The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 30, 1853, Image 2

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P- BOSTON, » Bh»t« stroet.
p;' . a-Fiss «» PBLmso um
»"■£*”"• —4 -
■ft'-‘- * Cgr TUe whig papers affect to thick that tho
!&V Ooatl Commissioners ?ta)uld ho held responsible
, ?is4^ F J^^fe^|ij? , *aS4i’o. > ' for tho eonsoraWe conduct of some subordinates
APw4'- JptW VilcfcS?V ij'ifhtft who have noted Ta a very myust manner towards
~ the workmen,upouthe publio works. It vs un
just to hold the Commissioners responsible for
£f' .A-A-AM- this misconduct. But we boGero that they owe
Hto their Q « a I lb3 ' ltlon ln BoClfet y> to base the
* matter fully inreatigatcd, and to insist that ex>
act justice must ho done to tbs’workingmen.
’ ' li^‘ rfAt-y'J Mr. Howuss “,wo will not lot this miit
v ter drop until it is probed to the very bottom of
h A££ the fraud. Be has commenced an investigation
4j’t>iv-'p§-A 5 t'pivp V a ijfh- of it, and tro arc certain that he will not ahan
!'. p |iS,Vy>A k don it until all is explained.
When the mercury in Fahreahcat’s tbermom
*! * • 'PpC’ij eter ranges in. tho neighhorhoad of 95°, all good
.folks who havetime and money they-can call
44^3. (< j' 5< P’f :| their own, feel disposed to hid farewell for a
fiectson to tnckajaad; mortor,; duet .and - smoke,
ledgers ami accaunts, and retire to somocool
"and quiet spot, where mmors of oppressive heat
r% ip'tpp * and people being roasted a«vo, WiU never renoh
them more 1. 'At shcU’a time the morchantdrops
4L-’,i bis yard stick and cats stiok to tho mountains,
3*l instead of cutting oaiioo, at 12} cents por yard
' •-%%- The lawyer flings aside his Coko, Blaokstone.nnd
Ghitty, and instead of filing pleas, he pleases
;? 5 4" ! 's^/App^4p4S ! ppp4|i { b rd M march off in file to thß nearest retreat, where
be can treat himself to something that is cool
- and exhileratingl The Doctor ■■ throws physio ,
to the dogs," and immediately “the dog star,
& vccy JSenus extent—of courae ke rues |
;u | to some wateqng place and there takes the
i-f-A Tx?-SJSs i !’I hydrophobia 1 Tho yonng miss, whose head is
full of novela ani nonsense > romance and rlng
lets, must also go to somofashionablo
’ A’-V... - A'A drinking brondy’and water, olid there waltx with
oU 1118 whiskered baboons who apt the foUies of
TEuropef _
Nearly everyfashionable « wateringplace m
i‘4f?4 , >c cj^v, ,$R '' foAp #)‘ 3 L"| the is a fashionable humbug. People
go there, not for*the bEQefit of tbolr healtb, but
dfe; r 'iji A go’O for fan and frolic. Sherry cohhlers, mint jolips,
y?<isif ' <md wretched brandy, are constantly patronized,
'while the mineral or medicinal waters are never
touched. The day is devoted to lounging find
' l ' < ’‘-’frV vr . sleeping, and the night to dancing, revelling and
'* J A card playing. This Is certainly iv bad character
s*t t 0 6' l?c * “ watering place,’ 1 especially a fathion-
able “watering place;” but it is-true, no'ver
theless, and any person who has ever visited one
,; i; '- : - of these resorts will make affidavit to the faith*
fulness of the' pictnre. IVe are decided friends
Of tho “ water cure,” bnt not the manner in
wbiohitis practiced at certain popular “sum
mer resorts,"
Speakingof the “Water Cure,”remindsnsthat
on esteemed friend of ours, tho other doy, ro
quested us to write on article, advocating the
establishment of o.“ Water Care Establishment,"
7t_ _ vicinity of Pittsburgh. Now, we do not
-e-St'., profess to havo the slightest knowledge of this
itj " method of curing but many intelligent |
men, whose opinions wo highly esteem, are worm ,
and decided advocates of the system. We do
know, however, that frequent bothing in cold
WBter not only keeps the person clean and com
fortable, but is .highly eonducivoto* health.—
l^r^l'v’fKA !Xua,(|' We practice it daily; in fact, wo can scarcely
s ja^lyhfei l j^3^^ : believe that our eyes are wide open after a good
|’4-[ night’s repose, until wo have plunged head fore*
most into a huge tab of water 1 i
t l Those who know say that a large Water Cure
% Estabbshment, in tho vicinity of Pittsburgh,
rl£s conducted in apropermanner.-aa a mere spec
„• ulation, would pay well. Sach is the history of
<., those establishments, in other places. We only,
' - o»U the attention «E our citizens to tho subject |
1s now, in order that thosß who feel disposed may |
iA>gfe^7,^^Xr\»4 ! X?c;tsii’t| l ! y hove anopportunity to consult together as to the
t propriety of having a Water Cure establishment
near Pittsburgh. • The gentleman who first called |
iJ&StPf'b onr attention to the subject, is a monied' man,
“fc by making n Bberarsubseription. "Weliove now_
An? l^t''4 fulfilled oorpromise in notioing the.matter in the
• as/ a * fc -r
~ Memoirs, Journal,and Correspondence of Thomas
‘*'s ,'NrA®vcac' i, ' s Moore. Edited by Lord John Bussell, 51. P.
, A edS^.i;- 1 -. VXjA v/r,i New York: D. Co. ~ -
44 I‘-'S? ,r < A! ?4iv The present edition of Moore's letters and me*
it moira lB oae ' of ' itolBBBl com F lBte worbs °* tto
kind ever published. Jn reading this work, ope
7> J f hi getsmn ineight into the character of tho man, as
->~CWwC4'tJ3J well as the poets in the daily record of Moore’s
S ■aV’f XX a ra^C 1 r life, there is much thatwittinterest and instruct.
5-’ iH' ' .;* 4 yM .The observations of the poet, on men and women,
r- ~' • ■ ’, * Slf ‘ are keen add out to the quick-more so, proba-
C, N “.p,‘ s¥r4h% ' bly, than if they bad been writtdni&r imtnedjate
Blio} Z%Sk7s_ 1 ' publication.! ’ Hie raiding critiolsmson artiste,
’’''■ ' l j‘7h‘' T~ ! ~ f lAtkfAi'.’/j ’ sculptors, and aotors, are-good, aud. well worth
‘ r - lAi - a oarefui ’ The book is nowhelngissued
' ln unol,e "' by Applet — & 0o -’ of New yort '
■■ pj,-' . ~4j-v 1:4- ‘' 4ri74' 1 The Chub's-Fibbt Histobv or Amebica.—
K J '<3^-4*“AaSX.SS This little worlrwiU no doubt prove a greataoi.
ti \' u ‘ lliary to th.a.sch'ool master. Ifgives ahistorioal
.> £ 1 account of the discovery and oolpnUatiounf thW
l^'iS^^ivlTleC'! country, dressed'in "language suitablo for the
i little ones. Also published, by Appleton & Co,
r£C'” r .Stiff* \ Pbibmatxcs: ByJtiohardHaywwde—lllustra-
trated byDarley, Elliott, Keneett, atjd
Ate i ’ Besseler. The volume, which bears the nbove
tv-V i ' " queer nafflo, jajriptcd in beautiful style—the
Sc%i .-f'A'. V’-/ p Ai:fAj&Xi te iUußtra'tioßd'are fine epecimens of the art of on
' graving, the contents we Oannotaay
' * much, as we 'have not had tune to. peruse tho
:;n- 4., I " book. Several papas,ifowever, Were con*
t * tributed to the KtAtkabothtr, which is a sufficient
’ ~ 1 ~ *»*> Moridngßcet.
*w^ssisSS*-- ■**
' 'te :'7 ~ iiu \ lteh4 i graphs from our part of, the county, but some
'i' ;- S 4 ,-'^Xl r 7 ff my neighbors and myself, this *etMterneon,
S' j Z"L . thought that we would drop you a few-lines,
iT-rf 'k£kte\- — ' - aneacating the followiag-gentlemen os proper
•> ■ tete; ite'Hi tt * i - pewons t« voted for at the ensuing election.
7 o The ticketisßot quite,full, bptweJikeihepets
V'V« 's4N<4r,*xfi - bom we hasenamed, and, as we say out here in
>,' V'Nr ; £ : ' ihehnrvßst time, “let her Tip.”
: -5 • - ’iA'4; 4 AnAST 1 ' r Senate—4. K- McoUttEAn, . _
‘ X ’;rcf'* s V’-*-i ? 4,VA?c' s a r TreaßUMr—ions Bibotkohau.
■i C Vi-'’ i * 4't .Comntissioner— J* C. Davjm.’
r v >* ,*' - '. _ -r , '.'"4 f ' ; **.-, Avb'.- ’ 3 , ProßcoutingAttorney,— JqHsM.KiB.Kt'ATMqi?.
4.‘ $J?Z,y'& ?*• The bstoM of the ticket yon may make up
I' * OVf,.V»4, 4 ‘X. In any way that yog think proper. These are
V : SJT Yours, on o rainy afternoon
X ! From Upper St. Cl’ir. , „ .
*' X' 44;5vV‘V
' Inilt;
i- - ' -.THOMAS PHnjAPB
r LECST KAEPED. « - imim-
V Ht&pel & Phillips, Eiitotß & Propnatora,
Jfj P&Gaddpftia County ~
<vf Zfijjhtl CC{Oilj. -
-• ■ - V : ut.’iijJ X'i;
The Baltic arrivfcd on Sindp;? >
pool doteß of the 15th. .Herjnews 'is of a tnoro
pacifio character than that Brought by: the pre-
vious steamer: it ia also very.importont, from.
the fact- that it brings to light the views of tho
English and Frenoh Courts, in regard to the
stand taken by Bussia -os to ffurfccy. In the
English Parliament, in of Xiords
EarLnf in the Commons, lord
Joits Brsssi.L, have eaoh made declarations an
nouncing the position of the Government. The
statements were called out by an arliole which
appeared in the Paris Matnteur, the official or
gan of the French government, to the’effect that
tbo Frenoh and English fleets in the Mediterra
nean had been ordered, not only to proceed to
the mouth of the Dardanelles, hut that Admiral
-de la Susse and Admiral Dundas "had received
.. instructions to act with tegard to or
ders from the ambassadors -of thejr respective
countries at The Englisb mini-
stars stated that the Jiomteurwos.correctin its
essortiens.;’ an d that the two governments would
act in cotiiert, in their action up tothfr.difficulty:
between Turkey anißus'sia. She ministers' also
expressed the hope, that there would bo no re*
oouree to hostilities, Thijfirm stand, has
been taken by the two great western.powere.of
-Europe; has had the effect of ohanging the poll
cy of the Czar. Despatches have beon reoeived
in Paris, containing assnranoes of the Czar’s un
| willingness to do anythlug'to.disturij the peace
I of Europe, 1 and of his anxiety that the difference
between bint and tho forte shall bo settled with
out an appeal to arms. Tbe samo assurances
have been received by the English cabinet, bnt
to t,hose ; -who havewstcbed-RUssinn diplomacy,
daring late years, there cannot- otherwise than
■appear .to be something of tho «• possum,” (to
use an Americanism)-.:inithese- “ assurances.”—
To secure :■ to herself -a port on the Medltcrra
’hcatf;- Russia would hazard almost anything at
the present lime, except a war with England and
France. Tho revolutionary embers, ip .Hungary
and Italy do but slumber, and a prince, so sagftr
pious os Nicholas, Is well aware* of thfr conse
quences that would result from a general Euro
pean war.'
