' <*■ * ,A *■ *** - * " ~ ,>*r* . **V i ' * t - . V fc - > ** r * » V*- , * «/ * * * .,**?*,*'• »Vj-a%-T^Jal' t,'. V*-* > %■; , 1 w•' TA< 4 --.'V -. , X? i ?.'*."** -. .i - If®®' -^:; ■: s a, ’S-’ r.‘:V V v.''* 'jzY-:*'*'-?'':/ \ '* * %? - ■, .. - . ‘ '• : 'V. -a" V r - , *•£■ W VJ. tj *>? t r »^v** 1 "V»* ** /* / tf * Vi-j_* r%S r I v s 'V> < a* I '**-’ A/T,.'* “v?** „•£* «,. * * '*, v 1 < ’ .• ♦ '-' ( rtonca irill coolttottrUor of IT • ; Mu to-JEtanur last. rs:.x^, '-. - - IT. O - ... o old editor of ttyp v!ot*|- ' TO Franco and Turkey. The Emperor, Nicholas, in his manifesto to his army, represents it oa a fholy wdb, in behalf of tho Greek religion.— Great enthusiasm prevails in Bossia; and in p^/ i l ti ’ Turkey there isequal enthusiasm and determina ' % n A?’ l - ‘ • fi,r&^ Am ' -' t ’ j 3V J ' We are gratified to learn that the agent em ployed in collecting tho subscriptions to s&ure 1 i ? . thfT Holding of the State Fair uf“Pittsburgh, “ iheets good success. The subscriptions are *J? i W someinstancea largely increased and prompt 'lypaid. 'lf will be remembered thpt certain -i - gentlemen of our city guaranteed to the State Society the snm oT twenty-five hundred dollars ji 'i, i ‘ ~'JJ?' r ‘ to indneo" the officers to make Tittsburgh the ! '■2?i place of'exhibition. The snbMriptions that are a " now being collected are to make np that snm, and relieve the guarantors. The princtpalHo- J j , X^.‘iiSl<*/ejs{?9fe l S2?f3 4 " tels, we are told, intend increasing their suh- Boripttont-- Theyean well afforddo- So so. The 'V-isf city wiardonbtless be crowded afit hnn seldom been before." We understand that many rooms WHMI hays been secured by strangers -intendingtobehere.We hope our citirena will subscribelib orally,- and make np that $2,C00 - It is applicable to the expenses of the Fair— . >?1 ! '-fi'^v- : rif'ilns ' Then,iabk out for a crowded and bnsy city dnr- the last week of September. We expect Jkr Western Ohio will be here in great force, let ?3;i I^ i ’ them come. Fennsyivonians wDI not he beaten on their own soil,-we hope, in the number and - fluMfty-of axtieics exhibited. , : ' WAB IS EKIB. * We have rumors of wars in all directions, but hitherto they have coma from each a distance ' that‘we felt a good degree of security while Bpcculatlng upon their probable results. But we ore permitted to enjoy that happy seenrity no longer. 'A war has broken out near home wh|oh threatens to involve derionsennsognences. ' Ouriyadera are probably aware that there is ' abreak of gunge in the Lake Shore Railroads at ( - Erie, The road running west from Erie is of, ** ikff °bio gnago—four feet ten inches pido,—' East from Erie it iabofcfour feeteigbtandahalf £ZkiX3?& vJ-e-A - w*r all passengers to change cars at that,' point, and for all freights to be tranß shipped.— “ ' >Ths damage to goods, the delays' and the ex-i , .pence, whioh this break of-guag6 oooarions, is si * very serious burden upon the trade and travel, between tho East and West by thatronte. last Printer' our Legislature repealed all ourguage lews; and Bailrosd companies can nowiay down ■ . tracks, of any width theypleaso. The Lak^ i BSoreCompanies ore proposing to obango the - - traok or one of the roads bo as to avoid the break at Erie. To this' the people of Erie resolutely !$»„% ->i objeot- They held a large and excited meeting,' ~ ftksli' 1 ' “t" to.cousrder theeubjeot, on the 19th inst., end . ' passed resomtibca tLatamoiint to rank nnUifioai hi &** tolettd to «P en w«. ?. x >’ Tbey.deolare that the act of last Session of * tho. Legislature repeating the guage law, waii - - proonred by bribery and corruption, is suioidal “ •to tfi(f best Interests of the State; and that it is ,si- VfA ’-noViindiog upon them, nor will thejrohserve it ,' Mfe - - : nv-**M*r M «w»p; 4 « change the guage so ns to avoid the break at '?■• '%l %hrir-M ' ' And as soon ss such an attempt ty , mode, the railroad shall be tom up at all point! iSV'V'-rr’ J wher ? u crosses the streets of the city of Erii ■f-ffSiC, -* JV y’S'SZ-' " •* '"XtAcS « The > £ : b\i ti -j c ire « n a t i 1.(1 Unß - Bhoulfl the taumwUate port b» ona-cf Gh«ce, the complied with within eight days, o, •*»»*-*»*'v that;idea .of nntiiucatjon;i>wilt* office or **• POrtofioracporturo. _ the dffiontieß of wo siwation by their attitude Jj*, 4 fV- k t;-, - ' WF&ir snm lav operates severely on thelnteMßts of ™ T opßriir. ja1y23 ) 1853. I This two-fold request was unheeded; Turkey Satmaiy".... coo tte city bf Erie. But tearing up the ratis end " «WW thelaws will not mend the matter. : - mtstaXG*. Wd —vm. iwiroad. ;3&i~S cv j%i > Wo are informed thatthe “Pan Handle” people f interested in this road, have their part of the razd *“ “ te c0 > ntract » “«■ thD ™ rk Mt^ y * - V - 'T in -good earnest. Tfio route florosa tho l ~ caanty of Brooke is so favorable that it will re -7 - l alfo a short time to prepare that part of ‘ the road for the raOs. We loam also that M - rangements are now completed between tho ? sj? -; { ?4 Pittsburgh and Bteubenvaie Company and the -■/ and Indiana Company tokuMthe H i hridgo'ncross' the Ohio at Steubenville,afthe t 'vs & J-W ec^l «P«» -«f t« Companies. / I T', r'- %t- - 1 - Wa K30i09 &t the P lo^ « f &e ewly Mmple ' iXr tit>n f of to tho West ; c --f'fZ£mM~ , ' i /- - £^w¥o&f%C*t(Z«.^,7 vf^ v ; y/iT, r,i* *s - ■■ : ■- && ftp! THURSDAY MORNING 28- ' " ISOMIKATIONS. V canal oomnssioNEß, THOMAS H. FORSYTH, of Phjlatdptua Omaty- - > ' ' • AVUHTOR GENERAL, •‘ jEPHRAIM banks, o/ Mjrim County. FOR SURVEYOR GEKERAE, J: PORTER BRAWLEY, 1 -of Cmuford. Comty. slessrs.S.Jl.fEnwroni 4 Co.,who aiepromjit, horn eat ami dcnUemanly In their Traslnese trangjcbons, ue the only a-sthortea agents in tbo cities of N err York ami Boston tor the Jlcnrning hit. They are authorised to reccireAd vortisemonts ami Subscriptions tor n»at onrMTOlraUs. Their receipts are regarded as payments Their «“ ll<' HEW TOOK, 12k Nassau street , BOSTON, 10 State street M«r'SilSfcSwßi.TTr< kooor-NiW* iStSVmmjlSirikJ pucmau up Ate inwhubv nuiac^strl« ud 8808 Uu MvSl tnßLf. Svcrycm *tui7f*il«»Tof i* w ««•**« retiOßw. Democratic State Convention. - -'' toa- Resolutlcm of tho StatoCentral Commit' • ' Doaboratie Btate' Couvcntloa of 1863 ,viU te-as eemblft at fhe llall of the House of ItepresentatSfe , In Harrisburg, ©a o’clock, P. U. " The.StatoCcntralCoamitloa will moot on the saraa dny, at the adjournment of the Contention/ In .the Swats. Ctnunbei/ "WIL L. HmST,Clialrmiro _>7lWUt Cmm, VsMmtariM TTS. HlNltr Wmn, ;* Mr^ tßnra [ E'lratPo{jeftir Rending Matter* 'E2?“Jn our notico ofths Steubenville Rnil ■ r6ad,-we'negtected to speak of onV friend Bba.