"•»' ’>*^ i ' ;? tVy,- VhX y~ * ‘ , V'.% ; "j-- v* < .»' * 1 " 'v*' s v> J t v *l* **! *. x ? .*y i * *>2j r *• '!* / * i *-'-' vi 3 0* & y , 5 t >’ * **Z ' » '*r >?!PHP':&P^?*' s M!^ r ''X-PJ'P::, s’■ ~~'isl ~^l':.-'r^c.■&•?s•’sk'M : . ■ ; • '--•■■ ..■>■,. •;•*•.-- •.. ■.. % ' ‘ A ,,; *i<.A W?«'.'t S-I’.i.. ■' ' V*/ Hi , ,-t" *■ '-i >, -i - . ~■;•? 1 «/..< - *%. •<* % tT , f - * > , - ’•■ * „ <>';i >"> yt. y y / ?•,'<’, if s-tyy 4 -* f >, ,^ i '~\ . • !?’ , , * •* ! ‘ • ‘ ''. " „'*y ' _ t ■- * *. -.-, . - ™ ~~V~*~ -■T-'— " V^;' v~' -V‘ %Y : V ** ’% ,’ YY V‘-J-. ; '; '* ->.>s££ vA* *V - /.ya*.*' * *' *'«.*.£ vY'*' "'"' * > - 4 »: i>*.'-. v ’ - * »*„/&i»v;/: - Yi" ‘ -'"-- -•' *>>> x * A f ■*£ ~ \ * •* tr . * K * *~* Xl i VOLUME XI. the daily morning- post. inti FtibUshH taatf HbhziQy {&W&# txccpted.) I BX HARI?JSR- # Pgtttlggi , l tnmru-Tm* oqmieA rurti> utMEta. Je j aSs:g«S34}«s@sS@@ lutto Kttce, Mill iiy tiu> Hewa Beys. , THE SAITOBATf pOßHffle ■ -lafitiibllsliadj'ffom -tbo saxnQ. ?*:^*"T*/* r . , .-"^*"rv*v“*^* -.ov « « ejctadditional insertion *•••* l“ “ caie weel;.-...m« {« ** two Tfeeks .... _ ojj. I** _ «*- three week 5..,.,.... ~ .».«•«■»*...• la « pofi raonth„„ ....*. —'••••” •»•••'■"••• > lu u t«o'months ..-v-****"* «t u thioe'momlw.M— *•• 10 ofc 1 i • . • ** . foormonfchs..^.»»«»«***»i i J*rr',***. o **'**.?* r ‘* 00 1 i “ _fxs?nouUi3.. M .—— .**! 18 00 l « «f one year,«•«»« .. •••» «•*•* ’ «.« nn Standing Curd, six lines oi *“£?“ J *• CiiiKQCABLE AI tLBASbi-.. , ftfl fine pqctrrc, unnum, —mna PEOEEBSWNALOAEE^I ' A ITOiaET Si l A Jy«-7: i ) .stnetf, I-iUA«ri;b i A streets —- —" * .«>vl!.trtr.tm:apgib-y Alttomm A moved to J*u. U Unmt apdo? AwsSSlSsitessw! my 4 . -s < —-*■- -■ — : —•. .v -T- 1 taie examined, to ..._■.. -■’■ - ASSESSES? >:vr t »gtf : SeC&pOi:gad.'--? h y a y: v "Business cards^ /j, Wfaburgh.Pa-. ■ ■ I ' _ ■ Vcnnc*. MEiu W Torfcjggagj* . 140 Wood Sto.-st, c ° rn .° r ■2Tjr-IIOIASAiv ooihWetß sssortaiart m" 1 • h "»* 011 tamL —. ■ . . x i. tt!iacan. JX SmUhjldd — So. 174 Ihusburgh, To. •. • • r-it?-* fttsborgii, v&*_ s — „...v.~.'JSO;-A.-*raB!lAW. 1 -WAMILr oSAM w^SsSJwS! Wooto .Ware* vMch.bo offers at OiO i»v«,, gde or retail. - : - r - “ w • ■ jntol26if iV: -;•-*:••• -- s ‘ •'••• : ‘- v '-‘ ~ " -»-ETnox.EsAui Btiect.oppositt Jhd aaSS ;nor24. ' of -fty : <3f Mencyyand for th* -•nU*ot2ior3nstruincnt3.for . «m also ani - purchaso. .wad. 6^ t7 --'eeUiiig.-rentlng.©tftthdlea* ;ju; ftfaVKstate. ~ ■ Ur* ■-- • - —*— SsggggigsEfg WMmu»,~n>« of Market “prfSfo^«^s?Js3sals-i«?y* B ?- “ ,l8 , .wSfSSffI SSIIM&OHBWI* I .. ttt do : eycry « mo-.- wgj^t Brother. . . i.mmug a»y atweacu .. ... • tiecl7:fcf I iw uShurtih. I>eoeial>er 14,18^ Kirm TBAL*. tif UoiSu SADDLE, UAESEBS, wvfci VMJBB aod CApKI BAO PittaW. Pa. ==- fa, nSgtSaS t Hoy udfe. VM gltteburub, l'°- .. ■ : ;__ —— 4, rcpj^'rrDli^ioCttmir'to-a™ l tho poblii In li ' Esl r il XV fiiai L> Ues suspni tho torn* formerly occu]*. teiTcUcrs oaiperamS going oat tom tb» « * deff2U~tf ■ Tvii- iucilctbos, IlUsburgb^ driutltettfon,. „ _ AvWIS gST fc c „ r™«tijwtlyaabapg» • • . «: _i —:—-. Ilitlpsf# lings TMiDcr» Scrap* __ Hit!? i__r rt . T op mau AND^OIVSAiIKNT Al/ FAINTEK, AND niOUbF. SXQNr Btrw’t, Pil^burgb. Ss;tes‘as"=« a ssi»sr [blc prici-a. ■ - 1 1 ;R. I S3B.I«?»«KSS3 i IBlisWESa, ljuriMM to merit.. !”Ttt^T S “Selo“ tott. mort MUon.l,l. obtlce Inferior to ■ , to stall forever? description. of«g«« ■ r haveand s^S^lsssSSiSfskKSSi sKattianMSffihMi* | whew- the ijSltßeftcnllly, hare l dentthi'tallwhofavor them with theixpattonajo, will M I ping - >■:••• -•- - , ' THOMAS'WOUUHi „ „ I COMMKttCIAIi BROKER, ; attention *ill b« given to Urn_raleL«rf tion of No toe, pntts, Bills of Exchange, ana tbepotchnK P»»onal sttena . on t °,.