. v • > j|& : -T\ ■K.m.t v t*s4ss}r+w • .n*,‘ i r < 'V “-' '.%*vV •- '.*v. v ME llsi^m^^SkAMMM^AmMk^X^sci^lj^' **».??■*;i: ♦*• * v"il> W- r P *., - % .‘ - *h^T, A'fp v^SSsr^p -v fV?:;' - ' *%-*^-,’ jjg- J P >r * ~?P *.*r*P -..j -, -A— t i JjJLI.I , X.*> ' VOLUME XI. , TEE DAIRY MORNING POST (Sunday tzcejAe. ay H A.RPER & FHIUjIPO* " *- —» ■ ■ <>»«.» ,*•, / « GZij+TJS &£!ss-, jftve -DoHara a year, payable strictly to * T- • ;. fcixDoUow will invariably Jfc rcgulred If not paid wxtlun the.) car. « ..>o\ ; -Jis'iujijslacopif3rffocESTB---'fi>^?alofittboco'uuter.iiitbe torJQia Newß \. < - THE SATUEBAYHOBJmrO *pSX : •. ••-v* Is pttbbslitni from tlie£rtmq:onh» t ..fln-fllargP-pl&Pltct Siie -Eiieet,«attAVOT)OLLAUSftyear,lnudyanto. Einglo ecpit# fite terra. , - paper frill lh(\dlBe»* tloa-of tlw Proprietors,) until all artparagcs .fifo.pftitJ* -v: ••, Jim- Ito attention will be paM to any order unless aeconi* >/•.■-w r ■• v |iaiif(rtiA»y .. tm-Connected mAh the .WT/tVtfftrttet 3 caaMfim»« j piaiscM !( . , T Oua annum,-(yxtlusiro of tto paper)-.v~« C£ 00 ~ ' f- . _ " ‘PROFESSIONAL CARDS. -;C« Orlando X»oamls> JLT L&Vt —Office, ronrth. street, above WoodL- Doctor 4f. lri&JU» . suffice ox lH)UitTfr,ibet^n:.BmitMeU:ttXulvflmafc V/ fftyeetg4 ftttabptgfc. j, -» jaoX^' TJiom&a £X».fi£arfllMkU» 1 4 TTORNfiY AI LAW—OOicc, IctrTiote BullOlnga, Fonfth A street. - - JanT.ly t / R. 21* Caro&bani BtTCfitjbotsreca A Cherrr alley and Grant etceoU - - - je£y J« ft% M’Clowryj 4 TTOItSSY AND COTOiSEELORA® LAW-Offlce Hu. />, BuOtUngo,on Crooi street. * jc% >DrHrHazenf 4 XTORNEr AX LAW—Ka 127 JAmrOi street, *tore sod -A .> » t > mst^ James Uoti 7 • >;, ; 4 XfOUNEt AX eod it«bloneei' 165 - «A. ZHilfd btrcct, Pittsburgh. * tasr23 George F« GlUmore f MiXORNEY; and'COUNSELLORAX LAW**Offl**tfr: ; mavL*d to 2ad Uoor;bdoir;X2nmt Foantb» to. y. ----- >th g ofocc lately-croupfoaiffAlderaaan SPUet,- :■••->:--- rasrSQ.-■?. J. S. Morrison, A TTOnSNY AND COBKSELWIi AT LAW—OHm, «. . . nu'.vC:! toNo. 4-1 Grant street, rear FmirUi, Pittfbar£ti, It ’ * eiMO-y IJU Stdfilo liofcertt, 4 TTOSNEY AT HAW—Office, Kc, IS2 SmSIMeW 6trc*t> j\_ between Fifth'and Sixth. Collections tarefuEyaitetHK «vi tfw. *[k, n 1 atonti n toQnnrrjancJpj. filwCly y " Thomas Ztlcsnft, ~ 14 TTOlthtr AT LAW'AhD I2» CHANCEBY. tatfraFostOffiGOyStflubcnrille, Obto. oyi -r ■_, ~ * S.P* R08l» *- A OTORNEVATLAW—No 10?rourtlirtrect,I?lttsbuigb, J\_ fa.* IburUiuloOr below air Body Fatiersoa'a livery StibJe Je23 _ 5* BaeEcmaftter* IDJvR3IA*S *-:Qffiee,.-Fourth streettlual^dwr•twro £fmtlifeld,3oalhfdde. of allldrujs D cmx» milNJsJ£K**-lfrtwinss and v -Jsl, ■■: JFJ&ns ofJhiUifotg? prepared At stestnoUc*} ,X«ntljraxs • veyJngrpromptlyattended tPr. .Offlee*^H«fcstreet,l»t second and IhinL ~~ v apr23y ” BUSINESS cards: - James C* Watt, Tk/ITRCMfAYI? tAlDQK—tffr Elfdi street,3Dpposiie the i)i Theatre; IMtairorgb, Pa. , > gprf ' 'Walter P, s:*■ TTIIPOIITIIR and 3)«ial*r tat Frenthand American Fapcr i Hangings ] mar 3 Ftnucr* HcSlillan 4* Arthur, ■vjrriroi.Taux okoceks and ooicii&biojr mea- W* CIIAKT3, ffo.oo Broad strecty-Ngy York- fm&rSkly* X. W. Clio4tvlc2x» Y'\J3AL‘ER. IN RAGS AND .PAPER, No. 340 TTootl Street, I / i’jtLsburgh. TLe paiACDrrßgs. ;. r i > ~ Cord* ~ * - :■ - TT Lgs.V'.WOOL-I^£Al«v 11, hii mb mebciujkt, a>r ti» sale ; : Qt ,VYQolggQooda,'N -££KKEt n 1 nAaiK4„.-r,«»,p, «’cuiiOTjan. ‘ - Henry Sl'Collbngli €s Co* t 'tTTTIOfcKSAMI UEOCEES, CO3IMISSICW, iIKRCHAttIS, Y l -uui “foolery in all,kinds of .Protince, corner of Pena ftvd ftwln street*, .flttebttrgh. < par 11, pti ml James Ar,Jones« ' TSItTirOLISAtB AND WirflL DBBOOIST, ramer Of t f Liberty and Hand streets. A emaplcta r a«6orftoeai •. -ofl>nigs, Cbemfcaljfaa«l faaily'M&iiciacsalwaysoaluut^i y £uuii.Err- M x. cctoacsf* S» CUTHBERT A SOW, 3r>E\L ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENTS, 'Kq, 80 ~ At SniUifitttl sirttL norl - ~ aTp. wjsboaiifr, ’IT OAK BROKER, r: j- j Estate Stocks, MercbnntlUa, Ac- ' .•• >:- to GlO ’ ■":-':CitlzynsM>cpoy>tOaub lt Fittgbttggbi , ftu:-.H;' , aprfr VllANCiy (i. 8A1L8\\J.1.,;..-...«*^,.,.: t ii.JTfe. JL K£3SH&W. - BAILEY &RENSHAW, rfUtt OEALKIW -AND .FAMILY-' GROCERS ; Dealers la •j- -X-. sad WUlo*Ware; Japanned Tin Ware,lZon£o* .. Liberty atrecL Pittsbargh; :, , '■■■ ;;:y :■/•,■..■■ ' „ . nptl&y * J3'r WATT& & I % ; ,f KRCHANT TAILORS, 165 Mborty-street, l>ittoburgtj. iTJL Gefltti-’lnea’fi Clothing maddcx&fusivdy tdoydiir, atuT AF&muitviJ to suit-j - constantly on.-3umi, tu choke da-'. •: sort meat. oFTrench im4 English ■ X r iXUuzK,ot l'be latest styles, selected expressly tor thocus r-itata vH \ 7 -t> 1 - "Y r _ r y dri3 r - r X\T E. TCR&rt-Tlrslia alloy, between Wool and Liberty . btreet*,Manufacturer of BUGGIES, BA.KQUCHES aud* of every description.' AN .work-dono warranted. ITba advertiser would hero state that ha served’ xitnn years apflimtf&eiMp to the. had worked fur many years■. < 4*k° pnocJpal shop* of tholJastorti dtlSs. raar26.ir -*- * x v ~ ”^ Sclxuein.'vnw*Salsimnlciia ( . *T ITKOflKAPjniKfr-'l£!nt*fareotj oTOoaito Unx.itotofllxSv I i PjtMiurgli. TS*st' r lan„ - » * - 4®?%lberatfldvaptoainiMleon,toiirigoinegta. pot 24 Aoattn' I .tji* r p aodStaSoneryllne^t,ib.eoliflrtost.tiotfae : tJn4jOii.'tha Bio-ttreAsoUabJaiamA-, * 5 __ . ' jAM ii ►*"‘L.f'i giant Boot imd: Stationery Woroboase, comor ofHarfcet Second k ~ *' ■ J' m , .'