The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, May 31, 1853, Image 3

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    *:&■:?£< &&'“>& f, &;« •*?> O/o. ; "'4-V r ><v ’
%% r-i» vf<4).v,t-• * h „; v ~*■ --v v-ij' , *<*- 'r *♦<
|,r «^ i:-i #v v \?*>\ vv’^ 1 .-,ji v*~* *y r -*~ t
„<■ tO„w JfvC ? *v* r '« sVtsjfr * * u** **« >*>**, - f < i ' - -e- - -", >
:V/ * " s T -2 ‘ v , r - s 7 "
Psg|!|£sgS§ssP|&Jg s
Peter .. ,
aHeliimP - -
fci^S^?/*-^-- )-: 'ffUlE WOTtKS.<)P. DANIEL -WiSBSTBB; : eompleto In six
X fourthedltioa- «-- .
}\%s ft "MflW’ -•■ «. Tho Wdricaof Lord Pocoaj *nw odlUon,with Lta* by
y 3SIIsK£&- m « w * J,bn
f ftl^wjpf®" 1015 : < w,th an o ’' cella * t llkcncss ofMaaala< ’ The Jloteß BrltlsfaKcmylst; in BixTOlttmea; rontaininf;
iSf \<YfitS®<K& , *Zs r intaitM. f tJ,ome f answer to do they mi* moat ln-5
- ' ■— -. ~ pier'sSchaUireWwliltan ecajnt colored Tignelte) The Worksof M.Do Montaigne; comprising Un Essays,
AFjhtd —A.B.iveeril,liatter, was tlm i^^*™ S» lci *>« V« A. Goodrich, D.Dt In 1
Wafer In twodollars and eo*t,, fctTW.Vns .hedtyontr- J; -A sketch of a Physical Dcscription“efti£ ? a V'
H-- Ct;c -,;- ert^i.v-.vfi’ , '!^?' f >' > - nsncerognlatiogoilswalks, oneomplamt ,or Ws brother, pSFgdiotUsdir i 7 “-. j._rr n,. , ' TCtso; by fioianWYon Humboldt; 4 vola. 12 mo„ cloth.
h- mm. / ' ~ SS-sEse’*' p ’ * JNtefiStfiS?IBtoryi 1 Btoryi ed,toJ W"*
■ ' " ArsitOTiro WcSssel was held to Y«Ej§e!SistoS!y mountainioS^*!*? , « , Sf ¥“*“ ** Lretureserntho History of Franco; Sir Jamc*Stephens
6^ trtaJ ,^ n^T h T pr mJ v^“K^t°o to 1 ?& Napoleon Dynasty, or tho IHsfoiy of tho Bonaparte
1 ,iT - i‘iTi , '„'-ii v .' y.l’tUvX * ft pa^npt,6ta,;>y.ffa^.fl^TO. ra .;; : . : ,-J a.“Soloslbr'VlollnwiaSlulo,by thsl«stiaastciB,iu farapyi MratiMly new work: tqr the Berkeley Slen: il
rl?,W ■ \&lt r\e'A% -TT~r , CWrattroomSYriSrwKtn master, oncrfßm aottantie portraita; 1 ToL Bro doth.
:;- J J..mxiiHa of OiifExccntiTo Committee; of tits i Dy?,a Woodtrary. , I - Btow, together Tttaelareeasaortaent of law.Moß-.
Sodety tn on , jflSfiS* .
I' <'T-- y £5; H t^s-C*-'? 4 "- Wednesday, June Ist. general prime are offered. Iny2B Ho. 101 Third street | mySO t' r 7
b * „ . ■ >-
y, '*\X
JPIiBDAr~ :r MOHWlKQ:::;:::;::::-"-“"::: , >MAY 81.
regular montldymwiiiigetftiiecltyCoin?-
nil* wnsheldintha cfcOmbors yesterday evcming.'^: ■_.> •;-.
: ; --In .Tfotti(y:clocted4&XooK
: )iUTQslgi^on v TrHch.i7As, i tu^tfid,;Bnd.ainQtidtt : /fl4tfpicff
;• v-toga InteraaclocUon.&t 9 tf<£ocfc to filfctfitfy near!cy. • ?■
ThobULpf-.W.. J.Bnuieyfbrrs2CO,:fbr
was referred to. cozaizdtte« oTi claims nod aeccni&ts. 'ln 0* f
C. concurred ln. v - ' 4
, i • A-pettUon ftoin Jaoob.Gobharty.'teklng-'jcoinpcnsation
keeping clean thc-chambcr* of thejCoort House, which were*
focupletif by thaCosncite during iha buildlng_of the New
-Mwkot flpuso, tt&rred. to ooiniailteo oa f claipas BUd-fl^
counts- ImO. C. concurred in*
Tba ordinance Imposing a fine of $5O on-the Central q*n»
road Company tat ovary-time they violate tho regulations off
. tie.rat^-of'gpebds7lthlntlio-ritjlijnlt8 > wasfcil;ijn"up-,'aini -
Vefsrrod to sp&fa! committee. Messrs. McCurdy and Mur- 1
doch were appointed-from S. tf. InC.-C^passea'finalfy.
•- 1. r- 4 * :-Tfia committed on , etroets.roportod.'Adverse to the paving'
anJgrading.ofcertalttbtreetSjandofTered-Tireaoladoix aa
..... thorizlog .the -Street Commissioner to -tecelve • pzoposairfar •
the grading and paving of/Spring alley, from Harrison
street tothc crown of said Alley. ' Pending the deb&leuntho
the C3crh .of-tlJo Common Conncil:«nnonnced
that Council weio awaiting this body to go into Joint ballot
ibr the election of Collector for tho Second Wordr
Tho Select Donnell adjourned tooths" Common donndl
rooms, when a communication from the City Treasurer was
read,storing that Mr. iohn Gbliactoly had >et*
- Mr. John McKco received .seventeen
9 -- votes, and John Green when the Utter was declared
clouted. The Select Council retnrn?d to their Chamber,
whenagruddeol of unnecessary debate ensued open the
** insolation. An amendment ihar $lO9 bo Appropriated to
wirjsgrading and paring Doaoy alley wad adopted; also,
that the same be pahl ontof thclmprprcmfnt fund of 1654
Tho resolution a* amended was passed.-
of Gu> Pourih.\tfard^re<juc { >ifng
the laying of waterplpes along BoquesnoWay, between Pitt
stwet and Evnns alley, was read and referred ttf the water
committee, with power to act.
.. Tho market committee reported that tho present appro*
priation to Bayards town and Scotch mil markets was Inad
equate, and offered a resolution that-SUO be added taap
pTOprtfttion So. 10, which was passed.
An'ordinahc© relative to the vacation of Eighth street,
... -.which.: In- Ci -G. was passed, was read' three - times 'and -
.v ... :/£he committee on ordinances reported tm ordinance mah*-
, legall concerts, shows, ln pay-tieenso, which was.
; ;adoptD(l.';'Alsn,aoordlnaT3co requiring olldriversof carts,
\. v .;v
escept in cases of funerals, was read, three timw and
adopted. y
■. A memQrlalcfirom'tbQ.employees ftithffWater-vorkvre
' :qucsttog ap advance of 12 petcostiou their present.wage-v
• ; was- read and referred-, to. theTwatec committee,; wiihpawet
to act
A communication from citizens of Vickrey stettc t, between
-v:~-. gride end -Stevenson streets,, asking, the, grating of said
street, vos referred to the committee on streets. Some
action in O r C. 4 -
Apetttloh for watenplpeson Clark street was read and
referred to the water committee.
A bill of JUDtn&o A Garrison, for $6,1% was read and
passed- Sumo action In C,£L
.v.- A-billnf Poster A. ElecsoaV, for'.advertising tu amount 1 of'
$5, was read and passed. Same action in <X C.
„ A bill of W> T. IVatson for $93, fby dray plates, was gdopi*
tfd. game action In (hC. **
pipes on-lfcbsterstrecti from,
Logan to Pol ton, and along JDogan, from Webster to Tfy tie,
, Was referred tat Tater Committee. Same action in 0. (X- "
A special committee of five was appointed; to *aW« into
, the application of the fenno. fi, K; Company^ ;
for tho vocation of reriaiustreeta olleys ia ths 'Ninth
sVora - -
A commltieawns appointed to tnaho arrangements for the
. lairodnctionnrg&sinto the HeW’Marksti House,'atthe same 1
rates aajrdready used by the city!
The committee on City Property,reported that the cost of
. furzushlog tha Council Cb&mbcreamouuted'tosQ9L ''‘ - ' v
/:. v v- After the presentment -ofatrailry bfiLs, Councils adjourned.
Xinssrpiso Cast—Atom ecna o’clocK on gatßri» r
evening the anii-sbvery portion of ot»r iitliens was thrown;
into great excitement on tho recciptof s telegraphic do
_ Bpatahaunonncing'that a nian named Thomaa J, Adams,of
'Tone., had ,left:pbllndelphla:in the ton O'clock
■ (Fridis ! -3r B hlng):PUtalrargh train,haring in his possession;
a freo eolomJ ’'to® ho bad broughtfrom tho Island of
Jamaica, 1 oud reuiWJj n 2 <m investigation of the matter.- . A -
vast crowd of colored'pj'i®? oB «*?• abolUtajlsta assembled at
the depot and awnited thOd?dw ! of the ears. Epon their
arrival, ofßcerFor, fearing somei'""??* ct ‘be pcaco might
■occur, escorted the man Adams andfS?- l*4, to, the
St Coir ilotol, -where ' ful colored per
.jowl, -nhcre,at tisicqnat of me M'li! Cinoults Items*, tbe ihtnniug songstress abo [ Miss todsr: nhltr, reported” lr.f'Mar receirnl nil soil »s
sons, officer Fpx remained with tie lad and bis £?«™J on- delighted onr eMam a fes tnohtbAngo with hwdoikiou* J demand at SifSS. CSom plenty and dull at
U.tbei^r^cntoftrll) e to 1 -.nle # note, it adverted to giro i lirmll Concert to-nortw 1 W *- *" #»**■
... fn.a.£UQrttimQ.ofiio?r Hague. served a wilt .upcQ-lnreDlns- ,Th« bare tUHiouneetooutcr U\o font should buyut t Bales Icklat ofCOO,OOO fti*Bujk Mead* RUm vtk, i’lo ar
AtTjdto, who delivered ap biyebarge, an) the M Was tnas.' •'tto cro»a Lafayette UnU, the TcattiattU roan In ! f 1 * 1 * 1600 V™ at s«,sW}|,(«2. Gfaln,-ialw 20.030
ibrralto Dr, Delaney, tbos endlag the whole-affair. j bu* Com, wWt* *t jaUow s7* • :. •
It appears that Adams was-ono. of* party cTrctmtilng ■ ■ ; •■to** r . . j CAnLB ifirrt*- fl 'irtiivi tmv**
Californians, and stopping at Kingston, Jamaica, tutted TraJunrtprJ\ orue Bjuat toKpbJi ■ ®' > '
; raenc^afmTtf^'d^r^l^trvvyh^'iPy^ltppprtairt'.^Salgoh the ] 11 " 1
conceiTOl tteTfrfca of bringing Mm try.tMtrnrmpiryTfoyffiy? nsgimrtati.’e uu< ■■■■ •*•---
.- tiuced the^boy <0 come? with'him by stating dhat ho would
- mekea man of him; that he was returning to the States fbr
the purpose of haying up cattle, which ho Intended to lake
, tho overland roTita io California; andthat he (the lad) would
accompany him. The lad, under these inducement?, «rc
* rented. He was trimly dressed by his master, tar whom ho
bad conceived » great attachmentyaud was much affected o£
-jii' paiUas i jfrora ; iim f _'oir:gfttarfaj’:oTettlns—acopioua effusion,
of fenra testify tog to the fact
3Uv pAm.—Tfib Catholic young ladle? and eltildrea at.
• tending; tho-Convent Schools, arc to bare a grand Pie-nlc.
; Party thevleantirul grpands: lately, owned by
James Craft, known os the “Bluffs,” In the street rural
of Oakland.: ToungV splendid Cotillion JJand has^
: been engaged for the occasion, atul tho lads and lasses will
Imre a line opportunity of joining .in thomerry danco upon
■ the-green muni—tripping ,oa .“ the light iimtMtic-tcxtfJn.
