?::-' •' ; £ , '•"■■;, v-'::' '■ >.* * 1 v-- - • |X ** *l* ** ** ~ _£** ***>-'• *■s*'**■" V* i ** * Nj t*"<* » «V ( * C * * X v n 7 - „ i .r’ •- ■- ■_ --. /?':^i.-.- h*'**?-it r j \ -*->‘l-.'-IIX ySZT? 'v**’*%■*■ > \ .w^rtv-»WAV- £ !(‘>»l-i f , 5 i _**■>■.' Hj,. ,* „* ‘ -, vi _ * * V ■- fc XXvX'XX'-* •%* X ■^fM. 4 -’ \XXXXX V *,’A 1 'VAv h| '< .•*’ * ;,'. - , ...is*''"' *y* '*• - , '■-'** “''f ”" V „ _$ . i * T < -O \ J L>? <,■** t V l * fc * t l 1 f), -A ,tf 1 * *l*/ l\, ‘ l t'i >1 ‘ " » * * . ,S, J ) l 1 * k * * - ~. ; ; , C£ \**-'V " **- Z'l&s -X- X , v 3 ___ wl > c*> ' r ? v - *~±*h *V.r -T-f 4* * y*, 1 - * \ y *i E * A . f . , y1.,..;-,..,.- * * w ~ v ~-n^» r -*~. "" ' "’ r 1 ' , s- *'*>, . >» • - -*• i r f^; I " v v V>'V- - ■ V.^ ,- -— =^= — ■ , iSrj^*^4^^f.^^':^»’^' ;^'fV?P-^'*,'^yifSji*'isvzriy.-ilr£r/'.f: •z*vy‘-CV.:M:±-' , 2i-." ' ' V . ?I - 0 :- 6»5j vi -'’i^ fel'A *» kt . * w€tmftl^l bsfesl«w tmos&^mm p®#»ifey rjsss. Bl ®^ ,mm “ ol3 ’ J^ l> “ B 1^ < " p^^tejpiii l' 1 * Stt rt i ®l*S%K^S , : UEST OUOOEHV EIOItES : W.liafe^a--.-ft- - jtba»thol)Mirnnor««' tszßSSz&s ites ON ItAM> Olid to f-nlo, «6®^ , -•••:• . Jomn Oaltay*! Commou Onlley* Cu ft?/#' /f-t yl-iy - 1 1 ~ Oomposws BtldJ. CommoD W ■: :• - aml'lUdetr at ell. Uftseriptlon** Bn %& t iBMWJoSy&M ■ J ,SfinS l ss Aj» «5««.. >» v, ■ iHoo founts lotto. «i J ,ge *4‘ f cSon; »n 4 futoblica at tho Voandra r* »'?*fe;|,-£§»^f^ 15 ,%.5|?| , JStoS^SS^nau, , p'i-..’ssa“«s» ";p;cfe%!aa6@ssets -th&s sy>g344^©f- f:,: jraaroassinßa i ”-psspoi*i.S fob task mo*. Jgj BorC aaof CoartmtiaWp»g“f SSfSffiSftSSgSgl-g » to. / j3J?.iV, ? 4-1 o received at -joa Market street. | S thoße«t AmcricanJeon,mulrc4to j OT Tf!TMS mU6t hftto merit, an 4-s.' &\M&* p »».o k c ■ sg-ssss s^i^se .ffisStete^ r; SSfSIsS j p £X - A Btrtet, near tho Bourth Btreet | September next. . fr m 0 charcoal ] HM a £h£Amo=;■■ PrugaUL franco pod •tP J E I <> I v- »rtnnlrcdlo the manner set forth In that in* I Boil* ilt.vdii’s Oftice, Baltimo. imi vs^i^'K:jv# : . > tefew«f»aa«s. ■< ~ k-*, r- 'iA iTsi ’ c l jAl lfB” can 1 tomrnt in every Tbe I been used VKA giw* tuaxa, by SMW«'sSa«a®g-; ! .^r;-: -“a« s S3=s. »—.„. -“TT I >m lii 1 'iW'Hiiiwn 1 Hi 1 ii 1 iniii'i' isyil. S' ~ —--w? ■f'X*' I '' 5 >* * ► \ 1 f - f -r=sil=-. Trrwt? n COURT HBWS. x, THE Const OP QffUiafflssKM, WbwHbn. Jm-3* + McCiure, President Judge; andWllllam Boggs and flafctot 'tutolssoof the Commonwealth va. Michael TOU,.H> about sixteen dollars, Xho prosecutor identified as ptrtyn show-case, which was Brand tn M’Coffory's hrore ae tho the® of hie arrest. The jury returned » ' ptainedoftookplacoiaßrmingham, verdict Df guilty, and tho defendant was sentenced pay dietac^hutgtay. Commonwealth vs Wdltau Pi t haiCT at tho Juno -"The defendant was tried on jj ont no verdict was. Term.huttalug to homo oI Bov. thoxorner of Wayne and Ponft streets, and ' rntoE n lot rf ladles’ wearing apparel- ' conflicting; , la t Xt™ror»ec,reOTe B irtt^o».t»a« - if!-?,’ jJLra of each county, of oil tte MrU>r, :x.' .. ,^o • . L" lnaCCUTaCfcS^ ;^^®^®^ and dulte occurring Owiqb *° luaccw*^ 9 T , laros mido aonot present o complete ot onriinontte ttierrcKOt Um MaJV berryXTuld'W, <‘ this us greet, a ybry great cotm^- cholmloginsjority,’' os ttwy ray So election Omen. Rinsunn I> ra Prudent ot the : hi ■ ■ triv-tiu.’ Rflilrbad Compwiy> nurcbaseil*. danns lx j ■'ii‘ •.•;■•■■.■•: TTCJChOUSO.