. ‘ I'riulingOfflbo'ind BookJlndotr. Ho. 6ftThird tt. norlß --James jjoxsry t ->fr.}’y=i‘i- »7*.; ‘ J /IHAIH ajjd- bedsxead: ,jiiftpri Fsttmnan.’n liog, liberty etnal, haa on, hand olargo stock ofChalwaudJlcdsfeada of erery description, male of tbs best materials, which 126 trfll, *dl tong than arfMoi of the bum noalKyoan hojoM Ia tboaty. Howoold coll par-. ffcultrr attention to hlalargn stock of Mahogany tma-Wnfinrt' • BetiflteadiysrtiickfcdwillseUfct reaaepl. 4ia>.Tarnlos of crery description muCTtod In tto S H i Orders loft at the Ware JBoojnd, or at the “ibt corner - 01* Ad was and LSbertyHtreete, Will be pmaptly “JTTSVWJM® & BBOXEEB, --V UAtf3!£ JI4SOXS, , ' . . "{ ibi J.'nWlegimotaUyjtosft-wo taro rw. 3B^Ss^'SSS»S!4gas# f 4 «r ware, eLia osl-ng'-and bdlervpltia > _ vlfrta tmd fancy* fenders, && fim <&S. Ijjjgr iron i. c*»Ung wage*, te* ktftOfl% *.«, aoflfcpy fitorr*, *£, ; > ® #M *' 17? \' ■ !i ’ 1 - ,3 ? -* L ■' " ■ y . ; ;.,3ljt;f^^ ' ~ - ■'■•■•-■••'•'•■'l.-'^T- r -''- -'-■•f-T-''-.[. r ß '»».'w;»tft; .■-•'■i ! .7, J3 1 -'. 71 . 1 . i '..i.■,..'*"'T, '. I ''T™ l *'■——.... .- .. if ~ .. ...... - - -- - - ! p, .omrtt«n ---■ 3 r - ■*» 'i ■' B&fflflpSS CARDS.- Etug & Moorhead* i - I%rHOnyAVfJ; O&uCKES AND PEODUOE DEAtEH&-* VV Np-27 Wood ettcet, CUtebarsfa. [mjsj ~7 1 Malta A Sinclair.' TSSTMo|dSSArdi anocisKs ani> oomassros mee t T -CHAMTb—doraEr Wood egg First ate. - {m»3 Bo Oo,. T E *nOQSH?tn«Sr %♦ a !■ ir~^~?WXl \ - J -*~- --j- AKP EiTrsitimau AiANWAaruin.B, no. sat «twity .Hwi.diajUyejißrttji Eagle Hotet, ritklmrsh, fa. ( i ' J 1 ’ Wtlllftm 1 ’ r 1- ' ‘ I K’^^? Dlal r oot , fireas \T\i 7°°? *«* llarkat opposite iron City Hotel. Alikindsof Jewelry m&ag and repaired. fapily • •■ AlTtyn tya \f y :.■ ■•'-.• J /COMMISSION';ANU KmWAUDINQ: imtCHANA. AND KJ SThAMIiOAT AOliNl'3—No, 7 Wr. Lor Btmd< Cincinnati, ' _ [mat ] : V. JP, syuxßi ' H SinU'rilANDSAC'l'UllKr., and Dealer In GenUcmeh'a I 1 Urnlshioa, I'oncy ond Variety, Goode, Net 03 Wood et. I eecond doorbiJacr Dlararod&Uoy, Dlttaljurgli, fa.-; octlBy | _ w» W. M’Clnret ' -1100815,8IQNiAND OIINAMENTAI, DAMTEIt—OcrmT i :JLA-uood andHfth Btreet^omterEatocAa I Per oniw, DKtebgTEb, Vtu • dMSQ-ly tt B, Cnmm»3....... , TUO3. COlmmtL Cummins A- Co., TjIOEWAIiDn.a A COMMISSION SmUCUANTS—Wheat J? Ctj Diode, Mesuioa, Ohio. {jelTS.-«lySa doe. F. 1>« SeaOag, lB* £iUXUFi£JiP BTMJSr, VHUborgfc, Fcnwu, ULy gml.McdieatadXi>» X Keotlng’AftmnlnoJltliMtaof OoCree;- -r.•; tn*l3 . JOHE tiUOUTT, 7 M’XaconusylmwirtiLTer D BRANDIES, GKf, TONI 3, 4c. Aiso-Dealcrto toil Old .Whitley and- /Vaeft -Jirjxndy, corner 0# Smilhllotil and j First street*, Pittsburgh, P», janl&tf | _ J< tiavdjr <& Co., £* choice ?auxmc groceries, Teas, JL/.Hektcj), Fruits, ‘AtLt S&S libertystreet^/north 1 -opo floorhclaw Hand. ■- f jnyxfcyl ' Siftrens "W* Acbcaota, A TrQRNEY> ATLAW—Oiftce, Fourth -street, between J!jL SmilhQeld andGtanf. .*>• hefercnwftrC, A F. Vilstm, and BTSsigbt ft: Brojben. * 3f&7 1 ' -CAKDi ’’ '■'■■■■ -' LTKSSR& TOBD & fiSUTU, attorney* at lav, Kb 1«4 XJ.'Fourtliatrcetj wilt attend to my professional tnudncu' daring my absence. Ofcp. P. GU&UOIUL. fiffgbUrghrDoegmbcY 14,1552. doclfaf fiafi' ■* d« ¥lnd(e> \TOIQLEBAL£ and Jietail SADDLE, HARNESS, VALISE and CARPJST BAG manafes? Jfrg>y rr ! j TXTQOI£3\I3 ANDIUJTAILFAIHLY' GROCER, AND ff Fbrwwdlng and Cotanuoilon Merchant, Bcal<*s* Jo, ■Cotfutry Produce-and Pittsburgh AlantdactnrM—Uoul*t« j fogrdoare&boToFillh. PUlabtHgh. taari _ PAGODA TEA STORE. ~ TSIIU HAWORTH, 'WakiaU ondMeUa'l Dealer - 0 '.-.and Ixapezter.orOtd Country Black Tea*, Trench Bran-, .die# f >V -tow, corner of Diamond-alter and lha Diamond; 1 HtUbtirgh, Pa, frbZs.y •*l3 J^E®WttT ; .loJbna*.lil» friend* and the public la . JLa».-£wrera*, that lio has opened: the fconw {ermatir occsd* l ®d by tf. Shepard, in trheru ho J* prepared to 1 acTOTOOdatu txarcHcfa and personsyqaj out fton tfra city .viuax tousa, eicscthox pkuburehr . .. BlBler h Ricketsonr ~XSriIOX&&ALV, GROCERS, IMPORTERS OK BRANDIES, *X I ?^ es,ma - 5, ® ur «—azul 174,corner of Irwin ;“*d; Liberty streets, lbUaburglu : Iron, Kalla, Cotton Yarns, 1 ~ jrt3i . T)(X)IvSEIXEIt AND STATloK£lt**~haa almra ea hand •JL>. a general ansottaent of SehoolMisceUanoonsand Blank - Boob*. Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac-’Wholesale and Ko ta& tfa 1WT&I Afreet, below iffift uantw, Bags and Tanners’-Scrap*.'- ■:■. > - epl&lyV* ' S. JflVgflnlW. * TTFODSR SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND jLX Drtder Jn 44 fct, Clair street, PRSborgb. IlMxoMtanUyoa hiuid all; kinds of PoinU.dthcr dr/or Japan sad Copal Vamiafc, linseed Oil, Boiled OU, bplrlto Turpentine, Window Ginas of all sizes, Putty, Pamt of the lbr iude at hie irricww eepu irshallr ? WIBD, (Uteottke Him of Oocm a i*ijn».) hatiiw i .