° U^^ ° D Hosted with me, I hope to merit ; ‘ Pitfchonth, April 22.1853. BAM3IA •Kobem bThaetiev, £sAv continues to where he keeps' a largo■•uni, gen- »**-. Yfillfltt« .Bridres,ntOTiosß f jrrm^, C^tWgllne. . 't - BuCaloßobea,'Whipft,and«U - Haai»heeps .onhfiiid #i wxd jf n&b to order, all kincla of EiVeted ; g the best material, and to a. style •.bi.tr°rinnwMuap ; y4M- ’ tho Eastern manufactured article, ohdit 6dpcr [ * Country Merchants and Bandera wouldooirgl to cauaj l .examine his stock batore. purchasing .clsewllett,.asbs.u< l, raSSrat Alley, r - ~ lOWA FOBS BET, * 80. 103 WOOD STREET.* / , , -rotm C. PAKRY. (successor' to J.O. Parry t Co,) be»i A to Inform tbocustomete Of tlm oM firm, end tho pubfe Sat ho bis no* on bands, and fa extensively ed- every description of.OABmQSd- GhUlcd' Bolu; largo: KxrtUos and CinW; 'SSniKjffifcStoftPoiSi^JnA«bf SngsrKotOei SKctare : of Cano Susar-oZi aOm a. wtefi for tpe “ a fL 'PftiTv’6, and are-Biipciiorfor dura than-those nad. on'u| > | tr&'rWlW YYABB-A. : general assortment, «U ban ne* J wSTboxcs, Bog Irons, Baa Irons, *KdUng MBlCastings,eni Machinery of ererydeseriptlofi, 1 S p^Wtoi| 6 p£enarecoraSlSby fifteen hurrfrg^ S ! s §s t s^»s s iSsf#|SSl •3fes o »&s&»r| I d^SS; n rari=ty of Ornsa.mtelßaillnfctoOemeterfaseqA >*» and M kfndefnnstvnnd *Ul 5° esdi Klnkatajs, -gm.sditt ttmiQgcd, stT patlio to gits mo* call, '- ■' . ,-L-,. v .v .:. v .-f.;c ,i;; , \ PITTSB BUSINESS' CARDS. . . '■•. ‘yv i ftip- fHTTiyisnQß : to MoApst 4 tsXjY TWJAI^. H. MSSishion mebobjht, A* aw Woolen qaofe ho. 18i> m«tt tgl, in. nnuuss! „.,»iuxa uupjaicx... J- ' “ BOS ' Sj^ , ssg^si2 , gß^T^ to walSfihou bo.&'S. , oocimls mwiio. 30m ' U ptßßilijG BUOTirKHS, VV burgh. Pa. IJropristaraof Dr. inamc’s^CelebratoX VernUfOgOp JPiltfl,Wr.: I ~ : V • ■ HtttbStfT 1 * Co. *^ tarsh '' TOMimsON iIEBOHAKTS, w» KBW' SEKD STOUEI I JAMES WARDROP, ■ • • ••:■ /-\tFEHS fur Bale CANARY feS^5 i .a?a&i«gs,“ x« an Fifth«f. near Wood- ■ ■'■■'■■ - — ~IL DBAYO, Blamoia, 'HtUwnghj Omnw BodnS offlr* for rale o choice stock o | trSSd. foil u»tm»t .fW»W Seeds, end toTite* the aUfiQlion lordstcd iotiirftlftflfolnE..■.: • •; ... ■ .->■... . ■" H CJASAIkI' ,o “mX , 3“o''S"&.taU''ciottog Hcrchtmta, ]" N O. 68 WOOD STJUSKf. ' , nillßsubcctlborstcs pactfullyinformttolr oMwitom ceeb «m bo settled by them, ftplvoa icapcctlyely* —-- . n.|nur**M»~ “ 4 “* ,, J|VQraff *«£ Co* _ t , . SS" ar-s-" “"• ass a ' w sa,» <-» JAMS CBiiCTEUL ”• i. ““““ggggojj &'caiswzU, ! BBLt AND ASS . FOUNDERS, »tD°BIUBsSa WFPEII^m o "raiK pisa. ?i ®?Jf. fogft.- pnddtr & WM t JIiKCFACTUItiatS AWD WLtRS IS UAHCBiBTEB 1II5?R* , ‘ P 4 ,“ Ausoucrr. on riu .... Nev VoJtf/D©ecai»f tawrSßSr.Tas txsgssffsz 4owin#: 67,21 i BU«V $4 i Alumina, MHt ,iul < per OxttQ of -“**••** i litac r . v -Z;- 24 i MagoesU, ■ — —•** ■ 12 j Oartsto goo i Water aaft !<£*?> 1 » - | 100,00 t i Tho Powdered Sample, contained In tbo bos, vb fcb; I snp*. «* nix r Silica and Alumina...... . « »Z Hfl .1 • Magws|a, r; "~**"~ * ’ ! S Water and l*o«j - r f "i££ : • loo,® i*3S?y££* •*>— SconTCrtßltato» »»”%,,■ n. cintlON, SL p. Cheat!t. 1 j^rorSd.^yiOEPMOIUJIB.SIIIiIKrtT^V t marl&ly ■' .tns. o> p lb * i ‘OS*** "■ssrSSfrsssfs'S*® n S2tiSSr Wo thSdbr?taklrpteSire in woommundtog SSf“ ISAAC CROMIB, Iva dasftpi . X^^&d^ie'Siiiiltig'Of iwm ojxmtfuniAM* aaA c«V c 0 jtnwW y»»g^»s»easa?^“ * fc UicSrtjniipr etacJi^'o. rsm^^emwr : JOHN HAW, JIU ctawrn to ttol t ■*toa^WJff£g&i a j aßa «W» Bit- tawitaewtottoso desiring «rttolc. heretofore to fit up buildings of ercrydo- I" mriKy I ___NotWHrstßt««L fIEW'C&BFET STOJUS 4r^ • “?iTi?S.