'•, tlie.fesbionablo danecscf the"* 1 Polka” and * < Matoorka,”cr
• . the still more hrely, vchafito-and -.pleasing ifflficbottisehej* -
; We arc obliged to the. gentlemanly managers for an Jnrita.
tkra,andif weget tftue, wexrlll be happy. to attends - Omni*
bosses trill leave the comer of Fourth and Market streets
eyery half hour daring to-day. *
a • -* ”'BtraEnt3:<n».THE-p£ACk—Alderman Major yfcstcrday bold
L to bail & young man named'daoob TLBrown, cb&Tffod with
assaulting Charges Hamilton. It appears plaintiff Was fin
' nbput the- press room of tha tfii\an office, mid that
defamu' 11 * 7 m ure tf tt 7l asfc » oata °Ao him with a club In bis
<l<ltll>< _ ordered "him to firfiako bis work xtr be would
mK3aaß 'hlm.".. Sl^rtly ' Ml??,- defeodnat tircit?naJ sgain ;
(onnnihflste ru wlen be mado information <jf lb?
Diet "before AUettni' 1 M-H". "Meh resulted In Brown’* bo.
Ipg tela to to m' 11 °» °P InITO of 3<dS> McClure la
the case, on Monday nfixt.”
AldemroSteeUifild to bal\ Anawsr ' ft* threap
©Ding to pyres.
Pjam>Foiix23.—We tab a more tha o' ordinary pleasure in
. mTI { to the: Advcrti?emcnlT-Of F« .Wa&SXU &
Co., Piano Fortem alters, 411 Broadway, iVcw.bork.3he in
ptruments of this firm, we are assured, hra Jtnado with the
■ • sincere design of really being fall thatO; PiatiP , 'F^rt o . oaght
' ■•■ - to belaud with cm accumulation ©ftnlontAnd'Ctlier nitons -
•• 'which'taUstneoomrnyrmder them They
- tnendod and used by tta ablest profew rs in. this country
admired by nll porch promise & general popularity
i • as cxtraoxdm&rX- as arc.their own excellent •
• v > : AssiciT-asp oTcolng-last,.
Alderman Major held to bail a woman named Margaret
;■ Mtsi: Saroh Coahln, with assanltjand:
: •• battery. a& her: daughter Catharine?' Tholittl© ; girl, it: b
was thrown sevorai times down fthill by the defend'
«nt, tor no canto whatercr? „ x .
wna engAged lu the diStactymco on
<Te oo tbo corner of Fourth ond-Wootl street*,) Jo the
utmby dollars and ctwt*. He.also flncd tlis German*
*r'i i tp#
mciuMT RodeoiT.--5 i ''J' otPi,ilc on Sunday committed to ,|
prison, la default of s£?» Hendon,
d-W«f W»V robbery Pr-^ byßob^
M'Cotren. la rdlcj^?>«t^iren,l»oc!url
jumdotro, Mi robbed him of about 6*o d° n<m . *“ S°u
■ Ickxv —Acommitmontfor tbo larceny of « gold ’trateb,
tbe property ufSamual Wylie, tros lodged against James
Cornelius, (mentioned dßewbcro as being committee OP *
I Of a warilt and battery, with Intent to UU) by Alder-
I .man ilejoc yesterday, ' "
cSraUocfei last-engagement was a
wry successful one, ay pears torJgM, in n new engagement,
as Diehard m. Ho has few eup@iors, if any, on any
*a rtyjso
'ti&TftO* _ l *
• t-
Murtct gtHjat, has received o fresh mipp&
Hoe chains, breasl
of rich a p '-ste,Unger andicar tings.' Jjfc bits ffCoUefit
__ ml those wishing to buy,jjhonJd giro bhpj*
assortment; n.
■» ,m»IL ■• ■ ■—»
. . - ■—'*T. r .
DisoitoEßLt Cosduc* paymentnfn
. Andrew Drum for thirty, In PJpe
town, on Saturday night. “ - ■»•
<»ai. -s &l’Claiaw,o»£qs'
Prm LAM2sT.—Aladnamed M6u> Allegheny
znltud to prison on Sunday, by Jfa.Tpr Ito, '-ntpbnfc,
.. etty, in default cfs3oo bail, for the hu teny of a !»,*. 1
the property of M. 12. Jtf&thgny. 1
■> rl . .. . ._..! J F . " ' - :
» Trial Hat.
Thofoltpfeioff iotbti trial listimtho Ditfriot Court
fortho wjotcommoiiolng Jltandaj, May 30tt/
• r Tam. *,■-Jteiia.
rlf Gibson
5J® ~ .-Stomal'Vs Stawart'fl a’»
■®J}2r. .do--::. . MartlniTO Tall! rk C>
;.60ly. 370- do. rljemnVr wgftTnp
5K 593 'do, Shifunau vsjffcKco
”7“ l SemUjBßtt*3ia _ _
o9t do CrtvWpni rs Ncelct al
1h1.;,743 \=-r..-Art. .Andoreou'sh.virs TB-Gonnaa'-.-’•;.
744 do Saxon . ts W&lkcret&l
Ci>£ l6li do , Wall ts Towor i
602 "“JO July *52, r« DutiCsn
6S$ 135 7 do Wnilwo-ao vs Gltfespio
633,>-718: April ;’s2 r Alleghooy couu&r v- r . -
7.03. :30iv. July- ’aSj . flroenfiiso Tfi Colo - •
704. 000 do . Wo , laceTslU«by
-72 l 403 do Smltaa-ABoil ts PaWersong
731 do Kinfcle et nx vb Jones ot id *
754..! All: •do - vs Sitnnson, Vixunz ACo
760 630 do FroiforTaHUl
771 -.714 -• :dor v. . Kcdpath ts Allegheny cltV
7?2_ 715 da Ucdpatb (Jno.) ?s game t
773 tj& do McbolsottSvaßruckherctol
774 727 do Same ts Ramalo?
<B2 334 April *44,‘McCullough va Thompson etal
W Hunter ot al
SJJ *3® ? ,* ’in’
|29 40 k Jlooro ts Cu?H ,
?Ia 1n - Jaa V 3 *? McinUcnoey tit Chamber? ot al
fe£ JS? * 3? 1m vu MclllUatt
*&' r ; 4pfilMcCurdy vs CurUs
oT? IS gpfartbrfcsevaPcterspas
S? IS? gamasoTfiPetcrtnm
■fl?o rn *i° RyanaTsßyans
in? °fe
SS ,JS GJ * KsW&iSonrwJWls
ATS 91? WbitoTMitootlio^admV
£3 ?i? „ dl Morris ctnxTsKoo'?
A? £[" OT* McCreary cfc iix ya ilcKco’s tdm T r
Wo 271 Jqljr Jsd, JWwwMiUtaew
AB3ACLT ATD Battest Ixtsix ro Kill —On Saturday
.dnsk, as a jfpang-man named •Jo eja; Come.-
ba was-paFsteff-nlong-tok toe, Tourffi Ward, AUeglieny
l alftdyfbo^vas-assaulted trllh appro.
;-brfoiia-opltb,Qt3. ficom. -som.oimUTldualsi-whlc’fi to did not no.
:tlcaat butpaasodon^and escorted theftimalo no
:d?r btecojc ,t» ier.Tm tdonco, wbernbe return od aadcnjjagfed
J a a with tbo persrms wbma bo'tdlegwi Imilnsyltal
Mm. During tho dldculty 1m etabbcsl a young man named
>SeMyystopMU quite Bcriqnsly* - -51ie' trouruis -i
shoulder anddatboaMomenj a&d ire JiaardWßlircr i
had been penetrated with tho knife. After the cornmladoa ouoy, but. a- police officer puretted
! a&d.sueeeedcd In arresting .him, when bevras eijctmittedio
prison Jn. defkuH of .ball.- . sfo understood y cstenlay tUat
iStbpblßecrUld UotpossfbJy recover-'
-V J Batunljyrlttar,-iai£«' J A.r*oianid‘
J dation train of Jhe Ohio and Dcimsylrarua Heilrund was
making her first trip down, a Mr. John McLaughlin met
atitUahking on I
track, tUo iraio-waS'passhig hear Backhouse*’. I
< aadM/. :
lln» becoming entangled-la,- thn wreck, bad his tight leaf
broken aloyo tbs ankfcrhls left shoulder dislocated, and bis
facp and elbow He was carefully placed in lha |
and taken to Scftrickly* nod Ms wounds drown! 1
bJ-Dm.; JTotxU.and Wortbicgioo.- : Tho j horso was not ]
Injured- - ]
* ttS. CnxLlTCocnT.— lrwiu, on fiatnnlay morn*
I Jnglflatj jead an elaborate opinion, curtaining the jurUdtc*
jlpaof lheP/S.plstrtet Court tn the case of United Stale*
,tr. Joseph‘Eando]pb,lndlrimrnt for uttering falsohaUiraJl*'
. j. opinion wo 9 madq 0n.4 motion to quash
1 tho Indictment for want of a ruffldnm iiirlsdlcHgn. ''■ >■:
: Judge ;Sha!er brought Intn court James Hutchinson and
, John H’Clorg, the defauHlng.wUnosaes in4ho above case*,
Ami had hou ndurerin bemy recognisance*; to ear
’ at the neat term of the District Court.
j; FAE£tf,.epley ; and Tofiod is the collection of. booh* received
1 by Glldcnfenoey A Co-, TC lhurili street; among Ujccj vrilj
i bQ.fbatid-*3ragad.uo of: Art for Juno; Horry ChreniaVs
[ Courtship, and wlmt'eanio of it, hy tho auibor of Frank
rFalrlelgh; Horry Ashton, or-the-Willand the Way, by the
r author or Hus Howard; Evelcne Wilson, or tho TtlaU of on
i Orphan Girl;. Sain fcllck’a Vfro Saws; Thompson’s Dank
i: Note Deporter; Flirtaiionadu ;Am*r!f 3; and- C/rlUa, by Hit
author of Initials.
i. , Fiiß—Tha alarm tf CreonSucday about lH o'clock
i «a» caused-by the barnlajjof :a earpentur’s shojyon tb*
( cornerof Arcry stn»timd lha J2ast Allegheny
-city. A chafe shop':adjobric£, -; was clwr eotmuaei" by tbs
flame* Tho.earpcnt#r shop belonged to-Mcw* A
Ifrom, wlo were, futly insure, an*l Uto chair fboploaMr.
.Broom,•'whoyelossamotints to about sl£d r tioizira;aaea. -
ft. ■<VvnstVMnm As3.\n.tu»>-\re sc* by tho Cincinnati-jia«
: pew tbataypuaif.iuan named IVra. Q. Pattwon/palnter,
■who kttuoriy roidod iu tbU city, on Liberty *{r£et, above
. the Canal bridge, nos scrioudy injured in Uio aboTo uaxnrd
city by. being struck with a Vf *iluii"-jOiyt,V in the bbuda of a
rowdy, on Friday night last.’ •
~llrOLFtffc eOUUIOAM HCtiXAPk'.H- ■■■■>.
yy myU Drag dtoro, 1. Wood
T?US l tsb,Tn*u"t"«uJ hcrruMYtor wale by •__
X my£* HKMtV IL COhUN> ,
SALhIiATUd— 4.ol>qx« prune, for saic hy
SUGAR— 40 tihds. for sale by
mySS FthMIYII. COlXiyfl.
•-■jjtliODlt'WAhXhU-r'JDOO fchlx; tfujKTtme anti Extra, l<y
J? my2l AQHUNTEJL 299 Übfrty ft.
X TOU fit LA—iw> ounces,: tor. tale by
itlmvwD B, A & CO.
SCKCAUB. BODA—IOO lsr*ra. v. Nevr jror nvio by
/irvidl-W bbls. old lifOirto ritveout, by :
U A. IfUMi.H. iTJI I.Uyrty et
£ t LO\ JC£t AWD IIALiF llOSli—ln great vnnety, to be hod
Vj at [mySO] U street
/^loK.Flii;—sso bags Bio, just rcc’d and inquire. . l or ml©
KJ by fmy2Hj A- HCNTPB
UUr~wO bbis., in store and fur. Milo by ■ ~
/Tt CM SHBhLAO—2OO orange,” for sale by
\jr sny27 >UAim miornßßs,
■XjiJMPdHKI>—2O storo and lor taiu by: .
jCI myffT FtEMHiG IinOTnCRS.
