'■■ ..^v-A'A-v jft ,-JL rr -yy ~ :y-. „.. 1 ;/«*'- > * v -.y -~ ; . •_~ f / -t, ’y--. '• J; •’.'y-c f>Y;_^;- r--rr.'-. feyyyysyayi -'~ •■ ■ '-■• i ~ > “ ’••->•• - •• v • • ■ ' ■' v \Z'C' *v '■inSi/-*** >s*v-1 - B®»4S™ pMiraimil tafcpst PfWIIiPSS raptswis^s^^si W?m ...... .v< ~.,r - .i-. _ _ __ ■ ‘ A « , ■;-<■■■■*•■■■ n 4 ~ ,** i-' >} ' • ‘ • i -1 i iu: dm j ,Tj jr. n il nig iw " > *• _ . "„bu r'uiAnh-.} tarj Mvmr-J, ifi«n*y aapipl.) , * PiHM*lP9| vuim-msi ooaaih' or iruu6_AM> nntf crtaffl, •Hf ijousnstw jwr, MynbWetrsstJjln ' tavSitr) ~ ax Colors IrtU intirtally IK reunited If totfpaid' "Sfa!HSiS?^ri# oST 'l<> ctsia-rlbt wlnattbocounter lathe. ujjcu, ««1 oy tta .Jiewa Boyt. ■* *■ the SATUBDa.?*HOEHIHG IO3T nlu»t,M TWO DULbABSe year, in advance. Elnglp topis. *IT* **»»**. v * 4®vNoj3opBr will V> ilfooptlnnea (union at the Atecro.. , non om?i“irdprietoi*)Tma-sm'iirßi!U»SM , eJ 2,0 uuentioa will bo paid 16 suy prior nulcee uceom • • luMrilsTltomoiwy. , ors»t!Bratti)jytelareirwJn. , H ,. lfn . n ..uM X 75 * , “ two weeks*,.-& Wj u i( tbres weeks 4 00. ~ » M enq uion&~~.s 00. H two tOQ u u three cscuths,,.—9 00 u four months. ID 00 ** fiix Wflnthp... ............... t QQ ** u .-oau yeaxr..^'*.—}ss£ ■ - . fltandmgCard, «ix-imefter.lcffl > per.aanuofc t 10vQ ; fItIiNfTtAPLB A* PlEAgtm: * . One squerofer nnnum»(cxelufilTOQCthapafXT).r..*~ *MQ CARDS, * - l*Qorol*> 7 ITOItN fciV AT JUAW-rQiaco, Toozth js&ceetraDOTa Wood. * Doctor Fi » - ** i VFFIOK OX FumETH, '.between' flmKhfirlrtaad-Oraat uttcitt, Pittsburgh. J B3 ** » 9 i i*X LAW^fflce^JjorwtUVßuUding^'WartliL A*tre-t. . ~ J«oTJy U* s. Carnahan, ' * Aiuii ''Hk /CC Fourth between -/3l sjhecry alley febl {lrani ~~~ ~ ~ ' JF. sc. arciowry, , - HZC. 661 AMI) COUASLUWB AXT Kit?—QOco In V liui!-lss£!s, osj Uropt etxret- - JB* I>. 11. Hawn, " ;i,.rt : ;BV AT I,AW—No.M(TmirUistmt,uboreand A-A~ac Scstisflciil. '■ vwez*7 Ueorge P. Ollimore, 7 . ,XCi,aal A.-»lrto)UMUlUriß AI LAW— A a. iidaoerWow tlrant street, on rourtlvto r..?*D U AT re t ta .'0 -ti Oreht strict, near Fourth, i ? Apria? K. BlO. , AlV^.?ci>^lo«Jf6nrUiBtreut.:-PltUbtttBP>- A* itf-.'ptfriiii .ifoor * jtgS..:v:- A. BttCkm aster, vwt»Aa V"; \x^-i/O?c-s,'• "J’ourtli .kUmslj third door awTs, .■CoDJ'rvti’rjnij.uf ftllfcili&jdCUtt n - a*c = u, tuv ura-j Hites to lU* K* norlti ~ ~ Salatapek> l t * v i) ll i. J>x»ww{» w » A udiw* ireL«wJ. , » t . j 4,—M*. 45 EYfJi j! ?iX) urfeb, £&. sgn ~ Ws-rtcr vTlUHrsliail* r r;'* '-'inCl;' liu&kf iti"i l rwi«fc tuxa .Ametfcatt I ~ ciaxo JL «T #. ♦ ■. ■ •■■ ■»• Me&tUab & Artfriur, i „ , -h u’VbftOCkrrid Aol> 4\*UMlo&lo2i WJtf —n. 1 J>rv JhVcet New TofikJUWtfO;J2f L l,Vi uneuwtck, . _ k Kt- VU\Qt> AM* JL’AWttt, Jitv Ut> Wood ptnn v L/ ®U*uursb Hid Ughe* I-rto Ui ciih fniiiiar W my it ■ . 1 ■' """ j* xtryar* “ WTUQbIzU'V AND RETAIL LIQUOR MEIICIIAN’I VY i; - 'IW LibeytvKtreeiv aodifll TeblQ^r._ J, JU Weldln, _ , - HULfcrfALk A,-»D RETAIL IJtALEB m Blauk wici :-.■VV■• iclwoi ‘Books* JPapw and • Stationery; No. - & - .Vwtt aJXr L ut* eca Thral iiad fcottrtb,) i l ittol)afsh> Va. jmrU ■ U, a. OGlcer, MAJSljVicrulUiKiJf all kind; oMftonk «n 4 l’w.Kiuf Boxes, fttteorib'fr Mailing Will,Gruntstreet, belv&so. ■: Liffblll.. ■ • ;. ••- * • . , tanflyaoU gcliTorecl atthfl shortest notice. : vnuxur . , fiflnty M’CnUdnffh &> Cd«». jailj ,. i nmrflEltStCOMiSlfiSlON W and Utters la -ail kinds of Produce, comer of &M . iinl-Irwltt fltjßota, l*Utaborgb. -•- ... .xagrU. . James A* Jones* irUOLiJiiiEb AM* .TXTAUi DItUCIGISI, comer ot W liberty and IUmJ street A complete aasoxttasvX of tyufcs.ebcxhicab and Family MedHue* always on irnod. aprS.- 3, c - _ j ~"“ v - r ; —T^rrrT — ■ .... , ...a. u cothbebt j i coTßDKft* & SOM, 1 r>*HAt hr-TAIL AJTO UfiSERAIi AGENTS, Ao. BO it 3? sbrctL_ _ __ - -A r\EAXSU In : I I nnd BRAID HATS, corner of Market Wfl.MOcrtrata., ho. 174 lUmltcrgh, fa. ~ ~ ■ 'J"*?— ~RTtCwlpi®EEr\ ” ' ' • ifAHMROKEIt Dcalcrto-Xatcs,Bonda ( Mortgi!Ei3 I ,i«ai J te^aY^« 4 dior to the -01 inn>. l)-pooU»nk.- l'lttalmn!h,Pa. .•. • I ,; • *; —. ,i £Y .._ „,......... ran. *. hemeaw. ' BAIWBY ft KESSUAW, pjjh ... ai.-.ic AAI) FAMILY OUOCm; Dcalra ta and Willow Ware, jcenlnu Own? Ja. 4c, Wholesale and Rotaßi ho. »j 3 liberty AtiSt, KUsttursh. Wl6y __ William A. Bl’Olnrg, r'AMILY ai.uOklw IhDTRA DEALER,comer?niUriiiun , t «.,i 'Uiiijia: : Trey,ttiL Hareconstantly"on -hand, acboiea ■*►l _ r,, f, t .£ ijeneb and IScgUsh selected expressly I Mm is, tandscapeSy.BiU Ueass» yT v \ *- Mini end ITacbine Drawings, Busing and Vi t ? ringraraj or Drawn on Ktobo,Printed, ut < 'i i Bronze, or Blade, in the E\ost apprOTW ctfje • and at the pncea. . v v v: -s« . OctloJj.— a y~>, Vt .. ... . oroao* «- aitwis- STUART &r HCLMS, SUULISSAU. aiWCKRS, FEODUCE- ANBi CQMMIfr «I )\ MSKOHAM'S, and Dealers to nil Mnda of Pioiir.- ,I’crix. Ir.irl. .Uniter; CbsOSOi Fes* = \r )It > ' .i p t j v „ | .-^ r iya:-^i^fen^^r,tfa:ei?-mtdo , oo.ta>MdgnmßntiU“i : f;-.notg4;g>| r Austin loomli, I Jii .v 1. .(1, Ml s.udirf. and BID , . V v <3 3.(,n-hltreo!,ictoTaVrood) Thr , _ , M.-iJj-j... at-] n oSco at,trif for ttr m~C mtln-'liwJilSm Uonil«,'Martgago| r anO S? / , . aS&rotiwilritTofflLdey.'amlßrttLr r i 'Wlir also giro prompt AIM „ a < oilafTaeDtog, ren'loif oftodbu i ' '' ACoffN r/wMis. —-r w, s, H»v»n. . , ,u r-'. l-.-i'viitlMlVhXT, (UrejJQpic lS,* : _< --a J Bj-ihH BOOK isn BTAHOSE * A i -liji —i rcniwdto nxHcoto crow GtjjQ of m c ci_i nxy MUJdfiaa SJeusboat Jafc Pifattacnoa Jt “ the BccKiilnatry, Ko EOThKrt. Porto ™ Alit AAD SM toe? Libertystreet, hM ooTJtafl *Urw 1 * wit of LdßcdstMibOf *«ry description, mudo of tta btVt iiMdrha wilt «11 loir® too extlcles ot So ufr I^Moglpiuj assaar^ssgSgg MlUj.eQCTOfot Adaqmnd Liberty etteet^yntLapK^Uy BOWAETH 6 fc&OTEEB-T iIAHBIxB SUSOKHr ’ - No 249 Libbutt Btbeet, 'seaS Sevehts, J T>HSPECmaJLt*T InTtma their friends -884 W» ffl*® • JKi th&t ..they! have ojKmsdthelf ct the where they fceepad luau&lWgs )J’QPPv;| of hsaubfol MarbleMsntelsi.af Grwlm MonUmeute, Tombs, Hpad Btoup<, EttmltUM Elshfcjstf** ■whlfih tho/oßjrextremely low prices- „% " Mwliloau BlooVSlahe,BCdm«l(3toor>lcr.- v. -.m Cemetery Ifttf escloseii, Wth Bedon utf .irrwpott Stone. - mrlw . WBbTliaN B’OUWi) HV. 1 ~ flfoxfcax, IVO. UUr- Jf&oJ ttnst. fUlOurgh, Pi. - ■r «- rGHAOT £ 00, Wte tbbJDCihod to inform tfcdr IVI , ftionils and tlis-suMingraorislly, «»* iwolavo re-, SSutoor FonaOw, Mi «e naw jmPMrftpflß *U orisra In tinlr line., 4U JOB WOBB enfcrertcdtD tU 'trtais Scented -rritlh ceatefea nad -dotpatcli: nod 60S ICMtt to SfStoSnmcm jiarUinilarij'ta tto&Ba«iastttfclt3,'i»- & rrood «tora;.