WA*.** - ’'V'Y", *. y* 1 > '■*'?* t fcfcl <* ±* jr -*£ (’fclf 1 ~ “ft, cr „ <. *Vs * * a „ > i i~\\v> s y~ -t&l'V- s:*>& ' • -?&'.*?&<* 4. Vl % / - ‘ . ■••’-■• ... * ... . % ;:• £* -,iV. yMK'" n-¥¥ '' ! i+rs* .'.V*, - I&7&+P' SanduskyCitys4,W; toNoirerk te; SSSionaWoslyW. -.. .. _ f„r nlo. His com- V,ima connects atAUlaacarith Erasing Train to Clew ■ T " £o fS^fShto?Sa™™wrki-o“ n J“»«- of tots, aty.Cuxton.ti, Bt * U3 ’ oo leedsrt ? r * 7 .- I Tatdut of GarmcnUSuttiOg, - fe:v: , '[!?'ti <£rCz??' (femdUsenfyi aatboPrlndpaTcanaccommoiata,will gffiSSWi; Ot flip Pelted satM.jto.w •£l!l- ■%t-hk *d := ’■ft ; , Oompoattlm find Vocal Ws, throujhmt r€ X £ toSU EXTRA CHARGES. - A*;- ? V‘\V(-,v -S& ??f, * M jSitSS®SinNAKTy is located about fivo miles "'o i \ iSa?liia junctiontfthoNoblcstown and -■'t'k.iX ? ~* *• >ia .^^! I pSnV Hoads/£he aarrouudlnt; scenery 1 6 ao» . w - f *V i the cdybborhcxxl fbriie general f^xd K t\ *frS>if¥ ’ fli ¥ *££. '“/ - derimed to be permanent, tbo iMnci- { *s P® 1 ] t aTlD ?"S?vnm?^lS«rProprietor* Mr.aansfleldß * r *— -- -C ' Sis for tt^ rsff s?.^!s: r p>toi fi ite.addicionalbaUdijigs. j / SAA»5 # KcS2- Ct,sv! " t , Brown, «ill iSSsS«tA#:BPKa!i?rdf TOb *'“’ , ,"’ 1 ! : s * l 1 s y_. attention to ' ~P-\r »:'s- *ii vf^iP^V**« Ingtoa Female Semi aw J wxu 5 lfc of the fell : rrti§»-Ml |. BS^^&SSS > 8 '‘. ,, r-, , ■ StenUoajW VlJa rtgwlftr tho Sabbath, and to aetcaa K'V %• •vi’af " ’• ! TlsSttngCom^tf>. to^“^^aale, Rev.Br.STGill,Rot. '■’■■ Bor. W. D. “kot. Gcorgo a Foote, Gen. \\ t'V J Vai SSt-Z-v ‘-'•ltf'* rV^«<* e - * ’ Hr.M’Phcranj KOT-Mr. p,. 000(^0 S.Hays, . HSSrtsßsawi* ySsSseasassstr^ ~’ ~ , ' -J-- - ;, ' i ■" ' . »'' ' J ' : .. v '* _\;l *v : ' % 4t‘ ’> ¥smmm¥ --• S&IUIBI' WK-Al it _ jjpd vujuUOd to enit- VBSI^GS, [; . &w*&J°i£SFs££ ftTL - TGUIi' 'g^Sl^Ywtoto^sofSliClLiNT *B*3S^»S»sbS«!®SSS BsssgSSsssasKffi Out aod.ororatCoaling“J™ TOr icly. Out Eto,k . iid Muiberrj-.Ereadj t»f-fifta Uack* tmDOTtationg, and T*as ne*er«o | *M£«£ bmo 1 ' Doe 6kms,cr* of \e*y u ! both, as ramrds quality and stylo, lo ahol * : Cash-; ?:•*gcther pronounced, ky.-01l . .S.- --V ---. • ■•• -■-: —s—i——; Olotuin? »tra»* ~ ManreriirodtOßiaKe uptooricxiatlielatcstandxric^tia-^ irheT-ioloitd;jlopMr: fltrtct ■ftttcßtion^to-thij this rtwfc btWly Wrtr, « attentioti-of bujpetf!. ~ . ——-2-—- LI ialfliOß'fi : EgeS££i££g£^ °Slcu,i Colored Coalman*, Trench ttoen, tmdasre^ «•*** ,* . SSSK&«S coat cutting, and crania bo b»PM W ““ ' ■ ford&er plfikegQ'S'Qrgg.. -- ■■•..— CLP T~hTN~G ,S TORE TOHIOrCLOSKEY & CO., 'isyssSsMSsastSs 4hS WOOD am sn^ffifS.ffixZrSSfaai ’ READY MADE CLOTHING, • • • «Tarl»cn offered totbopuulic«. TholrprtopToluoctlbr this removal,*, login them ”" W otSESAILE TRADE*' WEST £ AST eTn PRICES! ' WOKK> : SrtSfS"— or TSAIS’WALKING AND BUBI -1 MESS COATS. , „ . “ss&ssrssssggMp- _ /«10-T’fiinE.V CORKER 0? DI&3IQBI) 4IXEY_»•; ; , • •■ v dci2fe«>ar patron!tot«al©y«tand,U»»i ; w^J*; ■^g&ftsassa Horn® above designated* t CO. -* - ..-■■■-• ---„ ~f I ■ ■ - TOABSOVrES 1 HAMS—I 9 tccia of these excellent imgcr XAewod nttia3,fcr«il4bj SSIIT a: £ SINCLAIR VENITIAN BLISDS. gaMawag JloljAbHfc3~’ I Pwduw aiid SOLUS, 2t'lW»dty, amlwtlM tattof Btom AffTrt PQTB«~A; convenient couQ^Pg. otberesUWid^nl £*WaaUd ready at di UP mod street. sssssassssßgjigsar*- ftulO - ' co-Fortneraiwp ,«®ttce. tWtjusJneis M rural,umlertto name otS.&yt- -w yABBB & CO,to tototeun January TAB EK. Pittebursb, UwcM, 1«&_ 'n«lo3oi F. & W. M. FABEE & CO., -riNOINB OTIBBEBS, IBOS TOUNHEKS,■ Tvgnd Wfctot itaMtt Jitora/uritn-OT, liberty » teet , Of yeriou, to wWdi« oUjtatton. • ; ; mflflfcSm V - - > - —jfosssr SraswsSsf-JSB£»M?TO iri^M jvSSinW Wiol In MttwauUo; Wisconsin, STortberoliUnoif, wfinw our ocrcb<»“ derivo » g™. t^ frapp ° rt ' n^« l ’^ A y t nYCR. . pmportaettihSpeSaltoSbetween WWEYi HAGEETY I ' 1 In the Seal Eetal«AnAGcn«niAgeooy4s this day dissolv-, Jr consent, Junes 8. Lowry U nuthortaoa tojot , tie 21 claims la &vra or tLo flnn j Aa fi. LOWRY, SSM. JL J. JIAQEETY. S^L-fgasapaggag TRANSPORTATION isaa. i.|- -Adam*.ss.Oo,'»Erpre»»» , ' , i so. so wmiiHsrmT, i-iMSBiiEGn. rrno puUiunni informed tbatwc are-ntrj bun^ng mct li lilv wtim-Eastand West, and ae prepared *>fer*wd all Goods entrusted td oat caw. nMimfrlnWa. at A fcffKCMIiJItASSSQKB «nt * VrfS.A H. -*u>clo4ltP.!L Also, dad j-totaadnaaO,oi7o M- OrQ&s transmitted free of ebaiEu, and Goods Toramoa oj o,iictata ~ u,e , Agent - fPji^ - ~ .f^^^^BSgegasa^t -iXjnS arc forii-anang i'rpaocc, 4e, to Baltimore imdPhllo - .\fy ; ' wjrs.'.i.::.: 1 ? V rails ofrF&nanr. ' *•.■* ;.■■*. .-.>• fAni Oil, Tallow, Ootton, - Windra.Qlasß, 60c. Xb i lOOltal ■- On cSj.Ddle9. Ch.tM>so, EarUieawsre/Leatker,- Leal Tolaeay v 0a- seesvra2, Briod Eristleaj ClQTer. tod limoUiy Seedy 70a, fi> - :. v :.oa:^£fir.-Sl:ta3f.Heinp, i^r-: Onlfpatliurs, l ? - \Y*s a!w olso ftelsht Static nl fceiur -GreenabtiijS widlntennedmto .Stations,; ..- *. ; . OOTODB 4 GRAHAM, Agent*.,: . ,:-?-:----.7^r v :.cocn£r-cif ; petHiivad-Wftyßo6ts n Pifctabar^i.- IL IL HOUSTON, Agent* jy£!>, Tf 6 Market street, PfailsdelpMa. j pummf.r ABBAHGEHEHTS, jssp. im i iTriE PENWSYIiVAHIA B/ %BOAO. ' ■yT\K-^tid : &ftcrTlonday^c^^a7^Qj f Jw -'- ;K?6preaß Tfeain'inQ 1 me tha Depots on Udt Cw*t* flT?ry , mQhimsiat-S' ; i>’clock,:fitopptDg.Kt - theToah/aml-atriymg in Philadelphia ■at? ati-Harrbbargwith.. ' and 'Snsnuuhaiina Huilroad,, arrislag o'eTocUJ A, M, - _ . aiie wccbnd Mali Train wW leave iheßcpotevery evening • e topping at aßTcgnlar-station* cn^theicafl,. ond coimeeUng at Uanisburj? with. thft,trola for Baltimore, avritirifeln Philadelphia or Baltimore,at Train willleaTe every afternoon, at -• s} telio will Ikito Latrobo at K£ V*t) a® l tho Company rrffl Mdthem solves iteiponsiMa fi®personal t«sS«S? t® l ?} and for an nmountiliotcXMedlnsSKKb i» s, it—iicssis. M.« J.Brcidcntli*l, Omnibus prorrtetofo "g,*SSgRSS f Ti t Agent at tier. E. B. Depot, cnilborty-st. ■ BUtsbprgb, Slay 14« 1&53. ■-- EETURSINb: . The Express Train learcaCrftJiHna at 1.30 at 2 P. M-und Alliimee at 025 P- M-» and re&chea Pltte burgh P 1L; connecting with ib* Ksprcsa Trala to Philadelphia and B*s] ■ ; . - StU&RT ATULLIN. on f rtnx. ..™ fi 1) kHum) IiAS llKJlOVfcl) from toarncrof ‘'V-vllo p-uJ iulUm streets, to. Store So*lW SMITU« Street- Er&g-SgteaUi."--• ~r ■ :•. •• v-.