TTU3AB—7& half-chests Young Hyson;-'
JL . •"20 do • ' Imperial. In store and for sal© by
my 28. A. HU.NXBBk
: 2AX)ZIOI/^2o:bblft. Alcohol? 70 and 92 per cent? for solo
tny27 CO Bood street.
O AFTBUB FOB s3,so.—Ladles- can procury tine
' .Gailera, warranted, fbr sl*so. : • • .
tayfff IT. JLfcOnsißttTZ’, 107 Market st
LOUR—The best qualities of extra Flour, for family us©, .
•■Jj . always on-hand, each os Kamiaerm'tv Culbertson’s
and Fine Creek? fmy2B] A? HUNTER.
T AVV BOOKS- . ■ ' : ' rr
■JLj : . tCapping.naMandiunuß; r, :'-; ; r'/■/-' •
;-..Smith , BMaFtcr6n±^erraht;- : :
?-v-ArchlboldWßiPjid£2volti,lBs3;..7c: "v
<■ British Crown Coses, tola 4> 5 and C, from 1837 to 1552.
For Palo by f J, 1L ITBLBIb,
K-:/.;. ; ,Bpoksellcr.ahd Stotloncr,
'• vmy27 ./• "C 3 Wood afreet, between Third and Fourth.
Bank stocks waaud
..■ 10shoresM. AM.Bank;
20 do Exchango Bank?
10 do liankof Pittsburgh;
20 do Trust Company. By
, Btock; Btil Ond 800 l Estate Broker,.
my2o, ?6 Fourthyt,qppoeitoßankof PlttHburgb v '.
Hortlcnltnrnl Notice
: rfHB Bxecntivo Gommitte© of the I'iUshurpb ItorticuUu-.
•>X tol Society, will hold Its monthly meeting in: Burke’s
Building, Fourth Wednesday. Ist; of
• iVA o’clock, A. M.'• Prcmioms will awarded for tlio
best . collection-of Fruits, and Vegetables.
Members oftliß Society,aa weltaspersonsnotmembenvAre
Eeanested tobringin articles for exhibition and competition.
my2Q:st TUO3 J. QALLAHEB? Bfcpy.
1 Birmingham Bridge Company* >
tL' Blrmingbam-Bridgo Company, at.n meetiog bold tha 2d .
day Of May, 1853, public notie© is hereby glren, Ihafc.Book©
foe th6'Bubscription of stock: to said Bridge Company, will
bo Opened bn tbo finl Monday qf. June next, at . the .bouse
of Thomas
: BitiVlSJglrtlfJWard;l , ittsburghr« too ITMt'hpuflo of.
8. Sl’Keo & Co., Second street* PBishargh.
JJ tol3othlc Hall, 74 IVood- street,' to buy your Clothing,
wbereyon con bo sure of Cndtag CTfirything toib© of
, dotting; atul of cyory styloihat you can wlslifor; together
- with the best assortment of Furnishing Goods that has ever.
been offered in this city. : The prices cannot fall to suit..- .
QQIIU2 JIALL, 74 Wood street.
ay2B Wt Study io
V 650 boxes M, R. Raisins,
•.60Q:' do Clujitor .do; •
.■3oQhalf--• :d0.?.-.ddy ' ■ *.
.. . -50boxes..YalenclAdoj " '
SO->do _.Smyroa do; ... .
60 do : Jicxia - dor
■ 15QQdramsFigii:* - ’■? 7 : 'C. : Z
- i LOO boxes do; For folo by
-my2o JOSHUA RHODKB & 00,29 Wood fit.
' ~ Valtitthle Farm for Sale*
.rrtTTff imbfigrjbcr offers tor sale 215 acres of land In Econo
’ X my Township* county, Fa., distant 22 miles from
tbo'Bflda'n and Rcmlngton BLitlcms of
the'Ohio and Pennsylrania Railroad’ Company. It has an
extensiro fronton tho banß ofOhloltivei; an;i J$ well sup
pllcd wltb limestone end coal./.There is alfio a largo and.
well doablo two story f tone dwelling on thB premisoß,
For toil, situation ©fid.convenience,' this farm nos been
known; ID the tor many .years, os ono oftho
best In Reayey OOnpty- For further particulars enquire of
uzkyV <*• s-.- „ CT S
tf. 1 ‘ j r
By the O'SoUIy Mcea foTulo Homing Eon!
AHMVAt WTte.s^iiurrAfcnu.
JtWi,ar»W-C IU?«; &W*X%2SSffig
M, 2 -Cotton,
•Jnhn. Brora '^fi 05
< :aoring'tho p ae t tK S 4, W n^Sl E^J? mWi&rc(!UoD
a.sliado bettor, anincUre.*' 4t Sl<lMhest<!r !■*« were
prSSSta^ *«*«■ ™-nol*cU,e;
n&TSVSu fro “* prci ' os<!tlßb,l,tJott *<»“*•
Mre'sin™ Parliament waa not to ronton.
ilairb« tZ r ” U1 ; «"»* “tbudum atjSiter
r»”rl or sn.lo *»4 Foreign auU-elaTery aoeiorn tho
S" ?L g !S„ t^ t,ur 7 Presiding. Profeppor Stowe, and tho
,r^^ r, '^^ B ' 0 colored individual Foolm. -
h eto f? 5 1p0 3» fbccnlx, IngtoHeld. comm under,
SB 1 - • Sf n ?s*w* on ascarcb for Sir John Prnnfc.-
tlemoStoU^fc^n? 60 taftM ‘ a **«“““*«*•
eiblbltlon was ImmansciyanccessfuL ‘ 1
£• WfosWMiOTEoiited on the 12th do Napoleon.
FtO'ldn. 3 ’ A ° hi * Marat (« ! ?al<'tPori3 recentlyfrom
v.lhnp4ll, the fiodnlW, was orSerea to nnit Bnipselin bnt
“ Tali:alt reprcseataUre Into too sanctuary bf
trtltotcd with Benator SouloV am
pototmcnbv Ibelonttials demand that ho benotrccclvcdT
CTtSmHak Ml ' :r 1 Kh-—Kr ‘ 1,0010 has not yet dcllrcrod Jits
*T ?fc other 'P'X? ?»P'°» PPlI<?! were greatly agitated by
*bot hiosrtolwaaon hoard too frigate Cum-
Ala\anShL tt<? lon ' s a, “* ***• *bauner Jacinto rare ot
• ■"■ -JSlJd® ‘ ,onc * baa mao to Cairo to present his credentials.
_dr~o nowß from India haa been, already anticipated. ■■ A
ffiauih?Sb7Z<Z™ r U,a wnlh ' ,cstorD r°^° n °[ I °-
hr'li’.l ss ~Tb O n °™ Of tho siego of Nankin
ny t!i6 Wbola has boon confirmed, and .an npplicatloif for
English aid baa been made. w r
110f Ui in“idl lry auU ‘••-' WhMississippi n> at Galloon tho
: ;Tho, panlo at Shaaghalis otpi l , amlaHla dulot
3,-Tha price of gold & 775.
Js ““'ho--S»mlUl») sfawdo, and oil the chlcli hire
SU ™ W ‘ r ° shippedoa
168 BrfU!h “ J
•rtJKX!! 5 lhreatenM to bo
business .doing.-? Great JWtaln has effected a
I commercial treaty *!tb Paraguay. .
I < n4 p rSt\'* Trol>irco . Ter r sales of the month
- » ,oot) small; and planters are fcoldira
4®tl<# will bo reduced from tbolut of July
Atßahlabastocßswas Terr doll. • •
. Bro^, cn ’* -{forth t'horo, Cotton fcctoiy, at Llrer*
..pool, t w«lburnedWithonightofthel7UL Leas,£ls,ooo.
■j Data* from Const&Minoplo ta the 14th state that affairs
" I rn!* toportrf that more troubles bare
.oanixTeu at MUan. .ffhe miUtaiyrrero called out and arrests
• werernaue. • ■’■.■>■.
,J5*F s** l accumulation of grain »t Odessa, ond
V r J«* hid IhUon, ood wno rtlll doclinlnj.- : ’ ■ ■
dehling has teen deposed far slate
TheCommitteeonEJucatlon thtamOTh
inir on the sntyect of n new Western Seminary. The remj.
■S'lSj F Dpo “ *Tl«n oforgaoltstton, the principal features
or which are, the rstablubment of a board of director, coo-’
“ a “Tohoerfdrm; the professors
5i r “““““i and bonsa rent free, when
iha fun-!.* will Jellify the expenditures: a committee to pro.
curearLdtiure charge oTthefnnds Is to be appointed on the
plan of ihe Princtoo Seminary, which Is BrencMcd until a
now plan be selected. Tba report wee adapted. The eltso.
t*aa orprtuoAsatts Is Uw order of the day:to-morrow.'
Da ?nnWo save xtollco that h« trishod la record his din-
. Tb» R«t barines* ras tbeprellminary consideration of
tiicocuoplulat-and appeal of James KussolJ aff&lost the so
tlon of tho, Presbytery of Pilot Hirer and tha Brood of
Georgia...'. «• .■ ■ ■• -■ . ■ •*■■■■ ■.
CottoD...S4t(« 4200 talc, Sriaer: lS) tata
lira Sa S M_Ua«»»nlo, BJtra». nour..S»lMlL
(XtO owo ial» 800 M>l«
roolbcra £5,12. dull. (*ntlaw«lVheat nomlu&j,nJra65 f OQO
ha core, mlx«d al yellow C 5. Whisky .-gal** 350 bbl*
OUo At 22'£ J*ovL<lcM...SaleA 1250 bbl* new perk *15,50
OH&.C2, prtxm>£l3. Sales 200 bbl*tne>jmlwfgl2.6o;SOO do
rrlwfl mm at sls berfl&ms atls; SiObhla ehonWer*
Salt* 1 »,OOQ.Jba at 0. 5OOO Imat C 2, fino.
••• . , „• • -. • ..Cnrcnrcun Slay SO. ;-.•
The* rirerlua fellen 2*s fcet during tbatujt Slhauru;
weather doody, mth nofflOAppcmnwoftnln. Flour quiet
\ unehanflftl, farewmnwu brands and S3,so<a4 for
t - Cbccac TJjJ. Provision* d all
!at $14.50 for m** po T fc bacon ?<s:#&» ride* frV fer
r *haullen», anil OJ£ for plain baas. Groceriesnothicg oew.
very little doing." . .
„ MarCO.
FIo«r~. u:ub t’n iulry for shipment; wile* TOOtslaai and i
SOod brands At £J,So&lfi&' J.'olhin?dala3ia Rye Flour or I
Corn McaL llhc&t dull, sain*. 2200 bus prims vUlta at 1
$1,15; thL» calo *m mado but there arris no j
SUUAJI— 45 hhtf«. jjrfioe, ia*toro utllbr e&fri by "
; • A. nusm
VTWStt—.5 DM*. jjrime, j ast &ad for solo by
•jqjss. -• ' - a, uuxim
\ KIKD M'PUi&-ioo tm. la Fton*, locloMcoii£ij?aa«fnt.
1 '• . - •• A. HCNTEK,
in store and forealebr:
OP my 23
tJ AL>lUh—s kata,. t» Tery superior article, tor sale by
O luytg . .. ' ssimi A SINCLAIR.
* XlJTfiiH—4 bblfi. lloll hutisri arrttlng anti f>r » ? |>
iay27 213 Liberty Btrret.
tlflNUuW CLKTAlhS—Gtrvu,. blue and assorted, at
\\ Wholesale anti Rct&U.. Forsaleby ...
73ASTliltN BBOU.US—2O down extra wire bound and
ITi w Khakcr” Bronras. rccclrcdabd for»3leby :
rnyffS BA 1 LEV’ A RCS'SHAW, 253 Liberty *t.
Or atnulol Loatiur (Inhere, and Consrew Boots; prices
low; at [my27] W. E* gCHIIEHTZr 107-Market rt.
rjIOUAO(X>—SU boif» •.
X .20 «Jo LottlerVSpuo.Vcrwdijby ;
[7"KNIUOKV JUtMTAliU—»>u dozen, in ’fait arid "T
LV caos, -Barraotwl pure. Fop ss!o by ■
T AND WABIUNT4 WANTED—Tbo highest market
XJ prirt will be gWen, by ■; . CUA& K. 800 MIS,
block, BIU nod Real Estate Broker,,oppofiiUJ-Bapk of ViltaburxtL -
PKKItVSVI LUiPUANK shares cf Ibis Stock
wanted, by CIUS. E. DQQMTB, _
Stock, Bill 4Mtd Heal Estate Broker, •
my2B 76 Fourth at., Apposite Dante of llttabaygh.