*loritorw, W loroin, rida ovnns and ftoUon,i>!ala;pi tow Eratw, oloin ftODUC& DEAV.BS— Yy No, .27 ~VVoodctr& < ;t ? Pittaburgh. 4 [mj23 11. A* F&Uneaiocli & Co., Mriltfl&dAU. DJUJU AiJkUGU&£—Corner Firrtand vft •• • ’ttqodstnwts, nnd corner oofl and jaixtlui: ■• .■ (fobl •. s William £l. Germly, , , XXrWU&AItt Q«yCJfiH, DiJALHiI 12* X>RQDI.CS iiID f V I’XKlSMriiaU MANUFAGTUIUSB, No SSI liberty r .eWet,directly.oppogitg Ilcglo gpt<& Fittebtirghj Pa> [ jy2sff; ! William Glenn, .1 IOOKBINBSR—Come; Wood alrcotg, above *Jul C; hu Xi liteparodto daetery description ofUnltng ftpd htrufyng.',»...• . :...-! -;. •;jdocB- •;■: t iV'Z ' Efc. c. stoehton, * i - T i AtE' JOHNSON ' A STOCKTON* IiOOKSEtLEU, STA- ] ; l a .TTQNKiL- Friatof;and of Harkctiand Tiijrdgtrectg;PittaburgbyPa. ; •••■•'•••■••." *•• [ffifoU-" h. Thomas Sli liittle, \irATCH AND CLOCK JlAttlSlMlfth etrMt, bctweoa W:: V¥coii' wiA Alarketatreets, opposite Iron City HoteL All; itinda of Jewelry tnaje ami repaired; ■■.**•• •_• ■ . Pool & Mt**do©Jc» SOMMISaiON- AND POIUVAUDIN Q MKUCHANB, AND STIIAMDOAT AiIKNTS—No. .7 dtnxjtj CindqniU, 0. ' ifiSJL. •"IC- P. SMITH, ,| SUUtT M iXWAaxy wait ana Dealer i la t |M«n • | ! tfarniiMos, I'onor ana} anctyGoods, S°.M Wowlat, • gypmi beiuff Diamond aiicyiPittibttTKCi Ps.. octlay \v» W* JH’CJure, _ TTOtroft BIOS, AM) OHS AJIBMAI, I’AISTUI—Con)-c ;JOL' Wo«a aua t’UlUttrecis,tuidctMttteliii *#nanJ»Bp.», fat office. fmrimrgh. 80. - . mar-” 1 Job. f. i>. SBatlnot -TITO. 184 SllirHPlKro BTRKBT, Fltulttrsb. PenM, iUiburMtufcrof KtitlngTe Fanc> #ad Medindad TWT>p«*li.-.V^T?■•’->•<,••• ••: ■■■: ; .-r" ■•' ; -:.r - AUd; gcatteS*^Oetiulno Bxtrafrte of Coffee. —* - * cAUD* T T» Jt A3SKB. TODD 4 SMITH,, Attorney* at « * l\l tourtb ntu*a t^tesrFWftjWiMua buafaw 4uriog.4h#.ahseaoc, j .•>* 1 v.« OiX>.(F.OII*DMOUIi . , Smith & Sinclair, r lIOIiJJSAHi - UIIOOBUS ■■'AJfl);-COMMISSIOSf-iM!SR • CHrnor lycodatTFlyst st-v / • [dqt3 i Joim H. Slellor, • ?.' •\irHOKESAIE AMi ltL-fAIL UAAIJSft IN MUSICAL Yf INbnil'HKNlb, Pianos, Music, School Hoots aha stationery, ftq..l&i-IV<»d;sttysU £ fl. * 1.............TH03. CUlT!lL'>ii* 1 . Cummin* & Co, ’ Sr CUSUIISSIOS JSliiltCnAßTß—Wheat J CUj Block, Mafeilloo.ahio IfeISSJSL : JOHN GKOBTT, BUCCKSSOB to Hauls 4 M’LAtKsnus, Importer or BRANDIES, GIN, 111NES, Ae. to «JU IH4 llTnrij&ud jftocl Bnmj, corner of HmltbfWil aml| first aurntfr-Ptttslmrfih, Da. J-iaEl u lift. **J> W?£XTi.! - J. Vnxcly & Co.* #wt m T\EAJ.EB3 IN CfIOICL iAinn\ OItOCFRIES, Te*£ f / pickles* Fruit?, Ar 0 #4> Liberty pmet, (uorlli frtdT*,)one-Juor txUcrg-ilfind*- -.-. • -,-. •-••.-- - .- -. i • ■ ■ i- ■•■ ■■ Slcirona W< Aclxeaon* i, TTODNKTr AT DAW -* Office *oui«» Xtrrel, between. £L EmitMeJdandGrant t tofcrencrt-aibasin, W. 4 F. Wilson, nod STKnlght A Brother. . &■*>*- >WItOEKSA!iU and IIotnitSADDLE, HAT.NESS, ‘THESE, VALlsb and CAW'KT BAG manufiie- \\ wA street, Fitt*b&ryb# STiIOLKSAL£ 4M> Utt'Alb i’AIIUA-OHOCiIV : AJfD ’-W ;i ’FotithnliDj -auU OoiDOiisefon. MerAaJit, ; l>e*lcr» tti Ceauiry I‘nxluctf att4Btt.^UTsU'ManDractwrtfrrVVooa St* mardojrvaWe Eift!*, 1 FAbOUA. TEA. STOUB. rEnU HAWWSTU; tl ani Iwporttf cf OU Couutrj JUjicfc lew, *««<* »w® i.Sid:..Wi'uui, corctjc of. Uiniauml alicyaD4Uiu-WttxnMid» Pittsburgh. Pau fefcgSL — Ht HorUttttoi J, , mfcffiqv liin £ru.uJ* abJ. thepobHein l\y seoeral. Cbat lie* ta* opened tlus ho&H»*ras«rly <**itoh ed byVi’iiep&td; in wmansburKbi wbutt tas lu aettmm<> Tanaoia’ 3ag?jk.: ir 1 ■■ .«m'lKly j.~ ‘ — S. M’Klnley. _ MOU'A, ?t(,S, VND imSAAILNfAL PAINT KU, AND Dealer l» 4t,SU Clair strcoi, Httdnush. 114, consul,«V m h;mi n'l luoJs ot Painb>, oiilu r dry or mU«ri, Japan and Grpal Vanish, l.lnwrt Oil. Halnl.UU, Splrit?Thrponllni>,'Vvm&re- {itw of all ei'e- 1 , I'tHty. Paint Drushat. &or aii of tbp beet .lualily, and for *tle at r.awntp ba. prlru “P ll -. I~> L.UUD, (Intocf tkofimQf CuotET & Lm»v)lil»ing .K. ojcnul hoiilS S»0- 0, (uro Uoorfl aboT« tbU cU ctSuuU sor: Uh* purr-ora of carrjlOß on lie CM/MuaO MJSIittSS, liopesby ttrict attenUon to hqptoora tot&ent o hliatsfif lbc pairunago ttf ibo let* Lrm. ::.•#.• Clothing uuUtoto onU-r to the mart fashionable siylti&riaid-ori the «lioct«tnotice-rlnferior to ■noo* la tM dqr. 23 - 7 "" iu»ry Demmler* _ \-m a vnPAnTLHom ot' TIN. AXDEUKET IHQX it I WARgr--i?&ggg ■W'.HGISS r-PtttaTßUS lUIBWAW-- • So-ISO ldberty Stmt j Keeps dway* Ac* best ima-ty. irbSch be trill tall al vety low prlew.ibx ccab, wholesale and ..’.i.***•!> >:.v .' Country merchants are invited to call at hlfl stand. : . - 'All Joo Work-in the above business; blkc flpeutlngaaa UeolElng llouseA.tm be promptly ftttendnd.io atmodaate prices. I h - T - Janes 2lelllnger» MllX—Would rcrpoctfnllj | : UiL in&ttnM* ftteads. and the. puliU?, that htiu«w #sUb. ] lisluacnt is novr infull opcmtloo, *nd that h*.Lj prcporedt# | Tarnish BoitCcHni, and fill all onlera for Planed Lumper, 1 tod otttw lqurff£ rates, i ! -jpgayri ngij Pittite, pIaUCdOU S customers at.the | T< tfe tSSp^K^elnflhowiDg.our stock, and cordially tar vita purchasers to call and examine, before purchasing tta where* " •eplfloi —a esw Coach anil Cnrrlnfjo Factory! JOHHSIOH, BSOIHEEB & CO., t ' •Comer of Atbtcca and.lldmfmt ttritU, Allegheny Cay, a : • „„ ~ tyotrm fesiiectfnlly Inform their friends] .. r thwimhllo generally, that they have •’ wyoQiySS&uSftTTifflmrprt -thp manufacture ofCaroages. .tl,mnrt,e,. Rockaweys, Bngglw.tSldgb» and i Chariots; lu aUthrdrnMo us styles of finish and. proportion. | h lAllordcrawlll bejrtocuteaiwfth strict regard to durohlllty | kndbeautyof fltdahi J Kepa£» will alsolw attondodto one the moatreasonahlCL tenua. .Cstag. In work the t best Eastern Shafts; Jol«vuitd dShocP stuff, they Rol Mhfi< I dent that fill who fairer them wlltatbelr pslrOnngt', *UI ha Mrfeetit satisfied on trial of their work. ~ Purchasers ere requested to giro us a nail, befcre pureha t ring elsewhere - oclfiay VUODIA9 WOODS, OOM’AUS&CIAL pttOKEH, of erciy description, which can be snld 111 this market, apu for the sale of 1 which orenr exertion nill.no n» ,, ,“r. ... . -Alintderefdrl'lttshnrgh'.Mantifiictures | w!U;he.prosititV. 4t partlea!a’r attention will bo' dron to the ssto anl'collcc tlonef Notes, Drafts, Bills or Exchange, end the purchase I'ondsale of Stocks. .. ,v . • -...