-apwr.. removal. TAtfbS LLARFI-Y* kutopcan su id Seal firtoto J has remove ! U Onto t> ihe coroct cT Scfcntli and , Saiitbfei-i fiftieth {opposite thfl MethodlstCfrurcli.) api* T> A r«ji iUMHN CiS —W-ima. I’. iiuanitl, U Wood Jr =»nai, x«»» ««iring by Itoilreid.ft l UrgoMßecton Jr Will Porcr, liprfert, £c„(ir Erenth wnl Ameriam on» tietart.eicUlin; in I cm ty, quality and chcspmso, nny iia?eto&mst>roii£bl to this majfcet. ~ - x •• • ; nrwl Landlords, sshetbe* -.wanting., t® duvp nr'not, nar^- ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. : COMMISSION ANB tOUWABBINO HOUSE, JOSEPH J100K1D0E.....-WAJ 1 - 013 .HCFABt-.j EOOSIDOE ft ITcFATJL, (L«K TWIOUHJ. & WOQIOME,) -Corner oT commercial ana Pine oil* .] end CommiiMonawiU meet wJUiproiOTlj rj and personal attention, end liberal advances, J*| whS Coasigomeata or J ' Orderafor the'purchaßOof Lead, Grain, Hemp end ofrex J PrX«,W tw yraiapUy CUed at merketpi^ . v The Rcccinog of Morcbimd&i Apd 3£rej | ■dace 'rill meet with especial earn and dupatdi j rate** of freight winolwaysbo procnnrf, &nd Uie«xpenM of Storage and Drayogo aa much ufposaible avoUleu. j tOTMKCCa • J'O.'Wnlcb,’ ' St Icuie; Ellis* Morton,,.. Clndn»«ij Page 4 Bacon, del; Strader A Gtarmaa, dot Chorless, Blpw 4 Co, -’ do: Hosea 4 Fraser, . . . do,' Chouteau4 Valle, do, SfrfaFcxi Whiteman, do,] 'Doan.'King* Co., r • do; E.O.Gcoodinan & Ciu, - 4°* i J.LW.BuU«*Bro,nttaWi; K AC.YOTuUA&,PUIsdIIt D.LeU!hAOo, do, Morgan,J-Mniuck4Mongan. -wma Holmes . do; 33. B.Comegys* . . do, Blow 4 Mart.?;, Tseir York. Shields 4 Miller, ■ do; Frost-SFo-rcst, dot Joslab Lea S Co, BolUmoro. Charles. A-Melgs,: • ■ dot; Abraham.•!•Cola,■ . do, A.O.Farwe!l4 Co,Boston; \V.B.Eoynolda,_ Howard*Son 4 Co, do; . ®t*feN # *P“s*i2syßSidJ!i£' : j C.TwtcheU & Commission. Merchants, New Orlean*. lmre a* open Polio j Of w^wSlooTor nil aropments to our address, when juirUodhT letter per mall, or-when endorsed onbllls of lading be&re, Or.J* the Cme or shipment JIOfIBIOTE A MeBAUL,. ian2n—lanrr—fahim et. Bools. Missouri ORPHANS’ COURT SALS. . a .-v j BY virtue of an ordersf the Orphans’. Court of Allegheny j County, I will expose to sale, by puMlo.vmjdnp or ont-1 •cry, on -the premisoevan .BAYUBPAV, JUNE IlQjt at .two | o'clock, P.M.. ell that following .valnablo Heal Iktate, tha t property of Thomas M'Kec, late of sald Oounty, OecMsed r. * All that certain hot of Ground, slttmtn and fronting aß™<® I feotalley.: having Ulercon erected,ln front, a largo .three t .iory ilrictßwolllng Houso; with: pressed Mick front, and 1 Iron verandah :>U bedrooms, two parlors and dining room, ! -and kitchen; alre;3 UifeostoryandbasemcnthMkbuHdlngs, containing threoroems and kitchen each; withT&alta in | front of each honM. ,Tho wbolerentlngfcrSSSQ per nH num; and Buhjcettoim annual groand jpnt or |76* payawa I to Rom Watson, his heirs or assigns. . 1 • ALSO—AII that Other Lot, piece or parcel of Ground, altn- J aiQ on tha north side.of Wylie meat* between Cbathfun and .1 (■ Washington streets; said Lot baying a front of twenty-four. J feet, and exteodin# back in depth sixty ft et, haring thereon | efec*fed.-fr three story and, boFcmont Brick Dwelling House, I having six bedrooms, two parlors, dining ram and kitchen* and subject to an annual ground rert of $l2, payable nucr terlv toTlioihasUanha—the same renting fcr sd<»pcr au.l thatotherXot, plaeoor-parcel of Ground ad- Md^ttoitare.KeSsffccthniald' WylloetreeVand' i” tenfing Sidistoncoorl2o feet to ClayaUeyjhayog t'ereon erected a three story aad.h&seinent Brick IHrelling , Honf-Oacoptainlng rU I>od chaaW>rs,.t?:o. i room and kitchen, fronting on Wyllw.pUecWaiul^two Wfo* j story. ba?omcnt and Frame DwcUluff nQUtoH,frontlng on th^.: ■w‘ld alloy, having each three rooms- ihe $3OB per annum, and sabJoct to an annual grouna rept oi *‘ Tbuis os Bau:.—One-third cash at tho delivery of dealt yrab-lbtrtl inodo year;, and pne-tblrdln,two jeenswthta ■ twoSt td b» secured by bond end mortgage on the premises. ■ Title Indisputable. WM. H’Klili;, Administrator. . ‘ -FoMlirtherpartlcnlars, enquire of raid Administrator,or. of JOHN BAItTON, his Attorney, Fifth street Pittsburgb. :I'Plttshnrgh.'Mnv IS*h-1 Sail. ■‘. .. . : ...■ .■. . property for Sole* npHE offers for mate* on very reasonable terms, • ■A nouse, No. mPenartieet between nay street and Eroas’ slloy toni, lot 25 feet frout, extendingback 112 foot to an alley- ,Ow qma»tom»rfa» best tSlMlngs, and in one of the most pleasant neighbor -^veUt^^mimclnsrarnorsofFroptsmironysteatsj one hundred and Bra feet front on ?5 Front street, with a Rood three story Erich BaUding on the corner# a two story Framo on E*w& ,st.» an&twoFrick Hulld infni. oßedasshops* onFerry Bt. - - .• -.•••••••■• • A Lot, SI foot front by 80 fret deep, ouFront, between aiorketAnd Ferry sheets _ -I>rtrt4 ■ • A Lot,'with very convenient Frame, Pwelllng* . Lot .20 Jeot •by W,. fronting on (kmgresa and Hlmsts.:-:.- •■ ■. ■ A lloupc und Lot, on. Wylie street, near ,thd. now Oonrt rEonses • The house Js well arranged-and in good, order,wikL Is now occupied a hotel. ; ■,• - . :; •■•- A Three on fimithflcld street, near Seventh^-. bdng in an excellent bnsinßas locatioiu-'.-Tiw Lot to 20 byFQ. feet deep, fronting on Smlthfleldst •■< a Cottage Frame and Lot, 23 by 120 feet, fronting on . Anne 'and Uobin«?n streets, Allegheny City. This is Avery .desire* ble and clul. mfe location for a residence. • Nino Lots in thrown Qf cach.6ofccti)jl6o. Several of these aro on the Slain street. ", Eleven Acresinlumctown, on the MonongahelaHirer,os. whlcli there are 4 houses; there, are same Oor 7 aercs-ef ex* ccllent stone’ cool# and, abundance of limestone, convenient' to the landing; and two coal pits open. ' Ninety fota-in the town of Columbia, 60 fret by 150 each; • nearly all level. and well located. The tenant of each Lot • has the privilege of; using whatever stone coaXhonioyro-. anire for his own. uso, from, a pit near -tha,Locks. .Colombia - to a pleasant si tuition on the bankof tballonongahelaxir*: : : nr' a short tlistanco bclowXoek.No. 0, in.the midst of an fit* tensive^Btono coal region,-and. would bo adesfrable pointer Stono Ooa),with House, i w*Hmcd. Ac. Ibis property hag a front ot 1M rods on the ■SmiShela met, an excellent landing; good grade and foSSion fix railroad—with enough Iced grotffidrt raa ■ •SSSKhh'tesahdßaßienß ) orJo the Perils of the Sea, and. Inland Navis** w , .. k nz&UTTOBa: EL D.King, Wm.'Larimeivjr., . William Bagaley, Samuel M.Kior, • - • V ' -gamuisl Cea, William Bingham, Robert UunuitvjiV - - JohnS*lhlw,ortli, -- g-ilatbaughn * - ' ' Frauds Sellers,’.•.. EdwardllwuWm, :: J.Scbbonmafcer» ■*■■■-■ - Walter Bryant,’4. yWiHUmli.Hnja* ■ :• -y.'