found in the vicinity of Batesville, Arkansas. The total nisubit Of pigs lead. itdiPeii 'kook the Upper. - load -1211 1e 1 . 1 !‘: jilloOU! ,- ;fro. !ill 40' 21st of lineeti to the. lit of :obi,. lima; ; Wes', $280,414 - • ' - Daring tbe five years preceding the apt' of May,1a5t,14,697;676 bushels of aalt•vrere made in Ilannwha it appeaeid at the tzzial.as, „ zheAlpso,4 , ? - :rtore Zwitthat the niasketi ielsvid r by tbegolieitter,o of American Inantlfacture z . They have had cool weather in Canada A dui* frost occurred lately at Orangeville; C. :'• . Remember, that alter the fleet of August nest you cannot pass or rceiolve•foreign bills of a less denomination than five dollars. - • • Tint . Csrerati Pauier.— Will • if: Pay I—Fioule k the New York papers ore discussing the nines-. whether the •Crystal . Piasoe - 'Ol Wpeonlation. Ono of ehtindoindi an opinion ad verse to its pecuniary profit,-on the - following grounds, which may or.may.tfet be oorreot The structure cost ezoo,opq, •whilethe cost of keeping things in order:runs ..sway with,3ll6oo per week More.Thi rOceiets, thus , hive averaged about $BOOO per oOE, - 84011141 these receipts continue grant of the ground ex pires, twa years from last May, the Stockholders will be treated to . thifollowing'exbibit : Cost of building - $600,000; weekly expenses for 104 weeks, at $l6OO per week, $160,000; two years' Interest on Bret coat of building, $70,000: to tal outgoes $728,000. income :"'.104 wool& reolpto at $BOOO Per .week, $882.0 0 0 value:of building at expiration of theeliow $50,000--wholeamonnt of receipts $882,000. FrotpO.dedget thtev penditurea $728,000, and' w iiitsie,iiiilinss Of $168,000 as the net profits of As exhibition.— Bat what right have we to suppose that these ceipts will average any snob eum_ae We hove fix., eld upon? For the first six months the receipts may c ool not only $BOOO, hut go be,yond but what will the succeeding six. months do? :In all probability not over $3OOO per week:- , ;•13":1*: oember next the foreign , contributions will Coin: menoe leaving far hone, and.' with their doper; lure will go some of the lending attractions of the exhibition. .Now, if. the.seccind eix menthe pay in $3OOO per week, what, are we to expect from the :mien& year to starrmit.4P oßea • • • •• • , A Otrsuoterßeet.—Mr. Jefferimi tuyte an original book out of thiNetv •Tentament, an ac count et whieh is given by him in a letter to John, Adams, dated Oct. 18th; 1813, whea Mk. J.; was' seventy years old. He took two cePies of the New Testament and cutout the sayings of the Savior rejecting every Terse t.e which was not' dently'hie; these' he pasted in a 1) . 0014 . .144. his compilation is described as covering : :forty-tdx, pager', He wrote 'oldSetur Adams - tluttl.l4l-; rangement had placid. birfoieilkst; 'most sublime sad benevolent - code-of;m orale ever - of fered to man." - ; . 1'.7 . We hare been requested to publish got following article. Wo do not exactly crideratund the merits of the queation of " fair play and no . . gouging," but we presume the article helot,' eA make it plain to thrum who do undareblid it.--; We copy from gm-Cleveland Forest City:-- - - - .... PAM PLAT iND 30 Govonmilics ,pls. opening ~.4at / dm olgo and, Pittsburg Arailwaik through to,soraldoli;fttiblivettinks tralu:'' , ltstr reached Alliaiusitt4 9 idat. r i glvlng amtill Bum• for the C. iitit. lightoin.itr;uu to vonust itt,4l:, Hance. The Cineitinati, , , lidtattnolis irol-M.' sago passengers - reach this city'at 8,80 p:*;:the Buffalo and Dunkirk passengers at 2,60 P . .. - st.r. 7 - • The C. & P. lightning train leaves here at 8,4 0 . et.--fifteen minutes after the arrival of the Southern and Western trains, which live:ilt 2 • I .Xoneisnodi2o :minntes_to ‘ ruzJo Allbstezei.3 She. new time table o _n tho 0,,&.P. road leaves it, but_ trai'fShiiiind - tifintiminiibli to edli r 67 foes; 'including stops, whish llt ri blight/ Speed than say., Ohio iondYA-yet'atialn'ed, i - - 4 - 10 1 t o new arrangument-oaVmehltrund Psalm sylvania road takes effect 10-raormr. The ob ject of breakiat thsidnVectioVit'Alliatioe with. the Cleveland",alorAooniligldninftialn-lli .tor loreavassengiirs from,Cincinuatf arid, Indianan.. olitito ahooso between'taking the PinneTleenle 1 road'at Crestilite, - or lying nyer tit aefeataiin fil next. Ineenlne-1193senitexCitiltinIL en ,th e Chicago. ;or Buffalo carsi..or---Awis&Vnell lie 'obliged to remainhera until_fungolnek,"'Aett d el l . . :v. . !), ~ .