-JLV* / o> (two doors above iha old i P* r P° B ? «* «n»w* on the CLOrmNa 1 BUS IN E£3, hopes by-atrict attention to business to merit a l sh*» of the patronage of the late Brtn. •' • ; -j .N\.lX-rClot±iingmn/foto.ordcriD the most f&sUfmable styles, and on the shortest nolicoHofcrlor to 'none lathe janSgL? Heanr Dcamier* ~ r ~~ i MSW^^’COKttwnaiwias JjuL VT dfiE; T&amit w- Hccea .Fcaxrrnu-■ JUm>WAtr-* i ISOLibcrty ?trwtl y lsttlmrgb-rKc!epi alnorsouluyaiJA \ * umtment of Tin end Cupper Wsw, Vest quaUij. el) lie vtU sell »t ibr;«il>*l??SoSSaaa retail > ' mmhaats areiotited to«ai *t hla stand. tbs .atari* bua3mii»; aUoiSpuutlflff end Sooffilug Houses, nr Ulta prompt!/ bUmled U» at moderate I G 25: [noTl& -•Faroes JsieUlniTejr* TLTOSOXQAHELA PJLINLNti MILL-Wcald ttsspecmilly XVJL ummaafwnis wutHuv jmblia, Umt Lb new now to fall operation, and that he fa prepare! to n»»r, Pfank,plan*!on one orboth tiles, omrtantly Vans, nntl Mouldings, or crery deaSjptlotC w«d» to Builders and Carpenter* would find It to their adraatase to dte tom a rail, an bo can amt furnish them with planed etMfsnltatlo forestry description of work. - ' * ■■<■ ..., B>BardACo>i . Tjoramman LEAimaniEPoi—No.Kxnvo&3«ir«t- A tore ronsrod» pul supply of stock to their ltoa. Bat .Omore jtod jimr VortoSola heather. Philadelphia Klm apd ,Oslf Sktas, Jrcncb Coif £Mna, Country Cpper/fOpaont! Calf Skfos, i Morocoo Lining and Binding and ®mnorAaaa Cunfars’lTbob; end, taken nit together, thoy .tolloro It the largest and best assortmentcrer. otftred oolbrtf by any one bouse to Pittsburgh, dll of which wo ora pro pared to aelifo.'ta&b. and prompt paying customers at the ▼cry lovrcst’priocs possible,- • ■?■■<■ y l ,-.- - T .'-r-u- - Wetakepicasurolachotring onr : steely and eordJallyin fitapirc±ia«OT-tolcall Jui&.esAiaiiie/'befonj r*fe**» ,>;y, % " * Cartotoje ITnotorpl , ’ JOHHSIOU, BEOTHEBB & CO., , Gimer oS JUlMcaandrllelmmt ftionds ’Ots .f*f ga begs leave to lLiartS' /Zljf\ ’ ■ JLVhla frlmds nml thopuDlicgcaerslly, thst'b3 \-■ continues to occupy A - Boohib tbrnualy- flbpupiod fry JtoThfefr ftftmh. 6 * stock# Co, No. SO, comet: of DiMfioiid .‘iAlfigpinttfi Wood* t 4 ajargo aed genetalzissorfeniJi^offejlillcri!,’ ' C^ to iS°fc a ’ Wiipj onduU othSttrtldia tehSaij!. < -, , ytiODdßb seeps Fd&' ifldSgfaroiof. thaoest material, ttnfl in a KtTlo of arririjiTinT;»Hn th *^‘^gM^wrtar^c, am j ß tooporcany & -t\Aal^&jilaAsh} SugnrKoSS' fortho remitfootttre of Cano Sugar—aCeL«-OT- it fiEFt J f®- tt »>«» superior forduta oiHty to any other, andsoMk) wet than these dado oa tils ; jpid -aV-h *- ■ '7'"^ i'.V*-. '■’ ; ; HOU/)j7;WAEB-.A pcoeral iisrortarat 01l from'csw £ Pr 1 Tal Fattc . rM ' "S'” l Boxes,Dog Irons, Jadlroßj,'; tolling HillCarfinjpt, and Machlntrycforcry descrlnticn. < . Ahrayfronlhaiuiornjadoioorder. ■■■'-■■ • /*•»■• 1 •*••• " v-T** description t-tantOool; 8to«S five slitynlflch, recdvM thi AsricultSlSt S Sp lgghony Q)Uaty,Pa-,tuiur OocS CtpTes; t|g pnil-Rndlator- Coal fi tore*; PaHoir Sbrev&c.' V Jailor Srotes nod Penders, -.crest ;fc»utifiiUy essmellea Gttta, and Entitling orcry jJflECyijytiflJ ‘ -rr.v-.rr • ■?-- ~,A great »wietj , .dfornanifinfciHlßlHhfc‘Ji)r"oehwtei{a and fencing. . , . ’■flanki pndJZaasfc larjpi stock, of in the ■Wada in use, and will fie soli atro&ucid prices. Hall’s Pat ent JamrJ Imoi AffleHfan, T?JtdfB," Cratu.-’p.rlOnkaH's, Woods’, PokMch’a, BolTSjlmnfoTOi Bup; &o.;' ::. v; JPofiMe ePZogpiin^-iniooMtehkah'BbnhTd.-HonghanrhJca has taken (ho premium 'at' > tho-:Btawr.iratrS otNeir,York, feansjlToils.imd Ohio, andnhemroit has‘been exhibited, j -Iron and Nalla.-EicTO fipd iad.Tin Worerrbllof.which I iiiU colljtkha/JssOst.piloea;:and :lw)Oett}UUy“laTß« the public to giro moa edhatthe old Stand, No. 103 Wood at. cn2hy JOHN a PABET. _ t . . ”;T'r v-»«*i****.*. w-i -.*.**■» »» .* 4iiiv | 'nwv muQbJIOt "fl'ty-a „ ~ = ~ ~ j ri ~i ip ~~ - i' i m 111 um PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, VvbusWess'oledsT 7 , BROKERS. TTOotog uWu* *■ a * ” strfrit,aad &1 Piaawntt.allqy. foblOly "UXftltEJiS ANl> iiXCIiAKQB iIEOKEBS, . * P , in , rf y , tfWfclyj- ' A'p.'US il&tvi SZrtfL tmt, mu *** c isff d i IWwgfc. * Jf V MajyfeniL “ Pittifauigk, L>. _ Sellers, Stools & Co.. A»D OENIauiiCOMMISaiyN MEIICIIANTfi, UT No. 309 liberty aUvt, WttsbxuKM^ Spuria,llospod sail lord Oila, , Jj2B ' , BBW BBEB BTOOGk JAMISB WABBBOp, lbr aaIoCAKARY BIRDS or tbo moat ImpfqTftl being yorr Uartjpatul firm elmjtri. BnlEools rrAJWMy*iiLfflp, illllet, Ilona and prfxcd boot].- ■ Bouquets ww.bQ.Jaraiabed ootnwwod of tlin*finw?t KbOWiiltS, ?i*r- JWfio Bttda, litiUoiropra, ;,ETcrgran? (In ixatj) fbfClirkta as Trees* ftem ths iJccd arid aortfcnllOral Btorc. ft 0,49 ilflli gttO car Wood. > Uoc2o JL* MlAvtV Diamond, Witsburgh, l'eu, Ucaiur Ji / .JC • Oountiy Pro^uc?,..offer*-.lor .sole a choke stock o ■ Groceries selected forfamily use,Spices of OTery-Yttfiely ami Um»putwt ll | WCUWiUir - I {cWfeolosalft tod Ho tail ■ Clothing.Hercfconts.-- * „ . uo. as wood I rpIIB subscribers respectful!j inform their old customers i. £ and thepnblfou gonera2,-that they havo this day asi ! isodated themselves In the.above business, under the Arm of JOHN M’OLOSKK¥.& CO>;3!bey respectfully solicit a share of public patronage-: •: - i The ptwrloas boainees of cachwlll ho 1 settled by- them* Halves respectively.: f^o f Jt0ffiUT.......... JU35l2faE&« ~ 2a.*- 43raff & Co, Ttii'OOTDEUS’ UNlON TtOmmx~*o 124 Woodotmt, ! ixil ritiotrargb Pa. Manutacttirvrs uf I COoMng Stores, PlEln nod Fnntr Ondw, I Ojal and Wood Btoren 11 m Fender*. Pfxlor Store* jiogar Kettle, ™ Sad end Bog Irons,. Jen - « I Plattei end Counter Boies Barkmuj, Unite Ware, Wagon Berea, de. f*ep7 to- *- ennta—••— ..