The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 06, 1853, Image 2

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Unity 3ftoniing |M.
—■ ,iat>HA3 runura
gi’rs , gißP&® ga;
WEDNESDAY MOBNINGr.i:i:"-‘"’ : " !!^^l_^
ef jPhitadtlfKv* Poanty-
-Atnofroß 9 E 2H A b r tr a
EPHRAIM banks, .
*» of ittf’Ht County- Kt
crrmat job raransa ■*» „„„ K «„
UA Jolt USci*!^ s^t;rm ET*rr«'.i» «fi rmrUtJo* tyiflfa??
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A t «M»«^Jiss£gL ,, &s&sa s&f*
of tofcttoo* » to character,
• •Jionw>tyt4c. j - -v;
Wo understand that his Eicellenoy. Got. Bio-
Mr, will omts in onr City, by the evening
train, to-day.
< Amongst'many celebrations of the ever
glorious Fourth of July, that of oar German
friends, on' Troy HU), was undoubtedly one of
the most interesting. The Day was ushered m
by the firing of cannon from the brow of the
biU, immediately overlooking Allegheny, and
about 8 o’clock the various German Societies and
Tamers’ Associations in Pittsburgh, Allegheny,
- Birmingham, &c., took up their lme of maroh,
with "appropriate banners, flags and music, for
the scene of festivities. '
At an early hour the hill was literolly covered
with men, women and children, all determined
to celebrate the anniversary of Amerioan Inde
pendence in the most pleassnt and joyful man
ner. A large platform was erected, at the ccn
• tro of which a lofty hickory pole W 33 planted,
and from its top the “star-spangled banner”
waved in nil its beauty and majesty. Around
.the platform the banners and flags of the various
associations were well arranged, encircled with
flowers, wreaths, &e. So. A programme of tho
. exercises .of the day was announced
Hauetwiateb, who afterwards read the Deflora
tion of Independence in German. Patriotic
speeches were then delivered in German by
Messrs. Jcmx and Naufieb.
When we reached the grounds, at II o clock,
we found some ten thousand persons, of both
sexes and of all ages, 'scattered over the hi 1,
amusing themselves in various ™tys. The
Turners attracted the greatest crowds, by their,
novel and wonderful gymnastic exercises. We |
never witnessed So manyßtartting and fearful,
feats of agility. In this healthy amusement and j
exeroise even the little boys exhibited astonish
ing activity. The numerous German-glee clubs ,
sang many of the patriotic airs of their Father
land, which wire received with shouts of ap
plause. A number of booths, tables, &c, were
erected, where “lager Bier” and other German
AprA-, were dealt out to those who felt disposed
to indulge. Ho spirituous liquors whatever were
allowed to come on tho ground; and it is but
right that we should say that we did not seen
single person during the day who was under tho
influence of strong drink, or whose paSsionß were
excited by anger. The utmost good feeling pre
vailed, and not the slightest unpleasant incident
oeonrred to mar tho harmony of the vast assem
blage. ‘ . .v.
We catmot dose this hastily written end very
imperfect account of the celebration without re
toning our heartfelt thanks to many German
friends for their, kind and polite, We
desire especially to acknowledge our indebted
ness to onr good friend DAsian Fickeisbs, Esq.,
for tho very hospitable reception and entertain
ment he gave ns nt bis beautiful mansion in New
Trov. - - ■■■• , IU „ ■. ■■■ .
Dan Bice las been with ns again, and baß ]
token the town daring the last four days His
Hippodrome and Menagerie bavo pleased all who
haste visited them, and Dan leaves us with the,
best wishes of our citkens for biß future suc
cess. This is, in all probability, his last profes
oional visit to our city, the scene of his earliest
eEbrtsin life, and we take pleasure in aocording
to him tfcat praise which we think is Justly duo
Mpv He has overcome all Unde of obstacles
since he embarked in the profession of which he
1» now the reigning star, and he deserves to suc
ceed wherever he goes. That ha has.snooeeded
in Pittsburgh, every body knows, npd wo are
pleased to say that we never saw so
quiet an exhibition in the city on the 4th of July.
Four performances were given, nnd the rooeipts
(ovot $3000) have never been equalled in the
■Western country.
The Hippodrome is all that its Southern feme
" had caused onr citizens to expect. The trappiogs
and paraphernalia are gorgeous, and the epter
tsinmente of a character to please the most fas.
tldioua taste. The Menagerie, the Chinese torn-
Hy dud the curious nondescript, the Wild Boy
or Ceylon, are all full of interest, and worthy of
earnest attention. We can choerfnlly commend
Dan and his exhibitions to the general public,
and we hope that ho may do os well in every
place he goes, os he has done in Pittsburgh.
We' have-various rumors from Washington in
regard to our Foreign affairs. It is stated that
Mr. Msec*, the Secretary of State, has prepare
a programme of instructions to Mr. Buohasas,
the newly appointed Minister to England, re
epeoting the Fishery difficulties and other sub
jects of dispute, which instructions were ap
proved of hy the President and Cabinet. Mr.
Butman as, it iB said, wishes to carry on negotia
tions to his own way, and act without instruc
tions. Mr. Mabcs is to favor of
Fishery dispute at Washington, while, on the oth
er hand, Mr. Bccoasas desires to have thescene
of negotiations at the Court of London. What
ever may be the difficulty, one thing is certain,
Mr. Bucbasas has not sailed os soon as .was an
ticipated, and some wise folks pretend to soy
■ : thatho willnot sail atoll. ..
jiy Hon. J. C. McKibbis, son of Col. Chajs
beeb McKibbib, formerly Postmaster or this
eity, ia spoken of os the Democratio candidate
for Lieutenant Governor in, California. Honors
could not fall upon the shoulders of a worthier
■man to the land, of: gold. ,
The venerable Dr. Chapman , died in
Philadelphia on Saturday, aged seventy-four
years. He had been conneoted with the Penn
sylvania University since 1811, resigned to 1850,
Mid was elected Emetitns Professor.
itiTestimated thateiO Westmorelauders,
So7Cambrinns, 418 Beavers, were to Pittsburgh
celebrating the 4th. We are happy to announce
SW boys went heme -sober as
judges ” ■
to* They have a towncrtled Pittsburgh, on
Plover, to California. May our namesahe m
the West partake of all the industry Mid go-a
headativene'ss of the Smoky City.
£o*Phe Penntylvanitm has enlarged its bor* ■
' dew, and is now issued as a two, instead of a
one cent paper, as heretofore. Penny political
jiapere hut seldom succeed.
’ £o»The man who saw the balloon go up on
tte fourth, left town yesterday to a perfect blase
of glory! He is the happiest mortal we ever
TIC soss^® J,s
"Jons 808 ASP UXCHAUP 808.
Tho names of these fabulous gentlemen, who
have figured in so many law suits -and difficul
ties by the nen Code iu Ohio', have been eon-
Bigncd to the tomb of the' Capulets The Ohio
Statesman, in noticing this evont, is eorry to soy
that Messrs Doe and 800, though so often clas
sified together, were the bitterest opponents,
long course of litigation had estranged t, em.
Their families from time immemorial have had a
feud, worse than that of the Guelphs and
belines. Strange to say, that Roe -always seem
ed the aggressor; and Doe the injured-man.
Roe was never known to sue Doe; but Doe was
always declaring about Roe’s force and arms.
Their difficulties had reference to Teal;
estate, or whioh they seemed t a helnrgsiolilere.
Vet when it came to the fight in court, Roe al
ways pretended to be the loving friend of some
honest bat respectable citixen, and slipped him
self out to slip the citizsn in, ' • “
Non that'tbey are gone, odds the Statesman,
their lttigauon ceases. It may be that certain
attorneys will regret their death, for they brought ]
I a lucrative practice to the profession. Eulogies
i may be pronounced on them-by same of our
. judges The firm of Stowhorse ond Blackletter
' will have crape nt their door. Their large family
connection of Bigwigs in London will hear the
news of their death with trepidation. Few of
our own people, however, will-sympathise witb
them in their affliction.