• '■pilE Annual Mooting of the Stockholder* of the M Pltte>
J. burcb, Cincinnati and LoulsTjlJe Telegraph Company,"
foe tho ciectlon.of officers for tho enaning year, will beheld
&t the Office of tho Company. In tho city of Wneeljng, Va-,
on MONDAY, .tho fllb day or Juno next, at 10 o'clock, A; JJ.
- JOSHUA-UANNA, Secretory.
. Pittsburgh, May 11th, 1863.—oodte •? ,
60 dozen assorted Pickles;
25 do do Presorres;
CO do Spicod Oysters i
10 cases Sardines;
30 do Prunes, glass Jaw; .
8 do do flmcyboxea;
59 boxes Jjozongo*;
. 20 cases. Claret Wino{ .«
. '2O do MnAeat do; -j .>
. 10dozen aaaortq&.Kotcbup;,, ■
50 boxes Jujube Paste; -
.. SO do ; Gam Drops;
• lQcases. common . . ..
; 25 boxes Eoflned do; .>
. 50 bngs Walnuts;. . - . > . . . •
. 50: do Cream Nuts; .. .
• SO do . rUborU:' -
25 do.. . Sicily Almonds;
: O.balea Bordeaux do; •
.•■ 50bbls. Pecans: '
: 25.caelcs Comma; •
25bblr. lovorlng’aSugar;. '
CO boxes llock Candy; •.
25 do' Moccaronl;
25 do VormocoTH; '
40 kegs German Plams; >
2000 bus. Poo Nats;
500 boxes Herring; ' Jast recM and for aalo by
SO Wood at* opposite 8b Charles Hotel.
Second Arrival orCarpcUnge,
. Ho 82 Third Street
rpHE andersigned respectfully Informs hta friends find tho
■:/JL .puhUmihathehas iwfeJOcelredittd-bpenedWftPdcbnd
•laTgo purchase ofCAUPiJTS, OLLOLOTHS, Ac-, and that ho
; 'h&a nowthe largeataud most complete assortment of CAB*.
PETlNGStohefoundwcst of tho Allegheny mountains,' *
ForthocoaTcclcnoo of pcrsonsexfLmlninprblji stock, and
for tho better classification,of bis Goods, THREE LaRQE
-ROOJW aro.fet apart,each filled with o different grcd»,
bothas regards duality and price, .. :• v, a •>.
v ’Salesroom Nq 1, will be found a largo stock of Floor
Oil Cloths, from 1 to 24 feet wjde, 8 talr Oil Cloth, Oil Cloth
TahloCorcrs, Window Shades, Cocoa and-Canton Matting,
34,44,64 and 64 poor Mats,<jfall kinds,- and an entirely
Bow artielo for Window Rhodes, Putnam’s Patent Solf-Au
- &wroom-A < o.ii,ponta|ns'fh£ce Hundred pieces of Velvet,
Brussels, Tapcsby..Brussels, Tbrco-plr, TftWafry-rbjgndpi
Bpperflae ancMlo®lngrain, of eroy stylo and prioo. -Also,
a lu-ffd assortment of ObeuUle, vekot, Axmlnater and Mo*
sale Hugs, and * splendid assortment of. Table and Piano
COTCfS»' •'>"*' ;' : J • ■■
- Tn i&Umom No, 3, is ft large stock of Hemp Carpetings,
some as low es 20 cents per yard.. Albo, Bag and List Cor*,
pets, Ingrain and Venitlan; with ererything usually kept In
Carpet Houses. Ilia new stock will be sold at the pamo low. ;
he baa heretofore been selling
> . A liberal discount will be thoso who buy to
sell again. • • • • L fi jh.HffADLY., ■
v S -
1 ' i. " ’
-» '
--‘ ' i
Ofnc* or taxtfitar ’afomnirafegrr.-')
Tacsatty^'Ma/ -
•,- Business yesterday:wa3 .moderately
. can’ be: expected** t Ws-.scpsoa'Bfrt&tf js 4Sfv;Tbe
i woaihm daring a part oftbe day Trasehowery.- -The axj&i
boti exhibit no perceivable thango since Saturday, ' -
RAGS—The demand for,good clean, fhlr Is brisk,'frith'
aalcs of6ooo s>s at 5%c.. In* small iota they command but
MQS-rTha Inquiry. Is actlre to tfie retail trade, vith
sales reported,of fiOO doxatPo; 3 bbis do same, from stored
sales, first hands, ot 10 bbis at B|£c.
, - JBU2TBH—Ia dull, and prioes rather nominal, *Wc
aealoofAbbls reported atlO<\; • ••. <i
..SALT—Salua-of 275 Mils common at $1,10; 35 do extra at ; 1
*1,25 |
BRICK—Sales of .2000 Bolivar nt *2O.
. GRAlN—Tbodemand for. Oats, »HU buk
IHUe changoiu prices. Blnco Batuplny wo note iAlesof 2CO"
, busots7c;.lOO(lo.frooj wagons ut3se; CO bus and r arki
. atSSc* ..Corn, in good demanJ, irUli sales of aofsaci^'cars*
( 4t fio@S2c, -Wheat..jailes of 200 bas reported at 80c. : * ;
POTATOES—SaIes of 234 bus teds at S3c.
.BACON—We bare nochango to notlco in thisartldo slow 1
saturdoy. -.TbosalQSibr yesterdaywere luparttajbllowx;]
1200 Bs shoulders at ld small lolsj SOOO lbs
eboaldcrsafc 1000n>»hamsnt9}£c; 25008 e
frr sbouldera and bams;: 1000 fos rider at •?»*«
10,0(j0 ,Ib* hams. at lOOO shoulders at with I
pay.Tor.casks; 2000 do at . JOOOBssides at’7%c; 1000 ]
Ifcs,hamaat 50,0008l at for ibouWera and
bams. |
. SUGAR—The demand oxdurircly confined to I
the wants of the cliy‘trade.: YFe note sales of 6 Gfy |
tor common to fait.’ ' >
• WHI3KT—Sales of 89 bbls, In lots, at 20®21c. . - |
LINSEED Otlr-We noUoe sales of 3 bbls at TOor I
■ HOOP POLES—Sales of 3000 nt $0,50 f I
BBU£ MEAT—The foreign news, poryesterdny’s steamer j
has given more confidence on tbo part of holders, and a bet! i
tw feeling was perceptible in the market. Ws note n sale 1
of 100,000 lbj sides at 7c/ca*h» to go east; afro, a lot of about j
50,000 Bs at about the eamo figure, to go east also. I
CHEESE—Sa!csoMGQboxesatB<?£B}£c, I
YINEUAR-Salca of 45 bble at Sc. j
HAY—Sales of 10 load* at $G®lO. I
: KUHfß—Receipt* ye* lenlsy were large, all’hf witch, ire I
bellero. went east YYecould hear of tut one tele, of SO bbtvj'
extra at $3,90. Tb» demon 3 I* .receding!, HmUfJ, and I
the market dull. The market In Europe ha* undergone oo I
chMge, a. ttlll be noUcod l>y reference to the telegraphic I
„ feOOUTOLLB, May 27.
noir—Wegnote fetr dew rotted nt slo3,by the quantitT.
Paovtsroxa—Pork U eery dull and nominal at $15,0t/for
SKferhamT 1 (h>ta ot *-X6«e ®>r rfiooldm,and
/uceis—ll'o notice a contract for 1(100 hogr for. packing, to
be dcUrerud within 40 mile, of tho city, before the 20th of
bujwnL**’ ***• uhorethe preent'rlew* or
: .Trncoo—Jlukctwea sttended, with nmplo rowlpte, end
sale* at the warehonae* Thunday, of 132 hbtl*, at pricer
,oc,, > <u ”s» *■»
’ __ •. ' • , CINCINNATI, May 28.
- Ji?S? . 4 2r floor todaycomprised 100
bbls at £3, 1 5, and GOdocatra at £3,St), The mark*
«t Is quiet but e°mj»w hat firmer. Ingrain we notice solas
llOO do barley At
Received during the last 2* bcmwt.lOO bbls flour.
Wkt, and the only soles
hewd of today were 15,000 lbs bacon shoulders at
si?£*, a<> b '&*** l6tof hams at OU, loSeaud
300 l*bls zueas port, deliverable September Ist, ax £l5
mruMs—iyimo live grew sell on arrival at 40(341.
£ro ,® and 250 from canal
The demand is equal to the receipts, and prices ore
„ Stf. tO UK, May 21
/tf-nsS’ ■>£“*.»? Vn L CA * P ricc# - Bocdptt
oroil kinds of gratn hare been lighter forseteraldsya. The
weather U fevorablo to coi-docr badness/ sod narlgaiion
oerer better. .We annex the cf the last half
, T(jlm»>-ThiOTda r _.aak« at the Kate, It bMj: 1 hhd
* •* tW*! 1 to each at *4,70, (4,83, St.9o, »3,00,
tl.Ce, £p,oo, £0,13, end £0,45 ?.100fei. Jt the WantcS, 18
|W*S *«* ttfit l2 at £4,83: Tat £4,90; dat £5;
100 1 **' b “ lA ' 4O • • mi] ffW 't»
Heap—TtwiTdaj, ..Sales of '5O bales, t»o late, et tK: Si
IS nt $93; 24 alaams: 21 at 1*1; 00 at £97,50:
10,10,4,?, and « et £33; 58 at $S9i IV-’S.dS.aadTSat
SIM; H and Sd at 8101: 53 at £105: M and 58 at 5103 « i
<5?- />idaT-B«t BnalUranaacUona. Bales ofioobalaa at
P3i 14al£102; 22at£97t 2fl go■ private tctmat 23 hales |
at 8158. Saturday ~.107 tales, rtrieo not jd«n tB3 1
and HO.the latter qointity In lot*, at £lo2j-ia bales at I
8l0u; end to do at $lOB el ton. . Saturday's sales acre from I
Atom. |
l*u>—Upper mines sailing at iiyjidTtlooJbs,
*, 3 V;i ~ nf 200 bbla mets porkj examined, at
814,.i: ».o. do at SU, end rumps atB3.7o9\bhh Xothlog
W bbls, lotos?
"S” s ixa*«tbbl; Bcasts clear
rtd« MM;O do hatoi at BJfie j 'll casta and U tierces
hamaat. Milsordinal lard at i'Aoi «1 kegs primo
do *t B>, Kotldojln oalkxaftiU. 1 * VI * U
Satunl*j r &> caste fcacao; bliouMcw nt 6\<iv jtfobed tide*
« »Pi gpq clear tUei aad ham* at 8c lb. *-
s etrr.O iscar* watxi tn’tmj cn«xxu-
■''"•"*■ abet:' ~T"
" Jcfferwn,^rkln«oo,JDroTrnsvflla»
■«• - - -
“ Thomas Bhritcr, Newton.
Qen. RayanL I'eoMcjy Wltabeth.
“ Brarer, <Jaruen,ltaiver.
« Mlchfean, Wolf, \TellsriUe.
* f Ankeny, M r tcan, CSnctonatl.
44 4uliiDcan,lHcreo, Z*Dw»rUlo.
“ Crystal Kouatx, Cincinnati.
“ Helen Slap, Cos, Zanesville. . .
“ Persia, UotohlMn. New Orleans.
u Jefferson, Parkinson, DromerUle. '
“ Luxrrac, tfonnutl, Brownsville. »
w Thoms Hbrirer,UnUey,Wcn Newton.
“ Elizabeth.
“ 2 t Woliy WeltetUle.
“ BciTor.Gorden, Beater.-
41 Dlnrtud, Calhoun, WhbcUnjr.
♦* ' Keystone Stale. Stone, Cineiunati. 3
*' Exchange, Rbedev£a&fl*fc.
“ . Bedford, McUor, IxraistttJe.
Wednesday Pocket for Cincinnati.
, K. Tut now cat! totninnlngsletimcrCitYSTAL
Lp*fiCPhttf®PAl*ACE, W. J, KoOSTZ/ Matter, trill Irani
£i-———Jregularlj ererr WKDXESDAY.
