The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 16, 1853, Image 2

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Snihj Staling ffiaj-
Editors & Eropriggr^_
dehoouatic SOinSATIOSB.
-<■ OAWAI. oiifiDSsramt,
. » tff Ph\la3tipkia o>tnly.
cf iiijjhn Camtu. -
1 r ' cf Crawford Cytfr.!j?
r.; *tt -'pETTijfGtif £ Co.» Who urc prompt, ton»
l)03TON, 10 Stat-street
gg> Sec First Pago fi>r Bcadlnff Mattel.
Wo commend our Weekly of this morning. W
every person who desires to read a good news
paper. Oar Money Article, will be found <?f
special interest to our country readers. Tlte
prediction of ft failure of crops in "Europe, the
announcement that orders hare already been
forwarded for large shipments of grain, and the
high price that Wool is now selling at. will m
- dioate to onr farmers ..that their labors the past
-season will receive a rich reward. ...
, Among other interesting matter is the pro
V greas of the President, from Washington to Nr»;-
York, with reports of hta incomparable speeches,
at Baltimore and Philadelphia. .
Otir report of foreign and domestio news is felt
and interesting. Onr market report is compre
hensive and made np with great care, and the
. immense amount of miscellaneous rending we
. g]ve cannot fail to please oil our patrons and the
public generally. ;
The paper Is for eale in the counting room,
with or without wrappers. , i
Ihe old Austrian Statesman, Metternlch, is re
ported to have lately said,' “ War is Imposaibje
In Europe Just now." A .
He may be right? bat the indications to the
contrary are very strong “just now.” The EtO
peror Nicholas has gone too far to be able to
■•back out” with honor; and the motives to go
forward are very strong 1
- The Russian Emperors, for three-rourlhs of .a,
century or more, have looked with greedy and
--- Jonging eyes upon tbe fair realm and splendid
city Of the Turkish Sultans. The oontrol of the
Black sea; a free entrance to the Meditorancan;
-a.more Southern seat for their mighty empire:
ond a commanding position towards the Asiatic
nations, are all to be gained by this conquest.
The Turkish Empire contains about 80,000,000
inhabitants; one half of whom are found in Eu
ropean Turkey. Of thiß number in Europe
8-000,000 are Greeks, descendants of tboorigi
t not inhabitants before ilo conquest by the Turks,
four hundred yeaTS ago. About 4,000,000 of
the ptesent population are Turks, the balance
of various races. . 1
Constautiuople alone has a nopnlaUon ofabout
800,000. And -such is its position that; in tbe
possession of ft powerful, enlightened, and com
mercial nation it would.speedily become one
, of tho greatest and most commanding cities of
the world. ’'
N<* man ever coveted his neighbor’s non|q;-
more earnestly than tho Emperor Hicholaecavets
'- the possession Of <this fair domain and vast e»p
ital of Islamlsm. Anduotbing but thOj inter
vention of England and France has hitherto pre
vented him from swooping down.upon the’dais
rilng prise; and re-enacting there the tragedy
of Poland’s ruin. i
Without the vlgorons aid of nnd
France both by land and sea the,result of,4bls
war cannot be doubtful. And even with auob
nid iris doubtful whether tbe fall of the Moslem
Empire con be averted, if the <?mpr?or,baa. fully
resolved upon it. He could reach Constantinople
with an overwhelming force before a sufficient
French and English force could bo landed thej-e
• to■ttld tb© Soltan. . ... • r- <
- '•! ®be Soitan alone can oppose no equal force to
tbs numerous andflisolplined and well appoiuted
armies of Bussio. The combined English.
- French'and Turkish fleets may destroy the fleet*
■ cf thelEmperor, and bombard his seaports..? Bpt
-oil this will he risk to win the long coveted prise,
and odd another vide domain to his immense
and collossal empire. >* «■■■
The lnteet advices indicate some hesitation ?n :
- . the part of the English goveminent to involveit
seif in so>expensiven war. 'Bat should vsr
' commence on this “Eastern Question” it would
be difficult for the English government, or any
of the crowned heads of Europe to keep clear of
It-end a general ver is theprobable result. In
.the midst of sneh a contest the masses of the
people, so long kept ddtm by force, might find
tlitir opportunity.
•• - The next steamer may bring news of peace or
of war; if of war, momentous and otarfling
events may claim our attention-ero long.? -■
Tbo Worth Anttvan says : -
Ilrtlli bedoßcsdedbroil who hitvemdibflprtMeafen
’ itths tinqaot hddlß. honor of tho Provident,
■' errata!, tint Bw occasion ™ «o Important
as it lolto tho should say, tho
.fflatlon—of-tho policysriitchtha adiatnlstrnilrm has reserved
. 00, In regard to thogreai project of uararaig “
- by rallroM boOTeontho
•' mat. The government, through two ofttt principal Sector
* torie3;-liii3dßCl»TOllnfaTor of tl» on4ortaaDg, an a^worS
“ of-nationalJJwessltst.antl H.loeSaJlansiJjtovto fewof
Ha being constructed! as » government work, by tho govern
meat, •'•■’■ * * '
Wo bcllovo tho present adminUrtratloa can in
no way sews the interests of tho whole people
: P more effogtottlly, than by urgißg
forward, h? all constitutional means, this groat
and tnuly national enterprise.
It la pne of the best signs of the wisdom, en
ergy and patriotism of the present administm
' - tion, that it has made this a subject of early nt
tention and notion. It has announced its polity
on this snbjeot, and is folly and openly cmnmU
ted in favor of the projeet. It has hastened for
ward exploring expeditions, who arc already on
<« {he Ylains” surveying and examining tho differ
ent routes. It has. throngh one of its Beerett
ries, at least—tho Secretory of War—annonn
* cedlts belief that there areuo eerions constitu
tional objections, if any, to the general govern
ment undertaking its constructipiijaa a .mtltfary
■ - road, necessary to the .protection and defonce.of
our wide and rich western seaboard, in ease of
war. *
’ While It is a proper undertaking for thegen
<*pal government on this ground, the road when
completed, will be no less a'greut and thronged
avenue of commerce, such us no notion ever be
fore possessed. It will people all the wide JO
giou between tho Mississippi mil the-Pacific
■ chore; and give.employment’ to thousandsand
tens of thonssods of-laborers; find create a d®
mandfor On almoetinoalaulabloamoantof Anur
{can iron in Its eonstmetion; for,'we presume a
■ - democratic administration will nee n one bat Amer
ican- j
Bat the benefits of such a road are “ too nu»
merous to mention, 11 and too obvlouß to every
intelligent mind to need an enumeration herp.
This project alone, if token np and urged for
-4 ward with energy by President Pierce end bis
- cabinet, find by n dmnor itio Congress, would be
sufficient to distinguish this administration, hud
secure to it honor and applause all over the
world and through all time.
- KENTUCKY.- . •,
Oari- friend'of the tonieviHe -Democrat Uin
high hopes as to what will be the result of the
election in Kentucky. 'He gives a detailed state
ment of the position Of their candidates for
Congress. V?o make up a synopsis of them from
his article:
In the first district, the old and popular mem
ber, lass Bom will be Te-elcoted beyond a
doubt His 1 ’ receiving the nomination unani
mously; was but a just tribute to the faithful
manner in which Mr. B. baa served his constl
tuents. .... , ,
Io the second district, the race will bo between
Davis. Democrat, and Gbas, whig. This is a
woig district, but notwithstanding, the editor
Teels a warm oonfidenooin the eleotion of Davis.
We hope ho may be, but we are apprehensive
that our friend ts over sanguine.
fn the third.Ewiso, whig, will cany tho dis
trict withoutoppositlon, It is one of the dark
spots in the history of Kentucky politics.
In the fourth, Christman, democrat, and
Brownlee, whig... Of this, the Democrat says:—
Ine whiga complain that Christman-talks loud
and fast, and denounce him -as a demagogue;
whilst Brownlee belongs to the staid and sensi
ble class of old fogies who makes butlittle noise.
This' is a-good-sign.' -The mm who hasn't much
to soy, nnd: oan’tispy much: well, is likely to
make a slow race. He is not likely to be fast in
finding'mit -that be ie beat,-nntiVthe knowledge
will not avail much.,
In the fifth district, the race fa between
Stone, democrat, and Hill, whig. We haven t
much doubt of Stone’s enocess. ..He beat Hill
two years ago; and we see no reason why ho will
not do so again; - Bet the demoerdta of Mereer,
Morion and Washington .come up, to tho work,
nod it is ea«ilj.dope, _ , _
In the sixth district, the whigs have three
candidates, aod almoat whigß enongh to eleot
them nil. Dr. Price, Major Barnum, and Perry
II St me, nro all determined to go to Congress.
Only one of them, Stooo, projases a plan of
settlement ; perhaps, because his chance, ns the
case stands, is rather slender, and he would like
to be taken off by his friends. . The Somerset
Gazette (whig) says Elliott, the democratic can
didate, is popular and: talented; and very ac
ceptable to -his party,' and that they will unite
i opon bim to A man.
In the seventh district,which embraces Lonis
vitle, the candidates are S. 8. English, domoorat.
ond Col. Preston. Whig. To our mind there is
but little hope for the democracy, in this dls
triot, but Mr. English fa a very popular man.
and if the democrats will struggle for victory as
ardently as they have on, former-occasions, the
chances may be fair.
Tho eighth dfatriot is regarded with deep in
terest. The popular and talented J. C. BrczJc
inridge, thegrond son of Breckinridge who was
the friend, .personnl and political, of Jefferson,
la the democratic candidate of .the distriot. He
runs against Hitcher, who was an old federalist,
and voting ngoiust tbe war o£lBl2, the antigo
nist of both Breckthrideand Clay. Ho has been
about fortyyearsn sort-of pensioner upon the
Whig party.. He hashed a long record.