‘i;U-r, - - J “ ? #SjpUlnV. n Ul i n S . • ' : Chenille and TutM a “|r s ’ A ,i ( “ tl , in il Sheepskin tingt.l? ‘*^iw?atSSo^Cloths, ell tfidths'»W 4* ,1 4f 1 5S • Haltsi -p- ^yft> JPlaob', tunl Table 4& ’ SJ3 , m2^lo^acM; . !, -•, ;:.•.••• a^jortar. vtifoffr) on faTjiea to tha ; te--***? I'* 1 '* • cl A Oo* New-Vort-j Bacon& ifaj -0 *“ kinas -, % i nrtman . r.CutoM-^So^el'srt 1 ” 1101 Bpant* Grtman, ] t^’^f?p“vSpFieiieh.Engu ah andQonnan, jratrant^ •*'*l IBGH, PBIDAX TO BANKERS AND BROKEB&; . : . m.: _:»johh imSIDSAII BANKERS AND fctfl&ly] ■’■■ 95 >r<»ii -| BAnSfSSSA&EB, t ! ,X\EAim In Domertlo omi orel SF.f i 17 ElE!itlUlU,Oolo. Bnenrront an 4J lTtf > JOHN WOODS, pumrriß;ANP wyciIASiOK .. .. KS«S% burgh, Va. _ U VmuUcaxißrrtign tabunftilm i. into, uua,*™ Mist EXCHAMHJ AND “° BBIS 01 , •' VfXLUAII A. HTTA 6 CO., - - . . 6t WOOD Blfl£KT„ rmswwm. •■■ tyft-tpiflrtat aHowcil up time *lopt£te- >■■■■. ■ -- Ugg” EXCHANGE ANE^^* i y’ tr s 0 nO,IBE 09 Opposite tho Bans of Kttrtmrgb. jous ■: —o 2. aKHOLD & CO., nANKHRS AND ISXCIIAJtQE BttOKEBS* lurfprDcacdsxemlttcdtaaiiy part of tie pinion. ffTT/L & CO., HANKERS AND EXCHANGE JJEDEEBS, torn» or wooo >2a> # fina ; OTaMT3._ /- BAM UiTf rope, lbr «iia la earns to suit rumiawrfc,- uumnt and par funds recolTod on deposit auSLnsbSS la par foni. or current vTSmm of With and "■*»' » IgliL rnnE pium o? a-'wiuuss A co., hu thij I aiwcl»«i by mutual MUont. cU> " SbyTbMnjwra IM>, JOHN A. CAUOITBT, THOMPSON PELL, “ ■ __ i. l.'CiCSUST tutnipsos BELL & CO., ■ JJASlpjaa ANl> F.XOUANOE IiEOIiEIIS, u * nr (unt ot a. traiDtJ * «aV ~ ■ , WILL continue tto ExetauCT lh» old «and, corner TiilrJ and M«wl _ *. .w.c.cowniT, auis ‘ . _^', ftma’Bf SaShJhldcitd FWnJ Sw(i. a. EBOftS tOONNEOLY, P»o?auao»3. . gg-occJgaMlnggltachoi toUioHsnsa- “ Exchange, ■ | a-Ksss»«P'«‘Sf EriStiadKljaJlrf- ~FUA.KKI“• .'dtnjoßs 'KIOJOOgR M!» »>«™ *“ «* «°°> fcrUof»totda»hnttt«*nK*ft«^ pATBJCg 4EOX JOUN 8 0 91 H OO 881 Cleveland) Ohio. ■ flinu SEW nonsiiwlll toopra for tt» reception pfifch 1 nn ihß 15lJcf Jone. Jte location ts central, being opnoSS the American, end between theWoblel ana Pranfe: shall be perfect inerery [well Itnewn aa “JoWof tho Franklin.”) . ... gt* Cbftrlcji* llotcl> . ‘j ° mT \f iSuasT’s. . :• r £ SftbimJS w mail* tbU Itoul a comSstalla noM tt »tt tv WlfßhlX.Propr_ \v overly lionae, - . . | ntammia Mill, netn’ UW ifrat,' PitzitergX Rntf a. I - D vm,U.«.o. OAtUHUEB, PMramca. ' ThLs FutdonaUe and popular I • BESiAXTBANT hu rocenuj I Uiinrot In iSSy, end tbo prourietov l» pKparvJ ta(«> SrhhU Wsn4» end Ui" pubUe senmaUy *U& e*ery ««!«« | to ttiW of GAME^ ««?* vtowW.'W'rM. t *ITOOHU earned ap eneiy morning, at ll ( oVlt>ci, tn vbteb iMfpeclal attention of cuitomera ta solicited. toft** IS Wood street. ffSssSSaSSISSgKS ssss&s^ie^ssi^’^jp Mm ftcall, -■— —— MBoI Mrntot»nd Libert?ttratt: •p» Lager Bctr Brewwy* . es, s! 3ifer«a o ?»s ! ,‘s ALLEY tosrwSSit,) will bopnaetually attonSaJ to; n\ilß MAGAZINES FOK JCLT.—Ja«t reMlveS anJ C TSrbyTrJtoEa & Co- No. Siamlftacld rtr«t, 1 -g . . . No. 02 BmUhtleld etroot.. cx UNX)HIES —100 bojtca Kosia Soap* fcy 100 do Bby 10 Glass; 100 do 0 by-12 and 10 by 12; * : 50 bus. Dried Apples; *• " ! 100 mm* wrapping Paper; * OOdospn Bod Cords • 25boxes Cheese- ‘-\ 50 bales. Batting * . TJ - • . ! 