For &elgbt Or postage, nppty on board, or to 1 "
to?U - 0. B. MTbTKNIIEnQEB.
'or liong Beach. Marietta* Parhereburir.
and GaUlpolU.
s ms* ts. Co® ateawcr QOV. MEIQS, fimixx, Mat
will Jeavo for tho aboTe and Intermediate
tf-t.i'iiiiiiini.i)iri rpolntaevery TupsJny, at 3 P.M>
For freight or passage apply ou board, or to
Eb 2 ...... JOHM FLACK, Agent.
Marietta* Porlierstrarg and Hoclxtngport
- am, : The steamer HAIL COLUMBIA, A.S. Crnurz,
will lease fttuburgh e-rcry Monday, at
; nr.a? o’clock P. Hi returning, rill lease Hocking*
port orcry-Tuesday, at 6 ©’clack A, it
Passengers and shippers may rely on the utmost accom
modation and promptness. W. -B. WHEELER,
mart 24 Market street.
LARD OIL—2O bbl*. No. 1, for sale by
HAVING just returned from the East with an entirely
nets and well selected stock of Cloths, CareJmero* and
Vestings of all descriptions, suitable for customer trade, wo
would submit them to our customers and tbo public in gen*
oral for Inspection, persuaded they will please tho most foe*,
tidlous. Those Wishing a first-rote fit, would do well to giro
us a call, •
P, S«~A firat-roto stock of Ready-made Clothing constant*
ly on hand.' ' - £. GIUBBLE,
mylfl No. 340 Liberty pi, head of Wood.
Tq Sharpaburg and Pittsburgh Hourly,
rpnß clUieoß ofBharp?barg f Lawrence?iH* and Pittabugh
X at* rcspoctfhUj informed that on and after thoFIBBT
OP JUNE NEXT, a Use of Omnibuses will bo run every
Aour thrrcghout the day, from 6 o’clock la the morning
until 8 in the evening* between' the Sharptbyr# Fcrrg and
JYaser’ LaxormccotUti connecting with the haWTenccrllle
ondCcmetery Line to Pittsburgh.
Fnro through 10 cents, • -Fare ootveon Noser's and Sharps*
burg 6 cents.
Offlco-rFlfth-gti between Market and -Llborty. ,•
Splendid Plano Fortes*
r TOIIN B. HELLO It, No, 81 Wood street, has just received
y from tho Manufactory—
-4 magnificently finished Louis XTVth Cbickoring Piano
Porte] full seven octoye; carvod fa the richest Elizabethan
atyhv.oad of moat exquisite and pearMlke tone Price $5OO,
ALSO—A richly carved Rosewood; octaTe. price $425,
ALSCbpSIx Rosewood six octave Pianos.
Tho above oro all from the. celebrated manufactory of
Jonas Chickering, Boston, and will be sold as usual, at fae*
tory prices. JOHN 11. UELLOR, 81 Wood Streot,
Agent for tho sale of CMckerlng’s Pianos, for Western Penn
sylvania. " ■ my2o
THE underpinned has Just received atbls • . __ ; _
ncartbeTwoHileßun, between Pittsbnrifa]BEa»Ofgs£.
and a gplendld
of VEUICLKS, of every description, and will continue to
.receive regularly, novr and second hand Abttrfet,
Sugffut, dSff., whlchho will sell op tho vorjr lowest terms for
.cash. Hating hod twelve years* practice In the business, and
with his well known facilities In the East, ha flatters hlm<clf
.in putting down all competition.
Those wishing to purchase are respectfully invited to call
and see for themselves.
: , Espodfll and prompt attention paid to repairing of Carri-
[mylSaUwy*] , JOSEPH WHITE.
To bo had in Season!
€- KIMBLE A 00.,.corner.of Hand and-Liberty streets.
• .keep all kinds of Sea Fish, rueh ad Rock, Sea Bass!
Trout, Halibut, Fresh Shad,Eels, Lobsters, Crabs, and all
kinds In season.. Also, Smoked Shad, Smoked Salmon, Her
ring, and Saokod Eel s. And at tho same time, Green Peas
; Tomatoes, New Potatoes, and nil other kinds of vegetables!
In early season. Received dally, by Adams & Ccu’s KxnrcAJt
from Philadelphia. : ' ‘
OSm Steamboats,Hotels, and Families suppllod,on the
•shortest nqtieo. All orders thankfully roceivpd and punc
tually attendod to, * ’ ,\ ..* / .
J3sh The citizens ore Invited to giro us a call, and we will
be happy, to wait on them, . . mj27-2w
.- City Property for Sale or Exchanged
rpHE. undersigned will exchange for Lands in the suburbs
X -k portion of his City Property, or will dispose of it on
long payments, viz: -
- A throe story-Brick House, on Second street, now occupied
By Hop. Charles-fffy|orr This honBQ Is built in modern'
theljestniatenijl|. •
.:41a>,thrpo two story Brick Houses on Pike at, each con*
tainfagthroo rooms, • , • .
> Al6o, two two story Frame Dwelling Houses on Pinost,
-each Containing twelve rooms.
t - Also, threotwa story Frame Dwelling Houses on Locust'
st, each containing threo roam*.
. 4Jgo, two two story Frame Dwelling Houses on Pike st.,
thrgo rooms.
' Also, threo two story Snc*, Houses in. East Birmingham,,
bn aTot '3O feet "by 120, with room, to bnild. seven houses
L* on six co»Hgiona:Lots :
’of G bound,oo fuet Jrauf onPinaju^Xgcasteta.,(cQqtlnqfag *
'through thef square and corners on Pike sfc) TJmy sa :
that each property can be ope
wishing a home pasfbe accommodated ty paylng
than a rent, after.the first payment uXvUI
for the balance. • Apply to.. {myZ7) • - JAMKS. BLAKELY.
A Card*
•'•'o'',.’' i
■o'- " '.’.H «
■, ' . ■- - 1
' - 1
v-'if ’v '
‘ \ r
m **. *• A»cttpn*«DAUy Sales*
A Cbamgrclal Salsa Booms, corner of Wood: and
I xi. Fifthatpoetß, atlOofclocls, A. AL, a general assortment
1 'AT B O’CLOCK p |■•
Groceries, Quee&sirorc, Gl£&ir&r& skMe Cutlery, LooUor
Glasscs-Now and Second Hand Household and Kitchen iiijv
niton,sc., ‘ . •..,. . .
„ , rti , AT 7 O’CLOCK* P. 51.,
Cooks, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musical Instruments.
Saratrare and Cutlery; Clothing, Variety Goods, Gold ana
Silver matches, da P. M. fjaSlAf
• • AnctlonCard* - - • -v
..TAMES M’KKNNA, .Auctioneer and- Commission -Mer»
chant, No. 150 Wood street, near- the corner of Fifth,
regular sales of Dry Goods* Clothing, Groceries, Glassware,'
now and. second, baud: Furniture, each day at-10 and 2
o'clock; and at early gas light, each evening, Watches and :
Jewelry,Ouns. Pistols, Books, Fancy articles, Cutlery, Boots,
Shoes, with A general, assortment, of erCry description'
of-Pry Gootlyßeftfr to the principal merchants.feb9 •-
JAMES MoKEN2TA* Auctioneer;
- lawns, calicoes, bkraizes, hebi-
At At?orto?f.—-Commencing on Monday, June 6tb,1&3, at'
1 19 o’clochy'jQ the forenoon, and continuing day and
: evening durlog the- neck, ot McKenna’s Auction Housa, a
i fooled or Foreign and domestic fanny and staple Dry ;
“ p ,’ Shoes, and Clothing received direct from Phil- ■
; adelphla, among which ora aftnr pieces of fine French and
English Broad Clothß And Cflgalmmsia; -TPTdfr
netts, English, Corduroy and fashionable French
Lawns imdOioghams, EngUab Chintzes .aod: Calicoes, fine.
Mertnos and-Alpacas,fancy Shawls,-dress
'Silk. Fatent thread,
BlcfecheJ and Brown Moslins,. lino Boot* and Shoes, Cloth-
Ing, fineShlrte.’- [mySl?.: i-JAMES STKENNAyAtJ^r,
r JIIUaNfiRT, JJONNKrB,':Ac.—At: JTKurma’a
Auction Ilouee, for.prlntfc sale, fbr a few days :
BtniTr and illurionjL erapeJ, : French
fiojrcrv drew caps, bonnet tabs,-laces, embroidery,
with a ocular assortment of millinery andtrimmlma wm
rally. This exedaln quantity, splendorand : -taite-of selee
tlon, any stoefcs heretofore offered for sale in tHa city.-- The
-ettfirelat Uso rich and varied, it would be superfluous- to
poitlcaUrfic.&ny of tho articles cspeciall -‘ • ;
g*ySO . _ JASte McKENSA
:'TATCIfKB Af»l> JUTVELRY, at Aceno*.—
At. Anotto'ii'iroa<a f comcieprfng. tils 'evening*
May at early gas light, and torittnuirig every evening*
nnUl all are paid. Among whW vill be Rrand—fine gold
ana rilTcr pafeaUerer.aml kplce -crstfbcs, etui a twy ex*
tewiTe areoranent of thorn wt recherche 1 and latetetyjes
or Ja*e»yy, t .pueh rlaater.vbraut nlDs, «iral do*
leaf do. goH'bock*; medallion*
and pondlv
«bawlj»luf» # finger rings, wrsteb ribbons* aealv&e; '
oygrqy ;■ - • ; : JA3IE3 .
r»n ».■ *££%&£*<-*>!* TuwdaytJlXay;Sl*U fct 10 o’clock,
>wm do Al Keonti’fi Auction ilouae, sUki, la^om
. ; . JAMFI3 McKE?f?fA, AactV.
E. -EL DAVIS, Auctioneer.
C°i? OT s l X;^^ :X^^ «>ccwa^xw«tr
U>ls, about haJfaniCxo, will 1 £
5* “J^AactJoa, oath* wesntses, onSatOKiAT,
? *\? P. Sr v ForcoßTenfeae* of.
afipe sb,. beanty of ritauticm and cood Society. «ui
au the rcqaWlcaof a pleasant conn try sent, these iotiare.
Tinaarpagacd by any Jn tho county, *nd present superior at*.
twettonßr to loose who desir*,to secure for themsclrcs a
.ft&nuso&ta home In the country. • ■■■••:-*.■•
r OnapUmsscs irJUJure' Fourth street, benr-Markct, ot 2
o clock, to carry parties to tho sale, f/ce of efiaree. ••• • •
- tt y 3 * •■ •- . • PwM. DATIfi, Aocfr:
L*. EAST DIRMINQHAM,- if Atcnox—Oa’ Wed
nesday afternoon, June Bthi at 2 o’clock, on the premises,
commencing near tbe.pubUh school bouse, in B]nalnsaS
"'“•l <®ld..«l«Ee nmnberrf Ifts, embracing some of the
most dMlraWa location* In the abore flonriihinir betonshe,
emtablQ firemen ulbetorics, bssines house* and printensK
Hao« of which n> w beseen el the Auction House.
1 resJtla “ In Due and; two years,
with interest, secured by bend and mortgage.
_2J®> P. St DAVIS, Auefr.
BPitPia.B.yny.nt-am ggystiili waito a
haad»wnoly ritual, at Xba corner of Xedlto*od Cliff
-fSPfi**?**--** I *** ¥°« so * lo3 *lM>lQ3,lo<Vlo7.acd
in pUn of lota lali cut ty Cook &; bATicr *
front ofHtfotoo Ca£U»«tTooC.»n4ltSfrSraClfflS«t:
- TcßWrOaMUtd'-cwbr nuidar la ona and ttro ycara.
*•* Intewst. 1 roySirt P. M. PA Via. Aotfr.'
TpOLTINQ CLOTHS At Wednesday mamliiy,
©clock,ai Oxa Falca Itooras,comer'of
\>ocdandJTfUi streets, will bnsold— '■■•■•■
JP piece* Bolting (Solbs'-asaorfed omnbew.
■.- : - • P- X: DAYIB,
bjca primal this dar rec’d hi
-y -’-myg • ; HBSBTII
tUTTiili—B UutKr, £or sale by • • -
Ijaffi - .•::•»•■, HEJfBr it doixisa.
OOS»D3 tfQK SAU:—lioula of Uti’[ncJDO Boroogb, bear*
X> l»arelxi»!rrant.tot«re>t, fortalaby .
