-*' ; : *v. ; .,_ , f t e>;:'^i^‘V 1 ,-<•- .- j 1 " .* v - ' ‘ f, r'-^‘^ : ‘-^’> c ■ -■--■■■• \- : - *•-* |f,;,' l .i'«‘ , ..'v.. A > v ',U'V» fl ?;<.'i' J . ” i~S,X s- t,T?'-. Tl - -J , ->v * - «Jr>f > h e , . |y \';r>.-I % < .%>• <, l ’ % *' $tV-V i''y^'»'f,‘ J ’?‘; ' <'VM ‘-‘I <,// l .- r ',-V/ _ ‘/‘ ’ , , * v ■’,*' '; ? or 'i-i 1 ' iS it -'V ';i s :- - -- <- -.x <, / , ,-: ,'v,. ,<- v M Si® : ® ® •.;?:, '^'^'^■f-t'i?' 1 zZz. AK Z^~.P% '- w- j- r r ■ ‘ * ■- • *' ■ • *" r .<* • " ■ vr*.C r .'y;-;' . : ,.V* r ;'fc/' ZStStSSr '“" l-Jjy 5-f in®®?fi tlaJlotostCllr, ttegrcat, mowl:dram«J, Tfhlcli mints t(a J, r loiroihlpa(Mrty I thlrtx-t«q,.thJfltjr-tlirw«alA i ~_*". .' vKMiT'r-M *» - ’ ->1 xs}u . ' -TTfR CITY ■TOST'.gjl. ■ 4 TBEBfiBrftEHIO. - -SATURDAY By tha tt'Boilly" tines for ttoH6Kdag;.Po3t. ghursday iwaingf«vrritof&a? \ teoacarpdrmm Wd, mad. mtnmahtoto Juddo 80-®^ '* oa tho petlßcn of Peter Campbell. _ ’• t - - nffis-fesss wsf that of tha Oommonwalth et rel. Peter ’ fisinsboll%. ; Alm Campbell. The parties U» married, but "taroiot W &gethoTlbr toms tlmo. r Tho procecdhfw -gtitolnaatuted by tho hostana to obtain possession of bl> WgiMaiaßfage; t>bo boabcenlntheiCbatao ofher toother,-and with Whom jto Vna about tearing tor Nett ,SJ -- „ T_, **■ f > , cast, toys •» __ » Twenty years ago tba GoUalwas in operation,-and jjpods wgre carried, from. Philadelphia to Pittsburgh tor -about $2O ner tow. Thirty-years ago eanied onxegood tun* j ~TpIKa road*-<)Ter.thBmQaatain bydifferent tornpUtaroutcs a wagons at pHces-.Tarying ficom $2 to S par 100 &a-- c Fpr- then>tros.iK>timipilw. west of Lancaster, and; ; ..;tha grgor.flhsrgo teamaloadeA. from 30-10. 35 entendre edeted to deliver goods InSQ or-S3days, accoidlngtoiho Etatetiflho roads;at rates ruling from,ss, GO t 0,7,00 Per.loo Xs* Inthasummerof IMWust afterthopeace with Xng-., •IsncMam baroness of tba -country. ofgoods caused o rash of *-* fccisht* on thovrooponlng.-of:trade, and..wagon-carriage: raised tos9 per .100 fi>Ma Jasoaud Jaly of that year,— ■ This high ratowe paid ourself and wcoUcctarumor.of some -wazonjLhaTins been loadwlatwufr the sama time at* rata «sSlghaasls.T But $Hw« the highest rate wo ever know T tu hath beca-paid, and in no year previous or subsequent* •*■ -wra cafiiage eTerhnowu; to ho BO.hl£U as ■in thls.ono ycar, usd- that fttna the Canto stated. 17 r Masauub Yostxa basinei with at* opposition to the Iheat • rioal - doubt* force him to. •' ■- redoubled exertions. t-Hls opponent da no less a man.than: - ilr. PhinccsJTrßarcain—whom.wbo folks call ahumbug,. becauso ha to nbfeo inoney to it way of hia • t AtirtuusutL to Govriand has bccn opened bjr. Barnran, ft ttoatrical company; tiora tho museum to New York. ' ■■ Che company comprisas o jjnaber oftbeatrlcal celebrities* - many actors of less ropme. Baroum will; produce to thePoMst City; the great: moral :draxnas, which made hla |q Kew York, the resort of those who abop loaded Sicatrus *b of Inequity; add wo suppose it Will be the ***** (a Cleveland, end where vet else he goes. Mr. Tester, hns the Yonimc Comedian, Loch, pcr&tmtog athjs theatre. -.eatcxprlslug friend .Elngeriy, of * SChird street, has just put the finishing tonchesto one of.the ! finest buildings to 'thtt rity. iylocated en Third , opposite tho post office. <: The front is handsomely finished to imitation of atone work. Tholowcrstovyof thh-butidtog. 1 occupiedby CalWe literary D^t* r Chtonltdo uffiees/Mid whhanother room, wblch lics nleo - been let as an office. The second, third and fourth stcrie® ,:X < tuny occupied hy printers,both English and Gcrman # ,lilbog- Taphcigj hoot hitjder?,ic. The basement story is taheawp cito*^toam ; 'priuttog pr»v}S,. ongtno?,'4r. -Thfr.busldingia jtoU ttdtod torihe occupancy of printers, 30.a1l tts internal arrangements " Tbebiifldlngls a credit to the enterprising proprieter* an ; ornament to the city, and a great convenience to the typo* graphical fraternity—that >portion .of them, atleast, which . cOngtfcg&toyto each large numbers, about the post office.•, -ftQtr - ■ 1 • Antoniwr Yailkt JUu.aoAD.-Tho ywpmtory survey*. • ■ of thisjeoad have been made to the New York State line, by. ..• thft"engincer corps.-The Board or Directors .will meet in : ' thU : city,ia AtJguot f -to solect tho .route to the Now. York estate liho,from among thosesurveyed; Itisexpectodtbat the entU’O road will be placed under contract early In Sejv tcabny * 3c*Trccn thbcUy and Kittanning, about six hundred men are at work on the road. Prior" to harvest, eight hundred v , .i; = Werehbgaged on tho lino, but tho domand fbr harvest hands • drew meny of them ofL i Srsmssr Book.—tro received several days since, a book * «f Bpechnenscf printing types, ornamental bard*r*,fiowcra, . metal rul cs,cast at the type foundry of I* Johnston 4 C«x,*Ebiladelphliu- Tbo specimen book Is one of the neatest nSidraof the kind, we have ever soon, and serves to show • :'•■">■ to What perfection tlie typefounder .has ; brought,bis bust • The lype foundry of Johnston & Oo», was established foundry, of 1789. V -DisiaDr pouni.—Before Judge WlilijWns. lfuffbry t?l :Magoiro: jKo. .IC4 November/ tana, 1852- - - Notes cf ioßtimony and bill of axceptionsfiiod by tho Oourt ■ Bois i Berger ts- Chos. Bomboch;. No. C 92" Novembe* t«rm ) JBso;jff./a.No.'l62Jalytertu,lfls3,:.Arul»toxhow bo set aside.. Commonwealth vp. M’Hoycrn; No. 78 April term, 1853. . ■ Opinion of OouTt, usd -bill of exceptions Bled. '-Judgment «r. . ■ - -•-■■■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ - ■ - - ~an ' - - •. ..grpf.CT Caossntca.rTrWe.aro.gled.to.. see,that elegant flag crossings arabdngsubeUtnted in many parts of the city*, fin- tba'hngaiiJly and Inconvenient boulders* which are sueh • ■ anapnoyanea to pedestrians. Wowoulfi recommend, to the / Street Ccrnmlsaioner, the -substitution s* bhe flags through* opt tire city, end in all streets which are now being pared* ‘ Oa Pouirth stotemd on Wood r -flag crosslnga are nor being 'laid dowtvand t&o old crossings removed., ~'qb4J3IEO aso? streeVinSonthTJttehuigh, • -la-now being graded aadt paved. ,-Thowcrk .of improving - - laatfalh bnt^gsugptmdedjdo^ - lug tl to winter. It ts now. bolng prosecuted with an energy . ’ tbavwtil-'lnsure a specdy comptetiou,' .The grading an^pav* atiho f extends, to iha Birmingham borough line. < Emiora Cassirer.—Two young men, named and - “ ifamdle, were arrested on Thursday night, and lodgedin tho v.. • i wntch4wuse, charged with. rsislog: a disturbance In Coal •:!. Lensi Tostcrday morning, they worn token before Alderman ~ ,7; 'BtocliSSd on-payiog A fino offivo. dollara i ' -Boyles was commlttod, howover, liT Of ten -doUaraiine. - > - ’ - ( - v i . . nflii f * ; information was mado yesterday, before -s /Aldsmmn Parltinson, In which Pstrick Burns nceusfid Bat*, 7 tick Henshelm and Joseph Walkop,- with stealing Irenfrom • Lindsay's mill, in the HftbTVard. Thcirpn'.waastoicn;and • BperwordsßOld. - Ibo parties wore on^fited,and w® suppose • -thereceiver of thsgoods wiU be also srrested. . •* "- BpxiEaKpy—The young man, of whom wo made mention rr .jQ nur paper of ycsierd«y, as having stabbed a man In Mr/ * ' tobacco store, Waa yesterday morning tdteu be* (lathe absence of the Mayor) and fined On>ayfo? that sum, he was discharged from custody' ap InfonhationhoforeAld. Msjar, Mitchell Bcmley, with assault and battery. The ' pugUistib husband was arrteted, andheld-tob&Ui'byiho Al derman. . fIPM - Taiis Aubsl—Measures abouldbe proper ' ‘ : ftuthmitics to put a ssop to the, frequent opcorrenre of false fireelarma On Tfiufeday; there were several fids© alanos. Xh aubh weather os the* present there is no fan in a frise - alarm? . ** * 4 •- - Tipfww • TTooml—Ann Campbell was arrested, on a pro* . Court, on Tfaursdny. nlght> and.lodged In Jail,. ebatgod with keepings tlppllns homo. Testerday ahe .as ~; niassed, on giving soeurity for her appearance. ' ' ’ Oissioa’s BnnoajAi.—ijlner. 4 No- 82 Bmlthfiekl ■ pircet. havo cow fbr role Tolnme Coorlh of the Pictorial, el -1■! cgahUy lu'Sllt, ulth aulnjekuna ample title page. , Best.—feotertay tfes a rery -unpleasant day for those • trhto’eaUihS leillhcm on tho street*. Between the heat and the dn-t, the'aulTeringa of outatteni irasJntolerabie. -- SEirßamasaoes*.