■■ ■■•. Ibiiin.eeof Eoebran- ■ -
Prom Gildenfenney & Co., see bare received
the July number of the K6leterboot« 'Maga
zine, an old, but long absent fnend. Its table
of contents Is very rich. Amongst the good »r
-tides we may mention the Jouroeyipga m Spam;
the Planet; the Gipsies of Art; an Bast cm Fait
i land, &o> &c.
Tho July number of tlio American law »eg>a*
ter has come to hand. Its contents aro-Appeals j
and Writs of Error in Habeas Corpus oases; ac
cent American Decisions; Becent EnglishUecis
lons; Notices of New Boobs, &e Editors: Asa
i I Fish nfid nenry Wharton. Philadelphia; V,
18. Canfield & Co No. 9 MercanlUo Library
Building. .... __jl-
jfot tha Morning P<at*
Celebration-in the Second Presbyterian Church.
Mnssas. Bu» & Paiimrs: H "»• «»
fortune, on the Mitest, to oocof those
striking and impressive incidents, which we are
rarely permitted to see in tins world.
The Teachers and Scholars of the Sah
Schools, connected with the BecondPrcsby ran
Church of Pittsburgh, with the Pastor, Sess.on
and some other members of tho congregation,u
oemhled in the Lecture Boom of the Church,
about half past eight o’clock, A.M., tocelobrato
tho day. AU sqpmcd to ho animated by that,
bonyancy and vivacity of spirits, which appear-
I od to he so prevalent among our population, and
wbioh the annual return of the day, is so well
calculated to inspire-. .
The services were opened by emging, and
trover by the Pastor. During- their continuance
several hymns, national and and others, were
song by the children. After a few remarks from
tho Pastor, the Declaration of Independence was
road by Master Oliver McClintic, in a manner
and stylo, which would have done ereditto am
older head —some further remarks wore, then
made by tho Pnstor, in the course of which, be
announced to the children that Mr. Davis, a Be- j
volntionary soldier, was present, who would per.,
haps mate a nhort address, and naked them
whe’her they wonldllko to hear him. They in
stantly nna earnestly responded iuthcaffirmA
ti« Immediately the most profound silence
reigned throughout tho room. Tho old gentle
man arose. Spontaneously, ns though it was
designed as a voluntary tribute of respeot, the
audience, both adults, tind-.cbUdrcn arose with
him. His voice being rather feeble, bo could not
•be beard by those sorno distance from him.-rr,
Many of ths children left their placea,nnd silent-
Iv-advanced and clustered around Mm. AU
•were attentive, and every cyo was Died open him-
Not a whisper, or the slightest noise was heard, ,
though some of the children wore not more than
three or four years of age. ;
. Tho venerable speaker said he waa bwn in
Chester county, in this State ; that ho was stgl j
a citizen of -Pennsylvania; that ho bod served j
fonr years in the Bovolntionary army, in Col.
Proctor’s regiment. Ho. described .to the chiK
dren some of tho hardships and sufformgawbioh
the soldiers endured; spoke of somoof, thohat.j
ties fa which he bad been, and parttcdfejly of,
tlie battle of Brandy vine,, ia. which hiaregimeat j
suffered seventy, as did the whole or®y . “d ,
told them that he had-eeen the.groat hather jf I
his Country, General Washington, and. had moro . ,
than oneo heard; him praying,: At Valley Verge, |
foMhosuecesa of onr army,and for hecomforts
nnd lives of his soldiers. He said, too, that he
had been a member of the church for .fifty years
Such was the Substance or bisaddresß, as it|fna
recited by tile paßtor, after be resumed Ms seat
As the speaker progressed, in his remarks, the
crowd pressed closer ond closer around him; and
as he closed, not only children, but the pastor,
elders and people seemed to have caught the
pare and holy spirit of patriotism of te
wMob wo are” indebted for oar glorious msli
to ABfrom a remote part of tho room IwUnesscd
I'tj,is scene ;as I beheld that-venerable form,
1 bowed down by tho weight of
! Years: as I heard the tones of Ms feeble voice,
! and saw him surrounded by so many happy and
smiling juvoniio faces, I almost fancied I waa
listening to a voice from the dead. There stood
one of tLe very few survivors of that noMe and
gallant band of horocs, to whoso valor, patriot
ism and perseverance, -wo owe the
celebrating ournataidny os
ed by tbe descendants of his. compatriots, of tho
third and fourth generations, recoantlng to them
their sufferings: and .privations, and tholr deeds.
of valor,- Wh4 he had seen. . Who knows but a
kind Providence bos spared.those, venerable snr
vivora among us, beyond the ordinary, period of
life, that they may verbally detail to our children
the scenes of "the Bevoladou, so that they may be
more firmly implanted m their memories, that
they more highly - appWoUto our liberties,
and be the more oarneßt in their preservation?
: After theoonolußion of the sjmcea, and whilst
tho children were partaking, of refreshments, I
. took occasion to speak to onr aged
of oourso, a.penßion.erj and he infoW|d me that
the pensions whioh he. draw* from the Btato and
Natwnnl GovernmeirtSfiiro.lus only Support , out
that they were sufficient, and rendered hlm4om»
fortablein his old days; - and that ho was Ujank
f„] to his country and Ms God for their support
• * r know not what effect this soeno had upon
others present, but lorn say that I «Wnk Heft
the room more firmly, if possible, devoted to my
country, abd decldely resolved, ns far as in me
ley,-to endeavor ■to preserve our glonons and
happy BepubHo. ,
FvmttATiON Acboss the Piaiss.—A corteß.
poSt of the Missouri Bopublioan writing from
F «TSis°datc toeThave passed Fort
50,000 head of sheep, These i,L'
only to the ■emigration south of-tbe Platte, ana
may he safely estimated aanot '
half the entire. emigration and stock whictrore
crossing the plains this summer. As tor as a
oan judge, tho emigration this year will he eon.
siderably less, perhaps , one-foorth, than that 01
lest year, while the number of cattle and sheep
will be at least twice ,as great. Not so many
i horses or mulea arotokou, but-they.aregenernl
ly of the beßt kind.”
A New -Puistiko Peess.—The Milwaukie J
Sentinel says that Mr. S. D. Carpenter, late of
the Modißon Democrat, has jußt completed a pian j
for a new printing press, which Can bo built I
cheaper than Hoo’b, and willheleGS complicated.
Phe prominent features of toe new press, arc:
First, it feeds'Hself, and does it perfectly. Sec
ond it works both sides of tho sheet at once; I
ths half cylinder rocking to and fro, printingone
ride of the sheet as toe bed-plate motesfonrard,
and the other side asit comes back. Thewgis
too, isas curate ae machinery can'make
IjA* ȣ-
the nuniJjpr pf to&Pjw jjprUpu OJf«
A counterfeiter from Chemung county, N. Y., i
or tint neighborhood, mado n professional tour
through Vcn ingo county last week. Hqbonght
somo of the best horses in that county and paid
for them in spuriouß bills of the JJuffato City
Bank. The rogue made his escape, and hia name
conld not be ascertained
Mr. Geo. Brashcar, of-Brownsville, while at
tempting to jump from an omnibus, on Friday
last, became cotanglcd in the lines or whip-lasb,
I waa thrown upon the ground and run.oyer by
■thh omnibus with l 2 or 18 passengers in it. It
passed over his bowels, bruising .hiin considera
bly and injuring him internally.' , I
5' 'Afire has "been burning along the Bottago j
Road for upwards df M week, causing oansldera- ,
hie damago.-t 8 or:9ooorcords; of, wood, belong- j
ing to the State, has boeuburnt, and an Immense ,
quantity bf timber destroyed.. Everything being
sojestromely7dry, tkO’rcßidentS’ia that soctmn .
had to use the. utmost exertions to save their
Wldloga. At present the fire has considerably
■abated It was caused by sparks from a looo
motive. • i-.