-.... -. 4, , , `'' Tblei - elle7 le Oliarttet'aiintiojtfehisiditinitt ,, 'and cannhtlind its eorentiiiimiLoiCilfthat'Stere• 1 Tho blow is altaelint:thh C.,11. ta.C.," and C. 4St: CP, - Companies, but it falls upon the traveling' I otantotinity: - ' The great mass 14 treelern prefer ; COmiLif, around this way. They desire a eight' of our beaotiful.Oity• andak.anuff ,of the pure broosesof old Brie.- ~..1;. - po , ~ • ~. . They„with-,talrifittkiliOntitiotit rail of-,the , "three C's:. and ' !he'll &:P." They•want al glanott at,tho. land•of.lrahlteedoto, , where -pret-1 ty women;: *ter Atitr,t intalritidityand hospi-i Witt hilvejtietihotne:','Bitt'lliiliie "volition uf, the pimple moat be sappreatied,' to ;the,•end , thati Pittsburgh sfookholders may squeeze larger pro ate ielket, unwilling pookets..-, - 1 - , tn. , :., - illinZ this kind ' f , oondutit alwaya - ealtobthirthe fheln!e..ef “the'eefsieelOttes Ilheru..itriejleglnial .ttatiitOtilkloit,l'ankeeeriterlirizo - aandifeeldwzob -, , , blet.'.,Lid. .the Chicago (rains pot on a little more iteadr;;aity•teach'Oraftan'l 6 Minuted ear , 2. lfes f d: Lit - thedachMti gob rtutftiapiestiille , ' to C 3ir lev u ela t u th d tli, delays lnn tet tes or q e ui en elio nni t..' iii j ". g ;-1 11. ; a y . ! i parting be reduced from 16. to.sise minutes. This will give the ligittning , train , Ollo. hour and fifty four minutes to run to Alliance. I 4th,lly making but one ' stop 'at Hudson, It cart reach there in one hour and , thi p 7.soinapta, ' perhaps quicker, _ and; ' ' - ''''' tI . 6th. A. lightning train* be r ptiitediti Clove ' land to. Wellsville, making no arors-at Allianes in '-two hours and forty'- minutes. - A .light, draft steamer cute gd up the - rival , . to Plftsburgh, in I fire hours. Tile differamm.:ll..,sitstaneo is but 1 eight mites, .tuse the •differmice'of limo by . the I river need not exceed l'oatiplatif hours, at most, By thliariangeinisg. thii3O. 'aid- P. Company would losefroin $2OO to $5OO pet day. Probs. bly thaivonid 4 bOntithom Ao their Milk.- $ o far' as ieltiai thO mere sq uabble .- betwien roads, we ' feel but tabor intere.`,Vßcit when tho whole iravelinleiimistunity la - outraged, their purposes trampled under foo4 we' protest against it.— Honesty is t he best,o_fzpulloy.. , Boitroad Com panies hive chimaera to preserve or' lose, as veil as individuals. Air Naga Utratnes ,-Teettutranye Iff. , Stitonos 13i1 '" 1- think UP Pc ineriesstre bun. Et act of gusher ta you. as well al te thi - a coranintdif,bit the SPEC TACLES I bobt from pasnibute *eh .1 end my elzbt inn& tmproved S mut see null print with theta for any , length of due without - fatigue to nryeyek:* tiboulttm,y slabt ermslaue to ImprOte b 7 the UM of them. I taVe no doubt but I dual be able traireerlarlthout tbram in a abet. time. .. T. MOZINDEIt. • Allegbeny City, Attu t . , been nrand hir.lolcuacro's EYE GLAitai fora Very' brief. period, witbrakaclded adventure, smut tut's bevita. tlaaln stallagthat is dafeativei visioned lorlatanding , bas been relieved, awl the organs. seem to be acanitlig vigor and tom' I tberefore cheerfully tear vitaiss to their az eelleney and seetraraey, as also to Mr. Solomon'', 'Blatt se a preatiosi Optician, and the nondelfal facility "Morbid, be adapts Eke Glasses Wee visions peeniluitles of vision.' friert D. IL SUTTON, Wayne ratteett ?Juan:rel. • . tarlio Vocal? .shoodit.be loolatortit them. W. speik of bilerida Llear!irleich Davit hampse - aa huuspaiiabis F404 - aualcirte. - . **zit* :inn*" which mire from a dimmed Liver amalln.l theasieleea, . mom ca lest, la 'every ismlly; diners's, oltk beadaetie, obstractian of_tha mask!, aims Mad Mae, paths le the - slai4vitk 417, httl' i ng conke ate all um? rieulti of . LeFs Ile/114rFt1trind pills are c iiii*lrO9sig*47.-gba7itite lass;Ti le Sslle amd elk!id4ll.kirtetalitlareeti'Cia?Thes.