• , , CIUS. It LOOMIS.
Stock, Bill and Beal Ectafc Ebicr",
73 roana cUcppocdtii Bank of Plttabnrgh.
Trait Company.
rpilE PTBMXtIES £»t» thti d»f Sedturcf a Dirkler.J, oat
®* the profit* of the last eia month*, at the rate of
.EiShtacr Cent per annum .on the Capital Stodt oa nail fci.
pajahle on and after 23d Jnah ■■■ * ’
mylCal-jg . JOIIS P. SCCLLf. Caah'r.
One Tom '■
. A HUNDRED.—I will £i»e $3,75 per has*'
£*7 Store, NO. 143 WOOD BT.> Pitubursh, Perm**, below
filrtb etrwL : I. IV; CHADWICK.
PliubursK May 6,lBitt~2m4iw .
.innri UHUM?,FI«S r
IUUU MObOIM Hgs ; . .
COO Fflncj boxes Hjjs •
-> ■ 50 boxen Rock Caady
Just retcired and for sale. \
, . . X a ANDERSON A Ctf,
' SSQflnn "l-b»Te wOTltal an order foom.tha Wwt for
43tiLHyUf WiiW yijmujui mnai3 . amui ut nuuir
WARRANTS, Tenon* hr.yjnsacjr to dispose of, will pleaao
girt mc&caiL .' The highest raarfcot price, in parfunda, vQI
■Real Estate and European Agigyt, :
'■SarcaUianJ SmithflclA eta.
A LL persona are hereby cautioned agalastmirchaslcgcr
Xn. negotiatlcc fora note fimwa by ua to the order of B.'
.8. Jamison, for’Twelr© Hundred anUTeuDollars, dated
January24thj 1553; payable lbor months after «,lafr» t with
interest; as payment ha* been stopped—stltT not© haring
been lost or stolen. ' IUIET, MATTHEWS A 00.
Pittsburgh, March 24, 1853.—if
‘ 8300 to $5OO.
-TLfEX bf bupintsM habits and enterprise, baring this
d.fJL amount at command, iand 'desirous of engaging in a
safe and Tery profitable bn sin<sj,wlihont com petition; ran
bo located in any county where U Is riot already Introduced.
Tbo largcrihecounty; the required,and tan
be extended to almost any amounts - '
_AddrrM *HEAHD3LKY f ” ;Kttsbaixh,Pa. , . my 4
Wocti to kxtra Bl«u X 1 - .
A*yj Jughett kind or wages will be paid, for taking chares
of gang* of men ori both rock arid earth exraTallon, on tho
Steubenville and Indiana Railroad. •
, FOSTER, BUO. A 00,
- Contractors of miles of a and lißallroatl.
Office at Eeesrllle, Carroll countv, Ohio.
B£oo PrincipeScgara ■?.
6,060 Regnlia. do •
10,000 Prijnaboria do
10,000 Hf Spanish do
*" J, C. AHD£*BOX A CO.,
Txf. 0 Wood street.
Tills DAY—
6btU.No. 3 Mackerel;
6 d 0... .: 1 Baltimore Shad; ..
6bfbhUv c.T do ; : do* ■ •
10 bhU. No.I Baltimore Herring; : .
10 bx«. Burlington Herring. I'or salary . • . *■■ ■
253 Liberty, aireot.-
_ Steufxsn-rUl© and Indiana Railroad t
Oq the Steubenville.,and Indiana Railroad.-
wages from sl*2s to s2£s.per day, accordingto thoonallfi
xations of the man; * Several Stone Masons wanted, who are
capable o£taklng charge of heavy maaonry, to wbom'blgb
wagea will be paid. Oor masonry li heavy, and will afford
: steady employment during the eoason. J&ra t ocoa to ex
tra mm// • ■;:• FOSTER,BRO.AOO.,
Contractors ofC2 miles of 8. and I. Railroad.;
Office at Lecabunr, Carroll county; Ohio.
mygS:lmd&w» .
. - . Removal. '
JOHN GRAHAM has removed from his former residence
to Pittsbuxgh v and has associated withbim JOHN GEIt-
EON, for the purpose of catering onthoßL ACKSMIIII
-INO all its various branches..-Thankful for.ifaa
liberal patronage ho has heretofore received frojn his nu
mesons customers.and the public, ho:hopes fora continu
ance, as the firm wtirdo their, work in the best manner and
with dispatch. JohnGenonwiflmanage thashop at-tha;
;creek, on the Steubonvilio Road, and JobnGraham, the shop
in Strawberry, alley, known os the Eagle Hotel Blacksmith
Shop. , . JOHN GRAHAM. /, *
" PENtre OT TON hi ILL,
TT’TSNNEDY, CHILDS A CO.* manufacture and bare for
JLX sale thefollowiqg—vlx:
■ Penn ANo. I heavy 44Sheetings; : /
Colored Carpet Chmn, of ell shades:
White ao; '' - ~
Cotton Twine; .. .
Cotton Cordage, of «U rites;
: Cottop Bud Cords, Sash Cord, and Plow Lines;
: Batting; • • ' ■■.■■■■-•
O* Orders left at the Mill; or with iL Cbllds & Co* and
with Logan, WUson & Co.y Wood street, will have attention.
.-poa annrrcto*
■ : *va» iiiiu ■
JAHESBLAKELY begs leave to say to those persons hav
ing friends In tho Old Country, and desirous of either
sending them -money or paying their passage, that bis or*
'tangements for doing cither la now complete, and bnpo;finu
a basis that mistakes can not Ocoir.tior U»ses ‘aocrufl tbany
party. During thelaet trayearsin whfeh he has been la:
this badness, he has remitted .over a Half MBlibrt cf Dollars
without the loss.of a,dollar, and the house for which he is
agent, In Liverpool,has shipped notlesS persona
during the last year to this country,'without a complaixit'of
neglect of duty on their part.:
lie can issue Passenger Tickets for London, DnbHa. Xlrer^
pool, Glasgow, Cork, Belfiwt, Uoerick; Port
Rush, Newry, Galway, Londonderry, and Dundalk, to New
York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and New Orteaniaud
from thence to Plttabargh j and-wlll Attend "strictly to for
warding passengers from thence to any part of the country '
Ho also has flight drafts for eale; payable at the following
plaees, vis:-; ®
- DN .v--'."::-
Kdwards, Bandford A '
Wm. Tapnscott A 00«.... .. ...UvorpooL
(Available In the "principal‘cities and towns throughout
England and WaTc«.). - 1-
Provincial Bank .^.....Dublin.
Armagh, ..-Belfast, Downpatrick,. •Enniskillen;’
Mallow, .atrabaue, - - Athlonp, Carlow, -- • : -
•Drogheda, Petmoy, - . Momighan, . Ermisecrihy;
Rajlina,. Cavan, • .>• Dundalk,' - Galway, - *
Lowry, .. Tralee,.; .. ■ Cloumril, ’
Dangumon, -Lmdondorry, Omagh, - Youghali,
Banhridge, Kilkenny, Dungannon; • ffllruah; - --' r
Waterford, Coleraine, Parsonstown, Cork,
Ennis; . ■ Baadon, Sligo, ; Wexford'
Ooctehnh".; . ..Limerick,.. Ballyßlmnnon,-... •• • -v
V. ; ON SCOTLAND - . ’"7" . r
, Bank or Scotland, Edinburgh, traj itjbnmehel
In.flfty towns in Scotland. r*..*
; . , - - -ON PRANCE. - >' ; *
.Messrs, Edward Blount'*,Co., •• -Parit
- (Available in any city in l **'**•■
niy7 190. cor, of fleventh and RmttMUft
£r:3-‘'v"W- L **; —-r“ n - ~r->-.~*c- v? ~^-v—---»
- t /' v; . , “ —■ '^^ v t V—i<u ‘- 4 '—^
* ■ - w
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V>'\- r r
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'*» ju. t*. **T «, *- y t -r v vi. J __ —-» .
hi ii ij .«i .i ‘‘i i-ii *\ i ~ ■■ hi -■ ■• i”■ '* *'"■* "'*" "* -i!"" '""■**'
. ... ■ ...A' \’V- ‘i
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r v v
* c*^
.... . . _ f 4
* *
.-iT-c ■■■•** .
;.. ■* v ;; -v -
~P r $ P P ‘P f- 8
. Frost the Fittsbutth Daily IHtpstch. .Jl6»'2LiBsa::::...•.■
A » EXCSLLEST AflTTCUi—PtesoM whohiTe aantf*
t ion* sill experfencegreat relief t/tlra* Usscf tha « w#Sv
tamer street end;Virgin aIIHV.:." Ifcansirerijbr £
■ brsceand suspenders; -1&► weight. of 1 he-pantaloons j is, so
. placed aa;to contlnuaßj.teturtobringthti &iu>uldirstotlieir r
natural-position, and expand thecfcost. Wc>itnrbft*evt one
to; that we tm
aolgted give it a « puff ”gratia^-• -X:-: -.v >; m
wtom injured by the
shOTl(t.alPO'proenre"tbe < 'e\
tjruc*g.,.- jfe particular the hind mentioned, a*
tbeteaccsßo’dare '.?•
VSS2j3 l<^^ e *^l rBttlJ ** Store of DH. O. U
KEYSES, 140, cor. Woodgt aud Virgin alley, - • xay27
•~:('-"gORv/gBEL-BIAR^iyipf : - -■ • -
:ooKD % orprotfeative til*
cane* of Do
*»* ;«3l irregularities oi
ttow in tIM ®«i-w »tat£ wi th- ■
Srnlaat emissions,
.tferronsAffections, Icucorrhioscr Wbitee. ;As»nlnTleS
rHingmedfclnßlt la tmeqmiled. Also,ncertiin raved?
y*, lodplimt .Consumption, Jnfeatlon, 1 lore of Muscular,
Icccrgy, FhjrsiraJ jPcmam WeakneyivDebility^Ae.
WoU(»nd U of count) ess TtflOTtb ttiosa VUhdatbJipnno
£rtra.—Flui the name of Comstock & Brother on .
ina nrappcr, ani atttr toy it unless Ton find the abore'
name; as ithus been afynsivcly caanterfeileij of latt. ■ AtoU
tho.rannferfelt as you wonld poison,- 1 Aeenerat -
, anfiTaitwly SO. f 40 TiniU) ST. -
- -Mlvnte- IMseaoeai ~ :
CT/ T. 0 rotire attention to an offloelkurtio*.
ff t {Us business ls mosaj oonfiniid ta JPrimU V {
pncrtal Ducata, and such pdnftil atTectlons, k t
brought on bytopindctice, youthful indulgenecandejSSL
tea oftho Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Scorbutic Erute
tiona, Tetter, Blngwonn; Moiturial Diseases. Semlnel Weak.
ness, DBeij -Ttfienmatiim, Temal* WoaSaeris
Monthly Snppreasions,-.l)ißeasea-of the: Fistnla in
Anm KemuaAaeetlons, Pains in the Back and Loins, Irri
tenon of tho Bladder sod Kldneys-snocessinilT
Cure guaranteed . -
Sir teen years' practice (six In thia city) enables Df.Brown
to oner assurance* of a speedy cure to a»f who may coin® mi»
derhlecare. . : ■
OClgand Private Consultation Boorax.'il, Diamond alley.
: t^Chargegmoderate;- y.^-r^rvj-:', x;norfcdlyly-.