20 doten largo Tubs; f 10 do wftalldo. * , 10 bold gtarCrmdto. j ■ ftl*. ii.OPIB» BIXSBOPHI. ; OOMinsaiQS ahd f ORWABDINQ. HOTJBE, josepß liodßiusE •*• HO&EIDOE & HcEATFL, : , ; 1 . (LAIUiTWICHELIi 4 MOOMDGE,) . t; j - Corner or commercial wid Pine Sts* > end personal attention, and liberal od«n«i wiU Joe givenwhmroqutred,'on Conslgnmttits orßlHaof Lading, for'the Produce, vrtllhe jmmptts filled at thelwrest market prieef TheTteoelvlne and Forwarding of Morchandito and Pro ducowTSSt with especial care and dtflpateh the lomet of. Freight willalwaysboprocured,and theexpenss of Storage and Drayage aa much as posaiblo avoided. i . ..... - ;i- .. t. RRRIRBffCSS; - -- 7 • ! i *P Walch. Btlonis: Ellli.i Morton, • Cincinnati;. - dof, Charles; Blow 4 Co., do; Hoaea* Error, . -do; •gassl® : & *8*222885.' :M Wm.Hoimea&Go*, A; do; 5 ' •Blow ft March, "Hew York. SWelds A Wuler, db, Prost ft Forrest, *> do?: Josiah Lee:4 /’Vinrifts dos Abraham j. Cole, do; lnuiirrfl&; : nJ£*3Mttn*ft'fw’' : •: doDvKeweombft Brp*/ db;- ttluSipments to our Sdi ; wnhan-enao»edon *na«*j*£»5 e £ I &orxatiho, ttoo of-ablpment>- ' Bfc urals, • •robikbok* CO- 1. » 1 ? * t > riTTSOUBGIL HOTELS, &C. . V' :' r \% *. i * * i- i *- 1 * i ", rZ-46. *1 V. *>.* J * * « * ■*»-.* - - £*««& * ~» S .*«■>. { - - „ _ 1 4 ' • ■» t 8, 1853. PHILADELPHIA, PHILADELPiU^^ 'll?HjiwS Worth Vfhana, „.»a,, : tv, « MbrwtPar- ■ an-.-iy - , SiXSOIA. .1 i — 6eU »tt£e very lowest ftieta « »“■“ ” *o2Slj ——-—rr - F. OSTHBUSi- l&taedTerttefl-- -- ■ - ■-■ ■ ■—: ri raSs:'f?4 «- pAT,TIMORE. ~ . SOTTU_. .n* y pim.ir>V.l,PtnA»- . . > • ' J AMKB B» yiWi^Rr-.^ •ryEAuai w aboiiest . . - _ • ■*—' —■ • —: rr— — ' • i. ..JHO- B.tsoSQsivfc ,w*. tt4qAi*T... »—*:*'*r; yit-m nvum* W flelplrfa. petkr h« lahu^i a _.- t ltl _ and Kotsil-'Dealer in COTTON LAPS* &u27dy* . 3. t, *» s <™^- o b ß u, , b»KWsS'& PHII»AJ)fXHUA. - . * - - 4 J riirniinTfl vfrr JA, mis ft SESSEBSi . 1 w»S£!^y£BEsSa can gplnU, &c. . . - ■ 1 — 1 11 ” T ” - Tir^t t rnwr/eT- , *■ “btSoFFEBA iUKMY, yyfl'fpnKß,. Jtfa. 06 Aortft iSccwkJ '^SrfJLtJ OoliJoiMlry and BUyer Ware. - Repairing promptly attended to. -JJOE AMEBIOAsf^S^-SD^ tS jj Rom many or tLs most approred manmacto.les In the the Merrimack, American, DmmeU i Mncaate* Hama- I HadleyMis, New Stokeb and nmny others. vEoffK-ftom Beagraves, Sextons, Broad Brook, and roanyother superior Ccsameres, Satinets, Jcanj Brmdand KrSths.Kmnels, Blankets, Ihnbroidered «d JMn SWrlfr 4C* AC« ;-• ■•■■•: r - - WITtYLESALK AND 11ETAIL CEOCK ESTABLISHMENT* yrsssszsss’sz auitabli /or .Church*, r Umr Uouwa,' Sleeping -Apartneata wd i steam and Canal boats auU fiailroail Cart- - Also trenerul sale Agirat for Happ'd lately patented Sdea* tiHc Niche Gold Pen, Wholesale andßetall;!®jJJ ppn Holdcrsaad Pencils, and A Variety of Fancy Goods. M‘‘‘***"? «* call beforo Dttrcbaslsjz elsewhere* JASIES BAlloßto, *u2S-y* 8. E. corset Chestnut and Second eta, PMa- •pHusßEßPHiS^u®B®HsEir"'' MANUTAOTUBIHO Cijrtif-An teUns, tosnuiietured anil Imported by J. £.dntyJonoJi“ tie tame oldsuccessful place of business, where fcruKrfj half » : ccntuir» himselfßod father hsr°tesdcd ( witlrthe public, at the most reduced prices, for Cash or cityaceept auecs. Interest added. . Three hundred end power looms troßow nmnio«. ; by So Carpet Hall Association, at Martins Men-' Fifty of their sample looms can be inspected at CAB PIST HALL, 18 aruiiiO hoslh Second street, first door below Christ Churr-b, where upwards of fcOQO pieces ofVelTetjl hrpasda, Tapestry, Venitlan and Ingrain can also bo «• i “onrdillrtont Agenda In Boston nnd Kar Tork fcrtU thermions fabrics modi In the United Etates, en ebllhg us to guarantee the lowest prices for what we do not manu&ctureor Import. angHAly BMLY & B&OTHEB, NO. 252 CHESNUT STREET, 4EOY|! KISI9, 1 PMfflL. ADEEiPBIff A, I lUve now open • Iwso