-i. ■■■■'■;. - ■ -ImcM. • - dee22 - tv-S Pitt atrar sir litre Insurance 6om«. Ih^pany, of FIitsBUHGB, I‘A. Cxrnu, $lOO,OOO Prcstdcntr-jAiiEH 8 Boon. Tice President—‘SastCEL U’CItiRXA'K. ' ‘ /Treasurer —Joseph S. Latcu. : -Bocrot4»y—o A. G QtKtn. _____ OFFICE, NO. 65 J?UT2I STREET, (Masonic 801 l Building.) ■ 3 every Insurance. appertaining, w> : or-tonriecteaftithLifa-Riska*.'.;.;; • - Mutual Rates are ilia samo aa those adapted,by, oih«T- : ofono4Mrd ftom the Mntnal rates—equal to a (livMcud :of thifcty.three and one third per cent, paid annually In adTanw. lUbu taken on thd Urea of poreon* going to Calitooua.or Australia. —— <■ ( i. • » pawtOES.'-"'• loznca K. Hoon, Samuel JPClurkaU, William Phillips, John A. Wilson, John Seott, Joseph P. Qoiwn, M. D. John STAlpju, Alexander Reynolds, Horatio y.Xeo, Hiram Stowo tsatss , 'JPHOTECTION ' if SUEMCE COHPAXfY, OF HERTFORD, CONN., 1 Capital Suck, Annual Frenttumtand Watfm Fand 51, 000,000. mCOBI’ORATED 1836. 1 Policies of Insuraaw lamed at 01l {ldea on tho inost ./ blataring.against... • • • •• LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, OB THE PERILS OF NAVIGA.TJOH, . BY ' - GEO- B. ARNOLD. Aobbi ; : jeOBVJTT3BVROH AND ALLEGHENY. COVNTY. : *insrlfey r ' _ _ _. —xHBTBhStbSTSta®ES LIFE XHSFBAHCE, ANNUITY and trust company, PJEIEEAESEiLiPIHffA. CHARTERED APRIL26TH, 1850. CHAKTBtt PKUPSTOAU CAPITAL 8250,000. Ojjia, S. E Comer of Third and Chatnvt ' Eireelt. Philadelphia. OSeen of Iht Sosu Hoard at PhOadetphia: a tastesom. Stephen K. Cratritird, I’aolß.Ooddafd, .Ambrose TV. Thompson, Uimuco Johnson,... j Ooo.STUenry, i Jacob L. yioirneo, i ■WHUmi it Godwin. WUlliO il Kco. Pntldett— Stephen lt.Crt.wlbrf. M. * MUsto* ™*-*-'°-»°'Zg-£ AIsSOV o, tent. narUrr So. 7i Fonrth tttcet, Pimbutgh. XlelawaireSXntanl safety ln»uranc« Co.' v ' Office north room of the. Exthahgt, Third tL f TNSUBAIfC&-‘Bulldlasft f mctthandha aoo «taep \H .'-prowrty, latatro«aa ecnmtrjr,imrargd «gainstlon.or 'damage or fixe, at tho lowest rate of premltua* , ; ... - Mans* IssDßAJtcSi—Tlxct also Ini ore rcssels,'ca/j,w4r khx Ibrdjca orccartiristt, unUnr Cf special poUetea, tmuportedb? rrajtma, nIITOKI mrv«™il cDdattaia- Ksii^onthiaaaallalUftonlhttoaßtUhagltOTiA. - iWrtccoca— Josepli-ll* bcal» Hrfmaid, A. Serai eT,JaluiC. Daria, ftabcrl Buries, John E-.rcnni*,Samoel_E4w«Af, Gootot a. tetany Bdirard llsilington, lioac E. Dari*, WU iumri'iniii- jntm JievliQiDr.Jl.M.li'alfflii Jas,o-lim'J. Thoophito Pauillnff. H-JonM BKnia.«« , rySloM>,Hiipl | , ISr x.Mjgw XDos.aiUsM?cfti^ewl«t-'X I JosrrnTV.CkTrA-**, SKrfary* „ . . I . Offlcacftho Company, Kttelru^^. r jelfbfltf ' • • ; .. .. ■ P. AnMAPEIBA» ARqat» Vbe iWiliUn Vin Intnrnaoo Company, | I g rnsai - l Total ain't of Resource!, Liahlaibr Losses-", £358,318 ,0 MStCtOM. ■ JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauptin county. P. a SEDGWICK. Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, PhUsdelphla,.- A. WILKJNS.UanIter, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER. JOHN. B. RUTHERFORD; Dauphin county, ■ A J. GILLETT, Usrri burg, R T. JONES. Harrisburg, ROBERT SLOTS. Carbon county. ' . . __ J01U? P. ItUTHEETORD, President?;’ A. J. GILLETT, Secretary. 17111 Injure against pottle of so» and Inland nnrlgaUon, alts, on Merehandisn to city or country, at lowest_»tw'®u [. riatent with; safety. Pollcies'lssued on: dwelling bouses eUbcr-perpetuallyorlbratermof year*. ■ . . , . • i-f: Branch Office, corner fourth end fcmlthfield streets. rarStf • A. A CARRIER. Actuary^ oaoo ao 0000. ■ft/TEN of business habits end enterprise, baring tula,: Jyl amount atoommand, and desirous Of engaging ln a. tafaund rery profitable business, without competition,.can ' bo located inany county where it Is not already Introduced, Tbelarger the county, the more capital required, and can bo extended to almost any amount ■Address “ REABP3LEX,”- Pittsburgh, Pn, my* , r? —“ ' jUIVKiIY: sTAM l prfator pajreetery attention to .ease and P. SMITH, . T__ PABHXOHABLE BHIBT HAHOTACTBEEB, s SUB uuo El , QmOmeaUFamUhutg, tancy and Variety Goodt, '' 1 . 03 Wood st-sceqqddwx below Diamond alley.' rr®E subscriber baring taken tho nbora Store, imdaiteb. :Jr llsbeAthe somaas.*; Shirt Manufactory, ■ and. QcnUff.. men’sVnrnlshtog Stow, would respectfully coll the atton- Sou of'the trarellng coimnunity, and the publio Ibhislafge «nd well selected assortment. ofGentlemen* ftSsblng,Fancy and Variety'■* mPOHTAS'I! TO HOOISBIIBBPBBSI. Something Bdlrr and more Eammiv.il than Soda, i “S!A«Sr«5 depend upon hflVinß HabV palatable bread end biscuit, whether tie flour b# d rf nraamide ptoccsa is much more nutritious, Wfitted roruareiAatommi.weotar, “SSsSS£S«.S , AJa contained in fermented bread, prevents the lasswi4KW?a’s'’SS m aWntake no other, and you will not be deceived..: Principal Tori. Soli by tie test & hjbb,. --sVwi * dhr w 9 ' *•'* O«\V- ; c»i I V>&. K STJCVUXSON continue*'to toaimCictura Q4J CABIN EX-WARE of e ? ciy oMBUnd, - iH D iSn * T*ING attended r-. ■ ta r- u ~ 1 A . UULLUiKN *- _ . Hi ‘ QJf *1 r£Sl>'at their-. extensile. CABIN .JET - Mul. rAm JIAXUFACCOHY, W •W>SSjMS?thw ortnwDt of ftocy ond:plaia- -.ftiroUttr?*'. which they. TrtU ajU.l5 bcr cftflt. below, pvtoaptj&to*.;?:-* • Tertaa-H&sh oftly. detiffav Great Inducements Sru will toll our lariro- Stock of.OOMJION AND rAPi/t f- IOJUIEB »t, Frieos tPUlcaaocoßji piiicUascre.' AUpu* Ourtermsarc CASH. JAMIB IDWTOJU, :• •. ~r •, cor. SoTfloth- aqa.Uocrty Pts. Journeymen talitaet fllaJcer* A8»oola.uon. v WAJtBUOUSE- O’i- VorkHt&ndas lyrnimnnjtQWj qnrt Cradles, fast 4 » .. 1 The cdr&atasesDf'ca-opoffttlfiTiyoaancxtcjwiTßjicalej pe> , mi t them to edl at the lowest prices, anJ they ereaetcr- , .mined to sell, lower, than-any .comi*etjtow»&n equauy ROw» •; If notbettcr article, and wnrrantal-ras the. public wiU ua* :^^te«ai^u^of^^ I gerißtto°e. yd Other artida of any made toorder jnereiystylo, at thoMn^ i james w» woodweUj, . __. . > a a btxxx fsoksj tub a £ajt vfa a tub eh ■ Wttre-£oomß»s«ndo9TUtrd street. a?ia,castomiOT..ttat MHJsa; t*TT - A tasn ow completed hi? spring £h*k. •-C3 1 "; ’r J'rrilan 1 , nil!:*!) is. decidedly '*l ' tlu larecsrendhest urcrolTcred for ealo in rids Qty* wlucli trill ; vj Bold' at - prices' ait '-&vnny in the .United sweat " As hsis dctenaiined'touphold Use utility hlth ??oll?-?!!- Bonwlffiatcrfali>''bcst BndoCf*C£t ueagnfj niid ; froia tbeextent of his orders and facility in niannfocturingy bo la caabled to produce warranted furniture, at uitflcrwcst adoplcdtioprinciplc of identifying his Customers’- Interest with ms owny in (icaHty andprice, nmhtcfvpaai wayson liand the greatest Tarlcty of : of. : ftumtehJj from tho cbe3pcnLaud.plAincstj.to Ina xaoat.elo^ 1 gant End coailyy tluiVa- fcouso, -nr any part of ont>, may be 1 fayotahbd from’EU push, cfr ttunufagtuTed expressly:to or- I der. TbelbUowing article* eeradst. In part, of m» which fimricbneesofstyleaiaX. finish, cannot be-.surpassed in any of tho Eastern cttSea:'.. . . LduisXlY lctn*tetc Bafos; - - 60- In plush cad-tnir cbtfr, - •’ ~ •.