-' ok, “the resident Engineer of the road. The great progress of the work is mainly due to the skiUfpl arrangements which he has made, and , the unremitting industry with whioh lie has wretched r over its progress- When the section now worked by Messrs. Skeeh & Co. is com ' ’ pteted, it- wilt bo a monument of praise to indus , -triona contractors and the accomplished Engi ' « ttpariraw jrfll coellbe anlor of the now editor: “of Uu> PMt--jSiisScl»a Gscuiie. \ < . ■■: ■ That enoh has bees tlio effect of age and ex perience on tho old editor of Gazette, Tb very ovident. His ordor is so tborgngbly cooled that it took ns several days to wake him ap. Tie is into os now, however, in good earnest, Bnd ra ther good nntaredly, too; and that isjoatwhere we want him. The old “bellicose” will not be allowed to go to sleep again for some tune: and it may be neces sary for it ,to throw aside its theological contro versy foraTittle time, and turn its attention to moro practical matters. Stand to your guns, neighbor, for we are nbont to take possession of some of. yonr “Danubian provinces." Yonr party has. held away in this county long enough. So stand aside, nud let the Democrats,taka the-relns awhile.. Turn about is fair play: and fair play is just what we are bound to have. ' Wo, made no attack on the County Com missioners,.however. in the nrtiole to which you refer and we admire yonr . discernment, only » Utile; in knowing so quick whowrote that article, Itia a3tonißhing howmnch “.nge ancl experience'’ sharpens nmau’s judgment In mat ters of that nature But wo are decidedly of . opinion that a pretty liberal infusion of the dem-: Ooratio element into onr county officeß and oar representation at Harrisburg; would be a reform Of great benefit to the interests of this connty. Whether it'did any goodlast winter, wo are an ablo to say; bnt we intend to give It a second trial. * As to tho Portage road matter, we can.only, pay, nt present, that the charges of “Gslpbin lam" there will havo to como from a more relia ble source, before we shall feel much alarmed sbout them-* Many thanks to the Garotte for its friendly notice of ns; a few days ago : and we regret that «te have so serioaaly nlarmed.its editor with the Uea-that onr speed and “ardor?,is likely to give troublo. ALLKGHEHY VAI.I.EIT UAUiBOAD. . At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Allegheny Tolley Railroad Company, held yes terday at their-office in this city, the following preamble and resolutions ,were.odopted.:. i . Wamsis; The maps, pvoftke, end eaUm&tes.m&de under ithe direction of the Chief Engineer, Ur, Roberta, of the eer eral rentes surveyed -tor -the .AUcgbenj -VAilcy fiollroed ftorttoeoet of Kittanning, ns-exhibltoa.by- him, together with his report upon the same,, ore entirely Ratb&etory, .therefore, . y fiaolitd, That after dne examination of the whole eno joett-the route from Kittanntog.Tla Mahoning, Bed Bank, bad. East Branch cf tho Clarion Kirenv to Bishop's Summit, hhd thence by the way of-Potato Creek to the most eligible points on the New York state line, ho end the same la ncro by-adoptod as tholioo of said Allegheny Valloy Railroad. ! ar«olrbf,Th«t the Chief-Engineer bo authorired and re quested to-fixate and -prepare- tho lino fhr work fbrthwith, according to the rente this day determined upon; f Huolvtd, That tho Chief Eengineer be requested to pre pareUs report, together with a map of the varioue lines surrttyrd, for publication. • Thtngi In. New Totto ■; The total number of doaths in New York dur ing tbo past week.was five hundred and twenty jono; wbloh is adecrease of forty-three on tho of thß: previous week. There were ftwo hundred and sevontocn deaths among chil ■dren under one year, and three hundred and .fifty-seven among children under ten years.— iCholera infantum, appears to be exceedingly pre valent at: this particular season, there being 73 ' fatal cases, besides 31 from diarrhoea, during the Street. Tbe number of deaths from consumption iwos 49;: from: dysentery, 43; from marasmus, <22 ; and from dropsy in tho head, 25. >■On Friday, Mr. James Flynn nni his family ipartook of n hearty dinner: of fish and cucum bers. In a few hours subsequent, Mr. Flynn was attacked with a severe purging and vomit ing, which terminated fatally on the next morn ;ing,-in: spite-'of tho effortß of several medical : men,- -Mrs. Flycn, likewise, is in a dangerous state; and a married daugbtor who partook of dinner, is also ill. Tho younger branahes of tho family wore not afieoted. Alex. Grant, attached to the ship. Samuel Russell,-was killed on Saturday,.by falling from aloft. . ■<■■■■<■<■■ ■ : Indy Ellesmere paid a visit to the City Hospi tal a few days ago, and was conducted through the female wards. It is said she expresses her self" muoh’ ; pleased with its clean and airy ap pearance. ;, : - Ship-Venice, ~of Philadelphia,; 99 dayß from Californio, arrived at New York on Saturday, with n cargo of 1,000 tons of guano. ! Shipping merchants complain greatly of the scarcity of vessels -of the larger class, at that port, jnst now. The reason is said to he, the very large number of American sblpß jnst now engaged in carrying lumber from Colonial to English ports, at rates, far. better than they eon obtain here. • . The Cbvstaj. PalaCb Exninmos.—Tho num ber ofvisitors ou tickets, was 1,100; on single tickets, 2,B9B—total 8,998.—• The amount of contributions to tho Washington monument; ,ws3 BiTAo, making the sum total §383 91. Tho Express says: The exhibition is rapidly progressing, ond looked better on Fridoy than it did since the opening.; Contributions are constantly arriving,. and a large quantity of boles and bales are at present stowed away in the vaults of tho Custom: House, watting for transportation to the Palace. The American schooner Moses Taylor arrived onthe 19th, and brings three oases for tbe exhibi tion ofthelnduatry.&o., of whioh there is one containing an interesting collection of gold,silver and copper coins, sentfrom the Hague. Same day, steamer Franklin from Havre, ar rived with eight oases, of which one aontains a : large carpet,. representing a forest, &0., worth: upwards of 14,000 francs;from Paris. . Austrian ship Argiro, Seoul ovioh, from Trieste, arrived on the 21st, and had on board 19 paok ages, of which 12 -cases contained marble work, one morbiebust of Christ;some srmß, oil paint ings, &o. Total value about 5,000 franes. All Austrian goods..; . Jtoqe Hcobkel.— Between four and five col umns of. tbs Milwankie News are given to a re ception of Judge Hebbeel, at varioas places, on his route to Milwankie; after his acquittal from an Impeachment .preferred against him by the Stato for misdemeanors In office.— Notice of bis approach having ;been. received; a special train of twenty ears,filled with his friends; was despatched from Milwankie. to Waukcsha.r-- The cars were profusely decorated, and aoannon onthe roof of the handsomest was freqoently discharged. . ' Silver Shovel was recently used in the ceremonyof-breabingground for the Mountain late Water Company,'otSan Franoisoo. ' It was banded with gold; and cost a thousand dollars; The same shovel was also employed at tho dinner table in ehovelling: into tho platesvof tho ladles present generous: quantities of large ripe straw berries from a holf-bashel measure, 'which was filled with this rich bait, gathered in the vici nity. . OFFICIAL. DCTiiwsrnt* or State, July 23, iB6O. '.' •-iDformflHon h&fl ’been received at this department from tho United Spates Consul at. Smyrna, that the quarantine :rcgalatton of Turkey require that every vessel leaving a port of the United States, bound to Smyrna, should be pro* Tided vrlthn bill of health from the proper authorities, in vrhlebtbtrezaci num&er. of persons on board must appear; and la case the vessel on her voyage out should pnt into on intermediate port, any alteration that may take place In (ho ■number.of-the crow or passengers by death, accident; Aa, must be noted In a bill of -health given by the health officer of pach part, or-by-o consul of tboUnited States; in default of which the vessel ie obliged to perform ton days quaron tine.: Should the imormedlflte .port he ono-of Olcoece; the bIU of health from the health offloe la not suddentfbut it must be certified by on American consul, or by. the consul of eopm other pq-ner at peacetrith the United States; other* wise tho vessel is requited to perform a quarantine of tiren* _ty-ane days. 