assortment or the Newest Styles end I colors of I [ CAEPETWGS't Oonsjstinji, In part, of the following chotcirgoodSjVl*:— Btch English Velvet,. . . , ,] I 11 *• Vapcstryi . i I 4i . «i . rogralttf I Neat Styles • “ I, Of their own impo. .»aon,:JaJt landed.. I Also, a full assortment of toper and llcdiom qttJUf ... AMERICAN CARPETINGS, 1 Many of which totes of their own manufacture, can bo re d commended w ... . ( . I (load CorycLingi for a.Low Price. I DAILY h DEOIIIER, I Importers and Hanutietnrcrs of Carpeting,, - I declOdr No. 252 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. I'WSI fUBHIOJI • _ „ ENAME LIE» P WBNITCBB, GEO. S. COCBTSfiYi (late Warwick *00*); " 1 J 4 and & South S «. i^y-/.«cWtalp«»u!V eMrSgU;ropwwJ«. Wbfl*Saiu,amjhtlos.»tU>o»l»v« I ♦ k iv fiwt artists in tho country, who tan.bo itUca;^pott.Mtf. ! matter*. Uy employing none tut the I mSvak&ful ■workmen, and villi the - oH I ohintry.aud using tho best materials, tho pabUo inay I upon netting superior Goods at tho lowest rates. 1 aSW IB of countr 7 ottealcO. to and carer fU N y rluidrid.ifnj«pH I InlaUnithl’cal. g feted. Jecl01? •••_■= f-nfr AP WATCHES ted JEWEI^t, -|gV wnoi.ES.'aE ANDBETAH, 'jv'oiob 'Cfothuittteti '■■•■■■ v S^y C r;fullJweUM,lBta:c>^ ; «Bly;'- Ooistopiof)“ ■ “ - • ' • •' «. - r - v;h'" SUroUtfois," „ ' V gllTWXcriuCS, _• , ; , ...2S» B 8SS», :« ■ Use amount of money they istlissssiffl I Hraw o*ll,o' | AU kinds of W»tcko.;nn4°/™a|^p^ .1 manner, and - •. - - _ •. ~ WOBiD’B PJ3®* ;v . „ ’ •mßJtot and. onIyPRIZE-MEDAL for ,11m edt0 LACET *'sHUin’S. -V, i thejr »6nOTO-lhe«ifflpeliU<« of! pfinytooaojn and : SaddlM ; TOey SS S Uioy am cnaMed to tell a an-; lino Mate* prto- th» , 8 nyolh« JSJS^tStS^SfcoitqiWMy.of’iaatltw, .-and, aSsassasssss^-M?^: .■ ' 87i4t0£2;5Q UD»oßlaakfllß,from , • * , tLw.U> S7.M explain DouMo Hanes* ' Ste^s^s^^w^, rwmt. Philadelphia- ' e " oioBOE J. HENKEL’S, CITY CABINET: WABBHOTTSBr, NO. lia CHESTNUT ST V And finished inthe best ‘°- ■Ess&sss^sssass^^® ! jStale, the work esnnet &U ; sen!. Amongst the mmy ndTO'“S“ either In Elegant or] Isthe»KiUty;of InxnbWjgr iy%ig trfcmt toemploy.gW jjftimSutalnspection.--' l ;, •work la «U i D tta. Blore,nnd .Fnrnlteo i ; ' C3 tat ““- H'MTOSH’S lIO'W 4BD;HO®BE|. 8 * -John HOWABBBIEEET, BALTIMORE "Baltimore Book Store. books aud btatioeter*. . CBBHING3 & JJAU.EY, ■B OOKBEJjtaJKS AND-B,T,A T ; I 0,5. tP.S, dbcWAjr i AV. 230 Baltimore ttreej, ■^ a^ H ? o r! I V» T) Y ££ SuStar « W Otorhau^ ■ -decKitao.. : -•• Macho ■ BU.VER WARE, Brpaaes*■ wocius**»v** _-■ *• eK^S tlfe 'w™ re is 3e«Tanairtaa f con!SdrfilsqnaUU s s,sudin» oirnoU* or •feredtoany other houselntbotrauc« . \i! tanee, and by almost any conyoynaw.; . \Tbo!«uJ« “^ r '*g^ nELDj DKOTllK!; i CO. * y>q}ulflmftrfl street, comer of Charles, . ** iHuuuiu .... n ... Baltimore. . GSO&IUQ gTVRQS^f ■ -Boi*BiHOiAoioais «t vaaazarzii _ | ■b p iaaii vs p hie &,aas s bb s 1 'S', W Cot. BetUimort and Frtienek itrccls, Jial- j ’ i.'nore. and AVS2 -Wclaat »£, Fhiladelphia. OTESILTEEMEDAMAWAECp.TIZ:- V*urtrrgpAjf ISHCfOMUKeW-IOT* ? • ' . *| ■•„•••■■ j : iMASiuSBIasKTUts,- Baltimore. - 4 . fTUIE peculiar lmproT«acntr in.the eon^rocoon 1 Mattress ivthS ail Xha heavy vnod&X -frZmeuxrk U entirely. rdlspenscd -jrtlh, and Ita place sup plied by a lighter' and much. m&re durable ftamo. The | springs axe all connected by harness leather hinges, secure-1 ly rivetted, rendering it fte:»s»g£; fall dovrn or get out of pla»,and tnahieg I i thatai^nantosy i bly fitted to the wants of the rich or asthmstifi, w.ho may re- I quire a sitting posture. : It has all the luxurious adbieacl | L best fiatSrted, with the lightness and thdlity of bun* • limrofthe common hair mattress. y. ■ I K Ihesa laprered Spring Beds are .invariably nrade-0?7i2/ w wteiblsi and-will last maxor yeaw without repairs. | I persons haring Hair Jlattrcases can hate them altered in ; I are well adapted fcr Hotels, berths of Ships,, I Steamboats and Hospitals. - „ | il£o,6iieiteisiT«*asortmentorh!sW]r ornMQ^toi,(ln I OABTIBON I r URNITDHE, cp& I ristlDg Id part ofßodJtrada, Hatuid CoatßadcvCunoKi* j Umbrella Stands, Gentry Pier and Eid& Tables with ton this ,* Iron,* t weUagtMinM^^^ 7ooll ?^ at short notice.. I -dedglT •■■ . ■ : -■ ■■■■:■■ ■ L_. ■ • L T>Ef£ APPLES! PETE APPLES !—9OO Pino Apple, Just . j received and for *alo bf J. C. ANDKLSON A CO., •j e 24 • .lio.ttTVoodrtrecr, 7\XFOBD TIES—I'd Gentlemen's nailo jJIJ® ordgr * VI. E. SCHMBUTg, 1W Mufat at. “ Money Itoan lBo2, duo January', 1853, and ax* numbered frem 1 to 160 tnchmve. A- HILLr Treasurer. PltloburcU ead ComoUiTlU* I ■aTOTME tslicrebj grren, that theßocka of the Httshresh j t\! and Ctoim£UaTflloßaniwi4Potß!)aoj> »anoTrppeafo». | additional WbseripiiCße to the stock of said j ■Gee of the President of.esddCompaay.on ronrth ftrcct, neat door to the Bank of Pittsburgh-^ Tho first instalment of {S,Wou tsuii share of stock,, ulu •be payahle at the time of subscription. By the charter of the company the etoek and tonnage of thSrcad art made free irmn: tajurtbn; end tha totoenda, to thakmount of 0 per coat, are also adapted from, tars “aitir cent.lnterest olloucd on aU stock poll the Eosd la completed. | jnijj-im Pros’t Pittsburgh and COmtcllgriHo EE. Co. -itisiß&tias BisansHiP coiafiHy. ' For Fort Pbilllgi SMboo.rne.and Sidney, b» »; GOIDEK-AQE;’ 3 together with the FAYiITTF. HCK TKU adjacent thereto, have again, been ltssal to thfr ptfr nrtator of tii 3 Paminrtoi! Hotels and la now ready fbrtfin SSSon IBs -EJrttd .Bpdmpt are- teiim&a cSr Uatontorofpn-, near tha NatlonalKoad, Borrotmdol rLi I- Addition to the curatiro properties of the water, 1 nrfl riot surpsnrxi by any to tho country.) thero arc tffli a abort: dlataneo, may : 1» SbnLtyaahlhgton’a First BataodJwana,-»t: ‘Mtarti.ooraa tT *” Gen. Hr—ldoch aoil JnmonTiiles Diiubar a Rmn-Ddanv’j Care, which may be explored for miles tm- VnnffWOffllßtlY tltfit! KTui thfl _CnlabeTlflT}fl. ;<3»- iASflWwk mowtiisa fcflx N®r amlhatiasorsctod ur rfaSlng/thoatt hr lading Iheteora hortes and aerranta willbe prorided 6r j?n the moat liberal PeromawTaWhs. 6 engaso jttooma wUl.plaaao.addrcaa. ‘^ffipeiWcoi^OO^grll^^ “' Fayiotta Spilngs, May,' 185 X . i . myShlmaiiSSlm trnß MONOSO CESETSKyr LeS {ho Interment of,tb« Deal. preseot rotoa™ iabyCbariotte street, from Penasylrenla ATOnB, torogb: "the beautiful B'iriUinn to Oakland laid. out So^TSoground*extend km to overlooklheMonangoe bSctoneirftbeplctnresineTaileabttbeThrßoanaPony ■MU? JumwhlA-they partially Include. JEha .general the surface Isbigb,dryand rolitag, a.'ttot evert nortlonhf it ts dlTerrifictiand well drained. - TSe sub. roll iSTraliMtcd by the first grave, when opened, to be doable rraptadeJbr the remain* pf theteartei. dho lota will be aold os low u tbo expenses nttccdingeucn Qroands witt anew, en edeqnatefund bring pledged ana the ground, or'« the oßee of the Treeanrcr, No. 1« Fourth ‘‘r«t,-Pltobnr^ TC . bgTOSi ' -'-•■• WIILUM HOLMES, JOSIAH SKB, oeoeqb a Em ■JAMES 3. CBAFT, .; Exocuti to Oomro tttee. atbx. C. Barry'* Trieopfceroun, oi Prat-. "Pg ea , ca ted Oodpoona. -/ * Srlnciuantiiteof fromhalf agrata upward, during thp SS-ifiS^M«tt>hr*trifl«uf-989,000. - ‘ " f- topresentatlensth theeridcne] of tha mnderfurproperuss of the Tricopherdus, when the puhlSo WTAfarnisiediuciiaia :«ndorscaient;a£rbis,:lbß ehesi* !5L 0 o£to ebmi* "SfacUtra dpoirtfc* hair, tto'scalpirmd In> dJ f su; oerflcbd irritation* first recommended St.taito- attend?