Kr A-V:— : ' A •-•A- . - ’.*■» - f <;;;" jf 5- * a->-; ;.- , .; •. . VAA r A S; V-;A ‘v, r A> r AC:' AV 1 s AcA^^A^! Aa ~A l /tv’ A A ‘ *'*%-, " AArJvtAA'. *. AJA>A * j J j ;&<^;v>^Vi t * ;^ifelv**3'^l >V.; *■ + ** *Ym i 4 f X*' l > -* V- ~ » * * * %\ W ? J ?* « i* *J* fcW 'i' •, u - 1 rJL'&t* i ** < * *** *-T V * * 4 -" . < _ . * * * * * - -*-* 1 - * * ' - * ;*3f €l3|fM&^S|. ■ -- - - f’ SStlfSiilSi' HHiMil PPIMM Mnp **s&s&%s&&&s& pgnpygi mmsimw Sgs£M&isM fmßßmuiSmmi (mpgpi m HMsaita» ijK •Ivv. ■* ; dBHHMk iMtigfit-' w&timi - igiiiin, S® ■smgsgM&giW^B ., itiggoM£,->--, -_ -. ■ '^^^^Wtf^^^^^ff^^SlSMiWM&Ss&^W- :Z^P^; S i::: f' Hrsp^r 2jf X^V-.^.VTj.^..i;-‘T—:;• y•*,-• ~- - W---y' -■' *>x-....*r\ .v. ; , ; .:., ~i't^'P&2!£i»t i^' r fc. /^^'^r^*^^tJ=--' !^4.'fc i v' 4 ' Jf *«£'<£!' - *_* * k + * " r » * 4 . *■ * ' ’ -*■%**•* V , v ■ : ; f ®i m L_r ' jCSSff •. -Z~=~2±: ■ ~‘» - g~ ' •-i.jJiSoSfete-amlci)ojS>d_sV>ts%aUtc.und.eatSnlenins, • ’ r -f" ttMjLu CaVmorea, Kuu, do,, Ju to k tute „ •m.Tvs'®y ! sS ir !ini, l ,t < ji /Swam* Veat-I * *'"*' ”tT W-.puArailftr yn»kj w«H-taode.&iui-iaahloxiably-ctitj--CBll- aiidex .:..:.i-yCQ?r;^^juistveceJV^l,Sjr-12xpteaij'a«plendi4raSBOrtnient-offan6y: •'■■> ; ' ;U£lHiE2sl£^ , S CLOIillbG mpdo-exclusirely to eider, - viVi.r-v-T J.'.vy :-.'r ■• 1 -'-~ ; -- - nf/yTiljL CASi l sr^n^m^? >^Vii«Sl*iisGsT ' aad QYEBCOATIXQ, of the latest styles selected exprossly * lot tha custom trade. GcaUanali leaving their orders, will *- iaToilicirvlshescoßsalted4ftiaeompHod with,wall work i SWM^.< *tgtiopß-piidcghlBoyi r «npe r rlao n « “ "* hot 33 „ > A CABD. *• E. Watts 4 Co.'s Tailoring Establishment, . . . A'OlBs ÜBERTx STREET, - T7AtI» ASD tYINTK& STTLU&—pid eutscnbers hat» 'i - ij- JufittJponedthoirlsllßndWljiterstyrjiaor MEHOIIANT -t ->YAItiOB. , SGOOIS, to'which wo Invite particularnUcnttoo. - ~'"Wo'SuttwoursfilTea, thftt we taro la store altogether the - richest fitatk or flow* to oor line, over-offered inihlsnty* Our stock of Over Coatings, are of the newest pad most do* „ < eirnWostilcs in market, and of every variety. Our stock -of fine mack. Bine, Olive, Brown Mulberry,French ~ " latest Impartptions. .end was Berea so goal, uorrrlceaso reasonable, as utthls time. Oar stock of tß&ej ana Black Casslmercs, and Hoo j3iias, ere of very choice selections, both as -regards quality and style. To -■’: ■’- ■ •.... gather withMiTißsa'rttaent of rich plush Eilk'Yolvot Gash* . , .v -■--viaero sndplalnSilkYestingvwfclch arc pronounced,- by&H 7 , “whohaveeee&tlumvtobe muchthe fcc3t variety for gentle* * man's wear ta this city. scp2s ~ 1 ' ' " New Clothing House. - EIMD!ID^W i A ; TIB_& COj-Slibpust luusta, r •* Z&erty-Stmt, abort St, Clar, .:; \ . * now ClotidosStore at? the aborts placo, JEX end ore jnow receiving a splendid lot of CLOTHS, CAS . VESTINGS, • &c,, ofthe latest importafconv pus> t , * Phased trttfc an especial rit«r todty trade, andieluch they , ! * :’:r prepa^lo.mTute , np thelatcstand mostfcsh f - s-.- strict attentioirto {hi* i-S%:<::^K-;?>-^tsna&of\3UEirlrasittcs3*^^ ~ they trill be able to fdvo their etfstomoxs Dntlro-Batis&cUon, They arefnlso cmnpfactiinpg a choice lot of ~RBAJ)Y MADE «. w CLCiTHXSO, of 4he newest styles, "Which they jnU soil low for cash. *As all this etoefc is entirely new, it is worthy the fttteiT»tlon pf frqyers.-. - * aplfrly 5 WUtIiUAU DlOBlfi x * 181 liberty Strcot, T 8 jpstToceiTjng*aftutiro ncrcr stock. :ef Black:nnd Dolt * r^ J X ttro4fr6nch(3oUis,-C»Bhincrctt«,iDr9pDo Et»,.Queen’s ro tUolhSj andiiMy of.GofKjs adapted lor-s-acuaer: « CoatA, Black and Colored Casslmeres, French Unco, aodagroat variety of new tmd fashionable Goods for Pont*. ,■:•.■•■ .1 .• ; : ; .. . - fi-: ;A:oost superior, and splendid stock, of now stylo Vestings,! Stocks#-Crovata> Handkerchlcfr, Shirts, Ac. i ALSO—On hand; adorga’and -ftshlonaWe asscrrlimjnt of i . - nmiciMmfogtarred Inn Bupertar.l whkb are offered atthflyHrylowc?t priceifor ciLsh.! c Orders So Jbe Tailoring line executed hi the best manner _ « " H and at ib&sliartojt notice Mr. Gsoaos Aumob, who Is cw* , • ■•' Ur fot;the ' would inform, the trade ttaLhftis sole agent for Pittsburgh for tho “GenUemen’fr '’Mneuzina,” ondAlsoihrJ.ZL Ellipsis, systno of ' «ar cutting, nad would bo happy to attend toutty orders those jnar3fc£w-, i :SEaOTAt. “ ms friends ani 8 tho public, that tie has removed from lib old stand, on F£OXT\STQRE, NO., 45 FIFTH STREET, Immediately opposite tbp Thoatw, *' h& la-fioir rccdtios and opening a handsome-aMort* 'nxent of naln and Fancy Colored ■;■ Cassimercs ,:atul Nestings, of the newest styles, which he trill tote pleasure in showing to-those who may &Tor him with- a call. He is also prepiued to mako' to mdot every article of Clothing o HcnticmanV.Wardrobej in tha latcst and moßtthaßionaUffßtyle. _ , , ~ - pkfe system of Garment Draughting, bo favorably to torn rr•yftt^^pwpftllyngpdf“by Oiß-trade ofthis city,' Cincinnati, * PhfladelpTria end elsewhere; at the fallowing price, vki. With instructions, 310,00; without instructions, ST,OO 'ThjjtlJpokaud Itiiler,coutOlulug full oudaccurate directions •o ’ 'to successful drau ghti ng, forwanied to any partoftbo United " on receipt of s7*oo, by J&3&1& C, WAIT, + it Teacher of Garment Cutting, marSd No 4& Fifth street opposite the Theatre.* - CLOTHING STORE! ' - JOHN JTCLOSKEY & CO., TIQRiIERLY of tho celebrated Clothing: Depot on Übuty " J} -streeij which fcaff won an. Unbounded popularity under * "T.hft’nutnft ofihu THREE BIG DOOKS, hare, for the pur* '.; w -. : business, removed to the roadoua building on the corner of. * diamond alley and wood street, Where they hate now the most • SPLENDID STOCK- OF CLOTHS! READY MADE CLOTHING, "That ha* tret been offend to tbo public, Tbelfprincipalotgeeitbr tble tc moral,is login- them • marafaciHtieaXartbe ' - .WMOIHESAEJE ®aABMB! » They nre prepared to saDtioode at the L 0 WEST EASTERN PE ICES! And they trill warrant them lobe as goalee may manu factored in the Union. _ CUSTOM- WORS« _ r* tss so* crow to* eßoaxssr votkx. ' They Bate cm a fen *wa bcatitlful ban Wbre existingun ±J tier the title of HAWORTH ■ &-CAIBNS, was, by too - tn»i dteaohrad u* ••; V Jft & W. M. FABEB. Pittsburgh, Mnrth 8,1053. <- marlO-Sm - F. &W: M. FABER &.CO., BUILDERS, IKOtt FOUNDERS, Machine Ozr& * JCI tend JFbofen ■&la.ddne'M£nufacturtr&, Liberty ■ street,• (near ihe Canal Baals,) Pittsburgh, Pa. t7e have now 04 h*™* from So to of various dioicnu&fttf nearly complete, to which we call attention. ctarlfcSia 11 , 2 l t t - A CARD, ' " •' ~ rjTHE recent opening ofalarge amount of-Wcstcrn Trade -J. to our.AJcrcbant*» by lha great Ilpilroad facilities, now --• • - oi&rifigvjrendeia Uadvtsablerthat. they fhould' maker their. ••- - plo«s..cfilc?ini;borfiicas kaoirn,lD there^Dtroni aiargti portion of their custom tamtam -\W»* would recouK mead* therefore: n&c proper advertising,medium* for our merchants and manufacturers;thef JlfihoaulHe Morning News, published in