•-•Wdo^MahojanyCbalrs;.,..- •;.i-2Q:do*. Walnut::;- t ' ■~.*i ; 1 fiO SlahoganySocMcg : SO Walnut * " v -;; 60 DiTonaj.; - SO Walnut “• - 50 Marble Top Centro Tables: . rv Dressingßumui; • • £0 « « Washst&nil*; <0 Enclosed “ •: lOOCocwon ■•■*•■ ll ■•.:■’• >■ •■ igoriahxlJrctelnsrßumus; • 49 Mahogany. Bedsteads:- 20 Walnut « OQbCottago.'..' ■■ . £OO Cherry end Poplar Bedsteads; .. .-20 Mahogany Wardrobes;- » •• / .10Walnut- « •-•: 10 Cherry/ c.- . r.* r ••• ■. •••: • 60 Plain Bureaus; r -70 Dhrfagsnd Breakfast Tables; >tf Bccretazy andißoofrcase*; ■ ••.•-SDdos, Cane Beat Chairs; • ::• /•, . . 21 Cana Seat Rocking Chair*; 12 ladles’Writim: Dc-'ka; Hat itodTbwel Stands;- , Whal-Uola: EUguires; Paper Maeba Tames: Ccmretwtfon Chairs; r.nobrolm ** EUxabcthan « : flail and Tier u • deception ' Ladles? Work **. ■ ;i Pcmlnlaid ■* ■ u •' Extension Dining Tables; 1 Am “ Ottomans; ■ Gothic and Hall Chairs;- - svi- •i-- ■•••■■ - A nsSdrtxncnt of' COMMON PURNITURB. end WINDSOR CiIAIKS. Cabcu:* 3IAX«s/aipplied tritb allnr» liclealnthvlr . ••«..•/■• -i-- HTEAMBOATS and furnished, at the shortest HOtka.. :• .'.V „ •.;• 1.,. -• All orders promptly aliendod-txv; WATCHES. JEWELRY, &c. IVATOIiMvCIAICKS "AMU Jl.tt EU.V, CAIU> ’ i’Utl-Y lU'I*A!UED.—II. a IIOOD, h» juet OTgajicd some competent Wonimcn, (fruci tlie East,) and I* now. prepared to oxeeuta all description* of W*tob work, In |i»B be«t*tvle©nOat short ... • ... . . oprL- - - 1 Henry ftlcliardsbtk, Jeweller, TTAVISO rented hU Btnre ia a toandieme manner, ana 11 - but recently muraal- Iruin the eastern cities with* fins assortment of W ATCiiKh, JKWELUY, and FANCY GOODS, wcuM call tlio attcnUiu of hi* ftlcnda and custom* eft to the ftet that amoasr hiiAvatchi** ■ffill bcibundthe •taostdcrirablo styles, patterns and makers.. ,0f Jewelry, the tif'Liroocht*, Dmut Pms, Fob and 1 est Chains, Anger King*, Earlllngs, Minlatimi I/xkiVs elevate. . . '■> • FANCY GOODS—Such «* PcVii'2- Jlachc, \\ ork Tables anti Boxes, Desks, Fancy V&stv, Vt-rfum© Uctfcles» Table Mst-v Colt’s Pistols, Port© Alonrmlc* lu great variuly i China Fru*t > and Cake Dhb£* ; with an ciuJb.-JWTanctyof iwefalanapr- article.*, which Lavo only to ts> Mcn 4o be appro eSSd Tnorl] : 0 fl MARKET STREET. Watcbea and Jewelry. • .-grt.-i Q- UOUD bav j lim» XT*, brought with him avery fine tiffah- JoMble aiultkU a goal lot of OoM and Silver WakbM.- * iA» be l»* bought altogether lbf cash, ana has spared no pain* to purrhxn' jcoods al loir prices, he can nowwholivilcfv ftUow York or i Philadelphia. t ■ Jbelr stock comprises a ffrcßt variety of Gold and Silver t Patent Eovcr, Anchor Err cr, aod L’fcpm* Watches; Qusrticr 1 do; Pari* and YletmaTlom Piece*,.of lb© most ©legant pat ternk; bew England Chocks, at alt prices, anil <»f all shapes. - *ni«lr Gold Fob and Guard Chains, Medallions, Brcoebos, JUnpratul Far Uingis nrc'ujnumcraclc, and are warranted to be genuine GoLl.and well made ... -- They haw on hands Lvrgc iwji'rUneni of .Go! J, Silver ana German Slvcr Spectacle*, w»th cone-*?© ©nd convey glaasea. to salt all syes * Silver and German Silver Soup, Dcsortand Tea Spoon*. Ladles and Hatter Knifes, and all other articles pertaining to their lip© of busmcrj«, and generally: to be, bund la Jawelry Bwr&L aro.tbrr© la gwat number, and of the most oodmxahopejmd pottoms. -; . •■.. • . Their stock of W&teb Matorials, and Watch SlakorisTools comprises every thingpcrUinlng totlie Clock and. Watch, making bnslnear, and will recommend themselves by thar cbeapncis ind good qualities.. JlcrChimts from the country, and others washing to buy good and cheap articled, are requested to look at our stock, and price our goods, §318,318 70 TklCEt—Just received, a fbwGercta very ku per lor lUes, Xl/ seloctod osprcssly for family use, for *«lo. wholesale or retail, by . . DAILEY A lltMillAW, . . ■ mylT 253 Liberty ft-, (oppctfite AthcnyuP-). EBCKIVED DY KXt*R&Sd—Ftvo gro» tbitont Gum Llaa- Uo RoachDcsiroycrv, maoufaetured by Goodyear A of Kow York.for J.F. D.KEATING, ho. IS^SmtUifIcM Pittsburgh, Pa. P? 1 8- BESX AND INFALLIBLE REMEDY EURLHWSIHIHTB. A large assortment of Jlhonish aod T rencu \ltwl2s, warranted pure and gonnto©, JuKtrocclTsd and for sal© by f flprl3 •••':■ ■ D. PICKBIBKy, 137 Liberty At. T AND WAURANTd WANTED—t wish to purebatt IUP, i ±j 80 and 40 Acw UndAVarran ta for whlch tlie highest market prieo will'bo paid.' •.- ...JAMES BLAKELY,. .- - •' K : JtoalKsiAt© AgtfUtamlConvoT&nefir, 'aprlQ No. 100, corner of Seventh and.Saithncld sUL, ILVER UUA^QE.—AnAMii A have a small .(unoont •of the net d tUntr coin, which they will take Measure m distributing, In exchange for Gold, among their friends and customers, oftor2o’clock, P. M. • • v Pittobutgb, Mny Pth.lBs3r-if » ~ • ~ . . ;■ 'Woll l » Academy of; Drawing and: Painting! . -TXT: C; WALD «miMnottfy hl-«lHi‘nii* and the public, Yy. # that he baa removed hlsstudlo ftom First street, to ut©corner pt Tdnikot and Fourth streets, (secondat oryO oyer the siorubf Wm. 1 M; Uen«U; ontrnoco on Fourth, street. Atth© request of hisfricndp,ho liM also opened a pitAW ING BCHOOL. Classes for voung. LadUa and Gentlomcn will bo formed io boihDnvaing and P/iinting. ITo hMfitted : 'op ft Room with orery firillty tor study, and ho trusts that hf 4 enterprise win meat with a supportlng patronage. .~apr22df• • ■•: . • - •»'■•.' : . ~. ... .... caw-yORE’B liutiU iIELOUIEd.—Tho palo. of.this work iVI has been unequalled by ady rtmllar work publlohed. It has boon translated In to Latin, Ito Han, Frenrh and Itus alan. > No volumo of Muslciasued iu tho United .bas. been.so freely welcomed or so much in domand... Price, s2* Tiw same work, elegantly ombossed, gUt edges, .ats3. Xflß MKAUTIKS'GF OAbBDONU—Gr, flums or Bcottlsh ■'Bong. JJelnjt a collection of more than-fitly-.of .the ' • beamirul Scotch Ballads, sot: io muslc, many .of - : which have hltbortobeen unjiubUshtyMn.this.country.: - The-whole arranged, and compiled, from the "■.v yery best sourccs and latest tevlsals of tho author’s . works. Pricosl. , i .'MVIJ-;:..' ' *i*Thls !s in a quarto form, fccanllfally printed end hound, and contains a fine lithograph.portrait.of the.poot Burns. 