, {*" ■*» 1 . r S-* ■* *ss* 1-, v* •* "* x - 3 < \ r *» .Vhs‘ } r J* 4* I*• > >T V 'ir »t., »s 5 s** > •* ff s * r a. ~ „ * ■* _<• , . ■‘■S -^s- VspT r;H .- ■ 1:, : v /™; i 1,;-. ::i/ £i ' ' ~: ‘ -•-■ -- - - ' '- . -• - . -- &vsrcv Scnz* . - . - fft* 1 “*St%. *1 ~* v a **i >v ih-'••»''>*»VVJLV'-i• *v“» vi Mtnlttr ju Antfttit y *!• • SWWps s GiUmore, EtUtora fa gropnator» L » .'■■ J ’-ca-sil. fcOMMSSIOKEK, - - 11HOMAS H/FOEOTTH, - ■'*—- ■ ■ * "“K£? “*?• - -.-si -MBAM;BANKS,* , : l »nl - - . of tSifjliit County. * , j r V -—;• - ;£ o b BOavijST OB SEEM, 'l. ."'-ftH'. ' legislators, ~ ~ “ tod the same liberal policy been adopted by Pennsjtventaten-yeaisago, this state would have n &&}/ " hoenS)y this time far in advance of its present o cor H- poation'i^rallroad:faoai«es r and in.the wealth id pretty wash broads everywhere *“ beeagwatiy Injured by the restrictive andwel, JJ" ' r #^ , l*3|‘ ' ! ri f „°il§4s the Baltimore and Ohio railroad com- a ho fi pZ sought a right of tray ondcharter to bring at a, tolroafthfongVthe touthwcstem counties of * .alive our state—the counties of Somerset, Fayette, * ted. WasHegton &e., with a branch to Pittsburg \ pelt f ‘ It was refused, because such a road might divert p ■ .it portion of the Western trade from Philadelphia u toimthnare. Bod thte right of way beengw«- itoh L ed,-those southwestern counties would, ero this, . %7WM hie been traversed \ "" *■-, J? ~£? > 4pi?& tion; developing their mineral and agricultural o esta wealth,-and affordtogthem cheap and easy ao ; y-fir« *^fe S: WSF cess to good markets; find connecting Pitts- v 1 m *pfei ££;'■{£ torch nt the camo time with Baltimore. And u J°an - WoaidJinv\bsßn mainly built with ® B2 *H M‘ % Baltimotooapitel. -Bn| therightto spend mU- 4,OSC b lions of BaltLHoro money in.roads that wonld - Imvevastly benefited the southwestern ipartej -1 York jSfthfif VcTfr?^ 1 -' 1 of r our State was refused. Andnowonr city and s iea », county must tear the main part of the bnrden \ h « ofiimidmgjho -same-roads;- after waiting for p. baH capital hove built \ b*« °', carr kirk, at a cost of over thirty millions of dollars: tv Ws This fi New York’s greatroad totho Weat, gomg n ■ brc Wear stateand close to itsnorthern Une, be, \ cause the Bame selfish policy excluded them ftom don. f oathorders. ffid Hew York been t °- a doubtlssa-have made a rosd directly 1 _ S a! V westward, running the entire length of enr state Btod Sh too northern halfcf Pennsylvania, tons t fon espendiOg mnymiliionaof dollars of Hew Yor | Sitalykin odr,commonwealth r in a work of - inestiiaablo value to the north of Pennsylvania, h >m t and the-whole state. Bat that was not aUowea, bc». - lest each a toad> might divort a portion of the e. *Jj • - Western trade from. Philadelphia to Hew York. sro el aS^a-ibu^ihd'Sephnea^th^:!!^?^ ;j V t \ tw ; * '■'A\\vytorai?trade.::“;AnaTey«!tfif:it I ..a?PId»,?MS-f?S*i \ .OJd. Wise and ohjaßt to a«lthe rest of.tho stote,. , Mot - V fcdt ttio agricultural - ,v w Or i |?® ; u lie B e , l: ' ‘ pWamayontstnpjKow YorktJYe hope.Bhs.wil| a cO . S„iMr tedabyafferins to Itthrbest market. That, | i and_ibst.nnlyvWUl doit. AniUetaU parts of ' *" a Ssssf SK - - btrrgreat’iand riohTo pmmonwe alth M traversed ”IS«I by railroads, if a™ ownpeopie ordhe people of. i EtK _ corn,... ‘.gV ; ft other states wilLbnild them. Kailroads oro not be improving rapidly, huv ±rV\,Z-‘?-gA^& - - vdoar rspldltyr Bat they oquollybenefit the t herc are «•«*» through Which they ~ FrcetSdoln railroads is our motto. Snob a J policy would; bs peoniinrly to Potm- —■ CTlvmilm- -Her local position is snohtbatmeariy ' aU the vast trade between the East and the Wert - mast pass over roads within her Apd w§- it trill take many wads te - oar?? ftafrasr aud 4 i-Krf £st fhembe bnUt by Eastern orWestom oapi fl'- '& £ ( -S~*jF s H% "tab fh«ywill/?rto Oipmily well to bear thn B9T eraH>iuj.. SfcSiSr-* enr mines, J ani - rasil> , - moma , aoiorios^tft„olLHia the conn, wholß bmlding oig to rent wiU have it up tfao yoar> Wv , 3: It' li -7 .try- ' ' ___ , 3 —=r~r“ shortly. BraulpWlnJiino.lMS f&J "Tfi, WSBdpeYhat at the nest session of the Legis- Corraxr.—fAs ITooJ Tradt, sc. EKolptffaJuiw.iss...^ ’f ' £ v ',<-* te.'**, rniowof tUafltate a general-railroad daw -plil 0 {m 7E been informed, that one of our Wool- incmso. f -bo passed, similar to that of Ohio.' We believe- -„ oweM was offered, afew daysogo, sixty-fivo f« t t^ mo '’ Pittsburgh, and aU other parte Of per hut 76 cents. Hra tri? D" cS ? v thedStalefWonld hetenefitted by snob a polioy. rj bo vtyotla of a quahty. Thera era sSirSztt-- s-’is TJSSS&Z tfzxr ~ Sim paytho bills as theygo. MM .f —" £>x: -them go it «on tick.” Yon might fiaditJvery. Th bsrdtooolleottbobilL , ' 1 . ■« ™i.V. AS to onr old “Seventy-fonr.Vths Eeii.it Ji. Bona on Us way rejoicing, ‘it Was paver more. ~T' — prosperoap or popular; ns is abundantly evi dentJEtom-tbs iaorcsVmg- patronage, and dally: and almosthonplyexpressions of goodwillfrom >« „ ell quarters.,. , l 1 • “T7o beTonf'to no faoUon, but to the entire z&ls^s 4 pg£‘' «deraooratjtaTparty and thagreat party of pro i 1 fw»s*wsttehosßß-ems-fowmke-thewttaßk - r on theindTridaal mentioned in theHuamtcA'artl dies. "Of course it was to bo done when he waS v §.' ‘^c^V^vS'j’^ft’^E,' 4 threshundred-miles away. But the attack aomes ~ EU thatean do him very little harm; s«i?s2sr^is?i 3K55rS3*-H js?as?:™Srs f- 1 "St* 7 '. x - intEEßenale'noxt wmter by anintolUgehtand \ oo^2^o don’eso'of frauds in letting cantraotß we have ' & *'*/- onlytima to naytharthoy are an old story: - A -U' *■ -4 - , ". ? V esy WSW investigated by a oommittea offco a “ -<' Hones test winter; wnd'reported to bo utterly y. Xk pwnnafeas.' She Canal eommtsstoneto them k desired the investigation, an* furnished .:■-, -cX'„ ever? faeßiW for fall information. # %clouo* article, and this tunntfiresting s«»iftisa*-aBSr* .