'Tbo Ebensburg Democrat states that while
James B Hamilton Esq, of Jefferson was
driving a pair of horses attached to a . light
wagon, : and descending a hill, something hecatno
disarranged about the tongue, which prevented
the horses Bom holding bhek. They became
frightened and ran off, throwing Mr. Hamilton
out of-tho - wagon,', the fall breaking his leg,
below the’ kncA Tbo broken limb was set by
Dr. Smith, of Ebensburg, and Mr. Hamilton
was taken home tho same day, where he is now
doing well: , ,
Tho Cosal Iron Works at Now Castle, bavo
taken the contract for making ton thousand tons
of iron for tlio Cleveland and Mahoning Valley
Railroad. Tho company will have lo enlarge
their establishment and make somo different ar
rangements in the mill, which will he commenced
in a few days -
“ The Post Office at Shenango, Lawrence coun
ty, has been revived, and Wm C Harbisou, Esq ,
appointed Postmaster. JohnL, Hays, Esq , has
heen appointed Postmaster at
ii, the same county, in tho room of John Pirgu
son, Esq., resigned,..... ■■ . _
i Tho Erie Gazette states that the Sharon Iron
Company have commenoed the building o a
pier at the harbor, connected w!lh that pl “' e n
In extensive Rolling Mill and other buildings
I necessary to the.complete character of the pro
-1 jbeted establishment are to bo created.
,0a Monday last, Albert B.Uman, ylad bo
tiween 18 and-ld years of >go, son of Mr. John
E BiUmso, who 1b now in Ca.ifornio, was killed
by an unfortunate accident at the Union Canal
Lock, near Stamm’s tavern, in Penn township,
Berks county.
! James nilbourn, an engineer on tho Beading
Railroad, was on Wednesday taken before Aider
man Catbers, of Richmond, charged with reck
lessly managing bis locomotive, and thereby; the death of Michael Laffcrty, a conduc
tor who was injured the morning previous, and
dic’d Boon afterwards of his wounds He was
Committed for a fnrthcr heanng.
; Tho special election in Lebanon on Wednesday
resulted in favor of a subscription by the borough,
of $50,000 to the Lebanon Valley Railroad, by
0 vote of 2GB/or, to 91 against it. Majority for
the subscription, 106.
! No subject infests mate attention in England
last uaw, than tho new ministerial eehemo for a
reconstruction of the government of India. Its
leading features are those:
! 1 The East Indin directors are to be reduced
from 24, (6r practically SO,) thopresent number,
to o B ' o f the 16 directors, 12 are to be elected os
ut present, and C to bo nominated by the Crown
on t of officers, civil or military, who hare
sorted tho Crown or the company ten years in
to the. civil and military colleges
ofiho East Indio Company to be dependent on
dcOltition and on conformity to im elevated
standard of previous oducotion; d'rect cadot
ships to be still in.tbo patronage of 'hoEasjo
dio directors, subject to passing an exammstion,
Of which tbs terms shall be approved by the
Board of Control. „ , . ,
i A statement of Indian finances to be laid
annually before Parliament.
6 A' depnty-governor to bo appointed for
Bengal, so as to leave the Governor General free
for the affairs of all India.
! 0. Tho legal oodo arranged by Mr. Maoaulay,
In 1882, and ever sinco under tho consideration
of the successive taw Commissiouers, to bp® o ™'
pioted by a commissioner, to sit forthwith, in
E Legislative Council to he augmented
by a member from each proaldcnoy, aud by two
of tho Queen’s judges, so as, with tho present
'members, to consist of 12 in all.
8 Ths members of council lu India to be still
nominated by tho Court of Directors, but subject
to the approval of the Crown. .
Sir Charles Wood, who Introduced this meas
ure into Parliament in bohalf of the ministry,
spoke five hours in explanation and dt fence of
it and was sustained by tho usual min Btenal
i orators, hut Mr. Bright, tho Manchester liberal,
i opposed It, In an address which is compared by
slime of the journalists to the bestspeechos de
livered during the famous India debuts in tho
time of Burke. lie undertook to prove bp
'shortcomings of tho government by showing the
depressed and dogrsded condition of the people,
brought about by the mismanagement of the
Easv lndia- Company, and tho utter denial of
Justice to the natives by the company s courts.
Ho said that throughout India there was an oh
soluto 'horror of coming under the company a
courts, and It was hopelesß on that account to
expect that Englishmen would invest their pro
perty in the interior. There was oouaeqnently
little or no local improvement. .
The consumption of British f. ood3 in . I g J
was far less than by thß population of the Bra
ills • vet Britain extracted from Indio a gross
revenue of £29,000,000. _ After glancing at the
subjects of. eduedUon and the eccleßiosnca^
tabllshmcut of India, Mr. - Bright brought into
prominent. view tho Indian finanocs, dwelling
upon tho enormous increase of the military ex-
Denditure. the constantly accamulating debt,
SowUovtGug to £51,000,000, and the financial
embarrassments .that may be expected from the
Burmese war, while tho opium revenue, yielding
£8.000,000, was near its termination—all threa
teuing a financialorisis. . ■ . ..
The-main objeotlon- to tho new plan of tho
ministry is,' that, it continues tho agency of the
East India Company in thegovernmentof_tho
territory, Instead of committing it dlrcc ly ta
Parliament. That a private corporation, sitting
in s back parlorof.London, not direotly vespon
sibla to the nation* should be vested with the
control of one hundred aud fifty millions of dis
tant Asiastics, and tho monopoly or an untold
ambnnt of trade,is an anomaly in legislation.—
It is a sort of double government by a oompany
conservative interest in London, it: is
that thevwill meet with much sncoesß. Tho
Company! by Its patronage,has acquired a pow
er whiohwUl enable it to defeat almost any op
position, And to perpetuate, either wits'present
forS or under, the balf-way measures of the
ministry, its oOloßsal franchises.—Af. Y. Evening
Pot l - ... _____
Fbou Bmtibh Guiana. — Indian Battle. In
formation, hndbeen received at Qeo °“
the 81st nit, that a battle between two ‘rjbea of
fodinns'hdd tahen placo in Berbice, a eetdement
nn the Etoony Creek, a tributary of the mer
Berbicefandaboot 200 milea distant from Sew
I■. Eight men were slam and nine
of the wopnded conveying the in
from Madeira, t commnnlC ation.
places, by means w samswammy, was
L A r fl «wa » the 28th of May, for
What xb ItT-W. M&W
Washingtoncorwspondent ofone ofo b g . Q
cotemporaries. that
ftdr way of final odjndiealion, -and w B probamy
be settled npon •• tho Fillmore basis” Wat s
I that f— W. F. Herald.
,>5 *rV '
Hew Hampshire Hesolottan. on Hotionnl
■Vu w;-Affairs.: _
Oa Wednesday last, in the Now
Uouso of Beprcsontativcs, Mr. Ayer, /
Chester, from the speoial committeooaso much
of the Governor’s message as related to naUonal
affairs, reported the following resolutions, tfbi®
were TeoJ, and; under a suspension of ihe ru >
read a seoond time fey a yote 0f..150 to _
“ Buohed, By the Senate and Ho “®° f "?£
resontativea In general oourt convened, T
people of New Hampshire firmly adhere
great principles of public policy upon w
present national administration cameP, ,
—principles upon wbich ; the oaippwaaf
and to whioh we aro mainly indebted for . .
’■sasrsM "i'S;
lm Piorce to the the people nave
called to the chief executive etatmn, a. P»» °
profoundly solioitourfor the welfare
! try, thoroughly acquainted with its _
i home and abroad, in whom every confid
bo placed, and in whom every just expectation
will bo realized. )k .
I “ Revived, That we cordially ®PP r ° 7 ® h l ,®~
I principles and policy so eloquently set fortu in
i the President’-® inauguraj address,, miff
i Hampshire will heartily sustain her .
i ed son in his earnest and patriotic cndoi
! carry those principles into effect in the practical
administration of the government Toiriri
• » Reviv'd, That, in the opinion of this Log.s
Mature, a due regard to the mtcrcsts and 7
of the United States requires that no futur
European, colony or dominion shout
lisbed upon this continent.” a-y.i.