—lhe Farmettf Deposits Bonk of cto, latard’crectlng, during the present season, a splendid o-addlngem Fourth street, irfth an Iron front. - Comtmn>—A. man naned Antonlocelll was yesterday ecmmlttwl on a «. m- ftom the District Court, In da&nlt of the payment ofone-huudrod and fifty dollara fine and coats. ABEtsifD. —A lad named Wilt 'iTCS orrcSted yesterday, and taken to the watch, house, fin: bathing dn the Uonongahola rirar. - - r' mb;, pfltAgQHß>-FPQm.lnfancy I have; been afflicted, with -yffc nnd short rfghtodnesa. and InaU my traTeis I hare never beenahlo to get a pair of would ho)p me. X Lave |mff eevoral pairs that would enable rao to see more distinctly, hut could noyer keep them on more than one-half hour, from the fact that they caused such great pain. ' • * - I happencd to see your pdvcrtisomßut, by whlth I saw r yon had iust Imported some, and as ithas.been ipy constant; n !mtngetft-pairtlmt^ , ouldbeDeStcie ) .r.thougbtl would-. " %scrast noi think mo flottratog, when! nay ttiojfflnre amnlmiS'or my expectations. Ikavonot been ahla to read " ' more than half onhonr atony tlonjbo hjro Tnot them Glasses. ■ Eiaco I got theses.l rcaapno Son?., all day, and until 10 o'clock, without experiencing the hast noUMThich laathinglhava hot done bsfOmiOr years. . I eoytSa muclyocrtWnkit desenring your enterprise,, and tophjg be y u . If. fi—l tb^ttonteatlanthat qiy witote;greatly bena*. f Orleans papers ofSAturday rcwlvM/SStfranJaflatia 10f ““ lie Walof o«s»raejriim4 hla tusocli&at mu romofed To (IfJTesiOa. _, / :-.-• The Grand Jory o T.\h& District Coart In itUUneeMloa In* fltrirmg into outrages Committed* Norton aodhlseo complices on thGtowaoTKeynosa. J ■* ' 1 * Mr. Email* Deputy BfceriJl Of BrotfnsrllloL *ru killod by Hr; Oonrittl;«Utor efthe American! Idtter aeteildn and was discharged. ~ - -A bad feeling earists between \ho cUlxonjranfl filibusters. IQtelatler ore threatening vengeance against tho.cUitens, ' SUrmisheahavoiaken place betwe«Capt Granger and company of U. E-rlfleS: tod * m&ranalng-Indfgna. Jftra of the latter were killed, and a 1 number wounded.-" A large asumnt nf stolen property was recovered. v •TroopsaivcoJiUnminyarrfflngnt Mexican towns oh the frontier in such number* sa were caverbetofo acetu s Mill rtoxy ancammscntfl aro also .being efltabUfihedatoany points on Dio Grande. - Tout, July 16. The Daniel Wehator arrival wJthSan Juan dates to the 6th. Her new*! anticipated.*'' r President Fierce tookunexcnrelofe to the Harbor.tosJay,' at the inrltatJon of the Harbor Committeo. ••■ ' • • The President has unexpectedly, determined toleaTe tor Washington to-night. . , * w _ v RicnaoKb, July 15. ;, ArrjTßd from: jreatertay, the echooher r :M&eswg. > WhUfey...Salea6so hbla Ohio at 23& Urea.- tto visions..,Bales 3CQ bbla Bless Pailt lit $15,62; ■Prime sl3fdemand fair; Bales 200 hbla Hess Beef, at $12,25, 1 Bocf Hams at. slB,£o@l4,oor fins;' sale* or .: 700. Shoulders at O, Fteadyvsalea lOOOSiaca at:i 7U3B;dryHMlted satneirrnlsl,lo i i afloat; no sales of Bye. Corn Is scarce atos@<&.' ■; i » “ , S C fSaawAtt, July is. Roar quiet at $5 0033,75. Whisky 16%. A good do tnaad ftrXanl trith-sale* 1000 this. at o)4* angaria good -i libdft. 5V£@&K-~ Bales 300 bag* Coffee at I MolassessS@2£Tffothlng done ingroceries. I 4be-Froßtd6nt of tli« Untied Stated. TN pnrsaanoe of law, Ti FRAN Stiff FIERCE,' President JL •or£he;ltaUe'J States of America. •riod*heielnftftordQrisniitiAlo’Wit:. • tho band Onico ftt RIV&R, cdntmeacing on -Mon2ny, thethlrf day ofOctrrtwr naxt, for' tho disposal of fho public lands situated in fb» fbUpwiugaamodf townships, si*j Forth, of tlx ixue and Wcfi qf iks fourth principal - wruUa n. t Townships thirty-two,, thlrty-throo, thirty-four, thlrtr-flro t and thirty-fits, of raogo fito. i TcmnsWpa thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three,thhtydoor,, hth!rty-BTo and thlrty-Slx, of range dm •-.••. •; - * Townshlpsthlrty-on o, thJrty4wty thirty-three, thirty-four i anl-thirty-fire, of range SBTftn.. .. . - i . thlrtjr'UOTS wd thirty four,ofrango ■:■ -■ -v.v: 'i..• i i .. Townships thirty-one, thlrty-twoand thlrty-thrcoy of rungs l nice. ... :■ I , -Townihlps thlrty-ono, thirty-two, tttfrfcr-three end thirty-1 f&ur,.of tenge sixteen. / • •. . Townships ihirty-tbrea and thirty-four, of range -men* teen* .■■■'.■ • > At thnXand OfUco st&I£NASOA* commencing'cb-XTon i day* the tenth day of October next, for the disposal ofihe ; public lauds within the undermentioned townships and rartoof townships, towitV ;••; r , . i JYbrtA o/itte hate ■{inpjjrjsti JEealnf tht fourth principal vxridian.- m': . Townships twenty-fivoand of range twolte. ■ Fractional township twenty-one, west of Wolf riser, and l townships twenty-four, twenty-fire and twenty-six, of range I thirteen. - Fractional townships twenty ouq and twenty-two, west of Wolf tirer and Bayou, and town3hipatw«ity-thr«>lweut/- tbur,two;.ty-BTeai>dtw•• ■ .-*.» • - «• North of Vie. hsfg hneand Ti'estrf (he fourth principal .... .■ . •• . . atndtan. . . Township* twenty and twenty-one, of range one.: - Townships seventeen; oineteon, twenty bud twenty-one, of range two,. : k . Townships twenty-ono and twenty-two, of rango eleven,, . awl twenty two, of range twelve. : Townships twenty-6no afui twenty-two,of range thirteen. North cf the host lone and EaslofVtt fourth J)rteefpal ' ' mtndunu • Townsaljw twcnty.... ~~ . ■ SectfoaaLbrt'O to ten, flfteento twenty-two and tvanty-six tothlrty-flvo, in township twaily-zir; township twcnty-seTcn, (except sections thirteen, tweuly-four, twenty-fire, thirty fire and thirty sis.) and townships twenty-eight, twenty* mne and thirty,'Of range rix. , “.<•.* - -Sections one, two, eleven to fonrteen, twenty-three-to twesty*flve>awi thirty-fix, In tamslup txocnty atsnch prleo,, nor shall he emered at private sole within . twolve months thcrenfter, the some, shall he subject (o sole as other lands. - * , . • The oflbring of the shove lands will ha commonoed on tM days appolntol, and will proceed lathe order In which they are ndvurttscd übni the'Whole: shall have been oflCfed, end; the Bales tbna closed t but no ado shall be kept open longer ■ than two weeks,-and no: private entry of any lands will; be admitted until alter the osplraUon sf the two w»ka; , ;: i Qlron : under : my hand, at the cltj .of Washlngtnn, this twenty-firet day of : Juno, anno Domini on. thousand eight hundred nnd.fifty-three. TBAKEUN PIERDK. Wiusorr, Cbmmisiianar vf rAr Gcural Land Qfftct. ■ NOTIOB TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS- Every person entitled tothe right nf proomptlOQ to any Of the lends within the townships and pnrts.of townships above enumerated, ia reqnlrcd to establish tha same to tho sattslhctton of the regular* and-rocMvar: of. tho proper land Otacm and make payment therefor at -seon or pracHea- Ale afla- aady this ratio, and bofcro the day appolotdd ibr the commencement ol thapuhllo aalaof tba.landa amhra ring the tract claimed,otherwise sncholalmwßtba (brfelted. * JOHN WILSON, aunstftrimtrr cf Un (JentrulZond OJJIu. . Jyll;Hawl3w ; T INBREB OIL—3O bbls.of best brands, In Btora ani for •■1 j gala iQvr.by - LEECH, M'ALPIN & C(Xj . 4 * NOB.-242 and 244 Liberty street* /CHOICE suhscribera aro preparod.to furnish \r families slcamhoata pnd hotpla with (ha finest chops-- T. Hyson, ~. - - Oolong, .Impend, « Souchong. Congou, ... At pricea unprceodcntcdly low rnrthla markoK hy tha nouna or original package. Also, put .up In tln-foU packages. #P t2B - 253 Liberty street. largo aud fisohlquabloatock« now r l / stjl.-OmmUottes, OoUsira, lings, and PUthVtreet. hhla. oak coopcrogo, COMMERCIAL PO§T: DAILY BEOTEW OF HTTSBTJBGH HABKEf I- 'l *• orrtcs iMU Duir Moktna Post, 7 1 Saturday, July 10, I«6S. - f. ; I - :Tbo weather yesterday,was Tory pArm,'And'unpleasant ly 4o?ty. Business eeuorally Tery (juM, with but few Jransadtonb transpfrTno,weeptlii a,amall.-»ay. ' . 1 - F LOBE—The market yesterday morulay whs quite ail. mated, and prltes pretty stiff wb noto rales of 100 bbla at s4;6odafeuci«xtmat|4,Sf; 100 do superfine from Boro _4ts4;J!B wagon at s3^7. ; QATS»-Tb(!ro was aihriskdemind oh ■ tha wharf fcr oats; and prices farther advanced. 