MHwaukle, Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, lowa whence our merchants derive a greatdeaL Of supports The News is published tnr ma»ft3til: > - . SHAW & IIYER. JDissolntlon* • ■ 15 TpUK IPartnersbip existing botweenXQWßY & HAfIERTY JL claydisaolv ...ed by mutual consent) James & Lowry is authorized to set* - 4 *»eJt claims in.faroror ognlnstthe flrim , w JA&B. LOWBY, - : ' • Match 24,2853. ' K. JTUAGERTYv. • : :r*..ln retiring frem the business, 2 take pleasure In recom mending toths friends and patrons of the late firm, Mr • i -Xowry ; a# .a g«ntleii£&n well -qualified to discharge, "with promptness and fidelity, whaievtrc bnsioaAS is. entrusted In fab cue. [mz24] 1L 3. HAGEBTY. fn&K FIRS? BES3TO!fcf this commence . onTUI-SDAY, the Sdof-May, next, at which tioto Fa*i ' pilircfbath BOM* wm b&fldmitted tolht) Day School; and ax .: many {fanaU*r -fj-ontof each hon^--;/Ehtt ; wh6le renting ibr43Bo -per an- M puntyandexccßehce, lartid to wnnsorpassed- Alap, a num,andsutdecti^aaannualgrtnhdrcnfc o/475; Syablo hath House- . - . * " . .. _ , tpßoss Watson; htehdm or aasignA .. This , i ALSa^AllithatbtherXo^pieeeorpaxeclof^Ground, situ pal havinglcaaed.thOgro.uml tf?^lw®wrcw-wd build- aioon Uianorthaideof jnga£w^>nn-o tfo&fy r ThfilPxbprieior,MivMansfleld B. Washingtonstreets; fiaidJLDthaytog'afrontof : - ! : eroct, When :| .'. foet,- and extending baefcia depth dxty foot; having thereon erected a three story and-basement Brtcfc. Dwelling Housf' : haring tfsbirircum*; two parlors, dixring roonr and kitchen’ >.*''thß'intcresUofihßSchool.;Nocffi»‘tsanihopartoti2ie andflnlyect loan annual ground rent of £42. naThhfa h™**.: ■ Proprietor-or of thcr.Teachers wIIKbe. spared, to Tender terly to Thomas Hanna—the same retting for 8200 ner-azi* 7;. thjsenterpriseicertAythopatronage-orparontaaiiiguard- nom. r . . ■ ians, nrhi> may wlshto giro thsir children and wards a tbor- ALSO—AII thntother.Loti piecebT parcel of Uronnd ad* ougUEnglishednc&tlon, withoutaxposlng them totfccLlmio- joining the above, fronting 24-feet ca said Wsllo ptreet,' and 1 v • jfaMnfluences Of more populous. communities. - fipedal extending back a distance of ISJ-fbot to Clay alley Vhimhr I - .-attention wiH .ba paid to .the pioraZ,aa.weU os faUuestual U crc&n erected a tliree Btory-and-basemeutßrlck Drrrlllnir ; - • training ofthe pupils.: A due regard tbr tho Sabbath, and House, containing six bed chambers, two parlors, dinlni : required of these room find kitchen, Crcntingon Wylie stree£fi&d two tw£ I under. tbpimmMiatocarocfthoxnstrnctcra. .... -storybasetacntandErsmaDwolUnglEoaßa^flfontlngontha' :-,Tfae_fimowia£ gentlemen.: have .oeeneolidtod to cctaao sald aßey, batihg cach thrcoTOoras.: 'Tha whole ranting for I bo made personam, and subject to an annual ground rent of llovlrfo Or Boy.' *42 per annum ~."vjtfr.STPher^pof - of-de«lr Wenltfrimor,jf^Uon^.-^iUdd«| ;; Dr,,Qoorgefi. T>ASTiJ I > oT6,*'-A convenient article tor .bants, counting l?. .houses. ti ore*» and other establishments, whore paste may be-mmted ready at »U times:- • Boldai*. . - - KETEBE&’S Drug Store, - nw2S> • - 140 Wood street. TRANSPORTATION. : fxHMiMMMBio lnfo?mc(I H Uiat'« r ßftreJioTr:nnmiag:A*sa*; - ■ JU=*m;j» to'th& $Mt imd West; cad are.prupayeci to fiarranl ■JiiiiQoodi etxthlStea tocmr care- » > .« TA &PilClAli*ail£S3 ENGEB -fionfr; daflyrtor. ■ RdlaOelphia, &t • 4t?dwip;M. Also* daflyio at TVltock, A. BL •* s Gniers trsasmUtcd -free of chaKe> &nd:Gooda .re turned X>x ~ ~ * * r» of 3£xts£aiSg£*fQr: sale an 'gngjamyJtelapd. aod8cot»: riitf d; fogiray oerostOUloain the iTnited ffinjrtloin., .-r; r : decSi fiAKKJt & Agent, -v Pealtsylvonia t UaU£ocMlCoppaay» l '>:-.' ~'.i&rH tb 'l %i 7 , to, to Baltimore andPhlla. I Y delphia, promptly, on receipt. lime, Pira Dava, v - .flATs^tay&aggrr--- 4 ' JlMBn, Balt tal Beet; TcaM.Hfo. ft lOOtts, iofflte 11 ' , , Tal ‘ o “’,Cottoo j Window Gfira, 600. 9 Q ‘ W *' EaftheMnre > u«o>w. Leaf Tobacco, S^TO^tt! 1 ’? 03 ft1l!t > BtISU& »CIoTer and Timothy On gear Slunj, Hemp, Flax, and Eggs, Joe. 9 loOlbs. : 1 Brooms and .Merehandi*o r 9oc; On Flour, b7}~e, ft barrel. „/»« nra also prcparedtolurwant freight to nodebaugh’s Station, EtarGrecnebnrg, andlntermedfote Stations. 1 : c : eOVODE & GRAHAM, Agents, cotter of Penn and Wayne eta, Pittsburgh. . U. n. HOU6XON, AgenC if!" 1 g 8 Market street. Philadelphia. * v STJMTiTEg AEEAHBEUEHT3, - 1853. ’ JP-KSiJSSYJLVAISIA BAH.K.OAD. /"vxosiajiltoStondornoxl,May 10th r 1853,tho Eninas AJ'z.yroia.wlUiJeaTn.the.Dopoti on lloefty atwctj evarj’ mornings etoppteg nrallttegalar Btattehs on »ad,ani-arriring * thevn&tt • m ;• •; ft., li.—lTes?jg. H. 4 Jißreldential, Omniboapropfiatorp, hove teen employed to. convey, passengers, and’ baggage to andfromtho Depot, at a charge not to exceedl2Wccnt* tor eaclipaj&engcr,-&nd'l2l£ cants tor each trunk. * *. -For Tickets apply to J. aiESKIJIKK,’. - v .- ; . . - Agent at the P. 1L JLDepot, on Liberty-st . _Pilt*brash, May 14,Xfc53. > .OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD. SnSIHKtt ARItdNOESIEST. COMMESCmo MAY noib, ISAS TJAPRE2S TIUIV Jeavfs Kttsburghttt 5 fi’UoUc, A. M 4 JLj AlUancej: Btopsonlyat tlte principal sta- Ulota; uud dines at.CranimeMVo’clock, P.M; Arming' at .Cifidimati in [ juu4 to "fhw tralnr connects at Mansfield Willi Ult Bandosfcy,. Mansfield, 1 Newark and u ZancKViHo Itoaa. ;, Faro to Sandusky City $4;5&: to Newark I -$4,60} to /jtaeasiik* t Mad Train Iwps at 8.30 A.M.; il!ne«i at Al aanmectic *Uh a train to Cleveland, aoJ -teaches I Crtslliuc at 0 -a’clock, 1\ M-T cuonecUng -With the Night t Train to ColumLnirand Cinaniwii , :, Extra Passenger Trala taros PitUburghai It o’clock, lit' I: Wn and connects at Alliance irkb Erenlo* Train to Clct* land. EETUUMSa. tv The topraM Train I V ;.UvU«d ‘Alliiincoiat«rls-d*. And 'mcbea Pitta burgU at l*JO l>. tb<» Express Train to PaUadelpkia and DaWmorw, whfch’.leavea Pittsburgh it .•K«JP, P. JLv;. tWmo from CioclunaH toPUtsburgh.lSbour'; Fare, $7,75. Proto Cincinnati to Philadelphia or BalUmorv. SIWW * M&U Train leare* CrCiUino at? A. M.; dloo* at Alliance; oonoficta with: Kxpras Train from Cleveland, and arrive* or Pittsburgh at ft K M. • ’ • •.•• • • 7 ~ Estre Pxsjjmgit Train tearae Alliance at tOJM P. Hi, grid •nmTwotPUtsbtnvbatT?,A'.SJ. • ■ :•-■:•■ Mr,* w iih Detroit and Chlrai'p hothbr CleTclazid and Sandaslcy City. .. . <'•■•.- -?Cew Drlgbtou Acoommodotlow .Train bares Pittsburgh at 10 A. Mi and P, and Now Brighton at? A- M ood 1 P. 31 Ktrun.i a TlcUb* $l,OO. Quarterly Ticket* at r* duced rattA - • Freight Train l<**w*Tlttfburgh at S:GO Aj M , on J arrt»tfn at4:l&P.'2r,’.- .•• i .•Avengers are requested to jirocuro Tickets at the Oamw tfyVOfline, at rtielwicrfti street fiutjoa, of •• * : The Trains da nut ran on SuuiiftT*; . - • • „ , enema e pAiim, • PUtebcrgluaia,Tl3,lSss-{mylC} • ' Ticket Agwut. Of| BAiIS SAtTI^JTRE—Of prune iiualiij, for sale on • AAJ remrfgtmtTOt, by : LUICB TAAWE, a Cl Katar utrcet J' f. V. KIJA'CI.NU,UASiKKMOyitDfrom thewntttl .