Mr. Emery, of Portsmouth, eubmiUed tho
lowing additional resolutions as an amendment,
which weto adopted: _
Resolved, That it is the duty of tEo SO’™
ment of the United StaUs fully to protect i« cit
izens in the enjoyment at all their ng
fisheries upon the American ctmß *,. c ,
upon them by existing treaties, according
American interpretation of tho mmo.
“Resolved, That the attitude of the United
States as a nation, and-their po?>tiononthis
continent, render the acquisition of Cuba and o
Canada as important for their
essential to the free development A “* n< *
commerce; and that it is tbcduty o 8
erament to obtain the same whenever they can
bo acquired in a manner entiroly consistent with
the slriotest observance of nationol ftith.
“ Raolved r That the Interests of ‘bo people ol
tho United States, and those of lb ® ? rlt ° j
nies upon this oontioent. require that tbp trade
between them in the commodities J h " h %
growth and product of esch should be enure y
Attempt w“cm e ad; to defeat these resolu
tions by covcTt attacks, but- Mr. Aycrc cue
hem in a long and able speech. In the after
noon Mr. Ayer moved a reconsideration of the
Soto adopting Mr. Emery’s
solves, in order that they might bo acted on sepa
rately ; but the motion was rejected—lo 7“
119; and, on motion of Mr. Ayer, the
were then read a third time Meaers Feltoo
Motoalf, Emery,, and Lyman (domocratß) apoko
upon tho resolves. —IFoeft. t/mon.
Advices froto Santa Fe to the Ist nit, have
reached St. Louis. Difficulties have again toten
niooe with the Navajo Indians. They had hilled
one citbcn, and ran off about GOOO sheep. Gov..
Lane demanded that the murderers should bo
surrendered, but the chief prevaricated and
naked until the “ full of tho moon, (the -Ist of
June.) to answer tho demand. So well satisned
was the Governor of tho Intention of tho chief
not to elvo up the murderers, that he notified
Colonel Sumnor of tho facts-, and that officer
immediately planned an expedition against tbo
Indians. They were to bo ready to movoos
soon-as tho Indians failed to give up *bo murder
ers and oro probably uow on their way to tho
Navaio country. Col, Bamnor's departure for
tho Stales wss interrupted and delayed by Ibis
exooditlon, of which he was to tahe the command.
Tbo Navajocs, op to tbe time of these outrages,
hod been quiet for nearly two years. They are
well off, having an abumlanoo of stocb, and 6f
teeneqnaro miles of land planted In coni - ...
There was less excitement upon Jke
Valley ■ question. Gov. True, of Chihuahua
early in May, was at F.l Paso, with 800 men and
artiUery. -Ho did not, however occupy thodis
nntod territory. It is said he brought a letter
from ourMiniater in Mexico, Mr. ConUmg, to
Gov Lane, in which Mr. CoatUng advised the
Governor to “recede from hu position as gracc
wlyTpossible.- As regards tho ma tter e oc
cupation of tho territory, we may add that nl
though Trios was not In the t ern lory,. there has
been a small Mexican forco there for some time,
and Americans claiming to reside Uipre ® 9 ,® l
lens or tho United States have been ordered out
Another statemesL bqwever, W .that Trias bad
occupied the disputed territoiy, but subsequent-
Lone has been nominated for Congress
by-the Mexicans of tbe Rio Abajo.
, a series of melancholy disasters occurred m
OQ r city yesterday, ns will he sera by tho de
tailed reports elsewhere. About - o clock in tho
morning a fire broke ont in a bakery in the Sec
end Avenue. One of the, J»“ rn «y“ e “
establishment was burned to death; a family in
the building were compelled to escape by leap
intr from (t fourth story window, in tho perform
ance of which harjrdous feat a woman was in
stantly killed. Just as the steamer New World
was about departing for Albany, at 7 o clock,
ono of her boiler flues collapsed, causing the
death of all persons, and dreadfully scaldiegtwo
others. In the afternoon a hail storm, accom
panied by lightning and a violent wind, passed
over the upper part of the c.ty, daring which a
now three story frame dwelling, in process of
completion, in Forty third street, near the Crys
tal Palace, was blown down, burying eight or
ten workmen amid the ruins, three or whom were
taken ont lifeless. Sovon others seriously
wounded. To conclude, a man lost his lire by
the fall of another buildingin Forty-third street,
near the North river, a man was struck dead by
a flash of lightning, and a child, of Mr. John
Oberhuber was scalded to death— making a total
of fourteen person) killed, and os many other) bad-
Many buildings wero greatly damaged, and a
largo number of persons injured by the storm in
Williamsburg.— A'ets Fork Herald, July 2 d.
Rise in Pbioes in Esqlasd.—la the last
number of Wilmcr & Smith’s European Times,
it Is stated that the prevailing conviction Is that,
but for the state of politlos in the east of Eu
rope, they should now have a higher rungo o
nriccs in ootton, yarns, and goods, and that, ir
a peaoolulsettlemoDt should bo speedily effected,
i a rise must ensue. The paper adds. . ;
•• It is now certain that the operatives m this
district will sucoecd both In obtaining some ad
vanoe of ?agcs, aud effcoting a general restric
tion of the hours of labor to six o clock In the
evening; nnd this must tend to higher priccsfor
the produce of our mills, though as to the rwy
material, its operation will .bo In the oontroi?
direction. At the termination of the week s no
tice, all the mills at Stockport, that were in the
Employers' Association, ceased operation, ana
aronow dosed. Eight or ten[.employers,, mosHy
small ones, whoweTe not in the union, have paid,
the required advance of ten per cent. In this
' town some,largo spinners have effected _n oom
nromiie. At Preston the masters are under no
tion In fast, the movement Is in aotivo progress
in nil directions." ■ ■ . ...
Wo gather from the address that tho rlso m the
price of labor 1s the most importanV as it is
doubtless the moat permanent part of the news.
Higher wages, acoompanied by shorter hours of
labor, must Bffeot prices. The check of business
from the rumors of war is very temporary, it
remains to bo seen whether this nse in the cost
| of production will oheek consumption or not
Bibthb, Marriages and Deaths.— Yesterday
the new law providing for the registry of births,
marriages and deaths, paßßed on the 2d or Apnl
last, wont into operation. It requires tbo “ cler
gymen. magistrates, and other persons who per
form the marrLago oeremony in the city of New
York, to keep a registry of ,tho marriages cele
brated by them, which shall contain the name
and surname of the parties married, the resi
dence, ago and condition** each, whether Bingle
or widowed." Phy sioianß and professional midy
wires are also required to keep a registry of the
several births in whioh they have assisted pro
fessionally, with the name, time of birth, . se*
and oolor of the child, the names end residence
of the parents, and to report the same on
fore the fimt Monday of each month to the City
Inspector, by whom it must bo recorded in the
order in which it is received. The violation*!
this law will he attended with a penalty of fifty,
dollars, one-half of which goes to the Corpora
tion, and the other half to the party making the
complaint.— N. Y. Herald.
McNimcMT-Donations.—Dr. Wi sley §mead,
of tho *« Citiien’s Bank," yesterday, gaye $6,-
000 to the «tWidow’s Homo;’-’ this, in.addition
tohis former gifts tothp same institution, .makes
no the prinoely snm of, S-0,000. He also, yes
terday, gave $BOO to the Relief Union, $6OO to
the different Orphan Asylums, and, $lOO, to the
Maiyj and Martha Holief Society,--Cin. Com-
Nwraaf/Jnnc 29th. •>
' ■ > J '
. United States Hint.
The following is the coinage of the mint
the month of Jnno, 1853*. .