-mna ooim. I [ HEBBOH ft CBISWEUi, BELT, AND DRAB 3 FOUNDERS, M" oT aU kind* of liltlSS WORK, LO iSJL coagTiVH; sn;AsiHsaiNii, puiubers, 4c. ai *o, cotton BaUtne ilanufKlnre* .. Foundry on Kofecc* atrrat, AUegtieny City. J Offlco and fitoro, Sd.l2Markcistmt,Wttaburßh, • , pLI> HRAB3 find COPPEft taken in. exchange tor work, pricaso paid.-, i wdersleft aUhe/Fbundfir hr OflU*. will bo promptly attended to* fctftlj josiipii t. iotfaiT" s aHWAiH:' B*'® a SSSSWSSf.-iS , * , * ID, ** t “‘* a tt ttreot.- PiuSmreb, ' aoootoice. to tho "publlo: Ihat bo boo oommoMdlthoKEAL ESIAMAGK.NCY, to can see ! iflth Inbdnjtenco mi Ofßona Oollretlng.- 110 trill tow atU*ato rroticg. Itaroai to wont or tmnnts, loony ratocitj, orthoco towimt ot,pieces, vta bo jomllod »t«l!ort nouov. All boslos* ontnutol to his ,cs» preantly at to. ’ r * -r* i &&paw-T* J. Dlifhata, Ctraftn, tV. u us»Jlf» Dr<4lox« Jamta 41aetanL Jt. A;- Slwoa,- *Pt A Old. JaalB '’• ©agacmntwn- ‘ jMffo’ai Pajsaerreotypp «sd Art Qaileryi /pwd £fe{ZJxn£» A 0.76 IburtJi.firatytned (a ZintF* ■ Carpet Emporium.) ■■ «,:41, CAIUiO: iho most ample rooms- In ihaeity with 'tassnaoih efer and eiiia light*, 1 Gffirf Hirst CIAfS UWSNKSS&, in Kjle to suit all, ■raryingJa prico according u> 8i» an 4 quality -of caitf. r gux : tJUfiupcrior OQ Uu* host srtlst*, for nalf% and po .Libcral advances madeoatottsigniQftJtJu OonnUog Vaom.to .Kent, with gas fixtures sod il ancoo jsa privileges* If rcmilrab Pifa«hurnft, May I4tb, ISSdL ~ cijlT i i,- __ Fodder o Cord, I _• ' _ IUKCPACTCIIEE9AND OBAIEB3 IN I HASCHESTBBmaEBAI.PAIHT, I 'i : - rnwnn-rf riM f , Not Ytac, Decanter 15, 1851. \ * raraplo f>t MANOMSSmi HINEKAI. 1 PAIHI, Bir fssttz * Fes», am find It to cnntsle tbafok IJoKinx: . I ' - X 7.3 I , PcrXfeU* of ,41 [• ••.■_■• Llmcf...,-...—-t--— J .....,,„^ t , r „ ■ <# I. \ S - | OxJda .12 ; I y?*lercn& Uwj,,.. g,o» I*' I * - - 100.00 1 Tbi Rmlertd fifliapla f rcrjfctiatti fo tba box, whirl* 1 sv> l Kuw WttSihasobft youUodr«lal*> to Ixay* i*ualyxwd, t fiod S tte* ?^»2Sto I , SS IOT4cTOJ ’ “* nil - I . lur QxUft lM3 l Uuj tmttadgnal were eat Mi*w».Um«ic«t * JSarr.to witasis an bdofet: _MnJfcS'tMt of onoof bo log jrdpandv tbe Safa Wosilaeed iosliia UwxwJf iriUi Bcoltv papeataiilsMua moM?! wbcatbedoor of tSeiafe was (32 sod and the Emktalled at o quarter iiastao'docfc and In a -sbortUronthe Safe wasredtovaod contlnnod till klifreurt «o'dock,bdng_alioo». tmr ana atalfhoura-wluinlSaeora. caUtcocxii_rcr.ii.iJ UieirsV.lrfar'ttontluit tbe.tirne occupied with »a3i beat wasAufflcleSETtSd fSroKowas then pulled iom, Ball) coolol, entldoo# opened—the bookivnoncM end . money We. -..lhaduat wsi so groat as to mdt w lbs brass .mtrooUngi.-Ayo tbeTeibnj taio -plcsiure iOTOcemmcnlino mew Safes to tbo public, as lo our Jmliuneat, eutirolr fitopropt JABVISA UIABOE. i - . hock 4-jiAwso.vr; £ OOBWAUi A fiItOTHEJL i »■ .. „ BitAKNOs;* nuicnEß,'- • t • , -w» edict a oakijeeT^ BIaiAaCEOMTE,- : r . . edla the foundry business, and know some* arnana and beat X witnessed tbp banting of .v nnAcmi fnicly-ray.Uierii weannhumbm* nltlvplsasare recommend-theni to the nubile lyjuaaacnt; toUniJy atfoprooxi ■'WM.'-'kAXE ' ipoa tba aboragchllimeo farthoir steoatohiK they slltapolm ln tbo -hllhest tenns of tba fidmosaof tbs .trait ana tbdr.fall confirtonfceof tho Baa’S' being entirely fire proof. Ws bate constantly: on. hand end for ealoafan ecsortmen^cftb»6teToeafo&_tnmr3l)BELl*ATiatity.. .T)UT3jEll—2 ixtira frisk 8011, Joel retired and tor sale J3;byj j BIBAHT A JIPBUK. '*TP|BJEO AITLKH— 22 bus. prime liur-Uiy, last received ■L/ and Bg«alobya>{BlyMj ; f'-' BTIJABT £ MPliUjr.' l .- 6S Apjwtl' Strsflt£ oni-4th, ffIDE Subscriber has tbs -tjcsbjsioclc cf QUERb’y.*— ,;J.'lVAjttEorCinHJ.rrtOTjfelrJji.ilie'iWoalcttiTisSy rauntrjJtjr Cnall|eß.ho£el«,or MorefcladihcrtottaV’' 1 X ' • -»h»aoaia.t]3KiEa8 l -iiiucs- - 'articlescouaectbdTrUChuifitting, j or. nearpatterns i lUy iorita tiie attention of pur- ] We are doteraioed to soli os j Tost, and being, practical Gas Fit- J rastages to those. desiring articles ] > to fit up .buildings of erny dt* etcwiL 'tHatfo order promptly. . • loxg. mzhm £ , ~: • No* 109 First street: /ABPETSTOBEi ‘?Mti near ‘Wood* 'OIL «w 4 most beaatiful patterns ftr tspcCtloii fcanslsUnff of— s ' _4r, ufiraS4elSj- 7 ••- -y- ■ Jngrtlia ■ v ;• ? ignis tv.:*, Itteas*'/-- ■ -. i&M’l&iO'Yenltiena; - ■■: * cipUcmof lowprlficd Carpetings; md’M&Ua; Con too-: end Coir Mat , end : Sheepskin Cloths^nll'^idth*and qualities; "Irocp ■ 33$ zo* Pinao; and .Tabid Winder* -Shades, Stair KodA, its,/ -prtpa.i/ <•■■;• BOTISSOK* CO. ~ music i : This (s Btown’a latest^. - juagby ModYSontog.' • JJ* Mad TbUlod.' illenge Match. i b*au tiful t tudy, by Wallace. Vm « Pilgrim; '-•• a now- Rthioploti Irooxuli ''‘ .v/ • fftfgon. / - ui \ aSafaw xaoflerfortmd anfl i „e V-'- „,jWipr3 & Co,’*.Express, to tbo popular mtule of ibo dar« JOHNttMEIXOR, 81 Wood street* . .. -large lot : ForfiaJ*by xnj24 . • A L*> - ’•V ' :■■■>'■. .4 • " " ' ' ' " . D'COHHOB, BSOTHEB & CO*, ' BANKERS AND LACIIANGK BROKERS, TAtJALMiSIa Domcrttd and Foreign JBxchangej Tiae