100 bu at« 0; 2so do 49; 800 do at Bailroad at 40 EQQS—SaSesoftOOdoxatSJi; Ibblat io' ; ; EJBH—gales of 20 bblslio 8 Mackerel ot $10,60 y-' ;/ : BACQNr-aales 0f2200 Ou country shoulders at 6J4; 2040 do dear sldes7}£; 1500 pcs shoulders -cm pdrats terms; : 17009)8at6%(§S^ t 2QOo,du,G}£; 2000 do hems 814; 1000 dosldos7p£. ■, V»‘ li 18 ftY—Small sales were made at 22- - l ;HAY—-Sales of SO loads at a decltua ‘ ~ BOSXlf—Sa!esonobhlsatsB :. SODA ASft—-Balo4ofScaskaat' ■ •'■ ■ : , TAHNEBS’ SCBATS-1000 fta at 2^ - SBGAfi—Sales of 7 hhds at ;6 do common at 41#j. ■ Tha Boston Journal of Monday saysj the money market Jnthai city continues easy and tranquil la its general foa. turcs- ISo U, Y. Jouiwl of Commerco of Monday, p, M. ( uyc— • Th» urlral of a farther .apply of California sold hr the iilinols, baa-created q> still bcticrfacling-in tbo money mar £sVond capital lsfreelj offered upon prime securities at 6 WfttoorfiP 1 I^c^aa S o D °th‘ a f£ wte doing for the She N. V* Pc<3fc of Monday# P. at, aayai v- Sbe advices ftom Great Britain ere vartonaly j adzed ot— Some view then os indicative) of an approaching-heavy d©. mand ftr money in the London -market, to pay far her lm - porta of cereals, which are likely to be very - large, a* well aa brother prpducoand raw material. -The hut, however, that wo shall find It profitable toalilp largely of wheat and -flour* creates a different opinion In the minds of others who •fim and seem tha moat disinterested' W. J. Kotxrz,. Blaster, will leave J regularly erery WEDNESDAY. For freight or passage, Apply on board, or to nyll V: G. B. MILTENBERGER. For Long Rcaefc, Hariotta, ParberAutor ana GaUipolls* ' f kw-* K Tbi imocjicamcr trOV. HEIQS, SuCks, vOl Imtc Tor th& above end Intfinnodiiia T7i..-...i,i; i.i ipointaorory Tuesday, atB o'clock P>H. PorCrelght or pamge apply on board, or to f«b2 ■ • JOUN yLACK,-Agent. marietta, Pwlceribarg and HoeMnaport Pftoketi • w •'Tho Jrteamw. HAILCOLUMBIA, A.&Casus, . wOl leave Pittsbnrgh every Monday, a) ’ii' i'll o'clock P. &L; returning, will team lloc&og* port every Tuesday, at fl o’clock A. M* Passengers and shippers, msy roly on tho utmost ocean modatton and promptness. - W. B. WIIEKLEB, in&rfi *4 Market street. FOB 4 SHOST TIME Oft&Y. HEW DISCOVEEY FOE THE EYES! . OPLOTACLK3, Ac. ground on tho exact principle of Spbe> 0 .Accuracy, by 0. BOLOMONfI, the celebrated Opti cian* from tbo Improved Spectacle Manufactory and London Optical Ustsbllshment, ffo» 105 Old ftovd street, London** established more than a century ago. O. the role Inventor of the Improved Spec tacles, and raxioua Improved Glasses, 1* natron a profes sional visit to this place, and may be consulted at his office, Lafayette paildiDjo?, comer of wood and Fourth street*, first door or* Fourth* .! i -Ha bis had the honor of attending tho above named prlo* i <3pnl towns cf the United Kingdom, where he has expert i enced ibe meet flattering encouragement, having been f earnestly solicited to males a visit for a short dme/hi has | the honor of umonndng his arrival from London, with a i ra«t splendid assortment of bis nevly4nrented and lxa- I proved Spectacles. Sorb istbesupertority oftfacseGlas/es, that- persons having inflamed or weak eyes may instantly be relieved by using them, and they possess the properly of preserving the precious organ of eight to iho most advanced period of life, while they enahle both the old and tho young topursunthe most.minute employment for any length of i time, both by day or candle ligut. As several individual/ i In tho United States have tried their effleaev, he,withconfl. i dense, jxfllei.La the farther fovors of Urn public, which he will > over bo proud. to acknowlodga r *csuri»«*4fce6« who entrust i him with tUfiihcomxndmbithat no exertion shall bo wanting icm his pan to meril : thfclr confidence and approbation. : Added to tho advantages passesied by him of long practice i to thft Eye Infirmaries, and under one of the most eminent Oculist*, by which he has obtained a thorough knowledge I of the diseases of vlaonthe has In hi* possession documents i from’individual* of rook, conveying the highest tesUmo i nlals of approbation. >. lie will give references to persons in tho United State/ i who have found the greatest benefit and comfort from tbe > nsoofblsncwiyinycnted and improved Spectacles. : Hew filfoovery tor Deafness. Tho.&urei Concentrator 1/ an extraordinary, powerful, newly-invented small instrument, for the cure of extreme eases of Desfecss, entirely different in make or construction from all others, surpassing everything of the kind that has been or probably over e&n be produced. They are not modeled to the cavity of the ear, and may rest within with out pnajocUog, and, being of tho same color as the /kin, are not perceptible. The powers of ibis valuable Invention arc ro great as to restore defective hearing of long standing to its perfect and natural state, and to enable deaf persons to join in general conversation, to bear most distinctly at a pike© of worship, at the bar, or at any public assembly; the unpleasant sensation of ringing noises In the ear Is entirely removed, and the concentrations afforded to individuals afflicted with this dreadful malady all tho assistance that eanpossiblr be desired. I am happy in bearing xny feeble testimony In favor of Ur. Solomon's Eye Glasses. I think them superior to any 1 have ever tried. The eyes seem to rest pleasantly under their two. __ G. D., Late Prolfcssnr of Surgery In Washington • University, Baltimore, Md. •■■■•• Pittsburgh, Juno 8,1863. • I tm uring n pair of Mr. Solomon's Glasses, and Had them irsrrcotsfertaWe.. 1 choerftilly add my name to the cumber of tnosa who recommended me. Jos. P. Omaar. M; D. vpittaburgh,'June-8,1853. Prom what I bavo observed In lha u» of Mr. Solomon’* Glosses, X tako pleasure In adding my testimony to the fore* golngToocsamentlaUcmaQf iho Facalty. ' ■ rr - Jxvxs Knm, M. D. Pittsburgh, Jane, 8, 1813. • ■ • ••- ■ Cleveland, Oct, 27,1851. It affords me pleasure to siato that on the trial of several specimens of ’Spectacles pissed In my hands by Blr. Solo mons, I find myself much relieved from a defect of vision, and especially weakness In the eyes, from which I have suf fered for. the lost two years, whenever I have exercised them even for a abort period of time. I think they aw of an ex cellent quality, and odojibed for such purposes. Professor of Physical diagnosis, and Cheery and Practice of .. MooWne, Medical ltopartment, ,W. R-College. . Rochester, January 16,1851. ; • The best recommendation I can give the G lassos of Mr. ; Solomon hi thatl aso thorn xnyselfand prefer them. Wnarsn, 1L Ik, . . • Professor of Anatomy, University of Buffalo, i . /•• • : fHews.Vorkj'Jiine 4, 1850, i • Having made trial of Mr. Solomon’s Patent Spectacles, i and examined the principle nn which they are constructed, 11 ham no hesitation In pronouncing then* superior, to any i with* which . I am acquainted, and accordingly can most -cheerfully recommend thorn to all who need artificial aid in i improving their vision. Cnaa.- A. Lss, U> i 'Pisfeaor of Pathology-and Materia Modlcs, Genova, [ i • RußalOj Ond Bowdaln College. • j r..i U Philadelphia,Jane4,lBso. | I cordially concur, as - far a n myjuugment goes, in the I opinion of my frioad end colleague, Or. Lee, in referenoe to ! the perfection of Mr. Solomon’s oonvex and oval Glasses, for i ikNaghtedness. . .Tbo grinding appears to be good and clear, and tne general workmanship superior., . . . • - - Jakes Bstah, M. D., jal&SmslAwl • Professor of Surgery, Geneva College. United states Patent omee,) * WiSUX-toto*, Jane 23, 1853. / f\K the petition of F. P. Dimpfel, of Philadelphia, Ponn \J sylT&nhh'prnyliig for to* extension of a patent grant ed to mm'o& the twenty-eighth of. December,-1839, for an improvement in blowers fbr furnaces, for seven years from the 'cnpliutlon of raid patent, which tabes place on the tVßntyhya brothers. TTITE UfcUß~7o9ll>«. Cooper’ll, Jo store and for sale. isi j >LK>Trao mtoMoas.-- T>ABIS QUEEN—I3OO Bis. Bch»am' brand, Jbr salo by JyB ■ JfLEMINQ'BBOTHERo.. GOPAL-VAKNIBH— COO galla* in store nod £or sale tar-'". PLEUIKO BUOTHEBS, k T {Boccessorsto J.lUddiOo,,) : COTToofl Btaeot T A m P.R» Hrdnlfl tippfid SOOtg,--JcnDY Linda, and tjp&El I j ttnfltlngf rccdycdat ■ W. K. BCHMERTZ', . my2T '■ , _• - -.r: . 107 Bftrket street y|7iii3»*74‘bair«bfeta Voting Hyson; i X 20 do Imperial. In storeand for sale by my 23 A. HUNTER. V * n ' ’ - * PBICBa OF,6TOOKS. cosaurttssuLT »aa inetOTWiso tosJ BT 1 ’ Patrio&a' & Irlendi Exobnnco Bro&ers, r Comer c/ fV» andWooddmia, tvitburgh. { .. LOANS. I Bid. ) Jdrd. ,/fcr Tat ' United Slates Bn. 1805^., *415,00]* 120,00! * 100.00 1 United5tate965,1853.„„....„.„.... -! 100,00|-401,001' 100^04 FouuylvanlaOs.lB7o „ 105 m 000, 100,00, PransylraniaOc 1868 90,oo! 07,00, 100,00 Allegheny comity ' f 100,Oo! 100,00 : Allcghcay-roontycouponau:;..,... - 00,00!