'Every admirer, uf Scotcli JJelody ehouldobtain.a copy of this cnolco selection. . ' The abova just recolvta?, together, with a largo lot of all the lato JJaslcalTYorks. For pair.by ■■«■■■• Jot ' JOHN 11. MKLTiOIt. 81 Woodat. ; - . Btandord MUorlianeous lVorUs« rpUB WOlthBotf>DANltlj W i.Bs>TISIt j complete In six • I -volufne?,-B to.;. fonrth edition. • T\w Works of ton! Bacon ;• a, now edition* with Ufo; bj Montague; Jn 3rols*B half rnlf,and in cloth. The Lire*of'the Lord Chancellor* of England t by- John jotd.CaropboU; in 7’TOl*. ff-To, cloth. . .The Utcs of tha.Cblef Justices -of -John 1 Lord Campbellln 2 v0i3.8 to; - v • -‘i;- , . • • :Ibo.Modern.British lu flxvolumes; containing the miscellaneous essays ofTalfoutd, Stephens, Hncauley,' MecWatoBli,: 9jdney; : Smtth >: 'Allsou» Jeffreys, and others.* Also,Macaulay's critical: and miscellaneous Essays; In. 6 Tols;l3mo.rhftlfi iaT to1;8to., cloth. -»-• .-Cosmos; A sketch' of Physical Description-of the' TJbl rorser by Alexander Ton Humboldt; 4 vols. 22 mo-, doth. The Miscellaneous Writings of Judge Story; edited hyhis ;san,- t Wm.W.Story: lvoL&m,clotb. ; • - •. Lectures on tho History of Franco; by Sir James Stephens; Xtdl 8 to. cr-the History of the Bonaparte Family; «n entirely now -work; by the .Berkeley Blcn; il* lostmcd.wlth'axitnenUoportraits; lTol.Bvo4clotlL -' -Theabove.togeflwocwlthalargeassortmentoflawjJTedl* eoU aodMispellaaeous Work& ibr sole at reduced prieea. ' jiayCD ' KAY £ CO, 65 Wcoa street ■„ ~.i .4jIA Y -GOODS.--- — ' hTjAdahe a- eostipEi;; t • MlihiXj E-fiJT ESTABL ISDMENTj , 6T. CLATB STREET- f , ■ TADAME"'AT GoSXJNO, ha*lng..Tbited the Eastern JSJL-Sitlea, no* lathes bra friends tolcrpcct, alertiooim SuhtoMbteassmtmcnttfJdllihiray, Mantles, andmada w?. Dri-S articles, for chlldion’A wear. •ISO latest model patterns, jrom tarts, exhlUtalicsutllM-Tanotjrt 'irliloliyitf^sold, itloViprlces, .Hrastodtrantalaswary richnoTOtyrortno ecasoiiconiprislDK Bonnets, ,of array qoaUtJ and d«onp Mcdame JL Gosling’s frailties in obtaining the.cbol ccst pattern* from-Franc©, Eho is caablqi to secure the ncy estand most-feflMon»blp„ designs. 'A ptompt'«^witroiiTO nil onto will be .jdYcn, end* Mourning ma 4« epw-d* •G, GOODS, from Paris and London ? which fbr quality, style, pattern, texture* and priea, cannot: be jwtdouo in. «unp^«*. Uoniathia or any Other city,. -Dress Goods, bcing.xelected with otorr earehyMadaineGoslinßandhiinselfitoemt the most fastidious. The HllJJncry and Mantle department ox ■thifl establishment, will exhibit a rich and Taried collection , i of novelties for the season--,.This > splendid ;rtock of GowJs I wfll consist of—ln Ladies’ Dressesjplaimbroclm, shaded and ; lJStrdred Cambno:flowered; Robe; of] extensive variety and patterns? Cbiat* Lawtai; ChaHeys;j poplins; Tissues; Lustresjßcracosi Gingham*.** -i | : | Comprising- Embroideted' Cafifaierc, Thibet Figured,] Ffenchi Tissue, China Crape, ftomsW to $lOO. _ : •i ■ • MANTLES. - • i "SUk-lSatin, Embroidered Muslin, «f*vexj shade \ and bf the latest French patterns. . Also/ Trimmings or ail j Kta4i MIIiUTERT. -Plain and Frac, gtrav, Gimp, Kamo,. Neapolitan, BilltVj Crape rad I.a<* Bonneta, vhicli ter elegance radarartelj “ iaSpoa,wUl please ell pawhasm:.together CBpcki Bead Dresses, 4a.: An extcnelre T&ricij cf Ribtxms, - All ftHiqley fn-thii department of the .best quality and Inj great variety. Orders attentively and promptly executed, Good* ready made, on hondJ • ; ■■ • •_ • t : OOOV3. - Damasks, Idnens, Furniture'Chintzes, Lacs and Muslin Window Drapery, Bteached and Unbleached Muslios, !Hck-j ; incs, Drilling, 4c., &a, 100 -various and extensive to luscrL: j - ! Tbe abovo named nock*'with every- article-comprised in : - thodrygooda-burincss,aßd which tattoo numerous toman* Con, the proprietor begs to offerrfbr the lowest-eash term* Obliged by past ftvors, he now invites his friends ta aul ana. l inspect the present collection, which he trusts. will in al. ways meet-their approvoL • ■■■■; .■ .. , • ma.ld. ; TfigT SPRIWG DHV QOOD3. 1553. GEOI3QE V. scat's'll & CO., NO. « WOOD STREET. Aro jtutxeceivifift Krteral THOUSAND PACKAGES cl. 32HOHSH, 2BEHCH AHB AHKRICA3E■■„ PRY GOODS! MAKXKQ THBIft-ABSOBXMENT THE TAMEST AND HOST CQXPXJSTB STUB OFFEBED IS WTTSBCBOB l C&* Hcrlng Imported direct most ofthelr .- POBEIGIT GOODS, Such tiVnilto uulfiMt: Uosbs, lints FopllM, Bilk nsjuei, Da Bests, D» ic, tße7-i>iiJ ena tlod to offer - • •• • GBEAT BARGAINS! I They vfll eontinnb to xeedTa large additions of the ac*r i esthnd most desimblo efcyles, ibroujsfcoot the season^ Ercry purchaser trill consult bistfl by examining before purchasing. - - . raagghdayto-v.. ” NEW GOODS! : at' vEBY BEDBCEB PBICES! I JCST RECEIVED AND SOW OPEXINO. 70SSO< fIYEVBUS'GE ft £OT2r SHJH OF TIES ORIOIHAL BEE HIVE, No. 71 Market street, betnen Fourth "«trect snd Ih.Dtajnonfl, Pita-1 hursb, uouli respectfully call ths sttrotlon of their eustor triers sed Ihopublic generally, to tbo and well selected stock of Dry Goods, consiirtJng of ■ . • \ FrrochMertnosandThibctClothMllcoJoraandqaallncs, CbburwPanimettaaandCKbmew*, at great bargains, ,* High col\l «*«l printed Delaine* -•. ; " ■ French Cashmere and Gala Plaids,fbr children, - Silk and Wo»ted, and all Silk Plaid* r f.nrtreßr AlpftCftßßßd BombasloCS, - High luatred plain-black£Bk* all widths, ' Drocodc, Satin Bold, and Watered Silk* oil colors, Gingham*! fMntTJs* Rnrf Calignea. an ai-wittnegt. , ■; Broditti, liong and Square «Tery. description,' Bay State and WaterlooXong and Square Shawls,, • Sain Embroidered COoth and Cashmere Shawls, : / Punnet and Mantilla Velret*cll colorennd qualities, . r Bonnet Ribbons, Silks and Satins,-. . ....... •>;. . iaußes* Embroidered Silk atul Cashmere. Ecar&anu. Keck Needle Worked CulLvOollars, Chimasrtle* and Capes, : . Embroidered and Plain lleta Stitched Linen Cambria Handkerchiefs,' ■ r -./v ■■'• ■-■ Enk Pocket lldk&,CraTal» and Neck Tie* - Glotes and Iloßicry, crery rariflir, at barsalas, aßd MosUn* - > • ■ lJttwiw, Tnhlfl Cloths and Damasks. BirdKyeand3lu£riaßiaper,'Cro*handTdwcls ; Bod, white and ydlow Flannels, Ter? cheap, . . - Backtab-Flartnds,'oll colors and qualities, ~ , Lsdleaf Cloaking Cloths, “ , * . _ , Cloth* and Cosimexes, SatUneti, Kentucky. Jeans and Testings. Fdee2s V'IOTUIO- CHIMNEY TOPS—SOb of th<;Fo beautiful artf- VT- elcs, of various patterns fcnd Uxor, tf-T sale by. iptU * HENRY IK COLLINS. Pennsylvania Railroad Company. rpUE SUMMER BATES between Plttrbnrgb, ..PhUadei-. X phlaandllaltbnnrejaieaaiblloin: First Ctar-r-Tcathera) Furs and Peltry, Buffalo, Bear and Mooso EiclM, 41di0—74 tarnti pel 100 lbs. ■---•■■. Sxonti Clast— Aloohol, Beeswax, Claterseed, Beet Suns, Dried Frnlt, Glassware, Heap, Hardware, l/auher, Rajs, Wool—CO cents per 100 Cr*. -■ . „ • IVifrd n*2o Iff.'XL BATtnOLU-Agent. EHTXiHPIUSJEWOaiSS. uo. 130 *qqp enter, txAb2> won wacrw togei.aujst.. BOWIT .