>—- > - WL, 4,. .f. Lklik. " fe>srf? ZVBOvkm HEWS BY-THE EMHESEL The nests 'is highly important, and warlike. The BusslfjO'aanyhoa^fltored^the 'Danubian provinoes, although Turkey had declared that auoh a step would be regarded as on act of war. The English .papers, speaking of the pnblio opinion ofjEngfandtas well,ns franco, are de cided thaVEugland W ‘France should join oor diallyVife'iHußultonin'the defence of hie do minions The London Daily News says: _ •« But public opinion in France and England iS'wise enough to know that the civilization and ne*e of Europe ablsolutely depend upon the rigid maintenance of'ftfirrtdd that ruffianism is never to he allowed to pass-with impunity, and that violence; by whomsoever cpmmitted. wan tonly and wilfully, must never he tailed with, or be regarded with toleration. , ‘"This deep conviction would, under any cir onmstanccß,-render it..impossible any gov ernment in Frauoe. or England to romam passive inthd preschcehfbaob an outrage aa that whioh Bussia is about to .consummate against the in-, tegrity of" the Ottoman Empire. Bu 4 ns the esse actually stands, the public sense of national honor, deeply pledged for the preservation of -Turkey,-puts hesitation out of the question. Tho Fortourefosod Frinoe Monsohikoffs demands confessedly and notoriously by the advice of •Lord Stafford and M. de la Conr, and in reliance on the assurance. of both,, that England and France would never consent to any farther en croachments of Bussia—any national burglary— on either side of the Danube. That encroach ment is about to be made. Will it be repelled and punished.” The Morning Chronicle,. of the same date, adds;, r “The fatal siep liasi then, been taken— Bps . vainnenl? employeiforoo to obtain eompll nneo with lieruojußt demands. It would be idle to attempt to dissemble the gravity of tho criais. Tho object of the Court of St, Eetereburgh, in the occupation ofthe Danubian principalities, Is simply to coereo tho Fortalnto submission to its arbitrary and aggressive mandnto. ; No ono jnl. bo thedupo of tho miserable equivocations of the Imperial .manifesto. Whatever of moderation andbehovoleooemay be indulged to. by the Minister Of the Czar, the fMt remains unaltered, that Bussia ia actually at war with Turkey! -This foot mustnat be considered merely, with reference to the two powers primarily con cerned : for the affaire of the East can never be viewed apart from tho general poUoy-of Earope, , MAII governments, with the exception of Bus sia, have admitted the necessity of maintaining the tWus gw in thu_OHomau dominion* Bet notwithstodingthfi expresSeCwishof th e great powers, hud their earnest efforts to effect by mo diotion on.amieable settlement of tho difficulties so unjustifiably raised, the Busstan EOtemment ] oersmtain its dangerous policy. By Its own! act It has isolated itself from the rest of Europe, Sd in the height cf its infatuation, it seems I disposed to encounter at ohee tho fanatical ro 'datanno- of theiOsmsnties, and the organised i forces Pf the Sultan’s allies. It la thisbllnd wilfulness on thepartof the Emperor whioheon etltutcstho real danger of the present situation. : • The preparations for defcnco on the part of -the Sultan and his allies are very active and ex tensive* - * <» Tho irkftte Meshidsho U gone laßmyrnft to fetch a troop of militia. Other vesflotwhavo itoongUt fioldiorfffromrßeytPOt and,Bronssa.- Qa the l&th, tho Mger aud I Constantinople. Tit® tot vessel bronght the jiews cf tho arrival of the nmted fleets atßuaka r Bay. ‘ ■ The English fleet has 8000 men, with iOO gJs; the French fleet sAW Suns. The three decker Fnedland with 120, the Jena with 90, and the Marengo nod Duperro, with 00 guns each, are expected. The Journal A CotuUMinoplf, which appears to have made complete arrangements for war, opiM* ‘ should a collision take place, 'Admiral Dunto would have the chief command of the fleet, and some French general of npy troops that might ~ A correspondent cf thb SVwte Erilnny.WTitcs that the Turkish fleet has 1000 and the Russian Black Sea fleet 1,000 guns. According to the Tutltish accounts, thennny already consists of 260,000 men; *40,000 volunteers have already presented thmsdvcs • The Turks ■» *«££s hard at the block-housea on the heights which command tho entrance to the Bosphorus from tho Black Sea. Lord Stratford has recently been twice to tho Seraglio, where his BtoywM very prolonged. “It la expected at tho first movement of the Hussion *»opa to wartfl th* frontier, the fleets will coiho ,to thaßpsphorns. |w. * SEWS OF OOtt OWH STATE. ‘ WpsraonEMSD Coosir—Wo copy the follow ing from the Inldfigenw: A party of some half a dozen of onr citizens, one day tot week, retired to Brush-<«eek r for the purpose of fishing. They had taken all-the necessary equipment# for ?uoa a trip to Capo Cod. 000 of tho gontlemenwas eeeuMin tag away in water a /wrdec£ regular built IJc-pruervir on. This whltyted great forothought and caution. Tho praoeeds of the day’s tabor, we beliero, wore about throe peeks of fish of various sizes, and ono or two tnrflesl " . - ThefomKiaUon for tho new.Jail* is o WO5 p?r ; downtapTaiy.imd ia a fotr days, tho cat-stono work will he commenced. The old Jail hashcen nearly demolished, as it. Will take nearly all thp atone in it,’ wortk anything, *«»«*•*»& foundations for tho new one, and tho Shewn a Housh , EtK Courtt -Bidgway in Elk county appears to be Improving rapidly. The Advocate of the I,6th bos the following: /mprMemraW.—Wearo picked to observe that there are still aomolmproTemonta wingon m our town, On Saturday last, Esq. Lutherroised a dwelling house, eaat of theConrt House, filing the pubho square. It is a two-story house of resneotablo dimonsions,. :Werlstnenvaro. buwy engaged upon it, and It will bo completed during *s£T* Prindte, of our town, also wised a dwelling house; on Sooond street, afow rods west 'of the Court House, a day or two ago, of ws* peotabla size. He is pushing it'throngh as fast os possible, and it will be rsady for occupancy In pre making for the erection of several -other dwelling houses, whioh are to go 4xp flaring the summer and fall, three or four of wiilob are nearly ready to raise. That yonng •man whole building ?ne to rent wiU have it up shortly. * , _ , . ■ 1 • WasHiseros Covsty.—The Wool Trait, j , e.— Wo have been informed that one of our Wool 'growers was offered, a few days ago, sixty-five cents oer pound, but deoUncd-r-aaking 76 cents. The Wool is of a snMrlor quality. There era ft. number of Growers, who have not yet disposed of their wool. Tho following paragraph, relat ing important branch of trade, wo clip .mmW»taUh. t.