Goto —Dfrable-caglca 20.474 ®| l7 ’ 770
|sS.=v.:::::::tS .£g
ttssersas ««<
S ilveb—Ha^Moliarg.'■'•'•'•'■'oi'o'.OOO |?|ooo
Qaarter-dollaw ...852,000 213.000
Dimes 740,000 74,000
Half-dimes 800,000 40,000
YochoMen os lotm Theoses -Somoof
the most important ;empiresop .the globe «
now ruled by young men. The Emperor of Chi
nn, Lin Fung, is Mwistto *f e "‘?; aeCoß i t s^ i ii
of bis &&&« ondrtlie third of bis . . ...
be reooUected that holsof the J^rumf
ilvnasty. Prince Chu-Utsio, of the Mmgdynas
?y, who aspires to the throne of Chinee about
nineteen Years old. The Sultan or Shah of Fcr-.
the imoerial throne in December, 1818.. . iheso
ImVree embrace more than one-third of the
population of the world.
Jffl-Dr. w,n f" ls
remedy for the permanent euro of DrojHy* Gwc , van
dice, Dyspepsia, CosUveness, Bratov Gout,
tho Liver, Heart,? dn?r
*Tcl\L Contf««4 qoreramptivo Decline ever offered
£iS££T& particular,^
bgh&dgrstia, • ,
. SSS2S2K^S&Sft->s
AUeJhenj’ Ci?yfiono»,lH3.
The Hew*.
. V •
* i i
V: .'y t 'lr
• }
~ fS
> .
' *t *
«=. I haw used Mr. Solomon’s EYE BUSSES for a Terjr.
idapts Ms Glasses to tho tartans pecnuarii gtITTONI
No. Sl.Wayuo street,
-Tune 20,1603.
asr M«- Bolomoss:— From Infancy I ha™
nlthwcolc eye. and short slghtrdncM, and in all my tmTela
j bare nercr been able to get a pah of. G LASSES that would
help mo. I hare hod sot oral pairs that would. «nh J®
to mo more distinctly, hot could neter hoop them op more
than one-half hoar, from the fact that they caused such
to SCO your adrertomoat.hy which I saw
you had just imported some, and as it has been my constant
aim to got a pair that would bonefit me, I thought I would
think mo flattering,
!a a thins l taro not done before for years.
JSSSW »»• at any tune,
for Harter, Putsbur^b,
P- s—l forgot to mention that my wife bi RwaUy bene
} fitted by the pair she got, and equally plca-c 1. J,
ntfease* of the tWer.
Cs* When the eelebratod Dr. Biwh doeteml that drunk
anrassraidiseaw,ho enunciated* truth shlAlto «
perfenee ana obsecration-of medial men b orery day con
filining. Tbe many apparently insane excuses of those
who Indulge in the oso of spirilone »inors, may .be tins
accounted for.' Tho true cause of conduct, which U taken
for lnlataation, litery frequently a diseased state of the
Urcr. No organ in Urn human system, when deranged,,
produces a more frightful catalogueof diseases. .-And
atead of applying remedies to tho maniredailonsoraiMssc,
dUeaMi induced hy a deranged .stale or tbeLlvcr. iurce-.,
hy the Proprietors. PLhlUNOJl.Olireira,
fl -——p NOTICn.—Tha friends of a 1
U-riy QUOB LAW are requested to - Jt jT 2a^,! oriS 0 ri S
COUNTY CONVENTION, to bo held In tie CiinVborlarid
Suih stioet, onTOUg
I jv4:2i
hWS - !,cw 0rl "“” hEwy'iT’tollins.
■jgw)j!-<,l>u. lh to h,thlidaTn»g«|^ ll WUirw^
lIBtSB-SS tons «tr* large gg°
\¥TKAPPXKO PJU?KR—*JiW reams commoa and moJluj
\y 0 ****** ****', n, cogres.
“ soni or Temperance.
TICE GBAUD DITCSION of i’«ra*ylvanlj«U!. boU •
Quarterly Sesdoa, !u Pittsburgh, July -• .h, 1863, m
tbo UuU, «mor of Weed otsos , oj.
Country He«t« for »“*•
T OFFER ftrmlo all t no^t portion of my RIV«R Mrro-X
I lTim: betwrea tho »na r»ia
K tb tzp%
i-tUUS BRICK MAKUPAtfWiI* K 0«. »ALE.--ii*cntj
p eight Acres of Land: altuato on tho Ohio Hircr.a short
tUstaneebelow Httsburgh. Sixteen acres
innerlor article of fire clay; also, a rein of good
urirfue is *oll adapted for pasture and crdiard purposes*
S3um&Y>S of **«:■ »od »$
the rlrer: together with too dwelling houses, afire brldt
dcr, and now In eucoMsfol operation. Price for oil, $ am
T J^ 5 ****' a. CPTIIBKRT A EON - . 140 Third etrect
10 do No. 1 Bwoet Oil;
20 do Tanner*’ do;
20 dox. Zinc Wash Boards:
30 Lx s. Star Candle*;
30 do. JUlslasj
l&tcs. Kica;
40 bxs. Chceso; . . ■ ■
20"keg* lib. six twist Tobacco
4 cases Barrowes’ 14 tt>. Lamp*
hand and for “ lo |f IlK p ATOlcK t HF.RBONB.
• -Semi-Annual Sale! ..
A A MASON & CO.’S first great semiannual of
. Djy Goods, at ihtlr new btore, No.
will iommeueo on Thursday, Jaly7tb»N&jh
niaso stock, comprising orcry description
the latest styles, embracing upwards of rixty ihonjanirdol
lars In Silk* Shawls and Brass Goods. nearly all Z 0^ 311 *
purchase, will bo marked down andelosod out at from, ono* :
third to one-half bpsthaausualpnfes. # .....
Tbolr whole ctncXof Bonnets, Lacn wad Silk Hwtdjws
will bo sold off at a great discount Togetfc«
and packages of-MuslinvTOtfkGoods,Embroideries,Lmc*»
Hosiery, aiotoa, Checks, Tweeds, Summer, Stuffs, Jeans,.
| C^LUofwhl§i C will bo closed, out at loss than wholesale
prices, add materially leas than auction “lea. . -*•
I V 'Pittsburgh. Jhly 6, 1853. - A. A. MASON & CQ._
-po AMOM-MW*- ■ f
toupa*-™ tn
VCOPODIDM—IWHifc, In store and.for cals ■
jtf ' yLEMKO ctuynrßEs.
m, skvna olkx—lnstcrft«nlfbrpal»by
POSE mufr-w »»,
QUTCU-1000 Q-, In
TpIOUH— €50 bbls. Supetftoe straight braral,
I^rN^JUBBOOIS— Allege iisaortmmt or
i received at No. 107 Market. ggjjjj^p;.
A. GAIHSKB; TYcbrtor uni Oxford *?’. aISO '
stjtes. Prices low. S - Mo. 107 M^^gonMERTZ.
{5( quality, Tatltma umnM» i l y ar eliOU'E ) •.
jeM atrceta.
wnW'OOUDS* :
_ ■ ... J l '’M»mg & Ca’s Express,* fresh.
XDST ooosLsUng .of Linen* Mar;
U supply o f Sumratrv ftndft-raricty of
eelUes, Sbirte, u & d =^SVc£> f too numerous to mention,
SShffile Closing Store, No. 240 Liberty
“ gisl gbibblb -
..... Removal. , ■■■
• . ham »im removed from his former rcsiden&r
T^SUrirhas •fisodAiedvrithbita JOHN GER*
SIiSS. la Hints Xtapifulferths
hM beretofbro waited, from his no
,lbcffllJKsml»«ad'tbn'iiqbtebli topes
“@o**; • WOTOSfflOsr:
...c- ; i* r -~Tr f/-.vr:v w f * ..
••" "‘■Or ■_ .••t-, •;•■'■. L-• ■■■.. „• - ■..■•••.,• \y .■ .f
*fes v ’-- # *S i
* v»~ o -»
f • __
i - •V'.