< Jt. «* M - * aepotJor to Vaht tote shipped Post and West from tore 'ST.toenonr, tbo prme>ral T.olmW oT Forte* EWqpto Opera Jrowc, u w>w in town, and ready for ««»«»■ »» fiStConeCKroll beEl''™ on Monday oTenla&and ttaie- StaSo. ftfaereral weeks, without tatrtropUon. From the UiEh encomiums bestowed upon M. Thtdtoo by (lieciiStcro tress wetaeHne to the belicr that hokhard to ••• iH-at.- :.*• .. „ ‘ > ~r r, „ vltk leather top*, ojnlfw bait Fiwa cen-uIM taforted pile tamiy, '■mtoeoMatllcEea. boJe, this afternoon. at * o’cOock, an4?t *a*JJ Bright tbi« cremes T»o ted birds, and three SrfC«oJ!eat*igeM, oUoaquaatity ofawad toadgoM and filter srotehm, jenclrSttc. HOD TO KMl—Ctarto Murphy, of the Fifth rvhoso liouto Mr. Miller nos »hot oaWo4ncsd»r»lgbt,» totaft bjAMera.uaMwor oaootesorf bee Sos o gnmWios touee. Tho iuftrmotta* oroo loSd by -Ereemor Disswnos.-A woman nnmrfHurMfrtta, arrested on Thursday Bight. .^ : t i ■ tiM - IPS Hartct etvxt te e» *° r 6al ® ttenuv if. cowans- v * > AS*- , 1 TWEGRAPHIC. . "* -*Cf _ poali ~~* | . QtiKS or the Buit MoannroFosT, l TTTrmmOV OF BPBING- * Batnrduy.dnno 11,1653 f -. i *Tv. ■•- • pujE.wttW>i*< Jtmo f pmuß— The market ye tonlny was- not bo animnt*!— ThaattontUof wlDMJ!!iocm to take hold safildent only-to supply the tcrelcsco o'clock, ' Kcnsil and Aloxca- immediate wants of their regular custom. IVo Uaroonlj fjSSrellg* aalcsreported of thafollowing lots* 00 bbis at $3,60@3,90; about Tour hoots; t?® s?i2!SjS*lMte? ftomOor- Big- go do it the depot $3,85,50 do Trotd store at $L lous taundaes. gating that the-E**catiTe ck- OATS—Bales 300bnat the canal In lota at 37@38, BBATT—Tho demand is good, nlth gales ofWObuat the ■^FOOB-—This article la coming" In more freely, and finds readySTatfullxatoe. Tbosalea yesterday amountedto -erhe-woanotg“U^.°*? I |fittobb wasißoiltyotthomnrr, about 4000!bs;a» fiillawe: 2O0O:Ibacom to !4 blood at 40© 45,1500 do mostly fall blood at is; JOO do common 40; -Bpring atenre- SSttelnnoreureof Ills son, Without any qualification- j t *^^t_ - g a j cs &”SftSdhS P ofbtalS ■ BBI^BBEBF —Salesof!4 tierocs at 9, 0 tlereo.couTass- HAY—gales at tbo scales of 0 loads at sB@lo XGGS—Sales 300 doi from store at O. - WHISKY— SaIes of SO bbls raw to arrlto at 21; ,o do ; rectified at 22. 'BBICK-l-Salea 15,000BolUar, com at $25. BBQAB—Sales 7 hhds at prime to choice; L. : bass Bmil at 8* •■•.■ *- ♦. ■ ••• _• '>''OoiAtfS!yffftot!cc'a':B#le-Qr.«ltons Antodto.at so,*Q f ton* ;, -r■■•■•■■ „■ .2. • •. •• •' , ABlLE3—Sales lQcaaksUomesUc at 4aoptn*. .... BO -boxes at 8; 12& do 1% ' ■ lUCE-Sale* of S ilcJrcos at $%, cash. Tbo mart£ot ? is well supplM. ::ICESlB—BaleaCHtonsatsl2s» time.; • • : COFffEE—Sales of 60 bags at lO}£ lbr gow to BOTJTHEUN OORYEJmON w MEHPES, Juno 0. - - Tho BouthonxConTcntSoa not.this morning, and wnreod-. that ths Convention meet at Cfcarlca journal *i«e Ckotsati, Jtmo JO S3s»¥24fSissS?a Moff&EAL, Juno 0. STtf'Sf Sai^.^tot^oeciosputola ShjysawigpSSSS ia thoorcasW One man la ascertained to tx> kUIoO. BAjjtaoßXr Jnno O. •..] JEJSBSEg&sttwa 2tS^Sfeas"«ss ton, hSUt tholst of July, _ jjpj 08LUK9* Jnno 8. California mail* • . • CinCAGO, June 0. , Tho National W’laloaof Trap.™.™ uSSSSSI.--*! ?,“’!? £3?JT£ «?5uS U«W»l»w»« Juno 10, theft la great wmatlon among the dtiienß. iloitem, Ju»« to- The Bob at Hon* Chart, bore Cucnnun. Juno 10. rigtsed. MOtr - SEtEGBAWt HABSEIS. New Toes, JuQo 10. j as a“ «afsSf, w-« 35J000 baa corn, tniieO, ot 0,,0.cu a- 1 Lord .sal** EOO | tcr.cßrm otlo@lj>* uorer »» *l*3oo l»bd« SI-: «££& 4>al% firm, Or inactive. pgn i T Joso 10- j , rifcSK2BBES§?g : Sl^iS^sh^efes .... ■•■• •. iaas-3bMnflslMß'isfcj HfiSiv? n. coixine. I. i, Uie |‘ market clfrnifc+J firmly _ •SSSSSSs iK 1 . l>rl tisli ltkS®loSo W. -bar* no*. t S,o«flmdlls«7tSlt/lhe market lia.lng a firmaspocL The reU yot'litUodoiog in Tin Wales, and Trices insi'ljt I da»E Steel setts freely: bwodisb keg fcgsotJfldlOi then. :i> M tap*"™*"{^^3 tAiI- ba obtained at «ti !