- • l'ffitticiPia-44oftw0 thio:trellog o? thls4 ,agbt. If tbej do ncipttrDa tam in /iris tittuuli •tbstmottlag, tske Guyer: taro mote, •A ai;9Al brtallast should tantilsbli rhea their we.. The unini tiny as . .tooimaildiciit - puriati recomary.... o an. arilltdtk* PUrVar., they are itiftrlOT to nose:' ilia in doaatittitiO three, they ;Iye astaat,h• toe i . llef to alritandimbilistais to slizbt-dersigemeotoot Rotthoscrt tilt please tot. tviiittl to eat for Dr . celataatel.Tanalhars, aria - take torm :other .Toto.' egfugeat tz! 0 :C* 1 0- 1011 aro 1r. 0 1t14 1 4i Df. 3 rleku9's germ . lee Varaaltaitis ilea ala'calakne 6 A ?Aver eau cal' b i had at all respectable Drug fltipm In the Volta) StatnSautl from the sale prarrlato?re, . FLEMING auger" • Etteimaareto .1; Mid 410 i, hlkir , ca Wood street • Dom; . - ' 011 VialtutaisY =arrant, lath lanmat i _at 9 °Woe!, WIL. Vat 00IIIIT 2 EY, in the 77th year at bla ag. . The tanstal via:tale . plaal tlisi yedielitear Odo Tomudap, TEI3 Mitalliel)MCOlNCC;ii.it *lra: rmv./Aw EHOrttetataralliretteomitho Itittiburgh ttortkolturel &dell hoLV their. :Amottel Fad* tlon or Fruit*, VoitttaNes and Flowers, susostc lIALL, Sigh tarot, ext=omeitog on TUESDAY, the Gib of ISeptetaber. .boob Glootor,Colloctort wllt all on the chi , pens far their roooderabip tots for the year. I • . angthat ADAM- RERSPEZAdat: Troosontr: aurderl4oo,oltowitit. .. • •--" • HUlx= Algae, , Is %menet, at ,e• attsat latch F1V:4.411, Iteg — City Oaowdls on Tae,etir,wwergWeS, Me Mine to. eat Reward of 000 thi mot. ezzl pmee_cattoa town itetlon Ese MURDERER. ot MUDD .==.3v• Or JULES COLLE4B,_ late of Oszabrie, who wu .tiardetest - In MY etwa t ick the Cit4r of Attebwrgb,ozi Made, titg.hE, I hereby.: WRer tho whore reWowt foe the erwmt so 4 pecceent.loA to tzor **ad' thelsaldTaurdati or =dam. _ ausllat , .. . ROBERT • IL BIDDLE, =vac.. jAbigM . caws' 13 this dlyfay.; datidarlalvaiciss IbsOMIKESSION EMIIiM•t , z, at 01,.(11,1kabiiMnice,oxiderthesame a Groat Matter. - .1".. ,:EDITAILD , Lt. GTAIrf. Baltimore, +Genii 1. • au g li :4o - •• 13711.111; ft...OTUXL. • °RAPT' '4 iBOl2 , . 00 ON AND FORWARDING WA; ! - • . , ;to. EWlDRattantre P1.,014.; .1: • " • BALTIMORE FosconmE, sic; Ae.,'Amitiktiitatti:fif WesterprroducerespecenzursoliciteV , to-Pease. SDI& Dennoek.A.Do, AAA ttildsioitii, Jamo A: nutchtson It Co. . •, • iFnellAing":" QKCONV Sa- 1 4S OP VALOASIX,BITILDIIibI - LOTS and 0002Ltil7 Sites in the, :Mom pf.kitundleld--.The anbh scriber trill offer at public gale, on < ttur premises, Da , Saar. dey, August 12, at 11 chloek, 21., a lane number al spa dons 'Binning lota, tannin an the plank road and vkle streets... Also, els plans of tlroa.lafdout ln 2, t and a Acre Lott, making • deshald, sitee,fbe ,ecentlx, reekliences. liansfield Is locatS miles west of Pittebursh. at thOpdnt where Ins Stentonrfile and Chartiere Talley nansmb in. 'weed', and also' the Wealth:Wan and Noblestorn Plank Bowls. The Village is InflonfiledltS- nate of Improrr menterretal fine - dwelling:l Laving bean erected daring' the present yes. • There lambs frith. villager en excellent Female 'Seminary, under the rapreintendenno of Mr, Kerr. Title indisputid?le. Texas at eat& Forfarther In to" • - formation apply , • EMU; Errulf," usia vi lint, No. Filth et:, Pittehml,b. It- .• N.Onndbusee be In attendance to anurny.biddere to the c ard is poll . dinner Till be served, up the ey • inlok, tit, no ea fractal.. ' TN purenapc, of An:Order Of ,ttur Ortdrintf. *art of Alla, cirny 00.nty,Xiieng done the ( Grit day cf. Angustoa, D. 1 rwill awes cslefat. the. OOUItTIIOIISE. . tilthe City of Piotalnunly on MONDAY. the ath day of Sep tratter,A.D:lB,33,-st 10. o'clock,s eartab ; , at. or View of _Ground and Fen:Lbws, situate In the city of l'ittabmb ammo, beta; epart of Lot 1t0:32 to the diagram nr nab' diebionof LAN Hos. 65,68 y VI end 18 in the coUltial plan of the aid city, being the part of Lot No. 12 fronting on the Alleitheur haling ► t*uith of fintar feet, _ant ty tending bark front' the mid dear ton Une running parallel i ith..peyette alley; dad *distant thorn laid alley onotondred wad thlity.soren feet six lathes. as marked in the of the said subdivision made* by the Presidan=. Unita States Dr that puma*, in, maniacs of an Art of. Congress passed the 3d cloy of August, A. D. 181.3, on which it Greeted malt Brick riottoa- two storits-bisti, Ind DA& and Frame Hoegi4 two'atoziellaglf. sub) arta an are. Clual ground rent of seventy.ilee &Dam payablo qaarterly to John Q' 3. his belts land anignP.