•. rv-jjy industry and personal attention to Mlbusiness.op* [ trurtod iritU mo, I hopo to merit - 1; plttsbnrshf ■’ Q pr2s, Retail* 1 dABETLB, BAILSP'iS TJvDMC MMWA I of \ 1 -cautinaos to occupy that Intgc and oominOdJoua , > i torn Room, formerly occupied)>y 6&» a ?J j stock M 6O, cotn or Of IhSmoOd, I -.where liakftjto r aißrkO'ima“een€rfil MsOftmeMpf MOfUes,! lXamc««,'Truuks» Civtpot Ssddlo Bagß»rVfl3i3oj», I Buffalo Uobw, W dill articledi ln. I; > Ueabo keeps coustantly on band, aud IKptefarftl to.TUr* I ulaH to order, ftU kiudb of RiTctod’Boao, jnaaumcturcaOTl thebcst-materUl,ftnd lu * rtylo of j t the Cnterii ma&ii£iv.:i v ..'-- Don’t forsottbo place,No,W, coni«tof'Vs , oodJt and. Diamond Alley, . • • *• -l ap29 ... lOWA FOODBTi 1 SO. 103 WOOD STREET. «f OHN'O/ PARBr, (successor, to JrC.-ParrrCOMm£SXOH MEUOUANA (at th» rale I oTAmciican. Woolen QacOf, Ho. lsaUbotty ttrwt., ir, »i!u»iu«.....-^.. l »uci JUaSTAHiicE...—.....J. r.umos. | ' Ktriipatrlcli &.Herrons, 1 a-itfiT.raAXK iiiiiicKita. pr.uinam Aau coimis-1 SION tIEROUAIi TSiaDdßf Hen to Pittsburgh Manu re Ai).W&3 mertu xlraU iVL-Ourfft, Pa. njilV i i lUIIJSIAD ilomxr.Keil totata Agent, Uoad.JJto* anJ JJliUi BiokeftfostlloßdLsjjt.Sorfli Westcarnerof Wood sd&EUUi ttrarta, Pittsburgh, , „ , . J Particular stlontSoo. paljto suMivtag. property, renting houses, 6c. nyluiy UIISQ ......... fUttUltO,. B>I.EBIIHG BaOJHBBS, ; , 8., (Suoccfs&urs to J.KiddftCo,} ■• - ■■-■•.■ iLESALK OaUGOISIS,:A’o. i W P«**t ' orgbi-l’a.' 'Prop rioter* of. Br» hPLanea CelobraU?!, r mKcts'Sum ' ■ • :V ' moot*,. I • Pittsburgh;'**- v-*. '‘ Maryland. -. : Pittsburgh. I ‘•jr i > Sellers* Ktcoi* & Co»# MERCHANTS, XTSo. 809 liberty utrwt, PUUhurKh, I*9- . „ Bpeno, linseed and fimi OSla. J , , SEED STOKEi ' \ JASILS WABDRQP,. - . /OFFERS for «Ie GANARV BIRDB Of the mostlmpwTcd 1? 1 treed* being Terr hardy r and floe singers. BlruSwl* iaujanr.'llamiv Millet, Itooo and mixed Seed* ? wUI cacipascd of the*fluert*. FLQW.fißßi'ri*' 'Camel! as;Bosepuds^ileUouow4c*- ErprgnreoJ(lapote) ?fbr Christmas Trees, from the isrisd and Horticultural Store, y0:49 fifth euSSr Wood* I]t B; • BRAVO; Diamond, PiUßtmrgDj !**•» dA^f zf .I*' 1 *' i?!«Crfuntry Produce. cfferft for sale iy choice atocK : o> (jXrfis, ejected for family n* Jptaof ertrTTOrirtr mad the purest quality, ground et his Steam Mills., t Awo, Bruy! Frol tv Foreign imd Domestic.* produce takes in ex* change for MurcbnnvUzp. \ t ._e . f ~ ••••■• It U. D. has; procured a fall assortment of laudreth s WdrrantedGftidcn Seeds, and invites the attention of ill in* —rtgttsteainrnmlafrftim.:' . - r J*o*l— iotfct tt-cLokcT „ /xusiußs kcloskii iWtoloaalo and EetailClottiiiitj: Hwcliaota, j NO, 88 WOOD SCI SEEK rnnJ!subscribers respectfully .inform lUeic.pli, nutomcra ■ J.' enil the public In general, that they bare ,}bl* °*T. **■ (SliWlthemEelTwlHtlio oMc>- the Arm SiflojJN SI'OLQSKEY vS COo,Tboy JMjatctfully,wlldt s '^S°p f re7lonJEnrineuof carhwDl be eet.tea ky *bnn» <- ’ • - » ■ .:••• *'W T& Co, SDJIT—So. rn Wwxlrtiw*, tctnwrsof Waln a© Itaryflratev r » « ienlfT*, Supm Krttloy Tea Barfc JWli,. ;; Wagon Boxes 4c. fwp' 7 H* Ota -RrOtTMEnS’ BNIOS SOI iYjL Pittsburgh Pa. Jtnnql Cooking Stores - Coiijaui \Too4 ptorcv ' : Pallor S totes fed eiwiDog lion* ■■••. • ■•■ Flatibnzi aad Oonnter Scale*, Bo)]ov Ware« •w j -..., HEBBOJ? ft BRISWELL,I ! BELL AHD BRASS FOUNDERS, H k AKOTACTBJIKUS of nil Bods of BRASS WORK, W- j M'COUOTIVE, STEAM EHQISISirWIHDERS, *O. Al to, .Ootton Baaing Jlsnufrctnicw. . Soaodtyon UrteeeMlwrt, AllflJWßjiCto. ■ • .. . : ,i '• Sfllcosnj) Star,' No-lSMarket street, rUtsburgli. ORB 'BRASS Atol COPPER’ to ken In exchange. for mrs, orcssh tali Orders loft at the . Foundry or twice, promptly-attended . ~ -•< : Tct>9»«y~- "i r T.XO\?ilYi . ; l (Mvfr.pf and }Vood Srtdi, Opiwopiitfifrt.vHotnmeeftoniißflhFlxoet. Httsborgli* T»Eai , U» .the pabHortMi he h*s Jtt comment** the JIEAL ESTATE AGENCY, In count*- tfoh r with Intelllgwrce end General Collecting. lie will elro attend to'rooting:' Persons la want or servant* \ a *°7 •ea&dtj’jcr those la want of place* will be supplied at short tootlce. All business entrtuied- to his. wo,- promptl/at- J.Elsbam, &4, Rfchanl GJiraw BA-.W -- Leslie, ’Br. AlfX.-JBsck, James Mechmol, A- A. Jkjcn, iiifintAOM. 1 - clrgo’* Daffocrreotrpo .and Art G^loryi liAh 'Vutidteg, -V0.>70 JFb atih itra1 } {tnxt to-Ejnzfi T * Carpet Estponita*) * , L-*' M. CAIUHV * CO, bavtog Cited w the mort ffrf «Dple rooms la the city "itb ® a®®**,*****® ■ ivt ■ eMo-Tisbt% cffur f tfsv Oils UHB*niJSSSB>• te * style to aulLiilL rarjing ia jtrieo accormos to »od quality ftf «». ** t2,BapoTinr OH i/i*nlnUngg. br ihe b«rt artiste, fbr £ala, tad oaex • toilJitioß-durtns tbv tiay «sd ovcttloj. and-Ftrau* iicra W luVUwl toiall ftnil txatnico *|*elmo&a «d y lor< 1 J- padder "icu Ford. MAOTPACTURm AND DfiALEttSJS ANCHBSTJSamNBttAtPAIN*, t aiiccum, ctrr rx. .• i. - Vr Kcw Volt*, Deoetabcr 16»IS51. \ ' I bar* analysed * cample of MAKCUtSICR, MIHEHAI< PJ>ES*T, tor * tftruv and And H ta.eontoJn, iiyi Joi* • • '• :■■•• ■ '• " 1 | ftifra,-■.*«»..... " rAlatnina,..,.. i".' j perOxHeof iron,;... ] Ltar,.,. • : Magnesia........ ~*... f OxWo of UimK&ac«s t ..^....v..;vw. } Water ansi t . M .. , 6,24 . .. * IMI C3 . 100,00 teVPoiMSpfiJ SifcipJiV cfihtaiart - p*o l>o*t which I«> : Mfo tu the oao you .tftrfilml also to h»to anslyiwui I aha -to differ from any atetageof the lutnjvi-yotnloitd* uu Dlls* tditoselher: TblfbctyieldJtfJtftUow#: „ ftrOxUa of Iron,-., - * *g»K ftHra A tamhmji; —i..— •«*»**~“*"— ® Magnesia,.. - - - 17ftlKT jUUI -y 100,10 • ffbfe difference l presume wises from the mineral not be? lajf uoiform-emepoiiwu? containing mere Iren than otfc e«r Xbe ausJysls ahnwa thoorticli to be well suited ftrft durable naint I find that by calcining the wrederby* pxtttyhteh he&t, the color Is moch improred, or at least lu«,» a oHnjaßr> m, p, court. ta,Por&leby JOKI, MOUtKB, 241 libfrtjrwreet gwl6.ly , JOitPh UrPUCOTr,. 