■/•j!* “•> iulion streets, to Eto» ha 144 SUXTU street,oeerEereoth; ■/ ■. : tL;>rST ' _ jrt emoYcl. ~ TAMM BLASiILV, Eorcpem and Krai Estate .treat, ;** liao rcßior«l-lil* Offlw to the corner of Sorcnth wnl Smlthliei'J [opjxulinllioSlelhodlrtChnrdi) T>UCK£T3 AM) “ i Jj> :, lkfirtcr BttrktU; 10 Uo Tab** lorealebr tty to SMITH & SINCLAIR T>AFiiR iXAMjX.NUa.-WAI.rEB; P. JIAfiBIUU,-85 Wftod X vfitrcctj Is mw feceivfa# by Uailrrnrt, a coUectioa : of ,»yaHPapcr r Border*, 4e.,cJ i'rcndi sad AmcrictmoiAiin iactaifc#M? tb« lino fcat» t»fu rcauc¥ii to TEX strict . > The proprietors jwe tfetcnnlflodtO'to&k& tMaaUermanetii J.lno, runnier-at all seasons of the year,undfr *mj dream** fitanecs. lt.wilt onfleaTUrlotfinploy ihe toast tw* • /ill snd acieanuncslaUng ddrerfif ia short* to do their utmost tbr thceomfart of.pasaoager?; -r; - ••:••.-• .• • •-- •_• ST. .LOUIS, fllltfSOUill. COSEUSSIOi AND iOBWAEMNQ noUSE,. jobeph woGßniai;. ....eeancib kotavu HOGEIDGE 6 HoTATC, ’ ' (late twicuell t MoannxiEo Corner of commercliamid Plnt Su, /■"(ONBIGNMIJivTS and Commlealonswill meet with prompt \j niid personal. attention,:and: iUjcriii'.adrttnct». will be given when required, on Consignmonta or Billsor ladipg, %n hand.' * . ■ Onlcrsfor thr Lead, Grain, Hemp and-other Produce. Trill be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. . .The .Rewiring .and Forwarding of Merchandise and dneo will afloet with especial tare and dttpatch { the lowest rates of freight will always bo procured, anti the expense of Storage and Drayage as moch as possible. avoided. - - . f ‘:.':.St;t9Biß;;.>£llUft'UortQs f vv.- , Glne(aiiatlri Pago & Bacon*. deft. Strader ft Gorman..- .-..-dot 1 Gharless,Blow £ Co., Mo; Uosea £ Fraxer r ' - doVl Chouteau & Tnllo, do; Springer & Whiteman, do: Doan, King £ Co, do; K.O Qeoodman. £ Co- dor 3 .W.Bntbr& 8h).,Pl tfchh; .&& C,TamaU£Co.fphUada! 3Xl4ech£Co.,do; ; Morgan^J.M.BuckJrMoaan; ; Wm 2brf£tr,cr anyathtr Preparation irifxixtau se for'3a),-itui,- < ’ I'T\URKEK*S CfIKMIOAL YEAST, OR BAKING VOW 1/ DMl—For raising BreSd,Biscuit;Griddle and Johnny Cake*, Puddings, Vo&Vk'Si Corn Bread; Sweet Cfikns, Apple Dumplings, Pastry,£a; This article is onethatfcverV ' o FAMILY, HOTEL, BOARDING HOUSfe, , Bating Saloon; Ship; Stoamboat; Veasel, Canal Boat, Ac.' will find, rpon aoaremi trial, to he the very tMna-fieedei ■ every single .day' of their existence. , It* wostfmportaul advantages over tho old system; are~ ; v !l.- It raves' the expense of milVeftga* shortening; spoiled* hreadj Ond tho trouble and ejeponseof procurlngfi-ood vi>HAt only being necessary. - f > %No timo ia required for thn dough to before bakino* f-conseqnentlyihread may ho made In a low minuted -■ ; .3/ A cook can aiwavH tender and palatable bread und biscuit, whether the dour ho of ills best quality or not , 4; Hrirad raado by this process I? much more -nutritious, . of djgcstum, bettor fitted for a weak stomach. sweeter whiter and lighter, than when made with yeast 1 i rfii JDio bread made by fermentation, does not affonl the .jams amount of nourishment to the system, that it does when.mado With this comppund, because thevegetabloadd cqotulDOd. in fermented bn ad, prevents the proper action of tho gasjric fidldupon It, and consequently, a part onlrgoea 1 nourish the whlle the acids tond to- produce pepftiapnOJts attendant svHa. I :i I'hrs.ertlclQ has been thoroughly tested, and ls universally I liked, .When used according, to the directions. It to-war* I ranted to sn[t, r c&refultoflskfbrDUßKKE’S BAKING POWDERS I andlakeno othpr, and you.will not be docuivcd, -Principal! : Ofilce, 139 Water street, New.:York.-; Solas by tho tha icst I grocers:and.druggistagotierally~v --- r • > a:.:.*• - -I ■:r:-.99 m Agents In Pittsburgh— •... i,: . • ... | BAXTER A M‘KBR I INSURANCE COMPANIES. ' nn?* fJ JUJ and MAJIIMS IUSKS of «Jl ■‘wSfcritwet! ln sjM °“geMo‘Hoorn, Kos-lMiml 125 TO-,. , T WttBTOM;. p o| I ™ hKld> IV, J. Anderson, -- , k?Vf r ’ B Simpson, U. B. Wilkins, . ■ T ' rTtr^ s^ilo^r * Charles Bent, C.H.Pimlson, William Qolllngatixx!, i&Pßfatttgj- ■ l£&ye, , William Wilkinson. JanB Insnrince Company ot ai S o,^s.£„t;W OJcc: OiJfWcr S’red, bfUeetn Market and \Tooditteds. v- IXULIi amlCiaEOOJlukSjfliitbe Ohio sut} Missis* sippl jaiycrs one} tributaries. Insures against Lo«s or Damage by Fire. Perils of the Bert, ana lofand Nsvka* uouand Transportation __ * ptEEcroas^ ***??> , Win,Larimer.jr, Wiliam Bagalej, SnmuelM Kier, fiiimuelßea, William Bingham, . BobertDanlapjjr., .. JohnB.Dllworth, ' 8 Harbangh, PranrlsSollers, : •.Ed^BTd .- J. Schooomaker; - • Waltocßryant,-:.. ;V.:.Winiamß.-Hayi' • ■/ . •: •<••*• •■•■•; ~ ,TsaacM, Pennoch. -• • Pittsburg]!-I*l fe Insurance Gom» pnnyj of PllTXmiiair, Ra. Capita!, $lOO,OOO President—James B, Hww Tice President—Samuel'M’CumsAX - ■ - " ' : . 'Treasurer— Joseph S. Letch;-—• ~ . i -. : v Secretary—C. A. Coltov OFFICE, NO. 65 MFTH STREET, (Alaxontc Hall Building.) •- "TSjls.Conjj.aaj’. makes-.every.- Insurance -appertaining to or connected with Life Rkks . «pp«wuu*u 0 iu u --Mutual Rates are, .{ho same os those adopted -by other safely couductcd-Compauies 1 • r Jouifc -rates .at •il reduction: of. one-th Ird front: the; Mututu rates—eqaal tondiviijundof thirty-three and cno-' ihuU-por centrjpaid annuartlyln-advanec. •:.• ■ Riskstakenontholiros of persons goinz to Callforol* or Australia.-^r:-. •- . : • / >rJ&mea S. llooa, • Jchn-Scott, ; John . .Horatio N« fee,..; IHSUBAHCE COMPANY. OF ' ’ H A RTFO it p, CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premiums and Western fund 81,000,000. INCORPORATED IS2X. FolMiu or Tnsaronco taicAat all time? on tho moatfarora- Wolonas,ajoila»t toss OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, • GB TUB PERILS OF NAVIOATIOS, BT OEO. E ARNOLD, Agest . fan PITTSBURGH ANDLAZIEGBEUrr COUNTT marte y ; . 'THTi KNI'rjiU~STA.TISB ■ ■ LIFE ItfSUBAKCE, ANNUITY AND: TIIUST COMPANY, £»HUL,AB>EEFMSA. CHABTEBED APEU. 2GTH, 1850. cimjitku I'Eiii'irriTAi. CAPITAL §250,000. 8: Bk . .Corner vfThird and CJieslfiut Strtrhi Vhxladtlphia, ■•^.OJJiGtrt-tflAfMmr/Jkxrd'at-Pkaadilphias-''- WBECTt K". ; .Paul tf OodJard; ‘ : • Ambjv*ffW..Thompson, •%- Luwrcnco John cod, 1 Benjamin W.Tingloyj .. . tho.M’Honryv ■ . JacobX.i'lf'rMQiV* - . James Dotmnix, ' ftfliiam SL tiodvin,, - IViUlam Sl'Km. - PmutaUTSieithen R.Crawfont Vux..Prt£uifni— AaLroso Thompson- • • Makcai ;^wreiinfr f M D - boats, on riters araitafce*. on th* mast liberal term*.'" o {tirtcior*~> Joseph 11. i*s.l. Edmund A. Sender. John iv ..forle, Robert BurUnj,.L4m it, PoniX'se. fcosmel iilwonls, Oflorj?d 0. IpQ«i ton to nwet with prwapttuwa all liahiUfle.