A splendid entertainment wasgivon Commodore
-Vanderbilt, ot'-Southomptonj by-.the authorities
of that city.’ The TOom was dcoorated with
English and American' flags. The customary :
loyal and national toasts were given from tho
chair, And drunk with all the honors; after
which the health of “the President of the United ;
States of America'! was drunk" with great.en
thusiasm, followed by the band ploying “Hail
Columbia,” the whole company standing, and
paying the same honois to the toast as they bad
previously done -to the. health of the Queen- ■
The next toast proposed by- Alderman Laishly,
was “Her Majesty’s Ministers and the States,
men - of England and America; may all- their de
liberations tend to pro mote the welfare of man
kind and tho civilization of the world.” Pre
vious to the conclusion of theproocedlngs Com
modore Vanderbilt invited tho whole compa-.
hy to- take a “trip” with him in. the North
Starts tho back of the Isle, of Wight and to
Spithcad, to view tho three decker Duke of Wel
lington sad the other English ships-of-war at
that anchpragc.: This marine excursion will be
attended by n large-party of ladles and gentle
men of the port, • and is to: comprise a Jijeuntr
on board this beautiful vessel -for the assembled
. Tbo President’s Ancestors* -
Some of the Eastern papers amuse thetnsolvca j
with looking op the pedigree of the President, |
adi ano of thorn Jms. discovered that the into
Governor Benjamin Pierce, of Hillsborough,!
father of Fhmklin Pierce, was of the stock-of
Benjamin, of Newbury, who died May 19, I<ll,
aged 42 years. In-thoold buryingground in
Byfield, which was a parish of Nawbnry, the
following inscription is found on a tomb stone
■ <• Here tys ye body of Benjamin Pierce, Esq.,
who died May ye 19th, 1811, aged 42 years and
three months. J
I:. ..: i. « solar rttfmaltflie Wist l
• i’ - EHfiir still , I
| At greater lhlnCT. -1
| ~ wall, ..|
I . /•••,'. p&ttemofyciture; .
L ixindtoall inwbe,- . <
I • . Xorcfl by friend*,
j • ? . • ' Vranlof htetmoaie.
| v; . TJnbaloedin tears,.
| •\T bnvf itrelfetood dumb;
I ,l . - ; Bnateitfront. .
I. . j Inti'mcflmost.troublesome,” ... -
| On anotlifir in tho.Bamo yaw 19 tuo
} following—to one of the some family:,
J “Herolies- interred what was mortal of yo
Honorable Daniel Pieroß, Esq, who, having
[faithfully’servedhis,generation ..both in church
I and military station, fell asleep, April yo -2d,
1704, oged 80. , ,
1- > “ ;«.Hor#ltM lntcm‘<lottol mdned,
r* • ■ whom fewer nono excelled;
1- In grace If any him cxceotl,
1 Holt ho unparalleled.” . „
I jV. T. Ectnmg Poll.
HealOL o* Rio Janeiro.
Bavaoes or inc Yeclow Fevib, &o.—lt ap
pears from a letter, from Bio, published in the
National Intelligencer, that since 1849 no Icbs
than ten members of the diplomatic corps .»» t“ at
city have died of yellow fever, and eight of those
have died since thp Ist of Jnnnary, 1802. Ed
ward Kent, Esq , the V. 8. Consnl, lost his son
in 1849, and his oldest daughter otf the 28th of
May last, both, from yellow fever. The Bnsslan
Minister; tdso;had-tbe fever,-hot reooyerod, and
on the 29th of May, when the letter was written,
the Prussian Minister was - recovering from an
attack of intermittent fever, whioh. almost nl
waysTuna into yellow fovor. ■ ■■ -The British Chargo
ad mfsrlm was also ’suffering from Intermittent
fever, and a large number of respectable foreign;
merchants and clerks, it Is said have died within
tho last four years from yellow fever, which is
very'fatal this year. The writer cautions
strangers about coming to Rio, says a wonder
ful change has taken place in the climate within
aTew y ears,- and that it is .perhaps the worst place .
,n the worid forony ono to visit who is at all lia
ble to oonsUmptioncty or other pulmonary com
plaints. The hnmbarof deaths dally from pul
monary affections almost rivals those carried off
by the fever. From one of the healthiest. It him,
he alleges, become One of the sickliest cities Ju
the world.
General Jeoluen'i lew OflUce.
It may not be generally know® among our die- .
tant readers that the offioe In wbioh General
Jackson read law in this, town ia.stillstanding.
It is a BmaU-ftameKoildingi andfleema-tohavo 1
been once painted red; bnt its. color at present
■ woold be bard to describe, .: The .band of time
invisible npon lti .We visitedlt a few days ago;;
it'stands upon tbO lot of Nathaniel Boyden,Eaq.j
'and in front of Ms elegant dwelling, A stranger.
would wonder that it was permitted to remain®
decaying and Unsightly strnotura in the midst
of "taste and elegance;, bat thero.oro associations
connected withit—belt said to the honor of the
proprietor—that preserve it from the rathlcss
hand of progress- Its former tenant, after a
career among tbO-most brilliant in.the onuals of
-history, 1 now moulders in the grave, leaving bo*
bind him a name as lasting, as-time, From this,
humble, Insignificant offioe he went forth, rising
step by Btep, 'CnoircUng'his brow with fresh
laurels, and extending, tbo.olrolp,of his fame at
every -advance, until he at last reached the
prondert height, the most honored, station in the
.world l * living, he was "his country’s prido; and
dead; bis memory.is_, in every heart,—
Salutary Harmkr, : *•«,,«■-
• Fasai Duel.— At a late hour, last night, we
ivere'itiforinedby Lieut, Petrie* of the First Dis
trict Police.tbat a duelhad beenfonghtinthe
afternoon, between Mr. Cohen, editor of - the
Louisiana State -Gatetie, and :the editor of the
other Serntan -paper, published'on Poydros et. ;
■The parties fought frith pistols, at fifteen paces
dtstnhoe. It ts reported that Mr. Cohen fired
first—bis antagonist reserving his fire—und that
then Mr. Cohen advanced ten steps and received;
the fire of the opposing party at five paces dis
tance. Bttmor has it tbattbe ball took effect
about the middle of Cohen’s body, Inflicting n
*70013 tsiat pronounced mortal. The place
where the rencontre took place was not mention-,
ed "nor wad any cause stated for the difficulty.
jJVeia Qrlte.w-.Crucpnt> June 20.
„ Albert JaWB entertainment of
«MbSfcßlano, , ’'*B eaifflto be all*o rage m Lon;
don; to Is on the high road to the realization of
£<>o,ooo by thlrentertaltiment alone.
Speed.—A= fast. train on the Pennsylvania
railroad, when near Greenebarß, lately, it toßud
»n ten miles in seven and a half mlnntes, which
is at the rate of eighty mile 3 an hour.
Items of Hews and Hiseollan;-
The leader of the Chinese rebels, it is£alti r la
only nineteen years.of sge. He is'oalled Cha
Klchin. A reward of 4,008 taels of silver has
•been offered by the Imperialists forhis capture.
Mobile, June 25th —Cotton—Sales of the week
1,000 bales; rcoeipt 903 bales Stock on hand,
exclusive of shipboard, 21,000 bales.: Middling
Is dull n$ 107, ~
Tblsic bills of mortality indfeate 1,100 deaths
a week in London. That is 167 a day, or an
hour., London is B great placo to live in, nnd_it
seems to. servo. to die in i .
: . - The dress of a female aotresaat tbe.Mejv Tori?.
Hippodrome took Grcpa Friday night, nndburn*
ed her dreadfully. . .........
Counterfeit Fives on the. Commercml Bink,
Burlington, jVt.;- have-made their appoaraoce, at
The of Cincinnati has proposed to tho
councils of that oity an increase, .of Ihe police
force,and a new system for.its operations,and ns
a reason it is urged that the number .of profession
al thieves, receivers, and Others cduhScted With
them in Cincinnati; amounts to some three; thou
sand. ■ ■■■”
' -A'prieo of $6OO hau bcen offered by the mer
chants of New Orleans to tho master of. the ves-
i Sol that between the 15th June, 1853, and tho
I same date 1854, shall make It ho. quickest, run
I from the mbuth of lh6‘Mississippi to Liverpool,
I Capt Winthrop Richardson, a well-known, re-
tired tailor f of Boston, while tiTOSsing.ihe Mame
Railroad track, at rMolrOßu, a few miles from
Boston;- on-Satnrday evening,, woe struck by the
Express train to pieces, not a piece
being found larger than bis hand.
An effort is now being made to proenro-sub*
i scriptions to the stook of the Delaware Railroad.
I Several'tftizens of lfilmiDgton have subscribed
quite libornlly. , Messrs.- Bush-Ss Lobdcl havo
taken-100 Shares; Messrs. Harlan & lloUings
worth 150$ Jesse Sharpe CO; SV. &A. Thatcher
140; John A; Dunoon and a few othersßo each.
The nmouSt to bo raised is $200,000.
The Poikland lsknds .arc saidlo contain but
I 27 mon, women ondohitdrcD, all told, and yet
the British Parliament annually appropriate for
I their government $14,000. .