, .. f
. -i '
AHIi, sorgoon DentUtw-T[Bu««s3or of |
S 3? “ Ka 144Smlthfleia su [mj3-Y .
■!=s~-». 1 it A. o. at tfao north-east corner ot
and Marie t streets, (&b«® £*“!£*£
|Sf!SK-CTW«S«n Mrodt? Btenlnsa, at 8 tfclorit. ffljgO
2M,T.0 «*o r.m«u ««»
fe=£,i£f ta Washington Hal!. Wood rt- »yL?
* to »“ i *-* Black
•jkaac&n oltrsys bo tiflu-
n POWLKB) late fowler a yuuig,
KcS.SsffisS«S s
; * •"■ -' '
BA UOUSIS, a " tat IMll inJ f T£li, JB-,
I Jal 1 ? -
eatasiSl>,l72. oOw«r,thB BttAm^iA|@qr >o ~
EotmofkOnrir t Loomis, :*o. 63 Aprat.
I nor4;tf v£ • n——
frs» SUT.r M«d<a yarded &&*£&**)
lwket&Skf.VpTO '
rv-==l. O. O.F.—o £
Wood streot, lietScen Jlfti rtrec&nd Virgi^^cs'-;|.,
• Kriffiraos I^E.So^d-aoo^eve^oa^yoT^^
:. - Htscisms EscuaxEß, bo. K—l!«ta .Srss aafl trnro
i Friday of each m»tli»* ~ • -::- • * • •.- *■- - 4 ~ -iin*«aay
Corns!! Cornslll A great nmnypcrr. |
lUy aona art dreadfully tormented rr.tli com*. .A certain
SaDr Cong* Oran *us«», for
Sic by Dr GEO 8, 140 Wool BtTMt
• • Prics. rotall atl2K cts.perbox.- - - a -**s^
rrT' > 'rvnT* TKfi f Curtain. Mftterlttigy/yid
.O* Curtain Trimroings of-eTenr da3»pUfl%.^urnUure
Cortolnfi Made and Trimmed M;ttw?ery_wir?*Htaws
.gtyle. -._• : ••• »• • ' • ' • . ■ l —
Miller’s Window sitatßUe
MJILADELWIIA. Oar motto », Qr-3- an- S^al.
Chfch, Mia tods* Buom SHADES, mad* taA
,o SSrsSn£ artbL*! «• wrttffeKj" «| §»■^
. pittiHarpTcity GIa»S vWorU«|-*
SbEii wS
deauhcj-«a p?«iu M on article ertVindmr Glass equal to
any either of foreign or domestic ... . .
marSifroo . .• . • • I
lin all anils of weather,from 8 A-M-toMhM., string an
accurate artistic and animate
rata to the common cheap daguerreotypes, at tUe fouowing
SSp prices: SUM, $2, $3, f I $3 and upward, according te
the size and quality ofcaso OT frame. .
Hours fcr children, from 11 A. M. to -U. at.. ■ ■ c■.
S B- latenesses ofslclt or deceased persons tahen m mzj
part of the city. . • - * ——
Nolaes in.the andjtfi tUsa-
tear* of close and almost undiTllfid attentJocto
i treatment to such a degree, of success as tofind th e S ceo _
I armed and obstinate cases yield, by astesdy attention ttrtbe
[ mean*prescribed. •• - - - --i——
Notes, Bands, Negotiated.
...- r*uT7nrLia Artiiittioa cr?gt v
rar OincE—"a Fonrth street,betnoen Ma-Vct anil
opposite the Dante of Pittsburgh. . : - janlajy
“W. a:'AfOLURG & CO.,
Wood and SlxtU Streets, ■ • ■ -i •
*3- Where they offer to their old*customers,m
pubSc geaemUy, at-th* lowest ratosVnidesale auJ KOg,
&7e largest, most wl«t ami complete atodt or CUOICB
'VAUE tote found iatbnWn.At. _.... _i. _ -Ij?
Pearl Bteam Mill;
- (vuab ran &Anao.u> station.) ■_•
tt^ T l Jrfef a-lcctai Vbito V h«y KLOLR, ft* ml*.
I&AN SHORTS AND MID&UXO3,-alw»J* on band.. •
%r Wo will dolircr Fleur to iimUie>, ta uthor of the
171 il., t'‘'
\rmJo«- p,rJM, .:
Murfln m . XtufT Hollands, all -
Frenci BiomWW-,*!! aUlbarGilt CW.eaa, cTarj stvl, and ■
•■ " . .. rr,F/»lL~iw r*no
a Satin-Laines, Qiit Curtain F-t P.., -
;. u Pampas, ‘ ../V - M - ; -,« BA^ d - s > iM
Satins, . ...... - .^
u Damaalt linens. Gimps,all pd^vS-•.•• • --vi
' ’«." Castmerctt-?, ■:;'••• ./•■• '.•'•'•■■ •.--H
s is- Bgsga;
>' nb^Tfiods
r CASH JIVTCAi. !' 1 1KE. MU 51A-
E>tn,n»ylvanlo,. CAPITAL 3100,000. C/
Ti - a niasm.
.. ' : :: - - '
. lloel A. 0. neister, Samuel VT. Hajs.
WOUsm RoWnwn. Jr- .
WilUsin F. Fabltcstwk, Jobnß.Coi, :
UaAtf BoUman, &S? 3. '
■ \ -
Jacob S-Hslderman, .'.-r . Aaionßonil>wsn,-i
RUSSEU.i OAKE3, Agents,
.. .Office. InXa&Jcttfl BoUillsgs, .
;'(chtr&age op ,.
r,-=>ASEOCIATED PlMmetfirlnspiaiiM:
Comtuay of th« City or PlttslnirsA*;
: Will insure eguioit FI HE iUSKS«!gI
OnUe: in Honongnhela House* it os.- 124 ana L-+
Water street.
,-, ;= SicITizENS» Lnsomnce Compuny ot
O^^^PHtstonrsb;I—ID 1 —ID D. UISQ, President; SA-I-.
CKt, L. M AUSUBtL, Sertetary.
Office.• W lifeier Srci!, Wtofe* XaThitmJWMd ««■<•..
;: Injures HULL End CAKdO Klsbs, on the Ohio and SBSSb--
dppt KiTcnt and tributaries. -
Insures against Loss ot Damage by Fire- -
ALSO—-Againsttho Perils of theSea f and InlandNayiga*
tton and Transportation. . . .
- . • ninEsoss:
•H. D. King. ■ • VratUrimeror.,
Samuelßea, . . •
Robert Dunlap, jr-> : . JoinS. MwortS,
StHarbangh, TranclsSdlcrs,
Edward Hcaaleton, : -inSch So
Walterßryant, . MTUiamß, Hays.
Isaac M.Pennosfc*- -
:«• Prejiacntilutß S. B«a.
. . Tice President—SJtfirrt. srct-nas-ts.
Trcssnrcf —dsSrj’il 8. iiT.SCH. . : '
: Firm. sxßEp;,;
; (ilasonic Hall Building.) ..
• This Company makes Mery Insurance»ppettsi ma S y>.
fit connected witii Lilb JRlsks*. - • •-• • -••• , .ev.™
Mntu&l Bates Me the seme si those nioptal by
ofoub-Uanl from the
of thirty three end one-
-s ‘i
* „■■■</'■ V ", +\*
i. *\ i '*< *■ i
J.K. Moorhead, W. J. Anderson,
zigsxt a.«sLW
A. P.-Anshutt, • - ' Joseph b*yc* ...
TVllliaia Wilkinson-> ~ «
DmECtO23.-;.V : ‘
- - Samuel JFCluikan* • ..
- JohaA.'VTUfioOi .
•■•■. JosephP.Gaxzaia*.SL*)•••■.
' Alexander EeyuoUS* V-.- '? >i ,
• lUnun Sto<ra.. ... ; .'.marC3. ~
James S. Hoon,
■WllUam Phillips,
John Scott, .