- -100,00 1(4,00; Httsborgli My <5a...................... -98,001 >100,00H100,00.' Pittsburgh city coupons, parable- ■{■ ■:■;" 102,001- Allegheny City 6a. 08,001 Allegheny payable BANK STOOKB. Bank of Pittsburgh....,.....; Merchants* Manufacturers* Bank: Exchange Bonk .i -Farmera'Deposit 8ank................ Allegheny Savings Bank:.;-—;-.i BRIDGE BTOOKS.' •* Monongohela 8ridge......;..-.;..... St. Clair street 8ridge...;.....* Handstreet Bridge— Northern Liberties Bridge. INSURANCE STOCKS. - Western Insurance Cdmpahy—- Gitisons* Insurance Company...... Ataodated Firemen’s Company.... TELEGRAPH STOCKS. Atlanticand Ohio.- Pittsburgh,Cincinnati * Louisville Lake Kruv...................i, , Pittsburgh Gas Works-;... Monongahela Slacktsratc;.-......... RAILROAD STOCK;. . Pennsylvania Railroad-;.....—. Ohio and Pennsylvania RaHroaii- Cleveland a Pittsburgh Railroad-. Marini Raßway and Dry Dock.— Turtle Crook Plank Road.-.-. Porryarillo Plank R0ad—...:..;..... Greensburg Turnpike..-;.... 1 .....;.. Chartiers Coal Company.....—... COPPER STOCKS.. - : Pittsburgh and Boston.- North American....—. North We5t,.....;.......,.——...... North Western.- . Adventure.. Ohio Trap Rock Minnesota.,—..... Pittsburgh and Isle Royal—. Douglas 110ught0n—,............... ..Ontonogen—. —. Bidgo— Plro Steel Dolling.;.—.,. As tec— Mnff— Peninsular ATcry— 4..-— 5.1. Forest;;*-.-——.,—..-4 , , •—.! Pbomlr...—T,oo IrcaCßty..-....-.—. ; si&O* COaUCTEB DiULT FOB Hoon €b Bttro«ntf EzcUanffe Bankert) - Omuro/Wood.axdSisihtiruUtPttUbisraTu - : j_ ■ PENNSYLVANIA. ) OUIO. - Pittsburgh Banks..—.... par.lSfcatoßk.and branches... M Philadelphia u .\4 Other salrent Banks....- % Brownsville «♦. par. Bank of Sandusky- Buck*county ......... Granville..so CbosterCo.(ne*issae}..< .J 4 Norwalk..--......—60.*- Columbia Bridge C 0,..- y*. Urbana.— -.—.—.tiO Danyille “ ......... Ki Wooster-..—....\25; Delaware c 0..« Kl -.INDIANA* .».j> Doylo&tovm “ Ji State Stock Banka...—..; % Easton “ WStateßk.andbrnncbes.«;“l Germantown 0 - - ILLINOIS. Lancaster Uanka —» ...%i Stalo Stock Banks...—..;. $£ Lebanon- *4 State Bank Branch.. CO Montsomeryeo,Banks... *i Bankef 111in0i5......76 Northumberland ■ “ ... is • KENTUCKY. . ’ Pottarille u M . y, AH solvent Banks $£ Beading « -. (J ' MISSOUKL • . ■ Schuylkill county u *4 State Bk. and branches...*- 9£ Washington “ par. ■ MIOHIO AN.- J West Branch 11 All solvent Banks..;—' V . Wyoming.. —\— Q WISCONSIN. ' • Carlisle-- - % tfsxtae * Fire Insurance . Chflmhsnborg.... Erie..- April 0 Copt Kearney. - i* Sept, 21 Aug. -6 1500 mar. iJan. 21 Derr € Ship CONSTANTINE, ) Jane <5 Apr. 21 Ovpt. Duryw, >Ocfr 6 Aug. 23 lflwQ ions. • \ Feb’yfi Bee. 21 Ship AUJL'RTOALLATIN, 1 Juno 21 Mar 6 Capt* Delano, . VOct'r 21 Sep't'e C 1650 tana. 1 Feb. 21 Jan'r € Ship AMERICAN UNION,) July 6 'May-Si Capt, Doaae, J>NoT T r C . •..• .•Sept 21 HOC ton*. ) March 6 Jan. 21 Ship QUEEN of tha WEST,) July 21 Jum 0 Capt. Hollett, >Sor. 21 Ocfr 0 1500 tons. ) Mar. 21 FebY 0 Ship NEW WOULD, i Aug. 6 June 21 Capt. Knight. VDec’rO - OeL 21 IGOO tons. ) April A Feb. S 3 Besides which, they dispatch from Liverpool Intermediate Packet*, Railing weekly. . Passage* by either of the abort xaagniScent Packet Eh Ip* ran be secured upon reasonable terms, by applying ta shore. REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND, IRELAND. SCOTLAND. AND WALES, v W«i Issue drcih# trqn £1 triU be eaah* ed, Axe of charge, at right, hr the Bant of Ireland, Dublin, and all Us branches throughout the country, or by any of. our Agents In England, Scotland and Wole?. \ JOHN TfIOiIPSOK, Agent, aprg&datr . 410 LlhertT rtrcot. yittahurgh. Pa. TIIE OLDEST ESTADLISUED-OJFIOS IS TDtIS CITY MONEY TO THEToLO COUNTRY. . TAMES BLAKELY begslcata to say to those persons bar tl log friends In the Old {feuntry; and desirous of cither pending them mosey or paying their passage, that his ar rangements for dolcg cither la now complete,- and on so firm a basis that mlstak.es can not occur, nor losses accrue to any party. During the last ten yean In which be has been In this business, he has remitted orer a Half Million of Dollar* without the loss of a dollar, and the bouse for which ho is agent, la Urerpool, has shipped not less than 46,000 peno&s during tho last year to this country, without n complaint of neglect of duty on their part. Ho can Issue Passenger Tickets for London, Dublin, Lircr pool, Glasgow, Cork, Belfast, Drogheda, Limerick, Port Bush, howiy, Galway, Londonderry, and Dundalk, to New York, Philadelphia, Boston,Baltimore and New Orleans, and from thence to Pittsburgh; and will attend strictly to for warding passengers from thence to any part of the country- Re also has sight drafts ftr sale, payable at the following places, ris; ON ENGLAND. Edward*, Sand&rd 4 Co London. TTm. Tappsoott A Oo ..UTerpool (ATailable In tfco.principal cities and towns throngpont England and Wales.) ON IRELAND. - Provincial Bank - „..»tfoUln, fc&aStcßES. Armagh, Belfast, •■. Downpatrick, . Enniskillen, Mallow, Strabane, . Athlono,. , Carlow, Drogheda, Fermoy, Monaghan, Ennisoorlhy, Ballina, Goran, . Dundalk, . Galway. Newry, . Tralee, - Balymrna, Clonmel L Dnogannon, Londonderry, Omagh, . Yougfcall, Banbrldgo, Kilkenny, Dungannon, Kllroah, Waterford, Coleraine, Parsonstown, Cork, Ennis, Bandon, Wezfbrd, OootohUl, Umerlek, 1 Brulysbannqn,.,. ON SCOTLAND National Batik of Scotland, Edinburgh, and Its tranche# In fifty towns In Scotland. OIT FRANCE... Messrs Edward Blount i Go n Bankers. ..laris. (Available In anvcKj ia France.) ON QEBMANy. . Messrs. Vogel, Rock & Co., Bankers, Prankforfc-on-tho-Mnin (ATallabla In any city in Germany.) JAMES; BLAK ELY, py7 180, dot, of BeTBQlb and SmtthfleM sta. PARASOLS.— -600 plain and figorod Parasols; Just rec’d and for sale cheap, by > V J 029 A; A. MASQN.& Co. t 25 Fifth street . RINQEb—r2O doxen more of thoto 7 idches Crimped Fringes, (assorted colors,) just received by Jagg A. A* MASON A 25 tifth street■ OQAt^ 20 do Lottlcr’a Spun, For sale by ny23 ■ A.. HUNTER. Ladies wanting-good shoes would do weii.toeau at W. K. BCHMERTZ’S, and examine bis aaeorttnent of Patent Ties, Slippers, Toilet Slippers, Boot*, and Jenny ZAnda. Prices Tory loir.. lO7 Market at: . JjelO FLOUR-OSO bbla« Superfine straight bramL.for Bale'br je29 A. DUSTER. BUTTER— 10 kegs lor sale by jeB HENRY H. COLLINS. Balsam cqpaiva—2sQto., foruaie ty - jCIO • a A; FAHNESTOCK A CO- LAKD— No. 1, In kegs, for sale to: •Jc3 HENRY IL COLLINS. RADWAYS READY JU) LIEF—I 2 gross, ftr galo by JolQ ' ’ aA, FAHNESTOCK OJO A; BONIER. HEftlP SEED—to bbia* fot sale by ~ " jeio “ B, A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. SUGAR— 80 hhds.heWOrleans Bugor,for sale (7 JyB - . . . HENRY ILCOLLINS. SOAP— 00 boxes Rosin Soap, for sale by Jyfi HENRY 1L COLLINS. BEANS-rfi by'V Y '' ' " JjO HENBYTL COLLINS. . EI3G&— 0 bids. fresh, this day received, by . jyO ; v ■; HENRY H. CQLUNS. 7 1 LABS—IOO boxes 8 bylOGlarat 1 ■ ■■■■■■■” VJT • 75 do 10 br 12 do; For salo by SjS A ITOKTEB. TjjIAKLS—IO cask. No, 1 PccrU, tor sale by ; . X i?o - . . ngwtY-H.ooM.isa. MACIIE EI<—WO tils, large 3'»,(Msraaclni»tta Inspcc* : tloa,) Jort receded mid for raleby ■■ A. 110NTEB, jjB Ko. 232 liberty atrek . bbla- » fery superior srtlolai ror JV rale by • (sura) SMITH A Slb'CLAtß,' PESEYSVILLE PEANK RQAD—IOO sllaroa of tils Stock -wonted, by i©Ma'B.;UWinS,Y Slock, 881 end Sral Batata Broker, cay 23 Basil of Ptttsburgb. 19,00 . 48,75 50,00 10250 10,00 28,00 • 8,00 '40,75 . 49,00 63,00 105,00 12,00 10,00 175,00 63,00 .20,00 l! ,00 •7,60 1 200,00 8,001 10,00 4, 50! .5,00 ■ tfiO “1,76 3,25 2,00 :.2^o .2,00 0,00 0.00 J-' i3|ool :l,i2j B,ooj 0,00 250! BASK H< ITE XIBT. tux irowoKoi»osf ar Co. at Mflvaukla—;.... 2 TENNESSEE. Ail solvent 8ank5...»...« .' 3 NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent 8ank5.....*.; • 1 ! SOUTH CAROLINA. I All solvent 8ank5....*.., 1 i GEORGIA. lAllsclxrat Banks**...,, 114 j !' -- ALABAMA. (All solvent Banks**.*.. 5 . LOUISIANA. „ : ' All aolTent Banka.****. IVf . EXCHANGES. J ~ iNeir Y0rk..***...,.... par. iPLUadelpblaa-.*......- par. {Baltimore* par. jOlndanatl....**...** iistfu i Louisville *,..5? dlstft. :st. Louis—....l dlsc’t. r VALUE OF CJOINB. t American Gold (nev)*.*{ par. i American Gold (0!d).......pPa. (Sovereigns* *.,-44 83 iGnlnraa...*...* 6 00 iPrederlckdors..*.*...;..* 7 80 (Ten Thalers,*.*,.**..** 7 80 iTcn Guilders...***.**,. 2 00 ' Louisd’or..*.*....4 25 iNapoleons— «..«*..*,**.o 83 i Doubloon?, Patriot.*...