« I ■Ws@ap\Qx';- Jn^prlterJar** purrbiuwa tew Iwm 1 Si tiiM lOtfs* in ft* Iron wort to I BSS?gi? ts& aum l^. 3go‘ls SS ff^AMSSjßgaj I tavsivvv FISU MAttKET.—Tho demand fbe Orißoli bat SiS^sSßHE^r iSwtT**at«g.7liThl»l,«-h._ nrn.T.IAirIXOKABP & CO. ' COSSET* gP &AILT tOS tW Patricks & Friend, w ±u Comer i if JW* n^al loans. United States Bs. ISK. - United States &5.1553— — PcnnsylvaaiaBs.lBll*— ——*’•• Pcunsylvanlas?.liiBS Allegheny county Bs.. Allegheny eonnty coupon*—~— Pittsburgh city os.* Pittsburgh city arnpons, payable New Y0rk..... Alight ny atylftouponsrPayaW* l Dank of WtUbursb,— Merchants* ManaC***** 6 ** Bank Kxrhnnpj Bank.* ■ — y— • -~* farmcra’ Deposit Bauk-.~ AllecbenT Satfcnjjs Bank.. D'KIDQB STOCKS. - Monocfcahcla : liri4£ c "—-”■—'**-** g*. Clair *•*••*’* Uadil street Bridge—.—■•***"* Northern Mbertl** INSUItA>CB STOCKS. W«tfrn Inaottmr® Company..— Citizens* Xniou}aan> J'ircmcn’r Company.— TEXiWIUAPH STOCKS. Atlantic ami Ohio Pittsbur&h.Cladnnatl ft Loulsylllei Lake Pittfiborgb Ga» Works-—*— —■■ ManoELSabela SlstuTatir-. • ■ BAILEOAJ) STOCK. Pennsylvania. IWlrosd.... ■•••—' Ohio and PeunsylvnntalJijlroea- Geveiand * P.ttsbnrithltaUroub- Jlarlnc Itallwarand Dry Dock—.. Tnrtlo Creek Plank Bejel— t>eriyevUl» Plank Eoad,—•• Grecnsburg I CbarUersCoal Company- • COPPEU STOCKS. ‘ Pittsburgh and Boston...—»••«•»•«• Nurth American..—————'^ (North Wcb?l..»— North Wcutcro—- Adventure- Ohio Trap 1 "a «srfr'U6Cfl»-WAi**'*S TUB ~ AttIUYED, ... ■ m jefTt'tsoruParWosoD, « Luteroe, IknnoW, CrownAtUlr. « !njona*Sbtit«r fß^t«7»}'.eßt>ewlcn it Geu Bayard, PccUra* u iv-iver. Cordcn, IteMcr-• « Mi'dilssm, ho.ttf.W’oJf, Wrilw3J p « CoL Morgue Kincaid. Ctachm&U. it Exchange. Rhorle*. WlxccUnj; DEl'AftTEI*- . • .... << • • js^rson r Pttfkiß»n, prerßrnßTUie* « • Losttue, Betxoßtfe^oTOtme. iip!ir. No. 2, 'Vo'fi vraisTiitc. a Bcaviir, UorJcn, Bcsw.r. « : OcorjrHciwtii Toe, Clodnoau* « AUI-"Tico. Young, Cincinnati^ u , ltboiica, Wheeling. F.,r freight or r-^Ke.»VP>T fl oa B bo^ i^BE ,; aEB ._ TV, *„ttoaaa Sov. MEIOS, Snrax, Mm- I lw« far tb« oboroud lntraedW# iflZSSnl*»«*>*»»*<>*«* * For freight or pu=ie »rplj.m Agrot . fi)U 2 _ ,:i.— - " Marietta, Uoeltin ß port .■ . #«.. Rttfamn IIAIL A* 8* s“**; inalalion and i,roi-ptnc*s : Market utrcet, ' ' “***••••■• - • :.= ;_■ i~. • • j pomOES-OO ter ’'jikHhv U. COLLINS- Wow r , p T nn uestouooehy stores J* ■the him to oODS,* “ “ P™*“ cr Ltt ‘toSmLlrJ BroXcr, 45 M«rtrt ««■«*- 1 1'i 1 £ A (TWiTcY . ' ■' '■ ■■ A. JaYSEB. .NO. 38 FIiTU BTBEET, i-lTOBUlton, AamlJortheSaltof L>■ Jehntin £ Co. * T[ipe, se.. J Of WIILADELMU, HX*’ ON ItAND and for Mlo, Ujo following .—Bkuuudni tax* Jk &*', f D £r?ooSilSnlft cS S&. »* find* * "IToll THH MABUllvWtj.: _ T\IL LAB&TTITS JUNO COHBIAL, or l > ro c rentWo pU T# Ir* nrescritod t* an effectual rusttmiiscsln .f s ***^ l«uco , remedy rating medicine it fo nneq ©T Muscular for tadpl»nt <>n^ I»W, t& «“rta any of thi aWwm •SSBySSE SBSssariqDßfiir ... ---i.: •• - - • "" - ‘ READ irHK TIt tJTII'« ki popular, end extend :•■>•■ A WOi <»«W“ D The people its »a!es year atti-r jeaJj tnapw j of thorn passes, readily Hod out lu tlrtucs, aM >h» from mouthto ? testifying to tlie cure a mo-; S 1? of far n/oro scrrleo than any newspaper advertising you to JUMP lainthotftoutha Tu curwi' Among try giro their to““ 0 S n “ Olar°U AhSd H. John -them wo homo Hon. Ilcnty y? : vlth hundred* of - SToSS™ W edehraW physician”? the Empmorof cuffd hy fc^F^tt/younfa^^lnoyery pl Srfrn’to° and »uutw, And that the aame successut- TincWfo,hy U^d. ; Con*^.