0. ÜBS r LIPPIHCOTT 6 BABB, f VUT* J. 6. BTXICSIZ» *« TIIrANtJPACTUJIfiIW OP TUCKS IX FIRE HlOO? fiAPEJ iVL Second Street, between: Wood, and ftmithfald—On TdSiw afternoon, July 5£,1843, the undersigned were Icdupon hr Jlesjja. Uppepcrn & Barr, to witness an honest «& Oir pdc oMheit St'w&x Safes*: The furnace be in# iifimAftAtha Sa& trasf lead lnaida;tbcroof with Books, tabers and some money; ‘Wbfct: ttodoor.of the Safe woselo* ialand.tbeCw Wndlfd at a qoarter pwtSo’dock.andla a sbprt time the Safe wits red hot, and continued till Laifpast 0 tfclnok* being aboutfour and;» half hounywfcm the cook mittte exprosßcd thelr aatis&etton tyst. time occupied wilh such heat was sufficient . the furnace yns then pulled down- Hafocoolod, •'and dnar.opeuod—Uio books,, papera and.! facncyiiafii; Tbohcai wasso RinatMtomoltctf Imbrass, m 2 un tings. Wo Uicrcfare taka pleasure in roctuacjcndlngH these' to the public, a* bdag.in our Judgment, entirely. i £Kmof JARVIB A TRABUK, - ■ ■ NOCKARAW6ON, . • • . • 1 J .. . CORNWALL A BROTHER, I I i BRANNON A THATCHER, ! ! BENEDICT A CARTER, ISAAC CRQMTE, i ata engoited Intbe-fouadry buslacss, l and'know eome. thtraebout fornacCT and beat I witnessed the burning of tbfraW Baft, And am i frpoly.. say.. thaw. no Rtunbus it'und ■with.' Pleasure recommcnd them.to the public SSxdng,W joy *«®pf -JWKL_ KAYE., Ifi-cuHctt-upoit-tbeabore-gCntlemen for their signatures, thW all sPoke in the highest terns of of the tdt and their full estofidetoe orthe.SaTe’s Wng entirely, AH* twoofc '' Wd hare constantly ©a hind and (br *-ale a fuH Slffiitof BELT, A ThURT^ i Tun; Trout. Ehad' andjAke. for ll fiST HENRY H- COIAINS. , iUa«ol«tton» cohtlnood bj 4. umUIAMS, at ttrlr format itU>, No, 12!^V’osoatraat,who 1* also duly aothoriiod toMttljupthe 'tirtefapftri of tllO flna* ' - Dr lllullAMb} , . i,m jonsram,jr . IcßMhwttrbtf-ftoa the Waindss,! taka pUaaure In ro ; icoEmantUns to tbo.irtewK aadpotrons of tfwlato ftrm,. Mj.. TOUUKB, aS ft gcntlataoh well qitaUflea to dlstibuga wjth f CUoudoU«r»ariri 1®“ rtIHE nubscritan are bow opening tt thounow Wutroom i NQ.aOO.KBST BIBEIST, between Woodnnd Smith*. ■dSa* tltfnblgeSt'ftMOifttnent'.of Cil A NT)ELI Eftii, .KIACK MBTJSUX> AMTS, oSU Oil wtlrlMconnocteil witowrituosc,; enr offered la market flaring usttfconwntgjua* M whldfthov will stt coaatanuy.la recelpt.or now patterns aa4ii»Jo«r»,thEy conMoattt Inrlte toe atumtloo bfnur dtiasorii to fhiir ■■ (election. »« Oro ilftonnlncd to Bell u ■jtirii tar liou»! lutlie. Wert, (ffldbolog iProctlMl fl 8» Fit-. 'toEa.oanoirer'porttllstwJl’imtogestattio^i. desiring articles lt WqcottUn«oiis bcretoSreioCtnp buiKtyigeof every do-; ecripuon tor gas. water and eteom. ’ Culfpß. of all Minds mge to tn°r22y 'So. 1081’lret street r HEW CARPET STOBEI . Ho. 47 BUOt. Street, near Wood.- • W 'Unrivafial autrrimalt ‘ i • .:/ Super.cutt , , SSS“iX Adllrtt. >«», and Bhonakln Btoand EIW Drofflote, Otoou Balte, Pmbo and Table Window Bbadw, Stair Koda.de. 4. «ttht wry It wai ooA jmw». k f .5252 r caSKorrS tow * «- sass^&sgS •5? (KW &«£!»«* Pot#; Pawn t * Bswoi tduSbach A Bona,■ PhnaaoltWar-ona oT.MT wj-mininoflti, and hate been usedtathUtad overrides for 10 . - Musical instbijHents of all kinds. - 1 of Pnmclii-Sjmnlßli tad German, TtakSltalian,Freni*madEnglWjmate. ■ US»rf«m»~Fr>n> to best Parle manolccttiy. . ‘tT HO-.in'Ttta. Clarionets, PronusPifee, Banjos, Tnmno:. mmnted 1 5gWiPf®*« repairedlrltit dtca tflUftseataeasSjaggapnan. _ ," xeassi • Vm.iT -- TSS3 a. timus * ' , tieeeah ft co„ basjkers amuixciunod beakers, : feb2SJ?} ■', .yo. 8i Wait tjtTUt. axd Siaiwmd Miry i , ..n’COHBOK, bboxkeb 6 CO., . • n as;»s«;«s»* ifaeaaga'sa JOHN WOODS, . BAN&XB AKD EXCiIAhOKJJBGIffI*. , . TtEALBII in Gold,Silver antl.Danfc hotes. Current aai tm&alto, Fourth Street, odo door.Ettt.nf Market,JJtt* burgh* !>* . Lr^.vL. .•Dpwv-rScami Gri4ra4 &Zesr • _ KXCff'ANOK AND BANHINU UOUSG OF tffTTXTAM A* KILL & CO,, . - - ot pmswaon. - .- tfW.T w tcrcgtflllo'eed ou time dopositF. : * ■■•• (ftpg*3 - • : ' ■ 1953,- ’ - ' EXCn ANOB AND BANKING .HOtTSE OF A. WXLKISS & CO., /.•: Jif i . Opposite the Bank of PittstraTfcli, jans Bjmwjitan. G.‘ B. ABHOLD 6 COS'" BANKJSBS' ANDJSXCHANGEBILQKEBB* - - Banknotes,; Sfeht and ■JL#Oa»'Dran4' , Ae. , - , OoUeetten*-ottcfuU3C flttfflulcd.ro, and proceeds remitted to any part of ttja C010n.... ; . .•;Btoeka bcngbt emd sold on eommissum. ■ •. •*•*' "tSfcNo.74 Starts ft.;nextdoor toßaak ofPittstfg.fo!3 ‘ KTT.T. 6 CO* BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,' r (y?BTreff QgTTOOAJtD JIKTS BTftt'Pfl. ■ SIOHT EXCHANGEon the Eastern (Sliceconstantly fcr sale, Timo Bills oj Escbange.and hotodteOTmtod.— Gold, Silver and Bank, botes, bonght- andiold, made to all Urn principal dtlea of the: United: De porilsrecrivcd c/Par and Current Funds. tnariHly atLKd X&AVrili' ' XDff ASh SAltor’ ■ _ViiJ?.r.SCI CHAUlE keahee a babu, rrmo BANKERS AND EXCHANGE llltOKpS, • BUY AND BULL Gold, Edver.and Gault hotesjnegoMata Xorita'oii Ileal Estate or gwch Socuritieip purchase Praulssary Notes and Time Bflla, on last and West. hay and eellStocka on Commission. >W nv i (Mlretlona made on all points to tbognlon. toyt . “ A. WIIKXHB & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, KotrtTOSaTO si, pinHiraaii;.-orrosir* mss or wiiocaon.- riIHE SUBSCRIBER, undernoirandmoiaaviiraUteanspl:. X cev»Uloontim» the Banning burtuKS cndShxUDro :CWin the bouso formerly occupied by - Means Primer, dhSa A COi and mam recently te the 11 JslKirgbddfc Jn- ; snranee Company, rrtaoreba wfll he plrasod tocm huold (riends and enstometa. fij3] A. WILKINS. H. HOUIE3 & SOHS, BANKERS "ASH' EXCHANGE BROKERS, . B*Tt BESOtEO TUnil ■ BASXmG ASP XXCHSAOn OIVIC* M r '°- ■ CT HABSTT ST&ZX*. 700 a POOP-S mow OTJ> filiSD. . N-UOUIES A EONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, . god Dealers In Notea, Prana, Acceptances, Gold, En ter and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and wc^cm I todl the.cities throughoutthotolled stales. Deposits reedted In par Binds or current-paper,-No. 07 Market street, between Third and fourth sts. Qafitkly, ■ u.tnM. airacsr, EOOH b BAKGEBT, BA.NKF.H3 ASP EXCHANGE BROKEBS, . a. a coasts t* woo& * nxw era., jwsuniiia, ra. •, ; TVSALERS In Coin,-Bank fcota*, lime lUIU, Foreign owi JL/ Pom ratio Exchange, CcrtlBcan»or Bmafflt, Ac. ... - Exchange on ail lbs principal cities of tha Unicn and Eu*., tOpe,fi>rsaleineums.tocnit.nuKbe«r>i.., ... • Current and par foods teccircd on deporit. ,: Collections made on all parts of. the Union, at ths lowest rates. feeplLlr ...... Removal,' ,-. • - TATBICKB A 3?B1EK», HANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Bin Er-Jio.wi thdr Ofxtlnlht Omitr tfPtfiharji WoodiU. ■ ■■■ mTtjstEoa, pa. TiATRICKB * FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, JT and Dealers in Notes,'Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, fclircr 'endßank Notes; Exchanges on the Eastern and western