*l6 70 | Doubloons, BpanWj .*—l6 25 i&neata....*.2 IQ EUSOPEAH AQBBOTi •* t . *: - v-.. • v T ‘ 1 . , r -\ V '' . 'AUCTION SALES.' 1 Auction Cas'd. 1 . TAMES M'K&XXA, Auctioneer and -Oomnilßiloa- Mer* I'-fcf " Oh4oVlic. 120 Wood street, mear the corner -of Fifth, hTCffUlar eales tt Dry Good*'Clothln&Grocertoa, Glassware, i now and second band Furniture, eachday at lO ind 2 ■o’clock; bnd at early gaslight,eaohoYeningi Watches’ and Guns, Pistols, Books, Fancy article?, Cutlery, Coots,. t Shoes, Ae.»*dtlr a general- assortment ofevery ■ description I of Dry GOoda. - Refer to the principal merchants. -■■ -fab9 -•“ . Auction—DaUySale*.. .v-ArTt&e Curamerclal Salta ‘Rodins, comer of Wood and ..xjL F{lthst3 k o«ta, atlOo f g9o6Kd'fias6rtment of £g flLsoaabla, Staple ami ' Fancy Dry Goods, Clotbln?, Boots and lists, O&ovAch--' .••<•■• ' AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. SL, Grocena3, Quecnswaro, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Looking .Gl&sscvNewa&il Second Hand Honwboid sad Kltchen Fnr ulture, 4e.» 100,00 - 'lOO,OO 100,00 60,00 ’ 50,00 .60,00 AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. 31., Bqq&s, Stetioneiy, FajKyArtklevMurfcaKlnstruments* Hardware and. Cutlery- Clothing,-variety Goods, Gold and fillvor watches, Ac. . g. 31- DAVlS^Auctioneer.' - [ja3l:tf 25,00 I 26,00 { 47,00 60,00' j JAMES HcKEHHA, Auotionoor. QECOND-HAND WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT :AUC vO TION.—On SATDRDAYovtmiug nest, July 10th; at early gas light, will bo sold, at McKenna’* Auction House, a lot of . Second-hand Gold and Silver .Watches, and fine Gold Jewelry: JAMES McKKNNA,. jyU . - Auctioneer.' I QUENCH AND ENGLISH CLOTH,' CA&3IMJBRB3, OAS -1 SINKTTB, LAWNSr CALICOES,' BERAI2IIS. MERI NOS, ALPACAS, SHIRTS* CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, at Ancrioa.—Oommeodng on Monday, July lSth,-1553, at 10 o'clock, In thee forenoon,'and continuing each day and evening 1 during . the week, at McKenna's Auciionilou3e,a large Invoice of Foreign and domestic fancy and staple Dry Good*, BootB,.Shocs,and Clothing recelrtddlrectEroinPhil adelphia, among which are a few pieces of fin* French and English Broad .Cloths and Casahaen?; Eastern madoCossL . natta, English Corduroy and Fountain,- fashionable French Lawns and Ginghams, English ChlnUcs and' Calicoes; fine French JBerals, 36 and 37, m IrWla's plan. each.having a front of. 20 feet on Wylie'street, and extending baeklOO/eet toWido alley. On which are .erected-one brick and three,frame Dwelling Homes* whkh. will.be sold separate or togothrr, • as may salt purchasers* , ALSO—Two Leu.of Ground, numbered Kl and -162, in OolwelF* plan, each 2d feet front on Seminary streeVknd extending back 100 fecL. - . ALSO—Lot No* C, in plan of . Lots laid out on Mount Bald win, by W. W. Felleman, having a front of 24 feet on Wy lie street, anil extending liaek D 1 feet 2 inches. Tnuis.—One-half cash; residue in six. months, with in terest. For fnrtber particulars, enquire of Mrs. Julia Ma hon. or of Mellon A Negley. her Attorney*, No. C Wylie sL jo3Q ’ ’ > • .. I>. M. DAVIS* .Auct>. DE. HALSEY’S EOEEST WISE! vAND GUM COATED FOREST PILLS T S THE- MOST EXTRAORDINARY DISCOVERY IN THE WORLDS' I,ooo,ooobottles andborca fold annually, 1 and thousands of lirca saYed from - u ■ premature grate, by this late discovery. / v .. - Testimonials of the most unexceptionable. character ore continually pouaiog- in from orery part of The country, bear* ; txm witness to tho unparalleled eCeacy cf theso mcdidnea. • The following show* the mxxnber of easescurcd, as certi fled to by letters and other testimonials, received from' all : ports of the Union aud Briibb colonies from the Ist of January, 1852, to January Ist, 1853, tablitdre: Qzxtx Cured, - Dyspepsia and habitual eoatlveucss.... ........ 753 Nervous disorders^..33l General debility-.. ......w.,G04 Pustules, unhealthy cobr of theailn 510 Bilious disorders. 1383 Scrofula and mercurial c0mp1aint5............................. 431 Jaundice........ 102 Urer c0mp1aint......... . •. .......... : GQS Halt Rheum-.. - Erysipelas— ... .. „ Yefer and Ague —...................... Consumptive decline, colds and coughs..— Dropyy— .......... Rheumatism..—. - Other various disorders—. But s short time has elapsed since these great and good medicines have been made known to the public, jot thous ands have already experienced their good effects. Invalids given CTcr by their physicians as incurable, have Ibund re lief and been nwtored to sound and viperous health from theiruso. The great amount of good these medicines hare induced thousands to recommend them to their friends. Men of integrity and physicians bare sanctioned their use, and recommend them to the public. SHOCKING CASE OFSCBOFULA CUBED. Tizur Tons, December 6th, 1552. Dr. O. TF. J/ukey—Dear Sir:-—I deem it hut justice to yon, as the Inventor of agrcatznedimnfytoaend yon a short history of my own ease. lam twenty-seven years of age. At thirteen 1 was attacked with scrofula, which formed pus* tulex, and broke out in largo. ulcers on my neck, near the collar bone, and from thence extended nearly up to the lull ear. ■ About six months since I commenced using your For*' eat Wine and Fills, (following the directions,) which, in nine weeks cured mo. The Bears, although now sound, bear tes* tlmony of the dreadful manner in which I was afflicted. Aitercearly fourteen .years snQering, I now rcjolsc to say 1 that my health is fully restored by your remedied all otb* era having proved quite Ineffectual. - Yours, Tcry respectfully. SAMUEL BOEN. CURE oT~PALSY. Liverpool. March C July 6 Nov'r 6 M 5& 23 JnlZll The following testimony, given us by .Mr. Jo than P. Condi t, ■of Orange, St. shows tbo extacrdlaary effects, of this .Win© and Fill-in Partlysla: . ■ in uujity P< IHr :-*-jiy wife hag a BtSaarCr the Palsy, so severe that her whole fystem was completely paralysed. She continued to grow weaker for nearly two years, lolng nearly all use and sensibility of her body nod Hmbs. We almost despairud of bar recovery. At this time she begaa to take your medicines. Their good effects were eoon experienced. Bha began gradually to improve in health, and in a ftw months recovered entirely. Tbeextroordlnary effects of your Wine and Pills, la curing my wife of a com plaint wo never expected her to got betterof, led uses me, ax a duty Z owe to yourself and the public, to send, you this certificate. JOTUAN P. CONDIT.: I am acquainted with Hr. J. P. Cundlt,and_know the above certificate to be true. J. V. ILKBDMAN, 23 Chambers street, New York. READERI If yon wont cot your constitution injured by that alow, larking poison, Ccdomrt, or other win era! sub stances, tooch not such ifcdiana as contain them, Or any uncertain Medicine whatever, but procure those excellent and pvrrly preparation*, ibdsey’a Forest Wine and Fills.- •■■■• If you have the Dyspepsia, or aro troubled with costive ness, take this Wine and the Ptfby according to the direo* lions, and you will then gut well. .... If you aro nervous or weakly, or have an emaciated countenance, or general debility, this Wino and the PIQs will rtatore.yon to health and energy. If you have unhealthy colored skin, or pimples, or pustu les, or blotches, those medicines will puruy tno blood and eradicate all such humors from the skin.