and X/bight lulls. Cols, Uncurrent and Par funds, Stocks, An. Ofllco, comer wood and Third ats* Pittsburgh. {marl7rif JOSH WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, : j \KALtIi in Gold, Silver and Bank. Notes. -Current and -IXJ p&rftiudj received on deposit Collections care ;tnulßi to« yotrrth Street, one door East of Pitta* borgh. Pa. fj«3ay •MomtfUc andJt/rayn JtxctUiTmijMankAotct, Ovid ond Silver : :£■ ' . iiavgUf SJA analzrchaitfed, at the. * ‘ EXCHANGE ANB UANKiNQ IIOU3B 09 WUXXAH A. HZU & CQ. t V - W WOOP BTKEEt, FRTBIUJ&GU. ■•:■_ ■ :ttS» Interest allowed on time deposits; • • ••• ~ . ’ 1803. * EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OF A. WXLKIHB & CO., No. 76 FoCETH Siebi, ; Opponlto the Bank of Pittsburgh, ■ Jaci ■■■■ ■ ■ 07 b. aeeold & co7 f _ BANKJSiIS A2iD 15XCHA3SGB BBOKJmS, T\RAld£ltß la Coin, Baflls Notuf, Sight and TlmolitofU, Ac, CoHectionfl carefully. nlteoUod to, nud proeued* remitted to-oay part ofthe Union. ;■ Stock* booglitauUxold ca eommkdoh. :. * ■;•: = ---•.- • : ttSUho. 7* Foiirth nLf next door to Bank ofCHtoVg. [tc!3 HH.T, & CO*, BANKERS AbDXXCIUN aiuj :rata gtuna,'-.- • CJIGirPEXCItANUtton thh'Eastcra rxouaos omen to so. .: ■ ■ C 7 statist BTitm. root, noons ssicnr cineraro. : - HOLMES & SONS, Bankets and Exchange Brokers, J.V • end Dealer* hi Notes, Drafts Acceptances, Gold, Sli ver and Dank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western CitiesamstanUy-Ibrsale, .-a • Collections made In all (ho cities Ihronghout the United States. Deposits receive! la par funds or rurrriitpaper, fte .67 Jlarkat street, between Third end Fourth etc. [ ja3fc Ij M. a. baeosst.- HOOH & CAEGEUT, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ia, & coma c* irooa * sistn pra- wtrsncsaiL-w. - 1 ' TYEALERS In Cohn Bank Kates, XUUs, Foxelsn and Juf Dwnwtio Exctonge, Certificate* of Deposit, Ac. ■ -, Rrfhtngo on nil tto principal dtiesof ibe Colon a~»<1 Co* .rope, far «do In com* to *uit purefaaeet* :;• ;-»- .; • Current and par funds received on deposit r - Collections made on all parts of tbs union# at tbs lowest wtts. ftcplUy * «. Hestovm* - ’ FAX2ZCKB&EBIEHD, ' BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Bewrxdlhtir CfiatothiQmi&ofjyVicjidfTbodclt. ■* yirrcniKan, r*. . r T)AT!IICKB A FZUKND, Banker*and Exchange Brokers. JL-j And Dealers In Notes* Crafts, Ellrcr asu Bank botes,. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western CUica courtantly far sale. Collections mad© in oil the dtics throughout the United States.; Deposits mcelred in par fends or current paper, at* ItocnraeroffUth and Wood Street*. rfch3 • Diuoktidpn* r • TO FIRM UP A.;WILKINS A has this dir bein' X . dbaolvcd by mutual consent., Tto todnen trill ha cto fed by Thompson Bell, . : A, WILKINS John a cAUOumr, THOMPSON BELL, * Tncarsos a. cacouct, THOOPSOB BELL Cs CO., . . BANKERS: AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, . {late or a. tnuwa a caj TiriLL eonlintu the Exchange ntwt at f y. the old stand, corwr Third am) Market tt& - [jyjj v. HOTELS/ &c. auu accaatur. ..’ Brown’s Hotel. Omrr of toiU/ifUldGUi Thitf Strati, JKtidmh, ifcartr. BROWN A CONNELLY, pSmrrcou. ED*flood stabling attached tothe Hmue. v j-'-- ■ Oraratoa’a Eixcimnse. . -• WTO. 1. ST. CLAIR. STREET.—*ThIs house has been t»> \ ken brUrnnaerrigned, fitted op in style, furnished with the best of LIQUOL& aad.erczTthsng theeeaaoncss auom. - An excellent LUNCH every (lay, hr which attention h particularly called, • fianlft) • Jamils OWSTON. • • 1 F2HRUWB BOUSE, Clorsland, Ohlo« PATRICK A BON, Psopiuxto&&‘—This liouaohai "un* ■J* desgono.thorough and extensive repairs, alterations.’ •od large addition* of new furniture, etc* and the jnocrtiK tom pledge thtmwclfes-that nothing shall tie'wahtlnTba their part to render the FJuronr a place where «U thooonn fart* of a first class hotel can be thunth c. PATRICK b BON. '■. Btf Ctiarlei, Hotel. Osmer nMJrtrf EapMrrQa. . ■ fjpPXfi Jcae wtablUtoaent haring cam* Into tlia twHyip g vJL : w ■ Proprietor,.offer# groatbstoeetatmta to the t&tel® ltogctaomunltyj Wia alto to : regular boarder*. Krerr deli- !axa*7 will J» prorWea to 1U season, tad wWi irUJ Vo »pamJ to nuke • this naai toall trho maycell thera [myl&tf] W. 1 Diavumd AHry, r.e& Wvxl lbitfa. ■ , •••--■ i vJPMji 3T*rti{ouable and; popular • IiiSSIAD£AJ»TI»B recently been Q§&,/mj ~** Httcdnpto*#tyleofeleganeeun- J - sorpaaraOhy any rtmltir catafr* to the proprietor is prepared to ft®, alsbhiafrlfimla aad U»pahlwgmeraUy wUhrrcryarticle usually foundat such placos. : 1 «mob, Is Uis **» at GAME, te Rcrrpl up in tbo test cianner. tba 13AK is supplied with UQcfiuaof tto Onctt ImrnJa, aau the wfflf Imi&a *0 njudi-.to rogue during the wara toaro, such u Pine Applo Cobbler* Mint Juleps. Punches «ieJ Smashes, will be scrrcal up to a way that wul pleura tho caste ox all, .. -iPPPJ 1 2L5 B ? W S U P CTM * morning, "at 11 o’clock, to Trhlrix the special nttenttap of customers Is solicited.' [cjyle kUY PEACHES—*2I tacfcg cev, for side by "«y - i ••; HEMRY U OOMJSaV [INNAMO^T—JOO matg, for tala by *^°r»’andfaraJeby ayi £f. nUNTKH WU,sttv — 4 bbl *' P£D COUD&->*2s dox. extra long; 1 : 25 do lons. For tale tr V* A. nP.NTEH. 2331.1hri pjWID SILKS-SO - A. A. itASOIfA <3o.'ft: ' ” y i.,_ ■ yo. 25 Fifth [TAitmt'd JtAU AZUMS FUifr MAY, “ ULMIe by J*. T. C. 3IGBGAI t. w? NtlM w»d (tMt- . V)UCK£T&—&u doa. Juat we'd; JL) . .15 do*.Tuta; £w,«do fcj A. nCNTEfi. lUODO xnHxlQy . 