In the ninth district, Jaigt Rici, democrat,
has been some time upon the track, and will be
elected. BntfCqpf. Cor, whig," has lately an
nohneed him Self a candidate; and will persuade
himself thntho is ono until the first of August.
In tbo tenth district, the race only creates
some Interest from dissensions in tbo democra
tic party. The Whigs fancied that they had a
! chance, and put ifr. Hodge against Hr, Stanton
These dissensions will not affect tho race mate
rially ; and Jfr. Stanton; it we aro not misinform
ed will be elected with tho: usual majority.
: Upon a review of the whole field, the
cratshavo a fair prospect in the eleottyns for
Congress. Bet every man dnty, ond give
a good account of old Kentucky.
The canvass for the Legislature in many of
the counties; is in a of confusion; and
the majority, on either-cidewUl be rather acci
dental than otherwise;
jefferboh COUEOB.
We yesterday received a catalogue- of tbc of
fice) a atd students of this college, by which It
appears that the whole' number of students is
Wc are glad to find in this catalogue evidence
of the continued -prosperity of this institution;
and that, by the ability of its professors, and
thorough- eourse of study, it is well sostnining
its nocteot and- honorable name among tho col
leges of the country.. Many men if) thisconntry
dow distinguished for ability nnd usefulness, re
ceivfd their education at. Canonsburgb. We
hope its prosperity will long continue.
gsg- From tho following it appears that 11001?
Sam and hisifamily are awfully in debt; bat at
the same time own a vast amount of property,
there is no evidence of insolvency here, and no
groand for the apprehension of *• a crash.".
Tho Dobta and Property of tho tf. 0.
' The Cincinnati Railroad Becord.recently gave
an article in relation to the indebtedness of the
Fatted States. = The aggregate was nearly $l,-
700.fin0.000 ■ Bat this inclnded not only the Na
tional and State debts,.bnt tho dobts.of corpora
tihns and Individuals. A later number of'the
Record - contains nn estimate of tbo value of
the property of-theTTnlted States, -and from
which wo copy, He following figures:
Assessed value... ,$6,010000,000
COper een1added,,.....,..,........ 3,600,000,000
Increase from 1849 to 1858, under . . ... ,
the increaso currency, 40 per ,
Value of the property in the Na-
tion in 1864......... 518.462.400,000
The writer contends farther, that the curron
af of the country amounts to $800,000,000.
The debt 'to $1,700,000,000; and the property
to $18,000,000,000. His conolaßlonsare astol
*°'let. That thero is convertible property enough
inaction to pay off the entlredebt of the country
(if each, thing issnpposnble.which never hap
pens.) without making saorifices.or materially
disturbing commerce.
2nd. That the aotual currency.of :tho.conntry
is eotiieient forthis purpose, and that the amount
Of currenoy le rapidly increasing. .'
Bd. That la such a condition of things no gen
eral bankruptcy can happen; bnt that it ia quite
possible, in case of pressure, there may be many
casea-Of/ inflivldnal failure, and also that some
rollway -undertahinga haetily and imprudently
undertaken mayfail. .l .rt . -
4th" That priccs Ttill be maintained, ana the.
capital of tbe conntry continue rapidly to aeon*
mutate, oa Us-vast undertakiogs. ite increasing
population, and its rich harvests continue to go'
on. " .
Xhb Wool Cue.—Wool hoa commanded a high I
price in this county this year. On a late visit
to the northern and western portions of this
comity, w© bcird. of Bovcrol chpico lots beiop
Bold a' fmm 70 to 78 cents. By" for the largest
portion of the clip of fide wool in those seottonß
is stiU in the hands of tbs producers* waiting
for buyers tooime up to the prices. Seventy
, cents,appears to he the price demanded. . .Al-
I though thea» prices look estraTogantly.hlgh, we
I are nesnred that those who keep ebarser and
heavy wimh-d sht-op, obtained moremoneyfor
i fhe'if fleeces thsntbose.whogrow the fine .woojs,
is, about -produeing a change in : the
Quality of the wool, ns many of the producers
have turned, their attention to the heavy vaner
ties among which the Spanish Merino; appears
ti he preferred. They caionlate to shear from
r & from thetr fall-blood Spanish
sheep, which will allow them to cell lower than
atpresent, and still make from one-half, to two
thirds more money than -off the flne WQob.—
MmongaM<t.Otty Republican. ~. •- '
‘ The'Bdbwh ExHtamoH.—On Tuesday",. the
Xiisldm?i -from an early hoar,; won-Uterally
thtU>e<-> ™ ih vUitore - an v n,anyof « OB V f
S whom wire Mr,.Tan
„SL, «, President of America, accompanied
KC S* »• Campbell, Governor of one
..r the Slates. The distinguished party jvero
comtuett-4 through the Exhibition’ by Sir IThos-
Deane, Dr. Harrison, Dr. and other
members of the committee,
iwo of otrn own s®a®h,«
Wabhisotos County —Tnc Washington. Ea* |
porter is of the opinion that in n short time
Allegheny county will bo able to Bhow some or
the largest fleeces of r wool grown in the.Stato.rr
It sayß:
Dr. Geo. 8. Bars, late; Prothonotary of
Allegheny County, purchased last fall several
of the finest quality of French Merino Bhoep,
from whiob it is his intention to breed extensive?
ly. .'These shSep cost the Doctor about eleven
hundred dollan —and they will compare favora
bly with any in the country. The Doctor bos
arranged the programme for.growing wool andi
breeding sheep upon an,extensive scale, and we
have not a doubt, will accomplish something
handaome in that line. 1 ’ - -■ •
Acoieest— Mr. Peter Staeker, an old oltlten I
of Carroll township, fell off a hny-mow on Thurs
day last,-to the barn floor, a distance of only 7 I
feet, his head striking against tho corner of a I
windmill, and hud his Skull and shoul
der dislocated. He. died'from tho injuries re- l
ceived, on . Saturday- afternoon.— MonongahcUt 1
Republican. t
- GnEENE ConsTTi—The Waynesbnrg' Meßsen-1
ger states thnt a Mr,: John.Kirhy, in the employ
of Mr. S. W. Sayres, of Franklin township, bod
his back broken a .woek,or so since by a horse |
rearing and falling back upon him. The unfor
tunate man Is still living, wb understand, but nO
hopes of his recovery are entertained.
There will boa great Agricultural Exhibition
in Greene county on the 6th, Glii and 7ih of Oc
tober; The list of premiums offered, is very
Tnrgo. - We have no doubt that it very
large- No farmersJn the State know the mode
of breeding finer stock than the people of
Greene. ... V.
■ Beaveb Coustv —The Agrieulturalßair. —The I
contractor for tho creciiou of tbo fence around
the ground to bo occupied; by the County Fair I
in September, has commenced putting it up.— I
We presume our farmers in all parts.of theooun- J
ty are making the necessary preparatious lor ex
hibiting their •* goods and chattels ” ut that time |
Wo know n spirit to exoel .has been Infused into I
the minds of farmers In some portions of the
| county. Tbev are rooking; great preparations to
oirry off the prises. This is as It should be.—
Let every farmer bring whatever he has, whether 1
it be much or little, provided prites will be
awarded for the article, i This will givenll an
I opportunity to obtain information. Wcifeni
I Star. i I
Someeset Codstt.—The preliminary steps to-
I wards founding this institution, have already
been taken- The contract for a suitable build-1
I ing hoa been entered into, and a snfiioient num ,
I ber of etndenta guarantied, to insure buoocbs to ,
I tbo movement. i . . „ .
No students will be admitted from a distance,
without the most satisfactory references, ond in
both tbo male ond female deportments, a rigid
observance of tho rales and regulations will bo
I exacted. : .
I The terms will be’remarkably low. not over
1 *2O or $25 per year, the cheapness of tuition,
boarding, &0., will render it tbo mostcconomi
I cat School in the country. — Samereet. Ftrifpr.
SlloooUnneon* Foreign Items.
Tan Atjstuaxias Gold Piece*.—By tho ar
rival at Singapore of thq Penlnsatnr and Orion
tal Company’s steamer Chuaao, mails h&Yobcen j
received, bringing advices from sevoral parts to :
the following dates: Sydnoy, April 2d; Uel
boorne.Tth; Adelaide, 12th ; nod KingGcorgo’a
Bound, April 23d The following affords a re
aamo of tho Australian pews:
Tho cost of provisions bus reached afrightful
height, with no Immcditts prospect of improve
ment. All kind* «f K«"ita have advanced in
I price, and find n ready market; eo that either
I the amount of population has wonderfully in
| creased, or the circumstances of the old popula
tion have greatly Improved,
The cost of labor is undtmlmshed, especially
for female setvico. It is likely to couiinuo eo,
not only because avarice secures tho greater
portion of tho laborers In the search after gold,
but also becauao one of the sad effects of the
diggings is tbe frightful increase prdrunkenucee
and idleness. Tho moral and eocml injury caus
ed by the unrestricted ealo of intoxicating liquors
r is incalculable. ,
The reports from ihc gold fields are bigbl.i
favorable Prom the Cope tbo inielligcnce la ol
a satisfactory character. The frontier, and the
tribes on tho exteoslvo borders of Cape T-wo
colony, remain tranquil. Tbe Gaik* tribes are
belog located,under tbe direction of the Cover
nor General. Confidence in theGovcrnment trot
on tho increase. In tho colony the constitution
has been accepted by the grc.Kboily ofdhMal
oniets with lively jiylftnd gratitude. ,Thn ex
ceptiona ore few, aud.conslst exclusively or men |
of Englieh birth or extraction. . i
The JlonUtur reports that Vico Admiral Ham •
ellu ia appointed commander-in-chief of the
Mediterranean squadron, in place of Vico Ad
mirnl do Is Suaae, Who enters on the reserved
list. . .■ l
i Dispatches from Jassy, of the l!)*b inst, an
nounce that the European consuls had been in
formed by the reigmug pnnoh of Moldavia, that
he had received official intelligence of the speedy
entrance of the Hussion troops.