I Prof Bagely and Prof. Cobb, tho former oc
cupying-tho chair of Surgery, and the latter
the chair of Anatomy, in tho Medical College of
I Ohio, In Cincinnati, have designed,
j Signor Marini, the distinguished Italian opera
I singer, had. several DogerAof one of bis hands
1 shot off on Friday, white gunning on Lang
I Island. . i:
I Justice Stoart, of New York, last week sent
1 more thnb thirty desperate and vicious rowdies
I worthy membora or a gsngcalied “ Short Boys,”
Ito the penitentiary. There aro “ a fow more
Coptala Stlnßon, who so cruelly deserted the
William afid Sl3ry, with her two hundred pas
sengers, lias-gone to Australia., 0..,.
A resolution was passed by the common coun
cil of Detroit, tendering to Hiram Powers, _tho
great American sculptor, now about to return
from Europe, tho-hospitalities of that city.
CunuEumtaD Gap Rakuioai) Cosyustio.v.
A Convention was held at Cumberland, Tcnn.,
: in the 11th inst., for tho pnrposo of taking Into
I conaidcraiion the construction of a railroad, to
commence nt some point on the Ohio river, and
[ to terminate at Charleston, S. C.,.and other
I points. There were largo delegations from Tcn-
I nesses-and Kentucky, and a good number- of
J strong aud iudueniittl men from North Carolina
and Virginia, and twathousond persons present.
I Resolutions were adopted in favor of aconuec-
I tibn of Cumberland Gap with Louisville, having
jn doe reghrd to » proper connection at Cincib-
I nati." The convention also approved of tho con-
Istruction of a railroad from Cumberland. Gap,
vio the Gap in Clinch Mountain, to_ the lipq of
I the East Tennessee and Virginia Tailroad, and
I from snob point in tho lino of said Best. Tenues-
I see nnd Virginia railroad as will constitute the
I most direct and ellglble route to the North and
South Carolina markets.
A.VOTUEtt Ra3USOAI> to "nir. Lakes.—The
New Yorkers are stretching tbeir Iron arms in
every dirqotion. It. -is Intended .that the now
road, Tor which surveys have already been made
from the Hndson.nver. to the iahcs. ehull run
about equi-disiont .between- -tho Erie nnd the-
Central lines, nnd bo called tho Now York nnd
Western Railroad Company. It will have a double
track, wide gungo line, from Hoboken, opposite
New Ybrk city, to Canandaigua," there tounito
with the Canandaigua and Niagara Falls Com
i pony, and nltimatcly it Is expeclcd to consolidate
i with them. The road will embrace obout 235
! mllcs'Wltbin the Btato of Not? York.and 80 miles
[in New Jflrsoy, for which a special charter- bos
| been secured. -
Mobtauttih New’YObk.— I The total number
of-deaths lo New York during the past weok,
was 561; or 232 more than that, of the previous,
week. This groat Increase of mortality was donbt>
less produced by the intonßO boat of tho weath
er. The deaths among children under one year
i wao enormous, numbering no lees than 250. Tho
| number of deaths by sun-stroko were 20; but
this is a small proportion: of those who died of
other diseases caosod by the extreme hoot; .49
died from cholera-infantum, 18 from dobllity,
28 from diarrhma, 15 from dysentery, 51 from
convulsions, 52 from consumption,’3l from soar
gestloh of the brain, 20 from .marasmus,and 21
from inflammation of the brain.
Comhehcep.—A few days Binco wo stated that
the contractors of the-phtesgo, St. Charles nnd
-Mississippi Air line Railroad had commenced
work on tho west side of tho Des Plaines. Yes
terday wo learned from Aldermen Dwyer that a
party hOd-commcnccd work on the ridgo in eeo
tion-sevoateon, about eix miles from the oity,—-
We presume -parties will in n few days be scat
tered all along tho lino between hero and.St,
Charles.- They will have to hurryup the "tnkctl
barrowt” to complete the line to tho beautiful
valley of the firstof January. But
they ore the mon to do It Fret Preis,
’June2sfA. ... .... . .
Laxsb Faoii Utah Teuiutouv.—-Several per
sons bavo arrived at ludepondenoo, Missouri,
from Utah. They, left on the 21st of April last;
and report everythlng.prasperous in that Terri
tory. Emigration was getting along well, with
the exception of being rather crowdod beyond
tho junction of thoNorthernandSouthemroutSS.
The Bmall pox had broken outomongthelndians,
and; from 1 Whttk "theycould learn, 1 near bno
thonkand mußt have died with It from sach tplbd
of the • Cheyenne and; the Shoshones.or Snakes.
Bome three hnndrod" of theso dead bodies were
piled Into one house,, nndihen the. bouse was sot
on fire.
ES3J£ ! From nil Beotlons.of the Btato, wo learn,
-there is mnoh damage done to the wheat by the
fly, ond the oppearonoo of ohoat in the fields,—
After diligent inquiry,, we.find but little, if any,
dnmsgo of the-kinds referred to, in this county,
O wing to the cold nnd rain in the early port of
the spring,,cern-.iSiinorftbaoUwavd than usual;
but other grains look remarkably woll, and fine
crops are anticipated, if no untoward oconrrenoo
arises toblast tao present prospect. —Jacksonville
(Ill.)CourieT. ■
A Nonin: Mosumest. —To honor the momoiy
of tho lata-.Dako of Wellington, a magnifioent
sohool is to bd established in England, at whloh.
ohlldrOn of Army oncers aro to bs admittedfree
of charge. ThoiQneen heaps the subsoriplion.
with $5,000; Prince "Albert and .thß. Duko of
CattibrMge (the Queen'Bnneto) follow with.s2,soo
each; and thorearoseypral subscriptions ranging
from $5OO to $1,000:- .Tbs entiro Bubscription
already amounts to $400,000, nnd wll probably;
be increased to $500,000,'', -
LoWEnv Pobmshebs Sektenoed.—On Sntnr
day tho'pei'soris co'acerned; in the publication of
tho-Now-York Reporter and,Bank}ng Circular, n
paper in whloh-Mmyland and Delaware Lottory -
advortisomenta wire inserted, were sentenoed in
New-York.- - The prisoners having agreed- to sns
p’end the paper; tho-conTt imposed-a fine for lm
prisonmeut. TSdnn Morrison whs fined $l5O,
Joseph G. Mason .$26, Mr. Teehera $5O, and
Mr. Sourboroogh $l6.- - -
iHPEicHHBBT.'-rEie game of„ impeachment
havidg commenced in ! New Fork,-It is proposed
to carry it Chatficld, the Attorney
Mr. Wtlght, are
marked f&r-4henext subjects. ■ flesolutionsare
also before tboJ-s'gialSfnre’'askJng an luveatigo
tton into‘the oMoial conduct of Messrs. Cook,
Falter, Seymour, and Morgan, late whig State
ifflcerß, imdMessrs. Follett and MoAlplne, pres
ent democratic State oSoers.
Capitol and liatJOD. _ 1
ore being made,io placo in nutagonic-. 1
lio positions capital and tabor^ .ybicb,., should]
perfectly harmoniztS j bot tbe opinion is enter*
i tained by-come persouß,) t£at capital ls f; alffays_
| seeking to oppress labor, while, in fact, it givoß
bread to its month and elotbes to its back.-
On this subject wo copy the following capital
irticlo -from .the • NationalDetnoorat, publish"
cd-in-New,York,i and fierione atr,
" Evils of Capital.’', -There is each a tendency
in tt-portion «jf what is eaUedthe “reform press,”-
of the United Stfltea to decry the. “evils of capi
tal,” and to abuse 1 * capitalists,” that a large
olas3 has really come-to.regard all capitalists as
necessarily the enemies of all poor people. It is
a great mistake, and » great f illy; ...
What is' “capital 1" . There; is no magic or
mystery 'about it. ■ It iB nothing hut hoarded
labor. It is,tbo result of aU preceding labOr.Of,
Which the individual, whether honestly ,or not,,
has somehow or other come-mto possession.- It
represents past labor; and by that ho
eomea’the iremuneration of present toil, : All
money is but a conyeptvonalUm to .jndicale..sP,
us that so muoh toil has, by somebody or other,
been already expended; and the party possess
ing money la recognised by society ns having n
property in the fruits of tho labor Which .ffftff-sn
expended; Accordingly, from tho very earliest
times, tho neod of such a money has
been folt. The precious .metals...hav.e no par
ticular inttinsio worth, yet have on.. various
accounts,'the recommendation of. commerce for
this purpose. i • •.
As to intrinsic worth, if any one-were left,
like Robinson Crusoe, on a desolate island,: he
would flnd* hstcliet of iron muoh more valua
ble tool thtjh ono of gold Isn.tttie.PWr
portion in Which those metals are found, and- a
variety of -oireamstances, have, from an early
stage of the history of mankind; -recommended
them for this purpose. They wero used-even
before them formCnoy, by
weight, ns:a medium of exchange. Nor is this
i tho only firm'of Capital. It exists alto in ibh
facilities for labor formed by its means, or whiflh
maybo forimed by its means, or which may -bo
! formed directly by tho agency of labor, itself—in
hailding suitable for carrying on different oper-.
ations, tbe machinery which is necessary in
multiplying tho power of. thoso’who.toil, or'in
cheapening the commodity thoy produce. The
moment that labor realties moro for-sn Indi
vidual than ho deems needful for present, con
sumptioo—tho moment ho begins to put some
thing by, and applies that to tho •production, of;
other results —from that time ho-hBS capital in
the world j and he would have it though .there
were but one man upon earth, and bo himself
toiling day and night. Whatever he pats by ns
surplus to facilitate future operations, that,
strictly and properly, is capital. The Indian
who is disabled-for tho chose, hot who has a
bow and arrows which be .lends to .another in
order that be may bring bira home a portion of
tbe gomn ho bills, is a capitalist.
Tho farmer who: may have no .cash la bin
pocket,-but who has a loaf sni a plongb, and
who tjnde o roan willing to drive that plongb .on,
condition that bo may eat the loaf, ho is the.
capitalist 1 in the labor market, and tho plough
man is Ills customer. Skill and strengtharo
capital; thoy ore the result of years of exertion,
which has kept tho muscular system in order.—
Bonesond brains are capital as trnly as miles of
dook and warehonses, fleets of ships, towering
factories, or piles of gold. _ So that, strictly
tbero is co person in tho world bnt to
or may bo a capitalist, although he may bo a la
borer at the same time; nud it iB only in o
broad rough way, that wo draw; the lino of dis
tinction, leaving on ono side of it tho great mass
of thoßO- who toil, and on tbo other side of it
tboso who, by their possession of sufficient
means, tako ta themselves or havo bestowed on
them, in n popular way of speaking, tbo title of
capitalists. Tho relation between them is con
stituted by the payment of wages. It is n hari,
gain betpreen tho ono and the othcT, in whatever
form it may pass, whether merely for food, clo
thing nod shelter, or for tho largest money re
muneration. „
: Wo eer, then, that this thing called “capital,
which (he “progressive” journals of the day
would have us bcliove, in such a vcry.wiiard and
devil, i* nothing but prueretd' lsUr r wltnont
whiob tihero could be no Toward for present -toil
beyond tho immediate supply of man’s physical
wants, tike nil other great biessiogs. it is lia
ble to grant abuse in the hands of bad men;
but to tplk of dcstroyingit on that account would
bo like proposing to cut off a man’s legs to rid
him of a heavy pair of boots.