* 1 'i. : it the de'olers have settled into the conviction that they will get very little wool nnder 60 cents , ‘per pound, Tot at that figure all the light, clean ; Wn6wool,Vitt pay to export to England. The ranee of prices will range from 60 to 66 cents, ' on all except very llghtj "dean Saxony, whioh 'will CO fromJfi to 90 cents,and some very choice ' lota mo? reach SI, atwhichpwoeGormanrlamb’s Wis selling in tendon. The prospeat for the wool grower li very hrjght, and thorns no prob- Jttiity of tho stapto being very tow again for a woolmarhetin Englandandontho Continent, the London Times says: \* At the late public sales, nearly all the cfookthCninton don was sold, and the warehouses webegmntog to took very empty. -The advieostom the Cm tlaent represent stocks* (JO? kign prwe3. ,ooo to,ooo - Ml ' ' r.' r-'SjBOO " s,ooo,sop 413,600,000 .. / Thisis pearly 17 copies ft year of some pub lication or other, to every man, woman and child in the nation;-or, excluding infants, aged apd diseased persons, and those who cannot read, at least a newspaper a week to every family. CSr Cape May is so full that bedn command & handsome prtraian. 'T'-'lrV' ■VStBEECS XIOHEY ASTICXS. ; The money market is unusually for this season of the year In Pittsburgh. There b .but little domand-for money, and business gene rally b dull and quiet Very little Bank Btock ‘is offering or selling; and notmuoh doing in any hind of Stocks, ± There is considerable doing in the Wool trade, hut at prices that can .hardly.be .sustained fov ; any length of time. r ~ * - -At JJew York, -ths money market: b well nnp-1 piled, but ita employment iaiCbeoked and limited i by the unsettled state.of' the European news. v ; Capitalists scem to desire ; to keep their funds within reaoh at any time, as,a war in Europe, of which there is now a strong prospeotj wonld change the direction and employment of capital* Should war -arise, between the great powera of Europe, ns seems almost unavoidable now, the United States will have to a greatextont the carrying trade .of the world, as well as the’ business of supplying a vast quantity of pro -visions.' 1 Oar shipping interests will thus be greatly increased; and capital will be drawn to that interest to a great extent from all other em-i Railroad and other companies will find it much, more diffionlt to effect loans in the Eastern cities, should a general war occur in Europe. BabtnaTln Bub-Treasury atN. York on the Receipts yesterday, tlio 18tb..~.<.. 'Sslo 17 I Custom Receipts......—.,.— tW.SOf so, , There b a vast amount of monoy acoumnlatlng | in the United States Treasury. In a few months lit will amount to some $25,000,000; and it will be a question for the next Congress to determine to what purposes our surplus rovenues shall he applied. smransTS or srtcis most vns roar or sew took. :: July ISt eieamoblp Afrfco, Liverpool, spwta.....*a7s’>»3* . dm MM do. l£ steamer Horoann, Bremen, do. (to— ' da. do!i steamship Hermann, do, bars.—■ SEi.eta ’ Total, July 9, July 16. u H'nj’wa l ; Previously rep0rted........... ..... u,7U,0»0 I Total for 1853 *lO,9«£M l- So far the shipments this month have been [ largely in excess-of tbose for-the corresponding , period lost. I - -The stock markets of New York and Philadel phia aro very doll; very littlo activity or firm ness in prices. . - . Outside operators and capitalists have become deeply interested in mining 6tocbs, and, ns a general thing, have mado a great deal of money. This class of etooks will bo the favorite, when toe iiext speculative movement arises, and wo expect to see great prices realised for such as are now inactive and neglected. The greatest activity prevails in the principal mining districts of toe country; and results must soon, bo real* lied thatwill give o powerful impotns to this Interest. It is yet but in its infanoy. A few years will suffice to give it immenso strength; : ‘ultimately it is destined to overshadow all others, or rather, any other single estate of the Union. ; The returns of the forty-five Hew York city banks, for June, compared with thoso for Feb ruary; show n decrease In loans and discounts of $3,407,680; in deposits, $626,349; und an in crease In spccio of $2,814,080, and circulation, $971,649. The imports into New York, for tho week cud log July 10, were very heavy; larger than any ether week of too season, amounting to nearly five millions, more than half of which was dry gOOdS. '• | ! giour and provisions have advanced In oil too. Eastern cities; since toe arrival of toe Franklin,, and in toe English markets tocro Is much excite ment in too market for breadstuff's, and, prices | have ndvanced on all descriptions. Jnlv 9th.—At London. U. 8. stocks wore dull -at a slight decline. U- 8. 6’s, ’6B, to7j@M>BJ, CX Hovrc^ d Jaly Dili.—Sales of Cotton for the t Week, 8,100 holes. Stock 130,000 bales. . 1 ‘ Uam. Jnly Oth.—Cotton Is active. Sales to- I day of 8,000 bales at firm rates, •: -; Carolina Bice is wanted at ■nn advance, the i market being bare. . , r , : ~ i: The accounta from. too Frcuob, agnonltural districts are rather better. . . Liverpool, July 9.—The Arctic’s news had no effect on too cotton market. Prices of fMr and : middling grades were slighUy heUer, buUowor grades were not so firm. The sales of the week amounted to 50,750 bales, ofwhiehapccuffition took 3,600 bales, and oxporlcra i^ 000 . The quotations wore fauv Orleans i if * Old., fifir Mobile o|d., fair Upland. Old., mid dling Upland and Mobile 6d. Basks or New Omeass.— Tho following is the situation of toe Banks of New Orleans on toe 26th day of Juno, 1853, agreeably to toe offi cial statement,'as compared with the previous statement ; ~ UU JuS»,IBM. May E 3,1853. 8 B§Sl » Ma> •toM lUbiUUc* T 6 821,214,8 m 25 ftnadb 01 » H tife Total - -*23,327,912 31 *27,010,4.8 31 Besides, the tan Sta tm»o real 1 "SIOSO 54 M (SSmsS 4,M2/«V 3,431,9421* TotelM.WtUa.exdudvoof WW77 65 43,305,632 61 The oarnlnga of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton ana Little Miami Baibrays for July, vrlU show a large Increase. The travel on both roads is immensely large. Every train for tho East la filled with passengers. The recoipts of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Bailroad for June, and the. first six month* of the year, vrero: i '' 1 • *38,528 04 yirst rixmeroths la 1852 ».»