' The Salina mouth or the Danube has only 7}
foot of water, although elsewhere the riser Is
fall and at some points overflowing. Steam
communication between GaKuand Constantino
ple is ent off. Two hundred Teasels laden with
grain aro.unable to get away.., ; .
Steam from FoykW to New Vobk.— Rich*
ard Bussell, Esq, aid William J. Shaw, Esq ,
hare returned from /Glasgow, where thry.cou
troeted for a pew screw-steamer, of 1000 tons
burthen and 200 horse power, for our local steam
company. This Teasel is intended to trade be
tween this port and ljondoo In the winter season,
i and to ran from Poyhcs to New York in the sum
mer. This is tbe right way, and uo mistake, to
! establish u transatlantic packet-station on the
Bhannon.— Limtrick Chrcnult.
The HABYEBT —Tbp wheat crops.ln Wiscon
sin and portions of Michigan ore said to be bet
ter this-season than ever before known, Of-tne
harvest on the Kanawha, Vo,, the. Charleston
Stpubliean says : !. ' a
The wheat in this region is new nearly secured.
The orop is a more abundant one than over har
vested before. Were nil the individual crops of
wheat in the State before a committe for a pro-
Djiam, we. are-inclined to believe-the crop of
Samuel H. Early, Esq., would bear off tho pie-;
mium without a controversy, Illsfarmls on the.
Kanawha, about seven miles belowthts place.—-;
i His crop consists of j2BO acres. One of our in
[ telligent oitUfns, who; with many others, visited
his fields, remarkod to ne that he, bad never In
his life seen so flneio crop, and nover expected
co see the like again. Mr. Early uses a.rcaptog
machine. It is said to make goad Work- «»*
driven by four- horSas, and requires 20 binders.
1 From 30 to 40 bushels per sore li tho estimated
] yield of tho 280 nercs. : -The grain is of .a fine
I quality. j - _
■ General inne.of Oregon. . ,
We leam from the' Oregon papers just .re
ceived, that the veteran hero, Gen. Dane, pas
inaugurated- as governor of the' Territory- .of
Oregon, on the 16th of May, and entered upon
the discharge of bis exeeutire duties. But the
democrats of Oicgon preferred to t have his set
vices ns their delegato to~ Congress! and being
edwaysready to'aery Uhls friends, his party, or
bis country, the noble old soldier resigned MS
commission as governor, and accepted the nomk
nation for CoDgress. The election took place
on the 6tb of JuneJ iTho result bus not readied
us, but are take It for granted that he Is eleoted.
It pill be remembered that Gen. GaiTO Was turn*
ed ont of tho offico ’of gosernor of Oregon by the
late administration; hot the people sent him an
their delegute to CAogreas. General Pierce re-;
stored Mm to his old position; but the people.
Pere BOLwellrpWttßoll with: blaeoogresalonal serr,
; vices, that they determined to send hlmbaclt to
Congress, and affotM 5 President; Pierce u ohanoe
to give them some Wther man 'for governor.—
Wath. Union. ■• ■ n: | ,
■ SrntiTUAt OennsKATioit Off we: Pototb—-
The •• Spiritual!’’ Celebration at Mount Hope.
Mass., was a slim affair, only somo'eighty orone
hundred persons being present. The Bloomers
WerS well represented, and look part In the
exeroises. nhioh consisted, .n part, of reading
a" declaration of independence, a deoloratlon
of Brotherhood, an oration by Bev. D. J. .Man-..
eU, and addresses hy Mrs. Mery King, a Bfilbra*'
•ham Bloomer; and Mri Dr. Brown, or Ware.—
The oration Was delivered from tho top of : a
targe rock, and- tho audience were seated upon
the surrounding.stumps and stones.Jt.te olalm
edhy the'participants ; iri the exercises thatthe
whole prooeedlng were dictated by the‘Spirits.’’
—Springfieldßep; : . ~
8 hasp Pi
week, somi
and a set of
“White Hoi
out t?est,sn
back after tin
Itqgts of IJows end IHscnllnny.
A man in Ulster county, N. T-, named George
A. Wontwortih, onEriday last had a dispute with
bio wife, when ho- seised her by-:.the hair, and
drawing her book, deliberately cut her throat
with a rasor from ear to ear, nearly severing the
head from the body. ■ Their daughter, who ran
to tho aid of her mother, was severely ent about
the arms. He was arrested.
The editor*of the BushTille, (Ind.,)-«fflcS#on«*n;
says, of his village cotemporary, a Whig, that
within the last four years hp has given currecoy
to threehundred and twenty down-right palpable,
falsehoods; and that he will lie, swear, and play
oarda in theUlsrk's officecn Sunday.
The Cincinnati, Gazette, of Saturday, says
thero never was a time When so many counter
feit notes were in circulation. It supposes some
$4OO per day arc received in regular bnßiness,
and thrown out at the various banking. honses
■ln that oity, when offered for deposit.
It is stated that the experiment of ft SixrPen
hy Savings’ Bank, in New York, though only a
few days old, succoeds far beyond the most san
guine expectations of its managers. Deposits as
small as five cents are received. Hundreds of
mechanics, and the poorest persons, have, already
availed themselves of this opportunity to “lay
something by forn.rainy day.”
The Memphis Enquirer says. that n great deaj
of ootton, falsely; paoked, was shipped.from that
port tho past season, ono bale of which waa. re
turned to the commission merchant a.few days
since at Memphis, who suffers ft .loss or $4B on
the bale, unless he should bo nhlo to recover
from the planter, ■
The citizens of Capo Vincent borrowed n
British cannon of their noighbora of Kingston,
Canada, with which to celebrate the 4th of July.
The steam yacht North Btar, with Commodore
Vanderbilt and party on board, arrived at Bt.
Fetersburg-June 21, offer a passegeof six anda
half dsya from Southampton. ■
The Hov* York legislature hate amended the
General Insurance Law by passing ft supplemen
tal aot to allow companies who had filed their
papers previous to the passage of the general
law, to complete their organization under old
laws. ...
The New York Legislature has passed a bj
which provides that where debts are contracted
by women before marriage, and the property .of
the wifo is eet over to the hnsband, both may bo
gerrod with process, and tho property thus set
over- satisfy the Uen—or where tho property of
the wiro remains intaot,- snch debt is a Uen on
her property.
Moos. Maillefert is now engaged, under tho
authority of the genoral government, in remov
ing “ Middle Booh" from the entrance of New
i Haven harbor; On Monday, twelve charges of
powder, each of 125 pounds, wero Bred in rapid
succession, reducing the height of the rock about
ono foot.
A writer in the Z&puMie says, that an improved
plan of raUrond isin progress, and will soon be
announced, which will secure ihe passengerfrom
injury, and accomplish his most ardent wish for
speed without danger of running off tho rail, or
coming in collision with an opposing train—a
■plan of railroad that will cnablo the passenger
or the mail toreaoh tho Pacifio ocean in as ma
ny minutes-na there oio miles to overcome.
Tho whole number of deaths in Philadelphia
last week was 229, of which 100 were under 1 year
old. Of the above dcathe, there were 11 by con
sumption of the lungs, 10 of obolera infantum,
10 of convulsions, 11 of diarrhoea. There was
one death of small-pox.
Mr. Adolphs Caille, a nahvo of New York,
hut for the last eighteen-years a resident of Mo
bile was drowned while bathing at Point Clear
on the evening of the 4th of 3 oly. He was for
sovernl years oonneoted with tho commercial do
lartment of the Mobile Daily Rrgiitrr.
T tin Ctilneoanvbal 1 ton—lmportant Blows*
meats of tlto-V. S? flqttfldron*
‘ OomspamSenco of tie Alta Oillftio W
HpsQ KOSO, April 24, 1803.
The rebellion la now beginning to assume a
more serious • nspeet'- The rebels hating taken
Nankin crowned their leader as Emperor—fol
lo trims It fry proclamations,.As* .
■Nankin they toot Che-kiong-foo, and then pro
ceeded to tbo Grand Canal with the intention of
cutting-off till supplies Intended, for Pekin, but
were met by several armed Portuguese lorebas
gent tip by tbo Tauoutlo of Shanghai, assisted
by the Imperial troops stationed there —drove
them back, leading to tbo abandonment of Cbe
-1 klang-foo. which is again in the possession of
i the Imperialists and causing the rebels to retreat
to Nankin, which may now bo considered their,
stronghold. It Is reported that on the 12tb of
Marsh the two foreco Rebel and Imperialist were
to moot la battle array to have a grand decisive
Pekin Emperoy, having pent his ablest
officer with 90,000 men to manage tho business
for him, tho foreigners at Shanghai were.oygtn
iiing fat defence. It being reported that, the
rebels ware unfriendly to tbom. At Shanghai,
they have tho United States steamer Susque
hanna; Sthreo BriUsh ships-of-war, and one
1 Commodore Perry Is nowhere with the 'Mis
ciesippl and Saratoga, and intends to proceed at
once to Shanghai and Japan, without waiting
for tho squadron placed or to be placed under
his command, and yet to arrive. Tbo policy of
this movfpls very questionable, as It will be con
''tfafy to the expectations of the Japanese, who
ore folly advised Of all our movements, and will,
in till probability, result In the total failure of
tbo expedition: Independent of .wbloh it leaves
tho protection of American Interests to other
friendly potffri in eais cf o ditiorianee, which is
not at nil Improbable. This hasty movement la
probably founded upon the foot thntbe considers
himself tho commander of the Japan Expedi
tion, nod not of tho East India Squadron, or In
ftntlolpation of a reeall.from the now powers at
Washington, of this extravagant expedition,
when one vessel would bo sufficient for all prae*
Jfail thinks that the rebellion can
not succeed, though 0 long time will bo required
to put U down. ■■ .