- —Wag the saute Lot of Ground which John . O'Brien and wile, • by. heir deal of perpetual beere,bearinetiato,tbs. Llth Septendarr, A.D. Ude. recordol In the Haeordoes alas of..Allezhan; . to D00h 53, P _age n 3 .__%ifintittaittel that4r l to the said John Ilattoy.. :ten= at 1010.11.,i !I. •J. JOSEPH; 0 1 / 1 1Mt :idaint ec .rofB7. tigllatiarto . Of th e Estate of John Satin; deC3- • 41' . .._,. . - '• . •• TO avvrosannas _,_•• F$011:7118 EFFECTS op war InVa. .jotters by a desire . " " do to others as I would that had done to me when similarly chwasostationt, by CAUTION you ager z t tbo_v-Wwwl ltrotolas at pwoodopoo•=w,Voinflers of b bl -paged oowdlas cad atb• 1 en eXpetnive but worthless nostrums, .catch-penny buten, meats, ete. Beware espesdally of thine who " gusmussee" to mire In an curresionably abort tizon,whiettat once @mom ,li , jor AS Ignorant and unprincipled. , nverf. ,T=s.lerusin must know that a sensitive °rpm of the tudyorliehlas b ee n djenrdered by protracted abuse, cs..—vot be reshned to.,' tirweelt or two. The foot is, they beverpeco co ssil body—therefore vnste no more thus and tta;d7 upon ',them, but, if so disposed pea by my,erpcsieness;: i .. I I will Impart a knowledge of the micumhy which I iris itatored to health, (after suffering wrserely from involtruia . 14.01sininal =Madan and Bo eoncOmi nuits; it=ritiex 3 Ilin kinds of qtteekery,) to any cue who ‘l3l write me • pia", but brief statement of his ewe s , end remit rive Da -bus to aid In pitying for advertising, postage, etc., and time and trouble of writing out directions, which moire= it* terfaence with Maine" no Window dryg °r indrl4:mia s . will cestatalflzoprore the gene - re limil - exid a =thes the Arltegt, AA well tas,lnvigurato Ate ‘ organs and portent • core In thisidictrtistllnterpolidbidandlit very tad; AINt-_,s.speille! .....4ddr -m., la strict =arum, =.+F -,,,-....,....r,-, ---.- ..- ~, - —= ' W.ll. -sreinres. csmaw, /VI. .- P. B. and N. B. Permits, Gusrilans, Teaches* La, are oarnestlyarged to guard the youth under their charge fend the practice of the vice above referred to,, whip is emit , strsortteatcrtheirmental; mOiral;s uld. and plV at icinSSlC The only object of th e advertiser tete warn owoods from errorleinA•sel, to de, goed tildrilleffiZl he has ispi isltllidir; . . . __,,_ _ 11tvdsi: AV; Carresponaents may nosy : Men clitY honor sod SUsess ; _,.., tims. , All letters destroyed"; "turn* li.T, iinilsleskru act have the "Cauiden".peaViilsist:;--i. , ••' - ' ' .;:,..i. lOC /1440 F ',WA the =two of ojvc irlio. 4 47a.,mait4'l4gto.! Iftosiyoliicalett*tr: ip atb4 AU 2 4AM:a est 4real of good, :Iba rryerxmoAnnazicath.: .stage, boi,that(oeima'spt~on Let nou istb,TU" the light of the.l3oxi or• folDW. 6 o#o 3 °Tifi:Pilla cal ' Yell . india litigilin s Var. 4114,1371 i zastoitinis Itigittitmot o I would not bet:4l4Vebetnim air zo:iy f6W 6 dei,* ;EL' elroius, JOWL mean, tarter pglika.lret4a . sizi; - 30711,18.53. ' " ' d. lid tßioittotss—Being compenol to '37,11: Speelaeler, biro weal= able to get s pair but latat insulii toy cm vim 1111 Te Wad a4Ttosit =labor ofjiasses, but storeys Wed, nail lobtsfned a pair froce plit:•”f can op by gity or =M for elia% Bar lercui bt that wi th the cmlat— tha. Waterman le very =eh poiskimilb le Onset - Te2421/9wl;figlys I a ATTaI3I. NOlO9 Oil pl_TrFunton, *op. • bden-11E; . a • •,• 6 -..7-•:: • I 4 Cilitalia far s+?- oral Years', but lam =Tat lbandA:pideirrstillang eyes;c: Mat X oatdd: nee, 'without fatignaiiintil I kddatned a pait of nr,.£zoloatons.,, , lip Oa ald.ef abase rI Mamba of .hL=.,l 'eta too sa well its aver I eotablia:Llant rend or mite with theta for botutkMoOkthaslarttAddilne, nor by - CUTana candle light. , • --•"• I hare tried idl - fliAbit % L isettlitialabf Peaaagl raals to Obtain' a pair , of Masses Via 'would. salt oyes;' failed in *eery instance. ; Crowing thatiMialty of otAdia dagthoseitaltable far the sigh#l'do mast eartunstly recap. TJMNAtptboss laboring _under drotedire, elk* to apPry to Kfilloltnnana, of mhora glitaerauieipbtained to nit all asaak, ,l g.