*»• ■* __ 15I ’ SS3 CQ, The Michigan Journal, of July 18, men tlbne the arrival of Hon. Bobebt McOiehobd, j Secretary of the Interior, at his home in Mon- < roe, Michigan. Tho Journal-Bays ho trill ro «eWe, during Ms brief stay in Michigan, every proof of the high appreciation In which hla ser vioesat-home and abroad ore held; “ for sure -1 ly,” it odds, “ few tnen have succeeded so well [}n winning and seouring tho confidence and es teem of the people as Got. MoCleiaahp." - ‘Jitdob Bombas A»n the Mission to Fbaeob. iilhe Washington Star, ofrtho Bth Inst., eaysi 4 ' We have taken- up the idea, .fromciroumstau-. ces which we may not spread before.ourreaders, that Secretary Mauct is in favor of settling the | vexed French mission question, by tendering! the post to the Hon, Smbheh A. Domias, of I Illinois, The propriety of so doing has doubt lets been more than once considered in, Cabinet Council.- The publlo must not be surprised if ouch ia the result of their long and earnest efforts to determine upon* tho man Soi the | place. ’ ||on JOMSISO or THE Fiest Bailuoap in Arnica. from Alexandria, Egypt, of Juno 1 21 state that the-Cairo and Alexandria railway ] hod been partially opened. A letter, dated the | “ftK* railway ever obnstrueted in-Africa f . 1 *•“ "JL twenty-five miles.from Alexandria, tnfver day by locomotives, and in the , traversed tne rj- monument has fa&drf t%o abitog splendor of the pash There U to bo a mhre formal in afe months, when the first section of tho Mile is j completed. 1 ' , I £S“Mr. Maoriqa O'ConneU, M -1 oldest son of tho great Daniel 0 R 0 suddenly, on tho 17th Jane, nt hie 1 in London. ‘ After-having represented “o cou ty of Clare from 1830 to 1832, ho was returned forthe borough of Tralee in the latter year,and I has continued to represent It for the last twenty (years. It la-supposed a member of .bis famity I will snosaed him. His oldest son is a midshlp- I mpn in the Boys! Navy* _ -t : • TABULAR STATEMENT. _ .IfStatementiSw theTiesenttfrKinßlal *®£SSsfSK : Ssfof this Oonunomreelth e« returned by the “JfSww end OccuptUons, in t«»P antißtow Ter esseoed on the esrond Words, Boroughs, end Totm season erseld County. OJw>e Cranwanoete«j» -hips, et tho rate of Three Mills on tho Dollar, ur t-ouuty pu, . - ;»M£@ “■ ||| yr-jig-r: 'Wit®! II « i. '2.» m gLun tel fill ii s*.«v«»_ gg, ||| ”1 ‘] rg| ||| |4 gg iTsss-: ■gg■ f| i| ‘if * i d d 11 li 1 ISTSE? ’g§- g, |g 'HI \ '«| HI ’li || s*« m 183 04 ISS 7TI i: ;do “ ir'nffy - S!5QO > : ’ '4-ttloM '"0 1 1,32* 19 -1,124 SOj_OOO-00l , ; . Pitt Totrodrip,.. MS 361,311 17 1 I%W 853 04 »^OO7 |§r :: II If-Is t SS M “|S PaSSr do •■ 134,691 28,Ml 1 vm io 1,757 M 81 GO Hlinbotb do ™ ' nM»| g»a|i g;SMj J 0 8 33 33T29 11T 50 Robtoon do “ 321|l 4*nj ' USg| «jg| f 6 v 2 \oj4 45 00 K" to SS ::• M|g gg * 1 ffiS irf BSJ MoCandlesi/.i - . ' Hjj'SKl ; ; S*£S, ! 25753 UoSmI ‘"6 4 648 00 ■,-...«M.57 ...7TJOJv..- Bait Deer - .. -. do, ,163,943 : S&en • *l5O 295 - r 8 -31-1*077 881-r1,033.16] c-hU;W! Upner Et.€3fiir do-a. : r 297«4C7|. L - 27$*$; ■ •' 1 282!074’ '''lff "'"3- 'B4O • -803 ',43,60[,. . fir s = ii || i In 1 1 «a €i “ ss:.: MS|g |g | SS BSI JssST IS r. -»» ||p|;' | liooj g^ ioy ss 7 mli iS4 ■!§ sUS i 6 *igd sis do „ 252,731 11,132. J J 34 18 835 86 13 W SS :: msl more; hj[wJ |f|?l Sill m| & t -- ss m m&\t m*4 «,^- .Atkst: J- forpmis.nlQtlCt’fl Ofßt Popnldtlosiof *lie Principal. Cltl«» ot Eu rope and Worth Araerlen. Wo compllo from Weber’s Volks Knlender ,(People’s Almanac) far 1853-pnbUsbea onnu aUy at Leipsle—the following table of tho pop- I elation of tho largest cities In Europe and North. America. As the Germans wo proverbially oo cuwte in thoir statistical statements, it is pro ‘earned that this table may bo relied upon as cor- Lreet. Itwillbesoen that New York stands fourth in tho list, Philadelphia ninth, Baltimore twen ty first, and Boston twenty-eighth. A a a matter of cariosity and reference, tho table may bo worth cuttingcut and preserving _— •"JJKjI rrrdlw «6'cC,OCOBe £in .-w“ gun /.-:§§ &■ rr~ • ••• -£s& — ?SSv.:.::^.._tsoWu^ ; w^*;:r::::::“i^iKo 0 ga» .. j3S» 'UonWrgb.. ,iati;n2SS 62,000 ££&:” ----- ■«»» Tfito ' UMWiUmnen ~W» In thie list St Louis ehould bavo had a placo at oinoty-fivo thousand. In ton years she will claim about tho twenty-third position.. i Mexioab Tamj-f.— Capt. Herbst, Mexican Tioe-Ctmsni, informs us that be baa rcceircd tho now Mexican tariff, issued by President Santa Anna, and that.those interested can taho inspection of it by calling at Ins residence, No. ISO, Fittstreet Ot.ondHn' 1 ™' In common with otter newspapers, soya the Richmond (Va.j Enquirer, wo inserted aomo Bays ago a silly paragraph to the effect that Mrs. Ives was returning from ltomo Witt her brother, Dr. Hobart, in consequence of that gentleman having been notified, by the Pope, that Mrs Ives and her husband could no longer sustain tho conjugal relation, ns the reverend convert Would receive holy orders in the course Of tho summer. This interesting picco of in formation la . preposterous nud . ridiculous, and carries its own refutation with it. All the cur rency which it has obtained hitherto, has been duo cither to oversight, or to t.ho.most amusing ignorance of- tho discipline nnd doctrine of tho Roman Church. Imprimis, the Pope has .no power to divoreo Dr. Ives and his wifo—tho mar riage relation Is regarded oy tho Papacy to bo os holy and indissoluble an nllianco aa it la by any of the reformed 'churches, by which it is treated very mnch in tbo light of_a civil con tract In tbe eecoud place, without n voluntary and complete separation consummated; and ren dered Inevitable by the act of the parties, the Pope has just ua little power; os inclination to confer holy orders on Dr. Ives. In the third place, it Is not probable that tho late Bishop is a man or such extraordinary abilities that -the Roman Camera would bo unusually anxious to •secure his opostolioal.sorvlces-.as o presbyter or priest-nor Is it likely that thero is any scarcity of able, learnod and efficient men