Clllwcoritaotlyferialo-' <■ • ;■ CoUecttoo*omiJoinall the.ritfft*.throughout ■gtotw. ltfiosSts recclteil In par fund* or current paper, ot the comet of Fifth and [feb3 TT" r ■ Diosotatlon* rrnE FIRM OP A. in I,KINS A CO, hes this deybem 1 dlssolrcdbr mutual consent. Tho business will be cite sft by T 1 juipson Bell. JOILN^fcGHET,' - THOMPSON' BELLp.i Tnonnox ttu, »“sss» ! visx ,!j * *- Cl^s3 i tr ‘ THOHPSOH BELL * CO;, BASKEBS ASP EXCHANGE BROKERS, • - (urs or a. TOkcra t oo„) . : WILL continue the Krebangu aud-Banklng busines*at 4 ) tho old stand, corner Third and Market mo {jy2 j „„ .... .... «,2I alio anuses... er. c. CvS'Nrn-T. Brotm’s Botel, : i Cbrcerof SmWi&dd and TAinf StrtfU, PiUtberah, /Inna. ' BBOtTN i CONNEU.V, Pnonurrons. .63* Good stabling attached la tha Honse. B,OO ' Owiton'i Kxeba&gc, -kTO, 17 bt. CLAIR STREET,—This house hae been t*- itj ten by the nndcmtaiDd, fined up in style, furnished with the befit of EIQDOBS, and ererr thsng tho season can afford- An exadlcnt DUNCE ercry day, to which attention is particularly caliwh tjanlsl /AMES OWSTON. rBASKUITBOVSEi Cleveland, Ohio. C PATRICK A 60S, PaOMUXTOXi—Tins Honso bai un , dergone thorough andaxtenshe repaint alteaEons,- knd largo addiilona of new fhmitaro, otn, and. the proprie tors pledge thcmselrcs that nothing shall be wanting on ! thdr part to render tha huxus a pises when all tha eom [ Ibrta of a first class hotel can be tiund. i- . Jyldf , C. PATRICK A SON. JOHN SOS no Cleveland,: OMo. THIS NEW HOTKLvIII bo own for the reception of rid ton on the 13th of Jnno. Ita location Is contrail being opposite tbo American, and betiroen the Wediel and ttanfc Un- It «holl bo perfect in onay deportment. - . ..... .... • i. It. BUItBRCO, 'wellbnormea“John, of theFrnnldihJT ■ -Bt« Cbarles» Hotel, Cbrrur of TTM and Third streets, Pittsburgh, tetrts.. ; W&LXAH & CAMPBELL, PAomcsoa.: . | Eg fine eatablMittent having eomainto the hands of a i *W Proprietor, offers great Inducement* to the travel*. ] mrnnnlty, ami also to regular boaixlem Every. deU* earr and luaury will be provided in Its season, and no palna. ; will be spared to moke tola Hotel a comfortable no» to aU who may gelt there. [ayl3;lfj .W« ’B> OAMPBEU, Prop’r. - ji-■ ' • :r iVaverly Hoosti •• • Piaaond Wood streak Pittsburgh, &nn*a>v - v WJLUAM G. GALLAGHER, FRomnoJU This Fashionable and popular yV'-v a\r> RESTAURANT has recently been \s3\ fowl l flttodup to aetyle of elegance un- / •*—»s.v. ..i , surpassed by any similar eftab* lUhment (n the City, and tbe.proprtetor Is prepared to fur* nbh his friends and the public generally with every srtidd i usually foundat such places. : “ .L_* - All of the delicacies of the season, In the way of GAMS, FISH, BQUPB, Ac., will be remd up to the best manner, i * TheßA.lt is supplied with LIQUORS of th 6 finest brands, i and the Fancy. Dnnkß. somuch invogae/durtogtbswanu | season, such os Pino Apple Cobblers, Mint Juleps,.Punches, and Smashes, will bo served up la & way lb:.. s irill please the taste of all. -•••.•' • LUNCH Is sereed up every morning, at. 11 o to which the special attention of customers is solicited, [mylQ OLD JEWELRY.— Hood, SI Market street, has this day ; AjT received a lotof fine Gold J e*elry, coiwift Ing of-Breas t Pins. Fob Buckles, new patterns Seals, Ac. All of which.: will be sold at the lowest Now YoTkprfces, for cashv Giro ■ hlmacalb’ ■. • '••••• v -I°lB LADUR’ : GAITERS, Boots, Jenny Unde, ThUlon :T«s, Baskins, and Slippers, of all qualities.. Also,Ul£fit3 and Children** Gaiters, Boots and JcnnyLlnda. Ploaso call andeiemlne. - ' • • •L. E.-'HAYWARDi - . l .l :> : coTOorot- Markflt and Liberty streets. . st« oialr Jiaser Beer .Bruwery.:. : ■frui 15 uudcrHgnod.rospectfaUy informs,the.pubUo that ho • i u now fully prepared toeerre private famUlos and the public generally, with h!s- celebrated :LAGEK BEER, In bottles* :Al| orders left at Ws Office, NO. S 3 BIAMOND ALLEY, (near Wood street,) wHlbe punctually attondodtot and Die Boer delivered to any part of iho city or vicinity, JeSSdf * ' :■ Y, G* SCHBNCK;•- fll|£& MAGAZINES FOR JULY.—Just received and for I ealdby H Jlisia&Co.,No. 32 Smithfleld street: ••• • ; Harpct , a3lflSorlnafbr July.-.:l*rtceSGcenta.; - - -*lu »■• ».dU-.:dO. ...v Godey’s Lady’s Book . do. do do. . GrahunYMagozino • dO' do do. < Peterson's Magazine* • ■ do • do • ,do. - EabsctipUonj received for and by se29‘ :; ' • No. SSBiolthflcld street. JOSEPH -HOGBIDGB»;V»«» /..v....;.mJ&ASOIS MOPAUL, IIOOEXSGS 6 HoFAtTL; • < (LATE TWTCHELL 4 UOQIU2MB,) -' Corner of Commercial and Pino Sts.. . /CONSIGNMENTS aßdCommlseions will moetwlthprompt and peraonsT attention, and liberal acft'oflcer will n* gv*& whoa required* on Consignments or Bills of Lading; 1 -Orders for the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp end other Produofywill be promptly tilled at the lowest market prices. ■ ; Tha Eeeelvlng. and Forwarding of Merohandlso anq> Pro dace trill meet with especial earn: and dispatch; the lowest j&tos nf Freight will always be procured, and flieespenso of Storage and ©ravage as moch as possible ATClded; - nmaercss: j. 4E. Welch, St. Louis; EHJaft-Mortou, : Cincinnati; PegeAßacon, 0$ Strader 4-Gorman, dot CbarlessjUrawACo., do; Hosee ft Fmer, • - do; Chouteau ft;Valle, v do; do; -Doan. King ft Co~; ■■ do.;- B.O..Goopdman ft Co,, do; JlWlflutlrr 4 Bro.,ritabb; E. 4 0. Varnall SCo.,FhU*d»; IK Leech 4 00., do; Morgan, J.M. Buck AMorssrr: Wifi. Ilolmes 4 004 do; B.B.ComKTS, do; Blotr * Mulch, Bair York. BMoldsfciJUler,, :V,\ /n;ddj! ftost 4 Forrest,do; JodahleoA Co., : rßaltimore, i (jtarleaA.Melgs, do; AbrahamJ. Cole, do; tAtO.SßnreU&CoiUostoni Wiß.E»ynoldßf LcuisrUle; Howard, Bon 4 00, do; &.». Hejjcomb 4 Bro,-:, do; ■TjCUTwlehoU 4 qo,Commlmlott Mercbants, Barr Ojican*. wtkiWe b aYe an open Policy of Insurance, which wDleorer allempmentato onr address, wbctf advised .by, letler psr tnniii nr when endorsed on tills at lading beforq. ot at the ’ 'Mbiaaf shhanent. - IKXIRIDGE 4 McFAUL. - Jaas>-JM27— E)t2o Bt,Loals,ffl«onrl.' - . t ** » „ ■l^ HOTELS, &c. IINE APPLES! PINE APPLES!—Just received and • for Dale by ’ ■ JOSIIU A RHODES*A 00., ' |e2D \ ; SO Wood-Street., SUNDRIES— 100bore* itosln Soon; • 100 do B'by.lDGlaasti -• . * . i .. * * 100. do-.. oby 12and 10 by 12; . . . GO bus. Dried Apples* 100 reams WrapplngPaper; - 00 dozen Bed Cords; • > ' • 25boxes Cheese; r . 00-bales Batting, 20 dozen largo Tabs; r ' 10 do#-*- ■'.•. 