-moggigolL; A.Assattascr:en, JnlhFJDidß6B 'o. 71 ►~rL+eDffi .. with Ir . eak eporiciul sitaiiiiil4l4thypogad jag'. mrtisielar I have Iselin beep*ikio.ptp.polgatCOMPßSTad belp . mo; hail txtuitmrotapabiglit allegoll enable ma to me more distbatirkbilt Tigimitf; kgtiii#LeM ttam onotalfboni,from c0uma.;,544. ' • • • • ... . I happened to eze Tour ntreetteettgattAlfy . *4lth rnist youladjast tinporiedecioan,indniOtiashei@tii. alto to get anal:that would ben T lit nee; I ttuitiglitiripit#l try yours. 70.* ' " • ta f iro . - • " You must not thhik:snaiatiiiirwMan,j . Xiisg*nuoin than antrireeFojinechitlinissi / boyirnMessetligtatonto • iimadialigtdlal Maier tlian'hol; nntifitifT43oso.4. tare I got these. day all day, and witglo ceiiiii4willtonktai.d*Witittga ii ss t mtdati is a thin! baya hottyina.?*4l.44l4 I aiy Muab; eidaliida , :eiyiat;yollaillia*" and boging other" may be benelittad, hp A, Yon are at 11botty4ontate use of 'atrial:ileitis, than,* for rethnzooe.. Zs= de, tray; yours: ILLI . • , It EARL, IThaf. lilsstery mega telention that my wife greapy?biti ittal by.lha tear sho zuVlind eq411.11? PleastkL'' ; JAI"; yr :nal hie ethag,;;;•ll2a tries of s Probitatom7 ; Liquor tror vill arstroblet on; THURSDAY, the 11th day tjrzat, 1&53, at 10 o'clock, A.IL, thir Ccuabrstetal Pied Church, Sixth Area. Pittsbargh—Also at It o' la the evening., Lai/1110one Church:. ; ; By order of the Stale OrrarslOsstualttaa fr:" ;.riotice -4 Itaitattal.mitzttu. , wryci ep y lkants.for..eelosytian3 es Teaehers En- the "Coranion " In Robinson township, eoanty of Al legheny, will take place at the house of ilarels litePanerd„ In ism ossaiship, is seiVRDAY. August , 31 .b. 1115 c:e?4 10 odaaYt ThwAisunter of Tear:bon neuidied L emerre.:• tbo'linln• riatiisomat In VOX° per mouth' fer.nosslen and UAW - , Snanola will open about thelet af.Beyt t; rivigalsAkalsto ell mouth& ' • - • vuk , 4t :•gogibgliPod 5114 6.ss2YotestlTeoeliere zieetfitoply-.. • ••• J. IL PIITLLI23,' mpg SttwltN • Secret of tho Baud et Ihrectori.-- 117'NeitoCko"Teachers...in Exambottionof sppllnuata fat Vitnationg aa:Teirlter • tbs • Ward .1;:ocnnon Sehool,' 124 littvivaitti • wifi• tale klaos . 016' &boot Wasure,*norner•of Otant visa &Van - M . streets, on .310:WAY,: August:lsW; ALIO 'o - doe3r., Tba number of reaches rognizad u stVentarn,conrivilog 01 one Maio Peiscipaliarui sixteen . reaLlla-414/401*...1 • 'Me salaries vary Ova Mr m $115. 4 .1. - -,••• • j i g . % o th er Infbratation :nay' be' otJaloint of JOS. W. ; Evr'y, No. 49 Fifth Amt. ••• • '• • - ; ; The thaw of the - Ward wlll viotteattat, In nallsnrwlive •of the awn:aviation - taking Tara 'an - the :abovp !•opaniny of the Sthool.aill no. defined nixt#4n,s. =J. • - • ang&lot '. • ": ••• _ . : . I,VOLIILitIe Dealer fit•Ras .. - -Toot, , Choice:Faisily ancerissilricstas anef.lllZole..lr'srai ascosissndone of the most outmode, Sticksof Ms Mee to be blind bathe West; which he off= el theism • est aseluif , isfeeorbohnliaeor • 'be at the besultratt.'.." 7.7, acad., dettiemi tho dries 'free st ealtrpr;:i ' ;lilt' ALSILAILD'S NEW ' NQY N. 9 , T.ll.B*USlctl - 111; Ttta Tho Tzenby idre. - naile4tntlM.9l: .e noise - the Olps7,'"“ OoropuboriVoilleM :Elegantly Mustratet, bezutlfaly bstuerbs sklpAlk• :deal: nrttJ lxrusta hi , Paper," Valk= •I! tuk. :•• Modern Fartations," ' OPINIOfiS OY , TiTE EREU • (Pr= the Albstl-Ama5Y.;,....7:.;-... is -u If is "(Ili:knit to read a pep fa IWO Treshesitute:** . out pardelng that it is theproduetoceule ImloL • Its *tuxes all gloss srlth,llN" . , - ' firma the tostflotiV.Shdaid.l_ • - ' ' Th laparel prolueedigan streftforablslusisn ' sdan. ; Arm is tgelv breadth of style, =A ~mgt3 otp_urycst, thou stele b e isift. , l4l,hin•any at-tbe - amp ILtAy published!! L. .c • • . r [Aim the keidesTeloborg"Ora:) -IP ' As. a strudattal taseluatioa '•U' this abor: 'truillfuluesor, Its - abstinence: hem 4 , XIMMIStiOIf, the Ebaka". ; 'peanuts gift übaraetee tecos , the . • to the.lowest--all'ate seal. Us MAIICIA'tteB2I. it 113110 Dilly tfleall. Ai .5 mat atisso end , antlringtntFtgsy f Mlles Tremont:Erie 4:13!%:1141 - • _ For sale by ALTITZTEII:I6 I 7O); • - e togio . • • 0 . 2 -• •1; No. 32.9mithEell Asesto • . r r .