- v * . . prgr.R-MT— vtm maMme zuflesofetex? flesenpuan,ro order, of-the best uwtetial*. and .wwtaMa&hJp Order*rocaWed tbrthmiatl7Wraleor.lbl»U,»ni totll; ed irlUi despatch.', Bunting pafte* mppted at TOiolesata prioM . ...?y 5 Bay Wood Moraery and Gardena. JAMES KEKKEDY, pate Manager of the vdtknayn v* xtumn Nusffrios,Ken York,rtega Xemtothe public, that te ha* «ww establish*! an BSTISSIVE KDL* leHY, on the Farm of Mr. James 8. hogfe : ertr, *ber«bS shall bo prepared, afteriho,t®*?-' criroamSflli order* tal Trees, Hardy andGroco wouso. BbruT»ra/PlMtar An addition to a choice and superior betas made.; arrangembuta with one of. tho largest Kurscrfes in the East,, to keep ap bis supply* Haying a thorough and rlenco in the business, he can assure his customers perfect. would also hhjertca in. dcrfcnlng, laylogout, and managing Rural Cemeteries, Pub iUo Paris, or thogrounds of Country Beddenees; and yiH i also furnish plans for the fbndaUon of lA»na, Appfewhc^. I Pictureduewwnery,At, In.the highest styles-of thewt, i Practically acquainted. with, erery brandi ; of ? Gardening, and hating spoutjrtars la thfi Parka of England, and on the ; beautiful banks of the Hudson* he boyoi he boa the capodty to meet the wishes of those who- Communications can boaddrecsed thrcnghthe.Clty Pofltomee,or left attha/WWthonse' of Messrs. NeslsyA inannOTAm I-STIIIE COURT OF CUANOBBX OF TUB STATU OF BELATVARB-Is Kest Coran:— ' . :, : . . Qeoeoe W. Cctmot ) ■■■■;' : M. > fthtum far IhrCibon. ■ V»wi PSTEB4OS. j. ' And wit: this thirty-first day nfllarch, la the y ear oT our Lord one thousand right hundred and fifty-three, this cause coming before the Chancellor, upon, the motion of Uartia W. Bates, Esq, the complainant's Solicitor, and the writ of summons aforesaid, andtha Sheriff's return thereon bring soon and and 1 tha affidavit of Daniel Cum mins being seen It is thereupon ordered by the Chancel lor. that the aforesaid defendant, Marta Peterson, appear In this cause qn MONDAY, tho 26th of September next. • 'Andttis ordered and directed, by-the Chancellor, that -a i copy of this order shallhe insarted In the Ddavxrrt Guttle, 1 a newspaper published in the city of "Wilmington, in this i i State; and In the fttp&urpTi ibrt, a newspaper published in : the dty of Pittsburgh, in the State of Pennsylvania; and rphaii be continued in sold newspapers for the space of-three months noxt after its publication; and also, tbaVa copy of said orderehall, for the same space of time, bo posted tip In : thoOffiee of the Register of this Court, and at the Court .Homo door of this County. . State of H KENT COUNTY, S 3. J | • I, JOHN K. JAEYISt Register UsChancery, | InKcnt County, do hereby certify* .! the foregoing order is a true copy of the : Sv'raßfcfwS order in the shore cause* now ofyecordin eoid. Court,. la- testimony. whereof I bate ■•• hereunto set my band anu aSxed.tho seal of: said.* Court, at Doter, this -wreath day of -ApriLin thd of our Lord one thousand eight tmnared &ndfifty*ihree«.... > ; .. JAKYIB,, ; ' Register in Chancery, - Borer, April?,lB63. THA'VlMntroduood an alegani article af - CUWH and] JL HAIB'BRUSHES; enperim to . anything of the hind mnw rHirnifartnml in thiarity. .Hut win compare with Boy Eutora Brushes erer brought to this market, sot only In material, hut also In finish.: The best of workmen | rtro employed tooissment them, and ; thus -make theurlnl oTeryrespect egUatto-uly dauujMtttroJ Inany ofthe- Easterntutles.- ■ • ■-•••••, L >: - Alsp; ft large assortment ofJPaint, Vanish, Basb> .Shoe, 1 dorse,Dustins* ScmbMngtSsreeplns and Window Brushes. AlM,a largo assortment- of Nailed and.Hed Whitewash fine Thrlcty pf Tooth Nall and Brushes, flat Va: c I °AU hrSbiS I will sell as low asUteyeanhe puruhaael in any Eastern market. AU who doutt the ahara state ment are most reapectlaUy: inrited to eaU- and judgufor I I have concluded to eonflna toy attention en tirely to the manufacture of Brnahee, I flsel that AeaiOEor, as great Induecnentena fobO nrraft. A. UOO3B, Ho. 118 Wooden I i " ■J, t V ft " •- - MISELLANEOUS; ATOJS&—2OO tms. Eyes, f!resale by SHOWY iL COXIAN, •••jaySJ ■ ■•,•-■■• ; ■ ■•.. •••. • *• *2S Wood-street;- W i Stock, sauted by CHA& ii LOOHL3, ff t Btock l ßmaad-EfidXL»tal«BroXer l ’ gyfo */> v--7B rbdtUx Bank of gittoburgb^., ■« KF r ! bClg.Whlta Jflsh; ■ .-■ 111., « do_ Trout; f" 40 do,L3fe«H«mng; 2flhalrbbl3. do; Ecodveaby , •" , H3JSEY y COtLINS.'- TJONDS -JOB BALE— Bonds of Daijaesmi Borough, bcal- U BOOSIXS, 1 Stock. Bill and Real Estate Broker. -T -XQTSb* :75 fourth Banker Pittsburgh, ■T" 1 .'■ l . 1 . Money to lioan, , • i Hu.4c.--1 Instruments, of at JOILN A. tf ffiokvS wW Qfflce,aOTH>lnt»trigt,i»logSigit ha » - cpr.>»a riBBT*. npuaor I>ECGSi£TS*-A: yuungraanttfUiibquaintt^-uiihl^ ‘iL' Jtfne burincs**Bpeaklßs.thfi. .German _, acd. Hangman- L iaUroa£es,' and &avin&had3 yeanf experience In tins coun try, wimta ft rituation-. Beference satisfactory: . : • j»ni<> • Address B- JAKOKSKI, St. Clair House. i JH OTICK. WHH QEOCEBT .BUSINESS viUbocontmuolbyiboTO -1 drtsXsm*l»at taa Ql4stand,N&3SaiJberty &jVii£be pleased to see fci3 former friend* and customers, r, ; --. yoTgmbcr6rlSs2*—novll - A. QU-CtlillU-... . ; i. • •• A MANi wiUi a capital of from ; $lOOO to $5OOO, can in- A - test it la an established \xnsnufsctimng hualae^ irluio lb ere is no competition andgi.. large yield* k profit of from 26 to 50 per eonV^. ; . " • s33»Addr«Wr *SM:C, 80r434, Post Office-- • • mylfctf 1 CAUD- / „ , T\OCTOB AIYEBS, baring been TtdwTed. from hu # official. I . I / duties, as ; Surgeon and Physician of tbeUhited-St&tea- SaknsHospital, trtß itt-friturtgiTe hi* undivided attention EeridBnc e (Ko.-140;THIBl > T5ri'(obovo gmitbSeld. f > ay6Jm._ : Kemova.l7 7^- A WILKINS & CUn •JJANKfiBS-AND.JttCHJSMH? A . i BKOKKRS, hire removed cnedoor vrestcr ttfcii-re*- ecat location,, ioto the Called States Bttnfc Bnildlngs, 71 EQCBTHST., immediately opposite,the Bank ft Yit> lmwh,Vhere they wW bo seo tlieir.McatU and-i •thn-pablUtfenerpily<- v ; • •«• v': •- ~ ••■ -• • ■ a V7 J£i *■ inkl nmloTsigped. frariag agreed’ among themselves, t~. "I' docetbdrStarMfttS- o’clrtch,;etcry tremor, (caecpt .fijturdar,) from thlstfcno uuUl.tholstcf&ptembecDejt,: resnctfaiiy leanest tfccir castodcrsto rna&e- tljcir porcas - BAILEE & IIENSXZAWf •• pit#bar%fc> May 0, 1553.