Oar Financial and Commercial Prospects
Mao; of our welt Informed commercial men
bare expressed apprehension! that our present
high state of prosperity was soon tobe succeed
ed by one of tbeso revulsions in trade which
spread gloom and disaster orer the land. , We
hare Indulged snoh apprehensions ourselves,and
ore Still disposed to regard euch an -occurrence
as sufficiently probable to roako it prudent to cx
omino carefully Into tbo chances of n continu
ance of onr prcsontoommcrciol prosperity. Wo
find In tbo money article of the New ¥ork Her
l aid an iablo and interesting discussion of this
subject; and, without conceding that the writer
has removed all our apprehensions, wears grati
fied that our prospoots arc so flattering. Our
readers will find tho following oxtraot highly in
teresting;— Washington Pm'on.
“ Wo have had such a long period of prosper
ity, that the impression Is daily gaiplngstrength
that wo must soon experience a re
action in financial and commercial affairs.—
Those who do not boo any ; indic&tionß of anup- .
proaching revolution think that ills about time i
naothereneis Bhould be upon us. . Many have i
been in tho habit of anticipating periodical re-■:
vulmona, and on that account thoy think it is
about time wo should have another. > -Others,
who took more olasely Into the . matter, exhibit
coneiderablo anxiety relativo to tho future, in
consequence of! Jhe steady expansion which has
for several years .been going. on in pablio and
private credits. Tbo numerous -projects which
have from time to time been put upon thd mark
et, and the Immense ampant- of capital which,
thoy have absorbed, induce tho more cautious In
suppose that we are now moving upon an un
sound, dangerous surface, and must, before, the
lapse of many months, bo brought up eudcnly
i with a tremendous crash. Those fears and anx
ricties are natural enough, and wo are not dis
posed to make light of them. The effect is
rather of n favorable character-than otherwise,
and we aro more in favor of frequent moderate
checks than any sudden, disastronslwithdrawal
of - publio confidence. Wo have had, itis.lrno,
a period of about six years of groat commercial
prosperity; wo havo within that time enormous
ly extended car system of internal improvements;
wo havo projected and completed lines of steam
ships extending across' all tbs great oceans, and i
havo constructed a fleet of dipper ships,surpass
ing In number the navy of Great Britain. We
bavnenlargcd anditCproved our olties, and have
filled them with Bplendld palaces and magnificent
storehouses. Oar great staple prodnots have
keptpaoe with the progress of other things, and
consumption is fully up to. lbs supply.. Amidst
all this, prices for. tlie necessaries of life havo
‘preserved a uniformity unusanl in Uraeß of pros
perity and extravaganoe. Luxuries have become
more expensive, and those Who have been dis
posed to indulge have had- to pay well for It.— :
The power to iivo within modorato moans, has,
however, existed throughout, and the'poorer
classes have not been obliged to go without any
of these ordinary comforts. lathis particular,
at least, the present state of things differs mate,
rially from those periods when speculation was
rampant and production appeared to. have been
lost'Sight of entirely. The movement now is
naturaf and real; then it was artificial. It was
at that time speculative ; now it is lonafide-ani.
legitimate. Tho effeot is altogether different,
and the result will differ materially from what is
generally anticipated. . In former times the basis
of any expansion wasi psperjinow itls,some
thing, more substantial. -Then speculation took
hold of visionary things; now it tends to tho de
velopment of onr most -valuable resources'.- the
great speculative movements In. past years have -i
been confined, principally to unproductive, kinds
of property—to real estate or lots looatodpno
one knew where. Beautifully engraved maps
wero consulted to learn the situation of iota which
had never before been heard of, and capital and
credit wero lavished upon property which in itself
had po actual value. wsb unreal, artificial,
—a bubble. Now we are workingupon a
ent foundation and npon different principles, 1 and
!•tha ; resuß must, as a natural consequence, be;
i entirely different. Every great'interest of the,
uconnlry is at present in. a sottnd and healthy
state, Production has not been arrested, bnt,
i on the contrary, is-golng on more vigorously
[ than over, and prices for all of onr. great staples
i are .hot moderately remunerative. This is fa
i vorabledbr the consuming classes, bnd.preserves
i.U healthy state of these interests... The basis of
prices is gold and silver; and so Jong as'thatia
i-the regulator we shall not be subjeot to those
I violent changes and great extremes which have,
l,heretofore,been so disastrous. So long os the
i souroes-of all national prosperity remain sound
r-frb'may. rest-assured'that no genegjl revulsion
ioanocour. So long os the industrial interests;
; of the- country continues healthy, so long our
i prosperity will be permanent." i
*■ \ ~~
* . w J
Crime is Bosios. —TheGranh Jury of Suffolk
•county, Mass., have mado a presentment,,
which they state, ns tfeh'retfSit of the|r‘ssqr3a*
tion into the criminal calendar of Boston, that
three fourths of the crime .committed thfcr? is
■caused by.intemperanca, and attributable,' in h,
great degree, to the stfarmfftof illegal .dnlm
shops Infesting the- purlieus of the city;: and
they severely rebuke the Mayor and Counolls
for not diminishing the oril.
U iWtSbfc luwwawtiAllWeeSfcfßi.Sr'
Bacchanalian justifies ua In recommending it to all who aie
afflicted with Ufiit terribloDtßhssi-fortwhltfi it la designed
.aaa remedy. 'Wo are cssared. it lafolly what it ia repre
's?ottd,and'tbat’te’the' linn&&lTAnh tfioutan&s of cases,
■.wherodt-llas beon used,not.-& sloglejsilure has-occnrrcd
-sou advertisement In anotboc-colomn.
, 017" Dr. Halsey’s Forest Wine— Ts tho-bost
remody for the-permanent cure.of Prepsy, OraYel, daun
dice, Dyspepsia, OosHvencas, Rheumatism, flout, loss.of.
•Appetite, Compiaintsof the -Liver, Hwrt,Kldney undEtgg-..
: ich, Colds, CodghB'i!id.Coniaiaiißfrlipcltee^;CTetwfferd s
■ Tor sate In thle dty.‘uCifcnlars, glTfegfoll particulars^;c4o,
corner of Wood street and Virgin olloy,Pi Ejb
to, by JAME 3 T. SAMPLE, northwest cornvr ,°£sj2“
' •atredtaUd the®iamopd,'Aiiegheny-City.;;c'; jesdndaw.
; Worms!" Worm»r.~—
■jSs?* A great many learned-treatises ifave-boen written^
’ explaining, the origin of, and cldjalfjlng ths worna rata.
tedinThe hnmen system.' Scarcely . any -.tople ; pf
acicnco has clldtcdmom. acute obserraUon »nd probund
-rewoht-end yet physicians are very mat* dielded in
opinion on the subject. It must be ftdmficd,howcTur,_
' that, after all, ft inode of expelling these worms, Sndjrari-.
fylng the body from thoir presence, is of more value Cum.
tho wisest disquisitions as to. tho-origliL, The .efpclllns.
» s .nt has ftt length been footid-Df M-Lahe’s Vtrmllttgsfcr
the much so^htaftirWlllfe^hdhWßiiesdl.SiESl
all other worm mcdlclnss, its effloaey being universally ftp*
inowlMgei by medical pppctithMcre. " ' * “ ‘
BAILEY & UESSUAIY liaro tide dsy reccird A/™** 1 ,
japplr'd Wn- Underwood A Oo.’e coTobrated Moon,.
Woe Apple, Btrawfaerry^apber^jmaSarjajanaaSirnpV
< uet In Maeanforthe ram weather , ...JoSI
■"i 1 AIK) DA IKA BTOB U.—CfaunpaijwrtV Jnc; (Jen oy-tlnd
| n w
> ooraef of DlstaosU aail Dl»in&nd allry>
*■ . . : jbond for.Sole*. •. * >
rWEKT Y-SEVON AClt£S, at fcot of Craig** Island, (op-,
polite n.y.’ Station ) & p
vl fefrttw<tiatW- - ■- .- - ltS&onA^t.
T-VIKIK NO MAfigKftKb—liecmcd today, to
bbl. anil£rtf Lbla Al», No. lllockwl, in bblZ anJ
,Wl “’ SOTBJBbJ* Hcrrlns - bAOET * IIENSHA-sr,
‘ * . ■. 253Liberty•trcot,..-
Jj lo bimla Crashed;
■ 6 flo . Fine .PalTcrirtd: •••••••••
.. . -,5 Kid vCoarso . do:
: Forealc,whol«iaWorwun,
jq2D > - } •
O'* »ph»n*» ouUKT «>a> «»
2 o'clock, P. It, 03 the premUCTt wfllJw sold br order j
of Court, itwt’Uowiujdoacnbed property or .Sdmtru Torus, 1
deceased, tU: Alltha»thrwcctt*lnXot«cf Groand.Mt*
us to in the Sixth Ward of the city of PilUbcrgb,- marked
Xoi 55,55 mad 37, lo IrwlnV plan; each harlotf * tn ml of
20 f*t on WjUe street, ftnd extending back 100 feet to Wide
s]l«r. On which era erected one brick dud three frame i
D»eliins Hootc.% which will bo oold Kjunta or together, i
a* mar ault purchasers. ; ••- . • -—-a •'#•• H
AL&>—Two Lets of Ground, otimbwta 161 ehilC2, lo
Colwell** plan, each 20 feet front on Seminary fctrccV and
[ * X JJLS No- 6, In plan of Lota laid out -on Mount Bald
l win, by YT- TV- Pettennan, h**lflg* front of 3i foot oawy«
lio street,ftc4extcciUott baekPl ft?ctftiach«;_ . ; - .
Tjaaa.—Oaedialf cash ; wridoe in «uc month*, with la
terwt. Tor farther particular#, enquire of Mrs.