^ t^?’^”“^j l h 6U Bt. ErIV », m!mJ AfTecUons, generally,dflatuhj, ;■■ Titus Dance> r^, i ' tr ;'' y Zjiv _i« AUeasos- arising from im -1 Piles,Bowel'ieTAßlOUS BEBANQE o peri°* - ' examined the. I tala> Croat JcnlAtcs, TcspoJlng names-or thp»; rind othors. ETEtoploltm, WMsm A. Sctoeffor. WvUmmg f laleoSiMrlUly testify to {£“&?*& *T Uenty . ostosm botb of our mmxWa COWUKJKD BAIL? W 8 Hoon & Sorgenti T Cbnxro/lFood ana PENNSYLVANIA. Pittsburgh Banka..... : Philadelphia Hrowusyflle. Sacks county ■* *«»*»■••* Chester Co. (new •Columbia Bridge Co.*««. DanylUe Delaware 00. “ Doylestown “ ■•..■■? Easton. : - 4< . Gorman town “ : *—*•••' Lancasterßanks^.w...-. Lebanon.. ■ 44 Y r*"iT“ Monigomerycp.BMhs~ Northumberland s “ •-* ... ( Pottflrllle : ,■.*■*. <> :Beading . .. .r*- f) BchuylklU county Oettysburgh~;....!”' A HanSahurg... ••••—•• « Honcadalo • . . Z 4 Middletown—. |4 Wayneaburg.-. York 8ank5.....;...—. » Belief NotC!.i;v..v .••«-- 7* United States 8ank.....™ Allegheny City Scrip.—™ P“- Pittsburgh city --■■• par. Allegheny Co " _.-.prem lifilf TrUBR- : ... Nsw "York City A 2 % All wlYcnt Banks..-—< 7A flmail Nntea..-— 7* MARYLAND. Balllmort Banka-...; A Country Banka-.-.... J 4 YIROINIA. BankcfVa.nbrtnebtai...: 'A Farmcra’Bk.nirancbes-:'- ig Valley Jilt, fc branches zi ExchatseUk-abranehca 24 Wheeling Banka....—;• A Whecllnff'branehea.— 74 NEW ENGLAND. AllAOlTont Banka— % Minnesota Pittsburgh and lata IWjrw-—- Dougts* iloughtca,...- Ontooogan.. BMge Fire Steel Colling **■*— A*toe....— V** Bltttr- Peninsular..——— •v~ ATery»»*.~ frarust...... IrcoCity^— i T th. n\£SaSS pV ji^ *£ Dlha»,4t, at 7 o’cuxnt. r. M-. . r I '. ' ••• jin»finn ■■ , . ■".--■■• Aoctlcmecr Kii Cotamissioa M«i -I§§g*lltl£lf JA2IE3 HeKEHHA* Auoiioiioer. SAtE OF FOCIt nil? PIPES OTAB]>. U mTOY PAXK TOEN-Ca BHASOT, At AttClV. Jo 3 •?'•••• ••"■-- —— 1 - \ U3T. * BARE HI frmrMOBKIKOMSTBT. ajcetoenge BanUe*«» * ixth ' OHIO. Statbßk.nnd branches- |i Other eblvent Banks % ; Bank of Sandusky-.—.. ; , GrauviUo Jg. VVOOSW Stato. Stock Bank*- •; Si Statoßfcaad branches,- •; % ILLINOIS. ’ state Stockßatfkßj % State Bank Brunch*,...- 60 ; • p fl T>)r of Illinois—.♦»...<* ■’76-y.- KENTUCKY All KOlTentßankJ^..—. .%.. SUSSOUEL Statoßk.ftndbranebefl,.._ % Michigan. „ All solvent Banks—— 1 T ‘ ■ *WISOONBIN. Marfaie'a.FlreTnsurance Co.AfcAillwaukle-—... * ■ TENNESSEE. All solvent Banks —: . ; nobteoabouna. AU Rolvcnt EatAa...—... 1 GBOBXSIA* n> All EOITCnI Banka... I>S , ALABAMA. ' ■ AU EulTent Banks— 6 LOUIBIAHA. All eolrent B»nl«~~—• >» EXCHAKOBS. 5ewY0tu...,..~.v; ■ : W.i VUliuldpWa-■••••••- P£a CtminHatl - Lcral«tlU»....~ v-v-JJ JJ*# 1 jq» ■.■......imil- diSCrt. VALUE OF COINS. American Goldfnev)—— P**' American Gold (old) Sovereign* Guinea 2 Xc Ton Gutt10r».......~r-» * Louia * £ Sapolijonf.:......—"— DoSlKrtHjPotritrt...—lS 10 : Doubloona, Spanl/h -...-IS AS s SB PBICE3 OF (UO&XRICi I ixcbonr Ittmto, MJ3Uv MNbTTS. bAWbS, CAbLUJAi. ASD EHOES, NOS^I.PACAS 1 6initW ; CbWUA«. W M 1863 i lV hdtu^Cambifc iWh gnX;..* “ Bhwat, Ootb- I ?i^^ OTn g* JAMgggggg*. Au*r. tending tael! 10a f«t t° Ra 01l y oQ tbo'northcily a front of;.lf«t,exteniungw 0 f jrpitoa. s^ifi mssssm 3 «tcmslng W* to the tamo aUw.j ta 0™ “ nusl canbewea., , • “Aucttoxiociv j jo* . .