* •. ■ ■;_•;••.■■ •-,■■ ■ ■■•■■■ W* _. IWTiXLIGENCiS OFIHO&..AO. farmer, p/, ITcad-tirat and'-Virvia :Uus oboT«'Wjsin»s* frithont-; any solfcUatlcn'trbaiffv fcr. fi*> tbcrthaa. common interest and, coiamonjssase^areprepareo- to aUfcnsiness tbeiEfar^Fitktidtwiy^ WantM— -lot l»ya *t"tradej>. .AUo, places fur ; ttaehxhentmdporters. >Abo, -places to ebambermaia&w. Apply tx above, - •» maflb ; 'Revolvers l BcveiyewT ■■ - -;v' • • TUST -RECEIVED—By Express. direct troa tbemfinprae* #1 -tnrers, a splendid assortment'of Colt's RepeftUos sli- *, $ and 6 tubes bmeV oilofwhich wo vi&- ctU ipr, i^iiKmlosraS they cairto bdU^btfn thacity of'Now York. •Ptrwjns raing to'Anstralb. pr Gdifimja, w&finMbat they can-do better by.parchaslns.tbeir e^nippase.at^omo,.tain, tbey-can onions n ave gira persons -& : cbon« -to trj any oftho abora Pistols, before tbs* otyjabu r fa«»of & 138 Wood rt«et,Plttstaitj!S.j. v t : i&teUlgeae«i)fliee> r „•! TWTOVI4O THIIU) STHKfcT.—The subscribers, &fc the Mil-1 citation of raaoj"person2^hsi r with thur j • vjititM harinyr’i a Gcacsal intelligence Ofice, for- the purpose of siwatioite iarl»ofc-lt«pcTSi.falesociu cltrE/fic., *c. -Kersena In need of assistance, and those it wantqf tdtoatlons, will please giyfl naff: - ,■ ■ : v\ " #3* No jcfipHtttams fat mttztmta srHibaTtpsixsx^.,tm tea accompanied with satisfactory references ns to character .ndvalitaita*. ®^^«^ lnßEETt£os , ■Jtetl Etdata 'Agoptg. «fl Thlrf streets...,; Hone Bllllft in Jpull Opet atlon Tl . RYAVB BUILDIXG3, Fifth HtTtcL—THE PHOHUKTOK, , thankful to the public for pa*t custom, ventures to so licit a c6nttouanee*rO» sama.f^^^resent the establishment ofa- Fk)vr vn.& M tUs j city, fur thfliflcoiamodalioa of hiscustomers,. aci- ful-to ; 'vUhlo Jttve really good Flour, pare grouua Spires, &$, Ac. ; ' The attention of Families, Merchants .ami: nm% tea. ani all lush is tint they will giro mo* truiL. • - : . - 1. il DKA\ 0, >o. I thasunC •: N.B-—All money returned* ■ ;•...gtaritf. PUlUlpstrarc WatcJr core T N riuiiLIKJBuBO, UcaTET coaa ty, on the J-Sontli Bda of th» Ohio JUrexy opposite tbo mouthof: the •Big Bearer Creeks nuJcs firem.. efcbt from ‘Wieeling’ aaf onelianitred. from Clen:iana* = -. tde. Kmrietor‘6a»lMu2-tvcti^rycarf.pracUcal-- esporjenca.ns a .T.Wrf«tt: ttrbbfßof which tie lias practise*-Under: the Hydropathic system. Terms only SI VE pOI*T»AEST£It WEEK—payable weelily. All seasons are adapted tolljdro pathlc cares liich pjctkiit 15 required totimu-dj twotfear? irSden blankets, twt>’ large-cnraTom, ela. and onecanip-blonhel, orlcdia-rulArurvlieet... - < J DB/rD\YA£P ACKl^XV^retcr, Phßllpsbgrgr, i nocbe?tcrP.o..lfe^r^daty > ra , : ... Co-PartncrsUtp Roller*. ! rrum undersigned hate ihte day formed e.Copartnership., '■ r i - for the transaction of the Wbolcsala;PßDiT;artd=Co>r,i MiCTIOh’ARY BOSINESS, under ■Uw llnn. eC JO3HCA RHODES * 001 *fcKo>.33 Rood street-. oppontfc ihC;St-| c£rlaHotrf7 ' JOSIIVA RHODES, ™ PHIUF BEVHIJI. SOOtaaeraoscs:-'-, - i IQbalesEortjeanx alratmls; .MOtotewßMy i J® fl o - 4jt : ■ 200 bass BrasiLeugar ;.. - ■;.; i 25 trails Sicily -. do, - IKlbblajoftorusbedsagar; ‘2sbogs 51 torts;: ■ BOOTargs drams £ga; 1 25 40 walaote. soosmill *> : do; . ;29 do rreasnuts; s dOObxa - dop ; :- |2sbbUTexanpoca3j;. ■ttObxs MB raisins; . > ;2S do Illinois do: r l&OhTbxs do do; . 40bxs jajabo paste; 200 bxsoldster do; ,20 bxs gum drops ; lOOhf bxs dodo; ■ - . |4odoiissort«lpscsii3; 1 '4okegssmallGenaanplnns;!so.doipepp«KUKe; , ■25 casks eniTants; |4O dos tomato. bctcaapt 20 mats dales; >lO cases sardines: . •’ 15cascspiworToj,6la5s,Jsrs;!50bxs:rpcfccandy; & do do fancy bxs; jSJbxsEiaccarocl; . JO do liquorlcexmflllßtmktjlObxsTermacslll;' . 23 bxs do roSoed; |2odta assorted preserves; . 200 bxs So 1 herring; ■ j 5 doa preserved ginger; ICOlnsscalcd- do; . 20 bxs oliro oil;. Instore sad to arrive,;lbr JOSHUA EHODES A CO, 33W00d it- opposite Et-Charles Hotel. .J. B. keeeuy 2l©£lptudbCo., . . GKOCEBS.and i*?a!«rs In Brcduee, Met-, >W---^i»d-yfttota*gh f M;mnfsctttte*Tgte,S33 and SM •'Utw^-Bt»^‘ii«!Uf'ttw'bead‘orTro6d f .iittibfiirBh»- : Pa 9 o*;j fet forcdaonUber#! ttttßifticfclldwiiw!: ' --• j *'' 10Q tierces ftcslt Rica; '' ?3Q,Q00 Tbs, Bacon, asaonea i\. i : -lW ’- "* -► ' & tons-Bar Iron, do? . 1500 asserted; 1 : 3 4o BestNsfl Rods; 600boxcs Wlndow 2)00 Bock, and,;Rifle i '•■ ■ assorted? ) r ~--'••• Rodder 1 ; assarted;. ..-; i r■•• ’ M half ehisis ‘:'3ooboxes Rosib fioap; , ; < V-• h «artedi'j'"-V .' ■. ; ?85 bbl£.ttnseod, Lard and ] . ’' Jftinnera’Ofl; : ,., ; 100bhd£5.O. , Bngar>Vart| SOQ bblc Tmesor; ; prime; '* ' : 30 do Rosin; • . ...-■] 6 bxa*HsTßn£Sugar; » 20 do Pitch; XOhhda. Porto Ilieo do; • 6000 Iba. assorted Copper; ;j 160 bags Coffee; [ - SObbU andifcsßani;..,. 1 ..-600bbis^’S;O.Molasses; I:.“ lOkeganssortcdShot; i T6do‘ &.-H. ‘ do; 1 rda~-Back£bot;.... l „ . • rBoobxi.Tin Flato.essM*:. - sbbla. AtUtn;« : 4tana Wirei '•' do;. \ ' 20" do Byeßour;.: _ ■. ,j 3 .do; Spelter;- ' ~•; • '2o«tUTinncn r Machines, a taisks ’sheet 2Uxe,e>j : " and Tools■ V' x '.' -'r.. -• "v '* • 100 has; Dried AjiplestKv: • fiOOplgsTin; •» . 100balesBatting,assorted? ...--tpfln frg -Ayittmnwy; •>: vl SOQg fS^Cotton .. 10 ton* asa‘d Sheettron;! - - sorted. ' 1100,000 lbs. estM Bolk Meat;* H. CHILDS & C 0.,. WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, ■ 4'.r 133- :^WdOD:^TRBET,' their .larg» ind : spteodi& si«h of BOOTS •ANO-'SUOES, -ombraiiiDS-OWTlsurieiy: sad: ctylscf Goods, fot the SBEIXG-AND STJiBIERTIIADE. -' of.Mea smLßoj , &‘ PALM. gradcs,-trtemed sad Tmtrtmmofc-- / fx large' sji&- v ale£iiit 4LS£C?iincGt • of iZ&dles and" . EONNEXSjOf tholatestsadiaost ftehlcnahTostyles,.-: of Goods hftTlsgbeeivparchas«£:dlrecifrcEj fbTrcash* Q3d;seiected'*ritti; great oaro la .eanaot-fijflto pltare/ as thgy ,ergldetenalti6d.lQ .gaUjXt.gß, low pricos bs ixio of aftherlh New Yot^PW tadelphls or Baltimore. it. Blarbbdhla Tirittog ;ot*iois -toelr ' warEasU arc rwjoesled to.calf aode xaihliie theirstoefci wk finvporchsLSioj.----• ~ mar2533ay~ ; ~.. ';- v: 2 , £ASt /T£ABh TEAS! ~ - - :'.K: : •- J&Sy^v■ A b T OB'El Vv--: v 38 : Fifthi Street,- :(■-A^-- jart reccin&tba largest and. best selected stock-of |~| fIftKEK AMP RLACKTEAS. ai er brought to gittfr -tnnvft/gmbr>glng some"of the finest chops be; fotincMn visiting thedty to-pur chase Goods, oiOntheirwaj-.East, nre.'invite: to call,ted: examine my stoekl«&T9jta , diasinsel?ewhere > ea lean and wlUßollaftdtfii>cath»Eime'Qnali»7:cao be-purchased ia Nev York SelowJsVllsfor the various graded ail of -which harobeenlfcarcfally-selected, and. can witheonfideuee be recommended: «*» :- v4O half chests ;. ^ ;,v-;io ;io do' .. 