• Stricturea, Noe'
XX. tumai tbosfl .Ulstrcswa^;
Complaint* usually eonsequeat uixm yoalbfulexfease3 82u!
indulgence*. •• .* . -■:..• •.••
- In preparing a Bpedffc fcr tWs claaa of iHsea*cs,'Dr. Mcr
.y 3 “*ul expended main time and money, In order to present
.to tneflnfcrtunata.mffewr, a pleaaani, «fc; and'cffldcnt
m&lHdne. mthe haa c*tab]l*liM,
. a* tuere has been many tbonsaud LottlManld ; - •
Vactiom money returned, and eo f*'r ha* gWen entire satU*
A* an. invigorating medicine fcr
atreete,, tly OhJo. : ; tot. the Halo of the
ahore medierne in the Western and Bonthem Slates, and to
irliom all orders must be eddreaeoiL
, XSTfiald also by. . ... GEORGE H. KEYSETL
- .mar Siam : comer of Wood atroet and Virgin alley. -•
h -rn n jm
ff .DISEASEIsnoy goccaiiaoa thotlhouaaju!j<jf ln
:;X v: «naßentr*» la -a&e finynotonly Us Tellefi bat er&r
lU ttdleal of which w
£eajignad»' Tkd instraiiiaut used, in the
eureof.herels. oTTOptaw> relleda nHjss,':andaheold. bo
well mode, and veil adapted to the broken parts, IncnJcrto
. Ihat a enrebt rupture can be
to«B ca *b» umlerrigTjed,
X heroin several instances, duricgthacsst rear, (*nr«l ease*
acme of .both sides, and in the reset of children;
ifeSfl b 7 tte epplfcatton of Bit. HUB BARD’S
TBCE3, on hutrnreent that ran bo perfectly fitted to the
parts, harfns a wo^^-'and, chpahle or. aabtdlni! any.
emoontof pressure that may be desired. \ It" will not more
11 a pres*
ure, without pain, tint tu> other Truss possesses. ■ •"
. 0- 1 »opU beapoctfhUy.inrite the. attention of-physi
dans, Ukbo snfferfnn Oota the dtsose,th thlelnstete
attention Trento the ednyfatjoT 1 of there
_ I also keep Body Braces, Abdominal Supporters,‘Smolder’
Bros, and all kind* of mechanical appliances for the cnre
° ral *“? e - , DB. GKO. !L KETSER, ’
myl&dawlm - . - , treed street.
T' Hl ° Bar appear to those onaoiualntod trith its tirt ties.
■ A:" a aadoni assertion, that b not sustained by facta,—
Altoongh U bas been bat a short Cm* since it to Intro
auradto the ddnuis of Pittsburgh, yet to huso hundreds oE
S«Wal witnesses here to proto what to ray to be true.
Arft thorn now working attho various rofflng-tnilLsfbnn
drira, maMjo rhopB, gbM BorbJt it, uhohsyei tamed
themseirea with tho metals, and-hateniedthb liniment,
and acre healaj as by marie. Tbeywat say itwai abte»
tboa.. Others, -wkohsTO cot, bruised- or
ralUa. Otiiere taro nsed it ior rbcnmtism, taiaain the
joinU and limbs, oldsores, cracked orebippedbandvtet
ters and ringworms, and all have been HEALED ! Go ask
,Uat maaßaho, ounaied the agoniis of a ihonaand deaihj
fir Books, trlth ajooated breista, and -cauld get ho relief
“p.'i’tootmd the Mustang LitdmenVand she wm tell you,
alto teaa of gratitnde, that she blesses, the day tihe teas la*
Bish " rflte “fc
TOouda.ocrateSua.orioreabf any kind oa horaosi,
IravSt’wSEfiot 11 to rare splint, ringbone!
'■S&£sggS2Sg^ 01
np with the Mustah* liniment, and then selling them Jbr a
ptodpnoe, - llerpau fifteen dnllaratbr a horse vho bad a
large fistula on hb. withers, and in lbnr weeks had Idm
cured, and sold hftn tor $75,00: This iae isci. -
- To draymen, cartmen. wagoners, MagecompanieivllTery ,
abhle, and eanat-hoatlines, It willbe a rating of tandrab
of dollara yearly to cse thb Elnlment on their stock. •
Seid hy tha gross, dorra or stogie bottle, at the propnV
tereprfces._bybß._o.ll.KETSEE, atbis Cragrad Chen*
csi Stare, Ito wood street;’Pittsburgh. Pa: i- 's - mytff;
The moat;Valuable Sprint; and Snmmer
Medicine. In the World 1
Batroxized by tor nobility and medical
.Medicine* Motalnlng mcdanse* or lib'-ibi-ic.-, lixb the boast-.
ol Sarsaparilla*, require many large bottle* lo produce the
slightest change in-health. - The Alarit irSuTo altogether a
different article. -It contains no syrup to .give it conslsUa
cjr, hut acquires Ita escellcnt flavor and powerlht medicinal
ouallttes from the vegetable plant* of which H is composed.
The fhrat ITttie combines the virtues of the
Wild Cherry, DahdeUtm,: Tellow Doch,
■•■■■■ . and Snranpanlla! - : -
glut other talnable plants whose properties are still mare
: Its high concentration renders it one of the most efficient
medldneauowln use. Less than a single.bottle restores
the lingering patient from weakness, debility, ami aicßneas,
to strong and. vigorous health;: Every dose shows Its good
effects on the ccnslitr.tiou, and lmprores. tho stale of the'
health. The Jbretf IFTne is recommended, in the strongest
terms,Cjr all complaints of the :- :■ ' .
: STOWACH, I*IVEa,KniHEY3» NEBVOJ7S Disgedees,
• BILIOPS :Ar?ECliOHsj {DboPSY, Dtspbfsia,
't Boas of Appetite,‘Jaitswce, Female
•DISOBDESa AElSrao FEOK Bai> - ‘ -
Blood, Am>iia?trEß habit
. -Testimony«f JUf« JVhflbsz Jldtthews.- a ht?h)y rp?noctahr«
and: wealthy citizen of Newark, N. J? -jwanie
• Vr.G. JK believe; joor'ToreH .Wine and .Pills
. tAfcfcjtheiajllAidatthft point of dcath,with Dropsy/aw
and; Asthma. My Phytidanhad given Be over a'g past rare. •
and ray family bad lost elThopecf myrecovery. while in
tbtedreadfUieltnatian,your.-Forest Wines- andFiUswere
.procnred-'fcr msand hribre Ibad finished lb*first bofcOa of
-the -.Wine and box of Pills, Xexptoifineedgreafcrellefiin v
ibody and limbs, were greatly swoUen,>e*anmsens£-
bJy reduced, Hopes-cf ny reoQTery beswi now-toreTiTe,
and alter eontinuinffthe nee of youn medicine* fee about *
“moqthj the PilcaundAsthmawere eomplotelycuredv' Tbo
wbicbmy li&traspTacediasaeb great danger,
.TOaleq nearly ranb.^ ! lbara eontinned U» -rim ofyonr
modi dues until thei present time, and X now enjoy as perfect
health oaeverldidin my life, although I cun more than CO
years dago. ; N
I ascribe my wcorcry entirely to the use of your «Tiy>ngw*
medicines. SeTerelof ray neighbor have also used them
with similar success is. obstinate and l oon
cheerftdly recommend .them to tbe-publfc.,. • • V ; >"•; >. -
'---JievxiTk, 138&525® . a- 31 "™-.
1 ■ ■ „. _ ; Nmr Yon*, Jen. 9, IMS.
* P ear &';T%*itag taken your Yorest Wlne
end Pille to remove a disease of the LitcrSom whlchl her*:
“f Wn jKmi emdhivlng ed.
noted closely to.the directions whlchttccompanyths medi
dues, I hew reroreredmy health, notwiths&ndlhg eitwrho
. Freviousto taking
the mne and Klls, I hadrMOuriwtothabeßttoedlcal treat*'
meat, buteohtmsea to grw xurso
.Some of my friends spofce despairingly of my case, end tried,
to persnadomo from maldngureof any adTCriised remedies
and, ! doubt not, but vbat there are hundred* vho tire dU>
of the deception and taet&dchcy' of toady, advertised feme*
dies irat fbrth by unprincipled men, in filming advertise*
.mentow' Ent. vbat apity It is,-that this deception tued by
other*, shsmd: be the mcana of diarosdtag many lahoring
under disease from iri&frlng trial and being cured by your
exceQeijt remedies; - •Hamatoy spcailng, thpy have saved
my life; vrbsn 1 commenced making-us* of them, I waa in a
wretched oonditiombutbegan to experience their good-efr
fects in less than three days; and, is ax weeks frotti the time
X purchased themedfeines, to the great surprise uf ail my
friends,' !: was:entirely cured,-andclad-increased'fifteen"
pounds to weight, havieg onr box of tho PilLvand
two bottles of the Wine. Would to Qod that every poor suf
ferer would avail himself of the samff remedies. : - -
Yonrs, Ac, JAMES WILSOX; '
- Du. David JUunrf.acelebr&iedpr&ctiUomjrof New York
declared puhlidy, that ona bottle of Halsey’s Forest Wine
more r virtue: than tfty."ot
Hare^arilla.- & S. Sistpsoy A Co; the Jarirest and
Druggists InSyracuse/ina
And soea of Ualsey’i Forest
is. an.cxreilent aud-gooamedicine.rmiwmu^
“ tie virtue/oMlj:
K^Yoreat lYlne, byrecammcnding-ittaiainy ofhlepa-
ej-Acren homlroff
nseiVecd lailTWcals, or toerwn respectebu ltT,h«e hS»i
givitn, tMtUylng- totho groat core# Shade by
ftrat fKat eaS'Bni?■--■■ Amosig thesa,- Is -th»;en« -ofAlv
- John SjTna, of 62S Pearl Btreet, New York,—cared cr
tkm of the liver, and bad Ctmgh, after having bwb civra
Yort.whohsAbccndreadfallj'afilfcted with gcrorule.brf
jeers'jtacdlEg, cured In Irn thM eii weeVs time. MarvJ
Browiii daoghterctEev Jahssa R. Brown, or Dijenai of the
Ileart, And Conuumpitor TOthere J«undlre :
others of, uthm of QeneraTDebility, other# of Graver-
Js3* General
Croadwar, NcTr YoEk*. :<hmlioliar p2r bottle; of «x bottle#
'jhr FlToDoflsra. Centa uer box for -
' Wholesale and Befell by GEO. H. KEYSEE, 14E
eorner of Wood street and Ylrsin alley, Pittsburgh, Poj aW
so, by JAMES T. SAMPLE, north-wcßt corner of Federal
street and tho Diamond, Alleghesy city. r mari^w
~n r
- * **
• •V-> t
, *- *
Acres ofXand;jdtaat* :«ear tb&n&KHmstni*
*&.■&£#&&& a jnwaixSsZ,
asrnall orefcartl; Ihroo flnfcfjirbisa, Miabcor Ten A-rej cf .
S2sfe‘t «f liatiduiess Padre $2OOO. Stms:
laianU;.balance lolandityeae.
mylO A CUTHEHRX & SO.V, 140 Third st. '
T°, isitE-itir desiret!*
a ; i4sS®i;' : i'J^'
'£2? treet ’ oaUberty-stresSahdTO fjofc oa Third -
itnwf a<nr octnpisj udtb a&nadryy emiae slop, had'- ” 7
hr«iir adapted fcrlhoprcMDto-sajr other SasktesiSvlori.' fe
soHttonsiya a front on four streets, aad mar ihsrirer and
■ i myta - a. CUTnhERT &. SOS', tig Third at.' -
!-Price si2oa.; A _ Lo*; situate near the -
Ir tread, havlngia trout of SO feat oa a wide 'l'-'
01 cl Sht
attic? .
BnS? Wflfcias streetcar Ibe narfcet
Some, by lwiectfeet.dtecfr :3tenna;-^ooin--iiAfrfibn.uw-~-~--.-
fci easy payments. f-ib
Ljayg? ;y-' B. COTHBBSCE & SOX. 3-iD.Thijdfit.
-9j ritcatg ealegsn; stregt. eosrtalnlgg cTtW^f^rtp^
■ ^ T '.P^:^'-
4lTooaadSl9Co. Term* kSt, h iT2W,>
MS A 5J^J EJ P-"^f JiY * , ~’6* ltro * tel 7 Brack Uouso-for
Bale, oa papeaterf.alisyy containslire rooms, ; '> '-:•
■ Also, adjoining the abofo. Ten Bufldigg Lota, ' : •' Vw •.H '"
j^siDESCES—In -"• -
TarioUS Pttoa, Ibrsalfcon fegsjbli>rm«. ;.V v r j -\.± '.-l V
to I*t, and Beats collected at of --: -- -v ‘-:
' BijJi . 8. CCTimSBT. &': SON, 140 Third street:- '
•L,_~ ,To-Jjet* * ~
ffUiisStorq House and yp.2so liberty street^
JL P?E»ssmaeaabefcadctttho Ist Tblsi ßme 9 ---
ot the best stands in-the-city*.- .Enquire of --
tseplfedtf;,, •;.•■■•> -.... „• : ORORGB BICHABBS: '-'
Booiul hlorj, over tie
dkjwSwP Fiw octl Manßolstsiiranw -,
"‘ " A. iTCABEIEI!, -’:
Comer at SomOt and SmitteMdMa-;
by fcArtmthsotpOi lb*
. j.. canter of IhamoM alley - -
Uielßt ofrApriL- • t: •
~_ ...-■ -• J An"r
’ ~ Ko. r lS3 £tr^et< r -f :T .