< :; J. OAKHIKKU COFPTX, Agent,' . ap24 . ,01Sce r &orth'Oaatcor. tVocdanUThinlna EIVEIIt STABLE, Gutter of SnulhJidJ street, tout thavuynd alley. THE U£ul<'r>ijafcl Laving sddod largely to bis fyptS stocky <9 notr prepared to accommodate the public the Qncfit LupgUia, and best Here*, both fur Saddle and Hornes*. Ucatlembr wishing to bare bones kept at£liyery,;wi[l find superior accommodations Tor thorn at Ibis etbttei . Tiio stall* ott large and new, end the pro* prfetorpsyafiTCTirattcattQatoibeir caspandeomfotL:; ; Ofet&y P DEVLIN. ... Hope Hills l» Fall Operation Aeralx*! - :T>YAA'B UUILPIXaS, Fifth *tnwt--THBPKOi'ttIKrUIt, Jtl> th&nfcfaltothejroUiaforpasteustam,- ventures toso lidt & oonUnuance ofih# kobo .for h 1» preamp enterprise—• thocstabiiAhxoeat, cf a jPlour and 'Spice Mills wlihia Uio city, far tiro accommodation. of hi*. customers*' aod all who wish tohat* reaUy good Hoar, pure ground spices/Ae,* io, ftttentiou.or I'&mUhss Merchants and others, isinvi ted* and oil I ask lethal ibex will giro mo a trial. F. tL DU-4 VO, No. I Diamond. N. B ortides tafccix. baefc if not round good, ohdibe jhcnpy returned, ~, . ' J, ‘ V.7-'• : oiarlO. PUiii*'- ~ - AaUipßbiurWAtwCmliiltauiiikmeHL Isf Bearer count jyPennsylvania, on th* South side of the Ohio JUrer, opposite thccxrath of the : 8lg t taTer- Creefc} iweutyrcight mßc*: from; PUtetrarj*: cightfrom-TVhoellhgand 05a hundred from <2 Breland. tho ;sroprifitorJja*'.luid. oxperleuee os a regular;pbj*iflton,:tvciTe of-which -wider the Hydropathic system,, Terms only PXYE DOLLARS PEB WKKK—payable weekly. ;Ail scasoxis aroadapted tollydrO' pathio euros. Each patient i* required to famish tiro heavy woolen., blanfccta two large comJbrta, four sheets, fourtotr* elsp fthd one eaanhlanket, or Indla-rubberfiboet, 1 ' DU, EDWARD DICKER, Proprietor, PhCUpahurg; Rochester P.Q., Boater county, Pa I cTp. smith; rs? FASHIOHABLE BHIET HiHTfFAOXITEEtt, I iSD DKAJ.EI a | Gentlemen'e Fumfohing, fancy and Variety Goods, | alley. I? rpQE subseriberkaTlngtateathe abovotiiorw, and cstab vX llahed thc game ar*‘ fUtirt‘3faaufimtarj,: and Gentle men's Furnishing Store, would respectfully call the atteu- Itlon oMhe traveling community, nndOho public .generally; | U>blß large- and : well a-‘>sortioein of [ Furnishing, Fancy end .Variety Goods, among which may bo found,filwta;‘ef ejitypattemiMw,style and' description, Of Ids. oiromanulketure; which,£>r. neatness, cheapness and | durability, cannot : ;beo««1led. • Stocks, Scarf*,. Cravats, I ilandkercblefe, Hosiery*Giore5 r fidipeudera, (Jcnta'Chder i Ganncnwotjevery-descriptiodj together. witb a. ▼*. i rioty Of CcmbSj .Bhiahes, Fancy. Soap>'Perfornery, Pocket ! -Ontlery, Money Eelts,'Bbouldßr : Uraces, Bapv Cravat Buckle* and Stlffenera,P6ckpt\BobtB, Walleta, Pur ses, Ac., Ac, Constantly on hand, * lorms supply of Um brellas, of every col wy size, hind and quality, at - manufiic turer's prices, - -V Tho undersigned, having liecu favored with long experi ence In the aboro busthess. hopes lobuvuccefttfuiin pleading all Who may favor him with a call, trusting, bv etrlrt atten tion to business, tomeritaUboralehareof publicputronago- Gentlemeu’s Linen, made to order, with neatnes*, dura bility and despatch, all cases a fit warranted. nrtlH ■■..•• -.. •: a V. MITTH 1A THK-COUIIT OF'CHANCERY OF TUK STATE o*> [ X DLLAWABK—In Kent Countt:— : . - GEOIU3I W. CUMMINS V . \r... V- - rr. > 'frldionfer-Pariition* ,• . ■ :• MwaaPjcTsasos. y. .. .H .. ;;.Andnow» to,wltj thUbbirty-flrxt day of March, in tho year of our Lord one thousand.eight hundred and fifty-throe, this cause coming before the Chancellor, upon tho motion of [ Martin w. Bates, Jbaq., tho complainant's Solicitor, and tho i writ of summons aforesaid, and the gherUTs return thereon ! being seen and.oxaralttod, and tho affidavit of Daniel Cum i mins being Seenlt la thereupon ordered by tho Chance 1- lor, that the.afarcsaid.defendont, Maria Peterson, appear In thiacauw on MONDAY, the 2Cth of Sop temper next! ; And It is orderod and directed , by tho Chancellor, that a copy .of this order shall bo.inscrtcd iu th* Vdaioart Gazzit*. . a newspaper .published in the city of Wilmington, In this . Stamp and in the FtftibUrgh Fed, a newspaper published in the city of Pittsbnrgli, In the State of Pennsylvania; and shall, bo continued In sold nowspapers for the spats of thrift months jaaxt after itapubUcation; and also, that a copy of sold order shall, for the same space of time, be postcd-up-ln dha Office of the. Register of this Court, and At tho Court . House door of this Oounty. -. ; ' State of Delaware, 1 - .: . . . KENT COUNTY, SS,' - I ■ : - L JOHN K. JARVIS, Register is Chancery, ln Kent County, aforesaid, do he rely certify* tbat-iho foregoing order is a true copy of the I order in tho above cause, now of record in i . said CourU; In. testimony whoroo£ l havo : - . hereunto Act myhand andndsod the teal of IV'.; j- - crald-Court, nt. Dorer, this seventh day of i : APni, In the year or our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and fifty-three. JOHN K JARVIS, I _ , Register in Chancery.. * Dover, April 7,1653 aprlLfim t T lIAVK inuoduccd an elegant artlole of rOLOTU and X*-:HAIR BRUSHES, superior to ‘anyihlag ,: of'tho‘ Mod' evfir before manufactured in this city. They will compare' Easternßnishiw ever brought to this not only in material bat also in finish, -The best of workmen . turs-omploysd-toornament them* and thus make thorn -Jn every respoet equal to any;mnnnflicture ■ . .Tolm A. \Vilsonv ■ : > Joseph P. Gazznm, MiD, .... •'; .'A3oxander'Reynplds, ' ' ••,•■ ■• Hiram Stowe.- •' •• rnar2s - - KEW JEWELRY~OThttW~ ~~~~ ~~ i“ !t nttW-opeaGig- their aoV,*Wnt “£“"£> MuiofTfr to ttir>s,i B-lsiiing.tobnj fasßonahloand good articles, either wholesale or rctatUtbo same at prices «st of the umnntainSwill !“r"rUMttKm, w lr™arrotcartoftheir Materia!*, ari

.Bcsertand «“* cllolhorartldea . .ahd'ctncrAlly'to be-’ to most modern shape end f aUemt. - t..- •J^atoAW.'H^ttttalaa.-^'TO^Mijsa'aiKSL' mS?^„ O T eI7 thU, F p^JUInIDK to the Clock alrtWafch Mentonts from to coantry, and others wishing to hoy |»d«nd cheap ertldM, ate requested to look at Our stock, - aoil price onrgooda, before purchasing elsewhere. “P l * ' /--s ItmEMA-V d CO. 'wair“" ——'s Academy- of Drawing 'cma Palntinif ! ! W hi»trtemlii and thd 'public; J «° b** removed hbr*tudio;firoto First £trBAV7 v imrT o^’ Classes .for young Ladle* and Gentlemen y/W bo formed in both Craving ami Painting. lie faaaLtted' up a-Room with every facility for study, and he trbsts that ' npr^-tf mwt with.* supporting patronage. - ; - TEAS! TEAS! TEAS 1 1 A* JATNES, PEKIN TEA,ST ORE! -T-r*o ; ;38 -Pmii .StM©t, W ; beat selected stock ot jXX.QRKfcN BLACK oTvAS over brought -tolPlUa • f urgb, embracing'nom'e 'of.U»tt'flacst'.eho|iA to bo fouml in u e^ tcrtl warwtg/; Merchants visiting tho city to- p tt *. chase Goods, or on their way Rost, uro invited to call'and exnmino my ptpck before purchasing elsewhere, ga 1 canned wm*i,iiaa cheap aathtiwwo quality can bo purchased In New York orPhiladelphia. Below Is* list of tho various grodca, ullof which have boon carefully selected, and am' witn CGubdeoce bo recommended?■ 1 - ••• 10 half cheswflnft Young Hyson f' - ■- •'••*• 10 do do Moyune-Young Tlyeon; 10 Jo extra lino Moyutm do; [ 100 Jo Superior - - -do; r -Hoogh:<& Antliany’aiDngueJTeotypet. . I ’Ufc undersigned would Inform their maay frimds Bull .. 