-• ' commasioN AND raAlTguniNci• No. S Comxidia42, =ow DrEdgre:' t , _ St. Loads, RIo,, • . andOzooislOonswill.toactldthsetagt kJ and personal attention, and liberal adormas will .04i Mead when trquireclom Oonalgriondrowditdbotladibia, in Aand. Orlors tbr noted= Ortoii4l3Ato; . *o . - c ad Rral two, win to promptly tiled at tba lawn Mwkat The lit:calving and l'orwanltoz olltertbaxallso and Pro dues will meet with especial carts 'and diaratoti c.f./408ra raw of Weight sill dim 11100 '140C11116.1. 11XUd ;t.ll.terptVi. of atoms and Drumm s moth assposaibla avabladt.:4l Pap 4 Mon!, . BL-lanlar iirdszlos, blow &Ca., do; Sdider a aorman,. , *dal Macau a `Valto,:.,: ! dof Hoses iStuef, Doan, Etag a Ca, - dot brio= a Ind do; .T.W. Radar 2 Itto,4ltbdae_ amazon.. It 00.; - do; D 'booth • - Ao• .111.4 t o.,Yartddlaoo3.,ftllada; ' dor. - 91:31,8dec &Mow= Blow Idatch;. rieliTorlc. _ A -41); Pr° tt a Punts; Shields , ,ii' do; a./D- 1 0% .- do; - Jodtas Len a 0. o.oorwall co; Boot= abndunn.i. F3104'52118" - 451 W.P 4 Relir4 l o.s, . ' EL:D. Zienteco2neeZtn a = T• 11 7 ' 444 n , * o ) , Oxmis/I* l Mortbants, t t:Mej have an open Fahey ot,rosoione4 wldatorill swim aII daipaants to' r witlrtos, vluni advtsal -07 jattne mall, or 'tm txdoraid on or lading ,befora i wtattas time Of shipment • , MUNI _ , _ LirgiA. Mum& - • admit lalstreLioVi • Hotta oe••• , -- ;•• MEM itidaritned- baize' taken - oat LetlettfallAbirsli , tratlon on the Tetett er A 1,883 Ifra otaana, de emed, beetbs =Wk s ill peeloie Indebted bi daltEgate to 'Luke Inueedlate•settleteeeLend en . 1.14)....4; t o 'flake pigment, *Mena deter. - •• • ' . oAnuis.,,Adzinfidmitiet4:l - aigitEor .No. 190 Veal at. Pi= Alr irtir eu • '4loriiPP4 auglO B eat Estate - Age its. Post linUtilnzis, FOlt BALE--A Rouse and Lot °deo=ll street d T.lla. .nr Qty: -Let so by ion feet; on *Web b rreenal 2tory. Frame Um*, containing lire rooml..tati.n..Forch and vial cellar: -The"Lot aboancle wide pcal.Frat e ;r itzy dramat thodoor. - .Foriode by, tdd gdod Wits. :11'1;310 Roal.Estits Agents. Postlialdbc, 6th sk. IFII.II LEABWREngtora . end - Vlztirtia ot . A 4 pArrq . elqterSido, stilmi Ravi Estate Oates. • r soglo . — ,- 8:0171418EET,4 80N:1401blait; •A, 03 STBI,STOILAAND mAysie.r.,iitxtata CGMEBEWE eagle - -,... • C/10 Thiastreat.:.* 1/8.8 :1111.1011.. , BLILNIJIAOTORY, - threrUag: Masai Mg:. 'Acres of Land;:lo of,-stMi: grand la I Ire Clay atscrperrior (ull For tab by" ; iambi 8. 431=1333.1110 A 80N,'-240 Third st.' r _ VEND ANIIIrTIMEMOTIONS, Cawldersd 14:relattara, VEND Dieand - Religion:l4 W Cooke, U. D. , ' ' • - DAsis c ni a A4NEff i . r= FOR' BALElttee and ball.screa .otflamxtd bs ther. Trace Noi Mcol,,Odjoinlag..tho Atureltrar‘trs• John Ottotaori: Thli 'propaty is Amami on - the =her ot 4ak and Canal strogkoo4 tt?onoft• mold lov and on, dad • Apply to - - • • S.IOFTITT & LOWRIA 4 eget Extate - Ageolo; Yost Bailing:4 bare. • inkEI93, , BONDB,*IIOIITGAOFM, and _other Lip fay az4 saeusately 'written, and •Meal .xitst, la ts. OFErri xtEt Bid:1,11.0;X LOTS IN ar.yr....aa_lYAlll) FQ.B. BALK—Four Lots of • (12ontitl,, orißabertastrest,22s bl.oo text each; tiro Lot" street, =Lob Z). feet trtlist 19.1 an fret to Wrislact street. 'Tor Ws low; limton good terms.. Apply FeatEstate - Amex, Post Itolldlngsogik st..• RTED-4.1) shares Y. a Qlt. Sbx.k; . • • : ••••;•7'n y ~ sula . • •• • .ri Wiltrarth sextet, Zr l !!AWMdiVia4. LAX-- , 800 me oa bzottf.far tale by - :• • - 77 " .V".SU4.O KIIMPATRIM IrE.UO7IB; • "'" Effi MEE do;!T. d 0. . ., ETU:PATRICE. 3 REBBO/143::: ... _ _ . ice : lIPI' MOM!! - . . - FRO AI PILILADELPHIA.. - - &rand and timpillso mat licat oration ectitho. , .SPOBTS, OA EEMI MID CZBIZIOM23 . . Ok TEE ANCIENT GREEKS and BOMAN& '. 