- ' Ifyeu have a weakly constitution, and feel yourself- too .old lor your years, take these excellent medicines, and they willlavigorata your constitution and fortify It fur .longer Ufo. • • • •'> ■* • If yon are Bilious, (which may be known by such symp toms'os Drowsiness, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, Fured Tbngue, Ac.;) take a good dons of the Forest Fills, and they will purge from tha stomach and bowels all morbous • and bilious-matter, and thus prevent a fit of richness, and save your dosjor 1 * bill of $lO, $2O, or $5O, If you hare tbo Liver Complaint, the Forest Wino and Fills’will cure It Thews medicines-exert a powerful and most salutary action on the Liver, and have been the means of curing thousands of this terrible disease; < v - ; PARENTS, there is not, perhaps, a month in tho_ycar . (hat same cno of your children or members of your family, do not complain of Headache or Dizziness, or Ekknes? at Stomach, or have fared tongues, or.some other unfavorable symptoms. These ore tho forebodings of dl£ordcr,audsick ness,-of some kind or other, soon follows ; lor such-, symp toms always show that bile or. morbid matter, exists in the stomach and bowels, or that the system is .otherwise disor dered. ■ Timely use of the Forest Wine and Pills, will, in all cases, prevent sick&et* from such causes,and will purify the blood and produce strength and animation. - The Forest Medicines kept always at-.hand, to-be-token . whenever each symptoms are exhibited, will , save your l family almost entirely from sickness, as trail os. your doctor’s bill, which frequently amounts to more hi a week, than suf* fldont of these medicines to keep yourfiuaDy in good health tor years. •' . LADIES, the Fgreat ulneis your medicine. This pleas ant, agreeable, yet effocUvo modidne, exactly-suits your delicateoonstltutfen*. If yoa an weakly, orncrvons,ori. general 111 health, this Wine, will do more to restore you than all other modidnes. In all cases where bile exist*, or tho bowels constipate* the Forest Fills also should betaken according to the alroctions. • MARINER AND TRAVELER, if you wish to guard your self against sickness and. dangerous diseases, which may jeopardize your lifb, provide yourself.with the Forest Wine and Fills, before setting out on long voyages, that you may haTs them when required. The FOREST WINK, in large square bottles, $l,OO per bottle, or six bottles for $5,00. Gum-coated Forest Fills, 25 cents per box. .■■■■• Wholesale and Retail by GEO. n.KF.YSER,IIO, corner of Wood street and Virgin alloy, Pittsburgh, al so, by JAMES T. SAMPLE, north-west', comer of Federal gtrofttandthe Diamond. Allegheny city jeSaUw HERRING— 20 bbls. Pickled Herring, In store and (br palp by [ jyO] KIRKPATRICK A HERRONS; WOOL— 3 sacks Wool, just received and for solo by - jy& KIRKPATRICK A HERRONS. BONNETS— 250 cases Bonnots,'from J cents up to $l( each, at GOSLING'S, je4 . ; 108 Market street 'TT'AiII.SA'S COLOGNE—W doc. gamine, in luge be vJj smaU bottles. just received by jel? . : . FLEMING BROTHERS. innn dhusis figs IUUv SOO boxts Figs !•• ■■■ • • 200 Fancy boxes Figs r r -. . 50 boxw Rock Gandy •, ' Just rcceired and fbf sale. •.• •> J. 0. ANDEESOK; & CO., No.:C 'Wood strait. UKiSSii—2o boxet prime old Cboese, just received and ' for sole by A.IIUNTRR. GUfINRV UAdS—4,OOO In store and ftr sale loir. •*. . A.ITUb'TER,‘. Je29 299 Liberty street. /■'UtKAM TARTAR—COO Iba, lost arrived and for sale by ■%j jy2 v • "■ rLBMIKQ BROTHERS. BURROWKS’ S. O. HASIS—IS tlerc*Mor »le by • jeC , SMITP A SIXOLAIR. ALLSPICK— 16 bags for sole on reasonable terras, by • . j e 2& •" • 1 - - A. HtUTTiR, PO ABGOLB—IOOO Ku., to store sad for tiUo bj . Jya gDEMINO BBOTHER3. UNIFEB DEBBIES—6OOIbs.i instore sad for solo bj jy2 DEEMING BKQTHEB& OTHIO CHIMNEY TOPS—2OO Of tiejS beautiful atti c!m, of rarious pattens and il:esy£ir *ol(3 by ~ gprliT . : ntt-SBY H. OOLUS3. PAUODA 'TEA STORK.—duatrecoivcd, YarmonaWater, In priniQ order, for F-dlii by JEHU HAWORTH/ / - je27 - cc-reer of Diamond and Diamond alley. INK ElO BOOM—A Jorge aasoiuaentof CmJLU Boots papkk —giQreamscosnaoasadgedloa n. coi.usa. "INDOW BUNDS—Atwholesale and retail, by JylX : ' WALTER ?■ MABBITSUI. bblß. Kxtra family; JV,..--. 100 da. Superfine ; * --'r --v 150 - do isxtn: On band and for fola-by •, KIRKPATRICK-AHJ£RRONj3, : No. 243 Liberty, atreet. CHEESE— SS boJeaeaas large aera Cheese, ter sole by: jyB HEHBY B. OOUJSS. v ■'l v .. > V ;■» “w.n i - r J ■- *..• *' 't '■cs '?*r4s% T r ; v i, •• ? .-f \f » -* V". ' V. *\v -.{■/> v- i * 405 lB4 l2O .,.7051 i f w ' %*■**» * •* < r,v-< . -X- t • r.... .... V- - f ", l 4^- * V Y ,** \ t k, v-y- .-?7-5 Wi. * * , ... - « « * . MEDICAL. Diseases* ~ Heal BatoU tos "7 \ ; Jj*r. D&BEOWN, 1 No. 41 Dianoad Ate.'Be- /» rrHSODderfilcrnctiw-in tenjcwocdsponfUfccraf voteshls«liti«attentta)tfrati ; oa<»p2ctice 1 totta r fraa 69 to 130, ladodre, fn J. B- Injin s of U}ttia ihaCttyDistrfcti H(t TowwhJp,and bounded tojstbOT by broughtou-bylmpradecee,*youthfuliadulgraceand exeesi •- : 'SyphU!s T Byriillitic3srtq)tfei^GcaorrbearQleet t -strietxm% • ‘ TbaeeJotoaroMtpiitcacJosOto-tlio Clt^Jlno^anJfi^tbci;., - fitoodi'-witb an pbc* sasof thaTenercal OTssxu; Siln DiaateSt-Swrtmtijßrßp- the they ora adsptw - tioas:Tetter, 'ElnzwbnOf'MerctirislDl^teg,Seminal WeaK» liousOji^oasi^y,.. neasr •Impofctio7- > PDe^ : 'Bb6aiasliafflii''VeajQe • Weaineww r. Ac. Tbey'apfr'in th&igiTfifldfoto. Tldaity aionthly:-SuppressloiLs,-..Dlsea£e3 Cfthe'iQinu,:pistaia io • and cotanitmfcate'tdtltt2}o-'«tyi»3rirgc^:Tti»p£e J L. • -4i^SerwssAff«ticma,-Painsiathe Hack "aad lfcs?> woulsfcoa. , tatioo'of tier-:Bladdernd • suecessfciUy irwt*l~ most profitable fiiTestment fat a asr ; S3rm : s Cure£nftwtptg»d •.. ’ toribguisocJatioa wishing to purchase' To*?rJicto esas* ■ i Sixteenyears - practice (six in this city) enabled Or, Browa pare Wad vo?:tc the Court tloßrtf*: . -: : TODD & SMITH* Attorneys at Davr, Xto .1 street.- FOR* THE FARMED 1 BR. LAitZETTE’S JUNO CORDIAL, or Procreazire Elix ir, prescribed as an effectual restorative In cakes of Dn>. bility,lmpotency, or Barrenness,and alljlrresularitlea'ot nature, ll is all that it professes tobe.vis ? Nature's Great Restorative and &cmedy;fbr tbosaintbemArrfedstatuwitb ouff offspring.' It Is a' certain cure for Seminal Emission* General Debility, Gleet, Weakness of.the Genital Organs, tig Whites.- Asah Invigo rating medicine It is unequalled. Also, a certain remedy ■for. Incipient Consumption, Indigestion, loss of Muscular E&ergy; Physical Lassitude, Female Weakness, Debility, Ac. It b warranted to please the user in any of the above com plaJnts,&nd U of countless value to those without offspring, -€buUon the name of Comstock;* Brother on the Wrapper, and ncvcrbvy it unless' you; find the above na«s;asJthasbeen czUmizdy eamlcrfcited Avoid the counterfeit as yndvrouldpoiflon.. .Agency at-.:.-* :; ..-. . - au27dawly •- - y •; • - NQ.QL3O-THIRP ST. . HUBRIS’ RBHEDY l -A-'N luMUMe;.eure.far Gonorrhea, Gleet, .Noe’: x3L.; v t«fnal; Boiladona,'Grttvcl,'*and' all those distressing. Complaints usually consequent upon yoathfulexceraes and. Indulgences.-:; 5 :: .'. *• :-V* .••:•.•■■■...■•* .- . ‘ln-preparing a specific far thls class of diseases; Dr.ilor ria'had expended much time andmonej,in’oTdcr to present ! to the unfortunate sufferer,* pleasant, safe-and efficient, medicine. ' That he has Succeeded,isafoct well establisbed, M there hM bran many thousand botUw sold, ■ - WAEKANTED TO CURB. - -.-Or ths money returned, and so tor has given entire satis* faction:; *■-:.- ry-r *.-; : -■- Astui Invigorating medicine for --i : ' '\- - ' - -BROKEN' CONSTITUTIONS,' ’ It has no equal, being extremely. palatable and olid;- as well as permanent In its effects. ' Tor that distressing complaint so common among female?, . termed Fleur Albas, or Whites, this specific is a sovereign remedy, and should be used by aU who are -thuatffllcted;. BURDSALL A corner of Mala &*?<* Front streets,; Cincinnati, Ohio, • sols Agents for the • rale of the above medicine in the Western and Southern Slates, and to whom all orders must be addressed.- - Sold also by : GEORGE KETSER, - jaar3D3tn' • 'confarof TToodsfartetond Virgin elley- Gaivane-Electrio, and Anti*Bhenaatifl I NTENTED BT-I. T. GOLDBEBGES,‘ at in Europe -patentedrby .lie l Imperial and-Royal Governments:of Prussia, France and sndrecoa -. mended by the faculty and allotheremi neat physicians and dbtzingulshed chemists- of every country, against rheums tisiu and nervous complaints,suchas'Neuralgiaof all kinds, Toothache,. Headache, Fain in the tore, (tic doloreauxj) fore* headi cars,- ahouldera, back,' brrast, loins, and. in' all the limbs; loflanimations and Palns cf tbs Joints, Swellings, Abscesses, Stiffness. T^rn«>»»», TreuiUlng, Coa- Cramp,* Weakness of-Eye*, Swelling?, Nervous Disorders and Nervous Weafcnvwi, Gout; Deafoe&C Swelling of the Gl&xrfa, Inflammation of the Neck,-Asthma, Ainenorrhma,'Dismenozrhtoa,' and ell- ricknesa caused by :uoldfl,;dlmittishing thpftctivityof. tho'.akinj;otaieaorrha?a, strictures, of the : The pain Will be stopped in a tow hours, and all the above diseases, iff most casts,-will be cured, vni/and/ailybr nrfnj ,thisapia»tu3<'vT.- : r.' :: .',;. v'-r_. * TesumonTala from the most eminent taOdical meiiof every .country; enough to fill one hundred -columns of this pater; can be shown,*all oTwhich have been confirmed by t£e dtfi fijehtgovimments.".. J “• : ; Hie public are rospectfolly requested toundezstand that the above is ; no patent medicine, but a mcehoukal Inven tion. As (he healing principle is bused on the.laws of na-1 humbug.