'out they hare remorod from: Uurhe'e BulMing' tofro.U Fourth doors obovothtir old rtjudlwlictij “”y. n«e fitted up rooms for Dagucmotyplnh.', -ni’rfmf* ? el 7 superior arrangement of light, sod tha. most approrod .jastrmnoutsnow iy UM, with, samii ton yMraeipurii’ncoLn w-sKf?™ o ®’ Plodgo themaclreyto turnout Osgood j>ictan?3 as any other estahUahmont Inthooonnfcy.imd far' 'K ®» J*unnut, Utnuossea than has boretolbro been famish- ■! -O'lA'lw.oitlioda of Pittsburgh, either’ jdugla; or in 1 feraups. *iS.^2?v! B ?J , s rtn * e fumlah;aU.:wtlel«S'la:ourrbasSuesa toother epestorsMJieretofiiin, - - « , o pls FURNITUBE. „., _ „ fa. ■.■• ...W3i,rß.-BTi5> r iiK^?sS,i , &)ntiaue9 to manufacture \Jj_ - CABDiRT-WARITof every description; at his old stahd, : corner.ofJJbcrty UNBBit'ZAK ■■'.*, atUnUed to-, Inolljtf; ssyll'^ a> aihhiKEh’ d&co«, TTAVa ON HAND at thol? 'extensive * OABDfBT and JJL.CHAIR MA tnWACTOBY, No, os-. Bmlthfield ijtrcet, a. .largoassortEncnti-otferrcy and-pkin' they >iml soil lApcr cent below customary ratos.- - ; - \ Terms—cash only. ~ dpc27 ly Great Indaeementf to Ciuih ’VfT’B will sell our Jorge-stock of OO3IMOX : A2fD FANCY' -■ itt 1 CHAIKS ANB IiEDSTEADS,. at -prices- • that cannot, fall to please cash purchasers." All our work .1* warranted' Our terms are CASH. JASIE3 LOWRY, jn ‘ - --mar2s . --cor; Serentb-ancmberty ata-- i Journeymen Cabinet Maker* Association* WA'RBHOUS'B 0.3 T&l&D STREET, : ""V ' : (tIBTWXEN WOOD AKJXHAItKEr..SW.) -' l ' r • I j.p- . ,• '• THIS ASSOClATlON,emlinusingpy already twice to: three .times-os W,. :• J •••■: ',.1 many;hands.-as (be largest-and'R>J ‘ •• . •—— ; • most: renowned : .busiaeS3 *ix 1 P B Tft fIT fMT -• OOlf\T> T? . : fihops.of this,city, have opened-their 'Warehouse,’endure „ V•— ;; vA •« yy abla to.fhmlsli the public, br wholosaloor retail, ; with Fur- ■■■»'■ „ « *P® MA3B.BLET STREET, .niture pf tho following description—Ti*: Unnvaued aasortmont of Hew Sprinir Goods _.Mahogany Wardrobes; Dressing Bureaus; Full Columned • T AMhS QOaLINCfc has tho pleasure to IhfonnlS friends.* . uureausMahogany Bedsteads; : V. .customors, and thupuMloeeaeraliy;: that he has. i *ss? Sofas; DiransjPiana Mfu^o .diook Cases; -Secretaries;. Card ,Tableau Pier Tables; .fine "S™? o ® l ®*®® extensive and choice rarfety cfSPRING ' CaxdTaWflsi.'Centxo TaUcs; Hat Racks; I'rcneh Boditeads; .GOODS, from Pans anaXondon; which stvle gtomans; Dining and Br^ahfarf.Tables; L patien,,te xlarej hndprfce,-cannot be caWoue in ccmixrtS' . Workstands; . Cherry and Common Workstands; high post, Uo ? * n tuUor.any other city; • Dress Goods, helnsr selected • and trundle Cherry Bureaus; Cribs • every care hyTkladamefloslingand Wmselt weult lha C 5S to ' J 4c -. , . . mortftitUious Tho aiilliqery an 4 MintotepStaentof The advantagwi of co-operation, on an extensive scale, per-' establish curat, will exhibit a rfcfcTand Tatied collection mit at the lowest prices# aoditbey .are deter* ™ ®°velfciesfor the.season. 'This itplendld'-atocfc 'of Good* competitors,na.equalJ7.good* , couidstof—lnLadies’, presses,pfaimbrocha.shiledaiKi u not better article, and '-figured- Silks; French-Ounbric- SoweiStvlSte'^^wn^r aeretandby giving them a call. -1 - exicnslvo varioty and patternsr'chlnta Lawns' 'Ch*li£U> tcork of aU dewnptiou3 y isud other articles ■ Poplins; Tissues; Qkfffhama^ic'<'■--- - orany description* made to order in eveiy styl% at,the short* RffJriyT,S; retno re. •••.' ... Embreldered -Thenar • : --rT , td4loo.' * vi * - ' MANTLES. . ‘ SjM*n, We and Embroidered Maaliuj of o*exy shade “JAMES W. WOODWELL, CABINET FURItITURF MANVFAVTXTBER ;vWarc-rooma’97'and9aThirdstreet, - .t w\_-~ Jw .Wv; W.. respectfully informs -j , his friends ttndi customer* tfmt hoVS4 L hns now completed biaHpnng stock fajw -• = • - r : which' is-decidedly*^l ■ in^ est « l ' D ' best erer offered for sale In- this City, which. 5“vPO fold at pnoes as low aa any in the United States. hast or wc3tr As ho b. to uphold the quality witb-YrcUwa sonea materiajs, bestmrrkmanship, miclhewest derfCTs; and fromiho of -Ills order* and CwUlty itwniiixtifiaturiijg, : “V s “ahlfcJ to produce trorranted : . fornlttfre,* at the lowest ; prices.. . -'.i' ••.•••■; • ' , lie ha* adopted. Hie pnndple.Of Identifying; bis customer*’ interest with In* ©«ra, in quality, and price," and keeps id ways on lisnd the xariety of every, descriptiob of xamtnw, from-tbo .cheapest ana.plaiqest, to the moat elt** gout and costly, tliata house, -or any part of one, may be JnmlsnM from his stock,- or mimufUctunxi exprcasly to or r?® .tbllowing articles consist, inpart, of his *tock, , which.frrridmcss of style and' finish, tannot-ber. manyoFiha Hastcracities■ • '- .-v : Louiqf XIV teto-a tote Seijis, . - oOficlas, in.pluflU and haircloth; * .:• —i r J . • wdo*. Mahogany Chairs; ;-20 tloz..Walnut • “ '%•«.••••» , .60MahoganyRoekiug u .. > •20Walnut - .>»o • «• CO Mahogany Dixans: .... 20 Walnut. .. • ” • fiOiforhleTopControTaUw:';. &0 .Dressing Bureaus: : .•:■. u . Washstaudu;. ..,•■• •.•■•', - 40Enclosed -••-.. . ■/ •,: 10Work . ■.. - *??*" a kM;,.- ** ktteaeicui Dicing tfablea oUO “ tn - ,! Wisrlfi?!?. “n?n.T u ]. ° f COJIMOS TOR MOTHS « n j tauLsfu" W c “" tTu, ““ s "» w «»ih«n■*> aaMBOm Mj HOTKLS. furuiih*, »t a. .hortc^ uOXlCft, All orders proaipUy attended to'- WATCHES,' JEWELRY. &c 1?* J*k W*JC«lka. Clco&ipsti>nt Morkwro, (Crum ih« f-.-i't,) ntid 1? now or Wntrb work, ia tho •***«*lWaadj*Ant notiw i■. Hix~, l in ur . y JciieUer, A\ZA(i rs-bunl bis fctore lu a hamU&ffia maonfer* and Knit matirntonnl.lhia Uir oinmi cllk*irith a GOODS,would mil the attention ef hUfriemlsUHtcuitmn rts to the fact that among his Watt-hns win he tbumlthe .meat pattern, nuj mater*. Of Jewelry, lha uuatrtyle. or l)n»e£f>, Crrast KnhVnh anil’Vest (Silas, Ftojrer Kings, Ear Rings, Miniature ?*<■ ? Ftoii? 1 jLv W v S ~ au v ll " ,,trwJ Work 1 Tablesoo-l r . Ltfau " Mata, , rt " i'lsur.aies is u.-vat trarlrty: China lYUii aaj take I>„ Ins; with an emller* variety of useful and ei% oamantal articles, wluahhara only .to he scon In bo apnhf- («*»« ha 61 MARtaf eTwirr : ~ W'xTtclie* aad’Jeweirv. • H ' » from the bi. M* with.bltn ■« Ttrrr floe assortment of{a*h t* I *** ,ot Of Cola-And f?I«J V^ he *’ AibobßiUwxSiialiogeUifir&rciuihi; ami ! 11.14 spared no pains to purrharo gctftd* allow rrlre* h e( ~.» '■ h« • ccm / eUtio , ll <# Lfdaerm and I 5* 1 ?4! *ll mijrhtnji in the way of 1 line and rich Jewelry, lower Uiaa'ttcrter*. and many nr. SS?**?^** 1 usual retail prim, «*k<*l fbr tho tctj f4Cxo7..laTlUs her friends to Inspect a largo and assortment of Millinery, Mantles, aodmadeup Bks3 -4ba latest model patterns-. ■«£?£?« o beautifal variety; -which wiJl be aold ** "9T prices*-Herstacfc contains every rich novelty ibr the ■ -aualitystand dcsnrfp;- JtS???’, bosses, jlmvere, Loco, Ribbons, Sleeves, Mantles,Capes, Bolies? -colors and pat facilities tn.Qbtaiaing tha . 