'When a Vessel js bound from one Turkish port to another; the bill of'health must be taken from the Turk* ;ish health:offlce of tho'port of her departure. Ssfabtsiest o? STAB, July 23,1853, , Tnfonnntlon hnfl been; received'from the United States Consul at St. John’s, Puerto' Bleq,' thafthe government of -the island has determined to enforce strictly the quarantine laursof tho island, whereby all rfenin thftdlffig. out ports in Puerto Eico are required:- to produce bills of health, with the certificate of the Spanish consul attached, IMhereis port of departure; bthenrtflfr they triU be subjected to a rigorous quarantine, and incur heavy expenses. * * Dmfcmna* or Butt, July 23, 1553, • has been recelred at this department fora thoUnitod States Consol at Frankfort, that a reduction to the rata of duties ca certain articles imported into the States of into dbct on the Ist instant, to wit: and sterna from the present rata of BU rix dollars to 4 rix dollars per cwt. ; - French -brandies from'l6 rfr dollars to 8 rix dollars per etrt ‘ Wlnes iQ caj&s from 8 rixdollara t 0.6 rid dollars per cwt. CaSeo from 6J4 rix dollars to 6 rix dollars per ctrt to m 8 « " Dmannarr or Sim; > , 4 , i v TFatfangton, July 23,1853. ? , inclination has Warn received at .this departmentfrom. tho United State! Consul fi£ MJewGraneda, of -the Hoftfh i 0 tLs-t p‘*y 7 ca the Slat of hfsftof Ambrose A. Morton, of Boston , Further oa - application lO this department. 1 “ L 'r\> y V ' V • V *. -V.-i- £ • ■ ; ' ■ i " •.ri 4 . • • FOElfilOH SJEWS * DT THE ARCTIC, The foreign files by the Arotio, from Liverpool to the 18th inst ; famish the annexed details ? The Bevi M. P; Parks; passenger by the Aro tie, of New York, died on Thursday night, the 21st ins t. Hatters appear to be becoming more and more I complicated, yet the pnhlia of. Europe will not! open their eyes to the possibility of war. Ana-. I tria has seized the opportunity of again demand ■ing from Turkey.the Econoesaions.refused. to.tbe I late mission of Count do Leinlngen.-. This, if authentic, forbids the idea of Austria's neutrali ty in any coming struggle. Ehqlahd.—ln answer to a question put to the j Houee of Lords by Earls .Malmesbury and Der by, to tho Earl of Aberdeen, asking whether the government had reoeived any information of the I occupation of Bosnia by. Austrian troops, the latter Btated that no each information had. been received, nor had any dißpatoh- from the Aus trian government implying the probability of such occupation. Lord John Bussell, in the ] House of Commons, made a' similar statement, I adding also that ho believed the report had arieeu i from the movement of. troops to Peterwordien, i Which Is within Austria’s own territory. He 01- 1 so said, in answer to Mr, D'lsraeli, .that tho new . circular, purporting to be Count Nesselrode’s,; was {an • authentic dooumont, but the Bussian government could not substantiate the assertion it made, that the entry of the Bussian troops in to tho Danube provinces was caused by the ap pearance of the English fleet in Turkish waters. Next evening Lord Lyndhnrst asked the Earl of Clarendon if be concurred in these views! The Bari replied that ho considered there was a wide difference between the situation of thofleetsin Beslka Bay and that of the Russian army in tho provinces of tho Danube; for, while one was neutral ground, the other was not, and the pre sence of the fleet in the Tnrkish waters coaid be no offence to Bnssia. With respect to tho oourse of Britain on tho I Eastern question, we cannot do better than quote I the words of the London Times, which says, edi- j tonally, (date tho 11th): “About tho middle of 1 last: week, and immediately after the receipt of I the intolUgenoo that the Russians had crossed j tlioPruth,a proposition was adopted by,the British government, to whioh we presume that I France has given her assent, containing such an amount of concession os. tho Porte may, in tho judgment of its allies, be advised to make, and the Basian government may, if it think fit,- ac cept. Without entering more particularly into I the nature of this suggestion, we may observe I that it has repeatedly said that, nothing i need prevent the Porte from making a collective declaration to all the powers as to the rights of! its Christian snhjeots, and that the Porte wonld i also be ready to renew by a fresh engagement, though not to extend, the rights already claimed by Bnssia under existing treaties. On somesneb terms a fresh negotiation may perhaps be opon cd; and if Bnssia acoedo to them, little doubt need be entertained of its prompt success. Bap posing that this proposition is now (July 11) on its way to St. Petersburg, a week or-ten days more may alapse before the acceptance or re jection of it can bo known here.” The Morning Chronioto, of tho 11th inst., has an editorial narrating the singular fact, if true, that Russian emissaries ore, spread throughout the northern dependencies of China, endeavor ing to convert the allegianco of the Bhnddists to the sovereignty of Nicholas, : Tho information is derived through French missionaries. Prince Albert has the measles. The Mar chioness of Anglesey is dead. The Queen's visit to Dublin is postponed on account of Albert’s illness. The liberals of Liverpool Intend to petition I against tho return to Parliament of tho tory members, Horsfall and Liddell, on the ground of bribery. • 1 .. . • A letter is addressed by Sampson Low, Son & Co. to the papenj complaining -that the Bame doty is charged, by an illiberal construction of the new customs act, upon American books as heretofore, viz: 60s per owt, which is treble the American charge on English books. Feahce.—The news of the crops from most parts of France has again bccomo favorable.— | To provide, however, against all oontigcncies, I the government had purchased largo supplies of breadstuffs in England aad elsewhere,which pur chases, we presumo, ore now over. Grain har vest will be rather late in Franco; but it is esti- | mated that if tho abundant crops of Algeria bo I gathered in, tboy will supply 800,000 hectolitres i of wheat for imports into France. I Bpaib.