—— —- ?. 11. "DAVXB, Auctioaoor. , Jell JJ 1» »U-« collection of «SBWP&»S^6S®. v JoH . -----—-—— — £> tSffl'nSoaiSd iim.- »ta*ts,wM i*«oW, - pioredendorsedpaper. .- ,; P .s}.i)ATlB,iact’r. ■ ■ jolQ ■. ' ■■■.•■• ■..,.•.•■■■••• • •• ■- --. •■■■ ■. ■:• putgisoi, Ihlmxm; tor eal« tol,^ lttEY & KEyait&'W. J»a to Aft - ' r-.'- 7 - ■ -•:'- ' ■■ '■■■-■ ■■ r D A ABY. MHI Imd&cmUSM «SU bo terT f d ' ■K. JS& i^g*?** ' .- -■ .\* o \ . . • - " v ' >.v ••,’ •- ’- 1 .'vj-r • • * , „ ■ - > i . < -»•■*/ -- ' *" • • • ' ■ »*«,,'^-^r-i-\.-^.’;-y,-_i:; T ' v 7." ... * r ' ; ;' . ::-:*A£’S%%?.:.£‘s -r'-'' '.■< ’ V?A : L J’'”-' ‘ ‘"-‘7 -' f ■'•>“ ‘\>. ' ' '' I\\\■ , ~75 : _ T/v" ‘\\,' \ r "\- K _ -77 .:\::\f,t'.tv-:-. ■■■"<■-. i;.- .v-. v’ V ’ ’ ,-r^r-';.*-;. *■ P.-...v w : t ;.v -•-. •-’ .*-*...» : \\ •' ,r.- V C’". v ‘ ’■•'U' 7 - '- ' “ ; '*!*'..* •- ',-> ■■ *; ■ * »I- - ' . t • t■* s, »\ \. • V « ~ * r »- ’- -s'. ( ’-: ■. ;.V r-! jt :S.‘ V ■'- ? i ' -.. ‘ . ' i F .- *’ * -L*-- S-s "■ <, * * » * 1 ' k - % t , *s . t ' .l .. - r 4* '• ‘ •_ ■ --> - -T.'.V*:-. »• r*- -v. ■. r >-V;.•?•« ' •" 6~~Vn«gs TTOEEBESCH _ je9 pcr ?!mi ’ ost opcn ” l ffnar.rN-n’a. IQS Market street. ,■ -rihlii-W bra you see 4 £ Xa'ssrs'fiTS'iiiK.'S'iSE^ aTiftllM dyo him ft call. ■ - : :■■■■■ ———• rssrsesssaßesag&iS ot Ttatond3 aru'datanC!* KorcmWlßM, duo January, im°a^S,Ttrber ? d from! to 160 rndnure. j wwim Py OTatr 0t WILUAiI A. UnX, Treasurer. lCe n3s3e^a» ,. El t. £ Xe"M 7 cS’ •• . s*-*®*- I "«tgSS£SS£%£3w’ ■ £ine Ingrain. Carpets? . $. ■ CommonJogralxiCarpets; • . .• .*..r T ™&. Clrpcl3 ’ SJSIT »«, I I ?ct ls a *? oth: M Msortttieit ofaUctliergoodJi usasUylKptlaiitegt t RQOpud Arrival t * • AT THE NEW OA&PET TIO USE, . -'■ . ■■ Ho 82 Third Street. - > mn2 respectfully iotoaa ESssgS&mmm&se SsteaassttssaasSS^: S^?S®gsasrMi: TablicoTeri, , WindO’srShad<*s f Cocoa-and Cahton.MatUng, MjnßugJ,»n4» splmdU. assortment of TaUo opd ™“ post nr - : , .1 M Broilers* ntuUtrgh. . 1 Val 11*120,00$ 100,00 I 101,00 100,00 $-:■ ; 000 100,00 ) 57.00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 .101,00 i 100,00 100,00 J. rt.vniTTttMP.W. ft ' ■I^^.Sm^AtSiPSSISSSra: ■■■ City of ffl* i! r Q *".'"« ,, ' , * < * ,m^a^l^< i i^ CitT n f SUiiTilny, July. 33. , City of 01»«g(nr.-..'...w..~'-f»gBj»y» •A'W.® City of Mioohejter... —.i~-Baturl»y>-Sept-.~*'r . .. ■'■■■■ CUv of Glasgow «*• »• > cuy ***»" HVEBPO OI. . • ■• . CUv ol Manchester - I l * eUccsUsy, hlr-T is. . Sw 0f015~aw... WMtofay, *»«.*- . ■ : city of ManSrstw... —£ B ?^ !lsr *'iS!is r ‘ City of OlMgow, S-tSSSX’ An l oi Cltv- of Manchester.- «Wodn«d«y» APe*:-’* • : BATES OP PASSAGE - tgs~isFF* '.•!'* 1 ' ■ ■ incJttdinjrStewßri.fi JTccs».. - .«-■•• ■- SrtfteSwofp.aisowSft’e toot* to ptvrtica who «« do , Por freight or JHOHAKBSOh*, : ■«, \ "aar^i^sa-af 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 MfiQ 60,00 60,00 [ 100.00 ‘ ,- 25,00 W j -.,-SDuQO ‘ 49,76 ■ 105,00 x^ooj 10,00 18,60 i 170,00 03,00! . viM 200,00 10,00 .m • - rm 1,76 - 3,25 jpo«aagc» and uemittancul JOHH THOHPSOHr Agcat, ' “f-rT iVtUbaiyttrtdilHUt'jvrsXj^ rofc '■'•':■••:•, . ’ » • Mcrsrs. 1 s aha 21st of taih month. ! .- ■M rrr ; " : * gwJJiCHT TAIL USE. • , FromNcsr Tork. ..- UreipooL sup oossrmiiios, VApran Iss-u I^4 W UVEBPOOE, r»H 0 Tcbpt.K«raoj. - 6 EtIp&SCTASIXSE, \Jupo « . p/i .. ltaotoS: jFcb. 21 J“’y« 11 |ps • • .».& Balia which, thoy dlspsfch from Lfrcrpool intermediate Pl^S!S I Slitto J of'the shore ossnltont todiitEUps .. v'- - • : JJSii WAufie* ‘ .':.