'Unit, =Hutu Is rircutinint, on the 81b., 904 - yy 10thoitti, 153 th ma 13tio days crabs. Gusts - /VIC 3IX A 413 'ONLY: NaCES—nops, SID • cents; Retuned etas, 50 coma. • Children nada. JO (to. Iteserned sat.) half mica Doors open st 234 in the after- noon, and 74 In the essalng. Performance to annarroce - MU an hour after. !Monday, lira pafrottna?" et. 734 P. zi. - • ''.l " r In IDDlnerount MR be lonstad nat that'll: is — sz: l • titalLot Otos ketv=ateaa stieefv.d the - A 4 rinrr, in the 'upper pan of the YINTII WARD, ' • _,... • .. - - 4Ert Shit It the largest estaighbanait In the WWI*. sow • - meratuNDRED A.N.ll,gpxxp L ra*Sforill, 13mthu Sind of TN,73. Eltiadmid - norzestletnittii :r . ..":. And othortzslat< a O • TlniPoillotuntgoddag mppodrtano WM+ 4 t,,^l. •MtlirjES' }ha Taal, azd bram• .;,..,: aCtagGitto-W-Irs*P-copl-=l-ci=w•murrt.T.l -1,4=:- ,•., Stmt ICIAi4 a tho'Gramultima of Mks. sad epatoton sesta ^ . *Wm__ P_ gt pi g t4itteWrgaki OPILIMItaI .11WEal.u,-IMPP,ttu) giz=mo a= to gaited in cradtltiota , -. -0- .• 7.- ,- - - -: : I f Tho Motrause: Into - to= wIL-too- 4 . 1.:1 bra pita) - imaoN, .sertii_posTlN —wn..T.m ; muss ..- BAND-s-ta-egionaby - tberpes , ,,cl:as ~x!xtalm • Ae2. 4.%i - ' - ' NOVEL AND glin Caid,tifl a s ehsreetdryienibeb . 4 : l = l = , _ rump Entreenk- - - ..c Oare fdrOCIVELBELXLVdd canons, - 1.67 a um? °S 4 lMrigElim:g.g. x m 6ta j zaliudsizi _ te: smutOp wag - .by I#.74ritad l , 3 .i Pereba Ateporse, - end other *hen - Wits ireneron., the Cowrie, is the Stadiums, and an -the,dliting armed. TEA itholtionnettillatt with ' iteenefroxii the Vitt& CIORSChin *bleb. TITA4I2 B a bitag i AC WSr, ' S 741.42-1" loostrtaths Mania oint , • - - Par ðer ;blinders. ese rost44; " 4 1.14 pristelpal,Flotele: , - .411,0 Tan DEILTIGES - 1111110.DATIRD_ - O•PEN YEO3I 9A.U.TO 10 P. IL—Thied inso •-•' of -E ,S GMAT PAUSTINGS, VAP.CKYa FlALTytersostcf - Poorth ozd Wood Otte= ',..1 - 7..1`.4 -- NtrAtt/su HL9 VA3JILY:IN THE ABli, • • OitiießntdotJag Of ato-oolvo I with shoe • THE CAPTIVE ISE AELITE3O..td 37 rpm Ufa tivo. OWNIAbI, THE PP.OPH:=I3&• EXULTING OVER THE DEPT= CTION -PHARAOHS iner. 'g air 'Sokoto only 25 =to; ettldont! bolt 'pica. Ilro Vest& tbrsl.-eight tot $1,50. - - -- , c5.11e.-Zio4r.hottkra on 12th tat' . . 1igi0ELL..007:103.13,7 mar.CLIBID.- ‘ 4 Awslop.r.,.CONCZNl,lsal b. MUMS r ; flc- EINE.L„ Fourth. daset, an. aad EV ie,this week, t,he and lil Aa, by . _ YOUR MILS 01:1113.PIRNSILV.AtiltcltiON . "Pa. l l ll l Tharagamos OY Tar. • ... ; Tieltata 25 mato t•atalreri =UT fanalaawbalt bi at Lumuie.lbsres.af..ELE.L.T.ELEß. ii..aygt at. ataina at =MY A-. BIJECE=LA eorszer2b¢rtLtnd?texYe4atxeatsc:-.t=~^ =._ Batwean the Frte thay . olyasktbli.thai - tividid Zuk , r;; ). • • Dodtiropetiat 736;.. eamsaaasaot 84'414.. " loggia ' iWitiaM ttot by atld tog to ~i4tS: .or • or . ci ' ll"1 / 2 sithr" " t31P°4 7iffiM= . r . „ v . / s d t ta: . • street- •-•-_Eitstri et Attorztay.—oive guittelif=a olafftSe cs tiot Vf.N. rot., li' - 01.11111BISP far,the..4lo of ristict Attomey,•atade to es decistoo of thajleztocruttoCkrunty Omuntim OCounty 41:kltialonctirwoilre satltar 'lzedcWanacaurov 0;8: PALICEN EN:: is* tsr.e.S. data Ibr the Gees ot - CoutitiCatar-Lcalonecablett Witt , .. deettioik ofthilatratistaz. leatte 1 - 1 0VPRIN613 , lIETIMID •SUGARS—BAILEY - - 8 • BEN, • - MAW lave,'tut noshed and.,l4 PtariZO bbtt tcyaztea Br,n4pirozil.:s; isritzr.a 4 Cle•aktaland .Ndah - Shey -442 . atiriAWAS.[67.ll ZION NA 811.2=3 , 1=0 , • •AU goat •• • •-•- • AgSow the In4pci or a ftroVooto - nrooraw Ibmas, lost -reedre4 241e*Ottgle• .01.0EiSMEN'S FULWCII7.AZTXB3.I4, 2 4B.W.coIgata= .0 — 645 : 7 7 .1 i i7::; , :474 Ze:o.i.l7AXMlkh-TEgralarW .TICIST , ItECtEIInak inagem-1-estas era DOUII/4- 11118IIIrtrOMW:lilklelvire 1/111-sell et 4,70 EV" Plitclraica'.l_3lkbrn ' - lingS A TIMMY. TWIST, -B.UVOkSZBE.--A )1031k11/151=2 1 3 11 " Tellehld ‘l , for 1316- rii ' ' ' 41461' ZYULTINELPIZMS-of-Allezeliaad other-'lakee, 11, allviizentity,NvirrpFolidtrir - - • - • IXAVS atrot,s• 1311yUrEiG -l a- 112 its raztety f - ar-st constatal .1 . 711 hand, arid, scab? IcgAtosyat-przebz="4l7— .---- --' - - -EttYWN TEZHXY. IDOWATEB,:aI[O4 ,8ULL171,3, • 3110 T ItELZES, Pamigraarn; M• 1115- ft- , !..vigami.a.L.atpu/K t o brsrids ar Pcnrdari*** Willy • - - • itiats _ BCRTZti mar.Dpux by niii.aujtaz week; 2l , - - -7 • • sullgtmA&i, MOWZIA M AXI. la 4 4. •• •. mpcs=l , acceisiti . j3ILIPSD tan!, OrbZajaillie. to:dud and ihr aft titt:„;L rz ..-,417=1:..."...5:y 4.'O.VALLUAYA= Vircatatt. Inil 41 BUB. RBA% tons • bop nbats;l,.. f. 20 dos. Nova Buie; 7 . Z0 Dotes hock Catdr- Eta, B,4Jte-A.gocd-T/INEW *VOA •:_ • evaroozniViampaVgabligid 11112.1113"116 110 1 0 4 4 ..1 0 . 