—The following notice is from the Mad- 1 rid Gazette of June .Id, and also appears in tho London papers: Her Majesty’s Plenipotentiary at Washington has mado known to this Department that Don Jorge Chaco, whilst acting os Spanish Consni at Philadelphia, from which post ho has Just been dismissed, baa iriadea fraudulent issue of bonds, payable at this Court or at tbs said Consulate, in the year 1860, with nn annual interest of six per cent, and the said Don Jorgo Chacon not having been authorized to issue any class of bondswhatever, the publio is hereby informed, in order to prevent any prejudice that might arise from tho; circulation of the said fraudulent bonds. (Signed.) The Secretary of . the Span ish Legation; . * The Queen mother, Christina, finding her po litical influence waning at the present janctaro, had gone to France for a season. GaniiASi—The members of the Zolverein Con ference bad theirfirst meeting at Berlin on the 6th. The amount of work ant oat for the Con ference will take several months to got through, and it has been found necessary to postpone the holding of a convention for the arrangement of a coamon currency between Austria and Prns eia. ; -i ■ The Grand Dake of Woimar died at Weimar on the morning of Jnly Bth. The German press, with the exception of the Nens Prousoisohe Zoitung and the. Frankfort Post Zeitnng, is decidedly opposed to tho pre tensions of Bubslo. Desuahk.— Eighty-four eases of oholora were reported at Copenhagen, Jaly 1, bat the disease does not spread rapidly. A letter from Copen hagen says tbera is little doubt that the harvest in Sweden will be bad, and tho price of grain is already riaing in that country. Russia. —Proclamation of (he Commandant to (he Moldavian!—Metielrode't Loot Manifato — Rut tian Commercial Protpcclt, #O. Prince Gbrtsobakoff, the Bussian commander in-ohlef of the invading armies, has addressed a proclamation to the inhabitants of Moldavia and Wallaahiß. He says: “We oome among you neither with projects of conquest, nor with tho intention to modify the institutions under whioh you live, nor the polit cal position whioh tho Bolemn treaties have guaranteed to you. “On the day on which he (the Emperor) ob tains tho reparation which is due to him, and the guaranties whioh ho has a right tooloim for the fhtoi'ei his troops shall return within the frontier of .Busbio. “lalso execute an order of His ImperlalMa jcsty In declaring to you that the preaenoo of His Majesty's troops in your, country shall not impose on you any fresh charges or contribu-. Hons; that the forage and rations for the troops shall, in due time,-and at a rate appointed and agreed on in advanoo by yonr governments, be paid for from:onr military treasury." . The new manifesto of: Count/Nesselrode was published in the Journal of St. Petersburg, June 20, (0. 8.)It is an.important dooamonL Tho following is a synopsis: The note is entitlod “Hussion Notification to the European Powers"—Circular—and is ad dressed to “ Mr. , diplomatic agent, &o."— Commences by reminding that bis (Nesselrode’s) oircular of May 80, notified tho rupture of Hus sion diplomatic relations with the Ottoman gov ernment—that Russia had narrowed its demand to the simple signature of ahote, which, except in what particularly ooncdrnß. the holy.plaees, did not contain in reßpeot to the general guar antee claimed in favor of the chnroh, anything more than a simple confirmation of what Russia has long possessed—that if this demand was not complied with within eight days, by the Porte, measures more decisive than Bimple rupture, of relations would bo taken ; and in ma&ng this ultimatum,'Bassia has giTen particular explana tions to the great powers—had especially request ed of Franoc and England not to complicate the diffionties of the situation by their attitude. This two-fold request was-unheeded; Turkey refused the ultimatum, and the . two maritime powers not having thought fit to.defer the con siderations reoommendod to their.serious stten- tion”—theyhad sent their fleets into the waters of Constantinople. By that advanced attitude the two powers have placed Bnssia under the weight of a threatening demonstration; which, os they were forewarned, has added new com plications to the orisis. Consequent on this re fusal and this demonstration, the Russian troops stationed at Bessarahia had entered the'princi palities, not to make on offensive war upon the POrte, fadt to substitute far moral_ guarantee a material gaorantee, and to-terestablieh the equi librium of 'the reciprocal situations. by taking a military position, inasmuch as Russia regards the presence of the fleets in Turkish waters os a maritime occupation. But; farther than this, Russia basso intontion to hold the position-longer than honor and secu rity require, and as eoon as Turkey shall have hcoorded eatisfhction, and the pressure ezeraised hy tha two powers shall ocaso, the Session troops I choll yjtpia within their own confines. Bat 1* " * 1 , * >. ‘ - ‘ , .. Russia does not in tip least conceal how.foll of | meaiting: is 'the: attitude which she takes, and I what consequence may follow from- it, ehonld j the Turkish government compel her to come ont I of the limited nad j narrotr. circle in which she I desires to remain ; bat the: position into which I Turkey thrusts ns,-(Rusßia) by pushing things Ito an; extreme, leaves no other course open The rest of the despatch is devoted to espeoial i pleading of the justice and - moderation, of the i aemands of Russia, and the- disinterested and i fraternal friendship she feels for Turkey. And | i these considerations Mr. -- is charged to re-1 I present to the government, ho. is accredited to | | under the signaturetof: * ■ - /Kessulbode. .1 r - The Wallnohian corps of occupation is to reaob ['Bucharest on the Bth inst. - It was believed the British would leave on the arrival of the Russians. < From Odcßsa the dates are to June 28. A large business in wheat had again taken place, at. father higher prices, the purchases being for. the. ilediteranean. . Four hundred and twenty-seven cases of I cholera . were reported under treatment at fit. I Petersburg,: July 1; new caßes,.-57, cures that day, 41; deaths, 20. - I ’ TtraKEy.—Tho next nows from Constantinople would reach Paris and London on the 13th {day | of Arotio’s sailing from Liverpool) or 14lh inst. I Until then it could not be.known with certainty j what decision the Porte had. taken on learning Übat the' Russians had crossed the Prnth, and I whether it had appealed to tbo.assistance of its | illies.; Should it have done so, the probability I is that the allied fleet would have passed the I Pnrdonelies before the arrival of tho lnstin- I etractious from tho two governments. . ■ A private - dispatch from Vienna, however, states that the Ambassadors of France, England, and Austria, at Constantinople, on the reoeipbof the news that, the Russians had crossed the Pruth, requested an andience of the Sultan, nnd asked him not to demand that the allied fleets should enter the Dardanelles. The Sultan com plied with tho recommendation, and confined himself to a protest against the Invasion of the territory. - The following curious paragraph oomes from Vienna, in a private letter; dated July 3: . «• A very high personage " (query, who f Czar or Saltan?) 'Us said recently to have exhibited Symptoms of a terrible malady, which is believed to be in the family, and it is even asserted that .the propriety of nominating a proxy, for a time, is already discussed.’ 1 - The Porto had declined the formation of a foreign legion. A council of consultation is about to be summoned, composed of tho most! eminent men from all parts of the empire. i We mention, merely to omit nothing that looks i like news, that the correspondence from Alexan- 1 dria of the Algeinorae Gazette states that certain English, agents are flattering the Pacha of Egypt with the theory of an Arabian Kingdom under British protection. Tho same paper says that the Egyptian contingent of 15,0CM0 men is destined for the occupation of tiy ria. Acsxsu.