[ or Mahan A hor Ayyfo jfc«
! <3lOOO tieWAUU. ■■ . , ]
SHE ulistro proud will be pill to anjr one trtio will pro- I
does a nier or more ettutul xemotilliia cltlup of .tbe J
•>alne preparations. 1 the? nVc entirely cctnpnsca of rojo-1
table matter
jtb cot in the least Injurious to the system. It Is pleas- j
ant to the taste, aud wiU core- tha hardest ci«j cfintemH
n«anee.i Tfetria*JU»ltin all eases, if taken «n»r4tDjt to
i SrccUeaa, It aeattcys the desire for an ardent spirit#,
I when strictly taken warding to directions, and will restore
I the individual to the #araa stolaaTjßQhrioty iaj«ueb.hflwas
before he drank » drop of the hrdSat, and ho wip not 1
havo the leant desire far Intoxiesliiljdrfnk*. ; : v . : • ••;
lutoapernawtoa dl*a£orai>d o*sucb, the greater the
excess in drinking, tho mow epeo-JUy 1* the disown d««]-
oped. and to sqch the KHxlrl* prewntoias lb© balm or Gil
ead—tho oil of consolation, peace and per A«ct restoration. <■
1 C9* lbs AnU'CaceUanaiian U neatly pul cp and labrUeU,
I wllh faUdlreuiioas accompanying each bottle. Price $3,00
1 p<rf hottla. On the receipt of the ahovo sum, It will ho scat
I free of chars® to any part of tho United otates. AlUeltora
I totopropaio. To be bad from all the pnoinpal DruggK*
lin iho-Utsiicd States. .• ' '
i X t'RDAK,* M. D.» W Third eh, LoulsTille, Ky
OlOOO award'.
Will bo'giren to any person wliO'win produce si -bettor,
eater, er emit effectual remedy for Dyrpejtth, than Dr. Ur
bao’secTebrated AntH>y*pcpUc Excelsior.
. perfect harmony with the sjaterm-rcgulilinerall defldeadi*
and irrcpjlarUias of tho stomach, and ercatina: a healthy,
-coraynattonofthogastrioflttiiK Tho?osoCoringlromDys
persh would do well to toy It, after bavins tried othfcrn-m
-■ edic* to their satisfaction. Tho tcedpe for this inestimable
tsodlrino, eras obtained by tho Doctor, from thoLapaa Tribe
of Indiana, and used by him with unequivocal good success
in the course of thirteen. years practice in Texas.. In no
csso did It fall, and wherever it has been used onca. it has
always spoken Dc Itself. .Try it. Prepared and soldby
A.'tmiUN; M. Dm .\o. C 5 Third at, Louisville, Ky. '
per bottle; to to bad of all the principal
DruggUtoln tho United State*.
... , . dr. rituAtrs
Tbo onlj'iaire Romodj mt kmwra forChlll»ao4FoTer,»od
warranted to cure In all cases, it taken according,.:. ,■
i. toDtfeetioas.-. * • ••
It cures, when fctou according directions, la TWEhTT. .
.METOTES, leaving no Veter after.-the Chul f very wiucan
renuliiog more fch&uONE DOSEtomaXon JPEBMANB!ST
CIJIIK- ' A cresit number of cases, from two to fl»o year*,-
standing, bavotyon- CUBED with the FIKBT DOSE, end the-
Cblll liuijcrcr, os jet. returned. The beauty of this mu'
dLms is, that lletop the Chfil in TWENTY MINUTES, or
leg end the patient will be entirely free from Ferer after
the CMIT, which to not the coso when any other medicine Is
iliod lt baa superseded all other medicines, wherever It
ha* been introduced. * ... -. •
‘ Bead'what theEdltori of tho-TfiuirrweDemocrst saji
from their own observation;: . r . • . •/_ ■
• :««Dr- Urban’s medicine fbr.tho cure of cbuib and ferer has
effected some wonderful cures in our owe midst, «A young,
manWbffhasVcslded for samel years in toulrlana,reached
-New Albany a few treeXs since* weaX' andemadaiod—liter
allywornont physically, with: long continued chills and lb*
T«r. --lle Ciadea.ehcit stay at tha/housaof Judge Smith,
where' bU old disease cppttnucd with no less severity thou
uthWhfimft in-Louisiana^- leaving exhausted almost every
i remedy Known to .the medical pxofcasioa, ha procured & box i
I of Dr.’Vrhin’s celebrated medicine, and; after.taking two
nowdersy'was entirely restored to health, lie has been woll
trer sinewi-says Ida health has not boon so good for scverel
yearn, and • is now fast regaining his former rigor and the
ro*y checks bo wpa wont to wear“ . . *- •
This Medicine can' be. bad at the manufacturer’s Depot, fiff
Thirl-street, between- Main and ■ Market.; LonlmntyKy.,
wholesale and retail. ;:■••• ;A. URBAN, 51. D..
On the receipt of jl tho Fowders.wlU be rent, free of
charge, tunny part of the United States. It may be obtain*
cd of Ml tho principal Druggists in the country- jeSfelyw
Stra* Boards; of Supcric
quality,various number*. Fcr-saieiow f&r.casb, at
■ ' ; -W«8: HAVEJTB Paper Warehouse*-.:
j 029 ■ -■- ’. comer of Market and Second streats.
**, * i ,
■%* ** *. *" . $ •T*' * i
Jt „. -1 ..
\ ,
\ % r, v *
rpQV? CLOTU—IOO yards, oq consignment and for sale by
■ ' • : ~ : T l>lTid«ndU-7 • r-:-:: -'•.■ -
I UANdE COMPANY hoyo tills day declared a dividend
of Twq DeHart on each share of tho capital Slock subscribed
out af.tbe profits of the last alx months. ...
’ • B. FINNEY, Secretary.
Second JLrrlval of Carpetings, -
Ho.Sa Third Stroot
rpHK "undersigned respectfully Informs bis friends end the
1 publlo, that he has just received end ope&edHs second ■
largo purchase of £o* and.thathe:
baa now Uiolargest and most complete, ossortmentef CAB
PETIhGB to bo found vest of tho Allegheny mountains.: f .\
For Jhe convenience of pcTsona«amlniDffhls.stock; and !
for the hotter classification of his Qootoi. THREE LARGE i
ROOMS are sot apart, each filled, with'a different grade,-
both as regard# quality and prlco.
■ In Salesroom So 1, will be found a large stock of Floor
OD Cloths, from 1 to 24 feet wide, Stair Oil Cloth, Oil Cloth
Table Carers, Window Shades, Cocoa and Canton. Hatting,
34,44,34 and. 64 Door Mata, of all kinds, and an entirely
UOTT article for Window Shades, Putnam's Patent Self-Ad*
jasUagCurtalnFlxturcs. -• ■: ■- r< -r
Salesroom So. 2, contai nsTbreo Hundred pieces of Velvet,
Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Thrco-plyy Tapestry ’lngrain,-
Buperfinoand Fino Ingrain, of every stylo and prico. Also,
a largo assortment of Chenille, Velvet, Axminßter and Mo
saic Hugs, and a splendid-assortpent pf Table pnd-Pisno
Covers. • ~ ■
in Ab. 8i Td it large stoclt of IToinp Carpelings,-
; some ns lowas2o cents per yard. -Alsb, Bag and'list Car*
i pets, Ingrain and VonKlon, with everything usually kept in
i Carpet Houses. His new stock wQT be sold at the same low.
! prices ha has heretofore been selling at.
' Alibcraldiscount will ba made to those who boy to
I sell again. fmyttil 0. B. HBAPLY;
■ 'i&QV&TB 0 P ■■WJJ.-2T' EJFCITBBIO2rf
IK order to accommodate- the grout multitude who.'wish to
Tisktbo country on the fourth of July, the Pennsytra*
sti&Rpilroad Company hare made Arrangements for running
ten extra Excursion Trains on. that day, aa Ar as. Brimon b
<Turtio Crock) Station,-leaving the Depot, corner «f Liberty
and Eighth struts, at 0,10,11 and 12, A 3L»>l» 2, 6.15
and.AP.SL, stopping only at-East Liberty. andlTOkinfr
',jbnrgi--t 'L: •? ''•■V~<} : A>±
■. ■: BotnrnlngTralaswilHcoToßrtntonVJ^T^lQ^ll'lJatilS
a M,i,a,B.A^hi>atp r M. _ ,
■ Excursion tickets will be sold the regular trains on
Ihfrfourth, os fkr aa Johnstown, and all Intermediate star
Mobs, good to return on the SLh, at the. following prices ./or
the round trip i ■ . . ;. i : -, r - •
.:* vj Pittsburgh.toEastLihorty.andreturn, .^.JMmts..
do‘ do ‘Wilkinsburg . do •. 3) ;dO';-.-.. ,
•do do Brintonk-, d 0... 40, d 0....
- do do Stewart’s do $0 do
do do Irwla’q - do 65 do
••.do do Manor....- - -do., jQ. do •
do do KpdobMJgh> do do
do do faeauVagi do ft SJ to
: 1 do Beatty's do . j° •
do do Latrobe . : .. ( ».do» .. - j : :
. .do' do. Derry . ; d0,.-.,: do, v. .
■ ..dp do ; Qniude ‘ ‘ 'do I «-d0..-: •
do do BlalrsriUaJt* do JW-ft
do do BlairsTUlo .-dp..-...,** :A dp v* _
do ' .do.Bolirar .. . . ..? ,do », -.i
.i.-ys tdo do Lockport do ... <■ •
.; dd «do Ncw Florrnco -..d0. ».;>• *' ? £ J - -
-do : dd'Klnerah do 5 «9- r
'..,u r do :. .do. Johnstown. VT 3 v-.; %•
Ko Excursion 33c!wta will Bo sola od ihe Gaxs.bpzx
lions whe»Tick« Offices baro been established.^.
Passengers must proouro their Tickets at the Office, be
fore taking their seats In the ears. 3. MEBKTMEN, .
Pittsburgh, June 28, 1853,---lw Agent.
’*- 5 'Tv? \ * * f .
v '- 1
t j* / ' ~
•'» i i t' ‘. I ■.*.•■ ■•MI •_•'■■■■*. I- •••■ ■
' ■*» «' *
fl.ff. BliJle.VJio.W gnllhfieiart:- s -? sjiiy : ~
-jf-T ly^MeetaaUlio-nona-eastCorcggJt
IkSTroutih iuk Marfcet street*, {ators Barth--
firidfefltcrafron Hcnday crenings, at 8 delete ; *-'ia«SD •
Lake, No. Jkneeftew
Washington Hall.TVood at; [jyLy
t?-=>BI*ACKTESAri-rorttieJxsst Oougn Etilimtts-
.ifc^ClElJ^HttabnrglMtrivMes^MrWCTtera itti
first and thljil WISDN£SI)ATof every inostti,at tear LUIII
;DA HOUSE, Market street.-S-BjOrdeßi '.MiStir. 1.-f
jtL-y ,-. JOlgv~?Qgt<Qt JBd'B£cre:3gy.