' Foara aro ontortalned in Canton that tho rab
ble of that city, exoltcd by tho reports of the
progress of tho Insurgents, will rise, and as they
aro known \o be bitterly hostile to foreigners,
Iho’Hong King Register advises the latter to bo
prepared for emergencies.
The chief magistrates of the districts of Nan
hql and Pwan-yubavo prohibited the exportation
Of IiOO,.
; Author of the Hallway Syetepi.. .
Thomas Gray : was bora inLceds.KDglanu,
sbonthalf a century of moro ago, and this is all
1 80 know of ills early history. The Middletown
colliery had a railway to carry oobls to Leeds, a
distance of thre.e miles. The cars more along
at the rate of three and a half miles per hoar,.
It was laughed at—not by Gray, but by the wise
public. Gray oaf in bis little work something ■
that might bo augmented into greatness; and he I
thought upontho subject and forthwith beoame
a visionary, He tailed,and wrote upon his pro
ject of “A General Iron Bditway the people
declared him Insane.' Ho petitioned Parliament;
sought interviews with’ Lords ;ond other great,
men; And thus became the laughing stock .of.all
England. He received nothing but rebuffs where
■ over ho went. , All this 1 took place in 1820, or
.' thereabouts. ? '
Hut he succeeded at last. The railways were
: lald. wortd wa* bonefltted by the madness
of Thomas Gray.
Well, what beoame .of fcks, the reader wM
nsk ?. We do Got know; but we believe he still
HVes In Hsoter, to which plaeehe removed, up
to 1840 he had been neglected. While thousand*
• have bcoa enriched by the consummation of his
brilliant sobemC, he remained forgotten—forced
r fey poverty to bsll glass onconmilßSioQ for a liv*
1 tag. Hewitt, in the People s Journal, of a fow
yCars ago, gave a sketch of hie career,‘thus
I - bringing him into public notico, W® have seen
II nothing In print In relation to him lately:
ItiTESEStiKO ruon Texas. —By advices from
Galveston to the 4th insfc, we learn that Colonel
0. May, with Ms wife, had arrived there, and
proceeded to San Antonio, .to join Ms 'regiment.
Charles J. Mltchelh editor ,or thd Wctorla Ad
vdcate. had died ht lavaca, frominjurles receiv
ed In diving In shallow water., The diarrhoea was
very fatal in many. parts-of Teias. . Lieut. Ives
of tho Topographical Engineers ( Mr. H. Catap
boll, Astronomer,; and pr. Hennedy.Hataraliet,
beingw portion clpicut. Vthipplo’s expedition,
bad passed through yiptonUfor San Antonio.—.
generally, were promising. Gov. Payne, one pr
Gen. Kosk’s railroad survey party, was lying ill
tat WcSO.
>me timo darinjg'the past
etole-a cart from ■ Mr.
ie “Green Tree Hotel,"
igip'g io.Mr. Ifnep.Of the
nearly equal to the chop
lav Sill end then treat
leges.—Ssnwftf P«siSsr.
s i i
.. *:■**?■'
‘ V * /l *»}
>■» t- .
. t
«3rDv» El»JUaiao f a
tlco of more than twenty years, I>r. sr.. V
Innumerable patiaptfl' ofillctcJ «lth overy forra pf,., ~
disease, dad was indnted to apply all cnsr&cs ~
mind to the diseoreryof a yeraifage* 0* wor ® <iest Jr yc V
certain Into dTccts; thoresult of hblabopisithe *?*!&
■can "Wonn-SpcdflCj'nowhcJiro thhpubllorwhich 7-
pafe; and may begtren alihetochildren of xn ° st
age, or .to the aged adult; It purges mildly and subdues &•
Ter, : and destroy! worms with Inrarishlo success, It U easy
of administration, and af
aoj jona whatever, no restricUonsare uocesmrywlth.r*
gardto drinklng’eoid water, nor la it capable of doing «»'
• least injury to.tho tcndsTest lnfant Ahlneredibl* nomher,
of worms have bean expelled by this great Termlfage.
i be careFul to ash for Pr.inane**
celebrated Yeraifuge, and. take nono.;cUe. s*■?s .-5£.-
mlfogeaj in comparison, are worthless.' ‘TJr. IPLsutfs genj*
lno TermifugO, edsbhls cdebraied 0811 now
had at aU respectable Drug Stored In tho United States, and
iromthewl.proprietor-/ - ;
60 Wood *treeu :
k?. Dr.Hnleey'n Forest Wlno—li the to I
remedy far the permanent care of Dropsy, Gravel, Jauu j
dice, Dyspepsia, CostieonesJ, Bheumatlsra,: Goat, Loss of ]
Appeilte,Complain ts of thonrer.Heart, Kidney rand Stem- j
Bch,Colds > CousbaarMCaaaumpUTeDccllnes,everc2ered
for ale la this dtyi grins full
be toil gratis. 7. .
• • ftdrertiaement In ftnothST-eolggitt. - - \
Sold Whoiesale'phd.UetailbyDr, GEO. It' KEYBER, 140,
corner of Wood “£d Vlrsin ollojvPftabursh.
5L by JAMBS T. SAMPLE, nortH-weef corn" of mere)
street end tile Diamond, Allegheny City, . . ie&lmdaw. -
DU-Mom Homo Tesamony. Mr. Sotesmit
Sir— i thluk it no mura than un onusUco tn jou. na
well u to the American
TAOLK3I boughtTtom yooeaUmorreD. I
much lmpiored • T can ra email print irith tom lor an j
iengihofUmewith6ttf&U?netomy«ycJ.. : |^“^TO
Smtlouo to ImproTo by the um of them,' I hare no donbt
but I shall ttf&a?t»r«tf«ltlitfiitttogl»»itorttfroj. » ;
■ Allegheny Ciiyf June 45,1553. ‘;VA r' \
- -far I hire na« Hr. Solotaon’e EVE GLASSES
briirpcriod,withdecided adc antaga, anlhsTo oohesita--
tloain stating thata defoctiteTlslon of long standing' tag.
hean reliered, and thoorgana-seem' to 1» vigor
and tone. I therrfora cheerfdllr J«ar wltnc»to_ tonlrai
callancr and accuracy, as also to-Mr. Solomon ». shill ms
practlad Optician, and the wonderful
idapUhis Blasses to therartoos pcCtolaritiMrfTiAin..
No. 2*Wayne street, Plttsbnrah.
Jane 20,1863.
— r»i.>.-lntAttorney.-«tTeiu-o enthorircd to
STo namo ;
SSiilsS Ibr the office of District "Attorney, eotfject to the
decision of the Deigocretic Oontttr Omrcntlon. "if lo
So. 2S FIFTH uticot, are eioslmr out the balsoeo or
tuelrstoct at «tm ORKATEB EEDCCTION3t •
3 ca*o oyord trtdo Fri o ti-at - ■- ■"
7 “ Muslin and Beirge Do Lalocaar*
i largo lot or Lawns, oi loir as •
5 eases fine Freuch Lawns, at -
fl >‘.fait afl'd Ginghams, el - --
Woolßeregosand,Deßeges,sslqwa§ - • uo.
233 Earn’d Conors, at • • - -_ ; _
Crape,Huk anefcaatimare SHAVTL3 ONE-HALF ,LRSS
j than nim»l price*. , , r
ADlfcS’ Enamolul liCWiierana MwmxoJJSfiJil.lJAl*;
and BOOTS—toms sain a mpertot ortleK_®»rrant-
TOOK. Sbarea cf -fittsborgii ’lttut anti
*■* t *"&
—‘Prrrr y. Block tml Bill Brttor,-
jyio OBm, N 0.82 roarth rincL
M jrlrjnla Juattw of th« Pomk, la 2 toI/l, Bro., tjy 1L
WE(/MS ‘- v
. . . and Stationer. •
J»l9 - ''fflTOpl itmai.Utmeo Stand 4th. •
fcW MUSIC—NtiW MUSIO ' . • ' -■-
UUj Dalo: -
Do they miss ms at -ncsiifl »
■yes, th» mis* thee at tome; - •
oirn Lot^~Foitar;.-:‘
Nancy 1111; - .
: I*ll throw mywlf.atray—Christy; .
E*rr Dwllng—arranged as a Quartette;
d« cold ground—for the Guitar;
Jjom dear .:
flume Polka;
La Celia Nina Polta—W&mellnk;
eur*l», Ballade AmerlcaliW Bu*
, - Bolt—\TnllaCo. . , « r *
The aboTe ju*t recdred, by Adams * px*
s*2,*** lotcf popufar °-
JfW glWood«r^et.
5l V LlDI> Jult
15 Bua»s»r»to J.KKa* Co SO VooJ »trwt
o i ,i"i LB3. Vbaifct while, la ftiav wd for n*ie ty
ft a im*. Ctwmutaile Slower*, Uemun. iu *ton* *» r ‘ u **
lOUSeby riyUl FL^MtNacr.^niEH?