35 do lUxli; for s&lq by WIUWJSK BUUAlta—lu bm«. A. 15 da li, •• For solo l>y :.-'■ ■' SUmi & SINCLAIR. “Si. SMITH & BIKCt,»TTt “ tivU,s •* lL_-j -■■■-■• . 20ft Xibortv.ttn»tL. F*" . "« Lamliogond for Bala by ftpr23. •■■;■ r,. - .AuLIinRrAHIC^^SQy,•<• JUUAH-r JO blJl*. lUjflaedyCofreo" aug»; . J:• : 15. do Crushed ftn. WIHJAMb 37«1US»CU l'» UAKUISUj—twa tbo~*cdoh>i>ftvi ’ manufactory of llcsarfl-Delewurti Ool.PiriißMVM cxcliutTdy in Plttfiborgß, by ’ myt) , - • WALTKBP. SIAH£HALL. 85 ~UVrrt ,t ' TrtOOKS BY EXPIUSSS-Sfota ud Eazsoaiosa *n J 3 Techoj smzsrmrt Puts, aiMfcrato^toTtos^celTcdthoflrtttotefttaaw' Uuotc;la tWs dij'. i wbich wao Immediately mM/do* ' opuncar to ttio puttie* iuotbor topplr by ExWas.* “•" ffv 1 ' ALSO—‘DowjiLng’sEuralE&gay*: KjsLadW Oomrinrt^K' : & th, £ a ?,2*^"V BdMwuMuS: •2 toliii KwbanH’s Hydraulics MffMScbtolcj!- Wtmd ' . . Jostu 5 . Tho attention of purchasers la especially Inrlicd tn if,.' cclobwtcJlHAMßUlie PIANOS. . ■ -“ u “ tad^tagttoMrter of <3alo 4C6»Kew.,yorki B»eoa & BsTcnl liew'Torlf^a^- ichenboch jt Sons,.Philadelphia; and etikcinftutnnio.' TPW.Whlcf MB ffoTHnoiraj ana havo been used in thlinml other tllfesfbrl&-y»ars.- : : v -"_ .• v- ' *' •; MCBIOAJi'tSSIKDMEOTBofaIi»iii(ia;^ ■> ‘■ 1 «ad „ JVo!ia»—jtho bast Italian, Tmich and English mata. best Paris manufactory ■ " Clanimtta, Drams, Banjos, SW™. does, Triangles, Ac. . iinsdJ—ltalian, Enoch,Enjillsb and QTeoaaa.irajtaaiai tp ha ot the very bast Quality. ■' '■ , ’ . Pianos and all Marital Instruments repaired with dnra. hillty, neatness and despatch. - , cmja i* * t> v - ‘ - JON. PATTKBJbOK, JB-s .< , r iIPOSTEIr AND DHAIXIi IN LIQUORS. : WISES, X TSAS, aa hesat •Eii»'B> CTBSEf, DHILA* D&LPUIA. su27.ly* I. . - 1" , MPODTEK- AND DNADKIt IN BRASfIUSS, GW, £v¥K®334 Bonn Tuosi-bisiit,' (corner of IVel- 1 nut.) MULAD&PinA. .aaSUr oir. aiauxT- —. jko. s. ccsiiiuvz. w. IL'gQdJtTAHS _ -wnlnAT.gr.- . PnNaler. Woodward & Coi, -r .: ■• VWiIOUJSAIIS aiUXJEBfI—No. 221 Miixket «lnct Hite' TT delphls.- ninrti -I pSkJHK. laANDIO, , : WUOLKSALU eai: HetsU Ttaitor 111 OOTTOIf-lAIS,' ryy WADDl&O,laubpWick;Ks-Vivrn,Oon&tWooVsM. Twins, Aa 38 A'crtA &anni stmt, PTHT-smiT.pm a nn2T.ly» D. A. oroolcer. A Co., “ , T MOBTEBS, MAN WATDIUUiS AND DiBAtKBS In Straw: i X Uoode, Bilks, lllbbcus, Dowers,' Feathers, oixtotlier' SIflU-' 1 ncry .Goods—No. 4" nniilSCbcsinststteet, enlNoAßSSosibJ Beconil Streets (West eidrv)Hilladelplila. ■'■?■;.• oartDJy ~ ■ tnrsmman.- jrAiicu b. PiDßiau, TiEAtETtiN watches, jiwkley, auAmwAim, X-f Ac. AV, 13 South Scamd street PHILADELPHIA. j ; -«* E.-*->1 »t?hes. ani Jestisty carefolly'rvptdrwl, ca the i ■hortegt noLcgw.*o27;ly*'--*J C. Garrett & Co.. . , TMTOKTEUS of Kn* WATCHES AnsI'PLATEIJ TTAEE, J, and Muaoftcturcra of BILTJJH WAHE and JifWELBY, I»a CHESTNUT ST* PHILADELPHIA, ora tiribami-to 1 aou at ttnr tcry lovot-prices- at -which. Goods* ja tnclr Zinc 1 aro aflterUsttL r • • - ■ *n2ody. i ti --'‘ GBUHGE JAEIES BEHMERfI. ~ AND LIQUOH. MEItCTIUNTSuNd. IX7: Noras :t¥ Recoas ggßaa r wn-LAtiKf.pypA haTo constantly on band, French • Brandies, Holland Gixu and-'a fiencrol-o : aortmrot of FOSEIGN WINES. Also, all kinda of Aracri* canJßplrite, Ac. • - au2T:ly* A a. B*IABSK£&2. flnoBEB » bph®ihg & co n riOHMISStON MKBCIIANTH, and Dealer* to Are OILS. ’ V 'tfeacdptlOiV.CANDLES* VWHALEBONE/ Aa, £*} f l S^S‘JT fua^s » (between MarkeUndCbqsnntßta^ PHILADELPHIA. %uZi ly* „ 7 David s. Eroim Oo«, ' * j ho*. 38 and Sndh-J’hmt tired,J*Atiadd ?Xia.r ... aLxuNo ~ " ' T7OU. A&EMCAN, COTTON- AND WOOLEN -ft. From mauyoftlia wostapprored manufitttorlaa la tho country. . UIO pfmrwiTl i% 1 COa’c,Wadilngtog • :• i. '..••] COTTONS—From the biifff, Waliham. Hadley and many ethers. ’ W OOLENS—From Sextons,Droad Dmok, I many cthsr aiqgriog CarjhnwrMy Proad and lieaTcrOotijj, Fhmncla, Elanhets.- Embndtocd' a&d'£3a£n I .Shawla,Afc;A& ••. . ■.■..■•. ■•■: . ■ ■/■.-■. ■• .. suifl' . | i Colton & bortf \ /JtBOCRBS.-Affl) TEADEALEIiS-tf.& Corner cfjChtsfr: JJT nut and Tenth street*, PfailadclshS-Would respect sttenlica 01 thnta -rnamta la Flifcsbm£h and" Ticimtj' who are irishlng to obtain at . aav tbnaa stoek or' •auaftti** cfCtato Family Groceries, Tea*, tt, to our advert 1 Wobwr r» t hesitation in nyfcigttwijl begreatfr to thsirhcncflt, If Tidiiog, cr two to majta a special tripto< Philadelphia, to esU and select each article* estboy mar vUh ftepa oor exteneire and-treU selected ass&rtncnt of roods constantly ca hand, irhieb they • con pnrehasa at least 15 cr 20 per esat. cheaper than ia Pittsbornh- - ~ Goods neatly packedandsen tea rcnoested, Particular attention paid toTe&, ■ ■Cam cn» amt yon wllTecidd'sialii.' .Cataloguescontaining a Ust of-the rzrisjus artlslcs instore oay-ba obtained at tad cSleo of this paper, ~v ■ • /.' ersshy . •Socles Carbcr’a tVBOLESALE 4SD RETAIL CLOCK XSTABUSHSIESy : &aiik J2ast Corner Second andChrknmttleate.' * - , pmsADELPmj, may to flood,cos of IhoJajsest«••« Ekh SagUib Velvett • ;M v - •.'**• .'■■'■■Topefitryt ' . 44 - roffrala*:.'.; .v.