Hartford, AS-.
;?aS£-tf f ? U f y^ IyVIT " ltl>- * n^£g!-BtSEOSiAggat.-
ailrtr Medal arrerdeil te graiiMla
XnatttntcyJLASa—£:H SM ITfT, Mf.nn&c-.
'triyerfcrfib&ei 800 ting-
Casesraiti-Wori: Boxes,-2J5' Arch' street* ona
:~dcartalow-Slxlb, Phfls.3g3plileLr'» Vr^.'ttigdaci---
r-==»X; O* D. F*—Piece of Hall,'
frSpr'-'Vtttd sto^-betTro6aSHih-sirTOtta^J7ltssi'alley. ••*
‘'Msbcakths ■s7->-Hecta~-.flrsy:&ii& -thirds
gagay Ofcaohfn&mOa.-. ■>r :
lortul oorns'l ConuUl Agrast isany per-
&§» sous ar©4rea4fally tomentEd-'rltiwcrnx' A certain,
rexaedy''wm jW &dod in Ooas PLAsrcyfor
ZUS&ffijO&gfrZs **l. ~T
*• «- Pries, retail 12J4 tmd 25-c ts.per 60k.;,:-y.: .'^; : sep3< ( ;.
;y. to taoso-'fftobay to sell
OCRTAIXS, Curtain Material*,ana.
plnfthW lace and -Muslin Curtains, N. X.\
■ Gflt Cbnii^.Cart&in'PtQS.Banfe.'
V■. -W, H. CAEEYS,'.:-
VT\o.l6p ehesnnt "'
i • Curtains myiTrimmed
•--- ;-.1 'r V "T[iaarSfel
v Window 'Shade Mannliii!.,
„ - ' tofry.-CGKNEB «P-SEOOM>-i4?f&-ABCn-«$&;-
■vnrr.tnßrptTTA. ftnr motto
'"Pi'Qfltt*? "T. : : '
i * *■ and Lodge If coni SHAPES,
roperiermanners.. „—: ——-^vr
4®r!3Jealerb-and other* arotnTttod fo-frisks
fora ■ -..j G,& 2HL£3uR • ->-■•
j-, B.fWi corner Second cmd Phils* -.-.
£ CO* JJarnefadvren. o/«T7XN•.
‘l?Jvr aL ; IS3 > coni6r-ofv^'AßK£2 T ainl MUST STREETS?
yjttsSsrglf.' PexuisflTanit - PartfcaJar attcnlira; - paSdto
tadtitsK-£lii6 x '&Vi'l(Z» toEUM! GLASS Zi VIiI& BOX
tov wuTgfve;
-Sicir-catiro&tteatioa .to the bariae*?, acxL iirey/ecl.• rans*
-4eat't&ey c«* Window Qians etiuilto:
.iaydthorpf Ibralgppr do^B3tfcimmafactpm^^;^ r
marfc3mo •’* -r•r-~ *v.*
• •• :lifccnesscfitaken,
IntdlfrindJ of weather, from 8 A.'il»to 5 P. llVgjring an'
accurate artLrtic and adroata Uknae°-*s nnllkoeadTastiy an*,
•peridr to th(fcommon cheapd&spxgrrcotypcs, at-the following
cheap prices: 41,60, s2> $3, $4,55 and upward, according to
the siae indqnol'ty'of-caiertrtCranrei' * * ' '
Hoot* frcinll.-- M- to 2 p, SI. \ • * ‘
N.B/—Liiencsseacf siclcbr deceased personstaien in-anj
i patt.ofthstUy- ’.•■.•' ; xXoattStis - \
a DEAFNESS*: Ndsertn ~chr ilcuU trr.d .’ail d<pa»
tSie ear,'ppee<lilTa3:d pctsnsr .
reja&Y4d,Trttbont pain Dr. HA&tt ;
tET, Principal Arrrist cftiioJi.'Y.Enr&urgeiTivhoiaciy'b?
wsroited *i 9a.^hrtrc£t fc .VhiladgJjMa > fiQm^-3^2J^-8-
P.*L •-..--- -••
■ £hirt%m jrears'c-rclws»-<miJ oldest cndlrldedoticaiiaatQ
ffrTslrmneK-r.f special prattles hascnailod bha ioscdocebls.
treatment to inch tsrdejjrco of soccessss tofind thamost cgh- -
- firmed and,obstinate coses byo stcadyattentton to tbe
meansproscribed! ~ _v/: Xosgffi'-'
’ Hotes, BgadgySXort gageg} 4ch ff egotlatetL
. ■:
' ..<5?-omcs—7sPourtli6tr«t,bctTOro Martel and Wood,
opposite tisa ganfc of PUtabarEh. : <...- : Vjarilß:ly~-
W. ?AcfiFCLUEGF & Car "
Wood cind Slxtli Streets,
. -: they-offer to .tbeir old .castnaers,
- public stcerally* *t th«'LoyestTates,'VTtolesate imd itetsli,-
UioUiEtatt tawt. ficiert .aad coEQplete slocS. of-CHOICE
teas,£amily: groceries; ttoouex ash ’SHLLOW
STAKE td bo found iatha West.'. . r.. : -;■
. Pearl Steam
! (HSltt gTATTOS.) ' '
tITyrTRA, '(of iciwlAT Wilts IVtcsy-FLOVR, toz. Sits.
iIBAS.-SUterS AND MIBDtjN'QS, alwijton’haaO;' '*
,il£- T ,7o;Oiii (Jciircr Flcrir to £andlles,rn eUEex of the
tiro ci tios- Orjera pluctxl In cur’bnxe.'n at BEAUX A REE
TER’iA'corecr of liberty AijA.£t. Clair Btiiecta; or, LCGAN,
VTILSOX * CO-’S, hi Moca street,* lll be atlradnl to. -
mjl7 -V t ~.-■ BRYAN, HENNERY- & CO.
.171 StaieMouse. _ • .-
(irtjy*. Tflried assortment ofCartajna anj Cartaln MaimiaU to
be forced It* tlio'cltr7 eompHaugin/p^xfl^
stylesof— ■
ranch loceCartaias, >•’ . WindowShades;allprices,
.Mnslla :: • - RalMlolland.*, alt widths, v ,* -
VrtmchßrocaiellKJ.all wilckvOiß Cornices, ercry style end.
) French Plushes, price, •
. Satin Laincs* . • Cilfc Curtain Pins. " -
■ . • .. taxapa.*-, - —-u.. .... ••• jjaadj,-—•—-r—-
- ** Satin*, ■ •;•••• CordsandTassels, • •
u : Damask. Linen.*, ' Gimps, ail prices,- ...
:. Cashmercttc, ■ ■ ■ • • . Loops, - j
Plain Turkey - ' • v •: >/.• ' -v;
India, Satin Damask, Picture Tassels end Curia,
.** , Ltato?Sllfcv : • ■•Shad»TKse!a and Erases,
TomitnrcGnnpit, - - Bracket*, &e.-
A,fait assortment of,the above s*ocd3. constantly for sale,
wholesale or retail. " . v-Tfciarlily—^£~a.~ar~
Penn »y 1 vaoia. - CAPITAL, - $100,000..: CHAR-
P/rrirfenf—non; AtiaCSTCS O..IIEISTEE.
• •• . .. “ ; ’niSECrOSSi-'-...--. J:
; llotuA.Q.llc4ior,. • SamndW.Hays,
' .William Robinson, Jr.f - Thoms*.GlUespio,---'.
• ■:• . WUllam V. Tahnestock, Johnß.Oox t _ „
Harrey 801 l man,.“. JaeoVPetars,’ -7~
' "John Walker, Jr* • • -V.TViliiatn.Colder,
•;.' r Jacob B. Hal derm an, .■» • • ■ Aaron - •
' > . RUSSELL ‘i PAKF.3, Agents,- “
•; • ..■•■■: v Gflee, In LaSsyctte Bufldfcrtgs, - c
jeS . i ■' (entrance on uWocdatreet.j
Firemen** Insurance
'€bmpMiy or the City of Pittsburgh*
HNNE7» Secretary, <
> WUtiasart against. FIKE and 3IAJIINE IHSK3 oCaU
..Wads.: Oaee:'ltt '|l6uf«, rlfox. iai;»niT 12F 1
TFaterrttccti "
J, EL. SloorhfiAd, W. . :*»
BiO.Sawrcr.-;. ,V-'B.Slmpstm,;=“7 : --~L:
Wo.iLSdjar,. .n;*B.WUtf&v•-
W.W.DaIHs, ", • Ctnal^Keot;-:'.••/.. • .
C.H. Paulson,-. - yvnilanrOoUtoyiroodj'/ v
. A.?. - r: - ’‘Josdpli 'Kiye,' *
- \YiUJwa WUilnsoo ■
-rr : sS»ciTlZl&BS f> - Uunrance Company, -ol
IhSr. Pltt&bnrß^'—HD- KIHQ; : ProsMerrt; SAM-'
ÜBL Ik HAESHEllJßratary.' •: » /./ .*.
Qgicti 9* Water Strutt Vftggen Jferfcrf and T fbcdtircdt- '..
L- Insures HTM> sad CAJiGCf Risks* on tho OWo and
sippl Biters and tributaries. 1 * * >
: ;insarefl'agalttstgflbnis*EyZlge*;i
. AiSO—Against the gcritsnPtnr SotswaA * TntKSj'ycrlgs*
t tisn and Transportation. ” L ~ L ‘V I '' *° u -
!•.•: •..*. tv' .. ■■.,„<;■ .. MRECtoaBt'>•••• •'••• *‘ »:*•••.•••
I H.E.Klng, 7 ' ~ Wm.Larimer,jr^
|-..■;William bagalej r -•.EamuslM.Kler, •
| •.•■•■•• - Samuelßea,.-. -William •
| • Robert Dunlap, Jr., ■>.John '
I*- • ".SrHwhangh, -. Francis Sellers, •’ • -
{. ; - EdwardHcajlcton,. r ... J. Schocnmakeri• ■■■■.•■;;>
I.' • • Walter Bryant, ' • Williamß.Hays.
| -.. ~.. .i V. Isaac M.Fcnnoch, •:••■■• « -doc22••■■•
I IT5?‘ Pittflimrch XUe Imnraaee 6od*.
palsy, cf .riTT&BUUQBi PA. -OiKTAi, $lOO,OOO
I • r President—Jaims 8. Hoox. <■
tt* 1 jrcumsis.. -
[ ..-'•Treasuror— Jcsrpn a Lrtd* . .-
1 .. Becretary—C. A. C0lt0S» i. £ j//*-x ri. •
1. r\ - • omcEj-yo. Witipxa street, . - :
I - i (Matofue MaliUmbtfng.)■:? >
| < Thb Company makes <eTorr Icsnranto 'appertaining to
: for connected with-Ijfa Risks. ' '
. r ■» Mutual Ratesure tho cams as those adopted'by other.