10 boxes Star Candles. -For. sale by . ; 0 29 A* HUNTER. ST. JiOViti* MISSOURI. COMMISSION AND FORWARPINQ HOUSE, . _,. W- . *"j *•' A * , DAVID COOPEB, eOJIIIILSION UKItOEAHT, tor tho 6414 cT HiiH, FE» YIBIOJiS, Ac, & 9.JW I)%ajK», WXUADEt i'HLi. J&r Agent Express lino Boston Packets.., anaaiy*. ~ JONi PATTEBSOa, T ]iTi>nTiTf:TL AND ' DilAlfElt. Jiff ' LIQUORS, i TJZA& dGi No* 35 Nosia SiCo?» PHELA* jury tit a Mgr^y*. " '! '• s' • ■ •;■ IMPORTER AND DEALER lit i?2LA2VZME& HTO 84 Sown Eeojtt «B*»,*«B»COCSAATa» W. H. ITOOPTTASJ>...;« BJJJPtf tiOkSSt. •. Bagaleyf lVoodmd fe Co*j > • -r. WHOLESALE GROOEBS—Mow 221: Market rtrwt, Rm» dclphlo. " - o*oo DKTIiil S< I. AUDIO. - tfrHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in COTTON-LAPS. ' W WADDING, lamp Wick, Corded Wool, ana Twine, vfii’iv 38 £icrUk Second {tftd, PHILADELPHIA* an2T:ly« . .-.■ .■■ ■••■■ •• ■ •■ ■■■-■■■ j: T- Dcxratfo.....*.—n. a. agnyflifla > 0HOBRR« BtIHTXSG .£b CO*, /COMMISSION MERCHANTS,'andDealerrCn PureOILS, of orery discjiptlcn, .CANDLKJVWHALEBQNEj.Ac* Jfo. l&&7idh Whdnts, (between Market andChesnutstO PHILADELPHIA. aiigpJy* 7T GEORGE!*- JAIIIES-O£:MEQSr"O.',-'.' TiriNß AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS. No. 117. Noam W Scow© PHILADELPHIA, hate constantly on Land, Frencli Brandies, Holland Giu, and- a general-as* Bortoent of FOREIGN WINES. Also, all kinds or AmetV conBplrlto, &e.: r-, t- : ., : » . •«. v ...;•• .? <■.•■ *>o27flltTl ISAAQ K. - ..JACOB BABU*f. i BTAVFFEK 6 QJIRL&Yf '< ' (BCCCESSOB3 TO O. COSIUD,) r V‘» .* *IT|TATCHMAK£E3, JEWELEES,. and IMPOETEEB 0/ : W WATCHES, Hoi- 90 Korih Second tired, comar of Quarry. PHILADELPHIA. Far sole, an assortment of Gold and Eilrer Patent Lover, Lapina runt Plain TVaUxhes, Yine tioti Jewelry end Silver TV oro. .i ' Repairing promptly attended-to.' David 8. Brovrn a, Co., . ■ ' ■ A'cr- 38 and 40 SrjiV rm-.itin#,ehdaddfhia.-i , BKUJMQ iAOENIS, T7OIL AUrjUOAM, 'WOOEE!r GOODS r from many -of the most approved manofhrtoriM in tfca M PlvKtB—Jrtm ihe-MeitimMk,-Amralran,: Iteasn A Co- f s* Washington, and Manchester Works. • COTTOSS—ftom tb© Conestoga' Mills, Lancaster,- Harris* Vargt Wale bam* Hadley Falla, Now Market, and many others. •' WOOLENS—Item ficagraves, Sex tom?, Broad Brook; and many other superior Cassimorw, Satinet? j Jnan,\Broadasa Beaver Cloths, Flannels, Blankets, Embroidered and Plain Shawls, Ac., Ac. . - L Barbdv’ft •*' •' • •! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOCK ESTABUSHMENT, . i Sattlh Eut tbmer qf Beconi and Chatnat *UecUj’ ■■ - TTniERE may bo found, oneofthe largest and best is- Yy Bortinotfts of docks .and Tima :fbneain'thhßnUadl States,Jn quantities to suit purchasers,, of from a single] Clock to one thousand' Clocks; embracing ereryvariety of < •«tyle and manufacture, suitable; for Churches* Halls, tonn*i -ting Hooses, Parlors, Sleeping. Apartments ami Kitchens, fl^amapdO^* l B«\t* am* RftQlOfld Cbro. -r....: ' Also, general raio Agentfbr'Rapp’s lately, patented Seta*, ti&c Niche Gold Pen, Wholesale and Retail; Cold and Eiltqr . pen Holders and Pencils, and a variety of Faney-Goodst u‘ •: Those wishing to purchase will find it to (heir Interest do raft,before purchasthjj-elsewhere* JAMES BABRER,' >■■ ‘ 4u2fcy c 8, E-comgr Cheftnatand Secondsta, Philo., , CARPET HALL TRVr ANCPACTVMNO .-ASSOCIATION > I commended as - .... • : ■ Ooisd Ccrpetingi for a Loh Ptict. ’ I , : * DAILY A BROtHER,. : ' ; I Imported and Manufacturer* of *■• >; I decl&ly .... No.2s2Chetnutstreet,'Philadelphia* s'\ BK, . ÜBSTHOSMUIM. BN AM ELBE D JMJ_BKITURE,. GKO; 3. COUBTBfiY, (late Warwick * CaJ , Wo. 4 and 6 South Seventh, street, between Market and Cfuenut, PB.IItADELPB&S, . EESPECTFUUjY luTlttatho. attention of thosa'about , famishing Cottages, Couattjr.ficats JUtea, jte- to Wa eHosto and appropriate designs of fOKMIUSL ftir tbo game.'-' BulWftr‘'CgiXßßtt Jfumltare, consisting-of fuHrtjvft/i,Dressing Bureau, Woshatand, Toilet Table % and! toxx Cane Scat Chain, as low as ft«nQfc£ue' ,• - - ISaaons In tho country sending the amount of moncy .ths? , i irlih U> ray for Watches or Jewclrr, will hare, Immediately i upon the receipt cf the money,® Wetchor Watches, pcany t articlo of Jewelry ordered, forwarded by mail, with perfect [ safety, t« any part of tho United fctates, ort^hJtoniia.-- -• I Alwayaba hand an Immense stock of G(3d Chains, Bfttst-; plna, linger Kings, hat Rings, Ao. • Collfonna GoldDooghl or made np to order. t: * . I • Please call, or address iKWlft L&OMUS, VT ••••■:;• No, 106Chesiutrtrcct, Philadelphia, OppositetheVranUlnHouse. - AllVlhdsof Watchoa and Jewelry repaired la tbe^bert | manner,andwarranted. • dcclisy ' - WORLD'S FAIIto-f: v >s THE tort and only PKIfcK, SDSDAL for Ear* .. -.jiefia at the World's Pair,- award- JaZa. ' J< ° LACEX $ PHILUPa, I Of l‘lvU»4oiphla—entioncr they won or cr the competition xf the wholdWoTlU; • Messrs, ln'i-P. have now end keep constantly on head, at their ■csttbUshfltcnt, 1% 14 and Id. South -Sifth-aircet, jth* largest Btocjt of RKAEY'-SUtfS HARNESS, SADDLES,' £&,' of any fcouse'lh the TJnitai states, atgreatlyreducai prtcesi They are now xaaaaJacturing their ilamcsa. and .Saddles, withstich perfect system that they are-enabled to ieHwfO jKjrtoriutirlebfevwjthloglnthetriineaialea price, than •any other house lathe country. - •;• • •«•' i . They noTer use but the very best quality of leather*-ana l the best materiel of every description, and no wins or ex* [ pense is spared to roach perfection in evexy T arucue—Buffalo Robes, Gloves and Whips.* • 'V' I They invite -purchasers.to examine their-stock -and their, establishment before making purchases. • They invite attest UoatojthefoUovnnglistof price4ru:-> . v Uowoßloohels, front. . • - I wntaStn Elnglo Hornes*, ; |l& to $2i,OQ. Fftucy>-• * •• -.'do <■ * -do- *. do f ,• j. s2Bjso.to;ssW)O: , r LACEY £ pmT.T.Tl’&'RsMleg onaTTaTnivaaie netaDtre lodged tosaxpau oil otharslbreleganeekllshttMa^andOGJa* foX si Tell u for real Tslae ond Tear. , . • .. ~ ‘i . 