—A startling piece of information was published in Paris on tho 9th, in the three i government Journals —the Pays, Constitntionnol i and Patrle— all of which announce that M. de i Brack, who was.snpposod to have been Bent to i Constantinople with conciliatory instructions, i opened bis mission by making fresh demands | upon tho. Porto. This pretended mediator now | demands- immediata payment of sve millions of l piastres dao: to Aastria. nai possession of the | ports of Kleckand Soutcrina on the Adriatic i I in fact, renewing, in more positive terms, the demands formerly refused to tho mission of Connt Leinongen. Bome letter writers say that , tho harvest in parts of Austria will be a failure this year, bat their data do not seem to warrant so Important art assertion. Switzerland.— A private-letter from Borne incidentally mentions that as.an American gen tleman' and his son were crossing tho glazier, of the Rhone, the sen, a young man of twenty, slipped over a precipice and was smashed to pieces. ..His name was not mentioned. Italt.— Father Becks, a Belgian, is elected General of the Jesnits, in the room of the late Father Boolham. - Greece. —The.only information tro received on the subject of onr demands at Athens, is a brief dispatch, saying:—“The American frigate has not yet left the futons, the differences with the Greek government not being completely ar ranged ” Paris, Monday Evening, July lttb, 1853: —It la eaid that a joint noto from England and Franco has boon addressed to the Russian government, making propositions for the pacific settlement of the impending question. Constantinople nows of the 37th of Jane is of a pacific tendency; and au arrangement, advised by the Ambassadors of England, France and Austria, eras believed to be approaching its conclusion. The Austrian internuncio bad. obtained the satisfaction demanded, within twenty-four honrs, for the treatment or the Austrian naval officers at Smyrna. Count Nesselrode's last circular was known to speculators. Three per cents, opened and dosed at 77 10. LATEST B 7 TELEGRAPH TO THE LONDON TIMES OF From the Danubian principalities we learn that the Divan of Moldavia met at Jassy on the 27th of June. Its first act was to voto an ad-' dress of devotion to the Czar. ' An army of 80,000 Russians are to occupy tho principalities, and contracts for their rations havo been concluded for nino months. Advices from Smyrna to tho 20th of Jane Btatotbat the captain of the- C. S. frigate St Louis had laid his vessel close to .the Austrian brig, on board of which tho Hungarian, Colonel Costa, was imprisoned, and declared that he would opposo the removal of th,o prisoner to Trieste. Tho U. 8. Minister claimed Costa on tho plea that he is an American citizen. Stettin (Tho Baltic), July 8. Voluntary illuminations took place at St. Pe tersburg when the order to cross tho Prath was published. PubUo excitement was at Its height Tho streets were thronged. Tho Emperor was received with acclamations and saluted an bend ed knee. Several men danced before the Em peror’s carriage. [ From the National G&xetto, Prussian paper, July 8. ] The corps of Caards and the Russian Grena diers have entered the camp of Krazuozelo. The manifesto of the Emperor Nicholas was read to them, in which the war against Turkey is repre sented as a holy war, in favor of the Greek re ligion. Tho oadets havo entered the samp of Petcrhoff. : Tho RusBiaaßaltlo Scot is composed of three divisions—one, under tbs white flag, is in the Baltio ; another, with the red flag, is near Cron stadt; and the third,.nnder the blue flag, is in that port, where alt the warßteamors are also at anohor. Are suoh demonstrations and snob prepara tions mado when a desire is felt not to disturb the peace of the world for tho benefit of personal ambition ? This is a question which we willingly submit to the judgment of our readers, calling their attention, at the same time, to the attitude of England and the language of her journals. Thq Russian.officers at ..Warsaware floaking to Czenstopbow,: to; make their vows before a miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin, as they did before tho Hungarian war. The St, Petersburg correspondent of tho Lon don «nder date of- July 1, says: —“From all I can gatherl should say that either the late manifesto has succeeded in awaking the religions fanaticism;.of'the lower and; middle dosses, or elso it is itself a true reflex of a spirit already existing there previously; be this which way it will; the spirit at present at work in the classes ! have mentioned is that of knew crusade against the Crescent Men woll acquainted with the Bmperor ossuro me that no : man in bis do minion feels bo well as himself the pulse of his subject's inclinations; that whatever tho Conrt or the corps diplomatique may say or think, the Emperor himself is the trac thermometer of Russian feeling. The Crystal Palace Exhibition. —The fol lowing- table shows the number of visitors and the. cash reoeipts of the N. Y. Crystal Palaee Exhibition for the past week.. Season TicXctr. ■ Transient Vinters. Bee’ll at Poor. Uoal%j...„.3fiQa 2,721 $1,060 SO ■Tuesday .1,800 2,080 1,265 00 Wednesday ..1,200 3,009 1,479 00 Thursday....! .000 2,810 1,339 00. Friday......_lJoo 2,898 . 1,429 00 Saturday.... 900 2,484 1,224 00 Total—9,oo6 T $3447 00 This gives the gross number of visitors daring the week os 26,114, and the daily average as 4,352, The oash receipts, from transient visi tors, are over and above the amount roceived from the sale of season tickets,. DisottAOErm. Aviate —The Home Journal says | that several months ago, a. woman of Pennsyl vania'forwarded an elaborately worked satin | quilt to Queen Victoria, as a present. Her Ma jesty, nn receipt of the gift, directed an answer [ to be written to the accepting the qjjilt, I though,-it was added, presents were,not usually, i received.: The woman.who made the qnilt wss, ; iit seems,' quite 1 indignant- that no , return was l made to her in money/andr forthwith penned an i epistle to ier Mojesty : Insinuating as much--r -l The .Queen, though unquestionably disgusted nt i such conduct, answered -by sending a draft, for i. twenty pounds, at tho same time, however, etst*: i ing thavin future, no gifts would lie rcoeived i from even American ladles; THE LATEST. JULY 12. H l ' * 'V-' - - - v- ‘ , vy / >' , y, , -' T ‘ rs&y y*£ y~y"v, v :. .{ ... . 4. .••'. ".■■■ ■■' ••• V”:s .. ■■ / . .ST Will) TLOTSS* : ■ :■ ;F . .;|i -■ SweefclmageofX*ral3iv Thou art welcome to my homa l ■ ■■■. • Prom thy beloved “Father load" v Across the blue sc&’tfboxa. . -1 upon thy beauty,. . *Tm my heart is flUod with grief; To think with cuoso lovely,' - - -Ufoihonld haro baeatobriet . - : :.t • . Of one then art a semblance, Who from onr earth hath fled,— • Of ono who,-though so lovely, ■ Now elnmbers.witb the death ; Lore, Innocence and - - Are blended la thy fees; • • . The jewelled crown of intellect • Tby-noble brew doth grace. - Now goring on thy beauty,. - Stands the brother of thy love, Who mourning thee in sadness, Yethopes to meet abbte; Then bringost up before him, , Sweet'thoughts of bye-gone life Thohappy hours of childhood, - • WUh love and pleasure nfe. -* The memory of those hours,- '•Like sunshine on the sea. Beguiles life of St* sorrows, And bids his soul be tons. . ' To loro and cctto hiaj&iir&r / To hope to meet again, ’ The sister of hfc thfidbood, - . On jon cerulean jinn. \ . ALLS3BZXT Crcr, July, 1853, ; ‘ West Point Military Academy.