* . ..' , - drafts SI up«4T^,wWcli?UW»6J.t, ctt Agents to England, , ’ antSSate* ■ -«lom»rtT short. Vtttshoigt;. V»- p ,«H 7,00 f .sM 5.60 l 8,001 DR. HALSEY’S FOEEST TftUmi AND GOil COATED FOBEST PILLS ! rrruE mostextraordd; aby disco vesy. is the. TaVOKIBI 1,000,000 botfles ana boxes sola annoalljj. and thousands of lives saved them a premature grave, by most unoccpUcnaWo elmracte are continually pouring In fconr!2 c 2* , S rt oSs?to2iiaa£ Ini! witness to Iho unparalleled cfflcacy ofthesojaediclncs. ' Tho fbllowins shows' tha number-, of cases cured, ns certi fled to bjletters anti other testimonials, ra«>vcd£romall carta, if the Calm and British colonies,'fain the. Ist of Senary, 183=, to January Ist, 1833, indcrlye^ Dyspepsia and habitual cosUvcness : —» ”3. ■Nervous disorders—jm General •*r***r7‘ , ***”VT”**‘*?'*T'*" mo Pustulesi unhealthy color or •thes!iln r .....-rM:f7"i-c^y Scrofula and mercurial complalnte. —.——7—■■ JjJ Jaundice- ....• jbJ Liter complaint ; gr “••'‘"*****”*:****r* r T’ j s j. ErysSpelas...—M»— Vereraini V.**"'** ~ am -CoiuraiapUTedecliiie,«)lda and cougaS*~** ~ :8rcpF7.~ 7 ~„.0 120 I 'mherTartousdL’gxrdcra^^.^—r— • Bat & short sine® these l?®? I *, mSlidnesbave been made known to aids have alrcsdycxpcrienccd their good e£r ” lj !. .rnvclMj idtenoTer Vy their physicians as inrarablo* hats foondre-- Hcf and been restored to sound, and rigorous Jbt»lth*Oin ; •agssiSEsssssssssS^^g SHOCKING CASE QF;SCROFDDA CUBED. NzW-Yo&e, December €tb, Wo-.: w-ntaCOVEEX• jyoß- : THE EYES; .. w. r* —Dear.Sr:—l deem. It bat jasUco-to lnventorof youashort QPEtjIAWJtJ»*^ i b isOLOMONSi the celebrated Opti- j. uhl— 0 f my own case.. lam tTrcaty-sereir.yeaiB.Cl age t . end Fourth streets,- iuwUchl jraaffllctod. ■ -Afternsarlytourtecn yearasattajng.lEow. rejoice tossf'. of attending the aboVonamedpAn. remedies, all oth, J 1 1? cf tbo Ucltcd Kingdom,'Where he has capon- towns proved gaitolncfTecroal.. ■ very .. SAMIiEL BOB* CUBE OF PALSY. issfirtinont no foUowlng testimony; given us by Mr. Jothanß.Condlt, scchts Hf tonSsue tfe Ittost minulo. SbeconUnned to grow nrori7,t.wo. »tohara&'> t b' , SrCatestbonoatcal Jll!^^if :yiiTtTmtnot.yTOrcon3fitotionln3m' «yra''»«a»'tt rast plcmontly e^aachandlhowela aU'mbrbona anf » > •■• • G.alco6or,'2X,,D.i f . ; yl^ a^£^ w r^-.h tawe TrataHt'of 6 icknes%'-ands^re; tbdttw®-, TwfAprofcsaorofSurgcryln’WssWcjltca-.: *.- eiivlsD'orSSQv^'^'•.'“•.•.vV.' '':-\.'j-:-; r - 1 :• '.V •V' : •:- •• •' 'V^Sty,;BdUamre,3ld..y° T^ £SS SmplSS, tba Forcst ITlne "imd. I cheerfully add my ncmotolho uumber this tcmible disease... rl,'r: i ' there is .not,':: peAtapsl.to° n th in the year, j goingrocomm ♦ Jisra Kcs, lh »• .«jn>l “ Piltetmrgb, .:exocUy--salt3:your ■- -The best rccpmmcbdaUOh " -• !■- delicate consUtulious. If you arcvreahly.or nervous, or In Eolomcn Ifc that 1 050 a,- £ ' generaliU health,.fids Mflne you- j , > e.’SSr'onlTSty of Builalo. - than all other mcdlrines, Inallrasra-where. tDe«ista.or j j,.183(h: -: thohowdscenstlpatc, tho Sorest rm»td»shouia.tetahcn.. . 1 -j. . Solomon’s I‘atcnt Spectacles, i arebrdla!ttoihndh«t3dMKr;..S,;.';',:.f^---^.ry.^jiovvj^i |;, ■ani oxaml^^W^^OT^ncinxSxem'superior to w. and.dau^aus I have nohcsltallou nrrordluffreag most icopanUie:yourllfe, Pruvideycorselfvrtlh therorcstEms and4°generalwottananshlp-QICB-lOtiercraprim^lors^e^"^ & jelOrtol 'ProSsor of Surgery, Geneva Collcsc. JX -r, -j-U ° •" . r-" \ > ... '■• i.■•■■■'■ ■ ■*' t . .. • ' •• ■;: , v':-.s: ;. •■ ,;t •■ .■;•»■ s.\ . Ju«" *« A. « ~ -• * ■*:'■■• ' ' „.