John ITAlpln,
HoT&tto N. Xoe,
— It le flue toKIEE’S »**“•“
Wthstithaa bero tooiro to eoinpletelj eradtti-o
&£%lpm&cd Ite ccrtijltalrof Lhtidtbralcd D-T. JW, J£ It,
r^Tulamayin truth cr/rUfy/ihnt IbaTO I'ncn&yt.'ul'^nl- 1
i fnrSrwiJm Seroltila for tbe.lastecTenyesisthat meetoitae.]
Hmol hare been nnablo tonttemj to.-jny.ktetcf business,)
Xmnehot the time nnsfole. .to waiknna confined, to eg i
bed,uadhaY.ebeett;t3%tod;neaily;.aU the.tane-;hy the.bcst
: physidaia our.wnrtry affords i. I.occasionally. £otwa»^;
Uftt but no cure, and cohtinrced.togrow worse until Brȣooi
' cocommended raa to trytbe PBtrcdeuin l orJloek,OlT, *sa?e
rything ebo bad tsSob. I d!dao.;vHhodtlbUiat.lir£t, but:|
tboeffixt wastonisbiriffi It threw tb?jP¥»a to tbewwfsce' i
atonce*aadr atoneebcjaa ta£rowbe*to7j,aud by -onus- ;
MTcnbottles I hare sot a curs worth thousands of doliaia.v-~
- - . ym NANCY BABKEB,;: ;
'■! This may certify that I have been acquainted Ytitfc Klet's ]
Petroleum, or Rocfc OU, fo? moro thanayear^ana’haTeTe-:
oe&tedly witnessed its beneficial effects. in.the iu&k
Gntswa and other diseases for-which It \z recommended;
ami can with ecnfidehoe.roeommeadtt to bo a medicine *or«
thy of attention, andean safely say that success, has attend-'
ed its use where other me&ieinahad failed. •.
“77. ;-Y, FOOT, M. D. .
iter sals by all tha Druggist* ih.Plttclmrgh:: fftoSSdiwv
Western Insurance Company,-Rtteirargh;
B. lfTT.T.7ra_-Jr-- PrnridtrtL '} ¥. M. GORDON,
n caPITAI., 5300,000,
XffTHjliSnaCre against all Kinds of rlitfl.pntE aatfKA.
: XS KIN R. All losses sr ill ba libpr-oly iuiju-ste<lena
Pr AHmMteti tnllon, i; 0n53»l ky Dtsecto£b TjboaretfeU
tnown: ia‘ tho ; «no'Snnirti,«4iil who’ «ro determined, by
promptness sad liberality, to maintain the oharicterja Udi
;S^&TBassi>ttedt^eseiing‘^lMtTrptCrtkai ; ti)thOsp
"■ ■ C. W-. nWmtson, J^V.Eutfei
\i «j TTnim*4. Jr W;B Qeorge W*^tckson-,
A.** r *
>•/ fituOmw/NoiOa ■ WM*r; tfwV Ctf?d«ns?«sSjsMg &
Co., up 8tal»s) :■' ".■■:.■ • as^*, M7.
"V v * ■c.*'
, ' . 0313 AT
-YV ÜBDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, Jnly Ist, Si, 4to ;
•;rTha characteristics of. tKu .immense •estabUstom*?*,®'*^_•/v
such, that the proprietor deposit unnecessary to go-tojk-.-
faUdcinila, as It has been acknowledged to be snperor to ,
any similar one oyer exhibited in this country- • The sang* - .
the Trappings 'xndTarapfieniaHa, rasa *...
icnly to be seen to be appreciated;- ■... . .
; The HIPPODROME comprises everything beautiful to a?
eonestdan entertainment; whila - - - ■'•
- The MENAGERIE, toe celebrated CHINESE FAMILY,
and the WILD BOX OF CEYLON, comprise on exhibition
not excelled to totereskby.dsy in toawedd. •..* v ' ■ . .
MB, FRANK HAMILTON/the great AntoalTamcr, will
Bing, to the mlml-ratton of- ofregy heholdiv--: ?
; •• 4S?*?‘or'farther O2 XO5,
pictorial and Descriptive Blfls^ at. toe Hotels.' :
-Jnly4tli.E'a«l2 E=2tn>iticsi3 -will ba GSycn,
- at hc.U-pv;t 9, hall-past 12, ifilffas?.?,.*® 4 .
to KtS'Sihlbfilons, Fifty’Coati • .
■ boopeadarfE^tlioDiysal
tha Odmlssion to It 01080-oill 1» Twanly:flT« :
JCoOTlroma wd ifcßaecrSoTin osHbUstECT/" :
’ o?So Besnt <*niSjjßllWo*tf V&Wtt&SS*?- ‘
T=in«rru’«>K fe’jCHroWAH.OPIi&A. HOUSE
-STITII. xip^n'tdsißvHyVoa !lOST)i]r>
’ W - «Sa cOtLtincfi talll further noS^
OIWE THEOIXW, cftha Bopal Opera Haw, -P“
i Tlolinbt. , . j. JL FOSTER* HanssjK.
County Corainl*slo»er.»«WoßM
'data fer tie cfflceaf County CoamSJsioccr— BUbjiKt o «a--
dedslosof the Dcmocretis Cooxcntion. . ...i.
l&lagB for gala onJeaaoa!l^.^^^.
ABIBS* Q4TTEKS, Blsefc, Tsn, Brora;Attoof
~i,i various other color* Just rccci-tci
ures*~Pr££lo»- "■ (j t l) ' ff- K SteW-
RAPE BEI A WHS.—A- A. MISOT * Ox, Np.S5 UlTta.«W
Sommer Sbarrla, of the mint tohionabln iglaa -
IiTASULLAH iND YIZBmS-ltt> «* styw ainrn-.
EUEGE SAIIb HS3OE&—IOO piaxs, of til tho OCSt
iiiliomAloEtytoiml whafcjart-cpwwW,'
. ,„g)t ■: . A. A. SIASQS & CChrig-KTUi stmet--
-r-y asnrA.— 500 plain ana figarsd
Kex* 9 e 8318 i <xti2s*mta*>rt-
I'XEISQiJS— 20 dozen- jnore-of-those T, iaci«s CriEi^
OWES —800 lags, la Otero to
by atrcct-'
-TJJ^vT^tT-v : _ 7 .. ~^•;>>-:>^>v-104'Woc&rtrcefc.
anted—(toe IUNEK end fbor labonssw-Bertel a
AortUlsUtocefrom the Otf. . .
jj, • S.CCTHBEiiT & 30?t.lta Tluri et.
rjrHAa—lo hjM cbesta Yoons IlyKo; . , . . _ . .
■*■’ 2d" do '^STlttgCTsndtotJogia^
rPOßACCO—2£rboxes “GjanVa;”
I . " 20 'do' 41 Hassell & Bol^isuT3fl> c t to arriTa, ..,
- • • ' :;:;:53;Vdo : Baltimore Spaa.
/~VlLs—^sbbls. bleached Wfcals Oil? - . .
If. , sa do' Superior Tsuneri-? -;
• 10 do nsJj,( to s'.cro
-Jc23.., ■ .. • :■ .. _J
-■ i to J. Kidd & Co^j)
■■■ '■ • CO Wood BttcaS.
3j2 .... _ . - --■■■-
iittbiii ni<MM vMjJ-K lnKfraM laßhWß>blB3*WAof C2®
Mlk Coßs, ani
V - at*)*'* iiiFK*,-Children.* Bdjs, - tfouAiiS a-ii— Mcu \
li BOOTS .md SHOES, of cverT
z It 2 v .-’ ' > : «v^wWofDiamoml ana Dlamosa-alley-
rpHE BinMoKa : OTascoi??iii soasnvjai
S ss»iss?ss sssrssbK
1- »i iMu-rlSl Ti> VASlUjlliS.—The subscribers Vonia caU , v
Attention to Bwy
supp Uta of rearlStwm Mill fetrgßunjlT •SSgg'S
in« nodOrstaun Four, freib frronnd {Vein rod], and era
Also, best country trand! : l
rl , nK '
V No. uD SdithfLcl4'St?c4t > _
alwjjß keep
FAMILY riiOUB,: OATS r Co&s, and; *U
Frt-i. -They- respectfully Invite tie atpwns of Elttsbrus.-V._-
lo g [ ™£* a 8 ca? ~ TTH-MAM I3:OSA.Ti& & CO.