LBS. Jdac© In store auil tf->r Side toy •'' .".1
luUlfU Fusiaxo- gaOTHEK^-
6 .i »LBS Xatmos»»lnsiGro4ind torealoby . • .
200 t Jyis lj!lUal ‘*' , ' S AmtJl= yb KillNUTilUlTHKl^
RAAbUi UuitMO, giLrin n>t* <u>a w ..- m
D.UU'iris.' . ..'- i".KMrNaEra)TnErf3
§ll §§ §... §
Is truly the wonder of tbs age. Perhaps uo article ever;
offered toihs public la redted with greater fcTor thai this,
ond persons Ibid or becoming so hare only toteJt the'arti
cle to bo folly eatitfied. Tho CloTelcniJ Herald of Tuts&ij
erenlog, March l3,lSs3,bastho ibnouingtrUhtrgiudttit:
Asrsiun lUnt. Bsstoaaarc.—We rarely notice edito
rially any of the patenter popiTlght claimants for public
faror,but with pleasure depart frooour usual rnle tospcaX
of tho article earned above* rVoroally belli:to itdoesall
that Us discoverer claUns.far It—restores hair lobcads hope
lessly bald. Several gentlemen of our acquaintance, in this
dty, ate using It, and «01 wminglyiivo testimony os to Its
John tloffijr. Wools' Brmtery,'jural of bildllHJ of four-,
toen years'doratloril James Qutbris, 131 Qrajlstrat, who
sr« entirely bald; John Oberijr, Tarentum; Captain U. B.
particular attention to.the followioj, relocted
ftommanycasestaoof~po&sossion: ' T .
*~\jSre. Alexander, aged. 42, wifeofWUam Alexander,
whetvaidea at Ncu4S Fennsylvaoia Avenue, states that she
hzi been bald tot the last 20 yearn the hcad.onbotb rides,:,
was perfectly smooth and without any hair, when the com
muacM Hba has noff bottle
and part eft bottle oMialr Esstorative, and has U*oK
WBulariytof the lost riiwoeka. Oar head is now perfectly
covered with ft thick crop of new hair, firm and strong, m
ant on* can see by calling* lira. Alexander has so otyeo*.
to the publication of these statements.
43*1 am a brother «t Mia. Alexander, whose statement
is written out. above, and know personally that the state*
ments made therein are corrects . A. H* PAX,
j BepV *7» 1652." ■ ; ; No. WFourih street*; .1
N, B —Cofitt* taken ion-written guarantee. If preferred, i
the price agreed upon, by the parties, and the following Item
entered Into: : - • •; -.
v Azxeoaxnr Cmrarr, 1 < >.r .
fltata otPennwlTWi^/v , .
... j——bind ©ysrfr&y tAese presents, to usaC.B*EMEB*.
BON*S AMFIUQANEhSTOEAIIVK,according to directions
on thnbottle, for the space of six months, if necessary, and
as soon as It produces a good, respectable growth of hair on
my head, where It Is now bald, I hereby bfcd ayselh or my
fce»,‘admtnfetratoT*t>r assigns, to 1»7 to—or order,*.the
turn of—,f&rTriuereeels*d.
Bat In case it &Da to restore the hair, as above mention
ed,then this Instrument-remains null and Toidj otherwise
to remain InfhUfbree and virtue. . , . - - i
Given 'under my hand and seal this —r day or——, A.
Bold wholesale and retail atrDr. G. H. KjsYSEK’3 ‘DRUG
STORE, UO Wood street Price,. T 5 cent* and. $1,50 per
botueT~ v r
-12 Acres each, situated- on the Pa. R. R- and East.
Liberty Road—ono Lot on .each side of the Railroad, at
about four «Hea from* the elty line.. A Station House h
now erected on the premises, making this-property, very
suitable for residences fur gentlemen rdoinfp ousinesa in the
JylS . B.»CtmiBERTii?SOy t ltQ-Thlrdst.
' Dtisoi »tton or Partnershlpi.. •
THE partncTabib berototow LeCki
Hama aod.TaoJUS Paiuiw, doing - badness uudei
the firm of HARPER A PHILLIPS, was .dlssolvec.
by mutual oo turrit. All persons Indebted to the flpm fcj.
subscriptions to the Daily or Weekly Post, advertising am,
job printing, will please make payment as soothes possible,
and those haring claims agalnrt tha concern rrlll-proron.
them for settlement. The books of the late.flrm will re*,
mainln the office. . XECRY HARPER,: .■
HUtsburgh, lS^3—<jylfi;3tday) - i
Attaining Payor Dally. ; ?-
SIB Is no He*llcln«so w«u adapted far all common
•asos on plantations, as B. A.‘ FAHNESTOCKS
FCGE. Read this testimony:— ' ; -v l
From F.P. DUOONGE, Ncrr Orleans.
New OBUAKVUaroiiS, 1853.*
Ktan*B.A.Fiihn&tdck iS I am pleased,
to inform yon that your Vermifuge continues to sell treli in
this city, and I find it- gaining favor dally amongst our
planters. Many of my customers, who were In thohabltot
during other medicines; ore now:tas 'St A ,
fhhneito&tVirtnifivi only, o winy to i»Bafttr,Us wsE**
Uffliacy; In fact, f know of no yprtblfuge sold; in tW
whldrsUnda so high in-the estimation of tba pubns,.
Please send me fiftjrgross more of your VERMFUuE, aa i
Prepared and soldi)? A; rAHSJ 31 ®*®_* £2?*, ■
Jyl4 - •: ■' . earner of W°od.andj*rst»tiggg ; v
. Great, Reduction;iaiwe3i:
TATEW SUMMER QQOliit— Obcapcrt'Armal Of the Sea-
Street, between Fourth and the Diamond. subscribers, ;
; thankful fbr past favors, would inrirathe^ at* ■.
motion of their numerous
to their large and well select*! stock of DRp GOODS, wblcb-
in ftn^Bos
ton; Tory mtetn tho season, at large cloting.oat sales,-flfoa
£to 25 per cent lower than former, prices,-and will be sold
Yor cashit a small advance OTcr Easicm cost; .
' The Dresa-Goods Department contains a. general'assort* •
msnt desirable styles, in tfae'markst.
adapted to season; sarega da Liinps;- Dawns and
Bamres aa low « cents per yard; Spring and c Summer;
SHAWLS, of every description, the best ever offered in the*
city; Crepe Shawls 25 per cent below the market prices.'
; White Goods, of Bonnets, Ribbons and Ulllk 1
hetr ehesp.
ijgo.a foil ttockof all hinds of I>QBiwtic Goodji;Etpdfast.
colored PrinU at per yard. “ j
Lto<nt£heetings* Table Cloths, Nepkins, etc.; Gloves and
4 t
We would cofnostiy sdlidt & caUDbm both wholesale and
retail buyers, feeling confident that to all such they can
offer creator inducements t hftn os any previous season. •
jylS ETE?fi3§9E 6
\-' * ,
- v '* ' .-v- -
' 4** A.'* -*. r»
- *Z-** * i„ ;,rJi * . “ w i - .
“ ?» •* . * w * > * j- * *
, /.
/ "
V •*» ■■ '-.S ■
. , * e *- ( i-»
• *" ,• ”• >
r „ ».*
- f
J r —“ *l* * ,
ry—» "jj t a. o. P—Meets at tka ngrth-ftagt«rtt«rof
Fourth and Market streets; (abo7e Murphy t BarcV
fieW f aStb«.)OT ilnnrtayc7enlngB,ac.ap»dock. ■■•.-■ ■■aaaGto'.:-:
yfcug’ELOIff'A'TXtOPQSU 'X* O*
Lal£o,Kt).2B9,X.acif oTEij
in Washington Halgyood at. [fal-T
•js. TK~A>-»roTtfaftjxstOOLosaTtAiaHtte»
hnnslu atSO ecnts Peiln .Tea
tka Texy : md Grant
Tawacan alirttjg bo had. C -: : - A ' l# 9
fp=sr : soHßr H;FO * Ppnis,
NoTMtoday wniti flro dooiabeto* tfio ;A*nr
York. .••--■--• *
CtKTiot HttsSorgh end Allegheny, ns«ta mtte
ihfr HttßtehAgcstgfetiw£to»
; * VxTß.fa. ■te»gfgyggk r ; Agent. 1
‘ edai awcffriea
tuwr of' i&b* liouna*©,-
d'jgr hrteW::»lxih. yhlla&lptdft. • • 7.- /J: : -'- :■•'■.-'g*rldan_rv
lY^-^BlTut t>,- HaD,
■ Wood attract, between pifUn*»et;Bßd 7frgi“ ««?•; 1
• pirrsßVEflirlioi>ac,'Jiois:J6prMetfts.4TeTsToes(layeTfeXdn|. |
>fmniTTn.g ! ?0. ■B7-—Hoeia first und.uurtl
BoDs«ro dreadfully tonaentedwlthcorns.;- A.certain
remedy will be found In Dr. Cents’* Cota Pustxn, for
gale by Dr.fSEO.6.&ISY3KE.I4Q- Wood Street,
i - Pries, retail at ISU-And 25 etsi per box,.; r » -aepB: >
| -• to tiiosewlio boy to salt again. -;::
Curtalja Material** an<L;
Cortsta Wannixiss of'«Texy-dftscripUo3j Fentltare
Xeia'and ‘Sloslio Cgrtafog. N. Y*
pilatetTViadow; Shades, 0 flt CcrnfcaS,
jiai’et wholfisals wiif retril” vW.H-CAlt&YSy''' , : .