0 ?, France, abo is enabled 10 secure the now »k^*3,?3^o• designs,- A prompt' attention to - ttlSvm Wonrnlng.jaade: with speed, ' tbrthe past liberal fhvor from Tier many friends;' marlT prESen * BUxk tovito their early attention^ MILLINERY. -^Haln,&ad Fancy Straw,-Gimp, Tissue/ SiJfc,- which fiyr eloganco and variety it .together.vwith CapV Caper, Head Dresses, Atv An extensive variety of BEbbonV Hcnxpßtyie,colors,qnality-anii-patterns- ':•- • ••-••:.: r- ??. MOURNING. All articles in 4U« dopartment orthe bestquality end in SSiV^Uy on hi'S. UTCI? ttn(l n«’”l>Hy“«uted. ;, In gontlomcn’s apparel, a rich eupply or Clothe, Ciast- ES&SSS^rZ« r< DOMESTIC GOODS. Bamaeiiltnens, Tnmltnie-Chintzes,' Laco andMnslin ,w^ o win^i* C j ry ’v e “5“ land -Unbleached Muslins, Tide ‘m.Jvr'rir,ic' f 6 -* to£ “-various nod' extensive to insert ii J ( L a '°3 L > n K. a with every article comprised la the dry £o»«t «“* terns: ObHgttt by post, favors, ho now Invites his friends to tin and Inspect the proscnt J .polledtionv which -ho trusts will In : oI najemeet. their approval, . _ jg 1853. SPRING DRV GOOD& GEORGE ip*. SBIETJH & CO., ifO. 64 WOOD STREET, Are Just receiving several THOUSAND PACKAGES or RNGIISH, FRENCH AHD attewthaw DRY GOODS! MAKING THEIR ASSORTMENT. TIIE LARGEST: AND MOST, COMPLETE • • • EVER OFFERED in FITTSBCRQH I *3r Having imported direct most' of their .FOREIGN GOODS, ;.; Such as White and Slate Linens,linen' Drills, Poplins, Silk -D-mes, Da Bege.,Do Ininas, in, they an ena bled to offer GREAT BARGAINS! ..: They will ccntlnnotorcadre,large additions or the ecte cst nndmosfaearatlc styles, throughout tha eeason.- ' "- ■v Lvcry purchaser wm eonsnlt bfa tafafri, by examining emrit befcn- purchasing, jnartsjlaw2ia NEW GOODS! A JvVBET KEBOCKD PH. ICE St JCST .RECEIVED AAD NOW OPEXINU. SY 0 BH6; BTEVEJTSON & I,OTB, MS <«'THE OBIODfAI, BEE HIVE; No.-« link* berrew fourth street and (he Diamond, puts tiu-j'b,wouldrespectfully call tbs attention of their custom aijrs and tbo pubbcsccfcralljvto the large and well selected stock of toy Coodsicosslsun* of • • :: Brooch Hn-inoa coil Thibet: Cloths, all cobra tndqnslitie*, ..Coburg?, Pararacttoj noJ ■facbfcSrot, ct greet taminv High col d ead printed Delates^ . ; F»Dch Cashmere aad Gala Ptalda, for children. • ■ .. talk and Worsted, and *ll Silk PWd-V Mohair Xustroa, Alpacaa and Bombasincss . ■ High liutrtTi plain Mack widths ' ' limeade, Satin Plaid, and Watered Silks, nil colors, ulngbam*, Cbintfea and Calimas, an assortment,; - J roched. long and feuare Shawls, erery description, ■:■ Baj State and Waterloo Long andSquam Shawls. - • • i , inaln lhamokiftnid Cloth and Cashmerp’Shawlp, . .'BonnetanAMantillnTelTeu, all colon and qualities. .Bonnetßibbona,fcflfc*andSatins*. - <*'• BmbroLlcrcd Silk and Cashmere Soarfo and Neck NecJin Worked-Cuffs, CbUsra,ChhnMcibi» md Capra, I.mbnnjMnl ami IMa Hem SUtchal Ltnea (SSbrio Handkerchief*, .. . - • ,Silk locket Hdkfe., CraTate and Nock Tics, OlOTcr and Hosier/, «rety rarictf, at bansiias. • Tickings, Checks, Bwirn and Bleached Muslins. • Itlrh Upens, Tab> Cloths and Damaakv ' • UmlX>rtandftasslaDiaper t Cfssh&BdT3wel3,- Hcd, white and aelloir Flannels, ferr rhiap, .Socking Flannels, all color* and onaHUes.- -:' - --' Cloths and Caa«Jmen*s, Sattlaetji, Kentucky Jeans and CdeeCS I^LOUt— 315 bbls. goal brands auperfloo Flour, instore *?..**** b F.-- ; fmyISSJ. . STUAKT & MULLTJT OUIMNL\ TOl*b—'JUO of lhc.*-« beautiful aril* VJ «w»oftartou*j»attCTiuaa(i*l2Rs,frtrKilfby aprU ; .- .. UEMty jj. COLLIKS. PT B —‘ i ■ ■ i,. ILfttlf Qftd Cftmnawy ( fpiffi SDMIIKR R AT£3 icticca PittuburEb, Phllsdel- are aa follow:---- • nra CAua-Prathere, Pori anil Pbl'rr, DuSSJo. Gear aad Mo&a JklUu—-Ta ecata per 100 Rm - Sezml C!iUS-~Al ailiol, Ikttnrai. CloTcrKianJ; Deer Skid* f? 16 ? y ™ t > Gl“*«are. Uonii, Himiaah', Icaiher.KaCT Wool—W«otii>»rl001!»/ r CnjOleg, Chocs.-, fcirtbon Ware, Leaf Tobacco—SO corns perlOQ lbs ■•■■••■•■'.. T , Wd Bocf salt*!, Lard an 4 Lanl Oil, Wliulcy, Cotton-40 cents porlOO fts - ■ CEOROt C. FKAXCISCUS, •* reLrht Agent.. • NEVV’ AM> VALUABLE BOOKS-.” - """—/ Lojard'a Babylon ami KinlTcJi; • ■ Coleridge's Coroplcla.Work-i; Cotisze BiVe * - Napoleon Dynasty;Clereland’a Milton: ’ r •■■'•:■ wards BogUsh Items; Shady Side* Beat-ieo*- Night Watches, or Peace of the Cross■ * Critical aßJllUtorieafEMaya; ; Tho Four Seasons, bjr Dr. Uitchcioclc: • to Tam, hr Mrs. IL O, Stow^;' U»y**>Votks; EartblyCswr • ? Llfo and UtaUli, l>yHr. Alcott; ' KathAran glare, byMrs.Judycu* UcbaTtor Book, by- ills* Leslie: • - - Irlends of Christ, by Dr. Adams: ./ i : Loro; Affairs Twenty Tears Ago;: I . • Desert Home; Boy Ilu&tcn; ' Chapel of Heralfiv by Whittier; ' . . : . gmrc& of Romo—tboCTfat-Apostecy—Dr.Wonisworth; • rronk Freeman's Barber Shop; • " Bectof" of St. Bardoiph j' '" .'j''i-'" JVeocberßndKing; •:•,-..••• • Queerßonnels,byMraTnthill. ■' ’* Just recehed and for sale by DAVJSOX & AQKBIT “21: essiuut BtrAt. XnsVT MlJrilO—Wild Flowers, Wallace x* Kowrcts cf. the Grave. JUkvetm. • • Let feoaie guntla word be spofcto.. Larenu. .....Tears, gentle tears. Woodbury.,.. . • , < ,My lieart litbine. . ■.*. .. > . I had n geoflo Slotbor. Hoot. : • '.LlllyDale.' .Thompson. • My oMKentuciy home, good night.' -Foster. .Foreseen my’Ltlly dear, . . : do Old Folks are gone. • • “ • - Willow Song, orTolcca from the Spirit Land. :,Do they rn lament boa c. .OldFolksQuodriDc*.- Foster.- . . [. Karly Dawn Polka.: Brown; -i i- Aranumda Schottisch* ! ' • N al&d Scbottiscb. '•' . : v ' r •: : KmUy.PolkaEcdowa. Mauck,-: -' Jnana Walts. A new and beautiful wait*. :• Stag urap.’Poliaßcdowa. Mtmek. Six VolsuoElcgsiitei ,1 W«ljo£o. • Elegantly Dfinttt. Aanfcce Boodle. Stmkoscb. i Trab,Trab. Wellaro. A beautiful erruigemcnt. wli „ T oriotlonsof Jctty FreOrt faroria eon* ' “St?” Creation. In a handsome octoyo volume . tviui piano or organ fteec:2pani:i;eat. .< -■ lUandeTs Messiah. The eboyejiutModral, together with a W lot of Voc*l and.lnstrumental. Muelr; Sso, a fine eclemlon of Quiti? Music. Forsaleby ■ JOHN 11. MELUJR, W* Music bound In allsr. les, and ahtba'ehbrtrat ho “*■ ' my 3 » Adama is, Co.u Weateyn EVpyf fll | t~ . I *SIENT.?-lEiprra® fir-'CloTeland, i?i and the West, generally, closes at 12 «, 7 Dtson tbe Ohio vad.fenusylTanU' EaUrood, at i Arrirea from Cleveland, CindnhafL anil -TVcat iwnemllv -onsUl9 Ohio “ a PcnnjtylTaniaßaj! iUSSf^n% U> - orembcgA, I&s3—noTll : • A.~ HUNTER.—- , A Partner Wanted# ; with-Hospital.offejnt-tlOQOio$5QOO, Can3a* 'jr\. - Te5T it in an eatahllafcfld • mA'nrrTnMTftfag -frngfn t .a« ] wherft thera la yields ft profit of firom26toso.pBreont.-. ' . ' -v. Address, ‘IM.O,? 1 . Bos 434, Post Office,; •. • myiaßf-' CAQD7 •TVOCTOf;.MYERS, hariagheen rellevesl &omhf*'official X/duUes, as Surgeon and Physician of tbe United ’States * Marine Hospital, will in future giT6 Ws nndlrldedatfontion fohis profession » - -• < Officu and Residence,' No. 149 THIRD STL' Cabote SmHhfleld. - „ my&lm ■■■■•..