within the brilliant ciroie of tho great hierarchy. Mrs. Ives is very likely returning .home-probahly as stated with her brothcr-but withoutlbe alleged dimitiat. If there Is anyeeparetjon at ail, it ia her own aot-for though Dr. Ives may bo tom from tho Episcopal Chnrob, his conversion has not sundered him from the conjugal chains of Mrs. Ives. She.may still .claim him, and sue Out a habeas corpus, for him, If ebo likes, as soon as he gets back to tho United States. ITABMKD; above morrlsso, wo “ un “* our wlsb (ami wo era entirely too conscientious to tobriboi by u beautiful “bndtfacuke,'' each ns tbit sent n»,) tot tie fullest possible moasuro of bymental bltsa mny I boppy couple, In tho voyage of life, in nhfch they at. non eo (airly embarked. ' DIED: On Thursdoy afternoon, 21st In tent, MART AKN srss.rs’.tsx'.'isu street. i&ar. H alley’s Forest Wine*-1* tbo best remedy for tho, permanent ,enr»: of Biopsy, Qravel, Jana-1 dice, Dyspepsia, Costlwneps, Rheumatism, Goal, lea of Appetite, Complaints of tho Uver, Heart, Kidney and Eltonr | aob, Colds, Coughs and ConsumptiwD«dtora,OT« : cfieMa] I fbr sale In this city. Clreulars, giving foU particulars, can be bad gratis. 1 - BoaWholemlo and BataU to Dr. OEO H. M|Bl3^lM, I comerof Wood street and Vlx&n nlbtfj.ttttaburghyPa.i W I co, by JAMES T. SAMPLE, north-west coracrjir EMenJ tltreatahd the Diamond, Allcghony City. ... JdUtaOiw. _ ■' rev More Homo Testimony* Jit. Soioaox ■. ] sJS-ttSnkitnooioteUuui oa act orjmUralo yoo, M wall as to the American JommanJfir. testate tot tteBSWJ “nglh oftlmo without tsUganto mycyes-. BtouMmyldght Allegheny City, Jobs 25,1852. *a-1 have teal Mr. Solqmau’s EYE GLASSES tawny fcdl™mth^hl“fce iSSasmsssos tatoTarioßSltfwttoriOllrfJ^ 1 ! 0 - ie'c, JulylSl 1tb,1653— (jy22). v *■ ROBKET KlhO, TVUJE.I4M -AJWEO, •. fJojanalßslonoKL OMTBIW'CEBTJB'XCATBiS.'ffia - I ■m»- aaoaossl called »t your office on tho2a July, and stated thenature of my eyes, which was Tory tad atthat Urns; you salted me.with Bpeclacles that did oy eyes a mat deal of good. They were Tory reach inflamed, at tho ' tlmo, hoi that inhammstlim has now loft./ 1 can nowbear I tho light of the Honor a lamp, os well as *w. j -X shal> call I on you and get another pair, In ease I ahould hare any ■tnlstortußa with them, as I would not be without them un der any consideration. Tours, respectfully, ■ JOIItf MAQBB, corner High and TVotetersts.; PrtTjsttoa, July 1t,"1653. • ■ : : sit Soldaoair—Beloj compelled to wear Spectacles, I hare nerer been able to got a pair bat what made my eyes ache Iharetrloda great numbered glasses, but alwayi filled, until lobiiinel« pair from you. leanseobyday or candle light for any length of time, with the greatest i ease and comfort. - I Sire. Waterman Is Tery reach pleased wllb her glasses. I I remain, yonrs, truly, U 8. WATERHAH, 109 WylWf). I. lhTTsaixoff, Jnly 19,1553. ■ 1 hare been under the necessity of oslng Glasses lbr sor- | erat years, but hare never lean! a pair to salt my eyes, or I that I could two without fatigue, until 1 .obtained w pair | of Mr. Solomons. By the aid of those I bought of him, 11 can are as well ee crer I could. I can read or write with 1 them for hours, without the least fatigue, both by dsy and candle light.- . ; ■ , I ; I hero tried In all the stores In the Btate of PennsylTanla | 1 to obtain a pair of Glasses that would suit my eyes, and , I failed In every Instance. Knowing the difficulty or obtain , lug those suitable lbr the sight, I do most earnestly recom- I msndto Ihore 1 shoring under dcftctlTe>lslon, to apply to I Mr Solomons, of whom OlasseJ can he obtains 1 to suit aU eases. Tores, do. J JIOBKISON. I Aurenrax Cm, July 23,1851 ;,!2.!awtseplo XSrJffi*lr. ITLane's celebrated Vermifuge, and take nono else. All other , Ter. mifugee, In compartEon, are worthies*. Dr- inane's Emu- Ino Vtrmlfuge, also his celehrsted hirer Pill*, on noy be bad at all rospeetablo Drug Stores In the Coital and from the sole proprietors, FLEMING EPOS, Successors to J. Kuld 4 Co, do Wood street-'' jjjtdiw. HEW ADVEBIIBEHEHTB. fr—a I. O. of O. EV-Tba momhera ot.U»-- Lodges In this city and district, ara rcspetfttlly. lari- Udto attest aOBNEIUL thn OntojtoU held in Iron City LedM.Ko.lS2, Monday •tealne ne^SSth ' iasU-ni 8 o'clock, la U>e Mali, Odeon Building*, 4th *£”•*■- •I Marine** of great IpportaiKiß to tbo Order trill teau> I talited.by tboTrateeeofthaOddFcßoartf.llalliLiSociaUan j of Pittsburgh. Bjartor, w AfiDKBSOS> I : Pittsburgh. July gut. lS5a-]TB23t] •': Serfy toßoanl. ■ Uotloe to Contrtwtorfc. . SEALED PBOPOSALS will bo nmlrtd untd6P.JL.on tbo Eighth Of August, ISM, th»Qnd»tloß»B4 Sto aonrr or the Soa«r Extension of tho Clcrelaod end Pitt-- mtSan glren by thaEoglneer* |q abane. mt their‘Qfflea In Wollatlile, one week preceding too i omefi or 0. & P. IL B- Co.), ... C« WU3KTISS,• ••■ . 1 • (Moreland* July 20th, 1843.• •• •./ ■> • ■ r .Piert .. jrtSd’ J.LUiTON.Chief Engteoer.-: FACTS WOBTH KHOWJNQ.-To »1» &at «re about to nnrehsaa anything In the way of Bne -Watches, neb, | Oold Jewelry, or sterling Sllrcr Wan- lIOOD haa now on handarery cood assortment. of kind* of goods la. bw SSof boASss,that ho U ecUlng at their taux yams and ; at least from 25 to 50 $ cent, below theprlces asked by those «01d Fogles” that hare bees twenty year*orsoin thetnar. kot with their old Block of goods that cost, when purchased* 'double their present raloc, and yet they expect to make a. profit on them*.' .1 assert tkcu worth knowing, that I am i selling goods, now and fresh, just purchased* m above, from i 25 to 50 & cent cheaper than any other dealer In this oft* at bl Market street. ' FIUSBH SUPPLY OP «BW BOOKS- . - • Thecltcisj'B English irnmnri CodHih3cts.9lb. Eorsaleihy 1 JBHITHAWOBTH, . ■: jj22 _* : ' .cor. Diamond and Diamond allay. 1M W|T.T.IAM JAMKS HcfflNN.-nho lived with Dr. Hays, oaths Washington PUw, would call at No. 82, gt- Gharloa Hotel; Pittsburgh, houUltai something to Ids aa-. vantage from Sir.' Alexander. Idveston A (Jo, 81 Broadway,., yowYorle. _ . a a mason A CO- No: 26 Kith street. will cloeo ont j\ . the balaoee of BONNETB at one hall the usual prices. • Also, JO cases best Hadder Calleoos, at ?e; • ■ , 3 do -Mousdo Isdnes, at 861. ; a do. Deße2os,»tlS)4e! ,:. ; : .. SO ploces India Bilks, at 60c.; ; ■ jyil n’awr.si RHAWIBII—A. A, Mason AO).; Ho. iiSPlfth street, are dosing-out the balance of their $5OO Cash moroBhawlali)rs2sQ..