*•• • Ifi9i3hcanntstpeet» comer:RfthfPliilfldfilpila.; •
Ox»to3ix» 'cad’T^uned very newestFrdicb,
W '
‘Window Shade fllanntoe* !
tory^-OO^niEX>*-SEOOi®:AUB JUJCH.‘ST&, I
pfirT.AT>Kr,vyTTAioOtgciottoilfl r Sola and Small ;
Cinurii, and Zk>dgß Hoorn SHADES, ftiaflaia 4
an^l^olSa < £idothcriarsltititedWei Wo* » Mll,b?-
Pittabnrffh. Cltr fllfta* -W.or-fefc*"
wrcuNsiwmAii s o/^wra-
D-jW atiASd, comer attlift&ST end PIItSTSTBEETS,
Pittsbnrrfii -Pen&ffriiahiiu Particular attention - pslu ter
TbBS, tb&fina being pracUcatmon+ 'wiu-glTe
their entire attention ■ to-tbe ‘ businessjnnd' thsyleer ccmfi
dent the? ess. produco an;articleof window,Glass equal to
: anjveltfaerctf fbrelgn.or domestic taamrfacture. .
' ' - "?/. ~r .
!: Offlee Bnßdlnge, Third street.- -Taameaes taken ■
in alMrfnda of weathers ftwa 9 to 5 giving-an
ecennta artistic and nalmatellkrtifiss* unlike
• oerior to the corafawn cheap daguerreotypes,- at the following
thcap pxiees: fa W $£V s3,44vssand upward, according to
the /mnllty of case or &ame.> ; --•-
■ - Hours £br children, fironrll.AilL.to2P* , 3£» > -v.. ■ ■? ■
U, B^-LDteneasaofakkor deceased pessonatakeo Inanj
partofthedtyv - ‘ ; - (QorSfcly
. , Bc.
- 128.
* *. *■ ** '
aH. AUli) Burgeon 13eri£iat*--{Snecesaoref
■CL W. Biddle.] r.No.-14* Ssuthfialdst.- • v[oytby •.
cdsca la tba Head* aadall dira*
erecabJe discharge? fepni’th® ear, rowdily and rarma*
i uentlyremoTod,-without pain or iaeoQTem»e?,.b3rDr, lunr
ut* principal Aurifit of tho-N-Yn-Ear'Sttrgery, «ho frar he
conanttedat 99 Archatrect, nndflphfy.ftoia 9A; $
I . Thirteen yearsof close slmostuniilyidcd attention .to.
I ttiie branch ofspeclal practice haseuablod him" to reduce Ills..
I irestnsentto such a degree of success as to dud.the dost een*
I andobstinate casea yield/by asteadyattentto.taAhr
[tacaasprgscribcd.—-- ---. : -= 1 [&ug£B ■
Boudo,£lort{ja£jefl, &e»» SegoUatcd.
■ yi&ticnaskara&nog oner -.•.x-vrr’-:
.: Orncs—7S Yourth street,between tlariciandTtood,
oppositetbo Barik ofPltisburgh. • ••■ ■• • •jsnlfcly ■
W. A. M’CLURG & CO.,
’ .
; .65*'T!rber«:'tiiex offer to their, old customers, and the
j>ublis ccnotailr, lowestrates*Wholesale and Retail?
fcs! liriccst, 'most sdoct : *n& njmpleta stsefc of CHOICE
YATUtto be found in tho West. • deni?
■JPearl Meam 'Mill;
(XSA2 TAB BAttSOAS STABOX.) . " \• "
;iSSr..TBA,-{or-selecled \mte Wheat,) ELOUB,Tos A4IX..
- BRAN, SJI >nT3 : AM> MIDDLINGS, always tai hand.
G3~ W©wm to famiU£A,in either of the.
wodtlea. ; Orderaiplacedfnour boxes, atBEAON&BEI
tER’S,earner of Liberty «»dSfc Clair atreeta; or,LOGAN,
VILSONA AS Wood sfrecfvWinb®attended to,--
■XII Salt Kcrax* ,
i H W, Si&PQED.
KEEBSconstanilyonbaodthe nortoslenaiteand •
<e (bond in the city, comprising la p&rt of tbo lbllowinff
Curtain*,’ ;Ts*lndo-ar Shades,all prices -
jndin • BuffHollanda; all widths,
■reach Brccatell«,«ll widths, Gilt ©very style and
roach’ Ploshes,- • ’price,
* ■ ; Satin Lofa«,- Gilt Curtain Pins,
■ tl ' .. . Bonis, ... . -
Satrap ... CordsandTassels,
- "tJnfi&a» Gimps, all prices, : :
Ceuimerette,,.. Loop%, * _ *>
'alnTurfeey.Red, - Jfringea, - ,
' i«IIa Satin Daraash, .• •' - Return Icssl* and CcttU,-. v'.
•'ornlture Giiapa,» -'• • - ItooiSjUinss,.®rackets,Ac. •'-
AfuSaasortiaantoMbe alore goods ecmttantly
'®holeMll^ , or retail. [marl:!? 1 "*t Tn.n» -
Pcnonytvanl*. CAPITAL, 01QO|OOO. Ci£Aß-
- ■■■.-. r:.
•FVcraintf—lion. ACQDSTUS 0. EBIETES.
_ Sscrelarjr—THOMAS H. WILLSON, Eaj.
-v- '-:v !V - --r iWSrCIOM: T • .? '■
- -Son, A. 0. Helatcr? - -fomad W, Hays, .
WCiiaraKobiascaj .••. y'Thoms* Gillespie, ■..••
~ Wiliiaia F. Fahnestock, John B.Cox,
' mrnjT^BoUman,• J&cptrFoterSi .
[ Johnifolkcr, JrV'-TnUlaiaColdor, Jt*- ■:
Jacob &.H&iderm&&+ - ’Aaronßombangh. -
UUSSEhL AOAE23,; Agents,
I . • ••.-; ... Office, in BafoyetteßaUdingv
[ jeff • (entrance oh Wood street.) . >
Firemen’s Insurance
iKy Company of the City of Pitt»borgh«
, •f. K: MOOBHEAD, ETH3IEY, Secretary.
: Will insure against KERE and MAKERS Bl&iiSof all
[ tSa&s.: Officerin Scare, No*. 124 and 125
• • WISCTOW: • •
J. K.'Uoorbe&d, % W.J.AndetßOOf
■ r . B.C. &ZVJK, . : Ikß. Stacacn, ;.
Wo, JL KtJsw, : , .H. RWakiav
-If. W.Dsila*, - CbajlMKeot,
C- ILPaolSDni-- ■ : WmiimComi^wpod,
•: A.JP*-Aiishats» - ■ : • Joseph K&j?> - :
./-> .• WlUiaa v
inaarane© Cotapanjr oIJ
KINQ/Presidoat; SAM-;
CBL tC’StABSBSLu Sacfctery. -
.Offset: M WaUf 52reef,6«te*e»Zfarid<UKl ITbcd strjub. .
: /Insures UCliaad OABGO Risks, on thoOblo and Missis*
sipuißirers and tributaries:- : M ~
—lnsures against Loss or Hamage by Pire. -y ...:•
* thaPez&ct &*£«*, aafrlnlaadNavisa*
ticraandTransportation.;•".£ c ~ .*
•..•• . Yf •.’'-nntrcroiu; •..-yn -
•■. : ILUKIng, ,>rtza«,Jr.,
I . giniliaa B&gatay, >'?. EacittelM* Kiel,
i . ■ Samuel/Eea, - ', •■. WUltem Ringb&ra,- • .:v•» ••
[ Robert Dunlap, Jr.* " :**. •, :
• ' ELfiarbaugh. .'\. IfrandsSfillfits*
I ' EdwardHeasleten, - - J.SdipcaaiiJwr,
- TTolterErrant,' . ■•..■» :
V-.' .-,Y_ ■ -Isaac M.~P tTT ) r - l ’ v ■ i-.--.. : • - i v decs* .
: tr2»r laoitriuifle : Goa».-
<tfPi¥TSßvna ßt ta. 'Caktal,sioo,ooq
President—JAHEa S. Hooh.*
-•' -TieoPrasident-‘-BJLSfu» M*Cwxxi!f; '
-.'Treasurer—Joseph B. JgKiU'v.
- •• y --
Smldhtg-) :
This .Company makes erery Insurance appertaining to
! <}. MutualßateAhsa-the : -eatde-" utihot* adopted : by:ether
IpetLanj ofcna-third from^tie_
Mutual fatesfaqnai to* dlriilend &f thirty-toe and
third per cent, paid annually In advance. :•■■• -
I ■•. Risks tahexjuaiha liras or persons going to-CaUfiSenla or
l-'AWtraila- •; v
I *- ■*•-’ AMVMMII -t .*•-• >1 -• . ,V“ ■
JohnSeott, - :
.■.John SPAlpln,-
•Horatio N.Lec, .
John ATWllßon, ; >
* Jotoph P. Gazsam, M.D.
• % • Alexafider: Reynolds,*•*
Hirna Stowfe-' mar 23;
L omift. —Jit is
I «TtbatltbasTxsakaaTOta‘crapletely.«radicate -
: srerj yestege of thi* dreadful disease in less time-than any.
aUd At less eart or. Inoamaicnce to tbs pa- ,
oFeertififiateS-ia tha hands of tbs propt4>-
tor, many of wbiehare-froa well known cl.tUens of the.dfcr
I •CHttsburshand i» immediate vicinity, go to shorrcteazly
mdbeyondall doubt; that Kies-’s Petso«TO is n rnodidns.