1 pafely conducted Companies* • -
Joint Stock ratcrar a' reduction of ono4hiid from the
jMntusdpatcs—equal to a dividend Qf.thirty»thrce andone
| third paid annually In ad ranee, • •■ -
-1 : v Risks taken on .the-lires of persons going to California or.
| Australia.•• •* . . * K -
t r« t; James & Hoofe,?
" William Phillips;
-■. -Jchn-Scott,
. JohnlTAlpln, ~
IlotattoW. Leo, - ■•-
W th&tltbu beta Imoro to
ereiyTesitse ot,tSi»lrKsdful toesue to iKJttmothiaaax
btlior rcmsdj,.tiad at loss cost or iuccureuleuco to tho pa
thottsaod. cfeertltabs In kbo taedt of thoproprio*
ton rcany of wbitb ere from .trejl kno»? ett teas of the atj -
'ofPitSsareb *na «»ImmecUiteTiStoifr, gotoibtm.clrailj.
andbemSiU lsooedi^
o loboomni6ttToJne,.not<aily.Mv3? < S^ l f a7loi: M Wi S? :
: lit. KAtajaaiidt,^ Dwfnen, lass of Si fjhtj- but aa ft raluslle
i tattnuiremedy.bnritins the, InTratigaUas vtsj&vusizi
( wen u tieiuSerins pe^ 3l ? to become crqueluted wltbjtj
t exo essared .blutt tUa
j ‘jnedldnj lj purely ueturul, and la bottled: as it ■ Sow? from
UlO besom 0 . th 0 cart b- --- - . ■ , ,
IhifoSinsiw certificate it copudfima amermli.shea «
Smcate, Jit T- and heart- date Aumst % 1553; to wWcVu
also appended the certificateetfithtifiSfdied D). K f *ct, l£. p n -
ef SUTGCttSSf. _
- Thismayiirtrcthr-eatlfy.'‘that I harehcen co hadly
Seioftila&r thabstserenyearß that zmafof tho
Umal haTo been wnaM» to attend: to any kind of .busSms3; :
aadmuch pf tho.aaQuniihla toAwlkiindi.-confisied-to'my
bstd* audhaT,&,bocn' treated nearly ail the tuua hylhehest :
Phyaldunsopr couutryaffurda;
to- tiy tha EoekOil, &s ere
yytldnff else : had ihiled.' I did » withoutfaith at first, tut
theeCiStiras'astonWilng; R threw thepolscn tuthesicriacu
atonoe, and I
aoren bottles I hare got a eurevpr^thouiMidaofdolors., -
certif y;tiaf rl hare beenacqtralntod srttttKfcrtr:
Petrokoa. or Boek Oih for more than a ye&iy ;*&d
peatedlyiritnessed'ita beneficialelteetrinthe
tent olcersa&d-other diseases
'and’oan itio beamedldsxbvcr^;
thy brattentico,-«ndcan:safc3yr-say that fiuecess baa attend*
ed Itausa where other medieiuahad faned.-^.^
, fanggalAwr--j
B. SULCERi 3tii 'Praidoili F.
1. : CAPITAI#, O3OQ t OOO. - v , -
'llTjttL insure «4iast allkind3'bfjri£%'YtßS agHA,
YV ' J *XH-iaw»n , wßlho Übtiwy *odt-
tutlon, managed
they haTßassumOd/fts
wha to'inst&ed; %
i>trectern~B. ; Mlllar»v v-WV. iScsetsm,J7A7; Butler,'
ll'.nblmWpeJr, W S.^th f
Wml iL-Ltnn. Jamesßarsls,JaiaejMo*
Auley. Alexander Ktohi,Thomas . .
tSS. OSco, No. «3 Water fltroot, (TTw?hrasoc£ Spang &
00., cp stairs,) / ' ngrs&ly '
*r. i * • -
v-/ •• .’y
. -«r *■ *
‘ r ' /.■
- *' *
I Y \ t
r . ; •
• ; A"V ~ ■.
X -.S” W-:V.-••• •
, '•*?-*• . it®
‘ V-;' ?*: .
* ‘ «
. < '
1 * ,
-'■* ■ ' '.~i;
• . • •■*V
\< ‘ l * ‘
■ S-': •>'.
rimcms; V'\ -i;.'-;.
Samu&JTClaitaia* f i \ { : v;' ->
i. . VJohn 4i WUacuj . - _ v
■ •• Joseph V. Gaizam* cLD*...
A lesander "
-TTfrwm-Stoye. • -
A.— •
x 'C - *
= 4 ' GBBIS,
>/• aws&uxxqst -"-
rorCSBDBaR,: <m FELD AY, SAT-*
6( KSOAY, MONDAY (Ed TUESDAY, July lit, 20, tfll
-,Tbo characteristics of this teraeoso cciabU-hacat wo
ffuc&ttliat the proprietor deems ituanceesaarYto so into -5 r - .- • ■ •
Toll details, as it has been MkrtotfleOged to be-superior to
any similar one «rer exhibited In tbV* chantry. lie zzzT' ii si’
nlUccttt Pavilions, the Trappings and Paraphernalia," ncai
only to bo 6eea to be-appreciated. T'• 'i - ■-•• \ r 5; j-• • v
. The HIPPODROME cojn prises ev&’tZ&JS fecSOSTynnlad \ ? '-w ‘ :
eqoestrfan entertalnmantj-wb2s- ir
:->»33wi*HBJrASEBIJSSt3ariS3diSfieJ^CHIKSSB-^iPASl£l t = 5 v
and tho WILD BOX QP,CEVl»QJ?*comprisa*n exhibition ••••.,■
_n6fc excelled Inintirestbyjyjy: i&t2£J '■ ' r i- : -1 vl til w: -•-
v idBiHRANiv HAMILTON* tho crest Animal Tamer, wilt
'paffiSttn.' GEIZZLY ln‘t£4'c-*-■•::•
tho ndwlraUsnof cy.jy tghdder. - - -
£3*yor fartLor “BL’BSST-OT-rU^,”"
pjjtorfal and Descriptive Tails, at tho Hotels.
*“V GRAND GAMriMt'' ' '
lsa givens *"*
i -OjmxacQctoi :;• ■
Imlf- past .Ttfctocif . __
■ • ■|^ > - i AffT^lgsdfm:tol>Qth^yhibitklAs t • :? • .
■~T2S* r TIi&'3IISNAQEHIE-trill- bo open<ltinns‘tholfaTfifc'l
. Erenjiijr, a2ni the alalsrfos to it fire.. •-
'CcixSa. ZZ ) — +**M~~~* - *-
t~^- ■:i;*«grisS*»9)S4®^Swk "-..-• -■ •
maMoth: - ->
'.- Gtpails lf : dccoßthoda&rip TE&TBGJj&A&p.pcr&ilZt
UteßuSx^tKt^Oscat.lhoCaaalriPatstaxsbj'Jniy^^* l^^- i- : ?
-'- - s r i v?
Plstcf. ;^jagjtQd.«p«tacleora\BSLLO; o'^ ; ASCSHSlON, - ■
[ asp- ac£ jnag&lflcenf Hying Ship FLAG GF THE TJ??IQi?. } : :
l’ of Inflated Imaga%spload-uVciiiihFtiSii:of - :
f BotaciraSesit&gaffSeirca-gfeaegtaßog, smother pcrffe^r?-'-
at tioeaaa.pla^’wUllje^siib*-"''
Liiedpnn ot }*: :■•-•.•;
Qp! FIRS .WORKS over-burnt In - -
cost ; t2ie;pioPiioibrs -';.'’:'
;xa£U£]Oirgetting it cp. - - > - -
'■ ■■ .^S?“Neariyji^QSOriinignificeat-jrcsaatsVin^given tnafr~} y
-b thOfi£ -'bn^ing-ticksta
1 tbPl?curtii.Ps Juls: *■ : -V.- I ' -«•> - v'r \*V■
■-;:<toto*Reic.«riaii r s Jewelry- Storo,-ocst-.i»-.-ilaso£tsSaß^-yr
laiaisaaia-pT«ent3i-s?2ai6^«*« b :.a33j
; r • ««■»— * V- '■''
j - 2S. jH;j.gg7t Aj^g2..*l-na*-*.
iff %TILL cpso pOeiilyeJycJr r HON3)AY,' k Jciia \.-
- y V-sadr eqptlmla oautfuftlier-iiotfcej'Oitlx Sfoasi- EC-r\-- -•'•
G£NB• TH2SQDON, «f tlw'Boyal'-Opcnh.Soase, Paris,-• m:
Priedpsi-VioHstirt^'""'- ri
i jejfctf jr.-i : -.-•-•-■s'.- J,2.PosX£E T .stflTiagBr. v ;^;r£.;
rrn~?s>_CaT{?o*s Cotillion and. Brass Sasfiorn
■«& to-Wm. : PfsaJc. •
'CaTSO»atUie >** Crystal P&laca Daguerrean BoomaAof
• ''Hji&tf- > “ B.Ti:'C3rßoO'£‘CCr.^ l T(«rt>i street.
Tt CbnutvComtalsaionorr—TTetircautlior* ;
. Izaf tp fc-?sft3V- -
id ata foc-thtr offlss.oC pj^^C^ainSMoofir-^abJecfc,to'; tbd - '£j:
■ dorigioaof tbaDemocratic Convention. ■ ■•.... Ja23:to. - .
, riiidiii:—AC2lU larcrt>art r bM£te, la-stow «a fcr
r ggltrby ~ fjgSJ] '-* ■' A> HUNGER.
—A-tLStMC-S-rIS-bogs for aaia£aiiC2£arui&la tenai, by- -
jTiLOUR—C£O this; Sapcrfl2J> slf&igbt brand, fcr sale by. •'. .
■vjp.jna ■ A. HUXTia- .
BKUFOSl): JUSJSBAX. WAIEBrt»,Mf iariEiiCf till
eelcbr*,-/sj sTr.torj;istrocbi?’id zud tbr cole by -v : '
• [jag}- -- giKa-& siOQaasAP.
uolwSeexhibiUcg a lorje elcci-cl-Cropo ar.d ctbc?