« iherrcoirte. This inwall that, thehmntor desired. Er£r> tettttf advertised The tfidosTol the fina exceeded : : expectation, Itncted like a charm.. Thelsdica“g* be wtthbdt It.' J Gsnntry dealers tawerr flection orth&pnj mjjflt . wholesale tmd&jrf an extent hitherto unhe«u of aA MidiuUdMOftMalctai.:! 3h«hlghcripoint,Piisl»dJc{ tenTOtohtd,aai tt ln bollaTcd that the rales this j&xjvi , tS ilbSa^mU^ra|S£erabytoedOgWj l^t s - -i \ *■" * ‘ * S ’ 1 ‘ "Ai . ’ HHHkPH __NEW YORK. & Gr&nt» .'-i TT THOLES ALE QI4OCKSS, txA Deal err in leas, CoSto, ... - r W t£,iitnv &c- iVo-90 ivwtf «&«*, JfUIF YOB&:;'-: r.-'ea*' Western. Merchants Tilting Kev "Xork,'Wfi -mpcct- --- . .fulij invitad to gW os 4 calL •* ■ ■ "Ctt‘ P* •■■ ■ j,. v. cpoitEß, OIUISX ‘ MANUFACTORY. ft HTTINQ STORiVAi.' 3G3 -SroadKcy, (tmarWarreii,. SrertJ NEW YORK? /Sj-Stocks, £tlrt3,-!iiKnasa=d, Col i Jsts, maiieto oi\lerrst short notice, acd-w&rnwited toilt*.., b aogrqy*. ■ ■ ■•■'•■ •'" - KEff. YOBK. • . Ist PBEIOTH UIUJIJEEY ESIABII3HHEHT, ASDSTRifT BOSXZC HAXCFAVIORT, • 554 Broadway*’’Sew.- Voia», . •f • Fird Black bdow v - •■•■-■>» JXt tho pabUo.that sho.4rt* received-fro© th* worlia , 'superior ;M.nnnery,'&aa>;. ; ': thitßlie’iajfiaßtoreftndbwceWing ua .extensive bSCTIv" i- moot organs StUJjcury and Millinery ■, Q oods. Atayjnsi , ipOTed, KxsEsnfStM.Bannel^irawßlosoe, _ • ■ t itesacr, tin inroics of French Havrera. A constant succession'of novelties-lio©*.abrottVtfH? :-.-za ■m 1 hfijg artrf Infanta, gill, be : found, in gTCftt Variety* .. «a4Mibir:pH(^''«Tieret^w^’-- ...• ~Mrs. : glSin©oiis solicits, the patronage cf-Slorchainta : ;ficasa recoil ecttke number, 564 Bro'adß^jv.ouOT-^-- dooc'bclotriFricas-Btreet. " _ _ aprlai© Btc^ury ? r Kano- and llolodeoa Warorooaa,- .-: 2f£\r YORK. ROM enlarging toy Warerooma, lam enabled to keep a : • gmch'greater-assortment^of,Xia^rtim^tg.thaft~torit{K:;V:%H. ;• V Hire. "-Ail Fiahos'fhmUbei are cf saelastltioaci, annoy etenauahty* *ic&. tmd-pnrely i; i?ow_to^ r :;■•:•• nnaUUes.mostdesirable,lnasmuch asthe ;., v : Uto to the tonfioftheinstrumant All njlnstimasatj am fully Trsmnted, ft guarantee Accompany Mery bJX cfeU«, - *- 'andem soldi* low ascan be purchased elsewhere.- toSSt—The Orgair aidodeon, w.ithisaa . ; i 1 jurats, orders are solicited. r The usual djscouut 05...; r . I tradSWl 10 per cent, to cJerortnea tt«r. •• . I own use. ■■ I- u- oUAlJoiu.x,^ 1 ~»»lS:ly ; e.'e 423Braduar, I'gg.Yoia. ' i. ; ’ - ~ MABEIiEIZEB IEOI3 : 'Coluant r r Ifcr -Which > & feßOTggy: at llie -last Fair of tie AiMri«alniUmte,iftna;!tHß itEDAL at the Fair cf fta ’Metropolitan Mechanics y» ashinstezv la • FebruarytusdMarchbrMi**J€3£ ~ • ... -•••; : ... ri ~■""■• This material; haris S a metallic haM te- Ciae arcana ftoa-choMrer.thaa-Marf4e;riis r - Slones tins choicest Marbles, ismors than i'iitj UnjS> ' enfrarieliesy are eicaci-and garpasaicsly beantiral; It 13 ,/ •■ bo injured by the action ofaddsoroil. ~ ,■_ . -«'•/-'• SILAS 0. HEB3ING*- • TbeinaauiSctarihg departmenief thlsCcmp^lshsie^;. the superintendence of Ji- F-.& «?• F- tlia »stc>*. .■*• : 'torsof the system,and the financial, end general^enringsa-.r ; : department that of JOHJT to * i'nlirAfTmi<-nTay tMT>ddrpflsed«'atlthe-rrihtdi>a^^rarttiagii^- aprliSmia- J}ZOADTiAT t NE}7/10RK* . ~ Z?OIiJ.'ES. ' . : - ! J. F. .