I -f nooammon a. teeal resi£dy lh-Jh7B^
I ;is, NietisutiUnbJteifaei*' I°**°f SipM* hutaa aTaioame'
r^nter^iisizuxiy* ihndng the inTcstlgating.phyrirfanis as
I VpUasthesu2aringpati«nt» tebecoao acquainted vith it*
I "Ocritl* • • , I. -.c- i' • »•
|.: >pbose baiing-a.<hread of mixtures are assured that this
I noOdneU purely natural, apd lihotUcd .as It. Sowarrosi
I chabosom of tbeaartb. ■■••:. k ... } ■'
I v ttijtiUovinff certificate
I Si/raatst* in cud tears date- Jwnat 2,1862, totehishit
I ita) appeudei the tertificate flfOU cdeordieSX). T. Fbci, if.
| i/Syrcaat:. V‘; ~ - - *
I Oil xsay In truth .eortify, that Ihiraboeneo todly &?<
last saves jesrsthst most of the
attend, to any kind of hosinessr'
| indjtmxch of tfaa time unable to salhasd: aanihted to ray -
I bod. end hsvahaon treated thn tisa by tha.b«t
k- Phyeieiaia onr eonntry. alEitds; X ftwarfoagllv: to* ‘
I Uef» butno care, andemattuned toKrcuTrorsa until Hr. Jopt
t. -mnnmgndodtno to ; trytiyiPetrcuouia,ar
1 rj thing elsa bad fatted. Idld aa attred;- bht-
I thearact vas astonishing; it threv the poteozi tethnso&sa.
I rsttmitey andl atonea.began to grou*hottery-'andby''udhg-
I reranbattlealhave got a core vorth thousands of dcdlarc •
: • This ttsy certiiy that I tSVQ been E3es*s
Petroleum, or Bock Oil, fcr more than ayear f : and havered
peatedly witnessed Its .beneficial cSecte-hi thbcnre cfdndo
'tent nlrere-and other diseaues-ftr • whidi it is
andeap with confi.danrertmmmsnd it tu be nmedidsotror^
ed*lt3 oSer V-:r y,
■■’ '* ;-■•*• £.-■ ■?.:.••; ::■ -D, Yi. FOOT. M. D. .
1.. ..Tor eale by ali the Bruggisteih HttabnrEh.- fanCTdXa^
B. MTLTjF.R, Jr, JVwidmX j 'T. JL QORBOS/So^ry
1. . •-- ' CAPITAX,. ©300,000.
j /institution. jauiSjti by Ibsrcioys «b»}»
I tooTOlo tta cOTimcmity/tmd vho a»
wto dedielobeinraiei.-: 7- i.' T
IN. Holtais, : W.TL Emits, C. Ituuaa, W. Ja*ajv
I VTut-li lyoa, Jame, QwW Jhirs.svJaaa Sto-
I Auley, Alexander KimioV, ‘JtStt'. , c ._ .
. rtwoi, {Wwhowa tfSjfaaj A
HtebtiqS. , . csyCily. .
• 'W
.l 3 *
■ • ■■*Hu ~ u *
\ i- W y Y . T
/ *’ -1
\ V *> * “ *
■TTEnUi* open positively. -on - MOaVa V; Utif r im
' YV end cootlnna auui further *itfc Mons. i.U*-
GEXE THEODOU* of lilO Eojol Oporo House, Pot« O.
Prindp&l Violinist.
• Jrifctf
CsTgo’ftCotilllonand iiraua aasnora
JScmo, can b® bad by applying u> ma.-mas
Cargo, ttttbe; *Ctystsl£ala»l>a{racrrefia.Kcoins»" «f:
: ttj2s:tf B, ILCAUGO & CO.’S, Fourth sorest.
tied to announce 0. 5. Esq,* a* « caadS*-
data fcr the office of County'
rrr=» ULLUSTAXKO XJSVr&r'Sooary JiuerE£lei panics
{fry.' flip yußng-aahlher' EfctnfftO. of tha.- -
News, taSTudaed its «DrtTftV
liig3,'fttiJ.tbaVl'haTB : Soltlout T 'vbi2K'l3alHjlie.--—' - -
.^b»lilast»tedNcarjrhaa«sclodsdl&te(lTcrtisiti^p33aa, : r ..
fcjttha travail:*'
ned &3 heretofore,Jbr the B&d Approvement cf wi2eh. t j;, ‘
copaitLSorcxpenj» , »iltbespi«<L.AiaagoiC«niC?.'T£.?i2.
Pities S&77U3IS3S will he isscednast presents!
-.U /all descrip* ■•
j tione fuad UlostrsHohs of that celebrated stmctcre. Arathy' -V
er ciasallksat £%osxtzsoV the etsr is*
eded fa America,' wUlßhcrtyba'p otfllghed,: anu.pTcssatsd :V ~
grand touslyto snbssibOT, -.'Never: ha>-g^efiWshtajrts* ? '-
stood higher*:. will n±coiTe,m r ■
ia Supplements end otherwise, fos> ,
ToM thevaloe or soyotherpictDrialv;paper Issued'Lathiv.
caaatrr* - My Interest la-tfis -News: caseo* bwecght T»a v,■
' lta pub* ■.:
eventually--produce a paper
weri&for jts and eitla ileal eraifJ.rr’.tly
iwciiSriZ which* the atticis cf ibes^tsTstrcr^t-PASSis*
■- • 'A Fiaix- Uriels Bon« for •g_a|a»j;j -j.
pm. BE SSUMUW. aptf-on-tte
.Cellar;l*!**,' s«*&»* «£:; - •
'<raHKK^i : '’TioHoTJse Is ritaatad^'tliß.caCal,- cppautiJ.-.-.
pleasure gßTdfiai>-asJdiiiir.iiiB Andersate'
nat- J»i3ge»;ThS lJOfite. !a.cCTf;;w34";la-EP«J mjS r r ;
sitasu&l'ln ft pldisoatncighbcriioailr
purchaser*—which la Terr cheap* the house and Joi-fcatysg •;
oostma .. ,■ SIATIHEW CEEWEviv.?:
jylttf OqtSapreatos. ■< -
UOW—Camo tasatrcrttcrXla Raffia .
Allegheny County, Ist July, a light •
Brindle, white along her hank and '.:
ooeed'tSoeslxo?-FSTen-yeai»-old,---'• ■• .---.- "•• •’ .TV-i-.--
josEgg pattebsto>- •
ir| \Q OP’JJUaia}&i^—rcr<iaiftj:-
X'tha'-flxtnm end. stock xf a firsWata buslnpss iiocr la j
xremisas'ibr a tana of yeaw* v 26 aa xniferpralPSj Indus*
trioosiaaavtliii cannot m 2 to pToveapTofltiblelnyestnepV
grpnit wtp!tai i ra^afa^L v 111 health la-tba.canso cf Riling;,
l'orpartictitos,eiraucrßof-- _ __
SYIF- - ~ ? VS- CtJTHSSTiT & gON.-IIQ-Thlrd yt.'
OANiJ WKGOTIATJiD cm iioaCe, Monjptgoy, sV"tha
- jyli ; .r --•'*• •■•. • f "143 j2hffiT.fftregt>i
£SS±a AXO- tft.-iii GAIDUKS,; UooS
SUppue? of
and examine price*—low. • • ■ L
-Jyl3- .■ Corner Harkot&fldLlb£frtJ r si^
E 3 %*z*
One of the Greatest Wonders of tJso fisdl
. AiEXA. i :Cr , .KH>JU3Nlia'_
Kj-HOSO !■ OHIO A!.. OBADi.S t“0-
.-.:• piLrfpi ~%V-l gy^' }''f : •’--'•"' ~ r; '
; rpnis 1» a TwyheMtifal cs weUß&nasfalsrtkiia, ssawsflK Vv,
- Lvdesw^^^'daB^«aon*g.tle'‘gwatfiaproy«scwaacf:v.r;:
thoSinoteenthjCentiity; •Itlsfiocoastrhrt€dttJ,tdT?f£d.tip
-kueping the,CradleT?rinpttbns>r sereral hoars-'
'cable slur: Sofas, Settees, ec.,csd con ~mJZ n^iz
of thafiallotrlßg.States,tla: PcDnayWaaif, §a-3;h viroJus*
Plcoita, Georgia/Alabananal Mission!.- rZU fca
Enid Jbr -Cities, :Cuhhti?s - 77 fctate.S a* will fc«** nC< E»»
.\-Any parson wishing 10 purcßert* wilTplectti etui at- tfcs. •
gT rn a ßtkh.hqteC;Tiv^bjrqh. whoroa modt#ciU-to-.-.--
cxhlblteLTand-thekubecriher juny bo IbatpJ^ivndy.c^wl. • 7
times toeahitiit thdCiadlennd-dispwtrtjfßlghti
*:■v- •:> - -•• ■•:? P, Lt^ l^- U1 H,.; .-
. i MAOUlNJShayjastsrriTi'a '
"f\ veHas b«tcf - :
frr?l>- kV-<Wh2rinilt«ia>of djogajllsaOf.EjOlUgO's- - , r
sl<liiizof 4 in-each;' knucMovia car•cicsJaln®* -
"Clothes arc &«<iufrk agrtio :ici » «ru*y cgaianslhft - r •;; - v~~-_-
tmzai nwtf <Wl>*Ate. wl«
I it*. *jid risbamls &reffg»bgl.~clt'<n,-y?i : - ••->'•
State of Indiana: atiko.Statftifc'rof.
usnm&tonntnr.. £»w Xl« Unified pro*
orer.a iaa« ;
chin© that obtained the premltaaTrtihe Stale.talc*; c£K«W :,. -
:YotkvOhiolast -
-bo seen ai'HsT6*« 1 3ii'WRi.--Kttsbnrsriv. ttcq *n. TTsisbltss .»iU.
bo donefrcsidaytn day. ’lin terri ten. t?*li*pc?cd:ct ,-v
New Jerayi’- Kliode. faliadf Cunarcflcut,.Ms’*SKmn*>lts l '. > ~•
Ferro on i, Slafa**. <nd aj^nMascsr^. - -
Beside, JirfirtCsr awdito
any coon ties la.thsStato,Xir'Kai«.. Any pet ».-u,-gishlg3 t» -j- .-.
get sell. readrly-nniwith/Secak v ...
jprcflt^eftheriiiseUinsmarMaes or territory,, wtfldo well, -
to «aU «i:- 7 *■ - c - , .