-irtfiR 6 f°ra~fooa Jn-veotpnen*. '
A- i Jnannfcetariiiß hosSiiesS Shir owtter
"!1 ™ nOrantejeouj ferS>,.:
**»■> “*• «**»*
Pur . - • . .. .
Piie street* setima -
.A ] 7 * 111 ? ard Factory streets,- Filth.' WarxL* Xfce Lot ia
front aad; 100 feet deep, o&vhScb there are two snail
Ffittiio.afenca»ati : Xtrmff euay--7atle good. For parties-'
of Alderman PAESl^^f^a-streSSm
”***-' ' '■ - Tmyfttf "
i - VFoaSAiiSj - • - -
A -COUKTKYSEA2*, dtnai«lJriLhi:U£rpe hundred vanii
J\. Station ?i*:East I&er^«mtain£r : -
nbpofc nine andcne-half acres*. The tourofoEucnta coo£n- ••
of lIou«j;-*jib brick out'
fitahling and an abundance of Jtne fruit ahihexv-'
evucal water. Knijnfre of "~ . -•. • • ', •• .
i . r HAELJiiniIJ; £ CASIPHiXJ*;
•pro -.-- v : y Attonigyaat strceiJ _'vT.‘
Healdence forSaln.
r P fU, la&Tpsidetice of JonaibanKuld. dtce.osrd. u ofTcred -
V X tor sale ratuaarf In * pleasant part of XUcghear ritr r•‘ 5 ;
thercceni extension of the water and S as fu>< renders it
rlie. Honse Is n; welfcbnßtiwo glory--
-«ift>et.toliLczti strand . - .
.- Kttolmrsh. ApriHS.ISK!. - - ’ pIW
-■ . TO«IiETt .yV.r. v -. • >7 ./
ISfO. 15THMU SI'&EST, adjoining cor .Warehouse—.«itß ' •
Paoo ‘’ V -' UM - fo “-
acil aj3cUniUly' ' :
a HOPSS or. JJ.SI/HAKCE OPWCK, aaffor -
°? -tiroraMe tensj. t 0,.,
glTenlmmediately -Jinqaipftcf- r ••••••-■•— ••-- •• v-_
" “ ‘ ctJß»*noßi!RTfso}f is co
comer of Woodaaalfroat sireeli- r-' - ■
/■A' CPV.KXI\Q'£OOM» nowJ y papered and
& & S? 4 '^plet^oa P tbox?«3d . •
'iV!2^ a * ; ? Btreet » togcUier ,tritb; the.-priTlJf«»:efv''
.-wareliQtrso Rcconuaodatiohs.'l/TMniwa ■•■*•■•.
■- v v
'-? lt,latioD Comnliadon .Merchant, -v
Steamboat Agent, Iterance OEavßaflAad - - -
TL V a iri r -.? M-Offlceia the-bosiaSa. partcfthp'
t 0 - Kim UAi'gE,
-*Jr* ■ r So. 01 Water st.
' ;•■ ■.* .. Lj.'-JS'OX Salfi*"-' '__ ' ' i • < ''• '
A iJ'L®,, < ? R 9? Xl> 1,1 Planoftotoli the Third. - >
IkG- 2?f£i v Hlflb street, and
oa.lenniytoama.Avcnßir, anantoiir;; :■■ v-. „'-
®*propertyT,m fca«M,rlfSrt>fall iaeaa" ' -” .
b i^ m^'-” ra .P 1 “ groncii lentot one hundred aart v. tt.-.
♦ Tt lV Te »fclch It to mwsnbjeit. -; Oil tin* proper- : ' :>:
brfrirnßJ IcofSSa
'SSSS^&.“® b ' “ 4 -
Price, £1200; tOOQ cash, andSSOGia liyeood
- n i^ss3 l “ !>C - r - , ITJL O. IfSEND, ■
nnsataeeirt Coim4iry Dost.
TS '£^* r °flortfcrEilDt!iot besoHftllteeterianff
loitaerly occupied by Robert Finney, £j
.and adjoining the residence or A. Kiri Lou!/. E=g 3 *
*?“’ OEa wMch 6 nada oil
■ JSJ&JHI 1 ?*Stofca floe yorng Orchard, and to also Brna-
tree?, thrulir, plants, it-"
\Vs!? ir » 1 ' ie one bfetbemostitottfisiia •iimf \'.;<
( ,ia.H«tera v i: ‘v
: wait frosrtaarcity, presentadvautages-astf attrartkmai ja&t?-'V
..ponaaea ---
-. If apt noldopti«.fccftjnitbQ.lstcf Jmavitwia:l»diTiJfia : " •
into.Xotj and offerettat Atzctioit:v. - -'- -\A; : TCTTVivTv.q
• mys ~ -., :::., V -. • ■•/•. ■,..-:nßnott , at.-"/,•
T'.*? 11 ?? B^, aco UP&lpxte, Jojoy XinUs,tod -Roan. _ - --
JU .-eltel Baskins, received at ■ :f \F. K SCHMiaiSff
■ " r -:•■•■.• '•■•-•• ■- r ...lOTSl&rket street.'' 1 '
- TYPE AGE N oTl —
‘ -■ A. 3AVNHS,"
£scnl foriheSale 6f L. Johnson Ca.’tType Ac.
: W AS -5 ?? HAUD snaibr hilb, the foUroinsr—liras* lmfd
c eleni!l Galleys; Coiamoa Galleys assorted! ‘
Qooi« : &- ■
!S« *>“**»** Cart !&%£%£%? *%r
"BStZSSg&gsS!-—** "
uaiv«mo,Ble«rie, Md AaU-aiKSSHuS
to Jtocpr. “
;feMyswgy >^g«a«.>iidta;a&^^cia^S:y: c^
i Hrnfe- C TS,^??% CS> tra£ , ,: ’ MTI in »11 tic •
I? a^£^*»^9^ n P»‘.-sVwfcaesa.«'"of; Veiling*,.. .•:.. '
V 5: e "^"l^ej»«iwJ l .lfcrT'oTis^Veaiaes3v'Gcraf^2>eaJ , ae3? r '.
StselUng-Cf file Glands, lD^mmfctfqp-dgU»yecfcUUua» >
aJKsSdoicss* caused hr ■ -"
• .colds, <Uudnl«rfnjj the'aetifitj pf tfco.sjdn; ••
of the urethra, iselmrvy&c;-
-~'The pa!ri>ill bo stopped jiLa.few boars, ac&ail tt& abor* ' l '
Jiscaßcs,*}nEiGst case*, cured, loilkaut /cul t byxuizg
from lie DiosttalceatiaftsUfal Ciracf ererr" " ; '
country, enough to mtone hundred cohunca of
can be rtioT»u,.fllJ.of yUkb hate been'cbaflraieU
r. , J "*
; i . ;T H? alll ! c ? r<! «.-P«tfu!!y KqucitM to onteKaaf tl;a:: '..' • ■
.tuTfveonseqtteiUJyrit i»oo ' - " . ••-*c /
- tbe- Gpuine CHAINS" <^3
©SL* be obtained of * . .- ; L. & V»\ SK£|s,
;: 7; Wrnercf liberty aoa‘?b Caifst^
. . ' AboVe Braun & Rtltor 3 Sicrt*,... • ' •
ATh«» aU .orders mustl* addressed. -P?ia of Chainsv with •
dlnfcttosstbr using sl*so;'lore® *j;e:
• $&59; ab fc?4«mic tii«as«, $3, *
Orders "by mail or with tie money,
will nest with prompt attention; • C.T. riUTStfIE, '
General of tbeCnlUnl state*. :: .r
Easton, May 7^lBs3.—fmylC&a-d-i-*} ••-.
;■ • ....r. <.«• • -.
- ! -’V- * “
+ V
. y' 4 **•*>.. "*■ •*'
A fQHSALC—20 t«ifrpot ©uiiaiteni£r£ct,£ii3(&.
:«sc£ 02ck to frn eJioj j-dtcajo oeotot tests ih© <qrg-g? i
of UcaTftraci Prlffts4so.
Apply a ffiiiUS ISGtttTTr
Jpr ls > . ~ Vu^BulUln^mbKSre.^
Acrr.'s : of lamina ?.{r*ricUpy ; Dotjocj, yi
■ Anrfm *ty* ~?wwkWe-> Cf?eS£.;:2s; «a» rsw
. . . m ;.iLo balsm-a vi»!I tliobemlr’-'AppJj’itf
• - c-; s rrecfc
-• K"latgJtggttt- Btiß^.RTt^'in.Tyi"
ami rum ktrom.'pft JbuSf ’ Nt ' rtlr W«t corosroT jr«»t
MtPn : lon ?ald_to-sntsiiTlaj;property,
'—■ C "■■ •••. '.•••: :\-s r-inylttl^-r:
■ ' j.' ". ;„*‘V a * Aifaat.
t/UKSALJS—Xtaw Acnw vf Jjina; rttuafert abrot "sbor '
■ J?;.mites frora tfiority* juulmic cUfefcDixF'tfißTttTtlo
yhstkirnd ami ; <m* by St t&t:- z '-
:ianil aU niiflßr cultivation.■AppljritfVV.'-:' .
" "- 'rr: lfortEuitUmia*. Hfil*airrsct*-•:
“f j'Utt-SALti— wijoißhi* -
--*l r orWilklafibarg,.''TLi. ; <pr<ypcj{?'R - j}lbe£Olii : 3oTrfftidta:-
accojafnod&drw* vlt l* ground
x-vouutrp requiem*, aod -will T»a sold-lower than n!cin<ir -'
:|jie«*orgtounil in thcsantP ■•>
• _ : - , -•> ?- Pos£-Bandingg, - =<-v :
Mljl.Prpperty,Htuat«i oa ; tha;3louoii'ra». •
*•» ~k-rirer, in ..pool H 6, 4, oppowte Cwfcsttarn. . Tfc* . :
attached; fc3i£cf
-2 is?»te/cdali^-rThisproperty has-iagodiX fiesas eOfieaat* -v
tacli^ajAOd zOsoi Tlixj property:<rasbe:ijji4 : -
interest can te;T»uglit na.gootr terms. * ' -
Apply to , 'i'iioiiAS sroFFm.-^
m^oQ -- - •■- ...... Eastßuiiamgs, Fifth.
lflfl ACaESCOALLA-NUiOK SALii-Sbiri Psol.iio-
uOßgakela Btvor; fix xi&m bSjoto EliiabctUlSTO.
--, ,;^ tca J Jc *. *&£. lalahee -tiigUly cultivated.- ■• "V*hetii» ■' •
wlahiogteinieal In Ural iijtate, trill CjnlUihimisMltent -'
wtta Oias gitaij;-^ : :
, j- ClTA£»..ii Jio.7il’onr!ii ■ *
■ ■ ■■opimnla iLeEaak cfKttatenrj
kjocery ytore for Sale.'
T>°JS5 ra.B BK»T BTiSISES3 IS ffUU Cm'—Thit
XJT isocfc,fl«uits,siiacootTrDXDf.thi4Slait—itjcshtea-t -
' s-Torhua—as itlaansja
■J“ ownefHTl! ottT.kit vhiMeitfiltli-corripdj hta la lej, lt
it. Esquire of - THO3JAS WOOBS.
-Machinists’ maol&.’lar. SaSei *
/AFJJastem.jaa^c; Cat
nutlog uf. one'Planing. JlscMai!; one .Bear Culler f«
;jplcp4li:»ifcie;)-.6i» i Sphßllo GHndiri-teoCaiOTSsi'-oEij
hcT&g Latlie; six IXamt. ami. -ix .Emdos' ►
Atw, sne e°«Houble£ team Eagtae, with tfoabiei! oe, bbl V
aitta good fc* -
badoa-teryfalrtcrai#. .Kcqnlrsof * ' f -
~ Broker,.
••■••■•• "-■? • 45 ft’aterfitrrct.
ayld' :
: tJ. Beal Eaafa Agtat, gpiamftißsiMiagT.
V'j -* <-.
\ ■* ■