- . jy2l —U.KBI BILKS! I—Plain, fancy, striped and Dgored BIH one hairless than usual prices, at . ■ A. A. MASON A 00*8, No 26 Filth et. "num. SALE—In Allegheny clw,o tot CO by 180 feet, on J? whichls erected fourfieae houses, fronting on Benton ■ alle v .'caeh amtainlng foar rooms, frfcltchon ftßtf cdlsß.. aw- * brickdtrolllng.fronting.oa tbs forth CaulOODt coutaming eight.rooms.. This propertj.TriU bo soli la-Jots ‘‘lS?"' moMASMowm-, 'j jSi 3 ■ Beel Estate Agent, Post Buildings, 6th «fc~. fil nrw \—For this &aoant, payable 6n eaajfenns, >I!&UU bo- sold A-cota&r&blo' residence, situate .on albcrrr street, Allegheny city. - The 1 lotfe4s feet front;, 25 tost of which runs through to Ferry lane. . She house la nleisanUy situated In a garden of flowers, gtapo Tines, fruit and shade trees, and eon tains flre reams and a ha] Vail well laoerod and in good order; also a bach*porch, cellar, put- SeaV&o,- { Jj2l] B. OPTEBEHTA WSd gt ‘ J tVKNNV CYCLOPEDIA—’ Tht eabscribera haro IsmV \f tjxnes of the Penny Cjclopcedia. which is offered &t lh» virp foto price of $1 per rolnmo. w Jy2l • -•■■: CsHarfcetsfroot,pear4th it. ': 1 xt anT£D—Two fctwiateo men (& German Vf an American,) wbo caa fcrajg unqucsilocablsnsfcr* fioccsaa to character anil-capacity,-csn obtaia permanent Kfi* fa rMitini fey apwyteg iaaedi&ialy at Np.- . r v. - , i, , J V , v ■* * t * " »t- •* * * * *«r * *• *•-**» *t*’^ fe^,- 13 "»- .-. ■ Li £ _l_= ». i_ 'c-T-ir".v { 4 j« < ~ r ~ C . ’t’ T • f r Carso’s Bsg%s,SasS.SgSS«f j£S? “ •Cag^^ 1 ® . M:OABaoftCa , a.roarU>«treet.. Vi"Trhof CoPTratfoll. - ijggfe ' BifldlV] ■•: Angcrona Xodgc,No»2S3, Wood sw [J3L7 tr"t=3>BliACK T tie best {J2p^ btsrgli,at SO ccnta 9 B-, go to the; PeSlj S 5 JSS : sSaa Mi street, whew the Toy best Bleu. 6S ?fiS” Tw«caa*lwyflto had*’ •■:.» >•■•■•■•-_- .- • *=-• fr-=t. JOBS H.B’6Wl.EiS»Ute£>jl ILa r BootEod atoo MmuSirtuitr, endWfeolcals: Nb?l4 Bartlay stnat, firo doonbelwt ttys Aster. fr=?» Notice.—Ti» joubkhymiin taiwes eu- DA HOUSE, Market sireet- -BL2S&&T , r ; 3 -. s . - - jelly v JOEty YPUKQ, Jll, Secretary.. IHSUBAHCS-COEIP'iHT, of K^^Hnrtfora,Connr— OpltalBiocijWO.OOO; A*" JitaSISSWUU OEm of ■tto‘HtWna*h.leMt : ta U>* Stole BwlrtirCmJy* icoiaia, K 0.6» 344 85 2,441 00 2,013 07 1,635 93 1,371 60 8,002 43 2,100.12 2371 00 1,715 SO 010.07 1,765 3T 1353 15 "L 229 02 1,370 47 2,122 03 1,002:38 1,427 63 2,661 $3 .1,634 20 005 43. 1,430 43 1,740 15 lB 2345 70 .1,965 35 1,733.63 1,025 00 I*BB7 $0 2£19 80 O5 1,650 83 O. S'—-TlBce of meeting, “ft asMniitoß Hall, street, between FilUi street ami -Tlron alley, 'pbraiOToa Lome, No. 83S-Hc»ts Mmiwni EwcinpMEaT. No, 87—Meets .first aodtliirJ grids? of each month- ■ ■ jmsrgjy rv-==Corni'l Coraall cornani Agnat sre JimlMy tonmratai withcoroi- A certain i bo fonnd to Dr. Comj'S CoM-JUSIEar fcr Slo by Dr. GEO. fUCEYBEIS, KO \sTood*ttcot. , toßdl -g*. TrRTAIES, Curtatn Winnings ot SKOfFiinv Jamltara Plushes.Utocat«Ue*i Lace v «aa CartoiaKlvX. WrtSfflU B^autftnh^Ortrt^gjM I Curtains Mads ima Mmjwsl_ln.'tlis very Mwgt^^ i rc~nWMT,»inri»a PAQ«KB3aBOT¥gr£M»-- [Lift VoatOSlcaßnliainga,Third street. >T Il !frrp«geftCa2gsi, In all kinds or weather, from 8 A. SL u &&&!&£!&£?■ accurate artijrtlo and animate IHmegyualUa tad rs^Jy™' , • I . Bj—*LStmtesßcs of sick or deceased persons, teaenln.any part of the dtf. TmtSSJ? 'JJIE&b Ko}sCTta:U» Heid, sal »U(iija- i , imwH, dudiirjwtroa tie car, cMEdJJyesd perm- ; mStIT rmoTedjiriaKmt pain er Incoavcnkac*, by I>r..miiT- j Sr, ttffidpal Aurlst effilsH. EayU consulted «6M .tell strait, EfcUsdelpMa, from 8 A. U- to -3 1 Thirteen yearsof doss lid almost unffleidsd attention lo this trenchnfspedal practice has cushlcd Utotortaaßgg* ; treatment to suebsdesres of success as toEndthemortcon firmed and otsUnate cases yield, by a steady attentte tothe. j- caesasprescribed.- - •• •-•••---• CHAS. E. LOOMIS, A ?t©&? TO THE FUECEASE AND SALB O? STOCKS* : isr Fcarth street* between Jlftrtet fiaAWocd, 6ppQBtt» thaßaahcf Pittsliarstu -'/ r .-- - ■• ;• ... A. M’CLUKCir & W.v HAVE BBMOVED TO THE -COBHEE OP | Wood oaa Distil Streets, £3-Where they otto to their o!dcostocers,sa£L onbUc gensrsUj, »t tha lowest rates. Wholesale imdfetsl, lh» largest; post ooleot tod comMtto ttoeh_ol-CTOI^ SBAS, FAMILY OBOCE3UES, WOODEN AND TOMW V7ABE to bo fcgnd in MtdVTfisi. Pearl-- Steam Mill; CANAL BASIS, ABBEGHEN? CI2T, (KEiA tas UOSOiS SUHQS') j^,sS, s 2S , a^ffigp ; “MLAN, i .- «adßt-Cliir *trata; or,LOQAS> pcrrt.ftri-CT.PHTA tniBTAIH \7ASEEOUSST - 171 Chtzlrai A, oppadU Uie Sate Emtse. . : . : JL vW*;BAFFOBD. ... - • «^ C ; JgiS^gagg : «• lioipAs. -- ' ** ' Bands, ■, ; .. *• Ballad - ■ • Cords and TasclA, !: u: CajnaAliaeM, ; ; ♦*.' - Cashmcrett*, - '■••'-• >’•••-.Xoop** - ' •.■"..•: EaSISJCSir. : swg»Bu-a.«W i* lining Silk*,'- - Shad a . i’arnlturecflinps. HboJ^fcinsvß****^ 46 !. - a of the abora goodsconstantly t&i gholc&ala or retail . {cmldy-elgun. ri=S~cASU. aiUTWAI* E'IUJS_ABU_ELSj {LsTrIjiK . IHSEBAHOIiS r-OOSIP CAPITAL, 0100,000* - CIMB* Swrlars-TIIOJUS IL WILLSON, t*t •" ■ •• -, v'----'y)'-- non. i. 0. UeLiter, Sanoel W.Jlajr, WUllanaJlobhuon, Jr,- , . Tbonu.Ciitesvloi- TTil lino S. lahnKioci, JoLnß.Cos,- - Harrer BoUrnon, ~ 1 : Jacob Peters,v Jolin Waller,Jr, ;■ - ..unihnOeMcr,*.* Jattrb 8, Hid Jarman. •, - •rAftrco.BcgnteCga. J^ U B * OAKB3, Agtmt* ~ Ogee, in lafejctto Buildings, s {entrance on VFoodsSzoct.). li»sv€Oiaßa3lT ! Of tlscCitxof Pitts SSK.TJoOBHiSi),i?n!adtn»-EOBai£iJ ,^ro^j^=E Wj Will insure ejilMt Hail.: office: in Slaa 17. W. Dallas, - - • • Blent, - • CuLPaalsoo, ■ ; :.■ ITinhun Cofllaggctt A.P.An*huts* Joseph Says, • wmlihaTOitesoa.; lnneroneo D.KlKQ.PresiHfint; BAH-1 UKiiLiSIABSHK&E, Secretary. -■■ • „ "• . I i Offict: M Wi!a-Sind,hZamlSzftei tdctjpod ■ ; iMutta DULL «nd OATJdO Eisluv on tteOhio and ffissfe 4npl EiTOTtad txibutarlra. . _ • wirartsftgalastLo»crDaoiaj»ts , 4**®*, v it : -«^L ALSO—igainrfthol’cllliofuieBo%nndlnli!rf Karlas. UonftiulTraospoitatioru ' -■* - . . i-> • •• ; : WSBCtOM: v •• ■.ri" V [. ■ n.».Klns, Wm.lartaOT.jr., ,r;. ; I : ■ -Wuitamßasaloy.