• . >.: ?■■■■ '" u ■ C* ~ C?: -V '- •; ' '-^X. , , y r 'r” *’■_•_ lr ,v > ... . . V;*.’ 1 •'' •.* ' .■ '*v-jr.': - - ’ ; ; : - W* e * * *« V « ■** *~ . - * k . •»>* Tt S* , ’ ‘ * '« * r * i • •• •-7 • V,- • : «i } « '« ' s'^ 'ffOU A'SHOKI Tins ONIiY. , i'- * ..Jv.W*.' j _* ” r private DUenaao. V* ' A L OT t’J? eerier ~ f~J] toSi o?ipSuco. rj-1 ofJhaTWMaJKk*®"*- 11 * yomsr. fftE&ggsgaggslll brought on J > y^?,?^is rl mtiSsrOonoirlH:a> . ■••••yewoamuy- Mfrhlgnn, Fob. 8,1853 r : -■ ■Ai Jfrhnatoac iff haTO bad * JOM Termifogb. rßoaiiJes what you sent ■ -feic, arid, many .camerwf & l«3ferl2' - A3“Bocn as nsrigatiaa: opens, Tfilntfl <««*>& ■ •■ ’ , ... - - :T —SEMSPY I 7 4JHSBSSSSB3 IS^^^SS^SSB Or tie money returned, tind jp fir baa gijm entire | , “ _ ! xt JiMnoetra^^ ,ffihOT§i tttoa to hot yshtjfr Oft, shin •}&£*s& 'diced tothe cltansof Htteborgh, yet we witnesses her&ito'iJrCTO’ vhatwe-say to_be-trtte. SSJSSSSBmwmtitr^SS^tßsfs thoraelTes.irttlj the metals, and thl^ntaent, [ SadSerehealed as by xaaglc.~.ißier*[ni eay it [ fn-’-indeßl-tj thetas >-OlhfJ%: wto - tora V.torisad i sorairied theatres, have iasedt it Kith «5t5? Others hare nsd it for- rhetimaUsin joins ia the_ jSnts aid limbs, old k^sssMffi^-’ssSiSS' It b» no -eqaat.- : It is warranted to- core roatin,- *rind*gnlU, ewaaey, fistula, or poU-eril If v~e£ : MjJ price. Ho paß fifteen dollars fora horse who W-A - oii W fear weeks Jiaa ito ■ eared, and sold him fcrSr.s,ool, Utctt ’: To droviurn, cartaicn. stoM eoppsnies,liYeiy stables, and cmiMxßtlmes, It will be a savin 0 of hoodieda of dollart yearly to use this Uniment on their Etoct 1 ' gold : hrthe-, press, dosen or single the _prmno fert pttes. by Dll. a n. KEYSES, altos Dras end Chroi , Si gjnro- IIQ Wood street, Pltteborfe, ra. - ■ °ygf , " A. ~ I.IOK SALB—!i Acrti oj. LonJ.iiv' 37011 SitK—3s7 AcM cf LaHA, up itebiES J County,iVirsiiils,2Snines ten -How JiariUOTute, oa tboOMo rirer. This lar.d r-.1-oiin;-!* Y,'iUiGf;:; l—-I'v.. burs. Apply to ’ - -THOMAS SIOEnOT, ----- . ' . ; ■ : mylS , , , . r kni\eir?ctoi22 £Kt,aiu2 ran nin- fcaetls f«t lwliicli ia.erertnd. 3- ; : WSi'WiiMiiiaS, aidibuSglss^ 48pv . ‘ ■.•''.•:;-:v : -j-.^~-~' j '.v ■.. . -^Vj^Tinadfa^HahttMefc:--a (irant v/Qlfic c-m be bsd cn theprenSc.". .This property mu MosiiSaoEnTT,, ■ thm j£r wfiKw ,JSt? «MM# E»“na »&«*s!t sS2fe ihiattecbah -Thisproperty, has.s-goaO,-«te^_.*»BJ“ *tjv.--j" tarbea/attl slsoj«“» hy.’raJa*' :33rti_prepMtt I slll ~i:. cheapfaxcaab, e-cstem or * shall.-. - soma, -CTALVIBLB TROPERTT FOB SAI&'CT CiC vxzijlZf ■ y- cf Viz Bicr.r^rr.i. —A Hfio:~e ia> ibat frcat, b 7 i'm'feettep to.Decaturatreef * . w “ a -T m >»* w “ ■ -' -- .i . jeo ----- -75 Fourth fttitet, cppgs?ta.~Baßkjpf Pittsburgh.. tOit'SALE.—l&rco - \_/ for- country residences* r fifteen JsinuWff-fralfc foaa^iis iaz-tfie highly fcsprorcd country residences cf J. 11 tally 'piOEe^bnjiahtO-r^i^ QOtrf the Bmokey&ad-convenlenfc- to PBrriaraifli&irts now-otiered>sstlie ira tea nnd terms easy. & inn ACT.K3 COAX* LASH tor. 100 * ta rL"“J?j£f !£{ k%^^t3S?iwS , SmSsf*S«s „ opportmutr, S 3 tieprupH very iaw, sni &eJ :■■ .. . i , opposite tire Baftfr p* P»t^£-urgb. V&SB*n- S>«»«» TTIUH STREET PEOi’-BP.TY TOS SALE, CO fa* BON ;tw>stay Fjpme 4 SON', : . 140!TbIrdstreet. -A 'VEAU.—TVO'"brlcfc':iooac^»caclX sst3G 4a^^attsSS^lte r^a^|o«J '-ft£a»Tbr>k f»nfcU 'fltstl A°> • v; ~ stt^V S fc®JV loFP*fc*«s»W* 14">r*ACaES—^ WitMmISsgIwo**! stable, :1 ' - SS aaMtoeiilUTalisa; ssa»n 5 sa»n ontort .