12, U and Id Sooth FIFTH street, between Hnr Set ohd 1 Chosoot, Philadelphia. [deeiaiy GEOEGEJ.HENKEL’B, CITf CABIMB-I WAREBO'D'B'B,'" a’O. IJ3’ CBESZNVTSTj' fedgp^m<-g»a>) , rmxiibßß, jar srjatjr spv&i®*-' Oonpridi:* Louis XXV.Xoula AT, KUaOwthantai Astijae, : With : bculptureCartingtwd Hodaraßtyl*, - ■ - • -, laEowwood; Walnut* Mnlxes»B73&ttoTwd and •&&3W-- . idiot Superior Qcoatfrudto iV AH flubbed In tlw best styhy to t lfaot&ieell&£ la j Quality. the Goods or &ay UstaolMi meat A T>bPU>YINQ nona but. experienced jwortoraj MJJ | i *JHi tieeAMng potitttdy tmrt | I tiwtftiii work cannot fell to gstg J »‘i“€SsSSS nominate? Own- 1 J t ’• ■ ,>* * A ,v: r; t _ > .r *»- 4 * *»♦ . *■ *■ ~ > * , '■ ■, .. -- , V, ; ■ 7**7r ' *x\ . *' • 1 ' / yS : h o <•£ -- ', » ' ;«r « - • -< : ■. - »* i wiidups. ipi iaiaiwii -. i.; }• -e '.v 1 *„ r t l' > „ s r 7-- - y.i h' -s* /t» f PHILAIffiLPniA. ! JSIOtJHT VEBSOS fIOCSK, Second sk above amcu, . , I - IUAB-NOtp &h j. % 5 ux>, 1-- j •-•jß*Tgrms/.Qaed)ollcrpenDsy- j I-’ 1 * ' Oj: | No. 280 Baltimore street, Baltimore, SEEP «lmy» on Inm4 a largo assortment of BEADS •waive CUOnn&G'Cf tbdx- 09 n .laannfrcture, vulct. theyirWofferto dealorspslowasany.cthct.fcouse., . .... and by almost any conveyance. • - < Wholesale and. retail. ■.•■». i CA3FIELD, DkDTELK l CO. •-» ’ v - .. - • 229 Baltimore street, cyrncr Chari efi*Tum> I*»STTTceBj Daltfmora. -v; ImHB peculiar imp»rementT.ln-tfae--ecßstniciso» cf this I Mattress is, that -all the dimsty and hiavy voode a |JVc3£*ttT&U entirely dispensed -tritb,acd its.place snpJ V'pliedby-a lighter and modi nacne dnmblo.' frame; - The I springs aw all connected'by harness leather hinges, eocare* 1 lyrtvetted*rendering:it imgossibte for-amnslo.-Aprgigto i &JJ down'or get £ratt)f place,iiiid making a Bod eo elastic 1 tb&tnnyparsni&ylnßdsederbantnpy rW» fitted to.tbe.vaateo/Uw riclc or asthmeUc,.9hoiDay re 4.tjuire a sluing postdrcr- It hasall the lnitirions soflntss of I: the hest/qflwyhcd* sdth ihe anil ftrility at hanfr • rlte ot the common hair mattress.- 5 - • | These Improved Spring Bede am invariably' made of-thr I beet materials, and lriUlast many years -without repairs. •> -j | persons having Hair Mattresses can have them altered in . |to Spring Beds. ~ f - ■ >.- | These. Beds axo.trejl'tdaphsifor.■ Hotels, bortha.of Ships, andfiosjatals. I todteariTeasscrtSacnto/highly ornamented, (in i enamel.) and plain finished. CAST IBON.FUB2fITCBBx.con* r ristinfif in part of Bedsteads,-Hat and Co at BaOSs; Cane and | Umbrella Stands, Centre, Bzsr and Side Tables vtth marble; ] tp]}s, Garden Chairs, Settees, etc. etc. . .. v . J-J ln'o&on,as i wmas the models node• 1 ; declOly..: . •; Pine apples r pike apples i-doo Pine Apples, jost j rec«iTed«sd/or,, ~W. ~E. SC2SIESIZ*. l rt 7 Slarket st T?OH2T A. OmiEN **00,137 Ihiristmt, beJa«.Exnittt field. Haney to lean In. large or fciaH quantities - oa i gt4d-aqd eHtjut pl&te,dluso&d3, watcher jesrelzr, - gans-and; pistols, musical Ins and valuable articles eforery. description. -Forfeited pledgeaadd tiatnrrllatelyeflgr being oot of date,- naleaa redeemed.;- Bargains cf gold and fdrer.. v&t&es, jewelry, alwaysoa hand. . -jeXS . « 1 Gtor Bauer «r and 2co Cream saloon* ”*4 ■ if. p.. gCSlLWXlLSß.respectfully lalbro their. • old r XA« " that they RrefcOTt prepared,, at tb&S&loco,fio. SaDlassoni alley, to ecm upjmrolCd the Tery best qn&Uty, at all hours cl the day and evening.- Thty erfwsy* keep .•oa , taddercry Had of C4ZIES and-OOjepiECTZONAR?, flesh jEd/erect., • Parties - cad £u&Q!e» will be sorted with ell articles they day order, tt the shortest &ati&UB&Mrtho East .-atufaetary taros., r > l is &T fanenber the plftftn, KQ. 22 DIAMOND ALL££, a Xaw fl&ors tooth of the Cteaosa, ♦ - -> ••'•• •■■■• «jeS;la- TrcMt»CLr , 3 odce i :E , 4tt3bursiranw«?v - THEjtaagalflceot new-steamship GOLHEh -AGF., tons burthen,' R.D. Porters ’C.’ 8. Command [ er,' Wl3i -posltiTElj bo :~dttpaiehci. to-the above ports ca i UONDATTAUGUST, 15TII, at 2.o’clocfc, precisely, irom hex ■ . : fiEßASHASltUSH^PropTieton.',. PayetWSptfoWMSyi'lBsS. ': '“' myStAndeSSlra THE fiONOHGAHELA • IB“OP£NED ; FOB ‘ SUE"- SEEECTION OP BUKIAI> LOTS," i and the Interment of the Dead. .The prwent entrance; is by Charlotte street, from Pennsylvania Avenue, through • (hit hfimilf" l Oakland IsH- mrt. btr A.’lriliinS,- Eaq. The .ground? extend so as to overlook the r hela sndTour ilile Buns, which they partially ,tecludfl..;Tbo general, character of the sur&eeis hlgbfdry and: rolling, ao to _ grerypcrtlon of :lt la dirmlligd and well drained ..-Thosnb" i soQ was exhibited by the -first, grave, when .opened, to bo i loam, shad had gravel ' 1 The whole lying on a toady cud i alatorock,below the ordinary deptb-of excavation.: [ - TheoubUo are invited to sustain this convenient and ad' I the^Mmabafl.of thejSapatod?-O*; Lots will be sold as low « the expenses .ettoudlnssacn Grodhda will-ellnwf«n' Adcquato'ftrnd. beinS'ptoigrf and \ irrevocably tecurcd. for. thclr-lmproTomcub • decoraac^, I pair and perpetual preservation, eo as to maho them In all, IM FSUXIh Wt, ‘ , - tTtLHilt HOLHE3, ' JO3IAH KE\O. ; u ' GfcOBGE , ;-• *T *C» ***** s * rf- I V * .one? LowOfflee< JAMES B.'.CaATT«v- -, < - : - . fixectttfTtt Cfemmittco^ ! ' r J-* , Wood &. Gram, - W l2u!ieJ,£K, tz ~ A - * C ~'~J XLWYOBb.. v '"' rccepiioa of cuiapaay*-Sef.Usaasr t!s IsL; _ 'JBcord,Two . r ; f p»>10 ■g»MM?A !.ANS CC w i U, W. - -- .. —U-P. J^7J£S. D: W. CASFSTiD a FOWIiBS, SHIBX iI.tSXTACXUIiI'.' A.NJJ -tiiAiiiiliiA’li OOl firrisu STOttJi, Jfs. MG2 (l_Ax TOtrrca : •tratJ.ii'AW VOiSSi. .s-eiwfes, E!iiru,.l»s:ia.i &ad CC3«.- lara> aide to crier, at.dortuo'dv'e. - : aaSiily* . „ Hiiv • ' ■ ■- ■ - Ut SEEHTCH JnLUIiESY ESXASU3EH2SIT,' ASO SULAVT h O.Y-YAT^HASUFAVJ, UXY, ■■:■ ■ ■ 66-i Broadway, Jfow Yorfet- . •'... First JiloCk£itrtt,'&-Unj3iiliten. HeUL MBS. WMI :; tbs public, Uiatfbe.iuu- rcetivM .iroia tbe,Wcild*a • - v that afce-has la storohndls receiving an «xtrasi¥e: assort- • 'laentof Paris* ;- •receiTed, ode hundred casesotdtt&d: Straw Blohdej Braids;Gim2S,£:C., ; -&d; -V--’-. : . A coastaot ; £dc«3^Q^6f-daraliee- firddi’ filtjoadi Xot : •“ .*-'. misscsj.boxftaad loi±nts,inU-berauiui in-great -vsiiatj/- *.!-? •and at loivprices/.as heretofore. •-...• i .•. .- !- .- .r , - ; rrUtd* Biragt&ps colSdta'tbi*' .of Men-hadfe^add' _- : atniiceral;: Pleaßejecoilect lie number, 6«-lJro3dffay» , Daev; > ‘ : ' doorbelow Princestreet.- .-'- -- V ~ v ~.•■• •" aprlaO'^-rv;/ Bradbttry’a'Pidno aadvHsloSeda'.'Warciooisd,' h‘m/:^S^.l-v-V:. - lata to tie tGdeprtheidsttcuscxit* - Ali iuy lastniaieals ars* ", r ‘ : try* are sold as t* jmrt&Uied Second K f - vX liand-'Kaoda,dJ'sJl^iict^r.i.r ' .. X L &IA. Arid-Jsc^ii23»—!Qi$ v Qrgnn,.2relodenii, tfilh.v :Bcnkx cf ’l&yij tfie-onlything of ‘uieldhd- in -fiicbocntry r .- ; - by.rOrgaaist? to be-snpo*'; / ... •riorformTmbe3or:Orgauan^tU?cto.tdgm^gsi-.