-V'l-'-'V Beat Style* 4* • .Of UiclroTOlmpo. jflUDa, c - ALo,ftfaiiaMOrtcaeiitcflspvaadllcdlmaqaillty'.' AMERICAN CARPETINGS, Many of which being of their 07a mnsufhctore, cm bare*- •eoowiendaj Good Carpeting* for a Loo Price. ' CAItV & imOTHKR, .}: . 1 declQJy ■• No. 252Chcs£iutsireet,t , bfledslphi*«u. *3»- _ WHOLESALE ANO BETAIL," ' iV j r r 7\To. 106 Ghanut ttrteti 'PhxlcddpKtX' - - GoULeTcr, foil J«veUcd,l& tat case, emir < OoW Lupine,: . . w 23 ' : v M . »- •• IV - -M *< 9 - Gold Pecs, fcllreT bolder*, ** 1 « Ladles* Gold Goad Chaim* •,,, k .. ;i.... ft ... ...;,• -U -SUvorTeaSpoens, persev r * ■' & . iEbcsu prices'are at lout twcnty-flrO per teat- ■’ leas »>** tbee&ins artidcA&nicuaally soldtbr. , 1 wiah topayfbr Wntchcaor JBtrelryvTillhavc, upon lira receipt of .thamonuy; a WatclicrWctcbcsjcr any articliihofJewelry ordered* fjnmrdsd. by. maiV vUhpgzflas safety, t» any pan of the United States, or California; • ■•.■/.v• a Alwaystm band an pins, Vta£arlUDia,lfer Rings, £& ■ ■■■-»: ■■■■::-■ Callfernta Gold bought or made tipto orderly: c -v Please call, op address .. . LSWI3 LADOHUB, ' No. 109 Chesnufc street, Philadelphia. • •■Tv-r; - ... ; ' Opposite thowankHa House.'' ) • All kinds ofrWatches end. Jewelry; repaired in/the beet’ manner,end warranted... ... 1,. dcclTryj--.- 1 A. ITOStER. A. HPSTEII.‘ •:! i'iStr; r^WORU^SPAmi• „ <* * THE Brat end Only PRIZE MBDALfgp Tt^ * ness at the World’flPalr, l&I/mdcm, was award- JE23L' ' xachr £ " • -* * .or Philadelphla-aa honor they von orcr the ixmpctldia? of v ' Uo&h*. L. & Pthavd ttOVr and beep eonSiantlycn Vn«f>- at •t2jdr ptjihilrtrWfttiyiay. 1 - U ah! IS: Fifth' strcstrthal laiswt stoebnf£EAl)Y-SIADE: HARfIE% of any house lnrtbe United £tAiev&tgreaifr«re4nrad ptfcosi l Tlioj aro rnanhiiCtnring their - Harness andSaddiei with Buchperfcct Byetan 1 that they ccabledto'tsoUb stf pcrtoxarttelapf eYerythlngin thefrlinetia less priia-ihair any-olht? bouse to tuo country* -;• r p » ■ • :-■ • ■^faoy-'riereruso bat the toy best quality ' leather, and' the bat material of sTcry- no pales a? ex*' pensqls spared la ercxyartk^>~.lJu£alo flobes,p|orta / ani'Vyh!l|is. * ' . , tf •* r * Thor'lnYiteburchasersto examine their stoebaai th’cis ; eatafrUßhtnantbeibrt moling purchases.. They iQTiloatten llontothe.ibll&vinglistofpnces: 4 , HoneDliobats, from • •/,'* . ■ <•*,. »• - - Thick Homo Ooren. ■ .-i • • • . - 's4,Gut6s7l6i> 4 :Gock£ plain sdnriccabla Single Harness, 1 •■>**'slB,oo to $25,00 Faaqr-v - : do . ..•'. do £36XBl Good plain Double Harness, : * ‘ • sqq.qq Fmey . do "*** do. • • ‘, £05,00 to ssSgq ' iMmt & vmtUPk 1 Saddles And Harness WuSmi* lodged to Surpass all others fbjelmnmeft lightness end rbrt,'astrtU&B for teal value and wear. £l2,H«na'lo South betweenUftketand* • * w • - r i/> -[declCsly 1 - [ j -GEQBGEJ; HENKEL'S, 1 ' CITY?CABINET' W’AftEHtttfSE'' „ ! tvmanßS, or. ErzßrJrxzft --'. OomprlsUig IsSulsXIY, luuis XV, Elkabe tlnnf and Antlaie.' ■With Sculptors OmlngahdJloderaEtrte,' '^’' '■ Jnltoa^poiLtraniOS^lidutjiujyiSattawoatiaiailapß,* .- - i All of Superior Oonitxji;iicn r ,:.].. AnS finished in the,bet ct,!o,'cqanl to, tf not excelling In ■. .. - ianlity. tboQooasorany-iaaMaiaonl -r*T’-•'• _ ' L^.gt^:W-iaaw?ahtA^agiMc: t 7-. , .J ■ ■-■ : n ?“ Q but. experienced ,wtutea* >• -* ? r > t v <>-' *•■ ■:. - * •. '■- —• ;• <> ■ . V l -' -'- *V .;:;t<.w o -.;-.v ... ;«stV;«:v ' ' ' ‘ •- ‘ - ■■ - -• "'vv-v' - .':. : - * ,4 *■-c-j: **” "* r . 6 - ri'" * >., i r,4 * 1 • -.- - •"•.•** .»'.• 1 V . ; * £*. r- * * r ' " !, / ’ r W ‘"-T" ■‘•-r ~ . *. / s - 'V I / '- t > % i ••„. ;•. > 6 'j» t «•', , - % f - •••. y -t,.... * tZ n'ftoiFi ** ’ > r { 9 *.TS\* % » 1853. PHILADELPHIA. , • _ DAVID COOMBS, /IOMJULSION.IIKRCnAST, tor Ujo saJa of JI£H, iJLCb \r 'VISIONS, As. A'o. 0 A'srtA ntood, MIILAHKL -I‘BIA. -Ttagi.Agent.Espressiiao-EoatoifcracTiots.' -.-an2&y* !-•*S'l> t. « -■.* r - fj ’ '*'V r> * . PHILADELPHIA. ■ ■ ■ SIOCST VEUKOBt HOUSE; SSCOJMt S’lL AUDVJS Acit t l%lZLAJ%ipi£f.t, •’ A B..N.BAIIXJJy Proprietors... •: axziiij* -' " _ *7* lit Son, JLTO. ISO Ctetnut street, zd storj, epposli*. Masonic Hail, hsn - rcctmri tllelr fall: and Winter Moods, aij TrlUcmUmw to rrai-ro, pymrj mma!, the latest rfjln gQxa P&rls ami Loadca. Persona visiting, the cast are inti* tal to dIL All badness ef Uu* hU> finaof JLecdd -i ilants vlll bo settled by them. - , v-ffulsrfßliihn; ilarch' 23,1550- STAUFFEH-& HABIiBY, m .'_ . .(BVCCES3CSa TO o CuSiUl!),'} ft!, rI. i' ° AorQl &COBd COHier o* PiULADiiLPinA -.For4ak,aaaAsOrhSutof Gold *fflS£g!sitg!g32Z‘ “ ■ ipJ/erlh Second St., betvcen Arch end Race. ■ ' x x ' ynoiDEffnu, lT^? T > EB, J? a 5 r »”3-aißoaEKrtiin!r , » agent,, hasfcr Bale I jJ-““ e lo®Kt Jirfces, wholi-Ucima retail, Musical, limb- I jemaUtgl mlfgpgSl Haney- Good*, Furto- -Slo-1 Wrtnianl of.Hreach anti aermaiL LiUuwraphlb: i’rinw and c*®ldW|’dllt did lid-tVOO-1 I‘ime Mnnl)nitod IKON ELATE FEAHE ASD tfinm HKWSHSBDTOPTiIANO FOETES, u >r,, >L U i’onrtt street, Hujaddphia. tfIiPAIS hare hcea awarded to OUNEAD nLYBII “ dSItTj:II fc m“a OMmMaMSrfaa Meehan ! “» SU ‘ VHI ft-**" m sWoST 151 " vaa3baa “I SIIVEB EiEPAL J £nmam In :-VECS jp£JZB 2USJX£2, \ Qf : 'Xilß"]ynt{T-iy*z’ va tjj - hS-*f^^;Vff iiitAp,JStEY£B ’ to i* rwo v misQ3 > J tfcto „u if i Wttj^_ ,'■ , ?!?• UENEY.BISUOP, London. , -BE. EOBEKT BLACK, America. : sssasg^gsaffi"^- CnEYALIEE NEIYKOHr “ PEOFESSOE PISCnuOP, Vienna. 7 ---Mltimoee: M’lNTOSH'ff n.OWABD.HouSE, HOWAEOB E Ba3fa)Tt,DecnatgrlC,lBffil— foj&i-f :•• • > - caitioorc Boon atorS BODIES ASD STAT^OS^-TIV V coaaiNGS &Bsltnyf ~ E