- Cortes l c exjsa X Cortes * - • - :
I TVODLlJrespectfuUy iofrna the dtteatia
' OiiftXlxfiTd-Qpeiwd. a SlOjoilSCia* CQJEpT ■.:
. tofiU°Uon^«Pcm ia l“2 ‘"TvoSdfe
ba tha &ortsit noUsi. ajS at jateraptlME} IgM&tff.
; - BDWABB-B ‘ OBAS T, - -
Comomlba:-an4 J B , orwa*4taS
Ho. 61 p»<»>i«ri«ffA'glaga.-BaßßM»rt. ••. v.
r\IU>ER3 lOR CQ?FEfc, KICK, Mri Mj. CocsjiEacata„. .
V r-cfWfafem Prodnco, respectful.; icliatco.
ijainea *. i noti3iig6n-*<X : ■ ■■• • . j?
Proflncaand General Commission Jlsrcaant*
Prompt attenUoagi-rcii to tfca otT£Q^
-?n^ C jSmt lor the tala or COTTOS, LAITO YHIa STAR
RATU3 and EQEiHiaJEAUL AaU£3.-
iS'Liberal airaaccSraaae.oa coojigamtnit of Prapra
; and .Merchandisegraeraßy. -•■5,.;.-:- ■■■jga- 10 ::;
; office of tie .eitims*' JOgpoatt Saaii or
TI ESOLTiaV Tact ws>r thfl Storshnlto3 of CMbffPf. .
lLDerodt^aniCl Htuiargh,ingamllwJiW®
Med, nni hereby do ««pt
est of Incorporation, epprand - A?ri ’
1553. : (Resolution passciTMay 50th, lSo—) • • - • -
' Kczired, That the Board nest daßy,at tha .Oacs of tho.
Bank, to opan tbo Books and. receive subscripton* [o tto
capital stoc?«f the Beni,!*!- en tbe-ionrfrof 9 ,
jC h_ lEd 3 o’clodr, V. iL, end that farther public tcAlcs
thereof be siren by olrorUjcnent j n tbrco daUr. pepere.—
(Resolution parsed Jana 15th,1853.y'” ; J ; -
s • order of the • :
jalfl - SAMUEL ■ •
Hongli AntliQnyJß Dagnerrco^ypea«
f ' they haTo removed X&^*tf*Bmldms
to No. few doors abovo their Btanmvncre* .;
tbtry- have fitted tip rooms foe DagustKolypmg.: Having *..••,
Yery superior arrangement of light, and the most sPprcrTodr
Instruments now in use, with some.ten.years nxperiggea to, •
Ibe business, ties to tum-<£& as g00ur....-
establishmentinthe€ouatgy»cnd my •. •
: 130*9 •ga&n&vi likenesses than baa heretofore .been famishr
[•al-Vi rftisßdaof either. oria.gmnpfe, ;-..
|| strangers'ere respcctlallyiUTitcd to.cmV.
•whether :: ::i ' : - C
* Our motto is good pictures fair price* trod noT&asattu
faction tneur cfeccw. EOUQH 4 A2iS2HOT.
; B,—'WeTomish tdl aitldea'in .
] £;>•■
I -TSB. liABZETTE , B JUNO CORDIAL, ox Procreative Ells- ;
JJ ir, prescribed as an e&setusl restorarivein eases of Be*...
I Miitr. Impotency* or ißarrcnness, end all .lrrcsnlsririts ot :
f nature. It is all that it professes to be, vis: Nature a Great
t Reßtonytir"* «•«* ~RgmgdTy for those inthexasrried grata wita« .
I outoflspring: “It is a' certain -euro tar Seminal Emisrioasi ~
Weakness of tho Gcaitat Organs,
I Nervous Affections, Xeuoortfccea or Whites. As an. la vigor -
i rating medldha: it is,"uneqaall»i.. ‘A3so,* r^a^:-a;
.-i'.ltia w&aaled-to-please-the userin.eayfiltha
: oiaints,tusd is of eountlcss valua-to tiboso yithmit qfh>rfa7..
I ■ Gudion Esir the name of Comstock & Brother ca,
I‘the T&uppayfldii never buy U unless you fifid tfca abov*
' T nam'i- aalt has been eztenTJxly-coi&Urfeiled qf Avo u*
':the counterfeit aa'you would pclscaij - Agency. ■■.•■:
■I S aa27:diwly NO. 140 T*it.2s> a7*.
Within Four IlUca .ftf tar Sale t
1.-RTLL SEUh at nrhaia sale, af ASM OPr FUTY^SIX.
- ACKES, wi& lbQ improvements, situated is,
Peebles tormship, within {bur miles of tho city, on A good
• mad; .pa..which there are erected SIX TBS ANT EOOSE3.
'ThlsMowpriy is offered at the very low prico of $l6O per .-
: acre. : Thera is also about eight acres of tho. bast CQA I» ia.
: .lhe couhiry. For beauty nf scenery, fee., this Farm cannot-,
ln ABegbenj county.-. Terms Hbeial endffitla-;
l-lndisputablo. . .......
I?:- AL§Or?-?tfsocalA>ts In East Httsb argh, os crignawy laid
hliy.Eeis'fe.Curli?ig*' ; : :^-^--.''‘
- .
' 4©*, Apply to BENBY BElB,at tho Store cflißsfe^-,.
"corner and Second-streatsi -
{ houraof j.&apd-lSoklocktOteflchday. - , • - _ JP -
??■???? IJ,- ?
imtcfal' .witnesses hers-to pww 3P< s^„ia? .
;Sk *?^WrS"rv
aricsmachiui iteps, gfcussons,. IZL, .vko hvto tamed
:?teSelm3-«tt thsm<tt3J»;.»td*«e:asaj,ttil3 Ltn&aenir
• 'gbQ the agoniclef;a. ituraflaad- dratha •
f for weefcSwViifc and: ccdligetiidreSel- •*.
■ antiL'sbaosed'tk o andhhe .uiH.teUy my v :
• witfrTfeara** swttefo* tSafcshelOcssea «£& *»*4a*>
'diced to' try \C ■. Tfcfiae we jao : im^aary-flights ■ otfcacy,?; --
-batflwtsto -which thousand* ’sclir^estifr.
:„• Sor •gognd&i scratches, orao-resof airr kfod on &ors*s, v:
It ~hfig' R Q equals Itls -warranted to. care-splint, ring-bone,
•.•estate,-, or joll-crtf, ir used, ••:
• - A jasn ihElino&bsa made a good deal <£ money by bay- - - • :
rtcglame aisd' capple&hciEes far a mßre hifle, caring. tfcsb;
themiia biv. :
igoOd/pHfe He r jadd : torse vbo.
■ ;toga-flsfcola :tra i Ha--wi*tsist ; aad weeks hzi tira
Trttted, : toiMd fchgrfbr s7iisorvThtetealact. v -'■?' •'.
• * To eartiaeo, siaga llTcry
stables, and canal-boat lines, it‘WtU ba a eanag cTtaatreda
' of ttollars'yearly to uss ttl3 liniment an their steelt
t'-Sc&l hy the bottle,‘at ihet-prcprtek-
(*. K. KinrESß,athteJ>?c3 and Check
ed vTcod strsetj myS3:
4. ’ N r "■ «
\ 1 * i e * ..
■, ' ><•■**• ••->■.. •*..••
' -•■• H'w't. .1 .■.•■•■•••■*■.•;.
-t-- . :•-;.
• 'V , - ■
' \ \ . i 1 V ••
: *\ j’
f k-*-
\ •'
. V A.. *i
W %