£is^Ugvvi-n- : -; 'gaps/priee $310;:- Also/lho Cctamoa iilstj-les'JdV-::' .sad pries?.'' Being the •eialinuTc' Agent -for'"these-Inatra •:'' ~-V -meatfly orders ‘xxt 6oßdte«i~~_:i;h£ naniaf discount sigde totbfr • r-. j-- andiO perveedt .td^ol«rsyinbn-psirclisi*ng £or -the*r , T. :; T :d' *:' z. g: BiußiiuaT,. ’* . "f ‘ Sm 'rLSßirpadirsT,yerr Xoic, ’ • rMaaiUri: T<%z t i q-»Eit innlapul> . . ~X r -lio ftttgnilon. tg-.their- rblmwi ;Iron,fea. ona, cl. tba./; .gnssterf'-di^dTeritiS'.dridc-&sey‘ tsxL<& for 'Tviihb diswrery ' . 'tii^rtceiTCd-tssT.Uoßl> ; 2tEßiß'*at 'tddvtasi/lfsir/cf ;AmenfanlnsUtui^and ; .£lfßMLst:tna Fsir>of ■ Het?opoiitaniHcchsnics.;Xn£titua5 > ii!.*:d at in ‘, XFebrtniry'anclMaicb of tfciayear. . . ' - - > ; ‘and cd»per than-:Slsebla; ; liSj tepipsatdisbissrcf jiagdons;'v :; :•? - Btones anil H2trhlS3/ht. : ent varieties awf exact .ddd-'adrpasnngly: beadtlidl; Itjli' ; r :X-: •'be injayrdbytbe; scitoahf «idc©r.dili>: X T iZPZK : J ;.;r, ;r^^ t - ; this Ctuppaiiy fe' Ad.PJTyiLLI-AMS^theinYdii^-:-^; deparpncntrthat.o/ JOHKMtCSTON, to irhoja. all ccasno- . nie&tlon? diay tedddressedr at ■tKc ; teicdual WareroomajL-- >• Xv.":' apni3mlS" V ;1 ; SlZ>r3£oM>n'*r; y£W'¥6J2Z - ' • 4' 00.\ - ..i : - .■••■•’: 4rXivSrda3'tvSy/Sew: ;, ff‘oi2s»:- ,r ‘ ■• ,'T^iTETO^T-Oltiiand;ftt Jra,.FORTE at:ih«-aljovo nczabecjAs ez*- ; .-' ihe'&si 7actur^arai v of \ jlgo»iv.: . cannot, to, surpassed, anymore, than, in bseuqr ■;- 1 richnessoftone." Sheseia&rume&tsaieluldiseejzixl 7 .'-' : :• ■ i-tlcies*' • 'ThoPxatip fortes of/VVy* CO-, ironithsir^wmiiajity : '-:; ;«Ki. ttuiipieteaess. :of>des&uctic*y peases’ &:reaitrkaEifl > ts t!isso sjperfc? iaiiruat;nur\nli : be ibuiiJ - ' :. Ing their Quality, they haTa tiseir uratenaily aicured by- : •the oWesfcJPiaziUiS lit tida'ei^? ; «ni'waereTef tt&yiaTeheca' they haTe in every inslmga gl-gen TuTymarfrgd ■• , .«:. ■. ssitisfecUon.-, t y ■»_ r > -* -* t» - b‘H - J.*fc W3Ut*'£tt>6-Coy*-.v.-•. 1 llXßi&dvatf- '-nzr.- • pygUain-rs-;rr £ittTJ££i, s T _ "„. :> ,<&oq yu&>A&WAi\ \xwr .xquel -■-'■■ - - :TpHß.'4Jroptsi»tte TreiX kiiowo Jiotci, oa *:- • 4 .j;'''ti»Sdracr6f'-&oa4w^^s4 : •;•.<■: nmoTstcd- and partfrJly •jf j ? •-'-' grppa^tQTc^jfcacay,ellgg;coamppitg:\agg6a^otla^g2g-~>:'c - ui&n ccss IkwißSisrtenaj 9iiJ littfiefcts* ?Vi.v Y : > ;-•.. :P;flieHotTObeingfidaiittsiedca:'i|b^3^opfeaarySaairb4aTO^~--. r .':r:«~ SffHSOt>a gs3nan'Ja: ; -."- is c^tralWTrcgirfj-igri tizty^ycTte^S^' ' >. the Heir'. H&ren. llallgcsd': Depots .wlitta ina:porters ~of:-f; • -rl ■ Uosso artt;&hxa7B - ■-■■...-. ..limagers•'arsiejßsfiaiiirtr-Tcr ■cmrfta i th» thcir.fthech&aiJha liti r„fc3£gߣe edarejea {? i?£aa. .*»; i arer^ Jtew'Xorlc.)-.' --,iu ’■' I- ? .The;iHcaio-ia - furnished with -a‘ j fineVsnit xrt Parlors oi " ‘ fhs^Ewdafriiapretfmsfii^r'^’:;: I?-, * :. is the teayctiitxS cfiuTthe pdcc.’p&l'plavsa- ot i eTery :w&yttlepJatgj to please gegtl*gign tr&T* ' ' - . - -this mb £0 oecapi2kas.tQ.be. unsHs-fcj aine- &% set fcoms<‘- rv, 'Heik sdht to'rooms iriilioat extrabharge^\ r -V v : .' y* : ' r . ' ''• m* of •'••'-. " ~ ■ •tnSSdyy ... :■ FA‘F G-’- *-':---■'•■'• /iir>n i€ms: s&3&ol& - (fIianSSTOS HKRCH H-Ciig • Streep: He*.^- ; Xork, are SQLE AQEX33.taills -‘Muispratt’sSuperior BleachingPowder.V;: ”- : -V-.~’--V’..'.'. .'.. . . Victoria Wflls ; -': :; K J ' : - r :r \'^ • ~ J : ■ **:•;> : -r». .• t - :;.w. ‘. MUbffip: /-EawUni;& Esglish'lissaa • - r.-'-V; Hrat quality i’riarcaUlliraffiflritrS.'. v? V i 2-: Th«s; frpfrjdSQ- i Agents ftg.tfr? CriJilSpai ttrs m this counter* ansCcSSr;fox sala;, far.,thairacst es* •' -ffesttsole' :rci» TmataSaJs that'Can Wlaudd : ■ eonatrj^'-.-: y - v ~ .: .They occupy the - largo lfop ’ll J2iff CIIfT street,'No. Ifettlhrikoplier street* , and this lofts orer the large IronSfcfcegL- © €52? street "■ - ■ ■ mtit tojneafa a!waoldtyiho£s^o:ftyc , _.--.. . ; :_v.v^';r.u- -•■ i«: .'i-’ ygheir “enahla J thegr to^og^an/- 1 ' : "Goods, .both-: Foirtgaftid.Ptocjte," at*-the hW3t'tc£aiblr ;; '? Papdr aay'slxe liberal - * •ees mads :ca': nrrwgntrigiita r af : Papery Paper' and otfces merchandise.:• ‘--- ••-■ I Sh© jaisjiiestxsarket • jiico>gsl4 Jiti fill Bfts 3 ' : - niM^aasi:-, To.Bri3fg.lsl3 aaMereliants ihrongliaat tteTnioa*' i , 'So*-i^l-2loWcsi-I < ancV: ; Nßl.y: 'S'OSKf:-:-'v • ■ff>ESPECTFULLYAuYitsa tb'a/etstotiaa of'Dnisgisocntl 7 . - JLV -2ltfciiaat3 tbronshcraitlie Union" to Us larg* and es*'" ' ■• teariss Ascrtesit of of tha BEST and -■' •P PRUTT TThkh Jii;*Ser3 fot eale cn-*TK7'.;?’£• ■moderna terms, both, to . r - aretototgraieflsotardf-thrigidiDg&rticic3;:■ •■•• . * \- / tm;ii£2#s*fX B 5 to-600 fit *: £ : BLACK; PAINT* :T£UpW OCHBSr VJUi: JUU).-iS'o3: r: ' - : * 'PATENT DKmi, SPANISH.BROWN, TETsi PS SI« ■ ■ . -.ENN'AUzi bIL ‘V . ,XTiiBEBr rDXPSBIAI- ;: A>a):- AEaiiNlGAt‘ ■ - 5 ;- r j • ' PRUSSIA!* BLUE, CBROJIBTELLOW tod 'TEBBIOBIS, •• '■' " todittcar'- ' ■;*-. */ - visjasjrssortiiljiuiji-- ■,■-■.-!■ ••■•• • BAW ^lgiff^iyPamGX«ASa>^ . frantof above neaiianv *-> intitf^l&X^ealL'aa ; , AIL KISDS'--; ' ~- .■. .02 CASHSG3:£OBr BCIUJIMOs, SCCH -. - ’ trS'lEt S jsltmioo- ' ‘ - ' - 11 « ** : rpuEttKive.Company,hsTins-Jiijr'wpjiictod a aaff *Jf-jagft.estsaaK l'onsajy,.teg liSTito c&UjhSatteßliu*' /•:: .tl Architects,- iiulhltirs, a&st .iis&i’uTjHfj. geaesally, 10-taetT' ;CBala;..tlp.i^^A&d ; dsjta'iPr : ai2isis,li£fl.ae7erb«jneqaejj^I l 'diiiicaiicoi£sesctillKi^ Assist “ Priaat Ac.,^lias ;yf3& Unqualified is •:• Jhirfclas,.;.:• : [• ansitttabHshwT■ tlirir jHapnlft-rffeyiirUh-lfcr.piihllfc * "" fiwueof WBiSstla lia~ stain-'i*i'tfea4a.r&ttrfciija* &iid -their - caaapsg%.-> -tfcOj the-eiiTaßtssoicl ■'hehss pachcdi tlwcoaaisyv ,-r - v > : Titular .tlia £Sp€llXu€l239&&£. > . ,•_ '•ot Wtr^fiV^UKCiy^Kfi grwrintiisiaKrJthbtaTaioaUß d2> *': ■ joed pppUcktipa WjaetaLs &a-icthsr.-suhsißiieea. -.tr^ h with th* of.paiterCa _,/- mUtefurmaEed vhemledretU' »:>'--vv , ~ M ? ' : ' l 1 • : rJotlceto Gordeaera/ *' mHE anlecribet baa-Txaalted-rbla - snpplj - " cf -TUKiuP X Si2ls3>S--Tis; IAKe Pajple;Tcf?, Vellc? Atcnlces-s; - SttriisSu- A&V& fctf' tens cf Lemiis 5 - Fertilise ;. oaooftha.tieaLi2finurt3 .for kc-t saft.fijjplicatlon,at ' prices, • * GauSfcjtisjijjtoaunglmpleßwntsJia groat • • latest ins provßjnsatSj atl he Seed ana Isaplesscat jyareusßs^ '. - K 6.49 ii&U BtfCet* .. . je2j '- J J43H3 WOIBBQP._ .v*J r.*- \ l L ' » * T *\ * H' ,/J ' H * ’’ * r i-*, ' r > *■ * •; 1 , t Q? ■r s •* IV ■ V - ■ >*■•• . v. - \