— The Board of Visitors to West PoiotMilttary Academy have made their report to the Secretary of War. The Board express their gratification becaase of the proficiency of the cadets in-their, stadlea, and also their ananimoas opinion in favor of tha in- Btitatloo, as the best method of drifasing mili tary science and attaining skill in the art of war. They recommend the erection of a new bnildmg for a riding school; the enlargement of the cadets* hospital; new buildings for officers’ quarters, and other purposes. ;They . also , re commend an increase in the number of cadets to two from each State,' to be recommended by the United States Senators* An extension ,of the period of instrnction to five years is recommend ed, and also nn increase of cadets 1 pay from $2B to $BO per month. Coffee and Tobacco.—A letter from Now York, dated Friday evening, sayst. - Coffee—The market is firm, with only a mod erato business doing;salesloo mats Java life; 50 bags Laguayra at 9Jo. • At the auction Bale to-day, 6292 bags Eio sold, 3600bagaat 7J@o}, average 8.98 J; 2778. bags at. B£@9£, average 8.66. The sale was very spirited, and ail sold at fail, prices ;£Vclock» stopping at nil regular stations, lad running only• as ter wLatrobo.. Returning trains arrive in Pittsburgh at and 8 o'- ' clock, A. at, and 7:16 P.M. *. : Passengers purchasing tickets In cars, will be charged vo; cetts in addition to the station rates, except from stations where the Company have no agent. . NoncJL—ln ease of loss, the Company will hold, them-) selves responsible for 'personal baggago only, and ter an: amounthot exceeding SlOO. N» B.—Messrs.M. A J. Bjuldcnthal,Omnibus Proprietors,- have been employed tb con Toy passengers and baggage to and from' the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 12J£ cents ter . each passenger, and 12}£ cents ter. each trunk. - ■ 1 For tickets apply, to J. MEBKIMEN, Agent, , At the P, R,- R. Depot, on Überte street : Pittsburgh, July 22,1853. . y jy2Q- ? i Satlumtel W* Wileys Heira. i IF the heirs of Nathaniel FT. - Wiley, late « printer In the city ofPhßadclphiar will moke known thdrwhereabouts- I'totha editors of the 'Pittsburgh Morning Post, they will i learn something to their advantage. .. . i I [Pennsylvanian, Argus end News, of Philadelphia pleaso . Insert threo times dally, and send bills to this office.]’ ' ■ SPECTACLES— We are selling, the very best Glasses In. oval eyo steel frames, .for il,oo, which we guarantee to be as good quality as those cyan itinerant Spectacle dealer from Lonuon, a$ $3. >7hy wul ourciUzena continue to be humbugged into paying a foreigner $3 for the samuarUclo they can buy of acre than one shop In this city at $ll Wo have an excellent assortment of all kinds of frames, and fit lenses to the eye with accurate optical science. W. W. WILSON. .- » - Jy2 r . „ • -.• •'•'•»■'•'•*' --V ~".i *4 * r /, • -v , r v * , • «■• ■_■•. .■ * 'i m; .\L v i.‘ • <** - -c v *■ f *■ y K V• - ' > » * * f J I V'' 3 * O£3R'EI E ,iO • ! Mb.-Solosdss:--I eallod utycur cfiss os- ibsSd Joly,'aad at&tadtfcanature of myeycSjWfclch.wes'irsryhsdftttiafc 1 tfcoj you suited me wiih'Spsotad»'that did-mycyss a great deal of good- Yhoy wen> rey much ■iaflimed isthe' tiinybut thatfaflammatioTt fcqa now left loaa.£3wfctt? tbs light of tito Son or a lamp, as wdi as irer. ' I shall call cnydd wid get saDther pair, in case ;T should hare any ntepTmaa with jEhsm, as X would not be without tfegrn corner sis. ~ ny«.‘ftitflkriMii»Sclng* com pelted to'wear hare nerer been able to get a pair, but what mads inyeyes ache. I bare tried a great number of glasses, bat always; foiled, untill obisinfid.n.fsiritos. you. lean scab? dsy> orcaadloligbt for any,lengthof time, with the greatest ease and comfort. '■* - -* ■/...: ' Mrs. Waterman la Tory much pleased with her glasses.' IremaiiyyouM,truly/. r ■■ . ... .w, Tx g, WATEBSIAJf,IO9,WjIiB stL • TPrrrascEGß, July 1?, 155D.~ >- - I bara bocanndcr thaiecssaity of icds# Glasmsfbr. t&Vz eral years; but haTonererrfband.il pair to suit my eyes, cr, that I could usd.Trifßoat- failgueyUßtH I obfaiucd a paif. of;Hr., By tfcejdd pf^o3o ; X taught:of Idm, Jt' can see os well as erer.l-eould. Xcan.-readcr wzitowit&. themfor hoary, without the least fatigue, both by day and candleilght. - r ~ r • ~ ‘ •;.. ;. .-■ I hare- tried in all the stores in the State of Pennsylvania to obtain a pair’of Glasses that would-suit .my.eyes, and failed Is ereryinstanee! Kaowingtho dlfflcultyof obtain* lngthose raltablefortbeslshyi do most earnestly reeonx maedto those.'lsboriug under-defective tido&i : to apply.to- Mr. Solcmcmy of Whom' Glasses: can be obtained to suitaH cases.':..-''!:-.',.;. _■ Yours,6c. _ J. MOBBISONi v Auxanssrr Gtt, July 20,1653.. .. - Jy22to*wtsepl(> Ut Soxnsms:—■Prpm:iafiiney‘lbare'beea darted with weak eyes and abort jsighteinesy ahd’ifl attiaytrafelsr I hare neTer been able to get apair of GIiA£3ES tbat » onld ' help me.' : That shad that-would enable me to sea store distinctly, but -could narer-teep them on mare. hour, from the fact that they caused such'. gT«dpaln.: ~ ~ !: I happened to see yonr adTertissmentrby: which! saw. you had aM as ithasbeemmy constant aim to get a pair that would benefltmc, I thought I would tryyoury;'-. - _ ; \ -You must not think ma. flattMng, when I say they more thito. answer my expectations. -I have not been able to read candle-lighttor mors than half an hour at any time,be fore I got these Glasses. fiace X got these, I raid ose/Son* dayallday, and until 10 cloche without-esperionriag the least pain, wh&hls adhisgl hare not does before tor years. ; J say .this much, aalthlhkitdoserring your -ftntorprisy' andltoplug'othetstaay bebenfiflttedl^ft. " - - : You ere at liberty to mate usa of my naan at any time, for reference.. I truly*- - ; - c HENBY :Wharf Ifoster, PUtsburclL : P. &—lforgbttoxnention.thatmy wifois greatly been-*' fitted by the pdr-sho gayaad; equally pleased. jyl - 43FiH f Xia&d’o;Worza BsQOl22e«««4!ha following shows titodem&adwhiditlus great nedir dne has created whererer it has been introduced: Gaitlerun— lnwnseqaener/of the gnat conranpfton-of yonr " Y7orm Bpecsfle?,ittthis-place and Tldxdty, to haTe entirely oar i£qek£ : Ehcnl4 : ieel obliged by your bill, on the rceep&oa of -which to-vtUI. remit ycu-ths izaoney;' •: ' v 5-'. r - ' * Froia theTOnderfaleSsetsof said “Specific 2 * in this neigh* borbocd,thero'amld: bff soldeonnallya largrqdantily, if to be lad, (who! reaT e ’amt retail) ftca some local -egeai.- If endeapessaof ; treading,’! thing I eoold madLe it tbyoar edrsutage to do bo. ;Yotrrs,:rwp©etftilly t ‘:- WM/it HALLOSY, ‘ ’ iinssnß. J. Kroa l Co' ' ; - sli •• i> ; l-~ Pen W.B. Pcntra. • . r' .... wHI-plessa bet&fefaf toaalc nr-Dfc celebratedVertoifage*and take 'Bona ’else,’ All-oSier-' mlfoges, itr cbgiparison.- are worthless.*.