}V.AHJS£B $ CO., - . . r 411 Broadway* Sew Yor2s, TTA7E now oahaad, at theirspacious and degns tPIAa 0 -r. £ H- toBTE AVABEBOOMS, at toe ;aboYe'number,'anex--.. tensTra assortment iacttzre, and of Teiy^snperid^tOTe.-- : J?OTdiBstBitfB3,bi imWr-rOBE. rriHfi proprietor of £kl3> wcH fcnoirn Hotel* e 5 tinted Cu : - ■ mioTatedami partially.re-famished..iV-.ara. ssra prepgrcdtooglT'tiißtiaTeli£g : coraiirinaty^frTrms^r.aiCa.-• Oiabeatatyle.-- ' - ' f - Ho oso Joeing TOadarted tho-Euro peaa. ploxif has tea .. . : TjtftsfcyT <, ff* T Tfrgpaciogs Saloonin -the United £Lato3, to*.. ceiiier'soma thirty'^iviteieiang-rooais •-ettaciia^-'• p&riiesfuanfce fiirnfrhfftViS? laealsatahy hottr«£ts2B.aay«rBT?i^s.-^ ■■ -:\ TK» fom-a fa centrally located^ forty TaxaZßi ?;■ thB tlio -porters ci tsa;.“- ftra a.Tg&jEf.iri ttttebßfL'nf&r~- J ■ '1 , JjiKewYorXcsa ‘ujcSwiiately.Tr&l^tO^.- thsHcusCj; deliTer-tEeir checla lit £b& oSce* tssd fczp&.tha»-.''- bsOTSja 'conieyed to their without any ctosrgs wha> :. itomnf espensoTn-X^Yoriu)- •:-Tha House isfaxnished -with; a.,-fing C3„ Broadway-BatikEooros*. End &ll : : ths;.'iai>igra. iaprgTfcagntfe.. ■' ' wfafob tfcndio sffoid tlw- tritetec' pleasure aria eotaforc' It. ' fa thorery centra of all tk£ principal •pT^nß^,fef-asigß^3gSH»^.. ■ E^afburlnoso,, that are bo occupied to dEooai set Meals sentto rooms without extra &afg£~‘’ : ? : rT<"-y-^ . --...-•• ■ ■* - -'• -grpprietor.• .. -P.AP BB WABBHOVS S'c-T . Cyrus W. Rsld & Co», - UEKCnANTS, ,Hb:. 11 Uii3_£treet,Kow, -.■■■.• V> Tort; are SOLB'AfiSSTSta toeCnlted-Stote3for * •; - "■i:. r .\ -• r MnspsßttteSgperior 13etchingBo’ffdgr.;' ■■;_ • : VictoriaSlfllaC&ebTatedWriti^P&pers.?-• ? : ' ’'BassellSnilsSuperior ; = '•*«i(JcßfisseftSSlliSuperior Printing : '' ;• ■;■■ .itowttns&Scntf .sr-+*'&JL'&& : -.Oz ■ jHrstqualtfcy^ ■?•'■■? •£•.; ■v They axeeiso >»»**» fcr the Principal: -Paper.3 nyrra tfora*.: -•-: reram-tina'ooCTtryiisnti'oSeT’fQrEais .by- fer;-tha' , -tao3t'cs.« ; '-;. tenstre-aad derirsbi© stock of law* and Paper Hs=u£ica> rers* 'materials that. can..be.tauni in'thia. or,cay .other . COUafay* >- ■ -••-• -- •■.•.. •r.-r , v ■_ •■■ = • ••: •• They occupy-the-large and- eozaaodtous vTarchfias2s»BO#-.. UCIiS street, So; && CUflitewVKo* ISA Christopher street,* * tko Irfta over Urn large Inn Stores*-? sml .9 CU2 ctrw V - : Tfirirbosinesais *trreUy_lVtolesale,' anil.TTritlngPapas ire sold by the Case only. „ • Their ■■estraariiaaryi Virilities -. cnahlo ■ ttsm -ta cSsr oU_ ' Goods, both foreign and. Domestic,- at- tha loircst posriktoj Paper made to order, any €toe or weight.--Xibcxal edrar*;. ett-eanrignmenta• of Riper? taper: . pw«<^th .<*■ */'' I ■ ■•■. The market price paid In CASH for ail kinds of, • .Bags * * * ' _mar2hlSa'_; ’Jo Dinggista and Hcrdiaats i&nraglsoattie Men, 30,B.il’CUEIiOLGH, 7. HAHCOFAOTDBER AND DSALEB IB PAINTS, OILS* sc;; ■ ■■■ go, Jlailden Xiane, SKV/ inrites the arteafion J oMJn®?ata*ana::. •• ez* assortment cl PAZKTS, OILS,-A?W, TBTBA*Di. SI- . IMPERIAL, AND ARSENICAL j “lIIIEaNBLCE, CHROME TELLOWAcd THmaaß, ;. . ' RAW and BOILED LINSEED OIL, PCTTT, WffITISO CHALK; LAMP BLACK. AS*oA’33NGLiaH VEX. BED, CHROME BEDifflil IKL LOW.drjiKllnoU. . •' INDIA RED, BED LEAD and LITHARGE, dry. ; 1 ’ STONE, HIENCH, and AMERICAS OCHRE, dry.. ■-: I , CHROME, PAJU3mdBRIINSWXCK tons of IreSnus* TssVlsw, •• onaof the coTa, grain, grass, .- ■fruit treesj&c, ofeasy gaAsafeapplleatibi^at v* s -' 1 -v * ’.:• and r&rnUng.impleraefltB,lngna£ Tsriety J .cf;tsa/: attfra Seed, and Implement VT&re^OUS?, ’Htflff Kftttttjeeti----*-; -'vU&iiw jeS) - . _ • JAMES- 17ASPRQR •ft . ••• .. -v . * e . r- ■**■•■•» •.. • I ' i. : t 1 - *■< ; , ■ -,•*.* ■ », k - , > 4 4 “v, V