/All or, an the fben :.
•peTiod tlba machine is now on its way <«« tba
east, to the lt * ill ero« tha A>. .
• lahtieOcean*•• A man oF tolerahlesiill iu TuiUoi.eCta clear--
or dcre-Tu lhreetofeslhs; :^^Uiii:lli^ti, a:
•Tavern, called Eareex?* Retm^*cicXn»ft« street, IS3,v.
_*»© gmJßaiiffssdjbi«ssoa7li!o
-• .^ ~t;Cßpaay. ~
'holder® _ •--
Cotnpanyv bxb hereby iiaijEid! Gcvt # * •
15th day of -
-teroooa, at th&0£le&ol -tlia.'-Enimeer &f tsSiCcajsaay,'. •_; -
corner of Grant street did' tjiamond *n&v.ta r tjie_eiti cf . •
rittsbnigih, : tataJM Into’ eohsideratibailtt' ■yrciprfet^-cf
: atod fc>.
4edde upenthe as^eij^-t»'thi»«besipt^i t i3:--' v:-': -
.-^»-t*irnfinHr* VjWWt r rnv gif -' l^att3iiai Oos>
patsy* of Ali^l«ay 4 Qp9Tiv the .tcsgsSi Ca
irMch saidstibsripUca hsa beea made, . _ 4 . -
• border of th® Presidenticti Bconi«f-l>lroctai2r --■
- xrHmisfr'ffATLOE,
--i ■■a?is^.:-r-x
mHS Trortees <2«‘CACipsaj J»ve this
f: (iaydiselaiod-aiftridsijti.of-fito^ tfea^pi*'; ~
■ t*TStock<jf piofii^of“fha listex : '
&nhTTUh-io^St6rtholder3.«r > thii£M.,; •
wnresaatatirci at'the cffteo tt theCompear... ; ,. ..V-jfi .
.: */ -•-. : -A : . : j A :
- '
* : - BJUia&aiOSEBf
A ECHITECTS;— OfIC€3 :7EhHollaJl,N'ck. 75 Third street,
X\ aid cf thafiiaoioiiil^A^ishs^y.
> jyl£Cai' '. ' .' r: '•■;>
- -7-. EDWAHDrB. GBAST, .
-Coxdmtasion Jileroliantf: .
.. . ' . Be. d. Richrmris Slsso, - >■;. r
■- BM.TIMOKfi. . ‘ -■>
i'OTi-COWEB. EIOK, Att; MSfb Orarijnmeato
cf Wwtcra PrKlscc,rßfi:attllj(Sil^i‘.' J l. ■
:/ Megn to— llcsaa. Blag, fosmock 4 Ca,;soa. to , ,
Japes &Co« ."•y- '-■'-. •
■'?■:■■ -" ' 'T'’ 1 3AIJ3i:a EJ.;S.EHi , J!B%_ ''^ r C'' 'v'
: PrcdsioaiJul,General. CoarussLoaHsiip^t!
- G^CINNATI,’OHIO. - '- -
rr^»' BEO .
7IEH»’S£JI.pEE. W2ISST, Oaoci2ll£3, &,'4s.
V'i -- "-• ■ ’ ilv ».*•' ■'.
£3* AjjwjV’fiy fcfeteai?. of COTTON* i»£RI) OH*. STAB . j
* - ■ '
ftdTanges giad& tra. coasimmcata of ProqtfCg.
Merchandise • • - jyAto -
;... Samuel bTClurk&n,
> ...... . ■ . .. UKSKY If. COfrlrlSg.
vO Charts of WoaWra
; W Tp*--fitocV fey gala tt 2*o.7ltfoarih
JL Xlf.gtSS- & 007
for nhiili ifcathijh*
lUv cst'~iaarket priccVi3 ho No.- 71' st
.»j l-,; : - r- ‘, A, WiLSTN?V. 6 J C 3. -
■VTOEXH AiiSIUOAK MMKO- Ua—lS ?*£w©a for Kilo BS
A ' LABQii SXEA2I KStf INS i UiV SALd-—CyUnacr, S 3
',3t' ; ihehtar nlhovta&t s&Qt* ~.53i15i3 an' eiteahsaty «n
-'riMt'ahdtfflVfcetoid low.' -Ecqairticl* .. .*T -.r,.. ’
“ IHOMAB WOUP3. 4S sj.
TJEBSONSdetcrotnpdtohatß-tt borne: cfthrirffvrn.TJlll ..
.t-fiod caour rrgisteragreat'Tari*»t7. CJiaodehUuaft -
'ileMXstate Grcniar, Ust of pait.6f Uxo
tety wehtretor.Mlt. • r-*v: : ... • '
Jyll ’• ' S. CCTHBSaT A l<Q?tardct
BAiiii STOO& ssock
*ad Wawfitetaycg' andßxchacga nfea of PittabSSsb,.
at tbs g*»Mng Hoasa of A WttKENS & CO* ■
XT£W BQOSSI—At Mises a U*.%-Na32S»lsb2sid tt.
1 # Portfolio.'•>; ~ - ;t*ric6si t £s v
. Yawrfr ® Crusade In tlia East;
-'Modern Flirtations CatlratiGdaineUirv ’ -v- \?T6-:.'. *
Bible bribe OousQflg~ Sanse ifty-H. A. Bcardffiair,- --
P.p> ■ -.-- •:>-(- '
iTSr Auarosit-CT tlwiSorcespoaiJence of Jo£u Qcoi.l OO
Aatrfeaa'Gsz&elirita Seasons;!# & F.Fottfisr.
•• <pyfr\rff»y*g Tfrngllgh'Htmorista;- ■ •-...; ■••: Y~ iuO i
fJjaX Sonny; _• / .* » 50-•:
Life in -FnT?onagn*^ : •>- 7 , >75 -;
An. 7<>!uraQ IbU 7 ► .2,00 -
H MTN £R*C<X> -
AhD fcUlt i J Uiiucrts; «rUMaS
% j jaßea cfihe tityvoaths stymieing:
DtaldEeishetaid JamesEL H-ivo-;*.!and-i;.Qa.»o.a£jej cf
;T?hiQhia goodecaU; For particalsr-* v>,c>.ir&o? ■•> - £*:.<£>. ;-.
*4i Jl-rfcet.street. .
I'IASH lfua WOOL!—1 trill pay. t>ie hLifien marKetptiea -
O la caahfbreH grades cTcieaa washed Kteteund-tub
yrooh _ _ __ h lbb,_
- > •••'•■ y >■■• •■•■ ; !■*& flurry, •
£%- r EorUmltarist for Joly.
v OaptHwiai Pl • • ' »«
Sli-Ycaa Later* or Sfco Tatefog of The .Ba?tfle ? ~bj
•• -* •.-- ■■•’ v .*• ■>■ ■-••••-- .* ••;•■•• •■•
'Echoes of a "Cell i 'by Baa (New-impply.) -
A fttsli rapply of itnlekcrboekcr M&Kzittn'forJufcr-':'
• T 7. A. QtLM2«Fh\XaV * CO, „
jjS • ••-• r ; ; : VMdfrbatmifc
An* in**?
qfeOUUU-fcisiOtrt toEight 53*u*acd Xtollarrifer
;; So V? gantfh st
* SlplaUtty-y-teaL.
lo® is a ccreom.
TJELB' APPhESI- -El-Hii AEKbtS>T sa OssP'AJjte^
JT Jnsi nsslTSltSsi A EEODES A CO,
. •■■■•.. - •■■•.. . ■• -■•■ ■■•..-■ ■•;.■« ■S3 WoodytrwU
-»~v FryirtATi~PHPACS3i I3.AMH?iCi3—fcor tale by - ••••
listen - ' " - - TT*XTSB P. MARSHALL.
W- <iloi&ej can bo -K&shrd la
less time ssd whlesstratfUa, tfcaavrlth bsj- other-Soap
tothsmarket'vi&o^ :: twllia& For sale by 1 ■: v
fr ft BSS3BAT7.
CTONIJT XN TES WiIB.---Jcst received,-* choio artik
Tl electa tniaH bcses, far fasfltym- Faf Ealabr
- •BAILS? fr KKHSHATifr r '
■VTLrn&yGTvmen gad-Tea Pesis?ry~ v_
' ; : ; 'Cs3:tlbgziy jctrtet.. '-'
XRrBITB LAWN CEAVAXS—for dcrEjuic a, just Tto’d
W st - CUESKB’S,
3a15 eoUtit Han,mtosd strati.
A. GAHEESi .Wotetcr and Os&rd li53S-»to,aa!aa tan
latvlas.- Prfgg loir. ■ 3SyKalo7 itoketst- ■ .
SSBAW BO A8D8.—12,003 tts. Straw Baania, ci-snpaiSa?
quality, Tariotsnaiabaw.*.’ Ear salalawfiir.^aah,'at'f. :
T? 7 3. 'HAVEN’S Paper Itarstoasy
| i.t "* • ' ■ • -
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