'dor/rilojane-ToangDjysoa;, ... •■ 10 -do *. ;eitr*£nehitgrun*&oj>- >t.i • 100 'do Superior —: _ ~ , ;-sGardenlavender, X2crrfl» ».. • • - : Cbeny* v ’'— « & aa3Tftb|7cs>cssa ■•• - - j - ' * T-? 1 c** Vv'*".', • ‘ ,t* • v*. * ‘ ‘ ii£ .•/. ■•■■■;(■ ■ ' ' ‘ -« l* * _ „ »0 Woo a «tr,-t!t. Kte»iw;ns. Pa., ~ 1J liiU.M Al lsM.r-.I» Uruiv.n'» pel. I* iU"Ctrf«»J -rc-ttjjT ’ J& tor ft tfcr.tOTtabi3. ItßevcrUlls» - ' 1- ..- >o. ■4^X>IAJIO- ;.-.. ■Pittsburgh, Pemx'iu ThaDoctorUalKay?ataa3WJ* ; .’ *' : -• *■■■’■.• ■•■••: - ■'.* - '•■•-•■• .-.- * w. E^ficmiEßro. T £,/ - -;:-v ;- J -A. SttJW Article-for- siiaYin&.- : 1* ftJfebghtfaUTiSal* •.:• \j. fox. sharing,*-few-drops.dropped-on.the.end.-of the->•: •brush will toabci neb lasting lather sad render that icj ad -:.v -easy j?ropmy-ef~sdtentog:'-:v r ■•. by.PxroeAijpiMlljpcifuisßsstobsrfilaJestyjJiOiO.Bissst - street, London. > ‘ - Soil wholesale ia& retail "by ^»^?^yi--r:.- *nd benefits ma^eal^Sect.ia acTTOtts tjeadadie,'tw do&xeux, £2?arsu . -—u,.-..... gto,iwabfies**iWte6ms^tlhrtace or -. using ihievoEdeifal • prep are RPQjsxg ' •' - •fidale2ecU. -The most yiolent.oerTmiy; ■., nuentiy cured in taking ofce-tfoseu , cc.3 tcslliy - „ ._.. .., uMtspetfulfaf ftnallHcain a!lay&i£ allpaXßS’*nsteifWg*J}.. .■■■•-. rnerroua state of thermtea, by?.nse Fzica . p^r*.-*-. I oiily 50 cents. ~Sold-by.T.:- .- „GEO., IT..KEYfiEI*» | >blfi ' - '-'-1-in - - f i , BLICA^BA> T Xisli,B&ja>~Mr. .... 1 spea&S •... : [ Ji\flTH>tKeTeoliiimL^- :< rhii jrtirfcj-ia-.^MiXr-.i.„• ~ ; f- ‘rJSfias T&B--JL. Jftx&nislbcS: <£ Cb-7;*'' “ l^nt^tlfyißgtotfcerTaloaW^^u^^iOfyowiycrC^J^^’^'t;- t “Xa : T^^---;.~ 1 fl ? » - | bfas«; beea panyt-«&eaaUackea»im:rffwro _ % - B3j4atthoa?e =.- - I IbwerHtife^tiefcH : tTebbbita£JicSd : of 1 - "* r rtaJiinsß<^-iilth- ; tilsecfioo9..fcriU;-s^^l-le»i» ; -«S«^* - «• i; irsxds -that' ‘ the‘child'.pisfedMm -eiipnabo* .TjaX*;. of: &3gQny:.. -■-, 1 Taimhge'aot 7 retaeafSerg^rfiadiri - - - 1 ITbythe is* cf/lfcff.Yer£df&g*£tfcß 1 : t>e*an“tolinpioTe• -'"When, t aext «iw/the bhHa s 9A*a»jj:--;*? -% :i -. OPKIUIATO2iIfIEA lmjlc, compichcasiTO sea r.ivtr- * fuStinn. vii iawr.be'tired without lbs sligbtert taa»», - . ftfcnt _ . It is to - -say one from - „ „ iiitigorating'thc'Qrgxr-St moiMoriume, to suchun far..-...,,.,;, • teh' UiaLVatfi&iAXS-ttißz msrrrroyownio? SETEfnas;tfcar. > lositr -■wiicii, tfccisc,2a-tliftUtes2s&la-fltiS3* •ttoDiiitfthfl caosß-of- the.tfcattS2ndcaocomi^ti^j>laia?a. : --- r Dyspepsia, Pain fo tfc& s Hea4iarid>Diian€£y of-TisSfitr, \T*akncsa ofifcfi Sacffaai Lowet Extremities. AlfertloiM cf tho E;!a I=®otooa, K=> > - -Dies Eeclino ofTTirßityjWeasaesa ‘ - Of- Memory and ' Poser fifcVSleiitnl Application;-Bo eeticn^.-. EsiMlSstToid,' tore of Sditndo* j.-.&■.. '4K- AU Wlirte iViISEiMJJrOTV KtSch tfsf GMiaiaL. ■ Ee it rlro remembered, last those complaint-are bntiiiua. . nnderetcod by the prefeeslon in -gene rol,- amiibat all .to); :.". incaidncin ibo *nr!d boxer bus, aad o.eve:"M, stop thoso.,. • -.-.• c livsse'- *bfcbj If bHoa-eatocaatmae urahscbeS, aiosatp „•:.: ■aroatottaaost'aistrbssing consequences. Wei>ricebEUiStffloplefB/inaltai!j«nf,.«refal!rJßcnroav^. ~ l : ?Ss4a}fl3»«w®>S «o>4e^coiapaiil«4:s*;JSiß.aaor v ;;Vi,% -mjSfatrtiuaiHonsnßd retnltianresmuet bo directed fpest- - : ... ■pntdVtosbo twtarhinEanboba.JingDoA'rcadcaKrtablhb......'- Srihritijiljondoli ■'• * r .-'- *' AairS», Laney, 31 Lis??aird street, ilily, freaiO A. M. ttl3 P. M,cad boa 7 to • R p M tbo Sabbath exreplrd... : ahtmemcotioactl Instfnmeatia naVcralyccnstractea otucKpr.s Obfcare of those ff£f - s «'.CIL-<3oCTZE;U..DaflaChambcrssL,-■■Vi-';. ft : EOKIIAEDT, Sl--t>., 24 Sowaid at,r '... ■ ' - : SEW TORS. mySVT: TT. ■■ JSIOfISB’S COSIFOUSD SYECP-OF Y S3li.* , . rnHETsa sdsatiScally g»* X partxl'-ircm tlio best rooU and herts cf^tte-ilaima- sad -foUoftlns effects, — _ " KEGtJLATLNQ AXD ST&EiGTHBMXG THS LTOV «cd'l»otsiiv»;OaflAsS, -? >K"*fhl tHn« caring all Billnas fiiaeasas«lATCg : eases; i&rcagthenrogandquiettoglhsJJetTCuaSystenvtbcs.. allartna tba jrerrosfasHjsteris, tfeirral 53 %, CraßFS[dc;- It Is narirsll ?i - In ttfteor» otaU F£3LttE~CbJi PLAINTS, tfs: Weakness, . 'GccfiraJ Bebmty/Itresolarity, of .-/* . tln>’X<*t ; X.ttafc^rJoiW r i4a,"caMedi*by weakness; .tdsev.; r . Lung and ThipsJr Complaints, as, Colds," Coughs, Asthma, * ;_.s; Consumption,-*^-also, Dropsy. forcing ttie Compound Syrup of Yellow Poes .v- Root, prepared eitEbr oursetTC* or in ow. • finding it to-ba a very, raluisfy and effectual--. •<• jxepaiwtion; we do mostcbEgrftQfoVsmnsrr-gud it to;tie feesUTerytalaableawEdne. ~ £'Potiri», ; Bonk, Providence,lLL;; - A. W. Spencer, Cashler-llno Hock Hank, do. do.* Rev... WiffiaciPhillips,BeTi J.B.'-lUchmocd,^tbfl.• Jom3,edltof . "FlicjySli .Hutchinson,. G.- S-, Bes. V. 3. .■ • Bates, Doc£,:-Bffn};- Xew Xori, endfbW by Druggists-and othejs-tbscaipnouS^^ : this and ether . :• -JOEL SIOHLISK, Agent,;■ -■•^pZs dy ? ' ;Pittsbuistt,-ra.. ■ £i PHUTS ffURPEKTINE— IO bbl*, justed and fist aalo H ,-faygn - EUaUSC mtOTHESS. steube&TlUaasttlßdi&ua'EailS'oadl' *• Onfl’SXOtfE CCTTEKaiLMj tKeT Steubenville and - Indiana .-Railroad— • psrssji&ttxx&&£ tefthaduabS* • - -Ax ■ cspifcldcr taking charge of JreaixJwißdnry i to wbostldshC sages will be paid , Our masonry U heavy, and will eff&rd. - .steady eniplcment daring the season- Estratoagato. o. : . tramenU - FOSTER, BRO.* CO, •'r r-:” -. • ofs2 mUea cf&. andlußaßicaii w - -oSceailiec3bnigj.Carroll county, - ‘ tnyCs;irodAw* —• — - " cF^nHT.. . i"• • :■ FITT&BVRGET, - PA\r ■ •', I TTEJfjnSDX, CHILDS A Bed isTO“fo? r l\ Bala the r - Pefia-ANou s --- >;o3lor^.CarpetC?)ai^iof all*ha&2*i ■■ -, • ■. 'While •'•-:--dot ------ ’ * . ''VCoitfi&XwJnej,• - <-. r. < t. ;...• ~:.Cotto3Cordage,of&U&es; • •' :; Cotton CSrda, Sash Corf, and Plow Lines 5 • ... •■ .’v Baiting J'-''--■" ■ r - -■ ■:.■ '.•.■•' • ■*•.•■■.•■■■ ■ • Orders leftai thcilSll; cr with H* Ch23s& €O4 and :• •• witb Xosan, Wilsoa & street, will hare attention. •r~-&bl93£lf6m Vo-';--;' * .- •.. •;■■ -.•■■■ s CAKRIAQfcS FOU.SAtHi anderslKiied has justrecefred athls-; -' 1 CAEHUQE WAREHOUSE, ritcatairut m iO<. near the Two Jttk> Eos, •. -and-‘Lawrenccvjlle, a - -splendid '• J"*" "■ cf VEHICLES,' cf every description, and nil] receive reeuiarlj, new and second 'bsai.Carrics&r ■.. Bufjffia.oc.t whichL? will sell .lotVoc»N. --■ ‘ -V * - V _ - / *■ *7^ ~ - >/ \} ' ’r ', \,' • • • x ■■