£rmnthe dty.on tha Uxchimjs £ -> ' ehuidics,a!:hool ionsaanl taiils.,-. gri» joabldSlMs Itott S 3: lit sxceUettt'arterj.ss?- gleassailj.-- ■diatttoa.... „ £ E m, uj gK»> street. /SpKf'li"LATIGN^— AXot, near tho \..v t S a fTrm v; Taa-. Bptana.-rfrftety.ro. a ~. =? 1 A twosioryEciak'noaM; or rotnis a attic, with i lot £3 leetfirait on-Wilfeiaa ifca Jsaaso.br'liO tot iToriast sso?ia hffldttelanoe _ C-»fYT ffood'fencor£ndln : a 3iis^ l flowers*' eliaile frees* ow£?toes,o?3&e-:32ost . IvgpproTea -Dje.hoase^g .WiSs 2jS^wfcwKS2 ; v 'ftoSLSon-. tortoi: a tellor/dltEfar K«ni*imd ldtciicn, a ..... isir pador-nal tot rooms va bsoS-porcfc .a&ie -TOTmili_ in tojiscis ."»»oW>-iwnttw?>T[fl-C6aIIIPPSC* goodK&tef^ ~ •■.■'■•?. v -Xha m go«l ordeiy.and on reason- ~. * mx,w’nm*t. ' Vtvmi WUXsrillgprop ■W. mi. .witlt asmuch cs^li-fo* 1 & store of good ._,._-.y. ■ •_- > - lEO2US WOODS, r 4 - jel ySßgctte-** ; ;,Cosagg3lßroto'4sMarketst.- /-■ v »t\m,Y . TVIUaBIOBES tfOitBALB-HwtrgoSK*!^*4 i f -mil Rejected as«>rtmeaVcf-3)nsvw2l .]s3;^id.**3’ : -' tar-iln— Etore «n 4» ccmfcuSn rfj-j . ; . essyterms. J‘ropSrty-ta.3E'*=acm mil ia._ irapsjomß, ■ » •—••. .V- -- - - -•> --ippyrtmffrrial : | .-■•Je4:-.-»~ -•■■■*• •~-- r - •- • -_—- ■ ■ 1 " = “T To &££• . rriTTT! aiisl?welSo'g^ caztbo bsdos-tbe ifVof Octobs^-^is i? os*. ' rnfi TWO' BOOMS, on. tbff: Second Storjf -••:> Totoofti 9 “StSe Mutual Eire and Maria- !OT« smtablc for Office - £ MrlSrtf ‘ Post Office, Piu -.-••• •••,-; > ••• ■ -•-: ■•■•-- —••• ' ' s*or Sale* . , i HOTTSS I*-OT>eituaicd oa Pifep street W«e» • A- xnnwntand'Factory streets, Fiffo Want. *“? Frame Tenement?. .-•Taans.ECsyr-'TStletg^Jv/fM 1 :P*H2SL -i ; tsrs.«)b? tow. row- Uqn,B^aLW§§^ 3^jj^Sxol , £oi!EXiTSQS S CO,- ~ ■ .;- ; coni &T of-XYcsty yrpS-t-Mregta. • -•- ncsJrnliloaiesttSM 10 * tor Salei pteuant put of ax oty, _ Sulmcro ilrtfcifcle.; !Th» Hoossl? 4 wlK'oiit. - donbia Ittias&iThs EotifeinScisai feet on _ _riml liackKi'feet tolibcrt? strand is T , Primlan,and ttriasaMSTOimpdatgij, Ajpiy BKNNEX,M t tmXOX* 315. a r rlwf ~ Kttsbnigb, April 13, 15j3. - -. por stc2t> . . , , • k CCHjioiflOt3 COUNTING neri. tDd : Sfth tho.jri’dlesacf-;; £c -floor, cf thi3 location* -.: ■ K *%%&"* •»-« a "™£g3 tt !~ - ' ' " * - " : v - TiiS*r*i-l • - -.'‘‘-■.•-JEPoffTB&Xc* 7' "j ‘*r-r.~r?: .%--V ' i :.-Xo® oy-QfiOtJSßial&S^frPteaertgaiZJjaopi-Jd ■AvisJdrfUieCiwor.Si'.tsbiir-llViiesrHtsj^reci.oaa taStilT feet.. Tbi prtpertywill sc.., c. alt ipcapa - cfaiffiraiexcejWii-iaKrral ... Bsty-ayedouses, to^Wcbttrfwwspljg-ißatijity-e.*. - —aUtwo ptocceo Teotloy fccoboa*. pyebyralxcd . . 4 °^^i 7 j«o t \ 7 IW. street > •=■. -7tlnrfiilllcc3.t- Country..*3: r. .irons Rubsrtber oilers .. 1 ©aCoainiU, ftaftcrljrocaoplcd- UraatnioSiraraty senss, and part ofwhHi v ■ Hit atilm, bavSngon.it a Eae young dlctarf, «e 4 »■«!» onia-_ mented nitb forest trcnVthrota, plants, la. ' r s This location commands ona of tLenoctcstcj. sad beJPS <>•- walfcftoa tie tatjj v «irpassed'by ttay-siinil.ax- ; trafct oflacu ~-U not ?ci(l cotiro before tio 1; tC- ’ : V,'lT'Ar,S, IntolotaonicSercaatAuiLon. A. -mj3 ' - v * -!i -' One -Honored-" 100- ' . * T $3,75 PEB =-‘. 1653-2ad^ a&fc “ a Oatrcctan cJ 52m.ta etS. ~~ lJ ' I>-" oi ' 1 - ornce at I«rm!lc, Csrroll ®■ ’ ■ .-- — K I in~fceeodxs?ol'?*4>y Ul h-S**- imr-’-RW-* *-* ' &:* vi-nara,the sumn£jpartner-;”r: :«m lira* tits. -:-. 1 -CV'oalaci. jteSS|ftrtwfc» lj 3eSP F- s *" B» fSwsoftho£ra,w p^jSSs^ ** "V*’’*' *i» =; ~ ~ * > ‘- 1 -v t. *” -» %*»■** „ ’ -St j '.-V-TtV''.-: •' \ t , -W-. -'V'--. '— >• h ' s I •*! *•