- ' =•■ ■ Samnaisr.-Eiw, , ! ' Bamuclßev . wtUismßingham, I - Enbort DnnlaSiir., • ‘ Jota S-HUirorUv r : p.:■ trirti«ngn,-.-- - Randa Salto. . r : EdmidHaafetDsfc'^iCS.SchoonmaSeriCi^'. I p ” "Welter Bryant* ~ • 7 sViUiasiß.Eaya»* , 7 „ 1 riaaell-Pmcnck. . ~ dreg pittatrardiETldfe Imoraaco ‘ Som-. o fmiSßV£aß,PA, Cornu,sloo,ooo Prraidait—-Joan 8. Hooa. : Vl« President—Suren ITCinaua. ' - -- ' •Treasurer—Jtssnlß. teas. - - : EktcUit—C- A- Oaaa> ■ ' ■ OFFICE, SO. 6S FIFTH STREET, . . (haiosic Sell SuUdtny.) This Company mikes eteryvlnsitfanea.appcrtalnlaatp. eiwnaretsasrtthliftElJks. ’ ' • ’ - : iHutaelEsiM-ttre flio’mjno m thoa taoptea oy-clner ofcue-third frcm tlia Mutnal rates—oqnal ton dlTtdend oftldrty-tliree tea can , goinstoCaHSjrnlaor | Australia.- r:i v :—- i -- - pim£tcs3:‘' T —* . -•; sV'u ; > r -w-j -v: Joh3iJL.Wasoa, ; rl JOsepK B,'Gasi4a,-ir.»._.-, ■ jHexait&gr Reynolds, - HiramStoirc. v . carS3.. • Jones 8. Hood, -wmbaPblWp* • John Scott,-.-* ••.■»' i ; John ITAIpJn, ■ r Horatio N/hcfr v — It Is due to to. tthasbeea toctm t» ; «aapbgj of I'ntahaiub and ltattnmedlatosictolty>gatosisg? and beyond oil donht. mglfctoo of no common votavnot only M f i jJSSE adreadcf mlitmoa'oreaosnredttei »£> modldnolsparely natural,, nadla bottled ft? It Cawefrcci thfebo&onioxthoearth*. g^gsgEsM* . Y. &xi, U. J?* list. i haro tcen^c^faullj^-j nhatOe tonltecd toM 7 ktolof butinm, andtnnehorthe timonnabloto tni aaficsd-to isy S,«nJ bsm teen treated nearly dl tho amc bj: the. test Pbrakhmjonreaantrya2orti;l occasionally gotsomottr Uet but no cure,culccatinUEd to gmggoTM untli-Dr.-l’cot recommended mo tp tryihs:PiSn3loin,nrTtoc!i 00, ns ew- StM^eLjednuifillledl .Idid«a.witiimitfclth.*ttot, bnt theeffiSi w*» astonishing: 15 tbrqrrtho pdmn tolha cnrlhio ti, ohee, and T at oaca bcgnn.tdgnnr csttovand by u.'iu3 •snn bottles I bam gat a cgm-ggrtb tbonffii.ndacfddgas - - UES. HASCT U.-BABIIE3I.'' " yai« 0137 certify that I ham been Mqtndntwl asith mar's | Petroleum, or £oc!c Oiir fit mors thsnoycar; catihsro ro neitedirnltnessedita beasflcfoielSssta intissteascf’.lsffiy: Tiint ulcers and otter diseases for ghicb.ltisrmohmTOdad, and can'trttb cgi&fegcsraaigaagalit tote thy of attention, andean safely aaj that succem ten attend ed Itsnto uhere ether medieinehad failed. : "u. : - - V:' , . - - -D. 2.1C03VU.-D. . Porcalebyallthe Druggists In Pittsburgh,. tanSTidfotf,” ' Wcstern' Inffaraaco Ccispanyj-Pittalrarsb. „ C&EHITAZii 03OO^Qin ; ": ‘ ‘lB. TILL insure np&insi an fclndvofrisfcs,STßlT- a&iiHA. W EDiB. All losses- trUl Wilberally xtfiu-rtstf and promptly paid;';■ v - :• A Homs managed fey fczMfftf&s are treQ fcfcomjin thn cosxmiifi'tyv and *s?ha - arp: de tcrmlned, < by - promptness an4lCberaJlty»to maintain tlio character irnich >■ who desire'tohe insured.' -: " * . -Dzrtdartr— Rtefceison,J.W.Batler*- ' ST: ITrfmM, Jie-j T7-TT- Smith, ITThr; *«■>!,- amhaa.. Wbl. 11.LyoayJamcsXJppencotkGecrgo Vata& JamesMv Water street*: Cf»4 -^PfrfSMar* : ,zB&gaumm cheapss; - ' AirTH&ZER :;''' i * •P^pdaesi^, . c * "QKXN'Op cnttreJy fttsfeom sll )i»' jj used 'trith .^aflaeneo*'ia v. fiaartausEnseMllOTna*''Tfcntegrediaate:*it“®“«*V4| Starch. rcnggrii^yhoßy -mzacas^T. : s2»:^.^S 4starclrpoU»h or spermaceti, a*]i —,'.f ft'nt froniffitnerTW «ty tssvhahly I a»'caflafnaa tho constant visa of oSymaUs*; Tqo-thirds I or tho quantity or this Smith sOwnstrer n fcstter purgesa * than thasarna cgsaityooij. . ~ ; •■ ■ EoU at : - ■ ESSrS2S.i3 tiIECS iUOiSj .: ■ qua** r ' ujtTKic»» e s * »v-y- <■ -J . ' * „ 4 „ J-* « r '-y*-i-> ’* » > 1C " . *• - 1 > * • ■ L *• H >'• V< - .. .■* , ; * < t -i-«• -k• -v.*■- ’ > ■Y«? 5 '•Ma-v - * 4 i- -C r ' ncwracn *ro cGUOZoqoss npHßfcUosin!?dffi«i&d Ktidcs, •. X * co.*s jg&gRKS3 omcE, wm bo scia at tog tioa, (U aotpraricusly • called fb?,> by Wm. o.la C&rtoCTi. ABct&taeTfiomer Wood«treet6aa!Virgina3lflyr«B tfi3*»-a f , day Angus v 1653, to pay charges, ,cm fbrthaheoB.isCX -. whoalt sssyecneeis. ••:•■■ ••-• .• ■••■ ■■ Ear E MCnlloeh, ZaacsrflleiO, ,*..1 Pashag*- ,-Cbsa a , JffPshltnf.--:.-Isdepgndcac8 f Pa, I do . ... Jacob ficboonorert, -Bethany,Pa, -• • 1 •• do. •••• HB Eevils, - ■ Pittsbo«h,KL 1 do GeoWEa&exu * Mercer, pa. * X do-w-' —**- «* 1 do Jsa Jordiof Pittsburgh,"; • . jdo-r -.. Warren, Dunlap 4 ** • v-i.. s J; v/ jjl.«o*da •. Bolna’nStapeofcrjfesJe^"'v- -• ,I * SA r : T--~-y.• : * AD Shaw, - - <-Mcspfc!s, » - •> - 1 r do AliOlmstead, • „*-ColumbnSrCr - - :: :: ... LBScirsabe, *, {'-Mettett?,©, * , >da-~- V'Cb, ' ScUnes, Va, • 1 . • do •. TH flerhj AGo Pittsburgh,- —~ “ 1-. do . - Hon J Peocee r ./;. - Carrol ton-O. -1 do •SimonyhlUiim,.. V !r .StLouis.,- f redo Jacob - Butler, "" 1 do Jas '.iDtttahargh, >■ r r X-'~ rdo>>. •- HPexcfral, . *-- 1 do H-Baot, r , Whaling, . S 2 —do - ChasDUfcaxta * - - X do careW Payne Harralsbuig, Ky, 1 'do*-. JQGcatley, Prauifort, Ind, 1 do I'CS'' 1 -::Klttannla& ;. ; do.--:r/;.v..-. MDicsßloaj^-;- 1 PmSago. , Penney,o, l do' . - . Jno PscS, . Httotarsh, - - \ io . SSsfti . -'How Tors. . } *>- IBstH P Ccttjcll, ‘. .< -, ,Desawai» Giot --V Thwßnrps; . "Bounum, Pa, ,- J ™ - Pittelmish, 5® ,5 ■HaniaH Hufcbiuig,' JyestUiildlitoifß, ■■'■■*'•"''s a ' ■'» n-A-Vraam, ‘Bcsdstnrg, } &>' JSGiUea, ■-■.■■. PittabaiEh, 1 Swcid, &- EG Bull. . - .JtowTciS,' _ }«»■. , Dr -." gemreha C fliTft, -. .1 Packaga. A'BoJstdOiL-> Pittsburgh,. 1. do . iWßaddotfe, * Washington,Pa, .1. do-. ghrt>t^T>. -- :-''Pittsburgh} -X .' do . - Johußlanoy, w 5° ' TTodd, ... - Gnyt3dotte,‘Ta, 1 do WBitwil, Washington, 1 do N . „ TexapmanccTille, ' T. .do • W -Kescpt, cars J.W- - _ . ij. BarcetL... ;. -. ;.Stafford, 0, ...1.. d0...> ;W*WKioe, .. . ..MTiwTcrlc, 1 Box. Jgaogpijltgg...... . Dittaburgb,--. 1 do • ■■- AbrewMonl,:' • -• --2lStrabonnc,'-Pa, • • :1* • do • G-WlKeed*.. .Butler, 1 do % S LCuthbert,-.- -. -PittaßbrEb,- : r.- • 1 ;.do,. - , J M'Btaley, 1 Mage. JDortcr, - : ; Httaburgh, * X Tronh. Capt SJBStnas, - • 1 Box- JcStrsaarlllffTVc, 1 Far-gr-ga; lUchsrdsonACase, • > 1?. ,;do -. Cbai Hale S-Co.' -1 B« Jaa -.. -': -Pittstruaglv — _ , .1 - ' da.. . screw; " „ 1 do Jaalffinan.' SprfggfirJdyHgs^-- y- X t . -do WmasuiT.-. ' Plitsbaigb,' . g. <»?.