• •• f ■ . Removal. .!»•.. •■•.' A WILKIN3 & CO, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, bare remoredonadoor-westof thairro «nt location,- Into thb United .States Bank Buildiocs.NO -71 FOURTH ST.,'immediately opposite the ; Bank 01 Pitts burgh,wbEro they will bo pleased to see their:irisnds and the public generally, . . • . • • aprSS •" , rpHB undersigned,'havtQg.agrped among thFrasel •• i close their Stores at 8 .o'clock, - every : exerting.' (except. Saturday.) fromihls time-untd tho Ist^of.Sepfember-nex respectfully Tequesttheir customers fo-mako thelrpurchs* «3 before that time W. A. JI'CLURG, J« liAYELY:* CO., > •• ' -•/ , ' BAILEY A KENSHAW, Pittsburgh, Aliy 5, 1553. my& INIKLLIQbA Ob OfFll/li,• Aa- 4*s, Gom& of ■Woxt'Jtretl and Virgin. o2Zcy <—Tha-subscribcra 'haring engaged lit the above bustuc«v without sny.soUcUaUonwhatcver, far ther than common interest and common-sense* areprepsred . to attend to ftUbusinessputrasted to their cam, wUhdrdellty.- •-Waate4^Hoccr ; &rrhoy»-.;ftt>: tradesi'-trAlso, rplaces i 4ot : coachmen and porters, • ’Also, places lbr chambermaid*, " •i- Apply as above. marlfi . ißerolveral. >./•' ■ •TUaT RECEIVED—By Express, direct bom the manafac •O turers, * splendid aasartment-rf Colt^-Repeating Pis.- t01a,4, H and 6 Inches barrel,all of which we wilt sell Ibr cash as low as they can be bought Inihe dtyof New York- Peraons going to Australia ox California, Will find that they better at-home; than' . they,can among strangers, as we giro-, persons » chance • to' try any of the abore lcavtn- tha' dtyr and In case of a failure; we refund the money. - •• r ' , ; r ' . . „ & TETLEY, * fefrtg _ . . - T^^oodstroct,Pittsbgrgh>'--- •' Vv ■ •■» OQoe. l4B SHIED SIRKLX~Tbe : fubserihess, at thasoli-. ±\ ritation of many persons,: hare connected' with their Real Estate a GeneaU Jntomgaaco OSJcc* 'Xxr the purpose of procuring situations for book-keepm, alesmen, clerks, Ac. Pcraans In need of assistance, and thoseln want, of situationwiß please give 03 a calL •.'■••••:•.;-.v No appHcationsfor stuations willbeKgiatered,-un leas accompanied with satisfactory references as to ciiarcctor BUfi Qbarg?*mod*^Bf a , ~ ~ . . 8. CUTHBERT & SON, - marls 7 : - r Real EstatwAgenta.ltQ Th&d street Co-Fartneraiap iaoUce. ~ rpUE undersigned hare this day formed a Co-Partnership X • for the transaction of the 'Wholesale FRUIT. and CON- BUSINESS, under, tho firm of JOSHUA RHODES A CO n at No. 39 Hood street,- opposite tha St. Charles Hotel. - . JOSHUA RHODES; " . pTIIUP EEYMFJE i^9!M ,xa ? ran 2 e3 '' /ilObales Bordeaux almonds ! 150 fees lemons; -- ilO do'-Xlsbcn ‘ da; 200 bags Brazil sugar;; ••~i 25 frails SicQy • - /da ; ; - ! 350 bfala soft crushed-sugar;' |25 bsgsfllberts; :/•; i SOOJargednmisfigs;:-: -.,125 do walnuts; ' - ! 800 small, do • do;.. • —. j2O--db "Cißaaniuts; •••••••■ ■ 400 bx«. .da; • - ,25 bids Texas pecan*; 400bxsMB raisins; : " ,25 do Illinois do?- 150 bf bxa do do; . :40 bxsjujabe paste; •• 200-bxs cluster do; • • ‘2O bssgum drop"; ’ 100-hf bxs do do;. • :40doxassoTtcdp2ckless ' 40 tegs small German plume 50 - 25 casks currants: > : .40 dos tomato ketchup; ' 20 mats dales; ilO sardines; •. • ■ IS cases pwwerres, glass jarsSO tax* rock candy;'*: 6. do -do fancy las; SObxsmaecaroni; .10 do lisiDoricCfSniallsUcte lO bxs Temacclll; ■ > 1 • 2»*hxs •• do • refined; . - iSOdozassortedprevrrei;- SwbxsTfol herring; . 1 5 dox presemd ginger; 100 buscaled do;- • ' IftstoreandloarriTe, !br ealaby " .JOSHUA RHODES 4 CO* -• 39 Wood at, opposite St. Charles lfoteL - BAIOOUf -ItECai.JOBS H’ * IECa. •■•' , ■ • • -J* 6» litCCfay Co.* TITUOLE3ALEGBSCESS, *»*£*]«* in Prodoeo,slet Liberty street, near the head, of Wood,' Pittsburgh; Ps-'c* fer-forsaleoolsbft«d terms,‘thefeJioKfngr - -■ .;So,ooOjkg. Racon,assorted;' i • - --iOtthws^Tar;i . ft tons Bar Irwvdo-; ■■•■ • 1500 keg* hails,assorted; i .. 3- do Best Kali Ilodii'- . .500 boxes lYtadoir Glass,; 2000 kegs Rock and Rifle' ■' •'■'■■• • Powder,assorted: . ,00 half chests. Tea, as-;: SOO boxes Rosin Soap r ,,,: v SGbbls; Linseed, Lard and : - . .Tanners^OU; - - . lQQhhd*.N.O. Sugar, part' -; 200 bblauTinegar: • •' • prime: * CQ do Rosin; . .Ooxs.UaranaSugar; i 20 do Pitch;- - -•• . 10 hhda, Porto. Bicoilo; « 6000 &s. assorted. Copner~ 150 tog* Coffee, 20 bbls and kecs Lard; ; S. O. Holasaes; { •: 10 kegs assorted Shot;-' • -8..1L ; ;,d0;.,1 .do_ .Back Shot: - 600 hxfl. Tin Plato, aas?d;;,: SbbU; Alum; - V ... ■ 4tonattfre*■.-: -doM 20 do RyoFlour; 2do Spelter; , COSeitsTurners' Machines o casta. aheet Zinc, as*; . . and Tools;' • .< •. - • •: •"" ■'•? 100. bus. Pried Apples; -^- - .■ 100 : bale*Batting,assorted;. lOOOtts Antimony; 20C0 lb . Cotton Tarn, 10 tons itasM Sheet Iron sorted. ' - IuO.OOO tbs, assM Hoik Meat• • : . [aprlS) > * RKTTOVAT. : “ 7 ' ' Keating’s BxtractofCoiree,Jufube:paste« ««»« */- ri tUE subscriber takes this; method of interning, his eh*. J. fcraers and the hefcas -moored ftom the,cbrpgr of -Wylie and Tulttm streets, to the Store. ■ STftEET*' nearSerenih. rehcre wfll continue, thetnano &ctajoof iis celebrated TSrfyact a f Qottee, tbcJocroa&Lpg-demaad fbr whfchhas wvmfcn°d Mm to extend Ms rnftnnfHrt7rripgdcpartTTTi|>nt,~ Shsl&kttict will be nut hpaj heretofore, la tin foil packages each, and lu&Jh tin canister*.: --5 ; • *v.--C 4 * . - Tho attention of-Drujttisls, Confectioners, Grocers, and others, Is-also called to the beauty and quality of the sab* scHber’s Medicated and Fancy Lozenges, of which ha has at all times n large supply, enabling Mia to fill orders'with proraptoesaanddlspatcb, The Medicated are— • Jamaica Ginger, Worm, • • Cough, • ; ; Camphor, Magnesia, Soda* Hedrtbum, , Cayenne,- . - • ■ > Ipecacuanha, - -. Opium, - ; • _• • •. i And-Blackcurrant.' ..■ ■•; • TheFaneyLosengesaror- : -.r- Addulated.lomon,.Peppermint, - Acidulated Eosc } Jlnteigrecn, Teahonr, Annbgeed, Vanilla, Juniper, OorJen lavenJer* Rosmary. _ "- Chocolate. Pineapple, Cherry. uf which the suhacriber warrants to ho made of No.'X arudesj.wUhoat doubt,theflaestLMengcs in America.;i , K *. B *7“Al«)inanttfactnmof£mii7tA , *,G^ntttn<'2ai.? •tenjunuiof.-. . . N - - ■ -•••-' ■ - , . AU. the aboTe articles are manntetaredla'sapande hbcci.' and with . fapr29]. ... JQa. .y..p. KEATING/- rfxSi, , Passages tma Remittances I - ~ i — ' JOHK THOMPSOn, Ageit,' 410 Liberty etnd, Pittiburyh, A, Ms?. tjaftir pasageia thiabcaattlfcl Ship. ' Tram berfeolUs?*; inoualf the & R. a shorter passage : rr*® vessel ncrar. cdtertiseit Sbr-ABstraHOr cot esctptfcy Stupas.. InUbcrelity of provisions the- Piercer lias can-' cot-bo'surpassed by any passesgcr lins in existence. 1 - None pat tnp very best qaalltlacf stores tee potca beard; l afcsfc v pf vhich rosy bo seen&t anycf the egencies, "where also tho .rates of-passage, aad the regulations cfcscjresl cn board, can: be*soertained....:Th& proprietors dem it necessary to state • that acoo of - ihcir Ships ;haro ■ put into- any port short of They alsalßtinratff that they giro no enfioara spent,’ aad pay to ronnero. •-For : cassn2«-v apply to JUJ7. CA2IJ3ON, 110 T7alT eU,'.?