1 4(0 ttor.feslaribilfieraellracW.Wirark. . ifistspowslino Arinbew =Arany Ods..ta beadle! a • - EIMULIgt. f • -Iyo -,-_---- • -: ~ :741131210 WOO -4311. VONTrX ISO2ERTIG exe..Nan.74, ICO /o=r dr. "g 0 94 LANA new CYlava, cntheLL.'w-tinz=e-tteta:- =dam of Rim Botta= Lev. 4% =Lea Metr=c4=4:ll;26 , Mertiscatri=rthie:nambie y cvyyr4 Ls - Otrat.: la=rlC2Le _ x- 4 •-•-- • • TEECCULa ivoans,_ • ;Aaiito : 15 Aare ore* tralxrcreed&_%o49N:a.c. , .... - - 1 0 0 1 ". , 1Vii 77 - 7 , . • 204!"....f4, ...i.711,221,611115211. 2.;ND:4••• —4weraztiterectill s irrOLEC . -klopeaten , Ertelc Dwelllza in Minton' Cleyfi .rignre and Ovreltestez I Awe • - AVOOTAMgi Wit* it, WY, inadenaprlate tiatt,3: :au froa Tarte-Aarg b _c4 - t i,_ 1 13‘7-thestuartaafts ol** ..." 4 " ,04 •••• ' - larctitientlgtprieroantathatalaZlforr. lerarimpladarlacat tai• tns VINI , I3Tir,/ Cll= Itl=e 2111tebEVIMptalikl=lenielXISIn6:- Illaqr.tzt.Off !on E=.4.F.03-.76 izus asparted tavalt:trMax=als:tti: Zr-;ltialstkaliNciatram tb.Z.trre saleca.liberatte -1134151,:.^. Teni . a BeacaTbi tor easta - - • -,•:L•riaXECtgateaUti:F.C&l TIEGS—Air .blga,Uxisocd mad Lard Olt . • A.l 8 , 3286 MX.r. CO: nies,49 tiereceintsatetr..,...: • • • , 4 • .; 1 -‘ '..`9 36 0 3 r!": 1 . 1 ? 1 + Ea trld=a, • -1.03 • .1131311-ZO stastightßanytarasscisariaas_,r—sa sags • t VLICCEENG 141114TR8. rriffsmur.mmuP4laticemozusuuebetutedsryarr dtdml rtg,bmv14,4,4 1 111. 141 a • e ' 1 it eW 4 ANDYFLEAttOWN—pO Ds far.sale try - zsr, • RIIIMQ3, a:I ro—/01) ran* and ter, , cae try - IMOITIESS. sorer. VAILNIEII-230Ipilyes New York, fa strew ft t riedis by 6115 —r,PLESTECCI,IIMMIERI yd niSEZDKE7segbbbrbt Nl= =3 Sat cala by . '' :-", • 0 ZWar tr; ;-: •,; ..;.::-Succaramts to .7. , Gl S H OW XThod c..-4 an& CHO 'll-r - grog!thra? o ' ll - PAL, ad;tlk egg apfUIFAIWIZT- - -41.2 - 333t4 , BRIXERIM - 4 y :LCOHOlie.Zbl*Alizhol 22 . azd'iltrO eat, tri, slam , ? Lbs cgs • FLP - 21.1:12SCHIMEE124; -; ea - ;.:812voltastairta; Kiddie Co.; 6P_Wcsd at. riOOBT P4Bl3l7,l3,—Ercs,ascartect,lastartaxdtircsks ,- . 1J _Jya . .rumuzialommts... RAMS FOlstOOSlNG.—OostreOtrodat. fSLIMEX.'B,a . EL DRUG ED0813,140 Wood sine; pup 1.49 T. itLATOBJECI ExTaac7,,..- -4 troultxtractionao; 4, -do Yozallsr" i • 'r - -2 do : ='Pesett; -- . - • -3. . do , eta=tax4t, - -; - • ; !-ALO HotalCl: enittlilia.4o l 4lt 3 nottrd. eclixsaln. vart_cf 40,e111 to calla latrll9/ Wahl:2 a eastern••ttltL ' .:••• , Yi, .Ine li./.217/03.DS Mix) D .,,, u ,i,y an ue c zootos aciezusrulL:- ( I • TstionsUods.4olol:l". —Peco c 4.• • " - -z L.E.ECAMS7I6.II4- • r itiazestanautintrisi..i 'DAM 'POEMS Esovirra.—To alf thsl" aro slut to•-• 7. Villa= taylat=o Ixt iray of Era' . mold Jawalmor eaeltaalsre Were. jIOIIEkm D:rw - c:l4. bstid ycry gc4 ctxrrt=2/'472 76.r.:*.sAtt gtcaiaVi luso itr-Xnri„.t.tul,lat, salthag AM-dr szrz wars 4=3. at teat frap 2.5 to:4 esmt. bstloa flas igl.=zab:d by than aO3 1/4....m"f105t turf* bezAftrat7 41 arg.. 14t .vith. their all:0:a clipcdalbst tert,l7%..=lrxrc 4 . - .dratae,thetr.gorsent tom, ease:. Um. Ora t*=algt Mat.= the • 1.t..M:t . L2.= knovimrtlua I vs- A so stalhis goods, ► etzd fe=b4= Air•tore, MI c d % cert.t-rpciplp terp,c,dher-lo:ar 'at 6>, Market street - • 1101 0 VEL 'reler, AND SUaILTIJSUI Ron anLy....4 A-4 , 4 0 : 4 ttm dor/ 1:=. on -Beams% street, beSsress - 's Ncod citd liaskat..'lls hi - imitate -I ra Is:. sold st bargb; - • frfai 04 SOCA WA k mum & CO, Pia ?S Rah irllimitQat .tek..l7l232nti* - Zteler /UZIIat CritsZE i TUTa= Eta. rr 43 3 4 a eoPpriana itcanalsred .Ccgsa.4 cta cte., _ • , - • - coo Ciireolozoliana 1 , ,t, rye• _ .• • 3 vocd - eclaxs4 do tt.loo ; Odo - • . - - . ;La. > 4A. A: iLL.OO3 . COP 3, - • 1.,..150 ;Boa litaff Carrot - • . Ado , -'ddi • -...80, -..d o r--gargrich•• do; • - a - -do - --:l3ca=r-ItaVigaTil.S:Ha idolk; , , • 4 z)do-" Parpni/laPi=k Paid - db; ' • do- , Pearyzde• azdZeli=g2s do; '; " Piltibusek y2lX.pzurstieir - • .•• AVMS- Steck atifitM Diaktre,2le.4Slotath T7kotvaLADl Itxurazobt =NM—Tito NMOONViiiiOoO:-- - - Aj hold= can, bra Inwilledl—wßh thellatjtr3l2 '—fhlimPuri.tirpgh*"._Wwgepaczt: ' . • ••• raiMalitiNt CONS.. ‘ • DU880Vf1.A#.1:7...15 tierees.llncalsll._ - atrra 4 • NIENME sir I• • - ~,.. Macre - sad SOr 1, e0_ 1 17 -:,..:71Z5115Q-Bsmkusfis: NIMii*ZIXI :'ti.~r : , t~4 : • _