- .I&irfiu&Bgeatf- also hla'Cclabrsted Urer KUs, caa xsowfca had at all respectable Dm3 Stores in tba Pnltad States, end: frtjmtbasolsproprietors,- - ' FLEiUNS BSOS., - *'- • • 1 >■ ■ • ■ Successors to J;-KlddNkOo. r - ■ ' ■ •--: street - jjZLi&v : & Jr HoreUorae Testlnosy* Hr.' Bir—l think It no more than" «r act of joules .to you; as well tttothe American state lhafcThff SPEC TACLEST-bought fttoyuu jaßms-welL'XfliHl my-sight ■ maeb isiproTOb' > l oan ees small print with'tbiaa lor: ns? leogth of time witbotu&tisestomyeyes. 1 ghcrald myslghi - continue to improTO by the use of. them; I hare no doubt . baf I JhaQ be abla to-read vitbout them in a short Toms, truly, * X,UOUKD£Sr : Allegheny CUy, Jane 25,1353. - bare nsed Mr. Sobmon’frEYE GLASSES brief period* vttbdeddadadfEatatgei and hate-ao heritor rionin stating. th& a d&fterifteiTirioatif longstanding has beenteUcTfcVttndihfiorganseeem'-to' be acquiring vjggg eamracj, aaoleoTo ’Sir. Solomon's sMU u a practical Opticlon.and the Tronderftol ibdlityTsitlnrhicbhs i adapts his Glosses to the Tariona pocaliarttlea of tlrioa, , i D. B.: SUTTON, No, 24 Wayne stiwt, Plttobarßh;'- • * jc29£m June 20,1853. v; '- NfiW BOOKS ANI> MAGAZINES forAagast—- ' Godova Lady's BooJcfbrAagnst , fiywTiVm** tn+ "** i: ■/ ' Peteraon’a Mfigidne.. ■-. M .. . - .• .Mflca Trcacnbero; or the Lots Teak •- ■Betey-Kfflnßhajn, by Henry Cocfctoo; . ...Tlio aDojoesUcKojiunca.'.-. ThaOwl. Greek Letters- -■ Kngllfih&aatof la tbaTJcitea States Army^ : ;. fieeelred aadiar sale bjr W. A- GILDEJIFKNNEY A CO-, ■ ■ Jy%* - r >~ T "TSFoartb st. VTAIL&--COQ aaaonwJ, fcr saia by ii. irsa , - ~ . . : smiths sprctAiß.. TTCHI& AB-~15 fcbl* primo cfclcr V iseg&r Jbr sala b? ~ V jy23 SMITH A SHiCLAIB, C! UOUHD SFIOES—«I boxes Ground-Pepper;- ~ 3T ” . -10 -do •: do AUspto©;- ’ 10 cans • . do - Caa?la;- Groond Ginger, put op irlthont adulteration tor salo by-. f jy2o} - -SMITH & - GUTjUiEDBT TO liACCO—la bbla andbairbbls, foreald by tiygai sarni & smctAiß;:: n LASS—BO boxes Bby 10;.. \JC 100 do 10 by 12; .00 do lObjli; 20::d0 7.by 0; for sale by > ... jJySO] rpOBACCO-SO kegs Virginia Toiat; • JL : 30 boxes W.H. Grant's s’s; 20 do. Rosscll&£ab!iuoQ , s& f SL;: ; . 2)’ do Webster Old;. . ■ .v With * Tftrie tj or other brands, for sale by.. . v;j jy2B :c :,.h - n : SMITH ft SIKCT.ATR- Na BUQAE—IOO hhds prime V. O. Sugar, tor-sale by > : jy2B;.. ; , _. SMCTH k SINCLAIR. HALF-BPAXiaa EEGAJBS— by V. :(jy26] ■--. C- . . SMITH & SUtCbAITt. MACKKREfi—3O bblsNo.3r :; . ' • ; - 10 half frblsKo/S; - For aale by ■ SMITH ASI SBGAH. HOUSE MQItASSKS—SO bbls of first rate brands -for sale by f SMITH & SDiOLAIH. GOO PIBH-—C tierces tor sale by. :• ; T. •/« , SHTTB & SINCLAIK: \\ 7"ANTS—A small Cottage, .-Kith about 2- Acres ; of : If Ground* aui worth about S2QQQ* about S miles frea 45; Market strata . : THE PUBLIC.—KEATING begs to state that ho has i JL teceired: a large supply or hia new Patent EOACU I DUSTERS;- This arUrlnran .be xcccßmeadedby hundreds that have triad It. aud'caa proTa the efficacy of the article, t CaUsooa. >..;: J.JF. B. KEATETO,-.. GOJfFKB— Prlm»'&ia-smi JaTaCoS&e.toAcre -anjiJbr sale by >•>;> |Jy33} - - I,: v KIKS A MOQgHEAS/ -: SUGAR-rPrlma : New Oxieaar'fiogarin. store end-fbrsala: by v : . f jjSST^; -SS3SOt * HOOR3EAJ.- i Tl/roLASS&fr— grine awt-gagas-Sousa M* JjX Ussesinstoreeiai&rsale by- ;• - z:, :jy23 <•: --W/v^w;:.KISS&HQORHEAI?. BEfUSQES AHDIiaSUKa-fAi A.Msaca&C Boxes,fbr" Hay or ConißtakllLVCf'various: patterns, and a. groat .ysriety. of latxm hajJaaezitt fbrrthe garden ,or : farna. ~' *> and 1 other smhdard'TOiqrbh. Pruits; Pieros, fiOTl-Axddiectore, and .Lsndseape.Gaxdening, fat sate at the Seed and Implement: Warehouse,No.49 Piflh.street,'Httabuigh,Pa.:.- : v. i Jj23 JAMES WABDRQft :; T>EAF3 PLEADER’S ASSISTANT, hqw : edltira,'With JX Notes and Additions, together • with* short system, cf Conveyantlng, by A. Jordan, President Jadseof thelS-riith Judicial District,received *** • • • J.'B. WELDlN, .Rg&sgffgrand Stationer; '" - JJ22. • • - ‘..'63Wooaiitteßt, : betWeca , 3d r A.-4th'sta, ; .za.» Tr!^*.* -' AIM, 10 cases best Madder Calicoes,'at 8c;- .. , . 3 do .Itoas.dß.lfijßWjatgii* ' • - • j i ;V > 2‘ do 'Uftßeges* tilzUct __vj__ 80 piocca India.gU^3,at SHAWLS! SHAWLS!!—A2 A!lHskt A Ox, No. Si Eiftj, : ttrrat, noctaingust tira Mr.nra cfthdrASOt! CasJi. oat KhairLa £xr $250-' -- • - .. • . jjnj ■ :'<2ttKßtSXLjmifcjrajjip; fsasx, «Tijat«afcareliitt3- •JJ :0?o lo!flss3rtW»‘tSBu pjfcei ts ■ V £ CD'S, So»JB6 A. * iTDJSSOfi iffCOWSOB AH]) PUBLIC SCHOOLS— visr- XJ loUCTIo EialiDpO’OnßijrEEiiGoT. EMer-tj M. T 7. JtcobcjjD.B. Woa Ceaats. Esrelalijr oy? DAYISQH&AgHW.CSHsrh;tsi. riAMPEQS jys 4 't ' ' > *. ‘ .• I, -i - •• a .• ■• >. *V I t * ' ** 3 - i j. i-«. h *V" f - - «*\ ' v »• J ‘* T * .i i . ••• j. « ■ ...*_.- •• •*. r•.. >• , >, ** ' "• Bl6ssoteo, TSoga Co* Pa* March CO, ISSO. SSiITH & SINCLAIR 184 gmtthfalda. ISO— BLg.m;a EEozana. iv* x . '" t ■•r. W..' ■ ‘ -*1 TgBS Og THE DOTS TO THE ASK, or THE THnniPH 0? FAITH, Also,tba gray psiaiinijoftfcaCAPEITE J - • BAELITE3, hariogST CsoiOTli£# filso.. TJoiets 25 «bu; chUdrea hair -prist;* season tblstj 59 Bata. , "IOSI'KE-rluobsisißlojostrotelnsl.fortalobT . V> frgS SMITH ASISCEAE.. pracsretfCwjatty Kiwtfgßs>- V sgyea-ftcye3:of good lao& : nfla froa EsatLlberty. yitb a good • • atmiged, i»atolctog khall«3 parldra.4 JQflSt gftS-. '• grapo Tlaesand flower . Th** t^hnTyfifirv*^ CTder, ftn{Thnmi»dl^j»-pay to-tJonadl^. 7»^vf rili£^''2 downAin Ohio. Indira, niinoia,.lhshigan, ; un»srurf» < nsu9a. - Aiteotiaatrill oo siren fr»tbo'f<>lfc*tfq'a ytfl*. tlmeatpf claims, location GFlaadWarrants, eclliog-laria, pajiM taxes, examination of titles. andaH other baiincm “QOwpfjnOi his JOSEPH WBAYEB, -ijySfc3ta» Atty,lM Footth tt. HAOQirrOH inNE-Tha'PUtaburgb SJoci- be sappna4;wUb. thabesi-report fif tha : •:••• A>-WILSJKB & CO. HKALTHQ OIKTMFJTP *w7r IJ rheaa (Tetter), Chflfclafa yCcmsiba-Bttrea, Chapped cr. CrachcdEsads, Barns or'Woonds.Pilcs, In flarhniftUnacf the -of Sera- LipSyPtm-. piss cm *is» . Faceted Breaking Ont and Sera ca Qdldreai tffidan cnd rsow. than nay 'Ptl»CTJ4edssSc6.-:<'vV * - fty yr^MlNgirSSO’x'riosd Hr. 2EYSEIV ; Wood- SMITH Birmingham; Mrs.--' TTOt.irßflj *Tgmjw*aaeftrilla» T>. SL GPRRY T Alteghray City. "AT* keep any BlacfrTcnith’fr crlTcshaa* la’s hands, lot them cbap-croaeh everao tsd,eonnd aadia good working order an-winter.- -; --- - 1 •- - ; Prepared fcadreldhy -.-v %-;M)yBQS:gSKBET» •; - < • jygfcdawy. . - .' . •.• ::Nasgntuck,ConrLTf -■ ...qoo j&eward^;. ; - r ?o>---..:-' --■ ' >~v“ ' Wlliba paid to any person whotrißbiiy - /V A - afcor of-DrTEBBEI/S HEAEI^^G:OINT ; '■•• V 7 ~,Ot> • • MENT, Bsd caft it . : - If ti»y Trill -call fit my c2ee and say with: v\fML-/ -•: e clear conscience,:that'. IV ; will oot :•-:/^Cn. ‘' p^y«^C2ia?pedHaiid3,CMHaias,C2m* / \_ fing, Sore lips, Boras'end ; Freea»i Sores •- / O \ ca Children,' and .greasy l , allsviata, if sot . , a entirely cere Saltrtustxm, . dott of the. Breast, Eiiaa of Insists,- Pisaplea en tho Fare,-\ [Laden Direaseacf th* Ekln. - -■ • ■ HOSEOE TSBHEL, :. ! r;r 1 •?.»: ■ Forsala--by yi*EHINO BROTHERS, andJh’ KEYSES, . Wood stroafe Pittsburgh ; SMITH,' Birmingham.; Sira. HOLMES, Tcaperanc3viUej D. 5L CUBBY, AlirshsayCfcr. jyCfcdawy ... . « . CLEVELAND AHD PIISSBUEGKCi BAIL E OA D. CBAJfOB OB HUE - PBQg CLSVSLAUD. , . 