W 6 *te Eaaovcr Slrtlt, ' _ _ BAMUIOE A > „ tSMJTIIUSiU HOUSE. -rrJg'.PQ ittut,'Jialumor* csraiirsov,f W“ ( <*beads tSUP^PSsisss. ‘“ISSi^SWiSSIS'SSK® 1 SSS3ggfe#&&Eiß sg£3reSF»£s3£S “"y?- wriiZ-gi. i T^fiXCHES^W ATCHE3~WATCffyfIT At tfrc Xio3)dosi.Watelak and Jcrrii vm .’i ssafcsss&ssjg! fe^yasiaraga ' - r ... •- ' late of X2L French**, -DarSly j , , So^^xch&Dsa.iAn^ ol&er Famlturaj to Sri<*3 sSfrqnaS &to m< * =* «™*i» ot «*** -uWbolenkaaa rataii/ J^7 i‘* • 1 •^!&!f a W2Baßng& *ob. ; dßelMr-/'* I *• B^*S?^».»**, * V —■' u ‘**-■ • •■••■ ••• * . '. Balttooro. - _^t.'jJL CABBOLLJ 1 ALL F * ; : o steSS l i SE n Sf ■S«5S&SySii^£J3SSg©25? '■-. dodfeCmo—ftblO - - GEOaOK BS , UEGKS7 “SffljSjiAswicnjsuß-cT'tlriiiapfifftpa • '#%pgs3sgßsr ' E^pSlg—^ »rom«n)i-ii3 caUrely, dlspmml; wM,, and , bjy flttajtfutfffuts of thoglck ot asthinsticrwlroiriarav asaga^!S£saga~^. jiatt«se»Cßtt biTßihm ilSSla BwitaßjKMWW plain ioa : &s^% Sta^^tre »' J * ar *&d SU«r.Tdhlw with jdazwS topvG&rfen eiiaira, ctcT ‘ ' . Wona» taah3,'i)oss, etc, in Iron, as wdras tlw model? laAfawl, famished *t short notice. 7*j vCeeitJly -- ' v ‘-: • ••:•'"•' w ■ .., T .-, TkXAlLS—kegs assorted Nalls, la store and for-sale by 11 ' -* i* --KHtSPATKICK'A HISRBONS, -pslB , «2fa^Libertystrata SUAO AM) | UKBHIhG— ftccelrgj liUs nay, a supply of . Baltimoronofr No,!BhaiandJElemiig-. '-J’or sole br the barrel or l«a; at,--;- l : S;?7JAILHy^t:iUSJiSIIAW n S;r „ < 1 ‘Tjyd- * ’ Family Grocery, 263 liberty at. I>lSHO£-GXX>«NOii A.NL»: PUBUU SOliUULs^-four •jD'Leuers.to Bishop G'Coimo^aod.Gojf; Bijriei, b? iL;W .Jcoobus, JXU.' Price Scents. For sale by . *. " oy7 ' BAYISOJT h AG.VEW, 6j Market gfc* ~ ASII FUII WOObl-^lvillDgTthßlhlgfcrgt \J>< In cash for all grades at clean trashed • Fleece and Tab '•Wool < . ,a_ .w - • ILLEH,' v. • ::-pyO' -lv . -ISQXnwriy.gtroefc. * “ •/71U010JS YEAB-rlhe subscribers aru prepared tt* famlsH' \J CunUics, steamboats pn4 hotels with-the finest cbop»—■ - «■ ; Imperial, ,' - i* iSmehoag* . Oregon, Ganpojrdcr, . ■ Orange Peeeo, Atjpriccs unprecede&tedlyiow lor this market, by thnpoand er-idftoal .package,,.Atevppt bp in ttofbllr,garages, • - £&& libera rdfidoction-Eiado to tka retail traded . &• trr. f, » BAILEY .& KENSHAWV' " r; ,-sp^3?-,y: -;fo:^^sa=ldbCTftf-striect^-.->: !*r Sres. t^ ; gteca; Sugsr-Cofe}Qld~CoJcoy- Bugar Corn, Wnnkfed J^ascf-: ; variona.lmproTed:ydr^9Ues 7 :21n0 Imperial,- . Parsnip, -Cuctiister- ibij;fiiest : andnjb3t eix pictM eoitSj'Fislil the . digrystsA and turners.;, ’A, rich, collection .at Hcnrcr-seeds; ’ enda'toU'and' cofljdrfAs'jscrtmcnt of 'harden ;Mon3i3y'- HeliteropS, :«sl thay by the dreed orltfi :atlow rates, - •■ • "• • - Orders ffoaMerchsntSj-Itealers or others fiUed‘preaptly on-liberal terras, from the Seed end HorticalttinlTrare hocse,4SSUtheiroot,bJ laprtTj J>SIES WAECKOP. 'T. I . ; .■: - 3 T. 4* ' r-aafefcdly- O.r. TOKCnESTEB i co. .. VJV.'.-V!' • £ < * ‘ \ *•' ‘HEMEME 265. ,; jn;kw York, * Tsfoot! »2> Grant. ' — Z ■WTIiOtIiSAtE b«liCLI.fc 1 ai Jivuiw J a Tr . L> . 'V- ic-, .UW /-Hrf -fej-U-uum merehanL.Tutpj.Sfß- Y«k,lm fKUrlhttetto-j.lvßMittail. - jS.fi Mils TO 01*0 la.l 1> Ji Si'll l» tsTS . ■ . naoAi/tr.Ay, xnw.roitK..': ■ aoltt - 2- T 7. , .... ' ‘ w,’CA2^jpiToks'*i?b\ytf^^ croiiv Ajsa i out '•K^y™^-VOJ^^? C ® (acat.«r afriS , Vocm*«a to jx- . WtIIHEES3C3TaT;rr»-!P. : i-f-pg* . ,^OiXBA>I-Jio.YxeTji.iarciiicrojtr,. •’ - ’ V s?il£? i l 4wa y»‘ sr « B ' - 1 n m -fisT. ■ • ■ m»nV«fl>.an3 &j#Qn.*r - ■2s 1 11 " r- y - ~ «ren. quality, and ™' .l ci ’' a ? or «> qaalltiea .nogtdesimMp. tar tin* - marlidy. -- —" ~n f- >* 8.-AI^L’ITj, ’ ----- : - - • . ST--invite pul* - : v £Xtttesi dta-ef - utS* » ’ - St^ p Sf“ ten[lrace of lc A *3PEm|dS^&^^ > *’jse-Cv. BLAoK;jP^®^R?^|^gi 2 3 to SOttiSs. 'HCTA, !troU." " tl ' i " I ~ !I i ? K ?\ i *''>'?E3'RA :x>E SI-' : .'; CBEEJf^Jnba niPl ' J * ur * AiD AKSKXICIIi • chsoiie hed te v • ;• ■ • oiL“^#^Js?.??fSS?W£ai«^S,as l .Baia' nSSS x ' ' ~---- nmr - *.:.. -■ 141 3£uien Xano,ytrg~^^t:“-'l^ • ■ YOEK ITATmrjvn -ninur.TOmiyi.'. -sags?ss^l»ggfe>. , " -Jx'S'Yi 'Y Qft If J T mod 1)5:7 and ' wale; ■B-h^i I T,C i t i^ lc .' i ‘ tn :lr S 7i) . Prh:co 'Pjrenc:^-I.f *ht Sr-^<-' ! * \ r)Ge ’ A;,-at t s .. . jmd-ssbiiSMiwi &k~ ■ fcspahEity of ro i«i=t ln\ it j' ■ ■ V. L, : '. (being about erne-Udnl the binds otM»naai- I tiß^^^®SSSfcP , #? 1,0a,e » £ ’■■:■’■'■'' , &rezy:tb tho public. arJI SESSJi'S? dis* m X_ray3 - -- , ’ tVWXVS.- fsiflSSisiiip. , -B.:fcFAUSKSiaCK^te. - - -KBO i 'ttWRiWM). -- SKYSEfi’gD^Sto^34o.Wooi>t.- «*»a. Cambria Ofoir- ■ tiiS3 K the newesutylss; jcstrirrclTeJ at •*2-:'- . • -citESTia's. tA? ' CV AM*AKI^rS—Forn.uthc?’.:<4 tijrr-tt!--n-jth*■ ■-■-■= , jsn.-f uAKr^ w I»pit} JOBS iut-r, Jit. - --- -- - . - •- --- - >- :■ - ~ - ~ - :* \*.\ .-4 - t - » ■■■■ v .T.-.’v.i* ‘ •. ■ —r si- +xzT.j - 4 - *,«._#*■**. *3 * - -T - v . * -vVv■> -\?: L ■. -i. -..V- *•.•# ■ ‘vv> •=»* " . •