- > - V ■ • .•.• ‘ The' Genuine' 4I GALTANO-ELECIBIC CHAINS”- can osiT be obtained of- • A W.' NEEB, •• ‘ Corner of Liberty end • ■ - Above Braun ASdSeriaDrag Store, Wbfre all ordere must be addressed, Frltobf Chains, with directions for - using the same—small rise, $1^0; large 1 size; $2,50; and the hugest binds tar chronic diseases; $5. .fOrderir by rnag or -axpreag, ereoapahled with-the money, will tnret with-prompt attentioii. C. F. FRITCHIR,' ' • General Agentof the United Btat«Sr Itostoo,May?. 1853.— : WiAiL YOU READ THE TBtJTHI A MEDICINE most hare merit, and great merit, to JIL . stand the test of .public opinion. -.Swart of man can galvanize a worthies* article, so as to keep it -up as a good Medicine, if Jtbo notjreol^so. A sood medidno will live, becoma-popular, and extend i kraalca year after.-year, Inaplteof opposition. - The people readily.find oat Jtß the fiaae of them.passes from modthtomouth, with.more rapidity than newspapers can spread it. A Using tciirtax, tlidne has made, for .hlm, is oftor more, service than Any newspaper advertising; . In proof of what we ray abort*, we rder you to HAHP* TON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE, and Its efiSets.-;' Its praise is in the mouths of multitudes. try gtve'.thcirtostimoaj to it* wonderful cares. Among, them we name Horn Henry Clay, Hon. Richard 2L- John* gton, Vice Ereridentuf the Chited£tates r with.hnndredsof other*. Capt Thomas?Count—brother;to rthe celebrated pbyriciaacf,tho : £mpercrcf cured-by it of a disease of-seven, years’ standing, after the skill of nil the Doctors of Europe and America had failed to ctrre. - ;la toet, the rich, and ,the poor; young and old, in every . place, is the city and country, find that the isungsttccessat* .tends its ora. .. - - r - ;UAMJ?XON'S VEGETABM TISCTUBB la purely Vegeta ble, and-warranted free item all mineral -Thla Tincture, by.ltsmild, pleasant and safe action on the atom-/ scb}Uvra, kidneys,lungs?end the nervous system,'coxes Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Urinary-Organs, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchial ASwtious, Consumption, BcroJ-: ula, Kings' Evil, Worms, Rheumatism, Goat,'Neuralgia, St Titus’.Dancer nts/Nemma Agectfoas,'.genarally; -Fistala, FDes, ItowelGomplaiots, with all diseasesarising from im*. pure: bloods.As *-r»Trml7 fog'the VARIOUS DERANGE* MENT3 of the FEMALE teems to ‘haTAimriti- : ' -- “J'VoSKflbrt. Jno.<.J*rrmp rvu-'^fv^j^^ ''“' '* ,i "^‘ l ■ M-ATng?ff f>vyTr~yfe3J u raorg-Ap trn 'T-rn . I .take, great pleasure is statin&'that I hare examined the names ox theso .who haTO : signed certificates, *• Hampton's Vegetable Tincture^*'and among -them I re> eogube- gentlemen of the'tot respectability—-vis; Jcseph- E.Stapletonf ITOliaia A. Schaeffer,G.Dunaivand others. I also cheerfully testier to the high standing ofthe boose of Messrs; Mortimer- £! Mowfcray,who»fbrthe past' twenty years; hare enjoyed the confidence ami esteem both of our merchants and citizens generally. ■ • ■ - JN<>. HJ £ JEROME. ■ D. S. Bair ■CtwsEßitxp, •• ) Genoa, Sardinia, January 17th, 1653. f Messrs. Mortimer & Mowbray first lieu tenant of the ship, who has been sufferingaiany'yedrgfrom Dyspepsia,' aha Who has been nearly restored to his usual ' health by the useof Vegetable Tincture,” do aires yon to send hlm.ona dccen bottles of that Medieme. ' lieutenant —, of the U.J3. &, no? on board of this ship, also wishes you to send him one dozen of w Hamptoa’s Veg etable Tincture,” by the Store£hlp r whichleaTes the Unii&l States in February or March, ffrr gpeola. ThaTincture you sent me was melted in good order, and I ntake pleasure in. informing you that it has been used with great succe&t .Tjj] several of our officerfcin eases of Dyspepsia; lam, respectfully, yours, .VERNON ESKRIDGE,; •••;.' c ; • , Chaplain United States Nary. - : JCSf* Call and get an Almanac iriih extraordinary cores. JSs?" Sold YFholeaaJa and Ket&Q, at the Sledicir» store of , ML KSYSEK,' •; UOeor. Wood ft aodTirgin all*y. jeOrlmdtfr 1853. WORLD'S FAIR. , .1853.- Tblr4 Great ssmt«Annaal WotM’a Fair ‘ - - \AT TER ' ~ FSEHOHSTOREI A'o, 103 ilarJcd straty and &1 SL Clair xt, Piurintrgh. jahes gosubg, sj| - market street. fp 2Xnd. A. GOSIOHG, m .gB'SS' ST. CLAIB STREET, Foreign & American. FAUCI AXD STIPLX JAMKS GOSLING •will commenco his third great seal* annual World’s Eair of Dry .Goodvca Monday, July 11th, 1853; and will offer totbopuhlfo the greatest stock of Br; Ghx>ds erer. brought'to . pittshdrghii&ozh .25 to per cent, below the usual prices," Also, Twenty-Three Thousand Pollers worth of Millinery Gccds, Banhster Tizettes, Cans,. it, which' wiU.be at half their usual prices, end all of which w*re orrecent purchases ta the East: ■4&O pieces rest colored Lawns, to 8 cests.- -. * 600 do French Lawns, cents.• ' ' 200. do Wool ia cents.: 600 do \-Mouse Boldinas, 8 and 9 cents. 150 ' do ; ■ Cist colored Prints,'Bcts. ■•-. £5 do -' French Silk-y os low as &octs. 60 do - Poplihsj 25 cts. : \ And Crape Shawls from $3,00 to gIOO. Also, a Urge assortment; of Lace,* White Goods, Checks, Twoedv Cloths, Caasimeres, Jeans, Summer Stuffy-wU Of which will fca closed out at less than eastern prices.' _ JAMES GOSLING. ; \ No. 108 Market street -• MILLINERY, MBS. hu al» reduced her Millinery; among the great bargain*.'#!*' 600 new style- Silk Bonnet*,. from $1,25 to $5,00; OQ ease* straw, Bonnet* 25 ctsjpd cp wards ; MxmUliaa cs :escb.. Elbbons, Flowers, EmhroStlarise and everything elsa wfil be parked down, in DtOtJOttioni' -/T--;'- : , jy!2 ■ SIRS. A. GOSHSQ, ffo-« St. Clate-et Pittsburgh, llaysyiile:&ad Ci2ei3Uiati Eailxosd.- XTOIIC&TO-r*By -.Adams A.Ox’s Express, a -fresh £sopply ' St Sommer Good*, consisting - of Uaenv Hju> sellles, Shirts, Under Shirts, aadUr&uerS) and & Taristr of things suitable forsamiOßr wear»tooiHßasrouatotaenttaL. at £, Gribble’a F«ldonable.ootfciasr fitoxo; No. 240 Ti>*££r street, head of Wood*. c E- GKIBBLE.- fpߣ.Btoek.sndflxfct3Tesof a an2 PRODUCE ' 1-STOKE} situated on. tha best part ofWslfc street, and doing « good CASH busint>sa/ - Season for selling, tie ovn er is vest Jtefbreaee ean be made to any of tbe neighbors. A cote addressed-to -** 0. P Q." at this 02ca, will Teeeive prompt attention. •' - jy&lv— "PAGODA TEA JECOIUi—; • 1 ' JL £nperic:r Cliret Winr/at centa per botUa. ....• Bsr Bun,.' : a fe ■ do. . i’orealabjj ... JEHU HAWOBTH. . \eornot «ad Diamond tlloT. "11 7HI&EY—A small lot cf pun old Bye, in store and Car W win by -{js»l A. HpOT23. r t ~'72L i C s •: -" ... j-; i‘ t-v : .*. . -*s r «* *.v-' . ' ‘ • -• 1 4., 1 ' ~ •' •V* ■•■•! ••- . >■■' - . ** ’ S.'. * .■* ' * -V■ l - •, •••£ |rf- ■...!■ , 4 - J 'JOB SALE-AND TO LET. ' A Cfranco forspeculators , XKTZ Will sellaPAnir,coataliiiajSX2Ty-rOUa ACHES* ' Tf ; - Allegheny - R4rer, &e&r tl» res!deni» cf Jaiawf iTCallf,- AboTjfr yards from the caoce aidei £n4. ; about a milefroza feast Libertyoa 'tbe other - »lde.: :Tb<> fan* ; .provement* .consist of a" iaiga ; two story Brick .Dwelling .House;: degantly ln-modern siyh*: bam fees square, sad frame; a tenant house; about-SOO -fruit trees;.. good, well and; several, unfailing. *pringS-bf • writer; ; ; out:-, -houses;; Ad, Ac,- It Is-well eakruiatod fbr into • smaller lota, ear six in number t for country resdeseos* . Price s4ooper acre.- Apply to: : • ; > v COCBTNEY A L23L12. ayg.lw straefc- :j DU) WASHINGTON EOAD.—Tor sale, » now tfrauns House, of with btor>.aarae?v oT gwend,'. -- good watered variety of large- audj-tsnall- fruit?; all : imdcr fence, with paling 3 in front -.jQPTHBEBX-AIBQNv. .r Bmca MANXiEACTOitr E*Jii' ; JL- 7 eight Aces of Laodieituate on the Ohio Blver, aebort 'distunes below PUtsburglu » - superior articleof fire my : gaodxoaL?^Chd ; - fiurface iswell adapted for pas thro - aid- good timber? sprigs of water rand safe harbor for boats at the liver; with two dwelling houses; afirb brich manufactory, with engjafybri& feilnyAd; all: id'gocd cru der, and new In operations-.Price for.alVslsGO. Terms easy'. r*-rk;r. k iyg , : : ■.8. ; CaTi£BSaT. & S<>y> UO-Thirdwtreeti ■jpkWIiXUNG-IlffOSEtJ JFOB SALK.— , ; -JLA;.Oa.Hi^& : afreet,atWQ®toTy-fraiaa'dwel2cg‘hou£R.^: > . ..OaSecondShjtwo ihkaatorybrfoh houses, wdiflnisfaerf; • -On T/3ganat,No.73,.afwestory bousoof aix rooms.-• -On Penn street, a splezidid ! : ; -On Water street* ai-three story house , r : On WyliestreeVe largethreestory dwelling v . v Besides many ethers, at dfaTerent-pricej. and'-locaUcns. '• Call-and obtain x HBeall-latata Circular/*::::.