-■ _ iewistCTO, —1 tiTlOi I cCX. ; . j M HoirpflfHrfc, - ■ - : Bar. ' mSSsutseß, - 1 EraJu SidneTTSßcssellcT, - Columbus, 1nd,.1-Bos* -r'- JasWaaMr^''" •-*• -.1 Carpet bag. BrDcdery, - /. - JEW. . . : CoolSpmig,.Pa/"- jhosniaDjniw■ ■ -‘".cNeTr-Xarbi .i-- I . -Dcx. , Wm Warner, - - , , WjaGoldstcia, , StXouls, 1 'Trunx., a.W MJllhh, New TorSc, . / —~ i— do . " : Mrs Leech, -KOsburEdi. t Msry 33crtcy r ' ■■ &damsburg, Pa, " X Chesw- -..- J ■ ■ _ NewarJr,K J,-.. X-\ Box* -r—- ■ ••••'♦roieaioMV " 1 to K-Wlssraasr,. 1 ' * llsuoyualt, ' -_4 Mtsas% ■Hrsil Ailani, - ■>-* * -1 Dims, f » wPitbfewJ°iyMiiSss-jtfada.--~ UTTA.-PCttCHA-CQ.mil> PUNS-Bartem a_A»nOTr .-. \T tnAOEXTSSa iia 13 to of this Ebaraantjr of JJloghcny. . : HTbot&aoimdoaCT aOjplieSon.fsasq»oH» terns. ■ ::.v Elsslo dosss.orhoses mDrf jj2i - 65 Harfcc* stress near 4& st. t— p..CAiicw. TMrf stwott -to recdTft V/ b Crech supply cfthe iblloTriasr i '' • "-'jUfiS5H2BTSca&-**PtMHßff; ..>•-•■• '. .:- - Tnstf; bySas ___ ' " Fem I*ea7es; -‘-■ ■• ■■ • Pirate cf tfca Golf ;‘by Ingraham;. . - -- ECnaiaGray,crtfca Ancestral. Curse Ga* Howard; . '*Qis gea Lion;.. ... . ,r /■••. —•• -- 'v-r-. - Pt****"** PraTightfirvffi.-.?:-" ■■■<■■>- * - • • r. r--f g»aat * [jygl]« >TL g. CAttOW;i3xlrJa^ TVTEYf acsic— “ , - , AhKvßrttbtm'WUi 'majonew «m 3 wriiteala as-; B*erto :M Would! were with thee." •... „:,X-n -'LQIy Sell; 3’ : " ; ' Ttoeottagocf jaymothisf?' l *: ' Easy Dean?. •■•-,• . WaliaajvJakc; - tiny Dale; ■■ iz *.-■■ Aaniccsy omilarelr - -;Tcn2s-?oJiastto»; * aair«fiEbn.^;;r : ::- ?■ ‘ tmnk act I can fayCrfescn;';^. 7 h. ? ' »■.. Thay*T«»psli*ae3jjsm.thotiTBr; - j ; - - . 1 * 1 :-Erca!ng‘Btar ©b6tt3sh;-- ' * -* _ - - ' Sehotiisb: ' Thiraft PolfcM .-. v-v.. £tcp; >r w ’ ;. ... ttfyTWn«»A«»< RftM4_Kog.lftPd 2.. ; - -- a Tn«?« - ■ ' • * lla|tteJttßa£s> T .r < - , Hesperus Waltz; * :••' -Lcoiuia^-S^aitsAlton Echottisli; ~• • 1 —Lft-BelW'Klaa^Polto; -t , , . • dear; - Kitty Cyis; - ‘ J r :' riittoCTr sayteirßway;- * - tor guitar.- * ' _~ ••"sk®etbcr sritbaH tfte •latesfrimfl Bcbottlsdios, Tflltas &&; josl roedred.-par Adaas Aw»~ ExpressC. < •:•“*. LlUlIBi ■■• *• .-• ‘ - jy3l--■ ■■ *••' •■■'- ■-'• .. ’• ::• •\-HS-'ffCoii6t» :.v ••: ~ ~CBOJ glg»XtBOBI3» £'*»oBtfllY-AUl* 00UN8BLXOli: AT LAX? * I *, «nMrjfl/.3a«rft ‘rtrwt cstf jCUrrg aXUy f - -.' >v-.>.i *•; --•- 'JUfSBUSgg, BA-,"— - , - 3 - - •: oA.3t.imd4P.2l; efgjfe^.. ’IJBAUTItfUL' AMD BUILDING LOTS IN OA£- •-. • i>t.avnWVTeaim lum a ixainber of ficslraiile Xota la* CbilaSiJ, nM<^caal>ctoagtitatlcTrprices aadlcas credit V - -If Applied gsttsr&ihb ifiae to get yourself ttioma* T ..., «b!ci» iiili doubla-ta Taiua tsae,M vd u&< bff«riDg~tfc£s« I ;Xqi3 it -jmtrJh* price, that kllinzforin other localities that -era farther frem theory-:^ ;. ,*««**._ . - ••• !A. T73LEETS * C 0,.. 2T0,71 Fourthst._ -ITtrAMS—A Consgc, TrftO BboaS 2 irre3 cT ' VV'’ 'flamiat taA trorUi stoat $2200, about 2_m&3 tern •. £ : {);<%'rtty.-'-- ) . f - . . . * Also--'lO0Acicsqf Ifliain : ViigJaia,llu3'Bidox)fPa2tap'T\ . boifrca-thotfrcz. i -l - - , ttf ,1' „ ■■: Acood isTd Farmcf 50Acres or.raere,irUmn l- amn-.. . of the elir, oad lyin-j fcaisrsea lbs fcrt tho*- JJaguirocr -- *? ' J* JZOODS, • < ' jyC3 -'' . - 45 streets - ■■. - ptrtft JSglflfr fog. Sale*;, ■ v&r'rxiti SOLD LOW, and jeasqnabio v . ■twßy gl^-ft“gfe g ,-Ericsr.Hoas&.-Coat?\^nlTy s l'fiTe,..ltfgo-. • J&afe3^££Hali;-4fflds6bd:^scn»?.tfa^«opa.iMd-«wr:. oufcbonses.' Tbff Hoasari3 ; gltttflfed.^ii.tha.caaal t opposite. l :^., . Ail&naSll-.gtlSgt tei^ tiai ibridso;'. bonsavls r v&yt; Mid in. good'repair, and ritaitsiui e-plcasaat rtei^boiiaad.-^»icls3r : r. UWs isjfuy dsiaf*T Bade oa coasigßSegta of Sroancn . B tyy t.y>kTtv-ISBPIIANCB ca—so Shares cf-Weatpra v. • W-TwarStoelcgg-glls fitKivTlToarth street. - .. —-.l' ;• - A— -WXLE32C3 &, C0«”'. "fir>f>^fA VDWA^aA^rrd WASTED. fer I lUll si No, 71 'Fourth AT - J?l2 ':-r A.-WILSTKS A Co*“ • a-' LARGE ST£LAM KNQiKJBFO.B B£LB.-rrf~%r«T^gT»' stroke*: : ?hla^ j 6aj?^ F9t j W>OT y Ctn#;: ~ “ ml - , A~ > ; oar ■:Call*2d obtain a. -■•> .Efcal a Ust ofpart cf thnorojK-*- r’efty wotsTO.ftrßale*', v.'? r. 311 l & t®BaSE&2 h & SOX', 140 Thhxtst. JjOT.3UmttC>£tinma > cEiExchaßgßEaalaofKttdnirglii ■•■'. ?rsaM l ttttl>l!ss&lrt*nen3aof- .A-IJIIKK2£Ctt t - r joS3- _ Ko. 71 Fourth s&6s**~ A JJ4 Fern L»tC3 Portfolio. > Prico $1,23 I ££& U g^lyg[VftHmW«/TTBttaa ? :fy H-A.. - I 1“ :/ _ - J,C£> i> jThr&ttoigey/or tha ekgggposfaacoaf John Quod. I^K> | AmsiicaaCJanolalts Sossc&s: by P;3?« Forester. 1,23 -v- I r g%tcfe*T&fo IMMiSeaoristfti: c"" ~ V& *' I I Lastl^aT-tcca'SannySldo. ~ CO 1. " 55 1 I . ThslUnstoiad.llijiiiaq cf Art, vdsgyTlit. ... C,C3'. . I- {>.t H. 3RKE3. b CD., • r !« .-■•■ v -- * • KopSa^^-^fitrsefc 17ISH—Wtita SisJi, Trent, i’-: ■Jo -ciisTjr-—---[-jg23i cou- TSISII APPLES 1 -FES APPLES U-500 £7 ..Win.* ~ rXi.iecsiTedtSilfilEaU-lj J. a Ai'MS^' ,r J JfjCO, -- •.ijsSt:.’. ■ !>%f - _ :T-iOT> JFOil SALE—A mjtxiarfsplfjreff Jj—a, otISS jU"4£ra , tn a (1! ij! I i a j I j 3 -; - landsof teas Hsarp, Esjf citato. ,'ajis of ocilia cftfca <£ty or jn»: ctasp, If eansdfjt soct>.. SsspiauDi .‘THoaAS woods,: . jylS f .- : - fvo. is Market si. - . f~1458 XO WASrrtiZ&j cash, srllh J3OOO wortjj of dW V:.--: ’LI wos«rtr*elaiii ,!, Deqoireof. - - ■ - . ' THOMAS WOODS, - • r<'Dll • * . - -Ka.4Slilar£strt.::/ _, .TT • "■ cf'La»V ca tbo Po?- " _U tex&zs? . fe> £. thohas woods, - /jylS __ > . - ' ~ 1 , atrset>-: - i /^o ,^axi BT -fißLASS«*rfXr.Aats or'OroQßdMm. te>j; Hill, \jt rr* to.-iatsoa' Salr-cigl Ba2u:pgar-AllggbcaT: *- •-. '. ’15031 A 3 WOODS. . -S& • ' KaASXa?£«st. irrlht OEEATSB SEDUCnOSi—X. Ss.'ifimi: UCTXOXSi-~ . > Scasss'jTraTrJdaPriatsat* * 2u& .j 7 /' 44 "McsHa Md Estes's'te’laJßfis ot« - 3c. w | £&«&&&) IOVS*: ■ ■•.*• C& i fies^f^-ErcasiSilastm,at- -12 s. a 6 --« r,: ftgtcard-Qißghsn^at v -• • ICc. Eases s& tar as : - -12 s. ;•-• '2ooEjaVdCaHa2s,ftt ■■■.;>•■■•' --.••.•.•».■ - ss. ~ fft .:■ ■ ■■ ■» ■-.-■ - Ckjs, Stt/ind CteiiSßro SHAWIS Or t E-3A£? 1333 lima rnnal priesa. ~gl6 i "RCJXKESEIr-S3 this. Ns. Slaigscffaf JSakerel i M. b? tirlO] LEECH, tIs&EPIN £ 03. TVTAIlS— lies fc«3J <£ assort*.!, saio bj 3.Z.ZZXS2, a CO, ■W &&%it EMfe *StWfci-r.- , ,„• ; V - i ' -v r * - r V..r p K • •; ,- *►--?••* v ••: ■- ... 1 ‘ < * -i _ * 2 cg/7» \ - \ „