^ A E* STHSTy ChZs£o» ‘‘ - tnylSrfflTrtjtl *Trr£? i?u t ■ • V. f ■ ■> " " * * ’ s ~ DRUGS AMD MEDICINES. .. JztvXu•• »assss - t SVi^:l± rS S 3 ’^ r Bncttija, Sre York, Efeua:- ' . miatadfirtSw° Cl V !^7: fe^DralcaT0 suthmscjofisilw : to^S^.^. 1 : 8 «<**»•»»«?. ?«*r*n :OiTo anemEt[cof;antimony, to is falioircd . KuMneo £ha(iiaisi!.,lf uiirain-BeESsa,Jtjrillnc; (kiito brokennptffijsocncured ■ :THE-UfFLXJ iITvZA Is speedily removed b? tSla: remedy,... .;-B Me ported fresa Aoy sMl&'tbdr ifeighbQr3 r yfthbTit the -V -: - thfi disease, - -♦■.••--■*> •"■•.• ."■■•.■;•• . < v -.Tsr^^CAycr>-: ■ ' • • SAtsa, OhJo, Ju5«21,125L iXwrftoto inibna you of the froly rcmaxiabJe effect of' -' TPnrCHERBY PECTORAL ia ibis placai. and fa my -owa ':■>' lpioy t Qna of my daughters ttss completely cored-fa threw--’ -- 'dajß'tt ;t?y'taking Jt- - physifaaaa, freely .states that '"••■■' •it is thsbestremedy TrahsTe : dissases, «*• ;'••-•• that ha has eared mar* eases ofCroap - 's*■ ' •ermedlemaheeteradministered. •■, .. r g oat--. . ■.' lOurclcrgyinau cf th® Baptist C2nirth t savsi *''- . . 4 -. therun'ef laSnenra hire ithla season/he * .. -fitm■yoixrEiedldhafcffeoaldscarcely ■**'s&xr.&asa : .-■ - V"? cat seems.' ' /* • ••„;• -«• RSDsCLAIB,- v ’ : IhSTefijardtheCheny** * ♦a powerful^'iasawfentajhbiir,.-; .' BrumnrfeS, Cisytujux, j>, J R, >IOTT, I -Its)- ' £V ' I »««*«*« * gftmrfrff-to tfMrfi «>» \rteA ” -Aesarfasaeiitby Jii!E3 C. ayeb. \ - ■B.A.s2£sS«£*fferf 53 i, aacsrtstf-J Ij te ~ - • -l~ J*' ••: <*. - ■-, V * Ic.-.-: v---;.•• ■'•'■'■ '.vv-- 1 ! %U" *-• *S ' .:■>•*•■ • . . ■••-rv-. fc.v.v • *■.•■■». V‘ - * V* S* ■■■ ' '■■: .'cv.w^-vv v * , V , »- * * . * /' » T\li. J&HSXSGB'PAZZSZ LACS ASD tGVt '&MX® .1 / prepfistOj'a'prises/ ••'•'ALSO—A'treated On tfio 'di saases i» wLich iilappsX3lh. •X£e£E»r* < ~ — " 140 Tf&dstreat.n ifebcrgli/Ps. Lrosrn's nsviy- {Uscoro&i -rtcicd 7 ibr HbaS^afta : troubi& V T£ taW ms. * OScaacfl gxfrata Ccsanliatisn ttoosrs Xo> 41 I>lA3K):a>> • y^V^^^ n * s . -Thepcctarisarrayssthcra>. V Family Meaiclaeul .■ • - T i J^ a Es r EfirOEAJnr J -_'-j3vtD’»llilr-K)a!<:: V •> esn*U»»Pill»f •■ Ui SS a “S a i‘ ,r /,rac Pills; •* irva.*»^ re i . -. • ,2i3aeri£3aHk!?l)y ■- HO Wood strgt-t< ■' , Sr ISosc’flrrJcSToafl'CortUta l - A..G8E41. HEDICLiL 'DISCOVERY—For all nerTQas -■■! - condlUons tb&systcm. This ~ fca tbfranly compound *whic2r readies thu nerrons -Staid*? V ea4fcsneaita.inagifiateiSeS fanmiing: jtscrTOuSrbeadficfce* in fha taCB5 nearafv: i gioinambncssr twitching of the loco or ransclcs. Persons •■• 1 nalflg this-wosdsrflih -preparationare sarpnsadat its-lsne* --'-: fidalfeffecta^r.TfceiaostTTtoleia-aiarroua headache la fr&- quently.-cnrei ;ia. taking ops \ 4ose*; • - toits pocnliarqnaiitieain.-aUaytos. aßpaun* arkingfrca so _-.-. ncmnu rtato of tbo ’system, by -uw -of tana bottle* Prioe • cniy.£Qceats. fiBEBBB, - '.lflblSy. ♦. ■'■-■■•■• ISO street :T>HYSICIA?»B ercry Trbere'pzcscriiw £,. A-X4HNE3*. •Jl TOCO’S tfae rsasca ttat thsy eaa>- ; place’impildt«onfideneoln Bead : gsntJ«a6n,-«&im wky > and'i£3 yiqnity, Wi ; ? , 7^ayi x lBs—'•;rfli i MLdtndnff the'saiae it msay owa v-* ; ,'£s23liy* , wiih‘ si^&d-.saSsliicticti^'.wfcen ~ o liier _preparaii oua^ 7 liaT«iinrfdf.t^ydfisire 10Brercxtrcaities..-Irecam2istuled'(he'u,^.of'ToiirT'{rnai' : - fasato t2sfi.casßj-Biid.left. tha a rjsi, vrtu-h I waa ■taxing home*with.diroctJcma-&t at?;Use. rUearnecf aft^r-' ••'*•' - jwasdtf jliat, the child posted ah eacrmoua halk -of iflj'so"'' n - Worms—the BQobetJiat m » yftft » ■-..-'. thfi-ow.of .theTmaiftige* thtrfiis cearact'imd UafcahliS? asext;i3w the child «he vox Vfiikci^ ; eaKl caJoyirig:per£jcthealth.-This reeoTery.-ircai thereryjasracf frxendsaitribat&m- the'W or' :^' -yamjatsmigt--- JOHN imam ORB. -Maifteesboio;:Te!sn^JoSB T 12,i552; a. i ; : - Prppirol (m 2 fold it A..FAHNESTOCK A CO, .-- cprlMtyti’. carcc ‘'fooia ani Fimtis.. i l ittsbcn:h. ■■ -—'■ rxoEsn’s coarpotrnD sreup oe* yel. T'V;, lOWjDOCS BOOT, HE; is a purely Vegeiabls Cosponnti, sdraiiacaliypre- - - ’ bffit TO{its«il»h!sri» oftfco Materia -: fortbo : - Mlraiii^e!lect3,;TiiT, M-- EEGjbAia'a ANS STBEN'SnnaiEa the mteb, and Dxsestitx Osct&ss. bni clcmsing-iiieiSicmaeli - gfe and thra«6iagaUßßicxia'J)jsiase3 > Xit , «r'Xbmt!lalntSi "■•''■T--' *ra Agae, Jagadtce; erosins.tiis food to Dduridiiimff support eTcry-parti- v- - •'- ’ %r.’- : . ’ PUEIFYIKG TEE 3Looi>.‘ acd thus crirmg all Homers, Catsaaoa* -Eruptions, Scrofu- - ' - lajSsli-lUicnza, Erysipelas,- Scald Head, Caspar, ta* £kc, Blotches, Ulcers* Ojj- Ac,-. .■■■ • -.-. • • - EEQtrtATlßd* THE-SECBETOST 02G*H3, >; anti by^eosbilo:*;toers to.perform the!--proper pwreatag. sad saddansesma dis-" ; ' ' OMss stoagtheaiagaadquieting tkoS’erroM Sjatesa thus - "i.n swj'ias -Sf rveus all n» «s». ■ ’ To Oeattal^E^ntyf’Jmgolarity,; ObstraetiottsjX'SEeUlns ■ of uio Jdats* by-xj-calmess; tmxffacd TJnoat: Complaints, as Colds, Coasts, A-thm-w Ooosmg)&ja,fa*i;.also,'l>repsy. ; ‘: ‘ ? Koo byp. Horse & or io oar - tanrifiKasd fixuUnglt to bea Tety; salary 'amt 'eirectaal ~-.j. preparafcjotc'ffedomo&eheerfoUvwcoiamcaaittoihO'nub;' '• '-*~-2 f _ . &ak, Proridence t ItI.; Baalr > do. da,3tffr, C. 'S.-Joaes, editor ProTliJeite* Gea. WSlbm-Eislil, -Mi w; • Usher, 2LJIIL.- P„.,Jsms3=HtttchinsGfi, G. S., "Dea. v\ J« Eot^DocVJ*^.'- Calbyvv.ahd:-Gnb -hundred others of ih.) mort respectable families jaf ProTitrace. tT>?it>ni a .rtT>> i Q~o!C' r: ~- " MOUSE'S. COMPOUND SXBUP. OP lELLO W DOCS EDO'S. ' * Afe> heea vtaSzu opera ndi la aisi'* i-f-. remedy ;t£a£. class ; cf Inessa - &r vfckh '•’* - - H2Mtßliable IaISDIOESIIOS-jaidalj %srfii r : aHiinastlTltyof ibis OESAN.ssi . . BATOE, or purifier of tas BiOcxl* it has bo saperiCE.' - • • - - „ ", DAVID HOLMES, M^D. - ■ ■Prwidaue, 22. A, Jzru4, -1803..-•-.•■.*•. •••4,. -•; '. •_;- -.. lt C. MOUSE A: COi,-Uo^4AO- Broadway,' •" Neir ; York, and soli and-cthera. throarhoGt -'- ' thisantfothercoontrics. ••. JOEL MOGLEB* Aecat. • ..4Spr2r:ly. - t PittsbTxrghf Pa.'' -‘ SEllif IPEiFSI/lL >•-,-••■-, .-• • ~ ;■• -V- .c. yffiLtTitft- CH&Tfr’-g?----- -- « • —----—; - . COTOHS, COLLS, HO4ESENTS?, Tins JKQ COTOH, CROCP, ASlS4*SilxisK(raiKrMlfc COUP, ie:iA c?A ofth*' ’ "A' PEcreui ca- goins to bedY otjj op trim, to swat darter the night, ros A COL& AM> COCGSC ilia It annate-, noon and - | «Tcnlaj,ictortiXcj to directions ontho bottle, itdthn dia- : ■'■■' •-• i J mc:,rilJ; ta>SEo2»rfi«zn this -■' - togle'Bhcnti!s7Sniltß , nb((S)ica i iilyl.-'‘Pcrajas:- ; ' S :t^ios 0:0 Crnm-r pratum/on.- • ; flare of eoqjuJ.xcabrokeQ'felEV'Tio ••£.»-■•.- ff? SSnSSSK wfresW^r^QrratAlliffrS?^*' affordedTa-t3 i o-a«^Tv^ g » 7 ih^-- ri: ;-: -- ■ . Utas aQlc&dj by this lnTalnab^T^rtfiy r' a-?-' •- *• *roaiU:eg»eabte’/€geqtJtt ■-•: : -£ ; - nsß-.trheaitLarsraessitjrib- :V. 5 .%7--V'- -- - V" ’ 1 % * v v »*- • 4,- .' "-1 V V • >V »• ■ " X ... -