0N and .after xUIiaPAYr Jnly Poasasgse TrainswmruA-daflyfSaiidflya ■ as-fbllaws: • FIBST EXPBESS TRAlKleaTCSClevelandatlOtfclcefc, &. SLv stopptngrttten-vrayetatUms eaid VftllsTOle, amrfsg at AJlissca at 1223 P &» &ad Well> »nia at SotP.IL; ~Ihis traiaooaaccts at AlUaseo with tba Mail Tala of Ohio aod - ibargr,leaving AUh-nrcvailKg-P; Sl.sgd cniTfaigat Pitta* ■ harsh st 2*iL - : v SECOHD IaXPRESH TBAET ■■ lesrej Oartod-fb? AHUi- • anca at S’lS IL BL, connecting with - Expica Treln of Ohio- ■ and PenasyiTMla Bailgosd.for Piit3hicsh.fi2darri7h2sat' ■ ftOO P. SL - _ : :Xhs..Chi»go and Toledo-. Tain, arriving- st Claveland oi : ASO KM. connecta .withthis traia. w : "ACXSDHMODATIQN .TRAIN leaves Qsvtdasd at P.~ M. for Alliance, etopplag at ail way staaoa&'anderriyiag .otKHIOP. M., ' ---Ttoahovatcalna:teaaect at-~Hndsca withthaC.2-AC. 'Beflzosdr'&s. Palla •'- train connects at Ravenna with wvyhcalbr Warren; at Esy- 7 • •ard : wi£hS£i!rcsdts.-Carrcllta^{md-hschs2b7BoTsr,Netn. ?PMlwlftlPhlaendOgfrorgon.- KK IN Gr AOCOMHORATIOH TRAIN leaves Allianca at feSg A:2t; - :stepping atall'srgy and azriTlas aVCSsvelacdns 8s» AulL-^i>. ; SEOOSB EXPSESSTBADJIoaves AlliaaoeatSsiaA.SL,- oathsartiTalof Expsm • tssdh 'ofOhio and -Psaansylvaaia : -- AtgatgryßaTeama. Earjvfllß, Hndgm:«ad MaarftWy. .. *x A. M- "• •-••••••'■... • r . PIHSr EXPRESS TRAIN ; and .wayststloss et UfcM A. - -caafiar Carrollton; .at AlKaihce at - lilsf with trains fix aid;; sUUoM oa'Oh&;acd Pen2isylvachL Itallroad,-both cart and : vest, a&darrivihg at CZeteland at &S 0 P. 3L, la time to con> .nectwiStflid'ligmnisgjtnin oa Xaks shoyr fi» •• iDonhiA-andßofialOwi'-i-':.'-.’ , * Passcagra* hy all tto; bahu can go forward cast, west, - or soothe by-tha&llojring evening lines from CloreJandsi' v Laxe Ssoss TUnpnip—6d- &U P.- IL fcr Erio, DonMrhj. - BaEibfNfesamßdl^Newryorhand-Bostoa.' -- ; i ■;■: CLsrimcp. Coungara A Caamtisi jvtr p, .Mhlbr Ccdoohos Cingtnng«;-j^rnft. : tEais r GfllioQ withßellftifrntftfnH ftrifl Inrtftmn Ranww>4 PftjtPllt,. ’ Indisnapolii.TcrraHanta and Jeg^gwtnTltln, NosWAiX ius LCzrrausn ItAnnoAD—at &I 5 Pi naUri% n-nd .ne, - Louis;' also at 7SKJP»SLby steamers on LahsEdetoToUdo.- and thence by railroad to. Chicago,- Lasalla fisd • Galfiha,r__ PassengGxs.by this ronta.nan go through to GMeagOj wankia, and points West, t’a Gsrts htrjn Atrrbr Usit Qtaftlrj- - nay&htTTvvli. Through, tickets'-to Toledo or Detroit S 5; Chlcaro g?l » • Lonis 518,75. - Ecfets fbr New York azul Boston via BnCalo and Nisgsm- - be bhtalncd at thU.oSce.- -' Passengers ttra'rcqtlested'to.procttro their tickets at thflr " Company's OSlce, of-: JOHN A. CAUGHEY, • • jyssAf :u i .' eKAL IMTATfi i'Oii SALS—ftinetytw© acres of 'Coal Laud, six :t V vV : •• IS aaeaFam Land* of Sharpsborgh .10 - do do .vc.’ cn. Irby; BUI, a good Country Seat; do. - .oa Batcher's Bun; '_■■■■-■..■ :~.-r 10 -do-BplenaSd ieffi la lata to gtrit, W ::- v>r“ _ --v.;^_••.. ; v; 12 do -with good houses, cn tho Washington tesd; .' v X large Flouring amis - . .. i ßesidsupeasad.gx-Lpfertn vVllarge Warehouse Lot la Hanover; . . . 1000 ceres of Ximd 25 milga cast of Psrhersl/ars, cn tia ■ . . railroad Jn Ta. •.••■; • .• gnn «ww orgftM r™ ■ . -6Hoas=3ani2li3t3,6Cd24X<«3.iaPiti3hursh;'----- 8 do do* and' 40- do - Allegheny; -. 3 do - do, and* • 9- do • • Sharjaburgh;-- •- • And ft others, aboot going. much cheaper than they jy2A THOMAS WOODS, 45Marketsk •\A £. : MASON* CO*. A 0.25 PUlb street^-^riliopan-tjsia Tztimixtsii _ x r-.-I'-":'.-."’ 5 csscSEioro of thoso test "Madder Prints at Bo: ...S'.'do ; Wool Bereges at 12£&; - :3 v . 2 'do : Past Colored G Ingrams at ldo: - ; 3 taka at 6&c. ; A A; HASPS £ CO- Mo. Fifth -mil J&.+ nastainff-aaothsr large lotof thcsa-Terychcap Era* broideries, boaprfsicg -"Embroidered Collars at Be, .linen HandiercMaft -;.'Botloe.to,CoatffaBtora*-:v:- v ;,-.:v?: QKAJLE& PEOPO3AL9 wflT.bo reeeiTsi until 6 oa JJ-the Elghth-cT'AngUst, I£s3* fc* - the Gradation end ll> .50017 btthe Beafer ;2Jsiemslba of the C2c7eland and Pit£> ' borgfc. Railroad," fresf. WeHsrUls la Colmnbiana' county, Ohio, to'Eocliastc&^aTer county,-Pa. - TM : matloagfrro bytho Bngnaffrsla charge at tbsirOfllsa in wsehnreeeding the lotting. - ' Oma or"C: &P. &TR. Co.l_ • • o:PßTryprgb- ' f - - - - Pres'L - ■•■ jy22dd.l -:-r • • J. X*LNTQ?7, fTHfff Trtgtffftgy- t WOBIH KMOWIAB.—To ali thiit *bOUfr-tff ' JJ purciass anything in tha way cf fineW&iehcs»-r£clr ..Uold Jwrefcy, ©r sterling fiflter Waro.:- HOOD has now oa :hand« ftccrtattat of all - Hadiief good* ia:;fcis : — liaecf tnaslpess,-that ha Is g»Wng~*e that*. w<^ at least from below-the prices aslKd b? thas*- ■- :-•** Old Fczfef 1 thattarah&en tgesty yga»cf«a +n ’ tet wUh their old stedebf goedathat cost, whonirarchssodk -- 'doable tcei?'pjfe£Utt&lu2 r o ' profit ca then-'. laasert fagsa : yiMh >.-f - >sflfog gccds; nawaad fresh, justpurelruEsJ, sa a3jota,'-&cza'- ~- •2S ta£D ftcmt-chwtpgr tfam nnj ether deals? ia this dtj, • at 51 H&rfccfcstregt»~--. - ‘ . “ iA. Yfcachcraj»i Sarilffh Hamotfets oftha-Eshteon&v Centcry.- A senes cfLeeiafes; •••.%-•. ;. EioO^Hoafflbxthatiter. ■ \ :• • W2d Oats Sown Abroad; crOasndOff Soacdia£t ■■■•• • Pea Fanny's Pcrtihlio. . - UlsaYearsm Anstalfa; or Hf-HoaoiaTsmala-hy ForeaJsai : W. A. QHDESJESH27 * CO'S, fts» - TarosTa it rTOCSB TO-XET. ABB 'gPßßlTmtHi gnu R.iT.;.i~r XjL a goodi2i»o hoasi ■ cn - Sewed street. ufcetjrasn - ■.wood and famitara will-be sold at a Eaqtdrecf : - Cly2g} : - H. 0. HOOP, fil HarhatltT^ _ - BesUSstats Fos-Solo. . : . ■ - •%#-Ho£eb36SiJ Lotsoa-Pfca fittest?.. ■ ■ ■■•".--■ -■ -,' - ThreagdafcEaizseaaad Lots ..■■■ ■ . ; oa*«*» lot oppositeSt Haft Ttop&st,-isctasl *•&. a . lot Edjotalas tHo akoro, also' aadosed miius fcoco; cstha lot is ft sskUtrfiS9brass,exesK leatrepnngs, eta? • “ . . --- ccea-cf Lscdfo-qr- mflea ftoa t2u>dtyj ed< :■ jolßlagtapaa.of fiamgl.gitfriaaa,asd.ftoaaag eatiia Al«>- • • ' • ; and Lcien Webster street? :Qi»sTO2eH6aj»endLofccnFrani2instrwt? - Ttro Lota in Alkgb«jy topwrol; Fifty Ijbts in Bast Urbpoot Ohio; ••••■■-•' Tbeftboreptcpenj-sdU ba cold.oniiworaMe tBm3.~a*A' • ea three i&srthi of uxa parchaaa money v long ero^^ni -uipplyta. > JAHE3 BLAKELY. -JjBS.- -y... >• ••■••■• Seal Sststa Agest. •■•' J3l Hill eOfset fttatbylZT feat tto b oil sS Ort gimteßdin.-mod. v/-JnfctorA!-2'?jUl3Ss<-' -.>.“■ JAMa>:nEnn!K»» •■ ■ - • van front by 145-deeft tata trrig&hfj ustij cftvo storifis,firo rooms ■ *a*S& loi>-fi£fcuata fisarj&sXbortb Stitoad. : -~-^ A ftaiMt. bbososnUaftTa fcrjgnr-.&aillesc a : lot c£ • Spcasjd street.". Two-. thro* 'stay .tefdt:'lsoases;«s»T»!i’ fißighcd in good style, • Price RaaiaSia sswch of bargains In&ealEslatetrCTy*™** taUnUbeGOacf a CUTHB232 * 805^ .-.--jySfr ::-; „ .-114D l^lrdst : ' ■j:J&Re&3& 3-. MACK KttSL, to tfti3.Tgceta S dg P d ■ -fiy23r ~ ■ BAILEY £ REran-jiT^r m iTj_fhrgalg b? [>G, Jnst wselTed, foi prims order oa4 33JlHiBT*JIESSHAW. ■ 2S3insrtyi£ CS>SatSBlW irt^ £ffli:? JIS-' ; JanllyGnxgg&TealSteS T EfSHED- OlL—23bbjj iastoreazalto fzlz&i JaJI • •• "• -:'TOm?o.RW...- IPSSS CQH&IWHX) as JioctcU, Jo IJtfn - ?LE?n vnwSna-* rfPI Ei'-OAtl BOOT—C3s lis S 3 ctcts tsd to- snia jji . . ?4- i7 ° ~ • OU®-flM.Bs£jqjja- ta sateb* ■ v ~ ngg^ai^urs. as ia ccio sel ftt sjlaV jXsmsa Er V^_ : -osa __ rfeasoiatys. - J u,i *„>£ * ■* _ EtSZB &Q&fOT 6319 by. -FLEIHKB \ -- \ , - , _x