-- r - u 9 a. CUTUDSET: A.2ON, v : .•"• ' • ’ ' •-■•.■■■ ->r 140 Third street. : ■. Stocks iron 'SAtß— ■' SO'almraa Adrfotnre'Copper' giaekf~->! . • 60 do :Aitec .■••••'• 7 " do;*---/- '■■' ■ -; SO: do_ : ,Slgnoagnhflla 100 do - . BlaUuoppcrStock; - , . 20 . do.s Old Allegheny Sridgo Stock:: 25* - AUSTIN _LOOMl3.£tockaadßillßK>&er, • Jeartk •■. ■ .a. 1?0R 'Acres-cf QrQnnd,.-situstctf beStfeca 'tbs: J_ old Wftsalngtdc 'BroviL'rrille.'rcadi ad-' joinlaglsads wiuxPdllock, BndDeari'pn6ck?9ii£[l;asßi2ca “ .clwred; sni balance good .large gnantttycfciioics fcolt,' .low, and oa good toms: ' r v;-- -. ■ £s£ata Agent, ‘ '" 1 " Pcptßolldig^Hfili;strecg.-v:.' SALE-r-A House and Lw*-iattie;Secbnd Ward, AHe*- • Clty t sitmted on Beare«£rce£/ front-' of 20 feet* feet } on which 1 /' is.erected*frame Rtfi, ■■ eoa&inlngslx rooms;, the front store, whteMsnow occupied for that A good cellar. : .-:* Applyso * cTfiOHAS MomirCr Jy2 - -// Fbstßufldia^FlfUidtTect- Ij'Oit SAL£r-rA'Hou3e and Lot^situatoGiiCarrcHstroßfcj• /JF' la Allegbeny. (2iyflaving afrcnt o£3o ibei; and plagtecfc to Jefferson Streep 100 fee6t da wMcSJ is erarted'/.- a brick dußdxng, 2Zby two sibriai high, containingV ..ax rooms, a hall, and porches dock amt bi front. *■■•:••:•. Jefferson : fltrset is - • by 20, feet, two Tories- This, property abdundA.wfth -V grapes anti all kinds oftrniL /•£- *■ v* , *ppiy to v; : *thomas moffett, je29-- • • ■■•,.. ■-■• ■•■••.■.•■•: PbsfßaUflinsgs. fifth streets •■:■; STORKS WU SALE-—1 Grocery, store •ou J?«demlistroet>- - Allegheny; ; - : vfv."; :,1 PittsfcUTsd; .1 Drug Store on Market-street/ ■■•.■: .do ,••. ••: *••_•:■• '• 1 Groceryfi torooaSmftfifield-si^ : •• . ‘do;-'/ /:.i-'. •.AlfgoJt^.cfieap,vFofparticulars,•cnqtiiroorv l '' ; : -THOMAS WOOD* 45 Market at. \5/ AKTHD, within thruo or lour Eiiles of tbg_rjty ) lyWit It Ground* - wanted, £>r & tana cf years, a good Grass T«cr,‘Ault* able.for aDairy, ftda lbreetoffTO miles from tlmclty. fcr wbieb a HBcraf rent will de paid. ' J - : "A good FanaiaASchigaa will be exchanged ftr-cUy pro* \perfcy, • Enquire of " - - THOMAS 1 WOOB3, / ~jyl •: • s : ; •.- FOB RALE—4 Houses and Lots in-Allegheny 1 House' and 1 House and 2 Lots on Webster sfc,- do : • 2LotseuJßluff streeV :•. • ••: do_ .1- S tots opposite the Herrick-House,-New Brighten/- **• ■ 1 Lot In Broadway street, - ; do ' ; 1 House and Lot; Butler street, - do - , • - Fbr Great Bajgtins, enquire of v • -•• ■••4 ■ '■' *'.- ! v ,■ - jyl y •■ --THQ3. WrOOl>g, 4a Market si. ■ v To Isot, ~ -'■ np HE Store House arid LweHing. Ka. CJ3 liberty-street**-”' : jL'K®sea?ioa can bo badontbe Istof Octobers-ISiisisona ■ ot the best stands In the citylEnquire of ' • r~-/-.V•••• QEOBQE RICHARDS. r LET—TWO BOOMS, on the th« i, Office of the a StateMatual Fire and lnsurance Company,”suitable far Offices. Enqnire of - -'■; v■ * -:•= • CAKRTHP., ,-aprls:tf - ,• ~ ~-Q jrhfinof Fonrlhand fimiiblleld ste -: • ■ ■gpH.-B.ffijßpjrf m- THE STORE. BOOM. pempied C. ArfcnlSiiiGt»' ca tta coiagr.of.Dlaaaoad allay and Wood .street.% Eossessitra given on Utrlstof April; sortoa& - ~;v ..V JBBQWK &: KIRKPATRICK. • : 2to..lSffXJfccrsr.g&eck JL _ and profitable • f i s hir>w^, T - adan« to leave the diyy jmd-sTflFseUocadT'atrtagecus tcnss; - ; to *peiS9a,of good cbaiaxtcraad enterprise. ;■ Torwr&ulars,address (postpaid,) £Q2397;PittsbanjK •PostOfiice t ~Pa.-- , EOJ? -Soi©«;' i-_-- ‘•; A • HOUSE -ASP.LOT,sltaatofl on*Pike street* - between ■ - ■• :«L:.-Watoat'todi.'®apto7.atieets,aiUi- TCanL -EboLctia ■: feet teat and 100 feet deep* on irhich tfcero arc two pm nil • Flume Tenements. • Terms: easy—mtle'gtxxL.' .Fcrjpsrticti- ; tosenqulro of AMeroaa EABKEiSOS, Penn street; Fifth . w [mgfctt v FOH SAMS. ‘I r\ BulLPlSQLQTSyfhmiiilgpnCpTitra Aram™- naflCiarjr. : jA/.streetj.near.E'nltDn. These Lotaare mihinfire'nijnutes w»lk of thff CtrsnrHDSsei' sntf u J&riea u tfoT S cation. Enquire cf T- > •: s Jv B. V: WEDDELL, Besi -Estate Agea^Spiace^g; Foa 3&I1K1 r " A .GOn^KTllT&SAT'^Cc&lftd.withirkth^lmHdred^sTds JjL cf tho BailroaA Stitton: ia East; liberty- . about ulaeaudoue baif.iicies.i -13iB liptotemeats coasiH of agood two stray Frazs*-Jhrfililag.Eonsßi wiih>brick'cut :htrassa ond-etabliug &tta nf - «9Urotwater,: Enciuiraof ... -. * 3AKEWSLL & C&MFBEEL^ -»- -&prS-:..~ .:;-. : -,r..; . Btanfrstsgfefc,:. ■■■■•■ TO-liEi; X ' WTO»^ : W irlth Xl: a.superiarlTEll .A2*l> PEOOS* VAELT,;cow tersaudciherfixtures. -.: ; -v :-<-i r v<;*--V. Thw ta *• BASKING VHOB3E <» IfiSUEASCB: OFFICE; aSa • for sash aparpcea-gillboxentedon &Torabtß : tiirmv Pcesasi gjoagirea IrnnftdTutely,-cEaqgire CGBLISG; EOBBBTSOJf * CO.r ■ -.-corner tf Wood &ad Fron tgtrec£& : A* IX/TO? GEoPsDlaHcc^Han-ofiliatamtfrn. .beins2?.fce|;&oui. ?- ; *'- r ' . JelSrtf .-- • j .•.•Attcniay.ai-LawYN'oilSS-irourtirrtrpai. " t " So. 51 VBOU3AIS 15T> BJETAIL 1 Dealer* in -■■•EXa&nlgiceavCo'gatrsrQc&t'*» '•• •:-- . i andadJctoin^thoTosideM^^SKiriLewi?; J S, * t • It contains twenty aeres,-mid par tef -orliich is mdetfenl* '- UTatiCD,taTla3:cnls« Sney6tUss'Grchard,ai3d-l3 alsooran- . men ted frith forest trees,- ■ * . - This locatloaoojamaiKia cme^f.,th9.inesiJ*st?nalTo : Ylojr3--' in Westernl*ennsylTania,and twenty mlantoa' fralk from the city,' surpassed br'anj similar-tract of haul IniMa market. .If not aoldeniiro before tho'lstofJnno.ltiriH.'bo-dirijled' •into, lets end CSfcred atAuction.; • •- . A. WILKINS, -•c^TlfgcFaraei'- , ; .V SItT GOODS, JAMES. BLAKELY, ; European rcsmTci ilia r : y":■•~ r :-yield r-: '•:- T AMD WA.N TEL*.—I wish to purchase 160. 8 i 80,Md40icreXftod l Warnint*; fdr.wiuoh tha h&hort market prtcc’gfllfce. pat3.' r JA^£3.^BliAK£LY» ■.■■.• Estate-Agent w4CcoiT«jaacer, :< -yft.lS3cbtg6rof : SeTgsthiaai3 SrMtfrfteM-gf*. :.•; AJKCK roa HXJATINa M^DS^'lOWA.—Xiato \J v -' weU reraed in the land whn.wiil locate aDy- 'ffaz . '=. In the neighborhood of DaTenport. Itrtfa' City, dad Muscat • Inor after a personal inspection. - - Apply- Uy- -,’••• - ». . JoK> ~ JAMBS BIAKELY. fcur Property for 3aX6 or Ksciutase* ttadersignei will exchaagß for •-- the .followlijs. Property, 7 or will dispose of it bales'! '•• Pdyments,*ii:‘ - - •- A three story Brich.Honsoioa£ccond 6trcst;itQW occupied--' -by Carries Naylor.-This house U built la-esdera style* andjofthe best mterfoKr - ■• twostory BricAUbnjca on -PEa sW eaeh’coa- • - tainirigthreerooms.,;r-\':r ; r~ v?;'-- •■■ two two ftory.Franc Duelling Houses oa-Phaest., • • eadicontalnlnghrelTeiooms.. , Rectos'-Hfinssrba'loccst >• ct, each containing threoTooos. _ „ . Also, two two awry Frame -Dwelling .Hesasa otrPfie '&■% ■' eachcontaining three rooms. _ . Alsojthree two story Briclt Houses la East Bhato^am,- on a lot SO feet by!2J, with rsomto bolld -houjca. more.. •. , Tho :Rfth ."Wdtd Property la oa sis contiguous. lota -of . Ground, 60 footErcatca-Pice and Locust sta., (continuing - 'through the-sjuaie'anAcorners q»'Mto-*tol*.^«/ ; 6ie'JO ; ':-'>- arranged that each propertt-can besold separate.. Any cno -. wishing a home can be accommodated by paying little mom - than a rent, after the first payment m X will rlto ten yean fertha fcdlance. Apply to tjelOr-JAHES BlAlxalY* Sougli & DasuerreotyjwsJ rpES -:oaderElgns& : 'woaldUnforia ihelrjnany;mends and. X :‘ctltors» that they hare remorcd&oßi. Burba's Building ■■.••• to Nb 1.62 Fourth sttafisv'duor* abore their oldetaml). where • they ; haye fitted op roams for Usguerrcofyping... Hating ft . tery-superior artangoseht iof lights and: jthemoat sjrpicTed^.'; instruments now in nes, with acme tea fnv thabnsbiess, tbey piedgo theaselres to turnout aa good . f pjctaiea'aa any tjthrrestablishiaent'iia the county,sad Ihr --■ ysTTTgm llhencascs than has heretofore been furnish * ed to the dttieds of Pittsburgh,. eiLher itt;grvur-& - stoaagem-ara-jespectfully-.inTitedrtp-.eallj.:, - whether they wish pictures or not. - •*-' ’ . tbnrtT• • lIOTjGU A AhXHOhi. furnish sB articles in cor fcasicspS toothor ’ as heretofore. ' * M-1S Dividend Xffotiec* -+r., BENSSZhVANIA BAIL Board - Directors Pennsylvania-KiylKcxui Company hate tMa.day declared-adividend -oUhneiavla.. 'hslflxTCffiL payable ia-cash to .tha StocbhoJd*.• ' ■/ WM. LARTMEB, Ja,Trwsanr. 1853. j? 4 •■"V ■* * 'V - , * " .\V *. *. f :•. ' , Iv 'v ice for a Gopjllnvcot <; » ~ '% : -v -. ' v -V >.- >J > . , li . V < v * - • V • .;.V V* > \ V >4 - ■ ' : 'ir - «. ~s •< \ ? ; •. .iK~x ■: -.- - \ . X .