Smnmer-Slurals; of &a most jashiosable etyles -- -- r jagv.-s
MABTItIiAS AND nstt itjlo Msiia-:-
-?smo4 YiHtt.ttJ.iast opened, fcx .'
■ jug .* A. A-31A50X:& CQ- -i Hitiistrg<:t. .
BEai!CH3S : AND TISSUES.—IOS pieces,::of all the oest':'-".-
'ilibisaablo juii. c renal by sO’s
jog . -r- A..£.-hU-BPS £ Pj. 25 imtireet. ;
VT} A&ASOI&—SOQ taoiii ami Siurci .Korns**, jusi rw’d
T aad for sale el.eap, I*7 a*' a- • ‘s' • *• Vi . : :
J.a> - ■ i A. A. MASON L Co„g rph-jurat.
I FRINGES —CO- dozen- snoro-cf- thaw 7 v Inchsj • Crimped.
~Prlgsegf (assbmd.colors.)
( y.->:;.T;Ai Ae-MASON
/TIORPEIi—E9O bags» ia storo and to arrjhrov (part strlrtly :
ttrolc by - -rJr.’-HtrNSliSll?' -r.- - -■•
■ tyfitralv'■ --/.
rl —Forsale br -■■ .■ ~..: f: .£. ST. C. ITORQAN,
- -. -r\';.:l<a-rW<K>detreaU
Tjl£Afi*-*4o'balf - eiMl3Troti&i^nys<soj£ ‘
X • 451 •- do .xv Impcruu;* l ’ ;•■-■• ' - v ;
' £o' ’ : 13w&; laaloreft2d&?Fa2c.cli-3apv:
• ' ' ' XIU^TGIw
. X- . •'• J».ida^» , **&Bßdfc&fislsinsaA l *-U>tU7tov>'
• r:' .• f ■.&}? 'do •. ifote^s.bjr'
•"jc29"'.' ! . A».HON?K7t» * ~
~ • ' -A^HPOTSBiV
EimHOillKElKa— A large amiEisliisaiiWeatocSof. new ■:*
t gtjU CbemSscttos,-Coxlsr^-CaEn
mother by ■■■' :-•
— - a:A%Trgayftx>^sTgafßtrca&.^
f MPOS'fAS T'TO £ A3H JLiltS-—Tfce a übscaberA tt o u: & tall -
X- iticniJaa; tothß-tact; tbziiher&x recehlngrcgnla randv;. -
constantcuppSoofXnaiTStfcint'Hin Iktei-53mU&Scg*£*~ ™
ice^€?°Qoii3TC!a-tiiaffilil, tsid
jiUa Ur fill orders io jay! g&mabnfsctarges pri«a.;£' -
Alscybest ftmotry brand* CTnst&ntljr on' hancL\U.
charts fbz.-<leli?«ri , l-»•—-*—-&-®IU{STIAiVP|*«-.-.
. , -•'-" .: ,- -- '_ ' :;; V'J , aTnny _GrocerB.'2s3. liberty street.
" i Flcrar'an<U?ceti &tore» w
: NcCSOgraithfleld «r««e, feetircta ’ThinlaKl.;:...
-Foarlbj '.'crfcei^ ; ftij-'rrill ; alwsys itSp -cii Jiaßd-Cbojca •*••-.-
yAMILJ'TIiOUBi' COIOt/crd all Slr-fl* of Boa*
. Tbrr rcspcctfally Invite the citizens Cf Pittsburgh .y - yy
mtLTjm LBONAim & CO. _ '
. / €o;^l
■ T“ ■’ffOTTLDjespcctfuJly lofena ; the cjtizeirs of ‘PsttsbaTgV:'*
■X- 'aini-Tttitisty7'that IharnopciieS a EicrcFccra,ccrcsry
‘of '©dri'and
tiaufl cf-OOEKa kxl COItKW3Q2j. : „s-
-' lam prepared.toSU ailoiderspertaSnJngitjrCij'
«dlheloco gnlugcast,..- .
.. ;t r>.
hie-foimerTtiSiicnco *
. j Jtb Hitsbargh* And baa-assQctated.jgUh'higi. JQIU? Q~EB*;
Ito2f,’fdr?th4 purpose orcarrylnsrcTi the. 15LA.CKS5HTH* - : .
: laiulltaTwlouy branches:baskfei fortha^- tv £
Hbcrai lrpmhisniX*-: ■■■:•
■merpus customers &ad
: the -
crest oirfbe Shrubeovillp th» step.; v..', >
- la Btriwbenr alley.' ftknra' asthir-Eaglo Eoteh Btecks&lfß .:'*
Shop^-~: : - * - • • - JOHK GRAHAM.
-"-ayrltSaufAw, • f •'•■ ._ • ' . . .;. JOHN GERRON* ......
■ OSico or tue CUtzens"Bbp6ait- 3ba
- T PUtatmrgSi, - ■
EESOUED. Tbit viHlha SWcsix-ltoa o? tia Cltiiosj'
:Bi^^t ; B^jfilsaßli63^h ( 'lafra6Ta!acoaasasssEs.y;
blai, hiTerPrcptalPand hereby i!c> arcrptthri charier £ayh_
ret of inrorpomhen, apprcvblihVCOih day ct. April. A. D. "
IBM. -{KcSotnticm passed MajJXHlr.'lSJS.)' - - .y -
■ attira <JEw.«f-to.
Oanki to iqicit tts-Sooto-aafcrecoiYo Eribarriptiars lotto/
bc4jrfWstocS l iwars:Of So’docS,-
A-sl.i;w»4So’ciocS, P. M.,»c4 that farther pobllc aotisa •
IhcTeviboybrsn -by frlpar&oaiEtiS.lii'tfrgggiiafly: papcT3.~ ■/- /
.(IfeaiivUbttijitea - . . . -
'■ •' -Pdblishe4b£otfl6i f ortlia'Bteua,' ■
jal6 : . '3AaiigEM;CI.PSgAH;S«»tsTy. '-- ;
- Boas 11 !&'< toWaoay’* P&irecrrsotypes.;; ■: ■ : •;_■-•.
- ;y
■"teKi^roattlist,(«Jjijr,4ocE3‘aliijcßieiriß?laflai»ii3»vi^ -?s.
;tfcey hare B!J*asupJi<X!W:fcupSU£ii£(^iES^'E&rias a:/;; jg
igltaigeaiß.tsn: vests .cs&gngaee'm ,*£. vy
-too ffisy pledge Cthaaselres to tsiu oufeM goocT; , y
pietajesiahay other'eitsiaiESjaeat 'ta tho cemiaf, asct fer.' ' ;.
S°to the cf Pittabarr:h, dio?? rlujV or fa greors.
whE&erth'ey u£K'FicWitM: oot. . „
fetEm™ oar . - UOU& 4 aSeiO5T. ' V, : :
’K. a—We totlsS tU'aiteles to out bnrlnsss tooths! ...
operators et hetetoSaa;--~ atte .
%-fena;3!J^ t ■
T\R. t.mtmeaJTOQ-COBBIAE,'or' Pxotrdtae■•■;:-
hflltT/ImpottwKJOT’fiinanias; Hud
|sto&reiElEotexJr > ftt to^ta,thornnrf!ds< : _.;
oatoffipriuS JS to»-Mitsteeoie'*»;8cmJasl.lis!ssou5,
PtMtr.gtehWe!ilnieg3 of tta Ocaltol <trgffis, •■•
Xemrei .ljSOMttiiKi'orTThitts; As no lotigo
riaus medieiso Jt is 'unequsllt&- til sc* a : e;rti!n. raasdy
*p toapJrat'XXosauqiStaoi .liSllgesßaa. teaiol Sluseuha
EurreY.FbTrtel Lorrtede, i'e:nale. Debility, £c..
oltfce.iLbore «aa-w;
end is btooaafless'r&liii'to thcaosdthoot -.
-,*. Cotnstoci hßrothcroa .:■ . -\
i&c lrr'Jvprr, enj etver birj it pol-xa; joa te'-I tho ohoro
. test. irolsl-.-^>
-thseotarfsrfjltatroaVopldpoisgtt.~'AsaisysE 1 ~;::^v'
- . ■ ' ' N'O. I*2G Till KD ST. ..
Withia of ifie' CUjry fur Sale I
; 'i"' ACSESiUs9t2»a-wiUi ; &® imprarare ■la
Peebles ct U» : city*cnt a goofry?\ :-
tbarirfitP Ti^i^^HOC^SSja
tha country;
.cottßt& i :T«nas liberal ea42ttla
TnritenpfetblflJ • ■• . * . • •- . - „.•.. ' . • . »; -
VSAtSOT-lKfleonXots foEMhEUtAWSfejia orljiaalJy tali-: . ■
Lota la WHsinshur& u. laid oat
hy BeisSlCOJUas. . •
.•..AI£OT-OneFourACTlot,Ecir WBfactljat?. ' _ .
.;• ■jea'jsmMto BSHBY-miat aostoaeMW*&2st*... ..
trnO - >nVrM»» Pf AU.I EtTSat3. £5£37043-thlS'- - .
■•■'. - TTCtTTnAn.TnTSTAaa USEffiHT. -
*HE fljtß OM HSAfIB- - •
by fettg.—.' •:: *
■Sit fisa ;t«a ttajOiSSaca ifc.uss-iatio
idtic^lto - tbf PjttaouJSßy yet •?& bavq Imzidreds of - ■ •
■graftal sltoefiseiTare to prom vrbat't?© »y to bo tree,’ • •
ciachto* shops, -who bar© burned : /
TberMcJTersdtb tho metals,, usod tbio Uniaenfc.
and T7craiu»2ed it trura ilc?> -''
tes taaefd. to.-.ttccL* Othsg3» -erior teo braced, ci
*palced'-the©®i TTitb; th© nna fcspp? r.
ffolti. , otbfti3 AiMst-lt iba ibauiaatisa,: paiaa ia tfaj • --
joiuts aud oefchsppad iaads. teU- •'
BttiaT©J*e- HEiLEDf Gocsif '*
thst'woouu vho suSeroatha agoaioaof ■
agu&csk&d bjssj^ t fiad-ttold getsiO’TeliflJ^..■:
antaeho Eisiah© wuitell vm
l ;tha4.ait9b!«2»s tbaday Bhevelizy • '•'
.fey.ltr/ nf^yw i--'--
it baa tuj oqnai,' our© EpllaS^tiss-boS
' r ;t •
Hasaiia hlefajat, and thus suites thssijM a ;
■S^fB^SIESgJSE I * M “t
* i V » r,V ; .
i* * ,' _ * -
' t,